Lake Country Calendar, December 19, 2012

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Calendar Lake Country

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December 19, 2012


TIM-BR Mart staff and customers are doing their utmost to collect points in a contest that could win the community funds for the Winfield Arena and the local food bank. ...............................



workshop participants pour over historical photos in Lake Country. The workshop is part of the province’s mandate to get local governments to better manage historic places within their jurisdiction. CONTRIBUTED

It’s a charitable time of year and the Kelowna Chiefs minor hockey team is doing its bit. ...............................


Make your health a priority through these busy times so you don’t have to use health care facilities which get overburdened during the winter holiday season. ...............................


Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ JYSK ■ Staples

Determining what constitutes heritage Social, spiritual and cultural values are the building blocks of community’s heritage The District of Lake Country has released a report detailing how historic buildings in Lake Country will be valued when it comes to preserving the heritage of the community. The Heritage Values Workshop report was released last week, detailing the criteria of what makes a building a heritage building and what values are used in identifying the historic value of a building or homestead. The report recognizes that the age of a site is not its most valuable asset; instead, it is what a place says about the social, spiritual and cultural values of a community at

a particular time which should be conserved. The report was put together after the district and the Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society held a heritage workshop, which was facilitated by the provincial government earlier this year. Part of the province’s mandate is to build capacity at the local government level so that communities can better manage historic places within their jurisdiction. “The focus of the workshop was to gather local knowledge about what major factors and processes influenced the Lake Country’s herit-



age resources and made it the vibrant community it is today,” said Steve Schaffrick, director of community and customer services. “With a wide variety of community stakeholders participating in the workshop, the district gained a better

understanding of what parts of the community people value most.” The one‐day workshop brought community members together to identify heritage values and begin to identify historic places and what should be conserved. From there, decisions

can be made on how to best conserve places that the community identifies as embodying heritage values. It will also layout how to respond to these values in planning for the future development of the District of Lake Country. “The workshop enabled the district to learn from the past to plan for the future,” said Shaffrick. “This is the first step towards developing a heritage conservation program for Lake Country.” The district, along with the Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society, will now

be working on a list of key sites that will be presented to council for further action and identification. “The workshop inspired some great discussion on community identity,” said Shannon Jorgenson, of the Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society. “It was a terrific opportunity to celebrate the things that make Lake Country unique.” A copy of the Heritage Values Workshop Report and photos from the workshop are available at by clicking on the Quick Link for Heritage.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A3


TIM-BR Mart contest could help Winfield Arena and the food bank Staff at the Lake Country TIMBR Mart have been spending plenty of time on their computers at work these days, and the boss is even encouraging it. That’s because they are helping to take part in a contest that could help out the Winfield Arena and a local charity. For the past four years TIM-BR Mart has been a major sponsor of the World Junior Hockey Championship. The company has held video contests and sent the winning team to watch the World Junior Hockey Championships, when the tournament was held in Canada. But this year’s event is being held in Ufa, Russia, and sending a team and parents that far was going to be too much of a cost so the company designed a new contest. Called Sharpshooter, fans can log onto the TIM-BR Mart FaceCONTRIBUTED

book page and enter to help the local store get as many points as possible. The winning store will receive $10,000 for improvements to a local arena and $50,000 towards a local charity. “Our staff and customers have really taken to this game and we currently have the most points by quite a wide margin,” said store manager Keith Williams. “The more points we get the more ballots we get towards the draw and winning this great prize. To date, we are over a million points ahead of the next store, so lets keep the momentum going and win this great prize for the community of Lake Country.” Staff member Martin said if the store does in fact win the prize, the charity of choice would be a new food bank building for the community of Lake Country. To play the contest, log on to www. and find the link for the Sharpshooter contest.

THE KELOWNA CHIEFS celebrate a goal from action earlier this season.Tuesday of last week they partnered

with Winfield Minor Hockey to raise money for the Lake Country Food Bank.


Chiefs do their bit for food bank The Kelowna Chiefs junior B hockey team partnered with Winfield Minor Hockey Association for a good cause. At its game on Tuesday night, when the Chiefs took on the

North Okanagan Knights, fans and parents were asked to bring a non-perishable food donation for the Kelowna Community Food Bank. Besides the drive for the food bank, Winfield

Minor Hockey Association was also raising money for their organization. A silent auction featured a number of gifts, services and hockey memorabilia while proceeds from the popular

frisbee toss where a fan won a $100 gas card was donated to WMHA. Team captains presented hampers to a representative with the food bank before the start of the match.

The Lake Country RCMP is thanking everyone who donated food, cash or other non-perishables during their first annual “Cram the Cruiser” event held earlier this month at the Lake Country Food Bank. RCMP report that It turned out to be a very successful food and fund-raiser for the local

food bank, with the small community pitching in so much food that several trips had to be made. “We did very well, better than expected for a first annual event,” said constable Jesse O’Donaghey. “We managed to raise 1,260 pounds of donated items, mainly non-perishable food, and nearly $2,000 in cash and cheques

for the Lake Country Food Assistance Society.” Cst O’Donaghey had served at another detachment with a similar initiative, which is where he got the idea to Cram the Cruiser. “The holiday season tends to be harder on some families, and certainly harder on the food banks so it really makes a difference when you can

provide that much needed boost when it matters most,” said O’Donaghey. “To everyone that donated, thank you for helping make a difference.” Next year the Lake Country RCMP hopes to build on their success and once again bring some holiday cheer to the Lake Country Food Assistance Society’s pantry.

Cram the Cruiser turned out to be a very successful fundraiser hosted by local RCMP

Happy Holidays from the

Routes Grill staff Join us in ringing in the New Year! 10058 Hwy.97, Suite #4, Winfield • 250-766-0777 •


STORE MANAGERS Keith and Shelley Williams with staff members are

working their hardest to collect points which could win money for the Winfield Arena and help a local charity.

Garth, Mona, and the staff would like to thank the community for shopping locally. We would like to wish everyone a

Merry Christmas & Wonderful New Year from I.D.A, your community pharmacy.


In the Cooper’s Plaza 250-766-2666 • Locally owned & operated by Garth & Mona McKay

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL

A4 v


Sitting is the new smoking W 5

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after 4 pm

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...and Happy New Year from all of us! Please remember to drink responsibly.


#72-9522 Main Street, Lake Country 250.766.1166


7 Days a Week 9am-11pm

e tend to spend more time sitting than any other population in our history. For many of us, our jobs and our leisure time centre around activities that keep us in front of a screen and on our seats. In fact, the average adult spends 90 per cent of their leisure time sitting down. A recent study by the American Institute of Cancer Research shows that long periods of sitting can increase your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight gain and other chronic diseases. The surprising fact was that this risk is not limit to people that are

Healthy Lifestyle

Emily Pratt

sedentary to begin with, but also to those that exercise regularly. Contrary to most theories about exercise and health, it appears that going to gym a few times a week, or even exercising every day, does not cancel out the negative health effects of prolonged sitting and an

otherwise sedentary lifestyle. Researchers in the field of sedentary behavior make recommend that people with sedentary jobs and lifestyles interrupt prolonged sitting with at least one to two minute breaks of brisk activity, every hour or two. For example, going for a walk around the block/ office, taking the stairs to get your daily coffee, running in place or jumping jacks to get your body moving. When you move your body, your leg muscles are active, which aids in decreasing blood glucose and blood fats from the bloodstream. When you sit, the muscles are inactive,

which results in increased levels of fats in the blood, lower levels of good cholesterol and decreased insulin sensitivity. So when you’re exercising and moving, positive benefits are occurring throughout your body in addition to the natural endorphins and happy hormones felt from exercise. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, or even an active lifestyle, but a sedentary job, do consider scheduling regular breaks every one to two hours for two minutes from sitting in order to decrease your potential health risks. Emily Pratt is a naturopathic physician in Kelowna. 778-478-0548

Avoid unnecessary trips to hospital this time of year In anticipation of heavy volumes at area hospital emergency departments over the holidays, Interior Health is reminding the public to take a few simple steps to avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital. For non-urgent care during office hours, call your family doctor or the doctor on call for the practice or clinic. Consider going to a local walk-in clinic. Call ahead to check the clinic’s hours.

Try to see your doctor before the holidays, if you have any developing health concerns. Note the holiday hours of your local pharmacy or drug store, and ensure your prescriptions are up to date and filled prior to the holidays. Call HealthLink BC at 811 for confidential health information and non-emergency services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For deaf and hearing-impaired assistance (TTY), call 711.

If you are concerned about a possible poisoning or exposure to a toxic substance, call Poison Control at 1-800-5678911. If at any time you feel that you require urgent medical attention, do not hesitate to go to the emergency department or call emergency services at 911. Other tips for staying safe and healthy: • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based

hand rub • Get a flu shot • Ensure your prescriptions are filled in advance, follow dosage directions and remember to keep your medications with you while traveling • Get regular exercise and eat nutritious foods • Everything in moderation, including alcohol • Keep activities fun and safe • Take care driving and avoid taking risks with the weather.

For many of us the holidays are marked by sharing great food with friends and families. It’s a challenge not to overindulge at this time of year. Yet it’s not healthy to feel deprived due to avoiding food at social gatherings while trying to stick to a diet. Having healthy op-

tions available allows us to eat more nutritious foods along with the inevitable goodies. Despite their small size many appetizers are made with rich ingredients loaded with calories. To up the nutritional value without overdoing the calories incorporate vegetables, whole grains,

plain yogurt or bean dip, into appetizers. Aim for 50 per cent of the offerings to include some fruit and/or vegetables. Here are a few ideas to consider. Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes: Slice cherry tomatoes in half and scoop out the pulp. Stuff with a small

crumble of goat cheese and top with a little pesto or stuff with a small cube of feta and a thin slice of kalamata olive. Fruit Skewers: Put a new spin on the classic fruit platter. Cut assorted fruit into chunks and thread onto small barbeque skewers or toothpicks. Serve with flavoured low fat Greek yogurt for a dip that contains a good source of protein and is easy on the calories. Assorted Cracker Toppers: Whole grain cracker topped with things such as low fat cream cheese and jalapeño jelly, low fat cream cheese. Placing healthy choices up front encourages guests to fill their plates with the healthy options. This article was contributed by Simone Jennings, Laura Kalina and Rose Soneff, IH nutritionists.

Have healthy celebrations this festive season Sarah FortisBC, Dispatch Coordinator

A safe holiday is a happy holiday Make safety a priority this holiday season with these simple tips: • Never kick or hit your meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance at 1-888-224-2710. • After a snowfall, brush snow away from your meters by hand and clear a path for the safety of our meter readers.

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Open Every Sunday Starting Dec.2 • Free Gift Wrapping • Remember to Shop Local! FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.4 12/2012)

Please donate to the SPCA Doggy Bank ~ Razz would luv yah!

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A5


Possible explanation for symptoms related to ‘chemo brain’


f you or someone you love has gone through the trial of chemotherapy for treatment of cancer, you have no doubt heard about many unpleasant side effects. Nausea, tenderness, hair loss, weakness and fatigue are just a very few common side effects during treatment. The list of difficult symptoms is long and daunting. Once the final round of treatment is complete, the body slowly begins to recover and regain some strength. But even after the bulk of side effects have subsided, many survivors will talk about a phe-

Healing Minds

Paul Latimer nomenon called ‘chemo brain.’ For some reason, after chemotherapy, between 20 and 30 per cent of people experience some cognitive impairment. Symptoms can include confusion, diffi-

culty concentrating, fatigue, mental fogginess, fatigue, poor attention, difficulty finding the right word, poor memory and others. Symptoms typically last for a few years after treatment. Until recently, there was some debate about the existence of this chemo brain phenomenon, but studies have indeed shown it to be a real and measurable side effect of chemotherapy in some people. Although many people experience temporary cognitive impairment due to the stress, fatigue and depression that goes along with can-

cer diagnosis and treatment, the longer term symptoms of chemo brain are another matter. Interestingly, they seem to mostly affect people experiencing breast, ovarian, prostate or other cancers of the reproductive system. New studies have now shed some light into what may be causing these symptoms. Researchers at West Virginia University conducted brain imaging studies using PET/ CT scans to show a physiological basis for post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment. In the study, brain metabolism was com-

pared before and after chemotherapy in 128 breast cancer patients. Results showed two brain regions with decreased metabolism after chemotherapy. The affected areas—the superior medial frontal gyrus and the temporal operculum—are known to be involved in prioritizing, problem solving, organizing and long-term memory. Not surprisingly, these are the areas often affected in chemo brain. Since we now have more people surviving cancer and also receiving more aggressive chemotherapy treatment, this condition has become

Mental health groups partner to help new moms The Kelowna branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association has launched a partnership with Postpartum Disorder Awareness Project to offer peer support services to women experiencing postpartum struggles with their mental health. “The lack of mental health support for new moms has been a gap in our community that we have wanted to address for a long time,” said Shelagh Turner, executive director of CMHA, “Bringing PPDA’s expertise in postpartum mood disorders together with our experience in providing peer support services means that moms and families can have a place to come and learn about ways to support their mental wellness. This is fantastic news for our community.” Most people assume that pregnancy and postpartum (after birth) should be the happiest, most joyful times in our lives.

The reality is that a va- ly, with help, treatment for motherhood, I was guest speakers and opriety of mental health and support I was able to completely overwhelmed portunity for moms to challenges can emerge recover, but I knew the by my baby’s needs and connect and support or even worsen during next step in my journey the difficulty of the post- each other ivn a guided pregnancy and postparhad to be reaching out to partum period. Despite format. tum. others.” having dealt with mental For more information Mental illnesses such PPDA has made a illness in the past, I was about the group, email as depression, anxiety, significant difference for reluctant to admit that I PPDA at okanagan@ obsessive compulsive dis- so many women, addmight have postpartum call CMHA order, post-traumatic ed Marangoni. “We are depression. I have found at 250-861-3644. stress disorder and psythrilled to be expanding the support group to be The CMHA is a chosis can all occur and our reach in the Okanawelcoming, non-judgcharity that promotes last much beyond the gan through this partmental, and caring. Fithe mental health of first year if not properly nership with CMHA.” nally there was a place to all through communiaddressed. Marangoni recentfreely share my real feelty-based programs and The good news is that ly received the Queen’s ings and struggles.” services, public educaearly recognition, treatDiamond Jubilee medThe drop-in group tion, advocacy and rement and support can al for her advocacy will be meeting 1 to 3 search. It is part of a have an enormous imwork through founding p.m. Friday afternoons network of more than pact on women, men, at the CMHA office 10,000 CMHA volunand their families. In a PPDA partici(corner of Pandosy and teers and staff in over For Tascheleia Mapant’s words: “Despite Sutherland) starting Jan. 135 communities across rangoni, founder of my best efforts to prepare 18. The format includes Canada. PPDA, the cause is personal. “After the birth of my first child, I developed postpartum depression and postpartum obsessive compulsive disorder. “At the time I thought I was going crazy. I reGarbage and Recycling Collection member one day looking down at my hands and Waste collection for the weeks of Dec 25 - 28 and Jan. 1 - 4 will move realizing that they werelater - i.e. Tuesday’s collection will move to Wed., Wed. one day covered in a million little collection will move to Thurs. etc. Friday’s collection will be Saturday. tiny cuts from washing them constantly. Final-

Christmas Holiday Schedule Christmas Holiday Schedule

Garbage and Recycling Collection Recycling & Landfill Operations

collection for the weeksDepot, of Dec 25 - 28 and Jan. 1 - 4 will St. Edward’s Catholic Ÿ Church GlenmoreWaste Landfill & Recycling 2105 Glenmore Rdmove

daypm, laterclosed - i.e. Tuesday’s collection will move to Wed., Wed. (7:30 am - one 4:45 Dec. 25, 26, Jan.1) collection will move to Thurs. etc. Friday’s collection will Centre, be Saturday. Christmas Masses: Ÿ Westside Residential Waste Disposal & Recycling Asquith Rd. Days of operation: Fri. Sat. Sun, Mon. (7:30 am - 3:50 December 24th Landfill Operations pm, closedRecycling Dec. 25 and & Jan. 1). Recycling Depot is open seven Pageant @ 4:30 p.m. - Mass - 5:00 p.m.a week Ÿ except Glenmore Landfill & Recycling Depot,Years. 2105 Glenmore Rd days for Christmas and New (7:30 Recycling am - 4:45 pm, Depot, closed Dec. 25, 26, Jan.1) 1988 Kirschner Rd. (8 am - 6 December 24th - 10:00 Ÿ p.m.Kirschner Road Ÿ Dec. Westside Residential Waste Disposal & Recycling Centre, pm. Closed 25 and Jan. 1) th

December 25 - 9:00 a.m. December 31 - 5:00 st

pm. Closed 25 and Jan. 1) For more info please go to our at

11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146

cation matched control group. This is not as precise since but better than nothing. More research is needed to fully understand the condition, the prognosis for those who experience it and to determine if there are ways it can be prevented, treated or minimized while still effectively targeting the cancer. Paul Latimer is a psychiatrist and president of Okanagan Clinical Trials. 250-862-8141

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

Mass times:

Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146

Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe

Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387

St. Francis Anglican Church 10162 Newene Road, Winfield

Service time 9:30 am. You are invited to all services & programs! A Special Christmas Invitation for you to attend: Dec. 23, 9:30 am, Lessons & Carols Service Dec. 24, 7:00 pm, Christmas Eve Service Dec. 25, 9:30 am, Christmas Day Service Wardens: Rosemary Carter 766-2800; Roberta Loewen 766-0869 Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: Rev. Patricia Horrobin 250-766-0919 (office) or 250-763-5499

To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 1-250-540-2974 or 250-979-7324

Asquith Rd. Days of operation: Fri. Sat. Sun, Mon. (7:30 am - 3:50

Remember to put allpm, wrapping (not foil), flattened boxesDepot and cartons closed paper Dec. 25 and Jan. 1). Recycling is open seven p.m. into your recycling cart foracurbside recycling pick-up or take to Years. your nearest days week except for Christmas and New recycling depot. Ÿ Kirschner Road Recycling Depot, 1988 Kirschner Rd. (8 am - 6

January 1st - 9:00 a.m.

increasingly clinically important. Cognitive function can be measured. Ideally a person could have their cognitive functioning assessed before chemotherapy and then again after. This would allow comparison of before and after functioning for a specific individual. Alternatively, if one measures only when symptoms are noticed, one can compare functioning of that individual to an age and edu-

Remember to put all wrapping paper (not foil), flattened boxes and cartons into your recycling cart for curbside recycling pick-up or take to your nearest recycling depot. For more info please go to our website at

Check out Page 15 for Community Events! They are placed at no charge to all Non-Profit organizations. For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-766-4645

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Looking ahead to end of world


he news story said that Chris Hadfield might be the only Canadian to survive the end of the world.

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

He blasts off today for a five month stint in the International Space Station. So, if doomsday occurs this Friday, when the 5125-year “Long Count” of the Mayan calendar runs out, Hadfield might witness the disintegration of this small blue marble floating in space. Not that he’d survive very long, of course.

Curt Jensen Advertising Consultant 1-250-540-2974

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.

Proud member of

Canadian Community Newspapers Association

British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspapers Association


Premier ponders black ink, oil


remier Christy Clark has completed the traditional round of year-end interviews with legislative press gallery reporters. Here are excerpts from my discussion with her, dealing with the Enbridge oil pipeline proposal and the balanced budget her government has promised to present in February. TF: On the Enbridge project, are you getting the answers you want on safety? PCC: No, we’re not. We’ve set out our position. The five conditions need to be met, period. (B.C.’s conditions are “world-class” land and marine spill prevention and response, meeting legal obligations for aboriginal consultation, passing federal-provincial environmental assessment and a “fair share” of financial benefits.) PCC: We need the oilpatch producers, the Alberta government and the federal government


BC Views

Tom Fletcher to come to the table. We’ve been cross-examining Enbridge. We have not been getting any of the answers that we hoped to get. We haven’t gained a lot of comfort from that process. And none of the other conditions are even close to being met. We are doing our own study of marine traffic. We want to understand the total number of ships that are out there plying our coast right now. Because all of them have fuel in them, and some are cargo ships that are big enough to have enough (bunker) fuel as a


mini-tanker would. Part of this is trying to understand where our level of Coast Guard protection needs to be today, in order to protect us should there be a spill from the existing traffic. TF: Balancing the budget: The finance ministry’s current projections call for an upturn in natural gas royalties in the coming year. With the current glut of gas, isn’t that kind of far-fetched? PCC: It is going to be difficult to present a balanced budget, but I think, because we’re going to build in some (forecast) allowance, as we always do, and because we’re going to be completely transparent

about the assumptions that have led us there, and because we aren’t going to fiddle with any of the assumptions that we receive from the experts in the Ministry of Finance, it’s going to be quite clear that we have done it. We have come by a balanced budget honestly. So when it comes to natural gas, you know that the assumption we use in the budget is based on a fairly complex formula that the Ministry of Finance has relied on for probably a decade now. We don’t fiddle with that. There are those who would say we should artificially lower the (revenue projection) number that we use. But if you artificially lower it, what’s to stand in the way of artificially raising it? You either accept the advice of your experts or you don’t. And they’re the experts, not the politicians. TF: Right now we have a deficit gap of

more than a billion dollars. Can that be closed without significant spending cuts, or tax increases, or both? PCC: You will see when we get to the budget. And it will be absolutely transparent how we got there. (Laughs) Nice try. TF: If the B.C. Liberals form a government in May, will the election date be changed so we don’t have to have this discussion about questionable spring election budgets? PCC: It’s not part of the plan today, but I’m sure it’s a discussion we’ll have in the next four years. I know that people have talked about it. I’m open to it. I’m not wedded to this particular date. ••• Next week I’ll have highlights from my yearend interview with NDP leader Adrian Dix. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.

The space station orbits on the tether of Earth’s gravity. No Earth—no gravity. Freed from its gravitational leash, the space station will soar off into space like a rock from David’s sling. Strange, isn’t it, this fascination we have with end times? When the year 2000 loomed, people stockpiled survival goods. Headed for the hills. Expected massive computer crashes, earthquakes, volcanoes. Me, I merely quit flossing. Why protect my teeth if they’ll cease to exist in a few days anyway? Now the same fears T erupt over a Mayan mathematical algorithm based on multiplying 18s and 20s. In Russia, they’re buying candles, for the coming darkness. In California, they’re headed for underground bunkers. In



We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A7

opinion ▼ MLA’S REPORT

B.C.’s Liberal government putting best foot forward in Central Okanagan


ince being elected, local MLAs Steve Thomson, Ben Stewart, and I have worked closely with local leaders and constituents to identify our prior.ities for capital projects in the community. This process has been open and transparent, and we’ve received a lot of valuable input in key areas, such as transportation, education and health care. These issues matter in our community. They keep life affordable. They keep our families healthy and educated. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished so far. There have been sig-

nificant upgrades recent-

MLA’s Report

Norm Letnick ly to the local transportation network. On Highway33, this includes four-laning the highway, from Muir Road to Gallagher Road, as well as constructing two kilometres of passing lane on Walker Hill.

On Highway 97, improvements include the William R. Bennett Bridge and building the UBCO flyover. We’re also adding a new four-lane stretch from Winfield to Oyama —a project which is on budget and scheduled to be completed in June 2013. These projects make our community a more attractive place to invest, lower the cost of doing business, and make life more convenient by reducing travel time and making the roads safer for us all. We’ve invested in local post-secondary institutions, including $222

million for capital projects at UBC Okanagan and $92.7 million at Okanagan College, ensuring our residents have the tools they need to find a job. There have also been many important health care capital projects, with the $367 million Interior Heart and Surgical Centre and the $432.5 million Kelowna General Hospital Patient Care Tower, which had its first helicopter land on March 28 of this year. With over $1.5 billion invested in the central Okanagan since 2001, these examples only scratch the surface of what we’ve accom-

plished. These projects were possible thanks to close cooperation with our partners in the community: MP Ron Cannan, area mayors and councils, school district trustees, members of the hospital district board, and, of course, Kelowna residents. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your service to the community, helping us achieve our common vision and goals for the people of our community. We have accomplished a tremendous amount with our partners in the community,

End of the world looks like deja vu all over again

TAYLOR FROM A7 France, they’re expecting extra-terrestrial aliens to launch off a mountain top. And if that’s not enough disaster, some doomsayers claim an invisible planet named Nibiru will emerge from its hiding place behind the sun and smash Earth to smithereens. Or a black hole will extend a tentacle through the galaxies and suck Earth into oblivion. Earthquakes will trigger tsunamis big enough to swamp the Himalayas. What is it about the

“end of an age” that inclines some people to wallow gleefully in potential calamities? And that causes other people to visualize supernatural solutions to all our problems? The Mayans themselves never made any predictions about the world turning over a new leaf when their Long Count ended. Our reactions “tell us more about ourselves than about the ancient Maya,” said Geoffrey Braswell, a professor of anthropology in San Diego. For several weeks, I’ve received spam e-mails

which assure me that on December 21 the skies will be filled with celestial beings. They will take the administration of this world out of our obviously fallible hands. They will inaugurate a brand new cycle of justice, peace and universal goodwill. It sounds strangely like a scene on a field outside Bethlehem, 20 centuries ago where a celestial being declared: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy.” And a chorus of angels sang, “Glory to God, and on Earth peace and goodwill.”

And a new star blazed in the sky that night, marking the birth of a king expected to overthrow corrupt dynasties and rule forever with justice and peace. Notice any similarities? No doubt that supernova, or whatever it was, invoked a host of apocalyptic fears too. They haven’t survived. Only the “good news” has. Now I wonder why many of us treat the Mayan calendar as a turning point of history, but ignore the turning point celebrated each Christmas.

10303 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Winfield


Whether we view the future as impending disaster or promise is our choice every day, not just on December 21 or December 25. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.

yet there is much which remains to be done. MLAs Thomson, Stewart, and I are currently canvassing our local residents and community leaders to identify priorities for our region. I look forward to what

we can achieve as we move forward together with one strong, united voice. Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country and the minister of agriculture.

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From your friendly little convenience store that has it all!

Woodsdale General Store 3191 Woodsdale Road, Winfield 250-766-4677

Winfield Chinese Restaurant Hwy.97, Winfield • 250-766-4171

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



Take advantage of all the tax breaks you can for 2012 return A ‘‘


s an individual, the year-end means it’s time to estimate your income to take advantage of any deductions that may be available to you with the view of reducing your

Brian Wright

taxable income and/or taxes payable. Examples would be moving expenses, child care expenses, safety deposit box fees, charitable donations, political contributions, med-

ical expenses, any eligible employment expenses, union dues, carrying charges on investments, public transit and children’s fitness and arts amounts. If you have invest-

Merry Christmas Happy New Year


to all our friends in Lake Country. John Mandoli

For all your real estate needs call Brian & John at 250-860-7500.

ments, you need to keep track of the purchases and sales of your investments as well as the return of capital amounts on any of the income trusts that you may have sold during the year as this will affect the adjusted cost base of your investment. Also, if you had any investments during the year that were sold which resulted in a Capital Gain, you may want to sell some investments that will trigger a Capital Loss to offset the earlier capital gain. The reverse could also be true in some situations—you could repurchase those same shares after 60 days to avoid the stop loss rules. Please note that investment income that is interest income is taxed

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Gabriele Banka

Behind the Counter at a higher personal rate than dividend income which has the benefit of the dividend tax credit. You may want to consider moving some of those interest-bearing investments over to dividends. Subject to some limitations, the interest on loans taken out for investment purposes may be deductible. Another option may be to move some funds over to a TFSA as long as you are within the allowable limit of $5,000 per year. The contribution limit for 2013 will be $5,500. The end of the year is the perfect time to make a charitable contribution because not only are you getting a tax break, but you are able to help the less fortunate. However, this is also the time that many charitable scams are created, so to protect yourself make sure that the charity is a valid charity and that they print their charitable donation number on their receipts. You can check a charity’s status on the Canada Revenue Agency website under Charities Listings. The rules of what you can donate to a registered charity have changed so that you can


donate something other than cash. If you rent out part of your home, you would want to collect your household expenses that pertain to the maintenance of that rental suite as those expenses can be written off against the rental income. There is a form of income splitting available to seniors who receive the Canada Pension Plan that is based on the time spent living together and the length of time that you have contributed to the plan. Seniors can apply to share each other’s Canada Pension. There is also pension splitting available within the tax return that relates to pensions received other than the OAS and CPP. The accountant will calculate the most beneficial pension split for the couple based on other factors of the joint income tax return. RRSP deductions are based on 18 per cent of your earned income of the previous year. The rule of thumb is that about $10,000 in an

RRSP contribution will save you $1,000 in taxes, so with a little planning you can calculate how much of an RRSP deduction you may need to offset your taxes payable. The CRA calculates the maximum amount of RRSP that you can deduct in the following year and publishes this amount on your notice of assessment. For small businesses: If you own a small business that has payroll which you look after yourself, it’s possible to reconcile your payroll records up to this point so that the creation of the T4s will be easier and you will avoid any penalties and interest when you file your T4s in February. As well, the end of the year is always a good time to purchase assets for your company to receive the benefit of a half year’s worth of depreciation/capital cost allowance on your tax return. Conversely, if you sold an asset and have capital gains, a portion of those capital gains may be deferred to a future year if the proceeds are not all receivable in the current year. If you use your home as your principle place of business and you regularly meet clients at your home, you can write off a portion of your household expenses against your income, so you would want to begin to organize and collect your household items. Gabriele Banka is a Certified General Accountant and owns Banka & Company.

Season’s Greetings & all the best for the

New Year

from all of us at the...

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A9



New name, direction for OC business student initiative BARRY GERDING

Okanagan business students are stepping up their efforts to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in the Okanagan. As members of SIFE—Students In Free Enterprise—the participating students were voluntarily involved with and launched new programs to help encourage interest in business as a potential career and bring about change in their community. But SIFE has now taken on a new name— Enactus, which is an acronym for Entrepreneurs, Actions and Us. The rebranding of SIFE, a non-profit organization that in 39 countries around the world

with the involvement of 1,600 colleges and more than 57,000 students, is intended to help raise the profile of the group’s commitment to using the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for people in need. Adrienne Renaud, a third-year Okanagan College business degree student and vice-president of marketing for the local chapter, says the name change from SIFE to Enactus that can be translated in other languages and still carry the same intent and meaning. Renaud, who transferred to OC from Prince George to get her business degree, says be-



ing involved in SIFE has been a life changing experience for her. “It really hit home for me in September when I

went to our SIFE World Cup event in Washington, D.C. in September and saw what we are doing in these 39 other countries. It was just incredible,” Renaud said. “I was looking for like-minded people when I found SIFE…its whole mandate is about positive economic, environment and social change.” Renaud said Enactus will continue to give students the opportunity to take what they learn in theory in the college classroom and put it to the reality test in the community. “There is a lot of networking involved because it offers us the chance to get out in the community and meet

people, and adapting the theory you learn in school to real-life situations is a great way to develop leadership skills,” Renaud said. She said the Okanagan business community being small business oriented presents challenges for graduating students who want to stay here rather than moving elsewhere to start their business careers. “Leaving for larger centres is a bit of a problem here in the Okanagan, but for myself my hope is that getting involved (with Enactus) will help get me involved in the community and make the connections that will ultimately help me to stay and find employment.”

She said one of the programs started under SIFE and will carry on with Enactus is to take the message of entrepreneuriship to students at the high school and middle school levels. “It’s trying to get kids to focus on the idea of entrepreurship and what it can mean to them, to show them the viable options that can al-



(Offer ends Dec.24/’12)

Happy hour:

Come with a friend between 3pm-5pm, buy one hot drink, get the second one

Process streamlined to enable businesses to save energy costs dium-sized businesses to access rebates directly and do it online,” said Tom Loski, vice-president, customer service, FortisBC. The Bargain! Shop Holdings Inc., which operates more than 230 retail locations across Canada, took advantage of the new Product Rebate Program to improve and modernize the lighting in some of its stores in the Okanagan. “The Product Rebate Program is one-stop shopping,” said Lucio Pannunzio, repair and maintenance manager for The Bargain! Shop Holdings Inc. “As a result of the retrofits and improvements that we made through the Product Rebate Pro-

gram, our stores will realize energy savings of 15 to 25 per cent. “The incentive has been a great way to stretch our budget and the feedback we have received from staff has been phenomenally positive. “We anticipate that we’ll see a return on investment on the retrofits within a year to a yearand-a-half based on the savings we’re seeing.” Besides lighting, customers can access rebates for gas boilers, and gas water heaters. In January 2013, the Product Rebate Program will be expanded to include upgrades to commercial kitchens and grocery stores’ heating, ventilation and air condi-

tioning and electronics. In addition to a streamlined, simple to navigate process, the Product Rebate Program offers a new tool called the Online Energy Advisor that allows customers to explore opportunities for energy efficien-




FortisBC PowerSense has introduced a new Product Rebate Program, essentially a “onestop shop” for businesses to apply for valuable energy efficiency rebates. The program offers rebates to commercial, industrial and irrigation customers in the FortisBC shared service territory. For business owners, the new program will simplify their rebate experience and allow them to take advantage of numerous rebates. “The new program is one of the largest initiatives that FortisBC PowerSense has rolled out in recent years. It’s a more streamlined, simplified, and efficient process that allows small to me-

low them to stay in the Okanagan and start their own businesses, that you don’t have to leave to earn a living,” she said. Besides carrying out social and business advocacy projects in the Okanagan, Enactus participants are also involved in national and international business start-up idea competitions.

cy savings and determine which rebates are right for their business. For more information on this program and to check out the Online Energy Advisor, visit the website www.fortisbc. com/prp.


YOUR HOME TOWN CAFE Franca LaMelia, Owner

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Give me a call! 250-878-9966


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Linda Hamilton

Thank you for all your support in 2012. Wishing you and your family a lovely Holiday Season & a Happy & Healthy 2013. See you all in the New Year! Best Wishes, Linda Hamilton & Dietmar Depenau Cloud 9 Design / Build

Lake Country Calendar—community news


THE WINFIELD BAKERY TEAM would like to Wish You A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Heathly 2013.

...from Holiday Park Resort. Check out our new website at

1-415 Commonwealth Road 250-766-4255

We would like to thank the community for all their support throughout the year and we look forward to serving you in 2013 with some new treats to make your tastebuds dance.

Enjoy your Holiday Season!

Open for your special Christmas needs everyday up until Christmas Day (including Sunday, December 23)

Winfield Bakery

10017 Main St., Winfield • 250-766-3625

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A10 A11

The Lake Country Calendar wants to help fill the shelves of the Lake Country Food Bank, and give away exciting prizes to some lucky high school and elementary school students. We’re asking all entries be accompanied with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank.

These business encourage you to support those less fortunate... BUDDY

Highway 97


What’s the most interesting, funny, memorable, meaningful or unique gift you’ve ever given or received over the holidays? Share your story with the readers of the Lake Country Calendar and the 1st place winner will receive a $125 gift certificate from Seca Marine; a $50 & $25 GC will also be awarded from Seca Marine to the 2nd and 3rd place story winners. Stories should be 400-500 words. Please e-mail all submissions to Please provide your full name, address and phone number.


The Lake Country Food Bank relies on generous donations from our community to fill the shelves throughout the year. This time of year can provide extra challenges for some people, and the need can be even greater. Watch this space every week for our ‘wish list’ of food and sundry items needed by those less fortunate in the community:

Baby products ❏ Baby food - all ages ❏ Diapers - all sizes ❏ Formula - Good Start® ❏ Starter cereals - pablum

Special needs ❏ Boost® ❏ Low calorie soups ❏ Unsweetened apple sauce ❏ Whole grain pasta, rice ❏ Whole wheat crackers ❏ “Low sodium”, “Sugar free”, and “no salt” products


❏ Canned fruit, vegetables ❏ Canned meats & seafood ❏ Chunky soup ❏ Pasta/pasta sauce ❏ Peanut butter ❏ Side dishes ❏ Meal in a can (chili, ravioli) ❏ Crackers

Contact the Lake Country Food Bank for information: 250-766-0125 or 250-766-3038 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (Cash donations gratefully accepted)


eed for Everything youanking! Christmas B

Stop by, fill up on gas & grab a coffee!


778-480-5775 •


s Dinner H

ters e a d q ua r

OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 250-766-2340 Winfield Shopping Centre (between CIBC & Lordco)


9-10051 Hwy. 97 N., Winfield 250-766-2591

When in doubt, turn headlights on. Lights will not help you see better in early twilight, but they’ll make it easier for other drivers to see you. Being seen is as important as seeing. A safety message from your friends at Pinnacle Auto Group.

9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202

Where’s your head at?



Give the Gift of Entertainment! Ticket information 250-766-9309 Info:

Great Ideas for Christmas... See store for details!

Winfi eld In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666


Look your best this holiday season! 250-766-1200 • Toll free: 1-800-997-1788

Price Plus Tax

96815 Hwy 97, Winfield • 250-766-1050

#110-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield • Winfield Professional Building

Prizes generously provided by Little Caesars Pizza. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded in each age category. 1st prize: $30• 2nd prize: $20 • 3rd prize: $15 Enter often! Picture will change each week! Contest closes Dec. 14, 2012.

“Your Friendly Little Convenience Store That Has It All”

Book your Holiday Hair appointment today!

Cooper’s Foods Parking Lot 9522 Main Street Lake Country Saturday, December 8 8 am - 4 pm



$ 75


Support Your Local Food Bank


From Just

9522 Main Street, Lake Country

11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons

Food Bank Wish List

Standard items

Contest open to Lake Country students ages 13-18. With each e-mail entry, we’re asking that a donation be made to the Lake Country Food Bank. Contest closes December 14 , 2012 The winning story will be published in the December 24 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.

Gas & Coffee Bar


Lake Country



Unique Gifts for the Coffee Lover! Franca LaMelia, Owner

250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield

3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4677

Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!

25% OFF

Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!

765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141•


For all your Christmas decorations & trees

Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country 250-766-2118 Get your pets ready for the upcoming holidays!

5 OFF $

For Pet’s Sake


Proud supporters of the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue - Get Your Calendar Here


#6 10074 Hwy 97 N, Harvest Centre Mall, Winfield

Please support the Lake Country Food Bank & give during this special time.

Student name Name of School

Grade/Teacher Phone #

Contest open to children ages 2-12. Age categories are: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. To enter, place your coloured page, along with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank, into the specially marked box in the office of each participating elementary schools in Lake Country .

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A10 A11

The Lake Country Calendar wants to help fill the shelves of the Lake Country Food Bank, and give away exciting prizes to some lucky high school and elementary school students. We’re asking all entries be accompanied with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank.

These business encourage you to support those less fortunate... BUDDY

Highway 97


What’s the most interesting, funny, memorable, meaningful or unique gift you’ve ever given or received over the holidays? Share your story with the readers of the Lake Country Calendar and the 1st place winner will receive a $125 gift certificate from Seca Marine; a $50 & $25 GC will also be awarded from Seca Marine to the 2nd and 3rd place story winners. Stories should be 400-500 words. Please e-mail all submissions to Please provide your full name, address and phone number.


The Lake Country Food Bank relies on generous donations from our community to fill the shelves throughout the year. This time of year can provide extra challenges for some people, and the need can be even greater. Watch this space every week for our ‘wish list’ of food and sundry items needed by those less fortunate in the community:

Baby products ❏ Baby food - all ages ❏ Diapers - all sizes ❏ Formula - Good Start® ❏ Starter cereals - pablum

Special needs ❏ Boost® ❏ Low calorie soups ❏ Unsweetened apple sauce ❏ Whole grain pasta, rice ❏ Whole wheat crackers ❏ “Low sodium”, “Sugar free”, and “no salt” products


❏ Canned fruit, vegetables ❏ Canned meats & seafood ❏ Chunky soup ❏ Pasta/pasta sauce ❏ Peanut butter ❏ Side dishes ❏ Meal in a can (chili, ravioli) ❏ Crackers

Contact the Lake Country Food Bank for information: 250-766-0125 or 250-766-3038 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (Cash donations gratefully accepted)


eed for Everything youanking! Christmas B

Stop by, fill up on gas & grab a coffee!


778-480-5775 •


s Dinner H

ters e a d q ua r

OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 250-766-2340 Winfield Shopping Centre (between CIBC & Lordco)


9-10051 Hwy. 97 N., Winfield 250-766-2591

When in doubt, turn headlights on. Lights will not help you see better in early twilight, but they’ll make it easier for other drivers to see you. Being seen is as important as seeing. A safety message from your friends at Pinnacle Auto Group.

9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202

Where’s your head at?



Give the Gift of Entertainment! Ticket information 250-766-9309 Info:

Great Ideas for Christmas... See store for details!

Winfi eld In the Cooper’s Plaza • 250-766-2666


Look your best this holiday season! 250-766-1200 • Toll free: 1-800-997-1788

Price Plus Tax

96815 Hwy 97, Winfield • 250-766-1050

#110-3121 Hill Rd., Winfield • Winfield Professional Building

Prizes generously provided by Little Caesars Pizza. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes will be awarded in each age category. 1st prize: $30• 2nd prize: $20 • 3rd prize: $15 Enter often! Picture will change each week! Contest closes Dec. 14, 2012.

“Your Friendly Little Convenience Store That Has It All”

Book your Holiday Hair appointment today!

Cooper’s Foods Parking Lot 9522 Main Street Lake Country Saturday, December 8 8 am - 4 pm



$ 75


Support Your Local Food Bank


From Just

9522 Main Street, Lake Country

11891 Hwy.97 across from Tim Hortons

Food Bank Wish List

Standard items

Contest open to Lake Country students ages 13-18. With each e-mail entry, we’re asking that a donation be made to the Lake Country Food Bank. Contest closes December 14 , 2012 The winning story will be published in the December 24 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.

Gas & Coffee Bar


Lake Country



Unique Gifts for the Coffee Lover! Franca LaMelia, Owner

250.766.4790 #103-9685 Hwy.97, Winfield

3191 Woodsdale Rd., Winfield • 250-766-4677

Your One Stop for Permanent Hair Removal in the Valley!

25% OFF

Your First Lower Leg, Bikini or Full Back Treatment!

765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141•


For all your Christmas decorations & trees

Lake Country Building Centre 3223 Woodsdale Road Lake Country 250-766-2118 Get your pets ready for the upcoming holidays!

5 OFF $

For Pet’s Sake


Proud supporters of the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue - Get Your Calendar Here


#6 10074 Hwy 97 N, Harvest Centre Mall, Winfield

Please support the Lake Country Food Bank & give during this special time.

Student name Name of School

Grade/Teacher Phone #

Contest open to children ages 2-12. Age categories are: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12. To enter, place your coloured page, along with a non-perishable item for the Lake Country Food Bank, into the specially marked box in the office of each participating elementary schools in Lake Country .

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



Gift shopping is easy with great ideas for gardeners


ere are some gardening-related gift ideas for gardeners and wantto-be gardeners. Garden centres, hardware stores and specialty shops such as Green

& Bear It have lots of choices. If you can’t decide, gift certificates from these businesses would be appreciated. When buying tools, I recommend investing in

Find affordable holiday gifts for everyone on your list.

LAST MINUTE E Holiday Gift Ideas! Check out the Gift Guide now at www. holidaygiftguide

good quality, ergonomically-designed tools that will be a joy to use for a lifetime. Look for metal rather than plastic parts. Felco and Corona make excellent hand pruners with replacement parts available. There are smaller ones for small hands and left-handed models. They are expensive but last a lifetime, are much more pleasant to use and cheaper, long term, than constantly buying replacements. My favourite small pruner (made by Corona) looks like a scissor cutting blade but has pruner handles that spring open so less effort is needed for picking dead-heading flowers than using scissors.

Gwen Steele Natural Gardens Gardeners can always use new gloves. I use three types: Watson’s leather for pruning roses, ones that are waterproof to above my knuckles for cold wet jobs, and my favourite thin, snug-fitting Atlas gloves for everything else. Something I always loved to receive was the

promise from my brother-in-law of a load of shavings, to mulch my vegetable bed paths, which he duly delivered when I was ready for it. If you have a truck or trailer you might give a promissory note to haul yard waste to the dump or pick up and deliver a load of soil, gravel, mulch or other materials that don’t fit well in a car. Labour can be another ‘money-less’ gift. Even if the donor is not a gardener, there are always tasks such as digging, raking, wheel-barrowing materials, mowing, and compost turning that need more strength and enthusiasm than skills. I always loved having a gift of labour from my teenaged son or

daughter. They worked hard, and we had fun gardening together. There are many wonderful gardening books available in local bookstores. If you are buying one as a gift, make sure that it is suited to this climate. Plants need to have their zone rating included to be able tell if they are hardy here. Plants between hardiness zone 1 to 5 or 6 are suitable for the Central Okanagan. Books from Britain often do not include zone ratings and ones from the southern states may mostly have plants that won’t survive Okanagan winters. Check the OXA website for some recommended books.

This is my last column for 2012. I’ve really enjoyed having the opportunity to share my gardening knowledge with you and write about gardening events. I’ll resume writing the column March 2013. If you have ideas for topics you would like me to write about, or comments you wish to pass on, please contact me at Best wishes for a happy, and successful gardening New Year. Gwen Steele is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association. Learn more about gardening with nature and plants for the Okanagan.

See great deals from retailers like

www.lake country calendar. com

your source for FREE coupons




from all the staff at Bodyz in Motion

391 Tilley Rd. 250-766-0611


ANOTHER 25 GARDENERS have completed their exam and will be available for clinics as “master gardeners in training” for the next two years to fully qualify as master gardeners. They are available to assist with gardening advice, as well as do some hands-on work at various locations/events and organizations by request. The Okanagan Master Gardener Association has existed for eight years as a branch of the Master Gardeners Association of B.C. In the Okanagan Valley, there are 45 fully-qualified master gardeners who volunteered 3,040 hours of advice and hands-on work in 2012. If you see master gardeners at a nursery or other public venue, please feel free to ask them anything you always wanted to know about gardening as they are eager to share their knowledge.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Christmas and Happy New Year. I look forward to continuing to work together in 2013.

Norm Letnick MLA Kelowna-Lake Country

Norm Letnick MLA & Lieutenant Governor Steven L. Point. Norms signs his oath of office.

Season’s Greetings from all the staff at Pinnacle Auto Group. If you’re on the road over the holidays, please drive safely!

9558 Glenmore Road, Lake Country, BC PHONE (778) 480-5566 TOLL FREE 1-877-885-2202

t K

t Th M c a i t

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A13


Engineering students put skills to work to help non-profits First-year students from the UBC Okanagan School of Engineering spent the past semester creating fundraising ideas and project proposals for local not-for-profit organizations to support their engineering and science-related endeavours. It is a mutually beneficial relationship that gives students real-world experience while teaching them that engineering is about being responsible citizens who serve their communities, says Laura Patterson, UBCO engineering school instructor. “Community organizations have a variety of needs which engineers and their unique skills can be of service,” Patterson said, adding the project is supported by the Community Service Learning Program at the


UBC OKANAGAN engineering students Colin Yang, Carter Merwin, Navdeep

Brar, Ken Campbell of the Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society, Ryan Baines and Luc Cowan. Kelowna campus. “Engineers can deliver unique fundraising ideas. Last year, Inn from the Cold took one group’s idea for a ‘Push to End Homelessness’ initiative and raised over $18,000.”

Recently, in a friendly competition, 38 groups of student engineers presented their final fundraising ideas to eight not-for-profit organizations, with each organization selecting a “win-

ning” idea. Carter Merwin, a first-year engineering student whose group delivered the winning fundraising proposal to the Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society, says

BigSteelBox waiting to be filled up BigSteelBox, the Kelowna moving and storage company, has placed a 20-foot trailer complete with bright red bows at Willow Park Shopping Centre in Rutland. The donation of the trailer is to help call attention to the Salvation Army’s annual Christmas Campaign. The gigantic Christmas present is being used to collect donations for the Salvation Army. Visitors to Willow Park are encouraged to bring gifts of clothing, non-perishable food, toys and gift certificates. The Salvation Army collects the gifts and food do-

nations for people who find themselves in need at this time of year. BigSteelBoxes are six- to 53-foot containers made of eight-gauge, ISO certified, ship worthy steel. They are used for storage and moving, but can be modified for virtually any custom specifications, including offices, housing, restaurants, guard shacks, mobile labs and radio station remote broadcasting centres. BigSteelBox has 18 full service locations across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, and two in Washington State.

the experience exceeded expectations. The group’s proposal idea was selling the naming rights of trestles. It allows the Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society to gain the highest revenues with the lowest initial cost, all while having complete control of who they can sell to. “This opportunity was beneficial as it required real-life problem solving skills in order to help a non-profit organization meet their needs. Further on in our careers we will be put in similar situations where proposals will need to be won,” said Merwin. “But what was real-

ly exceptional about this project is it allowed firstyear engineers the opportunity to help sustain something important to the community.” This year’s participating not-for-profit organizations were: • Kelowna & District Society for Community Living (KDSCL) • Kelowna Community Food Bank • Central Okanagan Heritage Society • The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA) • Arion Therapeutic Farm • Okanagan Science Centre

• Myra Canyon Trestle Restoration Society • Community Access Dental Centre. “Engineering is a profession that holds high respect within the community,” said Patterson. “The design, communication, research, audience analysis, and business skills that engineers build and develop throughout their careers are invaluable to not-forprofit organizations to solve challenges. “And it is an engineer’s obligation to serve humanity and share their skills for the public good.”

Merry Christmas from all the staff at Lake Country Building Centre

Come in & get your last minute Christmas decorations & stocking stuffers!

Lake Country Building Centre LAKE COUNTRY

3223 Woodsdale Road • Lake Country


Local accounting students earn their CA status Earning their CA status this week from the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of B.C. were 14 Kelowna accounting students. Passing their UFE (Uniform Evaluation) through the CA School of Business are: Mia Bent (Grant Thornton LLP), Alicia Brown (BDO Canada LLP), Megan Fraser (White Kennedy LLP), Rebecca Getchey (MacKay LLP), Stuart Grant (BDO Canada LLP), Matthew Gustavson (MNP LLP), Jenica Isman (MNP LLP), Janelle Luini (Grant Thornton LLP), Jennifer Mendes (White Kennedy LLP),

Kyle Robinson (KPMG LLP), Nathan Sauer (Adams Heymen Owen), Jason Solnik (Grant Thornton LLP), Candace Surette (MacKay LLP) and Erin Williamson (MNP LLP). “On behalf of the Institute’s council, I would like to congratulate these students for successfully passing the UFE,” said Gordon Holloway, president of the ICABC. To become a CA, students must complete rigorous course work, pass the UFE, and work for 30 months in a CA firm.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



Jon and Roy bring Christmas party to town JENNIFER SMITH If friendships are to the music biz what networks are to business, then the duo bringing their annual Christmas party to The Habitat in Kelowna have a million dollar formula in hand. Folksy, worldly and distinctively Jon and Roy, Jon Middleton and Roy Vizer met through friends at the University of Victoria and have developed an indie folk rock act that airs toward reggae. The pair were basically set up. Vizer’s best friend moved to Victoria to go to the university, where

he met Middleton and decided the pair had to play together, as they seemed to eschew a similar taste in music. Vizer was shopping for universities at the time, ready to transfer from Vancouver’s Langara College, and decided a move to the extreme left coast might be in the cards. “I didn’t want to be in a traditional rock and roll band. There’s nothing wrong with it, I’m just not like that,” said Vizer, a percussionist with a world beat flare. Still playing together under the extremely crafty name Jon and Roy a decade later, they’ve

Take your best shot! Our contest requesting photo entries for the Lake Country Calendar’s ‘2013 Calendar’ has now come to a close. Thanks for sending in so many great photos of our area. Winners will be notified in the new year, and will be given their gift certificate from the Lake Country Coffee House. The FREE calendar will be included in the Janaury 2, 2013 edition of the Lake Country Calendar. Be sure and pick up your free copy to see which winning pictures were chosen!


JON MIDDLETON and Roy Vizer, joined by bass player Louis Sadava, make up Jon and Roy, a band whose image galvanized on the Canadian indie rock scene with its Holiday Special. The event makes its first appearance in Kelowna at Habitat on Dec. 22.

made it to the top of the pile in Victoria by simply making friends and making good music. For example, their new base player is a connection they made through Victoria band Current Swell. The musicians all toured Australia together and when Louis Sadava had to leave Current Swell to have a baby, he found a new home in

Roosters Barber Shop

Jon and Roy a couple of years later. This is also how the so-called Jon and Roy Holiday Special—now heading to Kelowna— got its start and put the pair on the indie map. A very popular event on the coast, this musical revue-style show normally includes a string of acts as it was initially designed to help fill the seats at the cathedralesque Alix Goolden Hall

in Victoria. “At that point we didn’t have enough of a fan base to fill the seats,” admitted Vizer, noting it fits 800 people. They started assembling musicians, fashioned the performance after the San Francisco musical revues of the ’70s, got CBC on board to tape and broadcast the event at a later date, and started a tradition. Over the years, they’ve

managed to add some pretty major acts to their bill and expand, first to Vancouver’s Vogue Theatre, and now potentially to Kelowna where a very abridged version will hit the Habitat to test the waters. Playing with fellow Victoria musician Vince Vaccaro, and local boys Fields of Green, the Jon and Roy Holiday Special should give Kelowna a taster of the full event.

try Art Gallery, 10356A Bottom Wood Lake Rd to Dec 22. As well there will be a selection of works valued up to $300.

works of Katie Brennan, Katherine Pickering at the Lake Country Museum, 11255 Okanagan Centre Road West. 250766-0111

er/songwriter 7:30 pm March 16 at Creekside Theatre.

• DJ Skate 7:30-9:30 pm every Friday at the Winfield Arena.

• Lake Country Thrift Store open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am-3 pm.


Looking forward to serving my customers in 2013!

• Under 100 show of 393 original artworks by more than 30 Okanagan artists for sale for under $100, at the Lake Coun-

• Limits of Seeing art

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Previous bills on the Coast have included Bahamas, Aidan Knight, Steph McPherson, Hannah Georgas, Jets Overhead and Ryan Guldemond of Mother Mother, to name but a few. Jon and Roy rarely tour off the island. With three records to their name and bigname friends in the indie scene, one would think they would have been through Kelowna on regular rotation. But Middleton admits, until the Keloha Music and Arts Festival this summer, where they thoroughly enjoyed swimming in the lake while listening to Hey Ocean’s set, they haven’t been on a Kelowna stage in a couple of years. Middleton heard from The Washboard Union that Kelowna is developing a breakout live music scene and figures they might be ready for regular visits. Either way, anyone who watched Jon and Roy’s set at Keloha will know the band’s fans have long memories. With a strong following waiting for them to take the stage, they were definitely a festival hit. Jon and Roy return to Habitat Dec. 22. Tickets are $17.50 on sale at


• Archie Fisher sing-

• Spinney Brothers 7:30 pm April 12 at Creekside Theatre.

Wishes to announce her new practice of Registered Massage Therapy located within Essential Health Massage Therapy Clinic at 122–3121 Hill Rd. Lake Country, BC. Massage Therapy is the assessment of the body’s tissues and joints, and the treatment and prevention of dysfunction, injury, pain and physical disorders of the soft issues and joints.

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250-861-7722 Domestic Short Hair Cross Sex: Female Colour: Brown Tabby / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 283503 Hi! My name is Stella and I was surrendered to the SPCA with my litter of kittens. I am now awaiting my chance to be someone’s best friend. I am a very quiet cat who needs a calm, quiet environment and someone to bond with. I love to head-butt and purr away with contentment. If you would like a petite-size cat with a personality even bigger than myself, please ask staff for an introduction. You will melt away in my green eyes!


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A15



Funds science, goathletics to science, athletics

changes in are availuniversity Sport (CIS) with their across Sport (CIS) Tickets high-altitude changes in playuniversity dable chronic competition while country and as a re- while men’s bloodmen’s flow andthe chronic competition for the eighth anation. and women’s soccer sult of their commitment oxygenand deprivation. and women’s soccer and nual Valley First/UBC oms mimic Scholarship golf continue to compete to their sport, have little The symptoms mimic golf continue to compete Okanagan eBreakfast, sufferingwhich in the Collegifor part-time of peopletime suffering in thejobs,” Canadian CollegiwillCanadian fea- those ory and Athletic Association heand said. from respiratory ate Athletic Association ture members ate of UBC’s sues, as 2012 inter(CCAA). “Th they heart health issues, ase assistance (CCAA). Everest survivors. integral receive from the comwell as stroke survivors. Sports are an integral national researchSports exped-are an ber, a part of universityRoslyn life andHuber, munity’s generosity a part ofatuniversity life and ition. e UBC breakfast means The popularUBCO fund- is committed member of thethis UBC UBCOa is committed sraiser basketball to developing competideal to our will be held at the Heat women’sgreat basketball to studeveloping competispeak Hotel at teams, athletes Capri ontive Friday, team,and will also dents.” speak at tive teams, athletes and scholars, says Rob JohnRecognizingscholars, varsity says Rob JohnApril 5. the event. 008A graduson, campus director of a 2008 sport as a valuable panel of human Huber, graduson, comcampus director of dphysiology Senior athletics and recreation. researchers ate of Rutlandponent Senior of the educationathletics and recreation. hool, is a their “Many stual process, will discuss experi- of our Secondary School, is a UBC matches “Many of our stuman kindent athletes couldn’t af-human every dollar raised the couldn’t afences. fifth-year kindentby athletes romLast Ke-spring,ford to participate Valley First/UBC eticswithstudent from KefordOkato participate withUBC’s out the financial awards nagan Athletics Okanagan campus Faclowna. outBreakthe financial awards the as a re-led the ultyteam of Health that and we So-can offer Huber that we can offer as a reyear.Development She sult led of proceeds thelast year. More cial a infrom scoring Shethan $350,000 sult of proceeds from the ssix-country, second eight-uniAthletics Breakfast,” saidrankshas been raisedAthletics to date Breakfast,” said currently second all-timeteam ofJohnson. the annual event. versity 30 scienin the school’s from all-time Johnson. 796 As points, a result, $7,500 in a dedication to tistspoints, and studentsWith to thea dedication scoringto with 796 With sPyramid away from full-time puris available to stuLab at an alti- academic only 65 pointsawards away from full-time academic purecord. suits as well asbreaking team play,the record. dent athletes this tude of 5,500 metres suitsyear. as well as team play, Okanagan athletes devote For more event infornear base campstudent of The UBC Okanagan student athletes devote men’s countless hoursmen’s to commation or further detailshours to comMount Everest. and women’s countless d volleyball petition, and andabout Heat Athletics, Their pioneering re- training basketball volleyball petition, training and heir second please go to www.goheat. search exploredpractice, hu- says Johnson. teams are in their second practice, says Johnson. ian “Th UBC ca or call 250-807-9168. manInterhealth effects ofey represent year of Canadian Inter“They represent UBC

with their play across the country and as a result of their commitment to their sport, have little time for part-time jobs,” he said. “The assistance they receive from the community’s generosity at this breakfast means a great deal to our students.” Recognizing varsity sport as a valuable component of the educational process, UBC matches every dollar raised by the Valley First/UBC Okanagan Athletics Breakfast. More than $350,000 has been raised to date from the annual event. As a result, $7,500 in awards is available to student athletes this year. For more event information or further details about Heat Athletics, please go to www.goheat. ca or call 250-807-9168.

PUZZLE NO. 645 25. 27. 28. 29. 31. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 46. 47.

By way of Yelled Ball holder Do needlework Garment edge Cheddar or Swiss, e.g. Fastening device Beseech Floor covering Forehead Accomplish again Cake decorator Advance Storm Stuffed shirt Sticky roofing material Hot temper

Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


1. 4. 8. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 22. 24. 26. 30. 31. 32.

Specialist Terminates Performance Cut off Chess piece Melody Meal starter Dwelling Fixes the cost of Bothered Rabid Military station Raring to go Confronts boldly Sibling Hasten Passing grade

33. 36. 37. 38. 39. 42. 45. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

Small ax Witch's concoction Radio buffs Neckline shape French edibles Stogies Wedding bash ____ overboard! Poetic tributes Land force Freudian topic Eroded Film spool Society gal


1. Plunk 2. Lion's cry

3. Cheery one 4. Proved human 5. Negative responses 6. Two, to Juan 7. Patrol or instructor 8. Hi-fi 9. Large lump 10. A single time 11. Gardener's nemesis 17. Part of DJ 19. Unscrupulous fellow 22. Lures 23. Certain pilot 24. Volcanic dust


CoMMuniTy eVenTs Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•The Lake CounTry Dog owners’ assoCiaTion is a non-profit organization that has been founded to represent dog owners in the community of Lake Country. This non-profit association will be hosting a membership drive, park clean-up and bark mulch spreading on Tues., Jan., 1, 2013 from 1100-1400hr, at the off-leash park on Woodsdale Road, Winfield. Please bring chairs, rakes, shovels, wheel barrows & working gloves. Hot dogs & hot chocolate will be provided. •ChrisTMas aT sT. FranCis angLiCan ChurCh-Lake CounTry Dec. 23, 9:30 am, lessons & carols; Dec 24, 7pm, Christmas Eve service; Dec. 25, 9:30 am, Christmas Day service. 10162 Newene Rd. in Winfield, off Berry Rd., just above junction Hwy 97 and Berry Rd. 250 766-0919. •LC seniors Bus sCheDuLe. Thurs., Dec. 20 local shopping. To reserve a seat on bus phone Margaret 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •Lake CounTry Lions CLuB/The DreaMLanD BanD 2nd Annual Pasta and Blues Nite Feb. 2 at Winfield Hall. For tickets & info call John at 250 717 7615 (Xmas gift or stocking stuffer). •winFieLD uniTeD ChurCh aDVenT serViCes Dec. 23, 9:50am service and 4pm Contemplative Service. Christmas Eve - 7pm family service and 10pm carols and lessons service. Everyone welcome. 3751 Woodsdale Road. Ph 250-766-4458 for more information. •royaL LePage keLowna/Lake CounTry’s Annual Christmas Wish Tree! Starts Nov.26–Dec. 21. Bring in a wrapped/unwrapped gift & help make a child’s Christmas wish come true! We also have a collection box in support of Lake Country Food Bank. We are located in the Lake Country Place Mall, any questions please call Barb @ 250-766-3300. •The Lake CounTry FooD Bank wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •Lake CounTry ThriFT sTore hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BeaVers/CuBs/sCouTs/VenTurers regisTraTion/agM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •winFieLD uniTeD ChurCh ThriFT shoP Winfield United Church Thrift Shop will be PUZZLE NO.closed 646 from Dec. 23 to Jan. 8. We would appreciate no dropoffs during that time as no one will be there to receive and sort them.28. A Lone very Merry Christmas to all our patrons. 29. Skinn •Lake CounTry Business ConneCTions meets twice monthly in 30. theHoop 32. Spide boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns,33. Geolo and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. 34. Striv 40. ____ Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. 42. Behin Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For 43. Run, details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. 44. Surg •oyaMa Legion BranCh 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday 45. Way afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. 47. Put i •The Lake CounTry MuseuM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and 48. Off 49.W. "Satu Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. 51. Sketc 250-766-0111 52. High •CriBBage TournaMenTs at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom 53. That Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent 55. Gave lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •To aLL winFieLD CriB PLayers: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC Line DanCers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •soCiaL BriDge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players 36. Five's follower 2. Unaccompanied ACROSS welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. 1. Piece of soap 37. Go wrong 3. Begin again 4. Not evens oF senior 38. Punctuation mark 4. Have a debt (COSCO) is an •The CounCiL CiTiZens organiZaTions 8. Paint group devoted 39. to Louisiana marsh“The5.Quality Student's advocacy improving of Life” for all seniors. residenceor individuals 12. Porter or stout 41. Dining-room item Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate ANSWER TO PU 6. Ernie Be overly fond 604-576-9734 13. Sheep fleece 46. Common wishing to become members please contact Bayer: 7. Mailbox opening 14. Rub 50. Baked custard fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. 8. Resided 15. Orchestral piece 51. Days gone by •LC CLuB54. welcomes Sturdy 9. Feel sick hiking boots are a 17.ouTDoors Threat's final word Speediest new hikers. must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the 10. Raises 18. Reflex-test joint 56. Long weather. more info,57.toPlace signfor upanfor our hikes, or to post your own hikes 11. Honey insect 19. SteelFor or iron icicle on21. theStitched forum,with visit 16. OK grade a 58. Always, to a poet needle

59. Stag

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All23. Community placedhair at color no charge to all non-Profit organizations. Clown prop EvEnts will 22. Javelin's cousin 60. be Changed 27. Conceptionsfor all61. "____ fleece Remove moisture 24. other inquiries, please email was . . ." 31. Golf accessory or fax 250-762-3220 25. Luau souvenir 32. Moistened DOWN 35. Napped kid leather 1. Fronts' opposites 26. Mr. Ritter

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


Valleyview Dignity Memorial


Landfill tipping fees going up in regional district THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20,honour 2012 For us, there is no higher

Starting Jan. 1 it will

al district board for the WestsideKOMO ResidentialA&E KNOW Waste * Disposal ` and 1 Recycling Centre and Noodle The View Criminal ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected To School ” Minds 10 :30 Tipping fee increasthe City of Kelowna for Proudly offering reward miles onThe all pre-arrangements THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2012 ” Mamas Marilyn20, Steven and Young & Mamas Sportsnet Joe- Jack KOMO 4 Criminal es forDebt/Part garbage and oth- G. Shrinks the Glenmore landfi ll, ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Connected News Minds 11 :00 :30 World Junior Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon NewsmateriHockeycenThe Chew First 48 er solid waste and apply to both The resiTSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP Arthur KNOW KOMO A&E Hour ” Now Bold Hour tral at Noon Peep, Big ” ” 12 :00 :30 Hockey als were approved earlier dential and commercial # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 NFL Live Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our UEFA Round Poppetstown General The First 48 :00 165 Valleyview Road • 250-763-3147 ” Lives Show ” ” Lives of 16 Draw Save-Ums! Hospital ” 1serving :30 thisIs year by the regioncustomers. Hockey The Doctors The View Poko The Price The Doctors Sportsnet Noodle The View Criminal :00Lake Proudly Country, withJeff Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery by theand airport.Let’s Record The Dr. Phil Steven World Poker Mag Fero The Doctors The First 48 :00 ” affiliated ” ” Doodlebops RightMake a The Jeff ” Connected To School ” Minds 10 :30 Off Interruption Probst Show ” Chris Deal Probst Show Tour Rolie Polie ” ” 2 :30 ” Mamas The Marilyn Steven and Young & Mamas Sportsnet Joe- Jack KOMO 4 Criminal cost more to dispose of than to be chosen to bring loved ones, KIRO TSN CHBC CIVT CBC CHAN SNP friends lifetime of memories garbage ( at two Central # $ and a % & _ ) Aron Meier together in celebration of aPoko special life. The Price Okanagan facilities. Assistant Manager The Doctors The View Is The Doctors Sportsnet :00 Hockey

Valleyview Funeral Home

11 :30 3 :00 :30 :00

SportsCentre ” ” World Junior Hockey Hockey Hockey NFL Live ”” ” Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre ” ”” Hockey ”” Hockey ” Off Record

The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our News Lives ” The Jeff Global Nat. Probst Show CHBC News The The Ricki Doctors Ent Lake Show ” ET Canada Young & Mamas Muppets: Restless Debt/Part Letters

Ellen DenisDeGeShow neres Show CTV News Anderson ” Live The Dr. Oz CTV ShowNews at Five Dr. Phil CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeThe View etalk neres ”Show Big Bang Anderson The X Marilyn The Factor Live Denis ”Show

Best ChrisRecipes Stefano CBC News Dragons’ Now Den Heartland News ” News Steven and News Chris Exchange Best PokoRecipes George S Stefano Doodlebops Coronation Dragons’ Steven and Rudolph, the Den Chris Reindeer

ThisMinute Restless ThisMinute KIRO News Judge Bold Judy Judge Judy The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s Make a KIRO News Deal CBS News ThisMinute The Price Is Ent ThisMinute RightInsider The Judge Judy Young & Big Bang Judge Judy Restless Two Men News News KIRO News World ”Junior Movie: Noon News CTV News CBC News E:60 ” Home for Person of at Five”” News KIRO Hockey Hour ” NowHolidays Interest Bold News ”” “Disney’s A the ” Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News NFL Live Days of our StarsThe Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk SportsCentre Christmas CBC News: Elementary CHBC Exchange CBS News Lives News Scandals Show ” ” ”” Carol” The National ”” SportsCentre Ent etalk George S Ent Off Record The Jeff Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News KIRO Newsa ET Canada Big Bang Coronation The Interruption Probst Show CTV ” Chris DealInsider ”” Final News George S Late Show SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGeBest Recipes ThisMinute ” Muppets: The XShow Factor Coronation Rudolph, the Letterman Big Bang SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Lake Show neres ”Show Stefano ThisMinute Off Record Letters Reindeer Two Men ”” The Talk Colbert Rep Q With Jian Ferguson Hockey Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy E:60 Movie: ” Home for Person of Hockey Restless A Live ” DenHolidays Interest Judge Judy ” “Disney’s the

The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our Early Lives News Global Nat. The Jeff News Hour Probst Show ” The The Ricki Doctors Ent Lake Show ” ET Canada Young Mamas& Muppets: Restless Debt/Part Letters

” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” ” Off Record

News Christmas Carol””

KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News

Early News Christmas Global Nat. Carol”

KIRO News News KIRO CBS Show News Late

News Hour Hour News Final ” Ent Canada ET ET Canada The Talk Muppets: Letters


Movie: “Disney’s A

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2012 12 :30 4 :00 :30

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CTV News Starsat Five Scandals Global News Nat. CTV CTV News News CHBC CHBC News CTV News ” Final Ent Canada Daily etalk Show ET ET Canada Big Bang The Talk Colbert Rep Muppets: The X Factor Letters ”

SportsCentre Christmas ” Carol”

” ”


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

NewsNews: CBC News The National NewsNews CBC Exchange George S George S Coronation Coronation Q With Jian Rudolph, the Reindeer


Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Two Men


Dinosaur G. Shrinks Arthur Arthur Clifford-Dog Peep, Big WordWorld Poppetstown Dive, Olly Save-Ums! Wild Kratts Mag Fero Animals Rolie Polie Rivers Dinosaur NoodleThat What’s Arthur To School About? Clifford-Dog Joe- Jack Joanna WordWorld G. Shrinks Lumley

The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO” 4 News General News Hospital World News The Doctors KOMO 4 ” News The Dr. Oz The View Wheel Show ” Jeopardy! KOMO 4 KOMO Dog for 4 News Christmas


To Be Sportsnet Announced Connected

Dive,Dyke Olly Van Wild Kratts Parks ” AnimalsThat Hockey What’s ” Rivers UFC Central About? ” What’s That The Ultimate CivilizationSportsnet About? Fighter History? Dew Tour Joanna ” Lumley

A&E 1

News Christmas World ”News

The First 48 ”

KOMO 4 News News Nightline

The First 48 Beyond ” Scared

Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Dog for Christmas

Beyond Straight Scared The First 48 Straight The First 48

Elf Pink Panther The Gruffalo A Flintstone Tis/ Smurfy Christmas Yogi Yogi Sidekick Penguins Odd Parents Ice Kid Age vs. Kat Madagascar 12 Days Rudolph, the Pink Panther Reindeer A Flintstone The Happy Rudolph’s Christmas Elf Shiny Year Yogi The Gruffalo Santa Claus Penguins Tis/ Smurfy Brothers

Baby Story Gown Cake Boss Medium Cake Boss Medium What Not to Top 10 WedWear dings of Say Yes Sin City Say Yes Rules Gown Four Gown Weddings Medium Baby Story Say Yes:The Medium Baby Story Big Day Top 10Boss WedCake Four dings of Cake Boss Weddings Ice CBC News: News Sons of Simpsons Sin City YogiAge ” Invented/ Perry ”Mason Say What Not to Funny Home CBC Sons of Yes:The Madagascar ” Guns Raymond Rules Sidekick World Wear Videos The National Guns ”” Big Day Rudolph, the CBC News: Sons of Big Bang Four OddWife Parents CBC News News Invented/ Law Order: Sin SayCity Yes My Moonshiners News Reindeer The National Guns Two Weddings KidYoung vs. Kat Now-Nichols World” CI Men Say Yes Mr. ” H.S. Sports Rules Rudolph’s CBC News Moonshiners Big Bang Say Yes:The 12 Days Power & MythBusters Funny Home Top Gown That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Sunny 10 WedShiny Year ” Two Men Big Day Pink Panther Politics Videos Gown Splatalot The National Guns ” TMZ dings of A Flintstone ” Cash Cab The Offi Ricki Medium Santa Claus Lang CBC News: Mayday X Factor Four Prog. Batman & How/Made The ce Paid Christmas ” How/Made Lake of Show Medium Brothers The National ” ” Hill Weddings Returns O’Leary Oddities King Paid Prog. Yogi Home CBC Lang News: & Daily Planet Anderson Top 10 WedFunny Sons of ” Say Yes:The Penguins O’Leary Live ” dings of Videos The National Guns ” Big Day

CI King Law Order: The CI Office The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Browns King Payne The ce Law Offi Order: Seinfeld The CI Office Seinfeld Big Bang Law Order: Family Guy Big CI Bang Family Guy Browns Excused Amer. Dad Payne Excused Movie: Browns There Yet? “Head of Payne There Yet? State”

Ice Wife Age My CBC News Madagascar Mr. Young ” Rudolph, the CBC CBC News: News: That’s-Weird Reindeer The National National Splatalot The Rudolph’s CBC News Batman Lang & Shiny Year ” Returns O’Leary Santa Claus CBC News: Brothers The National

Brownsof “Head Payne State”


Now With Politics Reshmi Nair ”” ” ” Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News CBC News Now-Nichols ” Power & CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” Lang & Nair Reshmi CBC News: O’Leary ” The National


Drill ” Dirty Jobs Cash Cab ” How/Made Invented/ Daily WorldPlanet ” Invented/ Sons Worldof Guns MythBusters Sons of ” Guns Cash Cab Licence to Moonshiners How/Made Drill ” Daily Planet Dirty Jobs Mayday ” ”


Sons of Moonshiners Guns ” Sons of of Sons Guns Guns

Home for Person of the Holidays Interest

Movie: “Disney’s A

Dew Tour ”

Beatles Rocked

CMA Country

The First 48 ”

Funny Home CBC News: Sons of Videos The National Guns

Christmas Carol”

Sportsnet Connected

Van Dyke Parks

Christmas ”

The First 48 ”

My Wife Mr. Young

CBC News George S




KNOW News KOMO Nightline * ` Jimmy

Hockey What’s That UFC Central About?

A&E 1

Beyond Scared




Simpsons News Raymond H.S. Sports Big Bang Sunny Two Men TMZ


Sin City Rules

Four10 WedTop Weddings dings of Moonshiners The Big Bang Say Yes:The How/Made Office Paid Prog. ” Two Men Big Day Oddities King of Hill Paid Prog. Mayday The X Factor Four ” ” Weddings

CBC News: Elementary The National ”

CBC News ”

How I Met Videos Family Feud The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Perry Mason Anderson ” Live Law Order: Simpsons CI Raymond Funny Home Big Bang Videos Two Men The Ricki TheBang Office Big Lake HowMen IShow Met Two Anderson Family Feud The X Factor Live Family” Feud

” ”

Moonshiners News ” H.S. Sports


That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Splatalot The National Guns



CivilizationHistory? Noodle


ET Canada The Ultimate The Talk Fighter The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected


Straight Batman Kimmel Live Parking The First 48 Christmas Returns The View ” Parking X Mas Log

30 for 30 ”

Mamas Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks

KOMO 4 News

Parking Parking

Pink Panther Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud Say Yes Rescue Hero ” ” Family Feud Say Yes


The Chew ”

Business KING Center 5 Horse Power Rock World ”News News ” PBS NightlyNews News Independent KING NewsHour News Lens Jay Leno PoirotSmiley Magazine Tavis ” Inside Ed. Outd’r”Idaho Jimmy Fallon Christie White House Code ”

“Head of State”




Sunny TMZ

Top 10 Wed” dings of Movie:

Independent KING News Lens Jay Leno

The Office KingOffi of Hill The ce

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Baby Story

How I Met

Baby Story


Tavis Smiley ” Outd’r Idaho Today Jimmy Fallon Sid Science Wild Kratts cont’d

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Arthur Peep, Big

Parking Parking

Kid vs. Kat Penguins

Excused Excused


KING 5 News

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Poppetstown General Save Ums Hospital

Parking Parking

League/Evil The

CBC News Moonshiners Law Order: Now-Nichols ” CI

Say Yes Say Yes

There Yet? There Yet?

Everyday Joy/Painting

Days of our Lives

Off Record Review Interruption Review SportsCentre 30 for ”30 ” NBA E:60 Basketball: ” Magic at NFL Live Raptors ” ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” Review SportsCentre High Stakes Review ” Poker 30 for 30 Off Record NBA ” Basketball: World E:60 Junior Hockey Magic”at Raptors SportsCentre NFL Live

The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour News Days of ” our Lives Global Nat. The Jeff CHBC News Probst Show Ent The Doctors TheCanada Ricki ET ” Lake Showin Christmas Mamas Wonderland Young & Debt/Part Restless ” Noon News Hour ” News ” our Museum Days of

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show Anderson CTV News Live ” CTV News The Dr. Oz at Five Show CTV News Dr. Phil ” ” Holiday The View Ellen DeGeCirque-Soleil ” neres Show Russell The Marilyn Peters Anderson Denis Show Live Movie: CTV News “Holiday ” CTV News at Five Spin” The Dr. Oz

Steven and Poko Chris Doodlebops Best Recipes Steven and Stefano Chris Dragons’ CBC News Den Now News Heartland News ” News Steven and Exchange Chris George S Poko Best Recipes Coronation Doodlebops Stefano Movie: Steven and “A Dragons’ Chris Den Christmas CBC News Story” Now News News CBC News: Heartland

Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right ThisMinute Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy Bold KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s News Make a CBS Deal Ent The Price Is ThisMinute The RightInsider ThisMinute Undercover Young & Boss Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy CSI: KIRONY News Bold ”News KIRO KIRO News Blue Bloods The Talk

The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days ofNat. our Global Lives News Hour The Jeff ” Probst Show Ent The Doctors TheCanada Ricki ET ” Lake Showin Christmas Mamas Wonderland Young & Debt/Part Restless Noon ”News ” Hour News Early Global Museum Days ofNat. our

World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected UEFA Mag Sportsnet Hockey Connected To Be HockeycenAnnounced tral at Noon ” Soccer ” Central ” World Poker Sportsnet Tour To Be Sportsnet UEFA Mag Announced Connected Hockey ” Sportsnet To Be ” Connected Announced ” HockeycenEPL tral atPreview ”Noon ” Sportsnet Soccer

Mag Fero Noodle Rolie Polie Timothy Dinosaur JoeJack Arthur G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog Arthur WordWorld Peep, Big Dive, Olly Poppetstown Wild Kratts Save Ums Animals Mag Fero Parks Rolie Polie Mega Noodle Dinosaur Builders Timothy Arthur Murder Joe- Jack Myster. Clifford-Dog G. Shrinks WordWorld Silk Arthur ”Big Peep,Olly Dive, Wild Kratts Party Poppetstown

The Doctors The View ” ” The Dr. Oz KOMO Show 4 News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” Wheel The View The Dr. Jeopardy! ” Oz ShowMan Last KOMO 4 Malibu KOMO News 4 Newsto the Back The Chew BeginningNews ” World News Amanpour General

Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Parking Duck D. Parking Duck Parking Dynasty Duck D. Parking Duck D. D. Duck Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking

Nutcracker Christmas Ice Age X Mas Log Miser Pink Panther Brothers Rescue Hero The Year Kid vs. Kat Without Penguins Santa ComLeague/Evil ing to Town The Movie: Nutcracker “Home Ice Age Alone” Christmas Miser X Mas” Log Brothers Movie: Pink Panther “The Dog The Year Rescue Hero Without Who Saved Kid vs. Kat Christmas” Penguins Santa Coming to Town That’s-Weird League/Evil

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Reshmi ” Nair ” Lang & ” O’Leary ” CBC News CBC News ” Now-Nichols CBC News: Power & The National Politics CBC News News ” Now With ” CBC News: Reshmi Nair The LangNational & ” O’Leary CBC News: ” The ” CBCNational News ” CBC News News

King Law Order: King CI The Office Law Order: The Offi ce CI Big Bang Excused Big Bang Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Browns King Payne King Seinfeld Law Order: The Seinfeld CI Office The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order: Family Guy Big Bang CI Big Bang Amer. Dad Excused Movie: Excused Browns Payne “Inkheart” There Yet?

Charlie Rose Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Cat in the Daniel Arthur Tiger Rick Steves Wild Kratts NOVA WordGirl ” Business Everyday World News Joy/Painting PBS Charlie Rose NewsHour ” Washington Sid Science Cat the Need WildinKratts Arthur The Iranian Daniel Tiger Americans Wild Steves Kratts Rick WordGirl Great NOVAPerformances at ” Business World the MetNews Everyday

Dr. Phil Today” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew neresDay Show Northwest Katie KING ”5 News KING 5 Days of our News Lives Nightly News Dr. Phil News ” Magazine Today Ellen Inside Ed. cont’dDeGeneres Show Michael New DayBublé-Holidays Katie Northwest ” White KING House 5 News ”5 KING News Dateline Days of our

Wonderland Young & Restless ” News ” ” Museum Secrets Global Nat. CHBC News News CHBC

Peters Anderson Live Movie: “Holiday CTV News at Five Spin” ” CTV News ” CTV News

“A Dragons’ Den Christmas Story” News NewsNews: CBC The National News Exchange CBC News

Boss Judge Judy Judge Judy CSI: NY KIRO ”News KIRO News Blue Bloods KIRO ”News CBS News KIRO News

Wonderland Young & Restless ” ” Early News Global Nat. Museum Secrets News Hour News ”Hour

To Be ” Announced ” EPL Preview ” ” Sportsnet Connected ” Sportsnet Hockey

Myster. Clifford-Dog WordWorld Silk ” Dive, Olly Wild Kratts Party Animals Parks Mega

Malibu KOMO 4 Newsto the Back BeginningNews World News Amanpour KOMO” 4 News News

Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck

Late Ent Show The Insider Letterman

Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET

Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D. Duck

” SportsCentre SportsCentre Off Record ”” Interruption High Stakes SportsCentre Poker ” Off Record NBA Basketball: World Junior Hockey Magic at Raptors SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre

” High Stakes SportsCentre Poker ” Off Record

Secrets Lives Nat. Global CHBC News CHBC News The Jeff Final Probst Show Ent ET Canada ET TheCanada Ricki The Talk Lake Showin Christmas

Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET

” ShowNews CTV ” CTV News Dr. Phil CTV News ” Holiday Cirque-Soleil The Ellen DeGeMentalist neres Show Russell

The National ” News Exchange CBC News Steven and George S Chris George S Coronation Coronation Best Recipes Family Stefano Movie:

CTV News George S Holiday Cirque-Soleil Coronation Coronation The The Talk in Mentalist Family Christmas Russell Movie: Wonderland Peters “A


KIRO ”News CBS KIRO Newsa Let’s News Make Late Deal Show Ent The Insider Letterman ThisMinute Ferguson ThisMinute Undercover

Ferguson Undercover Boss

” Movie: Christmas CSI: NY :00 World Junior ” “Holiday Story” ” :30 Hockey SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2012 Spin” CBC News: Blue Bloods :00 SportsCentre Museum ” Secrets ” The National ” :30 TSN CHBC CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO News CTV News CBC News KIRO News :00 SportsCentre ” Final CTV News George S Late Show :30 # $ % & _ Coronation Letterman :00 SportsCentre ET Canada The Fish’n SickKids Bat and Man Doodlebops :00 ” The Talk Mentalist Family Ferguson :30 PGA Tour ” Real Fishing Foundation ” Paid Prog. :30 World Poker Powerboat It Is Written fi fth estate Paid Prog. :00 Driving TV Car Bnss ” Paid Prog. :30 Tour Noon News Operation 22, Skiing FIM Preview :00 World PokerDECEMBER SATURDAY, 2012 Hour Smile ” Show :30 Tour NFL Films Family SportsCentre CrossCollege :00 CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO for 30 Simpsons ” Country Ski Basketball: :30 30 TSN ” Simpsons Lovett-Reid Kansas at :00 # $ % & Skiing & _ ” Simpsons Dr. Marla ” Ohio State :30 PGA Tour Fish’n SickKids Bat and Man Paid Doodlebops :00 SportsCentre Simpsons Holiday National Prog. :00 Real Fishing Movie: Foundation Marketplace ” Paid Prog. :30 ”” Movie: Doodlebops :30 World Poker “Dragon Powerboat It Is Written fifth estate Paid Prog. :00 NFL “Bad 25” Hockey Sports Stars :00 Tour Driving TV Car Bnss ” Prog. Countdown Wars” ” ” Big SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2012PaidWorld :30 World Poker Noon News Operation Skiing FIM Preview ” ” Cirque-Soleil Home for KIRO News :00 Tour Hour News App Smile ” Show News CHBC Central the Holidays KIRO :30 NFL TSN Global CHBC SportsCentre CIVT CBC CBS KIRO NFL Films Family Nat. CTV CrossCollege News Movie: News :00 Football: 30 for 30 Simpsons Country Ski Basketball: Atlanta CHBC News ” “Miracle on KIRO News # $ % & _ :30 ” at Simpsons Lovett-Reid Skiing Kansas at Falcons Chuckmas Stars34th Street” Prog. :00 PGA Tour Fish’n SickKids Bat and Man Paid Doodlebops :00 Detroit ”” Lions Simpsons Dr. Marla & Ohio State ” Scandals ”” Paid :30 Real Fishing Foundation Paid Prog. Prog. :30 ” Mr. Magoo’s Movie: Canadian Made in SportsCentre Simpsons Holiday National Paid Prog. :00 World Poker Powerboat It Is Written fifth estate Paid Prog. :00 SportsCentre Christmas “Christmas Tenors Jersey ” Movie: Movie: Marketplace Doodlebops :30 Driving TV Car Bnss ” Paid Prog. :30 Tour ” Made in Song”25” Solo Noel Made inStars NFL Hockey Sports :00 World Poker “Dragon Noon News “Bad Operation Skiing FIM Preview :00 SportsCentre Jersey ” ” Jersey Countdown Wars” Big World :30 Hour Smile ” Show :30 Tour SportsCentre Made ”in Flashpoint Comedy 48 Hours ” Cirque-Soleil Home for KIRO News :00 Family SportsCentre CrossCollege :00 NFL Films ” Jersey ” News CHBC News App Central the Holidays KIRO ”News :30 30 for 30 Simpsons ” Country Ski Basketball: :30 NFL SportsCentre News Final CTV News Comedy KIRO News :00 Football: Global Nat. CTV News Movie: CBS News :00 ” Simpsons Lovett-Reid Skiing Kansas at :00 ” Saturday CTV News Dragons’ The Insider :30 Atlanta CHBC News ” “Miracle on KIRO News ” Simpsons Dr. Marla & ” Ohio State :30 :30 SportsCentre Night Live Movie: Den Paid Prog. :00 Falcons at Chuckmas Stars34th Street” Paid Paid Prog. Prog. :00 SportsCentre SportsCentre Simpsons Holiday National “Jarhead” Exchange Paid :30 Scandals ” Paid Prog. Prog. Movie: Marketplace Doodlebops :30 Detroit” Lions Movie:””


Secrets Lives Hour News ”Hour News The Jeff Final Probst Show Ent ET Canada ET TheCanada Ricki The Talk Lake Showin Christmas



Connected Central ” Sportsnet Hockey World Poker UFC Tour To BeCentral Announced The Ultimate UEFA Mag Fighter Hockey ”



Animals Save Ums Parks Mega Mag Fero Builders Rolie Polie Mega Builders Murder Dinosaur Myster. Arthur Murder

UFC To BeCentral Builders Mega Announced Builders The Ultimate Murder The Talk in Fighter Myster. Christmas ” Murder Wonderland ” Myster.

” 4 Hospital KOMO News News The Doctors Nightline Wheel” Jeopardy! Jimmy The Dr. Oz Kimmel Live Show Last Man

A&E 1

A&E 1

Duck D. Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Duck D. Duck Parking Dynasty Parking Duck



Next The Star Movie: “Home Boys Nutcracker Boys Ice Age Alone” ” Dog Saved Miser Christmas Brothers Movie:



” Now-Nichols CBC News: The National CBC News: Power & The National Politics CBC News ” Lang & ” O’Leary ” CBC News: “The Dog The The Year LangNational & Without O’Leary Who Saved CBC News: Christmas” Santa Com- The CBCNational News ing to Town ” That’s-Weird CBC News Next Star ” Movie: CBC News: “Home The National Boys CBC News: Boys The Alone” CBCNational News ” ” Dog Saved Lang &


Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Brides-Hills Brides-Hills Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say

TMZ Big Bang Two Offi Men The ce

Say Yes Brides-Hills Brides-Hills Paid Prog.

King of Hill Kitchen Nightmares

Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes

Into the Blue Reel-Shorts Seinfeld Washington Seinfeld Need 2: The Reef Roadtrip Family” Guy Roadtrip The Iranian Family Guy Americans

Fringe ”

Brides-Hills Brides-Hills

Amer. Dad Movie:

Great PerWhite House formances at ”

Say Yes Say Yes

“Inkheart” ”

the Met ”

Who Saved Christmas”

CBC News: Salvage The National Hunters

Amanpour ”

Duck D. Duck D.

That’s-Weird CBC News Next Star ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Boys

CBC News: Jungle Gold The National ”

ET Canada The Ultimate Murder Jimmy Duck Fish’n English Be The Talk Fighter Pre- Upside Myster. Dwn Recipe Kimmel Live To Dynasty Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food Announced

Dog Saved Fairly Odd Christmas League/Evil

Lang & CBC News O’Leary CBC News

Powerboat Driving TV

Santa Claus, Now With Town Christine

News Hour Final

Hockey Mega UFC Central Builders



Soccer Soccer

KNOW News KOMO Nightline * `

Dino Dan Wild Kratts

Sea Rescue To Be Born-Explore Announced

Noon News Hour

UEFA Mag Snowbrd

Dogs Dogs

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Family Simpsons

Dew Tour ”

Can. Rivers Rivers

Wipeout ”



Simpsons ” Simpsons ” Fish’n English PreSimpsons Sportsnet Real Fishing Connected mier League Movie: Powerboat Soccer “Dragon Bills Access Driving TV Soccer Wars” NFL Game. Noon ”News Bensinger UEFA Mag Hour Nat. Bensinger Snowbrd Global

KNOW KOMO ESPN Sports * ` Saturday

Mega Builders Upside Dwn Frontiers of Miss BG Construction

Recipe ” Food ” Dino Dan Sea Rescue Stonehenge Cash Cab Wild Kratts Born-Explore Decoded Cash Cab Dogs Paid Prog. Joanna News Dogs Paid Prog. Lumley World News

CHAN FamilyHour News Simpsons ” (

SNP Dew Tour ” )

Simpsons Chuckmas Fish’n Simpsons ” Real Fishing Mr. Magoo’s Simpsons Powerboat Christmas Movie: Driving TV

” Movie: English Pre”It “Bend mier League Like Sportsnet Soccer Beckham” Connected Soccer

Made in “Dragon Noon News Jersey Wars” Hour

Bills Access George Stonehenge UEFA Mag Dogs NFL Game. Gently Decoded Snowbrd Dogs Sportsnet ” Bensinger Joanna Dew Tour Can. Rivers Connected Movie: Bensinger Lumley ” Rivers European “Home by Dew Tour Wilderness ” Mega Poker ”Tour Christmas” ” ” Builders Sportsnet George Movie: National of Sportsnet Frontiers Connected Gently “Bend It Geographic Connected Construction

Made ”in Family Jersey Global Nat. Simpsons News Final News Hour Simpsons Saturday ” Simpsons Night Live Chuckmas Simpsons ” Movie:”

KNOW Wipeout KOMO Can. Rivers KOMO Wilderness 4 Rivers ” ” News * ` Mega National Upside Dwn Builders Geographic Miss BG Heartbeat Frontiers Dino Danof ” Construction Wild Kratts

A&E 1

To Be Announced ” ”

A&E ” 1 ” To Be Storage Announced Storage To Be Storage Announced Storage To Be Storage Announced Storage

A&E ” Parking ” Parking 1




30 CI Rock Big Bang Two Men Sunny Funny Home TMZ Videos Big Bang Two Men The ce The Offi Ricki King of Hill Lake Show Kitchen


Sunny TMZ


Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Brides-Hills Brides-Hills Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes


Say Yes Say Yes


There”Yet? Browns Payne King ” Into Kingthe Blue Seinfeld Seinfeld 2: The Reef The Offi ce ” Guy The Offi ce Family Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Movie: Browns Payne “Inkheart” ” Browns Payne”



” Joy/Painting PBS NewsHour ArtZone Charlie Rose Reel-Shorts ” Washington Need Roadtrip Cat in the Roadtrip Arthur The Iranian

NBC Lives News Nightly News KING News Dr. Phil Jay Leno ” Magazine Inside ” Ed. Ellen DeGeJimmy Fallon neres Show Michael Bu-

Americans Wild Kratts WordGirl Great Performances Business at World News the Met PBS ” NewsHour ArtZone

blé-Holidays Katie White ”House KING ”5 News Dateline NBC Nightly News News News KING

WTBS KCTS ” ArtZone Into the Blue Reel-Shorts A N

Jay Leno Magazine Inside”Ed. Jimmy MichaelFallon Bublé-Holidays

Dateline NBC


KING News Jay Leno

MythBusters The Office Jungle” Gold Paid King Prog. of Hill ” Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Extreme Paid Prog. Extreme

2: The Reef Movie:” “Law

Roadtrip Bob Builder Roadtrip SciGirls

” Gardening Jimmy Fallon Paid Prog.

Dangerous Flights

Kids News Old House

Extreme Extreme

Abiding Citizen”

Use Your Brain to

Notre Dame Special

Year Without Birak a Santa ”

Salvage Hunters

Paid Prog. Jillian

Movie: “Casper’s

Canada’s 30 Rock Worst Driver Trout TV


Haunted Christmas” Fairly Odd Yogi League/Evil Movie:

” ”


National Issue CBC News National CBC News Mansbridge



MythBusters Bones ” ” JungleCab Gold The PaidOffi Prog. Cash ce ” Paid Prog. How/Made Jim Santa Claus, Now With Dangerous Kids INews “Yogi’s First Head Games Cash Cab How Met Town Christine Flights Old House Christmas” ” Cash Cab How I Met Year Without Birak Salvage Paid Prog. ” ” Auction 30 Rock a Santa Hunters Jillian ” ” Auction Raymond

YTV Movie: “Casper’s “Christmas 6

NEWS ” National ” Marketplace 7

DISC Big KAYU Canada’s 30 Rock Canada’s Bang Worst Driver Two Trout TV Worst Driver Men 9 ;

MythBusters Sons ofGold Jungle Guns ”” Gold Rush Cash Cab Dangerous ” How/Made Flights

” Parking To Be ” Parking Announced Exterminator Storage To Be Exterminator Storage Announced

Haunted With Fairlythe Odd Christmas” Kranks” League/Evil Beethoven’s Yogi Santa Claus, Christmas Movie: Town

National Movie: CBC News Issue “Lucky” CBC News

CMA Cash Cab Paid Prog. Country Cash Cab Paid Prog.

Storage To Be Storage Announced

Adventure “Yogi’s First Year Without ” Christmas” a Santa ” Movie: Splatalot ” “Casper’s Zoink’d! Movie: Haunted Splatalot “Christmas Christmas” BeethovenWith the Yogi Adv Kranks” Movie:

National Canada’s Head Cab Birak Games Cash Salvage Mansbridge Worst Driver ”” Cash Cab Hunters Movie:” Auction Auction ” Canada’s “Lucky” Auction Auction ”” Worst Driver ” Sons of National Canada’s National MythBusters ” Guns Marketplace Worst Issue ”Driver National MythBusters Movie: Sons of National Cash Cab Mansbridge “Lucky” Guns ” Mansbridge How/Made

Parking Storage ” Parking Storage ” Parking Parking ” Parking Parking ” Exterminator Parking Storage Exterminator Parking Storage


Canada’s News Worst Driver 30 Rock

ESPN Sports Wheel Recipe Saturday Jeopardy! Food Prep & ” Sea Rescue A Chipmunk ” Born-Explore

Christmas News Wipeout World ””News News KOMOSports 4 ESPN Burn NewsNotice Saturday ” Wheel” Castle Jeopardy! ”


Nightmares Anderson Live Fringe ” Simpsons Raymond News 30 Rock Big Bang Two Men Sunny

Worst ”Driver Salvage Hunters Jungle Gold MythBusters Jungle”” Gold ” MythBusters Cash Cab ” How/Made Salvage

Christmas Movie: “The Dog

Party Animals


Hunters Daily Planet ” Salvage Hunters Canada’s Worst Driver Canada’s Worst Driver Salvage HuntersGold Jungle


Duck D. Duck D.

Sportsnet Connected


Say Yes Baby Story Say Yes Baby Story Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Brides-Hills Baby Story Say Brides-Hills BabyYes Story Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Brides-Hills Say Yes Brides-Hills Say Yes Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes

Back to the Beginning-

Museum Secrets


Funny Home The Office Videos How I Met The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Family Feud Anderson Perry Mason Live ” Simpsons Law Order: Raymond CI Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos Big TheBang Office The Ricki Two HowMen I Met Lake Show Kitchen Family Feud Nightmares Anderson Family Feud Live Fringe Perry Mason ”” Simpsons Raymond News Law Order:

Kimmel Live Dynasty Last Man Duck Malibu Dynasty

” Silk EPL Preview


MythBusters Mayday ” ” Cash Cab Mighty Ships How/Made ” Daily Planet Sons of ” Guns Canada’s Moonshiners Worst Driver ” Salvage MythBusters Hunters ” Jungle MaydayGold Cash ”Cab ” How/Made Salvage Mighty Ships Hunters Daily Planet ” ” Salvage Sons of Hunters Guns Canada’s Worst Driver Canada’s Moonshiners

Jungle” Gold ” MythBusters O’Leary ” CBC News: Salvage The National Hunters

” ”

Perry Mason Say Yes ” Say Yes

“I Am Legend” Law Order:

Noon News Hour


Sons of Guns

Seinfeld “I Am Seinfeld Legend” Family Guy Family Guy

Ellen WhiteDeGe”House neres ”Show Jimmy Fallon Katie Jean ” Enersen

NFL Live ”


” ”

Browns ” Payne Movie:

Cat inSmiley the Christie Tavis Arthur Code Idaho Outd’r Wild Chance Kratts Last WordGirl to See


Last Chance Jean to See Enersen

News Hour Final

Now With

Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie:


Horse Power Rock Center ” ”

Letterman Ferguson The Price Is

How/Made Oddities Mayday

Seinfeld King ” Seinfeld King Movie: The ce Family “I AmOffiGuy The OffiGuy ce Family Legend”

Business Nature Last Chance World to See”News PBS Clodagh Irish Horse Power NewsHour Joy/Painting ” Poirot Charlie Rose Independent Lens ”

cont’d ” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 Katie News ” Days of our KING Lives 5 News Dr. Phil Nightly News ” News Ellen TodayDeGeMagazine neres cont’d Show Inside Ed. Katie New Day White House ” Northwest ” KING 5 Jean News Enersen Nightly Days ofNews our Rock Center News ” Lives Magazine Dr. Phil KING News Inside ”Ed. Jay Leno

Say Yes:The Amer. Dad Big Day Movie:

KIRO News Late Show

Lang & O’Leary CBC News


Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat the RickinSteves Arthur Nature Wild Kratts ” WordGirl Clodagh Irish Business Joy/Painting World News Charlie Rose PBS ” NewsHour Cat in the Sid Science Poirot Arthur Wild Kratts ” Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger Christie WordGirl Rick Steves Code

Sin City Rules

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation ” The Talk Colbert Rep Poko Q With Jian Review The Doctors The View Review ” ” Doodlebops

9 10 11 12 10 11 12 1 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 1 6 2 7 10 8 3 11 9 4 12 10 5 1 11 6 2 12 7 3

The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 Criminal Beyond Minds” Scared The First 48 Criminal Straight ” Minds The First 48 Early To BeTour Dive, News The First First 48 48 Noon News News Dew HockeycenArthurOlly The Chew Movie: Beatles CMA The Global Nat. Announced Wild Kratts World News Hour tral at Noon Peep, Big ” “Disney’s A ” Rocked Country ”” News Hour ” Animals KOMO 4 The First 48 Days of our Sportsnet UEFA Round Van Poppetstown General Christmas Dyke Christmas The First 48 ” Rivers News Lives ” of 16 Draw Save-Ums! Hospital Carol” Connected Parks ” ”” Ent What’s That News Wheel Beyond The Jeff World ”Poker What’s Mag Fero The Doctors Beyond The First 48 News Hour Hockey That ET Canada Sportsnet About? Jeopardy! Scared Probst Show UFC Tour Central About? Rolie Polie ” ” Final Nightline Scared The Ricki Snowbrd Dinosaur The The First 48 Muppets: DewUltimate Tour Joanna Dog Dr. for Oz Straight ET Canada The CivilizationJimmy Straight Lake Show FIS Freestyle Arthur Show ” 48 Letters ” Lumley Christmas The First First 48 The Talk Fighter History? Kimmel Live The Young & NFL Game. Clifford-Dog CMA KOMO 4 Movie: Dew Tour Beatles The First 48 Restless A Hockey WordWorld News “Disney’s ” Rocked Country ”


Snowbrd Connected FIS Freestyle HockeycenNFL tral atGame. Noon Hockey UEFA Round To Be of 16 Draw Announced World Poker Tour ” ” Snowbrd Sportsnet ” FIS Freestyle Connected Sportsnet NFL Game. Sportsnet Dew Tour Hockey Connected ”

As of Jan. 1, the flat er Peter Rotheisler says use and recycle as much feeYTV for up to 250 kg of the increase in fees reas possible,” NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTShe said. KING garbage the increasing 6 will go 7up to $10 9 flects; < cost A For more N informaP (now $8). Up 250Licence ki- to ofThe managing solidStory waste tion Sid on Science tippingToday fee inThe Happy CBC to News Office Baby Law Order: Elf With Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts lograms ofNow yard wasteDrill in How ourI region. creases, visit thecont’d regionThe Gruffalo Reshmi Nair Dirty Jobs Family Feud Cake Boss Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day willSmurfy continue to” be ac- ” “Hopefully this in- CI al district website regionTis/ Family Feud Cake Boss Rick Steves Northwest Yogi ” Invented/ Perry Mason What Not to Excused Nature KING 5 cepted of charge. will also provide, or YTVfreeNEWS DISCcrease KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Sidekick ” World ” Wear Excused ” News district to residents and contact theIrish offiDays ce, P atof2506 7 9 incentive A N OddRegional Parents CBC News Invented/ Law; Order: Say < Yes There Yet? Clodagh our Kid vs. Kat Now-Nichols World CI Say Yes There Yet? Joy/Painting Lives waste reduction managreduce, 469-6250. The Happy CBC News Licence to businesses The Office toBaby Story reLaw Order: Sid Science Today 12 Days Power & MythBusters Funny Home Gown King Charlie Rose Dr. Phil

” National Now With ” Mansbridge Christine

Extreme Extreme

Jim Browns

Change Your SnowboardAge ing

Extreme Extreme

King King

Greener Boxing: Hubert Keller Fight Night

Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme

Family Guy Family Guy Movie: The Office “LawOffice The

ExtremeER Holiday Extreme ” Extreme & Toddlers Extreme Tiaras

Abiding Seinfeld Citizen” Seinfeld Jim Movie: Browns “The

Sara’s ” Cooking ” Bob Kitchen Builder Poppy Gardening Test Cat SciGirls Paid Prog. Cook’s Justin Time UseHouse Your Notre Dame Old Exploration Brain to Special Old House Kids News Change Your SnowboardMarket KING 5 Age ing Warriors News

King Invisible” King ”

Greener Boxing:News Antiques Nightly Hubert Keller News Fight Night Roadshow

Family Guy Movie: Movie: Family Guy “Red “Law Eye”


TLC Extreme Four WedExtreme dings: Holi. <

Bones Big PaidBang Prog. ” Two PaidMen Prog. Cops The Offi ce Kids News Cops Jim House Old

Extreme Deck Halls Extreme Extreme ” Extreme Toddlers Extreme Extreme & Tiaras Extreme Extreme

Kitchen How I Met Paid Prog. Nightmares How JillianI Met

Four WedHoliday ExtremeER dings: ”Holi. Extreme Deck Halls Toddlers Extreme & Tiaras” Extreme Holiday ER Four WedExtreme dings:”Holi. Extreme Paid Prog. Deck Halls Extreme Paid Prog. ” Extreme

News 30 Rock Rock 30 Wanted Raymond Trout TV MasterChef Big Bang Bones ” Two Men ” 30 BigSeconds Bang The Office The ce Two Offi Men Jim



” ce The Offi Abiding Movie: The Office Citizen” “Lakeview Seinfeld Jim Terrace” Seinfeld Browns

Movie:” King Movie: “The King “Body of Invisible” Family Guy Lies” ” Family Guy ” Movie: The Office ” “RedOffi Eye” The ce





Sara’s Hepburn ReBob Builder Cooking membered SciGirls The Queen’s Test Kitchen Use Your Palaces Cook’s Brain to

” Beauty Gardening ” Backroads Paid Prog. Mr. Magoo’s Poppy Cat Notre Dame Christmas Justin Time Special

Movie: WWE Old House Change Your Exploration Snowboard“No Time Tribute Old Kids Age House ing News for Law &5 Market KING Greener Boxing: Sergeants” Order: SVU Warriors NewsNight Hubert Keller Fight Live From KING News Antiques Nightly Sara’s ” News Artists Den Saturday Roadshow News Cooking ” Masterpiece Live Hepburn Re- Night Beauty Test Kitchen Poppy Cat Classic ” membered Backroads Cook’s Justin Time

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Movie: :00 49ers”at :30 Simpsons “Deck the :30 Seattle” Simpsons First Story Best Recipes Doodlebops Simpsons ” The Christmas Storage Seahawks Halls” of Music” Movie: NCIS: Los Halls” The Ultimate NewRapidly Tricks of Music” Be the Boss :00 SportsCentre ” Nick and First Story Rick ” Changing ” Storage ” ” “Elf” Mercer Liberty AngelesKids Nick and ” Fighter ” ” :30 SportsCentre Football Norah’s Corner Gas Dragons’ The Insider Norah’s ” Victorian Cash Cab Storage ” Family Guy ” ” Good Family Guy Lewis ” :00 Infi niteDad Corner Pets.TV Infi niteDad To Be ” Farm ” Cash Cab Storage Motoring Amer. ” Gas Den ” Wife Amer. ” :30 Night Playlist Cane W5 Movie: KIRO News Candy Playlist Cane Sportsnet Announced The Queen’s News ” SportsCentre Candy ” CBC News: The ” Storage :00 NFL Football: CHBC News “Goose on KIRO News Global Nat. ” Palaces World News ” Lane ” The National Mentalist Lane Connected ” ” Storage :30 SportsCentre News CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Final European Beatles Storage GlobalFinal Nat. the Loose!” CBS News Hour ” Frontiers of News KOMO 4 :00 San ” News fifth estate KIRO News News ” Poker Tour Rocked Storage CHBC News CTV News ” ” 7 Sportsnet Construction Castle News :30 Francisco SportsCentre Paid Prog. The Face/Nation Paid Prog. UFC Wired Van Dyke Be the Boss at Movie: Movie: Frosty” 60 Minutes Movie: CrossScience of Movie:” Storage :00 49ers ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Canadian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ” Parks Burn Notice ” Seattle “Deck the “The Sound Frosty ” “Deck the Country Babies “The Sound Storage :30 Seahawks Halls” of Music” Movie: NCIS: Los Halls” The Ultimate New Tricks of Music” Be the Boss :00 ” ”24, 2012 “Elf” Angeles ” Fighter ” ” ” MONDAY, DECEMBER :30 SportsCentre ” Family Guy ” ” The Good Family Guy ” Lewis ” Storage :00 Amer. Dad ” ” Wife Amer. Dad ” ” ” Storage :30 Motoring TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO Candy CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E SportsCentre Candy Cane ” CBC News: The Cane Sportsnet ” ” Storage :00 ” Lane ” The& National Mentalist Lane Connected ” ” Storage # $ % _ ( ) * ` 1 :30 SportsCentre News Final The CTVView News Poko CBC News The KIRO News News Final Sportsnet European Beatles News Storage :00 Sportfi shing The Doctors Price Is The Doctors Noodle The View Criminal :00 ” News CTV News fi fth estate KIRO News News Poker Tour Rocked Castle Storage :30 Motoring ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Timothy ” Minds :30 SportsCentre Paid Prog. The Marilyn Steven” and Young Face/Nation Paid Prog. UFC Wired JoeVan Dyke Be the Boss :00 Auto Racing Chef/Home The & Chef/Home Sportsnet Jack KOMO” 4 Criminal :00 ” Paid Prog. Mentalist Canadian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ” Parks Burn Notice Minds ” :30 NFL Films Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Connected G. Shrinks News :30 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News Sportsnet Arthur The Chew The First 48 :00 NFL Hour ” Hour Connected Peep, Big ” ” :30 PrimeTime MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, Marketplace 2012 Bold Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our Soccer Poppetstown General The First 48 :00 NFL Live ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Central Save Ums Hospital ” :30 TSN CHBC Dr.CIVT CBC Let’s KIRO CHAN EPLSNP KNOW The KOMO A&E Phil Steven and Make a The Jeff Review Mag Fero Doctors The First 48 :00 Off Record The Jeff Probst Show ” Chris& Deal_ Probst Show ” Rolie* Polie ” ” :30 SportsCentre # $ % ( ) ` 1 The Ricki Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki European Dinosaur The Dr. Oz The First 48 :00 SportsCentre The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is Lake The Doctors Sportsnet Noodle The View Criminal :00 Sportfi” shing Lake Show neres Show Stefano ThisMinute Show Poker Tour Arthur Show ” :30 ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Timothy ” Minds :30 Motoring 2013 IIHF Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & World Poker Clifford-Dog KOMO 4 The First 48 :00 Auto Racing Chef/Home The Marilyn Steven and Young & Chef/Home Sportsnet Joe- Jack KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Hockey Restless Live Den Judge Judy Restless Tour WordWorld News ” :30 NFL Films Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Connected G. Shrinks News Minds :30 SportsCentre News CTV News News KIRO News Early News Prime Time Christmas News Duck D. :00 NFL Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News Sportsnet Arthur The Chew The First 48 :00 ” ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. Sports The Gruffalo World News Duck D. :30 Hour ”24, Marketplace Bold Hour Connected Peep, Big ” ” :30 PrimeTime MONDAY, DECEMBER 2012 KIRO TSN Top 50 Global Nat. CTV News News News News Hour Sportsnet Animals News Duck D. :00 Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our Soccer Poppetstown General The First 48 :00 NFL Live ” CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News ” UFC Central Gardens Gift Duck D. :30 ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Central Save Ums Hospital ” :30 TSN Ent CHBC Landing CIVT George CBC KIRO Ent CHAN UFC SNP Wilderness KNOW Wheel KOMO Duck A&E SportsCentre S Ent :00 The Jeff Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Jeff EPL Review Mag Fero The Doctors The First 48 :00 Off Record ” ET Canada Prep & Coronation The Insider ET Canada Countdown ” Jeopardy! Dynasty :30 Probst Show ” Chris Deal_ Probst Show ” Rolie Polie ” ” :30 SportsCentre # $ % & ( ) * ` 1 2013 IIHF Movie: Movie: Movie: How I Met Movie: The Ultimate Emma Landing Duck D. :00 SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki European Dinosaur The Dr. Oz The First 48 :00 Hockey Sportfishing “Disney’s The Doctors TheaView Poko The Price The Doctors Sportsnet Noodle The View Criminal A “It’s How I Met Is “Disney’s A Fighter Shrek/Halls Duck D. :00 :30 ” Lake Show neres Show “Scrooge” Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Poker Tour Arthur” Show ” :30 Motoring ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Timothy ” Minds :30 SportsCentre Christmas Wonderful ” Broke NHL Alumni Duck D. 48 :00 2013 IIHF Young & Anderson Dragons’ JudgeGirl Judy Christmas Young & World Poker Emma Clifford-Dog Movie: KOMO 4 The First :00 Auto Racing Chef/Home The Young & Chef/Home Sportsnet JoeJack KOMO 4 Criminal ” Carol” Life” Carol” Charity ” “Shrek Duck D. :00 :30 Hockey Restless Live Marilyn Steven Den ” and Mike Judge Judy Restless Tour WordWorld News the ” :30 NFL Films Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Connected G. Shrinks News Minds :30 TSN Top 50 The ” CBC News: Hawaii FiveThe Sportsnet Christmas in Third” Duck :00 SportsCentre News CTV News News KIRO News Early News Prime Time Christmas News Duck D. D. :00 NFL Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News Sportsnet Arthur The Chew The First ” Kennedys ” The National 0 Kennedys Connected London ” Duck :00 :30 ” ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. Sports The Gruffalo World News Duck D. D. 48 :30 PrimeTime Hour ” Marketplace Bold Hour Connected Peep, Big ” ” :30 2013 IIHF50 CHBC CBC KIRO Christmas Duck :00 TSN Top GlobalNews Nat. CTV CTV News News NewsNews KIRO News News News News Hour Hour CrossSportsnet Animals in News News Duck D. :00 Hockey NFL Live Days our CTV The Dr. Heartland The Talk Days of Soccer Poppetstown General The Final News S One Nightline Dynasty :00 :30 ” CHBCofNews ” Oz George Exchange CBSChristNews Final ” our Country UFC Central Wales Gardens Gift DuckFirst D. 48 :30 ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Central Save Ums Hospital ” :30 SportsCentre ET Christmas Coronation mas ET in Jimmy Duck :00 EntCanada A Landing George S Ent Story EntCanada NHL UFCAlumni Christmas Wilderness Wheel Duck D. :00 SportsCentre ”” The Talk Carol Being Erica Talk Charity Live Duck D. 48 Record The Jeff Dr. Phil Steven and TBA Let’s Make a The The Jeff EPL Review Vienna Mag Fero The Doctors The First :00 :30 ET Canada Prep & Coronation The Insider ET Canada Countdown ” 2010 Kimmel Jeopardy! Dynasty :30 Off Probst Show ” Chris Deal Probst Show ” Rolie Polie ” ” :30 SportsCentre Movie: Movie: Movie: How I Met Movie: The Ultimate Emma Landing Duck D. :00 2013 IIHF The Ricki A Ellen Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki A European Dinosaur The Dr. Oz The :00 Hockey “Disney’s “It’s a DeGe- Best “Scrooge” How I Met “Disney’s Fighter ” Shrek/Halls DuckFirst D. 48 :30 SportsCentre ” Lake Show neres Show Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Poker Tour Arthur Show ” :30 SportsCentre Christmas Wonderful ” Broke Girl Christmas NHL Alumni Emma Movie: Duck D. :00 IIHF Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Carol” Young & World Poker Clifford-Dog KOMO the 4 The First :00 ” Carol” Life” ” Mike Charity ” “Shrek Duck D. 48 :30 2013 Hockey Restless Live Den Judge Judy Restless Tour WordWorld News ” :30 ” CBC News: Hawaii Five- The Sportsnet Christmas in Third” Duck D. :00 TSN Top 50 The News CTV News News News Early News Prime Time Christmas News ” Duck :00 ” Kennedys ” The National KIRO 0 Kennedys Connected London Duck D. D. :30 SportsCentre ” ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. Sports The Gruffalo World News Duck D. :30 CHBC News CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour CrossChristmas in News Duck :00 2013 IIHF Top 50 Global CTV News News KIRO News News Sportsnet Animals News Duck D. Hockey Final Nat. George S One ChristFinal Hour Country Wales Nightline Dynasty :00 :30 TSN ” CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News ” UFC Central Gardens Gift Duck D. :30 ET Canada NHL Alumni Christmas in Jimmy Duck D. :00 SportsCentre ET Canada A Christmas Coronation mas Story Ent Landing George S Ent Ent UFC Wilderness ” The Talk Carol Being Erica TBA The Talk Charity Vienna 2010 Wheel Kimmel Live Duck D. :00 :30 SportsCentre ” ET Canada Prep & Coronation The Insider ET Canada Countdown ” Jeopardy! Dynasty :30 2013 IIHF Movie: Movie: Movie: How I Met Movie: The Ultimate Emma Landing Duck D. :00 TUESDAY, 2012 How I Met “Disney’s A Fighter “Disney’s A “It’s a 25,“Scrooge” ” Shrek/Halls Duck D. :30 Hockey DECEMBER Wonderful ” Broke Girl Christmas NHL Alumni Emma Movie: Duck D. :00 SportsCentre Christmas ” Carol” ” Mike ” “Shrek the Duck D. :30 TSN CHBC Life” CIVT CBC KIRO Carol” CHAN Charity SNP KNOW KOMO A&E TSN Top 50 The ” CBC News: Hawaii FiveThe Sportsnet Christmas in Third” Duck D. :00 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 ” Kennedys ” The National 0 Kennedys Connected London ” Duck D. :30 The Doctors Price Is The Doctors Charlie/Lola Criminal 2013 IIHF CHBC News The CTVView News Poko CBC News The KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet CrossChristmas in Christmas News Duck :00 :00 NBA Basketball ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Timothy Day Parade Minds Hockey Final CTV News George S One ChristFinal Country Wales Nightline Dynasty :30 :30 ” Chef/Home The Marilyn Frosty Young & Chef/Home Sportsnet JoeJack Neighbors Criminal SportsCentre ET Canada A Christmas Coronation mas Story ET Canada NHL Alumni Christmas in Jimmy Duck D. :00 :00 Debt/Part Denis Debt/Part Connected The Gruffalo The Talk Carol Show Frosty Being Erica Restless TBA The Talk Charity Vienna 2010 NBA Kimmel Live Minds Duck D. :30 :30 NBA ” Museum CTV News Disney Parks KIRO News Museum Sportsnet Arthur NBA The First 48 :00 Basketball: TUESDAY, 2012 Bold Secrets ” 25, Christmas Secrets Connected Peep, Big Basketball: ” :30 New York DECEMBER Days of our The Dr. Oz Day Parade The Talk Days of our Soccer Poppetstown Knicks at The First 48 :00 Knicks at Angeles Lives ” ” Lives Ums Lakers ” :30 LosTSN CHBC Show CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN Central SNP Save KNOW KOMO A&E The Jeff Dr. Phil Movie: Make a The Jeff Movie Mag Fero ” The First 48 :00 Lakers # $ % &on Let’s ( ) 1 Probst Show ” “Goose Deal_ Probst Show ” Rolie* Polie NBA` ” :30 NBA NBA TheRicki Doctors Ellen The View Poko The Price Is The The Ricki Doctors Sportsnet Charlie/Lola Basketball: Christmas Criminal The DeGe- the Loose!” ThisMinute ” Dinosaur Storage :00 Basketball: :00 Basketball ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Timothy Day Parade Minds ” ThisMinute Lake Show ” Arthur Thunder at Storage :30 Thunder at Lake Show neres Show :30 Chef/Home The Marilyn Movie: Frosty YoungJudy & Chef/Home Sportsnet Joe- Jack Neighbors Criminal :00 Heat ” Young & Anderson Judge Young & World Poker Clifford-Dog Heat Storage :00 Debt/Part Denis Show “A Frosty Restless Debt/Part Connected WordWorld The Gruffalo NBA ” Minds Restless Live Judge Judy Restless Tour Storage :30 NBA ” :30 Basketball: News Museum CTV News News Disney Parks KIRO KIRO News News Global Museum Sportsnet Arthur NBA The First 48 :00 NBA CTV Heartland News NHL Alumni The Gruffalo News Storage :00 New York Secrets ” Christmas Bold Secrets Connected Peep, Big Basketball: ” ” at Five Christmas” KIRO News Global Nat. Charity Christmas Photo Storage :30 Basketball: :30 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25,News 2012 Knicks at Days of our CTV The Dr. Oz Day Parade KIRO The Talk Days Hour of our Sportsnet Soccer Poppetstown Knicks at The First 48 :00 Rockets at Global Nat. News News News Christmas in News Storage :00 Los Angeles CHBC Lives News Show” ” ” Lives Central Save Ums Lakers Hero Storage ” :30 Bulls The Nativity CBS News News Connected London Healing :30 The Jeff Dr.CIVT Phil Movie: Let’s Make a Muppets: The Jeff Movie Mag Fero in Wheel ” The First 48 :00 Lakers ” Muppets: To Be ” Ent Movie Storage TSN CHBC CBC KIRO CHAN SNP Christmas KNOW KOMO A&E :00 NBA Probst Show ” “Goose on Deal Probst Show ” Rolie Polie NBA ” :30 Letters Announced ” The Insider Letters ” Wales Jeopardy! 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Charity Christmas Photo Storage :30 Hockey ” The National Connected Christmas” Storage Basketball: Kennedys Museum CTV News Disney Parks KIRO ”News Kennedys Museum Sportsnet Arthur” NBA The First 48 :30 :00 Rockets at Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet Christmas in News Storage New York Secrets ” Christmas Bold News News Secrets Connected Basketball: Storage ” :00 SportsCentre :30 CHBC News CTV News Christmas KIRO UFC Central Peep,”Big News :00 Bulls ” CHBC News ” The Nativity CBSShow News News News Connected Chapel London Healing Hero Storage Storage :30 Knicks Final News at Days of our CTV The Dr. Oz Celebration Day Parade Late The Talk Days of our Snowbrd Soccer Poppetstown Nightline Knicks at The First 48 :30 :00 ” Muppets: To Be Ent Muppets: Movie Christmas Wheel Storage Los Angeles Lives Show ” ” Lives Central Save Ums in Jimmy Lakers ” :00 :30 2013 IIHF Three Weeks Daily Show McLean Letterman Three Weeks CrossMessiah Storage :00 NBA Letters Announced ” The Insider Letters ” Wales Jeopardy! Storage :30 Hockey ” Colbert Border Ferguson ” Country ” Kimmel Lakers The Jeff Dr. Phil Rep The Movie: Let’s Make a The Jeff Movie Mag Fero ” Live Storage The First 48 :30 :00 Basketball: Movie: Movie: Movie: NCIS Movie: Emma The Grinch Storage NBA Probst Show ” “Goose on Deal Probst Show ” Rolie Polie NBA ” :00 :30 Nuggets at “The Polar “Borrowed “Miracle on ” “The Polar ” ” Movie: Storage :30 Basketball: The Ricki Ellen DeGe- the Loose!” ThisMinute The Ricki ” Dinosaur Basketball: Storage WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2012 :00 Clippers at Express” Hearts” NCIS: Los Express” NHL Alumni Emma “Dr. Seuss’ Lake Show neres Show 34th Street” ” ThisMinute Lake Show ” Arthur Thunder at Storage :00 Thunder :30 ” ” ” Angeles ” Charity ” How the Storage :30 Heat ” Young & Anderson Movie: Judge Judy Young & World Poker Clifford-Dog Heat Storage :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 2013 IIHF The Flashpoint CBC News: Judge Vegas The Sportsnet Persuasion Grinch Stole Storage Storage :00 ” Restless Live “A Judy Restless Tour WordWorld ” :30 Hockey Kennedys ” The National ” Kennedys Connected ” Christmas” Storage :30 $ & _ ( ` 1 News CTV% News Heartland KIRO News Global News NHL) Alumni The* Gruffalo News Storage :00 NBA# SportsCentre CHBC” News CTV News Christmas KIRO UFC Central Christmas ” News Storage :00 Basketball: at Five Christmas” KIRO News News News Global Nat. 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Storage :30 ” Museum CTV News CBC News KIRO News Museum Sportsnet Arthur The Chew The First 48 :00 ” Secrets Marketplace NCIS Bold Secrets Connected Peep, Big ” ” Movie: Movie:” Movie: Movie: ” Emma The Grinch Storage :00 :30 Basketball: at “The Polar “Borrowed “Miracle on ” “The Polar ” Movie: Storage :30 IIHF Hockey Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our Movie ” Poppetstown General The First 48 :00 Nuggets SportsCentre Lives Show ” ” Lives ” Save Ums Hospital ” Clippers Express” Hearts” 34th Street” NCIS: Los Express” NHL Alumni Emma “Dr. Seuss’ Storage :30 :00 ”” ” ” Angeles ” Charity ” How the Storage :30 The Jeff Dr. Phil Steven” and Let’s Make a The Jeff ” Maggie The Doctors The First 48 :00 Off Record Probst Show Flashpoint ” Chris News: Vegas Deal Probst Show Sportsnet ” Rolie Polie ” IIHF The CBC The Persuasion Grinch” Stole Storage :30 2013 :00 Hockey Kennedys ” The National ” Kennedys Connected ” Christmas” Storage :30 Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki Sportsnet Dinosaur The Dr. Oz The First 48 :00 SportsCentre The Ricki ” Lake Show neres Show Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Connected Arthur Show ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Christmas KIRO News News UFC Central ” News Storage :30 :00 ” Final CTV News Celebration Late Show Snowbrd Nightline Storage Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy News Young & World Poker Chapel Lost KOMO 4 Duck D. :30 :00 Hockey Hockey Restless Live Show Den Judge Judy Three Restless Tour WordWorld News Duck D. :30 2013 IIHF Three Weeks Daily McLean Letterman Weeks CrossMessiah Jimmy Storage :00 Hockey ” Colbert Rep The Border Ferguson ” Country ” Kimmel Live Storage ” News CTV News News KIRO News Early News NHL Alumni Dive, Olly News Duck D. :30 :00 ” ” at Five News KIRO News Global Nat. Charity Wild Kratts World News Duck D. :30 ” Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet Animals KOMO 4 Duck :00 ” CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News ” Connected Undersea News Dynasty :30 SportsCentre Ent TransformGeorge S Ent Ent To Be Frontiers of Wheel Shipping :00 ” ET Canada ers: Revenge Coronation The Insider ET Canada Announced Construction Jeopardy! Shipping :30 ” Movie: of the Fallen Dragons’ Elementary Movie: ” Guge: Lost The Middle Shipping :00 ” Den ” “Christmas ” Kingdom of Neighbors Shipping :30 Off Record “Christmas ” Festival on The 35th An- on Chestnut ” A Night in Mod Fam Duck D. :00 Motorcycle on Chestnut Racing Street” ” Ice nual KenStreet” Sportsnet Vienna Suburgatory Duck D. :30 SportsCentre The Flashpoint CBC News: nedy Center The Sportsnet ” Nashville Duck :00 ” Kennedys ” The National Honors Kennedys Connected Window ” Dynasty :30 Frontiers of News Shipping :00 SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Hour Hockey ” Final CTV News George S Late Show Final NHL Alumni Construction Nightline Shipping :30 ET Canada Charity Guge: Lost Jimmy Shipping :00 SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation Letterman ” The Talk Colbert Rep The Tudors Ferguson The Talk The Grid Kingdom of Kimmel Live Shipping :30

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CBC News: the Sunny Diana: Book Strip MythBusters Big Bang The National City ” Spokane ” Two Men

Paid Prog. Sin City Paid RulesProg.

In the Life CatJoan Miro: Christmas

Easy Meals Chargers at Paid Prog. New York

Sister Wives Gold” ” ”

Luther: Tidings

Jets 5th Quarter

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

Auction Auction

Simpsons Burgers

There Movie:Yet? There “Fool’sYet?


Princesses of the World

Gift of Giving 2012

CBC News: Strip the The National City



Family Guy Amer. Dad

Sin City Rules

Pick Splatalot

Diana: Book X-Ray: ” Yellowstone

News Bones

Sister Wives Movie: Sister Wives “Yes Man”

The Funny Fairly Odd Splatalot League/Evil Movie SpongeBob ” SpongeBob

Himalayas CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Reshmi Nair The National ”

MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made Strip the How/Made City How/Made

” ce The Offi Sunny How I Met Sunny Family Feud Spokane Family Feud

Sin City Cake Boss RulesBoss Cake Paid Prog. Long Island Paid Prog. Medium: Be.

SpongeBob SpongeBob

” ”



Sin City Big Bang ” Football A17 Rules Big Bang ” Night Toddlers & With Tad McLaughlin Skiingin



Canada’s Perry Mason Long Island Worst Driver ” Medium

Madagascar CBC News Canada’s Law Order: Panda Now-Nichols Worst Driver CI


KCTS ” ” N


Dateline NBC

” Law Order: ” CI There Yet? Law Order: There Yet? CI

Infinity Hall Sid Science Live Kratts Wild In the Life Daniel Tiger JoanSteves Miro: Rick

KING News Today Backroads cont’d EasyDay Meals New Paid Prog. Northwest

Excused Excused

Urban Nutcracker

KING 5 News

There Yet? There Yet?

Christmas, Days of our Annie Moses Lives

Ice Age Penguins

Power & Politics

Canada’s Funny Home Medium Worst Driver Videos Medium

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

SpongeBob Fairly Odd Tis/ Smurfy League/Evil Rudolph, the SpongeBob Reindeer SpongeBob Pink Panther SpongeBob Yogi SpongeBob Santa Madagascar Claus/ Town Panda Next Star Ice Age Next Star Penguins Taylor Swift SpongeBob Fairly One 2 Odd One Tis/ Smurfy League/Evil One Rudolph, the SpongeBob One 2 One Reindeer SpongeBob One One Pink2Panther SpongeBob One 2 One Yogi SpongeBob That’s-Weird Santa Madagascar Splatalot Claus/ Town Panda The NextNutty Star Professor Ice Age Next Star Penguins Taylor Swift SpongeBob One 2 One Tis/ Smurfy One Rudolph, the One 2 One Reindeer One 2 One Pink Panther One 2 One Yogi That’s-Weird Santa Splatalot Claus/ Town The Nutty Next Star Professor Next Star

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary ” CBC News ” ” ” CBC News: CBC News The National Now-Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” CBC News The National ” Now With CBC LangNews: & Reshmi The National O’Leary Nair ” CBC CBC News News ””” ” CBC CBC News: News: CBC News The The National National Now-Nichols Lang CBC & News O’Leary Power”& Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News CBC News ” ” CBC News: CBC News: The National The National Lang & CBC News O’Leary ”

Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver How/Made Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver How/Made Canada’s Canada’s Worst Driver Worst Driver Canada’s Canada’s Worst Driver Worst Driver Canada’s Canada’s Worst Driver Worst Driver Canada’s Canada’s How/Made Worst Worst Driver Driver How/Made Canada’s Canada’s How/Made Worst Driver Worst Driver How/Made Mighty Canada’s Canada’s Planes Worst Driver Worst Driver Mighty Canada’s Canada’s Planes Worst Driver Worst Driver Mighty Canada’s Planes Canada’s Worst Driver Worst Driver Canada’s Canada’s Worst Driver Worst Driver Canada’s Canada’s Worst Driver Worst Driver Mighty Canada’s Planes Worst Driver Mighty Canada’s Planes Worst Driver Mighty Canada’s Planes Worst Driver

Medium Cake Boss Medium Cake Boss Medium Long Island Medium Medium: Be. Long Island Long Island Medium: On Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Cake Boss Medium Medium Cake Boss Medium Medium Long Island Medium Medium Medium: Be. Long Long Island Island Long Island Medium: On Medium: On Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Peter Popoff Medium Paid Prog. Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Long Island Medium: On Medium: On Medium Medium Medium Peter Popoff Medium Paid Prog. Medium

The Office LawOffi Order: The ce CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Office Law Order: Family Guy The Offi ce CI Amer. Dad Big Bang Law Order: Movie: Big Bang CI “This Browns Excused Christmas” Payne Excused ” Browns There Payne”Yet? There Yet? The Nativity Seinfeld Story King Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Office Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “This Browns Christmas” Payne ” Browns ” Payne The Nativity Seinfeld Story Seinfeld

CatEllen DeGeSid Science neres TodayShow Christmas Wild Kratts cont’d Arthur’s Katie Daniel Tiger New Day Christmas ” Rick Steves Northwest Business KING 5 Urban KING 5 World News News Nutcracker News PBS Nightly News Christmas, Days of our NewsHour News Annie Moses Lives Old House Magazine Charlie Rose Dr. Phil European Inside Ed. ” ” Antiques Movie: CatEllen DeGeSid Science Today Roadshow “It’s a Show Christmas neres Wild Kratts cont’d Choir Wonderful Arthur’s Katie Daniel New Day ” Tiger Life” Christmas ” Rick Steves Northwest Luther: Business KING ”5 Urban News News KING ”5 Tidings World Nutcracker News Great KING News PBS PerNightly News Christmas, Days formances Backroads NewsHour News of our Annie Moses Lives Happy ChristmasOld House Magazine Holidays Charlie Rose Mass Dr. PhilEd. European Inside ” ” Antiques Movie: CatEllen Roadshow “It’s a DeGeChristmas neres Show Choir Wonderful Arthur’s Katie ” Life” Christmas ” Luther: ” Business KING ”5 Tidings World News News Great PerKING News PBS Nightly News formances Backroads NewsHour News Happy ChristmasOld House Magazine Holidays Mass European Inside Ed.

Taylor Swift One 2 One

CBC News: Canada’s Raising The National Worst Driver Raising

Medium Medium

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

Movie: “It’s a

One One 2 One

CBC News: Canada’s Raising The National Worst Driver Raising

Medium Medium

Amer. Dad Movie:


Wonderful Life”

One 2 One One 2 One

CBC News ”

News 30 Rock

Long Island “This Medium: On Christmas”

Luther: Tidings

Pink Panther Movie: That’s-Weird CBC News: Auction Mighty Yogi “Lucky” Splatalot The National Auction Planes

The Office Sunny How TMZ I Met

Undercover Medium Boss Medium

Sid Science Great PerWild Kratts formances

Merry The Nutty Christmas, Professor

Lang ”& ” O’Leary

Family Feud Undercover The Offi ce Peter Popoff Law The Order: Nativity Daniel Happy Tiger Family Boss CI Rick Steves King ofFeud Hill Paid Prog. Story Holidays

New Day ChristmasNorthwest Mass

Drake & Josh

The DiaHighway mond Queen Thru Hell

Perry Mason Undercover ” Boss

Excused Excused

Lidia Celebrates

Holiday Festival on Ice

Next Star Next Star

Himalayas ”

Highway Thru Hell

Law Order: CI

Undercover Boss

There Yet? There Yet?

Oregon Wine Days of our ” Lives

Boys Mr. Young Pink Panther Boys Yogi Mr. Young Merry How to Rock Christmas, iCarly

Movie: “Lucky” Movie: ” “Lucky” ” Only in” ” Canada

Highway Thru Hell Auction Highway Auction Thru Hell Highway Highway Thru Hell Hell Thru

Funny Home Videos The Ricki Office The How Show I Met Lake Family Feud Anderson Family Feud Live

Undercover Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss

Charlie Rose ” Sid in Science Cat the Wild Kratts Arthur Daniel Tiger Wild Kratts Rick Steves WordGirl

Drake & Victorious Josh Boys Next Star Big Time Next Star Rush

The DiaHighway Diana: Book Highway mond”Queen Thru Thru Hell Hell Himalayas Highway CBC News: Highway ” Thru Hell Hell The National Thru

Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss

Movie: Princesses “Lucky” of the World ” CBC News: ” The National Movie:

Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover


Dr. Phil ” TodayDeGeEllen cont’d neres Show New Day Katie Northwest ” Lidia Holiday Business KING 5 FesCelebrates tival on World News News Ice Oregon Wine Days of our PBS Nightly News ” Lives NewsHour News

Boys Mr. Young Mr.Young Young Mr. Boys Boys Mr. Young Next Star Pink Panther

Perry Mason Simpsons ” Raymond LawBang Order: Big CI Men Two Funny Home Big Bang Videos Two Men The Ricki New Girl LakeOffi Show New Girl The ce

King King LawOffi Order: The ce CI Office The Law Order: Big Bang CI Bang Big Excused Browns Excused Payne There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The Offi ce Family Guy The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order:

Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Rick Steves Outd’r ”Idaho Inside ”Ed. Cat in the Ellen DeGeThree Faiths, Movie: Arthur neres Show One God “Horton Sid Science Today

How I Met Anderson New Girl Live Girl New Family Feud Simpsons Family News Feud Raymond 30 Rock Perry Mason Big Bang ” Sunny Two Men TMZ Law Order: Big Bang CI The Office Two Men King of Home Hill Funny New Girl Videos New Girl The Ricki New Girl Lake Show New Girl Anderson News Live 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond The Office TMZ Big HowBang I Met The Offi ce Two Men Family King of Feud Hill Big Bang Family Feud Two Men Perry Mason ” New Girl New Order: Girl Law

Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Paid Prog. Boss Paid Prog. Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Extreme Boss Undercover Extreme Paid Prog. Boss Cheer Paid Prog. Undercover Perfection Boss Toddlers & Tiaras Undercover Boss Toddlers &

CI Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Law Order: Browns CI “The Nativity Payne Story” Excused Browns Excused ” Payne Movie: There Yet? Seinfeld There Yet? “This Seinfeld Christmas” King Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: Big Bang “TheBang Nativity Big Story” Browns Payne” Law Order: Movie: Browns CI “This Payne Law Order: Christmas” Seinfeld CI Seinfeld Excused Excused Family Guy FamilyYet? Guy There

Wild Kratts cont’d Katie a Three Faiths, Hears WordGirl ” One God Daniel Tiger Who!” New Day Business KING Rick Steves Northwest Frontline Go On5 World”News New NewsNormal Lidia Holiday FesPBS Nightly News Celebrates tival on Ice American KING News NewsHour News Masters Jay Leno Oregon Wine Days of our Rick Steves Magazine Lives ”” ” Outd’r Idaho Inside Ed. Old House Charlie Rose Jimmy Dr. PhilFallon Three ”Faiths, Movie:” One God “Horton Cat in the Ellen DeGeThree a Arthur Faiths, Hears neres Show One God Who!” Wild Kratts Katie Frontline Go On” WordGirl ” New Normal Business KING 5 American World News KING News News Sid Science Jay Today Masters Leno PBS Nightly Wild Kratts cont’d News ” NewsHour News ” Daniel Tiger Jimmy New Day Old House Fallon Rick Steves Magazine Northwest Outd’r Idaho Inside Ed. Antiques KING 5 Roadshow News Three Faiths, Movie: One “Horton Julia God Child Days of our

Now-Nichols ” CI CBC News: MythBusters New Girl The National ” New Girl Power & Gold Rush Funny Home SpongeBob Politics ” Videos The Funny The DiaMythBusters News The Funny mond Queen ” 30 Rock SpongeBob ” Gold Rush The Ricki SpongeBob ” ” Lake Show That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot ” TMZ SpongeBob The LangNational & Gold Rush Anderson SpongeBob O’Leary ” Live Office Nutty Prof. 2 CBC News: MythBusters The ” The ” King of Hill SpongeBob CBCNational News Gold Rush Simpsons SpongeBob ” ” Raymond

Tiaras Undercover Boss Toddlers &

There Amer. Yet? Dad Movie: King














Mighty Planes

Highway Mighty Thru Hell Planes



Highway Highway Thru Hell Hell Thru Highway Highway Thru Hell Hell Thru Auction

Yogi “Lucky” Auction HowFunny to Rock CBC Only News: in Highway The MythBusters iCarly Canada Thru Hell The Funny The National ” Merry ” Highway Victorious Diana: Book Highway Christmas, ” Thru Hell The Funny The DiaMythBusters Boys ” Thru Hell The Funny mond Queen Highway ” Drake & The DiaBig Time CBC News: Highway Josh mondNews: Queen MythBusters Thru Hell That’s-Weird CBC Rush The National National Thru Hell Splatalot The ” Next Star Himalayas Highway Mr. Young Princesses Highway Next Star ” Thru Hell Nutty Prof. 2 CBC News: MythBusters Mr. Young of the World Thru Hell The National Highway ” Boys ” Movie: Boys CBC News: Thru Highway Mr. Young “Lucky” Hell Next Star The National Thru Hell Boys ” Highway TheYoung Funny CBC News: MythBusters Mr. ” Thru Hell The Funny The National ” How to Rock Only in Highway The Funny The DiaMythBusters iCarly Canada Thru Hell The Funny mond Queen ” Victorious Diana: Book Highway That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Boys ” Thru Hell SpongeBob The CBCNational News Gold Rush Splatalot ” Big Time CBC News: Highway SpongeBob Now With ” Nutty Prof. 2 The CBCNational News: Thru MythBusters Rush Hell SpongeBob Reshmi Nair Gold Rush ” The National ” Mr. Young Princesses Highway SpongeBob ” ” Mr. Young of the World Thru Hell SquarePants ” Gold Rush SpongeBob CBC News: ” ” Boys Highway Next Star The National Thru Hell SpongeBob CBC News Gold Rush





The Ricki The Offi ce Lake Show How I Met Anderson Family Feud Live Family Feud Simpsons Perry Mason Raymond ” Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos Raising The Ricki The Office Raising Lake Show How I Met Raising Anderson Family Feud Raising Live Family Feud News Simpsons Perry Mason 30 Rock Raymond ” Sunny Big Bang Law Order: TMZ Two Men CI The Office Big Bang King of Home Hill Funny Two Men Videos Raising The Ricki Raising Lake Show Raising Anderson Raising Live News Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Sunny Big TMZBang Two Men The Office Big KingBang of Hill Two Men






SpongeBob The Funny The Funny SpongeBob

Medium Medium

The Closer ”







Tiaras Undercover Boss Toddlers & Tiaras Undercover Boss Toddlers & Tiaras Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Toddlers & Tiaras




Law Order: ” CI ”








KING ” P ”

Today KING News cont’d Backroads







Joy/Painting Lives a Three Faiths, Hears One God Charlie Rose Who!” Dr. Phil King Nativity Frontline ” “The Go On” Story” ” New The Office Cat in the Ellen Normal DeGeThe Offi Arthur neres Show ” ce American KING News Movie: Masters Jay Leno Big Bang Wild Kratts Katie Big Bang WordGirl “This ” ”” Christmas” Old House Jimmy Browns Business KING 5Fallon Payne World News News

Ultimate Fan CBC News: Gold Rush iCarly The National ”

Big Bang Two Men

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

One CBC News Direction: Up ”

Gold Rush ”

Big Bang Two Men

Cheer Perfection

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Rick Steves Field Guide

Magazine Inside Ed.

All Night One Direc-

CBC News: Gold Rush The National ”

Ben-Kate Ben-Kate

Toddlers & Tiaras

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Whitney Guys-Kids

tion: The Only Way Is

CBC News: Oddities The National Oddities

Ben-Kate Ben-Kate

Cheer Perfection

Amer. Dad Movie:


Law & Order: SVU

News 30 Rock

Toddlers & Tiaras

“After the Sunset”


Chicago Fire ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: Oddities Splatalot The National Oddities

Sunny TMZ

Toddlers & Tiaras

” Movie:


KING News Jay Leno

Nacho Libre ”

The Office King of Hill

Peter Popoff “After the Paid Prog. Sunset”

Direction CBC News That’s-Weird ”

Lang & O’Leary

Oddities Oddities

Oddities Oddities

Tavis Smiley ” Underground Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

A18 A18

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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Cards of Thanks

Career Opportunities

Thank You The Nott Family, Ann, Chris, Sarah and Richard would like to thank everyone who sent cards and condolences in Peter’s Memory. These are much Appreciated & Treasured


Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

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Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel CONDOMINIUM HOTEL 1-2-3 bdrm condominiums 8251850sq ft. Convenient Beach Access, Heated Pool/Hot Tub In-room Washer/Dryer, Flat Screen TV’s, Free Wi-Fi, Private Balconies, Daily Housekeeping, Handicapped Rooms Available. Weekly/Monthly Rates, Free Local Calls, Free Local Beach Transportation. Conveniently Located to Shops and Restaurants. www.crystalpalmsbeach 1-888-360-0037. 11605 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island FL 33706. HAWAII ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709;

Employment Automotive BUSY Commercial Truck & Trailer Repair Shop in Salmo, BC seeking JOURNEYMAN or fourth year APPRENTICE MECHANIC. Shop works a four on three off schedule. Extended health care & pension plan available. Wages dependant on experience & qualifications. Please email resume to: (PDF) or fax to 250-357-2009 attn Rob.

LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Employment Help Wanted Seasonal labourer positions at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing, Lake Country BC. No experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Applicant must be capable of physically demanding (incl. heavy lifting) work in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week. 10-12 hours a day beginning approximately February 15th. 2012. Work includes tree planting, pruning & irrigation. Pay $10.25/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at

WANTED: Experienced log truck driver for full-time permanent position in the Vernon area. Call (250) 550-0164

SOHAL ORCHARDS LTD. requires Farm LABOUR in Winfield & Oyama. NO EXP. nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl but are not restricted to: pruning, thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & require working in all weather cond. Employment from Mar 1-Nov15, 2013. $10.25/hr. 10hrs/day, 6days/wk. Reply to Box #333 c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC., V1X 7K2

Help Wanted

Ofce Support

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

MERRIT B.C Data Entry Clerk: responsible for daily data entry of time sheets for up to 150 unionized employees. Payroll experience would be a definite asset. Please forward Resume to

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

GENERAL FARM LABOUR req in Winfield & Oyama. No exp nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl, but are not restricted to pruning, handling compost & soil, planting thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & req working in all weather conditions. Employment from Feb 15 - Oct 31, 2013. $10.25/hr. 10hrs/day, 6 days/wk. Reply to to Sedona Holdings Ltd 1790 High Rd, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7C1 HI my name is Vandy, $1000 reward for anyone who can author a life story about the ups and downs of my intriguing life...Creativity and imagination is an asset, short and sweet on the poetic spectrum preferable, whilst keeping within the guidelines of fact overriding fiction, embellishment an option but not most likely not necessary as my life is interesting enough to be authored and published within local newspapers without exaggeration as a necessity. You can reach me @ 778677-5446 or 885-8002 or e-mail

QUALITY Manager wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing Road, Lake Country, BC. Permanent Position. Must have a minimum of 4 years post-secondary education. Successful candidates must have in depth knowledge of cherries and cherry grading, Global Gap requirements, as well as a minimum of 5 years’ experience managing a cherry sorting room, including quality control and phytosanitary systems. Must have a minimum of 3 seasons experience managing optical cherry sizing equipment. Applicant must be capable of working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day during harvest from June to September and 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day off harvest. Work includes but is not limited to developing and maintaining food quality systems, managing 100+ sorting and box filling workers while maximizing efficiencies and ensuring quality from the field. Pay range $28-$40/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430

Trades, Technical HINO CENTRAL Fraser Valley is seeking a Commercial Vehicle Technician (Senior Apprentice or Journeyman) to add to our growing team in Langley. We offer a competitive salary and full benefits in a fully-equipped ultra-modern facility. Visit Apply to:; fax: 780-6384867.


Health Products GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale


Heavy Duty Machinery

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282 A19 A19

Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around for the Sportsman’s Christmas Wish List, Kel, 4-1691 Powick 250-762-7575, Tues-Sat 10-6

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Painting & Decorating

Misc. for Sale


Heavy Duty Machinery

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Pets & Livestock

Pets REGIST. Great Pyrenees Pups 700.00 mic.chip, 1rst shts, health guar 250-998-4697 delivery avail.

CORT acoustic steel string guitar with cutaway, grover tuners and Fishman Pickup. Beautiful wood and sound. Must be seen and played to appreciate. $500 Call 250-517-8087

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB


GREAT GIFT IDEA! ChillSpot is The COOLEST Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. Use promo code COOLGIFT For 10 % off!

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale



Auto Financing

Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted

Homes for Rent

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDINGS /metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 or online:

PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

HALF house for rent. Opposite Esquimalt High on 828 Colvile Rd. 3 Bedrooms, large yard for pets and kids. 250-885-8002 or 250-8858090

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

Sporting Goods Boxing Week Specials in Effect: Norinco M14 308 cal incl. 520rds of ammo $833 tax in. Norinco AR-15 223 cal incl 1600rds of ammo $1299 tax in, other tax in specials at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6 Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The Best Little Gunshop Around for the Sportsman’s Christmas Wish List, Kel, 4-1691 Powick 250-762-7575, Tues-Sat 10-6

Real Estate

LAKEVIEW, 3Bdrm house $1000. 2bdrm bsmt $650. 2 full bths, lrg livingrm, sundeck, newly painted. 250-718-1975

Suites, Lower 1bdrm suite in Lake Country. Seperate entry & parking. Utils & satellite incl’d. Fridge & stove. Non-smoking unit. $670/month + damage deposit. Avail Jan. 1. Phone: 250258-2522 for details & viewing. 2bdrm basement suite in Lake Country. Seperate entry and parking. Utils, satellite & laundry facilities incl’d. Fridge, stove, dishwasher. Non-smoking unit. $1050/month + DD. Avail Jan. 1. Phone: 250-2582522 for details & viewing.

Other Areas


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot, rather than Swalwell Park. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31. Business Licence Renewal Notices are in the mail Online bank payments have been expanded to included business licences and are available through some financial institutions. Use your account number as the payment reference number. Confirm with your bank whether business licence payments have been added to their internet banking services.

See the Christmas Skating Schedule on the “What’s Happening” event calendar at

A recap of the District’s snow-clearing priorities:

• Collector roads, school bus and transit routes and steep roads take priority over all other roads in the District. During a period of active snowfall, the contractor will remain on these priority routes to keep them cleared. • All local roads will be serviced once the main roads are cleared and have a reasonable chance of staying cleared. Many local roads are plowed at the same time that the hills are done, whenever it is practical and sensible to do so. • The goal of the snow removal program is to maintain the roads in a passable condition, which does not necessarily mean “bare pavement”. In certain conditions, the application of sand over compact snow will be performed. On busy routes, traffic works salt and/or sand into the snow, breaking it up and causing the roads to clear with use. Many District roads do not see sufficient traffic to achieve this effect, and a certain amount of compact snow on the road surface is to be expected. Salt application is ineffective below -6C.

Who can you call?

During office hours: Engineering 250-766-6677 After hours snow removal: 1-866-353-3136 After hours non–snow related road emergencies (road kill removal or debris on the roadway) Roads Duty pager at 250-317-9780

Make Memories, not Garbage This holiday season, give a gift of time together. Memories that last a lifetime – no wrapping required. For ideas, go to

Notice of Regular Council Meetings January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013

Regular Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, as per the schedule below, in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road commencing at 7:00 P.M. unless otherwise posted. No meeting January 1 July 2, 2013 January 15, 2013 July 16, 2013 February 5, 2013 February 19, 2013

No meeting August 6 August 20, 2013

March 5, 2013 March 19, 2013

September 3, 2013 No meeting September 17

April 2, 2013 April 16, 2013

October 1, 2013 October 15, 2013

May 7, 2013 May 21, 2013

November 5, 2013 November 19, 2013

June 4, 2013 June 18, 2013

December 3, 2013 December 17, 2013

Municipal Hall will be CLOSED at 2pm Friday, December 21st and re-open 8:30am Wednesday, January 2nd. Essential services such as police, fire, water, wastewater treatment and snow removal will remain in operation. Roads Emergencies: 250.317.9780 Water or Sewer Emergencies: pager 250.712.8073

Municipal facility holiday closures are planned around a time when there is low demand for services. In the long run, these closures save operation costs for the District and give staff some time to be with their families. Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2013, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

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