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Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
Rachel, Sydney, Nico, Maggie and Madisen sing “Be Our Guest,” a welcome song to the guests at the “The Bethlehem Inn” dinner theatre event at Houston Christian School last Friday and Saturday.
Forest inventory shows more green wood than expected By Walter Strong Black Press
P r e v i o u s p r o j e c t i o n s concerning midterm timber supply in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area (TSA) have turned out to be overly conservative. According the
results of the just completed Type 4 Silviculture Strategy, the Quesnel TSA contains 600,000 cubic metres more green wood than originally projected. “We had thought that the numbers were going to shake out that way,” said B.C.
Liberal member of legislative assembly for Nechako Lakes John Rustad. “The inventory is showing more green wood amidst the dead pine than we originally anticipated.” According a Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
statement released on Nov. 30, the primary causes of this increase were identified as “lower pine mortality estimates in young stands, more live pine remaining in older stands and new managed stand site productivity estimates that
theses stands will grow faster than previously thought.” The ministry’s statement also emphasized two things. First, that an increase in projected mid-term supply does not mean that the current Annual Allowable Cut will
be changed. And also, because the mid-term supply projections concern timber that will not be economically viable for another 20 years, the projection depends upon careful and well planned harvest levels in the intermediary years. The Lakes TSA is
also receiving a type 4 silviculture analysis and according the ministry responsible, the analysis should be complete by the end of March, 2013. “It’s still too early to tell,” said Rustad, “but hopefully we’ll see the same kind of results we’re seeing in Quesnel.” 1-866-844-6723
The Toyota Tundra used had no modifications and towed Endeavour for a short distance. Total weight: 292,500 lbs.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Houston Today
“Christmas is all about sharing and joy” By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
This Christmas, a boy is giving away one of his bikes to someone who doesn’t have one. Hayden Cook, 3, was given two bikes
last Christmas, one from his mommy and daddy and one from his nanny, Sandra Schneider. Schneider says the bike was never used so she thought it would be a good idea to give it away this
Christmas to someone who would use it, so she asked Hayden and his brothers, Chase, 8, and Chelle, 5, what they thought. They agreed to give the bike away, so Schneider called Myrna Arnold,
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Thank you for your business this past year.
CALDERWOOD REALTY Dan Hansma 250-845-8234
GATEWAY perspectives
Nanny Sandra Schneider and her grandchildren Hayden Cook, 3, Chelle, 5, and Chase, 8, give their brand new bike to Community Services Administrator Marianne Dekker, left, and Community Services Executive Director Myrna Arnold, right, who will pass the bike on as a Christmas gift to a local boy who doesn’t have a bike.
Building skills When we started talking to Aboriginal communities about the Northern Gateway Project, they told us, unequivocally, that they wanted meaningful, long-term involvement in the labour force. That’s why we established a $1.5-million Gateway Education and Training Fund — and it’s not dependent, in any way, upon Northern Gateway regulatory approval. This fund supports training initiatives based in the pipeline, construction, and energy sectors. It is not training for the sake of training; it is totally focused on employment outcomes. And along Northern Gateway right-ofway communities, Enbridge is already connecting industry and community to help create Aboriginal career opportunities. Catherine Pennington, Northern Gateway’s Supervisor of Community Education, Training, and Skills Development, reports that we’re already co-funding training programs for surveyors and ironworkers. We’re purchasing seats in existing Aboriginal trades programs, and partnering with provincial and federal bodies to help develop skilled tradespeople in the areas
as we celebrate
We’ve heard, loud and clear, from Aboriginal communities that they don’t want to be bypassed anymore by economic opportunities created within, near, or around them — and we’re doing something about it. The Gateway Education and Training Fund shows our commitment to community and workforce development.
at the
We want to be connected to the Aboriginal community and not just because it makes good business sense. It’s about partnership. It’s about responsibility. And, ultimately, it’s about respect.
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Begins at 7:30 pm on Janet Holder Executive Vice President Western Access Enbridge Inc.
It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to a stronger economy. Join the conversation at
of heavy equipment operation, pipefitting, welding, and construction craft labouring. We’ve also co-ordinated the first of many “workforce connections” workshops, bringing together representatives of Northern Gateway equity First Nations and companies with labour-force needs for some meaningful employment discussion.
©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to a stronger economy. ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc. Join the conversation at ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
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Respect has been the cornerstone of our relationships with Aboriginal groups across Canada. That’s respect on their terms, not ours. And that means having an understanding of, and sensitivity to, the values and the issues that are important to them.
Please join us for an evening of
Executive Director at Houston Community Services. It’s going to be given to a three year old boy with a single mom, said Arnold. “They’d never get a bike any other way,” she added. “Never.” “We feel good about it,” said Chase. Christmas is all about sharing and joy, he added.
Sunday, DECEMBER 23rd, 2012 Refreshments to follow events there’s moreWonline »
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
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HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Time to get on with it W
hile we’d like to think that somehow, somewhere sanity can prevail and the National Hockey League owners and players can settle on a new contract, reality says otherwise. At this point, it’s not a stretch to say the 2012-13 regular season is over, that it will be cancelled. At the very least, those fans still interested should now move on with their lives, and perhaps wait to see here in Kelowna if any players start showing up at the food bank. While that is unlikely, for those not currently playing in Europe, missing an entire season’s salary is going to hurt. And for owners, their franchises remaining financially stagnant is not a positive situation, either. Think of the situation involving the Nashville Predators, as the club had to cut a cheque for a $13 million bonus payment to defenceman Shea Weber, as bonuses are not impacted by the current lockout. The TSN and Sportsnet hockey pundits are trying to hard to keep hockey fans interested in the progress of the NHL talks, but really they are only trying to justify the importance of their own jobs, because nobody cares. Been there done that, heard it all before. The last NHL work stoppage was supposed to be the strike to end all strikes. But the general managers and agents found ways to get away the efforts of the last contract deal won by owners to control salary costs. So commissioner Gary Bettman is back again at the bargaining table trying to do the impossible, find a solution that won’t give an advantage to rich owners over the smaller market franchises. And for that he has become the most hated man in hockey these days. Ultimately, from the beginning of this lockout, there has been a big pot of money sitting on the table, and the NHL owners and players can’t agree on how to split it up. Sadly, for that it appears we have kissed off an entire NHL season. - Kelowna Capital News
Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor!
Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to
The serious side of humor In today’s world, where the internet and social media are such a powerful force, anyone’s life can randomly change by sheer virtue of its astounding influence. The recent story of the royal hoax that led to a tragic suicide illustrates that. But does blaming the DJ’s behind the prank make any sense? If the internet is a fair barometer, I’m going to guess that roughly half the people reading this will say yes, and half will say no, and there will be a lot of passion behind some of those opinions. I am one of those who would emphatically say no. The suicide victim was the nurse who answered the phone when a couple of goofy radio hosts called in from Australia. Impersonating Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, the duo rang the hospital where Kate Middleton was
a patient, and to their surprise they weren’t hung up on. Instead they were transferred to another nurse who answered some of their silly questions about Kate’s “little tummy bug” and when they should visit. When I first heard the recording I was amused that the pair was able to keep the call going for any length of time given their preposterous performances. The gag seemed harmless and lighthearted despite the initial controversy over impersonating the monarchy and violating their privacy. Of course, that was before someone died and hate hit the web. After reading a few days later that the first nurse had killed herself, my heart went out to her and the family she left behind. I hadn’t seen her name published before, and knowing little more
than that, I suspected there must have been some deep-seated issues for her to voluntarily end her own life. When I then read the tremendous outrage and vilification directed at the DJs, as if they were to blame, my heart went out to them as well. It is not their fault that Jacintha Saldanha made such a devastating and deadly decision. It was her unfortunate choice and there is no way they could have foreseen such a drastic and unhealthy reaction to a stunt that was intended to amuse their local morning show listeners. If they had predicted their prank would result in the appalling outcome that it did, they never would have made that call. Mel Greig and Michael Christian are now horribly scarred by this tragedy and they have become vic-
tims themselves. For all those who condemn them, saying they are the ones that have blood on their hands, please imagine for a moment what would happen if they now chose to commit suicide. Would all the people who publicly bullied and blamed them on social media and in the press be responsible for their death? “They deserve what they’re getting,” one of my friends said. “Humour at someone else’s expense is completely unacceptable.” I am still trying to think of one comedian, or even one person for that matter, who hasn’t unintentionally hurt or humiliated someone at least once in their lifetime. We’ve all done it. What if the person we hurt made the choice Jacintha did? Maybe prank calls will be deemed illegal to ensure that nothing
On a brighter note Lori Welbourne like this ever happens again. Perhaps every joke that could possibly be taken the wrong way by someone will also be banned. It’s conceivable we’ll all learn to live in fear of saying, doing or writing something that might drive someone else tragically over the edge. I doubt that will happen though. We’re not meant to live in a bubble, and as long as we try to refrain from purposely harming others, that’s the best we could ever hope for.
Black Press Group Ltd. B.C. Owned and Operated
DISTRIBUTED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council”
Annual Subscriptions: Local: $38 (includes HST) Seniors: $30 (includes HST)
Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
M.A. Ruiter - Sales Manager Jackie Lieuwen - Reporter/Photographer Annamarie Douglas - Production Manager Otto Koldyk - Sales Representative
BC Press Council - Houston Today is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Website Poll results
Yes - 63% No - 37% Are you contributing to any charities this Christmas?
This week’s Website Poll at
Do you have any New Years resolutions?
Kyle Warren Millworker
Denise Aziz Special Ed. Assistant
Michaela Brown Paramedic
Maggie Vandenberg Student
“The true meaning of Christmas is about Christ, our Saviour’s birth.”
“The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus coming as a baby and dying on the cross for our sins and giving us redeeming grace that we didn’t deserve.”
“It’s a focus on Jesus Christ being born so our sins can be washed away, and we have a way back to God when we believe in the truth.”
“We’re celebrating Christ’s birth, but not just his birth, also that he came to die for us because his birth wouldn’t be half so miraculous if he hadn’t died for us.”
On The
Street What is the true meaning of Christmas?
By Jackie Lieuwen
Letters to the
Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to:, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.
Second largest Canadian sockeye fishery at Babine Lake Editor: Local and provincial DFO managers deserve credit for doing a much better job of protecting Skeena salmon. Since 2009 DFO cut the harvest of Skeena sockeye by approximately half of historic levels, consistent with the recommendations of the Skeena
Independent Science Review Panel. The rebuilding of several weak sockeye populations can, at least partially, be attributed to these decreases in harvest. The Skeena has also seen stronger returns of some other species. U n fo r t u n a t e l y, chum and several populations of sockeye remain severely depressed,
and further management action is needed to ensure they are protected and rebuilt. DFO is also making progress in setting minimum and target goals for individual populations, as required by Marine Stewardship Council certification and the Wild Salmon Policy. Fortunately, DFO’s conservation
actions are not only benefiting Skeena salmon, but are resulting in increased economic benefits to communities up river. The Lake Babine Nation (LBN) recently revived their fishery, resulting in the second largest commercial sockeye fishery in Canada in 2011, and another similar sized fishery in 2012.
“Babine’s sockeye are being sold throughout North America.”
These fish were harvested in front of the Babine spawning channels, where no weak populations were killed. LBN’s sockeye are being sold throughout
North America, and served in the finest seafood restaurant in Vancouver. Such results demonstrate the potential of using good science to make management
decisions. Let’s give DFO some credit for doing so. Greg Knox, SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, Terrace, BC
The B.C. deficit forecast grows again
he B.C. gover n ment has increased its deficit forecast for the second time this fiscal year, citing lower revenues from coal sales and continuing low price and sales volume of natural gas. A slow real estate market has also reduced provincial revenues from the property purchase tax and provincial property tax for schools, Finance Minister Mike de Jong said. De Jong released
the finance ministry’s secondquarter update, forecasting that the deficit will reach $1.47 billion by the time the fiscal year ends March 31. That’s an increase of $328 million from the first-quarter forecast released in September. The September deficit forecast was up $173 million from last February’s budget, attributed mostly to a drop in natural gas prices and sales volume due to oversupply in
“The forecast is that the deficit will reach $1.47 billion by the end of the fiscal year.”
the North American market. The finance ministry says natural gas prices and revenues have been f lat since September, but coal and property tax revenue are driving a drop of $202 million in expected revenues to the provincial treasury since then.
- Finance Minister Mike de Jong
De Jong said despite the slide in revenues, he is still on track to balance the 2013 budget when he presents it in the legislature on Feb. 19. That promise is also featured in the government’s current round of advertising to promote its jobs
plan. Speaking for the NDP opposition, MLA Carole James said she does not believe the next budget will be truly balanced, despite a plan to sell government assets that she likened to “selling the family farm.”
James noted that the forecast deficit has grown by about 50 per cent since the last budget, and the B.C. Liberal claims of strict spending control are contradicted by spending $15 million on ads that mainly promote the B.C. Liberal party in the run-up to the May election. In September, De Jong announced a gove r n m e nt-w id e hiring freeze and restrictions on travel and other
B .C. Views Tom Fletcher discretionary g o v e r n m e n t s p e n d i n g . Wednesday he said $176 million in savings have been identified.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Return all your empty drink containers to a Return-It Depot and they’ll be recycled into other important products.
Houston Today
Find locations at
Sarah FortisBC, Dispatch Coordinator
A safe holiday is a happy holiday Make safety a priority this holiday season with these simple tips: • Never kick or hit your meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance at 1-888-224-2710. • After a snowfall, brush snow away from your meters by hand and clear a path for the safety of our meter readers. • Around your fireplace, consider using a hearth safety gate to help protect small children from the heated glass.
SITTIN’ With Santa
For more winter safety tips, visit
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
Sitting on Santa’s lap, Dustin, 9, and Tristin, 5, smile for the camera after telling Santa what they’d like to get for Christmas. FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.4 12/2012)
Your academic and career advancement starts at Northwest Community College “I think the most important thing we do is create community.” — Michael Brandt, Criminology University Credit Professor “With a strong belief in hands-on applied education and a love for the outdoors there are many opportunities at the college for relevant communitybased projects and outdoor field work for our students.” — Gordon Weary, Environmental Science University Credit Professor “The best part of my job is watching students discover that their ideas and experiences are important in an academic environment.” — Simon Thompson, English University Credit Professor
“Northwest Community College academic faculty encourages you to register for the upcoming semester. Course offerings and teaching staff are listed on our website, including courses required to enter Nursing, Social Services, Community, Crime and Social Justice, Early Childhood Education, Applied Coastal Ecology, the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, as well as our spring and summer field schools. For more than three decades, the Academic Workers’ Union has proudly provided our region with postsecondary education.” —Rocque Berthiaume, President, Academic Workers’ Union, Northwest Community College
Sign up for Winter, Spring and Summer session courses today To see a complete list of all our Winter 2013 academic and career courses and the instructors who teach them visit THE jOURNEY TOWaRd pERSONaL aNd pROfESSIONaL SUCCESS bEGINS HERE
$20,000 grant for Topley Fire Protection
Two organizations have received a total of $65,000 in Public Safety Grants from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. They are Topley Fire Protection Society – $20,000 and Nechako Valley Search and Rescue Society – $45,000. Across British Columbia, 127 recipients will share $4,658,110.00 in the latest rounds of grants in the public safety sector. Grant recipients include programs for search and rescue societies, fire departments, restorative justice societies, crime stopper associations, and emergency response teams, among others. “The winter season is in full swing, which can often mean an
increased accidents.
risk of I would
“Thanks for the work you do everyday.”
- Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad
like to thank these two organizations for all the work they do every day to keep make our community safer. These grants will help ensure these organizations have the proper equipment they need to quickly respond in times of crisis,” said Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Houston Today
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100 Mile, Quesnel, Nelson, Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert, Smithers, Houston, Salmon Arm, Sooke, Cowichan, Williams Lake, Trail, Castlegar, West Kootenay, Cranbrook, Okotoks
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Houston Today
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Students & Seniors
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
Twain Sullivan Elementary School student Parneet Minhas, gives a plate of baked goodies to Elly Reitsma, 92, last Friday. The Twain Sullivan grade seven class spent an hour every school day for two weeks preparing a Christmas lunch and baking goodies for the Seniors at Cottonwood Manor.
Merry Christmas!
We want to take the time to say thanks to all of our valued customers. May love and warmth shine on you and your family this holiday season.
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SHOP LOCALLY AND SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY 3232 Hwy 16, Houston BC tel#: 250-845-3100
would like to advise the public that active logging and log hauling activities are occurring in the vicinity of
Foxy Creek, Hanna Lake Trail and the Equity Mine Road.
If you are using this area we encourage you to do so safely. The logging and hauling activities in this area are estimated to take place until the end of January 2013. If you have any comments please call Jill Macaulay at 250-845-5281 or Andrew Leffers at 250-845-5239.
Store Hours: Mon – Thu, Sat: 9:30am – 6pm, Friday: 9:30am – 8pm, Sunday & Holidays: 11am – 5pm
Christmas Early Deadlines
The Deadline for the December 19th issue is the same as our regular deadline: Thursday, December 13th at 4:00 pm The Deadline for the December 26th issue is: Wednesday, December 19th at 4:00 pm. The Deadline for the January 2nd issue is: Thursday, December 27th at 10:00 am. for all classified word and display advertising and all editorial submissions.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
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31,499 *
26,499 *
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. †Until December 25, 2012, receive $750/ $1,000/ $1,250/ $1,500/ $1,750/ $2,000/ $3,000/ $3,500/ $3,750/ $4,000/ $4,750/ $5,000/ $5,500/ $6,000/ $6,500/ $7,500 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2013 Edge SE/ Fiesta S, Flex SE, Explorer Base, Transit Connect, E-Series/ Focus ST, Fusion Hybrid/ Focus S, Focus BEV, Mustang V6 Coupe, Taurus SE, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (value Leader)/Fusion (excluding Hybrid)/ CMAX, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/ Explorer (excluding Base), Escape (excluding S)/Fiesta (excluding S), Flex (excluding SE)/ Mustang V6 Premium/ Focus (excluding S, ST and BEV), F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Gas engine / Mustang GT, Edge AWD (excluding SE)/ Expedition / Taurus (excluding SE), Edge FWD (excluding SE), F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non 5.0L/ F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L, F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Diesel Engine/F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non 5.0L/F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L– all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, Transit Connect EV and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. *Purchase a new 2013 Focus SE Sedan/2013 Escape SE FWD with 2.0L EcoBoost engine/2013 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine for $15,999/$26,499/$31,499. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate of $4,000/$3,000/$7,500 has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,650/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from December 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before November 30, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Fusion HEV & Energi, C-Max, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ††When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost 4x2 and 4x4 and 6.2L 2 valve V8 4x2 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engine. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2012/2013 competitors. †††Max. horsepower of 411 and max. torque of 434 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2012/2013 comparable competitor engines. ©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
Houston Today
Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
This is Ford Country 250-847-2237 1-800-663-7765
Hwy 16, Smithers
Merry Christmas Wishing you a beautiful holiday and a year filled with peace and harmony. Smorgasbord every Friday & Saturday from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Holiday Hours: We are closed from Dec. 24, 2012 thru Jan. 2, 2013. We re-open on Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013. Jack, Crystal & Staff of
The Elements Restaurant
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Houston Today
SMILES For Santa Nicholas, 5, and Anna, 1, sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. Families with children lined up at the Houston mall last Saturday to visit Santa and sit on his lap. Jackie Lieuwen/ Houston Today
Merry Christmas May God bless you this season and fill all of your days with joy.
Our thanks and best wishes go out to all in the community. TIRE SHOP HOURS Mon. to Fri.: 8:00am - 5:30pm • Sat.: 8:00am - 3:00pm CAR WASH HOURS Mon. to Fri.: 8:00am - 6:00pm • Sat.: 8:00am - 5:00pm
2216 Nadina Ave. North, Houston
Phone: 250-845-2700
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We would like to wish everyone a
1st Annual Tree and Wreath Decoration Contest Winners
Tree: 1st Brewstir’s 2nd Bulkley Valley Credit Union 3rd Bulkley Valley Insurance Wreath: 1st Northwest Community College 2nd Pleasant Valley Express
Annual Light Up Houston Contest Winners Business: Shannon Clark, CGA Rural: Lee and Elaine Nustad Honorable Mention: Calvin and Brenda Glaim East side of Houston: Derrick Cox Honorable Mention: Rod & Leslie Woodbeck Eric & Debbie Bergstresser West side of Houston: Don & Jo Woodbeck Honorable Mention: Perry & Helen Slaney Ivo & Anna Perlotto Thank-you to the judges of the contests
Thank you to all of our members for their continued support...
All West Glass
Houston Hospice Society
CF Nadina Co-op Petroleum – Houston Branch Astral Media Radio – CJFW Countrywide Printing & Aurora Truck Centre Stationery B & M Ventures Ltd. Countrywide Sports Bandstra Transportation District of Houston Systems Ltd. Dungate Community Forest Limited Partnership Bearspaw Inn Emberson Plumbing & Better Business Bureau Heating Birch Bay Resort Enbridge Northern Bizz’s Pet Grooming Gateway BJ Andersson & Associates Finning First Choice Fashions Black Press – Houston Today Frank & Eve Rippel Geezer Marketing Brewstir’s Cafe Bulkley Valley Credit Union Glenn Farrell H.O.P.E. Bulkley Valley Financial Happy Jack’s Pub Bulkley Valley Home Centre Hoskins Ford Smithers Bulkley Valley Insurance Houston Apartments Services Management Business Development Houston Community Bank of Canada Services BV Driving School Houston Food Market Houston Forest Products Canfor Houston Gardening Service Citywest Cable & Telephone Corp. Houston Hikers Society
Houston Link to Learning
New Nadina Explorations Limited
SPEEDEE Interior Stationery & Books
Northern Lights Wildlife Society
Sullivan Motor Products Ltd.
Houston Recycling
Northstar/Bodnar Contracting
Sun Life Financial
Houston Snowmobile Club
Northwest Community College
Super Valu
Houston Storage
Pacific Employees Benefits
Houston Motor Inn Houston Public Library
Huckleberry Mines
Sunshine Inn Estates Tea Gallery with a Twist Tech North Solutions Inc.
Hungry Hill Adventures
Pacific Truck & Equipment Inc.
Isidoro Sales
J. Hols Enterprises Ltd.
Pleasant Valley Express
Lee’s Garden Restaurant
Pleasant Valley Motel
Mark Zagwyn Photos
Pleasant Valley Plaza
Traction Tire Car and Wash Limited
Marmon Financial
RBC Securities
Tutshi Ventures Corp.
Mike’s Audio Video
Reitsma’s Home Hardware
Monster Industries
United Way of Northern BC
Morice Lake Guiding
Royal Bank of Canada
Morice Mountain Marksmen Association
Salvation Army
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club
Shannon Clarke, CGA
Mute Muse
Shady Rest RV Park Shear Delight
Nadina Agri-Tech Services
Shelf Space
NAPA Auto Parts
SMS Equipment
Telus The Arts Education Centre The Elements Restaurant Tower Communications
Vancouver Board of Trade Vista Radio – The Peak Watkins Products Western Financial Group Willow Grove Golf & Country Club
Houston & District Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 396, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 • Tel: 250 845-7640 • Email: •
ston Today - April 14, 2010
NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */**Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Silverado EXT 2WD (1SA), 2013 Cruze LS (1SA), 2013 Equinox LS (1SA) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,500). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. **Offer available to retail customers between December 17th, 2012 and December 30th, 2012. Applies to new 2012 Chevrolet Sonic and Cruze and 2013 GM vehicles excluding 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, Corvette, Volt, Spark, Orlando, Express, Traverse, and Trax, GMC Savana and Acadia, Buick Enclave and Encore, and Cadillac ATS and XTS at participating dealers in Canada. Employee price includes freight and PDI but excludes license, insurance, registration, fees associated with filing at movable property registry/PPSA fees, duties, marketing fees and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. Limited quantities of 2012 models available. Dealer order or trade may be required. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. †To qualify for GMCL’s Cash For Clunkers incentive, you must: (1) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured in your name for the last 3 months (2) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured under a small business name for the last 3 months. GMCL will provide eligible consumers with a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) to be used towards the purchase/finance/lease of a new eligible 2012 or 2013 MY Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, or Chevrolet Avalanche delivered between October 2, 2012 and January 2, 2013. Incentive ranges from $1500 to $3,000, depending on model purchased. Incentive may not be combined with certain other offers. By participating in the Cash For Clunkers program you will not be eligible for any trade-in value for your vehicle. See your participating GM dealer for additional program conditions and details. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate program in whole or in part at any time without notice. ^Based on latest competitive data available. ~ OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide ^^Based on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control, and StabiliTrak.
Houston Today Wednesday, December 19, 2012
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Do your part for the environment by upgraDing your olD vehicle to a new pickup.
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YOU PAY WHAT WE PAY Recycle your 2006 model year or older vehicle and receive up to $3,000 towards the cash purchase, financing or leasing of an eligible 2012 or 2013 Chevrolet Silverado (HD amount shown).
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Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631]
12-12-14 3:38 PM
PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until January 2, 2013. See for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on and that contained on, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. *2012 Camry Sedan LE Automatic BF1FLT-A MSRP is $25,390 and includes $1,690 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $278 with $2,660 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $16,000. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. **2013 Tacoma 4x4 DCab V6 5A Automatic MU4FNA-A MSRP is $31,925 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $339 with $2,896 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $19,168. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. ***2013 Venza Automatic ZA3BBT-A MSRP is $30,450 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $349 with $2,880 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $19,632. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. †0% finance for 72 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 RAV4. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. $5,000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2013 Tundra 4x4 DCab 5.7L models. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by January 2, 2013. See for complete details on all cash back offers. Informational 72 month APR: Tundra 4.32%. Government regulation provides that the Informational APR includes the cash customer incentive which is only available to customers who do not purchase finance/lease through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate, as a cost of borrowing. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
Season’s Greetings
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2367 Copeland Ave, Houston Phone: 250-845-7511
The Valley’s Only Locally Owned Insurance Office
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Your One Stop Shop for Auto, Home and Business Insurance
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Houston Today
Community theatre at Bethlehem Inn
May the spirit of Christmas be alive in our hearts now and throughout the coming year. We look forward to seeing you in 2013.
Houston Christian School dinner-theatre had two parts. Above: Children act as the animals in the Bethlehem stable. Below: Bethlehem innkeeper and his wife discuss the bright star above their stables.
Photos by Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
y u B d o o G say 12 to 20
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
* .9%
to our friends, neighbours and customers. Thank-you for a wonderful year!
our Holiday Hours: Closed 3 p.m. dec. 24th Closed dec. 25 and dec. 26th
Holiday Hours:
Make your reservation now for your New Year’s Party!
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Northern Gateway will be one of the safest energy pipelines because it’s been designed by engineers, safety experts and the people of British Columbia.
y intention is to ma make ke the North her ern n Ga Gate tewa way y Pi Pipe peli line ne the strongestt and saf afes estt off its es ts kind in Can people of British Columbia have told us that we must exceed safety standards if it is to cross this beautiful province. We’ve heard their concerns and have continually incorporated their feedback into our plans. We have added $500 million in extra safety measures–like thicker pipe, more isolation valves, meticulous pipeline construction techniques, and plans for around the clock monitoring by real people, in real time, with sophisticated technology.
We will use thicker pipe... Northern Gateway pipe will have an average thickness of 0.80 inches. That’s 20% over and above current Canadian safety standard requirements for the Northern Gateway Project. The pipe will be even thicker when it crosses major rivers and tributaries. It will be welded with exacting precision and its integrity checked using ultrasonic inspection and hydrostatic testing methods. And to ensure safe operation, the frequency of high resolution, in-line inspection surveys will be increased across the entire pipeline system by a minimum of 50% over and above current practices.
We will respect wildlife habitats and migration routes... To address concerns from the public that the construction of the pipeline will affect the environment, we have pledged to build it in such a way that natural wildlife habitats, migration routes and fish spawning sites will be respected. During the building phase, disturbances will be kept to a minimum by having construction vehicles access most of the pipeline using existing forestry roads. Instead of building all new bridge structures, it will use existing watercourse crossings where possible. When construction is completed on each section, soil will be returned and shrubs and grasses native to the region will be planted. If any large trees are removed to make way for the pipeline, a new tree will be planted in another location as part of Enbridge’s commitment to plant a tree for every tree we remove to build our projects.
We will practice and be prepared for incidents... Our goal is always zero spills. To help achieve that, the pipeline will be monitored from the air and the ground and routinely inspected inside and out to identify and address any integrity issues. But that doesn’t mean we will not prepare for an incident. We will adhere to world-leading practices for oil spill response and recovery systems. Emergency response equipment and training will be provided and constantly updated and upgraded. Training exercises with our own operations personnel and local emergency providers will be conducted on a regular basis. Can we guarantee that there will never be a significant pipeline failure? Our original pledge to build a safe pipeline combined with further enhancements made after hearing the concerns of British Columbians puts us closer than any other pipeline system in the world to providing that guarantee.
Discover more about our rigorous design and safety standards and join the conversation at
It’s more than a pipeline.
It’s a path to delivering energy safely.
©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
EN9020_BC_PipelineSafety_Version_#2 REV1.indd 1
14/12/12 11:52 AM
Peace on earth Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone in Houston! Keith Goold & girls and their families
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Houston Today
Skaters spin into their Christmas Gala
Warmest Holiday Wishes From all of your friends at Happy Jack’s. We value your business and wish you all the best this holiday season and in the New Year.
Phone: 250-845-3010
Top: Katie Ball does a graceful spin as part of her skating presentation. Middle: Coach Kelsey McEwen, senior skaters Katie Ball, Jessica Ells, Miranda Rodway, Delainey Larocque, McKenzie Chudyk, Maggie Kenzle and Coach Adam Ells. Bottom: Skaters get candy from Santa Clause, who came at the end of the evening for the free skate. Photos submitted
Holiday Hours
Sat., Dec. 22 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Sun., Dec. 23 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Mon., Dec. 24 ~ 9 am to 6 pm Tues., Dec. 25 ~ Closed Wed., Dec. 26 ~ 10 am to 5 pm Thurs., Dec. 27 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Fri., Dec. 28 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Sat., Dec. 29 ~ 9 am to 6 pm Sun., Dec. 30 ~ 10 am to 5 pm Mon., Dec. 31 ~ 9 am to 9 pm Tues., Jan. 1 ~ Closed Happy Holidays from all of us at 1235 Main St. • Smithers • 250-847-2288
Christmas Blessings May the special joy of this holiday season be with you and your loved ones throughout the coming year. Best wishes from all of us at
HOUSTON STORAGE 250-845-2882
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
MUSIC & Lunch Grade 7 class from Twain Sullivan Elementary School prepared and served a Christmas luncheon to the seniors at Cottonwood Manor last Friday. Left: Keegan, 12, pours Mary Calhoun, 91, a cup of tea. Below: The entire grade 7 class sings a Christmas song to the seniors before saying goodbye.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thank you to all our friends and customers for their support for the past 24 years... From Chau & Staff at
Smorgasbord Friday and Saturdays We are closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26 and also closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2013.
Jackie Lieuwen/ Houston Today
Merry Christmas Wishing all our friends and clients a Merry Christmas and prosperous 2013. Staff and management at Monster Welding
1420 Morice River Road, PO Box 1446, Houston Phone: 250-845-3240
From us to you...
May the spirit of the season warm you and may you enjoy a prosperous new year.
A merry little wish for the best Christmas ever for everyone that has walked through our doors. It’s been a pleasure to serve you and we look forward to seeing you in 2013.
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION
HOUSTON PHARMASAVE 3429 - 10th Street, Steelhead Centre, Houston
4646 10th Avenue New Hazelton, BC Ph. (250) 842-2255 email:
2365 Copeland Avenue Houston, BC Ph. (250) 845-7117
Lakeview Mall Burns Lake, BC Ph. (250) 692-7761
3894 1st Avenue Smithers, BC Ph. (250) 847-3255 email:
Accepting new patients Handle ALL insurance coverages Certified hygenist on staff
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wildlife collisions go up in December By Gayle Hesse Black Press
Mountain View Dental Clinic 3429 10th Street, Houston
Phone: 250-845-7131
Stay in touch with your hometown news!
Subscribe today! Ph: 250-845-2890
NOTICE OF CLOSURE STARR CREEK CABIN Please be advised that the Starr Creek Cabin will be closed effective immediately, due to risk to public safety associated with avalanche hazard. The cabin is located approximately 45 kilometers southwest of Smithers, within the Telkwa Caribou Recovery Area. This cabin location was reviewed by professional avalanche consultants and is found to be located in the run-out zone of a large avalanche path. The review recommends relocating the cabin to a nearby safe site. In the interim, the cabin will be closed until further notice. This presents an opportunity to improve public safety, review cabin management, and to ensure continued future recreation value. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the District Recreation staff at 250-847-6300.
Houston Today
What do you see in your headlights? In the past few weeks, if you have been driving on Highway 16 near Saranovitch Road or going up Highway 27 on Twelve Mile Hill, you’ve likely seen wildlife, and plenty of it. The local Conservation Officers report that there have been high numbers of deer collisions near Saranovitch Road and both deer and moose collisions on Highway 27, north of Braeside Road on Twelve Mile Hill. Although wildlife collisions can happen at any time, ICBC records show that, around Vanderhoof, December is the worst month for deer and moose collisions and the highest risk time of day is between 6 to 9 p.m. A smaller peak of collisions happens between 5 and 6 a.m. The Wildlife Collision Prevention
Program knows that motorists can do a lot to improve their chances of anticipating and avoiding wildlife collisions. Wild animals like the road and roadside areas, so drivers should be expecting to see wildlife. Drivers and passengers need to actively watch for wildlife on the road and in the roadside area, and if there is wildlife, immediately slow down to 70 kilometres per hour and put on your flashing lights for 500 metres to warn other drivers. If you see one animal, especially a deer, there will likely be others close by. The deer you are watching may not be the deer you hit. Shift your attention to find the other deer following closely behind. Even with all the precautions, drivers may still have a wildlife collision. If that happens, pull over to the side of the road and assess the damage to yourself, your ve-
hicle and the animal. Report all collisions over $1,000 to the RCMP, and call the Conservation Officer toll free hot line at 877.952.7277 if an animal is wounded or killed. It is dangerous to approach an injured animal and citizens are not obligated to put injured animals out of their suffering. Animals cannot be removed without permission from a Conservation Officer. For more information on how to anticipate and avoid wildlife collisions on northern highways, please visit Wildlife Collision Myth #1: If you miss the first deer, you’re OK. Wrong! Deer are very social creatures and almost always travel in herds. If you see one deer, there are very likely others close by. Animals are unpredictable, so even if a deer is standing calmly, it may still jump in
Submitted photo
A white-tailed deer darts across a B.C. highway. front of your vehicle or bolt across the road and then turn suddenly and cross again. The deer you are watching may not be the deer you hit. Shift your attention to find the other deer following closely behind. Wildlife Collision Myth #2: Just swerve to miss the animal and you’ll be OK. Wrong! Secondary crashes can occur when drivers attempt to avert an initial
crash by swerving and then collide with another vehicle or object. Drive slowly enough that you have time to react without swerving. If a smaller animal like a deer in is your way, consider using your brakes instead of your wheel. Consider swerving only if it’s a larger animal, like a moose or elk. Hitting larger animals carries a significant risk of human injury or fatality.
Spice up your life this holiday season... WITH OVER A HUNDRED SPICES TO CHOOSE FROM! We carry a large selection of groceries... including organics, produce and gluten free products. Plus Movies, Lotto & much much more!
check d n a n i e Com have e w . .. t u o s u w prices o l y a d y r e ev ecials! p s y l k e e and w
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! From Sanj and the staff at B.V. Foods
WE ARE OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. DAILY
BULKLEY- VALLEY FOODS Phone: 1-866-835-7611
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
“The World’s cleanest” LNG is still the B.C. goal By Tom Fletcher Black Press
The B.C. government isn’t wavering from its goal of developing clean energy as negotiations continue for an expanding natural gas export megaproject across the north, Premier Christy Clark says. In a year-end interview with Black Press this week, Clark responded to Coastal First Nations concerns
that liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing at Kitimat and potentially Prince Rupert could proceed without external electricity supplies. Clark said LNG exports to Asia have been her top economic priority in recent months, with the original two projects on Haisla Nation land at Douglas Channel growing to eight proposals as international interest in B.C. shale
Houston Community serviCes AssoCiAtion is having their
annual general meeting on January
13th, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.
at the Main Office of HCSA
#202 - 3429 10th Street (upstairs)
Anyone is welcome!
Warm Holiday Wishes
May the warmth of Christmas stay with you throughout the coming year. With thanks for your past support and a hope that we can continue to serve you and your family... Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
gas development has grown. Confidential negotiations are ongoing with energy companies, and decisions on power supply have not yet been made, she said. “Our plan has always been for the cleanest LNG produced anywhere in the world, so that’s been hydro, wind power and other renewables as24well,” UnitClark said. “But we’ve always said
there’s going to have to be some natural gas power produced to shape it. “There’s another economic imperative we have, which is to grow our clean energy industry,” Clark said. “We’ve got the third biggest clean tech industry on the globe, after Germany and California, and we want to keep growing that.” Last week the
Haisla Nation dropped out of its voluntary association with the Haida, Heiltsuk, Gitga’at and other communities who make up the Coastal First Nations. They are still united in opposition to the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil pipeline proposed to go to Kitimat, but the rest of the Coastal First Nations oppose processing LNG directly
by mechanical equip- a vast area of the ment that burns gas. north and central B.C. Clark said full de- coast with a land use velopment of B.C. plan negotiated in LNG will require con- 1996 with the B.C. and struction of the Site federal governments. C hydro dam on the A group of U.S.Peace River, as well as based environmental smaller hydro develop- foundations matched ments and wind power the two governments’ such as that proposed $60 million financoff the coast of Haida ing for the protected Gwaii. areas plan, working The Coastal First with environmental Nations occupy what groups Greenpeace, is now known as the Sierra Club and Great Bear Rainforest, ForestEthics.. 2_ND124D112.P001
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By Teresa Mallam Black Press
Placer miners in northern British Columbia often feel caught up in David and Goliath-type battles when it comes to their dealings with government officials. Faced with stringent government regulations and restrictions, environmental and land claims issues plus rising costs of fees, fuel and transportation, some placer miners panning for gold in the Cariboo say they are losing ground. The situation could get worse, says Cariboo Mining Association (CMA) president Chris Winther. He believes proposed changes arising from a 2010 Ministry of Environment (now Ministry of Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations or FLNRO) report will “kill” the placer mining industry in the Cariboo. The report posted Wednesday on the CMA’s website, made its way into Winther’s hands a few days ago – he won’t say how. “It was obtained by people who got it
through [a request] under the Freedom of Information Act,” Winther told the Free Press on Thursday. “I just got hold of it myself a few days ago. I really don’t think they (environmental ministry officials) wanted us to know about it.” The document is an outline of an audit done of area placer mining operations conducted by ministry ecosystem staff during July and August of 2010. The report says the study was initiated in response to a “substantial increase” in the number of placer Notices of Work being received by government and concern about potential environmental impacts associated with this industry. The report says of the 23 “chosen at random” active placer tenures they inspected most of them (74 per cent) were found to be in non-compliance with their Notices of Work. There was no advance notice of the ministry inspections which is why Winther refers to it as a “clandestine” audit. He also disputes its
conclusions: “The results of the audit highlight the risk of aquatic, fish and riparian habitat impacts occurring in high value fisheries waters with inherent hydrological sensitivity,” the report notes. Key findings noted in the report include “inadequate r e c l a m a t i o n (restoration) work,” unreported (environmental) disturbances and, in more than half the sites, work being done within the 10 metre placer riparian reserve setback. Recommendations in the report include “regionally stepping up compliance and enforcement on placer mine operations” and putting into place more environmental protections. Why did the ‘audit’ report take so long to surface? In response to queries by the Free Press on Thursday, Brennan Clarke, FLNRO public affairs officer, said the environment ministry has been going through a “restructuring and reorganization” process in the past two years. He suggests
Houston Community Calendar Find us on
Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at
Houston Bowling Leagues are starting up their second half on Sun., Jan. 6, 2013. Need more teams and call the bowling alley at 845-2298 for information. Also, just a reminder that Tuesday and Wednesdays are half price public bowling.
Houston Dart League is Saturday evenings at 7:30 pm. upstairs at the Houston Curling Club. Blind n July 2007 doubles games. Newspapers The Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club Membership Pick up your registration package from Countrywide Pantone 287 Blue SportsGreen or download from www.xcskimoricemtn. Pantone 356 com. Harvest Pantone 139 Houston Secondary School webpage: http://
Houston Today
Government reviews placer mining regulations
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
HouSToN PuBLiC LiBRaRy EVENTS... Dec. 20: Mark Zagwyn will be at the Library taking “Passport Photos” from 12-6pm • Fri. Jan. 4, 2013 – Morice Mt. Nordic Ski Club presents…introduction to Colour Logo File Community Coaching, Level 1 (NCCP) Cross-
Country Coaching Certificate Training. 6-10pm and Sat., Jan. 5, 2013 from 8am to 4pm at the Houston Public Library. $85.00 for non-members, Free to members of the Morice Mountain Nordic Ski club, Free Season membership for Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club Coaches. For more information and to register, contact Kelly Favron at: 250-845-0097 or
The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Mon. of the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting (we have not been able to get a quorum in months, members please attend). Seniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7pm at Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. Come out & enjoy a fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes!
Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a fire practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs (7:30 pm) Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. at 7:30 pm.
part of it is ephemeral streams – it makes the whole watershed look blue. All that would be out of bounds for us, so it’s going to make a lot of property out there unmineable.” Winther adds the report needs clarification and correction. “We want to meet with the [environment] ministry people. We want to get the facts out and make things clear because this report is quite damaging.” He said he wrote government officials at the Williams Lake office requesting a meeting to talk about their plans and its impact on area miners. On Thursday, Winther said he had been advised by the “mines office” that ministry staff has agreed to meet with some CMA members on Jan. 22 in Quesnel. There is strength in numbers as Winther points out on his website: “Most miners are basically solitary sorts who simply want to carry on with mining but we realize we are dependent upon each other for support when it comes to dealing with the different challenges that face our industry.” This – the audit report – is one of those challenges, he said.
Find affordable holiday gifts for everyone on your list.
Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m.
Houston Community Services is open Mon. thru Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the Fri. from 9am to 4pm We have clothing to give 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the away. Baby clothing; women’s and mens as well Seniors Centre. as children of all ages. Come and check it out! Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & The Houston Retirement Housing Society is asking fire practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. interested parties to provide their names for future vacancies at our Pleasant Valley Village apartments. Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., 11 a.m. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m. Please call Roberta@250-845-2257.
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the report was likely “forwarded from one office to the other.” Why it was not made public until now is not clear. Winther agrees that some placer miners need to clean up their act and those who don’t are subject to severe penalties, he says. But his main focus is on how the report and its recommendations could impact miners who are doing their best to work within regulations and boundaries. “Right now we have a 10 metre setback from the high water mark in creeks and streams where we can’t work. We’re not allowed to put any dirt in there – if you see any discolouration, that is a problem. Now the MOE is talking about pushing us back to 30 metres and that’s the area close to the streams where the gold usually gets deposited.” Winther is even more concerned about other proposed changes. “They also want to stop us from working in ephemeral streams (waterbeds, wetlands which exist for a short period for instance after snowfall.) That will kill the industry. If you look on overlay maps of the region, you will see a large
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In Memoriam
HI my name is Vandy, $1000 reward for anyone who can author a life story about the ups and downs of my intriguing life...Creativity and imagination is an asset, short and sweet on the poetic spectrum preferable, whilst keeping within the guidelines of fact overriding fiction, embellishment an option but not most likely not necessary as my life is interesting enough to be authored and published within local newspapers without exaggeration as a necessity. You can reach me @ 778677-5446 or 885-8002 or e-mail
Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430
In Memoriam
Laurissa Dumas Sutherland February 6, 1969 - December 18, 2002
Ten years have gone by without you. We do not know why God called you home that day. When we saw you with your eyes so alive and sparkling we knew you were happy to be with Him. So much has happened, your children Chandra, Cody, Colten & Chaney have grown into wonderful women and men. Your three darling grandchildren Micca, Hayden & Brad - we know you are watching over. We miss you and love you. Merry Christmas darling. Mom, Dad, Marni, Randy & families We know you are with us always. “In the arms of the Angels”
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Tahtsa Timber Ltd. has full time
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JOB POSTING – Plant Accountant Pinnacle Pellet is seeking an experienced Accountant to fill a full-time accounting position at its Burns Lake, BC Plant location. Responsibilities include: • Full cycle accounting including payables, payroll coordination and inventory control • Involved in budgeting process and monthly analysis of budget variances Skills and Qualifications: • Preference given to candidate enrolled in accounting designation program • Background in a manufacturing environment an asset • Proficiency with Microsoft Office • High level of accuracy and attention to detail • Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Pinnacle Pellet is a dynamic and rapidly growing company that currently manufactures wood pellets at 6 locations in British Columbia. Pinnacle offers competitive salaries and benefits, as well as the opportunity for young professionals to build a long term career. Submit your resume to: E-mail: No Phone Inquiries Accepted – Closing date December 31, 2012
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Employment Opportunity with the Houston Visitor Centre
Part time Office Assistant – Able to work Monday to Friday and possible weekends to cover throughout the summer months. Must be outgoing, self-motivated person with excellent customer service, computer knowledge and willing to learn about tourism in our community, region and province. Knowledge about our community and surrounding area is an asset. Interested applicants should submit a resume by email to: Maureen Czirfusz at or drop off in person at the Houston Visitor Centre located at 3289 Highway 16 (Located across from A&W).
General Manager Burns Lake Native Development Corporation is a First Nations owned and driven organization. With a strong working relationship with its Board of Directors the organization is committed to promoting entrepreneurship and economic growth development within its six member first nations. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the ideal candidate for this half-time position (moving to full time pending resources) will demonstrate - financial management skills - good written and oral skills - strong management skills and project management experience - experience working with a board of directors - hands-on HR management skills - familiarity with lending principles - experience in community economic development - experience in a non- profit organization - must have experience in proposal writing, forestry, logging and value added operations - good understanding of dealing with first nation communities Responsibilities: - co-ordinating meetings of, and reporting to, Board and its committees - assisting Board formulate policies and programs - overseeing administration - planning, developing and monitoring budgets and performance targets - developing and maintaining HR policies; recruiting, training, supervising staff - leading economic development initiatives Applicants ideally will have several years management experience, post secondary education in a business related field, familiarity with log harvesting, small business lending and an ability to work with diverse client and partnership groups. Aboriginal ancestry is an asset. Please submit resumes by January 7, 2013 to:
Chair Burns Lake Native Development Corp PO Box 1030, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Fax: (250) 692-7483 Email:
64 per cent of people listened to a radio station yesterday - to achieve this reach, an advertiser would have to buy spots all day long in all local stations. Reach your audience by advertising in: Ph: 250-845-2890
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Tanya, Lia & Bonnie
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First United Church
2106Houston Butler Ave., Houston Today
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Wednesday, December December 19, 19,Wednesday, 2012 Houston Houston Today19, 20 December 2012 Houston Today Wednesday, 2012 Today
Houston Fellowship Recreational/Sale Baptist Church 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne
Sunday School 9:45AM Church Service 11:00AM Everyone Welcome!
Phone: 250-845-7810
Houston Christian Reformed Church
Spacious open kitchen, dining dining and living living with • Spacious open kitchen, dining and living with •• Spacious open kitchen, and with 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston gorgeous laminate, fresh fresh paint, paint, new light light gorgeous laminate, fresh paint, new light gorgeous laminate, new 250-845-7578 250-845-7578 xtures. fixtures. SL 22 dr dr convert, convert, average averageSL condition. 2 dr convert, average condition. fifixtures. SL condition. ~ Everyone Welcome! ~ ~ Everyone Welcome! ~ Huge master master with with 33 pc pc en-suite en-suite and large with 3 pc en-suite and large • Huge master •• Huge and large closet. closet. Services: Services: closet. • Main Main bath withpm soaker tub tub•and and tilebath completely Main with soaker tub and tile completely •10:00 with soaker tile completely 10:00 am & 3:00 pm ambath & 3:00 renovated in in 2012. 2012. renovated in 2012. renovated More insulation insulation blown blown in in this this year as as well. blown in this year as well. • More insulation •• More year well. Houston Canadian Houston Canadian Don’t miss miss this one! one! • Don’t miss this one! •• Don’t this 100% Financing Financing available available O.A.C. 100% Financing available available O.A.C. 100% Financing available O.A.C. 100% Financing available O.A.C. 100% O.A.C. 100% Financing O.A.C.
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177,500 SUNDAY SERVICES: 250-877-2434 Cell 250-847-7928 250-877-2434 250-847-7928 Cell 250-847-7928 250-877-2434 Cell 250-847-7928 250-877-2434 Cell 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM
Selling your house? Selling your house? with a World of with Experience a World of Experience Christmas EarlyAdvertise Deadlines Attend the Attend the Advertise here! here! church church
Pastor Carl Van Dam Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston
Pastor Carl Van Dam Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston
TheExperts Hometown Experts The Hometown ® ®
The Deadline for the December 26th issue is:
of your choice
Re/Max Houston Houston Re/Max
Lia Long Long Lia 250-845-1147 250-845-1147
Wednesday, at 4:00 pm. vertis e December vertisYoue get19ath2 column d A d x 2"You display get aad2 column x 2" displayofadyour A Lia Long nd issue is: use th 2(includes ouseDeadline foryouthe hThe 250-845-1147 r hoJanuary (includes photo) choice o r photo) y u Thursday, December 27 at 10:00 am. us! us!
running 10 weeks for only running 10 weeks for only withand display w itforh ualls classified word advertising
Re/Max Houston
2436 Poulton Poulton Ave., Ave., Houston, Houston, BC 2436BC Poulton Ave., Houston, BC 2436 e-mail: e-mail:Tanya Tanya Belsham e-mail: Belsham
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Tanya Belsham
Call 250-845-1147 250-845-1147 Call 250-845-1147 Call or 250-845-7325 250-845-7325 or 250-845-7325 or
and all editorial submissions.
Call250-845-2890 250-845-2890 Call
+ HST Call 250-845-2890 Email: Email:
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Recipes for the holidays Mushroom Scalloped Potatoes The rich full-bodied flavour and texture of sautéed mushrooms and green onions add pizzazz to this “never fail” version of the classic. Pre-cooked potatoes shorten the cooking time. • 2 tbsp butter • 1 lb sliced fresh mushrooms • 4 large green onions, chopped • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour • 2 ¼ cups milk • 4 oz cream cheese, cubed • ¼ tsp EACH nutmeg, salt and black pepper • 4 to 6 cooked, peeled potatoes (2 lb/
1 kg) • 1 ¼ cups EACH fresh bread crumbs and grated Cheddar or Swiss cheese
Raisin Bread Banana French Toast Bake
Prep time: 10 minutes Bake time: 40 - 45 minutes (50 to 55 minutes if refrigerated) Serves 4 • 8 Slices Raisin Cinnamon Swirl Bread •2 Medium bananas, cut in 1/4-inch slices •1 cup Milk • 4 ounces Softened cream cheese • 3 eggs • 1/3 cup Sugar • 3 tbsp All-purpose flour • 2 tsp Vanilla extract Powdered sugar (op-
Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in mushrooms and onions; cook, covered until tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in flour. And then gradually stir in milk, cream cheese, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Bring to boil, stirring constantly; cook until smooth and thickened. Pour into greased 8-cup (2 L) baking dish. Cut potatoes into ¼”(6mm) slices and fold into sauce.
Directions: PREHEAT oven to 350°F (180°C). PLACE four slices of raisin bread in a single layer in a buttered 9-inch (2.5L) square baking dish. Top with bananas and remaining four slices of bread. BLEND milk, cream cheese, eggs, sugar, flour and vanilla in a blender or food processor until smooth. Pour over raisin bread. Let stand 5
Houston Community
Christmas Dinner
Merry Christmas
Sprinkle breadcrumbs and cheese on top. Bake in 350°F (180°C) oven 25 minutes or until hot and bubbly. Makes 6 servings. Tips: For convenience cook potatoes a few days before. Cook potatoes until tender but firm; cover and cool or chill before slicing. If potatoes have thin skins do not peel, you not only save time but will gain extra nutrition. Nutritional Information:Per Serving Calories: 407 Protein : 15.3 g Fat: 21.5 g Carbohydrates: 40.0 g Dietary Fibre: 3.8 g
and Happy New Year! A special thanks to all our friends and customers for a great year and wishing everyone all the best for 2013!
Leagues are starting
Sunday, January 6, 2013. Mixed Team of 5 needed for Sundays. Need six more (Doubles) teams for Thursdays: Mixed - one man; one woman.
minutes or refrigerate overnight. BAKE 40 to 45 minutes (50 to 55 minutes if refrigerated) until set and top is toasted. Let stand 10 minutes. CUT French toast into diagonal halves and remove with spatula. Dust servings with powdered sugar if desired.
for all public bowling on Tuesdays & Wednesdays.
Pleasant Valley Plaza Bowling Centre
Phone: 250-845-2298
• 6 Lane 5-pin Alley • All New Pin Setters & Newly Refinished Lanes • Automated Scoring PLUS Glow in the Dark Lanes & Pins!! • Java Lounge with Large Screen TV and Free wifi
True Unusual Stories With Pictures and Witnesses to Testify Their Authenticity by Eddy Westgarde
December 25th 5:30 p.m. upstairs in the Legion
~ No Charge ~ Transportation can be provided or dinner can be delivered to you. Please don’t be alone at Christmas. Join us for dinner. For info call Sharon: 250-845-3466
Makes a great Christmas gift! Available at Countrywide Printing & Stationery
Excerpts from the Book...
or many years as a registered guide, I took hunters, fishermen and persons who wanted to holiday and take pictures in real wilderness areas. Two young married couples from USA I had come to know phoned me. “Eddy” they said “We want to come for ten days to fish and take pictures where we might see bear, moose and mountain goat.” I knew the perfect place for this would be at the western end of Morice Lake. Hardly anyone went there at that time, but here was the bite - the couples wanted to come in five days and I would need a small cabin to accommodate them. I needed help. Who would come help build a cabin? I had a sawmill and all the necessary tools to hurry and prefabricate a structure, but who would come with me to the western end of Morice Lake to assemble it, make an outside toilet, a rock circle for evening fire place and so forth? Just who could I get? Suddenly it came to me, from every angle of my speculation, I knew the perfect choice of my consideration was one of my best young friends, Jack Sullivan. I had hunted big game with Jack
we had prospected for mineral, gone on fishing trips, holidayed and done business deals. In every respect of pleasure and business you couldn’t find a better person. With high hopes, I went to see Jack and told him my story. He thought for a few minutes then said “Ed, I’ll come and help you.” We put the whole prefab cabin in my 21 foot crew cab, wide bottomed boat with a fill barrel of gas on top. The lake got rough and we both agreed if it got only a little worse, we would dump the full gas barrel out. We never did that and were both glad when we got to the beach at Atna Bay. Now let me tell you why Jack Sullivan and I were able to
assemble the cabin so fast, it was because my wonderful wife Edna came with us and dragged most of the structure up the beach as we nailed it together. Before dark it was up, two beds, a table, some shelves. We lit the propane lantern, ate our prepared lunch, drank coffee, cooked on a campers gas propane stove, and slept where we felt happy and safe from the Grizzly bears that were common in that area. My young couples from USA came and stayed in the cabin for ten days, fished, saw a grizzly bear, many mountain goat and had a beautiful holiday, thanks to Jack Sullivan who was such a good friend.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
District of Houston NEWS
2013 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BY-ELECTION SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2013 ADVANCE ELECTOR REGISTRATION Is your name on the current list of electors? In preparation for an upcoming by-election for the position of Councillor, the District of Houston is currently updating the Municipal List of Resident and Non-Resident Property Electors. If you are not sure if you are on the list, you can find out by calling 250-845-2238 or visiting the District of Houston Municipal Office at 3367 12th Street, Houston, BC. The office is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays). Advance elector registrations will be accepted at the District of Houston Municipal Office until Thursday December 27, 2012 at 5:00 PM. With the exception of registrations on voting days, elector registrations will not be accepted during the closed period of Friday December 28, 2012 to February 18, 2013.
ELECTOR QUALIFICATIONS RESIDENT ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration; and • a resident of the District of Houston for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; and • not disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration; and • a registered owner of real property in the District of Houston for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; and • not entitled to register as a resident elector; and • not disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law; and • if there is more than one registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.
LIST OF REGISTERED ELECTORS Beginning Monday December 31, 2012 until the close of general voting for the election on Saturday February 16, 2013, a copy of the list of registered electors will, upon signature, be available for public inspection, at the District of Houston Municipal Office at 3367 12th Street, between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. An elector may request that their address or other information about them be omitted from or obscured on the list of electors.
OBJECTION TO REGISTRATION OF AN ELECTOR An objection to the registration of a person whose name appears on the list of registered electors may be made in accordance with the Local Government Act until 4:00 pm on Friday January 11, 2013. An objection must be in writing and may only be made by a person entitled to be registered as an elector of the District of Houston and can only be made on the basis that the person whose name appears has died or is not qualified to be registered as an elector of the District of Houston. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on these matters, the following persons may be contacted: Chris Sandve, Chief Election Officer at 250-845-2238
2013 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BY-ELECTION SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2013 NOTICE OF NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the District of Houston that nominations for the offices of:
one (1)
will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: District of Houston Municipal Office 3367 12th Street, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 from 9:00 am on Monday December 31, 2012 to 4:00 pm on Friday January 11, 2013 (excluding statutory holidays and weekends) Nominations will not be accepted after 4:00pm on Friday January 11, 2013. PLEASE ANTICIPATE A LINE UP AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. Nomination documents are available at the District of Houston Municipal Office during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00pm (except on statutory holidays). Candidates shall be nominated in writing by two qualified electors of the District of Houston.
QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older; • resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; • not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Chris Sandve, Chief Election Officer, 250-845-2238
Submitted photo
There was a great turn out at the first Granisle Christmas tree light up and many enjoyed the hot chocolate offered before and after the light up.
RCMP reports increased assaults By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
RCMP Sgt. Stephen Rose presented to Houston mayor and council
on Dec. 4, reporting several trends in their case files. “We’re noticing some pretty distinct changes,” said Sgt. Rose, speaking of
The CorporaTion of The
2013 GENERAL LOCAL BY-ELECTIONS NOTICE OF NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the Village of Granisle that nominations for the offices of: Councillor - two (2) to be elected Will be received by the Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer, as follows: Village of Granisle
9:00 am Wednesday, January 2, 2013 to 4:00 pm Friday, January 11, 2013
Excluding Statutory holidays and weekends Candidates shall be nominated in writing by two qualified electors of the Village of Granisle. Nomination documents are available at the Village of Granisle office from 8:30 am to 12:00 (noon) and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday located at #1 Village Square, Granisle, B.C.
QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older; • resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; OptiOnal: • a person or the commander of an armed forces unit who has been granted freedom of the municipality, if that person is a Canadian citizen; and • not disqualified by the local Government act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. Electors who wish to vote at this election are required to register at the time of voting. There is no advance registration or “voter’s list”. FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Sharon Smith, Chief Election Officer 250-697-2248 Lorna Burkett, Deputy Chief Election Officer 250-697-2248
the RCMP files since 2010. Drug offences have decreased to almost half the number of files in 2010, moving from 26 files in 2010
to 17 files so far this year, Sgt. Rose said. Break and enter cases and general property crime have both decreased over the past three years, but there’s an increase in common assaults to the point that we’ve nearly doubled since 2010, he said. That’s a bit concerning but it’s a type of offence outside of RCMP control, because we can never predict when or who is going to be involved in physical assaults, said Sgt. Rose. Preventing that is extremely challenging and sometimes it comes down to dealing with other aggravating factors like alcohol, he added. Sgt. Rose says that motor vehicle offences and crashes are increasing and will likely continue through December. Impaired driving and drunk in public offences have significantly increased - criminal code impaired increasing
District of Houston
2013 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE In accordance with Section 127 of the Community Charter, the Council of the District of Houston must make available to the public the date, time and place of Regular Council Meetings. 2013 Regular Council Meetings will be held at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers, 3367 – 12th Street, Houston, B.C. on the following dates: Tuesday January 8, 2013 Tuesday February 5, 2013 Tuesday March 5, 2013 Tuesday April 2, 2013 Tuesday May 7, 2013 Tuesday June 4, 2013 Tuesday July 2, 2013 Tuesday August 6, 2013 Tuesday September 3, 2013 Tuesday October 1, 2013 Tuesday November 5, 2013 Tuesday December 3, 2013
Tuesday January 22, 2013 Tuesday February 19, 2013 Tuesday March 19, 2013 Tuesday April 16, 2013 Tuesday May 21, 2013 Tuesday June 18, 2013 Tuesday July 16, 2013 Tuesday August 20, 2013 Tuesday October 15, 2013 Tuesday November 19, 2013 Tuesday December 17, 2013
The dates and location of Regular Council Meetings are subject to change
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME Upon request, a schedule of the Regular Council Meetings is available at the Municipal Office during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:00 PM to 5:00 PM (except on statutory holidays) by phoning 250-845-2238. The schedule is also available on the District of Houston web site at
District of Houston
Houston Today
from 19 last year to 33 this year and 24 hour driving prohibitions from 18 last year to 36 this year so far, nearly doubling through positive enforcement efforts, said Sgt. Rose. Mayor Bill Holmberg says that scares him a bit, but noted it also hasn’t been policed nearly as hard before. “So good on you,” Holmberg said to Sgt. Rose. Sgt. Rose agreed that one of the biggest reasons for the increases in impaired driving and 24 hour prohibition files is because it’s something they’ve focused on enforcing to try to make the roads safer. “I think increases there is actually a good thing, because we’re taking that risk off the roadway,” Sgt. Rose said, adding that he’d like to see it continue to go up until people realize it’s not acceptable, and hopefully in a year to two it should go down again as people start calling a friend and making ride arrangements. There’s been a decrease in bail violations, said Sgt. Rose, again because it’s something RCMP has targeted and monitored closely. Sgt. Rose says that when he first arrived there was a number of breaches but now those people are no longer breaching because they’ve ended up with custodial sentences and are no longer in the community. Finally, Sgt. Rose asked mayor and council to consider what they’d like RCMP to prioritize and target next year, saying he’d like to consult with them early next year and begin forming next year’s priorities.
Holiday Garbage Collection Service Please note the following Garbage Collection schedule changes over the Christmas Holidays: Service normally scheduled for: Will be picked up: Tuesday, December 25th Thursday, December 27th Wednesday, December 26th Friday, December 28th Thursday, December 27th Saturday, December 29th st Tuesday, January 1 Wednesday, January 2nd Wednesday, January 2nd Thursday, January 3rd Thursday, January 3rd Friday, January 4th The regularly scheduled service will resume the following week.
Houston Today
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
District of Houston
Newsletter ~ December 19th, 2012 edition Where the welcome is warm and the wilderness beckons!
Council ’s Season’s Greeting
Upcoming Council Meetings: Tuesday January 8, 2013 Tuesday January 22, 2013 Please visit the website for info on:
Council Meeting Agendas Pool Schedule Arena Schedule Important Public Notices Tenders & Job Opportunities
Municipal Office Hours The Municipal Office located at 3367 – 12th Street is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (closed on statutory holidays) Email: Phone: 250-845-2238 Fax: 250-845-3429
Please note the office will be closed on Tuesday, December 25 and Wednesday, December 26
For Public Works Emergencies (example: water main break) Call the Municipal Office @ 250-845-2238 for a recorded message with the contact number of the person on call.
Pool & Gym Phone: 250-845-7420 Email:
Arena Phone: 250-845-7432
Burning Permits Required All open burning within the District of Houston requires a Burning Permit all year round. To obtain a permit contact the Fire Department at 250-845-2250
Staff Changes The District of Houston would like to welcome Chris Sandve as the new Corporate Services Officer and would also like to wish Curtis McPhee, Director of Leisure Services, all the best in his future endeavors as he will be leaving the District in the New Year.
For a great Christmas gift, contact the Municipal Office to purchase a copy of the “Marks of a Century” History Book at a cost of $9.95 plus HST (total cost is $11.14).
Business Licenses Renewal
All meetings start at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at 3367 – 12th Street
• • • • •
“Marks of a Century” History Book
On behalf of Mayor, Council and staff of the District of Houston, we wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year!
New Garbage Collection Regulations in effect Jan. 1, 2013
Toter Garbage Carts will be mandatory on January 1st, 2013 for all residential, institutional and commercial no bin garbage collection. After January 1st, 2013 no garbage shall be collected unless it is within the regulation Toter Cart. Garbage Collection is restricted to weekly removal of one Toter Cart not exceeding 60 kilograms. Toter Carts for Purchase - There is a limited supply of “slightly used” Toter carts available at a cost of $60.00 that can be purchased at the Municipal Office (3367 12th Street) between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays). These are going quickly! Once the used carts are gone, new carts will be available at a cost of $110. For consumers with additional service requirements: Contact the District of Houston Office at 250-845-2238 to ask about the “Tag-a-Cart” service.
Snow Clearing Operations Snow removal operations begin each day at 5:00 am as required. To help the Public Works crews keep the streets clear of snow this winter, residents are reminded: • To keep parked vehicles off roadways and streets while crews are in the area clearing snow from the streets; • It is the responsibility of individual property owners to clear snow from sidewalks adjacent to their property; and, • Snow removed from private property cannot be put on municipal property.
Driveway access cannot be cleared by operators during regular snow removal operations. Roads are cleared on a priority basis with one travel lane each way with a fixed blade truck that plows to the right only. As a result, snow is pushed to the curb and into driveway access. When road and street widening is done, crews attempt to clear driveway access; however, this work depends on the amount of snowfall the availability of staff. A heavy snowfall takes 4-5 days to clear and remove and when other emergencies occur, employees may need to attend to other duties.
2012 Building, Plumbing and Fire Code
Effective Date: December 20, 2012
l) the work necessary to ensure safety in a relocated building during and after relocation This Code applies to any one or more of the following: m) safety during construction of a building, a) the design and construction of a new building including protection of the public b) the occupancy of any commercial building n) the design, installation, extension, alteration, renewal c) the change in occupancy of any commercial building or repair of plumbing systems, and d) an alteration of any building o) the alteration, rehabilitation and change of e) an addition to any building occupancy of heritage buildings f) the demolition of any building Building Code changes include: g) the reconstruction of any building that has been fire blocks; ceiling heights of rooms and spaces; door sizes, damaged by fire, earthquake or other cause window construction and installation; stair widths; ramps; h) the correction of an unsafe condition in or about any height over stairs; emergency lighting; smoke detectors, building vapour barrier application and more i) all parts of any building affected by a change in occupancy Plumbing Code changes include: j) the work necessary to ensure safety in parts of bathtub water temperature; hot water temperature; venting a building and connection to sanitary drainage systems; suds pressure i. that remain after a demolition zones; minimum permitted size of fixture outlet pipes and ii. that are affected by, but that are not directly hydraulic loads; wet venting and new pressure loss method involved in alterations, or tables and more iii. that are affected by, but not directly involved Fire Code changes include: in additions window openings and guards; location of smoke detectors; k) except as permitted by the British Columbia Fire carbon monoxide detectors; cladding requirements; Code Regulation, the installation, replacement or construction of exposed building faces and spatial alteration of materials or equipment regulated by this separation exposure protection and more Code For further information contact the District of Houston Building Official at 250-845-2238.
Houston Public Library Phone: 250-845-2256 email: Website:
Coming Events...
Book Club Wednesday January 2 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Story Time Every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm starting January 16
Monday December 24
Tuesday December 25
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45 Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
An owner or operator of a business within the boundaries of the District of Houston must hold a valid annual business license for carrying on business. Business Licenses must be renewed annually and are valid from January 1st to December 31st each year. Current license holders will be sent an invoice for 2013. Please contact the District for more information on how to obtain a business license or to notify us of any changes to your information.
Notice to All Dog Owners
2013 license tags are now available at the Municipal Office (3367 – 12th Street) and must be attached to your dog effective January 1, 2013. All dogs over the age of six months must be licensed. To qualify for the Early Bird Rate, you must purchase a license prior to Thursday, January 31, 2013. The fee for a dog license is as follows: • Neutered/Spayed (Early Bird): $12 • Neutered/Spayed Regular: $15 • Non-neutered or not spayed (Early Bird): $32 • Non-neutered or not spayed Regular: $40
LEISURE CENTRE Holiday Hours: Saturday December 22: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Sunday December 23: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday December 24: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday December 25: Closed – Merry Christmas Wednesday December 26: Closed – Boxing Day Thursday December 27: 12:00 pm – 8:30 pm Friday December 28: 8:30 am – 9:00 pm Saturday December 29: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Sunday December 30: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday December 31: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday January 1: Closed – Happy New Year Wednesday January 2: Regular Hours Resume There will be no Aquafit over the Holidays – Classes will resume January 2nd.
Santa Swim
December 21, 2012 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Games, Swim, Santa & More! Cost: Regular Admission
Wednesday December 26
Thursday December 27
Friday December 28
Saturday December 29
Sunday December 30
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Adult Shinny 12:15-1:15
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Saturday January 5
Sunday January 6
Teen Shinny 3:15-4:15
Monday December 31
Tuesday January 1
Wednesday January 2
Thursday January 3
Friday January 4
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Youth Shinny 10:45-11:45
Parent & Tot 12:15-1:15
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Teen Shinny 12:15-1:15
Adult Shinny 12:15-1:15
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Public Skating 1:45-2:45
Youth Shinny = 5 to 12 years Teen Shinny = 13 to 18 years Adult Shinny = 19 years and up
Public Skating 6:00-7:00
Public Skating 5:45-6:45
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Your Pantry Fill Specialists
Canadian AAA, Bone In 13.20 per kg
Prime Rib
Mann’s Vegetable Party Platter
Western Family Thick Sliced Bacon
With Dip, 3.5 lb
Hickory Smoked, 1 kg
Western Family Chicken Wings
Daybreak Farms Large Eggs
Christie Snacking Crackers Assorted Varieties 200-225 gram
2 for
International Delights Creamers
Western Family Whole Bean Coffee
Assorted Varieties 946 ml
Assorted Varieties 200 gram
2 Varieties 640 gram
Old Dutch Potato Chips
18 pack
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee
Assorted Varieties 400 gram
Russet Potatoes
12x355 ml
Everyday Low Price!
Western Family Peanuts
10 lb bag
Assorted Varieties 908 gram
Coca Cola Fridgemates
3 for
Mini Peeled Carrots
Pork and Breakfast Sausage
2 lb bag
5 for Western Classics Antipasto
Philadelphia Chip Dips
750 gram
Assorted Varieties 227 gram
Kraft Salad Dressings
Kraft Stove Top Stuffing Mix
Assorted Varieties 475 ml
299 2 Varieties 120 gram
Western Family Cranberry Jelly
Western Family Pickles
Whiskas Temptations Cat Treats
Purina Beggin Strips
or Wholeberry 348 ml
2 Varieties 2 litre
Assorted Varieties 180 gram
Jumbo 850 gram
Houston Today
2 for
3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 • Mon. to Thurs. • Fri. • Sat. 8 am - 7 pm • Sun. Prices in effect: Dec. 19 – Dec. 31, 2012 NOW ACCEPTING
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