Lake Country Calendar, January 09, 2013

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January 9, 2013



Lake Country dog owners banding together KEVIN PARNELL STAFF REPORTER

Faith columnist Jim Taylor says human babies aren’t perfect and neither was Jesus as an infant, so we should not expect perfection. ...............................


Property values dropped slightly in the last year, according to the B.C. Assessment Authority. Annual assessment notices are going out in the mail this week. ...............................


Lake Country residents will get an opportunity to add their input into preparations for the next federal budget when the minister responsible for B.C. visits later this month. ...............................


Flyers ■ Home Depot

Dogs in Lake Country now have a voice and should soon start to see some improvements in their quality of life. The newly formed Lake Country Dog Owners’ Association is up and running and has signed up 40 new members thanks to a successful membership drive. The group is the first of its kind in Lake Country and has several goals including advocating for more public space for dogs where they are allowed to be off-leash. “We thought there was a need for educating the general public about what is good dog ownership so a small group of us got together and applied for non-profit status,” said Lake Country Dog Owners’ Association treasurer Shannon Paul-Jost. “We wanted to get a stronger voice for dog owners in Lake Country.” Five residents have been elected to sit on the board while many new members signed up for the group, during its membership drive. The new group is being seen as a positive one at the district of Lake Country. “The district is quite happy that there is a formalized Dog Owners Association in Lake Country,” said Steve Schaffrick, Lake Country’s director of community services. “I see this group working quite nicely with our Parks and Recreation Advisory

Committee to help improve our already existing dog friendly parks and trail areas and ultimately finding a permanent home for our offleash dog park that is currently on school district property that the district leases. This group will also be able to help educate the community on proper dog ownership etiquette when it comes to the use of public lands.” Currently, there are just three official offleash dog parks in Lake Country—the school district property on Woodsdale Road, land on Bottom Wood Lake Road at Wood Lake and



in Carr’s Landing, at the north end of Coral Beach. Paul-Jost said access to water is paramount, especially in the hot summer months. “We’d like to work with the district to get some sort of secure space that is a bit larger where we can run our dogs that has some access to water,” she said. “Some of the spaces for dogs are too small and there is no access to SEE DOGS A3


THE NEWLY FORMED Lake Country Dog Owners’ Association is up and running and has signed up 40 new members thanks to a successful membership drive. It’s aim is to support owners of dogs like Suki (above), who was out catching a frisbee in the snow on the weekend.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


Oyama Traditional School

Grade four creative writing

If I was a snow man

By Danika I would only come to town if it was cold and snowing. But if I was a snowman I would be a snow girl not a snowman. And I would stay in snow every day in my whole life. The safest place to stay is the North Pole. These are the things I would not do. I would not go in a hot tub or go in front of a fire or I would melt. If I were a snowman I would only be friends with other snowmen and maybe be friends with penguins but nice ones only. I would also live in an igloo with lots of snow. In my igloo house I would have a snow bed, snow carpet and even a snow pet. I would have snow everything. I will have to have a telephone, but I think you can make snow telephones. I wonder if you can make snow food and snow drinks. I would like it if you could make snow electronics. I would like a snow room with snow wallpaper. I would have cute animal wallpaper with big cute eyes like puss and boots in orange and white. And if I were a snowman I would pour a big pink smoothie all over myself. So I would be bright pink. But if you had to make a school for a snowman you would have to make a big one.


By Aisha If I was a snowman I would give the most awesome advice like do not sit by the fire or you will melt. If you are a snowman you will get to participate in snowball fights which would be awesome. One part that is not awesome is when it hurts so much. Some things I would eat and drink are smoothies, juice, and slushies. Some places where I would never eat are New York Fries, Tim Hortons, and McDonalds and McDonalds and that’s it. That is my life as a snowman.


By Lauren If I was a snowman, I would ask for the weather forecast to never change the weather. I would ask for people to not have fireplaces. I would never drink hot chocolate. I would love to go skating every day and I would love to snowboard. I would like to eat blackberry snow cones. But I don’t want people to make snow cones out of me!


By Rory If I was a snowman I would live in the North Pole with Santa and my name would be Frosty. Up north, where it is cold, I am safe. My worst nightmare is global warming due to pollution. I don’t want to be built into a snow fort so I stay away from elementary schools. I’m also afraid if I’m near elementary schools they would make snow cones out of me.

Students’ Showcase

Written and photographed by staff and students at Oyama Traditional School.


Winter concert “Amazing Race” The theme of our winter concert was the “Amazing Race.” Each class chose a country to do a theme song on, then drama students provided humourous interludes between each scene. Two hundred and fifty Oyama residents came out December 20 to this popular annual community event at the Oyama Community Hall.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A3



Paul-Jost says there is a need for educating the public about what is good dog ownership.

IREANE BEILSTEIN, president of the new Lake Country Dog Owners’ Association plays with her dog Zitara, a two-year-old shepard cross on the weekend.

Photograpghs by Doug Farrow


Formation of dog-owners group lauded DOGS FROM A1 water and there are other areas that people are using that are not considered off leash areas.” The main off-leash dog park exists on a former school lot on Woodsdale Boulevard. The dog park was the

site of one of the first official events for the Lake Country Dog Owners as they held a New Year’s Day clean-up at the site. Volunteers spread bark mulch to keep the area clean in addition to previous work that saw a water container added to the park so dogs would

have drinking water as well as the planting of a tree for shade and a bench for dog owners. It’s a small sample of the work that can be completed when people are working together, said Paul-Jost. “People, just out of the goodness of their hearts

have been doing great things,” she said. “I just can’t believe how people are all coming together. It’s really nice to see. The formation of our group has been very well received and very positive in the community.” If you want to find

out more about the Lake Country Dog Owners’ Association you can find them on Facebook at the Lake Country Dog Owners’ Association (LCDOG) or e-mail them at lcdog2012@


Lake Country residents input sought for federal budget The Lake Country Chamber of Commerce members will have a chance to get the inside track on the federal budget with a special pre-budget luncheon, coming up Jan. 23. The Lake Country chamber ,along with local MP Ron Cannan, will welcome James Moore, the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and the minister responsible for British Columbia at a special meeting Jan 23. Moore is expected to discuss priorities for the federal government in

2013 and will look toward the upcoming federal budget. Among the topics up for discussion will be a number of items relevant to British Columbians, such as transport and infrastructure, international trade, arts and culture, and the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative. The presentation will also provide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions of the minister and provide input on the upcoming federal budget. “In the coming year,

we will focus on achieving progress on priority issues for Canadians,” said Cannan. “Our Conservative government is deeply honoured to have been given a majority mandate, and we will continue to meet the needs of the residents of Kelowna-Lake Country and expectations of all Canadians, with a focus on promoting jobs, growth and longterm prosperity and the well-being of our citizens.” Cannan is asking those who plan to atend

to bring ideas and suggestions to the luncheon so they can be considered for the upcoming budget. Moore was first elected to the House of Commons in 2000, winning re-election in his riding of Port MoodyWestwood-Port Coquitlam in 2004, 2006, 2008, most recently in 2011. In 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Moore to the position of Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, making his the first Canadian Heritage min-

ister from British Col umbia. After the most recent election, Harper re-appointed Moore as the to the portfolio and named him as the senior regional minister for B.C. Moore is the youngest senior regional minister in Canadian history. Tickets to the chamber luncheon are $30 and can be purchased in advance. RSVP by 4 p.m. Jan. 17 to The meeting will be at the banquet Aspen Grove Golf Club at 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 23.


check out a snow-covered tennis ball during an outing at the Lake Country off-leash park on Woodsdale Road on Saturday.

On- and off-leash parks in Lake Country Off Leash Parks in Lake Country: Winfield area: •Woodsdale Road •Bottom Wood Lake Road (at Wood Lake) Carr’s Landing: •Coral Beach– North End On Leash Parks in Lake Country: Winfield area: •Apex Park •Town Centre/ Creekside •Memorial Park •Copperhill •Packing House Park •Rogers Road •Pollard Pond •Northview

Oyama: •Thompson Road Okanagan Centre •Jack Seaton Park •Okanagan Centre Greenspace/ Pixton Road •Okanagan Centre Greenspace Designated Swim Areas •Cemetery Park •McCreight Road End •Raven Ridge Carr’s Landing: •R.S. Marshall Park •Whiskey Cove •Coral Beach– South End •Juniper Cove– Water Access Only •Gable Road & Beach •Nuyens Park

Serving Lake Country since 1951, the LakeCountry Calendar is your source for community news.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Human babies R are not perfect so why expect them to be

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f Jesus was born December 25, he would have lived for two weeks already. I wonder if his mother experienced post-partum depression. After some friends had a baby boy, his mom went through something closer to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her sweet little bundle of joy turned out to be anything but. He woke several times a night. He wouldn’t suckle. He screamed. He demanded attention. And that makes me wonder—was Jesus a perfect baby? Did he sleep through the night, never fret or fuss, never get diaper rash or croup, or throw-up over his father’s back? If so, he wasn’t human.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

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A real hero for aboriginal people in Canada T he century-old plight of Canada’s aboriginal people is back in the public eye, thanks to protests dubbed Idle No More. As with Occupy protests last year, the demands are vague. One of the claims, repeated in media coverage of protests, is that the federal government is moving to end the historic Indian Act restriction against selling reserve land. A look at the federal legislation, Bill C-45, shows this is not the case. Amendments ease restrictive provisions for leasing reserve land, which remains property of the Crown held in perpetuity for the aboriginal community. This change was initiated by B.C. aboriginal leaders so they can follow the trail blazed by one of the most entrepreneurial chiefs in Canadian history. His name is Ron Derrickson, and he served

BC Views

Tom Fletcher six terms as chief of the Westbank First Nation near Kelowna. One of my first big reporting assignments was covering a Royal Commission into his administration’s business affairs in the mid-1980s. There had been an astonishing 17 federal investigations before that, stemming from local claims that Derrickson was just too successful. He drove a big black Mercedes, wore expensive suits, and established a bunch of enterprises, including Canada’s first water slide. The commission was

chaired by John Hall, then known as the Crown prosecutor who put serial killer Clifford Olson away, and now an appeal court judge. Derrickson’s suit jacket had a conspicuous bulge as he took the stand each day. He was packing a semi-automatic pistol, having demanded and received a carry permit after a brutal attempt on his life. The hit man, an excop, was hired by people who didn’t like the bottom-line way Derrickson ran Westbank’s leasehold mobile home parks. He showed up at Derrickson’s home one day and tried to beat him to death with a metal bar. Badly injured, Derrickson made it to his gun cabinet and shot his assailant, who survived to go to prison. Derrickson testified that his approach to the Indian Affairs bureaucracy was simple. He did business, and if they didn’t like it, they

could tell him. Reserve land can’t be sold, so he leased it, offering people a low-cost way to enjoy the sunny Okanagan. His business plan was also simple. Drive to California and see what



they’re doing. Drive back and do it in B.C. A 2007 profile of Derrickson by Greg Fjetland in Canadian Business magazine describes how he came by his approach to Ottawa. He grew up “dirt poor, living in a tar paper shack.” His family name was Tousawasket, until the local Indian Agent drew an Anglo name out

of a hat. He and his brother were the first aboriginal kids to attend public school in Kelowna. Racist bullying drove his parents to move him to a residential school in Washington State. He dropped out in Grade 9, toiled on farms, learned to weld, and worked his way into ranching, real estate and politics. He never gave up or backed down, ever. The Hall commission and all previous government probes concluded that he did nothing wrong. Derrickson sued his local accusers and won, and Ottawa began to change its racist, paternalistic ways. Which brings us back to today. Derrickson’s pioneering work is still changing the Indian Act for the better. This effort is under dishonest attack from SEE FLETCHER A5

Life and Faith

Jim Taylor

A letter in the Presbyterian Record described babies as “selfish and egotistical, unconcerned with consequences, deceitful and prone to displays of anger….” Well of course they are. Babies simply haven’t SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A5



Resolutions for business in 2013

Jesus was not perfect, he was just human


n the weeks before the end of 2012, I had been mulling over the phrase “do better” as a way of capturing a different approach to doing business for human resources staff. The purpose of the phrase was clear to me but I felt I would have a difficult time getting my meaning across. Then, the horrific tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, occurred and that led to President Barack Obama’s comments when spoke at a vigil. He said, “Are we prepared to say that such violence visited upon our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom? We will be told that the causes of such violence will be complex and that is true. No single law, no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society. But that can’t be an excuse for inaction. Surely we can do better than this.” Upon reading those words, what I wanted to say became apparent. Just because you’ve always done things a certain way, and just because there will be obstacles in the path of doing them differently, is no reason not to make changes for the better. The first thing that I think human resources staff could do better in 2013 is to gain a greater understanding of how the law impacts the employment relationship and, particularly, its ter-

Former WFN chief hailed FLETCHER FROM A4

people whose legacy is mainly incompetence and failure. Protesters demand more unearned public subsidy, and a petulant soup-only strike is celebrated as an act of bravery. Choose your own hero. I’ve chosen mine. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.


Robert Smithson mination. In my experience, the vast majority of legal actions arising out of employment occur at or after termination of the relationship. In most, if not all, cases the employer was in a position to have taken steps which would have avoided the need for any form of litigation. I would be hard pressed to name any employer I’ve ever dealt with which believes the costs of litigation (and lawyers) contribute in any positive way to their business, so why not avoid these problems altogether? That is perhaps easier said than done. But, without a doubt, the first step in that direction is having an understanding of the legal framework within which the employment relationship fits. Second, I wonder if businesses would consider whether to stop wasting time and resources trying to turn poor employees into good ones. It may, after all, be true that you cannot turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. Is it possible that, in your particular industry, it makes better sense to invest your time and effort into weeding out and replacing poor performers?

The costs of replacing an employee are well known but it may be that it’s even more expensive to retain underachievers. “Fit” is an elusive quality in an employee and, ultimately, my own sense is that it isn’t something that can be taught. Skills and knowledge can be taught but “fit” is, in my experience, something that either is there or isn’t there from the outset. Third, work on changing the perception that your department is just another typical bureaucracy. This label, obviously, isn’t applicable to all human resources departments but there is a persistent view out there that human resources people are slaves to administrative processes. So, learn (and take to heart) that your role is to advance your employer’s primary business objective. In everything you do, ask yourselves, “How are we assisting this business to achieve its primary objective?” Donald Keough is a former President of the Coca-Cola Company. In his book, The Ten Commandments for Business Failure, he commented, “There must be rules and routines in every business to maintain the proper rhythm in everything. Over time, however, it seems that inevitably the rules and routines become more important than the ends they were designed

TAYLOR FROM A4 yet realized that anything exits beyond themselves. That comes later. We like to think of babies as pure, innocent, and unspoiled by human failings. In one sense, that’s true. They’re still not spoiled by learned prejudices about skin colour, poverty, language, gender, and sexual orientation. Those are attitudes, as Lt. Cable sang in South Pacific, “you’ve got to be carefully taught.” Still, babies are hardly perfect little humans. Selfishness—self-centredness, to be kinder—is not listed among the seven deadly sins. But it underlies all of them because every one of the sins consists of thinking I am more important than you, my

needs take priority over yours and I’m entitled to whatever I want. Which is how a baby thinks—especially in the middle of the night. Yes, even Jesus. He was human, for God’s sake. Wait, let me rephrase that – for God’s sake, he was human. So he would have cried, would have had teething pains, got diaper rash and acne, probably wet the bed when he was younger and had wet dreams as he grew older. Does that notion shock you? Does it make Jesus less than perfect? If so, you were probably taught that Jesus had to be perfect, unblemished by any sins so he could be an acceptable sacrifice to God for our sins.

That belief goes back to the ritual sacrifices prescribed by the Torah. Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy all specify that any animal offered as a sacrifice to the Lord must be “without blemish.”



So you can’t cull your herd by “sacrificing” crippled and defective animals. Only the best will do. Following the same logic, only priests “with-

out blemish” could enter the Holy of Holies in the temple. But do you still sacrifice a chicken before setting out on a trip? Do you cut a bull’s throat on the front steps of your new office building or kill a pigeon to seek goodwill from your mother-in-law? You see, if you no longer believe in ritual sacrifices, then Jesus no longer has to be absolutely perfect. He can let his anger erupt in the temple. He can disappoint his family. He can break Jewish laws by harvesting food on the Sabbath. And he can wail in the night and waken his weary mother—again. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.

Property Owner’s Checklist


Have you received your 2013 property assessment notice?

Follow us

If not received in your mail by January 18, call toll-free 1-866-valueBC (1-866-825-8322) If so, review it carefully Visit to compare other property assessments using the free e-valueBC™ service Questions? Contact BC Assessment at 1-866-valueBC or Don’t forget...if you disagree with your assessment, you must file a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by January 31, 2013

The Lake Country Calendar Serving our community since 1951

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL




Property values dip slightly in the Lake Country area

Property values droped slightly this year in Lake Country, according to the B.C. Assessment Authority. More than 82,000 property owners throughout the Central Okanagan can expect to receive their 2013 property assessment notices in the mail in next the few days. “Most homes in the Central Okanagan region are remaining stable in value compared to last year’s assessment roll,” said Tracy Wall, deputy

assessor. “Most home owners in the Central Okanagan can expect modest changes in the minus-5 per cent to plus-5 per cent range.” In Lake Country, the average price for a home fel to $519,000 acoording to the 2013 assessment roll, compared to $520,000 in 2012. Overall, the Central Okanagan’ assessment roll decreased to $40,599,516,028 this year from $40,748,380,318 in

St. Francis Anglican Church 10162 Newene Road, Winfield

Service time 9:30 am

You are invited to all services & programs! Wardens: Rosemary Carter 766-2800; Roberta Loewen 766-0869 Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: Rev. Patricia Horrobin 250-766-0919 (office) or 250-763-5499

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

2012. The 2013 assessment roll includes $280,572,573 for subdivisions, rezoning and new construction, said Wall. The small decreases everywhere but in Peachland demonstrated local market trends for residential properties, said the B.C. Assessment Authority. This year, the averages are: Lake Country: Down to $519,000 from $520,000 in 2012 Kelowna: Down to $492,000 this year, from $501,000 in 2012 Kelowna (strata): Down to $235,000 this year from $238,000 in 2012 Peachland: Up to $450,000 this year from $445,000 in 2012 West Kelowna: Down to $480,000 from $489,000 in 2012. (All the assessment authority’s valuations are as of July 1 the preced-

ing year.) In addition, most commercial and industrial properties in the Central Okanagan will also see changes ranging from minus-5 per cent to plus-5 per cent. “Property owners who feel that their property assessment does not reflect market value as of July 1, 2012 or see incorrect information on their notice should contact our office as indicated on their notice as soon as possible in January,” said Wall. “If a property owner is still concerned about his or her assessment after speaking to one of our appraisers, they may submit a Notice of Complaint (appeal) by Jan. 31, for an independent review by a property assessment review panel,” added Wall. The panels, independent of the B.C. Assessment Authority, are appointed annually by the Ministry of Community,

Sport and Cultural Development, and meet between Feb. 1 and March 15 to hear formal complaints. The Okanagan assessment office is located at 202-1500 Hardy Street in Kelowna. During the month of January, office hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Property owners can contact BC Assessment toll-free at 1-866-valueBC (1-866825-8322) or via the web at Property owners can also visit for more information about the 2013 assessment roll, including lists of 2013’s most valuable residential properties across the province. This month, property owners are also being asked to visit the assessment authority’s website to participate in an online customer service survey.

Westjet plane slips off the tarmac at YLW It seems the snowy and slipery road conditons earlier this week did not just affect vehicles on local roads. Airplanes were not immune from the slippery conditons either. According to Kelowna International Airport, at approximately 7:58 a.m. on Monday, a WestJet flight heading to Edmonton slid off the taxiway at the airport. The plane was leaving the main apron area at gate 7 when the nose wheel of the aircraft slid off the tarmac at YLW. No injuries were reported. YLW’s aircraft rescue frefighters helped to unload the passengers and they were rebooked on later flights as the aircraft was sent for a mechanical review. Because of the snow, YLW had short intermittent closures of the runway due to the heavy snowfall and limited visibility Monday morning. Due to the limited visibility, there were some delayed and cancelled flights. Passengers are asked to check flight status before heading to the airport. That can be done at ylw.

Mass times:

Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146

Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe

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Now’s the time to make resolutions for your business SMITHSON FROM A5 to serve.” Don’t let this become the way your HR department is perceived—following rules and routines is, surely, not your company’s primary business objective.

Fourth, and this is closely related to the previous point, apply some “what if?” thinking. One frequent criticism of human resources departments is that they demonstrate a closed mind to fresh ideas and that things are

done a certain way solely because that’s the way they’ve always been done in the past. A “what if?” approach means contemplating the possible, approaching familiar problems from an unfamiliar direction. It’s sort of a first step, or a halfway point, between “can’t” and “can” and requires a mind that is open to new concepts.

Finally, do the easy things that advance your employer’s business interests, like implementing employment contracts. Properly implemented employment contracts are a critical mechanism for controlling and eliminating employee-related liabilities. It is inconceivable to me that there is a trained,

Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387 To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 1-250-540-2974 or 250-979-7324

Check out Page 11 for Community Events! They are placed at no charge to all Non-Profit organizations. For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-766-4645


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experienced human resources person out there who doesn’t recognize the value of properly documenting the employer-employee relationship. Yet, many employers forego this simple, valuable tool. If the only things the employment contract contains are a properly structured probation clause and an enforceable severance clause, you will have greatly contributed to your employer’s business. These are five steps any human resources person would be well-advised to consider as he or she embarks on 2013. Doing better is the objective and it may be more easily achieved than you think. This subject matter is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. Robert Smithson is a labour and employment lawyer, and operates Smithson Employment Law in Kelowna.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A7


Animal protection association warns of dangerous traps WADE PATERSON CONTRIBUTOR

After two recent Okanagan incidents involving pets getting stuck in Conibear traps, a B.C. animal protection association is cautioning the public to be vigilant while walking their pets along trails. The Vancouver-based Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals has been pushing for changes in trapping laws since 1944. “Ultimately we would love to see trapping banned,” said Adrian Nelson, director of com-

munications for the association. “There really is no need for it in a modern day society here. At a minimum, we would like to see warning signs posted that there are traps in the area so pet owners and people using those recreational areas can take the appropriate precautions.” Nelson said their warning to pet owners comes after last year’s “alarming” increase in trapping deaths. “We had about six incidents reported to us (throughout Canada) in 2011. In 2012 we had

16.” Nelson said a large percentage of those occurrences are in B.C. On Boxing Day a family dog was killed by a Conibear trap near Nakusp. Weeks before that, a dog was caught in a trap in Oyama. “It tends to be that dog owners are out for a walk, quite often on forest roads or in park areas. The dog wanders a little bit off trail and goes to investigate whatever the traps have been baited with.” He added traps can be placed as close as 300 metres from a dwelling.

In previous local news stories, it’s been reported that signs are not posted because of the likelihood the public, who are opposed to trapping, will tamper with the traps. “This is their argument, which really doesn’t make a lot of sense to us,” said Nelson. “There is legislation already in place: It is illegal to tamper with a trap or take a trap. So it seems kind of odd that there’s legislation to protect the trappers, but no legislation to protect anybody else.” Nelson said, for now, the best thing pet owners


TWO OKANAGAN DOGS have been caught in traps in the last two months. The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals is asking the public to be vigilant when walking their pets in rural areas. can do is be vigilant in rural areas. “I know people want to go out with their dogs and let them run, but un-

fortunately during the trap season, it’s kind of important to keep them close by. “With these (recent)

incidents, we’re hoping to be able to push the ministry a little further toward changing the laws.”


Walk to focus on caregivers WADE PATERSON CONTRIBUTOR

Last year’s Investors Group Walk for Memories was a special time for Susan Schmalz and her father, Keith Hannett. Keith, who had been living with dementia for the past five years, was the official honouree of the event. Schmalz said the walk was special, and although her father’s condition had been consistently worsening, she was able to dance with him that day. Later that week he forgot how to walk; two weeks later he forgot how to eat. “He went downhill really quick,” said Schmalz. “Day by day he was just losing abilities.” On March 1, 2012— about one month after last year’s Walk for Memories—Hannett passed away. Schmalz said it was tough to watch her father slip away so fast, but it may have been a blessing. Life for Hannett was not easy in his last days and caring for him was taking its toll on Schmalz and her family. Caring for her Hannett throughout the last five years of his life was difficult. Schmalz and her brother had to take time off work to ensure someone was always able to

look after their dad. For two weeks, while Hannett was living at Schmalz’s house, she had to sleep in the same room as him to make sure he didn’t do something dangerous. “I didn’t know if he was going to go wandering outside or try to brush his teeth with something poisonous. “The two weeks he was here are exhausting. It was 24 hours; there was no break.” In the past, Walk for Memories has honoured one person living with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. But this year, the spot-

light will focus on the people who look after those suffering from the diseases. “The caregivers shoulder so much. The person who actually has the dementia doesn’t understand what’s happening…the caregivers are the biggest part.” This year Schmalz is volunteering on the Walk for Memories committee as the promotions coordinator. She said she feels it is important to continue to help the Alzheimer Society of B.C. SEE WALK A8

The BC Services Card. Your CareCard, and more.

One card. Many services. The new BC Services Card is part of government’s plan to modernize BC’s health care system. It replaces your CareCard, can be combined with your driver’s licence, and also acts as your photo ID. It’s more convenient and more secure, with enhanced features to protect your personal information. And getting yours is easy. Starting February 15, 2013, and for the next five years, you can simply enrol when renewing your driver’s licence. And even if you don’t drive, you can enrol at the nearest location where driver’s licences are issued. To learn more visit:






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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL




B.C. dumping the CareCard in favour of new hi-tech version

It’s time to stop spinning our wheels

B.C. is replacing the CareCard. Starting Feb. 15 and over the next five years, eligible British Columbians between the ages of 19 and 74 will be required to replace their CareCards with the new B.C. Services Card by renewing their enrolment in the provincial Medical Services Plan. The current CareCard was introduced in 1989 and has not been significantly updated over the last 20 years. The new B.C. Services Card takes advantage of significant advances in technology since that time, to provide a more convnient and secure piece of identification with enhanced features to protect citizens’

personal information, says the government. The new card wil be more secure as it includes a photograph of the beneficiary, anti-forgery features, identity proofing and an expiry date. The card can also be combined with a driver’s licence and acts as photo ID—meaning one less card to carry. To get a new B.C. Services Card, eligible British Columbians can simply enrol when renewing their driver’s licence. People who do not drive can still enrol at the nearest location where driver’s licences are issued. Once a person enrols, her or she will be issued a new B.C. Services Card,

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or a combined card, and will need to re-enrol every five years. Children and certain groups of adults, such as the elderly or those in residential care or extended hospital care—for whom renewed enrolment would be impractical or present a hardship—will be exempted from re-enrolling or managed through special arrangements. The new B.C. Services Card will also provide the foundation for supporting the potential future development of more convenient access for citizens to new online government services, said Victoria in an announcement Monday. Th prvince first announced plans to roll out a replacement to the CareCard in May 2011 when amendments to the Medicare Protection Act were introduced to support the introduction of a more secure card, designed to improve patient safety. To learn more, visit:

Telling your story most accurately: Lake Country Calendar

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n 1988, hundreds of scientists and policy-makers met in Toronto for a major international conference on climate change. They were sufficiently alarmed by the accumulated evidence for human-caused global warming that they issued a release stating, “Humanity is conducting an unintended, uncontrolled, globally pervasive experiment whose ultimate consequences could be second only to a global nuclear war.” They urged world leaders to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 per cent by 2005. Had we heeded that warning and embarked on a campaign to meet the target, Canadians would now be healthier (because of reduced air pollution), have greater reserves of energy and more jobs. We’d also be a world leader in renewable energy and could have saved tens of billions of dollars. The year was significant for environmentalists. In 1988, George H.W. Bush ran for the highest office in the U.S. and promised to be an “environmental president”. He didn’t have a green bone in his body, but public pressure compelled him to make a commitment he ultimately didn’t keep. That year, Margaret Thatcher was filmed picking up litter. She turned to the camera and said, “I’m a




David Suzuki greenie, too.” Canada’s Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was also re-elected in 1988. He appointed a bright new political star, Lucien Bouchard, as environment minister. I asked Bouchard during an interview what he considered to be our most important environmental issue. “Global warming,” he responded. I continued: “How serious is it?” His answer: “It threatens the survival of our species. We have to act now.” In 1988, the environment was a top public concern, scientists spoke out and politicians said the right things. Global warming was a pressing and present issue. Now, 25 years later, carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, and we’re already seeing the consequences – more extreme weather events, melting glaciers and Arctic ice, rising sea levels, reduced water flows in rivers and climate-related illness and death, among others. It’s driven in part by rapid economic growth in countries like China, India and Brazil. At the same time, most indus-

I am the owner of a hair salon in Lake Country and business has increased since I have started to run regular ads in the Lake Country Calendar. Having just made a decision to seriously look into advertising on a regular basis, I was pleased when Curt stopped by to introduce himself and drop off an information package. I had been wanting to increase the salon’s visibility but wasn't quite sure where to start. Curt took the time to sit down with me and discuss different options that would fit into my budget and have a positive impact on my business. I noticed results immediately. Business traffic has increased from the first month of advertising. Curt has made the process very easy for me. He is very accessible, returns calls promptly and is a pleasure to do business with. The Calendar staff who do up the ads do a wonderful job. They are very creative and always come up with an ad that looks really great! Advertising on a regular basis has given my business good exposure and increased traffic into my salon. I am very pleased with the results we have achieved so far and will continue to advertise on a regular basis in the Lake Country Calendar. Thanks Curt!





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trialized nations, whose use of fossil fuels created the problem of excess greenhouse gases, have done little to reduce emissions. Humans are distinguished from other species by a massive brain that enables us to imagine a future and influence it by what we do in the present. By using experience, knowledge and insight, our ancestors recognized they could anticipate dangers and opportunities and take steps to exploit advantages and avoid hazards.



Scientists and supercomputers have amplified our ability to look ahead. For decades, experts have warned us that human numbers, technology, hyper-consumption and a global economy are altering the chemical, geological and biological properties of the biosphere. In 1992, more than 1,700 eminent scientists, including 104 Nobel prizewinners, signed the “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity”, which included this urgent warning: “No more than one or a few decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects for hu-

manity immeasurably diminished.” The document concluded that environmentally damaging activity must be brought under control and the integrity of Earth’s ecosystems protected, critical resources managed more effectively, human population growth stabilized, poverty reduced and eventually eliminated, and sexual equality and guarantees of women’s reproductive rights ensured. The sooner we act, the easier it will be to overcome these difficult challenges. Every year that we stall makes it more costly and challenging, with increasing negative impacts on humans and our environment. There are signs of hope. Many countries – as well as cities, states and provinces – are taking global warming seriously and are working to reduce emissions and shift to cleaner energy sources. Some world leaders are even questioning our current paradigm, where the economy is made a priority above all else. This is crucial. Over and over, the economy has determined the extent of our response, but how much value does it place on breathable air, drinkable water, edible food and stable weather and climate? Surely the economy is the means to a better future, not an end in itself. Surely it must be subordinate to a rich, diverse ecosphere that sustains all life. Let’s hope this year ushers in a new way of living on and caring for our planet.


Fundraising goal of $35,000 set for walk WALK FROM A7 “I still want to talk about it, I want to help other people and I want to keep helping the walk so money and awareness are raised.” Schmalz said 120 people came out for last year’s walk and $28,000 was raised for the Alzheimer Society of B.C. Organizers are hoping more people will come

out this year and a fundraising goal of $35,000 has been set for the event. Kelowna Walk for Memories takes place at Pinnacle Elite Athlete— inside the Capital News Centre in Kelonwa—Jan. 27 from 10 to 11 a.m. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. For more information or to register, visit or call 250-826-7822.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013 A9



Mysterious injuries to finches


ccording to a reader in the Mission area of Kelowna there’s carnage happening amongst the feeder bird population. He’s been watching as a succession of finches visit his feeder suffering from broken and missing legs, and one with a head injury. His theory is that the new “squirrel-proof ” feeders are causing harm to some of the songbirds who get caught when the feeder shroud malfunctions, catching them unawares while feeding. These feeders are designed only to activate under squirrel weight, not bird weight, so it’s not clear just what’s going awry, but bird watcher Mike Brown can’t imagine what else could be causing what he’s been seeing for the past six weeks. At first, he said he saw one finch favouring a leg, but then it got worse and worse, with a foot falling off and three or four others with broken legs and bones sticking out. He’s desperately concerned, but not sure what he can do to fix the problem since he doesn’t know the source of the injuries. Has anyone else out there seen similar injuries, or does anyone have a squirrel-proof feed-


Judie Steeves er that could be malfunctioning? Otherwise, I can’t imagine what could be causing the injuries, much less what can be done to prevent them. Further to my column last week about the annual Christmas Bird Count, there was also a count done at Big White



for the fourth year, that showed there’s a healthy population of common redpolls and mountain chickadees. As well, it’s no surprise that Rock Pigeons and Common Ravens find the pickings good at a resort, noted long-time Kelowna birder Denise Brownlie.

In fact, 167 redpolls were counted, along with 132 mountain chickadees, 108 ravens and 50 rock pigeons, along with 59 gray jays and 47 pine grosbeaks. At this time of year, birds and other wildlife subsist under sometimes very difficult conditions—ones I certainly don’t envy—so it’s criminal if we are making it even more difficult by causing injuries as we try to help them out with a bit of feed. While it is fun to watch the birds at the feeder, don’t let them get into the habit of expecting your feed if you plan to stop feeding for part of the winter, because you then leave them vulnerable. In a year like this, with just a light cover of snow, life isn’t quite as hard for them as it when the snow is deep, but there are still lots of dangers out there for them. We’re experiencing some of the shortest days of the year, and that alone makes it difficult for day-active birds to get enough to sustain them. On the other hand, does that would mean it’s easier for owls and other nocturnal birds? Judie Steeves writes about outdoors issues for the Capital News.

News from your community Lake Country Calendar Reduce Re-use Recycle Re-think

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Central Okanagan’s first baby of 2013 takes his time to arrive WADE PATERSON STAFF REPORTER

Niguel Japson will one day be able to boast that he was the first baby born in Kelowna in 2013. The five-pound-eightounce son of Jennifer Mendoza and Norlan Japson was welcomed to the world at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday at Kelowna General Hospital. The Lower Mission family wasn’t expecting a New Year’s baby; Niguel’s due date was supposed to be later in January. Mendoza has two other boys, a 13-year-old and a five-year-old. She said her 13-yearold son also arrived prematurely. Niguel and his mother are listed as doing well and were visited by their family on Wednesday morning. According to Mendoza, the name Niguel means champion. The first baby born in B.C. this year was David Junior Ricky Joe James at Kamloops’ Royal Inland Hospital, at 12:02 a.m. His parents are from Merritt. The first baby in the Okanagan arrived in Penticton earlier Tuesday.


HAPPY MOM Jennifer Mendoza and dad Norlan Japson of Meritt watch their son Niguel,the first baby born at Kelowna General Hospital in 2013. He arrived Tuesday at 7:15 p.m.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


news ▼ HEALTH

When it comes to New Year resolutions, it’s not go big or go home LAURA SNYDER CONTRIBUTOR

Think back on the New Years’ resolutions you’ve set for yourself. How many have you been able to keep? When it comes to resolutions, most of us tend to have the mindset of a Texan: go big or go home. We reach for the stars and set goals like running the Boston Mara-

thon or looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger when our sneakers haven’t seen the light of day since Thanksgiving. We all want to be better in the New Year, but if we set the bar too high are we bound to fail? And if we fail, will we resort back to our old ways and habits without giving it a second try? As a physiotherapist, I commonly hear about people wanting to incr

Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler Cross Sex: Male Colour: Black / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 286188

Barney was surrendered to the SPCA in order for us to find him a new, more suitable home. His owner had no time for him between work & sports. It is important for his new home to either have experience with his breed mix or do extensive research. His breed is very energetic & requires lots of exercise & challenges in order to be a well-rounded dog; if not, they can quickly become bored & then destructive. Barney is good with older children, but definitely not with cats of any age. His previous owner described him as friendly, playful, active/hyper & loyal/protective - all very common traits of the Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler. Barney would make a great running or hiking companion for the right owner. If you believe your home would be the right one for Barney, please speak with the Kelowna SPCA Dog Staff to meet him.


ease their physical activity, loose weight and build muscle mass. Unfortunately, the extreme resolutions are more likely to be abandoned and result in physical injury. Don’t get me wrong, they are important goals and may be achievable if provided with enough time. However, making smaller, intermediate resolutions may be a better way to get you where you want to go. Whether you’ve already registered for a race or just want to get your heart pumping, starting at the beginning is always a good idea. According to the American College of Sports Medicine

(ASCM) exercise and physical activity can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, type-two diabetes and some forms of cancer. It can also lower your blood pressure, help with weight management, prevent and improve mild to moderate depressive disorders and anxiety and improve your overall quality of life. With this many benefits, how could you not want to add exercise to your daily life in 2013? The ASCM recomm ends that healthy adults should exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes per week. This works out to be 30 minutes of exercise five days per week. And as long as each

exercise interval is at least 10 minutes in length, you can combine intervals to reach the full 30 minutes. It may not be the 26 miles of a marathon but it will start to train your muscles, heart and lungs to handle the new demand. Over time your body will adapt to these changes and you will be able to walk or run faster and further than you could before. Once you’ve reached this intermediate resolution, you may start training for those longer runs with more intense training schedules. There are many training plans out there for you to follow, just remem ber to set small goals and

give yourself time in order to build the endurance you will need for race day. If you were previously inactive and 150 minutes of exercise is your end goal, start small. Less than 20 minutes of exercise per day can still provide you with many health benefits. Try taking a 10-minute walk on your lunch break, park at the far end of the parking lot or climb those stairs to your office instead of taking the elevator. Any amount of physical activity is beneficial, but like vacation time, more is better. Challenge yourself each week by increasing the briskness, duration and/or frequency of your

exercise and you’ll be on a healthy path to reaching your New Year’s resolution and those 150 minutes! If you have a known heart disease or chronic condition consult with your physician before beginning an exercise program. For a little extra motivation, check out Dr. Mike Evan’s video called 23 ½ Hours. It is available at http://www.myfavouritemedicine. com/23-and-a-halfhours. It will help you and start small to go big. Laura Snyder is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield 250-766-2544

Your source for local news and informtion—the Lake Country Calendar.



My dog gets very anxious in the car and throws up. Is there anything I can do to help this?

Motion sickness in dogs is a common problem and can include excessive drooling, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea. Motion or car sickness is more common in younger dogs than adults. The reason may be due to the fact that the parts of the inner ear involved in balance aren’t fully developed. Puppies will often “outgrow” motion sickness by the time they’re about 1 year old. Dogs that travel only once or twice a year aren’t used to car rides. This causes heightened anxiety and stress, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. The best way to ease your dog’s travel anxiety is by taking several short trips before embarking on a long haul. Start by simply placing your dog in your car, starting the motor, and sitting there without moving for a few minutes. The next day, repeat this process, but back out of your driveway and then return. Be sure to praise your dog and offer a food reward for good behavior. Gradually work your way up to riding comfortably for 20 to 30 minutes. Other things to try include withholding food for 12 hours prior to travel, use a carrier or safety harness, offer special trip toys and keep the vehicle cool and quiet. Your veterinarian may also suggest lavender, dog appeasing pheromone or calming herbs (ex. Bach flower) for mild cases. Some dogs may require antinausea or anti-anxiety medications that are available through most veterinary clinics.

Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099

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Sheri Cater




Why do you use a home stager when you take a listing and why is it a part of your Realtor service? I know that the first impression of your home is extremely important and that the first impression of a home generally occurs when the potential buyer first sees the home photos on-line. When clients and I agree that I will professionally represent their home, I always invest in the home presentation by having their home staged before my professional photographer/videographer arrives. I believe that another set of objective eyes is always helpful to insure that clutter is tucked away, the best towels are on display, open drapes are hanging just right and blinds are open at the perfect angle to best illuminate your home’s features. If a home appears to be disorganized in showings and in pictures, buyers will wonder what other, less visible problems may be hidden and might cause issues over time. A professional, detailed home listing is a very important part of my service to you as a Realtor. Home staging is only one component of the professional service that I offer to clients and, as we all know, impactful first impressions can only be made once! 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100


What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?

Will my flu shot protect me from this ‘norovirus’ that I keep hearing about?

The norovirus that we are hearing about in the news causes a viral gastroenteritis. This leads to symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping fever and chills. The symptoms start 24-48 hours after infection from the virus and last for 24-36 hours. Dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea can be a concern, especially in the elderly and the very young. The seasonal influenza vaccination (or ‘flu shot’) protects you from the influenza virus. This is not related to the norovirus, and there is no protection offered against norovirus from the ‘flu shot’. There is no vaccination against norovirus, and this strain that is circulating currently is a new one. Therefore, our immune systems have not been introduced to this strain, making it more likely to get sick. The illness is usually spread more rapidly in small communities (like schools, daycares, nursing homes etc) than in the general community. The best way to prevent getting a norovirus infection is by hand washing. If you are affected by the norovirus it is advisable to stay home and not potentially spread germs to others. To treat symptoms, drink plenty of fluids. A use of an anti-diarrheal or anti-nauseant can be helpful as well. Symptoms lasting more than 2-3 days should be reported to your physician.


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013

34. 40. 42. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. Without any other 55. dietary or prescription



Strive ____ space Behind, matey Run, as colors Surgical light beam Way in Put into service Off "Saturday Night ____" Sketch ____ High or low card That woman or supplementation with Gave lunch to resveratrol may benefit

More on the health benefits of red wine


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Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


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Numskull Out of town Substitute worker Fireproof material ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 648 Dwellings Escapade Main dish Spicy Motor lubricant Citrus drink TKO caller Dwarfed tree Pond resident Bee house Happily ____ after Marries Cloth belt A11

COMMUNITY EVENTS Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

•LC SENIORS BUS SCHEDULE Tues., Jan. 8, 22 Wheels to Meals lunch with local shopping. Tues., Jan. 15, 29 Wheels to Meals lunch. Sat., Jan. 12 Vernon pancake breakfast, shopping. Sat., Jan. 19 Robbie Burns night at Oyama Legion. To reserve a seat on bus phone Margaret 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-8614131. •WE ARE BACK! Wheels to Meals are starting Jan. 8 at noon in the Seniors’ Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road. All are welcome. •LAKE COUNTRY LIONS PASTA & BLUES/WINE. Feb. 2, Winfield Memorial Hall 6pm – 9:30pm. Featuring The Dreamland Band, Robert Fine, Anna Jacyszyn. Spaghetti dinner, fine wines, great music. Tickets $20 at Woodsdale Store, Lake Country Coffee House, or phone 250-717-7615 limited seating, book early. •THE LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAKE COUNTRY THRIFT STORE hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAVERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/VENTURERS REGISTRATION/AGM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •LAKE COUNTRY BUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •OYAMA LEGION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 •CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-7663026. •TO ALL WINFIELD CRIB PLAYERS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/ evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-7660850. •SOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer@shaw. ca for further info. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


Valleyview Dignity Memorial


Poet and essayist named UBCO’s writer-in-residence

Award-winning Caers—at least six of whom nadian poet and essayist are students —to get free THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2013 Erìn Moure is the sixth critiques of their work. For us, there is no higher honour annual writer-in-resiMoure will spendA&E two TSN CHBC CIVT CBC SNP KNOW KOMO than to be chosen to bring loved ones, KIRO CHAN dence at( UBC’s Okanaweeks # $ and a% & _ ) * on UBC’s ` Okana1 friends lifetime of memories AronCurling Meier The Doctors The View Poko ganIs campus. gan campus from Feb. The Doctors Sportsnet Bucket-Dino The View Criminal together in celebration of a special life. The Price :00 Assistant ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” ” giving Minds 10 :30 Manager Sponsored byConnected the de- Franklin 1 to 15, 2013, a ” Mamas The Marilyn Steven and Young & Mamas Sportsnet Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2013 :00Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements partment of creative public talk on translation, Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part Connected Dive, Olly News Minds 11 :30 E:60 30 for 30 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News HockeycenDan The Chew Theon First 48 studies and the faculty of Dino holding a workshop TSN CHBC CIVT CBC Bold KIRO CHAN KNOW KOMO A&E ” Hour ” Now Hour tralSNP at Noon Rob Robot ” ” 12 :00 :30 creative and critical studpoetry translation, and Curling Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our Soccer Save-Ums! General The First 48 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 :00 ” Lives ” ” ies, this Lives Pig Hospital ”to 1 :30 165 Valleyview Road •Show 250-763-3147 programCentral allows Wibbly meeting with students The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors Sportsnet Bucket-Dino The View Criminal :00 Curling” The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk Bensinger Big Bear The Doctors The First 48 :00 Proudly serving Lake Country, Memorial Gardens Cemetery by the airport.Deal ” affiliated with Lakeview ” ” Doodlebops Right 16 selected ” localConnected Franklin ” workMinds 10 :30 writdiscuss their one” ” ” Chris ” Fish TV Dinosaur ” ” 2 :30 ” Mamas The Marilyn Steven and Young & Mamas Sportsnet Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal :00 ” The Ricki Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki On the Edge Rob Robot The Dr. Oz The First 48 :00

Valleyview Funeral Home

11 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2013 4 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 5 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :30 6 :00 3 :30 7 10 4 :00 8 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 9 :30 12 :00 :00 10 6 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 11 7 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 3 :30 :00 9 :30 4 10 5 :00 :30 11 6 :00 :30 :00 12 7 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2013 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 11 :00 :30 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2013 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :00 :30 3 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2013 12 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 9 :00 :30 12 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 1 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 3 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 :30 9 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :00 :30 8 :30 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2013 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 11 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 12 :00 :30 11 :30 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2013 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2013 :00 5 :30 12 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 :30 1 :00 :30 # $ % & 7 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 1 :00 :30 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 12 :00 :30 E:60 SportsCentre 30 for 30 Hockey World ”Poker

Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless

Curling Tour World ”Poker Tour ” ” Curling ”” Curling SportsCentre ””

Days of our News Lives ”

Denis Show Show neres CTV News Anderson Live ”

The Dr. Oz CTV News Show at Five The Talk Dr. Phil Global Nat. CTV News CHBC” News ”” The Ricki Ellen DeGeEnt The Doctors Big TheBang View Lake Show neres ET Canada etalk ”Show ” Hockey Young & Anderson ”” Last Resort Big Bang Mamas The Marilyn World Poker Restless Live Men ” Two E:60 ” Debt/Part Denis Show Tour News News CTV News News Chicago Fire Grey’s 30 for ”30 Noon CTV World ”Poker Hour ” at Five” SportsCentre Anatomy Tour GlobalofNat. CTVDr. News SportsCentre Elementary Curling Days our Flashpoint The Oz Curling CHBC” News Show ” ”” Lives SportsCentre CHBC News Ent Talk ”” The Final ET Canada ”” ” SportsCentre ET Canada ”” Last Resort The Ricki SportsCentre J. Probst ” ” SportsCentre Lake Show

CTV News Big Phil Bang Dr. CTV etalk News ”

” Chicago Hockey Young & Fire SportsCentre ” World Poker Restless SportsCentre Elementary Tour News ” World ”Poker

Grey’s Anderson Anatomy Live Flashpoint CTV News at Five”

” ”

Last Resort ”

Heartland News News ”

Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless

Connected ” HockeycenWorld Poker tral at Noon Tour

Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur

News Show The Chew KOMO 4 News ”

The First First 48 48 The ””

Days of our Early News Lives Nat. Global

SoccerTime Prime Central Sports

Save-Ums! Martha Wibbly Pig Wild Kratts

General News Hospital

The First First 48 48 The ””

The the Edge Ent Bensinger The Ricki Doctors On Sportsnet Lake Show ” ET Canada Bensinger ” Connected Young & WorldTour Poker Last Resort Dew Mamas Sportsnet Restless Tour ” ” Debt/Part Connected

Rob Robot What’s That Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog About? Franklin G. Shrinks The World Rolie Polie of ArthurOlly Stonehenge Dive,

The Dr. Oz Wheel The View Show Jeopardy! ” KOMO 4 Last Resort KOMO 4 News News ”

News Doc Zone CBC News News ” Now News CBC News: Heartland The National Exchange ”

Early News Chicago Fire Noon News Global” Nat. Hour News Hour Elementary Days of our Lives ”

Martha Mayor of the Dino Dan Wild Robot Kratts Sunset Strip Rob Animals ” Save-Ums! Snapshot Rivers Pig Wibbly

News Grey’s The Chew World ”News Anatomy KOMO Scandal General4 News ” Hospital


KIRO News News Person of KIRO KIRO News Interest Bold KIRO News Elementary The Talk ”” CBS News

Person of Judge Judy Interest Judge Judy CBC NewsNews: Elementary KIRO News The National KIRO ”News News CBC NewsNews George S Exchange

CHAN The Talk News Hour ( ””

KIRO Newsa News Hour Ent Make Ent Talk Let’s The Late omg!Show Insider Final ET Canada Deal ” Letterman ET Canada Big Bang Last Resort ThisMinute The Ricki Ferguson J. Probst Two Men ” ThisMinute Lake Show

Doc Zone Dragons’ Den ”

Daily Show Coronation Big Bang George S Colbert Rep Q With Jian etalk Coronation Big Bang Two Men

Restless ThisMinute KIRO News Judge Judy Bold Judy Judge

The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News Steven and KIRO Let’s Make News Newsa Chris Deal News Exchange CBS Best Recipes ThisMinute George S Ent Poko The Price Is Stefano Coronation omg! Insider Doodlebops ThisMinute Right Dragons’ Judge Judy The Nature Big Bang Steven and Young & Den Judge Judy of Things Two Men Chris Restless

CBC News George S Steven and George S Coronation Chris Daily Show Coronation Big Bang The Nature Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes Colbert Rep Stefano Q Jian Two Men of With Things neres Show

SportsCentre CHBC Tour Global News Nat. CTV News ” Final Curling CHBC News CTV News ” SportsCentre ET ” Ent Canada SportsCentre J. ” ETProbst Canada

Chris Stefano CBC News Dragons’ Now Den

KIRO News Late CBS Show News

SNP Bensinger Sportsnet Fish) TV Connected

Prime On theTime Edge HockeycenSports tral at ”Noon Sportsnet Soccer Connected Central

News KNOW World KOMO Big Bear The Doctors Animals KOMO 4 Dinosaur ” * ` Rivers News


A&E The First First 48 48 The 1 ”” The First 48 Beyond Criminal ” Scared Minds The First 48 Beyond Criminal Scared Minds” The The First First 48 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ””

News Wheel The Doctors Beyond The First 48 Jimmy Scared Jeopardy! ” ” Kimmel Live Beyond Last Resort The Dr. Oz The First 48 Nightline Scared ” Show ” Chicago thePoker Edge Mayor of the Grey’s The Young & Fire On World G. Shrinks KOMO 4 The First First 48 48 ” Sunset ”” Restless Tour ” Arthur Strip Anatomy News

on-one. with Moure. should be made via email Moure’s free pubIf you would like to be before Jan. 21 and sent lic reading at downtown considered for an to: melissa.mchugh@ Kelowna’s Okanagan appointment, send one ubc.caKCTS KING YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS Regional Library, details should 6 7 as part 9 attached ; document, < a A Email N P of the visiting author semaximum of four to six include your name, stuSquirrel CBC News Mighty Ships The Office Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today Puppies Now Withfor ” How Iof Met Babyor Story Kratts (if cont’d ries. is scheduled pages poetry 15 CI dentWild number applicaG. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Dangerous Family Feud Cake Boss Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day Tuesday, Feb. 12, starting pages of prose (plus a ble), phone number, and Rescue Hero cont’d Flights Family Feud ” CI Rick Steves Northwest League/Evil CBC News When Aliens Matlock synopsis What Not toanExcused Movie: KING 5 at 7 p.m. one-page if email address. NEWS DISC KAYU TLC Excused WTBS “The KCTS News KING KidYTV vs. Kat Now With Attack ” Wear Writers of7 poetry and9 excerpt fromFour a longer put Writer Squirrel Gloria ” Law; Order: There Yet? Please Quantum Days of in our 6 < A N P Sidekick ” CI Weddings There Yet? Activist” in the Lives translationMacarenko are particuwork). Residence subSquirrel CBC News Mighty Ships The Office Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today Almost Power & MythBusters Funny Home Four King Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Puppies Now With ” How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d larly encouraged Your submission ject line. League/Evil Politics to meet ” Videos Weddings King ” ” G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Squirrel ” Rescue SidekickHero cont’d ” League/Evil CBC News Odd Parents Lang & Kid vs. Kat Now With Odd Parents O’Leary Squirrel Odd Parents Sidekick Odd Parents Almost iCarly League/Evil Victorious Squirrel Mr. Young Squirrel Sidekick Boys Puppies


GloriaNews CBC Macarenko ” PowerNews: & CBC Politics The National ” CBC CBC News News ”” Now With


Family Feud The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show When Aliens Matlock Daily Planet Anderson Attack” Live ” ” Law Order: Sons of Simpsons CI Guns ” Raymond

DISC Funny KAYU MythBusters Home Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Videos 9 ; ”” Two Men

Invented/ Moonshiners Mighty Ships World ”” Odd Parents Reshmi Lang News: & Nair Dangerous Daily Planet Wipeout CBC Mayday G. Shrinks Odd Parents O’Leary ” Hero cont’d The National Flights” Rescue Odd Laughs Parents CBC News SonsN’ of Just Fast Loud League/Evil CBC News: News When Aliens Oddvs. Parents ” Guns ” Just Laughs The Kid Kat NowNational With Attack iCarly News: Fast N’ Boys CBC News Moonshiners Squirrel Gloria ” Loud Mr. Young ” ”” Victorious The National Sidekick Macarenko

Hockey What’s That Bensinger Bensinger Big Bear UFC Central About? Bensinger Fish TV Dinosaur The Ultimate Stalin’s Back Dew Tour The World of On the Edge Rob Robot Fighter ” Stonehenge ”” Clifford-Dog

That’s-Weird CBC Mr. Young News Almost PowerNews: & Splatalot The National Boys ” League/Evil Politics Wipeout Lang & CBC News: Squirrel ” ” O’Leary The National Sidekick ”

Elementary Early News Global” Nat.

Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sports

News Hour Final ”

Hockey What’s Sportsnet AnimalsThat UFC Central About? Connected Rivers

” Martha Snapshot Wild Kratts

Dangerous Invented/ Flights World

Cake Boss Medium ” Medium

Law Order: The Office CI The Office

Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur

New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show

What To Be Not to Wear Announced

Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang

Movie: Wild Kratts “The WordGirl

KING 5 Katie News ”

Four To Be Weddings Announced

There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne

Days of KING 5 our Lives News

The ce Seinfeld Law Offi Order: The Office Seinfeld CI

Quantum Business Activist” World News Charlie Rose PBS ” NewsHour Cat in the Last Chance Sid Science Arthur to See Wild Kratts

Dr. Phil News Nightly News ” Ellen Magazine TodayDeGeneres Inside Show Ed. cont’d

Big Bang Family Guy Law Order: Big Bang Family Guy CI

Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Daniel Tiger WordGirl ” Rick Steves

Katie 30 Rock New Day ” 1600 Penn Northwest

Browns Amer. Dad Excused Payne Movie: Excused Browns “Step Up” There Yet? Payne”Yet? There

Business Midsomer Movie: World News Murders “The PBSBanks DCI Quantum ” NewsHour Activist”

KING 5 ce The Offi KING 5 NewsPenn 1600 News Nightly Rock Center Days ofNews our News ” Lives

” Seinfeld King Movie: Seinfeld King “Step Up Family The OffiGuy ce2 the Streets” Family The OffiGuy ce

” Rose Last Chance Charlie Decisions to See” Super Brain Foyle’s War Cat in the Arthur”

KING News Magazine Dr. Phil Jay Leno Inside ”Ed.

Paid Four Prog. Medium Paid Prog. Weddings Medium

What To Be Not to Wear Announced To Be Announced

Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Step Up” Browns Payne”

Midsomer Wild Kratts Murders WordGirl DCI Banks Business World ”News

TLC Four Four Weddings < Weddings

The Ricki Big TheBang Office Lake Two Men How IShow Met

Medium What Not to Baby Story Medium Wear Baby Story Anderson To Be Boss Mobbed Four Family Feud Cake Live ” Feud Weddings Announced Family ” Simpsons To Be Not Glee What Matlock What Not to to Raymond Announced ”” Wear Wear Big Bang Four News To Be Law Order: Four H.S. Sports Announced Two Men Weddings CI Weddings

Sons of Sunny Moonshiners Big Bang MythBusters Funny Home Guns ”” TMZ Two Men Videos MythBusters The Offi ce Mayday Mobbed Invented/ The Ricki King of ” Hill World ” Lake Show



” 30 Rock Ellen DeGeJimmy Fallon 1600 Penn neres Show The KatieOffice 1600 Penn ”

Scandal News World ”News

The First 48 ”

Just Fast Loud Odd Laughs Parents CBC Lang News: & DailyN’ Planet Just National ”” Odd Laughs Parents The O’Leary Boys Moonshiners Odd Parents CBC News Sons of Mr. ” OddYoung Parents Guns ”

News KOMO 4 Jimmy News

Beyond The First 48 Scared ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons ofLoud Sunny iCarly Fast N’ Big Bang Splatalot The National Guns ” TMZ Victorious Two Men

To Be Four Announced Weddings

” Browns Movie: Payne

PBS ” Decisions NewsHour

Wipeout Mr. Young Boys ”

Lang & CBC News O’Leary ”

Paid WhatProg. Not to Paid WearProg.

“Step Up 2 Seinfeld the Streets” Seinfeld

Super Brain Magazine ” Last Chance Jimmy Fallon to See” Inside Ed.

CBC News: Mayday The National ”

Letterman ET Ent Ent Canada Ferguson omg! Insider J. ETProbst Canada

The Ultimate Stalin’s Back Kimmel Bensinger What’s That Wheel Live Beyond Fighter ” Nightline Scared Bensinger About? Jeopardy! Dew Tour ”

News Simpsons H.S. Sports Raymond

MythBusters Office Moonshiners The Big Bang ” King of Hill Two Men

KING NightlyNews News Jay Leno News

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Two Men

Last Resort ”

Beyond Scared

Wipeout ”

Four Weddings

Family Guy Family Guy

Foyle’s War ”

30 Rock 1600 Penn

Doc Zone ”

Person of Interest

Chicago Fire On the Edge Mayor of the Grey’s ” ” Sunset Strip Anatomy

The First 48 ”

Just Laughs CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee Just Laughs The National ” ”

What Not to Wear

Amer. Dad Movie:

Midsomer Murders

The Office 1600 Penn

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

To Be Announced

“Step Up” ”

DCI Banks ”

Rock Center ”

CBC News: Elementary The National ”

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Connected

The First 48 ”

Boys Mr. Young

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey What’s That UFC Central About?

Beyond Scared

That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Splatalot The National Guns

Sunny TMZ

To Be Announced

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Curling The Doctors Colbert The View SportsCentre J. Probst Rep ” ” ”

Coronation Poko Q With Jian Doodlebops

Letterman The Price Is Ferguson Right

ET Canada The Doctors J. Probst ”

The Ultimate Stalin’s Back Kimmel Live Sportsnet Bucket-Dino The View Fighter ” Nightline Connected Franklin ”

Beyond Parking Scared Parking

Wipeout Squirrel ” G. Shrinks

The Office The Offi ce King of Hill How I Met

Paid Prog. BabyProg. Story Paid Baby Story

” Motoring

Mamas Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Rolie Polie Dive, Olly

KOMO 4 News

Parking Parking

G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Hillbilly Rescue Hero cont’d Handfishin’


Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

Parking Parking

League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

Curling ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

” Curling ” ””

The Talk Dr. Phil The Doctors The View ” ” ” ” The Ricki Ellen DeGeSportsCentre Lake Show neres Show ” Mamas The Marilyn Motoring Debt/Part Denis Show NBA Young & Anderson Basketball: Restless Live News E:60 Noon News CTV ” Hour ” Bobcats at News CTV News Raptors ” our The at Five Curling Days of Dr. Oz ”” Lives Global Nat. Show CTV News Curling CHBC News Dr. Phil ” ” The Talk ”” ” ” Ent Big Bang Curling The Doctors The View ”” ET Canada etalk The Ricki Ellen DeGe” ” ”Show SportsCentre Lake Show neres ” Kitchen CSI: NY Mamas The Marilyn Nightmares ” NBA ” Young & Anderson Motoring Debt/Part Denis Show Basketball: Restless Live Tank ” Parenthood Shark E:60 Noon News CTV News SportsCentre ” ” Bobcats at News CTV News ” Hour ” SportsCentre 16x9 ” Blue Bloods Raptors at Five Curling Days of ” ” our The Dr. ” Oz ” Global Nat. CTV News ” Lives Show SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Curling ” Final CTV News ” The Talk Dr. Phil ” Ent Big Bang ” ” ” SportsCentre ET Canada The ” etalk J. Probst Mentalist ” The Ricki Ellen DeGe” Kitchen CSI: NY SportsCentre Lake Show neres Show ” Nightmares ” NBA Young & Anderson ” Parenthood Shark Basketball: Restless Live Tank SportsCentre ” ” Bobcats at News CTV News SportsCentre 16x9 ” Blue Bloods Raptors at Five ” ” ” ” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC Curling CHBC News News CTV News ” ” Final CTV News ” Ent Big Bang SportsCentre ET ” ET Canada Canada The etalk ” J. Probst Mentalist ” Kitchen CSI: NY ” Nightmares ”

” Parenthood SportsCentre ” SportsCentre 16x9 ” ” SportsCentre ” Curling SportsCentre ”” ” NFL’s

KIRO The Talk ” _


CHAN Days of our Lives (


SNP Soccer Central )

Scandal ”

KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * `

KNOW General KOMO Save-Ums! Wibbly Pig Hospital * `

A&E 1

A&E Parking Parking 1


YTV Squirrel Sidekick 6

CBC News ”


Lang & CBC News O’Leary Now With

CBC News Now With

NEWS Gloria Macarenko 7

Big Bear The Doctors Bucket-Dino The View Dinosaur ” Franklin ” Oz Rob Robot The Dr. Clifford-Dog Show Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Dive, Olly News G. Shrinks KOMO 4

Parking Parking Parking Parking

Almost Squirrel League/Evil G. Shrinks Squirrel

Stefano Steven and Chris Dragons’

Let’s Make a The Talk Bobsledding The Sportsnet DealPrice Is The Doctors ” ” Right ” Connected ThisMinute The Ricki World Poker ThisMinute Lake Show Tour Young & Mamas Sportsnet Restless Connected Judge Judy Debt/Part Young & On the Edge

Parking Parking Duck D.

Den News CBC Now News News Heartland News ” Exchange Steven and Chris George S Poko Coronation Best Recipes Doodlebops Stefano Marketplace Steven and Rick Mercer Dragons’ Chris Den fi fth estate CBC News ” News Now CBC NewsNews: Heartland The National News ” CBC News Exchange George S Steven and George S Chris Coronation HarryRecipes Potter Best Marketplace Stefano Rick Mercer Dragons’ fi fth estate Den ” News CBC NewsNews: The National News CBC News Exchange George S George S Coronation Coronation Harry Potter Marketplace Rick Mercer

JudgeNews Judy KIRO Bold KIRO News KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS News Let’s Make a Deal Ent The Price Is omg! Insider ThisMinute Right ThisMinute Undercover Young & Boss Judy Judge Restless Judge Judy CSI: NY KIRO ”News KIRO News Bold Blue KIROBloods News The Talk ” KIRO News ” KIRO News CBS News Late Let’s Show Make a Ent Deal Letterman omg! Insider Ferguson ThisMinute Undercover ThisMinute Boss Judge Judy CSI: NY Judge Judy ” KIRO News Blue Bloods KIRO News ” KIRO News KIRO News CBS News Late Show Ent Letterman omg! Insider Ferguson Undercover Boss

Restless Noon News Hour Early News Global Days ofNat. our Lives News Hour ” The Talk ” Ent The Doctors ET Canada The Ricki ” Lake Show Kitchen Mamas Nightmares Young & Debt/Part Restless Parenthood Noon News ” Early News Hour 16x9 Global Nat. Days of ” our News Hour Lives News ”Hour Final The Talk Ent ” ET Canada J. Probst The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show Nightmares Young & Parenthood Restless ” Early News 16x9 Global Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent ET ET Canada Canada J. Probst Kitchen Nightmares

” Hockeycentral at Noon Hockey: Friday SoccerNight Central Hockey: Teams TBA Bobsledding ”” Sportsnet World ”Poker Connected Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected On the Edge Connected ” The Ultimate HockeycenFighter Hockey: tral at Noon Sportsnet Friday Night Soccer Connected Hockey: Central Hockey Teams TBA UFC Central Bobsledding ” ” Bobsledding ” World ”Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected On the Edge The Ultimate ” Fighter Hockey: Sportsnet Friday Night Connected Hockey: Hockey Teams TBA UFC Central ” Bobsledding ” ” Sportsnet Connected

Arthur Dino Dan Rob Robot Martha Wild Kratts Save-Ums! Wibbly AnimalsPig Parks Big Bear Dinosaur Mega Bucket-Dino Builders Rob Robot Franklin Clifford-Dog Emma Rolie Polie ” G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Arthur Poirot Dino Dan ” Martha Rob Robot Party Wild Kratts Save-Ums! Animals Animals Wibbly Pig Mega Parks Builders Big Bear Mega Dinosaur Emma Builders ” Rob Robot Emma Clifford-Dog ” G. Shrinks Poirot Arthur ” Martha Party Wild Kratts Animals Animals Mega Parks Builders Mega Emma Builders ” Emma ”

News The Chew News ” World News General Hospital KOMO 4 News The Doctors Wheel” The View Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz ” Show Last Man KOMO 4 Malibu 4 KOMO News News Tank Shark The Chew ” News ” 20/20 World News General ” KOMO 4 Hospital News Jimmy The Doctors Wheel ” Live Kimmel Jeopardy! Nightline The Dr. Oz Last Man Show Malibu KOMO 4 Shark News Tank ” News 20/20 World News ” KOMO 4 News News Jimmy Wheel Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Nightline Last Man Malibu

Duck D. Parking Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Parking Storage Parking Storage Parking Parking Parking Storage Parking Storage Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Storage Duck D. Storage Parking Storage Parking Storage Storage Parking Storage Parking Storage Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

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10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2013 12 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 :30 # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 10 :30 9 :30 :00 4 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :00 5 :30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :00 :30 1 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :00 11 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2013 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 2 :30 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 8 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 12 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2013 8 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 10 :00 :30 :00 10 11 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :00 :30 TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2013 6 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 7 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 2 :30 :30 :00 # $ % & _ 8 :30 3 :00 10 9 4 :30 :00 10 11 5 :30 :00 11 12 6 :30 :00 12 1 7 :30 2 :30 8 :00 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2013 9 :00 3 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :00 8 1 :30 9 :30 2 :00 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 11 :30 :00 5 :30 12 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 Basketball: ”

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Here Comes Here Comes Honey Honey Totally THere Comes Boz Honey Paid Prog. Pete Rose Paid Prog. Pete Rose

Movie: Movie: “Yes Man” “Fool’s ” Gold” ” ” Jim Movie: There Yet? “Failure to



The 70th LazyTown Annual Noodle Masterpiece Golden Health!-Joel Arrivals Classic Globe ” Special Abolitionists: Awards Pioneers in The 70th American ” Aviation Annual He Touched KING News Moyers & Golden Me: Elvis Backroads Company Globe Presley Paid Prog. Masterpiece Awards Heart Paid Prog. Classic ”

Once Upon a Time

Dragons’ Den

Elementary ”

Simpsons Burgers

The Ultimate Horse Power Once Upon Fighter ” a Time

Storage Storage

Splatalot Zoink’d!

Chinese Murder

Simpsons Burgers

Here Comes Launch” Honey ”

SportsCentre Family Guy Motoring Amer. Dad

Castle ”

Republic of Doyle

The Good Wife

Family Guy Amer. Dad

On the Edge Lewis ” ”

Storage Storage

Splatalot Babysitting

CBC News: Inside the The National Milky Way

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Pete Rose Pete Rose

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife

The Mentalist

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

The Good Wife

Sportsnet Connected

Storage Storage

Pick Splatalot

Castro’s Cuba

News TMZ

Here Comes Movie: Honey “Yes Man”

Abolitionists: Awards American ”



Sportfi shing The Doctors The SportsCentre News Final CTVView News Motoring ” ” Block ” CTV News

Poko CBC News Doodlebops fifth estate

The Price Is KIRO News Right KIRO News

The Doctors Sportsnet News Final European Connected Block ” Poker Tour

Bucket-Dino View Mayor of the The News Franklin Sunset Strip Castle”

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Squirrel Babysitting G. Shrinks Splatalot

CBC News Doc Zone Now With ”

Baby TotallyStory TBaby Boz Story

Law Order: ” CI ”

Sid Science He Touched Wild Kratts Me: Elvis

Today KING News cont’d Backroads

Engraved on SportsCentre a Nation ” To Be Announced

Mamas Paid Prog. Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

The Marilyn Denis Show Mentalist

Steven” and Chris Canadian CBC News Now

Young & Face the Restless Nation KIRO News Bold

Mamas Paid Prog. Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

Sportsnet Connected Hockeycentral at Noon

Rolie Polie ” Dive, Olly Snapshot Dino Dan Rob Robot

KOMO” 4 News Burn Notice The Chew ”

Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 ”

G. Shrinks The Pink Rescue Panther Hero 2 League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

Reshmi Nair Pyros ” CBC News: cont’d ” The National CBC News Licence to Now With Drill

Family Boss Sunny Feud Cake Paid Prog. Family Feud Cake Boss Spokane Paid Prog. Perry Mason What Not to ” Wear

Law Jim Order: CI There Yet? Excused Excused

Daniel PresleyTiger Rick HeartSteves

CTV News ”

He Touched Me: Elvis

New Paid Day Prog. Northwest Paid Prog. KING 5 News

NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save-Ums! Wibbly Pig

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick

Gloria Macarenko

Jungle Gold ”

Law Order: CI

There Yet? There Yet?

Presley Heart

Days of our Lives

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

EPL Review Big Bear ” Dinosaur

The First 48 ”

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

MythBusters Funny Home Four ” Videos Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Mamas Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days ofNews our CHBC Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors ” Young”& ” Restless Mamas Hawaii FiveDebt/Part News 0 ” Noon News News Hour Hour Global Nat. Final CHBCofNews Days our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Interruption ” Bones” SportsCentre The Ricki ” SportsCentre To Be ” Lake Show ” NFL Films Announced Young”& SportsCentre Hawaii Five” Restless ” 0 ” News SportsCentre News Hour ” ” ” Final ” Global Nat. SportsCentre ET Canada ” CHBC News ” J. Probst ” Ent ” ET Canada

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News The Dr. ” Oz Show Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ” Anger Ellen DeGeBig Bang neres Show The View To Be ” Anderson Announced Live Marilyn The Castle Denis Show CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV News ” CTV News CTV News ” Oz The Dr. Daily Show Show Big Bang Colbert Rep etalk Dr. Phil Anger” Big Bang Ellen DeGe-

Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC News News Now News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris Mr. D Best Recipes Ron James Stefano Poko Murdoch Doodlebops Dragons’ Mysteries Den Steven and CBC News: Chris News The National News CBC News CBC News Now News George S Exchange Heartland Coronation ” S George Being Erica Coronation Steven and

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young Judy & Judge Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’s a omg! Make Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Big Bang ThisMinute The Price Is Broke Girl Right Judge Judy Mike Judge Judy Young & Hawaii FiveRestless KIRO News 0 KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold KIRO News Late Show CBSTalk News The Letterman ” Ent Ferguson omg! Insider Let’s Make a

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelor Show The View ” KOMO” 4 ” News 4 KOMO Castle News News ” World News The Chew News ” KOMO 4 Jimmy News General Kimmel Live Hospital Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors

To Be Criminal Announced Minds ” Criminal ” Minds The HauntTheOf... First 48 ing ” The HauntTheOf... First 48 ing ” The HauntTheOf... First 48 ing ” The HauntTo Be ing Of... Announced Criminal The HauntMinds ” ing Of... ” Criminal The HauntMinds The Haunting Of... ing Of... The First 48 The Haunt” The Haunting Of... ing Of... The First 48 The Haunt” The Haunting Of... ing Of... The First 48

The ” Bachelor The Dr. Oz Show ” KOMO” 4

” The HauntingBe Of... To Announced The Haunting Of... ”

Castle Live ” CTV News CTV News at Five CTV News CTV News Daily Show ” Colbert Rep Big Bang etalk

Dinosaur Victorian Pharmacy Rob Robot Lake Show Big ” TheCoast Ultimate Clifford-Dog Fake or ” Fighter Fortune? Young & World Poker G. Shrinks CBC Five- Hawaii Five- Sportsnet Victorian Den News: Hawaii Judge Judy Restless Tour Arthur The National 0 0 Connected Pharmacy News KIRO News Early News Prime Time Martha CBC News KIRO News News Hour Hockey Coast Salish News Global Nat. Sports Wild Kratts George S Late Show Final UFC Central Knitters News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet Animals Coronation Letterman ET Canada European Fake or Exchange CBS News ” Connected Gardens Being Erica Ferguson J. Probst Poker Tour Fortune? George S Ent Ent EPL Review Coast Salish Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada ” Knitters

The Office Law Offi Order: The ce CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Office Family Guy The ce Law Offi Order: Amer. Dad CI Big Bang Romy and Big Bang Law Order: Michele’s CI Browns High School Payne Excused Reunion Excused Browns Romy and Payne Yet? There Michele’s There Yet? Seinfeld ” Seinfeld King King Guy Family Family The OffiGuy ce

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business He Touched World News Me: Elvis PBS Presley NewsHour Heart Old House Charlie Rose Antiques ” Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Arthur Sid Science Market Wild Wild Kratts Kratts Warriors WordGirl Daniel Tiger Independent Rick Steves Business Lens World News He Touched A Ripple of Me: PBSElvis Hope NewsHour Presley Happiness Heart Old House Advantage Antiques Charlie Rose

Deal I Met How Big Bang ThisMinute ThisMinute Broke Girl Mike Judge Judy

Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick G. Shrinks SpongeBob G. Shrinks SpongeBob Rescue Hero SpongeBob League/Evil SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat iCarly Squirrel Big Time Sidekick Victorious Almost How to Rock League/Evil Wipeout Squirrel ” Sidekick Squirrel Gags G. Shrinks SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob G. Shrinks Boys Rescue Hero SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob League/Evil That’s-Weird Kid vs. Kat iCarly Splatalot Big Time Squirrel Wipeout Sidekick Victorious ” How to Rock Almost League/Evil Wipeout ” Squirrel

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi O’Leary Nair cont’d CBC News CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Gloria The National Macarenko CBC News Power” & Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC News: Now LangWith & The National O’Leary Nair Reshmi CBC News cont’d CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC News: Now CBC With News: The National The National Gloria Lang & Macarenko CBC News O’Leary Power”&

Chris Mr. D Ron James Best Recipes Stefano Murdoch Mysteries Dragons’

Blue Jays Sportsnet Big Coast Connected World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time HockeycenSports tral at Noon Sportsnet Soccer Connected Central EPL Review EPL Review ” ” Blue Jays Blue Jays UFC Central Big Coast Sportsnet The Ultimate Connected World Poker Fighter Tour Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Prime Time Connected Sports HockeycenHockey tral at Noon Sportsnet UFC Central Connected Soccer European Central EPL Review Poker Tour ” EPL Review ” Blue Jays UFC Jays Central Blue

Castle News ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!

” Bones SportsCentre ”

Anger Big Bang

Mr. D Ron James

How I Met Big Bang

Bones ”

Blue Jays Victorian UFC Central Pharmacy

The Bachelor

” NFL Films

” ”

To Be Announced

Murdoch Mysteries

Broke Girl Mike

Hawaii Five0 The Doctors News ”Hour Final Mamas

Castle ” The View ” CTV News CTVMarilyn News The

CBC News: The National Poko Doodlebops CBC News Georgeand S Steven

Hawaii Five0 The Price Is Right KIRO News Late Show Young &

CHAN (FiveHawaii

SNP ) Sportsnet

0 The Doctors News ”Hour Final Mamas

Connected Sportsnet Connected Hockey UFC Central Sportsnet

” Debt/Part SportsCentre ET Canada J. Probst World ”Poker Noon News Tour Hour

Denis Show Daily Show Colbert Rep CTV News

Chris Coronation BeingNews Erica CBC

Restless Letterman Ferguson KIRO News

Debt/Part ET Canada J. Probst Noon News




NFL Live ”

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

SportsCentre Sportfi To Be shing Motoring Announced Engraved on ” a Nation ” To Be ” Announced ” NFL Live ” ” ” Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre SportsCentre To Be shing Sportfi ” Motoring Announced NFL Films ” Engraved on SportsCentre a Nation ” ” ” To Be SportsCentre Announced ” ” ” NFL Live SportsCentre ” ” ” Off Record

SportsCentre ” Fishing-Flats 30 for 30 SportsCentre ””

SportsCentre Fishing-Flats The The Ricki Doctors Lake Show 30 for ”30 ” To Be ” Young Mamas& Announced Restless ” Debt/Part World ”Poker News Noon News Tour ” Hour ” ” Global NFL Live Days ofNat. our To Be ” CHBC Lives News

neres To Be Show Announced Anderson


The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Mamas Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent TheCanada Talk ET ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors ” Young”& ” Restless Mamas Hawaii FiveDebt/Part Early News 0 GlobalNews Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News Hour Final ” our Days of ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Bones” ” The Ricki


” ”




The Talk NCIS ”

Dr. Phil Off-Rockers ” Off-Rockers

Steven and Rick Mercer Chris 22 Minutes

Let’s Talk NCISMake a The NCIS Deal ” ”

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `

A&E 1





DISC ” 9 ”


Mighty Ships The Offi Inside the ” ce ” How I Met Milky Way Sunny



The Haunt” ing Of... The HauntThe Haunting Of... ing Of... The HauntThe Haunting Of... ing Of... The Haunting Of...

The Haunting Of...

Wipeout ”

KNOW KOMO * ` Victorian Castle

The Haunting Of...

A&E The1 Haunt-

YTV 6 Boys

ing Of... Criminal Minds The Haunting Of... Criminal

Connected European Poker Tour Hockeycen-

Pharmacy ” Bucket-Dino The View Franklin Coast Salish News ” Knitters Jimmy 4 Rolie Polie KOMO Dive, Olly News Fake or Kimmel Live Fortune? Nightline Dino Dan The Chew

Mr. Young ” Squirrel CBC News Puppies That’s-Weird Now CBC With News: Splatalot The National G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Rescue WipeoutHero cont’d Lang & ” O’Leary League/Evil CBC News

tral at Noon

Rob Robot

Soccer Central

Save-Ums! Wibbly Pig


Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly Martha Dino Kratts Dan Wild Rob Robot Animals Save-Ums! Gardens Wibbly Pig Coast Salish Big Bear Knitters Dinosaur Victorian Rob Robot Pharmacy Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Fake or Franklin G. Shrinks Fortune? ArthurPolie Rolie Victorian Dive, Olly Martha Pharmacy Wild Kratts Dino Dan Coast Salish Rob Robot Animals Knitters Gardens Save-Ums! Fake orPig Wibbly Coast Salish Fortune? Knitters Big Bear

A&E 1

The Ricki The Offi ce Lake Show How I Met Anderson Family Feud Live Family Feud Simpsons Perry Mason Raymond ” Big Bang Law Men Order: Two CI Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Offi ce How I ”Met Anderson ” Live Family Feud News Family Feud Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Perry Mason Sunny” Big Bang TMZ Two Men Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang King of Hill Two Men Funny Home Videos Bones ” The Ricki


The Ultimate Fake or Fighter Fortune?


” ”


A&E 1


Gags Gags





Four Weddings


Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story Cake Boss: Cake Boss Next Baker Cake Boss Cake Boss: What Not to Next Baker Wear Cake Boss: Four Baker Next Weddings Pete Rose Four Rose Pete Weddings Cake Boss: Medium Next Baker Medium Baby Story Pete Rose Baby Cake Story Boss: Pete Rose Next Baker Cake Boss Cake Boss: Cake Boss Cake Boss: Next Baker Next Baker What Not to Cake Boss: Wear Cake Boss: Next Baker Next Baker Four Peter Popoff Weddings Pete Rose Paid Prog. Pete Rose Four


Michele’s Big Bang High School Browns Reunion Payne Romy and Browns Michele’s Payne ” Seinfeld Seinfeld

Independent WordGirl Lens Business A Ripple of World News Hope PBS Happiness NewsHour Advantage Old House Antiques

Deception ” ” KING 5 KING News News Jay Leno Nightly News News ” Jimmy Fallon Magazine Inside Ed.

CBC News: How/Made The National How/Made

Bones ”

Cake Boss: Next Baker

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

The Biggest Loser


KAYU ; News

TLC < Cake Boss:

WTBS A Michele’s

” KCTS KING ” N P Independent Deception

DISC 9 Greatest

CBC News: Sons of The National Guns

” ”

Pete Rose Pete Rose

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick

Gloria Macarenko

Greatest Know-It-All

The First 48 ”

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

MythBusters Funny Home Four ” Videos Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Bucket-Dino The View Clifford-Dog Show ” Franklin

Storage Criminal Storage Minds

Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick Puppies

The ce Law Offi Order: The CI Office

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts

Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show

Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage: The FirstNY 48 Storage: ” NY Storage: NY Storage Storage: Storage NY

Odd Parents G. Shrinks Odd Parents Rescue Hero Odd Parents League/Evil Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat iCarly Squirrel Victorious Sidekick Mr. Young Almost Boys League/Evil Wipeout Squirrel ” Sidekick

How/Made Mighty Ships The The Ricki Office How/Made Lake ” How IShow Met Daily Planet Anderson Canada’s Family Feud Worst ”Driver Live Family Feud Gold - Simpsons Sons Rush of Perry Mason The Dirt Raymond Guns ” Gold Rush Big Greatest LawBang Order: ” Two Know-It-All CI Men

Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story

G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Save-Ums! Dogs Wibbly Pig Be Bigthe Bear Creature Dinosaur West Went Rob Robot Bust Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Movie: G. Shrinks Franklin “The Last Arthur Dogs of Rolie Polie Martha Winter” Dive, Olly Wild Kratts

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Nair Reshmi O’Leary cont’d CBC CBC News News ” Now With CBC News: Gloria The National Macarenko

Big LawBang Order: Big CI Bang

Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage: The FirstNY 48 Storage Storage: ” NY Storage Storage: The FirstNY 48 Storage: ” NY

Squirrel Gags Odd Parents Puppies Gags Odd Parents Boys G. Shrinks Odd Parents Mr. Young Rescue Hero Odd Parents

Bering Sea MythBusters Gold ” Licence to How/Made Drill How/Made Mighty Ships Gold Daily Rush Planet ”” Bering Sea Canada’s Gold Rush Gold Worst Driver The Dirt

Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos Raising The Ricki Ben-Kate Lake Show The Offi New Girlce Anderson How Mindy Live I Met News Family Feud Simpsons 30 Rock Family Feud Raymond

Licence Sons of to Gold Rush Drill Guns ” MythBusters Greatest Bering Sea Know-It-All Gold ”

Sunny Perry Mason Big Bang TMZ ” Two Men The Offi ce Law Order: Big Bang King of Hill CI Two Men

Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business Life on Fire World ”News PBS Ocean NewsHour Joy/Painting State of Rose the Charlie State ” Pioneers Cat in theof Television Arthur Sid Abolitionists: WildScience Kratts Wild Kratts American WordGirl Frontline Daniel Tiger Business ”News Rick Steves World Uncommon Life PBSon Fire Courage ” NewsHour The QuanOcean State of the tum Activist Joy/Painting State

Katie New Day ” Northwest

CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” The National ” News CBC Lang News: & Now With The National O’Leary CBC Reshmi Nair CBC News News cont’d”” CBC News CBC News: News: The Now With The National National Lang & Gloria CBC News O’Leary Macarenko ”

Totally TCake Boss Boz Cake Boss ” What Not to Wear ” The Four Sisterhood Weddings Extreme Four Extreme Weddings The Medium Sisterhood Medium Baby Extreme TotallyStory TBaby Extreme Boz Story Paid CakeProg. Boss ” Paid CakeProg. Boss ” T-Boz What The Not to Paid Prog. Wear Sisterhood Paid Prog. Four Extreme Paid Prog. Weddings Extreme

General Hospital

KNOW KOMO The Doctors ” * ` KOMO KOMO 4 4 News News News The Chew World ”News KOMO General4 News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Mod Fam The Dr. Oz Suburgatory Show The View Happy KOMO 4 Apt. 23” News Private KOMO News 4 Practice News World News News The Chew KOMO 4 Jimmy News ” Kimmel General Wheel Live Nightline Hospital Jeopardy!


Be the Dino Dan Animals Creature Rob DogsRobot Last Dogs Save-Ums! Be the ” Pig Wibbly Creature

A&E 1

A&E 1



That’s-Weird League/Evil iCarly Splatalot Kid vs. Kat Victorious Wipeout Squirrel Mr. Young Sidekick Boys ”





Law Order: CI



Four Weddings



” How/Made CBC News: Gold Rush The National ” ” How/Made

SportsCentre Vegas To Be Young & ” ” Announced Restless

Criminal Anderson Minds Live

CBC News: Vegas Dragons’ Judge Judy The Den National Judge”Judy

Vegas Young & ” Restless

Sportsnet NHL Connected Hockey:

Announced ” ”” ” NFL Live ”

Ent Noon News ET Canada Hour

Big CTVBang News etalk ”

NCIS Days of our Lives ”

Off-Rockers The Dr. Oz Off-Rockers Show

George S CBC News Coronation Now Rick Mercer Heartland 22 Minutes ”

Ent KIRO News omg! Bold Insider NCIS The Talk ”

30 30 Off for Record ” Interruption

NCIS: Los The Talk Angeles ”

The Ricki SportsCentre Vegas ” Lake Show ”

Cleveland Cracked Dr. Phil Steven and New Normal ” Chris ”

The PBSQuanDaniel Tiger tum Activist NewsHour Rick Steves State of the Antiques State Roadshow Pioneers Julia Childof Television Joy/Painting

Mr. Young League/Evil Boys Kid vs. Kat Wipeout Squirrel ” Sidekick

Bering Sea Gold Rush Gold ” Licence to Bering Sea Drill Gold



Paid The Prog. Cake Boss Paid Prog. Sisterhood Cake Boss Big Bang Perry Mason Extreme What Not to Two Men Extreme ” Wear Raising The Law Order: Four Ben-Kate Sisterhood CI Weddings




Magazine KING 5 Inside News Ed. Off-Rockers Days of our Off-Rockers Lives

On the Edge Movie: Big Bear ” “The Last Dinosaur

Happy The Doctors Storage The First 48 Apt. 23 Storage ” ”

Gags Almost Gags League/Evil

CBC Gold Rush PowerNews: & Licence to The National Drill ” Politics

New Girl Funny Home Extreme Four Mindy Extreme Videos Weddings

Amer. King Dad Movie: King

Abolitionists: On Charlie Rose Go Dr. Phil American New Normal ” ”

The Ricki Vegas Lake Show ”

World Poker Rob Sportsnet DogsRobot of Tour Clifford-Dog Connected Winter”

The Dr. Oz Private Show Practice

The First 48 Storage ” Storage

Squirrel Boys Sidekick Mr. Young

” CBC News ”

How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold

The Ricki News Lake Show 30 Rock

Medium Paid Prog. Medium Paid Prog.

The Office “Nothing to The Office Lose”

Cat in the Frontline Arthur”

Ellen DeGeParenthood neres ”Show

CHL: Top Hockey Prospects UFC Central ” Snowbrd ” FIS Freestyle ” ”

G. Shrinks Be the Arthur Creature Martha Last Dogs Wild Kratts ” Animals Undersea

KOMO 4 News News Jimmy News Live Kimmel World News Nightline KOMO 4 News

Duck D. NY Storage: Duck D. NY Storage: Duck D. NY Storage: Duck D. NY Storage: Shipping Shipping

SpongeBob That’s-Weird SpongeBob Splatalot SpongeBob Wipeout SpongeBob ” iCarly Victorious

Lang News: & CBC O’Leary The National CBC News Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News: The National

Daily Planet Licence to Drill ” Inside the MythBusters Milky Way ” ” ”

Anderson Sunny Live TMZ Simpsons The Office Raymond King of Hill Big Bang Two Men

Toddlers & T-Boz Tiaras Paid Prog. Here Prog. Comes Paid Honey Paid Prog. Toddlers & Tiaras

Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie: College at “Miracle Basketball Oxford” ” ”

Wild Kratts Uncommon WordGirl Courage Business The QuanWorld News tum Activist PBS NewsHour

Katie News KING ” Jay Leno

MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men

Cheer Perfection

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Gov. Inaugu- Magazine ral Address Inside Ed.

Toddlers & Tiaras

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Whitney Guys-Kids

Cheer Perfection

Amer. Dad Browns


Law & Order: SVU

YoungHour & News Restless Final Early News ET Canada Global Nat. J. Probst News Hour ”

Announced ”

Ent ET Canada


George S Coronation

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Barter Kings Mr. Young ” Boys

CBC News ”

Bomb Girls ”

American Idol

Dragons’ Den


Bomb Girls ”

Blue Jays Premier

Ganges ”

Barter Kings Wipeout Barter Kings ”

CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold

Arctic Air ”

Criminal Minds

Go On Guys-Kids

On the Edge Handel ” Celebration Concert ”

The Middle Neighbors

Mod Fam Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.

Gags Gags

CBC News: Inside the The National Milky Way

Nashville ”

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene

CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene

Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Frontiers of News FIS Freestyle Construction Jimmy

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

Sportsnet Connected

Daily Show Colbert Rep

“Miracle at Browns Law Order: Oxford” Payne CI Seinfeld Excused Seinfeld Excused Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy There Yet?

KING News Today 5 Jay Leno News cont’d ” News Nightly New Day Jimmy Fallon News Northwest

Storage: The First NY 48 Storage: ” NY Storage: The First NY 48 Storage: ” NY

KIRO News Letterman KIRO News Ferguson KIRO News CBS News

” ”

Uncommon Business Sid Science Courage WorldKratts News Wild

Be the Dino Dan Creature Rob Robot West Went Save-Ums! Bust Wibbly Pig

JudgeNews Judy KIRO Judge Judy Late Show

SportsCentre Go On ” Guys-Kids

” Browns Law Order: Movie: Payne CI

Ent Noon News ET Canada Hour

Dragons’ CBC News Den George S News Coronation News The Border News Exchange

T-Boz ” Baby Story Paid Prog. ” Baby Story

Storage: Storage Criminal NY Storage: NY Storage Minds

Young & Anderson CHBC News CTV News Restless Live News Final CTV News CTV News ET Canada Daily Show ” at Five Rep J. Probst Colbert Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ” ”

Parenthood Katie ”

Licence to - Sunny Gold Rush Simpsons Mighty Ships The Office Drill TMZ The Dirt Raymond ” How I Met MythBusters The Offi ce Gold Rush Big Bang Nerve Center Family Feud ”” King of Feud Hill Two Men Family

To Be SportsCentre Announced ” ” SportsCentre ”” ” To Be

” ”

Frontline Wild Kratts ” WordGirl

That’s-Weird News: Odd Parents CBC News Squirrel CBC News Splatalot National Odd Parents The ” G. Shrinks Now With Wipeout Lang & Nair iCarly CBC News: G. Shrinks Reshmi ” O’Leary Victorious The National Rescue Hero cont’d

NCIS: Los a NCIS: Los Let’s Make The Talk Angeles Angeles Deal ”

Ellen DeGe- Best Criminal CBC Recipes News: ThisMinute Vegas neres Show Stefano Minds The National ThisMinute ”

KING News KING 5 News Nightly Jay Leno News ” Days of our Magazine Jimmy Fallon Lives Inside Ed.

“Nothing Big Bangto Lose” Big Bang

Storage: Storage NY Criminal Storage: Storage NY Minds

CBC CBC News News ” Now With CBC GloriaNews: The National Macarenko


Paid Prog. Totally TPaid Boz Prog.

Be the News Martha Bucket-Dino The View Creature Jimmy Wild Kratts World ”News Franklin Last Kimmel Animals KOMO RolieDogs Polie KOMO 4 4Live ” Nightline Dogs News Dive, Olly News

Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! ” Mod Fam General Suburgatory Hospital


KING KING 5 5 News News Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside ”Ed. Off-Rockers Ellen DeGeOff-Rockers neres Show Today Go On Katie cont’d New Normal ” Parenthood New KINGDay 5 Northwest News ”

News Anderson 30 Rock Live

News Hour Hockey EarlyDoctors News Canucks at The Sportsnet Final Central Global” Nat. UFC Capitals Connected ET Canada Snowbrd News Hour ” Mamas Sportsnet J. Probst FIS Freestyle ” Sportsnet Debt/Part Connected

NHL HockeycenHockey: tral at Noon Canucks Soccer at Capitals Central



Charlie Rose Phil Pioneers of Dr. Off-Rockers ” ” Television Off-Rockers

Bering Sea Daily Planet Gold ”


Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Offi ce Family Guy The Offi ce Law Order: Amer. Dad Big Bang CI Movie: Big Bang “Nothing to Law Order: Browns Lose” CI Payne ” Excused Browns Movie: Excused Payne “Miracle at There Yet? Seinfeld Oxford” There Yet? Seinfeld


News Days of our Lives

Cat in the Ellen DeGeAbolitionists: Go On American New Normal Arthur neres Show

Boys Odd Parents CBC Lang News & Mr. ” OddYoung Parents O’Leary



Northwest ” Jimmy5Fallon KING

King Family Guy King Family Guy

Storage Storage


Ocean Joy/Painting

The Offi ce Amer. Dad Movie: The Office

Dogs of G. Shrinks Winter” Arthur

A&E 1

There Yet? There Yet?


Today ” cont’d KING News Jay Leno New Day

Medium Extreme Extreme Medium

Squirrel Gags Gags Sidekick

KNOW Private KOMO KOMO 4 Practice News * `

HighOrder: School Sid Lens Law Science CI Wild Kratts Reunion A Ripple of Romy and Hope Tiger Law Order: Daniel CI Rick Steves Michele’s Happiness ” Advantage Excused Life on Fire

The NewRicki Girl MindyShow Lake

Storage Storage

NCIS Days of our Lives ”

Market Warriors

Now With

Minds The Haunting Of... The First 48

Power & MythBusters Funny CBC News: Licence to RaisingHome Four The Politics Videos Weddings The National Drill ” Ben-Kate Sisterhood

Letterman KIRO YoungNews & Ferguson CBS News Restless

Amer. Dad Romy and

neres ”Show Katie ”

Kid vs. Kat

Know-It-All Mighty Ships ” Highway Thru Hell Canada’s

The The First NY 48 Almost Mod Doctors Fam Storage: Wipeout ” ” NY League/Evil Suburgatory Storage: ”

Coronation News Steven and The Exchange ChrisBorder


The Offi ce Amer. Dad Romy and Big Bang

The Dr. Oz Happy Apt. 23 Show

KIRO News The Price Is Late KIROShow News Right

Ellen DeGeToday Show neres cont’d Katie New Day ” Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our News Lives Magazine Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” The Biggest Ellen DeGeLoser neres Today Show ” cont’d Katie ” ” New Day Deception Northwest KING 5 ” News KING 5 KING News News Nightly News Jay Leno News of our Days ” Lives Magazine Jimmy Fallon Inside Dr. PhilEd. ” The Biggest LoserDeGeEllen

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World Poker Big Bear Canucks at West Went Tour Dinosaur Capitals Bust

CBC NewsNews Poko George News S Doodlebops



News Live 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big Bang The ce Two Offi Men King of Hill Big Bang Two Men

Blue Jays Robot On the Edge Rob Movie: ” “The Last Hockey Clifford-Dog

CHBC News CTV News News The Doctors The View Final ” CTV News at Five ” ” ET Canada Show Global Nat. Daily CTV News Mamas The Marilyn J. Probst Colbert Rep CHBC News Debt/Part Denis ”Show



Lake Show ” ” Anderson

The Ricki NCIS: Los Angeles Lake Show

SportsCentre ” Lumberjacks ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” Movie To Be ””


The 70th Annual

” Antiques Roadshow Cat in the Arthur Market Warriors Wild Kratts

Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Cleveland Cracked NCIS: Los New Normal ” Angeles neres Show Stefano ThisMinute



” ”

Masterpiece Golden Classic Globe

Weddings Cake Boss: Next Baker Medium Medium Pete Rose Pete Rose Cake Boss:

SportsCentre The Ricki 30 for 30 NCIS: Los ” Angeles Lake Show


The Closer ”

30 Rock Next Baker The Office Baby Story How I Met Baby Sunny Cake Story Boss: TMZ Feud Cake Next Baker Family Boss Worst Driver Family Feud Cake MythBusters The Offi ce Peter Boss Popoff ” King of Hill Paid Prog. Sons of Perry Mason What Not to Guns ” Wear

World Poker Big Bear Tour Dinosaur

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right


KNOW KOMO ” Happy * ” Apt.` 23

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The Jays The Ricki Doctors Blue Sportsnet Lake Show Hockey ” Connected Judge Young NHL Young Judy & Mamas& Sportsnet Judge Judy Restless Hockey: Restless Debt/Part Connected KIRO at KIRO News News Early Noon News News Canucks HockeycenKIRO News Global Nat. Capitals Bold Hour tral at Noon KIRO News News Hour ” The Talk Days of our Soccer CBS News Sportsnet ” Lives ” Central Announced Ent Ent NHL Off Record The Talk Let’s Make a Ent The Talk World Poker ” ET Canada omg! Insider ET Canada Hockey: Interruption ” Deal ” Tour ” NCIS NCIS NCIS Canucks SportsCentre The Ricki ThisMinute The Ricki Blue Jaysat ”” ” ” ” Capitals Lake Show ThisMinute Lake Show Hockey Fishing-Flats The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is NCIS: The Doctors Sportsnet 30 for 30 NCIS: Los Cleveland Cracked NCIS: Los Los On the Edge To Be Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Young & NHL 30 for ”30 ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Connected Angeles New Angeles ” Announced Restless Live Normal Den ” Judge Judy Angeles Restless Hockey: SportsCentre Vegas Criminal CBC News: Vegas Vegas Sportsnet ”” Mamas The Marilyn Steven and Young & Mamas News CTV News News KIRO News Early News Canucks at ”” ”” Minds National Restless Debt/Part Denis Chris at FiveShow The News KIRO ”News Debt/Part Global” Nat. Connected Capitals SportsCentre News CBC KIRO Hour Hockey World ”Poker CHBC Noon Noon HockeycenGlobalNews Nat. CTV CTV News News NewsNews KIRO News News News News News Hour ” ” Final CTV News George S Late Show Final UFC Tour Hour ” Now Bold Hour tral atCentral Noon To Be CHBC News Exchange CBS News ” Sportsnet SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation Letterman ET Canada Snowbrd NFL Live Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk Days of our Soccer Announced Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent NHL ” J. Rep The Border Ferguson J. Freestyle Lives Show ” ” Lives Central ETProbst Canada Colbert etalk Coronation omg! Insider ETProbst Canada FIS Hockey:

Off Record ” Interruption ”

Ellen DeGe- Best The View PokoRecipes neres ”Show Stefano Doodlebops Anderson The Marilyn Dragons’ Steven and Live Denis Show Den Chris CTV News CTV News News CBC News at Five” News Now CTV News News The Dr. Oz Heartland Exchange Show ” ” Big Bang George S Dr. Phil Steven and etalk ” Coronation Chris Off-Rockers Rick Mercer Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes Off-Rockers Minutes neres Show 22 Stefano


Revenge ”

Auction Auction

Football: Trout TV NFC Outd’r Divisional Big Bang Playoff T. McCarver ” Big Bang Postgame Two Men Paid Prog. Burgers Old House Cleveland Jim Simpsons Bones Burgers NFL ” Football: Family Guy Trout TV Amer. Dad NFC Outd’r Divisional News Big Bang TMZ Playoff T. McCarver ”” Big Bang Sunny Postgame Two Men Paid Prog. Sunny Burgers Spokane Old House Cleveland Jim

Ganges ”

Shipping Shipping

” ”

American Idol ” ” News 30 Rock

Barter Kings That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny ” Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Kimmel Live Barter Kings Wipeout Nightline Barter Kings ”

Lang & O’Leary

Licence to Drill

The Office King of Hill

KING ”5 News Fallon Jimmy Nightly News News

Here Comes Payne Honey Browns

Life on Fire ”

Chicago Fire ”

Toddlers & Tiaras


KING News Jay Leno

Payne Movie:

Peter Popoff “Match Paid Prog. Point”

” PotentialMark

” Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A14

Your community. Your classifieds.

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Help Wanted


ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

4 CHERRY orchard workers required at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from aprox., April 3rd to April 9th. Pay rate is $10.25 per hour. The successful applicants must be physically fit and capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and include planting trees and general labour. Fax resume to (778)480-1126 or call (250)979-8555 for interview.

PROFESSIONAL SALES Consultants. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates to join our award winning team. Denham Ford is Canada’s most highly awarded Ford dealer. We maintain a large inventory of new and used vehicles, and friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email:

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. no Risk Program stop Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248

Travel HAWAII ON The Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured community, Costa Rica, friendliest country on earth! 1-780952-0709;

Employment Business Opportunities $294 DAILY mailing postcards! Guaranteed Legit Work. Register Online! ZNZ Referral Agents Needed! $20$95/Hr! www.FreeJob Multiple $100 Payments To Your Bank!www. More Amazing Opportunities @ MAKE $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! Free Supplies! Helping HomeWorkers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately!

Career Opportunities IN Hines Creek, AB 2 yrs minimum experience. Must have good circular saw knowledge. 40 hr/wk. M-F $31-$34/hr. Benefits. Resume to: or FAX 780-494-3768

Help Wanted 3 CHERRY orchard workers required at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from March 15th to November 15th. Pay rate is $10.25 per hour. The successful applicants must be physically fit and capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and include pruning, clean-up, planting, and general labour as well as picking and packing cherries during harvest. Fax resume to (778)480-1126 or call (250)979-8555 for interview.

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES Ltd. is currently recruiting management positions for various Co-op locations in Nunavut. We provide relocation assistance, subsidized accommodations and group benefits. Please forward your resume: fax to: (204) 632-8575. humanresources@ Visit for more information. FARM, Fishing, Hunting, Property Manager: Year round. To manage and maintain a 685 acre working farm with pheasants, cattle, dogs, hay and tourism accomodations. Semi retired welcome. Hands on management.

NEED A Change? Looking for work? In the Provost region, workers of all kinds are needed now! Visit our website today for more information:

Help Wanted

Fax 780-352-0986. Toll free 1-800-232-7255.

Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician. Hanna Chrysler Ltd in Hanna, Alberta needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25-$31/hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-8542845; Email PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.


Health Products GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

RESIDENTIAL CARE AIDE/GROUP HOME COUNSELLOR IN VERNON AND ARMSTRONG Casual/On Call (must be willing to work evenings and weekends) Qualifications - Special Needs Worker Certificate or Extended Worker Certificate or Human Service Worker Certificate or Care Aid Certificate or Community Support Worker Certificate and First Aid. Skills - Ability to use positive reinforcement techniques, bridge non-verbal communications, assessments and programming, computer literate and work in a team environment. Forward resume with cover letter, qualifications and references to: Kindale Developmental Association PO Box 94 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 E-mail: Fax: 250-546-3053 PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS OR DROP INS Wages per BCGEU Agreement

Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.


rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Merchandise for Sale

Financial Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30% or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll-Free: 1-877-556-3500 or GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.


Auto Financing

Misc. for Sale

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Cars - Domestic LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships. No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Misc. Wanted


Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

2 Coats Any Colour

Homes for Rent LAKEVIEW, 3Bdrm house $1000. 2bdrm bsmt $650. 2 full bths, lrg livingrm, sundeck, newly painted. 250-718-1975


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3 Rooms For $299, (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Suites, Lower COLDSTREAM Walk Out Bsmt., Sep. entry, 2bdrm, insuite laundry, storage, covered parking Full use of pool in summer, pets welcome, huge yard, FP, DW $1200 utils, cable & internet incl’d. Available February 1st Call (250)-938-8886

AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Sine 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING Sale... This is a clearance sale you don’t want to miss! 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100. Sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


Pelmewash Parkway Public Engagement

The workshops will request YOUR input on the vision, goals and objectives, potential activities, proposed amenities and economic development opportunities for the Pelmewash Parkway corridor.

Stay Active this winter

Explore and register on-line for Winter programs at by clicking on Parks, Rec & Culture and then Activity Guide

Community Information Christmas Tree Recycling

This year the Christmas tree drop-off location is at Jack Seaton Park in the parking lot, rather than Swalwell Park. You are welcome to drop-off your Christmas tree for chipping, anytime between 6am and 11pm until January 31.

Dog Licence Renewal

Dog licence renewals for 2013 have been sent out by the Regional District and are due by February 28th.

Snow Clearing

The District is initiating extensive public outreach to ensure that Lake Country residents and stakeholders have meaningful opportunities to participate in defining the vision for the Pelmewash Parkway corridor. The goal of the public engagement process is to encourage significant public participation in the development of a comprehensive concept plan to systematically guide the future development of the Pelmewash Parkway corridor. The public engagement process starts with “power” workshops January 21 and 22, 2013 offering busy people the opportunity to provide their input with a contribution of just an hour and a half of their time. The workshops will request input on the vision, goals and objectives, potential activities, proposed amenities, and economic development opportunities for the Pelmewash Parkway corridor along the west side of Wood Lake. Lake Country community members with an interest in shaping the future are invited to come to ONE of the following workshops: Monday, January 21, 2013 (5pm – 6:30pm) Municipal Hall (Carr’s Landing Room – wheelchair accessible) 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. Or Tuesday, January 22 (5pm – 6:30pm) Oyama Community Club (upstairs meeting room) 15710 Oyama Rd.

A recap of the District’s snow clearing priorities is available on the website at in the News under the title Snow Removal Update & Information. Reminder: Snow accumulations can be a real challenge. Roadside parking can significantly hamper snow-clearing efforts, particularly on the narrower side roads. Residents are asked to do their best to leave as much room for the plows as possible on the side roads.

2013 Business Licences

Business licence renewal payments are due January 31, 2013, and can be paid through some participating financial institutions in person or on-line, or by mail when there are no changes to an existing licence.

2013 Property Assessment Notices

Property owners can contact BC Assessment toll-free at 1-866-valueBC (1-866825-8322) or via for answers to questions.

Okanagan Centre Rd. W & Pixton Rd. Greenspace Cleanup

In support of a recommendation made by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, Council is requesting owners of private structures, boats and furniture to remove these items from the public greenspace by February 28, 2013. Operating pumphouses are exempt. The public trails and foreshore greenspace should be safe, tidy, and available to all residents and visitors.

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