EaglE VallEy
District to focus on recreation and wellness Page 2
Abbott ready to return to university Page 9
Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012 PM40008236
Vol. 53 No. 52 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (HST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com
Host of angels: Athena Myers, Abby Nielson, Mykal Martin and Libby Dyck help teach the true meaning in the Malakwa Learning Academy’s production of Christ-myth Busters, performed Saturday evening Malakwa Community Learning Center. Photo by Victoria Rowbottom
Disaster-related expenses to be less than anticipated Financial plan: District budgets $1 million, though final cost estimated to be $245,000.
By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
The District of Sicamous is budgeting $1 million for expenses related to flooding, though the actual bill should be substantially less. Council has approved an amendment to the district’s financial plan to reflect the estimated total cost of response and recovery, $1 million, related to the Two Mile Creek debris flow and subsequent flooding from Mara and Shuswap lakes. As district financial services director Ruth Walper explained, however,
the $1 million is not representative of the final cost that will be borne by the district. She said that will be closer to $245,000, offset by insurance claims and Disaster Financial Assistance Funding (DFA) through Emergency Management B.C. “If we do not have money in our budget, representing the cost, it’s considered an illegal expenditure and the officers of the corporation are responsible for that until council determines that it should be in the budget,” Walper explained. The provision of potable water,
totalling about $150,000 is one of the expenses the district is expected to cover. Walper said district claims for DFA funding for this cost have been turned down by Emergency Management B.C. But Mayor Darrell Trouton said the district plans to appeal. Other anticipated costs facing the district are the restoration of the road to the landfill, as well as Mervyn Road. Staff is estimating these will be another $150,000 total. Walper also noted that not all
claims have been submitted, due in part to staffing issues with the Shuswap Emergency Program. She said SEP staff are now dedicated to getting claims processed by the end of 2012. “It’s not just the District of Sicamous, it’s also the City of Salmon Arm as well as the electoral areas that were affected by the flooding,” said Walper. “So there’s a considerable amount of work being processed through SEP. We were able to get some funding to cover an employee to assist for
a month on getting our claims to SEP.” Council expressed relief that the district wouldn’t be on the hook for the whole $1 million. As for the $245,000, Walper said the district has $20,000 budgeted for disaster expenses. Staff will be looking to capital works projects for additional funding, including a $160,000 public works project planned for the road heading north from Solsqua bridge, which was put on hold in anticipation of disaster-related expenses.
A2 www.eaglevalleynews.com
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 Eagle Valley News
Government forces school district cuts Need Help? Challenge: School board must find $600,000 in current budget. By Tracy Hughes
Eagle Valley News
A letter from the minister of education brought little in the way of holiday cheer to members of the School District #83 board. The board was informed by Don McRae, the newest education minister, that the school district will have to scrape approximately $600,0000 out of this year’s budget, which was passed last May, in order to cover provincially mandated wage increases. The school board has also been put on notice that this amount will be doubled for next year. Every provincial public-sector employee whose contracts expire on or after Dec. 31, 2011 falls under
the B.C. government’s 2012 Co-operatives Gains mandate. This means the province is not providing any additional funding for wage settlements and the increases must be found within current budgets. “We certainly weren’t very happy and across the province, boards are not happy,” says Bobbi Johnson, school board chair. “We have closed schools, cut staff, re-done our transportation system — we run a pretty tight ship. There’s really nowhere to turn without cutting programs and that means taking away services from kids.” In addition, the budget reductions must be found by mid-January so the provincial bargaining unit can start talks with CUPE for its
contract that expired in June. The school board made a motion at their last regular meeting to send a letter to the min-
say we have serious concerns,” says Johnson. But Johnson explains the government’s policy will also apply to
We run a pretty tight ship. There’s really nowhere to turn without cutting programs and that means taking away services from kids. Bobbi Johnson School District #83 board chair
ister asking for answers to trustees’ questions, as well as expressing their concern about their ability to meet both the requirements and the deadline. “To have this hit us mid-stream when we’ve already got everything allocated... Let’s just
other employees, which will require additional budget adjustments. “The teachers are going to want the same (wage increase) and the principals... And when roughly 80 per cent of our budget is already devoted to salaries, there’s not a lot of
places to look for these so-called savings.” Adding additional pressure is the government directive that states budget savings must not be generated by transferring costs to the public or by reducing service levels. “To be clear, generated savings obtained by boards must not negatively impact the delivery of educational programming for students,” writes McRae in his letter to boards across the province. The North Okanagan-Shuswap board is hoping for further clarification to come quickly in order to attempt to meet the government’s mid-January deadline. The issue will return to the board table at the regularly scheduled meeting on Jan. 8.
Council supports waiving of 2012 tax penalties By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
The district will be asking the province to waive outstanding 2012 property tax penalties as requested by a dozen residential and business property owners. Council’s position to support the requests to waive the penalties totalling $13,147 followed significant debate, and was supported unanimously in voting (with Couns. Greg Kyllo and Charlotte Hutchinson absent) though not vocally.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS This is a FREE listing of community events for not-for-profit organizations and paid advertisers. DEADLINE: 2pm, Fridays
Council was given four options, one to waive all 12 requests; the second, to deny all; the third, to waive penalties of two property owners, whose penalty stemmed from an error by the district; and the fourth, to waive penalties for properties selected by council. Coun. Terry Rysz argued in favour of the first option, recognizing it was a unique year in that the majority of requests were from people impacted by this summer’s flooding. Coun. Fred Busch, however, favoured option C, excusing only
those cases where the district was at fault. “I think not only are we setting a bad precedent and setting ourselves up for future claims, also, you have to realize that because we didn’t receive this money, that then perhaps we have to go into our line of credit to cover some of the expenses that ordinarily would have been covered by the people not paying his or her taxes on time, or people not paying at all.” Mayor Darrell Trouton also expressed apprehension about the first option.
December 24 - Candlelight Services at Sicamous United Church. 7 pm. All are welcome December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. 6 pm at the Sicamous Bible Church, Corner Hwy 97A and Kappel Street December 24 - Christmas Eve Service. 7 pm at the Shuswap Community Church, 905 Parksville St. Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday- Sicamous Lions Club meets at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre, 1090 Shuswap Ave, Sicamous. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone Welcome. For info contact Joan at 250836-4876 or Kathy at 250-836-3267 Every 1st & 3rd Wed.- Parkinsons Support Group at First united Church. 20 - 4th Street SE, Salmon Arm at 10 am. Contact Doreen at 250836-2509. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. Eagle Valley Photography Club starts on Oct 17. Everyone welcome. 7 pm at the Red Barn. Every 4th Mon.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 7 p.m. Third Sunday of the month -Regular meeting of the Eagle Valley Artisans Guild. 3:30 pm - Red
“I do like option D, because some of these people came in late and have paid their taxes now, but they’re still sitting on it… there should be a penalty. And that’s in play now…,” said Trouton. District financial services director Ruth Walper concurred with Rysz, stating it was an exceptional year. She explained this is reflected in the fact the requests were forwarded to council, as normally she warns those requesting their tax penalties be written off that there’s little likelihood of that happening.
Barn, Sicamous. Guests welcome. For info contact Terry Sinton: 250-836-4613. Every Monday and Thursday -Chairbiotics (low impact exercise) Seniors activity Centre 10:00 am. Join us. $2 each. Every Mon. & Fri. - Bridge, Seniors Activity Centre, 1 p.m. Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-8329700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Tues. & Thurs. - Carpet Bowling at the Seniors’ Activity Centre at 1 p.m. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven. Every Wed. Wednesday Arts for Everyone. 10 am - 3 pm starting September 5. For info contact Juanita at 250-836-3019 or Gail- at 250-836-5472 Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm.
“Normally, we would tell people you have this option, but our recommendation is going to be that it be denied, so lots of people don’t bother to apply,” said Walper. “We did not do that this year because of the exceptional situation that we had here in Sicamous. That is why there is such a large number of requests this year.”
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unshine S AWARDS
Thanks you to the Keepsake Kwilters for making my the beautiful quilt! ~ Dolly Sjodin **** A huge thank you to all of the Eagles Fans, Staff and our loyal volunteers who gave so generously to the Boxes of Hope and the many who had some fun with the Toque & Mitt Toss. All proceeds go to the local Sicamous Food Bank. Happy Holidays from the Eagles & Crew ~ The Sicamous Eagles
Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed!
New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Seniors Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre - upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652 Every Thurs.-Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome.
Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m., Sicamous Health Unit. Every 3rd Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:30 in the Malakwa Hall. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at Catholic Church. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club, Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! Every Sat. - Outdoor market – back parking lot of Sicamous Legion $10/space. No booking required. No required start or end times. Every 1st & 3rd Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Royal Canadian Legion #99 at 7:00 pm. Every 4th Sun. - OAPO Birthday Tea for members & friends, Seniors Activity Centre, 2 p.m. Last Saturday of every month -Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion #99 Ladies Auxilliary dinner 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 26, 2012
www.eaglevalleynews.com A3
Cariboo resident hero in semi collision rescue The occupants of a semi tractor trailer were taken to hospital in Salmon Arm after their vehicle ended up in a ditch Sunday, Dec. 9. The incident occurred at around 11:30 p.m. east of Sicamous on the Trans-Canada Highway near Enquist Road. Police say the driver of the westbound tractor trailer unit lost control, crossed the centre lane, went across the road and into a ditch. There, the trailer end of the unit flipped up and landed on top of the tractor, which then caught fire. The vehicle’s occupants were rescued by South Caribou resident Ted Sawyer, who witnessed the accident
from his rearview mirror. “The truck was [sliding] sideways on the road with the tractor pointed across the oncoming lane… and it flipped, and then flipped up in the air again, and then it burst into flames,” Sawyer explained. Sawyer says he braked and turned around as quickly as possible and headed for the accident scene. “I wasn’t worrying about my car too much, but I was worrying about [the truck] maybe blowing, so I kept the car between me and it to have a look, and I saw where the outline of the rig was. Sawyer decided to
jump down the steep bank, and eventually found the driver with a broken arm, his door pinned to the ground as flames grew around the passenger-side door. He wound up breaking open the windshield with his feet, and helped extract the two occupants. “I’m awfully glad that I managed to get them out, because God, that would have been horrible, and absolutely horrifying for them,” said Sawyer. “We didn’t have two or three or five minutes when I got them out of there. There were fuel lines and all kinds of things exploding and going wild.” The incident remains under investigation.
With files from the 100 Mile House Free Press.
Bridge accident
On Dec. 18, the Eagle River Bridge was once again the scene of motor-vehicle accident. Sicamous RCMP Sgt. Dave Dubnyk says the incident occurred at 10:15 p.m. An eastbound vehicle lost control while travelling over the Trans-Canada Highway bridge east of Malakwa. It slid into the westbound lane where it was struck by a passing truck. Dubnyk says both vehicles were severely damaged, and were left blocking traffic on the bridge. BC Ambulance Ser-
vice paramedics and Eagle Valley Rescue Society members were required at the scene. “The lone occupant of the eastbound vehicle and both occupants of the truck were taken to hospital with non-lifethreatening injuries,” says Dubnyk. The highway remained closed for two-and-a-half hours, and reopened at around 1 a.m. The cause of the accident remains under investigation. Police are reminding everyone that current weather conditions are causing slush and ice to build up on highways, “so motorists are urged to take their time and drive relative to road and weather conditions.”
District welcomes recreation and wellness co-ordinator By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News
West Martin-Patterson is on a mission to bring recreational and wellness opportunities to, and for the community. Actually, it’s more than a mission – it’s his job as the District of Sicamous’ new recreation and wellness co-ordinator. Martin-Patterson’s mission statement – recently approved by council – is to “facilitate and provide recreational and wellness activities that enhance and promote social, cultural, health and general well-being of residents and its visitors,” and to work with community partners to provide “the most comprehensive and inclusive programming for the community.” “I think one of the key things for my department, and for me as co-ordinator, is to listen closely to the community in developing new opportunities for recreation and wellness programming,” says Martin-Patterson, whose curriculum vitae includes being a program co-ordinator for Axis Family Resources in Castlegar, from where he recently moved, a recreation co-ordinator
for Selkirk College, as well as for a long-term care facility. “And I’ve been involved in sport with Tennis BC, where I helped develop their school program in the Lower Mainland, and I’ve also been a community rep for Tennis Canada for the West Kootenays for the past six years or so,” says Martin-Patterson. What drew MartinPatterson to the position in Sicamous? He says he liked the opportunity it offers to shape a program from the ground up, one that will suit the community. However, he was also attracted to the community’s natural assets, which he will certainly be making the best use of. “I really enjoy a lot of the outdoorsy-type stuff,” says Martin-Patterson. “I like hiking, biking, being out in the wilderness and in the water and all those sort of things. Those are the things I see as strengths for Sicamous. This is an outdoor person’s paradise. So I definitely think we need to tap into those things. Not that we aren’t already, but just continue to do so.” One of the first projects residents will see from the rec and wellness co-ordinator is a
guide book that will benefit locals as well as those who might be interested in locating in the area. “If you’re looking at a community that you
West Martin-Patterson want to be part of or move to, one of the first things you’ll do is look at a recreation guide and find out what kind of programs and opportunities there are out there for you…,” says Martin-Patterson. The guide will also include questionnaires, giving users an opportunity for input. Mayor Darrell Trouton says he and council are thrilled to have Marti-Patterson onboard. He views the co-ordinator as someone who will bring long-term stability to community programming. “Even though there’s lots of different programs going on out there, a lot of the public in general doesn’t know about it, so we need to get the word out and
work together, and at the district level we can support that,” says Trouton. “Because we’re having lots of families, lots of people moving out of the community because we don’t have those facilities for them, we’re just not organized in that direction. He brings something to the table that we don’t have currently, and this is kind of part of the plan of moving forward.” Along with the guidebook, Martin-Patterson is already working on a few programs he’d like to get up and running, including drop-in volleyball and
basketball. Not surprisingly, he’s also assessing options for tennis. Yoga and spin (cycling) classes are also being looked at, as is zumba. Although, one of the challenges he’s already run into is finding local instructors. “So possibly, what we might do is offer to train somebody and then they might sign a one- or two-year contract,” says MartinPatterson, adding he’d prefer to train someone locally instead of bringing someone in from out-of-town, as that way, “it’s a little more sustainable.”
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A4 www.eaglevalleynews.com
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 Eagle Valley News
Tragedy warrants a difficult but needed discussion
he horror of the mass murder at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., will resonate for some time to
come. The fact the killer targeted 20 little boys and girls among his victims only lends more gravity to the incident. The shooting spree was the worst ever committed in an elementary school in the United States and was, as President Barack Obama noted as he spoke in Newtown on Sunday, Dec. 16, the fourth such mass shooting at a school during his four years in the White House. While Americans continue to debate gun control and try to explain why their country alone is plagued with so many repeat incidents, the rest of us are left to determine how to explain such horror to our kids. On Friday, Dec. 17, Salmon Arm’s Bastion Elementary put out a letter for students to take home. “We are all horrified and affected by the school shooting in Connecticut and I know after the shock, our thoughts turn to our own schools and our own students/children,” writes school principal Alan Harrison. The letter makes assurances about school safety protocols, encourages parents and guardians to protect elementary-aged children from exposure to news media images and stories relating to the shooting, and offers advice on how to listen and watch for signs your child might need support. While it may be advisable, as the letter suggests, to limit your child’s exposure to social media and news about the Newtown mass murder, we would hope teachers are adopting an open-ear policy for students who wish to talk about the tragedy and ask questions. Yes, it is terrifying, but we can all help place everything in perspective. -Kamloops This Week /Salmon Arm Observer
NDP leader seeks balance with business
By Tom Fletcher News Columnist
VICTORIA – NDP leader Adrian Dix has completed year-end interviews with members of the legislative press gallery. Here are highlights from my discussion with him. TF: On the Kinder Morgan oil pipeline expansion proposal, federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair says the federal environmental process would have to be strengthened before a project like that could get a thorough enough hearing. Do you agree? AD: The B.C. Liberal government has signed an equivalency agreement that says the federal decision is the provincial decision on these projects. If it applies to Enbridge Northern Gateway, presumably the B.C. Liberals would apply it to Kinder Morgan.They could have done a joint process, where [the final decision] would have gone to both cabinets. They chose instead to give up jurisdiction. They were so afraid
of making any decision on Northern Gateway that they sent it over to the federal government. So what we’ve said is within a week of coming to office, we would end that equivalency agreement, and British Columbia would make decisions about both Enbridge Northern Gateway, which applied in May 2010, and any other pipeline, including the Kinder Morgan proposal, for which no application has been made. Obviously it would have been desirable for everyone had they chosen a true joint review, as they have in Site C [dam proposed for Peace River], as they did with Kemess North [rejected mine expansion proposal] and other cases. TF: You don’t want duplicated review processes here, you just want a provincial cabinet say in the decision? AD: That’s right. TF: On your relationship with the B.C. Federation of Labour, your caucus is considering a proposal that B.C. should once again
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2009 WINNE
PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Leah Bousfield PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison
do away with secret ballots for union certification. AD: The B.C. Fed makes a case to the government on a series of issues on employment standards every year. Labour law, every year. WorkSafeBC, every year. Trades and training, every year. With respect to [accepting signed union cards for certification], it is a democratic process that the Newfoundland Conservative government just put into place a few months ago. So it’s a proposal from the labour movement and we’re looking at it. For most of B.C.’s modern history, since World War II, we’ve had that cardcheck system in place. The question would be whether [returning to that system] is a priority for this term in government. TF: So those kinds of things will be made clear in your platform? AD: Absolutely. TF: You picked up some serious money from the business community at a fundraiser in October. Is that some kind of a record
BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
for the NDP? AD: [Laughs.] It might be a record, I don’t know. I think the business fundraiser we did at the Hotel Vancouver netted $350,000. I think what it reflects is, this year I’ve had about 230 meetings with the business community. The purpose of it has been principally to build understanding, particularly on issues of skills training. With the priority I give to skills training, I think I’m much more attuned to their concerns than the government has been. TF: I suppose that kind of success in fundraising might make it more difficult to follow through with your pledge to ban corporate and union donations. AD: I don’t think so. The B.C. Liberal Party has a very high level of corporate donations as a percentage of its total. We’re overwhelmingly dependent on individual donations. We get support from unions, but it’s not even close to what people would think.
Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 26, 2012
www.eaglevalleynews.com A5
Trail alliance an asset to the Shuswap As a long-time advocate for community development through not-for-profit work, I would like to give kudos to the Shuswap Trail Alliance and the leadership that has made it a successful model for regional planning around trail building. Regional planning is not an easy accomplishment, even between local governments sharing interests, needs, economy and a
physical environment such as Shuswap Lake and watershed and the benefits and challenges that come with it. The Shuswap Trail Alliance has literally, from the ground up, brought every community and culture in the Shuswap/North Okanagan together to create the following: a network of trails that provide opportunity year-round for healthy family activity, a reconnection to our
natural environment, a heightened sense of responsibility for the environment, an enhancement to the local tourism economy, a template for not-for -profit, government and aboriginal community partnerships as well as,widespread volunteerism around a common purpose. Provincial and federal governments increasingly recognize the critical role played by not-for-profit so-
cieties and charitable organizations in developing services for and around communities. The fact that not-forprofit organizations can access a variety of funding sources, including private and corporate-sponsored donations not available to regional and municipal governments, makes them huge assets to development in all communities. Organizations like the Shuswap Trail Alliance
have, and will continue to provide, significant employment locally with the support and co-operation of local governments. I wish to thank Phil MacIntyre-Paul and his team of hard working, passionate volunteer leaders for the amazing work they have done in our regional district and local municipalities. You are an inspiration to many. Pam Beech
Ottawa to end home-grown medical marijuana By Kevin Diakiw Black Press
The federal government is poised to eliminate licensed medical marijuana grow-ops in homes that have long been criticized over safety concerns and connections to the illegal drug trade. Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced Sunday a planned shift to a new system of federally regulated commercial producers of medical pot who will supply authorized users who have a prescription from their doctor. “Under our new rule, only facilities that meet strict security requirements will be able to produce marijuana for medical purposes,” Aglukkaq told a press conference in Maple Ridge on Sunday. The new system – which also ends government production of medical pot – is expected to come at a sharply higher price for the nearly 26,000 users authorized to possess medical marijuana. Local authorities have argued most medical pot home growers are producing far more plants than they require, suggesting rampant abuse of the program by licensees selling into the illicit market. The Fire Chiefs Association of B.C. (FCABC) said the change will improve safety in residential
neighbourhoods. “The fire service across Canada has been raising the alarm about the fire and safety risks associated with growing marijuana indoors for many years,” said FCABC President Len Garis, who is also Surrey’s fire chief. Garis stressed that the fire service has never been concerned about the use of marijuana for medical purposes. “Our focus is on how medical marijuana is grown,” he said. “The fact is, medical marijuana has typically been grown in a residential setting, which is
not suitable or safe for growing marijuana.” Under the previous regulations, medical marijuana grow operations operated without their local municipal government’s knowledge or approval, and were not subject to health, fire, building or plumbing inspections. Taking marijuana production out of homes and into a licensed commercial environment is a step in the right direction, Garis said. “We are happy to see Health Canada commit to inspecting and auditing medical
marijuana producers to make sure they comply with all regulatory requirements,” he said. “We would like to see them take a further step and ensure that all previous residential growing sites are remediated, and that future buyers are made
aware that these homes were previously used to grow marijuana.” Health Canada said it intends to implement the system by March 31, 2014, at which point all current licences to possess or produce pot would expire.
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• Attendance at SASSC meetings (approximately once per month) and to assist and guide the development of the Shuswap Agriculture Strategy; and, • Attendance at community consultation meetings and to assist in soliciting public comments during the development of the Agricultural Strategy.
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• To develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) and select a Consultant to work in collaboration with the Committee to complete the Shuswap Agriculture Strategy;
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word of mouth for your information. Turn to the newspaper for accurate, complete, up-to-date coverage of national and local events.
The Shuswap Agriculture Strategy project is meant to support the growth of the agriculture sector of the Shuswap region in order to create a sustainable agriculture economy, promote protection of agriculturally capable land, and to integrate existing economic and land use policies into future CSRD strategic plans. Tasks of the Committee and members include:
that are suffering
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Interested individuals in the City of Salmon Arm, the District of Sicamous, the CSRD Electoral Areas C, D, E, and F that are interested in participating are requested to forward a completed Expression of Interest form by email, post, and fax or in person before 4 PM on Friday January 4, 2013 to: Robyn Cyr, Economic Development Officer Columbia Shuswap Regional District PO Box 978 Salmon Arm BC V1E 4P1 Email: rcyr@csrd.bc.ca Phone: 250-833-5928 Fax: 250-832-3375
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From the staff at the Salmon Arm Observer, Shuswap Market News and the Eagle Valley News AD ASSISTANT
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 26, 2012
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Don’t Drink & Drive Be safe on the roads this holiday season - if you’re drinking, plan ahead and find another way home.
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Attitudes toward drinking and driving are changing. Most people agree that drunk driving is not okay. But many people think they’re okay to drive after a few drinks.The fact is, it doesn’t take much alcohol to impair your driving. Just because you’ve only had a couple of drinks doesn’t mean you’re okay to drive. BC’S DRINKING·DRIVING LAWS ARE NOW TOUGHER New drinking-driving penalties under BC’s Motor Vehicle Act came into effect on September 20, 2010. Police in BC can now issue an immediate roadside prohibition to an impaired driver with a bloodalcohol content (BAC) Don’t Dr ink a nd Drive! of .05 or higher. (The BAC is based on a breath sample into a roadside screening Marine device.) The vehicle the person is www.tastructures.com driving can also be Don’t Dr immediately taken ink a nd Drive! off the road and Be safe over the impounded for three holidays to thirty days. Costs Junior Hockey Club related to these offenses can add up to an estimated $600 to $4,060 - even if Don’t Dr it is the first time a ink a nd Drive! driver is caught.
SKYLINE TRUCK STOP Ph: 1-250-836-4949 Fax: 1-250-836-4950
Don’t Dr ink a nd Drive! Season’s Greetings 525 Main St. Sicamous BC (250) 836-4567
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breathalyzer test could also result in criminal charges. IF CONVICTED YOU WOULD • be prohibited from driving for at least a year. • pay way more for car insurance. If you drove while prohibited or suspended, your car could be impounded for a minimum of 60 days.You would also be subject to a $500 fine, jail time and more driving prohibitions.
DON’T GAMBLE WITH YOUR CAR INSURANCE If you drive over the legal alcohol limit or under the influence of drugs, ICBC POSSIBLE CRIMINAL may not cover you under CHARGES your Basic Autoplan. Failing or refusing a If you crash while drinking and driving, you’re likely Don’t Dr ink a nd Drive! in breach of your insurance policy. That means you Your Outdoor Adventure Store! could be personally 1314 Nordin Court Sicamous, BC • 250-836-2541 responsible Don’t Dr for 100% of ink a nd Drive! the costs if you damage Call the “FREE MOOSE SHUTTLE” someone Thurs., Fri & Sat 5 - 10 pm else’s property 250-253-9999 or injure them. 1122 RIVERSIDE AVE.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 Eagle Valley News
Gardens should inspire peace There is more to life than increasing its speed – Mahatma Ghandi A few years ago, my friend gave me a gift with an inscription on it that read, “At Peace in my Garden.” Hah! My daily routine is to get our kid off to school by eight, and then hit the garden running until the afternoon bell rings at 2 p.m. Snacks are woofed down and lunch is usually missed. Afterschool time was often spent working a walk in where I could pick up more rocks, sand or whatever I needed. All appointments were scheduled and errands run after school lest I lost precious work time, and if I had to miss some, I’d catch myself cussing under my breath, even if it was going to be fun. Preparation time for meals were designed to be as quick as possible and housework was done in the evenings. Utilizing and orchestrating every spare moment of my time to work and keep up in my garden was the name of the game, and I had it down to a fine art. In Des Kennedy’s delightful book, Crazy About Gardening, he writes, “Gardeners can suffer from a chronic inability to be in the
Gaia GardeninG margo westaway
present moment.” I am guilty as charged. I have barely stayed present over the years with our daughter while bouncing on the trampoline because I was getting a 360-degree birds-eye view of all the areas that needed tending to, and the strategic-planning session would kick into gear. A casual garden walk with her or a visitor always seemed to degenerate into weed picking along the way and two conversations going on simultaneously – the verbal and then the non-verbal task list grinding away. Rather than relaxing and enjoying a cup of tea and the view out of my kitchen window, the inevitable “gottado-this, gotta-do-that” record would spin merrily away in this silly head of mine. Allowing myself to stray away from being present all these years has robbed me of not only time with people that are
Kelyn Opel
important in my life, but from just enjoying the surroundings I had created and the beautiful plants and flowers that grow in them. Now, after 14 years of busily putting in all these gardens and rock walls, I had unwittingly created a monster that now requires constant taming, maintenance and time all year round, so flying madly about at high speeds was my daily modus operandi. But now, I suddenly find myself a grounded gardener. It just so happened that I was not only growing plants, but also a large ‘bud’ at the end of my nose (maybe sunscreen and a hat are good advice after all) requiring three consecutive surgeries to repair it over the next two to three months. The first surgery is preventing me from doing anything that still needs to be done around here because I’m under orders to not exert myself – and this is driving me crazy. But, at the same time, it has become an opportunity to at least attempt to be ‘at peace in my garden’ too. All I can do now is wander about and take stock of my handiwork, read some of those good gardening books and magazines, eat mindfully and hang out
more with my family and friends. It’s a forced time for me to stop and smell the roses, but it took a medical situation to do it. In Donna Sinclair’s book titled, The Spirituality of Gardening, she prints a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson who says, “Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.” So stop and be still once in awhile to enjoy your gardens and listen to the bird song from the trees. Our gardens demand a lot of our time for sure, but they are also a joy, and are meant to be enjoyed – by you.
Position: Forward Home Town: Parksville, BC Age: 19 Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 160 Prev Team: Dawson Creek Rage (NAHL) Hobbies / Interests: Motorcross, fishing Personal Hero: Tyler Ennis Goals / Objectives: NCAA Scholarship Favorite NHL Team: Edmonton Oilers Favorite Player: Tyler Ennis Favorite Music: Country Favorite Food: Ribs What do you like best about playing hockey in Sicamous: The fellas
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Free Christmas Tree Disposal!! Thursday, December 27 to Tuesday, January 15
At ALL CSRD landfills and transfer stations, bring your live trees during regular operating hours. Please ensure ALL decorations are removed.
Also: Free Christmas Light Recycling December 1st to January 15th Drop them off for recycling at any CSRD landfill or transfer station in the Shuswap (excluding Seymour Arm) during regular hours of operation.
Sicamous and District Rec Centre
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SICAMOUS & DISTRICT RECREATION CENTRE SCHEDULE ICE SURFACE - WEEK OF 26 DECEMBER 2012 Salmon Arm: 5 pm - 6 pm MONDAY DEC 24 Pee Wee: 6 pm - 7 pm Public Skating: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Midget: 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS
WEDNESDAY DEC 26 CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS THURSDAY DEC 27 Public Skating: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FRIDAY DEC 28 Public Skating: 9:00 am - 10:30 am Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm SATURDAY DEC 29 SUNDAY, DEC 30
Rec Centre Gym open 8:00 am to close. Full Membership: $20. Check our new website: www.sicamousreccentre.ca
Happy New Year
from all the players, coaches and staff Sicamous & District Recreation Centre
Eagle Valley News Wednesday, December 26, 2012
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Abbott ready to return to post-secondary instruction By Barb Brouwer Eagle Valley News
Shuswap MLA George Abbott concedes that he’s pretty much over his 34-year addiction to politics. While he’ll continue to represent his constituents until the provincial election in the spring, Abbott is excited about embarking on a new career. On Jan. 9, the former political science professor of then Okanagan University College will again stand before a group of university students to teach Political Science 365, a course that focuses on B.C.’s political economy, politics, government, economic development and policy development. “All of those have been central to my life for the past 17 years, starting in local government and most intensely in big ministries like health and education,” Abbott says. “I’ll be relaying my experience to (University of Victoria) students who may some day be in politics, or more likely find their way into the public service.” When asked about a return to teaching, Abbott refers to Confucius, considered to be China’s most famous teacher, philosopher and political theorist, who advised “choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” “Teaching is not just enjoyable, it is often magical to teach generally younger people some of the things going on in the world,” Abbott says. “I am hoping I still feel the same way.” In terms of the province’s $1.47 billion deficit, which is reported to be much higher, Abbott says that while questions are better directed to the finance minister, he can say that rules put in place in 1996 make it impossible to “fudge the books.” Abbott points to other issues that have contributed to deficit issues in the province – a collapse in the American housing industry which affects B.C.’s forestry
industry, lower demand for natural resources due to the recession in Europe and a glut of natural gas in North America. “As a small trading economy, what happens in the rest of the world affects us. If the rest of the world goes into a tailspin, B.C. will reap the whirlwind,” he says. “Sometimes we like to amplify our problems, but we’re safe compared to many other places.” In terms of highs and lows for Abbott and his government over the past year, the local MLA says one of the very good things that occurred was collective agreements between most of the public sector unions and government – most of them net zero. “There is relative labour peace in the province,” he says. “For me, a mediated solution to the BCTF (B.C. Teachers Federation) dispute was certainly a high. The dispute itself clouded our abilities to build a better relationship between government and unions.” And therein lies Abbott’s choice for mostchallenging issue. “I had hoped as the
Back to school:
Upon his departure from politics in the new year, Shuswap MLA George Abbott will be returning to the front of the class to teach political science at the University of Victoria. Photo by James Murray new minister of education two years ago to build more constructive and collaborative relationships,” he says. “We made some small steps in that direction with early discussion about a BC Teachers Council and public policy, but all of it went sideways when we entered phase one of the strike. If anything, it went backwards.” But Abbott says British Columbians need to keep in mind that the province has one of the best education systems in the world. He adds many schools are do-
ing a great job but need to share and learn more from one another. Abbott admits the health ministry – a portfolio he filled for four years – was hard on his own health. “People will have adverse reactions and sometimes they die, and sometimes people take it personally,” he says, admitting death threats were not uncommon. “The average lifespan of health is one year, three months. I don’t regret it, but it was tough on my health.” Abbott says health continues to pose big
challenges, some of which are related to demographics. “We are going to continue to become an older province for the next 10 to 20 years; this is not going to be an easy nut to crack,” he says, noting the minister of health and government have taken some steps forward, particularly on primary care and prevention. Abbott says British Columbians have to start thinking about their own health and health care and contributing lifestyle factors – smoking, drinking obesity or lack of exercise, for example. Weighing in on the proposed Enbridge pipeline, Abbott says he “wouldn’t bet the family” on the project proceeding. He notes that regardless of the National Energy Board hearings now underway, considerable challenges remain, including a number of First Nations issues that will need to be resolved. As he segues into a new career, Abbott says his perspective is changing from that of a politician to one of a political scientist. “As a political scientist, you have to look
at issues in a different frame and certainly as I teach classes, I will be just as critical of government…” he says. “My perspective will continue to shift as I move on to what I hope to do, teach part time and also work on pub-
lic policy as a faculty member.” As he hands over the MLA office to a candidate to be chosen in early January, Abbott says the Shuswap is fortunate to have five candidates, and he supports them all.
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Make the right call BC One Call: 1-800-474-6886 FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.1 12/2012)
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 Eagle Valley News
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