Houston Today, December 12, 2012

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Sports: Luckies Hockey

NEWS: Mill donations



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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Forest issues “on track” says Mayor Bill Holmberg By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

SIsters Celebrate

Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Sisters Mary Axen and Ruby Forsyth enjoy the Christmas luncheon put on by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary last Friday. The Legion ladies made a fantastic turkey dinner and welcomed anyone from the public to come and enjoy the Christmas meal.

Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson visited Houston with Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad, to discuss the ministry focuses and needs of the forest industry. The meeting, held last week Monday at the Seniors Centre, focused on forest inventory and development of a secondary market or bio-economy to use wood supply to its fullest potential and limit waste. Thomson opened the discussion with a brief review of the ministry’s current work, highlighting three main topics: (1) contributing to B.C. jobs plan, (2) focusing on jobs, tourism and innovation, and (3) increasing market

diversification. Rustad says that in response to recommendations from the midterm timber supply committee, the ministry hopes to speed up the inventory work, doing inventory on all the areas significantly impacted by the pine beetle within the next five years, and the rest of the province within the next ten years. The ministry has approached the treasury board, and the result will come out in the February budget process, said Rustad, adding that he is optimistic significant work will start next year and ramp up. “Now that the [pine beetle] epidemic has run through and we’re seeing the forests starting to stabilize, it’s time to update the inventories, so we’ll be doing that,” said Rustad. See FOREST on Page 2

Timber deal reached to rebuild Burns Lake sawmill By Tom Fletcher Black Press

The partners in the Burns Lake sawmill destroyed in a fatal fire in January have accepted the conditions for rebuilding the mill. To the community’s relief, the announcement

comes despite last week’s decision by WorkSafeBC to refer their fire investigations at Babine Forest Products in Burns Lake and a later fire at Lakeland Mills in Prince George, to Crown counsel for possible charges. Two workers died and 42 others injured

in the two fires, which WorkSafeBC concluded were caused by dust explosions. “I’m very pleased with the decision,” said Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad, who joined officials in Burns Lake Tuesday for the announcement. He said it delivers on

a promise made by Premier Christy Clark when she visited the community in the hours after disaster struck. Steve Zika, CEO of Oregon-based Hampton Affiliates, and Albert Gerow, CEO of Burns Lake Native Development Corp., announced in



September that they would rebuild if an agreement could be reached with the B.C. government to supply enough timber in the wake of the pine beetle epidemic. Rustad chaired the committee that reviewed the timber supply and determined it could

support existing mills in the region and a reconstructed Babine sawmill. It requires all six aboriginal communities in the region to commit timber rights to the new mill, including new area-based Crown forest tenures that the B.C. government has promised to award



under legislation that still must be passed. “I can imagine the other mills in the area would much rather have seen Hampton not rebuilt, because it means easier log access for them, and not as much competition,” Rustad said.

See MILL on Page 2

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A balance between protection and forestry

FOREST from Page 1 Rustad says the Quesnel inventory, released Nov. 30, showed 600,000 cubic metres more wood available in their midterm supply than they anticipated. Asked by local business owner Tom Euverman where the forest industry is going, Thomson said he doesn’t believe forestry is a sunset industry. There are lots of opportunities and we’ve seen the industry evolve and adapt in order to compete in global markets, said Thomson, adding that he is hearing optimism in the industry and thinks it has a positive future. The timber supply is going to come down a bit in ten years but I think there will still be a very robust fibre basket in this area, said Rustad. Rustad says he wants

to see more focus on tree growing and what can be done to manage that, adding that in order for things like that to develop we’re going to need to see bioeconomy developments. Rustad says there is huge opportunity in bioeconomy - it’s estimated that by 2015 the worldwide market will be somewhere around $200 billion, and B.C. has the potential to be a leader in that economy because of the opportunities and amount of fibre. Today 15 to 30 per cent of the fibre that’s cut isn’t used but if we can find markets for it, there’s huge potential there, said Rustad, adding that there’s challenges with how it’s logged and hauling those pieces in. Dave Mayer, professional forester and

spokesman and technical adviser for Morice Forest Salvage Society, said that with biofuel, operators cannot afford to haul wood from the bush to a facility in town - they use the residual product from the sawmills. Mayer says biofuel won’t use the extra material out in the bush, and in his opinion it’s going to take secondary re-manufacturing, that can afford to haul it from the bush to town and generate some revenue. Rustad said he asked the biocommittee what they would build if fibre was free - where’s the opportunity and where would the investment be? “It’s great to say we can bring fibre and then do all this sort of stuff, but I want to see where’s the investment

points? Who is going to put some dollars on the ground? Then we can talk about how to start fibre flow,” Rustad said. But we’ve got to quit burning fibre, said Bill Miller, chair of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako. A couple of years ago, close to a million cubic metres of fibre was burned in Burns Lake and Houston area, he said. Miller added, “I think when we’re faced with the timber supply issues we’re faced with, and the opportunities that you’re talking about in terms of bioenergy and biomass sectors, I think it borders on criminal that you haven’t addressed that.” “I agree with you, totally,” said Forests Minister Thomson, adding that they’ve looked at various li-

cences, and it’s about making sure tools are there but also about getting the economics of it right, getting it integrated into the operations development side of things. Rustad added that though there’s no question we need to use as much fibre as we can, we also have to consider the fire risks if those blocks aren’t cleaned up and start thinking about broader fire management plans. Logging contractor Rick Barden said that if we’re going to manage our forests, we should manage them right up to the edge of springs and lakes. “We have all these reserves set around, full of dead pine… it’s got to come out. We should be doing something about managing all of it,” he said.

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GATEWAY perspectives

Thomson said it’s about a balance between stream-side protection and forestry, adding that though it’s an important point and the midterm timber supply committee did recommend they look at that, those solutions would have to be community based. Asked later what he thinks about the direction of the ministry, Houston Mayor Bill Holmberg said he thinks they are starting to put some thought into things, such as inventory mapping and forest management, that they should have put thought into a long time ago. “They’re on the right track, it’s just discouraging that we’re just at this point now - it’s something that should have happened a long time ago,” he said.

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Houston Today

Timber supply supports mill rebuild MILL from Page 1 The deal also depended on re-inventory of areas affected by pine beetle, after the epidemic has run its course. He said inventory work in the Quesnel forest district, which was infested earlier, has shown a better survival rate of trees and stronger regrowth than expected. Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson disputed that conclusion, saying Rustad is overstating the results from Quesnel. Simpson said the Quesnel forest is more productive than the northwest, and the optimistic projection depends on beetlekilled wood being harvested while live trees are left for later, which is not happening. “It’s all a hyperoptimistic what-if exercise by some silviculture people,” Simpson said. The government plans to table legislation in the new year to allow area-based forest licences to be direct awarded to aboriginal communities, and supplemental licences that allow greater access to waste wood for pellets and other biofuel. The WorkSafeBC investigation found that the most likely fuel source for the two explosions was fine, dry dust, which increases when mills cut dry trees killed by beetles. The likely ignition source in both cases was motor and gear assemblies running waste conveyors in low, confined areas of the mills subject to heavy dust accumulation.

Houston Today

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


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HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Houston Today

Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: editor@houston-today.com or: newsroom@houston-today.com Advertising: advertising@houston-today.com

In our opinion:

Municipal Spending F

or the first time in ten years, there are signs that some B.C. municipalities are recognizing the need to get spending under control. Nonetheless, municipal spending continues to outpace the responsible benchmark of population growth plus inflation. The latest report from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) analyzes data from 2000 up to 2010. “It’s a bit like driving off a cliff, but slowly,” said Laura Jones, executive vice-president, CFIB. “It’s certainly a good idea to apply the brakes, but we’re still getting closer to the edge. We like to give credit where it’s due, however, there’s a limit to our optimism.” Had spending simply kept pace with population and inflation from 2000-2010, British Columbians would have saved $4.26 billion, or $4,251 for a family of four. Instead, B.C.’s real municipal operating spending increased by 49%, nearly four times the growth in population. When adjusted for inflation, spending increased by just one per cent from 2009 to 2010, down from seven per cent between 2008 and 2009. “One year of relatively good behaviour is a promising sign, but it’s much like the early days of a diet – it really could go either way and only time will tell,” said Jones. The northern region of BC stands out in two regards: 21 out of 30 municipalities have undergone a population decrease from 2000 to 2010; and those communities are overrepresented among the worst-ranked overall across the province, with four of the worst five in Northern BC being among the 10 worst in British Columbia.

- Submitted by CFIB

There’s no time like the present Last week I turned 46 years old and my kids offered up a delicious homecooked dinner followed by a sweet dose of unexpected reality. “I wish I was you,” my nine-year-old daughter said as we enjoyed our decadent dessert. “But I’m kind of glad that I’m not.” “Why are you glad that you’re not?” I asked. “Because your life is half over,” my 12-yearold son chimed in from across the table. “It kind of is, Mom,” Daisy agreed, nodding sympathetically. “No offence.” Sure. None taken. Eager to know more about her first statement, I asked Daisy why she wished she were me. “Because you have an amazing life!” she replied. “And you look less old than you actually

are,” Sam added, smiling. I was glad they thought I looked young for 46, but the fact remained that they thought I was old. Duh. Of course they did. I remember being my daughter’s age and thinking my mom was ancient too. She was 27 at the time. I explained to my children that I planned on living to be at least 100 and that I hadn’t reached the halfway mark quite yet. “But you’re close,” Sam teased. “So, no wasting time, Mom.” And there it was, just the advice I needed to hear that day: no wasting time. Since the age of 17 I’ve spent many of my birthdays seriously reflecting on what I had yet to accomplish rather than simply enjoying them as a wonderful celebration of life. In that moment I realized that I had been doing it again

to some extent, and it was completely unnecessary. Serious reflection could wait. I didn’t think my children had any idea what was going on in the deep recesses of my brain, but I guess they’re more perceptive than I realize. What they might see in me could be similar to what I saw in my parents when I was young, and that is a person who works too hard for the future and doesn’t play enough in the present. Like most everyone I know, my life is full, my days are busy and my schedule is packed. I have ambitions and dreams that I’m working on constantly, but am I relishing the entire process or am I waiting to cross some magical finish line first? At times I feel like I’m loving every minute of it. There are times though, that I become lost in the


chaos and life feels like one big chore rather than the magnificent gift that it is. I believe in dreaming big and going after my goals with fearless optimism. I also believe it’s important to remember to live every day to the fullest, because, as we all know, there are no guarantees that our life will be long. Even though my plan is to live another 54 years or more, there’s a possibility I might not. So, if I die tomorrow, I hope to have enjoyed today and the only person than can make that hope a reality is me. Back when I was a brooding teenager my dad, the eternal optimist, taught me that happiness is a mindset. “You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable,” he said when I was in one of my darker

On a brighter note Lori Welbourne moods. “Life will keep chugging along however you decide to feel.” I can’t say his words completely sunk in at the time, but as the years have passed, I’ve tried to live by that motto more and more. If I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t be able to recognize that my daughter was right: I do have an amazing life. I’m grateful that I have some incredible people in my world who remind me of that every day. Even on my birthday.

Black Press Group Ltd. B.C. Owned and Operated


DISTRIBUTED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council” www.bcpresscouncil.org

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

M.A. Ruiter - Sales Manager Jackie Lieuwen - Reporter/Photographer Annamarie Douglas - Production Manager Otto Koldyk - Sales Representative

BC Press Council - Houston Today is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Houston Today


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Website Poll results

Yes - 71% No - 29% Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?


This week’s Website Poll at www.houston-today.com

Ben Meints Machinist

Clayton Barendregt Apprentice

Kyle Thomson Business owner

Joel Nichols Welder

“Yeah, I’m all done. I started a month ago.”

“No, I’ll do it whenever I get time. Usually it’s last minute.”

“No, I haven’t yet. I’m more of a last minute kind of guy, like the 23rd usually.”

“Yup, I started last week.”


Are you contributing to any charities this Christmas?

On The

Street Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

By Jackie Lieuwen

Letters to the

Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to: editor@houstontoday.com, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.

Editor Reader says pipelines are just a fact of life

Editor: Is it possible that all the negative talk about oil and gas pipelines has given us tunnel vision and not allowing us to look at the bigger picture? Most of us would be happy if there were no pipelines anywhere but petroleum products are a necessary evil and life as we know it cannot exist without them. What is important is that these products are moved in the safest possible way. Everyday thousands of rail cars filled with petroleum products travel on the railroads across the country and in BC due to our mountainous terrain the railroads run right adjacent to our major river systems. Every year there are train wrecks in this

country and it is only a matter of time until one of them ends up in one of the major rivers that they follow. What do people say about these trains that are getting longer all the time? They say, “man, that’s a nice long train,” because no environmentalist or media outlet that thrives on negativity has told them any different. Most of us know nothing about oil and gas pipelines but the media has made us believe that they are a bad thing. Actually, if they want to point out the danger of pipelines they should be talking about the sewer systems of the towns and cities in the country. All the liquid from these systems ends up in the lakes and rivers

Christmas Early Deadlines

of this country and contains every chemical known to man. But we won’t hear much about this as we even the most radical environmentalists know they need the use of these systems. There are a lot of so-called green living people that are not fooling anyone but themselves. As the population of the world increases, there will be threats to land and water, but if everyone works together these threats could be kept to a minimum. One way or another petroleum products will be moved offshore to the countries that need them as we are part of a global community and a global economy. If we think we can just keep the oilsands

for our own use, remember that most of the wars fought in recent times were to gain control of the world’s oil reserves no matter what Mr. Bush may tell you. If we are successful in stopping the pipeline to Kitimat all that will change is the loss of high-paying jobs. The pipeline would then run south into the USA where a pipeline will bring it to the Washington coast for loading onto ships for Asia. This could happen just across the Canadian border so we would still have the same concern of increased tanker traffic as ocean currents and tidal movements would bring any problems into BC waters as shown by the debris arriving from Japan.

We must look at all of this with an open mind to be sure we know what we are talking about as jobs are going to become very important in this province. At least 15,000 jobs will be lost over the next 10-15 years in the forest industry due to the mountain pine beetle. Sawmills will no longer be able to produce lumber of a quality that would keep them financially stable and as sawmills shut down, other forestry-related plants will shut down as well. Pulp mills, pellet plants, co-generation plants, etc. can not operate without the wood chips and wood waste made available as a by-product of making lumber. Logging just to run those type of opera-

tions would be far too costly. The jobs that will be lost can not be replaced with a seasonal tourist industry or a job in a big box store. These types of goodpaying jobs can only be replaced in the resource sector, so if we want our young people to be able to support a family and buy a home, we will have to make jobs available in the resource sector. If we don’t do that a lot of these young people will move way and those that stay will struggle to survive. Unemployment causes huge social problems. Just ask the people in towns like Hazelton and Burns Lake. All of this makes it very important that we make the right decisions about resource

The Deadline for the December 19th issue is the same as our regular deadline: Thursday, December 13th at 4:00 pm The Deadline for the December 26th issue is: Wednesday, December 19th at 4:00 pm. The Deadline for the January 2nd issue is: Thursday, December 27th at 10:00 am. for all classified word and display advertising and all editorial submissions.

sector projects. We should not compare today’s pipelines with those built 50 years ago. We are now capable of sending people into space through thousands of degrees of heat and bringing them safely back home. The space age materials available today can not be compared to the ones used 50 over even 20 years ago. I’m not knocking the people opposed to pipelines but hopefully I want to make us all take a good honest look at the bigger picture and not just go by what we see or read in the media. This will be very important to our future. Brian Mould Kitwanga, BC

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!



District of Houston www.houston.ca

2013 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BY-ELECTION SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2013 ADVANCE ELECTOR REGISTRATION Is your name on the current list of electors? In preparation for an upcoming by-election for the position of Councillor, the District of Houston is currently updating the Municipal List of Resident and Non-Resident Property Electors. If you are not sure if you are on the list, you can find out by calling 250-845-2238 or visiting the District of Houston Municipal Office at 3367 12th Street, Houston, BC. The office is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays). Advance elector registrations will be accepted at the District of Houston Municipal Office until Thursday December 27, 2012 at 5:00 PM. With the exception of registrations on voting days, elector registrations will not be accepted during the closed period of Friday December 28, 2012 to February 18, 2013.

ELECTOR QUALIFICATIONS RESIDENT ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration; and • a resident of the District of Houston for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; and • not disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration; and • a registered owner of real property in the District of Houston for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; and • not entitled to register as a resident elector; and • not disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law; and • if there is more than one registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.

LIST OF REGISTERED ELECTORS Beginning Monday December 31, 2012 until the close of general voting for the election on Saturday February 16, 2013, a copy of the list of registered electors will, upon signature, be available for public inspection, at the District of Houston Municipal Office at 3367 12th Street, between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. An elector may request that their address or other information about them be omitted from or obscured on the list of electors.

OBJECTION TO REGISTRATION OF AN ELECTOR An objection to the registration of a person whose name appears on the list of registered electors may be made in accordance with the Local Government Act until 4:00 pm on Friday January 11, 2013. An objection must be in writing and may only be made by a person entitled to be registered as an elector of the District of Houston and can only be made on the basis that the person whose name appears has died or is not qualified to be registered as an elector of the District of Houston. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on these matters, the following persons may be contacted: Chris Sandve, Chief Election Officer at 250-845-2238

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


RCMP tows abandoned vehicles By Jackie Lieuwen

vehicle. Anyone with information is asked to call the Houston RCMP at 250845-2204 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477. *** An abandoned, unlicensed and uninsured vehicle was towed from Pearson Road and Hagman Crescent last week Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.,

Houston Today

A blue 2003 PT Cruiser was stolen from outside of a home on Nadina Way between midnight and 1 p.m. on Dec. 1, said RCMP Sgt. Stephen Rose. Sgt. Rose says the keys had been left inside the car and police have no suspects and have not recovered the

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SNOW CLEARING OPERATIONS Please keep the roads clear so our snow plows can keep the roads safe. The District of Houston Municipal Street Cleaning Policy states: “To accommodate District of Houston snow removal operations, during the period of October 15th to April 15th, any vehicles parked on municipal rights-of-way between the hours of 5:00 am to 5:00 pm may be towed away at the owner’s expense”. As stated in the District of Houston Traffic Regulation Bylaw: The owner or occupier of real property shall remove all snow and/or ice from the sidewalks or foot-paths bordering on their property not later than 10:00 am of the day following the snow fall. Anticipating your cooperation.

THANK YOU Michael D. Glavin Director of Engineering & Development Services

2013 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BY-ELECTION SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2013 NOTICE OF NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the District of Houston that nominations for the offices of:


one (1)

will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: District of Houston Municipal Office 3367 12th Street, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 from 9:00 am on Monday December 31, 2012 to 4:00 pm on Friday January 11, 2013 (excluding statutory holidays and weekends) Nominations will not be accepted after 4:00pm on Friday January 11, 2013. PLEASE ANTICIPATE A LINE UP AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. Nomination documents are available at the District of Houston Municipal Office during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00pm (except on statutory holidays). Candidates shall be nominated in writing by two qualified electors of the District of Houston.

QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older; • resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; • not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Chris Sandve, Chief Election Officer, 250-845-2238

Houston Today

District of Houston www.houston.ca

2013 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE In accordance with Section 127 of the Community Charter, the Council of the District of Houston must make available to the public the date, time and place of Regular Council Meetings. 2013 Regular Council Meetings will be held at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers, 3367 – 12th Street, Houston, B.C. on the following dates: Tuesday January 8, 2013 Tuesday February 5, 2013 Tuesday March 5, 2013 Tuesday April 2, 2013 Tuesday May 7, 2013 Tuesday June 4, 2013 Tuesday July 2, 2013 Tuesday August 6, 2013 Tuesday September 3, 2013 Tuesday October 1, 2013 Tuesday November 5, 2013 Tuesday December 3, 2013

Tuesday January 22, 2013 Tuesday February 19, 2013 Tuesday March 19, 2013 Tuesday April 16, 2013 Tuesday May 21, 2013 Tuesday June 18, 2013 Tuesday July 16, 2013 Tuesday August 20, 2013 Tuesday October 15, 2013 Tuesday November 19, 2013 Tuesday December 17, 2013

The dates and location of Regular Council Meetings are subject to change

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME Upon request, a schedule of the Regular Council Meetings is available at the Municipal Office during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:00 PM to 5:00 PM (except on statutory holidays) by phoning 250-845-2238. The schedule is also available on the District of Houston web site at www.houston.ca

said Sgt. Rose. Sgt. Rose says the vehicle was covered in a foot and half of snow, and blocked the road from being cleared by district snow plowers when it was towed under the municipality Bylaw 331, which prevents vehicles from parking on a roadway in such a way that blocks snow clearing efforts. According to Bylaw 331 any vehicles parked on a municipal right of way between Oct. 15 and April 15, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. may be towed at the owners expense. Sgt. Rose encourages people to park off the roadway, especially during snowfall, so that snow plows are not blocked. *** A 33 year old man was arrested last week Monday at the 2035 Sullivan Way apartment’s for assaulting his girlfriend while carrying a knife, Sgt. Rose said. Sgt. Rose says RCMP received a call about a domestic dis-

pute and arrested the man, charging him with common assault and assault with a weapon. *** Last Wednesday at 3 p.m., an eagle fight on the Highway 16 roadside near Barret Hat resulted in a collision, killing an eagle that took flight just as a truck was driving past, said Sgt. Rose. Sgt. Rose says the front end of the truck, the grill and a headlight were damaged in the accident, but the driver was uninjured. *** A moose was also hit and killed last Wednesday night near the Houston golf course just east of town, but the driver was uninjured except a few small cuts from the broken windshield, Sgt. Rose said. *** RCMP responded to an accident on Dec. 1 where a vehicle hit a deer just after midnight, Sgt. Rose said. That same day at 3:30 a.m., a vehicle was found in the ditch

District of Houston

on Highway 16 near Walcott Road, and the driver and occupants were later located at 7-11, said Sgt. Rose. Sgt. Rose says the vehicle was impounded and the driver issued a 24 hour driver prohibition, for speeding relative to conditions and having too many passengers for their class seven licence. *** RCMP found another abandoned vehicle last Wednesday at 7:40 a.m., at Kanata Avenue and Frontage Road. Sgt. Rose says the vehicle had been driven into the ditch overnight, but the back of the vehicle was sticking into the intersection blocking traffic when it was towed. *** Last Thursday, Houston RCMP, along with all Canadian government buildings, had their flags half mast for the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.


Holiday Garbage Collection Service Please note the following Garbage Collection schedule changes over the Christmas Holidays: Service normally scheduled for: Will be picked up: Tuesday, December 25th Thursday, December 27th th Wednesday, December 26 Friday, December 28th th Thursday, December 27 Saturday, December 29th Tuesday, January 1st Wednesday, January 2nd nd Wednesday, January 2 Thursday, January 3rd rd Thursday, January 3 Friday, January 4th The regularly scheduled service will resume the following week.

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) would like to advise the public that active logging and log hauling activities are occurring in the vicinity of

Foxy Creek, Hanna Lake Trail and the Equity Mine Road.

If you are using this area we encourage you to do so safely. The logging and hauling activities in this area are estimated to take place until the end of January 2013. If you have any comments please call Jill Macaulay at 250-845-5281 or Andrew Leffers at 250-845-5239.

Houston Today

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



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BV Home Centre

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Houston Today

4-2 win takes Luckies ANNUAL CHRISTMAS POWER TOOL SALE one step closer to playoffs

From now until Dec 24th Save up to 50% All Power Tools On Sale !

Makita Lith 18V Drill/Impact Driver REG $


34999After rebate (LXT211)


Kit with Bonus $150 Circular Saw

Prime Compressor 2 HP and 2 Stage REG $





King 12 ½” Planer REG $


$50 Instant Rebate on Select Makita LXT Kits



By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today


Dewalt 20V Lith. Drill/Impact Kit

PLUS free 3rd battery



Great Deals on Dewalt, Plus free 3rd battery on Select Kits




Makita 18V Lith. Drill with 2 batteries REG $




Many more tools in store. All discounted!

Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Luckies player Randy Szydlik whips a pass from behind the net to Tim Martens, who fired it into the back of the net and evened the score in the third period.

Houston Luckies pulled off an important 4-2 win last Saturday against Omineca Way, putting them at eighth in the CIHL league and one step closer to the playoffs. “It’s a step in the right direction,” said Luckies assistent captain Derek Dinelle, adding that they’ll need at least three more wins in their last six games. But Dinelle says

he thinks the Luckies chances are good for making the playoffs. “This is going to to be a turn around,” he said of the Saturday night win. “If we stay out of the penalty box, we’re going to win.” Saturday’s game started off slow, but ended with excited cheers from Luckies fans, celebrating the well-deserved win. With a slow start, Omineca was on the scoreboard first, with a late first period goal. But Luckies came

out strong in the second, with Skylar Hasell scoring a great goal only 12 seconds in, making the score 1-1. The teams fought hard back and forth for the rest of the second, until Omineca Way scored another late goal, ending the second period 2-1 for Omineca. The third period saw more action and intensity, as both teams fought hard for the win. Six minutes into the third, Cole Hasell got


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the puck by the boards near the blue line, tipping it off to Randy Szkdlik who was skating towards the net. Szkdlik took the puck just behind the net on the left side, and fired it up to Tim Martens, who was cutting in from the right. Martens fired the puck into the back of the net, finishing the play and evening the score 2-2. As the third period continued, fans were unnerved when Skylar Hasell took a two minute boarding penalty with seven minutes left on the clock, but Luckies goalie David Little held off the power play, maintaining the even 2-2 score. Luckies amped up thier game for the last five minutes of play, with Jayden Janzen earning the Luckies a 3-2 lead with five minutes left on the clock. Pumping with excited energy, Luckies took their lead and ran with it, with Skylar Hasell firing off another great goal and ending the game 4-2. Asked about the Luckies strengths, captain Alonzo Slaney said said they dominated down low, and Dinelle and goalie David Little both played a great game. “Derek was on his game tonight,” said Slaney, adding that his work ethic is “bar none in this league.”

uston Today - March 17, 2010

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. bcgmcdealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/¥Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Terrain SLE-1 and Sierra Light Duty Extended or Crew Cab, equipped as described. Freight included ($1,500). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit/TD Auto Financing for 48/60 months on new or demonstrator 2013 GMC Terrain/Sierra Light Duty. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/ trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208/$167 for 48/60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. 0% financing offers are unconditionally interest-free. ¥Based on a 0.9%, 48 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 GMC Terrain SLE-1, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of $3,949 and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $18,332. Option to purchase at lease end is $12,421 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. >Visit OnStar.ca for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. ‡Based on Wardsauto.com 2012 Middle Cross/Utility Vehicle segmentation and latest 2012 model year competitive information available at time of printing. Excludes other GM models.◊2013 Sierra XFE equipped with available Vortec 5.3L V8 and 6-speed automatic transmission. Fuel consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes hybrids and other GM models. ≠To qualify for GMCL’s Cash For Clunkers incentive, you must: (1) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured in your name for the last 3 months (2) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured under a small business name for the last 3 months. GMCL will provide eligible consumers with a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) to be used towards the purchase/finance/lease of a new eligible 2012 or 2013 MY Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, or Chevrolet Avalanche delivered between October 2, 2012 and January 2, 2013. Incentive ranges from $1500 to $3,000, depending on model purchased. Incentive may not be combined with certain other offers. By participating in the Cash For Clunkers program you will not be eligible for any trade-in value for your vehicle. See your participating GM dealer for additional program conditions and details. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate program in whole or in part at any time without notice. ^5 year/160,000 km (whichever comes first) Powertrain Component warranty. Conditions and limitations apply.

• • • • • • • •

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BoXinG DaYs

GREET ThE sEason wiTh GREaT DEaLs.

boxinG days Get a GMC with all the triMMinGs and the best deals of the season.

2013 BuicK EncLavE

The 2013 Enclave brings new styling, new safety technologies, in-vehicle connectivity and a more refined driving experience.

• • • •

IntelliLink® and Bluetooth® with voice-activated technology Standard rear vision camera and audible warnings 6.5” colour touch radio display and uSB port for iPod® Tri-Zone Automatic Climate Control with settings for driver, front passenger, and second/third row passengers • 4-Year/80,000km Buick New Vehicle Limited Warranty+



BasED on a PuRchasE PRicE of $42,395.* offERs incLuDE fREiGhT & PDi



3610.10.MMW.4C.indd 11 3601.10.MMW.4C.indd

¥ 48 MonThs $1,799 DOWN aT 5.99% aPR

2013 GMC



BasED on a PuRchasE PRicE of $24,495.* offERs incLuDE fREiGhT & PDi

298 ¥ 48 MonThs $2,499 Down aT 5.4% aPR

Turn-by-Turn Navigation RemotelinkTM Mobile App slt-2 Model shown

2013 BuicK vERano

180 HP 2.4L ECOTEC® Engine with Direct Injection 6-speed Automatic with Driver Shift Control 10 Airbags, StabiliTrak® and Traction Control 17” Multi-spoke Silver Finish Alloy Wheels Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors with Remote Keyless Entry Steering Wheel Mounted Cruise and Audio Controls Quiet Tuning Interior Cabin Technology OnStar® with Navigation and RemoteLink™~

% finanCinG



on seleCt 2013 Models†

2013 GMC terrain sle-1

RedeSIGned & ARRIVInG In ShowRoomS

LEASE at 0.9% for



298 0% Monthly/48 Months/$3,949 down¥ based on a PUrChase PriCe of $29,995* offer inClUdes freiGht & Pdi

for 48 Months†


VISIT YOUR BC GMC DEALERBcBuicKDEaLERs.ca FOR MORE GREAT OFFERS · standard rear Vision Camera and 7” touch screen display · steering wheel audio and Cruise ControlstM · onstar® remotelinktM Mobile app>, bluetooth® and xM satellite radio · Multi-flextM sliding and reclining rear seat, offering class-leading legroom‡


4x4 V8 fUel effiCienCy CXl model Shown

2013 BuicK LacRossE

• IntelliLink™ with 8-Inch Colour Touch Screen, uSB Port for Ipod/Mp3 Devices and More • Dual-Zone Climate Control • Stabilitrak® and Traction Control • Onstar® With Navigation Plan and Remotelink™† • Quiet Tuning Technology: Engineered to Produce an Interior that is Library Quiet



LEasE PaYMEnT ¥ 48 MonThs $3,349 Down aT 2.9% aPR


BASED ON A PuRCHASE PRICE OF $36,995.* offERs incLuDE fREiGhT & PDi


finanCinG for

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slt ext Cab Model shown

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Recycle your 2006 model year or older vehicle and receive up to $3,000 towards the cash purchase, financing or leasing of an eligible 2012 or 2013 Sierra (HD amount shown).

1SG model Shown

CXS model Shown


scan hERE To finD YouRs

sCan here to find yoUrs

On now at your BC Buick Dealers. bcbuickdealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Buick is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */¥Offers apply to the purchase or lease of 2013 Buick Enclave CX (1SD), Verano (1SB) and LaCrosse CX (1SB) equipped as described. Freight of $1,500 included in purchase price and lease payment. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥Based on a 5.99%/5.4%/2.9%, 48 month lease. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of $2,499 and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $30,789/$17,094/$21,696. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,975/$11,268/$17,386 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ~OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit onstar.ca for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. ^5 year/160,000 km (whichever comes first) Powertrain Component warranty. 4 year/80,000 km New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Conditions and limitations apply.

Houston Today www.houston-today.com

Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631]

12-12-07 4:46 2:54PM PM 12-11-30




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Houston Today

Your Pantry Fill Specialists




Russet Potatoes 10 lbs




Celery Stalks


Ocean Spray Fresh Cranberries



Brussel Sprouts



2 for


Frico Dutch Gouda



Kraft Salad Dressings

Assorted Varieties 475 ml


Western Family Sweetened Condensed Milk 300 ml

2 for



Hellmann’s Mayonnaise 2 Varieties 1.8 litre



or Chip Dip 227 gram 250 gram



Western Family Pickles 2 Varieties 2 litre



Philadelphia Cream Cheese

Mild Medium or Aged 17.61 per kg

Assorted Varieties 907 gram

/lb Folger’s Classic Roast Coffee


920 gram

Western Family Pure Pumpkin


398 ml

Kraft Stove Top Stuffing Mix

Western Family Cranberry Jelly

Sun Rype Juices



2 for

Western Family Pancake Mix

Robin Hood Flour



2 Varieties 120 gram

Western Family Corn Starch 454 gram

2 for



Fresh Pineapple

4 lb tub



Western Family Soft Margarine

Cracker Barrel Cheese


340 gram




2 for

or Wholeberry 348 ml

or Syrup 750 ml, 1 kg

2 for

1 litre

300 300

Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee



Original 10 kg



3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 Open: Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 7 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm NOW ACCEPTING

Prices in effect: December 12 – December 31, 2012

Cash & Carry Only

Houston Today

Wednesday, December 12, 2012




Canadian AAA Prime Rib

North Cove Fresh Oysters

Bone In 13.20 per kg


8 oz




Ripple Creek Spiral Sliced Ham



/lb F R O Z E N S AV I N G S

Western Family Frozen Vegetables

750 gram



Hampton House Dried Garlic Ribs

12x355 ml

3 for


Old Dutch Potato Chips Assorted Varieties 200 gram



Orville Redenbacher’s Popcorn

Western Family Smoked Oysters 3x85 gram



Bounty Huge Roll

Softsoap Twinpack

Paper Towel 210 sheets per roll 6 roll



Assorted Varieties 4 litre

4 5 for


Chapman’s Ice Cream



Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee

3 Varieties 10 pack


340 gram



Refills 2x2.36 litre

Western Family White Prawns



Western Family Spanakopita

1.36 kg


E/Z Peel, 454 gram

Assorted Varieties 2 kg


Coca Cola Products




Western Family Garlic Sausage

Aquastar Shrimp Rings 227 gram

5.93 per kg


(Shown on the half shell)

Western Family Salted Cashews

Que Pasa Tortilla Chips



750 gram

Brunswick Sardines in soya oil 5x106 gram

2 Varieties 908 gram

Christie Stoned Wheat Thins 1.8 kg



Nexxus Shampoo or Conditioner

Cascade Action Packs


Assorted Varieties 350 ml


Dish Tablets Citrus, 115 count



PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until January 2, 2013. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on toyotabc.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. *2012 Camry Sedan LE Automatic BF1FLT-A MSRP is $25,390 and includes $1,690 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $278 with $2,660 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $16,000. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. **2013 Tacoma 4x4 DCab V6 5A Automatic MU4FNA-A MSRP is $31,925 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $339 with $2,896 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $19,168. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. ***2013 Venza Automatic ZA3BBT-A MSRP is $30,450 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $349 with $2,880 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $19,632. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. †0% finance for 72 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 RAV4. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. $5,000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2013 Tundra 4x4 DCab 5.7L models. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by January 2, 2013. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. Informational 72 month APR: Tundra 4.32%. Government regulation provides that the Informational APR includes the cash customer incentive which is only available to customers who do not purchase finance/lease through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate, as a cost of borrowing. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or www.toyotabc.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Houston Today

Customize your Kids Kamp package Beginner to advanced Choose which days are most convenient for you Program runs throughout the holidays

Registration $80 Register at Valhalla Pure Out� tters on Main Street or the Hudson Bay Mountain Of� ce at 3866 Railway Avenue Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Monster Welding challenged locals to donate to Movember Canada, matching donations dollar for dollar, bringing in $1,295 in donations for a total of $3,295 for Prostate Cancer Canada and Men’s Health. Anyone who donated over $20 got their name in a draw for a return trip for two to Vancouver - won by Mark Hale.

Kevin Porowski and James Iverson hope to start a new trend, dying moustaches for the last week of Movember to bring awareness and show support for other causes. Porowski dyed his stash yellow in support of the troops, and Iverson pink for breast cancer awareness.

Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Return all your empty drink containers to a Return-It Depot and they’ll be recycled into other important products. Find locations at encorp.ca/locations



Holiday y Gift Guide 2012

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Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 7-8 PM EST

Houston Today

Wednesday, December 12, 2012




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Phone: 250-845-7131 “A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION” 37, 3RD Avenue, PH: 250-692-3195 PO Box 820, TF: 800-320-3339 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 FX: 250-692-3305 www.rdbn.bc.ca E-MAIL:inquiries@rdbn.bc.ca

MILL Food challenge

The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako will be closed December 24th to January 1st and will reopen with regular hours on January 2nd, 2013.

Photo sbmitted

The Christmas Food Hamper Challenge between HFP and Canfor wrapped up on November 30. The weigh in was held at Canfor scales on Dec 3, 2012. Canfor weighed in 310 kgs of food and HFP weighed in 490 kgs of food. HFP won this year but the real winner is that there was 800 kgs of food donated to the Christmas Hamper/Food Bank. Thank you to all the employees that participated in making this challenge a success!

Season’s Greetings! We’re hoping your holiday is full of laughter and friends, health and happiness.

The Christian youth group thanks those who supported their Halloween food drive for the local soup kitchen, “Love by the Bowlful.” The ladies were touched!

morice mountain nordic Ski club


SKILL DeveLopment program for chILDren

The Skill Development Program (SDP) is comprised of three levels or stages, Bunnyrabbit, Jackrabbit and Track Attack. The overall objective of the program is to assist children in the development of a love of the outdoors, a healthy lifestyle, excellent technical skills and a good level of physical fitness within a sport environment. Children must be members of the club. For more information please refer to the Membership Information page on our website at

www.xcskimoricemtn.com The program will run on

Sundays at 1:00pm starting on January 13th, 2013 The program consists of 8 lessons and a fun wrap up day. Lessons generally run for 45 min to 1 hour. You can sign up on our web page or at Countrywide Sports and the Houston Chamber of Commerce.

Cost (not including club membership): $20 for Children 5yrs and younger - Bunnyrabbit $20 for Children 6-9yrs - Jackrabbit $20 for Children 10-12yrs - Track Attack


Dog trail (2km) • Lit trail Loop • 26 km of groomed trails • Ski playground • Skill Development Lessons

Holiday Hours

Sat., Dec. 22 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Sun., Dec. 23 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Mon., Dec. 24 ~ 9 am to 6 pm Tues., Dec. 25 ~ Closed Wed., Dec. 26 ~ 10 am to 5 pm Thurs., Dec. 27 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Fri., Dec. 28 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Sat., Dec. 29 ~ 9 am to 6 pm Sun., Dec. 30 ~ 10 am to 5 pm Mon., Dec. 31 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Tues., Jan. 1 ~ Closed Happy Holidays from all of us at 1235 Main St. • Smithers • 250-847-2288



Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Houston Today

Alberta Mayors pump gas and oil pipelines

By DeLynda Pilon Black Press

Two mayors of cities in Alberta that

are thriving thanks to the oil and gas industry visited Prince George Thursday to talk about why they

support pipeline projects, in particular the Northern Gateway pipeline, and how British Columbians

Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at www.abcfp.ca.

Hey Kids! Santa will be at the Houston Mall

Saturday, December 15th from 10:00am - 3:00pm

Photos available by WaterWeb Photography (Jason & Laura Onderwater)

First Print: $5 Extra copies $3/each All proceeds go to the Food Bank and the Community Christmas Dinner.

Many Thanks to Rick Leffers & Family who have donated the Mall Christmas Tree for decades! Thanks again!

Leduc Mayor Greg Krischke and Spruce Grove Mayor Stuart Houston promote the Northern Gateway pipeline. and all of Canada will also reap benefits if these projects go through. Mayor Stuart Houston of the City of Spruce Grove and Mayor Greg Krischke of the City of Leduc, members of the Capital Region Board’s Pipeline Linkages Strategy committee, said they hope to discuss the national importance of developing infrastructure to move oil out of Alberta to market,

in particular markets in emerging countries like China and India, rather than keep the status quo of selling 99 per cent of Canadian oil to American markets. “The west is at a real crossroads with energy infrastructure,” Houston said. He said currently the United States regulates and discounts Canadian oil prices, to the tune of $27 per barrel. What’s more, the U.S. is set to be-

come the largest energy producer in the world itself by 2025, significantly lowering its need for Canadian oil. “We need to get to the world market,” he said, adding the biggest markets will be China and India. “It is a huge benefit for Canada. It is a huge benefit for the whole industry.” “The benefits are not only for Albertans,” Krischke said. “We recognize

Sarah FortisBC, Dispatch Coordinator

A safe holiday is a happy holiday Make safety a priority this holiday season with these simple tips: • Never kick or hit your meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance at 1-888-224-2710. • After a snowfall, brush snow away from your meters by hand and clear a path for the safety of our meter readers. • Around your fireplace, consider using a hearth safety gate to help protect small children from the heated glass. For more winter safety tips, visit fortisbc.com/safety.

FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.4 12/2012)

B.C. and all of Canada benefit from this.” According to statistics provided by the Capital Region Board, over the next 25 years Alberta’s oil industry will purchase $117 billion in supplies and services from other Canadian provinces. British Columbia will receive a $28 billion chunk of that pie and 25 per cent of the jobs. The Northern Gateway pipeline is part of that picture, and building it will cause the GDP in Canada to rise substantially. Houston said for every job created in the Alberta oil sands, another is created elsewhere in Canada. As for upgrading the tar sand oil, Krischke said about 58 per cent of it was upgraded in 2010, though since demand has increased that percentage is down. He added that even if every drop of oil pumped from the tar sands was upgraded, it would still need to be shipped. “We are landlocked right now. Even if we upgraded 100 per cent of the oil we’d have to get it to the tide waters. The safest way is burying the pipe and pumping it,” he said. He added he understands there is a certain amount of environmental risk attached to the pipeline, however pointed out the TransMountain pipeline goes through Jasper National Park, and now people can’t even tell what side of the road it lies on. “It must be done in an environmentally responsible manner,” Houston said. He added the Joint Review Panel will make recommendations to mitigate any associated risks if it approves the project. “Is there a risk?” Krischke asked. “Yes there is, but there’s a risk involved in crossing a road. You can live next to a pipeline and not even know it’s there.” He said there are 10,000 km of pipeline in Alberta. “You can co-exist.”



Wednesday, December 12, 2012

By Tom Fletcher

Black Press

The B.C. government is appointing nine new provincial court justices and launching a pilot project to reduce the wait time for hearing child protection cases. Attorney General Shirley Bond announced Tuesday that two judges will be assigned to work with Chief Judge Thomas Crabtree on the child protection case man-


0 72

% agement project this spring, and a second pilot program to reduce criminal court waiting times. Two of the new judges will be assigned to Surrey, the busiest provincial court in the province. One each will go to Port Coquitlam, North Vancouver, Vancouver, Kamloops-Okanagan and the Northeast district. The changes are based on a review of B.C. court delays





Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Debbie Bergstresser, treasurer of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, warmly welcomes guests to the Christmas Luncheon hosted at the local Legion last Friday.

New judges aim to cut the court backlog

by lawyer Geoffrey Cowper, who called for a system to enforce timely hearings of evidence, to overcome a “culture of delay” and a tendency of defence lawyers to seek delays that weaken the prosecution case. The B.C. Crown Counsel Association has also identified Nanaimo and Richmond as having excessive delays. Association president Samiran Lakshman said in Surrey, it takes


14 months or more to schedule a half a day for a brief trial. Bond said the extra judges bring the B.C. total to 132 full-timeequivalent, with each judge and support staff costing $1.6 million a year. “The addition of nine new judges and the backlog reduction projects – and specifically the assignment of judicial resources to those projects – sign a shared understanding by all parties that







changes need to be made to improve the justice system,” Bond said. Cowper noted that 98 per cent of criminal cases end with a guilty plea or a stay of proceedings, but the system treats all cases as if they are going to trial. The number of cases dropped significantly after B.C. police started imposing heavy roadside penalties for impaired driving instead of sending suspects to court.

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Houston Today www.houston-today.com

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Notice Annual General Meeting of the

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Shine a light on diversity With our doors open to all, BC’s public schools are rich in human diversity. By celebrating that diversity we can learn from one another and build stronger, safer and more respectful communities.

Thank you! The Houston Christian School Senior Boys Volleyball Team would like to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses and people for their generous financial support towards our trip to the Provincial Championship in Kelowna BC on November 28- Dec 1. We would like to acknowledge that these contributions helped make this memorable event possible for us. Thanks again for your willingness to support us. Groot Bros. Contracting AA Ventures (Andrew and Arlene Leffers) All West Glass – Houston Sullivan Motor Products Reitsma’s Home Hardware Dutchies Contracting Meints Bros. Contracting Dungate Community Forest Bulkley Valley Credit Union - Houston


Thanks also to the parents who were able to come down and support us and all others for their prayers and support in so many different ways.

A message from the Bulkley Valley Teachers’ Union

Twain Sullivan School: Mr. Dave Conway and the Twain Choir. Heidi Sullivan, Brooke Gillies, Sarah Malkinson, Maurisa Savage, Savannah Sommerfeld, Hanna Bhatti, Megan Anderson, Chris Jansma, Emma Larson, Nick Taylor, Cameron Ridgway, Dayvin Barden, Hailey Lokken, Tanner Waterhouse, Abby Jansma, Keegan Hargrove, Kyle Jansma, Lacey Giesbrecht and Alyssa Quast from Twain Sullivan and Mackenzie Emberley from Silverthorne

A special thank you to Dave Conway and Glenn Farrell who made this night possible! 50/50 draw results from the Serendipity Sale: Tasha Kelly won and the concert winner was Jamie Beck.

Houston Community Calendar

Santa will be at the Houston Mall Sat., Dec. 15 from 10am - 3pm. Photos available by WaterWeb Photography (Jason & Laura Onderwater) First Print: n July 2007 $5 Extra copies $3/each. All proceeds go to the Food Newspapers Bank and the Community Christmas Dinner. Sleepover at the Bethlehem Inn - Fri. Dec. 14 & Pantone 287 Blue Sat. Dec. 15 @ 5:30pm at the Christian School. Pantone 356 TicketsGreen available at Countrywide Printing, 1st Choice Pantone 139 Harvest Fashions & Houston Christian School. This program is not recommended for children under 5. A free-will offering will be taken at the end of the program.




The Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club Membership Pick up your registration package from Countrywide Sports or download from www.xcskimoricemtn.com. Houston Secondary School webpage: http://hssweb. sd54.bc.ca Colour Logo File

CREDIT UNION You Belong Here


Bulkley Valley

@ 7:00pm


Come out & enjoy an evening of skating performances, Christmas music & goodies.

Bring your skates there will be a skate with Santa after the show!

Seniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7pm at Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. Come out & enjoy a fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes!


Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a fire practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs (7:30 pm) Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. at 7:30 pm.


Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m.

Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the Seniors Centre.

Community Calendar proudly sponsored by

HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Ph: 250-845-7117

December 14, 2012

The program is not recommended for children under the age of 5 years. A free-will offering will be taken at the end of the program and donated to the Christian School. Any questions please contact Michalle Brown at 845-7494

Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire The Houston legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Mon. of practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting (we have not been able to get a quorum in months, members Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., 11 a.m. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m. please attend).

Bulkley Valley

Houston Figure Skating Club Friday,

Where: Christian School Gymnasium When: Two performances: Friday December 14, 5:30 PM Saturday December 15, 5:30 PM Tickets are limited and can be picked up at no cost at: Country Wide Printing, 1st Choice Fashions and the Houston Christian School, as we need to know how many to prepare for.

Mike & Michalle Brown, Emily Anderson, Kim Van Barneveld, Debbie Metcalf, Steph & James Farmer, Angela Ettinger, Magneto and Friends; with Glenn Farrell, Dave Conway, Liam Daly, Nick Ortiz and Nate Ortiz

Christmas Skating Gala - Houston Figure Skating Club. Fri. Dec 14 @ 7pm. Admission by donation. Come out & enjoy an evening of skating performances, Christmas music & goodies. Bring your skates there will be a skate with Santa after the show!

Presented by the

It is more than 2000 years ago...Caesar Augustus has issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. You are invited to travel back to Bethlehem and to a very special dinner theater to be first-hand observers of the events that took place on the night Christ was born! Come be ready to laugh, eat and be merry while enjoying this wonderful experience.

The 2013 HSS Europe Group would like to thank everyone for coming out to the Christmas Concert they hosted November 24. They would not have been able to do it without the amazing talent of the following people!

HouSToN PuBlIC lIBRaRy EVENTS... Sat., Dec. 15 from 1-4pm: Join Miake Elliott from Countrywide Sports at the library for a fun afternoon of snowshoeing theory and practice. Learn how to snowshoe safely and confidently. $10 per family (four or more people), $3 per person (adult) $2 per child 7 to 12 years (children 6 and under are free). All children 12 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult. A limited number of snowshoes will be available to use. Hot chocolate and snacks will be served after the practical portion of the workshop. Please call the library to pre-register for this event! 250-845-2256. • Dec. 20: Mark Zagwyn will be at the Library taking “Passport Photos” from 12-6pm • Fri. Jan. 4, 2013 – Morice Mt. Nordic Ski Club presents…Introduction to Community Coaching, level 1 (NCCP) CrossCountry Coaching Certificate Training. 6-10pm and Sat., Jan. 5, 2013 from 8am to 4pm at the Houston Public Library. $85.00 for non-members, Free to members of the Morice Mountain Nordic Ski club, Free Season membership for Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club Coaches. For more information and to register, contact Kelly Favron at: 250-845-0097 or skfavron@ telus.net

Christmas Skating Gala


HSS EUROPE 2013 - Thank you

Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at www.houston-today.com

Houston Today

Salvation Army – Food bank donation of $1180.

Houston Community

Christmas Dinner December 25th 5:30 p.m. upstairs in the Legion

~ No Charge ~ Transportation can be provided or dinner can be delivered to you. Please don’t be alone at Christmas. Join us for dinner. For info call Sharon: 250-845-3466

Houston Today Wednesday, December 12, 2012

www.houston-today.com 17

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ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact numbers are: (250) 845-3356 or (250) 8457774.

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JOB POSTING – Plant Accountant Pinnacle Pellet is seeking an experienced Accountant to fill a full-time accounting position at its Burns Lake, BC Plant location. Responsibilities include: • Full cycle accounting including payables, payroll coordination and inventory control • Involved in budgeting process and monthly analysis of budget variances Skills and Qualifications: • Preference given to candidate enrolled in accounting designation program • Background in a manufacturing environment an asset • Proficiency with Microsoft Office • High level of accuracy and attention to detail • Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Pinnacle Pellet is a dynamic and rapidly growing company that currently manufactures wood pellets at 6 locations in British Columbia. Pinnacle offers competitive salaries and benefits, as well as the opportunity for young professionals to build a long term career. Submit your resume to: E-mail: hr@pinnaclepellet.com No Phone Inquiries Accepted – Closing date December 31, 2012

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

General Manager Burns Lake Native Development Corporation is a First Nations owned and driven organization. With a strong working relationship with its Board of Directors the organization is committed to promoting entrepreneurship and economic growth development within its six member first nations. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the ideal candidate for this half-time position (moving to full time pending resources) will demonstrate - financial management skills - good written and oral skills - strong management skills and project management experience - experience working with a board of directors - hands-on HR management skills - familiarity with lending principles - experience in community economic development - experience in a non- profit organization - must have experience in proposal writing, forestry, logging and value added operations - good understanding of dealing with first nation communities Responsibilities: - co-ordinating meetings of, and reporting to, Board and its committees - assisting Board formulate policies and programs - overseeing administration - planning, developing and monitoring budgets and performance targets - developing and maintaining HR policies; recruiting, training, supervising staff - leading economic development initiatives Applicants ideally will have several years management experience, post secondary education in a business related field, familiarity with log harvesting, small business lending and an ability to work with diverse client and partnership groups. Aboriginal ancestry is an asset. Please submit resumes by January 7, 2013 to:

Chair Burns Lake Native Development Corp PO Box 1030, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Fax: (250) 692-7483 Email: agerow@telus.net

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Thank you Silverthorne Elementary School wishes to thank the

Canadian Reformed Church here in Houston for their generous donations of warm winter clothing to our families at our school. We want everyone to know that our school truly appreciates this. Thank you.


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5th, 2012

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Houston Today




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Houston Today

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad

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Featuring the spirit of the local people Local beeswax t medical conditions “I justhoney wantand to serve mybenefi country,” Newgard says

hands, hands, he he said, said, adding adding get to do, like shoot cool guns,” he said, that that several several people people adding that his favourites included the reported reported to to him him that that Carl Gustav, an 84 mm recoilless rifle, the the beeswax beeswax cream cream the 50 calibre machine gun and the C-9 “I just honey wanted to serve my counNatural Natural honey and and worked worked wonders, wonders, and and Light Machine Gun. try,” said Army Corporal Lee Marten beeswax products beeswax products all all the the prescription prescription Newgard has had several posts durNewgard, rifleman could aa new could develop develop new in the Second ointments ointments they’d they’d tried tried ing his three years in the army. Battalion Princess to Patricias Canadian medical medical branch branch to didn’t didn’t do do much much good. good. His first post was in California Light Infantry. help skin help with with skin probprob“I “I think think part part of of the the where he trained with the U.S. army for Stationed in Shilo, Manitoba where lems and lems and allergies. allergies. reason is that the beesreason is that the beessix weeks, and instead of using targets, he Certified has been training beemasCertified beemas- for most of three wax has chemicals, wax has no no their chemicals, they had a type of laser in guns years, Newgard just recently signed his ter ter and and local local beekeepbeekeepnothing is in there that nothing is in therethey that and wore vests that went off when second three-year er, Ludditt er, Harold Harold Ludditt has hascontract with the doesn’t belong there,” doesn’t belong there,” were hit, like laser lag, he said. Canadian owned for owned bees beesarmy. for 23 23 or or Ludditt. said Ludditt. In May or Aprilsaid 2010, Newgard was to has the army 24 years 24 Drawn years and and has harhar- by the sense of Ludditt Ludditt hopes to to sent with ten men to Sydney, hopes Australia vested honey, adventure, Newgard vested and and sold sold honey, says he’s always make a cream with make a cream with made and just for two weeks for the 60th (or sixtieth) made candles candles and in justit and spent five been interested because wintergreen, because recently makrecently started makanniversary of thewintergreen, Battle of Capyong, years thestarted Houston army cadets, startwintergreen causes wintergreen causes ing hand cream with ing at hand cream with a battle won by his battalion, he said. age 12. the skin up the skin toa warm warm up beeswax and honey, beeswax and says honey, Newgard says it was liketo vacation Newgard his favourite part which could be which could be good good he he said. said. where they were part of the celebration of cadets was the shooting, which infor he for arthritis, arthritis, he said. said. Having gotten Having gotten into into and parade with the Royal Australian cluded regional and provincial comBesides hand cream Besides hand cream beekeeping beekeepingandthrough through Regiment, and they also travelled and petitions was something that he and honey, Ludditt and honey, Ludditt astarted friend who raised a frienddoing who atraised saw different parts of Australia. a young age with his also hasreturning also sold sold beesbeesbees aa boy, bees as as boy, Ludditt Right after has from Dad and littleLudditt brother Brendan, who wax candles, made by gained his expertise wax candles, made by gained his expertise Australia, Newgard says he was decompeted at nationals in England last through books, exthrough books, exmelting down honey melting down honey ployed in Brandon and Portage la year. perience, aa six-week perience, six-week combs and combs and pouring pouring Prairie, Manitoba to fight floods, Lisa Newgard, Marten’s mom, says bees-master certificabees-master certificamoulds, the wax into moulds, which were reallythe badwax thatinto year, espethey have always done shooting, so tion at Simon tion course course at and Simon he said. said. cially in Brandon.he both Marten Brendan have gotFraser University and Fraser University and learned Dana Giesbrecht the honey Dana to Giesbrecht and Harold Harold Ludditt Ludditt check check the the bees bees on on Sept Sept 13, 13, to to make make sure sure that that there there is is enough enough room room on on theyear honey Ludditt Ludditt has never never This Newgard was has posted in ten used to guns and respect and combs so the bees keep producing and don’t swarm. Giesbrecht bought the bees from Ludditt and came with him talking with expericombs so the bees keep producing and don’t swarm. Giesbrecht bought the bees from Ludditt and came with him23 turned talking with experiaa profit for turned profit for his his Hawaii, June to Aug. 8, training them at an early age. several times over several timesof over the the summer summer to to visit visit the the bees bees and and learn learn all all she she could could about about beekeeping. beekeeping. enced beekeepers, enced beekeepers, he products, but products, but asmakes makes with the U.S. Marine Corps part They also have he a family history says. says. and the candles candles exercise, and loloof the Rim of the the Pacific military involvement on his Mom’s Through course Through his course tions tions for for his his own own enenRIMPAC. side and hishis family was always a strong and at and attendance attendance at the the years and and he he doesn’t doesn’t use use any any antibiotics, antibiotics, making making and and selling selling his his own own hand hand creams creams “I’ve never been overseas joyment, he says. joyment, he yet,” says. said supporter of defending the country years 1999 Vancouver Apimondia, the world he says, which is one of the reasons he at $3 per container, he said. 1999 Vancouver Apimondia, the world he says, which is one of the reasons he at $3 per container, he said. Newgard, adding is a posand honouring veterans, she said. But has sold his this But Ludditt Ludditt hasthat soldthere his bees bees this council of Ludditt exHe council of beekeepers, beekeepers, Ludditt met ex- believes believes his his honey helps with allergies. He makes makes the the lotions lotions with with beeswax, beeswax, spring sibility of himof to reasons, Afghanistan Newgard says his first yearmet in the medical planspring because because ofgoing medical reasons, planperienced that has He perienced beekeepers that he he it has kept in He believes believes the the honey honey has has medical medical honey, honey, natural natural oils, oils, glycerine, glycerine, water water and and ning next and he’d like go. Giesarmy was beekeepers what he expected tokept be. in to for Dana ning summer to be be aa consultant consultant for to Dana Giescontact with, he said. value for those with allergies to airborne a little Borax, sometimes adding bath oil contact with, he said. value for those with allergies to airborne a little Borax, sometimes adding bath oil His and mom, Lisa Rourke, Newgard, saysamashe “It was a lot like the movies, you brecht Michael the brecht and Michael Rourke, the two two amaFor first few he lost 40 pollen and the like. to For the the first and few years years lost ups 40 per per to give give aa scent, scent, he he says. says. has feelings. know, yelling doinghepush in pollen and the like. teur Houston beekeepers teur mixed Houston beekeepers who who bought bought his his cent “About Ludditt cent of of his his bees bees each each winter, winter, said said Ludditt, Ludditt, “About aa tablespoon tablespoon aa day day will will reduce reduce Ludditt reports reports that that people people have have found found “You’re very proud of them for what the mud and all that stuff, but after bees, he said. bees, he said. which his which is is on on the the higher higher end end of of the the average average your your allergic allergic reactions,” reactions,” he he says. says. his creams creams help help with with skin skin rashes rashes such such as as they’re doing,and you’re to that was over it was a lot more laid Giesbrecht Rourke will carry Giesbrecht andbut Rourke willscared carry on on expected And expected loss, loss, 25 25 to to 40 40 per per cent. cent. And though though years years ago ago at at the the world world eczema, eczema, said said Ludditt, Ludditt, adding adding that that he he is is death,” she said, adding that the possiback than I expected it to be,” he said. the Houston Houston beekeeping beekeeping along along with with John John But But now now he he has has brought brought itit down down to to only only council council of of beekeepers, beekeepers, his his honey honey was was rere- sending sending six six containers containers to to family family friends friends the bility of Marten goingMcKilligan, to Afghanistan They set up and attack fake enemies, rounds, like paintballs, and train by at- Siebenga He says he spends most of his time and Devon two Siebenga and Devon McKilligan, two five five per per cent cent lost lost each each winter, winter, because because he he quested quested by by the the ton, ton, Ludditt Ludditt himself himself says says on on Vancouver Vancouver Island Island who who asked asked for for more more is really nerve wracking. now training with the Charlie Company machine targets that flip up, sometimes tacking each other with those, Newgard other beekeepers, said local beekeepers, said Ludditt. Ludditt. stopped after stopped buying buying bees bees and and instead instead raised raised he he doesn’t doesn’t eat eat the the stuff. stuff. after seeing seeing the the affect affect on on their their grandson’s grandson’s other local “But you have be of proud of them with little gun noisemakers that shoot said. and colonies getting readytheforbees the possibility “I’ll here as sort aa consultant, “I’ll be be here as to sort of consultant, new “I’d new colonies from from the bees that that had had sursur“I’d rather rather have have peanut peanut butter butter and and eczema. eczema. and let them do their thing,” she said. back, said Newgard. “It’s all been pretty fun actually, you of the next big war, doing navigation, and they’ll be carrying on the beekeepvived jam,” Ludditt vived the the winter, winter, he he said. said. jam,” he he says. says. Ludditt also also makes makes aa lotion lotion with with lanolano- and they’ll be carrying on the beekeep“And we are so very proud of him.” Sometimes they get simunition do all kinds of stuff that don’t usually shooting and training as a section. ing,” he said. ing,” he said. Ludditt Last Ludditt has has not not bought bought bees bees for for 15 15 Last October, October, Ludditt Ludditt also also started started lin lin that that helps helps heal heal cracked cracked and and dry dry feet feet or or Jackie Jackie Lieuwen Lieuwen Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today Houston Houston Today Today

John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes

183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


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CLUES ACROSS 1. Afraid 7. Love grass 11. Hepburn/Grant movie 12. Opposite of good 13. Whale ship captain 14. A major U.S. political party 15. Rate of walking

16. A ceremonial procession 18. Unfolded 20. More pretentious 21. Ribbon belts 23. Himalayan wild goats 24. 100 =1 kwanza 25. Japanese wrestling 26. ___asty: family

of rulers 27. Luteinizing hormone 29. British Air Aces 30. Being a single unit 31. Opposite of gee 33. National Guard 34. A stratum of rock 35. Have a yen for 37. Cornell tennis

center 39. Iranian monetary units 41. Settings in a play 43. Olfactory properties 44. AKA platyfish 46. Free from deceit 47. Ireland 48. 007’s Flem-

ming 51. & & & 52. Kidney, fava or broad 53. W. African country 55. __ Frank’s diary 56. Induces vomiting

3. 4. 5. 6.

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