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Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Celebration of Light a success P. 10
Nanaimo RCMP Const. Nathalie Cuvele pays the Ladysmith Press a visit on Fri, Dec. 28 with Ev, an eight-month-old German Shepherd and “potential police dog in training.” Cuvele and Ev routinely travel to new places to help make the pup more comfortable while she’s exploring unfamiliar surroundings.
Ladysmith Players closer to buying theatre own the theatre. School District 68 THE CHRONICLE (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) I t l o o k s l i k e t h e and the Lady Smith’s Ladysmith Little Theatre Little Theatre Society building will stay in the (now called the Ladysmith hands of the Ladysmith Players Society) have Players, as just two more signed an agreement for steps need to be taken the society to purchase before a deal is finalized t h e f o r m e r D i a m o n d that would see the com- Elementary School buildmunity theatre society ing on Christie Road from Lindsay Chung
the school district. The theatre society has been leasing the building and using it as its playhouse since 2003. Now, as a result of the school district’s asset management plan, arrangements have been made for the society to purchase the building at a cost of $150,000. Under the terms of the
sale, the district is taking an interest-free mortgage on the property for five years to allow the theatre society time to raise funds to pay off the mortgage. The deal will be finalized once it has received the Minister of Education’s approval and the approval of a bylaw by the board of education, according to a
Collision Repairs Need a Makeover?
news release. A signing ceremony was held at the school district offices on Dec. 21. “We are very pleased that we have been able to make this arrangement with the theatre society,” board of education chair Jamie Brennan said in the release. “This has accomplished the district’s goal
you can
of selling properties it no longer requires for educational purposes, while at the same time supporting a valuable communitybased organization.” Bruce Mason, past president of the theatre society, is excited about the agreement with the school district and is confident the See SD68 Page 3
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2 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 3
SD68 signs agreement with theatre society
Risa Convey (Class of 2012), Jenna Saffin (Class of 2010) and Eli Battie (Class of 2011) received Governor General’s Academic Medals (GGAM) from Ladysmith Secondary School principal Dave Street Fri, Dec. 21. GGAMs are awarded to students who’ve earned the highest-ranked academic average for grades 11 and 12 of anyone in their respective graduating classes.
LSS grads earn medals Three Ladysmith students receive Gover General’s Academic Medals Nick Bekolay
officer’s role both factor into Battie’s plans for a military career, he said, but for now, he’ll focus on the new experiences Ladysmith Secondary School’s military life brings his way. top-ranked graduate for 2012 is Saffin, LSS’s top graduate directing her talents and nimble for 2010, is now enrolled on grey matter toward a rather full scholarship as an arts suitable topic of study. and sciences student at Quest Risa Convey, recipient of LSS’s University Canada in Squamish. Governor General’s Academic Q u e s t ’s c u r r i c u l u m i s Medal (GGAM) for 2012, is curdesigned in such a way that rently enrolled as a first-year learning is custom-tailored to neuroscience student at the individual students. Saffin’s University of Calgary (U of C). education revolves around her Convey credited a research quest for insight into the role of internship with the Heart and empathy in medicine, and her Stroke Foundation during the coursework involves summer of 2011 with both prerequisites for sparking her interest Quoted in the Chronicle medical school and in neuroscience. For experiential learning three weeks that sum“I needed a change and I needed to aimed at granting her mer, Convey assisted do something real because an understanding of PhD students at the cross-cultural perspecUniversity of British engineering didn’t feel right.” tives related to healthColumbia with an care. investigation into the Eli Battie, LSS Class of 2011 Saffin said she’ll spend effects of stroke on the summer in Kerala patients’ brains. She Private Battie said he attend- — a state on India’s southwest was hooked, she said, and as soon as she learned that U of ed the University of Victoria’s coast — working with Child C offered neuroscience as an engineering program last year, Family Health International and Pallium India to research undergraduate degree option, but it left him feeling restless. “I needed a change and I need- local approaches to palliative she decided to apply. For now, Convey said her plan ed to do something real,” Battie care, adding that she’s incredis to complete her neuroscience added, “because engineering ibly excited by the opportunity to study in India. degree before applying to medi- didn’t feel right.” Battie enrolled with the Bronze Governor General’s cine, adding that her choice of major offers her an advantage Canadian Forces and headed Academic Medals are awardover medical school applicants east to Quebec. He said he’ll ed on the basis of a student’s have an additional month of cumulative average for all of from other fields of study. “The success rate of neuro- training to complete when he their grade 11 and 12 coursescience kids getting into med returns to the Canadian Forces work. One bronze medal — silschool is 50 per cent,” said Leadership and Recruit School ver medals apply to undergradConvey, “compared to only five in Saint-Jean, Que., before mov- uate university students while per cent for biomed students.” ing on to four months of “battle gold medals are awarded to those who’ve completed a gradConvey found out she’d been school.” Come April, Battie said he’ll uate program — is awarded named as LSS’s 2012 GGAM winner when her father texted have to choose between further each year to the top student of every secondary school in the her one afternoon during the coursework or deployment. Further schooling and an country. week of final exams to tell her
the news. “I was really excited,” Convey said of the revelation. “I’d honestly never heard of it before, but it made more sense to me when I heard that Eli and Jenna were receiving awards for the last few years, too.” Convey visited LSS Fri, Dec. 21 with fellow alumni members Eli Battie and Jenna Saffin to receive their GGAMs from principal Dave Street. Battie, LSS’s 2011 GGAM winner, took leave from basic training to return home to Ladysmith for Christmas.
From Page 1 Mason. Mason says it’s too early to say money will be raised. “I feel quite confident the commu- what kind of activities the theatre nity will support it, and it will end society will do to raise the money, up being paid for before the five but he does expect to hold some years are up,” he said. “It’s quite an fundraisers. The theatre society will continue asset for the community, and it’s quite nice to preserve that build- paying rent to the school district ing and keep the school there for until June 1 and then will pay the a memory for those who attended. same amount each month toward its mortgage. It’s good for everyone. Mason feels the Ladysmith Little “It’s nice it’s staying in community hands, and it’s staying in the Theatre is in “really good shape” right now. community and not privately owned by a Quoted in the Chronicle “I think it’ll go forward quite strongly,” he said. developer. It gives it “I think it will grow more protection.” “I feel quite from here. It’s very Mason says the sociconfident the important to own your ety will now be applyi n g f o r c h a r i t a b l e community will own space when you a community thestatus so that it can support it, and are atre because you have accept donations and it will end up a home, and you have provide tax receipts. “Once we get that, it being paid for control over your own space; you’re not sharwill be required by law before the five ing space with somethat if ever we wanted years are up.” one else who has nothto disband the theatre ing to do with theatre.” or the theatre group, Bruce Mason, Built in 1912, all the assets would be turned over to another Ladysmith Players Society Diamond School had originally been a onecharitable group or an room school, with an arts or theatre group additional room added in the community,” he added. “It could never go into pri- during the 1950s. The building had vate hands and would always be in been vacant since approximately 1985. the community.” In January 2004, work began to Once the deal is finalized, the theatre society will have five years to transform the building into an acturaise the $150,000, starting June 1. al theatre, and the theatre opened “We’re hoping we can and hop- its doors to the public March 24, ing we can get some grants,” said 2004.
Chemainus Festival of Trees raises $3,800 Nick Bekolay THE CHRONICLE
A $3,800 donation to the Chemainus Harvest House Food Bank marked the grand finale of Chemainus Gardens’ second annual Festival of Trees Dec. 28. Margaret Perry, the festival’s coordinator, handed over a cheque for $3,872 to Sylvia Massey and Rick O’Doherty of Harvest House during the festival’s closing ceremony. Perry said they raised $2,372 through tree sponsorships at the festival’s Christmas tree decorating contest, a silent auction and donations. An additional $1,500 was donated by Chemainus Gardens owner Len Waunsbraugh. Perry credited nine local businesses and associations as sponsors of trees for this year’s Christmas tree competition, adding that this year’s winning tree belonged to the Chemainus Health Care Auxiliary. Second place went to Saint Joseph’s Elementary School in Chemainus. Festivalgoers chose the Health Care Auxiliary’s tree as
winner of the “visitor’s favourite choice” tree. Those who bid on silent auction items paid close to face value, Perry added, for items donated by more than a dozen local businesses. Additional funds were raised through donations offered in exchange for portraits taken by local photographers Daphne and Art Carlyle and for a chance to paint ceramics provided by Crafty Cuppa. Due to the weather, fewer people turned out for the scheduled carolling sessions than had been expected, Perry said, but overall the second annual Festival of Trees was “a huge success.” Perry said she’s already planning a number of refinements for next year’s festival including a “Twelve Days of Christmas” angle. The festival featured a poetry contest for local students, with winning poets receiving Kobo e-readers from sponsors Future Shop and Staples. See our Jan. 8 edition for the winning entries.
4 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
CHURCH DIRECTORY Police officers introduce Welcome to
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Positive Ticket Program The Ladysmith RCMP is challenging the youth in our community to try to get a “ticket.” This ticket is not the usual ticket that we all grumble about, but, instead, it’s part of a program that the Ladysmith RCMP Detachment has initiated that recognizes the good things the youth in our community are doing to resist peer pressure. The Positive Ticket Program is a way police officers and local businesses can show their appreciation to those who are making good choices.
Const. Jo Anne Ruppenthal has delivered letters to local businesses to invite them to participate by donating coupons that a police officer gives to a local youth who demonstrates making a good choice — such as wearing a bicycle helmet or choosing not to drink alcohol when with a group that is. That youth will then be able to go into the store that provided the coupon and pick up a “free” treat. “There are a lot of great teenagers and children in this
community that are unfortunately getting overshadowed by those who make wrong choices,” says Ruppenthal. “I am excited to be part of a program like this that reinforces those values that we all want in our children in order for them to become role models for others.” If you would like to learn more about this program or are a business that would like to contribute to the program, contact the Ladysmith RCMP at 250-245-2215. — Submitted
Five-speaker package being sold now for Garden Speaker Series Staff Writer The Chronicle
If the winter weather has you daydreami n g o f y o u r g a rden, the Ladysmith Community Gardens Society hopes to helpfuel those dreams by offering a limited number of tickets to its 2013 Garden Speaker Series. The Ladysmith Community Gardens Society and Town of Ladysmith are offering four informative presentations during the Garden Speaker Series, which runs Feb. 12 to March 12. The five-speaker package is currently on sale for $25, and there will only be individual tickets on sale after Jan. 19. Each presentation takes place at the Frank Jameson
Community Centre. your fruit trees and For more informaThe first presenta- increase yields. tion about Gilkeson, tion is Orchard Mason The next session will visit www.lindagilkeBees, and it takes take place Tue, Feb. place Tue, Feb. 12 26 from 7-9 p.m. The final session of from 7-9 p.m. Joan Gerlitzki will the series takes place Bee breeder Rose provide an introduc- Tue, March 12 from McCulley of J&R Farm tion to companion 7-9 p.m. will get you started on gardening, and particDirk Becker will lead bee breeding. ipants will learn how a session called Grow Orchard Mason Bees to use plants to repel Food Sustainably — are early spring polli- trees, attract bees and Change Your Life. nators, and McCulley create nutrients that Becker, voted one w i l l s h o w p a r t i c i - maximize yields. o f N a n a i m o ’s To p pants how to introOn Tue, March 5, 2 0 M o s t P o w e r f u l duce Mason bees into Linda Gilkeson of People three years in their yard and how Year Round Harvest a row, will passionateto keep them healthy will lead a session on ly share how to grow and active throughout how to Grow the Most more food using less their pollinating cycle. Food in the Smallest land, space, soil and O n Tu e , F e b , 1 9 , Space (With the Least water. Dorothee Kieser will Work) from 7-9 p.m. More information speak about Pruning L e a r n h o w t o about Becker can be Fruit Trees from 7-9 increase your harvest found at www.dirkp.m. of organically-grown or www. Kieser, a local Master fruit and vegetables Gardener, will share from gardens of any For more informah e r e x p e r t i s e o n size using easy, low- tion about the Garden why, when and how maintenance meth- Speaker Series, conto prune trees and ods that will leave you tact Joanne at 250shrubs to improve plenty of time to smell 245-3640 or jobath@ the form or shape of the roses.
Town of Ladysmith
2013 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS: The Town of Ladysmith holds regular Council meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month unless otherwise noted. The meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and take place in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 410 Esplanade, Ladysmith, B.C. The 2013 schedule is as follows: January 7 April 2 July 2 (Tuesday) October 7 January 21 April 15 July 15 October 21 February 4 May 6 August 6 (Tuesday) November 4 February 18 May 21 (Tuesday) August 19 November 18 March 4 June 3 September 3 (Tuesday) December 2 March 18 June 17 September 16 December 16 Council encourages and welcomes your participation. For meeting agendas and minutes, please visit the Town’s website at or call 250.245.6400. Government Services Committee meetings take place on the third Monday of the month.
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 5
Year in Review
This year, for our Year in Review, we’re trying something different. We chose five top stories, hoping to share what people were talking about in 2012. Of course, there were other worthy stories we aren’t featuring, and by trying to summarize a year’s worth of stories, we’ve surely missed some things, but we hope you like it. We have the first three this week, and we’ll close out the Year in Review in our Jan. 8 paper. — Lindsay Chung, editor
Transit and trolley raised numerous questions
Ladysmith Mayor Rob Hutchins (right) watches as Stz’uminus First Nation Chief John Elliott signs the renewed Community Accord on May 25.
Stz’uminus and Town strengthened ties The year 2012 was a year of strengthening ties and renewing commitments for the Town of Ladysmith and the Stz’uminus First Nation. In May, the Stz’uminus First Nation and Town of Ladysmith strengthened their commitment to working together with the signing of a renewed Community Accord. The signing took place during the opening ceremonies of the new Ladysmith Maritime Society Community Marina Reception Centre on May 25. Mayor Rob Hutchins said the updated accord, titled Naut’sa Mawt [Working Together], contains a new article of implementation calling for specific action. It outlines specific steps for how to work together on joint initiatives and form economic partnerships that will generate wealth and secure employment within both communities. “What is different about this accord than the first one we signed in 2007 is it is far less tentative ... It speaks to a stronger commitment to work together,” said Hutchins. “It speaks to a growing mutual respect and a growing level of trust, and I choose those words c a r e f u l l y, b e c a u s e we’re not quite there yet. The healing is not complete.” By the time the accord was signed, both communities had
completed frameworks for a working protocol and memorandum of understanding (MOU). “This accord is something that we take seriously, and we’re going to work together to make sure we work together to make a difference in everybody’s lives, on this side and the other side of the water,” said Stz’uminus Chief John Elliott. In early July, the Town of Ladysmith and the Stz’uminus First Nation took another step forward by signing a Co-operation Protocol. The two communities signed the protocol July 3, and its purpose is “to continue to develop the cooperative relationship that exists between the communities and form an agreement to pursue initiatives of common interest.” The objectives of the Co-operation Protocol are to establish an effective governmentto-government working relationship between the communities and other agencies, promote efficiency and effectiveness in the working relationship between the communities, establish an ongoing policy-level and technical-level dialogue, establish information-sharing and co-operative planning processes, establish a consultation process, and help the communities secure the financial resources necessary to support their partici-
pation in this protocol and the projects they undertake. Coun. Steve Arnett noted that this protocol is “historic,” and he thanked Hutchins for his leadership. “This is truly a joint leadership, and my hat goes off to the chief and council of the Stz’uminus First Nation,” replied Hutchins. “We have accomplished more in the last year and particularly within the last six months, I think, than we had accomplished in decades before.” In late August, ties were further strengthened when the federal government announced $1.4 million in funding to extend water and sewage services from Ladysmith to Stz’uminus lands around the Ivy Green Husky gas station. Once those services are in place, Stz’uminus will be able to develop the 25-hectare Four Corners site for commercial, professional and retail buildings. The theme of working together and joining forces for economic development was highlighted in late March when the Stz’uminus First Nation and the Coast Salish Development Corporation hosted an inaugural Power in Numbers Gathering to explore and encourage opportunities for partnership and revenue sharing with industry and First Nations.
Transit and the viability of the and wish for the CVRD board Ladysmith trolley were hot top- to approve Ladysmith as a new ics at council meetings and in Transit service partner.” letters to the editor in 2012. The town asked that the M o s t r e c e n t l y, i n e a r l y CVRD Transit Committee conSeptember, Ladysmith coun- sider requesting that BC Transit cillors expressed hope that consider using Ladysmith as a BC Transit and the Cowichan pilot area for the use of alterValley Regional District (CVRD) native fueled vehicles. As well, will look into offering bus ser- the town requested that the vice into Nanaimo in the next committee consider using the five years instead of further Ladysmith public works yard down the road. as a satellite yard for the storLadysmith council reviewed age and potentially the repair of the Cowichan Valley Region vehicles. Transit Future Plan Sept. 4. Council also directed staff to The plan calls for the intro- transition the existing trolley duction of inter-regional service fleet to one single trolley for to Nanaimo as a medium-term use during special events only. priority to be implemented in The CVRD Transit Committee’s the next six to 15 years, and invitation would allow the councillors wanted to see that expansion of CVRD transit sermoved forward. vices to Ladysmith, beginning in Network priorities in the the spring of 2013. short term for the next five The town currently provides years include introducing tran- about 3,000 annual service sit service within Ladysmith hours using five rotating loops and Electoral Area G, improv- and one trolley, explained John ing the frequency of weekday Manson, Ladysmith’s director service, improving evening and of infrastructure services. This weekend service, and improv- costs approximately $158,000 ing the inter-regional service to per year, according to his report. Victoria. Introducing transit serThe new transit proposal vice in Ladysmith would entail is derived from the CVRD’s establishing a Ladysmith transit Transit Future Plan, which was terminal and transit stops. developed in early 2012. Looking ahead in the next six “That plan, developed jointly to 15 years, the Future Transit by the CVRD and BC Transit, Plan calls for reconfiguring provides for a future local Duncan and North Cowichan community shuttle service in transit services to introduce an Ladysmith in a fashion similar urban circulator service and cre- to the existing trolley service ate more direct neighbourhood and is similar to the local serroutes; reconfiguring South vice proposed in 2009,” Manson Cowichan transit services; wrote in his report. “A connecintroducing inter-regional ser- tion through the Saltair area vice to Nanaimo; continuing to is also envisioned, connectenhance inter-regional service ing to the existing service in to Victoria and extending the Chemainus.” hours of operation on the Local The CVRD transit plan enviTransit Network. The plan calls sions allocating two new comfor improving Ladysmith servic- munity shuttle buses that es by enhancing neighbourhood accommodate 20-24 people services within the town, intro- each to Ladysmith. The plan also ducing direct service between envisions 3,040 annual running Duncan and Ladysmith and hours servicing Ladysmith’s studying the feasibility of para- internal road network, which is transit services in North Oyster. similar, if not identical, to the Councillors voted to send a level of service the town’s trolletter to BC Transit requesting ley system provides, according a revision to change the imple- to Manson’s report. mentation of an inter-regional Additionally, the plan envisions service to Nanaimo from medi- 1,100 annual running hours of um-term to short-term so that service connecting the internal it begins in the next five years. road service to the existing tranThe Town of Ladysmith took sit service in Chemainus, and the first step to joining the there is the possibility of adding CVRD’s regional transit net- a minor amount of handyDART work in June. service, noted Manson. Council voted to respond to the The operating costs of the new CVRD’s offer to join the CVRD local service have been estimatTransit Service in 2013 stating ed at approximately $277,000, that “the Town of Ladysmith is with a total cost estimated at very interested in joining the $409,000. CVRD Transit Service Function Under the provincial/CVRD
cost-sharing formula, the CVRD’s share of this new service is $185,816 net of fare revenues, explained Manson. The Chemainus connection is estimated to cost $86,052 net of fare revenues, and the start-up costs are estimated to be $20,000 — for a total new cost to the CVRD of $291,868. Should Ladysmith wish to join the CVRD transit service, the town would be allocated a share of the cost of the entire service, not just the portion that services the town. Under the current cost-sharing formula, the town’s share of the total cost of the CVRD system is estimated to be 9.71 per cent, according to Manson. Council first received a report from the CVRD regarding transit in mid-Feburary. During that meeting, Rob Johnson asked if the town is seriously looking at a transit route toward Nanaimo instead of the CVRD. “When I was on council, I believe we said the cost would be almost the same, but the service and the desirability for the citizens would probably be much more significant for transit in Nanaimo, especially if we got two or three vehicles running around every 20 minutes or so,” he said. Hutchins explained that the offer by BC Transit is to the CVRD to expand services. Running parallel to discussions of transit were discussions about the number of riders who are or are not taking the trolley. Hoping to increase trolley ridership and provide better services to current riders, the Town of Ladysmith introduced a new trolley schedule July 2. “We’ve just tidied up a few things; the main thing was getting more trips to Coronation Square,” said Ladysmith trolley committee chair Coun. Jillian Dashwood. Though nothing changed regarding the trolley’s days of operation or 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. timeframe, there were a few adjustments to the route. Among the changes to the schedule is an extra run to Coronation Mall, bringing the total number to six. As of July 2, the trolley no longer makes runs to Gill and Glen roads along Chemainus Road. As well, the trolley does not head directly down to Transfer Beach, although it will make a stop along Transfer Beach Boulevard and Oyster Bay Drive.
6 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
NOTICE OF 2013 MEETING SCHEDULE Please be advised the Thetis Island Local Trust Committee meeting schedule for 2013 will be posted on notice boards in the following locations: BC Ferries Bulletin Board – Thetis Island Islands Trust Northern Office – Gabriola Island Islands Trust Salt Spring Office and on the Islands Trust Website
Men Do See Things Differently To Women Dr. Anita Voisin
Questions about Crofton mill’s future hung in the air throughout 2012 Like the smoke that billows from the mill’s smokestacks, uncertainty hung in the air for much of 2012 when it came to the future of Catalyst Paper and the Crofton pulp and paper mill. The year started with stories of labour deals and creditor protection, but after months of bargaining and voting, Catalyst ended up restructuring and no jobs were lost at the Crofton mill. In fact, our sister paper in Duncan, the Cowichan News Leader Pictorial, reported in mid-October that the Crofton division of Catalyst Paper has hired 70 new employees this year. Sixty of those are replacing departing workers or positions that remained vacant as the company struggled to remain viable, the paper reported. But 10 positions are new. “The last five years
There were many questions about the future of the Crofton mill during 2012. with the consolidation of the industry and Catalyst itself, we’ve hired virtually no one,’’ explained Robert B e l a n g e r, g e n e r a l manager of Catalyst’s Crofton division. Employment at the mill has rebounded to 573, a number expected to reach at least 600 in the near future, according to the article. After months of labour talks and votes,
Catalyst Paper stakeholders approved the company’s complex financial restructuring plan June 25. “Ninety-nine per cent is very good,” North Cowichan Mayor Jon Lefebure said of balloting in Richmond by stakeholders of Crofton paper mill’s parent firm. That vote, about C a t a l y s t ’s c o m p l e x rejigging, followed one held May 23 when
The way that the visual centers of men and women’s brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.
In the brain there are high concentrations of male sex hormone (androgen) receptors throughout cerebral cortex, especially in the visual cortex which is responsible for processing images. Androgens are also responsible for controlling the development of neurons in the visual cortex during embryogenesis, meaning that males have 25% more of these neurons than females. Researchers from Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges of the City University of New York compared the vision of men and women aged over 16 from both college and high school, including students and staff. All volunteers were required to have normal color vision and 20/20 sight (or 20/20 when corrected by glasses or contact lenses).
By varying how rapidly the bars alternated or how close together they were, the team found that at moderate rates of image change, observers lost sensitivity for close together bars, and gained sensitivity when the bars were farther apart. However when the image change was faster both sexes were less able to resolve the images over all bar widths. Overall the men were better able to resolve more rapidly changing images that were closer together than the women. Prof Israel Abramov, who led this study commented, “As with other senses, such as hearing and the olfactory system, there are marked sex differences in vision between men and women. The elements of vision we measured are determined by inputs from specific sets of thalamic neurons into the primary visual cortex. We suggest that, since these neurons are guided by the cortex during embryogenesis, that testosterone plays a major role, somehow leading to different connectivity between males and females. The evolutionary driving force between these differences is less clear.” From Medical News Today
stakeholders voted, by a thin margin, to basically let the paper giant go to the highest bidder. “They failed by one vote to get the twothirds of unsecured creditors to vote in favour,” said Lefebure. “In the meantime some pension holders became unsecured creditors in danger of losing pension funds and they became (court approved) voters on the restructuring. “People realized the (revamped) restructuring plan was in their best interest. This was about keeping the mill operating,” said Lefebure. “The restrucSee Restructure Page 7
Ladysmith Resources Centre Association
Christmas Cheer Fund Donors 2012
When the volunteers were required to describe colors shown to them across the visual spectrum it became obvious that the color vision of men was shifted, and that they required a slightly longer wavelength to experience the same hue as the women. The males also had a broader range in the center of the spectrum where they were less able to discriminate between colors. An image of light and dark bars was used to measure contrast-sensitivity functions (CSF) of vision; the bars were either horizontal or vertical and volunteers had to choose which one they saw. In each image, when the light and dark bars were alternated the image appeared to flicker.
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Ladysmith 10% Shift
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 7
Restructure completed in September
On the labour front, company’s successful the municipality’s tax municipality should its PPWC union members restructuring. structure to reduce major industrial taxpayat Crofton’s mill accept- “I think it’s important the tax rate for heavy er, Catalyst, be unable ed a new tentative to recognize that every- industry, light industry, to continue to pay its agreement in March. one who voted in sup- forestry and farming. annual property taxes, PPWC Local 2 mem- port of the new agreeHeavy industry and stated a press release bers voted 55 per cent ments is helping our residential would be from the municipality in favour of the new company reposition, the areas facing the in late January. Hungry - Tired! contract offer. and that’s helping save most significant change. “ I n 2 0 1 1 , C a t a l y s t Order Pizza Tonight! The local, which rep- jobs and keep mills run- A decrease of about $2.7 paid North Cowichan We deliver or pick up resents approximately ning,” she said. million for heavy indus- $5.6 million in general 380 employees at the Catalyst Paper had try (mostly the mill) municipal property • pizza • bbq ribs local mill, had previous- announced Jan. 31 that would be paid for by an taxes,” it noted. “This • chicken • pasta ly rejected a contract its board of directors increase of $275 to the represented 26 per offer that had been cru- approved filing for average homeowner. cent of all property cial to Catalyst Paper’s creditor protection in North Cowichan faced taxes used in North financial restructuring, B.C.’s Supreme Court. many challenges as it Cowichan to fund the which Catalyst bosses That announcement prepared its 2012-16 valuable core services said contributed to the came three days after Financial Plan, mainly provided to our firm having to apply for Crofton’s 400 mem- the vulnerability of the dents and businesses.” 20 Roberts Street Hotline 250-245-1119 creditor protection. bers with the PPWC Catalyst also reached union Local 2 rejected f i v e - y e a r l a b o u r Catalyst’s contract offer Aches? Pains? agreements with five by a 58 per cent vote. Communications, Local 2 was the sole E n e r g y a n d holdout in recent conP. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 Paperworkers (CEP) tract ratification with Now working at Jem Clinic E. locals representing Catalyst, Clarke said 700 employees at three in a Catalyst media Beyond Your mills. Combined, the statement. Crofton’s Expectations agreements meant a 100-member CEP union 10-per-cent reduction in Local 1132 joined four 640 Trans Canada Hwy hourly rates, along with other CEP locals in Box 970, Ladysmith various adjustments to Powell River and Port Ocean Pointe Realty 250-755-5024 vacation, health ben- Alberni in ratifying a efits and work rules, deal with Catalyst, he and annual savings in said. the range of $18 to $20 But under Catalyst’s million. complex restructur“There are some dif- ing terms, all six of it f e r e n c e s ( b e t w e e n B.C. unions needed to the rejected and the reach a deal with the approved contract) but pulp-and-paper giant basically it’s still a con- by Jan. 31. Catalyst also The Nanaimo & District Hospita al cessionary offer,” said needed two-thirds supFoundation needs your ur help to o Zarry. port of all its 2014 and The major difference 2016 noteholders. purchase a Transesop phageal this time around was The uncertainty over Probe for Nanaimo Catalyst’s move into Catalyst’s future motiRegional General creditor protection. vated North Cowichan “The last scenario you council to shift its tax Hospital. want to have is the mill burden away from the going down, and from industrial class. A Transesophageal Probe robe my perspective, the In early May, counmost important thing cil voted 4-3 to pass a provides real time (live) high is maintaining the work controversial $275 tax $68,800 each resolution images of the for my members,” said shift to residents in one Zarry. “And the spin-off year instead of spread valves and chamber effect from the failure across two years, as of the heart. of this company means had been suggested as huge devastation for an option in earlier budall our communities. get meetings. That’s what the memOn April 2, North Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation bership had to weigh. Cowichan residents I believed this was the heard about tax options ...still equipping for life. last kick at the can to a i m e d a t r e d u c i n g be able to do that.” N o r t h C o w i c h a n ’s Catalyst spokeswom- dependence on the mill. 102-1801 Bowen Rd. Nanaimo, BC V9S 1H1 250-755-7690 250-755-7690 an Lyn Brown noted Councillors eventuthe new labour agree- ally recommended a Donate Securely online at ments are crucial in the complete overhaul of
Ladysmith 10% Shift
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From Page 6 turing plans reduced the debt load the company will carry and allows it to carry on with its current management dedicated to keeping the plant running.” Plan approval was necessary under the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act. “We have received support from a majority of stakeholders since we began the reorganization process and today’s vote of support by creditors for the second amended plan of arrangement sets out a clear path forward,” Catalyst CEO Kevin J. Clarke said in a media release. Catalyst successfully completed its restructuring in September, reducing its debt by $390 million. Catalyst Paper’s first financial restructuring vote had failed May 23. Paul Zarry, spokesman for Crofton’s union, signalled Crofton’s 380-some members of the Pulp, Paper, and Woodworkers of Canada (PPWC) union were worried after the vote failed by just 2.7 per cent. With the failed vote, Catalyst entered what is called the SISP, or Sales and Investor Solicitation Procedures. “Basically, we’ve put the company up for sale — it’s very complex,” Clarke said. Complexities include a $275-million “stalkinghorse bid” for Catalyst’s mills and assets at Crofton, Port Alberni and Powell River. The stalking horse is an initial bid chosen by Catalyst and designed to set the bar for takeover. The restructuring vote was delayed a number of times in April and May, which actually gave Catalyst time to fine-tune the financial restructuring plan.
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8 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Opinion A wish list for 2013
YOUR WORDS “I am really blown away by everyone who comes out every year and gives something to this.” Lisa Burness, Page 10
s we turn the page to another year, for many people, this is often a time of reflection. It’s a time to think back to the year that has just flown by and to think about what you would like to do in the coming year and where you would like to see yourself. It’s a time for some people to make New Year’s resolutions, for other people to vow not to make New Year’s resolutions. Some people make lists. I have a bit of a wish list for our community as well. What are some of the things I’d like to see in 2013? • A revitalized Travellers Hotel It’s a beautiful heritage building right in the heart of downtown, and it has so much potential for someone with the money, passion and energy to turn this hotel built in 1913 into a place that would welcome residents and visitors. • More events that bring people downtown I loved events like Old Tyme Christmas, the Tuesday night market, Arts on the Avenue, the Show and Shine and so many others that brought people onto First Avenue. It’s so fun to wander up and down the street and pop in and out of the shops when there are so many people — of all ages — out and about. • Tourism numbers continue to rise This fall, we heard how marine tourism increased significantly this year, particularly with the opening of the Ladysmith Maritime Society’s new Welcome Centre, and how tourism numbers were up by double digits in both Ladysmith and Chemainus. This is exciting news, and I hope it continues. • A space for Project Reel Life The students who worked so hard to earn grant money for Project Reel Life have spent the past year trying to find a space that fits all their needs for a youth-run movie theatre in town, and it would be really exciting if they could find one in 2013 and turn this into a reality. — Lindsay Chung
Question of the Week
Do you feel optimistic as we move into 2013? Vote online at This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of website visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. Results from last week’s question Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Yes 11% No 88%
The Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R-2R2. For information phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to
Dix seeks balance with business BC Views
by Tom Fletcher
DP leader Adrian Dix has completed year-end interviews with members of the legislative press gallery. Here are highlights from my discussion with him. TF: On the Kinder Morgan oil pipeline expansion proposal, federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair says the federal environmental process would have to be strengthened before a project like that could get a thorough enough hearing. Do you agree? AD: The B.C. Liberal government has signed an equivalency agreement that says that the federal decision is the provincial decision on these projects. If it applies to Enbridge Northern Gateway, presumably the B.C. Liberals would apply it to Kinder Morgan. They could have done a joint process, where [the final decision] would have gone to both cabinets. They chose instead to give up jurisdiction. They were so afraid of making any deci-
sion on Northern Gateway that they sent it over to the federal government. So what we’ve said is within a week of coming to office, we would end that equivalency agreement, and British Columbia would make decisions about both Enbridge Northern Gateway, which applied in May 2010, and any other pipeline, including the Kinder Morgan proposal, for which no application has been made. Obviously it would have been desirable for everyone had they chosen a true joint review, as they have in Site C [dam proposed for Peace River], as they did with Kemess North [rejected mine expansion proposal] and other cases. TF: You don’t want duplicated review processes here, you just want a provincial cabinet say in the decision? AD: That’s right. TF: On your relationship with the B.C. Federation of Labour, your caucus is considering a proposal that B.C. should once again do away with secret ballots for union certification. AD: The B.C. Fed makes a
Chronicle The
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Vol. 104, #22, 2013
case to the government on a series of issues on employment standards every year. Labour law, every year. WorkSafeBC, every year. Trades and training, every year. With respect to [accepting signed union cards for certification], it is a democratic process that the Newfoundland Conservative government just put into place a few months ago. So it’s a proposal from the labour movement and we’re looking at it. For most of B.C.’s modern history, since World War II, we’ve had that card-check system in place. The question would be whether [returning to that system] is a priority for this term in government. TF: So those kinds of things will be made clear in your platform? AD: Absolutely. TF: You picked up some serious money from the business community at a fundraiser in October. Is that some kind of a record for the NDP? AD: [Laughs.] It might be a record, I don’t know. I think
the business fundraiser we did at the Hotel Vancouver netted $350,000. I think what it reflects is, this year I’ve had about 230 meetings with the business community. The purpose of it has been principally to build understanding, particularly on issues of skills training. With the priority I give to skills training, I think I’m much more attuned to their concerns than the government has been. TF: I suppose that kind of success in fundraising might make it more difficult to follow through with your pledge to ban corporate and union donations. AD: I don’t think so. The B.C. Liberal Party has a very high level of corporate donations as a percentage of its total. We’re overwhelmingly dependent on individual donations. We get support from unions, but it’s not even close to what people would think. TF: So you’ll campaign for that, as you have before? AD: Yes. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press newspapers.
Publisher/Advertising .......................Teresa McKinley Editor ................................................... Lindsay Chung Reporter .................................................. Nick Bekolay Sales................................................ Heather Andrews Office / Accounts / Circulation .... Colleen Wheeler Production Manager ............................ Douglas Kent Production Creative ...............................Kelly Gagne
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 9
Stories of child poverty caught Crowder’s eye
Your View
Government Contacts LOCAL: Rob Hutchins Mayor, Ladysmith 250-245-6403
Two stories about child poverty, one close to home and one overseas, caught my eye this month. Campaign 2000’s recent report on child poverty demonstrates that 23 years after Parliament unanimously pledged to eradicate child poverty, even more children — not fewer — are living with hunger and deprivation in this country. That means one in seven Canadian children lives in poverty. Campaign 2000 estimates that poverty costs this country $72 billion every year. That’s why I have a private member’s Bill C-233 that calls on the federal government to develop a national anti-poverty strategy, in consultation with the provinces and territories and other stakeholders like First Nations. Without a national anti-poverty strategy, Canadian poverty levels will continue to rise, threatening the next generation’s economic stability. For children in Africa, where poverty is even more profound, a recent vote in the House of Commons was a blow. On Nov. 28, the Conservatives voted down the NDP’s Medicines For All Act. This bill would have opened the door to shipping lowcost versions of life-saving medicines to people in the developing world for treatable illnesses like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. When the Canadian Access to Medicines Regime launched in 2004, it had a fatal flaw. Generic drug producers had to apply for a new licence for every shipment, and getting one takes years of legal wrangling. In fact, only one affordable drug shipment ever left Canada. Its licence took four years to secure. The company that managed that shipment has said it will not try Ladysmith to send another. Bill C-398 proposed a “One 10% Shift Licence Solution” for generic drug
REGIONAL: Rob Hutchins Chair, CVRD 250-245-6403 PROVINCIAL: Doug Routley MLA, Nanaimo-North Cowichan Ladysmith Constituency Office: 250-245-9375 (Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) E-mail: douglas.routely.mla@ FEDERAL: Jean Crowder MP, Nanaimo-Cowichan Nanaimo Constituency Office: 1-866-609-9998 (Thursdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) E-mail:
Letters and Your View policy
Louise Lashambe sent us this photo of the “Sun Mariner” belonging to Bob Marcotte, which was the lead boat in the Mount Brenton Power and Sail Squadron’s Christmas Lights Cruise procession Dec. 8. The boat posed earlier in the day at the government dock so photos could be taken in the proper light, explained Lashambe. Would you like to share your view with us? Please send your photos to makers, making it simpler and faster to send shipments overseas. With the bill’s defeat, the Opposition cannot bring forward this issue again until the next Parliament. But nothing stops the government from introducing legislation to fix this flaw and help millions of people in developing countries survive treatable illness. One final note. Each year at this time, the Parliament of Canada recruits bilingual guides for the hundreds
Ladysmith 10% Shift
of thousands of visitors that visit the Parliament Buildings every summer. As a guide, you’ll gain extensive knowledge of Canada’s political system, past and present and about the art and architecture of your Parliament Buildings. You’ll also… • hone your public speaking abilities; • perfect your official second language; • experience our nation’s capital;
2013-01-02 (Wednesday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 01:12 1.1 3.6 08:48 3.4 11.2 15:13 2.1 6.9 19:36 2.5 8.2
2013-01-03 (Thursday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 01:49 1.4 4.6 09:14 3.4 11.2 16:10 1.8 5.9 21:15 2.4 7.9
2013-01-04 (Friday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 02:29 1.7 5.6 09:44 3.5 11.5 17:06 1.5 4.9 23:10 2.4 7.9
2013-01-05 (Saturday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 03:16 2.0 6.6 10:17 3.5 11.5 18:00 1.2 3.9
2013-01-06 (Sunday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 01:06 2.5 8.2 04:16 2.4 7.9 10:55 3.5 11.5 18:51 0.9 3.0
2013-01-07 (Monday) Time Height PST (m) (ft) 02:36 2.8 9.2 05:34 2.6 8.5 11:38 3.5 11.5 19:39 0.7 2.3
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and • build friendships with people from across Canada. As your Member of Parliament, I would be proud to see more young people from our community join the guiding team. The two-part application process starts with an online form. Get started now at The application deadline is Jan. 15. Don’t delay, because you’ll need to get several documents together ahead of time.
All letters to the editor must be signed and include your full name, home town and contact phone number. Letters are encouraged to be 300 words, and priority is given to local writers and local issues. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity and legal reasons. Photos for your view must reflect communities from Crofton to Cedar and include the photographer’s name. Send them in: Mail: 940 Oyster Bay Dr., PO Box 400, Ladysmith, B.C., V9G 1A3 Fax: 250-245-2230 E-mail: editor@
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10 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Celebration of Light raises more than $4,000 Lindsay Chung
by Erik Virtanen and Tasha Cyr, Rev Up and the Deadbeat Deacons, Kendall Patrick and the Headless Bettys, Jordan Burness and the Dirty Habits, The Dead Birds, Ryan McMahon, and Skellig. This was the fourth Celebration of Light, and it attracted a soldout crowd once again. By the end of the night, the event — which received donations from the Ladysmith Eagles and from the Ladysmith Business Builders during the concert — raised $4,373.13 for the Ladysmith Food
Once again, the Celebration of Light was a great success. A Christmas fundraiser for the Ladysmith Food Bank organized by Skellig and the Rock Christian Fellowship and sponsored by local businesses, service clubs, individuals and churches, the concert was held Dec. 21 at the Eagles Hall. T h i s y e a r, t h e Celebration of Light featured John Potts and the brass band playing carols and then performances
Bank. “I am really blown away by everyone who comes out every year and gives something to this,” said Skellig fiddle player Lisa Burness. “This town is amazing.” Burness thanked the many people who helped make the Celebration of Light such a success. “This event is not just down to me,” she said. “There’s a whole stack of people, and without these people, this would not happen.” E v e r y y e a r, t h e Ladysmith Eagles donate the use of the
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Beyond Your Expectations
Celtick rock band Skellig (above) and Kendall Patrick perform during the Celebration of Light fundraiser Dec. 21 at the Eagles Hall. This year’s concert raised $4,373.13 by the end of the night and attracted another sold-out crowd.
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hall for free and also make a donation to the Celebration of Light, noted Burness. L a s t y e a r, t h e Celebration of Light applied for a grant from Starbucks, which donated $2,500, and the organizers will apply for a grant again this year, so that could bring this year’s fundraising total up even higher, explained Burness. Skellig planned to also collect donations
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And this month, local area artists will share their interpretations of sanctuaries during the January art show at the Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery. “Each year, we put out to our membership and the people who run the gallery for ideas, and that was one of the ideas that really intrigued us because sanctuaries mean so much to different people,” said Kathy Holmes, president of the Ladysmith and District Arts Council. “It can be a birdhouse, a shrine, political sanctuary; a sanctuary can be a garden. Although it sounds sometimes like a restricted point of view, it’s quite a broad
640 Trans Canada Hwy Box 970, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A7
place Sat, Jan. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Waterfront Gallery. Glass artists Jo Ludwig and Peggy Brackett, who run KilnArt Glass Studio in Crofton, will be the guest speakers. Holmes feels having guest speakers at the gala openings brings a lot to the gallery. “ We u s u a l l y h a v e refreshments and food and a lot of conversation between the artists and guests, but the speaker series adds an element of education,” she said. “It’s fun to hear what another artist has to say.” Sanctuaries runs at the Waterfront Gallery at 610 Oyster Bay Dr. from Jan. 5-27. — Lindsay Chung
P. 250-245-3700 C. 250-667-7653 E.
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 11
Sports Orcas make big gains at December swim meets Chronicle
The Ladysmith Chemainus Orcas Swim Club wrapped up 2012 with a pair of recent competitions. Coach Dusan TothSzabo visited Victoria from Dec. 7-9 with eight club swimmers in tow for Pacific Coast Swimming’s 2012 Xmas Cracker Invitational. Toth-Szabo said Xmas Cracker was a highly competitive meet attended by more than 600 swimmers from clubs in B.C., Alberta and Oregon State. No Orcas medalled in Victoria, but the majority of club members did post significant improvements. Aileen Humphreys, 11, improved her 400-metre Free time by 11.12 seconds while Pamela Little, 12, shaved more than 11 seconds off of her time in 100m Back. Morgan Humphreys, 14, dropped 0:13.65 off of his 400m Individual Medley time and placed sixth overall in 1500m Free while shaving 1:25.81 off of his personal best with a time of 21:03.05. Ten-year-old Faith Knelson, the club’s highest-ranked swimmer, was unable to compete at Xmas Cracker due to injury, Toth-Szabo said. On Sat, Dec. 15, the
See a photo in the paper you like?
Colin Broadhurst
Robbie Burns Dinner
Sat, Jan 26, 2013 Members and Bona Fide Guests are Invited to Attend
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Ticket sales deadline will be January 22, 2013 For more information please call 250-245-2273
Members of the Ladysmith Chemainus Orcas Swim Club spent two weeks collecting donations of food for the food bank. All told, the Orcas managed to collect 157 pounds of food. Featured in the photo, in front from left, are club members Kiley Ludlow and Kyle and Luke Murray, and, in back from left, Hannah Dumez, PHOTO COURTESY OF SHELLEY ANDERSON Mariah Jones and Meggie Boese. Orcas travelled to the they could start from C o w i c h a n A q u a t i c the water,” he said. Centre to compete “But there was every in the Winter Break other event for the Invitational 2012. older swimmers, too.” It was a “year-end Of the 14 Orcas who fun meet,” Toth-Szabo attended the Duncan said, that was “open to Invitational, three maneverybody. aged to improve their “For the very young times by double and ones, we had 25-metre even triple digits. Eight-year-old events where they didn’t have to start on Bethany Geiger shaved the starting block and more than 11 seconds 5th Annual
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off of her personal best time in the 25m Free and over 17 seconds off of her 25m Breast time. Aileen Humphreys knocked 13.67 seconds off of her best time in 200m Back, but the most dramatic improvements on the day were made by Morgan Humphreys, who dropped 0:15.34
off of his personal best in 100m Fly and an additional 1:50.84 off of his 800m Free time with a first-place time of 11:05.79. The Orcas are putting their training on hold during the Christmas school break, TothSzabo said, and they will return to the pool once school’s back in session in the new year.
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“A Planning Seminar for Seniors”
Thurs, Jan 17, 2013 - 1:30 - 3:30 pm Eagles Hall- (Corner of 1st. Ave & French St.) To Register Call 250-245-3079
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 13
• L A DY S M I T H H E A LT H C A R E AU X I L I A RY • General Meeting – First Wednesday of each month – Eagles Hall (downstairs) - New members are warmly welcomed. Help us help the community. We welcome you to our team of volunteers. Call 250-245-5225. • Thrift Store - Volunteers are needed for the Thrift Store: cashiers, people to sort through/repair appliances and electronics and clothing donations. • Donations to the Thrift Store are welcome during business hours only. • Meals on Wheels – Pearl - 250-245-3844. • Lifeline – 1-800-543-3546 Available to residents of Ladysmith area. • Canadian Red Cross Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) – Crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, canes and many other aids. Fees by donation. Call and leave a message at 250-245-9791. • The Gift Shops at the Health Centre and Lodge on 4th – needed new, hand crafted or knitted items.
630 – 2nd Ave. - 250-924-1924 – 2012 Membership $15.00 – Covers Oct. 2011 – Dec. 31, 2013 Mon. Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28.................Soup & Sandwich ...................................................................... 11:30am – 12:30 pm Mon. Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28.................WII ............................................................................................................... 12:30 pm Tues. Jan. 15, 22, 29.....................Shuffleboard..................................................................................................11:30 am Tues. Jan. 15, 22, 29.....................Bingo ............................................................................................................. 1:00 pm Wed. Jan. 2, 9, 23, 30 ...................Line Dancing ............................................................................................... 11:00 am Wed. Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 .............Carpet Bowling .............................................................................................. 1:00 pm Thurs. Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 .........Crib ............................................................................................................... 1:30 pm Fri. Jan.4, 11, 18...........................Tai Chi ..........................................................................................................10:30 am Sat. Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25 ...................Whist .............................................................................................................. 1:30 pm Sat. Jan. 12 ...................................PANCAKE BRUNCH .............................................................. 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Sat. Jan. 19 ...................................CRIB TOURNAMENT ................................................................................10:30 am Sun. Jan. 20 ..................................ROAST PORK DINNER.................................. Open 4:30 pm - Dinner 5:00 pm Tues. Jan. 15.................................DIRECTORS MEETING ...............................................................................9:30 am Fri. Jan. 18....................................BIRTHDAY PARTY ...................................................................................... 2:00 pm Tues. Feb. 5 ...................................... GENERAL MEETING .............................................................................................1:30 pm Pick up January Events Calendar at Seniors Centre. OFFICE OPEN –Tuesday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm & Friday 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
9824 Willow St., Chemainus 250-246-2111
BINGO - Every Monday - Doors open at 4:45 pm Bingo starts at 6:40 pm Loonie Pot, G –Ball, Bonanza, 50/50 Draw – Everyone Welcome DANCES - 2nd. & 4th. Saturdays - Doors open 7:00 pm Cost $8.00 (incl. lunch) MUFFIN MORNINGS – Wednesdays & Fridays – 9:30 – 11:30 am MEMBERSHIP – Our 600 plus membership is increasing daily. New members (55+) are always welcome! Memberships $15.00 available now which covers all of 2013 Phone 250-246-2111.
OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO SENIORS RCMP COMMUNITY POLICING The RCMP Community Policing Station and COPS - If you are interested in getting involved in the community with various events and programs CITIZENS ON PATROL are looking for volunteers. Call 250-245-1118 or drop by the Community Policing Station at Coronation Mall. “KIT” (Keep In Touch) is a free service for shut-ins needing daily contact offered through our local Community Policing Station. For more info or to register call 250-245-1118. RCMP VICTIM SERVICES – Are you a victim of elder abuse? Victim Services provides support services and information to victims of crime and trauma. Located in the Ladysmith RCMP Detachment on 6th Ave. For info call 250- 245-6061. FRIENDLY VISITOR/PHONING TREE Would you like to join our volunteers and become a Friendly Visitor or Phoner for isolated or shut-in seniors? Sign up for the Upcoming Training Session! For More Information Please Call 250-245-3079
CRISIS SOCIETY – 24 hour Crisis and Information line for Ladysmith 250-754-4447 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION (BRANCH 171) Ladysmith, 621 – 1ST Ave., 250-245-2273 PUBLIC WELCOME. Painting Group –Wednesdays starting Jan. 9th. – 10:15 am – 12:15 pm Line Dancing –Thursdays starting Jan. 3rd. - 9:30 to 11:30 am Soup & Sandwich – Thursday – Jan. 10th & Jan. 24th. , 11:30 am LADYSMITH PARKS RECREATION CULTURE – Check out the Winter 2012 Activity Guide guide, full of classes including Karate; Belly Dance for Women; Metalsmithing for Beginners; Stained Glass Magic, Classic Yoga and more. Drop-in for Pickleball, Indoor Soccer, fitness classes, Nifty Fifties swimming and aqua fitness, Adaptive Fitness (Arthritis Group), and more! FOR REGISTRATION OR MORE INFO 250-245-6424 or
LADYSMITH RESOURCES CENTRE 630 - 2nd Ave. - Phone 250-245-3079
BINGO – Every Wednesday at St Mary’s Church Hall – Loonie Pot, Lucky 7 & Progressive Bonanza 6:45 to 9:30 pm. Prizes are determined by cards sold and player participation. Monthly Draw of $100.00 Cash Prize – you must be present to win. Come and try your luck. “Know Your Limit Play Within It” LRCA SENIORS VAN – Available to take seniors to medical appointments in Nanaimo and Duncan. For medical appointments in Victoria or Vancouver, call for a referral phone number.
4 All Seasons - in the company of friends Explore information about our two facilities: La Rosa Gardens and Lodge on 4th - where seniors come first. La Rosa Gardens provides Independent (Supportive and Assisted) Living accommodation and services. Lodge on 4th is a licenced Complex Care Facility for individuals who require 24 hour care and supports. Reception Number: (250) 245-3318 E-mail address:
Watch for Senior’s Day Every Month
WATCH FOR START UP TBA - GOOD FOOD BOX – “IF YOU EAT YOU QUALIFY” 50+ COMPUTER CLUB – Computer Club meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month 7:00 pm in the Upper Meeting Room at the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association 630- 2nd Ave. November meetings Nov..9th & Nov. 23rd unless notified otherwise. Ladysmith New Members Welcome
Shift SENIORS OFFICE – Monday to Friday10% - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Ladysmith Resources Centre 630 - 2nd Avenue, 250-245-3079. info, support, advocacy, assistance.
Seniors Receive
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Our Staff We believe our staff have chosen their vocations because they thrive on helping others.
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1211 Cloke Road, Ladysmith British Columbia, Canada V9G 1P8 Tel: 250-245-1016 Fax: 250-245-1026 Email:
Ladysmith 10% Shift
14 January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle A14Tuesday, Tue, Jan 1, 2013, Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
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Burial and Cremation Centre Your local Memorial Society of BC Funeral Home, caring service at reasonable cost. NANAIMO 595 Townsite Rd.
250-591-6644 LADYSMITH 112 French St.
Greg Lonsdale
250-245-5553 DEATHS
How would you like to be remembered?
LOFSTROM, Lenard Leo November 22, 1958 - December 6, 2012
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Lenard Lofstrom. Predeceased by his father George Lofstrom (May 11, 1983) and his brother Karl (July 24, 1984). Survived by his mother Marion Vickberg; his loving sons Frazer and Landon; brothers Cedric, Gary and Earl and their families. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, January 19th, 1:00 P.M. at Cedar Hall, 2388 Cedar Rd., Nanaimo.
Edward A. Lipsett August 19, 1952-December 23, 2012
KEEN, Thomas James June 17, 1942 - December 16, 2012
“A Guide to Planning Ahead.”
Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Arthur Henry McWhinnie are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Administrator c/o Landmark Law Group 780 – 1333 West Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4C1 on or before January 23, 2013, after which date the Administrator will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Administrator then has notice.
Iain S. Smith Manager Nanaimo
SANDS FUNERAL CHAPELS Nanaimo 250-753-2032 Proudly Canadian
IN MEMORIAM GIFTS RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE BC Help tomorrow’s families today – leave a gift in your will.
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis
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TRAVEL HAWAII ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709;
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jim Keen at the age of 70, in the Cowichan District Hospital, Duncan, B.C.
EDUCATION/TRADE SCHOOLS INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp Online! 1-866-399-3853
HELP WANTED AN ALBERTA Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
Looking for a NEW employee?
He is survived by his two children Tracey and Tom, and 4 grandchildren, all of Winnipeg; his sisters Joan Minor and Betty Lee of Winnipeg, Lenore Fletcher of Lethbridge, AB and Doreen Stacey of Ladysmith, B.C.
Western Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed to the safety of our employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. We currently have the following openings:
Help Desk Support Technician Certified Millwright Heavy Duty Mechanic
Jim spent 33 years serving the Winnipeg Fire Department and retired as a captain before leaving for Ladysmith, B.C. A private family service and celebration of his life will be held.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Edward “Ed” Lipsett. A mariner to the end, Ed fought his last storm bravely, dying peacefully in the arms of his wife, Colleen. With Colleen, Ed will be lovingly remembered by his son Jordan, daughter Adria (Josh), their mother Joyce and grandsons Ewan and Arlen. Ed will also be missed by his mother Lucille, sister Cherralee (Allan), cousin Georgie (Doug), Leslie, Laura and many other family and friends. A man of the sea, Ed’s family has a long-established history along B.C.’s West Coast. Many fishermen hauled their salmon in with trolling gurdies built by the Lipsett Engine Manufacturing Co. Ed had success as a marine surveyor, commercial fisherman and consultant on Aboriginal fishing rights. Ed also served tirelessly on many boards, commissions and programs that benefitted coastal fishermen and their communities. More recently, Ed was the vicepresident and director of the Ladysmith Harbour Association. Ed was most at home near the ocean and in nature. He took many trips up and down the coast, including a memorable expedition with Adria to photograph remote canneries. And each fall, Ed couldn’t wait to pack up his truck and head north to Prince Rupert for an annual moose hunt with buddies. Ed also crossed waters. From singing in the great cathedrals of Europe as a member of the B.C. Boys Choir to designing fish farms in Cuba and walking the Great Wall of China with Jordan, Ed made friends with the world. He was looking forward to many more adventures at home and abroad. Ed had many loves, and found his true first mate later in life – reconnecting with his high school chum Colleen after nearly 40 years apart. They put down anchor in an old cottage by the sea where they planned to live out their lives together. Although Ed’s life was cut short, we can all take solace he lived it big. A send-off for Ed will be held at the Ladysmith Maritime Society Welcome Centre at 610 Oyster Bay Drive, Ladysmith, B.C., on Saturday, January 5 at 1 p.m. Please ensure you are dressed warmly.
The choices are yours ...when you plan ahead. Call today for a free copy of:
Notice to Creditors and Others Re: The estate of Arthur Henry McWhinnie, deceased, formerly of Ladysmith, British Columbia
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.
Your Community, Your Classifieds. Call 1-855-310-3535
Detailed job postings can be viewed at WFP offers a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefit package. If you believe that you have the skills and qualifications that we are looking for, please reply in confidence to:
Human Resource Department Facsimile: 1.866.840.9611 Email: Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tue, Jan 1, 2013
Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle Tuesday, January 1, 2013 15 A15
Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Scheduled Days Off. Call Lloyd 780-723-5051
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206
CENTRAL CHEMAINUS oceanview modern 2 bdrm, 1000sq ft grnd lvl, 5appl, private patio, wi-fi, prkg, $1,000. Avail Feb 1. NS/NP. Call 250246-4313 or 250-210-2580.
HEALTH PRODUCTS GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Looking for a Great Job Opportunity?
2 BURLEY MEN MOVING. $85/hr for 2 men (no before or after travel time charges on local moves. Please call Scott or Joshua, (250)753-6633.
Ladysmith: House for rent. $739.00/month. 3 bdrm, 1 bath. All appliances included. No smoking, no pets or children, 55+. Please call Greg 250-245-0545.
Auto Financing 1.800.910.6402
✔ Community Support Worker - Be Job Ready in 45 weeks! Earn 3 certificates in one diploma. Starts Personal Support Worker • Community Mental Health Worker • Education Assistant. Courses offered in Campbell River, Courtenay, Parksville, Nanaimo & Maple Ridge.
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✔ Practical Nurse - Be Job Ready in 92 weeks! Rewarding career, small class sizes. Courses offered in Campbell River & Nanaimo.
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Bookkeepers are in demand! Small class sizes. Triple Certifications specializing in Accounting & Finance and Computerized Business Application. Courses offered in Campbell River, Courtenay, Parksville & Nanaimo.
✔ Residential & Commercial Construction Carpenter - Be Job Ready in 12-48 weeks! Learn to build in full scale. 70%
hands-on training specializing in Forming/Framing, Renovations & Finishing. Travel bursary may be available. Course offered in Nanaimo.
✔ Web Architecture & Media Art Design - Be Job Ready in 16-64 weeks! Earn 16 week certificates or a 64 week diploma! Evening classes available! Course starts February in Nanaimo.
Call Now! Limited seats available!
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Funding May Be Available
Call Royal LePage 250-245-2252
PET CARE SERVICES CAT SITTING in my home. No cages. 7day to long term stay. Limited space. 250-740-5554
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE APPLIANCES MAYTAG SXS fridge, $300, white 17 cu ft fridge $300, 30” almond range, $125, white 30” range $150, Kenmore full size stacking washer/dryer $350, Washer dryer sets $200-$350. Washers $150-$250, Dryers $100-$150. Built-in dishwashers $100-$150. 6 month warranty on all appliances. Please call Greg at (250)246-9859.
COMPUTER EQUIPMENT APPLE Mac Book, iPhone 5 16GB and lot more at wholesales prices. visit our website: for more information.
FUEL/FIREWOOD SEASONED FIREWOOD Vancouver Island’s largest firewood producer offers firewood legally obtained during forest restoration, large cords. Help restore your forest, 1-877-902-WOOD.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is a clearance sale. You don’t want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel at: 1-800-668-5422. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Ladysmith: Gifford Rd., 2 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse, available now, N/P, N/S, $1000/mo. Ladysmith: Symonds St., 4 bdrm duplex unit, close to shopping, N/S, N/P, available now, $1400/mo. Ref’s required. Ladysmith: Warehouse/retail space, 2000 square feet approx., Westdown Rd., available now. Chemainus: View St. 2 bdrm ocean view duplex, f/s, w/d, n/s, n/p, $750/mo, available now, ref’s required. Cassidy: Country setting, 2 bdrm mobile, f/s, electric heat, avail. now, $850/mo + util, n/s, n/p, ref’s required.
Professional Service Since 1992
Small class sizes. Evenings & Weekends also available. Courses offered in Campbell River, Courtenay, Parksville, Nanaimo & Maple Ridge.
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
Royal LePage Property Management
A SERVICE PLUMBER. Licence, Insured. Drains, HWT, Reno’s, Repairs. Senior Discounts. After Hour Service. Call Coval Plumbing, 250709-5103.
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These Rewarding Career Programs Start Soon:
Campuses located in Campbell River, Courtenay, Parksville, Nanaimo & Maple Ridge
1A ELECTRICIAN, licenced, bonded, Small Jobs Specialist, panel upgrades and renos. All work guaranteed since 1989. Rob at 250-732-PLUG (7584).
Chemainus: Lockwood Villa, well kept bldg, 1 bdrm Jan 1st or 15th, ocean view top floor $625, 1 bdrm Feb 15, $625 incl. heat & hot water, 1 sm pet welcome. 55 +. Call Karen 250-709-2765, 250-246-1033.
Get the education you need from Discovery College. 96% of their 2012 Grads Are Employed.
Chemainus: Ashley Court. Ground flr unit, 2 bdrm, 5 appliances. Small pet ok, avail. now. $775/mo 250-924-6966.
Incredible 5 acre treed PARK-LIKE PROPERTY with Well-Maintained Furnished Home 1500 sq.ft, 3-bdrm, 2 bath. Extremely close to Pristine Cowichan Lake, in the town of Caycuse. Perfect for recreational property or full time living. Motivated seller $378,800. Exceptionally low yearly cost. Not leased land. Call 250-745-3387
WE BUY HOUSES Damaged House? Pretty House? Moving? Divorcing? Estate Sale? We will Buy your House Quick Cash & Private. Mortgage Too High and House won’t sell? Can’t make payments? We will Lease Your House, Make your Payments and Buy it Later!
WANT TO GET NOTICED? Prime retail/office space for rent in highly visible historical building on corner of First and Roberts in Ladysmith. 1,687 sq ft. 2 bathrooms, small kitchen, new flooring, A/C
Call 250-245-2277
SUITES, LOWER LAKE COW, waterfront, semi furn/unfurn, 1bdrm grnd level, garden, N/S, $650 hydro & wifi incl’d. 250-217-1173.
TOWNHOUSES $1100 - Avail immed, Renovated, 3 bd 2 bath, N/S N/P W/D, 711 Malone, 250-619-2914
3-BDRM, 2.5 bath Townhouse. 5 appl’s, new flooring & kitchen cupboards. Recently painted. N/S. $950./mo. inclds strata fees, garbage & water. Avail Feb. 1st. (250)245-2978.
CARS 2007 CUSTOM Chev HHR. Excellent condition. Loaded. White. 119,000 km, mostly hwy driven. On-Star. $11,900 firm. 250-755-5191. LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships. No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271
Call: 1-250-616-9053
RENTALS APARTMENT/CONDO 210 BULLER- 2 bdrms, $550 & $695. Call Ardent Properties, Call (250)753-0881. 2 - 2 bed, 1 bath. F/S, DW, W/D, elevator, parking, storage, bike rack. Ref. Req. Avail. Jan 1, 2nd fl $900 & 3rd fl $950/m. Ph: 250-816-9853
LADYSMITH 55+ Building, 385 Davis Rd. Ocean & harbour views 2 Bdrm suite. 250-246-5688
Ladysmith: 1 & 2 bdrm suites from $700/mo incl. heat & hot water, ocean views, small pets ok. Ask about our incentives. 250-668-9086.
What’s Happening
Up Coming
MT. BRENTON GARDEN CLUB - meeting Tues,Jan 8 - 1 pm,Calvary Baptist Church, 3319 River Rd, Chemainus. DVD on Providence Farm and Robert Bateman. Guests welcome, $2 drop in fee. For more info 246-4109.
LADYSMITH FIRE RESCUE - Christmas tree chipping & children's car seat installation check. Sat & Sun, Jan 5 & 6, 9
am-4 pm. Drop off your tree behind the firehall or get pickup by calling 250245-6436. Donations go to restoring their 1942 fire engine. LADYSMITH CAMERA CLUB - well-known Ladysmith, BC photographer Brian Nicol explains the histogram and RAW vs. JPEG, two key concepts for better digital photographs. Tues, Jan 22, at 7 pm, Hardwick Hall, High St at 3rd Ave in Ladysmith. Everyone welcome. Non-members $5 drop-in fee. LCC invites new members, novice to pro. NEW special student rates! www.LadysmithCameraClub. com
16 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Ladysmith Chemainus Chronicle
Back to Basics Fresh
Lean Ground Beef
Old El Paso
Taco Shells
Warenhouse Pak, 5.42 kg
Assorted Pasta 900 g. Limit 3 total
Regular 12’s or Stand & Stuff 10’s
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Ambrosia Apples 2.12 kg
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