I N S I D E : Dear Santa! Pages 10-18
Volume 119 No 51 PM # 400121123
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
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Merry Christmas from The Journal
Warmest Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, Happy New Year to all our customers from all of us CLINTON BUILDING CENTRE
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Flying through Cache Creek
Police Telephone #s Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225
Dec. 11 at 7:30 am while on regular patrol in Cache Creek, an officer spotted a vehicle accelerating to 96 kph on Hwy 1 through town in the 50 kph zone. The driver was stopped and the 57 year old Monte Creek man was given a ticket for excessive speed ad his 1998 Ford F150 was impounded for a week.
Learning bad driving habits
Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed: December 24 - 26, December 31 & January 1
Dec. 12 at 8 pm Traffic Services stopped a vehicle on Hwy 97 in Clinton suspected of having an impaired driver. The driver, a 30 year old Comox man, admitted to having consumed alcohol. He was issued a 24 hour suspension and a ticket for failing to display the L of a Learner. He was driving a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta.
The Journal’s advertising deadline for the Thursday, Dec. 27 issue is Wednesday, Dec. 19 at noon, and the advertising deadline for the Thursday, Jan. 3 issue is Friday, Dec. 21 at 4:00 p.m.
402 4th St. • 250-453-2261
COMING EVENTS Dec. 20: Ashcroft Elementary School Christmas Concert 1 pm and 6 pm at the school. Dec. 21: Community Carol Sing at the Sage Hills Evangelical Free Church (1244 Mesa Vista Rd.). Begins at 7 pm.
Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
of Cache Creek after a westbound pickup truck had lost control on snowy roads and hit the ditch. Ashcroft Fire Rescue was again called to extract the driver and sole occupant, a 66 year old Mission man. The driver was treated for minor injuries and his 1999 Ford F350 had to be towed for repairs.
Couple stopped in stolen truck
Dec. 13 at 2:25 pm police were called to a single vehicle accident on Hwy 1 near the Walhachin Lookout where the driver of an eastbound Chevrolet van had lost control on snowy roads and had hit the ditch on the north side of the road. Ashcroft Fire Rescue was called to extract the driver, a 50 year old Kamloops woman. Her passenger, a 54 year old Kamloops woman, was treated for minor injuries.
Dec. 14 at 7 pm a Traffic Services officer stopped a vehicle in Cache Creek at the main intersection to check the driver’s sobriety. A check on the vehicle showed that it had been recently reported stolen in Surrey. The driver, a 58 year old man from North Bend, admitted that he had bought the truck knowing that it was stolen. He was charged with possession of stolen property and the 1998 Ford F150 was seized. His passenger, a 50 year old Kamloops woman, was arrested for three outstanding warrants issued in Kamloops, two related to drugs and one for assault. She was released on a proise to appear in court. A small amount of mariuana and a crackpipe were seized from the vehicle.
F350 hits the ditch and rolls
Woman threatened with weapon
Snowy roads blamed
Dec. 13 at 9:40 pm police were called to a single vehicle rollover on Hwy 1 just east
Dec. 15 at 2:45 am police attended a domestic dispute at a residence in the Thompson River Estates
after a woman called 911 and reported that her boyfriend was threatening her with a taser type of weapon. Police attended and arrested the owner of the residence, a 30 year old man, for uttering threats and possession of a weapon dangerous to the public. Jan. 7 is his first court appearance. The 29 year old Summerland woman was not injured. Both had been consuming alcohol before the incident.
No serious injuries in bus crash
The Logan Lake RCMP responded to a single vehicle collision early Monday morning on Hwy 5 involving a commercial coach bus. All occupants were taken to Kamloops Royal Inland Hospital as a precautionary measure. On Monday Dec. 17 at around 1:44 am, the Logan Lake RCMP, BC Ambulance Services and fire crews attended to a single vehicle collision on Hwy 5, North of Merritt near the Helmar exit in the Northbound lane. On scene, first responders confirmed that a commercial coach line bus had gone off the road and rolled onto its’ side. The approximate 40 passengers and bus driver were all taken to Royal Inland Hospital as a precautionary measure and to be treated for any apparent injuries received. Logan Lake RCMP and Traffic Services investigators determined that the bus driver may have encountered difficulties maneuvering around a stalled vehicle that was blocking the northbound slow lane. The investigation into the crash is continuing with the assistance from the BC Commercial Vehicle Safety Inspectors. Submitted
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Service at the Sage Hills Evangelical Church (1244 Mesa Vista Rd.) at 7 pm.
Merry Christmas
Add your community events to our online calendar at http://www.ash-cache-journal.com/calendar/
Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., DEC. 21st • 6:30 - 8:00 pm Baked Ham Dinner • $10/plate Visitors Welcome
MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month - Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 4 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
Raising money to cure Muscular Dystrophy Ashcroft firefighters Susan and Megan Henderson were at the Fire Hall the night of the Santa Claus Parade raising money for Muscular Dystrophy and lighting up the Hall at the same time.
As your MLA in Fraser-Nicola and on behalf of my family and staff, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year; and, please remember to drive safely.
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The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
MV says lab error behind failed tests
Lions’ raffle underway
The Ashcroft and District Lions were selling tickets for their annual raffle at the Christmas Craft Sale back in November. (Back) Nick Lebedoff, Vivian Edwards, Ines Lopez, (Front) Henry Surrey North Delta Leader Metro Vancouver now suspects lab errors Klassen and Ernie Kristoff were busy may be to blame for the recent failed tests of fly working the ticket table in the Cache ash from its Burnaby garbage incinerator and Creek Community Hall. The raffle offers that the material may not be hazardous after all. The regional district and the provincial en- several fabulous prizes and will be vironment ministry have been weighing wheth- drawn on Feb. 12. er to dig up and remove ash buried at the Cache Creek regional landfill after failed tests in July and August found leachable cadmium levels above the permitted limit for disposal there. More frequent testing had been underway since the summer failures came to light in late September and had not turned up any more exceedances – until Dec. 7, when Metro was informed another fly ash sample taken that week also failed. Metro solid waste manager Paul Henderson said the sample was retested and passed the second time, leading him to doubt the accuracy of the lab’s so-called TCLP test for leachability. “The lab confirmed there’d been an error in that sample that previously showed as failed,” he said. “It showed us absolutely there’s a possibility of failure of the TCLP test.” Henderson said there’s now a “strong possibility” lab testing error was the cause of all the failures. “We think it’s important information that really leads us to further investigation before any conclusion that the material is hazardous and needs to be removed.” He’s recommending re-testing of older failed samples by a new lab to help determine if lab error was to blame in those cases as well. Testing error had been considered one possible cause of the failures, as well as a possible problem with the ash treatment process that left too much leachable cadmium behind. Treatment is supposed to render toxic metals in the ash inert so they can’t leach into the environment around Cache Creek, if the landfill’s liner were to fail. Since Sept. 27 – when incinerator operator Covanta belatedly informed the Cache Creek landfill operators of the failed summer tests – the fly ash has been shipped to a landfill near Hinton, Alberta.
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 3
2012 Loon Lake Citizen of the Year Cathie Johnstone was recently voted the 2012 Loon Lake Citizen of the Year at the annual Loon Lake Community Christmas Dinner. Cathie has worked tirelessly as Treasurer of the Loon Lake Road Community, Recreational & Agricultural Society (LLRCRAS) and has donated many personal hours to helping the community. Congratulations Cathie, and thank you for your dedication to your community.
Christmas goodies sold for Clinton Grad fundraiser DSS Grads display the tasty treats they made for the Christmas Baking Fund Raiser! Pictured are Dustin Coldwell, Morgan Frowd and Meghan Burrage. (Missing Tabitha Perlitz).
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published every Tuesday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
Advice for living in the computer age As I read over the letters to Santa from students in our area, I worry, as I’m sure generations before me did, what is going to happen to our children? Computers, video games, cell phones... Lots of electronic devices that can entertain a youngster (and an adult) for hours at a time, without ever having to leave the house. And I worry about the health of the next generation whose entertainment is mostly sedentary; and I also worry about how they will develop the sense of community that glues us together on this planet. Computers were developed as a way to enhance communication and knowledge. And now they do everything that television does - and more. Television was once touted as an education tool. Some people still defend it as such. But mainly it provides entertainment. I would no more advocate getting rid of computers than I would television. Take away one addiction and people will find another to take its place. I wonder what “they” did in the days before television. Perhaps they were addicted to reading. And before you can say “that’s not a bad thing”, it is if it causes the reader to ignore commitments, duties, family, etc. If you are contemplating buying a computer or the similar electronic devices for your children, please teach them that “social” media like Facebook is no substitute for face to face contact with people. Connecting with people online is nothing like talking face to face, holding hands, enjoying activities together, etc. These activities may eventually lead to volunteering for community events. Sitting for long hours at a computer forwarding jokes, uploading videos of your cat, or playing games will not. Imagine your family gathering this Christmas: each one sitting in their separate home, connecting online. No dishes to wash, but no spontaneous conversation, no laughter, no heavenly smells in the kitchen. Children look to adults for guidance and advice. Show them by example that sitting in front of a computer is not the way they want to spend the rest of their lives!
LET THE BELLS RING OUT! Merry Christmas to each and every one of you VICTORIA – Premier Christy Clark has completed the traditional round of year-end interviews with legislative press gallery reporters. Here are excerpts from my discussion with her, dealing with the Enbridge oil pipeline proposal and the balanced budget her government has promised to present in February. TF: On the Enbridge project, are you getting the answers you want on safety? PCC: No, we’re not. We’ve set out our position. The five conditions need to be met, period. [B.C.’s conditions are “world-class” land and marine spill prevention and response, meeting legal obligations for aboriginal consultation, passing federal-provincial environmental assessment and a “fair share” of financial benefits.] PCC: We need the oilpatch producers, the Alberta government and the federal government to come to the table. We’ve been cross-examining Enbridge. We have not been getting any of the answers that we hoped to get. We haven’t gained a lot of comfort from that process.
And none of the other conditions are even close to being met. We are doing our own study of marine traffic. We want to understand the total number of ships that are out there plying our coast right now. Because all of them have fuel in them, and some are cargo ships that are big enough to have enough [bunker] fuel as a mini-tanker would. Part of this is trying to understand where our level of Coast Guard protection needs to be today, in order to protect us should there be a spill from the existing traffic. TF: Balancing the budget: the finance ministry’s current projections call for an upturn in natural gas royalties in the coming year. With the current glut of gas, isn’t that kind of farfetched? PCC: It is going to be difficult to present a balanced budget, but I think, because
we’re going to build in some [forecast] allowance, as we always do, and because we’re going to be completely transparent about the assumptions that have led us there, and because we aren’t going to fiddle with any of the assumptions that we receive from the experts in the Ministry of Finance, it’s going to be quite clear that we have done it. We have come by a balanced budget honestly. So when it comes to natural gas, you know that the assumption we use in the budget is based on a fairly complex formula that the Ministry of Finance has relied on for probably a decade now. We don’t fiddle with that. There are those who would say we should arti-
EMAIL: Advertising: sales@accjournal.ca production@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca
A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
Tom Fletcher tfletcher@blackpress.ca
Premier ponders black ink, oil
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
ficially lower the [revenue projection] number that we use. But if you artificially lower it, what’s to stand in the way of artificially raising it? You either accept the advice of your experts or you don’t. And they’re the experts, not the politicians. TF: Right now we have a deficit gap of more than a billion dollars. Can that be closed without significant spending cuts, or tax increases, or both? PCC: You will see when we get to the budget. And it will be absolutely transparent how we got there. [Laughs] Nice try. TF: If the B.C. Liberals form a government in May, will the election date be changed so we don’t have to have this discussion about questionable spring election budgets? PCC: It’s not part of the plan today, but I’m sure it’s a discussion we’ll have in the next four years. I know that people have talked about it. I’m open to it. I’m not wedded to this particular date. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $47.04 (HST included) Senior Rate: $40.32 (HST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $16.80 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
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Christmas brings town together CoMiNGs & GoiNGs oN
Christmas Bazaar a success for Club
First, I’d like to report that the Christmas Bazaar was a smashing success! Well over $2,000 was raised for the Community Club – these funds will partially pay for the insurance and heating bills for the coming year. Thank-you so much to all those that donated baking and various items, and those that put so much time and effort into the event, and of course those of who supported the event financially!
Christmas lunch well attended
The following day saw many of the same faces enjoying a Christmas lunch together at the Chief Whisteminitsa complex. What a great way to start off the holiday season, sharing a meal and celebrating our children and Elders. The Community Club and the Cook’s Ferry Band partnered to host this festive occasion – Turkey and all the trimmings, and children sing-
ing Christmas carols, and of course a visit from Santa! Thanks to the Cook’s in Spences Bridge Ferry Band for providing the venue and your amazing kitchMavourneen en! Again, thank-you Varcoe-Ryan to everyone for chipping in and helping out, bringing deserts and whatnot, and thank-you Santa!
Turkey Bingo
The Turkey bingo was another great success! I’m not sure of the numbers yet, but the hall was pretty full and very hushed, as bingo players listened intently for their numbers to be called, that they might win a turkey! Thanks again to all those who helped to make the evening possible and to all who attended; your ongoing support is much appreciated!
Gracie James enjoys a little time with Santa at the Spences Bridge community Christmas party
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News Year’s Eve party in Cleme’s Hall
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New Year’s Eve is fast approaching! Tickets are only $10! Cleme’s Hall will be all gussied up looking sparkly and festive – fantastic dance music provided by dj Tracie, tasty snacks to nibble on all night long, and Champagne and noise makers at midnight!! The Inn next door to the
See COMINGS on p. 6
letters to the editor Thanks to Santa and his helpers at the Parade Dear Editor The Santa Claus parade that took place on Dec. 7 was a wonderful display of community pride and cooperation. The colourful floats shone brightly in the winter night and this event gave everyone a reason to stay downtown later than usual and an opportun-
ity to mingle and visit with friends and neighbours. Council and I would like to thank everyone who took the time out of their schedules to build a float for the parade and to the public for coming down and supporting them. These events do not happen without a lot of work and a big thank you goes out to the Chamber for organizing it once again. However, special thanks must be given to Keith, Jeff, Wayne, Bert and their group of helpers who made sure that Santa`s float was ready
Semlin Valley Golf Course
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on time. What would a Santa Parade be if the jolly old elf wasn’t there? Santa stayed downtown after the parade so that the children were able to pay him a visit and deliver their wishes and hopes directly to him. These are the things that childhood memories are made of. Again, thank you to everyone for making Ashcroft home and we all wish you a safe and happy holiday season. Andy Anderson, Mayor
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We’ve had some most wonderful events here in Spences Bridge. We are so fortunate in this tiny community to have such great dedicated volunteers that make all these events possible!
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VILLAGE OF ASHCROFT CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFICE CLOSURE AND GARBAGE COLLECTION The Village Office will be closed from noon on Monday, December 24th, 2012 until 8:00 am Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013. As Tuesday, December 25th is a statutory holiday for the public works department, Tuesday garbage collection will be moved to MONDAY, DECEMBER 24TH. To ensure that you are not missed, please have your garbage to the curb by 8:00 am. As Tuesday, January 1st, 2013, is a statutory holiday for the public works department, Tuesday garbage collection will be moved to MONDAY, DECEMBER 31ST. To ensure that you are not missed, please have your garbage to the curb by 8:00 am. Regular Tuesday collection resumes on January 8th, 2013. There are no changes required to the Friday collection route except to ensure that your garbage is at the curb by 8:00 am. The TNRD Building Inspector will be in Ashcroft on Tuesday, December 18th. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 8th, 2013. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions regarding inspections. 2012 TAX & UTILITY PAYMENTS Payments on 2012 tax and utility accounts must be received in our office by 4:00 pm, Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 to avoid 2012 penalties and interest. Payments received on or after January 3rd, 2013 will be applied against applicable penalties and interest charges. SORRY, POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AS DATE OF PAYMENT. 2013 LICENCES 2013 Dog Licences and Commercial Vehicle decals will go on sale Thursday, January 3rd, 2013. They will not be sold on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013. Business Licence renewal notices will be mailed out the first part of January. ARENA HOURS OF OPERATION The Drylands Arena will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 & 31st as well as January 1st, 2013. However we are pleased to offer free public skating on December 23, 27, 28, 29 & 30th & Jan 2, 3 & 4th from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Regular arena scheduling resumes on Saturday, January 5th, 2013. Please call the arena at 250-453-9545 to confirm schedule. 2013 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Copies of the Village of Ashcroft Council meetings for 2013 are available at the Village office during regular office hours or can be viewed on our website at www.ashcroftbc. ca/council_meeting_schedule
Mayor Anderson, Council and Staff wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday season!!
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Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
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Ben Quiring opens his gifts from Santa Claus at the Spences Bridge community Christmas party.
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Hall renos started
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The renovations have begun on the Hall: the attic has been cleared of bat guano - 350 lbs of it!! In the new year the renos will really get going with the furnace, doors, insulation and so on.
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Mavourneen Varcoe-Ryan and the children look over books of Christmas songs while they sing and wait for Santa to arrive at the Christmas party.
CBC radio for the holidays Hall is offering a special rate for rooms for you out of townCOMINGS from p. 5
ers. Tickets must be purchased in advance. No minors.
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Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Winter Solstice! All the very best for 2013!
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Drop In Days
Merry Christmas!
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Now here is a Merry Christmas for Spences Bridge: we have CBC radio back! It has been a very long saga; everything that could go wrong did go wrong! There is still some work to be done, the power is not at its fullest, and at the moment we have CBC north, but Yippee we have CBC! Stay tuned... The Drop In Soup Wednesdays with crafts and games will be put on hold ‘till after the holidays as it seems folks are busy right now. The next one will be Jan. 9. The next regular meeting of the Spences Bridge Community Club is 7 pm Jan. 9, 2013 at Cleme’s Hall.
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Cache Creek Pentecostal Church Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. Phone 250-457-6463 Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
Living lights brighten winter days Here in the Loon Lake valley the sun manages to get up over the mountains to the south around 9:30 in the morning in mid December and disappears again around 3:30 in the afternoon. On snowy days like today the low clouds hide the mountain and there isn’t even a shadow of the sun. Fortunately we tend to get more sunny days in winter than cloudy ones. No city lights to counter for the darkness means that we are very aware of the short hours of daylight. Northerners all around Earth experience this every year, often with complaints and a desire to fly away to a sunnier place. Too often folks tend to go into partial hibernation, sleeping long and watching a lot of TV. I find there is a sort of magic in the winter twilight and I enjoy putting out lanterns with candles in the snowy garden and enjoy the shadows and flickering lights. I lived for many years in Denmark, even further north than here - at just below N56 latitude - and I came to understand clearly why in the Danish language candles are called “living lights” while regular lamp light is just called light. The popularity of candles in the win-
FROM LOON LAKE ROAd Barbara Hendricks ter means that it is possible to buy very good quality candles in Scandinavia that do not smoke and which burn very clean with no drips. Children have learned to handle candles and fire with care. In most houses in Denmark, including mine, the young children were the ones who lit the candles on the table at dinner and then put them out when we left the table after dinner. At this time of the year Denmark and many other northern countries have traditions celebrating light, the winter solstice and the return of the sun. I will always remember how deeply moved I was the first time I experienced the Danish celebration of “Lucia Day” which is Dec 13. I was attending a Christmas concert, seated in a large hall listening to a choir, when the lights were all put out and we sat there in the dark. I had no idea what was coming next. Out of the dark at the back of the room came a young child’s clear voice, a cappella, singing “Santa Lucia”, then in came a choir of young children all dressed in white gowns, led by this young girl with a
crown of candles on her head. The children walked single file around the room, each carrying a lighted taper held in clasped hands in front of them. This was the only light in the room. Singing and walking slowly while holding a lighted candle takes a bit of practice to make sure the candle doesn’t go out and these children had practiced for hours. The lead singer, known as the “Lucia girl”, has to practice even more to keep the crown of lighted candles on her head while she walked. The children walked in procession very slowly - “bringing back the light”. The next song to be sung while the room was still lit only by the candles was a Danish hymn to the earth about the cycles of the seasons and generations; altogether it is a lovely ceremony and one that fits well into very modern lives. We can all take reassurance from the realization that from Dec. 21 on the light of the day is once again on the increase. Along Loon Lake Road the upper valley is all dressed out for winter with snow covered trees just like on the Christmas cards
people used to mail to each other. The absence of street lights turns a drive along the road in the darkness into a brilliant light and dark show where residents have brightened up their yards with seasonal light displays, some on which are really very attractive. My thanks to all those who have put out lights at this time of the year - it makes the drive quite awesome. Christmas time is party time, and one of the topics of discussion always is “when will the lake freeze over?” Understandably everyone wants to have fun on the ice during the holiday season. In the opinion of some it is late if it isn’t frozen by Christmas, however looking at records kept over the last 20 year the last week of December or the first in January is when it has happened most frequently. Freeze up has happened as early as the first week of December and at times people have had to wait to walk on the lake until the first week in February. As one person said the other day - one thing is for sure - it is never the same from one year to the next. With the arrival of the snow, work in the garden has been reduced to shoveling snow onto the planting beds under trees. Now
EXPERT OF THE WEEK Golden Country Real Estate Services RE/MAX Golden Country Ltd., this areas oldest real estate office, with 18 years of successful history, welcomes you to Gold County! Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Ashcroft at 401 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft. RE/MAX has expanded in many ways! We have 4 FOUR licenced professional Realtors, all working as a TEAM to provide you with the highest quality service you expect from a professional Realtor. There is always a professional in attendance to service all your Real Estate needs! For the many years we have been in business, we serviced the areas of Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Spences Bridge and Loon Lake. We continue to offer you FREE Real Estate Market Evaluations to keep you in touch with your Real Estate investments. RE/MAX continues to have one of largest International Networks for both Buyers and Sellers. Our office has an extensive client list of prospective Buyers and Investors that we are in touch with on a regular basis. Our International websites have proven throughout the years to be a very successful marketing item - - giving us and the client, the results you expect from a Professional Realtor. Check out the website: www.remax.ca and our highly successful Home Page @www.goldencountry. ca. RE/MAX continues to provide You the client with Professional RESULTS with the Highest Quality of Service you EXPECT….all based on “Old Fashioned Values with Today’s Technology!” Come home to RE/MAX, your Home Town Professional Real Estate Team. 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355 or email: remaxashcroft@telus.net
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there is more time to look around at shapes and spaces in the garden to plan for future changes and improvements. In the six months when there is not much growth in the garden, the shapes of trees and shrubs as well as hard landscape elements are just as important as flowers are in the summer. Now there is also time to watch the
antics of the birds around the feeders. I am pleased to have seen the curious little brown creeper going its way up and down the sides of the old furrowed fir trunks, perhaps looking for seed bits stuffed in by the nuthatches. It is nice to have them back as I didn’t see any at all last winter. Happy New Year everyone.
Allows us to buy at a preferred price and stock up on essentials
Always appreciated, NON Perishables Please
STAPLES: Sugar, Flour, Canned Milk, Dry Milk Powder. BREAKFAST ITEMS: Cereal Hot or Cold, Pancake Mix, Canned or Boxed Juices, Canned Fruit. LUNCH & DINNER ITEMS: Peanut Butter, Jams, Canned Stew, Canned Chilli, Canned Spaghetti, Canned Spaghetti Sauces, Packaged Rice, Packaged Potatoes, Canned Vegetables, Canned Meat, Canned Fish, Canned Seafood.
E. Fry Society • #10-610 Bancroft • 250.453.9656 The Journal Office • 402-4th St • 250.453.2261 Safety Mart • 105 Railway Ave • 250.453.9343 Interior Savings Credit Union • 201 Railway Ave. • 250.453.2219
Village of Cache Creek 250-457-6237
CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENTS Garbage Pickup Residential garbage pickup: Tuesday, December 25th will be picked up on Thursday, December 27th Tuesday, January 1, 2013 will be picked up on Thursday, January 3rd Commercial garbage pickup: Will be picked up as usual every Monday and Friday. Reminder: Please have your garbage on the curb by 8:00 am as usual. Office Hours The office will be open Monday to Friday with regular hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except for: Monday, December 24 CLOSED at 12:30 pm Tuesday, December 25 CLOSED Wednesday December 26 CLOSED Thursday, December 27 CLOSED Friday, December 28 CLOSED Monday, December 31 CLOSED Tuesday, January 1, 2013 CLOSED Regular Office hours resume on Wednesday, January 2, 2013. Any payments received Wednesday, January 2, 2013 will be dated December 31, 2012. Dog Licenses Just a reminder that on January 2, 2013 you will be able to purchase your 2013 Dog License. License fees are as follows: $15.00 – Spayed or Neutered $30.00 – Un-spayed or Un-neutered 2013 Council Meeting Schedule Copies of the 2013 Council Meeting Schedules are available at the Village Office. Building Inspector The TNRD Building Inspector will not be in Cache Creek on Tuesday, December 25th, 2012 and Tuesday, January 1, 2013. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 8, 2013. Please call the TNRD office directly at 1-877-377-8673 if you have any questions regarding inspections.
Kelly Adamski Broker/Owner
Cindy Adamski Broker/Owner
Bob Cunningham Representative
Mick Adamski Representative
Council and Staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!
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The serious side of humour ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com
In today’s world, where the internet and social media are such a powerful force, anyone’s life can randomly change by sheer virtue of its astounding influence. The recent story of the royal hoax that led to a tragic suicide illustrates that. But does blaming the DJ’s behind the prank make any sense? If the internet is a fair barometer, I’m going to guess that roughly half the people reading this will say yes, and half will say no, and there will be a lot of passion behind some of those opinions. I am one of those who would emphatically say no. The suicide victim was the nurse who answered the phone when a
couple of goofy radio hosts called in from Australia. Impersonating Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, the duo rang the hospital where Kate Middleton was a patient, and to their surprise they weren’t hung up on. Instead they were transferred to another nurse who answered some of their silly questions about Kate’s “little tummy bug” and when they should visit. When I first heard the recording I was amused that the pair was able to keep the call going for any length of time given their preposterous performances. The gag seemed harmless and lighthearted despite the initial controversy over impersonating
the monarchy and violating their privacy. Of course, that was before someone died and hate hit the web. After reading a few days later that the first nurse had killed herself, my heart went out to her and the family she left behind. I hadn’t seen her name published before, and knowing little more than that, I suspected there must have been some deep-seated issues for her to voluntarily end her own life. When I then read the tremendous outrage and vilification directed at the DJs, as if they were to blame, my heart went out to them
M a y 2 0 12012 2 —- Week W e e3k December You don’t like pitch Capricorn, bidetoyour a fit,and but you if you time justwant may to be that’s end theheard, year on a bang. what you’re going Don’t be afraid to add to have to do.toMake other things your your stance wish known, last-minute list Capricorn. because yourOnly goalsthen just December 22– may will be youmet. get the action
January 19
you seek.
January 20– February 18
Aquarius, enjoy Attention,you Aquarius. social situations Someone close tobut that mean you you doesn’t has something have to be lifeneed of the to say, andthe they party. mind you toKeep listen.this A in home asimprovement you attend holiday project gatherings. turns out better than expected.
Please, Aries. Aries, you may You need to are a go-getter, butwhen take leap of faith sometimes youtogo someone close youtooasks far.your Keep that in mind for assistance. Act thisand week you work first askasquestions with Itothers to worth get a it. later. will be
March 21– April 19
reviews just in time.
June 22– July 22
Taurus, there is your bound to Stop dragging befeet, a learning Taurus. curve You when you begin a new jobtoor a know what needs new task. Do notit.beThe hard be done, so do onsooner yourself it takes you iffinish, the you a little sooner youlonger. can move
April 20– May 20
Pisces, while others are It’s a tall order, Pisces, thinking about what but it’s not impossible. presents they supplies want under Gather your the you may andtree, the troops andbe thinking of how to give get crackin’. A report back to others. receives glowing
February 19– March 20
project off the ground.
May 21– June 21
on to something you really want to do.
Gemini, thoughtful Pragmatic Gemini. reflection certainly may You’re always looking provide some of the to get things done answers seek. But well in you the shortest another way is to time possible, butsimply get out therejust andwon’t ask sometimes other what they work.people Patience is key. think.
July 23– August 22
August 23– September 22
as well. It is not their fault that Jacintha Saldanha made such a devastating and deadly decision. It was her unfortunate choice and there is no way they could have foreseen such a drastic and unhealthy reaction to a stunt that was intended to amuse their local morning show listeners. If they had predicted their prank would result in the appalling outcome that it did, they never would have made that call. Mel Greig and Michael Christian are now horribly scarred by this tragedy and they have become victims themselves. For all those who condemn them, saying they are the ones that have blood on their hands, please imagine for a moment what would happen if they now chose to commit suicide. Would all the people who publicly bullied and blamed them on social media and in the press
Clarify,sad Cancer. Cancer, situations Make certain may come up, you but you are understood on all have a way of deflecting accounts this and week. the situation Leave nothing showcasing the tobright chance. A friend side of things. Youdrops may by with find you an areunusual a person request. support this providing week.
Leo, many rarely opportunities Bickering solves to entertain anything, sofamily put a stop and friends are on to the madness thethe first horizon. Honor all of chance you get, Leo. your and You commitments will get nothing enjoy allyou of the done if don’t. festivities.
September 23– October 22
October 23– November 21
Virgo, A lovedwhile one you has aaspire to have many friends, meltdown, and you’reyou just findupthat left may to pick the there are onlyYou a fewcan special pieces. do it, people holdwill thedo Virgo, who and you strings heart. it well. to A your new do lifts Itspirits is okay to keep them in more ways November 22– close. than one.
December 21
Clam up, Libra,and and Libra, sit down you will enjoy someregret peaceit.and Prepare present your quiet. Youtomay enjoy the idea and watch the break from the frenetic sparks Thebeen to-do pace youfly. have list nearsthe completion keeping last few with an addition. months.
Ever an ideas person, A change in attitude Scorpio, you have picks up now the pace, and to put the some team follow-through finishes well into those plans. You can ahead of schedule. likely a few friends Bravo,find Scorpio. Your toefforts join you ongo your next won’t adventure. unnoticed.
Sagittarius, What’s that,things certainly go on when Sagittarius? Your you’re notfalling around, pleas are onbut others may Perhaps notice they deaf ears? just be asoffun. it’s may yournot method You often lendBejoviality presentation. bold, toand anything youwhat attend you’ll get soyou spread seek.your cheer.
Speaking for Animals www.spca.bc.ca
Thursday, December 20, 2012 TheJournal
The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abandoned and abused animals each year. Volunteers are urgently needed to care for animals and assist with SPCA events. If you can help, please contact your local shelter today.
be responsible for their death? “They deserve what they’re getting,” one of my friends said. “Humour at someone else’s expense is completely unacceptable.” I am still trying to think of one comedian, or even one person for that matter, who hasn’t unintentionally hurt or humiliated someone at least once in their lifetime. We’ve all done it. What if the person we hurt made the choice Jacintha did? Maybe prank calls will be deemed illegal to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. Perhaps every joke that could possibly be taken the wrong way by someone will also be banned. It’s conceivable we’ll all learn to live in fear of saying, doing or writing something that might drive someone else tragically over the edge. I doubt that will happen though. We’re not meant to live in a bubble, and as long as we try to refrain from purposely harming others, that’s the best we could ever hope for. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at LoriWelbourne.com
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 9
Golden Country presents
... Past, Present & Beyond The Cariboo Christmas Tree Christmas is many things summer winds. to many people, but few Next time the would disagree that tradmen saw these itions loom larger at Christtrees, the wind mas than at any other time would no longof the year. Almost everyone er be hot, but a who celebrates the season piercing, lungwill have traditions of their filling cold, dry own, and some will revolve as the desert. around that humble yet The sounds and graceful symbol, the Christsmells of summas tree. This true tale tells mer would be of one such small tradition. gone too, reIt goes back many years, placed by a siGOLDEN COUNTRY to when there were four lence so imBARBARA RODEN young men; we shall call mense the smallthem Bill, Paul, Al, and Pat. est noise seemed All four were married; three had young to take on huge import. Even though it families; all knew each other through was still early in November, the snow the Junior Chamber of Commerce in would lie deep and crisp and even, and Vancouver. Paul had long loved the the trees would be covered in white area up Oregon Jack Valley near Ash- blankets. But the men - who had drivcroft, and had bought land there; later en up from the coast early that day he had bought another parcel, along knew which trees they wanted, calling with Al and Pat. The men, and their as they spotted the brave bright strands families, made a habit of visiting the of orange. Out would come saws, and area several times each summer, living then twine, the trees trussed to avoid rough (at least compared with their city damaging the branches as they were lives) in cabins that depended on wood pulled across the snow to the waiting stoves for their heat and cooking, kero- cars, then loaded in, to speed their sene lanterns for their light, and local way back to the coast and the joystreams for their running water. ous cries of the children, who would Long walks through the woods know that Christmas was one step were staples of these visits. Sometimes closer. the children would accompany them, It was in 1973 that the tradition keeping wary eyes open for bears and changed slightly, when Bill - who cougars and that dread figure of many then wore the red serge of the Roya tall tale told round the campfire, Split- al Canadian Mounted - was transtooth the Grizzly; but the men were ferred to Victoria. He was able to get more apt to be casting appraising glan- back over to the coast that fall, and ces at any stands of Douglas fir they an Oregon Jack Christmas tree made passed. One of the men would have its way to the suburbs of the Saansome flagging tape with him, and every ich Peninsula. But the following now and then the group would stop and year - ah, that was a very different size up this or that tree, muttering cryp- story indeed. For the Christmas of tic phrases such as “too scrawny” or “a 1974 saw Bill and his family movbit bare”. When a tree passed muster ing to Ottawa; far too far away for it would be marked with a tag of tape, a Christmas tree from the Cariboo. the ends hanging down over the smooth Of course there would be Christmas bark, fluttering occasionally in the light trees in Ottawa; of course. But they
would not be the same, somehow. The tradition had ended. At least that first year there would be no need to worry about a tree. Plans were afoot for Christmas in Toronto, at Bill’s parents’ house. All the aunts and uncles and cousins would be there, spilling into and around the old farmhouse on Prince Edward Drive, and Grandma and Grandpa had promised there would be a tree, hand-picked by Grandpa from the finest Christmas tree lot Toronto had to offer. If the children thought that no Toronto tree could possibly compare with the ones they had known - those beautiful trees from Cornwall Mountain, up which squirrels had scampered and on which birds had sought shelter - they said nothing. And then, one early December day, the postman rang the doorbell of 85 Westpark Drive in Ottawa, a rather puzzled look on his face. “Parcel here for you,” he said, jerking his head towards the truck. “Big box; not too heavy, though. Sign here.” Big? The box would have held a refrigerator. But it was not a gleaming fridge that was revealed, when the family was all together later that day
and the box opened. Nestled in the box was a Douglas fir, which seemed relieved at the chance to stretch and spread itself, filling the house with the scent of sap and needles and - yes, perhaps just a whisper of hot, dry Cariboo air and the skittering of squirrels’ feet. Inside the box was a note: “You weren’t with us, so we picked a tree out for you.” There was a quick phone call to Toronto soon after. “Don’t get a tree,” said Bill to his father, “we’re bringing one.” “You don’t have to bring one,” said Grandpa. “Long way to bring a tree, all the way from Ottawa.” Bill laughed. “This one’s special. And it’s already come a long way. A very long way indeed.” Did I say that this was a small tradition, that of the Cariboo Christmas tree? It may well be; but the memory of it looms large, casting a warm glow over the decades that separate the story from the telling of it. And the tradition continues, with a Cariboo Christmas tree currently standing in our livingroom, bearing many of the same decorations its long-ago forbears displayed. Long may the tradition continue!
We are featuring an In-Store Flyer for the month of December Come on in and see all our specials
ASHCROFT IRLY TIM-BR-MART Building Supplies & Garden Centre
For all your Electronic needs
On the corner of Railway and 5th • 250-453-2281
A 10 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
G.I. Joe keeps up with Ipods and computers Dear Santa, out at home by doMy name is Doning my chores. I was ovan. I am in Ms. also kind to others Merry’s Kindergartand filled their bucken class. I have been ets. This year I would Ms. Merry’s Kindergarten Class, Ashcroft very good this year. like a Dump Truck for I have helped out at Christmas. Thank you Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have home by doing my chores. I was also Santa. been very good this year. I have helped kind to others and filled their buckets. Ryland out at home by doing my chores. I This year I would like a remote conwas also kind to others and filled their trol helicopter for Christmas. Thank Dear Santa, buckets. This year I would like a comyou Santa. My name is Cloe. I am in Ms. puter for Christmas. Thank you Santa. Donovan Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have Nolan been very good this year. I have helped Dear Santa, out at home by doing my chores. I Dear Santa, My name is Kaylee. I am in Ms. was also kind to others and filled their My name is Wesley. I am in Ms. Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have buckets. This year I would like a toy Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have been very good this year. I have helped been very good this year. I have helped unicorn for Christmas. Thank you out at home by doing my chores. I Santa. out at home by doing my chores. I was also kind to others and filled their Cloe was also kind to others and filled their buckets. This year I would like an IPod buckets. This year I would like a Mifor Christmas. Thank you Santa. Dear Santa, chael Drifter Set for Christmas. Thank Kaylee My name is Allandra. I am in Ms. you Santa. Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have Wesley Dear Santa, been very good this year. I have helped My name is Naveah. I am in Ms. out at home by doing my chores. I Dear Santa, Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have was also kind to others and filled their My name is Fischer. I am in Ms. been very good this year. I have helped Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have buckets. This year I would like an IPod out at home by doing my chores. I been very good this year. I have helped for Christmas. Thank you Santa. was also kind to others and filled their Allandra out at home by doing my chores. I buckets. This year I would like lots was also kind to others and filled their of balloons for Christmas. Thank you Dear Santa, buckets. This year I would like a G.I. Santa. My name is Mackenzie. I am in Joe Parachuter for Christmas. Thank Naveah Ms. Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have you Santa. been very good this year. I have helped Fischer Dear Santa, out at home by doing my chores. I My name is Talon. I am in Ms. was also kind to others and filled their Dear Santa, Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have buckets. This year I would like an IPod My name is Aiden. I am in Ms. been very good this year. I have helped Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have for Christmas. Thank you Santa. out at home by doing my chores. I Mackenzie been very good this year. I have helped was also kind to others and filled their out at home by doing my chores. I buckets. This year I would like a Police was also kind to others and filled their Dear Santa, set that comes with a boat and pool. My name is Aviane. I am in Ms. buckets. This year I would like a reThank you Santa. Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have mote control car for Christmas. Thank Talon been very good this year. I have helped you Santa. out at home by doing my chores. I Aiden Dear Santa, was also kind to others and filled their My name is Leanne. I am in Ms. buckets. This year I would like a toy Dear Santa, Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have crane for Christmas. Thank you Santa. My name is Shawn. I am in Ms. been very good this year. I have helped Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have Aviane out at home by doing my chores. I been very good this year. I have helped was also kind to others and filled their Dear Santa, out at home by doing my chores. I buckets. This year I would like a comMy name is Brooke. I am in Ms. was also kind to others and filled their puter for Christmas. Thank you Santa. buckets. This year I would like a Mario Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have Leanne been very good this year. I have helped S for Christmas. Thank you Santa. out at home by doing my chores. I Shawn Dear was also kind to others and filled their Santa, buckets. This year I would like a pair Dear Santa, My name of princess shoes, make-up and a BarMy name is Ryland. I am in Ms. is Nolan . I bie for Christmas. Thank you Santa. Merry’s Kindergarten class. I have am in Ms. Brooke been very good this year. I have helped
letters to sANtA ClAUs
Merry Christmas to all my Friends and Customers
Muriel’s Sewing Wishing you peace, love, and joy this Holiday Season
Building Centre 1217 Cariboo Hwy, Clinton
Share in the Spirit of the Season Highway 97, Cache Creek
Holiday Greetings!
Celebrate each day Closed Dec. 23rd 6 pm to Dec. 27th 9 am Dec. 30th 6 pm to Jan. 2nd 9 am
250-457- 6 4 6 4
C a ch e C reek
Joy and Happiness for the Holidays and the New Year
Anie’s Pizza & Bakery Closed Dec. 25 - 27 and January 1 - 3 Trans Canada Hwy., Cache Creek
Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of Happiness Dec. 24th - 9 am - ? Dec. 25th & 26th - Closed Dec. 27th & 28th - 9 am - 5 pm Dec. 29th - 10am - 4 pm
417 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 250-453-2292
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 11
...wrestle them, sleep on them, play with them... Good morning Santa. How are you? How does Rudolph’s nose glow? Could you give someone a giant hamburger? I would like a Ipod touch. Goodbye and thank you Carter Hello Santa Do polar bears eat meat? I’m Cashtin and I like to eat healthy snacks like apples, carrots, and bananas. Please bring kids that have no toys a truck. Please bring me a monster truck. Thank you Cashtin Hello Santa I have a question for you. How do your reindeer fly? I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. I like to eat hotdogs. Could you please bring some extra toys for kids. My wish is for a Transformer Robot, could you please bring me that toy. Thank you Santa Cimarone Dear Santa, How’s it going Santa? Good morning Santa, Why does Elliot keep coming to the classroom and putting notes on the smart board? Do you have a computer? I am 6 and I have 3 brothers and 5 dogs. My havarti dog died. His name was Lou. I wish the people in Haiti would have lots of food and toys. I wish for myself a bay Wheel. Adios Santa! Dallon Dear Santa How’s Mrs. Claus doing? How is Rudolph doing? I am six and I love donuts. I wish for kids to have more food and toys. For Christmas can your elves make me a bay blade stadium? Good bye Santa And thank you Darius Dear Santa How is Elliot? Please bring the other kids who don’t have anything some food. Please bring me a red Ninja. Holden Dear Santa How have your elves been? Has your weather been goo. What kind is your favourite kind of cookie that Miss claus makes
letters to sANtA ClAUs Ms. Marlow’s Grade 1 and 2 Class, Ashcroft for you? My name is Katie I am 6 years old and like doing crafts with markers. I wish for someone else to have cars and boats to play with around the world. This Christmas I would like Katie doll and a littlest pet shop and my 2 cats would like some cat nip. Merry Christmas Katie Hello Santa! How do you get all the toys delivered in one night? Please bring some food to kids who need some. Please bring me some Pokemon cards. Merry Christmas! Kyle Hello Santa How is Rudolph doing? I really like angry birds and Murray. I wish that all the kids could have a tv. I would like a dirt bike for Christmas. Thank you Santa Louis Hello Santa How is Elliot feeling? Please bring shoes to kids that don’t have them. I really would like some clothes for Christmas like an angry bird hat. Tristan Good morning Santa. What are the elves doing? I am 6 years old and my favourite food is rice and chicken. I wish for my baby cousin in the Philippines to get more food. Please bring me a toy teddy bear. Could I please have a remote controlled helicopter? Merry Christmas. Monique p.s. Please write back.
Dear Santa What are you doing? I like to go to my auntie’s house and have fun. I wish for all kids to have fun. I wish for a cupcake baker for Christmas. Merry Christmas Mikayla Hello Santa! How cold is it up at the north pole? Please bring love to the kids who have none. Please bring me a toy doll. Moira Dear Santa, How do you train your reindeer to fly? I am six and I like watermelon. I would wish for someone else to have a car. Please bring me a doll set. Can I please have a bean bag chair. Good bye and thank you, Nicole Hello Santa I was wondering how old you are. I’m six years old. My favourite food is jello. How cold is it up there? I wish Holden could have angry bird star wars. I wish I could have a plastic light saver. Goodbye! Waylon Hello Santa! How can you deliver presents to every house in one night? Please bring some kids bay blades and a bay blade stadium. Please bring me the same. Good bye Santa! Robert Dear Santa I was wondering why does Rudolph have a red nose? I am 6 and I really like cats. Please bring all the
Wishing you special happiness for the holidays 250-453-9133
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft
children a Nintendo S. Please bring me I have a Furby. Thank you Santa, Bye Santa Farrah Good Morning Santa, I was wonderinf how do you get down th chimney so well? How many cookies have you eaten every Christmas? I am 6. I am really curious about dinosaurs. Please bring the boys who have no toys a little Hot Whels car. Please may I have urassic Park dinosaur toys. Goodbye Santa and farewell. Thank you. Kaelin Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? How are you doing, making toys with your elves? I am 6 years old and a half, & I like crafting to make Christmas scene things... like you! Please bring more hamburgers to the food banks and the people who have to go to them. Please bring me a blue, shiny, camera for Christmas. Please could I also have a big, huge, giant Angry Birds (& piggies) teddy set? Please make it so I can jump on them, wrestle them, sleep on them, play with them, & make a big, gigantic, enormous Angry Birds fort with them. Please let one of them be super strong – strong enough that a racing bullet couldn’t break through. It would be solid like a brick. One that only rocks could go through. May I please also have some very soft & cushiony ones that would be every colour but girl colours? Could they please be used like bean bags in my room? Good bye & thank you! Have fun up at the North Pole! Shawn :-)
Dear Santa Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas! How’s Elliot? Is he sick from eating too much candy? Please bring lego to some other kids. Please bring me angry birds lego, star wars lego and a black angry birds stuffie and a light sabre. Ho Ho Ho Santa. Devon
Have a safe and happy Holiday Season! from all of us at the Gold Trail Teachers Association
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Hwy. 97 Cache Creek
Season’s Greetings, with best wishes for a Happy New Year! The JUNCTION SHELL CACHE CREEK, BC
Peace on Earth! Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year
Closed Dec. 25 & 26
Spences Bridge B.C. Just off Hwy. 1 250- 458-2256
A 12 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to our Furry Friends and their People from Sagebrush Pet Parlour Debbie & Cassidee
We wish you and your family Seasons Greetings and a Joyous New Year
Big Sky Station 1000 Trans Canada Highway, Savona, BC
Wishing you a Joyful Holiday and a New Year filled with Peace, Happiness and Prosperity
Village of Cache Creek
Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a most Prosperous and Healthy New Year
Thanks to the generosity of students, families and staff, this year’s Food Drive at Clinton’s David Stoddard brought in an amazing 350 kg of food for Christmas Hampers and the Food Bank! Above: Students Kailey Dube and Meghan Burrage with Principal Susan Schalles.
“My mom would really like a punching bag” Dear Santa and Dear Santa, Mrs. Claus I always wondered How are the reinhow old you are. How deer doing and the is Rudolph? Can you elves? My dad would get my sister, Zaylene, Ms. Hamson’s Grade 2 Class, Ashcroft like a touchpad from a furby for Christmas? Costco. My mom Can you get my Nana Dear Santa, would really like a punching bag for a lottery ticket please and can I have the How are the reindeer doing? Would Christmas. Santa, I hope you and your you please bring my dad a side by side? Trash Pack that holds 14 trashes? I will family have a good Christmas. I’ll Could you please bring my mom a Mac leave you 3 chocolate cookies. leave you a chocolate muffin and milk Air (Apple) would you please bring my Zayden for Christmas night. sister, Natasha, Skylanders? I would Noah Dear Santa, really like Pokemon. I would like to say Hi. How old is the elves? I think my Hi to Mrs. Claus To Santa from Shawny brother would like Skylanders. I would Breanna, Age 7 How are your reindeer? May I have like to give my gran a box that is shaped a hockey stick and a hug? Oh my goodlike a heart that has lots of stuff inside. Dear Santa, ness. I want you to get my family preHow are the reindeers and the I would also like to give my grandma sents. Can you please get my step dad elves? What kind of cookies is Mrs. flowers. I would like an i pod please for new gloves, and candies? Can you get Claus making? I would like Pokemon Christmas. my mom makeup? Can you get Romy please. I will appreciate you trying to Liam a book and a Tickle My Toes baby doll bring what I want. I will have cookand can you get Amy a baby book and ies and milk and my brother, Kayleb, baby doll? would like Lego Nintendo. Continued next page Shawny Gaven
letters to sANtA ClAUs
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
We will be closed December 25th, 26th and January 1st. Closed at Noon December 24th and 31st.
Cache Creek Veterinary Hospital 403 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553
1348 Old Cariboo Road, Cache Creek
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year. Closed December 25th & 26th
Cache Creek
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 13
ipod. Please Santa. I will leave some hot cocoa and chocolate cookies. The cocoa will have 14 marshmellows in it. The cup might be striped or swirled. I do not know what one? Love Cindy
Ashcroft Elementary School recently collected donations for the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project. They filled 40 boxes to send to children in third world countries. Thank you to the Kinsmen for covering the shipping cost for this project. Above, L-R: Katie Henderson, Monique Kopanyas, Monika Paulos and Allie Aie.
A little elf to help him renovate Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus How are the reindeers and elves doing? What kind of cookies is Mrs. Claus making for Christmas? Could you please get daddy scary movies? Please bring mommy music. My sister, Aryanna, would like a makeup kit and my other sister, Maryn, would like phone cards and I would love a phone please and thank you. I am going to leave you cookies and milk. Shirinna Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus, How are the reindeers and the elves doing? I am doing good. My mom would like some makeup. My dad would like a scope. My brother, Pearce, would like a camouflage coat. Can I please have a rope to rope cows on my horse? I will leave some cookies for you and Mrs. Claus on Christmas night. Love Skylar Santa and Mrs. Claus, How are your reindeers? What kind of cookies is Mrs. Claus making? Would you please bring me a ipod for Christmas and can you bring my brother a Doctor Dreadful? My mom will like a beautiful dress. Please give my dad new fishing boots. I will leave you a gingerbread house. Gabrielle Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus How are your reindeer and elves
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year.
Cache Creek Dairy Queen
Santa? Can you please bring me a Furby. For my sister Preslee she would like Elmo. For my mom she would like two gift cards for her Kobo. My dad would like books. I will leave cookies and milk. Love Sierra Dear Santa, Say hi to the reindeer from me please. Can you please get my sister, Kristell, an ipod please? Would you please get me a punching bag. I am going to put cookies out for you. Liam Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus How are your reindeers and your elves? Would you please bring daddy new tools? Could you please bring mommy a new camera? And for my brother Kody, he would like Halo lego and for my sister, Faith, she would like a new Bennie Boos. I would like a new kitten and my sister, Kaylee, would like a new Barbie. My brother, Owen, would like a monster truck. I will give you peanut butter cookies. Robin Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus How are the reindeer doing Santa? May you bring my mom a little kitten to play with? Please Santa. My dad would like a little elf to help him build his kitchen. My brother, Louis, would like a hole 15 big sacks of Pokemon. Please Santa! I, Cindy, would like an
Christmas Greetings Christmas Eve Service: 7:00 pm ~ Lessons & Carols
Zion United Church
Dear Santa, How are things going at the North Pole? How was your day? How are the elves and your reindeer? I bet they are pretty good and I bet you are eating cookies right now or talking to Mrs. Claus or helping the elves, drinking hot chocolate, or just resting. Anyways, can you please get my mom chocolates, my brother, Brandon, chocolate, and my uncle a motorbike? Can you get my grandma flowers and me a robot, and my grandpas chocolates. I will give you chocolate chip cookies and milk. Alleigh Dear Santa, How are the elves and reindeer? Santa, can you please bring me an Xbox 360 Connect and my sister, Jenni, some nail polish. My dad would like some tea. My mom would like some makeup. I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and milk. Kheller
All are Welcome
401 Bancroft Street, Ashcroft 250-453-9511
With all Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Ashcroft Apartment & Motel 715 Railway Avenue
Dear Santa Can hou please say hi to the reindeer and the elves for me? Can you bring for my dad a new gun for hunting, my mom wants some makeup and my sister Lenay wants jewellery. I would really like Skylanders. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Jayden Dear Santa I have been waiting for this Christmas for a long time. Can you please bring my mom some new gardening gloves because she loves to garden? My dad some sweat pants. It doesn’t matter if they are black or gray. My sister Farrah Season’s would like more Barbie accessories. I would please like a Lego Star Wars X-Wing kit. Have a happy night! Nick
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year. ARROW MINING SERVICES INC. (250) 453-9411 Highland Valley Road Ashcroft
CHIROPR ACTIC Dr. James Kendall, DC
Ashcroft Office 250-453-2266 Lillooet Office 250-256-3715 411 Brink St., 1st Floor, Ashcroft
Greetings from everyone at
Highland Valley Copper
It is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in your home and warming the gracious flame of charity in your heart. Merry Christmas
A 14 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
“I hope my sister isn’t on the naughty list” Dear Santa, the table. Please eat it Are you busy with because you are busy your elves packing the at Christmas. sleigh with presents? I I want a Barbie am looking forward to Miss Ellis’ Kindergarten/Grade 1 Class, Cache Creek doll for Christmas Christmas. I’m going because I like playI hope you bring me 1,000 toys and to have dinner with ing Barbies. I always my family this year. I would like a new put lots of candy in my stocking. Most help my teachers and I help my mom Skylanders Giants game for Christmas. of all I want you to bring my dad for do dishes. I like them because they are fun to play Christmas. I hope your elves are workI like going to the Santa parade in with. I have helped decorate my house. ing hard at making toys for you to bring Ashcroft. I hope to see you there. We have a Christmas tree with lights to all the kids in the world. Love, Love, around it. I hope you like my tree when Emma Lyric you come. Love, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Kaidence How are your elves doing? Are they I like you. At my house we are go- doing a good job making toys? Are you ing to put eating candy canes on my busy at your workshop? I really like the Dear Santa, Do you have real magic? How do tree. You can have a candy cane when toys that you got for me last year. I got you fly with your reindeer? How are you come. Last year my mom wished a doll. My sister and I saw a movie with for an elf and he made little paper air- you in it. I went to the Santa parade last your elves? Santa, I would like a pink bicycle planes at my house. We liked the elf year and I saw you there. I was walking and a pink makeup kit for Christmas. very much. with my mom and I had a big sucker. I I hope you bring lots of presents to had my picture taken with you. I hope I I don’t have a bicycle or a makeup kit. At Christmas time, I make snowballs my house. Most of all I want Lego Bat- can see you at my house this year. with everyone in my family. I hope I man because you can change the guys. I wish I could have a new bike with This year I have been playing nicely a Barbie on it and a Rapunzel doll. I can see you at the Santa parade. with my sister Skylar. You are the best. have been good every day. I helped Love, Merry Christmas. Eliza my mom when she had surgery. I also Love, learned my ABCs at school. Kaden Dear Santa, I’m going to leave you cookies How are you? How are the elves doand milk when you come. I hope you Dear Santa, ing? What toys are you getting ready? like them. I hope my sister isn’t on the I like all the toys that you bring. naughty list. I would like a Barbie doll that moves when I clap for Christmas. I How are the elves doing? I wonder if Love, really like Barbie dolls. I have been the elves come with you when you give Shelby helpful at school. I really like going to out presents because I think you need the Santa parade in Aschcroft. I hope I help on Christmas Eve. Dear Santa, Santa, I want a new remote consee you there. Thank you for the video message. I trol toy dinosaur for Christmas because am happy that the elves are busy makLove, I like dinosaurs and I really want that ing my toys. Are your reindeer eating a Eva dinosaur to be a T-Rex. I have been lot for pulling your sleigh? playing with my baby sister really well. Dear Santa, We are going to decorate my house I saw you standing on the back of a Her name is Ava. I hope you can bring for Christmas after my sister’s birthday a toy for my baby sister too. She real- party on Saturday. I am going to ask my truck. Are you packing your sleigh? I would like a Spiderman for Christ- ly likes dolls. Make sure you bring her dad if we are going to chop down a tree. mas. Spiderman is my favorite super- a little doll because she is a really litI want new blankets and boy piltle baby. hero because he can fight bad guys. lows. I also want toy trucks that people I hope to see you at the Ashcroft pa- work in for Christmas. I have been I’m going to decorate my tree on Friday. I hope you like it when you rade. This time I really hope you are at good this year. I have been playing the front. come. nicely with my brother. Love, Love, I saw you at the Santa parade where Johnny Robbie my grandma and grandpa live and I sat on your lap to get my picture taken and Dear Santa, Dear Santa, then I got a candy cane. I love you. Sometimes we go to my I saw you a long time ago when I Love, was five. I woke up and I heard “Ho, grandma and grandpa’s for Christmas Tanner Ho, Ho” and when I looked I wondered but this year we will be at home. I help what was there and you disappeared. I my mom decorate the Christmas tree. was going to get my mom’s camera but I hope you like it. I am going to leave Continued next page you chocolate chip cookies and milk on you disappeared.
letters to sANtA ClAUs
A wish for Peace and Happiness at Christmas and throughout the New Year
Golden Country Real Estate Services
To a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year
1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek
We hope that the coming year will bring you peace, good health, good cheer and much prosperity
Located at the Sandman Inn Cache Creek, BC
Happy Holidays May the warmth of the season touch you and your loved ones, making it the best holiday season ever From the Mayor, Council and Staff at the
Hope your Holiday Season is fun and festive 250-453-2281
Ashcroft Irly Building Centre
The Source
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
For all your Electronic needs
OFFICE HOURS: CLOSED Closed from Noon December 23, 2011, Re-opening January 3, 2012 December 24, 2012 FOR EMERGENCY ONLY CALL RE-OPENING January 2, 2013 250-459-7173
On the corner of Railway & 5th, Ashcroft
250-453-2221 1425 Evans Road
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 15
“Santa, do you like chicken wings?” Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? At my house we hang stockings. There is a snowman and a cowboy on my stocking. I want a dinosaur toy for Christmas. I hope it is a T-Rex. At Christmas time I play outside. I make snowmen with my sister. I hope you see my snowman when you come. Love, Nathan Dear Santa, I like your toys because they are really awesome. How do your elves make them? We are going to put presents under the Christmas tree. My mom and I put food and hot chocolate out for you. I hope you like it. I saw you at the com-
munity hall. You said “ho, ho, ho”. I want a really cool toy for Christmas. I like hot wheels with a loop de loop. I have been good for my dad. I have listened to my dad. I hope I’ll see you soon. Love, Jeremy Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! I want to go to your house and eat chocolate chip cookies. Do you have good cookies at your house? Do you have ice cream at your house? I like ice cream. Please bring chocolate chip cookies and ice cream to my house. I want some Lego and a computer for Christmas. Lego is fun. Santa, do you make race cars?
I’m going to leave you Chinese food and chicken wings. Santa, do you like Chinese food? Santa, do you like chicken wings? Love, Darren Dear Santa, How is it at your workshop? Are you busy at your workshop? How are your elves? We have a Christmas tree at our house. It is a white Christmas tree. I decorated it with my sister last night. I saw you at the art fair in Cache Creek. I like you. I told you that I wanted Pokeman and Yugio cards. I have been super, super good this year. I listen to my mom and dad. Love, Henry
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the
Ashcroft Cache Creek Seniors Centre Managers, Les & Emmi Davis would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2013
Boston Flats Community Estates
Carmen Ranta conducts the Desert Bells community hand bell choir at the Cache Creek Community Hall
“Have a very good day and have a safe day.” Dear Santa, Dear Santa Claus, Hello! Hello! How are you doHow are you Santa ing? Am I on the Claus? Which pie do Grade 2/3/4 Class, Skeetchestn Community School naughty list or nice you like? How is Mrs. list? How do you get Claus? How are reinDear Santa, across the world in deer and elves? Hi! one night? You are awesome! How are you doing? How are the I’m going to give you good cookies. I will leave you cookies and milk! animals at the North Pole? I will give you a good glass of milk. I would really love a Laptop and a I will leave cookies and milk for phone case. May I have a T.V. set! May I would like a Angry Birds toys, and the pack Halo lego, and a tablet and the you. I get a real kitten in a cage please and May I have Halo 4 for the Wii and thank you! game Farcry Three for Christmas. Mario and may I have Angry Birds Star Have a safe trip here. Have a very good day today and Wars. Kion B. have a safe day. Thank you Santa! Rhinannon B. Love! Tyrell C. Continued on next page
letters to sANtA ClAUs
May the closeness of friends and the comfort of home renew your spirits this holiday season
Grubstake Foodmart Open Dec. 25th - 11 am - 4 pm
1190 Trans-Canada Highway, Cache Creek
Wishing you and your loved ones peace, health, happiness and prosperity in the coming New Year.
Ashcroft fAmily medicAl PrActice 250-453-9353
Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year
Ashcroft Bottle Depot 250-457-7026 Purity Feed Building Downtown Ashcroft
Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year Cache Creek Husky 959 Trans-Canada Hwy.
A 16 www.ash-cache-journal.com
May the Holiday Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones
MILLER’S CROSSING 250-373-2541 • Savona, BC
Every good Wish for your Happiness this Holiday Season
Hungry? Herbies 250-457-6644
Closed Christmas Day 1301 Hwy, 97 North, Cache Creek
Wishing you Peace, Love, and Joy this Holiday Season
CCMS C a ch e C r e e k M a ch i n e S h o p L t d . 250-457-6274
Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
“I would like some stuff for my family” Dear Santa Claus, Hi! How are the reindeer? How are elves and Mrs. Claus? How do you eat all of those cookies? How is the North Pole? How are you doing? How do you get across the world in 1 night? Am I on the noughty list or the nice list? I’m going to give you cookies and milk. I’m going to give you good cookies. I will give the reindeer some carrots and some apples too. I will give you some more treats. I would really like some drums and a guitar. Some dance games for the PS3. Some other games for the PS3. I would really like some stuff for my mom and my stepdad. Some movies. I would like some stuff for my family. Don’t forget my house. See you next year. Love you Santa. Sincere S. Dear St. Nick, Hi Santa! How is Mrs. Claus? How are you doing? How are your reindeer? I will leave cookies and milk for you. You are awesome! Could I please get a remote control truck. I would really like a pipe truck. May I have an IPod touch please. May I get the Nerf Vortech. I would like the game Call of Duty Black Ops II. May I get batteries for my controller. May I have Call of Duty Wold at War. Thancks Santa Claus! Love, Landon P.
Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? How do you get across the world in one night? I will leave you a treat of cookies, an apple for each reindeer and some milk with the cookies. I would like an IPad and some cow-girl boots, a toy robot for my brother. I would like a puppy and kitten. Have a safe trip home. Thank you. Love, Erika I.
Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? How are your reindeer? I will leave apples for the reindeer. May I get a PS3, Ipad and an Ipod touch, PSP Vida, PS2 games and PSP games. Thank you Santa! Love, Jaryk A. Dear Santa Claus, Hello!! How are the elves? How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph and the other reindeer? What are your favourite cookies and pie? Am I on the nice list? Do you have any North Pole friends? I have been a very good girl this year by helping my friends when they were upset of lonely. I will leave some milk and cookies for you. I will leave the reindeer some carrots. You are the best! I would really love to have my own T.V. set, a pink remote control car, my own real little stripes munchkin kit in a cat carrier, my own diary with a lock and two keys, an MP3, and a very Merry Christmas for my family, friends and I!! Thank you Santa Claus!!! Have a great trip and
Dear Santa Claus, Hi! How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeer and the elves doing? I am going to leave you so good and delicious cookies and milk and a treat for the reindeer. I would really love an IPod touch, an animal pillow, a laptop, movies called Rise of the Guardians and Braking Dawn Part 2, a pink remote control car, a toy for my little brother too for Christmas please. Have a great trip back to the North Pole and say hi to Mrs. Clause for me please. Love, Kaiden H. Dear Santa Claus, Hi! How are the elves? You are awesome! I would like Halo4, I would like Assassins Creed 3. I would like Borderlands 2, a new TV and a computer. I would like an new IPod with games. I would like a mini-pinscher. I would like a remote control car and two nerf guns. I would like a spy case for Christmas please. Thank you Santa. Love, Carson M.
a very Merry Christmas! Love, Erin B. P.S. I will leave you a surprise! Bye Bye! Dear Santa, Hello! How are the reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? I will leave an apple for the reindeer. I would really love an IPod, nail polish, a jewellery box, a robe please, a jacket, an Xbox game, a big teddy bear, a mood ring, a movie called Picture Perfect, a poster and a skipping rope. Thank you Santa! Love, Tyra S. Dear Santa, Hi Santa! Come to my house first! How are you doing? I will leave you some cookies and milk. I just want a few things. I would like a big teddy bear, an IPod, a little race car, a game for my Xbox, a couple clothes and a necklace and bracelet. Oh and Ms. William wanted me to say “ ‘Sup fat man!” Thank you Santa Claus! Love, Jaida
Mr. and Mrs. Claus were the guests of honour in Ashcroft’s Santa Claus Parade.
Seasons Greetings Open Dec. 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Open Dec. 27 and Dec. 31 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Safety Mart FOODS
Railway Avenue Ashcroft 250-453-9343
Wishing you Christmas Happiness to warm your heart and home with special joy
NOEL H. MURRAY Certified Professional Bookkeeper Corporate and Personal Tax Returns Cache Creek, B.C. Telephone/Fax: 250-457-9696 nhmurray@coppervalley.bc.ca
Warm wishes for a Joyful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all of us at
Revelations Tanning & Salon
Open Dec. 24th Closed Dec. 25 - 30th, Open Dec. 31st
Railway Ave, Ashcroft
The Journal Thursday, December 20, 2012
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 17
“I want some Cadillac shoes and an I phone” Dear Santa boards. My favourite I want a new game colour is blue. I love for my 3ds and asit. I hope you have a sassins creed 3 and a good day ad I hope new fox hat and some you get this in time. Mrs. Sayenchuck’s Grade 4/5, Lytton candy canes and some Unsigned that because I do my chores like put the iTunes for my iPod and a sled and how old are you and dishes away, sweep under the table and Dear Santa & Rain Deer black ops the new one and the new halo I do my work at school everyday. I want some Cadillac shoes and an I Brandon game. phone 5S. I think I deserve these things Alex because I helped my Uncle Vernon help Dear Santa his sister in Langley move to VancouI would like a ipad and ipod touch, ver. Dear Santa I want a little lamp because some- Hello kitty dream diary, a 40 inch tv, a Dustin times it is dark in my room and I donte laptop, and Just Dance 4. A reason why want to turn on the light because my I deserve these things is because I have Dear Santa sister is waching a movie an she dosent been doing dishes, swept floor twice a I would like a DSI and a tablet for day, do laundry, fix my sister’s bed, fix Christmas. I think I deserve it, because want to be botherd. mom and dad’s bed and a whole bunch I have been a very good boy this year. I Do you drink coffy? Dear Santa. I want an ipod touch I of other chores. I only get free time for always listen to my Granny and do what think I deserve this because I’ve wanted 4 or 5 hours on mom’s laptop or spend I’m told. I would like these presents bea ipod touch for a long time an I’d tride time with cousins or read or even watch cause I think they are a lot of fun and living room tv. I’m wondering how I would only play with them when my to save up but it was hard. Dear Santa why dose it have to your elves, reindeer and Mrs. Clause Granny said that I could. I have worked are feeling? snow in Christmas? hard to be good this year by doing all Riannon Trinity my chores, listening to my teacher, and doing all my work. I am 9 now and very Dear Santa Clause Dear Santa Clause responsible so I would take very good I want a ipod shuffle because I’ve care of my DSI or my tablet. How are you? Is it really hard getting ready for Christmas? How are your bin trying to do all my work I need to How is Rudolph and the other reinReindeer and Elves? Are you ready to finish. I want a soccer ball because I’ve deer? How is Mrs. Clauses? Hope you eat lots of cookies and drinking milk been helping my mom with my uncle have a good night on Christmas Eve. and eggnog? What are your favorite and grandma. I want a new sketch book Talk to you next year! kinds of cookies? I really want a tablet for at home because I help take out the Jacob for Christmas! I sometimes get bored garbage. Brooke-Lynne and there is nothing for me to do. So I Dear Santa think a tablet would do a pretty good I would really like an Ipod for Mr and Ms Clause job of keeping me company. I think I Christmas. I think I deserve this beI only have a short Christmas wish cause: I listen to my mom all the time. deserve it because I do really good in school and I try my best to get the best list because I love family. For Christ- I am a good big brother and I help out grade I can on my report card. I also mas I want a Nintendo 3ds xl, a ipad 2, around the house. At school I always would not mind some wii games and halo set, a minecraft on ps3, lego hero finish my math sheets, I listen to Mrs. d.s. Games. I would like it because we factory, ninjago sets and new super Syenchuk all the time and I always lishave some at home and I would like to Mario bros 2. Santa I always wonderd ten to the rules on the playground. try different types of games. I think I how cold it is at the northpole? Do you I think this year I have bee a very deserve some because I have been very have elves at the north pole? I think i good boy; I am very responsible at nice. I would also like some coloured deseve those things because I care for home and at school so I will be very jeans. This year I’ve worked on being others and i give food to people who’s careful with my Ipod. good by doing my school work with hungry on the bus. I wish you a merry Dominic Christmas Santa ad a happy new year. lots of detail. :D Unsigned Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus Unsigned I want a 3ds and halo 4 and black Dear Santa ops 2. I think I deserve these things beDear Santa I want a 3dsxl with Super Mario cause I cleaned my room 3 times in 1 I would like a skateboard for Christ- week and I cleaned the whole house. bros.2, Mario 3d land, Paper Mario sticker star, Mario kart 7, Sky Land- mas because: I help out around my What are your favourite cookies? ers Giants and all of the set up and the house a lot. My mom says I’m a good James Sky Landers giants is all for the wii, girl and she doesn’t want me to change a Ipod touch and a Wii U with new the way I am which is a tomboy. I am super Mario bros. With the controller, x 9 years old and in grade 4. Since I am box36, ps3 and a laptop. I want all of a tomboy, please no girly girl skateContinued next page
letters to sANtA ClAUs
All of us at The Journal join in saying Thank You and wishing you a Happy Holiday and a Prosperous New Year
May the peace and joy of this holiday season be yours throughout the New Year
Lytton Pines Motel Cherma Dozing & Landscaping 402 4th Street, Ashcroft
(250) 455-2322
150 Trans Canada Hwy, Lytton
Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a Prosperous, Healthy New Year Cache Creek Petro Canada and Restaurant Open: 6:30 am - 9:00 pm
Greyhound Depot: Bus tickets & shipping 250-457-9582
BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!
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rt Valley Moto e s e rs D Licensed Full Service Automotive Repair
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Please remember: Caps off - Labels on! We now accept milk cartons (please rinse first, no refund) tuesDA DAy y to sAtur turD DAy DA Ay 10 - 4
Terry Daniels Publisher
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Thursday, December 20, 2012 The Journal
“My brothers where cinda being good i guesse.” Dear Santa This year I would like a Wii U and 5 games. The games I would like are New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros 2 for the 3DS, Paper Mario Sticker Star, and Plants vs. Zombies for the Xbox360. I think I deserve these things because I’ve been helping a lot at home. I’ve been loading the wood for the house on the wood cart and doing the dishes. I also want a beanbag the size of Sydney’s. I would also like Mario and Luigi Partners in Time for the DS. Jevan Dear Santa and Miss. Claus I would like an X-Box 360 250GB with Black Ops 2. I think I deserve these things, because I helped Brenda and did dishes at home and I changed my brother’s diapers. I also help Vickey with laundry. How many cookies and milk do you have on Christmas Eve? How many elves do you have? Preston Dear Santa & Rain Deer’s I want a I Phone 4s because help my mom with th dishes sometimes. I want a 3DS because all of my other friends have a 3DS and a Ipod 32GB. I think I deserve these things because I help Preston’s mom with the dishes. I help with their little brother to play with him when they cook supper so he isn’t too lonely. Skyler
Dear Santa Is your beard as white like the snow. What is your favorite cookies because I do a lot of baking. What is your favorite reindeer in the team. Do you have fun for Christmas day. How many elves do you have to make the toys. What do you like doing for Christmas. How many reindeer do you have. Do your elves work hard. How are you doing. I want a Ipad and a Ipod for Christmas. Because I been good all year. How is Mrs. Clause doing? Did Mrs. Clause have any kids. What I like doing for Christmas is to cook. Jillie-Anne Dear Santa I want a Play station and black ops 2 ad a I pod and two controllers. I think I deserve these things because I do lots of chores and listen to my teacher and help my dad all the time and pack lots of wood. How do your reindeer fly ad how do deliver presents so fast? Cole
Dear Santa I sure hope you can read handwriting. I want an iPod Nano to play games on. I want an X Box 360 Kinect touchable, and I want Sky Lander Giants. I want Black Ops 2, Halo 4 and 4 controllers. I think I should get these things because I take out the LAMPERT garbage every day. I work very Erna Elfriede hard at school. If you bring me these April 20, 1930 - Dec. 11, 2012 things, I’ll work at school even On December 11, 2012 God called Erna home to be harder than I do now. I will with him. She passed away help my grandma with her garpeacefully in 100 Mile House den. Hospital. Erna was born April Jay 20, 1930 to Waldmir and
Elfriede Sommer in Poland. In 1945 she, along with her parents and six siblings, fled to Germany where she later met her beloved Heinz Lampert on December 25th 1950. Heinz and Erna were married on March 24 & 25 1951. On January 2, 1952 their first son, Heinz Artur, was born but died three days later. On January 29th, 1954 their second son, Rolf, was born. Heinz, Erna and Rolf immigrated to Canada in August of 1955. They made their way to Revelstoke. A daughter, Diana, was born on January 27th, 1964, completing their family. May of 1972 saw Heinz and Erna, along with their two children, move to Clinton to own and operate the Central Market and in 1981 the 47 Mile Variety as well. They enjoyed their businesses and the people they grew to know and love. October 1994 saw them both retire. They took up ice fishing, and Erna began cooking for the Legion Ladies. Erna had remained active, until the last five years when her health changed. August 7th, 2012 saw tragedy again when son Rolf passed away. Erna was also predeceased by her parents, and two sisters, Hilde and Kristal. She leaves behind her loving husband of 61½ years, Heinz; daughter Diana, loving son in-law Chris, grandchildren Katie, Tom (Claire), Sarah and Christine; and three great-grandchildren: Dria, Zaida, and Niveya. Erna also leaves her sisters, Margita (Heinz), Erica, brothers, Egon (Margot), Eberhard, Art (Cindy), and many nieces and nephews. Funeral Services will be held graveside at the Kings Lake Cemetery, Hwy. 97 south of Clinton, at 12:15 p.m. on December 20, 2012 with a Celebration of Life to follow at the Clinton Memorial Hall at 1:00 p.m. 100 Mile Funeral Service Ltd. entrusted with the arrangements. 1-877-595-3243 Condolences can be sent to the family care of www.100milefuneralservice.com
Dear Santa I would like a I pad mini a iphone 5 a black berry tablet and a i pod that has 32GB. Because I do alot of chores I help take care of my brothers and high tops that go up to my knee. And my brothers where cinda being good i guesse. Tasia Dear Santa How are the reindeer and elves? Here at Lytton it started snowing. It started on Dec. 6. Everyone ran to the window. This year I am in grade 5. I have a new teacher. Her name is Miss S. This year I am in the Christmas play. I am the red-nosed reindeer. This year can I please have a dog like Buddy? I think I should get one because Buddy is lonely when I go to school and mom and dad go to work. He has no one to play with and I think I deserve it because I was hard working at school. I would feed it every day and play with it and make a house for Buddy and it and this time I know how to take care of it and I will still take the same care for Buddy because then he would be very sad. What kind of cookies would you like? What do the reindeer like? Do the elves want something too? If they do can you tell me? Kiera
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Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that 0941109 BC Ltd. of Port Coquitlam, B.C., intends to make application to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Southern Service Region - Thompson Okanagan Service Centre, Crown Land Adjudication office, for an Investigative License for Wind Power purposes covering the unsurveyed Crown land in the vicinity of Arrowstone Provincial Park, Kamloops Division Yale District (KDYD) situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Cache Creek. The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 3412642. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication at 441 Columbia St., Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2T3. Comments will be received by MFLNRO until January 7,2013. MFLRNO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website http://www.arfd.gov. bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index.jsp -> Search -> Search by File Number: insert Lands File Number for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be provided to the public upon request.
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