Lake Country Calendar, January 02, 2013

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Calendar Lake Country


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January 2, 2013



Lake Country’s mayor looks to growth in coming year KEVIN PARNELL STAFF REPORTER

Large donations are helping fuel a fundraising drive by the Lake Country Foodbank to find a new building to house its operations and feed those in need of help. ...............................


The RCMP are warning the public to be on the lookout for scam artists plying what police are calling a “hard luck” hoax to try to part you from your money. ...............................


Local MLA Norm Letnick is urging British Columbians to buy local this year. ...............................


Flyers ■ JYSK ■ Staples ■ Budget Blinds


■ Home Depot

Lake Country’s longest serving politician says the district laid significant groundwork over the last year as it looks to continue a path of growth and become an important economic region in the Okanagan Valley. Lake Country mayor James Baker, 71, says the district is well poised to move forward over the next several years after a time of streamlining within the district’s staffing and infrastructure over the last twelve months. “We did a systems review of our procedures and did some re-organzing in different departments so we can provide more efficiency within the district,” said Baker, who is in his seventh year as Lake Country mayor and 25th year as a politician in Lake Country. “We’re laying the groundwork to get things moving better. It was a good year and we got lots done.” Among several initiatives brought forward by the current council was work done to improve transportation and safety for pedestrians as well as the approval of a new water master plan, which will provide infrastructure upgrades and safe and clean drinking water to all residents of Lake Country. “The Lodge Road upgrade was a major item on the agenda,” said Baker, of the new sidewalks, improved traffic flow and lighting along

the Lake Country road. “We still want to be able to get more safe pedestrian areas around our major roads, especially where students are walking.” Late in 2012, Lake Country council approved a tax increase to bring in a new water master plan which laid out the groundwork for some major improvements to the outdated water system in Lake Country.



The water master plan was adopted by council and will eventually see improved water quality as well as a universal metreing system so people who use the most water, pay the most. Baker says the new plan is affordable for tax payers in the district. “We think it’s a manageable plan,” he said. “Being able to budget it over 20 years we think it’s not a huge hit on people. There are a lot of upgrades that we needed to make and we need to spend the money to do it. “ Also underway in Lake Country is the major highway project that will change the winding Highway 97 along Wood Lake and move


LAKE COUNTRY MAYOR James Baker says 2012 was a good year for the district with a new water master plan as well as other projects underway.

it to a major four-lane highway passing through the hills above the lake. Baker said it won’t dramatically change the

flow of traffic through Lake Country as the new highway will join with the old road as it enters Winfield.

But, he adds, the district must decide what it wants to do with the old Highway 97, which council named Pelme-


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wash Parkway near the end of last year.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


news t MLA’s report

Buying local is the best deal for British Columbians as we head into 2013


ith the holiday season upon us, I’d like to encourage all British Columbians to celebrate and support

our province by buying local products. Whether you’re choosing gifts or purchasing ingredients for holiday baking or your

holiday meals, please celebrate with B.C. foods. As Canada’s most diverse agricultural province, B.C. is a locavore’s

Congratulations to the Winners of the Lake Country Calendar’s 2013 Calendar Photo Contest


endar 13 Month Cal

the Compliments of

Calendar y Lake Countr

Proudly Serving

m www.lakecoun

Photo by Geri Helmer

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Nina Armitage Roger Bizzotto Jean Chaplin Geri Helmer Arlene Large Sarah Maryschuk Jim Moody Alyson Powers Richard Suarez Blondelle Yax

Each winner will receive a $10 gift card from the Lake Country Coffee House. Please continue to take more pictures of beautiful Lake Country throughout the year for next year’s 2014 calendar contest!

Calendar Lake Countr y

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

dream. Fresh produce, including apples, potatoes, squash, turnips and vegetables, are all available for the holiday table along with local meats, seafood and eggs. B.C. also produces a huge range of value-added foods including cereals, crackers, jams, honey, juices, dairy products and much more. Agri-entrepreneurs continue to choose B.C. to achieve their goal of running a business, and their products offer British Columbians everything from artisan-crafted foods and gourmet cuisine to delicacies from around the world. Building the local market for B.C. foods is a key component of government’s plan to lead the agrifoods sector


Building the local market for B.c. foods is a key component of government’s plan to lead the agrifoods sector growth into a $14-Billion-ayear industry By 2017

growth into a $14-billion-a-year industry by 2017, and developing the local market for B.C. foods is part of it. The Vancouver Island region is renowned for its fish and seafood, and

MLA’s Report

Norm Letnick it alsto shows great diversity in both crops and livestock production. The crops for this area include forage, tree fruits, berries, grapes and vegetables, and island farms raise beef, dairy, hog, poultry and eggs, and lamb. B.C. agrifoods producers are encouraged to apply to our Buy Lo-

t MAyor

Main Street revitalization remains a priority Mayor froM A1 “It’s certainly going to improve the safety for the public traveling the highway,” said Baker. “There was another accident recently with a vehicle going into the lake. Four lanes over the top will help public safety butTipping it won’t make a big Fees impact on our community. They are still going to come through town.


We have to have the the addition of an ecoamenities to entice those nomic development people to stop.” manager to the district Since the district of will mean they can propwe are looking Lake Country incorporerly market the area to forward to ated in 1995, the popubusinesses looking to exlation of the area has pand in the Okanagan. accomplishing doubled to 12,000 from Other projects that rea lot more 6,000 residents, while tax main a priority are the and we will dollars coming into the revitilization of Main continue to try district have increased Street, which still feato about $85,000 from tures a few properties to do the things 3"x4" ad nov12:Hazardous Waste -newspaper ad-delete $20,000 during that that are for sale, as well as that make this time, according to Baker. increased transit routes a good place to The mayor also said around the district.


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• brush snow away by hand • don’t use a snowplow or blower near your meters • clear a path for the safety of our meter readers Never kick or hit the meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance. To learn more call 1-888-224-2710 or visit FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.2 12/2012)

cal program as successful applicants are already receiving funding to help market their products. The passion for local foods in B.C. has never been stronger and this program supports government’s clear commitment to build local demand and support for B.C. foods. You can be part of this commitment. This year, please make a conscious effort to buy local. Every dollar you spend in your community stays in the community and helps stimulate our economy. Your support for local business, farmers and agrifoods producers is a wonderful gift to give. Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLa for Kelowna -Lake Country and B.C.’s agriculture minister.

Flat fee for up to 250kg of garbage $10 (up from $8) **Note, up to 250 kg of yard waste will continue to be accepted free of charge** For more info visit or call 250.469.6250


James Baker Overall, Baker said 2012 was a productive year with bigger things to come in the future. “We are looking forward to accomplishing a lot more and we will continue to try to do the things that make this a good place to live,” he said.

Lake Country Calendar on line at: lakecountry

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 2, 2013 A3

news t fundraising

Donations rolling in for new Lake Country Foodbank building Thanks to the generosity of Lake Country residents, corporate and other donations, the fundraising goal for a new food bank building in Lake Country are progressing extremely well. The Rotary Club of Lake Country is spearheading the community effort to build a new, permanent home for the Lake Country Food Bank. The Central Okanagan Foundation recently announced its contribution of $12,000 towards the Food Bank Building Fund while contributions from the public are over $20,000. Rotarian and MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country, Norm Letnick personally contributed $10,000 to help kick off the project. The District of Lake Country

has dedicated land at the Recreational Complex on Bottom Wood Lake Road as the new site. “The land value and in-kind commitment of donated materials and labour mean that we are half way to reaching our goal,” said Monika Jatel of the Rotary Club of Lake Country. “With a little more help from the community, the Rotary Club of Lake Country is looking forward to building a permanent home for the Food Bank.” Currently the Lake Country Food Bank is staffed by volunteers and services over 500 clients each month. The current temporary location is a 100 year old school, formerly Winfield Elementary and it is too small for the current operation. The community is

now being encouraged to dig deep and help with the rest of the fundraising. Residents are asked to collect loose change and donate them at coin donation boxes that have been dispersed around the community. Coin donation boxes can be found at businesses throughout the community with Interior Savings Credit Union in Lake Country being the main collection point for this effort. Larger donations are being accepted with donations over $100 issued a charitable tax receipt If you would like to help with the project or make a donation, please contact the Lake Country Food Bank at 250766-0125 or Bob Rymerchuck at the Rotary Club of Lake Country at 250-766-1098.


Stephen anD nataLie Jung were among the many people who collected items for the Lake Country

Food Bank this year.

t art

New exhibition at Lake Country Art Gallery to feature Okanagan-based artists Okanagan-based contemporary artists will be among the featured exhibits as the Lake Country Art Gallery gets set to open up a new exhibition. The Lake Country Art Gallery is presenting Things I Bumped Into in The Dark - an exhibition of explorations in contemporary art, from Jan. 9 to Feb. 8. The exhibition will feature work from Okanagan based contemporary artists alongside work of artists from Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Newfoundland. The crafting of the exhibition, which includes everything from painting and drawing to instal-

lation and photo based work, began with curator Katie Brennan asking herself ‘what does my curatorial practice look like?’. Curation, the selection of what is or is not shown in a gallery, and the personal voice of its curators, when delivered right, takes the work in an exhibition and composes in such a way that emphasizes and activates particular aspects of each piece of art. While the selection of work is fairly diverse, there is a thread that runs throughout. “All of these artists are interested and engaged in artistic practices that allow room for surprises,

personal growth and discovery,” said Brennan. Among the works that have been assemble are the photo/painting work of Emily Geen, the highly graphic paper work of Kevin Spetifore, the sketching practice through to finished painting of David Alexander, the fantastical blanket fort installation of Julia Prudhomme, the large scale atmospheric painting of River Lewis and the ceremonial, sculptural masks of Carolina Sanchez de Bustamante. Brennan says the exhibition highlights an engagement with contemporary art and contemporary art issues,


All of these Artists Are interested And engAged in ArtistiC prACtiCes thAt Allow room for surprises, personAl growth And disCovery. Katie Brennan.

such as personal experience, memory, play, research, landscape, artistic traditions and abstraction, that Oka-

nagan-based artists have. Alongside these talented local artists, the Lake Country Art Gallery is pleased to also be showing the abstract paintings of Montreal-based artist Lesley Anderson, the mixed media, painterly collages of Newfoundland-based artist Danny Woodrow, photo vignettes based on walks taken in Nelson by Toronto-based artist Sandra Rechico and the site specific, photobased work of Vancouver-based artist Joey Dubuc and Vancouver / Kelowna-based artist Kristoff Steinruck. Things I Bumped Into in the Dark - an exhibition of explorations in

contemporary art opens on Wednesday Jan. 9th from 6 to 8 p.m. with many of the artists in attendance for the opening. On Saturday Jan. 12, River Lewis, Kevin Spetifore and Julia Prudhomme will be on hand for artist talks and a discussion about the challenges of maintaining a contemporary art practice in the Okanagan. On Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m, two practicing artists and students of UBC Okanagan, Kelsie Balehowsky and Lucas Glenn, will lead a discussion about medium. The discussion will focus on the relevance of medium/

discipline-based evaluation of art in art education, the market, and the art world. Artists and observers alike are invited to participate in the conversation. And on Saturday Feb. 2, UBC Okanagan Art History student Laura Wylie will present a talk on the art historical and contemporary connections that the work of the artists in The Things I Bumped Into in the Dark touch on, embrace and work in opposition to. All events and openings are free and open to the public. For more information contact the art gallery at 250-766-1299.

t crime

Police warning the public to be the lookout for the ‘hard luck’ hoax The hard-luck hoax has hit again say police. The localRCMP is warning the public about people who want to pilfer your petty cash. In the past week, the Kelowna RCMP have received a half dozen re-

ports of what it calls the “hard luck” hoax throughout the city. According to Const. Kris Clark, basically, a man approaches the potential victim and asks for money saying he is having car troubles and

needs a tow. Several descriptions have been provided but nothing to identify a potential suspect. The going rate for this ongoing hoax appears to be $40, which is enough to make a significant

dent in your pocket book, but not enough to make you overly reluctant to part with it, said Clark. The suspect often promises to pay back the cash but in the end the suspect simply snags

your money and runs. The suspect’s sole intent is to appeal to your inner desire to help and cleave you from your cash. Variations of the hardluck hoax have been seen throughout the year, but

feels particularly loathsome during this time of year when money can be tight. If you’re approached in a similar manner, don’t fall for the scam. Clark said scammers will continue to sell their

deceit as long as people are willing to buy it. For more information on frauds and other scams, go to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre online at

Lake Country Calendar - your community newspaper since 1951

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951

t Faith today

Finding meaning in the simplest of things I

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

sat at my computer, trying to think of something significant to say as our civilization lurches into another calendar year. That’s when the cat jumped up onto the keyboard. My screen frantically filled with nonsense letters: “qnksghgncdsjkngotpsnm;rthaNV,UiKvbG Z.H…” “Get off my keyboard,” I yelled at the cat. The cat stared at the jumbled characters splashing across the screen, swiped idly at the moving target with one paw, and then climbed off the keyboard into my lap. Obviously, I could not continue creating deathless prose. I leaned back in

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

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Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

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OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.

Proud member of

Canadian Community Newspapers Association

British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspapers Association

t natural gas

Fracas over fracking tiresome


hey’re well on the way to stopping the expansion of oil exports to Asia. Now will B.C.’s American branch-plant environmental machine turn on natural gas? A couple of weeks ago I described the dispute between the Haisla Nation and the rest of the Coastal First Nations group over the pioneering of liquefied natural gas development on Haisla territory at Kitimat. Powerful chiefs of the Heiltsuk, Gitga’at, Haida and others in the so-called Great Bear Rainforest oppose the idea of kicking off a new LNG export industry without extending the hydro grid to support renewable power for the region. LNG is shaping up as B.C.’s largest-ever industrial project, if it gets built. And there are signs the American-directed environmental attack is swinging to our gas boom. Some in the Canadian

BC Views

Tom Fletcher media insist no such U.S. influence exists, or that it is trivial and benign. They mock federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver’s description of “foreign radicals,” pretending this applies to everyone opposed to oil pipelines. There weren’t many reporters with me when I covered the negotiations for the Great Bear Rainforest in 2006. To the Vancouver media it was just a big forest deal up in the middle of nowhere. Along with B.C. cabinet minister Pat Bell, Coastal First Nations and forest companies,

the Sierra Club, ForestEthics and Greenpeace muscled their way to the table. How they did so became clear in early 2007. Behind these big three eco-propaganda groups was a $60 million war chest from an obscure outfit called Tides Canada. Another front group, as it turns out. The actual source of the money was the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, the Wilberforce Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Most made their billions in computers and software in San Francisco or Seattle. They’ve funded scientifically suspect campaigns such as “Yellowstone to Yukon” and “boreal forest” aimed at turning more than a third of Canada into parks. Increasingly, they are

partnering with aboriginal people in B.C. and across Canada. Some in B.C.’s major media have since grudgingly credited independent B.C. researcher Vivian Krause with filling in the blanks.


Hollywood is about to gas us witH an antifracking movie starring matt damon.

She has shown that starting in 2002, these foundations began formally organizing against Canadian fossil fuel production. When the B.C. and Canadian governments matched the $60 million Great Bear Rainforest fund for “ecosystem-based” forest management, they didn’t realize they were reinfor-

cing a blockade against oil exports. Tides and its backers have continued to fund and create new protest groups, which are quoted as they pop up by credulous B.C. media. Their argument against oil exports centres on the sexy but false premise that Alberta’s “tar sands” somehow uniquely threaten the global climate. Lately, as the size of B.C.’s gas development has become clearer, the protests have started to refocus. Now we hear dire claims about the decades-old technique of “fracking” in gas development, and previously obscure groups are springing up to protest gas projects. Hollywood is about to gas us with an anti-fracking movie starring Matt Damon. Previews suggest that Promised Land works the usual evil-greedy-capitalist themes, in the See FleTcher A5

T Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

my chair. The cat, an 18-pound orange tabby, stretched himself luxuriously up my chest and butted his head against my face. “Cat,” I mumbled, trying to spit orange hair out of my mouth, “what makes you think I have See Taylor A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 2, 2013 A5

opinion t Faithtoday

Sometimes leaving your mark can be achieved by just living your life taylor From A4 nothing better to do today than to pet you?” After all, I have commitments. Responsibilities. Deadlines to meet. Tasks to do. Like Robert Frost, “I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” Cat purred loudly, and rubbed some more hair into my lips. That’s when it occurred to me—maybe I really don’t have any-

thing better to do than to keep a cat happy and contented. When I was young, and full of piss and vinegar”(to borrow John Steinbeck’s famous phrase for vitality in Grapes of Wrath), I wanted to make a name for myself. I wanted to be known for changing the world. I had great dreams. Now that I am older, I realize that my opportunities to change the


Now that I am older, I realIze that my opportuNItIes to chaNge the world have probably passed.

world have probably passed. I don’t have the stamina I once had. I know I

have less than a quarter of my life ahead of me – maybe much less. I no longer have any ambition to prove myself through potentially risky adventures like crawling across Antarctica on my hands and knees. Or leaping out of sub-orbital satellites. Or running for political office. In her book Facing the Tiger, Shirley Endicott identified the social expectations that confront the children of pro-

fessional persons. Teachers’ kids, she suggested, are expected to be smart. Ministers’ kids, to be good. And missionaries’ kids, to be useful. I felt a bit overwhelmed. My parents belonged to all three professions. Shirley’s prescriptions felt like getting hit with a triple whammy. A verse from Leonard Cohen’s anthem Hallelujah surfaces:

I did my best but it wasn’t much; I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch. I told the truth; I didn’t come to fool ya’. An even though it all went wrong, I’ll stand before the Lord of Song With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah. Cohen writes as a musician, of course. But how, to borrow his image, does a wordsmith stand before the

There are health benefits in that glass of wine Dr. Emily Pratt contributor

Living in the Okanagan Valley, we are very fortunate to have a wide variety of wines to enjoy. And with the holiday season upon us, it is a great time to be with friends and family over a nice glass of Okanagan wine. Aside from the benefit of being with loved ones and laughing, wine also carries biochemical properties, which in moderation can benefit our health. For example, the ethanol in wine can increase your HDL “good’”cholesterol by up to 20 per cent, when consumed moderately and with a healthy lifestyle. Low to moderate intake of wine is also associated with lower mortality from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (stroke) as shown in a 30-year study of 15,000 people in Denmark. In this study, there was a 49 per cent decrease in total mortality among the moderate drink-

ers and a 30 per cent decrease among those with low consumption, compared with people who never drank wine In addition to the cardiovascular benefits, a recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine showed a correlation between low to moderate alcohol consumption and mental function in a population of 12,000 elderly women aged 70-81, when compared to nondrinkers. The researchers of this study found that a low to moderate alcohol or wine consumption both decreased the risk of cognitive decline by 23 per cent and increased overall mental functioning. This is partially due to the polyphenol antioxidants (including resveratrol) found in wine which prevent clots, prevent damage to blood vessels and prevent the excessive build up of oxidized fats (plaques) in the blood vessels. Resveratrol in red wine comes from the skin of grapes. Since red wine is fermented long-

Outside infulence not helpful for LNG in B.C. FlEtchEr From A4 Avatar tradition. ForestEthics, Sierra Club and Greenpeace, meanwhile, are campaigning against their original forest preservation deal on B.C.’s Central and North Coast. Sustainable development solutions aren’t good for their business model. If people think a problem is solved, they stop sending money.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is surging ahead with its own shale oil and gas boom. Plans are underway for LNG exports from the U.S. to Asia. I think 2013 would be a good year for Canada to start making its own decisions on energy development. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

er than is white wine, red wine contains more resveratrol. However, you do not need to drink wine to get resveratrol.


Simply eating grapes, or drinking grape juice may have some of the same heart-healthy benefits of red wine.

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Lord of Meaning? What does a husband, a father, a friend have on his tongue before the Lord of Relationships? How does an amateur woodworker, a hiker, a reluctant gardener, justify his existence to the Lord of Creation? Maybe it will suffice just to say, I took enough time to make a cat happy. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.

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Lake Country Calendar

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


news t snow

Keeping sidewalks safe during the winter is a property owner’s responsibility


y father lives down the street from me. A little unsteady on his feet, he makes the short walk to visit several times a week. His legs aren’t what they used to be; he was born in 1935. His house is in a culde-sac, which has become a virtual sheet of ice. The snow plow operators don’t give the small roundabout the same attention as the street. He has to make his way over that sheet of ice, and then across the street, to get to a sidewalk. The sidewalk isn’t much better. It’s excellent, down to the concrete, in front of some houses, but it’s safer to climb over the plow swath to the street in


Paul Hergott front of others whose owners have not been so diligent. We see the difference in homeowner diligence other times of the year as well. Some front yards are immaculate while others get rare attention. Some homeowners are so “anal” that they are out there with brooms, in the

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spring, sweeping up the sand and gravel before the street sweepers come around. Some people care more than others about the appearance of their yards and the sidewalks in front of them. Retired folks have more time on their hands than those of us workaholics who are at the office all the time. Some people care, but have physical disabilities that limit their ability to do the physical work involved. At a family Christmas gathering I brought up the subject of the responsibility of home owners to keep the sidewalks in front of their homes clear of ice and snow. Those I brought the subject up with seemed of the impression that it’s a matter of moral, not legal, responsibility. When I raised the prospect of a bylaw actually requiring home owners to keep sidewalks free of snow and ice, I

was met with the suggestion that it would be as ridiculous as having a bylaw requiring us to clear ice and snow from City Hall. We don’t own the sidewalks. How could their condition possibly be our legal responsibility? Ridiculous or not, believe it.Many municplaliteshave bylaws requiring it. The two bylaws are very similar, each requiring homeowners to remove accumulated snow or ice within 24 hours. Do the municipalities enforce the bylaws? Apparently not, at least not on my street. If they did, I would have been one of those issued a fine. It was just the other day, after much longer than 24 hours of snow and ice had accumulated on the sidewalk in front of my house, when I got it down to the cement. It took a comment from my father to clue me in to the danger-

ousness of the situation. As an able bodied fellow, I have no problem clambering over snow piles and sliding on slippery surfaces. The condition of our street didn’t


What Will it take to make our sideWalks safe? PerhaPs bylaW enforcement officers should be Patrolling our streets, issuing fines.

seem dangerous through my able-bodied eyes. It hadn’t occurred to me that I was contributing to a dangerous situation on my street for those like my father. Yes, I am embarrassed by that lack of insight. On researching this subject, I saw that the

municipalities did take steps to try to bring these bylaws to the attention of the public. Those steps were insufficient, though, at least for some of us. Will knowing about the bylaw cause us to rush out with our shovels to clear snow and ice within 24 hours of accumulation? Without diligent enforcement, I doubt it. What will it take to make our sidewalks safe? Perhaps bylaw enforcement officers should be patrolling our streets, issuing fines. By failing to do so, perhaps our municipalities are complicit in the dangerous state of our sidewalks. If us homeowners don’t like taking on the responsibility to keep public property in front of our homes safe, then we should encourage our municipalities to increase taxes so that they will have the financial resources to plow and sand our sidewalks like

they plow and sand our streets. I’ll leave you with the reality that with legal responsibility comes legal liability. If my father or another pedestrian slips, falls and hurts themselves on the sidewalk in front of your home because of your failure to keep it clear of ice and snow, expect to answer to the injured victim’s civil claim for fair compensation, a claim that is bound to be enforced by the court because of the bylaw. Of course, the same as with car crash claims, it will be your insurance company more likely to be dealing with the claim. Call your insurance company today to ensure your home insurance provides liability coverage for this kind of claim to a suitable level. Paul Hergott is a West Kelowna lawyer and a legal columnist for the Capital News.


Fruit growers to squeeze AGM into one day Judie SteeveS Capital News

Tight budgets at the senior government level are reflected in a reduced budget for the B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association, so its 124th annual general meeting has been cut to a single day event next month from the usual two days. However, that didn’t stop growers from pro-

posing resolutions calling for more financial support from both the provincial and federal governments, for activities such as safety net programs (which have been reduced), the provincial replant program and for a PST rebate program. In addition, growers are again requesting an overall lift to the provincial agriculture ministry budget, which they say


Wishes to announce her new practice of Registered Massage Therapy located within Essential Health Massage Therapy Clinic at 122–3121 Hill Rd. Lake Country, BC. Massage Therapy is the assessment of the body’s tissues and joints, and the treatment and prevention of dysfunction, injury, pain and physical disorders of the soft issues and joints.

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doesn’t match up with budgets in other provinces. Those resolutions will be discussed just prior to a presentation at 11:30 a.m. by provincial agriculture minister Norm Letnick at the convention, to be held in Penticton this year, on Saturday, Jan. 19. This year 19 delegates representing the South Okanagan/Similkameen, Okanagan-Skaha, Central Okanagan and North Okanagan regions will vote on a total of 28 resolutions as well as discussing a number of reports from industry organizations such as the Okanagan Tree Fruit Co-operative and the Okanagan Plant Improvement Corporation. A financial report and the budget for the coming year as well as the newest senior government program, Growing Forward Two, will also be the focus of presentations during the morning of the meeting. In the afternoon, members will discuss financial programs and labour issues, grower committees and the

Apple Research and Promotion Agency. Growers will also hold their annual elections. Although they could vote to open nominations from the floor, at present, the vice-president elected last year, Jeet Dukhia, of Vernon, is president due to the resignation of Kirpal Boparai, the Kelowna grower who was elected president last year. Dukhia has been nominated for the position of president, as has Kelowna grower Fred Steele, a former vice-president of the BCFGA. Dukhia has also been nominated for vice-president, along with former BCFGA president Joe Sardinha. For the southern district position, Peter Simonsen, of Naramata, has been nominated, while for the northern district, Amarjit Lalli, of Kelowna has been nominated, along with newcomer Asif Mohammed, of Vernon. To represent the four regions, Nirmal Dhaliwal, of Oliver, Denise MacDonald, of Summerland, and Madeleine van Roechoudt, of

Lake Country, have been nominated, while Sukhpaul Bal and Jora Dhaliwal, both of Kelowna, will contest the Central Okanagan position. All are incumbents except Bal. Resolutions proposed by the different regions indicate growers are of several minds regarding the Sterile Insect Release program, with one resolution calling for the program to be stopped, while another calls for its expansion and still another for its support as it is. Another resolution calls for a reversal of the federal government’s cutback of research programs in such facilities as the Pacific Agrifood Research Centre in Summerland, where new varieties are developed and research in plant pathology has been going on for decades. A code of conduct for the executive was proposed by the Okanagan-Skaha regional council in order to develop competent future leaders for the organization, which has undergone some turbulence this year.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 2, 2013 A7

news t review

Lessons learned about post-secondary education in 2012


t’s that time of year again to look back and reflect on what I learned in 2012. One thing that I knew – sort of – but was really brought home this year is that our skilled labour shortage isn’t just a Canadian phenomena. Countries all over the world are experiencing similar issues where they can’t get their citizens to consider careers in trades or those that require some technical training. Where we have too many young adults choosing a university education over trades certification, many of these countries have too many people living in poverty that don’t have the reading and writing skills to even consider


Jane Muskens any training. What is also interesting, on a global perspective, is the push in many second and third world countries to get their female population into meaningful employment that provides a wage to help families move beyond the poverty level. Another thing I learn-

ed this year is you can’t force people into industries even if there is good money to be made. Mining in Canada and in the rest of the world has a terrible time attracting workers, even though they pay higher-than-average wages and offer many benefits. Most young people don’t seem too interested in this sector and often see the work as grueling, dirty, dark and isolated. Mining needs a good PR firm to get the word out that not all mining work is miserable. Along with this is there doesn’t seem to be much desire by young adults to work outside of big city Canada. I have yet to hear one person under 25 years

of age tell me their goal is to work in a camp in Fort McMurray. Only after they experience a mortgage and having a family to support, do you actually hear someone tell you they are willing to move to find work. Another thing I learned is that Canada is starting to become more attractive to international students as a place to study. On a global level Canada has about six per cent of the market, which is about two per cent higher than a year ago. Students are choosing Canada because we are seen as a safe country with stable government. On the other hand Canadian students are reluctant to travel abroad

for their education. Most universities and colleges offer students exchange programs to study away for credit for up to one


Another thing i leArned this yeAr is you cAn’t force people into industries even if there is good money to be mAde.

year, yet most Canadian students do not take this opportunity. Many more Australian, European and American students enroll in exchange pro-

grams than do Canadian students. And finally, even though I knew this, this year made me realize that if you are considering going back to school and embark on a new career, it’s really in your best interest to research exactly what you are getting into. Before you invest in tuition fees and leave your current employer, make sure you are studying for something that has a good employment outlook. There are many jobs that are in demand and you need to find out just what ones they are. For example, I was surprised this year to find out there is a huge demand for drivers. This

includes bus drivers and truck drivers - in fact any kind of driver associated with bringing either people or equipment into areas such as northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Along with drivers the need for human resource specialists is also growing. More companies are relying on these types of firms or employees to find them the right people. For 2013 I suspect we will continue to have a shortage of skilled trades workers and those who complete technical training. Both these are good avenues for employment if anyone is considering a career change. Jane Muskens is the registrar at Okanagan College.

t fitness

The benefits of working with a personal trainer can be tremendous BoBBi Kittle contributor

New Year’s resolutions are around the corner. And hiring a trainer can provide certain benefits that you can’t find when working out on your own. Here are some reasons a personal trainer may be right for you. Motivation. One of the main reasons people benefit from a personal trainer is that they loss motivation to stick with a consistent exercise program. Personal trainers can provide structure and accountability, and help you develop a lifestyle that encourages health. Individualized program. If you have any

chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals a trainer will work with you and your health care provider to plan a safe, efficient program that considers these needs and enable you to reach your health goals. Efficiency. Personal trainers help you focus on results and stop wasting your time doing inefficient workouts. A personal trainer has a plan and will help you get maximum results in minimum time. You are new to exercise. If you are a beginner, a personal trainer is the ultimate fitness coach. A good trainer will introduce you to a very simple, effective routine and build ef-

ficiently so before you know it, you have the confidence and knowledge to decide what is right for you. Break through plateaus. If you are stuck in the same routine and want to break out of a rut, a personal trainer is the perfect solution. A trainer will jump start, not only your motivation, but your routine as well. Workout safely. A personal trainer watches your form, monitors your vitals and can provide objective feedback about your limits and strengths. Most of us tend to ignore some of the subtle

signals our body prothe number one reavides. We either push son people hire personal through pain or give up trainers is to lose weight too soon. Because a perand get into shape— sonal trainer can watch it works. If you made a what you are doing while resolution to lose the fat you are doing it, they can and build the muscle, a help push you or slow trainer can keep you on you down as necessary. track and help you realWorkout at ize that goal. home. Many personal Before you hire a pertrainers make house calls. sonal trainer, ask the folIf you don’t have the type lowing questions: or interest in going to What are their qualia gym, but have a hard fications and certificatime knowing what to tion? A qualified perdo on your own at home, a personal trainer can bring fitness into your living room. Lose Weight.There Tree Chipping is a good reason that December 26 - January 31

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Hello there... my name is Licorice. I was a stray hanging out in a neighborhood living in people’s backyards. I am a very affectionate, quiet cat who is looking for a forever place to shower my love upon people. I can be a little shy with loud environments so I would prefer a stable home. I would be a wonderful cat for anyone who has time to love me. Please ask staff for an introduction. I cannot wait to meet you!


services, costs, cancellations, length of contract, and emergency procedures. They should also require a medical clearance form to be completed before they work with you. Finally, you should feel comfortable with the trainer, his or her style of communication and the expectations of your time together. Bobbi Kittle is a seniors fitness specialist.

Christmas Free Drop-off Locations:

Christmas Christmas Tree Chipping Christmas Christmas Tree Chipping Tree Tree Chipping Chipping

Lake Country Panorama Veterinary Jack Seaton Park, 1950 Camp Road, parking lot Services Ltd.

Small Animal Hospital & Full Service Equine

Kelowna Shelter

sonal trainer has an education in physiology, health promotion, athletic training, kiniesiology or a similar field. They should have first aide and CPR certification as well. Do they have liability insurance? The answer should be yes What are their policies and procedures? A personal trainer should have a documented policy explaining their

• Complete Surgical & Medical Services • Ultrasound • Endoscopy • Radiology • Dentistry • Acupuncture • Chiropractics • Laboratory • Herbal Medicine

Please remove all decorations, tinsel and bags used for transporting the tree. For more info, call the Waste Reduction Office (250) 469-6250.

Open Wednesday evenings til 8pm Open Saturdays 9am-Noon

Dr. Susan Wales DVM • Veterinary Acupuncture IVAS 1996 • Veterinary Chiropractic AVAC 1997

Dr. Jessica Wales DVM Dr. Alex Wales DVM

Winfield Centre Plaza (beside Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza)

#21-10051 Hwy. 97N

250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099

December 26 - January 31 Christmas December 26 - January 31 Tree Chipping December 26 - January 31 Tree Chipping 26 - January 31 December Free Drop-off Locations: December 2631- January 31 December 26 - January

Free Drop-off Locations: Free Drop-off Free Country Drop-off Locations: Locations: Lake Free Drop-off Locations: Lake Country Lake Country Jack Seaton Park, 1950 Camp Jack Seaton Park, 1950 Camp Lake Country Road, parking lot Lake Country Jack Seaton Park, Camp Road, parking lot 1950 Lake Country Jack Seaton Park, 1950 Camp Jack Seaton Park, 1950 Camp Road, parking lot Please remove allSeaton decorations, tinselPark, and bags used for transporting the tree. Jack 1950 Camp Road, parking lot For more info, call the Waste Reduction Office (250) 469-6250. Road, parking lot Free Drop-off Locations:

35. Fastening device

Wednesday, January 2, Lake Country CalendarL 36.2013 Beseech


COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•LAKE COUNTRY LIONS CLUB/THE DREAMLAND BAND 2nd Annual Pasta and Blues Nite Feb. 2 at Winfield Hall. For tickets & info call John at 250 717 7615 (Xmas gift or stocking stuffer). •THE LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAKE COUNTRY THRIFT STORE hours of operation: Mon.Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAVERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/VENTURERS REGISTRATION/ AGM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP Winfield United Church Thrift Shop will be closed from Dec. 23 to Jan. 8. We would appreciate no drop-offs during that time as no one will be there to receive and sort them. A very Merry Christmas to all our patrons. •LAKE COUNTRY BUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 www. •CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •TO ALL WINFIELD CRIB PLAYERS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/ associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit

All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

38. Floor covering 39. Forehead 40. Accomplish again 41. Cake decorator 42. Advance 43. Storm 44. Stuffed shirt 46. Sticky material antly from the middle of roofing preneur are the fastest47. inHot temper the age spectrum but, growing segment of


Changing face of the entrepreneurial world


omorrow’s successful entrepreneurs will be far more reliant on technology than their current counterparts. They will be more connected in a mobile world; market to customers in ways only imagined to-day and blur the lines between the virACROSS tual and physical worlds Specialist as the1.hype surrounding 4. technology Terminates beto-day’s Performance comes,8.dear readers – to12. Cut off morrow’s reality. 13. Chess piece A study produced in 14. Melody 2007 in the U.S. real15. Meal starter ly made me sit up and 16. Dwelling take notice of the how tech18. Fixes cost of nology20.will propel and Bothered transform the entrepre21. Rabid neurial22.and smallstation busiMilitary ness sector in our world. 24. Raring to go It will, it appears, offer 26. Confronts boldly us three milestones 30. key Sibling 31. Hasten to embrace: its changing 32.a dramatic Passing grade facade, rise of personal business and a dramatic emergence of entrepreneurship education.

stead from the edges. small business ownership today. People nearing retireTime will tell on this ment and their own chilpoint but I have dedren just entering the veloped an understandjob market will become the most entrepreneurial ing of how this thought can occur. generation ever. For example, immiEntrepreneurship will Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press reflect an upswing in the grants are increasingly turning to entrepreneurnumber of females en33. Small ax and Faith 3. Cheerytering one the field. The soship to steer around tradLife 36. Witch's concoction 4. Provedcalled humanglass ceiling that itional barriers of entry Joel 37. Radio buffsYoung 5. Negative has limited women’s cor- to the workplace. responses 38. Neckline shape Although they bring porate career paths will Juan more women to the 39. French edibles Entrepreneurs in6.theTwo, tosend education, ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. Stogies decade will be 7. far Patrol or al experience and a desmall business sector. instructor 45. Wedding bash more diverse than their veloped network to their I found this projec8. Hi-fi 48. ____ overboard! predecessors in age,9.ori-Large lump adopted Canadian landtion quite informative 49. Poetic tributes gin and gender. 10. A singleastime scape, often their profesI am currently inter50. Land force These shifts in ownersional assets do not alacting with three immi11. Gardener's 51. Freudian topic will create new un-nemesisgrant entrepreneurs who ways translate into value 52.ship Eroded opportun-17. Part ofare across cultural boundDJ becoming residents 53.foreseen Film spool for many, and will aries. in the Okanagan. 19. Unscrupulous 54.ities Society gal change the face of our fellow The projection offers However, immigrant nation and even the22. Lures that immigrant entreentrepreneurs frequently DOWN 23. Certainpreneurs pilot 1. global Plunk economy as we have contacts in their nawill help drive 24. Volcanic dust wave of globaliz2. know Lion'sitcry to-day. tive countries as well as a new A new breed of entre- ation as there are those Canada. preneur will emerge. thought-providers that Entrepreneurs will no believe that this new catlonger come predominSee Young A9 egory of Canadian entre-

PUZZLE NO. 647 23. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 37. 39. 40. 44. 45.

Gambler's place Subside Defect Voted into office Morning beverage Ease "____ Street" Voyage Augusta's locale Depleted Tut's place Staffer Dent Small explosion

Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


1. 5. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. 27.

Freight barge Vagrant Important time Pulled apart Baking chamber Smoked salmon Newspaper notice Husband or wife Jar lid Raw mineral deposit Hair goo Long scarf Ballerina Wicked Sculpture At liberty

28. 30. 32. 35. 36. 38. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Solar ray Paper holder Most melancholy Apollo landing site Seniors Astir Statute Maple-syrup source No ____, ands, or buts Fail to mention Put down asphalt First named Produced Warning Morn plus 12 hours

50. Raised setters 51. Hit repeatedly


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 19. 21.

Waited in line Hooded snakes Acquaint Very damp Baseball thrill Track shape "You ____ Your Life" Wallet items Nook Hockey player Kick out Costume Phrased


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 2, 2013 A9


Valleyview Dignity Memorial

t entrepreneurs

Work, as we know it, could look very different in future YTHURSDAY, oung from A8 entered a3, new phase technologies to exploit participate in the workJANUARY 2013 of globalization in that links across the globe. force well past traditionThis provides themCHBC TSN CIVT CHANpretty SNP KNOW KOMO A&E we are well intoCBC a new- KIRO That presents al retirement ages. Most # & _ ( * not want `to work1 with the opportunity to $ found% power of individgood reasoning for) the will in The Doctors Poko and The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Bucket-Dino The View Criminal create entrepreneurial :00 Hockey ualsThe toView collaborate surge to this author. traditional jobs. IIHF Hockey ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Franklin ” Minds 10 :30that link marventures THURSDAY, 3, 2013 globally. whetherSportsnet out of Rolie Polie TheyKOMO will look for Mamas compete The Marilyn StevenWith and Young & Also, Mamas 4 Criminal :00 World Poker JANUARY Tour Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Connected Dive, Olly News Minds 11 :30 kets. cross-border skills and need or personal fulfillmore flexible and partPoker Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News HockeycenDino Dan The Chew The First 48 :00 World TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E In his book, The Tour Hour ” Marketplace Bold Hour tral at Noon Rob Robot ” ” contacts, immigrants ment, baby boomers will time work arrangements. 12 :30 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 NFL ThomLive Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our Soccer Save Ums General The First 48 World :00 Is Flat, with small businesses are be healthy enough and They will zero in on per” Lives Show ” ” Lives Central Wibbly Pig Hospital ” 1 :30 The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Bucket-Dino The View Criminal :00 Hockey as10 Friedman claims leveraging theSteven connective productive to sonal ventures at First 48 Record The Talk Dr. Phil and Let’s a The Talk Snowbrd Big Bear The Doctors IIHF Hockeywe’ve ” ” Doodlebops RightMake ” enough Connected Franklin ” andThe Minds :00 :30 Off

2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2013 12 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 5 :30 :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 7 :00 :00 4 :30 11 8 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 9 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :30 10 :00 :00 2 :30 7 :30 11 :00 :00 3 :30 8 :30 12 :00 4 :30 9 :00 5 :30 10 :00 6 :30 11 :00 7 :30 :30 12 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 2013 :00 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :00 :30 10 :30 :00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 2013 11 :30 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 2013 :00 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 5 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & :00 6 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 7 10 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 8 11 4 :30 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 12 5 :00 :30 10 :00 1 :30 6 :30 :00 11 :30 2 :00 7 :00 :30 12 3 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 :00 12 8 :30 :30 :00 9 :30 SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 2013 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 11 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 11 SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 2013 4 :30 :00 12 5 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 1 :30 6 :00 :00 7 :30 2 :30 10 :00 :00 8 3 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 9 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 10 5 :30 1 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 6 :30 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 7 :30 3 :30 Interruption World Poker SportsCentre Tour ” World Poker Hockey Tour Hockey NFL Live ”” ” Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre Hockey SportsCentre ” IIHF Hockey ” HockeyPoker World ” Hockey Tour Off Record World ”Poker Poker World Tour ” Tour

” Mamas The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young Hour & Restless Days of our News Lives ” The Talk Global” Nat. CHBC News The The Ricki Doctors Ent Lake Show ” ET Canada Young & Mamas Last Resort Restless Debt/Part ” News News Noon The Office ” HourOffi The ce

” The Marilyn Ellen DenisDeGeShow neres Show CTV News Anderson ” Live The Dr. Oz CTV ShowNews at Five Dr. Phil CTV News ” ” Ellen DeGeTheBang View Big neres Show etalk ” Anderson The Marilyn Big Bang Live Show Denis Two Men

CTV News The at Five” Mentalist

Chris Steven and Best ChrisRecipes Stefano CBC News Dragons’ Marketplace Den Heartland News ” News Steven and News Chris Exchange Best PokoRecipes George S Stefano Doodlebops Coronation Dragons’ Steven and The Nature Den Chris of Things NewsNews CBC Doc Zone News Marketplace ”

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FIS Freestyle Sportsnet FA Cup Connected Preview HockeycenWorld Poker tral at Noon Tour Soccer Prime Time Central Sports Snowbrd Sportsnet FIS Freestyle Connected FA Cup Sportsnet FA Cup Pre. Preview Connected UFC Central World Poker Sportsnet The Ultimate Tour Connected Fighter Prime Time HockeycenOn the Edge Sports tral at ”Noon

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NewsNews: Heartland CBC Exchange ” The National George S Steven and CBC News Chris Coronation George S

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News of Hour Days our Elementary Lives ”” Ent The Talk News Hour ” ET Canada Final

KOMO 4 General Scandal News ” Hospital Wheel The NewsDoctors ” Jeopardy! Nightline

The First First 48 48 The ”” Beyond The First 48 Beyond ” Scared Scared

SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Off Record ”” Hockey World Poker Hockey Tour

The Ricki LastCanada Resort ET Lake Show ” J. Probst Young &ce The Offi Restless The Office

Ellen DeGeBig Bang Daily Show neres Show Two Men Colbert Rep Anderson The Live Mentalist

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The Ricki Last Resort ET Canada Lake Show ” J. Probst Young &ce The Offi Restless The Office

Sportsnet Soccer Sportsnet Connected Central Connected FA Cup Pre. What’s What’s That Snowbrd Big Bear Hockey That FIS Dinosaur UFCFreestyle Central About? About? NFL Game. FA Rob Robot TheCup Ultimate The Operation Sportsnet Last Preview Clifford-Dog Fighter Mincemeat Connected Days

” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” ” Off Record

News Elementary ”

CTV News Flashpoint at Five” Global Nat. CTV News News CHBC News CTV CHBC News CTV News ” Final Ent Bang ET Canada Big Daily Show ET Canada etalk J. Probst Colbert Rep Last Resort Big Bang ” Two Men

NewsNews: CBC News The National NewsNews CBC Exchange George S George S Coronation Coronation Q With Jian The Nature of Things

KIRO News Elementary KIRO ”News

Early News Elementary Global” Nat.

KIRO News News KIRO CBS Show News Late Ent Letterman The Insider Ferguson Big Bang Two Men

News Hour News Hour Final ” Ent ET Canada ET Canada J. Probst Last Resort ”

Prime Time Sportsnet Sports Connected Sportsnet Hockey Connected NFL Game. FA Cup Pre. Sportsnet UFC Central Connected The Ultimate Fighter

Person of Interest

The Office The Office


World Poker The Office Tour The Office

The Mentalist

Doc Zone ”

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

Flashpoint ”

CBC News: Elementary The National ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News



Martha Dino Dan Twist Wild Robot Kratts Rob ” Animals Save Ums ” Rivers Wibbly Pig Lonely Boy

Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Boys Victorious Boys Victorious Victorious Boys Victorious Victorious Boys Victorious Victorious Zoink’d! Victorious Zoink’d! Victorious That’s-Weird Victorious That’s-Weird


” ” Lang &” O’Leary CBC News CBC News Now-Nichols ” Power & CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News News CBC ” Now With ” Lang & Reshmi Nair CBC News: O’Leary ” The National


Simpsons Matlock Mobbed Raymond ””

Wear The Office What Not to Excused Sister Bang Wear Wives Big Excused ” Big Bang What Not to There Yet? Sister Wear Wives: Browns There Yet? Secrets Re. Payne What Not to King Four Browns Wear King Weddings Payne What Not to The ce What Not Not to to Seinfeld Law Offi Order: What Wear The Wear CI Office Wear Seinfeld Sister Wives Big Bang What Not to Family Law Order: Four Guy Big Bang Wear ” CI Weddings Family Guy Sister Not Wives: Browns What to Excused What Not to Amer. Dad Secrets Re. Excused Payne Wear Wear Movie:

Arthur neres Show Heart of KING 5 Wild Kratts Katie Perfect News WordGirl ” HealthDays of our Business KING Watson Lives 5 World News News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil PBS ” Nightly” News NewsHour News Cat in the Ellen Sid Science TodayDeGeLast Chance Magazine Arthur neres Show Wild Kratts Inside cont’d Ed. to See Wild Kratts KatieDay Daniel Tiger New Foyle’s War 30 Rock WordGirl ” Rick Steves Northwest ” Up All Night Business Heart of KING 5 ce Martin The Offi World News News Perfect Clunes Parks

Greatest Dirty Jobs Know-It-All ”

Big Bang Law Order: News Two Sports Men CI H.S. Big Bang Funny Sunny Home Videos Two Men TMZ

Four Wives: What Not to Sister Weddings Wear Secrets Re. What Not to Sister Wives Wear ”

Browns There Yet? “Head of Payne Yet? There State” Seinfeld King ” King Seinfeldof Ghosts

PBS Yoga Nightly HealthDays ofNews our Easy Rock Center NewsHour News” Watson Lives for Arthritis Last Chance Magazine Charlie Rose Dr. Phil 1962 KING News ”Ed. to See” Fair- Jay Inside World’s Leno

Greatest Dirty Jobs Know-It-All ” Greatest Dirty Jobs Know-It-All ”

The Ricki Mobbed The Offi ce Lakeof Show ” Hill King Anderson Mobbed Live ”

What Not to FourProg. Paid Wear Weddings Paid Prog. Sister Wives What Not to Wear ”

The OffiGuy ce Family Girlfriends The OffiGuy ce Family Past Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie:

Cat in the Foyle’s War SeattleArthur” Future Wild Kratts Martin WordGirl Clunes

Ellen 30 Rock ”DeGeneres Up All Show Night Jimmy Fallon Katie The Office Parks ”

Greatest Dirty Jobs Know-It-All ” Greatest Dirty Jobs Know-It-All ” Greatest Dirty Jobs Know-It-All ” Greatest Know-It-All

Simpsons News Raymond H.S. Sports Big Bang Sunny Two TMZMen

Browns “Head of Payne State” Browns ” Payne Ghosts of Seinfeld Girlfriends Seinfeld Past Family Guy Family Guy

Business Easy Yoga World News for Arthritis

KING 5 Rock Center News ”

Big TheBang Office Two King Men of Hill Mobbed ”

Sister Wives: Secrets Re. Four Sister Wives Weddings ” What Not to Paid Prog. Wear Paid Prog. Four Weddings

PBS 1962 NewsHour World’s FairLast Chance Seattleto See Future Foyle’s War ”

Nightly News KING News News Jay Leno Magazine ” Inside Ed. Jimmy Fallon 30 Rock Up All Night

Amer. Dad Movie:

Martin Clunes

The Office Parks

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Rock Center ”






On the Edge Twist ” ”

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: Dirty Jobs That’s-Weird The National ”

Mobbed ”

What Not to Wear

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Connected

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

My Wife Mr. Young

News H.S. Sports

Sister Wives: “Head of Secrets Re. State”


Hockey NFL Game.



Letterman Ferguson The Price Is Right

ET Canada Sportsnet J. Probst Connected The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

International Mamas Challenge of Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

World Poker Noon News Tour Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace Bold

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Off Record Sportfishing Interruption Motoring SportsCentre International ” Challenge of NBA World Poker Basketball: Tour Kings at NFL Live Raptors ” ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption Sportfi”shing SportsCentre Interruption Motoring ” SportsCentre International Off Record of NBA Challenge Basketball: World Poker Tour Kings at Raptors SportsCentre NFL Live

The Talk The Doctors ” ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour News Days of ” our Lives Global Nat. The Talk CHBC News ” Ent The Doctors TheCanada Ricki ET ” Lake Show Kitchen Mamas Nightmares Young & Debt/Part Restless Parenthood Noon News Hour News ” ” our 16x9 Days of

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show Anderson CTV News Live ” CTV News The Dr. Oz at Five Show CTV News Dr. Phil ” ” Big TheBang View Ellen DeGeetalk ” neres Show CSI: NY The Marilyn ”Show Anderson Denis Live Tank Shark CTV News ” CTV News at Five Blue Bloods The Dr. Oz

Steven and Poko Chris Doodlebops Best Recipes Steven and Stefano Chris Dragons’ CBC News Den Marketplace News Heartland News ” News Steven and Exchange Chris George S Poko Best Recipes Coronation Doodlebops Stefano Mr. D and Steven Mr. D Dragons’ Chris Den New CBCYear’s News Marketplace News ” News CBC News: Heartland

Off Record NBA Basketball: World Poker Tour at Kings Raptors SportsCentre ” SportsCentre SportsCentre

Nightmares Young & Restless Parenthood News ” 16x9 ” Global” Nat. CHBC CHBC News News

” Anderson Live Shark Tank ” CTV News at Five Blue Bloods ” CTV News ” CTV News

” Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre Off Record

Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET

J. Probst Kitchen Nightmares


A&E 1


CBC News ”


Dirty Jobs ”





That’s-Weird CBC News: Dirty Jobs Splatalot The National ”

Sunny TMZ

Sister Wives ” ” Ghosts of

1962 KING News World’s Fair- Jay Leno

The Last Jimmy Days Kimmel Live Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”

Teen Trouble To Be Announced

Victorious Victorious Big Time Big Time

Lang & O’Leary CBC News Now With

The Office King of Hill The Office How I Met

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Four Weddings

Girlfriends Past Law Order: CI

SeattleFuture Sid Science Wild Kratts

Jimmy Fallon Today cont’d

Sportsnet Connected

Rolie Polie Dive, Olly

KOMO 4 News


Rush Big Time

Reshmi Nair Dirty Jobs: Family Feud Four ” Down Under Family Feud Weddings

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

To Be Announced

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right ThisMinute Young & ThisMinute Restless Judge Judy KIRO News Judge Judy Bold KIRO News The Talk KIRO News ” KIRO News Let’s News Make a CBS Deal Ent The Price Is ThisMinute The Insider Right ThisMinute Undercover Young & Boss Judge Judy Restless Judge Judy CSI: KIRONY News Bold KIRO ”News KIRO News Blue Bloods The Talk

The Talk The Doctors ” ” The Ricki Mamas Lake Show Debt/Part Young & Noon News Restless Hour Early News Days ofNat. our Global Lives News Hour The Talk ” ” Ent The Doctors TheCanada Ricki ET ” Lake Show Kitchen Mamas Nightmares Young & Debt/Part Restless Parenthood Noon News ” Hour Early News GlobalofNat. 16x9 Days our

Bobsledding Sportsnet ” Connected Bobsledding Sportsnet ” Connected World Poker HockeycenTour tral at Noon Prime Time Soccer Sports Central Hockey Bobsledding To Be ” Announced Sportsnet Bobsledding ” Connected ” ” Sportsnet World”Poker Connected Tour Sportsnet HockeycenPremier tral at Noon Prime Time Sports Sportsnet Soccer

Big Bear Bucket-Dino Dinosaur Franklin Rob Robot Rolie Polie Clifford-Dog Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Dino Dan Arthur Rob Robot Martha SaveKratts Ums Wild Wibbly Pig Animals Big Bear Parks Dinosaur Mega Bucket-Dino Rob Robot Builders Franklin Clifford-Dog Emma Rolie Polie ” G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Arthur Poirot Dino Dan ” Rob Robot Martha Wild Kratts Party Save Ums

The Doctors The View ” ” The Dr. Oz KOMO Show 4 News KOMO 4 The Chew News ” News General World News Hospital KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” Wheel The View The Dr. Jeopardy! ” Oz Show Last Man KOMO 4 Malibu KOMO 4 News News Tank Shark The Chew News ”” World News 20/20 General

Mr. D Dragons’ Den New Year’s News ” NewsNews: CBC The National News Exchange CBC News

Boss Judge Judy Judge Judy CSI: NY KIRO ”News KIROBloods News Blue KIRO ”News CBS News KIRO News

Nightmares Young & Restless Parenthood ” Early News Global Nat. 16x9 ” News Hour News ”Hour

World ”Poker Tour Sportsnet Premier Prime Time Sports Sportsnet Connected Hockey To Be Hockey

” G. Shrinks Arthur Poirot ” Martha Wild PartyKratts Animals Parks Mega

CTV News Big Bang etalk The

George S Coronation Coronation

Late Ent Show The Insider Letterman

Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET

Kimmel Live Storage Last Man Malibu Storage

Movie:” “Mean

Shark Tank ”

Duck D. Duck D.



Duck D. Duck D.

Storage Storage

” ShowNews CTV ” CTV News Dr. Phil CTV News ” Big Bang etalk DeGeThe Ellen Mentalist neres Show CSI: NY

The National ” News Exchange CBC News Steven and George Chris George S S Coronation Coronation Best Recipes Harry Potter Stefano Mr. D


KIRO ”News CBS KIRO Newsa Let’s News Make Late Deal Ent Show The Insider Letterman ThisMinute Ferguson ThisMinute Undercover



Lives ”Hour News ” News Hour The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada Canada ET The Ricki J. Probst Lake Show Kitchen



Connected Central Hockey To Be Hockey Bobsledding UFC Central ” Announced ” The Ultimate Bobsledding Fighter”

Mentalist CSI: NY ”

Harry Mr. D Potter Mr. D

Ferguson Undercover Boss

J. Probst Kitchen Nightmares

World Poker Parenthood Tour ”

Shark Tank ”

New Year’s ”


Parenthood ”

Sportsnet Premier


SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

Blue Bloods ”

Sportsnet Connected

Party Animals

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

News Hour Final

SportsCentre ET Canada The IIHF Hockey Fishn SickKids ” J. Probst Mentalist Hockey Real Fishing Foundation

Coronation Letterman ET Canada The Ultimate Emma Darwin’s Racing Fishn Sportsnet Lilly ” Harry Potter Auto Ferguson J. Probst Fighter New World ” Real Fishing Connected Miss BG



Excused Excused

1962 KING 5 World’s Fair- News

Randy Randy

There Yet? There Yet?


” To Be” Announced To Be cont’d Announced ” Duck D. To BeD. Duck Announced Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Storage To Be To Be Storage Announced Announced Storage cont’d Storage Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck To BeD. Duck Announced Duck D. D. Duck D. D. Duck ”

Big Time Big Time Time Big Big Time Big Time Rush Big Time Big Time Big Time Rush Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time Big Time SpongeBob Big Time SpongeBob Big Time SpongeBob Big Time Big Time SpongeBob Big Time Movie: Rush “Mean Big Time Big Time Girls” Rush ” Big Time BigYoung Time Mr. Big Time

Malibu 4 KOMO News Shark Tank News ” World 20/20 News KOMO” 4 News News

Storage Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Storage

Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Jimmy

Storage Storage Storage

” 4 Hospital KOMO News News The Doctors Nightline Wheel” Jeopardy! Jimmy The Dr. Oz Kimmel Live Show Last Man

KNOW News KOMO Nightline * `

Hockey Mega UFC Central Builders

A&E ” ” 1

A&E 1

Duck ” Duck D. D. Duck D. Storage ” Storage ” Storage Storage Storage To Be Storage Announced Storage

A&E 1

Jimmy Storage Recipe Be Kimmel Live To Storage Food Announced


” ”

Dirty Jobs: Matlock Down Under ”



Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” Reshmi ” Nair ” Lang & ” O’Leary ” CBC News CBC News ” Now-Nichols CBC News: Power & The National Politics CBC CBC News News ”” Now With ” CBC News: Reshmi Nair The LangNational & ” O’Leary CBC News: ” The ” CBCNational News ” CBC CBC News News

Jungle Gold Dirty Jobs ” ” Jungle Gold Dirty Jobs: ” Down Under Jungle Gold Dirty Jobs: ” Down Under Jungle Gold Dirty Jobs: ” Down Under Jungle Gold Jungle ” Gold ” Jungle Gold Dirty Jobs Jungle ”” Gold ” Jungle Gold Dirty Jobs: ”Under Jungle Gold Down ” Deadliest Dirty Jobs: Catch Down JungleUnder Gold ” Deadliest Dirty Jobs:

Funny Home The Office Videos How I Met The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Family Feud Big Bang Matlock Pregame ” College Law Order: Football: CI AT&T Funny Home Cotton Bowl Videos -Oklahoma The Office The Ricki vs. Texas How I Met Lake Show A&M Family Feud Two Men Big Bang Family Feud Pregame Big Bang Matlock Two Men ” College Football: News Law Order:

Randy Four Randy Weddings Randy Four Randy Weddings Say Yes Randy Say Yes Randy Say Yes Randy Say Yes Randy Say Yes Randy Say Yes Randy Randy Four Randy Randy Weddings Randy Say FourYes Say SayYes Yes Weddings Say Yes Randy Randy Randy Randy Say Yes SayYes Yes Say Randy

King Law Order: King CI The Office LawOffi Order: The ce CI Big Bang Excused Big Bang Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Browns King Payne King Seinfeld Law Order: The Seinfeld CI Office The Office Family Guy Law Order: Family Guy Big Bang CI Big Bang Amer. Dad Excused Movie: Excused Browns Payne Yet? “Ghosts of There

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Sid Science Today” ” Wild Kratts cont’d Cat in the Ellen DeGeDaniel Tiger New Day Arthur neres Show Rick Steves Northwest Wild Kratts Katie 1962 KING”5 WordGirl World’s Fair- News Business KING 5 SeattleDays of our World News News Future Lives PBS Nightly News Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil NewsHour ” ” Washington Sid Science Magazine Today Cat the Ellen Need Inside Ed. WildinKratts cont’dDeGeArthur neres Show Great On DanielPerTiger Go New Day formances On Wild Steves Kratts Go Katie Rick Northwest WordGirl ” Dateline 1962 ” KING 5 ” Fair- NBC World’s News Business KING 5 World News News 3SeattleSteps to Days ”of our

“Mean Big Time Big Time Girls” ” Big Time Big Time Mr. Young Mr. Young SpongeBob SpongeBob Boys

The National Lang & O’Leary CBC News: The National CBC News ” CBC News ” CBC News: The National CBC News:

Jungle” Gold ” Deadliest Catch Gold Jungle ” Deadliest Catch Gold Jungle ” Deadliest

TwoBang Men Big Pregame Big Bang Two Men College Football: News 30 Rock AT&T Cotton Sunny Bowl

Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Randy Randy Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes

Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Amer. Dad Movie: Browns Payne “Ghosts of Girlfriends Browns Payne Past”

formances Wild Kratts WordGirl ” ” Business World News 3 Steps to Incredible PBS NewsHour Health!-Joel

Go On Katie ” Dateline NBC 5 KING News ” Nightly” News News KING News

Boys SpongeBob SpongeBob Mean Girls

The National Catch Gold CBC News Jungle ” ” Lang & Deadliest O’Leary Catch Gold CBC News: Jungle The National ”

TMZ Say Yes -Oklahoma Randy vs. Randy TheTexas Office Paid Prog. King of Hill PaidYes Prog. A&M Say Two Men Say Yes

Larry the Seinfeld Seinfeld Cable Guy

” Washington Need Super Brain

Jay Leno Magazine Inside”Ed.

Family” Guy Family Guy

Great ”Performances

Jimmy Go On Fallon Go On

CBC News: Deadliest The National Catch

Big Bang Two Men

Randy Randy

Amer. Dad Movie:

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News ”

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

“Ghosts of Girlfriends

3 Steps to Incredible

Boys Boys

CBC News: Deadliest The National Catch

Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

Past” Larry the

Health!-Joel ”

Mean Girls T.U.F.F.” Turtles

Lang & CBC News O’Leary Now

Deadliest Deadliest Catch Catch

The Office FA Cup King of Hill Soccer:

Paid Prog. Dateline: Paid Prog. Real Life

Cable Guy Movie:” “The Last

Super Brain ” Bob Builder High School ” Jimmy Fallon SciGirls Football:


Mr. Young Big Time SpongeBob SpongeBob Boys Big Time Boys Big Time SpongeBob SpongeBob Mean Girls Big Time ” Big Time Movie:




” Now-Nichols CBC News: The National CBC News: Power & The Politics CBCNational News Lang &”” O’Leary ” CBC News:



Catch Down JungleUnder Gold Deadliest Jungle” Gold Catch Jungle” Gold Deadliest Jungle” Gold Catch Jungle” Gold

Deadliest Catch



30 Rock CI AT&T Cotton Home Bowl Sunny Funny TMZ Videos -- Oklahoma vs. Texas The Offi ce The Ricki King Hill Lake Show A&Mof




Say Randy SayYes Yes SayYes Yes Say Randy Say Yes Randy Randy Paid Prog. Randy Paid Prog. Randy Say Yes




Girlfriends There Yet? Browns Payne Past” King Larry the King Seinfeld Seinfeld Cable Guy The Offi ce ” Guy The Offi ce Family





Days of our Lives


Incredible ” News Future Lives PBS Nightly NewsHour News Health!-Joel News Charlie Rose KING Dr. Phil ”” Jay Leno ” Washington Magazine Need Inside”DeGeEd. Super Cat in Brain the Ellen ” Jimmy Fallon Arthur neres Great PerGo OnShow

” ”


Dateline NBC ” ”


KING News Jay Leno

Powerboat Driving TV

It Is Written Car Bnss

fifth estate ”

Powerboat Driving TV

Sportsnet Connected

Upside Dwn Sea Rescue Planet Echo Born-Explore

Turtles Beywheelz

CBC News Now With

Deadliest Catch

3rd Round How I Met

Dateline: Real Life

Mimzy” ”

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

U.S. Army All-American

” ”

Noon News Hour

Operation Smile

Best Recipes Basketball Stefano ”

Noon News Hour

Big Coast ICC Cricket

Dogs/Jobs Dogs

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Beyond Scared

Pokemon Power

Christine Birak

Deadliest Catch

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Dateline: Real Life

Jim Browns

KCTS 9 Cooks: At


IIHF Hockey Mysteries Motoring Simpsons

Football NFL

Lang & O’Leary

Women’s College

Mysteries Simpsons


Shark Tank


YTV Mr. Young 6 Mr. Young

NEWS ” National 7 Issue

Deadliest Catch

Bones ”

KAYU Crook & ; Chase

Dateline: Real Life

TLC Dateline: < Real Life

King King

WTBS Family Guy A Family Guy


KCTS ” ” N ”

Football NFL

FIS Alpine Skiing Darwin’s National New World TBA

SNP Rivers KNOW KOMO A&E ” Scared White Hope” Mega ESPN Sports Beyond ) * ` 1 ” Builders Saturday Scared

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno

Football: AFC or NFC SickKids Wild-Card Foundation Game:

CHAN Simpsons ( Simpsons

Movie: “The Great

TSN Top 50 ” IIHF Hockey SportsCentre Hockey ” ” Hockey ””

KIRO Basketball _ ”

KING Football: P AFC or NFC

Auto Prog. Racing Paid ” Paid Prog. Women’s Sports Stars College Big World

Fishn Movie: Real Fishing “Live Free Powerboat or Die Hard” Driving ” TV

Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Lilly Recipe Frontiers of ” Miss BG Food ” Construction Sportsnet Upside Dwn Cash Sea Rescue Snowbrd Egypt Cab Connected Planet Echo Cash Born-Explore FIS Freestyle Underworld Cab

To Be Beyond Announced Scared

CBC News National Now Mansbridge

FA Cup Leverage Soccer: ” 3rd Round Trout TV How I Outd’r Met

Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Evid. Life Hard

Movie: The Office “TheOffi Last The ce Mimzy” Seinfeld ” Seinfeld

Noon ”News Hour Nat. Global

Big Coast Dogs/Jobs Bobsledding Coast ICC Cricket Dogs ” Modern

Beyond Gangsters: Scared Most Evil

Pokemon Squirrel Power Squirrel

fiChristine fth estate Birak ”

Deadliest Bering Sea CatchUnder Gold:

Paid Prog. College Paid Prog. Basketball:

Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Evid. Life Hard

Jim Movie: Browns “Daredevil”

Bob Builder ” SciGirls ” Easy Yoga Heart of for Arthritis Perfect KCTS Health-9 Cooks: At Watson

High School Wild-Card Football: Game:

CBCNature News The Now With of Things

Deadliest Bering Sea CatchUnder Gold: Deadliest Bering Sea CatchUnder Gold:

Dateline: Dateline: Real Life Life Real

” Gangsters: ” Most Evil

T.U.F.F. Mr. Young Turtles Mr. Young Turtles Squirrel Beywheelz Squirrel

” ”

It Is Written Teams TBA Car Bnss ” Noon ”News NFL Operation Hour News Football: Smile CHBC

fifthBe estate To ” Announced

Best Recipes Basketball ” KIRO News Stefano ” ” KIRO News

IIHF Hockey Mysteries Football ” Global Nat. AFC or NFC Lang & ” Motoring Simpsons NFL O’Leary IIHF Hockey CHBC News Wild-Card ”

KIRO Women’s CBS News College KIRO News _

TSN Top 50 To Simpsons SportsCentre Be IIHF Hockey Fishn ” Announced Simpsons Hockey Real Fishing ” Movie: SportsCentre ” Powerboat SportsCentre “Impact” “Live Free ”” Driving TV

Basketball Simpsons EntertainTo Be Auto Racing Fishn ment ’Night Announced Simpsons ”” Real Fishing The Movie: Paid Prog. Movie: Women’s Powerboat Mentalist “Impact” Paid Prog. “Live Free College Driving TV

Football: FISBe Alpine Game: To SickKids Darwin’s Teams AFC orTBA NFC Announced Skiing Foundation New World CTV News ” Wild-Card National It Is Written fifth estate ” Game: TBA ”” Car Bnss NFL ” Hockey or Die”News Hard” Movie: Teams TBA Best To BeRecipes ” Noon Operation PrimeTime ” “The Man To Be Announced ”” Hour Smile ” Stefano SportsCentre To Be ” Who Lost Announced ” NFL ” IIHF Hockey Mysteries Football Lang & ”” Announced News ” CHBC News Himself” Football: Motoring Simpsons NFL O’Leary SportsCentre Be ” ” 50 News GlobalFinal Nat. CTV AFC News or NFC To TSN Top Simpsons Football: FIS Alpine ” Saturday News Announced IIHF Hockey CHBC News CTV Wild-Card ” Simpsons AFC or NFC Skiing” SportsCentre Night Live Movie SportsCentre Movie: To Be Game: To Be ” SportsCentre Wild-Card National SportsCentre ” ” Announced Teams” TBA TBA Announced ”” “Live Free Game:

CHAN Mysteries News Hour Simpsons ” (

Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. World News

SNP Lions KNOW KOMO KOMO Movie: RiversGate Shark Tank Bobsledding 4 “The) Great Rivers ” ” Bridge: News * `

White Hope” National Mega Bills Access Sportsnet Lilly NFL Game. Geographic ” Builders Connected Miss BG Movie: Heartbeat Sportsnet Frontiers of Sportsnet Upside Dwn “The Great ” Connected Construction Connected Planet Echo 48 Hours Hope” Movie: Sports Stars Noon or Die”News Hard” White Snowbrd Egypt Basketball Big Coast Dogs/Jobs ” ” ” “Cracker: A Big World FIS ” Hour ” ICC Freestyle Cricket Underworld Dogs 48 Hours To Be ” Sportsnet New Terror” KIRO News Bobsledding Coast Women’s Mysteries Movie: Rivers ” KIRO ”News Announced Global Nat. Connected ” Modern College Simpsons “The Great Rivers KIRO News News Battlefi eld CBS News News Final Hour European Bobsledding Lions Gate Basketball Simpsons White Hope” Mega The Insider Saturday Poker Tour Mysteries KIRO ”News Simpsons ” Bridge: ”” Builders Paid Prog. Night Live Sportsnet Cracker: EntertainTo Be Bills Access Frontiers National Aof Paid Prog. Movie: Sportsnet Paid ” Connected Terror mentProg. ’Night “Live Announced NFL Game. New Geographic Paid Prog. Free Connected Construction

” ”

Rush Big Time

” ”

Simpsons Simpsons Fishn Movie: Real Fishing “Live Free Powerboat or Die Hard” Driving ” TV

Women’s College


Randy Randy

CBC News Dirty Jobs: Law Order: Now-Nichols Down Under CI


Animals Wibbly AnimalsPig Parks Mega Big Bear Builders Dinosaur Mega Builders Emma Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Emma”

Dirty Jobs ” Dirty Jobs ”

Big Time Big Time

KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `

UFC Central Mega Builders Announced ” Builders The Ultimate Emma Fighter ” Emma” ” ”

KIRO News Late Show

News Nightline


Beyond Scared


What’s That About?

CBC News ” CBC CBC News: News: The The National National CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary CBC News: The National


Beyond Teen Scared Trouble Teen Trouble

” Lonely Boy

The First 48 ” The First 48 Beyond ” Scared

Lake Show Matlock Anderson ” Live Law Order: Simpsons CI Raymond Funny Home Big Bang Videos Two Men The Ricki The Office Big Bang Lake HowMen IShow Met Two Anderson Family Feud Mobbed Live Family ” Feud

CBC News Greatest ” Mighty Ships CBC News: Dirty Jobs ” Know-It-All The National ”” News: Dirty CBC News News Greatest CBC Jobs The National Now-Nichols Know-It-All ” ”

Boys Victorious My Wife Boys Victorious Mr. Young Boys CBC News: News Victorious Power & That’s-Weird CBC Victorious Politics Boys ” Splatalot The National The Dr. Oz The Victorious ” Nashville TeenFirst 48 Victorious Zoink’d! CBC & News: Jimmy Teen Lang Show ” Live Trouble ” Victorious ” Trouble Zoink’d! The National Kimmel Victorious O’Leary KOMO The First 48 Victorious & Scandal4 That’s-Weird Lang CBC News: News ” ” Victorious That’s-Weird O’Leary The National News Scandal World ”News

Know-It-All Mighty Ships Greatest ” Know-It-All Greatest Greatest Know-It-All Know-It-All Greatest Greatest Know-It-All Know-It-All Greatest Mighty Ships Greatest Know-It-All ” Know-It-All Greatest Mighty Ships Greatest Know-It-All ” Know-It-All

Victorious My Wife Victorious Mr. Young Boys That’s-Weird Boys Splatalot Boys Victorious Boys Victorious Zoink’d! Zoink’d!

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Q With Jian Sportfishing The Doctors The View Poko Motoring ” ” Doodlebops

Martha ” Wild Kratts Lonely Boy Animals What’s That Rivers About? What’s That The Last About? Days Operation Mincemeat

A&E 1

Valleyview Funeral Home

KOMO News 4 News Nightline Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Nashville ”

News Hour Final

Lives ” Nat. Global CHBC News CHBC News The Talk Final Ent ” ET Canada Canada ET The Ricki J. Probst Lake Show Kitchen


World Shrinks On thePoker Edge G. Twist Tour ” Arthur”

KIRO News Late Show

” SportsCentre SportsCentre Off Record ”” Interruption Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre

CBC News George S


times boomerang back to their previous employFor us, there is no higher honour NEWS DISC KAYU TLC than WTBS KCTS KING ersYTV as contractors or conto be chosen to bring loved ones, 6 7 9 ; < A and a lifetime N of memories P sultants. friends Aron Meier Victorious CBC Mighty Ships The Office What Not to Law Order: Sid Science Today Joel Young isNews an entrein celebration of a cont’d special life. Assistant Manager together Victorious Now With ” How I Met Wear CI Wild Kratts preneurship educator, coach Victorious Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud What Not to Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements Victorious ” Feud Wear CI Rick Steves Northwest and consultant and theMighty” Ships Family Victorious ” Matlock What Not to Excused Heart of KING 5 YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Victorious ” ” ” Wear Excused Perfect News founder of Okanagan 6 7 9 ; < A N P Victorious CBC News Greatest Law Order: What Not to There Yet? HealthDays of our Valley Entrepreneurship Victorious Now-Nichols Know-It-All CI Wear There Yet? Watson Lives Victorious CBC News Mighty Ships The Office What Not to Law Order: Sid Science Today 165 Valleyview Road • 250-763-3147 Society. Power Victorious & Greatest Funny Home What Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Victorious Now With ” How I Met Wear Not to King CI Wild Kratts cont’d Proudly serving Lake Country, affiliated with Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery by the” airport. Victorious Politics Know-It-All Videos Wear King ” Victorious Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud What Not to Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day Victorious ”” Greatest The Ricki What Cat the Ellen DeGeVictorious ” Family Feud Wear Not to The CI Office RickinSteves Northwest

A&E Beyond Gangsters: Scared Most Evil 1

ESPN Sports Gangsters: Beyond Wheel Recipe To Be Jeopardy! Most Evil Saturday Scared Food Announced Once Upon Gangsters: ” Sea Rescue Beyond ” a Time” Most Evil Born-Explore Scared ” Once Upon Gangsters: Cash Cab Gangsters: Paid Prog. Beyond a TimeCab Most Evil Cash Most Evil Paid Prog. Scared Once Gangsters: News Upon Gangsters: Shark Tank Beyond a TimeNews Most World Most Evil Evil ” Scared News Gangsters: KOMOSports 4 Gangsters: ESPN Beyond Burn Notice Most Evil News Most Evil Saturday Scared Gangsters: Wheel”” Gangsters: Beyond Castle Most Jeopardy! Most Evil Evil ” Scared

YTV Yu-Gi-Oh! Zoink’d! Monsuno Splatalot 6 Mr. Young Babysitting T.U.F.F. Zoink’d! Mr. Young Turtles

Movie: Mr. Young Turtles “The Parent Mr. Young Beywheelz Trap” Squirrel Pokemon ” Squirrel Power ” Squirrel Yu-Gi-Oh! SpongeBob Squirrel Monsuno Babysitting Zoink’d! Mr. Young Splatalot Splatalot Mr. Young The Parent Babysitting Mr. Young Trap Zoink’d! Mr. Young

NEWS ” National ” Marketplace 7

DISC ” 9 ”

DISC Deadliest Bering Sea Catch Gold: Under 9

National Tsunami: On Bering”Sea CBC News Deadliest Camera Gold: Under Issue Now Catch ” Doc Zone Bering National Bering Sea Sea CBC News Deadliest ” Gold: Mansbridge Gold: Under Under Now With Catch

National The Nature Christine Mansbridge of Things Birak Superstorm fifth estate ” 2012: Hell ”” National National National Issue Marketplace Issue National Tsunami: On National Mansbridge Camera Mansbridge

the Ice Sea Bering Deadliest ” Gold: CatchUnder Bering Sea Bering Sea Deadliest Gold: Gold: Under Under Catch Nerve Bering”Center Sea Gold: ”Under ” Nerve Center Bering Sea Sea Bering Gold: ”Under Under Gold:

KAYU Bones Gonzaga at ”Clara Santa ; Crook & Paid Prog. FA Cup Two Men Chase Soccer: Cops Leverage 3rd Round Cops ” How I Met

The Mob Trout TV Paid Prog. Doctor Outd’r Paid Prog. News College Bones Wanted Basketball: ” MasterChef Gonzaga Crook & at ” Santa Clara Chase 30 Seconds Paid Prog. Leverage 30 Rock Two Men ”

TLC Dateline: 48 Hours: Real< Life Hard Evid. Dateline: 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Real Real Life Life 48 Hours: Dateline: Dateline: Hard Real Evid. Life Real Life

48 Hours: 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Hard Evid. Real Life 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Hard Evid. Evid. Real Life 48 48 Hours: Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Hard Life Evid. Real Paid Prog. 48 Hours: Dateline: Paid HardProg. Evid. Real Life

WTBS King ” KingA ”

KCTS Home Rick Steves’ ” Essential N

Family Guy Europe ” Movie: Movie: Bob Builder “The Sum of ”” Family Guy “The Last SciGirls All Fears” Ed Sullivan’s The Offi ce ” Mimzy” Easy Yoga ” ce Top The Offi ” ” for Arthritis Movie: Performers Seinfeld Heart Jim KCTS of 9 “Never Back 1966-1969 Seinfeld Perfect Browns Cooks: At Down” Alone in the Movie: HealthKing Home ” Wilderness “Daredevil” Watson King ” Movie:” ” Family Guy Rick Steves’ ” “The Out-ofEat & Cook Family” Guy Essential ” Towners” Healthy! Movie: Europe The Office ” ” ”” “TheOffi Sum The ce of ”

U.S. Army Teams TBA All-American ” Bowl NFL ” Football:


Football AFC or NFC NFL Wild-Card Football: Game: High School Teams AFC orTBA NFC Football:

Traveler Wild-Card U.S. Army Backroads Game: All-American

Holiday FesTeams Bowl TBA tival on” Ice ” Dateline NFL Football NBC Football: NFL KING News AFC or NFC Football: Saturday Wild-Card AFC or NFC Night Live Game: Wild-Card ” TBA Teams Game: :30 30 for 30 Pounds” ” Dragons’ :00 A10 ” at ” ” Den Joel Osteen AFC WildCoronation 4 :30 :00 Thunder Basketball:

11:00 :30

Lorna Dueck Football:


Football: The Insider Pets.TV AFC WildRaptors In Touch Card Game: Marketplace KIRO Card Game: Boxing ” Cash Cab Movie: News ”” CHBC News Cash Cab News Noon News Teams TBA “Finding Land & Sea KIRO Teams TBA Hockey Hour Nat. ” Mansbridge CBS News ” ” Global CTV News Nemo” ”” CHBC News ”” ” Jian KIRO News Mysteries Q With ” ” Simpsons NFL Ghomeshi College SportsCentre Howie Do It Castle Heartland 60 Minutes ”” Cleveland ” ” ” Simpsons Football: FIS Alpine Basketball: ” Simpsons NFC WildSkiing Temple at ” Simpsons Once Upon Dragons’ Person of NBA Block NFL Coronation NFL SportsCentre Burgers Movie: Card Game: Den Best Recipes Interest Kansas NFL a Time Basketball: Lorna Dueck Teams Football: Coronation Football: ” “Seven TBA Rick Mercer Post Game PrimeTime Family Guy The Mob Republic of The Good Thunder Joel Osteen AFC WildCoronation AFC Wild30 for 30 at Pounds” ” Dragons’ The Insider Motoring Amer. Dad Doctor Doyle Wife Raptors In Touch Card Game: Marketplace Card Game: ” ” ” Den Pets.TV SportsCentre The Good The CBC News: The ” Noon News Teams TBA Land & Sea Teams TBA Boxing Cash Cab Movie: KIRO News ” Wife ” Mentalist The National Mentalist Hockey Hour ” Mansbridge ” CHBC News Cash Cab “Finding KIRO ”News SportsCentre News Final CTV News CBC News KIRO News Mysteries ” With Jian KIRO ” Global Nat. CTV CTV News News Nemo” CBS News ””” Block fiQ fth estate News ” Simpsons Ghomeshi College CHBC News NFL ” ” KIRO News SportsCentre Paid Prog. The ” Face the ” Simpsons Football: FIS Alpine Basketball: SportsCentre Howie Do It Mentalist Castle Heartland 60 Minutes ” Paid Prog. Canadian Nation ” Simpsons NFC WildSkiing” Temple Cleveland ” ” at

That’s-Weird Spies Mr. Young Christine Zoink’d! BirakNews: Movie: CBC ” Storage “Despicable The National ” Two Men Mysteries Shipping Splatalot ” MythBusters Sunday Simpsons Shipping Boys ” NFLBang Howie Do It Storage Me” The ” MythBusters Big Cleveland ” That a Time Storage ” Staircase ” Two Men Simpsons White”Hope” What’s Extreme Shipping Movie: ” MythBusters Football: Simpsons ” About? Makeover Shipping “Garfield’s Marketplace ” NFC WildSimpsons The Ultimate New Tricks Once Upon Be the Boss League/Evil ” MythBusters Simpsons Block Premier Wild Kratts Rescue Barter” Kings Zoink’d! Winx Club CBCZone News Licence Old House Movie: Sportsnet Who Killed Extreme Shipping Pet Force” Doc MythBusters Card Game: Burgers Fighter ” a Time ” ” to Burgers Lorna Dueck Connected ICC Cricket Miracle? Little Prince Makeover Paid Prog. Barter Kings League/Evil iCarly Now ” Drill ” Jim “Seven Shipping Teams TBA Family Guy On the Edge Lewis Revenge Storage Zoink’d! CBC News: MythBusters Family Guy Joel Osteen West-Journal Little Prince Paid Shipping Victorious CBC News Licence Kids News Pounds” Bobsledding Islands CashProg. Storage Movie: fifth National estate MythBusters ” Amer. Dad ” ” of ”Cab Storage Babysitting The ” to Amer. Dad In Touch Fish TV Babar Paid Prog. Shipping Big Time Now With Drill The Offi ” ” Britain Cash Cab Storage “Over the ” ” ” ce The Good Sportsnet ” 666 Park Storage Pick The MythBusters News Noon News On the Edge Animals Movie: Shipping Mr. Young Christine Licence Paid ” Premier The Last News Storage Hedge” Modern MythBusters Paid Prog. Prog. Wife Connected ” Avenue Storage Splatalot Staircase ” to TMZ Hour ” Animals “The Zoink’d! Drill ” FOX NFL Global Nat. ICC Cricket Supper WorldOpen News Shipping Storage That’s-Weird Birak Spies Two Men News Final European Twist News Storage Zoink’d! ” MythBusters ” Mysteries Movie: Rainwolves Road” Shipping Splatalot MythBusters Sunday News Hour Poker Bensinger Frontiers of Castle KOMO 4 Storage Movie: CBC News: MythBusters Big Bang Block Tour ” Storage Splatalot ”” ” Sunny Simpsons “The Great ” ” Shipping Boys ” ” NFL ” Bensinger Construction News Storage “Despicable The National Two Men Paid Prog. Sportsnet ” ” Be the Boss Despicable CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Simpsons WhiteWired Hope” Lonely What’s That Burn Extreme Shipping Movie: ” MythBusters Football: Howie Do It Connected UFC Wild Again Once Upon Storage Me” The National Big Bang Paid Prog. Boy Notice ” Me The ” Spokane Simpsons About? Makeover Shipping “Garfield’s Marketplace NFCMen WildCleveland ” ” a Time Storage ” Staircase ” Two

SportsCentre Movie: ” Simpsons “Seven NFL ” Burgers

Card Recipes Kansas Once Game: Upon Best Dragons’ Person of Teams Game a Time TBA Rick Den Mercer Post Interest

Movie: Simpsons “Seven Burgers

Sportsnet Killed The Ultimate Who New Tricks Connected Miracle? Fighter ”

Extreme Once Upon Makeover a Time

Shipping Force” Be the Boss Pet League/Evil Shipping League/Evil ” Zoink’d!

Doc Zone ” ”

30 for 30 PrimeTime ” Motoring

” The Mob Doctor”

The Insider Good Pets.TV Wife

Pounds” Family Guy Amer. ”Dad

Bobsledding On the Edge Islands Lewis of ” Britain”

Cash Cab Revenge Cash Cab ”

Storage Storage

Movie: Zoink’d! “Over the Babysitting

fi fth estate CBC News: MythBusters Family” Guy ” ” The National Amer. ”Dad

Boxing ” Cash Cab SportsCentre The Good The ” CHBC News Mentalist Cash Cab Wife

Movie: KIRO News CBC News: The “Finding KIRO News The National Mentalist

” The Good Global Nat. Wife

Premier Sportsnet ICC Cricket Connected

The Last ” Supper ”

News 666 Park World News Avenue

Storage Storage

Hedge” Modern Pick The That’s-Weird Staircase Spies Splatalot

SportsCentre News CTV News ” GlobalFinal Nat. Block ” CHBC News CTV News ”

CBC News Nemo” fifth estate ”

KIRO News CBS News KIRO News

News Final Hour Block ”

European Bensinger Poker Tour Bensinger

Twist Frontiers of News KOMO 4 ” Castle Construction News

Storage Storage

Zoink’d! Movie: Splatalot “Despicable

Paid Prog. SportsCentre Howie Do It Paid Prog. ” Cleveland

The Castle Mentalist ”

” Heartland Canadian ”

Face the 60 Minutes Nation”

Paid Prog. Howie Do It Paid Prog. Cleveland

Sportsnet UFC Wired Connected ”

” Wild Again Lonely” Boy

” Once Upon Burn Notice a Time

Be the Boss Me” Despicable Storage ” Me Storage ”

Once Upon a Time

Dragons’ Den

Person of Interest

Simpsons Burgers

The Ultimate New Tricks Fighter ”

Once Upon a Time

Be the Boss League/Evil ” Zoink’d!

The Mob Doctor

Republic of Doyle

The Good Wife

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Revenge ”

Zoink’d! Babysitting

The Good Wife

Sportsnet Connected

KNOW KOMO ” 666 Park ” Avenue * `

Storage Storage

CBC News: The The National Mentalist


On the Edge Lewis ” ”

The Mentalist

Storage Storage

Pick Splatalot

SportsCentre News Final CTV News Sportfishing The Doctors The View ” Block CTV News PBA Bowling ” ” SportsCentre Paid Prog. The ” Mamas The Marilyn ” Paid Prog. Mentalist ” Debt/Part Denis Show

CBC News Poko fifth estate Doodlebops ” Steven and Canadian Chris

KIRO News The Price Is KIRO News Right Face the Young & Nation Restless

News Final The Doctors Block ” Paid Prog. Mamas Paid Prog. Debt/Part

European Sportsnet Poker Tour Connected Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Connected

Twist News Bucket-Dino The View ” Castle Franklin ” ” ” Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Lonely Boy Burn Notice Dive, Olly News

Storage Criminal Storage Minds Be the Boss Criminal ” Minds

Zoink’d! Squirrel Splatalot G. Shrinks Despicable G. Shrinks Me Rescue Hero

Strength Strength

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

General Hospital

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

EPL Review Big Bear ” Dinosaur

SportsCentre Sportfishing ” PBA Bowling Hockey ” Interruption ”

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Mamas Restless Debt/Part

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show

Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Mamas Restless Debt/Part

European Sportsnet Poker Tour Connected World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected

Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly

2013 DisStrength cover BCS Strength

News Noon News Hour ” Global Days ofNat. our CHBC Lives News

CTV CTV News News at Five”

News CBC News News Now

KIRO KIRO News News KIRO Bold News

Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.

Prime Time HockeycenSports tral at Noon

CTV News The Dr. Oz Show ”

News Heartland Exchange ”

KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”

News Hour Days of our Lives ”

Sportsnet Soccer Connected Central

:00 5 :30 SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2013 12 :30

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Pounds” Family Guy Amer. ”Dad


Simpsons Burgers

PrimeTime Motoring

Family Guy Amer. Dad

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife

National NFL Live Champion”

Dragons’ Republic of Den Doyle




Lorna Dueck Pounds” ” Joel Osteen In Touch ”

Global Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News



KIRO The CHAN Ent Let’s Make a Ent Talk omg! Insider ET Canada Deal_ ” (

ICC Cricket Bobsledding ” West-Journal Fish TV Premier

Little Prince Paid Prog. Islands of Cash Cab Britain Cab Little Prince Cash Paid Prog. Babar Paid Prog. The Last News ICC Cricket Supper World On the Edge Animals Movie:News ” Animals of “The Open Bensinger Frontiers KOMO 4 Bensinger Construction Movie: Rainwolves News Road” “The Great ” ” UFC Wired Wild Again Once Upon





Barter Kings Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Storage

iCarly Movie: “Over the Victorious Big Time Hedge”

fiNow fth estate ” CBC News Now With Modern

Storage Shipping Shipping Storage

A&E 1



Drill Jim ” MythBusters ” to ” Licence Kids News Drill The Offi ce MythBusters Paid Prog. ” Two Men Licence to Paid Prog. Drill FOX NFL MythBusters Big Bang


Wild Kratts



Boz Comes Movie: Basketball Here Honey “Gladiator” The ” Sisterhood Here Comes ”” Honey ” Here Comes Movie: HereFuneral Comes “The ” Best

Undamming KING Justin5Time Performers 1966-1969 News Moyers & PGA Tour Company Golf Moyers & Nightly News Company KING News Happiness ” Advantage ” Easy Yoga Dateline

Ever Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Four Here Comes Honey Weddings Here Comes Best Funeral Totally THere Comes Ever Boz Here Comes Here Comes The Here Comes Honey Sisterhood Honey Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Comes Here Here Comes Honey Paid Prog. Here Comes Best Prog. Funeral Paid Here Comes Ever

for Arthritis With Shawn Alone in the Secrets of Bob Builder Wilderness Highclere Wild Kratts ” Masterpiece McLaughlin Ed Sullivan’s Classic Undamming Top ” Moyers Performers ” & Company 1966-1969 Easy Yoga Happiness Moyers & for Arthritis Advantage Company Incredible With Shawn Easy Yoga Health-Joel Alone in the for Arthritis

NBC ” ” ” Gardening LazyTown ” Paid Prog. Noodle The Biggest Poppy Cat Exploration Loser Justin Time Kids News ” PGA Tour KING ”5 Golf News KING News Nightly” News Backroads KING ”News Supersmile ” Dateline Paid Prog. NBC ”

Wilderness Secrets of ” Highclere

LazyTown ” Noodle ”



” Mexican” ” Movie: The Closer Big Bang “300” ” Big Bang ” College Big Bang ” Basketball Big Bang ” ” Movie: The Closer ” “Gladiator” ” Movie:” Movie: “The ” “1408” Mexican” ”” ”

MythBusters Card Game: Here Comes Big Bang Simpsons Movie: ” Teams Comes Big Bang BurgersTBA Here Honey “300” Here Comes Big Bang Best Funeral ” Here Ever Comes Big Bang ”

Ed Sullivan’s Exploration Masterpiece The Biggest Top Kids Classic LoserNews Performers ” 1966-1969 ”

KING ”5 News ”

Here Comes ” Here Comes Movie:” Honey

Easy Yoga Moyers & for Arthritis Company

KING News Nightly News Backroads KING News

CBC News: MythBusters Big Sunny The Bang The National Spokane Staircase ” Two Men

Paid Prog. Best Funeral “1408”” Paid Prog. Ever ”

Incredible Easy Yoga Health-Joel for Arthritis

Supersmile Dateline Paid Prog. NBC

Here Comes Movie: Honey “300”

Secrets of Highclere

CBC News: MythBusters Family Guy The National ” Amer. Dad



Best Funeral Ever

Masterpiece The Biggest Classic Loser

The Staircase

MythBusters News ” TMZ

Here Comes ” Honey The Closer

” CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Reshmi Nair The National cont’d

MythBusters Mighty Ships ” ” MythBusters Pyros ” ”

” The Office Sunny How I Met Sunny Family Feud Spokane Family Feud

Here Comes Baby Story Here Comes Baby Story Paid Prog. Cake Boss Paid Prog. Cake Boss

League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Now With

Licence to Drill

Matlock ”

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick

Gloria Macarenko

Jungle Gold ”

Law Order: CI

The First 48 ”

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

MythBusters Funny Home Four ” Videos Weddings

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO KOMO 4 4 News News

Celeb. Ghost Criminal Stories Minds Celeb. Ghost Criminal Stories Minds

Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick G. Shrinks SpongeBob G. Shrinks SpongeBob Rescue Hero

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary cont’d

Invented/ Mighty Ships World ” Daily PyrosPlanet ””

Martha Dino Dan Wild Rob Kratts Robot

News The Chew World ”News

Animals Save Ums Gardens Wibbly Pig

KOMO 4 General News Hospital

The The HauntFirst 48 SpongeBob League/Evil ing Of... SpongeBob ” Kid vs. Kat The HauntiCarly The First 48 Squirrel ing Of... Big Time ” Sidekick

CBC CBC News News ” Now With CBC News: Gloria The National Macarenko

MythBusters Simpsons Licence to Matlock Raymond Drill ” ” Sons of Big Jungle Gold LawBang Order: Guns ” Two CI Men

Cake What Boss: Not to Browns Excused Next Payne WearBaker Excused Cake Boss: Browns Four There Yet? Next Baker Payne Weddings There Yet?

How/Made Invented/ Mighty Ships How/Made World ” Sons Daily of Planet Pyros ” Guns ” Auction MythBusters Licence Auction ” to Drill Highway Sons of Jungle Gold Thru GunsHell ” MythBusters Auction MythBusters ” Auction ” How/Made Invented/ How/Made World Sons of Daily Planet Guns ” Auction MythBusters Auction ” Highway Sons Hell of Thru Guns MythBusters Auction ” Auction

Bones The Ricki The Offi ” ce Lake Show How I Met The Mob Anderson Family Feud Doctor Live Family Feud News Simpsons Matlock 30 Rock Raymond ” Sunny Big Bang Law Order: TMZ Two Men CI The Office Big Bang Funny King of Home Hill Two Men Videos Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Mob Anderson Doctor Live News Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Sunny Big TMZBang Two Men The Office Big Bang King of Hill Two Men

Cake Boss: Medium BabyBaker Story Next Medium Baby Story Cake Cake Boss Boss: Cake Boss Cake Boss Next Baker Cake Boss Cake Boss: Cake Boss: What Not to Next Next Baker Baker Wear Cake Cake Boss: Boss: Four Next Next Baker Baker Weddings Peter Cake Popoff Boss Four Paid CakeProg. Boss Weddings Cake Boss: Medium Next Baker Medium Cake Boss Cake Boss Boss: Cake Next Baker Cake Boss: CakeBaker Boss: Next Next Baker Cake Boss: Cake Boss: Next Baker Next Baker Peter Popoff CakeProg. Boss Paid Cake Boss

Family Guy The Offi ce Law Order: Family Guy The Offi ce CI Amer. Dad Big Bang Law Order: Movie: Big Bang CI “Planet Browns51” Excused Payne” Excused ” Browns There Movie: Payne Yet? There Yet? “Righteous Seinfeld King Kill” Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The Office Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Planet 51” Browns ” Payne ” Browns Movie: Payne “Righteous Seinfeld Kill” Seinfeld

Antiques The Cat in the EllenBiggest DeGeSid Science Loser Today Roadshow Arthur neres Show Wild Kratts cont’d Market Wild Kratts Katie ” Daniel Tiger New Day Warriors ”” WordGirl Rick Steves Northwest POV Deception Business KING 5 Ed Sullivan’s KING World”News News ”5 Top News Ed Sullivan’s KING News PBS Nightly News Performers Days of our Top Jay Leno NewsHour News 1966-1969 Lives Performers ” Old House Magazine Charlie Rose Jimmy Dr. PhilEd. 1966-1969 Fallon Antiques Inside ” ” Antiques The Biggest Cat in the Ellen Roadshow LoserDeGeArthur neres Show Market ” Wild Kratts Katie ” Warriors WordGirl ” POV Deception Business KING ”5 ” World News News Ed Sullivan’s KING News PBS Nightly News Top Jay Leno NewsHour News Performers ” Old House Magazine 1966-1969 Jimmy Fallon Antiques Inside Ed.

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E The The HauntFirst 48 ing Of... ” 1





YTV CBC NEWS Victorious News Almost Power & How to Rock Politics ” League/Evil 6 7

MythBusters Simpsons ” Burgers



The Ricki The Office Lake Show How I Met Anderson Family Feud Live Family Feud


” ”

KING ” ” P

” Law Order: Movie: CI “1408” Law Order: ” CI

Easy Yoga Sid Science for Arthritis Wild Kratts Incredible Daniel Tiger Health-Joel Rick Steves

KING News Today Backroads cont’d Supersmile New Day Paid Prog. Northwest

What Not to Wear

Excused Excused

Ed Sullivan’s KING 5 Top News

Four Weddings

There Yet? There Yet?

Performers 1966-1969

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

The Office Law Order: The Office CI Big LawBang Order: Big CI Bang

Cat in the Ellen DeGeSid Science Today Arthur neres Show Wild Kratts cont’d Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger Katie New Day WordGirl ” Rick Steves Northwest Business Ed Sullivan’s KING KING 5 5 World News News Top News

Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story Cake Cake Boss: Boss Next CakeBaker Boss

DISC Funny KAYU TLC Auction Bang MythBusters Big Home Cake Four Boss Auction Two Men Cake Boss ” Videos Weddings 9 ; <


WTBS Seinfeld King Seinfeld KingA


PBS Performers NewsHour 1966-1969

George S Steven and Coronation Chris

Anger Ellen DeGeTheBang View Big neres Show ” The Mob Anderson The Marilyn Doctor Live Denis Show Castle CTV News CTV News ” at Five ” CTV CTV News News The Dr. CTV News ” Oz Show Daily Show Big Bang Dr. Phil Colbert Rep etalk ” Anger Ellen DeGeBig Bang neres Show The Mob Anderson Doctor Live Castle CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV News ” Daily Show Big Bang Colbert Rep etalk

Mr. D Recipes Best PokoJames Ron Stefano Doodlebops Murdoch Dragons’ Steven and Mysteries Den Chris CBC NewsNews: CBC News The National News Now CBC NewsNews Heartland George S Exchange ” Coronation George S Steven and Being Erica Coronation Chris Mr. D Best Recipes Ron James Stefano Murdoch Dragons’ Mysteries Den CBC News: News The National News CBC News News George S Exchange Coronation George S Being Erica Coronation

How I Met ThisMinute The Price Broke Girl Is ThisMinute Right Broke JudgeGirl Judy Young & Mike Judge Judy Restless Hawaii FiveKIRO News KIRO News 0 KIRO News Bold KIRO KIRO News News The Late Show CBSTalk News ” Letterman Ent Let’s a Ferguson omg! Make Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Broke Girl Judge Mike Judy Judge Judy Hawaii FiveKIRO News 0 KIRO News KIRO News KIROShow News Late CBS News Letterman Ent Ferguson omg! Insider

NCIS: Los The Ricki The Doctors Angeles Lake Show ” Deception Young & Mamas ” Restless Debt/Part Hawaii FiveEarly News Noon 0 GlobalNews Nat. Hour News News Hour Hour Days of Final ” our Lives ET EntCanada The Talk J. Probst ET Canada ” NCIS: Los The Ricki Angeles Lake Show Deception Young”& Restless Hawaii FiveEarly News 0 Global Nat. News Hour News Hour Final ” ET Canada Ent J. Probst ET Canada

FIFA Ballon European Sportsnet D’or 2012 Poker Tour Connected On the Poker Edge World Sportsnet ” Tour Connected Sportsnet Prime Time HockeycenConnected Sports tral at Noon Hockey Sportsnet Soccer UFC Central Connected Central The Ultimate Big Coast EPL Review Fighter UFC Central ” FIFA Ballon European D’or 2012 Poker Tour On the Edge World ”Poker Tour Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sports Hockey Sportsnet UFC Central Connected The Ultimate Big Coast Fighter UFC Central

Victorian Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Pharmacy Clifford-Dog Franklin Movie: G. Shrinks Rolie “Marlene ArthurPolie Dive, Olly Dietrich: Martha Her Dino Dan Own Wild Song” Kratts Rob Robot BattleAnimals Save Ums Bagpipes Gardens Wibbly Pig Marlene Battle- D. Big Bear ” Bagpipes Dinosaur Victorian Rob Robot Pharmacy Clifford-Dog Movie: G. Shrinks “Marlene Arthur Dietrich: Her Martha Own Song” Wild Kratts BattleAnimals Bagpipes Gardens Marlene D. Battle-” Bagpipes

The The Dr. Oz The View Bachelor Show ” ” 4 KOMO KOMO News ” 4 News Castle News The Chew ”News World ” News KOMO 4 General Nightline News Hospital Jimmy Wheel The Doctors Kimmel Live Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelor Show ” KOMO” 4 News Castle News ” World News News KOMO 4 Nightline News Jimmy Wheel Live Kimmel Jeopardy!

The HauntCeleb. Ghost Criminal ing Of... Stories Minds The HauntCeleb. Ghost Criminal ing Of... Stories Minds The HauntThe HauntThe First 48 ing ing Of... Of... ” The The HauntHauntThe First 48 ing ing Of... Of... ” The The HauntHauntThe First 48 ing ing Of... Of... ” The HauntCeleb. Ghost ing Of... Stories The HauntCeleb. Ghost ing Of... Stories The HauntTheOf... Haunting ing Of... The HauntThe Haunting Of... ing Of... The HauntTheOf... Haunting ing Of...

Wipeout Squirrel Squirrel ” Sidekick G. Shrinks Just Laughs SpongeBob G. Shrinks Just Laughs SpongeBob Rescue Hero Boys SpongeBob League/Evil Mr. Young SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat That’s-Weird iCarly Squirrel Splatalot Big Time Sidekick Wipeout Victorious Almost ” Rock How to League/Evil Wipeout Squirrel ” Sidekick Just Laughs SpongeBob Just Laughs SpongeBob Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob That’s-Weird iCarly Splatalot Big Time Wipeout Victorious ” How to Rock

CBC News: ” CBCNational News The ” Now With CBC LangNews: & Reshmi The National O’Leary Nair cont’d CBC CBC News News CBC News ”” Now With CBC CBC News: News: Gloria The The National National Macarenko Lang CBC & News Power”& O’Leary Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News CBC News ” ” CBC News: CBC News: The National The National Lang & CBC News O’Leary ”

Notre Dame ”

NCIS: Los Angeles

Anger Big Bang

Mr. D Ron James

How I Met Broke Girl

NCIS: Los Angeles

FIFA Ballon D’or 2012

Victorian Pharmacy

The Bachelor

The Haunting Of...

Wipeout ”

CBC News: How/Made The National How/Made

Bones ”

Cake Boss: Next Baker

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

SportsCentre Deception ” ”

The Mob Doctor

Murdoch Mysteries

Broke Girl Mike

Deception ”

On the Edge Movie: ” “Marlene

The Haunting Of...

Just Laughs Just Laughs

CBC News: Sons of The National Guns

The Mob Doctor

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Amer. Dad Movie:

Market Warriors

Dietrich: Her Castle Own Song” ”

The Haunting Of...

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

News 30 Rock

Cake Boss: Next Baker

“Planet 51” ”


Cake Story Boss: Baby Next Baker Baby Story

” Law Order: Movie: CI



SportsCentre News Hour The CTVView News Auto Racing The Doctors Final ” CTV News ”” ”

CBC News Poko George S Doodlebops

SportsCentre Mamas ET Canada Billiards J. Probst ”” Debt/Part

DailyMarilyn Show Steven Coronation The and Colbert Rep Chris Being Erica Denis Show


KIRO News The Price Is Late Show Right

News Hour Sportsnet Hockey BattleNews The Doctors Bucket-Dino The View Final ” UFC Central Franklin Bagpipes Nightline Connected ”

Letterman Young & Ferguson Restless

ET Canada Mamas J. Probst Debt/Part

The Ultimate Rolie Marlene D. Sportsnet Polie Fighter ” Connected Dive, Olly

A&E 1

The HauntCriminal ing Of... Minds

Jimmy 4 The HauntKOMO Criminal Kimmel Live Minds ing Of... News




Auction Auction


That’s-Weird CBC CBC News News: Mighty Highway Sunny Squirrel Ships The Office Splatalot The National Thru Hell TMZ I Met Puppies Now With ” How



Wipeout Lang & Nair Canada’s MythBusters Family The Offi ce Peter Boss Popoff Law “Righteous G. Shrinks Reshmi Feud Cake Order: ” Hero cont’d O’Leary King ofFeud Hill Paid Prog. Kill” Rescue Worst ”Driver Family Cake Boss CI

Days of our Lives


Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives

KCTS KING Old House Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Antiques Inside ”Ed. ” N P

Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ”


” ”

KCTS ” ” N



ship: Ent Off Record The Talk Alabama vs. ET Canada Interruption ” Notre Dame NCIS: Los SportsCentre The Ricki Sportfi The Doctors ””shing Angeles Lake Show PBA Bowling ” SportsCentre Deception Hockey Young & Mamas ”” ” Interruption Restless ” Debt/Part SportsCentre Hawaii 2013 DisNews FiveStrength Noon News 0 cover ”BCS ” Strength Hour SportsCentre News National GlobalHour Nat. NFL Live Days our ” Final ChampionCHBCofNews ” Lives SportsCentre ET ship: EntCanada Off Record The Talk ” Probst Alabama vs. J. ET Canada Interruption ” Notre Dame NCIS: Los SportsCentre The Ricki ” Angeles ” Lake Show SportsCentre Deception Hockey Young”& ” Interruption Restless SportsCentre Hawaii Five2013 DisNews ” 0 cover BCS ” SportsCentre News Hour National Global Nat. ” Final ChampionCHBC News SportsCentre ET Canada ship: ” Ent J. Probst Alabama vs. ET Canada

CBC News: Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Sportsnet The National 0 0 Connected


Here Comes Movie:” “Gladiator” Honey The Closer

” ”

Paid Prog. MythBusters News Two Men ” TMZ


” MythBusters Big Bang ” CBC News: ” ” Sunny The National Two Men

SNP KNOW Wheel KOMO Big EPLCoast Review BattleBig Bear The Doctors UFC Central Bagpipes Jeopardy! ” Dinosaur ” ) * `

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Castle ” 0 ”

Paid Prog.

Here Comes Big Bang Sullivan’s Exploration L Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Lake Ed Country Calendar Here Comes Big Bang Top News Totally TCollege McLaughlin Kids Poppy Cat


The Biggest Loser ”


Deception ”

Ed Sullivan’s KING News Sid Science Today Top Kratts Jay Leno Wild cont’d Performers Daniel Tiger 1966-1969 Rick Steves

” New Day Jimmy Fallon Northwest

Strength Strength

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”

League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Now With

Sons of Guns

Matlock ”

What Not to Wear

Excused Excused

Rick Steves’ KING 5 Essential News

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick

Gloria Macarenko

Auction Auction

Law Order: CI

Four Weddings

There Yet? There Yet?

Europe ”

Off Record Interruption Auto Racing SportsCentre ”” Billiards Hockey ” The Re-

The Talk ” The Ricki Doctors The ” Lake Show Mamas Young & Debt/Part Restless

Dr. Phil ” The View Ellen DeGe” neres Show The Marilyn Anderson Denis Show Live

Steven and Chris PokoRecipes Best Doodlebops Stefano Steven and Dragons’ Chris Den

The Ricki Doctors The ” Lake Show Mamas Young & Debt/Part Restless

Sportsnet On the Edge Connected ” Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour

Bucket-Dino Rob Robot Franklin Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Arthur

The Dr. View The Oz Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News

Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Squirrel Squirrel Puppies Sidekick G. Shrinks Odd Parents Rescue Hero Odd Parents

CBC News ” Now With ” Reshmi Lang & Nair cont’d O’Leary

Mighty Ships Invented/ World ” Canada’s Daily Planet Worst”Driver

The Ricki Office The How IShow Met Lake Family Feud Anderson Family Feud Live

Baby Story Medium Baby Story Medium Cake TotallyBoss TCake Boss Boz

Strength placements Strength ” NFL Live ” ””

Noon News News Hour ”

Noon News News Early Hour Nat. Global Days of our News Hour Lives ”

HockeycenPrime Time tral at Noon Sports Soccer Sportsnet Central Hockey

Dino Dan Martha Rob Kratts Robot Wild Save Ums Animals Wibbly Pig Dogs

The Chew News World ”News General KOMO 4 Hospital News




KIRO CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk _ ( Deal ”

SNP Dew Tour ) ”

KNOW KOMO Big Bear The Doctors * ` Dinosaur ”

A&E The First 48 1 ”

YTV Almost 6 League/Evil

CTV News News CTV at Five” Days of our The Dr. Oz Global Nat. CTV News Lives News Show ” CHBC Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentre Ent Big Bang Interruption ” ” ET Canada etalk ” SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen ” NCIS To Be DeGe” Lake Show neres Show Off Record ” Announced Auto Racing The Doctors The View

CBC News News Now News Heartland News ” Exchange

The Price Is ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Young Judy & Judge Restless Judge Judy KIRO News News KIRO Bold News KIRO The Talk KIRO News ” CBS News

Steven and George S Chris Coronation Best Recipes Rick Mercer Stefano 22 Minutes Poko

Let’s Make a Ent Deal Insider omg! ThisMinute NCIS ThisMinute ” The Price Is


The Talk Ent ” ET Canada The NCISRicki Lake Show ” The Doctors


Dew To BeTour ” Announced On the ” Edge ”” Sportsnet

”Poker NCIS: Hockey Young”Los & World The ReRestless Tour Angeles Billiards Mamas placements News ” Debt/Part SportsCentre Vegas ” ” ” Strength Noon ”News ” Global Nat. Strength Hour SportsCentre CHBC News ” CHBC News ” Final NFL Live Days of our SportsCentre Ent ” Lives SportsCentre ET Canada ” ET Canada ” J. Probst Off Record The Talk ” NCIS ” Interruption Off Record ” SportsCentre The Ricki World ”Poker Lake NCIS:Show Los Tour Angeles Hockey Young & SportsCentre Vegas The ReRestless ” ” placements News SportsCentre CHBC” News ” Auto Racing The ” FinalDoctors Global” Nat. ” SportsCentre ET Canada ” CHBC News Billiards Mamas ” J. Probst SportsCentre Ent ” Debt/Part ” ET Canada World Poker Noon News Tour ” Hour NCIS Off Record ” our NFL Live Days of

Doodlebops Dragons’ Cracked Den ” Steven and News Chris CBC News: News The CBCNational News News Now CBC News Exchange George S Heartland George ” S Coronation Coronation The Border Steven and Rick Mercer Chris 22 Minutes Best Recipes Cracked Stefano ” Dragons’ CBC Den News: The National News CBC NewsNews Poko George S News Doodlebops Coronation Exchange Steven and The Border George S Chris Coronation CBC News Now Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Heartland

Right Judge Los Judy NCIS: Judge Judy Angeles Young & KIRO News Restless Vegas KIRO News KIRO ”News KIRO News Bold KIRO News CBS News Late Show The Talk Ent ” Letterman omg! Insider Ferguson Let’s Make a NCIS Deal ” ThisMinute NCIS: Los ThisMinute Angeles Judge Judy Vegas Judge Judy ” KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News The LatePrice ShowIs KIRO News Right Letterman CBS News Young & Ferguson Ent Restless omg! Insider KIRO News Bold NCIS ” The Talk

Young”Los & NCIS: Restless Angeles Mamas Early News Debt/Part Vegas Global Nat. Noon ”News News Hour Hour News Hour ” Final Days of our Ent Lives ET Canada ET Canada J. Probst The Talk NCIS ” ” The Ricki NCIS:Show Los Lake Angeles Young & Vegas Restless ” Early News News GlobalHour Nat. The FinalDoctors News ”Hour ET Canada ” Mamas J. Probst Ent Debt/Part ET Canada Noon News Hour NCIS ” our Days of

Connected World”Poker Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sportsnet Sports Connected HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon Hockey Hockey UFC Central Soccer To Be Central Football Announced Premier Dew Tour ” ” On the Edge ” Sportsnet World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time Hockey Sports Sportsnet UFC Central Sportsnet Connected Football Hockey Sportsnet Premier To Be Connected Announced HockeyCentral ” ” Soccer

The First 48 Odd League/Evil Storage Parents ” Kid vs. Kat Storage Odd Parents The First 48 Squirrel Storage iCarly ” Sidekick Storage Victorious Bigthe Bear The Doctors Storage: The FirstNY 48 Mr. Almost Be Wheel Young Dinosaur ” ” League/Evil Creature Jeopardy! Storage: NY Boys Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Storage Squirrel Stalin’s Back Mod Fam Storage: NY Wipeout Clifford-Dog Show Storage ” The Storage: ” Bucket-Dino The Middle View Criminal NY Sidekick Squirrel Franklin Minds Puppies G. Shrinks KOMO” 4 Storage Odd Laughs Parents Movie: Happy Storage Just Arthur News Storage Odd Parents “Armadillo” Apt. 23 4 Storage Just Laughs Rolie Polie KOMO Criminal G. Shrinks Martha Storage Odd Parents Dive, Olly News Minds Rescue Hero ” Private Storage Boys Wild Kratts World News Storage Odd Parents ” Practice Storage Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 Splatalot League/Evil Animals KOMO 4 Storage iCarly Rob Robot ” NY That’s-Weird Kid vs. Kat Be the News ” Storage: Dogs News Storage Victorious Creature Jimmy Storage: Save Ums General The FirstNY 48 Splatalot Squirrel Be the Pig Wheel Storage: NY Sidekick Mr. Young Wibbly Hospital ” Movie: Kimmel Live Storage: NY Wipeout Creature Jeopardy! Storage: NY Boys “Armadillo” Nightline ” Big Bear The Doctors Storage: The FirstNY 48 Almost Stalin’s Back Mod Fam Storage: Wipeout Dinosaur ” ” NY League/Evil ” The Middle Storage: NY ” Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Storage Squirrel Movie: Happy Just Laughs Clifford-Dog Show Storage Sidekick “Armadillo” Apt. 23 Storage Just Laughs G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Storage Odd Parents Private Storage Boys Arthur” News Storage Odd Parents ” Practice Storage Splatalot Martha News Storage Odd Parents Be the News Wild Kratts World News Storage: Storage NY That’s-Weird Odd Parents Bucket-Dino The View Shipping Creature Jimmy Storage: NY Squirrel Splatalot Animals KOMO” 4 Storage iCarly Franklin Shipping G. Shrinks Movie: Kimmel Dogs News Live Storage: Storage NY Wipeout Victorious Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Shipping “Armadillo” Nightline Storage: NY G. Shrinks ” Be the Wheel Storage: NY Mr. Young Dive, Olly News Shipping Rescue Hero Creature Jeopardy! Storage: NY Boys Dino Dan The Chew Shipping League/Evil Rob Robot ” Shipping vs. Kat Stalin’s Back Mod Fam Storage: NY Kid Wipeout ” The Middle Shipping Storage: NY Squirrel ” Save-Ums! General

Show ” Cleveland Cracked New Normal Steven” and Dr. Phil ” Chris Vegas” Criminal CBC News: ” MindsDeGe- Best The National The Ricki Ellen Recipes Lake Show Show Stefano CHBC News neres CTV News CBC News Final & CTV News George S Young Anderson Dragons’ Restless ET Canada Live Daily Show Den Coronation J. Probst Colbert Rep News The Border News CTV News ” at Five News

NCIS:”Los Angeles Let’s Make a Deal Vegas ” ThisMinute ThisMinute KIRO News Late Show Judge Judy Judge Judy Letterman

Lives NCIS: Los Angeles The Talk

Central ” Sportsnet Premier

Wibbly Movie: Pig “Armadillo” Big Bear

Vegas” ” The Ricki Lake NewsShow Hour Final & Young Restless ET Canada

Football Sportsnet Connected World Poker Tour Hockey UFC Central NBA Basketball: Football

Dinosaur ” ” Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Be the Creature G. Shrinks Arthur Movie:

Hospital Shipping Happy Storage Apt. Doctors 23 Storage The Shipping ” Shipping Private Storage Practice Storage The Dr. Oz Shipping Show Shipping News Storage: NY Jimmy 4 Storage: KOMO Duck D. NY News Duck D. NY Kimmel Live Storage:

Ferguson KIRO News KIRO News

J. Probst Early News Global Nat.

Premier 76ers at Raptors

“Armadillo” Martha Wild Kratts

Nightline News World News

News Hour ”

KOMO 4 News

World ”Poker TourRecord Off Interruption SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” SportsCentre ” Hockey Team SportsCentre ” Canada Rewind ” ”

” Anderson Cleveland Live Normal New The Marilyn CTV News Denis Show Criminal at Five Minds CTV News CTV News ” CTV News ” CTV News The Dr. Oz Big Bang Show Daily Show etalk Colbert Dr. Phil Rep To Be ” Announced Ellen DeGeCleveland neres Show New Normal Anderson Criminal Live Minds CTV News CTV News at Five The CTVView News CTV News ” Daily Show ” The Marilyn Colbert Rep Big Bang Denis Show etalk CTV News To Be ” Announced The Dr. Oz

Lives NCIS: Los Angeles The Talk





A&E 1

A&E 1




O’Leary CBC News ”



Gold Gold Rush ” to Licence

CI Weddings New Girl Sin City Mindy Home Four Rules Funny Drill Weddings Bering Sea Videos News Totally TGold 30 Rock Boz Invented/ The Ricki Medium World Lake Show Medium Licence to Sunny Totally TDrill Planet Anderson TMZ Boz Daily Toddlers & ” Live Tiaras MythBusters The Office Paid Prog. King of Hill Paid Prog. When ”Aliens Simpsons Here Comes Attack Raymond Honey

News Exchange

KIRO News CBS News

” Sportsnet

Animals Undersea

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Barter Kings Mr. Young ” Boys

CBC News ”

” Off Record

Bomb Girls ”


Dragons’ Den

I Get That a Lot

Bomb Girls ”

Premier Snowbrd

Ganges ”

The Middle Neighbors

Barter Kings Wipeout Barter Kings ”

CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold


People’s Choice

Criminal Minds

Arctic Air ”

People’s Choice

People’s Choice

Dew Tour ”

Duo ”

Mod Fam Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.

Just Laughs Just Laughs

CBC News: When Aliens High Dive The National Attack ”

Cheer Perfection

CSI: Crime Scene

CBC News: Awards The National 2013

Awards 2013

Sportsnet Connected

” ”

Nashville ”

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Premier

Frontiers of News Construction Jimmy

SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

Sportsnet Connected

Ganges ”

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Shipping Shipping

CBC News: The National



George S Coronation

SportsCentre Awards ” 2013

iCarly Victorious

TLC Four < Weddings

Big Bang etalk ”

Shipping Shipping

KAYU Funny Home ; Videos

” ”

Big Bang Two Men

MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men

” ”

Lang & O’Leary

Licence to Drill

Toddlers & Tiaras

News 30 Rock

The Office King of Hill



There Amer. Yet? Dad Movie: King

Days of our

KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”

Sid in Science TodayDeGeCat the Ellen Wild Kratts cont’dShow Arthur neres Daniel Tiger New Wild Kratts Katie Day Rick Steves Northwest WordGirl ” Rick Steves’ KING KING 5 5 Business Essential News World News News Europe Days of our PBS Nightly News ” Lives NewsHour News



Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Ed Sullivan’s ” Top Inside ”Ed. Cat in the Ellen DeGePerformers Off-Rockers Arthur neres 1966-1969 Sid Science Off-Rockers Today Show

Wild Kratts cont’d Katie Abolitionists: Go On WordGirl ” American Daniel Tiger New New Normal Day Business KING 5 Rick Steves Northwest Frontline Parenthood World News News ” Rick Steves’ KING ”5 PBS Nightly News Essential News Movie: KING News NewsHour News “The Jay Leno Europe Days of our Ed Sullivan’s Magazine ” Lives Quantum ” Top Inside Ed. Activist” Charlie Rose Jimmy Dr. PhilFallon Performers Off-Rockers ” ” 1966-1969 Off-Rockers Cat in the Ellen DeGeAbolitionists: neres Go OnShow Arthur American New Normal Wild Kratts Katie Frontline Parenthood WordGirl ” ” ” Business KING 5 Movie: World News KING News News Sid Science Today “The Jay Leno PBS Kratts Nightly News Wild cont’d Quantum NewsHour News ” Daniel Tiger New Day Activist” Jimmy Fallon Ed Sullivan’s Magazine Rick Steves Northwest Top Inside Ed. Happiness KING 5 Advantage News Performers Off-Rockers 1966-1969 Off-Rockers With Shawn Days of our



King “Righteous Kill” Office The The Offi ” ce Movie: Big Bang Big Bang “The Ring”

Heart Abolitionists: Lives Go On American New Normal Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ” Frontline Parenthood ” ” Cat in the Ellen DeGeArthur neres Movie: KING Show News “The Kratts Jay Leno Wild Katie WordGirl ” Quantum ”

” College Basketball

Activist” Business World News

” ”

Jimmy5Fallon KING News

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Rick Steves Field Guide

Magazine Inside Ed.

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Whitney Guys-Kids

Amer. Dad Browns


Law & Order: SVU

Here Comes Payne Honey Browns

Life on Fire ”

Chicago Fire ”

Toddlers & Tiaras


KING News Jay Leno

Cheer Perfection

Stars in Toddlers & Danger: The Tiaras

Barter Kings That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny ” Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Kimmel Live Barter Kings Wipeout Nightline Barter Kings ”

WTBS King A King

Law Offi Order: The ce CI Office The Law Order: Big Bang CI Bang Big CBC News News How/Made Sons of Matlock What Not Excused CBC Simpsons Totally T- to Browns Now With Guns ” Wear Excused ” How/Made Raymond Boz Payne Gloria Auction Law Order: Four There CBC News: Gold Rush Big Bang The BrownsYet? Macarenko CI Men Weddings There Yet? The National Auction ” Two Sisterhood Payne Power & MythBusters Funny Home Sin Four King CBC News Bering Sea Big Bang City Seinfeld Politics ” Videos Weddings King ” Gold Two Men Rules Seinfeld ” Invented/ The Ricki Medium The Offi ce CBC News: Licence to Raising The Family Guy ” World Lake Show Medium The ce The Drill Sisterhood Guy CBCNational News Mighty Ships Ben-Kate The Offi ce Baby Story Family Law Offi Order: Now ” How I Met Baby Story CI LangWith & DailyRush Planet Anderson Totally TBig Bang CBC News: Gold New Girl Sin City Amer. Dad O’Leary ” Live Boz Big Bang The National ” Mindy Movie: Reshmi Nair Canada’s Family Feud Rules Cake Boss Law Order: CBC News How/Made Simpsons TotallyBoss TBrowns cont’d Worst Driver Family Feud Totally Cake CI CBC News Bering Sea News T“Righteous ” How/Made Raymond Boz Payne ” Gold 30 Rock Boz CBC News Sons of Matlock What Not to Kill” Excused CBC News: Gold Rush Big Bang The Browns Now With Guns Wear TExcused CBC News: Licence to Sunny” Totally ” The National ” Two Men Sisterhood Payne The National Drill TMZ Movie: Gloria Auction Law Order: Boz Four There Yet? CBC News Bering Sea Big Bang Sin City Seinfeld Macarenko Auction CI Weddings There Yet? Lang & MythBusters The Office Paid Prog. “The Ring” ” Gold Two Men Rules Seinfeld O’Leary ” King of Home Hill Paid Power & MythBusters Funny Four Prog. King ” CBC News: Licence Raising The Family Guy Politics ” to Videos Weddings King The National Drill Ben-Kate Sisterhood Family Guy ” Invented/ The Ricki Medium The Office CBC News: Gold Rush New Girl Sin City Amer. Dad ” World Lake Show Medium The Offi ce The National ” Mindy Rules Movie: Lang & Daily Planet Anderson Totally TBig Bang CBC News Bering” Sea News Totally T“Righteous O’Leary Live Boz Big Bang ” Gold 30 Rock Boz Kill” CBC News How/Made Simpsons Totally TBrowns CBC News: Licence to Sunny Totally T” How/Made Raymond Boz Payne” CBC News Mighty Ships The Baby Law Order: The National Drill TMZOffice Boz Story Movie: CBC With News: Gold Rush Big Bang The Story Browns Now ” How I Met Baby CI Lang & MythBusters The ce Paid Prog. “The Ring” The National ” Two Offi Men Sisterhood Payne Reshmi Cake Boss Law Order: O’Leary Nair Nerve ”Center Family King ofFeud Hill Paid Prog. ” CBC News Bering” Sea Family Big Bang Sin City Seinfeld cont’d Feud Cake Boss CI ” Gold Two Men Rules Seinfeld CBC News Gold Rush Matlock What Not to Excused Now ” to ” Wear Excused CBC With News: Licence Raising The Family Guy The National Bering Drill Ben-Kate Sisterhood FamilyYet? Guy Gloria Sea Law Order: Four There

Sidekick Just Laughs Macarenko CBC News: Just Laughs Power The National Almost & League/Evil Politics Boys CBC News Splatalot ” Squirrel ” Sidekick ” That’s-Weird CBC News: Splatalot The National SpongeBob Lang & SpongeBob O’Leary Wipeout Lang &

Storage: ” Duck D. NY SpongeBob Duck D. SpongeBob

DISC MythBusters 9 ”

SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”



NEWS Power & 7 Politics

Payne Movie:

Peter Popoff “The Spy Paid Prog. Next Door”

Dyer Wishes ” Fulfilled Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday,January January2,2,2013 2013 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, A11

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Business Opportunities

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Career Opportunities

Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430

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Misc. for Sale

RESIDENTIAL CARE AIDE/GROUP HOME COUNSELLOR IN VERNON AND ARMSTRONG Casual/On Call (must be willing to work evenings and weekends) Qualifications - Special Needs Worker Certificate or Extended Worker Certificate or Human Service Worker Certificate or Care Aid Certificate or Community Support Worker Certificate and First Aid. Skills - Ability to use positive reinforcement techniques, bridge non-verbal communications, assessments and programming, computer literate and work in a team environment. Forward resume with cover letter, qualifications and references to: Kindale Developmental Association PO Box 94 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 E-mail: Fax: 250-546-3053

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Auto Financing


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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL

Stay Active this winter

Explore and register on-line for Winter programs at by clicking on Parks, Rec & Culture and then Activity Guide

Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling This year the Christmas tree drop-off location will be Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot, rather than Swalwell Park. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime December 26-January 31.

Would you like to buy a special gift that brings joy to many and will be used for years to come? Check out Lake Country's "Partners in Parks" program and consider a memorial bench. The District of Lake Country’s Partners in Parks Program provides an opportunity for individuals to remember loved ones through a memorial bench, picnic table or other amenity. The District works with interested donors to establish the best piece of furniture or item to be purchased and location. All purchasing and installation is done by the District after the cash donation has been made, and an official tax receipt is then issued to the donor. Call us to find out more 250-766-5650.

Dog Licence Renewal Dog licence renewals for 2013 have been sent out by the Regional District and are due by February 28th. Snow Clearing A recap of the District’s snow clearing priorities is available on the website at in the News under the title Snow Removal Update & Information. Reminder: Snow accumulations can be a real challenge. Roadside parking can significantly hamper snow-clearing efforts, particularly on the narrower side roads. Residents are asked to do their best to leave as much room for the plows as possible on the side roads. 2013 Business Licences Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2013, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence. and the District’s Facebook page

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