I N S I D E : A little Midsummer Night’s Midterm. Page 5
Volume 119 No 48 PM # 400121123
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
$1.34 includes HST 7
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Cache Creek pulls out of bus service
Coffee, tea or Santa in a stocking? Isobel McGrath (right) searches for empty tea and coffee cups on the tables at the Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors’ annual Christmas Tea and Bake Sale last weekend.
Cache Creek Council decided to withdraw from the BC Transit agreement it has with Ashcroft and Clinton at its Nov. 26 Council meeting. Council has been questioning the value of the service since 2007 when the agreement was signed, but escalating costs for maintenance and bus replacement this year, with steadily rising costs for the next several years, made them decide to pull out. Also influencing their decision is timing: they wanted to make their decision before the end of the year to give their partners, Ashcroft and Clinton, sufficient notice. “For the value... It’s nice to have a bus available,” said Mayor John Ranta, “but for regular service it’s under utilized and over priced.” Coun. Herb Hofer felt their decision was premature because the three communities are meeting to discuss the bus on Dec. 11 - the day after Cache Creek’s last Council meeting of the year. Ranta said Council could change its decision in January if there was positive information at the meeting. “It would have to be something big,” agreed Coun. Wyatt McMurray. “Earth shattering.” The service originally cost $10,000 split three ways. By 2015 it could be over $90,000.
Clinton, Whispering Pines sign protocol
Chief Michael Lebourdais and Mayor Jim Rivett sign the document in the Clinton Museum last week.
by Susan Swan The Clinton Museum was the perfect venue for a historic event on Wednesday, Nov. 21 when Village of Clinton Mayor Jim Rivett and Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band Chief Michael Lebourdais signed a Protocol Agreement on co-operation and communication. The Village and First Nation Band have shown a commitment to a continuing working relationship that is built on co-operation and trust between the two parties. Their hope is to strengthen this relationship over time by the implementa-
tion of joint actions and partnerships on economic growth, servicing facilities, and exploring future options for the betterment of the broader community of the greater Clinton area and the residents of both parties. Following the signing of the Protocol by both parties, Chief Lebourdais presented Mayor Rivett with a copy of an outof-print book entitled Shuswap Stories to be kept in the museum. On hand at the proceedings from the Whispering Pines/ Clinton Indian Band were Chief Michael Lebourdais, Coun. Ed Lebourdais, Coun. Jack Bones,
SAVE $$$ THIS WEEK Pre-Inventory
Viola Lebourdais from Administration and family members Charlotte Lebourdais and Tiffany Dick. Present from the Village of Clinton were Mayor Jim Rivett, Coun. Diana Guerin, Coun. Susan Swan, Village CAO Tom Dall, Office Assistant June Bourgo and South Cariboo Museum Society President Lynn Shook. Following the signing of the Protocol Agreement refreshments were served and the visitors had an opportunity to explore some of the displays in the museum.
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Police Telephone #s Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
COMING EVENTS Nov. 29: Spaghetti Supper and Fundraising Auction. Tickets at Ashcroft Bakery, Ashcroft TIM-BR Mart and Community Futures - Sun Country. Special rate for families. Also looking for donated items for the auction. Call Jackie at 453-9457. Proceeds to the first annual Ashcroft Wellness Festival next summer. Dec. 1: 2 Christmas Bazaars - 1 Day! Health Auxiliary 10 am Noon at Ashcroft Community Hall (clothing, decorations, toys), Inter-Church Noon - 2:00 pm at Zion United Church Hall, 401 Bancroft St., Ashcroft. Craft & bake tables, tea and goodies. Dec. 1: Spences Bridge Annual Christmas Bazaar, at 6:30 pm in the Spences Bridge Community Hall (Hwy. 8). No admission, but a non-perishable food item for the Community Resources Christmas hampers would be appreciated. Dec 9: Annual Kinsmen Family “Christmas Turkey” Bingo at the Cache Creek Community Hall. Doors open at 10:00 am. Dec 7th: 3rd Annual Breakfast with Santa and Toys for Joys 8-11am at Chris’s Under the Bridge Restaurant. Dec 12 & 13: Screening Mammography at the Ashcroft Hospital. For appointments call 1-800-663-9203. Dec. 14: Zion UCW Church Family Christmas Party; 5:30 pm. Potluck supper and program. Dec. 14: Annual Turkey Bingo at the Spences Bridge Community Hall (Hwy. 8) on Fri. Dec. 14. Doors open at 6:00 pm; early bird starts at 6:30 pm. Dec. 16: Ashcroft Curling Club annual “Turkey Fun Spiel”, 10 am - 4 pm. Entry fee; everyone welcome. Please bring at least one non-perishable food item for the local Christmas Food Hamper. Potluck luncheon. Sign up sheet at the Curling Rink, or call Barb Hodder 250-453-9286. Dec. 16: Seasonal Choral Performance with the Sage Sound Singers and The Desert Bells Handbell Choir at 7 pm in St. Alban’s Church in Ashcroft. Matinee performance at 2 pm on Sunday, Dec. 17. Admission is by donation. Dec. 16: CP Holiday Train rolls into Ashcroft with Brothers Dube, Miss Emily and Doc Walker at 8:30 pm, the tracks next to Fields. Come out to see the lights, hear the music and bring a donation for the South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society’s food bank. Dec. 19: Christmas Bird Count for Ashcroft and Cache Creek areas. You don’t need to be a bird expert to take part in this annual international event. Call Wendy at The Journal for more information, 453-2261.
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., NOV. 30th • 6:30 - 8:00 pm Pork Cutlets • $10.00/plate Visitors Welcome
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month - Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 4 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
Tow truck in head on collision
Nov. 21 at 9:45 am police attended a collision on Hwy 99 in the Hat Creek area between a pickup truck and a tow truck with a flatbed. Road conditions at the time were slippery with compact snow covering the highway. A 46 year old female passenger in the pickup truck was taken to the Ashcroft hospital with non life-threatening injuries. The driver, a 44 year old Cache Creek man, was charged with passing while unsafe. The accident disabled both vehicles and they had to be towed. The driver of the tow truck, a 59 year old Lillooet man, was not injured.
Residential fence damaged
Nov. 21 police received a complaint of a damaged chain link fence at a Cache Creek residence. It is suspected that a vehicle ran into the fence, perhaps overnight on Nov. 17. There are no suspects in the case.
Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Journal
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
Hit and run accident
Nov. 21 at 9 pm police attended a collision on Barnes Lake Rd. near the Woods Creek Forest Service Rd. after a pickup truck parked at the side of the road was hit by another pickup. The second pickup truck had expired plates and the driver failed to stop. The first vehicle was stopped, waiting for a tow truck, after his 2011 Toyota Tacoma lost control in the icy road and slid into the ditch while hauling a trailer. The 40 year old Brackendale man managed to drive out of the ditch and haul the trailer out as well, but he damaged his truck in the process. While waiting for the tow truck, a white Ford F250 with a crew cab and a short box, BC plate
062 VMR approached and slid into him. The Ford’s driver did not stop at the scene as required. The matter is still under investigation.
Missing man brought home
Nov. 23 at 1:50 pm Ashcroft RCMP assisted Lytton RCMP in locating a missing Cache Creek man and transporting him back home. The 55 year old man was reported missing on Nov. 22. He was located on the highway, hitchhiking and escorted home.
Deer collision
Nov. 26 at 7:30 am police received a report of a single vehicle collision with a deer on Hwy 1 east of Cache Creek by the mushroom compost facility. The 50 year old Cache Creek man reported that his vehicle was still drivable, but he was concerned about the health of the animal. The deer could not be located.
Tough prevention program saves lives VANCOUVER - Two years after B.C. introduced Canada’s toughest provincial impaired driving law, an estimated 104 lives have been saved and impaired driving has dropped significantly. At an event to mark the National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims and Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s 25th annual Project Red Ribbon, Justice Minister and Attorney General Shirley Bond announced preliminary road-crash fatality data for the two years ending Sept. 30, 2012, and the results of a recent driver impairment survey. “It’s encouraging to note that, as you drive home late at night, the car coming toward you is far less likely to be piloted by an impaired driver than at any time in recent years. More people are getting the message that it’s up to each of us to further road safety, by driving sober and following the rules of the road - and it’s paying off by saving lives,” said Minister of Justice and Attorney General Shirley Bond. “Today we honour the memory of road crash victims, and reaffirm our government’s commitment to continue to examine more ways to encourage responsible, safe driving.” Since the September 2010 launch of the immediate roadside prohibition (IRP) program, the number of alcoholrelated motor vehicle deaths has decreased to an average of 62 a year. This represents a 46 per cent decrease from the average of 114 in each of the previous five years. This success well exceeds government’s goal, set in 2010
in honour of impaired driving victim Alexa Middelaer, to reduce alcohol-impaired driving fatalities by 35 per cent by the end of 2013. Government also released an independently conducted survey of drivers in Abbotsford, Kelowna, Prince George, Saanich and Vancouver. It took place in June 2010 and June 2012 as part of an evaluation of the impact of B.C.’s IRP legislation. The 2012 Roadside Alcohol and Drug Survey found 44 per cent fewer drivers had a bloodalcohol content (BAC) 0.05 per cent and over - and nearly 60 per cent fewer drivers were at or over the Criminal Code threshold of 0.08 per cent. Andy Murie, chief executive officer, MADD Canada, said: “When B.C. introduced its IRP sanctions in 2010, we said we believed that these major, escalating penalties and mandatory remedial programs would better support both deterrence and enforcement, save lives and prevent hundreds of injuries each year. The prevalence survey supports that belief. B.C. has set a new benchmark in reducing impaired driving and the related death toll on its roads.” The results also showed that levels of drinking and driving were the lowest recorded in the history of seven similar surveys conducted since 1995. By questioning voluntarily participating drivers, the 2012 survey revealed strong awareness of, support for and concern about facing B.C.’s IRP sanctions: - More than 82 per cent of drivers said they were aware of the sanctions.
Remembrance Day “Winter weather makes for unsafe driving conditions. Please we drive forget carefully.” - Harry Lest If you value your freedom, then thank a Veteran!
- 90 per cent felt the legislation would make roads safer. - 30 per cent said the new law prompted a change in their behaviour. - Asked to rate how inconvenient they thought certain immediate sanctions were, more than two-thirds of respondents saw B.C.’s lengthy driving prohibitions and vehicle impoundment for impaired driving as a “complete inconvenience.” - 53 per cent said they had been stopped in a police alcohol check in the last two years - and nearly half thought there was a good likelihood of being stopped if they drove after consuming too much alcohol. In the five years before the IRP program, alcohol-related crashes claimed an average of 114 lives each year. In the first year of the IRP program, the fatality total was 66, representing 48 lives saved. In the second year, the preliminary total is 58, representing 56 lives saved. In B.C., drivers impaired by alcohol face immediate penalties that may take away their vehicle, their licence, and cost them anywhere from $600 to more than $4,000 in administrative penalties and remedial program costs. Project Red Ribbon is MADD Canada’s longest-running public awareness campaign. The ribbon - displayed on lapels, vehicles, key rings and elsewhere - reminds Canadians to drive sober through the holiday season and the year. It also serves as a tribute to those killed and injured in impaired driving crashes. Submitted
Harry Lali, MLA Fraser-Nicola 2099 Granite Avenue, Bag 4400, Station Main Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Telephone: (250) 378-4802 Fax: (250) 378-4852 Toll Free: 1-877-378-4802 Email: Harry.Lali.MLA@leg.bc.ca
The Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
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Gold Trail chair and vice re-elected Trustee Carmen Ranta was re-elected as Chair of the Board of Education and trustee Nancy Rempel was re-elected as Vice Chair of the Board of Education for School District 74 (Gold Trail) at a board meeting held on Nov. 20 at George M Murray Elementary Carmen Ranta School in Lillooet. Members of the board expressed their appreciation for their leadership in serving the district. Other elected positions included Trustee Ranta re-elected as the representative on the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) Representative Council and Trustee Rempel re-elected as the representative on the BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA) Provincial Council. Chair Ranta stated, “The Board of Education works closely together as a team. It is my pleasure to continue to serve as Board Chair alongside our dedicated and caring Gold Trail trustees who each serve in many different roles throughout our district. Together with you, we share the key goal of increasing student success.” Vice Chair Rempel stated, “I am extremely happy to be serving as Vice Chair for the coming year. This is an exciting time in education and it is a privilege to be a part of it. With the many changes occurring, it is great to see trustees throughout BC keeping public education at the front and center of their work and ensuring it is a top priority for our government.” Submitted
A second chance to shine at Christmas
Second Time Around volunteers (l-r) Bernice Maldidier, Maria Russell-Martin and Ingrid Henderson were hard at work during the thrift store’s Christmas Sale on Dec. 17. Customers found all sorts of “gently used” Christmas treasures to take home.
United Way invests $40,000 in local area This past month, members of the local United Way Community Impact Council allocated over $40,000 to support local non-profit organizations. All the funds were raised through Cache Creek/Logan Lake/Ashcroft United Way campaigns which included United
Steelworkers Local 7619, Highland Valley Copper employees, Wastech, RBC, Interior Savings and other individual donors. Those recipients include: Logan Lake Secondary - Respectful Relationships South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society - Mother Goose Ash-
croft Community Resource Society - Information Directory Logan Lake WHY Youth and Children’s Programs Winding River Arts and Performance Society Cache Creek and Ashcroft Elementary - After-School Art Program Cache Creek PAC - After-School Zumba Program. Members of the Community Impact Council serve as local United Way champions who act as advocates, and decision makers for their commun-
ities. Money raised through a United Way campaign, stays in the community that it was raised in. As our campaigns continue to grow in strength, we are responsible and accountable for how the money is re-invested in the community. United Way works to improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action. United Way affects change in three focus areas; All that kids can be, From poverty to possibility and Healthy people, strong communities. Submitted
Fly ash process under scrutiny
United Way’s Director of Community Impact Danalee Baker, with Lori Pilon, Jo Petty, Debi Hamson, Susan McLean, Jo-Ann Porter, Nadine Davenport and Gary Winslow.
Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta will take part in a meeting this week in Vancouver to discuss the wetfix process that Covanta uses to bind heavy metals to the fly ash residue from its garbage incinerator. Ranta told his Council on Monday that the results of leachate testing at the Landfill should be known later this week, and that Metro Vancouver, Ministry of Environment, Covanta and Landfill co-permitees, Wastech and the Village of Cache Creek will meet to discuss whether the wetfix process approved by MOE is viable. MOE slapped Cache Creek and Wastech with a non-compliance order last week because of the contaminated fly ash, deemed unsuitable for the Landfill. However, they were not fined.
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published every Tuesday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Journal
How newspapers keep printing It’s not often you can catch me by surprise, but it happens. In the oddest way: a few weeks ago, I was asked how newspapers were “funded.” Now, that’s something that I thought would be obvious to everyone. A store gets its revenue from its customers, and so does a newspaper. They sell a shoe, a pound of potatoes, a camera - we sell advertising. Those who don’t care how a newspaper operates can move on to the Letters section now. Every week (or every day for the dailies still out there) we run the same basic ration of news copy to ads. We need to at least break even, although Black Press, our company, likes us to do a little more than that. Economics 101 - picture each page as a pricing unit. We base our costs (staff, printing, paper, postage, etc.) on each page being filled with a certain amount of advertising. But, because of the way newspapers are printed - four pages at a time, sometimes we have to increase that ratio and skirt the edge of poverty. Such as, if we have enough advertising to cover 10 pages, but we still have to run 12 pages. Although they don’t ask us where the “funding” comes from, people often comment on the size of the paper. Here’s the answer: it all depends on the advertising we receive from week to week. If we have enough advertising to run 16 or 20 pages, we do. If we can only afford to run 12 pages, so be it. Unfortunately, when times are tough for our business customers, they don’t advertise as much, making times difficult for us as well. A publisher that I worked for many years ago told me that a drop in advertising was a sure sign of poor economic times, and that observation has certainly held up over the years. Good times, bad times, they come and go as all of us are well aware of. Right at this moment... well, it’s been better. When we ask everyone to shop “at home” - or as much at home as they can, it’s because we’re an “at home” business as well and we rely on local business - AND you, our readers, to keep us going.
CAUSING RIPPLES on a rainy November day
Desert Hills Ranch deserving of award Dear Editor I was greatly gratified by the news that Desert Hills received the “Best Bloomin” Business Award. The Desert Hills operation is a tremendous asset to our community; I have never had better produce (even in the Pickering-Whitby area of rural Ontario). I always take my guests there for a look and am more than happy to refer visitors who are seeking the best in produce or plants. My only regret is that their season is not long enough. Keep up the good work! Jake Eckardt Ashcroft
Wellness doesn’t pique his curiosity Dear Editor Over the past several months I have been reading about our new “brand” Wellness Awaits You in Ashcroft. I’m not all that familiar
lETTErs To ThE EDiTor with brands other than those on cattle, clothing and food. I am rather new to the branding of a village, town or city and so you must excuse me if I seem a little out of touch. I’ve read of the meetings to discuss the Ashcroft brand, but I’ve been preoccupied with care giving for my 95 year old mother, so I did not get involved in the process. I arrived in Ashcroft in the fall of 1974 and the only knowledge that I possessed of Ashcroft was what I had heard while teaching in Sparwood. A teacher was offered a job in Ashcroft and another teacher said you don’t want to go there, that’s the desert of B.C. I arrived on Sept. 19 and it certainly lived up to its reputation. It was 109F (43C) at 3:30 in the afternoon. The sand and sagebrush certainly reminded me of the deserts I had seen in California and the Southwestern United States. There was something else that captured my attention as I prepared to turn off the highway and descend into Ashcroft, a sign that read Welcome to Historic Ashcroft. Having
Advertising: sales@accjournal.ca production@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca
A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
graduated from university with a degree in physical education and history the year before, my curiosity was piqued. What is so historic about Ashcroft? Could it have been the teacher librarian at the elementary school who had been the original Minnie Mouse at Disneyland, or the fact that Dan Blocker and Lorne Greene had owned a ranch just out of Cache Creek, or perhaps that Raymond Burr had once called Ashcroft home for a short time during his formative years? That’s pretty impressive for a small town, but that just wets the appetite to discover more of what made Ashcroft the town it is today. We have a wonderful museum and curator that can provide a wealth of information describing the colorful characters and events comprising the story of Ashcroft. Our heritage park lends further insight as to the history and geography of the area. Perhaps it is just me, but Wellness awaits you in Ashcroft somehow doesn’t pique my curiosity the way that Historic Ashcroft did.
Barbara Roden
See LETTERS on p. 16
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $47.04 (HST included) Senior Rate: $40.32 (HST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $16.80 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
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8TH ANNUAL CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD 2 Awards will be Presented
ONE from Cache Creek & ONE from Ashcroft Submit your choice by Dec. 14th to Ashcroft/Cache Creek Rotary Club PO Box 11, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Or via email to pdenis@telus.net To nominate a worthy citizen please submit a short summary of the work that they have done and please include your name and contact information as well.
Phat albert’s Weekday Cafe Esther Darlington, Leith Mclean, Angele Morgan - Hall, Rhea Little, Barbra Roden, Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan and Susan Little onstage for the production of A Midsummer Night ‘s Midterm. Photo by Dave Gory
Local talent shines in play Dream team performs fairy tale with good grace
Hats off to the over 60 folks who put together the very successful play A Midsummer Night’s Midterm held a week ago in Ashcroft. That was quite the Production! The WRAP Society Committee members want to thank the many Volunteers, courageous Actors and Crew but most of all to our Community for such great support and turn out. “Our community is so fortunate to have such talent and commitment in our arts community. And to see that we are inspiring and growing our young to appreciate and participate is truly a gift to all!” says Jackie Tegart.
Or, in the words of ever disgruntled Egeus - played by the dapper looking Jan Schmitz, “ ...’Twas a tale that asked for some tears and much laughter, some fretting and frolicking, pacing and lacing and the chasing of fairies; being upstaged and falling down stages and gallantly dying (many times over) in the true performing of it! Truly - our loves labor was not lost. Thank you all for a marvelous and unforgettable experience!”
WRAP AGM celebrates successes and community!
Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society invites its members and interested Community folk to its Annual
General Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 28 starting at 5:30pm (at St Albans Hall 501 Brink St) for finger food pot luck followed by meeting. They welcome you to become a new Member or to get involved with the organizing of the many events throughout the year. Live Music and art displays will be part of this fine evening as well. For more info call (250) 453 9100. Come celebrate the arts in Ashcroft !
Nadine Davenport
Open Monday - Friday 6:00am to 4:00pm
Serving Breakfast (all day) Lunch (from 11:00) Coffee and Snacks Located at the junction of Hwy. 1 & Hwy. 97C (Boston Flats)
creativecurrent@ telus.net
See CREATIVE on p. 6
E x p e r t o f t h e We e k John Bundus & son Ltd. Welding • Fabrication Machining Chain Saws Lawn & Garden Equipment 202 Brink Street, Ashcroft, B.C.
Carbon monoxide prevention Natural gas is used safely and reliably in homes across B.C. Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to ensure peak performance of your natural gas appliances — and to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) in the home. Since CO is colourless and odourless, you can install a CO alarm for extra peace of mind. To learn more about carbon monoxide safety, visit fortisbc.com/co. FortisBC Energy Inc., FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc., FortisBC Energy (Whistler) Inc., and FortisBC Inc. do business as FortisBC. The companies are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Fortis Inc. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-315 11/2012)
A 6 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Journal
Music for everyone as the Christmas concerts get rolled out CREATIVE from p. 5
Spring Concert tickets make a great gift
The last two remaining Dessert Concerts are in the new year, making them a perfect gift for family or friends. Coming in March on Friday the 22nd is a man and wife duo with some old-time sweet harmony. Pharis and Jason Romero reside in Horsefly, BC, where Jason makes his own guitars and banjos. You can expect some beautiful, striking duet singing with acoustic and National guitar and banjo on originals and well-loved songs from others. For the final show of the Season on April 27, you can look forward to Vancouver-based sextet, Company B Jazz Band. They are a vintage vocal harmony swing band in the style of the Andrews
and Boswell Sisters plus other renditions of classics from the 1920s through 1950s. Loaded with personality, the harmonies of the female vocal trio are well-complemented by an instrumental trio of clarinet/sax, guitar, and upright bass. These concerts are held in the comfortable and relaxed venue of the St. Albans Hall at 510 Brink Street. You can purchase them ahead of time at the following Ashcroft businesses: The Ashcroft Bakery, Natures Gifts or The Ashcroft Liquor Store or give Nadine or Andrea a call at (250) 453-9100
Holiday Train brings Juno Award winning Country act Doc Walker !
North America’s longest-running food bank fundraiser rolls into Ashcroft at 8:30 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 16. Lytton can expect a visit the following day at 3:15 pm. Bring your nonperishable food donations to the site on Railway Ave. Your donation will benefit our local community. Since 1999, the CP Holiday Train program, powered by an Reserve your space! army of employee volunteers, has Call The Journal 250-453-2261 raised $5.6 million and generated close to 2.5 million pounds of food donations for local food shelves. The Holiday Train has 14 rail cars decorated with hundreds of thousands of LED Christmas lights and a box car that has been turned into r he Terry Daniels Publis a travelling stage for performers Office: 250-453-2261 and, of course Santa. 625 Fax: 250-453-9 Headlining the musical spirca nal. jour acc er@ lish e-mail: pub BC • V0K 1A0 it of the season from a specially 402 - 4th Street, Ashcroft, designed stage is Doc Walker and Miss Emily. Doc Walker is a Juno www.blackpress.ca Award winning country trio from Portage La Prairie, Man. From Kingston, Ont., Miss Emily is a truly gifted singer and her voice John Bundus is rich and soulful. She has been & son Ltd. compared to Adele and has per202 BRINK STREET, ASHCRO FT, BC formed with The Tragically Hip, Sam Roberts and The Trews. Welding • Fabrication
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n Ashcroft
Please remember: Caps off - Labels on! We now accept milk cartons (plea tuesDAy to sAturDAy 10 se rinse first, no refund)
Cache Creek Christmas Sing Along and handbell concert
The Cache Creek Beautification Society invites all members of the Cache Creek community and surrounding areas for a good old fashioned Community Sing Along and Concert on Thursday, Dec. 13 at Community Hall (1270 Stage Rd.). This not to be missed seasonal event for all ages will feature live local Christmas music including the Desert Bells Handbell Choir and a Community sing along, plus the Beautification Society will also be handing out Winter Lights Appreciation certificates for residential Christmas light displays. Nominate your neighbour or your own house! Look for posters around town. Doors open at 7 pm with live music starting at 7:30 pm. There will be hot beverages and snacks. Admission is free, but the Handbell Choir will have a donation jar there as they are trying to raise money to purchase their own handbells. For more info call (250) 457 9119.
Sage Sound Singers and Desert Bells perform in Ashcroft
The Sage Sound Singers and the Desert Bells Handbell Choir invite the surrounding Ashcroft/Cache Creek Community for another special evening presented by Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society. Don’t miss the Seasonal Choral Performance of the Season by our two local Choirs on Dec. 15 and 16 at St Albans Hall, 501 Brink Street in Ashcroft. Admission is by donation. Doors open at 7 pm with the Concert beginning at 7:30 pm. Doors open at 1:30 pm for the 2 pm. Matinee performance on Sunday. Come early for hot chocolate and desserts. The evening will feature The Sage Sound Singers and The Desert Bells Handbell Choir, an 11 piece Bell Choir plus, lots of surprises. Beautiful harmonies and sounds will fill the room as the
Do you want to practise forestry in BC?
night also encourages you to join in on a Community Sing-Along to close out the evening. The Sage Sound Singers are a 23 piece choral group, conducted by Carmen Ranta with accompaniment by pianist Dimiter Terziev. Their Musical Director, Michelle Reid has selected a mixture of popular and seasonal pieces that will surely get you into the holiday spirit. From contemporary folk, traditional and Christmas standards to a medley from the Ma Ma’s and Pa Pa’s, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Christmas Kum Ba Ya, and many more. The Desert Bells Handbell Choir which is also under the direction of Carmen Ranta, will be performing a variety of lovely Christmas Carols. A special feature to celebrate the Season, will be a performance of ‘Hear The Bells of Christmas Ringing’ for SATB Choir, Handbell Choir and piano. This piece will only be performed at the concert Dec. 15 and 16 with Sage Sound Singers. The Desert Bells Handbell Choir will also be performing at Cache Creek Elementary School Dec. 6 at 2 pm. They are also pleased to be invited to perform at the Christmas Concert at Kamloops United Church December 1st at 2 pm. The Bell Choir has eleven ringers who ring three and a half octaves of bells. They are an inter generational handbell choir, with members from age 9 to senior, and practice weekly through the fall and spring at Cache Creek Elementary School. Please also note that at the concert at St. Albans Carmen Ranta will be playing Alto Saxophone with Dimiter and possibly also special guests as yet to be confirmed! Bring the whole Family for a festive traditional Community gathering sure to get you into the holiday season! Free Desserts, Coffee & Tea during Intermission. Happy Holidays! For more info call (250) 453 9100.
Holiday Gift Guide
New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at www.abcfp.ca.
Stay tuned for gift Ideas for the whole family and take the guess work out of shopping! For Him, For Her, For Kids, and Stocking Stuffers.
your source for FREE coupons
The Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
The play’s the thing - the only thing Backstage front stage centre in A Midsummer Night’s Midterm
Backstage on any theatre production is one continuous rush of adrenalin. You can do it, the brain tells you. You know the lines. My God! You’ve rehearsed them often enough to know not only you own lines but most of those of the other actors. Six weeks of listening, speaking, has settled into that core of what you call and think is yourself. And then, surprise surprise, you’ve got to act! The role, that is. Just as a pianist knows that playing the notes aren’t enough, the actor realizes the character he is acting has to be interpreted. At home, you give it a try. Over and over again. Various approaches. Our pet canine, Tanner, doesn’t like these voice changes. These gestures. Who is this person who has invaded our home? He barks, barks, goes into a kind of frenzy, running up and down the hall. Anyway, back to backstage. For one thing, it’s dark. And for another, there shouldn’t be a sound from anyone. Our narrow habitat is crowded. Actors sitting or standing, studying scripts with the aid of a tiny flashlight. The tension is a blanket of mutual excitement, with a good splash of apprehension. The prompters sit or stand with the script, reading the lines, indicating it’s time. The moment of truth has arrived. You do your thing - exit - the relief... How can I describe that feeling? I can’t. Then you wait and read for your next cue to go on stage again. Joris Ekering, a seasoned actor and director with a wide
CAKEWALK CHRONICLES Esther Darlington MacDonald range of experience in the Maritimes and the prairies, calls the whole process a rush of adrenalin. And warns me, that when it’s over, expect exhaustion. A kind of jet lag. He was right on.
Sherman’s illness
On the 13th, two days before opening night, Sherman collapsed. We called the ambulance. Fortunately, ER was open in Ashcroft. Then, 12 hours later, transferred to Kamloops. Released on 15th, with a basketful of puffers and pills. He lunched at home. Collapsed again. Ambulance back to RIH. Joris, God bless him, driving us, depositing me at the entrance, then picking me up later and taking me back to Ashcroft. Barely enough time to costume, have makeup applied. You have to realize that Joris was doing the lighting and sound for the play, and was indispensable. My part in the play, though small, included several more entries on stage with the “faeries”. Sherman is still in the hospital and will remain there until doctors determine what the problem is. His morale is good. He is recovering. He is very grateful for all the community support, teared up a little when I told him how many people have
expressed concern, said they will pray for him. Phone calls and offers of help in any way. What a community we have!
Costuming and language
When I saw the beautiful costumes that Anita Ladoski had designed for the faeries, I could have cried. Hugs with a heart full of gratitude. Tiny feathers, flowers, leaves, buds, Anita made us magical. Pat Dubois’s skillful stitchery was no less appreciated. And it wasn’t just the faeries. Jean Burgess’s Puck, or Robin Goodfellow was a superb explosion of feathers, veils, color. With an energy that brought down the house at curtain call. She had a lot of lines to memorize, some of which was the Old English, that frankly, I had a time with. For example, do you know what Barm is? Well, it’s not a farm building. In Shakespeare’s English, it was the froth on the brewing liquor. And Tern? Well that’s not a bird. It’s a grist mill. How language changes over the cen-
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turies has always amazed me. I’ve mentioned it before in my columns. Language is continuously changing, growing, - an eternal stream of communication. But to go backward and learn the old and ancient forms is a real challenge. At least for this writer it was.
We use that word so often, and so often tell ourselves how essential it is to make things happen. But I’ll tell you, that team work is the unspoken given in putting on a play. But it is also a given, unspoken, for chairing a meeting or holding an event of any kind. The one thing I learned from being given a part in a play is how absolutely dedicated to seeing the production work teamwork is. There’s neither time nor is there mental energy for anything else. Ego? Forget about it. Selfconsciousness? Forget about that.
Hurt feelings? Forget about that too. In fact, forget about everything but working with those around you to make what you are doing a complete success.
Gold Country Geotourism adventures field guide
Another wonderful production is the Gold Country Geotourism Guide. It just came out. It is an absolutely beautiful production! Graphic arts and fine See CAKEWALK on p. 10
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Speak to your fears
At coffee a couple weeks ago I told my friend that I joined Toastmasters. She laughed and said: “Wasn’t that a thing in the 80s?” I don’t know - the 80s was a bit of blur
for me. But I think it’s been a “thing” for a little longer than that, and I think it still is a “thing.” Toastmasters is a non-profit organization originally founded in
1924 to help people improve their public speaking skills. Currently there are clubs in 113 different countries with over 260,000 members. I am one of its newer members.
TOYS for JOYS 4th Annual
Breakfast with Santa Saturday Dec 8th 8 am - 11 am at Chrisʻs Under the Bridge Bring a new unwrapped gift between $15 & $30 and have breakfast with Santa for FREE See You There
The first time I heard about Toastmasters was when I was a child back in the 70s. My Uncle Jack was a gregarious man who loved to be the center of attention delivering awardwinning speeches at Toastmaster competitions around North America. My father, a shy man who flew under the radar for the most part, was invited by my uncle to join. Reluctantly, my dad attended a meeting and immediately saw how beneficial becoming a member would be for him professionally and personally. The same year he joined, my quiet, unassuming father
M a y 2 0 12012 2 —- Week W e e5k November You isdon’t to pitch Now not like the time to a fit,without but if you want leap looking, to be heard,You that’s Capricorn. have to what you’rewith going be cautious your to haveand to do. Makethis choices actions yourofstance known,Don’t time the month. Capricorn. thento make waves Only so close March 21– December 22– the willholidays. you get the action
Please, Aries. You much Aries, while there’s are a ago-getter, about situationbut that sometimes you go too you don’t understand, far.will Keep that inbemind you quickly filled you work inthis on week all theasdetails you withtoothers need knowtotoget geta the project job done.off the ground.
Aquarius, Attention,although Aquarius. you do plenty, Someone closesomeone to around house could you hasthe something really some to say,use and theymore need assistance fromAyou. you to listen. homeIt may take someproject juggling improvement ofturns your to outschedule better than accomplish. expected.
Taurus, confrontation Stop dragging your will you nowhere. feet,get Taurus. You Itknow is better avoidtoany whattoneeds troublesome and be done, so parties do it. The simply onfinish, with your soonergoyou the days. Noyou needcan tomove put sooner monkey wrenchesyou in the on to something plans. really want to do.
January 19
January 20– February 18
April 19
you seek.
April 20– May 20
Usually outpouring It’s a tallyour order, Pisces, ofbutcreative is it’s notjuices impossible. unstoppable, Pisces. This Gather your supplies week youtroops couldand have a and the little trouble thinking get crackin’. A report up new ideas.glowing receives
February 19– March 20
reviews just in time.
May 21– June 21
Take some time to reflect Pragmatic Gemini. onYou’re what you needlooking to get always done, Things are to getGemini. things done about tothe getshortest more hectic, well in and will help but to know timeit possible, what is on your sometimes just schedule won’t inwork. the coming Patiencedays. is key.
June 22– July 22
July 23– August 22
August 23– September 22
surprised us all when he emceed his big company Christmas party. I remember being in awe of him up on stage telling jokes, looking so happy and comfortable. Being insecure and shy myself, I managed to avoid public speaking completely until I joined a business group called Okanagan Business Excellence seven years ago. Every Wednesday morning I would wake up ridden with anxiety as I anticipated that dreaded moment when all eyes would be on me and I’d have to say something. I asked my dad for advice on getting rid of my nerves. “Don’t worry about
Clarify, Cancer. There is no need to put Make certain endeavors, you off romantic are understood on all Cancer. Make time to accountsrelationships, this week. further Leave and younothing will betohappier chance. A made friendthe drops for having by with an effort. unusual additional request.
Leo, a casual encounter Bickering rarely solves with an oldsofriend anything, put a goes stop by no time has to like the madness the first elapsed Agree chance at youall. get, Leo.to keep touch and spend You in will get nothing more done time if youtogether don’t. going forward.
Virgo, A lovedthere one are hastoo a many messesand to clean meltdown, you’reup, so leftinstead to pickofupdigging the in you may pieces. Youjust candecide do it, to procrastinate a little Virgo, and you will do longer. be sure to it well. Just A new do lifts make time later spiritsupinthe more ways on. than one.
Clam up,find Libra, You may thatand things you are willbeneficial regret it. for that Preparemay to present yourbe others not always idea and watch theLibra. beneficial for you, sparks fly.you Thehave to-do But often to list nears completion make sacrifices for the with anofaddition. benefit the entire September 23– group.
October 22
October 23– November 21
Certain challenges may A change in attitude be tough picks up to theconquer, pace, and Scorpio. withwell the the teamBut finishes right you can get aheadhelp of schedule. the job done. Gemini Bravo, Scorpio. Your may be your efforts won’tshining go light this week. unnoticed.
There no point in What’sis that, speculating Sagittarius?about Your your finances, pleas areSagittarius. falling on Keep track Perhaps of your deaf ears? deposits withdrawals it’s yourand method of sopresentation. you have a handle Be bold,on all andaccounts. you’ll get what
November 22– you seek. December 21
Thursday, November 29, 2012 TheJournal
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com trying to get rid of them,” he said. “Being nervous just means you care.” It wasn’t exactly the quick fix I was looking for, so I asked the chairperson of our group, a lawyer named Paul Hergott. He was as gregarious and entertaining as my Uncle Jack, so surely he would tell me what I was looking for. He didn’t. Paul claimed he could barely say his own name the first time he had to present in court and it was just a matter of facing his fear and doing it anyway, over and over again. I figured if he and my father were able to make such impressive strides in their public speaking skills, there might be hope for me yet. Four years ago I finally went to my first Toastmasters meeting. I really wanted to join, but I didn’t. Why? Because I was intimidated by the phenomenal speakers I heard that night, and I was scared I’d look and sound like a bumbling fool. I also decided that I didn’t have the time. Well, I wish I had made the time. What I didn’t realize then was that the meetings aren’t mandatory and the program is self paced. I also didn’t grasp how supportive and
non-threatening the environment truly is. Luckily that sunk in this summer and I faced my fears, became a member and am now loving the experience. Toastmasters is designed to improve skills not just in speaking, but in leadership, communication, storytelling, grammar, time management, and overall self confidence. There is no instructor and there are no lectures. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations, offering encouragement as well as constructive critiques called “gifts.” Even the most accomplished presenters are given gifts and welcome them because they are essential to improving. I encourage everyone, shy or gregarious, to check out a Toastmasters meeting. They are all over the world and being a member will enable you to visit other clubs whenever you wish. To find one that suits you, visit Toastmasters.org Toastmasters truly is the best and least expensive personal improvement “thing” you can imagine. It also serves coffee. And cookies too. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at loriwelbourne.com
Christmas Lights now in stock ASHCROFT IRLY TIM-BR-MART Building Supplies & Garden Centre
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The Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
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Ashcroft PeeWees working hard The TCMHA PeeWee team played Lillooet twice on Nov. 24 at the Drylands Arena. It was the first time this season playing against Lillooet and although our team didn’t have the opportunity to score any goals, our goalie RyanSpur Reid made many amazing saves and everyone worked hard as a team keep the puck out of their end. We would like to welcome some of our newest players this season: Jeremey Michell, Dustin
Reid and Wyatt Reid are all new to the association and work their hearts out to improve their skills with every game. All of our players are improving with their passes and skating with every game they play. Our next home game should be an exciting one on Friday, Nov. 30 at 5 pm against Logan Lake. Whether you have children in hockey or not, come out and cheer for the home team. Deanna Horsting
(Above) Wyatt Reid fends off a Lillooet player, with team mates Kyla Horsting-Minnabarriet, Goalie Ryan-Spur Reid, Jeremy Michell and Dustin Reid. (Left) Lloyd Johnson (centre) stickhandles the puck into the Lillooet end with team mates Wyatt Reid, Kyla Horsting-Minnabarriet, Jeremy Michell and Dustin Reid. (Right) Tyris Peters chases the puck while team mate Lloyd Johnson watches.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Journal
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AlisonYamelst, Gaurangi Tapia-Benner, Oriana Dubois and Vivian McLean on set of A Midsummer’Night ‘s Midterm, which featured their acting. Photo by Dave Gory
Hot chocolate for the soul on a cold Ashcroft night arts at their finest. It’s a fine mix of regional history, photographs of people and landmarks, paintings by regional artists. It’s a joy to read and look through. I can’t think of anything finer to bring public attention to our incredible country of mesas, meadows, rivers and historical data. A CAKEWALK from p. 7
great gift for Christmas.
It’s the little dramas
The night was dark and a chilly wind was blowing from the west. I arrived at the Community Hall early. No car around but mine. But in front of the building a young girl stood plucking guitar strings. The hall doors were still locked. She
lived some miles from town but is attending high school here. She had joined the cast of Midsummer’s Night Mid Term late, and had a considerable role to learn as one of the students. She’s been standing at the hall frontage for some time. Confessed she was chilled. We went to a cafe and she drank a mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, had a light supper of soup and
A wuzzle is a saying/phrase that is made up of a display of words, in an interesting way. The object is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, place, or thing that each wuzzle is meant to represent. Answers below.
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Golden Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Kelly Adamski - Bob Cunningham Cindy Adamski - Mick Adamski 250-453-2225 • Toll Free1-800-557-7355 www.goldencountry.ca
ANSWERS: 1. Last Dance 2. For Crying Out Loud 3. Inground Pool 4. No TV for a Week 5. High Frequency 6. Sit Ups 7. Foreign Policy 8. Party line 9. Covered Wagon
NEW!!! North Ashcroft level Bungalow in Battel Subdivision, close to Park and Pool. Lots of updates including: floors, roof, moldings, paint, bathroom, furnace and Air conditioning. Great Family or Retirement home. 2nd Kitchen in basement…In-law Suite? Lots of fruit trees and Garden area. $199,900.00 NEW!!! Very Nice Small Home in Cache Creek. Excellent condition. Large fenced yard. RV Parking, Sundecks, Nicely Updated. Great Retirement or Starter Home. Priced to Sell Quickly.$139,900.00 NEW!!! Exquisite Executive Family Home nested in a quiet Cul-de-Sac with outstanding Mountain Views. Quality Finishing on all Three Levels!!! Upper Level with 3 Spacious Bedrooms& deluxe En-Suite. Main featuring Living, Dining, Kitchen, Family, and Laundry; Lower Daylight Walk-out Basement with Additional Family Room and extra Bedroom. Built in Vac, Gas Stove, High Tech Wiring throughout. Beautiful Jenish Showhome Type! $434,900.00 View photos of these properties and more at www.goldencountry.ca 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355
a sandwich, and thanked me several times. In the cafe, she told me her last name. It was a name I knew from my time some years back working for the Cook’s Ferry Band. She said it was the last native Thompson name at Cook’s Ferry. Pronounced it for me. A soft sound at the end, spoken from the roof of your mouth. Allison Yamelst. Isn’t that a lovely name?
The Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
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November brings community closer together Quick change of seasons
had never had it and we enjoyed listening to the radio, including the radio dramas. Today many residents of Loon Lake take it for granted that they can just drive out and get what they want when they want - and usually they can as the road is well maintained during the winter. They count on the TV to keep up with their favourite shows each week. However I do think that the wise resident would set in supplies of necessary provisions for a minimum of two week so if the unpredictable happens there is no need to panic or worry, just sit back and enjoy the lake as usual, maybe even pulling out an old board game or two. Chess anyone?
November is one of my favourite months because every day can be so different from the day before. The valley frequently takes on the appearance of a very different country. In early November the leaves were turning but still hanging on many of the fruit trees, the grass was green and the chrysanthemums were blooming as in late summer. One week later came frost and then rain; leaves and plants turned brown and gave up for the year. The following week brought snow, turning everything into a brilliant landscape of white on white; even the fences were highlighted with lines of snow which sparkled in the sunlight. No November dullness here and no need to travel to see a different place.
What will the weather bring?
In November we often talk about forecasts and predictions for the coming winter. Many long time residents have their own signs and omens for severe winter weather approaching such as horses with long, shaggy coats, extra berries on the mountain ash, more owls coming down from the north for the winter, a corona around the moon in November and so forth. I checked with the Farmer’s Almanac which is well known for its weather forecasts; the Almanac forecasts that our winter this year will be milder and drier than normal, and they predict that weather in BC at Christmas will be stormy, especially along the coast. The full moon this week is named by the Almanac to be the “Frosty” Moon, also known as the “Full Beaver” Moon, so called because this is a busy time for beavers as they make the final preparations for winter. The weather at Loon Lake has never been easy to forecast but I can tell you with good certainty that we will have periods of relatively mild weather followed by periods of cold and there will be periods of snow and fog offset by periods of sunshine and clear night skies. I hope you enjoy whatever it is that winter weather brings our way.
Barbara Hendricks
Accept what you can’t change
While we can’t do much about changing the weather we can do something about preparing for it. When I was growing up here in the 1950’s, all the children looked forward to those big snow storms that dumped great quantities of snow as it meant a holiday from school. We also welcomed cold weather as there was no school bus running if the thermostat registered minus 30 or lower. Early settlers here were, like the beaver, very busy in November getting in supplies for the winter - firewood, extra fuel, kerosene, root vegetables all set away in the cellar, bacon, hams and sausages hung in the cold room and some meat hanging in a shed. Flour, cereals, coffee, sugar, beans and so forth were stocked in larger quantities. My mother and other farm women also liked to have a good supply of rendered bear fat for making pastry. Loon Lake Road had no BC Hydro service yet, which meant no deep freezers but everyone had pantries with many jars of home preserved vegetables and fruits as well as meats. Every farm had a milk cow or two and some chickens so supplies of fresh milk, butter and eggs were assured but chicken feed and mash for the cows and other farm animals had to be hauled in and stored. As a result of these preparations, two or even three weeks of bad weather with poor roads didn’t really affect people much. Of course a good team of horses and a sleigh could get along on snowy roads that a car could not. Some residents had generators that they would run for a few hours in the evening for light and to listen to the radio. Evening entertainment was playing cards and board games, reading and telling stories, sometimes even signing songs. Sometimes a craft session would occupy all of us - I remember once a spool knitting bug hit us and we would all sit around evening after evening under the kerosene lamp knitting those long tubes. Television wasn’t missed because we
Prepare for the worst
a good store of water is also a good idea unless you live right near a place to get water with a bucket.
November travellers
November has been a very sociable month for visits and visitors as outdoor work and recreation slows down. Some more residents have closed up their homes for the winter and headed for other locations for the winter. There appears to be an increase in the number of full time permanent residents and those who come back frequently during the winter for snow and ice recreation. Late migrating birds are also enjoying the open waters on the lake, including the swans which are always wonderful to watch. So far this season the bird population on my patch consists of the usual chickadees, siskins, jays, and nuthatches. This year there are three Stellar’s Jays at the feeder and I always enjoy the antics of these sociable birds that are quick to remind me each morning to put out their food.
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 113 would like to thank the following companies for their donations to help the Legion put together grab bags for the attendees at our Fall Legion Zone Meetings: Tim-br-mart, ReMax, Royal LePage, Peoples Drug Mart, Gold Country, The Jade Shop Safety Mart & Ashcroft Bakery
Church Directory ZION UNITED
Sunday Worship 10:50 am
401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 zuc@coppervalley.bc.ca
United Church of Canada Alice Watson, CS - Holy Communion SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm
St. Alban’s
501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909
The earthquake on the west coast followed by the Cache Creek Pentecostal Church hurricane in the east brings Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. the focus on emergency Phone 250-457-6463 preparedness and ability to Pastor David Murphy communicate to residents Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. about emergency situations. Everyone welcome Two weeks after Hurricane Sandy, some residents of New York City were still without power. Should a major emerGail loves hot showers. And a great cup of coffee. She enjoys keeping her gency happen in family safe and warm while using energy wisely. BC with We help Gail, and 1.1 million other customers, do these things and more. wideFrom natural gas and electricity, to district energy and geoexchange, we spread deliver the energy services you need every day. power loss, Loon Lake Road would be Learn more at fortisbc.com. very, very low on the priority list for repairs so we should be prepared for a long wait. As many homes here are on water wells and rely on well pumps for water for cooking, washFortisBC Energy Inc., FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc., FortisBC Energy (Whistler) Inc., and FortisBC Inc. do business as FortisBC. ing and The companies are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Fortis Inc. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. flushing, (12-326 11/2012)
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Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Journal
Heritage sites promoted
Community Volunteer Groups The Royal Canadian Legion #113
301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625
South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society
601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656
Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-453-2352
Sage & Sand Pony Club
District Commissioner: Marcie Down sageandsandspc@hotmail.com
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club
Contact Person: Denise Fiddick Phone 250-453-9547
Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348
Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341
Soups On
St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Phone: 250-457-9390
Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307
Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department
Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105
Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department
Contact Person: Fred Dewick
Phone 250-453-2415
Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391
Phone 250-453-2233
Phone 250-457-9967
South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0
Ashcroft & District Lions Club
Soccer Association
Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077
Contact: Sandi Harry
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.
Minor Hockey Association
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762
Contact: Lisa Tegart Phone 250-453-9881 Email: lisamteg@hotmail.com
The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store
Historic Hat Creek Ranch
347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp
Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944 Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email: darrin.curran@cadets.gc.ca
Ashcroft Communities in Bloom
Contact: Jack Jeyes
Phone 250-457-9366
Phone 250-453-2259
Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062
Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie
Phone 250-457-9122
Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050
Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122
Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail: dangre@telus.net
Bridging to Literacy Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417
Ashcroft Hospice Program
Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050
Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100
The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564
SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415
Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
Ashcroft Yoga Group
Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244
Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050
Desert Bells Handbell Choir
Second Time Around
Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781
Sage Sound Singers Adult Community Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676
Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
Cache Creek Beautification Society
BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk,
(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693
Director 250-453-9683 Email:carelee67@gmail.com
Yoga class works out the aches There is a thriving yoga class three times a week in Ashcroft. The program has been continuous for approximately 12 years. Many capable women have volunteered their time and energy over the years to keep yoga happening in our community. Our current instructors are Marijke Stott and Val Teshima. We practice Hatha Yoga, involving a series of movements and postures intended to align muscle and bone. Gentle stretching and elongating of the spine can work out many annoying aches and pains we acquire throughout our lives. There are mental and spiritual benefits as well when we integrate body breath and mind, taking your attention away from the chaos of
daily living. The overall goal is to enhance and improve on inner and physical development by releasing the positive energy in our bodies, affecting all aspects of our life. All our participants are of various abilities and ages. We don’t compete with anyone else in the room, but do only what we are capable of that day. Classes are held in a gentle, helpful and non judgemental atmosphere. It is a gift to yourself. If you are interested in personal as well as community Wellness, come and join us Monday 7 pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10 am at the Ashcroft Community Hall. Drop in $3 Sharon Rennie
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Photocopy of coupon accepted
Jan Mazerall is the newest Lion member, inducted on Nov. 14, and pictured with Treasurer Bob Cunningham and President Darrell Rawcliffe. Membership is 24.
VANCOUVER - A new exhibit promoting heritage sites in B.C. is now on display at the Vancouver Convention Centre. The display celebrates the province’s rich history and offers visitors intriguing insights into B.C.’s cultural development. It joins other exhibits Historic Hat Creek Ranch is part of a that feature First Nations his- new heritage exhibit at the Vancouver tory and art creating a gallery Convention Centre. that showcases British Columbia’s Aboriginal and heritage fea- proximately 790,000 visitors annually and the display’s location will tures. The display features 11 of help promote our province’s heritB.C.’s 23 provincial heritage sites: age sites to those visitors. These heritage sites play a sigBarkerville - B.C.’s Gold Rush nificant role in B.C.’s tourism sectown, Fort Steele Heritage Town, tor, attracting over 200,000 visitors the Grist Mill at Keremeos, Historannually from around the globe. ic Hat Creek Ranch, Kilby HistorThese sites create jobs for Britic Site, Point Ellice House, Cottonish Columbians, revenue for lowood House, Craigflower Manor, cal communities, and provide resiCraigflower Schoolhouse, Emily dents and visitors a personal conCarr House and Historic Yale. The exhibit features QR codes nection to the roots of British that connect visitors to more infor- Columbia. In 2011, the tourism sector emmation on each of the showcased ployed 126,700 British Columproperties as well as to both the bians, generated over $13.4 bilAboriginal Tourism and Heritage lion in revenue for tourism-relatTourism websites. ed businesses and contributed over The exhibit is in the concourse $1.13 billion to provincial governof the east building of the Vancouver Convention Centre. The Van- ment revenues. Submitted couver Convention Centre sees ap-
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The Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
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Newly elected Economic Development executive (Back l-r): Jane Wang, Judy Hampton, Katie McCullough, Treasurer Angie Cahill, John White and Vice President Yvette May. (Front l-r): President Robin Fennell and Director Dorthy Winfrey.
This is a great opportunity for area Is there a more fitting time to rekindle the pageantry and residents to join the Crime Watch and romanticism of the era than bring to the table any issues, concerns during the holidays? Before we and suggestions. Help answer the quesSusan Swan all hunker down for the snowy tion, “What is the future of our Pro459-2224 or 2325 winter season, on Dec. 8, the gram?”. countrysquire@ If you have any questions please Village of Clinton is hosting bcwireless.com one last community gather- call Jim Walch at 250-459-2357 or Bob ing - our first annual Victorian Craig at 250-456-2375. Christmas Celebration. Clinton Council Meetings Events will include the anThe next regular meeting of the Village of Clinton Council will be on nual Clinton Merchant MadDon Edward Goff Wednesday, Nov. 28. Due to the holi- ness Sale all day Saturday, It is with great sorrow that we announce days there will only be one council Dec. 8th at all participating the peaceful passing of Don Goff on Monday, November 19, 2012 in the meeting in December on Wednesday, businesses; the Museum will Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Dec. 12. All Clinton Council meetings be decorated and open; a Skate Care Hospice in Kamloops, B.C. with Santa; Christmas Tea begin at 7 pm. at the age of 86, after a brave battle with cancer. Born in Council meetings are held in Coun- at the Seniors Centre; lightBuchanan, Michigan in 1926, cil Chambers in the Municipal Build- ing of the Village Christmas Don lead an adventurous life. Tree; and the Bethel PenteHe joined the US Merchant ing and are open to the public. Marines at the age of 18 and was costal Church Christmas Banan oiler in the engine room of quet. On Sunday, Dec. 9th the Victorian Christmas Celebration supply ships to the troops. These ships were hunted relentlessly by Queen Victoria knew how to make Legion will hold their Annual German U-Boats but his ship always an era! She was a fashion and cultural Children’s Christmas Party. made it through. He met Norma in 1945. She was 15 but it was icon whose rule of the British Empire love at first sight. They married in 1948 and on November 1st of this year were able to celebrate their 64th anniversary. They from 1837 to 1901 influenced art and Crime Watch AGM lived in Ketchikan, Alaska for a few years, where their first child The 47 Mile Area E Rural design for decades. By the later half was born, then moved to Washington State until the early 1960’s when Don moved with his family to the Ashcroft Area and bought of the 19th Century, the opulence and Crime Watch Annual General the Wagner Creek Ranch at the southernmost end of Upper Hat prosperity crossed the Atlantic and ush- Meeting is scheduled for 7 pm Creek. He was one of the first ranchers in the area to run Angus ered in the Gilded Age of North Amer- on Thursday, Dec. 13 in the Beef Cattle. His children grew up on the ranch and enjoyed round ups, brandings, haying, and fishing in local lakes and streams. For Clinton Library. ica. The Applications are out for our 4th Annual
The applications for your family to receive toys are now available at the Elizabeth Fry Society Office, 10-601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft BC or Children and Family Services, Government Building, 600 Block Railway Ave ., Ashcroft BC
many years he drove the school bus from the ranch, where it was parked overnight, to Cache Creek and Ashcroft, picking up all the children along the way. Everyone knew him from the tip of the Hat Creek Valley to highway 97 and those children and their parents kept in touch with him and Norma for many years to follow. When he sold the ranch they moved first to Cache Creek, then into a house on Government Street in Ashcroft where they resided off and on until, due to health reasons, they moved to the Riverbend Senior’s Residence in Kamloops. Don is survived by his loving wife, Norma, brother Dick (Dorothy), children Terri (Ken), Vicki (John), Susan (Don), Barbara, and David (Brandy-Jo), grandchildren Herb, Angelica, Michael, and Grace, and numerous nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Don’s Life will be held at the Zion United Church in Ashcroft, B.C. on Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 1:30 with refreshments to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Care Hospice in Kamloops, B.C. “…and God touched his fingers and he slept.”
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Thursday, November 29, 2012 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal
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Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ sh@blackpress.ca AL-ANON: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meeting Wed at 8:00pm at the Cache Creek Elementary Sch Library. Contact: Val 250.457.1117
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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking LOG TRUCK drivers with offroad experience wanted in Northern Alberta. Immediate openings, good wages, accommodation supplied. Forward resumes: johnwb@telusplanet.net
Help Wanted
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services ANIE’S PIZZA & BAKERY, CACHE CREEK: Now hiring F/T kitchen helper. Experience an asset, but not necessary. $10.25/hr. Must be avail. all shifts. Drop off resume at 1206 Cariboo Hwy 97 or email to aniespizza_bakery@live.ca Find us on Facebook
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An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 74 (GOLD TRAIL) Employment Opportunities SPECIAL TEACHING ASSISTANT, David Stoddart School SCHOOL SECRETARY (Enhancement Agreement), School District Office These positions commence as soon as possible to 28 June 2013. Please refer to the district website at www.sd74.bc.ca for details of the positions. A detailed application will be accepted by the undersigned by 4:00 pm 03 December 2012. Lynda Minnabarriet, Secretary-Treasurer School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) PO Bag 250, Ashcroft, BC V0K1A0 Email: sd74jobs@gw.sd74.bc.ca Gold Trail School District is an equal opportunity employer
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Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
We are accepting applications for a career opportunity as
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The Assistant Landfill Technician will report to the Landfill Engineer and be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the landfill irrigation and leachate system, and assist with the landfill gas collection system. This team member will also provide technical support for overall landfill operations with a focus on permit compliance and operating plans. This is a new full-time position with a competitive salary, commensurate with the successful proponent’s experience, and a strong benefits package. Learn more about Wastech Services Ltd. and find the detailed posting for this opportunity and application information at www.wastech.ca. You may also request the posting or submit inquiries at hr@wastech.ca. Applications and rÊsumÊs will be accepted at hr@wastech.ca until 4 p.m., Tuesday, December 4, 2012.
Education/Trade Schools
Help Wanted
Employment Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis
Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625
402-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Graymont’s Pavilion Plant is accepting applications for an Industrial Electrician. Candidate must possess current B.C. Red Seal certification. Preference will be given to well-rounded individuals willing to also perform other nonelectrical maintenance work as part of the maintenance team. A background in lime or cement industry along with computer and or PLC skills is preferred as well as a proven track record of developing and maintaining a safe work culture. Additional skills required: t &MFDUSJDJBO XJUI JOEVTUSJBM FYQFSJFODF SFRVJSFE UP XPSL BU UIF (SBZNPOU 1BWJMJPO Lime Plant. t .VTU CFDPNF FOHBHFE JO DPOUJOVPVT JNQSPWFNFOU BOE XJMMJOH UP XPSL JO B UFBN environment. t 3FHVMBS TIJGUT XJMM CF IST EBZ GSPN .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ o TUFBEZ EBZ TIJGU t .VTU CF XJMMJOH UP XPSL PWFSUJNF XIFO SFRVJSFE t 8BHFT BOE CFOFÜUT BT QFS UIF DPMMFDUJWF BHSFFNFOU t -PDBUFE JO 1BWJMJPO # $ TJUVBUFE CFUXFFO $BDIF $SFFL BOE -JMMPPFU # $ Qualified applicants please submit your resume to: jking@graymont.com or Graymont Pavilion Plant Attn: Dan Buis P.O. Box 187 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0
www.lillooetbc.ca www lill Lillooet & District R.E.C. Centre Now Accepting Applications for
For a detailed posting please contact the REC Centre at 250.256.7527. Successful Applicant must have • Current National Lifeguard Service (NLS) Pool Option • Current Standard Fist Aid Certiďƒžcate or Equivalent • Current Criminal Record check in accordance with the District of Lillooet policy Asset qualiďƒžcations include: • AWSI/WSI • Lifesaving Instructor • NLS Instructor • First Aid Instructor • Pool operator level 1 Send Resumes to: District of Lillooet Director of Recreation Box 610, Lillooet, BC V0K 1V0 Fax: 250.256.4037 Email: wrobinson@lillooetbc.ca Posting Closes:
December 14, 4:30 pm, 2012
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter. www.spca.bc.ca
Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, November 29, 2012
Employment Professional/ Management KURT LeRoy Trucking Ltd., of Campbell River is experiencing a 50% growth of new capital expansion over the next year with a new division on the mainland. We need a Highly Motivated experienced CGA to complete monthly cost accounting for each division. Payroll of 38-45 employee’s. Subcontractors will vary. Excellent salary and benefits. Please e-mail resume’s with driver’s abstract to rleroy@telus.net or fax to 250-287-9914.
Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. in Hanna, Alberta needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25-$31/hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-8542845; Email Chrysler@telusplanet.net RED SEAL Diesel Truck and Trailer Mechanic wanted in Northern Alberta. Full time, permanent position. Initial accommodation supplied. E-mail: johnwb@telusplanet.net for immediate response.
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Pets & Livestock
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Merchandise for Sale
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
Apt/Condo for Rent
Homes for Rent
FOR SALE, Ashcroft: Sm. solid maple hutch & buffet, $700; sm. Medi-Care chair (like new), $900 (firm); 2 end tables, $20 ea. 250-457-0409.
Riverbend Seniors Community
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Cottages / Cabins Ashcroft: 1 Bdrm Cabin for single N/S person. F/S included $450.00/m. Please call 250.453.9983
Homes for Rent
Misc. Wanted
Cache Creek: 1/2 Duplex. 2-3 bdrm, carport, W/D, granite counters, N/S, no drinkers/partiers, $700/mo. (less for middle-aged+). 250.457.0099 CACHE CREEK: house, N/S, (250) 457-9921
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Take notice that 0808098 BC Ltd. of Vancouver BC, intends to make application to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Southern Service Region – Thompson Okanagan Service Centre, Crown Land Adjudication office, for an Investigative License for Wind Monitoring purposes covering, Section 1, Tp 19, R 23; Sect on 35 Tp 18 Rg 23; Section 36, TP.18, Rg 23; District Lot 4468 being Highland No 2 MC; District Lot 194A being Transvaal MC; District Lot 195A being Pretoria MC; District Lot 196A being Imperial MC; District Lot 197A being Champerlan MC; District Lot 198A being Mafeking Mc; District Lot 199A being Ladysmifh MC; District Lot 200A being Pretoria Frac MC; District Lot 5609 being Bill No 9 MC; District Lot 5610 being Bill No 10 MC; District Lot 5613 being Bill No 13 MC; District Lot 5608 being No 8 MC; District Lot 5601 being Bill No 1 MC; District Lot 5614 being Bill No 14 MC; District Lot 5615 being Bill No 15 MC; District Lot 5603 being Bill No 3 MC; District Lot 5606 being Bill No 6 MC; District Lot 5607 being Bill No 7 MC; District Lot 5616 being Bill No 16 MC; District Lot 4467 being Glenora MC; District Lot 5605 being Bill No 5 MC; District Lot 5604 being No 4 MC; District Lot 5612 being Bill No 12 MC; District Lot 5611 being Bill No 11 MC; District Lot 5441 being A.J.1 MC; District Lot 5442 being A.J.S. MC; District Lot 201A being Mafeking Frac MC; District Lot 202A being imperial Frac MC; District Lot 203A being Butte MC; District Lot 204A being Kitchener MC and adjacent unsurveyed Crown land, Kamloops Division Yale District (KDYD) situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Ashcroft. The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 3412636. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication at 441 Columbia St, Kamloops BC V2C 2T3. Comments will be received by MFLNRO until December 22, 2012. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website http://www.arfd.gov. bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index.jsp -> Search -> Search by File Number: insert Lands File Number for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be provided to the public upon request.
A 16 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Journal
Ashcroft Santa Claus Parade Friday, Dec. 7 at 6 pm Parade floats marshal at 5:30 pm by the blue truck
The Tradition Continues!
SANTA PARADE & MADNESS Friday, December 7, 2012
5:30 pm: Parade entries marshal by CPR tracks south of the blue truck on Railway 6:00 pm: Parade starts All day: Santa Madness shopping at participating locations Hot chocolate, coffee, and barbecued hot dogs will be available at Ashcroft Irly Bird The Ashcroft Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to the 2012 Santa Parade and Santa Madness. This event continues to be a very special one, and we’re looking forward to another exceptional event this year. To register your float or parade entry, please contact Judy Stuart 250-453-9366 or (250) 457-7129, or e-mail her at judystuart@telus.net
An evening you won’t want to miss
Kitty Murray brings another plate of goodies to a table at last weekend’s annual Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors’ Christmas Bazaar.
Seniors’ bus service concerns seniors We sang O Canada to begin November’s monthly meeting of the Ashcroft Cache Creek Seniors’ Association. Speaker Ashcroft Councillor Jackie Tegart spoke on some of the improvements that are in the works for the seniors’ end of the Village Office. Thank you for the information, and hope to have an ongoing dialogue with you as our liaison with the Village. Our meeting opened with Pat Kirby in the chair.
Thank you to all of our members who gave for our bazaar. We love you all. Our Christmas Dinner is being held on Dec. 13 .... Birthdays for November: Ena Charles, Hilda Drinkwater, Alice Durksen, Linda Holland, Berneice Lemley, Cami Lindseth, Irma Schalles, Fusa Teshima and Donna Tetrault.
FROM THE CENTRE Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Muriel Scallon We had lots of discussion on the seniors’ bus and how long we will be able to support it. We will talk again later about this subject. Committee reports were all read and everything seems to be doing fine. Bridge isstill one of our popular games.
Resistant to change Should I happen to venture off the highway as a tourist to discover what wellness means, LETTERS from p. 4
Some people Save power. Some people Save money. The SmarT oneS geT paid money To Save power. BC Hydro is offering substantial financial rebates to small businesses that invest in energy efficient upgrades. Upgrades that will lower your power bill and improve your bottom line. Our network of contractors can help you identify energy saving opportunities that will benefit you the most and guide you through the process. To find out more call our business help desk at 1 866 522 4713 or visit bchydro.com/save
where do I go, and what or who do I see that demonstrates wellness in Ashcroft? I can envision wellness in Harrison, Fairmont or Radium Hotsprings, but what evokes the same thoughts in Ashcroft? A wise friend once shared the thought that there is one constant in life and that is change. he said that we have three choices regarding change: 1) resist it, 2) accept it and 3) plan for it. Perhaps I am getting old, but this is one change that I am having difficulty embracing. Perhaps the folks that I have been talking with are not an accurate sampling of the community sentiment but they seem opposed to this “branding” almost unanimously. I would certainly like to speak with some of the proponents of this change in an effort to ascertain the motivation behind it and how it will serve to improve our community. I am given to understand that this is not funded locally and is the result of a government grant, which to the best of my knowledge still involves our tax dollars. Times of economic recession call for financial restraint, not frivolous spending. If this “branding” will truly help better our community I will certainly support it. If not I would refer to the old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I would suggest that one way of resolving this matter would be putting it to a popular vote or referendum at the next civic election and then abiding by the decision of the majority. There would be no extra cost incurred by having it on the ballot and it might provide an interesting forum for perspective council candidates. It would be interesting to know what motivated the necessity of this change.
Mike Baldwin Ashcroft