CASTLEGAR NEWS You Ho o op Fo h W k w h M chae O Conno n de he We Koo ena Ad e e
Thursday, December 27 • 2012
Rauni Naud
Mm M
Vol.9 • Issue 52
Breaking news at castlegarnews com
2012 in Review
• RRSP RR G C T SA • n u n • n m • H h n u n • Annu •E & n n P nn ng
The Castlegar News takes a look back at what made headlines in the last year TLEGAR NEWS CASTLEGAR NEWS C AS C ASTLEGAR NEWS NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
250 365 0484 aun naud@sun e com
Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
the Week ope For Your Horosc l O’Connor inside ser Adverti with Michae Kootenay the West
ary ď™„ď™Œ ay, Janu Thursd
news at
Advisor, of the Million Table Dollar Round
What’s so smart about the new meters? See Page s 14 & 15
Rauni Naud
n Retentio Businessnsion pilot and Expa See Page 2
• ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™…
Naud RauniMember
Breaking news at
Thursday, February ď™… • ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™… Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round Table
Issue  Vol.ď™Œ •
Mutual funds oered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.
•RRSP’s, RRIF’s, GIC’s •Life Insurance •Health Insurance •Annuities •Tax Free Savings Accounts •Income for Life
back at Looking Games Summer 17 See Page
Vol.ď™Œ • Issue ď™ˆ
Thursday, March  • ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™…
Rebels gain weekend split with Leafs See Page 19
Rauni Naud
Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round Table
Mutual funds oered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.
Doubling up on fun and learning
•RRSP’s, RRIF’s, GIC’s •Life Insurance •Health Insurance •Annuities •Tax Free Savings Accounts •Income for Life
Tel: 250-365-0484
Breaking news at
Vol.ď™Œ • Issue ď™„ď™ƒ
Girls take centre stage Choice art ups for in hoop action sale in town See Page 27 See Page 13
We s t K o o t e n ay REAL ESTAT E
Your Horosc with Michae ope For the Week l O’Conn the West Kootenay or inside Advertiser
Thursd ay, Apr il ď™ˆ • ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™…
Rauni Naud
Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round Table
‘It’s not about wages,’ say striking teache rs
news at castlegar Eco-Cha llenge un derway at area sch Vol.ď™Œ • Long-se Issue  oo rv See Page ls Kamloops ing Rebel off to 3 See Page 19
Mutual funds oered by Sun Life Financial Investmen (Canada) t Services Inc.
•RRSP’s, RRIF’s, GIC’s •Life Insuran ce •Health Insurance •Annuities •Tax Free Savings •Incom e for Life Accounts
Tel: 250-365-0484
Mutual funds Sun oered by Life Financial t Services Investmen Inc. (Canada)
Moving day
Tel: 250-3 65-0484 rauni.naud@ sunlife .com
RRIF’s, GIC’s •RRSP’s, ce •Life Insuran ce Insuran •Health ts Accoun •Annuities Savings •Tax Free e for Life •Incom
Jo-Ann Bursey 65-0484 Tel: rauni.naud@
Mountainview Realty Ltd.
for sculp tures
Jo-Ann Bursey
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
Bursey Jo-Ann
ry .A live Dey night lex on Frida plex omp Castlegar the Com Cats at Columbia Ave 1004 ir photo Thunder 16. Jim Sincla ton Valley 250-365-3244 story page . See full st the Cres home again st Beaver Valley again Friday at legar on on the road er for Cast on Saturday winn ime game won in overtime s the overt rate ls also hour for nson score The Rebe s cur$2.80 per Tyler Robi
681m 4.8 30century nview
Win For the
suppor l offers Counci
rvice l taxi se t for loca
Saturday, A Sing & Swim event was on
joined Mother Jan.28th at the pool, where families
.95 17
Jo-Ann Bursey
ery liv
ilabl Ava
ar Castleg Ave
P ds RM 5oo 7Aom e G
at H
council and seseven people took ad- with on the budvantage of the oppor- nior staff tunity to learn about get." Chernoff said the and have The City of Castle- the budget of to provide public has plenty gar held a public the chance opportunity to engage meeting on Tuesday feedback. looking at city staff and council"You're Community the foat seven people lors at both public Forum building to go maybe social said Castle- rums and using reover the 2012 budget here," Lawrence media and other and five year financial gar mayor sources. . plan. Residents were Chernoff phone, the ere's "Th "The thing is evencouraged to mingle talks about there's the website and talk with coun- eryone and (www.castlegar. ca), cillors and city staff communicationoppor- there's Facebook, every regarding the up- there's People inter-mingle there's Twitter. coming budget. Only tunity to
Castlegar News Reporter
don't need to do it in person, they can do it privately," he said. Andre Buss, The city's director of finance, gave a slide slow presentation detailing the proposed budget. In addition, the walls of the forum were decorated with posters detailing the breakdown of the different sections of the budget. "The next step is
Issue ď™…ď™… Vol.ď™Œ •
uation 12 Grad SHSS 20Section tureWalk llout New Scupns in town Pue Page 13-20 attractio See Page 3 Se Breaking
 • ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™…
news at
Rauni Naud
Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round
Rauni Nau
Mutual M nt Services Investme GIC’s, TFSA’s RRIF’s, for Life • RRSP’s, • Income • Annuities • Life Insurance Insurance • Health & Financial Planning • Estate
DOM N ON MACKLEM MORTGAGES TOLL FREE 1 877 878 5484 PH 250 365 7808 FAX 250 365 6577
1004 Columbia Ave
Continued on P. 12
Located Halfway Between Trail & Castlegar
PH: 250-365-7808
FAX: 250-365-6577 RREAD@DOMINIONLENDING.CA Tel: 693-2227 WWW.RREAD.CA Genelle 1-877-693-2227 Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Vol.ď™Œ • Issue 
Olive tree symbolizes Sunfest schedule bursting Russian at the seams peace See photos throughout See Page13
May 31
Thursday, July ď™ˆ • ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™…
The crown changes heads
Trail Between www.homego 2227 Tel: 693--693-2227 1-877 ay Genelle
took place June Craig Lindsay photo
Lockhurst. program sure,� she said. “I just The Perseverance on to Perehud- the pageant lected out of 12 candi- crown girls. I tried to be myself and Award went to Kyra the cheers of the and the other CRAIG LINDSAY dates who performed off to the best. do the best I could.� Speech runcandidates and wish them all Castlegar News Reporter The Queen Com- Graham. in categories includ- other I love them all.� Training ner-up was Hailey speech, the crowd. Perehudoff won the mittee talent Leeza Perehudoff ing talent, “I didn’t know what in recogni- Gardner, while gown, and an top award in both the Award, responsibility, runner-up was Alyssa was crowned Miss evening question. to think. It was such tion of I’m pageant’s best talent Miss FriendCastlegar 2012 Friday impromptu moment. Martini. ort eff amazing and was DeGit dedication at the Miss Castlegar Danielle thrilled and best speech catas chosen by her during the five month ship, Miss Castlegar honoured and pageant at Stanley named fellow candidates, was Miss Castlegar egories. be was to program, training “It was a lot of pracHumphries Second- Princess. Perehudoff. Ashlee Martini. Incumbent Maria 2012,� said a lot of pres- awarded to Kennedy ary School. “I’m so thankful for tice, and the passed Soukeroff sePerehudoff was
for 2012
pageant Emotional culmination to glitzy
Continued on P. 7If
000 Li quidat
Rauni Naud
Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round
A family business serving Kootenay families since 1950
Limited time offer.
Located Halfway Between Trail & Castlegar
May 31 to June 17, 2012
On the purchase of ÂŽ qualifying KitchenAid Major Appliances.
FURNITU Tel: 693-2227 Genelle 1-877-693-2227 Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Vol.ď™Œ • Issue 
Thursd ay, Aug ust ď™†ď™ƒ
inued on P.
of the Million Mutuall M Dollar Round funds f d o ered Table Investme db by S Sun Lif nt Services Life Financial (Canada)Fi i l • RRSP’s, Inc. RRIF’s, • Life Insurance GIC’s, TFSA’s • Income • Health Insurance for Life • Estate & Financial• Annuities Planning
250.36 rauni.n 5.0484 aud@s unlife.c om
t funding boost
necessary gar News Reporter items the colle on ge’s Selkirk “It’ll help to-do list. announce College has us to put in some d it has ceived fund new reing in the ogy, fix sometechnolamount of Mountainview Realty Ltd. for upgr of $556,000 safety issues for the ades as workplace the 304.8681 of the prov part and ernment’s incial gov- dents,â€? he said. “We’ going to investmen re in B.C.’s post-secon t the areas fix some of Jo-Ann ary d- upgr that need Bursey infra The upgr structure. standading to curre ades will nt ards. As ensure Mountai infra nview well, and oper structure we’re going to addr 30 Realty Ltd. ess jo-ann@ 4.868 tems will ation sys- a couple of century 1 Craig Lindsay photo function maintenance capital m at optim RENEE READ year at al levels this at the Castlegar issues MORTGAGE BROKER Castlegar pus and camDOMINION MACKLEM Nelson and 10th the Nels MORTGAGES on Street “We receicampuses. PH: 250-365-7808 The colle campus.â€? FAX: 250-365-6577 one time ved some ge is also RREAD@DOMINIONLENDING .CA 117.7mm from 2005. ing in CRAIG LINDSAY the sprin funding in going to make WWW.RREAD.CA the mid-60’s.â€? I can’t really modi- Fire Castlegar News Reporter The previous greatest come 38mm in the span of SPECIALIZING IN: helpful,â€? g - it’s very fications to its RENEE R Lakeman crews the previous high for • REFINANCING • NEW MORTGAGES/PRE libra APPROVAL MORTGAGE EAD total monthly amount have been said there up with anything as about five hours. That • HOME EQUITY LOANS Graeme, said Angus system at Castlegar ry at a hous from the Kootenay June of 23 from 1981. several fac- to why it happened. BROKER • 2ND & 3RD MORTGAGES • MORTGAGE Those who have of precipitation DOMIN e ďŹ re in make it Selkirk RENEWALS to ION following Tuesday we China Cree Boundary Regio lege presi more was tors contributing to ColACKL Un s u r p r i s i n g l y, MORTGM been going around 195.1mm “The AGES EM k. One “We want modern. our systems had another about TOLL FREE: from De- the excessive CEO. “We’ dent and ďŹ reďŹ ghter nal Fire Departmen temperatures 1.877.878.5 saying, ‘this is the cember rain. that came through it to be phone werePH: 250.3 more of was injure ve had t 484 20mm. The abnormal- also of system.â€? infusion 65.78 1966. FAX: “It’s relatively com- were noteworthy an d. For detaiwere on hand a Th 250.3 08 most rain we’ve ever learn signifi cantly in com 65.65 our capit RREAD “The mons appr ing gove e college and to our annu in ity, if you will, is the cooler ls visit www Thursday morn 77 normal mon to get a number funding. @DOM al INIONLE al budget. had!’ were not exag- amount rnme than normal.WWW the sense that they amount .castlegar ing .RREA NDING.CA of rain for the of significant $556,000 The number said Graeme. oach,â€? nounced nt also an- But I’m certa of rain that The average D.CA With weather brought up what gerating. The South- month inly apSPECIAL daily want is preciative “We recently • . IZING REFINANCIN less I came in those short high to mod is 65.7mm,â€? systems in the total. Normthe grand Submitted G • NEW MORTGAGEIN: $457 a week how than MLA of temperature• was east Fire Centre is re- said month call photo S/PRE APPROVAL ‘concentrated spans was so to go 2ND & 3RD • HOME EQUITY LOANS ally, we and convert ernize it fund ,000 in one-time time money this one- class Ron Lakeman, of June,â€? he would get MORTGAGE Katrine heavy. 3.2 degrees cooler until is S • MORTGAGE it to more to said. “It’s surges of moisture.’ ing will porting that June saw weather es start Conroy of some RENEWALS a pleas If , Grae 21st centu Those weren’t the than be used the real trainingaddress says wher forecaster twofold here in the neigh to the greatest amount of for normal. This is the we look back to the enrolmen me Liberal ed to see the in the need bourhoode brary and learn ry li- trainoffer short-ter the Southeast Fire amount of of $350 t is governm m emp community thats similar to rain that’s weekend of the 23/24. only systems of note coolest ing in the precipitation experi- Centre. ing en,000. So vironmen inves loyer last “It’s the great- come with these either. There was one monthly maximum adde region. The colle t. The it’s year. tion ting in educent “There’s d some enced on record. With est sys- Starting on the Friday temperature tified as s have idenge expe still amount of rain in tems and amoney big one, and it’s other create at the beginning of during to that. in the room high a near 227.7mm of rain, the June since seats in a cts to related to safety region. for imprsome It’s a very According needs.â€? men “It’s month of June. less procession end- night we had some June and one towards 1991. welc varie of as great ove- she fields over ome well, ty t. I’d June 2012 was 350 It’s of sys- thundershowers that Record daily to a also the com- government said. “We’ news,â€? the end of the month.â€? mean maintenanrelief to our update to the is an ing year, enrolmen like to see per cent higher than amount the greatest tems. As to the bigger produced 20mm minimum temve been phone system lease, B.C. press resaying ce defi ts cont inclu of of Th that precipitae in adm number for to ding cit question inue of we have expand. Castlegar peratures (the coolest of the cause rain. Saturday inistrativ years that taxpayers normal, crushing the tion We’ve are prov we need . We It’s kind late days with measur. e of any month of the whole erate in alrea more average daily temperprevious record of since thing - morning/early aftersix camp op- that work dy done early childhood skills, $26 milliiding close to become job one of ey in we began record- that’s up for able and some the trade moncatio uses precipitation ature) were recorded all eduon in Nels dispute. noon we had another s and on. tion n, and introduc- kirk’s oper for Sel- lege of us at the for things this month equalled on the ings are of our build- We’ll be going to like colations to prac to really 6, 7, 9, and 26. aging and VOI (Voic year quire exten look at skills, and espeadmin re- Proto e over Inter P ing, along tical nurs- allow - including this our prog for prac cially sive main with trade ram an col). It’ll net foun tenance tical dation s infra ance for general ings and the offerand upke - low us al“It’s great nursing. structure to incor health of our ep.â€? Graeme “Those programs. pora they’re extra mon said the more safety featu te monies are one time tenance - up main- need programs. (We recognizing that we to) look again, $20.3 milli from res cross off ey will help around each at how need to keep FURNITURE we’re mark on in 2001 phone. not ongoing,â€? they’re 02. Th It’ll mak some of for seats eting - enga kids in e num e for a Graeme. the more said ging stude and gion this reefficient much pushing “I’m always funded stude ber of come at the nts to nt spaces colle use of to at for Nancy LeRose the the ge.â€? Conr Betty Smitheram ongoing college. college and more oy is I’d like increases creased over has in- rolm to see that en- to see monalso glad Tel: 693-2227 Genelle 1-877-693-2 ent six per ey becent over ing inves 227 www.homegoodsfurnitur increase continue to that time Located Halfway Between Trail campuses ted into the over time . & Castlegar Kootenay themselve .â€? Monday to Saturday 9:30 am to s. 5:30 pm West Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Thurs Dave Ramsden Cont
No doubt about it – June was
a record-setting soaker
China Cr eek res ident’s disaster
A family business serving Kootenay
families since 1950
Day Wee
The Mos t Wonde
rful Tim e of the Year
Sara Gattafoni
y to Saturd Monda to 5:30 pm 9:30 am Sunday pm to 4:00 11:00 am
day Aug 9:00am - 5:30p30 m Friday Aug 31 9:00am Saturday 5:30pm 9:00am Sept 01 - 5:30p m Sunday Sept 02 11:00am
Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
pe For the
Thursday, November 15 • 2012
Issue  Vol.ď™Œ •
M m
Rauni Naud
n in Nelso news Breaking ans march Castlegari er  • ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™… parade for welly, Septemb Thursda s tribute al citizen pridePage A9 ou igi est e loc Pr known e Page A17 Se Se
Advisor, Member of the Million Dollar Round
Breaking news at
inued on P.
Weekend works Fitness facility at Twin Rivers wonderfully for Rebels Park now functioning See Page A22 See Page A2
• RRSP’s, RRIF’s, GIC’s, TFSA’s • Life Insurance • Income for Life • Health Insurance • Annuities • Estate & Financial Planning
Rauni Nau
Advisor, Member
of the Million Mutuall M Dollar Round funds f d o ered Table Investme db by S Sun Lif nt Services Life Financial (Canada) Fi i l • RRSP’s, Inc. RRIF’s, • Life Insurance GIC’s, TFSA’s • Income • Health Insurance for Life • Estate & Financial• Annuities Planning
Your Horosc with Michae ope For the Week l O’Conn the West Kootenay or inside Advertiser
news at castlegar Mental, verbal sp big hit atarring a SHSS Vol.9 • Issue 49 co Gi See Pagellege gets rea rls basketball sq dy to co A5 A2 mpete uad 3
Saints’ w in strea k equals SUBMITT ED
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
5.0484 250.36 aud@s rauni.n
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountai
time t. 4 u nextďŹ rst bell on Sep - see yo the al summer ool yard fun before o osa
So long
1 68 4.8 21castle 30century nview
878.54 08
informed and was as well as , three equent by Buss Dan Rye the subs respectively. Councillor ,000 of years, ity was assessed the prior “up to $750 the Based on ,000 in that ly in dealing with area; 1) assessment on n, s. $750 the propertierper- clear , renovatioex- value of downtownreview and business tly existing alteration an merce. a , of the d unde of • Com nsion - work save sligh in Many woul rationale, ber of terms the establishmentto ben- or expabusiness prop 00 son could that of In basic isting eligible more than $40,0 year stand h had initiatives of be number LAIR whic the six may areas bylaw, JIM SINC Editor deterio; erty tax exemption taxes over that would given first and efit other News nt and a in community Castlegar received reading on ings are span. The idea bylaw vaca g properties ng for the ultabuild rtaki d the cons w core. ratin • the unde to re- (neweligible to apply be to revie A public subject of secon10, is an incen is soldowntown if the the business. of initiatives Council the plan the ess. not a tax exemption Tax July asked tion on for busin ). ction Ady d profor tive Dire more d be the this bylaw idly behin a RevitalizaBylaw was ed The city’s Andre tain ested by bylaw woul under and learn (as sugg s endorseExemptionday evening tor of Finance video up with d, d that, mote came woul a imou ula Buss They held Tues of the City Buss narrated a bylaw The form exemp- unant of first and sec- from Mr. the idea of it certainly in advance ’s regu- presentation on to the offers business- allow for six men reading in July. if passed, the a legar on r ring cove that break of Cast cil meeting. topic, refer Ady asked would be... for one. 100 ond a tax s as tions to Stuart lar coun milestone ing people improvement year period, with of new city’s website person ptions A14 owners The one presen- suchstrategic plannthis on d on P. expansion. per cent exem three why ings could not the the Continue first fits, build from meetings early ities and/or taking in enterprise for the (aside 80, 60 get in on the bene prior their n byand of then tatio the , for cil, staff year, when including: ness If and when (possi- years 40 per cent faircity coun were set, seemed family busi A y is adoptedOctober and law tena idea. media) as n g on the Stuas soon serving Koo 1950 an c i ly sold n was • e n h the bly al of The perso dent of families since Halfway presi the appe Located & Castlegar art Ady, legar ChamTrail Between the Cast
ian anad eat
sale the Gr
prop vite� p e-v t with “r
k to sch ts get bac ry studen Elementa
or effo l makes Counci ers Twin Riv
Set from
mons All Sim lity Qua
UP TO% Top tresses Mat OFF PLIES
www.homego 2227 Tel: 693--693-2227 1-877 ay Genelle y to Saturd Monda to 5:30 pm 9:30 am Sunday pm to 4:00 11:00 am
304.8 681
jo-ann@ century m
ir photo Jim Sincla
TOLL FREE: 1.877.878.5484 PH:
Nat ona kudos for Cast egar
FAX: 250.365.6577
Mrs. Marjorie Culley places the Mother’s Wreath at the Cenotaph during the Remembrance Day ceremony.
Several hundred people were in attendance Sunday for Castlegar’s Remembrance Day ceremony which took place at the Cenotaph at Kinsmen Park. The ceremony be-
David Leffelaar plays at Remembrance Day gathering. See more photos on Pg. A3 and at www.castlegarnew Craig Lindsay photos
Solemn service pays tribute to brave
Castlegar News Reporter
y 9:30 am to Saturday to 5:30 pm Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Rauni Nau
t Services Mutual M Investmen GIC’s, TFSA’s RRIF’s, for Life • RRSP’s, • Income • Annuities • Life Insurance Insurance • Health & Financial Planning • Estate
www.homego gar Tel: m Genelle 693-2227 1-877-6932227 Monda
Thursd ay, Dec ember 6 • 2012
Lest We Forget
Mutuall ffunds M d o ered db by S Sun Lif Life Financial i l Investment Services (Canada)Fi Inc.
Table Dollar Round i l of the Million Lif Fi Financial Sun Life Inc. by S Advisor, Member o db d ered (Canada) l ffunds
A family business serving Koo tenay families since 1950
Locat Between ed Halfway Trail & Castle
Vol.9 • Issue 46
250.36 rauni.n 5.0484 aud@s unlife.c om
Bursey Jo-Ann
9:30 am to Saturday to 5:30 pm Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
king new s at castl More tha egarnews .com n 100 pla pete in loc rs comal socceye Vol.ď™Œ • “Viciou Issue ď™†ď™ˆ r tou See Page rney saves thesâ€? answers the bell and College A17 Se day e Page A5 to ge
Rauni Nau
Advisor, Member
Emily Ashton was one of several dancers from Scottie’s School of Dance in Castlegar who performed with the Trail Pipe Band last Wednesday at the Kinnaird Concert in the Park. The poplular series runs each Wednesday evening until Aug. 15 in the ideal surroundings of the park. Admission is free but donations, which go to the entertainers, are accepted. Showtime is 7 p.m.
www.homego gar Tel: m Genelle 693-2227 1-877-693-2 227 Monda y
Your Horosc with Michae ope For the Week l O’Conn the West Kootenay or inside Advertiser
Leaping lassie light on her feet
Locat Between ed Halfway Trail & Castle
• ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™…
Your Horoscol O’Connor inside er y Advertis with Michae Kootena the West
at castlegar
Watch for W m ming our upco
Beau Taylor
puts Selkirk up 1-0 (#71) agains putting away a t UVic on great pass Saturday. from teamm ate Craig Lindsa Cody Fidgett y
Limited deck op
250.3 08 65.65 77 @DOM
photo gan with a parade the Cenotaph .RREA NDING.CA D.CA for the Linda Brommeland SPECIAL • REFINANCIN march led by Parade service IZING R.M. Buie, Barry F. lence • NEW MORTGAGEIN: which was read the honour BC HYD for those• 2NDlost.•G HOME S/PRE APPROVAL Commander EQUITY LOANS roll: Cleeton, Ted Foxlee, RO & 3RD MORTGAGE Com- MC’d by Comrade Press releas S • MORTGAGE The Placing ity Upgr L.A. Appleton, Ar- Roy F. of RENEWALS rade Leuan Gilmore. Bob e ade Proje Foxlee, R.S. Wreaths began Brommeland thur J. Killough, which with ct, to Taking part in the and included H.G. is sche Please the Navi messag- Slater, W.T. Slater, Horswill, Walter A. Mrs. Marjorie Culparade were Legion es from gatio that the be advised to be complete duled Lock Houston, C. Ken- ley Mayor Law- Carlton by placing will remanal the Chadwick nedy, Virgil Riley, members and vet- rence over the dam deck 2015. This proje late open in and Mother’s Chernoff necessary ct is south through Wreath. Hugh erans, RCMP, Fire a representative and Nash, George Carse, Samuel Keen Saprunoff. L. to ensu leysi Following entrance, the for John McDavid, Jack the Fighters, be open de Dam will dam safety and re cept durin Trumpeteer Cadets, MLA Katrine Conroy. exDa- ceremony, marchFraser, Dalton Mac- vid Leff g Navi to and many others. from 8 to the public ensure that elaar played ers paraded back Following during tional Lock outa gathe Arthur, Douglas Mcto After the march, messages, p.m. dailya.m. to 3:30 high flows BC the Last Post which the ges. We than Hydro Legion branch Legion Donald, Earl Mulk you for everyone gathered at president day, Dece from Mon- can continue to was your followed by cont for Comrade hern, George Owles, warm stew inued supSunday, mber 17 to discharge flood safely port two minutes of si- and hot beverages. ters whil January downstreawa- important e these As of 6.  Please Monday, January safety note that m. improvem always 7, the ents A family business as deck will during dam are access completed. serving Kootenay If you to be close continue closures, BC have any d for the will continue Hydro or questions families since 1950 duration conc to way Gateof the Spill- the dam deck open contact erns, please Located Halfway to publ me s Relia Between Trail & Castlegar bil- safe ic when it the at 250.365.45 directly is to do so. 65 Access email at mary or by Tel: 693-2227 coules@bc anne Genelle 1-877-693-2227 . . Monday to Saturday
ening at HLK
9:30 am to 5:30 pm Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Starts De
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a Matt Luongo The Selki Connor feed. Saints close rk College McLaugh “It tipped hom lin close was good 2012 sched d out their e a Justi to ule on Sat- Sotkowy n of ourout the first half urday schedule nigh on the point shot bang. Th t with a with a comp power-pla midway y -- we lete team effort the B.C. e team tied through got Intercolle perio Hockey giate lead d to extend the all four goals from League recor of our the ward to two, and for the d lines and forLogan longest Proulx adde lar seaso regu solid d another performances n win strea - just 1:23 on the at 12 game blueline later off k nice and s by a set-u feating With the in goal.� UVic by de- mate Jacksp from linewin, the score at a 6-1 Saints tied on Garr Thomas ett. the BCIH Recreatiothe Castlegar L Hardy, record for the in n longest regular The Saint Complex. back his first game season from came alive s’ offence injur y, ning streak origi winand Maso ond perio in the secset by nally n Spea capped UVic r the Taylor andd after Beau 2007/08 during in the the scoring season. had trade Mark Prest third They’ll have to “We came period. for a tight d goals in wait the out of the gates minutes. opening 20 to set a opportunity tonight a little slow coni start Nick Cecthough, new record, but the found as the putting ed the rally, their legsguys now break team Selkirk the secon s for colin lege ahea 2:16 into d the framd and really dicta period days exams and holiwhen he e speed before retur ted and temp the to the a loose banged home ning puck from ice the game o side of from thereof 12th againon January the creas the says st Simo ,� Frase Saints e off coac r head Universityn h Jeff . Dubois. Continue d P. A1
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Perehudoff. The ceremony to Miss Castlegar 2012 Leeza Soukeroff hands over the crown at Miss Castlegar 2011 Maria weekend. See photo gallery 1 as part of the annual Sunfest
Urban ch icken id ea presen ted at ci ty
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choice $ .95 Heaton-Shersto b- elivery Ava +tax D ilabl e itoff supports the A at deck Castleg trailer was teachers’ ar position.1004 Colum the temp 250-36 bia Ave orary home “The teachers have 5-3244 last Satu rday as to do what they have the 2011 Sculpture to do,â€? she said. “You Walk collec tion was have union conmoved from its CRAIG tracts that you have downtown LINDSAY Castlegar Castlegar having acce News Repor to go to the table in digs. ter eggs. He ss to fresh by the mayo At Cast also gave good faith and neJim Sincla slide legar’s city ir photo a r, council show of RENEE R council gotiate something. several and staff. Hop MORTGAGE EAD April 2, meeting on different coop efully, young they can carpenter B DOMIN ROKE s keep I think the teachPeter R for “Th ION ing the poul . e lowka date this accommoMORTGMACKLEM response ‘Hey, this is gave a Wu- your back AGES try from by allow ers are in their right PH: 250-3 sentation a great pre- ing idea. Whe yard inclu in people to ing has the commun 65-78 FAX: chickens 250-3 on have 08 re dan ity been to strike to get RREAD A urban chicken 65-65 chickens with one?’ Idea can I get @DOM in their a fair 77 he had frame model said Wulo very good,â€? WWW INIONLENDING. “I understan yards. lly, I just .RREA built hims them or out hiding want to Wulowka farming. and equitable deal. wka. “I D.CA CA â€?SPECIAL d there over is their show “I had elf. noth • REFINANCIN IZING IN: thou talke 300 abou neighpeople bours ing a really ght the • NEW MORTGAGE d t the man signa Heaton-Shersto S/PRE APPROVAL the bylaw specific in -•G HOME good idea • 2ND & EQUITY LOANS y bene- sentation went pre- them calling in and in eight busin tures and fits of raisin about disal if they getting bitoff is fortunate 3RDinMORTGAGES • MORTGAGE around lowing esses RENEWALS a can including g chickens said Wulowka well,â€? fi it town chick ne.â€? the A crow themselve do ideal . I had ens, but wards. “It aft , of cour that her husband is s, great ly If not, seemed er- 30 peop d of about (coo chicken tract se, it I can prov . brought it should be le watc like the was well a seasonal worker, up and hed Tota p) on display or that servi ide there recei prese put
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Jo-Ann Bursey
2. Jim Sinclair photo
Jo-Ann Bursey
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in support of their teachers on March
allowed to hand out “We would like to information sheets. see them take back “This work stop- Bill 22 and let us barpage is for three days gain for a full settleand then we will see ment,� said Brydon. what happens after “We’re wiling and that,� said Brydon. we’ve made con“We’ve been in job cessions. Th e govaction until Septem- ernment has not.� ber. We were doing Brydon says the our job and it wasn’t teachers are not strikhurting kids. Then ing for more money. the government de“It’s not about the cided that it was time money,� she said. to step up and they “It’s about teacher introduced the bill.� rights and class sizes, BCTF mem- and the composibers throughout tion of those classes.� the province voted Castlegar city unanimously to councillor and mothstrike after a vote er of two schoolon Feb. 28 and 29. aged children Sue
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Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
Breaking news at
School joined a widespread school walkout
are very concerned “The response about the legislation has been great, � she that the liberal gov- said. “Lots of people ernment wants to honking. We do feel pass - Bill 22,� said supported and we’re Geri Brydon, Kin- going to ask for connaird Elementary tinued support.� union staff represenThe B.C. Labour tative and grade two Relations Board ruled teacher at the school. on Feb. 28 that teach“This bill strips teach- ers in the province ers of their rights, could legally strike it robs them, and for three consecuit hurts kids. We’re tive days this week, hear for the kids.� and one day per week Brydon and sev- after that. Bill 22, if eral other Kinnaird passed, will make teachers were set up any job action illegal. at the corner of 24th Teachers were not Avenue and Colum- allowed to block or bia Street from Mon- picket outside of any day until Wednesday. school. Th ey were
Top Of The Line Maytag Dishwa sher
Teachers from Castlegar, and throughout B.C., were on strike Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The teachers gathered at locations throughout the city to display information signs and hand-out leafs. The strike is the latest escalation in the teachers ongoing struggle with the B.C. government for a new contract. “This is a work stoppage because we
News Castlegar
Students at Stanley Humphries Secondary CRAIG LINDSAY
Castlegar News Reporter
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draft stage. Chernoff says there will be another budget forum in February where citizens will have another chance to engage council and city staff. Final approval for the budget is expected in March. "There's lots of options to look at the budget and participate," he said.
we're asking for the public's input and there's every opportunity," said Chernoff. "Like anything else, the public needs to seize that opportunity and say, 'hey, I will participate in the forum.' It doesn't even matter if it's this forum or online. It doesn't matter how you participate - just participate." The budget is in the
A family business serving Kootenay families since 1950
Craig Lindsay photo
Tel: 693--693-2227 1-877 ay Genelle to Saturd
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Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
News/Business/Community 2,012 dollars come in most handy around the end of 2012
Shopping Spree! Colleen Kalnins was the big winner of the Castlegar News win $2,012 in 2012 contest. Despite all the snow, Kalnins went out with Castlegar News employees Craig Lindsay and Chris Hopkyns on Dec. 20 and received gift certificates totaling $2,012 from several participating Castlegar businesses. Kalnins was thrilled to win the contest and said she loves shopping locally and supporting local businesses. Craig Lindsay photos
Andre’s: Colleen with Jim Davidson. The Gift Box: Colleen with Pat White and Lisa Sherbinin.
Rona: Colleen with Tony Bergner.
Kootenay Market: Colleen with Dan Rye.
Canadian Tire: Colleen with Nick Ahlefeld.
Gifts from the Chilliwack Chapter Local Lions club members pose on Dec. 21 with a shipment of gifts from their Fraser Valley affiliates. The toy trains (about 50 pieces) were shipped here at no charge thanks to Lordco and will be distributed as gifts by the Castlegar and District Community Services Society (represented by, front row from right, Clarice Coulson and Sandi McCreight.) Pictured Lions members include Connie Lew (front left) and, standing, from left, Sheldon Radtke, Kirk Duff, Luc Lafreniere, and Leo Byra.
Snow much?
Castlegarians will appreciate a reduction in snow volume. Shelly Stetsco photo
Jim Sinclair photo
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Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A3
Record-setting snowfall set the pre-Christmas stage CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
It was the non-stop nature of the pre-Christmas dump that was most noteworthy. Jim Sinclair photo
Any thoughts of Castlegar not having a white Christmas season were pretty much gone by the wayside after the huge dump of snow the area received on Wednesday (Dec. 19) which set a record for snow fall level in December for Castlegar. “We had 34 centimeters of snow during the 24 hours of Dec. 19,” said Ron Lakeman, weather specialist for the Southeast Fire Centre. “That 34 centimeters is the greatest one day December snowfall on record.” The former record was 33.4 from Dec. 10, 1995. The greatest one day snow fall of all in Castlegar was 43.7 cm from January of 1969. “We had another six centimeters through the day Thursday, then we had one and a half last night (Thursday night) with a bit of rain,” he said.
“The greatest one day snowfall of all in Castlegar was 43.7 cm from January of 1969.” Ron Lakeman, Souteast Fire Centre “The big dump, of course, was Wednesday. The amounts that occurred after were definitely lighter. Temperatures have moderated enough that what we’re getting now is wet snow mixed with a bit of rain.” Lakeman says the reason for the large snowfall on Wednesday was a big system from from the coast. “It was a very large, slow moving frontal system,” he said. “It was a system that came in from the coast and the amount of snow was largely due to the very slow movement of the system. More commonly they move across in a relatively quick fash-
ion as in you’ll get a period of maybe six or eight hours of precipitation, whereas this was almost a steady 30-36 hours of precipitation. The temperature was such that is was largely snow. The temperature was slowly coming up during that period. But 90 per cent of what fell was in the form of snow. The temperature didn’t come up until the end. We didn’t mix over to rain until the evening (of the 19th).” Lakeman said Castlegar residents could expect more systems. “None of them look as large as the system of recent,” he said. “But each one will produce some precipitation. The dilemma now is that the temperature is mild enough that it will be rain at times. It will likely go back and forth between wet snow and rain. Our temperature will probably hover within a degree of the freezing mark.”
Health-care employees support agreement SUBMITTED
MLA welcomes constituents
����������������������� ��������������������������������������� Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy held a holiday open house at her office in Castlegar on Thursday. Despite less than ideal driving conditions, many constituents dropped by for some festive treats and to chat with Conroy. Pictured with the MLA (second from right) are, from left: Jen Kardash, Jon Van Vliet and Bill Whitehead. Craig Lindsay photo
loans for all purposes
VICTORIA - Employees in the largest health care bargaining association have voted in favour of a new agreement, reached under government’s Cooperative Gains Mandate. Employees represented by the Facilities Bargaining Association voted in
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favour of a new twoyear agreement that includes a modest three per cent wage increase, ensures job security and realizes savings through administrative efficiencies in the benefit plans. The agreement was reached under the B.C. government’s 2012 Cooperative Gains Mandate. The
mandate gives public sector employers the flexibility to find savings from existing budgets to fund modest wage increases in a way that does not add pressure to the government’s bottom line, does not add costs for taxpayers or ratepayers, and does not sacrifice services to British Columbians.
Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Local citizens concerned about smart meters Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
A group of residents from Grandview Heights in Castlegar is concerned about the potential effects of smart meters if they are installed in the West Kootenay. “We are a core group of concerned citizens joining with other concerned groups such as the Citizens for a Safe Technology, who have already initiated legal action calling for these smart meters to be stopped,” said spokesperson Cliff Paluck. FortisBC is preparing to apply to the B.C. Utilities Commission
(BCUC) for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure program. Should they get approval, FortisBC will replace all existing meters with advanced (smart) meters. According to the FortisBC website, the Advanced Meters will keep rates lower and allow the company to service customers better and quicker. BC Hydro has already begun replacing their old meters with smart meters throughout much of British Columbia. Opponents of the meters say they are dangerous and were forced on people in B.C. without proper consultation.
“There are many health issues that need to be clarified,” said Paluck. “Neither BC Hydro nor Fortis has proven to us that this is safe technology and that’s where we’re at. “We’re being told that we are getting these smart meters and they’re such a good thing for the power system.” As senior citizens, Paluck and others from Grandview Heights are concerned mainly about the potential health dangers from the smart meters. “We’ve only been in existence for a couple of weeks,” he said. “What we’re doing is
contacting as many people as we can in the region. We’re trying to build the knowledge base in people so they can make proper, informed decisions. We would like a moratorium placed on this project until the health issues are studied and resolved.” A representative from FortisBC said the company is currently preparing itsapplication for the BCUC. “We haven’t filed this application for advanced meters yet,” said Neal Pobran, corporate communications advisor. “Once we do, we would go with a regulatory process and then end up
with a decision for whether this project would go forward.” FortisBC, which provides energy to approximately 940,000 customers in 125 B.C. communities including Castlegar and the surrounding area all the way west to Princeton, north to Kelowna, and east
to Creston, has yet to install any advanced meters and won’t until and if the project is approved by BCUC. Pobran said the company is listening to customers’ complaints about health issues. “We believe they’re safe, but we’re still following and listening
to the experts in the field like (provincial health officer) Dr. Perry Kendall who says the smart meters are safe,” he said. “We’ll go through the regulatory process. That’s where people can talk to the commission about any health risks, if they think there are any.”
Turning Pointe dancers put on a show at Blueberry School in Jan. Craig Lindsay photo
IHA rep apologizes to council over ER closure
Craig Lindsay
Castlegar News Reporter
At Monday night’s Castlegar city council meeting, IHA Community Area Director Linda Basran apologized to council for the Castlegar Health Centre Emergency Room closure on Feb. 4. “I want to be clear - none of this was intentional,” she said to council and about a dozen spectators including a few dressed as wounded patients.
“The reality was we had a situation in Castlegar that we weren’t prepared for. We have never had an emergency room closure in Castlegar before and when we did on Feb. 4, a number of steps failed along the way. Basically, the right information did not get to the right people in a timely manner. This is meant as an explanation not an excuse.” Basran explained the details leading up to the closure of the
ER and talked about what Interior Health has done to address the shortfalls made clear by the incident. “Interior Health became aware of a vacant shift on Friday evening, Feb. 3, when one of the two RN shifts had inadvertently not been scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 4,” she said. “At that point, calls were made to try and fill this shift. We were able to secure staffing for the morning, but were unable to fill the
afternoon and evening shift. All efforts were made to fill this shift including calls to 14 casual employees.” Basran pointed out that casual employees have the “opportunity - not obligation - to pick up those shifts”. “When it became clear we didn’t have a second RN available, the decision was made to close the site,” she said. “Unfortunately, information did not flow to all key personnel within Interior Health in-
Linda Basran of Interior health was at Castlegar city council meeting to explain the closure of the Castlegar Emergency Room on Feb. 4. Craig Lindsay photo
cluding communications who would have supported the distribution of this information to the community.” After her presentation, Basran took questions from council. Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff asked how many full time RN’s Castlegar had and if IHA planned to hire any more. “We have 14 casual staff and our regular staff includes 2.5 FTEs, which is fulltime equivalent,” answered Basran. “So we have two RNs on for 12 hour shifts, plus another half-time person.” “Do you think two and a half full-time RNs is enough in case one of them gets sick?” asked HeatonSherstobitoff. Councillor Russ Hearne asked Basran: “Who’s decision was it to close the ER? Who ultimately made the decision?” “I would think a number of people did from the medical staff that were on, the nursing staff, and the
frontline people who were there,” she said. Hearne pressed for a name of a high ranking IHA official who made the final decision on the closure but was rebuked. “In this particular case there wasn’t clear communication to the administrator on call,” said Basran. “In all fairness, we were in the wrong in terms of how this closure was handled. I hope we have done our due diligence to make sure that everybody ever to be associated with what goes on in this community knows their roles, knows where to take it, and knows all the numbers. I hope that helps without divulging individual staff member’s names because I don’t think that ever buys us anything.” In an interview with the Castlegar News, Hearne said he was disappointed at not being able to talk to the person at IHA responsible for the closure decision. “I thought it was
nice that someone came and offered the apology,” said Hearne. “It’s disappointing that we didn’t get to talk to the person who made the decision to explain their rationale. So we would have a chance to ask the tough questions for them. I thought it was a bit disrespectful in that the decision makers weren’t here. We weren’t even provided with the name of who it was. I didn’t expect much more than an apology. I know they can’t go back in time and redo it. We have to work to make sure in the future we don’t get this again. I think IHA has to do a better job to make sure they can cover it. With hospitals in Trail and Nelson and a health centre in Castlegar, we should be able to find the staff to do it. I respect that people get sick and injured and aren’t able to be there. But they have to have coverage. I think not having it is unacceptable.”
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A5
Rebels bow to Beaver Valley in game 7
Rebel forward Stuart Walton scores the winning goal in game 6 at the Castlegar Complex. Craig Lindsay photo
Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
Castlegar fell to Beaver Valley 5-3 in the seventh and deciding game of their Neil Murdoch division final on March 15 in Fruitvale in front of a large and boisterous crowd. The Rebels forced game seven after winning three straight after being
down 3-1 in the best of seven series. The Rebs got off to a strong start with Erik Alden and Tyler Robinson scoring in the first period to put the visitors up 2-0 after one period. “Going down to a game seven it’s always a bit of a gamble,” said Rebel coach Steve Junker. “We got the start we wanted and I felt we had
enough pressure on them. It would have been nice to have more than a two goal lead. Against a high powered offence like BV a two goal lead just isn’t enough.” BV scored three unanswered in the second period to take the lead in quick fashion. Nick Perez scored a power play marker at 11:49 assisted by Dallas
were stymied as well by Vlanich, who was named the game’s first star. Finally, Niminikin put BV up with 3:04 left in the third after taking a pass from Spear and sliding the puck past Gluck. Despite some solid chances, the Rebels couldn’t get the equalizer. Ryan Edwards put the game away with an empty netter with 13 seconds left in the game. “I’m very proud of our guys,” said Junker. “I think they showed a lot. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Beaver Valley is a great team. We can hold our heads up and feel good about it. But it’s definitely a tough one. We’d rather be playing right now.” Junker said the team showed a lot of moxie by fighting back to force game seven after being down 3-1 in the se-
Robinson scored his second of the game with 34 seconds left in the second to tie the score at 3-3 and set up an exciting third period. “(Mike) Vlanich played terrific in net for them and kept them in it,” said Junker. “The second period they got out stronger and got the first power play goal, and as everyone noticed, momentum kind of shifted there. Like every other game in the series it came down to the third period. Their offensive zone play, their big line, really had us hemmed in our own zone. We held them off and had a few chances of our own that we couldn’t quite bury.” The Hawks dominated play early in the third but were unable to get the puck past Gluck. Castlegar then had their chances but
Calvin and Christian Johnson. Ryan Edwards tied the score at 2-2 at the 11 minute mark with a powerful wrist shot that sailed past Rebel netminder Jordan Gluck after receiving a sweet breakout pass from rookie sensation Craig Martin. Mason Spear put the Hawks up 3-2 at 2:14 of the second assisted by Justin Niminiken.
ries. “It shows a lot about their character,” he said. “We talked about that quite a bit. Being down 3-1 it’s easy to get down on yourself and maybe teammates as well and maybe pack it in. We talked a lot about just taking it one game at a time and trying to swing the momentum back to our side. All we needed really was one win. That got us momentum. When it comes down to game seven, it’s exciting for everybody involved, fans alike. It was definitely that. It was cool to be a part of it.” Beaver Valley moved on to beat Eddie Mountain Division champions Fernie Ghostriders, and then beat the Okanagan/Shuswap conference winning Kelowna Chiefs in the KIJHL championship series.
RDCK / Castlegar Curb side Recycling 2013 JANUARY 2013
Curbside Recycling — Please place recyclables in a translucent bag The following items are accepted: Box Board, Catalogues, Cereal and other food boxes, Coloured Paper, Computer Paper, Corrugated Cardboard (flattened) Envelopes, Flyer Inserts, Glossy paper, Greeting Cards, Junk Mail, Magazines, Newspapers, Paper Bags, Paper Egg Cartons, Paper Plates, Cups and Napkins (clean), Phone books, Shoe Boxes, Shredded paper, Tissue Boxes, Wrapping Paper (not foil). Aluminium Cans (beverage, soup, vegetables etc.), Baby Bottle Liners (rinsed) , Bread Bags, Dry Cleaning Bags, Fruit & Bakery Clamshell Plastic Containers, Glass Jars and Bottles, Ice Cream Pails, Plastic Codes 1 through 7, Plastic Bags (including grocery and shopping bags), Plastic Bottles, Plastic Containers, Plastic Film.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs
Sun. Mon. Tues. Thurs 1 Wed. 2 3 4 Fri.5 Sat.
Do not use11 black garbage for recyclables . 10 12 13bags 15 . 16 DoDo notnot useuse black garbage bags for14 recyclables black garbage bags for recyclables Do not use black garbage bags for recyclables ..
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RDCK / City of Castlegar RDCK / City ofSide Castlegar RDCK / City of Castlegar RDCK City of Castlegar Castlegar Curbside Recycle RDCK // City of Curbside Side Recycle Curbside Side Recycle Calendar 2013 Curbside Side Recycle Curbside Side Recycle Calendar 2013 Calendar 2013 call: Concerns or Inquiries Calendar 2013 Calendar 2013 Concerns or Inquiries call: Concerns or Inquiries Inquiries call: City of Castlegar250-365-7227 Concerns or call: City of Castlegar250-365-7227 City ofManagement-250-365-6372 Castlegar250-365-7227 Concerns or Inquiries call: Waste City of Castlegar250-365-7227 Waste Management-250-365-6372 Waste Management-250-365-6372 Waste Management-250-365-6372 City of Castlegar- 250-365-7227
27 28 29 30 RDCK / Castlegar Curb side Recycling 2013 JANUARY 2013 FEBRUARY 2013 JANUARY 2013 FEBRUARY 20132013 MAY 2013 CurbsideMARCH Recycling in a translucent bag 2013 — Please place recyclables APRIL 2013 JANUARY 2013 June 2013 FEBRUARY JANUARY 2013 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. FEBRUARY Wed. 2013 Thurs Fri. Sat. Curbside Recycling —— Please place recyclables in in a translucent bag Curbside Recycling — Please place recyclables in a translucent translucent bag Sun.Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Curbside Recycling Please place recyclables a bag Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Fri. Sat.Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. ThursFri. Fri.Sat.Sat.Sun.Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. The following items are accepted: Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
RDCK / Castlegar Curb side Recycling 2013 Do not use black garbage bags for recyclables . RDCK / Castlegar Curb side Recycling RDCK / Castlegar Curb side Recycling2013 2013
TheThe following are are accepted: Box Board, items Catalogues, Cereal and other food boxes, Coloured Paper, Computer Paper, Corrugated Cardboard (flattened) Envefollowing items accepted: following items are accepted: BoxThe Board, Catalogues, Cereal andand other foodfood boxes, Coloured Paper, Computer Paper, Corrugated Cardboard (flattened) Envelopes, Flyer Inserts, Glossy paper, Greeting Cards, Junk Mail, Magazines, Newspapers, Paper Bags, Paper Egg Cartons, Paper Box Board, Catalogues, Cereal other boxes, Coloured Paper, Computer Paper, Corrugated Cardboard (flattened) EnveBox Board, Catalogues, Cereal and other food boxes, Coloured Paper, Computer Paper, Corrugated Cardboard (flattened) Envelopes, Flyer Inserts, paper, Greeting Junk Mail, Magazines, Newspapers, Paper Bags, Paper Egg Cartons, Paper Plates, Cups andGlossy Napkins (clean), PhoneCards, books, Shoe Boxes, Shredded paper, Tissue Boxes, Wrapping Paper foil). Aluminlopes, Flyer Inserts, Glossy paper, Greeting Cards, Junk Mail, Magazines, Newspapers, Paper Bags, Paper Egg Cartons, Paper 1 Boxes, 2 Bags, 3Paper 4 (not 5 Paper 6 lopes, Flyer Inserts, Glossy paper, Greeting Cards, Junk Mail, Magazines, Newspapers, Paper Egg Cartons, 2 1 Plates, Cups and Napkins (clean), Phone books, Shoe Boxes, Shredded paper, Tissue Wrapping Paper (not foil). Aluminium Cans (beverage, soup,(clean), vegetables etc.), Baby Bottle LinersShredded (rinsed) ,paper, Bread Tissue Bags, Dry Cleaning Bags, Fruit(not & Bakery Clamshell Plates, Cups and Napkins Napkins Phone books, Shoe Boxes, Boxes, Wrapping Paper foil). AluminAluminPlates, Cups and (clean), Phone books, Shoe Boxes, Shredded paper, Tissue Boxes, Wrapping Paper (not foil). iumium Cans (beverage, soup, vegetables etc.), Baby Bottle Liners (rinsed) , Bread Dry7, Cleaning Bags, FruitFruit & Bakery Clamshell Plastic Containers, Glass Jars and Bottles, Ice Cream Pails, Plastic Codes 1Bags, through Plastic Bags (including grocery and shopCans (beverage, soup, vegetables etc.), Baby Bottle Liners (rinsed) Bread Bags, Dry Cleaning Bags, & Bakery Bakery Clamshell ium Containers, Cans (beverage, soup, vegetables etc.), Baby Bottle Liners (rinsed) ,, Bread Bags, Dry Cleaning Bags, Fruit & Clamshell Plastic Glass Jars and Bottles, Ice Cream Pails, Plastic Codes 1 through 7, Plastic Bags (including grocery and shopping bags), Bottles, Plastic Containers, Plastic8Film. Plastic Containers, Glass5Jars Jars and6 Bottles, Ice Ice Cream Pails, Plastic Plastic Codes 11 through through 7, 7, Plastic Plastic Bags Bags (including (including grocery grocery and and shop3 Plastic 4 Glass 7 Cream 9 Codes Containers, and Bottles, Pails, 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 shoppingPlastic bags), Plastic Bottles, Plastic Containers, Plastic Film. ping bags), Plastic Bottles, Plastic Containers, Plastic Film. ping bags), Plastic Bottles, Plastic Containers, Plastic Film.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs
DECEMBER 2013 Fri.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri.
Pickup In Your Area Castlegar: Monday – Friday Ootischenia (S of Hwy3): Wednesday Fairview: Monday Ootischenia (N of Hwy3): Thursday Raspberry: Monday Brilliant: Friday Robson: Monday Upper Brilliant: Friday Pass Creek: Tuesday Thrums: Friday
Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Looking ahead Off the top, here’s hoping the festive season has been good for you and the folks who mean the most to you. As the accompanying items on this page illustrate – sorrow and tragedy are never too far from our consciousness, and, sadly, not influenced by the calendar or any other factor. For those of us who are fortunate, life does go on and we can only hope the conditions are more favourable as time elapses. We can also hope that, somehow, there can be some way to effectively reduce crimes of all descriptions - a tall order - but well worth aspiring to. On the horizon are some hopeful signs according to reports over the past while. Economic conditions are said by some to be on the way to an upswing. Although we’ll never know exactly what’s in store until we get there, it’s a lot more cheerful than dire predictions that our economy is about to dissolve. There is some important news ahead that’s very relevant to the West Kootenays in general, and Castlegar in particular... it involves WestJet and whether the carrier plans to begin service in and out of West Kootenay Regional Airport. Those in the know have been no more specific in terms of when we can expect an announcement, than “early in the New Year.” So, hopefully, we’ve got something positive to look forward to. As for what else lies ahead, here’s hoping it’s nothing we can’t handle. Happy New Year! We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
Fax (250) 365-6390
Off the Line - Karen Haviland
Newtown hits home I really wasn’t going to write about this. So many things have been written, so many tears have fallen, so many hearts are crushed. But I have to, because, you see, I closely identify with what happened at Sandy Hook on December 14. Much has been said about the people cruelly slain that hurtful day in Connecticut. There are pundits and politicians and those who are pro and anti-gun control, but in the end, unless there are meaningful and productive discussions, it is all for naught. I identify because someone very close to me is mentally ill. For his dignity and respect I choose to not name him. But trust me, he is ill. As a child, I always instinctively knew he was dangerous. Recognizing that he was a powder keg only a match away from exploding, I knew I had to distance myself from him. Maybe it was the many, many times he laid baby mice on railroad tracks to wait for the train to run over them, or maybe it was the cruel “games” he played. I don’t know, but even at a young age I sensed he was volatile and would one day explode into rage and ultimately hurt, or even kill, those who were close to him. And so, I chose to put distance between me and him. Craig Lindsay Reporter
Jim Sinclair Editor
“He” is the potential Adam Lanza or Jason Klebold in my life. When the horrific carnage happened at Sandy Hook Elementary, I was horrified, as was the whole world. Who kills babies? I’ll tell you, the Adam Lanzas and Jason Klebolds do. They were somebody’s sons, cousins, brothers, or close relatives. Today my Adam Lanza lives on the street and sends email missives to those he has not offended or distanced through his rantings. He believes that a god, or alien has chosen him and he has been graced with knowledge about the Mayan end. I can almost see him with aluminum foil on his head waiting for his next directive. He truly believes he is chosen and there are those among us who have graced him with knowledge. I truly believe he is mentally ill, and has been for many years. I love him because he is of my blood, and I revile him because he is dangerous and a terror about to happen. And now, we come to the crux of the matter. This person, a close person of my heart, is a product of his upbringing. I don’t believe his illness is due to nature, but rather to nurture. That’s not to say that any of the mass murderers’ parents must bear the burden and the shame of their Chris Hopkyns Publisher
Cindy Amaral Production Manager
children’s action. But rather, it is a remark about mental illness and the stigma attached to it. It’s hard to say, “The one I love is mentally ill,” or “The one who I grew up with is mentally ill.” In a way there is a certain societal and blaming shame which lingers, and so we don’t speak of that skeleton in our closet. I have such a skeleton and I fear for him and those around him every day. We must, as a nation, look upon mental illness not as an affliction, but rather as a disease. We must, as a nation, work towards caring for those who struggle, not from day to day, but minute to minute and sometimes, second to second. I don’t condone bloodshed, especially of babies. But, I do condone an open and vigorous conversation regarding those with mental illness. If we fail to do this, we can count on many Sandy Hooks in our lives. And, for me, that is just not good enough. It’s time to look at mental illness with fresh eyes and a non-biased approach. It’s time for change and we can each, in our own way, start working towards that. God bless the victims in Sandy Hook Elementary, including the shooter, Adam Lanza.
Sandy Leonard Production
Theresa Hodge Office Manager
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A7
Rotary Wine Fest sells out again
The 2012 Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Wine Festival was another big success. The event was completely sold out and featured 26 different B.C. wineries and had a safe ride home program. Craig Lindsay photo
Teachers vote to withdraw services
Phil Angrignon
Testing new drugs requires seeing how they might affect body organs like the liver, kidney and heart. They use live subjects in this testing. The National Institute of Health in the U.S. is funding research into 3-D tissue chips using living cells that model the structure and function of the real organs. Once development, these chips will be used to test new drugs and result in bringing them to market faster. The words “cold chain” refer to the need to keeping vaccines and certain antibiotics cold (2-8o C) from manufacturing to administration. This is important when shipping products overseas because half of the vaccines are lost due to exposure to heat. A new idea using silk as a stabilizer in the product will allow a greater range of temperature variations. Should be in use in about five years. We get kind of smug in Canada thinking that being overweight is more an American problem. But today, 59% of Canadians are either overweight or obese. By 2026 this is expected to reach 70%. Now is the time to do something about it. Music can have a powerful effect on people with dementia. A program called Music and Memory uses music selections that the patient listened to in past years. Using an MP3 player and earphones, the music brings back memories to these patients and helps them become more connected with the real world. Giving you the best service for all your medication needs is the main goal of our pharmacists. Hope to see you in our pharmacy soon.
Customer Appreciation Day 15% OFF*
55+ Days Everyday
Save 10%*
Last Wednesday of every Month
*Some exceptions may apply - See in-store for details
*Discounts apply to regular priced merchandise only and excludes sale items, prescriptions, tobacco, stamps, lottery, phone & gift cards.
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Memorial Scholarship, which has been awarded for 50 years to the top academic student in the graduating class. Gray also won the Leader’s Club Award, which honours a student who was a runner-up for the SHSS Award. The tribute recognizes service and citizenship; personality and academic endeavour; and leadership. Dani Wah who the Aggregate Award, which honours a runner-up for the Stanley Humphries Award. It is awarded to a student whose qualities of character andleg w eg academic endeavour have indicated outstanding service and citizenship during his or her years at the school. arnew www
council president Dani Wah and vice-president Heather Hackett gave the presentation of c and i d ate s . There were 134 graduates in total who took to the stage to receive their certificates. Helena Smith won Heather Hackett receives her Dogwood Certificate. the school’s Craig Lindsay photo top award the Stanley Castlegar Mayor LawCraig Lindsay Humphries Award. Castlegar News Reporter rence Chernoff, MLA The SHSS Award Katrine Conroy, MP Stanley Humphries Alex recognizes someone Atamenenko, Secondary School SD20 superintendent whose citizenship and held its 2012 gradua- Greg Luterbach, and personal endeavours tion ceremony on Fri- school principal Na- have, through his or day evening at Selkirk than Robinson. her years at SHSS, College. The grads Giving the vale- been outstanding. heard speeches from dictory address was Gray won the K.T. dignitaries such as Casey Gray. Grad and R.E. McGauley
C apsule C omments
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SHSS grads ready for the world
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decision to withdraw from voluntary activities was not an easy one. “We love doing our extra-curricular work,” he said. “We do this with a great deal of regret but why would you volunteer to do extra things when your employer treats you in the manner that we’re being treated?” Some of the activities that could be affected include coaching, grad ceremonies, science or math fairs, clubs, and field trips.
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Teachers throughout B.C. voted last week 73 per cent in favour of withdrawing extra-curricular activities. A total of 21,625 teachers voted yes, while 7,846 voted no. “It passed with a solid majority in the province,” said BCTF Kootenay-Columbia president Andy Davidoff, adding that the local results are not announced because there are so few teach-
Davidoff said the vote result and any job action is in response to the government’s Bill 22. “If you ask yourself: how far could your employer push you and intentionally choose to treat you poorly?” he said. “Devalue you and demoralize you by passing demeaning legislation eroding your work conditions and collective agreement rights. How far would you have to be pushed before you stood up?” Davidoff said the
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Castlegar News Reporter
ers here compared to the coast. “It’s a provincial result we look at,” he said. “Basically, what it means is teachers will be teaching, not participating in B.C. Ministry of Education initiatives and will be refraining from extra-curricular and voluntary activities. That started yesterday (April 16).” Davidoff said there is a possibility of further job action. “But that won’t happen until there is another provincial vote.” ww w
Craig Lindsay
Community Calendar
Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Tell us about your upcoming event, email:
Dec. 31 - New Year’s Celebration - Come ring in the New
Year at St. Rita’s Hall. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Dinner - ribs, chicken, and all the trimmings, dancing, giant balloon drop, favours. Dinner at 8 p.m. - lunch at midnight. Tickets $25 each. Children under 16 accompanied by parents are free. Any dietary needs. For information and tickets call John 250-365-0747 or Marcel 250- 365-2537.
Jan. 16 - Castlegar Garden Club guest speaker, Jim Brockmeyer of Bluestem Nursery, will give a presenta-
tion and slideshow, “Willows: the familiar stranger”, on Willows. 7 p.m. at the Community Complex. Everyone welcome. Jim Brockmeyer, horticultural legend in the field of willows and ornamental grasses, will share his expertise on the diversity of willows. Ornamental, winter interest, living willow structures/fences, hedges, branches and catkins for flower arranging, basket making, twig furniture, creeping alpine willows . . . the diversity of willows abounds. The depth of Jim’s knowledge will dazzle you. New members embraced. Information: Rose Cheveldave 250-365-9600 or
ongoing: need a haircut for a job interview? Brooke will
come to your house and give you a free haircut. Call her at 250-365-2799 to arrange it.
ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m.
to 10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table discussions and make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956.
ongoing: sharing dinner pot - You are welcome for a hot
meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee. All are welcome.
ongoing: friday youth program at blueberry creek -
Are you a youth in Castlegar
looking for something to do on Friday nights? Why not check out the Friday Night Youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School? Manager Cindy Cropley and team ensure a fun, safe night for kids in the area to watch a movie in Blueberry’s very own movie theatre, play games and sports in the gym and just hang out with friends. For grades K - 5, the program time is 6:30-8 p.m. and for grades 6 and up, the program happens from 8-10 p.m. Check out the B.C.C.S. facebook page for movie listings and other information or phone 250-365-7201. Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena - Sun. at 10 a.m. (phone
Mike at 365-8302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 3652738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 3657805)
ongoing: Special olympics BC - Castlegar is having a bottle drive. Please call 250-
ongoing: The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop located at 210 -
11th Avenue (across from the Library) has a slight change in daily hours of operation. Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday closed until noon in order to deal with general maintenance and will open 12 noon - 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please drop off your precious donations Mondays and Saturdays. However, if this is not an option, please call 250365-7317 so that we can make arrangements. The Treasure Shop and Gift Shop will close for the holidays commencing Monday, December 24 and reopen Wednesday, January 2 allowing our volunteers to enjoy quality time to celebrate the season with family and friends. Again, thanks for all the community support during 2012 and looking forward to another successful year. ongoing: Castlegar judo club - Monday, Thursday eve-
nings from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Twin Rivers School gym. Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. From aged 8 years and up. FMI call John Gibson 250365-5763. ongoing: poker fundraiser at the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday - Games start at 6:30
p.m. and go until there is a
winner. Buy-in is $40 and the prize is $1,000 or more. Partial proceeds go to the West Kootenay Therapeutic Riding Association. ongoing: Castlegar senior’s activities at the Rec Centre for december: at the Com-
plex Monday – 9:30 Floor Curling 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist Tuesday – 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool Wednesday – 9:30 Floor Curling, 1:00 Bingo,(1st Wed.only) 7:00 Rummoli, 10:00 19th Raspberry Reunion Thursday – 9:30 Floor Curling 1st. Thurs. 2:00 Gen. Meeting 1:00 Bingo (just not 1st. Thurs) Friday – 1:00 Bridge/Crib, 14th Christmas Dinner/ Dance “Don Hollis” - Happy Hour 5:00 Dinner 6:00
ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers
- For more information please call 250-919-0757.
Ongoing: Castlegar Garden Club meets third Wednesday of the month – 7:00 p.m.
at the Community Complex. Discover the Castlegar Garden Club and be dazzled by the depth of knowledge of our monthly speakers. Garden inspirations will linger long after the meeting is over. New members always welcome. Information: Rose Cheveldave 250.365.9600 or ongoing: robson market is open except for long week-
ends. 8-11 a.m. at the Robson Community Hall. Homestyle breakfasts, come enjoy and maybe find some treasures. Tables for vendors. Phone 250-365-3796. ongoing: Mom’s Support Group Thursdays 10 a.m. to
noon. (changed from Wed. afternoons). Castlegar Community Services, Sun Centre. All moms welcome to this loosely structured group for support in challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 42 ongoing: castlegar & district hospital foundation light up campaign - The
Foundation is raising money to purchase three Space Lab cardiac monitors, Life Pak 15 crash cart monitors/defibrillators, and CADD Prism pump. call 250-304-1209 or mail cheque to 709 10th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 to donate.
ongoing: robson and blueberry strongstart centres
– free early learning programs for parents/caregivers with young children. Join us for snack, art, stories, gym time, and music. Robson - Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m, Thurs 12:30-3:30 p.m. Blueberry - Mon, Wed, Thurs, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m and Tues noon - 3 p.m. A partnership between Robson Community School, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Blueberry Creek Community School. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email: ongoing: free english classes – at the Castlegar Pub-
lic Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. All levels are welcome. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email: ongoing: scrabble club –
Come out on the second Wed. of the month at the Castlegar Public Library - 6:30–8 p.m. All levels are welcome.
ongoing: At the Community Learning Place you can get
free help with basic computers, reading and writing, citizenship, test preparation, and skills upgrading. This program is offered at the Castlegar & District Public Library on Tuesdays from12 noon-3 p.m. For more information call 250-304-6862. Offered by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. ongoing: Adult Upgrading:
Adult Upgrading Program is a free program for parents to upgrade math, English and/or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. This program is held at Kootenay Family Place (beyond Chopsticks) on Mon and Wed from 1-3 p.m. Childcare and snacks are provided. For more info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by Selkirk College, Kootenay Family Place and Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. ongoing: Special olympics - castlegar bottle drive
- SOBC - Castlegar is holding a year-round bottle drive to raise money for their program. If you have any empty refundable bottles you are interested in donating please contact: (250) 365-2520 for more information. Donations go directly to Special Olympics – Castlegar. Thank you for supporting your local Special Olympics
and its passionate athletes and volunteers. ongoing: esl programs – Are
you new to the community or to Canada? Do you need help learning English or getting to know your community? English as a Second Language (ESL) programs are free. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email:
ongoing: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS The local Toastmas-
ters club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun. Guests warmly welcomed. For more information please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.
ongoing: chronic pain selfmanagement workshops -
Goes for six mondays starting on July 9 and ending August 13. Goes from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Service Society, 1007 2 Street, Castlegar. To register Call or email us at toll free 1-866-902-3767 or ongoing: Esl family time –
Join other English as a Second Language families for stories, crafts and snack. Learn more about your community and help your kids get ready for school! Fridays from 10 a.m. - noon at Kootenay Family Place (behind Chopsticks).
ongoing: Trail sea cadets -
Meets every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench 19907th Ave. Contact Lt(N) Richard Chanig 250-368-6247.
ongoing: toastmasters meetings - The local Toastmasters
club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun. Guests warmly welcomed. For more information please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.
ongoing: Trail Maple leaf band looking for MUSICIANS:
The Trail Maple Leaf Band is a concert band looking for brass and woodwind players. We meet in the McIntyre Room at the Cominco Arena in Trail on Monday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Practices begin on September 17. If you are interested in joining us please phone: 250-365-6405 for more information.
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012
June Perehudoff crowned Miss Castlegar 2012
Miss Castlegar 2011 Marie Soukeroff hands the crown off to Leeza Perehudoff. Craig Lindsay photo Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
Leeza Perehudoff was crowned Miss Castlegar 2012 Friday
at the Miss Castlegar pageant at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Perehudoff was selected out of 12
candidates who performed in several categories including talent, speech, evening gown, and impromptu question.
Danielle DeGit was named Miss Castlegar Princess. Miss Castlegar 2011, Maria Soukeroff passed the crown on to a thrilled Perehudoff to the cheers of the other candidates and the many people in the crowd. “I didn’t know what to think. It was such an amazing moment. I’m honoured and thrilled to be Miss Castlegar 2012,” said Perehudoff. “I’m so thankful for the pageant program and the other girls. I wish them all the best. I love them all.” Perehudoff won the top award in both the pageant’s best talent
and best speech categories. “It was a lot of practice, and a lot of pressure,” she said. “I just tried to be myself and do the best I could.” The Queen Committee Training Award, in recognition of responsibility, dedication and effort during the five month training program, was awarded to Kennedy Lockhurst. The Perseverance Award went to Kyra Graham. Speech runner-up was Hailey Gardner, while talent runner-up was Alyssa Martini. Miss Friendship, as chosen by her fellow candidates, was Ashlee Martini.
Sunfest parade great fun for everyone Despite ominous morning clouds, it was sunny skies for the Castlegar Sunfest Parade on Saturday morning. The parade featured pipe bands, floats from nearby cities such as Trail, Kelowna, and Penticton, fire trucks, Miss Castlegar and the princess candidates, astronauts, and much more. Hundreds of Castlegar residents of all ages lined the streets to get a glimpse of the parade and maybe get some candy.
Jan. 31 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 A9 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Occupational Aid Level 1 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 19, 2013 FinancialFirst Education Series: Feb. 5January Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Occupational Aid Transportation Endorsement Financial First Education Series: Feb. 5 Dec. 5 Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Education 5 Dec. Transportation Endorsement January 20, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10Series: Feb. OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 EbayBasics: Basics: Feb. 1010 Ebay Feb. Prenatal: Early Pregnancy January Dec. 23, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class 8 OFA Level 1: Jan. Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 Personal Trainer Course January 25, 2013 Green Your Home From Low Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Green Your Home FromLow Low Tech to Green Your Home From Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: CPR C January 26, 2013 High Tech: Feb. 12From Low OFA Level 1 Home 15 Green Your Tech toDec. Jan. 31 High Tech: 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Feb. Dec. 15 Jan. 31 Occupational FirstFeb. Aid Level January 28, 2013 High Tech: 12 3 Learn in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412January German Level 1Draw Learn toto in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 28, 2013 Learn toDraw Draw in 18 hours: Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. Sign Language: An Introduction January 29, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 530, 2013 Prenatal January Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Amnesty International Film Festival January Financial Education Series: Feb. 531, 2013 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5
PLEASE NOTE that registration begins on January 2, 2013. EbayToBasics: Feb. call 10 250.365.1208. register, please
Ebay Basics: Feb. 10
Green Your Home From Low Tech to Green Your Feb. Home12From Low Tech to High Tech: High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15
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Former Castlegar resident granted right to die
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Gloria Taylor, a former Castlegar resident, can now legally ask for a physician-assisted suicide after a B.C. Supreme Court judge struck down parts of Canada’s law banning the practice. Taylor, who now lives in West Kelowna, suffers from ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a debilitating and fatal neuro-degenerative disease. The 64-year-old Taylor was born and raised in Castlegar and has lived over half her life here. Her
Fine& Family Dining
mother, Anne Fome- only person seeking die like that. When and to get my head noff, still lives here. to have a constitu- I heard that Civil around,” she said. When Taylor “She is my biggest tional injunction for Liberties was doing supporter,” said Tay- an assisted death by a a case that’s when I heard the decision, lor. decided to come on she was ecstatic. physician.” Taylor was one of “I was really, really Taylor joined the board,” said Taylor in several plaintiffs rep- lawsuit which was an interview with the happy that I had won resented by the B.C. first filed in April of Castlegar News. and that I and hopeCivil Liberties Asso- 2011. “I didn’t want The case has been fully down the road ciation (BCLA). “The to die a cruel and tough on Taylor but all Canadians won’t court found that all inhumane death. I she is glad she perse- have to die with no their rights were in- know from the time vered. dignity and we won’t fringed by the law,” of Sue Rodriguez “It’s not been easy, have to die in ex• All classified may be viewedphysically, at said Grace Pestine, a what aads mentally treme •pain or agony horrible death lawyer for the BCLA. it’s a lot to think- of one kind or anoththat ALS is. So I defiContractors/Tradespeople Check Pennywise 1st for all your needs! that’s for sure SOFFIT er,” she said. INSTALLA“Gloria was the nitely didn’t want to about, 5˝ SEAMLESS GUTTERS, & FASCIA
+ + + + + + + + +
Castlegar News Reporter
Reservation Required Buffet Starts: 4:30, 6:00, 7:30
Craig Lindsay photo
Craig Lindsay
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Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Month sees record rain levels
Castlegar News Reporter
The Trail Pipe Band and the Scottie’s School of Highland Dance dancers shared the stage at one of several Concerts in the Park at the Kinnaird bandshell over the summer. Craig Lindsay photo
Leaping Lassie
Those people going around saying, ‘This is the most rain we’ve ever had!’ were not exaggerating. The Southeast Fire Centre is reporting that June saw the greatest amount of precipitation experienced during any month since local records began in 1966. With 227.7mm of rain, June 2012 is
the wettest June by 350 per cent, crushing the previous record of 117.7mm from 2005. The previous greatest total monthly amount of precipitation was 195.1mm from December of 1966. “The normal amount of rain for the month is 65.7mm,” said Ron Lakeman, weather forecaster for the Southeast Fire Centre. “It’s the greatest amount of rain in
the month of June. It’s also the greatest amount of precipitation of any month since we began recording in the mid60’s.” Lakeman said there have been several factors to the excessive rain. “It’s relatively common to get a number of weather systems in the month of June,” he said. “It’s twofold here - the amount of
Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]
rain that’s come with these systems and a near endless procession of systems. As to the bigger question of the cause of the whole thing - that’s up for dispute. I can’t really come up with anything as to why it happened. The systems that came through were noteworthy in the sense that they brought up what I call ‘concentrated surges of moisture’.”
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Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A11
Shambhala marred by death
Rock for the Paws Shambhala partiers enjoy a set from hip hop star Chali 2Na. This year’s festival, which is held every August just outside Salmo, was marred by the death of 23 year-old Mitchell Joseph Fleischacker of Sidney, B.C. from a drug overdose. Craig Lindsay photo
Reiss Zibin (above) and several bands took to the stage at Blueberry Creek School for a fundraiser for the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP). Craig Lindsay photo
Open house for Fortis BC’s new centre Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
Local residents had a chance last Wednesday night to grill FortisBC management about the proposed Kootenay Operations Centre Fortis hopes to build in Ootischenia. The public open house was held at the Ootischenia Hall and featured several display boards with information and designs for the building. “The turnout’s been great,” said Blair Weston, community and aboriginal relations manager for
FortisBC. “A lot of the local residents (from Ootischenia) have been here as well as some from the city.” Weston said the main concerns residents brought up have been worries about the viewscape blocking sight lines and about traffic. “We have addressed those issues in the story boards,” he said. “I think we did a pretty good job of anticipating what the questions would be.” The proposed building is a single story with a warehouse with fleet bays.
“We wanted to show everyone our proposal and get feedback,” said Weston. “The next step is we take the comments back and look over them. Within a few months we’ll build the business case and submit it to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) and ask for permission to build the centre.” The new centre will cost approximately $16 million and bring in approximately 160 to 180 jobs. “There are people working in Castlegar already that will be relocated to this build-
Close to 50 people attended the FortisBC open house at Ootischenia Hall on Wednesday for the proposed new Kootenay Operations Centre. Craig Lindsay photo
ing,” said Weston. “So it’s not like all new jobs. But there will be around 160 jobs that will be here at the end of the day.” Weston said no buildings would be shut down in Trail as a result of the new centre. “In fact, we’re moving some of our central warehousing out of the Okanagan to Trail,” he said. “So this is part of a larger reorganization to make our operation more efficient. There’ll be some jobs moved out of Trail to Castlegar, but the buildings will all remain the same.” Putting the operation centre in Castlegar makes sense for many reasons, says Weston. “Having our operation centre in the geographic centre of the West Kootenay is the most efficient way to look after customers,” he said. The City of Castlegar was well represented at the open house with several city councillors present as well as CAO John Malcolm.
“I think it was a good turnout,” said councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff. “Varying opinions of course. But for the area, I think it’s a winwin situation. It’s going to bring 160-180 jobs to the area with huge economic spinoffs for Castlegar and area, which is always good.” Heaton-Sherstobitoff said it’s great that residents have a chance to have input into the operation. “From what I can tell, Fortis is going to go back and make some tweaks to their plans and submit it to the BCUC,” she said. “I’m hoping that people who couldn’t come out here can go to Fortis and raise their concerns. There’s always the opportunity through BCUC to submit your opposition, or if you’re in favour.” The site for the proposed operations centre is on Ootischenia Road near the hall and behind the West Kootenay Regional Airport.
There was a strong turnout of walkers and runners of all ages at the 2012 Terry Fox Run in Castlegar. Craig Lindsay photo
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Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Castlegar Communities in Bloom named national champions
Dropping by in style
Communities in Bloom committee members (from left) Darlene Kalawsky, Kari Burk, Gail Hunnisett, Kathy and Mac Gregory, Mielle Metz (front), Roxy Riley, and Pam Johnston pose with the national award and banner. Missing: Denise Talarico, Angie Zibin and Marilyn Pearson.
Selkirk College aviation graduate Max Cameron, shown here with school president Angus Graeme, dropped by his reunion in style - arriving in an F-18 Fighter Jet. Jim Sinclair photo
Craig Lindsay photo
Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
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The City of Castlegar was a big winner at the Communities in Bloom National Awards ceremony. Castlegar retained its five bloom status and came first in the 6,501 - 10,000 population category for 2012. Darlene Kalawsky, Communities in Bloom (CiB) volunteer coordinator, attended the CiB National Symposium Awards and at the Edmonton Capital Region on Oct. 12 and 13 and was thrilled to learn of the honour. “It’s very exciting for us to be recognized,” she said. “The committee is ecstatic. We’re really pleased to be recognized. We know we have a great community but sometimes the recognition has to come from the outside in for people to believe it.” Castlegar has been involved in the national Communities in Bloom program for the past three years and has posted five blooms each time. This is the first time the city has won the national award. “I think we have an extremely valuable volunteer core in our community,” said Kalawsky. “I think that also makes a very big difference in your outcome. The cities, the municipalities involvement is key. Public works is very important to this program. They look at things like landscape design, parks and so on. Tidiness, your garbage cans, all these different things.”
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012
November Duo wins top prize at Sculpturewalk Gala
ones will go up in May. Artistic Merit 4th Place ($500): Sack Race, artist Roger Golden (Toronto, ON)
3rd Place ($500): Look And You Will Find It, artist Kate Christopher (Mahtomedi, MN) A13
Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? Leonardo da Vinci
Accepting new patients
Book your appointment today! 115-1983 Columbia Ave. 250.365.2000
2nd Place ($1000) QR, artist Carl Schlichting (Winlaw, BC)
Sculpturewalk Gala People’s Choice Award winners James Karthein and Kevin Kratz (2nd and 4th from left) celebrate their victory with Joy Barrett, Sculpturewalk executive director, mayor Craig Lindsay photo Lawrence Chernoff, and Kirk Duff, Sculpturewalk vice-president. Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
Despite the absence of performer Shane Koyczan, who’s flight from Vancouver was cancelled, the Castlegar Sculpturewalk Gala was another shining success. About a dozen of the 30 Sculpturewalk artists were in attendance Saturday night at the Element Club for the gala. The big People’s Choice Award winner was Patient Hunter by Kevin Kratz and James Karthein of Krestova. The Artistic Merit award went to Kate Tupper of Argenta for Full Metal Jacket. “It’s the best year ever,” said Pat Field, former Sculpturewalk president and project manager who still helps out. “We have 30 sculptures and 30 artists and 7,800 happy people. It’s been pretty fantastic.” When Sculpturewalk began three years, Field and his group could only imagine the success the program would eventually become. “We knew it would take three to five years to do a culture change,” he said. “What I mean by culture change is where people’s values, attitudes and behaviours change and they actually care about art - which they do now.
They take their families down there, their kids down. It’s part of the fabric of the community now. That’s why we’re going to be able to make it sustainable because people are thinking about sculptures now. It’s a really neat transition.” Field was impressed with this year’s group of sculptures and thinks the talent grows each year. “We have such a variety of sculptures of different mediums,” he said. “We have stone, we have metal, we have ceramic, we have bronze, we have steel. So many different mediums and so many ideas. Some people are humorous, some people are joyous, some are very serious while others are ethereal. That’s what makes this a success. There’s something for everybody.” Without the headlining performer the audience had more of a chance to mingle and chat. “It was kind of neat, because it gave people a better opportunity to communicate,” said Field. “Everybody is socializing a lot more. People are now coming to these events, now for the third year, they know each other. They haven’t seen each other for a year. Everybody has a smile on. Everybody recognized
that this is a neat social event.” Executive director Joy Barrett and Field introduced a 3D scale model sculpture of the original Sculpturewalk winning piece. “What you can do these days is take a 3D laser scan of the regular size sculpture and from that you can scale the piece,” said Barrett. “With Denis Kleine’s “peace sign”, the one that’s in front of the airport, he actually took it down and took it to this place where they do the 3D laser scanning and
they scaled it down to a desktop size and gave him a plastic version of it. What Denis did was recreate the piece in a smaller scale.” The piece was donated to the City in recognition of its support. The Sculpturewalk committee is already planning next year’s event. “The call for sculptors closes on Nov. 1,” said Field. “The new ones are juried on Nov. 15 of this year.” The current sculptures will stay up until April and the new
Winner ($3000): Full Metal Basket, artist Kate Tupper (Argenta, BC) People’s Choice 3rd Place tie ($500 each): Dancing Myself, artist Rabi’a (Winlaw, BC) Soaring, artist Spring Shine (Argenta, BC) 2nd Place ($1000): Salmon, artist Christina Nick (Brackendale, BC) Winner (sculpture purchased by City of Castlegar for permanent display, $3000 cash): Patient Hunter, artists Kevin Kratz and James Karthein (Krestova, BC).
SNOW BUSTERS PROGRAM Is there a neighbour or friend who regularly clears snow from driveways and paths without being asked or expecting monies for their acts of kindness? The City of Castlegar is interested in acknowledging the Snow Busters who help out their neighbours in the community by clearing snow without expecting any payment. The City of Castlegar would like to hear from you by letter or email about these wonderful SNOW BUSTERS. The Snow Buster will be entered into a draw for $250 to be held at the end of the season. To be eligible, the Snow Buster must be a resident of Castlegar. Deadline for receiving nominations is March 15, 2013. If you don’t have a Snow Buster and you need help in clearing snow, call the Castlegar Youth Employment Centre at (250) 365-6523 or the Kootenay Career Development Society at (250) 365-6515. A fee will be charged for snow clearing. Mail nominations to: City of Castlegar Snow Busters Program 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 1G7 Or Email to: Or Fax to: (250) 365-4810 or (250) 365-0594
December & January Dec 26th - Boxing Day w/Bryx, B-Ron & Erica Dee Dec 28th - Ryan Wells Free Show! w/ J Wolf & K McAlister Dec 29th - Kyprios & The Chaperones Dec 31st - New Year’s Eve with Hoola Hoop, DJ Soup & Lorne B Video Mapped
Lest we forget Mrs. Marjorie Culley places the Mother’s Wreath at the Cenotaph during the Remembrance Day ceremony. Several hundred people were in attendance today for Castlegar’s Remembrance Day ceremony which took place at the Cenotaph at Kinsmen Park. The ceremony began with a parade march led by Parade Commander Comrade Leuan Gilmore. Taking part in the parade were Legion members and veterans, RCMP, Fire Fighters, Cadets, and many others. Craig Lindsay photo
Visuals Jan 19th - Love & Light Jan 24th - Zion I with Guests Jan 25th - Chili Tom & Kori K Whistler Jan 26th - JFB Feb 2nd - Sweatshop
Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Selkirk Saints tie record with 12th straight win
Beau Taylor puts Selkirk up 1-0 putting away a great pass from teammate Cody Fidgett (#71) against UVic on Saturday. Craig Lindsay photo Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
The Selkirk College Salints closed out their 2012 schedule on Saturday night with a bang, tying the
B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League record for the longest regular season win streak at 12 games by defeating the University of Victoria by a 6-1 score at the
Castlegar Recreation Complex. The Saints’ offence came alive in the second period after Beau Taylor and Mark Prest had traded goals in a tight
opening 20 minutes. Nick Cecconi started the rally, putting Selkirk ahead 2:16 into the frame when he banged home a loose puck from the side of the crease off a Matt
Luongo feed. Connor McLaughlin tipped home a Justin Sotkowy point shot on the power-play midway through the period to extend the lead to two, and Logan Proulx added another just 1:23 later off a nice set-up from linemate Jackson Garrett. Thomas Hardy, in his first game back from injury, and Mason Spear capped the scoring in the third period. “We came out of the gates a little slow tonight but the guys found their legs in the second period and really dictated the speed and tempo of the game from there,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “It was good to
close out the first half of our schedule with a complete team effort -- we got goals from all four of our forward lines and solid performances on the blueline and in goal.” With the win, the Saints tied the BCIHL record for the longest regular season winning streak originally set by UVic during the 2007/08 season. They’ll have to wait for the opportunity to set a new record, though, as the team now breaks for college exams and holidays before returning to the ice on January 12th against Simon Fraser University. “As a group, coming into the season we knew we had all the ingredients to be
a contending team,” says Dubois. “It’s all come together a lot quicker than we expected, and now the challenge is to approach the second half of the season with the same work ethic and intensity that we saw over the past two months. You don’t win championships based on how you play in October or November, but it’s also satisfying to go into a long break with lots of positives.” In net, Alex Sirard stopped 26 shots to pick up his eighth win in as many appearances for the Saints. Sunny Gill took the loss for the Vikes, allowing six goals on 43 shots.
School closures pondered by board
Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia) held it’s regular board meeting on Monday at Blueberry Creek Community School. The biggest item on the agenda was the discussion about the possible reconfiguration/closure of schools in Castlegar and Rossland. In Castlegar, the discussion is whether to close Castlegar Primary School and move those kids to Twin Rivers Elementary. First reading of the potential bylaw related to reconfiguration or closure is expected to be in mid-February and discloses the language of the bylaw. Second reading, which is when trustees debate the potential bylaw, would follow in another meeting. Third and final reading would be done by the end of February and would be where the nine SD20 trustees would vote on the bylaw. “Certainly the issue that took the most
time, and is the most important to the public is that we included one extra meeting with PACs from each of the affected schools,” said Darrel Ganzert, SD20 board chair. “A group of trustees would meet at each location, Castlegar and Rossland, with the PACs of the affected schools in those communities to have a further discussion about the schools and the potential closures etc.” Ganzert said that PACs from Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird Elementary and Twin Rivers Elementary would be invited to the extra meeting because one of the scenarios would see students shifted from Twin Rivers to Kinnaird. “We want to get the public consultation done as thoroughly as possible before we enter into any kind of discussion about what we believe as trustees,” said Ganzert. “All trustees believe it’s very important to listen to what the public has to say before we have any discussion about what we believe.”
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A15
Rebels in familiar territory at mid-season
Rebel forward Braydon Horcoff goes in on a breakaway on Nelson netminder Cody Boekman in an October game at the Castlegar Complex. Craig Lindsay photo CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
The Castlegar Rebels finished second in the Neil Murdoch division last season and second overall in the KIJHL. This year, the Rebels are once again in second in their division and tied for second overall in the league heading into the Christmas break. That consistency points to the strength in the organization and leadership of coach and general manager Steve Junker. Junker came on board with the Rebels in 2010 and finished off his first season with a run to the KIJHL championship series. The next year (2011-12) the Rebels were once again near the top of the league, finishing behind only Beaver Valley in both the division and the KIJHL. With a high-powered offence led by veteran players Scott Morriseau, Anthony Delong, Anthony Robinson, and Stuart Walton, the Rebs
cruised past Nelson in the first round of last year’s play-offs. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, Castlegar ran into the powerful Beaver Valley Nitehawks, the top ranked team in the KIJHL, in the second round. The Rebels gave the ‘hawks all they could handle, forcing a deciding game seven in Fruitvale after being down 3-1 in the series. But BV was too much, beating Castlegar 5-3 in game seven in a packed Fruitvale arena. With the graduation of Morriseau, Delong and Robinson, the 2012-13 version of the Castlegar Rebels would look a little different. Scoring would have to come from new sources. Walton, the top returning scorer, started slowly but has found his groove and leads the Rebs in scoring with 41 points in 31 games at press time. Last year’s captain Erik Alden is back to lead the defensive corps and
continues to be a solid two-way defence man. The Rebels goaltending has been pretty strong all season with Connor Gluck and Connor Beauchamp both back from last year. Gluck was acquired at mid-season of last year in a trade that saw 2011 playoff hero Alex Ross depart.
“Everyone here knows their teammates will do whatever they can do for each other.” Forward Diego Bartlett At the start of 2012-13, it looked like the Neil Murdoch division would be a three way race between Castlegar, Nelson and Beaver Valley. The Nelson Leafs, however, have pulled away early and taken control of the top spot in not only the division but the
whole KIJHL. The Rebels, meanwhile, have stayed pretty consistently five or six points back of the Leafs. The Nitehawks struggled early but have been on quite a roll lately, moving to within two points of Castlegar in the division standings. “We’re definitely happy where we are,” said Rebel forward Diego Bartlett. “Our expectations are there. We’ve been playing well. This week off here (for Christmas) will be nice to heal up our injured guys and rest up. We’re planning on coming back after the break and make a run at the championship. I think we have a winning team here.” Nelson recently lost top prospect Colton McCarthy, who has moved up to the WHL’s Moose Jaw Warriors. The Leafs still have one high scoring Colton left in Colton Schell, who leads the team and the KIJHL with 51 points in 32 games,
Happy New Year!
and rookie goalie sensation Brett Soles (13 wins and 2.14 goals against average in 15 games) so don’t count them out. In the rest of the KIJHL, Sicamous has started strong, leading the Okanagan/ Shuswap Conference with 46 points. North Okanagan and Golden are also having strong seasons in their respective divisions. Jordan Salahor of Kelowna is second in league scoring with 50 points, while Golden’s Connor Beauchemin is third with 45 points including 22 goals. Rating by position: Forward - B+ Walton, who is seventh in KIJHL scoring, has emerged as the Rebs’ top scorer as expected. Veteran forward Diego Bartlett has stepped up his game and become a scoring threat this season. Jamie Vlanich, who returned to the Rebels this year after playing in Fernie for much of last year, gives the Rebs a third scoring option on the first
line. Kody Disher and Brenden Heinrich are back from last year and add toughness to the Rebs’ line-up. Newcomers Darren Medeiros and Bryan Lubin have played well in their first seasons as Rebels. Defence B- Captain Alden leads the way on defence and is having another solid campaign. With Riley Ostoforoff and Aaron Brewer back, Castlegar has a pretty veteran blue line crew. American import Hunter Jenerou is a nice addition to the defence. He leads all Rebel d-men in scoring with 15 points in 32 games this year so far. Goalie A- So far this year coach Junker has been content to platoon between Beauchamp and Gluck. Both are veterans in the league and could make arguments for the starting job. Beauchamp has a goals against average (GAA) of 2.37 and has won eight games out of 19. Strangely, he has picked up all five Rebel ties so
far. Gluck is not far behind with a 2.45 GAA. He leads with 10 wins in 15 games. Beauchamp is third among the KIJHL’s top goalies by GAA, while Gluck is sixth. The Rebs also have midget star Patrick Zubick in the wings. “We have a great group of guys,” said Bartlett. “Everyone just gets along great. I feel that we’re a family. Everyone here their teammates will do whatever they can for each other. That’s a big contributor to our success. We have a lot of players playing for the team. Playing for the logo on the front of the jersey and proud to be on the Rebels. We know we have a winning team this year so no one wants to fool around.” In conclusion, there are lots of games to be played. The Rebels will have to keep improving and find different ways to score if they want to catch Nelson for first and hold off the surging Nitehawks.
Kody Disher of the Rebels brings the puck over the Grand Foks blue line during the Nov. 22 game at the complex. Craig Lindsay photo
REBELS SOCIAL EVENT We are planning a
Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
Rebs crush league leading Leafs Craig Lindsay
with files from Nelson Star
in place of our New years Dance.
SAT, DEC. 29 • 7:30P
WED, JAN. 2 • 7:30P
SUN, JAN. 6 • 5:00P
THU, JAN. 10 • 7:30P CASTLEGAR REBELS VS GRAND FORKS BORDER BRUINS • GRAND FORKS ARENA • We are always looking for volunteers to help with our organization.
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386
Castlegar & District Recreation Department Fitness Schedule Wednesday January 2nd Zumba Strength & Power Step n’ Tone
10:00-11:00am 5:00-6:00pm
Thursday January 3rd Yoga Meets Dance
Intermediate Flow Yoga
Yoga Breathing & Meditation
Kids Yoga
Yin & Yan of Yoga
Saturday January 5th 7:30-9:00am
Christmas Public Swim Schedule Dec 27
DEC 29 DEC 30 DEC 31 JAN 1 JAN 2 JAN 3 JAN 4
2:00-4:00PM 2:00-4:00PM 5:00-7:30PM 1:30-4:30PM 2:00-4:00PM 2:00-4:00PM 2:00-4:0PM
Friday January 4th
Spin & Sculpt
MONDAY DEC 31ST 5:00-7:30PM $8.00 FAMILY OF 4 $3.00 ADULT $2.00 STUDENT OR CHILD
Dec 28
Dec 29
Dec 30
Dec 31
Jan 1
Jan 2
Jan 3
Jan 4
Jan 5
Jan 6
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Nelson Leafs forward Bryce Nielsen gets held up by Rebels forward Bob Hall photo/Nelson Star
In a pre-Christmas battle of KIJHL titans in Nelson on Wednesday, the Castlegar Rebels came out firmly on top, beating the Leafs 6-1. Jamie Vlanich opened the scoring at 8:25 of the first period for the Rebels. Aaron Petten and Bryan Lubin put Castlegar up 3-0 with second period goals. Aaron Dunlap scored Nelson’s only goal at 16:56 of the third period to put the Leafs within two, 3-1. But Vlanich, with his second, scored a minute and a half later to give the Rebs a 4-1 lead and take the wind out of the Leafs’ sails. Darren Medeiros and Kody Disher finished off the scoring for the Rebels. “It wasn’t our best,” Leafs coach Frank Maida told the Nelson Star after the game. “We started strong and controlled the game in the first 10 minutes. They scored a goal after a big penalty kill and they gained momentum.” When the final buzzer sounded the Rebels celebrated like they had just won the biggest game of the season. Which is likely the fact. “They were rubbing it in our face… we’ll take note,” Nelson defenceman J.J. Beitel said of the enthusiastic celebration by the Rebels. The assistant captain said the Leafs will use the loss as fuel to come back from the Christmas break hungry. Castlegar is now off for its Christmas break and is only two points behind Nelson in the race for first place in the Neil Murdoch division and in the KIJHL as well. The Rebs return to action for a Wednesday game on Jan. 2 against Spokane at the Castlegar Community Complex.
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A17
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In Memoriam
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Emcon Services Inc.
Position Available Certified H/D Mechanic for the Castlegar/Trail Area to start immediately. Good fabricating & welding skills given preference. For information on qualifications and applications email Holly Borisenkoff
Career Opportunities
PRODUCT SUPPORT MANAGER We have a position available for a Product Support Manager in our Castlegar location. This position will be responsible to grow and manage the service related business, particularly through increased customer sales and maintaining proper staffing levels. This position will also manage the parts department operations including supervision of parts staff. Previous leadership experience in a heavy equipment service and/or parts department is a definite asset.
Seasonal Truck Drivers Needed EMCON SERVICES INC., Road and Bridge Maintenance Contractor in the Castlegar, Rossland, Trail and Fruitvale Areas are looking for professional drivers for part time employment for the upcoming winter season. Qualifications for these positions are: • BC driver’s license (minimum Class 3/Air) • Proven on highway trucking experience • Experience driving tandem axle vehicles and experience on a variety of transmissions including 13 speed.
Brandt Tractor is the world’s largest privately held John Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment dealer and a Platinum member of the Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies Program. Find out more about our exciting career opportunities at www. or by calling (306) 791-8923. Email resume indicating position title and location to or fax (306) 791-5986.
Qualified applicants are invited to submit application along with a photocopy of driver’s license, a driver’s abstract and references to substantiate driving experience to:
Emcon Services Inc. 6150 2nd Street Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H4 Or Fax (250) 442-2677
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In loving memory of
- Business Oriented - Self Motivated - Computer skills necessary - Reception/Phone skills an asset.
Harry N. Plotnikoff
Please drop off resume with hand written cover letter at: 1243 3rd. St., Castlegar, BC Closing date: Jan 4, 2013.
Your life was a blessing your memory a treasure... You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure..
Career Opportunities
With love Wife Winnie & Family
Closing date: January 9, 2013.
When you book any classified ad into any of our West Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only • Nelson Star • Trail Daily Times • Castlegar News • Grand Forks Gazette • Rossland News
You’ll provide a quality, motivated learning environment for your students as a valued on-call, relief, substitute or short-term instructor with Selkirk College’s School of Industry and Trades Training. Along with Grade 12, you have you IP Red Seal Certification (or equivalent), over 5 years’ relevant practical experience and some computer proficiency. An instructor’s diploma or BC teaching certificate and previous teaching experience would be preferred. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the BCGEU Collective Agreement.
January 5, 1939 - December 27, 2011
TRADES RELIEF INSTRUCTORS For our Metal Fabricator and General Mechanics programs— Silver King Campus
$2 SHU S
Call your comunity paper for more details!!!
For more information, please visit E X C E E D I N G E X P E C TAT I O N S
Castlegar News Thursday, December 27, 2012 A19
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Heavy Duty Machinery
Home Care/Support Mature lady seeking a live in position for mature person needing housekeeper/ companion in order to maintain residence in their own home. Call 250-365-1153
Work Wanted
I am looking for work with my mobile treatment center and advanced level 3 first aid ticket. I have worked in the oil field for 25 years as well several logging camps. Very reliable. Looking mainly in southern B.C. as I live there, but will travel anywhere. Have also worked as watchman/first aid and have class one drivers. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.
Health Products
OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil
Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750
GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.
Yoga Under the Sun Yoga offers beginners to advance stay strong for older adults restorative yoga therapy & yoga for MS, Classes in January 2013 at 2 fully equipped studios Janice Ferraro 250-365-5428
Financial Services
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Pets & Livestock
ANNOUNCING the arrival of Blue and Red nose Pitt bull puppies. Ready to go by end of January, expected any day. Asking best offer or trade. Looking for gentle and loving homes. Call 250-520-0297 OR email:
Merchandise for Sale
Free Items Free National Geographic Collections Call 250-229-2226
Misc. for Sale 5 pc Fr Prov bdm suite, solid wood, 2 dressers, 2 side tables, bed adjust from king to single W/Head board $650 OBO, Retro 5 pc twin bed set, 2 dressers, solid wood, med brown, glass finish, head & foot boards $400 OBO, Crib Bedding Set Moon & Stars, fitted sheets, comforter, bumper pads, valance, diaper holder lamp & bouncy seat, $100 OBO, 14” band saw custommade HD workshop size $75 OBO & 10 gallon aquarium, many accessories $20 OBO 250 505-2178 AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is a clearance sale. You don’t want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel at: 1-800-668-5422. GREAT GIFT IDEA! ChillSpot is The COOLEST Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. Use promo code COOLGIFT For 10 % off! HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206
Musical Instruments
Apt/Condo for Rent
Cars - Domestic
Furnished or unfurnished Apartments Quiet adult bldg clean & bright many updates 250-365-5246
CASTLEGAR 1000 sq ft professional Office Space or retail next to Tim Horton’s Avail Jan 1/13, 250-608-3930
One bdrm apt 1 block to park/Library, Riverview, totally refurbished, avail now, $700/mth, Utilities incl, 1/2 month security deposit,to view N/P, Call Elmer 250-365-3333 or 250-513-0261
Downtown Nelson Offices 3 sunny nicely decorated rooms + reception area, avail Jan 1st rent negotiable 250-352-2491.
LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships.
Cottages / Cabins
CASTLEGAR Room for rent Fully furnished 3 bdrm Home Mature male looking for 1 or 2 people to rent upstairs Call FYI 250-365-2839 or 608-0453
2 bdrm cabin $685/m + 3 bdrm cabin $750/m + 2 bdrm cabin $585/m on large acreage, very private, 1km south of Slocan City. Wood/ elect heat, creek water, Utilities xtra. Pets ok, room for garden. Lease required. 250-355-2412
Rooms for Rent
Suites, Upper
Small Ads work!
CASTLEGAR, 1 Bdrm suite neat Kootenay Market & Bus stop $515/mth inclusive Avail Immed, N/S, N/P 250-608-3930 Castlegar South, Studio Suite, F/S, Microwave $600 /mth including utilities cable, private side entrance off street parking, ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING OR PET, Call Al at 250-304-5560
Homes for Rent
Mobile Homes & Pads ROBSON Mobile Home for rent, Refer & Criminal check required, Call 250-304-3430
2 + BED, 1 + bath house; North Castlegar off Arrow Lakes Dr. F/S/DW. Garage, laundry, yard, partially finished bsmt. NS/small pet ok. $800 plus utilities 250-365-1972 Avail immed. 3 + Bdrm House, W/D, F/S electric heat & wood heater 1857 Robson access Rd, Brilliant, $950/mth + utilities Avail Dec 1st 250-399-4779 CASTLEGAR 2 to 3 Bdrm House, 1 Bath House, W/D N/S, N/P, wood stove $795/mth + utilities, Avail Immed 250-304-9257 Castlegar Avail immediately 3 - 4 Bdrm House, close to schools, beautiful hardwood floors, F/S, DW, Laundry huge fenced yard, N/S, N/P $1100/mth + utilities Call 250-304-9868 CASTLEGAR, Broadwater Rd. Immac dble 2 bdrm, 2 bath, manufactured home, open concept, private corner dble lot, F/S. DW, Gas fire, hot tub, WD hook up, 2 workshops, huge deck, floral yard to die for, N/S, small pets ok, $1150/mth + utilities, DD, $550 Call 780-333-1676, Avail Dec 1st, Pass Creek 2 Bdrm House Avail Immediately 250-365-4857 or 304-1711 ROBSON 1 Bedroom VERY small house, newly reno N/S, N/P, $510/ mth + util. Call 250.304.3800
Trades, Technical
Auto Financing
Apt/Condos for Sale Grand Forks. Priced well below market value, 940 sq ft, 2bdrm, 2 bath, laundry, 4 appy’s. Complex is 55 or older, elevator. 250-447-9591.
Other Areas 20 ACRES Free! Buy 40-Get 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. Money back guarantee. No credit checks. Beautiful views. Roads surveyed. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-800-843-7537
For more information on lung cancer, keep smoking
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of JOHN FREDERICK SALIKEN, formerly of #709-10th Street, Castlegar, British Columbia, Deceased, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the Executor, John Clifford Saliken, c/o Mont & Walker Law Corporation, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 2R2, Attention: Roderick E. Mont, on or before February 15, 2013, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.
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DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
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Trades, Technical
Real Estate
Sport Utility Vehicle I have two SUV’s for sale. 1993 Mitsubishi and also 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 6 cyl eng., auto, PW, 4 doors, $2,800 and $3,800. 250-4420122 / 493-1807. I want to sell one and keep the other, both run excellent.
Legal Notices
Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums Keyboards, Band & String Instruments, Music books & Accessories, Music Lessons Sales & Rentals 1364 Bay Ave, Trail 250-368-8878
No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271
Legal Notices
Please help us.
Buy One Get One
12’ wide snow bucket for a Bobcat $800, 6’ bucket for a Bobcat like new $450, 7’ snow blade for a forklift S/S $600, Western Snowplow complete for pickup $1200 226-7990 A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
WANTED SHORT Logger and Hayrack for work till the end of March. Call 604-819-3393.
WANTED: TICKETED “B” Welders, Electricians and Millwrights International Forest Products Ltd. is looking for ticketed “B” Welder with Millwriting experience, electricians, and millwrights to join our lumber manufacturing facility in Castlegar, BC. The skilled individuals must be self motivated, able to work on their own, and in a team environment. Applicants must be flexible with shift scheduling and trade lines. Interfor offers a competitive wage and benefits package as outlined in the USW Southern Interior Master Agreement. Interested candidates are invited to submit resumes by January 07, 2012 to Interfor’s front office in Castlegar. Candidates can also submit their resume by mail, fax, or email to : PO Box 3728, Castlegar BC, V1N 3W4 Fax #: (604) 422-3252 Email: We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those selected for a interview will be contacted.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by TM Mobile Inc., of Burnaby, BC, on behalf of the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for two Licenses of Occupation for the purpose of roadway and communication site situated on Provincial Crown land west of Castlegar and containing 02023 hectares more or less (communication site) and 0.6 hectares more or less (road). The MFLNRO File Numbers that have been established for this application are 4405299 (communication site/powerline) and 4405300 (road). Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook BC, V1C7G1 or email to: AuthorizingAgency.Cranbrook@ Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until February 4, 2013. Front Counter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website: and look up the applications with the file numbers listed above. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the MFLNRO regional office in Cranbrook.
Thursday, December 27, 2012 Castlegar News
NEW YEAR’S DAY SALE January 1st, 2013
T F I G E FRE rst to the fi mers o t s u c 5 2
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
in the store...
60% 40 30
up to
off retail prices!
Start off the
with new...
LIMITED QUANTITIES “WE DON’T SELL - WE HELP YOU BUY” 1919 Columbia Ave. Castlegar BC V1N 0A4 | 250.365.5999 |