Rossland News, November 29, 2012

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Breaking news at

Vol. 7 • Issue 49

Thursday, November 29 • 2012

The statue of Olaus Jeldness Rossland Author having book needs your help this weekend launch at Cafe Book on Page 8 See Page 12



All proceeds go to final cost of Olaus Jeldness Statue

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2012 CONSTRUCTION Ready for your finishing ideas !

City workers lift Rossland’s downtown Christmas tree Monday as the city prepares for Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas this Saturday. See story on page 8. Arne Petryshen photo

Council awaiting RCMP data on Thompson ARNE PETRYSHEN Rossland News Editor

The issue of speeding, parking and logging trucks on city Marie-Claude streets, namely Thompson C: 250-512-1153 1993 Columbia Ave. Rossland Avenue were all brought up in Council Monday night, as a letYour Horoscope For the Week ter on the issue, sent in by Gerwith Michael O’Connor inside forth. Horoscope theald WestSavard Kootenaycame Advertiser Savard spoke once again For the Week RosslandNews_Nov29.pdf 11/19/2012 3:02:10 PM input, on the during public with Michael O’Connor

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need to do a study on the dangers of the road. “We need to find out how much traffic and what kind of speeds they are going right off the bat,” Savard said. He suggested forming a committee, composed of a few councillors and a couple Thompson residents. Mayor Greg Granstrom noted that the RCMP had conducted a speedboard study on

Thompson and were in the process of tabulating results. Granstrom said it would make sense to wait to get the information before doing anything. “Perhaps what we should do is ask for a staff report for next meeting,” Granstrom said. “Certainly the statistics that we get from that speedboard would show what in fact is happening... we hear all kinds of things, like who’s going to be

killed next... but without data, it’s pretty hard to do it.” The mayor said the city should first build a case, since the RCMP would feel more compelled to come if there is a statistical reason. Laura Pettitt also lives on Thompson, and said that along with speed, they should look at how people in the area are parking on Thompson. “I’m well aware they need

By banking locally with our credit union and shopping locallly with our local businesses, you ensure a vibrant community and a dynamic local economy, since decisions are kept close to home. We all share a common bond with a commitment to keeping interest local.

to park there, but it seems extremely sloppy,” Pettitt said. “Maybe there are certain areas that could be plowed a little wider just to make it a little bit safer.” She also noted that while it is a main thoroughfare, especially in the summer, she’s never seen so many logging trucks come down that road, which causes the road to deteriorate as well. See City on P. 3

Saturday December 1, 2012



Thursday, November 29, 2012 Rossland News

Community Lot Tell your community what’s happening! Send photos, stories, event listings, upcoming activities and regular group meetings to or submit your listing on our website at

november is...

• RemembRance day, novembeR 11 • national novel wRiting month • inteRnational day of toleRance, nov 16 • Snow back on the mountainS

coming events

RoSSland newS calendaR online: Upload events that are coming up free online at

Rekindle The 19th Annual Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas: is Dec. 1. Enjoy an old

fashioned traditional Christmas day in a winter wonderland of beautiful mountain scenery. As the sun goes down join the crowd in the Levfevre Square for the lighting of the town tree, carol singing and prizes. Santa arrives at the library at 1 p.m.

Snow dance The Spirit of Red Snow Dance is Saturday, Dec. 1. The dance starts at

9 p.m. at the Miners’ Hall in Rossland. Karli Harrison and No Excuse! will play. All proceeds are going to the final costs associated with the Olaus Jeldness statue and future Spirit of Red events. Contact Mary Amantea (or any Spirit of Red Social Club member) for more details, at

St. andRewS nativity SceneS Surrounded by music and lights wander through St.

Andrews United Church and view a unique collection of Nativity Scenes. Saturday, Dec. 1 from 5 to 8 p.m. Taize Service Sunday, Dec. 2 from 7-8 p.m. An ecumenical candlelit worship service of prayer and meditation in the presence of the Nativity

nancy gReene hut cRew Once again, it’s time to make sure our favorite huts around

Nancy Greene Summit are ready for the snow season. If you would like to help cut firewood, make interesting repairs, or just learn where the huts are, get some exercise, and help put the “party” in work party, contact Les Carter at 250-362-5677, retrac01@telus. net.

RoSSland figuRe Skating club Winter registration. Would your children like to

learn to skate? Email for more info about RFSC.

advent muSic celebRation Rossland Sacred Heart Church will be hosting it’s Annual

Advent Music Celebration on Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to enjoy some music and meditation. Hot Chocolate and cookies will be served afterwards in the Parish Hall.

RoSSland RetiReeS cuRling club invites men and women interested in curling on

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., to call Bill at 362-9462 or Jim at 364-1051. Beginners are welcomed!

infant motheR gooSe pRogRam: Sept. 22 - Dec. 1, 2012. Enjoy an hour of rhymes,

songs, and stories with your child aged 6 - 18 months on Saturdays at the Rossland library from 11 a.m. to noon. Please pre-register by contacting Lynn Amann at or by calling (250)362-5835.

Joe hill coffeehouSe Joe Hill Coffee House takes place the third Sunday of each

month starting in September. It carries a great Rossland tradition into a new season. The music starts at 7 p.m. in the Rossland Miners’ Hall, in a relaxing cafe setting with coffee, tea and good things to eat. Don’t miss the opening event of another season of fun! Les Carter, 250-362-5677,

open mic night at the Flying Steamshovel every Wednesday at 9 p.m.



Highway Drive, Trail B.C.

legion The Rossland Legion is open. Go in and check out their newly renovated


SceneStudio: Acting for All! Rossland’s new acting school is open and offers ongoing programming. Professionally trained in Theatre and Film and TV, working actors, G. Michael and Alicia Gray, teach these exciting and educational classes. 2010 Washington (in the historic BMO Building) (250)521-1559

libRaRy StoRytime: Drop-in storytime for 3-5 year olds. Fridays from 10:15 - 10:45

a.m., Sept. 7- Dec. 21. Contact Lynn Amann at 362-7611 for more info. Free.

tRail Sea cadetS: Ages 12-18 Meets every Tuesday 6pm-9pm at the 44th Trail Ar-

mory in Shaver’s Bench. 1990 - 7th Ave Contact Richard Chanig at 250-364-6247.

golden city lionS: The Lions meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each

month at 6 p.m. at the Rossland Legion. Contact W. Profili at 362-7671

School diStRict 20 meeting Next regular open board meeting is Monday, Dec. 10 at

7 p.m. at Blueberry Creek Community School.

city council: Next regular meeting is Monday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. RoSSland Radio co-op: Open house every Monday from 3-7 p.m. followed by station

meeting at 7 p.m. More info:

tRail maple leaf band Monday evening practices 7 - 9 p.m. in the McIntyre Room at the Cominco Memorial Centre. Brass and woodwind players welcomed. For more info, contact Andrea McKay, 362-7604.

RoSSland SkatepaRk committee 6-8 pm, first Tuesday each month at the Rossland

Library. Come be part of the process.

Scouting For boys and girls, now at the Rossland Scout Hall. Beavers (ages 5,6,7)

Tuesdays. Cubs (ages 8,9,10) Thursdays. Contact Shanna Tanabe: 362-0063.

columbia diStRict giRl guideS Columbia District Girl Guides has units from Ross-

land to Salmo for girls aged 5 to 17. Call 250-367-7115. Leaders also wanted.

ycdc youth nightS Free drop-in, 1504 Cedar Ave, Trail. Call 364-3322 or contact Art Night: Tue. 7pm; Movie Night: Wed. 6-8pm.

Royal canadian legion bR. # 14 RoSSland General Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on

the third Wed. of every month. All members of Branch #14 are asked to attend.

RotaRy club of RoSSland: Weekly meetings at the Rock Cut Pub, Mon., 6-8pm. All

welcome! Contact John Sullivan, 362-5278.

genealogy West Kootenay Family Historians, 7pm, first Monday each month, Sept to

June, SHSS, Castlegar. Annual fee $10. Contact Jean, 365-8100, or Grace, 364-1426.

aiR cadetS Meets every Wed. 6pm - 9:15pm at the 44 Trail Armory in

Shaver’s Bench 1990-7th







Waneta Plaza, Trail B.C.



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Rossland News Thursday, November 29, 2012


Drysdale being awarded Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal arne Petryshen Rossland News Editor

Longtime Rossland resident Jackie Drysdale will be receiving the Queen’s Jubilee medal tonight, along with Robin Michelle Legere, from Trail. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal is awarded in honour of the Queen’s 60 years as the Monarch, and recognizes prominent volunteers in the community. Drysdale has lived in Rossland for the past 37 years and notably was Rossland’s first female mayor in 1985 and was re-elected two years later. She was also a member of the 2005 Rossland city council. Drysdale has been a part of many organizations, she is the current chair of the Rossland Historical Society and Rossland Golden City Days Society. She said Volunteering is something she really enjoys. “I like to volunteer, for me it’s a win-win situation,” Drysdale said. “I like to work with other people, I like to accomplish things and I like the feeling of satisfaction when some-

thing comes to completion. It usually results in good things in the community.” She said the award is a real honour. “I’m a huge believer in the importance of volunteering and volunteerism in the community, I think that’s the backbone of any community.” Drysdale said that volunteerism works because of the great spirit in Rossland. “We’ve got hundreds of people that volunteer every year, and thousands of volunteer hours every year,” she said. “They build and strengthen our community and without them, we’d be far less well off for the community, in terms of the way it is.” She has also been on the Regional District board, the executive of the UBCM (through council). She has been on the board of B.C. Transit, West Kootenay Power, Columbia Basin Trust, a volunteer at the Thrift Store and a Friend of the Museum. Volunteerism is such a healthy and necessary thing for the community and for the people that get involved,” she said. “I think it’s really important that volunteers in general are recognized.” The presentations will take place at the

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Coun. Tim Thatcher confirmed that logging trucks could be seen from his house and that they start moving down the road as early as 4 a.m. He said they are very noisy. Coun. Jill Spearn commented that the traffic on Thompson has been an ongoing issue, just as dogs in downtown has been . “I’ve even brought it up because I live below Thompson Avenue myself, not to say that I drive 40 km/h on Thompson, because that’s totally unrealistic, but 50 is certainly realistic,” Spearn said. “Where people park it’s helter skelter, it’s chaotic. We put in the speed bumps and that


Figure Skating Club

PIE BY THE SLICE SALE & PENNY DRIVE Help support your local club & skaters at Rekindle December 1st 11-5 Come find our booth near the Bonfire.



Join us:

NOVEMBER SPECIAL the emblem representing the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Jackie Drysdale will be awarded the medal tonight in trail along with robin Michelle Legere.


$ 99

Arne Petryshen photo

RDKB board room in Trail. The address is 843 Rossland Avenue, Trail B.C. Today (Nov. 29) at 6 p.m. All are invited to attend.

City will receive report next month on Thompson traffic data seemed to curtail traffic for a while. I know there are operational issues in the winter, but certainly in the summer months it was conducive to reducing traffic speeding.” She said that lead to complaints about the drivers slowing down, then hitting the gas after the bump. But she said the speedbump helped to slow traffic down. The road is an issue because it is a bottleneck and the winding road, she said. “It’s the way the city was built, so I don’t know if there are any easy answers.” Coun. Cary Fisher said he supports a committee formation. He said that his wife once got passed by a truck going 100 km on the road.


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“Obviously there is an issue down there that has to get addressed,” he said. Fisher said that the city has copies of a report from years ago when Redstone was put together, which was made up of sitting on the street and counting cars for several days. “The issue is naughty drivers, it’s not the number of vehicles, it isn’t that busy, relatively speaking,” Fisher said. “There are some poor drivers down there that are making some bad decisions and do endanger lives. “I don’t think we need to spend a lot of money, but I do think something has to be done in terms of better bumps, enforcement, just a whole host of other things.... a bit of an education program.”

Attention: Red Mountain Unionized employees Your bargaining committee has concluded negotiations with Red Mountain. Please attend our Ratification meeting to cast your vote for your new Contract.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012 Rossland News Publisher: Barbara Blatchford Editor: Arne Petryshen Sales: Monika Smutny 2114 Columbia Ave., Rossland 250-362-2183

The spirit of winter in Rossland

This weekend, Rossland really kicks into the winter spirit, with a lot of opportunities to bring that warm holiday spirit to yourself as well. On Saturday the day starts with Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas, a day that began 19 years ago. Events include an outdoor Christmas market, Santa photos and the lighting of the downtown tree. The event is a great reminder of the holiday spirit that resides in Rossland residents. In the evening, St. Andrews Church will be displaying Nativity scenes. Later that night the Snow Dance will provide an opportunity to warm up after the cold with some dancing. Hopefully those dance steps will come together with most everyone else’s steps in Rossland, as a dance to the snow gods, since more snow is always welcome. That’s especially true since Red Resort opens in just over a week - on Dec. 8. Over at Black Jack Ski Club, there is some good snow being reported at the Biathlon course off of Highway 3B. There’s also good conditions further in the wilderness, if you are inclined to explore. It’s that time of year again to get out your snow shoes, skates and toques and celebrate the season, and shake off that early darkness glum. Don’t miss out on this weekend’s celebrations of the coming of winter and the holidays.

We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Rossland News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should not be more than 300 words long. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: 2114 Columbia Ave. Rossland/ Box 970 V0G 1YO Phone: 250-362-2183 Fax: 250-362-2173 The Rossland News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

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Recreation, Education, Community - Rossland Rec Department

Winter is just getting started in Rossland This Saturday, Dec. 1 marks the 19th Annual Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas! Come visit the brightest little ski town in the Kootenays and get in the yuletide spirit! Old favorites include having photos taken with Santa by Larry Doel, drinking some Christmas cheer, singing some carols and buying your Christmas tree from the Red Mountain Racers. Don’t forget your shopping lists and enjoy the hospitality and high quality shopping of the many unique boutique downtown shops. As the sun goes down join the crowd in the downtown Square for the lighting of the tree, carol singing and the drawing of the coveted basket full of valuable merchandise. As the Ski Season approaches, more and more people will be arriving in Rossland! If you’re looking for general information about the “going’s on” of the community, or you need to rent a place to live, or sell your old snowboard, check out The Rossland Food Bank is open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and is located on Columbia Ave, just past the outdoor swimming pool, before you get to the Miners’ Hall. The Thrift Store is open on Wednesdays and Fridays and is a great source of sports equipment, clothing and everything else. The Snow Dance, featuring Karli Harrison and No Excuse is on Saturday, December 1 at the Miners’ Hall. The event is sponsored by the Spirit of Red Social Club and tickets are available at Mountain Town Properties on Washington Street or from members of the Spirit of Red Social Club Society. All proceeds go to the final costs associated with the Olaus Jeldness statue. There are lots of new recreation programs starting in December and January. There is a Beginners Skate Skiing class starting on Dec. 4 and running for three weeks on Tuesday evenings, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. The Intermediate and Advanced Skate Skiing class starts the following night, on Wednesday Dec. 5 and also runs for three weeks. Both courses are taught by Andy Morel, with Kootenay Nordic Ventures. In January, there are several new Art Courses starting – Animals around the World for children 5-7 years, Cartooning for children 6-12 years and Adult Art – all start the second week of January. If you’re interested in Pottery, there’s a Wheel and Handbuilding for Youth and a separate class for Adults, starting at the end of Janu-

ary. Hip Hop & Jazz starts up mid-January, with classes for every age group – including teens and adults. Karate accepts new students in January, with the Winter session starting Tuesday, January 8. Karate is open to Youth ages 12 and up. Public Skating for the week of Nov. 26-Dec. 2, is Friday, Nov.30 from 5-6:30 p.m. and Sunday from 6-7:30 p.m. The 2:30-4 p.m. Public Skating time is canceled due to the Minor Hockey Tournament. For more information about admission prices and skate rentals, please log on to the City’s website, at The information can be found under the City Hall > Arena page. If you’re new to town and wondering about drop in hockey, there are two recreation times set aside. The Tuesday night Co-Ed Rec Hockey runs from 9:45-11 p.m. and the Sunday hockey runs from 9:15-10:30 p.m. The drop in fee is $10 per person, or you can purchase a 10X pass at the Recreation Department, for $80. The Saturday Co-Ed Rec Hockey is cancelled, so make sure you take advantage of the Tuesday / Sunday ice times. Senior’s Duffer Hockey has started and runs on Friday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. If you love to play hockey and you can “play nice”, you’re welcome to come play during Senior’s Hockey. Players with varying skills are encouraged to come out and play with other “older” players in the spirit of fellowship and sportsmanship. All abilities are encouraged and welcome! Lots of drop-in recreation in Rossland if you’re busy but looking for an opportunity to get some exercise and have some fun! Basketball is played at RSS on Tuesdays from 7 p.m. in the gym; Indoor Soccer is played on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. in the RSS Gym; Pickleball is also on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 p.m. in the MacLean Elementary School gym; Adult Co-Ed Rec Hockey is on Tuesday nights from 9:45-11 p.m. and on Sunday nights from 9:15-10:30 p.m. in the Rossland Arena and Volleyball is played at RSS in the Gym on Thursdays from 7:30 p.m. Zumba and Stretch & Strength are taking a break over the busy holiday season and will resume for Session #2, the second week of January, 2013. The Recreation Department will start creating the Spring Brochure in the next few weeks. If you’re new to town and interested in teaching a hobby or skill that you enjoy, please contact us to discuss opportunities for running a program. A5

Rossland News Thursday, November 29, 2012


Kootenay K Ko o Based W Writer Launches H His New Novel

“ “Tuscan Dream”

: by Narendra Simone

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED RECOM by Allbooks Reviews Buy it as eBooks from his website and paperbacks at Otter Books (Nelson) Crockett Books (Trail) and Café Books (Rossland) Black Jack ski Club is having a great membership drive, with 527 members now signed up. This is the last week before the early Bird deadline, on Dec. 1, to be entered into a draw that includes prizes such as an adult season’s pass at red resort and a day of Big red Cat skiing. Submitted photo

Flipping learning around Jennifer ellis Neighbourhood of Learning

As RSS moves into its fourth month of implementing blended learning and serving as a leader in implementing B.C.’s New Education Plan, you may be hearing new terms such as personalized learning, flipped learning, inquiry-based learning and project-based learning. Sometimes it’s hard to know precisely what each of these terms means. One approach to blended learning being implemented at RSS is called the flipped classroom or flipped learning. The notion of the flipped classroom is that students should be using face-to-face class time for valuable interaction with the teacher and other students. Class time should be the time in which students ask questions, work through problems to clarify their understanding and engage in hands-on learning activities, such as science experiments. This happens best when the teacher has the opportunity to spend the majority of the class time fully engaged with the students in informal discussions rather than delivering course material in a lecture format. Anyone who has ever tried to work through physics homework problems from musty old textbooks alone at 9 p.m. after listening to an in-class lecture that they only half understood probably can see the benefits of trying to work through those problems in class with access to the teacher. Flipped learning allows teachers to guide the learning of students individually, organize students who are struggling with similar issues into informal study groups and deliver mini-lectures that come right when the students are working on specific problems and are most receptive to understanding. Students also help each other to learn, and learn by instructing, both of which contribute to the development of a culture of learning. To facilitate flipped learning, teachers make lecture material available to the students in different formats that they can access on their own time, at home, on the bus on the way to a sporting event, when they are sick, or at school when they are work-

ing on something. This clears important and limited classroom time for direct interactions and addressing challenges in the students’ learning. The format of the lecture has the added benefit of allowing students to work at their own pace. Students who can get through the material quickly can forge ahead, while those who need to go more slowly, stop and think about things and listen to something twice, can do so. When you hear about flipped learning, the focus is generally on the use of videos for direct instruction. However this is not and should not be considered what flipped learning is about. The videos are great instructional tools and are an important element of flipped learning, but their main function is to serve as the means of freeing up classroom time for more important discussions and project-based learning, rather than the passive consumption of information that can be done at any time. Moreover, few classrooms are totally flipped. Many teachers that use the flipped classroom model, also offer some seminars to offer students a variety of means of accessing the information. A key element of flipped learning is that it helps to personalize the learning environment for each learner. Some students learn best by listening to live lectures. Some learn best by watching lectures online. Some learn best by working through the material kinesthetically, while others learn best by simply reading. Some students absorb information best first thing in the morning, while others are most receptive to new information in the afternoon or evening. The key to flipped learning is that if offers more choice during classroom time to meet the needs of each learner and that contributes to better learning. For a great video on flipped learning check out: Please note that the date for the NOL Information Session regarding the upcoming school configuration decision-making process has been changed from Dec. 11, to Dec. 18 at 7 p.m. at RSS to accommodate the grade 6 and 7 Christmas plays. Please come and learn what you need to know to participate in the process.

The RDKB will be presenting Queen Elizabeth Jubilee awards to: Mrs. Robin Michelle Legere Ms. Jackie Drysdale The presentations will take place as follows: Place: RDKB Board Room 843 Rossland Avenue Trail, BC Date: November 29th, 2012 Time: 6:00 p.m. All are invited to attend


Monday December 10,2012 6:30pm Council Chambers 1899 Columbia Ave


City of Rossland Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2541, 2012 (Old Cooke Ave School Site) What is Zoning Amendment (Old Cooke Ave School site) Bylaw No. 2541, 2012 about? To rezone the lands shown on the map below (formerly known as the Cooke Ave School) from P1-Public and Institutional to CD-6-Mixed Density Residential and R-1 Detached Infill Residential.

Phone (250)362 7396

PO Box 1179 Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

Email: stacey@


How will this affect me? The purpose of the bylaw is to allow a variety of housing types (single family, duplex, townhouses) to be located on the main Cooke Ave School site up to a maximum density of 16 equivalent units. The property at 1606 Thompson Ave will allow for either a single family dwelling or a duplex.

How do I get more information? A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be inspected at the City of Rossland Office, 1899 Columbia Ave on regular working days from 9 am to 4pm, and also online at Tracey Butler, Corporate Officer

Rekindle Christmas




Thursday, November 29, 2012 Rossland News


Rekindle the Spirit this Season!


We make great winemakers! Legacy Gift Room invites you to stop in for a Hot Spiced Apple Drink For Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas! Open 7 days a week for all your Christmas Wishes. 2185 Columbia Ave. Downtown Rossland

at Idgies between December 1st & December 4th to receive 20% off. Open from 5 pm daily. 362-0078



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All Day Events:

Rossland’s fine boutique shops • Roaming Carollers by the Rossland Light Opera Players

• Purchase your Christmas tree from the Red Mountain Racers • Warm Yourself by a Bonfire • Support L’Ecole des Septs Sommets PAC in purchasing a beautiful Christmas wreath at Revolution Cycle & Service 1:00pm • Hamburgers by United Steel Workers and the Greater Trail - Santa Arrives! Wave to Santa in the United Way in the Outdoor Market Firetruck and meet him at the Library • Rossland Figure Skating Club Baking 1:15pm-4:00pm • Painters Retreat at Carlyle Lodge Art Show-Rouge Gallery Outdoor Winter Market on Queen Santa Arrives! Wave to in Lighting – Photos with Santa at the Rossland Library Outdoor Winter Market on Queen • Fortis Christmas Santa Arrives! Wave to Santa Santa in Light Exchange Lighting of of the the Christmas Christmas Tree Tree in in Pick up that special something for the Firetruck and meet him at the LeFevre Square with Santa, Pick up that special for the Firetruck and meet him at theStore Annual LeFevre Square Toy with Santa, The The by Larrysomething Doell Photography • Health Care Thift Christmas Sale that special special someone someone on on your your Library by Mayor of Rossland. that Library for for photos photos with with him • EZ Rockhim Live by on LocationMayor of Rossland. Christmas list! list! 2:00pm Doell Photo. Christmas Doell Photo. • Spirit of Red Snow Dance- Miners Hall, 9pm, tickets at – Cafe Books West-Children’s Christmas Storytelling Mountain Town Properties 4:30pmshopping or or a a list list of of holiday holiday shopping deals deals and and an an up up to to date date schedule schedule of of events, events, visit: visit: – Christmas tree at Harry Lefevre Square •• VOTE for your favourite storefront and with Santa and the Mayor, carolling, and the draw enter win the REKINDLE GIFT BASKET! or contact the Rossland Chamber of Commerce at contact the Chamber ofto Commerce at 250-362-5666 250-362-5666 for or the coveted Rekindle Gift Rossland Basket! (Drawn at the Lighting of the Christmas tree. Must be present to win) 11:30 - 1:00pm - NDCU Seniors Luncheon at the Rossland Legion

Give the Gift of Health and Fitness

Stocking Stuffers andGift Gifts Give the of . . . Health and Fitness Gift


Schedule Of Events:

tax included everyday everynight.

1999 Second Ave. Rossland

Open 7 days a week At the flashing light intersection




❅ ❆ 

Rekindle the 10 Off Spirit of Christmas


Delivery Starting At 4 PM Daily!

You Can Do Anything

Warm up with festive drinks at the Grind & chili, bread & baking at our table at the outdoor market!

2067 Columbia Ave., Rossland • 250-362-7600 •

Christmas Gift Certificates

8274 Hwy 22 A, Trail B.C. Ph: 250-368-6466 Fax: 250-368-5588 Email: A7

Fashion Footwear Home Decor Giftware Free gift wrapping & gift certificates available

Buy your

All kitchen and countertop orders until the end of December are 10% off all orders. For the ladies wanting a new kitchen or for the guys who would like to treat their brides come in to Maglio’s for an excellent kitchen buying experience.

the spirit of

Rossland News Thursday, November 29, 2012

Available at Rossland Hardware, Saturday Dec. 1st, 11 – 3 pm.


Unique expressions in glass fusion

New themed shop just in time for Christmas! Decor Snowglobes Cards Gifts Candles Winter Wear & Jewellery Daniels Chocolates available

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O P E N S T U D I O G if t Saturday, December 1st U s 1:00-6:00 pm

Snacks & Refreshments



1855 Earl St. (Follow signs 1st left after Prestige) 250-362-0005 |


Rekindle Christmas




Thursday, November 29, 2012 Rossland News


Rekindle the Spirit this Season!


We make great winemakers! Legacy Gift Room invites you to stop in for a Hot Spiced Apple Drink For Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas! Open 7 days a week for all your Christmas Wishes. 2185 Columbia Ave. Downtown Rossland

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Christmas Has Arrived!

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All Day Events:

Rossland’s fine boutique shops • Roaming Carollers by the Rossland Light Opera Players

• Purchase your Christmas tree from the Red Mountain Racers • Warm Yourself by a Bonfire • Support L’Ecole des Septs Sommets PAC in purchasing a beautiful Christmas wreath at Revolution Cycle & Service 1:00pm • Hamburgers by United Steel Workers and the Greater Trail - Santa Arrives! Wave to Santa in the United Way in the Outdoor Market Firetruck and meet him at the Library • Rossland Figure Skating Club Baking 1:15pm-4:00pm • Painters Retreat at Carlyle Lodge Art Show-Rouge Gallery Outdoor Winter Market on Queen Santa Arrives! Wave to in Lighting – Photos with Santa at the Rossland Library Outdoor Winter Market on Queen • Fortis Christmas Santa Arrives! Wave to Santa Santa in Light Exchange Lighting of of the the Christmas Christmas Tree Tree in in Pick up that special something for the Firetruck and meet him at the LeFevre Square with Santa, Pick up that special for the Firetruck and meet him at theStore Annual LeFevre Square Toy with Santa, The The by Larrysomething Doell Photography • Health Care Thift Christmas Sale that special special someone someone on on your your Library by Mayor of Rossland. that Library for for photos photos with with him • EZ Rockhim Live by on LocationMayor of Rossland. Christmas list! list! 2:00pm Doell Photo. Christmas Doell Photo. • Spirit of Red Snow Dance- Miners Hall, 9pm, tickets at – Cafe Books West-Children’s Christmas Storytelling Mountain Town Properties 4:30pmshopping or or a a list list of of holiday holiday shopping deals deals and and an an up up to to date date schedule schedule of of events, events, visit: visit: – Christmas tree at Harry Lefevre Square •• VOTE for your favourite storefront and with Santa and the Mayor, carolling, and the draw enter win the REKINDLE GIFT BASKET! or contact the Rossland Chamber of Commerce at contact the Chamber ofto Commerce at 250-362-5666 250-362-5666 for or the coveted Rekindle Gift Rossland Basket! (Drawn at the Lighting of the Christmas tree. Must be present to win) 11:30 - 1:00pm - NDCU Seniors Luncheon at the Rossland Legion

Give the Gift of Health and Fitness

Stocking Stuffers andGift Gifts Give the of . . . Health and Fitness Gift


Schedule Of Events:

tax included everyday everynight.

1999 Second Ave. Rossland

Open 7 days a week At the flashing light intersection




❅ ❆ 

Rekindle the 10 Off Spirit of Christmas


Delivery Starting At 4 PM Daily!

You Can Do Anything

Warm up with festive drinks at the Grind & chili, bread & baking at our table at the outdoor market!

2067 Columbia Ave., Rossland • 250-362-7600 •

Christmas Gift Certificates

8274 Hwy 22 A, Trail B.C. Ph: 250-368-6466 Fax: 250-368-5588 Email: A7

Fashion Footwear Home Decor Giftware Free gift wrapping & gift certificates available

Buy your

All kitchen and countertop orders until the end of December are 10% off all orders. For the ladies wanting a new kitchen or for the guys who would like to treat their brides come in to Maglio’s for an excellent kitchen buying experience.

the spirit of

Rossland News Thursday, November 29, 2012

Available at Rossland Hardware, Saturday Dec. 1st, 11 – 3 pm.


Unique expressions in glass fusion

New themed shop just in time for Christmas! Decor Snowglobes Cards Gifts Candles Winter Wear & Jewellery Daniels Chocolates available

907 Spokane St. Trail B.C. |250.364.2368 |


O P E N S T U D I O G if t Saturday, December 1st U s 1:00-6:00 pm

Snacks & Refreshments



1855 Earl St. (Follow signs 1st left after Prestige) 250-362-0005 |


A Best Friend Forever

Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at

For energy-saving LEDs Exchange up to five strings of used, old-style, incandescent holiday lights for high efficiency LED holiday lights – no charge.

1912: City using snow plow Maureen Brown Rossland Museum Society

100 Years Ago November 1912 Watson Hotel turned into an isolation hospital. For the past few days the turning of the Watson Hotel into an isolation hospital has been in progress. ...The hospital is now ready for patients and several are to be admitted without delay. An effort will be made to put all of the future scarlet fever patients in the hospital, to the end that the reigning epidemic may be stamped out. The only way that this can be accomplished is by complete isolation. The disease has spread largely through failure to report cases to the medical health officer. A wonderful exhibition The city will soon have a modern wireless telegraph station in full operation. Contracts have been closed have complete apparatus, transmitting and receiving stations, batteries, etc. brought here and put in working order, and entertainingly demonstrated by an expert. (At the Miner’s Hall).. he will ...send and receive wireless messages in full view of the audience, ring bells at a distance, start motors, manipulate signals and electric lights and give a comprehensive demonstration of the present uses of this much talked of discovery. City is Using a Snow Plow A snow plow is being used ... in clearing the sidewalks of snow in the suburbs of the city. It clears a path five and a half feet wide, and does away with the

narrow tracks made in the snow by pedestrians. One man leads the horse and another guides the plow and good paths for pedestrians are made in this way. By this method paths can be made in all of the outside streets in a day. It will also be utilized on some of the down town streets, but it cannot be used on elevated sidewalks... for fear that the horse may break through the planks and thus be seriously injured. 75 Years Ago November 1937 S.G. Blaylock Guest Speaker at Legion Dinner – Smelter Head Surveys European situation in Armistice Dinner Address “We are gathered here tonight on Armistice Day 19 years after the cessation of hostilities with many divergent emotions but many thoughts in common.” Mayor Gordon Censures Alt Cunningham Mar Gordon raked one of his councilmen, Alderman Cunningham, over the proverbial “coals” ... when he read a severe denunciation of the Finance chairman’s press attacks on the council. The censure was re-echoed around the table as Alderman Cunningham rose to justify his statements. He said that he was not prepared to withdraw anything he had said and added that “nobody here’ll muzzle me.” Mara Suggests City Streets Be Identified Proposal of Alderman Mara to place street identification signs on all the main streets of Rossland was favorably received. ...Alderman Mara felt that it was about time Rossland caught up to the times and gave names to its thoroughfares. “You can’t give a stranger an intelligent answer to his enquiry about finding a certain place, because we haven’t any streets,” he said.



Exchange your holiday lights



Thursday, November 29, 2012 Rossland News

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Rossland News Thursday, November 29, 2012 A9

Arts & Culture

Snow Dance will help Olaus statue get back on its feet Arne Petryshen Rossland News Editor

The Spirit of Red will be having a Snow Dance in Rossland Saturday, Dec. 1. The dance starts at 9 p.m. at the Miners’ Hall in Rossland, and will be featuring the vocals of Karli Harrison backed by No Excuse!. All proceeds are going to the final costs associated with the Olaus Jeldness statue and Spirit of Red member Roly Worsfold hopes they can raise some money for future Spirit of Red events. As it is now, the organization is out of money as a result of repairs needed on the Olaus statue. “When they shipped from China the crate was poorly put together,” Worsfold explained. “The (open) wood crate moved, the skis cracked and the pole broke.” Worsfold said the damage was fairly major, though the statue itself looks awesome. At the moment, they have a bronze specialist in Trail working on it, and it was a chance to put in some improvements. “We’re going to place the skis so they’re tied together it will be a lot more secure,” he said. He said he’s currently trying to do some fundraising, since the society is out of money and need a good turnout at the dance. In the downtown, templates for the base of the pedestal are set. The base will be done in granite and will be ready for the official unveiling at Winter Carnival in January. Worsfold also mentioned that the Norwegian officials will be there as well, bringing Jeldness’ heritage to Rossland. The officials set to come include the cultural minister, a journalist and the mayor of Sundal, Jeldness’ hometown. For more information go to the Spirit of Red web-

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The statue of Olaus Jeldness, which will be unveiled officially in January, stands tall beside Spirit of Red members Roly Worsfold and Raymond Gaudard. site. There is also a link to check out the CBC interview Worsfold did about Jeldness. Tickets for the dance are $20 per person and are available at the Mountain Town Properties office (2020 Washington Street in the Bank of Montreal building) or from members of the Spirit of Red Social Club Society.

Rekindle celebration is this Saturday

stAff writer

Rossland News

It’s time to get back into that Christmas spirit, and what better way then a celebration of just that. The 19th Annual Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas is this Saturday, Dec. 1 in Rossland. The Rossland Chamber of Commerce is putting on the event. Renee Clark from the Rossland Chamber hopes everyone comes out to celebrate the yuletide season. Rossland will light up with fantastic festive events, holiday cheer and amazing shopping deals. Join the Christmas merriment with all sorts of surprises. Wave to Santa at 1 p.m. Santa will meet all the little ones by the Rossland Public Library at 1:30 p.m. to be followed by a parade down Columbia Avenue, and finishing off with photos at the Rossland Public Library. There will be a chance to exchange old incandescent lights and for LED

Submitted photo

strands with Fortis. You can do so at the Rekindle Outdoor Market from 11 a.m. onwards but arrive early as it is first come first serve! You can be sure to pick up that special something on your Christmas list and don’t forget to pick up your Christmas tree from the Red Mountain Racers beside Rossland Hardware. Peruse the Rekindle Outdoor Market on Queen Street for that something special. Space is limited for vendors to participate but should enquire at the Rossland Chamber of Commerce for further information and details if interested in being involved. Santa will rejoin the crowd at Harry Lefevre Square at 4:30 p.m. for the lighting of the Christmas tree and the draw for the coveted Rekindle Gift Basket! For a complete schedule of events, check out as it will be updated frequently. If your business would like to participate, please contact Renee Clark at the Rossland Chamber of Commerce.

Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to ensure peak performance of your natural gas appliances — and to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) in the home. Since CO is colourless and odourless, you can install a CO alarm for extra peace of mind. To learn more about carbon monoxide safety, visit FortisBC Energy Inc., FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc., FortisBC Energy (Whistler) Inc., and FortisBC Inc. do business as FortisBC. The companies are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Fortis Inc. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-315 11/2012)

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Pets & Livestock

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale

Farm Workers

Trades, Technical


West Kootenay EcoSociety presents Winter Craft Fair Dec 1st 10am - 4pm Central School Gym, 811 Stanley St, Nelson for more info

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HEAVY DUTY Mechanic (Fraser Valley). We are a well established medium size contractor serving the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley area since 1969. We are recruiting a Heavy Duty Mechanic stationed at our Abbotsford shop. You will be responsible to service, maintain and repair our fleet of mobile paving and grading equipment in addition to undertaking basic welding and fabricating duties to upkeep equipment. Must have a good understanding of hydraulic and electrical systems and have a keen eye for preventative maintenance practice. You must have a valid class 5 BC driver’s license and a safe driver’s abstract in order to drive our service truck to respond to field service requests. A min 3yr experience is needed along with Interprovincial Heavy Duty Mechanic Certificate and you must possess an ability to work in a team environment and at times with limited supervision. This is a unionized position paying very competitive wages and an extensive benefits package for the right candidate. Respond by email to:

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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

LOGGING Trucks needed for Louisiana-Pacific operations in Malakwa, BC. Must be long log configuration. Call Garry at: Office 250-836- 5208; Cell 250-833-7527 LOG TRUCK drivers with offroad experience wanted in Northern Alberta. Immediate openings, good wages, accommodation supplied. Forward resumes:

Education/Trade Schools

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:

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Forestry ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIBERcurrently seeking timber/land purchase, standing timber, timber harvesting & purchasing opportunities (all species, including Douglas Fir) in the Golden, Radium Hot Springs, Invermere and Cranbrook/Kimberly areas (Rocky Mountain and surrounding forest districts). Please contact 250-688-1651 or email: for details. ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIBERcurrently seeks logging contractors for stump-to-dump and phase logging/road building in the Kootenays. Various contract opportunities exist in the Golden, Radium Hot Springs, Invermere and Cranbrook/Kimberly areas (Rocky Mountain and surrounding forest districts). Please contact 250-688-1651 or email: for details.

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430 Seeking : Part Time Casual experienced Skid Steer operator for Red Rob’s ( Rossland) snow removal seasonal contract. Brand new Case skidsteer provided and some hand shoveling required. Hourly rate to be determined on experience and availability. If interested please contact : Chris @ 250-505-4836 SYSCO Kelowna is currently seeking an OWNER/OPERATOR to shuttle c-train configuration trailer from Castlegar to Kelowna and back. This route is 5 nights per week, Sunday through Thursday. Average net income after expenses: $90k+ Qualified candidates apply to:

Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. in Hanna, Alberta needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25-$31/hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-8542845; Email

RED SEAL Diesel Truck and Trailer Mechanic wanted in Northern Alberta. Full time, permanent position. Initial accommodation supplied. E-mail: for immediate response.


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Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay Alfalfa, alfalfa mix or straight grass (small square bales) in Lister. Call Jay or Trish at 250428-9755

Merchandise for Sale

Fruit & Vegetables GRAND FORKS FARMS: Wednesdays at 402 Baker Street, Nelson, beside the The Full Circle Cafe. Tree ripened ambrosia apples $0.75/lb. Fresh apple juice blended from our Grand Forks gala, honeycrisp, ambrosia and spartan’s $13.00/5L. Anjou and Bosc pears Spartan, squash, potatoes onions & garlic. Erran Rilkoff 250-442-3514

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Misc. for Sale CHILLSPOT IS The Coolest Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

Cards of Thanks

WINTER TIRES FOR SALE 2 Winguard on steel rims 3/4 tread 205-65 R15 94T $100 for the pair • Crib mattress (great condition) $20 Call 250-362-7681 after 5pm or Cell # 250-231-2174

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

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Thursday, Thursday,November November29, 29,2012 2012 Rossland Rossland News News

Trucks & Vans

1995 CHEV S10 BLAZER: 4dr, 4x4, excellent condition inside and out, 214,000kms, well-maintained, extra set of tires, all records, $3000. 250352-6250

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent


ROSSLAND, bach. apt. Golden City Manor. Over 55. N/S. N/P. Subsidized. 250-3623385, 250-362-5030.


Homes for Rent


Lower Rossland 3 Bedroom house with garage, large yard + deck. Available for ski season or long term . Furnished or unfurnished 250-362-2105

Cards of Thanks


am sending a big thank you to the communities for coming together with so much giving and support during this difficult time. Since August 26th I have received so much positive energy and thoughtfulness from everyone. The KBRH showed me nothing but quality care and compassion for the month I was in their care. The ER nurses, ICU nurses, surgical floor nurses, surgeons, anaesthesiologists, doctors, OT staff, PT staff and paramedics made this as comfortable as they could, while being very accommodating to not only my personal needs but to my families as well A special thank you to Brian and Tracee Zelke for organizing a marvellous fundraiser at Teck. The BBQ raised money for my rehabilitation, with many generous donations including all the employees at Teck and many other companies as well and all the people at Chinook Scaffold. The Local 480 steelworkers and the Local 2300 Carpenters both have supported me throughout this time, and I can say I am proud to belong to a union, as they certainly take care of their own. Big thank you to Teck for donating funds for renovations to my house to allow me easier mobility. The carpenters and painters at Teck for making sure everything was done before I came home, working hard to get it done in one night. Thanks fellas! I can’t thank people enough for donating to my rehabilitation fund at the Rossland Credit Union. I have a long journey ahead of me which will include multiple trips to Kelowna for prosthesis fittings and learning to use my new leg. Thank you to Ziggy Rusten for organizing a fundraiser at the Rossland Legion November 17th. The dinner and dance was amazing and the silent auction was a great success. The community really pulled together and gave donations for this event. Thank you to the Rossland Ladies Auxiliary for cooking a great meal and to everyone that attended. It was great to see everyone and feel the great support. I would like to say a huge thank you to my family, Joe and Mary, my brother Arlin, and Kim and Joan, all of you have been so supportive through this whole experience. I especially need to thank my fiancée Krista-Lee for staying by my side since the night of the accident. I love you babe and don’t imagine I would have made it without you. Thank you. Again, thanks to everyone for the caring, compassion and generosity at my time of need. The overwhelming positive support is so greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, Levon Bye

The City of Rossland has an opportunity for an individual who has excellent communication and administrative skills and has strong planning and organizational capabilities with the ability to manage multiple priorities and assignment. Resumes are being accepted for the position of Executive Assistant. This exempt position will perform a variety of highly responsible, confidential, senior and complex administrative duties for the Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the Corporate Officer. Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint is required; along with highly developed organizational and administrative skills. The role responds to a wide range of inquiries (written, telephone and in person) from key stakeholders, and maintains effective relationships with the general public, community organizations, Council, City Staff, government agencies and other outside agencies. Qualifications for this position include completion of Grade 12, supplemented by a 2-year diploma/ certificate in a related field. A minimum of 5 years relevant work experience, preferably in municipal government operations, is required. An equivalent combination of education and work experience will be considered. The position of Executive Assistant includes a competitive salary (rate $55,000 - $65,000 per year) and a fully paid benefits package. This position offers excellent training and advancement opportunities for the successful candidate. Please note that the shortlisted candidates may be required to demonstrate proficiency by performing clerical testing. Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume by 4:00 pm on December 14, 2012 to: City of Rossland, Box 1179, 1899 Columbia Avenue, Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0, Attention: Deputy CAO/ Corporate Officer, or by email to traceybutler@ We thank all our applicants, however only those invited for an interview will be contacted. A11

Rossland News Thursday, November 29, 2012


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Thursday, November 29, 2012 Rossland News


Community Have A Great Time At Rekindle! Rossland author releasing new children’s book Katrine Conroy, MLA


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The festive season is now upon us. For those with young children in your family, you may want to check out the newly arrived children’s picture book at Cafe Books West, The Hundred Dollar Special: The Antics of a Rescue Cat. The author, Kathryn Bourdon of Salmo, B.C., and Robson artist, Sandra Donohue, both former elementary school teachers, teamed up to collaborate in the production of this book. Donohue’s watercolours beautifully illustrate the story of a family’s dilemma with mice which have invaded their farmhouse. Kathryn’s son Marc, of Quickdraw Publications, Squamish, B.C. published the book, and Friesens of Winnipeg, printed it. It is an entirely Canadian project. Bourdon wanted to write her first book to be especially for her granddaughter, Elise, who is part of the story. She met Sandra, reviewed her work along with other Kootenay artists, and decided that her style was just what she was looking for. Donohue claims she never seriously considered illustrating a book for it is a lot of work, and a huge responsibility when it is for someone else’s project. However, she liked the story that Bourdon had written, thought it would be a good challenge for her, and had a feeling that she would like working with Kathryn. She was


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The holiday season will soon be upon Thewhat holiday season us and better timewill to soon thankbe ourupon us and better timesupport to thank our friends andwhat clients for their friends and throughout theclients year. for their support throughout the year.

Publishing: Ad Prices: 2o Thursday, December Ad Prices: Deadline Wednesday, December 13

$10/column inch

Submitted photo

right on all accounts: “It was lots of work; it was challenging; and Kathryn turned out to be a great partner,” she said. Central to the story is the SPCA rescue cat, Jewel, which the family acquired in the hopes that she would rid the house of mice. However, when she arrived their troubles really began. Eventually she got the idea and performed her job but in a most unusual way. Everything in this story really happened. The pictures will delight children and people

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Sunshine & Storm Clouds WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU...

Rossland News Monika Smutny - Office Administration/Sales Ph: 250-362-2183 - Fax 250-362-2173 Email:

Boxing Day Sale 10 am to 2 pm 40% off Storewide(excluding Cruise and Swimwear) Boxing Week 30 % off

Tad Lake

of all ages although the book is geared for 3 - 8 year olds. The book is available in several locations in the Kootenays: at Cafe Books West in Rossland, Otter Books in Nelson, Artisan Craft Cooperative in Trail, the Kootenay Gallery, The Book Shop, and The Gift Box, all in Castlegar, and People’s Drug Mart and the library in Salmo. There will be two more book signings and readings on Dec. 1 at the Kootenay Gallery at 1 p.m., Castlegar, and on Dec. 8 at Cafe Books West at 10 a.m.

Send us your Sunshine or Storm Clouds to:

From staff at Sensations Klothes Shoppe! Signs of the season are everywhere, and that means it’s time to let you know just how much we value your loyal support. Thank You!

Contact Monika 250-362-2183 Publishing: ALL COLOUR

Author Kathryn bourdon will be reading from her newly published children’s book The Hundred Dollar Special: The Antics of a Rescue Cat.

RHC Rea Each office

is independently

owned and


Wednesday, 21 Deadline: Wednesday,December December 14 Deadline: Wednesday, December 14

Storm Cloud - To the Nordic training sessions getting cancelled for lack of snow, disappointed we had to cancel our plans espeically since it snowed the day of and conditions were great when we drove through - out of town nordic skiier Sunshine -To all the dog owners that I have seen on my nightly walks with leashes on their dogs. Sponsored by


Publishing: Wednesday, December 21

Sunshine - To Gord out in Paterson for providing such great chickens and squash from your farm, they were so good!

Winter Jackets now in stock! 2125 Columbia Avenue Rossland, BC (250) 362-5385

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