Lake Country Calendar, December 24, 2012

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Calendar Lake Country

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December 24, 2012



Local vets caring for animals far beyond their borders

An accident on Highway 97 alongside Wood Lake claimed the life of a 58-year-old woman from Salmon Arm Wednesday. ...............................


Students donate so other children in the area can have some presents at Christmas. ...............................


Chamber manager retires after seven years of service. ...............................


Flyers ■ JYSK ■ Staples

Christmas is a time for giving and two Lake Country veterinarians have gone trans-Atlantic in their gifting to help care for neglected street dogs in India. The Tri Lake Animal Hospital and Panorama Vets have donated medicine and other items to help support the CARE Project, along with Kelowna resident Lee Kaiser, who has been collecting medicine and other items to support CARE, which helps street dogs near Chennai, India. “Vets and pet stores across the Okanagan have contributed hundreds of dollars in medicine or dog collars, including Panorama Vet in Winfield,” said Kaiser. “But Tri Lake Animal Hospital’s contribution, valued at about $1,000, was by far the largest. I was totally blown away by their generosity. The vets there donated enough medicine and parvo vaccines to fill a whole suitcase.” Street dogs in India have a lifespan of just two years and up to three-quarters of the puppies born in India die. The CARE project was started by a veterinary nurse in the UK who has over 30 years of experience. “The street dogs have a very hard time in India; people throw stones, they often have to scavenge for food, but they are very loyal and brave dogs,” said CARE founder Elaine Philpott. “You only have to give a dog a treat, and a few kind words, and they will




CARE PROJECT founder Elaine Philpott has received plenty of help from Lake Country veterinarians in her

efforts to protect dogs in India. be your friend forever.” Philpott first went to India to volunteer with Animal Aid before moving to southern India where she set up the CARE Project to give aid to stray dogs. The CARE Project works mainly with street dogs which have no one else to care for them. Philpott started a small clinic, run solely on donations and volunteer help, to treat dogs and cats and educate locals on dog ownership. In Lake Country, Philpott’s work struck a chord with the two animal hospitals. Dr. Eliot Kaplan at the Tri Lake Animal Hospital worked with

Tri Lake’s pharmacy team to donate the appropriate medicines to support the CARE project. “Supporting animals in need has been a fundamental part of Tri Lake’s philosophy for the past 22 years and we are glad that we can support Lee, Elaine and the Care Project in this way,” said Kaplan. At the Panorama Veterinary clinic, Dr. Jessica Wales was also pleased to be able to help the efforts. “As advocates of animal welfare we are pleased to be able to make a meaningful contribution to an effort focused on animal health


DR. ELIOT KAPLAN and the rest of the Tri Lake

Animal Hospital helped the CARE project by donating medicine and other supplies.

and well being,” she said. Part of the mandate of the CARE Project is to try to limit the number of dogs getting pregnant. Philpott has worked with the Blue Cross in India and has neutered 158 dogs in the past three years. She has also vaccinated more than 600 village dogs for rabies. After receiving the donation from the Winfield vets, Philpott wrote to the two local animal caregivers. “I heard from Lee Kaiser of your magnificent donation to my project,” she wrote. “To say thank you does not seem adequate to express my gratitude. I think that the best way to say thank you is by saying that you will save many dogs’ lives through your donation.” Anyone wanting to donate new or used collars, medicine or funds to be taken to India can contact Lee Kaiser at 250-870-3881. For more information on the Care Project or to volunteer visit the web site online at www.

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Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


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rLake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012 A3


Winter conditions lead to tragic accident on Hwy 97 Kelowna Mounties confirmed Wednesday that one woman died after her Jeep TJ veered off Highway 97 into the frigid waters of Wood Lake earlier on Wednesday afternoon. Police say the 58-yearold woman from Salmon Arm was headed north when her vehicle began to fishtail, left the road and plunged into Wood Lake. An unconfirmed report described the vehicle as being 90 per cent submerged about 15 feet off the Wood Lake shoreline, opposite Ponderosa Road. Passing motorists attempted to pull the vehicle from the water using ropes and chains attached to a commercial truck but the rope snapped and the Jeep rolled back into the

water. When a Lake Coungry emergency marine rescue crew arrived they stabilized the car and entered the water. Several attempts to extricate her were not successful, but with assistance from bystanders they eventually removed the driver from the vehicle and transferred her to a waiting ambulance but she could not be revived. At least two others were reported to be getting treatment at the scene for hypothermia; however, police confirmed the driver was the only person in the vehicle. The coroner was called to the scene as was a traffic accident reconstructionist. Her name has been withheld until all family members are notified. Capital News staff.


TRAFFIC northbound on Highway 97 in Winfield stood still Wednesday after a fatal single-vehicle accident along Wood Lake. Initial

investigation indicates the vehicle veered off the road, jumped a cement barrier and fell into Wood Lake, killing the lone occupant, a 58-year-old woman from Salmon Arm. Traffic in both directions along the dangerous stretch of highway was diverted for a few hours while rescue attempts were made and a preliminary investigation was carried out. A new route for the section of the highway is currently under construction with the aim of eliminating such tragedies in the future.

Chamber manager Wilson to retire after 7 years in job The Lake Country Chamber of Commerce is looking for a new manager. After seven years as the chamber’s manager, Linda Wilson is retiring and says she’s looking forward to some quiet time before, perhaps, moving on to other business activities. Wilson joined the chamber in January 2005 and served under three LCCoC presidents dur-

ing her time. She also facilitated the chamber’s move to a new premises on Main Street, and watched the chamber’s membership double in Lake Country under her leadership. In the process, she earned a reputation as one of the senior chamber managers in the Okanagan Valley, according to Marvin Farkas, current president of the Lake Country cham-

Linda Wilson ber. As a strong propon-

ent of achievement through partnership, Wilson worked successfully to oversee operation of the Lake Country Visitor Centre during her time with the chamber and also helped tourism operators to connect with their customers. Wilson also managed contracts with Tourism BC and the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) as part of her role.

A long-time resident of Lake Country, Wilson proved her dedication to the growth and strength of the area’s business community and earned the respect of staff , volunteers, chamber members and the general public in the process. “Linda’s many friends in Lake Country, across and the Okanagan Valley, wish her well in her future endeavours,” said Farkas.

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTOR®




OYAMA Traditional School students with Tobilynn Siemens (back left), director of the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club, and Jennifer Madsen (right), the OTS parent who spearheads the Angel Tree Campaign each year. mand dolli@


Oyama Traditional School students give to others Students from the Oyama Traditional School and their families got into the Christmas spirit this year. Students and families donated presents to the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club’s Angel Tree Campaign.

Pictured along with the students from the school is Tobilynn Siemens, director of the Lake Country Boys and Girls Club, and Jennifer Madsen, the OTS parent who spearheads the Angel Tree Campaign each year.

Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Rottweiler Cross Second Breed Rhodesian Ridgeback Sex: Female Colour: Tan / Black Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Puppy Animal ID: 285303


THE LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK continues to get many donations of

food and cash at this time of the year. One of the latest groups to drop donations off was Davidson Elementary School. Pictured are several food bank volunteers as well as food bank manager Phyllis MacPherson and Lake Country Calendar sales rep Curt Jensen (right), who needed three trips in his car to deliver all the food from the school.

These puppies are ready for adoption to new and loving homes. Because they have been in a foster home for the last few weeks, they are well socialized and on their way to being a great addition to any family. Remember, please, puppies are a lot of work and commitment but well worth it in the end. Please speak with the Kelowna SPCA Dog Staff if you want to meet them. There are 5 boys and 1 girl.


Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Out of nothing, something beautiful T

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

he music is familiar; the instruments are not. The musicians play Mozart and Beethoven, the Beatles and Henry Mancini. Their fluid notes have flowed through more than 80 concert halls in Central and South America. The musicians are children who live on a landfill in Cateura, Paraguay. Every day, Paraguay’s capital city, Asunci, dumps another 1,500 tons of trash on Cateura. The residents comb the debris for items they can recycle and sell. Some of those salvaged items get turned into musical instruments. Two large jelly cans become the body of a classical guitar. Bottle caps,

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

Curt Jensen Advertising Consultant 1-250-540-2974

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.

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Dix seeks balance with business



DP leader Adrian Dix has completed yearend interviews with members of the legislative press gallery. Here are highlights from my discussion with him. TF: On the Kinder Morgan oil pipeline expansion proposal, federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair says the federal environmental process would have to be strengthened before a project like that could get a thorough enough hearing. Do you agree? AD: The B.C. Liberal government has signed an equivalency agreement that says that the federal decision is the provincial decision on these projects. If it applies to Enbridge Northern Gateway, presumably the B.C. Liberals would apply it to Kinder Morgan. They could have done a joint process, where (the final decision) would have gone to both cabinets. They chose instead to give up jurisdic-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher tion. They were so afraid of making any decision on Northern Gateway that they sent it over to the federal government. So what we’ve said is within a week of coming to office, we would end that equivalency agreement, and British Columbia would make decisions about both Enbridge Northern Gateway, which applied in May 2010, and any other pipeline, including the Kinder Morgan proposal, for which no application has been made. Obviously it would have been desirable for everyone had they


chosen a true joint review, as they have in Site C (dam proposed for Peace River), as they did with Kemess North (rejected mine expansion proposal) and other cases. TF: You don’t want duplicated review processes here, you just want a provincial cabinet say in the decision? AD: That’s right.

TF: On your relationship with the B.C. Federation of Labour, your caucus is considering a proposal that B.C. should once again do away with secret ballots for union certification. AD: The B.C. Fed makes a case to the government on a series of issues on employment standards every year. Labour law, every year. WorkSafeBC, every year. Trades and training, every year. With respect to (accepting signed union cards for certification), it is a democratic process that the Newfoundland Conservative government just put into place a few months ago. So it’s a proposal from the labour movement and we’re looking at it. For most of B.C.’s modern history, since World War II, we’ve had that card-check system in place. The question would be whether (returning to that system) is a priority for this term in government.

TF: So those kinds of things will be made clear in your platform? AD: Absolutely. TF: You picked up some serious money from the business community at a fundraiser in October. Is that some kind of a record for the NDP? AD: (Laughs.) It might be a record, I don’t know. I think the business fundraiser we did at the Hotel Vancouver netted $350,000. I think what it reflects is, this year I’ve had about 230 meetings with the business community. The purpose of it has been principally to build understanding, particularly on issues of skills training. With the priority I give to skills training, I think I’m much more attuned to their concerns than the government has been. TF: I suppose that kind of success in fundraising might make it more difficult to folSEE FLETCHER A5

W o n


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f o e t Life and Faith m Jim Taylor H p t coins and junked house i keys form keys and pads for a makeshift saxov phone. An oil drum provides resonance for a s cello. Old X-ray film d makes drum skins. s The Orchestra of Instruments Recycled from a Cateura is the brainchild w t t SEE TAYLOR A5b o c We want to i k hear your opinions on fl t

issues going on in our community

Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

D c d

rLake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012 A5


We rarely recall the origins of things we now take for granted



25. By way of 27. Yelled 28. Ball holder 29. Do needlework 31. Garment edge 34. Cheddar or Swiss, e.g. 35. Fastening device 36. Beseech Just as we don’t often who risk being innova38. Floor tive because they have to. covering think of the origins of 39. Forehead And we copy them. the customs we cele40. Accomplish again Residents of a landbrated in various ways 41. Cake decorator fill outside Rio de Janeiro yesterday. 42. Advance The brightly lit trees, 43. Storm the piles of presents, the 44. Stuffed shirt turkey dinners, all began 46. Sticky roofing material with a family so poor it’s 47. Hot temper

of Favio Chavez, a social worker, music teacher and an eco-worker on the landfill. Initially, he provided his own instruments. Then the demand grew. THE BRIGHTLY LIT members had to seek So he and residents of shelter in a stable among the landfill began innovTREES, THE PILES the animals—on decating instruments out of OF PRESENTS, THE ades-deep manure. whatever they could find. TURKEY DINNERS, Strangers—outsiders The music is beautiALL BEGAN WITH in a close-knit town— ful. You can hear bits they had nothing. To A FAMILY SO POOR of it in YouTube trailthem, even the refuse ers for what will, evenTHEY HAD TO piles of Cateura might tually, be a feature docuSEEK SHELTER IN Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press have felt like manna mentary called LandFillA STABLE. AMONG from heaven. Harmonic. (The title is a We, who by complay Smallon ax words—the3.F is Cheery oneTHE ANIMALS. ON parison have everything, the shape of the cutout DECADES-DEEP Witch's concoction 4. Proved human have taken the originin a violin Radio buffs body.) 5. Negative MANURE. al story and absorbed The trailers responses Neckline shape have gone it into our own culture viral onedibles the Internet. 6. Two, to Juan French TO PUZZLE 645 unrecogdrove pipes ANSWER into the fesuntilNO. it’s almost The affluent world, 7. it Patrol or Stogies tering mountain of junk nizable. seems, taken these instructor Weddinghas bash Perhaps we will also 8. Hi-fi they lived on and capdesperately poor young____ overboard! tured methane gas for borrow the inventiveness sters its heart. 9. Large lump Poetictotributes Now the city of the landfill dwellers of 10. A singlecooking. time Weforce who live in that Land of Kelowna is planning Cateura. 11. Gardener's Freudian topic affl uent world—the nemesisto do the same with its Perhaps we’ll learn Erodedthat creates 1,500 world 17.for Part of landfi DJ ll. to recycle more of our Film spool tons of trash per day 19. Unscrupulous Starving Italians made throwaways. We might Society gal to scrabthe children even make beautiful ble through in search fellow their food go farther by WN music with it. of dinner forks that22. Lures spreading tomato paste pilotflat bread. We turned Plunk But I wonder if we’ll can be turned into 23. tun-Certain on 24. Volcanictheir dust poverty into pizza Lion's cry remember where the ining pegs—like to think parlours. spiration came from. knowledge and progress We rarely recall the Jim Taylor is an flows down from us to origins of things that we Okanagan Centre author. the poorer world. It ain’t so. It’s the poor now take for granted.

28. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34. 40. 42. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 55.


Lone Ranger and Tonto, e.g. Skinny fish Hoopla Spider's construction Geologic period Strive ____ space Behind, matey Run, as colors Surgical light beam Way in Put into service Off "Saturday Night ____" Sketch ____ High or low card That woman Gave lunch to

Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


1. 4. 8. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 21. 23. 27. 31. 32. 35.

Piece of soap Not evens Paint Porter or stout Sheep fleece Rub Orchestral piece Threat's final word Reflex-test joint Steel or iron Stitched with a needle Clown prop Conceptions Golf accessory Moistened Napped kid leather

36. 37. 38. 39. 41. 46. 50. 51. 54. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61.

Five's follower Go wrong Punctuation mark Louisiana marsh Dining-room item Common Baked custard Days gone by Speediest Long Place for an icicle Always, to a poet Stag Changed hair color Remove moisture


1. Fronts' opposites

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 16. 20. 22. 24. 25. 26.

Unaccompanied Begin again Have a debt Student's residence Be overly fond Mailbox opening Resided Feel sick Raises Honey insect OK grade Agreement Javelin's cousin "____ fleece was . . ." Luau souvenir Mr. Ritter



Dix on corporate donations


FLETCHER FROM A4 low through with your pledge to ban corporate and union donations. AD: I don’t think so. The B.C. Liberal Party has a very high level of corporate donations as a percentage of its total. We’re overwhelmingly dependent on individual donations. We get support from unions, but it’s not even close to what people would think. TF: So you’ll campaign for that, as you have before? Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press AD: Yes. Tom Fletcher is legisSolar ray 50. Raised setters lative columnist for Black 51. Hit repeatedly Paper holder Press. Mosttflmelancholy

23. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 37. 39. 40. 44. 45.

Gambler's place Subside Defect Voted into office Morning beverage Ease "____ Street" Voyage Augusta's locale Depleted Tut's place Staffer Dent Small explosion

27. 28. 30. 34. 35. 38. 39. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

The Kingston ____ Prayer finale Fantasy Auto safety device Timber Budget Take off, as clothing Measure of farmland "How do I love ____?" Drench Bikini top Bagels and ____ Monkey's relative

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Make the right call Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


1. Computer input 5. Perfect tennis

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BC One Call: DOWN 1-800-474-6886

31. Knight's garb 32. Salvaged 33. Spanish nap

1. Numskull 2. Out of town

Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


CoMMuniTy eVenTs Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•The Lake CounTry Dog owners’ assoCiaTion is a non-profit organization that has been founded to represent dog owners in the community of Lake Country. This non-profit association will be hosting a membership drive, park clean-up and bark mulch spreading on Tues., Jan., 1, 2013 from 1100-1400hr, at the off-leash park on Woodsdale Road, Winfield. Please bring chairs, rakes, shovels, wheel barrows & working gloves. Hot dogs & hot chocolate will be provided. •ChrisTMas aT sT. FranCis angLiCan ChurCh-Lake CounTry Dec 24, 7pm, Christmas Eve service; Dec. 25, 9:30 am, Christmas Day service. 10162 Newene Rd. in Winfield, off Berry Rd., just above junction Hwy 97 and Berry Rd. 250 766-0919. •Lake CounTry Lions CLuB/The DreaMLanD BanD 2nd Annual Pasta and Blues Nite Feb. 2 at Winfield Hall. For tickets & info call John at 250 717 7615 (Xmas gift or stocking stuffer). •winFieLD uniTeD ChurCh aDVenT serViCes Christmas Eve 7pm family service and 10pm carols and lessons service. Everyone welcome. 3751 Woodsdale Road. Ph 250-766-4458 for more information. •The Lake CounTry FooD Bank wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-7663038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •Lake CounTry ThriFT sTore hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BeaVers/CuBs/sCouTs/VenTurers regisTraTion/agM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •winFieLD uniTeD ChurCh ThriFT shoP Winfield United Church Thrift Shop will be closed from Dec. 23 to Jan. 8. We would appreciate no drop-offs during that time as no one will be there to receive and sort them. A very Merry Christmas to all our patrons. •Lake CounTry Business ConneCTions meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-7661515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •oyaMa Legion BranCh 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •The Lake CounTry MuseuM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 •CriBBage TournaMenTs at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •To aLL winFieLD CriB PLayers: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/ evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250766-3026. •LC Line DanCers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •soCiaL BriDge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •The CounCiL oF senior CiTiZens organiZaTions (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. •LC ouTDoors CLuB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www.lakecountryoutdoorsclub. com. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

opinion ▼ FROM OTTAWA

Christmas is a time to be thankful that we are Canadians T ‘‘ here is a story by Zona Gale called Christmas, first published in 1912, which tells the tale of a town hit by hard times as the season of giving approaches. The factory that employs most of the town is closed and not likely to re-open, and town merchants fear that people will try to shop for Christmas on credit. They do not want to carry the debt and the merchants get everybody in town to agree not to have Christmas that year.

As it turns out, Christmas happens anyway; it exists because it lives in the hearts of those who truly believe in it. With or without presents, “every window was lighted, a fire was kindled in the parlour, and neighbours came from the dark.” A similarly cynical mood hangs over Canadian politics these days, chipping away at our belief in everything that is great about being a Canadian and living in this amazing country.

Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe

Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387

St. Francis Anglican Church 10162 Newene Road, Winfield

Service time 9:30 am. You are invited to all services & programs! A Special Christmas Invitation for you to attend: Dec. 23, 9:30 am, Lessons & Carols Service Dec. 24, 7:00 pm, Christmas Eve Service Dec. 25, 9:30 am, Christmas Day Service Wardens: Rosemary Carter 766-2800; Roberta Loewen 766-0869 Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: Rev. Patricia Horrobin 250-766-0919 (office) or 250-763-5499

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

Mass times:

Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146 To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 1-250-540-2974 or 250-979-7324

MP’s Report

Ron Cannan Yet it is possible, even necessary, at such times to step back and remember what is important. We are fortunate to call Canada home. We have a resilient economy, fair wages and taxes, jobs, safe streets and communities, access to health care, social programs and education. We live in a country that functions on strong democratic principles. We function very well as a multicultural society. We uphold the rights and freedoms of conscience and religion; of thought, belief, opinion and expression; of the press and other media of communication; of peaceful assembly and association. We are and have loyal allies and can protect ourselves and help to protect others. We can and do give generously. During the 2010 Olympic Games, in an effort to explain Canada to Americans, journalist Tom Brokaw put together a short tribute to one of the most abiding relationships between two countries. You might want to take a minute and check it out ( Sometimes it takes an


outsider’s view of us to renew our sense of pride in what it means to be Canadian. And so the message is this: Do not let the merchants of fear, uncertainty and doubt peddle the idea that this country, its democratic principles, its future—is in trouble. It is far from it. We have much to be thankful for and much to believe in. In this season of peace, my wish for all is that we regain our sense of connectedness, learn again the importance of respecting each other and our different experiences, and strive to be a positive influence in the lives of each other. It continues to be an honour to represent you in Ottawa and I look forward to working with you on your behalf in 2013. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah, and the best of the giving season. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country.

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Covering your community since 1951. Visit us online:

rLake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012 A7


Wishing everyone a safe drive home this party season


y wife and I host a little pre-Christmas get-together every year to help get into the mood of the season. The evening “activity” has a crew sitting around the piano with me taking requests from the Reader’s Digest Merry Christmas Songbook. Not being a churchgoer, it is the one opportunity I have to sing songs of the season with friends. I cherish it every year. One of the seasonal favourites we enjoy singing is We Wish You A Merry Christmas. The full lyrics are not in the book, but we all grew up with them. The beginning lines of each verse: “We wish you a Merry Christmas…Oh, bring us some figgy pudding… We won’t go until we get some…” It’s not just figgy pud-

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

ding, though. The historical carolers are also calling out for “…and a cup of good cheer.” Please don’t mistake me for one of those people who want to strip away traditions to accord with our latest version of what’s politically correct. Please also don’t mistake me for necessarily being opposed to the ideas of “those people”. Our learning never stops, or at least mine never has. One of the things I

am more and more coming to understand as the years pass me by is something I remember my father trying to get across to me when I was a very young man—the impact of our choice and use of language. The carolers who first sang We Wish You A Merry Christmas were on foot; any wheeled transportation at the time likely pulled by horses. Today, we get place to place with a much more lethal mode of transportation, one without the benefit of sober horsebrains to keep us out of trouble. While there are updated lyrics available, I feel too rooted in the traditional lyrics to see myself singing: “We want some milk and cookies…Please bring it right here.” I wish each one of you a safe holiday sea-

son, even though the reality is that only Santa Claus could actually deliver on such an impractical wish. Each of us can help improve our chances by making the right driving choices and strongly encouraging others to do

the same. Perhaps the best we can wish for is a progressive shift of driving attitudes that would result in my wish becoming a practical reality at some point in the near future.

to provide general information about injury claims. Paul Hergott is a


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What hazards to my pet should I watch out for during the winter months?

With winter and the holiday season approaching, there are a few things we should keep in mind to ensure our pets stay healthy. Every year many pets suffer from ethylene glycol or antifreeze poisoning. Products containing antifreeze are very attractive to dogs and cats due to their sweet taste. Early signs, which may be seen within 30 minutes of toxin ingestion, include depression, vomiting, incoordination, excessive urination, excessive thirst, and muscle twitching. If ingested and not treated within hours, this toxic substance destroys the kidneys and will rapidly lead to death. Be very careful when using or storing products containing antifreeze and clean up any spilled portions. Over the holidays there may be an abundance of chocolate about the house and yes it is toxic to dogs! Dark chocolate is the most dangerous as it contains the highest concentration of theobromine. Clinical signs can include vomiting and diarrhea, increased thirst, panting or restlessness, excessive urination, a racing heart rate, muscle spasms (tremors), and occasionally seizures. Death is possible when animals that ingest large quantities of high quality dark chocolate are not treated appropriately. If your pet is displaying any of the above mentioned signs or you know they have ingested antifreeze or chocolate, seek veterinary attention immediately!


Petrina Koltun

Sheri Cater



What do you think the New Year will bring to the real estate market?

Without pulling out a bunch of statistical numbers and percentages to make the point, Lake Country’s real estate market has shown positive signs of stability over the past year. With 2012 just about under our belt, I believe the market here in Lake Country for 2013 will reflect increased consumer confidence, which in turn will be mean a healthier market for our community. Our local economy has definitely had its struggles over the last few years but with so many bright things on the horizon the New Year is very likely to bring positive growth. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the amazing community of Lake Country for your continued support and for continuing to work to make our perfect slice of the Okanagan the best place to live! Happy Holidays and all the best to you and your family in 2013!

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What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Q: What can I do for dry itchy skin?

Often in winter we have dry skin due to low humidity and indoor heating. As we grow older the skin produces less natural oils, becoming drier and therefore itchy. Prevention is the key to treating dry skin. Frequent hot baths or showers can dry out the skin. Lukewarm temperatures and bathing less often may be helpful. Soaps can also be drying. So if the skin is severely dry or irritated use gentle soaps (Dove, Aveeno) and only to necessary areas such as underarms, groin and feet. After bathing pat dry and apply a moisturizer. Moisturizers are available as either creams of lotions. Lotions have a thinner consistency and will not protect the skin from moisture loss as well as a cream. Creams are thicker and are better at trapping the moisture from the bath in the skin. Using a moisturizer several times a day is optimal, but moisturizing after bathing is the most important. There are hundreds of moisturizers on the market! Come in and see us at the IDA in Cooper’s Village for some help choosing a product or for any other questions regarding your skin!


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This column is intended


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My dentist told me there is a connection between my grinding and gasping; can you explain that?

According to recent medical research teeth grinding (or bruxism) and sleep apnea have a connecction that goes far beyond nighttime nuisances. Nearly one in four patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) also suffer from sleep bruxism, which may also be accompanied by a number of mouth phenomena, such as snoring, gasping, and mumbles. Men typically have more severe sleep apnea. Emotions also may play a part in this relationship, as sleep loss due to OSA may lead to high levels of anxiety, which is one of the main causes of bruxism. Untreated bruxism can cause major dental damage, including excessive tooth wear or decay, jaw pain, and periodontal tissue (gum) damage. It can also lead to headaches and sleep disturbances. As dentists are the most qualified clinicians to diagnosis bruxism, individuals with OSA should schedule regular visits with their dentist to ensure that they are not grinding away at vital tooth structure late into the night. Dr. Jung has taken numerous courses with leaders in the field of treating OSA using oral appliances. Check out our website for more info!

208 - 3121 Hill Road • 250.766.1003

Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL



The mysterious ‘frozen shoulder’ is actually a specific painful condition


he term ‘frozen shoulder’ is one that is often used to describe reduced range of motion and pain in the shoulder. It has been a common topic of discussion in the clinic recently and it is often misunderstood, therefore, I will continue the discussion with you.

Nick Black

Keeping You Fit

It is important to understand that reduced range of motion and pain at the shoulder can be caused by many things— muscles, tendons, joints, nerves and even the neck and back. For this reason, frozen shoulder is often misdiagnosed. In fact, frozen shoulder is the common term refer-

ring to a specific condition known as ‘adhesive capsulitis.’ As the name implies, adhesions form within the capsule that surrounds the shoulder joint, resulting in significant stiffness and pain. The most fascinating thing about adhesive capsulitis is that it is rather a mystery. We

are still unsure exactly how and why these adhesions form. Females in their 50s are more commonly affected and a range of conditions have been found to predispose to its development. These include diabetes, thyroid illness, arthritis, nerve damage, trauma and some heart and

lung conditions. However, adhesive capsulitis can occur without any of these factors. Adding to the mystery is that its progression is also fairly unusual. It has been found to progress in three stages over a period of 12 to 18 months. The first stage involves the gradual onset of signifi-

cant pain with shoulder movements and gradually increasing pain at night and at rest. The second stage is known as the adhesive stage, resulting in less pain but with increasing shoulder stiffness. Then, almost as mys-





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rLake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012 A9


‘Frozen shoulder’ progresses mysteriously, and subsides as mysteriously


teriously as it came about, the final stage is a gradual return of shoulder movement and increased function over a period of one to three months. While a full recovery of shoulder range of motion is unlikely, the ma-

jority will recover mostly full function in their daily lives. If you suspect this condition may be affecting you, a visit to your family doctor is important. Early diagnosis is the best step for minimizing disability during the progression of adhesive capsulitis. Your doc-

ondary muscle spasm in the early stages of the condition. The progression of more aggressive exercises in the later stages can also help the recovery of shoulder movement, strength and control. There are some basic and essential exercises that should be per-

formed daily if you are suspecting the early painful stages of adhesive capsulitis. The first is called the pendulum exercise where you lean forwards with your affected arm dangling down in an absolute relaxed position. Using your legs, gently sway your body back

and forth, allowing your relaxed arm to swing. This should achieve some relatively pain-free movement at the shoulder joint. The second exercise is walking the hand up the wall in order to gain movement in the affected shoulder while keeping it totally relaxed to minimize pain. The

exercises required in the later stages are complex and best guided with hands-on assistance from your physiotherapist. Nick Black is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy Winfield. 250-766-2544 winfield


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tor can provide valuable advice and guidance with the medical management necessary to help control your pain and subsequent daily function. Your physiotherapist can also be of help through guidance with exercises that can help to maintain shoulder movement and prevent sec-

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Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

WINNERS! 1st Place Winners Received a $30 Gift Certificate from Little Caesars Pizza in Lake Country

2nd Place Winners Received a $20 Gift Certificate from Little Caesars Pizza in Lake Country



school principal Janet Slaney, left, with the $30 gift certificate prize winners: l. to r. Mica, Chloe, and Tamailia. Curt Jensen, the Lake Country ad representative, congratulates the winning entrants.

Lake Country Calendar ad representative Curt Jensen congratulate the second place winners, Jasper and Tedi, as they receive their $20 gift certificates.

3rd Place Winners Received a $15 Gift Certificate from Little Caesars Pizza in Lake Country

PRINCIPAL ROSS HETT from Oyama JESSE was ex- Traditional School, along with Curt Jensen, cited to receive his $20 gift certificate for his second place entry.

congratulate third place winner Jenna who received her $15 gift certificate.

THIRD PLACE $15 GIFT CERTIFICATE WINNERS, centre, Denlin and Landen are

congratulated by Principal Janet Slaney, left, and Curt Jensen, far right.


Connor wins a $125 gift certificate from Seca Surf Shop for his fictional Christmas story. 2nd Congratulations Isaac Johnson! “A Dog’s Christmas” wins Isaac a Place Winner $50 gift certificate from Seca Surf Shop.

Sandra’s Gift

By Connor Dow Sandra shivered off the snow that had settled on her shoulders as she pulled the thin, second-hand sports coat around her more tightly, even if it was already much too small for her. The park was near empty, save a squirrel on a last-minute food run and someone walking their dog. No one had even noticed her in the middle of the day, when the park was bustling. They were used to her, like scenery. Only little kids noticed, and they didn’t know the difference between being in poverty and being a millionaire. Her adoption center couldn’t take her back; they didn’t accept 17 year olds. Worse, it was winter. In the summer, she didn’t have to worry about anything but sunburn. In winter, it was freezing, and less places to get food. She pulled herself inward more, trying to shut out the cold… and failing. “Are you cold”? The voice startled Sandra, who sprang up, twisting around to see who it was. Standing there was

another girl, no older than 10, with long dark hair and a big pink coat and boots. She wasn’t teasing here though, like some of the other rotten apples of kids. “Y-Yes, but I’m fine,” blurted out Sandra, putting politeness before need. “Are you sure?” This time she was persistent. “Yes, I am.” “Are you really sure?” “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice little girl but-” Interrupted, Sandra heard, yet again, another voice - this one older and much louder. “Tina! Tina, don’t just walk away like tha-- oh, um, hello there.” Up marched a woman, roughly 23, with hair like the little girls. Sandra first thought was that she was the girl’s - Tina’s - mother, but she was far too young. Her sister, perhaps? “Are you alright?” asked the woman, in a much more concerned way than the little girl. “I’m fine, yes.” The girl stared up at the woman, questioning in her eyes. The woman looked down at Tina, then back at Sandra. The woman took a deep breath, then spoke, “My name is Cindy. This is my sister, Tina. Do you need a place to stay? We’re alone on Christmas, and…” “Christmas?” blurted out Sandra. She had never properly celebrated Christmas; they had nothing but a tiny tree in the orphanage.

THREE GRADE EIGHT STUDENTS from George Eliot Second-


ary are presented their winning gift certificates from Seca Marine Surf Shop by Lake Country Calendar ad representative Curt Jensen, far left. Second from left is third place winner Joslynn Jackson, second place winner Isaac Johnson, top prize winner Connor Dow, school principal Derek Lea, and teacher Chad Wardman.


Lake Country Building Centre

Highway 97

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3rd Congratulations Joslynn Jackson! “A Christmas Miracle” wins Joslynn a Place Winner $25 gift certificate from Seca Surf Shop. “Yes, Christmas.” replied Cindy. “You do know what Christmas is, right?” “Of course! The lights, the tree, the giving, the gifting--.” Hands clasped over Sandra’s lips - her own, even if she didn’t recognize them at first. She knew she was going too far. “Well… you can stay with us, if you want. We have a spare room, extra food, even a nice TV.” Considering the circumstances, Sandra couldn’t decline - but she didn’t want to seem like she was taking advantage. Something like this had never been offered to her before. No one had given her help, or money, or food, or anything. “If it doesn’t seem rude…” “Of course not! It’s all in the Christmas spirit, is it not?” Sandra’s lips curled into a marvelous smile. Her first smile in months. They walked back to the apartment, not far from the park. It was a nice little place - red carpet, fair furniture, and a small kitchen. For the rest of the night, they ate ham for Christmas dinner, around the fire. Cindy offered some clothes to Sandra, who accepted them gladly. Finally, they sat around the fire, sipping hot chocolate. “Thank you so much!” thanked Sandra, very enthusiastically. “It’s the least we can do. It is Christmas, after all,” exclaimed Cindy. They sipped their hot chocolate a little more, until Tina was sent to bed. She gave Sandra a huge hug before she left with Cindy to tuck her in. When Cindy returned, Sandra hugged her. “This is the best Christmas present I have ever gotten!”

Proudly sponsored by


11410 Petrie Road , Lake Country 250.469.9462




The Lake Country Calendar wishes to thank all the sponsors and students who participated in our contest.



rLake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012 A11


Tips on ways to improve your child’s mental health BIBI VAN DER ZEE CONTRIBUTOR

As a parent it can sometimes feel as if you are drowning in conflicting information about your child’s requirements; what they should be eating, what they should be learning. But there is one area where we might all like a little more help; how to improve parenting skills that can be of long-term benefit to their mental health. In the United Kingdom, one in 10 children suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder, and mental health issues for young people are an increasingly urgent concern. Now a pilot project in London has found that teaching parents skills and techniques to better care for their children is having impressive consequences. The Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities course offers training in parenting, then teaches the moth-

ers and fathers how to pass on what they have learned. The results, for families in one of the most deprived boroughs in the country—where children have an above average likelihood of mental health problems—are being described as “inspirational.” Hunaida Osman took the original course at the hospital and now teaches the techniques to other parents. “I was definitely the sort of parent who got angry easily and just shouted, ‘Stop that,’” she says. “I’ve got much better at explaining why I don’t want my children to do something, and at praising them when they do something right. “And it’s been great for the parents I’ve taught too; for some families who are on a low income, living in crowded conditions, with children who are playing up, you really need a bit of help and support in the best ways to deal with

those kids.” Nicola Williams, another parent teaching the course, says those whose children have mental health issues have been particularly pleased. “There was one mother who’d had a lot of trouble with her son. She came along for a couple of sessions, but she didn’t have any faith in what the course could do for her. She didn’t really want to get involved in it at all. “We gave her a handout which was about a really simple technique, using little mood faces to show what sort of mood you’re in; smiley faces if you’re happy, that sort of thing. And it was amazing. “Her son used them when he got home from school every day, and she said just knowing what mood he was in made everything much simpler.” Dr. Crispin Day, of the Institute of Psychiatry, is evaluating the course as part of a longterm study.

Let the Lake Country Calendar work for your business! •Placing an ad is a simple, easy and effective way to get your message out and promote your local business. •Our creative team will conceptualize your marketing from start to finish at no charge. •For 51 years, the Lake Country Calendar has been informing the community on local events that are important to you.

Contact Curt Jensen,

Remember what it’s 3"x4" call howad it felt when you you at break time. Th-ne en, Tipping Fees nov12:Hazardous Waste like to be a child said to your parents you Think back to your were upset because no SEE HEALTH A12 own childhood and reone wanted to play with


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“About half the children whose parents are on the course have difficulties which would be equivalent to a diagnosed disorder, but the parents who go to the group are reporting that their children are showing a significant reduction in the severity of their behaviour problems.” Day has been running several groups simultaneously and early results are promising. For example, when parents were asked to say how concerned they were about their children on a scale between one to 10, levels on average dropped from approximately five-anda-half out of 10 to twoand-a-half.

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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL


Valleyview Dignity Memorial


Let the kids direct the play HEALTH FROM A11


as a parent, respond ac-

For us, there is no higher honour cordingly. Spend time than to be chosen to bring loved ones, KIRO CHAN TSN CHBC CIVT CBC with them and doSNP somefriends lifetime of memories # $ and a % & _ ( )for Aron Meier thing they like doing together in celebration special life. The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Doctors The View of a Poko Assistant Manager The :00 Motorcycle

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Valleyview Funeral Home

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Restless ThisMinute KIRO JudgeNews Judy Bold Judge Judy

Debt/Part Lake Show Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless

Days News of our Lives ” ” Jeff Mavericks at The Global Nat. Off Record Probst Show Thunder CHBC News SportsCentre The Motorcycle Doctors ” Ent Ricki Lake Show Racing ” NBA ” ET Canada

The Oz CTVDr. News Show at Five Dr. Phil CTV News ”” Ellen DeGeThe View Shameless neres ”Show Shameless

Heartland News News ”

Steven News and Chris Exchange Best Recipes Poko George S Stefano Doodlebops Coronation

The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News Let’s KIROMake Newsa Deal CBS News ThisMinute The Ent Price Is ThisMinute Right The Insider

Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat. The Jeff News Hour Probst” Show

Soccer Prime Time Central Sports MLB Sportsnet Baseball Connected The Doctors Sportsnet Ent Ricki UFC ” Lake Show ” ” Connected ET Canada Countdown

Hockey Young Hockey: Chef/Home Basketball: Movie: & SportsCentre Restless Spengler Debt/Part Celtics at “Holiday

Anderson The Marilyn Movie: Live Denis Show “Camilla”

Dragons’ Steven and The Nature Den Chris of Things

Judge Judy Young & Big Bang Judge Judy Restless Two Men

Young Chef/Home Movie: & Restless Debt/Part “Holiday

Sportsnet JoeOn the” Edge Clifford-Dog SpitfiJack re ” WordWorld Connected G. Shrinks Women

NBA Cup: HC Clippers Davos” vs. Basketball:

CTV News ” at Five”

News KIRO News CBC News Doc Zone Person of Marketplace Bold News KIRO News ” Interest

Early News Noon News Switch” Hour ” Nat. Global

Prime Time Dive, Sportsnet Arthur The Chew NHL Alumni DownOlly From News Grey’s Connected Peep, Big ”News Sports Wild Kratts World Charity the Mountain Anatomy

TBA Days our CTV The Dr. Oz SportsCentre The ofNat. Flashpoint Mavericks at Global News TSN Top Lives ” 50 CHBC Kennedys Thunder News Show ”

Heartland The Talk CBC News: KIRO Elementary News News ” ” The National Exchange CBS News

Days our The of News Hour Lives Kennedys ”

Soccer Sportsnet Central Connected

The Jeff Dr. Phil SportsCentre CHBC News Shameless CTV News ” Ent Off Record Probst Show Shameless ” ” Final CTV News NBA ET Canada

Steven and CBC News George S Chris George S Coronation

TBA NBA TSN Top 50 Basketball:

SportsCentre Basketball: Celtics” at Hockey Clippers SportsCentre ” NBA SportsCentre Basketball: ” Mavericks at SportsCentre Thunder ” ” SportsCentre NBA ”

News Noon News Switch” Hour ”

ET Canada The Ricki Movie: The Talk Lake Show “Holiday

Daily DeGeShow Best Coronation Ellen Recipes Movie: The Nature Colbert Rep Stefano Q With Jian neres Show “Camilla” of Things Anderson Dragons’ ” Doc Zone Live ” Den ” CTV News NewsNews: Flashpoint CBC at Five” News The National Global Nat. CTV News NewsNews CHBC News CTV News CBC CHBC News CTV News ” Exchange Final George S Ent Canada Daily Shameless George S ET Show Coronation ET Canada Shameless Coronation The Talk Colbert Rep Q With Jian

Young Switch”& Restless ” News The ” Kennedys

Basketball: Celtics at

Movie: “Holiday

Clippers ”

Switch” ”

Movie: “Camilla”


Criminal The First 48 Only iCarlyWay Is Minds ” Direction ” The The First First 48 48 iCarly iCarly ”” iCarly ”

Family Feud Gypsy The Ricki Gypsy Family Feud Wedding Lake Show Wedding Perry Mason Gypsy Anderson My Big Fat ” Wedding Live American

Law The Order: Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang

CBC CBC News News Now-Nichols ” Power & CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News ” Now With

Law Order: Simpsons CI Raymond Funny Home Big Bang Videos Two Men The Ricki Office Big Bang Lake How IShow Met Two Men

There Yet? Browns There PayneYet?

iCarly Zoink’d! iCarly Zoink’d! iCarly One DirecCelebrity ” tion: The Splatdown iCarly Only Way Is Splatalot ” Direction Splatalot

Lang & Nair Sons Reshmi Salvage CBC News: Sons of of O’Leary Guns ” Hunters The National Guns

Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur

New EllenDay DeGeNorthwest neres Show

King Browns King Payne The Offi ce Law Order: Seinfeld The Office CI Seinfeld



Anderson Big Fat Family Gypsy Mindy Feud My Four Live Family Wedding Mindy Feud American Weddings

Big Bang Law Order: Family Guy Big Bang CI Family Guy

Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger Foyle’s War WordGirl Rick Steves ”

Katie New Kids Day Healing Northwest Kids ”

The First 48 iCarly Sons ” Salvage That’s-Weird CBC News News: Sons of of iCarly Hunters ” ” ” Guns That’s-Weird The National Guns

Simpsons City Perry Gypsy MindyMason Sin Wives With Wedding Raymond Rules Mindy” Beehives

Browns Excused Amer. Dad Excused Payne Movie:

Business 5 ce Nature Last Chance KING The Offi World to See”News News Parks

A&E 1

KOMO 4 The First 48 Criminal Happy New Beyond News ” Year Charlie Minds Scared

iCarly iCarly iCarly ”



Salvage Sons of Hunters Guns Sons Sons of of Guns Guns Sons Salvage Sons of of Guns Hunters Guns



Gypsy Sin City Wedding Rules Gypsy Four Wedding Weddings Gypsy Wives With Wedding Beehives


The First After the 48 ” First 48

iCarly News Salvage That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of of Zoink’d! Sons iCarly Now-Nichols Hunters That’s-Weird The ” Guns Zoink’d! National Guns

Law Order: News Big Bang CI H.S. Men Sports Two

There “Delta Yet? Browns There Farce”Yet? Payne

Clodagh Irish Days our Horse Power Rock of Center PBS Nightly News Joy/Painting Lives ” NewsHour News ”

The Doctors Beyond The First 48 News Wheel ” ” Nightline Jeopardy! Scared

iCarly PowerNews & That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of of Celebrity Sons iCarly Politics Splatalot The National Guns Splatdown ” Guns

Funny Home Wives Gypsy Sunny My BigWith Fat Big Bang Videos Wedding TMZMen American Two Beehives

King ” Seinfeld King Movie: Seinfeld

Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. PhilNews Independent KING Poirot ”Ed. Lens ” Jay Leno Inside

Letterman ThisMinute Big Bang Ferguson ThisMinute Two Men Judge PersonJudy of Judge InterestJudy

Sense Dinosaur Spitfi re Memories Arthur Women

Jimmy The Dr.New Oz The First 48 Happy Beyond Kimmel Live Scared Show ” Year Charlie

Chasing iCarly Splatalot Liberty ” Splatalot

Prime Time Sportsnet Sports Connected

KOMO Grey’s 4 News Anatomy News Scandal World ”News

The The First First 48 48 ”” The First After the 48 ” First 48

Cat in ”the Foyle’s War Outd’r” Idaho Arthur Wild Kratts Last Chance WordGirl to See Business Horse Power World ”News

” Ellen DeGeKids Healing JimmyShow Fallon neres Kids

Clifford-Dog Down From WordWorld the Mountain Dive, Olly ” Wild Kratts Desert

Sportsnet Hockey Connected NHL Alumni

AnimalsThat What’s Rivers About?

KOMO 4 News News Nightline

After the Beyond First 48 Scared

UFC Charity Countdown UFC Central On the Edge ”

What’s That Sense About? Memories Spitfire Women

Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Happy New Year Charlie

Beyond Beyond Scared Scared Beyond Scared

Foyle’s War ”

Kids Healing Kids

KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO CBS Show News Late

The Nature of Things

Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Two Men

Doc Zone ”

Person of Interest

Young Switch”& Restless ” Early News The Global Nat. Kennedys News Hour Hour News Final ” Ent Canada ET ET Canada The Talk Movie: “Holiday

Charity On the” Edge UFC Central ” ” NHL Alumni ” Charity

Gypsy Sin City Four Wedding Rules Weddings


Nature Wild Kratts ” WordGirl

Let’s The Jeff MLB Mag Fero KIROMake Newsa Ent News Hour Hockey Ent UFC What’s That Deal Probst Show Countdown Baseball Rolie Polie LateInsider Show Final NHL Alumni About? The ET Canada ET Canada The Ricki Movie: The Talk Lake Show “Holiday

Poppetstown General ” Scandal4 Animals KOMO Save Ums Hospital Desert ” Rivers News

Reshmi ” Nair Salvage Sons of ”” Hunters Guns ” Salvage Lang & Sons of ” Hunters O’Leary Guns

KING Katie 5 News ” Clodagh BusinessIrish Days KINGof 5 our Joy/Painting World News Lives News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil News PBS Nightly ” NewsHour News ” Cat in the Ellen DeGeSid Science Today Poirot Magazine Arthur neres Wild Kratts cont’d ” InsideShow Ed.

Poppetstown General The Dive, Olly News The First First 48 48 Save Ums Hospital ”” Wild Kratts World News Mag Fero The Doctors The Animals KOMO 4 AfterFirst the 48 Rolie ” RiversPolie News ” First 48 Dinosaur Dr. Oz The First 48 Noodle View Criminal What’s That The Wheel Beyond Arthur Show ” To School ” Minds About? Jeopardy! Scared


The Regional District of Central Okanagan KLO child understands why Road office will be closed from Monday, Dec. 24, you’re doing what you’re through Tuesday, Jan. 1. doing, so make sure you The office will re-open at 8 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 2. explain. And try to unYTV why NEWS KAYU911 operators TLC WTBS KING and victimKCTS services staff will derstand they are DISCHowever, 6 7 9 ; < A N P continue to provide assistance. behaving as they are. One DirecCBC News The Office Gypsy Law Order: Sid Science Today Curbside garbage collection will not chartsSalvage and tion:Use The sticker Now With Hunters How I Met Wedding and CI recycling Wild Kratts cont’d Only Way Is Reshmi Nair Salvage take Family Feud Gypsy Law Order:or Daniel Tiger New Day place on either Christmas New Year’s days. star charts Direction ” Hunters Family Feud Wedding CI Rick Steves Northwest through pick up will be shifted ahead Tangible rewards can iCarly ” Salvage Tuesday Perry Mason GypsyFriday Excused Nature KING 5 YTV NEWS DISConeKAYU TLC Excused WTBS KCTS KING iCarly ” Hunters Wedding ” News day.” teach and encourage iCarly CBC News Salvage Law; Order: Gypsy There Yet? Clodagh Irish Days of our 6 7 9 < be patrolling A N P Dog control will some regional self-discipline and end iCarly Now-Nichols Hunters CI Wedding There Yet? and Joy/Painting Lives One DirecCBC News Salvage The Office Gypsy Law Order: Sid Science Today iCarly Power & Sons of Funny Home Gypsy King Charlie Rose Dr. Phil parks staff do routine maintenance. bad behaviour. tion: The Now With Hunters How I Met will Wedding CI Wild Kratts cont’d ” iCarly Politics Guns Videos Wedding King ”

Lang News: & ” CBC O’Leary ” The National iCarly & That’s-Weird Lang CBC News: ” O’Leary That’s-Weird The National iCarly CBC News News That’s-Weird CBC ” That’s-Weird ””

Sons of of Sons Guns Guns

The Ricki Office The Mindy King of Hill Lake Show Mindy

Paid Prog. Gypsy Four Paid Prog. Wedding Weddings

“Blonde The OffiGuy ce Family Ambition” The OffiGuy ce Family

Sons Sons of of Guns Guns Sons of of Sons Guns Guns

My BigWith Fat Wives American Beehives Sin City City Sin Rules Rules

Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Browns “Delta Payne Farce”

Zoink’d! CBC News: News: That’s-Weird CBC Zoink’d! The National National Splatalot The Celebrity CBC News Chasing Lang & Splatdown ” Liberty O’Leary

Sons of of Sons Guns Guns

Anderson Mindy Live Mindy Simpsons News Raymond H.S. Sports Big Bang Sunny Two Men TMZ

Four My Big Fat Weddings American

Browns ” Payne Movie:

Big Bang The Office Two Men King of Hill Mindy Mindy

Wives With Paid Prog. Beehives Paid Prog. Four Weddings

Seinfeld “Blonde Seinfeld Ambition” Family Guy Family Guy

Splatalot Splatalot

Sons of of Sons Guns Guns CBC News: Sons of The National Guns

Katie The Office Parks ”

KING Center 5 Rock News ” PBS Nightly News Independent KING News NewsHour News Lens Jay Leno Poirot ” Magazine ” Inside Ed. Outd’r”Idaho Jimmy Fallon

Switch” ”

NHL Alumni Charity

Down From Grey’s the Mountain Anatomy

The First 48 ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of That’s-Weird The National Guns

Mindy Mindy

Wives With Beehives

Amer. Dad Movie:

Last Chance The Office to See Parks

CBC News: Elementary The National ”

The Kennedys

Sportsnet Connected

” Desert

After the First 48

That’s-Weird CBC News That’s-Weird ”

News H.S. Sports

Sin City Rules

“Delta Farce”

Horse Power Rock Center ” ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Splatalot The National Guns

Sunny TMZ

My Big Fat American

” Movie:

Independent KING News Lens Jay Leno

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show ” The Rep Hockey The Talk Doctors Colbert The View ” ” ”

Coronation Q With Jian Poko Doodlebops

Letterman ET Canada Charity Sense Ferguson Central Memories The Price Is The The Talk Doctors UFC Sportsnet Noodle Right ” Connected To School

Beyond Kimmel Live Scared The View Shipping ” Shipping

Chasing Liberty The Fairly OddParents

Lang & O’Leary CBC News Now With

The Office King of Hill The Offi ce How I Met

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sin City Rules

“Blonde Ambition” Law Order: CI

Outd’r Idaho Jimmy Sid Science Today Fallon Wild Kratts cont’d

” Chef/Home IIHF Hockey Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Reshmi Nair Mayday ” ”

Family Feud Sin City Family Feud Rules

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

World Junior Noon News Hockey Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace Bold

Perry Mason Say Yes ” Say Yes

Excused Excused


KING 5 News

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Off Record Hockey E:60 ” SportsCentre ” IIHF Hockey Hockey

The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Chef/Home Lake Show Debt/Part Young &

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show Anderson

Steven and Poko Chris Doodlebops Best Recipes Steven Stefanoand Chris Dragons’

Let’s Make a The DealPrice Is Right ThisMinute Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy

Live News CTV ” CTV News

Den News JudgeNews Judy CBC KIRO Marketplace Bold News KIRO News News KIRO News Heartland The Talk News ” KIRO ”News Exchange CBS Make News a Steven and Let’s Chris Deal George S Ent Price Is Poko The Coronation The Insider Doodlebops Right Best Recipes ThisMinute Stefano Anne MurUndercover Steven and ThisMinute Young & ray: Friends Judge Boss Judy Chris Restless Dragons’ Den Judge Judy fifth estate Undercover CBC News KIRO News ” Boss News Marketplace Bold News KIRO

SportsCentre The ” Kennedys

Hockey Restless World Junior Noon News Hockey Hour ” News ” ” our NFL Live Days of ”” Lives Global Nat. ” CHBC News Off Record The Jeff E:60 Show SportsCentre Probst Ent Doctors Hockey The ” ET Canada ” ” SportsCentre The Ricki ””” Lake Show Movie: Chef/Home Off Record “Home& for IIHF Hockey Young Debt/Part Hockey Hockey Auto Racing the World Junior Restless Noon News NFL Films Holidays” Hockey Hour ” News

” SportsCentre NFL Live ”” ” SportsCentre Off Record E:60 ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” ”” Off Record Hockey Hockey Auto Racing

” our The of Days Kennedys Lives Global Nat. CHBC News The Jeff Final Show Probst Ent ET TheCanada Ricki The Talk Lake Show Movie: “Home for Young & Restless the

” ”


Connected ” Sportsnet ” Connected ”

Be specific about what they have done, instead of just saying “good boy/ girl.” Learn to tell them KNOW what youKOMO want themA&E to * 1 do instead ` of saying what Noodle View Criminal you don’tThewant: “Hold To School ” Minds JoeJack 4 not, Criminal my handKOMO tight,” G. Shrinks News Minds “Don’t run road.” Arthur The into Chew the The First 48 KNOW KOMO Peep, Big ” ” Explain your ownA&E bePoppetstown General The1 First 48 * ` haviour Save Ums Hospital ” Noodle The View Criminal Mag Fero The Doctorsyour The First 48 It’s important To School ” Minds Rolie Polie ” ”

RDCO office hours

Flashpoint ”

at Five The Dr. Oz Show CTV News ” Dr. Phil ” Shameless The View Shameless ” Ellen DeGeneres Show Movie: The Marilyn “Cake”Show Denis Anderson Live ” CTV News ”” CTV News

at Five Flashpoint The Dr. Oz ” ShowNews CTV

News CBC News: Heartland The National ” News ” Exchange CTV News CBC News Dr. Phil Steven and CTV News George S ” Chris Shameless George S The DeGe- Best Shameless Coronation Ellen Recipes Mentalist Harry Potter neres Movie:Show Stefano Anne Mur“Cake” ray: Friends Anderson Dragons’ Live ” Den fi fth estate ” CTV News News ” at Five NewsNews: Flashpoint CBC

NFL Films Holidays” ” News ” SportsCentre The ” ” Kennedys ” Global Nat. CTV News ” CHBC News News CTV News ” SportsCentre CHBC ” Final CTV News SportsCentre Ent Shameless ” ET Canada Shameless SportsCentre ET Canada The ” Movie: Movie: The Talk Mentalist Off Record “Home for “Cake” Auto Racing the NFL Films Holidays”

SportsCentre The ” Kennedys

” ”


Hockey NHL Alumni

KNOW News KOMO Nightline * ` Jimmy

What’s That About?

A&E 1

Beyond Scared


Chef/Home Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks

KOMO 4 News

Shipping Shipping

The Fairly OddParents

Noon News Hour

Sportsnet Connected

Arthur Peep, Big

The Chew ”

Shipping Shipping

Odd Parents Odd Parents

CHAN Days of our Lives (

SNP MLB Baseball )

KNOW General KOMO Poppetstown Save Ums Hospital * `

A&E Shipping Shipping 1


” ”

Sons of Guns


Sons of Guns Flying Wild Alaska

Mayday ”

YTV NEWS DISC Odd Parents CBC News Mayday Ultimate Fan Now-Nichols ” 6 7 9

The Jeff The Doctors Probst Show ” The Ricki Chef/Home Lake Show Debt/Part Young &

” Sportsnet ” Connected ” Sportsnet EPL Preview Connected NFL Game.

Maggie Noodle Rolie Polie To School Dinosaur JoeJack Arthur G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog

The Doctors The View ” ” The Dr. Oz KOMO Show 4 News KOMO 4

Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Duck D.

iCarly The One Fairly OddParents Direction: Up The Fairly All Night OddParents One Direc-

Restless Noon News Hour Early News

AHL Sportsnet Connected Hockey:

WordWorld Arthur Peep, Big Dive, Olly

News The Chew News ”

Duck D. Shipping Shipping Duck D.

Global Days ofNat. our Lives News Hour ” The Jeff Probst Show Ent Doctors The ET Canada ” The Ricki Lake Show Movie: Chef/Home “Home&for Debt/Part Young Restless the Noon News Holidays” Hour Early News

Ice Caps at MLB Baseball Bulldogs ” ” Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected ” EPL Preview UFC Sportsnet Countdown Connected NFL Game. AHL The Ultimate Sportsnet Fighter Connected Hockey:

Wild Kratts Poppetstown Save Ums Animals Parks Maggie Rolie MegaPolie Noodle Builders To School Dinosaur Arthur Murder JoeJack Myster. G. Shrinks Clifford-Dog WordWorld Poirot Arthur ”Big Peep,Olly Dive,

World News General Hospital KOMO 4 News The Doctors ” Wheel The View Jeopardy! ” Oz The Dr. Show Shark KOMOTank 4 News ” 4 KOMO News BackChew to the The Beginning” News

Duck D. Shipping Shipping Duck D. Duck D. Shipping Shipping Duck D. Shipping Duck D. Shipping Shipping Duck D. Shipping Duck D. D. Shipping Duck Duck D. Shipping Duck D. Shipping Duck D.

tion: The Odd Parents O’Leary ” Odd ” Only Parents Way Is CBC News Direction ” Odd Parents CBC News Ultimate Movie: Fan Now-Nichols CBC News: “Ice Age” The National iCarly Power & One ” Politics CBC News News The Fairly CBC ” ” OddParents Direction: Up Now With ” All Night ” Nair Movie: CBC News: The Fairly Reshmi “Ice Age: The National OddParents ” One DirecLang & tion: The Dawn of the O’Leary CBC News: Odd Parents ” Dinosaurs” The National Odd Parents ” Only Way Is CBC News



” Mayday ” Mayday ” Mayday ” Mayday Flying Wild ” Alaska Mayday ” Mayday Mayday ”” Mayday ” Mayday Mayday ”” Mayday

Global The ofNat. Days our Kennedys Lives News Hour

Ice Caps at Sportsnet MLB Connected Baseball Bulldogs

World News Amanpour General ”4 Hospital KOMO

Duck D. Shipping Duck D. D. Shipping Duck

News The Doctors Nightline Wheel” Jimmy Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Kimmel Live Show Shark Tank KOMO” 4 Newsto the Back BeginningNews World News Amanpour

Duck D. Shipping Duck D. Shipping Duck D. Duck D. Shipping Duck D. Shipping Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck

Direction Mr. Young Odd Parents Mr. Young Ultimate Fan Movie: “Ice BoysAge” iCarly Boys One ” Ice Age: ” Direction: Up Dawn All Night Movie: “Ice One Age: Direction: The Dawn of the

” CBC News News CBC ” Now-Nichols CBC News: The CBCNational News: Power & The National Politics CBC News Lang & ”” O’Leary ” CBC News: The LangNational & O’Leary CBC News:

” Mayday Mayday ”” Mayday ” Mayday Mayday ”” Mayday Mayday ” Mayday ”” Mayday ” Mayday ” Mayday

KOMO” 4 News News

Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck

D. D. D. D. D. D.

Dinosaurs” Only Way Is Direction Mr. Young Mr. Young Movie: “Ice BoysAge”

Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Jimmy Shark Tank Kimmel Live ”

Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck

D. D. D. D. D.

Boys ” ” Ice Age: Movie: Dawn “Ice Age:

The ” CBCNational News Mayday ” ” CBC News Mayday ” ” CBC News: Mayday The National ” CBC News: Mayday The ” CBCNational News Mayday ” ” Lang & Mayday CBC News: Mayday O’Leary ” The National ”




A&E 1

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Reshmi ” Nair ” Lang &


KAYU Law Order: CI ;


TLC Say Yes Say Yes <

Mayday Flying ”Wild Alaska Mayday Mayday ” ” Mayday

Funny Home The Office Videos How I Met The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Family Feud Anderson

” Mayday ” Mayday

Live Mason Say Say Yes Yes Perry ” Say Simpsons Say Yes Yes Raymond Say Yes Yes Law Order: Say CI Say Big Bang Say Yes Yes Two Men Say Yes Yes Funny Home Say Videos Say Yes Big Bang Vegas The Office Sin CityBrides Two Men Vegas HowRicki I Met Rules The Say YesBrides Lake Show Yes Dragons SayCity Yes Family Feud Say Sin Ice AgeFeud Say Say Yes Yes Family Rules Anderson Live Kitchen Say Yes Yes Perry Mason Say Say Yes Nightmares Say Yes ” Simpsons Say Yes




WTBS There Yet? There Yet? A

Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew neresDay Show Northwest Katie

Big Bang Excused Excused Browns

WordGirl NOVA ” Business

” KING 5 News KING 5

PayneYet? There There Yet? Browns Payne King King Seinfeld Law Order: Seinfeld CI The Office The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order: Family Guy CI Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Excused Movie: Excused Browns

World News Everyday Joy/Painting PBS NewsHour Charlie Rose ” Washington Sid Science Need WildinKratts Cat the Arthur HistoryTiger Daniel Krakatoa: Rick Steves Wild Kratts WordGirl The Last NOVA Days ” Business

Newsof our Days Lives Nightly News News Dr. Phil ” Magazine Today Inside Ed. cont’dDeGeEllen neres Show KING 5 New Day Investigators Northwest Katie ”5 Dateline KING NBC 5 News KING


Boss KIRO News KIRO News Undercover Boss KIRO News CBS News KIRO News

George S Coronation Coronation Anne MurHarry Potter ray: Friends

Late Ent Show The Insider Letterman Undercover Ferguson Boss

Final Ent ET Canada ET Canada Movie: The Talk “Home for

NHL Alumni Sportsnet Connected Charity UFC Central Countdown

fifth estate ”

Undercover Boss

the Holidays”

The Ultimate Poirot Fighter ”

Back to the Beginning-

Duck D. Duck D.

Dawn of the Dinosaurs”

CBC News: Mayday The National ”

Kitchen Nightmares

Say Yes Say Yes

News ” our Days of Lives ” News Nightly NewsHour KING Charlie” Rose News Dr. PhilNews Reel NW Jay Leno ” ” Washington Magazine Roadtrip ”Ed. Need Inside Cat in the Ellen DeGeRoadtrip JimmyShow Fallon Arthur neres History KING 5 Krakatoa: Investigators Wild Kratts Katie WordGirl ” The Last Dateline Days NBC Business KING 5 World News News American ”

TMZ Big Bang Two Men The Office Dragons King of Hill Ice Age

Say Yes Vegas Brides Vegas Brides Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes

” Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie: Family Guy “Red Eye” Family Guy

Reel NW Washington Need Roadtrip History Roadtrip Krakatoa:

Nightly” News News News KING Jay Leno Magazine Inside Ed. ” KING 5Fallon Jimmy Investigators

Amer. Dad Movie:

The Last Days

Dateline NBC

Amanpour ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News ”

News 30 Rock

Vegas Brides “Catch Me if American Vegas Brides You Can” Masters

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Boys

CBC News: Mayday The National ”

Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

The Kennedys

Sportsnet Connected

Party Animals

News Hour Final

Hockey NHL Alumni

Mega Builders

SportsCentre ET Canada The Hockey Fish’n Children ” The Talk Mentalist ” Real Fishing Corner Gas

Coronation Darwin’s Harry Potter New World

Letterman Doodlebops Ferguson Paid Prog.

ET Canada Charity Murder Jimmy Duck D. Ice Age: Fish’n English Pre- Myster. Upside Dwn Kimmel Recipe Live Duck Be the T.U.F.F. The Talk UFC Central D.Boss Dawn Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food ” Turtles

Lang & CBC News O’Leary Now

Mayday An Idiot ” Abroad

The Office Paid of Prog. King Hill Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Extreme Paid Prog. Extreme

Movie: Movie: “Red Eye” “Herbie:

Hockey: Spengler

It Is Written Car Bnss

fifth estate ”

March Madness

Powerboat Driving TV

Cup, Second Noon News Quarterfinal: Hour

Operation Smile

Best Recipes March Mad- Noon News Stefano ness: Coach Hour

Teams TBA Motoring

SportsCentre Lang & ” O’Leary

College Basketball:

Simpsons Simpsons

Lovett-Reid Dr. Marla &

Skiing ”

Kentucky at Louisville

Simpsons Movie:

Darwin’s George S New World 22 Minutes

Doodlebops Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Fish’n English Pre- Upside Dwn “2012” Sportsnet Frontiers of Recipe” Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food ” ” Connected Construction

fi fth estate The Nature ” of Things

March Sports Stars Powerboat ” Madness Driving” TV Big World

Hockey Children SportsCentre Fish’n “2012” Cash Cab ” Real Fishing Corner Gas ” Cash Cab Hockey: NBA Spengler Basketball:

Powerboat ” Driving ” TV

It Is Written And That’s Car Bnss the Kind

Cup, Second Noon News Operation Raptors at ” etalk Magic CHBC News Smile App Central Quarterfi nal: Hour

Best Mad- Noon News LandRecipes & Sea March KIRO News ” Mansbridge ness: KIRO Coach News Hour Global Nat. Stefano

Global Nat. SportsCentre CTV News National CBS News Teams” TBA Simpsons Lang & College SportsCentre Simpsons CHBC News ” Marketplace Basketball: KIRO News Motoring O’Leary ” SportsCentre Hockey English ”” Premier SportsCentre Hockey: League ” Spengler Soccer NBA Cup, Second SportsCentre Basketball: Quarterfinal: SportsCentre Raptors at Teams TBA ” Magic Motoring SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” English ”

The Simpsons Fish’n Kennedys Movie: Real Fishing The “2012” Powerboat Kennedys ” TV Driving Made ”in Noon News Jersey” Hour Made ”in Simpsons Jersey News CHBC Simpsons News Final Global Nat. Simpsons Saturday CHBC Movie: News Night Live The “2012” ” Kennedys ”

W5 Lovett-Reid Children ” Dr. Marla & Corner Gas Movie:Cab Cash It Is Written “Turn the Cash Cab Car Bnss BeatThat’s And Operation Around” the Kind Smile Flashpoint etalk SportsCentre ” App Central ” CTV News News CTV Lovett-Reid CTV News ” Dr. Marla & Movie: W5 Cash Cab “King Kong” ” Cash Cab


Hockey/ Skiing Darwin’s History ” New World Movie: S George fifth estate “Score: A 22 Minutes ” Hockey The Nature Best Recipes Musical” of Things Stefano News& Sea Land Lang & Movie: Mansbridge O’Leary “Becoming National Skiing Jane” Marketplace ” ” Hockey/ George S ” History 22 Minutes

Entertain-at Kentucky Doodlebops ment ’Night Louisville Paid Prog. MadeProg. in Paid March Jersey Paid Prog. Madness Made inStars Sports March MadJersey Big World ness: Coach 48 Hours KIRO News College ” KIRO News Basketball: KIRONews News CBS Kentucky at The Insider KIRO News Louisville Paid Prog. EntertainPaid Prog. Paid Prog. ment ’Night Paid Prog.

CHAN News Hour Simpsons ” Simpsons (

The Simpsons Fish’n Kennedys Movie: Real Fishing The “2012” Powerboat Kennedys ” TV Driving Made ”in Noon News Jersey” Hour Made ”in Simpsons Jersey Nat. Global Simpsons News Hour Final News Simpsons Saturday Movie:” Night Live The “2012” ” Kennedys ”

KNOW News KOMO Nightline * `

A&E 1





Payne “CatchYet? Me if There You Can” There Yet? Browns Two Men Payne Sunny Say Yes Yes Funny Home Say Say Yes King ” TMZ Say Yes Yes Videos Say King ” Big Bang Vegas Brides Seinfeld The Ricki Office PaidYes Prog. Movie: Two Men Vegas Brides Seinfeld The Say The Office King of Hill Paid Prog. “RedOffi Eye” Lake Show Say The ce Dragons Say Yes Yes Family Guy Ice Age Say Yes Family Guy Anderson Big Bang Live Say Yes Yes Big Bang Kitchen Say Amer. Dad Nightmares Say Yes Movie: Simpsons Browns Raymond Say Yes Payne News Vegas Brides “Catch Me if 30 Vegas Brides You Can” BigRock Bang Say Yes Browns Two Men Say Yes Yes Payne” Sunny Say

KIRO News Late Show


Mayday ”

Say Yes Vegas Brides Say Yes Vegas Brides Say Yes


The National News Exchange CBC News



Days of our Lives

Charlie Rose Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Cat in the Daniel Arthur Tiger Rick Wild Steves Kratts

CBC News George S

SportsCentre Simpsons ” Movie:

KCTS Everyday Joy/Painting N


King Law KingOrder: CI The Office Law The Order: Office CI Big Bang

CBC News: Undercover The National Boss

Simpsons Simpsons


Wild PartyKratts Poppetstown Animals Save Ums Animals ”Hour ”” Parks News Hockey Mega The Jeff Maggie Final NHL Alumni Builders Probst Show Sportsnet ” Rolie Polie Ent Mega Charity Murder ET Canada Connected Builders The Ricki ” Dinosaur The Talk UFC Preview Central Arthur Myster. Lake Show EPL Movie: UFC Murder “Home for Countdown Young & NFL Game. Myster. Clifford-Dog Restless AHL Ultimate Poirot WordWorld the The Holidays” ” Early News Fighter Hockey: Dive, Olly Global Nat. Ice Caps at Wild Kratts The Sportsnet Party Kennedys Connected Animals News Hour Bulldogs ” Parks News ”Hour Hockey Mega Builders Mega Builders Murder Murder Myster. Myster.

Raymond News Law Order: 30 Rock CI Big Bang

Say Yes Sin SayCity Yes Rules Say Yes Sin SayCity Yes Rules Say Yes


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

Powerboat Driving TV

Flashpoint ”

KIRO News Undercover The Talk Boss ”News KIRO CBS KIRONews Newsa Let’s Make Late Show Deal Ent Letterman The Insider ThisMinute Ferguson ThisMinute Undercover Boss Judge Judy Judge Judy Undercover


Scandal ”



WTBS ” ” A

World News American Everyday Masters Joy/Painting PBS

Masters PBS NewsHour ”


” ”


KING News Jay Leno

Roadtrip Bob Builder Roadtrip SciGirls

” Gardening Jimmy Fallon Paid Prog.

3 Steps to Incredible

Red Bull Signature Series ”

Soccer Soccer

Dino Dan Wild Kratts

Sea Rescue Be the Boss Turtles Born-Explore ” Beywheelz

CBC News Now With

An Idiot Abroad

Kids News Old House

Extreme Extreme

Fully Loaded”

MLB Baseball

Dogs/Jobs Dogs

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Movie: “A Time to

Pokémon Power

Christine Birak

An Idiot Abroad

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Jim Browns

Health!-Joel ”

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Cash Cab Cash Cab


Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno


An Idiot Abroad

Movie: “The Devil

Extreme Extreme

King King

Greener Golf: Tyco Hubert Keller Skills

National Issue

An Idiot Abroad

Wears Prada”

Extreme Extreme

Family Guy Family Guy

Pépin Cooking

CBC News National Now Mansbridge

An An Idiot Idiot Abroad Abroad

Paid Prog. The Offi ce Paid Jim Prog.

Extreme Holiday ER Extreme ”

Movie: The Office “Herbie: The Office

Bob Test Builder Kitchen Gardening Poppy Cat SciGirls Paid Prog. Cook’s Justin Time

” ”

SNP ” ) ” Soccer UFC Soccer Countdown

KNOW KOMO ESPN Sports * ` Saturday

Mega Builders


Sidekick Sidekick

Be the Boss T.U.F.F. Storage Sidekick ” Turtles Storage Sidekick







Challenge, Day 1

Sea Be the Boss Turtles CashRescue Cab Storage Movie: Born-Explore ” Beywheelz Ocean Storage “Ice Age”

CBC News The Nature Now With of Things

An An Idiot Idiot Abroad Abroad

Kids How News I Met Old HowHouse I Met

Extreme Untold StoExtreme ries of ER

Fully Seinfeld Loaded” Seinfeld

3 Steps to Old House Incredible Old House

Red Bull Exploration Signature Kids News

MLB UFC Prelims Dogs/Jobs Baseball ” Girls Baseball Dogs

Paid Movie: NewsProg. Storage World News “A Storage Paid Prog. Time to

Pokémon ” Power”

Christine fifth estate Birak ”

An An Idiot Idiot Abroad Abroad

Paid Prog. 30 Rock Raymond Jillian

Extreme Untold Stories of ER Extreme

Jim Movie: “Phone Browns

WTBS Booth” King Movie: King A

Health!-Joel American Masters ”

KCTS KING ” Nightly News Greener Golf: Tyco History News Hubert NKeller Skills P

Series KING 5 News ”

Sportsnet ” PreEnglish Connected ” mier League Snowbrd Sportsnet Soccer FIS Freestyle Connected Soccer Bensinger UFC MLB NFL Game. Countdown Baseball Sportsnet UFC Prelims ” Connected ”” European ” Poker ”Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Wheel ESPN RecipeSports Jeopardy! Saturday Food Movie:” Sea Rescue “Harry” Born-Explore PotterCab and Cash Paid Prog. the Goblet Ocean Paid Prog. of Fire” News Cash Cab ”News WorldCab Cash News 4 KOMO ESPN Sports Burn Notice News Saturday ” Wheel” Castle Jeopardy! ”

Dawn of the Sidekick T.U.F.F. Dinosaurs” Sidekick Turtles Percy JackSidekick Turtles son & the Sidekick Beywheelz Olympians: Movie: Pokémon The Age” Light“Ice Power ning Thief ” Yu-Gi-Oh! Splatalot ” Monsuno Zoink’d! Movie: Sidekick Splatalot “Ice Age: Sidekick Percy of the Dawn Sidekick Jackson Dinosaurs” Sidekick

Diana: Book National CBC News ” Issue Now According to National CBC News Lance Mansbridge Now With National The Nature Christine Mansbridge of Things Birak Doc Zone fi fth estate ” ” ”” National National Issue Marketplace Issue National Diana: Book National Mansbridge ” Mansbridge

An Idiot An An Idiot Idiot Abroad Abroad Abroad Idiot An Idiot An Idiot Abroad Abroad Abroad An Idiot Idiot An An Idiot Abroad Abroad Abroad An Idiot Idiot An An Idiot Abroad Abroad Abroad An Idiot An Idiot Abroad Abroad An Idiot An Idiot Abroad Abroad

Big Bang Wears Paid Prog. Two Men Prada” Paid Prog. Cops The Offi ce Kids News Cops Jim House Old The Mob How I Met Paid Prog. Doctor How I Met Jillian News 30 Rock Movie: Wanted Raymond “The Devil MasterChef Big Bang Wears ” Two Men Prada” 30 Seconds Big Bang The Office 30 Rock Two Men Jim

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“Cellular” Family Movie: Guy ” Family “Herbie:Guy ” ce The Offi Fully Movie: The Office Loaded” “Shooter” Seinfeld Jim ” Seinfeld Browns ” Movie: King ” “Phone King Movie: Booth” Family Guy “Herbie: Movie: Guy Family Fully “Cellular” The Office Loaded” ” ce The Offi

Mae West... Pépin Bob Builder Who Knew Cooking SciGirls The Kitchen Queen’s Test 3 Steps to Palaces Cook’s Incredible Movie: Old House Health!-Joel “Soldier in Old House ” the Rain” American Greener History Masters Hubert Keller Live From Pépin ” Artists Den History Cooking Masterpiece Mae West... Test Kitchen Classic Who Knew Cook’s

Paid Prog. Challenge, Gardening Backroads Day Paid 1Prog. Chicago Fire Poppy Cat Red Bull Justin ”Time Signature Chicago Fire Exploration Series ” Kids News ” Law &5 KING Golf: Tyco Order: SVU News Skills

SNP ” ” )

Dino Danof Science Wild Kratts Babies

” A&E ” 1 ”

” ”

KNOW KOMO Wilderness KOMO 4 Can. Rivers Cash Cab ” News Rivers Cash Cab * `

A&E Storage Kill” Storage ” 1

Extreme Ice Mega Upside Dwn ” Builders Miss BG Heartbeat Frontiers Dino Danof ” Construction Wild Kratts George of Science Dogs/Jobs Gently Babies Dogs ” Baseball Can. Rivers Hardwood Girls Rivers Battlefield Wilderness Mega Mysteries ” Builders George Ice Extreme Frontiers of Gently” Construction

Storage Be the” Boss Storage ”” Storage Be the Boss Storage Storage ” Storage Storage Movie: Storage Storage “A Time to Storage Storage Kill” Storage Storage ” Storage Storage ” Storage Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage

YTV Movie: Yu-Gi-Oh! “Ice6 Age: Monsuno

NEWS National ” Marketplace ” 7

DISC An Idiot Idiot An Abroad Abroad 9

KAYU Big Bang Movie: Two; Men “The Devil

TLC Untold StoExtreme ries< of ER Extreme

KING News Nightly News Challenge, Saturday News Day 1 Night Live Paid Prog. Poppy Cat ” Backroads Justin Time

“Ice Age: Corner Gas the Insider 10 :30 Football :00 Calendar Monday, December 24,The 2012 rLake The 4Country :30 Joel Osteen Corner” Gas Penguins” Steven and Pets.TV Regional :00 Night ” ”

11:00 :30

Lorna Dueck

” TBA Block Cup, First The Best Teams Global Nat. Semifi”nal: Years CHBC News SportsCentre Paid Prog. Prog. Teams”” TBA Paid Simpsons Holiday FesSportsCentre Simpsons ” tival on Ice

CTV fiQ fth estate SportsCentre With Jian CTV News News Witch and Ghomeshi the The ” ”

KIRO News Paid CBS Prog. News Paid KIROProg. News Face/Nation

Mentalist Question Movie: Period “Eight Days

Canadian Steven and Wardrobe Chris ”

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ”

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” The SportsCentre Simpsons SportsCentre Kennedys ” Movie:

to Live” First Story ” First Story

Republic of Movie: Doyle of “March

NCISProg. Paid ” Paid Prog.

The Simpsons Kennedys Movie:

UFC Wired ” ”

” Football Motoring Night

The Mob Corner Gas Doctor Gas Corner

Republic of the Doyle Penguins”

The Insider Good Wife Pets.TV

Paparazzi “Ice Age: Princess: The

IIHF Hockey Meltdown” In Touch NFL

Marketplace Football:

Chris Coverage Chronicles of KIRO News KIRO News ” ” CBS News ” CHBC News SportsCentre ” the News Cup, First The Best Q With Jian KIRO Paid Prog. Semifi”nal: Years ” Ghomeshi Paid Prog. Holiday Fes- Movie: Wardrobe 60 Minutes on Ice “Eight Days Steven ” and ” Teams” TBA tival Simpsons Question Paid Prog. SportsCentre Simpsons Period Chris Paid Prog. ” The to Live” Republic of NCIS Hockey Block NFL Football Stefano NFL Prog. SportsCentre ” Doyle ” SportsCentre Kennedys Simpsons First Story Movie: Paid ” Lorna Dueck First Story ” Marketplace Football: Movie: “March ofof Paid Prog. ” Paparazzi The Mob Republic The Good ” Joel Osteen Doctor ” Gas Doyle Steven and Wife Regional Motoring Princess: Football “Ice Age: Corner the The Insider IIHF In Touch ” Gas Chris Coverage NightHockey The The Corner Penguins” Pets.TV SportsCentre Paris Flashpoint CBC News: The Hockey: Noon News LandNational & Seaof Mentalist Hilton Story W5 ”” The NFL ” Meltdown” Chronicles KIRO ”News Spengler Hour ” Mansbridge ”News Football: CHBC News Narnia: Lion, KIRO SportsCentre News Final CTV News CBC News KIRO News

CHBC News ”” Narnia: 5 :30 Hockey: Noon News Land & Lion, Sea :00 Football: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2012 Spengler Hour Nat. ” Mansbridge TBA Global CTV News Witch and 12:00 :30 Teams W5

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Lorna Dueck “Ice Age: The Joel Osteen In Touch Meltdown” Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News ” The Best Years FesHoliday tival on Ice Simpsons Simpsons The Block Kennedys Simpsons Lorna Dueck Movie: Paparazzi Joel Osteen Princess: “Ice Age: In Touch The The Paris Noon News Hilton Story Meltdown” Hour Final Global Nat. News


Baseball ” Sportsnet cont’d ” Connected Premier ” ” Sportsnet Connected NFL Football: On the Edge Teams” TBA ” UFC Wired MLB ”” Baseball ” The Ultimate cont’d ” Fighter ” Sportsnet Sportsnet ” Connected Connected ” Premier European


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A&E 1

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wife Holiday ” Survival With LazyTown Special 5th Quarter Ray Mears The Wiggles

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Masterpiece KING 5 The Queen’s Football Classic News in Palaces Night

the News Phoenix” World News

Storage Storage

Pick ” Splatalot ”

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Wives: Movie:” Sister Wives Secrets The Closer ” Re. “Runaway

Dateline Horse”Power America NBC Football ” NFL

Storage Storage

The Funny Movie: Splatalot “Nanny

Superstorm ” CBC News: How/Made Moonshiners Big Bang 2012: Hell How/Made Sunny The National ” Two Men

Sister Wives Wives: Jury” ” ” Re. Browns Secrets ”

Infi nity Hall Moyers & Live Company

The Movie: Mentalist “Eight Days

” Wardrobe Canadian ”

Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ”

Paid Prog. Holiday Fes- Sportsnet On the Edge Egypt ” Paid Prog. Connected Desert tival on Ice ” Underworld

the Boss Funny”Home Be Storage Burn Notice Storage ” Videos

to Live” ”

Republic of Doyle


The Kennedys

Movie: “Harry

The Mob Doctor

Republic of Doyle

The Good Wife

Flashpoint ”

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

UFC Wired ”

New Tricks ”

CBC News: Tsunami: On How/Made Moonshiners Sunny Big Bang The National How/Made Spokane Camera ” Making

Paid Prog. Sin City Paid RulesProg.

Sister Wives “The Firm” ” ”

wife Holiday Special

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

Moonshiners Simpsons ” Burgers


The Ultimate Lewis Fighter ”

Order of KNOW the KOMO ” the * ` ” Phoenix”

Storage Storage

Zoink’d! The Funny

CBC News: How/Made The National How/Made

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Sin City Rules

Sportsnet Connected

Storage Storage

Pick Splatalot

Tsunami: On How/Made Camera How/Made

News Bones

Sister Wives: ” Secrets Re. The Closer

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European Sportsnet Poker Tour Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

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News The View Castle” KOMO” 4 Burn Notice News

Storage Criminal Storage Minds Be the Boss Criminal Minds ”

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Superstorm CBC News 2012:With Hell Now CBC News: Reshmi Nair The National ”

How/Made Auction How/Made Auction How/Made Auction How/Made Auction

” ce The Offi Sunny How I Met Sunny Family Feud Spokane Family Feud

Sister Wives Hoarding: Buried” Alive Paid Prog. Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

Star The Next

Auction Auction

The First 48 ”

Star The Next

The First 48 ”

Star The Next

The First 48 Criminal ” Minds Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds Duck The First 48 Dynasty ” Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. Criminal ” Minds Duck Duck D. Dynasty Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck Duck Duck D. 48 The First Dynasty ” Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. The DuckFirst D. 48 ” Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. The DuckFirst D. 48 ” Duck D. The DuckFirst D. 48 ” Duck Duck D. Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Dynasty Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

Duck D. Duck D.

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Hyundai Sun Noon News Marketplace Bowl -Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Arthur Peep, Big

SportsCentre Days of our ” Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Soccer Central

Poppetstown General Save Ums Hospital

Heartland ”

Georgia Tech vs.

Days of our Lives

Off Record The Jeff Dr. Phil SportsCentre Probst Show ”

Steven and Chris


The Jeff EPL Review Maggie Probst Show ” Rolie Polie

SportsCentre The Ricki Hockey The Doctors ” Lake Show ” ” Hockey Young & ” Chef/Home Hockey Restless IIHF Hockey Debt/Part ” News TSN Top 50 Noon News ” ” ” Hour ” Global Nat. SportsCentre Days of our ” CHBC News ” Lives SportsCentre Ent Off Record The Jeff ” ET Canada SportsCentre Probst Show TSN Top 50 The SportsCentre The Ricki ”” Kennedys Hockey The Doctors Lake Show ” 50 Global” TSN Top Hockey Young & ” Comedians ” Chef/Home Hockey Restless IIHF Hockey EntertainDebt/Part SportsCentre ” News ”” 50 ment TSN Top NoonToNews ” ” Hour CanSportsCentre night ” Global Nat. ”” ada SportsCentre Days our CHBCofNews ” Lives of SportsCentre SportsCentre Gangs Ent ” New York Off Record The Jeff ” ET Canada SportsCentre Probst Show TSN Top 50 The SportsCentre The Ricki ” Kennedys ” Lake Show TSN Top 50 Global Hockey Young & ” Comedians Hockey Restless SportsCentre Entertain” NewsToment ” ” SportsCentre night Can” Global Nat. ada ” CHBC News SportsCentre Gangs of SportsCentre Ent ” New York ” ET Canada

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News The Dr. Oz ” Show Holiday Dr. Phil Cirque-Soleil ” etalk-Year in Ellen DeGeGossip The View neres Show ” The Mob Anderson Doctor The Live Marilyn Denis Show StarsCTV News Scandals CTV News at Five ” CTV CTV News News CTV News The Dr. ” Oz Show to Down Holiday Earth Dr. Phil Cirque-Soleil ” etalk-Year in Ellen DeGeGossip neres Show The Mob Anderson Doctor Live StarsCTV News Scandals at Five CTV News CTV News ” Down to Holiday Earth Cirque-Soleil

Best Recipes Poko George S Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC News News Marketplace News Heartland Coronation ” 22 Minutes Steven and ” Chris New Year’s Best Recipes Poko ” S George Doodlebops James New Dragons’ Year’s Steven and Den Eve ChrisNews: CBC News The National CBC NewsNews Marketplace CBC NewsNews George S Heartland Coronation ” New James 22 Minutes Year’s Eve Steven” and Chris New Year’s Best Recipes ” George S James New Dragons’ Year’s Eve Den CBC News: News The National News CBC News News S George Coronation James New 22 Minutes Year’s Eve ”

ThisMinute Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy College Judge Judy Football: KIRO News Hyundai Sun KIRO News Bowl -KIRO News Georgia CBS News Tech vs. Ent USC The Insider ” How I Met ThisMinute How I Met Young & ThisMinute Restless Broke Judge Girl Judy Mike College Judge Judy Football: Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 Hyundai Sun KIRO News Bowl -KIRO KIRO News News Late Georgia CBS Show News Tech vs. Letterman Ent Ferguson USC The Insider ” How I Met ThisMinute How I Met ThisMinute Broke Girl Judge Mike Judy Judge Judy Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO News KIRO News KIROShow News Late CBS News Letterman Ent Ferguson The Insider

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Chef/Home Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our ” Lives Ent The Jeff ET Canada Probst Show The The Ricki Kennedys The Doctors Lake Show ” Global Young & Comedians Chef/Home Restless Debt/Part EntertainEarly News ment ToNoon News Global Nat. Hour Cannight News Hour ada Days of ” our Lives of Gangs Ent New York The Jeff ET Canada Probst Show The The Ricki Kennedys Lake Show Global Young & Comedians Restless EntertainEarly ToNews ment Global Nat. night CanNews Hour ada ” Gangs of Ent New York ET Canada

NHL Alumni Sportsnet Charity Connected World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time HockeycenSports tral at Noon Sportsnet Soccer Connected Central NHL EPL Review Hockey: ” Blues at NHL Alumni Canucks Sportsnet Charity Connected World”Poker Sportsnet Sportsnet Tour Connected Sportsnet Prime Time Connected HockeycenSports tral at Noon Central Sportsnet NHL Alumni Soccer Connected Central Charity NHL UFC Central EPL Review Hockey: ” Blues at NHL Alumni Canucks Charity ” World Poker Sportsnet Tour Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sports Central Sportsnet NHL Alumni Connected Charity NHL UFC Central Hockey:

Dinosaur Noodle Arthur Timothy Clifford-Dog Joe- Jack Jelly Jamm G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Arthur The Gruffalo Peep, Big Young at Poppetstown Heart Save Ums ” Maggie ” Rolie Polie Standing in Dinosaur the Shadows Noodle Arthur Timothy of Motown Clifford-Dog ” JoeJelly Jack Jamm G. Shrinks Movie: Dive, Olly “Imagine: Arthur The Gruffalo Peep, Big John Young at Lennon” Poppetstown Heart Save Ums Woodstock ” ”” Maggie Rolie Polie Standing in Dinosaur the Shadows Arthur of Motown Clifford-Dog ” Jelly Jamm Movie: Dive, Olly “Imagine: The Gruffalo John Young at Lennon” Heart Woodstock ” ”

TSN Top 50 ”

The Kennedys

etalk-Year in New Year’s Gossip ”

How I Met How I Met

The Kennedys

Blues at Canucks

Standing in New Year’s the Shadows Rockin’ Eve

TSN Top 50 ”

Global Comedians

The Mob Doctor

James New Year’s Eve

Broke Girl Mike

Global Comedians


CBC News: Hawaii Five- EntertainThe National 0 ment To-







KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `


” Sportsnet

of Motown ”

Sportsnet Connected

Movie: “Imagine:


The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” News General 520 Bridge Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” New Year’s The Dr. Oz Rockin’ Eve The View Show ” Celebrates KOMO 4 Dick Clark KOMO 4 News NewsClark’s Dick News Primetime The Chew World News ” News News Dick Clark’s General 520 Bridge Hospital New Year’s Wheel Rockin’ Eve The Doctors Jeopardy! ” New Year’s The Dr. Eve Oz Rockin’ Show Celebrates KOMO 4 Dick Clark News Dick Clark’s News Primetime World News News NewsClark’s Dick 520 Bridge New Year’s Wheel Rockin’ Eve Jeopardy!


A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1






American Masters

KING 5 News

CBC News Auction Now-Nichols Auction

Law Order: CI

There Yet? There Yet?

” History

Days of our Lives

Power & Politics

Auction Auction

Funny Home Next Great Videos Baker

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

Star NextNext Star The The Next Star Star The Next The Next Star Star The Next The Next Star Star ” The Next ” Star ” The Next Mr. Young Star Mr. Young Next Star The Next The Next Mr. Young Star Mr. Young Star The Next TheWife Next My Star Mr. Star TheYoung Next The Next That’s-Weird Star Splatalot Star ” The Next Char. Brown ” Rudolph Star ” The Next Mr. Young Star Mr. Young The Next Mr. Young Star Mr. Young The Next My Wife StarYoung Mr. The Next That’s-Weird Star Splatalot ” Char. Brown ” Rudolph ”

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary ” CBC News ” ” ” CBC News: CBC News The National Now-Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” The CBCNational News ” Now With CBC Lang News: & The National Reshmi O’Leary Nair ” CBC CBC News News ””” ” CBC CBC News: News: The CBC News The National National Now-Nichols Lang & CBC News O’Leary Power”& Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News CBC News ” ” CBC News: CBCNational News: The The National Lang & CBC News O’Leary ”

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The Ricki The Offi ce Lake Show How I Met Anderson Family Feud Live Family Feud Simpsons Perry Mason Raymond ” Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos Bones The Ricki ” ce The Offi Lake Show HowMob I Met The Anderson Doctor Family Feud Live Family Feud News Simpsons 30 Rock Perry Mason Raymond ” New Year’s Big Bang Eve ’12 Law Order: Two Live Men CI ” Big Bang King of Hill Funny Home Two Men Videos Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Mob Anderson Doctor Live News Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond New Year’s Big Bang Eve Live ’12 Two Men ” Big KingBang of Hill Two Men

Cake Boss: Hoarding: Next Baker Buried Alive Cake Boss: Hoarding: Next Baker Buried Alive Cake Boss: Neat Freaks Next Baker ” Cake Boss: Cake Boss Next Baker Cake Boss: Extreme Next Great Cougar Baker Cake Boss: Cake Boss: Next Baker Hoarding: Next Baker Buried Alive Strange Sex: Cake Boss: Year’s Best Hoarding: Next Baker Buried Alive Strange Sex Cake Boss: Strange Sex Neat Freaks Next Baker ” Extreme Cake Boss: Cougar Cake Boss Next Baker Cake Popoff Boss: Peter Extreme Paid Prog. Next Great Cougar Baker Cake Boss: Cake Boss: Next Baker Next Baker Strange Sex: Cake Year’sBoss: Best Next Baker Strange Sex Cake Boss: Strange Sex Next Baker Extreme Cake Boss: Cougar Next Baker Peter Popoff Extreme Paid Prog. Cougar

The Office Law Offi Order: The ce CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Office Family Guy Law Offi Order: The ce CI Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Law Order: Big Bang CI “Stomp Browns the Yard” Excused Payne Excused ” Browns Movie: There Payne Yet? There Yet? “The Seinfeld Tuxedo” King Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Office Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Stomp the Browns Yard” Payne ” Browns Movie: Payne “The Seinfeld Tuxedo” Seinfeld

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business American World News Masters PBS ” NewsHour History Old House Charlie Rose History ” Live From Cat in the Lincoln Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Center Wild Kratts Bombeck Daniel Tiger WordGirl RickBean Steves Mr. Business Mr. Bean American World News Masters Mr. Bean PBS Mr. Bean ” NewsHour History Mr. OldBean House Mr. Bean Charlie History Rose ” Live From Cat in the Lincoln Arthur Center Wild Kratts Bombeck WordGirl Mr. Bean Business Mr. Bean World News Mr. Bean PBS Mr. Bean NewsHour Mr. Bean Old House Mr. Bean History

Ellen DeGeToday Show neres cont’d Katie New Day ” Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside Ed. ” Movie: Ellen DeGe“Enchanted” Today Show neres cont’d ” Katie ”” New Day Northwest NBC’s KING 5New Year’s Eve KING News 5 News News KING Nightly News New Days of our NewsYear’s Lives ” Magazine New Year’s Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” Movie: Ellen DeGe“Enchanted” neres Show ” Katie ” ” NBC’s New KING 5Eve Year’s News KING News Nightly News New Year’s News ” Magazine New Year’s Inside Ed.

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News: Auction The National Auction

Bones ”

Cake Boss: Next Baker

Family Guy Family Guy

Live From Lincoln

Movie: “Enchanted”









Cake Boss Cake Boss:



Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News: Auction The National Auction

The Mob Doctor

Strange Sex: Amer. Dad Year’s Best Movie:

Center Bombeck

CBC News ”

News 30 Rock

Strange Sex “Stomp the Strange Sex Yard”

Mr. Bean Mr. Bean


NBC’s New Year’s Eve

Sid Science Mr. Bean Wild Kratts Mr. Bean

Today KING News ” New Year’s

Happiness Mr. Bean Advantage Mr. Bean

New Day ” Northwest New Year’s




Auction Auction



Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.

Kung Fu The The ce Addiction That’s-Weird CBCNature News: MythBusters Auction NewOffi Year’s Extreme Kung Fu of Things ” How I Met’12 Addiction Splatalot The National Auction Eve Live Cougar

Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D.

Kung && Kate: Char. Fu Brown Will Lang Kung Fu Baby Fever Rudolph O’Leary

Soccer Rolie Polie Charity Woodstock Soccer UFC Central Dive, Olly ”

Capital One New Year’s Bowl -- Eve Rockin’ Georgia vs. Nebraska

Michigan vs. Museum South Secrets

App Central Shameless

22 Minutes ”

KIRO News Bold

Museum Secrets

FA Cup Pre. Dino Dan Snowbrd Rob Robot

Carolina 2013 Rose

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

House ”

On the Edge Save Ums ” Wibbly Pig

Dr. Phil ” etalk-Year in Ellen DeGeGossip neres Show The Marilyn Anderson Denis Show Live

Steven and Chris PokoRecipes Best Doodlebops Stefano Steven and Dragons’ Chris Den

Tour Illinois ” NFL Live ” SportsCentre ” Off Record Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre

Hour NCIS ” our Days of Lives Los NCIS: Angeles The Talk Vegas” ” The Ricki Lake Show CHBC News

” Treasure: Book of Oz The Dr. Show Secrets” ” Dr. Phil ” Criminal Minds Ellen DeGeneres Show CTV News

” Hockey Hockey SportsCentre ” ”

Final Young & Restless ET Canada J. Probst News ”

” ”

SNP Costas ) Tonight

KNOW Live! KOMO Big Bear The Doctors * ` Dinosaur ”

A&E Storage 1 Storage

English PreNHL Alumni mier League Charity Soccer World Poker Soccer Tour

Bucket-Dino Rob Robot Franklin Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Arthur

College The Dr. Oz Football: Show Capital KOMO 4One Bowl -News

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

Museum Early News SecretsNat. Global House News Hour ””

FA Cup Pre. Prime Time Snowbrd Sports On the Edge Sportsnet ” Connected

Dino Dan Martha Rob Robot Wild Kratts Save Battle-Ums Wibbly Pig Bagpipes

Georgia vs. News Nebraska World News KOMO” 4 Live! News

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The NCISRicki Lake Show ” The Doctors Young”Los & NCIS: Restless Angeles Chef/Home Early News Debt/Part Vegas Global” Nat. Museum News Hour Hour Secrets News ” Final House Ent ” ET Canada ET Canada J. Probst The Talk NCIS ” ” The Ricki NCIS:Show Los Lake Angeles Young & Vegas Restless ” Early News News GlobalHour Nat. The Doctors Final News ”Hour ET Canada ” Mamas J. Probst Debt/Part Ent ET Canada Noon News

Costas Costas Tonight Tonight NHL Alumni On the Edge Charity ” PreEnglish World Poker mier League NHL Alumni Tour Charity Soccer Prime Time Soccer Sportsnet Sports Connected FA Cup Pre. Sportsnet Snowbrd Hockey Connected NHL Alumni On the Edge Costas ” Charity Tonight UFC Central Costas On the Edge Tonight ” NHL Alumni NHL Alumni Charity Charity World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time Hockey Sports Sportsnet NHL Alumni Sportsnet Connected Charity Connected Sportsnet UFC Central Connected Costas Tonight Hockeycen-

Big Bear Lions Gate Dinosaur Bridge: Rob Robot Edge of the Clifford-Dog World: BC Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks Franklin The Hollow Arthur Tree Rolie Polie Martha Dive, Olly Coast Wild Kratts Modern Dino Dan BattleRob Robot ShadowBagpipes Chief Save Ums Lions Gate Wibbly Pig First Voices Bridge: Wild Horses Big Bear Edge of Dinosaurthe World: BC Rob Robot The Hollow Clifford-Dog Tree G. Shrinks Coast Arthur Modern Martha ShadowWild Kratts Bucket-Dino Chief BattleFranklin First Voices Bagpipes RolieHorses Polie Wild Dive, Olly Lions Gate Bridge: Dino Dan

Show ” College KOMO 4 Football: Happy News Apt. 23 One Capital News-Bowl Nashville World”News Georgia vs. KOMO 4 Nebraska News News Nightline ” Wheel Live! Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Doctors Shark ”Tank ” The Dr. Oz Happy Show Apt. 23 KOMO 4 Nashville News ” News News World News The View Nightline KOMO” 4 Jimmy News KOMO 4Live Kimmel News Wheel Jeopardy! The Chew

Storage NY Storage: Storage NY Storage: Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage NY Storage: Storage Storage: Storage NY Storage: NY Storage Storage Storage: NY Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage: Storage NY Criminal NY Storage: Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage: NY Storage: The First NY 48

Bold NCIS ” The Talk NCIS:”Los Angeles Let’s Make a Deal Vegas ” ThisMinute ThisMinute KIRO News

Hour NCIS ” our Days of Lives Los NCIS: Angeles The Talk Vegas” ” The Ricki Lake NewsShow Hour

tral the at Noon On Edge ” Soccer Central NHL Alumni Charity NHL Alumni Charity Sportsnet Connected World Poker Tour Hockey

Rob Robot Edge of the World: BC Save Ums Wibbly Pig The Hollow Tree Big Bear Dinosaur Coast Modern Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Shadow-

Shark ”Tank ” General Hospital Happy Apt. The 23 Doctors ” Nashville ” Oz The Dr. Show News

” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage The First 48 ” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage: NY

CTV News Anderson Live Show Daily

Marketplace Movie: “Happy Heartland Feet” ” Steven” and Chris News: CBC The National Best Recipes Stefano Coronation Coronation Dragons’ Den Coronation

Late Show Judge Judy Judge Judy Letterman

Final Young & Restless ET Canada

NHL NBA Alumni Basketball: Charity

Chief G. Shrinks

Nightline KOMO 4 News Jimmy

Storage: Storage NY

Colbert Rep CTV News at Five

The Border News News

Ferguson KIRO News KIRO News

J. Probst Early News Global Nat.

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”





The Doctors KNOW Wheel KOMO ” Jeopardy! * ` The Dr. Oz Shark Tank


Arthur First Voices UFC Central Wild Horses Trail Blazers Martha at Raptors Wild Kratts

News Exchange

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour ”

” Hockey

Animals Undersea

George S Coronation

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

NHL Hockey:

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

” Off Record


Dragons’ Den

To Be Announced

Bomb Girls ”

Blue Jackets I.M. Pei: at Canucks Building

The Middle Neighbors

Arctic Air ”

Criminal Minds

Go On Guys-Kids

” Sportsnet

Nashville ”

Criminal Minds

Sleeping Beauty

KOMO 4 News

A&E 1

According to River Lance Monsters River Monsters

NEWS Only in 7 Canada

Kung Fu Away” Kung Fu ” Kung Fu Movie: Kung Fu “Kung Fu Kung Fu Panda” T.U.F.F. ” SpongeBob Movie: SquarePants “Yogi Bear Movie: 3D” “Flushed ” Away” Boys ” Boys Kung Fu Movie:Fu Kung Boys “Kung Fu Boys Kung Fu Panda” Kung Fu My Wife ” Mr. Young Kung Fu Movie: T.U.F.F. That’s-Weird “Yogi Bear Splatalot SpongeBob 3D” SquarePants Yogi Bear ” 3D Movie: Boys “Flushed Boys Away” Boys ” Boys Movie: My Wife “Kung Fu Mr. Young Panda” That’s-Weird ” Teenage Splatalot Movie: Mutant Ninja Yogi Bear “Yogi Bear Turtles II: 3D Ooze 3D” ” Movie:

The Natureto According of Things Lance Will & & Kate: Kate: Will Baby Fever Fever Baby

MythBusters River ” Monsters MythBusters River ” Monsters

AccordingOn to Tsunami: Lance Camera fi fth estate CBC News: ” The National

River River Monsters Monsters River River Monsters Monsters

DISC River 9 Monsters


3D Turtles Turtles


Matlock ”

Here Comes Excused Here Comes Excused

With Shawn Winter Heart of Per- Sports

Here Comes There Yet? Here Comes There Yet?

fect HealthWatson

KAYU Funny Home ; Videos

Office The Ricki How IShow Met Lake Family Feud Anderson Family Feud Live





The Monsters CBCNational News Hillbilly ” Handfishin’


Law Order: CI

Matlock Simpsons ” Raymond Law Order: Big Bang CI Men Two Only in River Funny Home Superstorm River Big Bang Canada Monsters Videos 2012: Hell Monsters Two Men According to River The Ricki CBC News: River Raising Lance Monsters Lake Show The The National Nature Monsters MythBusters Ben-Kate The Office Will &News: Kate: River River ” Anderson of Things How I Met CBC New Girl BabyNational Fever Monsters Monsters Live The Mindy Will & Kate: MythBusters Family Feud Tsunami: On River Simpsons Baby Fever ” Family fifth estate River News Feud Camera Monsters Raymond ” 30 Rock According to Monsters River Matlock CBC News: River Big Bang Lance Monsters ” CBC News: River Sunny The National National Monsters Monsters Two Men The TMZ fifth estate River Law Order: Superstorm River Big Bang ” Monsters CI CBC News: River The Office 2012: Hell Monsters Two Men The Monsters King ofHome Hill OnlyNational in River Funny CBC News: Monsters River Raising Canada Videos The National Monsters Ben-Kate According to River The Ricki CBC News: Monsters River New Girl Lance Lake Show The National Monsters Mindy Will & Kate: River Anderson fi fth estate River News Baby Fever Monsters Live ” Monsters 30 Rock Tsunami: On River Simpsons CBC News: River Sunny Camera Monsters Raymond CBCNational News Finding The Office The Monsters TMZ CBC News: River Big Now With Bigfoot HowBang I Met CBC News: River The Offi ce The National Monsters Two Men Reshmi Nair Monsters Finding Family The National King of Feud Hill ” Bigfoot Family Feud Superstorm River Big Bang 2012: ”Hell Monsters Two Men Hillbilly Matlock “Teenage ” Handfishin’ ” Boys CBC News: River Raising Boys Monsters Ben-Kate Mutant Ninja The CBCNational News Hillbilly Law Order: Turtles III” Now-Nichols Handfi shin’ CI Boys CBC News: River New Girl Boys The National Monsters Mindy Teenage Power & Hillbilly Funny Home Mutant Politics Handfishin’ Videos My WifeNinja fi fth estate River News Mr. Young Monsters 30 Rock Turtles ”” Hillbilly The Ricki Turtles ” Handfi shin’ Lake Show That’s-Weird CBC News: River Sunny Splatalot The Monsters TMZ Turtles LangNational & Hillbilly Anderson Turtles O’Leary Handfishin’ Live Office Yogi Bear CBC News: River The


Law Order: ” CI Movie:

MythBusters Family” Feud Addiction Auction Peter Popoff Law “TheOrder: ” Family Here Comes CI Auction King ofFeud Hill Paid Prog. Tuxedo”

YTV Movie: 6 “Flushed



King of Hill Simpsons Raymond

TLC WTBS Here Comes King Here< Comes KingA

KCTS Easy Yoga N for Arthritis

Days of our Lives


Here Comes Totally THere Comes Boz Here Comes The Here Comes Sisterhood

Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The Law Order: Big Bang CI Bang Big Excused Browns Excused Payne There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne

Here Funeral Comes Best Here Comes Extreme Here Comes The Here Comes Sisterhood Addiction Here Funeral Comes Addiction Best Honey Say Yes Addiction Totally Here Comes T-Boz TBoz Paid HereProg. Comes The Comes Here Comes Here Sisterhood Paid Prog. Here Comes Best Funeral Here Comes Paid Prog. Extreme Paid HereProg. Comes The Comes Here Sisterhood Here Comes Best Funeral Here Comes Say Yes Here Comes T-Boz Honey Paid Prog. Totally THere Boz Comes Cheer Per. Paid Prog. The Baby Story Paid Prog. Sisterhood Sin City Paid Prog. RulesFuneral Best Extreme Sin City

King Seinfeld King Seinfeld The Offi ce Family Guy The Offi ce Family Guy Law Order: Big Bang CI Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Law Order: Browns CI “Annapolis” Payne” Excused Browns Excused ” Payne Movie: There Yet? Seinfeld There Yet? “Biker Seinfeld Boyz” King Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: Big Bang “Annapolis” Big Bang ” Browns Payne” Law Order: Movie: Browns CI “Biker Payne Law Order: Boyz” CI Seinfeld Seinfeld Excused

Dr. Phil ” Sid Science TodayDeGe3 Steps to Ellen Wild Kratts Incredible neres ”Show Happiness New Day Health!-Joel Katie Advantage Northwest ” ” With Shawn KING Winter5 Business Heart of PerSports World News News fect Health- Nightly Days ofNews our PBS Watson Lives NewsHour News Easy Yoga Yoga Dr. Phil Easy Magazine for Arthritis Arthritis for Inside ”Ed. 3 Steps to Ellen DeGeGreat PerOff-Rockers Incredible neres Show formances Sid Science Off-Rockers Today Health!-Joel Katie ” Wild Kratts ” Off-Rockers ”of Per- Off-Rockers ” Heart Happiness New Day Business KING 5 Advantage Northwest fect Health- Parenthood World News News Watson With Shawn Winter” PBS NightlyNews News Heart of Per- KING Sports Dr. Wayne NewsHour News Dyer: Wishes Jay Leno fect HealthDays of our Easy Yoga Magazine Watson Lives Fulfi lled ” for Arthritis Inside Ed. ” Jimmy Easy Yoga Dr. PhilFallon Great PerOff-Rockers for Arthritis ” formances Off-Rockers 3 Steps to Ellen DeGe” Off-Rockers Incredible neres Show Heart of Per- Off-Rockers Health!-Joel Katie fect HealthParenthood ” ” Watson ” Business KING 5 Dr. Wayne World News KING News News Sid Science Today Dyer: Wishes Jay Leno PBS Nightly Wild Kratts cont’d News Fulfi lled ” NewsHour News Daniel” Tiger Jimmy New Day Fallon Rick Steves Northwest Easy Yoga Magazine for Arthritis Inside Ed. 3 Steps to KING 5

Rules The Sisterhood Sin City RulesFuneral Best Say Yes Sin City Rules T-Boz Paid Prog. Totally TBoz Here Comes

Addiction Here Comes Addiction Here Comes Addiction Here Comes Here Comes Honey






Excused Family Guy Family Guy There Yet? There Yet? Amer. Dad Movie: King King “Annapolis” ” ce The Offi The Offi ” ce

Incredible Great Performances Health!-Joel ”” Heart ofRose PerCharlie ” fect HealthWatson Cat in the Arthur Dr. Wayne

News Off-Rockers Off-Rockers Days of our Lives Off-Rockers Off-Rockers Dr. Phil ” Parenthood ” Ellen DeGeneres Show KING News

Paid The Prog. Sisterhood Paid Prog.

Movie: Big Bang Big Bang “Biker

Dyer: Wishes Jay Leno Wild Kratts Katie WordGirl Fulfi lled ””

Paid Prog. Toddlers & Tiaras

Boyz” Browns Payne

” Business World News

Jimmy KING 5Fallon News Nightly News News




Storage Storage

Turtles Turtles

CBC News: Hillbilly The National Handfishin’

Big Bang Two Men

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Storage Storage

Turtles Turtles

CBC News ”

Big Bang Two Men

Cheer Perfection

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Earth Songs Magazine ” Inside Ed.

Storage Storage

Splatalot Splatalot

CBC News: Hillbilly The National Handfishin’

To Be Announced

Toddlers & Tiaras

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Mod Fam Storage Suburgatory Storage

Splatalot Splatalot

CBC News: Mighty Ships To Be The National ” Announced

Cheer Perfection

Amer. Dad Movie:


Law & Order: SVU

Storage Storage

My Wife Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Toddlers & Tiaras

“Eurotrip” ”

Life on Fire ”

Chicago Fire ”

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird CBC News: Mighty Ships Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ

The Sisterhood



KING News Jay Leno

Teen. Ninja 3

Peter Popoff Forbidden Paid Prog. Kingdom

SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene

CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene

Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Premier

Frontiers of News Construction Nightline

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

Crashed ice ”

I.M. Pei: Building

Daily Show Colbert Rep

” ”

A&E 1

Storage Storage Kimmel News Live Storage World News Storage

etalk Big Bang

Bomb Girls ”

Kung Fu T.U.F.F.

SpongeBob fifth estate SquarePants ”

The Ricki Doctors The ” Lake Show Chef/Home Young & Debt/Part Restless

SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada

World Poker Go On Tour Guys-Kids

Storage Storage Storage Storage

The Price Is ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy 22 Minutes KIRO News News Mansbridge KIRO ” Bold News Marketplace KIRO Heartland The Talk CBC News KIRO News ” ” Coronation CBS News Steven and Ent Let’s Make a Coronation Chris Deal Coronation The Insider Best Recipes NCIS ThisMinute Movie: Stefano ThisMinute “Happy ” Poko The Price Is Dragons’ Judge Los Judy Doodlebops Right Feet” NCIS: Den ” Judge Judy Angeles Steven and Young & Mansbridge KIRO News Chris Restless CBC News: Vegas Marketplace KIRO ”News The National KIRO 22 Minutes News CBC News KIRO News News ” Bold Coronation KIRO Coronation CBS Show News Coronation Late Heartland The Talk Coronation Ent ” ” Coronation Letterman Coronation The Insider The Border Steven and Ferguson Let’s Make a Movie: NCIS Chris Deal “Happy ” Best Recipes ThisMinute Feet” NCIS: Los Stefano ThisMinute ” Angeles Dragons’ Judge Judy CBC Den News: Vegas Judge Judy The National ” Mansbridge KIRO News Coronation Marketplace KIRO KIRO News News Poko The Price Coronation Late ShowIs CBC News KIRO Doodlebops Right News Coronation Letterman Coronation CBS News Steven and Young & The Border Ferguson Chris Restless Coronation Ent Coronation The Insider CBC News KIRO News



My Wife Mr. Young

A&E 1

Chef/Home Gangs of Debt/Part New York




Duck Dynasty

The English College nightDoctors CanCentral Pre- Bucket-Dino John News mier Football: ada ” NHL League Alumni Franklin Lennon” Dick Clark’s

App Central Corner Gas Shameless Corner Gas The Dr. Oz CTV News Show ” Dr. Phil Movie: ” “National Ellen DeGeTreasure: neresof Show Book etalk-Year in Anderson Gossip Secrets” Live ” The Marilyn CornerShow Gas Denis Criminal Corner Gas Minds App Central CTV News Shameless CTV News ” CTV News The Dr. Oz Movie: Show Daily Show “National Colbert Dr. Phil Rep Treasure: ” Book of Ellen DeGeSecrets” neres Show ” Anderson Criminal Live Minds Corner Gas CTV News Corner Gas The View CTV News CTV News ” Daily Show ” The Marilyn Colbert Rep Denis Show Movie: “National CTV News



Duck D. Duck D.

Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson

Bowl: The Talk Stanford vs. ” College The Ricki Doctors Wisconsin The Football: ” ” Lake Show Outback Chef/Home ” Young & Bowl -Debt/Part ” Restless Michigan vs. News Museum 2013 South Secrets Discover ” Carolina House Nat. Orange Global 2013 Rose Bowl: Florida CHBC”News Bowl: vs. The Talk State Ent Stanford vs. ET Canada ” Northern Wisconsin The Ricki Illinois NCIS Lake Show ”” ” College The Doctors ” Young”Los & Football: SportsCentre NCIS: ” Restless ” Angeles Outback Chef/Home 2013 News Bowl -Debt/Part SportsCentre Vegas Discover ” ”” Michigan vs. Museum Orange Global News Nat. South Secrets SportsCentre CHBC Bowl: ”Florida Final CHBC News Carolina House State Rose vs. Ent 2013 ” SportsCentre ET Canada Northern ET Canada J. Probst Bowl: ” The Talk Illinois NCIS Stanford vs. ” ” ” Wisconsin The Ricki SportsCentre NCIS: Los ” Lake Show ” Angeles ” Young & SportsCentre Vegas ” Restless ” ” 2013 News SportsCentre CHBC” News Discover Hockey The Doctors ” Final Orange IIHF Hockey Global” Nat. SportsCentre Canada Bowl: Florida ET CHBC News International Mamas ” J. Probst Challenge Debt/Part State vs. of Ent Northern ET Canada World Poker Noon News


Clark KNOW Dick KOMO Dick Clark’s * ` Primetime

The Price Is KIRO News Right Late Show

KIRO CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk ( Deal_ ”


Dateline NBC

Perry Mason Neat Freaks Excused ” ” Excused

” ”

” Law Order: Browns CI There Yet? Law Order: There Yet? CI

KCTS ” N ”

” 5th Quarter

KING News Today Backroads cont’d Paid Day Prog. New Youthful Northwest

Outback SportsCentre Chef/Home Gangs of Bowl --” Debt/Part New York

House ”

” ” WTBS A

Breakfast Paid Prog. History ” Special Call the Mid- Youthful ”

Infinity Hall Sid Science Live Kratts Wild Breakfast Daniel Tiger Special Rick Steves

College etalk-Year SportsCentre The nightDoctors CanCTV Newsin Poko CBC News Football: Gossip Doodlebops ” ada ” CTV News George S Steven and James New Chris Year’s Eve

There ”Yet? There Movie:Yet?

KING ”News Backroads ”

Superstorm 2012: Hell

Paparazzi Princess:


Potter and

Nanny McPhee McPhee Returns”

Be the Boss ” ” Zoink’d!

Moonshiners Simpsons ” Burgers ” ”

The Paris Hilton Story


Backroads Golf: Tyco ” SkillsProg. ” Paid

CBC News: Moonshiners How/Made Family” Guy fi fth estate The National How/Made Amer. Dad ” ” The OT

” The SportsCentre Kennedys

KIRO ” _


Zoink’d! “Nanny The Funny McPhee”

Down From Frontiers of News KOMO 4 the Mountain Castle Construction News



Storage Storage

” Hoppy-Deer ” of Secrets

The Marilyn Down to Denis Earth Show


PotterCab and Cash the Order Cash Cab of

European Sportsnet Poker Tour Connected

SportsCentre Entertain” ment To-

Movie:” “Runaway ” Jury” ” In the ”Heat of the ”Night Movie: The Closer ” “The Firm” Movie: ” Big Bang “Assault on Big Bang ” Precinct ” 13” Big Bang ” Big Bang ” ” Secrets Re. The Closer Sister Wives Movie: ” “Runaway Sister Wives ”” Sister ”Wives In the Heat Wives: Browns Jury” ” Re. There of the ”Yet? Night Secrets Paid Prog.

Sister ”Wives Sister ”Wives Sister ”Wives: Secrets Re. Sister Wives ” Sin City Rules Sister Wives Sister ”Wives Sin City ”Wives Sister Rules Wives Sister Sin City Sister Wives Rules ” Sister Wives:

The Ultimate Lewis ” BattleFighter ” Sportsnet Bagpipes Sportsnet Connected Connected Premier

TSN Top 50 ”

Muffin Top?

Special Survival Challenge, History With Youthful ” Ray Mears Call the Mid- Day 2 ”

News Final Hour Block ”

CBC News Poko fifth estate Doodlebops Steven” and Canadian Chris

McPhee Doubtfi re” McPhee ” Returns”

Wild Kratts

“TheBang Firm” Sister Wives Big ” Sister ”Wives Big Bang

The Paris Meltdown” Hilton Story Global Nat.

SportsCentre The News Final The CTVView News Hockey Doctors Block ” CTV News ”” ” SportsCentre Paid Prog. The ” Chef/Home The Marilyn ” Paid Prog. Mentalist IIHF Hockey Debt/Part Denis Show

Christine Classic Car Camera Diana: Book How/Made Moonshiners Birak ” Rescue ” Superstorm How/Made 2012: Hell How/Made ” Classic Car CBC News: Moonshiners ” Rescue The National ” CBC News: How/Made

“Assault on

Paid Prog. Sister Wives There The Closer Sin City ”Yet? Rules ” Movie:”

CBC WitchNews and fi fth estate the

Paparazzi Princess:

Splatalot Movie: “Mrs. “Nanny Nanny


Sister Wives Big Bang The Queen’s Football Bang13” Palaces Night inA13 Sister ”Wives Big Precinct History Paid Prog.

Superstorm Doc Zone 2012: ”Hell

CBC News:of KIRO The News Chronicles The National Mentalist Narnia: Lion, KIRO News

SportsCentre The Paris ” Hilton Story


Football: ” The OT Regional Coverage Paid Prog. Trout TV ” ” Big Bang Two NFL Men Football: Big Bang Making Regional Coverage Simpsons NFL ” Burgers Football: Family” Guy Regional Amer. ”Dad Coverage The OT News

The National ” Moonshiners Spokane Regional Tsunami: On How/Made Big Bang Marketplace ” Coverage Camera Making

CTV News CTV News ”

” Motoring


Rescue Moonshiners ” Car Classic Rescue Moonshiners ” Classic Car Rescue Moonshiners ” Car Classic Rescue Moonshiners ” Moonshiners ” Moonshiners Classic ” Car Moonshiners Rescue ” How/Made Classic Car How/Made Moonshiners Rescue ” How/Made

Be the Boss Storage ” ” Zoink’d! Storage Movie:

SportsCentre Teams TBA News GlobalFinal Nat. Block ” CHBC News SportsCentre Paid Prog. ” Holiday FesPaid Prog. ” tival on Ice


Now fi fth estate ” CBC News Now With Diana: Book ” Christine Birak News: CBC The National ” ” Tsunami: On Camera ” Marketplace Superstorm CBCZone News 2012: Hell Doc Now ” CBC News: CBC News The National fifth estate Now With ” Tsunami: On

Movie: Wipeout “Harry”

NewRapidly Tricks The ” Changing

SportsCentre The Paris Flashpoint NFL Meltdown” W5 ” Hilton ” Football: CHBCStory News

KIRO News CBS News KIRO News

Direction “Nanny McPhee” One Direction: The ” ” Only Way Is Direction Movie: “Nanny Movie: “Mrs. McPhee Returns” Doubtfire” ”” One ” Zoink’d! Direction Movie: Zoink’d! One DirecThe Funny “Nanny tion: The McPhee” Pick Only Way Is Splatalot ” Direction ” The Funny

Jimmy Storage Kimmel Live Storage

Lang & O’Leary

Hillbilly Handfishin’

Mighty Ships News ” 30 Rock

Mighty Ships The Office ” King of Hill

” Happiness Advantage

Whitney Guys-Kids

” Jimmy Fallon

Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL Monsday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking CONTRACT LOGGING Trucks Wanted! If you are a safe, reliable, and experienced driver that would like work in West Central Alberta, please call Darcy @ 403-638-6047.

Help Wanted

HAWAII ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709;

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. GENERAL FARM LABOUR req in Winfield & Oyama. No exp nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl, but are not restricted to pruning, handling compost & soil, planting thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & req working in all weather conditions. Employment from Feb 15 - Oct 31, 2013. $10.25/hr. 10hrs/day, 6 days/wk. Reply to to Sedona Holdings Ltd 1790 High Rd, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7C1 Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430 WANTED SHORT Logger and Hayrack for work till the end of March. Call 604-819-3393.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel CONDOMINIUM HOTEL 1-2-3 bdrm condominiums 8251850sq ft. Convenient Beach Access, Heated Pool/Hot Tub In-room Washer/Dryer, Flat Screen TV’s, Free Wi-Fi, Private Balconies, Daily Housekeeping, Handicapped Rooms Available. Weekly/Monthly Rates, Free Local Calls, Free Local Beach Transportation. Conveniently Located to Shops and Restaurants. www.crystalpalmsbeach 1-888-360-0037. 11605 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island FL 33706.

In Loving Memory of Joel Reimer March 22, 1979 - January 1, 2010 You were taken from us so suddenly. We never had a chance to say Goodbye. We miss you more as time moves on and can’t believe it’s been three years since you’ve been gone.

“Ride the lightning Joel, ride the lightning.”

~ All our love now and forever ~ Your Family and Friends y y

SOHAL ORCHARDS LTD. requires Farm LABOUR in Winfield & Oyama. NO EXP. nec but must be able to learn quickly. Duties incl but are not restricted to: pruning, thinning & harvesting fruit. The jobs are physically demanding & require working in all weather cond. Employment from Mar 1-Nov15, 2013. $10.25/hr. 10hrs/day, 6days/wk. Reply to Box #333 c/o Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC., V1X 7K2



Health Products GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Financial Services IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

OPENING A NEW 20,000+ SQUARE FOOT BRANCH IN MARCH 2013 Gescan, the leader in electrical distribution is moving to a brand new state of the art building that will more than triple the size of its operation in Kelowna. We are looking to add to our Gescan team; we are looking for Outside Sales Representatives, Inside Sales, Counter Sales, and Materials Handlers. If you wish to be part of our aggressive growth plans, send your resume to Gescan Human Resources at:



rLake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country Calendar Monday, December 24, 2012


Merchandise for Sale


Painting & Decorating

Misc. for Sale

Auto Financing


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Pets & Livestock


GREAT GIFT IDEA! ChillSpot is The COOLEST Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. Use promo code COOLGIFT For 10 % off! STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206

Purebred Beagles all females 9 weeks old, 1st shots, vet checked. Ready for Christmas! $450.ea (250)546-9571

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “�This is a clearance sale. You don’t want to miss!�� 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel at: 1-800-668-5422. CORT acoustic steel string guitar with cutaway, grover tuners and Fishman Pickup. Beautiful wood and sound. Must be seen and played to appreciate. $500 Call 250-517-8087 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Merchandise for Sale

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB A15 A15

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships.

Real Estate

No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271

Other Areas 20 ACRES Free! Buy 40-Get 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. Money back guarantee. No credit checks. Beautiful views. Roads surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800-843-7537

Rentals Homes for Rent LAKEVIEW, 3Bdrm house $1000. 2bdrm bsmt $650. 2 full bths, lrg livingrm, sundeck, newly painted. 250-718-1975

Suites, Lower

Quit. Before your time runs out.

COLDSTREAM Walk Out Bsmt., Sep entry, 2bdrm, insuite laundry, storage, covered parking full use of pool in summer, pets welcome, huge yard, FP,DW $1200 utils, cable & internet incl’d. Available February1st Call 250-938-8886


To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688


Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving




Roosters Barber Shop ‘Your Community Barber Shop’ Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!

Monday to Friday 9-6 (Sr’s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4



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Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Advertise your business here for



Monday, December 24, 2012 Lake Country CalendarL

Stay Active this winter

Explore and register on-line for Winter programs at by clicking on Parks, Rec & Culture and then Activity Guide

Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot, rather than Swalwell Park. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31. Dog Licence Renewal Dog licence renewals for 2013 have been sent out by the Regional District and are due by February 28th. Snow Clearing A recap of the District’s snow clearing priorities is available on the website at in the News under the title Snow Removal Update & Information. Reminder: Snow accumulations can be a real challenge. Roadside parking can significantly hamper snow-clearing efforts, particularly on the narrower side roads. Residents are asked to do their best to leave as much room for the plows as possible on the side roads.

Municipal Hall is CLOSED until 8:30 am Wednesday, January 2.

Essential services such as police, fire, water, wastewater treatment and roadway snow removal will remain in operation. Roads Emergencies: 250.317.9780 Water or Sewer Emergencies: pager 250.712.8073 Municipal facility holiday closures are planned around a time when there is low demand for services. In the long run, these closures save operation costs for the District and give staff some time to be with their families. Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2013, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

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