Castlegar News, December 13, 2012

Page 1

CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Girls get busy with basketball program See Page A22

Rauni Naud

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Vol.9 • Issue 50

Breaking news at

Thursday, December 13 • 2012

“Carol” reading just like live radio See Page A10

Curtain lifted on transit plans CRAIG LINDSAY

Castlegar News Reporter 250.365.0484

Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.



DOMINION MACKLEM MORTGAGES TOLL FREE: 1.877.878.5484 PH: 250.365.7808 FAX: 250.365.6577


Kevin Schubert, regional transit manager for BC Transit was on hand for an open house on Dec. 5 at the Castlegar Complex. Craig Lindsay photo

Closures pondered by SD #20 Board CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia) held it’s regular board meeting on Monday at Blueberry Creek Community School. The biggest item on the agenda was the discussion about the possible reconfiguration/closure of schools in Castlegar and Rossland.

In Castlegar, the discussion is whether to close Castlegar Primary School and move those kids to Twin Rivers Elementary. First reading of the potential bylaw related to reconfiguration or closure is expected to be in mid-February and discloses the language of the bylaw. Second reading, which is when trustees debate the po-

tential bylaw, would follow in another meeting. Third and final reading would be done by the end of February and would be where the nine SD20 trustees would vote on the bylaw. “Certainly the issue that took the most time, and is the most important to the public is that we included one extra meeting with PACs from each of the affected

schools,” said Darrel Ganzert, SD20 board chair. “A group of trustees would meet at each location, Castlegar and Rossland, with the PACs of the affected schools in those communities to have a further discussion about the schools and the potential closures etc.” Ganzert said that PACs from Castlegar Primary... Continued on P. A3

A pair of open houses were held by BC Transit in Castlegar on Dec. 5 at Selkirk College and at the recreation centre. The events showed off the details for the proposed new fare structure and route changes for the West Kootenay/Boundary area. “We’re looking for feedback,” said Kevin Schubert, regional transit manager for BC Transit. “The changes, because they’re regional, are so significant. This is an opportunity for riders, or potential riders, to look at the service and tell us - is there something we’ve missed? What are the improvements? What are the positives? So, it’s a little different, but we’ve got some great feedback so far. I’m really happy with the response.” Schubert admitted the schedules and fare structures for West Kootenay Transit can be hard to understand for many people. Beginning on April 1, 2013, fares are proposed to have just two different structures: local zone and all zones.

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“Probably the two most significant changes riders will experience is that there will be a single rider’s guide to represent all the services available in the Kootenays,” he said. “So you won’t have to necessarily be conscious of what service you’re in. As part of that, there’s a single fare structure. Now you’ll have three different zones you can travel within and once you leave that zone you go to an allzone fare. So, you’re basically looking at two fares. In Castlegar, one of the biggest changes is that the local zone now includes the Kootenay boundary. So Castlegar and Kootenay Boundary together now make up the Columbia zone. So you’ll have one fare to go anywhere in that area.” Local zone trips will cost $2 for everyone, with a ticket book of 10 costing $18 for adults, $15.75 for seniors and students. Monthly passes would be $50 for adults and $35 for seniors and students. All zone fares, which would enable the rider to travel throughout all three zones...

Continued on P. A3

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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



Crash claims Trail man

Trail Times

A local man was killed in a motor vehicle accident on Sunday evening in the Birchbank area near Murphy Creek.

Initial investigation revealed that 53-yearold Franklin Murray Kotyk, from the Trail area, died at the scene as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. The other driver,

Luxurious Robes

from Vernon, suffered serious injuries and was transported to Kelowna. The investigation into the crash continues. The roads were slippery at the time of the crash.


Petite to Plus gentlemen... we gift wrap! Gift Certificates available

Pointless practice Several downtown businesses such as Mountain FM, the library, Castlerock Liquor Store, and the cadet building were struck by vandalism on the weekend. The vandals sprayed black paint, mainly on doors and windows. Craig Lindsay photo

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Santa’s here, and he’s hungry A complete sell-out crowd of children, friends and family greeted St. Nick for the annual Breakfast with Santa at the Castlegar Community Complex on Dec. 8. Jim Sinclair photo

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...(Slocan, Kootenay, which is Nelson and area, and Columbia, which includes Castlegar, Trail, Fruitvale and Rossland), would be $3.50 per person. A ticket book of 10 would be $31.50 for adults and $27.50 for seniors and students. A monthly pass would cost $90 for adults, and $78.75 for seniors and students.

“We’ve had a lot of feedback from Selkirk students and staff about what might be more convenient times...” Kevin Schubert, BC Transit Schubert says they’ve had some very good suggestions. “We’ve heard a lot about connections in Slocan Valley,” he said. “We’ve had a lot of feedback from Selkirk students and staff about what might be more convenient times to meet certain programs. Whether they require that trip into Nelson, or local service into downtown Castlegar. We’ll definitely make some changes. Most of the feedback we’ve got in Castlegar (at the rec centre) has been positive especially in regards to the fare structure.” Transit ridership in Castlegar has increased dramatically since the number of routes has increased. “We went from what was really a single route milk-run, to six unique trips, so

you can get to your destination quicker,” said Schubert. “That was a significant service expansion. So we expect to see Castlegar continue to grow. We’re really pleased with the ridership in the corridor and we really want to build on that and take advantage of efficiencies that are offered. So when those regional buses come into town, they overlap the local

School closures possible Continued from P. 1

...Kinnaird Elementary and Twin Rivers Elementary would be invited to the extra meeting because one of the scenarios would see students shifted from Twin Rivers to Kinnaird. The following dates have been set by the board: Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013 - Castlegar public forum 6:30 p.m. at Twin Rivers gym; Monday, Feb. 4, 2013 - first reading of any potential bylaws related to reconfiguration and/or closures; Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013 - second reading; and Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 - third and final reading. “We want to get the public consultation done as thoroughly as possible before we enter into any kind of discussion about what we believe as trustees,” said Ganzert. “All trustees believe it’s

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Thoughtful contribution With daughter Bev on her right, Polly Chernoff presents a cheque for $800 to Dan Salekin who accepts on behalf of the Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation on Dec. 7 at the Castlegar and District Community Health Centre. The donation was made in memory of Mitchel Peter Chernoff, his family and friends. Jim Sinclair photo

service.” Schubert says BC Transit will study the results of its opinion gathering. “The next step is, we take all this feedback and we look at what improvements have been missed, what has been critically important that we have changed,” he said. Residents can still provide feedback by going to BC Transit’s website and completing the online survey by Dec. 14. at http:// f luidsur ve sur veys/bctransit/ west-kootenay-proposed-service-changes/ “It’s critical that we get as much feedback as possible,” said Schubert. “Because when we tweak this, we look to see what are the key pieces we don’t want to touch, and where do we need to make improvements. That’ll get finalized for the schedule that will go forward in April (2013).”


+ +

Continued from P. A1


Notary Public Inc. + + + + + + + + +

BC Transit



News A3


Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012

very important to listen to what the public has to say before we have any discussion about what we believe.” Ganzert says that even with potential school closures, SD20 will have a large budget shortfall coming up. “Even with the most extreme school closures, we’re still going to be looking at $4-$500,000 of more money that has to be removed from the budget,” he said. “The school closures will not fix the budget deficit, it may lessen the deficit, but there’s going to be a sizable deficit to make up anyway.” The school district will be looking at making their new budget in March, 2013. “We will have to look at all of those things - all the things we looked at last year, for cuts,” said Ganzert. “I can’t predict where

that will go.” Ganzert also says the district will have to make up $250,000 for a teacher’s pension shortfall. “That’s our district’s share - which we don’t have to give,” he said. “So we have to find that in savings somewhere. The Provincial government does that type of thing to us all the time. I’ve been involved closely for about 10 years. And in those 10 years, there’s always a surprise of $250-$300,000 that we have to find in our budget. They’re very good at doing that to the school districts. It’s not good. Particularly, if you believe that education is the future of our province, which I do believe. I hope the public, in the next election, understands where the pressure is coming from to force the school districts to make cuts that they don’t want to make.”

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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012


A fond look at Movember in the mirror Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

The Lion’s Head Smoke and Brew Pub in Robson celebrated the end of Movember with a big party on Dec. 1. Teams from Mountain FM and Andrew Sheret were on hand to celebrate the fabulous fundraiser and show off their moustaches for one last time. Both teams brought in big bucks for the fundraiser, which raises awareness and funds for the fight against men’s prostrate cancer. The final tally was an amazing $7,185. “It was cool growing a moustache,” said Mountain FM DJ and team leader Matt Williams. “Any excuse to grow a moustache is fine with me. It’s also really good to get behind a very worthwhile cause in raising awareness and money A5

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Mountain FM team members (from left) Darren McPeake, Moira McPeake, Heather McGowan, Jess Gowling and Matt Williams show off their Movember lip sweaters at the Lion’s Head Pub on Dec. 1. Craig Lindsay photo

for men’s prostate cancer and men’s health awareness.” Williams says most of the Mountain FM crew got behind the cause. “We had 80 or 90 per cent from here that got involved,” he said. “There were a few that couldn’t grow moustaches but they


provided great support for those of us growing moustaches.” Party-goers at the Lion’s Head got to rock out to local band Such Great Madness. There was also a best and worst moustache contest. “It was a nice capoff to the month of

Movember,” said Williams. “The Lion’s Head Pub did a great job organizing the party. It was great to see the guys from Andrew Sheret, who teamed up with us. They raised a ton of money themselves. It was cool to get everyone together in

the West Kootenays and pay tribute to the moustaches that would be shaved off the next day.” In Canada, there were 247,303 registered Movember participants who altogether raised an incredible $39,118,920.

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December 17th deadline to apply for Christmas Hampers Applications are available at Community Harvest Food Bank, basement of st David’s Church 614 Christina Place. 250-608-2227 December 18th Stone Soup Kitchen Lunch. Located in the Cadet hall on 3rd street, one block past the library . Serving at 12:00 December 22nd Christmas Hamper Distribution. Located at the banquet room at the Sand man Hotel Please pick up between 9-12 FMI 250-608-2227 December 25th Christmas dinner served at the Pentecostal New Life Assembly Church located behind Castlegar Primary. Dinner will be served from 1-3 Community Harvest Food bank will reopen on January 7th 11:00 am

Wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. We extend our thanks to everyone for their generosity thru out 2012.

Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Way to go, ‘Mo

It’s a fact of life that in most cases, money is in critically short supply. There are exceptions, of course, but in terms of organizations charged with the task of coming up with medical breakthroughs, it’s a safe bet that whatever budget they’re working with can use a boost, and the bigger the better. The world of fundraising has probably never been as competitive as it is these days, and for any particular cause to be able to stand out and be successful is truly the result of marketing genius. The “Movember” phenomenon is a great example. A few years ago it showed up and it’s already an institution. One twelfth of the year set aside for the purpose of raising money for prostate, and other men’s health-related research. The fundraiser is built around men getting a chance to grow a moustache for a month, show some team spirit and get people to back their efforts with monetary pledges. The plan is perfect, especially in these times when moustaches are far less stylish than they may have been in the past. Plus, as with the Legion’s poppy drive, those supporting the cause (and otherwise) are identified at a glance. It’s marketing gold. Mind you, it is still up to the grassroots dudes to leave their lip alone for four weeks and solicit backers... but with more than $7,000 raised by one effort alone (see page A5) and close to $40 million nationally... it’s obviously working. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Fax (250) 365-6390

Off the Line - Karen Haviland

Swimming in the PC sea So, how’s it going? Are you just about ready for Christmas? Or maybe I should be politically correct and say the Holiday Season. No, the ‘60s rebel in me just can’t bring myself to be so politically correct that the words Merry Christmas never slide from my mouth again. I learned a strong lesson about political correctness almost 30 years ago and it is a lesson I have never forgotten. It was hat day at my son’s school and I wasn’t informed until the last minute. Now, hat day was just a fun day where children wore silly hats. No big deal, but at the last moment there was little time for imagination or consideration for a busy, working mom. Being ever-resourceful, I grabbed an old pillow case, and a pair of scissors and cut a large corner off of it. I then tore out two eyeholes and a mouth hole and passed the newly fashioned “hat” to my son. Yeah, I know. Stupendously dumb. But back then tolerance and political correctness were just in the process of being born and so I never thought anything of it. To me, it was simply a silly hat for hat day. Nothing more, nothing less. To others, especially the staff at my

Craig Lindsay Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

son’s school, it was a huge problem and they let me know in no uncertain terms that inadvertent or not, they had zero tolerance for anything of that nature. Even now as I write this I truly hang my head in shame and embarrassment but the deed was done and I had to deal with an angry and distraught tween. I got it then and I get it even more now. That was incredibly stupid and insensitive and I apologize for that, even now. Yes, I did learn a lesson about being politically correct and tolerant that day and I have never forgotten it. But this thing about Christmas I just don’t get. Yes, Happy Hanukkah to those who are Jewish, and Happy Kwanzaa to those of colour. And even Happy Holidays to those of no faith. But to my Christian friends who believe in God, I say Merry Christmas. I don’t consider it politically incorrect to say those words out loud in those circumstances. Yes, I understand that not everyone is a Christian and might be offended, but I don’t get it. Do you know what I mean? Just examine the word Christmas. The word Christ is embedded right in it

Chris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

for a reason. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not, nor will I ever be a religious zealot trying to beat Christianity into you, I’m merely defending the right to use the word and not let it be lost in today’s ocean of political correctness. Of course, if I know you are Jewish I would wish you Happy Hanukkah. I do, however, understand that one can’t possibly know if another person is Jewish or Christian simply by looking at them. So if you are of another faith and I wish you a Merry Christmas, please accept my wishes as being friendly and true and not an insult. Now, if you wished me a Happy Hanukkah, I would have a couple of choices. I could politely inform you of my faith or accept the wishes for what they are. It’s likely I would just accept the wishes and go on with my day. No harm intended. I hope I haven’t offended anyone with this column. That surely wasn’t my intent. So to you, all of the readers, I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Joyous Kwanzaa. Whatever faith you might be, I wish that the season brings you much joy with your loved ones.

Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A7


Value in old heaps The British Columbia Auto Recyclers are pleased to announce a contribution of $3,000.00 toward Muscular Dystrophy research. The money was raised through the Car Heaven charity program administered through the Automotive Recyclers of Canada. The Car Heaven program was established in 2001 as a way to ensure the processing of retired vehicles in an environmentally friendly manner. Proceeds from the sale of endof-life vehicles go towards funding local charities. The B.C. Auto Recyclers have raised $47,000.00 over the last two years for local charities. I, Stuart Ady of Ernies Used Auto Parts, am the Kootenay zone director for B.C.A.R If you have a vehicle you would like to retire and wish to donate to charity please visit www.carheaven. ca. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation. -Stuart Ady, Castlegar

Thanks On behalf of Communities in Bloom Castlegar I would like to send a big thank you out to the volunteers in this great little city who recently helped decorate the aggregate planters downtown. They look beautiful and the specialness that has been added changes them from being a grey and empty concrete vessel into a place that shows the joyful human spirit in action and what we are capable of, even at this chilly time of the year. And thanks to the Castlegar News for promoting and supporting our creative endeavors. -Kari Burk, Communities in Bloom Volunteer

Catch us online, anytime.

Meals greatly enjoyed

Thank you to the New Life Assembly ladies for providing suppers on Thursday nights. The ladies provide a nice, hot meal for everyone. It’s greatly appreciated. Also, thanks for the Christmas concert, it was great. Happy holidays to everyone. -Marg Harmston, Castlegar

Tough greeting To the lowlife who stole the memorial carved mushrooms for Gino, who wanted his tree carved into nature when he died. Plus you stole his wheelbarrow and chainsaw. You were probably the same persons who stole his riding lawnmower as he was dying, adding more stress and pain to his life. You must have no respect for yourself or anyone. I pray you get better. -Rob Hubert Castlegar

Buyer beware I ask all the customers of Fortis out there to read your bills closely. Here’s what happened to me and it could easily happen to anyone. On Sept. 7 they came around and read my meter, fine. Between Oct. 8 and 10 they estimated me at 1076 kWh. Then on Nov. 9 they read my meter and the usage was only 144 kWh. Now, I live in a 1,280 sq. ft. mobile home and there is no way I used that little power. The new rate structure is this: the first 800 kWh of power we use, we pay .08136 (about 8 cents) per

Letter writer Hubert with carved mushrooms

kWh and everything after that we pay .11796 per kWh. So for me that means I paid for 276 kWh of power at the higher rate which I did not use. I phoned Fortis and I had to argue with them to get a rebate. Finally they saw my point and sent me a revised bill with a credit of $9.30, which over a year can add up. The part that annoyed me was that they were not interested in pursuing this matter. As I say, buyer beware. -Alan Letoria, Genelle

Further points in damage debate In response to the article written on Dec. 5 titled, “ City Council briefs - Wests’ owners respond to broken windows letter,” I wanted to relay to the city of Castlegar my ongoing attempts to try and find a solution to what is more then a broken window issue. I am not trying to create a duel between businesses, but it is erroneous for Mr. Vassilakakis to say that I am the only business downtown to have a problem with Element. There are a number of businesses

who have made severe complaints about the club. The fact remains that my businesses had zero damage before Element opened, after which it has been an ongoing struggle to keep up. We would fix it and then it would happen again and we fix it again and then it would happen again. Finally we had enough. Damage continues to happen on an on-going basis. The fact that my windows are boarded should not justify that it is acceptable for damage to continue. Perhaps Mr. Florio Vassilakakis has forgotten, but we have come to him and talked. Mark Melnyk, former manager of West’s department store and acting on my behalf, talked to Florio on several occasions. Florio just dismisses it and says that it’s my own fault that I attract the vandalism. I get the most traffic of people coming out of the club because they have to walk in front of my stores, the parking lot is behind my property. Which is quite devastating to think the amount of people who have been excessively drinking and are driving home. I should be the one who is “beyond frustrated.” -Basil McLaren, Castlegar

Gar FortisBC, Distribution Service Agent

A safe holiday is a happy holiday Make safety a priority this holiday season with these simple tips: • After a snowfall, brush snow away from your meters by hand and clear a path for the safety of our meter readers. • Take care when driving on slippery roads. If your vehicle comes into contact with a downed power line, stay inside until help arrives. • Around your fireplace, consider using a hearth safety gate to help protect small children from the heated glass. For more winter safety tips, visit FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.4 12/2012)




PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments

Phil Angrignon

Over the counter (OTC) products are drugs and they require just as much care when taking them as medications your doctor prescribes. If an OTC drug doesn’t relieve the problem within a week, check with your doctor. Our pharmacists can help you choose the right OTC medication for your needs. Here are a few tips for avoiding colds: Wash your hands often throughout the day. Keep active even in cold weather. Exercise helps strengthen the immune system. Avoid smoking. Eat well, especially vegetables and fruit. Get plenty of rest. Throw away used tissues right away so the viruses they contain don’t infest others. If you have a young child (over one year old) who is kept awake at night with a cough, try giving a teaspoon of honey. It often soothes the throat and can reduce the cough reflex and help the child get a good night’s sleep. We all know someone who is affected by cancer. It seems it is on the rise and it is. One of the reasons for this is that we are living longer and this gives the cancer a longer time to grow. Antibiotics and vaccines have increased our life spans and our longer lives gives cancer a greater chance of getting established. Personalized service is nice to receive especially when it comes to your medications. Talking to you about your medications matters is an important part of our job. It’s a role we feel good about. See you soon!

Customer Appreciation Day 15% OFF*

Last Wednesday of every Month *Discounts apply to regular priced merchandise only and excludes sale items, prescriptions, tobacco, stamps, lottery, phone & gift cards.

55+ Days Everyday

Save 10%*

*Some exceptions may apply - See in-store for details

Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar


Community Calendar

Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:


dec. 24 - St. Peter Lutheran Church Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 6 p.m.

dec. 15 - Help out with the annual Christmas bird count -

dec. 24 - christmas eve service - at the New Life Assem-

Beginner or expert-you can participate in the Castlegar Christmas Bird Count, part of the 113th Audubon North American Christmas Bird Count. Count birds in your favourite birding spots,in your neighbourhood or just in your backyard. Help in the worlds largest Citizen Science project. Everyone welcome to participate. For more information please phone Peter McIver 250-3651191 or Ed Beynon 250 365 7806

Dec. 15 - Castlegar Christmas Craft fair - Castlegar

Community Complex. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission $3. Kids under 12 free.

dec. 16 - The Annual Christmas Carol Sing - from 2-4

p.m. at New Life Assembly, 602 – 7th Street (behind Castlegar Primary School). You are invited to come and sing your favourite Christmas carols and songs and hear local choirs perform. Donation by monetary or non-perishable gift to the Harvest Food Bank.

dec. 19 - St. Peter Lutheran Church Advent Services -

Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m., preceded by a Soup Supper at 5pm. Come for the service, or for the supper & service. Come for a moment of peace each week, and get your heart ready for Christmas, too. The services will focus on animals this Christmas: donkey, sheep, and camel. The theme of the services is ‘Animals at Advent’.

December 19 - NO TOASTMASTERS MEETING - There will be

no Toastmasters meeting on December 19th due to the holiday season. Our next meeting will be on January 9th, 2013 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar. Resolve to improve your communication skills and join us then. Guests warmly welcomed. For more information please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.

Sunday Dec. 23- 7 p.m. Christmas Service at Robson

Church with candlelighting and carols.

Monday, Dec. 24 –7 p.m. Christmas Eve Service Castlegar

United Church (next to Kinnaird Clinic) with candlelighting and carols.

bly, 602 7 St. at 6:30 p.m. A candlelight evening of carols and worship. Everyone is welcome. Dec. 31 - New Years Celebration - Come ring in the New

Year at St. Rita’s Hall. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Dinner - ribs, chicken, and all the trimmings, dancing, giant balloon drop, favours. Dinner at 8 p.m. - lunch at midnight. Tickets $25 each. Children under 16 accompanied by parents are free. Any dietary needs. For information and tickets call John 250-365-0747 or Marcel 250- 365-2537.


until Dec. 16 - Book Under Every Tree - Do you have any

new or gently used books for children or adults to donate for a Christmas hamper? Please drop off books between Nov. 26th and Dec.14th to Castlegar & District Public Library, Selkirk College Library, Kootenay Family Place, Robson Community School, Blueberry Creek Community School Hub, or Zellstoff Celgar. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email: ongoing: need a haircut for a job interview? Brooke will

come to your house and give you a free haircut. Call her at 250-365-2799 to arrange it.

ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m.

to 10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table discussions and make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956.

ongoing: sharing dinner pot - You are welcome for a hot

meal Tuesdays at 12 noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee. All are welcome.

ongoing: friday youth program at blueberry creek -

Are you a youth in Castlegar looking for something to do on Friday nights? Why not check out the Friday Night Youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School?

Manager Cindy Cropley and team ensure a fun, safe night for kids in the area to watch a movie in Blueberry’s very own movie theatre, play games and sports in the gym and just hang out with friends. For grades K - 5, the program time is 6:30-8 p.m. and for grades 6 and up, the program happens from 8-10 p.m. Check out the B.C.C.S. facebook page for movie listings and other information or phone 250-365-7201. Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena - Sun. at 10 a.m. (phone

Mike at 365-8302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 3652738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 3657805)

ongoing: Special olympics BC - Castlegar is having a bottle drive. Please call 250-


ongoing: The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop located at 210 -

11th Avenue (across from the Library) has a slight change in daily hours of operation. Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday closed until noon in order to deal with general maintenance and will open 12 noon - 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please drop off your precious donations Mondays and Saturdays. However, if this is not an option, please call 250365-7317 so that we can make arrangements. The Treasure Shop and Gift Shop will close for the holidays commencing Monday, December 24 and reopen Wednesday, January 2 allowing our volunteers to enjoy quality time to celebrate the season with family and friends. Again, thanks for all the community support during 2012 and looking forward to another successful year. You are invited to enter our Customer Appreciation weekly draw throughout the month of December. The Castlegar Hospital Gift Shop is featuring a variety of new winter clothing for the little ones. Clearance sale of summer clothing is discounted at 20 per cent. The Auxiliary is looking for a few good people to volunteer their time in a rewarding and friendly atmosphere. Please stop by and fill out an application. ongoing: Castlegar judo club - Monday, Thursday eve-

nings from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Twin Rivers School gym.

Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. From aged 8 years and up. FMI call John Gibson 250365-5763. ongoing: Castlegar senior’s activities at the Rec Centre for december: at the Com-

plex Mon. 9:30 Floor Curling 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist Tues. 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool Wed. 9:30 Floor Curling 1;00 Bingo,(1st Wed.only) 7:00 Rummoli 10:00 19th Raspberry Reunion Thurs. 9:30 Floor Curling 1st. Thurs. 2:00 Gen. Meeting 1:00 Bingo (just not 1st. Thurs) Fri. 1:00 Bridge/Crib 14th Christmas Dinner/ Dance “Don Hollis” Happy Hour 5:00 Dinner 6:00 ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers

- For more information please call 250-919-0757.

Ongoing: Castlegar Garden Club meets third Wednesday of the month – 7:00 p.m.

at the Community Complex. Discover the Castlegar Garden Club and be dazzled by the depth of knowledge of our monthly speakers. Garden inspirations will linger long after the meeting is over. New members always welcome. Information: Rose Cheveldave 250.365.9600 or ongoing: robson market is open except for long week-

ends. 8-11 a.m. at the Robson Community Hall. Homestyle breakfasts, come enjoy and maybe find some treasures. Tables for vendors. Phone 250-365-3796. ongoing: Mom’s Support Group Thursdays 10 a.m. to

noon. (changed from Wed. afternoons). Castlegar Community Services, Sun Centre. All moms welcome to this loosely structured group for support in challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 42 ongoing: castlegar & district hospital foundation light up campaign - The

Foundation is raising money to purchase three Space Lab cardiac monitors, Life Pak 15 crash cart monitors/defibrillators, and CADD Prism pump. call 250-304-1209 or mail cheque to 709 10th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 to


ongoing: robson and blueberry strongstart centres

– free early learning programs for parents/caregivers with young children. Join us for snack, art, stories, gym time, and music. Robson - Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m, Thurs 12:30-3:30 p.m. Blueberry - Mon, Wed, Thurs, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m and Tues noon - 3 p.m. A partnership between Robson Community School, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Blueberry Creek Community School. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email:

ongoing: free english classes – at the Castlegar Pub-

lic Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. All levels are welcome. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email: ongoing: scrabble club –

Come out on the second Wed. of the month at the Castlegar Public Library - 6:30–8 p.m. All levels are welcome.

ongoing: At the Community Learning Place you can get

free help with basic computers, reading and writing, citizenship, test preparation, and skills upgrading. This program is offered at the Castlegar & District Public Library on Tuesdays from12 noon-3 p.m. For more information call 250-304-6862. Offered by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. ongoing: Adult Upgrading:

Adult Upgrading Program is a free program for parents to upgrade math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. This program is held at Kootenay Family Place (beyond Chopsticks) on Mon and Wed from 1-3 p.m. Childcare and snacks are provided. For more info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by Selkirk College, Kootenay Family Place and Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.

ongoing: Special olympics - castlegar bottle drive

- SOBC - Castlegar is holding a year-round bottle drive to raise money for their program. If you have any empty refundable bottles you are interested in donating please contact: (250) 365-2520 for more information. Donations go directly to Special Olympics – Castlegar.

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A9


There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION pounds of garbage per year being dumped into the ocean. There are 9000 blue whales.

Help by recycling

& reducing waste.

Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now

Highland lassies hop to it The Scottie School of Highland Dance held a recital at Stanley Humphries Secondary School on Dec. 6 with a total of 24 dancers showing their stuff. Pictured above left, in no particular order after completing the Tartan Hat Dance – Abby, Abigail, Cassidy, Thaya, Kaetlyn, McKenna and Emily. Above right, with David Hogg supplying the bagpipe backup, Alyssa Martini dances the “Highland Laddie.” Jim Sinclair photos

Assistance sought in case of art theft SUBMITTED

The Castlegar RCMP are seeking the assistance of the public in locating a unique custom piece of art that was stolen from the yard of a Castlegar residence sometime between November 24th and 26th. In 2010, a local

artist, Robert Hubert carved four mush-

rooms of various sizes out of a single tree trunk. Hubert performed the carving to pay honour to his best friend Gino Sammartino, who passed away in 2006. The carving has special meaning to the widowed spouse of Sammartino. An an-

tique wheel barrow was also stolen from the property and believed to have been used to transport the 150 lbs. of sculpted wood. Anyone that has information about the theft or whereabouts of the carving is asked to contact the Castlegar RCMP or Crime stoppers.

The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at

Guilt FREE Holidays!

Can’t pass on the gravy? Can’t resist dessert? Sticking to a healthy eating plan during the holiday season can be difficult. On days that you find it tough to follow a healthy diet – or on designated cheat days – you can at least stop some of the excess carbohydrate (starch) and fat calories from adding to your expanding fat cell accounts by supplementing with scientifically proven starch and fat blocking nutrients. Even Dr. Oz is talking about the benefits of white kidney bean for those days when you cannot follow a healthy eating regimen. Ultimate Starch & Fat Blocker with Phase II (white kidney bean) will help you get

through the season without paying for it on the scales. Just take Ultimate Starch and Fat Blocker before your meal and…

Block 60% of calories from most starches Block 30% of calories from fat Reduce cravings


Dec 14th - Diesel Boy w/ Special Guests Dec 15th - The Vibrations Soul & Music from Motown Dec 20th - Cedar, Beat Doctor & X-LTEE Free Show Dec 21st - Sweet Pickle with Perching Crow Dec 22nd - Amplified feat. Billy Bangers & DJango Dec 26th - Boxing Day w/Bryx, B-Ron & Erica Dee Dec 28th - Ryan Wells & Friends Dec 29th - Kyprios & The Chaperones Dec 31st - New Year’s Eve with Hoola Hoop, DJ Soup & Lorne B Video Mapped Visuals


In accordance with Sections 94 and 127 of the Community Charter, the public is hereby notified that regular meetings of Castlegar City Council for 2013 are scheduled as follows: Monday, January 7 Monday, January 21 Monday, February 4 Monday, February 18 Monday, March 4 Monday, March 18 Tuesday, April 2 Monday, April 15 Monday, May 6 Tuesday, May 21 Monday, June 3

Monday, June 17 Monday, July 15 Monday, August 12 Tuesday, September 3 Monday, September 23 Monday, October 7 Monday, October 21 Monday, November 4 Monday, November 18 Monday, December 2 Monday, December 16

Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the Community Forum, #101 – 445 13th Avenue, Castlegar. Further information may be obtained by contacting Carolyn Rempel, Director of Corporate Services, at 365-7227 or






Only at your local Health Food Store

MANUFACTURER COUPON - TO THE RETAILER: For redemption, mail to: Preferred Nutrition, 153 Perth Street, Acton, ON L7J 1C9 Expiry: January 31, 2013 Code: 03-063



Dec 13th - Featurecast w/ Timothy Wisdom




Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



Group does festive justice to Dickens masterpiece JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

Among the more time-honoured festive season favourites, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a highlight whenever, and in whatever format it is enjoyed. CBC Radio orchestrated a dramatic reading at Castlegar United Church on Dec. 7 – a condensed version of the 1840s novel performed by a quintet of gifted presenters including (in order of performance) Castlegar Community Foundation vice president Robert Jackson; Selkirk College student and Rotary Interact club member Chelan Padmoroff; broadcasting veteran

Above from left, readers Chelan Padmoroff, Jane Sinclair, Glenn Hicks, Robert Jackson, and Chris Walker. Second from right is singer Christina Amelio and at far right - Castlegar Friends of the Library event organizer Darlene Kalawsky. Jim Sinclair photo

The spoken preGlenn Hicks of Mountain FM/The Bridge; sentation was interHicks’ wife, the equal- spersed with musical ly well-qualified Jane offerings from local Christina Sinclair; and CBC Ra- vocalist Amelio as well as the dio “Daybreak” host 5.83 x 8" Twin Rivers Chorale. Chris Walker.

This was a most enjoyable evening, with the pleasing acoustic qualifies of the United Church sanctuary enhancing the experience. It’s quite

nice having that many people (pretty close to a full house) being as quietly attentive as they were. There was hardly a cough or a hiccup noticed, al-

though laughs came in droves at certain points of the delivery, especially when the grandstanding Hicks had the spotlight. Chris Walker is no stranger to the festive classic, having crisscrossed the province in previous years to take part in performances. “We like to go where we’re invited,” he said. “This year it was Castlegar. I’ve done them in Vanderhoof, Quesnel… Tumbler Ridge…Victoria… and it’s always so much fun.” Over the years the radio host has had a chance to do all of the reading parts except the first, done Friday by Robert Jackson. In a post perfor-

mance chat, Glenn Hicks mentioned that the show on Merry Creek Road had been a fundraising event for the Castlegar Friends of the Library. He indicated that the group’s organizer has a way of making compelling suggestions. “When Darlene (Kalawsky) comes knocking on the door you don’t say no,” the media man added with a chuckle. “Darlene did the recruiting,” he outlined, “and Bob Jackson, they are very much the organizers of the Castlegar one.” Hicks and Sinclair are also set for another go at the Carol this coming Sunday at the Nelson United Church.

SELKIRK COLLEGE GALA 2012 Selkirk College would like to take this opportunity to thank all individuals, businesses and corporations for their support in contributing to the success of the 2012 Gala: College Without Borders. Your continued support through auction donations and event attendance helped raise over $12,000 for student awards and projects. Thank you. Abacus Bead Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort Applewood Massage Therapy & Hair Studio Aeroplan Charitable Pooling Plan Ms. Philomena Archambault John and Shoko Armstrong Avenues Hair Design Danny Beatty Bellyfit Tessa Bendig Berg Lehmann Chartered Accountant Pauline Best Best Western Terra Nova Hotel Bia Boro Black Rooster Blue Sky Clothing Co. Natasha Bogdasavich Bubblee’s Liquor Store Plus Canadian Tire Capitol Theatre Castlegar & District Golf Club Castlegar & District Recreation Centre Castlegar Chiropractic and Health Chances Casino Castlegar Chopsticks Chinese and Japanese Cuisine City of Armstrong Dr. Neil Coburn and Kay Coburn Colander Restaurants Ltd. Columbia Basin Trust Tom Cotton Cottons Cottonwood Kitchens Deverney Engineering Services Ltd Deverney Forestry Services Downtown Shell Dragonflies & Fairy Dust e.jill beaulieu, Registered Massage Therapist Element Club Bar Grill Esprit de la Femme Lingerie, Ltd

Finley’s Irish Bar & Grill Gaia Rising Gerick Cycle & Ski, Nelson Angus and Alison Graeme Margaret Hallam Hume Hotel Interohome Isis Essentials Randy Janzen JJ’s Fashion Joey’s Only Seafood Restaurant Johnson Insurance Kay Jones Holly Jordahl Kolmel Jewellery Kootenai Moon Furniture Kootenay Cobbler Kootenay Co-op Country Store Kootenay Valley Financial Services Inc Kutenai Clothing Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel, Vancouver Stacey Matthews Melissa Welsh Photography Mother Natures Nelson and District Community Complex Nelson Sewing Solutions Oso Borealis Fine Coffees Ltd Our Glass Studio and Gallery Pacific Coastal Airlines Tina Popoff Prestige Inns Harry Pringle Joanne Rablah Shana Rablah Re-lish Bistro Carol Reynolds Rock Island Pottery Studio Rossland Trail Country Club (Birchbank Course)

Safeway Rhonda Schmitz and Leslie Comrie Selkirk Beverages Selkirk College International Education Dept. Selkirk College School of Arts and Sciences Selkirk College School of Health and Human Services Shambhala Music Festival Ltd. Shear Talent Shelley Sandford Shoes for the Soul Shopper’s Drug Mart (Castlegar) Joan Silvey Sonja’s China Cabinet Ltd. Source for Sports Sunlife Financial Super 8 Motel The Brick The Circuit The Lil Lip Shoppe Thomas Designer Jewellery Robin Trudel USCC Kootenay Ladies Cultural Interpretive Society Van der Ham, L.J. Cert. Gen. Accountant Vince DeVito Specialty Footwear Vogue Portraits and Cameras Ltd. Paris Voykin Rachel Walker Watermark Beach Resort Taya Whitehead Whitewater Ski Resort Rita Williams Bill Winegarden Dr. Peter W. Wood and Rev. Ann E. Wood Worshipful Company of Selkirk Vintners

Vocal virtuosity to share Music lovers were treated to a Christmas concert by the Twin Rivers Chorale, Dec. 6 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Castlegar. The vocal group appeared the next night, backing up the reading of A Christmas Carol at Castlegar United. Craig Lindsay photo

Lots to smile about

A happy group acknowledges donations at the health centre in Castlegar on Dec. 7. Dan Salekin, chair of the Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation accepts cheques from Nettie Stupnikoff, president of the Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary. One cheque, for $6,000, will go for an electro cardiogram machine, the other, for 18,000, is for a space lab cardiac monitor. Also pictured are, from left: auxilary volunteer Polly Chernoff, auxiliary members Colleen and Jim Gourley, foundation secretary Bev Chernoff, auxiliary volunteer Martha Grieves, and foundation board member Caroline Kavaloff. Jim Sinclair photo

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A11


Extraordinary gift idea?

Craig Lindsay

Castlegar News Reporter

Leading the caroling About 200 people were on hand from centres including Castlegar, Nelson, Trail and points in between on Dec. 6. The occasion was the Kootenay Society for Community Living’s annual Christmas party held at the Castlegar Community Complex, and a good time was had by all. An impromptu choir, pictured above, led the way in a singing of favourite seasonal songs. Jim Sinclair photo

For those looking for a unique Christmas gift, why not pick up a pair of tickets to the wine festival? That’s right, tickets for the always popular Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club’s 14th annual Wine Festival are already on sale and can be picked up at Oglow’s Paint and Wallcoverings during regular business hours. The event goes on Saturday, April 6 at the Castlegar Community Complex from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. “We’ve already had several wineries contact us saying they’re coming back,” said organizing chair Alexia Turner. The wine fest allows attendees to sample wine from a variety of different wineries from throughout B.C. The event also has

tasty appetizers and a safe ride home program. Tickets are $50 each, but if you buy before

St.Peter Lutheran Church Christmas Services Sunday Services, 11:15 am Wednesday Advent Service, 6 pm Dec 12, 19, Soup Supper at 5 pm Theme: Animals for Advent Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 6 pm Dec. 24th. All children welcome to participate in the nativity scene. Christmas Day Service, 10 am at Peace-Trinity Lutheran Church 2001-2nd Ave, Trail

See more about the Lutheran Churches of the West Kootenays at

713-4th Street, Castlegar, BC


Ov orga er NEW nic i tem Com e ch s in stoc eck us o k! ut!


New Year’s you can save $5. Last year’s event was sold out, so be sure to get your tickets early.




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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



Your dollars spent fairly – the strong case for fair trade United Church Speaks - by Rosemary Manarin Lynne Miskell of Castlegar United has long been interested in supporting the fair-trade concept. Lynne sells fair-trade coffee at our church. At Castlegar United, coffee time after the Sunday service is an important part of our community life and it’s fairly traded coffee exclusively that is served. For us, as people of faith, what we eat

and drink, what we buy, matters. Making these choices reflects our commitment to justice and mercy as Christians. I recently interviewed Lynne in her home. Rose: How did you first become so involved in supporting the fair-trade alternative? Lynne: My daughter, Tyrion, went to Simon Fraser University and became a member of a university young people’s organization called

BCCASA. They had a relationship with the Guatemalan peasants because at that time in the 1990’s there was a civil war in Guatemala and many of the people were displaced and their lives disrupted. Through BCCASA, Tyrion went down to Guatemala several times and was active in the villages where the people were developing a coffee industry. Over the four years she visited, she could see a huge difference in the life and assets of the villagers

because they had a market for the coffee and a guaranteed fair price set by the fairtrade cooperatives before the coffee was harvested. Unlike the large corporations’ free trade market where not only the price was set later by supply and demand, but also the price would be the lowest possible. The coffee cooperative was done as a village enterprise so all of the people in the village contributed and benefitted. The Mayan people’s philosophy is very


Please be advised that the dam deck over the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam will be open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily from Monday December 17 to Sunday, January 6.

much community oriented. They work together for the good of the whole village. For example there were women’s support groups, child minding and after a few years their own trucks for transporting the beans themselves to market. Rose: Why is this so important? Why are you so committed? Lynne: My belief is that people have to make their living and they deserve a fair price for their work. The fair-trade price has to be fair but it is not a hand out. These people are working and the attitude of fair-trade is more thoughtful, caring and just. Our free trade system is that you grow or make a product and the price fluctuates depending on the global market. Vietnam was told by the World Bank, for example, to plant coffee to make money so they cut down their trees and planted coffee. Then there was

a glut of coffee on the market, the price fell (through the free trade system) and the coffee industry was left in disastrous circumstances. Rose: Your daughter manages the Ten Thousand Village Store where they sell all different types of fair-trade products from co-ops around the world. You must feel thrilled that her work is integral in benefitting huge numbers of marginalized people. Lynne: Philosophically, she feels very much at home and useful not only in selling but also in promoting and educating people about fair-trade. Rose: Supporting fair-trade is about commitment isn’t it? It’s about a belief of faith to care about our neighbours wherever they are. Lynne: Yes, it is one of commitment. Ten Thousand Villages is just one example of

many places where fair- trade or fairly traded products can be found.

Rose: Europe is at least 30 years ahead of us in supporting fair-trade cooperatives. It is heartening to know that Canada is now catching up in embracing this.

Lynne: Today, one can find fair-trade or fairly traded products in most grocery stores in the ethnic sections, organic areas as well as the coffee and tea aisles. As Christmas is the time for giving, it makes sense to give gifts that give twice. Giving fair trade products like chocolate, coffee, tea is one easy way to do this.

According to the Gospel of Matthew in 25 verse 40, Jesus answered, “Truly I tell you, just as you did for one of the least of these my brethren you did for me.’ For more information, phone Rosemary Manarin at 365- 6470

Turn down the volume

OTTAWA, Dec. 11, 2012 /CNW/ - If a personal listening device is on your shopping list this holiday season, Health Canada reminds you that high noise levels can impact your hearing health and physical safety. Personal listening devices can

As of Monday, January 7, the dam deck will continue to be closed for the duration of the Spillway Gates Reliability Upgrade Project, which is scheduled to be complete by late 2015. This project is necessary to ensure dam safety and to ensure that during high flows BC Hydro can continue to safely discharge flood waters downstream. We thank you for your continued support while these important safety improvements are completed. Please note that as always during access closures BC Hydro will continue to open the dam deck to the public when it is safe to do so. Access to the Navigational Lock will remain open through the south entrance, except during Navigational Lock outages. Up-to-date information regarding access across the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam is available 24 hours a day by calling BC Hydro’s toll-free number at 1 877 924 2444. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary Anne Coules at 250 365 4565.

include iPods, MP3 players, portable radios, cellular phones and gaming headsets. When purchasing a personal listening device, check to see if the product includes a feature that limits sound levels, and learn how to use that feature.

In general, keeping the volume at the mid-level will minimize the risk of hearing damage. Listening to a personal listening device at full volume for just three to 12 minutes can pose a risk of immediate, serious or permanent hearing loss.


The City of Castlegar wishes the citizens of Castlegar happiness during the Holiday Season and Best Wishes for the New Year! Over the holiday season City Hall office hours will be: December 03-21

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

December 24, 25 and 26


December 27-31

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

January 1, 2013


Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A13


SALE S E C I R P Y A D G BOXIN ON G N O L H NOW! Who-dunit this time? ALL MONT We have a huge selection of BEAUTIFUL HOME DECOR PIECES that would make great Christmas Gift ideas...

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Pictured above, from left: Tiana Verigin, Nikki Moffat, Marissa Kalmakoff, Kristen Marsh, Kirstin Townsend, Alivia Mckenzie, Kristal Brewer, Sabrina Broad, Courtney Terhune, Makayla Ambrosio, Kirsten Hearne, Sawyer Thor-larsen and Kiana Campbell. Submitted photos

Stanley Humphries Secondary School graduates in Castlegar held a murder mystery dinner party on December 4 at the school to help raise money for the school’s dry grad. SHSS graduates (below, from left) Mathew McLeod, Ryan Sahlstrom, Bryson Amaral, Drew Beaty, Nathan Pereverzoff, Kyle Taylor, and Trevor Rigby.

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Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A15

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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News

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Rotary Christmas Trees On Sale Start selling Saturday Dec. 1st

Castlegar Recreation Center Complex Arena Times

Monday to Friday • Noon to 6pm Saturday • 10am to 7pm Sunday • 10am to 6pm We sell only BC trees. Prices from $20 for Natural and $40 for cultured trees. Local students will also be on site selling tickets for tree disposal service in support of 2013 Dry Grad. Ticket sales start Dec.1st - Monday to Friday after school to 6pm, weekends 11am – 4pm. Tree pick-up will take place Sat Jan 5 from 11am – 4pm, to be mulched by the City for their composting program.

Holiday y Gift Guide 2012 Save on holiday shopping

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A giving gang Madame McDonald’s Late French Immersion 6 class from Twin Rivers Elementary School was “très” enthusiastic about helping fill shoeboxes for less-fortunate children around the world. The boxes were collected as part of Operation Christmas Child. The original intent was to have the 30 LFI 6’s work in partners to fill 15 boxes, but by the time all was said and done, 39 boxes were bursting at the seams. After the final box was closed, the class walked over to SHSS to add their 39 boxes to the 111 already filled there, creating a grand total of 150 boxes between the two groups. A main focus of Social Studies 6 is learning about the world, and after these Twin Rivers students heard a presentation by SHSS librarian, Mrs. Tamelin, about her travel stories and her work with underprivileged kids, their enthusiasm grew immensely. The next project for the group will be helping the local Interact Club with clothing donations in the New Year. Submitted photo

A shoe-in for entertainment with a message Excitement builds toward the conclusion of the first of two performances of “The Christmas Shoe Tree,” Dec. 8 at the New Life Assembly in Castlegar. Jim Sinclair photo

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The Castlegar Hospice Society would like to invite you to visit the 2012 Celebrate A Life display and Memorial The Castlegar Hospice Society would likeTrees to invite you to visit the 2012 Celebrate A Life display and Memorial at the Super 8 Motel Trees at the Super 8 Motel This years theme is Christmas Across the Miles in tribute to our sister city of Embetsu Japan and features the in work tribute our sister city of Embetsu Japan and features the This years theme is Christmas Acrossstunning the Milesart of to Aileen Toews. stunning art work of Aileen Toews. A very special thank you to the Management and Staff at the Super 8 Motel and Black A very special thank you to the Management at the Super 8 Motel and Black Rooster for beingand ourStaff hosts. Rooster for being our hosts. A huge thank you to the “ Dream Team” of volunteers who donated their time and talents to creating this A huge display: thank you to the Lih, “ Dream Team” of volunteers who donated their time and talents to Sherry creating this fabulous Joanne Wayne George, Peggy Guindon, Ray Guindon, Marilyn Verigin, Molnarfabulous Lih,Gwen Wayne George, Peggy Guindon, Ray Guindon, Marilyn Verigin, SherryPhilomena MolnarGray, Adam display: Gray, KayJoanne Gritchen, Chernenkoff-Pegg, Lois Skublen, Judy Garner, Kathy Soloveoff, Gray, AdamArchambault, Gray, Kay Gritchen, Gwen Chernenkoff-Pegg, Lois Skublen,Students Judy Garner, Soloveoff, Mac McHenry and the Japanese International from Kathy Selkirk College. Philomena Archambault, Mac McHenry and the Japanese International Students from Selkirk College.

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012

Consultation on the Dept. of Peace Bill As part of its annual general meeting, the Canadian Department of Peace Initiative held the last of its public consultations on the creation of a Department of Peace. The meeting which took place at St. Paul University in Ottawa featured a panel of five commissioners and interventions from the public. (It was especially interesting for me to attend since the discussions centered around my Private Members Bill C-373, An Act to Establish a Department of Peace. The first speaker, Paul Dewar (NDP Foreign Affairs critic) spoke about how the conflict where 5 million have died in the Congo has been largely ignored by the world. He emphasized how Canada should be taking the lead to try and bring an end to this conflict. Paul also mentioned that a Department of Peace could play a major role in abolishing nuclear arms and that Ottawa could play a major role towards a nuclear convention. Canada has a history of bringing people together and needs to be front and centre as a partner for peace. The next speaker Dave Farthing, Director of YouCan (Youth) described

Alex Atamanenko, MP, BC Southern Interior. File photo

how his organization trains young people to resolve conflicts. He stated that a Department of Peace could pull all those initiatives together and that youth could help other youth who had been drawn into violence. Steve Staples, President of the Rideau Institute, talked about how Remembrance Day appears to be changing in Canada. Often, our ceremonies talk about military history and victories rather than concentrating on a need for peace as we pay respect and tribute to our fallen. Steven mentioned a poll in which those in the 18-30 age group were asked what Remembrance Day meant to them. Seventy-one per cent stated that remembering those soldiers who gave their lives was most important, but when asked what was more important, history or remembering peace, two out of three stat-

ed peace. Dennis Gruending, journalist and former MP, talked about the peace initiative as a communications challenge and the fact that “big ideas” are what create history. He gave as examples the fact that the right for women to vote as well as public health care started as ideas. Dennis outlined that peace building is not a dirty word in Canada and that it is ironic that those who promote wars are called “realists” where those who promote peace are called “idealists.” The final speaker of the day was Nicole Charron, a professional mediator who works in conflict resolution. She talked about how Canadian companies are complicit in the Congo tragedy and how rape has become an instrument of war. Nicole stated that in spite of the fact that Canada is considered a safe country, we do have this “illusion of security” that we are safe. She asked where in Canada do we have a space to create a mindset of peace and concluded by stating that instead of a love of power, what the world needs is the power of love. I had a chance over the weekend to spend some time with those who have spent many

years in the promotion of peace. The creation of a culture of peace or a Department of Peace does not mean that we do away with our Department of National Defence or our Armed Forces. I believe that Canada should have an effective well-trained military. However, we the citizens of Canada should have a say what role our Armed Forces should be playing. A Minister of Peace could work very well with the Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs to coordinate an approach to various situations. For example, here is an example of our recent history where a Canadian Department of Peace could have played an active role. According to Graeme MacQueen of McMaster Peace Studies Centre, their organization sought funding to work in Afghanistan through the 1990s when the Soviets had retreated and people needed and wanted help from the West to rebuild. We all know what kind of a priority it became and the toll it took on our country. Had there been a Department of Peace at that time, maybe, just maybe, history would have taken a different course.

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Do you have your residential water meter installed? Do you live south of the tracks by Safeway? If you haven’t already done so please call and make an appointment with the Corix Call center at 1-877-666-3837 before the December 31st, 2012 deadline. Corix Utilities has been contracted by the City of Castlegar to install residential water meters in every residence within the City of Castlegar boundary. All residents in the South Castlegar area (South of the railroad tracks by Safeway) must call the Corix Call Center and arrange for the free install of a residential water meter before December 31st, 2012. Should a resident choose not to arrange for Corix to install a residential water meter in their residence free of charge before the December 31st, 2012 deadline, they will be deemed to have refused the free water meter install and will therefore be responsible for full installation costs should they decide to get a water meter at a later date. Usage based billing will commence in early 2014 when the rates are set. Those residences that chose not to install a residential meter will continue to be billed on the flat rate system. The flat billing rate will be substantially higher than the current flat billing rate. For more information about the residential water metering program or to arrange for the installation of a residential water meter please contact the Corix Call Center at 1-877-666-3837. Thank You, City of Castlegar Transportation & Civic Works Department. Rail Road Tracks Safeway

Kootenay Communities go carbon neutral

Continued on P. A18


To Grand Forks Southridge

2012 Boundary 24th St Rail Road Tracks

n wi






Rail Road Tracks


“While it is not realistic for us to completely eliminate fossil fuels from our operations, we can take responsibility for reducing our emissions and keep those investments in the Kootenays,” says RDCK Board Chair John Kettle, referring to the purchase of carbon offsets. “Becoming carbon neutral is an important milestone and reaffirms our collective commitment...


keeping the investment in the region. “The RDKB’s commitment to acting responsibly is clear. We are saving energy, emissions, and money in our operations through actions such as retrofits. We are piloting approaches to save emissions in our communities such as organics diversion,” says RDKB Board Chair Larry Gray, adding, “Becoming carbon neutral is one part of that commitment.”


Eleven local governments are the first to sign on to meeting their carbon neutral commitment together through the joint procurement of Kootenay-based offsets. The first to commit are the Regional Districts of Central Kootenay (RDCK), KootenayBoundary (RDKB), and East Kootenay (RDEK), and the municipalities of Fruitvale, Kaslo, Trail, Midway, Slocan,

Rossland, Greenwood and Invermere. More local governments are expected to sign on to this initiative in the coming weeks. By working together over the last four years, local governments across the Columbia Basin and Boundary areas are estimated to have saved up to $750,000 on energy in their own operations. By buying Kootenaybased offsets together, the local governments will save again while

24th St



Hwy 3

Crestview / Grosvenor

Columbia Ave

MP’s Commentary A17

To Trail


Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



Have yourself a healthy, happy holiday season this year SUBMITTED Interior Health Authority

For many of us the holiday season is marked by sharing great food with friends and families. It’s a challenge not to overindulge at this time of year. Yet, it’s not healthy to feel deprived due to avoiding food at social gatherings while trying to stick to a diet.

Part of having a healthy relationship with food is being able to enjoy all foods in moderation. However, having healthy options available allows us to eat more nutritious foods along with the inevitable goodies. Big things come in small packages and when it comes to calories, appetizers can

be huge. Despite their small size many appetizers are made with rich ingredients that are loaded with extra calories. Why not contribute something a little lighter to the appetizer scene? To up the nutritional value without overdoing

the calories incorporate vegetables, whole grains, plain yogurt or bean dip, into appetizers. Aim for 50 per cent of the offerings to include some fruit and/or vegetables. Here are a few ideas to consider. Stuffed Cherry To-

matoes: Slice cherry tomatoes in half and scoop out the pulp. Stuff with a small crumble of goat cheese and top with a little pesto or stuff with a small cube of feta and a thin slice of kalamata olive. Fruit Skewers: Put

a new spin on the classic fruit platter. Cut assorted fruit into chunks and thread onto small barbeque skewers or toothpicks. Serve with flavoured low fat Greek yogurt for a dip that contains a good source of protein and is easy on the calories.

You can help encourage healthier holiday nibbling by using smaller plates and putting healthier choices at the front. Assorted Cracker Toppers: Choose your favourite whole grain cracker and top with things such as low fat cream cheese and jalapeño jelly, low fat cream cheese and smoked salmon, or cucumber and hummus. Tortilla Pinwheels: Cover the surface of a 10-inch whole grain tortilla with low fat spreadable cream cheese, add some lettuce and fill with any of the following combinations: thinly sliced cucumber, red

pepper, green onion, and salsa; smoked salmon, capers and red onion; or feta, dried cranberries and green onions. You can also fill with hummus and veggies or use salad sandwich ingredients such as egg, salmon or tuna. Roll the tortilla tightly (imagine rolling sushi) and cut into one or two inch pieces. You can also help encourage healthier holiday nibbling by using smaller plates and putting healthier choices at the start of the appetizer table. Placing healthy choices up front encourages guests to fill their plates with the healthy options. Remember, there is much more to the holiday season than food. Enjoy time with friends and family by taking a walk together after eating. Consider planning gatherings around activities like ice skating, tobogganing or skiing to help encourage activities that are both healthy and fun during holiday celebrations.

Authors: Simone Jennings, Laura Kalina and Rose Soneff are community nutritionists with Interior Health.

Carbon reduction Continued from P. A17 take responsibility and to take action on climate change,” says RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay. “Congratulations for the leadership shown by these local governments on working together to take tangible actions on climate change,” says Neil Muth, CBT President and CEO. “We are pleased to support these efforts and applaud the regional districts for their innovative approach to buying Kootenay-based offsets.” Local governments

voluntarily signed BC’s Climate Action Charter and have committed to becoming carbon neutral in their operations by 2012. Here in the Columbia Basin, a multiyear effort known as the Carbon Neutral Kootenays (CNK) project is supporting local governments and First Nations that are working towards becoming carbon neutral. CNK is funded jointly by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) and the Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, East Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary.

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A19


Lizzy Hoyt trio serves a stellar Sunday matinee

Jim Sinclair

Castlegar News Editor

With significant awards comes credibility that serves as a calling card, something everyone would like to include in their promo package. Lizzy Hoyt has that kind of credibility thanks to more than one prestigious kudo in her collection. “Best Female Artist” in the International Acoustic Music Awards, for example, means anyone heading to see the Alberta-based artist is in for something worthwhile. But it wasn’t clear until Lizzy, Keith Rempel and Chris Tabbert began their set at Castlegar Unit-

ed Church on Sunday, how worthwhile the experience would be. The performance was presented by the Kootenay Gallery, part of the TD Bank Sunday Concert Series. Getting to see a group like this in an intimate setting like this is really something else. The expertise displayed by each musician is jaw-dropping and it’s matched by their sensitivity and taste. Lizzy Hoyt displays equal mastery of the fiddle, harp and guitar, complemented by an otherworldly voice. To top it off she comes across as a truly natural and re-

Progress continues on 12-point plan

Govt. of B.C.

The Ministry of Social Development has led significant consultations throughout the year. This is an essential element of delivering on the recommendations to improve supports for adults with developmental disabilities made 11 months ago. Community engagement workshops gathering feedback on an integrated service delivery model have now wrapped up in 14 communities around B.C. A total of 766 people participated in the workshops, including individuals with developmental disabilities, parents, a wide range of service providers and government agency staff. A final report on these workshops will be available later this month. An online discussion forum is now available so British Columbians who were unable to participate in a community workshop can

still provide feedback. Additional comments can be submitted at any time to: The first series of online dialogue sessions will be on the foundation of the integrated service delivery model, which includes: early planning, navigator, co-ordination of information, self determination, community and quality assurance. Community Living BC (CLBC) is acting on its commitment to quality assurance by initiating a number of measures over the coming months to ensure people with developmental disabilities and their families are receiving quality supports and services. “Engagement has been a fundamental part of the work our government is doing to improve services and supports for people with developmental disabilities,” says Minister of Social Development Moira Stilwell.

(L-R) Keith Rempel; Lizzy Hoyt, Chris Tabbert at Castlegar United Church, on December 9. Jim Sinclair photo

laxed, people-loving performer. Rempel on bass and back-up vocals and Tabbert, alternating between

guitar and mandolin, were understatedly superb. With a set running the gamut from an-

cient French Christmas pieces... barnburning fiddle tunes and lovely original pieces, to spot-on

tributes to Alison Krauss and Dolly Parton, the strong and supportive crowd was more than pleased.

For good measure Lizzy took a couple of high-energy stepdancing turns on a well-secured wooden square in front of the stage before the 90odd minute show was complete. Rempel and Tabbert were, as mentioned, rock-solid and when given a chance to step out, more than up to the task. There was more than enough tone to go around, anyone who didn’t think so was able to join the crowd at the CD table following the show for some more to-go. Don’t be surprised to hear of more accolades piling up for Hoyt and mates as time goes by.


Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012


Sports Reporter Craig Lindsay wants to hear about your sporting event. Call Craig at 250-3656397 or email reporter@

Rebels bounce back to shut out Grizzlies in Revelstoke Craig Lindsay

Castlegar News Reporter

One day after falling to Sicamous, the Castlegar Rebels bounced back in Revelstoke and shut-out the Grizzlies 3-0 on Saturday in the second game of a two game road trip to the North Okanagan/Shuswap. Dylan Bowerman scored a power play goal at 1:18 of the first period, assisted by Hunter Jenerou, to put Castlegar up 1-0. At 5:04 of the second, Diego Bartlett scored a power play marker of his own to give the Rebs a 2-0 lead. Assisting on the goal were Stu Walton and Aaron Brewer. Matt Reed, assisted by Walton, scored an empty netter for Castlegar with 38 seconds left to play to give the Rebs a 3-0 lead. Connor Beauchamp picked up the shut-out and the game’s first star for the Rebels stopping all 41 Revelstoke shots. “I was really pleased with our effort,” said Rebels’ head coach Steve Junker. “We were down a few guys, but I thought everybody picked it up and played well.” Depth is looking like a strong point for the Rebels with the team missing several players with injuries, illnesses and suspensions and still being able to compete. “Obviously, you need depth and I think that’s been one of our strong suits all along,” said Junker. “We’ve had to play guys in

different spots in the line-up. I thought they responded well.” The Rebels got off to a slow start against Sicamous in Nakusp and paid the price, losing to the Okanagan/Shuswap Conference leading Eagles 5-2. Sicamous went up 2-0 after one period, with Brayden Taekema Brendan Devries scoring, and and 3-0 after two periods on Devries second goal of three. The Rebs made it 3-1 with a goal from Peter Mingus, assisted by Bryan Lubin and Brenden Heinrich, but the Eagles put the lead to three again with Kelyn Opel scoring. Matt Reed, assisted by Darren Medeiros and Hunter Jenerou, gave the Rebels some life with a goal at 4:50 of the third to cut the Sicamous lead to 4-2. But the Eagles shut the door on the Rebs comeback with Devries hat-trick goal with 39 seconds left into an empty net. “I thought we had some unfortunate bounces early on,” said Junker. “I thought we actually came out pretty strong and their goaltender played extremely well. We had (let in) maybe a bit of a soft goal early and then had one where one of our defencemen fell down in the neutral zone and gave them a breakaway. That kind of gave them some momentum going into the third.” The Rebels had

plenty of chances in the final period to tie it up but couldn’t find the back of the net. “We had enough opportunities to equalize but couldn’t finish our chances,” said Junker. “On Friday, it wasn’t a full team effort and you definitely need a full team effort. But I don’t think we played poorly. I just don’t think we were getting the results we wanted.” Castlegar outshot the home team 46-30. Jordan Gluck played the first period in net for the Rebels and picked up the loss giving up two goals on 11 shots. Beauchamp played the last two periods and stopped 15 of 17 Sicamous shots. Despite the let down of Gluck against Sicamous, Junker is happy with both goalies. “It’s a nice luxury to have two top end goalies like that,” he said. “I really feel comfortable throwing either of them in the net.” Castlegar plays in Beaver Valley Friday against the Nitehawks, and returns home Saturday to face Golden. “We haven’t seen BV in a while,” said Junker. “Without a doubt, they’re putting a string of wins together. No surprise really. We didn’t think they were going to struggle for too long. They hit a bit of a patch early on in the season where they weren’t as successful, but we knew they’d get things turned around. It’s a rivalry for us. It’s going to be a tough

— REBEL SCORING — PLAYER Stuart Walton Jamie Vlanich Diego Bartlett Kody Disher Darren Medeiros

# GP 7 29 28 20 12 25 22 27 25 29



18 21 39 15 7 21 28 43 15 12 27 51 8 13 21 95 9 11 20 43

Statistics updated Tuesday, Dec. 11

Rebels goaltender Connor Beauchamp makes the save on Revelstoke’s Austin Donaldson as he is being taken down by Rebel defenders Erik Alden and Aaron Brewer.

game and a great test for us. It’ll be a great game for the fans.” The Golden Grizzlies are in third in the Eddie Mountain division with 16 wins and 10 losses for 34 points. “Golden is a good

team as well,” said Junker. “That division over there, they’re all battling for position. They’re right in the mix.” Rebel rousing

Alex Cooper/Revelstoke Times-Review

Rebels defenceman and Castlegar native Tanner Johnson has been called up to the Junior A Langley Rivermen of the BCHL. Johnson played in 25 games for the Rebels. He was signed by

Langley at the Dec. 1 deadline. “He was a big part of our team,” said Junker. “But we’re happy to see him move on. From all accounts, he’s doing very well there.”

— KIJHL STANDINGS — Kootenay Conference NEIL MURDOCH DIVISION TEAM Nelson Castlegar Beaver Valley Spokane Grand Forks

GP W L T OTL PTS GF GA PCT. 30 22 6 1 1 46 138 74 .767 30 19 6 4 1 43 118 76 .717 30 17 11 1 1 36 112 104 .600 29 11 16 1 2 24 102 125 .414 32 5 25 0 2 12 83 162 .188

Kootenay Conference EDDIE MOUNTAIN DIVISION TEAM GP Fernie 27 Kimberley 32 Golden 28 Creston Valley 29 Columbia Valley 31




17 7 1 18 14 0 16 10 0 10 15 0 10 19 0

OTL PTS GF GA PCT. 2 37 99 68 .685 0 36 108 110 .563 2 34 103 97 .607 4 24 101 101 .414 2 22 82 133 .355

Okanagan/Shuswap Conference DOUG BIRKS DIVISION TEAM Sicamous North Okanagan Revelstoke Kamloops Chase

GP W L T 28 18 5 2 29 18 8 1 29 14 11 3 33 12 15 2 32 7 21 3

OTL PTS GF GA PCT. 3 41 112 81 .732 2 39 113 86 .672 1 32 100 97 .552 4 30 110 122 .455 1 18 76 150 .281

Okanagan/Shuswap Conference OKANAGAN DIVISION TEAM Princeton Osoyoos Kelowna Summerland Penticton

GP W L 29 18 10 32 18 14 29 17 11 29 15 13 30 7 21

T OTL PTS GF GA PCT. 0 1 37 104 78 .638 0 0 36 117 120 .563 1 0 35 113 79 .603 0 1 31 101 94 .534 0 2 16 60 95 .267

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A21

Sports Midget Rebels take third at home


Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Midget Rep Rebels held their home tournament this past weekend at the Castlegar Complex and came away with the bronze medal. The team opened the tournament with a close 5-4 win over Elk Valley. The Rebs followed that up with a tough 1-0 loss to a Westside team that would go on to win the tournament. Castlegar lost another close one, this time to Tri-Cities 5-4. The guys wrapped up the tournament with a strong 5-1 win over a Spokane team that they had not beaten before. “It was a good indication of how much the team has improved,” said head




Bring in a new toy for the toy drive and receive a FREE kids Rebels ticket. We will also be accepting non-perishable food donations!






Castlegar midget Rebels player Chase Butala carries the puck behind the Elk Valley net on Friday during the teams’ first game of the tournament at the Castlegar Complex. Craig Lindsay photo

coach Grant Pilla. “I was very happy with our team’s effort this weekend. The boys have really started to gel and have come a long way since the beginning of the year.” Pilla says it was full team effort and ev-

eryone chipped in to make the tournament a success. “Once again, I am proud of our boys and how they represented themselves and our community this weekend and am very thankful for the effort and committ-

ment shown by the parents to make the tournament such a success,” he said. The week before, the midget Rebels placed first in a tournament in Kelowna. Castlegar beat the host team 3-1 in the final.

Renegades play in outdoor Winter Classic

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 7:00P CASTLEGAR REBELS VS NELSON LEAFS • NELSON - NELSON COMMUNITY COMPLEX • We are always looking for volunteers to help with our organization.

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am 5:30-6:30pm

Circuit Strength Deep Water Workout Fabulous 50+ Ultimate Kickbox

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am 9:00-11:00am 6:00-7:00pm

Submitted photo

The Castlegar Renegades Pee Wee house hockey team travelled south of the border to Kalispell, Montana to participate in the outdoor Winter Classic tournament. The Renegades went two and one in round-robin play, and ended up fourth in the tournament after losing to Chestermere, Alberta in the third place game.

Friday 9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am

Step to It Health & Recovery Body Blast/Tues Core & More/Thurs PM Aqua-Fit Circuit Strength Aqua Circuit Fabulous 50+

Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by: 1 - 3 -12 month Membership Passes or $6.00

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

CHRISTMAS BREAK There will be no classes December 24 – Jan 1st

Kootenay-Columbia School District #20

Notice of Public Forum Thursday, January 17, 2013

6:30pm at Twin Rivers Elementary School Gym 649 7th Avenue, Castlegar


The Board is considering potential school closure and/or reconfiguration potentially impacting Castlegar Primary School, Twin Rivers Elementary School, Kinnaird Elementary School and Robson Community School. The public forum will provide information and allow members of the public to provide input to the Board about the potentially effected Castlegar area schools.

Kootenay South Youth Soccer Association “KSYSA” which encompasses Trail, Rossland, Beaver Valley, and Castlegar, is now accepting applications for Coaching positions in all areas, at all levels, and in particular, the Rep Soccer Program. Rep Coaching Applications can be found online at www.kootenaysouthsoccer. com, and need to be submitted by January 15, 2013.

Background information about the various configurations and details about the opportunity to make written submissions can be found on the district website at 25682

Coaching Clinics will be held this year for all levels and all ages. Anyone wishing to Coach at any age/skill level is welcome to emailinfo@, where we will direct you to the appropriate person in your community, and for updates on Coaching Clinics being held early in 2013.

FREE CLASSES SCHEDULE January 2 – 5th. Check out the Winter Leisure Guide





MONDAY DEC 31ST 5:00-7:30PM $8.00 FAMILY OF 4 $3.00 ADULT $2.00 STUDENT OR CHILD



Public Swim Schedule Monday

12:00-6:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-6:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


12:00-6:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-6:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm



Saturday 1:00-6:00pm Sunday 1:00-6:00pm


Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Jan. 31 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 5 Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 for Transportation Endorsement Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Dec. **Don’t forget to watch the 5 Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Feb. 5 Dec. 5 Transportation Endorsement Financial Education Series: Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 OFA Level 1: Jan. Winter/Spring 2013 Dec. 8 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Prenatal-Early Class OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Prenatal-Early Green YourClass Home From Lowfor Tech to Dec. 8 Continuing Education Calendar Avalanche Awareness Sledders: Green Your Home FromLow Low Tech Green Your Home From Tech to to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Tech: Feb. 12From Low OFA Level 1 Home Green Your Tech toDec. 15 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 in your mail in OFAHigh LevelTech: 1 Feb. 12 Dec. 15 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: 412January late December orFeb. early Learn toto Draw in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. or go to Skills Avalanche Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 for upcoming courses. Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5

Refresher: Feb. 4 A22 Prenatal

Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Green Your Home From Low Tech to Green Your Feb. Home12From Low Tech to High Tech: High Tech: Feb. 12 The NelsoN lioNs Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18Club hours: would Feb. 12 To ThaNk Painting Naturallike Elements: Feb. 15 The Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 followiNg

people aNd orgaNizaTioN

Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd. Maglio Building Centre D. Sicotte Trucking Ken Braithwaite Al Coombs Bobbie Maras Bruce Cutler Al McCuaig And all the Lions and customers for making this firewood sale another successful fundraiser for our club. Approximately $3000 was raised which will be returned to the community.

Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News


Bantam girls battle to draw at SHSS Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

The Stanley Humphries Secondary School bantam (grade 8) girls basketball team played its first game of the season on Tuesday, Dec. 11 hosting Mount Sentinel Secondary from South Slocan. After a slow start, the SHSS Bulldogs started to make some shots and play some strong defence as they overcame a six point deficit late in the game to tie the score at 26. “It was a great first effort,” said coach Craig Lindsay. “The girls showed

off a lot of the skills we have been working on in practice since the start of the season. Our defence, in particular, was very solid. Everyone helped each other out. Mount Sentinel is very good and well coached and I expect we’ll have a few more close games with them before the season’s over.” Being an exhibition game, the coaches agreed to not play overtime and leave the game as a tie. The SHSS bantam girls basketball team’s next game will be after Christmas.

Els Hyrniw of Mount Sentinel drives past Emma Lloyd of SHSS during Tuesday’s game at Stanley Humphries Secondary in Castlegar. Craig Lindsay photo

Seniors open season in Invermere

Christmas at St. David’s 614 Christina Place

(just off Columbia Avenue) 250 365 2271

Monday December 24th 4:oo pm Jesus Birthday Party Our annual children’s service followed by cake and ice cream. 9:oo pm Christmas Candlelight Mass All are welcome to this joy filled celebration of the first Mass of Christmas.

Sunday December 30th 9:oo am Christmas Lessons and Carols Continue the Christmas celebration with your favourite carols and stories.

The Stanley Humphries Secondary (SHSS) senior girls team faces off against the host David Thompson Secondary in tournament action on Saturday in Invermere. Submitted photo Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

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The Stanley Humphries Secondary School senior girls basketball team played their first tournament of the year last weekend at David Thompson Secondary in Invermere. The

Bulldogs played three games and won one. In their first game, SHSS played a strong Selkirk Secondary team from Kimberley and lost 73-26. Leeza Perehudoff played well with five points and seven rebounds, while Svetlana Hadikin added eight points and

four assists. The Bulldogs faced the Fernie Falcons in their second game and lost 58-24. Leading the way for SHSS was Rebekah Liszt with seven points, Kierra Cates with five points, including a three pointer, and three steals, and Jenna

tercollegiate Hockey League’s Player of the Month for November. Wood scored four goals and added eight assists in six games during the month to lead all BCIHL skaters and maintain his grip on first place in

league scoring overall with 12 goals and 26 points respectively. He also helped lead the Saints to six consecutive wins, with the team’s victory over the University of Victoria last Saturday tying the Vikes’ record for the

Kalmakoff added nine rebounds. SHSS picked up its first win of the season in the last game, beating the host team from Invermere 52-47 in overtime. Kelsey Matson had a strong game with 14 points and 10 rebounds, while Rachael teBulte added nine points and an amazing 17 rebounds. Liszt added nine assists and five steals. “The girls improved with every game,” said coach Gord Matson. “We came from down five points in the fourth quarter in our last game to tie and win in overtime. It was very exciting. We maintained a great spirit of hustle and enthusiasm throughout the tournament. Our senior leaders Leeza Perehudoff, Kierra Cates and Kelsey

Matson showed great leadership all tournament.” Feb. 11 games

The SHSS junior and senior girls basketball teams were also in action on Tuesday playing their first league games at L.V. Rogers in Nelson. The juniors beat LVR 30-22 led by Rebekah Liszt’s 13 points. The senior fell 47-17 despite a strong effort from Nora Furer who scored six points and grabbed 12 rebounds. On Thursday the seniors host Mount Sentinel at SHSS. The next action for the juniors is Dec. 18 at J.L. Crowe in Trail. The grade-8’s next game will be after Christmas.

Saints’ captain named player of the month submitted

The Selkirk College Men’s Hockey program is pleased to announce that forward and team captain Jordan Wood has been named the British Columbia In-

longest-ever BCIHL winning streak at 12 games. “Jordan had another tremendous month both in terms of his individual performances and his overall leadership of our group,” says Saints head coach Jeff

Dubois. Selkirk resumes the 2012/13 season following an extended exam/holiday break against SFU on Saturday, January 12th at the Castlegar Recreation Complex. Face-off is set for 7:30 PM.

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 A23


Local skating hero returns to Castlegar

Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar native and provincial figure skating champion Cole Stanbra returned to town recently and has been helping out with the Castlegar Skating Club. Fittingly, the club is where Stanbra got his start. Now, he is a professional skater who skates on Royal Cruise Lines ships. “I represented the Castlegar Skating Club,” he said. “I represented them at six national championships. In 2002, I was

B.C. Novice Men’s champion, representing Castlegar. I later placed fifth at nationals that year.” Stanbra first hit the ice at age five when his father put him in hockey. He only played one year of hockey and then gravitated toward other activities such as piano and competitive swimming. He returned to the ice in 1998 at the age of 11 when he started figure skating. After finishing fifth at nationals, Stanbra moved from Castlegar to Vancouver to further his training.

In 2005, he moved out to Barrie, Ontario and finished off his senior career there. In 2008, he began working on the cruise lines as a professional figure skater. “Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has ten ships in the fleet with ice rinks,” he explained. “We have a cast of ten. I’ve been performing in the shows for four years now. I leave for my next one on Jan. 13. It’s called the Adventure of the Seas. That’ll be out of San Juan, Puerto Rico. That’s funny because it’s the first ship I per-

show are from Miami so they haven’t seen a lot of ice skating. So it’s new to them. Especially seeing it out on a cruise ship and seeing the shows and the different costumes. It’s great seeing their reactions. I always pay attention to the audience and I enjoy seeing the different expressions on people’s face.” Currently, Stanbra is on a three month break between cruise ships. He enjoys getting back to Castlegar and visiting his parents and grandmother and friends. “I actually haven’t skated here (at the complex) in a few years because I’m living out in Vancouver,”

he said. “So when I do get back it’s nice to drop in on the club and just see some of the young kids. See how the young and up and coming skaters are doing.” He also enjoys giving back by offering tips to the young skaters and acting as a kind of role model. “I know skating’s not huge around here,” said Stanbra. “But when I go out there and see the kids asking me questions, I certainly don’t hesitate to help them out and give them a few tips. So that’s been really fun. It brings back a lot of memories too, to skate here. It’s been great.”

Castlegar News Reporter

Justin Evin of the Castlegar Snowmobile Association is ready to go for a ride at the group’s sign-up and fundraiser Saturday at the recreation centre. Craig Lindsay photo

With the snow just starting to stick, it was a great time for the Castlegar Snowmobile Association to hold its annual fundraiser/membership drive. The event took place Friday at the Castlegar Complex and featured a swap meet, door prizes, food and drinks, and a silent auction. In addition, two large screens played several different popular snowmobiling videos. “This is our fundraiser and member-






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Cole Stanbra in action on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship. Submitted photo

ship drive,” said Amy Enns, fundraising director for the Castlegar Snowmobile Association. “We’ve been doing it for at least five years since I’ve been involved. It’s basically the first day that your memberships are available. So it encourages our members to come and sign up.” The club had 168 members last year and is expected to have similar numbers this year. Enns says that members are already out hitting the trails. “We usually start early December

and go until May or June,” she said. “We ride between 6,500 and 7,500 feet. Snowmobiling is the fastest growing sport in the world and has been since the early 90’s. It’s huge.” The money raised at events such as the fundraiser/membership drive help the club in many different ways. “It goes towards grooming our trails; promoting avalanche and safety awareness; and improving our cabin and infrastructure on the mountain,” said Enns.





Snowmobile association holds member drive Craig Lindsay




Professional skater Cole Stanbra poses with Castlegar Skating Club members (from left) Andrea Poznikoff, Sara Lefurgey, Annika Cheveldave, Zoey Crockart, Megan Cousins, and Sara Cousins at practice on Friday. Craig Lindsay photo

formed on in 2008. It’ll be interesting going back to the same one.” Stanbra says that skating on a ship is not as difficult as it might seem although it’s not without the occasional hurdle. “Sometimes when there’s tropical storms and hurricanes it can get a bit rough,” he said. “But for the size of the ships, they’re pretty steady. Which is good for us.” In the shows, Stanbra usually performs in front of 700800 people with all around seating. “The audience is really up front and close,” he said. “It’s nice as performers because you can actually get close to the audience and interact with them. They seem to really respond well to the shows. It’s a lot of fun.” Performing on cruise ships is a lot less stressful than performing for judges in competitions, says Stanbra. “I still have the same adrenaline rush I did when I was competing,” he said. “But instead you have an audience that’s paid a lot of money for the cruise and is expecting a good show. A lot of people at the

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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News


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Castlegar Funeral Chapel would like to invite you to their

11th Annual




The link to your community

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IT WILL GO ON LINE! MOLLY BARABANOFF Molly was born on October 14, 1920 in Ootischenia BC to parents Mike and Polly Postnikoff. She passed away peacefully at Talarico Place on December 2, 2012. She was blessed with 92 years of life. She had four siblings. In 1924 the family moved to Thrums, BC where they established a successful produce business. As a young woman Molly attended school, assisted with the family business and worked at various jobs including cooking, childcare and orchard work throughout the Okanagan. It was there she met the love of her life John Barabanoff and they wed in New Westminster in 1946. They raised three daughters Lydia, Lorna, and Valentina. In 1967 Molly lost her beloved husband John. Molly loved entertaining, gardening, cooking, baking, sports, music, and theatre. She is best known for her energy, kindness, storytelling, sense of humor and practical jokes. Molly was a very devoted grandmother to eight grandchildren. She is predeceased by her parents Mike and Polly Postnikoff, Husband John Barabanoff, Brothers Nick and Bill Postnikoff, Sisters Tina Esolvoloff and Mabel Barisoff. Molly is survived by daughter Lydia (George) Plotnikoff, grandsons Jed and Jamie. Daughter Lorna (Garry) Trofimenkoff, grandchildren Loren, Leanne and Jenna. Daughter Valentina (Mark) Paulson, grandchildren Kyle, Jessica and Paige. Thank you to Dr. Streich, Ginny and the many Home Support staff throughout the years. A special thank you to all the wonderful staff at Talarico Place and Dr. Vasil for the gracious care, guidance, and kindness. Thank you to all the family, friends and the Krestova Community for all the team effort and support. A special thank you to the Grand Forks Funeral Home and Harry Zeabin for officiating a beautiful service. Our love is everlasting. We will miss you dearly.

Laima Allis Laimdota Sefers was born in Riga, Latvia on February 17, 1924. In Latvia ‘Laima’ is the goddess of fortune and ‘dota’ is a giver. True to her name and calling Laima loved to be with people; she cared for and comforted everyone that she came in contact with. We were all richer for having had a bit of “Laima” in our lives. Her story began a long way from Castlegar. Laima and her sister Daina were raised by their grandparents in Latvia and experienced a rich and varied life that ranged from opera and concerts in Riga, the capital city, to summers working on the family farm in Carnikava. During the Second World War Laima and Daina fled Latvia and made their way to Germany. At the end of the war their English fluency allowed them both to go to Leeds, England to take their nurses training. As it turned out, Laima and her sister were not the only Latvians to emigrate to England. Laima was reunited with Aigars (Tom) Allis, a childhood friend. Laima and Aigars had played in the sandbox together and from the stories they tell, there was an early attraction. Laima and Aigars married in 1950 and, seeking a better life, sailed to Canada in 1956 with their daughter Linda and the family dog in tow. Their first stop was the Northern Ontario mining town of Kearns where Aigars worked at the Keradison Gold Mine. Several moves in Northern Ontario mining district followed and the family grew with daughter Karina and son Martin. Other Latvians had also moved to work in northern Ontario, Laima and Aigars were involved in the Latvian choir and had a lively circle of friends. Eventually, Aigars obtained a position as a design draftsman with Cominco (Trail, B.C.) and the family + dog drove across Canada in March of 1963, living on the meat pies that Laima had made. They bought a house in Castlegar and Laima embraced all that the West Kootenay’s had to offer. She took French and geology at Selkirk College, started downhill and cross-country skiing, and participated in community organizations. These included the International Society, Welcome Wagon, Arts Council, West Kootenay Naturalists, the Castlegar Quilters and Weavers Guilds, as well as becoming a long serving volunteer at the Castlegar Public Library. Laima loved her family, her dogs and cats, her flower garden, and music- especially opera and classical. Life near Zuckerberg’s Island also allowed her daily walks with her dogs, regular chatting with neighbours and, when the weather and river water level permitted, swimming in the Columbia. With Aigar’s retirement in 1982, the two enjoyed a charmed life marked by close family and friends, good health, and the time (and ability) to travel and work on Laima’s magnificent flower garden and ongoing craft and quilting projects. Laima was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2009, and although her memory and language were affected it did not affect her cheerful outlook. Right to the end, December 3, 2012, Laima responded to each smile with her own sweet smile. We will miss you always. Aigars; Linda, Tom and Berend Kessler; Karina, Jim and Arija Fisher

By shopping local you support local people.


Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News



Career Opportunities

Help Wanted

LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535

Education/Trade Schools TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

Call for Casual Employment:

The Kootenay Society for Community Living seeks casual employees to work in the West Kootenay. Casual employees provide service for persons with development disabilities and/or spectrum disorder in residential settings and in the community. For more information please visit our website at To apply please either email your resume to or fax to 250-365-5679 HI my name is Vandy, $1000 reward for anyone who can author a life story about the ups and downs of my intriguing life...Creativity and imagination is an asset, short and sweet on the poetic spectrum preferable, whilst keeping within the guidelines of fact overriding fiction, embellishment an option but not most likely not necessary as my life is interesting enough to be authored and published within local newspapers without exaggeration as a necessity. You can reach me @ 778677-5446 or 885-8002 or e-mail

HOME SHARE PROVIDER The Kootenay Society for Community Living supports individuals with developmental disabilities and/or spectrum disorders. We currently have opening for Home Share Providers to share their home and provide support to individuals in the West Kootenay.Your qualifications include experience working with individuals with development disabilities and the desire to provide a safe and welcoming home that offers individuals the opportunity for inclusion. For more details please visit our website at To apply, please forward your resume either by email to or by fax 250-365-5679

Passionate about print

Commercial print company seeking experienced team members. All positions considered; top compensation for top performance. Email: Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430

JOIN THE AXIS TEAM IN CASTLEGAR/TRAIL /ROBSON AREAS If you are passionate about working with youth at risk or with special needs and want to make a difference in their lives, consider joining our team in the following positions: Full time and Casual Residence Workers (24hr shifts) Successful applicants must be able to follow behavior plans and be positive role model and mentor. For further information refer to our website under job opportunities. Resumes with cover letters can be faxed to Bev Munro (250) 851-2977 or emailed to : Only those shortlisted will be contacted.




Legal Services

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

HINO CENTRAL Fraser Valley is seeking a Commercial Vehicle Technician (Senior Apprentice or Journeyman) to add to our growing team in Langley. We offer a competitive salary and full benefits in a fully-equipped ultra-modern facility. Visit Apply to:; fax: 780-6384867.

DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500

NORTHERN ALBERTA clearing contractor seeks experienced Buncher and Skidder Operators for work in Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided; email Fax 780-488-3002.

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.


Healing Arts RELIEVE Tension, improve circulation and restore balance throughout the body with Reflexology. Call the Happy Sole for an appointment 250-3659682.

Health Products

SYSCO Kelowna is currently seeking an experienced CLASS 1 DRIVER to shuttle from Castlegar to Kelowna four shifts a week from 3pm to 3am. Sysco offers highly competitive pay, bonuses and full benefits, if this sound like a career for you, submit your resume and driver abstract to

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One


Home Care/Support


Mature lady seeking a live in position for mature person needing housekeeper/ companion in order to maintain residence in their own home. Call 250-365-1153

Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750 GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.


FULL TIME Monday to Friday day shift Union wages and benefits Castlegar location Apply to:

Help Wanted Handypersons Gare’s Home Maintenance & Contracting Call 250-359-2983 or Cell 250-304-5298

Lets You Live Life.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Emcon Services Inc.

Position Available Certified H/D Mechanic for the Castlegar/Trail Area to start immediately. Good fabricating & welding skills given preference. For information on qualifications and applications email Holly Borisenkoff


Sales Representative

Automotive Service Technician

With an exciting new product line and beautifully renovated facilities, Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC is looking for a capable, personable and motivated Sales Representative to join its sales team. We’re a family-owned and operated General Motors dealership with over 20 years of experience providing quality automotive products and exceptional service to our customers.

Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC has an immediate opening for a Certified Automotive Technician. We are a leader in automotive repair and service and we’re looking to hire and retain the very best. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits and a great work environment.

If you have an abiding interest in automobiles and enjoying sharing your passion with others in a helpful and ethical manner, then maybe this position is for you. We provide the kind of training and support to help you succeed, and our compensation and benefits packages rank among the best anywhere.

We’re a family-owned and operated General Motors dealership with over 20 years of experience providing uncompromising service to our customers, and we’re looking for someone who shares our philosophy and work ethic. Come be a part of our team. General Motors experience is considered an asset, but is not essential. However, you must have your own tools and safety boots.

Please submit your cover letter and resume to:

Please submit your cover letter and resume to:

Scott Hutt, Sales Manager Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:

Mitch Rinas, Controller Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:




• Nelson Star • Trail Daily Times • Castlegar News • Grand Forks Gazette • Rossland News

Seasonal Truck Drivers Needed EMCON SERVICES INC., Road and Bridge Maintenance Contractor in the Castlegar, Rossland, Trail and Fruitvale Areas are looking for professional drivers for part time employment for the upcoming winter season. Qualifications for these positions are: • BC driver’s license (minimum Class 3/Air) • Proven on highway trucking experience • Experience driving tandem axle vehicles and experience on a variety of transmissions including 13 speed. Qualified applicants are invited to submit application along with a photocopy of driver’s license, a driver’s abstract and references to substantiate driving experience to:

Emcon Services Inc. 6150 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 Or Fax (250) 442-2677

MONEY WALKS Walk your dog and make money!

OPEN ROUTE • Castlegar News 250.365.6397 Theresa Castlegar Distribution Hodge Manager


When you book any classified ad into any of our West Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only


Help Wanted

RT 39 - 104-107 St. Blueberry



Trades, Technical

Journeyman Commercial/ Heavy Duty Mechanic

INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Trades, Technical

$2 SHU S



Call your comunity paper for more details!!!

Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.

uit & Vegetables

Real Estate

Houses For Sale


Heavy Duty Machinery

Rooms for Rent


wheel crane trucks/Excavators End unit with green space EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small garden area, covered patio. forklifts / F350 C/C Sale with CASTLEGAR Estate subdivison “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Swetlikoff - ReMax views ofPhil Columbia River. Damaged /Containers Semi Deluxe non motorized Kelowna Builders/Developers propoTrailers$3800 for Hiway & Storageelchair new asking 1-800-663-5770 or sals wanted. 3 new City lots Call Hrs 1-866-528-7108 00 Call24250-365-9842 available; Cell: 187 1-250-470-2222 Lakeview. For Delivery BC and AB prelim drawings and more info

edical Supplies

Misc. for Sale

Medical Supplies AST! An iron filter that

call Rod @ 250 365 0044 Lots

Other Areas

CASTLEGAR subdivison with

Shared Accommodation Fully furnished 3 bdrm Home

Mature maleWANTED looking for ROOMMATE to1 or 2 to rentinupstairs share Call 2people Bdrm Suite South FYI 250-365-2839 or Castlegar $465/mth 608-0453+ 1/2 damage, includes utilities, cable/wifi. Working or student only, N/S, NoShared partiers. Room is unfurnished, W/D, TV in Accommodation otherwise furnished suite. ROOMMATE WANTED to Phone 250-304-4649 share 2 Bdrm Suite in South


rchandise for Sale


APPROVED Transportation Employment

Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

AutoCareer Financing 1-888-204-5355

for Pre-Approval Opportunities • GOOD CREDIT • BAD CREDIT



Call 250-304-9868 CASTLEGAR, Broadwater Rentals Rd. Immac dble 2 bdrm, 2 bath, manufactured home, open concept, corner Homesprivate for Rent dble lot, F/S. DW, Gas fire, hot AVENUE MUSIC Buyingtub, WD hook Avail up, immediately 2 workANNOUNCING the arrival of BAY Private Coin Collector Castlegar 1364 Bay Ave, Trail deck, floralclose yardto Blue and Red nose Pitt bull Collections, Accumulations,shops, 3huge - 4 Bdrm House, puppies. Ready to go by end Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + schools, beautiful hardwood 250-368-8878 to die for, N/S, small pets ok, en 5 lb bags Raspberries of January, expected any day. Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town fl oors, F/S, DW, Laundry $1150/mth + utilities, DD, $550 $15 a bag Asking best offer or trade. huge fenced yard, N/S, N/P Call 780-333-1676, Avail Dec 1699 Hwy 3A Thrums Looking for gentle and loving $1100/mth + utilities Musical Instruments1st, 250-399-4779 homes. Call 250-520-0297 Call 250-304-9868 Castlegar South, 4 Bdrm OR email: Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums CASTLEGAR, Broadwater recently renovated, Keyboards, Band & String Rd. Immac dble 2lowbdrm, 2 maintenance yard, N/S, N/Phome, Instruments, Music books & bath, manufactured Merchandise for SaleExclusive Factory $1300/mth 250-365-4997 Accessories, MusicDirect Lessons open concept, private corner que Scandinavian style Pricing on SRI 14s, 16s, douSales & Rentals lot,for F/S. DW, Gas fire, HALFdble house rent. Opposite Es- hot id teak 7 pcs dining set bles & BAY modular homes.MUSIC Take AVENUE tub,High WDon hook up, Rd. 2 workquimalt 828 Colvile 3 & Vegetables 00Fruit obo, matching teak advantage of ourBay 38 Ave, years ex1364 Trail shops,large huge floralandyard Bedrooms, yarddeck, for pets e table, 2 end table $250 perience and 250-368-8878 then take advankids. to250-885-8002 250-885die for, N/S, orsmall pets ok, Frozen 5 lb bags Raspberries O, electric hospital bed, 8090 $1150/mth + utilities, DD, $550 tage of our pricing only at Lake $15 a bag rking 1699 cond Hwy $3003A OBO, Call 780-333-1676, Avail Dec Country Modular conveniently Thrums Ootischenia, 3 Bdrm mobile Real Estate ng chairs/pink velvet $75 1st, & 250-399-4779 located next to SRI’s factory. home 1 Bdrm Suite, each O each, 250-365-5969 or Huge grants, discounts and Castlegar South,wood 4 Bdrm $500/mth + utilities, 365-5337 HousesCall ForDon Sale recently renovated, factory incentives. at stove, Riverfront, Refs low Furniture maintenance yard, N/S, N/P 1-866-766-2214 or visit us at N/S, 250-608-3087 Exclusive Factory Direct required, $1300/mth 250-365-4997 Lake Rd, Kelowna Antique Scandinavian style 515 Beaver Pricing on SRI 14s, 16s, dou- ROBSON 1 Bedroom VERY HALF house for rent. Opposite Essolid teak 7 pcs dining set bles & modular homes. Take small newly quimalthouse, High on 828 reno Colvile Rd. 3 $500 obo, matching teak advantage of our 38 years ex- 1 year Bedrooms, yard for pets and lease, large N/S, N/P, $510/ coffee table, 2 end table $250 STELLAR PLACE perience and then take advan- mthkids. 250-885-8002 or 250-885+ util. Call 250.365.1999 OBO, electric hospital bed, A- STEEL SHIPPING 8090 tage of our pricing only at Lake CASTLEGAR working cond $300 OBO, ORAGE CONTAINERS / Country Modular conveniently Retirement ranch style Ootischenia, 3 Bdrm mobile 2 wing/ chairs/pink Bridges Equipmentvelvet $75 home. located to SRI’s home & 1 Bdrm Suite, each Two next bedrooms, two factory. OBO each, 250-365-5969 or Huge grants, discounts and loaders JD 644E & $500/mth + utilities, wood bathrooms. Gas fireplace incentives. Don at CASTLEGAR Room for Refs rent / 63’ & 90’ 365-5337 Stiff boom 5th stove, Riverfront, air factory conditioning, builtorinCall vac. 1-866-766-2214 visit us at Fully furnished 3 bdrm Home required, N/S, 250-608-3087 crane trucks/Excavators End unit with green space 515 Beaver Lake Rd, Kelowna Mature male looking for 1 or 2 Heavy Duty 0-5 & 892D-LC / Small ROBSON 1 Bedroom VERY garden area, covered patio. people rent upstairs s / Machinery F350 C/C smalltohouse, newly reno Estate Sale Call FYI 250-365-2839 1 year lease, N/S, N/P,or$510/ �20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ STELLAR PLACE Phil Swetlikoff - ReMax mth +608-0453 util. Call 250.365.1999 ged A/Containers Semi STEEL SHIPPING Kelowna CASTLEGAR s for Hiway CONTAINERS & Storage- / STORAGE Retirement ranch 1-800-663-5770 or style 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Bridges / Equipment Rooms for Rent home. Two bedrooms, two Cell: 1-250-470-2222 Wheel loaders JD 644E & ry BC and AB bathrooms. Gas fireplace CASTLEGAR Room for rent 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th air conditioning, built in vac.


Musical Instruments

Castlegar News Thursday, December 13, 2012 s. Call 250-520-0297 mail: Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums Pets & Livestock Keyboards, Merchandise for Sale Band & String Instruments, Music books & Accessories, Music Lessons Pets Misc. Wanted Sales & Rentals

LEARN FROM Earn • NO CREDIT • HIGHhome. DEBT RATE from home. Transcrip• 1ST Medical TIME BUYER tionists are in demand. Lots of • BANKRUPTCY • DIVORCE jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535



Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

1-888-204-5355 for Pre-Approval


Education/Trade Schools TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627


New Snow Blower $300 Call 250-304-4379

Pass Creek 2 Bdrm House Avail Immediately 250-365-4857 or 304-1711






IF YOU own ALBERTA a home orclearreal NORTHERN estate, Alpine Credits lend ing contractor seeks can experiyou money: It’s That Simple. enced Buncher and Skidder Your Creditfor/ work Age /inIncome is Operators Northern not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided; email INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have780-488-3002. you been audited, reasFax sessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: RELIEVE Tension, improve circulation M O N E Y Pand R OVrestore I D E R balance .COM. throughout withCredit Re$500 Loan the andbody +. No flRefused. exology. Call Happy100% Sole Fast,theEasy, for an 1-877-776-1660. appointment 250-365Secure. 9682.

TeamMS Assistant

Healing Arts

Help Wanted

Health Products

Suites, Upper

Off Road Vehicles

Auto Financing

Trucks & Vans

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale

offers individuals the opportunity for inclusion. For more details please visit our website at To apply, please forward your resume either by email to or by fax 250-365-5679


Commercial print company CASTLEGAR FOOD BANK seeking experienced team members. All positions

By Dec. 20th & Receive A considered; top compensation


By Dec. 20th & Receive A for top performance.

Email: Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430




Healing Arts “Sit�

Health Products

FINANCIAL DISTRESS? May 31st for a modest contracted wage.

15ml An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and ExcaPacific Insight Electronics (PI) , located in Nelson, BC, is a vator Operators. Preference Downtown world-class designer, and supplier ofCastlegar electronic Mature ladyto seeking amanufacturer live that in Mature lady seeking a live in will be given operators position for mature person for maturevehicle person solutions for the road automotiveposition and250.365.7750 commercial areproduct experienced in oilfi eld needing housekeeper/ housekeeper/ and lease An construction. markets. overview ofLodgthe Companyneeding can be viewed on our companion inprovided. order to The companion in ingwebsite: and meals GET 50% its offambitious - order Join to Herbal To support maintain residence in their maintain residence their work is in the vicinity of Edson, Magic this week and inget 50% growth targets build customer satisfaction and250-365-1153 value, PI is own home. Call 250-365-1153 own home.weight Call Alberta. Alcohol &and Drug testing Off. Lose quickly, saferecruiting for the following position: required. Call Contour Conly and keep it off, proven restruction at 780-723-5051. sults! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176. Customer Service Representative (CSR) – 1 position


Homes for Rent

Financial Trades, Technical Services

HINO CENTRAL is DROWNING IN Fraser debts?Valley Helpseeking a Commercial ing Canadians 25 years.Vehicle LowTechnician (Senior Apprentice or er payments by 30%, or cut Journeyman) to add to our growing debtsin 70% thru team Langley. We Settlements. offer a comAvoid salary bankruptcy! Free ts conpetitive and full benefi in a sultation. fully-equipped ultra-modern facility. Visit Apply to: or; fax: 780-638Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 4867.

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.


Mobile Homes & Pads

Trades, Help Wanted Technical

LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of THE AXIS jobs!JOIN Enrol today forTEAM less than $95 INa CASTLEGAR/TRAIL month. 1-800-466-1535 /ROBSON AREAS If you are passionate about working with youth about working with youth NORTHERN ALBERTA clearat risk or with special needs or with special ingat risk contractor seeks needs experiand want to make a and want to a enced Buncher make and Skidder difference in their lives, difference in their Operators for work in lives, Northern consider joining our team Chapter consider joining team acThe West Kootenay of Subsistence the MSour Alberta. and in the following positions: in the following positions: commodations provided; email Society fortime a dynamic Full timeof andCanada Casual is looking Full and Casual Residence Workers person Fax Residencewith Workers and enthusiastic to contract 780-488-3002. (24hr shifts) (24hr shifts) us for fl exible part time work as a TeamMS Successful applicants Successful applicants must be able to our followScotiabank must able toand follow Assistant for MS be Walks behavior plans and be behavior plans and be Family Day. The position is topositive assistrole and positive rolePRO model model TAYLOR and mentor. andand mentor. TRAINING promote participation in theFor Trail Nelson For furtherEquipment information further information *Heavy RELIEVE Tension, improve refer to ourevents, website and willcirculation refer and to our website Operator Training MS Walk require travel to balance restore under *Commercial Driverunder Training throughout thecan bodybe with Reboth locations. Full job description job opportunities. jobCall opportunities. Call today 1-877-860-7627 flexology. the Happy Sole Resumes with cover letters Resumes with cover letters viewed on our website at an appointment 250-365can be faxed to Bev Munro can be faxed to Bev Munro 9682. chapters/westkootenay. (250) 851-2977 or emailed (250) 851-2977 or emailed to : to : Only those shortlisted Only those shortlisted Thewill contract will run from January until beEXPERIENCING contacted. will be 15th contacted. ARE YOU

Education/Trade Schools

Services Employment

HINO CENTRAL Fraser Valley is seeking a Commercial Vehicle Technician (Senior Apprentice or Journeyman) to add to our growing team in Langley. We offer a competitive salary andAXIS full benefi ts in a JOIN THE TEAM fully-equipped ultra-modern facility. IN CASTLEGAR/TRAIL Visit Apply to: /ROBSON AREAS; fax: 780-6384867. If you are passionate

SYSCO currently SYSCO Kelowna is currently ReliefKelowna is only a callisaway! Please submit resume and cover letter seeking an experienced seeking an experienced Call Shelley Cameron CLASS 1 DRIVER to shuttle CLASS 1 DRIVER to by to shuttle Estate Administrator from atCastlegar to today, Kelowna from OREGA-FIRST Castlegar to Kelowna 877-797-4357 pm 2, 2013. four shiftsOrganic four4shifts aJanuary week a week from 3pm to to set up yourfrom FREE 3pm to 3am. Sysco offers highly com3am. Sysco offers Oil highly comconsultation in Nelson. Oregano petitive pay, bonuses and full petitive pay, bonuses and full Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP benefits,33ifyears this experience. sound like a cabenefits, if this sound like a caBuy One reer forBDO you, submit your rereer for you, submit your reCanada Limited. sume Trustee and driver abstract to sume and driver abstract to Get One in Bankruptcy. frank.donald@kelowna.sysfrank.donald@kelowna.sys200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Cars - Domestic

Apt/Condo for Rent

Career Help Wanted Opportunities


Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Castlegar $465/mth + 1/2 views of Columbia River. IronEater! patentDeluxe Fully non motorized damage, includes utilities, Builders/Developers - propoanada/U.S.A. Removes Wheelchair $3800 new asking20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get cable/wifi. Working or student sals wanted. 3 new City lots $500 Call 250-365-9842 hardness, smell, mangaSuite, utilities, 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. ForBsmt only, N/S,includes No partiers. Room available; 187 Lakeview. Since 1957. Visit our 29 laundry. W/D, Internet Moneyprelim Backdrawings Guarantee. NO infocable, is&unfurnished, TV in and more ative Misc. inventions online otherwise furnished suite. call Rod @ 250 365 0044 $500/month,ph 250-304-2267 CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful for Sale Call for Casual Phone 250-304-4649 Views. Roads/Surveyed. CASTLEGAR, 2 Bdrm lower Employment: 1-800-BIG-IRON. AT LAST! An iron filter that Neaer El Paso, Texas. Call 1Other Areas suite, inc laundry $700/mth + 98 Corolla good condition The Kootenay Society for works. IronEater! Fully patent800-843-7537. Suites, Lower BUILDING sale... “�This is utilities, 1 Bdrm, full baseCommunity 185,000 km Living $3000seeks ed Canada/U.S.A. Removes 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get arance sale you don’t ment, lrg kitchen & living casual employees 250-777-4918 to work in iron, hardness, smell, mangaBsmt Suite, includes utilities, 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. to miss!�� the West Kootenay. Casual nese. Since20x20 1957.$3,985. Visit our 29 cable,room,laundry & laundry. Internet Money Back Guarantee. NO employees provide service $4,595. 30x36 $6, innovative inventions $700/mth + 1/3250-304-2267 utilities LOOKING FOR A DEAL $500/month,ph CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Cars Domestic with develop40x52 at: $11,200. Phone 250-304-7490 ONfor Apersons NEW- VEHICLE? Views. Roads/Surveyed. CASTLEGAR, 2 Bdrm lower ment disabilities and/or Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. 00. 47x76 $18,265. One Neaer El Paso, Texas. Call 1Save to 40% OFFcondition your suite, inc laundry $700/mth + 98up Corolla good spectrum disorder in wall included. Call 800-843-7537. next185,000 new vehicle... BIG BUILDING sale...Pio“�This is utilities, 1 Bdrm, full basekm $3000 residential settings and in 1-800-668-5422. aSteel clearance sale you don’t No games or gimmicks, deal ment, lrg kitchen & living 250-777-4918 the community. For more want to miss!�� 20x20 $3,985. Furnished or unfurnished direct with localplease dealerships. Castlegarroom,laundry South, Studio information visit our adult bldg $4,595. 30x36 $6,859.Apartments Quiet $700/mth + 1/3 utilities Rentals LOOKING FORatA DEAL website Suite, F/S, Microwave T25x24 GIFT IDEA! Chill35x48 $11,200. 40x52 clean & bright many updates Phone 250-304-7490 ON A NEW VEHICLE? $600 /mth including utilities is The COOLEST Dog One $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. 250-365-5246 Save upplease to 40% OFF your To apply either email No qr code cable, private side entrance newwalland innovative, End included. Call PioApt/Condo for Rent next new vehicle... your resume to Upper reader? One bdrm apt 1 block to off Suites, street parking, odynamically dog neer Steel cooled 1-800-668-5422. No games or gimmicks, deal or fax to Text info: park/Library, Riverview, totally ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING Furnished or unfurnished that enhances the cool direct with local dealerships. 250-365-5679 Castlegar South, Studio 778.786.8271 refurbished, avail now,bldg Apartments Quiet adult OR PET, Call Al at urfaces our pets rely on Suite, F/S, Microwave GREAT GIFT IDEA! Chill$700/mth, incl, updates 1/2 clean Utilities & bright many HI my name is Vandy, $1000 re250-304-5560 the is warm weather Dog $600 /mth including utilities Spot The COOLEST ward for anyone who No canqrauthor month security250-365-5246 deposit,to view codea s. Use newpromo cable, Castlegar, private sideupstairs entrance Bed-A and code innovative, Downtown life story about the ups and downs N/P, Call Elmer 250-365-3333 reader? One bdrm apt 1 block to suite, two off GIFT For 10 %cooled off! dog street parking, thermodynamically of my intriguing life...Creativity and bedroom $500 per or 250-513-0261 info: park/Library, Riverview, totally ABSOLUTELY SMOKING imagination is an asset,Text short and bed, that enhances the cool month plus utilities.NO Includes 778.786.8271 refurbished, avail now, sweet on the poetic spectrum prefOR PET, Call Al at tile surfaces our pets rely on Near bus route TUB (SPA) COVERS. erable, whilst keeping within the $700/mth, Utilities incl, 1/2 F/S, N/S, N/P, 250-304-5560 during the warm weather ATV’S, UTV’s, Bikes fiction, & Avail immediately, guidelines of factDirt overriding price. Best month security deposit,to view months. Usequality. promoAll code Downtown an option Cartbut not Buggies. Kamloops ReferencesCastlegar, required. upstairs Golfembellishment sCOOLGIFT & colours For available. N/P, Call Elmer 250-365-3333 10 % off! most likely not necessary as my life suite, two bedroom $500 per splus. 1-250-368-9144 or 250-513-0261 652-6837 is interesting enough to be authored month plus utilities. Includes 1-888-371-3946. Road Vehicles kamloopand published within local, N/S, N/P, Near bus route HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. ROBSON Mobile Home for pers without exaggeration as a ?Best price. Best quality. All rent, Refer Mobile Homes ATV’S,YouUTV’s, Dirt meBikes & Avail immediately, & Criminal check cessity. can reach @ 778Golf Buggies. Kamloops CartReferences required. shapes & $150. coloursWhirlavailable. required, Call & 250-304-3430 677-5446 or 885-8002 or e-mail ore dryer Pads splus. 1-250-368-9144 1-866-652-6837 ceramic top stove $400 1-888-371-3946. Mobile Home for Karrite car top cargo carHOME SHARE PROVIDER paper? Transportation rent, Refer & Criminal check Toyota Tacoma Quad 30. Bissell rug cleaner The Kootenay Society for DreamTeam Auto Financing required, CallW/D, 250-304-3430 dryer $150. Whirl- 3 + Bdrm Cab, Community mint, onlyLiving 118,000 km 0.Kenmore 250-442-2159. House, F/S supports “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Trucks & Vans pool ceramic top stove $400 electric heat & wood heater incl summer & winter wheels & individuals with Auto Financing Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals obo. Karrite car top cargo carHomes for Rent tires, 6 speed manual trans, Limited Release for 1857 Robson access Rd, developmental disabilities 2005 Toyota Tacoma rier $30. Bissell rug cleaner 1-800-961-7022 OBO contact Ross Quad @ and/or spectrum disorders. istmas - West Kootenay Brilliant, $950/mth + utilities DreamTeam Auto Financing $19,900 Cab, only 118,000 $40.00. 250-442-2159. 3 + Bdrm House, W/D, F/S We mint, currently have openingkm DL# 7557 “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK - 354-3384 undary Country regional Avail Dec 1st heat 250-399-4779 incl summer & winter wheels electric & wood heater for Home Share Providers to & Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals ctorialLimited map poster by for tires, share 6 speed manual Release 1857 Robson access CASTLEGAR 3 Bdrm, 2 bathRd, their home andtrans, owned artist Jean Louis 1-800-961-7022 $19,900 OBO support contact to Ross @ Christmas - West Kootenay utilities F/S, Brilliant, W/D, DW,$950/mth N/P, N/S,+lrg provide Rheault. $25 Country + HST. regional DL# 7557 354-3384 Boundary Avail Dec 1st 250-399-4779 yard, $1,150/mth + utilities individuals in the West lable pictorial at the Nelson, Trail by map poster CASTLEGAR 3 Bdrm, Ref reqd, Avail Jan 1st 2 bath Kootenay.Your qualifications renowned artist Jean Louis astlegar Visitor Centres Misc. for Sale Misc. for Sale F/S,250-832-5913 W/D, DW, N/P, N/S, lrg include experience working Call $25Forks + HST. Gallery Rheault. 2 in Grand yard, $1,150/mth + utilities with individuals with 2 Bdrm House Available at the Nelson, Trail Pass Creek Ref reqd, Avail Jan 1st development disabilities and Castlegar Visitor AvailCall Immediately ew &Snow Blower $300Centres 250-832-5913 the desire to provide a safe & Gallery 2 in Grand Forks 250-365-4857 or 304-1711 Call 250-304-4379 and welcoming home that

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The Kootenay Society for CSR is the Company’s primary customer contact responsible Community Living seeks for providing ordertomaintenance and status updates to PI’s casual employees work in customers in addition to responding to customer inquiries the West Kootenay. Casual regarding price, availability and quality subjects . This employees provide service position provides key interface activity between the Comfor persons with developpany’s customers and theproduct various internal PI in product line and beautifully With exciting new line Withand andepartments beautifully exciting new mentan disabilities and/or Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick order to ensure customer satisfaction. spectrum disorder inKalawsky renovated facilities, Chevrolet renovated Buick facilities, GMC Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMCed A opening for a CertiďŹ Position residentialQualifications settings and in and Experience: The ideal candidate should the following qualifications isthe looking for aFor capable, personable is looking and for motivated a capable, personable motivated community. more possess We areand a leader in automo The more often and experience: information please visit ourto join its Representative Sales salesRepresentative team. We’re to join itswe’re saleslooking team. We’re to hire and •Sales Demonstrate websitevery at good organization, communication and a consumer interpersonal skills. advocate and capable of and operated General a family-owned andStrong operated General a family-owned Motors Motors sees offer competitive pay, exc accurately communicating the “voice of the customerâ€? To apply please either email your advertising dealership with over 20 years of dealership experience with providing over 20 years of experience providing work environment. • Previous experience your resume to in a fast paced work environment message, •quality Abilityautomotive to multi-task products and quality exceptional automotive service products and exceptional service or fax to We’re a family-owned and • Experience with dealing effectively with customer the better your tocomplaints our250-365-5679 customers. to our customers. and demand requirements dealership with over 20 ye HI • my name isskills Vandy, $1000Microsoft reExcellent in using Office particularly Outlook, chances areand that ward for anyone who can authorinterest a If Excel you have an abiding Ifinyou automobiles have an abiding and interest uncompromising in automobiles service t and Word life story about the ups and downs they will customer service would be an asset sharing yourexperience passion with enjoying others sharing in a helpful your passion with others in a helpful looking for someone who of •enjoying myPrior intriguing life...Creativity and Minimum 1 year post secondary education - preferably in imagination is an asset, short and remember and manner, and this ethical position manner, is for then maybe thisethic. position is you for work Come be a pa the field of sales/business sweet onethical the poetic spectrumthen pref- maybe erable, whilst keeping within the of training •you. Passion achieving results when they’reis cons We for provide the kind you. We andprovide support the kind of training and support Motors experience guidelines fact required overriding 6:00am fiction, to 2:30pm to accommodate • Officeofhours embellishment an option but and not our compensation toEast help you succeed, to help you succeed, and and our compensation readyHowever, to and buy!you m essential. Coast based customers most likely not necessary as my life

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beneďŹ tsenough packages amongbeneďŹ the best ts packages anywhere.rank amongsafety the best anywhere. boots. is interesting to be rank authored Insightwithin offers alocal comprehensive andPacific published newspa- benefits package and the personal benefits of a rural community lifestyle. Salary will be commensurate with pers withoutsubmit exaggeration a ne- letterPlease Please youras@ cover and resume submitto: your cover letterPlease and resume submitto: your cover education cessity. You and can experience. reach me Candidates 778- should e-mail their resume and cover letter to: or by December 31, 2012. Please quote 677-5446 885-8002 or e-mail job ID#20091223. Scott Hutt, Sales Manager Scott Hutt, Sales Manager Mitch Rinas, Controller

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HOME SHARE PROVIDER 1700 Columbia Avenue 1700 Columbia Avenue 1700 Columbia Avenue The Kootenay Society for Community Living supports Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 individuals with Fax: (250) 365-3949 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Fax: (250) 365-3949 developmental disabilities and/or spectrum disorders. Email: Email: Email: mitch@kalawsky.c We currently have opening for Home Share Providers to share their home and provide support to individuals in the West Kootenay.Your qualifications include experience working with individuals with CHEVROLET LTD. BUICK GMC (1989) CHEVROLET LTD. developmentCHEVROLET disabilities and BUICK GMC (1989) the desire to provide a safe and welcoming home that offers individuals the opportunity for inclusion. For more details please visit our website at When you book any clas West Kootenay papers, To apply, please forward your resume either by email into any additional pape to PD[LPXP VL[ DGGLWLRQDO SDSHUV or by fax 250-365-5679 • Nelson Star Passionate about print • Trail Daily Times Commercial print company seeking experienced team • Castlegar News members. All positions • Grand Forks Gazette considered; top compensation • Rossland News for top performance. Email: Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430




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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Castlegar News




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