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❑ 2012 in Review
Local club hosts New Year’s tournament
Magpie's B a k e r y
Fresh, Locally Made
• 7254 - a Pioneer ave., agassiz
Friday, December 28, 2012
Looking back on the highs and lows of 2012
news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 mailbag . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 classifieds . . . . . . . . . 13
Home of the Burger Family. No. 9 Hwy at Morrow Rd, Agassiz
ACE students were busy last week wrapping presents that were handed out on Christmas morning at the Legion, at a breakfast for seniors who would otherwise be alone at this time of year.
ACE kids part of community’s fabric
Jessica Peters THE OBSERVER
It’s hard to shed a bad image. It’s even more difficult to change the way an entire community feels. But this year, a small group of Agassiz students have proved that a change in thinking is possible. Many students at ACE have a few forces working against them. It is, after all, an alternate school. And there are students at ACE who need different a learning environment than a mainstream school can provide, for a variety of reasons. But more importantly, the students are just kids. Kids with futures. Kids with dreams. Kids with families and friends. Kids who deserve support.
A n d support t h e y ’v e earned. This year, the entire school was given the Betty Urquhart Award for JESSICA PETERS Community Service. They earned it for the unselfish act of giving up their Christmas morning to serve breakfast to seniors who normally wouldn’t have company at Christmas. They reached out into the community, gave of themselves, and learned that the community will give back. It was an emotional day for the students, when they
piled into a limo here in Agassiz and traveled to the ceremonies at UFV in Abbotsford. Clad in purple and black, their school colours, they soaked up the moment and became prouder people. Not suprisingly, some of the ACE students decided to give their time again this Christmas. On Tuesday morning, they gave up their Christmas morning to provide a community service for local seniors. Even graduates returned to lend a hand. They served breakfast, with the help of Agassiz A&W, Legion members and other volunteers in what was a true community act of kindness. While it seems like a big leap, from alternate school student
7070 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz BC | 604-796-0415 |
to Christmas volunteer, it’s not. These kids are constantly volunteering within the community, particularly with seniors. And by doing so, they are helping to shift the way people feel about teenagers. They are bridging the gap, one selfless act of giving after another. So instead of being on the outskirts of society, they are part of the fabric that holds it together. Instead of being scowled at for the crime of being a teenager, they can hold their heads high and be admired. I, for one, look forward to seeing what they accomplish in the next year, and well into the future.
2 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
Agassiz Harrison
Business Excellence Awards Category definitions
non-Profit of the year Recognizing the organization making a significant difference in our local community in terms of public service, the arts, fund raising, collaboration & the number of local people they serve.
Agassiz Harrison
Business Excellence Awards OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM
The Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce would like to present the 2013 Business Excellence Awards. These awards will be presented to local businesses or their staff members that have proven to be outstanding in their field of expertise.
excellence in agriculture This award focuses on quality, innovation & success in all aspects of agriculture. Celebrating farming, agronomy & food production; this award recognizes the significant impact quality agriculture has on everyday life.
excellence in tourism Tourism is a cornerstone of the BC economy & this award recognizes the important contribution made by the tourism sector to the Harrison/Agassiz region. This award is given to a tourism based business that has shown excellence in all aspects of customer service providing visitors to our region with an experience beyond their expectations.
Excellence in Agriculture Business Nominee:______________________________
excellence in retail This award celebrates the professionalism, innovation & creativity within our retail sector. It recognizes outstanding performance at all levels: customer service, creativity, branding & marketing.
Excellence in Retail Business Nominee:______________________________
excellence in Culinary Awarded to a dining establishment (includes cafes, fast food and fine dining) that exhibits consistency of quality, excellence in food, atmosphere & service. excellence in service - Business Exemplary customer service, customer retention & customer relationship management define the recipient of this award. This award honours a business that has been a leader in demonstrating entrepreneurial spirit, quality workmanship & professional mannerisms. new Business of the year This award acknowledges an outstanding new business (established less than 3 years). This business shows strength in creative marketing, welcoming local customers, high standards of customer service & innovative business practices. People’s Choice award The ‘People’s Choice’ Award is given to the business or organization that is recognized by the residents of Harrison Hot Springs & the District of Kent as attaining the highest level of business excellence in the region. Chamber’s Choice award This business will have contributed to the growth & development of the community through their products, services & customer service. Given to an organization that has a strong history in the business community, continued growth & innovative strategies. green excellence award Recognizing environmental responsibility & leadership. Nominees will be judged on their stewardship or protection of environmentally sensitive areas. employer of the year A business owner who has been a leader in their community, one that demonstrates entrepreneurial spirit, quality service & workmanship, and exemplary customer service. The nominee should be one that shows professionalism towards their employees and empowers them to succeed. employee of the year An employee that shows leadership, is dedicated to quality service & workmanship. This nominee should be one that gives exemplary customer service.
Non-Profit of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________
Excellence in Tourism Business Nominee:______________________________
Excellence in Culinary Business Nominee:______________________________ Excellence in Service-Business Business Nominee:______________________________ New Business of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________ People’s Choice Award Business Nominee:______________________________ Chamber’s Choice Award Business Nominee:______________________________ Green Excellence Award Business Nominee:______________________________ Employer of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________ Employee of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________ NOMINATIONS DUE BY: Thurs., Feb. 14, 2013 at 10:00 am AWARDS & DINNER: Thurs., Feb. 28, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa Nominator: ________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________ RETURN YOUR NOMINATION TO: Agassiz Harrison Observer 7167 Pioneer Ave., or email MEDIA SPONSOR:
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
2012 in Review
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012 3
Online readership helps shape coverage Top stories include fallen hang glider, Jones boys and breached lagoon
Jessica Peters The Observer
Ah, the end of another year. For many, that means eggnog and other libations. For others, it means present giving and receiving. For plenty of us, it’s time a of enjoyable overeating, and then vowing to lose weight. But for newspapers, the changing of another calendar year means recapping 12 months of news stories. To do that, we’ve looked at images and stories that stood out from the rest. We’ve looked for themes and recurring events. We’ve recalled tragedies and triumphs, and everything in between. The result of that searching is in the following pages. But we’ve also looked into our reader statistics online, and found that what we felt were highlights weren't as popular online. The following is is a list of the stories that ranked the highest in our online community. For links to the original stories, visit us online at and click on the News tab, then Top Read Stories of 2012. Body of fallen hang glider found
The top read story of 2012 was also one of the most tragic. Lenami GodinezAvila was only 27 when she and her boyfriend decided to try hang gliding. They purchased a tandem trip with hang gliding pilot Jon Orders as part of their anniversary celebration. G o d i n e z - Av i l a somehow fell out of the harness, slipping out of her instructor’s grasp and to her death on Mt. Woodside. Orders was taken into custody, and then reportedly swallowed a
memory card from his camera. He was charged with obstruction of justice for that act. This is sure to be a story that people follow throughout 2013, as Orders’ trial is set to begin in the spring. Fire burning in Chilliwack
The second most read story in Agassiz was actually a story that affected people in Chilliwack. When a hydro substation exploded in rural Chilliwack, power was blown out throughout the city, including at our sister paper, The Chilliwack Progress. The smoke could be seen right here in Agassiz, and we quickly leapt into action to assist the Progress in making sure readers had access to the most up-to-date information regarding the incident. Women attacked in Agassiz at night
Tied for third in our most read list were two very different stories. The first is about two women who were attacked on New Year's Eve — a rare act of random violence for this community. The second was about a woman who fell into a deep hole while walking with her husband in Harrison Highlands.
Jones boys making changes
It's really not often an entertainment story reaches such high numbers in online statistics. But when it comes to a story that combines musical legend Charlie Young, with social media guru/musician Trevor McDonald, obviously an exception is made. If you haven't been out to see the Jones Boys in the Copper Room lately, this holiday season is a great time to see what you're missing. Lake spills into the lagoon
The power of water was on display this year when the lagoon breached at Harrison Lake and reached right to the public washrooms and playground. Other top stories of the year, in order, were: • C h a r g e s recommended for RCMP involved in fatal crash • New Year’s Eve blaze in Agassiz suspicious • Bargain Shop announces intention to buy Agassiz Fields • Sasquatch returns to Harrison Hot Springs • Agassiz man dies at scene of collision • Valley farmers protest heavy-handed measures to protect fish
JessICA PeTers / Observer
Kent-Harrison Search and Rescue and RCMP quickly went to the aid of a fallen hang glider earlier this year. The young woman died as a result of her injuries and the pilot involved will be in court in the spring of 2013. NOW OPEN SUNDAYS NOON - 4PM
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SHOPPING GW WEEK EVER!!! The Jones Boys (standing) and former Jones Boy Charlie Young (sitting) were a topic of interest online, breaking the trend of hard news stories being the most popular online.
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When a substation caught fire outside of Chilliwack, readers were still looking for news online. With a power outage that swept across Chilliwack, the Observer provided news coverage for our sister paper, the Chilliwack Progress.
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4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
Watch those chimneys: Fire chief MERRY CHRISTMAS & ALL THE BEST IN THE NEW YEAR!
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Agassiz Legion Branch 32
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extra snowfall causing damage to hemlock homes
Marty McKinney
For The observer
The week of Dec.15 - 22, 2012 will be a week to remember for everyone at Hemlock Valley. In my 20 years here I have never seen this much snow fall in so short a time and so early in the year. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 cm (8 feet) of snow fell during the week, toppling trees into the power lines, blocking roadways and driveways and causing damage to residential buildings. Chimneys were a big concern for the Fire Department as the snow that fell was sticking to the roofs and not shedding in its normal fashion. With a normal snow fall the snow will accumulate to around 10-15 cm (4 to 6 inches) and then release and slide to the ground. This past week, accumulations of 120 cm (4 feet) was not uncommon. When the snow did release it would take anything in its way with it — including chimneys. Local firefighters were keeping an eye on the situation and advising anyone with a chimney
The snow is beautiful, but potentially dangerous if a fire were to break out.
at risk to extinguish the fire in the fire box until the snow shed from the roof. Several residences have already had the chimney swept away in the avalanche off of the roof and many more are at risk. A structure fire at this time would be catastrophic as all the fire hydrants are buried under several feet of snow and access to them from the road is restricted by the high banks of snow left by the snow clearing equipment. Highways crews and local contractors are working hard to clear the roadways and driveways but they have a dangerous big job
ahead of them. Contractors clearing driveways are at risk of being buried by snow sliding off of roofs so extreme care must be taken while performing this task. As the fire chief at Hemlock Valley I am asking that all the residents be very cautious before lighting a fire in their fireplaces. Check your chimney first and if there is an accumulation of snow above or around the chimney clear this away first. Marty McKinney is the Fire Chief for the Hemlock Valley Fire Dept.
* tickets are not refundable & are required for admission
Tickets now on sale at the Legion* $75 per couple | $40 single ticket
The Hope Wildcats host a midget tournament Jan. 4-6 at the Hope Arena, and will face the Langley Chargers, Coquitlam Tropics and Cloverdale Colts. The Wildcats midget team come from Hope, Agassiz and Harrison.
Cheer for the hometown kids The NHL strike may be getting hockey fans down, but there is plenty of excitinglocal action on the ice to take in. The Hope Wildcats are hosting a midget hockey tournament at Hope Arena Jan. 4-6. Action gets underway on Jan. 4 at 4 p.m. with the host
team taking on the Langley Chargers. The Wildcats then face the Coquitlam Tropics at 8:45 a.m. on Jan. 5, followed by the Cloverdale Colts 5:30 p.m. Playoffs begin at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday and finish at 2 p.m. The Wildcats consist of 17
Bring in a canned food item to A&W for our local Food Bank and get
2 for 1
Teen Burgers or Mozza Burgers
players aged 15-17 from Hope, Agassiz, and Harrison Hot Springs. Admission to the tournament is free, but there will be raffle and 50/50 draws. All public skating and casual hockey times over the weekend will be cancelled.
2012 in Review
Names in the ring
Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs had two byelections to keep track of early in 2012. And on a provincial level, that meant a steady stream of visiting politicians, including Premier Christy Clark. She canvassed through town with Liberal hopeful Laurie Throness. Other party leaders visiting Agassiz were NDP's
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012 5
A Good Read! Premier Christy Clark and Liberal by-election candidate Laurie chatted up business owners in Agassiz on TheThroness Observer JESSICA PETERS / OBSERVER wet spring day this year. A g a ss iz Y H a r r i so n
Fraternal Order OF eagles
Flea Market
The last Sunday of every month in 2013 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Eagle's Hall 386 Fort Street, Hope
Adrian Dix with candidate Gwen O'Mahony, and the Conservative leader John Cummins with candidate John Martin. O'Mahony took the seat in the April 19 by-election. In Harrison, a seat on council was made vacant through a Supreme court ruling on Richard Shelley's candidacy. Richard Buckley won that byelection on May 12.
Pursuant to s. 127 of the Community Charter, Council of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs hereby gives notice of the following schedule for the Regular Council Meetings for 2013
Harrison by-election
January 7, 2013
June 17, 2013
January 21, 2013
July 8, 2013
February 4, 2013
August 12, 2013
February 18, 2013
September 9, 2013
March 4, 2013
October 7, 2013
March 18, 2013
October 21, 2013
April 2, 2013
November 4, 2013
April 15, 2013
November 18, 2013
May 6, 2013
December 2, 2013
May 21, 2013
December 16, 2013
June 3, 2013
Faces both new and old emerged to run in the 2012 by-election in Harrison Hot Springs, as shown in this photo from a candidates debate in April. Candidates included (left to right) former Mayor John Allen, former Councillor Bob Perry, Andrew Baziuk, John Buckley, Marc Ferrero, Richard Shelley, Andreas Satori and Arnold Caruk. Buckley won the election, joining councillors Allan Jackson, Sonja Reyerse-Peters and Zoltan Kiss, and Mayor Leo Facio.
Regular meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Council Chambers, 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs. For further information, please contact Debra Key, Corporate Officer at 604-796-2171.
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The Observer (Agassiz)
Christmas is a time to treasure wonderful traditions and celebrate with family, friends and the entire community. The transformation to a Christmas wonderland at ValleyCare is the start of the season’s festivities. This is the perfect setting for a beautiful country Christmas. With spectacular views of the snow-topped peaks nearby and many events to get everyone in the spirit, this is holiday living at its best. We will be enjoying a traditional Christmas dinner in our elegant dining rooms.
6 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
A few bad seeds? The federal government is bent on pushing medical marijuana grow operations out of residential homes. Crime and safety – home invasions, faulty wiring and mould – are the main reasons, and the plan has the backing of fire chiefs in B.C. An apartment fire in Maple Ridge on Dec. 13, which left dozens of people homeless, illustrates their concerns, as investigators found three grow ops on the second floor, where the fire started, and which they believe was electrical in origin. But Health Canada has said that the proposed legislation, which would regulate medical marijuana grow ops and push them to industrial or agricultural areas, where they would be subject to inspections, will drive up the purchase price. Would that not fuel illegal grows and trade, similar to what occurs now? Wouldn’t that nullify any changes to eliminate safety risks? Part of the plan is to let Health Canada medical possession and grow licenses expire in 2014. They will, in future, be more difficult to acquire, which is good, as
Have you ever taken part in a Polar Bear Swim?
some seem to have fallen into hands that can’t resist growing more than their licenses permit, and selling to people other than those who need it for medicinal purposes. What if, under the new regulations, some who do need it for that reason can’t afford to buy from newly licensed growers? Who benefits then? The federal government’s plan seems only to serve those who can afford to establish commercial grow op businesses, and put those who subvert the process into prison. Why not regulate, license and disclose small grows in homes, window-sill-type operations for personal, medicinal use? Why not follow Washington and Colorado, and just legalize recreational use? Clearly there is much money to be made in marijuana, and in Canada, we’re wasting way too much money and time trying to curb what is beyond the control of our authorities. Taking away patients’ personal production licences is akin to punishing all because of a few bad seeds.
To answer, go to the Home page of our website:
laST WEEK WE aSKEd: Have you given to a charitable organization this year?
Yes 83% No 16%
Dix seeks balance with business B.C. VieWs Tom Fletcher VICTORIA – NDP leader Adrian Dix has completed yearend interviews with members of the legislative press gallery. Here are highlights from my discussion with him. TF: On the Kinder Morgan oil pipeline expansion proposal, federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair says the federal environmental process would have to be strengthened before a project like that could get a thorough enough hearing. Do you agree? AD: The B.C. Liberal government has signed an equivalency agreement that says that the federal decision is the provincial decision on these projects. If it applies to Enbridge Northern Gateway, presumably the B.C. Liberals would apply it
to Kinder Morgan. They could have done a joint process, where [the final decision] would have gone to both cabinets. They chose instead to give up jurisdiction. They were so afraid of making any decision on Northern Gateway that they sent it over to the federal government. So what we’ve said is within a week of coming to office, we would end that equivalency agreement, and British Columbia would make decisions about both Enbridge Northern Gateway, which applied in May 2010, and any other pipeline, including the Kinder Morgan proposal, for which no application has been made. Obviously it would have been desirable for everyone had they chosen a true joint review, as they have in Site C [dam proposed for Peace River], as they did with Kemess North [rejected mine expansion proposal] and other cases.
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
TF: You don’t want duplicated review processes here, you just want a provincial cabinet say in the decision? AD: That’s right. TF: On your relationship with the B.C. Federation of Labour,
“We get support from unions, but it’s not even close to what people think” your caucus is considering a proposal that B.C. should once again do away with secret ballots for union certification. AD: The B.C. Fed makes a case to the government on a series of issues on employment standards every year. Labour law, every year. WorkSafeBC, every year. Trades and training, every year. With respect to [accepting signed union cards for
P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081
DeaDliNeS Classifieds: Tues. 4 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 4 p.m.
certification], it is a democratic process that the Newfoundland Conservative government just put into place a few months ago. So it’s a proposal from the labour movement and we’re looking at it. For most of B.C.’s modern history, since World War II, we’ve had that card-check system in place. The question would be whether [returning to that system] is a priority for this term in government. TF: So those kinds of things will be made clear in your platform? AD: Absolutely. TF: You picked up some serious money from the business community at a fundraiser in October. Is that some kind of a record for the NDP? AD: [Laughs.] It might be a record, I don’t know. I think the business fundraiser we did at the Hotel Vancouver netted $350,000. I think what it reflects is, this year I’ve had about 230 meetings with the business community. The purpose of it OFFiCe HOuRS Tues.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sat., Sun., & Mon.
has been principally to build understanding, particularly on issues of skills training. With the priority I give to skills training, I think I’m much more attuned to their concerns than the government has been. TF: I suppose that kind of success in fundraising might make it more difficult to follow through with your pledge to ban corporate and union donations. AD: I don’t think so. The B.C. Liberal Party has a very high level of corporate donations as a percentage of its total. We’re overwhelmingly dependent on individual donations. We get support from unions, but it’s not even close to what people would think. TF: So you’ll campaign for that, as you have before? AD: Yes. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and
Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Popkum/Bridal Falls, Rosedale and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572 Copyright and/or property rights sub sist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or er rors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The pub lish er’s liability for other errors or omis sions is limited to publication of the ad ver tise ment in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the ad ver tise ment .
PuBlishEr andrEw Franklin 604-796-4300
Editor JEssica PEtErs 604-796-4302
advErtising chris Blank 604-796-4301
BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012 7
Worth a thousand words
A collection of memorable reader photographs
There is always something going on in Agassiz, and there’s nothing better than a great shot from a reader, such as this one of Bishop Michael Ingham blessing the new meditation labyrinth at All Saints Anglican on Palm Sunday.
Linda Mosser is a regular photo contributor to the Observer, often catching images of scenery, nature and her surroundings. These baby hummingbirds were found in a nest on her back sun deck.
Sudoku Dec. 28, 2012 Intermediate Level
See answers in Classifieds.
Karen Hatt had her camera at the ready when the old barn on Hot Springs Road was torn down in March.
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
FUNclub Rave Reviews...
Open until 4:30pm December 24th & January 31st Closed December 25th, 26th & January 1st Tuesday–Friday 9am–5pm, closed Mondays Deadlines advertising: 4:00 pm Friday classifieds: 4:00 pm Tuesday
604.796.4301 | TF: 1.866.865.4460 7167 Pioneer Ave In print every Friday or see us online 24/7:
After falling head over hooves in love with Giselle, Elliot’s road to the altar takes a slight detour when Mr. Weenie is kidnapped by a group of pampered pets determined to return him to his owners.
The Observer, Petro’s Pizza and The Video Station are inviting kids up to the age of 12 years to join the Observer Fun Club. When your name appears in this section, come in to the Observer office within 2 weeks with this clipping & you will receive: • a free pizza from Pizza Plus • a free movie rental from the Video Station • a free book from the Agassiz Public Library upon presenting the birthday letter to them.
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison ❖ Hope
8 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
A year of new beginnings
This has been a year of exciting, fresh beginnings, and prosperous partnerships throughout the community. New events kept the community busy all year, from the bitterly cold and windy Heritage Run in Agassiz this spring, to the cozy warmth of Harrison Beer Festival in late October. Everyone in town was excited to
2012 in Review
see the resurgence of the once wildly popular Sasquatch Days in the summer, and the lagoon in Harrison was filled with tears of happiness when the Canadian Cancer Society brought its popular Relay for Life to the beach. Here’s to hoping that all of these events, and more, are just as successful in the coming year, and that the community continues to support them.
Clockwise from top left: Crusaders Dragon Boat coach Manfred Preuss (1461) sprints to beat another runner in the Heritage Walk/Run. Cancer survivors took the first lap of the Relay for Life in Harrison. Dignitaries applaud as a sasquatch hugs an elder during Sasquatch Days in Harrison Hot Springs. A reflexologist works on a client during the Health and Wellness Fair in Harrison Memorial Hall. The Harrison Beer Festival drew in hundreds of craft beer lovers in October, one of the many events that were created in the area over the last year.
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Mentoring is about the power of friendship. Volunteers and young people are
building friendships where they experience the magic of everyday moments Galaxy Bowl Dogwood Lanes Chillibowl Lanes REVS Bowling shared with a friend. Everyone needs someone to laugh with, share a dream Abbotsford
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March 11that&make12 With friends it's the little9, things a big difference! MAPLE 604-852-3331 RIDGE: HOPE: (Abbotsford) Call: REVS Bowling Sunshine Alley 1. Select a bowling party
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3. Start Collecting Pledges Abbotsford 12-2pm—Lunch Bowl 4. Celebrate the difference 4-6pm - Dine & Bowl REVS Bowling Centre Dogwood Bowling your fundraising 6-8pm - Dine &March Bowl 4th Thursday, March 12 It is easy, rewardingwill andmake FUN! Wednesday, Galaxy Bowling in the lives of children and 12-2pm (Abbotsford)12-2pm– Lunch Bowl - Lunch Bowl ★ Friday, March 27th Friday, March 13th Thursday, March 5th families your ★ 1. Select a in bowling party 4-6pm, 7-9pm 9-11pm- Dine 12-2pm, 4-6pm, 7-9pm (Maple Ridge) 4-6pm, & Bowl community! 2. Register Your Saturday, March 28th Saturday, March 14th Maple Ridge Friday, March 6th 3. Start Collecting Pledges 4-6pm, 8-10pm Bowl 4-6pm, 7-9pm 12-2pm—Lunch 4. Celebrate the difference 4-6pm - Dine & Bowl REVS Bowling Centre your fundraising will make 6-8pm - Dine & Bowl Thursday, March 12 Galaxy Bowling Forinevery raise your and name will go into a draw for our grand prize!!!!! 12-2pm– Lunch Bowl the $100 livesyou of children ★ Friday, March 27th Friday, March 13th families in your ★ 4-6pm, 9-11pm 12-2pm, 4-6pm, 7-9pm PRESENTED BY: community! Saturday, March 28th
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Agassiz Observer - August 20, 2010
ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */**Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Terrain FWD (TLF26 – 1SA), 2013 Sierra Ext 2WD (1SA) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,500). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Buick GMC dealer for details. **Offer available to retail customers between December 17th, 2012 and December 30th, 2012. Applies to new 2012 Chevrolet Sonic and Cruze and 2013 GM vehicles excluding 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, Corvette, Volt, Spark, Orlando, Express, Traverse, and Trax, GMC Savana and Acadia, Buick Enclave and Encore, and Cadillac ATS and XTS at participating dealers in Canada. Employee price includes freight and PDI but excludes license, insurance, registration, fees associated with filing at movable property registry/PPSA fees, duties, marketing fees and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. Limited quantities of 2012 models available. Dealer order or trade may be required. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details.†To qualify for GMCL’s Cash For Clunkers incentive, you must: (1) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured in your name for the last 3 months (2) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured under a small business name for the last 3 months. GMCL will provide eligible consumers with a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) to be used towards the purchase/finance/lease of a new eligible 2012 or 2013 MY Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, or Chevrolet Avalanche delivered between October 2, 2012 and January 2, 2013. Incentive ranges from $1500 to $3,000, depending on model purchased. Incentive may not be combined with certain other offers. By participating in the Cash For Clunkers program you will not be eligible for any trade-in value for your vehicle. See your participating GM dealer for additional program conditions and details. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate program in whole or in part at any time without notice. ^^Whichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. Comparison based on latest competitive data available. †*Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands.
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012 9
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Call Gardner Chevrolet Buick GMC at 604-869-9511, or visit us at 945 Water Avenue, Hope. [License #7287]
12-12-19 11:43 AM
10 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
2012 in Review
Wild weather: Water, water everywhere January this year, followed by so much water in the late spring that the Harrison
Jessica Peters The Observer
There was a massive dump of snow in
lagoon's outer wall sprung a leak. In June, a breach in the lagoon caused
Community Christmas Dinner To those who gave of themselves, their time or donated to our Community Christmas Dinner. . . thank you! • Agassiz Agricultural and Horticultural Association
• Lori’s Catering • Pioneer Acres
• Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa
• John & Vicki Veldman
• Sam’s Bobcat and Construction
• Carol Vantol
• Soulsen Construction
• The Agassiz Harrison Observer • Agassiz Harrison Printers • Holly Tree Florist & Gifts • Red Apple
• The District Of Kent
• Whyles Rowan
• Elaine Williams • Octave and Vicki • Ian Wilson
• Scott Hurst
• Rita Bruneski
• The Agassiz Fire Fighters.
Merry Christmas to all and a safe, happy New Year!
Harrison Hot springs
Visitors’ guide
It’s time to showcase our beautiful region to visitors & we have just the way to do so... by focusing on our local events, natural wonders, shopping, dining & accommodations in another award-winning, 40-page, full colour, glossy guide. A 50% deposit is required at time of booking with remainder to be paid no later than January 25th, 2013. Chamber members will receive a 10% discount.
Included in the 50,000 copy distribution: Fraser Valley distribution by the Agassiz Harrison Hope Observer Distribution to Visitor Information Centres throughout BC Local, national & international press Consumer & trade show exposure Online edition at the Agassiz Harrison Hope Observer & Tourism Harrison websites Direct links from the online edition to each advertiser’s website Facebook & Twitter presence
To book your ad contact Chris at The Observer: 604-796-4301 |
LasT ChanCe TO Order!
the closure of the walkway, and officials said boaters moving between the lake and lagoon was making the problem even worse. The same high water caused plenty of worry in Hope, where an entire wall of gabions had to be put in place by the Rapid Response Team, team flown in from Saskatchewan. The gabions lined 7th Ave. and Wardle street, to protect homes along the convergence of the Fraser and Coquihalla Rivers. This summer also went down in history as the driest, with Environment Canada
reporting only 16 mm of rain in August and September. So what's in store for 2013? The Farmer's Almanac says the southern B.C. area can expect this winter to be a bit warmer than usual, April and May being cooler than normal with "nearnormal precipitation", and a slightly cooler summer and fall than usual. And perhaps more accurately, in the immediate future, Enviroment Canada is calling for more local snow to fall in the Agassiz area.
Clockwise: The lagoon breached due to high water in late June in Harrison Hot Springs. An emergency crew was flown in from Saskatchewan to help put a long barricade in place in Hope, due to the rising waters. And in January, a huge snowfall left Agassiz under a massive blanket of snow.
2012 in Review
Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012 11
On the bright side of life
Jessica Peters ThE OBSERVER
Not all news is doom and gloom, thankfully. There are celebrations to photograph, success stories to write, and the little things in life that inevitably bring us immense joy. Such was the case in January, when two young Harrison Hot Springs girls decided to chop their hair off and donate it to a wig program. Then on May 11 and 13, there were only smiles in the streets of Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs respectively, when the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Tour brought the community together to celebrate its many heroes, of every age and background.
And then there are the stories that evoke bittersweet feelings, such as the naming of the Blair Henry Park this August. The story of a touching tribute to a lost, yet still revered member of the community, will always deserve a place within the pages of a community newspaper. Yes, there will be hard news stories in the paper. There will be sadness, and even tragedy that we must report on. That's just one of our many duties as a newspaper. But those stories that life our spirits are the ones that we enjoy bringing to you each and every week — stories of hope, joy and encouragement.
From top: Harrison Hot Springs elementary students Sarah Balfour (right) and Hailey Simmonds both cut their long tresses to be made into wigs for children fighting cancer and other illnesses. Blair Henry Park was named in August, on Highlands Drive, and his family and past co-workers attended the ceremony. This spring, we told the story of Gerri Healey, a long time drug user who has changed her lifestyle and become a Christian. In May, Rhoda Peters, Audrey Peters and Wyatt John were medal bearers for the Man in Motion Relay. John was a medal bearer from Hope to Chawathil, wearing the medal while crossing the river on a white water raft. Friends and family were waiting on the other side, welcoming him with traditional drumming.
There are better places to advertise.
The Observer A g as s i z Y Har r i s o n
Municipal Hall
Holiday Office closure 2012 - 2013
EMERGEncY cOnTacT nuMBERS: Sewer/Water calls: 604-796-9145 public Works calls: 604-796-9005
clOSED: MONDAY DECEMBER 24 TUESDAY DECEMBER 25 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 26 THURSDAY DECEMBER 27 FRIDAY DECEMBER 28 MONDAY DECEMBER 31 TUESDAY JANUARY 1, 2013 OpEn: WEDnESDaY JanuaRY 2, 2013 We would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season! pROpERTY TaXES/uTiliTiES paYMEnTS Payment for 2012 Property Taxes and Utilities MUST be received no later than Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 4:30pm Any unpaid balances will be transferred to arrears taxes and subject to daily interest. ** A general reminder to our customers: please let us know what your new/correct/updated mailing address is so that we may be able to get your invoices to you in a timely manner
The Agassiz Harrison Observer (sister paper to the Chilliwack Progress, Hope Standard, Abbotsford News & many other Black Press papers) When you advertise with the Observer you may be certain of two things: 1 You will have excellent customer service & 2 You will never have to pay for ad design
that of course, is in addition to The Givens: A It's a given that we work hard to give you the
best placement possible to get your name out there, whether it's in a special feature, the regular paper or flyers/coupons B It's a given that we have an award winning
newspaper & staff, are passionate about what we do & know that you probably are too C It's a given that advertising works & we'll show
you the best way to market your business no matter how big or how small
Hello I'm Chris of the Agassiz Harrison Observer & I am your partner in business. Call me today to set up an appointment to discuss bringing more business to your door & helping you gain customers for life. Chris Franklin - Advertising Consultant 604.796.4301 |
12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
2012 in Review
Agassiz moving on up in 2012
small town seeing big changes Jessica Peters The Observer
It’s been a prosperous year in Agassiz, with plenty of announcements and action that will push the community forward into the future. The issue that is most pressing is the expansion of the Kent Fitness/ Activity Centre, as council forges ahead in an effort to build a new gymnasium. While some have spoken out against the idea, saying costs (which are not entirely known, as District staff admits) even more are crying out for expanded services —especially with the provincial government’s financial help.
Another sign that Agassiz is growing is the addition of a new museum facility, which houses and showcases the history of farming in the area. While the barn is new, the creation of it took the oldest building tool out there — volunteer hands. The Agassiz Slough is breathing a little easier, with maintainance work
being carried out this year, and the old firehall is currently under renovations. Eventually, that building could be used as storage for the District, and will be connected to the existing District office. While proposals were sought for the project, all were rejected and the District is acting as contractor.
From top right, clockwise: The Agassiz Harrison Museum opened its new barn in June this year. It houses the farming implements that were currently not on display. The Agassiz Slough was dredged in August in an effort to rid it of decades of overgrowth and bring it back to a healthier state. The old Kent firehall is being renovated to “lock up stage” by the District, in the hopes to save the building and connect it to the existing District building beside it. John Les and Mayor John Vanlaerhoven celebrate the announcement of funding for the new gymnasium. JESSICA PETERS / OBSERVER
IMPORTANT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Re: Information Gathering Round Table Meeting
All citizens of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs are cordially invited to a facilitated information gathering session on January 17, 2013. The format of this gathering will be round table discussions where you will have an opportunity to provide input on ways to improve the quality of life in the Village. Please come prepared to share: 1) what you like about the Village, 2) what you don’t like, and 3) what you would like to see for the future. Council members will be present to listen carefully to your concerns and suggestions. Details of Gathering: Date: January 17, 2013 Time: 7:00pm ~ 9:00pm Meeting location: Memorial Hall, 290 Esplanade Avenue, Harrison Hot Springs, BC Refreshments will be served. We expect to see a capacity crowd in attendance so come early to claim your seat at the table! Tennant-Derksen Creative Strategies
Congratulations to
Aaliyah Jimmie WINNER
of our Christmas Colouring Contest! You may collect your prize on Friday, Jan. 4th at the Agassiz Observer office. 7167 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz. The Agassiz ❖ Harrison
Friday, December 28, 2012, Agassiz Harrison Observer 13
The Agassiz ❖ Harrison ❖ Hope
After-Hours Call Centre: Phone: 604.796.4300 | Toll Free: 1.866.865.4460 toll free: 1.866.575.5777 Fax: 604.796.2081 | Email: Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
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December 28, 2012
INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920
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14 Agassiz Harrison Observer, Friday, December 28, 2012
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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012 15
2012 in Review
Meet the Pros
Keep on rockin’
Music is said to be as old as mankind, a necessity to the soul. Whether it was rock and roll, country music, sounds from around the world or quieter, acoustic performances, this year had everything a music lover could ask for. And while the Harrison Memorial Hall has been a local tried and true stage, concerts are starting to pop up on the beach, in the hotels and even in Harrison's new nightclub, the Layback Lounge. So with these final images for our Year in Review, The Observer wishes all of our readers a happy and healthy New Year.
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From top: Todd Richard, of Harrison Hot Springs, is keeping the dream alive, continuing to pursue his love of music. Here, he signs autographs for young fans. On New Year’s Eve, you can catch him live at Harrison Memorial Hall. For tickets call 604-793-8824. Wazimbo left the audience spellbound with his beautiful music as part of the 2012 Harrison Festival of the Arts. Tom Landa from the well-known group Paperboys brought another group of his, called Locarno to the Memorial Hall this February. Canadian rockers 54-40 performed a special acoustic performance of their top hits at Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa, as part of the Musical Therapy Ride in September.
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New Cabinetry, and Cabinet Refacing Counter Tops 6390 Pioneer Ave, Agassiz
16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, December 28, 2012
Sutton Harrison Hot Springs Where Happy Memories Last Forever!
Freddy Marks & Linda Marks
The custom country home with its 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms is situated on a quiet country road surrounded by a landscaped yard. A heated and insulated 40x54 ft shop is in place with 220 power and 3 bay doors.
Great family complex, close to Elementary and Middle School. This spacious townhouse features 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a balcony and patio with a fenced yard. The layout supplies a kitchen, separate dining area, living room with a gas fireplace and a family room/office on the lower level. Two bedrooms with a full bathroom and a master bedroom with en suite are in place on the upper level and give you a total approximately 1,742 square feet..
Sweatman Road, Agassiz / MLS# H1201956 / $498,900
#35-45286 Watson Rd, Chilliwack/MLS#H1202263 /$205,000
SOLD THE MARGUERITE FARM Serenely nestled along the western banks of the Fraser River and stretching up onto the wide bench land above, this 470 acre farm holds many exciting, unique features and opportunities. This fertile farm is in the Agricultural Land Reserve, and has two separate titles. Quesnel $875,000 SOLD
What an incredible setting for a totally private get away. Nature lovers as well as hunters will find their little paradise here.A creek meanders through the fields so no irrigation is necessary. Nature takes care of it. Baker Meadows produces approximately 150/175 round bails of hay in one cut.
Dl 11476 Spokin Lake Rd. 150 Mile House/ $59,000 SOLD
Harrison Lake Estates is a fun place to live with plenty of privacy, and the sophistication & convenience of a fine resort. This +55 gated community is close to all the amenities of this beautiful tourism destination & world renowned Harrison Hot Springs. Owners in this luxury community enjoy the availability of 2 guest suites available only to the property owners. You have to see this spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, window-wrapped end unit, one level Rancher in Harrison Lake Estates.
McCombs Drive, Harrison/ MLS H1203830 / $259,900 SOLD
Since the past 30 years this beauty 40 acre piece of Lakefront has been Bernie’s Hunting and Fishing retreat. The decision to sell was not easy. But life goes on. Over the years Bernie and his friends did shoot around 25 Moose Bulls and uncountable Mule deer’s on and around this property. Almost completely surrounded by crown land, on a year round maintained road with easy access. Not to mention the fifth wheel, which became the cabin over the years and stays with the property.
Surrounded by many good fishing lakes and hunting opportunities this is a great property for the Outdoor lover. The property borders crown land on two sites and is just minutes away from Twan Lake (9 km) Twan Creek runs thru the property year round and produces a nice wild stock rainbow. Chilcotin $89,900 SOLD
COZY RIVERFRONT HOLIDAY HOME This home is situated in the town of Greven, Germany. It was approximatly built in 1936 and is idillicaly located surrounded by nature.
Greven, Germany, Euro 118.000 SOLD
SOLD NAKISKA RANCH One of the most unique guest ranch properties in the West, these 644 deeded acres present an amazing array of opportunities to sportsmen, equestrians, wildlife and other outdoor enthusiasts alike. Over 180 acres of the property are in hay.
Baker Meadows, Nezko, BC, $84,900 SOLD
Clearwater $1,950.000 SOLD
SOLD EQUESTRIAN RANCH ESTATE 450 acres ,incredible veritable playground of luxury amenities and entertainment spaces without losing the serenity & functionality option of a working ranch operation, stunning 5 bedroom Loghome , this property is a recreational paradise Riske Creek, Becher $1,500,000 SOLD
SOLD 160 ACRES BESIDE ONE EYE LAKE This property of 160 acres is a bargain if you take a closer look to the opportunities and special location. The lot lies in second row on the west side of One Eye Lake. Only a small strip of crown land sepa-rates your future property from the low bank lakefront on a fan-tastic crescent beach. A small corner of the lot is across the Highway which offers great serviced year round access. Chilcotin $125,000 SOLD
SOLD SAFE FOR CHILDREN & PETS AND ENERGY EFFICIENT This fully fenced home will give you peace of mind knowing that your kids &pets are safe. A home in a quiet cul-de-sac street with no major roads to pass for your children to reach school. See yourself sitting in the sun & watching your children &pets play in the large backyard. This R 2000 home was one of the first energy saver houses in the valley. The home offers 2300 sqft, 4 bedrooms, open living space, two bathrooms, lots of place for more rooms, storage & a huge carport.
Naismith Avenue, Harrison/ MLS H1200966/ $289,000 SOLD