Standard The Hope
Drop-in pickleball now offered in Hope area 12
Office: 604.869.2421
MUNICIPALITY CUTS OPERATIONAL SPENDING Annual business report lists Hope among most improved cities
GOVERNMENT TO ISSUE NEW ID CARDS CareCards will be phased out to help prevent health fraud
Scoring opportunity
Vaccines recommended for high-risk patients as cases increase
Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . 10 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Classifieds . . . . . 14 $
1.10 (HST INCL.)
Hope peewee Wildcat Dylan Younie just misses on his breakaway chance against Chilliwack’s Josh Rychtowski, in the Chilliwack peewee jambouree over the Christmas break. A men’s recreational tournament takes over the local rink this weekend, which means all public skating and casual hockey times are cancelled.
Erosion repairs slated for Centennial Park Bank stabilization project to be completed this spring
Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard
The viewing deck at Centennial Park on Water Avenue is expected to re-open this spring. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is partnering with the District of Hope, Emil Anderson Maintenance, and a local developer to repair the eroded bank below the park, which has
been barricaded off since last June. Ministry spokesperson Kate Trotter said an engineering design and report is expected sometime in the coming weeks for bank stabilization requirements. Once the design is approved, crews will begin repair work. The owners of Just Fish Inn, which is currently being con-
structed, were required to stabilize the bank in front of their business. In purchasing land on Crack Mountain off Landstrom Road, there was a surplus of large rock (rip-rap). When they heard about the erosion at Centennial Park, they generously offered to donate the rip-rap and truck it to the site. The Ministry of Transportation
and Infrastructure, along with Emil Anderson Maintenance will perform the repair work, while the District of Hope and local Rotary club look after restoring the park’s landscaping to its original state. Trotter said some minor traffic disruption on Water Avenue can be expected while crews complete the bank stabilization project.
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A2 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013
A day goes by, then a month and a year. Everyday, through it all, we wish you were here. Always we remember Never do we forget. We love you and we miss you always.
Municipal spending in Hope is improving: CFIB
Fish On, Rand.
Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard
Love, Cathy, Brock, Chantal, Jackie, Barb, Amanda, Michelle and Katie. 1/13w RH9
Needs Your Help... Be a part of this one-day family event which offers people of all ages the ability to experience flight inexpensively. Volunteers are needed in order to have an event this year. Come to our meeting at the Hope Airpark building on January 14, 2013 at 5:00 pm.
For more information contact Heather at 1/13w HFF9
Hope is starting to rein in its spending, according to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. The 2012 Municipal Spending Watch Report lists the municipality among the 10 most improved cities in the Lower Mainland for cost control. “It’s very encouraging,” said Mayor Susan Johnston. “It is a good indicator of the hard work that people put in to see growth happening in our community.” Operational spending rose 25 per cent after being adjusted for inflation between 2000 and 2010, well below the provincial average of 49 per cent. In addition, spending in 2010 per capita dropped two per cent from 2009 to $878. Hope’s overall provincial rank was 124
and Richmond. out 153, with 153 being the best. Surrey, Harrison Hot “We’re trying very hard to Meanwhile, provide the best service possible Springs, Abbotsford, Whistler, but being cognizant of the Pemberton, and Langley City fact there’s not a lot of dollars and Township topped the list as the worst available,” said performing Johnston. “We’re municipalities. tired of hearing Lytton was we have to do “It’s a good indicator B.C.’s biggest more with less, but at the same of the hard work that overall spender 2010. when we see people put in to see in Operating results, it makes per the journey growth happening in spending capita stood worthwhile our community.” at $6,303 and because at some by point we will fill Mayor Susan Johnston increased 29 per cent our coffers again between 2009 and address and 2010, even some of the bigger issues we have on the as population decreased by 29 per cent. In total, Lytton’s per books.” Other Lower Mainland cities capita operating spending since with the biggest spending cuts 2000 has grown by more than included Chilliwack, Burnaby, 200 per cent.
Coroner identifies crash victims
The B.C. Coroner has confirmed the identity of a 44-year-old Kamloops man who died in a motor vehicle accident near Hope on Sunday. Stephen Francis Kulinski and his spouse were travelling southbound on Highway 5 near Falls Lake Road when the crash happened. Kulinski died on
scene and his spouse was transported to Fraser Canyon Hospital for treatment. The incident remains under investigation by the B.C. Corners Service and RCMP. The name of the 16-year-old Chilliwack girl killed in a snowmobile accident Dec. 30 near the Coquihalla Lakes Lodge, halfway between Hope and
Merritt, has also been released. Billie Brittany Bell lost control of her snowmobile after hitting two bumps in the snow, crashed into a tree and was thrown 20 feet into another tree, sustaining massive head injuries. Chilliwack RCMP Cpl. Tammy Hollingsworth said the 11:45 a.m. accident is still un-
der investigation. According to an investigation report, the teen was wearing a helmet and goggles at the time of the accident. The young girl was air lifted to hospital, but did not survive her injuries. “Her father was with her at the time of the accident,” Hollingsworth said.
Adamson faces challenger in NDP bid Robert Freeman Black Press
A Spectacular LIVE Multimedia Presentation!
A Spectacular LIVE Multimedia Presentation Friday,toJanuary 18 ~ January 21 - 7 p.m. Coming Hope, Friday, 18!
Friday, January 18 ~ 21 - 7 p.m. 344 Fort Street, Hope, BC
A Spectacular LIVE Multimedia Presentation FREE Admission Parking | Everyone 344 Fort Street, BCWelcome! Coming to| FREE Hope, Friday,Hope, January 18! Saturday January 19 ~ 7 - 9 p.m. “Christ Reveals His Soon Coming”
Patti MacAhonic may be a political novelty as the first Chamber of Commerce official in B.C. to run for nomination as an NDP election candidate. But she won’t be the Chilliwack chamber’s executive director long, if she wins the party’s nomination Jan. 19. MacAhonic will take a leave of absence until that time, but she is asking the chamber board to “reconsider” the denial of her request to extend the leave until the May provincial election, if she wins the nomination. “I’m not trying to be unreasonable,” she said, but it’s a “matter of principle” since past chamber employees and directors have run for office or worked on political campaigns. Without the board’s approval of an extended leave, MacAhonic will be without a paycheck for at least four months. Chamber president Kevin Gemmell said it was “simple math,” not politics, that determined the board’s decision, and that MacAhonic would be asked to resign no matter which political party she represented.
“We can’t live without somebody in the big chair for a period of four months,” he said Monday. “It’s not a political issue, it never got to that point.” City councillor Sue Attrill, who was the chamber’s executive director when she ran for election in 2008, said a policy was introduced after she won her council seat that prevents chamber employees and directors from running for public office or working for a political candidate. But she declined comment on MacAhonic’s request for an extension because she didn’t know all the details. MacAhonic said she would “of course” resign her chamber job, if elected MLA. Dennis Adamson, Yale area director at the Fraser Valley Regional District, is also running for the NDP nomination. Although he does not live in the Chilliwack riding, Adamson says he has become very familiar with the issues in Chilliwack after winning two consecutive terms at the FVRD board. A popular politician in the Hope-Yale area, it’s not clear how much of Adamson’s political support would carry over into the
Friday, January 18 - 7:00 p.m.
Chilliwack riding. MacAhonic said she will be asking NDP party members to nominate her based on her experience with health and conservation organizations, and her “lifelong commitment to social democracy.” “I’m a seasoned leader at the executive and director level,” she said, as the first woman to lead the BC Wildlife Federation and as a key player in getting legislation changed for survivors and children of workplace fatalities. MacAhonic said the NDP is “well-positioned to win the province” in the May election and “we want Chilliwack at that table.” Although the riding has been a BC Liberal stronghold for many years, she described Chilliwack at a “progressive community” that recognizes the need for change in Victoria. “Our decisions will have a lasting impact on future generations, more than ever before,” she said, and “people, the planet and profits” need to be considered in making those decisions. MacAhonic believes her business savvy and environmental background is the right mix for the new emerging political era.
Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A3
Share your point of view!
Surge of flu cases, norovirus hits B.C.
If you have a letter concerning local issues, drop it off at 540 Wallace St. or email it to:
H3N2 usually a ‘more severe’ influenza strain
Jeff Nagel Black Press
Hope Lions
1st Prize: $2,500 2nd Prize: $1,000 3rd Prize: $500
B.C. is currently seeing the highest levels of suspected influenza activity in a decade. The elderly and those with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems are urged to get a flu shot, if they haven’t already.
hosts. There have also been several flu outbreaks at long-term care homes so far this season. Skowronski said it’s not too late to get the flu shot and strongly urged the elderly and those with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems to get it soon. She also recommends vulnerable groups get early treatment with antiviral medication within 48 hours of symptoms to reduce the risk of a dangerous flu bout. Skowronski said she’s not concerned about a reported shortage of Tamiflu antiviral medication, adding B.C. has enough stockpiled for highrisk patients. The flu season typically runs
from November through April and Skowronski said a late-winter wave of flu cases is possible this year from a different flu virus. Health officials are also grappling with a new strain of norovirus, which changes its form every few years, resulting in more cases than usual. “Many people don’t have immunity to this new strain,” said Fraser Health spokesperson Tasleem Juma. “This is a very unpleasant virus but it usually passes within 24 to 48 hours.” The “very contagious” gastrointestinal infection causes vomiting and diarrhea. Officials have battled norovirus outbreaks already at Royal Columbian, Eagle
Ridge and Vancouver General hospitals, prompting some ward closures. Juma said ward closures due to norovirus are very normal each winter. Anyone who gets the flu or norovirus is urged to stay home, get rest and drink plenty of liquids. Aggressive hand-washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of either illness and norovirus-contaminated surfaces should be cleaned swiftly with hot, soapy water and then disinfected with a household disinfectant. Besides taking care to cover coughs and sneezes, officials recommend regular cleaning of frequently touched objects, such as doorknobs and remote controls.
Strahl to conduct a winter riding tour
MP Mark Strahl has announced the dates and locations for a number of coffee events he’ll be hosting across the Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon riding in January. “It is very important to me to hear from my constituents, and these coffee events are an informal way to meet with people and gain a greater understanding of issues
that are important to them,” said Strahl. In addition, he’ll be meeting with municipal officials, touring local facilities, and participating in government announcements throughout the riding. Strahl is hosting coffee events, which are open to the public, on: • Jan. 15 10:30-11:30 a.m. – Oasis Cof-
fee & Bistro, 7010 Pioneer Ave., Agassiz • Jan. 15 3-4 p.m. – Kan Yon Restaurant, 800 – 3rd Ave, Hope • Jan. 16 10:30-11:30 a.m. – Bear Claw Lodge, 1492 Hwy 97 North, Cache Creek • Jan. 17 10:30-11:30 a.m. – Pemberton Valley Lodge, 1490 Highway 99/Portage Rd.
235 Wallace st. 604-869-2486 store Hours: visit us on
(Spay or Neuter Your Pet) We would like to thank everyone who supported our bake sale and purchased our 2013 Pet Calendar. Also a huge thank you to the Hope Standard, Hope Pharmasave, Erica Publishing and Coquihalla Veterinary Services for all their support. 1_13W_SNYP9
Available at select local12, businesses Saturday, January 2013 or from 7:00pm any Hope Lions Club member Goldrush Pub H Onlydinner 1000 tickets H during & silentprinted auction
There are still a few calendars left that can be purchased for $5 at Coquihalla Veterinary Services or by calling 604-869-5416.
or at
Mike McLOughLin
Lindsay KuFTA
Mon.-Fri: 9am-7pm Saturday: 9am-6pm Sun & Holidays: 10am-5pm
The first column of the year traditionally contains some information about healthy resolutions to make. Rather than listing the common ones (we all know what they are!) it’s good to remind you to set realistic goals, not make too many resolutions and set a deadline to achieve those goals. Writing them down so you can see them every day is another good idea. Good luck!
One other suggestion that helps us reach our health goals is it have a friend to support you in your resolve. Friends can Anna ELdRidgE
Draw Tickets $10 each DRAW available here or from any
Lottery #47377 LotteryLicense License #37970
A spike in flu cases to abnormally high levels in late December has public health officials watchful in case the illness spreads even faster now that kids are back in school. The B.C. Centre for Disease Control said the province is seeing the highest levels of suspected influenza activity in a decade. The main flu virus circulating this year is H3N2, which is one of the three varieties covered by this year’s flu vaccine. The reopening of schools may mean even more potential for the virus to spread between students and then to homes. “It is a potential concern that children can facilitate the spread, they can amplify the spread,” epidemiologist Dr. Danuta Skowronski said. Kids are more susceptible to flu because they have less lifetime exposure to the various viruses than adults, she said. They also have richer social networks and they’re confined together in schools, making transmission more likely. The H3N2 virus generally tends to be “more severe” than other types, Skowronski said, but added it’s too early to say if this year’s flu cases are tending to be worse than normal. The virus has been in circulation in the human population since 1968 but constantly mutates to defeat the immunity of its
Follow us on facebook & twitter or 24/7 online at
Saturday, January 12, 2013 Hope Lions Club Member
7pm at The Silver Chalice Pub ***ONLY 1000 TICKETS SOLD***
Hope and District Minor Hockey would like to say THANK YOU to the following sponsors who generously supported our recent MiDgeT HOcKeY tournament...
• Hope Minor Hockey • Arena Staff and Referees • Debra from Penguin Concession • Cheam Sports • Swiss Gourmet • The Shear Shoppe • Tournament Co-ordinators • Coaches and Parents • Rolly’s Restaurant • Sunshine Lanes • Nestle Waters
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01/13W P9
A4 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Joe’s Restaurant & Lounge is TEMPORARILY CLOSED for kitchen renovations, re-opening Monday, January 14 at 11:30 a.m.
1/13w JR9
Join us in Worship Community of Hope Church Directory consecrated 1861 275 Park street
sundAy serviCe 10:00Am
The Rev. Gail Newell The Rev. FRed TassiNaRi
Church of the Nazarene sunday celebration 5:30 pm
Pastor Andrew Tarrant 604-749-7094 888 Third Ave.
hope pentecostal assembly Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Corner of 5th & Fort
10:30am Morning Worship & Children’s Sunday School
Pastor Jim Cornock
604-869-9717 Mt. Hope SeventH-Day aDventiSt CHurCH 1300 Ryder St.
SaturDay Morning Study Hour 9:15 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00am Prayer Meeting - Tuesday, 7pm
pastor Caleb Bru 604-869-0668 the
Christian Fellowship
Everyone FREE Movie Night Welcome! Saturday, Jan. 12 7:00 pm
Sunday Services 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:30 pm Evening Worship Wednesday Services 7:00 pm Midweek Worship
476 Wallace. St. • 604-702-8464 01/13W_C9
Program rolls out across the province Feb .15
Black Press
Christ ChurCh
New ID cards to prevent health fraud By Tom Fletcher
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
AngliCAn ChurCh of CAnAdA
anglican church of the resurrection
Welcomes you to Sunday Worship: 10am Sunday Bible Study: 6-7pm “The Old Testament” 345 Raab St. Rev. Don Gardner 604-823-7165 Anglican Network in Canada
Local info: 604-869-1918
Grace Baptist Church “Imperfect people following a loving God”
949-3rd Ave. • 604.869.5524
“Helping people take one step closer to Jesus...”
hope united church 590 Third Ave.
Sunday Service: 10am rev. ryan Knight
a paSSion for CHriSt anD HiS KingDoM SunDay WorSHip: 10:30 aM free Store tueS/tHurS 3:00-4:30 pM
Northwest Harvest Church
888 - Third Ave. 604-869-9969 (MeSSage only)
Service held 2nd & last Sunday of each month. F.C. hospital Conference Room – 2:30 pm
Wayne Lunderby, Pastor
Contact: Linda 604-869-2073
The B.C. government is rolling out its new high-tech medical services cards starting Feb. 15, in an effort to phase out millions of CareCards in the hands of nonresidents. The new cards will be combined with the B.C. driver’s licence, with a similar “BC Services Card” available to those who don’t drive. Residents will be required to re-enrol to renew the card every five years, whether they drive or not. Qualified residents can enrol in the Medical Services Plan at any provincial office that issues driver’s licences. There is no fee for the health services card only. The current $75 fee for a five-year driver’s licence renewal will apply
A sample of the new combined driver’s licence and health card. A “BC Services Card” without driving privileges will also be available.
to the new combined cards, discounted to $17 for seniors. There is no requirement to get the new card until your driver’s licence needs to be renewed. The
government’s plan is to change over all eligible B.C. residents between the ages of 19 and 74 to the new cards over the next five years.
To be eligible for MSP coverage, you must be a citizen or approved permanent resident of Canada, living in B.C. at least six months of the year. Dependents must also be residents to be eligible for coverage. The health ministry announced the new card program in May 2011, after a review showed there were up to 9.1 million B.C. CareCards in circulation. The total population of B.C. is 4.5 million. Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid said the new card is designed to comply with B.C.’s information and privacy law, which restricts how personal data can be used and shared. That means ICBC and police have no access to medical files, and hospitals and medical offices have no access to driving records.
Wire theft slashed after new metal buying rules Jeff Nagel Black Press
Metal theft is down sharply in the first six months since a new provincial law took effect to clamp down on unscrupulous scrap buyers. Telus spokesman Shawn Hall said the number of live phone cables stolen by thieves dropped 80 per cent from almost 250 in the first half of 2012 to just over 50 in the second half. “We saw the number of thefts decline almost immediately after the legislation was passed,” Hall said. “It makes it far more difficult for thieves to unload their material.” The Metal Dealers and Recyclers Act requires
scrap metal buyers to keep a daily log of their purchases and suppliers, who have to provide identification, be registered and can only be paid by cheque for amounts over $50. Some individual cities already had their own bylaws, but the regulatory patchwork meant thieves could steal wire in one area and sell it in a city where it either wasn’t regulated or local rules were poorly enforced. In the past, some dealers have paid cash without getting any ID from “salvagers” – even ones bringing in everything from street drain covers and traffic lights to metal grave markers and whole phone booths.
“There’s more to be done, but the legislation is certainly doing its part,” Hall said. “It makes it difficult for those bad apples in the scrap industry to continue knowingly buying stolen material.” Hall also credits police for taking metal theft seriously, but added he’s hopeful the problem doesn’t escalate again after some recently jailed chronic offenders are released. Telus lost $16 million to metal theft last year and Hall noted service outages also leave residents without 911 emergency calling and cost small businesses sales when they can’t process credit and debit cards. BC Hydro has also re-
ported a more than 50 per cent drop in copper wire theft since July. So far 64 of the 76 identified metal dealers or recyclers have registered – as required under the new law – and the rest must do so by Jan. 26. Provincial inspectors have met with all operators and performed the first periodic spot checks of most of them to ensure they comply with the new rules. A Richmond metal dealer became the first in the province to be issued a $575 ticket under the new law for buying stolen metal – storm drain covers pilfered from Vancouver streets. If offending dealers don’t shape up after in-
spectors hit them with violation tickets, authorities can also seek charges under the act – the maximum penalties are fines of up to $100,000 for a business and six months in jail for an individual. “It’s important that this industry is regulated and our inspectors will continue to inspect metal dealers and monitor the industry to ensure compliance,” Justice Minister Shirley Bond said. Critics in the recycling industry say there should be more emphasis on police pursuing thieves rather than adding to their paperwork. They also say some police forces are not yet fully prepared to receive daily electronic logs of buyers.
Real estate market to pick up steam in late 2013 Jeff Nagel Black Press
Home prices dipped in much of the Lower Mainland last year but not by nearly enough to count as a bursting of what some had considered a real estate bubble. The composite benchmark price of all residential property in Greater Vancouver dropped 5.8 per cent from the price peak in May to the end of 2012. That represented a 2.3 per cent one-year drop from December of 2011, according to the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. “It’s a mild market correction,” said Credit Union Central economist Helmut Pastrick. He predicts a continued soft real estate market for the next several months before buying and prices perk up in the second half of the year. Pastrick bases his forecast on improving growth in the U.S. that will spill over into B.C. later in the year, and spur continued economic growth and home price gains in 2014-16. He said the recent decline in prices may also help draw some prospective buyers
back into the property market. Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board president Eugen Klein said the “modest” change in home prices and the steeper 22 per cent drop in overall sales reflected a “collective hesitation” of home buyers and sellers. The benchmark price for detached houses in the Greater Vancouver area was down 2.7 per cent year-over-year to $904,000. Composite residential prices fell the most in 2012 on the Sunshine Coast (-6.3 per cent), Richmond (-5.3 per cent) and Vancouver’s west side (-2.8 per cent.) Areas that gained year-over-year included Port Moody (up three per cent), Pitt Meadows (up 2.6 per cent) and Coquitlam (up 1.3 per cent). The average single detached home owner in Greater Vancouver saw an 18 per cent gain over the past five years, but apartment owners actually lost money – 1.3 per cent – over the same period. The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board reported a benchmark detached house price of $539,000 – up 1.2 per cent from a year ago.
Townhouses were down 2.2 per cent and apartments were up 1.6 per cent. “The last half of 2012 was like a Mexican standoff,” said FBREB president Scott Olson. “Buyers kept hoping for greater price drops while sellers who didn’t have to sell just took their home off the market rather than lower their price.” Sales in the Fraser Valley were down 11 per cent for the year.
Benchmark prices, one-year % change Fraser Valley Detached house – $539,000 (+1.2 %) Attached – $296,400 (-2.2 %) Apartment – $200,100 (+1.6 %) Greater Vancouver Detached house – $904,200 (- 2.7 %) Attached – $450,900 (- 2.6 %) Apartment – $361,200 (- 1.9 %)
Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A5
Word from the
U.S. to probe B.C. oil tanker expansion plans
Added scrutiny for Kinder Morgan pipeline project
Jeff Nagel Black Press
U.S. authorities will review the safety of Canadian oil tanker traffic in light of Kinder Morgan’s plan to more than double oil exports out of Vancouver harbour by twinning its Trans Mountain pipeline from Alberta. A Coast Guard authorization bill that President Barack Obama signed into law in late December contains amendments by Wash. Senator Maria Cantwell that target the tankers that load in Burnaby and sail along the international boundary through the Southern Gulf Islands and between Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula. Under the new law, the U.S. Coast Guard must conduct a study this year to analyze oil spill risks from additional Canadian tanker traffic through the Salish Sea, placing the Trans Mountain expansion proposal under added scrutiny. “A supertanker oil spill near our shores would threaten Washington State’s thriving coastal economy and thousands of jobs,” Cantwell said in a statement on her website. “This bill will provide crucial information for Washington coastal commu-
The U.S. Coast Guard will be conduct a study this year to analyze oil spill risks from additional Canadian tanker traffic through the Salish Sea, placing the Trans Mountain expansion proposal under added scrutiny.
nities by requiring a detailed risk analysis within 180 days.” The study is to assess the risks of increased traffic due to Canadian oil sands development – particularly whether Vancouver-bound tankers skirt stricter rules and regulations that apply on tankers in U.S. waters heading to Washington refineries. The law also directs an investigation of “whether oil extracted from oil sands has different properties from other types of oil, including toxicity and other properties, that may require different maritime clean up technologies.” It also questions whether Canadian law is looser on the
capacity of oil tankers, spill response capabilities and provisions requiring escort tugs and an emergency standby tug. A provincial government technical report released last summer previously highlighted each of those as areas where American rules are already stricter and that should be examined as part of B.C.’s insistence on improved safety before the province contemplates approving any new oil pipeline. Kinder Morgan’s $4.3-billion pipeline twinning would increase Trans Mountain’s capacity from 300,000 to 750,000 barrels per day, meaning a roughly five-fold
increase in tankers carrying Canadian oil to about 300 per year. An estimated 600 oil tankers and 3,000 oil barges already travel through Puget Sound each year, many of them carrying Alaskan oil to Washington’s five refineries. Meanwhile, Kinder Morgan’s pipeline will be the focus of a National Energy Board hearing that gets underway next week in Calgary. Burnaby’s Chevron refinery is seeking priority access to oil flowing through Trans Mountain to protect its supply. Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan, who opposes the pipeline expansion, has intervenor status at the Jan. 15 hearing and will be supporting Chevron’s request, adding a Chinese or American refinery might otherwise buy up all of the oil Kinder Morgan can carry, at a cost of local jobs and potentially higher gas prices here. “I’m going to say it’s in the public interest,” Corrigan said. “If we don’t continue to supply Chevron, they’ll close and then we’ll have to ship all our oil out to a foreign refinery and then import it back by tankers.” At least one Washington refiner is expected to oppose Chevron’s request.
Passport to Christmas WINNERS!
Crimes of fraud against seniors are on the increase in our country, and it’s up to all of us to be on the lookout for criminals and con games. Const. For your protection: Marianne Feigl • Arrange for direct deposit of any cheques you may regularly receive by mail. • Never provide personal information like bank account or credit card numbers over the phone. • Give only to charities you know. • Never rush into something involving your money or property. Always check out offers with friends and family first. • Be wary of something for nothing or get rich quick schemes. Never turn over large sums of money to anybody, especially a stranger, no matter how promising the deal looks. • If pressured by a salesperson, refuse to be bullied and say no thanks - walk away, close the door, hang up the phone, etc. - it’s your right. • Do not hesitate to check the credentials of a salesperson or public official. • Always get a second estimate. • Know that your signature is negotiable - only sign contracts or cheques after you’re certain it’s for a legitimate reason. If in doubt, check with a friend, lawyer, accountant or the police. • Report all suspicious offers or activities to the police immediately. If you or a senior you know is a victim of crime - anything from a stolen purse or fraud to an assault - report it to the police immediately. If possible write down any important information while it’s still fresh in your memory. If you have any questions or concerns about safety or want to get actively involved in crime prevention, contact the Hope/Boston Bar Community Police Office. 1/13W_RCMP9
to t r o p s Pas stmas 2012 Chri
$800 SEARS GIFT CARD WINNER Barb Gilbert of Hope
Presented by Hope & District Chamber of Commerce President, Glen Ogren.
Congratulations Hope Shoppers. Over 1060 entries were received at participating Passport to Christmas merchants from Nov. 21 - Dec 24, 2012.
red by:
ope The H
This equates to over $420,000.00 spent locally in our community. Thank you to all of the people who entered, our merchants and contest sponsors.
$250 Rona Gift Card Winner
Harkishan Kooner of Hope
$100 Pharmasave Gift Card Winner
A. Klassen of Hope
The Hope
Mayor Susan Johnston, draws the winning passport on January 4, 2013
A6 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Opinion Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press
Governments reach deeper It’s a new year, and that means that all levels of government have their hands in your pockets a little more deeply than in 2012. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation sent out a press release last week outlining just how much additional pocket-picking is coming our way in 2013. The most substantial, and perhaps the most unfair, is the boost in Medical Services Plan premiums. These premiums will go up by $60 per family this year, and have now risen 24 per cent ($300 per family) in three years – far more than the rate of inflation. This boost in MSP fees was first brought in by the provincial government to help deal with its deficit, and it has since discovered that it’s a tax boost that causes minimal political trouble. The federal government doesn’t get off scot-free. As of Jan. 1, premiums for Employment Insurance are rising, and so are contributions to the Canada Pension Plan. While contributors will get their CPP contributions back eventually if they retire and collect CPP, the same cannot be said for EI. A small portion of the population actually collects it, but all working people and employers pay dearly. The local municipal government will boost property taxes by two per cent this year. The province is facing a massive deficit and claims it will bring in a balanced budget, so that means all kinds of potential tax increases. And in the meantime, BC Hydro, controlled by the province, is raising rates by almost four per cent on April 1. One thing is certain – governments have an insatiable appetite for our money. While much of the money they take goes to useful services, there is plenty of room for better management and for minimal tax increases. – Black Press
B.C. Views
A real hero for aboriginal people
Tom Fletcher The century-old plight of Canada’s aboriginal people is back in the public eye, thanks to protests dubbed Idle No More. As with Occupy protests last year, the demands are vague. One of the claims, repeated in media coverage of protests, is that the federal government is moving to end the historic Indian Act restriction against selling reserve land. A look at the federal legislation, Bill C-45, shows this is not the case. Amendments ease restrictive provisions for leasing reserve land, which remains property of the Crown held in perpetuity for the aboriginal community. This change was initiated by B.C. aboriginal leaders so they can fol-
OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
low the trail blazed by one of the most entrepreneurial chiefs in Canadian history. His name is Ron Derrickson, and he served six terms as chief of the Westbank First Nation near Kelowna. One of my first big reporting assignments was covering a Royal Commission into his administration’s business affairs in the mid-1980s. There had been an astonishing 17 federal investigations before that, stemming from local claims that Derrickson was just too successful. He drove a big black Mercedes, wore expensive suits, and established a bunch of enterprises, including Canada’s first water slide. The commission was chaired by John Hall, then known as the Crown prosecutor who put serial killer Clifford Olson away, and now an appeal court judge. Derrickson’s suit jacket had a conspicuous bulge as he took the stand each day. He was packing a
Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO
semi-automatic pistol, having demanded and received a carry permit after a brutal attempt on his life. The hit man, an ex-cop, was hired by people who didn’t like the bottom-line way Derrickson ran Westbank’s lease-hold mobile
“[Ron] Derrickson’s pioneering work is still changing the Indian Act for the better.” home parks. He showed up at Derrickson’s home one day and tried to beat him to death with a metal bar. Badly injured, Derrickson made it to his gun cabinet and shot his assailant, who survived to go to prison. Derrickson testified that his ap-
Standard The Hope
proach to the Indian Affairs bureaucracy was simple. He did business, and if they didn’t like it, they could tell him. Reserve land can’t be sold, so he leased it, offering people a low-cost way to enjoy the sunny Okanagan. His business plan was also simple. Drive to California and see what they’re doing. Drive back and do it in B.C. A 2007 profile of Derrickson by Greg Fjetland in Canadian Business magazine describes how he came by his approach to Ottawa. He grew up “dirt poor, living in a tar paper shack.” His family name was Tousawasket, until the local Indian Agent drew an Anglo name out of a hat. He and his brother were the first aboriginal kids to attend public school in Kelowna. Racist bullying drove his parents to move him to a residential school in Washington State. He dropped out in Grade 9,
DEADLINES Display Friday 4 p.m.
Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.
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PublishEr AnDrew FrAnKlin 604-869-2421
Editor Kerrie-Ann Schoenit 604-869-4992
AdvErtising PAttie DeSjArDinS 604-869-4990
540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.
toiled on farms, learned to weld, and worked his way into ranching, real estate and politics. He never gave up or backed down, ever. The Hall commission and all previous government probes concluded that he did nothing wrong. Derrickson sued his local accusers and won, and Ottawa began to change its racist, paternalistic ways. Which brings us back to today. Derrickson’s pioneering work is still changing the Indian Act for the better. This effort is under dishonest attack from people whose legacy is mainly incompetence and failure. Protesters demand more unearned public subsidy, and a petulant soup-only strike is celebrated as an act of bravery. Choose your own hero. I’ve chosen mine. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and
ClAssifiEd/CirCulAtion jAnice McDonAlD 604-869-2421
BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A7
District needs to maintain sidewalk safety
I have become increasingly troubled with the associated dangers of inadequate snow and ice removal from sidewalks in the District of Hope. My recollection of earlier years is that the district maintained the sidewalks, which are part of the road allowance, along with the roads. They did a very good job including working graveyard shifts, when necessary to accomplish this.
My understanding is that the district now requires property owners to clear the sidewalks adjoining their properties. What’s coming next with continually increasing property taxes and cutbacks … that property owners will be responsible for clearing snow from half of the road in front of their properties? Consistent sidewalk clearing is obviously not being accomplished, especially noting the sidewalks
around the schools in town. Nor should it be expected from home and property owners, many who might be absent, ill, elderly, working and otherwise unable or unwilling to accept liability to adequately maintain district property. Winter driving conditions are hazardous enough without forcing pedestrians to the roadways because the sidewalks are impassable. Often pedestrians are very young,
elderly or disabled and do not have the protection of armor like a motorist. Are we going to wait until someone is seriously injured, or killed , before resolving this problem? I say no, and that it logically should be the district’s responsibility to maintain sidewalk safety, as a priority, along with road maintenance. Don Garrett
Commercialization of medical marijuana falls short in recognition of the circumstances of people who need medical marijuana and overstates the benefits to neighbourhoods. Eligible medical users include those suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, HIV/
AIDS, and other chronic and terminal disease. Information published in the Canada Gazette predicts increasing cost and a corresponding reduction by 30 per cent of legal users over ten years compared with the status quo. Under the old system, people suffering from chronic and terminal ill-
ness could grow their own. Under the new system many won’t have legal access because they won’t be able to afford it. Will the growop problem be solved? No. People who will break the law will not be deterred by the existence of commercial medical marijuana operations. The medical marijuana question is
largely irrelevant to them. I applaud efforts to get grow-ops out of our neighbourhoods. What we have with this move is simply a profitable business opportunity for a few, to the detriment of many of society’s most vulnerable, under the guise of fighting crime. Ian Stephen
New pot regulations hurt those who are sick
Politicians not acting in best interest of voters
The genesis of politics, like religion, was initiated with the most altruistic of motives by intelligent and wellintentioned individuals, determined to bring some sense of order to chaos. But as is now the case with both politics and religion, the original ideals have been twisted round to become the very antitheses of what the creators had planned. The original idea of politicians serving without thought of personal enrichment, without any
thought of not acting in the best interests of those individuals whom they represent, has long been lost in the mire of corruption, scandal, self-interest and party dogma that is present day politics. Politicians have become parasites, living on the public dole, lacking the will to create or innovate. They don’t want to innovate because politics is all about the business of towing the party line. Those who dare challenge the party line are cast out like lepers. Politicians never
change because the business of politics attracts the precise type of people who are resistant to change. These people do not wish change, because they are quite happy with the status quo, to wit, the back room deals, the influence peddling and the catering to special interests to the detriment of the constituents whom they purport to represent. Lest people think the days are over where a select few (so-called) power brokers gather in smoky back rooms
of bars and restaurants, thinking of ways to carve up the town in which they live for personal enrichment, I’d advise you to think again. The next time we go to the polls, whether that be in a municipal, provincial or federal election, we must ask ourselves one simple question: is there anyone one the ballot who will actually represent me in a principled and unbiased manner? Given the state of our political system, the answer can only be ‘no.’ We must therefore
hold our noses and vote for the least odious of the bunch. This is what modern era politics has become and it is indeed a sad state of affairs. It seems that voters nowadays are affected by some kind of lethargy, perhaps because of their own individual resistance to change. Are we really happy with the status quo, or have we just thrown up our hands in despair and resigned ourselves to be governed by incompetents? The solution is sim-
Visitor impressed Thanks for organizing the with service at Hope Winter Carnival Hope McDonald’s An old proverb says “do not withhold praise when it is due.” I thought this certainly applies to our local McDonald’s. I stop there a lot. During the holidays my wife and I stopped for lunch and the place was packed. I thought we were going to have long wait, however in what seemed like only a few minutes, we were wished through the lineup, got our food and were on our way. I was impressed with the staff. They are so friendly and super efficient. Whoever is responsible for that is certainly a good manager. Keep up the good work. Joe Schachtel
Kudos Deb Romano! Your dedication and hard work to organize and deliver a fun-filled evening needs to be acknowledged. Unfortunately we had to work that evening but heard from many people that attended it was a lot of fun. We commend you and your local sponsors and volunteers for bringing this holiday atmosphere to our community. Hopefully this is a start of a tradition. Graeme and Sonia Blair
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Does Hope need to do a better job with snow removal? To answer, go to the home page of our website: NOW OPEN SUNDAYS NOON - 4PM
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Contact Kerrie-Ann at 604-869-4992 or email: news@
hopestandard .com
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ple. The only way the ordinary citizen can affect change is by seeing through the posturing and spouting of political rhetoric and throwing out those, who for motives of their own, would threaten the public interest. George Clarke
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The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters. Email:
MUNICIPAL NEWS 2013 Dog Licenses
The District of Hope would like to remind residents that all dogs over the age of 4 months are required to be licensed. The fine for an unlicensed dog is $100. There will be a $5.00 penalty for all licenses purchased after April 1st. Please come into the Municipal Office located at 325 Wallace Street to purchase your 2013 dog tag. District of Hope staff will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call at 604-869-5671. 10/12w DOH3
A8 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013
New book calls for plan to manage gravel reach
Robert Freeman Black Press
tal — and economic — values found within the reach. “I think any attempt to try and develop a comprehensive land-use plan that provides a modicum of protection to the river is a wise thing to be doing,” says Ben Parfitt, who co-authored the book with Terry Glavin. But it’s going to take more than government intervention — federal, provincial, regional and municipal — to make
Some call it the Heart of the Fraser River. Others call it the Gravel Reach or Sturgeon Reach. It’s that 65-kilometre stretch between Hope and Mission where the river slows after cascading down the mountains to create a unique habitat in the alluvial flats for fish, for wildlife — and for humankind. And where it drops
millions of tons of gravel on its meandering way. A new book titled the Sturgeon Reach describes this stretch and all its competing interests. But the book doesn’t descend into the tired rhetoric that for years has dominated the gravel mining/habitat conservation controversy. What it does do is resurrect a call for “a collaborative land-use plan” to protect the environmen-
hoW to pLay:
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anSWerS For puzzLe 374
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that happen, the authors say. It’s going to take public pressure. “This is the only way things ever seem to get done,” Glavin says. But, unfortunately, although it’s located in the most densely populated region of B.C., most Lower Mainland residents are not aware of the reach and the treasures — economic, environmental, cultural and recreational — that it contains. “A lot of British Columbians can spend their whole life living here, and yet not know that stretch of the river very well,” says Mark Angelo, who wrote the forward to the book. The irony, Parfitt says, is that a remote but unique ecosystem called the Great Bear Rain Forest gets provincial protection, including three new land-use planning zones: protected areas; biodiversity, mining and tourism areas (BMTAs); and ecosystem-based management operating areas (EBMs). But an equally unique ecosystem located under the noses of two million Metro Vancouver residents does not. Angelo says the reach is home to the largest single salmon spawning run in the world, the largest population of white sturgeon - a prehistoric species that grows over six metres long and lives well over 150 years — at least 30 more species of fish and has served as a migratory corridor for millions of salmon since the end of the last ice age. The reach is also home
January 9th Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS 44. Gasoline hydrocarbon rating 1. Winter capital of Kashmir 45. Light snacks with drinks 6. So. African Music Awards 47. Supplementing with difficulty 11. The Bay State 48. Am. composer & diarist Ned 14. A disorderly crowd 50. A waterproof raincoat 15. Actress Greta 51. Accumulate a large quantity 16. Expression of surprise 56. Am. Newspaper Assoc. 18. Storybook elephant 57. Butterfly collector 21. John Jacob __, capitalist 62. __ and Venzetti 23. Mulled wine 63. Female servants 25. Membrane around the lungs 26. Shows how something works DOWN 28. Canonized 1. Poked at 29. Layers bonded together 2. Equally 31. A vessel or duct 3. Manuscript (abbr.) 34. The fire had been ___ 4. Periodical (slang) 35. Female sibling 5. Fiddler crabs 36. Israeli capital 6. Hero sandwich 39. Blocked in fencing 7. Volcanic mountain in Japan 40. 98942 WA 8. Of I
9. Indicates position 10. Legislative acts 11. Low sustained cry 12. Human resources (abbr.) 13. Supported by a prop 14. Megabyte 17. 9/11 Memorial designer Michael 19. The years someone has existed 20. Distilled from fermented molasses 21. a.k.a. 22. Estonian kroon = 100 24. The sun 25. Wide metal cooking vessel 27. Caesar or cobb 28. Building lots 30. 1/1000 inch 31. Apexes 32. Firth of Clyde’s largest island
to the Sto:lo people who ment agencies have used have lived along its banks to justify removing gravfor thousands of years, el doesn’t hold water, the and it’s a playground to authors say. “All of the research sport fishermen, boaters, campers and other shows it has had no meatourists who delight in surable impact on flood the beauty of the reach’s control,” Glavin says. “If you’re going to broad waters, gravel bars make the case that it’s and cottonwood stands. “We have to find a way for flood control, it’s not to initiate and develop a the sort of thing you can collaborative plan for the argue with a straight face ... it’s just not honest to reach,” Angelo says. “My hope is that all frighten people when provincial parties can there’s absolutely no evitake a stand in that re- dence,” he says. “We acknowledge gard in the next elecand action.” cept that T h e this is a b o o k G l a v i n “... a comprehensive working r i v e r ,” a n d land-use plan that Parfitt Parfitt h a v e provides a modicum s a y s . “What w r i t t e n of protection to the we’re aris going guing is to help river is a wise thing ma king k i c k to be doing.” it work start that for the public Ben Parfitt people awareand fish ness, he and ecohopes. “They’re going to systems that depend on bring the Heart of the that stretch.” And that’s going to Fraser alive for many take the “collaborative people,” he says. In just 65 pages, the land-use plan” that Antwo writers take the gelo advocates. One obstacle to such a reader on a trip back in time to the forces that plan is the sheer number created the Fraser River, of “stakeholders” in the the ecosystem that de- reach, from private land veloped in the reach, owners to First Nations the uses that the first and municipal governhumans, the Sto:lo peo- ments. “With so many stakeple, made of the reach, and today’s challenge of holders, maybe the promining the rich lodes of vincial government can gravel deposited there. play an enabling role and The book doesn’t take start work on a collabora stand about gravel re- ative plan,” Angelo says. The Fraser Basin moval. “That’s not our job to Council started a Lower say no to gravel remov- Fraser Collaborative Initiative last year to bring al,” Glavin says. But the flood risk together stakeholders argument that govern- in the lower part of the
33. Bringing suit 36. Forsyth novel “The Day of The ___” 37. Perceive with the eyes 38. Was introduced to 39. Lines of verse 41. Household god (Roman) 42. Military mailbox 43. Challenge aggressively 46. Posted 49. One thousandth of an ampere 51. General’s assistant (abbr.) 52. Bovine sound 53. Associated press 54. Opposite of LTM 55. A very large body of water 58. Ma’s partner 59. Integrated circuit 60. Rhode Island 61. Potato state
Answers for JAnuAry 2 crossword puzzle cAn be found in the clAssified section of this pAper
river, but Angelo says a separate plan focused on the reach itself is needed. “Given the amazing values of the Heart of the Fraser, along with the very specific challenges it faces, a more specific collaborative plan is needed,” he says. “I think we need a process that’s more focused on this area, if we are to make real headway — and it should also be a process that looks in-depth at government-related issues and obstacles.” Glavin says in the course of writing the book he came to have “a lot of sympathy for the gravel industry in B.C.” struggling with the province’s carbon tax. “We are actually importing gravel from China,” he says, and the BC Gravel Producers’ Association has asked the B.C. government for an equivalent tax on imports from countries that have no carbon tax. But the authors also contend there are other gravel sources on Vancouver Island, which are shipping gravel to Hawaii relatively cheaply. “There’s no reason not to barge it to points where it’s needed in B.C.,” Parfitt says, and reduce the amount taken from the reach. But since a moratorium on gravel removal was lifted in 2004, the debate between government agencies and conservationists has deteriorated to one where “people tend to talk over each other,” Glavin says. “Let’s have a grown-up conversation,” he urges, about the future — or the fate — of the reach.
Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A9
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Another year has come and gone, and we at the Chamber hope you had a great holiday. We are looking forward to another great year!
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Return to the PST Seminar Are you ready for it? Some are and some are not, which is why we are sponsoring a Return to the PST Seminar. We have some presenters from the Ministry of Finance to help us prepare for the return of the PST. Date: January 23, 2013 Time: Noon to 2:00 pm Place: Meeting room at the Socia Building, 895 3rd Avenue. If you are interested in coming, please contact the Chamber office at 604-8693111, or email
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Branding Information Session The Chamber, AdvantageHope, and The District of Hope have teamed up to produce a Brand for Hope. There will be an Information Session for anyone to attend to learn more, have input and ask questions about the process and the plan. Date: Wednesday, January 30 Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm, with a presentation happening at 6:00 Place: The Blue Moose Coffee House
Local members:
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Passport to Christmas The passport to Christmas event was another great success. On Friday, January 4, the draw was made by Mayor Susan Johnston. The Winners are: Barb Gilbert - $800 Sears Gift Card Harkishan Kooner - $250 Rona Gift Card A. Klassen - $100 Pharmasave Gift Card
Phasing out the penny In Economic Action Plan 2012, the Government announced it would phase out the penny from Canada’s coinage system. To help consumers, businesses, charities and financial institutions to plan, a transition date of February 4, 2013 has been set after which the Royal Canadian Mint will no longer distribute pennies. On this date, businesses will be encouraged to begin rounding cash transactions. Rounding should only be used on the total amount charged after the calculation of any applicable duties or taxes such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
A10 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 With a couple of clicks, add your event today.
A community brand benefits everyone
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the visualization of what other ital,” and “Gateway to Holidaypeople hold about a place. This land” have all been seen on letreputation is critical to eco- terhead, signage, websites, and nomic development, attraction banners over the last few years. of new residents, business, and What makes this endeavinvestment. The Chamber web- our stand out from these past site, where you can go initiatives is its comto keep up-to-date on prehensiveness, and this initiative, defines commitment to ima place brand as “the plementation. With totality of thoughts, three entities comfeelings, and expectamitted to propelling tions that people hold a community brand, about a location. It’s and eager to allow the reputation and our own individual the enduring essence agencies’ brands and of the place and rep- Tyler logo’s to take a back resents its distinc- Mattheis seat to a community tive promise of value, brand, we will be able providing it with a competitive to amplify each of our individedge.” It is, therefore, the only ual efforts to promote our comthing that is likely to reach out munity and attract new visitors, to 76 per cent of potential in- business, and residents. When vestments for our community. a new business begins to think I am encouraged by the col- about relocating, our reputation laboration between our organi- is much more likely to come to zations, and am confident that mind if the CEO knows a Hope this process will produce much resident who told him how great more than a logo. Hope has had the community was, he rememmany logos and taglines, focus- bers an experience in Hope that ing on the various strengths of backs up that claim, and when our community. “Experience he makes inquires to the local Hope,” “Chainsaw Carving Cap- government, Chamber, or eco-
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Biz on the Street
For 76 per cent of investment opportunities, Hope is either completely ignored, or information about Hope is gathered without making a single inquiry to people who actually live here. This is a claim by Ed Burghard, a leading economic development blogger and place brand advocate. To help our community compete in light of these facts, a resurgent effort to establish a community brand is now underway in Hope. This collaboration between the District of Hope, the Chamber of Commerce, and AdvantageHOPE will see a public information session on Jan. 30, workshops and follow up sessions in February. A comprehensive “Brand Book” by the end of June will immediately be used by the three partners to influence marketing decisions, policy decisions, and budget allocations. Often branding is associated simply with a logo, or a tagline. While these tools are part of a brand, they are only one aspect of it. A brand is often articulated as a community’s reputation,
nomic development agency, he receives the information and assistance required to come to the same conclusion. I also look forward to seeing existing Hope businesses utilize a Hope brand. A brand can be used to lure new employees and promote a business’s products; by using a common voice our efforts can serve to benefit each other, rather than echo in our individual spheres of influence. Our community is our best sales team - that is why every effort is being made to ensure citizens, service clubs, businesses, and entities are aware of this initiative, and everyone is encouraged to make their opinions known. Come out on Jan. 30 to the Blue Moose Café for an open house, check for more information, or drop into the Chamber or AdvantageHOPE to learn more. Tyler Mattheis is executive director of AdvantageHOPE. He can be reached at 604-860-0930 or by email at
Annie takes centre stage in Chilliwack this month
Jennifer Feinberg Black Press
A cast of 23 performers — and two dogs — are bringing the blockbuster musical Annie to the stage at the Cultural Centre, Jan. 9-20. The enduring popularity of Annie is not hard to fathom. “I think a huge array of people can relate to her journey,” says director Andrew Smith of the Chilliwack School of Performing Arts. With equal measures of pluck and positivity, Little Orphan Annie manages to capture everyone’s hearts, starting from scratch as she does in New York City during the Dirty Thirties. “Children can relate to the story because it touches on so many issue that all kids go through, as demonstrated by Annie herself and some of the other orphans.” Annie opened on Broadway in 1977 and ran for 2,377 performances. It was nominated for 11 Tony Awards that year, and won seven, including Best Choreography, Best Costume Design, Best Original Score, Best Book and Best Musical. The play was inspired by Harold Gray’s Little Orphan Annie comic strip which premiered in the New York Daily News in 1924. As the story goes, Annie is determined to find her parents. They abandoned her years ago on the doorstep of an orphanage run by the cruel, embittered Miss Hannigan. With the help of the other girls in the Orphanage, Annie escapes to the wondrous and magical world of New York City. “The adults can relate to Miss Hannigan,” says the director. “Every parent has had moments where they’re pulling their hair out and not sure what to do.” CSOPA Sophomore Avianna Clempson plays the lead role of Annie at the feisty age of 11. “She’s fantastic,” says Smith. “She’s got
tons of talent and she understands Annie’s journey. She has a lot of the qualities in herself that are ideal for the part of Annie, like a generally positive demeanor.” The play follows adventure after funfilled adventure, as Annie foils Miss Hannigan’s evil machinations and befriends President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She managed to find a new home and family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary Grace Farrell, and a lovable mutt named Sandy. It also has political elements since the play version, as opposed to the movie version, is more true to the political tone of the original comic strip by Harold. “The play itself is hugely political, since it was the time of the Great Depression and the transition from Hoover to Roosevelt.” The role of Grace Farrell will be played by Kate Fairley, and Oliver Warbucks by Abbotsford resident Arne Larsen. Kessia Warren will take on the role of Miss Hannigan, while Rooster and Lily will be played by Max Glover and Carmen Sigurdson. The roles of the other orphan girls will be portrayed by Adrienne Reitsma, Meghan Mindel, Andrea Arce, Olivia Moniz, Kirsten MacDonald and Melynda Nadon. Hannah deNevers will take on the head maid, Mrs. Drake, while Jonathan Woyke will play U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. “We’ve tried to be as authentic as we can with a little bit of creative flair, so the audience goes, here we are in 1933,” Smith says. Annie previews will take place on Jan. 9 and Jan. 10 at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. The show opens on Jan. 11, and runs until Jan. 20. Tickets are $20 for adults, and $15 for students and seniors. Admission on Jan. 9 and 10 is $9.75 (evening) or 12 (matinée). Tickets and showtime information are available at the centre box office or 604391-SHOW (7469).
Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A11
History in Hope Taken from the files of The Hope Standard JanuaRy 1953 • The Kawkawa Lake store and living quarters are burned to the ground when a fire of unknown origin breaks out in the building’s attic and spreads through the entire premises • A sudden heavy snowfall followed by a thaw brings down several slides along the highway and railways in the Fraser Canyon • Completion of the Agassiz-Haig Road, which would join Vancouver with Hope by a direct north shore highway, is supported in a comprehensive project report issued by the Lower Mainland Regional Planning Board • A framed Lions certificate of appreciation is presented to Don Atkinson for his efforts in teaching many Hope children to swim during the summer • Housing, roads, river navigation and finances highlight discussions at the annual meeting of Hope and District Board of Trade • During January, a total of 18.42 inches of rain fell in the Village JanuaRy 1963 • Winter works projects totalling an estimated $39,020 in the Village of Hope receive the approval of the federal and provincial governments, who
will pay 50 and 25 per cent, respectively, of the total wage bill which is estimated at $19,200 • George Brown is re-elected as school board chairman • The first baby born at Fraser Canyon Hospital in 1963 is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Darryl MacKay, born at 4:42 a.m. • Hope Recreation Commission decides to give financial assistance to every candidate in the art course proposed by Village Arts and Crafts • Hope Curling Club’s third annual bonspiel attracts a record 45 rinks • Work progresses on clearing fairways for the new golf course in Hope JanuaRy 1973 • Yale Ratepayers Association receives a $21,060 grant to restore the historic cemetery west of town • Hope Rotary Club loses out in a “blood letting contest” with the Hope Lions, nearly triples the effort of Rotarians with 17 pints of blood donated at a Red Cross blood clinic • Work is underway on the two buildings that will replace Hope Secondary, which was destroyed by a fire in May 1972 • Hope and district will now be promoted through brochures and newspaper advertising in
California • School district 31 continuing education resumes with a total of 30 courses offered in its spring program • Hope council approves a $917,000 provisional budget for 1973, an increase of $795,100 or 15.3 per cent over the 1972 budget JanuaRy 1983 • Residential property assessments decrease by about 20 per cent for 1983, while buildings increase five per cent resulting in a 15-per cent net decrease in assessment values • Hope council discusses specifications and cost estimates for diking the Coquihalla River • Hope school teachers are awarded a 3.5 per cent wage increase by the arbitration board • Carolin Mines Ltd. resumes discharge of treated mill effluent into the west fork of Ladner Creek, after completing the installation of a new secondary treatment facility at its gold mining and processing operations • A 17-year-old Sooke man appears in Hope Provincial Court on a total of 10 charges, following a high-speed chase in Hope • The Hope Secondary senior girls’ basketball team captures second place at an invitational tournament at the school
Recognizing local volunteers The call for nominations for the Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards is now open. The awards recognize the exceptional contributions of volunteers, local businesses and innovative notfor-profit organizations in improving the well-being of families and their communities. They also highlight best practices in community leadership and encourage partnerships across sectors A total of 17 awards will be
handed out, including two at the national level and 15 at the regional level. Award recipients will be recognized at an award ceremony, and can identify an eligible not-for-profit organization to receive a grant for $5,000 (regional award) or $10,000 (national award). The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2013. For more information, visit: www.
CoMMunITy CaLendaR Monday
Hope Al-Anon Group Meeting: Support for friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, Jan. 14 8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078 Free Lunchtime Motivational Workshop: We will be making vision boards. Come and jump start your resolutions in a method proven to be successful by many professionals. Supplies included. (Upcoming: Jan. 21 - Obstacle Busting; Jan. 28 - Goal Planning) Monday, Jan. 14 11:30 a.m. UFV Hope Centre 1250 7th Ave. 604-869-9991
Community Choir: We practice weekly and present one or two concerts a year, as well as participating in the Community Christmas Carol Evening. Tuesday, Jan. 15 7 p.m. Hope United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435 Hope Library Book Club: You don’t have to be a regular book club member. Just drop in whichever month you
can make it. Pick up the monthly book selection at the library anytime and get ready to share your thoughts! Tuesday, Dec. 18 6:30 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-9262
interesting and lively conversation! No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, Jan. 10 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369
Pizzazz: Calling all book lovers in Grades 1 to 6! Drop by after school and enjoy a snack, discuss what you are reading, explore some new books, and hang out with other book lovers. Tuesday, Jan. 22 3 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313
White Water, Black Gold: This award-winning documentary by David Lavallee demonstrates the true cost of producing oil through the tar sands. It shows the disastrous effects on our water, our land, our air and our lives that our unyielding thirst for oil causes. The film chronicles the path of a drop of water as it travels through the Athabasca River past the tar sands and the communities along its route. Thursday, Jan. 17 7 p.m. Blue Moose Cafe 322 Wallace St. 604-860-0388
1789 The Royal Westminster Regiment Cadet Corps: The Westie Army Cadets Training program prepares youth age 12 to 19 to become leaders of tomorrow through fun yet challenging activities. Wednesday, Jan. 23 6:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 228 344 Fort St. 604-799-8897
Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Drop in and join us for a cup of coffee - you’ll enjoy some
Canadian Diabetes Association: Regular Hope branch monthly meeting. Guest speaker will be Dr. G.R. Grills. Thursday, Jan. 17 7:30 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-5933
Hope Genealogy Club:
Join others who are interested in ancestry associated items. Looking for a long lost family member? This group might be able to help with that! December is “Show & Tell” month. Bring along a family heirloom or interesting article. Friday, Jan. 11 10 a.m. Golden Agers Hall 560 Douglas St. 604-869-5925
Hope Aglow: National director, Lorraine Bastien, from Montreal will speak on “Jews and Muslims - A Biblical perspective.” We’ll start early at 9:30 a.m. for a free continental breakfast. At 10 a.m. we will have a short worship time to leave plenty of time for Lorraine to share one of Aglow’s mandates and her passion – to impart God’s great love for the Jewish people. Lorraine will also teach on Aglow’s other mandate – God’s heart for the Muslim people. Personal prayer ministry is always available. Babysitting is provided on site. Everyone is welcome! Saturday, Jan. 12 9:30 a.m. The Hope Centre 888 3rd Ave. 604-869-3286
Property Owner’s Checklist Have you received your 2013 property assessment notice?
Follow us
If not received in your mail by January 18, call toll-free 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) If so, review it carefully Visit to compare other property assessments using the free e-valueBC™ service Questions? Contact BC Assessment at 1-866-valueBC or Don’t forget...if you disagree with your assessment, you must file a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by January 31, 2013
A12 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Pickleball comes to Hope Adult drop-in starts Jan. 17
Barry Stewart
was lowered to waist level, wooden paddles were made and a neighbour boy’s whiffle ball was put into serPickleball. vice. The name of the game may conRules were developed over time jure up thoughts of a bumpy, green and now the sport has as many as ball with a spicy aroma. But no... it’s 100,000 playing in the U.S.A. and just a plastic ball with holes in it — a over 5,000 playing it in Canada. whiffle ball — that you whack with You can play singles or doubles a flat paddle that’s about twice as big — but the court stays the same size, as a ping-pong paddle. It’s a game unlike badminton. Like badminton, that’s similar to tennis, but played the serve has to be underhand. on a badminton court. After rallying for serve, the winPickleball was invented a few ning double’s team serves first... hours south of Hope, but it has tak- though they lose service after their en almost 50 years to get to Hope. first fault. Like the old badminton On Jan. 17, the Hope and District scoring system, you can only score Recreation Commiswhen your side is servsion will be launching ing. After the first loss adult drop-in pickleof serve, a team gets “It’s quite a ball, in the Coquihalla two faults before losing Elementary School bit like tennis, serve to the other team. gym. Nigh explained that Bring running shoes, though it isn’t as the serve has to bounce comfortable sporting strenuous.” in the other court beattire — and an open fore being returned — mind to learn someJon Nigh and it has to bounce on thing new. Racquets the first return to the and balls are provided serving side. After that, with the $2 fee. the ball can be volleyed Jon Nigh, a retired construction before touching the ground, except contractor, has been promoting the if you’re “in the kitchen.” game since he was introduced to it “The kitchen is the zone close to last summer and he’s ready to share the net,” said Nigh. “You can’t be in the knowledge he has gained. the kitchen and volley the ball. It has “I was out visiting my sister Su- to bounce first — and you can’t stay san in Camrose, Alberta in August there. You have to get back out after last year,” said Nigh on Monday. hitting the ball.” “They’ve got a decent club there Even people with racquet sports and I started playing and I enjoyed background will need some time it. I think there were a dozen or so getting used to the feel of the padplaying. They had two courts in the dles and the touch they’ll need on Golden Agers’ club house, which the ball. Nigh said that after a while, has a big gym.” you can start to use spins and slices Coquihalla’s gym offers up to to make the ball curve in the air or three courts, though there’s not a bounce in surprising ways. lot of spare room past the end lines. “It’s quite a bit like tennis,” said Players will have to be aware of the Nigh, “though it isn’t as strenuous. walls when making a backswing. You have more reaction time. The game got its start in 1966 on “A game goes to 11 points and you Bainbridge Island, west of Seattle, have to win by at least two points,” when a dad and his friend were he added. “I’d say if the teams are tasked with making a game that fairly evenly-matched, a game might their kids would enjoy. take 15 to 20 minutes.” Joel Pritchard had a badminton The drop-in sessions run from court at the family’s summer home, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Coquihalla gym, but no shuttlecock. Soon, the net starting on Thursday, Jan. 17. Hope Standard
Jon Nigh invites fellow Hopers to come try the game of pickleball, which starts next week at Coquihalla Elementary. Players aged 15 or older are welcome. Equipment is provided.
Kids Can Cook Monday, Jan. 14 Monday, Feb. 4
Children’s Active Playtime (CAP) Monday, Jan. 14 Monday, March 4 9:30am-11:30am
Lots more programs/details are available online!
Canadian Swim Patrol
Monday, Jan. 14 Monday, March 11 4:30pm-5:30pm
Drop-in Pickle Ball starts Thurs., Jan. 17!
Hope & District
Recreation & Cultural Services
1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC” website: • email:
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2013 events at the rec centre
Hope Standard Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A13
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found that working on his own has many challenges but also many rewards. Greg moved to the Hope area from Saskatchewan in 1989. He married Toni, a Hope girl, in 1993. They have 2 children. Greg says that having his own business has allowed for a more flexible schedule and has enabled him to spend more time with his family.
“Protecting your inside from the outside”
Got the plumbing blues? Look no farther than Blue’s Plumbing. Greg Blue has been running his business G. Blue’s Plumbing in Hope since 2011. Greg became a plumber in 2001 and worked for Saxon Mechanical out of Abbotsford. He apprenticed with them and then worked for them for 11 years. On the advice of his father-in-law, Ian Williams, Greg decided to venture out on his own and start his own business and thus G. Blue’s Plumbing was founded. Greg has
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A14 Hope Standard, Wednesday, January 9, 2013
FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920
Passed away on Nov 9, 2012 in Richmond BC. He is survived by his daughter Debbie.
In Loving Memory
DE VRIES, Martha Concetta Talarico 1928 - 2012 Mom: We’ll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that warm embrace. You were always there for all of us. We remember you Mom because of the love you always had for us, and you will always have a place in our hearts. One year has passed and your dear husband Antonio asks for you every day. His failing memory keeps your face vivid and alive within his heart. He misses his Concetta dearly as do the rest of us, your family and friends alike. Miss you and Love you forever, Your husband Antonio, children John (John Anthony), Rosa (Chuck, Andrew), Antonietta
Martha de Vries passed away peacefully on December 25th at the Fraser Canyon Hospital at the age of 83 years. Born in Heerlen, The Netherlands, she moved to Apeldoorn where she went to school and worked in a wholesale business. She was an active athlete in the 1946-1952 era. In 1951 she married her penpal and came to Yale, BC in 1958, working as a housekeeper in the Canyon Motor Hotel until 1970. She then joined her husband in his business and was an active volunteer in the Canadian Foresters and a member of the Canyon Golden Agers. Martha enjoyed bowling, singing and senior gymnastics. Martha will lovingly be remembered by her husband Adolf de Vries; children Elzo de Vries (Lynn) and Carina (Al) Koop, grandchildren; David (Shelley) Koop, Ben Koop, Jessica (Mike) O’Sullivan; great grandson Declan; sister Jacoba Fiks-Burink & brother Willem (Mia) Burink and their children; sisters-inlaw Tetje Bulter-de Vries and Alie Burink-Gorter; and brothers-in-law Ebbo (Tiny) de Vries and Bouwinus de Vries. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at 1:00 pm on Friday, January 11 at the Hope Legion Branch #228, 344 Fort St. Memorial donations may be made in Martha’s name to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Online condolences may be offered at Woodlawn Mt. Cheam Funeral Home 45865 Hocking Avenue Chilliwack BC V2P 1B5 604-793-4555
Pat McDonald passed away quietly at the Fraser Hope Lodge on Dec 24, 2012 in her 87th year. Pat was born in Cranbrook BC on April 18, 1926. She spent her early childhood in southern Alberta before moving to Mission City BC. After grade 13 she went to teachers college and after receiving her degree in 1946 she started teaching on Nicomen Island where she met George. They married April 14, 1946 and moved to Hope in 1960. Pat taught school for 43 years, many of those years were spent teaching at Silver Creek Elementary, and she enjoyed every minute of it. Pat was a member of the Auxiliary to the Fraser Canyon Hospital, Legion Ladies Auxiliary and volunteered for many other organizations. She gave unconditionally; loved life and her family meant the world to her. She is survived by her sister Pearl Martin (Calgary), daughter Maureen (Chuck) Chapman, sons Greg (Wendy) McDonald, and Glen McDonald. She leaves 8 grandchildren and 9 greatgrandchildren, many nieces, nephews and friends. She was predeceased by her husband George of 47 years and son Gordon in 2011. She will be greatly missed by all. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Grace Baptist Church in Hope on January 19, 2013 at 2:00 pm with a tea to follow. The family would greatly appreciate donations to the Auxiliary to the Fraser Canyon Hospital in memory of Pat McDonald.
PENNER, Mary Doreen Mary Doreen Penner, (nee Bergen) aged 74 of Hope BC passed away peacefully at Vancouver General Hospital Dec. 20, 2012. Born on April 10, 1938, Doreen was the oldest of nine children. She was predeceased by her father and mother, Peter and Mary Bergen and her youngest brother Donald. Doreen was born in Rosthern Saskatchewan, however she called British Columbia home for the majority of her life. In her early years Doreen was an aide for palliative care in Abbotsford and Salmon Arm, offering comfort to those during troubled times. As an avid painter her talent shined on whatever she put her brush to. Canvas, wood, water or oil her passion stayed with her until her final days. Her work will live on as her children and grandchildren cherish the many hand made gifts she so skillfully created and gave with all her love. Doreen’s retirement years were dedicated to her church and the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary where she was always available to lend a warm heart and kind hand. Her time spent with her many friends at her local Bible study group brought her great comfort and enjoyment. Doreen will be sadly missed and always loved by her surviving family members: Nelson, husband of 56 years, sons, Richard (Kathy) Penner, Terry (Kelly) Penner, daughter, Sharon (Shawn) Audet and her many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Service to be held February 2, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the Grace Baptist Church, 949 3rd Ave, Hope BC. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to the Foundation for Fighting Blindness, 890 Younge St. 12th floor, Toronto, On, M4W 3P4,
THANK YOU Thank you to all of our family, friends and neighbors for the cards, kindness, support and donations to the Ladies Auxiliary and SNYP in memory of Stephen. We would like to express a special thank you to our friends, Wendy and Lou, Terri and Stan, Kathy and Steve, Dr. Greggain plus the doctors and staff at the Murakami Clinic and the nurses and staff at Fraser Canyon Hospital. Marg Hunsbedt and family
COMING EVENTS HOPE RATEPAYERS MEETING Jan. 10, 2013 7:00 pm Council Chambers Serving the community for over 40 years, come join us. What are your priorities for 2013?
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Class 1 driver for chip haul Looking for experienced driver hauling chips from Merritt to Fraser valley. We offer well maintained equipment competitive wage and steady work year round. Please fax resume and abstract to 604-589-1343 or email For more information call Dan at 604 812 4768 or Joe 604-868-9329 P/T LOWBED/SuperB driver with exp & clean record required. Based in Hope. Call 604 206-4188.
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SPUZZUM FIRST NATION This individual reports to and assists the band Finance Manager. Must have grade 12 education and some training in administration with 1 year clerical or administrative experience. Submit cover letter and resume by mail, fax, or e-mail by January 18, 2013 to: Aleki Tuivai, Finance Manager, RR1 COMP 11 SITE 3, Yale BC V0K 2S0; 604-863-2218 or email; An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
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109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES LTD is currently recruiting management positions for various Co-op locations in Nunavut. We provide relocation assistance, subsidized accommodations and group
YELLOW PAGES PHONE BOOKS Mature persons with car or truck to deliver Yellow Pages™ Telephone Directories Chilliwack, Agassiz, Hope & surrounding areas.
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DRIVERS Class 1 Drivers wanted. Offering top pay. Close to home. Family comes first! 1 year flat deck exp. & border crossing a must. Email resume & driver abstract to:
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CLARK FREIGHTWAYS F/T Certified Commercial Transport Mechanic We are a growing, progressive and well respected carrier specializing in the transportation of perishable and dry freight, since 1957. Currently looking for a Full-time Certified Commercial Transport Mechanic. Must be physically fit and fluent in English. Ownership of basic tools required. We offer an attractive compensation package which includes a competitive wage commensurate with experience and group health benefits. Please forward your resume and cover letter to: or fax to 604-472-2136.
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25. $31./hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email
Wednesday, January 9, 2013, Hope Standard A15
PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.
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CGA: Tax, Audit, Accounting: Tel: 604-593-5447;
604.339.1989 Lower Mainland 604.996.8128 Fraser Valley
PAINT SPECIAL 3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services.
ALLSYS IT, new computer sales & service. 604-869-3456 or
GL ROOFING. Cedar shakes, Asphalt shingles, flat rfs. Cln Gutters $80. Liability Insur. 1-855-240-5362
BARCLAY FLETCHER CONTRACTING, complete home reno’s, additions & more. (604)869-1686
FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514
PETS C & C Electrical Mechanical • ELECTRICAL • FULL PLUMBING SERVICES • HVAC GAS FITTING *Free Est. *Licensed *Insured 24hr. Emergency Service
AMERICAN BULLDOGS $800 Ready NOW 4 females, 2 males Call for appt. (604)230-1999
BEAGLE PUPS, tri colored, good looking, healthy, vet check $700. (604)796-3026. No Sunday calls
CANE CORSO MASTIFF all blues 6F, 2M, ultimate family guardian. Ready to go. $1000. (604)308-5665
advertising works! Let us help you get the word out. Contact Pattie 604.869.4990 540 Wallace Street
Follow us on facebook & twitter or 24/7 online at
CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at or call 1 (604)820-2977
Chihuahua, 2 small, males, nice markings, ready to go in 2 weeks. $500. Call (778)883-6654
German Shepherd/Lab pups, 1M/1F, both black, $200. (604)3162757. No Sunday calls
NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or
A16 Hope Standard, Wednesday, January 9, 2013 PETS 477
PRESA CANARIO P/B UKC, fawn Both parents approx. 120 to 150 lbs. Call 604-302-2357 TOY POODLE. 6 weeks old, black, male. $700. Call 604-820-4230, 604-302-7602 Wolf X Shepherd pups, $450. blk w/markings, view parents. or (604)869-2772
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WOOD PELLETS $4.30/40lb bag when purchasing a skid of 60 bags OR $5.10/40lb bag individually Call 604-869-9952 or 604-819-3593
20 Acres FREE! Buy 40-Get 60 acres. $0-Down, $168/mo. Money Back Guarantee, NO CREDIT CHECKS. Beautiful Views. Roads/Surveyed. Neaer El Paso, Texas. 1-800-843-7537
20305 Flood Road, Hope
WE BUY HOUSES! Older House • Damaged House Moving • Estate Sale • Just Want Out • Behind on Payments Quick Cash! • Flexible Terms! CALL US FIRST! 604-626-9647
2 Bdrm apt. $650 1 Bdrm apt $575 YALE, WOW 395K- 3+ acres, 2 houses, 600 ft Fraser River frt. 2 hrs from Vanc. Dan (604)860-3454
2 bd, 1bth Chlwk suite for rent. No smk. No pets. $675/mnth. Call Gerry 604-861-7560 HOPE
For Rent in Kings Court on main floor. $600./mo. Heat & hot water incl. Air conditioning & balcony. D.D. and Ref’s Required. Seniors preferred. Avail. immed.
Call 604-869-0932 HOPE
Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.
604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139
MATTRESSES starting at $99 • Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct (604)294-2331
NEW PILLOWTOP QUEEN MATTRESS SET. In packaging. Incls. Warranty $200! 604-798-1608
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
HOPE: 2 BDRM, Spacious 1250 sq. ft., 5 appl., priv. patio, N/S, N/P. Ref req’d. Adult oriented, avail. immed. $625/mo. 604-869-5288 or 604-858-7620
Sell your Home! with the &ODVViÀeG
Power Pack…
LiPiteG Time Offer!
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Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077
709 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL HOPE, Newly reno’d commercial storefront in centre of town for rent or lease, 1200 sq ft, avail immed. rent negotiable. Call 1-604-5051077 or 1-604-267-7473 HOPE, Retail Space available, 591 Wallace, 3 units + storage shed starting at $400/mon +hst, incl heat, water & garbage. Call Rob @ 604869-9763
Hope, 535 Queens St. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl, garage, wood f/p, pets negot. Avail. Nov. 15, $1000/m Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage, 604792-0077 SILVER CREEK, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, Avail. Dec 15, 4 appl. $1000/mo, D/D & ref’s req. Call (604)869-1765
851 Auto Financing 1.800.910.6402
Size not exactly as shown
SILVER CREEK, Furnished cabin for rent at Wild Rose Campground, $550/mo + D.D. includes heat, hydro, cable and wifi. Avail. now. Call John or Judy (604)869-9842
HOPE AUTO BODY, complete collision repair & restoration. Call (604)869-5244
HOPE, 3 bdrm townhouse, 1 1/2 bath, full bsmt, No Pets, $850/mon. 1-604-858-4629
LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships.
No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271
Gordon 604-240-3464
Call Gordon 604-240-3464 HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
COMPLETELY renovated 3 bedroom home backing onto Coquihalla River with beach frontage. Parklike setting, and yet close to shops and amenities. Available Feb 1st. Pets OK. 1-604-210-1249
DREAMING of a new career? Look in’s
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SCRAP CARS & METALS - CA$H for CARS Up to $300. No Wheels - No Problem! Friendly & Professional Service. Servicing the Fraser Valley 1-855-771-2855
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2010 VENZA: Like new, only 20,000 kms, fully loaded, automatic, 6 cylinder, dvd system. $22,800. 604-575-5555.
Size not exactly as shown
Power Pack iQcluGeV HoSe StaQGarG
Power Pack iQcluGes HoSe StaQGarG
PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.
PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.
ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!
ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!
ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!
ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!
Call 604.575-5555 Standard The Hope
The Scrapper
For sale or for rent, in a 55+ community a 2 bedroom manufactured home. Better than an apartment. No noisy neighbours. For rent only a double wide home with 2 bedrooms and a den. References, criminal background check. One small pet OK under 20 lbs, N/S. Call for appointment. Now accepting applications.
In a 55+ community in Hope. Mobile homes for sale 2 bedrooms from $14,000 to a brand new one for $74,000. 2- Vacant pads for rents.
AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673
SURREY: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout and new roof. $549,000. 604-575-5555.
HOPE, 4 bdrm, 4 appl. garage, walking distance to schools, NS, NP, references & damage deposit required. $900/mon. Avail. now. 604-869-3130 or 604-795-1524
2 or 3 bedroom townhouse, 5 appl., soundproof, radiant heat, blinds, fenced yard, patio, 658 Coquihalla St., sunny side of town, N/S, no dogs, D/D Ref’s req.
HOPE, For rent 1 small bedroom home, furnished with heat and light. A mobile home, better than an apartment, no noisy neighbour on the other side of the wall. In a 55 plus community. Call for appointment to see. 604-240-3464
3 BR. home in prime location , sunny side of town. includes 5 appl., sauna, jacuzzi tub, built in vac,heat pump, has home base business with separate entrance used as hair salon. $1400 per month. Pets neg. Contact 250-460-1182 or pics on request.
HOPE, 2 bdrm, 1bath, duplex, 900 sq ft, fenced backyard w/ large shed, well maintained, N/S, D/D, utilities extra, 474 Rupert St. $850/mo. Call (604)798-5557
Avail now. Call (604)869-6599 or (604)796-0069
BIG BUILDING SALE... “THIS IS A CLEARANCE SALE. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!” 20x20 $3,985. 25X24 $4,595. 30X36 $6,859. 35X48 $11,200. 40X52 $13,100. 47X76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422.
HOPE, 2 bdrm apt in newer building in downtown. W/D, A/C, secure, priv. balcony, covered parking, N/S, no party, suit. for mature or seniors. Call 604-855-9940
F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now.
1030 3rd Ave.
New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $66,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960.
Coquihalla Courts
FUEL Eagle Valley Premium
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Call 604.575-5555 Standard The Hope
KEY TRACK AUTO SALES CARS & VANS: 1994 MAZDA PROTEGE 4dr auto Aircare st#314 $1495 1999 PONTIAC TRANSPORT van 7 pgr low km ST#281 THIS WEEK $2299 1997 HONDA CIVIC 4dr auto Aircare ST#323 $2700
2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4dr auto st#195 $2995 1999 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sedan fully loaded ST#303 $3495 2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr auto sdn a/c runs good st#302 $3500 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto Aircare low km st#313 $3800 2002 HONDA CIVIC 4dr sdn auto power locks Aircare ST#334 $3800 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4dr auto 4X4 runs good ST#221 $3900 2005 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr auto AirCrae ST#276 $4900 2007 PONTIAC MONTANNA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $6900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6900 2007 FORD FUSION 4dr sdn aotu full load Aircare st#321 $7,900 04 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 auto Aircared ST#319 $7900 04 AUDI A4 4dr sdn, auto Lthr Aircared ST#320 $8800 2009 CHEV IMPALA 4dr auto, loaded ST#325 $8,900 2008 NISSAN SENTRA 4dr auto low km full load st#332 $9500 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto st#328 $11,500 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms st#331 $12,500
TRUCKS THIS WEEK: 1997 FOR F150 Supercab 3 dr 5 spd v6 st#330 $2900 2007 FORD F150 reg cab V6 auto long box ST#205 $8,900 2006 FORD F350 crew cab siesel 4X4 auto long box runs good st#282 $10,900 2005 GMC SLE CREW cab 4X4 auto diesel long box, loaded ST#218 $10,900 2008 FORD F150 REG CAB 4x4 auto long box ST#207 $11,900 2007 FORD RANGER 4X4 auto S/cab st#193 $11,900 2007 FORD F150 supercab cre XLT 4X4 auto fuel loaded ST#273 $13,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box ST#283 $13,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#309 $14,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel only 156K st#17 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160Km st#310 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto full loaded long box st#311 $15,900 2008 GMC 2500 HD Quad cab 4X4 auto long box ST#267 $15,900 2007 CHEV 2500 HD quad cab 4X4 auto gas, shortbox, fully loaded ST#267 $15,900 2005 CHEV 2500 HD LS cr/cab Duramax diesel leather 4X4 auto ST#190 $15,900 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto short box ST#275 $18,900
33166 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford DL#31038