Lake Country Calendar, December 12, 2012

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Calendar Lake Country

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December 12, 2012



Water is on Lake Country council members minds as they adopt a new 20year plan to assure its abundance, cleanliness and conservation. ...............................


Tale of an effort to help wounded animal that went sideways for a man in a truck too busy to make a call. ...............................


Food Bank welcomes donations. ...............................


Flyers ■ JYSK ■ Staples Dec. 12 ■ Staples Dec. 15

Seniors, disabled have a few new housing options Seniors and people with disabilities now have increased access to affordable housing with support services thanks to the Lake Country Senior Housing Society accepting an offer to purchase four apartments in an existing condominium building in Lake Country. The B.C. government arranged $752,863 in long-term financing while the Lake Country Senior Housing Society provided $40,000 towards the purchase of the four, two-bedroom apartments located on Beaver Lake Road. “It’s wonderful to see the purchase of these apartments move forward for the Lake Country Senior Housing Society,” said Lake Country Coun. Owen Dickie. “I would like to commend the society for their hard work and effort in ensuring that Lake Country seniors will continue to have greater access to quality, affordable housing in this community.” The buildings will be managed and operated by the Lake Country Senior Housing Society. In addition to a meal plan and basic cleaning support, residents of the apartments will also receive access to social and


LAKE COUNTRY Coun. Owen Dickie credits the Lake Country Housing Society for its work on acquiring several more units of affordable

housing for Lake Country residents. recreational programs offered at Blue Heron Villa—an assisted living complex for seniors located next door, which is also operated by the society. Bill Clark, president of the Lake Country Senior Housing Society, said this will address some of the needs in the community “Our society found that there is a need for more two-bedroom rental accommodations for seniors in our community, and we aimed to address it,” said Clark. “We are delighted to an-



nounce the purchase completion of four apartments in the Brookstone building, located directly across from our Blue Heron Complex, to help fulfill this demand.”

Established in 1998, the Lake Country Senior Housing Society is a not-for-profit, charitable society dedicated to providing quality, affordable housing combined with

the highest standards of support services and care to the senior population in need. In 2011-12, the province invested approximately $894,000 to provide subsidized housing and rent supplements for 152 households in Lake Country. “Our government is proud to have partnered with the Lake Country Senior Housing Society to help realize their vision,” said Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick. “The purchase of these four units is a cost-effect-

ive opportunity to create more affordable housing in Lake Country. “With about 1,000 places in the Kelowna area, this allows seniors to age in place in their home communities near family and friends,” Letnick said. Since 2001, the B.C. government has invested $3.2 billion to provide affordable housing for low-income individuals, seniors and families. This year, more than 97,000 B.C. households will benefit from provincial social housing programs and services.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012 A3


Ambitious plan for water use in Lake Country KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country is moving forward with its water master plan for the area, adopting a new 20-year plan and rate increase for water users in Lake County. Residents will pay $50 per year for four years to help offset the costs of the $110 million system upgrade which will address the challenges unique to Lake Country and which supports growth and recognizes the agricultural role in the community. The infrastructure upgrades will eventually cost water users a base amount of $735 per year depending on the water usage, which will be measured by universal metering. The plan provides a broad assessment of the district’s future water source, treatment and distribution needs, and

proposes a number of infrastructure improvements over the next 20 years. “This is an ambitious plan that will definitely put us on the map for water quality in B.C. if not in Canada,” said Coun. Penny Gambell. “Everyone deserves safe drinking water and the district has the responsibility to provide safe water,” added Greg Buchholz, operations manager for the District of Lake Country. “The system is in need of renewal because it is old and some infrastructure is starting to fail. The new Water Master Plan will save us money in the long run, but only if we make investments in our water system now.” In a presentation delivered last week to Lake Country council, Buchholz laid out the Water Master Plan, what it is all about, why it is necessary, how much it will

cost, and the public input over the past year and a half. Buchholz emphasized the need to achieve: • a consistent level of service to all existing customers • full compliance with existing Interior Health Authority policies • adequate capacity to meet the growth needs of the district and • proactive management to minimize future risks. The infrastructure improvements will be paid for through a combination of residential, commercial and agricultural water rates, provincial and federal government grants and development cost charges. The financial strategy is based on the best possible information available and is flexible regarding growth, inflation and grants. Council approved $50 annual increases on water rates over the next

four years. “We need water that is reliable, safe and clean,” emphasized Buchholz. “It is the right thing to do. Delaying spending now only results in increased costs later.” Buchholz told council the area has a good supply of water from Kalamalka and Okanagan lakes as well as mountain lakes and Middle Vernon Creek, but the aging infrastructure is in need of an upgrade to deal with several issues moving forward. The plan calls for metred watering to come in making residents and agriculturists accountable for how much water they use. “Universal metres will mean people are paying for what they are using,” he said. “It’s been proven to control water use. Some residents will pay more than the $735 (annual rate) if they abuse the water and some will


LAKE COUNTRY Mayor James Baker and the rest of

council want to keep the district’s water supply pristine and abundant without being wasteful. Council approved a rate increase and unveiled a water master plan last week that will revitalize the district’s water supply. pay less but the average would be $735 per year.” The plan also still has to be approved by Interior Health, which was hoping for a quicker transition than the 20-year-plan lays out, ac-

cording to Buchholz. “We have not received sign off from Interior Health,” said Buchholz. “The biggest issue they have is they want to see the program advanced more quickly. They are

asking for treatment now on a number of issues that we can’t deliver. “We have shown them this is a reasonable plan, an affordable plan for the community to advance the water treatments,” Buchholz said. “They want it done quicker and we’re saying it has to be affordable for the community. This is an achievable plan and I believe they will come to that conclusion as well.” A 20-year Capital Projects Summary was developed to highlight the details of each project. Following the Kal Lake Interconnect project, which will be completed in the spring of 2013, the next major project will be universal water metering, which will start to be rolled out in 2014. Read the Water Master Plan at water-master-plan/.

Donations bags on doorsteps leads to more for food bank KEVIN PARNELL Lake Country firrfighters were able to get more donations for their annual food bank drive thanks to the work of a local realtor this year. Over 20,000 items for the food bank, as well as $5,000 in cash, were donated to the food bank after firefighters went through the community picking up donations earlier this month in their annual food bank drive. “It was fabulous,” said Lake Country Food Bank manager Phyllis MacPherson. “Everything went beautiful. This year is the best year ever.” Lake Country firefighters were aided


LAKE COUNTRY realtor Kim Davies watches as food bank general manager

Phyllis MacPherson stocks the shelves after the annual firefighter food drive. by the efforts of Kim Davies, a realtor at Royal LePage in Lake Coun-

try, who last year decided that it would be easier if residents left food

bank items out in bags for firefighters to pick up. Davies dropped bags

off at local homes, eliminating the need for the firefighters to knock on every door and explain themselves, increasing the overall yield. “I knew they did a big initiative so I thought it would be great to partner with the firehall to see if I could help,” she said. “We got some fellow realtors and other volunteers together to help with the bag drop and it proved to be a great service to the firefighters. They got through the neighbourhoods and to more houses in less time,” Davies knows the role that a food bank can play in people’s lives, especially around the holiday season. Ten years ago as a single mother to three

children, she used the food bank to help support her family. “If it wasn’t for the food bank we would have gone hungry,” she said. “Now that I am in a position in my life where I have some success and can support my family, it’s about giving back to the community.” Food banks across the country are finding more and more demand as people look for ways to get by. The Lake Country food bank has over 600 clients with more people coming in all the time. This year was the second year Davies has dropped bags off in advance of the firefighters drive. She hit more areas than the first year

With winter coming, it’s time to upgrade your garage door opener!

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and is looking to increase the program more next Christmas season. “I want to be able to compliment the firefighters and maybe help with the pick up as well,” she said. “Anything we can do to help the firefighters with their efforts to try and hit every person in the community. They can’t possible go to every single home in one evening.” Meanwhile, demand continues at the local food bank where food continues to come in and go back out into the community. MacPherson says she can use some help with fixing one of the coolers at the food bank which is on the fritz. If you can help call 250-766-0125.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Waiting for a birth


n the Christian church, this is the Season of Advent—a time of waiting for something that hasn’t happened yet.

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Curt Jensen

The thing we’re expecting, of course, is the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Which makes Advent a bit self-contradictory. Because if it hadn’t happened yet, we wouldn’t be gathering in churches called “Christian.” And if it hadn’t happened yet, then we would have to believe we’re living in a world which has

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Clean LNG can still be done


n Friday, as the federal government was giving the green light to a Malaysian investment of billions more into northern B.C.’s liquefied natural gas megaproject, Coastal First Nations chiefs held their quarterly board meeting in Vancouver. These are now the most powerful aboriginal leaders in North America, bankrolled by U.S. environmental groups and their wealthy charity foundation backers as guardians of the Great Bear Rainforest. A major topic was the Haisla Nation, the Kitimat partner that abruptly quit its voluntary association with the Haida, Gitga’at and other communities over its plans to develop LNG exports. This discord comes at a bad time. Premier Christy Clark has bet heavily on LNG, not just for her government’s future, but the industrial and economic direction

BC Views

Tom Fletcher of the province for decades to come. Initial press reports were misleading. One had it that Haisla Chief Councillor Ellis Ross, the B.C. government’s key ally on LNG, was “buddying up” with the Harper government on the Enbridge oil pipeline proposed to go to Kitimat, in the heart of Coastal First Nations territory. Not so. Both Ross and Coastal First Nations executive director Art Sterritt confirmed to me that they remain solidly against the En-

bridge proposal. The disagreement is over how to power the processing of LNG, which the Haisla are pioneering with provincial assistance. Sterritt said the Haisla and the rest of the group were in agreement until a few weeks ago. The plan was to follow Clark’s solemn vow to make B.C. LNG the “greenest” in the world. All parties acknowledge that some of B.C.’s shale gas will have to be burned to process and ship LNG to Asia. The initial idea was that one or two natural gas-fired power plants would be built, eventually backing up wind, small hydro and other renewable supplies. BC Hydro has 600 megawatts available from its dams, which would require new transmission capacity up to Kitimat to help run the first two LNG plants proposed in partnership with the Haisla. Then the play got bigger. The B.C. govern-

ment transferred Crown land on Douglas Channel to the Haisla for an LNG project planned by Shell, PetroChina and Korea Gas. And Sterritt said he started getting signals from Victoria that the industry doesn’t want to buy power from outside producers to drive LNG cooling and compression. Instead they wanted to power it directly with gas, using equipment called “mechanical drives” rather than electrical drives. In a letter to Haisla members explaining why he quit the Coastal First Nations, Ross said he was insulted by Sterritt’s comments that the Haisla were choosing “the dirtiest way possible” to ship LNG. Ross noted that emissions would be about the same if gas is burned in the LNG plant or in a power plant nearby. That’s true, but Sterritt points out a critical difference. If LNG producers are allowed to use

single-purpose mechanical drives, no renewable energy can ever be added. And as more LNG producers rush into B.C., reserves that would have lasted 75 to 100 years could be depleted in 30. And when the gas is gone? “These big, hulking plants that are going to be in Kitimat are just going to be sitting there, rotting,” Sterritt said. “It happens all over the world.” B.C.’s clean energy plan envisions extending the BC Hydro grid, developing run-of-river and wind farms such as the big offshore proposal off Haida Gwaii, and ultimately a future beyond oil and gas. Now, in their rush to develop LNG, Clark and Energy Minister Rich Coleman seem poised to abandon that strategy. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

not yet discovered God embodied among us. A world without God? Many people might say that we already live in a godless world. Shoppers frantically run up their credit limits. Fraud artists bilk seniors of their savings. Corporations cut safety corners, and market tainted or dangerous products to gullible consumers. National leaders kill their own people, or target suspected terrorists with drones and assassination squads. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, they’d say. Survival of the fittest. Get real, buster! I’m not convinced. In my tradition, the four Sundays of Advent usually have themes— Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. They’re virtues we practice, in anticipation of the coming (once again) of the Christ presence. They’re not the



We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012 A5


Raising consequences for bad driving choices


n my column published May 2, 2010, I wrote in anticipation of the enactment of our new impaired driving laws: “My hat is off to the British Columbia government for taking a bold stand against impaired driving.” With two years under our belt since the Sept. 20, 2010, enactment, the new laws have proven to have saved lives—B.C. Justice Minister Shirley Bond says drunk driving fatalities are down 46 per cent, from an average of 114 per year to 66 and then 58 in the last two years. An impaired driving criminal charge delays consequences and can eliminate consequences altogether when technical rules are not followed and charges are dismissed. The new laws impose immediate, roadside consequences that can include a driving prohibition up to 90 days, impound of the vehicle and participation in a Driver Improvement Program.

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

This program includes either an eight-hour classroom education session or a 16-hour group counseling program. The combination of immediate consequences and driver education is, in my view, a brilliant one, and it has proven effectiveness. Impaired driving is a significant road safety problem. It pales, though, in comparison with the general lack of driver awareness/responsibility that causes the vast majority of crashes. Impaired driving deaths are now in the 60 range. Total annual road traffic deaths in B. C. are

averaging six times that. Of course, deaths are the tip of the iceberg. There are approximately 240 road traffic injuries per road traffic death. In Kelowna alone, approximately seven people are injured every day in road traffic incidents. I propose applying what we have learned about impaired driving to deal with the general lack of driver awareness/ responsibility. Specifically, I propose applying the brilliant combination of immediate consequences and driver education when a lack of driver awareness/ responsibility has resulted in a crash. Road traffic injuries and deaths cost British Columbians in the neighbourhood of $9 billion every year (2007 estimates). A 46 per cent reduction would save us over $4 billion every year. For comparison, the provincial debt is about $50 billion, with an annual deficit of about $1-2 billion. Currently, the conse-

quences to an offending driver causing a crash are minimal, and delayed. If you have enough claimfree years under your belt, your insurance premiums don’t even go up. Even if insurance premium consequences might otherwise be imposed, ICBC allows you to avoid them by paying out the claim. If you are issued a ticket, it is no higher than if no crash had occurred. The police do not even attend if vehicle damage is low and there are no apparent injuries. Doesn’t that take the cake—you creep above the speed limit through a radar trap and get a speeding ticket. Smash into the back of another vehicle without causing “apparent” injury and there is no police enforcement whatsoever. I want there to be consequences to anyone whose level of driver attention and responsibility is so low that it results in a crash. Immediate consequences, coupled with

driver education, will help change our driving culture in British Columbia. How about an immediate roadside driving prohibition. You get your license back as soon as you have completed an eight-hour classroom driver education course. Of course, the offending driver pays the bill—this would not add to British Columbia’s budget deficit. Legislation is already in place in the impaired driving context, has undergone constitutional challenge and been amended as necessary to be enforceable. The administration is already set up. Make it happen, British Columbia. Please email me with your comments. If you are willing to participate in a petition campaign, please let me know. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.

Living hopefully more about the quality of my waiting TAYLOR FROM A4 only possible virtues, of course; I might like to add Reason, Intelligence, Honesty, Health. Still, those four virtues make a good place to start. I think I know how to live lovingly. So, incidentally, does my dog. She gives me unconditional love, even adoration. I struggle to live up to her example—with her, and with my fellow humans. She also embodies joy—just watch her dancing at the door as we prepare to go out for a winter walk. Would that I could be as openly joyful. And peace? Is anything more peaceful than a dog snoozing in a pool of sunlight? Well, maybe a cat curled up in my lap. I try to emulate their peacefulness. But do animals know hope? Hope is harder to express. They know short-term hope, certainly. My dog hopes we’ll come home, that I’ll feed her, that I’ll throw a ball for her to retrieve… Long-term hope, I’m less sure of. Does a maltreated dog hope for a more compassionate

home? Do egg-factory chickens hope for a freerange future? Do cattle herded towards the slaughterhouse hope for greener pastures? It’s hard to tell. Even I, supposedly a more intelligent creature, don’t know how my way of living might demonstrate hope. Of course, hope has its opposite, its shadow side. I have no doubt that animals experience fear. A beaten dog cowers before

the stick. Cattle panic. Even flocks of quail— possibly the only creatures whose collective IQ dips below zero—scatter wildly before an onrushing car. If animals can feel fear, perhaps they can also feel hope. Even if it’s not physically evidenced in their behaviour. And that, strangely, gives me hope. Perhaps, as I look forward once more for a night when holiness is again em-


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bodied among us, living hopefully is not so much about what I do or say, but about the quality of

my waiting. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.

Old highway sure to be called ‘old highway’ To the editor: Re: Council Chooses Road Name From Suggestions, Nov. 28 Lake Country Calendar. With all due respect to the Okanagan First Nation and Duane Thomson, but by choosing a name which has never been heard before, even by the local natives, the District of Lake Country council have ensured that the old highway will be called just that, the old highway. When the cul-

tural researcher for the Okanagan Indian Band doesn’t know the meaning and isn’t sure that it is from their language, I have to question the choice. Please council, don’t waste a bucket of tax dollars putting up signage as it will likely never catch on and the district will need the money to scale all those loose rocks which have been falling on the highway of late. Rob Nairne, Oyama

Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe

Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387

St. Francis Anglican Church 10162 Newene Road, Winfield

Available to Meet I am home working in the riding from December 14th through to January 25th. If you wish to meet with me to discuss issues or concerns related to the federal government, feel free to call my office at 250-470-5075 to schedule a meeting and I will do my best to accommodate you. Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!

Ron Cannan, P.C., M.P. Kelowna - Lake Country

114-1835 Gordon Drive, Capri Mall, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H4 (250)-470-5075

Service time 9:30 am. You are invited to all services & programs! A Special Christmas Invitation for you to attend: Dec. 23, 9:30 am, Lessons & Carols Service Dec. 24, 7:00 pm, Christmas Eve Service Dec. 25, 9:30 am, Christmas Day Service Wardens: Rosemary Carter 766-2800; Roberta Loewen 766-0869 Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: Rev. Patricia Horrobin 250-766-0919 (office) or 250-763-5499

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

Mass times:

Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146 To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 1-250-540-2974 or 250-979-7324

CHECK OUT PAGE 11 FOR COMMUNITY EVENTS! They are placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-766-4645

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTOR®




Thanks for remembering veterans on Remembrance Day

To the editor: Day Services as well preciated. With Nov. 11 now as contributions to our This year we had a passed, I would like to poppy campaign. successful poppy mand dolli@ take the opportunity to To facilitate the event, paign and a well thank the people of Lake it requires countless voltended ceremony at the Country for their at--newspaper unteers who work hard 11/23/12 George Elliott2:54 gymna-PM Tipping Fees 3"x4" ad nov12:Hazardous Waste ad-delete tendance and support for not just this time of year, sium. both the Remembrance but behind the scenes all And while our volunyear long to ensure sucteers, businesses and the cess. George Elliott School I also like to thank all contributed to organizthe volunteers for their ing it, it was the people efforts and contribuof Lake Country, the tions. It is so greatly apcommunity that at-


Disposal Rate for Garbage st effective January 1, 2013

at Glenmore Landfill and Westside Residential Disposal and Recycling Center.

Flat fee for up to 250kg of garbage $10 (up from $8) **Note, up to 250 kg of yard waste will continue to be accepted free of charge**

To the editor: Our early morning walk in Lake Country was rudely interrupted recently as a deilapidated truck shot out of a side street and stopped inches from my canine companion Bruno and I. I had noticed the driver beside the closest house to us appearing to be inspecting it.

He shouted needlessly: “Do you have a cell phone?” He berated me for not answering immediately when I started to walk away around the vehicle he had parked blocking both lanes of traffic. He started shouting at us again about seeing an injured deer near the home. I could see it now, a mule

Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler Cross Sex: Male Colour: Black Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 286112

Diesel was surrendered to the Shelter because his owners were moving & could not take him with them. Diesel can be a little shy at first meeting but with a soft voice & a gentle hand, he warms up quickly. He will bring you lots of love and affection once you have earned his trust - it doesn’t take long - really. Diesel has a lot of energy & is looking for an active family who can provide him with lots of exercise & socialization. His previous owners said that he liked car rides & gets along with cats. We recommend he be adopted into an “adult only home” or one with older children - he may accidentially knock over a smaller child in his exhuberance. He has been described as playful, affectionate & active. If you are considering adopting Diesel, please speak with the Kelowna SPCA Dog Staff. They will be pleased to introduce you to this wonderful canine.


A safe holiday is a happy holiday Make safety a priority this holiday season with these simple tips: • Never kick or hit your meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance at 1-888-224-2710. • After a snowfall, brush snow away from your meters by hand and clear a path for the safety of our meter readers. • Around your fireplace, consider using a hearth safety gate to help protect small children from the heated glass. For more winter safety tips, visit

FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.4 12/2012)

ate sacrifice, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people and businesses of Lake Country for supporting us and showing respect during this time of the year. Kees Boersma, president, RCL Branch189, Oyama

Tale of a man too busy to help injured animal

For more info visit or call 250.469.6250

Sarah FortisBC, Dispatch Coordinator

tended to pay their respects to our fallen comrades, our living veterans and those personnel still serving who make it aPage success.1You have taken the time of the past few weeks, and in fact throughout the year, to thank us for our services to our country. On behalf of our veterans and those who have made the ultim-

deer doe. Bruno moved for a better look. The driver commanded us not to approach her too closely, although he had been close enough to almost touch her. He claimed she had a broken leg, but I could see no sign of one. We started to leave in the direction of our home when the careless driver demanded to know where we were going and what I was going to do about the deer. I asked him what he was going to do about it. He claimed he was late for a doctor’s appointment and couldn’t do anything. He averted his eyes from mine and stared at his shoes as he said it. I wondered how many service stations he would drive by on the way with phones and whether his doctor had one. That is when he started name-calling and cursing. I looked at the big dog on the seat beside him and decided the

Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at

man was not a resident of the area. I had seen him before on our walks. He was the type of pet owner who gives the responsible ones a bad reputation. He drives to deserted areas and allows his pet to run free to do its daily business without having to pick up after it. There was such an area at the end of the street he had come down. Bruno and I headed for home again, a 10 minute walk away. Clearly upset with my lack of interest in anything he had to say the driver sped past us, twirling a finger around his ear as if to say that I was the crazy one. I felt like showing e him one of my fingers t as well but I had better b things to do and a dog to m protect. At home, I im- p mediately phoned 911 w and reported the deer’s I situation. Rather than b waiting for the police of- l ficer I decided to meet t him at the deer’s loca- b tion in Creek Run De- i velopments. The doe was u gone when I got back. c Even with an injured leg i a deer can still travel, and s with all the free food in t the orchards around us v can survive quite well on three legs. I searched the immediate area myself but didn’t see it anywhere. The RCMP officer arrived quickly and we teamed up to beat the brush and inspect the hiding places a wounded animal would go to rest or die. We found nothing. I thanked the officer for his help and his quick response time as we returned to our vehicles and he left to serve other citizens of Lake Country. I went back to the place where it all began and decided to attempt tracking the animal. I had to give up after about one hundred meters when the deer start-


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012 A7


Students should learn from their failures rather than fear them


ar none, this is the most stressful time for college and university students, especially first-years who are completing their first semester and heading into an exam period. Along with this high level of stress, there has been a growing concern about the mental health of our post-secondary students, especially in the last few years as some institutions have witnessed more than one suicide. Queen’s University had six student deaths last year and as a result recently published a number of recommendations on student mental health and wellness. Most of these concentrate on creating an environment where students who need support can easily find it. These include not having to wait months to see a counselor and implementing an early alert system where both staff and faculty can flag any student who may be

struggling both academically and socially. This system would then trigger a number of responses such as an email from an advisor or counselor. Other in-person recommendations included creating a mentoring system for first-year students where they could connect with fourth-year students. These students would provide them with the support they need on how to navigate through their first year. One of the things I found most interesting about the report is a focus on developing a model similar to what you would find in health care. At their student health care centre they are looking at ways in which to tie counseling to their health services as an integrated team focusing on student mental health. Along with this they also want to create a for-


while I watched the deer until help came. Hopefully it is not too badly injured to survive the coming cold. We will be looking for her on all of our morning walks now. I wish her well. To the poor person who accosted us and did nothing to help the animal he thought had a broken leg, I invite him to reply to this publication with his version of these events. Failing that, I can be contacted through the Lake Country Calendar should he wish to meet to discuss

School’s In

Jane Muskens mal relationship with the on-campus pharmacists who can provide even more information on a particular student. This would all be done in an effort to establish a case management system to support students in crisis. Other initiatives include walk-in counseling services, longer hours of operation for health care services, an increase in the number of psychiatrists on campus, and creating policy that is primarily focused on early intervention with referral for long-term care.

Deer can survive injuries in wild ed walking on ground too hard to track on, but the direction it had moved indicated it had passed through the area we had just searched. I found no traces of blood. She was probably lying near the railroad tracks, invisible under brush or trees, waiting for nightfall to get up and feed again, if it could. Had I been thinking clearly at the time I should have asked one of the residents of the development to phone 911



All Clothing & Scarves

25% OFF!

my attitude towards him. I should caution you I will not have a small dog to take care of then, and you will not be safely at the wheel of your truck talking so bravely behind a rolled-up window. Bruno and I meet many good people as we walk our dogs in this area, and now they will all know what kind of person you really are. Thank you for making it so easy. Doug Maves, Lake Country

Although Queen’s has been very proactive in this area, other universities are also adopting similar strategies to help students cope. Dalhousie just opened up a puppy room where students can spend some time hanging out with furry friends as a way to de-stress. Apparently this room is so popular that there are now lineups to get in. The school is now considering a partnership with the local SPCA to bring in dog-walking opportunities for students. And York University just held a two-week mental health campaign providing all sorts of information and learn-

ing opportunities to their students on coping strategies and about the variety of support that is available. So why are students so stressed out to begin with? I think the economy has a lot to do with it. It’s really hard to think you’re in the right program and you made the right decision to be in school when the job prospects are not that great. I could see many students, especially young men wondering if they might be better off working in the oil industry. The accumulation of student debt is another concern, especial-

ly when the job market is so bleak. On top of all this, there is a lot of pressure to succeed and not all students have the maturity to deal with failure. Most students either come very close or fail at least one course in their academic career. Failing is a normal

part of life—something I think our society has forgotten over the years. This generation of students needs to know this because accepting failure is usually the first step in moving forward. Jane Muskens is the registrar at Okanagan College.


On the move again? List with Aly...


List for $3900 + HST

(for all homes under $600,000)

10303 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Winfield






Give the gift of entertainment

All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank




Saturday, December 15 7:30pm

Saturday, March 16 7:30pm

Friday, April 12 7:30pm

Christmas Decor & Gifts

! (Only until Dec.14) , gs in Includes legg tops & sweaters

30% OFF!


Winfield Shopping Centre (across from Marketplace IGA)

250.766.1173 • Open Every Sunday Starting Dec.2 • Free Gift Wrapping • Remember to Shop Local! Please donate to the SPCA Doggy Bank ~ Razz would luv yah!

Ticket information 250-766-9309 • Info: Theatre/Foyer/Kitchen/Gym Rental Available

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A8 A9

The Lake Country Calendar wants to help fill the shelves of the Lake Country Food Bank, and give away exciting prizes to some lucky high school and elementary school students. We’re asking all entries be accompanied with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank.

These business encourage you to support those less fortunate... BUDDY

Highway 97


What’s the most interesting, funny, memorable, meaningful or unique gift you’ve ever given or received over the holidays? Share your story with the readers of the Lake Country Calendar and the 1st place winner will receive a $125 gift certificate from Seca Marine; a $50 & $25 GC will also be awarded from Seca Marine to the 2nd and 3rd place story winners. Stories should be 400-500 words. Please e-mail all submissions to Please provide your full name, address and phone number.


The Lake Country Food Bank relies on generous donations from our community to fill the shelves throughout the year. This time of year can provide extra challenges for some people, and the need can be even greater. Watch this space every week for our ‘wish list’ of food and sundry items needed by those less fortunate in the community:

Baby products ❏ Baby food - all ages ❏ Diapers - all sizes ❏ Formula - Good Start® ❏ Starter cereals - pablum

Special needs ❏ Boost® ❏ Low calorie soups ❏ Unsweetened apple sauce ❏ Whole grain pasta, rice ❏ Whole wheat crackers ❏ “Low sodium”, “Sugar free”, and “no salt” products


❏ Canned fruit, vegetables ❏ Canned meats & seafood ❏ Chunky soup ❏ Pasta/pasta sauce ❏ Peanut butter ❏ Side dishes ❏ Meal in a can (chili, ravioli) ❏ Crackers

Contact the Lake Country Food Bank for information: 250-766-0125 or 250-766-3038 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (Cash donations gratefully accepted)


eed for Everything youanking! Christmas B

Stop by, fill up on gas & grab a coffee!


778-480-5775 •


s Dinner H

ters e a d q ua r

OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 250-766-2340 Winfield Shopping Centre (between CIBC & Lordco)


9-10051 Hwy. 97 N., Winfield 250-766-2591

Don’t overdrive headlights. You should be able to stop inside the illuminated area. If you’re not, you are creating a blind crash area in the front of your vehicle. A safety message from your friends at Pinnacle Auto Group.

9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202

Where’s your head at?



Give the Gift of Entertainment! Ticket information 250-766-9309 Info:

Great Ideas for Christmas... See store for details!

Winfi eld In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666


Look your best this holiday season! 250-766-1200 • Toll free: 1-800-997-1788

Price Plus Tax

96815 Hwy 97, Winfield • 250-766-1050

#110-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield • Winfield Professional Building

Prizes generously provided by Little Caesars Pizza. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded in each age category. 1st prize: $30• 2nd prize: $20 • 3rd prize: $15 Enter often! Picture will change each week! Contest closes Dec. 14, 2012.

“Your Friendly Little Convenience Store That Has It All”

Book your Holiday Hair appointment today!

Cooper’s Foods Parking Lot 9522 Main Street Lake Country Saturday, December 8 8 am - 4 pm



$ 75


Support Your Local Food Bank


From Just

9522 Main Street, Lake Country

11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons

Food Bank Wish List

Standard items

Contest open to Lake Country students ages 13-18. With each e-mail entry, we’re asking that a donation be made to the Lake Country Food Bank. Contest closes December 14 , 2012 The winning story will be published in the December 24 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.

Gas & Coffee Bar


Lake Country



Unique Gifts for the Coffee Lover! Franca LaMelia, Owner

250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield

3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4677

Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!

25% OFF

Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!

765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141•


For all your Christmas decorations & trees

Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country 250-766-2118 Get your pets ready for the upcoming holidays!

5 OFF $

For Pet’s Sake


Proud supporters of the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue - Get Your Calendar Here


#6 10074 Hwy 97 N, Harvest Centre Mall, Winfield

Please support the Lake Country Food Bank & give during this special time.

Student name Name of School

Grade/Teacher Phone #

Contest open to children ages 2-12. Age categories are: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. To enter, place your coloured page, along with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank, into the specially marked box in the office of each participating elementary schools in Lake Country .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A8 A9

The Lake Country Calendar wants to help fill the shelves of the Lake Country Food Bank, and give away exciting prizes to some lucky high school and elementary school students. We’re asking all entries be accompanied with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank.

These business encourage you to support those less fortunate... BUDDY

Highway 97


What’s the most interesting, funny, memorable, meaningful or unique gift you’ve ever given or received over the holidays? Share your story with the readers of the Lake Country Calendar and the 1st place winner will receive a $125 gift certificate from Seca Marine; a $50 & $25 GC will also be awarded from Seca Marine to the 2nd and 3rd place story winners. Stories should be 400-500 words. Please e-mail all submissions to Please provide your full name, address and phone number.


The Lake Country Food Bank relies on generous donations from our community to fill the shelves throughout the year. This time of year can provide extra challenges for some people, and the need can be even greater. Watch this space every week for our ‘wish list’ of food and sundry items needed by those less fortunate in the community:

Baby products ❏ Baby food - all ages ❏ Diapers - all sizes ❏ Formula - Good Start® ❏ Starter cereals - pablum

Special needs ❏ Boost® ❏ Low calorie soups ❏ Unsweetened apple sauce ❏ Whole grain pasta, rice ❏ Whole wheat crackers ❏ “Low sodium”, “Sugar free”, and “no salt” products


❏ Canned fruit, vegetables ❏ Canned meats & seafood ❏ Chunky soup ❏ Pasta/pasta sauce ❏ Peanut butter ❏ Side dishes ❏ Meal in a can (chili, ravioli) ❏ Crackers

Contact the Lake Country Food Bank for information: 250-766-0125 or 250-766-3038 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (Cash donations gratefully accepted)


eed for Everything youanking! Christmas B

Stop by, fill up on gas & grab a coffee!


778-480-5775 •


s Dinner H

ters e a d q ua r

OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 250-766-2340 Winfield Shopping Centre (between CIBC & Lordco)


9-10051 Hwy. 97 N., Winfield 250-766-2591

Don’t overdrive headlights. You should be able to stop inside the illuminated area. If you’re not, you are creating a blind crash area in the front of your vehicle. A safety message from your friends at Pinnacle Auto Group.

9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202

Where’s your head at?



Give the Gift of Entertainment! Ticket information 250-766-9309 Info:

Great Ideas for Christmas... See store for details!

Winfi eld In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666


Look your best this holiday season! 250-766-1200 • Toll free: 1-800-997-1788

Price Plus Tax

96815 Hwy 97, Winfield • 250-766-1050

#110-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield • Winfield Professional Building

Prizes generously provided by Little Caesars Pizza. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded in each age category. 1st prize: $30• 2nd prize: $20 • 3rd prize: $15 Enter often! Picture will change each week! Contest closes Dec. 14, 2012.

“Your Friendly Little Convenience Store That Has It All”

Book your Holiday Hair appointment today!

Cooper’s Foods Parking Lot 9522 Main Street Lake Country Saturday, December 8 8 am - 4 pm



$ 75


Support Your Local Food Bank


From Just

9522 Main Street, Lake Country

11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons

Food Bank Wish List

Standard items

Contest open to Lake Country students ages 13-18. With each e-mail entry, we’re asking that a donation be made to the Lake Country Food Bank. Contest closes December 14 , 2012 The winning story will be published in the December 24 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.

Gas & Coffee Bar


Lake Country



Unique Gifts for the Coffee Lover! Franca LaMelia, Owner

250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield

3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4677

Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!

25% OFF

Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!

765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141•


For all your Christmas decorations & trees

Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country 250-766-2118 Get your pets ready for the upcoming holidays!

5 OFF $

For Pet’s Sake


Proud supporters of the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue - Get Your Calendar Here


#6 10074 Hwy 97 N, Harvest Centre Mall, Winfield

Please support the Lake Country Food Bank & give during this special time.

Student name Name of School

Grade/Teacher Phone #

Contest open to children ages 2-12. Age categories are: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. To enter, place your coloured page, along with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank, into the specially marked box in the office of each participating elementary schools in Lake Country .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



Okanagan College strengthens its ties to hospitality industry in the valley Okanagan College is advancing its ties to the wine, culinary, tourism and hospitality industries with the appointment of Jonathan Rouse as dir-

ector of wine, food and tourism at the college. Rouse is currently a faculty member in the Okanagan School of Business. In January

2011, he was seconded from his teaching position to develop a vision and strategic direction for enhanced programming in wine, food and

tourism at the college. Prior to joining Okanagan College in 2010, Rouse spent four years as the dean of hospitality and business at Vancou-

ver Community College. “The opportunities, diversity and creativity we have within the college and the Okanagan Valley are so immense and there is such interest around our focus and commitment to building something unique right here in the valley,” said Rouse. “I’m looking forward

2004 MERCEDES-BENZ M-CLASS ML350 4 wheel drive, 5 spd. auto trans., A/C, AM/FM stereo CD, cassette player, climate control, cruise control, power package, heated seats, leather interior, lumbar support, tilt steering, alloy wheels, roof rack, tinted windows, ABS brakes, dual air bags, fog lights, keyless remote, owners manual, traction control, security system, side impact air bags.

to working closely with my colleagues as well as partners in the community and industry to fully realize the strengths we have in our college and within our region.” The position, which also includes a half-time role as associate dean of the Okanagan School of Business, will focus on further development of

Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!

Was $11,995


25% OFF

Now on Sale $10,995

Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!

9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country, BC PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202

Dealer # 30783

Home of EZ Auto Credit Visit Our Website to Get Pre-Approved!

765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141 •



What household hazards exist for my pets during the holiday season?

During times of celebration, friends and family often gather in our homes. At these times, it is easy to overlook potential hazards to your pet’s health and safety. In order to prevent mishaps for your cuddly companions, it is important that you recognize these hidden dangers. Many animals enjoy playing with ribbons, string, and tinsel, especially if they are shiny or moving. While chasing and pouncing are healthy physical activities, chewing and swallowing ribbons can be harmful. When swallowed, these “linear foreign bodies” can become entangled in the intestinal tract, leading to bunching of the intestines as the body tries unsuccessfully to pass the string or ribbon. Eventually, the material can even cut through the intestinal wall. This is a life-threatening emergency requiring surgical intervention. Other holiday hazards include toxicity from ingestion of chocolate, poinsettia, lilies and mistletoe. Keep these items well out of reach of your pet and contact your veterinarian immediately if you think they have eaten something they shouldn’t. We all like to include our pets in holiday meals along with the rest of the family, but try to keep in mind that sudden rich diet changes are likely to upset a pet’s stomach. Have a safe and happy holiday season!


Petrina Koltun

Sheri Cater



Is now a good time to buy? It all comes down to one simple question… How much real estate do you wish you owned today that you would have bought 10 years ago?

Low rates, variety of choice, good prices, pride of ownership, a forced savings plan, and return on investment are just a few reasons why you should purchase a home in today’s market. Although the answer seems simple, real estate planning and entering the market now are great ideas for both ownership and investment purposes. The key to successfully planning ahead and taking advantage of the market is to have a knowledgeable Realtor on your team, working with you and helping you to capitalize on this opportunity. Let’s now fast-forward and ask ourselves a similar question; “How much real estate are you going to wish you had bought in 2013?” Pretty simple isn’t it? 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100

What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Can you explain what Osteoporosis is and how do I prevent it?

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass & deterioration of bone tissue. This leads to increased bone fragility & risk of fracture (broken bones), particularly of the hip, spine & wrist. Osteoporosis does not develop overnight. You can lose bone mass steadily for many years without experiencing any symptoms or signs of the disease until a bone fractures. For this reason, osteoporosis is often called “the silent thief” - literally stealing our bone mass without giving us any indication whatsoever. If osteoporosis is first diagnosed at the time a fracture occurs, it is already fairly advanced. By age 20 in men & age 16 in women, bones typically stop growing in length & we are almost at our peak bone mass. The density of our bones at this point depends a lot upon our calcium intake as children & teenagers. The greater this peak bone mass, the less likely our bones are to become porous & fragile later in life. The best prevention of osteoporosis is to get enough calcium in your diet starting at an early age. However it is never to late to increase calcium intake. Studies of older adults show that adequate calcium intake can slow bone loss & lower the risk of fracture. Calcium intake can by increased via dietary sources such as milk, cheese, & yogurt. Additionally a Calcium supplement is an easy & cost effective way to increase calcium intake. In cases where Osteoporosis is present your physician may also prescribe medications that can help treat the effects of bone loss. Please feel free to come in to Winfield IDA at anytime to discuss osteoporosis & calcium intake with one of our friendly pharmacists.


Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099


In the Cooper’s Plaza

the college’s existing programming in wine and viticulture, culinary arts, tourism and hospitality. “This is an exciting time for Okanagan College,” said president Jim Hamilton. “Jonathan’s contribution to the college, both in an instructional capacity and through his research into enhancing our delivery of wine, food and tourism studies, has been extremely valuable. “His appointment marks a turning point for the college in its investment in these programming areas and in the commitment to further serving the region and economy.” Rouse is a member the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council board of directors, the B.C. Hospitality Foundation, and is a cochair of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges Tourism Affinity Group. He is also a past boa rd member for Tourism Vancouver. His new role at the college will begin in January 2013.

Locally Owned

9522 Main Street, Lake Country 250-766-2666

Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar



Christmas is coming soon and I’m afraid of my denture falling out when eating my turkey dinner, so I’m thinking of implants. How do implants on dentures compare to normal dentures?

Dentures fixed to dental implants will give you an enhanced improvement in your quality of life that standard dentures c annot provide. McGill University in Toronto conducted a study to determine if people, especially the elderly, can improve their chewing ability and nutrition if they wear dentures anchored by implants. After 6 months, the group with dental implants did not only increase their body fat but blood tests recorded significantly higher levels of albumin, hemoglobin (Iron) and vitamin B12 – all indicators of nutrition. The study group also reported significant improvements in their ability to chew meat and hard vegetables and did not avoid foods they did in the past.


Is it possible to use an existing denture with dental implants?

Sometimes it is possible to use a patient’s existing denture, as opposed to fabricating a new denture to snap onto dental implants, by altering it to accommodate the necessary attachments. However, there are a number of factors that must be considered. Since each patient’s situation is unique, the possibility of using an existing denture can only be determined in consultation with a dentist. Call us at Winfield Dental Centre for a free consultation to see if you’re a suitable candidate for implants!

208 - 3121 Hill Road • 250.766.1003

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012 A11


Get back to an Okanagan grown Christmas tree


hristmas trees are at the big box stores now, which might lead you to wonder when they were cut to have them show up so early. For the most part, these trees were imported from the U.S., usually Oregon where millions are grown and shipped across North America. The Oregon Christmas tree harvest begins in late October and peaks in mid-November. In order to get the trees processed packed and shipped to their customers, that harvest schedule allows the time necessary for Christmas sales. British Columbia also has a large Christmas tree industry, concentrated mainly in the Fraser Valley, but it pales in comparison to Oregon. When I was working in the garden centre industry both with my own family business and at Byland’s Garden Cen-

From Ground Up

Don Burnett

tre, we focused on selling Canadian trees, not only for freshness (trees are harvested much closer to Christmas) but to support our local economy. Back in the early days, it was difficult to find growers that produced trees similar to the U.S. brand, so the temptation to import was too much to resist initially. But as time went on the Fraser Valley growers got on board and began to produce an even better quality product than the imports.

Not only the quality and price were very competitive, the fact they were cutting local trees three weeks to a month later than the imports made the decision to buy locally even easier. Byland’s and other locally owned garden centres still maintain the tradition of selling B.C. grown Christmas trees. I encourage you to see the difference in quality selection and service when shopping for a tree at these stores. During the past 10 to 15 years, the Christmas tree industry has expanded into the Okanagan Valley, with several growers producing quality trees now even closer to home. One such grower is Woodhaven Tree Farms, where you can choose from at least six different varieties—Douglas fir, Nordman fir, grand fir, noble fir, Fraser fir and my absolute favourite the

white fir. When you visit Woodhaven Tree Farms, you not only get to actually choose your own tree just before it is cut, you can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a warm bonfire while waiting for your tree to be cleaned and bundled for convenient transport. Ted Corbett created Woodhaven Farms several years ago and I have been helping him with cultural advice since the beginning. His passion for Christmas trees is infectious and there is no better way of creating Christmas memories for the kids than a visit to his farm. For more information such as hours of operation go to his website or call 250826-8733. Tune in to The Don Burnett Garden Show on AM 1150 Saturdays from 8 to 10 a.m.

PUZZLE NO. 641 10. 11. 19. 21. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 34. 39. 42. 44. 46. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 54.

Granola grain Pastrami on ____ Torso bone Solemn statement Hear in secret Albacore Leak Roll of fabric Get one's ducks in ____ Musical programs Zilch Of sound mind Negative prefix Red-pencils Cindy Crawford, e.g. Easily handled, to a sailor Prima donna December 24 and 31 Propelled Type of bean Wool grower Just released

Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


1. 5. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 22. 24. 27. 30. 32. 33.

Folding beds Every In support of Follow instructions Spiritual teacher Set Lion's call Metric-weight unit Grazed Object In progress Fruited pastry Characteristics Law exam Outlaws Loyal Native metals

35. Energy 36. Put an edge on 37. "Livin' La Vida ____" 38. Verve 40. Preschool downtime 41. Interlaces 43. ____ de plume (pseudonym) 45. A Roosevelt nickname 47. Knots 51. Adriatic, e.g. 53. Islamic nation 55. Plunge headfirst 56. It gives a hoot 57. Shredded

58. 59. 60. 61.

Divisible by two Certainly! Spout Have the ____ laugh


1. Strong string 2. Woodwind instrument 3. Mets, e.g. 4. Pancake topping 5. Humpty Dumpty, e.g. 6. Radiance 7. Skilled worker 8. Wit 9. Pressing device


COMMUNITY EvENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•CHRISTMAS AT ST. FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHURCH-LAKE COUNTRY Dec. 23, 9:30 am, lessons & carols; Dec 24, 7pm, Christmas Eve service; Dec. 25, 9:30 am, Christmas Day service. 10162 Newene Rd. in Winfield, off Berry Rd., just above junction Hwy 97 and Berry Rd. 250 766-0919. •YOU ARE INvITEd TO A FREE COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS MEAL with all the trimmings. To be held Dec. 16 at 11:30am following our service at 10am at Creekside Theatre, Lake Country. RSVP to 250-765-6622 or lakecountry@ •LC SENIORS BUS SCHEdULE. Mon., Dec. 17 Christmas Lights Tour. Thurs., Dec. 20 local shopping. To reserve a seat on bus phone Margaret 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •LAKE COUNTRY LIONS CLUB/THE dREAMLANd BANd 2nd Annual Pasta and Blues Nite Feb. 2 at Winfield Hall. For tickets & info call John at 250 717 7615 (Xmas gift or stocking stuffer). •ANNUAL COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TURKEY BINGO, Thurs., Dec. 13 at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Woodlake Rd. Doors open at 6pm, games start at 7pm. Concession open, Lord and Lady game, door prizes. All are welcome. •LAKE COUNTRY BIG BANd presents A Swingin’ Christmas 7pm, Dec. 14, at Creekside Theatre. Special guests include the Mixed Blessings Choir. Admission $5 plus an item for the food bank. Tickets available from band members, Woodsdale Store, and Winfield United Thrift Shop. All proceeds go to the Lake Country Food Bank. For more information call 250-766-3650. •WINFIELd UNITEd CHURCH AdvENT SERvICES Dec. 16, 23, 9:50am service and 4pm Contemplative Service. Christmas Eve - 7pm family service and 10pm carols and lessons service. Everyone welcome. 3751 Woodsdale Road. Ph 250766-4458 for more information. •ROYAL LEPAGE KELOWNA/LAKE COUNTRY’S Annual Christmas Wish Tree! Starts Nov.26–Dec. 21. Bring in a wrapped/unwrapped gift & help make a child’s Christmas wish come true! We also have a collection box in support of Lake Country Food Bank. We are located in the Lake Country Place Mall, any questions please call Barb @ 250-766-3300. •THE LAKE COUNTRY FOOd BANK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAKE COUNTRY THRIFT STORE hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •HOUSING OPTIONS FOR SENIORS WORKSHOP Offered the second Thursday of each month. Next workshop will be: Dec. 13, 10am-11:30am, 102-2055 Benvoulin Crt., Kelowna. Plan ahead and learn about the housing options available to you and seniors in your life. Information about Subsidized Housing, PUZZLELiving, NO. 642 Supportive Assisted Living, and Residential Care will be covered. To 27. B register for this free event please call 250-861-6180 or email 29. C •BEAvERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/vENTURERS REGISTRATION/AGM Registration is on32. S going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. 33. C 35. P •WINFIELd UNITEd CHURCH THRIFT SHOP hours will continue to be: Tuesday36. U to Saturday, 10am to 2pm during the fall and winter. 37. S •LAKE COUNTRY BUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets twice monthly in the 38. C boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local 40. M business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide 43. S motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is 45. G limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-151549. or S 50. M Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 •CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •TO ALL WINFIELd CRIB PLAYERS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press •LC LINE dANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 56. Pole 31. Start over ACROSS 1. Rainbow 34.7pm Devour a book •SOCIAL BRIdGE Tuesdays, at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. 36. Impede 4. Thrust DOWN 1. Shock 8. COUNCIL Cease OF SENIOR37.CITIZENS Black-eyed ____ •THE ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy delicacy 12.devoted Solicit to improving 39.“The Medal of Honor group Quality of Life” 2.for Sturgeon all seniors. Senior Thoughtfulness winnerto affiliate or 3. 13. Telephone line organizations/associations wishing individuals wishing to ANSWER become TO 4. Whack members please contact Ernie Bayer: fax 604-576-9733 or 14. Honest 41. Bank (on)604-576-9734 for further 5. Exhausting 15. Dusk, to bards 42. info. Thickens 6. for boots sports are a must. 16. Surface 44. Lumberjack's cry •LC OUTdOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. SturdySpot hiking Animals for the weather. For 17.water, Pigstysnacks/lunch sound 46. Diva's tune Bring & clothing appropriate7.& sufficient 8. own Stash more to sign up for our to post your hikes on the forum, visit, Gleaming fabrics 47.hikes, Type oforsword 9. Experimentation 20. Town in Texas 48. Unfinished

21. Storm pellet 51. King of the beasts 10. Small weight unit All Community EvEnts will52.beIrishman, placed ate.g. no charge all non-Profit organizations. 23. Turner et al. Black tea 25. Grant's opponent 19. Dress email style 53. Hymn of praise for all other inquiries, please 26. Wrapping up 21. "____ So Fine" 54. Rectify or fax 250-762-3220 28. Adventurous tale 22. Carpenter insect 55. "____ Little Tenderness" 30. Shorthand pro 24. Indian outfit

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


Valleyview Dignity Memorial


Keep it real this Christmas–take home a local tree

Celebrate the inaug500-year-old tradition ural National Christmas of a real tree as the cenTree Day with a real tree. tre-piece of the winter THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2012 For us, there is no higher honour Doing so supports local holiday season. than to be chosen to bring loved ones, KIRO TSN CHBC CIVT CBC CHAN KNOW KOMOfrom A&E farmers and is theSNP best Tree growers friends lifetime of memories # $ and a % & _ ( ) * ` 1 Aron Meier environmental choice, all regions across Cantogether in celebration special life. The Price Is The Doctors Soccer Assistant Manager The Doctors The View of a Poko Noodle The View Criminal :00 SportsCentre according to more than ada endorsed the idea as Team ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Central Timothy ” Minds 10 :30Proudly offeringDECEMBER reward all pre-arrangements recent a Jack reminder to4consumMamasmiles on The Marilyn13, Steven and Young one & Mamasstudy. Hockeycen- JoeKOMO Criminal THURSDAY, 2012 :00 Canada Restless at Noon G. Shrinks News Minds 11 :30 Rewind Debt/Part Denis Show Chris ThDebt/Part e CanadiantralChristers of the economic and ” Noon News CTV News CBC News News Noon News The Grid Arthur The Chew The First 48 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ” Hour ” Now Bold Hour Curling: Big ” mas Tree growers associ- Peep, environmental benefi ts” 12 :00 :30 Live Days of our The% Dr. Oz Heartland The_ Talk Days of our Grand Slam, Poppetstown General First 48 $ & ( ) * `yourThe 1 :00 NFL# ation declared Dec. 8 as of purchasing tree 165 Valleyview Road • 250-763-3147 ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Round Robin Save-Ums! Hospital ” 1 :00 :30 SportsCentre The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors Soccer Noodle The View Criminal National Christmas from producer. OffCountry, Record Dr. Phil Steven a The Jeff ”Tree Mag Fero a local The Doctors The First 48 Proudly serving Lake affiliatedThe withJeff Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery by theand airport.Let’s Make ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Central Timothy ” Minds 10 :30 Team Interruption Probst Show ” Chris Deal Probst Show ” Rolie Polie ” ” 2 :00 :30 inThe recognition of the Dinosaur Studies have Mamas The Marilyn Steven and Young day & Mamas HockeycenJoe- Jack KOMO 4 shown Criminal :00 Canada SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Ricki Sportsnet The Dr. Oz The First 48 :00

Valleyview Funeral Home

11 3 :30 :30

Rewind ” ”

Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News

Denis Show neres Show CTV News

Chris Stefano CBC News

Restless ThisMinute KIRO News

:00 Hockey Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, ” Hour Now 2012 Bold Judy 12 :30 Interruption Restless Live ” Den Judge 4 :00 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 5 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 :30 7 :00 11 4 8 :30 12 5 :00 9 :30 :00 1 6 :30 10 :00 2 :30 11 7 3 :30 12 8 :00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 9 :00 5 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2012 :00 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 11 :30 # $ % & _ :00 12 :00 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :30 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2012 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 2 :30 10 :00 :30 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2012 :00 4 :30 12 :00 :30 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1 :00 :30 # $ % & _ 6 :00 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 7 :00 :30 10 3 :00 :30 8 :30 11 :00 4 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 12 5 :00 :30 10 :30 1 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 2 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 3 :00 :00 8 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 8 :30 :30 :00 9 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2012 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 11 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2012 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 10 3 :30 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2012 11 4 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 12 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 $ % & _ 6 1 :30 # :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 10 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 11 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 12 :00 10 :30 5 :30 1 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 2 :00 :00 12 3 :30 7 :30 NFL Live NBA ” Basketball: Off Record Lakers at Interruption Knicks

The Oz CTVDr. News Show at Five The Jeff Dr. Phil Global Nat. CTV News Probst News Show ”” CHBC SportsCentre The DeGeDoctors Ellen The ” Ent Ricki etalkView Team ” ” ” Lake Show neres Show NBA ET Canada Final Salute Canada Mamas TheBang Marilyn Hockey Young & Anderson Basketball: Last Resort Big Rewind Debt/Part Denis Show Interruption Restless Live Spurs at ” Two Men ” Noon News Grey’s NBA Blazers News CTV News Trail Glee ” Hour ” Basketball: at Five ” ” Anatomy NFL Live Lakers at SportsCentre Knicks”” Off Record SportsCentre ” Interruption ” NBA SportsCentre Basketball: Spurs ”at Hockey Trail Blazers Interruption ”

Days of our News Lives ”

Days ofNat. our Global Elementary Lives ” News CHBC The Jeff CHBC News Ent Probst Show Final ET Canada The Ricki ET LastCanada Resort LakeTalk Show The ” Young Glee & Restless ”

NBA SportsCentre Basketball: ” Lakers at SportsCentre Knicks”

Heartland News News ” Steven News and Chris Exchange

The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News Let’s Make KIRO Newsa Deal CBS News

Best Recipes Poko George S Doodlebops Stefano Coronation Steven and Dragons’ Mickey Chris Den Skate

ThisMinute The Ent Price Is Right ThisMinute The Insider Young & Judge Judy Big Bang Restless Judge Judy Two Men

CBC News News Canadian Now News Tenors

KIRO News Person of Bold News KIRO Interest

The Dr. Oz CTV News Flashpoint Show ” Dr. Phil CTV News etalk ” CTV Final News Salute

Heartland The Talk News KIRO News CBC News: Elementary ” Exchange CBS News The National ”” Steven and Let’s Make CBC News KIRO Newsa George S Ent Chris DealInsider George S Late Show Coronation The Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Daily Show Coronation Letterman Big Bang Mickey Big Bang neres Show Colbert Rep Stefano Q With Jian ThisMinute Ferguson Two Men Skate Two Men Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Grey’s Canadian Person of Live Den Judge Judy Anatomy Tenors Interest CTV News NewsNews: Elementary KIRO News Flashpoint CBC at Five” News The National KIRO ”News

News Elementary ”” Global News Nat. CTV CTV News News CHBC CHBC News CTV News ” Final ” Ent Canada Daily etalk Show SportsCentre ET NBA ET Canada Final Salute ” The Talk Colbert Rep Basketball: Last Resort Big Bang Spurs at ” Two Men

Debt/Part Lake Show Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless

Days of our Early News Lives Global Nat. The Jeff News Hour Probst” Show

tral at Noon Connected The NFL Grid Game. Curling: Sportsnet

G. Shrinks Arthur Arthur Clifford-Dog Peep, Big WordWorld

News Show The Chew KOMO 4 News ”


” The The First First 48 48 ””

Grand General The NFL Slam, Poppetstown Dive, Olly News The First First 48 48 Round Robin Save-Ums! Hospital ”” Football: Wild Kratts World News ” Mag Fero The Doctors The First Cincinnati Animals KOMO 4 The First 48 48 ” at Rolie Polie ”” Bengals Rivers News ” The Dr. Oz The First 48 Doctors Sportsnet Soccer Noodle View Criminal Ent Ricki Philadelphia Dinosaur What’s That The Wheel Panic 9-1-1 ” Central Timothy ” Minds”” Lake Show Connected Arthur Show ET Canada Eagles About? Jeopardy! Mamas HockeycenJoe- Jack KOMO 4 Criminal Young & NFL Game. Clifford-Dog The First 48 Last Resort ” Joanna Last Resort Panic 9-1-1 Debt/Part tral at Noon Lumley G. Shrinks Minds”” Restless Sportsnet WordWorld News ” ” Curling: Noon News News Grand The Grid ArthurOlly The Chew The First First 48 48 Early NFL Dive, News Glee Slam, Movie: Grey’s The Hour ” Nat. Round Curling:Robin “Lightning Peep,Kratts Big in Anatomy Global Football: Wild World ”News ””


Days of our News Hour Elementary Lives ” The Jeff News Hour Ent Probst Show Final ET Canada


A&E 1

NewsNews CBC Exchange George S

KIRO News News KIRO CBS Show News Late

Early News Elementary Global” Nat. News Hour Hour News Final ”

General The KOMO 4 Scandal The First First 48 48 Hospital ”” News ” The Doctors Panic The First 48 News 9-1-1 Wheel ” Nightline ”” Jeopardy! Sportsnet Dinosaur The Oz The First 48 UFC Central CivilizationJimmy Panic 9-1-1 ” Joanna Last Dr. Resort Connected Arthur Show ”” Ult. Fighter History? Kimmel Curling: Lumley ” Live NFL Game. Clifford-Dog KOMO 4 The First 48 Grand Slam, Movie: Grey’s The First 48 Sportsnet WordWorldin Anatomy News Round Robin “Lightning ”” NFL ” Dive, Olly News The First First 48 48 a Bottle” Scandal The Football: Wild Kratts World ”News Sportsnet ” ”” Cincinnati Animals KOMO 4 The First 48 Connected What’s That News Panic 9-1-1 Bengals at Rivers News Central About? Nightline ””

George S Coronation Coronation Q With Jian Mickey Skate

Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Two Men

Ent Canada ET ET Canada The Talk Last Resort ”

Philadelphia UFC Central Eagles Ult. Fighter ” Curling:

Person of Interest


Grand Slam, Movie: Grey’s Round Robin “Lightning in Anatomy

The First 48 ”

” Sportsnet

The First 48 ”

The Ricki ET LastCanada Resort Lake Show The Talk ” Young Glee & Restless ”

Grand Cincinnati ”Slam, Round Robin Bengals at Sportsnet ” Connected Philadelphia Central Eagles”


Poppetstown Animals a Bottle” Save-Ums! Rivers” Mag Fero What’s That Rolie Polie About?

What’s That CivilizationAbout? History? Joanna Lumley

Wheel Panic 9-1-1 9-1-1 Jimmy Panic Jeopardy! ” Kimmel Live ” Last Resort Panic 9-1-1 ” ”

real Christmas trees have Trinity Valley Christgrows locally, he sources a smaller environmentmas Trees, on Mable Fraser, grand, noble and al impact than the fake Lake Road in Enderby, Canaan fir from growones. As part of a seroffers a wide variety of ers in the Fraser Valley. NEWS DISCtreeKAYU WTBS KING iesYTV on global water issues choices. “I TLC find interNine KCTS kinds of trees can 6 7 9 ; < A N P author Ker Than, writing esting species from other be found at his four reSquirrel CBC News Licence to The Office Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today for National Geographic reputable B.C. tree farmtail locations atcont’d CanPuppies Now With Drill How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts news, found realNair treesDirty to Jobs ers,” saidFeud JimCake IlottBoss owner adianDaniel TireTiger stores inDay VerBabar Reshmi Family Law Order: New Rescue Hero ” ” Family Feud Cake Boss CI Rick Steves Northwest be a better environmentof the long-time local non, Kelowna, Westbank Power ” Invented/ Perry Mason What Not to Excused Easy Yoga KING 5 NEWS DISCchoice KAYU TLCin Excused WTBS KCTS KING T.U.F.F. ” World ”for real Wear for Arthritis News al YTV choice because they trees and Penticton. Squirrel CBC7 News Invented/ Law; Order: Mario & There Yet? Earth Songs Days of our 6 9 < A N P use less water, fossil fuels the Okanagan. Help the environSidekick Now-Nichols World CI Courtney’s There Yet? ” Lives Squirrel CBC News Licence to The Office Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today and are 100 per&cent Drill reIn addition to the CI mental, support local Almost Power MythBusters Funny Home Wedding King Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Puppies Now With How I Met Baby Story Wild Kratts cont’d League/Evil Politics ” Videos Fiesta King ” ” cyclable. Reshmi” Nair Dirty andCake alpine fir he business, realDay tree. Babar Jobs Douglas Family Feud Boss Law Order: Danielbuy Tigera New Pokemon Cash Cab The Ricki Medium The Office Cat in the Ellen DeGeRescue Hero ” T.U.F.F. ” Power ” Odd Parents Lang & T.U.F.F. ” Odd Parents O’Leary Squirrel Odd Parents CBC CBC News News Sidekick Now-Nichols Odd Parents ”


Almost Big Time League/Evil Rush


Power & CBC News: Politics The National Pokemon ” Squirrel CBC Ice Age CBC News News Puppies T.U.F.F. ”” SpongeBob Now With Babar Reshmi Odd Parents CBC Lang News: & Nair Wipeout Rescue ” Odd Parents O’Leary ” Hero The National Power ” Odd Parents News Funny Home CBC News: T.U.F.F. ” Odd Parents The National Videos

” How/Made Invented/ Daily Planet World ”

Invented/ American World Chopper

Family Feud Lake Show Perry Mason Anderson Live ”

Law Order: Simpsons CI Raymond MythBusters Funny Home American Big Bang ” Videos Chopper Two Men Cash Cab The Ricki Licence to Office American Big Bang Drill How IShow Met How/Made Lake Chopper Two Men Dirty Jobs Family Feud Daily Planet Anderson ” The X Factor ”” Family Live ” Feud



Cake Boss Medium What Not to Suddenly Wear Single

CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang

Rick Steves Arthur Easy Yoga Wild Kratts for Arthritis WordGirl

Mario & Sin City Courtney’s Rules

There Yet? Browns There Payne Yet? King Browns King Payne

Earth Songs Days Business KING of 5 our World ”News Lives News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil PBS Nightly News ” NewsHour News ”

The Offi ce Law Order: Seinfeld CI The Office Seinfeld Law Order: Big Bang Family Guy CI Big Bang Family Guy Excused Browns Amer. Dad Excused Payne Movie:

Cat in the Sid Science Movie: Wild KrattsIs Arthur “A Queen Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Crowned” Rick Steves WordGirl ” EasyBritish Yoga Business The for Arthritis World News Beat (My


Wedding Top 10 WedFiestaof dings Medium Baby Story Say Yes Baby Story Medium Say Yes Cake Boss Suddenly Top 10 WedCake SingleBoss dings of Invented/ Perry Mason Say What Not to Simpsons Sin City American Glee Yes World Wear Raymond Rules Chopper ”” Say Yes Squirrel CBC Law Order: Mario Big Wife Time News: Invented/ Big Bang Top City 10&WedMy CBC News News American News Sin Sidekick Now-Nichols World CI Rush The National Two Men dings of Mr. Young ” Chopper H.S. Sports Courtney’s Rules Almost PowerNews: & MythBusters Sunny Funny Home Suddenly Wedding That’s-Weird CBC American Ice Age News Big Bang Say Yes League/Evil The Politics ” Videos Fiesta Splatalot National Chopper TMZ Single SpongeBob ” Two Men Say Yes Pokemon ” Cash Cab The Medium Funny Home Lang & ” Offi ce Paid Prog. Wipeout CBC News: The Ricki X Factor Top 10 WedT.U.F.F. ” How/Made Lake Show Medium Videos” O’Leary ” King of Paid The National ” Hill dingsProg. of Odd Parents Lang & Daily Planet Anderson Suddenly Funny Home CBC News: American Glee Say Yes Odd Parents The O’Leary ” Live ” Single Videos National Chopper Say Yes OddWife Parents CBC CBC News News American Simpsons Sin City City My American News Sin Odd Parents ” Chopper Raymond Rules Mr. Young ” Chopper H.S. Sports Rules Big Time CBC News: News: American American Big Bang Top 10 WedThat’s-Weird CBC Sunny Suddenly Rush The National National Chopper Chopper Two Men dings of Splatalot The TMZ Single Ice AgeHome Funny SpongeBob Videos Wipeout ”


There Yet? Browns “The Spy There Yet? Payne Next Door” King ” Seinfeld King Movie: Seinfeld The OffiGuy ce “Stomp the Family The OffiGuy ce Yard” Family Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Browns “The Spy Payne Next Door” Browns ” Payne Movie:


Northwest neres Show KING Katie 5 News ”


Ellen DeGeToday Magazine cont’d neres Inside Show Ed. New Day Katie Up All Night Northwest Up All”Night KINGIt5All Take News ” Earth of our PBS Songs Days Nightly News Music) Rock Center ”” Lives NewsHour News ” Charlie Rose KING Dr. Phil Movie: News Magazine ” ”Ed. “A Queen Is Jay Leno Inside Cat in the Ellen Crowned” ”Night Up AllDeGeArthur” neres Jimmy Fallon Up All Show Night Wild British Kratts Katie It All The Take WordGirl Beat (My ”” Business KING Center 5 Music) Rock World ”News News ”

Big Bang The Office Two Men King of Hill The X Factor ”

Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Top 10 Weddings of

Seinfeldthe “Stomp Seinfeld Yard” Family Guy Family Guy

PBS Movie: NewsHour “A Queen Is Movie: Crowned” “A Queen Is ” Crowned” ”

Funny Home CBC News: American Videos The National Chopper


Say Yes Say Yes

Amer. Dad Movie:

The British Beat (My

Take It All ”

My Wife Mr. Young

News H.S. Sports

Sin City Rules

“The Spy Next Door”

Music) ”

Rock Center ”

CBC News American Lang & ” ” Chopper O’Leary ” CBC News: ” The National ”

NightlyNews News KING News Jay Leno Magazine ” Inside Ed. Jimmy Fallon Up All Night Up All Night

Trail Blazers Glee ” ”

Grey’s Anatomy

Canadian Tenors

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

Flashpoint ”

CBC News: Elementary The National ”

Elementary ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

What’s That About?

Panic 9-1-1 ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: American Splatalot The National Chopper

Sunny TMZ

Suddenly Single

” Movie:

Movie: “A Queen Is

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Rep ESPN”Films The The Talk Doctors Colbert The View ” ” ”

Coronation Q With Jian Poko

Letterman Ferguson The Price Is

Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary Squirrel CBC News G. Shrinks Now With

Paid Prog. Paid BabyProg. Story

“Stomp the Yard” Law Order:

Crowned” ” Sid Science


Panic 9-1-1 Kimmel Live Dog Bounty ” The View ” Hunter

The Office King of Hill The Offi ce


ET Canada UFC Central CivilizationThe Fighter History? The Talk Doctors Ult. Soccer Noodle ” Central Timothy

How I Met

Baby Story


Wild Kratts

Jimmy Today Fallon cont’d

2012 World Series of

Mamas Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Hockeycentral at Noon

KOMO 4 News

Dog Dog

Babar Reshmi Nair Airplane Rescue Hero ” Repo

Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

Poker: Final Table

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

EPL Preview Arthur Curling: Peep, Big

The Chew ”

Dog Bounty Hunter

Power T.U.F.F.

Perry Mason Say Yes ” Say Yes

Excused Excused

Use Your Brain to

KING 5 News

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Grand Slam, Poppetstown General Round Robin Save-Ums! Hospital

Dog Bounty Hunter

Squirrel Sidekick

CBC News American Now-Nichols Chopper

Law Order: CI

Say Yes Say Yes

There Yet? There Yet?

Change Your Days of our Age Lives

Off Record ESPN Films Interruption ” SportsCentre 2012 World ” Series of NBA Basketball: Poker: Final Tableat Mavericks

The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour News

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show Anderson Live CTV News ” CTV News

Steven and Poko Chris Doodlebops Best Recipes Steven and Stefano Chris Dragons’ Den CBC News Now News

Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right ThisMinute Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy Judge Judy KIRO News Bold KIRO News

The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Restless Noon News Hour Early News

” Soccer ” Central Sportsnet HockeycenConnected tral at Noon Curling: Grand Slam, EPL Preview Curling:Robin Round

Dog Bounty Dog Bounty Hunter Hunter Dog Bounty Dog Hunter Dog Duck D. Duck D. Dog Bounty Hunter Duck D.

Almost Squirrel League/Evil G. Shrinks Pokemon Babar T.U.F.F. Rescue Hero Kung Fu Kung PowerFu T.U.F.F. Kung Fu

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Reshmi ” Nair ” Lang & O’Leary ” ” CBC News

Funny Home The Office Videos How I Met The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Family Feud Anderson Live Perry Mason ” Simpsons

Say Yes BabyYes Story Say Baby Story Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say

King Law Order: King CI The Office Law Order: The Offi ce CI Big Bang Big Bang Excused Excused Browns

Charlie Rose Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Cat in the Daniel Arthur Tiger Rick Steves Wild Kratts WordGirl Use Your Brain to Business

Raptors NFL Live ””

” our Days of Lives Nat. Global CHBC News The Jeff Probst Show Ent The Doctors ET Canada ” The Ricki Lake Show Kitchen Mamas Nightmares Debt/Part Young &

at Five The Dr. Oz ShowNews CTV ” Dr. Phil ” etalk The View Big Bang ” Ellen DeGeneres Show CSI: NY The Marilyn Denis ”Show Anderson

News Heartland

KIRO News The Talk

News ” Exchange Steven and Chris George S Poko Coronation Doodlebops Best Recipes Stefano Movie: Steven and “Miracle on Chris Dragons’

KIRO ”News CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent The Price Is The RightInsider ThisMinute ThisMinute Rudolph, Young & the Reindeer Restless Judge Judy

Global Days ofNat. our Lives Hour News ” The Jeff Probst Show Ent The Doctors ET Canada ” The Ricki Lake Show Kitchen Mamas Nightmares Debt/Part Young &

Duck D. Dog Bounty Hunter Duck D.

Kung Fu Squirrel Sidekick Unaccom-

Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes

Payne There Yet? There Yet? Browns

panied Almost MiLeague/Evil nors Squirrel ” G. Shrinks Pokemon T.U.F.F. Movie: Babar “Call Rescue Kung Me FuHero

Two Men Funny Home Videos Big TheBang Office Two Men HowRicki I Met The Lake Show Kitchen Family Feud Nightmares Family Feud Anderson

Say Yes Say Brides-Hills BabyYes Story Brides-Hills BabyYes Story Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes

Payne King King Seinfeld Law Order: Seinfeld CI Office The The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order: Family Guy CI Big Bang

World News News of our Change Your Days Age Lives PBS Nightly News NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” Washington Magazine Sid Science Today ” Need Inside Ed. WildinKratts cont’dDeGeCat the Ellen Arthur neres Show Great PerBlakeDay ShelDaniel Tiger New formances ton-Xmas Rick Northwest Wild Steves Kratts Katie

Live Movie: CTV News “Baby’s ” CTV News at Five First The Dr. Oz Christmas” Show CTV News

Den 34th CBC Street” News Now ” News News CBC News: Heartland The National ” News

Duck D. Dog Bounty Duck D. Hunter Duck D. Duck D. Dog Bounty Duck D. Hunter Duck D.

Kung Claus” PowerFu ” T.U.F.F. Kung Fu Kung MovieFu Squirrel Mr. Young Sidekick Unaccom-

” Worst Driver CBC News American Now-Nichols CBC News: Chopper Salvage The National Hunters Power & MythBusters Politics ” CBC News American Mayday Chopper Now With ” ”” Cash Cab ” How/Made CBC News: ” Reshmi Nair Airplane The Cash Cab ” Repo LangNational & Daily Planet O’Leary ” CBC News: Salvage ” American The National Hunters ” Chopper CBC News Canada’s ” Worst Driver Canada’s CBC News American ” Worst Driver Now-Nichols Chopper CBC News: Salvage

Raymond Law Order: CI Big Bang

Duck D. Dog Bounty Hunter Duck Dog Bounty Dynasty Hunter Dog Bounty Hunter Duck Dog D. Duck Dog D. Duck D.

Restless Hoops & Noon News The HourElf on News

Wild Kratts Grand”Slam, Poppetstown Round” Robin Save-Ums! Animals WHL ” Parks Maggie ” Rolie Polie Hockey: Mega Soccer Noodle Victoria Builders Central Timothy Sportsnet Dinosaur Connected Arthur Royals at Murder HockeycenJoe- Jack Red tral atDeer Noon Myster. G. Shrinks Curling: Clifford-Dog Grand Slam, Silk WordWorld Rebels EPL Preview Arthur Sportsnet ”Big Curling:Robin Dive, Peep,Olly Round ”Slam, Wild Sportsnet PartyKratts Grand Poppetstown Connected Animals Round Robin Save-Ums! ” Animals

Say Brides-Hills Say Yes Yes Brides-Hills Say Yes Yes Say Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes

Big Bang Amer. Dad Excused Movie: Excused Browns Payne “War of the There Yet? Worlds” There Yet? Browns Payne King ” King ” Seinfeld Smart Seinfeld The Office People The OffiGuy ce Family

SportsCentre Off Record Interruption ESPN”Films NFL Films ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre 2012 World Off Record Series of NBA

Basketball: World Poker: Poker Tour Final Tableat Mavericks Raptors SportsCentre NFL Live ””





Connected Central



Judge Judy Restless Yes, Hoops & KIROVirginia News Noon News The on The on BoldElf HourElf KIRO News Early News ” our KIRO News 16x9 Global 16x9 Blue Bloods Days of The Talk Days ofNat. our ” ” ” Lives Lives Global Nat. KIRO News News Hour ” Exchange CBS ”Hour WHL SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News Newsa News Hockey Off Record The Jeff Dr. Phil Steven and KIRO Let’s News Make The Jeff ” ” Final News George S Late Final Central Interruption Probst Show CTV Chris Deal Show Probst Show UFC ” ” Ent etalk ” George S Ent Ent Hockey: SportsCentre ET The Coronation Letterman ET Canada Fish TV NFL Films Big Bang The Insider The Victoria TheCanada Ricki Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Ricki Sportsnet SportsCentre The Talk Mentalist Breakfast Ferguson The Talk ICC Cricket ” Lake Show neres Show Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Connected SportsCentre Kitchen CSI: NY Movie: Rudolph, the Kitchen Royals at Off Record Nightmares ” “Miracle Reindeer Red Deer NBA Young & Anderson Dragons’on Judge Judy Nightmares Young & Curling: Basketball: Restless Live Den Judge Judy Restless Grand Slam, World Poker Hoops & Movie: 34th Street” Yes, Virginia Hoops & Rebels Mavericks at The News CTV News News ” KIRO News EarlyElf News Round Robin Tour Elf on “Baby’s The Elf on The on Sportsnet Raptors ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. ” SportsCentre 16x9 First CBC News: Blue Bloods 16x9 Sportsnet Global” Nat. Christmas” CTV News News ” ” The National KIRO ”News News ”Hour Connected SportsCentre CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News ” WHL SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour Hockey ” Ent etalk News Ent Show Ent Hockey: Final CTV George S Late Final UFC Central NFL Films ET Canada Big Bang Coronation The Insider ET Canada Victoria SportsCentre ET Canada The Coronation Letterman ET Canada Fish TV Kitchen CSI: NY Movie: Rudolph, the The Kitchen Royals at SportsCentre The Talk Mentalist Breakfast Ferguson Talk ICC Cricket Off Record Nightmares ” “Miracle on Reindeer Nightmares Red Deer World Poker Hoops & Tour The Elf on

Movie: “Baby’s

34th Street” ”

SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

First Christmas”

Yes, Virginia Hoops & The Elf on The Elf on

a Bottle” ”

Scandal ”

KNOW News KOMO Nightline * ` Jimmy

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks


Maggie Noodle Rolie Polie Timothy Dinosaur Joe- Jack Arthur G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog WordWorld Arthur Peep,Olly Big Dive,

The Doctors The View ” ” The Dr. Oz KOMO 4 Show News KOMO 4 News The Chew News ”

News General KNOW World KOMO Hospital KOMO 4 * News The` Doctors

” Wheel The View Jeopardy! ” Oz The Dr. Show Last Man KOMO 4 Malibu News 4 KOMO News Shark Tank The Chew News ” World 20/20 News General Hospital KOMO” 4

A&E 1

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A&E 1




CBC News ”


” ”



American Chopper

DISC 9 ”

” Mayday ”

American Chopper


MythBusters Mayday ” ” Cash Cab Airplane How/Made Repo Daily Planet ” American Chopper Canada’s








Murder Builders Dinosaur Myster. Arthur Murder Myster. Clifford-Dog WordWorld Silk

D. News The Doctors Duck Dog Bounty Nightline Dynasty Hunter Wheel” Duck Jimmy Duck D. Jeopardy! Dynasty The Dr. Oz Dog Bounty Kimmel Live Hunter Duck D. Show Last Man Duck D. Malibu Duck D. KOMO 4 News Tank Duck D. D. Shark Duck

Call Me ” Pokemon Claus T.U.F.F. Movie: “Call Kung Me Fu Kung Fu Claus”

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Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

Kung Fu ” Kung Fu Movie UnaccomMr. Young panied MiBoys nors Boys ” Call Me Movie: Claus “Call Me

Live Fringe Perry Mason ” Simpsons Raymond NewsOrder: Law 30 Rock CI Big Bang The National Hunters Two Men CBC News: Jungle Gold Sunny Power & MythBusters Funny Home The National ” TMZ Politics Videos CBC News American Big Bang Lang & American Offi ce Chopper Two Ricki Men ” Cash Cab The O’Leary Chopper King of Hill ” How/Made Lake Show CBC News: ” Kitchen The Cash Cab Nightmares LangNational & Daily Planet Anderson O’Leary ” Live CBC News: Salvage Fringe CBC News Canada’s Simpsons The National Hunters ” ” Worst Driver Raymond CBC News Canada’s News CBC News: Salvage BigRock Bang ” Worst Driver 30 The National Hunters Two Men CBC News: Jungle Gold Sunny CBCNational News American Big Bang The ” TMZ ” Chopper Two Men Lang & American The Office CBC News: Chopper ” Kitchen O’Leary King of Hill The National Cash Cab Nightmares

Rebels Sportsnet


Shark Tank ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Claus” ”

CBC News: Salvage The National Hunters

Sportsnet Connected

Party Animals


Duck D. Duck D.

Movie Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Duck Dynasty

Boys Boys

CBC News: Jungle Gold The National ”

Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

Parks Mega Maggie Builders Rolie Polie Mega

panied Boys Almost MiBoys League/Evil nors

Fringe ”







KING News Jay Leno


Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew neresDay Show Northwest Katie KING ”5 News 5 KING


Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad

WordGirl Magical Use Your Mystery Brain to Tour Business World News Beatles Change Your Rocked Age PBS NewsHour ArtZone Charlie Rose Easy Yoga ” Washington for Arthritis Need Cat in the Health-Joel Arthur Great Performances Wild Kratts WordGirl Magical

Take KINGIt”5All News ”5 KING News Dateline Days of our NBC Lives Nightly News News KING News Dr. Phil Jay Leno ” Magazine ”Ed. InsideDeGeEllen Jimmy Fallon neres Show Blake Shelton-Xmas Katie Take It” All

Say Yes Brides-Hills Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Brides-Hills Say Yes Brides-Hills Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

Browns Movie: Payne “War of the Browns Worlds” Payne ” Seinfeld ” Seinfeld Smart Family Guy People Family Guy

Business Mystery Tour World News Beatles PBS Rocked NewsHour ArtZone Washington Easy Yoga Need for Arthritis Great PerHealth-Joel formances

KING ”5 News Dateline Nightly News NBC News KING News Magazine Jay Leno Inside Ed. ” Blake ShelJimmy Fallon ton-Xmas

Brides-Hills Brides-Hills

Amer. Dad Movie:

Magical Take It All Mystery Tour ”

Say Yes Say Yes

“War of the Worlds”

Beatles Rocked

Dateline NBC

ArtZone Easy Yoga

KING News Jay Leno

Say Yes Say Yes Brides-Hills

Paid Prog. Brides-Hills Say Yes PaidYes Prog. Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Brides-Hills

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

SportsCentre ET Canada The Boxing: Fish’n Children SportsCentre The Talk Mentalist Raymundo Real Fishing Corner Gas

Coronation CrossBreakfast Country Ski

Letterman Doodlebops Ferguson Paid Prog.

ET Canada Fish TV Murder Jimmy Duck D. Call Me Fish’n English Pre- Myster. Upside Dwn Kimmel Recipe Live Duck Be theD.Boss Claus T.U.F.F. The Talk ICC Cricket Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food ” Turtles

Lang & CBC News O’Leary CBC News

American Jungle Gold Chopper ”

The Office Paid Prog. King of Hill Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Undercover Paid Prog. Boss

Smart Nick and People Norah’s

for Arthritis Bob Builder Health-Joel SciGirls

” Gardening Jimmy Fallon Paid Prog.

Beltran vs. Powerboat Ji-Hoon Kim Driving TV

It Is Written Car Bnss

Skiing ”

College Basketball:

Powerboat Driving TV

Dangerous Flights

Kids News Old House

Undercover Boss

Infinite Playlist

3 Steps to Incredible

Action Sports

Figure Skating:

Crossroads Classic

Salvage Hunters

Paid Prog. Youthful

Undercover Boss

Jim Browns

Health!-Joel Alone in the

” Boxing

” ”

Canada’s Two Men Worst Driver Big Bang

Undercover Boss

King King

Wilderness ”

Simpsons Simpsons

MythBusters Bones ” ”

Undercover Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Motown: Big Challenge, Hits and First Day

JungleCab Gold Cash ” How/Made

Paid Offi Prog. The ce Paid Prog. Jim

Undercover Boss

Nick Offi andce The Norah’s The Office

Bob Builder More (My SciGirls Music)

Gardening Poppy Cat Paid Prog. Justin Time

Dangerous Cash Cab Flights Cash Cab

Kids How News I Met Old HowHouse I Met

Undercover More Crazy Boss Christmas

Infi nite Seinfeld Playlist Seinfeld

3 Steps to Doo Wop Incredible Discoveries

Action Exploration Sports Kids News

Auction Salvage Auction Hunters

30 Rock Paid Prog. Raymond Youthful

Golf: Wendy’s

Noon News Hour

Operation Smile

Three Tour Challenge

Family Simpsons

SportsCentre Grand Prix ” Final

Simpsons Simpsons

Lovett-Reid Dr. Marla &

CrossCountry Ski

” ”

Boxing: Fish’n Children SportsCentre Movie: Sugar Raymundo Real Fishing Corner Gas ” “Quantum of Surprise

CrossNational Country Ski HNIC

Doodlebops Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Doodlebops

” ”

Beltran vs. Powerboat High Stakes Solace” Ji-Hoon Kim Driving Poker ” TV

It Is Written The Musical Skiing NHL Car Bnss ” Brain Hockey:

High Golf: Stakes Poker Wendy’s

” etalk Noon News Operation CHBC Central Hour News App Smile

High ThreeStakes Tour Poker Challenge

Global CTV News Family Nat. SportsCentre Grand” Prix CHBC News ” Simpsons Final ”

SportsCentre Recipe ” Simpsons Boxing: Fish’n to Riches ” Simpsons Raymundo Real Fishing ” Movie: SportsCentre Movie: Beltran vs. Powerboat 30 for ”30Kim “Quantum “Christmas Ji-Hoon Driving TV of ” Town” High Solace” Golf: Stakes Noon News ” Poker Wendy’s Hour ””

SportsCentre Real SherHigh ” ThreeStakes Tour Family ” lock Holmes Poker CHBC News Challenge Simpsons SportsCentre News Final High Stakes Global Nat. ” Simpsons ” Saturday Poker ” CHBC News Simpsons SportsCentre Night Live Movie: to SportsCentre Recipe SportsCentre ” “Quantum of ” Riches

Regional Figure Coverage Skating:

Santa Claus, Lovett-Reid Children Town Dr. Marla & Corner Gas Transformers Sugar It Is Written ” Surprise Car Bnss

NHL CrossCrossHockey: Country Country Ski Ski Oilers National Skiing at Avalanche HNIC ”

” The Musical Operation Brain Smile ” ” etalk SportsCentre ”” App Central CTV News CTV News Lovett-Reid CTV News ” Dr. Marla & Inside Man Sugar Claus, Santa ” Surprise Town



KNOW News KOMO Nightline * `

Hockey Mega UFC Central Builders

A&E 1



Soccer Dew Tour

Dino Dan Sea Rescue Be the Boss Turtles The Gruffalo Born-Explore ” Beywheelz

Now With Christine

Noon News Hour

” Curling:

Dogs Dogs


Family Simpsons

Grand Slam, Rivers Quarterfinal Rivers


SNP ” ) ”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

The Shawshank

Wipeout ”

Redemption Yu-Gi-Oh! ” Monsuno

KNOW KOMO ESPN Sports * ` Saturday

Mega Builders

Fish’n English Pre- Frontiers Upside Dwn Movie: Sportsnet of Recipe ” Real Fishing mier League Construction Miss BG Food ” “Quantum of Connected

CollegeStars Solace” Powerboat Sports Basketball: Driving Big World ” TV

Soccer NFL Game. Dew Tour Curling:

” Noon News Global Hour Nat.

Grand” Slam, Dogs Joanna Semifi nal Lumley Curling: Dogs

CBS News ” KIRO News Boxing

News Hour Family ” Simpsons

Wilderness Grand” Slam, Rivers ” nal Rivers” Quarterfi

Entertain” Doodlebops ment ’Night ” Paid Prog. Movie: Paid Prog. College “Elf” Doodlebops Basketball:



A Flintstone Christmas

Be the Boss Ice T.U.F.F. CBC News Storage Age National ” Turtles CBC News Storage Madagascar Mansbridge

News Paid Prog.

Storage The Storage Shawshank






WTBS ” ” A





” ” Golf: PNC Father/Son


Invasion of Movie: Undercover Jim Cmas Boss Lights “The Browns

(My Music) Health!-Joel Alone ”in the

KING ”5 News ”

Parking The Legend National Big Bang Redemption Yu-Gi-Oh! ” Canada’s Two Men Parking of Frosty the Marketplace TwoBang Men ” Monsuno ” Worst Driver Big

Invasion: Undercover Lights Boss

The British Wilderness Beat (My ”

Nightly News Golf: PNC News Father/Son

My Crazy Undercover Undercover Obsession Boss Boss Invasion of Undercover Undercover Cmas Lights Boss Boss

Music) Motown: Big Bob Builder ” Hits and SciGirls The Queen’s More (My 3 Steps to Palaces Music) Incredible

” (My Music) Wilderness Heart ”of

Paid Prog. Challenge, Gardening Backroads First Paid Day Prog. Chicago Fire Poppy Action Cat Justin ”Time Sports Movie: Exploration ” “Liberty Kids News ” Stands KINGPNC 5 Still” Golf: News ” Father/Son

Perfect The British Motown: Big HealthBeatand (My Hits Watson More (My Music) Super Brain Music)”

KING NightlyNews News Challenge, Saturday NewsDay First Night Live Poppy Cat Paid Prog. ” Justin Time Backroads

A&E 1

” fi fth estate Pokémon Birak That’s-Weird ” Power


News Paid Prog. KNOW World KOMO KOMO 4 Wipeout News * ` ”



Castro’s National CBC News Cuba Issue CBC News Doc National Now Zone With ” Mansbridge Christine

Sportsnet ” PreEnglish Connected ” mier League Skiing Sportsnet Soccer ” Connected Dew Tour

Journey to Mega Upside Dwn Europa Builders Miss BG Heartbeat Frontiers Dino Danof ” Construction The Gruffalo

Seattle ESPN RecipeSports Children’s Saturday Food Transformers ” Sea Rescue ”” Born-Explore

Exterminator Be the” Boss Exterminator ”” Exterminator Storage Be the Boss Exterminator Storage ”

Snowman A Flintstone T.U.F.F. League/Evil Christmas Turtles The Dog Ice Age Turtles Who Saved Madagascar Beywheelz

NHL Figure” HNIC After Hockey: Skating: Hours Regional Grand Prix News Coverage Final

Recipe Simpsons Fish’n to Riches Simpsons Real Fishing Movie: Movie: Powerboat “Christmas “Quantum Driving TV of ” Stars Town” Sports Solace” Crossroads Noon News ” Big World Classic Hour ”” 48 Hours Real SherKIRO ”News Family ” lock Holmes KIRO ”News Simpsons Global Nat. Boxing

Bobsledding NFL Game. ” ” Curling: Sportsnet Grand Slam, Connected Semifinalnal Quarterfi

A Touch of Redwoods: Dogs Frost Anatomy Dogs ” Joanna Rivers ” Lumley Rivers

” Cash Cab Paid Prog. ” Cash Cab Paid Prog. ” News Wipeout World ””News

Storage Storage The Storage Storage Shawshank Parking Storage Redemption Parking Storage ”

Christmas A Fairly Odd Pokémon Vacation Christmas Power Zoink’d! ” Yu-Gi-Oh! Splatalot That’s-Weird Monsuno

NHL Hockey ” Cross”” Country Ski ” National NHL ” HNIC Hockey:

KIRO CBS News ”News The Insider KIRO ”News Paid Prog. Paid Prog. EntertainPaid Prog. Doodlebops ment ’Night

European ” Poker ”Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Warriors of Wilderness Mega the Night ” Builders A Touch of Frontiersto of Journey Frost Construction Europa

News KOMOSports 4 ESPN Burn NewsNotice Saturday ” ” Seattle Castle ” Children’s

Exterminator Parking ” Exterminator Parking ” Exterminator Storage Exterminator Exterminator Storage Exterminator

Zoink’d! The Legend A Flintstone Splatalot of Frosty the Christmas Dog Who Ice Age Snowman Saved Madagascar League/Evil

News Final News Hour Simpsons Saturday ” Simpsons Night Live Movie: to Recipe ” “Quantum of Riches


National Issue

Dino Dan Sea Be the Boss Turtles With Redwoods: CashRescue Cab Storage A Fairly Odd Now Doc Zone The Gruffalo Born-Explore ” Beywheelz Christine Anatomy Cash Cab Storage Christmas ”

KIRO News Crossroads KIRO News Classic


A&E ” 1 ”

Pokémon Power

Canada’s News Worst Driver 30 Rock



Sons MythBusters JungleofGold Guns ”” Gold Rush Cash Cab Dangerous ” How/Made Flights


Big Bones PaidBang Prog. Two ” Paid Men Prog. Cops The Offi ce Kids News Cops Jim Old House National Canada’s Kitchen Doc Cash Cab How I Met BirakZone Salvage Paid Prog. Mansbridge Worst Driver Nightmares ” Cash Cab How I Met Hunters Youthful Castro’s Auction News fifth estate Auction 30 Rock ” Canada’s Two Men Cuba ” Auction Wanted Auction Raymond Worst Driver Big Bang National Sons of MasterChef Canada’s Big Bang National MythBusters Bones Issue ” Marketplace Guns Worst ”Driver Two Men Issue ” National MythBusters 30 Seconds National Cash of Cab TheBang Office Castro’s Sons Big Mansbridge ” Step Up Mansbridge Guns How/Made Jim Men Cuba Two



Reaping” King King ”

Movie: Family Guy Nick and “The Family Norah’sGuy Forsaken” The Offi Infinite ce ” ce The Offi Playlist Invasion: More Crazy Movie: Seinfeld Undercover Jim Lights “S.W.A.T.” Christmas Seinfeld Boss Browns My Crazyof Invasion Movie:” Undercover King Obsession Cmas Lights King “The ” Boss More Crazy Family Movie: Invasion: Reaping” Undercover Guy Christmas “Monster-inLights Boss Family” Guy Paid Prog. Undercover My Crazy Paid Prog. Boss Obsession

Law” The Office Movie: ” The Office “The


American Doo Wop Health!-Joel Masters Discoveries Alone in the


“Paul Blart: Corner Gas Dragons’ Blart: 10Country :30 Football :00 Calendar Wednesday, December 12,”2012“Paul Osteen rLake Mall Mall Rockets at Joel Cop” Osteen Corner” Gas Den Steven and Pets.TV Regional Joel Cop” 4 :30 :00 Night

11:00 :30


Lorna Dueck

Raptors NFL

In Touch ”

Marketplace Football:

Chris at Eloise

Lorna Dueck Grand” Slam, Sportsnet Final In Touch ” ” Connected Global Nat. UEFA Noon News ”Mag Hour Hour Snowbrd News Bobsledding

Little Prince Victorian Farm Little Prince WildQueen’s Kratts The Palaces Animals Animals at Frontiers of Construction Work ” Stonehenge

Paid Shawshank To BeProg. Storage Announced Dirty House? Storage Redemption Paid Prog. Movie: News Storage World News Storage Touch the “A Time to Wall Kill” KOMO 4 Storage News ” Storage ” Funny ”Home Be the”Boss

iCarly Merry Christmas, Victorious How to&Rock Drake Josh The Santa Claus Movie: “Fred Parade Movie: Claus”

News fiCBC fth estate ” Now With Christine Super Flood Birak ” ” CBC News: The National ” Diana:”Book

” Auction Auction Auction Auction Strip the City Auction Auction X-Ray: Yellowstone Nevada Triangle MythBusters

Paid Prog. Prog. Paid Insanity! 30 Rock The Offi Trout TVce T. McCarver Juice and Lose! Big Bang Two NFLMen Football: Cleveland

Decoded What’s That About? New Tricks DinoRapidly Dan ” The Little Prince Changing Lewis Little Prince ” Victorian Wild FarmKratts ” Animals ” The Queen’s Animals Palaces at Movie: Work Frontiers of “Lightning in ” Construction a Bottle” What’s Stonehenge ” That About? Decoded

”” Wipeout Be the”Boss Rescue The ” ” Extreme Storage Paid Prog. Shawshank Makeover Storage BachelorStorage Dirty House? Storage Redemption ette: Ashley To Be Storage Paid Prog. Movie: Announced Storage and J.P.’s Storage Touch “A Time to Wedding Storage News the Storage Wall Kill” World News Storage News Be the Boss KOMO” 4 Storage Castle ”” ” News ” Storage ” Be the Boss Extreme Funny Home Be the”” Boss Burn Notice Makeover ” Videos

” “Blizzard” ”” Winx Club Movie ” iCarly ” Zoink’d! Victorious The Funny Merry How to Rock Christmas, Pick The Santa Splatalot Drake & Claus Josh The Funny Parade Movie: Splatalot Movie: “Fred Fred Claus “Blizzard” Claus”” ”

”” Marketplace Super Flood CBCZone News ” Doc CBC News ” CBC News: Now With The fifth National estate Christine Diana:”Book Birak Super” Flood ” Super ”Flood CBC News: ”” ” The National CBC News: ” Book Diana: The National Marketplace ”

” MythBusters ” Auction Dirty Jobs Auction Cash Cab ” How/Made Strip the Auction City Auction Auction Auction X-Ray: Auction Yellowstone Strip the Auction City MythBusters Nevada X-Ray: ” Triangle Yellowstone Strip the MythBusters City ”

Cleveland Simpsons Simpsons Survivor: NBA Block SportsCentre SportsCentre Philippines Simpsons Basketball: Lorna Dueck ” Movie: ” ” Rockets Joel Motoring ”Blart: Football at “PaulOsteen Raptors In Touch Night Mall Cop” SportsCentre Survivor: Noon News Philippines NFL ”” ” SportsCentre Hour Football: CHBCFinal News SportsCentre News Boxing The Best 49ers ”at Global Nat. Block ” Years Patriots CHBC News SportsCentre Family Guy Simpsons ”” Ent ” Simpsons Cleveland

Coverage KIRO News KIRO News ” ” CBS News ” ” Jian KIRO SportsCentre Q With NFL News Ghomeshi Football: Movie:” Rudolph, the 60 Minutes “Horses Reindeer ” Questionof Figure Regional Period Skating: Coverage McBride” National Survivor: NFL Football Coronation NFL ” ” Lampoon’s Philippines First Story Grand Prix ” Marketplace Football: First Story Final Flashpoint Christmas ”” Steven and Regional ”” Gas Vacation ”” Corner Dragons’ ” Gas Chris Coverage Corner Den News: Survivor: Pets.TV Flashpoint CBC Land &at Sea Philippines The National W5 ”” Eloise KIRO ”News ”” Mansbridge ”News ChristmasKIRO News CTV News CBC News KIRO SportsCentre With Jian KIRO NFL CTV News News time CBS News CTV fiQ fth estate News ” Ghomeshi Football: ” KIRO News The ” Face/Nation Question Figure Regional Movie: Rudolph, the Paid 60 Minutes Mentalist Canadian Prog. Period Skating: Coverage “Horses of Reindeer ”

” The Best Years Simpsons Cleveland Simpsons Simpsons Survivor: Block Philippines Simpsons Lorna Dueck Movie: ” Joel ”Blart: “PaulOsteen In Touch Mall Cop” Survivor: Noon News Philippines ” Hour GlobalFinal Nat. News The Best News Hour Block Years ” Family Guy Simpsons Ent Simpsons Cleveland

NFL ” Football: Skiing ” TBA Teams ” The Ultimate Curling: Fighter ” Grand” Slam, ” Final ”” ” Sportsnet Sportsnet ” Connected Connected Snowbrd UEFA Mag European NFL Bobsledding Poker Tour Football: ” Sportsnet Teams Skiing TBA Connected ”

SportsCentre Simpsons ” Survivor: ” Movie: SportsCentre Philippines

First Story McBride” First Story ”

Simpsons Survivor: Movie: Philippines

” The The Ultimate NewRapidly Tricks ” Changing Fighter ”

Extreme Wipeout Makeover ”

Football ” Night Motoring

Corner Gas Flashpoint Corner ” Gas

CHBC News ”” Christmas” Noon News Land & Sea 5 :30 :00 Football: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2012 SportsCentre Hour Nat. ” Mansbridge 12 :30 49ers at Global CTV News time W5

:00 6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 1:30 :30 :00 7 :00 # $ % & _ 2:30 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 10 :30 3:00 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 11 :30 4:00 :30 :00 10 :30 12 :30 5:00 :00 11 :30 1 :30 6:00 :00 12 2 :30 7:30 :00 3 8 :30 :00 4 9 :30 :00 5 :30 10 :00 11 6 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :00 8 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2012 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :30 :00 :00 11:30 :30 10 :00 :00 12 :30 11 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2012 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11:00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2012 :00 :00 6 :30 1:00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 2:30 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 :00 8 :30 3:00 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 11:00 :30 :00 :00 10 5:30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 6:30 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 7:30 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2012 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 10 :30 :00 :00 10 11:30 :30 :00 :00 11 12:30 :30 :00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2012 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 5 :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2012 :00 :00 1:30 :30 6 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2:30 :30 7 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3:30 :30 8 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 4:30 :30 9 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 5:30 :30 10 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 6:30 :30 11 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 7:30 :30 12 :00 :00 2 8 :30 :30 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2012 :00 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 4 :30 10 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 5 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 8 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 9 :30 :00 2 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 4 :00 :30 :00 12 5 :30 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 Patriots Boxing ””

CHBC News The Best Years Simpsons

”” ””

“Paul Blart: ” Mall Cop” ”

Grand Prix National Final Lampoon’s

” Survivor: ” Philippines

Dragons’ Christmas Den Vacation

” Pets.TV ”



KNOW KOMO Videos Extreme * ` Makeover

A&E 1


Storage ” Be the Boss Storage ” Movie ”



Doc Zone Cab Super Flood Cash Auction ” How/Made Auction

Sin City Big Bang Crowned” Football A13 Rules Big Bang ” Night in Dateline: ” McLaughlin ” Real Life


Wild Kratts


Real Life Sister Wives ” Dateline: Real Life Sister Wives Sister Wives Dateline: Real Life Sin City

Movie: Movie: “Dreamer: “Road to Perdition” Inspired by a True Story” ” ””

NewsYoga Easy for Arthritis Moyers & Company Moyers & Company Super Brain With Dr. Christmas

” America NFL Golf: PNC Father/Son Football: 49ers at Challenge, Final Round Patriots

Cleveland Regional Coverage Simpsons Paid Prog. Burgers ” Paid Prog. Family”Guy 30 Rock Amer. Dad Paid Prog. The Office Insanity! News Juice and TMZ Trout TV Lose! T. McCarver ” NFL Big Bang Sunny Football: Two Men Sunny Regional Cleveland Spokane Coverage Cleveland

Rules Dateline: Real Life Sister Wives Dateline: Sister Wives Dateline: Real Life Life Real Sin City Dateline: Rules Sin City Real RulesLife Sister Wives Dateline: Sister”Wives Real Life ” Sin City Dateline: Sister Wives Rules Real Life Sister Wives Paid Prog. Dateline: Sin City Paid Prog. Real RulesLife

Movie: The Closer ” “Seabiscuit” MenBang in ” Black Big II Big Bang ” ” The Closer Big Bang Movie: Big Bang ” “Road Movie: Movie: to Perdition” “Dreamer: “Blue ” by a Inspired Streak” ” True Story” ” The Closer ” There Yet? Movie:”

Tree RudyLighting Tanzi Heart Choir Bob Builder ” Movie: Wild KrattsIs “A Queen Masterpiece McLaughlin Classic Crowned” News ” Masterpiece Moyers & Classic Easy Yoga Company for Arthritis The British Super Brain Moyers & Beat (My With Dr. Company Music) Rudy Christmas ”Tanzi Heart Tree Lighting

” Action 5th Quarter LazyTown Sports The Wiggles KING 5 ” News Football ” Night in Dateline Golf: PNC NBC America Father/Son NFL KING News Challenge, Football: Almost Live Final 49ersRound at Paid Prog. ” Patriots Paid Prog. ”

” Simpsons ” Burgers

Dateline: Bang Sister Wives Big “Seabiscuit” Real SisterLife Wives Big Bang ”

Movie: Choir “A Queen Is ”

LazyTown ” The Wiggles 5th Quarter




“Paul Blart: ” Mall Cop” ”

” Sportsnet ”

Victorian Lewis Farm ”

To Be BachelorAnnounced ette: Ashley

Storage Storage

Merry Zoink’d! Christmas, The Funny

fi fth estate CBC News: Auction Strip the ” Auction The National City

Paid Prog. Family Guy Insanity! Amer. Dad

Sin City Rules

NFL ” W5 SportsCentre Survivor: Flashpoint Football: CHBC News ” Philippines ”

EloiseNews: at KIRO News CBC Survivor: ChristmasKIRO News The National Philippines

” Survivor: Global Nat. Philippines

Connected Sportsnet UEFA Mag Connected

The Queen’s News ” and J.P.’s Palaces World News ” Wedding

Storage Storage

Drake & Pick Josh Splatalot

Super Flood Strip the Diana: Book X-Ray: City ” Yellowstone

Trout TV News T. McCarver TMZ

Sister Wives Movie:” “Dreamer: ” Movie:

SportsCentre News CTV News 49ers at GlobalFinal Nat. ” Block Patriots CHBC News CTV News ”

CBC time News fifth estate ”

News Final Hour Block ”

European Bobsledding Movie: Frontiers of News KOMO 4 Poker ”Tour “Lightning in Castle Construction News

Be the Boss Storage ” Storage

The Funny Movie: Splatalot “Fred

Super Flood MythBusters ” CBC News: X-Ray: Big Bang ” ” Sunny The National Yellowstone Two Men

Funny”Home Be the Boss Burn Notice ” Videos

Fred Claus Claus” ”

KIRO News CBS News KIRO News

SportsCentre Family Guy ” Simpsons Ent ” Cleveland

The Movie: Mentalist “Horses of

” Rudolph, the Face/Nation 60 Minutes Canadian Paid Prog. Reindeer ”

Family Guy Simpsons Ent Cleveland

Sportsnet Skiing Connected ”

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McBride” ”

National Lampoon’s

Survivor: Philippines

The Ultimate New Tricks Fighter ”

” Motoring

” ”

SportsCentre Survivor: ” Philippines

Survivor: Philippines

Flashpoint ”

Christmas Vacation

Flashpoint ”

CBC News: Survivor: The National Philippines

” ”

” ”

Sin City British Sister Wives “Blue Inspired by a The Moyers & Rules Beat (My Sister Wives Streak” True Story” Company

CBC News: the Sunny Diana: Book Strip MythBusters Cleveland The National City ” Spokane ” Cleveland

Paid Prog. Sin City Paid RulesProg.

Super Flood Auction ” Auction

Sister Wives “Seabiscuit” Sister Wives ”

Simpsons Burgers

” There Movie:Yet?

Music) Paid Prog. Christmas Patriots ” Paid Prog. Tree Lighting ”

Choir ”

” 5th Quarter

Storage Storage

Zoink’d! The Funny

CBC News: Strip the The National City


Sin City Rules

Pick Splatalot


Family Guy Amer. Dad

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Diana: Book X-Ray: ” Yellowstone

News TMZ

Sister Wives ” ” Movie:

Masterpiece Dateline Classic NBC



MythBusters Mighty Planes” Strip the Dangerous City Flights

” ce The Offi Sunny How I Met Sunny Family Feud Spokane Family Feud

Sin City Baby Story RulesStory Baby Paid Prog. Cake Boss Paid Prog. Cake Boss

“Blue Law Order: Streak” CI ” Law Order: There Yet? CI

TheScience British Sid BeatKratts (My Wild Music) Daniel Tiger ” Rick Steves

KING News Today Almost Live cont’d Paid Day Prog. New Paid Prog. Northwest

Deadliest Catch

Perry Mason What Not to ” Wear

Excused Excused

3 Steps to Incredible

KING 5 News

Law Order: CI

Days of our Lives

A&E 1




” The Closer

KING News Football: Almost 49ers atLive

KNOW KOMO ” and J.P.’s ” Wedding * `

Bachelorette: Ashley

Be the Boss ” ” Movie

Crowned” Masterpiece Football KING 5 ” Night Classic News in Easy Yoga America Masterpiece Dateline for Arthritis NFL Classic NBC

Sportsnet Connected



Wipeout ”

KING ”” P ”


Survivor: Philippines

” ”

a Bottle” Stonehenge ” Decoded

Big Bang ” Big TheBang Closer



Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

SportsCentre News Final The CTVView News Sportfi shing The Doctors ” Block ” CTV News Motoring ” SportsCentre Family Guy The Engraved on Mamas The Marilyn ” Ent Mentalist a Nation Debt/Part Denis Show

CBC News Poko fifth estate Doodlebops Steven” and Canadian Chris

KIRO News News Final The Price Is The Doctors KIRO News Block ” Right Face/Nation Family Young & Mamas Guy Paid Prog. Ent Restless Debt/Part

European Sportsnet Poker Tour Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Movie: Noodle “Lightning in Timothy a Bottle” JoeJack ” G. Shrinks

News The View Castle” KOMO” 4 Burn Notice News

Be the Boss Criminal Minds ” Be the Boss Criminal Minds ”

The20 Funny Top Splatalot Legend-Tree Fred RatedClaus A for ” Hero Rescue

Super Flood CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Reshmi Nair The National ”

NFL PrimeTime

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Arthur Peep, Big

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents

” ”

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

The First 48 ”

SpongeBob! CBC News Oddities Tis/ Smurfy Now-Nichols Oddities

There Yet? There Yet?

Health!-Joel ”

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Jeff EPL Review Mag Fero Deal Probst Show ” Rolie Polie

The First 48 ”

Yogi Penguins

Power & Politics

Moonshiners Funny Home Gown ” Videos Gown

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

SportsCentre Sportfishing Monday Motoring Night Engraved on Countdown a Nation ” NFL NFL PrimeTime Football: NFL Live New York ” Jets at Off Record Tennessee Interruption

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Mamas Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days of our CHBC News Lives Ent The Jeff ET Canada Probst Show

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News The Dr. Oz ” Show etalk Dr. Phil Big Bang ”

Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC News News Now News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’s Make a The Insider Deal

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Mamas Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our ” Lives Ent The Jeff ET Canada Probst Show

European Sportsnet Poker Tour Connected World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time HockeycenSports tral at Noon Sportsnet Soccer Connected Central UEFA Mag EPL Review UFC Central ”

Dinosaur Noodle Arthur Timothy Clifford-Dog Joe- Jack WordWorld G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Arthur Wild Kratts Peep, Big Animals Poppetstown Gardens Save-Ums! Wilderness Mag Fero Rolie ”Polie

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ”

The First 48 Criminal ” Minds Hoarders Criminal ” Minds Hoarders The First 48 ” ” Hoarders The First 48 ” ” Intervention The First 48 ””

Dog for Top 20 Christmas Legend-Tree A Flintstones Rated A for Christmas Rescue Hero Carol Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob! Odd Parents Tis/ Smurfy SpongeBob! Pink Panther Tis/ Smurfy Panda Yogi Yogi Penguins

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary ” CBC News ” ” ” CBC News: CBC News The National Now-Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics

Cash Cab Mighty How/Made Planes Daily Planet Dangerous ” Flights MythBusters Deadliest ” Catch Sons of Oddities Guns Oddities Canada’s Moonshiners Worst ”Driver

The Ricki The Office Lake Show How I Met Anderson Family Feud Live Family Feud Simpsons Perry Mason Raymond ” Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos

The Office Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King

Cat in the Ellen DeGeSid Science Today Arthur neres Show Wild Kratts cont’d Wild Kratts Katie Daniel Tiger New Day WordGirl ” Rick Steves Northwest Business KING 5 3 Steps to KING 5 World News News Incredible News PBS Nightly News Health!-Joel Days of our NewsHour News ” Lives Easy Yoga Magazine Charlie Rose Dr. Phil for Arthritis Inside ” ”Ed.

Titans SportsCentre Movie: The Ricki Sportfi shing “Arctic The Doctors SportsCentre Monday Lake Show Motoring ” Blast” Night ” Young & Engraved on NFL Films ” Countdown Mamas Restless a Nation Debt/Part SportsCentre Hawaii ” News FiveNFL Noon News 0 NFL ” ” PrimeTime Hour SportsCentre CHBC Football: Global News Nat. NFL Live Days of our ” Final New York CHBC News ” Lives SportsCentre ET Canada Jets at Ent Off Record The Jeff ” The Talk Tennessee ET Canada Interruption Probst Show Titans Movie: SportsCentre Ricki SportsCentre The “Arctic Monday Lake Show ” Blast” Night Young”& NFL Films Countdown Restless SportsCentre Hawaii Five”” News 0 NFL ” SportsCentre CHBC News Football: Global Nat. ” Final New York CHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada Jets at” Ent Talk The Tennessee ET Canada

The Voice Ellen DeGeThe View neres ”Show ” ” Anderson The Marilyn Big LiveBang Denis Show Castle CTV News CTV News ” at Five ” CTV CTV News News The Dr. CTV News ” Oz Show Daily etalk Show Dr. Colbert Rep Big Phil Bang ” The Voice Ellen DeGe” neres Show ” Anderson Big Bang Live Castle CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV News ” Daily Show etalk Colbert Rep Big Bang

Movie: Best Recipes PokoSanta “The Stefano Doodlebops Clause” Dragons’ Steven Den ” and Chris CBC NewsNews: CBC News The National News Now CBC NewsNews Heartland George S Exchange ” Coronation George S Steven and Being Erica Coronation Chris Movie: Best “The Recipes Santa Stefano Clause” Dragons’ ” Den CBC News: News The National News CBC News News S George Exchange Coronation George S Being Erica Coronation

How I Met ThisMinute The Price How I Met Is ThisMinute Right Broke JudgeGirl Judy Young & Mike Judge Judy Restless Hawaii FiveKIRO News KIRO 0 KIRO News News Bold KIRO KIRO News News The Late Show CBSTalk News ” Letterman Ent Let’s Make a Ferguson The Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute How I Met ThisMinute Broke Girl Judge Mike Judy Judge Judy Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO News KIRO News KIROShow News Late CBS News Letterman Ent Ferguson The Insider

Movie: The Ricki The Doctors “Arctic Lake Show ” Blast” Young & Mamas ” Restless Debt/Part Hawaii FiveEarly News Noon 0 GlobalNews Nat. Hour News News Hour Hour Days of Final ” our Lives ET EntCanada The Jeff The Talk ET Canada Probst Show Movie: The Ricki “Arctic Lake Show Blast” Young”& Restless Hawaii FiveEarly News 0 Global Nat. News Hour News Hour Final ” ET Canada Ent Talk The ET Canada

The Ultimate European Sportsnet Fighter Poker Tour Connected World”Poker Sportsnet Tour ” Connected Sportsnet Prime Time HockeycenConnected Sports tral at Noon Central Sportsnet Soccer UFC Central Connected Central Skiing UEFA Mag EPL ” UFC Review Central ” The Ultimate European Fighter Poker Tour ” World ”Poker Tour Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sports Central Sportsnet UFC Central Connected Skiing UEFA ”Mag UFC Central

The Queen’s Dinosaur Noodle Palaces Arthur Timothy Carol ChanClifford-Dog JoeJack ning: Larger WordWorld G. Shrinks Than Life Dive, Olly Arthur Window Wild Kratts Peep, Big Coast Salish Animals Poppetstown Knitters Gardens Save-Ums! Carol ChanWilderness Mag Fero ning: Larger ” Rolie Polie The Queen’s Dinosaur Palaces Arthur Carol ChanClifford-Dog ning: Larger WordWorld Than Life Dive, Olly Window Wild Kratts Coast Salish Animals Knitters Gardens Carol ChanWilderness ning: Larger ”

Extreme The Dr. Oz The View Makeover Show ” Extreme KOMO 4 KOMO Makeover News 4 News Castle News The Chew ”News World ” News KOMO 4 General Nightline News Hospital Jimmy Wheel The Doctors Kimmel Live Jeopardy! ” Extreme The Dr. Oz Makeover Show Extreme KOMO 4 Makeover News Castle News ” World News News KOMO 4 Nightline News Jimmy Wheel Live Kimmel Jeopardy!

Intervention The First 48 Criminal ”” Minds Hoarders Hoarders Criminal ”” Minds Hoarders Hoarders The First 48 ”” ” Intervention Hoarders The First 48 ”” ” Intervention Intervention The First 48 ”” ” Intervention The First 48 ” ” Hoarders Hoarders ” ” Hoarders Hoarders ” ” Intervention Hoarders ” ” Intervention Intervention ” ”

The CBC News: DogLegend for ” Top 20 the The CBCNational News of Frosty Christmas ” Legend-Tree Now With Snowman A Flintstones CBC LangNews: & Rated A for Reshmi Funny Home The National Christmas O’Leary Nair Rescue Hero ” Videos CBC Carol CBC News News Kid vs. Kat Mr. Young ””” SpongeBob! Odd Parents ” That’s-Weird Tis/ Smurfy CBC CBC News: News: SpongeBob! CBC News Splatalot Pink Panther The The National National Tis/ Smurfy Now-Nichols ALF’s Lang Panda CBC & News Yogi Power”& Christmas O’Leary Yogi Penguins Politics The Legend CBC News: Dog for the The National ” of Frosty Christmas ” Snowman CBC News: A Flintstones & Funny Home Lang The National Christmas O’Leary Videos CBC News Carol CBC News Mr. Young ” SpongeBob! ” That’s-Weird CBC News: Tis/ Smurfy The CBCNational News: Splatalot Pink Panther The National ALF’s Lang & Panda CBC News Christmas O’Leary Yogi ”

Mighty Ships Cash Cab Mighty ” How/Made Planes Sons Daily of Planet Dangerous Guns ” Flights Canada’s MythBusters Deadliest Worst ”Driver Catch Dirty SonsJobs of Oddities ” Guns Oddities Oddities Canada’s Moonshiners Oddities Worst Driver ” Mighty Ships Cash Cab ” How/Made Sons of Daily Guns Planet ” Canada’s MythBusters Worst Driver ” Dirty Jobs Sons of ” Guns Oddities Canada’s Oddities Worst Driver

Dragons Cake Boss: The Ricki Medium TheAge Offi ce BabyBaker Story Ice Lake Show Next Medium How I Met Baby Story Happiness Anderson Is Cake Cake Boss Boss: Family Feud Cake Boss ” Cake Boss Live Next Baker Family Feud Cake Boss News Cake Boss: Simpsons Cake Boss: Perry Mason Next What Not to 30 Rock Raymond Next Baker Baker ” Wear Sunny Cake Big Bang Cake Boss: Boss: Law Order: Say Yes TMZ Next Baker Two Men Next Baker CI Say Yes The Office Paid Big Bang CakeProg. Boss Funny Gown King of Home Hill Paid Two Men CakeProg. Boss Videos Gown Dragons Cake Boss: The Ricki Medium Ice Age Next Baker Lake Show Medium Happiness Is Cake Boss Anderson Cake ” Cake Boss: Boss Live Next Baker News Cake Boss: Simpsons CakeBaker Boss: 30 Rock Next Raymond Next Baker Sunny Cake Boss: Big Bang CakeBaker Boss: TMZ Next Two Men Next Baker The Office Paid Prog. Big Bang CakeProg. Boss King of Hill Paid Two Men Cake Boss

Family Guy The Offi ce Law Order: Family Guy The Offi ce CI Amer. Dad Big Bang Law Order: Movie: Big Bang CI “Cellular” Browns Excused Payne” Excused ” Browns There Movie: Payne Yet? There Yet? “Catch Me if Seinfeld King You Can” Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Office Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Cellular” Browns ” Payne ” Browns Movie: Payne “Catch Me if Seinfeld You Can” Seinfeld

Antiques The Voice Cat in the Ellen DeGeSid Science neres Today”Show Roadshow Arthur Wild Kratts cont’d Market Wild Kratts Katie ” Daniel Tiger 1600 New Day Warriors Penn WordGirl ” Rick Steves Northwest Great PerTake Business KINGIt5All 3 Steps to KING formances World News News ”5 Incredible News Globe KING News PBS Nightly News Health!-Joel Days of our Trekker Jay Leno NewsHour News ” Lives Tavis Smiley ” Easy Yoga Magazine Charlie Rose Jimmy Dr. PhilEd. Field Guide Fallon for Arthritis Inside ” ” Antiques The Voice Cat in the Ellen DeGeRoadshow ” Arthur neres Show Market ” Wild Kratts Katie Warriors 1600 Penn WordGirl ” Great PerTake It All Business KING ”5 formances World News News Globe KING News PBS Nightly News Trekker Jay Leno NewsHour News Tavis Smiley ” Easy Yoga Magazine Field Guide Jimmy Fallon for Arthritis Inside Ed.

Titans Movie: SportsCentre “Arctic

The Voice ”

Movie: “The Santa

How I Met How I Met

Movie: “Arctic

The Ultimate The Queen’s Extreme Fighter Palaces Makeover

Intervention ”

The Legend CBC News: Mighty Ships Dragons of Frosty the The National ” Ice Age

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

” NFL Films

” Big Bang

Clause” ”

Broke Girl Mike





” CHAN (



” SNP )

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Castle ” 0 ”

CBC News: Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Sportsnet The National 0 0 Connected

Fishing-Flats Doctors SportsCentre The CHBC News The CTVView News 30 for 30 ” ” Final ” CTV News

Poko CBC News Doodlebops George S

” Mamas SportsCentre ET Canada ”” Debt/Part The Talk

The and DailyMarilyn Show Steven Coronation Denis Show Colbert Rep Chris Being Erica

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `


Carol Channing: Larger


KNOW Makeover KOMO Castle * ` ”

Than Life Window

The Price Is KIRO News Right Late Show

The Doctors Noodle View News Hour Sportsnet Central Coast Salish The News Connected School ” Final ” UFC Central To Knitters Nightline

Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson

Mamas ET Canada Debt/Part The Talk

Sportsnet Skiing Connected ”

A&E 1

A&E 1








Flintstone That’s-Weird CBC CBC News News: Mayday Dirty Jobs A Flintstone Now With ”” Splatalot The National

The Office Sunny How TMZ I Met

Christmas ALF’s Puppies Christmas

Family Feud Cake Boss The Offi ce Paid Prog. Family Cake Boss King ofFeud Hill Paid Prog.


CBC News ”


Reshmi Lang & Nair Auction Oddities ” Auction O’Leary Oddities


CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Arthur Peep, Big

The First 48 ”

League/Evil Odd Parents

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

The First 48 ”

Sidekick Top 20

CBC News Canada’s Law Order: Now-Nichols Worst Driver CI

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Jeff Dew Tour Deal Probst Show ”

Maggie Rolie Polie

The First 48 ”

Christmas C. Brown

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Noodle Dinosaur To School Arthur

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Flintstone The Year A Flintstone Without

CBC News ” Now With ”

Mayday Cash Cab ” How/Made

World Poker Raptors at Tour Cavaliers NFL Live ” ” 2012 World

Noon News News Hour ”

SportsCentre Movie: Off Record “The Polar Bill Parcells ”

Express” ”

” ”

Old House Business World News

”” Jimmy KING 5Fallon News

Big Bang Two Men

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Cheer Perfection

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Rick Steves Field Guide

Magazine Inside Ed. The 2012 Miss

” Sportsnet

Animals Undersea

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Christmas C. Brown

CBC News: Invented/ The National World

Ent ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Shipping Shipping

Dog for Christmas

CBC News ”

A Home for Movie: the Holidays “The Polar

Premier The Grid

Diva Mummy The Middle ” Neighbors

CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold: Under

Criminal Minds

On the Edge The King’s ” Singers



O’Leary Lang & “Liar Liar” O’Leary SpongeBob! CBC News SpongeBob ”



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My Wife Mr. Young

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CBC News George S

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Central Premier

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Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Talk

Sportsnet Connected

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MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men

Mod Fam The Year

SportsCentre ET Canada ” The Talk

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Sister Movie: JerseyWives on Big Bang Ice Prog. Big Bang Paid “Double Paid Prog. Jeopardy” Cheer Browns Perfection Payne

Cultural Wild Kratts WordGirl Exchange

King of Hill Simpsons Raymond

News Hour ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News


TMZ Anderson Live Office The

KIRO 7 Ent

Christmas ”

Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The

Baby Story Medium Baby Story Medium


News The Voice ” our Days of Lives The Voice ” Dr. Phil ”” ” Ellen DeGeneres Show KING News

KIRO News CBS News

” Sportsnet Smurfs-Carol Connected

The Ricki Office The How IShow Met Lake


Roadshow First Freedom: Fight Cooking Joy/Painting for Religious Undamming Charlie Rose ” Frontline Cat in ”the Arthur Afropop:

George S Coronation

CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”


Excused Family Guy Family Guy There Yet? There Yet? Amer. Dad Movie: King King “Double Jeopardy” The Office The Offi ” ce

News Exchange

SportsCentre ” CSI: Crime ” Smurfs-Carol Scene

King King


Wear People Little Big SayWorld: Yes SayThree Yes My Wives Gown GownPeople Little Big World: Medium Medium Sister Wives

The ” LangNational & Daily Planet ” Deadliest

Express” ”

Funny Home Gown Videos Gown

” Raising Ben-Kate Law Order: CI New Girl Mindy Funny Home Videos News 30 Rock The Ricki Lake Show Sunny

Splatalot SpongeBob SpongeBob Movie:

The Escape Clause

KING 5 News Days of our Lives

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Storage: Storage NY

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Live From Lincoln Center ”


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” Interruption

Excused Excused There Yet? There Yet?

Say Yes Say Yes


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” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News ”

Perry Mason What Not to ” Wear

Wild Kratts cont’d Katie for Religious The Voice WordGirl Undamming ”” Daniel Tiger New Day Business KING Rick Steves Northwest Frontline ”5 World”News News ” Live From KING 5 PBS Nightly News Lincoln News Afropop: KING News NewsHour News Cultural Jay Leno Center Days of our Rick Steves Magazine ” Lives Exchange ” Outd’r Idaho Jimmy Inside Ed. Old House Charlie Rose Dr. PhilFallon First FreeThe Voice ” ” dom: Fight ” Cat in the Ellen DeGefor Religious neres The Voice Arthur Show Undamming ” Wild Kratts Katie Frontline ” WordGirl ” ” ” Business KING 5 Afropop: World News KING News News Sid Science Today Cultural Jay Leno PBS Kratts Nightly News Wild cont’d Exchange ” NewsHour News Daniel Tiger New Day Old House Jimmy Fallon Northwest Rick Steves Magazine Outd’r Idaho Inside Antiques KING 5Ed.

The EarlyTalk News Global Nat.

Storage Storage Kimmel News Live Storage World News Storage

Today KING News cont’d Jay Leno

CI Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Law Order: Browns CI “Double Payne Jeopardy” Excused Browns Excused ” Payne Movie: There Yet? Seinfeld There Yet? “Double Seinfeld Jeopardy” King Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: Big Bang “Double Big Bang Jeopardy” Browns Payne” Law Order: Movie: Browns CI “Double Payne Law Order: Jeopardy” CI Seinfeld Seinfeld Excused

Final Young & Restless ET Canada

The Border News News

Sid Science Globe Wild Kratts Trekker

Law Order: Tiger New Day “Catch Me if Daniel Tavis Smiley ” CI Rick You Can” FieldSteves Guide Northwest Jimmy Fallon

How I Met Anderson New Girl Live Mindy Family Feud Simpsons Family News Feud Raymond 30 Rock Perry Mason Big Bang ” Sunny Two Men TMZ Law Order: Big Bang CI The Office Two Men King of Home Hill Funny Raising Videos Ben-Kate The Ricki New Girl Lake Show Mindy Anderson News Live 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond The TMZOffice Big Bang How I Met The Offi ce Two Men Family King of Feud Hill Family Feud Big Bang Two PerryMen Mason

Ferguson KIRO News KIRO News

George S Dragons’ Den Coronation

Colbert Rep CTV News at Five

Law Order: ” CI Movie:

Now LangWith & CBC News: O’Leary The National Reshmi Nair CBC News ” CBC News ””” CBC News: News: ” CBC The National The CBCNational News CBC News Now-Nichols Lang & ” O’Leary Power & CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News: ” The National Lang & CBC News O’Leary ” CBC News CBC News: ” CBC News The National CBC With News: Now Lang & The National Reshmi Nair O’Leary ” CBC News ””

Late Show Judge Judy Judge Judy Letterman

CTV News Anderson Live Show Daily

The Talk News ”

Baby Cake Story Boss: Baby Story Next Baker


Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Rick Steves Outd’r ”Idaho Inside ”Ed. Cat in the Ellen DeGeFirst FreeThe Voice Arthur neres dom: Fight Sid Science Today”Show

” CBC News: The CBCNational News Now-Nichols CBC News: The National Power & Politics CBC News ”” ” CBC News:

Final Young & Restless ET Canada

Take It All ”


King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The Offi ce Family Guy The ce Family Guy Law Offi Order:

Odd eld Parents Garfi Pink Panther Top 20 Legend-Tree Funny Home Videos Garfield Tis/ Smurfy Next Star Mr. Young The Nutcracker That’s-Weird

NHL ” Hockey: SportsCentre ” Canadiens at Senators

” 1600 Penn

Great Performances


Gown My Three Gown Wives Medium Little People Medium Big World: Baby Story Baby Story Sister Wives My Three Sister Wives Wives Cake Boss Little People Cake Boss Little People Big World: World: Big What Not to Little People Wear Sister Wives Big World: Sister Wives Say Yes My Three Say Yes Paid Prog. Wives Paid Prog. Gown Little GownPeople Big World: Medium My Three Medium Wives Sister Wives Little SisterPeople Wives Big World: Little People Sister Wives Big World: Baby SisterStory Wives Little People Baby Story Paid Prog. Big World: Cake Boss Paid Prog. Cake Boss My Three Wives What Not to

” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage: NY

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Market Warriors

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” Charlie Brown General Hospital Happy Apt. The 23 Doctors ” Private Practice The Dr. Oz Show News

Now Movie: “The Santa Heartland ” 2” Clause Steven” and Chris News: CBC The National Best Recipes Stefano CBC News


Amer. Dad Movie:

Cake Boss: Next Baker

River Sea Bering Monsters Gold: Under Cash JungleCab Gold How/Made ” Mayday ” DailyRush Planet Gold ”” Auction How/Made Auction Bering Sea How/Made Gold: Sons Under of Gold Rush Guns Jungle Gold ”” Canada’s Bering Sea Worst Driver Deadliest Gold: Under Catch River Jungle Gold Monsters ” Cash Cab Gold Rush How/Made ” Daily Planet Bering” Sea Gold: Under How/Made Jungle Gold How/Made River ” Gold Rush Monsters Deadliest ” Loud Fast N’ Catch Bering” Sea Gold: Under Gold Rush

Peep, Big CivilizationHistory? Poppetstown Save-Ums! Men Who Swim Maggie Rolie Polie Sugartown ” Dinosaur Arthur Shadow-

” Landing Prep & Oz The Dr. Show The Voice ” Dr. Phil ”” ” Ellen DeGeneresNews Show CTV


A&E 1

The Voice ”

Power & CBC News Politics ” ” CBC News: ” The CBCNational News

tral at Noon Sharks at Canucks Soccer Central ” Sportsnet Premier The Grid Sportsnet Connected World Poker Tour Central

Hour NCIS ” our Days of Lives Los NCIS: Angeles The Jeff Probst Show Vegas ” The Ricki Lake Show CHBC News


The Doctors KNOW Wheel KOMO ” Jeopardy! * ` The Dr. Charlie Oz


LawBang Order: Big CI Bang Big Excused Browns Excused Payne There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne

Hour NCIS ” our Days of Lives Los NCIS: Angeles The Jeff Probst Show Vegas ” The Ricki Lake NewsShow Hour

” SportsCentre ” NFL Live 30 for ”30 ” Off Record Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre





Family Feud Sister Cake Boss Anderson Wives Family Feud Sister Cake Boss Live Wives Perry Mason Little WhatPeople Not to Simpsons ” Wear Raymond Big World: LawBang Order: Little Say Yes Big People CI Men SayWorld: Yes Two Big





Reshmi Auction Lang & Nair Daily Planet ” Auction O’Leary ” ” Sons of CBC News How/Made ” Guns ” How/Made CBC News: News Gold Canada’s CBC Rush Now-Nichols The National Worst”Driver

A&E 1

Let’s Make a Ent DealInsider The ThisMinute NCIS ThisMinute ” The Price Is Right Judge Los Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Angeles Young & KIRO News Restless Vegas KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News News Bold KIRO CBSShow News Late The Talk Ent ” Letterman The Insider Ferguson Let’s Make a NCIS Deal ” ThisMinute NCIS: Los ThisMinute Angeles Judge Judy Vegas Judge Judy ” KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News The Late Price ShowIs KIRO News Right Letterman CBS News Young & Ferguson Restless Ent The Insider KIRO News

The Chew News World ”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News


Sid in Science TodayDeGeCat the Ellen Wild Kratts cont’dShow Arthur neres Daniel Tiger Katie New Day Wild Kratts Rick Steves Northwest WordGirl ” Live From KING 5 5 Business KING Lincoln News World News News Center Days of our PBS Nightly News ” Lives NewsHour News

Show Brown The View KOMO” 4 Happy News Apt. 23 4 KOMO News Private World News Practice The Chew KOMO” 4 News News Nightline General Wheel Hospital Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Doctors Charlie ” Brown The Dr. Oz Happy Show Apt. 23 KOMO 4 Private News Practice News News World News The View Nightline KOMO” 4 Jimmy News KOMO Kimmel4Live News Wheel Jeopardy! The Chew

Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes Movie: Stefano “The PokoSanta Doodlebops Dragons’ Clause 2” Den ” Steven and News Chris CBC News: News The CBCNational News NewsNews Now CBC Exchange George S Heartland George ” S Coronation Coronation The Border Steven and Movie: Chris “The Santa Best Recipes Clause 2” Stefano ” Dragons’ CBC Den News: The National News CBC NewsNews Poko George S News Doodlebops Coronation Exchange Steven and The Border Chris George S Coronation CBC News

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ” The Jeff Ent Probst Show ET Canada The NCISRicki Lake Show ” The Doctors Young”Los & NCIS: Restless Angeles Mamas Early News Debt/Part Vegas Global Nat. Noon ”News News Hour Hour Hour News ” Final Days of our Ent Lives ET Canada ET Canada The The Talk Jeff NCIS Probst Show ” The Ricki NCIS:Show Los Lake Angeles Young & Vegas Restless ” Early News News GlobalHour Nat. The FinalDoctors News ”Hour ET Canada ” Mamas The Talk Debt/Part Ent ET Canada Noon News

etalk Big Bang


To School Clifford-Dog Men Who WordWorld Swim Joe- Jack Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Sugartown The Gruffalo Arthur” Animals Peep, Big ShadowDogs With Chief Poppetstown ShadowSave-Ums! Men Who Chief Swim Maggie CivilizationRolie Polie History? Dinosaur Men Who Arthur Swim Clifford-Dog Sugartown WordWorld ” Dive, Olly ShadowThe Gruffalo Noodle Chief Animals To School Men Who Dogs With Joe- Jack Swim G. Shrinks ShadowChief Arthur

KIRO News News KIRO Bold News KIRO The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Criminal Storage Minds Storage


Connected World”Poker Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sportsnet Sports Connected HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon Central Central UFC Central Soccer NHL Central Skiing Hockey: ” Dew Tour Sharks ” at Canucks ” ” Sportsnet World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time Central Sports Sportsnet UFC Central Sportsnet Connected Skiing Central Sportsnet ” Connected NHL Hockey: Hockeycen-

CBC News News Now News Heartland News ” Exchange

Sportsnet Joe- Jack World Poker Clifford-Dog Connected G. Shrinks Tour WordWorld HockeycenArthur Prime Time Dive, Olly tral at Noon Peep, Big Sports The Gruffalo Soccer Poppetstown Sportsnet Animals Central Save-Ums! Central Dogs With Dew Tour Maggie NHL Shadow” Rolie Hockey: Chief Polie Dinosaur Sharks” at Civilization” Arthur Canucks History? Sportsnet Noodle

The Dr. View The Oz Show ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News


Sons of Guns

Christmas The Happy Puppies Elf The First 48 Tis/ League/Evil Storage Smurfy ” Odd Parents Parents Storage Odd The First 48 A Sidekick Storage Flintstone ” Top 20 Storage Christmas The FirstNY 48 Next Christmas Storage: Star ” C. Brown Storage: NY Next Star Storage The Year Storage Garfield Storage Without Storage Pink Panther Criminal Flintstone Minds A Flintstone Storage The Happy Storage Funny Home Storage Elf Storage Videos Criminal Christmas Storage Tis/ Smurfy Minds Puppies Storage Next Star Storage Odd Parents Storage Young The First 48 Mr. League/Evil Storage A Flintstone ” NY That’s-Weird Odd Parents Storage: Storage Christmas Storage: The FirstNY 48 Splatalot Sidekick Storage: Next20 Star ” NY Movie: Top Storage Storage: NY Next Liar” Star Storage The First 48 “Liar Christmas Storage Garfi eld ” C. Brown Storage Pink Panther Storage The Year Funny Home Storage Without Storage Videos Storage The Happy Storage Next Storage Elf Star Storage Mr. Young Storage Tis/ Smurfy Storage: Storage NY That’s-Weird Odd Parents Criminal Storage: NY Yogi Splatalot Storage A Flintstone Minds Rugrats Storage Movie: Storage Christmas Criminal ” Storage “Liar Liar” Minds SantaStar Claus Storage: NY Next Storage: NY Next Star The First 48 League/Evil

CTV News News CTV at Five” Days of our The Dr. Oz Global Nat. CTV News Lives News Show ” CHBC Off Record The Jeff Dr. Phil Series of Ent etalk Interruption ET Probst Show Big Bang ” Poker Canada SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGeSportsCentre NCIS Landing Lake Show neres ”” ” Prep &Show Fishing-Flats The Doctors The View 30 for 30 30 ” NBA Young”Los & Anderson 30 for NCIS: The Voice Basketball: Restless Live ”” Angeles ” Mamas The Marilyn Raptors at News CTV News ” Debt/Part Denis SportsCentre Vegas ”Show Cavaliers ” at Five ” World”Poker Noon ”News CTV News Global News Nat. CTV CTV News News Tour ” Hour ” SportsCentre CHBC 2012 World CHBC News ” ” Final News NFL Live Days of our CTV The Dr. Oz Series of Ent etalk ” Lives Show SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Poker” ET Canada Big Bang The Colbert Off Record The Talk Jeff Dr. Phil Rep SportsCentre NCIS Interruption Probst Show Landing ” ” ” Prep & SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe30 for ”30 NCIS:Show Los The Voice Lake neres Show ” Angeles ” NBA Young & Anderson SportsCentre Vegas ” Basketball: Restless Live ” ” ” Raptors at News CTV News SportsCentre CHBC” News CTV News Cavaliers at Five Lumberjacks The ” FinalDoctors The CTVView News ” Global” Nat. CTV News SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ET Canada Show 2012 CHBC News Daily ” MovieWorld Mamas The Marilyn ” The Talk Colbert Rep Debt/Part Denis Show Series” of Ent etalk Poker ” ET Canada Big Bang Noon News CTV News

Ent ET Canada

Sportsnet ” Connected ”

A&E 1

” ”

Happiness Is Cake Boss ” Cake Boss

Canada’s News Worst Driver 30 Rock

CTV News ”

The View PokoRecipes Ellen DeGe- Best ” Doodlebops neres Show Stefano The Marilyn Dragons’ Steven and Anderson Denis Show Den Chris Live

Cake Boss: Next Baker

Criminal Intervention Minds ”


The Dr. Oz Show

Fishing-Flats The The Ricki Doctors SportsCentre 30 for”30 ” Lake Show Mamas NBA ” Young & ” Debt/Part Basketball: Restless


Snowman CBC News: Sons of Funny Home The National Guns

Days of our Lives

KNOW KOMO The Doctors * ` ”

Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story Cake Boss: Cake Boss Next Baker Cake Boss Cake Boss: What Not to Next Baker Wear Cake Boss: Say Yes Next Baker Say Yes Cake Boss Gown Cake GownBoss

Videos Mr. Young

A&E 1

NFL Live ”



Hoarders ”

World Poker Noon News Tour Hour


Say Yes Say Yes

Hoarders ”

JoeCriminal CarolJack Chan- KOMO Jimmy 4 Intervention G. Shrinks ning: Larger News Kimmel Live Minds ” The Chew ”







Jay Leno Katie

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Cheer Perfection

Amer. Dad Movie:


Universe Competition

Cheer Perfection

“Ghosts of Girlfriends


Chicago Fire ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Jersey on Ice

Past” Movie:


KING News Jay Leno

Movie: “Batman”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“Head of State”

Tavis Smiley ” Underground Jimmy Fallon

CBC News ”

Lang & O’Leary

Invented/ World

Auction Auction

The X Factor Toddlers & ” Tiaras


” ” News 30 Rock

The Office King of Hill

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A10

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Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Legal Services


Misc. for Sale

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

Seasonal labourer positions at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing, Lake Country BC. No experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Applicant must be capable of physically demanding (incl. heavy lifting) work in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week. 10-12 hours a day beginning approximately February 15th. 2012. Work includes tree planting, pruning & irrigation. Pay $10.25/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel CONDOMINIUM HOTEL 1-2-3 bdrm condominiums 8251850sq ft. Convenient Beach Access, Heated Pool/Hot Tub In-room Washer/Dryer, Flat Screen TV’s, Free Wi-Fi, Private Balconies, Daily Housekeeping, Handicapped Rooms Available. Weekly/Monthly Rates, Free Local Calls, Free Local Beach Transportation. Conveniently Located to Shops and Restaurants. www.crystalpalmsbeach 1-888-360-0037. 11605 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island FL 33706. HAWAII ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709;

Employment Career Opportunities LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535

Education/Trade Schools TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627

Help Wanted Part time employment, approx 8 hr. weekly, some light labour work & customer/office skills req’

NOCCS is redefining excellence in early learning & care. Our non-profit society is accepting resumes for IT, ECE & SA Educators. We offer competitive wages, benefits & incentives. If you are a passionate professional send your resume to or phone 250 558 9963 x201. QUALITY Manager wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing Road, Lake Country, BC. Permanent Position. Must have a minimum of 4 years post-secondary education. Successful candidates must have in depth knowledge of cherries and cherry grading, Global Gap requirements, as well as a minimum of 5 years’ experience managing a cherry sorting room, including quality control and phytosanitary systems. Must have a minimum of 3 seasons experience managing optical cherry sizing equipment. Applicant must be capable of working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day during harvest from June to September and 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day off harvest. Work includes but is not limited to developing and maintaining food quality systems, managing 100+ sorting and box filling workers while maximizing efficiencies and ensuring quality from the field. Pay range $28-$40/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430 SALES- Holiday Work, $17 base appt. Immediate College/Grade 12 student openings, flexible schedules, conditions apply, customer sales/service, no experience needed, training given. Apply & train in Kelowna, work in local city. Call (778) 753-6078.


Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around for the Sportsman’s Christmas Wish List, Kel, 4-1691 Powick 250-762-7575, Tues-Sat 10-6

Free Items FREE to a good home Male Husky pup. 6 months old. Call (250)-469-0559 for more info.

Heavy Duty Machinery

Trades, Technical EXP’D EAVESTROUGHERS for the Edmonton area. Must have clean drivers abstract. Call (780)435-1492. NORTHERN ALBERTA clearing contractor seeks experienced Buncher and Skidder Operators for work in Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided; email Fax 780-488-3002.


Health Products GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email:

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Snowclearing PLOW your driveways, etc. this winter, reasonable rates, on call. Phone: 250 878 2526 or Email:

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online at: Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is a clearance sale you don’t want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

CORT acoustic steel string guitar with cutaway, grover tuners and Fishman Pickup. Beautiful wood and sound. Must be seen and played to appreciate. $500 Call 250-517-8087

GREAT GIFT IDEA! ChillSpot is The COOLEST Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. Use promo code COOLGIFT For 10 % off!

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Misc. Wanted

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670


M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Engagements Josh Meier & Alexandria Rich Don and Tracy Meier are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Josh to Alexandria Rich. After becoming engaged in Maui, the couple have made plans for the wedding to take place in Kelowna, B.C. on July 27, 2013. The families wish them much happiness and extend a warm welcome to Alexandria.

By shopping local you support local people.


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Merchandise for Sale


Sporting Goods

Auto Financing A15 A11

Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around for the Sportsman’s Christmas Wish List, Kel, 4-1691 Powick 250-762-7575, Tues-Sat 10-6

Real Estate Other Areas 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. Money Back Guarantee. NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Neaer El Paso, Texas. Call 1800-843-7537.


Cars - Domestic

Auto Financing

LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships. No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271

Off Road Vehicles DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

ATV’S, UTV’s, Dirt Bikes & Golf Buggies. Kamloops Cartsplus. 1-888-371-3946.

Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.


To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688


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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Advertise your business here for


Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 2pm Friday, December 21st and Re-open 8:30am Wednesday, January 2nd.

Community Information Santa Sleigh Bus visits Lake Country December 11 Come out to see Santa in his Sleigh Bus. Kelowna Regional Transit's Santa Sleigh Bus will visit Lake Country Municipal Hall Tuesday, December 11th 4-6 p.m. to pick up donations brought to the bus, or dropped off in advance at Municipal Hall under the Christmas tree in the lobby by the Library entrance. The Santa Sleigh Bus collects toys, food donations and money for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Fund. GESS Leadership Class Food bank Drive – Saturday, December 15 Senior students from George Elliot Secondary School invite you to stop by their table outside Coopers on Saturday, December 15th from 9am-3pm to enjoy a hot dog and pop or donut, and drop off your cash or non-perishable donation for the Lake Country Food Assistance Society. Christmas Tree Drop-off location change This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot, rather than Swalwell Park. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31.

Notice of Regular Council Meetings January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013

Regular Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, as per the schedule below, in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road commencing at 7:00 P.M. unless otherwise posted. No meeting January 1 July 2, 2013 January 15, 2013 July 16, 2013 February 5, 2013 February 19, 2013

No meeting August 6 August 20, 2013

March 5, 2013 March 19, 2013

September 3, 2013 No meeting September 17

April 2, 2013 April 16, 2013

October 1, 2013 October 15, 2013

May 7, 2013 May 21, 2013

November 5, 2013 November 19, 2013

June 4, 2013 June 18, 2013

December 3, 2013 December 17, 2013

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