The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956
From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen
$ 15
Wednesday, October Wednesday, January31, 2, 2012 2013
Includes hst publications mail registration no. 7856
Vol. 401 Vol.56 57Issue Issue
1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
A look back at the Columbia Valley's biggest news and community stories of 2012 Bernie Raven
VALLEY ECHO Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since 1956 956
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere
An Independent Member Broker
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February 15, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 07
McGrath headed to Winter Games
Page A17
Page A15
Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since 1956
MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
$ 15
Pilots take to the local skies
Rare glass panel art display
VALLEY ECHO Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
T he
August 8, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 32
Bernie Raven Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
T he
VALLEY ECHO Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen sincee 1956
Bike Park Preview a downhillers' delight
Page B2-B3
Page A10
District and deer protectors lock legal horns
Running the show
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
June 20, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 25
Remembering 2012 Relay for Life
Page A15 Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
T he
$ 15
New concert series heats up ski hill
Page B2
Bernie Raven
$ 15
MaxWell Realty Invermere
VALLEY ECHO Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since 1956
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere
MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO Premier Christy Clark takes time before her formal presentation to individually greet many of the women who attended the the Women's Town Hall that took place at the Lions' Club in Invermere on Tuesday, July 28. Clark delivered a strong message about her party's commitment to the private sector, education, the environment and tourism in British Columbia.
BC Premier Christy Clark shines bright at Women's Town Hall in Invermere NICOLE TRIGG
An impassioned Premier Christy Clark spoke to a gathering of about 50 Columbia Valley women on a range of
topics at the Lions' Club in Invermere on Tuesday (July 28). At a Women’s Town Hall organized by the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) Women in Business Committee, all eyes were glued on the most powerful woman in the province as soon as she walked into the room and began moving from table to table, introducing herself with a hearty handshake and dazzling smile to as many women as possible before taking to the podium for her formal presentation.
Her message was clear, and her energy and anecdotal sense of humour were infectious, despite having had already spoken to constituents in Revelstoke and Golden earlier that day. “We don’t have a democratic process if people don’t believe their government listens to them,” Clark emphatically told the room, “because if people don’t believe CONTINUES TO 'LIQUIFIED' ON PAGE A3
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Serving the Columbia Valley from
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
braven@cyberli 250-409-9323 250-341-7600
Strong finish for minor hockey
NO. 7856
Raven Bernie Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
member broker
An independent Vol. 56 Issue 23 June 6, 2012
Page B1
Canal Flats arena gets big bucks
ANDREA KLASSEN the Jumbo and the BC Liberal MLA closest to allow area, said he hoped the decision would to heal. communities divided by the issue When the Canal Flats arena opens we want"It's divided our communities and for the winter in 2013, skaters and governed it over. We wanted a decision from hockey players may find they have enough ment and I can't thank my friend Steve up to six extra weeks to hit the ice. decision," for having the courage to make this A long-awaited upgrade of he told media. the arena is now going ahead, lays out The master development agreement thanks to an $800,000 Community Serving the Columbia Valley from under which the reCanal Flats to Spillimacheen since the terms and conditions 1956 Program grant doled out 956 Recreation proponents sort can be developed and allows to the village this week by the B.C.
munities around the province this week as part of a $30 million program to promote healthy lifestyles. According to Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett, who met with members of village council and arena staff today, the Canal Flats grant is likely to the largest single payment given any community in B.C. "Certainly for a community of this size, it's huge," he added. Arena manager Matthieu Fournido with the plenty July 4, 2012 er, says there's Vol. to 56 Issue 27 oor, fl cash. First off is replacing the which is well past the end of its
government. The grant is one of 98 going to com-
Page B1
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Leslie 250-342-5994 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
250-341-7600 lesliethomsonrealtor@gmai
The Canada Day parade in Invermere took place under a hot summer sun on Sunday PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO (July 1) with crowds lining the streets to the heart of downtown to Kinsmen Beach view the assortment of creative patriotic where the Mountain Mosaic Festival of the floats head down 7th Avenue through Arts entertained kids and adults alike for the rest of the afternoon. For full photo coverage, turn to pages A16 and A17.
Windermere Creek floods Shadybro ok
Sediment buildup diverts Windermere Creek through Shadybrook Resort after heavy rains
Windermere Creek began running directly through “My business has been devastated Shadybrook Resort in Windermere with immeasuron Saturday (June able damage,” DuBois said. “Everyone knew it 20) morning, after rising 10 inches was in just 48 hours and coming for a year, but environmental rules won’t spilling over the top of both natural let and man-made me do much to protect my property.” barriers due to a buildup of gravel and sediment. The creek first burst through its boundaries After notifying provincial government in August officials, own- of last year after a spring landslide was suspected er Mike DuBois was awaiting an offi of cial declaration of a local state of emergency as of press deadline. CONTINUES TO 'SHADYBROOK' ON PAGE A5
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen en since 1956 6
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994
Page A17
Page A155
Bernie Raven
‘Gigantic' fame for Whiteway
Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
250-342-7415 Geoff Hill
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Find Scott Wallaceout 250-342-5309
onGlenn pagePomeroy A14
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$ 15
out into the field to learn about diff erent jobs, from ghost hunting to tugboat driving. "The idea is it's kind of an average The (unofficial) world's largest outdoor guy, who's not particularly smart, goes skate track will hit the small screen on off and tries different things," Miller Discovery Channel's Daily Planet TV explained to local media during a break show in the coming months, after the in filming. "The thing today was to come film crew for Embedded with Mark out and learn to make ice for a big pond Miller stopped in Invermere Thursday, hockey tournament and learn how you February 2. maintain what is allegedly the world's Embedded, which runs on Daily Planet largest skating rink." every Tuesday, features Miller heading Joined by Whiteway maintainers Brad
After a mother bear and several of her cubs were
station) is being used — the amount of garbage, and what’s being dumped there.” The bins at the transfer station have been removed and the gates are locked with signage informing residents that the station will be closed until October 31 due to bear activity and misuse. Residents are instead CONTINUES TO 'BEARS' ON PAGE A5
October 17, 2012 Vol. 56 42 independent member broker
Ktunaxa inching closer to treaty
Nordic club scores world class coach
Page A5
Page A19
$ 15
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO The Columbia Valley Rockies Junior B hockey team joined the Fairmont and District Lions' Club for a community clean up on Saturday (October 13). Participants fanned out into small groups up and down the highway picking up garbage, in what's a biannual activity for the club. The Lions' thank Cindy and staff at Smoking Waters Coffee Company for the tasty lunch afterwards.
Wilmer water system upgrade eyed Project could go ahead if Dry Gulch provincial grant is reallocated STEVE JESSEL
The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is currently attempting to move forward with a
MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600
Chris Raven 250-409-9323
$3.5 million Wilmer water system upgrade project. “I don’t know the age of the (Wilmer) system, but they’ve had a boil water advisory, so there are some issues, like any system that has been in place for a while,”
said RDEK chief administrative officer Lee-Ann Crane. After it was decided in August that a proposed upgrade to the Dry Gulch water system would be too SEE 'UPGRADE' ON PAGE A2
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
As Invermere's deer cull plows forward, not everyone is sitting by to wait it out. As reported by the RCMP and by District of Invermere (DOI) mayor Gerry Taft, there have been a number of cases of traps either being tampered with, or individuals letting deer out of the traps when found.
"Charges have already been submitted in a few cases," RCMP Cpl. Shane Parker told The Echo. "I wouldn't call it vandalism, but people are letting deer out of the traps, and they will be charged for that. We are taking it very seriously, and as far as the RCMP are concerned, we're trying to remain neutral, or impartial, but obviously when it comes to a criminal offense, we're going to pursue that." Taft says that at this point he believes 13 deer have been trapped and killed, and that he and councillors Spring
Hawes and Justin Atterbury have each had a chance to witness a killing. "From my perspective there is nothing to hide," Taft said. "When I watched it was extremely smooth, there was no suffering of the animal." The district has up until March 15 to kill 100 deer, but district Chief Administrative Officer Chris Prosser says that they are unlikely to reach that number. "It's very slow progress," Prosser said. "We will be nowhere near what our permit allows, those almost three weeks of
NO. 7856
Double bubbles
delay cost us dearly." Traps have been placed almost exclusively on private property to this point, however there have been complaints from the community that the traps are too visible in some cases, with one man telling council at their last meeting that as a parent of a disabled child, he is afraid seeing a trap "would just destroy her."
Raven Bernie
'CONTRACTORS' allA13 inPAGE youON Serving aspects of real estate.
T he
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
May 16, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 20
1956 Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since
$ 15
Glenn Pomeroy Bernie Raven Jan Klimek Ed English Daniel Zurgilgen Scott Wallace Leslie Thomson Geoff Hill 250-342-1612 250-342-5309 250-342-1195 250-342-1194 250-270-0666 250-342-7415 250-342-5994 250-341-7600
Oh, What A Feeling — Kelly Jay performs the ICAN a friend at Find I adoption event
Page A17
Page A12
Raven Bernie
Serving the Columbia Valley from
Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO (l-r) Canfor senior vice-president of operations Alistair Cook, Village of Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin, B.C. Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Minister Steve Thomson and Canfor CEO Don Kayne at the Radium sawmill's ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday,braven@cyberli October 31.
Call us for your heavy duty towing
Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
February 22, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 08
$ 15
We also offer: on the Columbia Valley and area Serving DTSS is tops of • Flat deck service • Locksmith The best• Towing I the mountain Invermere, B.C • Boat recovery • Off road recovery RadiumWinterfest NCLUDING HST
Page A5• free recycling of scrap cars
Page A13
NO. 7856
Going Out on a High Note
NO. 7856
Local officials oppose Bill 41 Getting pumped up
Invermere councillors voice concern legislation could mean appointed council, lack of public process for Jumbo development
only Though the District of Invermere the killed approximately a quarter of deer it originally aimed to cull, mayor for Gerry Taft says there is no appetite extending the operation. apWhile the district had the option to ply for a five day extension of its provinup cial permit, which allowed it to cull aubusy a told Taft deer, urban 100 to dience at Invermere's March 13 district won't council meeting the community be taking that step. "We're pretty tired. It's been a really difficult process. It's been a hard couple the of months,” Taft said. "It's just to for it the elementary point where I think we're all ready some common household ingredients at some fun trying to make a jello volcano using STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO to be over." Grade 7 J.A. Laird student Tannia Tallis had proAs of March 15, when the district's school science fair on Tuesday, March 13. convincial permit for the cull expired, for "nuisance and emotional fewer against the district, which pensation tractors had put down 19 deer — during a presenta- ing lawsuit killed Laphier told council settled — and which could pain." be to yet has trythan the City of Cranbrook, which "With working together, and with members 100 tion on behalf of the IDPO. trust, you hamper reconciliation efforts, 25, and Kimberley, which put down ing to have a position of mutual “I would be willing to work with deer. for us and I think with of council said. that there is some awkwardness of and come up with solutions. “How do we share with someone With the cull complete, members for us... if up with good soluThat's potentially some legal issues Orga- talking we can come wants to sue the pants off us? the Invermere Deer Protection against us stays in to tions for this problem.” about," said the lawsuit which is was something we have to think nization (IDPO) were also at council IDPO the year, Taft. this added earlier Formed one of sever- place,” invermerevalleyech on both sides of the halt- councillor Greg Anderson, discuss how those responsible for an injunction that about whether issue could work together on dealing ed the deer cull for nearly three weeks al who quizzed the group STORY CONTINUES TO suit, it would be willing to drop its civil with deer. 'LAWSUIT' ON PAGE A9 comof at its outset. which seeks unspecified financial “We really need to address the vision That legal action was part of an ongothe community over this issue," Charles
Serving the Columbia Valley from
Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since
Summerlude isDaniel Zurgilgen here at last250-342-1612 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Page A12-13
The local conservation officer service is asking for public assistance after a series of illegal hunting incidents took place in and around Invermere over the last two weeks. “Hunting and poaching are prohibited within the boundaries of the community and I think it’s very unacceptable for anyone to do that,” said District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft, “and it’s extremely dangerous with the potential for bullets or arrows to go to private property, potentially domesticated animals, if not a person.” The first report, called in on Tuesday, October 2, was
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994
$ 15 magic Norden the Magician
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600
a resDistrict of Invermere council passed opposiolution on Tuesday (May 8) voicing tion to a change in the Local Government mounAct that will allow the creation of a with no tain resort municipality in an area residents at the time of incorporation. in The proposed amendment was buried which a miscellaneous list under Bill 41, the B.C. was introduced for first reading to Legislature on May 1. op“This isn’t about opposing or not Mayor posing Jumbo, that’s not the issue,” meetGerry Taft said at Tuesday’s council ing. ‘It’s about governance.” Paul The resolution, penned by Coun. Denchuk, states “the District of Invermere opposes the creation of an undemocratic Jumbo Mountain Resort Municipality in the provValley and in any other region of the that ince” based on council’s understanding the Jumif a mountain resort municipality in it would bo Valley were to be incorporated, for an have a provincially appointed council set elecindeterminate length of time with no powers tion date and may be granted all the a seat at of a normal municipality, including the Regional District of East Kootenay. Coun. It passed with Taft, Denchuk and Spring Hawes in favour while councillors
that celebrate a goal against the Fernie Ghostriders As the fans go wild, the Columbia Valley Rockies pages A18 and 19. and our pick for this year's MVP, check out
ECHO PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE VALLEY Hot Peters tries out the new pump track in Radium Association trail building crew member Owen Panorama resident and Columbia Valley Cycling For the full story, turn to Page 19. will be ready to go for the May long weekend. Springs on Wednesday, May 16. The track
The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper 'NEW' ON PAGE A2 TO1956 Since CONTINUES
From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen
$ 15
T he
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Leslie Thomson
NO. 7856
Geoff Hill
250-341-7600 BERNIE 250-342-5994RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN lesliethomsonrealtor@gmai
1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA
tionships with a diverse group of French government officials, mayors, entrepreneurs, and corporate executives all of whom are interested in exporting their knowledge and experience to North America through the gateway of the Kootenays," he wrote in an email, adding a reciprocal visit to B.C. is in the
works. Over the course of a week, the delegation toured a number of French ski resorts, including Les Deux Alps and La Grave — both of which boast glacier skiing — and the Rhône-Alpes STORY CONTINUES TO 'FRANCE' ON PAGE A10
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Geoff Hill Leslie Thomson Bernie Raven Glenn Pomeroy Ed English Jan Klimek 250-342-5994 250-341-7600 Daniel Zurgilgen Scott Wallace 250-342-1194 250-270-0666 250-342-7415 250-342-1612 250-342-5309 250-342-1195 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Federa b mpac s va ey
$ 15
Tou m numb down n
ple stranded in Spruce Grove RV Park & Campground in Fairmont Hot Springs Resort while numerous others were evacuated from their homes as emergency crews assessed damages.
A large scale landslide that coursed through the Village of Fairmont Hot Springs and across Highway 93/95 at about 4:30 p.m. on Sunday (July 15) left over 600 peo-
“It literally blew through, it was immediate, it was like a wall of water coming through the community,” Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) communications officer Loree Duczek said at the scene on Sunday night. “It happened very quickly,” RDEK Electoral Area F director Wendy Booth said.
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Scott Wallace
Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since ince 1956 Ph: 250-341-6044 250-342-1612 250-342-5309 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Bernie Raven
Page A3
on the night home game of the 2011-12 season. For more STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO
Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
MaxWell Realty Invermere
A large debris torrent that caused Fairmont Creek to burst its banks on Sunday (July PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO 15) afternoon sent a wall of water, debris slide washed out the access bridge to Fairmont and mud downstream in and around Fairmont Resort's campground, leaving over 600 people Hot Springs. Alarge scale mudstranded, while numerous others were evacuated from their residences.
Daniel Zurgilgen
try. A glacier ski resort being proposed for the Valemont area was also under discussion. While no agreements or memoranda of understanding were signed on the trip, Costello told The Echo the week of meetings was a success. "In a short period of time we were able to build new rela-
NO. 7856
Landslide blasts through Fairmon 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere
eral Columbia Valley business owners and political figures. The trip saw the delegation — which included Radium mayor Conklin, Glacier Resorts French investors will visit B.C. Dee Ltd. (GLR) vice president Grant this spring to investigate the Costello and Panorama MounJumbo Glacier Resort, followtain Village CEO Rick Jensen — ing up on a trip to France made with various stakeholders meet earlier this month by Kootenay in the French ski resort indusEast MLA Bill Bennett and sev-
Mudslide mayhem
Debris build up in Fairmont Creek causes mudslide leaving hundreds stranded in resort campground
briefly pulled the team ahead during its last
B.C. visit Potential Jumbo investors planning
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
April Ap 18, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 16 Bernie Raven Leslie Thomson 250-342-7415 250-342-5994
1 Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600
$ 15 lesliethomsonrealtor@gmai
Author Grant Lawrence coming to Invermere
Page A5
about a seriously injured mule deer buck by the Invermere Home Hardware. The buck, walking with its intestines hanging out, made its way to the RCMP detachment where police saw it was seriously injured and put it down. Invermere conservation officer Greg Kruger confirmed it had been shot with an arrow, either from a bow or cross bow. “It was shot through its stomach and the arrow boardhead was lodged in its ankle,” Kruger said. “We don’t know who (did it) or where that deer was shot.” Next, a partially butchered first-year fawn was discovered on the outskirts of the Wilder subdivision on the morning of Tuesday, October 9 and Kruger suspects poachers were responsible for the kill. “The way it was butchered,
Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
July 18, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 29
Page A14
Jumbo Rally
Poaching incidents plague Invermere
Bernie Raven
Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since 1956 56
Tassels and boas — Cheesecake Burlesque
Judokan take over Invermere
Page A2
Rick Hansen Relay
Bernie Raven Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere
April 25, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 17
Page B1
Have your say about downtown parking
MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
$ 15
MP David Wilks visits Invermere
Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since 1956
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
February 22, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 08
The best of RadiumWinterfest
DTSS is tops on the mountain
Page A5
Bernie Raven Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
Page A13
Going Out on a High Note
Piece of Excellence
For those who have ever been frustrated by the downtown parking situation, or feel like there's an idea no one else has thought of yet, the District of Invermere (DOI) has a new public survey to help lay the groundwork for future projects. Available either online on the district website or in hard copy at either the library or the district offices, the Downtown Invermere Parking Survey 2012 is a chance for anyone who is interested to have their say about future parking projects in the downtown of Invermere. The survey is a joint effort between the DOI and consulting company Opus International, who were awarded a contract earlier in the year. "The scope of it is that they are looking at downtown parking, the existing parking, and considering the community enhancement plan," Director of Development Services for the DOI, Rory Hromadnik said. "They're taking a look at the direction for the downtown and at our parking options, but more importantly really evaluating what we have, what's working, and what's not working." While Opus International has provided the survey and will be taking a look at the results, they worked closely with the
Rick Hansen Relay medal-bearer Floyd Verge stops to hug some of his supporters lining his route on April 13. For more photos, see pages 18 and 19. STEVE JESSEL\ECHO PHOTO
district to provide relevant questions and solutions for Invermere's parking problems, both during shoulder seasons as well as the busier summer days. Included with the four-page survey is a chance to win one of four $50 shopping vouchers at downtown Invermere businesses. The survey itself asks how satisfied one is with the current parking situation, as well as questions regarding parking preferences and short term cost-effective options that could be implemented for this upcoming summer.
Hromadnik says while it's nearly impossible to plan for some of the busier summer days, they would like to see a few changes this summer, including improved signage, to help alleviate congestion. "There are certain days of the year where it is just physically impossible to have enough parking spots," Hromadnik said. "It's about organizing, and I think the problem is we're not sure what we actually need." While the survey itself likely won't
serve as a precursor to any major immediate changes, what it will do is help the DOI come up with a vision of what they would like to eventually see happen. While Hromadnik says the district does have some ideas already, he says that this is a great opportunity for the community at large to have their opinions heard and to have a say in the document Opus International will produce to be presented to council later in the STORY CONTINUES TO year. 'CLARITY' PAGE A10
MP David Wilks was in Invermere this past Thursday after being invited to address the Rotary Club, and during his visit took the time to stop by The Echo's offices for an impromptu talk on a few federal decisions that could have far-reaching impact on the Columbia Valley. Of particular interest to Wilks was a recent announcement regarding the Shuswap Band. As a member of the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Wilks was pleased to share his thoughts about the news that the Shuswap had been added to the First Nations Land Management Regime. In short, the First Nations Land Management Regime is a new management application put on by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development which allows the Shuswap to opt out of the 34 land-related sections of the Indian Act. "It's huge because this allows [the Shuswap] to proceed with economic development, and allows them to do things with their land that they could never do before," Wilks said. "Now, they can move forward freely with economic development... it provides them with great opportunities, and I think that you'll see [the Shuswap] blossom over the next several years into something that they couldn't do before this time." As a former RCMP officer, Wilks also shared his opinions regarding the newly-introduced omnibus crime bill C-10. Opponents of the bill are most critical of the increased mandatory sentences for certain crimes, such as drug trafficking and sex crimes, but are also concerned about increasing sentences for young offenders, and the lifting of publication bans on names of young offenders convicted of violent offences.
As the fans go wild, the Columbia Valley Rockies celebrate a goal against the Fernie Ghostriders that briefly pulled the team ahead during its last home game of the 2011-12 season. For more on the night and our pick for this year's MVP, check out pages A18 and 19. STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO Celebrity impersonator Tracey Bell took her show, "8 Divas in 44 Minutes" to the stage at the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards Tuesday, April 17, at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. For a full list of winners from the event, see page B6. STEVE JESSEL\ECHO PHOTO
"C-10 comes with its challenges," Wilks said. "With respect to minimum mandatory sentences, I have no problem with it because I think it targets the types of crimes we expect people to go to jail for." The war on drugs and the legalization of marijuana have also been hot topics as of late, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper notably telling leaders at a Latin American Summit that "the current approach isn't working." "The drug part of (C-10) is interesting," Wilks said.
"I'm not in favour of legalizing marijuana, I don't think it's the way to go personally, however I don't speak for the party on that. With regards to the drug laws, I would encourage people to go and read the legislation." Lastly, Wilks discussed the recent government investment in the Rockies International Airport in Cranbrook. The airport received $187,043 through the Airports Capital Assistance Program for the purchase of new runway sweepers for the airport, and Wilks says CONTINUES TO 'GROWTH' PAGE B2
Potential Jumbo investors planning B.C. visit ANDREA KLASSEN
French investors will visit B.C. this spring to investigate the Jumbo Glacier Resort, following up on a trip to France made earlier this month by Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett and sev-
eral Columbia Valley business owners and political figures. The trip saw the delegation — which included Radium mayor Dee Conklin, Glacier Resorts Ltd. (GLR) vice president Grant Costello and Panorama Mountain Village CEO Rick Jensen — meet with various stakeholders in the French ski resort indus-
try. A glacier ski resort being proposed for the Valemont area was also under discussion. While no agreements or memoranda of understanding were signed on the trip, Costello told The Echo the week of meetings was a success. "In a short period of time we were able to build new rela-
tionships with a diverse group of French government officials, mayors, entrepreneurs, and corporate executives all of whom are interested in exporting their knowledge and experience to North America through the gateway of the Kootenays," he wrote in an email, adding a reciprocal visit to B.C. is in the
works. Over the course of a week, the delegation toured a number of French ski resorts, including Les Deux Alps and La Grave — both of which boast glacier skiing — and the Rhône-Alpes STORY CONTINUES TO 'FRANCE' ON PAGE A10
Serving the Columbia Valley and area Call us for your heavy duty towing MaxWell Realty Invermere
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
STEVE JESSEL the Columbia Valley from Serving
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600
Yee-haw! Stampede comes to Panorama
Invermere transfer station shuts down
Bernie Raven Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
Daniel Zurgilgen Scott Wallace Jan Klimek Ed English Glenn Pomeroy 250-342-1612 250-342-5309 250-342-1195 Bernie Raven 926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Geoff Hill 250-342-1194 250-270-0666 250-342-7415 Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994 250-341-7600 maxWell RealTY INVeRmeRe
PHOTO BY PLATZL PICS Invermere's Killer Rollbots are the East Kootenay Roller Derby League champions after winning their final bout against Fernie's Avalanche City Roller Girls 206-115 on Saturday (September 15). For the full story, turn to page A19.
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere
Invermere's deer cull falls short of goal MAIL REGISTRATION lesliethomsonrealtor@gmai 7856
Four deer affected by illegal hunting in populated areas
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600
Serving the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since 1956
Highway cleanup
Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994
Kitching and Jason Bentley, Miller spent much of the day learning how to keep outdoor ice level and ready for use, drilling holes with an auger, flooding cleared surfaces, driving a snow plow and even laying a bit of cross country ski track. Miller's most important lesson of the day? "Don't put your hand in the auger hole," he said with a laugh.
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Hockey Night in Invermere
MaxWell Realty Invermere 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
March 21, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 12
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Page A10
MaxWell Realty Invermere
T he
sighted rummaging through the bins at the Invermere transfer station on Monday (September 10) District of Invermere (DOI) council decided in a unanimous vote on Tuesday (September 11) to close the transfer station, effective immediately, until October 31, 2012. “What really pushed it to the top was the bear issue,” DOI mayor Gerry Taft told The Valley Echo on September 13. “We have concerns about how (the transfer
An Independent Member Broker
$ 15
Did you win our pond hockey contest?
East Kootenay champions
Temporary closure due to high bear activity, overflowing garbage bins
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Office: 250-341-6044 REALTY INVERMERE Email:
February 8, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 06
It was a perfect night for hockey on Friday, February 3, as the B.C. Eastern Regional Pond Hockey Championships officially got underway 25 teams took part in the three-day event, on Lake Windermere. More than a hundred which kicked off Friday night with a brief players and better than opening ceremony to welcome players to Invermere. STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO
926 - 7th Avenue, Invermere lesliethomsonrealtor@gmail .com MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE September 19, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 38 S An independent member broker
Rockies victorious in home opener
Celebrating the life of thee wild Kokanee salmon n
to the sold-out crowd at the Canadian icon David Suzuki speaks passionately turn to page A5. current economic system. For the full story, the economy and the weaknesses of the
Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since
MaxWell Realty InvermerePage A4
OThomson Canada!Geoff Hill
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
NO. 7856
Bernie Raven Serving ECHO JESSEL/THE all STEVEin PHOTO BYyou aspects of real 1) on the future of Invermere Community Hall on Friday (Juneestate.
Deer supporters on the hoof
MaxWell Realty Invermere 1956 sinceZurgilgen Daniel Canal Flats to Spillimacheen 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Valley from Serving the Columbia 250-342-1612 Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Deer trap tampering leads to charges
The Radium sawmill has officially reopened after a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday, October 31 and Canfor president and CEO Don Kayne says the company’s Kootenay operations are “huge” to the overall success of his company moving forward. “In terms of some of the markets and some of the shifts that we’re seeing going forward from a customer standpoint, some of the products that people are looking for worldwide; certainly they’re looking for a higher quality product,” Kayne told The Valley Echo. “Being in the Kootenays with some of the fibre that’s here, we’re able to provide that now, where in the past we weren’t able to provide that degree of high quality that we are able to today.” The special event was attended by Kayne; Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Reinvermerevalleyech sources Steve Thomson; Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Bill Bennett; Ktunaxa Nation Chair Kathryn Teneese,
has provKootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks a nationwide en to be the unwitting catalyst to Saturday (June “Day of Action” that took place on MPs across 2) at the offices of 54 Conservative government’s the country in protest of the federal C-38. Bill bill, budget proposed omnibus CONTINUES TO 'PROTESTS' ON PAGE A3
Serving the Columbia Valley from
T he
NICOLE invermerevalleyech
$ 15
DTSS honours graduates
Page A16
Bernie Raven
Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
Kootenay-Columbia riding joins nationwide rallies against Bill C-38
lifespan. "The slab is 40 years old now, so it's already on borrowed time, and we just have frost heave," he said. "I've been here for 10 years and had issues with the building we've a floor e lifespan then. Th Serving since you in allof aspects like this is 30 of years." real estate. After that, they'll repair the foundation, insulate the building (which in three weeks allow ice to go braven@cyberlin should come out three weeks earlier 926 - 7thand Avenue, Invermere MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE CONTINUES TO STORY An independent member broker 'LOTTERY' ON PAGE A9
Legal delays lead to cull of 19 animals out of 100 permitted
supporter of the project invermerevalleyech Bennett, a longtime
After years of fundraising, the NCC announced in a June 11 release that they had successfully raised the $7.2 million required to secure the ecologically and culturally sensitive property and create a stewardship endowment. This brings to a close over seven years of uncertainty, beginning in 2005 when the private owners
NO. 7856
The Nature of Things
Wilks' comments inspire protesters
East MLA Bill Bennett looks on. ANDREA KLASSEN/ECHO PHOTO
Lot 48 has finally been protected thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and a large number of organizations and individuals. “It’s a huge thrill,” said Nancy Newhouse, Canadian Rockies program manager for the NCC. “It’s been a project that so many people have been involved with to try and find a solution for so many years, and it’s great to see it come to fruition.”
Page A5
Protection Members of the Invermere Deer court battle Society (IDPS) have won a major in the latagainst the District of Invermere (DOI) saga. est chapter of the Invermere deer cull to dismiss The DOI had made an application in Febdistrict the against the civil lawsuit filed permitting a ruary for its deer protection bylaw
$800,000 grant for the village arena as Kootenay
Canal Flats mayor Ute Juras celebrates an
Land parcel joins 18,000-acre conservation area on eastern shore of Columbia Lake
Wings Over the Rockies takes flight
Resort is The long-debated Jumbo Glacier the B.C. another step closer to reality, after of a masgovernment announced its approval controverter development agreement for the sial ski resort March 20. Natural Minister of Forests, Lands and and Resource Operations Steve Thomson made the Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett and charannouncement together in Victoria, but necesacterized the decision as a tough sary step for the government. all of "I made this decision after reviewing on this the relevant, extensive documentation with file as well as visiting the site and meeting said both first nations and the proponent," been difThomson. "I respect that there have 20 years fering views on this project, but after to make a of this extensive review it was time
Deadline met for protection of Lot 48
$ 15
Invermere's only derby bout of the season a hit
Attempt by District of Invermere to dismiss lawsuit unsuccessful
ANDREA KLASSEN 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
"Many (members of the IDPO) are emotionally distraught over the idea of deer being slaughtered in our backyards—the city will not release the
Judge rules in favour of IDPS
After 20 years, BC Liberals approve controversial ski resort
right steps have been taken." "There wasn't enough public consultation involved with the process—we wanted an injunction so that we can have a chance to have all the residents of Invermere have their voices be heard," Kazakoff said.
Page A10
Province says yes to Jumbo
Canal Flats to Spillimacheen since
Local bear cub dies in Smithers wildlife centre
Page A14
Page B1
ago in response to the proposed cull, and Kazakoff says the injunction had been in the works since January 10, when it became clear the cull was about to begin. Kazakoff says that the group opposes the cull because they "don't feel the
Invermere Glenn Pomeroy Bernie Raven - 7th Avenue, Jan Klimek Ed English Daniel Zurgilgen Scott Wallace Leslie Thomson Geoff Hill 926 250-342-1612 250-342-5309 250-342-1195 250-342-1194 250-270-0666 250-342-7415 250-342-5994 REALTY INVERMERE 250-341-7600 MAXWELL
Serving the Columbia Valley from
MAXWELL REALTY INVERMERE An independent member broker
$ 15
Future of Edgewater concerts uncertain
Sylvia Walker, Devin Kazakoff and Vince Zurbriggen stand outside the District of Invermere offices after their successful injunction to halt the deer cull. STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO
VALLEY ECHO 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Invermere 926 - 7th Avenue,
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Leon Crane Bear performed a wide range of traditional dances during the National Aboriginal Day Festival celebrations at Lakeshore Resort on Saturday (June 16). The festival offered plenty of activities and events for the entire family, including traditional food, music and exhibits. Turn to page A13 for our National Aboriginal Day Festival photo page.
MaxWell Realty Invermere
7415 250-342Chris Raven Geoff Hill
March 28, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 13
About 40 David Thompson Secondary School students gathered at Cenotaph Park on March 2 to express their support for teachers, who began a three day strike Monday. For more on the strike, see page A3. STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO
T he
Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
Independent Member Broker
Ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by provincial and local officials, Canfor executive
Raven Bernie
Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
Page A21
Radium sawmill officially reopen
National Aboriginal Day, June 21
Premier hosts local all-women gathering
1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA
Panorama revs up for winter season
Page A13
Injunction from B.C. Supreme Court puts cull of 100 Invermere deer on hold until February 24
It looks like Invermere's deer cull will not be moving ahead as planned. Members of the Invermere Deer Protection Organization (IDPO) have obtained a temporary injunction from the Supreme Court of British Columbia to halt the proposed cull of 100 Invermere urban deer until February 24, 2012. The injunction comes as part of a civil suit against the district, in which the plaintiffs are seeking unspecified financial compensation for "nuisance and emotional pain," according to District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft. District of Invermere (DOI) mayor Gerry Taft was only served with the injunction late Thursday night, on the eve of the proposed cull moving forward. The clover traps had already arrived at the district's public works lot following the recent cull in Kimberley and, as The Echo had reported online at, the cull was likely to begin over the weekend. "We had heard speculation that some of the people opposed to the cull were consulting with lawyers," Taft told The Echo Friday. "However, we weren't really sure of what was happening, so it did come as a surprise when we were served the injunction." The IDPO is a grass-roots organization whose objective is to "protect wildlife and find humane solutions to any kind of problems that arise with them," according to organization president Devin Kazakoff. The group was founded about a month
Vol. 56 Issue 45
Remembering the fallen November 11
Page A13
$ 15
In the Pink: students say no to bullying
March 7, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 10
Page A17
$ 15 Serving you in all aspects of real estate.
T he
Bantam hockey boys to face off with B.C.'s best
Bernie Raven
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600
Chris Raven 250-409-9323 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
MaxWell Realty Invermere
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Daniel Zurgilgen 250-342-1612
Scott Wallace 250-342-5309
Glenn Pomeroy 250-270-0666
We also offer: • Towing • Flat deck service • Locksmith • Boat recovery • Off road recovery • free recycling of scrap cars
Bernie Raven 250-342-7415
Leslie Thomson 250-342-5994
Geoff Hill 250-341-7600 926 - 7 Avenue, Invermere Ph: 250-341-6044 Toll Free: 1-888-341-6044
Glenn Pomeroy Bernie Raven Jan Klimek Ed English Daniel Zurgilgen Scott Wallace Leslie Thomson Geoff Hill 250-342-1612 250-342-5309 250-342-1195 250-342-1194 250-270-0666 250-342-7415 250-342-5994 250-341-7600
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Vol. 56
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Strong fini minor hosh for ckey
Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Page B1
Vol. 56
Issue 13
$ 15
$ 1 1 5
Year in Review February
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
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"I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr vermereva munities ey l. hing me . We learn itiesuse, lp ee 0-34 Inve po Kitcmen er of al a Pond Hock lleyecho.c and we tedready for ing ony to welco the day wan erent t and r1-88 1-60 rmer Regional h of om week as around the :prov "Be s bri ve ev l ag l and a dec I leve can't flood from wantEastern a brief opening cerem about diff oat muc r, ision B.C. for than ice part 44 learn e auge the 8ince hav es When the to tugb ab ing ng th ents oor ing with an k my frien plow governof a 34 this lifes gram to ary 3, as outd y night with took the field hunting to s courage led Canal Flat a snowd Stev he ing holethe promote $30 million 1-60 Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the pan. stu e c out into lik try skie enough ghost medaces pro-44 , drivingto mak s arena drilltold hea Acc to th hockey on win coun which in ia. , s for from o e lthy ordi e ter c age , surf this "The slab ope event ng lifestyle Thered in hockey jobs decision an k in mm the an aver master g a bit of cros perfect nightin the three-day efi clea s. is players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a develop kind of yw eld rt, goes the term driving. even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a c unit se, b took part , who met is it's ment lesso N n of the rly sma Miller and s idea SSE to hu and borr 25 teams villa a agre extr e , icula they nt with mem KLA conimp just hav "Th owed time y is ha y to eca ge cou ement r sort can. m orta have day Da,nandso it's A long a weeks to hit the auge lays out 's not part t things," t ditio e fros ns und bers k track nt fo be dev ANDREA moselop , the Can ncil and aren hand iner which a c ir or geth use guy, who tries differen during a brea erme "I've bee t heave," he iel we Miller's 2 the aren -awaited upg the ice. a your ed staff oor al r tr put and e ia the 5 said editor@inv the Flat h Z to- we'v n here la outd reallows "Don't to com off and to local med all bein er. it eats a laugh. largest for nd 0-3. urgil propone thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like e d wo en en on today was big pond day? ," he said with world's years42and ge to an $800 paymen gd ly sinc had issues with 10man . commun g ahead, fficial) the small scre TV explaine g. 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A2 ay, hock tain what is the B.C ed. edded dation, NSE CONTI 0-3 all show in me VIS The gran . er, says manager Mat insulate 'll repair the foun for Emb rmere Thursd main ers Brad rink." sc N tain N ing crew t a ot is 4 U thie sho the buil WH ' ON ES one of 98 ther yo st skat y main film in Inve t@sc 2-5 ce ding (wh cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing e wee come out A3 ch is well lace acin head February d, which runs do G Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr n scott@scottw 250 nrea mere roy@s -342 www.max Inver Leslie Thom ue, ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca valleyech invermere
23, May
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21 Issue Vol. 56
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
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Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt Page A10
Mudslid devastatee residents s
Bernie Ra ven
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
ue, Inver
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
$ 15 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo Page A12
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
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left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
l Flats to
785 NO.
from Cana
Eg g
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hu nt
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
the ceremony,
turn to page
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y tr Backcoun November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rk 2012 was a year of protests, natural disasters and tragedies in the Columbia Valley, terpa but also a time of great charity, crea w r Canal F in fo lats are na gets o b eg t big buc ativity and hope for a better future. Here are some of the trials and tribulations that made Valley Echo headlines over g n i ks rais Fund the last 12 months as well as some of the year's great photographic moments.
c' ‘Giganti r fame fo ay Whitew
January Whiteway plan in the works With funding and planning underway for an expanded Whiteway on Lake Windermere during the winter months, news of Invermere’s plan to challenge Ottawa and Winnipeg for their Guinness World Records drew national attention as organizers fielded calls from across the country. “Our goal was basically to draw attention to the valley,” said DOI councillor Justin Atterbury, also on the board of the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce, which spearheaded the challenge. DOI mayor Gerry Taft had sent letters to Winnipeg (which has the world’s longest maintained
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO (L-R) Carla Schneider, Jazlyn Oaks and Jess de Groot hit the ice on Lake Windermere with hockey sticks in January in preparaton of the 2012 BC Eastern Regional Pond Hockey Championships that took place in Invermere from February 3 to 5.
outdoor ice rink) and Ottawa (whose Rideau Canal boasts the largest outdoor ice rink) alerting them to Invermere’s plan. “We sent letters to both Ottawa and Winnipeg, both their councils and the organizations that
actually organize their ice rinks... sort of challenging them in good sport, saying we’re after them and after the record,” Taft said. And the winners are… The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce Invermere Busi-
ness Committee wrapped up its inaugural Window Display Decorating Contest. The contest had 30 entries and brought much festive cheer to Invermere’s downtown core. River Gems gallery came out in first place
rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
brance Day at the Remem
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
The Province is currently reviewing the existing closures on the Catamount and North Star Glaciers in consultation with local stakeholder groups. The existing Section 58 order will remain in effect until otherwise notified. Enforcement patrols will focus on noncompliance. Any forthcoming amendments to the closure area would be on a trial basis.
Continues to Page A3
• Forster Creek Trail • Forster Meadows • Thunderwater and Whirlpool Lakes
NEARBY SNOWMOBILING • Brewer Creek – intermediate riding south of Invermere • Rocky Point Creek - intermediate and advanced riding - Bugaboo Creek area • McMurdo Creek/Silent Pass - groomed trail west of Parson
with its quartz garden display; Mercer & Company nabbed second; while Black Star Studio picked up third place. No ice is safe ice A biker plunged through the ice of Lake Windermere in the early afternoon of January 7 about 125 feet from shore and local emergency services issued a thin ice warning for the lake, while cautioning the public to practice extreme caution when out on the ice. “We want people to be aware of these unseasonable, dangerous conditions, as many people have no idea the ice is so thin in places,” said Windermere Fire Department deputy fire chief Drew Sinclair. “We cannot stress enough how dangerous it can be out there.” District seeks public's help The District of Invermere began collecting names of property owners willing to have traps
Legal Notice – Snowmobile Restriction Catamount and North Star Glaciers Catamount and North Star Glaciers in the Upper Forster Creek drainage are closed annually to recreational snowmobile use. This closure is pursuant to Section 58 (1) (b) of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
We’re ready... are you?
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Did you know we have huuuuge Seniors' discounts?
Ric Re k Han l int ay ro sen or l egi ling on
inverme revalleye cho.
cio Sp illi us ma ch een sin Invdeath cee 19 erm in 56 Pag ere e A2
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T he
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placed on their property to assist with the district’s upcoming deer cull that was scheduled to take place in February. Invermere’s deer cull was the third one to receive a permit from the B.C. government that winter — Cranbrook and Kimberley being the other two. “As best as possible we will try to match the problem areas with people who give permission to place the traps on their private property,” said DOI mayor Gerry Taft. “If people want to offer the use of their property, they can add their name to a list at the DOI (office).” Slight decline in property values More than 5,300 property owners in the Columbia Valley had their 2012 assessment notices hit their mailboxes and most valley communities saw a decline. Radium Hot Springs saw the most marked decline of the three incorporated communities, with overall residential values falling by 6.95 per cent and businesses/ other values down by 8.62 per cent. In Invermere, the decline was 5.48 for residen-
c' ‘Giganti r fame fo ay Whitew
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Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
. 78
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Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES Col E TR NICOL on for the ati OTO BY PHlleyec prepar
in A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubset future deve munit ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to the com 26). For the of ale behin ers y d the [mor memb ay (Ma atorium] .” was tolife ts and on Saturd allow den t proe CONTINUES ty of n-ouAddie Hobbi e by stu enhous ns and Conno TO 'LAKE quali' ONg,PAGE draw ley their work donce at the gre e the a lon A3 “sinkAppreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just the nc off two of ha pla h ations. For could shows that takes more photo a number of participants will en throug they s from last Candy PHOTO BY during the Sale d that d gone oject that list to weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car tor Ally Swap and Summerlude their joy an races during L/THE ECHO b ha on a pr ordina , including the 25th annive down tion projries e clu bullriding and d ion co- ds and Starts ing Th rsa cat s we rsary ca cid Pynestock, tifi e edu den See and bu er, the see page A14. Valof de d it wa b narro ds beau enhous cess Gar parks ct, an o.” e clu mm
to ising a r d Fun
nity gre annual Commu the Rockies' lege of
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e list on th is next ere park water b of Inverm New lu C ry Rotat
Glenn Pome 250-270- roy
glennpomero 0666
Bernie Raven 250-3427415
Chris Raven 250-4099323
the ceremony,
turn to page
or h moderat sume wit y talks re tr n u o kc Bac brance Day the Remem a wreath at
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton g the first ed my skills group. ing willin vened for a it’s push g Savage to the ss of bring n things when it recon ss of designing ducin is the proce y intro for “whe proce r 5) night facilitation revive the plan for backcountr (Novembe ation is called Whereby August to nt her, medi gement time since access manageme people toget explained. al access mana rator y. he tion ation ,” mode Valle recre d d recrea run amok Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione PAGE A11 gement guru areas in the process is Cran Governme MBIA' ON ict mana cthe 'COLU to confl repla TO — ned New CONTINUES e — a renow e Management Ltd. headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi Dennis TRIGG facilitator 13 months. NICOLE tion ing erevalleyech for the last Access Coali ay the process editor@inverm y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
World War II
Ashworth lays veteran Jim
of high level addresses cess New strategy agement plan pro man conflict in
your Call us for ing tow heavy duty
: We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Geoff Hill 250-3417600 connect@geo
Serving the
ey and Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO Fisherman Matt Johnson was one of dozens of anglers who braved the icy winds of Lake Windermere during the 12th annual Kinsmen Club Fishing Derby on January 28.
‘Stop the Slaughter of Invermere’s Urban Deer’ were attracting hundreds of members and over 30 people packed a DOI council meeting.
February “Culling the town deer puts a bad taste in my mouth. Those who cannot coexist with wildlife should consider moving to a bigger city,” Marie Pike told council. Josh Page, mean-
while, told council he had come forward to defend the cull after his own experiences with aggressive deer, including multiple attacks on his two large dogs and incidents where he and his girlfriend had to chase deer off with golf clubs and a lawn mower. Discovered by Discovery Channel Skiers, skaters and other Lake Windermere users were asked to hit the lake for a Discovery Chan-
nel TV shoot. Embedded with Mark Miller, which runs on Discovery Channel’s weekly science news show Daily Planet, was in Invermere to film the Lake Windermere Whiteway for a special “Gigantic Things” segment. Embedded features Miller heading out into the field to learn about different jobs, from ghost hunting to tugboat driving. Miller, who said his producer on the West Coast had heard
about the Whiteway through the media, spent his day on Lake Windermere with Whiteway maintenance crew Brad Kitching and Jason Bentley learning how to keep outdoor ice level, driving a snowplow and even laying cross country track, among other things. “What else did I learn? I learned Mother Nature is probably the best ice maker,” said Miller. CONTINUES TO PAGE A4
Pet overpopulation, surrender to shelters and animal euthanization are preventable problems with a rational solution: SPAY & NEUTER!
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO Icy road conditions likely contributed to the two-vehicle crash involving a bus that left one Calgary woman dead on Highway 93/95 near Radium Resort on January 15.
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
Year in Review editor@inve
l Flats to
left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
from Cana
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt
Mudslid devastatee residents s
$ 15
the otherwise empty Canal F CONTINUED FROM lats arePAGE A2 bus was not injured. na gets big buc ks Roads were extremetial properties and ly slick at the time of 1.71 per cent for busi- the crash, following nesses. In Canal Flats, the heavy snowfall residential values fell the night before. The by 4.78 per cent, while accident scene closed business values crept the highway for sevup by 2.34 per cent. eral hours, with cars “In the grand lined up for nearly scheme of things, I a kilometre coming wouldn’t say it’s an from Invermere. extreme decrease at Bonspiel a blast all. When things are Another year, anin that plus or minus other hugely successfive per cent range ful Bonspiel on the we generally refer to Lake. Sixty four teams them as being pretty of 256 curlers from stable,” said Bradley both Canada and the Lane, an assessor for U.S. took part in the the Kootenay region. 29th annual event But not all property on Lake Windermere owners saw a reduc- from January 20 to 22. tion. Communities in “The bonspiel was Area F, for the most excellent,” Vic Briar part, saw a small jump of the Invermere in property values. Curling Centre said. Driving death in “Everybody loved it Radium and everyone had a A 45-year-old Cal- great time.” gary woman died following a collision with an oncoming bus on January 15, just outside Radium Deer controversy Resort at the top of Opposition to the Mile Hill. According District of Invermere to Columbia Valley (DOI)’s plan to cull RCMP Staff Sergeant 100 urban deer was Marko Shehovac, the steadily growing woman lost control of when clover traps her vehicle and fish- and bolt guns protailed into oncoming vided by the B.C. protraffic and into the vincial government path of the oncom- were expected to ing bus. The woman arrive in Invermere was taken to hospital after Kimberley’s in Invermere, where own 100-deer cull she was pronounced wrapped up. Facedead. The driver of book groups such as
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarlvermere to Sp 11 Lif ec en v , 20 l Flats dy to t g Cana 1fro er m 2 2 V d rea Page B1 5 s of ryeou enmes to In eCotulumbia Valley ol. 56 Is bra 0 - 3 co a up an a su l r es ll e1 en@ 4 2 ng the 926 itvh otted 5 tat Servi Pag ns P w c A y e 7 7 eA Q& zuthkAive berlin 41 . 5 Echo n Su 5 k alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
ST E repo VE rter JE 1@ SS inve EL rm W erev Ra hen alle ye Ap dium the R ch we ril 14 , Inve ick H m mu ll rep and rme anse Serving teamr 1 re the Colu re n n mbia Valle y mn.csean 5, eac and Rela In itave Servin y from -7415 Canal Flats ed ted h c Win y ro riv gRyou 42 a asp 0-3 diu inaall es to Spill Y 25 l b by omm de lls imacheen frect at rea REALT rm into eare a n oms of r Broker lmest since 1956 ELL u a XW ate ndent Membeere w n u ro Y Indepe . MA 25o0An , Inverm mb ity ere o un here rs. Avenue u Edg2926 - 7th valleyech -6044 ew 74 er wil n d1 of th34 250-341 invermere Office: St bra cyberlin p th l 15 o a ro ven th braven@ re :1 te ng f Email: e @cyber si ERE of co be fini r th 5 p e re March INVERM REALTY 926 m28, 2012 re- 7thmed dlink en .bc. .m Vol. 56 Issue 06 T he minor hosh for t F acat m . a lay fi aue, Issue 13 Vol. 56 "I layinAven l Inve loyre orn fte 8, 2012 earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM ckey February Future r rst d ERE rs Verg ing, com arof ask was heindepen m r broker c dentemembe Page B1 ed abso k of eda to ha e w Verg ing concerts Edgewater l. e fo 1956 ill a v m Th since e n lu uncerta the be r tely ho imacheen op e Ve e." ING HST to Spill INCLUD r pond ho one in Canal Flats sho nour, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou no N NO. y from TRATIO for st REGIS ur cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 5 ON NO. on th e A4 tha d years, BC Hockey rou as b art d in 0,000 7856 h fa t Pag o e e g Lib ti m approve yea lds a ily d the the to fa me hly th en controver erals the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic y n ts a h -deb a e R d h m ated another ar. a te ela as bu e step clos Jumbo Glac rsa ent. would ach governm ier Res he enag y du a part er to real Th ry ort is ent ann ity, afte at e ch be ter dev it th says er. N e to lo icula r the B.C elopmen ounced its app the a th . o rova t agreeme sial ski e sin r c hig rreso "I se at h w fi nt for the l of a maso g Minister rt March 20. h controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu leg am k o the e tr Stev y n ro announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral thin sth as pu f it tim ials cement tee ," e ks esis, together Bennett mad and acterize d ab e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and sary step the decision ou , and cha nd e sa t yo trib as for the t s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer ab do r d ons and Thoms mee ting with yo e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats u bu le to what fering view "I respect that onent," ster mayor Ute t d yo ther said Jura s on y e s Egg hav celebrates this proj of this As ou d o exa u ca exte an $800,000 ect, but e been difHun decision nsive review for o th ctl n.. afte grant for tw it was time r 20 years ." the villag the e b y w . yo as Bennett to mak Mae arena as Koot wel Re est hat u m ea r than enay East xW l-at and the , a long time bette w la y and sup MLA rs w tend O BCplaye y, V ou you ight Bill Benn w.m ell R Liberal CHO PHOTport red areaa,hund ett looks EL/E MLA clos er of the proj ed erg can did not said he than axw ea on. ect STEVE JESS 92 est to the this hoped AND rmere. More commun lt ." e be be REA el Winde y In 6KLASSEN/ say Lake ities divi the dec year fore isiont wou Jumbo 7 lrea rway on ECHO PHOT er spen ANDRE tan "It's divi ded Mill s it got unde , as ld allow by the issu tley, , . Ph: Avenu ltyinve verm O A KLA ded officially Ben keep mere To 's n to hips our Inver SSE edito ed kids e to hea pions comhow ll Fr 250- e, In rm ere rs to he t to h it over im r@inverm and .Jaso N munities l. hing We learning mun itiesuse, lps erevalleye Hockey Cham to welcome playe po Kitcmen of al a y for and we around ee: 1- 341- verm tedread the day wan nal Pond erent t and of ra decision ing ceremony diff h bri ve e and wan t wee rn Regio "B l ag ing l I ood the 60 can muc fl 88 tk er Easte r, as part province for oor from gove ice leve't than 44 e learn abouto tugboat the B.C. a brief open 8-34 this having es When the ab eing ng th vents an kauge of a my frien plow gram to field to ary 3, as outd rny night with took s with led Canal Flat courage lifespan he told promote $30 million 1-60 Stev into the holethe Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the t hunting ingtoa snowdtry st ski out on e ing y eno driv . ghos med pro, s drill healthy make this Accordi to th ugh arena ope winter in uck e com like th ia. for hocke surfaces event, which cross coun ng lifestyle 44 "The slab Thered in average clea hockey jobs, from decision an mas perfect nightin the three-day efi of an mu ese g a bit of s. in is 40 year ter players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a dev layin y already eld part elop driving. the it's kind rly smart, goes the even East and may up s a took , term of old is who s w men N to six extr n on borr MLA find they now, so of village met with to hu er and . s and con 25 team c nit , b ay agreeme ntt lesso r KLASSE "The idea not particula it's m orta have day council ditio auge members just have fros owed time gs," Mill sort nt lays Da,nand A long a weeks to hit can be most imp track is hair y tog ecau ns und nt fo ANDREA and aren who's d inerthe out dev , t erent thin ng a break -aw hea the the han a er's guy, elop diff we o erme "I've ie whi ve," aite ice. Can Mill 25said l Z the aren a staff toed and h. ch the red upg duri he ch r b ethe se it oor al Flat bee r tr put your editor@inv the and tries come st outd 0-3. urg l media "Don't all eats we've had n here forland a laug allows prop thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like d's large on off ained to loca g today was to 10m year d day? he said with wo en eing r. one il 4 pon issu to pay ly . nts g cial) worl small screen expl thin TO com g s ," big an 2 ffi an S e es men a since ge ahead, rld $800 with munity hole -16 en t given Recreat @cy and et TV in filming. "Th make ice for The (uno will hit the Y CONTINUE A3 in B.C "Ce in dision Prog ,000 Commun to like then. The lifes the buil ,a STOR how you y Plan to STOR Y' CONT ON PAGE ram gran to the this is 30 nd rlink 12 o ity size rtainly for a com . pan of beding and learn world's skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn ST ITIVE INUE u ent villa 'REZ 'POS t S TO a floor .b , it's hug y r O ONING' k S an After that years." tournam allegedly the governm ge this week doled out ON PAGE Discover the coming mond with Mar e," he add munity of this 'HA RY CO 25 cott W y ti TRA hockey Arena t is , they'll by the ent. A2 ed. dation, N man N 0 B.C repa Embedde re Thursday, maintain wha rink." show in me VIS Brad Th SE TI ager a . -3 insu e for ir grant is scot er, says ll the Matthie late the tainers rme N' O NUES sho WH one of 98 ther yo st skating y main film crew ped in Inve t@sc 42-5 ace building founN PA TO cash. 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23, May
Find us on Facebook, and see who we have available for adoption! Adopt, don’t shop
spi lats to cio Sp illi us ma ch een sin Invdeath cee 19 erm in 56 Pa ere
Ric Re k Han l int ay ro sen or l egi ling on
inverme revalleye cho.
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T he
T he
CHO E Y E L L 15 $1 VA
Bernie Ra ven
$ 15
Canal F lats
arena g ets big bucks Check out full e-editions of The Valley Echo as it Protest march About 30 people looks in print, as well as with signs bearing our special sections! slogans such as “Stop
c' ‘Giganti r fame fo ay Whitew
Invermere Deer Cull — Kill" rallied at Kinsmen Beach on the afternoon of February 2. “We’re running out of time,” Vince Zurbriggen told The Echo a few hours before the protest was set to begin. The group of deer supporters came together after the public debate on the cull at the aforementioned district council meeting. Pond hockey a hit Twenty-seven teams participated in the first annual B.C. Eastern Regional Pond Hockey Championships. The threeday bonanza featured well over a hundred
$ 1 1 5
Year in Review Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
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ERE of fini r :15 March INVERM om e REALTY 926 28, 2012 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay Vol. 56 Issue 06 T he minor hosh for tF aue, Issue 13 Vol. 56 "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs 8, 2012 earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM ckey February Future d ing r co t ardentemembe of ask was heindepen m ERErs Ve m , Page B1 ab ck o er dbroker to ha rge w Verg ing e concerts Edgewater 1956 ve ill b e fo Th d me solu f an al. heen since un th e HST h r ." nd te imac e o ING ce Ve e h on p rtain to Spill ly ono INCLUD r po on e Canal Flats sho ur, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou N NO. y from ou TRATIO for st REGIS cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? r NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Liberals m d approve ld e h to th m n ly yea s a ily the e controver fa e th the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, afte sa is e e ic a ter dev e oun to r. it th ys t th cha r the ced its elopmen losi ular th No t agreeme approval of B.C. sial ski e h re ng co a mas reso "I se at h w fi nt for the igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and bo sary step the decision t , and nd e sa yo trib ut as cha for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr verm munities ey l. hing me . We learn itiesuse, lp erevalleye ee 0-34 Inve po Kitcmen er of al a Pond Hock and we tedready for ing ony to welco the day wan erent t and r1-88 1-60 rmer Regional h of week as around the :prov "Be s bri ve ev l ag l and a dec I leve can't flood from wantEastern a brief opening cerem about diff oat muc r, ision B.C. for than ice part 44 learn e auge the 8ince hav es Whe to tugb ab ing ng th ents oor ing with an k my frien plow governof a 34 this lifes gram to n the Can ary 3, as outd y night with took the field hunting to s courage led a snowd Stev he ing holethe promote $30 million 1-60 Friday, Febru kicked off Frida al Flats for the pan. stu e c out into lik try skie enough ghost medaces pro-44 , drivingto mak drilltold healthy Acc to th aren hockey on win coun which in ia. , s for from o e ordi e ter c age a , surf this "Th ope event ng lifestyle Thered in hockey jobs e slab is decision an k in mm the an aver master g a bit of cros perfect nightin the three-day efi clea s. players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a develop kind of yw eld rt, goes the term driving. even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a c unit se, b took part , who met is it's ment lesso N n of the rly sma Miller and s idea SSE to hu and borr 25 teams villa a agre extr e , icula they nt with mem KLA conimp just hav "Th owed time y is ha y to eca ge cou ement r sort can. m orta have day Da,nandso it's A long a weeks to hit the auge lays out 's not part t things," t ditio e fros ns und bers k track nt fo be dev ANDREA moselop , the Can ncil and aren hand iner which a c ir or geth use guy, who tries differen during a brea erme "I've bee t heave," he iel we Miller's 2 the aren -awaited upg the ice. a your ed staff oor al r tr put and e ia the 5 said editor@inv the Flat h Z ton here la outd and recom allows l med "Don't all bein er. it eats we've a laugh. largest for nd 0-3. urgil propone thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like on off ained to loca g today was to d day? he said with wo en world's years42and ge to an $800 paymen gd ly sinc had issues with 10man . ll screen expl commun g ahead, ," fficial) S TO nts e thin a big pon g rld INUE -1 n t Rec e e @ give then ,000 ity The (uno will hit the smay Planet TV in filming. 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Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing uary e come out A3 ch is well wee lace acin h runs head Febr do G d, whic Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr scott@scottw 250-342 n nrea mere roy@s www.max Inver haw.c Leslie Thom ue, a ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca com
A4 ven Bernie Ra
23, May
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
21 Issue Vol. 56
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
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Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt Page A10
Mudslid devastatee residents s
Bernie Ra ven
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
ue, Inver
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
$ 15 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo Page A12
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
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Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
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Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme ECHO STE /THE nt
VE JES SEL ColE TRIGG reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws en co ll more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak throug at they at wi s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion t ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly las . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp n 0-34 lge 25 rgi ttw l Zu Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
b CONTINUED FROM PAGE ng to isiA3 ra Fund participants from across the region, prompting organizer John Reed of Adventure Architects to call it a “fantastic” event. “Everyone is happy, and I’ve heard back from some teams that are committed for next year,” he said. First female For the first time in the club’s 93-year history, the Lake Windermere District Rod and Gun Club elected a woman as its president. Barbara König, a valley resident for the last 12 years, originally joined the club because many of the local hunters passed through her business — König Meat and Sausage Company, “Proud of course, and a little over-
The Windermere Valley Museum and Archives The Windermere Valley Museum and Archives is managed by a dedicated group of volunteers belonging to the Windermere District Historical Society. Hours September 2012 hours now in effect Monday to Friday, Noon to 4 p.m. Winter hours, October 2012 Tuesdays only, noon until 4 p.m. and then again, 7 - 9 p.m. Or by appointment please contact us Admission by donation
250.342.9769 wvmuseum@
rk terpa a w r gin fo
the ceremony,
turn to page
ator ith moder resume w s lk ta y tr Backcoun rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
brance Day at the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton g the first ed my skills group. ing willin vened for a it’s push g Savage to the ss of bring n things when it recon ss of designing is the proce introducin for “whe r 5) night facilitation e the proce for backcountry (Novembe ation is called Whereby st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana to the TO 'COLUMBIA' man — replacned confl New NUES in Ltd. renow nt ict CONTI a e— confl e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi Dennis TRIGG facilitator 13 months. NICOLE tion ing erevalleyech for the last Access Coali ay the process editor@inverm y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO Deer cull protesters converged on downtown Invermere on February 18.
whelmed right now,” she said about getting elected. “I have a great team behind me.” Deer cull halted Members of the Invermere Deer Protection Organization (IDPO) obtained a temporary injunction from the Supreme Court of British Columbia to halt the proposed cull of 100 Invermere urban deer until February 24, 2012. The injunction came as part of a civil suit against the district, in which the plaintiffs sought unspecified financial compensation for “nuisance and emotional pain,” according to District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft. The cull was originally set to begin in early February. A shrinking valley The Columbia Valley’s villages and towns were about the same size they were five years ago, according to 2011 census figures released by Statistics Canada. The District of Invermere’s population declined by 47 people, bringing it from 3,002 in 2006 to 2,955 in 2011. Radium Hot Springs grew by almost the same amount, going from 735 to 777, while the village of Canal Flats added just over a dozen to its numbers, grow-
ing to 715 from 700 in 2006. Fairmont Hot Springs also declined slightly with its population at 476, down from 501. The Windermere area (including homes between the Invermere crossroads and the Windermere Valley Golf Course) lost more than 200 people between census counts, falling from 1,259 to 1,019. Electoral Areas G and F lost more than 400 people between them. In Area G, which includes communities such as Wilmer, Edgewater and Brisco, the population shrank from 1,563 to 1,412. In Area F, it dropped down to 2,635 from 2,939 in 2006. The population of the Akisqnuk First Nation dropped slightly to 131 from 153 while the Shuswap First Nation posted the highest growth numbers seen in the valley, adding 124 people to its tally for a count of 293. France beckons Bennett Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett headed to France to speak with potential investors about the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort. “The purpose of the trip is generally to get B.C. on the radar in France, to convince
them that they should look at B.C. in the same favourable light as eastern Canada,” Bennett said via email from France. “Specifically, our intention is to encourage them to consider investing in new high mountain, glacier-based ski resorts in B.C.” New brew Arrowhead Brewery began drafting the recipe for its first offering with the help of a Calgary-based brewmaster, even though its new brewery located across from Kicking Horse Coffee on Arrow Road was still under construction. “The checklist of what has to be done is getting smaller and smaller,” said Leanne Tegart, one of Arrowhead’s four business partners. Cowboy status for Thomsen World Cup downhill skier and Invermere native Ben Thomsen set a new career best by placing second in a World Cup event in Sochi, Russia. His achievement gave the 24-year-old his first career World Cup podium and entry into the exclusive Canadian Cowboys — a title given to Canadian skiers who place in the top three in either World Cup, CONTINUES TO PAGE A5
Fla spi ts to cio Sp illi us ma ch een sin Invdeath cee 19 erm in 56 Pa ere
Ric Re k Han l int ay ro sen or l egi ling on
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Wednesday, January 2,n 2013 The Valley Echo rnie Rave
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world championship or Olympic races.7 French interest in Jumbo Following a trip to France by an East Kootenay delegation that included Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett, Radium mayor Dee Conklin, Glacier Resorts Ltd. vice president Grant Costello and Panorama Mountain Village CEO Rick Jensen, a reciprocal visit to B.C. was already in the works. The delegation toured French ski resorts with glacier skiing, and met with France Neige International, an association representing dozens of ski resorts in the French Alps, as well as Compagnie des Alpes, the ski industry operating company that invited the delegation out of interest in the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort. Deer cull protests continue A second deer cull protest took place in downtown Invermere, this time attracting roughly 20 protesters who waved signs and handed out pamphlets to passers-by. “It’s a bit of an information session,” said Invermere Deer Protection Society president Devin Kazakoff. “We want to show that we’re… advocating for a humane and proper solution (to the deer issue).” DTSS teams podium at Pano The 2012 East Kootenay High School Ski and Snowboard Championships hit Panorama’s slopes and out of the 38 participants, David Thompson Secondary School students came away with outstanding results. DTSS claimed second place in both girls’ and boys’ ski, while the boys’ snowboard team finished
Bernie Ra ven
Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
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Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarlvermere to Sp 11 Lif ec , 20 l Flats dy to ts g y en.c ve In 12 m Cana er 2 a n of ou Vo y fro d rea Page B1 5 lle l. 5 eCotulumbia Va re in mes to 6 Is bra 0 - 3 al up an all co sue v the r e ng 926 ith 15 otted Servi Pag ns P w- 7then@cyb42-7 state. A & eA Q ki e 4 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
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ERE of fini r :15 March INVERM om e REALTY 926 28, 2012 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay Vol. 56 Issue 06 T he minor hosh for tF aue, Issue 13 Vol. 56 "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs 8, 2012 earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM ckey February Future t r d wa heindependentemembe ERE rs to Verg ing, V com arof a m r c s broker Ed sk Page B1 ab k o ed e ha e wil erge ing concerts gewater ve Th d m so f an al. since 1956 uncerta the l be for nd imacheen op e Ve e." lutely hon ING HST to Spill INCLUD ho one in n our po ? Canal Flats sho our, 7856 pa eratin rge wi no N NO. y from u Valle TRATIO yo fo st " est REGIS ur cke Ve Page A14 mbia Did rY NS MAIL cont naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO d rg PUBLI Serving o te 0 HST in hockey on page A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Lib m approve yea lds a ily d the the to fa me hly th en controver erals the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, sa is e e ic a after the ter dev it th ys r. N to lo ula t th cha e elopmen ounced its app B.C. th o rova t agreeme sial ski e h re sin r c reso "I se at h w fi nt for the l of a maso g igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and b sary step the decision o , and cha nd e sa t yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut d t yo there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this y Egg of this o e been rates an project, As u d o exa u ca exte Hun dif$800,000 but afte decision nsive review for o th ctl n.. grant for tw it was time r 20 years ." . y the villag th as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M e arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill ig and sup rs o tend O BC y port playe w Bennett , V u c ou d ht n red Liberal CHO PHOT er of .m ll R areaa,hund the looks EL/E MLA clos ed erg an said he than o . More com STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. ." id be t be e Windermere the mun KLAS sa Jum Lake lr decisiont -7 ities divi year on fore SEN/ECHO bo ys ANDRE A ealt Inve underway tan would "It's divi ded Miller spen PHOTO , as it's , . A KLA cially got allow dedn our Bentley, by the keepe Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu hips offi Invermere SSE edito ed kids Jaso to pions to how com rs he t to h it im r@in and N heal. Free 0-34 Inve rmer re vermereva munities hing over. day We wan learning mun itiesuse, lps Hockey Cham to welcome playe po of al a t Kitcmenof lleyecho.c and we tedready for ing ony the nal Pond r1-88 1-60 rmer h t and bri ve e om wantt differen week as around the :prov rn Regio "B l ag ing cerem l and a dec I leve ood can ision muc fl Easte abou open r, 't B.C. for than oat from ice part of 44 e the a brief 8-34 this ince having es When the to learn tugb ab eing ng th vents an kauge oor my snow plow governgram to ary 3, as a outd y night with took the field hunting to s with led Canal Flat courage lifespan a friend Stev he told promote $30 million 1-60 holethe Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the stu e c out into lik ing med try skie enough . ghost pro, drivingto mak s drill hea Acc to th aren hockey on win coun which in 44 aces ia. , s for from o e lthy ording e this dec ter in age a ope surf "The slab event cros lifestyle Thered hockey jobs, an ck in mm the an aver mas perfect nightin the three-day efi clea ision," g a bit of s. is ter dev players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay It was a kind of se yw u eld elopmen rt, goes the driving. the even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a took part , term of is it's sma who s N and n rly team s idea met t SSE to hu and borrowe 25 c nit , b villa ay agreeme r extr , so it's icula they hav nt lesso with mem Miller sort KLA just hav "The m orta ditio nt lays Da,nand A long a weeks to hit can. be moscon e day, ge council and is hair y tog ecau the auge 's not part t things," t imp e frost hea d time ns und k track nt fo ANDREA out -awaite the ice. the Can hand iner which a c or arena staffbers er's developyour guy, who tries differen during a brea eth se we erme "I've ie ve," Mill 2 the ed r@inv d he oor al l bee r tr and h. the rearen it edito the Flat ha upg Z to- we'v n here la 5said n't put and come allows st outd l media eats for nd 0-3. urgil lle bein er. propone day? "Do said with a laug thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like d's large on off ained to loca g today was to e wo years42and ge pond ng g d to an $800 paymen ly sinc had issues with 10man . he cial) worl small screen expl thin TO nts com g ," big ffi S e a ahe rld mun hole "Th INUE for (uno -1 TV n t Rec e then e in is g. ad, the given to et ,000 Com ity in B.C The the @cy reation e ice you Y CONT 6 "Certain ,a A3 will hit in filmin STOR y Plan to mak STOR beding Program . like this . The lifespan buil mun learn how d's ON PAGE to the nd rlink 12 ou - ST skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn ITIVEY' CONT is 30 year grant dole ity size, it's ly for a com INUES TO worl of a floor ent and village 'REZ 'POS y the r O nam ONIN k mun .b S mon an After that s." huge," this wee tour d edly Mar G' ON PAGE governm ity of this Discover the coming 'HA RY CO he 25 cott W y ti TRA hockey k by the out Arena t is alleg , they'll d with ent. 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Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 -342 wellr n scott@scottw 250 250 nrea .max mere roy@s -342 www erlink.b Leslie Thom ue, Inver ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca
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Bernie Ra ven
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Vol. 56 Issue
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rk terpa a w visited JA Laird Elr Cana F fo lats are begin na gets A4 Continued lfrom Page o t big buc ementary and David g n your ks Call us for ing raisi tow heavy duty Thompson Secondary Fund 711 250-341-5 first. All three quali- schools just weeks befied for the ensuing fore the International B.C. provincial cham- Paralympic Commitpionships in Whistler. tee’s World Cup al“It’s amazing — I pine skiing finals at wasn’t expecting to Panorama. do this well,” said “Any opportunity to coach Becca Wright. come into the schools In Whistler, the girls’ and talk to them a ski team finished little about some of third overall while the the challenges we boys’ ski and snow- face and how we’ve board teams finished overcome them,” 15th and 12th respec- said Kimberley’s Josh tively. The combined Dueck, a sit skier who results from the two broke his back when ski teams meant that he overshot a jump DTSS placed third while coaching freeSTEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO overall in skiing. style skiing. Cowboys and cowgirls of all ages got in the Mountain Stampede spirit at Panorama Mountain Village in March when “It never ceases to the resort hosted its third winter festival of the season. amaze me how awesome these kids are,” a few cases. The dis- most exclusively join strike walkout in support of said coach Becca trict had until March on private property Members of the their teachers. Wright. “I look up to my Tampering charges 15 to kill 100 deer ac- yet there were com- Windermere Valley Flash mob they’ve As Invermere’s deer cording to its permit plaints from the com- Teachers’ Associa- teachers, For the last Co- cull plowed forward, but because of delays, munity that the traps tion joined a three- taught me everything lumbia Valley Rock- there were a number DOI chief adminis- were still too visible or day provincial strike I know, and they do ies home game of of cases of traps being trative officer Chris that owners of neigh- beginning March not deserve to be bulthe season, a fan- tampered with or in- Prosser said it was bouring properties 25 and on their last lied like this. We want organized flash dividuals letting deer unlikely the number were not being duly day of classes before to show the governmob stormed Eddie out of the traps, with would be met. Traps notified. the strike, 40 DTSS Mountain Memorial charges being laid in had been placed alContinues to Page A6 Valley teachers staged their own Arena in Invermere, creating an electrifyDistrict of invermere ing atmosphere that 914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 helped the Rockies Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934 play what was ably one of their best games all season, deWinter Operations spite losing 4-2 to the The District of Invermere would like to remind everyone to take extra care while travelling during the winter season. Fernie Ghostriders. Deer cull moves The District of Invermere strives to maintain municipal streets and sidewalks in as safe as possible condition. During the winter season however, Snow & Ice Control services are not intended to eliminate all hazardous conditions on District streets or sidewalks at all times. They ahead are intended to assist vehicles and pedestrians that are properly equipped for winter travelling. The Supreme Court It is expected that under normal winter conditions, there will be situations when the immediate demand for Snow & Ice Control services will of British Columbia exceed the available resources. In order to maximize the benefits of operations, Snow & Ice Control staff shall conduct operations according to denied a request by the the priorities determined by emergency requirements and traffic volumes listed in the Snow and Ice Control policy. Invermere Deer ProSnow and Ice Control Operations will be available on a 24 hour a day basis, 7 days a week during the winter season. tection Organization Residential and commercial driveway entrances and sidewalks are the responsibility of the owner to be cleared of windrowed snow and ice to (IDPO) to extend the the degree that the mobility of vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall not be compromised. injunction that halted We remind all residents that it is unlawful to pile, throw or shovel snow onto District roads or rights of ways when clearing snow. the proposed cull of Here’s how you can help... 100 deer within the • Be a good neighbour. Clear snow and ice from sidewalks as soon as possible after a snowfall to ensure that they are safe for all residents. District of Invermere. Lend a hand to those who may not be physically able to shovel. “We’re happy that • Do not park on the street during a snowstorm or while snow clearing operations are underway. Parked cars make plowing difficult, and a further injunction sometimes impossible. With your help, winter maintenance crews can plow snow faster and more efficiently and you will reduce the has not been grantchances of having to dig your car out of a snow drift. ed,” said DOI mayor • Please make sure that your car is parked within your driveway. Please do not let it extend onto the street or sidewalk. Gerry Taft. “ We’re • Keep children safe - don’t let them play in snow piles, or build snow forts in the snow banks at the side of the road. hoping to start (the • Snow plows have no place to push the snow except to the curb or shoulder of the road. Sometimes this happens just after you have cull) as soon as posfinished shoveling. We appreciate this can be frustrating; however, we ask for your cooperation in clearing this snow without placing it on sible… there will be the roadway. If you hire a private contractor to clear your driveway, make sure the contractor does not push snow into the traveled portion traps set tonight.” of the roadway, or fill in sidewalks. Para-Alpine intro • Pile snow on the right side of your driveway (when facing the road) if possible when shoveling. This helps reduce the amount of snow Students in Invercreated by the snowplow at the end of your driveway. mere schools re• Remove snow from around fire hydrants on or near your property to enable quick access by emergency personnel if the need arises. ceived an introduc• Do not place your garbage cans on top of snow banks. If possible place them on your driveway near the edge of the road. tion to the world of The District apologizes for any inconveniences caused by snow removal operations. For further information, please telephone the municipal disabled skiing when office at 250-342-9281. most of the Canadian The District of Invermere thanks you for your co-operation! Para-Alpine ski team
pa ct, o.” e letic is sum , this teeth int t year, th e crossroa m proje m ath rting th mission en MaxW A2 las . Th short-ter ell Realt Sta PAGE m www.Early es, fro ing y Inver ojects e pr mere jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwellrea a as th nal ltyinv a iat TO 'PA ed ob y for tw-o7 fi 926 lecermer Avenu focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm CONT ito ere co — ecPh:t wa 41-60 to vis ll once ag project g to the Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free:250-3 44 wi 1-888-341-6 lgen kin new on,” sa 250loo 044 club eir us Scott Walla 342try ll be for th we foc landman@cyb 1612 . “We 250-342- ce time — and wi areas Thomas 5309 en nt ll scott@ h e wi ere scottwallace.c nn Beac lp. diff nity a rri-A he lot of mmu little ry has a director, Ke the co “Rota munity at we think th com cts b h- clu put in proje roug th to EL l com n Hil ho. SS ow nityGeoff 7600 ll-kn alleyec E JE is we ny commu 1STEV @invermerev 34 ere son er1 250eoffhil Inverm hand in ma Thom report ub of a Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g tary Cl having 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 0-27 ce 25 lla Wa omero Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 lgen 250- l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph e: 1-888Toll Fre
nity gre annual Commu the Rockies' lege of
e list on th is next ere park water b of Inverm New Clu ry at Rot
Glenn Pome 250-270- roy
glennpomero 0666
Bernie Raven 250-3427415
Chris Raven 250-4099323
Geoff Hill 250-3417600 connect@geo
at the rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
Day Remembrance
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton g the first ed my skills group. ing willin vened for a it’s push g Savage to the ss of bring n things when it recon ss of designing ducin is the proce y intro for “whe proce r 5) night facilitation is called revive the plan for backcountr (Novembe Whereby mediation August to nt nt le together, time since access manageme ined. s manageme al rator peop tion acces ,” he expla mode recreation Columbia Valley. d recrea amok d run brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana c'COLUMBIA' repla TO — New to the a renowned confl NUES nt Ltd. CONTI e— e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi Dennis TRIGG facilitator 13 months. NICOLE tion ing erevalleyech for the last Coali ss s inverm proce Acces editor@ ay the y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
of high level addresses cess New strategy agement plan pro man conflict in
: We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo
Opinion & Letters
Something to say? email
What's in store for 2013? NICOLE TRIGG
The year of 2012 has certainly tried the patience of many Columbia Valley residents who have struggled to make ends meet and recover from the global recession that has dominated the scene for the last several years. Not only has there been the financial challenge of a lingering sagging economy, but Mother Nature seemed to work against the region as well, with heavy rainfalls at the start of the summer that resulted in flooding, infrastructure damage and the now-infamous mudslide in Fairmont Hot Springs, which may have had a hand in turning potential tourists away from the valley when they were needed the most. Th e Raven Sadly, there were also a number of tragedies. Bernie Su The unspeakable death of Invermere resident spi cio us Ric ALLEY Invdeath Cory Jarock in addition to a number of tragic k erm in Ha Re ere lay nse int n accidents that took the lives of several indiT he o r rollin Be 15 Re rni egi lay ne $ g eR ett Ja for o go M Scarlvermere n ave viduals well before their time, leaving behind Lif dy to udslide In er n to d rea etu comes up an d rns Bernie Ra evastate A ith otted P w L A ve & LEY C n loved ones mourning their loss. o Q Suzuki ey Ech residents s all$ David The V H 1 O O 5 Protests were also a theme, with several taking Y CH $ 15 Provin place in opposition of the District of Invermere'sALLE $ c e 1 1 15 yes to Ju says Eg gh mbo un deer cull and the proposed development of t Moratoriu Jumbo Glacier Resort respectively. And divisive lifted on mm to be arinas politics even derailed talks around the establishment of a backcountry management plan, rk something much needed for the valley but op“For the size of Invermere, we do re- vamp the portion of 7th Avenue rpanear wate r o C f a Continued from Page A5 n al Flats posing sides couldn't agree on how to get it done. Pothole Park by bthe arena gally well for ourselves,” said bantam eginMay long weekets big g to pedestrian crossings, bhead ucks coach Brian Hoobanoff. n i s But despite all the adversity — and perhaps even boys end with better i a undr that it’s not just the teachers because of it — our Columbia Valley community ‘Gigment The female midget team also placed a Froadway expansion allowing for a antic' e for care, we want to show this affects seemed to grow even stronger. Great strides were famwho first, despite playing the entire season future bike lane, and more plants and y hitewa taken in organized community events and festi- Weveryone,” said DTSS student and stu- with only 12 skaters. “It’s pretty cool street lighting. vals, with more arts and culture offerings than dent walkout organizer Alisha Trozzo. and the girls are pretty pumped,” said First place for Grasic B.C. teachers had been without a con- manager Louise Helmer. ever before. Charity events broke fundraising Invermere native Martin Grasic was records and many projects that stand to benefit tract since June 2011 and on a work-toThe boys proceeded to place second crowned the Canadian J1 Giant Slathe valley as a whole gained traction with funding rule mandate since September 2011. overall while the girls tied for fourth. lom Champion in Whistler at the FIS Windermere water upgrade eyed coming in from many different sources. Deer cull falls short J1 National Championships with a fiThe Regional District of East KooteThe outcome of the provincial election in The District of Invermere killed only nal time of nearly a second and a half May will be the biggest and best indicator of nay (RDEK) decided to take another roughly one quarter of the deer it ahead of his nearest competitor. Grawhere popular opinion lies on many of the is- stab at bringing potable drinking wa- originally aimed to cull and DOI may- sic then followed up with another first sues that made the headllines in 2012. But no ter to Windermere after its last plan or Gerry Taft said the district would place finish in an FIS race in Sunday matter what the end result, the biggest chal- was voted down by area voters. not apply for a five-day extension for River, New England. “The ultimate goal is to get proper, its provincial permit. lenge of 2013 quite possibly will be finding a Fairmont resort goes green common ground and respecting all points of compliant drinking water to the com“We’re pretty tired. It’s been a reFairmont Hot Springs Resort view in order to make togetherness, not divi- munity of Windermere,” said Area F di- ally difficult process. It’s been a hard achieved carbon neutral status for rector Wendy Booth. “It’s a blank page couple of months,” Taft said. The dis- 2011, purchasing sufficient offsets to siveness, the new year's overriding theme. and we need to decide as a community trict’s permit allowed for 100 deer to balance out all the resort’s operationwhat we’re going to write on it.” be killed and only 19 were put down, al emissions after joining the EcoStay Hockey championships compared to 25 in Cranbrook and program, a carbon neutral program The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the ediBoth the Windermere Valley Minor 100 in Kimberley. By that point, over for Canadian hotels. tor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Hockey Association boys’ bantam $25,000 had been spent by the district “Becoming certified as officially Please keep your signed, legible submissions unteam and the Windermere Valley on legal fees associated to the Inver- carbon neutral during our first year der 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clariRockies female midget team made it mere Deer Protection Organization’s in the national EcoStay program is ty, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission to their respective provincial cham- lawsuit against the DOI. a great accomplishment,” said COO must contain a daytime phone number and place of pionships. The boys bantam team A prettier Pothole residence. Send email submissions to editor@inverplaced first in their division. Continues to Page A7 Almost $800,000 was allocated to
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T he
23, May
Vol. 56
In enue, RE 7th Av L REALTY INVEberRMEbroker
56 ce 19te n sin am cheea Se Ap illima sp rvin rav ril to Sp 11 ec , 20 l Flats ts g y en.c 12 m Cana a of ou Vo y fro l. 5 Valle re in 6 Is bra lumbia al Co su es all e1 ng the 926 ven@ 5 t Servi
Pag eA 5
Year in Review
25 -7
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
Ave erlin nu e, In k.bc verm .ca ere
A3 Page
MAXWELpendent mem An inde
Page B1
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
530 13th Street • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9216 Rose-Marie Regitnig publisher
Nicole Trigg
Angela Krebs
Dean Midyette
Jessica de Groot
dean@cv-pioneer. com
Renice Oaks
Sheila Tutty PUBLISHER
In Absentia
een since ce
Page A10
Filming get
Debris left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
. 78
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO IGG/TH -
Col E TR NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an end ming roun number in August, Lake d of infor ted alic hear e A2. have pot turregu n to pag ings is aiming to mation sessions and an o wh and pubcreate a set late any nity l story, future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work donce at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th a long,PAGE uld off the two of pla ations. For co ll enha through shows that takes more photo a number of participa at wi at they s from last e Candy th t to ne th Sal d go Ally weekend's ct and d eir lis tor Su joy an Swap b ha a proje ordina wn th n projries d do ion co- ds and Starts tio The clu ciding on rsa cat s we ca bu tifi d de e d it wa ouse edu den See b narro beau ss of er, th rks an ct, an e clu ssroads y greenhs' annual Gar ic pa is summ , this ce th into.” th oje nit let pr ar, cro tee ng th Commu the Rockie erm m ath A2 ission MaxW last ye cts. The ell Realt PAGE es, fro days. Starti aising m Kinsmen www.Early short-t y oje ON e Inver tiv ' lege of pr th mere jec RK dr maxwellrea a nal ltyinv ted as rk for a fun iation TO 'PA ed ob y for tw-o7 fi 926 seInverm Avenu focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e, NT wa CO ito ere ag ecPh:t ct — the co 41-6044 Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free:250-3 for to visb will once ne w proje king to 1-888-341-6 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo 044 clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie R Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342 he lot of m little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe r New “Rota munity at we think lu C m th ry co ojects club Rotat ugh- to put in pr ro th n Hill SSEL know munityGeoff 7600 alle E JE m wellis co 1STEV @invermerev ny 34 ma son rmere er1 250- of Inve a hand in report lie Thom5994 nec ub Les con g Cl om tary 342havin 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 ttwalla l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 -6044 341 Ph e: 1-888Toll Fre reporter1@i
Something on your mind?
T he
l Flats to
from Cana
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt
T he
Serving the Columbia Valley
21 Issue
rter JE 1@ SS inve EL rm W erev Ra hen alle ye Ap dium the R ch we ril 14 , Inve ick H m . g you mu ll rep and rme anse Servin real estate Serving tea 1 re of the re n s n mr Columbi aspect y mn.csean 5, eac and Rela a Valley In itave Servin from Can -7415 ed ted h c Win y ro riv gRyou 42 al Flats a asp 0-3 diu inaall es to Spill Y 25 l b by omm de lls imacheen frect at rea REALT rm into eare a n oms of r Broker lmest since 1956 ELL u a XW ate ndent Membeere w n u ro Y Indepe . MA 25o0An , Inverm mb ity ere o un here rs. Avenue u Edg2926 - 7th valleyech -6044 ew 74 er wil n d1 of th34 250-341 invermere Office: St bra cyberlin p th l 15 o a ro ven th braven@ re :1 te ng f @cy Email: e ber si ERE of co be fini r th 5 p e re March INVERM REALTY 926 m28, 2012 re- 7thmed dlink en .bc. .m Vol. 56 Issue 06 T he minor hosh for t F acat m . a lay fi aue, Issue 13 Vol. 56 "I layinAven l Inve loyre orn fte 8, 2012 earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM ckey February Future r rst d ERE rs Verg ing, com arof ask was heindepen m r broker c dentemembe Page B1 ed abso k of eda to ha e w Verg ing concerts Edgewater l. e fo 1956 ill a v m Th since e n lu uncerta the be r tely ho imacheen op e Ve e." ING HST to Spill INCLUD r pond ho one in Canal Flats sho nour, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou no N NO. y from TRATIO for st REGIS ur cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 5 ON NO. on th e A4 tha d years, BC Hockey rou as b art d in 0,000 7856 h fa t Pag o e e g Lib ti m approve yea lds a ily d the the to fa me hly th en controver erals the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic y n ts a h -deb a e R d h m a ated another ar. a te ela s bu e step clos Jumbo Glac rsa ent. would ach governm ier Res he enag y du a part er to real Th ry ort is ent ann ity, afte at e ch be ter dev it th says er. N e to lo icula r the B.C elopmen ounced its app the a th . o rova t agreeme sial ski e sin r c hig rreso "I se at h w fi nt for the l of a maso g Minister rt March 20. h controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu leg am k o the e tr Stev y n ro announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral th pu f it tim ials ink sthe as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and bo sary step the decision , and cha nd e sa t yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer ab do r d ons and Thoms mee ting with yo e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats u bu le to what fering view "I respect that onent," ster mayor Ute t d yo ther said Jura s on y e s Egg hav celebrates this proj of this As ou d o exa u ca exte an $800,000 ect, but e been difHun decision nsive review for o th ctl n.. afte grant for tw it was time r 20 years ." the villag the e b y w . yo as Bennett to mak Mae arena as Koot wel Re est hat u m ea r than enay East xW l-at and the , a long time bette w la y and sup MLA rs w tend O BCplaye y, V ou you ight Bill Benn w.m ell R Liberal CHO PHOTport red areaa,hund ett looks EL/E MLA clos er of the proj ed erg can did not said he than axw ea on. ect STEVE JESS 92 est to the this hoped AND rmere. More commun lt ." e be be REA el Winde y 6 KLASSEN/ say Lake - 7 lrea ities divi the dec In year fore isiont wou Jumbo rway on ECHO PHOT er spen ANDRE tan "It's divi ded Mill s it got unde , as ld allow by the issu tley, , . Ph: Avenu ltyinve verm O A KLA dedn our officially Ben keep mere To 's to hips Inver SSE edito ed kids Jaso e pions to heal. comhow ll Fr 250- e, In rm ere rs to he t to h it over im r@inverm and . We N munities hing learning mun itiesuse, lps erevalleye Hockey Cham to welcome playe po of al a y for t Kitcmenof and around ee: 1- 341- verm tedread the day wan nal Pond t and ra decision ing we wantceremony differen h bri ve e and t wee rn Regio "B l ag ing l I ood the 60 can muc fl 88 k er Easte abou r, as part province for oor oat from gove ice leve't than 44 e learn the B.C. a brief open 8-34 this having es When the ab eing ng th vents an kauge of a my frien plow to tugb gram to field to ary 3, as outd rny night with took s with led Canal Flat courage lifespan he told promote $30 million 1-60 Stev into the holethe Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the t hunting ingtoa snowdtry ec st ski out lik on e ing y eno driv . ghos med pro, s drill u healthy make this Accordi to th ugh arena ope winter in ia. for hocke o e surfaces event, which cross coun ng lifestyle 44 "The slab Thered in average clea hockey jobs, from decision an ck in mm the mas perfect nightin the three-day efi of an g a bit of s. is 40 year ter players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a dev layin se y already u eld part elop driving. the it's kind rly smart, goes the even East and may up s a took , term of old is who s w men N to n on borr MLA find they now, so six extr of village met with to hu er and . s and con 25 team c nit , b ay agreeme ntt lesso r KLASSE "The idea not particula it's m orta have day council ditio auge members just have fros owed time gs," Mill sort nt lays Da,nand A long a weeks to hit can be most imp track is hair y tog ecau ns und nt fo ANDREA and aren who's d inerthe out develop , t erent thin ng a break -aw hea the the han a er's guy, diff we o erme "I've ie whi ve," aite ice. Can Mill 25said l Z the aren a staff toyour ch the red upg duri he ch r b ethe se it oor al Flat bee r tr editor@inv the n't put ed and h. and tries come allows st outd 0-3. urg l media all eats we've had n here forland propone day? "Do said with a laug thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like d's large on off ained to loca g today was to 10m year wo en eing r. il 4 pond issu to pay ly . nts g he cial) worl small screen expl thin TO com g s ," big an 2 ffi an S e es men a since ge ahead, rld $800 with munity hole -16 en t given Recreat @cy and et TV in filming. "Th make ice for The (uno will hit the Y CONTINUE A3 in B.C "Ce in dision Prog ,000 Commun to like then. The lifes the buil ,a STOR how you y Plan to STOR Y' CONT ON PAGE ram gran to the this is 30 nd rlink 12 o ity size rtainly for a com . pan of beding and learn world's skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn ST ITIVE INUE u ent villa 'REZ 'POS t S TO a floor .b , it's hug y r O ONING' k munity S an After that years." tournam allegedly the governm ge this week doled out ON PAGE Discover the coming mond with Mar e," he of this 'HA RY CO 25 cott W y ti TRA hockey Arena t is , they'll by the ent. A2 dation, N manager added. N 0 B.C. er, repair Embedde re Thursday, maintain wha rink." show in me VIS Brad The gran SE TI a -3 insu for ers scot ll the Matthie late the tain rme N' O NUES says ther t is one sho WH yo st skating y main film crew ped in Inve t@sc 42-5 ace building founof 98 goin N PA TO cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE uc stop et large ed by Whitewa (which ot g to com Plan 3 to y Miller do go t tw ier G Join off 0 with an in thre - which 2. and com EA is on Dail alla 9 heading February d, which runs 3 is well replacing the the e out thre e weeks do G ce.c Miller floor, past the a e weeks or Embedde day, features 25 lenn end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUE MaxWell 'LOTTERY S eroy 66 Realty Inve ' ON PAGE TO @sh 6 www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 rmere son wellrealty aw -760 B Thom inver .ca 926 - 7 Aven mere Leslie 25 ernie 4 250-341 .ca ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave -0666 MaxWell mso 42-5 son glenn scottw -342 wellr n pome scott@ 250 250-342 nrea mere roy@shaw.c www.max Leslie Thom ue, Inver a ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 250-342 son berlin gm 250-3 k.bc.c Ph: Geoff -5994 6044 ail.c a lesliethomso G 1-888-341om 250 eoff 250-341 Hill nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca
ven ieaveRa Bern teamr in all
invermere valleyecho. com
4 250en-3@cyberlink.vermere
Notice of Copyright: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC Press Council – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
ts to
Sp il
lim ach sd een e sin cee ver ath i 19 56 m n Pag ere e
erl ere @cyb verm braven Avenue, In RMERE er TY INVE - 7th 926 leyech ereval inverm
23, May
T he
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
Serving the Columbia Valley
21 Issue Vol. 56
from Cana
l Flats to
785 NO.
Page A10
$ 1 1 5 LU
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e Page A12
Vol. 56 Issue
ue, Inver
Vol. 56 Issue
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
$ 15
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15 A7
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
ber We remem
Year in Review Community Calendar editor@inve
Bernie Ra ven
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
Raring to go
left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
devastate residents s
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
een since ce
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt
$ udslide The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 2,M2013
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
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g to b aisin r d n Fu
rk terpa a w r gin fo
the ceremony,
turn to page
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y tr Backcoun rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
brance Day at the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Submit your events:
WED JAN 2 • Bingo, Windermere Community Hall, 6 p.m.
JIM DAVIE PHOTO Invermere's own Martin Grasic was crowned the Canadian J1 Giant Slalom Champion in Whistler. Grasic then followed up that huge win with another first place finish in an FIS race in Sunday River in New England. Continued from Page A6
Dean Prentice. Province approves Jumbo The Province of British Columbia announced its approval of a Master Development Agreement for the controversial Jumbo Glacier Resort project. Minister of Forests, Lands and National Resource Operations Steve Thomson and Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett made the announcement in Victoria, which drew criticism from Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald who has opposed the project. “It’s incredibly disrespectful to go pretty much as far from Invermere as you can to make this announcement,” said Macdonald. But Bennett said making the announcement in “neutral” territory was part of the government’s plan. Had the announcement been made in Invermere, “it would have perpetuated the sort of dynamic that has existed in our communities and we’ve had enough of that,” he said. Several local groups pledged to continue to fight the resort, including the Jumbo Creek Conservation Society, Wildsight and the Ktunaxa Nation, while the Shuswap Band said it was pleased with the decision. Cash for Canal Flats arena The Village of Canal Flats received an $800,000 Community Recreation Program grant from the B.C. government for muchneeded upgrades to its arena.
April Airport runway off limits In an ongoing land dispute, siblings Louise and Mildred Stevens sent notices to the Invermere Airport, the RCMP and the Shuswap Indian Band that the northern part of the airport’s runway was no longer available for use by aircraft. This came after talks with the Shuswap Indian Band broke down. The Stevens own a Certificate of Possession for the land and were
never compensated for its use. According to the Stevens, the airport runway would remain unobstructed but anyone using its northern end would be prosecuted for trespassing. Cougar warning Cougars were spotted twice along Highway 93/95, prompting Parks Canada officials to issue a cougar warning for three Radium-area trails. In both cases, a cougar was spotted attacking sheep in the Sinclair Canyon area of Kootenay National Park. “This is really common and normal behaviour for a cougar,” said conservation officer Brianna Burley. “This one just becomes unusual in the sense that people have seen the cougar activity because it’s so close to the parking lot and trails.” Avalanche surprises skiers An avalanche near Panorama left one woman with non-life threatening injuries and an entire community shaken up. According to the RCMP, two adult skiers were skiing in an outof-bounds zone called Jessie’s Monster near Taynton Bowl when the female skier triggered the avalanche when she followed the male skier down the slope. The male skier was able to ski out of the slide’s path while the female skier was caught in the avalanche. Roughly 60 people and four search dogs combed the area for four hours without any sign of additional skiers and no one was reported missing. Jumbo Wild greets French visitors French ski industry experts were greeted by more than 80 Jumbo Wild supporters when they toured the site of the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort. “There were signs and banners and there was some chanting and it was all very peaceful and respectful,” said Robyn Duncan of Wildsight. “They accepted the information and asked questions and were somewhat surprised to hear the level of opposition.” Jarock death shocks community Thirty-year-old Cory Jarock was discovered dead in the driveway of a private residence in Continues to Page A8
SAT JAN 5 • Annual Kinsmen Christmas Tree Pick-up. Put tree out front of your house to be picked up early Saturday morning. Donations also accepted. • Youth movie night, Windermere Community Hall, "Lock In", 7 p.m. MON JAN 7 • Bingo, Canal Flats Civic Centre TUES JAN 8 • Cinefest at Pynelogs Cultural Centre, "Hysteria" will be playing, 7 p.m. EVERY SUNDAY • Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. • Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Hall •Drop-in roller or inline skate, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Practice basic skating skills. $5 drop-in fee. Roller derby track, Glacier Peaks Gymnastics building. 250-342-5321 for more information. 2nd SUNDAY • LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-3429580 EVERY MONDAY • Gentle drop-in
carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Centre • Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509. • Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/ person. Visitors welcome • EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674 1st & 3rd TUESDAY • OPT clinic, 6:308:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 85010th Ave. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing 1st TUESDAY • Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@ EVERY TUESDAY • Yoga THRIVEYoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot springs studio, Fairmont Village Mall. For info call Jan Klimek at 250-342-1195 • Shuswap Bingo at the Shuswap Indian Band Office downstairs, doors open at 5:30 p.m., early bird at 6:45 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. • Cubs (8-10 year olds) and Beavers (5-7 year olds), JA Laird, 6 - 7 p.m. 1st & 3rd WED • Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Call 250-342-6416
2nd & 4th WED • Seniors' Day at the Invermere Library. Bus provided every wednesday • Indoor soccer, DTSS gym. Drop-in, $2, 8:30-10:00 p.m. EVERY THURSDAY • Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509 • Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Community Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided EVERY FRIDAY • Baby Goose program for parents and babies up to 18 months. 9:3011:30 a.m. at Eileen Madson Primary. kandruschuk@cbal. org • Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. • Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit EVERY SATURDAY • Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. Invermere Thrift Store • Thursdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 1 - 4 p.m.
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Invermere. Although the cause of death was not yet determined, RCMP revealed they were treating the death as suspicious and one potential suspect had been interviewed. Jarock had been evicted from a party the previous evening and his body was discovered by the residents of the neighbouring property the following morning. Jumbo Wild marches in protest Almost 200 antiJumbo protesters took to the streets of Invermere with signs and banners to oppose the development of Jumbo Glacier Resort. A long line of speakers took part in the rally including Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald, Jumbo Creek Conservation Society member Bob Campsall and Akisqnuk First Nation councillor Samantha Sam on behalf of the Ktunaxa Nation. CBC personality visits valley Best selling author and CBC radio personality Grant Lawrence visited Invermere to present a reading and slideshow of his best-selling book Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nude Potluck and Other Stories from Desolation Sound. The event
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23, May
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21 Issue Vol. 56
was part of a regional tour from Penticton to Kamloops. Care for Kinsmen Beach A much-needed restoration project for Kinsmen Beach was announced by the DOI and the Lake Windermere Ambassadors. The shoreline had been gradually eroding due to a combination of human traffic and natural causes. “We want this to be a model project for the community because it is such a well-visited beach,” said LWA program co-ordinator Kirsten Harma.
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Vol. 56 Issue
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Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
$ 15 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo Page A12
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
14, 2012
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Crowds of anti-Jumbo protestors took to the streets of Invermere for a rally on April 11.
Radium sawmill set to reopen Forestry giant Canfor confirmed that a total of $38.5 million was to be invested in the Radium sawmill beginning May 2012 and that the sawmill would reopen later in the year. A further $1.5 million was allocated to the Canfor mill in Canal Flats. “These investments are critical to support the restart of our Radium division,” said Canfor president Don Kayne in a release. “The fibre in the Kootenay region is among the best in the world.” Theatre troupe re-
vived at long last Local theatre troupe The Lake Windermere Players put on their first performance in nearly 12 years with the production of The Good Doctor that took place at the Invermere Community Hall. “I just thought that there had been such a dearth of any kind of live entertainment for so long that it would be nice to do something,” said producer Bruce Robinson. Radium hot pools to go private Parks Canada announced it would be privatizing all business operations at all three Canadian
the ceremony,
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your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Rockies Hot Springs, including the Radium Hot Springs pool in Kootenay National Park, which is the largest out of the three with 20 employees affected. “These employees are obviously devastated,” said Kevin King, the regional vice president for the union representing Parks Canada workers. Parks Canada said it would be business as usual until the transfer, targeted for May 2013. Valley transit gets green light Despite recent news that the Golden transit service would be
ending, the Columbia Valley directors voted to continue the Columbia Valley Transit service for another year and work with transit users and stakeholders on ways to improve it. “The biggest challenge with CVT is that we want it to do everything for everyone with one bus for
the whole valley,” said DOI mayor Gerry Taft. DOI opposes Bill 41 Three of the five sitting at the DOI council table made their opposition to a piece of provincial legislation known by passing a motion opposing a change in the Local Government Act that would allow the creation of a
mountain resort municipality in an area with no residents at the time of incorporation, otherwise known as Bill 41. “This isn’t about opposing or not opposing Jumbo, that’s not the issue,” said mayor Taft, who voted in favour along with Continues to Page A9
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Rotary International
920 Baker St. Cranbrook, BC (within the Credit Union Centre) Ph: 250-426-6657
PO Box 130 101a – 1028 7th Avenue Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Ph: 250-342-2175
References in this advertisement to “Wawanesa Insurance” mean “The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
Fla spi ts to cio Sp illi us ma ch een sin Invdeath cee 19 erm in 56 Pa ere
Ric Re k Han l int ay ro sen or l egi ling on
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The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 2, 2013 ven Bernie Ra
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CHO E Y E L L 15 $1 VA
Membe Independent MAXWAnELL
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Serving the
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from Can
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to Spill
imacheen sinc
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erli ere @cyb verm braven Avenue, In RMERE er TY INVE - 7th 926
T he
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8, 2012
Vol. 56
Issue 06
ere , Inverm Avenue 926 - 7th -6044 250-341 Office: cyberlin braven@ Email:
Strong fini minor hosh for ckey
Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Vol. 56
m la c rivin d ted b h co Win y ro ad ein v gRyou aspect ll d lb ium aall fro sesof at rea ea y a n mmu erm s into l wate Y m E aro est 25 h .rers um nit ere
Issue 13
$ 15
Flats are Continuedalfrom Page na gets A8 big
c' ‘Giganti r fame fo ay Whitew
councillors Spring Hawes and Paul Denchuk. “This is about governance.” “We have to ensure the optimum outcome for businesses and residents of Invermere,” said Councillor Greg Anderson, who voted against with Councillor Justin Atterbury. A new look for Crossroads The Rotary Club of Invermere completed its crossroads beautification project, transforming the turnoff to Invermere from an unsightly area of dirt patches and painted lines into a manicured roadside plant bed complete with curbs and sidewalks. The project was a collaboration between different local groups and businesses as well as the Ministry of Transporation. Gas bar denied DOI council was unanimous in its decision to veto the rezoning required for a proposed gas bar and commercial space development in a rural area on 13th Avenue. “Ultimately it’s an arterial road and it’s going to get busier (but) the proposal is ahead of its time,” said Councillor Greg Anderson. Support for seniors A groundbreaking ceremony celebrated the start of construction on 34 new residential care beds at Columbia Garden Village in Invermere. The new beds are expected to be ready by spring 2013 and the addition is part of a broader plan by Interior Health to introduce 500 new beds across the southern interior and provide improved health services to seniors. Waiting for Westjet At a Regional Dis-
trict of East Kootenay board meeting, Cranbrook was voted as the preferred location for Westjet’s new regional airline service over Fairmont Hot Springs Airport. The East Kootenay was just one of over 30 communities to express interest in receiving the new service, which is set to begin in late 2013. The first group of selected locations is expected to be announced in early 2013. Pumped up The Village of Radium Hot Springs officially opened its newest attraction over the May long weekend — the Radium Pump ‘n’ Jump Bike Park located below Rotary Park that came about as a result of a partnership between the Columbia Valley Cycling Society, Radium and the Rotary Club of Radium. The bike park’s pump track, on which bikers gain momentum for jumps and corners by pumping the terrain rather than pedalling, required over 60 dumptruck loads of dirt and the help of a two-man professional trail building crew. Boost in business After several years of poor weather and an even poorer economy, Columbia Valley businesses and visitor centre noticed a marked increase in their numbers over the May long weekend. Marketing director for High Properties Vacation rentals Bjorn Billehaug reported some of the company’s highest numbers since 2008, which Billehaug attributed mostly to the great weather.
June Lawsuit a go Members of the In-
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23, May
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Serving the Columbia Valley
21 Issue Vol. 56
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vermere Deer Protection Society (IDPS) – formerly known as the Invermere Deer Protection Organization - won a major court battle against the DOI when a Supreme Court of British Columbia judge ruled in favour of the society after the DOI made an application to have the IDPS lawsuit against the district for permitting a deer cull dismissed and to recover legal costs. “The judge found that the issues we’re dealing with have much broader implications in B.C. when it comes to animal control,” said IDPS lawyer Rebeka Breder. Wilks in hot water After admitting his concerns to constituents in Revelstoke,
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Vol. 56 Issue
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braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
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MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
ry $ 15 Elementaart A9 JA Laird h ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
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14, 2012
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Year in Review left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
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Ko o t e nay - C o l u m bia MP David Wilks proved to be the unwitting catalyst to a nationwide “Day of Action” in protest of the federal government’s budget bill. A video of the group discussion was posted online to YouTube and quickly made national headlines, leading Wilks to backtrack and issue a statement via his website the next day lending his full support for the bill. Suzuki speaks Award-winning scientist, broadcaster, environmentalist and author Dr. David Suzuki graced the stage of the Invermere Community Hall for a Wildsightsponsored presentation that gave those
rk terpa a w r fo begin
who attended a very personal look at the living legend and his passion for the environment and saving the human species. “I feel that these are truly remarkable times,”Suzuki told the assembled crowd of roughly 500. “We are at a moment when decisions that are made or ignored are going to determine, I believe, the fate of all humanity on earth.” Future uncertain for Edgewater mill The future of Edgewater’s Woodex-operated mill became uncertain due to a lack of fibre supply as a result of Canfor’s acquisition of Tembec Industries Ltd. Although the Ministry of Forests was en-
• Preschool skate Tuesday 12:30 - 1:00 p.m., Thursday 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Canskate Monday 3:30 - 4:15 p.m., Wednesday 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. • Powerskate Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. • Adult Powerskate Thursday 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. • Stage 7 Canskate/Sports Conditioning Friday 1:45 - 2:30 p.m.
New online registration!
Please go to to register for all programs. Questions: Leanne Beddie 342-6607 or
brance Day the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
turn to page
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton g the first ed my skills group. ing willin vened for a it’s push g Savage to the ss of bring n things when it recon ss of designing ducin is the proce y intro for “whe proce r 5) night facilitation is called revive the plan for backcountr (Novembe Whereby mediation August to nt nt le together, time since access manageme ined. s manageme al rator peop tion acces ,” he expla mode recreation Columbia Valley. d recrea amok d run brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' — New to the a renowned confl NUES Ltd. nt CONTI e— e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech Coalition ss for the s inverm proce Acces editor@ ay the y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
of high level addresses cess New strategy agement plan pro man conflict in
couraging WoodEx and Canfor to work together on a fibre supply agreement satisfactory to both
CHUCK BENNETT/ 711 ECHO photo 250-341-5 Canadian Tire held its much anticipated grand opening ceremony on April 26. On hand to cut the ribbon was District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft at the brand new location at 4860 Athalmer Rd. The new 20,000 square foot retailer had a soft opening in late March, but customers lined up outside the doors that morning to take advantage of a plethora of great deals. your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
parties, the mill had already been closed a month with jobs lost. Continues to Page A10
Shannonbrook Boarding Kennels Tender Loving Care for All Ages Registered Rough & Smooth Collies Obedience, Agility Training and Rally Obedience Training
Kathy or Elizabeth 1628 Windermere Loop Road
Geoff Hill MaxWell Realty Invermere
Columbia Valley Figure Skating Club All skating programs start the week of January 7, 2013
the ceremony,
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y tr Backcoun at rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
Did you know..... •
The Valley Echo has won many provincial and national awards including most recently 2012 Best Ad Design in two categories for both B.C. and the Yukon.
The Valley Echo has donated over a $100,000 in sponsorship to non-profit groups in the Columbia Valley in 2011 and plans to do more in 2012.
We deliver to 2,000 homes and businesses across the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen every week.
The Valley Echo has been the Columbia Valley’s first choice for community news since 1956.
Black Press is B.C. owned and operated, and started its first newspaper in Williams Lake in the late 1970’s, now with 170 Community Newspapers, 90 of them operating in B.C.
Est. 1956
Fla spi ts to cio Sp illi us ma ch een sin Invdeath cee 19 erm in 56 Pa ere
Ric Re k Han l int ay ro sen or l egi ling on
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ST E repo VE
A10 ven Bernie Ra
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-74 250-342 REALTY
CHO E Y E L L 15 $1 VA
Membe Independent MAXWAnELL
Serving the
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from Can
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to Spill
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W Ra hen Ap dium the R
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erl ere @cyb verm braven Avenue, In RMERE er TY INVE - 7th 926 leyech ereval inverm
T he
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8, 2012
Vol. 56
Issue 06
r Broker
ere , Inverm Avenue 926 - 7th -6044 250-341 Office: cyberlin braven@ Email:
Strong fini minor hosh for ckey
e 1956
Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
Page B1
28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Vol. 56
by internet, cellular and landline.
• Surveillance Systems, internet based • Custom home theatres • Authorized Marantz dealer • Russound sound systems
250•342•6549 ICAN – Invermere Companion Animal Network BUTTERCUP • Hi, I’m Buttercup. About 1 year old, my 5 kittens all have a home. Now, I hope, it’s my chance. I’m a petite, polite, gentle girl, with short fur and I get along well with other cats. Will YOU make my wishes come true? Adoption Fee: $100 (to help offset spay/neuter and vet bills) Sponsored by:
4992 Fairmont Frontage Rd. 250-345-6133 Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography • 250-341-7888
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$ 1 1 5
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
een since ce
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt Page A10
Mudslid devastatee residents s
Bernie Ra ven
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
ue, Inver
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
$ 15 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo Page A12
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
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left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
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from Cana
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. 78
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Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
rk terpa a w r gin fo
the ceremony,
turn to page
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y tr Backcoun rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
brance Day at the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
e g to b n i your s i Call us for ing a tow heavy duty ndr u F 711 RDEK keeps status quo for Jumbo 250-341-5 Glacier Resort The RDEK board voted 8-7 to uphold its 2009 decision to leave the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort in the hands of the provincial government by way of a mountain resort municipality in the Jumbo Valley. The debate hinged on the concern that Jumbo land-use decisions would be too much work for the board versus the untested mountain resort municipality designation. Lot 48 protected The Nature Conservancy of Canada successfully raised the $7.2 million needed to secure Lot 48, an ecologically and culturally sensitive property on the east side of Columbia Lake, bringing to a close over seven years of uncertainty. The lot is surrounded by a provincial NICOLE TRIGG/ECHO PHOTO park and a wildlife management area An orphaned baby black bear was captured just off Westside Road on May 29 then flown to a and has long been viewed as the final wildlife centre in Smithers for rehabilitation, but unfortunately did not survive. piece of the puzzle to creating an uninterrupted conservation area in the area. versary with a wide range of activities in- the medal, which was created in honNew employment centre cluding the inaugural Steamboat Moun- our of the 60th anniversary of Her MajFor unemployed Columbia Valley tain Music Festival, historical walks, a esty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to residents needing help finding work, pancake breakfast, a parade and more. the throne as Queen of Canada. the new WorkBC Employment Servic“The celebration shows pride in our Valley Appreciation Day feted es Centre opened its doors at the same community, and really it’s a momenValley Appreciation Day celebrated location as the old employment centre, tous occasion – the town is still stand- its 25th anniversary during the 2012 but under the new management of the ing after a hundred years,” said Elke Summerlude festival. The highlight Family Resource Centre for a more ho- Bennett, one of the event organizers. of the anniversary celebration, which listic approach. “It connects the Family Barn dance booty also included a community breakResource Centre as a non-profit orgaThe Invermere Family Resource fast, a logging show and soap box cart nization to the business community,” Centre was the surprised recipi- races, was the return of the Invermere said director Pat Cope. ent of a large sum of money raised town crier who regaled festival goers Flight cage opens by K2 Ranch owners Barb and Bob with his classical call outs. A new flight cage for rehabilitating Shaunessy, who held a barn dance for Not again larger injured birds was opened after Barb’s 60th birthday bash featuring Just days after a mudslide blasted hundreds of volunteer hours and do- the award-winning Canadian coun- through Fairmont Hot Springs, a secnations from local groups including try band Corb Lund and the Hurtin’ ond torrent of mud engulfed a Fairmont $30,000 from the Panorama Founda- Albertans. By collecting donations neighbourhood after a bank collapsed, tion and discounted building materi- at the door, the Shaunessys raised further devastating its residents. als from Home Hardware helped real- $10,700 that went towards supporting “We basically had a river running ize the project. The new 100-foot long the local women’s shelter. down the side of our house and across facility allows injured birds the freeMudslide in Fairmont Hot Springs the street,” said Bill Brown, whose dom of independent, unassisted flight A large scale mudslide blasted parents’ yard had disappeared under while recuperating from their injuries. through the Village of Fairmont Hot three feet of mud. “The devastation Heavy rainfall Springs and across Highway 93/95, was just incredible.” Windermere Creek began running washing out the access bridge to Hockey hero in the making directly through Shadybrook Resort the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort RV Hockey player and Invermere local in Windermere after rising 10 inches campground and leaving over 600 Robert-Tye Rice left to begin filming a in just 48 hours and spilling over both people temporarily stranded while brand new television series called Hit natural and man-made barriers due to numerous others were evacuated the Ice after he was discovered at the a buildup of gravel and sediment. Other from their homes. Other damage in- National Aboriginal Hockey Champiareas in the valley also suffered from the cluded a ruptured 1,500 litre propane onships in Saskatoon where he had heavy rainfall including Kinsmen Beach tank and ruptured main water lines for played for Team BC earlier in the year where flooding from Lake Windermere the resort’s hot pools and golf course. in April. The two-week series is to air on nearly engulfed the entire parking lot; Luckily no injuries were reported. the Aboriginal Peoples Television NetCastlerock Estates on Westside Road “All of a sudden … there was this work in January 2013 and will feature 20 where the retaining wall collapsed; and huge mudslide coming down with aboriginal hockey players from across Kootenay National Park where eight trail trees coming with it, boulders,” said a Canada between the ages of 16 and 18. bridges were damaged or destroyed and shaken visitor, Ron Patry. forced the closure of a number of trails. Locals to receive medal Two members of the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment were selected to receive the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Ktunaxa announce challenge Jubilee Medal. Cpl. Grant Simpson and The Ktunaxa Nation announced its 100 years for Edgewater Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac were among Edgewater celebrated its 100th anni- 50,000 Canadians chosen to receive CONTINUES TO PAGE A11
arena g ets big bucks
RFE provides: • Alarm Systems ' igantic
Invermere Companion Animal Network
$ 15
Who’s watching yourCanproperty? al Flats
‘G r fame fo monitoring ay Whitew
Issue 13
Year in Review February
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
u o be gew nd re . of th34 r o will b n bra p 2the 1 a74 15 ven th fc e @cyreber si te.bc. of r :15 om e 926 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay tF aue, "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM d ing r co t ardentemembe ask was heindepen m ERErs Ve m , ab ck o er dbroker to ha rge w Verg ing e 1956 ve ill b e fo Th d me solu f an al. heen since th e HST h r ." nd te imac e o ING Ve e h on p to Spill ly ono INCLUD r po on e Canal Flats sho ur, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou N NO. y from ou TRATIO for st REGIS cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? r NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Liberals m d approve ld e h to th m n ly yea s a ily the e controver fa e th the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, afte sa is e e ic a ter dev e oun to r. it th ys t th cha r the ced its elopmen losi ular th No t agreeme approval of B.C. sial ski e h re ng co a mas reso "I se at h w fi nt for the igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and b sary step the decision o t , and cha nd e sa yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr vermereva munities ey l. hing me . We learn itiesuse, lp ee 0-34 Inve po Kitcmen er of al a Pond Hock lleyecho.c and we tedready for ing ony to welco the day wan erent t and r1-88 1-60 rmer Regional h of om week as around the :prov "Be s bri ve ev l ag l and a dec I leve can't flood from wantEastern a brief opening cerem about diff oat muc r, ision B.C. for than ice part 44 learn e auge the 8ince hav es When the to tugb ab ing ng th ents oor ing with an k my frien plow governof a 34 this lifes gram to ary 3, as outd y night with took the field hunting to s courage led Canal Flat a snowd Stev he ing holethe promote $30 million 1-60 Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the pan. stu e c out into lik try skie enough ghost medaces pro-44 , drivingto mak s arena drilltold hea Acc to th hockey on win coun which in ia. , s for from o e lthy ordi e ter c age , surf this "The slab ope event ng lifestyle Thered in hockey jobs decision an k in mm the an aver master g a bit of cros perfect nightin the three-day efi clea s. is players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a develop kind of yw eld rt, goes the term driving. even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a c unit se, b took part , who met is it's ment lesso N n of the rly sma Miller and s idea SSE to hu and borr 25 teams villa a agre extr e , icula they nt with mem KLA conimp just hav "Th owed time y is ha y to eca ge cou ement r sort can. m orta have day Da,nandso it's A long a weeks to hit the auge lays out 's not part t things," t ditio e fros ns und bers k track nt fo be dev ANDREA moselop , the Can ncil and aren hand iner which a c ir or geth use guy, who tries differen during a brea erme "I've bee t heave," he iel we Miller's 2 the aren -awaited upg the ice. a your ed staff oor al r tr put and e ia the 5 said editor@inv the Flat h Z to- we'v n here la outd reallows "Don't to com off and to local med all bein er. it eats a laugh. largest for nd 0-3. urgil propone thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like e d wo en en on today was big pond day? ," he said with world's years42and ge to an $800 paymen gd ly sinc had issues with 10man . commun g ahead, fficial) the small scre TV explaine g. "The thing S TO nts a g rld hole INUE for (uno -1 n t Rec e e e @ give ice et then ,000 ity in B.C Th the cy reation e you Y CONT n to 6 "Certain in isCommun ,a A3 will hit in filmin STOR y Plan to mak STOR beding Program . like this . The lifespan buil learn how d's ON PAGE to the nd rlink 12 ou skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn STO ITIVEY' CONT is 30 year grant dole ity size, it's ly for a com INUES TO worl of a floor ent and village 'REZ 'POSONIN y the r nam k mun .b S mon an over Afte s." hug this tour RY d edly Mar co G' ON PAGE ing governm ity of this out ey r that, Disc e," he add week by alleg 'HA with 25 tt W y ti TRA Arena the com they ent. A2 ay, hock tain what is the B.C ed. edded dation, NSE CONTI 0-3 all show in me VIS The gran . er, says manager Mat insulate 'll repair the foun for Emb rmere Thursd main ers Brad rink." sc N tain N ing crew t a ot is 4 U thie sho the buil WH ' ON ES one of 98 ther yo st skat y main film in Inve t@sc 2-5 ce ding (wh cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing e wee come out A3 ch is well lace acin head February d, which runs do G Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr n scott@scottw 250 nrea mere roy@s -342 www.max Inver Leslie Thom ue, ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca valleyech invermere
23, May
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
21 Issue Vol. 56
: We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
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Vol. 56
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Strong fini minor hosh for ckey
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Page B1
28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Vol. 56
Issue 13
$ 15
Canal F lats are na gets big buc ks
c' ‘Giganti r fame fo ay Whitew
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris ING
u o be gew nd re . of th34 r o will b n bra p 2the 1 a74 15 ven th fc e @cyreber si te.bc. of r :15 om e 926 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay tF aue, "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM d ing r co t ardentemembe ask was heindepen m ERErs Ve m , ab ck o er dbroker to ha rge w Verg ing e 1956 ve ill b e fo Th d me solu f an al. heen since th e HST h r ." nd te imac e o ING Ve e h on p to Spill ly ono INCLUD r po on e Canal Flats sho ur, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou N NO. y from ou TRATIO for st REGIS cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? r NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Liberals m d approve ld e h to th m n ly yea s a ily the e controver fa e th the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, afte sa is e e ic a ter dev e oun to r. it th ys t th cha r the ced its elopmen losi ular th No t agreeme approval of B.C. sial ski e h re ng co a mas reso "I se at h w fi nt for the igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and b sary step the decision o t , and cha nd e sa yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr vermereva munities ey l. hing me . 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"The thing S TO nts a g rld hole INUE for (uno -1 n t Rec e e e @ give ice et then ,000 ity in B.C Th the cy reation e you Y CONT n to 6 "Certain in isCommun ,a A3 will hit in filmin STOR y Plan to mak STOR beding Program . like this . The lifespan buil learn how d's ON PAGE to the nd rlink 12 ou skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn STO ITIVEY' CONT is 30 year grant dole ity size, it's ly for a com INUES TO worl of a floor ent and village 'REZ 'POSONIN y the r nam k mun .b S mon an over Afte s." hug this tour RY d edly Mar co G' ON PAGE ing governm ity of this out ey r that, Disc e," he add week by alleg 'HA with 25 tt W y ti TRA Arena the com they ent. A2 ay, hock tain what is the B.C ed. edded dation, NSE CONTI 0-3 all show in me VIS The gran . er, says manager Mat insulate 'll repair the foun for Emb rmere Thursd main ers Brad rink." sc N tain N ing crew t a ot is 4 U thie sho the buil WH ' ON ES one of 98 ther yo st skat y main film in Inve t@sc 2-5 ce ding (wh cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing e wee come out A3 ch is well lace acin head February d, which runs do G Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr n scott@scottw 250 nrea mere roy@s -342 www.max Inver Leslie Thom ue, ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca valleyech invermere
23, May
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
21 Issue Vol. 56
$ 1 1 5
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
een since ce
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt Page A10
Mudslid devastatee residents s
Bernie Ra ven
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e Page A12
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
ue, Inver
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
ber We remem
Year in Review left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
l Flats to
785 NO.
from Cana
Eg g
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
. 78
hu nt
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
e g to b n i s i a r Fund
rk terpa a w r gin fo
the ceremony,
turn to page
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y untr Backcoment contributions a success rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
brance Day at the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
for their to their communities – Phyllis Jackson of Radium and Anne Picton of Windermere. Both women have been involved in their respective communities for over 40 years and were well known for their volunteer efforts. New golf tourna-
The inaugural Kelly your Call us for ing tow Hrudey heavy dutyand Friends 711 250-341-5 Charity Golf Classic took place at Copper Point Golf Club where numerous celebrities took to the greens to help raise $80,000 for charities. : We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Continues to Page A12
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO photo After the annual Canada Day parade made its way through downtown Invermere on July 1, cheered on by hundreds of red and white clad supporters, revellers made their way down to Pynelogs Cultural Centre and Kinsmen Beach for the Mountain Mosaic Festival of the Arts. Continued from Page A10
formal decision to challenge the B.C. government’s approval of the development of Jumbo Glacier Resort in the heart of one of its principal sacred sites with an application for judicial review. Called Qat’muk, the area is known in Ktunaxa culture as the home of the grizzly bear spirit and has tremendous cultural, spiritual and religious significance to the Ktunaxa Nation. “This is one process available to us to continue to raise our concerns,” said Ktunaxa Nation chair Kathryn Teneese. “What we’re trying to do is influence anybody we can so that the project doesn’t go ahead.” Arrest made Following over three months of investigation, Columbia Valley RCMP assisted by the South East District Major Crimes Unit made an arrest in relation to the death of Invermere resident Cory Jarock, who was found unresponsive on the driveway of a private residence in Invermere in April. Twenty three-yearold former Radium Hot Springs resident
Brian Panebianco was arrested on unrelated drug charges then was subsequently charged with several offences relating to the death of Jarock, including assault, robbery, and breach of recognizance. NHL to the rescue Former NHL goalie and Invermere native Wade Dubielewicz agreed to become the new goaltending coach for the Columbia Valley Rockies. Dubielewicz entered the NHL as an undrafted free agent with the New York Islanders in 2003 and went on to play for three NHL teams over his career, recording a .914 save percentage in over 2,000 minutes of NHL action. “I recently retired and I took a little time away from hockey, so I’m starting to get the itch to get involved again,” Dubielewicz said. Premier Clark in the Columbia Valley An impassioned Premier Christy Clark spoke to a gathering of about 50 local women on a range of topics at a Women’s Town Hall meeting organized by the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce
Women in Business Committee. Clark introduced herself to as many women as possible before taking to the podium where she delivered a passionate presentation that covered everything from families to liquefied natural gas. “Clark is a fantastic public speaker, she’s very good, she’s to the point, she knew all her stuff, and I could quite frankly see people changing their vote if they met her in person for the next election,” said Invermere resident Kim Harris. In the running College of the Rockies Invermere campus manager Doug Clovechok was nominated as the official BC Liberal candidate for the Columbia River-Revelstoke riding in the upcoming May 2013 provincial election. Premier Christy Clark called Clovechok “the best possible candidate to win this riding for the BC Liberals.” “This has historically been a Social Credit riding and was a BC Liberal riding and we should never have lost it,” Clovechok said. Backcountry talks derail The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations pulled its staff
out of grassroots talks around beginning a recreational access management plan for the Columbia Valley because the process – neither commenced or endorsed by the Ministry — didn’t appear to have the consent of all the community’s stakeholders, a Ministry spokesperson told The Echo. The two other East Kootenay recreation access management plans in Golden and Revelstoke had occurred five to eight years ago in a more favourable fiscal climate, the spokesperson said. Smart meters arrive BC Hydro’s new smart meters finally arrived in the Columbia Valley with the first one being installed at Casa Vino Wine Bar, the business owned by Village of Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin. “(The meters) give customers a whole lot more information about what’s going on in their home and actually puts them in a position to make some small changes that can save a lot of electricity and of course money on their bill,” said Cindy Verschoor, the communications manager for the smart meter program. No water upgrade
for Dry Gulch An upgrade to Dry Gulch’s water system proved too costly for property owners in the tiny community, forcing the almost $1.8 million in provincial government funding intended for the project to be reallocated. The system does not meet Interior Health standards and has remained on a boil water advisory. “It just boils down to the fact that it’s too small a service area to be affordable,” said RDEK Area G director Gerry Wilkie. Charges stepped up The RCMP announced that further charges had been laid against Brian Panebianco in relation to the death of Cody Jarock of Invermere. In addition to the previous charges of robbery, assault and breach of recognizance, Panebianco was charged with manslaughter and criminal negligence causing death. Panebianco was well known to police before his arrest and wanted on other outstanding warrants. Local women honoured Two more Columbia Valley residents were recognized with the Queen’s Jubilee Medal
Christmas Pyjamas are in! We also carry jewellery, leather, books and many more great gift selections
778-527-0027 7535 Main St W, Radium Hot Springs, B.C. Christmas Store Hours
Sunday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Th ank Y ou!
Thanks to everyone that supported us during our holiday fundraising at the gift wrapping hut and New Year’s hot dog cart. We appreciate every little bit! Have a very happy New Year!
Fla spi ts to cio Sp illi us ma ch een sin Invdeath cee 19 erm in 56 Pa ere
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8, 2012
Vol. 56
Issue 06
r Broker
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Strong fini minor hosh for ckey
Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
“I c'have to tell you, ‘Giganti r I e fowas blown away fam y hitewa Wby the event itself,” former NHL goaltender and CBC Hockey Night in Canada broadcaster Kelly Hrudey told The Echo. “I’ve talked to everyone here and they’ve given us nothing but positive feedback.” Bittersweet victory Two Invermere teams — the B.C. Arrows and the Invermere A’s, both from
Page B1
e 1956
28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Vol. 56
Issue 13
$ 15
very hollow not havCanalfrom Continued Page A11 ing Randy there,” said Flats are na gets big buc kthe s teams’ manager the Shuswap Band — Dean Martin, also won their respective Randy’s father. divisions in the 2012 Forest fire alerts Canadian Native FastCrews were fightball Championships ing two different forin Cranbrook. It was est fires in the region a bittersweet achieve- after a period of hot, ment as the teams dry summer weathplayed in memory er. One in Kootenay of Shuswap member National Park on Ocand avid ball player topus Mountain atRandy Martin who tended to by 15 perpassed away unex- sonnel had reached pectedly in Las Vegas 676 hectares in size, earlier in the year. and was growing by “It was a great 50 hectares a day. The achievement but other at Brewer Creek
Home Hardware will have new hours for the winter season: Saturdays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sundays 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Weekdays 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
9980 Arrow Road, Invermere, B.C. 250-342-6908
$ 1 1 5 INC
l Flats to
een since ce
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt Page A10
Mudslid devastatee residents s
785 NO.
from Cana
Bernie Ra ven
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
ue, Inver
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
$ 15 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo Page A12
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
ber We remem
left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
Eg g
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
. 78
hu nt
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
g to b aisin r d n Fu
rk terpa a w r gin fo
the ceremony,
turn to page
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y tr Backcoun rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
brance Day at the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Steve Jessel/Echo Photo On September 1, police and fire crews extracted the driver and passenger of a vehicle that had flipped over into the Athalmer wetlands. The driver, a 71-year-old woman from Edmonton, had mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brake and subsequently crashed down the rock embankment. Luckily, only minor injuries were reported.
10 kilometres west of Fairmont Hot Springs resort, believed to have been started by a lightning strike, was being contained at 25 hectares by roughly 40 personnel. Memorial tree salvaged after vandalism After vandals severely damaged a memorial tree at Windermere Beach Regional Park, a local landscaper stepped up to help. The tree was planted in June in memory of Jay Carscadden who had passed away in January. Upon inspecting the tree, Rick Ferrier of Ferrier’s Landscaping said the tree had a good chance of surviving with the proper care and sealant.
gust, visitor numbers were lower than in previous years. Undoubtedly due to the mudslide that closed Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, according to local business owners whose businesses suffered. Ron Looye of Beachbound in Fairmont said that in the weeks leading up to the mudslide, his numbers were actually higher than the previous year, yet once the resort closed he lost 50 per cent of his business, and a month after the resort reopened his numbers still hadn’t fully recovered. Funding for schools The Rocky Mountain School District
September Tourism down An end-of-summer look at tourism numbers in the Columbia Valley revealed that in July and Au-
6 (SD6) was slated to receive $396,603 of the new provincial Learning Improvement Fund for the 2012-2013 school
Artist Call-Out
for 2013 Art Gallery Season What does ART mean to you?
Year in Review February
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
u o be gew nd re . of th34 r o will b n bra p 2the 1 a74 15 ven th fc e @cyreber si te.bc. of r :15 om e 926 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay tF aue, "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM d ing r co t ardentemembe ask was heindepen m ERErs Ve m , ab ck o er dbroker to ha rge w Verg ing e 1956 ve ill b e fo Th d me solu f an al. heen since th e HST h r ." nd te imac e o ING Ve e h on p to Spill ly ono INCLUD r po on e Canal Flats sho ur, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou N NO. y from ou TRATIO for st REGIS cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? r NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Liberals m d approve ld e h to th m n ly yea s a ily the e controver fa e th the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, afte sa is e e ic a ter dev e oun to r. it th ys t th cha r the ced its elopmen losi ular th No t agreeme approval of B.C. sial ski e h re ng co a mas reso "I se at h w fi nt for the igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and b sary step the decision o t , and cha nd e sa yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr vermereva munities ey l. hing me . We learn itiesuse, lp ee 0-34 Inve po Kitcmen er of al a Pond Hock lleyecho.c and we tedready for ing ony to welco the day wan erent t and r1-88 1-60 rmer Regional h of om week as around the :prov "Be s bri ve ev l ag l and a dec I leve can't flood from wantEastern a brief opening cerem about diff oat muc r, ision B.C. for than ice part 44 learn e auge the 8ince hav es When the to tugb ab ing ng th ents oor ing with an k my frien plow governof a 34 this lifes gram to ary 3, as outd y night with took the field hunting to s courage led Canal Flat a snowd Stev he ing holethe promote $30 million 1-60 Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the pan. stu e c out into lik try skie enough ghost medaces pro-44 , drivingto mak s arena drilltold hea Acc to th hockey on win coun which in ia. , s for from o e lthy ordi e ter c age , surf this "The slab ope event ng lifestyle Thered in hockey jobs decision an k in mm the an aver master g a bit of cros perfect nightin the three-day efi clea s. is players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a develop kind of yw eld rt, goes the term driving. even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a c unit se, b took part , who met is it's ment lesso N n of the rly sma Miller and s idea SSE to hu and borr 25 teams villa a agre extr e , icula they nt with mem KLA conimp just hav "Th owed time y is ha y to eca ge cou ement r sort can. m orta have day Da,nandso it's A long a weeks to hit the auge lays out 's not part t things," t ditio e fros ns und bers k track nt fo be dev ANDREA moselop , the Can ncil and aren hand iner which a c ir or geth use guy, who tries differen during a brea erme "I've bee t heave," he iel we Miller's 2 the aren -awaited upg the ice. a your ed staff oor al r tr put and e ia the 5 said editor@inv the Flat h Z to- we'v n here la outd reallows "Don't to com off and to local med all bein er. it eats a laugh. largest for nd 0-3. urgil propone thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like e d wo en en on today was big pond day? ," he said with world's years42and ge to an $800 paymen gd ly sinc had issues with 10man . commun g ahead, fficial) the small scre TV explaine g. "The thing S TO nts a g rld hole INUE for (uno -1 n t Rec e e e @ give ice et then ,000 ity in B.C Th the cy reation e you Y CONT n to 6 "Certain in isCommun ,a A3 will hit in filmin STOR y Plan to mak STOR beding Program . like this . The lifespan buil learn how d's ON PAGE to the nd rlink 12 ou skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn STO ITIVEY' CONT is 30 year grant dole ity size, it's ly for a com INUES TO worl of a floor ent and village 'REZ 'POSONIN y the r nam k mun .b S mon an over Afte s." hug this tour RY d edly Mar co G' ON PAGE ing governm ity of this out ey r that, Disc e," he add week by alleg 'HA with 25 tt W y ti TRA Arena the com they ent. A2 ay, hock tain what is the B.C ed. edded dation, NSE CONTI 0-3 all show in me VIS The gran . er, says manager Mat insulate 'll repair the foun for Emb rmere Thursd main ers Brad rink." sc N tain N ing crew t a ot is 4 U thie sho the buil WH ' ON ES one of 98 ther yo st skat y main film in Inve t@sc 2-5 ce ding (wh cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing e wee come out A3 ch is well lace acin head February d, which runs do G Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr n scott@scottw 250 nrea mere roy@s -342 www.max Inver Leslie Thom ue, ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca valleyech invermere
23, May
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
21 Issue Vol. 56
Deadline: Jan 16th · Call for info 250.342.4423
Cinefest: Tuesday Jan 8th Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.
year. The fund was part of the Education Improvement Act passed earlier in the year in March and aims to help school districts and teachers across the province to address classroom composition issues. “A good percentage of the funds will be additional hours for special education assistants,” said SD6 superintendant Paul Carriere, adding that increases to teaching time and part time staff as well as the creation of some part time positions would also occur. Bear cub found in dumpster An approximately nine-month old black bear was discovered trapped in a bearproof dumpster near the condos at Radium Resort by Bear Aware co-ordinator Crystal Leonard who rescued the cub by propping open the dumpster’s lid with a 2x4, which
allowed it to scramble out and scamper off. “The bins are really only as bear resistant as the people using them,” Leonard said. Water protection The DOI completed drinking water source assessment protection plans for both its drinking water sources and because the protective measures to the groundwater source located in Athalmer could affect nearby property owners and industrial uses, community members were asked to get educated at an open house. “In order to effectively protect the water source in Athalmer, we need to ensure that property owners are aware of the potential impacts of drilling wells and disposing of contaminating materials,” said DOI CAO Chris Prosser. The protection plan for the second source, the Continues to Page A13
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Vol. 56
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Page B1
28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Vol. 56
Issue 13
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Continued Page A12 Canafrom l Fla
Paddy Ryan Reservoir c' ‘Giganti r which stores surface fame fo y hitewa from the Goldie Wwater watershed, did not require an open house because of its location. Roller derby victory The Invermere women’s Killer Rollbots roller derby team took the title of East Kootenay Roller Derby League champions after winning their final bout against Fernie’s Avalanche City Roller Girls 206-115. “I’m really glad that all the hard work, all the practice time, all the strategy studying… it all paid off,” said Rollbots captain Jess de Groot. Transfer station shuts down After a mother bear and several of her cubs were discovered rummaging through bins overflowing with garbage at the Invermere transfer station, the DOI council voted to close the station immediately until October 31 due to bear activity and misuse. Rockies win home opener It took the Columbia Valley Rockies until December of last season to get their second win but after opening the 2012-
ts aren a gets b ig buck s
2013 campaign with a win against Golden, the team proceeded to take a second win again against Golden the following night at their home opener, wowing their fans. Service areas merge The Columbia Valley directors voted to merge the Canal Flats Recreation Service Area with that of the Columbia Valley in order to maintain the two skating rinks in the valley using tax dollars from one regional service area instead of two. However, the new service area still doesn't include residents north of Radium Hot Springs, a point the regional district is looking to change in 2013, said Area G director Gerry Wilkie.
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Mudslid devastatee residents s
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July 25, 2012
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Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
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braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
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Vol. 56 Issue
Thank you to our major sponsors
NO. 7856
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
ber We remem
Year in Review TRIGG
Eg g
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
. 78
hu nt
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
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images from
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your Call us for ing tow heavy duty :
We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
"It's a dream come true," said Page. Coaches resign The Columbia Valley Rockies head coach and general
manager Marc Ward and assistant coach Jan Kascak both suddenly resigned from their positions, stating in a letter that interference on the part of the executive as the main reason why. Director of hockey operations Ross Bidinger took over the roles of head coach
and GM and said he was confident he would be able to put out a solid product on the ice with the help of the assistant coaching staff. Securities breach The principal in the Invermere Deer Protection Society (IDPS) lawsuit agains the District of Invermere, Shane Suman, and his wife, Monie Suman, were found guilty of insider trading to the tune of $1 million in illegal profits by the Ontario Securities Commission. "Of course I'm concerned it might dis-
credit this case," said IDPS president Devin Kazakoff,"(but) to me it's something completely separate from the deer." New partnership The Valley Echo and the Columbia Valley Pioneer announced they were joining forces to create an innovative new partnership that will allow both of the valley's newspapers to thrive and continue to serve their communities. Rose-Marie Regitnig took over as publisher for The Valley Echo in addition to her longterm posi-
tion as publisher for the Pioneer. "I want loyal Valley Echo readers to feel excited and know that this is a positive step," Regitnig said. Temperatures rising According to a new climate change
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
study by the Columbia Basin Trust, the average annual temperature in the Columbia Basin is expected to rise about 2.3 degrees Celsius by 2050, which could Continues to Page A14
please come to the Windermere Community Hall January 6, 2013 at noon. David Wilks, MP, willl announce considerable federal support for community hall renovations. Come and hear what we have planned!
Columbia Valley Rockies Home Game:
Friday, January 4 7:30 P.M.
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
l Flats to
785 NO.
from Cana
steve jessel/echo photo Students at David Thompson Secondary School celebrated the 'Sea of Pink' anti-bullying day on September 27 (and are actually wearing pink in the colour version of this photograph, which can be viewed online at by searching Valley Life Photo Gallery, October 3rd).
October New pub, old name Business partners Jason Powers, Justin Atterbury and Josh Page re-opened the Station Neighbourhood Pub at the location of what was formerly known as Ray Ray's near Kinsmen Beach on October 1 after giving it a clean, modern look.
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
u o be gew nd re . of th34 r o will b n bra p 2the 1 a74 15 ven th fc e @cyreber si te.bc. of r :15 om e 926 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay tF aue, "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM d ing r co t ardentemembe ask was heindepen m ERErs Ve m , ab ck o er dbroker to ha rge w Verg ing e 1956 ve ill b e fo Th d me solu f an al. heen since th e HST h r ." nd te imac e o ING Ve e h on p to Spill ly ono INCLUD r po on e Canal Flats sho ur, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou N NO. y from ou TRATIO for st REGIS cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? r NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Liberals m d approve ld e h to th m n ly yea s a ily the e controver fa e th the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, afte sa is e e ic a ter dev e oun to r. it th ys t th cha r the ced its elopmen losi ular th No t agreeme approval of B.C. sial ski e h re ng co a mas reso "I se at h w fi nt for the igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and b sary step the decision o t , and cha nd e sa yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr vermereva munities ey l. hing me . We learn itiesuse, lp ee 0-34 Inve po Kitcmen er of al a Pond Hock lleyecho.c and we tedready for ing ony to welco the day wan erent t and r1-88 1-60 rmer Regional h of om week as around the :prov "Be s bri ve ev l ag l and a dec I leve can't flood from wantEastern a brief opening cerem about diff oat muc r, ision B.C. for than ice part 44 learn e auge the 8ince hav es When the to tugb ab ing ng th ents oor ing with an k my frien plow governof a 34 this lifes gram to ary 3, as outd y night with took the field hunting to s courage led Canal Flat a snowd Stev he ing holethe promote $30 million 1-60 Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the pan. stu e c out into lik try skie enough ghost medaces pro-44 , drivingto mak s arena drilltold hea Acc to th hockey on win coun which in ia. , s for from o e lthy ordi e ter c age , surf this "The slab ope event ng lifestyle Thered in hockey jobs decision an k in mm the an aver master g a bit of cros perfect nightin the three-day efi clea s. is players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a develop kind of yw eld rt, goes the term driving. even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a c unit se, b took part , who met is it's ment lesso N n of the rly sma Miller and s idea SSE to hu and borr 25 teams villa a agre extr e , icula they nt with mem KLA conimp just hav "Th owed time y is ha y to eca ge cou ement r sort can. m orta have day Da,nandso it's A long a weeks to hit the auge lays out 's not part t things," t ditio e fros ns und bers k track nt fo be dev ANDREA moselop , the Can ncil and aren hand iner which a c ir or geth use guy, who tries differen during a brea erme "I've bee t heave," he iel we Miller's 2 the aren -awaited upg the ice. a your ed staff oor al r tr put and e ia the 5 said editor@inv the Flat h Z to- we'v n here la outd reallows "Don't to com off and to local med all bein er. it eats a laugh. largest for nd 0-3. urgil propone thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like e d wo en en on today was big pond day? ," he said with world's years42and ge to an $800 paymen gd ly sinc had issues with 10man . commun g ahead, fficial) the small scre TV explaine g. "The thing S TO nts a g rld hole INUE for (uno -1 n t Rec e e e @ give ice et then ,000 ity in B.C Th the cy reation e you Y CONT n to 6 "Certain in isCommun ,a A3 will hit in filmin STOR y Plan to mak STOR beding Program . like this . The lifespan buil learn how d's ON PAGE to the nd rlink 12 ou skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn STO ITIVEY' CONT is 30 year grant dole ity size, it's ly for a com INUES TO worl of a floor ent and village 'REZ 'POSONIN y the r nam k mun .b S mon an over Afte s." hug this tour RY d edly Mar co G' ON PAGE ing governm ity of this out ey r that, Disc e," he add week by alleg 'HA with 25 tt W y ti TRA Arena the com they ent. A2 ay, hock tain what is the B.C ed. edded dation, NSE CONTI 0-3 all show in me VIS The gran . er, says manager Mat insulate 'll repair the foun for Emb rmere Thursd main ers Brad rink." sc N tain N ing crew t a ot is 4 U thie sho the buil WH ' ON ES one of 98 ther yo st skat y main film in Inve t@sc 2-5 ce ding (wh cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing e wee come out A3 ch is well lace acin head February d, which runs do G Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr n scott@scottw 250 nrea mere roy@s -342 www.max Inver Leslie Thom ue, ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca valleyech invermere
23, May
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
21 Issue Vol. 56
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8, 2012
Vol. 56
Issue 06
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Strong fini minor hosh for ckey
Provin ce yes to Ju says mbo
Page B1
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28, 2012
Future of concerts Edgewater uncerta in
Vol. 56
$ 1 1 5
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Canal F lats are na gets big buc ks
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Behind the
Wh ee
Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge Looking Ahead to 2013
One should look toward a new year with feelings of hope and anticipation, not the melancholy I feel grappling with a topic choice for this article. On average 76,000 people are injured and 320 are killed each year as they use our highways. That is absolutely not something to look forward to in the coming year. Can we as an individual road user make a difference? Perhaps we might ask another question, do we want to make a difference? Are we prepared to be a little less “me” centric and a little more co-operative with everyone that we share the highway with? If you can’t make the connection between your potential to be injured or killed, maybe you can make a connection with your wallet. Remember that about 80% of what you pay ICBC for vehicle insurance each year is spent directly on claims. You might not hurt physically but you do pay a high price each year just to get your vehicle on the road. You are the one in control: make a resolution to be a better driver this year. Focus a little more on the group needs and a little less on individual needs. Slow down, look twice, give the right of way, maintain a space cushion, don’t drive impaired or distracted, yes, all of the things that we hear about regularly but don’t always do. With resolve, you will make a difference! The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130 Invermere BC • Phone: 250-342-2175 • Fax: 250-342-2669
Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:30 and 1:00 – 5:00 • Saturday: 9:00 – 2:30
ICAN: rescuing, sheltering and finding homes for companion animals that are lost, surrendered and abandoned in the Columbia Valley.
een since ce
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt
Bernie Ra ven
Page A10
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e
Vol. 56 Issue
Eg g
ue, Inver
. 78
hu nt
Page A12
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
District of Invermere Garbage and Recycling January 2013 Mon
NO. 7856
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
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22 • • 250-341-7888 28
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Serving the
Sat 29
A 5 B 11
B 24 A
B 31 B
A 17
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Area A Garbage Pick-Up
turn to page
Continues to Page A19
images from
: We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
11. For more
ment facilities in the province, relocated to llthe Columbia your Ca us for ing tow heavy duty Valley from Creston after 0-pur711 25 341-5 chasing a 53-bed facility on Capilo Way just off Highway 93/95. The waitlist for the program generally stretches from four to six months, and while First Nations clients are the priority, the society will accept non-First Nations people provided there is enough space. Gross National Happiness The Secretary of Information and Communications for the Himalayan country of Bhutan, Dasho Kinley Dorji, made a presentation at the Invermere Community Hall on his government's concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) that has received international acclaim. Dorji next headed to Banff after the Wildsight-sponsored presentation where he headlined with David Suzuki at the Banff Mountain Film Festival to talk about how GNH can be applied to the world at large. Maconald nominated Current MLA and Golden resident Norm Macdonald was once again formally nominated as the NDP candidate for the Columbia River-Revelstoke riding for the upcoming provincial election in May 2013. Macdonald was first elected MLA in 2005 and serves as the Opposition Critic for Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Caucus Chair.
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
brance Day at the Remem
Area A or B Recycling Pick-Up
rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
B Area B Garbage Pick-Up
the ceremony,
oderator me with mtreacessful drug and alcohol su re s lk ta y tr Backcoun
New Year’s Day
Christmas Day
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
Januar y
ICAN is a registered charity. Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more. To learn more about ICAN or to volunteer:
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
k and around the incidents rparin wate of Invermere had local Continued from Page A13 foDistrict r gin to be conservation officers asking for g n i rais result in more Fundfrequent land- the public's assistance. Within slides, floods, droughts and eight days, four incidents inwildfires, and an increase in volving seriously injured or diseases, pathogens, inva- killed deer were called in. sive species and pests. The "It's total disregard of the study also found that Basin hunting regulations," said Inresidents could expect high- vermere conservation officer er summer temperatures, Greg Kruger. warmer winters, a decline in Ktunaxa treaty inches ahead low-elevation snowpack and A public information sesreceding glaciers. sion on the Ktunaxa Kinbasket Calgary woman dies Treaty Council treaty negotiaIn a devastating motor vehi- tions took place in Invermere cle incident on Highway 93/95 to present the most up-to-date near Canal Flats, a 37-year-old information with respect to woman was killed by a rock the land parcels invovled. The that entered through the front Ktunaxa Nation is one of nine windshield, striking her in the First Nations in B.C. in the adhead. She was on vacation vanced stages of treaty negotiawith her husband and two tions with the governments of small children, and was sitting Canada and British Columbia. in the passenger seat. "Canada and B.C. made an Greenhouse fame offer to us and we've conditionThe Invermere Groundswell ally accepted it, which means Community Greenhouse was now they're invovled in a connamed a finalist in the Real sultation process with their Estate Foundation of Brit- constituents," said Ktunaxa Naish Columbia's 2012 Land tion Chair Kathryn Teneese. Awards for the first time. Underpass for KNP While it wasn't declared a Parks Canada confirmed it winner at the awards gala had secured funding to install that took place in Vancouver, a wildlife crossing and fencing according to Groundswell within Kootenay National Park, board member Bill Swan, the and that the project would likegreenhouse was a winner the ly begin sometime in 2013. moment it was nominated. "It will not address the prob"We're such a small place lem in its entirety but it will doing kind of global level help," said project manager things; it's something to be Trevor Kinley. proud of," he said. New healing centre in valley Poaching plagues Invermere The Three Voices of Healing A series of illegal hunting Society, one of the most suc-
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
Our all-volunteer rescue and adoption centre has assisted over 700 companion animals since our first rescue in 2007!
Companion animals can reproduce before 6 months of age. Spay and neuter yours to help stop pet overpopulation.
left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
l Flats to
Mudslid devastatee residents s
Volunteers and donations are always welcome.
The biggest need for our centre today? People! Please volunteer!
from Cana
785 NO.
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
Advocate • Educate • Provide
Issue 13
Year in Review February
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris
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"I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. 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23, May
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21 Issue Vol. 56
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 2, 2013 A15
Building your Wealth
Thinking of the New Year A few years ago, there was a saying going around, that went, “If you don’t know where you want to go, any road’ll getcha there.” Another version went, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” When you really look at them, in fact they are nearly the same thing. Both are true. If you don’t know where you’re going, and you do the same thing over and over and expect to get different results, you sure will drive yourself insane. So it really doesn’t matter what ‘road’ you take, you will get to the same place in the end. This topic comes up because it is the New Year. Since we are human, it is in our nature to think of the future, and we like to do this at special, sort of ‘start-over’ times of our lives – like New Year. We make lists of things we think would make our lives better, and call them ‘resolutions’ with the idea that we are ‘resolved’ to do them this time. Like most of our resolutions in years past, we don’t usually get very far down the road of the new year before they have been waylaid or forgotten and never get done. Yet it is worth looking at the list and seeing if there are some things that have been on that list year after year. If there are, write them down in a clear statement? Then, once you have that clear statement, you can ask yourself
if you really want to write the same old thing over and over again, each year expecting you will do things differently? Perhaps it is time to pick one of those things and look at it as though it was really significant. Examine
That bit of knowledge is ‘as old as the hills’, but it has also been verified by modern brain research. Since we are dealing with modern research, here is another fact, verified in the same way – it takes 21 days to change a habit so it will be com-
how life will be if you let it slide as you have every year, and how it will be if you really change just that one thing. Making change deliberately is a very hard thing to do. Another characteristic we humans have (it’s not just you!) is that we like to develop patterns to our thoughts and our behavior. It makes it easier to do the same thing over and over again.
pletely new and not return to the old pattern. That’s three weeks. The old habit is gone, for good – as long as we have something to put in its place. That’s why it’s so difficult to quit smoking. It’s not the chemical addiction – that’s gone in three days. From there on, it’s the patterns of behavior we had when we smoked – the things we did at the same time. A cup of coffee. Stepping outside. A
social gathering. Or whatever other pattern in which we used to use a cigarette as a tool to ease us into the situation. Those patterns are habits which persist for that 21-day period. If you stay with it for longer than the 21 days, and if you have something other than a cigarette in your hand, chances are pretty good that the habit will be gone. So, here’s the thing. Instead of making a whole list of things you want to change, pick just one, it doesn’t even have to be the largest one. Then write that in big letters, set it up in a visible place, and set out to change the pattern. Remember, pick just the one thing, and you need a new thing to take its place. Then, set out to do that one thing in that new way for three weeks. There is a New Year resolution that is going to be kept! Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had started doing that 10 years ago? A good starting place would be to examine all the things that are essential to having a good life for you and your family. Be serious and be realistic. Ask yourself, “do I want to be in the same financial situation next year, in three years and in five years that I am in now?” Then, get some advice from your independent Certified Financial Planner® who can help you figure out where to go from there. And Happy New Year!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo
Brain Games
Columbia Valley
Weekend Weather
Variable cloudiness
Scattered flurries
Scattered flurries
Temp: -5oC o Low: -11 C Precip: none
Temp: -3oC o Low: -9 C Precip: less than 1 cm
Temp: -1 C Low: -6oC Precip: less than 1 cm
January 4
Crossword January 2, 2012
January 6
January 5
CLUES ACROSS 1. Twos under par 7. Expresses surprise 10. Shows exceedingly great size 12. At this place 13. One who prints from a plate 14. ‘95 U.S. Open golf champ Corey 15. Stupefy with alcohol 16. Breezed through 17. A major division of geological time 18. Humble request for help 19. Part of a deck 21. Albanian monetary unit 22. Atomic #22 27. Atomic #18 28. Catholic holiday service
33. Canadian province 34. Capital of Alberta 36. Large African antelope 37. Mexican tortilla sandwich 38. Pigmented eye membrane 39. Baby’s food protector 40. Winglike structures 41. Sun-dried brick 44. Those dull in appearance 45. Basketlike baby’s bed 48. Purpose or intent 49. Difficult to carry 50. Cry made by sheep 51. More than one spouse CLUES DOWN 1. Incredible edi-
bles 2. About aviation 3. Small biting flies 4. Bulgarian monetary unit 5. Point midway between E and SE 6. Old CCCP or U___ 7. Rubber tree genus 8. Waterless 9. Female chicken 10. Relating to the Hebrews 11. Dig up 12. Diacritic caron 14. Capital of Sicily 17. Shock therapy 18. Cyto_____: surrounds the nucleus 20. Daughters of the Am. Revolution 23. Nincom-
poops 24. Great battle of 333 BC 25. Salt Lake state 26. Woman (French) 29. A public promotion 30. Social insect 31. Knifed 32. Formal association of people 35. Toff 36. Snaps up
38. Annona diversifolia 40. Opera vocal solo 41. Largest continent 42. Day (Latin) 43. Sole 44. Hit lightly 45. Guy (slang) 46. Black tropical Am. cuckoo 47. Screen Writers Guild
Answer to December 19:
Horoscope First week of Januar y
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Last week’s Sudoku answer -->:
ARIES Aries, there are some things that need to be accomplished this week despite the your reservations. Find a way to make the best of the situation.
CANCER Sarcasm is not the right approach this week, Cancer. Focus on being amiable to all of the people you interact with the next few days and reap the rewards.
TAURUS Taurus, enjoy an active week ahead that includes a very busy social schedule. Instead of trying to swim against the tide, let it take you along.
LEO Secrets have a funny way of catching up with you, Leo. Although it can be hard to be honest, upcoming situations will work out much more easily if you are.
GEMINI Take care of things on your own this week, Gemini. Others around you will be just as busy, so put your head down and get started on the many tasks at hand.
VIRGO You have no reason to question your confidence this week, Virgo. Give yourself a pep talk to make it through a sticky situation, and things will turn out alright.
LIBRA You are coasting on a high of good fortune, Libra. Don’t worry, it isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. Enjoy all of the opportunities that come your way. SCORPIO It takes more than just good ideas to find success, Scorpio. There is also a lot of followthrough and legwork that goes into every scenario. Start working through the particulars. SAGITTARIUS You won’t be able to rest until you solve a problem that has been bugging you, Sagittarius. But the solution won’t immediately present itself.
CAPRICORN Sometimes it takes more time and money than it’s worth to follow through with something that originally seemed like a good idea. Don’t think of it as giving up but redirecting. AQUARIUS It may take a little more time to work through the long to-do list, but that will make the satisfaction of getting the job done that much more worth it, Aquarius. PISCES Words can be interpreted in many different ways, Pisces. Choose what you say wisely so you don’t give anyone the wrong impression.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 2, 2013
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
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Travel A17
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
Work Wanted
Misc. for Sale
HAWAII ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709;
Clean, class 2 with air nonsmoker, call Dave 250-3413541
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206
Employment Business Opportunities PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.
Career Opportunities TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430
In Memoriam
I am looking for work with my mobile treatment center and advanced level 3 first aid ticket. I have worked in the oil field for 25 years as well several logging camps. Very reliable. Looking mainly in southern B.C. as I live there, but will travel anywhere. Have also worked as watchman/first aid and have class one drivers. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.
Health Products GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.
Floor Refinishing/ Installations
Floor Refinishing/ Installations
OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT!
Financial Services IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
In Memoriam
Margaret Rasmussen
September 2, 1933 - January 1, 2012
Help Wanted Apply Within
You’ve just walked on ahead of me And I’ve got to understand You must release the ones you love And let go of their hand I try and cope the best I can But I’m missing you so much If I could only see you And once more feel your touch Yes, you’ve just walked on ahead of me Don’t worry, I’ll be fine But now and then I swear I feel Your hand slip into mine. With our deepest love and fond memories (Cherished always and loved forever)
Your path to a better job starts here.
Eric, Thora and Reid
Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Merchandise for Sale
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo
Misc. for Sale BIG BUILDING sale... “�This is a clearance sale. You don’t want to miss!�� 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One end wall included. Call Pioneer Steel at: 1-800-668-5422.
Misc. Wanted Looking for heavy duty bandsaw & Wood- Mizer bandsaw. Call Peter 250-342-1073
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH Willow View apartment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, 2 parking stalls, F/S, D/W. Walking distance to arena, park and store. $850 + utilities & D.D., references required. Available immediately. Call (250)349-5306 or (250)489-8389, leave mess. Radium - 405 Top unit Pinewood West building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail immediately. $1000/mth. Call Lina @ 403-264-2782 or 403277-7898 ask for Emilio
RADIUM - downtown Reduced!
New 2 bdrm, 2 full baths in The Pinewood. 3rd floor, fireplace, N/S. $900/mth, utilities included. Underground parking. Available immediately. Call Judy 250-345-0225 or 250-341-1903
Suites, Lower One bdrm, walkout bsmnt suite, clean, bright, Upper Hilltop Rd. Windermere. $675/mth Utilities incl 250-342-3790
Auto Financing
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Cars - Domestic 2012 Chrysler 200 Touring Sedan. 27,000Km black with black interior, loaded heated seats CD and satellite radio. Very nice car. $18900 OBO. call 250-342-1117. LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships. No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271
Trucks & Vans 2001 Dodge Sport Caravan $3000 250-342-3378
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Vol. 56
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project." CanaFROM CONTINUED PAGE A14 l Flats a Meanwhile, the rena ge ts big b uckKtunaxa s Nation announced that Novemc' ‘Giganti r ber 30th would be the fame fo ay Whitew filing date for their apIDPS had previously plication for judicial Sawmill reopens The Radium sawmill claimed the district's review of the resort's officially reopened deer counts were be- approval, to coincide with a ribbon-cutting ing improperly done. with a protest rally in ceremony and Canfor While IDPS president Cranbrook. "The resort was appresident and CEO Devin Kazakoff said Don Kayne said the his group would glad- proved despite the company's Kootenay ly accept the offer, he strong evidence of operations are "huge" still argued the counts the critical impact to its overall success. should be done every it would have upon "We're absolutely so three months in order our spirituality," said keen to be back in pro- to get a more accurate Ktunaxa Nation chair duction down in the representation of the Kathryn Teneese. population, not just in More water issues valley here," he said. In the Village of CaA $38.5 million in- November as recomvestment in the mill mended by the B.C. nal Flats, council struggled to find a solution announced earlier in government. MRM for Jumbo that would pay for a rethe year saw a range The B.C. government quired upgrade to a loof technical improvements to the mill issued letters patent cal water system that's including the instal- for a new mountain been on boil advisory lation off a biomass- resort municipality in notice since 2003, a fired thermal oil en- the Jumbo Valley by situation no longer acergy system and the the name of Jumbo ceptable with Interior construction of a new Glacier Resort, and Health (IH), which has planer facility. Canfor appointed Greg Deck put a deadline on the estimated that 136 as the resort's first project. "(The Eagle's Nest people would be em- mayor, and Nancy Huployed by the mill by gunin and Steve Os- water system) is an the end of 2012 with trander as councillors. illegal water system "We're hoping the op- that needs to comply that number forecasted to increase to 144 ponents of the project with the legislation," will respect the law," asid IH health protecin 2013. said Minister of Com- tion team leader Ron New deer counts The District of In- munity, Sports and Popoff. Legacy left behind vermere would hold Cultural Development Arnold Ellis, a former three deer counts in Bill Bennett (newly November, and in- appointed in Septem- Canal Flats resident vited the Invermere ber), who made the left roughly $2 million Deer Protection So- public announcement. to the Columbia Valley ciety (IDPS) to join in "The proponent (Gla- Community Foundaand witness the meth- cier Resorts Ltd.) now tion to be distributed odology used. The has a right to build the through a scholarship
Serving the Columbia Valley
Be Re rni lay 56 ne ce 19te n sin am e ett Ja for cheea Se Ap illima go sp rvin rav Ra ril Scarl ermere to Sp 11 Lif e e , 20 l Flats ady to 12 m Cana er 25 cts ofg you n.caven es to Inv Page B1 Vo y fro lle l. etulumbia Va and re re in 56 m bra 0 - 3 al Issu all co d up v the Co rn e e 4 e ng h 926 it n@ 15 sta Servi Pag s Potte cyb 2 - 7 te. -7 Aw & eA th i Q e 4 k 5 Echo Suzu Aven rlink 15 alley David Page A3 ue, Inve rm The V ere Debris ING
u o be gew nd re . of th34 r o will b n bra p 2the 1 a74 15 ven th fc e @cyreber si te.bc. of r :15 om e 926 re- 7thmed dlink en thacat p.m relay tF aue, "I layinAven l Inve loyre morn . afte firs earerme "I t's a AnMAXWEgLLthREALTYbINVERM d ing r co t ardentemembe ask was heindepen m ERErs Ve m , ab ck o er dbroker to ha rge w Verg ing e 1956 ve ill b e fo Th d me solu f an al. heen since th e HST h r ." nd te imac e o ING Ve e h on p to Spill ly ono INCLUD r po on e Canal Flats sho ur, 7856 pa eratin rge win ou N NO. y from ou TRATIO for st REGIS cke " Ve Page A14 mbia Valle Did you ckey contest? r NS MAIL naINCLUDING 2 g the Colu CATIO Yo d rg PUBLI Serving te 0 HST in ho A14 wh e sa s yo d o years the uth on page ere en uth id pporter ve , a vall Soc Find out VPUBL Inverm NS MAILr the . nd ergICATIOin e ie Deer su e hoof REGIS y After 20 Night in in 7856y for ty h an e st nee $3TRATI 50 ON NO. on th e A4 th a years, BC Hockey ho d fa arte d in ,000 at ti roug s be Pag Liberals m d approve ld e h to th m n ly yea s a ily the e controver fa e th the r, the num info cha Colu milie has d e sial ski mb o resort ity ir an most ber rmall rity ANDRE ia s a o A KLA sch also nual kno f ch y in with Vall nd SSEN editor@in ey ari vermereva g g fr w o lleyecho.c V ol e ives olf to n o ty 199 ien . om the erge ach out urn f wh even 3, a ds The long ic another -debated Jum a te Rela has year. a bu ame h w ts ea nd bo step clos o c rsa nt. governm he enag y du a part er to real Glacier Resort Th uld b h ry ent ann e ity, afte sa is e e ic a ter dev e oun to r. it th ys t th cha r the ced its elopmen losi ular th No t agreeme approval of B.C. sial ski e h re ng co a mas reso "I se at h w fi nt for the igh Minister rt March 20. controv thro had days. e ha tted part nnec erof Fore rdly wit Resourc tio o sts, Lan thin ugh som e ds and eve h a p f his n to Kootena Operations Natu am k o the e tr Stev y n th rost leg announ East MLA Bill e Thomson ral pu f it tim ials ink he as cement tee ," e together Bennett mad and acterize s a sis, d e the in Victoria frie Verg s, bu and b sary step the decision o t , and cha nd e sa yo trib ut as for the s th governm a tough but nec ru "I mad u The e esat id. "I don latio the rele this decision ent. annu liv van after revi e h hav 't rea ns file as well t, extensive al W docume ewing all of ere e o lly ju as visit inde ntat both fi st an the rst nati ing the site and ion on this rmer d y r ab do w ons and Thoms meeting e Ea on. the prop Canal Flats ou b le to ha with fering view "I respect that one ster mayor Ute ut there hav nt," said Juras celeb s on this yo do e t you Egg of this e rates proj bee u A exte an $800,000 n difect, but Hun s fo do xac can decision nsive review afte grant for ... tw r th the tly it was time r 20 years ." the villag as e Bennett e R be wha you m to mak M arena as wel ea r than ela st y t y l-at and the , a long time bette ww axWe Kootenay East MLA Bill sup rs and ou ight o tend O er BCplaye y port w Libe PHOT u Benn , ll red .m areaa,hund of the ral CHO ett looks Ve R EL/E MLA clos ed said he than rge can." did b not b STEVE JESS 926 axwel ealty est to the project this hoped ANDREA on. rmere. More commun the dec efo e KLAS sa Jum Lake Winde lr t ities In year on SEN/ bo ision wou 7 A ealt rway divided Miller spen ys ECHO PHOT ANDRE ve re, tan "It's divi got unde , as ld allow it's O A KLA ded Bentley, by the officially keepe mere. Toll Ph: 25venue, yinve rme to issu SSEN editor@in ed it over kids Jason our pionships players to Inver to how com he t to h im and hea re rm ing Cham mun Fr vermereva munities ey l. hing me . We learn itiesuse, lp ee 0-34 Inve po Kitcmen er of al a Pond Hock lleyecho.c and we tedready for ing ony to welco the day wan erent t and r1-88 1-60 rmer Regional h of om week as around the :prov "Be s bri ve ev l ag l and a dec I leve can't flood from wantEastern a brief opening cerem about diff oat muc r, ision B.C. for than ice part 44 learn e auge the 8ince hav es When the to tugb ab ing ng th ents oor ing with an k my frien plow governof a 34 this lifes gram to ary 3, as outd y night with took the field hunting to s courage led Canal Flat a snowd Stev he ing holethe promote $30 million 1-60 Friday, Febru kicked off Frida for the pan. stu e c out into lik try skie enough ghost medaces pro-44 , drivingto mak s arena drilltold hea Acc to th hockey on win coun which in ia. , s for from o e lthy ordi e ter c age , surf this "The slab ope event ng lifestyle Thered in hockey jobs decision an k in mm the an aver master g a bit of cros perfect nightin the three-day efi clea s. is players 2013, skaters ns Bill Bennett to Kootenay ," It was a develop kind of yw eld rt, goes the term driving. even layin East MLA already on 40 years old now and of may find up to six a c unit se, b took part , who met is it's ment lesso N n of the rly sma Miller and s idea SSE to hu and borr 25 teams villa a agre extr e , icula they nt with mem KLA conimp just hav "Th owed time y is ha y to eca ge cou ement r sort can. m orta have day Da,nandso it's A long a weeks to hit the auge lays out 's not part t things," t ditio e fros ns und bers k track nt fo be dev ANDREA moselop , the Can ncil and aren hand iner which a c ir or geth use guy, who tries differen during a brea erme "I've bee t heave," he iel we Miller's 2 the aren -awaited upg the ice. a your ed staff oor al r tr put and e ia the 5 said editor@inv the Flat h Z to- we'v n here la outd reallows "Don't to com off and to local med all bein er. it eats a laugh. largest for nd 0-3. urgil propone thanks a is now goin rade of any largest single s grant is like e d wo en en on today was big pond day? ," he said with world's years42and ge to an $800 paymen gd ly sinc had issues with 10man . commun g ahead, fficial) the small scre TV explaine g. "The thing S TO nts a g rld hole INUE for (uno -1 n t Rec e e e @ give ice et then ,000 ity in B.C Th the cy reation e you Y CONT n to 6 "Certain in isCommun ,a A3 will hit in filmin STOR y Plan to mak STOR beding Program . like this . The lifespan buil learn how d's ON PAGE to the nd rlink 12 ou skate track Channel's Dail ths, after the out and learn STO ITIVEY' CONT is 30 year grant dole ity size, it's ly for a com INUES TO worl of a floor ent and village 'REZ 'POSONIN y the r nam k mun .b S mon an over Afte s." hug this tour RY d edly Mar co G' ON PAGE ing governm ity of this out ey r that, Disc e," he add week by alleg 'HA with 25 tt W y ti TRA Arena the com they ent. A2 ay, hock tain what is the B.C ed. edded dation, NSE CONTI 0-3 all show in me VIS The gran . er, says manager Mat insulate 'll repair the foun for Emb rmere Thursd main ers Brad rink." sc N tain N ing crew t a ot is 4 U thie sho the buil WH ' ON ES one of 98 ther yo st skat y main film in Inve t@sc 2-5 ce ding (wh cash. Firs e's plenty to u Fourni- earl uld allow ice ITE going to uc stopped et large ed by Whitewa PAG TO ottw 30 to go in ich Miller do with comt off is ier and Join Daily Plan an 2. E thre on whi al 9 the repl ing e wee come out A3 ch is well lace acin head February d, which runs do G Miller .ca three wee ks past the g the floor, or Embedde day, features 25 lenn ks end of see its glen 0-2 Pome every Tues STORY CONT npom 70-0 roy INUES TO MaxWell 'LOTTERY er Realty Inve oy@ 666 ' ON PAGE www.max A9 Geoff Hill 0 shaw rmere son wellrealty -760 B Thom inver .c -341 e 926 - 7 Aven a Leslie 25 rnie 4 250 ie Ravenue, Inver -342-599 connect@geof mere BernPh: brav 0-34 Rav 5 250 250eroy Toll -342 341-741 6044 msonrealtor@g en@ 2-7 en Free: 1-88 Glenn Pom-0666 250 Daniel Zurg leslietho rlink.b8-34 cybe 4 sh 1-6044 Ed Engli braven@cybe 250-342 ilgen rlink 15 -1194 ek Scott Wall Jan Klim .bc. Lesl landman@c -1612 250-342 glennpomero 250-342 ace ce -1195 ca yberlink.bc Glenn Pom Scott Walla 9 250-342 edenglish@s .ca rmere lesli 250 ie Th scott@scottw -5309 -530 ilgen ek@sh om 250-270 eroy etho -3 Realty Inve Daniel Zurg-1612 250-342 janklim Bernie Rave MaxWell mso 42-5 son glennpome -0666 wellr n scott@scottw 250 nrea mere roy@s -342 www.max Inver Leslie Thom ue, ltor@ 994 landman@cyb braven@cy -7415 926 - 7 Aven 41-6044 son 250 berlink.bc.c gm Ph: 250-3 -341-6044 Geoff Hill ail.c a lesliethomso-342-5994 G 1-888 om 250 eoff 250-341 nrealtor@gm Toll Free: conn -34 Hill connect@ge -7600 ect@ 1-7 geof 600 fhill .ca valleyech invermere
23, May
L REAL ber brok MAXWELpendent mem An inde
21 Issue Vol. 56
$ 1 1 5
MA An XWEL ind epen L REAL dent TY IN me VERM mb er br ERE oker
een since ce
Parks Ca nada iss ues wildlife ale rt Page A10
Mudslid devastatee residents s
Bernie Ra ven
July 25, 2012
Filming gets unde rw for RT Ricay e Page A12
Vol. 56 Issue
$ 15
teamrave Ser ving you in aspects of real all estate.
braven@cybe -74 15 rlink.bc.c 926 - 7th a Aven
ue, Inver
Vol. 56 Issue
NO. 7856
MAXWELL REALTY INVERME An independ RE ent member broker
1-866-59 .CA TEAMRAVEN
, November Wednesday
NO. 7856
Raring to go
ry Elementa JA Laird ed' with art 'infus Page A15
14, 2012
cusses logist dis Wildlife bior count strategy dee Page A3
ama, Offices in Panor & Fairmont Invermere
nt Member
ber We remem
Year in Review left by leaves neig Fairmont mudslide hbourhood s in shamb les
l Flats to
785 NO.
from Cana
Eg g
Residents on Hot Sprin Springs gs Road are still in Fairm reeling mud that came throu from a second ont Hot days after torrent of gh their a neighbour on July 15. mudslide tore throu hood just gh the com “When I munity got here on coming around our Tuesday [July 17], wate house, just r was a raging torrent of CONTINUES TO 'COLLAPSE D' ON PAGE A2
. 78
hu nt
Moratoriu lifted on mm to be arinas
District see kin zoning plan g public input on lake to guide dev elopme E EC ntHO STEVE IGG/TH JES -
SEL Col E TR reporter1@i NICOL on for the nvermereva OTO BY parati PHlleyec in pre A four-year herbs mora andtoriu Windermeplants of re is coming m on new marinas upco on to an ming number ted alic page A2.round of informatiend in August, andLake ings is an on have pot n tohear y who l story, turregulate any aiming to create a sessions and pubnit set future deve commu For the ful “The ration lopments. of guidelines to . of the ale behin d the [mor mbers ay (May 26) atorium] urd and me .” was tolife oallow dents ouse on Sat t prHobbi CONTINUES ouAddie ty of e by stu enh ns and Conno TO quali' ON drawn- nk e 'LAKE ley their work don at the gre A3 “si Appreciation Day celebrr Laskoski were just nce th h a long,PAGE uld off the es place two of ha ations. For ws co ll en throug more photo a number of participants dy sho e that tak at wi at they s from last PHOTO BY during the Sal list to Ally Can weekend's STEVE JESSE soapbox car and th d gone oject th Summerlude their inator rts Swap and races during L/THE ECHO , including s joy e club ha on a pr co-ord the 25th annive down tion projSta bullriding and Th rsarie cation wed rsary ca ciding bu ds and Pynestock, edu was tifi d rro de e e See th an see page A14. Valof b na beau and it enhous Garden parks summer, is cess into.” the clu ssroads project, nity gre kies' annual th letic is ar, , th mu th cro ath ye m tee e ion ng Com the Roc m A2 iss MaxWrly last . Th short-ter Starti PAGE men www. es, fro ing m Ea ell Realt y Inver ojects lege of the mere l pr jectiv ion days. fundrais rk for Kins RK' ON maxwfiellrea a as na ob 'PA ltyinv a iat TO ed y for tw-o7 Avenu 926 lecermer focus r apprec ain be on a spray pa mmunit INUES s e,seInverm wa CONT t ito ere co — Ph: ag ec e 250-3 vis ct Daniel Zurgi id Toll Free: 1-88841-6044 for to b will once new proje king to th -341-6044 on,” sa 250-342- lgen e list loo clu eir Scott Walla focus e try ll be for th landman@cyb 1612 on th 250-342- ce Glenn Pome as we omas. “W entime — and wi 5309 nt are ll Th scott@scottw h is next ere 250-270- roy Bernie Raven Beac lp. differe rri-Anne munity wi park glennpomero 0666 250-342he lot of m Chris Raven 7415 little ry has a director, Ke the co water b of Inverm braven@cybe 250-409Geoff Hill New 9323 “Rota munity at we think chrisraven09@g Clu 250-341th ry com 7600 cts b at oje clu connect@geo Rot t in pr ughEL l com n thro y- to pu Hil ho. SS ow nit kn Geoff 7600 alleyec E JE mmu wellSTEV @invermerev 341- ere is many co 0son rm er1 25 eof Thom of Inve hand in report Leslie 2-5994 om connect@g y Club having a tar 34 250- realtor@gmail.c The Ro valley for Raven e Bernie 2-7415 omson leslieth out th 34 roy 250- Pome @cy Glenn 0-0666 braven 27 ce 250- Walla om Scott 2-5309 glennp 34 a n 0ce.c lge 25 alla ttw l Zurgi Danie 2-1612 a scott@sco ere 34 250- cyberlink.bc.c y an@ rm ell Realt landm MaxW ellrealtyinveermere axw Inv www.m - 7 Avenue, 1-6044 926 : 250-34 44 341-60 Ph 881-8 e: Toll Fre
parkto fund in his name to Street led DOI terstaff a w r help valley residents estimate gin fo the pipe had to be g n i seeking education drais or been leaking 12 litres Funlevel. training at any per second for possi-
Hot pools protest A union-based fight-back committee began forming to protest the federal government's decision to privatize the hot pools in the Canadian Rockies Mountain Parks, including the Radium Hot Springs pools. According to Mountain National Parks executive director, the government would be issuing a detailed request for proposals in early 2013 to ensure the most qualified bidder for the job. Library unionizes The five workers at the Invermere Public Library joined the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), a move they said stands to benefit their volunteer board as well as themselves.They chose CUPE because it already represents personnel at more than 20 libraries across B.C. Decade-long leak The discovery of an undocumented and uncapped T-junction in a water pipe at 12th Avenue and 13th
bly decades.
brance Day at the Remem
November on Sunday, Invermere ceremony in
11. For more
images from
rd, this forwa to move ing, after a challenge a hell of told the meet “It’s been ,” Hamilton the first ed my skills willing group. vened for bringing a it’s push g Savage to the process of when it recon ss of designing n things introducin tation is the is called for “whe r 5) night e the proce for backcountry eby facili (Novembe ation Wher st to reviv plan medi Augu nt her, of time since gement manageme people toget explained. high level al access access mana Valley. d moderator run amok,” he d recreation addresses cess recreation Columbia brook-base nt-sanctione gement guru areas in the process is Cran New strategy agement plan pro ON PAGE A11 Governme ict mana replacTO 'COLUMBIA' man New to the a renowned confl nt Ltd. — CONTINUES e— conflict in e Manageme headed up Dan Savag dent of SavagHamilton who has and presi is TRIGG tator Denn 13 months. NICOLE ing facili last erevalleyech s Coalition the process for the Acces editor@inverm ay y Recreation rd on Mond bia Valle forwa The Colum a hesitant step took (CVRAC)
"I wouldn't want venture down that path," said DOI CAO Chris Prosser when asked what financial impact the leak may have had. School of Nature Fairmont Hot Springs World
BC Rockies School your of Nature, Call us for inga program tow heavy duty 1-5711 that will allow250-34local schools to utilize the resort during the off season and teach outdoor living skills to students. : We also offer Locksmith • deck service • Towing • Flat • Off road recovery very cars • Boat reco ling of scrap • free recyc
Serving the
ey and area Columbia Vall Invermere, B.C
Our commitment is to ‘Service Above Self’ The Club meets at 7 a.m. every Wednesday at Higher Ground. Since 2003, the Radium Rotarians have: 1) Built Rotary Park at the junction where Highway 93 meets Highway 93/95, 2) Provided funds for the construction of one of the bridges on the Sinclair Creek trail system 3) Sponsored student exchanges between local high school students and those of other countries such as Brazil and Japan 4) Provided bursaries for graduating students. 5) Partially funded the lovely lights and trees that decorate the main streets of Radium each Christmas time 6) cleaned Radium’s mile-long hill of debris twice a year with local Rotarians and friends 7) Raised funds to support an internationally project to eradicate polio worldwide 8) Helped support an orphanage in Honduras.
Radium Hot Springs Sunrise Rotary Club
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Radium Hot Springs Sunrise Rotary Club
STEVE JESSEL/ECHO PHOTO Twenty or so runners participated in the first annual Movember Mile on November 25. The group ran four laps around the David Thompson Secondary School track and raised $250 for Movember, the moustache-growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health issues.
the ceremony,
or h moderat sume wit re s lk ta y to Resort opened the tr Backcoun rth lays a wreath n Jim Ashwo War II vetera
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 The Valley Echo
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