Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
$1.00 + HST
Vol. 28 | No. 26 Thursday, December 20, 2012
Serving the Bella Coola Valley and the Chilcotin
Santa visits Jutrefest Serving the Bella CoolaPage Valley and the Chilcotin
Luke Bittner in the starring role of the hilarious play, 'That's Not Santa.'
Sons of Norway honour longtime members at 25th Annual Jultrefest CAITLIN THOMPSON Longtime Sons of Norway members were honoured with 25-year pins and certificates at their 25th Annual Norwegian Christmas celebration, Jultrefest, at Lobelco Hall last weekend. President Barb Gilbert led the proceedings, with pins and certificates awarded to June Vosburgh, Norman and Margaret Brekke, Bill and Helene Harstead, Linda Brekke, Marie Hansen, Dick Harstead, Barb Gilbert, Frank Brekke, Catherine Hammer, and Peter Solhjell. Jultrefest has been a part
of the Bella Coola community Christmas celebration since 1987. It includes the traditional Santa Lucia ceremony, which has been a part of Scandinavian tradition since Viking times. According to various historical interpretations, the legend of Santa Lucia started hundreds of years ago. In the early hours of the morning of December 13th, a young woman of rich and noble parents, dressed in a white gown, with a red sash and a crown of lingonberry twigs and blazing candles, would go from one farm to the next. She carried a torch to light her way and brought baked goods to
each house. She returned home by sunrise. Every village had its own Lucia. Santa Lucia Day celebrations were strong first in Sweden and spread from there to Norway. The origins of today’s celebration can be traced to the 4th century martyrdom of a Sicilian virgin named Lucia. Lucia symbolizes light and growth for human and beast as she emerges out of the darkness of the long winter nights. Because her name means “light,” many of the ancient light and fire customs of the Yuletide became associated with her day, such as the lighting of the
candles in our local Santa Lucia ceremony. Today, Jultrefest and Santa Lucia are focused around our Valley’s children, and thanks to the hard work of some dedicated volunteers, parents and spectators were treated to a fun evening of singing and Christmas plays. Caroline Granander worked her magic once again this year, and had the children sing a delightful version of ‘The Mitten Song,’ followed by a hilarious short play, ‘That’s Not Santa.’ The kids had a great time. The Bella Coola Community Choir performed, and Breagha
Koroluk and Kayley and Kristen Clair presented Santa Lucia this year. Once again, jolly old Saint Nicholas entered the building, and he was busy this year. At least 30 youngsters were in attendance for a meet and greet with Santa Claus, a testament to the growing population of young folks! The evening wrapped up with a fabulous array of traditional Norwegian baked goods that were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thanks to the Sons of Norway for once again hosting this lovely community event.
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
Bella Coola Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturday Service Song & Bible Study For Adults & Children 9:30 am Sabbath School Program 10 am Bible Study Church Service 11 am Bella Coola Adventist Academy Offers a Christian Learning Environment for Grades K - 9 Grades 10 - 12 Distance Learning through West Coast Adventist School Principal Rob Parker 799 5910
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church
Sunday Communion Service 10:30AM
Bella Coola Air Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season Annual winter closure now in effect until February 1, 2013
Congratulations to Vera Robson on becoming a licensed realtor!
Monthly Mass Saturday Evening 6:00PM
We are very proud of you.
Call Susan to conrm 250-799-5618
Special Christmas Services for Augsburg/Emmanuel United Churches
From the Family.
Happy Holidays from the Board and staff at
December 16 10:30 AM Carol Service Augsburg United
Central Coast Regional District
Saturday December 22 4PM Blue Christmas Service Emmanuel United This is a service of songs and meditation for those who may be spending the first Christmas without a Emmanuel family memberChurch or loved Bella one -- dueCoola to loss or Sunday Service distance, or need a time 7pm out from the hustle of the holiday season.
Closed for the holidays
December 24, 2012 to January 2, 2013
Many wishes for a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with happiness, peace and prosperity. At this time, a special thanks goes out to all the volunteers within the District - your time is invaluable.
Trustees & Staff at School District #49 (Central Coast)
Monday December 24 Christmas Eve Service 7:30 PM at Augsburg United
Everyone Welcome!
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Season’s Greetings! All of us at the
Bella Coola Valley Learning Society’s Career Centre, Adult & Family Literacy Program, and New Leaf Learning Centre wish you and yours a very
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
• Always turn lights off before leaving home or going to sleep • Never leave lit candles unattended • Install working smoke alarms • Practice home escape plans • Keep your chimney clean Have a Happy and Fire-safe Holiday Season From the Bella Coola Fire Dept
Coast Mountain News
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
Season’s Season’sGreetings Greetings
The kids perform 'The Mitten Song'
Sons of Norway members presented with 25 year pins: Norman Brekke, Barb Gilbert, Margaret Brekke, June Vosburgh, Marie Hansen, and Peter Solhjell Missing from photo: Linda Brekke, Bill and Helene Harstead, Dick Harsted, Catherine Hammer, and Frank Brekke.
CENTRAL COAST REGIONAL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The CCRD is seeking to retain the professional services of an experienced Emergency Program Coordinator (the Contractor) to provide part time (.5 FTE) emergency services as outlined in CCRD Bylaw No. 325. Information packages may be obtained from the CCRD or can be found on the CCRD website at www. Three (3) proposals (original plus 2 copies) should be placed a sealed envelope marked “CCRD Emergency Program Coordinator Request for Proposal” and mailed or hand delivered to: Central Coast Regional District 626 Cliff Street, Box 186 Bella Coola, British Columbia V0T 1C0 Proposals will be received on or before 3:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, January 15, 2013. Proposals received after this date and time will not be considered. There will be no public opening for this RFP. This is not a tender and the CCRD reserves the right to reject any or all RFP’s, to waive defects in any submitted documents, and to accept any offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the CCRD. Any proposal, bid or quotation will not necessarily be accepted, and the CCRD is not responsible for any responsible for any costs incurred by the Contractor. Enquiries may be directed to Isabell Hadford, Interim Chief Administrative Officer at
The littlest actors - the elves
Wishing everyone a very happy, very snowy, holiday season and a great New Year! From the staff at Bella Coola Heli Sports and Tweedsmuir Park Lodge
Is anyone else waiting until December 22nd to do their Christmas shopping... in case the Mayans were right?
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
Season’s Season’sGreetings Greetings
‘Bella Coola 2 Africa’ goes national and becomes ‘Canadian Communities 4 Africa’ In the summer of 2012, following growing support from individuals and locations across Canada and overseas, the Board of Directors recommended a change in the charity’s name to ‘Canadian Communities 4 Africa Hope Society’ (CC4Africa Hope Society). The change was approved by the membership in August 2012, and officially changed through BC Registries in November 2012. The Society considers it of vital importance to continue to honour and acknowledge it’s establishment in Bella Coola (2006), and to recognize the importance of the community’s grass roots support as the foundation of our success. The primary reason for
the change is that as the Society’s influence broadens, the name change will facilitate fundraising opportunities in communities across Canada. Our new website may be found at Everything that BC2Africa/ CC4Africa has accomplished in the last seven years is a testament to the support of the people of Bella Coola, and we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude. CC4Africa Board of Directors – Dr. Nancy Anderson, Michel Bazille, Joan Cole, Pegge Stewart (Bella Coola, B.C.); Teresa Corbould (Kimberley, B.C.), BGen. (Ret’d) Andre Corbould (St. Albert, AB), LCol.(Ret’d) Ron Bragdon (Kingston, ON).
BC2Africa, now known as Canadian Communities 4 Africa, works to provide services and support to small communities in Burundi. Pictured here is Treasurer and Co-founder Teresa Corbould and Chair and Co-founder Margaret Stewart with staff at the new Maternity Facility at Gitega Clinic.
Wishing you a Joyous Christmas Visit us for Cut flowers & arrangements Fresh Holly & Plants Belgian Chocolate Beauty products Quality Baking Supplies Moore’s 888 S. Grant Road ~ 250 799 5975
Finn Moore-Joanisse realizes that talking with Santa can be serious business
Bella Coola Consumer’s Co-op Our best wishes for a happy and prosperous holiday season and New Year!
Two year old Ethan Etsell was not shy about letting Santa know what he wanted for Christmas
We would like to thank all of our customers and friends and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Happy Holidays
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! from Krista, Maggie & Lindsey
Bella Coola Valley Seafoods (250) 982 2713
Yearly Subscriptions In Canada $50.40 USA $84.00 (Cdn Funds) Foreign $130 (CdnHST) Funds) $116.07 (plus (includes HST)
Send to: Coast Mountain News 68N. Broadway Ave., Williams Lake, BC V2G 1C1 PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO "BLACK PRESS LTD" 250-398-5516 • Fax: 250-398-5855 Published every other week
STAFF: Editor: Caitlin Thompson Contributors: BCE Students Consultant: Angela Hall
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012 A5
Season’s Season’sGreetings Greetings
CCRD Board and staff hoping to ‘move forward’ in 2013
CCRD Board Directors L to R: Brian Lande, Vice Chair Ivan Tallio, Cathi McCullagh, Chair Reginald Moody, David Anderson Caitlin Thompson The CCRD’s last Board meeting of 2012 marked some significant changes within the organization. Not only was this the first time all five Directors had attended a meeting together since the 2011 local government elections, it also saw two new Director’s take up the positions of Board Chair and Vice Chair. Director Tallio attended his first meeting since July, and while Director Anderson was also in attendance, he left the meeting approximately one hour after it began. Elections for the positions of Board
Chair and Vice Chair were the first order of business. Outgoing Board Chair Brian Lande nominated Director Cathi McCullagh as Chair, while Director Tallio nominated Director Moody. Voting by ballot declared Director Moody as Chair. For the position of Vice Chair, Director McCullagh nominated Director Lande. Director Anderson nominated Director McCullagh, and Director Moody nominated Director Tallio. Voting by ballot declared Director Tallio as Vice Chair. In response to community concern over his long absence and whether or not
he now planned to attend Board meetings regularly, especially after being elected Vice-Chair, Director Tallio appeared unconcerned. “The only ones who can oust me are the members of the Nuxalk Nation,” he said, “because they’re the ones that elected me.” When reminded that, as Area D Director, his constituents included all Valley residents living west of Hagensborg’s Augsburg Church to Tatsquan Creek, Director Tallio replied, “Well, they can try and fire me then, but I’m going to fight it.” Despite the fact that the excessive
use of Alternate Director’s is a concern in the community, and noting that Director Tallio’s Alternate Director, Archie Pootlass, has attended more meetings then he has, Director Tallio did not have a problem with this. “It’s not an issue for me,” he said. On the administrative side, Joy MacKay has now officially resigned as CAO, and Interim CAO Isabell Hadford confirmed that the CCRD will be advertising for the position of CAO immediately. Stephen Waugh announced that, while he will continue to assist with emergency response matters, he is not
Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season! Be Safe.....Don’t Drink and Drive!
Gary Coons, MLA
North Coast Constituency Office
818 - 3rd Avenue West Prince Rupert, BC Phone: 1 866 624 7734 email:
renewing his contract as Emergency Program Coordinator for 2013. “Following the challenges associated with the past several years of serious emergency events, I’ve decided to take a rest from the responsibilities that the EPC position entails, while allowing the organization to reassess their priorities with respect to the issues facing the District,” Waugh said. However, Waugh will keep his contract as part-time Property Manager for the CCRD. Amidst continuing questions from the community as to how Waugh obtained the contract without a competi-
tion, Interim CAO Hadford explained that, at the time, the CCRD was desperate to fill the position, so they awarded it to Waugh as he had already been doing much of the job in conjunction with his emergency management duties. “The Board did approve Stephen Waugh’s property management contract,” said Hadford. “However, the Board is set to review the position in six months, and if it increases from the current half-time, a new contract will be put out to public competition in the usual manner.” Despite the obvious challenges facing
the CCRD, Hadford has a positive outlook and contends that the Board has overcome many of the difficulties that have dominated the past year. “The staff and Board are committed to moving forward,” she said. “I am very hopeful for improvement and I feel they are getting back on track.”
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
Season’s Season’sGreetings Greetings
The Adventures Of Santa & Co.
I wish you and your family all the best of the Christmas season, and I look forward to working together in the New Year of 2013.
BY FINN CARLSON GRADE 3 - BCE It was December 24. Santa was checking his knotty and nice lists. Suddenly an elf named Elferner came in and said, “Santa Santa a bunch of elves are fooling around in the workshop.” So Santa went to too the workshop and said “who was making all the trouble here.” Everyone pointed at Elferner. Santa said, “come with me Elferner”. So Elferner went with Santa to his house and said “why did you fool around in the workshop?” Elferner said, “I don’t want to make toys I want to deliver toys with you.” Santa said, “Fine you can deliver toys with me.” It is Christmas eve and Santa and Elferner and
MP, Skeena-Bulkley Valley - 1(888) 622-0212 -
Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas season and a Happy New Year. BY KAYLEY CLAIR GRADE 4 - BCE
Albert’s Repair
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to himself, I wonder what it is like in the North Pole. So he yelled “on Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen, on Comet on Cupid on Doner, on Blitzin, on Rudolf, the red nosed reindeer.” They were off. Finally they were at the North Pole. He got off the sleigh and hid behind a crate. An elf named Elvesie (he was a mean one) saw Ernest Hiding behind a crate. So he yelled” Santa Santa” but Santa didn’t come because he was at Ernest’s house. Back at Ernest’s house Santa and Elferner were on the roof top trying to figure out what to do. Suddenly something was heading towards them it looked like a tiny moose. When it got clos-
It’s Christmas break! Hi, my name is Alice. Tomorrow is the Christmas dinner. We go to every dinner. This year they are
Merry Christmas Kopas Store from all of us at
doing a draw for a family of five to go to California. It’s perfect, we have a family of five! Me, Rosey, my little sister, Josh, my older brother (but I am much more mature than him), and my mom and dad. It’s December 22, 2012, at 7pm. We are off to the Christmas dinner! We have to buy one ticket for each person so we can put it in the draw bucket. Rosey’s number is 555, mine is 175, my brother’s is 275, my mom’s is 755, and my dad’s is 100. We had dinner and dessert. Then they were going to call the numbers. The number is 555. Rosey – you won!!! We won the trip for five to California. Now that
we are going, we are going to stay at my mom’s mom’s house. The ticket says we have to leave on December 23 at 7am. We are at the airport. We have to go through security. Josh is up first. Ding a ling, ding a ling, they had to check his bag. It was just two chicken wings that looked like a gun. The rest of the family was good. We are on the plane and waiting. Then one of the girls said on the speaker, “We need one or two people to switch to the 1pm flight.” I jumped and said, “I will! I will!” Then my mom said, “Oh no, you are not going by yourself. You can go with her mom.” They grabbed their suitcases and waited until 1pm. Then a speaker came one. “The people that are going
We’d like to deliver our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season. To all who visited us - you’re always welcome throughout the holidays and all year long!
20% to 80% OFF Christmas merchandise toys - appliances - giftware - tools until Christmas
er he realized it was Rudolf he was heading towards them, they were saved! They got on his back and they were heading towards the North Pole. They were at the North Pole. Santa saw Ernest hiding behind the crate. Santa said who are you? Ernest said” I’m Ernest Folloop who are you? Well I’m Santa Claus of course.” Santa said “come with me to my house” so Ernest went with him to his house. Santa said, “Why did you take my sled”? Ernest said I wanted to see what the North Pole was like. “Well now you know what it is like.” “Now I will give you a ride home.” “Ok” said Ernest. So Santa gave him a ride home, he got back just in time to open his presents.
Split up on Christmas
Nathan Cullen
From all the staff at
got in the sleigh and said, “On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer, on Vixen, on Comet, on cupid on Doner, on Blitzin, on Rudolf, the red nosed reindeer.” They were off. They were at the last house now Santa went down the chimney and Elferner too. Santa was munching on cookies and Elferner drank the milk. Suddenly a boy named Ernest woke up and herd some munching. “I know,” he said it must be Santa Claus! Ernest snuck downstairs then he saw Santa (but not Elferner). Ernest snuck downstairs and out the back door, laying against the roof was the fire emergency ladder he climbed up the ladder and got on the sleigh. He thought
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to California are delayed. You guys are going to take a plane to San Diego. Then you will bus to California. So come on this 43.” We went on the plane. Then it took off. By 4pm we were in San Diego. We got up and got off the plane. We went to get our luggage. We hopped on the bus to California. “I am going to go to the bathroom,” said mom. “Hurry up, there is a little kid that needs to go to the bathroom,” I said. “I am just pucking a bit. Okay, I am coming out. We are going to stop in 20 minutes.” Errrch! The breaks went on. Finally! We grabbed out bags and went to the bathroom. We went to the bus after we were done doing our duty. We went back to the bus. The driver said we can’t come on the bus again. Fine, we just start hitchhiking. Off we went up the road. We met a policeman. He said there is a carshop up the road. After one more day, I saw the carshop. It’s Christmas Eve and we are not with our family. We went in the carshop and asked if he had a car. Can we rent a car? Yes, the car is in the back. A punch buggy. Yep, we’ll take it. We put our suitcases in the car and drove off. We are in California!! We drove to my mom’s mom’s house. And we made it just in time for Christmas!
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Elfin Guardians
Season’s Season’sGreetings Greetings
BY JACOB HALL GR. 4 - BCE One Christmas Eve, the Captain (who was an elf ) of an Ice Craft Carrier call from a call from a wood elf at Yellow Stone National Park. WE NEED BACKUP. REPEAT. WE NEED BACKUP. “This is Carrier Three-Two – can you hear me?” (static). The Captain said to the elves on board, “Attention elves, the wood elves need backup. They lost Base One because of the Orc’s and their army. Repeat. The wood elves need backup. Send some planes and get ready.”
When they got to Yellow Stone National Park they saw the destroyed base with snow all over it. Heaidia (Hea-de-ya), one of the head elves, said, “We should probably head over to the next base and do a sneak attack.” Sgt. Bowin said, “Maybe we should send the Special Op’s Kill Team over here.” “Good idea,” said Heaidia. Three hours later they arrived. The elves explained their plan to them. They went to the second base. They crouched behind the base. The elves were happy to see them. There was a loud roar. “That doesn’t sound like an Orc,” said Sgt.
Bowin. “Trolls!” they yelled. Suddenly there were trolls and orcs everywhere! They all started shooting bows and guns! Suddenly there was another roar. They were being flanked! Sgt. Bowin was hit in the back by a troll. He went flying but, as he fell, he launched two arrows and killed two enemies. But, that is not enough. Just when they needed it the hunters came out, which gave the Special Op’s Team cover. And then the bombers dropped their bombs. They got picked up and went back to the North Pole. Sgt. Bowin got his back fixed, they medals, and lived happy.
The Christmas Snow Machine Trip
Hi, my name is Kai. One day my dad said,
“We are going to east Branch for Christmas.” Let’s load up the snow machines. “Dad are we there yet?”
“Yes, we do.” Brrrrrrraaaaaap. “Oh we are up!” “Dad the snow machine won’t start. Great, and now it’s getting dark.” THE NEXT MORNING “Dad is that the truck?” “Yes it is. Let’s start to push the snow machines.” “So you mean we went in circles?” “Yes, we went in circles.” “Dad, next time I’m the navigator.” THE END
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“Yes we are hear.” “Let’s start to ride. I’m driving.” “Ok, Kai.” I hope we can get to the first cabin before dark. ONE HOUR LATER “Dad, it’s dark, where is the first cabin?” “I don’t know. We will stay hear. Kai lit a fire” “Ok, dad.” THE NEXT MORNING “Let’s go.” “Ok, dad. Oh, we have to go up that hill?”
Starts: January 28 Location: Bella Coola Learn more: visit, call Cheryl O’Connell at 250-923-9721, or email
We appreciated your patronage and wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year! HOliday Hours
Closed Christmas & New Years Day
Open Boxing Day 11 am to 6 pm Winter Hours 9 am - 7 pm Fridays to 9 pm
Season’s Season’sGreetings Greetings
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Snow Globe By Cela Jones Grade 5 – BCE One Christmas morning Lisa woke up to a mountain of presents under the
Leon Barnett, Realtor 250-982-2704
$89.000, MLS N222722, Bargain 13.2 Acre Parcel Zoned I1, Heavy Industrial. Excellent location for business or residence. 1 Kilometer to Bella Coola. ER! LLAcres E40 S $139,000, MLS N212053, Hammer Road. Partially cleared, D VATE Construction MOTI mobile, Awesome Views, power and phone available. $149,000, Nice 3 Bedroom on .39 Acres with woodshed, centrally located. $159,000, MLS N219490, 21.86 Acres Nusatsum Plateau. Winter Sun exposure on this rare offering, Heavily Timbered, small creek. $179,000, MLS N220248 , 19.44 Acres and 2500SF Building near town. Huge, Solidly constructed building incorporates Studio, Shop and storage. $179,000, MLS N220585, Two Separate 40 Acre Parcels for one price! Great setting, Private, New access road, Awesome views, Creeks. $189,000, MLS N221387, 2036SF total area, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Fenced. Great family or retirement home, approx. 20 years old, nice 1 acre lot. $198,000, MLS N220693, 4.46 Acres, 1733SF 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, NICE. Without a doubt one of the nicest houses in the valley! 1620SF Shop. $220,000, MLS N4505666, 70 Seat Restaurant, 2300SF Building, Recent equipment upgrade, Inactive for 2 years, Waiting for creative chef, lots of potential. $239,000, MLS N212966, 1163 Mack Road Beauty! Wonderful 2249SF, 2, poss. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Stackwall Masonry, Many Upgrades. $289,000, MLS N221701, 1690 Hwy 20, 2096SF, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Nice house with winter sun, 6 Acres, Quest Cabin, Big Shop and more.
$495,000, MLS N221666, Wilderness R!Elegance at 1747 Hwy 20, 2850SF plus ELLE 4 Bedrooms, 4 Bath, Solarium, ED S Fireplace, Fantastic Kitchen on 27plus acres! T A V MOTI 171 Oliver Street Williams Lake, BC. V0T 1H0 250-392-4422
Christmas tree. She said, “Wow! Which present am I going to open first?” She looked at the little ball shaped item lying on the floor. She started unwrapping it. “Wow,” she said. “I’ve always wanted a snow globe!” Maryjoy came trotting down the stairs. “What?” she said. “Why are you yelling?” Lisa said, “I got a snow globe!” “Cool, that’s neat sister,” said Maryjoy. “For the hundredth time, don’t call me sister when you know I have a name!” said Lisa “Okay, Lisa,” said Maryjoy. “Thank you,” replied Lisa. Maryjoy started to open her presents on the other side of the tree. Lisa shook her snowglobe and the snow fell on the little village with the tiny little people singing
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for A Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Bella Bella Asset Holdings Ltd. c/o 1210-1111 Melville St. Vancouver, B.C., intends to make application to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNR), North Island-Central Coast Resource District for a License of Occupation-Industrial Log Handling and Temporary Storage, File Number 1414024, covering unsurveyed foreshore or land covered by water situated on Provincial Crown Land located at Troup Passage, Seaforth Channel, Gunboat Passage and Johnson Channel, Cunningham Island. For more information or to make written comments, please contact Bob Harris, 1210-1111 Melville St., Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3V6,, or FLNR Authorizations Forester, Kathy Howard, 2217 Mine Road, Port McNeill, B.C. V0N 2R0, The review and comment period will last 30 days from December 6, 2012. Comments will be received until January 5, 2013. FLNR office may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Comments can also be posted at: Please be sure to cite the Applicant’s name and the location of the proposed activity and File Number for reference. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at FLNR office.
Christmas carols and ice-skating. I wish I could live in a snow globe. My life would be so perfect. Well, except for the times when people would shake it. It would be more than just snowing. People would yell, “Earthquake!” Well, I guess I don’t want to live in a snow globe. I ran upstairs to go put my new snow globe in my room. I decided to put it up on top of my dresser for safekeeping. I ran back downstairs for hot cocoa and cookies. Night came and it was time for bed. Mom said that if you close your eyes and shake the snow globe and make a wish, it might come true. “Thanks mom, I’ll do that tonight,” I said. “Okay. Goodnight honey, have a good rest” “Love you mom.” “Love you too,” she said. I took my snow globe and started to make a wish. Suddenly the snow globe started to glow. Wow, that’s not something you see everyday. I held the snow globe, staring into the beautiful light. What
was that? Was that a, a person? Yes, it was, it was, it is a person! It was a little girl. She was saying something. She was saying, “Come with me into our beautiful winter wonderland. Come with me!” I was star struck. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The girl started to reach out her hand. She said, “Take it, take my hand.” I said, okay, and I took it, There was a huge flash and then I opened my eyes and there I was, in a snow-covered village. There, there the little girl was. She was running towards me with a huge smile on her face. She greeted me and led me into a tiny cottage. She pulled me through the door and plopped me into a chair and went back to close the door. She ran into her tiny little kitchen to go get some hot cocoa for us to drink. I sipped on my hot cocoa. I asked her, “Why were you talking to me through the snow globe?” “Because you were nice enough to open this first, and you started to make a wish!” “So?” I said, “So you care,” she said.
“Yeah, and?” I said back. “You’re the only person that’s wished on a snow globe in like, a billion years!” “Oh,” I replied. “Well, okay.” “But why am I in here?” I asked. “Well, maybe because the people of the village wanted to thank you,” she said with an attitude. “Okay, cool,” I said back, not really caring. We ran out the door and into the town square. Everyone came out of their houses and came up and hugged me, shook my hand, and kissed me on the cheeks. We yelled, “Goodbye,” while we running towards the glass. We jumped, and there I was in my bed like nothing ever happened. “Well, that was weird,” as I drifted off into dreamland. The next morning I woke up to find that my snow globe wasn’t there. I quickly ran downstairs to find…my sister making a wish! “No!” I screamed. She looked up. There was a big flash of light and she was gone! Uh oh! P.S. At least the house is quit now!
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Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012 A9
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Vol. 27 Thursday, January | No. 1 6, 2011
An aerial shot of the Valley taken September 22, 2010 - this is perhaps the last picture before September's 2010 for many
massive flood Bella Coola residents - certainly the defining moment ‘Operation Santa’ of delivers some Christm as cheer to flood affected families
*Price inclu iincludes l des d HST HST andd Canadi C Canadian ddian ddeli del delivery livery iveryy only only. l
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Don’t forget Don’t forget Don’t forget to get your to get your to get your subscription!
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subscription! subscription! Only 50 for a years worth Only of50localfor news! a years worth of local news! An aerial shot of the Valley taken September 22, 2010 - this is perhaps the last picture before September's 2010 for many
massive flood Bella Coola residents - certainly the defining moment ‘Operation Santa’ of delivers some Christm as cheer to flood affected families
Michael Wigle photo
.40* .40* Only $$50.40 for a years$ worth of local news!
SUBMITTED BY COLEEN FRASER In addition to the Ministry of Transportatio Associates donated n’s $4,000 to ity, other BCGEU generosA joint effort by the Flood Relief at the Williams employees Bank account Lake hospital agencies resulted numerous from various provincial to be used for firewood, also sent local householders in an early minisfurnace Beeline gifts to the valley via Christmas for many tries including fuel and hay. October through in from mid Courier. the Corrections November last fall’s tremendousvictims of Branch, Client Many people purchased and December. Earlier that week Services Branch, flood. The first group Michel At the Ministry specific items that Ministry of Environment, Bazille (CEO of to arrive was a the Bella Coola families had six-person Transportation of Ministry of Forests indicated their Hospital), and crew from the Mennonite and children would and Range, some Infrastructure office Ministry of Agriculture appreciate including pital staff delivered of the hos- Disaster Service. and gift blankets Hosed at Lake, Leanna Illinickiin Williams Lands, and the mets, skates, board bikes, hel- that had been the Community Integrated Land and donated games and Church in Loreen Russell Management Bureau clothing. affected households, to flood Hagensborg these organized a took men helped which had fourteen project that substituted part in the project, been donated by Leanna loaded householders with as did their two pick-up Vancouver usual staff gift exchange their union. trucks with the Coastal Health cleanup and reconstruction gifts employees in in favour of buying ered them to Bella and delivInterior Roads, Vancouver. during the nine gifts for floodDawson days affected families. Construction, Triton volunteers used Coola where were in the valley. that they The Bella Coola the Mormon Flood Environmental Church Hall to Restoration Committee In mid-Novembe and Binnie organize and r volunwas distribute them. also able to organize Employees SEE MANY unteer work crews two volON PAGE 3 that assisted
Call 250-982-2696 and get Call your 250-982-2696 paper delivered. and get your paper delivered. *Price iinclu includes l des d HST HST andd Canadi C Canadian ddian ddeli del delivery livery iveryy only only. l
$1.00 + HST
Vol. 27 Thursday, January | No. 1 6, 2011
Vol. 27 Thursday, January | No. 1 6, 2011
Ph: 250.395.8830 Fax: 250.395.8998 net An aerial shot of the Valley taken September 22, 2010 - this is perhaps the last picture before September's 2010 for many
massive flood Bella Coola residents - certainly the defining moment ‘Operation Santa’ of delivers some Christm as cheer to flood affected families
Michael Wigle photo
SUBMITTED BY COLEEN FRASER In addition to the Ministry of Transportatio Associates donated n’s $4,000 to ity, other BCGEU generosA joint effort by the Flood Relief at the Williams employees Bank account Lake hospital agencies resulted numerous from various provincial to be used for firewood, also sent local householders in an early minisfurnace Beeline gifts to the valley via Christmas for many tries including fuel and hay. October through in from mid Courier. the Corrections November last fall’s tremendousvictims of Branch, Client Many people purchased and December. Earlier that week Services Branch, flood. The first group Michel At the Ministry specific items that Ministry of Environment, Bazille (CEO of to arrive was a the Bella Coola families had six-person Transportation of Ministry of Forests indicated their Hospital), and crew from the Mennonite and children would and Range, some Infrastructure office Ministry of Agriculture appreciate including pital staff delivered of the hos- Disaster Service. and gift blankets Hosed at Lake, Leanna Illinickiin Williams Lands, and the mets, skates, board bikes, hel- that had been the Community Integrated Land and donated games and Church in Loreen Russell Management Bureau clothing. affected households, to flood Hagensborg these organized a took men helped which had fourteen project that substituted part in the project, been donated by Leanna loaded householders with as did their two pick-up Vancouver usual staff gift exchange their union. trucks with the Coastal Health cleanup and reconstruction gifts employees in in favour of buying ered them to Bella and delivInterior Roads, Vancouver. during the nine gifts for floodDawson days affected families. Construction, Triton volunteers used Coola where were in the valley. that they The Bella Coola the Mormon Flood Environmental Church Hall to Restoration Committee In mid-Novembe and Binnie organize and r volunwas distribute them. also able to organize Employees SEE MANY unteer work crews two volON PAGE 3 that assisted
*Price iinclu includes l des d HST HST andd Canadi C Canadian ddian ddeli del delivery livery iveryy only only. l
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Michael Wigle photo
SUBMITTED BY COLEEN FRASER In addition to the Ministry of Transportatio Associates donated n’s $4,000 to ity, other BCGEU generosA joint effort by the Flood Relief at the Williams employees Bank account Lake hospital agencies resulted numerous from various provincial to be used for firewood, also sent local householders in an early minisfurnace Beeline gifts to the valley via Christmas for many tries including fuel and hay. October through in from mid Courier. the Corrections November last fall’s tremendousvictims of Branch, Client Many people purchased and December. Earlier that week Services Branch, flood. The first group Michel At the Ministry specific items that Ministry of Environment, Bazille (CEO of to arrive was a the Bella Coola families had six-person Transportation of Ministry of Forests indicated their Hospital), and crew from the Mennonite and children would and Range, some Infrastructure office Ministry of Agriculture appreciate including pital staff delivered of the hos- Disaster Service. and gift blankets Hosed at Lake, Leanna Illinickiin Williams Lands, and the mets, skates, board bikes, hel- that had been the Community Integrated Land and donated games and Church in Loreen Russell Management Bureau clothing. affected households, to flood Hagensborg these organized men helped which had fourteen project that substituted a part in the project, took been donated by Leanna loaded householders with as did their two pick-up Vancouver usual staff gift exchange their union. trucks with the Coastal Health cleanup and reconstruction gifts employees in in favour of buying ered them to Bella and delivInterior Roads, Vancouver. during the nine gifts for floodDawson days affected families. Construction, Triton volunteers used Coola where were in the valley. that they The Bella Coola the Mormon Flood Environmental Church Hall to Restoration Committee In mid-Novembe and Binnie organize and r volunwas distribute them. also able to organize Employees SEE MANY unteer work crews two volON PAGE 3 that assisted
A10 A10
Thursday, December 20, Thursday, 2012 Coast Mountain Coast Mountain News December 20,News 2012
Your community. Your classifieds. fax 250.982.2512 email
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Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
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Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430
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$100 & Under
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Esthetics Services Derma Core Electrolysis at 108 Mile Ranch. Call Sandra 250-791-5454.
Financial Services
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under Child size 5 ski jacket and pants, light blue and brown. Ex. cond. $20. 250-392-1018 Child white Christmas dress, size 3 with satin underpants and hair band. Reg. $75 asking $25. (250)392-1018 Spyder ski jacket and Gortex ski pants. Ex. cond. Size M. Black & grey. $100. (250)3921018
$300 & Under
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
White self-cleaning oven kitchen stove. Works well. $300. 250-392-2879
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Dollar Deals
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Call Caitlin 250-982-2696 or Julie 1-250-398-5516 or email classiÀ
Coast Thursday, December A11 Coast Mountain Mountain News News Thursday, December 20, 20, 2012 2012 A11
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale GREAT GIFT IDEA! ChillSpot is The COOLEST Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. Use promo code COOLGIFT For 10 % off! HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDINGS /metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 or online:
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. Wanted Wanted: Clean duck wing and tail feathers. Keep in freezer. Call Katt 250-982-0022 WANTED: Old lever action Winchester & Marlin rifles and carbines. Call (250)791-6369
Real Estate For Sale By Owner
McLeese Lake 5-6 bdr. 2 1/2 bath home built in 2000 on 3.74 ac. on Enright Rd. near McLeese Lake. Large trees, spacious yard, drilled well, garden, raspberries, greenhouse, 30’x30’ new shop, tack shed, guest house and other outbldgs., fenced for horses. Reduced$249,000. Betty Anderson (250)3033388
Other Areas 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. Money Back Guarantee. NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Neaer El Paso, Texas. Call 1800-843-7537.
Boats CENTRAL RV - now buying Pontoon, Patio and Personal Pleasure craft boats. Contact Dan at 250-395-4331 or
Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.
Please help us.
Coast Mountain News Thursday, December 20, 2012
Lake City Ford #1 In Customer Satisfaction! OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 25 T H GET uP TO
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ACCOuNT ExEC: Doug Ramsey
PREV. usER: Lalousis, John
CREATIVE: Ariel Pagliuso
sTuDIO: Mathur, Anant
27337 REV 1
11-30-2012 1:41 PM
20 13
PRODuCTION: Mario Pariselli
20 13
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FONT DIsCLAIMER: The fonts and related font software included with the attached electronic mechanical are owned (“Y&R Proprietary Fonts”) and/or licensed (“Y&R Licensed Fonts”) by The Young & Rubicam group of Companies uLC. They are provided to you as part of our job order for your services, and are to be used only for the execution and the completion of this job order. You are authorized to use the Y&R Proprietary Fonts in the execution of the job order provided that any and all copies of the Y&R Proprietary Fonts shall be deleted from your systems and destroyed upon completion of this job order. You warrant and represent that you have secured the necessary licenses for the use of Y&R Licensed Fonts in order to execute our job order and will abide by the terms thereof.
2.0L I-4 GDI engine, 5 spd manual, full power package, air, cruise control, electric pwr assist steering, sync voice activated system, anti-theft system, speed control, keyless entry, rear spoiler. STK3C032
MSRP $21,359
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MSRP $53,149
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AWD, 3.5L V6, automatic overdrive transmission, full power package, power lift gate, blind spot monitoring system, navigation system, HID headlights, panoramic roof, keyless entry, push button start.
MSRP $43,919
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MSRP $48,599
0 201 2 Ford F35 LT Cre w Ca b X
0 201 3 Ford F15 T L Sup er C r e w X 4x4, 5.0L V8 electronic 6 speed automatic, full power package, air, tilt, cruise, skid plates, trailer tow package, full coverage rubber mats, Sirius Radio 6.5 foot box. STK3T099
MSRP $21,199
20 13
Sedan, 1.6 I-4 engine, 6 speed automatic, sport package, heated seats, full power package, Sync voice activated system, Sirius Radio, rear spoiler. STK3C018
ng a Ford Must 302 Boss
5.0L V8 high output, 6 speed manual transmission, fully loaded, too many options to list. STKC028
11/30/12 1:41 PM
4x4 6.7L power stroke diesel, 6 speed, automatic, nicely equipped truck, full power pkg, 5th wheel hitch prep pkg, camper pkg, trailer towing pkg, skid plates, Sirius radio, electronic shift, on the fly 4x4, fog lamps, adjustable pedals, upfitter switches, extra heavy duty alternator, remote starter, spray in box liner, Sync voice activated system and many more options. STK2T228
MSRP $66,969
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Dave Polack
General Manager
David Wong
General Sales Manager
Kimberley Hebert Sales Manager
Don Vallerga
Commercial Acct. Mngr
Bevan Koch
Sales Consultant
Joey Lanz
Sales Consultant
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Financial Serv. Mngr
Colin Smith
Fixed Operations Mngr