Friday, December 7, 2012
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
Book Your Holiday Parties!
Real Estate Transfers
2406 Hot Springs Road #4, Agassiz
office: 604.796.4300
Mounties recognized for saving young girl in 2010
BATTLING ILLNESS How the Howarths turned into champions of BC Childrens
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classifieds: 604.796.4300
newsline: 604.796.4302
A gift of thanks for SAR
Vancouver chef rolls out red carpet for local searchers after rescue
Jessica Peters THE OBSERVER
When a trio of fishermen found themselves in "dire straits," lost up the swollen Chehalis River and clinging to a small patch of high ground back in October, they immediately turned their thoughts to survival. They had been stranded, and then disoriented, earlier in the day when a flash rain storm filled the boggy area with chest deep water. Their first concern was attempting to stay safe and dry, if not warm, throughout the night. They did that by lighting a fire using one of the many lighters they brought along, one of their only dry socks, and a fishing license. They kept it smoldering by adding whatever wood and foliage they could find, but the flames weren't big enough to produce heat to dry their bodies. They called for help, with the minimal power and cell phone reception they had. They took turns sleeping and keeping guard. They listened for rescuers, and did hear far off shouts of Search and Rescue, along with whistles and the whop-whop-whop of a helicopter. They attempted to make contact but as day turned to dusk, and then to the darkness of night, the six-hour search was called off. "They'll come back for us tomorrow, right?" one of the men, Adam, thought to himself. This story began when the men hiked in earlier that morning. They only got in about 20 minutes of fishing before the rain started. It came down for just under 10 minutes, they said, but it was enough to force them to higher ground. They made the call at about 2 p.m., to a friend in Vancouver who has a fishing supply store. They found a 20' by 20' high spot, and made their camp. In the morning, they immediately
Josh Wolfe, owner of Fresh Local Wild, brought his food truck to the Agassiz Search and Rescue headquarters on Saturday, and fed all the volunteers and emergency workers involved in rescuing him and his two friends when they got stranded along the Chehalis.
set out to build that fire bigger and better. Within a few hours, SAR members had located the camp. A helicopter was used to locate
the fishermen and drop two SAR volunteers to a location close to them. The helicopter then guided a jet boat up narrow, debris-filled
The above note was written below the menu as an extra thank you to volunteers.
See Pg 3 for this week’s specials
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channels to a location where the fishermen could be safely guided to. The jet boat was then able to evacuate the subjects. Meanwhile a ground team was also en-route in case the boat rescue failed. Shortly after they were rescued, the men were on their way. And that's normally where these stories end. Those who get lost find their way home and all is well. Sometimes the SAR volunteers will get a thank you card. Continued on X
2 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, July 8, 2012
Community Corner
December 2012
(Due to space limitations, each week we will publish a different set of groups and activities from the community).
Reading – Unbound! Learn how to use your eReader, iPhone, SmartPhone, iPad or tablet to access books NOT on paper. Book an appointment to learn how to access the library’s collection of free digital books. 604-796-9510 Lions TV Bingo Thursday nights at 6 pm on Shaw Cable. Pick up your bingo cards at The Source - Chehalis Store & Ledoux Hardware Advent Evening of Song with musicians Bruce & Cheryl Harding Sat., Dec. 15 at 7:30 pm at Agassiz United Church. Admission by Donation Hooked on Books: Agassiz - Harrison Library Book Club. Prepare for a great discussion on Patrick deWitt’s darkly comedic western “The Sisters Brothers”-
winner of the 75th Governor General’s Literary Award. We’re meeting Wed., Dec. 19th at 6:30 pm at the Agassiz Library. Pick up your book now! The talk is lively, the people friendly & the refreshments - free! Drop-in, no-membership required club. *Please note that we’ll be meeting a week earlier than usual due to the Christmas Holiday closures! A Community Christmas Dinner at the Agricultural Hall on Dec. 20. Doors open at 5:45 Dinner is served from 6 to 8 pm. $20 per ticket Includes a turkey & ham buffet with all the trimmings. All proceeds to the Community Food Bank. Limited amount of tickets to be sold. Tickets at the Agassiz Fire Hall, Pioneer Motors & Community Services.
Fraternal Order OF eagles
Flea Market
The lasT flea markeT of 2012 Dec. 9 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at the eagle's hall 386 fort street, hope
Group 4 of 4
Join Us in Worship
Agassiz Christian Refor med Church 7452 Morrow Rd . Sundays at 10am. Call 604-7969474.
Agassiz United Church 6860 Lougheed Highway. Su nday Worship Service & Sund ay School at 11am. All welco me. For info call Rev. Randy Antle 604796-2680 All Saints Anglican Ch urch 6904 #9 Highway, Agassiz. Ser vice at 10am Sundays. Mountainview Commun ity Church meets for worsh ip and fellowship on Sund ays at 10:30am in the Ag Hall. Everyone welcome. 604-796-2429 .
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 7237 Morrow Road. Sund ay, 9am & 11am, Tues to Sa t – 9am. Everyone Welcome. Co ntact Father Joaquim Dias 60 4-7969181.
The Harrison Gospel Ch apel Sunday Worship Servi ce begins at 10:30am. 514 Lillooet Ave, HHS. Call 604-796-9500 Everyone welcome. e-mail: hgc@sha w.ca • harrisongospelchapel.c om
Best☎ Rates Chris @ 604.796.4301
For features in Community Calendar
The Philosophers’ Cafe
"WHAT can we BELIEVE about the BETHLEHEM NATIVITY?" At the Agassiz Library 7140 Cheam Avenue
Wednesday, December 12th at 6:50 pm 604.796.0409
Second public hearing planned Council hears concerns about suites, amends proposed zoning bylaw Jessica Peters The Observer
Harrison’s zoning bylaw will once again come to the public in the form of a public hearing, to be held Monday, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. Council reviewed a staff report from the previous public hearing, gave the bylaw a second reading, and made a number of amendments. Those amendments include limiting secondary suites and carriage homes to R2 zones, which currently already allow duplexes. The initiallyproposed version of the bylaw did not limit which residential zones could have secondary suites. That prompted public backlash at the Nov. 19 public hearing, where all residents who spoke stated they were against a sweeping bylaw that would allow secondary suites in the Village. On Monday night, council seemed to agree with that sentiment. “I don’t visualize suites in R1 zoning,” said Councillor Allan Jackson. He made a motion that secondary suites only be allowed in new construction. After further discussion with council and staff, he withdrew that motion. Councillor Zoltan Kiss made a motion that the suites only be allowed in R2 zoning, which already allows for duplexes. Council voted all in favour for that amendment.
The discussion was based on a staff recommendation that council to abandon the idea of suites in all zones, and instead create a new zone that would permit them. Another amendment to the zoning bylaw would be to reduce the minimum size of an R1 lot to 540 metres. That would bring all properties into compliance, said Ian Crane, manager of development services. They also made an amendment to remove the medium density R5 zone reference, because there are currently no properties zoned that way. Other amendments were made to clean up the hefty bylaw, including section about setbacks, because it’s already dealt with in provincial legislation. “We felt the setback requirements were redundant because they are already in the provincial regulations, so we are suggesting to delete it,” Crane said. Schedule B, which was to identify the floodplain, was missing from the initial proposal, and that is being added. The last time the zoning bylaw was addressed was in the late ‘90s, staff has said at recent meetings. The public hearing will be followed by the regularly scheduled council meeting on the same night. news@ahobserver.com
Harrison mayor addresses accusations Facio shoots back at claims made in zoning bylaw public hearing Jessica Peters The Observer
Mayor Leo Facio took a few minutes at Monday’s council meeting to shoot down allegations that the Village of Harrison is pushing through a zoning bylaw illegally. “Statements were made about the public hearing being illegal,” he stated. “They were not illegal.” He stated that the allotted seven minute time frame for speaking during a public hearing conforms to the Village’s procedural bylaw, based on Section 890 of the Local Government Act. Speakers have three chances to address an issue at a public hearing, at seven minutes each time, totaling 21 minutes. During a public hearing on Nov.
19 at Harrison Memorial Hall, the mayor and John Allen, a resident, business owner and former mayor, volleyed back and forth about the time allowed, with Allen saying it was not enough time to address his concerns. The Village was also questioned about why each and every household wasn’t individually informed about the public hearing. The B.C. LGA (section 892.7) states that if more than 10 owners of land are affected, the mail outs are not required. “Our planning department is very capable,” Facio concluded. “We do not run anything illegal in this community and I take offense when people say we should use an outside source.” news@ahobserver.com
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012 3
q IN BRIEF Two roadside prohibitions
Josh Wolfe, in trailer, chats with SAR members and their family who came out for a thank you meal. Wolfe and two of his friends were caught stranded while fishing in the Chehalis River.
The river comes right up: SAR From FRONT
Other times they've been surprised to receive cash donations. But this Saturday, the Agassiz and Chilliwack Search and Rescue volunteers involved with the rescue, along with a handful of emergency workers, were treated to a free lunch.
One of those fishermen turned out to be Josh Wolfe, a chef and owner of Fresh, Local, Wild, a catering truck that's normally parked at Hastings and Burrard in Vancouver. It only took a few moments for Wolfe to realize he wanted to pay the favour back to those who rescued him and
his friends. He initially wanted to make a cash donation, but when it was revealed he had a mobile restaurant the plans were set into motion for a lunch event. "It was interesting to actually get to chat with them for a little while," said Chilliwack SAR volunteer Dan
McAuliffe. "I was in the helicopter guiding the jet boat, so I didn't get to meet them. You normally spend hours on a rescue, then you rescue them, then they're gone." He said many people don't realize the danger on the Chehalis River and others in the region. "They get surprised,"
Time to stuff the cruiser
The annual Stuff the Cruiser event will return to Agassiz on Dec. 15. This is the Upper Fraser Valley’s fourth time holding the event, in various locations from Chilliwack to Hope. All proceeds go to local food banks to help support families in need throughout the holidays. “This is our way of engaging the community in a positive way every year and it’s an event that we all look forward to being a part of,” said Cst. Tracy Wolbeck. “This
event brings the police and the public together for a common goal and charity really tends to unify a community. We are really proud to be involved in this.” In Agassiz, a police car will be parked at Super Value at 7024 Cheam Road, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The needs of the food banks change from year to year however, items they are always looking for are diapers, baby formula, canned fruits and vegetables and soups.
he said. "When it really rains heavy like that, the river comes right up." McAuliffe has been a SAR volunteer for 35 years. It's nice to be acknowledged for
the time spent and the dangerous situations they come into. "It's nice to know they understand what we do," he said. news@ahobserver.com
Two drivers have been issued roadside prohibitions this week in Agassiz and Harrison. The first incident happened on Sunday, when a vehicle lost control at Striker’s Corner on Hot Springs Road. Witnesses helped the male driver out of the vehicle prior to RCMP arriving on scene. RCMP report that the driver was taken into custody for driving while disqualified, and was also handed a 90 day roadside prohibition for impaired driving. On Monday night, Hot Springs Road was closed while RCMP dealt with a hit and run. Witnesses in that case obtained a license plate number, and the suspect’s vehicle was later found by police. RCMP report that the driver was charged with failing to remain at the scene, and issued a 90 day roadside prohibition for impaired driving.
Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at www.abcfp.ca.
To encourage the Spirit of Christmas, the Village is sponsoring a
CHRISTMAS LIGHTING COMPETITION. Make your most creative & decorative Christmas light presentation & be judged in the Residential or Commercial category. Judging will take place on December 14th, 2012. Winners will be announced & presented with plaques at the January 21st, 2013 meeting of Council.
Dec. 6th to Dec. 12th
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4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012
Raffle for game console returns
Jessica Peters The Observer
When Dr. Darren and Tracey Paul announced a raffle to fill up the food
bank’s shelves last year, the community showed up en masse. The raffle rules were simple. Bring in a whole
case of non-perishable food, and have your name entered to win an Xbox. The result was
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overwhelming, Tracey have decided to do Paul said. it again. Just like last “It was so exciting,” year, anyone who drops she said. “We had so off a donation of an much food.” entire case of food will The boxes and bags be entered into the filled the hallways draw. But it’s not only of Agassiz Family an Xbox that’s up for Chiropractic, in the grabs. Many other items Kent Fitness/ Activity were donated last year, Centre. It including was such Arbonne a big haul “The community p r o d u c t s , that Dr. chocolates, a was amazing.” Paul hurt homemade his knee scrapbook moving and bath Tracey Paul it all salts. around. P a u l But then, said she the community showed is hoping to gather its generosity once plenty of prizes, as an more. encouragement to the The Pauls called a community to continue patient who is also a donating to the food local RCMP member, bank, which is run and asked for some by Agassiz-Harrison advice. He brought out Community Services. the entire force, who The draw date will be moved the food from on Dec. 21, and they’re the centre to the food hoping to see as good a bank. turnout as they had last “The community was year. In addition to the amazing,” Paul said. “I draw, there will be treats couldn’t believe they and hot chocolate on sent over all the police hand. cars to move the food.” For more It was such a success information, phone last year that they Tracey at 604-796-3559.
Xmas gift
JessICA PeTers / Observer
The owners, management and residents of Springs RV Park in Harrison handed a cheque to Heidi Trautmann, director of the Agassiz-Harrison Community Services in the amount of $1,500 over the weekende. Shown here (left to right) are Trautmann, Mary Smith and Natalie Ritchie.
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The Observer (Agassiz)
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Christmas is a time to treasure wonderful traditions and celebrate with family, friends and the entire community. The transformation to a Christmas wonderland at ValleyCare is the start of the season’s festivities. This is the perfect setting for a beautiful country Christmas. With spectacular views of the snow-topped peaks nearby and many events to get everyone in the spirit, this is holiday living at its best. We will have a traditional Christmas dinner in our elegant dining rooms.
Merry Christmas from all of us here at ValleyCare.
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012 5
Mounties applauded for rescue
Mountain lockdown
Mountain Institution was placed on lockdown at about noon on Tuesday, Dec. 4, in order for staff to facilitate an “exceptional search” of the facility. Visits were suspended until further notice, and the institution was set
‘There were times that day I can honestly say I was scared’ A brave and daring rescue that arguably saved the life of a teenaged girl has earned two local RCMP members Awards of Valour. Amelia Victor, 16, was swept away by the current of the Chehalis River, and couldn’t keep her head above water. Two of Victor’s friends were able to drag her to a narrow bank and go for help. At the same time, two men saw Amelia and swam across the river to stay with her until help arrived. But Cpl. Scott Stoughton and Cst. Bruce Johnson couldn’t get to Victor along any road. They had to move up the river to rescue the girl. They swam upstream, moving against the cur-
rent in full uniform, to reach her. While they had dropped their boots, bullet proof vests and duty belts, it was a strenuous swim for the officers and the Search and Rescue members who joined them. On Nov. 22, they were among 60 police officers recognized for their efforts inVictoria. Stoughton was working out of the Agassiz detachment when the rescue took place. He nows works with IHIT in Chilliwack. “it was a really fantastic evening,” he said. “I think of all the hard work that officers do all over the province, all over the country, every day that don’t get recognized.” It underlines the fact that a police officer
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never knows what to expect from one day to the next, he said. “You can never predict what any day is going to bring,” he said. “I honestly can say there have been not too many times I was truly scared
in my career. But there were times that day I can say I was honestly scared.” The Chehalis River’s current was “ridiculous,” he added. Victor made a full recovery.
Overall, 25 officers received the award of valour, the highest award for a police officer in B.C. Thirty-four police officers were awarded meritorious service honours. news@ahobserver.com
No punishment for health workers who refuse shots, masks
Black Press
The province has granted a one-year reprieve from its directive that health workers wear a mask this flu season if they refuse to be vaccinated. Those who don’t comply won’t be disciplined, deputy health minister Graham Whitmarsh said in a Nov. 30 letter to health authorities. Enforcement that was to begin Dec. 1 is on hold while the ministry carries out more consultation with unions and other affected staff to help determine how best to fully implement the flu control policy, he said.
Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall gave the needle-or-mask order this summer, citing an inadequate flu immunization rate of less than 50 per cent among B.C. health care workers despite free shots and much encouragement. But unions denounced the policy as a privacy violation, saying the threat of discipline to compel unvaccinated workers to wear masks would have forced them to disclose their decision not to get a flu shot. Those who did get vaccinated were expected to wear badges or pins to assure patients they were immunized. Health Sciences
Association of B.C. president Reid Johnson said the union encourages its members to be vaccinated but defends their right to choose. “If they choose not to be vaccinated for any number of factors – including experiences with bad side effects to vaccines and fundamental, philosophical, or religious objections to vaccination – that is their right,” he said. Rather than enforcing a season-long order to mask up, he said, that step can be taken during an actual flu outrbreak, along with other longstanding options such as
relocating staff or having them stay home. Despite the controversy, more health workers did roll up their sleeves for the needle this fall. According to Kendall’s office, more than 60 per cent of full-time health workers are now vaccinated. And Fraser Health reported an even higher rate of more than 70 per cent of full-time staff vaccinated as of last Thursday, a number that’s expected to climb further. A ministry spokesperson called the decision not to enforce in the transitional year a “balanced and measured
approach.” The rule was to apply to hospitals, long-term care homes and other publicly funded health facilities and included health authority staff, doctors, volunteers, students, contractors and vendors who work in patient contact areas. The ministry will continue to encourage workers to get vaccinated to reduce the risk of flu transmission to vulnerable patients and seniors.
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Cpl. Scott Stoughton was given an Award of Valour for his work during a river rescue in Chehalis in July, 2010. He was an Agassiz member at the time of rescue, and now works with IHIT in Chilliwack. Cst. Bruce Johnson (not shown) was also given an Award of Valour.
B.C. backs down on flu vaccine edict Jeff Nagel
to re-open when the search was complete. Correctional Service Canada did not state what staff were looking for, but stated that “the safety and security of our institutions are the primary considerations of CSC.”
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Council will hold two Public Meetings, in accordance with Section 59 of the Community Charter, in the Centennial Centre, Municipal Hall, 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC, on: Monday, December 17, 2012 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Monday, January 7, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to consider presentations from the public with respect to the “Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 1485, 2012”. At the meetings, the public may make representations to Council respecting matters contained in the proposed bylaw and all persons who believe that their interest is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions. Written submissions received before 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 17, 2012 will be presented for consideration at the public meeting of December 17, 2012. Written submissions received after 3:00 p.m. on December 17, 2012 and before 3:00 p.m. on Monday, January 7, 2013 will be presented for consideration at the public meeting of January 7, 2013. The “Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 1485, 2012” may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and office closures, from December 7, 2012 to January 7, 2013 inclusive, at the reception desk in the Municipal Office located at 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC. The “Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 1485, 2012” is also available on the District’s website at www.district.kent.bc.ca. Please note that the Municipal Hall will be closed from Monday, December 24, 2012 to Tuesday, January 1, 2013 inclusive. Enquiries may be directed to the undersigned at (604) 796-2235. Darcey Kohuch, Director of Development Services Dated this 7th day of December, 2012
The 2012
Festival of Christmas Trees
Hosted by the Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce & Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa
This year’s entrants each donated $25 or more to the Agassiz Harrison Community Services Food Bank. The beautiful trees will be displayed until January 6th at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa.
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HOURS Mon. - Fri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:30 am - 5:00 pm Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
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Congratulations & thank you to our prize sponsors! MEDIA SPONSOR The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
6 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012
Drive for the weather conditions
Should health care workers have a choice in getting a flu shot?
A quick look outside will tell you we’re tightly in the grip of a West Coast fall. That means rain. Lots of it. And darkness – late into the morning and earlier in the afternoon. It’s a dangerous time of year. For motorists, and especially for pedestrians. Statistics from ICBC show almost a third of pedestrian collisions involving injuries or fatalities occur in November, December and January. A little common sense would go a long way to reducing those numbers. Like wearing bright clothing, ideally with a reflective strip or two, so motorists can distinguish you through the gloom. Cross streets using marked, and preferably lit, crosswalks. Motorists peering into the darkness through rain-slicked windshields are already coping with a lot – faded and swamped lane markings, the glare from oncoming headlights. The last thing they’re ready for is a dark figure bolting from the shadows across their path. When walking along the shoulder, where there are no sidewalks, face oncoming traffic. Drivers can also do their part to improve safety during these dark, rainy months. Ensure your windshield wipers are doing their job. Check that all the lights on your vehicle are working, and that the headlights are aimed properly so they don’t blind oncoming cars or pedestrians. When driving in difficult conditions, use the low beams, as the high beams will just reflect the rain or fog, actually making it harder to see. Check your tire tread. Worn tires will take longer to stop, and are more likely to hydroplane. Most importantly, slow down and drive according to the conditions. – The Burnaby News Leader
To answer, go to the Home page of our website: www.ahobserver.com
Does Agassiz need a new gymnasium? Here’s how you responded:
Yes 74% No 25%
Will truth die on Deficit Hill? B.C. Views Tom Fletcher VICTORIA – Whatever happens in the provincial election five months from now, taxpayers should insist that it be the last spring vote. Now I know this isn’t sexy like the horse race of popularity polls so loved by the TV news. But integrity of public financial information is the next vital step in democratic reform, even more important than scheduled election dates. And the B.C. tradition of tabling untested election budgets, shutting down the legislature and firing up the campaign buses, has to end. The B.C. Liberals are on track to surpass the NDP on fudge-it budgets, having put millions into
TV ads that insist the 2013 budget will struggle into the black. This is the hill Christy Clark has chosen to die on. Glen Clark set the modern bar with his 1996 election budget. After a run of red ink, it conjured a tidy little surplus that helped the NDP squeak out a win over the plaid-shirted Gordon Campbell. Campbell’s noisy exit had its roots in his 2009 fudgeit budget, which clung to an outdated $500-million deficit forecast that had already melted down along with banks, auto makers and U.S. real estate. After the election, British Columbians found out we were really $2.8 billion in the red. Not one to waste a good crisis, Campbell ordered the harmonized sales tax. Now Premier Clark and Finance Minister Mike de Jong are proposing to balance the budget and shut down the HST money
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
machine. Clark gave a speech in Coquitlam the day before last week’s budget update, warning it “won’t be pretty.” And it’s not. In September the current-year deficit forecast jumped above $1 billion, largely
“How is this sucking chest wound going to suddenly heal next spring?”
due to a glut of natural gas. The latest update pushed it near $1.5 billion. Natural gas royalties are bumping along the bottom, no big change there. But now coal prices and shipments are down, and a slow real estate market has pinched the flow of cash from Bill Vander Zalm’s legacy, the property
P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081 www.ahobserver.com
DeaDliNeS Classifieds: Tues. 4 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 4 p.m.
purchase tax. I erred in a previous column, saying this year’s deficit is partly due to a staged repayment of federal HST transition money. Not so. That entire $1.6 billion was booked in last year’s budget, pushing that deficit to a record $3 billion. This means the current $1.5 billion bleeder is based strictly on current revenues, debt servicing and spending. So how is this sucking chest wound going to suddenly heal next spring? De Jong provided an early version of his answer in his September financial statement. Amazingly, it projects a recovery of more than $100 million in natural gas royalties next year. Hmmm. Liquefied natural gas exports to Asia are still years away, and the U.S., our only current energy export customer, is developing its own huge shale gas and shale oil reserves. OFFiCe HOuRS Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sat., Sun., & Mon.
In another forecasted miracle, sales tax revenue is expected to dip by a mere $120 million as the old provincial sales tax returns next year. In 2014 it is projected to bounce right back to where it is today, around $6.1 billion. That’s odd. When former finance minister Kevin Falcon announced the transition back to PST last May, he described annual revenue loss of about $500 million the first year, and more than $600 million the next. Granted, business investment credits and HST rebates to the poor also end, saving the government a pile of cash as this significant tax reform dies. But it still looks like another fudge-it budget, designed to help another premier avoid the political graveyard at the foot of Deficit Hill. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca
Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Popkum/Bridal Falls, Rosedale and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572 Copyright and/or property rights sub sist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or er rors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The pub lish er’s liability for other errors or omis sions is limited to publication of the ad ver tise ment in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the ad ver tise ment .
PuBlishEr andrEw Franklin 604-796-4300
Editor JEssica PEtErs 604-796-4302
advErtising chris Blank 604-796-4301
BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Applause for a positive change The Agassiz Harrison Healthy Communities Committee is a coalition of 20 agencies that works toward positively impacting the health of our community. In 2011, we created a Strategic Plan which identified priorities, and we support and encourage the development of opportunities to create ways to meet these priorities. A new community centre gymnasium will bring wonderful and expanded opportunities to our community. A new facility will provide the resources for program development which include recreation, fitness, weight training, heart health, nutrition, and so much more. This expanded opportunity will improve availability, participation, facility capacity, diversity of potential programming and therefore will provide engaging opportunities for the entire community.
Parking could cover beach costs
Residents may be interested to learn that the Village of Harrison Hot Springs Finance Department Benefits of providing this calculates that over the last three opportunity are numerous. It will years it has cost taxpayers in excess encourage community members of $35,000 each year, on average, to work out locally, provide a close just to maintain the washrooms at convenient state of the art facility, the beach and the boat launch. All together maintaining the alleviate having to travel, and it will municipal plaza and waterfront, be more appealing to those who do including providing garbage not drive. The District of Kent should be pickup, grass mowing, beach submerged weed applauded for bringing this initiate grading, forward and seeing the positive benefits removal in the lagoon and this recreation centre expansion will maintaining the washrooms, has bring. Yes, there is a financial cost to cost on average $142,667 each of building the facility, but this pales in the last three years. This is a hefty comparison to the health and social annual sum which is paid for costs of not providing these services. from the village residential and This opportunity provides a holistic business tax base. Although these may be tough integrated approach to increasing the health, well being and physical times for some businesses it development of individuals in this could be argued that it is better to operate a business in Harrison community. Wendy Colman-Lawley Hot Springs than in most other Agassiz-Harrison Healthy Fraser Valley towns. Take into account that Tourism Communities Chair. Harrison receives approximately $300,000 annually from the 2 per cent hotel tax ($1.5 million over 5 years) which it effectively uses to market Harrison Hot Springs as a
Exercise the best medicine I find it hard to understand why people would be against the expansion of the gym. Most of taxes are going on health care. Governments and doctors tell us to move and lose weight. From what I hear if people would move more, exercise their bodies they were given, they would not only extend their life but have the feeling of well being. As a frequent gym goer, especially in the last two years, I have seen people over 80 years of age come to the gym to extend their chance of living longer and feeling so much better. I had a consultation with my doctor. Before leaving he said “what pills are you on?” What do you mean pills? I’m on nothing. At 75, that tells me I’m on the right track when it comes to my
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012 7
health. I also hear a lot of women in particular: “Oh, I don’t need the gym, by the time I do my house work up and down the stairs I’m all in at the end of the day.” I got news for you, even if it is some exercise it does not make up your body. There is a lot more to it. Especially when we get over the hill age, remember if you don’t use the muscles you will for sure lose them. There are so many programs every day at least one of them would fit you. So, get off your butt. For those against it, stop whining and pay the extra tax, it’s cheaper than being a guest at your nearest hospital. Marceline Billis
vacation destination. This is a significant boost from which the Harrison business community is a net beneficiary in tourism attraction promotion at no direct cost. Businesses in Cultus Lake or Hope or Agassiz, for example, do not benefit from such a business supportive financial program because these municipalities are not designated resort communities. Nevertheless Cultus Lake has pay parking and raises $100,000 a year in fees, which would be enough to make a significant contribution to the cost of beach maintenance and improvements here in the Village, presently paid for by all tax payers. To make pay parking during the summer months more acceptable perhaps the Village could designate an area, such as the municipal lot at Hot Springs Road and Miami River Blvd, a free parking lot, similar to what they have in Whistler, so that day visitors could walk the short distance to the waterfront, if they do not wish to pay for parking.
In addition perhaps Village home owners and each business could be allocated one or two parking decals for their vehicles to enable them (or their employees) to park for free on Esplanade or Lillooet. Interestingly the vacationers staying at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa, the Harrison Beach Hotel and the Ramada Inn pay for parking and they do not appear to be dissuaded from shopping or eating in the business establishments along Esplanade or in the Village Mall, which has its own free parking. Hopefully business owners and residents can come together and agree on a solution to how to pay for the rising cost of maintaining our shared waterfront, enjoyed by residents and tourists alike. Is it too much to ask day visitors to help defray the cost of maintaining our pristine waterfront recreational area and help to keep our business and residential taxes from increasing? Murray Hardie Harrison Hot Springs
Sudoku Dec. 7, 2012 Intermediate Level
See answers in Classifieds.
FUN club
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
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604.796.4300 | TF: 1.866.865.4460 7167 Pioneer Ave In print every Friday or see us online 24/7: ahobserver.com
On Christmas Eve, Scott reads The Night Before Christmas to his son... then receives an unexpected visitor on his roof. When he’s startled by Scott’s calling out and falls, the Santa impersonator disappears, leaving only an 8-reindeer sleigh and a suit with instructions to put it on if he’s involved in an accident...
Jessica Sparks • Stephen Den Boer Jonas Den Boer • Dawson Schroevers Emma McNeil • Alyssa Lawley Deanna Neels • Skye Bernath Martin S. • Ashley Jeronimus
The Observer, Petro’s Pizza and The Video Station are inviting kids up to the age of 12 years to join the Observer Fun Club. When your name appears in this section, come in to the Observer office within 2 weeks with this clipping & you will receive: • a free pizza from Pizza Plus • a free movie rental from the Video Station • a free book from the Agassiz Public Library upon presenting the birthday letter to them.
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
8 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012
Christmas wishes
Three-year-old Ava had a chance to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus on Saturday morning at Harrison Memorial Hall. Breakfast with Santa this year was a fundraiser for AgassizHarrison Community Services.
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How to stay safe on winter roads It is important to know how to drive when weather conditions are dangerous. It is also wise to outfit a vehicle to reduce its risk of slipping and sliding on icy, snowy roads. Here are some tips to follow. • Limit time spent driving in the snow. Avoid driving
during snowstorms or directly after whenever possible. Snow not only makes roads slick, but falling flakes can impair a driver’s visibility and reduce his or her response time. Try to wait until snowclearing teams have salted, plowed and sanded roads before
venturing out. • Be sure you can see clearly. Clear off the snow from the windshield, side mirrors and windows so it does not compromise your view. Also, top off the windshield fluid so you will be able to clear snow and salt
kick-up from your windshield. Look for a washer fluid that has an antifreeze component, otherwise, your washer jets and wiper blades could be rendered useless. * Drive slowly. Reduce your speed when driving in inclement weather. It can be more difficult to stop or maneuver around a potential obstacle when conditions are less than ideal. Traveling at a high speed will increase the risk of accidents. • Leave enough room between you and other motorists. Tailgating is responsible for many accidents, even when there is no snow on the ground. In inclement weather, it can take longer to slow or stop the car after pressing on the brakes. Having an additional space between your car and the one in front of you helps you avoid a
collision. • Be aware of black ice. Black ice gets its name from its veritable invisibility. It is so thin and hard to spot, it just looks like the black asphalt of the road. Black ice tends to form in areas that have had snow or ice melt, which then refreezes at night when temperatures drop. Be extra cautious on turns and on highway exit and entrance ramps, where black ice frequently forms. • Steer your car into the skid. Remain calm and do not panic and jam on the brakes if your car starts to skid. Slamming on the brakes will only exacerbate the skid. Rather, take your foot off the accelerator, allowing the car to naturally slow down as you turn your wheels into the direction the car is skidding. This should help right the car
and get you back on track. • Invest in snow tires. Those who live in especially snowy climates and do a lot of driving would be wise to purchase snow tires. Snow tires, also called winter tires, have special tread patterns that offer better traction in snow and ice. They also are made from softer rubber compounds than regular tires that retain their flexibility in cold weather, allowing the tire to conform to the surface of the road. Although many vehicles come with technology to prevent accidents, they cannot do their jobs if tires are not maintaining their grip on the road.
roads. Therefore, it is better to invest in a set of snow tires that will offer you better protection. When putting snow tires on a car or truck, be sure to do so on all the wheels -- not just the driving wheels. Otherwise you may still risk spin outs or uneven gripping of the road. It is not a good idea to keep snow tires on all year. Because they are softer, snow tires tend to be more noisy and can wear out faster in warmer weather. Therefore, switch out the tires at the beginning of the snowy season and then before the spring arrives anew.
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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012 9
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Village of Harrison Hot Springs NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Monday, December 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC
Christmas shoppers browsed through crafts and other gift items at the Lions Country Craft Fair on Saturday at the Agassiz Agricultural Hall.
Firehall takes on Christmas Santa and turkey in the works in Agassiz
Jessica Peters ThE OBSERVER
The Agassiz Fire Department has taken on a new job this Christmas — planning a festive dinner for the community. They’ve even invited Santa Claus, ensuring that everyone in attendance will have a jolly time. Firefighter Andrew Brohman said they are hoping to fill the Agassiz Agricultural Hall, for dinner and a chance to meet Santa. The turkey and ham dinner will be served by Lori’s Catering, and
all proceeds from the services workers and dinner will go toward volunteers to lend a the Agassiz hand for the Harrison evening. C om mu n it y “We’ve had Services food a couple of bank. groups that Only 100 have said they’ll tickets will be give us a hand,” available for he said. “It’s a the public. great way to Many of the give back to Andrew tickets are the community, BrohmAn being given right at the time to people that it needs it who use the food bank’s the most.” services, to ensure they The doors will open can enjoy a holiday at 5:45 p.m. on Dec. meal. Brohman said the firehall is calling upon other emergency
20, and dinner will be served from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets for the public are $20 each. They can be purchased at the Agassiz Fire Hall, Pioneer Motors and Community Services. Brohman is eager to see the Community Christmas Dinner restored after it went dormant for a few years. “We’re hoping for the best, and we’ll see what happens,” he said. news@ahobserver.com
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 890 of the Local Government Act of British Columbia, as noted above, on the following items: 1. ZONING BYLAW NO. 1020, 2012 Location: The Municipality of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs Purpose: The bylaw proposes the enactment of a new Zoning Bylaw for the municipality of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs and the repeal of Zoning Bylaw No. 672, 1996. The document is available for review on the Village Office website at www.harrisonhotsprings.ca or at the Village Office located at 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, during business hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
JOINUs! US! Join
q eChoeS From The PAST
Agassiz farmers opposed to limits
50 Years Ago, 1962 • Dissatisfaction with the Milk Board order, which limits the producer price for fluid market milk to $3 more than the price of surplus milk, was widely voiced at a meeting of 50 Agassiz farmers. • The School Board received confirmation from Holland, where a former resident of Agassiz, Mr. Visser is now living. The confirmation is making it possible now for the School Board to
purchase the site valued at $48,794.50 after the vote of electorate on the referendum. • 1962 Pontiac station wagon for sale: One owner, automatic, padded dash, radio, white wall tires, full discs; two-speed electric wipers and windshield washer, back-up lights, under coat, smart maroon and white twotone: Only $3,295. Submitted by the Agassiz Harrison Historical Society
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Persons who deem that their interest in property is affected by the proposed zoning bylaw will have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing, or if you are unable to attend, you may send your written submission to the Village Office, PO Box 160, Harrison Hot Springs, BC VOM 1KO Attention: Corporate Officer no later than 4:00 p.m. December 17, 2012. All submissions will be recorded and form part of the record of the Public Hearing. The proposed bylaw may be inspected between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from December 7, 2012 to December 17, 2012, inclusive, in the Village Office, 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC. Please direct your enquiries to the Manager of Planning and Community Services 604-796-2171. Please note that no further information or submissions can be considered by Council after the conclusion of the Public Hearing. Debra Key Corporate Officer
10 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012
Difficult ordeal for Howarth family in Port Coquitlam Diane Strandberg Black Press
“How did this happen?” The question on Andrea Howarth’s blog cuts like a knife. One day the Port Coquitlam mom and her husband, Nick, are planning a trip to Disneyland with their two children — Clara, now six, and Brennan, who just turned four — and a few months later, they are plunged into a nightmare from which they are still recovering. As she doles out cupcakes for a treat to her little ones in her comfortable condo off Riverside Drive, it’s hard to believe the story Howarth is about to tell, yet, according to statistics, it’s a sadly common tale for hundreds of B.C. families. Last February, Clara, was struck down by a serious fever that turned out to be Strep A. Later, as the little girl’s body fought the illness, her blood work revealed an even stronger adversary: lymphoblastic leukemia. “It was very scary,” Howarth recalls. Flipping through a binder that logs Clara’s test results, prescriptions and hospital stays, she describes how Clara, then a kindergarten student at Blakeburn elementary, came home from her Sparks meeting with a headache. That turned into flu-like symptoms and a fever of 40 C. “She couldn’t hold anything down,” Howarth said, and with a mother’s instinct, she and husband Nick decided to make the trek to BC Children’s Hospital on Oak Street in Vancouver for some expert advice. They made the right decision. “We bypassed the lineup and were admitted into emergency right away,” she said. In the hospital’s intensive care unit, Clara was given roundthe-clock care by nurses and
Clara, 6, her brother Brennan, 4, and mom Andrea Howarth. The Howarth family are big boosters of the BC Children’s Hospital after Clara’s leukemia was diagnosed and she received treatment. Clara is now in remission and supporting the hospital’s efforts to raise funds for a new hospital.º
doctors who specialize in dealing with children and who patiently answered the Howarths’ litany of questions. Clara’s throat became so swollen with inflammation, she was hard to recognize and a tube had to be placed into her throat so she could take in fluids. Monitored day and night, Clara was kept under the watchful eyes of doctors and nurses while the Howarths spelled each other off, staying next to their daughter in a small cot, or returning home to Brennan, who was being looked after by family. It took several days for the eventual, shocking diagnosis, but by then, anxiety and exhaustion had begun to take its toll. The couple, well known in Port Coquitlam because they grew up
Once again yOu’ve been an awesOme cOmmunity! We had a successful Country Fair and it was great to have such fantastic vendors. It was wonderful to meet & greet old friends & meet some new ones, sharing a homemade lunch with friends & family is just the best! The Agassiz Harrison Lions Club says thank you to all who made donations & to our media partner the Observer. We wish you & your families a wonderful country Christmas, a warm fire, love & the joy that this magical season brings. We Serve.
Agassiz Fire Department
FooD Drive Thursday, December 13th from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm AFD with the aid of Agassiz Harrison Search & Rescue, Scouts and BC Ambulance will be coming door-to-door with the firetrucks & lights a’flashing to collect cash donations or non perishable food items, even new toys! If you wish to make a donation at the Fire Hall instead you can do so or if you’re not available that night call 604-796-2614 & we will make a better time to pick up the donations you have.
here, fell asleep together in the tiny cot pushed up against Clara’s bed. “It was so tight, there was just no room,” Howarth said. A curtain divider hung in her face but discomfort was a small price to pay to be near their little girl, who was fighting for her life. Thankfully, they had great support from the staff at BCCH, and their close-knit family, friends and colleagues. Howarth’s parents even cut short a cruise to be with their daughter and Nick, a police officer, was able to get time off work. The diagnosis, when it came about eight days after Clara was admitted, was hard to take. “We were just devastated,” said Howarth. With leukemia confirmed
through bone marrow testing, the family exchanged one cramped room in ICU to another in the oncology ward and Clara began chemotherapy treatments. She started to get better and the Howarths began to look around and see other families going through the same ordeal. One day, they brought a cooler of food because chemotherapy treatments affect children’s sense of taste and they wanted to bring her special treats. They looked into the ward fridge, Howarth said, and there was no room. “We didn’t realize so many families were living there.” In fact, childhood cancer is surprisingly common, with approximately 850 Canadian children expected to develop
cancer this year —100 of them newly diagnosed in B.C. All of the British Columbia cases will end up at BC Children’s, where staff are experienced in dealing with the special needs of children and research is being conducted into new therapies. “I can’t say enough about the staff. They are amazing and they’ve become our friends,” Howarth now says, with some relief. After several weeks of treatment, Clara returned home in the spring and, although extremely weak and with the trade-mark hair loss, finished kindergarten and is now back at school in Grade 1. Her cancer is in remission, although she still has to receive treatments that are extremely hard on her body. The long-planned trip to Disneyland that would have taken place this fall was cancelled but Howarth is thankful her daughter is doing so well. In fact, she has become a BC Children’s Hospital booster and is supportive of a $200-million capital campaign to replace the aging facilities with a new hospital that will be much more comfortable for families and more efficient for staff. Recently, she toured a mock-up of the new design and can’t say enough about it. “There are families who have to live there and they need this.” Plans call for larger rooms, the consolidation of oncology services on one floor, instead of three, as they are now, dedicated lounge areas and larger shared facilities, including a kitchen. The improvements will be a benefit, she agrees, but for now, being home with her children every day and seeing Clara’s health improve is all Howarth really needs. That trip to Disneyland can wait. dstrandberg@tricitynews.com
NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the Community Charter, the dates of the 2013 Regular Council meetings are as follows: January 14 January 28 February 12 (Tuesday) February 25 March 11 March 25 April 8 April 22 May 13 May 27 June 10 June 24 July 15 August 19 September 9 October 15 (Tuesday) October 28 November 12 (Tuesday) November 25 December 9
Holiday Gift Guide
Stay tuned for gift Ideas for the whole family and take the guess work out of shopping! For Him, For Her, For Kids, and Stocking Stuffers.
Meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. in the Centennial Centre, Municipal Hall, Agassiz. For further information please contact the undersigned at 604-796-2235. Clair Lee Director of Corporate Services
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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012 11
New hospital to be a boon to cancer-struck kids
The Village of Harrison Hot Springs would like to thank the following for their contributions to
Hospital Foundation raising $200 million
Jeff Nagel
Black Press
Kids fighting cancer will be among the prime beneficiaries of plans to rebuild B.C. Children's Hospital starting in 2014. The $683-million project will roughly double the amount of space in the hospital and it will also reconfigure the pediatric oncology department, now inconveniently spread out over three floors, onto one much more efficient level. "It will provide much greater continuity of care," said Stephen Forgacs, spokesman for B.C. Children's Hospital Foundation. The foundation is helping support the new hospital – to open in 2018 – with a $200-million fundraising campaign and Forgacs said the new design is centred around the needs of families. "We're building exclusively private rooms in the new hospital," Forgacs said. "There will be no more open ward." Those private rooms will have their own bathrooms, fold-out beds and wardrobes to accommodate parents who want to stay overnight with their sick, frightened kid. Also planned are kitchen facilities for families, office space for parents needing to keep up with work duties and
wifi access everywhere. "In any hospital room you'll be able to get online, which is great for parents who are away from work," Forgacs said, adding it also helps kids beat boredom with video games and connect online with friends. Besides improving privacy and infection control, there are advantages to letting parents stay in a private room. They can comfort their child and they know so much about treatment protocols, they're essentially experts who help back up staff. Medical technology has evolved by leaps and bounds since B.C. Children's Hospital opened in 1982, when personal computers were a novelty. Diagnostic scanning is light years ahead and minimally invasive medical procedures allow much more use of day surgery rather than overnight stays. The new hospital will be much better designed with all technology needs in mind. Demand has also soared over the years and not just due to B.C.'s growing population. Kids whose conditions meant a death sentence in the 1980s are surviving in much greater numbers – the pediatric cancer survival rate is up to 80
Hope and District Minor Hockey would like to say tHank you to the following sponsors who generously supported our recent PeeWee hockey tournament... Bee’s Food Market - Hope Cheam Source for Sports- Chilliwack Cooper’s Foods- Hope Cat’s Meow- Hope Kanyon Restaurant- Hope Pharmasave - Hope Valley Helicopters- Hope Studio 6 Hair Salon- Hope Page’s Bookstore - Hope Anna’s Incense- Hope Sixth Ave. Sports Shop- Hope Tammy Frayn- Epicure Consultant Rolly’s Restaurant - Hope Sunshine Lanes - Hope Nestle Waters - Hope
per cent from 20 then. And others who once died young from chronic conditions like cystic fibrosis now routinely live into their 40s. It all means a hospital that was at capacity the day it opened 30 years ago is now bursting at the seams. Forgacs said myriad improvements will make the new hospital more welcoming and comforting to families enduring the worst and most terrifying moments of their lives. It's critical to meet those emotional needs – not just the medical ones. "The stress families feel is intense," he said, adding hospital staff feel it too. Not only are you dealing with a child who is ill, you are dealing with parents of that child who would literally give their lives if they could to save the child." Forgacs said the B.C. Children's Hospital Foundation has raised $155 million over the past four years toward its $200-million target through tremendous
grassroots support as well as support from major donors. High-profile donations have come from Vancouver Canucks Daniel and Henrik Sedin and singer Michael Bublé. The biggest contributions have been $25 million from Teck Resources and $20 million from the Overwaitea Food Group. Just as honourable, Forgacs said, is the support from parents whose kids have been through the hospital but who perhaps can afford only to volunteer or simply share their stories. "They look for ways to express their gratitude," Forgacs said. "For many of them I think it's almost thereapeutic to remain involved with the hospital." Forgacs said the foundation is now hoping more donors will step forward to raise the remaining $45 million. "We're appealing to British Columbians in every income bracket to help us complete the campaign."
The Black Forest Restaurant Subway Restaurant, Agassiz Muddy Waters Café Shoppers Drug Mart, Agassiz Terrill Scott, Fraser Valley Regional Librarian Louisa Hardy Elizabeth Webber Agassiz Harrison Community Services Success By 6 Ramada Hotel Tony Nootebos Shoreline Tours Agassiz Speedway Agassiz Produce Nicole Irwin Shannon Simmonds
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To book your ad contact Chris at The Observer: 604-796-4301 | ads@ahobserver.com
12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012
Singing along to a Christmas riddle Could a favourite old carol be a clue to deeper meaning?
Ruth Altendorf
For the observer
Another year is coming to an end, Christmastime is almost here and we will be celebrating. In our part of the world it is the deeply ingrained belief in the birth of Jesus Christ that gives us great happiness and hope. There will be music, gift giving and story telling and lights will
Ruth AltendoRf
Harrison Happenings be shining everywhere,
giving our world a festive look during the dark days of winter. One of our most basic traditions during this time of the year is caroling. There must be countless Christmas songs to choose from including the one called The Twelve Days of Christmas. Like many of us, however, I was always wondering why this particular song was
considered a Christmas song, until a friend gave me an explanation somebody else had given to her: There was a time, it was said, when Roman Catholics living in England, were not allowed to openly practice their belief. But this was also a time when riddles and riddle solving had become a favourite pastime in this
country and the practice became the solution to the problem: they created a Christmas song that was also a riddle! “It has two levels of meaning”, so it was explained, “the surface meaning plus the hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality everybody could
ENtEr for a chaNcE to WiN a
Christmas Surprise!
Hey Kids! (aged 12 & under)
Bring in your finished picture to the Observer office for a chance to win a Christmas Surprise! All pictures must be in by 4 pm on Tuesday, December 18th to qualify. The winner’s picture will be printed in the Observer on Friday December 21st!
remember.” And here it is: The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments. Three French hens stood for Faith, Hope and Love. The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matther, Mark, Luke and John The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of Creation. Seven swans a - s w i m m i n g represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership and Mercy. The eight maids a-milking were the eight Beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten
Commandments. The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful Disciples. The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed. I wonder how many people knew this - I did not, did you? Speaking of caroling and Christmas songs makes me think of two places where it will happen in our communities during the month of December. Yesterday, Dec. 6, was one of the places where we were able to enjoy the wonderful sound of Agassiz-Harrison combined choirs at the Agassiz Agricultural Hall and the second place will be at the Harrison Memorial Hall on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. when the Harrison-Kent Community Singers will perform their Christmas Concert. Refreshments will be available and admission is by donation. What better way to get into the spirit! Merry Christmas Everybody!
Tell us your story
Do you have a cherished Christmas memory? If so, we would like to help you share it with the community. Whether your memories are humorous, nostalgic, historic or simply illustrate the spirit of the
season, we are hoping to hear from you. Send us your holiday stories, poems, recipes or photographs and we may publish them in an upcoming edition of the Observer. For more information, phone 604-796-4302.
To encourage the Spirit of Christmas, the Village is sponsoring a
CHRISTMAS LIGHTING COMPETITION. Make your most creative & decorative Christmas light presentation & be judged in the Residential or Commercial category. Judging will take place on December 14th, 2012.
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
7167 Pioneer avenue agassiz
Winners will be announced & presented with plaques at the January 21st, 2013 meeting of Council.
Friday, December 7, 2012, Agassiz Harrison Observer 13
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison ❖ Hope
After-Hours Call Centre: Phone: 604.796.4300 | Toll Free: 1.866.865.4460 toll free: 1.866.575.5777 Fax: 604.796.2081 | Email: kerry@bcclassified.com Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
It is with profound regret that the Wilson and Ryan families announce the sudden passing of Carl David Wilson on Sunday Nov 25, 2012. Carl is predeceased by his Mother Pauline and Father Charles Wilson. Carl is lovingly remembered by his wife Kathryn, and his brothers and sisters, John, Mary and Wanda and his dog Max. It has been said that the measure of a man is not in how much he loved but how much he was loved and Carl was truly loved by all that knew him. Carl will be remembered for his humor, his sense of adventure and passion for travel, his appetite for life and cooking and his innumerable acts of service and kindness to his family and friends. Services will be held on Saturday, December 8 at 1:30 P.M. at 100 Esplanade Ave, Harrison Hotel, St Alice building in Harrison Hot Springs. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Children’s Hearing and Speech Centre of BC would be appreciated by the family.
Weiss, Bradley Norman It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Brad Weiss. Brad (74), died peacefully at VGH surrounded by the love of his family on the evening of Sunday November 25th, 2012. He was well known in the vending machine industry where he worked for over 50 years, and for the last 25 in his role as president of Canadian Amusement Game Supplies Ltd. until his retirement. In his sunset years he became an active member of the Harrison Hot Springs Yacht Club. Brad loved to cook and entertain on holidays and special occasions and could often be found aboard his boat named for his beloved wife, ‘Donna Rae’. Rainbow Falls on Harrison Lake was his favorite first stop when showing friends and family around his ‘corner of heaven’. He enjoyed travel with destinations in Europe, Australia, Peru, Hawaii and continental North America. A devoted husband and father, he is survived by his loving wife, Donna; brother, Barry; daughter Laurie (Mike Blair); son Trevor (Julie Weiss); daughter Joanna (Tim Barnett); grandchildren Chrys, Mitch, Brayden, Daniel, Sarah, Nicholas, Baylee and Brooklyn; great grandchildren, Hayden and Mathew as well as his SPCA rescues, Shelby and Shadow. He is predeceased by grandchildren Miranda and Mathew and daughter Patti. Viewing will be held Friday, November 30, 2012 at McLean’s Funeral Services, 45651 Lark Rd., Chilliwack, B.C. from 6:30 until 9:00 PM. Interment on Saturday, December 1 at 11 AM with a Celebration of Brad’s Life to follow at the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Chilliwack SPCA or the Agassiz Food Bank. Brad, we will miss you every day.
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CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES. 8 weeks old, purebred long hair female. Vaccinated & pad trained. $900 $1200. (604)807-9957 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES P.B. $1200: Born Sept. 29th. 2 Male, 1 Female. (778)863-6332
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Wolf X Shepherd pups, $450. blk w/markings, view parents. chrisjo@telus.net (604)869-2772
14 Agassiz Harrison Observer, Friday, December 7, 2012 PETS 477
Agassiz. 4 bdrm home on fenced acre. pets ok. 5 appl. RR, DD. $1200/m. Jan 1. 604-858-2319
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AGASSIZ IMMEDIATE 1/2 Duplex. 3 bdrm 2 1/2 bath, carport, 2 level. stove, fridge & dw. small single pet ok, no smoking. $1050 month. Karen at 604.855.9292
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The Agassiz
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012 15
Keeping calm during the holidays can reduce domestic violence
Meet the Pros DECEMBER 2012
RCMP offer advice for keeping the peace during stressful times
A message from Harrison Communities in Bloom Come out to Harrison and enjoy all the colors of the Christmas season. See the beautifully decorated trees along The Esplanade. The Village Staff have outdone themselves this year, providing a really colorful illuminated display. When you reach The Harrison Resort, step into the entrance below the Lakeshore Dining Room. There you will find many
artistically decorated Christmas Trees, creations of AgassizHarrison community businesses and groups. Be sure to vote for your favorite. On your way home take the time to drive through the Village and view some of the many imaginatively decorated homes. Come and partake of the Christmas Community spirit. Submitted by Harrison CIB
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The Christmas season is a time to be spent and with whom. for love and laughter but can also If you have issues with be a very stressful time for families. communication and your There are many triggers and discussions often result in big, stressors over the holidays that can explosive yelling matches, then lead to domestic violence. set the following boundaries that The Chilliwack RCMP along may assist you to get through a with members of the Public Safety conversation. Committee would like to address Set a time limit on the discussion some of these triggers as well as and set the topics before hand. provide resources to people who If you don’t come to a decision at may find themselves in a situation the end of the allotted time, then where domestic violence is revisit the topic later. Set ground possible. rules (no yelling or Some of the calling names) before triggers can be your discussion increased alcohol and be accountable “Family disputes consumption at to them. Invite a are by far the social gatherings, discussion. If the family pressures other party does not most volatile and and stresses with want to engage in unpredictable over-scheduling and the conversation at over-committing, that moment then situations we and strained have them agree on a encounter.” relationships can time that will work. become more Most importantly, volatile. be creative in your Cpl. Harinder Kheleh compromises and Finances and overspending can be stick to the rules you a major trigger for agreed on. domestic violence at this time of Another important thing year. “Family disputes are by far to consider is knowing where the most volatile and unpredictable the children are during these situations we encounter as police discussions. If possible, ensure the officers, “said Cpl. Harinder Kheleh children are not around as there of the Chilliwack Serious Crime can be a negative impact on them Unit. and cause unnecessary stresses. “We take them very seriously and The most important tip to be make sure that the people involved aware of in domestic violence have the support they need to move situations is to know when you forward.” are not safe and to seek support There are several coping immediately. strategies that can be used to There are two transition houses soothe the stress and eliminate the in Chilliwack: Ann Davis at 604 possibility of domestic violence. 792-3116 and Xolhemet at 604 Have family discussions 858-0468. The transition house in regarding finances long before the Hope is Hope and Area Transition season is upon you and stick to the Society at 604 869-5111. family budget. Always know your For family counseling limit with alcohol as increased supports,please contact Chilliwack alcohol consumption can lead Community Services at 604 792to arguments that may not have 4267 or Ann Davis at 604 792-2760. happened in the absence of alcohol. If there is any violence or threats Discuss in advance how your of violence made, please contact time during the holidays is going your local RCMP or call 911.
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16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 7, 2012
KENT OUTDOORS CHRISTMAS SALE & APPRECIATION DAY Sale Ends December 24th, 2012 or while supplies last.
ANNUAL "HEAD'S UP" SCORING SESSION Saturday, December 8t h 8 am - 5 pm Got a hunter, fisher or camper on your list? This is the time to pick up that perfect gift! Official BC Book, Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young scoring 10 am - 4 pm courtesy of High Caliber Taxidermy 604-819-2016. Bring in your personal trophy, any animal, any size, whether old or new, and find out how it measures up! HOT PRICE!
Super Lucky Duck Built in intermittent, lightweight wing design, quiet running motor, detachable wings for easy transport, 6V rechargeable battery incl.
Accusharp Knife Sharpener
Comfort handle, easy to use, keeps your knives sharp!
Best pr of the yeaicres firearms, o on ammunitio ptics & savings th n. Huge the store o roughout fishing & cn hunting, am supplies! ping
Universal Gun Cleaning Kit
Aluminum carry case, everything you need to clean all calibers of firearms.
Daiwa 7’ Spin Combo
Great value! 3 ball bearing spin reel.
Leatherman Wave Multi-Tool Kit
Ruger Blackhawk 1000 FPS Pellet Rifle
Includes Leatherman Wave tool, plus bonus screwdriver bit kit & flashlight stored in a durable nylon sheath.
Includes 4x32 scope, .177 cal, break-barrel, 1000fps.
Maverick 88 Shotgun 12 ga.
Sentry 14 Gun Electronic Combo
3” chamber, blued synthetic, 28” barrel, pump action.
Fire resistant. Carpeted interior protects priceless guns & collectibles.
PRIZE DR Free drinAWS! & snacksks !
7048 Pioneer Avenue, Agassiz, BC | 604.796.0006 | kentoutdoors@shaw.ca | www.kentoutdoors.ca