Atom ICE take championship
Local governments go carbon neutral
Huge gift for A Clear View
A weekend of hockey in Spokane saw the team go undefeated.
Move saves energy, emissions and money.
A $50,000 cheque helps to close out the campaign.
page A8
page A6
page A2
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Friday, December 14, 2012
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Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
Local governments commit to carbon neutrality in recent signing • Auto • Business • Homeowners • Recreational • Travel • Farms 920 Baker St., Cranbrook
Kootenay Insurance Services ltd. “Protection for What Matters”
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Eleven local governments are the first to sign on to meeting their carbon neutral commitment together through the joint procurement of
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kootenay-based offsets. The first to commit are the Regional Districts of Central Kootenay (RDCK), KootenayBoundary (RDKB), and
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We sincerely appreciate the tremendous support our Community has given us. As a gesture of thanks, the four dealers of the Kootenay Import Auto Group have joined with the Salvation Army to help the less fortunate in our community this holiday season. In the month of December, we will gratefully accept your donations of winter clothing, toys or food. We will gladly pick up your donation if you can’t make it down.
governments are expected to sign on to this initiative in the coming weeks. By working together over the last four years, local governments across the Columbia Basin and Boundary areas are estimated to have saved up to $750,000 on energy in their own operations. By buying Kootenay-based offsets together, the local governments will save again while keeping the investment in the region. “The RDKB’s commitment to acting responsibly is clear. We are saving energy, emissions, and money in our operations through actions such as retrofits. We are piloting approaches to save emissions in our communities such as organics diversion,” says RDKB Board Chair Larry Gray, adding, “Becoming carbon neutral is one part of that commitment.” “While it is not realistic for us to completely eliminate fossil fuels from our operations, we can take responsibility for reducing our emissions and keep those investments in the Kootenays,” says RDCK Board Chair John Kettle, referring to the purchase of carbon offsets. “Becoming carbon neutral is an important milestone and reaffirms our collective commitment to take responsibility and to take action on climate change,” says RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay. “Congratulations for the leadership shown by these local governments on working together to take tangible actions on climate change,” says Neil Muth, CBT President and CEO. “We are pleased to support these efforts and applaud the regional districts for their innovative approach to buying Kootenay-based offsets.” Local governments voluntarily signed BC’s Climate Action Charter and have committed to becoming carbon neutral in their operations by 2012. Here in the Columbia Basin, a multiyear effort known as the Carbon Neutral Kootenays (CNK) project is supporting local governments and First Nations that are working towards becoming carbon neutral. CNK is funded jointly by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) and the Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, East Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary.
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A3
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Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
Local returns from amputation seminar Submitted Reese Fichten, 7, of Cranbrook, knows that being a multiple amputee is not a barrier to
living a full and active life. Born a multiple amputee, Reese recently returned home from The War Amps 2012 Mul-
tiple Amputation Seminar in Toronto with inspiration and valuable tips on independent living. Enrolled in The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, Reese and other “Super Champs” – those missing multiple limbs
or both upper limbs – attended the seminar from across Canada. The War Amps holds regional CHAMP seminars, however, this special national seminar allows in-depth coverage of topics of particular concern to multiple amputees, such as living
independently, learning to drive, assistive devices and, through The War Amps JUMPSTART, the importance of computers for schoolwork now and later success in the workforce. Super Champs also demonstrate their artificial limbs and devices
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Photo submitted
Reese Fichten pauses for a photo at the The War Amps 2012 Multiple Amputation Seminar in Toronto. at the seminar. CHAMP and all its programs are funded solely through public support of The War
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A5
Auxiliary shines with $30,000 gift for Starlite Submitted
East Kootenay Foundation for Health recently announced that the 5th annual Starlite Campaign for Excellence in Health Care was taking a different glow this year. The foundation and its star sponsor, East Kootenay Community Credit Union, decided to light all 17 stars from November thru to January 31 as a way of saying thanks to donors who supported the digital mammography campaign. Since the initial launch of the Starlite Campaign and every year following that, members of the Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary have joined EKFH by stepping forward to light their own star as their way of thanking their customers who support the KHCA Thrift Shops located in Marysville and Kimber-
ley. “Thanks to the generosity of so many living in our community our Thrift Shops have been extremely successful this year. We are so grateful for that support that our members decided to make two significant donations to health care this holiday season. The first is a $12,000 gift for the Kimberley Special Care Home and the second a $30,000 gift to EKFH for its Starlite Campaign which is to be allocated to area of greatest need,” shares KHCA President Mary Davies. Had the normal star illumination taken place, the Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary would have been responsible for six of the stars shining brightly into the night. Over the time span of the Starlite Campaign the Kimberley Health Care Auxil-
It’s been a few years since Dance With Me Cranbrook’s Gerald Dalum has been teaching dance here in Cranbrook. On January 5th he will be hosting his Grand Opening with his new dance partner Clare Bailey. Gerald is an unlikely candidate for a dance instructor as his background as an outdoorsman and a commercial fisherman is not what one would expect as a background to dance. He says “when he started dancing he got a lot of negative comments from his fishing and hunting partners.” He just told them he couldn’t skate or play hockey so he had to get the girls somehow. “It’s interesting how men see dancing as a threat to their masculinity when in fact I don’t think there is a better way to socialize and meet new people, and the ladies love to dance” he says. “85 people showed up for my first Salsa class a few years ago and over 50 of them were ladies”. It was at a dance workshop where he met his dance partner and soon wife-to-be Clare. Clare has a background as a competitive dancer and has taught dance at the University of Calgary Ballroom Dance Club for some years now. She will soon be a Cranbrook resident. “I always thought that Cranbrook needed more dance opportunities.
The usual complaint is there is little opportunity to dance socially after you’ve taken lessons”, says Gerald. “We
(From left) Erica Phillips (Interior Health Interim Acute Area Director), Donna Grainger (EKFH Executive Director), President Mary Davies and Jacquie Perrault (2nd Vice President) of the Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary celebrate the gift of $30,000 for the Starlite Campaign. iary has contributed over $55,000 in funding for equipment and patient comforts. The KHCA Thrift Shops are open for holiday shopping with unique items and bargains galore. The shops
can be found at two locations 140 Howard Street in Kimberley or 617C 304th Street in Marysville. The Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary and East Kootenay Foundation for Health—together
their hearts are in it for health care. To learn more about the mission of EKFH and its work with other auxiliaries and foundations please visit us at
are going to provide the dance instruction as well as a place to dance every second Saturday night, starting January 19th.”
Gerald and Clare have leased the upstairs Dance Studio at Specialty Lane south of Safeway on 13th Ave and
will start their classes on the 7th of January. We wish them luck in their new venture.
trane gas furnaces
by Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet
Winged Wonders of Winter
The dancing fisherman returns with flair Submitted
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Even with the holiday season right around the corner, my daughter can’t wait for spring to arrive. She is looking forward to the time when “her birdies” come back from their winter hideout down south. The other day, we made a point in looking for those birds that stay behind and she was happy to see there isn’t just crows, but others such as chickadees, woodpeckers and nuthatches. Birds that have stuck around for the cold season are now foraging for food to sustain them. The frozen and snow-covered ground makes it extremely difficult for them to get the enough calories to keep their bodies warm during the cold months. Sunflower seeds and peanuts both have a high fat content and can easily provide the extra calories, and most birds in our area enjoy them. Suet is another good way of ensuring wintering birds get the fat content they need. Commonly sold in the shape of cakes, balls or bells, suet is a mix of fat, bird seed and nuts and can easily be hung almost anywhere. Like other animals, birds also need a good source of water to stay properly hydrated and you can make your yard more attractive by providing a bowl with fresh water near the feeder or put the food close to a constant fresh water source such as open water in a pond. If you put bird feed out in the fall when birds are establishing their winter foraging routes, you will likely have the greatest success in attracting them to your home. You might have less activity if you place feed out later in the year, but likely you will still get some visitors, especially if you consistently provide high-quality food. Chickadees are the most commonly recognized birds and can easily be identified by their call. Many people have heard their "chicka-dee-dee-dee" being called from the trees. Chickadees prefers wooded areas, but they are also quite content in backyard hedges and birdhouses that can protect them from the elements. They enjoy a diet of black oil sunflower seed and are voracious eaters of insects – a very good reason to keep them around your yard and garden. Woodpeckers frequent a wide variety of habitats and their nests are commonly situated in deciduous trees including aspen, birch, and maples. A woodpecker’s diet includes fruit, nuts, corn, ants, tent caterpillars, grasshoppers and many kinds of flying insects. They change their diets according to what food sources are most abundant and forage in the air, on the ground, and in trees. They often poke into crevices and chips at the bark of trees, searching for insects, but not “eating” wood. The favourite winter foods of the nuthatch are black oil sunflower, suet, sunflower chips and skinless peanuts. In summer, their diet consists mainly of insects, including caterpillars, ants, and pest species such as pine weevils, oystershell and other scale insects. During the cold months, nuthatches will often forage together with other birds in a group known as a foraging guild. They will occasionally feed on the ground, and readily visits feeding stations. Nuthatches are distinctive when seeking food, because they are able to descend tree trunks head-first and can hang upside-down beneath twigs and branches. The best feeder to hang out for nuthatches, chickadees and woodpeckers is a tube style feeder, with big enough ports for the preferred variety of seed, or a screened-sided tube feeder – which works great for peanuts and mixed nuts as well as sunflower seeds. The upside-down suet feeders are also a great choice for all three. Each year around Christmas, bird watchers across North America, Latin America and the Caribbean take an informal head-count of the birds in their neighbourhood in the Christmas Bird Count. This year, the dates for the count are December 17 in Fernie, December 27 in the Creston Valley, December 29 in Cranbrook and January 5 in Kimberley. For more information on the individual counts, you can go to the website of the British Columbia Field Ornithologists at Till next time… happy birding Submitted by Kerstin
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A6 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Fax 1-250-984-7744 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: Advertising E-Mail: Editorial E-Mail: Distribution Email: Open Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Darcy Wiebe
Brought to you by Bill Bennett, MLA.
Cheque helps bring campaign to a close
(Kootenay East) Province of British Columbia
3 Facts you need to Know About... Minister for Senior’s Visit to Kootenay East 1. Minister of State for Senior’s
Bridget Fix
The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher. Printed in Canada
Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
Ralph Sultan spent three days getting to know the seniors of the East Kootenay, visiting Cranbrook, Jaffray, Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Kimberley and Invermere. He helped serve turkey dinner to over 300 seniors at the Annual Rotary Seniors Christmas Dinner, and met with the Elders of the Ktunaxa Nation. Premier Clark appointed Minister Sultan, himself a senior at 79 years old, to be the voice for seniors at the cabinet table. The Minister is touring the province listening to the important issues that are on the minds of BC seniors to better inform government on how best to support this ever-growing segment of our population. Minister Sultan described the 3 pillars of his ministry: Better at Home, supporting seniors living longer in their own homes; Seniors helping Senior’s; and Plan with Seniors, not for Seniors. If you didn’t get a chance to meet Minister Sultan during his visit and you wish to express your ideas, contact my office and we’ll get your message to Ralph. Honorable Bill Bennett Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Telephone: 250 417-6022 Facsimile: 250 417-6026 Toll Free: 1 866 417-6022 email: website: Constituency Office: 100c Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, BC V1C 3P9
Photo submitted
(From left) EKFH Executive Director Donna Grainger is joined by EKRH Diagnostic Imaging representatives Anthea Gill (Professional Practice Leader, DI) and Jan Race (Mammography Technician) to celebrate the arrival of $50,000 from the Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Woodward’s Foundation donation for the A Clear View Campaign. Submitted The East Kootenay Foundation for Health continues to bring its historical A Clear View ~ digital mammography campaign to a close. One of the key components of the campaign was funding from other charitable foundations, many of whom rose to the occasion. One such organization is the Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Woodward’s Foundation who generously donated $50,000 to bring the best in digital stereotactic imaging to the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. With the holiday season upon us, it seems so appropriate that one of the four sons of Mr. Charles Woodward, the founder of Woodward’s stores in BC and Alberta, to have this major gift of $50,000 arrive at EKFH. Charles son, P. A. Woodward maintained an interest and involvement in the family business throughout his life. During the latter
part of their lives, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Woodward showed interest in helping charitable organizations, generously donating to many. Apart from the many personal gifts which Mr. and Mrs. Woodward made to charitable organizations during their lifetime, the Woodward Foundation was incorporated by Mr. Woodward in 1951 “to undertake and carry out such charitable objectives as the Board of Directors may decide for the relief of poverty, the advancement of religion, or for other purposes beneficial to one or more communities in the province.” In 1953, the Foundation’s name was changed to the “Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation” and a priority was established to assist in projects which would contribute to better health care for British Columbians. The value of the assets of the Foundation represent an accumulation of life-
time gifts to the Foundation from the late Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, together with the residue from their estates following the death of Mr. Woodward in 1968 and Mrs. Woodward two years later. Over the years, in accordance with Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s directions, the Foundation’s Board has concentrated its attention on projects in the health field. The Foundation supports those projects which primarily affect the people of the Province of British Columbia where there is clear indication of the health benefit anticipated. This is the second leadership gift that the Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Woodward’s Foundation has graced the East Kootenay Foundation for Health with. In 2006, the Woodward’s Foundation provided $75,000 in funding to EKFH to purchase a portable ophthalmology microscope for the East Kootenay Regional
Hospital. “I don’t think many people realize how many charitable foundations work together on various projects. Christine Alexander, Secretary/Treasurer of the Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Woodward’s Foundation has been invaluable in linking up the requests from EKFH to their Board of Directors while ensuring that the mission and mandate of both of our organizations line up,” explains Donna Grainger, EKFH Executive Director. It may be decades since Mr. Charles Woodward opened his first retail store but it is through the legacy of his son and his wife and their desire to think of others that truly is the beauty of the story. Thank you to the Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Woodward’s Foundation for being a part of the picture and for making history in completing the A Clear View campaign thirteen months ahead of schedule.
Speed a factor in recent accident Submitted
Police were called to a single vehicle collision just before 7 a.m., Dec 7. The crash took place on hwy 93/95 approximately 8 km north of the Premier Lake turnoff. Three subjects were taken to East Koo-
tenay Regional Hospital with non life threatening injuries. The road were very slippery at the time, but speed is a factor. The driver attempted to pass a loaded logging truck and lost control. The vehicle went off road left and down a steep
embankment. Sanding was in progress at the time. Police, ambulance and Fire Rescue from Canal Flats attended. Two subjects were pinned in the vehicle and the Jaws of Life were used to free them. Charges are being
considered. Police would like to remind motorists to drive for the conditions. Please do not take unnecessary risks. Your family will appreciate you getting home safely.
used kakuro 12.16, 12.23 used crossword 12.15, 12.22
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 1 12
9 15
29 33
44 51
101 103
35 38
22 A7
88 93
102 104
Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.
Crossword and Kakuro
Across 1 Charlottetown’s prov. 4 Greens with dressing 9 Halloween greeting 12 Castrated bull 14 Liquor 16 Fleshy palate part 19 Hockey venue 20 Kielbasa or pepperoni 21 Web locations 22 Lawyers’ profession 23 Bay of Ont.’s Trent-Severn waterway 25 Launder 27 “Ne me quitte ___” 28 Men’s neckwear 30 Meat paste 31 Small boat 32 Blow a ___ 33 Canadian inventor of music synthesizer 35 Vancouver suspension bridge (2 wds.) 37 Curved line 38 Used a tea towel 40 Tit for ___ 41 Suddenly scared 45 Ont. summer time 46 Teaching units 50 Nominate 51 At the ___ of my tether 53 Economic downturn 55 Drunkard 56 Est. arrival time 57 Masculine 59 Cathedral recess 60 Cry (Fr.) 61 Ran into 62 City of S France 64 Friend of FranÁois 65 Acclaim 66 Ont. city with Leacock Museum 68 Boat propeller 70 Not synthetic 73 Mineral: suffix 74 Stubborn animals 76 Knight’s title 77 Inhaling and exhaling 80 Warm wind in winter 84 Kidney or lima 85 Look after 86 “Put your ___ on my shoulder ...”
87 Taboo 89 Newt 90 Colt’s mother 91 Gold medalist 93 Beer container 94 Give a tenth (of one’s income) 96 Commanded 98 Urge 100 Google Earth’s forerunner 101 Surface smoothers 102 Lift up 103 Hook shape 104 Sweet molasses bread (Nfld.) ___ bread 105 Large animal roaming Banff streets Down 1 Minor hockey league 2 Even, of old 3 Iran’s neighbour 4 Biased 5 Sharp 6 Come last 7 Cry of discovery 8 B.C.’s flower: Pacific ___ 9 Roughing It in the ___ (Moodie) 10 Egg: comb. form 11 Amount produced 12 ___ of the earth 13 Follow 14 Vietnamese or Thai 15 Assimilate facts 17 Rent 18 S. African fox 24 Toward the attacking zone (2 wds.) 26 The solar and others 29 Frighten 31 Restricted eating 32 Butter and lard 34 Upper limb 35 Bottle top 36 Quebec peninsula 39 Blushing 41 Wind: prefix 42 Not now 43 Noted violin maker 44 B.C. falls, highest in Canada 46 Eastern wildflower 47 Hollywood award 48 Mill wheel with buckets
49 Moonshine maker 52 Born (Fr.) 54 Hasty escape 57 Island S of Sicily 58 Short aria 63 Owen ___, Ont. 64 Exist 65 A Great Lake 67 Legal claim (on property) 69 Math subj. 71 Actor’s comment to audience 72 Can 74 Ore contents 75 Picturesque landscape 77 Suit 78 Baby’s noisemaker 79 They may be worshipped 81 All ___ on deck! 82 Inuit handicraft owl 83 Leg joints 84 Not-quite-final version 86 Puts on the payroll 88 Stare at 90 Army dining hall 91 Marries 92 To laugh in Limoges 95 Owns 97 Forensic evidence 99 Seasickness: ___ de mer
Copyright 2012 Kathleen Hamilton Distributed by Torstar Syndication Services
See Answers in Monday’s Paper
YOUR CITY....WORKING FOR YOU! City Hall/Engineering Services Holiday Hours Monday December 24 Tuesday December 25 and Wednesday December 26 Thursday December 27 Friday December 28 Monday December 31 Tuesday January 1, 2013 Wednesday January 2, 2013
Holiday Garbage Collection Schedule
8:30am to Noon CLOSED 8:30am to 4:30pm 8:30am to 4:30pm 8:30am to 4:30pm CLOSED 8:30am to 4:30pm
There will be no City garbage collection on Tuesday December 25, Wednesday December 26 or Tuesday January 1, 2013. Don’t forget each household is allowed a maximum of three (3) garbage receptacles, including prefabricated receptacles and plastic bags, per weekly pickup. The 2013 City of Cranbrook Garbage Pickup Schedule is available now. Pick up yours at City Hall or download from our website.
Keep Your Holidays From Going Up in Flames!
Western Financial Place - Aquatic Centre Holiday Hours
12:00pm to 3:00pm CLOSED 6:30am to 9:00pm 12:00pm to 8:00pm 12:00pm to 3:00pm CLOSED 6:30am to 9:00pm
Western Financial Place - Walking Holiday Hours
Monday December 24 6:00am to 3:00pm Tuesday December 25 and Wednesday December 26 CLOSED Thursday December 27 to Sunday December 30 6:00am to 3:00pm Monday December 31 6:00am to 3:00pm Tuesday January 1, 2013 CLOSED Tuesday January 2, 2013 6:00am to 10:00pm For more information, please call Leisure Services at 250-489-0220 or visit
Cranbrook Public Library Holiday Hours
Monday December 24 Tuesday December 25 and Wednesday December 26 Thursday December 27 and Friday December 28 Saturday December 29 and Sunday December 30 Monday December 31 Tuesday January 1, 2013 Wednesday January 2, 2013
Monday December 24 9am to 3pm Tuesday December 25 and Wednesday December 26 CLOSED Thursday December 27 9am to 8pm Friday December 28 9am to 8pm Saturday December 29 9am to 5pm Sunday December 30 12pm to 5pm Monday December 31 9am to 3pm Tuesday January 1, 2013 CLOSED For more information please call the Library at 250-426-4063 or visit For any non-emergency calls over the holidays, please call the City of Cranbrook After Hours Line at 250-426-2325. For any emergency, please call 911.
When most people think about the holidays, family festivities and good cheer likely come to mind. What few of us consider is that the holidays also present an increased risk of home fires. Home fires during the holiday season often involve cooking, Christmas trees, candles and holiday decorations. By taking some preventative steps and following simple rules of thumb, most home fires can be prevented during the holidays and beyond. For many great fire safety tips around Christmas trees, candles and holiday cooking, please visit our website. Have a fire safe and happy holiday season!
Caution: Thin Ice @ Idlewild & Elizabeth Lakes
The ice is just beginning to form on both lakes at Idlewild Park and Elizabeth Lake. Thin ice creates many dangers for children who are unaware. PARENTS: Please advise your children of the DANGERS and to stay off the ice at Idlewild Park until it is six inches thick. The City of Cranbrook Public Works department measures the ice at the lakes. Please call Leisure Services before going out at 250-489-0220. The Cranbrook Aquatic Centre is hosting another community sponsored family swim on Saturday December 15, 2012 from 4 to 5pm. It will be free for families to swim at this event, compliments of Shivers. This is a new initiative by the City of Cranbrook Leisure Services department. Are you or your business interested in sponsoring a family swim? Please contact our Aquatics Coordinator at 250-489-0224.
CAUTION THIN ICE Idlewild & Elizabeth Lakes The ice is just beginning to form on both lakes at Idlewild Park and Elizabeth Lake. Thin ice creates many dangers for children who are unaware. PARENTS: Please advise your children of the DANGERS and to stay off the ice at Idlewild Park until it is six inches thick. The City Public Works department measures the ice at the lakes.
On behalf of the Mayor, Council and staff of the City of Cranbrook, have a safe and joyous holiday season and we wish you all the very best for a prosperous New Year. Please don’t drink and drive.
Watch the latest Cranbrook City Council meeting when you want. Visit
Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
COTR fits Avalanche setter Submitted
Photo darcy Wiebe
The Cranbrook Atom ICE went undefeated last weekend in Spokane. The ICE tied Spokane in the first game and then went on to beat Missoula, Portland and Nelson. The Portland Winterhawks and the Atom ICE would meet again in the final. Portland and Cranbrook would trade goals in the second and third periods before the ICE went on a streak scoring 4 goals, winning the game 8-5 and taking the championship.
Having played volleyball at Mount Baker Secondary School and for East Kootenay Volleyball Club teams previously, Julie-Ann Sternig is now in her second year as Setter for College of the Rockies Women’s Avalanche. Sternig, who won Rookie of the Year in her first year with the Avalanche, is finding College of the Rockies an ideal fit for her. “Coming to College of the Rockies allowed me to stay in my hometown and to still continue to
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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2013 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine for $31,499. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500 has been deducted. Offer includes freight and air tax of $1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from December 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before November 30, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Fusion HEV & Energi, C-Max, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ††When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost 4x2 and 4x4 and 6.2L 2 valve V8 4x2 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engine. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2012/2013 competitors. †††Max. horsepower of 411 and max. torque of 434 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2012/2013 comparable competitor engines. ©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. Tel: (250) 423-7689 Toll Free: 1-877-742-2288
Coach of the Women’s Avalanche team, is impressed with what Sternig brings to the team. “Julie is a very smart individual on and off the court. She has a great work ethic and works well with her teammates. She cares about her team and plays as hard as she can,” she remarks. Sternig is enrolled in University Transfer courses at College of the Rockies in hopes of working toward a Bachelor of Arts degree and eventually becoming a psychologist. While at the College she is enjoying her time with the Avalanche. “My favourite experience so far was winning two of our four games on our first road trip of the season,” she says. Visit avalanche for more information.
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A9
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Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
December 2, 2012
Gregarious Gardener
Angels byspread their Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet wings to the needy 250-426-7006
Winged Wonders of Winter
Natalie MacMaster April 10, 2013
Photo Submitted
During the last Kootenay Ice school spirit night Flaman Fitness donated $250 to 7 schools that were listed as runner ups in this great family event. The top three schools had received $500 from Western Financial. Thanks also to The Kootenay Ice Hockey Club and the Green Bay committee for bringing our community together. Flaman is a group of companies who like to put money back in the community to help kids. (Pictured at Parkland Middle School from left) Vice Principal Brenda Tyson, Murray Floyd (Flaman Fitness) and Principal Scott Holt. 250-426-7006
Photo Submitted
College of the Rockies Vice President of Education Doug McLachlan receives a clean shave from Hairstylist student, Britney Morin-Pires. College staff and Avalanche players gathered November 29 for a World Renowned ‘Movember Shave-Off’. The event raised $151.35 Tenor for Prostate Cancer Canada in addition to the parMay 10, 2013 ticipants’ individual Movember fundraising totals.
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December 11 marked in Vancouver to visit the 10th anniversary six homeless shelters of angels spreading in the city that Angels their wings across the in the Nightoriginated. country. Hundreds of Including this year’s volunteers from Invis- fundraising efforts, the Even with the holiday season right around the Mortgage Invis-Mortgage Intelcorner, myIntelligence, daughter can’t wait for spring to arrive. one Canada’s leadhave Sheofis looking forward to theligence time whenAngels “her birdies” ingcome mortgage raised overdown $1.9 south. million back frombrokertheir winter hideout Thefirms, other day, looking forshelters those age tookwetomade city a point for inhomeless birds that stay Canada behind andinshecommunities was happy toacross see streets across isn’t just but others such in as chickadees, to there donate newcrows, winter Canada the last ten woodpeckers and nuthatches. clothing supplies years. Birds and that have stuckto around for the cold season are those in need as part of Invis-Mortgage now foraging for food to sustain them. The frozen Inteland itssnow-covered trademark ground commuestimates that makesligence it extremely difficult for them to get the enoughincalories to keep theirover bodiesthe nity program, Angels funds raised during the cold months. and thewarm Night. pastSunflower year willseeds translate peanuts both have a high fat content and can easily “As a company, we’re into the distribution of: provide the extra calories, and most birds in our area proud inspired by a • 3,868 pairs of gloves, enjoyand them. grass-roots local project scarves wintering Suet is another good wayhats, of ensuring that has into they •need. 3,424Commonly pairs of socks birds get evolved the fat content sold the shape of cakes, balls or• bells, suetlong is a mix of a in coast-to-coast initia1,486 sleeve fat,ofbird seed and and can easily beshirts, hung almost tive caring andnuts comthermal sweatanywhere. Like other animals, birdsand alsohoodies need a good munity engagement,” shirts source of water to stay properly hydrated and you can says CEO, 2002,aAngels makeBob your Ord, yard more attractive“Since by providing bowl Invis-Mortgage Intelin the Night hasclose been with fresh water near the feeder or put the food ligence. “Helping focused onopen making to a constant freshthose water source such as water a in adon’t pond. have a place positive impact in the who If you put bird out incommunities the fall when birds to call their ownfeed resothat arewe establishing routes, will nates stronglytheir withwinter our foraging live in,” saidyouPatrick likely have the greatest success in attracting them to brokers, employees and Invis broyour home. You might haveMulhern, less activityan if you place business in you Vancouver and feed out partners later in thewho year, butker likely will still get aresome passionate about if you long-time visitors, especially consistentlysupporter provide high-quality food. work and volunteer of Anthis cause and Chickadees are the commonly tirelessly to make it amostgels in the recognized Night. “As birds and canyear.” easily be identified by their brokers call. Manyin success each mortgage people have heard their "chicka-dee-dee-dee" being In Cranbrook, mem-Chickadees the business helping called from the trees. prefersofwooded bers met at the Boys people find their homes, areas, but they are also quite content in backyard and Girlsand Club to startthatitcan seems right to extend hedges birdhouses protect them from the night elements. They enjoy a diet of black oil sunflower their of deliveries. some support and help seed mark and are voracious eaterstoofthose insectswho – a very good To the milemight not reason to keep them around your yard and garden. stone year, Ord joined have a warm home to Woodpeckers frequent a wide variety of habitats and brokers, employees go to every night.”trees their nests are commonly situated in deciduous and business including aspen,partners birch, and maples. A woodpecker’s diet includes fruit, nuts, corn, ants, tent caterpillars, grasshoppers and many kinds of flying insects. They change their diets according to what food sources are most abundant and forage in the air, on the ground, and in trees. They often poke into crevices and chips at the bark of trees, searching for insects, but not “eating” wood. The favourite winter foods of the nuthatch are black oil sunflower, suet, sunflower chips and skinless peanuts. In summer, their diet consists mainly of insects, including caterpillars, ants, and pest species such as pine weevils, oystershell and other scale insects. During the cold months, nuthatches will often forage together with other birds in a group known as a foraging guild. They will occasionally feed on the ground, and readily visits feeding stations. Nuthatches are distinctive when seeking food, because they are able to descend tree trunks head-first and can hang upside-down beneath twigs and branches. The best feeder to hang out for nuthatches, chickadees and woodpeckers is a tube style feeder, with big enough ports for the preferred variety of seed, or a screened-sided tube feeder – which works great for peanuts and mixed nuts as well as sunflower seeds. The upside-down suet feeders are also a great choice for all three. Each year around Christmas, bird watchers across North America, Latin America and the Caribbean take an informal head-count of the birds in their neighbourhood in the Christmas Bird Count. This year, the dates for the count are December 17 in Fernie, December 27 in the Creston Valley, December 29 in Cranbrook and January 5 in Kimberley. For more information on the individual counts, you can go to the website of the British Columbia Field Ornithologists at For your holiday Till nextall time… happy birding Submitted by Kerstin
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A11
To Place a lisTing in our community news section: 1. open to all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. Post your event online at (calendar). events appear on our website onlY. if you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit by fax (250)4893743 or to our front desk or email: advertising@ 3. notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information...
DECEMBER 15 GoinG Home For Christmas, a Connect church event. @ 6:30pm at the Key City Theatre. Advance tickets on sale at the Key City Theatre for $5. For more info call (250) 919-reAL. one sTaRRY nigHT. Travel back in time to ancient Bethlehem. Taste, see and smell what daily life was like at the first christmas. Free activities for all ages (like a family photo in costume in a live animal stable). Bring the whole family. Knox church, 2100-3rd st. s., cranborok. (250)426-7165.
DECEMBER 16 GoinG Home For Christmas, a Connect church event. @ 6:30pm at the Key City Theatre. Advance tickets on sale at the Key City Theatre for $5. For more info call (250) 919-reAL. FrATernAL orDer oF eAGLeS Ladies Auxiliary pancake breakfast, everyone welcome. 8:30am-11am. $5/person. 711 Kootenay St. All proceeds to Cranbrook Women's Center. Kids cHRisTmas sHoPPing PaRTY hosted by eK after P.a.R.T.Y program will be held from 1-5pm. Kids of all ages welcome to come and shop for their parents, siblings, relatives and pets. Variety of shopping gifts from $1$15. elves will be on hand to help with wrapping. adVenT 3 and sPecial giFT sundaY You are invited to worship with cranbrook united this sunday. many of our congregants bring a small gift for the food bank, or the women's shelter, or the men's shelter on this sunday, to share their love with someone in need at this time of year. The service begins at 10:00 a.m. You are welcome to join us KimBeRleY com-
Bined cHoiRs perform a christmas cantata, Pioneer Hall, grasmere, 2 pm. 4H christms caroling at grasmere seniors homes 430pm & on.
HigHland danceRs will host their annual christmas charity Recital on Thursday, december 20 at 7:00 pm at the Heritage inn Ballroom. admission is by donation with all funds going to the salvation army cranbrook. For more information contact Jane at 2580-427-8757 or email ( HolisTicTiPs FoR THe cHildBeaRing YeaR' a workshop in 'The Birth series' by maggie Paxton, Holistic Practitioner 7pm. at Family connections (near the skateboard park), 46. 17th ave s. cranbrook. income is by donation. For more info: call 250-429-3333. 4H communiTY cHRisTmas conceRT (music, fun, goodies & of course santa), welcome all young & young t heart. Pioneer Hall, 7 pm. . DECEMBER 23
snacks & warm plum cake. local talent: The deHorst sisters. guests: Jack Telman from edmonton. Receiving canned goods for cranborok Food Bank. lociton: abundant life assembly, 501-11 ave s., cranbrook. limited seting. 250-426-2866 or email to request your free tickets.
THe FRiends oF THe cRanBRooK liBRaRY are presenting their third travelogue of the season on at 7pm in the lecture Theatre at college of the Rockies. The travelogue is on the grand canyon sharing gerry Warner’s hike through its majestic splendor. admission by donation.. liVe ouTdooR naTiViTY with live donkey, sheep, youth actors and music fromt he mormon Tabernacle choir, dec. 17 & 18, 2210-2nd st. n., cranbrook, 7 & 8 pm. christmas caroling in the chapel after the nativity. Hot chocolate & christmas goodies also served. sponsored byt he church of Jesus christ of latter day saints. . DECEMBER 20 THe RoYal sTeWaRT
Landmark CINEMAS STarTing Landmark CINEMAS
social dance will be held at the seniors Hall on new Year’s eve to
Stop by or call Lily at the Kootenay Advertiser (250)489-3455
Christmas Songbook 20 12
cHRisTmas aT BaKeR Hill. 6-7pm. instrumental music & carol singing. Table service of hot beverages, savoury
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Combo Tuesdays
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FRee cHRisTmas TuRKeY dinner for those who might not otherwise have a christms dinner, 1-5pm at crnborok dairy Queen. 250-417-7099.
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Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
communitycalendar up), Intro-StarSkate (learn to figure skate), StarSkate (for all levels of figure skating), CanPowerSkate (skating skills for hockey players) and Adult lessons. Contract Kathy Bates (Registrar) at 250432-5562 LOVE TO FIND A BARGAIN? Christmas surprises overflow our shelves. New & almost new - many brand names. Bibles for Missions Thrift Store, 824 Kootenay St., N., Cranbrook. 778-520-
FREE IMMuNIzATIONS. PEOPLE 65 years of age can receive pneumococcal 23. All people should have a tetanus/ diphtheria booster every ten years. Protect yourself from vaccine preventable diseases with these free vaccines. Please call the Public Health Nursing at your local health unit (Cranbrook 420-2207) for all appointments.
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Purchase direct at or by phone to Sandra or Garry 250-428-5556
FuLLy RENOVATED HALL and kitchen for rent. 120 person capacity. Great rates! Kimberley Elks Club. 250-427-2343 Meat draw every Sat. @ 5pm EK COuNCIL OF CANADIANS Chapter meeting monthly, 2nd Tuesday evening of the month. Call for time & location, 427-0514. THE BISSET CHOIR, A mixed mens, women’s choir of all ages from high school to adult, meets every Thursday evening, 7 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook. New members always welcome. 489-3942. KEEP yOu & your horse active, Willowgrove Ranch Horsemanship Clinics, limited room, so book your spot. FMI Jodi Savage 426-6596. PARENT/TOT FuN TIMES, a drop in program for parents & their children ages 6 & under. Monday mornings 9:30noon, Mountain View Elementary School. OLD BASEBALL PHOTOS? THE Home Run Society would like to archive your photos and stories for future gen-
Do you want to practise forestry in BC? New forestry designation available now The Natural Resource Professional (or NRP) designation is new and recent grads from natural resources conservation programs at the University of BC, Thompson Rivers University and the University of Northern BC can apply today. The NRP designation will allow you to practise aspects of professional forestry in every corner of the province. You might find yourself working for government, consultants, industry, Aboriginal groups and more! For more information and to see which programs qualify, visit our website at
erations of baseball fans. Contact Garry 417-3236 or e-mail: SCLERODERMA SuPPORT GROuP, Call Betty (250)428-8875, Bev, 4275033 in Kootenay Region. KOOTENAy HORSES IS online, your equine community clubs & events listing., Marie, 426-5530. NATIVE FRIENDSHIP CENTRE monthly meetings, 7 pm, last Thursday of month. Mt Baker Secondary School, room 100, everyone welcome. THE 266 ROyAL CANADIAN Air Cadets Squadron of Kimberley would like to let all in the area know, that we meet every Tuesday evening, 6:009:30 PM, Outrid Hall, 795 Knighton Rd. Chapman Camp, Kimberley. The 266 RCACS always has room for both new Cadets between the ages of 12 and 19 years with out exceptions, and new Officers. So anyone wishing to get involved as either a Cadet wanting to join, or as an adult looking to donate some time as a leader, this organization is free to all users, Please stop in at the above times or phone 4274220. ROyAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 24-come out and learn how to line dance every Thursday@2pm until Oct. cost $2 a session. Instructor Karen Tripp. For more info call 250-426-8926. EAST KOOTENAy OuTDOOR CLuB Monday evening hikes to vari-
ous local areas of natural, historic or scenic interest. Different hike each week. Lorne, 250-426-8864. CRANBROOK BRANCH OF The Stroke Recovery Association of BC, a support group for stroke survivors and caregivers. We offer programs to promote independence and improve quality of life. Meetings from 1oam-1pm the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the Senior Citizen’s Hall 125-17th St. S. Please bring a bag lunch. Tootie 250426-3994 KIMBERLEy SENIOR T’AI chi Club and invite you cordially to give us a try, we meet every Monday 10 to 11am. at The united Church in Kimberley. Beginners welcome, instructor Colin 427 3929 CBK CRITIquE CLuB, 3RD Tues of month, 7 pm, Bring artwork for critiquing. Cbk & Dist Arts Council, 1117 Baker St, 426-4223. SPARWOOD SEARCH & Rescue is looking for new recruits, all training provided. FMI come to Fire Hall #1, 7 pm, 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month or visit CBK WRITERS GROuP MEETS the 4th Monday of month, 7 pm. Please bring writing sample. Cbk & Dist Arts Council, 104 135 10th Ave. S., Cranborok. ST. AIDAN ORTHODOx CHuRCH, 201-7th Ave. S, welcomes you to the following regular services: Sunday Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am followed by
A Lantern Lit
Christmas Eve Service
December 24, 7:00 pm Rotary Park Carols, Hot Chocolate, and The Story of Christmas A great family event to start your Christmas celebration. Dress warm, The service will be about half an hour. In the case of bad weather we will be meeting at The Studio/Stage Door 11 11th Ave. S.
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potluck lunch and Children’s Sunday School at 1pm; Weekday Matin Services at 9am; saturday Vesper service at 6pm and Wednesday Bible study at 6:45 pm. FMI call Fr. Richard Rene at 250-4898006 or see THE CELLAR THRIFT STORE now operates in the lower level of Cranbrook united Church. Entrance is on Baker Lane at 2-12 Ave. S. Open Mon.-Sat. noon-4:30 pm. Donations of gently used clothing and small household items gratefully accepted in shed provided. CRANBROOK CHAPTER KING’S COTTAGE: thrift store at former Meadowbrook School KIMBERLEy - Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.30 to 2. Good clothes and shoes at rock bottom prices for men, women, children. Donations gratefully accepted. BAD ART NIGHT DROP-IN. Sessions the 2nd & 4th Friday of every month, 6:30pm to 9… Give your inner critic the night off and create art just for the fun of it: No judgment, no expectations and lots of bold moves. We’ll be making bad art—so join us and do your worst. Kids and their parents are welcome. Cranbrook and District Arts Council 135 – 10th Avenue S. #104 Ph: 250-489-0474 or info@ CRANBROOK & DISTRICT KENNEL Club meets monthly on the 2nd Tues 7:00 PM at Mt Baker High School Cranbrook. Club details at www.cdkc.
ca or Esther 250-4890409 or Linda 250- 4173177 A CROSS CuLTuRAL OPPORTuNITy for immigrants or new Canadian to get together to play games, socialize, share cultures and traditions and make new friends. If you have a musical instrument or game from a different country please bring it and share it with us. Cross Cultural night will be held the last Wednesday of every month. 7-9 pm, 32 13th Ave S., Mila 4262943. CRANBROOK TRIPLE V Hockey Club Times are 9:15-10:15 a.m., age is 65+ FMI Leisure Services at 489-0220. CRANBROOK CuRLING CLuB Tuesday Night fun league 7pm. $5 drop in fee. Equipment supplied. 250-426-4415 CHILDREN: OuR FOuNDATION for Success! Contact Patricia Cranbrook Family Connections Centre Beside Cranbrook Skatepark 250489-4246 EVERy TuESDAy, 1:30-4 Senior Dance at Centennial Hall, Kimberley, live music. TOPS (TAKE OFF Pounds Sensibly) non profit weight loss support group meets Every Thursday at 5 pm at the Sr Citizen’s Centre, (downstairs) 125 17th Avenue South, Cranbrook. Have fun while losing weight gradually. For Info call Marie 250-417-2642 AL-ANON MEETING EKRH Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Basement EDC Room B. 250-489-
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 13
communitycalendar 1388 Tired of cluTTer in your household? Take clothing items to our convenient Walmart location. Thank you from the Big Brothers and Sisters crib / Whist : crib or Whist alternate weeks, Senior’s drop in centre, fernie, Tuesdays 7.30 p.m. Seniors drop in centre 562 3rd Ave. do You WoNder if You Are iN A HeAlTHY relATioNSHiP WiTH Your PArTNer? do you feel valued and respected? info. 426-4887 or 1-800200-3003. KimBerleY SeNiorS dANce. Tuesdays 1:304:00 pm, october to June. live music. centennial Hall. 427-2805. crANBrooK eArlY cHildHood development committee : meets the 1st Tuesday of every month (excluding Summer) 1-3 pm. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, service providers and businesses are always welcome. commuNiTY PAddle NigHT (flat water) Wednesdays, 7-9 pm, meet at Just liquid (5th Ave. & Van Horne, cranbrook). free shuttle leaves at 6:15 pm. rentals available - call in advance 919-4610. cleAr SKY mediTATioN centre Spring Series enrich your life and be open to change Tuesday’s from 7:30-8:45 at exhale Yoga Studio Saturdays from 4pm in Bull river. classes by donation, www.clearskycentre. org. call 250-429-3929 for info and directions THird WedNeSdAY of every month Seniors day at the cranbrook legion starts at 1:30 pm there is singing and a light snack served. our grouP Would liKe donations of wool. We make things for our local shelters. 250-4170894. looKiNg for PAST residents of erickson Bc for their stories for the erickson History Book to be published later this year. Please contract: ericKSoN commuNiTY ASSociATioN HiSToriAN SHAroN BreNNAN, BoX 9, ericKSoN, Bc. V0B 1K0 commuNiTY WHiTe WATer Paddle night,, Tuesdays & Thursdays, leave from Just liquid (5th Ave. & Van Horne St., cranbrook). free shuttle leaves 6 pm. call for location, 9194610. cHooSiNg WellNeSS SeNiorS’ exercise class at the cranbrook Senior centre. mondays from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Bring a bag lunch if desired. for information, call irene at 250-4264793. dANciNg eVerY fridAY 7-9 pm. at Stages
School of dance , 426th Ave. S., cranbrook. No pressure, just fun! randy or Kim, 4261142. crANBrooK firST ToASTmASTerS can make you shine! Present a better report, deliver a better appraisal, write a better resume. Toastmasters will teach you communication and leadership skills that will give you the confidence you need to succeed at work and at play. meetings are every 2nd and 4th Thursday, room 210 coTr, 7-9pm. contact Pamela at 250489-3906 or e mail her at fAmilY lAW cliNic, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 1:30 pm, invermere family resource centre, 122-7th Ave., 2nd Thursday of the month, 1:30 pm, creston Alcohol & drug counselling, 138 10th Ave. N., 3rd monday of the month, 1 pm, grasmere Tobacco Plains Band office, hosted by Aboriginal family law Program, free & confidential. info. Veronica, 1-800-521-5119. Whist, Thursday nights, 7 pm, Senior center, everyone welcome. 4261993. THe couNcil of SeNior citizens organizations (coSco) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of life” for all seniors. Seniors, organizations, Associations wishing to affiliate, or individuals wishing to become members please contact ernie (604) 576-9734, fax (604) 576-9733, email BreASTfeediNg clASS: 1ST Thursday of each month, Juniper Place, 7-9 pm. fmi 420-2216. YouTH emPloYmeNT ProgrAm. Ages 16 - 30 years. Bladerunners employment Program. funding provided through the canada British columbia labour market Agreement. learn life skills and employment skills. We help you find and keep a job that works for you! 250 Howard Street, Kimberley. call chelsie at 250-427-7017 for more information or to sign up. KimBerleY TrAP ANd Skeet club summer hours. Shoots every Tues from 6 p.m. to dusk. for info call mike or morris at 250-417-0550 or ron at 250-432-0002. cHild HeAlTH cliNicS are held Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning by appt. Parents welcome to drop-in and discuss concerns with public health nurses weekdays from 8:30-4:30 at Kimberley North Star dream Team. BABY ANd me drop in for parents with babes in arms, Tuesdays 10-12, cranbrook family connections 46-17th Ave S (next to skateboard park)
Niki, 421-8096. criBBAge AT SeNior drop-in centre: 562 3 AVe, fernie iN THeSe cHAlleNgiNg TimeS your support of the mS Walk is more important than ever. each walker, team captain and volunteer who participates is a vital partner in providing research. Join the movement to end mS by registering today, set a goal and multiply your impact by recruiting friends and family to walk with you as a mS walk team HeArTS iN moTioN Walking club meet mon, Wed, fri at the cranbrook rec Plex 9am. Walk inside or out, all ages welcome. marion 250-426-4529 or Jeanette 250-426-2393 food BANK BiNgo, Kimberley elks club, every monday at 7pm 427-2343 THe crANBrooK WomeN’S ceNTer, 3213th Ave S has reopened. Hours of operation monthurs, 10-12:30, 1-3:30. information, support, lay counselling & advocacy
provided. Small free store on site. contact Vicky, 426-2912. SPArWood eArlY cHildHood development committee meetings, 2nd Wednesday of each month 5:00-6:00pm. leisure center. Join us for a fast pace discussion on projects to enhance opportunities for preschool children. eAST KooTeNAY BrAiN iNJurYSuPPorT grouPS for caregivers & Survivors Kimberley meets first Wednesday of each month 3pm at Youth centre. cranbrook meets third Wednesday of each month 2pm @united church everyone welcome! iNTereSTed iN Your family roots, cranbrook family History centre hrs Tues & Thurs. 10-8, Sat 10-1. 426-4614. BANNer oVer BAKer Street. does your not-forprofit organization have an event coming up? Hang your banner on Baker St. for optimum visibility. Book now before your important dates are taken.
Spots available for 2010 in feb, mar, may & Jun. 250-426-4223 oVer eATerS ANoNYmouS meets every Tuesday night from 7-8 pm sharp at the united church on 12 th Ave south. drop ins welcome. our group is a 12 step program for support around food disorders. HeAlTHY momS/ HeAlTHY BABeS free outreach program with information & resources for women who are pregnant or parenting a new baby. group drop-ins and 1:1 visits at Kimberley early learning centre on Wednesdays from 5-7pm. call Jenn at 250-427-8772 STroNgSTArT Bc free family drop-in program for preschool-aged children accompanied by a parent. Kimberley early learning centre. Activities include circle time, play centres, nutritious snack and active play. monday 9 - 12, Tuesday (marysville School) 8:45 - 11:45, Thursday 9 - 12, friday 9 - 12. call gina 250-427-5309
Help us fill the Kia Soul for those in our community less fortunate this holiday season.
EK Lutheran Parish
Pastor Fraser Coltman & Pastor Dave Morton Mt. Zion Cranbrook 920-11th St. S. Sunday Worship 10 am, Thursday Worship 7 pm Holy Cross Kimberley 105 Howard Sunday Worship 10 am Trinity Fernie 691 - 4th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm Immanuel Elkford 2700 Balmer Dr. Sunday Worship 4 pm St. Peter’s Invermere 110-7th Ave. Sunday Worship 1:30 pm
1115 2nd Ave. S., Cranbrook (Parkland Middle School) Sunday service ............................ 10:20 am Dwayne & Collette Thompson 421-1099 Frank & Jody Hackett 417-7410
Enter for your chance to shoot to win
$10,000 in groceries or a NEW Kia Win one of ten chances at a Kootenay Ice Game
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get 3 consecutive issues for $9.99** (+HST) Value is $14.99 Excludes business, help wanted and rental ads. (Additional lines *$1, **$2)
#2 - 12 Ave. S. (downtown by Safeway) Phone: 250-426-2022 Fax: 250-426-2085 Rev. Frank Lewis Sunday Worship.......................... 10:00 am Sunday School ............................ 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada • Come welcome our new Pastor Cyril Marlatt 2000-5th St. N., Cranbrook • 489-5169 Family Worship .......................... 11:00 am Sunday School ............................ 10:00 am
Cranbrook United Church
Cranbrook Fellowship Baptist Church
Bring in a new toy donation and receive an extra ballot for “Shoot to Win” and get a chance to win an Ipad Mini
Hear it, Live it, Share it The Studio Stage Door, 11 Ave S. Sunday Service - 10:30 am For more info: 421-1822
Website: • Phone: 1-866-426-7564
Warm the heart Fill the
1101 Victoria Ave
Calvary Chapel Cranbrook
New Apostolic Church 821 1st Street S., Cranbrook, BC Sunday School ............................ 9:00 am Sunday Service ........................... 10:30 am Wednesday Service..................... 8:00 pm Larry and Nicole Leblond .......... 489-0770 Faith, family, friendship, forever
New Life Foursquare Church 308 10th Ave. South • 489-1057 Sunday Morning Worship • 10am Senior Pastor • Gordon Henry
The Salvation Army Kootenay Valley Community Church 533 Slater Road NW, 426-3612 Sunday Worship Service ............ 10:30 am Wednesday Praise Service.......... 5:00 pm Pastor: Captains Linda & Kirk Green
St. Aidan Orthodox Church Sunday Services.......................... 10:30 am Fellowship lunch and Sunday School to follow For info call: 250-489-8006 or 250-421-6013 Come, See & Pray
Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
communitycalendar JOB OPTIONS BC is seeking employers in Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie & Invermere who would be interested in hosting a 4 week work experience. Wage subsidies available. Call today
for more information, contact Maureen or Nick 250.426.8019. KIMBERLEY ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIDERS. The Rocky Mountain Riders is a family club whose purpose is to promote
equine activities. We hold regular monthly meetings the last Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. 4271748 FERNIE LEgION. WE invite any adults to join us and relax in our lounge,
please come to the Legion Lounge at 551 - 1st avenue, weekdays and Saturdays after 2 PM. WOMEN FOR SOBRIETY, Tues, noon, East Kootenay Addiction Services Society, 202 1617
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Baker Street, Cranbrook, 489-4344. CHRISTIAN MEN’S COFFEE HOUR, every Friday morning, 10 am to noon, Kootenay Roasting Company, 903 Baker St. Every Christian man is invited to attend this coffee time. Join with us in a time of fellowship & growing in our relationship with Jesus. DOMINOES AT SENIORS Drop in centre: Dominoes at Seniors Drop in centre, Fernie, every Monday at 1 p.m. Seniors Drop in centre, Fernie, 562 3rd Ave. THE FRESHWATER FISHERIES SOCIETY of BC welcomes all novice anglers to take part in our Learn to Fish Program at the Kootenay Trout Hatchery. For a suggested donation of $5, the program teaches all you need to know catch some fish this summer! Pre-book by calling us at 250-429-3214 or by emailing: I AM PLANNINg TO compile a book of Remembrance, to honour First Nations, Metis and Inuit veterans, past and present. For more information, please contact: 250-489-4532. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, HELP coach Special Olympics bowling, Kimberley, Sun afternoons, 1-3, Cranbrook, Mon afternoons, 1-3, training & assistance provided. Contact Leo Mittermayr after 5, 489-4558. SENIORS BRIDgE, MON, 1 pm, Thurs, 7 pm, lower Centennial Hall, Kimberley. For more info, 427-3377. THE CRANBROOK HEALTH Care Auxiliary is in real need of volunteers to take a shift at the EAST KOOTENAY REgIONAL HOSPITAL at the Diagnostic Imaging and Information Desk 417-2746 for KATE FOX. Active members PLEASE give 2 - 3 hours of your time per week DANCE CLUB DROPIN, learn Swing, Salsa, Waltz, etc. Fun, no pressure atmosphere. Stages School of Dance (Red Cross Building). Fridays, 7-9pm. Randy/Kim 250426-1142 or Bob/Adele 250-417-0462 CRANBROOK SENIOR BINgO at Senior Hall on Wednesdays at 1pm. 12517th Ave S. 250-426-7504 Fast is fun for everyone! Learn to speed skate with the Kimberley Speed Skating Club. Sundays 6-7pm, Wednesdays 6:307:30pm at Marysville Arena. We train toddlers to seniors. Car pooling available. Info 2 5 0 - 4 2 6 - 7 3 2 2 Free Senior Skating, Fridays, 10-11am. Contact Mary 250-427-7931 AIR CADETS - 552 Key City Cranbrook invites all youth between age 12 - 18 to join us for an active,
exciting and challenging experience Tuesday evenings Sept. through June. Program includes flying/ gliding, marksmanship, effective speaking, leadership, physical fitness, citizenship, survival training, 2-6 week long summer training, field training exercises and much more. No direct cost to join. Meet every Tuesday evening 6 - 9 pm at 308 - 10 Ave. S, 2nd Floor. Info contact Capt. Bott at 250426-3685 or Kim MacBride at 250-426-0131 or email trainingdesk552@” AL-ANON MEETINg EVERY Sunday at 7pm downstairs United Church, Kimberley. Pat 250-4277792 or Cynthia 250-4270573 TENNIS ANYONE? SEASON opened May 1 at Cranbrook Kinsmen Park on Victoria Avenue. We are seeking new members of all ages, families and singles welcome. We meet every Wednesday and Sunday evening from 6 to 9 PM. For more information, call Steve 250-489-9169, gillian 250-426-8201 or Neil 250489-8107. FAST IS FUN for everyone! Learn to speed skate with the Kimberley Speed Skating Club. Sundays 6-7pm, Wednesdays 6:307:30pm at Marysville Arena. We train toddlers to seniors. Car pooling available. Info 250-4267322 ELKFORD EARLY CHILDHOOD development Committee meets once a month from 6-8pm at the Rocky Mountain Elementary School Library. Everyone welcome to attend. For dates contact Carmen at or 250-8652411 FREE DROP-IN PLAY and learn centres! Strong Start Early Learning Centres invite you to circle and story times, art and gym time for children under five and their caregivers. Open 5 days a week at Amy Woodland Elementary 250-426-7258 or Steeples Elementary 250-426-3352. www.cbal. org SENIOR SOCIAL AT Centennial Hall Kimberley, every Friday 1-4pm SAINT AIDAN ORTHODOX Church, 10:30am service every Sunday, at 201-7th Ave. S., Cranborok. Hall &/or kitchen rental avaialble. Ellen, 421-6013. Potluck lunch after service. All are welcome. CRANBROOK QUILTERS’ gUILD will be holding their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7:15 pm, upstairs in the Seniors’ Hall, 125 17th Ave. S. Everyone welcome. For more information, contact June at 250-426-8817. or Betty 250-489-1498.
MILITARY SERVICE RECOgNITION Book. Branch 24 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Cranbrook is looking forward to having another successful year with regards to our Military Service Recognition book. The Military Service Recognition book is a historical account of all who served their country and a tribute to that service. We are looking for all veterans who have served with the Canadian or Commonwealth armed forces in war or peace time either at home or abroad.All you have to do is pick up an application form at Branch 24, fill it out with a brief history of your service and submit it.If you wish the Legion will send in your submission for you. You do not have to be a Legion member. to participate in this program. June 30th,2012 is the closing date for this printing. In November the books are made available. to the public free of charge at the Branch. If you know of anyone that has served in the forces please let them know about this program. RECOVERINg FROM THE losses of Life, a Christian grief course, offered online, free of charge, by the EK Lutheran Parish (Mt. Zion Lutheran Church). www., click grief course. DO YOU HAVE PARKINSON’S disease, or does anyone you know have Parkinson’s? Would you like to know how others like yourself deal with their daily problems? We are inviting you to come out to our friendly monthly meetings held at 7 pm every third Thursday of the month at the Heritage Inn on Cranbrook Street in Cranbrook. You and your caregiver will love the open and friendly atmosphere. Confidentiality is uppermost at our meetings. NO MEETINgS during July & August. O V E R E A T E R S ANONYMOUS Offers Support, Hope and Strength in Numbers , a 12-step program, helps members throughout the world deal with these issues. Cranbrook United Church, 2 – 12th Avenue South, Tuesdays 7-8 pm (downstairs) W. Contact: Dawn 250-464-0160, “SETTLINg IN” IS a free program that provides one-to-one and group English as a second language instruction to immigrant and refugee adults who live in Cranbrook and Kimberley. The Columbia Basin Alliance provides this service in partnership with the College of the Rockies and the Ministry of Advanced Education. For info email khough@ or phone Katherine at (250)417-2896.
The Cranbrook Food Bank needs your help
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A15
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Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
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On the Strip, Cranbrook 250.426.6278
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New in town, 28 sexy,blond, open minded, reasonable prices, outcalls only. Text or call Tara, (250)421-2465
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Randy and Brenda Crago are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Jillian Randal Crago to Craig Allan Robert Sheridan son of Kim Johnson and Grant Sheridan of Vancouver, BC. The couple was engaged in Venice, Italy and look forward to their upcoming wedding on Aug. 4, 2013.
Dean Brody tickets for Cranbrook, Sunday, Jan 27, 2013, $49/each. D21-23, E21-23. (250)426-5650
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Obituaries OBITUARY
CARLISLE, George Bernard 1932-2012 George Bernard Carlisle passed away at the Pines in Kimberley, BC on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at the age of 80 years. George was born on May 29, 1932 in Invermere, BC and was the third of four sons born to George and Elsie Carlisle, who came to Canada in 1929 from Rotherham, Yorkshire. George enjoyed woodworking and produced many useful items over the years. Even after losing his sight, he retained the ability to create functional pieces. George and his brother, Fred ranched in the Wycliffe area for many years. He also enjoyed CB radio and was known locally as “Bugaboo.” George leaves to cherish his memory his wife of 49 years, Mary; his daughter, Sarah Carlisle (Keith Honeyman) and one grandson, Matthew Honeyman. He also leaves two brothers, Jim and Alan and three nephews and one niece. George was predeceased by his parents and one brother, Fred. At George’s request, there will be no funeral service. Condolences may be left for the family at If friends desire, memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, 19 - 9th Ave. S., Cranbrook, BC V1C 2L9.
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Lost & Found Found: bag from Bibles for Missions thrift store containing slippers and plastic box. Found near the hospital a few weeks ago. Pick up at the Kootenay Advertiser.
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Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012
Career Opportunities
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LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535
Required Immediately Front Desk Agent Competitive Wages Benefits Apply in person to: 2370 Cranbrook St. N. Tel: 250-489-8028
Education/Trade Schools TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627
Help Wanted Newspaper carriers required to provide holiday cover Various areas, enhanced rate of pay. Contact Charlene
1-800-665-2382 or (250)489-3455 Passionate about print Commercial print company seeking experienced team members. All positions considered; top compensation for top performance. Email Licensed Security Guards wanted for special events & concerts throughout the year. BST course required. Please apply via email:
An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. Care aides needed for Psychiatric Residential Group Home. $18.39 per hour. Shift work. Must have Human Service Worker Certificate or 2 years equivalent experience. CACHWR registration, First Aid w/CPR & Food Safe. Casual on-call basis to start. Reply to Box 240, c/o The Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Start your Health Care Career in less than a year! Study online or on campus Nursing Unit Clerk – 6 months - Work in the heart of the hospital Pharmacy Technician – 8 months - The first CCAPP accredited program in BC Medical Transcriptionist – 9 months - Work online or in hospitals Financial Aid available • PCTIA and CCAPP accredited
Call Today For Free Info Kit
1-877-840-0888 A17
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
,QODQG .HQZRUWK 3DUNHU 3DFLÀF Cranbrook, BC has an immediate opening for a Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic- equipment and service truck experience would be an asset Competitive wage and beneÀt package. Please fax or e-mail resume to the attention of Russ Grainger (250) 426-6122. Email: Top Crop Garden, Farm & Pet 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC Looking for greenhouse/farm workers Transplanting, watering, loading plants, crop maintenance March 1, 2013- September 2013 Full-time and part-time seasonal positions Work at all three locations 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook 2380-4th Ave. S., Cranbrook 3700 Depeel Rd., Cranbrook No educational or job experience required. Wage $10.25/hr Contact Shannon Fisher or mail application 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 5M2 250-489-4555 • Fax (250)426-4280
Glen Transport is an innovative trucking company who values its employees. We pay competitive wages and have an excellent medical and RRSP benefits program. Commercial Trailer Mechanic • Mechanic required to work on wood fibre trailers Fax: 250.422.3545
JOIN THE TOLKO PROFESSIONALS Competitive wages Development opportunities On-going training Dynamic and challenging environment Stable employment Strong values of Safety, Respect, Progressiveness, Open Communication, Integrity and Profit guide us at Tolko. READY TO APPLY YOURSELF? If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community, please visit our website at: and submit your resume by December 21, 2012.
Apply today at
Accounting / Payroll Clerk – Permanent An employee, who, under the general direction of the Manager of Accounting Services, is hired to perform a multitude of tasks and duties to support the Finance Department. PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: CRANBROOK BOARD OFFICE HOURS OF WORK: 7 hrs/day Twelve month per year position. WAGE RATE: As per C.U.P.E Local 4165 Agreement DUTIES: As per C.U.P.E. Local 4165 Job Description QUALIFICATIONS: As per C.U.P.E. Local 4165 Job Description To view full job description, please visit our website at: pdfs/Accounting-PayrollClerk.pdf CONTACT PERSON: Darlene Soper, Accounting Servcies Manager (250) 417-2054 STARTING DATE: Upon completion of the posting process DATE OF NOTICE: December 10, 2012 CLOSING DATE: January 10, 2013 NOON (MST) Send Resumes To: Please apply for this job only in the manner speciÀed by the employer, otherwise your application will not be considered for the position. In Person: Human Resources Department School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) 940 Industrial Road No. 1, Cranbrook, B.C., V1C 4C6 By Fax: (250) 426-4987 Or by e-mail: Please quote Posting Number. Note: WHEN APPLYING FOR POSITIONS IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT TO PROVIDE DETAILS OF THEIR QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest but only those under consideration will be contacted. The successful applicant will be subject to the terms of the Criminal Records Act.
A&W Restaurants, Cranbrook/Kimberley are looking to fill FULL-TIME positions for food counter attendants. 1204 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook 2 Full Time Day & Evening Positions • $10.25-$11/hr (depending on experience) (up to 40 hours/week) 435 Ross St., Kimberley 2 Full Time Day & Evening Positions • $10.25-$11/hr (depending on experience) (up to 40 hours/week) We offer a friendly work environment, shared benefits plan and advancement opportunities. At A&W Restaurants, we are committed to building long lasting relationships with our customers and our employees. Please apply in person or online at
Roads Supervisor Okanagan Region
Now hiring
TOLKO INDUSTRIES LTD. is currently seeking a Roads Supervisor to join our team in Lumby, BC. The Roads Supervisor is responsible for operational road construction and maintenance activities associated with road infrastructure within the Okanagan Region. This positiondirectly supervises the company road crews and associated mobile equipment to ensure the safe and cost effective operation of all construction and maintenance projects. In addition, the position directs various contract road building and maintenance crews.
H&R Block is the country’s leading tax service company. We endeavour to help our clients build a better financial future any way that we can. We provide fast and accurate tax preparation services. Our experts are committed to delivering assistance and solutions that are second to none. H&R Block is currently looking for an Office Administrator to provide skilled and efficient administration support to our tax office in Fernie BC. Duties include greeting clients, answering telephones, completing reports, processing payments, handling client concerns, completing and submitting Income Tax Returns and other duties as assigned. The successful candidate will have: - At least 3 years of office administration and customer service experience - Ability to operate a computer and applicable software packages - Excellent interpersonal, communication and multi-tasking skills - Must be willing to work flexible hours - Must be willing to complete the “On-the-job” Income Tax return training Do you have what it takes to be the “New Kid on the Block?” If so, we invite you to fax your resume to 250-489-1598
• Are you ready to work for a company you can truly believe in? • Are you prepared to be a frontline Customer Service representative for our company? • Are you constantly learning and asking the right questions? • Do you believe in ensuring Safety and continued customer satisfaction? Brisco Wood Preservers Ltd., a major Canadian Pole Producer of CCA treated wood poles to Western utilities and communications companies, is seeking to hire a Log Truck Operator. Our main treating facility is located just north of Radium Hot Springs in the beautiful Columbia Valley in British Columbia. Brisco Wood Preservers’ second treating facility is located in Peers, Alberta. In addition to our pole manufacturing and treating, Brisco also produces large engineered beams from LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) in our laminating plant Brisco Manufacturing Ltd. Brisco sells treated posts, rails, plywood and lumber and we also custom treat a variety of wood products. General Summary: Reporting to the Sales & Marketing Manager, the Log Truck Operator is responsible for the safe operation of the truck, hauling throughout BC and Alberta as well as occasional hauls to Saskatchewan and the US. This position is based out of Brisco, BC, although overnight trips are required on a regular basis. Key Responsibilities: • Hauling treated & untreated Poles from our Brisco or Peers plants to various locations in BC, AB, SK and the US. to customer’s yards and drop sites. Mostly highway and some off highway hauling. • Performing proper safety checks and safe vehicle operation. • Minor truck maintenance, servicing, cleaning and troubleshooting. • Maintain truck logs according to Federal, provincial and company regulations. Qualifications: • Valid class 1 drivers license. • Clean driver’s abstract. • Minimum 2 years experience operating Log Truck. • Ability to read maps and a working knowledge of local road systems. • Background in the Forest Industry a definite asset. • Self reliant, organized, motivated and quality oriented. This is a full time position, which offers a competitive wage and comprehensive benefits package. We wish to thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. How to Apply: Please address cover letter and resume to Dave Fabro – Sales & Marketing Manager. Include a copy of Driver’s Abstract. E-mail pdf file to: or Fax to 250-346-3218 Deadline for application is 5:00 pm (MST) Tuesday, December 18th, 2012
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Gutter Installer. Looking for full time seamless eaves trough installer. Must have drivers license & be carpentry inclined. Should be able to work with, minimal supervision & be able to work from heights. Medical and dental after 3 months. (250)426-7146 P/T data entry assistant. Marketing training would be an asset. After initial training, will move to full time. Deliver resume in person to Dan or Crystal at Investors Group (Tamarack Centre). Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430
3 afternoon shifts per week, must have some knowledge of East Kootenay highways, able to multi task & be bondable. Call 8am-4pm Mon-Fri (250)426-2201
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
Legal Services
Home Improvements
Water Services
Tobacco Plains Indian Band
Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!
WARWICK Cabinets in Invermere currently seeking experienced lacquer sprayer/ finisher. Job entails prep, sanding, staining and lacquer spraying of cabinets, cabinet doors and custom wood projects manufactured in our modern cabinet shop. Ph: 250-342-6264, Fax: 250-342-3546 or e-mail:
NORTHERN ALBERTA clearing contractor seeks experienced Buncher and Skidder Operators for work in Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided; email Fax 780-488-3002.
GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.
Help Wanted
EMP Advanced Level III Jan. 14-25/2013 On-going EMP Level I & T.E. call for available dates
Additional courses available. Call us for your first aid training needs. We aim to hold all classes as advertised Glen Transport is an innovative trucking company who values its employees. We pay competitive wages and have an excellent medical and RRSP benefits program. Drivers & Lease Operators GlenTransport is actively recruiting Company Class 1 Drivers and Owner Operators. Home daily routes available. Class 1 Drivers please complete our driver application ( and send resume and copy of current Driver’s abstract. Owner Operators please contact us for a complete Owner Operator package, details on tractor specifications, hauls available, and rates.
Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
Holistic Health
Healing Hands
Massage and energy work Become pain free in the comfort of your own home.
ur Reduce yo Debt by up to • Avoid bankruptcy • 1 interest free monthly payment • Free Consultation
Call for YOUR Financial Restructuring Solution
Robert Osborne 250-365-8070 Toll Free1-877-765-8070 Email
Now offer in addition to rough custom cuts also planed & tongue and grooved lumber
We are Not Trustees DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1-877-556-3500 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Call Darlene (250)420-7052
COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. We’re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7’ tall running man out front 250-426-2691
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
$45per treatment
Kootenay Mountain Mechanical is a full service International Truck dealer in Cranbrook and has an immediate opening for a
Service Adviser/ Warranty Writer
Experience would be an asset. We offer competitive wages and benefit package. Please fax or email resume to the attention of Doug Wiseman, fax 250-426-5295, email
(250) 887-3461 Fax for quotes at 887 3424 (250) 887-3424
Cranbrook Routes Available
31st Ave S 400 block, 34th Ave S 500 block, 5 & 6th St S 3100-3300 block 17-18th Ave N 600-700 block 18A Ave N 800-900 block Kootenay St N 600-1800 12th St S 1800-1900 block 16th Ave S 1100-1200 block Staple Cres, Staple Drive 2321 Industrial Rd #2
What are you waiting for? Call 250-489-3455 today!
Pets & Livestock
Equestrian 2000 3-horse slant Apache trailer, needs paint/tires, $4000. 25 Oak Drive South, Cranbrook (250)464-4005
Feed & Hay
Cleaning Services Cleaning services available. I have 30 years of residential, commercial & industrial cleaning experience. Whether you just want your business or house cleaned or you are moving. Call me for all your cleaning needs. I offer my services at reasonable rates. I clean anything from ceilings to floors & everything in between. Call Vicky, 1(250)431-8537
Snow Shovelling, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Painting, Flooring, Basements and More. WE DO THAT! Call Doug
250-426-7222 Leave a message
Financial Services
Household Services A-1 FURNACE & Air Duct Cleaning. Complete Furnace/Air Duct Systems cleaned & sterilized. Locally owned & operated. 1-800-5650355 (Free estimates)
Misc Services Professional Editing; documents, brochures, websites, resumes, etc. Reasonable Rates. Dan, (250)427-3620
Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER
Financial Services
5’x5’ round bales mixed hay, no rain, $60/each. Take all for $50/each. 2nd cut rounds also available. Creston Valley, (250)428-2242 Alfalfa, alfalfa mix or straight grass (small square bales) in Lister. Call Jay or Trish at 250428-9755 BIG ROCK Hay Sales has all classes of hay for sale plus Timothy Straw at $30/bail, 4’x5’ rounds. Delivery avail. Call (250)428-8980. Hay & Green feed, round bales, $30-$80 per bale depending on quality, Elkhorn Ranch, (250)342-0617 HAY, MULCH & straw for sale. Can deliver 250-4283374 email: HAY: PREMIUM quality horse hay, small squares. Call 250887-3444 Grasmere Organic Small square bales, 65-75lbs $6/ea., 4’-5’ rounds. $75. Delivery available. (250)417-9291
Livestock Lowline Angus, 5 cows, exposed, c/w bull, $6500/package. Wayne, (250)427-2210
Financial Services
Table Games Dealer
What are you saving for?
Are you ready to take control of your finances?
Fax: 250.422.3545
Rte 13482
Health Products
PO Box 507, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 4J1 PH/FX: (250) 489-1566 E-mail:
Rte 13260
Trades, Technical
For all your training needs JANIE DICKINSON
Rte 13181
Rte 13302
Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
If you are looking for a fun job, then send us your resume. We will train you to become a Table games dealer at our free 3-week dealer-training course beginning the second week of January. You will be paid for the hours that you train. Upon successful completion of the course your will be hired as a parttime dealer. This position will be primarily nights and weekends. You must be 19 years old to work in the Casino. If you would like to smile and have fun with guests, please send your resume to:
A consumer proposal may be your best option.
ion works What opt me? best for tion
Karen Johnson, Estate Manager 250.417.0584 205A Cranbrook St. North, Cranbrook 320-1620 Dickson Ave., Kelowna (Resident Office) Trustees in Bankruptcy & Proposal Administrators
olida Debt Cons Consumer
ortgage Second M
The St. Eugene Golf Resort and Casino 7777 Mission Road Cranbrook, BC V1C 7E5 State Table Games Dealer in the subject line Fax 250-489-2009
Please forward a cover letter and resume stating that you wish to apply for the Table Games Dealer Position.
I<>@JK<I KF;8P
7D: H;9;?L; =H;7J :;7BI ED IJK<< JE :E" FB79;I JE ;7J 7D: J>?D=I JE I;;
Register Online at
The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012
Pets & Livestock
Pet Services Gone But Not Forgotten Keep the memory of your pet alive with a custom memorial and/or urn
On the Strip, Cranbrook 250.426.6278
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Dry Fir split firewood, $150/load. Pick up load w/racks, piled, $150. Deliver Cbk area. (250)417-2037 Now delivering logging truck loads dry Fir and Pine, $1000. All Fir, $1200. Small diameter. Call Vic, cell (250)423-1560 or (250)423-4662 Order early, limited supply, Pine firewood, standing dry, BIG 7 axle loads, delivered Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie areas, $1200 per load. (250)429-3248
Pets Beautiful purebred Golden Retriever puppies, parents on site, dark Golden, ready now, $300. (250)421-9342 Creston Chocolate/Silver Lab puppies, 1st shots, dewormed, parents excellent temperament, $500/$700. Call (250)429-3390 (250)421-3299
Do you need some Christmas Cash? For the rest of November and all of December you can get a 3 line word ad for $6.99 plus HST (additional lines $1.00/each) or you can get a 3 line word ad for 3 consecutive issues for $9.99 plus HST (additional lines $2.00/each) Excludes business, help wanted and rental ads. Call The Kootenay Advertiser 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2532 Gift Certificates for dog training. Puppy Kindergarten, pet manners/obedience. Anything is Pawsable. Mary (250)4268394 Gift Certificates for dog training. Puppy Kindergarten, pet manners/obedience. Anything is Pawsable. Mary (250)4268394
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under 1995-1996 Explorer Ranger engine, $50 obo. Call (250)417-3805 50 strings of outdoor Christmas mini lights, $3/string or $100 for all 50 strings. 8’ Fir garlands w/outdoor mini lights, $5/each, plain, $2/each. Plastic Santa with sled & Rudolph, approx. 10’ long, $100. (250)426-6544 Yamaha organ, $80 obo. Call (250)417-3805
WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind
Mountain Man Outdoors
250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666
Bow Tech bow, 60lbs, c/w case, sights, release, new arrows & broadheads, extra set 80lb limbs & modules, ex. shape, $500 obo. Call (250)432-5707 WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750
Food Products BUTCHER SHOP
BC INSPECTED GRADED AA OR BETTER LOCALLY GROWN NATURAL BEEF Hormone Free Grass Fed/Grain Finished $100 Packages Available Quarters/Halves $2.50/lb Hanging Weight Extra Lean Hamburger $4.00/lb TARZWELL FARMS 250-428-4316 Creston A19
Beautiful antique dining room furniture, $2995. Leave message, will return call 250-426-4721 Maytag 33’’ side by side, fridge freezer, w/ice maker, $300. Maytag washer, $150. Inglis dryer, $100. All good working cond, all items OBO. (250)429-3903
Heavy Duty Machinery 2005 John Deere skidster with 750 hours, 18’ Prospector trailer, 2 buckets, auger, forks, mini hoe, $24,000. Call Gary, (250)427-3027 (250)427-6393 A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Medical Supplies Invacare 3-way full-electric hospital style bed, 80’’x36’’, includes headboard, mattress, side rails & wheels, new $2400 asking $1900. Call Rob for more info 1 (250)489-4242
Misc. for Sale 10-spd variable wood lathe, $350. Hilti hammer drill, 450 watt input, w/extras, concrete anchors, different sizes, $400. Vanity top, arborite, 63”x22”, $50. Singer sewing machine, cabinet type, $250. Giant mountain bike, 21 gears, front suspension, $250. Call (250)341-8753 3 Hair dressing chairs, hydraulic, sink & dryer, + merchandise, cheap. Call (250)427-7445 About 40 moving boxes, inc 3 heavy duty wardrobe, 3 large picture/mirror boxes, dish pack boxes, 5 cubes, 4 & 3 cube boxes, first $200 takes all. (250)319-7753
Are you moving? Need boxes? Call The Kootenay Advertiser. $5.00 for a bundle of ten Great for small items or dishes or books. (250)489-3455 AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online at: Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is a clearance sale you don’t want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Call Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. Cal Fit home gym, ex cond, $500. General power humidifier, new $100. 4-17’’ Dodge rims, 8 bolt, $500. (250)4262598 Christmas Present for all the family. 4-1/2’x9’ National pool table, 1” slate w/2 sets balls, cues, $1600. (250)426-5849 Craftsman snowblower, 13.5 HP, 30’’ cut, electric start, 2yrs old, like new, $700 obo. (250)426-6539 Dining room table, 6 chairs, hutch & cabinet, $700. Kindred sink & Kohler tap, $100/both. (250)427-2642
Do you need some Christmas Cash? For the rest of November and all of December you can get a 3 line word ad for $6.99 plus HST (additional lines $1.00/each) or you can get a 3 line word ad for 3 consecutive issues for $9.99 plus HST (additional lines $2.00/each) Excludes business, help wanted and rental ads. Call The Kootenay Advertiser 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2532 Elliptical machine, barely used, $225. Freezers, 11-1/2 cu.ft., $180 & 7-1/2 cu.ft., $125. 36’ long heavy duty aluminum ladder, $175. OBO on all. (250)426-5334 Get that big heavy “THING” moved!! (We do not move husbands :) ) One thing, $60, two things $100. Pianos, $120. (250)489-8772 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 Insulated workshop or cabin, 12’x16’, has electric heating, air & lights, $5500. Call (250)426-3312 JUST IN time for a family Christmas gift! Electronic Air Hockey - 4’ X 7” - exc. condition! $240 250-428-6048 for more info. MOVING. Mower, $1000. Pool, $600. TV, $300. Dressers, $5/each. Table saw, $10. 1989 Mazda, parts truck, runs, $200.Bunk beds, $50. Exercise stuff, $10. Many other items, if you need it we got it. All OBO. (778)517-1884 NEW Honda 9.9 outboard. Electric start, only 3 tanks of fuel ran through it, very low hours. C/W Honda fuel tank, $2500. 420-7302
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Sporting Goods
Older 3-pc bedroom set w/Sealy mattress, $150. Janome sewing machine w/deluxe table, chair, like new, $250. Dress form, $60. 2 big trunks, $45/each. Exercise bike, $25. Exercise ski machine, $50. Alto saxophone, $400. Carousel slide projector, used twice, w/3’ screen, $200. Older deep freeze, $100. OBO. (250)426-0889
Wanted: Antlers. Racks, taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993 Wheelchair, Tracer SX5, seat 20”x16”, like new, weight limit 250lbs, have all papers & safety bars, etc., new $1000, asking $750 obo. Call (250)489-2136 417-2828
Real Estate
Country Log Home on Moyie River only 20 minutes to Cranbrook. 24.4 acre private valley views. 3 bedroom, 2 levels and basement. Huge barn/shop asking
For Sale By Owner
Great opportunity! OAC.
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town Wanted: Hunters back pack with metal frame. (250)4265317
Musical Instruments
IMMACULATE! Priced to sell $8900 250-426-4721
DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.
Sporting Goods
4x8 custom 3/4’’ slate
pool table oak w/ leather pockets $2500 obo
250-919-4474 Garage Sales
"We make your house a home." FURNITURE Blow out sale! Prestige Inn Radium Hot Springs 7493 Main St W Sunday December 16th 11:00am-2:00pm Up to 80% off original asking prices. Beds, night stands, desks, headboards and more!
Call Brian Burch at
Cell (250)417-1418 (250)426-8700
127 6th Ave. S. Cranbrook, BC
Mobile Homes & Parks
4-bdm, 2 bath, new build, 2250 sq.ft., central vac, fully landscaped/fenced, open concept, hardwood
Clean 3 bdrm with snow roof in Fernie Mobile Home Park. Kitchen/dining room, family room & large mudroom. Includes fridge, stove, microwave, washer & dryer. Phone 250-423-3340.
Yamaha G2 piano for sale
Sheds & Call Rick
813 Baker St., Cranbrook, BC • 426-2316 • 1-888-678-4343
917 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook
Misc. Wanted Antlers Wanted, Sets, Elk & Deer. 250-422-3444
Consignment Sporting Goods
POOL TABLE, very good cond, almost new, $500 obo. (250)426-2618
Free Items Free: one only, 205/70/15” Hankook Pike RCO mud & snow, 98%. (250)426-1942
Merchandise for Sale
1.5 STOREY home on 2.19 acres, .7 km from downtown Cranbrook in RDEK, lots of amenities and upgrades, double drive & garage, large deck, garden shed, all backed by Crown land, priced below market value, $262,000. 1-509344-9090 3 Bed Mountain View Home Over 1/2 Acre Fully Fenced 250-344-7181. $250,000. ESTATE - HOUSE, Wynndel Flats on 6.3/acres. Approx 1200sq.ft. main floor, 4/bdrms. 2 1/2/baths, 1 1/2 story + full bmnt. Exc. soil for gardening crops, grew strawberries for 40/yrs, asparagus for 10/yrs, now in hay. 1/acre fenced for pets + fenced front yard. Recent improvements- new asphalt shingles on garage, new deck, siding, painting and repairs. $269,000obo. 250-8665274 Wynndel- 1/BDRM 1/BATH house on 10 acres. Great view property on Elsie Holmes Rd. Older but well-maintained, approx. 1000sq. ft. Lg l/rm, kitchen/dining area, closed in porch & walk-in bsmt. Front balcony w/beautiful view of Creston Flats. Lg detached garage/workshop. Asking $275,000 obo 250-866-5274
Homes Wanted TRADE my home in Calgary (MLS C 354 2937) plus prime lot in Bella Vista for your home in Panorama or Columbia Valley. Call Ray @ 403-473-3359 or 403-890-4950
Garage Sales
Mortgages Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, re¿nancing, debt consolidation & pre-quali¿cation. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691 MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE
Townhouse Available for Rent Intended for Low income families. Must meet BC Housing Application qualifications. Rent geared to income. For more information please call 250-344-8611 or 250-426-5269
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1-bdrm, Marysville, avail. immed. for quiet tenant, bright kitchen w/skylight, backyard, W/D, ns, $595/mo, util. extra. 1(250)432-0009 2-bdrm apt in Kimberley, furnished, util inc., $700/mth. (250)427-5137 2-bdrm condo/apt, Shannon Heights, good shape, mature tenant preferred, avail Dec 1, $800/mth. Call (250)489-5602 2 bdrm condo Sparwood Heights Ponderosa Manor. Furnished. Call 250-423-1687. CRESTON - 2/Bdrm - Ground floor of nice 2 level house, renovated, D/W, washer/dryer in suite. $875 includes utilities, cable TV, internet. N/S, N/P, DD & ref. required. Call 403528-1074 Immaculate non-smoking condo, 1-bdrm, rent includes all utilities, satellite, balcony, W/D on floor, avail Dec 31, $750. DD & references required. To view,(250)919-0436 Looking for reasonable rent?Check out these affordable 1-bdrm apartments for rent!!! F/S, blinds, no pets, references, close to all amenities. Call (250)489-1015 (250)919-2075 PARKVIEW MANOR 1 & 2/Bdrm Apartments Available now! N/S N/P Children OK 250-428-2234 SPARWOOD Ponderosa Manor 2 bdrm condo $900, 2 bdrm furnished $1200. Rick 250-425-5432
Apt/Condo for Rent â&#x153;° â&#x153;° â&#x153;° â&#x153;° â&#x153;°
1 Bedroom remodeled units $650 Clean, quiet, secure, N/S, NO PETS, NO PARTIES laundry facilities, adult oriented. Ref. req.
(250)417-1011 SPARWOOD 2 bdrm, close to school & Greenwood Mall, recently upgraded, very clean & quiet, common laundry, extra storage, covered carport. N/S & N/P. References reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Available immediately. Rental options considered. Call 250425-6642 or 250-425-3761. Under New Management: Secure Clean Affordable Well maintained and managed. Close to all amenities. No pets, n/parties, no smoking, reference/credit check required. Ask about our November move-in specials! Norbury Place, 1501 Baker Street, 2-bdrms, $700/mth, covered parking. (250)919-2713
Sport Utility Vehicle
Cars - Domestic
Sport Utility Vehicle
Trucks & Vans
SPARWOOD, 2-storey, 3bdrm townhouse for rent w/full basement, close to school & rec centre. (250)425-4448
1994 Plymouth Acclaim, fixer upper, good for spare parts, $500 obo. (250)426-6414
Hot Deals Cool Wheels
Antiques / Classics 1967 Chev Custom Sport CST. Very unique colour scheme with stained box wood to match. This Truck is Loaded has it all. Appraised at $58,500. Sell For $32,000. John 250-803-2816
Auto Accessories/Parts 4 Toyo winter tires, 235/60R16, slightly used, 1/2 price, $250. 1 (250)427-2498 Four Goodyear Nordic studded snow tires, 185/60R14, new cond., paid $670, asking $300. (250)429-3050 Four Hankook winters, studded, 195/60/R14, like new, $400 obo. (250)464-0672
Auto Financing
Bankruptcy No credit Divorce No problem
Well kept 2 bedroom Condo for rent in Sparwood Heights Includes fridge, stove, washer/dryer, storage area, use of exercise room & sauna. No Smoking, No Pets. Available Dec. 15th or Jan. 1st $875 unfurnished or $925 furnished Plus utilities. Heat included. Call 250-423-3598
2005 CHEV Cavalier VL 2D Coupe. Automatic, 152,500km good condition $4,500 OBO 250-341-5920 2005 Grand Am, 4-dr, auto, loaded, 175,000km, c/w 2 winters, good reliable car, $4500 (250)426-6481 2007 Chrysler Sebring 63,000 km. Car caddy. 5th Wheel hitch, HyJacker, new. 250428-9904
Do you need some Christmas Cash? For the rest of November and all of December you can get a 3 line word ad for $6.99 plus HST (additional lines $1.00/each) or you can get a 3 line word ad for 3 consecutive issues for $9.99 plus HST (additional lines $2.00/each) Excludes business, help wanted and rental ads. Call The Kootenay Advertiser 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2532 LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships. No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271
WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 1 & 2bdrm units, 250-417-7379
Recreational/Sale 2005 Layton Lite 26 foot travel trailer. Fiberglass exterior. Excellent condition. $15,000. (250)348-2291
Commercial/ Industrial
DreamTeam Auto Financing â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
Located DOWN TOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-428-5240 DL# 7557
Sled deck, expandable, w/10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ramp, aluminum, $1700. (250)428-9759
Cars - Domestic
Cars - Domestic
3600 sq.ft. of Retail Space
Homes for Rent Fernie Annex, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $1000 + DD. N/S, pets possible, long term lease preferable. Call 406-871-7333. Small 2-bdrm house, pets welcome, behind apts at 1710 Warren Ave, Kim. $640/mth + util, must have 1st mths rent & DD. Mark, (250)489-9762 Small 2 bedroom house, pets welcome, 310 Kootenay St. N, $830 plus utilities, must have rent & dd to move in.Call Mark @ 250-489-9762 Leave MSG. Sparwood acreage for rent. $1500 all appliances. Abe 250-423-1520.
Room & Board Home privileges, kitchen privileges, home cooking & baking. You must like pets, non smoker, non drinker & no parties. Laundry & Wifi included, $700/mth, on bus route. (778)517-3996 Room & board in private home, inc. food, utilities, internet & satellite TV, large yard w/deck & hot tub, mature student or working adult only, $700/mth. (250)426-6078, ask for Leslie or leave message.
Shared Accommodation ROOMS for rent, incl util. Must be working or college student, $425 & $480/mo. Available Jan 1st. (250)426-2479
2001 Jeep V6, lift & rims, auto, hard top, 107,000 km $11,500 obo (250)919-3357
Trucks & Vans
We Finance GOOD, BAD or UGLY Credit Ugly Trucks 250-417-0539
Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Finest FISHING BOATS
Weldcraft, Hewescraft, Lund, Godfrey Pontoons Markâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marine, Hayden, ID 1-888-821-2200
1994 Ford F150, 302 4WD, 65,000 km, $5500. Call (250)426-5636
P1950 Was $22,995
Denh Priceadm
See Paul today!
Paul Moon Sales & Lease Consultant
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Vehicle Lease / Rent
Only 28,000 km
2010 Ford Ranger Sport
Drop in & see Shane today!!
Shane Berry Sales & Lease Consultant
T1371A Was $15,995
Denh Priceam d
â&#x20AC;˘ compacts â&#x20AC;˘ full size â&#x20AC;˘ mini vans â&#x20AC;˘ mid size â&#x20AC;˘ 15 passenger vans â&#x20AC;˘ moving trucks Providing superior value by offering outstanding service along with high quality, clean and dependable vehicles at affordable prices.
CRANBROOK: 426-3004 CRESTON: 428-9343 TRAIL: 364-0211 NELSON: 352-5122
Cars - Sports & Imports
Cars - Sports & Imports
Cool Wheels Ed's Notes 2010 ACURA TL SH-AWD TECH
305 HP, 3.7L V6, 5-spd auto, factory warranty, one owner. Fully loaded with only 28,236 kms. Stk#N02921A
SALE $34,995
"The ultimate luxury, performance sedan. A rare find!" 2032 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 489-0903 1-888-734-7744 DL#30315
Hot Deals Cool Wheels NEW
2006 Ford F150 Supercrew XLT 4x4
Shalon's Notes
P1926 Was $17,995
Mark Potvin Sales & Lease Consultant
Call Mark today!! DL#30786
2013VOLKSWAGEN JETTA TRENDLINE + 2.0 L, manual transmission, nicely fetured. StkV87669
Denh Priceam d
Ford BC Ltd.
250-426-6645 â&#x20AC;˘ 1-800-663-3839
Sale $24,995
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ask me about the VW certified program!â&#x20AC;?
Arrow Motors Volkswagen 2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook t DL#5467 t XXX JNQPSUBVUPHSPVQ DPN
Hot Deals Cool Wheels AND *$2000 cash incentive OR * Finance as low as 0.5% OAC PLUS $500 holiday bonus
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Be set for winter driving plus great incentives!â&#x20AC;?
Renting Quality Cars At Great Prices
T1381B Was $10,995
Loaded, sunroof, leathr, Satellite radio, power group, AWD, turbo, local vehicle, 54,840 kms. Stk#A08680
Get a complete set of winter tires with any new 2013 Forester
Call Jason today!
2001 Ford F150, 102,000km, Supercab, Triton V8, 4.6L, air, OD, cruise, CD player, split front & rear seats, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;? box, GVWR 6250 lbs, $5500, offers. (250)432-0002
2003 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 4x4
Jason Faulkner Sales & Lease Consultant
Jimmy's Notes
Denh Priceam d
Sport Utility Vehicle
Pete's Notes 2013 SUBARU FORESTER
Suites, Lower 2-bdrm basement suite, inc. utilities, avail immed, suitable for single, working person, n/s, n/p, n/parties. $750/mth. (250)489-0105
Do you need some Christmas Cash? For the rest of November and all of December you can get a 3 line word ad for $6.99 plus HST (additional lines $1.00/each) or you can get a 3 line word ad for 3 consecutive issues for $9.99 plus HST (additional lines $2.00/each) Excludes business, help wanted and rental ads. Call The Kootenay Advertiser 250-489-3455 or 1-800-665-2532
1997 Subaru Outback, senior driven, good cond, $3000. (250)489-4862
Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
*See dealer for details
2016 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC 489-4325 1-888-489-4325 DL#10523
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
Steveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pick of the Week â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here to fulfill your transportation needsâ&#x20AC;? NEW
$14,000 off MSRP AND $2,600* in Accessories *Limited Quantities. Limited Time Offer.
Check out our full inventory at
Book an appointment today 250-426-6661 1-888-426-6665 DL#30313
Hot Deals Cool Wheels Tim's Notes 2007 FORD F-150 XLT 4X4
Crew Cab, 5.4 L Triton V8, automatic, tow pkg, Tonneau cover, graphics, box liner, only 80,197 km. StkY21648B
SALE $17,995
"This is a real nicely equipped F-150 in great condition!" 2032 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 489-0903 1-888-734-7744 DL#30315
â&#x20AC;&#x153;What a great value!â&#x20AC;?
*Includes frt & PDI. Taxes & fees extra.
Arrow Motors Volkswagen 2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook t DL#5467 t XXX JNQPSUBVUPHSPVQ DPN
Place a classiďŹ ed word ad and...
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A21 OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 13 T H
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Melody Motors has Santa's Favorites
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Cars COST LESS in Kimberley
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Visit Kimberley Motor Village - only 12 min. to Cranbrook *All rebates to dealer
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Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
Take the stress out of entertaining
1. PLAN THE PARTY AHEAD OF TIME Deluxe Fruit Trays and Gourmet Gift Baskets
"Nutter's; looking after you from the inside out."
Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:30 - 5:30
1107 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC • 426-5519 Toll Free 1-888-426-5519
310-0001 #101 425 Victoria Ave. N. Cranbrook, B.C.
1200 Baker St., Cranbrook 426-7419 4. OFFER A SELF-SERVE BAR
Next to Wal-Mart 9 am - 11 pm 7 days a week
Whether you follow table etiquette to the letter or prefer to welcome your guests in a more casual manner, the key to low-stress entertaining is organization. If you want to be able to sit down with your guests instead of panicking in the kitchen, you need to do some advance planning and preparation. First of all, come up with a menu and ensure that you have all the ingredients on hand; the day of your dinner party is not the time to start running to the grocery store. Make a list of your tasks — housecleaning, food preparation, decorating — and break them down into steps, some of which can be completed in advance. Jot a step-by-step plan down on your calendar according to the time you have at your disposal and the priority of the task. Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations can be done several days in advance, even if it seems a bit early to you. That will leave you with one less thing to worry about as the party approaches. Get bigger cleaning jobs out of the way ahead of time, too. You can then do a last-minute touch up the day of the party. Partially or completely prepare all the dishes at least one or two days before your dinner party. If you can, cook and freeze what you can for reheating just before serving. Many dishes can go in the freezer without losing flavour or consistency. Just remember, the more you do in advance, the more relaxed and in-control you’ll feel as you prepare to greet your guests!
Over 20 yrs experience Area Resident Leave Message for Lily
(250) 421-3298
Variety of chairs 250-489-3300 1100 Victoria St., Cranbrook, BC
Board games galore
425 Victoria Ave.. N., Cranbrook
1115A Baker St., Cranbrook
Have a safe Holiday!
To arrange employee transportation please call our office at 426-1971
Gift Cards
Christmas Parties? Weddings? DJ? Karaoke?
1200 Baker St., Cranbrook
Cooking and freezing what you can in advance will free you up to enjoy your guests and create a relaxed ambiance for your party.
1.8 SR model shown
24,228 257 0.9
TO YOUE vent
25,393 297 2.9 WITH
17,465 197 2.9 0
visit or your local retailer $
31,718 397 3.9 0 WITH
% $
% $
3.5 SL model shown ▲
% $
Platinum model shown ▲
% $
SV AWD model shown ▲
Take a 3 month payment holiday offer is only applicable to purchase finance offers on all new 2012/2013 Versa Sedan, Sentra, Pathfinder, Rogue, Juke models, 2012 Frontier, 2012/2013 Titan models and 2013 Altima Sedan models purchased and delivered before December 25th, 2012. Offers available only through Nissan Canada Finance on approved credit. May not be combined with cash purchase or lease offer. Monthly payments deferred for 90 days. Contracts will be extended accordingly. Interest charge (if any) will not accrue during the first 60 days of the contract. After the 60 days, interest (if any) starts to accrue and the purchaser will repay the principal and interest (if any) monthly over the term of the contract but not until 90 days after the contract date. ◆$17,465/$25,393/$31,718/$24,228 Selling Price for a new 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 BK00), manual transmission/2013 Altima 2.5 Sedan (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Pathfinder S 4X2 (5CSG73 AA00), automatic transmission/2013 Rogue S, FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission (includes $1,500 Lease Cash on 2013 Rogue models). *Lease offer available on new 2013 Sentra 1.8 S (C4LG53 BK00), manual transmission/2013 Altima 2.5 Sedan (T4LG13 AA00), CVT transmission/2013 Pathfinder S 4X2 (5CSG73 AA00), automatic transmission/2013 Rogue S FWD (W6RG13 AA00), CVT transmission. 2.9%/2.9%/3.9%/0.9% lease rate for a 60 month term. Monthly payment is $197/$297/$397/$257 (includes $1,500 Lease Cash on 2013 Rogue models) with $650/$1,000/$1,400/$900 down payment and includes freight and fees ($1,567/$1,695/$1,720/$1,750) and no Security Deposit required. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km per year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $12,493/$18,812/$25,211/$16,325. Ω$1,500 Lease Cash is applicable on the lease of new 2013 Rogue models through NCF at special rates. ▲Models shown $21,515 Selling Price for a new 2013 Sentra 1.8 SR (C4RG13 RT00), CVT transmission/$34,293 Selling Price for a new 2013 Altima Sedan 3.5 SL (T4SG13 AA00), CVT transmission/$43,818 Selling Price for a new 2013 Pathfinder Platinum 4x4 (5CPH73 AA00), automatic transmission/$29,728 Selling Price for a new 2013 Rogue SV AWD (Y6SG13 AA00), CVT transmission. +Test drive a new Nissan vehicle in Canada between November 19th and December 25th, 2012 and Nissan Canada will donate $20 to Habitat for Humanity Canada, to a maximum donation of $425,000 CAD. Must be age of majority and have a valid driver’s license to participate. You may participate only once per person. For full terms, visit: ^◆*▲+Freight and PDE charges ($1,567/$1,695/$1,720/$1,750), certain fees where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes), air-conditioning tax ($100), (including excise tax and fuel conservation tax, where applicable) are extra. Finance offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Offers valid between November 19th and December 25th, 2012.
Sun Valley niSSan 2034 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, BC Tel: (250) 426-6661 $
Kootenay News Advertiser Friday, December 14, 2012 A23
Friday, December 14, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser
SUV Sale
2012 Ford Escapes Starting at
Dec. 14-21
2012 Ford Edges Starting at
2012 Ford Flexs Starting at
WIN 10,000 $
3rd Annual Christmas Giveaway
Buy any vehicle from november 15 to december 29 and be automatically entered to win $10,000 cash†
2013 Ford Escape 4x4s
2013 Ford Edges
Starting at or lease for only
Starting at or lease for only
$349/mo + tax
$386/mo + tax
2013 Ford Explorers
Starting at or lease for only
$579/mo + tax
All SUVs priced to move! One week only! Dec. 14-21
*All lease payments 48 months. $2500 or equivalent trade dow OAC. 20,000 km included per year. †No purchase necessary. See dealer for details. remember if it’s not
Rene Braydon Ann Denham Kowalchuk Hoodicoff General Manager
Sales Manager
Financial Services Manager
Paul Moon
Sales & Lease Consultant
Jason Faulkner Sales & Lease Consultant
Shane Berry
Sales & Lease Consultant
Mark Potvin Sales & Lease Consultant
it’s overpriced!! FORD (BC) LTD
Cranbrook • 250-426-6645 • Toll Free 1-800-663-3839