Castlegar News, January 03, 2013

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Vol.9 • Issue 12

Breaking news at

Thursday, January 3 • 2013

New Year’s Baby shows up Rebels’ battle with BV very early in 2013 intense as usual See Page A9 See Page A13

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Toboggan tandem


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These boys didn’t have a lot of company but Zack McCreight, above a Nolan Folster, at right, knew where the action was on the day before Christmas – Cone Hill Park! Jim Sinclair photos

Patience recommended in coping with snow CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter


appy New Year!


Despite unpredictable weather patterns including a huge dump of snow recently, Castlegar city crews have kept the streets mostly clear. “I can tell you it’s unbelievable the amount of work they’ve done in a short amount of time,” said Castle-

gar mayor Lawrence Chernoff. “I have to give kudos to our crew out there. They’re just pounding away hour after hour. We haven’t received that many complaints. Just a few about when we would get there to get things done. I tell you these guys need a huge pat on the back. They kept it up over that week we got that

huge snowfall, where it was just night after night. I think people need to be happy with what took place in the community.” Chernoff said crews worked at full capacity during the big snowfall on Dec. 19. “We had every piece of equipment that was available, and every person that was available (work-

ing),” he said. “We maxed out the hours. They did a great job under the watchful eye of Garry (Sauer, assistant director) and Chris (Barlow, director of Transportation and Civic Works). It’s a lot of work. People call in and say, ‘hey, you haven’t got to me yet.’ ‘Well, we’ll get to you as soon as we can.’ If people follow the

priority map they’ll know we’re following it very carefully.” The hospital and schools and main access roads are the top priorities, says Chernoff. The mayor says people need to be patient with Emcon Services which does the plowing around the city. “People measure how they get to the

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streets of Castlegar with what Emcon does,” he said. “That’s not really fair. The amount they have to cover and we have to cover in the community is (not really comparable). It’s not really a fair measure. When you look at it, they have a huge area to cover and that gets difficult with that amount of snow.”

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Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News



City officials upbeat about budget issues Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

Machinery sure doesn’t hurt Dale and Patricia Salchenberger of Columbia Avenue in Kinnaird are no strangers to getting out and pushing some snow around when the need presents itself. Putting in full days on a lengthy swath along the east side of Columbia Avenue, the couple was kept busy with heavy snow over the holiday season. Jim Sinclair photo

Business operators civil in meeting Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

Perhaps it was the Christmas spirit, but it looks like battling downtown neighbours Florio Vassilakakis and Basil McLaren have agreed to meet to discuss their situation. Element Club Bar and Grill owner Florio Vassilakakis and

West’s Department Store owners Basil and Susan McLaren were all on hand at a joint meeting between the Planning and Development and Public Safety committees at Castlegar City Hall on Dec. 20. Also at the meeting were mayor Lawrence Chernoff, councilors Kevin Chernoff and Dan Rye, and representatives from the city of Castlegar, RCMP and Liquor Control Board. At the Dec. 3 council meeting, the McLarens appeared in front of council after receiving a notification from the city that the boarded

up windows at West’s Department Store on 3rd avenue would have to be replaced or they would face stiff penalties. “We had a good discussion held by everybody at the table,” said Rye. “At the end of the meeting, there was an agreement between Florio and Mr. McLaren to have further discussions. Hopefully, they can get back to us so we can make a report to council on Jan. 17.” Rye says the meeting between the two business owners will strictly be between them.

“Just the fact that everyone is going to sit down and talk is a good thing,” he said. “I thought it was like the NHL talks, at least if they’re talking it’s a good thing. When no one is talking, it’s not good. So, yeah, everyone sat there and voiced their concerns, listened to what everyone had to say. They (Vassilakakis and McLaren) decided that they would carry on the conversation (privately) and hopefully get back to us so we could make a report for the next council meeting (Jan. 17).”

Although it’s still months away, Castlegar city council is in good shape in regard to next year’s budget. “The budget has to balance every year,” said councillor Russ Hearne, chair of the Finance and Corporate Services committee. “We’re required by law to balance. I assure you it will balance. We’re early on. We don’t actually have to have our budget in to the province until May. We’re usually very proactive. We have it laid out so by March 1 the budget will have passed all its readings.” Hearne says the city budget is one of the major topics discussed at the annual council retreat in January. “What we’ll do is go to the retreat and talk about what we think of the budget and then we’ll submit it to the public and see what they think,” he said.

“Last year the public gave us some good ideas that we didn’t think of. So we altered

Coun. Russ Hearn File photo

the budget for that.” Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff says the budget process is one that takes time but is very important. “We’re getting there,” he said. “It’s a slow process. We have our annual budget meeting Jan. 11 or around there. It’s a matter of rounding it out with staff giving us more information. It’s still in the early stages. We’re looking at what we need to do and what the priorities will be.” Chernoff says it’s

important to not just look at the near future but also into 2014 and 2015. “We see infrastructure playing another big role in this year’s budget,” he said. “The development of the airport lands is huge. We’re just building away. The Westjet decision is another thing we are waiting to hear from. We should hear in January. That should help things. That’ll be a huge economic benefit to the Kootenays. I’m not going to say ‘if ’, I’m going to say ‘when’.” The mayor is upbeat about the City’s fiscal health. “We’re on target for last year’s budget,” he said. “We got a little wonky on the snow but I think that’s still on line because the months before that we didn’t have much snow. But I think generally the budget is shaping up well. We’re looking for another good year in 2013 and 2014.”

Lender set to make amends staff With files from the Trail Times

West Kootenay residents overcharged for payday loans from The Cash Store, and/ or Instaloan are eligible for refunds estimated at a total of approximately $1 million. In March, 2012, Consumer Protection B.C. ordered the par-

ent company, Cash Store Financial Inc., to stop charging illegal fees and repay customers who were overcharged. As a result of a Supplemental Compliance Order issued on Nov. 30, the refund process was scheduled to begin for local area residents on Tuesday. The ruling applies

to anyone who used the Cash Store in Trail or Instaloan in Castlegar and Nelson. Consumer Protection BC will ensure that Cash Store Financial provides all eligible consumers with complete and accurate refunds, said Manjit Bains, Consumer Protection BC’s corporate relations vice president.

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Castlegar News Thursday, January 3 , 2013


Kindness plan goes over big – like, worldwide! A3

random acts of kindness. I was hearing reCastlegar News Reporter ally neat things from A local resident has people. Someone constarted a Facebook tacted me from Tim page to help bring Hortons saying they people together, payhad a kindness chain ing tribute to kind of 20 or 30 cars, where acts. The page, which every car was buying honours Dec. 21 as the coffee or meal for Kindness Day, already the car behind and has more than 12,750 it was just passing members and another along. I thought that 95,000 people have was pretty neat.” Smee been invited. certainly would like to see people be kind every day, but likes the idea of a set day each year to recognize kindness. “If this philosophy It’s nice to be impervious to climate, nice as well to have striking sculptures to enjoy like was something that this installation by Rotary International in south Castlegar. Jim Sinclair photo everybody believed in and practiced or was more mindful of, I think it would have a huge impact,” she said. “That one’s geared call and let As a mental health Craig Lindsay towards new moms me know.” worker, Smee sees first Castlegar News Reporter In the and also includes gifts hand the negativity After a hiatus, n e w c o m - and goodies from lothe world can bring er’s basket, cal stores,” said Harpout in people. “Work- Welcome Wagon has Harper has er. “It’s a great way to ing in mental health at returned to the Casinformation get to know all the the same time frame, I tlegar area. Amber Holly Smee has created a popular Facebook was aware that people Harper has resumed about the different businesses events page for Kindness Day. city and all that we have in town.” were really struggling the free greeting serCraig Lindsay photo with the Christmas vice and is happy to Now she has all the the different services of- groundwork finished, season. Hearing sad bring the famous basfered such as Harper is eager to get “I was inspired by who had confirmed stories everyday of kets to newcomers as recreation, out and meet with all the dark stuff I’d they would participate things that are hap- well as new mothers. “I started puts h o p p i n g newcomers and new been reading about by being the change pening to people reonline regarding they wanted to see in ally makes me want to ting the program to- Amber Harper is ready to roll out and even a moms and welcome welcoming them to our fair city. doomsday prophecies the world and demon- fight that with some- gether in September,” the welcome mat. Submitted photo “It’s been a bit of a letter from with the Mayan calen- strating random acts thing positive,” she she said on Dec. 31. “The program had around since 1930 process to make sure the mayor. dar, the Amanda Todd of kindness all over said. “I also have several I had all the right supcase with bullying and their community.” AlThe Facebook page been down for about and helps families gothe massacre in Con- though the event was has several interest- a year. I’ve gone out ing through lifestyle gifts and goodies from plies to get going,” she necticut,” said Holly originally set for Dec. ing posts about acts to all the businesses changes adjust to local merchants,” she said. “But come JanuSmee. “The morning 21 of 2012, Smee has of kindness through- and got sponsorship, their new setting with said. “It’s a really nice ary I’m really hoping basket that I show up to hit the pavement I started it I thought, changed it to 2013 out the world. “Lots talked to the cham- a friendly visit. and meet as many Any new residents with.” ‘wouldn’t it be great to and hopes to make it of people have been ber of commerce, the The new mother’s people as I can. It’s create something on an annual event.The posting inspirational city, CBAL, Kootenay or new mothers, or Facebook that started page has participants videos about anti- Family Place, and got anyone who knows basket is for moms been a bit of a chalsome movement and from every continent bullying and articles everyone on board anyone who is, can with babies up to six lenge for me learning ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� awareness?’ I thought except Antarctica.” I about the movement,” to share informa- contact Harper at months and includes how to get myself out tion about their ser- 250-365-0640. information on pub- there - because it is all about having a day to really feel it just ex- said Smee. “It’s all through lic health, breast word of mouth - and pay forward acts of ploded,” she said. “We To see the Facebook vices. Especially for loving, random and had peopIe around the page go to: https:// newcomers, it’s really word of mouth,” she feeding, and material educate people that it said. “Say you have a from Kootenay Fam- is a free service and I unexpected kindness world going out and www.facebook.comev helpful.” The Welcome Wag- new neighbour move ily Place on different bring all sorts of aweto humans, animals trying to propagate ents/23453048334568 on program has been in. You can give me a services available. some things.” or even the environ- this message and do 1/?fref=ts Craig Lindsay

ment.” Smee created the page thinking she would just get her Facebook friends and maybe a few others. “To my surprise, literally within hours, we had like 5,000 people invited and from there it just grew and grew and grew,” she said. “I started it Sunday morning and by Friday morning we had over 12,000 people

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Welcome Wagon makes its return

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Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News


Castlegar & District Public Library: Community Survey

Castlegar & District Public Library: Community Survey

The Library is planning for the years ahead. The purpose of this survey is to gain a clear sense of priorities for the library today and in the future. Your input will help to ensure that the library continues to serve the changing needs of Castlegar and District. The results will help the Library Board and staff in setting direction and developing plans.

Complete this survey and enter to win a prize: Name: Phone or email


Information from this survey will only be used for the purposes of this study and will not be disclosed or released for any other purpose. Names entered into the prize draw will be separated from the data before analysis.

Deadline is February 4, 2012

You can complete this survey online at: 1. Are you...  Male  Female 2. How old are you?  18 or younger  26 – 54

3. Which of the following best describes you?  Student  Homemaker  Employed Full-time  Employed Part-time  Small Business Owner  Retired/Senior Citizen  Other (please specify)


17. Have you visited the Castlegar & District Public Library website in the past month?  Yes  No

13. How do you or members of your household travel to the library?  Walk  Cycle  Car  Public Transit  Other (please specify)

9. How often do you or members of your household use the library?  Weekly  Once per month  Once every three months  Once or twice each year  Don’t use the library


Please rate the library on the following: Needs Fail Satisfactory Improvement Building layout    Building accessibility    Interior decor    Furniture    Interior lighting    Parking    Exterior lighting    Noise level    Areas for quiet study    Areas for group study    Areas for socializing    Space for meetings    Washrooms    Local art displays    Outdoor garden/patio area    Overall atmosphere   

10. What OTHER libraries in the area do you use?  None  School libraries  Selkirk College Library  Nelson Public Library  Trail & District Public Library  Other (please specify)

5. How many individuals make up your household? _____ Children, age 5 or younger _____ Children, age 6 – 12 _____ Teens, age 13 - 18 _____ Adults, age 19 - 25 _____ Adults, age 26 – 54 _____ Adults, age 55 or older

16. Which times of the day would you most like to see the library open?  EARLIER morning hours  LATER evening hours  MORE weekend hours


8. How many in your household have current Castlegar & District Public Library cards? _____ Children with library card _____ Adults with library card

4. In which region of Castlegar & District do you live?  City of Castlegar – North  City of Castlegar – South  Central Kootenay RD Area “H”  Central Kootenay RD Area “I”  Central Kootenay RD Area “J”  Other (please specify) ______________________________

15. Which days of the week would you most like to see the library open?  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday

12. Is the Castlegar & District Public Library in a location that is easy for you to go to?  Yes  No  Don’t know where library is

7. If you DON’T use the library, why not?  Hours aren’t convenient  Don’t have transportation  The Library doesn’t have anything I need  I used to, but don’t anymore  Other (please specify)

 19 – 25  55 or older

14. Are current library hours convenient for you and members of your household?  Yes  No  No opinion

11. Which of the following languages are spoken in your household?  English  German  French  Russian  Farsi  Chinese  Italian  Spanish  Hindi  Punjabi  Portuguese  Other (please specify)

6. Do you use the Castlegar & District Public Library?  Yes  No If you answered No, what, if anything, would make you use it?



               

               

No Opinion                

Other comments on the physical facility: 1

19. Please rate the library’s collection Fail

Magazines DVDs/Video Adult non-fiction E-book readers Large print books Audiobooks on CD Reference materials Adult fiction Children’s books Newspapers Music CDs Young adult (teen) books Books in other languages ESL Materials

Needs Improvement

             


             

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             


Didn’t Know About This!

             

             



     

     

2 No Opinion

Please rate the services provided by the library:

             

Fail Reference services Homebound services Interlibrary loans Book suggestions Book sale Library information/policies Online library catalogue Online library account Community information Printing/photocopying/scanning Wireless internet in the library Computers in the library Exam proctoring

Other Comments about the collection?

20. Please rate library staff/library volunteers on the following: Needs Fail Satisfactory Improvement Responsiveness to requests    Knowledge    Availability to assist you    Courtesy    Service in other languages    Friendliness   

Fail BC Codes NoveList Auto/small engine repair Electronic magazines (Zinio) Downloadable audiobooks Consumer health info Ebooks Electronic newspapers Online legislation Online encyclopaedias Online articles/periodicals Facebook page Community information Book lists 

              

Needs Improvement              

Satisfactory              



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Didn’t Know About This!              

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            

Didn’t Know About This!             

No Opinion             

Other Comments on the library’s services?

No Opinion      

22. Please rate the library on our programs: Fail

Other Comments about staff or volunteers? 21. Please rate the library’s online collection and services:

            

Needs Improvement

Children’s programs Author readings Computer/internet training Sunday NFB Films Kids’ summer reading club Senior’s programs Teen programs Adult programs Baby programs

No Opinion              

         

Needs Improvement          

Satisfactory          

Good          

Excellent          

Didn’t Know About This!          

No Opinion          

Other Comments about library programs?

23. Do you believe that residents of Castlegar and District are receiving good value for tax support provided to the library?  Yes  No 24. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about the library – collections, services you’d like to see provided, programs you’d like to see introduced...? Thank You! Surveys can be dropped at the Library, or in survey boxes around town including: Safeway, Kootenay Market, Common Grounds, Tim Hortons, Castlegar Recreation Complex, McDonalds, the Slocan Valley Heritage Credit Union, or the Robson Store. Fax to 250-365-7765 or email to

Other Comments about the library’s online services? 3

More to say? Tell us at a public meeting January 23, 2013 6:30-8:30pm @ the library. Door prizes and refreshments!

Castlegar News Thursday, January 3 , 2013 A5

When making resolutions look at risks and rewards Carla’s Call

As 2013 begins many people are setting resolutions for change in some direction. We may want to give up something: smoking, unhealthy eating, or compulsive spending, for example. We may want to get something: a healthy body, a better relationship with our child, a degree, a fulfilling job. Whatever we want to let go, or gain, here are some things to think about. After the excitement of change subsides, we will encounter a variety of excuses our mind designs to put us back into our comfort zone. “But just one is not so bad… it’s too hard to stop… but I actually like [what I’m giving up].” Is it the same excuse you allowed to stop you from change 20 years ago? Before you let excuses sabotage your efforts, try this. Realize that you have developed patterns and habits over long periods of time that can take time to undo and will take mental and physical work. If there is something you are doing that you want to stop, you need to recognize that you are getting something from it, some benefit, or reward. Sometimes we are drawn back to those perceived rewards. When that story full of excuses and sabotage starts to play, sit down with a pen and paper and do a cost-benefit analysis of the short-term versus long-term benefits for continuing

Carla Marshall

and discontinuing the behaviour. Assume for a moment that you continue the behaviour you want to stop (unhealthy eating, drinking, gambling, smoking, compulsive spending, drugs, you fill in the blank). Write down the positive effects you will experience in one to two minutes after the activity (“I’ll get a rush… I’ll feel relaxed… relief… joy… excitement). Then ask, “what will the positive effects be in two hours if I continue [specific behaviour]? What will the positive effects be in 24 hours? Two days? Two years? Twenty years?” Write the answers down. Now do exactly the same for the negative effects of continuing the behaviour. What will the risks and drawbacks be in the next two minutes, two hours, and so on? Do the same analysis for the effects of deciding not to continue the behaviour. Ask yourself, “assuming I decide not

to engage in [fill in behaviour] what are the positive effects I will experience in the various time frames? Do the same now for the negative effects of discontinuing the behaviour. What you have created is a rational breakdown of your decision to stop the unwanted behaviour, and one that empowers you to change because it comes from you. When you recognize that the costs of continuing far outweigh the benefits, you can now go about setting up all the other parts of the support network you need for the new life you are creating. You are free to be the best and most desirable you. At the same time, it’s important to spend time visualizing what kind of life you do want. Rather than thinking of just letting go, spend your energy on what you want to achieve in the important areas of your life: family/ relationships, health, prosperity, vocation, spirituality, leisure, and personal development. With your intention set, tools and support to overcome potential roadblocks, you are more equipped to manage the change. -Marshall & Associates provides human resources plus individual and group development services. For a consultation, or to find out more about their certified coaching services, please call (250) 5130044.

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Extending a helping hand JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

Sandi McCreight was most likely not alone when quite some time ago she noticed a void in the level of local social services for senior citizens. So, with some significant backing from the Columbia Basin Trust the local advocate has instigated a six-month pilot project geared toward the greater well-being of our senior relatives, friends and neighbours.

“Even five minutes on the phone with a virtual stranger is a contact when you know they genuinely care.” Sandi McCreight

Sandi is sending out an S.O.S. (Seniors Outreach & Support). The program has just begun and will continue beyond June if the stats show it’s been effective. “I spent the month of December getting things ready,” described McCreight on Jan. 2 from her office within the Community Response Network headquarters on 2nd Street, “getting some resources in, making contacts.” A good number of service providers and groups in the area will have had a heads up in regard to the new service. “Years ago here at Castlegar Community Services there was a program called

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Sandi McCreight has begun a Seniors Outreach & Support program She can be reached at 250-365-2104 ext 34. Jim Sinclair photo

Seniors’ Counsellors,” related McCreight. “They did a fantastic job of meeting with seniors. They called themselves counsellors, but what they really did was help with a lot of important things like completing forms, applying for benefits.” The program wound down due to a lack of volunteers. “It’s been a good couple of years that there hasn’t been a service like this around.,” said McCreight. “When you compare us to, say, Nelson, they have, for a senior woman, I think five different things (programs).” The basic premise of the S.O.S. program is to make seniors and those who know them aware the project has begun. If you, or someone you know could use some help with something, or even a caring phone call… keep Sandi’s phone number handy: 250365-2104 ext. 34. Sandi will initially have help from a practicum student,

and as time goes on there will be volunteers chipping in as well. The plan is to leave no one left to fend for themselves, and allowed to get lonely and frustrated. No one is trying to pry or be nosy, but sometimes folks could use a call, an invitation to take advantage of an overture of compassion. “I’m also working with a local church group, trying to get them on board,” Sandi continued. “They want to do something to serve the community so we’re going to discuss them doing the ‘friends calling friends’ program, where we would call seniors who are potentially isolated and lonely, just to do a check up on them.” This is where the community at large may become involved in the project. Suppose you know of someone you may not necessarily be close to, maybe someone in your neighbourhood. Does it seem like they get a shortage of com-

pany? Would they possibly appreciate someone asking how they’re doing? Those are the people Sandi McCreight wants to hear about. If they prefer to be left alone their wishes are respected. There is a fair amount of slack that can and should be picked up in terms of community members watching out for one another, as McCreight elaborates, “I think it’s something that’s really important – the more that health care and services are cut back, the more we see seniors (suffer), especially in the winter when we’re so isolated. “If you can’t get a ride to go to an appointment or on an outing to do social things, that loneliness compounds and can cause health problems and all sorts of things. “Even five minutes on the phone with a virtual stranger is a contact when you know they’re calling because they genuinely care.”

Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News



Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Fee hikes: par for the course

As the cartoon at right so starkly and accurately suggests, we’re being milked, literally, for just about all we’re worth and there seems to be no better time to get primed then the brand new year. It’s nothing new for costs to go up. What doesn’t cost more now than it used to, other than maybe... asbestos? To this point in time, at least, our society has proven to be a bottomless pit – when prices go up we pay more. There will be grumbling and foot dragging, but for the most part we’ll cough up. It’s too bad the hikes have to come all at once. It’s also too bad the average citizen can’t adjust their income accordingly. Making sure they don’t let greed get in the way, the taxpayer could just keep things in line, making sure the necessities got looked after. Only problem is – that side of the equation, in all-too-many instances is non-negotiable. Can you think of a line of work that pays the same, or less than it did 20 years ago? There is some consolation in knowing that a lot of these hikes we’re looking at are for worthwhile services, in theory, at least. There’s another consolation in knowing that if we do eventually put down our collective foot and protest the spiralling fees for membership in a modern society, we’ll most likely do it without throwing rocks at police and setting fire to cars.

We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Fax (250) 365-6390

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

That was then, this is now You might not recognize these phrases as the title of a novel. However that may be, these words describe the past and open up the future. In 2012 past, many wonderful events happened in Castlegar, and some of them had national significance. For example, Castlegar was named a five-bloom city in the “Cities in Bloom” competition. That was followed by Castlegar being named as the national “Cities in Bloom” champion in its category. Often as well during these competitions, cities are singled out for outstanding features or events. One year I remember the Doukhobor Discovery Centre being listed by the judges. In 2012 past, the judges gave a special citation to Castlegar for its Sculpture walk display. Always on the watch for special attractions, the judges obviously recognized the prominence of Sculpture walk. In 2012 past, Castlegar experienced two major rainstorms that old-timers cannot remember the equal of. It had been a rainy summer earlier, so much so that Castlegar postponed its Canada Day celebrations. Then on July 14 the black sky dumped millions of gallons of water on our valley, and a huge wind storm knocked over large evergreen trees. Basements were flooded and river banks eroded. Craig Lindsay Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

Just as people cleaned that up, an even-larger storm hit on July 17th and saturated Castlegar. Basements that had flooded were flooded again. River banks crumbled and took lawns and gardens with them. In some cases, houses were on the brink of being lost. But in 2012 past, we got past that due to ingenuity, insurance, and the city’s marvelous work crews. Castlegarians showed they are really a resilient group of people. In 2012 past, Selkirk College had several tributes come its way. The biggest, however, was former Selkirk College English and Creative Writing instructor, Fred Wah, being named the Poet Laureate for Canada. The author of a number of books and a winner of the Governor-General’s award for poetry in 1987, Wah returned to be part of Selkirk College’s graduation in April. At that ceremony, he was declared a Selkirk College “Distinguished Educator.” In 2012 past, the City of Castlegar, operators of the West Kootenay Regional Airport, made its pitch to WestJet to be considered in WestJet’s future expansion plans. The city set funds aside to design a radar-oriented flight pattern into Castlegar if WestJet chose Castlegar. WestJet’s planes are equipped with instruments that make it possible to use this type of flight patChris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

tern, and thus arrive when cloud levels are lower. In 2012 past, Castlegarians held their breaths and fervently hoped for a positive outcome to this venture. They are still waiting as Westjet will make its decisions known in 2013 future. A WestJet “yes” would be a big boost to Castlegar in 2013 future. Residents have been speaking angrily and satirically about “Cancelgar” for years. They forget that at least they have an airport due to the foresight of our pioneers in the late 1940s and 50s. An airport is better than no airport at all. But, let’s face it, WestJet would be a welcome addition. A 2013 future item of more immediate significance will occur when Fortis consolidates its West Kootenay operations in Castlegar at the old Ootischenia school site. That will bring major construction to the community, add over a hundred ongoing jobs, and increase the City’s tax base. In regard to yours truly, your biweekly columnist, June 30 in 2012 past was his date of retirement from instructing at Selkirk College, and he has enjoyed this new section of his life. In 2013 future, he plans to travel more—and more. Happy New Year! May all your futures be dazzling.

Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, January 3 , 2013 A7


Snowed over

Cool, quick action saluted

Hello ICBC, what are you going to do about demanding the roads be cleaned up within a reasonable amount of time so our rates can quit going up from preventable accidents? I know we had a lot of snow dumped on us but why weren’t the city and Emcon crews ready? I am sure there were a lot of accidents and emergency vehicles not able to get around to get to the people. I live on the major road leading to the dump, with large trucks continuously going by, but the grader made just one swipe down the road. The vehicles have to stop so other vehicles can pass as the road had not been plowed for more than two days. The side streets were worse as no plow had been down them. I know Emcon doesn’t pay much, but at least teach the people to plow so the roads are accessible. If Emcon doesn’t have the equipment, why not? Emcon’s job is to look after the roads, why aren’t they. Not everyone can stay at home when the weather is bad, but the ones who can should be able to get out the next day, at least.

I would like to put in the paper a special thank you to the staff at the Castlegar Community Complex, Castlegar paramedics and volunteer fire department. On Thursday, December 27 during a hockey practice there was a situation where a boy fell head first into the boards. While the coaching staff stabilized the boy, we immediately went to the front desk staff of the complex to call 911. The staff and lifeguards were very professional and took immediate action to take over the situation while the paramedics were being called. The lifeguards were in shorts and t-shirts on the ice while assisting the young boy without complaint and made the family and the boy feel very comfortable during this situation, until the paramedics arrived. Without the quick action of the community complex staff, paramedics and the volunteer fire department we may not of had such a happy ending. On behalf of the Kootenay Avalanche I thank those involved, knowing we are surrounded by such great people.

-Larry Heigh Ootischenia

-John Jenner, Castlegar

Getting here’s a problem Your airport in Castlegar is “serviced” by Air Canada, with three daily flights from Vancouver. In winter most of these flights offered are canceled daily. We tried for three days to get to your airport during Christmas season to spend valuable time with family and two excited grandchildren. We have asked Air Canada by email why they offer a product they cannot deliver in winter time. No reply so far. Do you have stats on the number of flights canceled each year and what it is at Castlegar airport that makes flying in and out impossible? You must have very many unhappy, stranded visitors in your region that will tell all their friends and family not to bother coming to your town by air. Not good for tourism and business, I know. Please explain to many of us why this is happening. -Carla Rich, B.C. Lower Mainland Ed. note

To simplify things, it’s a basic issue involving terrain, weather and visibility. New software is apparently available which can greatly increase the capability of planes to get in and out of West Kootenay Regional Airport, and the City of Castlegar has made the offer of some $300,000 toward buying it as part of its June 2012 pitch for WestJet service. This would make travel to and from Castlegar more predictable and reliable. We await word on whether WestJet will choose to service Castlegar and area. It may be forthcoming as early as January, 2013.

Garbage charges I read in the Castlegar News that water, sewer and garbage rates are going up. Will the higher rate for water be the basic meter charge when they (the meters) come into operation? As I only put out one garbage bag per month, my garbage must be very valuable stuff. As for the sewer, I seem to have had the average flow for the last few years, I did not think it had increased in value. -John Gibson Castlegar

This is a situation all-too-familiar here in the city with the unfortunate nickname “Cancelgar.”

Gar Distribution Service Agent

It’s confirmed - 2012 wettest year ever Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

With a total of 1,089mm of combined rain and snow, 2012 is now on record as the wettest year in Castlegar since the Southeast Fire Centre began keeping records 48 years ago. The amount of precipitation turned out to be 45 per cent more than normal.

With an average annual temperature of 8.9 degrees, 2012 was slightly milder than the average normal temperature of 8.4 degrees. December got off to a warm and wet start with a new daily temperature record of 10 degrees set on the first. A series of Pacific frontal systems embedded in a

mild southwesterly flow then produced roughly 85 per cent of the month’s total rainfall within the first four days of the month. Cooler temperatures favoured snow during the third week of December (15th through 22nd), when a very active pattern delivered most of this month’s snow. A total of 34cm

of snow fell on Dec. 19, the most one-day snowfall since 1968. Except for some northwesterly gusts into the 60’s (km/h) during the morning of the 5th, this month was relatively calm in terms of winds, with a monthly average windspeed almost as low as has ever been seen during the month of December.

Winter meter safety To keep your utility meters accurate, accessible and safe this winter: • brush snow away by hand • don’t use a snowplow or blower near your meters • clear a path for the safety of our meter readers Never kick or hit the meter if ice builds up. Call us for assistance. Gas meter inquiries? Call 1-888-224-2710. Electric meter inquiries? Call 1-866-436-7847. Or visit

Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News


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Castlegar News Thursday, January 3, 2013 A9

A Brilliant addition to the community


Kirsten Hildebrand photo

Kirsten Hildebrand Nelson Star Reporter

Elysia Samarodin and Mark Zeabin never expected they’d be having a New Year’s Baby. When Liv Zeabin arrived on Jan. 1, she was 12 days overdue. The tiny treasure was likely doing her parents a favour. After a “dynamic pregnancy,” Samarodin says she’d been having false contractions for some time and even thought her baby would arrive early. Then the flu hit. “I got so sick. She got so sick. We could barely take care of each other over Christmas,” says Zeabin.

“As soon as Elysia got better, I said let’s do this.” A remedy of apricot juice, castor oil, almond butter and lemon verbena put the expectant mama into labour. A brief affair, Liv did her parents another favour. After a couple hours of contractions and nine minutes of pushing, the New Year’s Baby arrived at 3:24 p.m. on Jan. 1 in Nelson’s Kootenay Lake Hospital. She weighed in at a whopping eight and a half pounds. “She is just exquisite to me,” says Samarodin. Older siblings Wyatt, 7 and 15-yearold Nikayla are also

pleased. “She’s the best ever, Mama. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” says Samarodin of Wyatt’s comments. The proud couple, living in Brilliant, was surprised at the arrival of a daughter. All along they’d expected a son. Having the New Year’s Baby feels special to her parents. “It’s neat that she’s the first baby of the year, at this big transition time,” says Samarodin. “Saying her name – Liv, it sounds just perfect.” With mom and babe in good health, the couple took their new bundle home on Jan. 2.

Local singer working on Nashville dream Castlegar News Reporter

This may not be the cowboy capital of Canada, but one Castlegar lady is putting out a country album and having a couple of songs picked up by country radio. “We had the CD release party for It Got Ugly on November 17,” said Lisa Nicole, who now lives in Vancouver. “We started pushing the first song If You Say You Do to country radio in October. It’s on over 31 country stations throughout Canada right now. Nicole recorded most of the album in Nashville. The CD has five songs on it and was

Castlegar. “I’ve been playing in Castlegar since I was in high school,” she said. “I always love coming home and doing shows at home. Since then, I’ve gained so many more fans in Castlegar. It’s great.” The second single from Nicole’s CD, Real Men Stay, is going to be pushed to radio in January. She also recently released a Christmas video for O Holy Night. Nicole has a new website at www. Also, be sure to check her out on Facebook and Twitter. “If anyone wants to message me or add me on Facebook, I love talking to all my fans,” she said.

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CONGRATULATIONS to Patti Loukianoff on

to be living here one day. The artists I worked with are all so talented.” After graduating from Stanley Humphries, Lisa went to music school at Selkirk College in Nelson. “Then I moved to VanLisa Nicole’s latest Nashvilleproduced effort was relased couver and just started neton Nov. 17. working, ” she Submitted photo said. “That’s where I met my produced by famed producer Bill Buck- vocal coach and my producer.” ingham. Nicole has been “Besides producing most of the al- back in the Kootebum there, I also co- nays several times wrote all the songs,” and performed at different venues. she said. “Being in Nash- She really enjoys ville was amaz- performing at the ing. When I left I Concerts in the Park thought, I’m going series at Kinnaird in

Craig Lindsay

Kelsey Ozeroff

Wayne Leggett



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Community Calendar

Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:


Jan. 16 - Castlegar Garden Club guest speaker, Jim Brockmeyer of Bluestem Nursery, will give a presenta-

tion and slideshow, “Willows: the familiar stranger”, on Willows. 7 p.m. at the Community Complex. Everyone welcome. Jim Brockmeyer, horticultural legend in the field of willows and ornamental grasses, will share his expertise on the diversity of willows. Ornamental, winter interest, living willow structures/fences, hedges, branches and catkins for flower arranging, basket making, twig furniture, creeping alpine willows . . . the diversity of willows abounds. The depth of Jim’s knowledge will dazzle you. New members embraced. Information: Rose Cheveldave 250-365-9600 or


ongoing: need a haircut for a job interview? Brooke will

come to your house and give you a free haircut. Call her at 250-365-2799 to arrange it.

ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to

10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table discussions and make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956.

ongoing: sharing dinner pot - You are welcome for a hot

meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee. All are welcome.

ongoing: friday youth program at blueberry creek -

Are you a youth in Castlegar looking for something to do on Friday nights? Why not check out the Friday Night Youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School? Manager Cindy Cropley and team ensure a fun, safe night for kids in the area to watch a movie in Blueberry’s very own movie theatre, play games and sports in the gym and just hang out with friends. For grades K - 5, the program time is 6:30-8 p.m. and for grades 6 and up, the program happens from 8-10 p.m. Check out the B.C.C.S. facebook page for movie listings and other information or phone 250-365-7201.

Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena -

Sun. at 10 a.m. (phone Mike at 365-8302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 365-7805).

ongoing: al-anon meets every Monday night AL-ANON

is for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) For more information call Donna 365-3168 or Eileen 365-3674. ongoing: The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop located at 210

- 11th Avenue (across from the Library) has a slight change in daily hours of operation. Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday closed until noon in order to deal with general maintenance and will open 12 noon - 4 p.m. Friday Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Please drop off your precious donations Mondays and Saturdays. However, if this is not an option, please call 250-3657317 so that we can make arrangements. Thanks for all the community support during 2012 and looking forward to another successful year. ongoing: Castlegar judo club

- Monday, Thursday evenings from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Twin Rivers School gym. Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. From aged 8 years and up. FMI call John Gibson 250365-5763. ongoing: poker fundraiser at the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday - Games start at 6:30

p.m. and go until there is a winner. Buy-in is $40 and the prize is $1,000 or more. Partial proceeds go to the West Kootenay Therapeutic Riding Association. ongoing: Castlegar senior’s activities at the Rec Centre for january: at the Complex

Monday – 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist Tuesday – 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool Wednesday – 9:30 Floor Curling, 1:00 Bingo,(1st Wed.only) 7:00 Rummoli, 10:00 16th Raspberry Reunion Thursday – 9:30 Floor Curling 1st. Thurs. 2:00 Gen. Meeting 1:00 Bingo (just not 1st.Thurs) Friday – 1:00 Bridge/Crib, Jan. 19th - Soup Day 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers

- For more information please call 250-919-0757.

Ongoing: Castlegar Garden Club meets third Wednesday of the month – 7:00 p.m.

at the Community Complex. Discover the Castlegar Garden Club and be dazzled by the depth of knowledge of our monthly speakers. Garden inspirations will linger long after the meeting is over. New members always welcome. Information: Rose Cheveldave 250.365.9600 or ongoing: robson market is open except for long week-

ends. 8-11 a.m. at the Robson Community Hall. Homestyle breakfasts, come enjoy and maybe find some treasures. Tables for vendors. Phone 250365-3796. ongoing: Mom’s Support Group Thursdays 10 a.m. to

noon. (changed from Wed. afternoons). Castlegar Community Services, Sun Centre. All moms welcome to this loosely structured group for support in challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 42

ongoing: castlegar & district hospital foundation light up campaign - The Foundation

is raising money to purchase three Space Lab cardiac monitors, Life Pak 15 crash cart monitors/defibrillators, and CADD Prism pump. call 250304-1209 or mail cheque to 709 10th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 to donate. ongoing: robson and blueberry strongstart centres

– free early learning programs for parents/caregivers with young children. Join us for snack, art, stories, gym time, and music. Robson - Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m, Thurs 12:30-3:30 p.m. Blueberry - Mon, Wed, Thurs, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m and Tues noon - 3 p.m. A partnership between Robson Community School, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Blueberry Creek Community School. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email: ongoing: free english classes – at the Castlegar Pub-

lic Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. All levels are welcome. For more info contact Alana at

250.304.6862 or email: ongoing: Join a 4H Horse Club near you! Check out www. Nelson 4H Club Contact Kathleen Comstock @ 250-352-9693. First meeting Jan. 16, 5 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Nelson. Castlegar 4H Club Contact Tekki Brown-Hryniw @ 250365-0725. First meeting Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m. Location contact Tekki. ongoing: scrabble club –

Come out on the second Wed. of the month at the Castlegar Public Library - 6:30–8 p.m. All levels are welcome.

ongoing: At the Community Learning Place you can get

free help with basic computers, reading and writing, citizenship, test preparation, and skills upgrading. This program is offered at the Castlegar & District Public Library on Tuesdays from12 noon-3 p.m. For more information call 250304-6862. Offered by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. ongoing:



Adult Upgrading Program is a free program for parents to upgrade math, English and/ or study skills with an instructor from Selkirk College. This program is held at Kootenay Family Place (beyond Chopsticks) on Mon and Wed from 1-3 p.m. Childcare and snacks are provided. For more info call Alana at 304-6862. Offered by Selkirk College, Kootenay Family Place and Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy. ongoing: Special olympics - castlegar bottle drive -

SOBC - Castlegar is holding a year-round bottle drive to raise money for their program. If you have any empty refundable bottles you are interested in donating please contact: (250) 365-2520 for more information. Donations go directly to Special Olympics – Castlegar. Thank you for supporting your local Special Olympics and its passionate athletes and volunteers. ongoing: Parent Child Mother Goose Programs:

Cuddle, Connect and Communicate with your 0-12 month old at the Castlegar Library on Wed., from 10:00-11:00 am, Jan. 16 - Mar. 6, to register call 250-365-6611. (childminding available for older siblings) Mother Goose for toddlers and preschoolers at Castlegar Primary School on Thurs., from 9:50-10:50 am, Jan.17 - Mar. 7, to register call 250-304-6862.

In partnership with Castlegar & District Public Library, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and School District 20.

ongoing: ESL Programs - Are

you new to the community or to Canada? Do you need help learning English or getting to know your community? English as a Second Language (ESL) programs include language classes for adults, ESl Conversation Club, ESL Family Drop-in for families with young children and one to one tutoring. All programs are free! For more information please call Alana at 250-3046862. Offered by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, Castlegar Public Library and Kootenay Family Place.

ongoing: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS The local Toastmasters

club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun. Guests warmly welcomed. For more information please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.

ongoing: chronic pain selfmanagement workshops -

Goes for six mondays starting on July 9 and ending August 13. Goes from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Service Society, 1007 2 Street, Castlegar. To register Call or email us at toll free 1-866-902-3767 or

ongoing: Esl family time – Join

other English as a Second Language families for stories, crafts and snack. Learn more about your community and help your kids get ready for school! Fridays from 10 a.m. - noon at Kootenay Family Place (behind Chopsticks).

ongoing: Trail sea cadets -

Meets every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench 1990-7th Ave. Contact Lt(N) Richard Chanig 250-368-6247.

ongoing: Trail Maple leaf band looking for MUSICIANS:

The Trail Maple Leaf Band is a concert band looking for brass and woodwind players. We meet in the McIntyre Room at the Cominco Arena in Trail on Monday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Practices begin on September 17. If you are interested in joining us please phone: 250-365-6405 for more information.

Castlegar News Thursday, January 3, 2013

VICTORIA Smokers who want to make a New Year’s resolution to quit are reminded that help is available from B.C.’s Smoking Cessation Program. “Quitting smoking can be the best thing you can do for your health as it will reduce health risks like cancer, heart disease and asthma,” said Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid. “There are a range of supports in place through our Smoking Cessation Program, and accessing them can be as simple as calling 8-1-1.” Since the Smoking Cessation Program was launched on Sept. 30, 2011, 161,453 orders for nicotine replacement therapies have been placed through HealthLink BC. As well, over 45,000 people have obtained a prescription for a smoking cessation drug while visiting their physician for another reason. The program aims to help British Columbians stop smok-

An estimated 70 per cent of smokers in B.C. want to quit.

ing by assisting with the cost of smoking cessation aids. Once in each calendar year, B.C. residents enrolled with the Medical Services Plan can receive coverage for a single continuous course, lasting up to 12 weeks, of either a prescribed smoking cessation drug through the PharmaCare program or a free supply of nicotine replacement gum or patches. While a prescription for a smoking cessation drug can be obtained simply by visiting a physician for another reason, the nicotine replacement therapies can be easily accessed by calling HealthLink

BC at 8-1-1, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Smoking increases many health risks, including lung cancer, throat and oral cancer, heart disease, stroke and emphysema.

Smoking increases many health risks including lung cancer, throat cancer and oral cancer, heart disease, stroke and emphysema. For long-term smokers, it’s never a bad time to quit.

By quitting smoking, British Columbians are taking active steps towards making the healthy choice, the easy choice for themselves and their families. Quitting smoking and reducing exposure to second-hand smoke greatly improves both quality of life and lifespan. “There has never been a better time to quit smoking, with QuitNow offering a variety of tools that greatly complement the Smoking Cessation Program and help British Columbians to quit,” said BC Lung Association CEO Scott McDonald. “Choose to make


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Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4

Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Occupational Aid Level 1 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 19, 2013 FinancialFirst Education Series: Feb. 5January Prenatal: Wed.,Series: Jan. 28 Financial Education Feb. 5 5 Dec. 5 Occupational First Aid Transportation Endorsement Financial Education Series: Feb. Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Education 5 Dec. Transportation Endorsement January 20, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10Series: Feb. OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Prenatal: Early Pregnancy January Dec. 23, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class 8 OFA Level 1: Jan. Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 Personal Trainer Course January 25, 2013 Green Your Home From Low Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Green Your Home FromLow Low Tech to Green Your Home From Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: CPR C January 26, 2013 High Tech: Feb. 12From Low OFA Level 1 Home 15 Green Your Tech toDec. Jan. 31 High Tech: 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Feb. Dec. 15 Jan. 31 Occupational FirstFeb. Aid Level January 28, 2013 High Tech: 12 3 Learn in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412January German Level 1Draw Learn toto in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 28, 2013 Learn toDraw Draw in 18 hours: Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. Sign Language: An Introduction January 29, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 530, 2013 Prenatal January Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Amnesty International Film Festival 31, 2013 Financial Education Series: January Feb. 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5

PLEASE NOTE that registration begins on January 2, 2013. EbayToBasics: Feb. call 10 250.365.1208. register, please

Ebay Basics: Feb. 10

Green Your Home From Low Tech to Green Your Feb. Home12From Low Tech to High Tech: High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15

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PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments

Phil Angrignon

This is the time of year to make resolutions to change our lives for the better. It’s also good to resolve to make someone else’s life better too. If you know someone who is lonely or depressed, why not reach out and bring that person to your home for dinner. It will make you both feel better.

Dec 31st - New Year’s Eve with Hoola Hoop,

Jan 11th - Dirty Tactix, L-Nix & Death


MORTGAGES REPRESENTATION AGREEMENTS Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES CONTRACTS Prenatal:(PURCHASE Wed., Jan. 28SALES) PROPERTY AND WILLS SUBDIVISIONS BUSINESS (PURCHASE & SALES) Prenatal: Jan. 28 OFA LevelWed., 1: Jan. 30 TRANSFERS NOTARIZATIONS FAMILY AND TRANSMISSIONS Prenatal: Jan. OFA LevelWed., 1: Jan. 30 28 POWER OF ATTORNEY & ESTATE PLANNING AFFIDAVITS OFA LevelDECLARATIONS 1: Jan. 30for Sledders: EASEMENTS STATUTORY Avalanche Awareness OFA Level 1: Jan. 30for Sledders: MEDIATION CERTIFIED TRUE COPIES Avalanche Awareness Jan. 31 PROFESSIONAL EXECUTOR SERVICES Member Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Jan. 31 2009 Columbia Avenue , Castlegar, BC V1N 2W9 Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Jan.Tel. 31 Fax. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 250-365-2275 Jan. 31 250-365-2289

+ +

BC Ministry of Health

a positive impact on your health this season. Cancer prevention depends on healthy living and healthy public policies,” said Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon, CEO Barbara Kaminsky. “I applaud British Columbians who have taken the important next step and chosen the Smoking Cessation Program.” British Columbians who register with the Smoking Cessation Program are able to receive further web, text and telephone support from QuitNow Services (‘QuitNow’), which is operated by the BC Lung Association. HealthLink BC staff can also transfer callers directly to QuitNow. While B.C. has the lowest smoking rate in Canada at 14.3 per cent, there are still approximately 550,000 British Columbians who smoke. An estimated 70 per cent of smokers in B.C. want to quit.


Notary Public Inc.



PHILIP KANIGAN + + + + + + + + +

Health Make a resolution to quit smoking this year A11


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One of the most common resolutions people make for the New Year is to lose weight and to exercise regularly. Ironically, the latter certainly does help the weight-loss goal. Regular exercise is like taking a pill that’s good for many ailments. It helps control and prevent problems like heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and insomnia. It’s never too late to start an exercise program. Speaking of depression, it does seem more prevalent at this time of year. There are many reasons for it but sometimes it just the lack of light during the short days of winter. Ask our pharmacists about light therapy. Often simply sitting under a special light for a 30 minute daily can banish the blues. Try to keep your hands away from your nose and mouth at this time of year. These two areas are where bacteria and viruses can easily enter the body. You don’t want your fingers to inoculate yourself with colds and flu. Another year has gone by and I want to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2013. Thank you for all your kind comments about the column. We look forward to serving you throughout the coming year with great service by our great staff. Happy New Year!

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Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, January 3, 2013 A13



Rebs held to one point in weekend battle with BV

We are planning a

SOCIAL EVENT FOR 2013 in place of our New years Dance.


Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter

While not a fruitless excercise, the Castlegar Rebels were certainly hoping for more out of their weekend home and home with Beaver Valley than a single point. The Rebels had to fight back to get the 2-2 tie at home Saturday night after being doubled 6-3, in Fruitvale Friday against the Nitehawks. On Friday, The ‘Hawks were led by four goals and two assists from veteran forward Dallas Calvin who opened the scoring at 14:02 of the first period with a shorthanded goal. Jamie Vlanich tied the game shortly after with a power play marker assisted by Aaron Brewer and Diego Bartlett. The home team took a commanding 4-1 lead after the first with three unanswered goals to end the period. A power play goal from Dan Holland at 5:54 of the second put BV up 5-1. Goals from Aaron Petten (Kody Disher, Erik Alden) and Alden (Stu Walton, Matt




Rebel vets Diego Bartlett (#12) and Erik Alden (#26) battle for the puck against Beaver Valley Saturday night at the Castlegar Complex. Craig Lindsay photo

Reed) gave Castlegar some life as they moved within two goals. But the visitors couldn’t get any closer and would fall 6-3. Connor Beauchamp struggled between the pipes for the Rebs, giving up four goals on 13 shots and getting the yank at 16:03 of the first period. Jordan Gluck finished the game, stopping 22 of 24 shots. The Rebels outshot the ‘Hawks 41-37. On Saturday, a scoreless first period saw Rebel players Bryan Lubin and Matt Reed tossed after a late period dustup. Lubin came to the defence of Reed, who had been viciously

Castlegar’s Riley Mager at a recent meet in KaSubmitted photo mloops.

The Kootenay Swim Club attended its third meet of the short course season in Kamloops just before the Christmas break. This meet marked the halfway point of the

FRI, JAN. 11 • 7:30P PST


crosschecked by BV’s Michael Bell after the whistle. Somehow the Rebs found themselves down a skater for five minutes after the brouhaha, but were able to kill the Nitehawks extended power play. Aaron Petten put the Rebs up 1-0 at 5:46 of the second period. Kurt Black quickly countered for BV to even the game at 4:12 of the second. Riley Brandt put the visitors up 2-1 just over a minute into the third stanza; a goal that looked like it might stand up as the game winner. Veteran Rebels’ forward Diego Bartlett scored with 3:07 left in the third

period, assisted by Aaron Brewer and Stuart Walton, to tie the game at 2. Neither team was able to score in overtime and the game ended in a draw. Jordan Gluck played well in net for Castlegar, stopping 35 shots and picking up the game’s first star, while his Beaver Valley counterpart Zach Perehudoff had a strong performance of his own stopping 42 Castlegar shots. Meanwhile, after a New Years Eve win over Nelson, BV has moved into a tie for second with Castlegar at 49 points, four behind the first place Leafs.

KSC ready for second half of season


SUN, JAN. 6 • 5:00P


short course season in preparation for the AA and AAA championship meets at the end of February. The Kootenay Swim Club has doubled in size this season and the swim meet was our club’s largest turnout thus

far. We had swimmers ranging from ages 9 to 18 participate in the meet. Young swimmers, coming from both Castlegar and Nelson, where the club practices, each swam up to eight races plus relays over the course of the weekend. Niallan Collier made afternoon swims in all of the events he competed in this weekend placing top eight in 50 free, 100 breaststroke, 50 fly, 100 fly, and 200 IM. Collier dropped over a second and a half off his 50 fly and 50 free and over

nine seconds in his 100 fly swim. Gabby Hanvold qualified for a AAA time in the morning swim in the 50 fly and is within tenths of a second to a national age group qualifying time; Riley Mager swam 100 breaststroke also qualifying for his first AAA time. There were two swimmers who successfully competed in their first ever swim meet, LeeAnn Zaitsoff and Ella Koth , both learning the ways of a swim meet and performing exceptionally well for first time meet goers.

SAT, JAN. 19 • 7:30P PST

COLUMBIA VALLEY ROCKIES VS CASTLEGAR REBELS • CASTLEGAR COMPLEX • We are always looking for volunteers to help with our organization.

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am

Circuit Strength


Fabulous 50+


Deep Water Workout 5:30-6:30pm

Ultimate Kickbox


Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am

Step to It


Health & Recovery


Step & Tone/ Tues


Body Blast/Tues Core & More/Thurs PM Aqua-Fit






Circuit Strength Aqua Circuit


Fabulous 50+


Saturday 9:15-10:15am


Saturday Fit

Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by: 1 - 3 -12 month Membership Passes or $6.00

Christmas Public Swim Schedule



Jan 3



Jan 4



Jan 5


Jan 6



Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

cians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.


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are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.


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A career with Sutco. We have positions open in our Chip Division, dedicated schedules, Merritt, Chilliwack, West Kootenays and Creston. Hiway Canada Only Super B or Step Deck, assigned unit. Satellite dispatch, e-logs, Pension Plan and Extended Benefits. If you have a clean abstract and verifiable mountain experience, check us out or Fax 250-357-2009 more info: 1-888-357-2612 Ext:230

Business Opportunities PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.

Career Opportunities TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Education/Trade Schools 21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes: • • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for January 14, 2013. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Certified Care Aide required for Castlegar Senior. Phone 250-365-8096

Reserve your seat for January 14, 2013. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at HAWAII1-877-860-7627 ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal EQUIPMaleku INTERIOR HEAVY Condominiums, secured MENT OPERATOR24/7 SCHOOL. Community, Rica NO Simulators.Costa In-the-seat “friendliest on earth”! training. Realcountry world tasks. 1-780-952-0709; Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853




An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.


Wanted: Mature, Reliable Hardworking Cooks Full & Part-time available Advancement for the right candidate Apply at Joey’s 100 - 1983 Columbia Ave

Employment Help Wanted Business AREOpportunities YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS?

PYRAMID CORPORATION is Relief is only a call away! now hiring! Instrument Call Shelley Cameron Technicians Estate and Electricians Administrator for various at sites across Alberta. 877-797-4357 today, Send resumetoto: set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. or fax 780-955-HIRE. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Career Opportunities

TRAIN TO be an ApartCertified Care Aide ment/Condominium Manager required Castlegar Senior. at home!for We have jobs across PhoneThousands 250-365-8096 Canada. of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Education/Trade Schools

Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) FIND EVERYTHING YOU Certificates included are: NEED IN THE CLASSIFIEDS • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for January 14, 2013. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat world tasks. Garytraining. Bacon ofReal Castlegar, B.C. died Weekly start dates. Job board! peacefully December Funding options. 25, 2012. SignUp Gary was bornonline! in Rossland, B.C. 1-866-399-3853



Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780725-4430

• • •


Gary Bacon

on March 29, 1948 to Margaret and Floyd Bacon. Gary to mourn Helpleaves Wanted his death his wife Maria, his son Sean (Robyn) and their Brittany and AREchildren YOU EXPERIENCING Brandon of Penticton; his daughterFINANCIAL Peggy Maerz and her DISTRESS? children Denise and Savannah of Kelowna anda Armstrong; Relief is only call away! Call Shelley Cameron his sons Dennis (Gail); Ken and Raymond and many nieces Estate Administrator and nephews. Gary was predeceased by his parents and at 877-797-4357 today, his brothers Clifford and Wayne. Vigil services will help at to set up yourbeFREE in Nelson. St. Rita’s Catholic Church on January consultation 3rd, 2013, at 7 PM, Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP with Mass of Christian Burial being celebrated by Fr. H. 33 years experience. Clark and co-celebrated by David John BDO on Jan. 4th,Limited. 2013, in Canada Trustee in Bankruptcy. Castlegar Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to St. Rita’s 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Haiti School, care of St.Rita’s 513 7thKelowna Ave. Castlegar, V1N , BC V1Y 9X1 1R3. Donations would be greatly appreciated theAide family, Certifiedby Care as would expressions of sympathy.required Gary’s for family wouldSenior. like Castlegar 250-365-8096 to express their heartfelt thanks to Phone Drs, Hii, Schumacher and Jacobsen and the nursing staff of Interior Kootenay/ Boundary Palliative Care, and the many friends and family who supported Gary through his bout of cancer.






fax 250.365.6390 email classifi Financial Services Home Care/Support Work Wanted Mature lady seeking a live in I am looking for work with my IF YOU own a home or real Services Employment Trades, Technical Trades, position for mature person mobile treatment center and estate, AlpineTechnical Credits can lend

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. IntroMature a live in am looking for work with my ducing ourlady newseeking Apprenticeship Call Imobile FIND EVERYTHING YOU and position for mature person treatment center Program which includes: needing housekeeper/ Or Drop advanced level 3office first aid ourCLASSIFIEDS attickNEEDby IN THE • ITAcompanion Foundation in order to et. I have worked in the oil #2,for1810 8thasAve. • maintain ITA HEO residence Theory in their Unitfield 25 years well sev• own Multi Equipment Training Castlegar, BC Very rehome. Call 250-365-1153 eral logging camps. (Apprenticeship hours logged) liable. Looking mainly in south8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday ern B.C. as I live there, but will Certificates included are: travel anywhere. Have also Classified Deadline 4pm Monday • Ground Disturbance Level 2 worked as watchman/first aid • WHMIS and have class one drivers. • Traffic Control 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807. • First Aid

Home Care/Support

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Wanted: Mature, Reliable Hardworking Cooks Full & Part-time available Advancement for the right candidate Apply at Joey’s 100 - 1983 Columbia Ave

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Gary Bacon

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certifiA career with Sutco. We have Gary Bacon Castlegar,property B.C. diedrencation,ofadoption positions open in our Chip Dital opportunities. For peace peacefully December 25, 2012. of vision, dedicated schedules, mind & a free consultation call Gary was born in Rossland, B.C. Merritt, Chilliwack, West Koo1-800-347-2540. tenays and Creston. Hiway on March 29, 1948 to Margaret and Canada Only Super B or Step Floyd Bacon. Gary leaves to mourn Deck, assigned unit. Satellite dispatch, e-logs, Pension hisPlan death his wife Maria, his son Sean OREGA-FIRST Don’t Keep your business in and Extended Benefi(Robyn) ts. If youand their Organic children Brittany and the dark! have a clean abstract and veriOregano Oil Glo-tech an Brandon of Penticton; his daughter PeggyInnovations Maerz andhasher fiable mountain experience, LEDArmstrong; sign solution check us out or of illuminated children Denise and Savannah Kelowna and Buy One for every budget. Fax 250-357-2009 more info: his sons DennisExt:230 (Gail); Ken and Raymond and many nieces Manufactured in the 1-888-357-2612 Get One Kootenays. it time and nephews. Gary was predeceased by his Isn’t parents andyouhisglo up? ph 250 352-5201 or An Alberta Construction Combrothers Clifford and Wayne. Vigil services be help at 1 877will 510-5201 pany is hiring Dozer and ExcaSt. Rita’s Catholic Church on January 3rd, 2013, at 7 PM, vator Operators. Preference 15ml A celebrated 3 line adbyinFr. the will be Mass given to operators Burial that being with of Christian H. Castlegar News are experienced in oilfield road Clark and construction. co-celebrated by David John on Jan. 4th,costs 2013, in Downtown CastlegarLodgand lease classifieds as Castlegar Cemetery. In lieu of flowers,little donations St. Rita’s ing and meals provided. The 250.365.7750 as $to 10.50! work in the vicinity Edson, 513 7th Ave. Castlegar, V1N Haitiis School, care ofof St.Rita’s Plus your ad Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing 1R3.50% Donations would be greatly appreciated by in the the family, GET off -Contour Join Herbal appears required. Call ConMagic thisat week and get Nelson Star, Trail struction 780-723-5051. as would expressions of 50% sympathy. Gary’s family would like Off. Lose weight quickly, safeRossland and express thanks to Drs, Hii, News Schumacher lytoand keep their it off,heartfelt proven reon COOKS sults! Herbal Magic and Call Jacobsen and the today! nursing staff of for Interior Kootenay/ FREE! Wanted: Mature, Reliable 1-800-854-5176. Boundary Palliative Care, and the many friends and family Hardworking Cooks Fullsupported & Part-time available who Gary through his bout of cancer. Advancement for the right candidate We’re at the heart of things™ Apply at Joey’s 100 - 1983 Columbia Ave

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Required for an Alberta Under the Sun Yoga Trucking Company. One Class beginners to advance 1 offers Driver. Must have a ministay of strong for olderexperience adults mum 5 years restorative yogaand therapy & off pulling low boys driving for MS, must Classes Candidate be able 2013 to passin aJanuary drug test andatbe willequipped ing 2tofully relocate to studios Edson, AlJaniceFax Ferraro 250-365-5428 berta. resumes to: 725-4430

additional lines are 1.50



250.365.6397 classifieds@


Trades, Technical



Gerald“B”Andrew WANTED: TICKETED Welders, Corbett Gary Bacon Electricians, and Millwrights

Gary Bacon of Castlegar, B.C. died

International Forest Products looking JuneLtd. 26,is 1932 - for peacefully December 25, 2012. ticketed “B” Welder with Millwriting experience, Gary was born in Rossland, B.C. December 27, 2012 on March 29, 1948 toour Margaret electricians, and millwrights to join lumber Gerald Andrew Corbett of and Floyd Bacon. Gary leaves to mourn manufacturing facility in Castlegar, Castlegar, B.C.BC. passed away his death his wife Maria, his son Sean

after a lengthy illness inBrittany the able The skilled individuals must be motivated, (Robyn) and theirself children and Kootenay Regional Hospital in Brandon of Penticton; his daughter Peggy Maerz and her to work on their own, and in a team environment.

After many of employment children Denise Trail. and Savannah of years Kelowna and Armstrong; Applicants be flexible with shift scheduling his sons Dennis (Gail); Ken Raymond and manywas nieces at Cominco asmust a pipe fitter, heand retired in 1992. Gerald and trade lines. and nephews. Gary wasover predeceased and his active in the community the years by andhis in parents the Castlegar brothers Cliffordgroup Wayne.heVigil services will be help and Trail seniors where was loved forand his sense of at Interfor offers aandcompetitive wage benefits St. Rita’s Catholic Church on January 3rd, 2013, at 7 PM, humor and generosity. He was also a volunteer Fire Chief of package the USW Interior with Massasofoutlined Christian in Burial being Southern celebrated by Fr. H. the Genelle Fire Hall for a number of years. He is mourned Master Agreement. Clark and co-celebrated by David John on Jan. 4th, 2013, in byCastlegar his children: Sally DeRosa Martha Jack (Terry), Cemetery. In lieu of(Howard), flowers, donations to St. Rita’s Interested candidates are invited to submit Randy Corbett care (Pearl), grandchildren JeffAve. , Ryan, Cody, V1N Haiti School, of St.Rita’s 513 7th Castlegar, resumes by January 07, 2012 to Carrie, Steven, andwould great grandson He wasby predeceased 1R3. Donations be greatly Gage. appreciated the family, office Castlegar. would expressions of sympathy. Gary’s family like byas his wifeInterfor’s Martha in front 2001 and son,in Gerald Robertwould in 1989. to isexpress their heartfelt thanks toRon, Drs, Hii, Schumacher Candidates can also submit their resume He survived by his brothers Allan, Maurice and sister and Jacobsen theornursing staff of to Interior Kootenay/ mail, fax, email : to a charity Ellen. In lieu of and flby owers cardsorplease donate of Boundary Care, and the many friends family POPalliative Boxoff3728, Castlegar 3W4 your choice. To er condolences on BC, line,V1N please goand to the who supported Gary through his bout of cancer. following website Fax #: (604) 422-3252A Celebration of Life willEmail: be at the Castlegar Community Complex (Selkirk Rm)all onapplicants Sat. April in 20,advance, 2013 at however, 1 PM. only those We thank selected for a interview will be contacted.

advanced level 3 first aid ticket. I have worked in the oil field for 25 years as well several logging camps. Very reliable. Looking mainly in southern B.C. as I live there, but will travel anywhere. Have also worked as watchman/first aid and have class one drivers. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.


you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

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Legal Services WANTED: TICKETED “B” Welders, Services Electricians, and Millwrights

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property renInternational Forest Products Ltd. is looking for of tal opportunities. For peace mind & a free consultation call ticketed “B” Welder with Millwriting experience, 1-800-347-2540.

Health Products

electricians, and millwrights to join our lumber Signs manufacturing facility in Castlegar, BC. OREGA-FIRST

Don’t Keep your business in The skilled individuals must be self motivated, Organic the dark! able Oregano Oil Innovations has an to work on their own, and in aGlo-tech team environment. illuminated LED sign solution

Buy for every budget. Applicants mustOne be flexible withManufactured shift scheduling in the and tradeGet lines.One Kootenays. Isn’t it time you glo


up? ph 250 352-5201 or

1 877 510-5201 Interfor offers a competitive wage and benefits 15ml package as outlined in the USW A Southern 3 line ad Interior in the Castlegar News Master Agreement. Downtown Castlegar classifieds costs as

The Sky is the Limit Buy It, Sell It, or Trade It!

250.365.7750 littleto assubmit 10.50! Interested candidates are invited Plus your ad resumes by January 07,appears 2012 toin the GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this Interfor’s week and get 50% front office inNelson Castlegar. Star, Trail Off. Lose weight quickly, safeRossland News and can also their resume ly and Candidates keep it off, proven re- submit on sults! Call Herbalby Magic today! mail, fax, or email to : for FREE! 1-800-854-5176. PO Box 3728, Castlegar BC, V1N 3W4 Fax #: (604) 422-3252 Community Newspapers Email: We’re at the heart of things™ $

We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those Yoga selected for a interview will be contacted.

Under the Sun Yoga offers beginners to advance stay strong for older adults restorative yoga therapy & yoga for MS, Classes in January 2013 at 2 fully equipped studios Janice Ferraro 250-365-5428

additional lines are $1.50


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Trades, Technical to your Trades, Technical Delivered door AND your computer.

WANTED: TICKETED “B” Welders, Electricians, and Millwrights

For Classifieds That Work! STOP ONE Call: INFORMATION

International Forest Products Ltd. is looking for ticketed “B” Welder with Millwriting experience, electricians, and millwrights to join our lumber manufacturing facility in Castlegar, BC. The skilled individuals must be self motivated, able to work on their own, and in a team environment.

Applicants must be flexible with shift scheduling and trade lines.



Interfor offers a competitive wage and benefits package as outlined in the USW Southern Interior Master Agreement. Interested candidates are invited to submit resumes by January 07, 2012 to Interfor’s front office in Castlegar. Candidates can also submit their resume by mail, fax, or email to : PO Box 3728, Castlegar BC, V1N 3W4 Fax #: (604) 422-3252 Email:

We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those

forfull a interview will be contacted. Checkselected out our newspaper on line now.


Castlegar News Thursday, January 3, 2013

Heavy Duty Machinery

Mobile Homes & Pads

12’ wide snow bucket for a Bobcat $800, 6’ bucket for a Bobcat like new $450, 7’ snow blade for a forklift S/S $600, Western Snowplow complete for pickup $1200 226-7990 A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

ROBSON Mobile Home for rent, Refer & Criminal check required, Call 250-304-3430



Auto Financing

Auto Financing







Merchandise for Sale A15

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by TM Mobile Inc., of Burnaby, BC, on behalf of the Ministry Place Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Your 1-888-204-5355 for Pre-Approval Classied Kootenay Region, for two Licenses of Occupation for the purpose Ad Here! of roadway and communication site situated on Provincial Crown land west of Castlegar and containing 02023 hectares more or less 250.365.6397 (communication site) and 0.6 hectares more or less (road). The MFLNRO File Numbers that have been established for this Cars - Domestic Homes for Rent application are 4405299 (communication site/powerline) and LOOKING FOR A DEAL Misc. for Sale ON A NEW VEHICLE? 4405300 (road). Written comments concerning this application CASTLEGAR 2 to 3 Bdrm AT LAST! An iron filter that Save up to 40% OFF your House, 1 Bath House, W/D works. IronEater! Fully patentnext new vehicle... should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, N/S, N/P, wood stove ed Canada/U.S.A. Removes No games or gimmicks, deal $795/mth + utilities, Avail iron, hardness, smell, mangadirect with local dealerships. Cranbrook BC, V1C7G1 or email to: AuthorizingAgency.Cranbrook@ Immed 250-304-9257 nese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until CASTLEGAR: 3 Bdrm, 2 bath w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . No qr code F/S, W/D, D/W, NP/NS, lrg DreamTeam Auto Financing Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. reader? February 4, 2013. Front Counter BC may not be able to consider yard, $1150/mth + util’s, Ref “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Text info: BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is req’d, Avail Feb 1st. Call 250Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals 778.786.8271 a clearance sale. You don’t comments received after this date. Please refer to our website: 832-5913. 1-800-961-7022 want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. Castlegar Avail immediately and look 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 3 - 4 Bdrm House, close to $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One schools, beautiful hardwood Legal Notices Legal Notices up the applications with the file numbers listed above. end wall included. Call Pioneer floors, F/S, DW, Laundry Steel at: 1-800-668-5422. huge fenced yard, N/S, N/P Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be $1100/mth + utilities Call 250-304-9868 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS: considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Best price. Best quality. All Pass Creek 2 Bdrm House NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Creditors A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 3, 2013 Thursday, Castlegar January Newsin 3, 2013 Thursday, CastlegarJanuary News shapes & colours available. Avail Immediately FOIThursday, Advisor atJanuary the MFLNRO regional office Cranbrook. 1-866-652-6837 and others having claims against the Estate of 250-365-4857 or 304-1711 Your community. YourYour classifi community. eds. YourYour classifi community. eds. YourYour classifi communit eds. JOHN FREDERICK SALIKEN, formerly of RENT TO OWN!! Completely YOU’RE APPROVED • YOU’RE APPROVED

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Medical padded transfer bath bench - $85; padded shower stool - $30; metal bath rail $25. Ph. 250-365-0712 STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206

renovated house on private large lot in North Castlegar; view of Columbia River. 4+ bed, 1.5 bath. New windows, kitchen and bathrooms. All new electrical and plumbing. Original hardwood floors throughout. F/S, DW, W/D. $1500/month and you can own your own home. Call for details 365-0044. Move in ready.

Misc. Wanted

ROBSON 1 Bedroom VERY small house, newly reno N/S, N/P, $510/ mth + util. Call 250.304.3800

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

#709-10th Street, Castlegar, British Columbia, Deceased, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the Executor, John Clifford Saliken, c/o Mont & Walker Law Corporation, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 2R2, Attention: Roderick E. Mont, on or before February 15, 2013, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.

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Office/Retail Employment

Services Services Services Employment Employment Employment Employment you use the a place How to place How a to place How atoWhen place How to place How ato place a Rentals a

CASTLEGAR 1000 sq ft professional Office Space or Castlegar News Classifieds retail next to Tim Horton’s Avail Jan 1/13, 250-608-3930 to IF find alooking job, you will be Mature lady seeking a live in I am Mature looking lady for seeking work awith live in my I Mature am YOU own lady for seeking a home workawith live or real in my IIFam Mature YOU looking own lady for seeking a home work awith live or real in my IF I Mature am YOU looking own lady seeking for a home worka with live or real inmy position for mature person mobile position treatment for mature center person and estate, mobile position Alpine treatment for mature Credits center person can lend and mobile estate, position Alpine treatment for mature Credits center person can lend and estate, mobile position Alpine treatment for mature Credits center person can lend and going up, the corporate 2-Bedroom suite for rent, needing housekeeper/ advanced needing level housekeeper/ 3 first aid tickyou advanced needing money: housekeeper/ It’s3 That rst aid Simple. tickadvanced you needing money: level housekeeper/ It’s3 That first aid Simple. tickyou advanced needing money: level housekeeper/ It’s3 That first aid Simple. tickavailable immediately; $700 thatlevel is. Inin fithe companion in order to et. I companion have worked in order in the to oil ladder, Your et. I companion Credit have /worked Age order / in Income to the oil is et. YourI companion Credit have worked / Age in order / in Income the to oil is Your et. I companion Credit have /worked Age in order / in Income to the oil is per month plus utilities. Ph. CASTLEGAR, 1 Bdrm suite maintain residence in their fi eld maintain for 25 residence years as in well their sevnot fi eld maintain an for issue. 25 residence years 1.800.587.2161. as in well their sevfi not eld maintain an for issue. 25 residence years 1.800.587.2161. as in well their sevnot fi eld maintain an for issue. 25 residence years 1.800.587.2161. as in well their sevClassifieds, you will find 250-304-7490 in Castlegar. neathome. Kootenay & Bus own Call Market 250-365-1153 eral own logging home. Call camps. 250-365-1153 Very reeral own logging home. Call camps. 250-365-1153 Very reeral own logging home. Call camps. 250-365-1153 Very reeral own logging home. Call camps. 250-365-1153 Very reM O N ELooking Y Pof R OV IDE Rin. CsouthO M. M O N ELooking Y P R OV I D E Rin. CsouthO M. M O N ELooking Y P R OV I D E Rin. CsouthOM. stop $515/mth inclusiveCall liable. Looking mainly in southjobs and liable. mainly liable. mainly liable. mainly Call Callthousands Call Call $500 Loan +. No but Credit $500B.C. Loan +. No but Credit $500 Loan No but Credit Immed, N/S, N/P ern B.C. I liveoffice there, but ern B.C. asour Iand liveoffice there, will ern asour Iand live there, will ern B.C. asour Iand live +. there, will Drop by our office at Or DropAvail by250-608-3930 our office at Or Drop byasour at will Or Drop by at Or Drop by at Or Drop by at maybe one of them Fast, Easy, 100% Refused. Fast, office Easy, Refused. Fast, office Easy, travel anywhere. Have also justRefused. travel anywhere. Have also travel anywhere. Have 100% also travel anywhere. Have 100% also 2 bdrm cabin $685/m Secure. 1-877-776-1660. Secure. 1-877-776-1660. 1-877-776-1660. t #2, 1810 8th Ave.+ 3 Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Unitworked #2, 1810 8th Ave. #2, 1810 8thup Ave. Unitworked #2, 1810 8th Ave. #2, 1810 8th Ave. as watchman/fi rst aidUnit worked as watchman/fi rst aid as watchman/fi rst aidUnitSecure. worked as watchman/fi rst aid will take you right Castlegar South, Studio bdrm cabin $750/m + 2 bdrm and have classBC one drivers. and have classBC one drivers. and have classBC one drivers. and have classBC one drivers. Castlegar, BC Castlegar, BC Castlegar, Castlegar, Castlegar, Castlegar, Suite, F/S, Microwave cabin $585/m on large corporate /ladder 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807. the250-442-0122 250-493-1807. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807. 5:00 Monday - Friday 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday 8:30-5:00 Monday Friday 8:30-5:00 Monday Friday 8:30-5:00 Monday Friday $600 /mth including utilities acreage, very private, 1km of success. cable, private side entrance of Slocan City. Wood/ CRIMINAL Don’t CRIMINAL Don’t CRIMINAL Don’t edsouth Deadline 4pm Monday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday Classified DeadlineRECORD? 4pm Monday Classified DeadlineRECORD? 4pm Monday Classified DeadlineRECORD? 4pm Monday off street parking, elect heat,4pm creekMonday water,Classified Deadline let it block employment, travel, let it block employment, travel, let it block employment, travel, ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING Utilities xtra. Pets ok, room for education, professional, certifi education, professional, certifi education, professional, certifi OR PET, Call Al at garden. Lease required. cation, adoption property rencation, adoption property rencation, adoption property ren250-304-5560 250-355-2412 tal opportunities. For peace of tal opportunities. For peace of tal opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call mind & a free consultation call mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. 1-800-347-2540. 1-800-347-2540.

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Home Care/Support

Home Care/Support Work Wanted

Financial Services Home Care/Support Work Wanted

Financial Services Home Care/Support Work Wanted

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250.365.6397 Cottages / Cabins 250.365.6397 250.365.6397 250.365.6397 250.365.6397 250.365.6397 Professional/ Management

Travel Employment

Travel Employment

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HelpTravel Wanted

Professional/ Management Services

Professional/ Management Legal Services Services

Professional/ Management Legal Services Services

Professional/ Management Legal Services Services

Travel Employment Health Products

Travel Employment Health Products

Travel Employment Health Products

Employment Health Products

HelpTravel Wanted

HelpTravel Wanted Signs

A HAWAII career with ON Sutco. the Mainland, We have HAWAII A career with ON Sutco. the Mainland, We have positions healthy low-cost open in living our Chip can Dibe healthy positionslow-cost open inliving our Chip can Dibe OREGA-FIRST vision, yours.OREGA-FIRST Modern dedicated Arenal schedules, Maleku yours. vision, Modern dedicated Arenal schedules, Maleku Don’t Keep your business in Merritt, Condominiums, Chilliwack, 24/7 West secured KooCondominiums, Merritt, Chilliwack, 24/7 West secured KooOrganic Organic the dark! tenays Community, and Creston. Costa Rica Community, tenays and Creston. Costa Rica Oregano Oil Hiway Oregano OilhasHiway Glo-tech Innovations an Canada “friendliest Only country Superon B orearth”! Step “friendliest Canada Only country Super onBsolution orearth”! Step illuminated LED sign Deck, 1-780-952-0709; assigned unit. Satellite 1-780-952-0709; Deck, assigned unit. Satellite Buy One Buy One for every budget. dispatch, e-logs, Pension Plan dispatch, e-logs, Pension Manufactured in the Plan and ts. If cient, you detail-oriented and Extended Benefi If glo you Get One Get One WeExtended require a Benefi highly-profi individual Kootenays. Isn’t it time have a clean abstract and verihaveup? a clean abstract andorveriphts250 352-5201 with solid experience in payroll and benefi administration fiable mountain experience, fiable mountain experience, 1 877 510-5201 check us out or Along checkwith us accounting out or and various accounting duties. 15ml 15ml Fax 250-357-2009 more info: FaxA250-357-2009 3 line ad inmore the info: experience, you must be accurate, at ease with computers, 1-888-357-2612 Ext:230 1-888-357-2612 Ext:230 Castlegar News

pany is hiring Dozer and Excapany is hiring Dozer and ExcaPYRAMID CORPORATION PYRAMID CORPORATION uncompromising serviceisto our customers, andPreference we’re is vator Operators. Preference vator Operators. now hiring! Instrument Techninow hiring! Instrument Technilooking for someone who shares our philosophy will be given to operators that will be given to operators that cians and Electricians for varicians and Electricians and for variare experienced in oilfi eld road are experienced in oilfi eld road work ethic. Come be a part of our team. General ous sites across Alberta. Send ous sites across Alberta. Send and lease construction. Lodgand lease construction. Lodgresume to: experience resume Motors is considered anto: asset, is not The ing and meals provided. The ing and meals but provided. work is in the vicinity of Edson, work is in the vicinity of Edson, essential. However, you must have your own tools and or fax 780-955-HIRE. or fax 780-955-HIRE. Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing safety boots. required. Call Contour Conrequired. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. struction at 780-723-5051.

$ asDozer 10.50! pany Dozer and Excapany little is250.365.7750 hiring and ExcaThisis250.365.7750 ishiring a permanent, part-time You will perform PYRAMID CORPORATION is position. PYRAMID CORPORATION is vator Operators. Preference vator hiring! Operators. Preference Plus your adand now hiring! Instrument Techninow Instrument Techniduties for our General Motors and Hyundai dealerships will be given to operators that will be given to operators that cians 50% and Electricians varicians and forHerbal variGET off - Join for Herbal GET appears 50% Electricians off -inJoin the are experienced inand oilfiget eldour road are experienced in oilfi eldisSend road our collision centre. As businesses grow further, there ous sites Alberta. Send ous sites Alberta. Magic thisacross week 50% Magic thisacross week and get 50% Star, Trail and lease construction. Lodgand Nelson lease construction. Lodgresume to: resume to: Off. Lose weight quickly, safeOff. Lose weight quickly, safeRossland News and opportunity forprovided. additionalThe work and advancement. ing and meals ing and meals provided. ly and keep it off, proven relyon keep it off, proven The rework in the vicinity of Edson, work in the vicinity of Edson, or faxisCall 780-955-HIRE. or fax is 780-955-HIRE. sults! Herbal Magic today! sults! Call Herbal Magic today! Please send your cover letter and resume, with references, to: Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing for FREE! 1-800-854-5176. 1-800-854-5176. required. Call Contour Conrequired. Call Contour Construction 780-723-5051. struction at 780-723-5051. Mitchat Rinas



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Please submit your cover letter and resume to: Mitch Rinas, Controller

Wanted: Wanted: TRAIN TOMature, be Reliable an ApartTRAIN TOMature, be Reliable an ApartKalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC Hardworking Cooks Hardworking Cooks ment/Condominium Manager ment/Condominium Manager Avenue Full & Columbia Part-time Full & Part-time at 1700 home! We have available jobs across at home! We have available jobs across Advancement forofthegraduAdvancement Canada. Thousands Canada. ThousandsforofthegraduCastlegar, BC V1N 2W4 right candidate right candidate ates working. 32 years of sucates working. 32 years of sucFax: (250) 365-3949 Apply at Joey’s certified. Apply at Joey’s certified. cess! Government cess! Government or or 1-800-665Email: 100 - 1983 Columbia Ave 100 - 1983 Columbia Ave 8339, 604-681-5456. 8339, 604-681-5456. Required for an Alberta Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a mini1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience mum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off pulling low boys and driving off 21 WEEK HEAVY 21 WEEK HEAVY road. Candidate must be able road. Candidate must be able GMC (1989) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to pass a drugCHEVROLET test and be will- BUICK to pass a drug test andLTD. be will-

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Wanted: Mature, Wanted: Reliable TRAIN TO be Reliable an Avenue ApartTRAIN TOMature, be an Apart1700 Columbia Hardworking Cooks Hardworking Cooks ment/Condominium Manager ment/Condominium Manager Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Full & Part-time Full & We Part-time at home! We have available jobs across at home! have available jobs across Advancement forofthegraduAdvancement Canada. Thousands Canada. ThousandsforofthegraduFax: (250) 365-3949 Under Yogaof sucUnder Yoga rightthe candidate rightthe candidate ates working. 32Sun years ates working. 32Sun years of sucoffers beginners to advance offers Government beginners to advance Apply at Joey’s Apply at Joey’s Email: cess! Government certified. cess! certified. stay older adults stay strong fororolder adults or 1-800-665* 100 - 1983 Columbia $ Ave 100 strong - 1983 for Columbia Ave additional lines therapy are 1.50 restorative yoga therapy & restorative yoga & 8339, 604-681-5456. 8339, 604-681-5456. yoga for MS, Classes yoga for MS, Classes Required for an Alberta Required for an Alberta in January 2013 at Class in January 2013 at Class Trucking Company. One Trucking Company. One 2 fully equipped studios 2 fully equipped studios 1 Driver. Must have a mini1 250.365.6397 Driver. Must have a miniclassifieds@ Janice Ferraro 250-365-5428 Janice Ferraro 250-365-5428 mum of 5 years experience of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off pulling low boys and driving off 21 WEEK HEAVY 21 WEEK HEAVY road. Candidate must be able BUICK road. GMC Candidate must LTD. be able CHEVROLET (1989) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR OPERATOR to pass a drug test and be willto EQUIPMENT pass a drug test and be will-


Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted Signs

Financial Services Home Care/Support Work Wanted

IIFam Mature YOU looking own lady for seeking a home work awith live or real in my mobile estate, position Alpine treatment for mature Credits center person can lend and advanced you needing money: level housekeeper/ It’s3 That first aid Simple. ticket. YourI companion Credit have worked / Age in order / in Income the to oil is finot eldmaintain anforissue. 25 residence years 1.800.587.2161. as in well their several own logging home. Call camps. 250-365-1153 Very reMONE Y P R OV I D E Rin. CsouthOM. liable. Looking mainly $500B.C. Loan +. No but Credit ern as Iand live there, will Refused. Fast, Easy, travel anywhere. Have 100% also Secure. 1-877-776-1660. worked as watchman/first aid and have class one drivers. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.

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let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Health Products

It’s time to BUSINESS A place your ad!

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A HAWAII career with ON Sutco. the Mainland, We have HAWAII A career with ON Sutco. the Mainland, We have positions healthy low-cost open in living our Chip can Dibe healthy positionslow-cost open in living our Chip can Dibe vision, yours. Modern dedicated Arenal schedules, Maleku yours. vision, Modern dedicated Arenalschedules, Maleku Merritt, Condominiums, Chilliwack, 24/7 West secured KooCondominiums, Merritt, Chilliwack, 24/7 West secured Kootenays Community, and Creston. Costa Hiway Rica Community, tenays and Creston. Costa Hiway Rica Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick has an immediate Canada “friendliest Only country Superon B orearth”! Step GMC “friendliest Canada Only country SuperonB orearth”! Step opening for aunit. Certifi ed Automotive Technician. Deck, 1-780-952-0709; assigned Satellite 1-780-952-0709; Deck, assigned unit. Satellite dispatch, Pension Plan dispatch, e-logs, Pension We aree-logs, a leader in automotive repair and service andPlan and Extended Benefits. If you and Extended Benefits. If you we’re looking to hire and retain the very best. We have a clean abstract and verihave a clean abstract and verifiable experience, fiable mountain offer mountain competitive pay, excellent benefi ts and aexperience, great check us out or check us out or work environment. Fax 250-357-2009 more info: Fax 250-357-2009 more info: 1-888-357-2612 Ext:230 1-888-357-2612 Ext:230

Automotive Service Technician

HelpTravel Wanted Signs

Services Employment

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

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Trades, Technical

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Thursday, January 3, 2013 Castlegar News



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