Breaking news at
Vol. 8 • Issue 1
Thursday, January 3 • 2013
Rossland and Nelson take top Rossland businesses awarded ski town spot in N. America locally for great service on Page 4 See Page 5
Mountain View
Furnished, Sleeps 8
Write for Rossland schools
Jodie O
250-362-5556 Mountain Town
Fresh Bread MON WED FRI! Becky’s
ThuRsDAYs! JohN’s
As well as our usual excellent coffee and food every day of the week!
At the flashing light intersection, Rossland
ARNE PETRYSHEN Rossland News Editor
The last day to get written submissions into the school board on the topic of Rossland schools is tomorrow. On Jan. 15, School District 20 will be having a public forum at the Rossland Secondary gym at 6:30 p.m. The Neighbourhood of Learning committee is urging everyone to come out and show support for Rossland’s schools. The district will be deciding on possible school closures in Rossland and Castlegar in February. NOL has outlined some points to use in the submissions, which can be found The Rossland Figure Skating Club received a donation of $200 from the Lions Club in December. Above, Jim Albo online at vssrossland.word(far left) from the Lions hands the cheque to the skating club president Teri Mack, and the rest of the club. Arne Petryshen photo
LUXURY CONDOS FOR RENT or call 250-362-5553 Concierge Service Only Official RED Provider
Library outlines importance of literacy in the community ARNE PETRYSHEN Rossland News Editor
The Rossland Public Library is hoping for an increase in funding from the City, which they said could help them to do even more for the community. Your Horoscope the Week from the Katie For Albright: withRossland Michael O’Connor inside Public Library led a Horoscope the West Kootenay Advertiser delegation of Library Board For the Week members in council on Dec. RosslandNews_Dec6to Jan10.pdf 11/19/2012 3:59:01 PM with Michael O’Connor 10. inside the West Kootenay Advertiser Albright, the library director,
bank local
detailed the many innovations the library is pursuing in the community as well as outlining a few of the things that it hopes to expand on. Albright said the library acts as the information centre of the community and has served Rossland since 1959, beginning with a modest 250 books. “We’ve expanded over the years and now satisfy the needs of the community,” Albright said, adding that they provide many economic benefits to
Rossland. She noted three main categories that the library focuses on. The first, providing services to local residents and facilitating literacy as an economic development vision; the second, supporting local businesses and self-employment visuals; and third, providing incentives for future investments and migration into the community. In 2011, 52 per cent of elible residents have an active library
card, which is 10 per cent higher than B.C.’s average. An example of the services she gave the need to foster 21st century literary skills, from early childhood to lifelong learning, which pays long term dividends. A study showed that every dollar invested in early childhood education yields $7 in long-term education. “Kids who do not read in the summer lose 6-8 weeks of what they learned in the previous school year, and by the
By banking locally with our credit union, and shopping locallly with our local businesses, you ensure a vibrant community and a dynamic local economy, since decisions are kept close to home. We all share a common bond with a commitment to keeping interest local.
end of the fifth grade students who do not read during the summer were behind their peers an average of two years,” she said. “We have a summer reading club offered through the library. It’s a provincially designed program aimed at encouraging reading through the school break. this year we had 102 children signed up to the program.” The city will decide on the funding during budget time later in the year.
Thursday, January 3, 2013 Rossland News
Community Lot Tell your community what’s happening! Send photos, stories, event listings, upcoming activities and regular group meetings to or submit your listing on our website at
January is...
• New year’s day, JaNuary 1 • kooteNay cup, JaNuary 5 & 6 • wiNter carNival, JaNuary 25-27 • alzheimer’s awareNess moNth • Family literacy day, JaNuary 27
coming events
hoNduras FuNdraiser Holly Heximer will be presenting her trip to Roatan, Hondu-
ras, from where she recently returned. It is also a fundraiser for the school she taught at in the village. It is 7 p.m. Jan. 4 at the Miners’ Hall in Rossland, by donation.
NaNcy GreeNe hut crew Once again, it’s time to make sure our favorite huts around
Nancy Greene Summit are ready for the snow season. If you would like to help cut firewood, make interesting repairs, or just learn where the huts are, get some exercise, and help put the “party” in work party, contact Les Carter at 250-362-5677, retrac01@telus. net.
sd20 public iNput The school district is taking written submissions regarding the
possible closures of schools in Rossland and Castlegar until Jan. 4. There will be a public forum on Jan. 15 at RSS about the February 2013 SD20 final decision on K-12 in Rossland.
school district 20 meetiNG Next regular open board meeting is Monday, Jan. 14 at
rosslaNd FiGure skatiNG club Winter registration. Would your children like to
7 p.m. at Trail Middle School.
learn to skate? Email for more info about RFSC.
city couNcil: Next regular meeting is Monday, Jan. 14 at 7 p.m.
rosslaNd GoldeN city Quilt Guild meets every Monday. The guild meets at the Se-
rosslaNd radio co-op: Open house every Monday from 3-7 p.m. followed by station
kooteNay cup this weekeNd The cup will be held this weekend at the Black Jack
Ski Club. The event was originally planned for December. It is Jan. 5 and 6. Go to from more info.
trail maple leaF baNd Monday evening practices 7 - 9 p.m. in the McIntyre Room at the Cominco Memorial Centre. Brass and woodwind players welcomed. For more info, contact Andrea McKay, 362-7604.
rosslaNd retirees curliNG club invites men and women interested in curling on
rosslaNd skatepark committee 6-8 pm, first Tuesday each month at the Rossland
nior Centre on Rossland Avenue from 7-9 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., to call Bill at 362-9462 or Jim at 364-1051. Beginners are welcomed!
Joe hill coFFeehouse Joe Hill Coffee House takes place the third Sunday of each
month starting in September. It carries a great Rossland tradition into a new season. The music starts at 7 p.m. in the Rossland Miners’ Hall, in a relaxing cafe setting with coffee, tea and good things to eat. Don’t miss the opening event of another season of fun! Les Carter, 250-362-5677,
opeN mic NiGht at the Flying Steamshovel every Wednesday at 9 p.m.
leGioN The Rossland Legion is open. Go in and check out their newly renovated
sceNestudio: Acting for All! Rossland’s new acting school is open and offers ongo-
ing programming. Professionally trained in Theatre and Film and TV, working actors, G. Michael and Alicia Gray, teach these exciting and educational classes. 2010 Washington (in the historic BMO Building) (250)521-1559
meeting at 7 p.m. More info:
Library. Come be part of the process.
scoutiNG For boys and girls, now at the Rossland Scout Hall. Beavers (ages 5,6,7)
Tuesdays. Cubs (ages 8,9,10) Thursdays. Contact Shanna Tanabe: 362-0063.
columbia district Girl Guides Columbia District Girl Guides has units from Ross-
land to Salmo for girls aged 5 to 17. Call 250-367-7115. Leaders also wanted.
ycdc youth NiGhts Free drop-in, 1504 Cedar Ave, Trail. Call 364-3322 or contact Art Night: Tue. 7pm; Movie Night: Wed. 6-8pm.
royal caNadiaN leGioN br. # 14 rosslaNd General Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on
the third Wed. of every month. All members of Branch #14 are asked to attend.
rotary club oF rosslaNd: Weekly meetings at the Rock Cut Pub, Mon., 6-8pm. All
welcome! Contact John Sullivan, 362-5278.
GeNealoGy West Kootenay Family Historians, 7pm, first Monday each month, Sept to
June, SHSS, Castlegar. Annual fee $10. Contact Jean, 365-8100, or Grace, 364-1426.
air cadets Meets every Wed. 6pm - 9:15pm at the 44 Trail Armory in
mory in Shaver’s Bench. 1990 - 7th Ave Contact Richard Chanig at 250-364-6247.
Shaver’s Bench 1990-7th
GoldeN city lioNs: The Lions meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each
rosslaNd News caleNdar oNliNe: Upload events that are coming up free online at
trail sea cadets: Ages 12-18 Meets every Tuesday 6pm-9pm at the 44th Trail Ar-
month at 6 p.m. at the Rossland Legion. Contact W. Profili at 362-7671
Highway Drive, Trail B.C.
Waneta Plaza, Trail B.C.
Rossland News Thursday, January 3, 2013
Starting up the new year with a new resolution Another year begins and many are looking at a new fresh start in any manner of things. That may be getting in shape, losing a habit or becoming a better person. Most of the things are not to be taken lightly, as the are usually fundamental changes to yourself. The rewards however are almost always worth the struggle to get through, as even something as simple as a new look to something that you’ve taken for granted, like the sun rise, can change your perception for awhile. The real difficult part is making the changes last longer than you initially thought was possible. That can be a real challenge as the year progresses and the shiny new year begins to lose its coating. This gets to be especially tough when thoughts change from this year’s resolution to the next one. It might help to change the type of resolution you are pursuing. That could mean starting a sport instead of just going to the gym to get in shape, or starting a new hobby that has nothing to do with what you usually do. That stepping out of the box could help to set yourself on a new resolution path or could help you find a new interest. For many the progress of change can seem slow and the future vast, but it doesn’t seem so long ago that we at the Rossland News were setting up our resolutions for 2012.
We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Rossland News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should not be more than 300 words long. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: 2114 Columbia Ave. Rossland/ Box 970 V0G 1YO Phone: 250-362-2183 Fax: 250-362-2173 The Rossland News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Is a subsidiary of A3 Publisher: Barbara Blatchford Editor: Arne Petryshen Sales: Monika Smutny 2114 Columbia Ave., Rossland 250-362-2183
Outdoor rink on Third Avenue Recreation, Education, Community - Rossland Rec Department The Rossland arena has moved into the Holiday Schedule, which means there are lots of available ice times if you’d like to rent some ice. Birthday parties, Christmas parties, New Year’s parties, private rentals, fun games of hockey, private coaching – all can be accommodated over the holiday season. For more information about available times and prices, please contact the arena staff, who will be able to assist you with available times and pricing. The arena staff can be reached at 250-3627396 ext. 1229. The outdoor rink is located on Third Avenue, between Spokane and Washington. The public works department is working on it daily and hoping to have it ready for skating as quickly as possible. Red Mountain is also preparing their ice rink and the rental department has a small fleet of rental skates available. The Preschool Hockey program for kids 3-5 years is starting in January! The program will run for the month of January, on Mondays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. starting Monday, Jan. 7. This is a fun approach to getting comfortable on the ice and in an arena setting and is geared towards children with limited or no skating experience. This is a great building block to our Recreation Hockey Program for older kids. Co-ordinated by Kari Kuznecov, this parent participation program is sure to be fun. Have you ever wanted to join the Rossland Community Potters Society? The society would like everyone to take a class before becoming a member. If you’re interested, there are a few classes to choose from coming up in January and February. For more information, please contact Sarah Zanussi, the society president, at 362-2260. We’re working on Indoor Soccer for the New Year, for kids ages 5-9 years. Co-ordinated by Jorges Rivas, this is a great opportunity for children 5-9 years old to have fun and learn some new skills and drills to keep the ball rolling through the winter months! Parent participation is encouraged! We’re still working on the location and
times – check with the recreation department in January for details. There are lots of new recreation programs starting in December and January. In January, there are several new Art Courses starting – Animals around the World for children 5-7 years, Cartooning for children 6-12 years and Adult Art – all start the second week of January. If you’re interested in Pottery, there’s a Wheel & Handbuilding for Youth starting at the end of January and an Adult Pottery class starting at the beginning of January. Hip Hop & Jazz starts up mid-January, with classes for every age group – including teens and adults. Karate accepts new students in January, with the Winter session starting Tuesday, Jan. 8. Karate is open to Youth ages 12 and up. The Classic Nordic Skiing classes for Beginners and Intermediate, starts in January. The Beginner class starts Tuesday, Jan. 8 and runs from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and the Intermediate class starts Wednesday, Jan. 9 , from 6:30-7:30 p.m. If you’re new to town and wondering about drop in hockey, there are two recreation times set aside. The Tuesday night Co-Ed Rec Hockey runs from 9:45-11 p.m. and the Sunday hockey runs from 9:15-10:30 p.m. The drop-in fee is $10 per person, or you can purchase a 10X pass at the rec department, for $80. The Saturday Co-Ed Rec Hockey has cancelled, so make sure you take advantage of the Tuesday/Sunday ice times. Senior’s Duffer Hockey resumes on Friday, Jan. 11 at 9:30 a.m. If you love to play hockey and you can “play nice”, you’re welcome to come play during Senior’s Hockey. Players with varying skills are encouraged to come out and play with other “older” players in the spirit of fellowship and sportsmanship. All abilities are encouraged and welcome! The recreation department will start creating the Spring Brochure in the next few weeks. If you’re new to town and interested in teaching a hobby or skill that you enjoy, please contact us to discuss opportunities for running a program.
St.Andrew’s United Church
Thursday, January 3, 2013 Rossland News
The Church with the Red Roof Rossland B.C. 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship and Sunday School
Kootenay Cup Races Blackjack ski club in Rossland hosts cross-country ski events. • Classic sprint Saturday, Jan.5th, 10am • Free Technique Mass Start Sunday, Jan. 6th, 10am Registration on-line using Zone4.
For more information visit
Clansey’s pasta night Friday, January 4th
ALL YOU CAN EAT PASTA Every Friday 5-8 pm Clansey’s is honored to have Guest Chef Emilio de la IlsaMalta for the premier British Columbia presentation of his signature Monte Carlo Royals favorite. Nature Dried Tomato & Spice in a Roladen of Beef within a Meaty Tomato & Roasted Pepper Mediterranean Sauce over Penne Rigate with Parmesan Reggiano. Served with a Garlic Salad and Bread.
Adults $1495 & Kids $795
Clansey’s...Great Food...Great Value 2042 Columbia Ave. Rossland
Season’s Greetings Best wishes for 2013
Your Friendly Pharmacy Full service pharmacy • Gifts • Cards HOLIDAY Closed Dec. 25th, 26th & Jan. 1st Your Friendly Pharmacy HOURS OPEN Christmas Eve & New Years Eve 9-4 One Hour Photo • Full Service Pharmacy Gifts • Cards • Souvenirs
Alpine Drug MArt
2060 Columbia Ave. Rossland
Open Monday to Saturday 2060 Columbia Avenue 250-362-5622
Customer parking behind store
Rossland and Nelson have been named top ski town in the Ski Town Throwdown put on by Powder Magazine.
Monika Smutny photo
Rossland/Nelson take top spot for North American ski towns ARne PetRyShen Rossland News
Rossland, along with Nelson, have been chosen by way of Facebook vote, as the top ski town in North America. The contest, put on by Powder Magazine pitted 32 towns
and areas against each other in a March Madness style bracket. Then Facebook users were let loose to vote on their favorite ski town. The Rossland/Nelson combo were the only representative of the West Kootenay, and by the final round, they were repre-
senting all of Canada in Powder Magazine’s Ski Town Throwdown competition. The Red Mountain/Whitewater duo ousted Sugarloaf, Maine, Whitefish, Montana and Crested Butte, Colorado and Sandpoint, Idaho, and outlasted the likes of Whistler and Fernie. Rossland/Nelson finally took
down Bozeman, Montana and it’s three nearby resorts of Bridger Bowl, Moonlight Basin and Big Sky Resort. It was also slight consolation for Fernie, which lost in the final four to Bozeman. The results are up on both Powder’s Facebook page and at
Winter Carnival fast approaching ARne PetRyShen Rossland News
Winter Carnival is fast approaching, with only weeks to go. More and more events are getting set, and Rossland Winter Carnival organizer Lisa Wegner said it’s lining up as the biggest one ever. This year, there will be some huge prizes to win, with both Red Mountain Resort and Powderhound stepping up to offer the prizes. A pass for Red will be given out for participation in the Winter Carnival Parade, while Powderhound has donated a choice of any set of skis they own to the winner, announced at the Olaus Ice Palace. The old favourites are back, including the Sonny Samuelson Bobsled Race, the Rail Jam and others. There are also some new events, such as the Olaus Cup hosted by the Rock Cut Pub. Wegner said they are still in need for a coordinator for the John Heintz Relay, which is a race from the top of Red Mountain to the Lions campground.
Rossland Winter Carnival is fast approaching, along with the Sonny Samuelson Bobsled Race. Last year’s run pictured above. Arne Petryshen photo
More volunteers are always appreciated as well. “We are always excited and grateful to our sponsors, community volunteers and people in the community,” Wegner said.
The carnival has a brand new website at www.rosslandwintercarnival. com where you can see all the events as they are scheduled, as well as sign on to volunteer.
Rossland News Thursday, January 3, 2013
Rossland businesses awarded for their great service
A Red Resort 2013/2014 Season Pass!! Enter the parade
Renee claRk Rossland Chamber of Commerce
After several years in hibernation the Rossland Business Awards have been resurrected to celebrate Rossland’s business best. Winners of Rossland Business Awards were announced at the Rams Head Inn on Dec. 12. Five categories for the awards included Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Professional Service, Customer Service Excellence, Business Excellence and Business Person of the Year. “We have so many excellent businesses in our area and we wanted to acknowledge the business community by celebrating the best” explained Paul Gluska, President of the Rossland Chamber of Commerce. The winners of the awards are the following: Young Entrepreneur of the Year: Lisa Milne, Royal Theatre Professional Service: Judy Griffith Notary Customer Service Excellence: Red Pair Shoe Store Business Excellence: Mountain Nugget Chocolate Company Business Person of the Year: Amanda Hamilton, Tails Pet Supplies & Service When asked about winning the Customer Service Excellence Awards, Stephanie Robinson of the Red Pair Shoe Store replied, “I am truly humbled by this award, and I
(costume & or float mandatory to be eligible)
Draw Date Friday Jan. 25th after parade.
appy Hew ear N Y The Rossland chamber of commerce restarted the Business awards in December. from left to right: Renee clark, chamber director, Stephanie Robinson, from the Red Pair Shoe Store, amanda hamilton, from Tails Pet Supplies & Service and Paul Gluska, chamber president. Arne Petryshen photo couldn’t do it without my staff and such a ceived this award,” explains Amanda Hamilgreat customer base.” ton from Tail’s Pet Supplies & Service. “I was In September of 2012 the Chamber so- thrilled to be nominated and it means a lot to licited nominations from the community at me that the business community (my peers) large for each of the categories. From then a voted for me.” selection committee decided upon the finalThe event will continue to run in the ists for each category. It was the members of 2013 year highlighting Rossland’s business the Rossland Chamber of Commerce that brightest and best! For more information on voted on the winners. the event contact the Rossland Chamber of “I am extremely honoured to have re- Commerce.
BC Hydro granted one more year for wireless project
Tom fleTcheR Black Press
BC Hydro has been given another year to complete its wireless smart grid project, as it nears the original deadline with 140,000 smart meters still to be installed. Energy Minister Rich Coleman announced the extension of the Dec. 31, 2012 deadline imposed by the B.C. Liberal government’s Clean Energy Act. Pushed through the legislature in the spring of 2010, that legislation supports sweeping changes to BC Hydro’s expansion using wind, small hydro and other private power development. In a ministry statement, Coleman cited shortages of skilled labour, meters and other specialized equipment as well as “customer concerns” for failing to meet the deadline for all 1.87 million meters across the province. BC Hydro has been dogged by political and citizen protests about the cost of the refit and persistent claims of various hazards from the meters. Installers have also encountered
We’re Listening PUBLIC HEARING
Smart meters are tested at a Bc hydro lab. more than 1.7 million of the meters have been installed. Submitted photo meters made inaccessible by con- tomatically report power outages struction of garages, decks and and offer customers a real-time other structures that covered them. display of their power consumpSome homeowners who refused tion. replacement of mechanical meters The Clean Energy Act was the now worry that they will be on the culmination of former premier hook for costs if their old meter Gordon Campbell’s climate and equipment fails after they refused energy strategy. It exempted the the upgrade. wireless meter project, the proBC Hydro spokesman Greg posed Site C dam on the Peace Alexis said the one-year delay, River, and an array of private poworiginally signalled in a November er proposals from scrutiny by the finance ministry update, doesn’t B.C. Utilities Commission. change the utility’s target of the NDP energy critic John Horgan 2014 fiscal year to implement the has said he supports a review of the entire system. wireless grid proposal and other Meters are only a small part of major projects by the utilities coma province-wide grid that will au- mission.
Monday January 14,2013 7:00pm Council Chambers 1899 Columbia Ave
and all the best in 2013!!! From the Staff of Rossland News. in 2013!!!
Regular Hours Resume January 2nd 9am-1pm.
City of Rossland OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2542 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2543 What are Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Amendment Bylaws No. 2542, 2543 about? To rezone the lands shown on the map below on Redstone Drive opposite the entrance to the clubhouse and adjacent the existing residential development from R1-R-Rural Residential to R-5-Mixed Density Resort Residential. This also requires an Official Community Plan Amendment from Parks Trails and Open Space to Resort Residential.
Phone (250)362 7396
PO Box 1179 Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0
Email: stacey@
How will this affect me? The purpose of the bylaw is to allow a variety of housing types (single family, duplex, townhouses) to be located in this area. This area will be added to the existing R-5 Mixed Density Resort Residential zone directly across Redstone Drive with a total density of 85 equivalent units.
How do I get more information? A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be inspected at the City of Rossland Office, 1899 Columbia Ave on regular working days from 9 am to 4pm, and also online at Tracey Butler - Deputy CAO/Corporate Officer
Thursday, Thursday,January January3,3,2013 2013 Rossland Rossland News News Your community. Your classieds.
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Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. FARM, Fishing, Hunting, Property Manager: Year round. To manage and maintain a 685 acre working farm with pheasants, cattle, dogs, hay and tourism accomodations. Semi retired welcome. Hands on management.
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born February 16, 1925 in Moosomin Saskatchewan, died December 23 2012 at Mountain Lake Retirement Community in Nelson.
Education/Trade Schools
Muriel is fondly remembered by her children, Barry (Pat), Robert, and Joan Baines (Ron), as well as 8 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her parents Reverend Helier and Violet Pepin , Her husband James Osburn Thompson, and her siblings Earl, Bert, Clem and Margaret, who died two weeks ago.
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Muriel is also remembered by her friends, including many she met at Mountain Lake.
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She was a strong and committed Christian, and this belief guided her entire life. She also loved music, and was devoted to her family. Her home was always open to family and friends, and people dropped in at any time. We will miss her very much. We would like to thank the many people who made her life better, including the staff and good friends at Mountain Lake. A celebration of life for Muriel was held at First Baptist Church in Nelson on Saturday December 29, 2012.
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Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by TM Mobile Inc., of Burnaby, BC, on behalf of the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for two Licenses of Occupation for the purpose of roadway and communication site/powerline situated on Provincial Crown land west of Salmo and east of Trail and containing 13.03 hectares more or less (communication site/powerline) and 0.78 hectares more or less (road). The MFLNRO File Numbers that have been established for this application are 4405301 (communication site/powerline) and 4405302 (road). Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook BC, V1C7G1 or email to: Authorizing Agency. Cranbrook@ Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until February 12, 2013. Front Counter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website: and look up the applications with the file numbers listed above. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the MFLNRO regional office in Cranbrook.
Rossland News Thursday, January 3, 2013 A7
Kootenay Cup this weekend Arne PeTryshen Rossland News
This weekend, cross-country ski racers from all over will be coming to Rossland to participate in the Teck Kootenay Cup. The races are a part of the Zone 4 circuit and are divided over the Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, the classic sprint will see individual heats of races throughout the day in various categories. Categories range from Atoms (7 and under) all the way up to Masters B (50 and up). Distances for the younger groups is 200m, while the longer sprints are 800m. Sunday, the Free Technique Mass Start races are a crowd favorite, as large groups of racers begin
Gar Distribution Service Agent
The Teck Kootenay Cup is this weekend. at the same time. These races have similar categories with a few extras, such as the Bunnies (any age) and Recreational, which is all ages and runs 5km. The Junior (18-19) category and up runs a 10km race, while under
Arne Petryshen photo
those ages only ski a 200m, 800m, 1.2km, 3 or 5 km race. Races begin on both days at 10 a..m. For more info go to the Black Jack website at www.skiblackjack. ca, or contact chief of race Fiona Mackay at 362-7202.
Steady avalanche conditions near Rossland on the slopes for the past week, despite a natural slab avalanche on Record Mt. on Christmas Eve. The centre said the Eastern aspects could be more susceptible to slides than the Northern ones.
Arne PeTryshen Rossland News
The Canadian Avalanche Centre reported moderate conditions
At the time of press there was no forecast up for this week. Conditions on the alpine and treeline elevations were moderate and low below the treeline. More info at
Winter meter safety To keep your utility meters accurate, accessible and safe this winter: • brush snow away by hand • don’t use a snowplow or blower near your meters • clear a path for the safety of our meter readers Never kick or hit the meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance. Gas meter inquiries? Call 1-888-224-2710. Electric meter inquiries? Call 1-866-436-7847. Or visit FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-336.2 11/2012)
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Rossland 116th Winter Carnival 2013
Some Events Include • Winter Carnival Parade, downtown 6:30pm Friday • Unveiling of Olaus Jeldness Statue • Post Parade Extravanganza ( Including Fire Dancing performances by Pyrophorial), downtown 7:00pm-9:00pm Friday • The Game Rail Jam: Competition, downtown 9:00 Saturday • Sonny Samuelson Bobsled Race on Spokane Street 9:00am Saturday • Red Mountain Resort Family Fun Night (Including Fireworks) at Red Mountain 6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday
For complete list of events please see Call for Nominations_NDCU_RosslandNews_Jan 3,10,17,24_2013.pdf 12/17/2012 12:30:47 PM
Local kids helping save the world Submitted
Kootenay kids have proven that the imagination has no limits. The annual Kootenay Contraption Contest put on by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) received a record number of entries in 2012 and generated some truly unique ideas. Open to all grade 2 to 8 students across the region, students were given a full month to express their ways to use less energy through photography, sketches, models, videos and written submissions. The contest is part of the Growing Learning Opportunities With Science program (GLOWS) and asked the question, how will we use less energy in the year 2050? The incredibly imaginative contraptions ranged from simple and practical ways to automatically turn off household light bulbs, futuristic chore-doing robots, to an invisible “Ener-Bubble” that absorbs heat and kinetic energy. The tried and true “hamster powered TV” also returned once again as a contender this year. Emry McGill from Ecole des Sept Sommets in Rossland took home the grand prize of an iPad, for his “ERC – Energy Recovery Cube.” Emry submitted an engaging video on the ERC, and how his renewable energy invention will help us use less energy in 2050.
Grade 5 winner Isaiah Persad’s “Gray Water to Energy Converter.” Emery’s video is available to view – Energy Recovery Cube” Grade 5: Isaiah Persad, Adam on the KAST Vimeo channel at Robertson Elementary (Creston) – All contrap“Gray Water to Energy Converter” tion entries can be viewed on the Grade 6: Lily HUtteman, TraGLOWS Facebook page. falgar Middle School (Nelson) – Along with the glory and hon“Ener-Bubble” our of saving our future world, the Grade 7: Ben Goeppner, Trafalga best contraptions in each grade Middle School (Nelson) – “Waste were awarded pizza parties for Water Generator” their whole class. See below for the full list of winners. The program is supported by FortisBC , NSERC, the Columbia 2012 Kootenay Contraption Basin Trust and the Nelson & DisContest Winners trict Credit Union. The Kootenay Overall Winner: Emry McGill, Contraption Contest is an outlet Ecole des Sept Sommets (Rossprovided by the KAST program to land) – “ERC – Energy Recovery allow the young genius residing in Cube” our local schools to let their imagiGrade 2: Everett Webb, RSS nations and creativity run wild. (Rossland) – “Armpit Power 2050” Given the increasingly sophistiGrade 3: Claire Ziegler, Winlaw cated entries year upon year, you Elementary (Winlaw) – “Sun Powcan rest assured, our future is in ered Car” good hands and we’ll have clean Grade 4: Emry McGill, Ecole des Sept Sommets (Rossland) – “ERC green energy to spare come 2050.
Sunshine & Storm Clouds WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU...
Send us your Sunshine or Storm Clouds to:
Photo Credit: Lucas Jmieff
Call for Board of Director Nominations
Rossland News Monika Smutny - Office Administration/Sales Ph: 250-362-2183 - Fax 250-362-2173 Email:
nrich your community and your life by joining our Board of Directors
Sunshine - To all the local firefighters, Ferraro Foods and everyone who donated to the Christmas food hampers this year.
Three opportunities are available for the following positions: Two Directors from the Nelson Representative Area (3 year term) One Director at Large (3 year term) Applications must be received no later than Thursday, January 31, 2013. Please direct inquiries to: VIRGINIA MAKAROFF Executive Assistant Nominating Committee Nelson & District Credit Union PO Box 350 Nelson, BC V1L 5R2 P. 250.352.7207 F. 250.352.9663 E.
East Shore
Sunshine - To the staff and nurses at the Trail Regional Hospital for your quick attention when our daughter needed it this past weekend. We thank the specialists for getting her treated right away and the nice room in the pediatric wing. We were thankful that she was admitted and released in time to be home for Christmas. Many blessing to all the nurses that work overnight changing IV’s and medication so that kids can heal with speed to be home with their families. Sponsored by
Thursday, January 3, 2013 Rossland News
2116 Columbia Ave, Rossland, BC • 250.362.5099 View our menu
Pet of the Week
This week we have a beautiful big tabby up for adoption. His name is Rex and he looks like a mini Bob Cat. Rex has always been an outside cat so he would like a safe environment where he can be an indoor/outdoor cat. Rex is five years old and has a huge appetite. When you first meet Rex he is a timid quiet cat, but once he gets to know you he comes right up to you for pets and love. Rex doesn’t care to be picked up but is fine with being brushed or beside you on the couch. Rex knows his name and will come to it when he’s called. Rex is fine with other cats but would rather be the only prince of the house hold. He tends to shy away from other animals. Rex is a pretty calm boy and would fit into almost any house hold. If your looking for a beautiful big boy come on down to the Trail Regional SPCA today to meet this handsome man.
BC SPCA Trail Regional Branch
Pet Of The Week Sponsor All the best for 2013! 2125 Columbia Ave. Rossland, BC (250) 362-5385