Stettler Independent, January 09, 2013

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January 9, 2013

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Hundreds salute ‘courageous’ Chapman ‘We are all going to miss him,’ says Stettler Legion executive L ES S TULBERG Independent reporter The Stettler community hall was filled to capacity Saturday as mourners paid their fi n a l r e s p e c t s t o J a c k Chapman, a man some people described as “larger than life.” An estimated 700 people attended the funeral of the revered Second World War veteran. Chapman, 92, was one of Stettler’s few remaini n g ve t e r a n s . H e d i e d on New Year’s Day in a farm-related accident on his farm, which he operated southeast of Stettler with his wife Madeleine. Stettler Fire and Rescue reported this w e e k t h a t f i r e c r ew s assisted Stettler EMS l a s t Tu e s d a y m o r n i n g “in removing a patient trapped under farm machinery.” Chapman was a lifelong resident of the Stettler area, except for his wartime years. “He was courageous, had strong convictions and was not known to h o l d b a c k ,” l o n g t i m e friend Lorne Thurston said of Chapman. “He was a loyal friend.” Chapman was a prisoner of war in the Dieppe Raid at France in August 1942. He not only survived that t h r e e - y e a r o r d e a l , bu t his comrades also credited him for saving their lives with his “bravery, resourcefulness and charm.” A t t h e f u n e r a l s e rvice, Thurston and his wife Kathy were among those who paid tribute to Chapman. Thurston spent more than 37 years with C h a p m a n i n S t e t t l e r ’s Branch No. 59 of the Royal Canadian Legion. He said his proudest moment was to walk with “a true hero — Jack Chapman.”

Owner escapes shop fire RICHARD FROESE Independent reporter

For many Stettlerarea residents, Chapman and the Legion seemed synonymous. The highly visible war hero rarely missed a Legion function since returning home from the war when it ended in 1945. Not only was he i nvo l v e d i n t h e l o c a l branch, but he was active nationally and travelled abroad. “He had a strong, positive influence o n Ve t e r a n A f f a i r s ,” Thurston said. Chapman was a perennial favourite to speak at Remembrance Day services and to students of all ages. He was active in the poppy campaign. He was described as being a storyteller — of real-life stories — and often shared his wartime experiences. Chapman delighted in giving young students a Canadian flag on Canada Day. Thurston said C h a p m a n b e l i ev e d i n helping his community and was a volunteer with rodeos, sports, the agricultural society and as a longtime parade marshal. Thurston summed up Chapman’s strong-willed character as “a fighter,” saying he survived the war, the loss of a child and many illnesses. One of the mourners Saturday said Chapman was a Stettler standout. “If we ever had a local hero, it was Jack,” she said. “It really was.” Ken Cherewko, pastpresident of the Stettler b r a n c h o f t h e L eg i o n , r e c a l l e d C h a p m a n ’s influence on the branch. “He had the answers,” Cherewko said. He said Chapman was always available for advice and was willing to share his opinion. Cherewko said Chapman held every position in the local Legion and was the first

vice-president in the national organization. “He kept Stettler updated.” Cherewko said C h a p m a n h a d n ’t b e e n active in the regular dayto-day operations of the Stettler Legion in recent years. “He left that to us younger ones. He still took part in major funct i o n s , l i ke D e c o r a t i o n Day at Gadsby. “We are all going to miss him.” O n e o f C h a p m a n ’s neighbours, Ron Scheerschmidt, said Chapman died doing what he enjoyed — feeding his cattle. “I’ve known Jack all my life and he definitely didn’t want to waste away in a nursing home — he went the way he wanted.” Scheerschmidt said Chapman actively farmed in his advanced years, with the help of his wife, and had just purchased a few more cows. He remembered Chapman as being an early riser. “ H e wa s a lwa y s u p way before the birds,” said Scheerschmidt, who also recalled Chapman’s determination. “He wouldn’t let go until it was accomplished.” He said getting public wa s h r o o m s i n S t e t t l e r and renaming 50 Avenue “ Ve t e r a n s ’ Wa y ” w e r e just a couple of those accomplishments. “He was a charact e r o f h i s ow n — h e was a good neighbour,” Scheerschmidt said. Along with his wife, Chapman is survived by three sons, Dan (Linda) Chapman, Jim Chapman ( Wi n n i e L i t v a k ) a n d Lee (Sarah) Chapman; two daughters, Marnie (Clark) Hoskins and Kim (Kelsey) Hoetmer; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Photos contributed and by LES STULBERG/Independent reporter

Stettler-area farmer Jack Chapman, who died last week at age 92, was one of the region’s few remaining Second World War veterans. The Canadian flag at Stettler’s Branch No. 59 of the Royal Canadian Legion has been lowered in his memory.

Stettler’s New Year’s baby ‘surprised us’ RICHARD FROESE Independent reporter A Coronation couple came to Stettler last Tuesday to give birth to the first baby born in east-central Alberta in 2013. Brody Donald McLean was born at

10:13 a.m. Tuesday, New Year’s Day, to Amber Buniak and Ryan McLean. He weighed in at eight pounds and seven ounces at the Stettler Hospital and Care Centre. “We weren’t sure if we would have the Christmas baby or New Year’s baby,”

With his clothing in flames, a Stettler-area automotive business operator escaped without injuries after he fled a fire that destroyed his shop just south of Stettler last Wednesday night. “My coveralls were on fire and my hair was singed and I rolled in the snow and phoned 911,” said Darcy Wright, the owner of Darcy’s Auto Repairs, located on Township Road 38-4. The shop went up in flames shortly before 7 p.m. Wednesday. (See ‘Historic tools’ on Page A6) RICHARD FROESE/Independent reporter

New Year’s baby Brody Donald McLean of Coronation was photographed at the Stettler hospital with his mother, Amber Buniak, father Ryan McLean and four-year-old sister Zoe. At left is Amber’s sister, Rena Tiemstra of Wetaskiwin and Tiemstra’s daughter, Emily.

Amber said last Wednesday from her hospital room. “We were actually due on Dec. 20, so we were overdue.” A brother for four-year-old Zoe and Mason, 20 months, the newborn is also a grandson for Don and Leanne McLean of Coronation and Joe and Lilly Buniak of Dapp. “We never planned to have the New Year’s baby,” said Ryan, who raises race horses and, in the winter, also works as an electrician. “Everyone in the family is really excited about this child.” Amber’s sister, Rena Tiemstra of Wetaskiwin, was among the well-wishers at the Stettler hospital last week. “I drove in the middle of the night to come here,” she said. Amber’s other sister, Melissa Smith of Legal, also travelled to the region for a brief visit. Some members of the extended family wanted the new baby to be a girl, because the father comes from a family of four sons and the mother has three older sisters and one younger brother. “He surprised us,” Ryan said. “He’s a boy — we don’t get to choose.” While the parents hadn’t fully decided to have more children, at least one of Amber’s sisters believes at least one more child is coming. “She has always said she wants to have four,” Tiemstra said. While expectant mothers in the area often go to hospital in Provost to deliver their children, the Coronation couple chose to go to Stettler, where Ryan’s sister, Holly McLean, works.

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Page A2

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


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Wednesday Jan. 9

Thursday Jan. 10

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Saturday Jan. 12

Sunday Jan. 13

Monday Jan. 14

Tuesday Jan. 15

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Variable Cloudiness

Mainly Sunny

Variable Cloudiness

Variable Cloudiness

Cloudy with Sunny Breaks


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High -13 Low -16

High -16 Low -21

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Page A3


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sit back and relax after the holidays Lazyboys on Sale

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RICHARD FROESE/Independent reporter

Construction of the Co-op convenience store, gas bar and car wash in Stettler is slated to finish in March.

Stettler housing starts slow Thank You for Shopping Stettler despite ‘construction boom’ R ICHARD FROESE Independent reporter Construction and building continued to “boom” in 2012 in the Town of Stettler. Building permits were valued at just more than $17.6 million, up from $16.1 million the previous year. “It was primarily commercial and institutional building activity last year,” said Leann Graham, the town’s planning and development officer. Overall, the town issued permits for construction valued at $17, 640,728, up from $16,140,927 in 2011, just $6.8 million in 2010 and $16 million in 2009. More specifically, those permits reflect institutional at $8,729,380 from $82,613 in 2011, industrial at $3,622,900 from $7,683,334 in 2011, commercial at $3,468,848 from $,217,905 in 2011 and residential at $1,819,600 from

$3,157,075 in 2011. “When I look at the number of developed residential units created, we had just five in 2012, other than Points West Living, and that’s been a significant decrease over the years,” Graham said. “With the increase in commercial development, we hope and expect to see residential (construction) climb in the coming years.” Already, a 12-unit mobile home park on 43 Street at 50 Avenue has been fully serviced and is ready to fill, she said. “Now, it’s a matter of the developer marketing the project.” Institutional development this past year was mainly the new Points West Living facility. As the major development in town, the new Points West seniors’ supportive-living complex on 70 Street is scheduled for completion in May at a cost of $8,675,760. It is slated to contain 88 units for supportive living and 16 other

independent units. Valued at $1,357,359, the biggest commercial project underway in Stettler is the Red Deer Co-op gas bar, convenience store and car wash on Highway 12 at 62 Avenue. The complex is set to open in March. In its second phase, the Co-op plans to construct a liquor store, valued at $1.5 million, just south of the convenience store. “They plan to start construction in May and be open by Oct. 31,” Graham said. The town’s commercial constrution included renovations at Sobeys, and new premises for Savage Value Drug Mart, Performance Physiotherapy and Fitness Centre and John’s Clothing and Shoes and the new Domino’s Pizza. Industrial development included Stettler Oil and Gas for $1,144,000, ENR Distribution for $673,500 and “a minor addition” to Tak Oilfield Sales and Services.

Congratulations to the 2012 Shop Stettler Cash Card Winners: Doreen Peterson.... $250 Bonnie Quance ...... $500 Sue Boswell ............. $500 Lyle Duda ................. $1000 *Prizes in Heart of Alberta Dollars

Thank You from 2012 Shop Stettler Participants


Donalda councillor plows past dispute about his snow-clearing ‘good deed’ R ICHARD FROESE Independent reporter A Donalda councillor has donated $50 to the village after some residents criticized him for using village equipment to clear snow for a community supporter in what he described as a good deed. “When a small community can’t help someone out (like that), we have lost all sense of community and it’s a pretty sad day,” said Coun. Chad Whiteside, who offered to donate $50 shortly before Christmas and after the Village of Donalda council discussed the issue in-camera. Whiteside told the Stettler Independent that he used a small tractor with a plow from the village public works department to clear the driveway just three miles from Donalda for one hour and 15 minutes. “I helped someone out — it was not for personal gain,” said Whiteside, who noted that his donation was higher than the cost to rent such a machine. Calling it a “petty issue,” he said residents who expressed concern about his actions should think again. “If the people who take 10 per cent of their time to complain about small issues and put that (time) into positively contributing to the community, it would be a much better place,” Whiteside said. While he said he would plow snow again to help someone out, the councillor said it can sometimes be a thankless

role to serve as an elected official. “You sit on council to make a difference in the community (and) you do something, and then people pick it apart,” Whiteside said. One longtime resident was adamantly opposed to Whiteside’s use of village equipment. “He has no right

taking anything from public works,” said John Matheson, who had notified the Independent in protest. “I’m upset and the problem shouldn’t go away.” Donalda Mayor Bruce Gartside said the councillor was willing to pay for operating the equipment. “He was expecting a bill and asked for a bill,”

Gartside said. Going in-camera at the village council’s regular meeting in late December, the mayor and Al Ebel, the other councillor on the three-man council, discussed the issue, and a motion to send Whiteside a bill was defeated before he offered to make the $50 donation, Gartside said.

Calling All Babies Of 2012 The STETTLER INDEPENDENT presents:

Babies of 2012 If your Baby was born in 2012, you don’t want to miss putting their adorable picture in this special keepsake feature! All pictures will be published in the January 30, 2013 issue and will be entered to win a prize, compliments of the STETTLER INDEPENDENT.

$32.00 PER ENTRY - includes GST Fill out and drop off at The Stettler Independent Office 4810 - 50 Street by January 24, 2013 or email Last:____________________________________________ First:______________________ Middle:______________ Son Daughter Birthdate:______________________ Father’s Name:___________________________________ Mother’s Name:__________________________________

Darrel Baltimore accepts donation from Rhonda Gillrie of Danceology

Kidsport wishes to thank Danceology for their donation to the program.

COMMUNITY CHURCHES Attend the church of your choice. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST MENNONITE Sunday School – 10 a.m. Service – 10:45 a.m.

10 miles south on 56 and 2 miles east

Minister Keith Klassen - 403-742-4048 Minister Lorne Toews - 403-742-8824

EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF ERSKINE 10 a.m. – Family Bible Hour (a class for all ages) 11 a.m. – Worship Service w/Children's Church Senior Pastor: Rev. Ross Helgeton Youth Pastor: James Choi


ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Worship Service – 10:30 a.m. Children's Church – 10:30 a.m.

5712 - 48 Ave.


STETTLER ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship – 10:30 a.m. West of Town Centre Mall Pastor Scott Whitford Associate Pastor Brad Epp


GRACE FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH STETTLER COMMUNITY Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists Sunday School – 10 a.m. Morning Worship – 11 a.m. Pastor David Lilly 5923 - 51 Ave. 403-742-4400



Sunday Services – 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor Will Brown 5717 - 50 Ave.


STETTLER UNITED CHURCH 4820 - 51 Street 403-742-3387

Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 7 p.m. at the Stettler Agriplex Everyone is welcome. Pastor Don Wudel

Church service – 10:30 a.m. Nursery care, children & youth programs Everyone welcome! Minister John Crowdis Student Minister Dan Leaver



Nursery, Sunday School & Morning Worship – 10 a.m.

The Rev. Dr. Carolyn Langford, Incumbent 4817 - 51 St.


Sundays – 10:30 a.m. Pastors: Nathan & Beatrice Mullen 4832 - 50 Street (Main Street, Stettler)


Page A4


Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Promoting Stettler in the tradition of Carl Stettler

Central Alberta drives slippery slope in winter

1906 ❤ 2012 Established 1906 The leading weekly newspaper of Central Alberta Dedicated to the advancement of the well-being and the preservation of the heritage of our community, which includes Stettler and the County of Stettler.

By Rick Zemanek Black Press Given the amount of snowfall so far this winter in Central Alberta, municipalities should soon start bracing for the annual winter tradition of snow removal complaints from taxpayers. Then when spring thaw sets in, municipalities can contend with complaints of potholes, ruts and general lousy driving conditions. It seems to be a losing battle no matter what time of year for counties, villages, towns and cities trying to keep motorists happy. That’s particularly true given that some motorists seem to demand perfect driving conditions, regardless of the circumstances. But a bit of caution to those complaining. This year might bring a whole new focus to the issue of maintaining roads, if the Supreme Court of Canada has its way. And it won’t come without a price, possibly a hefty one, for municipalities and taxpayers. In August 2004, two Ontario teen sisters, admittedly speeding down a hilly, rural road near Oshawa with three other friends at night, met with calamity. One of the sisters believed an oncoming vehicle was in their lane and swerved into the ditch, leaving she and her sister quadriplegic. Shannon and Erica Deering sued the City of Oshawa and the Township of Scugog for $30 million, claiming the municipalities were negligent in maintaining Coates Road in a safe-driving condition — never mind that they were speeding. The Supreme Court of Canada has now agreed with a lower court ruling that the city and township were at fault — and that could force municipalities across the country to spend millions on the upkeep of rarely-used roads or face similar lawsuits. Taken to the extreme (and one should always figure in the extreme when it comes to lawsuits), this could be a serious financial blow to rural Canada. And with the ever-expanding village, town and city limits encroaching into rural areas, the ruling also gives rise to the debate about who is responsible for the upkeep of what roads. As well, old roads that were once used only by farmers are facing increased pressure from commuters. Three months after the Ontario crash, Coates Road was painted with a centre line and the speed limit was reduced from 80 km/h to 50 km/h. While one of the sisters was ejected from the vehicle, there was no mention in court about seatbelts being used. In the end, Oshawa and the township were found two-thirds at fault, while the driver was deemed to be responsible for one-third of the cause because she was speeding. There was also no mention in the ruling that she intentionally drove into the ditch. The high court ruling sets a precedent that could lead to more lawsuits against municipalities in Canada. While the settlement was kept confidential, the Deerings’ lawyer, Roger Oatley, said the ruling also states municipalities “have to take reasonable steps to assess the safety of old rural roads and do their best to bring them up to modern standards.” That could be prohibitively expensive for many municipalities. Larry Ryan, an insurance representative in Oshawa, said “the portion of the blame in this case could open the doors to future cases ...” where municipalities will bear at least some of the blame. “We’re concerned about the increase in these claims,” Ryan said. “Municipal insurance premiums will increase, and ultimately the municipal property owners, the taxpayers, are going to bear the brunt of this.” The ruling could also require the courts to determine a framework for deciding when a road is safe or not, it has been suggested. At the end of this slippery road could be huge costs for everyone. Rick Zemanek is a former Red Deer Advocate editor. The Stettler Independent welcomes letters to the editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 300 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over a printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The phone number won’t be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. The deadline is noon the Friday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Stettler Independent, Box 310, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0. Fax: 403-742-8050 Email:


Box 310 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 403-742-2395 Fax: 403-742-8050 Newsroom:

‘Did you make any resolutions?’ By the time you read this, we will already be at least nine days into 2013! Did you make any resolution(s) for 2013? Did you know that of 23.1 million people responding, it was discovered that one-third of all resolutions are abandoned by the end of January and 80 per cent of them never make it to the end of the year? Have you wondered why it is so difficult to keep a resolution? One reason may be that they aren’t very realistic ... they are too lofty and unattainable. Some are probably made on a whim or in a moment of emotional inspiration without any definitive plan for reaching them. As such, they are actually superficial wishes rather than steadfast decisions. Because of the foregoing, there are many who have simply given up and said they will no longer make any resolutions. In addition, a few of my favourite Bible study WebPages have suggested that resolutions are not a good idea. I politely disagree. I am not stuck on the word resolution; in fact, I prefer projections, or goals. However, in my view, some projection into the new year with the intent of stretching and improving oneself, along with a workable plan for accomplishing this, is not only a good idea, but essential to growing as a person. And it is consequential in that it affords us the opportunity of living a new year instead of living the same year over and over again. As someone said, “The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” The Bible doesn’t mention making resolutions at the beginning of a new year, Other inquiries: or

Published by Stettler Independent Management (a division of Black Press Group Ltd.)

but it does teach about vows, promises and commitment and admonishes believers to examine their lives regularly. The Bible states, “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:40) For the believer, of course, it is imperative to remember that our resolutions andor goals should not be set by selfish ambitions, but for God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31) ... and they will not be achieved in our own strength. The psalmist wrote, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:2) The best way to determine our plans is to ask God to reveal what He wants to do in our lives this year. Faith, after all, is not knowing what the future holds, as much as it is knowing Who holds the future. Talk with Him ... His plans may surprise you! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “... to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Happy belated New Year’s wishes to you and yours! Pastor Ross Helgeton is senior pastor at Erskine Evangelical Free Church.

each Wednesday at 4810 — 50 St., Stettler, Alberta.



We acknowledge the financial suppor t of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

John MacNeil Publisher/Editor

Richard Froese Reporter

Les Stulberg Reporter


Pfeiffers entertain for New Year’s Eve 1983 — 30 years ago — A Canadian Armed Forces four-engine Hercules aircraft used Stettler Airport’s relatively short runway (3,000 feet) to practise landings and takeoffs. — Due to warm temperatures, all hockey games were cancelled at the arena in Byemoor. — Tammy Campbell, Sherri Haeberle, Michaela Robinson and Rhonda Ziegler were the four candidates announced for the Gadsby Valentine Sweetheart contest. — An old-timer and early teacher of the Rumsey community, Blanche (Greening) Tolman, passed away at 90 years of age. — The good weather brought out several hundred people to the ice to ice-fish, skate and ski-doo on the Bay of Rochon Sands. — Farmers living along Parlby Creek were invited to an Alix meeting to explore the advantages of a drainage association. — Former Erskine resident Rado Sidebottom celebrated his 95th birthday. — Final wheat payments announced were higher than expected. Alberta farmers will receive $170 million, Saskatchewan farmers $333 million and those in Manitoba will be paid $80 million, in what was described as a welcome boost to the provincial economies.

Canada U.S.A.

By Les Stulberg Independent reporter

1973 — 40 years ago — Kristine Paul, born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paul of Red Willow, was the first baby born in the new year at the Stettler hospital. — For the first time in its 67-year history, the Stettler Independent is printed entirely by the use of photography in setting its type. — Grant McKay and Garry Jerzak of Stettler, Alex Salmon from Donalda and Allen Otto of Alix were among the 1972 graduates of the Western Canada School of Auctioneering. — Ian Bond, a popular Australian Rotary Exchange student who lived in Stettler Rotarian homes for the past 12 months, was bid farewell with a gathering at the Club Café. — John Kitsco opened the Heart of Alberta Art Gallery in the Tom Boy Shopping Centre. The gallery features the work of local artists. — A capacity crowd attended the Endiang New Year’s Eve dance, with music from the Ken Pfeiffer family from Stettler. — Grocery specials at

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IGA included Nabob coffee — one pound for 95 cents, Aylmer soup — six tins for $1, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes — two boxes for 89 cents, Tide detergent — fivepound box for $1.79 and Kraft cheese slices — twopound package for $1.69.

Les-sons from the past


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GST Included

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Kami Ritz

1963 — 50 years ago — Burglars smashed their way into six Stettler businesses and took about $8,000 in merchandise. — Plans were underway for Donalda’s Golden Jubilee in 1963, — East Central Alberta Health Unit officials announced it will join the rest of Alberta in an oral Sabin polio vaccine program. — Coun. Hugh McCallum was elected chairman of the County of Stettler. — The renovations for the Stettler Memorial Hall are near completion. — Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colclough and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Apperley won first and second for the homes with the best Christmas decorations, as judged by the Stettler Garden Club. — Stettler’s New Year’s Eve dance sponsored by the Memorial Hall was deemed “a flop,” with just 10 couples coming out. — Jack Robbins, 17, charged with manslaughter in the death of Marvin Filipenko, is set to appear in Stettler court in February.



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Box 310, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 403-742-2395 FAX 403-742-8050






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Expiry Date:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are agriculture cutbacks in the offing for new year? Whenever energy prices take a dive in Alberta, cutbacks to government spending are sure to follow. This old warhorse remembers a few cycles of boom and bust in government spending going back to the Lougheed days. Back then, the government was flush with cash from high oil ($35 a barrel was high back then) and gas prices went on a diversification spending spree that included the agriculture department. Tax money was pumped into every idea, with the hope it would bring industry to the province. Old-school ag bureaucrats saw that as a blank cheque to increase extension services, a traditional service that was dear to their hearts. New district agriculturist offices were opened in every small town in Alberta, along with district home economists — something unique to Alberta. A new ag department head office was also built in Edmonton to house all the new administrators needed to manage the rapidly expanding empire — I believe there were at least five assistant deputy ministers at the time. Then when energy prices collapsed and the Klein cutback era arrived, it all quickly shrunk. Those glory days lasted about 10 years. Since that time, the ag department has had various reincarnations, but its a ghost of its former self. That’s probably a good thing, being the ag economy has changed with consolidation and specialization. One of the advantages the ag department has over other ministries is that because it is so small, structural changes can be made without a lot of bureaucratic inertia and political consequences. On the other hand, that also causes instability and policies that can change on a whim. Department officials probably shudder whenever a new minister arrives, knowing that they will probably want to launch some new restructuring scheme just so they can make their mark on the department. One of the realities that affects the extent of department cutbacks has to do with the role of a ministry within the context of its contribution to the economy. That would also include a significant regulatory role. That’s where agriculture pales in comparison to such big-dog departments as education, health and welfare. It even loses out to the environment and energy departments, because those folks deal with more sexy issues like monitoring and emissions. Even though agriculture and food processing are the second largest sector of the economy, the department’s size relative to that sector is small indeed. What causes to upset that situation is when some climate or disease calamity requires an infusion of taxpayer cash. It seems whenever that happens,

it takes at least a billion dollars to resolve. That’s when the ag minister of the day has to go cap in hand to the cabinet to beg for help. That hasn’t been easy for many years due to a revolving door of agriculture ministers — I believe there have been seven ag ministers in the past nine years — but I have lost track. With all due respect to those ministers, such a temporary nature to the job doesn’t give them much clout around the cabinet table. In reality, it probably puts them at a disadvantage whenever a new cutback campaign is launched. Without a lot of experience and backup in cabinet, all a neophyte ag minister can say at those times is, “Yes Ma’am.” Which brings us to the present situation. I expect the best the ag minister can hope for is a minor reduction in the department’s budget — not that it matters. The ag budget is quite modest compared to the big spenders, reductions of a few million is all that is realistically possible — which is pretty insignificant in the big deficit picture. However, no doubt department bean-counters are trying to find anything that can be reduced or eliminated. I expect such agencies as ALMA and many of the research bodies will see reductions in their budgets. That would be shortsighted, as those folks can actually generate more economic returns than most other government bodies. There is probably another group of ag bureaucrats whose main job is to collectively pray that no weather, market or disease calamity will occur over the next year that would require them to come up with the rescue funds to deal with those situations. I am biased, but perhaps the ag department needs to be exempted from any cutbacks, considering their activities tend to contribute to a net benefit to the economy. Compare them to such spend-thrift departments as Alberta Health Services, where millions are spent on travel, perks and over-the-top salaries. I rest my case.

From the Legislature MLA Report by Rick Strankman with a national debt of about $16.5 trillion, or $52k per person. Assuming debt certainly is a great tool for building wealth and prosperity — that is, of course, if you manage it properly. The open willingness of the Alberta government to accept further debt burden will factor Alberta ever closer to the point of no return. That point takes place when you leverage yourself beyond any possible means of payment. Jerrold Nadler, representative from New York, tabled the idea of minting a coin to solve their current financial woes, adding that “all you do is you tell the Federal Reserve to make a platinum coin for one trillion dollars, and then you deposit it in the treasury account, and you pay your bills.” The bad news is, it

Alzheimer month tackles dementia stigma By Janice Fogarty Alzheimer Society of Alberta

No ‘magic coin’ in Alberta For anyone that has been near any form of media in the last few months, increasingly you’re hearing about the debt crisis in the United States. The crisis is due to an overburden of debt caused by consistently overspending beyond their ability to pay that debt back. The fiscal cliff has been averted, temporarily. In February, the United States will once again reach the maximum borrowing amount it can have from foreign nations, also known as their “debt ceiling.” For a bit of perspective, let’s take Alberta, Canada, Greece and the U.S. into consideration. In the lightweight division, we have a total debt in Alberta of about $58 billion, or $15k per person, Canada’s national debt is just over $600 billion, or $17k per person. In the heavyweight division, we have Greece, which is suffering one of the worst financial disasters in history, with a debt of $460 billion or $43k per person. Topping the list is the U.S.,

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isn’t that simple. Our monetary systems are based on a commodity such as the gold standard, in which the commodity itself is made the unit of value and physically used as money. Our paper notes should be theoretically convertible to the commodity on demand. It’s obvious that most currencies today have managed to outstretch even the record high gold market we’re currently seeing, that is actually higher than platinum in value. So theoretically, according to their monetary system, this platinum coin would have to weigh more than 330,000 tons. Anything short of that would devalue their currency on the world market by one trillion dollars upon its deposit as legal tender in their treasury. Desperate times call

for desperate measures and that’s what we’re seeing in countries like Greece and the U.S. We’re lucky in Alberta and in Canada, that we haven’t reached that point, at least not yet. I think we can all safely say that learning from our mistakes is wise. Learning from the mistakes of others holds more value than learning from our own mistakes. Both Greece and the U.S. had a debt-load of $15k per person at one time. They also had a debt-load of $30k per person at one time. They, like every person that runs into financial problems, feel they can handle the burden and then they suddenly realize that they went too far and repayment options rapidly disappear. Albertans are thought of as the fiscally responsible cousin in Canada. It’s time that we prove we are, because the Alberta government does not have the option to mint a magic coin to get us out of debt.

Froese ’n Time

To learn more about the “Let’s talk about dementia campaign,” visit

Email MLA Rick Strankman: drumheller.

Stettler to make headlines in 2013 After an eventful year in the Stettler area reported on the pages of the Stettler Independent in 2012, a lot more is definitely in store for 2013. The future of three small schools in Donalda, Byemoor and Brownfield came under the Clearview School Division microscope this By Richard Froese past fall and it became a hot-button Independent reporter topic for residents in those communities. The issue is expected to return this year as the board studies as Rick Strankman of the upstart all schools in the district. Wildrose party unseated ProgresThat could very well be the hot sive Conservative cabinet mintopic during the school board elec- ister Jack Hayden of Endiang. It tions next October, as Clearview remains to be seen just how effecstaff and trustees continue to study tive an Opposition MLA can be in whether to close the small schools Drumheller-Stettler. or keep them open. This year, seniors in the region No doubt that could stir up will welcome the new Points West heated races in the school board Living complex, scheduled to open elections, as the terms for both this May in Stettler. trustees and municipal councils Many developments occurred in will be extended to four years from the Stettler area last year, with new the current three. businesses opening and longtime That longer period, however, businesses closing. could scare off a few potential Other major plans for new sofringe candidates. cial, cultural and recreational faSpeaking of elections, the pro- cilities and services could come to vincial vote last April produced fruition this year. an upset in Drumheller-Stettler As we look at potential head-

Imagine a close friend tells you she has dementia. Would you avoid her for fear of being embarrassed by what she might say or do? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. According to a recent poll by Alzheimer’s Disease International, 40 per cent of people with dementia reported that they had been avoided or treated differently after diagnosis. It’s no surprise, then, that one in four respondents cited stigma as a reason to conceal their diagnosis. That’s why, this January during Alzheimer Awareness Month, the Alzheimer Society has launched a nationwide campaign that’s called, “See me, not my disease. Let’s talk about dementia.” Its goal is to address myths about the disease, shift attitudes and make it easier to talk about dementia. Canadians are also invited to test their attitudes and perceptions in a quiz on the society’s website, Stereotypes and misinformation are what prevent people with dementia from getting the help they need and stop others from taking the disease seriously. Dementia is more than having the occasional “senior moment” or losing your keys. The truth is it’s a progressive degenerative brain disorder that affects each person differently. It’s fatal and there is no cure. “Dementia really challenges the values we hold as a society and what it means to be human,” said Mary Schulz, director of education at the Alzheimer Society of Canada. “We need to stop avoiding this disease and rethink how we interact with people with dementia. Only by understanding the disease and talking more openly about it, can we face our own fears and

support individuals and families living with dementia.” Today, 747,000 Canadians have dementia. While dementia can affect people as young as 40 years of age, the risk doubles every five years after 65. “A diagnosis of dementia doesn’t immediately render a person incapable of working or carrying on with their daily life,” Schulz said. “Many people with this disease tell us they want to continue contributing to their community and remain engaged for as long as possible.” In fact, growing evidence shows that involving people with dementia in meaningful activities that speak to their strengths helps to slow the progression of the disease and will improve their well-being. “Inclusion benefits all of us,” Schulz said. The number of Canadians with dementia is expected to double to 1.4 million in the next 20 years, and Anne Harrison, 60, whose husband has Alzheimer’s disease, understands what is at stake. “If people knew more about dementia, they could be more supportive. People aren’t ashamed of cancer. So, why should we be ashamed of Alzheimer’s?” To help change the conversation, Canadians can do their part if they: • Learn the facts about dementia. Help to dispel inaccurate information to change society’s attitudes and opinions toward people with the disease. • Stop making jokes about Alzheimer’s that trivialize the condition. We don’t tolerate racial jokes, yet dementiarelated jokes are common. • Maintain relationships with people with dementia at home, in the community or at work, especially as the disease progresses.

lines for 2013, we might write: — Seniors celebrate the opening of a larger and modern seniors’ social centre in the Stettler Recreation Centre to replace an outdated facility in the industrial area. — A new skatepark is ready to roll in Stettler. — Stettler Alliance Church finds a new home after almost one year of searching. It will enable the growing congregation to expand after the Town of Stettler nixed further development of the church property on Highway 12 to make way for highway-commercial status. — Savage Value Drug Mart and ATCO Electric open larger premises in Stettler, while the Red Deer Co-op opens a Stettler gas bar, convenience store and car wash. — A new bio-energy plant is established in Stettler to produce energy from waste to generate revenue and reduce waste. What do you think about will be the major headlines this year? Richard Froese is a municipal reporter with the Stettler Independent. His email address is

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Page A6

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


RICHARD FROESE/Independent reporter

Darcy Wright, the owner of Darcy’s Auto Repair just south of Stettler, surveys the damage Monday after a fire last week destroyed the business and tools inside.

Historic tools torched Fire crews respond to in automotive-shop fire abandoned-house blaze (Continued from Page A1) “He was working in his shop when he spilled some fuel that started his shop on fire,” said Fire Chief Mark Dennis, w h o s e c r ew s f r o m Stettler Regional Fire Department responded to the call. Wright, who has owned the business the past 16 years, said the fuel had seeped under a wall and was ignited by a portable heater.

“I was working on a fuel pump on a truck when I spilled a couple of gallons of gas,” said Wright, who cleaned up the spill with a squeegee before he resumed his project. Tw o p i c k u p trucks, each about 12 years old, a 2004 quad, a 1999 quad and “countless tools” were also lost in the fi r e , w h i c h r u i n e d the 40-by-60-foot building built in

1993, he said. “A l o t o f t h e tools dated back to 1945,” said Wright, who added that those included his own, his son’s and his father’s. “I inherited all my dad’s tools. “For my son and myself, this was our life.” Aside from cleaning up the rubble this week, he’s uncertain about the future the business. “I don’t know w h a t ’s g o i n g t o

h a p p e n ,” W r i g h t said Monday.

By Amanda Spensley Stettler Regional Fire Department

RV destroyed near White Sands A recreational vehicle was totalled by fire near White S a n d s b y B u ff a l o Lake on Dec. 19 at about 6:30 a.m. “The owner of the vehicle managed to escape harm, but t h e RV w a s a t o tal loss,” said Fire Cheif Dennis. The suspected cause of the fire wasn’t released.

On Monday, Dec. 31, Stettler Regional Fire Department Station 1 responded to a false alarm. At 7:48 p.m., fire crews received a 911 call of an abandoned house on fire six miles south of Botha, where people were on the scene doing a controlled burn of the structure. No injuries. On Tuesday, Jan. 1, Station 1 responded to a call to assist Stettler EMS. At 10:50 a.m., fire crews were called to a farm in the County of Stettler to assist EMS in removing a man who was trapped under farm machinery. On Wednesday, Jan. 2, Station 1 responded to a structure fire south of Stettler

along Township Road 384. At 6:58 p.m., fire crews were called to an automotive shop that was fully engulfed with flames. Along with the total loss of the shop, also lost was a picker truck and a pickup truck, which were inside the shop, along with numerous tools. No injuries were reported. On Friday, Jan. 4, Station 1 answered a carbon-monoxide alarm. At 8:27 a.m., crews responded to the minor hazmat call, which upon arrival was determined to be a false alarm. No injuries were reported. On Friday, Jan. 4, Station 1 responded to an alarm call. At 4:38 p.m., fire crews were called to a residental structure in town after the alarm company reported a smoke alarm going off. Upon fire-crew arrival, the call was deemed a false alarm.

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On Jan. 1, a 21-year-old male and a 19-year-old male were charged with multiple Criminal Code offences after a series of vehicle thefts, break and enter, failure to stop for police and other offences in central Alberta. It’s alleged that on New Year’s Eve in Ponoka, the males stole a Chevrolet Silverado truck and drove it to Daysland. The next day, the duo attended rural properties in Daysland and Bawlf and stole two snowmobiles. The snowmobiles were later abandoned near another rural location in Bawlf. The culprits broke into a building and stole a Toyota Camry, drove it to Fort Saskatchewan, where the RCMP attempted to stop the vehicle after an impaireddriving complaint. The suspects fled from police — a

pursuit was not initiated. Later the same day, Ponoka RCMP received a dangerous-driving complaint involving the suspect vehicle. The suspects eventually rolled the stolen car at the junction of Highway 604 and Highway 2A. During the rollover, the vehicle partially impeded a Canadian Pacific railway track. A witness flaggeddown a provincial traffic sheriff who arrived on the scene moments after the crash occurred, as both males had already fled on foot. The RCMP Police Dog Service was called, however, as other witnesses advised police that the males had hitched a ride from an unsuspecting citizen. It was later discovered that the same citizen had driven the

males to Lacombe. Lacombe Police Service, Ponoka RCMP and Police Dog Service attended the Lacombe residence and arrested the males without incident. Some of the charges are: Theft of a pickup truck — Ponoka. Theft of a snowmobile — Daysland. Theft of a snowmobile — Bawlf. Break, enter and theft of a car — Bawlf. Failure to stop for police — Fort Saskatchewan. Entering on land on which a line work is situated (Section 26.1 of the Railway Safety Act). Anyone with any information about the incidents is asked to call the local RCMP or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.


Stuck in a Stettler snowbank, family ‘blown away’ with help Dear Editor, On Christmas Eve, my family and I were driving home to Brooks and I missed the turn at the lights. Instead of driving to the next intersection and turning around, I decided I should make a quick U-turn. This complete error in judgment ended up with our vehicle being stuck in more than two feet of snow. Within minutes, we had so many Stettler-area people stopping and offering to help. People that were busy on their Christmas Eve took the time to help my family get out of the snow. We were completely amazed with how many people stopped, walked around in the deep snow and I’m sure were filthy by the time we ended up getting out. We didn’t do a final

count, but I know that at least eight to 10 people stopped and helped us. It only took around 20 minutes and we were on our way home again. So, thank you so much to all the snow angels that stopped and helped, and also to the other people that also stopped and cared enough to see if we needed help. We were completely blown away with how the community of Stettler has so many kind and caring people that took time out to help a stranded family. You do not know how much we appreciated it and we are hoping to pay it forward someday. On a side note, I’ve learned that U-turns are not to be made for a very good reason! Sheila, Darcy, Jacoby & Poppy Lalonde Brooks

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Page A7


Power outage smacks region

JOHN MacNEIL/Independent editor

NIGHT LIGHTS — It’s not a fire, nor Christmas lights. It’s business as usual at the Joffre petrochemical plant, where nights are bright.

Catching up with Christmas miles Sympathy is extended to the family of Rocky Allan, who passed away before Christmas while on holidays in Mexico with his son Chad. He was 55. Our thoughts are with his mother, Dawn Walker, his two children and other members of the Allan and Walker families. Jack and Yvette Hayden are home from their honeymoon to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico, where they also spent Christmas. Congratulations to Justin Jones and Kristina Peters on their recent engagement. Remember the bridal shower for Janelle Derr, future bride of Kyle Sorensen, at the Endiang Hall this Friday at 7:30 p.m. Women are asked to please bring lunch. Local folks were busy during the Christmas holidays, either hosting guests or travelling to be with family. We hope all enjoyed the festive season and are ready for what the new year might bring. Hopefully, you haven’t broken your New Year’s resolutions yet.

Some of the Christmas travels of a greater distance included: Russ and Linda Kobi spent the holidays in Australia with their son and his wife, Kent and Tamlin Kobi. Larry and Lorene Stulberg and all of their family spent Christmas in Mexico, in the Cancun area. Spending the holidays with Adam and Paige Jones and family were Paige’s parents, David and Margie Eager, from Port Hawkesbury, N.S. Ruth Fowler and B.J. Smith spent Christmas in Moncton, N.B., with Ruth’s family. The tickets home were a surprise Christmas gift to Ruth from B.J. Rob, Rhonda and Hunter Maginn spent Christmas with their family in

Ontario, at Wallaceburg and St. Thomas. It was the first time they have been home for Christmas in 10 years. The Schellenberg family had Lynnette’s mother, Joyce McCaskell from Manitoba, spend Christmas with them. The New Year’s Eve dance in Endiang was fairly well-attended and all enjoyed the live music supplied by Marty Brooker. Terri (Coulthard) Simpson, Mary Braun, Peggy Sacuta and Miles Buchwitz all sang. A balloon drop at midnight brought 2013 in with a bang. Sympathy is extended to Gail Irion on the passing of her cousin, Gene Derr, and to Kathy Irion on the passing of her mother. Ruth Fowler reopened

her café in Endiang on Monday, after being closed for many months as she recuperated from a badly broken leg. It’s certainly good to see Ruth back. Floor curling resumed Monday afternoon at the Endiang Hall, after being discontinued for a few weeks during the Christmas break. The Byemoor Curling Club’s square draw begins Thursday and the cost for the season is $10. Everyone is invited to join in.

The men’s and women’s bonspiel has been set for Feb. 25 to March 2, while the closing bonspiel is scheduled for March 11 to 16. For those people looking to burn off a few postChristmas calories, there’s adult volleyball on Monday evenings at 7:30 at the Byemoor School gym. As well, there are Zumba classes each Tuesday at 7 p.m., also at the gym. Alberta trivia: More than eight million tourists visit Alberta each year.

Several hundred people were left in the dark Sunday when power was knocked out east and north of Stettler for more than three hours. A damaged insulator was discovered on a pole one mile south of Botha, said Bryon Schwartz, the Stettler-area customer services supervisor for ATCO Electric. “As a result, 900 customers in Botha, Donalda, Red Willow and several in the rural area were without power.” Electricity was restored later Sunday at about 5:30 p.m. ATCO appreciated the patience of its customers during the outage, Schwartz said. Local officials also advise people to take precautionary steps to cope with such situations, especially during the winter months and cold weather. For an emergency plan and tips on power outages, visit the website at

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Page A8

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Big Valley turns page after festive season Happy New Year and welcome to 2013. The holidays zipped by much too quickly, again. December was filled with shopping, baking, gift-wrapping, tree-decorating, and all the usual rushing around, trying to make all those Christmas preparations “just right.” Most of us secretly love the hustle and bustle of the holidays and look forward to the gift- giving, great food, holiday gatherings and the opportunity to celebrate the season with all those who matter most to us. Here in Big Valley, we all enjoyed another festive season with our various community celebrations, dinners, fireworks, holiday light displays and, of course, the great concert put on by our Big Valley School students. But now it’s over. The trees have been taken down and the decorations have been packed up for next year. We’ve said our goodbyes to the holidays and returned to our daily routines of jobs and school, hopefully well-rested and ready for an exciting new year. Dec. 21 came and went without the world coming to an end, and when the clock struck 12 on Dec. 31, people all over the world wished each other a Happy New Year. For many of us, each new year sparkles with the possibility of a fresh beginning and grand expectations of the wonderful things that might lie ahead. Best wishes to everyone. May you achieve all of your goals and may health, happiness and prosperity find us all in the new year.

The Big Valley Royal Purple would like to thank everyone who supported the group’s New Year’s Eve Gala. The event was a great success and it seemed a good time was had by all. The meal was delicious and the hypnotist show had the audience wellentertained. The continued support from the whole community, including the Elks, is greatly appreciated. The Royal Purple also thanks all the new members who joined in the past year. A reminder to Big Valley dog owners — pet licences are due to be renewed. For more information, stop in at the village office. January birthday greetings go out to Ross Annable – 1, Gillian Gridley – 1, Nicole Zoller – 1, Rick Kargaard – 2, Tom Fraser – 3, Jim Brenchley – 4, Art Tizzard – 8, Ariane Jensen – 8, Marguarite Kerbes – 12, Mike NoonWard – 12, Don Saar – 15, Rod Miller – 17, Keelan Stefanik – 17, Reece Stefanik – 17, Peggy Melnyk – 18, Micah Toews – 19, Ryan Stormoen – 21, Curt Watts – 22, Marian Reinhart – 25, Katherine Stillinger-Winegarden – 26, Charlese Gridley – 27, Chase Skocdopole – 28, Brady Duncan – 28, and Ann Tizzard – 30.

Family visits in vogue during Christmas break Stettler Independent reader Lori Tudor’s Christmas 2012 photo album includes this stunning photograph of a duck pond draped with snow and a looming sun.

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Family members visit in great quantities A busy Christmas season saw family and friends come together to celebrate. Beatrice Selinger enjoyed a visit from her granddaughter, Tracey Chevron of New York, as well as daughters Michelle of Stettler and Elaine of Hanna, sister Clara Bitzer and Ken labaquer. Helen Heier welcomed 27 family members, starting the Thursday before Christmas and carrying through the entire week. Barb and Vac Carey hosted a family dinner with daughter Joanna and family; Taylor, Victoria and Jonah; son Wesley and his son Lincoln. Percy and Paulette Heer seated 11 around their Christmas table with daughter Christy and Curtis, Matthew, Clayton and Josie; son John and Jewel, Hannah and Bailey; mother Iona Berg and close friend Jeanne Beisel. Twenty family members were at Rosemary and Vern Paynes’ place, making Christmas a fun time for all.

And down the street, 19 gathered at Candice and Bills’ residence, where they enjoyed all the grandchildren together. Eleanor and Frank Dahlgren had 25 family members in for Christmas Eve supper, and then it was over to Bonnie’s place for Christmas breakfast and Boxing Day back at the Kobi’s for supper. Along with the celebrations came sorrow and tragedy. Our deepest sympathies to Darlene Derr, Cindy and Gerd and family and Shaun on the loss of husband, father, grandfather Gene Derr. Also to his sisters, neices and nephews and other family members. Gene was raised south of Gadsby, took his schooling and farmed a few miles west of his childhood home, raising his children there. He


Alberta’s Best Kept Secret –

and Darlene moved into Stettler when he retired, but always his heart would go back to the farm. Gene passed away Dec. 23 in Red Deer hospital after a massive heart attack. A graveside service was held last Saturday at Botha Woodland Cemetery, with a memorial tea in the Stettler Legion Senior Centre. Every seat was filled. The Gadsby community was shocked at the sudden tragic and fatal farm accident that took the life of Second World War veteran Jack Chapman at the age of 92. Jack was among the many soldiers, including several from Gadsby, who spent three years in a POW camp. There are many who would testify that Jack saved their lives, putting his own life at risk. The Stettler community hall was standing-roomonly on Saturday to say, “Goodbye, old friend.” Another loss in the community is the passing of Bill Medinsky. There will be a memorial tea this Friday at the Botha Senior Centre. Bingo is slated for the bank building on Jan. 19.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Page A9



Stettler’s 2013 New Year’s Baby

Stettler’s New Year’s baby, Brody Donald McLean, was born at 10:13 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2013, at Stettler Hospital and Care Centre. He weighed eight pounds and seven ounces. His parents are Amber Buniak and Ryan McLean of Coronation. Congratulations to Amber and Ryan, the proud parents of Brody Donald, the first baby born in east-central Alberta in 2013. THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES DONATED PRIZES

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Page A10

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Family gatherings atop Christmas lists The Christmas season has come and gone. It was white and it was cold, but a warming trend had hit by New Year’s Day. This a summary of some of the Christmas happenings: Dick and Ann Creasey headed south to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic for 10 hot days, after sharing a Christmas Eve brunch with daughters Cindy and Steve and with Amber and Chris and friends; Mike Neilson came from Burnaby, B.C., to spend the holidays with his mom Anne and his brother Bert, Cindy and family; Also visiting from Vancouver were Kim and Daryl Mackie, Taylor and Drew, as well as Kandice and Scott Morrison and Forbes, who spend their holiday at Deere Valley Farms with the Johnsons; Les and Cathy Kneeland travelled a lot

over Christmas, visiting with Deanna and Keith in Calgary, Trevor in Edmonton, meeting up with the Michelsen family in Lacombe and the Kneeland family in Red Deer; Greg and Laura Kent from Fort Nelson were down and the Kent family gathered with Bob and Melinda and family on Christmas Day, and then were among the 38 members of the Adair family who met in Rosalind on Dec. 30; Paul and Jacqui Dietrich spent the Christmas holidays in Calgary with their family; Terry and Peggy Vockeroth enjoyed a visit with son Scott, Emily and their daughter Annika in Fairbanks; Lana and Ben Chitwood and family from Saskatchewan were visitors with Lisa and Rick Kent and with the Walkers in Big Valley; A large group of the Chick family gathered at the Troy Slemp home in Castor for

an early Christmas; Derek and Heidi Malloy were pleased that Derek’s mom from Montreal came to spend an extended holiday with their family. JD and Sandra Johnson and girls were among the crowd at Churchill Square in Edmonton for the countdown to the new year. Others attended house parties and some couples celebrated at the Camrose and Red Deer casinoes. Sympathy goes out to the family of Gene Derr, who

passed away Dec. 23 in Red Deer. A memorial tea was held at the Stettler Legion on Saturday. A funeral service was held Saturday for Ruby Green, wife of Glen Wason and sister-inlaw to Louise Strandquist. Sympathy is extended to the family. Condolences from our community is extended to the family of well-known Second World War veteran Jack Chapman, who passed away on

New Year’s Day. Get-well wishes are sent out to Wendy (Fletcher) Berry, who is recuperating from surgery in Edmonton. Flu season has hit the area early this year and several residents are suffering from some nasty colds. The first bingo of the new year is this Thursday at 7:30 in the hall. Come on out and bring a friend: The Halkirk Elks have set Feb. 9 as the date for their Alaskan seafood and comedy night. Mark this on your calendar, as there was a sell-out crowd last year and it’s proving to be a popular fundraiser. Tickets are available at the Snack Shack in Halkirk, as well as the drug store in Castor and Wells Furniture in Stettler. Silent-auction donations are welcome — contact Charles Muncy or Doreen Blumhagen for more information.

Quilting session patches Community Promotions to meet club plans for new year We l c o m e t o 2 0 1 3 . H o p e f u l l y, ev e r y o n e h a d a great festive season. Just a reminder that there will not be an oldtime dance this coming F r i d a y, d u e t o t h e N e w Year’s Eve dance. So the next dance will be Sunday, Jan. 27, starti n g a t 1 : 3 0 p . m . T h e J o rgensons Band will be the entertainment for that afternoon, so all are to come out and have a funfilled Sunday afternoon. There will be a pooled lunch, so please bring bu n s / s a n d w i c h e s o r d e s sert with you to share. T h i s c o m i n g M o n d a y, Jan. 14, come out to the Botha Senior Centre at 9 a.m. to take in another quilting session. They wo u l d l ove t o s e e eve r y one come out for this. T h i s p a s t M o n d a y, t h e Botha School reopened its doors for the rest of the 2012-13 school year.

H o p e f u l l y, e v e r y o n e had a fun and relaxing Christmas break, and is ready to head into the books again. Please remember to dress your child according to the weather conditions, as this is Alberta a n d O l d M a n Wi n t e r i s still hanging around. Like the old saying goes, “If you don’t l i k e t h e w e a t h e r n o w, j u s t wa i t 1 0 m i n u t e s a n d it will change … this is Alberta.” B e r e a d y o n Tu e s d a y, Jan. 22, to come to the

Botha Senior Centre at 7:15 p.m. for another fun-filled evening. The Bingo balls start dropping at that time and you could be taking some money home with you. Church services are back to their normal time —11 a.m. on Sundays, so hopefully everyone can make it out to worship with them. We w e l c o m e R ev. S u san Bowyer back from her Christmas break with family and friends. Hopef u l l y, s h e e n j o y e d h e r well-deserved break.

By Darlene Tantrum Let 2013 begin, as we have all reflected over 2012. We hope everyone has recovered or is recovering from colds and flu. Condolences to our local residents who lost loved ones over the holidays. Now our community is getting back into the groove of things, with the Community Promotions our first meeting to create a community business plan. It’s a plan to get all our groups working together. The Donalda Coulee Friendship Club meets Thursday at the Drop-In Centre, with lunch and the meeting. New members are welcome. The January Pancake and Jam Session will be this Sunday at 11 a.m.

The Friendship Club has tried to keep Bingo going, but the attendance has not been good. We’ll try again Jan. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Drop-In. The Friendship Club is looking for anyone with scraps of wood, creativty to build birdhouses and donate them to the Drop-In, They will auction them off in a fundraiser to build a much-needed storage shed. The Donalda Curling Club will host a combined bonspiel, Jan. 21-26. For entries, call

Mike at 403-883-2469, Paul at 403-883-2168 or Kim at 403883-2407. Birthday wishes go out to Tim Swaren, Drew Rouse, Natasha Martz, Jeanne Pearson, Clay Awe, Ian Stone, Morgan Baker, Aveya Laye, Cindy Auton, Dusty Vikse, Mardy Kulak, Bob Halseth,Amy-Ann Kotz, Chariti Dahl, Duncan Charles, Harper Tantrum, Juston Clement, Raesha Berry, Michael Nattestad, RJ Sideritsch, Adam Kulak, Larry Nelson, Rowena Sta Cruz, Jack Hillestad, Bruce Salmon, Teresa Kneeland, Jeremy Norman, Jean Olson, Ryan Auton, Stephanie Sideritsch, Brad Henderson, Eric Guillund, Graeme Broemeling, Darcy Shepherd and Jessica Dixon.

Take care on the snow trails Eight teams entered in the Erskine Mixed skins’ bonspiel during the holidays. Lots of fun was had by all, with snacks and a pizza party to end off the weekend of curling. Our sympathies are sent out to Lee Chapman’s family on the

passing of his father. Our sympathies are also sent out to the families of Don Irwin. In light of recent injuries that have occurred, a “be-careful” warning is being sent out while people are snowmobiling. Please watch for fence lines.

These accidents can happen in daylight, so know the area before

you just hop on and go for a joy ride. Be safe and have fun. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and New Year’s. Birthday wishes go out to Lorianne Nibourg on Jan. 11, Nancy Bauman on Jan. 13 and Isaac Nibourg on Jan. 15.


District fun aplenty in Stettler




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By Natalie Schilling Byemoor Beef Club reporter Happy New Year! The Byemoor beef club had a very busy December and the new year is looking to be just the same. O n N o v. 2 0 , o u r c l u b w e n t t o t h e Byemoor Drop-In Centre to play cards with the seniors. We had a great night and thank-you for letting us join in. On Dec. 1, our 4-H club sold Christmas trees and wreaths and also took pictures with Santa Claus for the children in Byemoor. The Christmas tree sale was a complete success — thank-you to everyone who supported our club. We held a skating party on Jan. 4 at

the Halkirk school outdoor skating rink. Everyone had a great time and we enjoyed hotdogs and snacks, held a short meeting and exchanged gifts between the members. The district fun day was held at the Stettler Recreation Centre on Jan. 5. There were lots of fun activites to try out, and then we all went swimming. It was awesome! Important dates to remember: Jan. 18 — deadline for winter camp applications at Circle Square Ranch. Feb. 6 — next meeting at the Byemoor arena at 7:30 p.m. March 6 — District public-speaking. March 13 — District presentations. Stay tuned for next month’s 4-H report in the Stettler Independent.

Calling All Babies Of 2012 The STETTLER INDEPENDENT presents:


*Excludes tobacco, phone cards, prepaid cards, lottery, gift cards as well as food, cleaning and health & beauty products.

Babies of 2012 If your Baby was born in 2012, you don’t want to miss putting their adorable picture in this special keepsake feature! All pictures will be published in the January 30, 2013 issue and will be entered to win a prize, compliments of the STETTLER INDEPENDENT.

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Fill out and drop off at The Stettler Independent Office 4810 - 50 Street by January 24, 2013 or email Last:____________________________________________ First:______________________ Middle:______________ Son Daughter Birthdate:______________________ Father’s Name:___________________________________ Mother’s Name:__________________________________

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Page A11


Flint Process Systems assets purchased by local entrepreneur

RICHARD FROESE Independent reporter


ith roots in the Halkirk area, a local entrepreneur has purchased the assets of Flint Process Systems and the building under the new name of CAPE Manufacturing Ltd. “I’ve always been a believer in bringing jobs to the region and building the local economy.” said Thomas Chadwick, president. “Over the next 6 to 12 months, we want to hire 20 to 30 full-time employees,” The company has already begun hiring several people for various positions, from draftsman to welders and fabricators. CAPE will build production equipment to separate oil, gas and water, such as treaters, free-water knock-outs and pressure vessels. “Our NRGMAX Treaters and Free Water Knock-outs are superior to any others on the market today. We have larger retention times and larger heat capacities with unique and highly efÄcient internal designs,” said Chadwick, who grew up on a farm about four miles west of the facility. “We also intend to manufacture some of the patent-pending technology that we have for heated-pressure vessels.” As former owners of Chadco Canada Ltd we are pleased to have our company back and look forward to the opportunity to rebuild the company that was once ours, in a new and better way.” Thomas and Leona were key players when First Pick Cranes Ltd opened in Stettler around 1999 as well as Tankstore Ltd in Halkirk in 2001.

Last month, the former Flint facility (about 13 kilometres north of Halkirk) was purchased by NRG Process Solutions (owned by Thomas and sons Troy and Kyle.) Also involved with the purchase is Alemap Sales and Marketing of Calgary, owned by Bob Pusch; a former sales Manager of IPS as well as Leona Chadwick’s personal company.

Cape Manufacturing Ltd. President Thomas Chadwick and Leona Chadwick Chief Financial Officer.

Constructed in 1983, the 45,000-squarefoot plant on 40 acres of land has been a busy place over the years. “We want to build the operation back to the level that it once was,” said Chadwick, whose Halkirk based company Chadco Canada Ltd was sold to Delaney Energy Services Ltd in 1998. In 1999 Delaney purchased the current facility and moved operations from Halkirk. Over the years the company

changed hands from Delaney to IPS then to Paintearth Energy Services Ltd and then to Flint. “Last year, Flint employed over 50 people at this location, and we intend to bring the company back to that level of production,” he said. “All the success of the businesses I have been associated with can be attributed to the high-quality people that I have been lucky enough to attract as employees and associates,” said Chadwick. High quality employees are his top priority, as CAPE provides a proÄt-sharing plan for all staff in addition to a complete beneÄt package. He allows all his employees the opportunities to play vital roles in the operation of the business. We believe in a system of Value Based Management whereby we lay out a set of values and set the intention to follow them with each decision made. “If values are used as the criteria to move forward, then all members of our team can make decisions and know with conÄdence they are the right decisions,” Chadwick states for the vision of the company. “This creates an environment of self-supervision, self-direction, and self-empowerment and a place where we can be the best people we can be.”




is pleased to announce that it has purchased the assets of the oilfield manufacturing business formerly known as:

FLINT PROCESS SYSTEMS, Halkirk. CAPE invites all previous Flint employees, as well as new applicants to forward their resumes. Positions available in the following areas: Administration / Office

Structural Welders

“B” Pressure Welders

Quality Control

Painting / Finishing

Fabricating / Assembly

Purchasing & Warehouse

Equipment Operation

Maintainence & Janitorial

x x

With Class 1 Liscense

Employee Profit Sharing Plan Company Benefit Package

x x

Alberta Owned & Operated Value Based Management

Please forward resumes to: NOTE: Please indicate the position you are applying for in the Subject Line of the email.

Page A12

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


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The Stettler

Independent B1 Sports


January 9, 2013

News and Sports: 403-740-4426

Short-staffed midget A Blues lose in semifinals Submitted by Stettler Legion Blues midget A hockey team The midget A Stettler Legion Blues hosted their annual tournament this past weekend, and lost out in the semifinals while battling manpower shortages. Stettler’s competitorson the weekend included Vegreville, Vermilion, Ponoka, Innisfail and Boyle. Going into the weekend with a shortened bench of 10 skaters and two

goalies, Stettler defeated the Ponoka Wolves 4-3 on Friday night in a tight contest. Logan Davidson, Micah Croker and Justin McKenzie scored the Stettler goals, as the Blues outshot the Wolves 44-20. Devon Woelk tended goal for Stettler. On Saturday, the Blues held their own with a 6-0 shutout win against the Boyle Blazers. That secured the host team a first-place seeding for the semifinals on Sunday. Many of the Stettler players racked

up points, but rookie Kieran Rost was at the top of the list with a five-point night that included four assists. Jordan McCallum faced 27 shots in posting the shutout. For the playoffs, it was a very competitive team selection, as the other pool faced a three-way tie for first place. Going into Sunday with only nine skaters, because of an injury, Stettler lost 4-1 to the Vegreville Wranglers. Justin McKenzie, on a Chase McGonigal setup, scored the lone

Stettler goal in the semifinal loss. The Blues got into a bit of penalty trouble, finishing the game with only eight skaters, but the penalty-killers and goalie Woelk ensured there were no power-play goals against them as they battled through the seemingly never-ending short-handed game. Vegreville remained sharp and went on to defeat the Innisfail Flyers 5-2 in the championship game. UP NEXT: Stettler hosts Barrhead on Friday and Hobbema on Saturday, before visiting Red Deer on Sunday.

Stettler Minor Hockey Association hosted midget A and midget B teams last weekend for tournament action. LEFT PHOTO: Ponoka players shake hands with an official after a 6-5 playoff loss to Vermilion. RIGHT PHOTO: Austin Wakaruk of the Vegreville Wranglers tapes his stick before the midget A final, in which Vegreville beat Innisfail 5-2.

The abundance of snow and the relatively warm weather through the early part of January made for a ski-lover’s paradise Saturday at Canyon Ski Resort in Red Deer.

New Year… New Ride The 2013’s are ready for a test drive!

Don’t feel like coming in? Check out our inventory online at

Stop by today!



Page B2

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Lightning beat Generals Midseason addition Tyler Bissett scored back-toback goals and the Stettler Lightning edged the host Cochrane Generals 4-3 in Heritage Junior Hockey League action Saturday. Kyler O’Connor’s goal just 16 seconds into the third period gave Stettler a 4-1 lead and stood as

the winning goal. Scott Ternes scored the other Lightning goal and twin brother Adam picked up two assists — as did Jacob Schwarzenberger. Simon Thieleman made 38 saves for Stettler, which hosts Banff at 8 p.m. Friday and Medicine Hat at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.




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With the end of the NHL lockout, Red Deer defencman Mathew Dumba is bound for Minnesota’s camp.

Dumba goes camping with Wild Backhoe, Excavator, Gravel Truck Ph: 403-742-8824

Robert C. Rhyason UFA is pleased in welcoming our new Building Sales Representative to the Stettler Farm and Ranch Store. Robert brings over 20 years of experience in residential, agricultural and commercial construction industry. He is well versed in both large and small projects. We welcome you to come into our store to meet Robert. He will be able to help you with all your building projects and needs!



uct er A ion


By Greg Meachem Black Press The Minnesota Wild will get an upclose and personal look at Red Deer Rebels defenceman Mathew Dumba when the NHL team opens training camp, likely this weekend. “I talked to Minnesota this morning and Matt talked to them this afternoon. He’ll be going in at the end of the week and will spend four or five days there and come back,” Rebels GM/head coach Brent Sutter said Monday. “It will be good for Matt, good for his development. The experience he’ll get will be beneficial.” The Wild decision to bring Dumba to their main camp following the conclusion of the NHL lockout should surprise no one. The Calgary native, after all, was drafted by Minnesota seventh overall in last year’s entry draft. “I certainly understand it and support it,” Sutter said. “He’s not ready to play at that (NHL) level yet, but Minnesota wants to bring him in and have him skate with their guys for a few days, and then they’ll return him back to us.” Dumba is expected to play tonight when the Rebels open a three-game

road trip at Swift Current, and then he’ll miss Friday and Saturday games at Saskatoon and Prince Albert. Meanwhile, with Thursday’s WHL trade deadline looming, Sutter has been working the phone lines over the past week in an effort to further change the face of his team. “My mindset hasn’t changed from where it was in September,” he said. “There are areas in which we need to continue to grow and get better at. We need to add skill, but we need to get bigger up front, too. We need more size on our team but anyone we bring in has to be able to play.” That being said ... “I don’t know if anything will happen,” Sutter said. “We’ve made a lot of changes this season to the benefit of the team for this year and next and moving forward. We have a spot open for a 20-year-old and if it’s the right 20-year-old and for the right price, I’ll certainly look at it.” While a trade for more size and experience might be somewhat helpful, the core of the team will remain in place. With the Rebels having lost five of their past six games, a change in attitude and work ethic would be more beneficial than a slight change

in personnel. One night after snapping a four-game losing streak with a lastminute win over visiting Moose Jaw, the Rebels were flat over the second half of Sunday’s contest at Cranbrook and fell 3-2 to the Kootenay Ice. “Last night, we played well in the first period, got the lead, and then just had the wheels fall off underneath of us,” said Sutter, whose club was outshot 37-11 in the final two periods and 48-23 overall. “All we did is stand around and watch the last half of the game. Sure, we may have been a little bit tired with it being three games in three nights and the travel there yesterday, but good teams find a way to play through that. That’s something we’ll continue to work on with the players. They can’t accept being second.” Red Deer captain Turner Elson, who last year signed with the Calgary Flames, was slated to attend the training camp of the AHL Abbotsford Heat in September, but he was told to stay with the Rebels due to the number of NHL players already with the Heat because of the lockout. The AHL squad will now lose a few players to the Flames, but Elson will remain in Red Deer, despite a handful of spots opening up with the Heat.

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LOOKING AHEAD IN 2013 Tuesday, January 15


Tuesday, January 22


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Corral Panels - Free standing pipe panels for sale at the market - call anytime. We offer every option including new on-line bidding. 403-742-2368 CANADIAN SATELLITE AUCTIONS & IN-HOUSE VIDEO List through us for Canadian Satellite sales. * List with us three days prior for filming and description MINERAL, SALT, SUPPLEMENT FEED SALES We stock Unifeed, Crystalyx and Feedrite supplies for all types of livestock. STETTLER AUCTION MART INDEPENDENT - COMPETITIVE - MODERN - THE BEST RATES IN THE INDUSTRY

Stettler Auction Mart (1990) Ltd. Lic. #00354 Auctioneers: Allen McMillan Dick Creasey Greg Johnson Scott Douglas Terry Silbernagel Office Administrator: Lona Benjamin Sales Reps: Greg Hayden - 403-740-9610; Jim Abel - 403-740-9609; Brad Lohr - 780-679-5500; Dick Creasey - 403-740-9434

Stettler minor hockey graduate Scott Feser is skating in the WHL with his hometown Red Deer Rebels.

Better late than never for Feser By Greg Meachem Black Press He arrived somewhat behind schedule; now, it’s just a matter of whether or not local product Scott Feser will stay with the Red Deer Rebels for the remainder of the WHL season. After scoring 18 goals and collecting 40 points in 34 Alberta Midget Hockey League games last winter and helping the Red Deer Optimist Rebels capture the Canadian midget AAA hockey championship in April, Feser appeared to be a good bet to crack the WHL Rebels’ lineup last fall. Adding to the likelihood of his sticking around was the fact he played nine games with the Rebels last season. But the 17-year-old forward, who played part of his minor hockey career in Stettler, was on the outside looking in after a lacklustre training camp and a quiet preseason (no points and a minus-7 rating in four games) and was reassigned to the Camrose Kodiaks of the AJHL on Oct. 12. He was summoned by the Rebels last month and in nine games with the big club has a goal and two assists. “Making this club was kind of my mindset after the year I had in midget. We had

a lot of success as a team last season and I had some individual success,” Feser said Thursday. “But for whatever reason, things just weren’t up to speed in training camp. That happens . . . you just have to take what you’re given. I thought I did well in Camrose. I thought I did what I needed to do.” Feser worked a regular shift with the Kodiaks while notching seven goals and adding 10 assists in 23 games. “It’s all about confidence and it’s tough to build up that part of your game when you’re hanging around the team and not in the lineup,” said Feser, who was in that situation with the Rebels through the first three weeks of the regular season. “Even in practice, you just don’t have that feeling that you belong. “Going to Camrose and getting some ice time ... I was able to regain my confidence. When you’re playing, you’re contributing and feeling much more confident in your abilities and that’s made me feel more comfortable here.” The level of play in the AJHL — albeit not equal to the WHL — helped Feser find the second gear that was missing prior to his reassignment. “There’s some good

players in that league. The size of the players and the gap between the top-end and lower-end guys are the biggest differences (between junior A and major junior),” Feser said. “But it’s still a good brand of hockey and a step up from midget. I have to be proud of the success I had in Camrose.” Feser might be contributing more to the Kodiaks in the near future. He was slated to stay with the Rebels for at least the next few days — and his immediate future with the WHL club will be decided this week. “Unfortunately, everything is up in the air right now because of our injury status, plus we’re waiting for guys to get back from the World Under-17 Challenge and the world juniors,” said Rebels GM/head coach Brent Sutter, who has to finalize his roster by this Thursday, the WHL trade deadline. “We’ll have a better feel at that point of what direction we’re moving for the remainder of the season.” For the past few weeks, Feser has been enjoying the moment. “It’s good to be back (with the Rebels), but I don’t know if my time in Camrose is done yet,” he said. “If I get to stay here,

great, but going back to Camrose wouldn’t be a bad thing. It would be a chance to get more opportunities and more ice time and keep developing. Right now, I’m just taking it day-by-day.” Feser notched his firstever WHL goal in a 6-5 loss to the visiting Brandon Wheat Kings on Dec. 30. That was his 15th game with the Rebels, including the nine contests he played last season. “It’s been kind of a longer process with me here, so to get that one at home was special,” he said. “To do it here in front of a bunch of friends and family members just made it that much more exciting.” Clearly, Sutter would be comfortable with keeping Feser on the roster for the rest of the season. “He’s played really well for us since we recalled him,” said the Rebels’ bench boss. “The biggest thing with him now is that he’s just a little more mature, a little more confident. “His development and progression has been good and that was the reason we sent him to Camrose. We knew he’d have good coaching there with Boris (Rybalka) and that he’d develop the way we would like him to while helping their hockey team at the same time.”

Wednesday, January 9, 2013





STETTLER ELKS 44th Annual RafÀe

WINNERS 1st Prize - 2012 Ford F-150 4x4 SC - Lori Goodrich of Hardisty 2nd Prize - 2012 Honda TRX500 FMB - Terry Harper of Edmonton 3rd Prize - Groceries for a Year - George Dashkewytch of Faust 4th Prize - $1,500 Fas Gas Certi¿cates - John Aitken of Coleman

Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners.

Castor defenceman Aaron Neumeier joined Big Valley’s senior team from the junior B Three Hills Thrashers.

Oil Kings drop three in senior hockey play Submitted by Brent Forster Big Valley Oil Kings The Big Valley Oil Kings had a tough weekend, with three senior hockey games in three nights, and three defeats. The Oil Kings dropped Friday’s contest 7-4 to the leagueleading Daysland Northstars. In front of likely the secondlargest home crowd of the year, the now 12-2 Northstars paid a visit to the Big Valley Agriplex. Under eight minutes into the contest, Daysland had already found the back of the net twice. The Oil Kings showed some resolve by tying the game at two on goals from captain Brett Muhlbach, and a nifty solo effort by Devan Shanks on a backhand. Daysland took the lead on the power play before the first period expired, when Justin Trautman beat Clark. Throughout the game, the Northstars used special teams and patient, opportunistic play to capitalize on Big Valley miscues. Daysland led 6-3 after two periods, and each team scored in the third. The Northstars went 3-for-4 on the power play, while also striking shorthanded.

Big Valley went 1-for-8 on its man advantages. Connor Ablett and defenceman Denver Wik had the other two Oil Kings’ goals. After the contest, Scott Schell, the calm head coach of the Oil Kings, said, “All of the games are important. It’s a matter of gaining momentum towards the playoffs, developing team cohesion and getting everyone to push in the right direction.” Less than 24 hours later, the Oil Kings, with only 13 skaters, headed to Saskatchewan to face the Macklin Mohawks — and lost 5-2. Big Valley went 1-for-5 on the power play. The

Mohawks failed to capitalize on their four man advantages, but did find the back of the net shorthanded, along with an empty netter to ice the contest. Scoring for the Oil Kings were Justin Tremmel and Dylan Muhlbach. Picking up assists were Mitchell Finkbiner, Brett Muhlbach and Devan Shanks. Big Valley completed its busy weekend with a close 7-5 setback in Provost on Sunday, against the 10-5 Blades. The Blades peppered goalie Chance Clark with 45 shots. Provost went 1-for-2 on the man advantage, while the Oil Kings were unsuccessful on three power-play attempts. Scoring for the Oil Kings were Brett Ouellette with a pair, Matt Wildeman, Mitchell Finkbiner and team points leader Dave Sissons, who has 16 points in 12 games. This Friday, Big Valley travels to Sedgewick to face the Sabres. The Oil Kings play the Satellites in Tofield on Saturday. The next Oil Kings’ home game is Saturday, Jan. 19, at 7:30 p.m. when they face Tofield. A large crowd is expected, with it being “School Night” at the Agriplex.



Working Well Workshop JANUARY 17, 2013 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. COUNTY OF STETTLER OFFICE Consider how your life would change if you lost your water supply! Did you know that a poorly maintained water well can put your water supply at risk of contamination and reduce your well yield? If you are one of 450,000 Albertans who use their water well for household purposes, the key to ensuring your water supply is safe and secure is knowing how groundwater works, learning about your well and understanding how to properly maintain it. Proper water well siting, construction, maintenance and plugging will help protect your well from biofouling and contamination, save you costly repairs, and ensure your well water yields are sustained over many years. Find out what you can do to protect your well. Attend the FREE water well management workshop being hosted by the County of Stettler, and presented by the Working Well Program, with technical expertise provided by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. During the workshop we will cover: • Groundwater – how it works • Water quality and quantity testing • Well protection – protecting your well from contamination • Basic well maintenance • Water sampling – how to do it To attend the workshop, please pre-register by calling Kevin MacDonald at: (780) 672-4765 or email to No charge and lunch is provided. Please register by January 10, 2013. Space is limited.

Reach your customers where they live, work & farm in their community newspaper


Stettler’s Jayden Hogg opens the scoring Sunday against Warburg’s Sarah Hakstol.

Midget Storm cruisin’ with win over Warburg Submitted by Stettler Midget Storm The Stettler Midget Storm continued their domination of the North Central Minor Hockey Association female midget division with an 8-2 victory over Warburg on Sunday. Jayden Hogg opened the scoring with 16:49 left in the first period. Captain Kelsie Litke scored with 13:04 left, and Dani Van Dusen had

the winning goal midway through the period. Warburg got on the board halfway through the second period, with a goal by Ashyln Mayhew. Stettler’s Morgan Van Dusen got that one back. With two Storm players in the penalty box, Warburg tallied again as Shae-Lynn Nielson scored late. The third period was all Stettler, as Jessie Anderson tallied, and less than a minute later,

Maria Bourdage scored. Stettler got into penalty trouble again, with two in the box, but this time Kennidy Fisher netted a goal at 9:38, and Sommer Bauman finished off the scoring with two minutes left. Lindsey McKinnon was solid in the Stettler goal, blocking 31 of 33 shots. Next up for the Storm girls is a rematch against the Warburg Wolves on Saturday.



Contact our office for all your advertising needs.


Page B4

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Stettler Curling Club

For further information call The Stettler Curling Club at 403-742-3111 or Manager Jamie Devnich at 403-740-2855

FARMER/ FARMERETTE BONSPIEL January 16 to 20 at the Stettler Curling Rink 4 Events for Farmers Entry - $140.00 3 Events for Farmerettes Entry - $120.00

This information brought to you by these community-minded businesses.


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On Truck Route, North Stettler

Box 1238, Stettler, AB



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6607 - 50 Ave.

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4604 - 41 St., Stettler, AB





4902 B - 44 Ave. Stettler, AB




4706 - 41 St., Stettler


Woody's Automotive 4903 - 43 Avenue

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Certified General Accountants Business ~ Personal ~ Farming

4814 - 49 Street


Webster Enterprises


TORNADO Combustion Technologies Inc.

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Phone 403-742-4431


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6714 - 49th Ave, Stettler


Gitzel Krejci Dand Peterson

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Serving the Heart of Central Alberta for 106 years 4810 - 50 Street Stettler



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Page B5

REACH OVER 217,000 READERS With one of these great deals! 6 PACK





announcements Obituaries

Obituaries BERG Eric Erling May 6, 1932 - December 23, 2012

Eric lived his early years on the family ranch at Millicent, Alberta. He was the eighth of nine children (8 boys and 1 girl) of Ellen and Petrus Berg. He married Betty (Elizabeth) Sonnie May 4, 1957 and started a family a few years later. Eric farmed for most of his life at Fenn and enjoyed being outdoors. He was involved in the 4H club and hockey with his children. He retired to Stettler and took up curling, swimming, and cross country skiing to keep busy. Eric will be missed by Betty and children: Ellen (Leroy) Stinn, Clayton (Sandi) Berg, Sonia (Brad Baltimore) Dodd and Sheldon Berg; along with grandchildren: Amanda (Stephen) Bass, Colin (Anne) Stinn, Ian (Sarah) Stinn, Ryan Stinn, Johnathon Dodd, Samantha (Ryan Hallett) Dodd and Rylee Berg; great grandchildren: Quade Stinn and Matthea and Evangeline Bass; brothers Don (Mary), Sten (Elspeth) and Leif (June) and in laws, Louise Berg, Margaret Berg and Mark Stringham; numerous nieces, nephews and extended families. He was predeceased by his parents Petrus and Ellen, his sister Enes and brothers: Glenn, Bern, Eldor and Roy. There will be a Celebration of his Life on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 2:00 PM at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Stettler, Alberta. Memorial donations in memory of Eric Berg can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, c/o Stettler Funeral Home, Box 1780, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0. Condolences may be sent to the family at

DERR Eugene “Gene” Derr passed away surrounded by love, at the Red Deer Regional Hospital on December 23, 2012. Gene was born February 3, 1929 in Duchess, Alberta, one of eleven children to Emma and Edward Derr and grew up on their family farm south of Gadsby. In his early twenties he worked Seismic and during this time he met the love of his life, Darlene. They were married on November 3, 1956. That same year they purchased the Elhorn place south of Botha and together took up farming on their small chunk of paradise. To this union two children were born, Cindy and Shaun. In the early seventies Gene took employment with the Town of Stettler and during that time developed many lasting friendships. Gene and Darlene retired to Stettler in 2000. Gene was a loving husband and father, a kind and gentle spirit who never spoke harshly to or of anyone and would say “hello” to perfect strangers he would pass on the street. He loved the farm life, camping and fishing and happy times with family and friends. He shared a deep love of vintage John Deere Tractors with his son and they scoured the country-side for farm sales in search of a good deal. He especially loved to be near his three grandsons Joe, Josh and Jordan Huraj and cherished the many things they could always find to do together. Grampa always had the “perfect job” that needed their help. Gene loved Country Music and took pride and great enjoyment in listening to both his children sing. He was their biggest fan. He took part in Stettler’s Country Music Jamboree for many years, singing, playing guitar and yodelling. It is difficult to sum up 83 years of living, but Gene had a wonderful life filled with people who loved him and will very much miss his gentle way. He leaves to mourn his loss his loving wife of 56 years Darlene; his son Shaun and daughter Cindy Liebe (Gerd); grandsons Jordan Huraj, Joshua Huraj (Melissa Roste) and Jozef Huraj (Leanne Kinsey and great grandchildren Denver and Zoe); step grandson Dylan Liebe and step granddaughter Kayla Liebe. Gene is also survived by sisters: Clara Derr of Stettler, Edna Heisz of Stettler, Beatrice Selinger of Gadsby, Lola Stewart of Erskine, Laura Derr and Grant Thomas of Abbotsford, BC, Carol Myckan and Orest of St. Albert; many, many more relatives and dear friends. He was predeceased by his parents Emma and Edward Derr; his sister Kathleen; brothers Benny, Les and Edward. Graveside services were held at Woodland Cemetery, Botha, Alberta on Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 11:00 AM with Shaun Derr, Jozef Huraj, Joshua Huraj, Gerd Liebe, Bill Thibault and Ken Thibault as Pallbearers. Family and friends gathered in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall for an afternoon of sharing stories and fellowship with a luncheon by Teresa’s Catering. Memorial donations may be made to the Alberta Heart and Stroke Foundation, c/o Stettler Funeral Home, Box 1780, Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0 or charity of choice. Condolences may be sent to the family at

Obituaries SCOTT Murray Bruce May 31, 1943 - December 25, 2012 Murray Scott beloved husband of Mildred Scott of Little Bow Resort, AB, passed away on Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at the age of 69 years. Murray was born May 31, 1943 in Fairview, Alberta.

Murray is survived by his loving wife, Mildred (Millie); daughter and son-in-law, Rhonda and Todd van Ryzewyk of Calgary; son, Darcy Scott of Saskatoon, SK.; granddaughter, Jenae van Ryzewyk; grandson, Nolan van Ryzewyk as well as several extended family members and friends. Murray will be dearly missed by all those whose lives he touched. He was predeceased by his parents, Arthur and Irene Scott. A Memorial Service will be held at CALGARY CREMATORIUM CHAPEL, 3219 - 4th Street N.W., (within the valley of Queen’s Park Cemetery) on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. Please forward condolences through If friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Canadian Cancer Society, 200 - 325 Manning Rd. N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 2P5 Telephone: (403) 205-3966, email or to a charity of the donors choice. HERITAGE FUNERAL SERVICES “Calgary Crematorium Chapel” Telephone: (403) 299-0111

IRWIN Donald (Don) Robert Irwin, of Standard Alberta passed away on December 24, 2012 at the age of 54. Don was born on October 24, 1958 in Stettler Alberta, he lived there, until he and his family moved to Standard in 1995. Mechanically inclined, Don could often be found repairing one of his vehicles, always a Chevy, or undertaking some project around the house. He had a strong passion for loud music, movies and spicy foods. He also enjoyed golfing, snowmobiling, camping, travelling to warm locations, as well as spending time with his family and friends. Don was a loving husband and father, and leaves behind his wife of 31 years, Sheila. A proud father he also leaves behind 3 children: Byron (Amanda), Chad, and Nicole (Lance Gordon), as well as many other family and friends. Don was predeceased by his nephew Danny Irwin. A funeral service was held on January 2, 2013 at the Stettler Funeral Home, Stettler Alberta with Reverend Ross Helgeton officiating. A loving tribute was presented by Colleen and James Irwin. Don was laid to rest in the Lake View Cemetery, Stettler Alberta with Greg Wallace, Doug Bauman, Dale Bauman, Malcolm McKinnon, Dwayne Story and Larry Nielsen serving as pallbearers. A time of sharing memories and a luncheon followed the interment service. Memorial donations may be made in Don’s memory to the Canadian Mental Health Association ~ Alberta Division c/o Stettler Funeral Home & Crematorium, Box 1780, Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0, 403-742-3422. To send condolences to the family, please visit

In Memoriam

Your generosity and support at this most difficult time is very much appreciated. Sincerely, John & Lorreen Beggs and familiy


In Memoriam

John Stang who passed away on January 2, 2006 When a loved one becomes a memory, That memory becomes a treasure. Always in our thoughts Forever in our hearts Love, your family

Card Of Thanks

Norwood Hospital in Edmonton.

Mr. Jack Chapman a life long resident of Stettler, passed away on January 1, 2013 at the age of 92 years. Jack O’Rourke Chapman was born in Stettler, Alberta on August 11, 1920 to William and Lillian Chapman. He was raised on a farm southeast of Stettler with five brothers and three sisters. Jack’s early years were spent working on the farm and playing baseball with the Chapman family baseball team. In March 1941 he enlisted in the army, along with many other young men from the Stettler area. He trained in England with the Calgary Tank Regiment. On August 19, 1942 he was taken prisoner during the Dieppe Raid and spent three years as a prisoner of war. When the war ended, Jack returned to Stettler. He worked for Brennen Funeral Home as a funeral director for two years. He was then sent to Saskatoon for further training in post-mortem work. In Saskatoon he was recruited to play baseball for the Legion team. On August 11, 1949 Jack married Eunice Falkenberg. Together they raised three children, Dan, Marnie and Jim. During this time Jack operated a dairy farm. He was one of the first in the area to use modern production line technology in his dairy barn. On December 16, 1977 Jack was married to Madeleine Wiart. Jack and Madeleine owned a cattle ranch southeast of Stettler, where they also raised Tennessee Walking horses. During the 1980’s and 1990’s, Jack was one of the largest Tennessee Walking horse breeders in Canada. Jack and Madeleine had three children, Timothy, Lee and Kimberly. Throughout his lifetime, Jack was a tireless community volunteer. He served with the Stettler Agricultural Society, the County Ratepayers Association and the Recreation Commission. He was involved with the Royal Canadian Legion at the local, provincial and national levels, serving as the Dominion Vice-President from 1976-1980. For his years of service to the Legion, Jack was awarded the Palm Leaf, the highest award obtainable. In recent years Jack enjoyed working on the farm with Madeleine and took great pride in his herd of cattle. He was thankful to be able to continue working on the farm, and did so right up until his death on January 1, 2013. Jack is survived by his loving wife Madeleine, his children Dan (Linda) Chapman, Marnie (Clark) Hoskins, Jim Chapman (Winnie Litvak), Lee (Sarah) Chapman, and Kim (Kelsey) Hoetmer, sister-in-law Jean Chapman, eight grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his parents, William and Lillian Chapman, siblings, Frank Chapman, Clarence (Lyd) Chapman, Winnie (Ernie) Robbins, Bill (Beth) Chapman, Audrey (Lloyd) Strandquist, Pat (Muriel) Chapman, Myrt (Ken) Rae, and son, Timothy Chapman. Jack was a hero to many. His greatest love was for his community, his neighbours and friends, and his beloved family. He was blessed with a strong work ethic, a compassionate heart, and a fighting spirit. He lived a long and rich life and will be deeply missed. A funeral service was held on Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 1:00 P.M. at the Stettler Community Hall with the Rev. Jack Schulze officiating. As an expression of sympathy and in loving memory of Jack, memorial contributions may be made to STARS, the Stettler Fire Department or to a charity of your choice in care of Brennen Funeral Home and Cremation Services P.O. Box 193 Stettler, Alberta TOC 2LO who have been entrusted with the care and arrangements. 403.742.3315. Condolences can be forwarded to the family by visiting our website at

In loving memory of

Tell it to the World in the Classified Announcements

BEGGS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for their expression of sympathy and condolences at the passing of our daughter, Marina. A special thank-you to those who brought food and flowers to the house, for mass cards and contributions to the


BIBLE, Gordon 1948- 2004 “ We Love You and Miss You” Forever Loved Mom, James and Christa We Love You More Today Than Yesterday.

with a Classified Announcement - 1-877-223-3311 Remember to share the news with your friends & family!

Amanda Smith and Wayne Dolan on your recent engagement. Love Your Family

The Stettler OF



June 17, 1928 - Jan. 15, 2012 Gone but not forgotten Forever in our hearts Ward & Charlene

Just had a baby girl?

Celebrate Your Marriage


Tell Everyone with a Classified Announcement

Classifieds PLEASE READ YOUR AD Advertisers should read their ad the FIRST DAY IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next publication. The Stettler Independent is responsible for only the first incorrect insertion. RATES: Word Ads - 1st Week 25 Words 1-25 $16.00 each week after $14.00 additional words .26 cents ea. (5% gst must be added ) DEADLINE:. MONDAYS @ NOON Classified Hotline 1-877-223-3311

309-3300 1-877-223-3311


Look for your name in the Classifieds (stating you’re a winner) and come to the Stettler Independent to claim your prize, compliments of KFC!

MEDINSKY Mr. William “Bill” Medinsky of Botha, Alberta passed away on December 29, 2012 at the Rosehaven Bethany Care Centre in Camrose, Alberta at the age of 88 years. Bill was born at Botha, Alberta on June 2, 1924 to Anna and William Medinsky. He was raised in the Gadsby/Botha area and attended the Little Knife School, he later lived in Red Deer for many years where he owned his own trailer repair business before returning in the ‘80’s to the family farm to join his brother Jack. Bill is survived by his son Kelvin (Shelley) and grandsons Steve (Mary) and Mike, son Mark and grandson Coren; cousin and lifetime friend Julius (DeLores) Duris. Bill was predeceased by his mother and father; sister Julia and brother Jack. Family and friends are invited to a time of remembrance on Friday, January 11, 2013 from 2:00 P.M. ~ 4:00 P.M. in the Botha Senior Centre, Botha, Alberta. Donations in memory of Mr. Bill Medinsky may be made to the Alzheimer Society c/o Stettler Funeral Home & Crematorium, Box 1780, Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0, 403-742-3422. To send condolences to Bill’s family, please visit

Page B6


What’s Happening

Employment #700 - #920

Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70

Caregivers/Aides................710 Clerical ..............................720 Computer Personnel ..........730 Dental ................................740 Estheticians........................750 Hair Stylists ........................760 Janitorial ............................770 Legal ..................................780 Medical ..............................790 Oilfield ................................800 Professionals......................810 Restaurant/Hotel ................820 Sales & Distributors ..........830 Teachers/Tutors..................840 Trades ................................850 Truckers/Drivers ................860 Business Opportunities......870 Miscellaneous ....................880 Volunteers Wanted ............890 Positions Wanted ..............895 Employment Training ........900 Career Planning ................920

#50 - # 70


Coming Events

KELLY KRUGER bride elect of James Bible Saturday Jan. 19, 2013 at 1 p.m. at the Ramada Inn, Stettler. Ladies bring your favorite recipe.



L O N E LY n / s g e n t 7 8 , would like to meet n/s lady for companionship, dancing western, etc. Phone #/photo please. Box 5510 Country Lane Lacombe, AB T4L 1N6

FARM LABOURER & MANAGER. Full-time position, modern mixed farm, near Calgary, Alberta. Housing supplied, excellent wages. Valid drivers licence, & cow/calf experience required. Assets include mechanics, grain, welding, custom hay & seeding. Fax resume 403-335-0086. Phone 403-335-3694.


Hair Whatever You’re Stylists Selling... We Have The LICENSED Paper You Need! FULL-TIME HAIR STYLIST ON A CHAIR RENTAL BASIS. CLASSIFIEDS Apply to The Attic 1-877-223-3311 Unisex Hair Design, Main Street, Stettler.

Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY 52

Coming Events

DONALDA COMBINED BONSPIEL January 21-27 Entry Fee $140

Banquet and Dance Jan. 25 Doors open at 6:00 pm at Donalda Hall Dance to: Domino Non Curlers Welcome Phone Mike at 403-883-2469 for info or to enter teams BEST NEW PLAY *• BEST SOLO SHOW • BEST DRAMA • BEST FEMALE PERFORMER 2007* & 2008 VICTORIA FRINGE FESTIVAL BEST OF FEST 2008 EDMONTON FRINGE & 2009 WINNIPEG FRINGE + + + + +

+ + + + +

“If I could give this play six stars, I would.� – SHANNON BOKLASCHUK, THE STAR PHOENIX, SASKATOON

“Mark it down. Get your tickets right away.� – COLIN MACLEAN, EDMONTON SUN,

Variety Showcase Stettler presents

jake’s gift

The moving story of a WW2 veteran’s reluctant return to Juno Beach written & performed by Julia Mackey | directed by Dirk van Stralen

Sunnday, Jannuary 13th 2013 @ 2:000pm & 7:330pm m Stettler StettlerPerforming Performi minng AArts rts CeCenter, nter, 5415411 1 50 A50 venAvenue, ue, StettleStettler, r, AB AB Special OpeningGuest GuestBeth BethPortman Portman singing theyears war years Special Opening singing songssongs fromfrom the war Ticke k tT t Adults uth $1 t Available at Pfefiffer’ s House ofHouse Music of Music Tickets • Adults$2 t Yo $20 •Y Youth $10 • Available at Pfeiffer’s www.stettlershowcase.coN t ww.j k sgift f .com &. ake @ the doort


Registered Nurse & Licensed Practical Nurse

The Rocky PCN requires the services of a 1.0 FTE Registered Nurse and a Licensed Practical Nurse in a 0.4 FTE to support the Chronic Disease Management Program. See our website at for full listing We thank all those who apply, however only those who will be offered an interview will be contacted.




Farm Work




$2500 Bonus Every 100 days

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Oil & Gas Well Testing Supervisors, Night Foremen, Exp’d/inexp’d Junior Day/Night Operators. Must have H2S, First Aid, valid driver’s license. Pre-employment Drug screening Competitive Wages. Benefit Package Please submit resume with references to: or by fax to (403) 783-8004 Only individuals selected for interviews will be contacted AN ALBERTA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. CENTRAL PEACE NATURAL GAS CO-OP LTD. requires full-time Gas Utility Operator. Experience, safety tickets an asset. Clean valid driver’s licence required. Forward resume: Fax 780-864-2044. Mail: Box 119, Spirit River, T0H 3G0. CLASS 1 DRIVER WANTED! RCM Transport is seeking a Class 1 fluid hauler. Experience a must. Tan/Tri & Tri/Tri tankers. Competitive wages & bonuses. Fax resume & abstract to 403-347-6641 or email DAY RATE VAC and/or Water Truck Operator. Experienced with valid tickets. Please email to: or fax 403-845-3903. LOCAL SERVICE CO. REQ’S EXP. VACUUM TRUCK OPERATOR Must have Class 3 licence w/air & all oilfield tickets. Fax resume w/drivers abstract to 403-886-4475 NEW Red Deer Based busy & growing oilfield trucking company looking for exp. winch truck drivers. Successful candidates will receive top wages & benefits. Valid Class 1 licence is necessary & oilfield tickets is an asset. Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug & alcohol screen test. Please forward all resumes to NOW LOCATED in Drayton Valley. BREKKAAS Vacuum & Tank Ltd. Wanted Class 1 & 3 Drivers, Super Heater Operators with all valid tickets. Top wages, excellent benefits. Please forward resume to: Email: Phone 780-621-3953. Fax 780-621-3959.

Dec. 12



wish kitchen & gift

TANKMASTER RENTALS requires CLASS 1 BED TRUCK Operators for Central Alberta. Competitive wages and benefits. or fax 403-340-8818

June 22

WINTER CLEARANCE Up to 50% off Select Items

View registries online

Main Street, Stettler

Coming Events




(Must be able to Provide own work truck)


Please contact Murray McGeachy or Jamie Rempel by Fax: (403) 340-0886 or email mmcgeachy@


AG Parts Person Wanted F/T position in a small town atmosphere Looking for someone positive and motivated to join our team Experience is an asset Fax# 403-442-3829 Trochu Motors ltd. 302 Main St. Trochu, AB 403-442-3866


EXPERIENCED repair person req’d for local truck company. Work involves all aspects of heavy truck and trailer repair and dismanteling. Must be physically fit. HD Mechanic or equivelant experience We offer competitive wages, benefits weekends off. Fax resume to 1-855-784-2330 or call 1-877-787-2501 F/T SATELLITE INSTALLERS - Good hours, home every night, $4000-$6000/mo. Contractor must have truck or van. Tools, supplies & ladders required. Training provided, no experience needed. Apply to: INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! 1-866-399-3853. JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25 - $31./hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email


is looking for journeyman picker operator.Top wages/ benefits. Safety tickets req’d. Fax or drop off resume 403-346-6128 No phone calls.


VAC & STEAM Truck Operator. Valid Class 1 or 3, Safety Tickets, Top Wage, Camp Work, Experience an Asset. Email/Fax Resume: 780-458-8701,


MCDONALD’S RESTAURANTS of Ponoka, Lacombe, Stettler and Red Deer (Gasoline Alley East and West) are now hiring full time Food Counter Attendants. All stores are 24 hours, except Stettler, which has extended late night hours and applicants must be willing to work flexible shifts, including evening, weekends and nights shifts. Wages range from $10.50 to 11.00 per hour and we will train. Benefits are included and we offer opportunities for advancement. Apply in person at the store or on line at

Training for life

NOW HIRING G.M. tech or ASEP. With good communications skill and work ethics to work with award winning G.M. dealership in Lacombe Alberta. Good hrs & bonus. for production.( $35.00/hr +) Transmission and electrical an asset. Training provided . Apply to confidential email: BAKOS NDT is hiring qualified CGSB Technicians in Whitecourt, Edmonton and Grande Prairie. Benefit package, signing bonus and profit sharing available. Email: or call 1-888-763-5575. Career opportunity, apprentice to be a licensed glass worker. Permanent full-time position, installing residential and commercial windows and doors, automotive glass, glass cutting and fabrication. Drivers license a must. Apply in person to Heartland Glass, Stettler or fax resume to 403-742-2678. CLARK BUILDERS requires LABOURERS & CARPENTERS for projects in the Red Deer area. Must have commercial construction experience. Contact us at: 1-877-416-6815 email:careers@ fax: 1-888-403-3051

First Aid Training teaches how to respond confidently when injuries occur.

Must have own vehicle. Duties include dressing signs, and in shop work of pulling layouts, organizing, and recovering faded letters. Fax resume to 403-742-8777. MONAD INDUSTRIAL Constructors now hiring: Carpenters, journeyperson & apprentice, millwrights, scaffolders and pipefitters for an industrial site near Vanscoy, SK. All wages depend on experience. We offer a $2./hour retention bonus & $2./hour completion bonus (total $4./hour). Living out allowance is provided to those that qualify. Monad has excellent benefits, pension plan & RRSPs. The successful candidate must have CSTS 09 and complete a pre-access A&D test. Apply with resume in person: 9744 - 45 Ave., Edmonton, AB, T6E 5C5 or by fax 1-888-398-0725 or email: Attention: Monad Recruitment Team. MORGAN CONSTRUCTION & ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. - Looking for experienced Heavy Equipment Operators, Foremen & Labourers for work in oilfield & heavy civil construction projects. Competitive wages, full benefits & opportunity for year round work. Email resume: Fax 780-960-8930 or apply in person: 702 Acheson Road, Acheson, Alberta. PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.

720 County of of Stettler Stettler No. County No. 6 6

6602 -- 44 44 Ave., Ave., Box Box 1270, 1270, 6602 Stettler, AB AB T0C Stettler, T0C2L0 2L0 Phone: 742-4441 Fax: Phone: 403-742-4441 Fax: 742-1277 403-742-1277


County of Stettler Job Opportunity Receptionist/Clerk The County of Stettler has an exciting career opportunity for an experienced professional who will bring innovative and effective administration skills to the position of Receptionist. Under the general supervision of the Director of Finance, the successful candidate would possess the following skills and education: • Serve as ďŹ rst point of contact for all front counter inquires • Handle general inquiries and requests • Manage phone system and promptly direct telephone calls • Provide cash receipting services • Handle incoming and outgoing mail • Accept deliveries • Address customer complaints and concerns • Strong Organization Skills • ProďŹ ciency in Microsoft OfďŹ ce; most notably Microsoft Word & Excel • Ability to prioritize deadlines and works well under pressure • Assisting with records management when required • Purchasing of ofďŹ ce supplies when required • Occasional support to the Finance Department • Other duties as required. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (35 hours/week) The County of Stettler offers a competitive salary and a generous employer paid beneďŹ ts package.

County of Stettler No. 6 Attention: Christa Cornelssen, CGA Box 1270 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax: 403.742.1277 Email: The competition will close on January 18, 2013. The County appreciates all applications however only those selected for interview will be contacted.



MEETING Stettler Rie & Pistol Club

Monday, Jan. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Indoor Range 2013 Memberships available at Source for Sports and at the general meeting

Everyone welcome

New Holland dealer in Stettler is now accepting applications for Agricultural Technicians or Journeyman/Heavy Duty mechanics with ag experience. We offer year round employment, hourly salary from $25 to $32.50 depending on qualifications, excellent benefits and a positive, friendly team oriented work environment. If you are looking for a rewarding career with a successful growing organization, then forward your resume to: Bill’s Farm Supplies, Attn: Tracey, Box 1325, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0, fax 403-742-1282, email to:

QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS NEEDED True Power Electric Requires Residential exp. only Competitive wages & benefits. Fax resume to: 403-314-5599

Restaurant/ Hotel




Carpenters & Carpenter helpers. Competitive Wages & Benefits. Fax resumes & ref’s to: 403-343-1248 or email to:

Tornado Combustion Technologies Inc. is currently accepting resumes for Mechanical Design & Drafting personal. Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment with advancement for motivated individuals, and an excellent benefit package. Please forward resume to or fax to 403-275-3740.


The easy way to find a buyer for items you want to sell is with a Classified want ad. Phone 1-877-2233311


Now hiring

Please respond in conďŹ dence with your resume to:

Road Train Oilfield Transport Ltd




Your application will be kept strictly confidential.




website: www. cathedralenergyservices. com

Restaurant/ Hotel


The successful applicant will be required to provide a criminal records check and drivers abstract.

Bridal Registry Melissa Derksen & Jamie Hamilton

Sales & Distributors

PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates to join our award winning team. Denham Ford is Canada’s most highly awarded Ford dealer. We maintain a large inventory of New & Used vehicles & friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: Fax 780-352-0986. Toll free 1-800-232-7255.

Valid 1st Aid, H2S, Drivers License required!!

Gift Certificates available at




Bridal Registry Kyle Sorensen & Janelle Derr


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

800 Service Rig

Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. is seeking qualified candidates to fill Floorhand, Derrickhand and Driller positions. These positions are locally based. Applicants must have all necessary valid tickets for the position applied for. Bearspaw offers a very competitive salary & benefits package along with a steady work schedule. Please submit resumes: Attn: Human Resources Email: Fax: 403-258-3197 Or mail to: Ste. 5309, 333 - 96 Ave. NE, Calgary, AB T3K 0S3

COME JOIN OUR TEAM! Stettler Boston Pizza is now accepting applications for

Cooks, Manager & Servers Experience not necessary, must be able to work evenings and weekends.

Benefits available.

Senior Accountant Canalta has an immediate opening for a Senior Accountant in our Drumheller Corporate Office location. Canalta is a privately owned Development and Operations Company based out of Drumheller, AB. Employing over 2500 employees the primary focus of Canalta’s business model is the development and ownership of hotels and restaurants throughout Western Canada. Over the past five years Canalta has experienced tremendous growth, and also diversified into other areas of business including retail furniture, food service, and franchising. Key Areas of Responsibility: x Preparation of year-end working papers x Preparation and analysis of monthly internal financials x Assisting in budgeting process of various operations x Working with Operation Managers on various projects Qualifications: x Possess Accounting Designation x Good organizational and time management skills x Ability to work effectively under time pressures and meet deadlines x Quick learner with strong analytical and critical thinking skills Benefit package is available, and salary to be commensurate with experience. Please send a copy of your resume and cover letter to Derek Koch, CA at We thank all candidates who apply; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


850 Prism Integrated Solutions Inc.

In Forestburg Requires experienced equipment hand to ďŹ ll Forklift Operator / Yard Manager position. Successful applicant will be self motivated, dependable and have knowledge of oilďŹ eld manufacturing equipment and materials. Excellent wage and competitive beneďŹ ts.

Contact Neil - 780-582-3900

Prism Integrated Solutions Inc. Is currently hiring for the following positions:

• Journeyman & Experienced Welders E-mail resumes to or fax to 780-582-3922

Wednesday, January 9, 2013




Advertisers in the showcase section maintain Real Estate offices in Stettler, are members of the Red Deer & District Real Estate Board Co-op Ltd., and all offer full multiple listing services.

Pros and cons of open floor plans Open floor plans have evolved to be the floor plan of choice in new homes and current home renovations. Turn on a home renovation show, and you’re likely to see eager homeowners knocking down walls to open the kitchen to the family room. Walls have become anathema to homeowners. There are many supporters of the open floor plan, particularly those who entertain frequently or like to keep an eye on children throughout the house. Although open floor plans are touted, there are plenty of people who have never been enamored with having all of their rooms flowing into one. There also are some people who prefer a different style. For those who are not fans of the open floor plan, blame the excess of the 1980s for their inception. In homes built in the 1960s and 1970s, rooms were compartmentalized and isolated for specific activities. During the 1980s, an era of “bigger is better,” when entertaining was widely popular among homeowners, designers noticed that many homeowners preferred an open floor plan in which rooms

merged into one another, creating the illusion of more space. These floor plans also enable people to be in separate rooms and still interact with one another across the space. A home’s floor plan largely depends on the preference of the homeowner. There are many advantages to having an open floor plan versus one that is more compartmentalized. Here is a look at some of the pros and cons: Pro: Open floor plans can be safer for parents of young children. If the home opens up with the living spaces branching off from the kitchen, parents can keep an eye on children while the parents prepare dinner. It also eliminates the number of places that kids can hide and get into mischief. Con: Privacy is reduced in a home with few walls. Much in the way that an open floor plan enables children to be seen from every angle, it also enables you to be seen — and all of your belongings as well. There’s also no place to retreat to if you need a minute to

collect yourself when entertaining. You’re on display unless you retreat to the bathroom. Pro: Entertaining can be easier in a home with an open floor plan because hosts and hostesses are not separated from their guests or holed up in the kitchen the entire time. An open space enables everyone to mingle and conversations to flow. Con: Those who like to host events without showing guests all of their dirty dishes or secrets of the kitchen may dislike an open floor plan. Pro: Light can flow effectively through an open space, minimizing dark rooms and reducing the need to install more windows. Light in and of itself can help a home feel more spacious. Con: While light can flow easily, so can sound. Noises through the house may be amplified. A student doing homework in the dining room may be disturbed by the television blaring in the family room. Talking on the phone or even finding a quiet nook to read a book may be challenging. Pro: Open floor plans allow for more family time together in one

space than a home with a more

compartmentalized layout. Con: People who are collectors or who have a lot of furniture or accent items may find that open floor plans do not work well with this type of design mantra. Pro: Because several rooms run into one another, color choices for walls and furnishings in a home with an open floor plan can be limited and cohesive, making choices easier. Con: On the flip side, those who want to incorporate different color schemes and eclectic styles may have difficulty deciding on where to “end” rooms or how to co-mingle furniture.

Gas fireplaces offer peace of mind Fireplaces have long been used in residences to offer a centralized gathering area for the family and serve as a dramatic focal point that’s as much about aesthetic appeal as it is functionality. However, fireplaces also can be a source of supplemental heat, and many homeowners install a fireplace as a back-up heating source. When Hurricane Sandy pummeled the East Coast in October of 2012, tidal surges and flooding knocked out power to millions of customers across the Northeastern United States. Those power outages left people without lights, television, and perhaps most frightening, heat. Even those who had portable backup generators found they were unable to connect central heating systems to the generator because of the overwhelming power draw. Flooding shut down some city-provided steam heating services in and around

New York City, putting safe alternative heating sources in high demand. Gas fireplaces are not only decorative, but also they can be a significant source of home heat, enabling homeowners to enjoy warmth and light without the hassle of buying and handling wood. In addition, gas fireplaces produce low emissions, which means they are not always limited to areas of the home that could provide an exterior wall for a chimney. There are many types of gas fireplaces, and homeowners can customize the model they choose to meet their needs. Ventless gas fireplaces are perhaps the most versatile because they do not need to be vented outdoors or up a chimney. This means they can be located just about anywhere there is an available wall. However, these types of appliances are not allowed in all states because of concerns about carbon monoxide. But simply keeping Specializing In



ANDY BIRCH Associate

Independently Owned and Operated

Bus.: 403-742-3069 1-888-742-6685


5002 - 50th Ave., Stettler


Ph. 403-742-4424

Over 26 Years of Experience

Fran Snowden

Diamond Award Recipient

Karen Cannady

4908 - 51 Street



Building & Land For Sale Bring your cooking skills and start your own business! Located in a high traffic area, 70 seat capacity. #CA0006161.

Calling all horse enthusiasts – 157.79 Acres featuring a 1358 sq. ft. home with 2 bdrms, 2 bath, spacious kitchen, garage, 24’ x 28’ heated shop, 18’ x 26’ barn with box stalls and tack room. Exclusive - Call Today!

MODERN RAISED BUNGALOW with bsmt. suite. Live on main floor and rent out bsmt. or collect rent from both. Good location and a smart investment. MLS # CA0005867 $289,000.

NEAT, CLEAN 1/2 DUPLEX ideal for seniors. with 2 bdrms, main floor laundry and finished bsmt.. Low maintenance home and yard. MLS # CA0000140 $239,900.

COZY BUNGALOW. 2 bdrms/2 bath, many upgrades including new windows, upgraded wiring and plumbing. Fenced yard and single garage. MLS # CA326771 $127,500.

4.92 ACRES CLOSE TO TOWN. 4 bdrm. mobile, large workshop and barn all set up for horses. Great acreage if you are just starting out. MLS # CA0002955 $260,000.

2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on corner lot. New windows, plumbing, shingles and much more. Heated garage and landscaped yard. MLS # CA0001508 $134,900.

3 BEDROOM MOBILE on own lot. Spacious, well cared for home with cozy addition, solarium for summer use and a detached garage. Nice landscaping. MLS # CA0004528 ONLY $169,000.



Brand New ~ Very Affordable 3 bdrm 2 bath mobile home on its own lot! Featuring vaulted ceiling, new appliances, spacious master bdrm. Take this opportunity to own your own home and not pay high rent! #CA0003457. $189,900.

Candor Realty Ltd.

* Residential * Commercial * Farms * Acreages * Lake Properties

Scenic acreage near the river valley 3.46 Acres near Donalda. Property has full services. Peace and quiet and a view of the rolling countryside. #CA0005983. $89,900.


Unique Family Friendly 4 level split home! Featuring 3 bdrm, 2 bath, oak kitchen cupboards, many upgrades, spacious family room with fireplace! Walk-out basement, fully fenced. #CA0005821. $285,900.

a window open slightly during operation can greatly reduce the risk CO poisoning. Direct vented fireplaces are installed on an outside wall and a pipe is used to vent the unit outdoors. The complexity of installation and unit designs make these more expensive than ventless options. Homeowners also can convert a wood fireplace into a gas one with the use of gas logs or a gas line exiting within the fireplace. Gas fireplace inserts that can be custom-installed in the existing cut-out of the fireplace are also available. A gas fireplace can add value to a home because it is not only attractive, but capable of providing supplemental heat with the flick of a switch. Buying and installing a fireplace before the arrival of winter can save homeowners money while adding some aesthetic appeal to their home.

Close to Schools and a short walk to downtown! Charming 2 storey home features 4 bdrms, 2 baths, open floor plan, hardwood flooring, fireplace, oversized single garage with RV parking. #CA319920. $218,900.

Locally owned & operated

Visit us at for more listings



Doug Roberts Broker/Owner

Jill Fisher Associate/Owner

Apryl Cassidy Manager/Owner

Brian Lynn Associate Broker

Norma Leslie Associate Broker

Garry Rushton Associate


CA0006156 NEW

1700 sq. ft. 2 storey family home. Large kitchen formal dining or living room. Call for details. $349,900. Call Doug.

Just move in 5 bdrm split level Built in 2005 . $272,000. Call Jill.

3.31 acres, with 2 homes garage and Quonset. In town limits. $320,000. Call Atie.




2 storey 1600+ sq. ft. home, on quiet close with green space out front. $299,000. Call Atie.

4 acres, w/ 1900 sq. ft. home. Edge of Stettler. Att. garage, large barn&shed. $490,000. Call Wade.

Newer 2/2 bdrm home, finished basement, Close to downtown. $359,000. Call Edna.

Nice little home for the young buyer to start out in. Close to downtown & schools. $143,000. Call Doug.






50 X 140 Lots - For sale in Donalda 6 lots to choose from $15,000. Over looks the coulees. Call Jill for details.

Atie Turnbull Associate

Call Sales Associate today for FREE or enquiries. Calla aCentral Central "Team" "Team" Sales Associate today for FREE adviceadvice or enquiries.



Edna Stuart Associate Broker

BRAND NEW, 4 bdrm duplex. $265,000. Call Garry.

1998 mobile on own lot, unique floor plan. $159,900. Call Edna.


2788 sq. ft. home on large fenced lot in Botha. $195,000. Call Garry.


5 bdrm home on 52x130 lot. Only $239,000. Call Wade.

Kyle Ramstad Associate

Wade Stormoen Associate

Ross Scheerschmidt Associate

CALL 403-742-3344 CALL 403-742-3344(24 (24hrs.) hrs.)


3 bdr, 4 level split plenty of room for the family. $269,000. Call Jill.


Newly developed highway frontage, commercial lots. Will build to suit. Call Brian

d CA0001500 Reduce

4 bdrms, 2 baths, totally redone inside. Come take a look. $265,500. Call Jill.


2 bdrm bungalow with garage on large lot. Perfect starter. $129,900. Call Norma/Wade.



3 bdrms, 2 baths, close to downtown. New Shingles. Very tidy. $265,000. Call Ross.

Perfect family home ½ blk from Rec Center on a corner lot with garage. Recent renos. $285,000. Call Ross.

To view more info on our listing check out or

Page B8






Employment Training

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Building Supplies


MASSAGE CAREER. Train at our highly regarded, progressive school and graduate with confidence! Excellence in education, guaranteed! • 5+ years fabrication/ 1-877-646-1018; welding in manufacturing, www. • Self-motivated team player, • Excellent mechanical aptitude, • Demonstrated problem solving. REFLEXOLOGY • Journeyman welder CLASSES, considered an asset. fun and relaxed learning. Apply Good for the sole. recruiting@ Register now limited space. Starting February 2 All applications are & 3, 2013. Phone Edwards reviewed however only & Holloway Health and those selected for an Wellness 403-340-1330. interview will be contacted. Req’d Westwinn /KingFisherBoats in Vernon, BC ($17 - $26/hr)

We are now seeking full-time employees for the following positions:

APPRENTICE SHOP TECHNICIANS JOURNEYMAN SHOP TECHNICIANS JOURNEYMAN FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIANS Required for our Stettler Office Benefits Include: • Competitive wages. • Excellent benefits (health, dental, life insurance, disability etc.). • Participation in company RRSP program with company match. If you are interested in a career with an established Energy Services company please apply in person at 7201-50 Ave., Stettler, Alberta or please fax your resume to 1.403.742.6901 or email your resume to For more information on Vortex Production Services, please visit our website at: We thank all applicants and advise that only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Sherritt International Corporation is a leading natural resources company with locations Corporation in CanadaSherritt (Alberta,International Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba is a Madagascar. leading natural resources company with locations and Sherritt provides a dynamic work in Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba environment that promotes and invests in growth and Madagascar. Sherritt provides a dynamic work opportunities in each of its principal businesses and – environment that– its promotes most importantly people. and invests in growth opportunities in each of its principal businesses and – Our Sherritt division is– Canada’s largest thermal coal producer, with most Coal importantly its people.

Truckers/ Drivers


BUSY CENTRAL AB company req’s exp’d. Class 1 drivers to pull decks. Assigned truck, exc. wages and benefits pkg. Paid extras. Family orientated. Resume and abstract fax to 403-784-2330 or call 1-877-787-2501 Mon,. - Fri,. 8 a m to 6 pm


Vacuum & Water Truck operators req’d. to start immed. CLASS 1 or 3 WITH Q All oilfield safety tickets req’d. Clean drivers abstract. Must comply with drug and alcohol policy. References Req’d. Exc. salary & benefits. Fax resume to: 403-742-5376 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Casual or P/T Drivers for the Mirror, AB. area. Class 4 license required. Please contact Chris at 780-264-1651

monthlyProďŹ andle: quarterly forecasts and the annual Position This position reports directly to maintenance the Maintebudget. As well assume other duties and responsibilities as nance Supervisor. Responsibilities include welding repairs to may be required due to changing circumstances in the economic and physical environment theďŹ mine. large off highway equipment in shopofand eld environments.

Business Opportunities

Temporary Full-Time Journeyman Welder Paintearth Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Area Maintenance Supervisor Competition Paintearth Mine # 16-177-12 Paintearth Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Area

environmental manner.

This position will also assist with

Qualifications: QualiďŹ cations: The ideal candidate will posses a Journeyman Trades The ideal candidate willEngineering posses a Journeyman Welding certificate, Mechanical Technologist diploma or degree with a minimum of 5 toexperience. 10 years of Must related and CertiďŹ cate and have industrial bemining physically supervisory experience. Other combinations of education and ďŹ t and competent in common welding processes SMAW, FCAW, experience may be considered. Demonstration of excellent GMAW and arc communication, air gouging. leadership and organizational interpersonal, skills as well as the ability to learn quickly and maintain motivation in athe face of inevitable setbacks is benefits an asset. Sherritt Coaleven offers competitive compensation and package and provides the opportunity for personal growth and Sherritt Coal offers a competitive compensation and benefits development. package and provides opportunity for 2013 personal growth and Closingthe date: January 28, development. Closing 28, 2013 Please e-mail or faxdate: your January resume and cover letter to Human Resources: Please e-mail or fax your resume andFax: cover letter to 403.884.3001 E-mail: Human Resources: E-mail: Fax: 403.884.3001


interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We would kindly appreciate no phone calls.




BIG BUILDING SALE. “This is a clearance you don’t want to miss!� 20x20 $3,985, 25x24 $4,595, 30x36 $6,859, 35x48 $11,200, 40x52 $13,100, 47x76 $18,265. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422;


STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206;

Household Furnishings


Office Supplies

Experience driving Super B, Tridem, and Body-Job units is an asset.

INTERESTED IN the Community Newspaper business? Alberta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. FREE. Visit: resumes_add.php.

SUMMER HERBICIDE APPLICATOR POSITIONS now available (4 - 6 months). Ace Vegetation is hiring for the 2013 season. Training provided, lots of hours, some travel required. Placements in AB, SK, BC. Starts May 1, 2013. Resume: acemail Fax 780-955-9426.


Shop Stettler & Save! 403-742-2395


Score Projects is a new and fast growing company located in Stettler, AB. We are looking to ďŹ ll positions for:

B Pressure Welders Apprentices/helpers Structural Welders Sub-arc Operators Top wages paid to individuals with piping fabrication, vessel and skid experience. Please send resume to or fax to 1-888-317-7460

880 Misc. Help


**Innisfail Exotic Animal & Bird Auction is on May 4 @ 10:00am at the Innisfail Auction Mart** Critters N’ Crafts Spring Market Sale is on May 11 @ 10:00am (Located 15km west of Milo on the south side of Hwy 542) Contact Ty @ 403 485-8815 or to consign for either event!

Sporting Goods


QUIGLEY-FORD Long Range Scopes. Field & Stream “Best of the Best.� Coming to Calgary and Edmonton Sportsman Shows. Save $50 with this ad; 705-351-2333.

Travel Packages


HAWAII ON THE MAINLAND, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth�! 1-780-952-0709;

Agricultural #2000 - #2290

Farm Equipment ..............2010 Haying Equipment ............2020 Tractors ............................2030 Combines & Headers ......2040 Fertilizer Equipment..........2050 Misc. Farm Machinery ......2060 Equipment Wanted ..........2070 Farm Custom Work ..........2080 Farm Auctions ..................2090 Livestock ..........................2100 Livestock - Exotic..............2110 Sheep ..............................2120 Poultry ..............................2130 Horses ..............................2140 Horse Boarding ................2150 Riding Supplies ................2160 Horse/Stock Trailers ........2170 Pasture Wanted ................2180 Grain, Feed, Hay ..............2190 Seed Grain ......................2200 Seeding & Tillage ............2210


HOME BASED BUSINESS. We need serious & motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet/phone essential. Free online training & support. Please visit

Misc. Help

Pets & Supplies

10 pkgs. of 500 sheets

We offer top industry wages, group benefits package, company RRSPs as well as scheduled days off.




Class 1 Drivers for transporting Dangerous Goods

Please send resumes: Fax: 403-742-4181 Email: Call: 403-742-4189


OLDER LOVE SEAT & HIDA-BED TO GIVE AWAY. Bed still good. Call 403-742-4180



NEED A CHANGE? Looking for work? www. in the Provost region, workers of all kinds are needed now! Visit our website today for more information.

FOR fast results: Classified Want Ads. Phone 1-877223-3311.

METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Best prices! 36� Hi-Tensile TUFF-Rib 29ga. Galvalume $.67 sq. ft. Colours $.82 sq. ft. 40 Year Warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254.

is now hiring

An opportunity exists at the Paintearth Mine, located near Position Profile: Reporting directly to the Maintenance Forestburg/Halkirk, Alberta. This position temporary for a 3-6 Manager this position will coordinate andis assign maintenance activities to topersonnel in a incost effective,Department. safe and month period provide coverage the Welding

currently supplies domestic utilities and international companies with fuel Maintenance Supervisor Competition # 16-177-12 for electricity generation.

Building Supplies


ROADEX SERVICES requires O/O 1 tons for our RV division and O/O Semis and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout North America. Paid by direct deposit, benefits and company fuel cards. Border crossing required with valid passport and clean criminal record. 1-800-867-6233;

ten surface mines in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Producing more than 94% the thermal coal produced in thecoal country, Sherritt Our Sherritt Coalofdivision is Canada’s largest thermal producer, with currently supplies utilities of and international companies Producing with fuel ten surface mines domestic in the provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. for electricity generation. more than 94% of the thermal coal produced in the country, Sherritt

Truckers/ Drivers

Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990




REGISTERED BLACK & RED ANGUS COWS. Vicwin Angus Farm, Lacombe Vic Rowley 403-318-7363

Horse/Stock Trailers


HORSE and Stock trailer. Parts and repairs. Axles, brakes, drums, bearings, spring, rims, fenders, lights, and wiring. Pick up & delivery avail. HORSE SHOE TRAILER MFG. AND REPAIR. HALKIRK, ALBERTA 403-884-2173 403-430-0504

Grain, Feed Hay


Commercial Grain Hauling Mike Webster


Red Deer Co-op Limited Is recruiting for an

RELIEF BULK PETROLEUM DRIVER / INSIDE SALES CLERK @ STETTLER Reporting to the location’s Bulk Petroleum Manager, this full-time position is responsible for customer service and processing inside sales using a cash register, delivery of oil products to customers and delivery of bulk fuel to customers on a relief basis. Candidates for this position must have a valid Class 3 Driver’s license, customer service experience and knowledge of petroleum products. Red Deer Co-op offers a competitive salary and benefits package, as well as opportunities for personal growth. If you match these qualifications, and are interested in working for a true community builder, please submit a resume or application to: Human Resources Manager Red Deer Co-op Limited 5118 - 47 Avenue Red Deer, AB T4N 3P7 Fax: (403) 341-5811 E-mail: Successful candidate will be required to undergo a criminal record check. We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup� Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

If you think an ad with a

LARGE HEADING grabs your attention

PosiĆ&#x;ons available in the following areas:

Quality Control Purchasing & Warehouse AdministraĆ&#x;on “Bâ€? Pressure Welding Structural Welding FabricaĆ&#x;ng / Assembly PainĆ&#x;ng / Finishing Equipment OperaĆ&#x;on Please forward resumes to: Please indicate the posiĆ&#x;on you are applying for in the Subject Line of the email.

the REVERSE is also true CALL

309-3300 1-877-223-3311 CLASSIFIEDS


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Houses/ Duplexes

For Rent #3000 - #3200


3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME & OLDER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN STETTLER. Available immediately. References required. 403-742-6631


Misc. Help

PARTY MAXX Help Wanted

Full Time Head Floor Merchandiser Required • Organizational skills required • Independent worker • Stock shelves • Shipper and receiver For interview time call 403-741-7864 or apply in person with resume.

Houses/ Duplexes


GREAT SNOWMOBILING, ice fishing, BuffalLake/Rochon Sands lakefront, manufactured home, extensively reno’d, 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, new appls, 20 min. from Stettler, AB. 403-742-0024 TWO bdrm main suite avail immed. in Stettler. Newly reno’d w/laundry facilities. Downtown and close to schools. $880.00 month utilities incl’d. DD req, n/s, no pets. 403-740-6645

Condos/ Townhouses


ALIX: 2 bdrm. 1 bath, 5 appls, shows like new. $950 + utils. Avail. now. 403-341-9974

4 Plexes/ 6 Plexes


ANNOUNCEMENT 1-877-223-3311 309-3300



1-877-223-3311 403-309-3300



L A R G E One & Two BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR RENT No pets Phone Ellen Phone Linda or at Ernie 403-742-1568 at 403-742-5005



1,200 ft. heated shop in East Industrial area of Stettler. Available Dec. 1/12. Phone 403-742-8327, Tracey.


Misc. Help


Cozy & Bright 1 Bdrm suite in Stettler 4-plex. Upper Level. Includes 4 appliances, heat, water. $650/Mo. N/S, N/P. Call Klay 403-740-2608

LARGE 2 bedroom downstairs suite, avail. immed., oak cupboards, full bath, laundry facilities, overlooking Alix Lake, ‘no pets, ref’s, $900/mo. utils. incl., 1 month d.d., 403-747-3806, 403-304-0146.

~ Say it with a classified

Business and Services Directory


2 bdrm. apt. Stettler, quiet, mature, employed person, heat, water & laundry incld. n/s in bldg. $725 + d.d., avail. Feb. 1 403-742-8912

hether it happened Yesterday or Today, Whatever you want to say, To celebrate your special day...

ATCO Power is a developer, project manager, owner and operator of independent power projects worldwide including United Kingdom and Canada. The company is a member of the ATCO Group, one of Canada’s premier corporations. We currently have an opportunity at our Battle River Generating Station for the following position:

Purchasing Assistant

Business Services #1000 - #1430 Accounting .......................... 1010 Acupuncture........................1020 Advocate/Mediation ............1025 Antique Dealers & Stores ...1027 Automotive ..........................1029 Bands & DJ s ......................1030 Beauty/Cosmetic ................1040 Bookkeeping .......................1050 Cabinet Makers...................1054 Child Care/Caregivers .........1060 Carpentry............................1062 Car Rentals .........................1064 Cat Work .............................1065 Cleaning .............................1070 Clerical................................1080 Construction .......................1085 Consulting...........................1090 Contractors ......................... 1100 Computer Services ..............1110 Drafting & Design................ 1120 Eavestroughing ................... 1130 Educational ......................... 1140 Electrical ............................. 1150 Entertainment ..................... 1160 Escorts................................ 1165 Farm Equipment ................. 1168 Financial ............................. 1170 Fireplaces ........................... 1175 Flooring............................... 1180 Food/Catering ..................... 1190 Furnace Cleaning ............... 1193 Glass Shops ....................... 1196 Mobile Glass Shops............ 1197 Handyman Services ...........1200 Health Care......................... 1210 Income Tax .........................1220 Insurance ............................ 1130 Landscaping .......................1240 Land Mapping .....................1250 Legal Services ....................1260 Limousine Services ............1270 Massage Therapy ...............1280 Mechanical .........................1285 Misc. Services ....................1290 Moving & Storage ...............1300 Oilfield .................................1305 Painters/Decorators ............ 1310 Personal Services ............... 1315 Pet Services ....................... 1318 Photography .......................1320 Plumbing & Heating ............1330 Printing................................1335 Rental - Equipment .............1340 Rental - Misc .......................1350 Repair Service ....................1360 Roofing ...............................1370 Snow Removal....................1380 Travel ..................................1385 Upholstery ..........................1390 Well Drilling ........................1400 Welding ............................... 1410 Window Cleaning ................1420 Yard Care ............................1430


Competition #: 31-12-BR29 Forestburg , Alberta To find out more about this and other opportunities, please visit us at:



Gitzel Krejci Dand Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS

4912 - 51 Street P.O. Box 460, Stettler, Alberta

Sherritt International Corporation is a leading natural resources company with locations Corporation in CanadaSherritt (Alberta,International Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba is a Madagascar. leading natural resources company with locations and Sherritt provides a dynamic work in Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba environment that promotes and invests in growth and Madagascar. Sherritt provides businesses a dynamicand work opportunities in each of its principal – environment that– its promotes most importantly people. and invests in growth opportunities in each of its principal businesses and – Our Sherritt division is– Canada’s largest thermal coal producer, with most Coal importantly its people.

ten surface mines in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Producing more than 94% the thermal coal produced in thecoal country, Sherritt Our Sherritt Coalofdivision is Canada’s largest thermal producer, with currently supplies utilities of and international companies Producing with fuel ten surface mines domestic in the provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. for electricity generation. more than 94% of the thermal coal produced in the country, Sherritt currently supplies domestic utilities and international companies with fuel Maintenance Supervisor Competition # 16-177-12 for electricity generation.

Paintearth Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Area Maintenance Supervisor Competition # 16-177-12 Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Position Paintearth Profile: Reporting directly to the Area Maintenance Manager this position will coordinate and assign maintenance Position Profile: Reporting to the Maintenance activities to personnel in a directly cost effective, safe and Manager this position coordinate assign environmental manner.willThis positionand will also maintenance assist with activitiesand to quarterly personnel in a and cost safe and monthly forecasts the effective, annual maintenance environmental This position willresponsibilities also assist with budget. As wellmanner. assume other duties and as monthly quarterly and the annual maintenance may be and required due forecasts to changing circumstances in the budget. and As well assume other duties responsibilities as economic physical environment of theand mine. may be required due to changing circumstances in the economic and physical environment of the mine. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will posses a Journeyman Trades Qualifications: certificate, Mechanical Engineering Technologist diploma or The ideal candidate will of posses a Journeyman Trades degree with a minimum 5 to 10 years of related mining and certificate, Mechanical Technologist diploma or supervisory experience.Engineering Other combinations of education and degree withmay a minimum of 5 to 10 years of related mining and experience be considered. Demonstration of excellent supervisory experience. Otherleadership combinations education and interpersonal, communication, and of organizational experience be ability considered. Demonstration of excellent skills as wellmay as the to learn quickly and maintain interpersonal, leadership and organizational motivation evencommunication, in the face of inevitable setbacks is an asset. skills as well as the ability to learn quickly and maintain motivation in athe face of inevitable setbacks is benefits an asset. Sherritt Coaleven offers competitive compensation and package and provides the opportunity for personal growth and Sherritt Coal offers a competitive compensation and benefits development. package and provides opportunity for 2013 personal growth and Closingthe date: January 28, development. Closing 28, 2013 Please e-mail or faxdate: your January resume and cover letter to Human Resources: Please e-mail or fax your resume andFax: cover letter to E-mail: 403.884.3001 Human Resources: E-mail: Fax: 403.884.3001


interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We would kindly appreciate no phone calls.

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4702- 51 Ave., Stettler Tel: 403-742-3438 or 403-742-3439 P.O. Box 1328 e-mail:

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Barristers and Solicitors Advocates

Dr. Patricia Ross Dr. P.G. Wilson Dr. D.A. Heimdahl OPTOMETRISTS Ponoka, Alta. 403-783-5575 1-800-662-7168 Coronation Office 403-578-3221 Hanna Office 403-854-3003

Brenda Anderson, B.Comm., LL.B. 5002 - 51 Ave., Stettler, AB Phone 403-742-2529 Fax 403-742-2522 CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300 or 1-800-347-2540; www.



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Employment Training

Page B9

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IRONMAN Scrap Metal Recovery is picking up scrap again! Farm machinery, vehicles and industrial. Serving central Alberta. 403-318-4346 NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228.

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Personal Services


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Plumbing & Heating


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Phone: 403-742-3399 CRIMINAL RECORD? Have it removed. Canada’s premier record removal Dr. KERRY WONG provider since 1989. BBB A+ rating. Confidential, fast Optometrist & affordable. Free information booklet. Stettler, Alberta 1-8-NOW-PARDON Box 1796 Phone 403-742-2998 (1-866-972-7366);

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Tell them Danny s 2EVERSE /SMOSIS s +ONTINUOUS 3HOK #HLORINATOR Hooper sent you





Page B10 Public Notices

Real Estate #4000 - #4190

Realtors & Services..........4010 Houses for Sale................4020 Houses Wanted ................4030 Condos/Townhouses ........4040 Acreages ..........................4050 Acreages Wanted ............4060 Farms/Land ......................4070 Farms/Land Wanted ........4080 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes ..................4090 Income Property ..............4100 Commercial Property ......4110 Industrial Property ............4120 Cottages/Resort Property ..4130 Businesses for Sale..........4140 Buildings for Sale ............4150 Lots for Sale ....................4160 Out of Town Property ......4170 Investment Opportunities ..4180 Mortgages Bought/Sold....4190


Community Support Services ADULTS/CHILDREN ANONYMOUS Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. For more info Kira & Ian FCSS, 403-742-2339

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 403-742-3214; 403-742-2966 or 403-742-4271

AL-ANON 403-742-0990

ALZHEIMERS SUPPORT GROUP 403-742-4263; 403-742-8122 or 403-742-4091

Condos/ Townhouses


QUALITY LIVING - affordable price. Brand new 2 bdrm/1 bdrm condos for sale. Easy financing! Less than rent! 3 blocks east of main street “Parkland Place”. All inquiries welcome, Ken @ 403-350-9243


Farms/ Land

Donalda Area Good Cultivated Quarter Located from Donalda 2 miles South - 2 miles East and 1 mile South

Phone 403-883-2545


BIG BROTHERS & BIG SISTERS ORGANIZATION 403-742-5437 during business hours

BRIGANTIA PLACE (formerly Camrose Women’s Shelter)


CELIAC (Gluten Intolerance) Brenda 403-742-3067

COCAINE ANONYMOUS Pager toll-free (20 sec. response time) 1-403-357-6266

COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP 403-742-2337 (parents who have lost a child[ren])





Cottages/Resort Property

Hot Line 403-342-1444

STETTLER & AREA ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY SOCIETY (STABIS) For more information phone 403-742-6456

MUST SELL! Montana lakefront property only $3600. 2 deeded timeshare weeks. 2 bedroom lakefront unit. Travel anywhere worldwide. Best you can own! Original cost over $20k. Widow must sell. Only $3600 gets both. (406)261-8066

Businesses For Sale


HEAVY DUTY REPAIR SHOP located by Sylvan Lake. Well established, turn-key operation with exc. customer base. Facility licence for CVIP. 2000 sq. ft. bay leased. Would like to make a quick sale. 403-887-5114

Out Of Town Property


STETTLER & DISTRICT FOOD BANK SOCIETY Kathy Willis - 403-742-4567 Elaine Williams - 403-742-2745 4820 - 51 Street







On the Carribean Sea, located in Honduras Canadian development. $249,900.00 cdn. (780) 989-3122 (www.casa77honduras.

Public Notice #6000

Public Notices ..................6010 Special Features ..............6050

Farm Custom Work

(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Grace – 403-742-0681 Vivian – 403-742-3935

VICTIM SERVICE 403-741-7841 CONFUSED? GETTING THE RUN AROUND? CONTACT YOUR INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTRE Residents of Stettler and the surrounding area now have access to this free and confidential service. It provides information and referral on social agencies, government services, clubs and organizations, to best suit the caller’s need.

Just Dial - 403-742-1155


Bale Hauling & Swathing Marketing of Hay and Straw Will load own truck

David Unruh Cell 403-323-6787 Home 403-742-4673 Land


LAND FOR RENT 5 quarter sections of land in one parcel for rent 12 miles east of Bashaw for the 2013 crop. SE 31-41-19, NE 30-41-19, S 1/2 32-41-19 and NW 32-41-19. Bids received until February 15, 2013. Highest offer not necessarily accepted.

PHONE 780-372-4142

‘Russia is a country of great democracy,’ says French actor I t ’s a s i f P a u l N ew m a n a n d J a n e Fonda had fled the U.S. in protest at something or other — they were always protesting — and sought Russian citizenship instead. Americans would be surprised, but would they really care? It’s a f r e e c o u n t r y, a s they say. Whereas the French are quite cross about the decision of Oscar-winning actor Gerard Depardieu, who received Russian citizenship at the hands of President Vladimir Putin personally last Saturday. A taxi driver in Paris went on at me about it for the whole ride yesterday. (Talking to taxi drivers is how we journalists keep our fingers on the pulse of the nation.) After 42 years of starring in French films, Depardieu had acquired the status of “national treasure” in the eyes of t h e p u b l i c , bu t h e clearly does not reciprocate their loyalty and pride. And hard on the heels of D e p a r d i e u ’s d e f e c tion comes the news that actress Brigitte B a r d o t , F r a n c e ’s leading sex symbol for the generation who are now drawing their pensions, is also threatening to give up her French citizenship and go Russian. Depardieu, who was described by director Marguerite Duras as “a big, beautiful runaway

truck of a man,” is much larger than life — about the size of a baby whale, in fact. He is over the top in every sense: 180 films and TV credits, 17 motorbike accidents, five or six bottles of wine a day by his own reckoning. He reckons he has paid 145 million euros ($190 million) in taxes since he started work at 14, and he doesn’t want to pay any more. France’s Socialist government is bringing in a new 75 per cent tax rate for people earning more than one million euros ($1.3 million) per year, and so Depardieu is leaving. Initially, he was just moving to Belgium, to a village 800 metres from the French border that already hosts a number of other superrich tax exiles, but then French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said that his decision was “shabby and unpatriotic.” At this point, the truck ran away again. Belgium was no longer far enough. When the outraged actor declared that he would ask for Russian citizenship,

Buying or Selling ?


P u t i n ( w h o k n ow s how to play to the gallery) announced that he could have it at once. By the weekend, it was a done deal. “I adore your country, Russia, your people, your history, your writers,” the actor burbled. “... Russia is a country of great democracy.” It is also a country with a 13 per cent flat tax rate, and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin crowed on Twitter: “In the West, they are not well-acquainted with our tax system. When they find out, we can expect a mass migration of rich Europeans into Russia.” He had barely finished tweeting when another French celebrity said she was also thinking of moving to Russia. It wasn’t high taxes that obsessed Brigitte Bardot, however; it was animal rights. She was protesting a court order Friday in Lyon ordering that two circus elephants that have been suffering from tuberculosis since 2010 be put down. “ I f t h o s e i n p ow e r are cowardly and impudent enough to kill

the elephants,” she raged, “then I will ask for Russian nationality to get out of this country, which has become nothing more than an animal cemetery.” It’s always wise, when threatening to flounce out, to make sure first that they really want you to stay, and in BB’s case that might not actually be the case. She is better known to the present generation not as a sex symbol, but as a crazy old lady who believes Muslims are “destroying our country” and has been convicted five times for incitement to racial hatred. Some people (including my cab driver) think the Russians would be welcome to her. But elephants aside, going Russian opens up a huge new opportunity for avoiding burdensome taxation. All those American millionaires who have been condemned by recent events to live under the rule of that foreign-born Muslim Communist, Barack Obama, and pay an appalling 39.6

per cent tax on the portion of their annual earnings that exceeds $400,000, have an alternative at last. They can do exactly what they have been telling anybody who complains about the gulf between the rich and the poor in America to do for decades: they can go to Russia. The only problem is that they w i l l a c t u a l l y h ave to live there for six months of the year to qualify for the 13 per cent Russian tax rate. We l l , a c t u a l l y, there is another problem. Some Russians might not welcome them with open arms. Even the arrival of Depardieu, who is world-famous in Russia as a result of acting in several high-profile FrancoRussian co-productions and appearing in television ads for credit cards from the S ov i e t s k i B a n k , i s being greeted with mixed feelings. F e l l ow c e l e b r i t y Tina Kandelaki, the celebrated host of the celebrity talk show “Details” for the past 11 years, has no reservations about him, at all: he can stay in her apartment. “Let’s not divide up Depardieu,” she tweeted. “Simply give him to me.” But a less starry-eyed observer replied: “Haven’t we got enough alcoholics?” Evidently not. Independent writer Gwynne Dyer has columns published in 45 countries.

MP invites public to provide budget input Happy New Year to everyone and may 2013 be a prosperous one for you and your family. The good news so far this year is that Canada’s largest trading partner, the U.S., has avoided the socalled “fiscal-cliff” of tax increases and program-spending cuts. That’s an early hopeful economic sign for all of us in 2013. In our province and our Crowfoot riding, we have strong and informed political views. Canadians know of our political reputation and our historically formidable policy positions. We tend to be more fiscally conservative — we want to pay as we go — and avoid deficit financing when possible. We know what needs to be done and we’re always willing to do our share of the heavy lifting. Recently, we are known for the wealth of much-needed energy resources in our oilsands. Years ago, Albertans shuddered to think of the amount of hard work it would be if the world ever came calling for these energy reserves. The world is calling on us to sell them our oil and natural gas. While we have traditionally needed only one customer — the U.S., today, the offers from other prospective customers are very attractive. I will add that many economists say that agriculture is and will increasingly b e t h e n ex t g r e a t w e a l t h g e n e r a tor for jurisdictions that can serve t h i s s t r o n g m a r ke t . A s w e k n ow,

a g r i c u l t u r e i s A l b e r t a ’s s e c o n d strongest industry. This sketch of the kind of strong economic leadership that our province is providing Canada in our generation — and for the foreseeable future, is my lead-up to asking you to make your voices heard in advance of the federal government’s upcoming budget. As your member of Parliament, I have always had the benefit of my constituents sharing with me — in generous and sometimes certain terms — what we want the Government of Canada doing with our hard-earned tax dollars. I am inviting all of my constituents to provide our local input for the upcoming federal budget in 2013 to the federal finance department website’s online pre-budget consultation at Our Conservative government is f o c u s e d o n t h e e c o n o m y. B u d g e t 2012 is helping to grow Canada’s economy and create jobs. Almost 900,000 net new jobs have been created in Canada since July 2009 (90 per cent full-time and 75 per cent

private sector) and Canada has the best economic growth record among all G-7 countries. Canadians across the country are sending in their views on the best ways to strengthen Canada’s economy with pro-growth ideas as part of the next federal budget. In the C o n s e r va t ive N a t i o n a l C a u c u s i n Ottawa, as your MP for Crowfoot, I have been very outspoken calling for our return to a balanced budget. I hope my constituents “back me up” and participate in the pre-budget consultation. I invite you to provide your responses to the following questions: 1. Are there measures we can take to strengthen our economy in the face of global economic threats? 2. Are there any cost-neutral or low-cost measures to further solidify our economic recovery and position Canada to prosper over the long-term? 3. In what areas should we look f o r m o r e e ffi c i e n t a n d e ff e c t ive spending? 4. How can the Canadian government further encourage privatesector growth and leadership in the economy? Crowfoot MP Kevin Sorenson can be reached by mail at 4945— 50 St., Camrose, AB, T4V 1P9, phone at 780-608-4600, toll-free 1-800-665-4358, fax at 780-6084603 or email at kevin.sorenson.

Library to showcase Young’s journey By Crystal Friars Stettler Public Library


Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The Stettler Public Library is starting the year at a full gallop. Our next Movie Night on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 7 o’clock is for all the Neil Young and music fans out there. We are pleased to be showing “Neil Young Journeys” as our first feature of the year. In May 2011, Young drove a 1956 Crown Victoria from his hometown of Omemee, Ont., to downtown Toronto’s iconic Massey Hall, where he performed the last two nights of his solo world

tour. Along the drive, Young recounted insightful and introspective stories from his youth to filmmaker Jonathan Demme. Demme, a longtime fan, captured these tales of Young’s childhood and masterfully wove them together with Young’s mesmerizing music, including songs from the 2010 album Le Noise and renditions of classics including “Ohio, Hey Hey, My My, I Believe in You” and previously unreleased songs “Leia” and “You Never Call.” Through the tunes and the tales, Demme portrays a personal, retrospective look into

the heart and soul of the artist. Thursday, Jan. 17, is packed with information for everyone. At 6 p.m., the library hosts a speech and communication development parent information session. You will learn about childhood communication development from a speech-language pathologist who will teach strategies to encourage communication skills in children. Everyone is invited. Did you get an e-reader for Christmas? Are you excited, but not sure how to use it? The Stettler library is here to help you become comfortable

with our e-Reader workshop on Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. We have a limited number of spaces available, so you must preregister at 403-742-2292. We are pleased to announce a new Saturday afternoon program: Crafternoons and Coffee Spoons. Your kids get to do crafts while you can relax and have coffee. The first Crafternoon will be Jan. 19 at 1 p.m. and yoga will be discussed. Come and join in the monthly fun. For more Stettler library information, check our website at or call us at 403-742-2292.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013




Two airlifted after Bashaw-area crash R ICHARD FROESE Independent reporter Two people were airlifted by STARS air ambulance Sunday while Highway 53 east of Bashaw was closed for several hours after a pickup truck slid off the road in a mini snow blizzard. “It was a single-vehicle rollover,” said Bashaw RCMP Sgt. Cameron Paul. Six occupants — all from outside the Bashaw area — were in the vehicle that went out of control about five kilometres east of Bashaw at about 3:45 p.m., he said. “Based on the road conditions, the young, inexperienced driver

was driving too fast for weather and road conditions, although it was not over the posted speed limit,” Sgt. Paul said. Alcohol was not a factor, he added. “We had a mini snowstorm and they got caught it in,” Sgt. Paul said. Traffic was re-routed as police closed the stretch of highway for six hours to initially allow the two helicopters from Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society to land, and then to continue the cleanup and investigation. The four other occupants were taken to the Camrose hospital by Emergency Medical Services, with injuries ranging from “very minor to serious,” RCMP said.

Bashaw and District Fire Department assisted on the scene. “We had to cut part of the truck to remove two occupants in the truck and patrol the area for the helicopter landing, and traffic control,” said Bashaw Fire Chief Ross Garbe. With sudden changes in weather during winter, police remind motorists to be cautious and adjust to the road conditions. “We had a number of motorists who did not adjust to conditions,” Sgt. Paul said. “We even have drivers who travel at 110 kilometres per hour in any road conditions.” Posted speed limits apply to only ideal weather and road conditions, he said.

Police advise that sudden changes in the weather can appreciably alter the safety of winter roads.

BOTHA AUTOMOTIVE General Repairs & Maintenance Computer Diagnostics: Gas & Diesel Engines Licensed Technician (Factory Ford & GM Trained)

Res: 403-742-6960 Cell: 403-741-6613 4906 - 53 Street, Botha

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4706 - 44 Ave., Stettler Phone



Including a thrilling performance of Beauty and the Beast last month, the Bashaw Community Theatre cast made it “a very special night” for seven-year-old spectator Katha McGregor, says a family member.


Theatre group’s compassion shows glory of small towns Dear Editor, One often hears that a small town has nothing to offer. As a youth growing up in Bashaw, I had held that same perspective — yet moved “back home” as a young adult with my children because I felt it was important for them to grow up near family. It wasn’t until recently, though, 13 years after I returned to this community, that I truly saw the selflessness that resonates within this small town. The end of last November echoed the songs of the Bashaw Community Theatre production of Beauty and the Beast through the streets. Every year, I try to take in whatever is being performed, as I am always amazed at not only the amount, but the calibre of talent that is demonstrated by so many people. This year, however, there was a bigger reason that I was going to take in Beauty and the Beast. This year, my aunt, cousin and her daughter were going to be joining us at the Nov. 23 production. Now, one would say, What is the big deal? Family often goes to plays and the like together. But this would be a very special night for my cousin’s daughter, Katha McGregor, who is just seven years old. Katha was diagnosed in October with a fatal, and extremely debilitating disease called Niemann-Pick, and every moment that a memory can be made, and an opportunity for joy to be had, is of utmost importance. Knowing just how exciting this event would be for Katha, and of

her deteriorating health circumstances, I asked Lori Miller, producer of the production, if it would be OK to reserve a seat near the front of the church, and have an opportunity for Katha to speak with “Belle” and maybe some of the other characters after the play. Lori responded that it could easily be done. Small-town familiarity makes it easy to approach a producer of a play and make such a request — something less likely to be achieved in a larger centre. But the seating reservation was the least of what was prepared for Katha. Lori involved the entire cast in making this a night that would be impossible for all of us to forget, not just Katha. Lori enlisted Roxanne Miller to put together a beautifully bound photo album containing pictures of numerous scenes from the play. Loraine Anderson was put in charge of sewing an amazing pillow that replicated Belle’s gown on one side and the Beast’s outfit on the other. Lori created a beautiful enchanted rose. Cindy Hunter also gathered snippets of material from the main costumes, and they were placed inside a clear heart-shaped ornament that could be hung on the Christmas tree, to which Lori added Katha’s ticket stub for the show. Garett Haynes ensured that a cast T-shirt was given to Katha as well, and Dwayne Bamber personally ushered us to front-row seats, where all of this was waiting, and checked on what we needed throughout the performance. But it didn’t end there. The entire cast of more

than 50 members signed well-wishes to Katha, pictures were taken with both “Belle” and the “Beast,” and many cast members came up to speak to Katha personally after the show. What makes all of this even more overwhelming is the fact that I spoke to Lori only about a seat reservation and did this late Wednesday evening, and the performance we attended was on Friday night ... all this was pulled together in less than a day and a half! And all for a little girl visiting our community, with only the expectation of watching one of her favourite stories. Small towns have nothing to offer? Did I mention the word overwhelming? Did I speak to how much my family was touched by the generosity and kindness, empathy, compassion and lavishness bestowed on us? In fact, through our tears that evening, it was hard to even properly thank those who had so graciously, lovingly blessed Katha ... and blessed us. Words are hard to find to describe how appreciative, and just how thankful we are to Lori, and the cast and supporting crew of the Beauty and the Beast production. It is important to note that Katha’s disease does not allow her to process things right away, but the next day, she slowly took each item out of the bag it had been placed in, looked at it, touched it, and placed her head on the pillow. Her family was leaving for Disneyland the next Sunday. She insisted on wearing her Beauty and the Beast T-shirt on the


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plane. Terese, Katha’s mom, wrote in her blog: “She was in seventh heaven. In fact, when we met Belle at our character breakfast, she told her that she liked the other Belle better. Luckily, the Disney Belle didn’t exactly understand her, lol.” This story really adds a different perspective to “small towns have nothing to offer,” doesn’t it? With much gratitude for all that you have done to bless the family of a very special little girl, we thank you, Lori and the entire Bashaw Community Theatre. Sincerely, Connie Nand (on behalf of the Katha McGregor family) Bashaw

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