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December 5, 2012
Inside Faculty of Okanagan College make a donation to Little Women for Little Women of Afghanistan, founded by Lake Country school girl. ...............................
A prayer offered up to a loved one does not have to be vetted by a clergy member to be heard up high. ...............................
School trustees delay decision. Grade 7s will stay in elementary for now, despite increasing student numbers. ...............................
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Cram the Cruiser KEVIN PARNELL The Lake Country RCMP detachment has jumped into the spirit of giving with one constable organizing the first of what he hopes to be an annual event to support the Lake Country Food Bank. RCMP members will be out in force at the Cooper’s Foods in Lake Country this Saturday, Dec. 8, for the inaugural Cram the Cruiser event for the food bank. Police vehicles, members and RCMP and mascots will be on hand to meet the public and ask for donations to the food bank with the Christmas season fast approaching. “I wanted to do something for Lake Country and I thought a fund-
raising event for the food bank would be great,” said Lake Country RCMP Cosnt. Jesse O’Donaghey, the organizing force behind the event. “It’s the time of the year when the food bank has its greatest need. They serve 600 people and that number is growing everyday. “There is a huge need and anything we can do to help we are happy to.” O’Donaghey just started at the Lake Country detachment this summer, but while a member in Chilliwack, the RCMP detachment there hosted similar events. So when he was transferred to Lake Country, the officer thought it was a good chance to start what will become an annual event.
LAKE COUNTRY RCMP officer Jesse O’Donaghey and Cooper’s Foods store manager Todd Ryder prepare
for the inaugural Cram the Cruiser event coming up this weekend at the Lake Country Cooper’s store. “We’re definitely going to make this an annual thing,” he said. “We have banners made up and there is going to be more to come. Everybody in our office is really eager to contribute to the event. They are coming up with ideas and ways to contribute so it’s been really good.” On Saturday, O’Donaghey and avail-
able Lake Country detachment members will be set up at Cooper’s Foods, meeting and greeting folks as they enter the shopping centre and accepting donations of cash, non-perishable food times as well as things like toiletries that are also in need at this time of the year. There will be many prizes to be given away
to people who make donations as well. “Everybody that gives a donation will get a chance to enter into a draw for prizes which have been donated from local sponsors,” said O’Donaghey. “It’s going to be a big event. We want everyone to know why we are there and we’re trying to make it a fun event.”
Along with the regular donations of non-perishable food items and money, the food bank is also looking for things like shaving cream, toilet paper, shampoo, diapers and other toiletries that people are in need of. The event is happening from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. this Saturday at Cooper’s Foods in Lake Country.
Lake Country, Tourism Kelowna to attract tourists together The District of Lake Country has made a new partnership that recognizes Tourism Kelowna as the official community destination marketing organization for Lake Country. “Tourism Kelowna has been working with Lake Country attractions for many years,” said Ryan Roycroft, Lake Country's economic development manager. "The District of Lake Country believes that a formal partnership will further enhance the marketing effectiveness for these and other Lake
Country businesses in a highly cost-effective manner,” Roycroft said. Lake Country and Tourism Kelowna have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding that will allow the district to leverage the $2.5-million annual budget that Tourism Kelowna works with. This will dramatically expand Lake Country’s external marketing reach in the area of tourism, in addition to work done with local partners for local marketing, according to the district. Tourism Kelowna
president Nancy Cameron says the agreement is a natural fit. “The District of Lake Country will have representation on the Tourism Kelowna Society board of directors,” said Cameron, president and CEO for Tourism Kelowna. “Attractions and services located in our neighbouring communities are marketed within the Kelowna brand to leverage its high level of brand awareness and the resulting drawing power. “Those visitors attracted to Kelowna will
travel throughout the area, regardless of municipal boundaries, and through their exploration will discover neighbouring communities such as Lake Country and more fully understand the identity and sense of place of these unique communities.” The operation of the Lake Country Visitor Centre is not included in the scope of services defined in the MOU with Tourism Kelowna. District of Lake Country staff and council continue to work on visitor centre options and are
looking for a solution that will provide a high value per dollar spent on visitor services. “Considering the extensive cuts and staff workload impacts from the implementation of a business systems review earlier this year, efforts are being made to ensure that every proposition is a value proposition,” said Roycroft. Meetings are scheduled during December to work on an economic development strategy to explore and pursue opportunities for growth. The District of Lake
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Country remains committed to working together with Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association and Tourism Kelowna to find sources of funding and ensure that valuable visitor services are available in the community so people are aware of the many tourist and recreational opportunities in Lake Country. The goal continues to be an increase in marketing exposure and visitation to Lake Country businesses.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A3
Trustees delay decision to have Grade 7s at high school BARRY GERDING While Lake Country elementary schools are facing an enrolment crisis, the Central Okanagan board of education is unable to agree on a long-term solution. At a board of education meeting last Wednesday, the school trustees engaged in a lengthy discussion about the issue, but could only agree on delaying a longer term solution for up to another two years. While the school district administration has led a long campaign to convince school parents and trustees on the merits of introducing Grade 7s into George Elliot Secondary School to alleviate the enrolment stress at the three elementary schools, Lake Country parent advisory councils for those elementary schools have advocated against the idea, questioning the research numbers the school district projects for future enrolment. At last week’s meeting, school district administrator Hugh Gloster said staff will pursue whatever option the board agrees to, but noted that he is opposed to adding portables to Davidson Road elementary.
That school is facing the most immediate enrolment overcrowding issues, due to a lack of space for the buildings themselves and the facility resources to accommodate the extra students, and that it is board policy not to pull students enrolled out of one school and place them in another. He noted that all catchment revision or student relocation efforts would be focused on incoming new students to any school. The resolution brought forward by the planning and facilities committee recommended that portables be placed at the elementary schools with a long-term plan to advocate the ministry of education for funding to build a new middle school; and manage elementary school growth through revision of catchment areas and redirection of students Board chairman Rollie Cacchioni added an amendment that parents of Grade 6 students be given the option of enrolling their children in Grade 7 at either George Elliot or their elementary school in September 2014. But the board ultimately de-
feated all those resolutions, agreeing instead to manage enrolment in the area’s elementary schools for the next year while engaging in more discussion about the potential for Grade 7s to be absorbed at George Elliot. Holding up a thick binder full of comments from parents on admitting Grade 7s to George Elliot next September, Gloster told the board he doubted public opinion will change much by seeking more parental input. “We will certainly engage in that process but I think we won’t find a lot of different opinion from what we already have,” said Gloster, noting that many parents put a lot of thought and research into their comments. “I don’t think that we will find a great deal more support for the school-within-a-school concept while the board is delaying a tough decision for another year.” He said the school district can probably manage for the next two years as there is classroom space at Peter Greer Elementary, which may come at the cost of moving the existing pre-school somewhere else,
More time before ALR changes Although the applications for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve keep flooding in, the commission’s chairman says they’ve reduced the flow and more changes are coming. When Richard Bullock, a Kelowna orchardist, took over as chairman of the Agricultural Land Commission over a year ago, he immediately embarked on a review of the 40-year-old ALR. Bullock admits it takes time, but hopes that by spring some recommended changes will be underway. Digitizing material so that the business of the commission can be done online was one of the first issues. Once that’s
done, he says people can around the province instead of having all staff working out of the Burnaby office. “There’s some amazing technology out there that we’ve missed,” he said. Bullock says the commission must deal with all requests for ALR exclusion; however, as he meets with local governments around the province he has been encouraged by the changing attitudes toward the ALR. “There’s a change in thinking, with the younger generation of politicians more positive and more accepting of the ALR,” he said. “I think people are willing to accept that it’s here to stay. It won’t happen
overnight, but changes in attitude are needed.” Agricultural advisory committees, such as Kelowna and West Kelowna have, are being encouraged but, he said: “I can’t tell local groups what to do.” One thing that has surprised him is the attitude toward local produce. Nelson, for instance, shuts down its main street on Wednesdays for farmers’ market. The ALC has made recommendations to the agriculture ministry regarding user fees. Bullock said the ministry is still reviewing the comments and feedback on possible fee structure changes and hasn’t made a decision yet.
but the situation at Davidson Road will reach a crisis point within three years. “You can say what you want about our research looking long-term, but we know the situation that is coming over the next three years. We know the kids that are out there about to enter the school system. We are not guessing, we can see the whites of their eyes,” Gloster said. Trustee Moyra Baxter said she feels parents and the school district need more time to flush out the details of how Grade 7s could be adopted into George Elliot and how the middle school concept would work within a secondary school. “I feel like we are rushing into this and I think it requires a little more careful thought about how all this is going to work,” Baxter said. Deb Butler, the Lake Country representative on the board, said she is not convinced that the education ministry will see the need for both a middle school and secondary school in her community. “I think we have to look at this issue in a meaningful way, and the fact is we may never see a middle school here,” Butler said.
Trustee Murli Pendharkar said the board will ultimately have to make a decision that will be unpopular to someone. “It is a tough situation but we have to do something moving forward,” he said. Trustee Joyce Brinkerhoff suggested the school district consider the prospect of creating a middle school at George Elliot that includes Grades 6, 7 and 8 students, in line with the board’s adopted middle school age policy. Trustee Julia Fraser echoed concerns voiced by parents of Grade 7s not being ready to be mixed with older students on many different levels, and that if the George Elliot situation proceeds, it will hurt the chance of securing funding for a new middle school because it will be perceived as not being necessary. “My concern is we might be biting the hand that feeds us,” said Fraser. However, Cachionni said a new middle school won’t be built in Lake Country as long as the secondary school has potential space for student enrolment expansion.
OC faculty thinks globally on educating girls Two teenagers a world apart, but with one objective in mind, have inspired the Okanagan College Faculty Association to support international efforts to educate girls. At its November meeting, members of the faculty association condemned the recent Taliban shooting of 15-year-old student Malala Yousafzai becauseshe is a vocal proponent of education for girls in Pakistan. The faculty also voted to donate $1,000 to Little Women for Little Women in Afghanistan—a non-profit society launched by 15-year-old Alaina Podmorow from Lake Country to help educate girls in Afghanistan as a way to peace. “We’re putting our money where our hearts are,” said OC history professor Howard Hisdal,
who made both resolutions. “These girls are shining examples of leadership. They are showing vision and courage, and to a certain extent they are accomplishing what some of our Western governments haven’t managed to do so well.” Hisdal, who also serves in the Canadian military as a reservist, said some of his friends in the Forces have been to Afghanistan and believe change rests with the future of women there. “One of my female military colleagues said the women continue to be kept in ignorance,” he said. “The best chance for long-term success in these campaigns is the education of women.” English professor Norah Bowman-Broz, who sits on the faculty association as the Status of Women representative, said
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supporting the Little Women non-profit organization is a particularly relevant and contemporary donation. “Broadly speaking, we want to eliminate gender inequities around the world, and in Canada as well,” she said. “It’s also important to us that Little Women is a secular charity. This is about valuing education for everyone.” OCFA president Sharon Josephson said contributing to Little Women underlines the faculty’s commitment to the principles of education, human rights and democracy—especially for those who are less advantaged, regardless of where they live. “This is something we can be proud of,” Hisdal added. The Okanagan College Faculty Association represents approximately 275 faculty members at the college.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
The clergy’s F hot-line M to God
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
n my religious tradition, we have something commonly called The Prayers of the People.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Life and Faith
Curt Jensen Advertising Consultant 1-250-540-2974
Jim Taylor
Essentially, it’s a time when people within the congregation have an opportunity to identify and voice their own concerns—silently or out loud. Most of any worship service is defined in ad-
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Will truth die on B.C. gov’t Deficit Hill? W ‘‘ hatever happens in the B.C. election five months from now, taxpayers should insist that it be the last spring vote. Now I know this isn’t sexy like the horse race of popularity polls so loved by the TV news. But integrity of public financial information is the next vital step in democratic reform, even more important than scheduled election dates. And the B.C. tradition of tabling untested election budgets, shutting down the legislature and firing up the campaign buses, has to end. The B.C. Liberals are on track to surpass the NDP on fudge-it budgets, having put millions into TV ads that insist the 2013 budget will struggle into the black. This is the hill Christy Clark has chosen to die on. Glen Clark set the modern bar with his 1996 election budget. After a run of red ink,
BC Views
Tom Fletcher it conjured a tidy little surplus that helped the NDP squeak out a win over the plaid-shirted Gordon Campbell. Campbell’s noisy exit had its roots in his 2009 fudge-it budget, which clung to an outdated $500-million deficit forecast that had already melted down along with banks, auto makers and U.S. real estate. After the election, British Columbians found out we were really $2.8 billion in the red. Not one to waste a good crisis, Campbell ordered the harmonized sales tax.
Now Premier Clark and Finance Minister Mike de Jong are proposing to balance the budget and shut down the HST money machine. Clark gave a speech in Coquitlam the day before last week’s budget update, warning it “won’t be pretty.” And it’s not. In September the current-year deficit forecast jumped above $1 billion, largely due to a glut of natural gas. The latest update pushed it near $1.5 billion. Natural gas royalties are bumping along the bottom, no big change there. But now coal prices and shipments are down, and a slow real estate market has pinched the flow of cash from Bill Vander Zalm’s legacy—the property purchase tax. I erred in a previous column, saying this year’s deficit is partly due to a staged repayment of federal HST transition money. Not so. That entire $1.6 bil-
lion was booked in last year’s budget, pushing that deficit to a record $3 billion. This means the current $1.5 billion bleeder is based strictly on current revenues, debt servicing and spending. So how is this sucking chest wound going to suddenly heal next spring? De Jong provided an early version of his answer in his September financial statement. Amazingly, it projects a recovery of more than $100 million in natural gas royalties next year. Hmmm. Liquefied natural gas exports to Asia are still years away, and the U.S., our only current energy export customer, is developing its own huge shale gas and shale
oil reserves. In another forecasted miracle, sales tax revenue is expected to dip by a mere $120 million as the old provincial sales tax returns next year. In 2014 it is projected to bounce right back to where it is today, around $6.1 billion. That’s odd. When former finance minister Kevin Falcon announced the transition back to PST last May, he described annual revenue loss of about $500 million the first year, and more than $600 million the next. Granted, business investment credits and HST rebates to the poor also end, saving the government a pile of cash as this significant tax reform dies. But it still looks like another fudge-it budget, designed to help another premier avoid the political graveyard at the foot of Deficit Hill. Tom Fletcher is our legislative reporter .
t a o n C s vance. It may come from i a prayer book or a lec- A i tionary. Some one—some- a times a minister or priest t
working alone, sometimes a team of staff and a volunteers—chooses the C readings, the music, the a themes that will be pre- v sented to the gathered c $ people. The worshippers often i have no direct input w (aside from singing hymns and intoning li- m turgical responses) until i the Prayers of the People.a There are still places, C I’m sure, where clergy t i presume that they already know what their people should be pray- T ing for, and proceed ac- H cordingly. But that doesn’t hap- t pen as often as it used to. a Even in churches that SEE TAYLOR A5
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A5
Financial tools that can help Canadians manage their finances
y colleagues Ted Menzies, Minister of State (Finance), and Gail Shea, Minister of National Revenue, announced this week that Canadians will be able to save an additional $500 in their Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) starting in 2013, raising the annual contribution limit to $5,500. TFSAs became available in 2009. Since then, Canadians have been able to earn tax-free investment income on contributions of up to $5,000 per year. TFSAs have become increasingly popular, with approximately 8.2 million Canadians having opened an account and roughly 2.5 million Canadians contributing the maximum amount in 2011. What makes the TFSA so popular? Here’s the rundown: • A TFSA is available to all Canadians, 18 years and older
Ron Cannan • Any interest, dividends and capital gains earned in a TFSA are not subject to tax • A TFSA allows you to invest in a number of types of investments, be it a high-interest savings account, mutual funds, guaranteed investment certificates, listed securities, or other types of qualified investment products • Unused TFSA contribution room is carried forward and accumulates for future years • Funds available in your TFSA can be withdrawn tax-free at any time for any purpose.
You can recontribute withdrawn amounts in the same year only if you have unused TFSA contribution room. Otherwise, you have to wait until the following year • Income earned in a TFSA and withdrawals do not affect your eligibility for federal income-tested benefits and credits; and • Contributions to a spouse’s or common-law partner’s TFSA are allowed. When the TFSA was introduced, the government announced that the $5,000 annual contribution limit would be indexed to inflation in $500 increments. For 2013, this will be the year when the first $500 increment takes effect, which means more room for Canadians to put funds aside for their financial goals. The TFSA is a valuable way to save for the future and to save on taxes. For more information,
please go to the Canada Revenue Agency at Financial toolkit Most of us make important financial decisions for ourselves and our families. Whether it is saving for retirement, saving for a child’s education or financing a new home, the range of possible options is growing and financial products and services are becoming more sophisticated. In 2009, the government of Canada conducted the Canadian Fi-
Speak it and it will be heard
TAYLOR FROM A4 follow a prescribed liturgy, there’s usually time for individuals to name the persons and situations for whom they want prayers. But why, I keep wondering, must those concerns be expressed by the worship leader to qualify as a prayer? I understand and respect the need for the person with the microphone to repeat some of the requests. Even when asked to speak loudly, some people can’t—or won’t. Perhaps when they were children, too many adults told them to keep quiet in church. But why, having already repeated the information once, do clergy then feel they have to repeat it again in the body of the prayer? Does God listen only to church professionals? I recall visiting a church where the minister asked for prayer concerns. People spoke of one person’s diagnosis of cancer, another’s car accident, of a spouse sent overseas to help with disaster relief. They spoke with joy, with pain, with a catch in the throat. Even as an outsider, I
could feel emotion rippling through the congregation. The minister made careful notes. And then he repeated all the concerns in his prayer. But by then, a spontaneous outpouring of caring had become a sterile formality. After the service, I asked, “Didn’t God hear, when the people said it themselves?” He looked startled. There was a time, before Roman armies razed the Great Temple, when the Jewish people thought their religious obligations were taken care of as long as the High Priests in Jerusalem performed their functions. I wonder if modern churches have slipped into the same mindset. Invariably, it’s the minister who’s asked to open a meeting with prayer. Or to say grace before a meal. Or, on Sundays, to voice the prayers of the people, as if concerns only register with God when an accredited voice says them. Does heaven use voice-recognition technology? To his credit, the next Sunday, the minister I
referred to above asked for the people’s prayer concerns as usual. As usual, they responded from the heart. After a pause for reflection, the minister simply said: “God, you have heard our pray-
ers…” I don’t think anyone felt God had not been listening. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.
nancial Capabilities Survey, which provided insight into the challenges Canadians face when it comes to understanding financial matters. What resulted was the Task Force on Financial Literacy, which provided recommendations to the federal government on how to strengthen the financial literacy of Canadians. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada is playing a key role in this regard. With the dual mandate to protect and educate consumers of financial products, the FCAC delivers a host of online tools and publications, including a webbased program for high school students designed to teach skills integral to financial well-being later on in life. Also available through
the FCAC is Your Financial Toolkit developed in collaboration with a variety of financial education experts across the country, many who work with consumers on a day-to-day basis. The Toolkit is free online and in paper format by going to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) at I’ve also been informed by the Canadian Bankers Association that they also have a toolkit available to consumers, which helps answer questions such as how to reduce banking fees; help seniors protect themselves from financial abuse and where to seek out help with your debt. The CBA toolkit is available by going to
Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country. 250-470-5075
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Personal finances, especially at this time of the year with Christmas approaching, can be challenging. The more information consumers have, the better equipped they are to manage their finances. As Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said: “Ensuring that Canadians have the tools and knowledge to make responsible financial decisions is important for their personal well-being and for the strength and stability of our financial system as a whole.” I encourage all constituents to take advantage of these financial tools.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
Like Santa, you’re probably carrying around heavy bags this time of year
s the weather gets colder we not only want to prepare ourselves for the physical demands of winter activities, but also the daily stresses we may encounter. You may notice that as the temperature drops your purse, bag, briefcase, or suitcase weighs a bit more. Whether you are carrying your mitts, hats, scarves, extra layers, or ski equipment, it all seems to add up, until
Laura Snyder
Keeping You Fit eventually the neighborhood kids are expecting
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to see you and your bag in their chimney. Although these items may be necessary to haul around there are a few things you can do to reduce the stress the new weight places on your body. Why is this important? A heavy bag sends extra pressure through your arm thus causing the muscles in your neck, shoulder and elbow to work harder than normal. To add to the problem, this pressure also lengthens the muscle, which places it in a mechanically disadvantaged position. You end up with weak elongated muscles that are required to hold extra weight. Over time this stress on your muscles may lead to injury and pain.
If the bag is heavy enough, the weight can pull your shoulder downwards, putting extra pressure on the brachial plexus, or the bundle of nerves that travels through your neck and shoulder. If these nerves are compressed you may experience symptoms of a condition known as thoracic outlet syndrome, which include pins and needles, numbness, or heaviness in your arm. To prevent yourself from developing shoulder, arm and neck pain or relieve your current symptoms, the load you are carrying should be reduced and the muscles that allow you to elevate your shoulder should be strengthened. One of the most significant changes you can make is to carry a back-
pack instead of a purse or briefcase. A backpack distributes the weight between both arms and places the load behind the body. It decreases the amount of shoulder depression and promotes a more neutral posture. You will want to make sure that the straps are tight enough to pull the bulk of the weight towards the upper part of your back as carrying the weight too low can hurt your lower back. If you need to carry your bag in one arm, find one that crosses your body since this also distributes the weight to both sides of your body. A bag with a thicker strap places less direct pressure on the joints and tendons on the top of your shoulder. Switching the arm
on which you carry your bag will also help to prevent muscle length and strength imbalances. Just as you train your leg muscles before the ski season you can also train the neck and arm muscles you use to carry a bag. Here are a few suggestions. Start with a shoulder elevation exercise in which you bring your shoulders up to your ear, holding for a few seconds, then slowly releasing. You can make this harder by holding dumbbells or soup cans in your hands. If you are ready for a challenge, try an above the head shoulder press in which you lift your arms up over your head with your thumbs touching at the top. Slow-
ly bring yours arms back to your sides trying to control the movement of your shoulder blade. You may also use weights with this exercise but try not to use a weighted bar as this does not allow you to keep your head in a neutral position. Although these exercises and tips can help you prevent and manage symptoms associated with carrying a heavy bag, if you are experiencing symptoms such as numbness, tingling and heaviness of your upper limb you should contact your local healthcare professional for further evaluation. Laura Snyder is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield. 250-766-2544
Everyone Welcome!
Minister: Jim Hannah
Acupuncture an option to bring teeth grinding to a halt
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Service time 9:30 am. You are invited to all services & programs! Wardens: Rosemary Carter 766-2800; Roberta Loewen 766-0869 Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: Rev. Patricia Horrobin 250-766-0919 (office) or 250-763-5499
St. Edward’s Catholic Church
Mass times:
Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146
Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753
Pastor: Lance Duncalfe To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 1-250-540-2974 or 250-979-7324
eeth grinding is a condition of clenching, grinding, or gnashing the teeth either unconsciously during the day, or at night while sleeping. The medical term for teeth grinding is bruxism and nighttime teeth grinding is sleep bruxism. Bruxism, if severe enough, can cause headaches, tooth damage and jaw problems or disorders, but it may often go undiagnosed, especially with sleep bruxism. Symptoms of bruxism are grinding or clenching teeth, worn, flat-
James Kaufman
Needle Notes tened, chipped, or overly sensitive teeth, tight jaw or jaw pain, ear ache because of a tight jaw, disrupted sleep, neck and shoulder tension, or headaches.
Conventional medicine doesn’t entirely understand the causes of teeth grinding, however adult teeth grinding can be linked to anxiety, stress or tension, suppressed anger or frustration, or aggressive, competitive or hyperactive personalities. Other causes may be poor alignment of upper and lower teeth or the body’s natural sleep cycles. In some cases, bruxism can be a result of another disease, such as Parkinson’s or Huntington diseases. For children, teeth grinding may
be due to the growth and development of teeth and jaws and is usually outgrown by adolescence. There isn’t much that medical treatment can do to resolve teeth grinding—medications are largely ineffective but muscle relaxants may be prescribed or your doctor may consider changing one of your medications if teeth grinding is a side effect. A mouth guard may also be fitted to protect teeth while sleeping, or your dentist may correct misaligned teeth, however this may not stop
Holiday Blowout Sale! Dec 10th - 14th
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Winfield 250.766.0294 113-9685 Hwy 97 Next to A & W To learn more about hearing, hearing loss and tinnitus, visit
the grinding. The best solutions seem to be lifestyle and behavioural changes, including reducing stress and learning to manage stress better through relaxation and exercise and practicing an awareness of proper jaw and mouth position, with the tongue on the roof of the mouth, jaw relaxed, the teeth slightly parted and the mouth closed. From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, teeth grinding can be treated quite effectively with acupuncture. There are five main patterns commonly seen in this disorder. Out of these, four are considered excessive conditions where one or two organs are functioning at a higher than normal rate, commonly the heart, stomach and liver. Excess types of bruxism are typically seen in people with stress, anxiety, tension, anger and frustration and hyperactivity or competitiveness because the hyperactive state of these organs leaves the mind and body in a restless or agitated state. Another excess pattern is caused largely by
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A7
Making sure your kids have healthy eating choices at school As families become increasingly aware of the health benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program offers a way to introduce these healthier choices to students at school. The program, run by the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation, started as a pilot in 2005 with 10 schools and continues this fall with 1,376 public and First Nations schools participating. Funded by the BC Ministry of Health under Healthy Families BC, the program delivers fruits and vegetables every other week (13 times during the school year) to 492,000 stu-
dents on the program. Produce for fall 2012 deliveries includes: B.C. plums, peaches, strawberry tomatoes, mini peppers, baby carrots, apples, pears, and new to the program this year, B.C. table grapes. “The kids are always excited on veggie day” said Bonnie Tejszerski, a teacher at Edwin S. Richards Elementary in Mission. “Our kitchen is located close to the school gym so as we are preparing the items several classes walk by and they always ask what we have and cheer, asking when we’re bringing it down.” “We really get the sense that the program is building a huge change in
Lake Country takes part As healthy eating for children is becoming an increasingly important issue, the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program (BCSFVNP) continues to provide healthy snacks to students across B.C. The BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation and the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Programs deliver fruit and vegetables to B.C. kindergarten to Grade 12 public and First Nations schools. The program is funded by the BC Ministry of Health and is now running in 1,376 schools across the province.The aim of the program is to teach children from an early age the importance of healthy eating and how good fruits and vegetables taste. Throughout the Central Okanagan, 40 schools participate in the program including Davidson Road Elementary, Ellison Elementary, George Pringle, Oyama Traditional School and Peter Greer Elementary.
the attitudes of both teachers and students towards healthy eating” said the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation’s board president, Sarah Ryall. “The response from the schools has been overwhelming with close to 1,400 kindergarten to Grade12 public and First Nations schools across the province enrolled. “The exciting part is the response from children. There is an infectious reaction when new fruits or vegetables are tasted in the classroom with their friends. They just love it,” Ryall said. “And of course (the kids) delight in sharing their enthusiasm and experi-
ence with their families at the grocery store.” Many of the schools on the program are in remote areas, which can provide a challenge when it comes to delivering the produce. With the help of program partners and volunteers, the fruits and veggies are delivered to schools across BC, whether it’s by truck, boat or plane. The BC Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program is one of the programs managed by BC Agriculture in the Classroom, a non-profit foundation working with educators through various programs to bring B.C.’s agriculture to their students. For more visit
Generic drug costs to drop 10% on April 1 TOM FLETCHER CONTRIBUTOR
The B.C. government is moving ahead with a new price policy for generic drugs that will reduce the cost by 10 per cent starting April 1. The price of generic substitutes will be set at 25 per cent of the brandname product, whether the cost is paid by the B.C. Pharmacare program, private health insurance or the patient. A further reduction to 20 per cent is set to take effect in April 2014.
The health ministry cited the example of Lipitor, widely prescribed for reducing cholesterol. A one-month supply of the brand-name drug costs $55, and in April the cost of a generic equivalent will go from $19 to $15. The 2014 decrease will take it to $11 a month. Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid said the second reduction will make B.C. generic drug prices the lowest in Canada for some drugs, and save Pharmacare about $110 million over the first two years.
Ontario went to a 25-per-cent formula two years ago, and has since reduced the price to 20 per cent below brand name. The provincial savings will be reinvested in the B.C. health care system, some of it in Pharmacare, MacDiarmid said. The budget for Pharmacare has risen by about 80 per cent in the past decade, but MacDiarmid said there have been offsetting savings as new drugs improve treatment and reduce the
need for surgery. NDP health critic Mike Farnworth said the B.C. Liberal government has made the right move, but it should have done it in 2010 when Ontario took action. Now some of the savings are at risk again as the federal government negotiates a trade agreement with the European Union, Farnworth said. European developers of brand-name drugs are seeking to extend patent protection to prevent the sale of generics for a longer period.
Weak digestive system can lead to chronic teeth grinding KAUFMAN FROM A6 poor diet that weakens the digestion and causes food to stagnate in the digestive system, leading to the inability for a proper restful sleep and symptoms such as feeling of oppression in the chest and stomach, no desire to think of food, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain and nighttime bruxism. The other cause of bruxism is a deficient condition of blood and
qi-energy weakness. The symptoms common in this pattern are pale complexion, dizziness, vertigo, heart palpitations, pale lips and nails and disinclination to sleep. The main differentiation in this pattern is that the teeth grinding would be rather quiet, low, dull sounding, rather than rougher and louder sounding in the excess patterns. Factors that may lead
Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road
250-861-7722 Domestic Short Hair Cross Sex: Female Colour: Brown Tabby Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 273086 Hello, my name is Brie and I came to the shelter as a stray. I am a cat who is a very independant individual, and although I love a head scratch now and then I prefer to have petting kept to a minimum. I would love a household where I am the only feline as I tend to like to keep my people all to myself! I would be a wonderful cat for the experienced gaurdian who can appreciate me for who I am. I can be very affectionate given the right circumstance. The staff know my quirks and personality and they would love to brag about me....
to bruxism are poor diet, weak digestive system, or age. Acupuncture improves bruxism by correcting the functioning of the organs that are excessive or deficient. Points are selected along the energetic meridian of the organ in imbalance. The points can be lo-
cated on the trunk, limbs and/or face. However, points don’t have to be done on the face or jaw just because this is the area of the symptoms, although local points may be used to relieve muscle tension and pain. Some simple changes to diet and lifestyle hab-
Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd.
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250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099
its are also easy, effective ways to increase the results of acupuncture.
James Kaufman is with Okanagan Acupuncture Centre, 1625 Ellis St.
Support Creekside one seat at a time
Creekside Theatre has installed new seats in the theatre and is looking for sponsors to support the added comfort to patrons. The cost per seat is $200. Anyone can help by sponsoring a new theatre seat with a onetime donation. Not only will sponsors receive charitable tax receipts; but also the sponsor’s name, or the name of a loved one, your business, school, club or team name will be engraved on a brass plaque placed on the seat so that future generations of Creekside theatre goers will recognize the support you gave. All cheques should be marked “Seat Sale” and be made payable to District of Lake Country. They can be dropped off at district offices or mailed to: District of Lake Country, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Lake Country, B.C. V4V 2M1. If you would like more information, call theatre manager Horst Jassmann at 250-766-5669. Stand up for the arts—buy a seat.
Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
Invest time on planning to have confidence in your financial future
ost people spend more time planning their two-week vacation each year than planning their retirement to last many decades. Confidence in your financial future means taking steps to plan for your decades in retirement. You want to feel confident about your financial security now and in your future. Spending some time on your own plan will define options for your future, with the end result being peace of mind. Planning is a big part of a successful retirement strategy. Your plan should in-
Doreen Smith
Fiscal Fitness clude a snapshot of where you are now and where you want to be. Your today snapshot should include clearly defined summary of your assets and liabilities. Make a list of all your income and expenses now.
Look into the crystal ball and do a summary of your own families projected income and expenses in retirement. If you are the sole person responsible for your own financial future or if you are part of a couple, the summary should be based on household income. Will you spend the same in retirement or will you spend more money or less money in your retirement years when employment no longer fills 35 to 40 hours per week? Most people in retirement spend less money because they no longer have the expenses associated with working; no
more commuting costs, no contributions to your RRSP, pension or union dues. You may decide to downsize your home or move to a smaller community to save money.
Other retirees may have the same or higher expenses in retirement. There is now more time and energy to spend money. Work takes up a lot of our time and retirement means more available hours to fill. Taking holidays or enjoying expensive hobbies means having the dollars in retirement to pay for these leisure activities. Plan what you want to do in your 60s, you may work less hours than in your 50s and work part time. If you think you will enjoy travel more in your 60s than in your 70s, make it part of your future retirement plan. As we age, our willingness to travel and take on additional adventure can diminish. As we get older, our
priorities may change. We may work reduced hours or job share. You may be able to choose to not work at 100 per cent capacity up until age 65. Think about options for your personal review. Some people wait until retirement to pursue their dreams. Unfortunately due to illness or death soon after retirement, their dreams never become a reality. A couple may plan for years to take a special holiday or trip together and then due to ill health or death, one of the couple is not able to travel or has passed away. The remaining person is now left without a travel partner or companion. During our working years take time to spend with family and friends. The future is un-
known. We want to ensure we are in the present and take the time now to “smell the flowers” and enjoy our life today. Review your options, make sound decisions, form a logical plan of your own and be prepared to make minor adjustments along the way. Many retirees spend less money in retirement than they planned for, while others still buy lottery tickets in hope of living a lifestyle of the rich and famous. Opportunity and planning means being in control of your financial well being.
Doreen Smith is a Certified Financial Planner with Capri Wealth Management. r 250-869-3825 SUNDAY, DEC. 9, 2012 • 11- 4pm Enjoy the beautiful setting of Ex Nihilo Vineyards’ Tasting Room while you support local Mompreneurs. Look for these vendors: Tara-Lee's Sweet Treats • Epicure Routes Grill • Tomo Jewelry Stella & Dot • Beauti Control Peekaboo Beans • Norwex • Handmade by Patricia • Loopy Lady • Lavish Humble Hook • Marz Dezign Scentsy • Organo Gold Tupperware • Scooters • Life After Laundry • Backroad Mapbooks It Works Global Miche • Epicure • Beauti Control • Regal
Ex Nihilo Vineyards 1525 Camp Road Lake Country, BC
AN IRISH CELTIC CHRISTMAS Saturday, December 8 7:30pm
Give the gift of entertainment
Friday, Dec. 14•7pm
Saturday, December 15 7:30pm
All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank
Saturday, March 16 7:30pm
Friday, April 12 7:30pm
Ticket information 250-766-9309 • Info Info: Theatre/Foyer/Kitchen/Gym Rental Available
a O t a t a p
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A9
Armstrong company prepared to deal with cooking oil and grease for recycling Landfill in Kelowna. Waste reduction facilitator Rae Stewart says cooking oils and grease from roasting, frying and baking turkeys, chickens and other meats can collect in and clog your drains-and harm the environment in the process. “You don’t want to pour this stuff down your drain, it can congeal, block your pipes, and create a real mess,” Stewart said. “Dumping it in your yard isn’t a good option either, it’s harmful to the environment—when it rains the oily residue runs off into the storm
drain, eventually reaching our waterways without treatment. If you have large volumes of cooking oil, you can pour it into the receptacles provided at the Westside Recycling Center or Glenmore Landfill. If you have congealed grease, it’s recommended you put it in a metal can or container and drop the whole metal container into the recycling receptacle provided. As a reminder, Stewart says don’t place anything other than cooking oil and kitchen grease into the recycling con-
tainers provided—i.e. no petroleum oil such as motor oil, food items, plastic containers, or garbage. Brian Scott, plant manager with McLeod’s Byproducts, says your repurposed kitchen leftovers will end up as a food source all over again. “Once the cooking oils and grease are collected, we mechanically remove the solids and moisture, heat the oils at a very high temperature, then stabilize them with an antioxidant,” Scott said. “We then sell the fin-
Printed books are still in great demand Traditional books haven’t been replaced by new technology yet. Circulation of print materials is down three per cent within Okanagan Regional Library, while the download of audiobooks has almost doubled. However, executive director Lesley Dieno says the agency still circulates three million print items a year.
“Lots of people, and especially teens, want print,” she said. “They read computers and phones all day long and when they are ready for pleasure, they want print.” There is also a growing demand for books with large type and languages other than English. But many ORL patrons are embracing the latest in technol-
ogy. “So far this year, 83,000 ebooks have been downloaded,” said Dieno. Other services are popular. The number of downloads of music from Freegal is up 80 per cent and the collection of magazines from Zinio is being used at a high rate. “Libraries have to provide something of everything.”
ished product to feed mills where they formulate it into various feeds for chicken, turkey and hogs. If you must toss your kitchen oils and grease, here are a few simple tips to follow:
• Make sure to put them in a heat resistant container with a sealable lid, then throw in trash • Or mix with unscented kitty litter, sawdust or sand to solidify the oil first and then dispose
• Or store the oil for later use, oil can be kept for up to six months and reused, first strain then store in the freezer. For more information, check out
Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!
Custom Laser Hair Removal specializes exclusively in permanent laser hair removal and electrolysis, providing the best possible results to both men and women of all ethnic backgrounds for permanent relief of unwanted hair on virtually any part of the body! We use LightSheer Diode XC & EC laser technology to deliver superior results time and time again in a confidential, friendly and professional environment. Celebrating over 30 years of permanent hair removal so you can see and feel confident about the results we achieve.
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I only wish I had done this years ago! No more unwanted hair to get in my way! Thank you Deb!
Do you deep fry your turkey, or have leftover grease drippings you don’t know what to do with? Don’t pour them down the drain, as now you can recycle them. The Regional Waste Reduction office, in partnership with McLeod’s Byproducts of Armstrong, has set up a program for residents to be able to dispose of their leftover household cooking oils and congealed grease at either the Westside Residential Disposal and Recycling Center in West Kelowna, or at the Glenmore
765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141 •
The Place for Holiday Decorating 5 foot to 8 foot
Fresh Cut Local Trees
Huge Assortment of Beautiful Decorations
All Priced at...
of n o i t c e l e rge & lS Beautifu Trees LaSmall Artificial starting at
Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Rd., Lake Country • 250-766-2118
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A10 A11
The Lake Country Calendar wants to help fill the shelves of the Lake Country Food Bank, and give away exciting prizes to some lucky high school and elementary school students. We’re asking all entries be accompanied with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank.
These business encourage you to support those less fortunate... BUDDY
Highway 97
What’s the most interesting, funny, memorable, meaningful or unique gift you’ve ever given or received over the holidays? Share your story with the readers of the Lake Country Calendar and the 1st place winner will receive a $125 gift certificate from Seca Marine; a $50 & $25 GC will also be awarded from Seca Marine to the 2nd and 3rd place story winners. Stories should be 400-500 words. Please e-mail all submissions to Please provide your full name, address and phone number.
The Lake Country Food Bank relies on generous donations from our community to fill the shelves throughout the year. This time of year can provide extra challenges for some people, and the need can be even greater. Watch this space every week for our ‘wish list’ of food and sundry items needed by those less fortunate in the community:
Baby products ❏ Baby food - all ages ❏ Diapers - all sizes ❏ Formula - Good Start® ❏ Starter cereals - pablum
Special needs ❏ Boost® ❏ Low calorie soups ❏ Unsweetened apple sauce ❏ Whole grain pasta, rice ❏ Whole wheat crackers ❏ “Low sodium”, “Sugar free”, and “no salt” products
❏ Canned fruit, vegetables ❏ Canned meats & seafood ❏ Chunky soup ❏ Pasta/pasta sauce ❏ Peanut butter ❏ Side dishes ❏ Meal in a can (chili, ravioli) ❏ Crackers
Contact the Lake Country Food Bank for information: 250-766-0125 or 250-766-3038 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (Cash donations gratefully accepted)
eed for Everything youanking! Christmas B
Stop by, fill up on gas & grab a coffee!
778-480-5775 •
s Dinner H
ters e a d q ua r
OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 250-766-2340 Winfield Shopping Centre (between CIBC & Lordco)
9-10051 Hwy. 97 N., Winfield 250-766-2591
Prepare the car for night driving. Clean headlights, taillights, signal lights, and windows at least once a week, more often if necessary. A safety message from your friends at Pinnacle Auto Group.
9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202
Where’s your head at?
Give the Gift of Entertainment! Ticket information 250-766-9309 Info:
Great Ideas for Christmas... See store for details!
Winfi eld In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666
Look your best this holiday season! 250-766-1200 • Toll free: 1-800-997-1788
Price Plus Tax
96815 Hwy 97, Winfield • 250-766-1050
#110-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield • Winfield Professional Building
Prizes generously provided by Little Caesars Pizza. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded in each age category. 1st prize: $30• 2nd prize: $20 • 3rd prize: $15 Enter often! Picture will change each week! Contest closes Dec. 14, 2012.
“Your Friendly Little Convenience Store That Has It All”
Book your Holiday Hair appointment today!
Cooper’s Foods Parking Lot 9522 Main Street Lake Country Saturday, December 8 8 am - 4 pm
$ 75
Support Your Local Food Bank
From Just
9522 Main Street, Lake Country
11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons
Food Bank Wish List
Standard items
Contest open to Lake Country students ages 13-18. With each e-mail entry, we’re asking that a donation be made to the Lake Country Food Bank. Contest closes December 14 , 2012 The winning story will be published in the December 24 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.
Gas & Coffee Bar
Lake Country
Unique Gifts for the Coffee Lover! Franca LaMelia, Owner
250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield
3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4677
Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!
25% OFF
Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!
765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141•
For all your Christmas decorations & trees
Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country 250-766-2118 Get your pets ready for the upcoming holidays!
5 OFF $
For Pet’s Sake
Proud supporters of the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue - Get Your Calendar Here
#6 10074 Hwy 97 N, Harvest Centre Mall, Winfield
Please support the Lake Country Food Bank & give during this special time.
Student name Name of School
Grade/Teacher Phone #
Contest open to children ages 2-12. Age categories are: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. To enter, place your coloured page, along with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank, into the specially marked box in the office of each participating elementary schools in Lake Country .
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A10 A11
The Lake Country Calendar wants to help fill the shelves of the Lake Country Food Bank, and give away exciting prizes to some lucky high school and elementary school students. We’re asking all entries be accompanied with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank.
These business encourage you to support those less fortunate... BUDDY
Highway 97
What’s the most interesting, funny, memorable, meaningful or unique gift you’ve ever given or received over the holidays? Share your story with the readers of the Lake Country Calendar and the 1st place winner will receive a $125 gift certificate from Seca Marine; a $50 & $25 GC will also be awarded from Seca Marine to the 2nd and 3rd place story winners. Stories should be 400-500 words. Please e-mail all submissions to Please provide your full name, address and phone number.
The Lake Country Food Bank relies on generous donations from our community to fill the shelves throughout the year. This time of year can provide extra challenges for some people, and the need can be even greater. Watch this space every week for our ‘wish list’ of food and sundry items needed by those less fortunate in the community:
Baby products ❏ Baby food - all ages ❏ Diapers - all sizes ❏ Formula - Good Start® ❏ Starter cereals - pablum
Special needs ❏ Boost® ❏ Low calorie soups ❏ Unsweetened apple sauce ❏ Whole grain pasta, rice ❏ Whole wheat crackers ❏ “Low sodium”, “Sugar free”, and “no salt” products
❏ Canned fruit, vegetables ❏ Canned meats & seafood ❏ Chunky soup ❏ Pasta/pasta sauce ❏ Peanut butter ❏ Side dishes ❏ Meal in a can (chili, ravioli) ❏ Crackers
Contact the Lake Country Food Bank for information: 250-766-0125 or 250-766-3038 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (Cash donations gratefully accepted)
eed for Everything youanking! Christmas B
Stop by, fill up on gas & grab a coffee!
778-480-5775 •
s Dinner H
ters e a d q ua r
OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 250-766-2340 Winfield Shopping Centre (between CIBC & Lordco)
9-10051 Hwy. 97 N., Winfield 250-766-2591
Prepare the car for night driving. Clean headlights, taillights, signal lights, and windows at least once a week, more often if necessary. A safety message from your friends at Pinnacle Auto Group.
9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202
Where’s your head at?
Give the Gift of Entertainment! Ticket information 250-766-9309 Info:
Great Ideas for Christmas... See store for details!
Winfi eld In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666
Look your best this holiday season! 250-766-1200 • Toll free: 1-800-997-1788
Price Plus Tax
96815 Hwy 97, Winfield • 250-766-1050
#110-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield • Winfield Professional Building
Prizes generously provided by Little Caesars Pizza. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded in each age category. 1st prize: $30• 2nd prize: $20 • 3rd prize: $15 Enter often! Picture will change each week! Contest closes Dec. 14, 2012.
“Your Friendly Little Convenience Store That Has It All”
Book your Holiday Hair appointment today!
Cooper’s Foods Parking Lot 9522 Main Street Lake Country Saturday, December 8 8 am - 4 pm
$ 75
Support Your Local Food Bank
From Just
9522 Main Street, Lake Country
11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons
Food Bank Wish List
Standard items
Contest open to Lake Country students ages 13-18. With each e-mail entry, we’re asking that a donation be made to the Lake Country Food Bank. Contest closes December 14 , 2012 The winning story will be published in the December 24 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.
Gas & Coffee Bar
Lake Country
Unique Gifts for the Coffee Lover! Franca LaMelia, Owner
250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield
3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4677
Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!
25% OFF
Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!
765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141•
For all your Christmas decorations & trees
Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country 250-766-2118 Get your pets ready for the upcoming holidays!
5 OFF $
For Pet’s Sake
Proud supporters of the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue - Get Your Calendar Here
#6 10074 Hwy 97 N, Harvest Centre Mall, Winfield
Please support the Lake Country Food Bank & give during this special time.
Student name Name of School
Grade/Teacher Phone #
Contest open to children ages 2-12. Age categories are: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. To enter, place your coloured page, along with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank, into the specially marked box in the office of each participating elementary schools in Lake Country .
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
news Highway 97
Gas & Coffee Bar NOW OPEN!
Don’t be pressured into settling an injury lawsuit
BRANDS ofTIRES book your appointment today...
All modern equipment &
11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons 778-480-5775 •
ou can’t unscramble an egg and you can’t “un– settle” a personal injury claim. I can’t tell you how many people have expressed regret about settling a claim prematurely. They typically lament about how young and misinformed they had been, accepting a lowball offer, essentially compensating them for a temporary injury, for an injury that turned out to be permanent. The medical system is always optimistic about a full recovery. That optimism is often very well placed. Many people do enjoy a complete recovery from motor vehicle collision injuries. Those people are well served by accepting fair compensation for a tem-
Open House Saturday, December 8 | 1pm - 4pm
Achieving Justice
Paul Hergott
porary injury and putting their legal claims behind them. Unfortunately, some injuries never fully recover. I’m not just talking about serious orthopedic injuries that require plates and screws. I’m talking about standard, run-of-the-mill whiplash type soft tissue injuries. I’m talking about the kinds of injuries that don’t even surface until you wake up the next morning seized up in pain. There may well be excellent progress in the early stages. Range of motion might be fully restored and symptoms significantly eased. For whatever reason, though, a complete recovery is not achieved. Symptoms linger. Functional limitations
are never fully overcome. But you can’t “take back” a settlement if you have accepted fair compensation for a temporary injury that turns out to be permanent. My advice, therefore, is always to wait. There is no rush to settle your claim. Yes, there is an ultimate deadline, typically two years after a crash, within which a personal injury claim must be either settled or paperwork filed with the local court registry to preserve your claim. This is usually plenty of time, though, to determine whether injuries will be temporary or
permanent. I have recently been consulted by a person who was injured in a summer, 2012, collision. He reported good recovery from his injuries with minimal ongoing symptoms. I recommended that he wait at least until next summer before considering negotiating a settlement of his claim. Waiting through the winter months will allow him to test his recovery through the snow shoveling and ski/snowboard season. Waiting through the spring will allow for testing through the heavier physical activities of spring cleaning and gardening. Waiting into the summer months will allow him to test his recovery through the fun summer activities as well. With such a good recovery after three to four months, the prospect of waiting another eight to nine months might seem excessive. But what’s the rush? If you have been offered fair compensation for a temporary injury, and it turns out eight or nine months later that indeed the injury 100 per cent
completely resolved, then you can pull the trigger on the settlement at that time. On the other hand, if it turns out that your injury does not fully resolve, and that you are left with a permanent injury, then fair compensation is likely multiple times the amount you have been offered for a temporary injury. You will be able to insist on that much higher fair compensation, commensurate with the much more significant impact that a permanent injury will have on you over the course of your lifetime. And don’t worry about the insurance company giving you a deadline to accept whatever low-ball offer they have put on the table—it’s a negotiation tactic as old as the hills that I confidently advise you to ignore. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.
~Wine & Food Pairings from the Grapevine Restaurant ~David Beaudoin from The Village Cheese Company ~Linda Hale from Taste of the Okanagan Shop for that someone special with gift giving ideas by Silpada, Artisan Jewelry & Pottery by Teri Paul plus gift baskets for every budget and many unique gift items perfect for the holiday season. Seasonal floral demonstrations at 2 pm by Suzanne Bramall of Lake Country Flowers. Join us for a sample of Glühwein (mulled wine) and be sure to enter your name in the draw for our door prizes. Donations of non-perishable items will be gratefully accepted for the Lake Country Food Bank
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A13
Local vets offer aid for neglected street dogs in India Okanagan veterinarians have stepped forward to help out a population of neglected street dogs on the other side of the world, in India. “I was totally blown away by their generosity, especially Trilake Animal Hospital in Winfield” said Kelowna resident Lee Kaiser. She will be leaving mid-December to volunteer with The Care Project for street dogs based in a town south of Chennai, India.
“The vets there (in Lake Country) donated enough medicine and parvo vaccines to fill a whole suitcase. I was asking for anything expired which was tagged to be thrown out and wasn’t sure if I’d get anything, so this is just wonderful,” Kaiser said. Other area veterinarians, as well as pet stores, have contributed hundreds of dollars in medicine or dog collars, she said, including Panorama
Vet, also in Winfield, KLO Vet Hospital in the Mission, and the Total Pet store on Harvey Avenue in Kelowna. But Trilake’s contribution, valued at about $1,000, was by far the largest. As the British veterinary nurse who founded the project in 2006 experienced, Kaiser was also touched by the plight of the street dogs in India during a visit there two years ago.
“I’d seen starving and sick street dogs in other parts of the world but these conditions were the worst. There seemed to be litters of sick, abandoned puppies around every corner,” Kaiser said. “I wanted to help somehow and fortunately saw Elaine (Philpott’s) notice in a tourist cafe in Mahaballapuram the day I was leaving India.” Dog shelters or non-profit clinics are al-
most non-existent in India, said Kaiser, and according to the project’s website the average Indian street dog’s lifespan is just two years, while 75 per cent of puppies die of disease or are killed. The clinic, which also treats cats, is run solely on donations and volunteer help. The focus has expanded to include vaccinating the dogs against rabies, neutering and educating locals on dog
ownership. “Elaine is hoping to have a shelter in future but for now she treats the dogs, puts a collar on them, likely to prevent them from being culled, and then has to release them back to the street. “She started it all on her own and it seems to still be that way. It may be clichéd but this is proof of what one person can accomplish if they feel passionate enough about it.
New medications can help dogs with mental health issues
Furry Friends
Moshe Oz
ment when the owner returns home. This condition is extremely irritating for the dog’s owner but it is crucial to understand the nature of this behaviour. These are symptoms of severe stress. Dogs are social creatures, they consider the family as their “pack” in which they are an equal member. It is not natural for dogs to be separated from their owners and some dogs get very distressed by it. When they exhibit
destructive behaviour, it is not done out of vindictiveness, it is their way of trying to free themselves. Soiling the house may represent a sign of severe emotional distress. Because we cannot converse with the dog, the diagnosis of separation anxiety is tentative and is done by ruling out other medical problems that may result in a similar behaviour. Puppies may show destructive behaviour as a part of teething and not due to separation anxiety. So punishing the dog will not help solving the problem. On the contrary,when you punish your dog when you return home, it may associate the punishment with your return rather than with the mischief it caused. This may stress it even more when you leave home the next time. The management of this condition is not straightforward. This
problem will not go away on its own. It requires perseverance in a process that is meant to ensure the dog that when you are leaving you are not deserting it and you will be back. I strongly recommend to the owners of dogs who suffer from behavioural problem to consult a behavioral specialist. The treatment pro-
cess usually involves desensitization training in which the dog learns to cope with periods of separation that are gradually extended. It is also important to create a safe area for the dog in which it will feel secure and its ability to cause damage is limited.
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Your best source of community news: Lake Country Calendar
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ack in the day, it was very uncommon for people to take medication for their mental issues. People that were treated medically were considered crazy. Going to a psychiatrist was the last resort and was done secretly and accompanied by feelings of shame. Today, people are far more aware of the importance of good mental health. The same holds true for dogs. Veterinary medicine has also changed and developed in how to deal with their mental problems. Most often a dog’s behavioral disorders are misinterpreted by the owners as mischief. This behaviour usually annoys and aggravates their owners. This results in angry reaction of the owner that may exacerbate the dog’s problem. This vicious cycle can be resolved by understanding the dog’s behaviour and the management options. The most common behavioral problem of dogs is separation anxiety. This is usually manifested in dogs by destructive and inappropriate behaviour when the dog gets left alone even in a familiar environment. The most common complaints I hear from owners are that the dog constantly howls, barks or whines, destroys by chewing various objects in the house such as furniture, doors and windows. Some dogs urinate and defecate in the house despite being house trained. These dogs will usually express extreme excite-
“On their Facebook page people like me are writing in from all over the world to offer whatever help they can,” said Kaiser. Anyone wanting to donate new or used collars, medicine or funds to be taken to India can contact Kaiser at 250870-3881. For more information about the project, or to volunteer time or supplies, go online to www.
Thursday evenings by appointment
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23. Hear in secret 25. Albacore 26. Leak 27. Roll of fabric 28. Get one's ducks in ____ 29. Musical programs copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before 31. Zilch issue date 34.meal Of sound •You are invited to a Free communitY christmas withmind all the trimmings. 39. Negative prefixTheatre, Lake To be held Dec. 16 at 11:30am following our service at 10am at Creekside 42. Red-pencils Country. RSVP to 250-765-6622 or 44. Cindy e.g. pancake •lc seniors Bus schedule. Mon., Dec 3, 10 Prime Time. Sat., Crawford, Dec. 8 Vernon 46. Easily handled, a sailor breakfast, shopping and more. Tues., Dec. 4 Wheels to Meals luncheon andtoshopping. 48. Prima donna Lights Tour. Tues., Dec. 11 Wheels to Meals Christmas dinner. Mon., Dec. 17 Christmas Thurs., Dec. 20 local shopping. To reserve a seat on bus 49. phone Margaret December 24 250-766-3227 and 31 or Marian 250-861-4131. 50. Propelled of bean •laKe countrY lions cluB/the dreamland Band 51. 2ndType Annual Pasta and Blues Nite Feb. 2 at Winfield Hall. For tickets & info call John at52. 250Wool 717 grower 7615 (Xmas Gift or Stocking Stuffer). 54. Just released
35. Perceive Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
communitY events
•roYal canadian leGion 189 oYama ladies Notice of General Meeting Dec. 10, at 1pm. in the Legion. All members are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. •annual communitY christmas turKeY BinGo, Thurs., Dec. 13 at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Woodlake Rd. Doors open at 6pm, games start at 7pm. Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press Concession open, Lord and Lady game, door prizes. All are welcome. •laKe countrY BiG Band presents A Swingin’ Christmas 7pm, Dec. 14, at Creekside 58. Divisible by two 35. Energy Theatre. Special guests include the Mixed Blessings Choir. Admission $5 plus an item Certainly! 36.the Putfood an edge for bank.onTickets59. available from band members, Woodsdale Store, and Winfield United ThriftLaShop. go to the Lake Country Food Bank. For more information 60. Spout 37. "Livin' Vida All proceeds call 250-766-3650. ____" 61. Have the ____ s •WinField 38. Verve united churchlaugh advent services Dec. 9, 16, 23, 9:50am service and TO PUZZLE NO.carols 641 and 4pm Contemplative Service. Christmas Eve - 7pmANSWER family service and 10pm 40. Preschool lessons service. EveryoneDOWN welcome. 3751 Woodsdale Road. Ph 250-766-4458 for more downtime information. 1. Strong string 41. Interlaces 2. hall Woodwind 43. centre ____ de plume •oK communitY Christmas dinner/dance, Sat., Dec. 8. $25/Adults $20/ (pseudonym) children & seniors. Tickets atinstrument Lake Country Coffee House by cash or cheque. For credit card see 3. Mets, e.g. More info, ph. Jenny 250-766-5345. 45. link A Roosevelt nickname PancakeYour topping •cram the cruiser & 4. support local Food BanK. The Lake Country Food 47. Knots Society, the Lake Assistance Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Cooper’s Food 5. Country Humpty Dumpty, Lake Country e.g. have partnered e.g. and invite you to come and ‘Cram the Cruiser’ with non51. Adriatic, perishable donations. Members of the RCMP will also be accepting cash 53. Islamicfood nation 6. Regular Radiance donations. donations benefit the worker Lake Country Food Bank. Cooper’s Foods Parking 55. PlungeAll headfirst 7. Skilled Lot, 9522 Main St., Lake Country, Sat., Dec. 8, 8am-4 pm. Should you wish to make a 56. It gives a hoot 8. please Wit contact: Constable O’Donaghey of the Lake Country donation prior to the event 57. Shredded Pressing device RCMP Detachment, 32319.Berry Rd., Lake Country, BC V4V IT8. Phone for info: 250-7662288. •roYal lepaGe KeloWna/laKe countrY’s Annual Christmas Wish Tree! Starts Nov.26–Dec. 21. Bring in a wrapped/unwrapped gift & help make a child’s Christmas wish come true! We also have a collection box in support of Lake Country Food Bank. We are located in the Lake Country Place Mall, any questions please call Barb @ 250-766-3300. •the laKe countrY Food BanK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-7663038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •laKe countrY thriFt store hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •housinG options For seniors WorKshop Offered the second Thursday of each 21. Possesses month. Next workshop will be: Dec. 13, 10am-11:30am, 102-2055 Benvoulin Crt., Show feeling Kelowna. Plan ahead and learn about the housing options23. available to you and seniors in 25. Living, Linkletter and Garfunkel your life. Information about Subsidized Housing, Supportive Assisted Living, and Residential Care will be covered. To register for this free event please call 250-861-6180 26. Presage or email 27. ____ and pans 28. Emanation •Beavers/cuBs/scouts/venturers reGistration/aGm Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers and girls ages 5-18). To 29.(boys Customary register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. 31. Rule of conduct 34. Fullytodeveloped •WinField united church thriFt shop hours will continue be: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 2pm during the fall and winter. 37. Social-register word Ms. deinHavilland •laKe countrY Business connections meets twice39. monthly the boardroom 42. for Dangerous of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide to each other. 44. motivation Rickey ingredient Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited person per business 46. to Jailone chamber category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. 47. Have affection for For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. 48. You're something ____! •oYama leGion Branch 189 holds a meat draw every 49. Saturday afternoon Feathery wrap at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. 50. Poetic contraction •the laKe countrY museum is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 52. Small barrel 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 www. •criBBaGe tournaments at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •to all WinField criB plaYers: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning Copyright © 2012 byserved Penny Press $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies at no charge. For info call John 250-7663026. •lc dancers 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. 35. line Heathrow abbr. Tuesdays, 59. Downwind, Beginners 250-766-0850. to Popeye 36. Rapid always ____ welcome. Joy, •social BridGe Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 38. Mustang 250-766-3982. DOWN 40. In good mental 1. citiZens DangerousorGaniZations (COSCO) is an advocacy •thehealth council oF senior TO PUZZLE NO. 643 snakes group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life”ANSWER for all seniors. Senior organizations/ 41. Jeopardy 2. Dancer's jump wishing to become members please contact associations wishing to affiliate or individuals 43. Remove from print Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 604-576-9733 3. fax School subject or for further info. 45. Frozen formation 4. Male new equines •lc outdoors cluB welcomes hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring 49. Lillie or Arthur 5. More bashful & sufficient for the weather. For more water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate 51. Pen fillers info, to sign up for our hikes, or to your own hikes on the forum, visit www. 6. Dig in post the garden 53. Face-covering 7. Nome native material
8. Greek sandwich 9. Newspaper worker 55. Docile for all inquiries, please email 10. other "____ Husbands Types Necessary?" r or fax 250-762-3220 57. Law ____ order 11. Understand 19. Coral structures 58. Tense
All EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations. 54. Community Opposite of neath
36. 37. 38. 40. 43. 45. 49. 50.
Unattractive Sunday song Creepy More mature Sahara covering Greek consonant Shakespearean fuss Marry
24. 25. 26. 28. 31. 32. 35. 40. 42. 43. 45. 46. 48. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
Shelf of rock Hole punch Lock openers Yesteryear Foster role Distribute Commotion Outdoor trek Place Underwater worker Pinnacle Sorority member Grocery reminder Split Earlier than, in poems "____ Will Buy?" Play it by ____ Change the color of
Test your home for radon gas levels GREG BAYTALAN CONTRIBUTOR
Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon is a naturally occurring gas found in the ground throughout the world. Most homes that are in contact with the ground will contain some amount of radon gas. ACROSS 1. becomes Rainbow more Radon 4. of a concernThrust when it Cease reaches8.high levels. Ra12. Solicit don levels vary across 13. Telephone line the country. According 14. Honest to Health about 15. Canada Dusk, to bards seven per of the Ca16.cent Surface nadian 17. homes have raPigsty sound don levels mayfabrics be 18. that Gleaming Town inat Texas putting20. residents risk. Storm pellet Here21. in the B.C. In23.have Turner et al.“hot terior, we some 25. Grant's opponent spot” areas with high ra26. in Wrapping up don levels approxi28. Adventurous tale mately 40 per cent of 30. Shorthand pro homes. Being heavier than air, radon accumu-
lates in low lying areas Testing a home is easy through cracks in a founlike basements. and inexpensive. Testing dation or dirt floor such Many houses coninvolves placing a small as older crawl spaces. It tain recreation rooms or puck-like kit within the can also enter a home suites in the basement lowest area of the home through the ventilation that are occupied for that could be occupied system. many hours per day. for more than four hours The bottom line is Rad ation with tobac- per day. The kit should that everyone should test their homes for radon to co smoke, including secremain in that location see if this gas (dubbed as ond-hand smoke can in- for a minimum of three crease the risk substanmonths and then mailed the “silent killer”) is lurktially. to a laboratory for results. ing. 2012 by Penny Press If elevated radon levHealth Canada esti-Copyright © Just because your els are found, basic meamates that one in three neighbours tested their 56. Polehomes and found low re31. Start over sures can be taken to adsmokers exposed to high 34. Devour a book radon levels will develop sults does not mean your dress the problem. DOWN home is low too. 36. Impede Further information lung cancer. 1. Shock 37. Black-eyed ____ on radon can be found Radon gas is colourTh e test results for 2. Sturgeon delicacy 39. Medal of Honor on theNO. Health less, odourless and tasteyour home canANSWER be very TO PUZZLE 642 Cana3. Thoughtfulness winner da website www.hc-sc. less, so the only way to diff erent. 4. Whack 41. Bank (on) know if the radon levels This is because factors Exhausting 42. Thickens in home are the local geology ron/radon-eng.php for sports 44.your Lumberjack's Spotbeyond Test kits are available to testing. 7. Animals influence the levels with46.conduct Diva's tune e best time to 8. Stashin a building. Essentially, from B.C. Lung Asso47.Th Type of sword 48. Unfinished ciation. Give them a call test your home for ra-9. Experimentation radon takes the path of 10. Small weight unit 51. King beasts don gas of is the now through least resistance, and resis- at 1-800-665-LUNG 11. Blacktance tea can vary between 52. Irishman, e.g.the cool(5864). April. During 19. Dress style 53.months Hymn ofwindows praise er and homes. Fine" can enter a 54. Rectify doors are often closed21. "____ So Radon 22. Carpenter insect 55. "____ Little Greg Baytalan is an air andTenderness" rising warm air in a home through the foun24. Indian outfit quality specialist with Inhome draws more radon dation, including conterior Health. from the ground. crete, and more so
Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press
1. "On My ____" 4. Complexion affliction 8. Snatch 12. Rival 13. Train sound 14. Like a certain fish 15. Infant's problem 17. Chimney clogger 18. Doctor or chart 19. Spruce, e.g. 20. Bundle of cotton 23. Peeled 27. Friend's opposite 29. Fleecy female 30. Zone or table 33. Picnic intruder
34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 41. 44. 45. 47. 49. 50. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
Strangely '20s car Gathered Apparatus Beach discovery Made level Not at work Realtor's measure Kind Penny or dime Looked over again Waiter's handout Makes angry Dried grass On ____ (tense) Cheeky Valuable rock
1. Frequently, to a bard 2. ____ is me! 3. Named before marriage 4. Painful 5. Leader 6. Convent member 7. Breakfast food 8. "Beau ____" 9. Requested again 10. Medicinal plant 11. Computer unit 16. Abound 20. Rafter 21. Ms. Bancroft 22. Calligraphy, e.g.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A15
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
Medication can assist when patience isn’t enough OZ FROM A13
tions are similar to hutive behaviour. harmless, but in other man antidepressants and It can range anywhere cases they can be sucThe key is to confiDECEMBER ne anxiolytics. 6, 2012 between constantly runcessfully managed with a THURSDAY, the dog without makMost people find ning back and forward medical treatment. TSN LeavCHBC CBC KOMO A&E ing it feel isolated. theseCIVT medications very KIRO on theCHAN exact sameSNP path KNOW Owning a dog with a # your $ effective %in reducing & _ ( ) * ` 1 ing an object with up to a destructive bebehavioural disorder will The Doctors The View Poko Is The Doctors UEFA The View Criminal :00 NFL smell such as aFilms shirt may their dog’s stress level The Price haviour of” eitherEuropa animate Noodle affect both the dog’s and ” ” Doodlebops Right Timothy ” Minds 10 :30 Team help the dog feel clossedating it.and Young objects or even themthe owner quality of life. Canada Mamas without The Marilyn & Mamas League JoeJack KOMO 4 Criminal THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6,Steven 2012 :00 Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Shrinks :30 Rewind er11 to you. Another common selvesDebt/Part (obsessiveSoccer licking G. ThereNews is no needMinds to ” Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Arthur The Chew The First 48 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO ” Hour Nowis OCD Bold for anHour Peep, Big ” ” Behavioural modimental ”problem example).Europa suff er any longer. If A&E your 12 :30 NFL# Live Days of our The% Dr. Oz Heartland The _ Talk Days of our League Poppetstown General The 1 First 48 $ & ( ) * is trashing ` your :00 fications are available (obsessive compulsive Some of these obsesdog ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Soccer: Save-Ums! Hospital ” 1 :30 NFL Films The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors UEFA Noodle The View Criminal :00 for10 dogs. ThOff eseRecord medicaThe Jeff Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s The Jeff Teams Doctors The First 48 disorder). is a repetisiveabehaviours can beTBA Maggie house orThe showing other :00 ” ” This Doodlebops RightMake ” Europa Timothy ” Minds :30 Team Probst Show Mamas The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days of our News Lives ”
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Valleyview Funeral Home ; < A N P 165 Valleyview Road • 250-763-3147
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“Rush Hour The Offi ce Family Guy 3” The OffiGuy ce Family
SeattleCat in the Downton Future Arthur Abbey
” Ellen DeGe30 Rock Jimmy Fallon neres Up AllShow Night
Anderson Glee Live ”
Along for Along-Bride the Bride Along-Bride
Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie:
Wild Kratts Revisited WordGirl Call the
Katie The Office Parks ”
SportsCentre ET The Ricki Basketball: LastCanada Resort ” LakeTalk Show Mavericks at The ”
Daily Show Coronation Letterman Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Colbert Rep Stefano Q Jian ThisMinute Ferguson neres Show Two Men of With Things Two Men
ET The Ricki LastCanada Resort The Talk Lake Show ”
The Ultimate CivilizationWorld ”Poker Dinosaur Joanna Fighter History? Tour Arthur Sportsnet Lumley
Hockey Suns Interruption ”
Anderson Grey’s Live Anatomy
Dragons’ Doc Zone Den ”
Young Glee & Restless ”
NFL Game. Connected Sportsnet Premier
Clifford-Dog Pete Seeger: KOMO Grey’s 4 WordWorld News The Power Anatomy
The First 48 Odd Parents & Daily Planet Funny Home Lang CBC News: American ” Odd Parents O’Leary ” Videos The National Chopper
CTV News Flashpoint at Five”
News News CBC News: KIRO Elementary News The National KIRO News ”
Early News Elementary Global” Nat.
NFL Sportsnet Football: Connected
Dive, Olly of Song Wild Kratts Snapshot
News Scandal World ”News
The First 48 Odd Parents CBC News My Wife ” Odd Parents ” Mr. Young
Sons of Simpsons Moonshiners News Guns ” Raymond H.S. Sports
Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes
Browns “Rush Hour Payne 3”
Business Midwife World ”News
KING 5 Rock Center News ”
News CBC News Exchange George S George S Coronation Coronation Q With Jian The Nature of Things
KIRO News CBS News Late Show
News Hour Final ” Ent ET Canada ET TheCanada Talk Last Resort ”
Denver Animals Central What’s That Broncos at Rivers UFC Central About? Oakland That The Ultimate What’s CivilizationRaiders About? Fighter History? ” Joanna Sportsnet Lumley
KOMO News 4 News Nightline Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Last Resort ”
The First 48 Panic 9-1-1 ”” Panic Panic 9-1-1 9-1-1 ”” Panic 9-1-1 ”
American Sons of Chopper Guns Moonshiners How/Made ” Oddities Mayday ”
Big Bang Sunny Two TMZMen
Four WedAlong-Bride dings: TBA Holi.
Big TheBang Office Two KingMen of Hill The X Factor ”
Along-Bride Paid Prog. Along-Bride Paid Prog. Four Weddings: Holi.
Browns ” Payne Movie: Seinfeld “Rush Hour Seinfeld 3” Family Guy Family Guy
PBS 1962 NewsHour World’s FairAsk the SeattleGovernor Future Downton Abbey
Nightly News KING News News Jay Leno Magazine ” Inside JimmyEd. Fallon 30 Rock Up All Night
Grey’s Anatomy
Doc Zone ”
Person of Interest
Connected Premier
Pete Seeger: Grey’s The Power Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Funny Home CBC News: American Videos The National Chopper
Flashpoint ”
CBC News: Elementary The National ”
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Connected
of Song Snapshot
The First 48 ”
My Wife Mr. Young
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Central What’s That UFC Central About?
Panic 9-1-1 ”
That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Splatalot The National Guns
SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show The Talk Rep E:60 ” Doctors Colbert The View ” ” ”
Coronation Q With Jian Poko Doodlebops
Ferguson The Price Is Right
The Talk Doctors Fighter Sportsnet ” Connected
History? Noodle To School
Kimmel Live To Be ” The View ” Announced
Videos Squirrel G. Shrinks
Young Glee & Restless ”
NBA SportsCentre News Elementary Basketball: ” ”
New York Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News Knicks” at CHBC ” Final News CTV News Miami Heat Ent SportsCentre ET Canada etalk Daily Show NBA ” ET Canada Big Bang The Talk Colbert Rep Basketball: Last Resort Big Bang Mavericks at ” Two Men Suns
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
Squirrel Sidekick Squirrel Almost G. Shrinks ” Chris Deal Probst Show Prime Time Rolie Polie ” ” League/Evil The Marilyn Steven and Young & Mamas League Joe- Jack KOMO 4 Criminal Babar Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki World Poker Dinosaur The Dr. Oz The First 48 Pokemon Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Soccer G. Shrinks News Minds Rescue Hero neres Show Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Tour Arthur Show ” T.U.F.F. CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Arthur The Chew The First 48 Power Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & NFL Game. Clifford-Dog KOMO 4 The First 48 Odd Parents ” Now Bold Hour Europa Peep, Big ” ” T.U.F.F. Live Den Judge Judy Restless Sportsnet WordWorld News ” Odd Parents The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our NFL League Poppetstown General The First First 48 48 Odd Squirrel CTV News News KIRO News Early News Dive, Olly News The Parents Show ” Lives Nat. Football: Soccer: Save-Ums! Hospital Sidekick at Five News ” KIRO News Global Wild Kratts World News ”” Odd Parents Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Jeff Teams TBA Maggie The Doctors The First 48 Almost CTV News News KIRO News News Hour Denver Animals KOMO 4 The First 48 Panda ”” Chris Deal Probst Show Prime Time Rolie Polie ” ” League/Evil Exchange CBS News ” Broncos at Rivers News ” Victorious EllenView DeGe- George Best Recipes ThisMinute The Doctors Ricki World Poker What’s Dinosaur The View Dr. Oz The First 48 Mr. Pokemon The Poko The Price Is Ent The UEFA Noodle The Criminal Squirrel etalk S Ent Oakland That Wheel Panic 9-1-1 Young neres Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Tour Arthur Show ” T.U.F.F. ”Show Coronation Doodlebops Right ” Europa Timothy Minds”” G. Shrinks Big Bang The Insider ET Canada Raiders About? Jeopardy! Boys Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & NFL Game. Clifford-Dog KOMO 4 The First 48 Odd Parents TheBang Marilyn The Steven and Big Young & Mamas Joe- Jack KOMO 4 Criminal Big Nature Bang Last Resort League ” Joanna Last Resort Panic 9-1-1 Babar Wipeout Live Men Den Judge Judy Debt/Part Restless Sportsnet WordWorld News ” Odd Parents Denis Show of Chris Restless Soccer G. Shrinks News Minds”” Rescue Two Things Two Men ” Sportsnet Lumley ” Hero News Early News Connected NFL Dive,Seeger: Olly News The First First 48 48 Funny Odd Parents CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon UEFA Arthur The Chew Power Grey’s Doc Zone Person of Glee Pete Grey’s The Home at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. Football: Wild Kratts World News ” Odd Parents Anatomy Interest Premier The Power Anatomy Videos ” Now ” Bold Hour ” Europa Peep, Big ” T.U.F.F.
2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2012 12 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :30 6 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 7 :00 :00 4 :30 11 8 :00 5 :30 9 12 :00 6 :30 10 1 :00 11 7 :30 2 :00 12 3 8 :30 :00 4 9 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :00 6 :30 11 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 11 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :00 :30 10 :30 Interruption Canada SportsCentre Rewind ” ” Hockey ” Interruption NFL Live NBA ” Basketball:
mischievous behaviour, it is not done necessarily to spite you, it is very possibly a call for help.
of Debt/Part Denis Show Chris 11 :30 SeriesDECEMBER FRIDAY, 7, 2012 2012 World
The Marilyn
Steven and
Judge PersonJudy of Judge InterestJudy
Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Two Men
KIRO _ Letterman
Glee ”
CHAN ( ET Canada
Scandal ”
SNP KNOW News KOMO Nightline ) * ` The Ultimate Civilization- Jimmy
A&E 1 Panic 9-1-1
Panda That’s-Weird Victorious Splatalot Mr. Young Funny Home Boys Videos Wipeout ”
CBC News: The The National National CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary CBC News: The National
CBC News ”
YTV NEWS 6 7 Funny Home Lang & O’Leary CBC News Now With
Along-Bride Along-Bride
Amer. Dad Movie:
Revisited Call the
The Office Parks
Say Yes Say Yes
“Rush Hour 3”
Midwife ”
Rock Center ”
Sunny TMZ
Along-Bride TBA
” Movie:
1962 KING News World’s Fair- Jay Leno
King of Hill The Offi ce How I Met
Paid BabyProg. Story Baby Story
3” Law Order: CI
Future Sid Science Wild Kratts
Jimmy Today Fallon cont’d New Day Northwest
Moonshiners News ” H.S. Sports
DISC 9 How/Made Oddities Ragin’ Cajuns
KAYU ; The Office
TLC < Paid Prog.
WTBS A “Rush Hour
KCTS N Seattle-
Young & Restless
Mamas Debt/Part
Sportsnet Connected
Joe- Jack G. Shrinks
KOMO 4 News
Babar Reshmi Nair Airplane Rescue Hero ” Repo
Family Feud Four Family Feud Weddings
Law Order: CI
Daniel Tiger Rick Steves
Poker: Final Table
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Hockeycentral at Noon
Arthur Peep, Big
The Chew ”
The First 48 ”
Power T.U.F.F.
Perry Mason Four ” Weddings
Excused Excused
Ed Sullivan’s KING 5 Top News
NFL Live ”
Days of our Lives
The Dr. Oz Show
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Soccer Central
Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital
The First 48 ”
Squirrel Sidekick
CBC News Moonshiners Law Order: Now-Nichols ” CI
Four Weddings
There Yet? There Yet?
Performers 1966-1969
Days of our Lives
Off Record E:60 Interruption ” SportsCentre 2012 World ” Series of Hockey 24/7 Poker: Final 30 forTable 30
The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News
Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show Anderson Live CTV News ” CTV News
Steven and Poko Chris Doodlebops Best Recipes Steven and Stefano Chris Dragons’ Den CBC News Now News
Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right ThisMinute Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News Bold News KIRO
The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News Early
Cricket Sportsnet Fish TV Connected Bobsledding Sportsnet ” Connected OHL Hockey: Hockeycentral at Noon Niagara
Mag Fero Noodle Rolie Polie To School Dinosaur Joe- Jack Arthur G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog WordWorld Arthur Peep,Olly Big Dive,
The First 48 To Be ” Announced The First 48 cont’d” ” Duck D. Duck D. 48 The First Duck ”
Almost Squirrel League/Evil G. Shrinks Pokemon Babar T.U.F.F. Rescue Hero Kung Fu Kung PowerFu T.U.F.F. Kung Fu
Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Reshmi ” Nair ” Lang & O’Leary ” ” CBC News
MythBusters Ragin’” Cajuns Cash Cab Airplane How/Made Repo Daily Planet ” American Chopper Canada’s
Four Baby Story Weddings Baby Story Four Four Weddings Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes
King Law Order: King CI The Office Law Offi Order: The ce CI Big Bang Big Bang Excused Excused Browns
Charlie Rose Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Cat in the Daniel Tiger Arthur Rick Steves Wild Kratts WordGirl Ed Sullivan’s Top Business
Dr. Phil Today” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest Katie KING ”5 News 5 KING
” NFL Live
” our Days of Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Jeff Probst Show Ent The Doctors ET Canada The Ricki ” Lake Show Kitchen Mamas Nightmares Young & Debt/Part
at Five The Dr. Oz ShowNews CTV
News Heartland News ”
KIRO News The Talk ” KIRO News
IceDogs Soccer at Central London
Dynasty The First 48 Panda Squirrel ” Sidekick Duck D. SpongeBob! Duck D. 48 SpongeBob The First Almost ” League/Evil Duck SpongeBob To BeD. Squirrel Duck D. SpongeBob The First 48 G. Pokemon Announced Shrinks ” T.U.F.F. Duck D. National cont’d Babar Duck LampoonDuck D. D. Kung FuHero ” Rescue
” CBC News Now-Nichols CBC News: The National Power & Politics CBC CBC News News ” ” Now With ” CBC News: Reshmi Nair The LangNational & ”
Worst Driver Raymond Moonshiners Law Order: ” CI Bang Salvage Big Hunters Men MythBusters Two Funny Home ” Videos Jungle Ragin’ Gold Big TheBang Office ” Two Men Cash Cab The Ricki Cajuns How I Met How/Made Lake Show Cash Cab Kitchen Airplane Family Feud Cash Cab Nightmares Daily Planet Anderson Repo Family Feud
TLC Say Yes Four<
Payne There Yet? There Yet? Browns
WTBS Payne KingA
World News Performers 1966-1969 PBS
Exchange Steven and Chris George S Poko Coronation Best Recipes Doodlebops Stefano Marketplace Steven and Rick Mercer Dragons’ Chris
Say FourYes Weddings Say Yes
” Dr. Phil ” etalk The View Big Bang Ellen DeGe” neresNY Show CSI: The Marilyn ”Show Anderson Denis
Wild Kratts World News Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital4 Animals KOMO Parks News Mag Fero The Doctors Probst Show Fish TV Rolie Polie ” Ent Mega Wheel The Doctors Sportsnet Sportsnet Noodle The View ET Canada Connected Builders Jeopardy! The Ricki Bobsledding To Dinosaur The Dr. ” Connected School ” Oz Lake Show ” Arthur ShowMan Kitchen EPL Preview Murder Last Mamas Sportsnet Joe- Jack KOMO 4 Nightmares UFC Malibu Young & OHL Central Myster. Clifford-Dog KOMO 4 Debt/Part Connected G. Shrinks News Restless Hockey: WordWorld Shark News Bomb Girls The Ultimate Silk Tank Noon News HockeycenArthur The Chew ” Fighter ” Hour at Noon Peep, Big Early News tral Niagara Dive, Olly News ”” Global Nat. IceDogs at Wild Kratts World News 16x9 Sportsnet Party 20/20 Days of our Soccer Poppetstown General Animals Lives Central Save-Ums! Hospital News ”Hour Connected London Animals KOMO” 4
Weddings Brides-Hills Baby Story Brides-Hills Four Story Baby Weddings Say FourYes Say FourYes Weddings
King Seinfeld Law Order: Seinfeld The Office CI The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order: Family Guy Big Bang CI
” Magazine Today Inside Ed. Ellen DeGecont’d neres Show Saturday New Day Night Katie Live Northwest
D. 48 Duck The First Dynasty Duck ” Dynasty Duck D. The First 48 Duck ” Duck D. D.
Kung Fu Cousin Ed Power ” T.U.F.F. Kung Fu Panda Mr. Young Squirrel Mr. Young Sidekick SpongeBob!
” Salvage American Hunters Chopper Canada’s Worst Driver Canada’s Moonshiners Worst ”Driver Salvage
Live Mason Fringe Perry ”” Simpsons Raymond News Law Order: 30 CI BigRock Bang
Weddings Brides-Hills Four Brides-Hills Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Four Say Weddings Say Yes Yes
Big Bang Amer. Dad Excused Movie: Excused Browns Payne “Road Trip” There Yet? ”Yet? There Browns
News ”Hour The Jeff Final Probst Show Ent ET Canada The Ricki The Talk Lake Show Kitchen Nightmares Young & Restless Bomb Girls ” Early News Global 16x9 Nat.
Central Knights Cricket UFC Central Fish TV Sportsnet On the Edge Connected Bobsledding ”” EPL Preview UFC Central OHL Hockey: The Ultimate Fighter Niagara IceDogs at Sportsnet
Mega ParksFero Mag Builders Rolie MegaPolie Murder Builders Dinosaur Myster. Arthur Murder Myster. Clifford-Dog WordWorld Silk ” Dive, Olly Wild PartyKratts
News The Doctors Nightline Wheel” Jimmy Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Kimmel Live Show Last Man Malibu KOMO 4 News Shark Tank News ” World 20/20 News
Duck D. 48 The First Duck D. ” Duck D. DuckFirst D. 48 The Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck D.
Boys SpongeBob Almost Boys League/Evil SpongeBob National SpongeBob Pokemon Lamp. T.U.F.F. National LampoonKung Fu Kung FuEd Cousin ” Kung Fu Panda Mr. Young
O’Leary CBC News: ” The ” CBCNational News ” CBC News CBC News ” Now-Nichols CBC News: CBC News: The National Power & The National Politics CBC News Lang & ”” O’Leary ” CBC News: The National Lang & O’Leary CBC News: The National CBC News ” CBC News
” Washington Sid Science Need Cat in the Wild Kratts Arthur Members’ Daniel Tiger Choice Wild Steves Kratts Rick WordGirl ” Ed Sullivan’s ” Top Business
Jungle HuntersGold MythBusters ” Jungle” Gold MythBusters ” Cash Cab ” How/Made Cash Cab Cash Cab Daily Planet ” Salvage Hunters Canada’s Worst Driver Canada’s
Sunny Two Men Funny Home TMZ Videos Big Bang The Offi ce Two Ricki Men The King of Hill Lake Show Kitchen Nightmares Anderson Live Fringe ” Simpsons Raymond News
Four Say Yes Four Weddings Weddings Brides-Hills Paid Prog. Brides-Hills Four Paid Prog. Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Brides-Hills Brides-Hills Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes
Payne” King Movie: King Seinfeld “Road Trip: Seinfeld The Offi ce BeerOffi Pong” The ce Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Movie: Browns Payne “Road Trip”
” KING ”5 News KING ”5 World News News ” Dateline Performers Days of our NBC 1966-1969 Lives PBS ” Nightly News ” Rose KING News NewsHour News Charlie Dr. Phil ”” Jay Leno ” Washington Magazine Alone ” Ed. Need InsideDeGeCat in in thethe Ellen Wilderness Jimmy Fallon Arthur neres Show Members’ Saturday Choice Night Wild Kratts Katie Live WordGirl ”” ” ” ” Business KING 5 World ”News News Dateline
News ”Hour News ”Hour
Connected London Knights Central
Animals Parks Mega
KOMO” 4 News News
Duck D. Duck Duck D. D.
Worst Driver Salvage Hunters Jungle Gold
30 Rock Big Bang Two Men Sunny
Say Yes Yes Say Say FourYes
” Browns Payne”
PBS ” NewsHour ”
NBC News Nightly News KING News
Final Ent ET ET Canada Canada
Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Jimmy
Duck D. Duck Duck D. D.
Mr. Young ” SpongeBob! CBC News: SpongeBob The Boys CBCNational News: Boys The National SpongeBob CBC News SpongeBob ” National Lang &
Kimmel Live Duck D. Last Man Malibu Duck D.
” Jay Leno Washington Magazine Need Alone in the Inside ”Ed. Wilderness Saturday Jimmy Fallon Members’ Choice Night Live
Shark Tank ”
Duck Dynasty
:00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 11 :00 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2012 :00 4 :30 12 :30 :00 5 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & 6 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 9 :00 12 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 :00 10 1 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 :00 11 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :30 :00 12 3 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 4 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 5 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2012 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 11 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2012 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :00 4 :30 11 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2012 :00 5 :30 12 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 6 # $ % & 1 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 :00 9 4 :30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 10 5 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :00 2 :30 :00 12 7 :30 3 :30 NBA ” Basketball: Off Record Interruption Toronto E:60 Raptors SportsCentre ” at ” Utah 2012 Jazz World SportsCentre Hockeyof Series
24/7 ” Poker: 24/7 Final 30 forTable 30 ” SportsCentre NFL Live ” ” NBA
SportsCentre Basketball: Off Record ” Interruption Toronto SportsCentre Raptors at SportsCentre ”” Utah Jazz SportsCentre Hockey 24/7 ” 24/7 30 for 30 ” SportsCentre
NBA ” Basketball: SportsCentre
” Toronto Raptors at SportsCentre
Restless Bomb Girls Noon News Hour News ” ” 16x9 Days of our Lives Global” Nat. CHBC News The Jeff Final Probst Show Ent ET TheCanada Ricki The Talk Lake Show Kitchen Nightmares Young & Restless Bomb Girls News ” 16x9 ”
Bomb Girls ”
SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”
Days ofNat. our KIRO Global CHAN Lives Hour News CBS News ” Let’s_ Make a The( Jeff Deal Ent The Price Is The Insider ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Undercover Young & Boss Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy CSI: NY KIRO News Bold KIRO ”News
Den fi fth estate CBC News Now News ” News KIRO News CBC News: Blue Bloods Heartland The Talk The National ” News KIRO ””News CTV News CBC News Newsa ” Exchange CBS Make News Dr. Phil Steven and KIRO Let’s CTV News George S Late Show Chris Deal etalk ” George S Ent The Coronation Letterman Big Bang The Insider Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Mentalist Booky Ferguson neres Show Stefano CSI: NY Marketplace ThisMinute Undercover ” Rick Mercer Boss Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Live Den Judge Judy CSI: NY fifth estate CSI: NY ” ” CTV News News ” KIRO News at Five News Blue Bloods News CBC News: KIRO Blue Bloods ” The National KIRO News ” Global” Nat. CTV News News CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News CHBC News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Final CTV News Late Show Ent etalk George S Ent ET Coronation The Insider ET Canada Canada Big TheBang Coronation Letterman
” The Talk Utah Jazz Kitchen SportsCentre Nightmares
Live NY CSI: CTV News ”” CTV News at Five Blue Bloods The Dr. Oz ” Show CTV News
SNP ) Knights Cricket
Mentalist CSI: NY ”
Booky Ferguson Marketplace Undercover Rick Mercer Boss
The Talk Kitchen Nightmares
UFC Central Mega Builders Sportsnet Connected On the Edge Builders Murder ” Myster. EPL Preview Murder UFC Central Myster.
fifth estate ”
Bomb Girls ”
The Ultimate Silk Fighter
Blue Bloods ”
Sportsnet Connected
A&E 1
A&E 1
PaidYes Prog. Say Say Yes
Beer Pong” Family Guy Family Guy
Brides-Hills Brides-Hills
Amer. Dad Movie:
Duck D. Duck D.
Mr. Young Mr. Young
CBC News ”
Say Yes Say Yes
“Road Trip” ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Boys Boys
CBC News: Jungle Gold The National ”
National T.U.F.F. Lamp. Turtles
Lang & CBC News O’Leary CBC News
Sea Rescue Be the Boss Turtles Born-Explore ” Beywheelz
Now With Christine
Wipeout ”
Parking Parking
Power Power
Football ”
Parking Parking
Power Power
SportsCentre ET Canada The Canadian Fishn SickKids ” The Talk Mentalist Dog Show Real Fishing Foundation
Coronation CrossBooky Country Ski
Letterman College Ferguson Basketball
ET Canada On the Edge Murder Jimmy Duck D. Fishn English Upside Dwn Kimmel Recipe Live Duck To BeD. The Talk ” Pre- Myster. Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food Announced
Boxing ”
Skiing ”
” Powerboat Col. Football Driving TV
” ”
PGA Tour Golf ” ”
Dogs Dogs
A New Smile Cross” Country Ski
College Football:
Noon News Hour
Premier Snowbrd
Family Simpsons
SportsCentre Figure ” Skating:
Army vs. Navy
Family Simpsons
Bobsledding Can. Rivers ” Rivers
Simpsons Movie:
Lovett-Reid Dr. Marla &
Simpsons Movie:
UFC Prelims Mega ” Builders
KIRO ” _ ”
Canadian Fishn SickKids SportsCentre “Casino Cash Cab Dog Show Real Fishing Cash Foundation ” Royale” Cab
CrossCollege National ” Country Ski Paid Basketball Marketplace Prog.
Hockey: Boxing World ”
” Powerboat ” TV Driving
Santa It Is Written Parade Car Bnss
Hockey/ Skiing History ”
Sledge ” Hockey ”
” Noon News CHBC Hour News Global Family Nat. CHBC News Simpsons renegade Simpsons Fishn renegade Movie: Real Fishing To Be “Casino Powerboat Announced Royale”TV Driving The Guard ” Noon News ” Hour ” The Guard Family”” CHBC News Simpsons News Final Global Nat. Simpsons Saturday CHBC News Movie: Night Live renegade “Casino ” renegade Royale”
etalk A New Smile Figure CrossApp Central Skating: ” Country Ski
Challenge PGA Tour SportsCentre Golf ”” Canadian NFL Films ” Dog Show SportsCentre SportsCentre Boxing 30 for ”30 ” ” Hockey: ” World ”” SportsCentre Sledge PGA Tour ” Hockey Golf SportsCentre Challenge ”” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre NFL Films ”
Dino Dan Wild Kratts
Noon News Hour
ISU Grand Prix Final
KNOW News KOMO Nightline * `
Central Mega UFC Central Builders
Soccer ICC Cricket
CBC News: Salvage The National Hunters
News Hour Final
It Is Written Car Bnss
Funny Home The Office Videos How I Met The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Family Feud Anderson Live Perry Mason ” Simpsons
Cousin Ed ”
Powerboat Driving TV
Lamp. National Lampoon-
KIRO News Late Show
Movie: Seinfeld Seinfeld “Road Trip:
CBC News George S
American Chopper
Weddings Brides-Hills Brides-Hills Paid Prog.
CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”
” ”
TMZ Jungle” Gold Big Bang ” Two MythBusters The Men Office O’Leary ” King of Hill CBC News: Cash Cab Kitchen The National Cash Cab Nightmares
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
Party Animals
The Doctors The View ” ” The Dr. Oz KOMO 4 Show News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ”
A&E 1
KNOW KOMO A&E ESPN Sports Parking * ` 1 Saturday Parking
Fishn English Upside Dwn Recipe “Casino ” Pre- Frontiers of ” Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food ” Royale” ” Construction
To Be Parking Announced Parking
Fringe ”
Canada’s News Worst Driver 30 Rock
“Road Trip: Movie: Beer Pong” “Are We
Alone in the Bob Builder Wilderness SciGirls
” Gardening Jimmy Fallon Easy Meals
Dangerous Flights
Kids News Old House
Say Yes Say Yes
Done Yet?” ”
Members’ Choice
Red Bull Signature
Salvage Hunters
Paid Prog. My Pillow
Say Yes Say Yes
Jim Browns
” ”
Canada’s Movie: Worst Driver “Step Up”
Say Yes Say Yes
King King
KCTS 9 Cooks: On
Say Yes Say Yes
Family Guy Family Guy
the Side ”
Bob Builder ” SciGirls ”
Gardening Poppy Cat Easy Meals Justin Time
KAYU ” ; ”
Pokemon Pokemon
National Issue
MythBusters ”
T.U.F.F. Pokemon Turtles Pokemon
CBC News National CBC News Mansbridge
JungleCab Gold Bones Paid Prog. Cash ” Paid Prog. How/Made ”
Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say
Movie: The Office “AreOffi Wece The Seinfeld Done Yet?” Seinfeld ”
” Soccer ” ICC Cricket
Nat’l Dino Dan Geographic Wild Kratts
Cash Cab Storage Sea Rescue Be the Boss Movie: Turtles Cash Cab Storage “Pokémon” Born-Explore ” Beywheelz
The NowNature With of Things Christine
Cash Cab Dangerous Cash Cab Flights
Jim Kids News How I Met Old House
Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes
UFC Live Premier ” Snowbrd
Joanna Dogs Lumley Dogs
News Wipeout World ”News
fi fth estate Birak ”
Auction Salvage Auction Hunters
UFC: Paid Prog. Henderson My Pillow
Mario Lopez Movie: Say Yes Jim & Courtney “The Da Say Yes Browns
SNP KNOW KOMO ” Hope for KOMO Bobsledding Can. Rivers Football4 ”” Wildlife News Rivers ” ) * `
A&E Parking Parking Parking 1
Sportsnet UFC Prelims English PreConnected ” mier League English ” Soccer Premier ” ICC Cricket League ” Premier Soccer ” Snowbrd Sportsnet UFC Live Bobsledding Connected ”” European ” UFC Prelims Poker Tour ” Skiing Sportsnet ”” Connected ”
Exterminator Parking To Be Exterminator Parking Announced Exterminator Parking Be the Boss Exterminator Parking ” Storage Storage Parking Storage Storage Parking Parking Storage Parking Parking Storage Parking Exterminator Parking Parking Exterminator Parking Exterminator Exterminator Parking Exterminator Exterminator Parking
Inside Mega the Upside Dwn Pod Builders Miss BG Heartbeat Frontiers of Dino Dan ” Construction Wild Kratts A Touch of Nat’l Dogs Frost Geographic Dogs ” Joanna Can. Rivers ” Lumley Rivers Warriors of Hope for Mega the Night Wildlife Builders A Touch of Inside theof Frontiers Frost Pod Construction
Wheel ESPN Sports Recipe Jeopardy! Saturday Food Movie:” Sea “TheRescue ” Born-Explore Borrowers” Cash Cab Wipeout ” Cash Cab ” Castle News Football World ””News News KOMOSports 4 ESPN Burn Notice News Saturday ” Wheel Castle” Jeopardy! ”
Power” League/Evil Power Beethoven’s Power Christmas Power Adventure Pokemon T.U.F.F. ” Pokemon Turtles The Dog Pokemon Turtles Who Saved Pokemon Beywheelz Christmas Movie: Power Vacation “Pokémon” Power League/Evil ” Power Splatalot League/Evil Power Zoink’d! Beethoven’s Pokemon Splatalot Christmas Pokemon Dog Who Adventure Pokemon Saved ” Pokemon
Dateline NBC
Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
KIRO News College KIRO News Football:
Storage Parking Storage Parking
” ”
” ”
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In Touch ” Chris Museum” W5 Movie: CHBC News ”” “Lassie” Noon News Land & Sea Hour Nat. ” Mansbridge Global CTV News ” at Green CHBC News SportsCentre ” ” Jian Basketball: The Best Q With Raptors at Years ” Ghomeshi Bay Packers Howie Do It Landing Heartland ” Cleveland Prep & Clippers Simpsons Question Skiing” Simpsons Period ”” Simpsons The Amazing Movie:”
5 :30 :00 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2012 12:00 :30
6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1:30 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 2:00 :30 :00 8 :30 10 :30 3:00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 4:00 :00 10 5:30 12 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6:00 1 :30 :00 12 7:30 2 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 9 :30 4 :00 10 5 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2012 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :30 :00 :00 11:30 :30 10 :00 :00 12:30 :30 11 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2012 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10:00 :30 :00 4 :30 11:00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2012 :00 :00 6 1:30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 :00 7 2:30 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 10:00 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 11:00 :30 :00 10 :00 5:30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 11 :00 6:30 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 12 :00 7:30 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :30 :00 :00 10 11:30 :30 :00 :00 11 12:30 :30 :00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 :00 :00 1:30 :30 6 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2:30 :30 7 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3:30 :30 8 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 4:30 :30 9 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 5:30 :30 10 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 6:30 :30 11 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 7:30 :30 12 :00 :00 2 8 :30 :30 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2012 :00 :00 3 9 :30 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 4 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 5 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 :00 12 5 :30 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 ” Football Motoring Night
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Family at Guy “Night Amer. Dad the
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The Voice Ellen DeGe”Show The View neres ” Russell Anderson Peters The Live Marilyn Denis Show Castle CTV News ” CTV News at Five ” CTV CTV News News CTV News The Dr. ” Oz ShowShow Daily etalk Colbert Rep Dr. Big Phil Bang ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show Russell Anderson Peters Live Castle
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How I Met ThisMinute Big TheBang Price Is ThisMinute Right Girl Broke Judge Judy Broke Young & JudgeGirl Judy Restless Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO KIRO News News Bold News KIRO KIRO News Late Show The CBSTalk News ” Letterman Ent Ferguson Let’s Make a The Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Big Bang ThisMinute Broke Girl Judge Judy Broke Girl Judge Judy Hawaii Five-
NCIS: Los The Ricki Angeles The Doctors Lake Show ” Parenthood Young & ” Mamas Restless Debt/Part Hawaii FiveEarly News 0 Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour Hour News News Hour Final Days of ” our Lives ET EntCanada The Talk The Jeff ET Canada Probst Show NCIS: Los The Ricki Angeles Lake Show Parenthood Young”& Restless Hawaii Five-
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” NFL SportsCentre ” Football: Texans at SportsCentre
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Women Dive, Olly
Intervention The Dr. Oz The First 48 Makeover ”” The View Criminal Show ” Minds Extreme Hoarders KOMO 4 Hoarders Makeover ”” KOMO Criminal News 4 News Minds Castle Hoarders News Hoarders ” ” The Chew 48 World News The First ” ” ” News Intervention KOMO 4 Hoarders Nightline ”” General The First 48 News Hospital ” Jimmy Intervention Wheel Intervention Kimmel Live ” The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! ” ” ” Extreme Intervention The Dr. Oz The First 48 Makeover ” Show ” Extreme Hoarders KOMO 4 Hoarders Makeover ” News ” Castle Hoarders ” News ” Hoarders World News Intervention ” News
Next CakeBaker Boss: Next To BeBaker
” Browns Payne” ” Browns Payne”
” Business World News Happiness Advantage PBS NewsHour With Shawn
blé-Holidays KING 5 News News KING
Announced Cake Boss: Next Baker Paid
” Patriots ”
The Ent Talk ET Canada
CHBC” News Final Global Nat. CHBC News ET Canada
Colbert Rep etalk Big Bang
Being Erica George S Coronation
” NCIS: Los SportsCentre Angeles
The Voice ”
Grinch Stole How I Met Frosty Big Bang
” NFL Films
Russell Peters
Parenthood ”
Ferguson Ent The Insider
The Chew ”
KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `
KNOW KOMO * ` Extreme
A&E 1
A&E 1
The Ent Talk ET Canada
Wild Kratts Landscape UFC Central Revealed Sportsnet Animals Connected Gardens The Ultimate These Fighter Amazing Skiing Wilderness ” ”
NCIS: Los Angeles
On the Edge The Queen’s Extreme ” Palaces Makeover
Intervention ” Hoarders ”
Final News Hour ” ET Canada
Nightline KOMO 4 News Jimmy
” Hoarders ” Intervention
Kimmel ” Wheel Live Intervention Jeopardy! ”
” ”
Mr. Young ” SpongeBob CBC News SpongeBob! CBC News: ” That’s-Weird Splatalot The National How to Rock CBC News: iCarly Home Lang The National Funny &
Worst Driver 30 Rock MythBusters Simpsons ” Raymond Dirty Jobs Sunny ” TMZ Sons of Big Bang Guns Two Offi Men Oddities The ce
Videos Victorious Victorious
O’Leary CBC News ”
Oddities King of Hill Canada’s Big Bang Worst Driver Two Men
Wipeout ”
CBC News: Mighty Ships American The National ” Country
Murdoch Mysteries
Broke Girl Broke Girl
Parenthood ”
UEFA Mag These UFC Central Amazing
SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Castle ” 0 ” Fishing-Flats Doctors SportsCentre The CHBC News The CTVView News 30 for 30 ” ” Final ” CTV News ” Mamas SportsCentre ET Canada The DailyMarilyn Show ”” Debt/Part Denis Show The Talk Colbert Rep World Poker Noon News CTV News Tour Hour ”
CBC News: The National Poko CBC News Doodlebops George S Steven and Coronation Chris Being Erica CBC News Now
Hawaii Five0 The Price Is KIRO News Right Late Show Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson KIRO News Bold
Hawaii Five0 The Doctors News Hour Final ” Mamas ET Canada Debt/Part The Talk Noon News Hour
Sportsnet Connected Sportsnet Hockey Connected UFC Central Sportsnet The Ultimate Connected Fighter Hockeycentral at Noon
Great Women Noodle Landscape Timothy Revealed JoeJack These G. Shrinks Amazing
Hoarders ” The View Criminal News Intervention ” Minds ” Nightline KOMO Criminal Jimmy 4 Intervention News Kimmel Live Minds ” The Chew The First 48 ” ”
Power T.U.F.F.
CBC News Canada’s ” Worst Driver CBC CBC News News: Mayday Dirty Jobs Now With ”” The National Reshmi Lang & Nair Auction Oddities ” Auction O’Leary Oddities ” Sons of ” Guns
NFL Live ”
Days of our Lives
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Soccer Central
Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital
The First 48 ”
Squirrel Sidekick
CBC News Canada’s Law Order: Now-Nichols Worst Driver CI
Off Record Interruption
The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show ”
DISC River 9 Monsters
KAYU Funny Home ; Videos
Criminal Storage Minds Storage
Squirrel Pokemon Puppies T.U.F.F.
Mayday Cash Cab ” How/Made
The Ricki Office The How IShow Met Lake
The Dr. Oz Show
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a Deal
CHAN The Jeff ( Probst Show
SNP Skiing ) ”
KNOW Makeover KOMO Castle * ` ”
Arthur Peep, Big
KNOW KOMO Maggie The Doctors * ` Rolie Polie ”
A&E The First 48 1 ”
Cake Paid Boss Cake Boss Program What Not to Wear Four Weddings
There Yet? There Yet?
Crowned” ”
Baby Story Medium Baby Story Medium Family Feud Sister Cake Boss Anderson Wives Family Feud Cake ”Boss Live Perry Mason Little WhatPeople Not to Simpsons ” Wear Raymond Big World: Canada’s LawBang Order: Little Four People Gold Rush Big Worst”Driver Two CI Men Weddings Big World: River Sea Funny Home Four Four Bering Big Bang Monsters Videos Weddings Gold: Under Two Men Houses: Cash Cab The Ricki Medium Jungle Gold Raising Little People How/Made Lake Show Big Medium ” Ben-Kate World: Mayday The Office Baby Story Daily Planet Anderson Sister Wives ” How Girl I Met Baby Story Gold Rush New Four ” Live ” ” Mindy Houses: Auction Family Feud Cake Boss How/Made Simpsons Little People People Auction Family Feud Little Cake Boss Bering Sea News How/Made Raymond Big World: World: Gold: 30 Rock Sons Under of Perry Mason Big What Not to Gold Rush Big Bang Little People Guns Gold Sunny” Wear Wives Jungle Sister ” Two Men Big World: ” TMZ ” Canada’s Law Order: Four BeringDriver Sea The Big Bang Four Prog. Worst CI Weddings Outlaw Office Paid Gold: Under King Two Men Houses: Empires of Home Hill Paid River Funny Four Prog. Jungle Gold Raising Little People Monsters Videos Weddings ” Ben-Kate Big World: Cash Cab The Ricki Medium Gold Rush New Girl Four How/Made Lake Show Medium ” Mindy Houses: Daily Planet Anderson Sister Wives Bering” Sea News Little People Live ” Gold: Under 30 Rock Big World: How/Made Simpsons Little People Jungle Gold Sunny Sister Wives How/Made Raymond Big World: River ” The Baby Story TMZOffice ” Gold Rush Big Bang Little People Monsters How I Met Baby Story Outlaw The Office Paid Prog. ” Loud Family Two Men Big World: Fast N’ Toddlers & Empires King of Feud Hill Paid Prog. Family Feud Tiaras Bering” Sea Big Bang Four Gold: Under Two Men Houses: Gold Rush Perry Mason Toddlers &
Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The LawBang Order: Big CI Bang Big Excused Browns Excused Payne
Sid in Science TodayDeGeCat the Ellen Wild Kratts cont’dShow Arthur neres Daniel Tiger Katie New Day Wild Kratts Rick Steves Northwest WordGirl ” Movie: KING 5 5 Business KING “A Queen Is News News World News
There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne
Crowned” PBS ” NewsHour
King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The Offi ce Family Guy The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order: Big Bang CI Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Law Order: Browns CI “Scream” Payne” Excused Browns Excused ” Payne Movie: There Yet? Seinfeld There Yet? “Seabiscuit” Seinfeld King ” Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: Big Bang “Scream” Big Bang ” Browns ” Payne Law Order: Movie: Browns CI “Seabiscuit” Payne Law Order: ” CI Seinfeld Seinfeld Excused
Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Easy Yoga ” for Arthritis Inside ”Ed. Cat in the Ellen DeGeHappiness The Voice Arthur neres Show Advantage Sid Science Today” Wild Kratts Katie Wild Shawn Kratts cont’d With Take It All WordGirl Heart ”” DanielofTiger New Day Business KING 5 Rick Steves Parenthood Northwest Perfect World News News HealthMovie: KING ”5 PBS Nightly News “A Queen Is KING News Watson News NewsHour News He Touched Jay Leno Crowned” Days of our Easy Yoga Magazine ” Lives Me: Elvis ” for Arthritis Inside Ed. Presley Charlie Rose Jimmy Dr. PhilFallon Happiness The Voice ” ” Advantage ” Cat in the Ellen DeGeWith Shawn neres Take ItShow All Arthur Heart of ” Wild Kratts Katie Perfect Parenthood WordGirl ” Health” Business KING 5 Watson KING News World News News Sid Science Today He Touched Jay Leno PBS Kratts Nightly News Wild cont’d Me: Elvis ” NewsHour NewsDay Daniel New PresleyTiger Jimmy Fallon Rick Northwest EasySteves Yoga Magazine for Arthritis Inside Ed. The Tenors: KING 5
YTV Almost 6 League/Evil
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
CBC News News Now News
KIRO News News KIRO Bold News KIRO
Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global
HockeycenPrime Time tral at Noon Sports
Arthur Dive, Olly Peep, Big Wild Kratts
Heartland News ” Exchange
The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News
Days of our News Hour Lives ”
Soccer Sportsnet Central NBA
SportsCentre NCIS The Ricki SportsCentre Lake Show ”” ” Fishing-Flats The Doctors Hockey Young”Los & 30 for for 30 30 30 NCIS: To Be” Restless Angeles ” Mamas Announced News ” Debt/Part SportsCentre Vegas ” ” World”Poker Noon ”News ” Global News Nat. Tour Hour SportsCentre CHBC CHBC News ”” Final NFL Live Days of our To Be ” EntCanada Lives SportsCentre ET Announced ET Canada ” The Off Record The Talk Jeff SportsCentre NCIS Interruption Probst Show ” ” SportsCentre The Ricki 30 for ”30 NCIS:Show Los Lake ” Angeles Hockey Young & SportsCentre Vegas To Be Restless ” ” Announced News SportsCentre CHBC News ” ” Lumberjacks The ” FinalDoctors ” Global” Nat. SportsCentre SportsCentre ET Canada CHBC News Movie ”” Mamas The Talk Debt/Part To Be ” Ent Announced ET Canada ” Noon News
Dr. Phil etalk ” Big Bang Ellen DeGeThe Voice neres ”Show The View Anderson ” Anger Live Big TheBang Marilyn CTV News Denis Show Criminal at Five Minds CTV News CTV News ” CTV News ” CTV News The Dr. Oz etalk Show Show Daily Big Bang Colbert Dr. Phil Rep The Voice ” ” Ellen DeGeAnger Show neres Big Bang Anderson Criminal Live Minds CTV News CTV News at Five The CTVView News CTV News ” Daily Show ” The Marilyn Colbert Rep Denis Show etalk Big Bang CTV News
Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano Poko ” Dragons’ Doodlebops Winnipeg Den Comedy Steven and NewsNews: Chris CBC News The CBCNational News NewsNews Now CBC Exchange George S Heartland George ” S Coronation Coronation The Border Steven and 22 Minutes Chris ” Best Recipes Winnipeg Stefano Comedy Dragons’ CBC Den News: The National News CBC News News Poko George S News Doodlebops Coronation Exchange Steven and The Border Chris George S Coronation CBC News
Let’s Make a Ent DealInsider The ThisMinute NCIS ThisMinute ” The Price Is Judge Los Judy Right NCIS: Judge Judy Angeles Young & KIRO News Restless Vegas KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News News Bold KIRO CBSShow News Late The Talk Ent ” Letterman The Insider Ferguson Let’s Make a NCIS Deal ” ThisMinute NCIS: Los ThisMinute Angeles Judge Judy Vegas Judge Judy ” KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News The Late Price ShowIs KIRO News Right Letterman CBS News Young & Ferguson Restless Ent The Insider KIRO News
The Jeff Ent Probst Show ET Canada The Ricki NCIS Lake Show ” The Doctors Young”Los & NCIS: Restless Angeles Mamas Early News Debt/Part Vegas Global Nat. Noon ”News News Hour Hour Hour News ” Final Days of our EntCanada Lives ET ET Canada The The Talk Jeff NCIS Probst Show ” The Ricki NCIS:Show Los Lake Angeles Young & Vegas Restless ” Early News News Hour Global Nat. The FinalDoctors News ”Hour ET Canada ” Mamas The Talk Debt/Part Ent ET Canada Noon News
Skiing Basketball: ” at Clippers On the Edge Bulls ” ” Sportsnet World Poker Connected Sportsnet Tour Connected Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sportsnet Sports Connected HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon Hockey NBA Central UFC Soccer Basketball: Central Red Bull Clippers Ice at Crashed Skiing Bulls ” ” On the Edge Sportsnet ” Connected World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time Hockey Sports Sportsnet UFC Central Sportsnet Connected Red Bull NBA SportsnetIce Crashed Connected Basketball: Clippers at Hockeycen-
Dinosaur CivilizationArthur History? Noodle Clifford-Dog Timothy Movie: WordWorld “Last Train Joe- Jack Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Home” Wild Kratts Snapshot Arthur Animals Peep,Killed Big Who Dogs Miracle? Poppetstown Hoppy-Deer Save-Ums! Last Train Secrets of Home Maggie CivilizationRolie Polie History? Dinosaur Movie: Arthur “Last Train Clifford-Dog Home” WordWorld Snapshot Dive, Olly Who Killed Wild Kratts Noodle Miracle? Animals Timothy Last Train Dogs Joe- Jack Home G. Shrinks Hoppy-Deer Secrets Arthur of
Show Town The View KOMO” 4 Happy News Apt. 23 4 KOMO News News Private World News Practice The Chew KOMO” 4 News News Nightline General Wheel Hospital Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Doctors Santa ”Claus, Town The Dr. Oz Happy Show Apt. 23 KOMO 4 Private News Practice News News World News The View Nightline KOMO” 4 Jimmy News KOMO 4Live Kimmel News Wheel Jeopardy! The Chew
” SportsCentre ” NFL Live 30 for ”30 ” Off Record Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre
Hour NCIS ” our Days of Lives Los NCIS: Angeles The Jeff Probst Show Vegas ” The Ricki Lake Show CHBC News
” The Voice ” Oz The Dr. Show Anger Big Bang Dr. Phil ” Criminal Minds Ellen DeGeneres Show CTV News
Now 22 Minutes ” Heartland ” Winnipeg Comedy Steven and Chris News: CBC The National Best Recipes Stefano CBC News
Bold NCIS ” The Talk NCIS:”Los Angeles Let’s Make a Deal Vegas ” ThisMinute ThisMinute KIRO News
Hour NCIS ” our Days of Lives Los NCIS: Angeles The Jeff Probst Show Vegas ” The Ricki Lake NewsShow Hour
tral at Noon Bulls ” Soccer Central Sportsnet Connected Skiing ” Sportsnet Connected Skiing ” Hockey
Peep, Big CivilizationHistory? Poppetstown Save-Ums! Movie: “Last Train Mag Fero Rolie Polie Home” Snapshot Dinosaur Arthur Who Killed
To Be ” Announced SportsCentre ” ”
Final Young & Restless ET Canada
CTV News Anderson Live Show Daily
George S Dragons’ Den Coronation
Late Show Judge Judy Judge Judy Letterman
Final Young & Restless ET Canada
The Talk News ”
Colbert Rep CTV News at Five
The Border News News
Ferguson KIRO News KIRO News
The EarlyTalk News Global Nat.
” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News ”
News Exchange
KIRO News CBS News
” Interruption
George S Coronation
Ent The Insider
The X Factor Festival on ” Ice
SportsCentre Survivor: Off Record Philippines Bill Parcells ”
Go On Guys-Kids
” ”
Just for Laughs
A&E 1
Santa ”Claus, Town General Hospital Happy Apt. The 23 Doctors ” Private Practice The Dr. Oz Show News
” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage: NY
T.U.F.F. Wipeout ” Squirrel Sidekick Funny Home Videos Almost League/Evil Movie Mr. Young Pokemon T.U.F.F. That’s-Weird
UFC WorldCentral Poker Miracle? Clifford-Dog Tour Bull WordWorld Red Last Train Crashed Ice Home On the Edge Dive, Olly ” Wild Kratts
Nightline KOMO 4 News Jimmy
Storage: Storage NY
News Hour ”
WHL Hockey:
Animals Undersea
Ent ET Canada
Kelowna Rockets at
Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!
Survivor: Philippines
Survivor: Philippines
Lethbridge Hurricanes
Secrets of the Tang
Criminal Minds
Go On Guys-Kids
Sportsnet Connected
Sounds Like Mod Fam Christmas Fascinating
TLC Four < Weddings
Auction Daily Planet Auction ” Sons of How/Made Guns How/Made
” CBC News: The CBCNational News Now-Nichols CBC News: The National Power & Politics CBC News ”” ” CBC News:
Jungle” Gold Bering” Sea Gold:Rush Under Gold Jungle” Gold Bering” Sea Gold: Cab Under Cash How/Made Jungle Gold
” Raising Ben-Kate Law Order: CI New Girl Mindy Funny Home Videos News 30 Rock The Ricki Lake Show Sunny
Storage Storage Kimmel News Live Storage World News Storage
Splatalot SpongeBob The LangNational & SpongeBob O’Leary Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary SpongeBob CBC News SpongeBob ”
” Daily Planet ” Outlaw Empires Invented/ World
TMZ Anderson Live Office The
Tiaras Little People Big World: Toddlers & Tiaras Four Houses: Toddlers & Tiaras Little People Big World: Toddlers & Tiaras Sister Wives ” & Toddlers Tiaras Paid Prog.
King of Hill Simpsons Raymond
Paid Prog. Memorable Moments
KOMO 4 News
Storage Storage
Mr. Young Victorious
Big Bang Two Men
Shipping Shipping
Madagascar CBC News SpongeBob ”
Shipping Shipping
Wipeout ”
Storage Storage
Funny Home CBC News: Invented/ Videos The National World
Storage Storage
My Wife Mr. Young
Shipping Shipping
The Middle Neighbors
SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene
CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene
Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Premier
Frontiers of News Construction Nightline
SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Talk
Coronation The Tudors
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada The Talk
Red Bull Crashed Ice
Secrets of the Tang
Daily Show Colbert Rep
Criminal Storage Minds Storage
A&E 1
” ”
Take It All ”
Family Feud The Offi ce Family King ofFeud Hill Perry Mason ”
The Dr. Oz CTV News Show ”
The Voice ”
3 Steps to Incredible
CTV News News CTV at Five”
Jimmy Fallon Magazine Inside Ed.
Health!-Joel Michael Bu” blé-Holidays Sid Science Today Happiness KING News Wild Kratts cont’d Advantage Jay Leno Daniel Tiger New Day With Shawn ” Rick Steves Northwest Heart Jimmy Fallon Movie: KING 5 “A Queen Is News
Days ofNat. our Global Lives News CHBC The Jeff Ent Probst Show ET Canada
Ent ET Canada
Heart The Tenors: Lead With
Your Heart ”
Amer. Dad Movie:
Noon News News Hour ”
Red Eye Seinfeld Seinfeld
Family Guy Family Guy
“Munich” ” Law Order: ” CI ” Law Order: ” CI Red Eye Excused Excused
World Poker Announced Tour ” NFL Live ” ””
Program Cake Boss Cake Boss
Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss Cake Boss
CBC News ” Now With ” Babar Reshmi Odd Parents Lang & Nair Rescue Hero O’Leary ” Odd Parents The First 48 Odd Power ” Storage Parents CBC News ” T.U.F.F. Storage Odd Parents ”” The First 48 Boys Squirrel CBC News: News Storage CBC ” Sidekick Now-Nichols Storage Movie The National The FirstNY 48 Mr. Almost Power & Storage: Young CBC News ” NY Boys League/Evil Politics Storage: ” Storage Pokemon ” Storage Wipeout CBC News: Storage T.U.F.F. ” Storage ” The Criminal Squirrel CBCNational News Storage Odd Parents LangWith & Minds Puppies Now Storage Funny Home CBC News: Storage Odd Parents The O’Leary Storage Videos National Criminal Babar Reshmi Nair Storage Odd Parents CBC News News Minds Rescue Hero CBC ” Storage Movie Storage Odd Parents Storage Young ””” The First 48 Mr. Power Storage Boys CBC News: News: ” NY That’s-Weird T.U.F.F. ” Storage: CBC Storage Movie The National Storage: The The FirstNY 48 Splatalot Squirrel CBCNational News Storage: Mr. Young CBC & News ” NY Funny Sidekick Now-Nichols Storage Home Lang Storage: NY Boys ” Storage O’Leary The First 48 Videos Almost Power & Storage Wipeout News: ” League/Evil CBC Politics Storage ” The National Storage Pokemon ” Storage Funny Home CBC News: Storage T.U.F.F. ” Storage Videos The National Storage Odd Parents Lang & Storage Movie CBC News Storage Odd Parents O’Leary Storage Mr. Young ” Storage Odd Parents CBC News Storage: NY That’s-Weird CBC News: Storage Odd Parents ” Criminal CBC News Storage: NY Squirrel Splatalot The National Storage Boys CBC With News: Minds G. Shrinks Now Storage Funny Home Lang & Storage Movie The National Criminal Babar Reshmi Storage Videos O’Leary Nair Minds Hero CBC News ” Storage: NY Rescue Mr. Young Storage: NY Boys ”” The First 48 Power
KNOW KOMO * The` Dr. Oz Santa Claus,
People ”
Jimmy Shipping Kimmel Live Shipping
Jay Leno Nightly News News ”
Cake Boss: Next Baker Baby To BeStory Baby Story Announced
Noodle Dinosaur Timothy Arthur
Awards ”
Sportsnet On the Edge Connected ” Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour
News 30 Rock The Office Sunny How TMZ I Met
The Price Is The The Ricki Doctors ThisMinute Right ” ThisMinute Lake Show Young Judy & Mamas Judge Young & Restless Debt/Part Judge Judy Restless
OffBe Record To Interruption Announced
Funny Home CBC News: Sons of Videos The National Guns
The View PokoRecipes Ellen DeGe- Best ” Doodlebops neres Show Stefano The Marilyn Dragons’ Steven and Anderson Denis Show Den Chris Live
The Chew News World ”News Poppetstown KOMO General Animals 4 Save-Ums! News Hospital Dogs Maggie The Doctors Hoppy-Deer Wheel Rolie Polie ” Secrets of Jeopardy!
My Wife Mr. Young Squirrel That’s-Weird Puppies Splatalot Babar Funny Home Rescue Videos Hero
Fishing-Flats The The Ricki Doctors SportsCentre 30 for”30 ” Lake Show ” Mamas Hockey Young & Debt/Part To Be ” Restless
Joe- Jack Clifford-Dog G. Shrinks WordWorld
The Dr. View The Oz Show ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News
A&E 1
Four Weddings
CBC News: Invented/ The National World
MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men
CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold: Under
WTBS King KingA
Days of our
KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”
Days ofNews our Nightly Lives News
Excused Family Guy Family Guy There Yet? There Yet? Amer. Dad Movie: King King “Scream” ” ce The Offi The Offi ” ce
Lead With Happiness Advantage Your Heart ” With Shawn Heart ofRose Charlie ” Perfect HealthCat in the Arthur Watson
News The Voice ” our Days of Lives Take It All ” Dr. Phil ” Parenthood ” Ellen DeGeneres Show KING News
Movie: Big Bang Big Bang “Seabiscuit”
He Touched Wild Kratts WordGirl Me: Elvis
” Browns Payne
Presley Business World News
”” Jimmy KING 5Fallon News
Toddlers & Tiaras
Browns Payne
PBS NewsHour
Nightly News News
Jersey on Ice
Seinfeld Seinfeld
The British Beat (My
Magazine Inside Ed. Whitney Guys-Kids
Jay Leno Katie
Family Guy Family Guy
Music) ”
Jersey on Ice
Amer. Dad Movie:
Members’ Choice
Memorable Moments
“The Ring” ”
That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ
Toddlers & Tiaras
” Movie:
Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary
Paid Program
“The Ring” ”
Dyer Wishes ” Fulfilled Jimmy Fallon
CBC News ”
Invented/ World
Auction Auction
The X Factor Toddlers & ” Tiaras
” ” News 30 Rock
The Office King of Hill
Take It All ”
” ”
Chicago Fire ”
KING News Jay Leno
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012 A17 A17
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Auctions KWIKAUCTIONS.COM New & Used Restaurant Equipment Auction, Sat, Dec 8th @11am 7305 Meadow, Burnaby BC
Firearms Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around for the Sportsman’s Christmas Wish List, Kel, 4-1691 Powick 250-762-7575, Tues-Sat 10-6
KOBAYASHI, ANDREW HIROSHI Andrew Hiroshi Kobayashi, of Lake Country passed away suddenly and peacefully in his sleep on November 29, 2012 at the age of 91 years. Survived by his five children Audrey (Mark) Kobayashi, Randy (Linda), Neil, Dawnwyn (Mark) McBride, Les (Snow); six grandchildren Robert, Lindsay, David, Michael, Hiro and Tori, brother Osamu Kobayashi, sisters Aiko Hori, Sachiyo Koyama, Susan Hidaka and also three step-children Kim, William, Sherrill. Hiroshi is predeceased by his wife Rosalyn, brother Sigh, sister Yoshiko. A Celebration of Hiroshi’s Life will be held from the Chapel of First Memorial Funeral Services, 1211 Sutherland Ave, Kelowna on Friday, December 7, 2012 at 2:00 PM. A private family inurnment will take place at Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Foundation in memory of Hiroshi. Condolences may be sent to the family by going to, clicking on stories and typing in Hiroshi Kobayashi. Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna. 250-762-2299
Esthetics Services 100$ off - for Beautiful YOU ! Approved Clinical Permanent Cosmetics Lips Brows or Eyes. call: 778-480-3116 Winfield
Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. LOAN HELP - Consolidate all your credit cards, bank loans, income tax debt and payday loans into ONE small interestfree monthly payment. Contact us toll-free at 1.888.528.4920. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country Calendar
A18 A18
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Sporting Goods
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around for the Sportsmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Christmas Wish List, Kel, 4-1691 Powick 250-762-7575, Tues-Sat 10-6
3bdrm, 2bath house in Lake Country. Fenced yard, Sauna FP. 5 applâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, lrg deck with lake view, NS, pets neg. $1500 + utils. Avail Asap 250-212-2603
A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cabsâ&#x20AC;?20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
CORT acoustic steel string guitar with cutaway, grover tuners and Fishman Pickup. Beautiful wood and sound. Must be seen and played to appreciate. $500 Call 250-517-8087
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ
Would you like to swallow 20 pills every day, just to digest your food?
Misc. for Sale CHILLSPOT IS The Coolest Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months.
Misc. Wanted
If you had cystic fibrosis, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have no choice.
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Please help us.
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Auto Financing
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DIRT Bikes, ATVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, UTVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & Golf Buggies. Cartsplus Kamloops. 888-371-3946
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To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688
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JBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUTO GLASS
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Roosters Barber Shop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Community Barber Shopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!
Monday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4
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250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Oyama Traditional School A19
Students’ Showcase
One point perspective art created by grade 7 students.
Written and photographed by staff and students at Oyama Traditional School.
Creative writing The Beach
Now That I Have My First Aid Training
By Hazen (grade 3)
By Eve
It was the summer and school was out. We went to the beach. When we were there, I saw shells, crabs, fish, and seaweed. I started making a sand castle. When I saw a crab heading towards the picnic I stopped it. My mom called me for lunch. Hazen! Lunch time! I tasted hot dogs. I smelled crab meat. I looked for shells. I found a shell but it was all muddy. A few minutes later I heard owwww, and saw a crab going back in the ocean! I said: Oh brother! After, we went swimming. Me, my dad, my mom and Hunter and Hudson. We splash each other. When it is time to go I’m thinking what a great day at the beach!
What If We Lived in a Snowglobe?
By Kait
OYAMA TRADITIONAL SCHOOL.... Good friends coming together to learn
By Aisha (grade 4) If we lived in a snowglobe would we have to have earthquake drills in case they shook us? Would it ever be spring as well as autumn? Would we have to be prepared for a blizzard if they turned us upside down? We would probably stay inside our house unless we were crazy. I think we would be scared if they looked at us because they would look like giants. If they tipped us over and the glass broke we would get out. That’s what it would be like in a snowglobe!
By Hunter (grade 4)
With my First Aid Training Certificate that means that I have the power to save someone’s life. For example, say I was at the park and someone fell off the swings and broke their wrist. Just a tip that the wrist is the easiest bone to break. Back to my example, if they broke their wrist, I could use a magazine, sock, wood and much more to stabilize it until medical people came. Now that’s one thing I can do. I can also save someone from choking and I am going to tell you how it works. I am going to tell you step by step. Step 1 is how you can tell if someone is choking? You can tell by if they have their hands around their neck which represents the internal final choking sign. Another way to tell is if their face is turning a different colour, like dark red, purple, or maybe even blue. The next step is to do the Heimlich maneuver. And how you do that is you lock your hands together and put them right by the belly button and you push in and up and that should help just until the medical help arrives.
December 2012
Oyama Cantina
Primary Choir Performs at Seniors’ Centre
Greek House
Gr.4-7 to “A Charlie Brown Christmas”
Report cards go home
and have fun!
Rehearsals for concert
Winter Concert Oyama Hall 6:30pm
Oyama Cantina Cahill & L.Penner to gymnastics
School re-opens at 8:25 on January 7, 2013
The staff and students wish you a joyous time with family & friends.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL
It’s LIVE Now!
Check out our new municipal website – designed to be your “go to” place for community news and events calendar as well as info on municipal services for residents, visitors & businesses. Scan this color QR code to go directly to the website, or visit
and you will be automatically forwarded to
View the brief “Welcome to the New Website” video to see an overview of the new municipal website, designed for ease of navigation and links to the information you’ve been asking for. Use the interactive Google map on the Maps Quick Link to explore parks, trails & facilities.
A big THANKS to Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association through Creating Tourism Opportunities program for funding support towards production of a fantastic new video showcasing the uniqueness of Lake Country!
Community Information Santa Sleigh Bus visits Lake Country December 11 Come out to see Santa in his Sleigh Bus. Kelowna Regional Transit's Santa Sleigh Bus will visit Lake Country Municipal Hall Tuesday, December 11th 4-6 p.m. to pick up donations brought to the bus, or dropped off in advance at Municipal Hall under the Christmas tree in the lobby by the Library entrance. The Santa Sleigh Bus collects toys, food donations and money for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Fund. GESS Leadership Class Food bank Drive – Saturday, December 15 Senior students from George Elliot Secondary School invite you to stop by their table outside Coopers on Saturday, December 15th from 9am-3pm to enjoy a hot dog and pop or donut, and drop off your cash or non-perishable donation for the Lake Country Food Assistance Society. Christmas Tree Drop-off location change This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot, rather than Swalwell Park. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31.
Lake Country Fire Department (LCFD) acknowledges Joint Emergency Preparedness Program grant funding
Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 2pm Friday, December 21st and Re-open 8:30am Wednesday, January 2nd.
The Lake Country Fire Department (LCFD) would like to formally acknowledge the Government of Canada (Public Safety Canada) for grant funding assistance provided through the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) in 2012. JEPP grant funding covered half of the cost of delivering an essential training course to the District of Lake Country paid-on-call firefighters and emergency workers from Engineering, Public Works. The Emergency Management Training provided increases interoperability between municipal departments to enable us to be better prepared in the event of a large scale emergency or disaster. Thanks Public Safety Canada for your part in helping to keep our community safe!
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