Stettler Independent, January 16, 2013

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January 16, 2013

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Byemoor women witness Airdrie standoff LES STULBERG Independent reporter

JOHN MacNEIL/Independent editor

JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT — Erskine and Stettler Middle School face each other during the SMS junior high basketball tournament on Saturday at the high school gym. For photos from boys’ and girls’ play, see Page B1.

Clearview issues directive after ‘critical’ Calgary case LES STULBERG Independent reporter Clearview School Division has acted on an Alberta Education directive in response to a near-tragic incident involving a Calgary student and a lanyard. Clearview superintendent John Bailey said all school-issued lanyards would be replaced with the “breakaway” types that pull apart when stressed. Students in all Clearview schools have been “encouraged” to trade in all non-compliant lanyards for the safer replacements. The mid-December incident at the Bearspaw School in Calgary

sent a Grade 3 boy to a Calgary hospital in critical condition when he was accidentally choked by the lanyard in a washroom stall. A lanyard is a strap usually worn around the neck that’s used to hold identification badges, keys, whistles, computer thumb-drives and other such items. Bailey said the use of non-breakaway lanyards has been strongly discouraged. He said students bringing lanyards from home that aren’t of the quick-release variety will be asked not to wear them around their neck, but rather to put them in a pocket. “Student safety is of the utmost concern,” Bailey said.

In a pre-Christmas memo to Stettler-area parents, William E. Hay Composite High School principal Norbert Baharally said the school would be “reinforcing the message to our students that it is absolutely unacceptable to bring, or have, lanyards in our school that are not the breakaway ones.” Baharally’s letter is posted on the William E. Hay website. “We are asking students to return all lanyards that were issued by our school to their TAs or into the office as soon as possible,” Baharally said in the memo. “Keeping our school safe for all students is a priority for us and we will take the steps necessary to achieve this.”

RICHARD FROESE/Independent reporter

Drumheller-Stettler MLA Rick Strankman (second from right) met with councillors last week, including County of Stettler Reeve Wayne Nixon (left), deputy reeve Terry Schiffner and Stettler town Coun. Peter Simons.

MLA visits town, county councils RICHARD FROESE Independent reporter Health care was a major issue as Stettler’s new MLA, Rick Strankman, paid his first formal visit to town and county councils last week. “My top priority locally and provincially will be health care and funding allocations,” said Strankman, who met with the Town of Stettler

council last Tuesday night and the County of Stettler council last Wednesday morning. Elected as the MLA for Drumheller-Stettler last April, the Wildrose member opened the door to work closely with municipalities, even as he serves in Opposition. “We want to continue modernization of Stettler Hosptial and Care Centre,” said Mayor Dick Richards. “We’ve made Stettler an education, economic and healthcare hub of the region, so we have to make sure our facilities are in sync

with that philosophy.” To improve health care, Strankman suggested that the centrallyoperated Alberta Health Services be scrapped and that the province introduce a “competitive model,” a system that’s working effectively in Europe. “I don’t want to say private, but some form of competition,” he said. Stettler-region councillors urged the MLA to support local applications for grants from the Community Facilities Enhancement Program and the Community

Initiatives Program, the mayor later told the Independent as he summed up last week’s meeting. “These are important for local groups in furthering their projects and for the MLA to support them to secure grants would be appreciated,” Richards said. While a new MLA and party has created a new approach to communicating with the provincial government, council is prepared to make that an effective relationship, the mayor said. See ‘MLA’ on Page A6

A seemingly routine lunch for two young Byemoor women last Saturday ended in an ordeal they likely won’t forget in their lifetime. In what was to be a “quick bite to eat,” for Kary Lyn Keith and Rebecca Schofer at the Toad ’n’ Turtle pub and restaurant in Airdrie turned into a four-anda-half-hour standoff between heavily-armed police officers and two robbery suspects. The Airdrie Echo r e p o r t e d t h e t wo m e n were suspected of committing multiple robberies and a hit-and-run in Calgary. They attempted to hide out from police by accessing the rooftop patio of the restaurant. “It was a little unnerving,” said the 26-year-old Schofer. “You never know what to expect in something like this.” Keith, 25, who works at the Stettler mental health office, said the mood of the 50 restaurant patrons sequestered inside the building “was mostly calm, but there was a range of emotions.” “There were some scary moments,” she said. Keith said that init i a l l y, t h ey c o u l d s e e the sniper on the roof of the building across the street, along with officers in swat-gear and an armoured police vehicle. When they were told to move to the side of the building with no windows, some people feared something “serious” was about to happen, Keith said. Later, they heard what they thought sounded like smoke bombs exploding on the roof. “That was a bit scary,” Keith said. At one point, Keith said, the police stormed in with guns raised, believing the suspects had entered the building and they were checking out people’s faces. Schofer said the roof of the Toad ’n’ Turtle was under reconstruction and covered in tarps. The fugitives apparently got under the tarps, out of police sight, and were believed to be holed up under the roof. “This ordeal totally restored my faith in the police,” Keith said. “They handled the situation well and kept us informed on what was going on.” The two women, both expectant mothers, were able to make contact with their husbands in Byemoor — Tyson Keith and Lenard Schofer — by

sending text messages. Schofer said that while about half of the people seemed concerned, others treated it lightly. “Some of the younger men were upset that alcohol wasn’t being allowed to be served,” she said. Keith noted the lengthy stalemate, from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., was a bit much for the smokers to handle — some were smoking in the washrooms to ease their tensions. Const. Jen Morin of the Airdrie RCMP told the Airdrie Echo that two men went on a crime spree in northeast Calgary on Saturday morning. The pair then drove to Airdrie and crashed their white pickup truck on the offramp from Highway 2 to Yankee Valley Boulevard. Const. Morin said witnesses told police that two men ran up a small hill and across a field from the off-ramp to the strip mall area near the pub. During their surveillance of the area, police were told by other witnesses that two men were on the roof of the pub. “A t t h a t p o i n t , w e immediately contained the scene,” Const. Morin said. “We activated our emergency response t e a m o u t o f C a l g a r y. They got here as quick as they could, as well as our police dog services. Calgary Police Service also attended to assist, as well as Airdrie Municipal Enforcement to assist us with traffic.” A sniper was placed on a rooftop across from the pub and multiple officers sporting body armour, riot shields and brandishing assault-type weapons were seen both on the roof of the pub and around both sides of the building. A small, helicopterlike drone flew above and around the building for most of the afternoon, presumably taking pictures of the suspects. A large camouflaged armoured police vehicle was also seen moving on the south side of the building. A loud bang was heard at about 4:15 p.m., presumably from a stun-type grenade. Eventually, police moved in and arrested the pair without incident. “It was the best outcome we could have hoped for,” Const. Morin said. Keith said that when she got home, her husband told her, “Now we have a story to tell our baby.” “That part might be cool,” Keith said, “but I am glad it’s over and it is just a story now.”

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Page A2

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Have you got an hour per month of spare time to give to a valuable community service? The Stettler & District Handibus is looking for new board members. We meet the second Wednesdays at 7:00p.m. and have 9 regular meetings and one AGM. Please phone Joanne at the office at 403-742-5858 for further information.

ppreciation Much A

rescue league

We are Truly Thankful For the Stettler Community & Surrounding Community’s For their Generous Donations in 2012!

A GREEN TIP: “Idling Facts & Tips” Like a warm car? Like your own creature comforts? Idling is not actually an effective way to warm up a car inside. Driving warms the car faster than idling. Block Heaters Beat Remote Starters. Remote starters can too easily cause people to warm up their cars for five to 15 minutes, which is unnecessary. In cold weather, a $30 block heater, set on a timer to start one to two hours before driving, warms the engine and cuts pollution of your air. Idling pollutes and harms our health, particularly children’s. Please turn off your motor.

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Byemoor woman, family eye ‘heartbreaking poverty’ LES STULBERG Independent reporter

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Including mother Loretta James of Byemoor, the James family of Edmonton poses with Haitian orphans they met during a 10-day visit. Joining Loretta and husband Trevor James were their children — Taycla, 10, Ethne, 9, and Jack, 7. In the photograph, the Haitians display a sign thanking Canadians for the aid they received.

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For Byemoor native Loretta (nee Knowles) James, her family’s visit to a Haitian orphanage was everything she expected and more. “There was lots of good out of it all,” she said of the 10-day visit to the impoverished country, but added, “There were some unexpected challenges.” Loretta James, along with husband Trevor and children Taycla, 10, Ethne, 9, and Jack, 7, arrived home in Edmonton last week after an experience that none will likely soon forget. Loretta James said the kids at the orphanage had never seen Caucasian kids previously, and being inquisitive as kids are, swarmed closely around her children. She said the James’ youngest child found that attention “a bit overwhelming.” Not all the repairs have been done to the orphanage since the hurricane in 2010 devastated that country, James said. She said their living accommodation at the orphanage — located about two hours out of Port-auPrince — was little more than a granary, by Canadian standards. There are no locks on the doors and the first morning the James family awoke to

find “four little brown faces peering at them through the door.” Another unexpected wake-up call for the citydwelling James family was a rooster crowing at 5:30 a.m. James said her children dealt with the contrasting lifestyle well. “They were real troopers,” she said, and took things like bug-bites in stride. The James children interacted with the orphanage children while their parents assisted with the day-today routine of the orphanage and helped organize supplies. The large amount of supplies the James family brought to the orphanage was well-received and put to immediate use. James said a young mother brought her baby to the orphanage because she wasn’t able to nurse it and couldn’t afford formula. She thought her only option was to give up the baby. Fortunately, among the supplies the James brought was some breast-feeding equipment that “had the baby feeding in no time,” James said. On a few occasions, the Canadian family took a walk outside the orphanage compound. James said the family discovered that homes were bare, many with dirt floors,

and kids had no shoes. Something that stood out was there was no waste management and no recycling programs to return water bottles. The education system in Haiti is quite different, James said. School runs only during the morning and for four days a week. It’s a private system for those who can afford it. Some families can’t afford to send all their kids to school, and many alternate by sending one child one year and another the next year. Sometimes, there might be a 17-year-old in Grade 1, because the family couldn’t afford it before. “It was heartbreaking to see poverty in that way,” she said. Loretta said the toughest challenge on the trip was dealing with the helpless feeling “you can’t do more.” The orphanage has its own school with a U.S. teacher volunteering. English is taught in the school, as some orphans end up being adopted by Englishspeaking families. James said her children bonded with the orphans and considered them as friends. The orphanage director told her the orphans learned valuable social skills from the James children. “It was a learning experience for both,” James said.

A new orphanage is being constructed, but progress is slow due to the limited availability of modern technology, James said. The visit to Haiti left a lasting impression on the James children. James said their middle child, Ethne, “got teary about leaving.” She told her mother, “I want to work in an orphanage someday.” James said the family is uncertain if they’ll return to Haiti. She said they would have to weigh the cost to travel there with giving that amount in financial aid and consider what option would do more good. When they prepared to leave, they took a bus on a two-hour journey to Portau-Prince. A 10-month-old girl that had been brought to the orphanage in October suffering with malnutrition was still struggling to regain health and weighed only seven pounds. Staff brought the infant along on the bus to visit a clinic in the city, as the orphanage didn’t know how else to help the child. On a sad note, the James family learned on their return to Canada that the child had died. James said there’s “such contrast” between the two countries and their family is “so grateful” for what Canada offers.

Theatre review

Jake’s Gift gives Stettler aplenty LES STULBERG Independent reporter

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Stettler Variety Showcase made an excellent choice in selecting “Jake’s Gift” for the entertainment pleasure of Stettler patrons last weekend. Audiences were moved and left in awe of the stellar talent of Julia Mackey during a pair of full-house performances Sunday at the Performing Arts Centre. Mackey was a “one-woman show” in Jake’s Gift, which she wrote of a Canadian Second World War veteran’s reluctant return to Normandy, France, for the 60th anniversary of D-Day. She portrayed all four characters of the script. Her instantaneous transition between characters was flawless. The play’s main characters, at opposite ends of the age spectrum — Isabelle, an inquisitive 10-yearold French girl, and Jake, the crusty 80-year-old Canadian war veteran

— were played with skillful use of voice and body language. The minor characters, Isabelle’s grandmother and a visiting Ontario school teacher, were no less magical. Mackey masterfully weaved humour into the poignant story of a survivor’s guilt of not visiting the grave of his brother, a fallen soldier who died at Juno Beach 60 years before. I have witnessed many tributes to veterans and services of remembrance, yet I found none to be more touching than this play, dedicated to all Canadian servicemen and servicewomen. There was not a dry eye in the house. The timing of the Jake’s Gift presentation in Stettler, a week after the death of local war hero Jack Chapman, made the performance all that much more heartwarming. Jake’s Gift was inspired by Mackey’s journey to Normandy in June 2004 for the 60th anniversary celebrations of D-Day. She had attended

ceremonies, visited graveyards, walked the beaches and interviewed dozens of veterans who had returned there. She described it as a life-changing experience that left her compelled to share it with other Canadians. Jake’s Gift is celebrating its sixth anniversary of being performed across Canada. The award-winning play has been bestowed multiple accolades. With no fancy stage props or special effects, it’s the sheer genius of Mackey’s craft and her ability to deliver emotional authenticity that amazes. The actress truly has a gift — a gift that she shared with Stettler audiences. She also gave to the community in a material way — all the proceeds from the sale of Jake’s Gift button sets were donated to the Stettler Poppy Fund. I would rate Jake’s Gift as a “mustsee” for all ages. Kudos to the Stettler Variety Showcase committee for bringing such fine entertainment to the community.


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Page A3


Stettler RCMP report

Halkirk Elks proudly present


Unknown man picks up child Comedy Night playing in West Stettler Park S GT . D UNCAN B ABCHUK Stettler RCMP Below is a summary of most calls for Stettler RCMP service during a one-week period, running from Monday, Jan. 7, to Monday, Jan. 14. Calls with an SUI designation attached are “still under investigation.” Anyone with information regarding unsolved crimes or incidents is asked to contact Stettler RCMP at 403-742-3382, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-TIPS (8477). Monday, Jan. 7 6:29 p.m. — Complaint of suspicious telephone calls the past two nights at a Big Valley rural residence. The caller stated that he was from Statistics Canada and he was conducting a survey regarding grain storage. The complainant was advised that Statistics Canada conducts surveys in such fashion and nothing criminal was apparent. 9:59 p.m. — Driving complaint reported a maroon Ford F-150 being driven on Highway 12 west, without headlights or tail lights. The caller lost contact with the suspect vehicle when it turned onto Highway 11. The complaint was forwarded to Red Deer and Blackfalds RCMP. Tuesday, Jan. 8 6:23 a.m. — A 911 complaint of a disturbance at a 58 Street apartment. Investigators attended the location and were informed that a 55year-old female and her daughter were yelling and screaming at each other. Upon questioning, the older female was unco-operative with investigators, refused to provide name of the person(s) involved and slammed the door on the officers. There were no further calls to the residence. 10:34 a.m. — Residential panic alarm reported on 52 Avenue. It was identified that a realtor set off the alarm after a house showing. 1:30 p.m. — A 21year-old male from rural Stettler was arrested at the Stettler Court House for attending court when intoxicated. The man was on previously issued court conditions not to consume alcohol and was also on a probation order. He was charged with failing to comply with those orders and has a Feb. 28 court date. 2:19 p.m. — Report of a two-vehicle collision in the Tim Hortons’ parking lot. A 52-year-old female driver from rural Stettler was in line for the drivethru in her Honda Civic. A 66-year-old female from Fenn was backing her Jeep Cherokee and ran into the Honda driver’s side door. The driver of the SUV was charged. 4:20 p.m. — A 17-year-old female driver

from 40 Avenue reported that she was travelling eastbound on Highway 12 on the west side of the Erskine overpass and lost control of her Ford Explorer on the ice. She then crossed the road and struck the guardrail in the opposite lane. The SUV spun around in a circle, causing the back end to also hit the guardrail. At the time of the collision, the driver indicated her vehicle was moving at 100 km/h. Damage was estimated at $7,192. No injuries reported. There was no charge, based on the road conditions. 6:29 p.m. — An anonymous caller reported suspicious activity that there might be drug dealing on 58 Street near 50 Avenue. Vehicles described were a white GMC truck and a service truck. The information was not verified. 7:08 p.m. — Complaint of a traffic hazard of a male walking along Highway 835, wearing dark clothing. An investigator attended to find a 31-year-old man from 51 Avenue. He was walking from ice fishing and was given a ride to Stettler. 9:03 p.m. — Complaint received that a 36-year-old man from Emmerson Acres was bothering a 32-year-old man about a suspected male-female relationship that wasn’t active. SUI Wednesday, Jan. 9 9:52 a.m. — Request to locate a 26-year-old man from Wetaskiwin who was missing from work since Jan. 7. As investigators were reviewing hotel video, the missing man returned to his room. The man advised that he had gone on a drinking binge. His mother was updated. 10:39 a.m. — A 911 call reported a traffic hazard on Highway 56, about seven kilometres north of Stettler. Two large round bales had fallen off of a truck and were laying in the middle of the southbound lane. A farmer attended and removed the bales from the highway. 1:47 p.m. — Complaint of a white Pontiac van swerving on Highway 56 and turning east on Township Road 39-3. A matching licence plate was obtained. SUI for a statement. 1:55 p.m. — Report of a hit-and-run collision involving a black Dodge Journey. The damage was caused between Jan. 6 and Jan. 8 at an an unknown location in Stettler. 3:18 p.m. — Complaint of a stolen Ford F-350 truck from the driveway of a 50 Avenue residence. The truck was located parked on Township Road 394, north of Erskine. There was no sign of forced entry and the ignition switch wasn’t damaged. 3:30 p.m. — A 52-yearold man was arrested at his residence on Range Road 20-4 for having two prohibited handguns and one restricted handgun in

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his possession, while being prohibited from ownership. The accused was remanded in custody and was scheduled to appear in Red Deer Provincial Court this Tuesday. 9:04 p.m. — Investigators were dispatched to a 49 Street residence to assist EMS and the Stettler Fire Department. They were conducting CPR on an unconscious and nonresponsive 68- year-old woman. The female was transported to the Stettler hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The death wasn’t suspicious. Thursday, Jan. 10 10:10 a.m. — Report of damage to a Pontiac Sunfire that occurred overnight in the high school parking lot. The 16-year-old female owner from Stettler advised that her car had a piece of the front fender torn off and there were scratches on the vehicle. 12:08 p.m. — Report of shoplifting from the Peavey Mart. The manager had a 34-year-old man from 40 Avenue in custody for stealing a pair of winter boots. The manager reported that they caught the male walking out of the store with the boots on and he never attempted to pay for them. The shoplifter’s original boots were found hidden inside the men’s washroom. The man has a Feb. 28 court date. He was held in custody as he had an outstanding $1,175 fine owing for driving. He also had an outstanding arrest warrant from City of Calgary Transit. 1 p.m. — A 911 call reported a two-vehicle collision on 70 Street at the intersection between the Wal-Mart and UFA parking lots. SUI Friday, Jan. 11 7:08 a.m. — Report of a single-vehicle collision with a deer on Highway 56, 15 kilometres north of Stettler. The 43-year- old male driver from Stony Plain received no injuries, but his Dodge Ram truck received more than $2,000 worth of damage. 7:29 p.m. — Sheriffs from Red Deer reported a collision on Range Road 17-0 and Highway 12. A 51-year-old man from Hilliard was driving his 1995 Dodge Ram northbound on the Range Road. When he tried to stop at the stop sign at Highway 12, he reported his brakes locked up, the truck travelled across the highway and hit a directional sign. The truck was towed and the driver was transported to the Stettler hospital, as his daughter was having a baby. Saturday, Jan. 12 3:44 a.m. — Complaint of two intoxicated people at the Can Alta

Hotel. A Caucasian male and female were refusing to leave the premises and were reported to have been outside yelling for about an hour. Investigators attended and arrested a 23-year-old woman from Spruce Crescent. She was charged with causing a disturbance and was lodged in police cells until she became sober. 5:51 a.m. — Commercial false alarm at the A&W Restaurant. 7:48 a.m. — Report of a single-vehicle collision on 44 Avenue in front of the RCMP detachment. A 62-year-old man from 41 Avenue advised that he was at 44 Avenue and turning right onto Highway 56. The man stated that his coffee cup was falling and he leaned over to the passenger seat to try to intercept the cup. When the driver looked up, he was too late to stop and ran into a light pole. He was charged with failing to ascertain sufficient space for movement. 2:24 p.m. — A 911 call from an open cellphone. The call was traced back to a 16-yearold man from Stettler who was at the No Frills. He advised that his phone pocket dialed the emergency number and there was no problem. 5:57 p.m. — Report of an unknown man picking up a seven-year-old girl by the hill in West Stettler Park and sitting her on a rock. The male wasn’t known to the girl and was described as tall and wearing dark clothes and a dark hat. SUI Sunday, Jan. 13 3:50 a.m. — A Chevrolet pickup truck was pulled over on Highway 12 west as a result of the driver failing to dim his headlights. The driver was showing signs of impairment and failed a roadside test. The 46-yearold man from Rimbey was arrested for impaired operation of a motor vehicle. SUI court. 10:13 a.m. — Call to visit a 63 Street residence to investigate a sudden death of a 58-year-old woman. It was determined the death wasn’t suspicious. The Calgary Medical Examiner is continuing the investigation into the cause of death. Monday, Jan. 14 5:35 a.m. — Report of a single-vehicle collision with a deer on Highway 12 west. Damage to a 2004 Pontiac Sunfire was pegged at more than $2,000. 9:55 a.m. — Complaint of theft of gasoline from the Esso garage. The 40-year-old driver from Stettler got $40 worth of gas on Dec. 28 and said he had forgotten his wallet. The driver didn’t return to pay for the fuel.

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Kidsport wishes to thank Royal LePage Central for their donation to the program.

COMMUNITY CHURCHES Attend the church of your choice. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST MENNONITE Sunday School – 10 a.m. Service – 10:45 a.m. 10 miles south on 56 and 2 miles east

Minister Keith Klassen - 403-742-4048 Minister Lorne Toews - 403-742-8824

EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF ERSKINE 10 a.m. – Family Bible Hour (a class for all ages) 11 a.m. – Worship Service w/Children's Church Senior Pastor: Rev. Ross Helgeton Youth Pastor: James Choi


ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Worship Service – 10:30 a.m. Children's Church – 10:30 a.m.

5712 - 48 Ave.


STETTLER ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship – 10:30 a.m. West of Town Centre Mall Pastor Scott Whitford Associate Pastor Brad Epp


GRACE FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH STETTLER COMMUNITY Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists Sunday School – 10 a.m. Morning Worship – 11 a.m. Pastor David Lilly 5923 - 51 Ave. 403-742-4400

ST. GEORGE’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Nursery, Sunday School & Morning Worship – 10 a.m.

The Rev. Dr. Carolyn Langford, Incumbent 4817 - 51 St.

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Sunday Services – 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Pastor Will Brown 5717 - 50 Ave.


STETTLER UNITED CHURCH 4820 - 51 Street 403-742-3387 Church service – 10:30 a.m. Nursery care, children & youth programs Everyone welcome! Minister Debbie Stockdale

WORD OF LIFE CENTER Sundays – 10:30 a.m. Pastors: Nathan & Beatrice Mullen 4832 - 50 Street (Main Street, Stettler)


Page A4


Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Promoting Stettler in the tradition of Carl Stettler

Short schedule more sensible

1906 ❤ 2012 Established 1906 The leading weekly newspaper of Central Alberta Dedicated to the advancement of the well-being and the preservation of the heritage of our community, which includes Stettler and the County of Stettler.

By Joe McLaughlin Black Press I’m glad to see the National Hockey League returning this weekend and the shortened schedule doesn’t bother me one bit. This season will be 48 games per team, followed by four playoff series that typically add about 20 more games for the two finalists. I wish a full regular season was closer to that range than the ridiculous 82-game standard. Over the years, the NHL season has become too long and tedious. As teams were added through league expansion, the number of games each team played rose. It shouldn’t take 82 games to determine which half deserves to qualify for the championship tournament. Nowadays, 16 of 30 NHL teams make the playoffs. In Major League Baseball, only eight of the 30 teams generally advance. This year, the entire baseball playoff round was completed in 24 days, as San Francisco swept Detroit in a fourgame final. There’s no question that baseball players can compete more often than hockey players, because the game demands less physical exertion for everyone except for the starting pitchers. Football players, by comparison, play far fewer games — about 20 from the regular season kickoff through the Super Bowl for the two finalists. The National Football League completes its season in 22 weeks from start to finish. No weak or lax teams make the NFL playoffs — 12 of 32. That’s 37 per cent, versus 53 per cent in the NHL. Last year, the Los Angeles Kings won the Stanley Cup in mid-June, 35 weeks after opening night. The entire NHL season — which can entail more than 100 games from training camp through the Stanley Cup final — is not in the best interests of the players or the fans. In this overextended marathon, players’ bodies break down because of constant strain in a high-speed contact game. Ticket-buying fans, paying premium prices, are shortchanged for games where players are too worn out to consistently give their best effort. Fans watching on TV routinely endure such tedious snooze fests. Don’t expect the NHL season to be shortened anytime soon, however. It’s not designed for the players or ticket-buying fans. It’s designed for team owners, television networks and corporate sponsors who drive the game. From their perspective, the more games, the better. They don’t have to sweat or bleed. More games mean more gate revenue, more television money, more eyeballs watching beer and truck commercials. In olden times, when I grew up, there were only six teams in the National Hockey League. When my boyhood hero Bobby Hull and the Chicago Blackhawks won the 1961 championship, the regular season was 70 games, the playoffs were two series and the Stanley Cup was presented on April 16. In 1967, the last year the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup, the regular season was 70 games and the season was finished on May 2. The year before, the Montreal Canadiens won the Cup on April 29. In those days, of course, the owners were just millionaires instead of billionaires and the players were neither. Most players worked summer jobs, partly to keep in physical shape, but mostly to supplement their hockey incomes. These days, professional hockey is a 12-month sport. If the players don’t train constantly, they can’t compete against younger guys who desperately want their jobs, and the big salaries that go with them. But athletes’ lives would be better if they were not forced to play such torturously long regular seasons. All the players would likely earn less per season, but careers of the most skilled would likely be longer. For fans, the game would improve, because players would not be so exhausted. They play too many games in too short a time frame, coupled with constant travel to all four quarters of North America. Keen observers may note that the Los Angeles Kings started their championship season in Sweden, captured the final playoff spot on the last weekend of the 2011-12 season, and still went on to win the Stanley Cup. Very true. It’s equally true that they played some lousy hockey and coasted through games knowing they didn’t have to give their best effort every game to qualify for the playoffs. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen to satisfy corporate ownership greed. Fewer regular-season games would mean more intensity, better competition and higher value for fans who love the game. It probably won’t happen, but it could, just like some day in the distant future, the Maple Leafs could win the Stanley Cup again. Joe McLaughlin is the retired former managing editor of the Red Deer Advocate. The Stettler Independent welcomes letters to the editor, especially those dealing with topical or local issues. Letters should be a maximum of 300 words in length and must have the writer’s signature over a printed name, along with the writer’s address and telephone number. The phone number won’t be printed. This newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for length and legal considerations. The deadline is noon the Friday prior to publication. Send your letter to: The Editor, Stettler Independent, Box 310, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0. Fax: 403-742-8050 Email:


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Foreman an ordained minister George Foreman (Big George), born on Jan. 10, 1949, was well-known to my generation as a professional boxer and two-time world heavyweight champion. He lost his title to Muhammad Ali in “The Rumble in the Jungle” in 1974. Remarkably, in 1995, at 45 years of age, he regained the title from Michael Moorer and remains the oldest heavyweight champion in history. In recent years, Foreman has become famous for his entrepreneurial efforts and marketing of the popular “George Foreman Grill.” It is noteworthy that he has made more money with the grill than he ever did in the ring. It’s estimated he has netted $200 million promoting the grill. There is another side to Foreman that has not been as widely known or publicized. He is a serious follower of Jesus and an ordained minister. A dramatic transformation took place after his loss to Jimmy Young in 1977. He shares this lifechanging encounter with God in his book entitled, “God in My Corner,” published in 2007. The change in Foreman was dramatic. In 1974, before his match with Muhammad Ali, someone gave him a Bible for good luck. He knew nothing of the Bible, expect “the Lord is my shepherd” from the 23rd Psalm. In his book, George writes, “I was always looking for luck, so I carried that Bible with me. I had lucky pennies and good-luck charms, so now I added the ‘lucky’ Bible to my collection of superstitious items.” When Foreman lost the fight to Ali, he threw the Bible out. He said, “I never even

Published by Stettler Independent Management (a division of Black Press Group Ltd.)

opened it. I thought, the Bible didn’t help me win, so why do I need it? I thought I’d get power simply from owning it; I didn’t realize that I needed to read it and believe what it says. Since then, I’ve come to understand that the Bible is my road map, not my good-luck charm.” Elaborating on the change Jesus made in his life, he said there was a time when he considered hiring contract killers to eliminate his enemies. From his new perspective, he said that his loss to Ali in 1974 was one of the best things that ever happened to him. And he adds that his favourite answered prayer is that he had the opportunity to meet with Ali and read the Bible to him. Foreman was asked if he had ever considered making a comeback to the ring. His response was that he had already made a comeback and that was with Christ. “... Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Pastor Ross Helgeton is senior pastor at Erskine Evangelical Free Church.

each Wednesday at 4810 — 50 St., Stettler, Alberta.



We acknowledge the financial suppor t of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

John MacNeil Publisher/Editor

Richard Froese Reporter

Les Stulberg Reporter


Donalda’s Klondike Nites on stage 1983 — 30 years ago — Capacity crowds of 400 attended both performances of Stettler’s Gilbert and Sullivan production, “Oklahoma,” under the direction of Noeline Brockley. Holly Barnec and Gordon Moorlag played lead roles. — Citizen-of-the-year Jessie Cox dropped the puck to officially open minor hockey week in Stettler. — The Stettler Legion and Ladies Auxiliary donated $28,505 to local and charitable causes. — A stage show produced by Bill Simon will be a feature attraction of Donalda’s Klondike Nites. Queen candidates are Sandy Sanderson, Judy Green, Belinda Purves, Carol Frank, Tammy Imbery and Lorraine Sampson. — Yellow ribbons tied throughout Alix welcomed Corey Campbell home from Mali, West Africa. — Bill Brown became Donalda’s new fire chief. — Tim Phillips’ three goals helped the Stettler Legion midgets defeat Leduc in Central Alberta Hockey Association play. — Jack Rairdan threw the first rock to open the Stettler 76th annual men’s bonspiel. There were 40 rinks entered. — Bud Rowland was elected president of the Halkirk seniors’ group.

Les-sons from the past By Les Stulberg Independent reporter

— Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bauman of Erskine celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with their nine children, other family members and friends at a social in Erskine. — The new motor vehicle licensing office opened in an outlet at the Stettler Auction Mart. 1973 — 40 years ago — Dick Chan of the Club Café held a grand opening of his new grocery store, Bill’s MM Store, managed by Bill Yee in the old Style Shop building. — Stettler Legion members voted to proceed with a plan to purchase the Family Recreation Centre and convert it into a private club. — The annual auction planned at the Stettler Auction Mart will aid “the retarded children of Alberta.” — Laura Lee of Donalda participated in an agricultural youth exchange in Denmark. — Alberta lost a great cattleman and pioneer with the passing of Thomas Usher of Scollard at age 90 in late December.

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— Canada’s highestselling three-quarters Limousin heifer calf was sold for $5,650 by McNalley’s LV Ranches of Erskine. — The team of Merv Harvie, Grant Kossowan, Harvey Weitz, Vern Radke and substitute Norman Horney won the Stettler men’s bonspiel. — Stettler Tire Service offered a tire sale: installed Firestone re-tread for $12.95; Firestone belted for $24.95; and Firestone Lifetime Supreme for $28.88. — Lloyd Iles was elected president of the Progressive Conservative association of the Stettler constituency. 1963 — 50 years ago — Fire destroyed the old Purity 99 Garage building, which housed Arnie’s Electric and Ralph’s Auto Body Shop. — Stettler’s first baby of the year was a girl born to Walter Befus and wife. — Ambitious members of the Stettler Camera Club climbed to the top of the water tower to a take a few shots of the town. — Stettler hosted the first Buffalo Lake District Scout Ice Stampede, which involved 10 central Alberta communities. — Fire at the farmstead of Les Robinson near Halkirk destroyed the home, the garage, a truck and a tractor.


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Page A5


Powerline skirmishes still part of the Alberta picture There was a time in Alberta when power companies would decide where and when they would install main transmission lines without a thought of concern for the affected landowners. In the past, most landowners would only become aware of any plans when surveyors showed up and a land agent came knocking on the door. In those days, there was no intent to discuss anything with the owner about the actual lines — just how much compensation you would get for crossing your property. There was a standard schedule of fees as to access and impact and little room for deviation from what was established by precedent. Sure, exceptions were made if the lines crossed close to, or over buildings — it was expected that if buildings had be removed or you had to find a new home, the appropriate compensation was offered. But there was no thought of altering the route. There was a plan and it was going to be completed. I recall, at times, ome landowners would put up some resistance, but threats of legal action usually changed their minds along with some extra cash. Part of the rationale folks had back then was that new transmission lines were needed as the population expanded. Alberta back then did not have an export mentality when it came to generating power. That was unlike B.C., where massive dams were built to generate power for sale to export customers, mostly in the U.S. There was some thought back then that with the province’s massive coal deposits, that perhaps plants should be built for export purposes, but the economics were dubious at best. Then, starting about 15 years ago, as the electricity business began to be deregulated, new long-range plans began to be developed for power transmission in this province. There was even talk about a nuclear power plant to serve the oil sands. Much of the discussion behind the plans was that new lines would make the whole system more efficient. The provincial government and its industry regulators, along with transmission line and power companies, had a cosy relationship, so vast schemes were more or less approved. The government of the day felt so confident that it even began a series of public meetings and forums to discuss the benefits of all the new lines that stretched the length and breath of the province. But as it turned out, times had changed with landowners and lobby groups becoming a lot more vocal about the where and why of those new lines. When these same folks began to launch lawsuits and media campaigns, the line companies and their government allies were shocked that their actions were being questioned.

The former Stelmach government, to thwart such citizen effrontery, even gave cabinet the final power to decide where major transmission lines would go and limited court access on the matter by landowners. That original action helped launch the property-rights revolution in the countryside, which has given the ruling PC government so much political grief. What citizens, landowners and lobby groups were starting to discover was that there appeared to be a hidden agenda in regard to many new transmission lines — they were being built with power exports in mind. That was particularly clear in southern Alberta, where new lines were being built at an accelerated rate to link up with new lines in Montana. When it was discovered that much of this was being done to accommodate additional loads of wind power for export, it served to aggravate the situation. Because wind power is just not economic and requires considerable backup generation in reserve, most felt the taxpayer was going to get the shaft one way or another. From that aspect, resistance was inevitable. The usual response from the commercial interests involved was to launch a combination of lawsuits, PR campaigns and more cash to the holdouts. What they did not seem to want to do was engage in some real-time honesty. To add insult, plans were recently released of even more new lines in light of new wind farm schemes. Perhaps if all the parties involved, including the government, had stated that those transmission lines and others are indeed designed to export wind power and at what cost and benefit, landowners might have been in a better position to make decisions. However, it seems those transmission lines will be built and damn the landowners and taxpayers. Fortunately, those affected are not giving up and the legal battles continue. Will Verboven is the editor of Alberta Farmer.

Whose decision should it be? Recently, the Leader of the Official Opposition and Wildrose party, Danielle Smith, put forward an innovative idea that is an alternative to publically funding new arenas in Edmonton and Calgary. The idea would consist of a lottery style Keno game — similar to the one already used in B.C., which contributes to more than 5,000 charities in that province. The revamped, rebranded Keno lottery game could help fund arenas in both cities, without having to dig into the ever-evaporating tax revenues. As Smith said, “Alberta taxpayers wouldn’t be on the hook for any of it. If you didn’t want to support the program, you don’t have to buy a lottery ticket. But it would allow the fans to directly support their team. The revenues generated would be completely voluntary.” Collection of taxes and the redistribution by government of those funds in Alberta has had increasingly less input from you and I, who are the source of those

From the Legislature MLA Report by Rick Strankman revenues. I’m sure most people would agree that essential-services funding should trump nonessential services. That may seem a bit oversimplified, but ask yourself this, “If your community was in desperate need of a school, a hospital and an arena, what order would they be on your priority list?” The majority would most likely have come to the conclusion that government’s first priority should always be the health and welfare of the citizens it governs. The Keno lottery idea has its merits. At the top of the list of merits would be you having the ability to direct funding to the organizations and projects that you deem worthwhile. The prioritization of which charities are worthwhile is a very individual decision based

on your individual circumstances and your experiences. For instance, if someone has a prevalence of cancer in their family, they would be more likely to direct their donations toward the Canadian Cancer Society rather than the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Both causes are important, but the level of importance is not the same for each individual. Having directed lottery funding would allow taxpayers in Stettler the opportunity to direct their revenue toward projects that would benefit their local area, rather than an arena in Edmonton, in which they may never even set foot in. In rural Alberta, fundraising is very important for the sustainability of a great many amenities that contribute to our quality of life.

Suggestions that people will abandon important community projects and charities seem to bring into question the moral values of every Albertan. I would like to think that it’s more likely that the closer you get to the facility, the greater the support would be, having those that would benefit most contributing the most. The taxpayer in Edmonton is not likely to support a community project like an arena in Hanna voluntarily, so shouldn’t the taxpayer in Stettler have that same choice available with respect to an arena in Edmonton? With a looming deficit of more than $3 billion for this fiscal year and forecasts predicting similar numbers for next year, shouldn’t any reasonable ideas on cutting government spending be considered?

Froese ’n Time

RICHARD FROESE/Independent reporter

The stately Stettler Independent Trophy was dusted off last week at the Castor Curling Club, where the award has been housed since the 1920s. The regional community newspaper donated the trophy in 1920 as the top prize for curling competitions involving clubs from Stettler, Castor and Coronation, said Cliff Campbell, the current president of the Castor club. “It was won outright by Castor Curling Club and it’s been in our trophy showcase since.” As the clubs challenged for the trophy, Castor won it 19 times, while Stettler took it home 15 times and Coronation nine. “They used to play for trophies in those days,” Campbell said. “Everyone got a trophy.” Notably, a hand-scrawled inscription notes that in 1933, the Independent trophy went to the Sedgewick Roses, with W. W. Rose as the skip. “A Rose of Sedgewick won the provincial Brier in 1934, so if this is the same guy, I don’t know,” Campbell said.

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Email MLA Rick Strankman at: drumheller.stettler@ He can also be reached via Twitter: @Rick Strankman

Independent effective communicator Communication has become more complex than ever. How do you keep in touch with what’s happening in your community and region? It appears computers and social media have actually made it harder to communicate to send the message out and reach an entire audience. For generations and decades, com- By Richard Froese munity newspapers have played a vital Independent reporter role to be the single source of news from all spectrums of the community, including schools, business, sports At a meeting in Bashaw last month, and recreation, health, government, where residents discussed ways to churches, arts and culture, agriculture, build a better future for the small comtourism and anything else that charac- munity, the main issue identified at a terizes the community. previous meeting was the lack of effecFor anyone who wants to find out tive communication, even in Bashaw. about anything that’s happening in a How can communication be a probcommunity, the local newspaper is the lem for a town so small? one-stop source for it all. I have long Residents at the meeting discovered said that if it’s not in the newspaper, that Bashaw has an anchor newspaper, it’s not important. two community newsletters, a school Community newspapers like the newsletter and many websites from Stettler Independen, Bashaw Star and the town and various organizations. Castor Advance cover it all. They re- All those options might actually be main the best source to relay your fragmenting communications and the message to the entire community. community to some extent.

It’s a keeper

Yes, such newsletters and websites can provide valuable information. But usually, people visit a website for something that interests them, so those websites are generally preaching to the converted. But if an organization wants to expand its audience and convert the unconverted, so to speak, use the newspaper to reach the wider audience. Most of all, it’s credible. Some groups and organizations wonder why their message isn’t getting to more people via a simple newsletter or website, instead of taking it to the traditional and reliable source of news and events — the community newspaper. Local newspapers like the Independent focus on being representative of and highlighting all aspects of a community — unlike a newsletter or website that’s just one piece of the pie. Richard Froese is a municipal reporter with the Stettler Independent. His email address is


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Page A6

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Future of handibus on a slippery slope RICHARD FROESE Independent reporter

RICHARD FROESE/Independent reporter

Mounting financial losses concern the Stettler and District Handibus Society, which reports that the service might be lost within a few years, if that trend continues.

With a $13,345 budget shortfall projected for 2013, the Stettler and District Handibus Society is worried about potential service cuts within a few years. “If we keep this trend going, we foresee that we will deplete our reserve funds in about three years and we will not be able to continue our service,” said society treasurer Cindy MacDonell, who addressed the Town of Stettler council last week. The society has asked the town to assist with the shortfall. “We’ll also go back to the service clubs for further fundraising,” MacDonell said. For this year, the society has requested $15,790 from the town, $16,764 from the County of Stettler, along with $12,000 from Superfluity and $8,000 from the Alberta Community Spirit Fund. Town council has urged the society to take steps to increase riders on a bus that council members said provides a valuable service. “This is a service that is valuable to the community,” said Mayor Dick Richards. “It’s a very valuable

service to have,” said Coun. Leona Thorogood. MacDonell agreed to survey how many people who might need the service don’t currently use it. She will try to find out the reasons for that and determine ways to encourage them to ride. “We offer new riders their first ride for free,” MacDonell said. The society has prepaid tickets that offer rides for the price of 10. Board members decided not to increase the current rate of $5 per trip, as they believe that move would hurt riders, with many on low or fixed incomes. From 30 to 35 passengers is the maximum capacity per day, given the time constraints required to help clients with mobility issues or who are in wheelchairs, said program co-ordinator Joanne Wiechnik, who responded to a question from council. “Some days, we have 10, 17, and some days we may have 30 or more,” she said. Those numbers can fluctuate greatly, depending on numerous factors, including weather, illness in lodges, activities in town or the time of month — such as when seniors receive their pension cheques and are doing their banking. The society finalized

its budget, with $113,274 in expenses and a funding shortfall of $13,345. “We have carefully reviewed all aspects of our budget for 2013 and pared it down as far as we feel we can go, while still trying to retain realistic goals,” MacDonell said. The deficit is projected to be higher as a result of fluctuating fuel and maintenance costs and reduced numbers of passengers. Along with disabled adults and seniors, the handibus transports specialneeds students to a swimming program and also provides school activityrelated transportation. “With this service, a majority of these groups might not be able to live here in Stettler, as the need of transportation is essential for work, school and medical needs, and overall provides all our passengers with a better quality of life,” MacDonell said. She also reported that the society has raised funds to buy a new bus to replace the current handibus, which was bought in 2008. “If we do not replace our bus regularly, we have found the cost of repairs starts to put a huge strain on our budget,” she said. The representatives said the new handibus is slated to arrive this June.

MLA believes in ‘fair access’ for all people

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Continued from Page A1

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“It’s a learning curve for him and it’s also a learning curve for us to work with an MLA in opposition,” Richards said of Strankman. Touring a sprawling constituency with more than 30 municipalities and school divisions, Strankman apologized for leaving the Stettler region among the last. “I’m sorry it’s taken a long time to get there,” he said. “I think we should visit councils twice a year.” His next visit could come as early as this spring, when he hears reaction from the new budget under the ruling Progressive Conservative government with Finance Minister Doug Horner and Premier Alison Redford. Strankman told the Independent that he plans to meet with school divisions, such as Clearview, which has plans to review small schools in Byemoor, Donalda and Brownfield, as well as others in the district. “I also want to meet with Clearview trustees,” Strankman said. “They have potential school closures and that could depend on the upcoming budget.” While roads and agriculture were the main issues in the meeting with the county, members urged the MLA to back the county. “I probably speak on behalf of council when I say it is wise to build bridges, not

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burn bridges,” Coun. James Nibourg told Strankman. “I hope you make it a regular note to take back our concerns to the legislature.” Over the months, Strankman said he has met with cabinet ministers including Agriculture and Rural Developmetn Minister Verlyn Olson of Wetaskiwin-Camrose and Transportation Minister Ric McIver of Calgary-Hays. “Verlyn is a genuine man, honest man,” Strankman said. “He has heart.” Living in Altario, a few kilometres west of the Saskatchewan border, the MLA is confident he’s working effectively for his constituents. He has offices in Stettler and Drumheller. “I have heard concerns that because I’m not in government, they may not have similar access to government funding,” Strankman said. “I want to make sure the county, the town, the region and the whole Drumheller-Stettler riding receives the same access to government as people with PC MLAs — that they all have fair access.” With an economic crunch in the province and a seventh deficit budget, Strankman strongly opposes any PC government proposal to introduce a provincial sales tax or other new taxes, which he said would require serious discussions.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Page A7


PET PEEVE Conference call set with education reps Get to know the The Smyths emerged as the top crib players at the Endmoor Drop-In Centre last Tuesday. Eileen Smyth posted the best score of the evening, while husband Bob placed second. The next crib meet will be Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.m. The Sullivan Lake West Agricultural Society sponsors a snowmobile poker rally Jan. 20. The rally starts at the arena in Byemoor at 10 a.m. and the last hand must leave no later than 12:30 p.m. Anyone who can help with the rally is asked to call John Schofer at 403-579-2248. Word was received of the passing of Kay Connors in Red Deer just after New Year’s. Many will remember when Kay lived in Endiang in the former Adelaide Donald house. Our thoughts are with her family in their loss. Ruthie’s Roost in Endiang is hosting a performance by Jim Peace, western singer, songwriter and instrumentalist, on Jan. 20 at 2 p.m. For more information, contact Ruth at 403-579-2522. A pair of young Byemoor women got a little more excitement than they needed on Saturday afternoon. Kary Lyn Keith and Rebecca Schofer were having lunch in the restaurant in Airdrie, where the armed standoff between two robbery suspects and the RCMP occurred. They were held up for more than four hours before the ordeal ended peacefully. Several women from the community turned out at the Endiang Hall on Friday evening to honour Janelle Derr with a bridal shower. The future bride of Kyle Sorensen, along with her bridesmaids, opened up many gifts from the

rules of the road LES STULBERG Independent reporter

well-wishers. Kyle and Janelle will be married in Stettler on Feb. 16. If you missed Ben Crane in concert when he was in Endiang, you are in luck. Ben Crane and his daughter Jessica are coming to the Scapa Hall for a performance Feb. 9. The western singer, songwriter, cartoonist and Leanin’ Tree artist was well-received when he performed in Endiang last month. Tickets are available for $20 at the UFA and Willow Creek in Hanna or by calling Doris Neilsen at 403-854-2452 or Peggy Sauter at 403-854-4672. Bill and Linda Smith picked up Kristy Smith and Claire Hamilton at the Calgary airport Saturday. Kristy and Claire are visiting from England and plan a three-week stay. In school news: All interested folks are invited to participate in a teleconference call with Alberta education minister Jeff Johnson and Alberta School Council president Brad Vonkeman to discuss priorities of the Alberta education system. The call takes place Jan. 22 at the Byemoor School library, from 7 to 9 p.m. Contact Rhonda Maginn or Twila Buchwitz for further information. The Clearview school district is working on a draft calendar for the next

three years. The draft calendar can be viewed on the Clearview website and any concerns or feedback can be directed to local trustee Rhonda Maginn at 403-579-2228. The Byemoor School mixed basketball team played its first game against Donalda and lost 40-16. Better luck next time, guys. In hockey news: The Swordmen, the Byemoor-Big Valley atom hockey team, played Sylvan Lake on Saturday in Big Valley and posted an 11-2 win. On Sunday, the atoms played their first provincial playoffs game against Alix and won 4-2. Good job, guys. The Swordmen are hosting a hockey tournament in Big Valley this weekend. Their first game is Friday at 6 p.m. against Camrose. The Endmoor mites host their tournament Saturday at the Byemoor arena. The first game is against Delia at 10 a.m. Consort and Big Valley are also in the mite tournament. Be sure to come out and show your support for our young hockey players at those tournaments. Alberta trivia — The smallest municipality in Alberta is the Village of Gadsby.

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My pet peeve is people who don’t know the rules of the road. I often travel on 44 Avenue, the Stettler street that crosses Highway 56 by the Otherside Restaurant and the RCMP detachment. On several occasions, as I travel westbound on 44 Avenue and stop at the stop sign on Highway 56, I’m confronted with people who obviously don’t know the difference between the rules of two-way stops and four-way stops. Often times, once the traffic is clear and I proceed through the intersection, I get a somewhat unfriendly gesture from the motorist on the opposite side of the intersection who is attempting a left-hand turn. They think that because they were at the intersection first, they have the right-away and show obvious dissatisfaction with motorists like myself who proceed straight through the intersection. Well, people — for your information — at a two-way stop, the straight-through traffic always has the rightaway over traffic that’s turning. It doesn’t matter if you sat at that intersection for one hour, if you’re turning left across the traffic flow, you must yield to the straight-through oncoming traffic that might have only sat at the stop sign for one minute.

It’s only at a four-way stop that whoever arrives there first also proceeds first. That is my vent of the week, so folks, be sure you know the rules of the road before you decide to give someone that “unfriendly gesture.” Submit your pet peeve to the editor at: editor@

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Page A8

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Comings and goings for Big Valley volunteers family folks on holidays clear snowy streets

A little winter birdie told me that Gordon Jackson had lots to celebrate on his birthday Jan. 2 as he is now on the government payroll. Happy birthday, Gordon. Kathy and Larry Tuck, Frank and Eleanor Dahlgren and Joyce and Bill Hansel were among the friends who were over to help Jackson celebrate. Joyce and Bill were busy over the holidays, first at brother Joe and Maxine’s for dinner, a yearly tradition for the night before the night before shopping day. On Dec. 24, they were at daughter Sandra’s and with her family. Then they joined daughter Sue and Brad and family for Christmas Day. On Boxing Day, Joyce had lunch with sisters Betty Stotz and Marian Blackmore. Meanwhile, Kevin and Diane Baird headed for Saskatoon for a wedding through the holiday season. And son Kyle was home on a visit before Christmas. We are happy to hear Leigh Shepherd is back in the Stettler hospital, doing better and enjoying visits from friends and family. And Bill Boyd resides in Heart Haven lodge for the winter, where he’s enjoying visiting with and catching up with old friends. The first Saturday after Christmas, Betty and Frank Hadwin motored

to Forestburg, wher they enjoyed a late Christmas with daughters Mararet, the host, and Mary, Aaron and daughter Kaitlyn. Birthday greetings to Bridget Skocdopole, who turned 10 on Jan. 4. Birthday supper was with Mom and Dad, Richelle and Greg and family, along with gradparents Stan and Gloria Diegel, uncles Wade and Ybiett and family, and Arden and Deanne and family. Bill and Joyce Hansel, Margaret Connon and Carol Kirkwood were among the many friends and family who surprised Marie (Miller) Vance on her 70th birthday last Saturday at the Friendship Centre in Bowden. Marie’s brothers, Donald and Ken and their families, along with sister Evelyne and family, were there, as were Marie’s son Kelly and daugher Teresa and Ken Schwabb and their families. After the initial surprise, Marie enjoyed a wonderful day of visiting. Happy Birthday, Marie! Wilda and Dale Nichols

hosted a Christmas dinner with 26 family members, including sons Jared and Brenda, David and Sandy and family, daughters Corina and Dale, Denise and Shane and their families. Also, Dale’s sister Ida Hallet and Aunt Irene Schilling. On Saturday, Dale and Wilda enjoyed watching grandson Austin and his hockey team play in Stettler, where they beat Ponoka 10-4. We send condolences to Frank Hadwin on the loss of his brother John Hadwin at age 82. Frank and Betty attended the funeral in Consort. Several friends and neighbours, along with family, gathered at the Botha Senior Centre for a memorial tea in honour of Bill Medinsky. From farther away were sons Mark and Kelvin (Shelly), Steven and Michael of Red Deer, nephew Glen and Ellen Neiser of St. Albert, and their daughter Jenny and Jordan; niece Jan and Ted Lineham of Okotoks, as well as former wife Aileen Hobbs and cousin Juius and Delores Duris, all of Stettler. Interment took place earlier at the Lake View Cemetery in Stettler. Bingo is at the Bank Building on Saturday. Doors open at 7 p.m. Early bird starts at 7:30 and the loonie pot is at $116.

At this time of the year, news is usually fairly sparse as organizations take a well-deserved break after all of the hustle and bustle of year-end events. A big thank-you to all Big Valley service groups who work so hard to offer this village excellent community events. Weekly bingo, crib tournaments and whist have all resumed their regular schedules. Big Valley’s dedicated clearing “crew” has been working steadily to keep our streets passable. Huge mounds of snow are visible around the village, as evidence of their hard work. Great job! Your hard work is genuinely appreciated by everyone. Many thanks to the scores of anonymous Snow Angels who continuously pop up all over this village, secretly keeping the sidewalks and driveways clear for those unable to do it themselves. What a fabulous surprise to step outside and find the job already done. Thank-you all so much. Congratulations to the fire department on its recent move to the new building. We hope you had an easy move and that you settle in to the new space smoothly. The Drop-In Centre hosted its first Military Whist evening of 2013 last Friday. First went to Kathy, Connie, Dorothy A, and Lorne, second to Ron, Ed, Pat, and Donna, and third to Lynne, Geneva, Buster, and Keith. Military Whist will be held at 7 p.m. every second Friday of the month. The Big Valley Drop-In Centre’s January and February schedule of events include: pancake supper on Mondays on Jan. 21, Feb. 4 and Feb. 18. Suppers are served at 5:30 p.m.; Military Whist at 7 p.m. Friday on

Jan. 25, Feb. 8 and Feb. 22. A potluck lunch, with no meeting, is set for Tuesday, Feb. 5, at noon. Curling takes place Fridays at 1:30 p.m. and crib is every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. The next meeting and pot-luck will be on Tuesday, March 5, at noon. There were 14 players at the Big Valley Inn for crib this past Sunday. First went to Vi McCarty, second to Jack Groat, third to Teresa Greig and the booby went to Bob Green. This week, the lucky draw went to Jack Groat and the 50/50 winner was Teresa Greig. The next crib tournament will be Sunday, Jan. 20. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Evangelical Free Church’s Kids Klub, which runs from 3:25 to 5 p.m., resumes next Wednesday, Jan. 23. Kids are walked to the clubhouse from school. For more info, call Connie Watts at 876-2502. The Friends of the Big Valley Library will hold their first meeting of 2013 this Thursday at 12:30 p.m. at the Big Valley Library. Under discussion will be the group’s desired goals for the coming year. Bring along your ideas, as fresh input is always needed. Anyone interested in helping out or becoming a member of “Friends” is welcome to attend.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Page A9


Firefighters go to school New times book calendar By Dorothy Anderson and Rose Koenraadt


Firefighters from Castor, Halkirk, New Norway, Galahad and Provost were enrolled in a four-day educational course over two weekends. Marty Rowland organized the course, which was held at the Halkirk Senior Centre. The seniors supplied food for lunch and coffee breaks. School basketball teams are back to their scheduled games this week after the Christmas break. JD Johnson, Alan Gamroth and Tony Nibourg, along with a Bashaw farmer, placed second in the B event at the farmers’ bonspiel in Bashaw last week. Copies of Halkirk’s new history book, “Home Fires” Book 2, are available at the Snack Shack. Congratulations go out

to Tiana Gamroth, who received a gold at a Nancy Green meet in Edmonton this past weekend for the K1 (13-and-under) division. Many happy returns to Mae and Bill Jamieson, who recently celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary with family present enjoying coffee and cake. Our best wishes to Louie Engel, who had a fall last week and has had a hip-replacement operation in Red Deer hospital. We also send get-well greetings out to Elliott Land, who is a patient in the Calgary Foothills awaiting surgery. Sympathy is extended to Jason and Frances Cordel on the loss of Frances’s dad, Frances (Frank ) Bobik of Daysland.

Condolences also on the passing of Jim Bedson of Brownfield. He was a brother to Joyce Neilson and brother-in-law to Dora Morasch. Sympathy is sent out to the family of Castor’s Bryce Woodrow, who passed away this week. Bryce was wellknown in our community. The Schaffners were in Saskatoon in December to visit Ellyn’s dad, Dale Berry, and accompany him to Halkirk for the Christmas season. While in Saskatoon, they took in the Mayan world-end celebrations. Max and Brent jumped from an Olympic-height platform into a diving tank, while Jillian and Ellyn went skating at Bessborough River park. COMING EVENTS: Feb. 9 — Halkirk Elks comedy and seafood night. For info, phone Charles Muncy or Doreen Blumhagen.

Bonspiel to run for six days By Darlene Tantrum The Donalda Coulee Friendship held its first Pancake and Jam Session for 2013. It was well-attended, considering so many are suffering from sickness. There will be no pancake breakfast for February, but there will be a pancake supper on Feb. 12, which is Shrove Tuesday. Don’t forget tonight is BINGO at the Drop-In. Come out and support the event. The Donalda Curling Club will host a combined bonspiel from Jan. 21 to 26. On Friday, Jan. 25, there will be a banquet and dance, featuring Domino. For information or entries, call Mike at 403-883-2469, Paul at 403-883-2168 or Kim at 403-883-2407.


By Louise Bellair Parents are reminded to make sure your children are ready for winter and dressed accordingly when they head to school. With Alberta winters, you never know when the weather is going to change. A couple of “new things” have occurred in the Botha area lately. The first change is carpet bowling has been moved from 1:30 p.m. to 1 p.m each Wednesday. It will still be held at the Botha Senior Centre each week. The second change happening is floor curling, which used to be held at 7 p.m. every Thursday. The committee has changed it to each Thursday at 1 p.m. It is still held at the Botha Senior Centre. With the Botha church, the congregation will have their annual meeting after the Jan. 27 church service. Hopefully, everyone can join them at this meeting. The Botha village office will be closed for another week until the morning of Thursday, Jan. 24. We hope this doesn’t cause any inconvenience for anyone. With Old Man Winter still here, if you have an emergency, the contact numbers for snow removal are posted on the door and in the window of the village office. The arena has been flooded and is now

BOTHA open for public enjoyment. The hours of operation are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, unless the weather is too warm. To purchase a yearly pass or to pay for one ice-time only, contact Lorraine Hankins at 403-742-1155. If you have questions or would like to be on the board, contact Lorraine at Just a reminder to everyone that as soon as the village office opens, it’s another opportunity to purchase your dog tags for the new year. Starting Feb. 1, the prices for the licences go up appreciably, so you’re advised to get out now to purchase the tags. Everyone had a fun and relaxing time, at the first Bingo evening of 2013, which happened last Tuesday. Congratulations to all the winners for the evening. The next Bingo evening will be held Jan. 22, starting at 7:15 p.m. and held at the Botha Senior Centre. Coffee hour continues at 10 a.m. every Wednesday at the Botha Senior Centre. The next old-time dance is scheduled for Jan. 27, starting at 1:30 p.m.

Super-heroes gather at school By Cheri Neitz

Birthday wishes go out to Eric Blouin, Kathy Norman, Calvin Foot, Davin Nattestad, Elizabeth Cartier, Jonathan Campbell, Laura Nelson, Rylan Jaksitz, Wayne Nixon, Amy Olson, Dennis Helfer, John Swaren, Brian Ternes, Declan Cartier, Ian Charles, Jim Bailey, Lexi Strandquist, Julie Bergstrom-Siemens, Kristine BaileyChesla, Mark Pearson, Nigel Bergstrom, Shannon Leguerrier, Terry Chesla, August Hurren, Don Lane, Jean Crumly, Lauryn Kneeland-Whiteside, Michelle Puckett, Sandra Seale and all other birthday folks.

This Friday is Super Hero Day at Erskine School. Put on your favourite superhero costume and come to school that day for fun and learning. Jan. 24 is Farm Safety Day at Erskine School. Mark on the calendar the Erskine School and Parent Council meeting, set for Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. Erskine Rec Board holds

ERSKINE its annual general meeting on Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Waverly Club Rooms. The Rec Board needs new members with new ideas. Come and support our community. The Erskine Family Day weekend includes family skating and snacks Feb. 15

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and the Erskine family funspiel on Feb. 17. The Erskine Rec Board is already looking for volunteers to work at the casino in Red Deer on June 24 and 25. It supports the skating rink, playground equipment and community events. Birthday wishes go out to Christine Chick on Jan. 18, Carly Armstrong on Jan. 20, Ashley McKay on Jan. 22, and Shayla Islip on Jan. 22.







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Page A10


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Small Town Saturday Night back for Year 2 Alberta has partnered with Big Valley Jamboree for a second year to celebrate Alberta’s rural stories by offering communities a chance to win a daylong country music celebration April 27 in their hometown.

The contest is called Small Town Saturday Night. Stettler was a top-10 finalist last year, while nearby Bashaw placed fourth in that inaugural competition. The grand prize this year includes a concert

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headlined by Canadian country music artist Chad Brownlee and a songwriters’ circle hosted by Alberta’s own Clayton Bellamy and featuring Alee, Bobby Wills and Tenille. Big Valley’s master of ceremonies, Danny Hooper, will emcee the event. Along with the excitement that comes with hosting “this once-in-a-lifetime concert experience,” the winning community can use the event as a fundraiser to support a local charity or municipal initiative of their choice, organizers said in a news release. The 2012 event resulted in the Town of Legal raising $93,000 for The Friends of Legal School Society to build a new playground for the

community. “Our rural towns are filled with the spirit of hospitality and co-operation — welcoming places where neighbours help each other get the job done,” said Christine Cusanelli, the minister of Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation. “We’re asking for communities to come together once again to show off their talent and creativity for the chance to host the 2013 Small Town Saturday Night celebration. After the tremendous response from across Alberta last year, I’m excited to see how communities pull out all the stops to share their hometown pride with the rest of our province.” Entering the contest is

considered a straightforward process: — Choose a venue within the community where the event will be hosted. — Connect with a group of passionate people from your community. — Create a two-minute video showcasing what makes your community a great place to visit. — Upload your video to YouTube and submit your official entry form. — Invite friends, neighbours and an entire community to vote for your video online. — The deadline for entries is Feb. 28. A panel of experts will narrow down the eligible entries, choosing the top-10 submissions based on their depiction

of community spirit and involvement, passion for local tourism experiences and events, local characters and creativity. The top 10 will be announced to the public March 5. That will be followed by a public vote for the grand-prize winner, ending March 25. The winning community will be announced March 28, and the grandprize concert will take place April 27. More than 200 communities in Alberta qualify for the contest, which is open to communities of 20,000 people or less. For rules and regulations and to download the info package and entry form, visit

It’s a New Year and the Stettler Ag Society would like to thank everyone who has supported us. Whether its through volunteering, donations or attending our events every bit contributes to our success. We wish to thank everyone, past present and future who has been involved one way or another with the Stettler Ag Society.

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Police advise snowmobilers not to skip the safety trail Alberta police remind snowmobilers to remain safe while they’re having fun with their friends and family. In Alberta, a snowmobile driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be charged with the same impaired driving offences as the driver of a car or truck on a highway, RCMP advise. Penalties include: fines, loss of driver’s licence, a criminal record, and for subsequent convictions, and/or a jail sentence. A conviction will affect the driver’s privileges to operate any type of motor vehicle — including off-highway vehicles and snowmobiles — on public roadways or public land. Every year, people are injured and killed while snowmobiling, a popular winter recreational activity in Alberta. The major contributing factors in serious snowmobile incidents include excessive speed, not checking the thickness of ice on rivers and lakes, inexperience and inattention, and operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. From 1997 to 2006, there were 345 collisions involving 378 motorized snow vehicles. Sixty per cent of those collisions resulted in either death or injury. Those statistics don’t include collisions that occurred on private property. Police say be prepared and have the right equipment: — Keep the snowmobile in good working order and do a pre-ride inspection before every trip. — All snowmobilers must wear a properfitting safety-certified snowmobile helmet and make sure to have it buckled up at all times. The chinstrap should be snug. — Wear a wind-resistant and water-re-

pellent snowmobile suit or a buoyant snowmobile suit to travel over frozen water. — Dress in layers to maintain proper body warmth and prevent hands and feet from freezing. — Wear a turtleneck sweater or neck warmer instead of a scarf that can catch in moving parts. — Wear bright or reflective clothing when riding. — Carry a first-aid kit, an emergency tool kit, an extra key, and a survival kit that includes flares. Carry a cellular phone if you’re in an area with service. — Also carry an avalanche beacon, probe and shovel, and make sure everyone knows how to use them in the event of an avalanche in the back country or mountainous terrain. — Ride safely and obey the law. — Operate at safe and reasonable speeds, driving within your capability. Reckless riders can be charged under the Traffic Safety Act. — Keep the headlights and taillights on at all times to be more visible. — Use extra caution while riding at night. Most of the collisions occur during poor visibility. — Travel on the right-hand side of the trail and obey trail signs. — Use the proper hand signals. — Know the terrain, stay on the approved snowmobile trails and never ride on private property without permission. — Watch for potential hazards and ride at reasonable speed for the terrain. — Use extreme caution when riding on frozen lakes, rivers and ponds. Check with local authorities to make sure the ice is thick enough to ride on.

Calling All Babies Of 2012 The STETTLER INDEPENDENT presents:

Babies of 2012 If your Baby was born in 2012, you don’t want to miss putting their adorable picture in this special keepsake feature! All pictures will be published in the January 30, 2013 issue and will be entered to win a prize, compliments of the STETTLER INDEPENDENT.


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Page A11


Stettler needs mentors for boys L ES S TULBERG Independent reporter

LES STULBERG/Independent reporter

Christel Shuckburgh of the Heartland Youth Centre in Stettler poses beside a poster that promotes mentorship programs like the 100-year-old Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Stettler administrators say there’s a “desperate need” for male mentors in the Big Brothers and the school mentoring programs in town. “We have many boys on the waiting list, but no adults to match them with,” said Christel Shuckburgh, the Big Brothers Big Sisters case worker at the Heartland Youth Centre. She said many children need one-on-one time spent with them and the goal is to add “a lot more matches.” The Heartland Youth Centre and its Big Brothers Big Sisters program is joining their national counterparts in celebrating 100 years of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Canada. The official celebration kicked off Tuesday and it runs through all of 2013. Shuckburgh said Big Brothers Big Sisters has

operated in Stettler since 1985. The local organization plans to mark the centennial celebration with a penny drive to raise funds for the local program. Shuckburgh said a penny drive was chosen because “it makes cents to create change in our community.” She said penny collection sites will be located at various businesses throughout Stettler from now through April 30. Currently, there are 11 in-school mentor matches at Stettler’s three public schools and the Erskine School and five Big Sister matches in the Stettler mentoring program. Eventually, the youth centre would like to expand the school mentoring program to include schools in the County of Stettler and at ChristKing Catholic School. A major fundraiser for the Big Brothers Big Sisters and school mentoring programs, along with all the other programs the

Heartland Youth Centre offers, is the 22nd annual Lloyd’s Bowl for Kids, set for Feb. 22. Shuckburgh said the theme this year is “Clash Bash.” Participants are encouraged not to make a fashion statement, but are dared to wear polka dots, stripes or checkers and any other clothing that clashes. There will be a prize for the “clashiest” outfit. The Heartland Youth Centre relies on this fundraiser to raise dollars for its programs and operating costs. This year’s goal is set at $10,000. The funds keep programs affordable; maintain the facility and offers teen leadership and employment opportunities. Supporters and members are encouraged to get pledge forms from the HYC and get a team together to Bowl for Kids. More information may be obtained by calling 403-742-KIDS (5437).

Paved parking lot in works for curling club R ICHARD FROESE Independent reporter Rough in many spots, the parking lot at the Stettler curling rink could soon be paved, along with the nearby east road for a cost of about $267,000. At its regular meeting last week, Town of Stettler council gave the green light to pave the parking lot — estimated at $151,350 — while it would further review a proposal to pave 52 Street between the curling rink and Stettler community hall for $115,850. Those were the figures presented by Melissa Robbins, the town’s director of operational services.

County keeps on pace with development RICHARD FROESE Independent reporter New building and development in the County of Stettler in 2012 exceeded just more than $14 million to keep pace with previous years. “We are not tremendously up, be we’re keeping steady with permits and values in previous years,” said Johan van der Bank, the county director of planning and development. Last year, the county recorded $14,226,615 in construction costs, down from $16,070,333 the previous year. That included a $7-million permit for Can Erector, which had planned to build a facility to manufacture flare stacks, but that progressed no further. However, a permit for $400,000 was issued for Flare Tech east of town boundaries for a company that develops flare stacks. Overall, the county issued 102 total permits for $14,226,615, with $10,116,615 for 84 residential permits and $4,110,000 for 18 commercial permits. In 2011, those figures included 89 total permits with $8,050,000 for 12 commercial permits and $8,010,333 for 77 residential permits. Generation RV was considered a significant commercial addition. The company manufac-

tures and repairs travel trailers. For residential, the major permit was to develop a new Hutterite colony about two miles east of town. The county projects continued steady development this year. “I don’t expect a drastic increase in activity this year,” van der Bank said. “I expect it to be just as steady as in the past two years.” With this growth, the county continues to review its municipal development plan and land-use bylaw, intermunicipal development plan with the Town of Stettler, and draft a major area structure plan with the town southeast of town. An updated IDP with the summer villages of Rochon Sands and White Sands has also been draf-ted with a public hearing set for May 4 in Erskine. Two other major industrial projects are in the works, with a seedcleaning plant on a site in the Warden area, and a coal-crushing plant east of Donalda on Highway 53. Land has also opened to build a truck stop on Highway 12 on a 15acre site on the eastern outskirts of town boundaries across from 38 Street for a proposed hotel/motel, convenience store and restaurant, with smaller lots for other opportunities.

Chief administrative officer Rob Stoutenberg said that $133,000 in the capital plan for fire equipment has been deleted in a partnership project with the County of Stettler. “There’s $133,000 that could certainly be accessed,” said Stoutenberg, noting the balance could come from reserves. Town staff plans to assess the structure of the road later this spring. “This estimate is for only a minor shape and pave,” Robbins said. “Any additional drainage work required would be in addition to the estimate prepared.” Wi-Fi contract signed Council signed a 10-year agreement with Shaw to pro-

vide Wi-Fi wireless Internet service in the community and in the town facilities at the Stettler Recreation Centre, the town office and the Stettler community hall, with an annual payment of $18.88 to the town for each facility. Last year, Stettler became the first small community to which Shaw provided Wi-Fi service, after Edmonton and Vancouver. “It should be an honour that Vancouver and Edmonton can be mentioned in the same sentence as Stettler,” said Mayor Dick Richards, with a bit of humour. “Technology changes and we know we will work with Shaw more in the coming years.” Shaw reps congratulated Stettler for its efforts.



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Page A12


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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Sobeys Stettler 3TREET 3TETTLER !" s Store Hours: Monday - Sunday, 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

The Stettler

Independent B1 Sports


January 16, 2013

News and Sports: 403-740-4426

Braden Deagle of the Stettler Wildcats drives toward the Lindsay Thurber Raiders’ net during senior boys’ high school basketball league action last Wednesday.

Wildcats finish Daysland tourney with victory JOHN MACNEIL Independent editor The Stettler Wildcats had a busy weekend with three games in two days at the Lloyd Sather Invitational senior boys’ high school basketball tournament in Daysland. Stettler finished with a 1-2 record after beating Hay Lakes 46-39 in the fifth-place game Saturday. In earlier action, Stettler lost to host Daysland 74-38 before dropping an eight-point decision to New Norway. In the first game against Daysland, “the boys came out slow and were only able to score two points in the

first quarter,” said Wildcats coach Joe Thibeau. “We gained momentum throughout the rest of the game, but the deficit from the first quarter was too big to overcome. “Our next game (against New Norway) started similarly. Despite some quality shots, we only had five points at the end of the first quarter. “We again had to play from behind and the boys fought back and made the game close — coming to within three points, thanks to a strong defensive effort led by Nick Baharally in the fourth (quarter).” Grade 11 newcomer Braden Deagle had an outstanding game in leading Stettler with 17 points.

Deagle was also a standout in the win over Hay Lakes. “Again, Braden Deagle had a tremendous game, playing as a centre for the first time,” Thibeau said of his performance against Hay Lakes. Deagle and fellow Grade 11 student Justin Fleischhacker were the top scorers in the Wildcats’ victory. “The boys had a much stronger start and we found ourselves in a close back-and-forth game,” Thibeau said. “In the fourth quarter, we were able to get ahead by 10 and kept the lead from there to the end. “Hay Lakes put on some great pressure and were able to close the gap to two points, but the (Stettler) boys

would play tough defence and push back to gain a six- to eight-point lead.” The next tournament action for the Wildcats is their home tournament Feb. 22 and 23. In league play last week, the Wildcats lost 80-36 to the Lindsay Thurber Raiders of Red Deer. Spencer Klassen led the Raiders with 20 points. This week, the Wildcats were scheduled to play at Ponoka on Tuesday, before heading to Red Deer on Thursday to face the Hunting Hills Lightning. “Then we take a break in our schedule to allow for upcoming exams,” Thibeau said. “Our schedule then resumes the first week in February.”

The Stettler Wildcats, including Kelsey Fisher (8) and Claire Aspenes (7), placed fourth in the senior girls’ high school basketball tournament last weekend in Ponoka. The Wildcats posted a 1-2 record. In league play last week, Aspenes had a game-high 20 points in Stettler’s 77-44 loss to Lindsay Thurber of Red Deer.

Stettler Middle School hosted a basketball tournament last Saturday. The round-robin action included Erskine against the SMS boys and Caroline against the SMS girls.

NOW ACCEPTING AIR MILES! When you purchase a new vehicle you can get up to 3000 Air Miles back! One more way Stettler GM can serve you better! Stop in today!



Page B2

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The Stettler Legion Blues receive offence from the likes of Kieran Rost and Logan Davidson (left photo) and leadership from captain Parker Cassidy (right).

Midget A Blues win three games in three days JOHN MACNEIL Independent editor The midget A Stettler Legion Blues made the most of a three-game weekend, winning all three games to strengthen their first-place standing atop the North Central Minor Hockey Association. After knocking off Barrhead 3-1 and Hobbema 8-0 at home Friday and Saturday, respectively, the Blues went to Red Deer on Sunday and scored a hard-earned 3-2 victory. Stettler improved its record to 14-2-1. In Friday’s game, Kieran Rost scored two goals and assisted on captain Parker Cassidy’s power-play marker. Jordan McCallum made 34 saves in the Stettler net. The Blues kept rolling Saturday at the Stettler Recreation Centre. Brogan Cassidy fired three goals and two assists, and Tyler Stewart also netted a hat trick. Devon Woelk blocked 22 shots for the shutout. “We had 62 shots against them,” said Stettler general manager and assistant coach Neil McCallum. “It was the first time since mid-December that we had all




uct er A ion

n c e 19 5 3

our players back in the lineup. It was great to have key guys like David Hanton and the du Toit brothers — Jacques and Stefan — back with us.” Parker Cassidy added a pair of goals in the win over Hobbema, otherwise known as Maskwacis. In Sunday’s game at Red Deer, Logan Davidson tallied two third-period goals as the Blues edged the King’s Energy Midgets. Stettler defenceman Riley Anderson added a goal and an assist. Red Deer’s Jacob Bottomley scored a late goal to close the gap, but the Blues polished off their third victory in as many days as Jordan McCallum stopped 26 of the 28 shots he faced. The Blues have lived up to expectations as a premier team this season. “We’ve had a lot of hard work and good goaltending,” said Stettler assistant coach Lewis Frickelton. “The kids are really dedicated this year. They make sure they get to the practices, and when they come to the games, they come to play. The goalies are psyched — they’re ready to play. It’s just a good team effort.”

Despite competing with other sports and facing occasional manpower issues, the Blues have endured — and thrived — just the same under head coach Matt Cassidy. “This is Tier 1, so they’re here to play hockey,” Frickelton said. “They put that other stuff aside, for the most part. We’re pretty happy with how dedicated they’ve been.” One of the kingpins for Stettler all season has been Rost, a small-but-mighty rookie. “He’s outstanding,” Frickelton said of Rost. “He gives you 110 per cent the whole time he’s on the ice. He never quits. You could be down 9-0 and he’s still trying to get a goal. The kid is phenomenal. Very skilled. And he’s a really nice kid.” This coming Sunday evening, Stettler visits the Innisfail Flyers in league play. “We have been categorized as having to go to B provincials, based on our midget numbers in our association,” said Neil McCallum, also a member of the Stettler Minor Hockey Association executive. “We will be playing Viking in the first round of the qualifying for our zone.”

Lightning suffer two more losses

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The tough times continued for the Stettler Lightning on the weekend as they dropped a pair of Heritage Junior Hockey League games on home ice. The Lightning fell 3-1 to the Medicine Hat Cubs on Saturday night, after losing a 7-4 decision to the lowly Banff Bears on Friday night at the Stettler Recreation Centre. Kyler O’Connor scored the lone Stettler goal against Medicine Hat. and Simon Thieleman blocked 33 shots in the Stettler goal. Cole Schafer made 22 saves for Medicine Hat the night before he was called up to serve as the Edmonton Oil Kings’ backup goaltender for their Western Hckey League stop in Medicine Hat. On Friday night, 17-year-old Kyle Stephan scored two goals and set up two others to lift Banff and push him past the 50-point plateau this season. Lonnie Dixon also tallied twice for the Bears, and Michael Harbich added a goal and three assists. Banff broke open a 3-3 game with two goals in the first five minutes of the third period, including a short-handed marker from Dylan Robertson that proved to be the winner. Blake Frechette scored a pair of goals for Stettler, and Lyle Wooden added a short-handed tally. Thieleman registered 27 saves in the Stettler net, while the Lightning had 32 shots. Stettler was scheduled to visit the Blackfalds Wranglers last night. This Friday, the Lightning host the last-place Ponoka Stampeders in Castor, which is the hometown of five Stettler players — Thieleman, O’Connor, Clinton Allen, Mark Dietz and Steven Fletcher.

Independent news and sports hotline: 403-740-4426

Wednesday, January 16, 2013




Oil Kings continue their senior struggles Submitted by Brent Forster Big Valley Oil Kings The Big Valley Oil Kings were involved in two close games on the weekend, but came out on the short end of the Battle River Hockey League contests. On Friday, the Big Valley seniors travelled to Sedgewick to face the Sabres. After two periods, the Sabres held a 2-0 lead on goals from Morrison and Effert. The Oil Kings narrowed the lead to 2-1 at 14:18 of the third period, on a goal from former Stettler Lightning forward Mitchell Finkbiner. Both goaltenders were solid between the pipes, as Sabres’ Jordy Cox was named the game’s first star and the Oil Kings’ Chance Clark named the second star. Each goalie had 30 shots fired their way. No other player found the back of the net, and the game ended 2-1 for the Sabres. Tofield welcomed Big Valley for a Saturday evening game. The Satellites took an early lead at 1:49 into the first period on a goal from Van Dalfsen. The Oil Kings tied up the game on a power play goal from Finkbiner at 8:31.

Tofield took a 3-1 lead with tallies from Holmberg and Quast. With 2:25 remaining in the first period, Calgary native Jayson Shymyrko closed the gap to 3-2. In the second period, Big Valley came out firing, directing 17 shots on net. At 1:18 into the frame, blue liner Denver Wik, who has nine points in 14 games, cashed in short-handed to tie the game at 3-3. Newly signed Oil King David Skagen tallied a powerplay goal at 11:12. In the 200910 season, Skagen produced 48 points in 49 games for the Nipawin Hawks of the SJHL. The Oil Kings’ staff were happy with Skagen’s play on the weekend, and see him as a key contributor down the stretch. Newcomer Logan Gabel also saw game action. In 2009-10, Gabel contributed 21 points in 35 games with the Trenton Golden Hawks of the OJHL. Big Valley sat back for about half of the third period and it cost the locals. The Oil Kings only directed three shots at Satellites’ goalie Jeremy Thom, while Tofield increased their urgency, directing 11

shots at Big Valley’s Chance Clark. Tofield’s Adam Tomko tied the game at 4-4 at 2:25 into the third. The Satellites’ Van Dalfsen beat Clark for the game-winner at 4:41 in the final frame. The game ended 5-4 in Tofield’s favour. After the weekend games , Oil Kings’ general manager Dustin Edwards said, “We definitely need to play 60 minutes of hockey, and teams that good capitalize on the little errors we make. We can win every hockey game we play, but it’s going to take guys committing to 60 solid minutes and being accountable on the ice.” Over half of the Oil Kings’ losses this season have been by a single goal. As the league’s February playoffs approach, the Oil Kings remain confident and will work on getting the newcomers comfortable, and a 60-minute commitment from each player. Big Valley’s staff expects a large crowd this Saturday, Jan. 19, as Tofield is in town for a 7:30 p.m. start. It is also “School Night” at the Agriplex and fans are encouraged to arrive early.

Bears tangle the Lightning

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The Stettler Lightning fell 7-4 to the lowly Banff Bears in Heritage Junior Hockey League play last Friday night.


Right-of-way Safety ATCO Electric is constructing powerline projects in your region. We remind users of all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles to be cautious when travelling within project right-of-ways. Construction equipment and materials may be covered with snow and may not be easily visible. In the Stettler area, construction is taking place just east of Hwy 56 and south of Twp. Rd. 384 between Rge. Rds. 194 and 205. From Rge. Rd. 205, it extends north almost to 13012KA1 Twp. Rd. 394, and then west to Rge. Rd. 220.

Page B4

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


JV teams in action Last week, the JV basketball teams from Stettler’s William E, Hay Composite High School travelled to Camrose for league action. Despite a strong defensive game, the Stettler girls lost 49-13. The top scorer for the Wildcats was Jennifer Taylor, with six points.

The Wildcat boys lost their game 48-23. The top scorer for Stettler was Kyle Poapst, with eight points. Both of the Wildcat JV teams return to action tonight when they entertain Wetaskiwin at the high school gym. Action begins at 6 p.m. with the girls’ game.

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Contributed photo

Mrs. Hunter’s Grade 2 class from Stettler Elementary School enjoys their time outdoors in the snow.

Bright faces greet new year at Stettler Elementary School By Katy Syson Stettler Elementary School Happy New Year. everyone! We had so much fun listening to the student’s stories about how they spent their holiday, who they visited and what Santa brought for them. It’s always nice to see their bright faces back in our building after the holidays. The kindergarten students are moving up in the world. In December, they visited the high school cooking classes of Mr. Ben Huo. They made rice krispie squares with their high school counterparts. Later in January, they will be heading back up to high school to the cosmetology classes. The kindergarteners will be treated to hairstyles, nail painting, face painting by the high school cosmetology students. They are really looking forward to this special day! On Friday, Jan. 11, all four Grade 2 classes had the privilege of visiting the Smith house to learn about their igloo. Mr. Smith builds an ig-

loo in his backyard every year. The Grade 2s learn about the Inuit of Iqaluit in Social Studies, and were excited to see a real igloo! Thank you to the Smiths from the Grade 2 students. In Mr. Olafson’s Grade 5 class, the students are researching and learning about KIVA. Kiva is a nonprofit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. A family like Hector’s, who used his loan to buy vitamins for his livestock in prevention of food deficiency, and to ensure his livestock are healthy and well nourished. This helped him to earn a higher income for his family in order to put his three children through school. Mr. Olafson’s class has used their milk money to give a loan of their own to help make a difference in the lives of a family in need. Way to go, Grade 5!

A reminder that the Stettler Elementary School Book Club will be hosting a Used Book Swap and Sale from Jan. 21 to 25. We are looking for donations of those gently used children’s books that are no longer being read at home. We would welcome the following in gently used condition: children’s picture books, chapter books for youth, children’s magazines, comic books and junior nonfiction books. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept: any used coloring or sticker books, badly damaged or scribbledin books, previously discarded library books, adult materials or books for older readers. Books may be dropped off at Stettler Elementary School. A drop box will be located inside the main entryway.All books must be in by Jan. 18. Cute quote of the week: “Look, look, I lost a tooth,” exclaims a Grade 1 student. “Wow,” the teacher says, “You lucky duck, what did the tooth fairy leave behind?” “Nothing, my Dad forgot to do it ...”

Information highway leads to library By Crystal Friars Stettler Public Library

Herb Gramlich accepts donation from Brian Peterson of SolutionCorp Inc.

Kidsport wishes to thank SolutionCorp Inc. for their donation to the program.

The Stettler Public Library would like to thank you for making it our busiest year ever, with 68,836 visits in 2012! Let’s top that by coming and checking out the programs that we have for you in the rest of 2013. This Thursday is packed with information for everyone. At 6 p.m., the library is hosting a speech and communication development parent information session. Parents can learn about childhood communication development from a speechlanguage pathologist who will teach strategies to encourage communication skills in children.

ENTER TO WIN Travel Alberta and the Big Valley Jamboree want to reward one lucky community in Alberta with the country music event of a lifetime.

Everyone is welcome. Also on Thursday, at 7 p.m., we have help for those who received an ereader for Christmas. Are you excited but not sure how to use it? The Stettler Public Library is here to help you become comfortable with our e-Reader workshop. There are a limited number of spaces available, so you must pre-register at 403742-2292. We are also pleased to announce a new Saturday afternoon program: Crafternoons and Coffee Spoons. Your kids get to do crafts while you can relax and have coffee. The first Crafternoon will be this Saturday at 1 p.m. and yoga will be discussed. Come and join in

the monthly fun! The Chicks with Sticks Crafting Club is back on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at 7 p.m. Bring your knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, etc. and enjoy the company. If you’re a beginner, get some extra help in starting your project. Family Literacy Day celebrations begin with Game Over Jr. on Friday, Jan. 25, from 6 to 8 p.m. Boys ages five to 10 are invited to come and enjoy a night of gaming of all kinds complete with hot dogs and snacks. Call the Stettler Public Library at 403-742-2292 to register. Activities for Family Literacy Day continue on Saturday, Jan. 26, with a cross-stitching workshop

Reach your customers where they live, work & farm in their community newspaper


GRAND PRIZE: A concert in your small town featuring Chad Brownlee on April 27, 2013. The grand prize also includes a Songwriter’s Circle hosted by 13012PT0 Clayton Bellamy featuring Alee, Bobby Wills, and Tenille, and $5000 towards a local charity of choice.



TO ENTER: Create a 2-minute video that showcases what makes your small town a great place to visit.

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for tweens at 10 a.m. and more fun and games at 2 p.m. Bring the whole family for an afternoon of games, prizes and sundaes! Play Mad Libs, make wacky sentences, build the best sundae ever and share the recipe and win a year’s supply of Alpha-bits and other prizes. We celebrate literacy at the library every day, but sometimes it’s nice to make a splash! Later on in January, there’s Superhero Night on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 6 p.m. Come dressed as your favourite superhero, make a comic book wallet, and then watch the Amazing Spiderman. What a great way to end the month!



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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Page B5

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What’s Happening



Services Directory



DINE & DANCE Thursday, January 17th Stettler Legion Hall Dance to a live band: Bad Landers II Cocktails: 5 p.m. Supper: 6 p.m. Dance: 7-10 p.m. Catered by: Gobbles Food Express Tickets $17.50/person, Dance only $10/person Available at the door Sponsored†by: Stettler Seniors Social Society Everyone Welcome Young & Old!

It is with overwhelming gratitude that we would like to thank the community for their love and support during this difficult time. We would especially like to thank the Stettler Ambulance, Fire Department, and RCMP for their quick and compassionate response on the day of the accident.Thank you to Reverend Jack Schulze, Lorne and Kathy Thurston, Rosalind LaRose, the pallbearers, and those who provided music at Jack’s funeral. A special thank you to Sylvie Tremblay of Brennen Funeral Home for the outstanding service she provided. We very much appreciate the food, flowers and memorial contributions from our neighbours and friends. the support we have received speaks volumes about the many that Jack was and the community that he loved.

KELLY KRUGER bride elect of James Bible Saturday Jan. 19, 2013 at 1 p.m. at the Ramada Inn, Stettler. Ladies bring your favorite recipe.

Sincerely, The Family of Jack Chapman


Thank you, thank you to my family for their support. To my friends for all their support and the cards and calls and emails we have received at this sad and difficult time. Hugs to you all!! Marie Brown



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The Stettler


Classifieds PLEASE READ YOUR AD Advertisers should read their ad the FIRST DAY IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next publication. The Stettler Independent is responsible for only the first incorrect insertion. RATES: Word Ads - 1st Week 25 Words 1-25 $16.00 each week after $14.00 additional words .26 cents ea. (5% gst must be added ) DEADLINE:. MONDAYS @ NOON Classified Hotline 1-877-223-3311





Coming Events

Card Of Thanks

A special thank you to our many friends and acquaintances for the visits, calls, flowers and cards on the sudden passing of our son Don. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. No words can express the grief we and his brothers and sisters feel at this time. Thanks to Pastor Ross Helgeton for being there again. Hugs and thanks to Margaret and Jerry Watson. Sincerely, Dick & Irene Irwin

Items Buy/Sell



Employment #700 - #920 Caregivers/Aides................710 Clerical ..............................720 Computer Personnel ..........730 Dental ................................740 Estheticians........................750 Hair Stylists ........................760 Janitorial ............................770 Legal ..................................780 Medical ..............................790 Oilfield ................................800 Professionals......................810 Restaurant/Hotel ................820 Sales & Distributors ..........830 Teachers/Tutors..................840 Trades ................................850 Truckers/Drivers ................860 Business Opportunities......870 Miscellaneous ....................880 Volunteers Wanted ............890 Positions Wanted ..............895 Employment Training ........900 Career Planning ................920


Caregivers/ Aides

ACCEPTING applications for live in caregiver for a young Stettler school child, eves and nights with some light duties, Flexible school hrs. wknds neogotiable. Ref’s will be req’d at time of interview. Call eves. 403-323-0499




What’s Happening #50 - # 70

Arts & Crafts Shows ..................50 Class Registrations....................51 Coming Events ..........................52 Lost ............................................54 Found ........................................56 Companions ..............................58 Personals...................................60 Bingos........................................64 Fitness & Sports ........................66 Happy Ads .................................70


The easy way to find a buyer for items you want to sell is with a Classified want ad. Phone 1-877-2233311

Linda Hall Annual Meeting Sunday, January 27, 2013 2:00 p.m. at the Hall. Classifieds Your place to SELL Your place to BUY

Coming Events

Up to 50% off Select Items


View registries online

Main Street, Stettler

FOR fast results: Classified Want Ads. Phone 1-877223-3311.



Coming Events

MOBILE BONE DENSITOMETRY Insight Medical Imaging will be offering Mobile Bone Densitometry testing in Stettler for 3 weeks.

February 11 - 28, 2013 If you require testing for Osteoporosis Please contact your Physician’s office to obtain a referral.



AN ALBERTA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051 CENTRAL PEACE NATURAL GAS CO-OP LTD. requires full-time Gas Utility Operator. Experience, safety tickets an asset. Clean valid driver’s licence required. Forward resume: Fax 780-864-2044. Mail: Box 119, Spirit River, T0H 3G0.




HELLFIRE SUPPRESSION SERVICES INC. seeking full-time oilfield firefighting personnel for central Alberta location. Class 3 licence an asset. Willing to train the right applicant. Email resume: cbandravala Only successful applicants will be contacted. SERVICE MASTERS SECURITY has opportunities for Security Guard Couples: We specialize in remote oilfield manned security gate services in Alberta. Ideal for mature couples who are semi-retired, for year round or seasonal work opportunities that enable you to work together. Training is available & required. Apply with resume: Email: Fax 403-348-5681

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is looking for journeyman picker operator.Top wages/ benefits. Safety tickets req’d. Fax or drop off resume 403-346-6128 No phone calls.

720 6602 -- 44 44 Ave., Ave., Box Box 1270, 1270, 6602 Stettler, AB AB T0C Stettler, T0C2L0 2L0 Phone: 742-4441 Fax: Phone: 403-742-4441 Fax: 742-1277 403-742-1277



June 22

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Public Notice

County of of Stettler Stettler No. County No. 6 6


Melissa Derksen & Jamie Hamilton

Hair Stylists



FULL-TIME LICENSED HAIR STYLIST ON A CHAIR RENTAL BASIS. Apply to The Attic Unisex Hair Design, Main Street, Stettler.

TRENCHUK CATTLE CO. has positions available at their feedlot in Smoky Lake, Alberta. Labourers/feedtruck drivers $17 - $22/hour. Feedlot Manager/Class 1 truck drivers/mechanical $22 - $28/hour, all depending on experience and qualifications. Housing available. Fax resume to 780-656-3962 or call William at 780-656-0052.

Gift Certificates available at

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FARM LABOURER & MANAGER. Full-time position, modern mixed farm, near Calgary, Alberta. Housing supplied, excellent wages. Valid drivers licence, & cow/calf experience required. Assets include mechanics, grain, welding, custom hay & seeding. Fax resume 403-335-0086. Phone 403-335-3694.

Dec. 12

Bridal Registry

Coming Events

Farm Work

Bridal Registry



THIS WEEK’S EYE SPY WINNER IS Clara Dittrich Please come into the Stettler Independent to claim your prize!


Kyle Sorensen & Janelle Derr

Rental & Real Estate

County of Stettler Job Opportunity Receptionist/Clerk The County of Stettler has an exciting career opportunity for an experienced professional who will bring innovative and effective administration skills to the position of Receptionist. Under the general supervision of the Director of Finance, the successful candidate would possess the following skills and education: • Serve as first point of contact for all front counter inquires • Handle general inquiries and requests • Manage phone system and promptly direct telephone calls • Provide cash receipting services • Handle incoming and outgoing mail • Accept deliveries • Address customer complaints and concerns • Strong Organization Skills • Proficiency in Microsoft Office; most notably Microsoft Word & Excel • Ability to prioritize deadlines and works well under pressure • Assisting with records management when required • Purchasing of office supplies when required • Occasional support to the Finance Department • Other duties as required. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (35 hours/week) The County of Stettler offers a competitive salary and a generous employer paid benefits package. The successful applicant will be required to provide a criminal records check and drivers abstract. Please respond in confidence with your resume to: County of Stettler No. 6 Attention: Christa Cornelssen, CGA Box 1270 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax: 403.742.1277 Email: The competition will close on January 18, 2013. The County appreciates all applications however only those selected for interview will be contacted.


For further inquiries contact 1-866-771-9446

4124 – 60 Street, Stettler Friday, Jan. 18 – 3p.m. to 7p.m. Saturday, Jan 19 – 10a.m. to 1p.m. Tools, dresser, nightstand, coffee and end tables, kitchen chairs, appliances, dishes, books, movies, china cabinet, shop vacuum, stereo, speakers and more!

Call 403-741-4534 for more information Coming Events


DONALDA COMBINED BONSPIEL January 21-27 Entry Fee $140

Banquet and Dance Jan. 25 Doors open at 6:00 pm at Donalda Hall Dance to: Domino Non Curlers Welcome Phone Mike at 403-883-2469 for info or to enter teams

Royal Canadian Legion Jan. 26 @ Stettler Legion Advance tickets only at the Legion. Cocktails: 5:30 Tickets Cost: $25 p.p. Dinner: 6:30 under 12 $10


Menu includes:

Roast Beef, Haggis, Tatties, Neepes PROGRAM INCLUDES

Bagpiper, Highland Dancer, Soloist & Local Scottish Dancers. Dance to follow Everyone welcome 403-742-2404


Look for your name in the Classifieds (stating you’re a winner) and come to the Stettler Independent to claim your prize, compliments of KFC!

County of Stettler Job Opportunity Accounts Payable The County of Stettler has an exciting career opportunity for an experienced professional who will bring innovative and effective administrative skills to the position of Accounts Payable Clerk. Under the general supervision of the Director of Finance, the successful applicant will be responsible for entering accounts payable for four different sets of books which include the County of Stettler, Stettler District Ambulance Association, Stettler Waste Management Authority, and Shirley McClellan Regional Water Services Commission. They will be responsible for organizing, sorting and distributing bills to the various departments and ensuring that the payables are maintained on a timely basis and perform any other related duties as required. An ideal candidate would possess the following skills: • Proficiency in Microsoft Office; most notably Microsoft Word & Excel • Strong Organization Skills • Ability to prioritize deadlines • Works well under pressure Hours:

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (35 hours/week)

The County of Stettler offers a competitive salary and a generous employer paid benefits package. The successful applicant will be required to provide a criminal records check. Please respond in confidence with your resume to: County of Stettler No. 6 Attention: Christa Cornelssen Box 1270 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax: 403.742.1277 Email: The competition will close on January 25, 2013. The County appreciates all applications however only those selected for interview will be contacted.

Page B6






Is looking to fill the following position:



• • • • •


NOW LOCATED in Drayton Valley. BREKKAAS Vacuum & Tank Ltd. Wanted Class 1 & 3 Drivers, Super Heater Operators with all valid tickets. Top wages, excellent benefits. Please forward resume to: Email: Phone 780-621-3953. Fax 780-621-3959.

The successful applicant will have a NCSO designation and will have: * Actual hands on oilfield construction experience. QUALIFICATIONS * Good computer skills. INCLUDE: * Extensive travel is 2-5 yrs experience as required. a HSE Practitioner * Excellent people skills. PRODUCTION TESTING Valid Driver’s License * H2S Alive and First Aid. SUPERVISORS * Certified D&A tester, & OPERATORS Duties required: an asset. Day & Night Flexible work schedule * Drivers License, with Must have tickets. - possible evening and clean Abstract. Top paid wages. weekends required * Must relocate to Hinton. Based out of Devon, AB. Travel throughout Alberta, Email resume to: Saskatchewan, BC. “NO SAFETY COPS Accident Investigation WANTED� Reports We want to build a safety AN EXCELLENT Field and Facility Audits culture, NOT enforce one.




This position reports direct to our Corporate HSE Manager! Please visit our website at: www. or apply by email to: HRCanada@Cathedral Your application will be kept strictly confidential.

Please submit resume to or fax to 780- 865- 5829 Please quote job # 67950. on your resume. LOCAL SERVICE CO. REQ’S EXP. VACUUM TRUCK OPERATOR Must have Class 3 licence w/air & all oilfield tickets. Fax resume w/drivers abstract to 403-886-4475





Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. is seeking qualified candidates to fill Floorhand, Derrickhand and Driller positions. These positions are locally based. Applicants must have all necessary valid tickets for the position applied for. Bearspaw offers a very competitive salary & benefits package along with a steady work schedule. Please submit resumes: Attn: Human Resources Email: Fax: 403-258-3197 Or mail to: Ste. 5309, 333 - 96 Ave. NE, Calgary, AB T3K 0S3

820 A&W Stettler is hiring for the following positions:

Supervisor - Starting wage - $13.50. Assistant Manager - Salary to be discussed. Looking for mature individuals able to work  exible hours. Email resume to or drop off at resume to 4617-59St., Hwy. 12 Stettler – Att: AMY Trades



Score Projects is a new and fast growing company located in Stettler, AB. We are looking to ďŹ ll positions for:

B Pressure Welders Apprentices/helpers Structural Welders Sub-arc Operators

Top wages paid to individuals with piping fabrication, vessel and skid experience. Please send resume to or fax to 1-888-317-7460

Sherritt International Corporation is a leading natural resources company with locations Corporation in CanadaSherritt (Alberta,International Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba is a Madagascar. leading natural resources company with locations and Sherritt provides a dynamic work in Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba environment that promotes and invests in growth and Madagascar. Sherritt provides businesses a dynamicand work opportunities in each of its principal – environment that– its promotes most importantly people. and invests in growth opportunities in each of its principal businesses and – Our Sherritt division is– Canada’s largest thermal coal producer, with its people. most Coal importantly

ten surface mines in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Producing more than 94% the thermal coal produced in thecoal country, Sherritt Our Sherritt Coalofdivision is Canada’s largest thermal producer, with currently supplies utilities of and international companies Producing with fuel ten surface mines domestic in the provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. for electricity generation. more than 94% of the thermal coal produced in the country, Sherritt currently supplies domestic utilities and international companies with fuel Maintenance Supervisor Competition # 16-177-12 for electricity generation.

Temporary Full-Time Journeyman Welder Paintearth Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Area Maintenance Supervisor Competition Paintearth Mine # 16-177-12 Paintearth Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Area

An opportunity exists at the Paintearth Mine, located near Position Profile: Reporting directly to the Maintenance Forestburg/Halkirk, Alberta. This position temporary for a 3-6 Manager this position will coordinate andis assign maintenance activities to topersonnel in a incost effective,Department. safe and month period provide coverage the Welding environmental manner.








(Must be able to Provide own work truck)

FIELD OPERATORS Valid 1st Aid, H2S, Drivers License required!! Please contact Murray McGeachy or Jamie Rempel by Fax: (403) 340-0886 or email mmcgeachy@ jrempel@ website: www. cathedralenergyservices. com

Service Rig

Restaurant/ Hotel


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Your application will be kept strictly confidential.



JOURNALISTS, Graphic Artists, Marketing and more. Alberta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. Free. Visit: resumes_add.php. MASSAGE Therapist wanted for busy Health Food Store and Diagnostic Centre. We are looking for a full-time and/or part-time therapist with a minimum of 2200 hours required. Furnished room available for rent or work on commission basis. Apply at Naturally Yours, 4911-49 Ave., Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0 or fax resume to 403-742-2030.

Restaurant/ Hotel


MCDONALD’S RESTAURANTS of Ponoka, Lacombe, Stettler and Red Deer (Gasoline Alley East and West) are now hiring full time Food Counter Attendants. All stores are 24 hours, except Stettler, which has extended late night hours and applicants must be willing to work flexible shifts, including evening, weekends and nights shifts. Wages range from $10.50 to 11.00 per hour and we will train. Benefits are included and we offer opportunities for advancement. Apply in person at the store or on line at



AG Parts Person Wanted F/T position in a small town atmosphere Looking for someone positive and motivated to join our team Experience is an asset Fax# 403-442-3829 Trochu Motors ltd. 302 Main St. Trochu, AB 403-442-3866 BAKOS NDT is hiring qualified CGSB Technicians in Whitecourt, Edmonton and Grande Prairie. Benefit package, signing bonus and profit sharing available. Email: or call 1-888-763-5575.


Looking for motivated individual with a desire to become a Journeyman Agriculture Partsperson. Good organizational and computer skills are reAPPLY NOW quired. An agricultural background would be an NOW HIRING a s s e t . To p s a l a r y a n d G.M. tech or ASEP. With good communications c o m p r e h e n s i v e b e n e f i t program. Submit resume skill and work ethics to work with award winning with references to Box 77 Stettler. G.M. dealership in Lacombe Alberta. Good hrs & bonus. for production. Transmission and Trades electrical an asset. Training provided . Apply to confidential email:




QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS NEEDED True Power Electric Requires Residential exp. only Competitive wages & benefits. Fax resume to: 403-314-5599



Carpenters & Carpenter helpers.

For local work. Competitive Wages & Benefits. Fax resumes & ref’s to: 403-343-1248 or email to:

JOB HUNTING? Read the Classifieds. 1-877-223-3311.


Career opportunity, apprentice to be a licensed glass worker. Permanent full-time position, installing residential and commercial windows and doors, automotive glass, glass cutting and fabrication. Drivers license a must. Apply in person to Heartland Glass, Stettler or fax resume to 403-742-2678. CLARK BUILDERS Immediately Requires Superintendents for a Project in Red Deer, AB. Must Have 5-10 yrs exp in Commercial Construction. Strong Communication and Organizational Skills a Must. Contact us at:1-877-416-6815 email: careers@ fax:1-888-403-3051 EDMONTON BASED COMPANY looking to hire a qualified Field Clerk to assist with paperwork and maintain top safety standards during jobs. Prepare and present safety meeting each morning, file, organize, prepare and maintain all paperwork, assist Foreman when needed. Out of town work, drivers licence, top compensation, OT paid, accommodation provided. Fax 780-488-3002; jobs@ GET YOUR FOOT in the garage door. Learn basic engine theory, power train, suspension, job safety. First step to Automotive/Heavy Duty Apprenticeships. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882; GO TO YOUR next job interview with 2nd Year Heavy Duty Mechanic skills. GPRC, Fairview campus - Heavy Equipment Certificate program. Hands-on training, safety courses, opportunity to write 1st and 2nd HET apprenticeship exams. 1-888-999-7882;


HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS We are now accepting resumes for full-time heavy equipment operators for employment starting in Spring 2013. The ideal candidates will have experience operating heavy equipment in a mining environment. Knowledge of safe and productive operation of equipment are an asset. Candidates will also possess a valid driver’s license and demonstrate excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Prairie Mines & Royalty offers a very competitive wage and benefit package. How to Apply: Interested candidate should submit their resume prior to January 31, 2013 to:

PAINTEARTH MINE Human Resources BOX 730 FORESTBURG, ALBERTA T0B 1N0 Fax: (403) 884-3001 EMAIL: We thank all candidates for their applications, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We would kindly appreciate no phone calls.


Requires an

Auto Technician Ford Certified Preferred

Salary Negotiable. Excellent beneďŹ ts included Possible relocation fee

HEAVY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY REQUIRES Journeyman Mechanics to start asap. Must be familiar with all heavy equipment Caterpillar, Komatsu, John Deere, etc. Competitive wage and superior benefit package. Required to work in shop in rural Winnipeg, Manitoba and on job sites. Email: Fax 204-224-9212.

Email resume to: or fax 403-742-1544

JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25. - $31./hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email MORGAN CONSTRUCTION & ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. - Looking for experienced Heavy Equipment Operators, Foremen & Labourers for work in oilfield & heavy civil construction projects. Competitive wages, full benefits & opportunity for year round work. Email resume: Fax 780-960-8930 or apply in person: 702 Acheson Road, Acheson, Alberta.

850 Prism Integrated Solutions Inc. Is currently hiring for the following positions:

• Journeyman & Experienced Welders E-mail resumes to or fax to 780-582-3922

We are now seeking full-time employees for the following positions:

APPRENTICE SHOP TECHNICIANS JOURNEYMAN SHOP TECHNICIANS JOURNEYMAN FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIANS Required for our Stettler Office Benefits Include: • Competitive wages. • Excellent benefits (health, dental, life insurance, disability etc.). • Participation in company RRSP program with company match. If you are interested in a career with an established Energy Services company please apply in person at 7201-50 Ave., Stettler, Alberta or please fax your resume to 1.403.742.6901 or email your resume to For more information on Vortex Production Services, please visit our website at: We thank all applicants and advise that only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

This position will also assist with

monthlyProďŹ andle: quarterly forecasts and the annual Position This position reports directly to maintenance the Maintebudget. As well assume other duties and responsibilities as nance include welding repairs to may Supervisor. be required Responsibilities due to changing circumstances in the economic and physical environment theďŹ mine. large off highway equipment in shopofand eld environments. Qualifications: QualiďŹ cations: The ideal candidate will posses a Journeyman Trades The ideal candidate willEngineering posses a Journeyman Welding certificate, Mechanical Technologist diploma or degree with a minimum of 5 toexperience. 10 years of Must related and CertiďŹ cate and have industrial bemining physically supervisory experience. Other combinations of education and ďŹ t and competent in common welding processes SMAW, FCAW, experience may be considered. Demonstration of excellent GMAW and arc communication, air gouging. leadership and organizational interpersonal, skills as well as the ability to learn quickly and maintain motivation in athe face of inevitable setbacks is benefits an asset. Sherritt Coaleven offers competitive compensation and package and provides the opportunity for personal growth and Sherritt Coal offers a competitive compensation and benefits development. package and provides opportunity for 2013 personal growth and Closingthe date: January 28, development. Closing 28, 2013 Please e-mail or faxdate: your January resume and cover letter to Human Resources: Please e-mail or fax your resume andFax: cover letter to 403.884.3001 E-mail: Human Resources: E-mail: Fax: 403.884.3001


interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We would kindly appreciate no phone calls.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013




Advertisers in the showcase section maintain Real Estate offices in Stettler, are members of the Red Deer & District Real Estate Board Co-op Ltd., and all offer full multiple listing services.

Who is responsible for repairs during the sale of a residence? Many questions arise during the home-buying process. Buyers looking at homes that require a good deal of TLC may wonder who is responsible for the home’s repairs, particularly if such repairs are needed to secure a certificate of occupancy. Depending on the situation, there is no clear-cut answer. There is no perfect home, and things that are acceptable to the current owner may not be acceptable to the buyer who is looking to become the next owner. The home-buying process is typically a careful cooperation between buyer and seller to find a middle ground. The buyer may have to make some concessions, as will the seller. Ultimately, it is this cooperation that often determines if the sale goes through or is terminated. Before any negotiations can begin regarding repairs, it is adviseable for a buyer to have an independent inspector come out and look over the home and property. Most real estate agents will suggest this be done as a first priority — even before a contract is entered on the home. An inspection will unveil any potential problems in a home and indicate things that the buyer may not be aware of, including items that do not meet with code or could be unsafe. An inspector also may point out problems that could cause a mortgage lender to give pause. This may mean the lender will deem problems unsafe and refuse to fund the mortgage until repairs are made. A copy of this inspection report should be sent to the home seller to review with his or her attorney and real estate agent.

The buyer working with his own real estate attorney and agent can petition for certain repairs to be made. Many sellers will make such repairs to ensure the purchase goes through, or they will accept a lower purchase price to compensate for the needed repairs, which the buyer will then make. Buyers might want to hire a good real estate attorney to write clauses into the contract to protect their interests. This allows the buyer to forfeit the sale and walk away from the contract should an issue arise. The rules often change when buying a home that is a short sale or in foreclosure. A home that is in distress is typically in this situation because the current owners cannot afford to pay their mortgage, and thusly, are not able to afford repairs. According to Think Glink, a money-management Web site, buyers may try to negotiate repairs with the seller, but they shouldn’t assume that sellers (or lenders in the event of a bank-owned home) are responsible for the repairs. Generally speaking, most short sales and foreclosures are sold “as is” and may even specify that repairs and requirements for the certificate of occupancy are the buyer’s responsibility. A buyer also can ask to have the home price reduced to cover the repairs. But foreclosures are often already deeply discounted. Buyers should know that, for a home that is not in foreclosure, there are some repairs that should ultimately be the responsibility of the seller. If these repairs are not made, a buyer should think strongly about walking away from the deal, according to, a real estate marketing site. Such repairs include: * lender-required repairs that could impact home safety * leaky pipes * water penetration issues, including a bad roof * unsafe decking or handrails * wet basements or crawl spaces * insecure foundations or obvious structural damage * poorly functioning sewer lines or septic system It is always adviseable for buyers to speak with a reliable real estate attorney and a trusted

real estate agent to guide them through the process of buying a home. These people can help buyers navigate the important decisions that can affect the home they’ll be living in for the next several years. Candor Realty Ltd.

Ph. 403-742-4424 Fran Snowden

Karen Cannady

4908 - 51 Street

BUSY RESTAURANT on main street Stettler. Building has 2 store fronts and 2 revenue suites. Lots of potential. MLS # CA314255. $349,000

PROFESSIONAL BUILDING only 1 block off main street. Well maintained with 6 offices and 10 parking spaces. MLS # CA0002930. $235,000

SOLID BRICK BUILDING on 2 lots close to downtown. Possibilities are endless with this property. Put you imagination to work. Owners are motivated! MLS # CA0000785. $165,000

2 BDRM/1 BATH BUNGALOW. Main floor laundry, basement ready to be developed and a single car garage. MLS # CA326921. $99,500.

GREAT STARTER IN BIG VALLEY. Totally renovated 3 bedroom home. Laminate flooring, cozy fireplace and a great yard for the kids or to build a garage. MLS # CA326766. $119,000

4.92 ACRES JUST MINUTES FROM STETTLER. 4 bdrm mobile home, large workshop and the barn is all set up for horses. Great starter acreage. MLS# CA0002955. $260,000

Locally owned & operated

Visit us at for more listings

1st Choice Realty

403-742-6747 4913 - 51 Street

“Each office independently owned & operated”



Bus.: 403-742-3069 1-888-742-6685


Excellent Family Home - Featuring 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 baths, games room, family room, 2 fireplaces, very functional floor plan. Great neighbourhood, close to school. Hurry today to view this family friendly home. #CA0003628. $324,900.

Over 26 Years of Experience

5002 - 50th Ave., Stettler

Diamond Award Recipient

Building & Land For Sale Bring your cooking skills and start your own business! Located in a high traffic area, 70 seat capacity. #CA0006161.

Scenic acreage near the river valley 3.46 Acres near Donalda. Property has full services. Peace and quiet and a view of the rolling countryside. #CA0005983. $89,900.

Building & Lot Only. Attention Investors ~ Great investment opportunity showing good returns. Prime location almost 31,000 sq. ft. incl. parking lot. #CA315479

• 1/2 SECTION near Big Valley. Incredible view of river valley! Located 1 mile from pavement. #CA0002830. • 2.99 ACRES to build your dream home with room for the children to play and to store your extra recreational toys! Carlisle Estates. #C301597. $112,000. • 105.37 ACRES. Mile north of Big Valley. Grass pasture with lease revenue, good water supply. #CA324983. $125,000.


Best Buy ~ This 5 bdrm 2 bath home located in Donalda on an extra large lot. Substantial renovations include new windows, doors, flooring, kitchen cupboards, bsmt addition, & much more. Come take a look at this affordable home! #CA0006481 $169,900


* Residential * Commercial * Farms * Acreages * Lake Properties

Independently Owned and Operated


View Stettler area listings at

Specializing In


Looking to move up! This home is big, beautiful and the quality shines. Very impressive, you won’t be disappointed. $479,000



Just listed. Built in 2005. This fully developed home is sure to please. Open concept. Great for entertaining. Very nice. $389,500. Call today!

Seniors! Absolutely no stairs. All the independence you could ask for with no worries. 1 Block to Main Street. $219,500.

Chances are we'll sell your home, why not call us first!

Just listed. Affordable home with 4 bedrooms. 3 Baths. New kitchen. Developed basement with huge family room. Only 169,000. Don’t wait!


Here’s value! Renovated bungalow in a great location. Gleaming hardwood. Oak kitchen. Gas fireplace downstairs. Large heated garage. Only $239,000. Call now!

You can’t go wrong! Triple pane windows. New kitchen. Hardwood. Heated floor. Main floor laundry. 5 Bedrooms. Attached garage. Family location. Asking $268,000.





5.54 acres, ready for your dream home, fully fenced. $115,000. Call Atie


BRAND NEW, 4 bdrm duplex. $265,000. Call Garry

Doug Roberts Broker/Owner

Jill Fisher Associate/Owner

Apryl Cassidy Manager/Owner

Brian Lynn Associate Broker

Norma Leslie Associate Broker

Garry Rushton Associate

Edna Stuart Associate Broker

Atie Turnbull Associate

Call Sales Associate today for FREE or enquiries. Calla aCentral Central "Team" "Team" Sales Associate today for FREE adviceadvice or enquiries. CA0004754

1.38 acres with newer home, walking distance of Stettler center. $475,000. Call Garry


1998 mobile on own lot, unique floor plan. PRICE TO SELL @ $159,900. Call Edna


2 STOREY 1600+ SQ FT home, on quiet close with green space out front. $299,000. Call Atie

Kyle Ramstad Associate

Ross Scheerschmidt Associate

CALL 403-742-3344 CALL 403-742-3344(24 (24hrs.) hrs.)



4 acres, w/ 1900 sqft home. Edge of Stettler. Att. garage, large barn&shed. $490,000. Call Wade

Newer 2/2 bdrm home, finished basement, Close to downtown. $359,000. Call Edna




You want to start small & build up? For this price you can do anything you want and your investment will only grow! $29,900. Call Jill

1 ½ miles town 5 acres with home and buildings. $449,000. Call Doug

Small town luxury in Big Valley. If you need to escape this is the place. $385,000.Call Ross

To view more info on our listing check out or

Wade Stormoen Associate



Just move in 5 bdrm split level Built in 2005. $272,000. Call Jill


Land is located in the high traffic area of Highway #56 north edge of town. The land has been recently filled and leveled with ground matting in place. Call Doug

Page B8




New Holland dealer in Stettler is now accepting applications for Agricultural Technicians or Journeyman/Heavy Duty mechanics with ag experience. We offer year round employment, hourly salary from $25 to $32.50 depending on qualifications, excellent benefits and a positive, friendly team oriented work environment. If you are looking for a rewarding career with a successful growing organization, then forward your resume to: Bill’s Farm Supplies, Attn: Tracey, Box 1325, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0, fax 403-742-1282, email to:

PUT POWER INTO your career! As a Fairview Power Engineer. On-campus boiler lab. 4th Class-Part A 3rd Class. Affordable residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882;

Truckers/ Drivers



PYRAMID CORPORATION IS NOW HIRING! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.


F/T Safety Officer

to help implement & maintain safety programs. Fax resume to: 403-343-1248 or email

WELDERS ARE IN great demand! 16 week welding program gives you First Period Apprenticeship skills. Includes 4 week work practicum. GPRC Fairview campus February 25, 2013. 1-888-999-7882;




Tornado Combustion Technologies Inc. is currently accepting resumes for Mechanical Design & Drafting personal. Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment with advancement for motivated individuals, and an excellent benefit package. Please forward resume to or fax to 403-275-3740.

Tornado Hydrovacs, a division of Petrofield Industries is accepting resumes for: Assembly Department: Industrial Painters, Electrical Technicians; Welders (Journeyman or Apprentice); and Labourers. Our Company has an enthusiastic, fast paced working environment with advancement for motivated individuals, and an excellent benefit package. Please forward resume to hr@ or Fax 403 742-1905

Truckers/ Drivers



is now hiring

Class 1 Drivers for transporting Dangerous Goods Experience driving Super B, Tridem, and Body-Job units is an asset.



CLASS 1 Winch Tractor Operator and Journeyman Picker Operator required. Please fax resume and credentials to 780-778-2918. For further information please call David 780-778-0422 in Whitecourt.

We offer top industry wages, group benefits package, company RRSPs as well as scheduled days off. Please send resumes: Fax: 403-742-4181 Email: Call: 403-742-4189


Misc. Help

Stettler Regional Child Care Centre

‹• •‡‡Â?‹Â?‰ ƒ Â?Â‘Â–Â‹Â˜ÂƒÂ–Â‡Â†ÇĄ …ƒ”‹Â?‰ ‹Â?†‹˜‹†—ƒŽ –‘ Œ‘‹Â? ‘—” –‡ƒÂ? ‘ˆ

Child Care Professionals ‡˜‡Ž Í´ ‘” Íľ ‡†—…ƒ–‹‘Â? ‹• ”‡“—‹”‡†Ǥ ‡ ‘ˆˆ‡” –‘’ Ž‡˜‡Ž ™ƒ‰‡ ‡Â?ŠƒÂ?…‡Â?‡Â?– ƒÂ?† ƒÂ? ‡†—…ƒ–‹‘Â? ƒŽŽ‘™ƒÂ?…‡Ǥ ‡ ƒŽ•‘ ‘ˆˆ‡” ͳȀʹ ’”‹…‡ …Š‹Ž† …ƒ”‡ –‘ •–ƒˆˆǨ Ž‡ƒ•‡ ÂƒÂ’Â’ÂŽÂ›ÇĄ ™‹–Š ”‡•—Â?‡ ƒÂ?† ”‡ˆ‡”‡Â?…‡•ǥ ‹Â? ’‡”•‘Â? –‘ǣ ͚͡Ͳʹnj͜ͺ ˜‡ ‘” …‘Â?–ƒ…– ”‹ƒÂ?ƒ ƒ– ͜Ͳ;nj͚͜ʹnj;͡͝Ͳ ˆ‘” Â?‘”‡ ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? Business Opportunities


Truckers/ Drivers

ATCO Power is a developer, project manager, owner and operator of independent power projects worldwide including United Kingdom and Canada. The company is a member of the ATCO Group, one of Canada’s premier corporations. We currently have an opportunity at our Battle River Generating Station for the following position:

Purchasing Assistant Competition #: 31-12-BR29 Forestburg , Alberta To find out more about this and other opportunities, please visit us at:


)/225+$1'6 '5,//(56

'(55,&.+$1'6 5,* 0$1$*(56

Vacuum & Water Truck operators req’d. to start immed. CLASS 1 or 3 WITH Q All oilfield safety tickets req’d. Clean drivers abstract. Must comply with drug and alcohol policy. References Req’d. Exc. salary & benefits. Fax resume to: 403-742-5376 LABOURER - PILOT TRUCK DRIVER to join crew at Holmes Building Movers, Stavely, Alberta. Applicants must have clean Class 5 licence, own transportation, be physically fit and conscientious. Send resume to fax 403-549-2191 or email: admin MILLAR WESTERN at Boyle, Alberta is seeking safety-minded Log Haul Contractors for it’s winter logging program. Call Todd at 780-689-6697 for details. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Casual or P/T Drivers for the Mirror, AB. area. Class 4 license required. Please contact Chris at 780-264-1651





Sherritt International Corporation is a leading natural resources company with locations Corporation in CanadaSherritt (Alberta,International Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba is a Madagascar. leading natural resources company with locations and Sherritt provides a dynamic work in Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario), Cuba environment that promotes and invests in growth and Madagascar. Sherritt provides businesses a dynamicand work opportunities in each of its principal – environment that promotes and invests in growth most importantly – its people. opportunities in each of its principal businesses and – Our Sherritt division is– Canada’s largest thermal coal producer, with most Coal importantly its people.

ten surface mines in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Producing more than 94% the thermal coal produced in thecoal country, Sherritt Our Sherritt Coalofdivision is Canada’s largest thermal producer, with currently supplies utilities of and international companies Producing with fuel ten surface mines domestic in the provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. for electricity generation. more than 94% of the thermal coal produced in the country, Sherritt


interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We would kindly appreciate no phone calls.

Business Opportunities


SO YOU WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER! Well here is your chance. Two solely independent community newspapers for sale in Alberta. Can be run together or separately. Just write a cheque, walk in and take over. (Owners retiring). If interested, email: with your name and phone number and we will call you.

68%0,7 <285 5(680(


,1&/8'( ,1'8675< &(57,),&$7,216 $1' '5,9(56 /,&(1&(


WELL ESTABLISHED Towing Company in Drayton Valley. 6 trucks & roadside contracts. Will sell as whole or individually. Training available. Unlimited earning potential. Must see! Phone 780-621-1622


Misc. Help

Adult Education and Training




Community Support Worker program GED classes evening and days


Women in the Trades




Red Deer Co-op Limited Is recruiting for an

RELIEF BULK PETROLEUM DRIVER / INSIDE SALES CLERK @ STETTLER Reporting to the location’s Bulk Petroleum Manager, this full-time position is responsible for customer service and processing inside sales using a cash register, delivery of oil products to customers and delivery of bulk fuel to customers on a relief basis. Candidates for this position must have a valid Class 3 Driver’s license, customer service experience and knowledge of petroleum products. Red Deer Co-op offers a competitive salary and benefits package, as well as opportunities for personal growth. If you match these qualifications, and are interested in working for a true community builder, please submit a resume or application to: Human Resources Manager Red Deer Co-op Limited 5118 - 47 Avenue Red Deer, AB T4N 3P7 Fax: (403) 341-5811 E-mail: Successful candidate will be required to undergo a criminal record check. We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



PosiĆ&#x;ons available in the following areas:

Quality Control Purchasing & Warehouse AdministraĆ&#x;on “Bâ€? Pressure Welding Structural Welding FabricaĆ&#x;ng / Assembly PainĆ&#x;ng / Finishing Equipment OperaĆ&#x;on Please forward resumes to: Please indicate the posiĆ&#x;on you are applying for in the Subject Line of the email.

BAKER & MEATCUTTER required immediately at Drayton Valley Sobeys. Inquire at 780-542-4644 or send resume to NEED A CHANGE? Looking for work? www. in the Provost region, workers of all kinds are needed now! Visit our website today for more information.

Aircraft ..............................1510 Antiques & Art ..................1520 Auctions ............................1530 Bicycles ............................1540 Building Supplies ..............1550 Business Machines ..........1560 Cameras & Accessories ..1570 Children’s Items ................1580 Clothing ............................1590 Computers ........................1600 Concert & Event Tickets ..1610 Equipment - Misc. ............1620 Equipment - Heavy ..........1630 Tools ................................1640 Farmers’ Market & Food Basket......................1650 Firewood ..........................1660 Lumber ............................1670 Garden Supplies ..............1680 Lawn Tractors ..................1690 Health, Dietary, Beauty ....1700 Household Appliances......1710 Household Furnishings ....1720 TV’s, Stereos, VCR’s ........1730 Hot Tubs & Accessories ..1740 Jewellery ..........................1750 Kid’s Deals........................1755 Misc. For Sale ..................1760 Musical Instruments..........1770 Music Lessons..................1780 Piano & Organs ................1790 Office Supplies ................1800 Pets & Supplies ................1810 Pet Services ....................1820 Cats ..................................1830 Dogs ................................1840 Sports Cards ....................1850 Sporting Goods ................1860 Collectors’ Items ..............1870 Swap, Barter & Trade ......1880 Travel Packages ..............1900 Wedding Supplies ............1910 Recycled Products............1920 Wanted to Buy ..................1930 Items to Give Away ..........1940



Antique & Collectible Auction

Sunday January 20th 10 a.m. Olds Legion Hall- Hwy 27Olds A.B. Coins, Furniture, Military Memorabilia, Tin & Metal toys. Lots of unique small collectibles. Check the web for full listing & pictures

Pilgrim Auction Service 403-556-5531

Building Supplies


LOOKING FOR a shop? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403-818-0797 or email: METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Best prices! 36� Hi-Tensile TUFF-Rib 29ga. Galvalume $.67 sq. ft. Colours $.82 sq. ft. 40 Year Warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254.

WANTED: MEAT CUTTER / KILL FLOOR PERSON Will train. Apply in person at FORESTBURG MEAT PROCESSING or fax resume to: 780-582-6320

STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206;

Employment Training


COMPUTING CAREER = Great career. Study computer technology programs at GPRC, Grande Prairie campus. Novice to expert. Circuit design and robotics lab, data communications and networking lab. Diploma/University transfer. 1-888-539-4774;

Event Tickets


SEE OPRAH LIVE. Monday, January 21 in Edmonton. Tickets from $299 each with courier delivery included. Call Dash Tours and Tickets at 1-800-265-0000. One call and you’re there. These tickets are for fans in rural Alberta/NWT only

MASSAGE CAREER. EquipmentTrain at our highly regarded, progressive Heavy school and graduate with confidence! GO TO YOUR next job Excellence in education, interview with 2nd Year guaranteed! Heavy Duty Mechanic 1-877-646-1018; www. skills. GPRC, Fairview campus - Heavy Equipment Certificate program. REFLEXOLOGY Hands-on training, safety CLASSES, courses, opportunity to fun and relaxed learning. write 1st and 2nd HET Good for the sole. Register apprenticeship exams. now limited space. Gain 600 hours credit. Starting February 2 & 3, 1-888-999-7882; 2013. Phone Edwards & Holloway Health and Wellness 403-340-1330.


YOUR NEW CAREER is as close as your computer. Online Active Aging Fitness Practitioner Certificate. Work with older adult fitness programs, coach master athletes. GPRC Grande Prairie, Alberta. 1-888-539-4774;


Want your career to have a meaningful impact on people’s lives? To know your ideas and initiatives are helping transform communities and build futures? The Government of Alberta offers you an opportunity to play an active role in shaping our province—making it an even better place to live and work. Discover how working for the Government of Alberta can work for you.

We have a passion for the possible. 13012DC0 Caseworker

Alberta Human Services, Stettler. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children and families in rural central Alberta? If so, we are offering an exciting and challenging opportunity to play an integral role in achieving optimal outcomes for children and families. Our ofďŹ ce is an Outcome Based Service Delivery Site piloting the Signs of Safety practise model by Andrew Turnell. Job ID #1015233 Visit to learn more about this opportunity, to apply online or to ďŹ nd out more information about the Government of Alberta.

Buy & Sell #1500 - #1990

SUMMER HERBICIDE APPLICATOR positions now available (4 - 6 months). Ace Vegetation is hiring for the 2013 season. Training provided, lots of hours, some travel required. Placements in AB, SK, BC. Starts May 1, 2013. Resume: acemail Fax 780-955-9426.

Misc. Help

currently supplies domestic utilities and international companies with fuel Maintenance Supervisor Competition # 16-177-12 for electricity generation.

Paintearth Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Area Maintenance Supervisor Competition # 16-177-12 Mine – Halkirk/Forestburg Position Paintearth Profile: Reporting directly to the Area Maintenance Manager this position will coordinate and assign maintenance Position Profile: Reporting to the Maintenance activities to personnel in a directly cost effective, safe and Manager this position coordinate assign environmental manner.willThis positionand will also maintenance assist with activitiesand to quarterly personnel in a and cost safe and monthly forecasts the effective, annual maintenance environmental This position willresponsibilities also assist with budget. As wellmanner. assume other duties and as monthly quarterly and the annual maintenance may be and required due forecasts to changing circumstances in the budget. As well assume other duties and responsibilities as economic and physical environment of the mine. may be required due to changing circumstances in the economic and physical environment of the mine. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will posses a Journeyman Trades Qualifications: certificate, Mechanical Engineering Technologist diploma or The ideal candidate will of posses a Journeyman Trades degree with a minimum 5 to 10 years of related mining and certificate, Mechanical Technologist diploma or supervisory experience.Engineering Other combinations of education and degree withmay a minimum of 5 to 10 years of related mining and experience be considered. Demonstration of excellent supervisory experience. Otherleadership combinations education and interpersonal, communication, and of organizational experience be ability considered. Demonstration of excellent skills as wellmay as the to learn quickly and maintain interpersonal, leadership and organizational motivation evencommunication, in the face of inevitable setbacks is an asset. skills as well as the ability to learn quickly and maintain motivation in athe face of inevitable setbacks is benefits an asset. Sherritt Coaleven offers competitive compensation and package and provides the opportunity for personal growth and Sherritt Coal offers a competitive compensation and benefits development. package and provides opportunity for 2013 personal growth and Closingthe date: January 28, development. Closing 28, 2013 Please e-mail or faxdate: your January resume and cover letter to Human Resources: Please e-mail or fax your resume and cover letter to E-mail: Fax: 403.884.3001 Human Resources: E-mail: Fax: 403.884.3001

SPEEDWAY MOVING SYSTEMS REQUIRES O/O for our 1 ton and 3 ton fleets to transport RVs throughout North America. We offer competitive rates and Co. fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border. 1-866-736-6483; www. speedwaymoving




Arts, culture, recreation & inspiration. Outstanding lifestyle, amazing business opportunities.


WELL ESTABLISHED retail clothing business in Barrhead for sale. Serious inquiries only. 780-674-2018.


Live the best life in Camrose. SO005510

Misc. Help

Misc. Help

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Misc. for Sale


FOR RESTLESS or cramping legs. A fast acting remedy since 1981, sleep at night, proven for 31 years; Mon-Fri, 8-4 EST. 1-800-765-8660 NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN! Newly Patented! “Kontinuous Shok� Chlorinator. Eliminates: Shock Chlorination; bacterial breeding; smell; slime in water wells. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. Visit our 29 inventions; SAWMILLS from only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD; 400OT. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400OT

Office Supplies



10 pkgs. of 500 sheets


Shop Stettler & Save! 403-742-2395


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pets & Supplies


LEARN TO TREAT and Care for Large and Small Animals. Animal Health Technology - GPRC Fairview Campus. On campus residences and farm. Fairview, Alberta. 1-888-999-7882; TROPICAL FISH SALE! All the products you need for your aquarium. Order online and receive 15% off with coupon code: FISH15. Sale ends January 27; 1-855-839-0555.

Pet Services


DENIED CANADA Pension Plan Disability Benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.

Agricultural #2000 - #2290



REGISTERED BLACK & RED ANGUS COWS. Vicwin Angus Farm, Lacombe Vic Rowley 403-318-7363

Horse/Stock Trailers


HORSE and Stock trailer. Parts and repairs. Axles, brakes, drums, bearings, spring, rims, fenders, lights, and wiring. Pick up & delivery avail. HORSE SHOE TRAILER MFG. AND REPAIR. HALKIRK, ALBERTA 403-884-2173 403-430-0504

Grain, Feed Hay


Commercial Grain Hauling Mike Webster

403-741-7795 HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup� Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. ROUND hay bales, $10 $40. We deliver. Self unloading. No Sunday calls Please. 403-843-6380

Farm Custom Work

Condos/ Townhouses

For Rent #3000 - #3200

2 BDRM. HOUSE for rent in the county of Stettler, n e a r B i g Va l l e y, A B . $1000/mo. incl. all utils, use of indoor riding arena, & board for 2 horses. no outdoor dogs 403-820-8691 403-876-2111 GREAT SNOWMOBILING, ice fishing, BuffalLake/Rochon Sands lakefront, manufactured home, extensively reno’d, 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, new appls, 20 min. from Stettler, AB. 403-742-0024

Condos/ Townhouses


ALIX: 2 bdrm. 1 bath, 5 appls, shows like new. $950 + utils. Avail. now. 403-341-9974


For Lease or Lease to Own ÇŚ Â?‡”‰› ˆĎ?‹…‹‡Â?– ÇŚ ͸ ’’Ž‹ƒÂ?…‡• ÇŚ Íł ÎŚ ƒ–Š• ÇŚ ‘Â?ˆ‘”–ƒ„Ž‡ ĆŹ ˆˆ‘”†ƒ„Ž‡ ÇŚ Ž‘•‡ –‘ •Š‘’’‹Â?‰ǥ Â‰Â‘ÂŽÂˆÇĄ ÂŠÂ‘Â•Â’Â‹Â–ÂƒÂŽÇĄ ’ƒ”Â?•ǥ ƒÂ?† ƒ”‡Â?ƒ ÇŚ Í„ͳʹͲͲČ€Â?‘Â?–ŠŽ› ƒ˜‡ ‘” ”ƒ…›


READ THE CLASSIFIEDS & find just what you’re looking for. 1-877-223-3311



Marketing of Hay and Straw Will load own truck

L A R G E One & Two BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR RENT No pets Phone Ellen Phone Linda or at Ernie 403-742-1568 at 403-742-5005


PHONE 780-372-4142

LARGE 2 bedroom downstairs suite, avail. immed., oak cupboards, full bath, laundry facilities, overlooking Alix Lake, ‘no pets, ref’s, $900/mo. utils. incl., 1 month d.d., 403-747-3806, 403-304-0146.



1,200 ft. heated shop in East Industrial area of Stettler. Available Dec. 1/12. Phone 403-742-8327, Tracey.


STETTLER MINI STORAGE Household, furniture, business records, etc. Various sizes. Protected by security alarm and fenced and lighted perimeter. Owner: Reg and Darlene Hunter 403-740-9283 or 403-742-3153

Business and Services Directory TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE HERE CALL CLASSIFIEDS Business Services #1000 - #1430

Accounting .......................... 1010 Acupuncture........................1020 Advocate/Mediation ............1025 Antique Dealers & Stores ...1027 Automotive ..........................1029 Bands & DJ s ......................1030 Beauty/Cosmetic ................1040 Bookkeeping .......................1050 Cabinet Makers...................1054 Child Care/Caregivers .........1060 Carpentry............................1062 Car Rentals .........................1064 Cat Work .............................1065 Cleaning .............................1070 Clerical................................1080 Construction .......................1085 Consulting...........................1090 Contractors ......................... 1100 Computer Services ..............1110 Drafting & Design................ 1120 Eavestroughing ................... 1130 Educational ......................... 1140 Electrical ............................. 1150 Entertainment ..................... 1160 Escorts................................ 1165 Farm Equipment ................. 1168 Financial ............................. 1170 Fireplaces ........................... 1175 Flooring............................... 1180 Food/Catering ..................... 1190 Furnace Cleaning ............... 1193 Glass Shops ....................... 1196 Mobile Glass Shops............ 1197 Handyman Services ...........1200 Health Care......................... 1210 Income Tax .........................1220 Insurance ............................ 1130 Landscaping .......................1240 Land Mapping .....................1250 Legal Services ....................1260 Limousine Services ............1270 Massage Therapy ...............1280 Mechanical .........................1285 Misc. Services ....................1290 Moving & Storage ...............1300 Oilfield .................................1305 Painters/Decorators ............ 1310 Personal Services ............... 1315 Pet Services ....................... 1318 Photography .......................1320 Plumbing & Heating ............1330 Printing................................1335 Rental - Equipment .............1340 Rental - Misc .......................1350 Repair Service ....................1360 Roofing ...............................1370 Snow Removal....................1380 Travel ..................................1385 Upholstery ..........................1390 Well Drilling ........................1400 Welding ............................... 1410 Window Cleaning ................1420 Yard Care ............................1430




403 309Health 3300 Automotive 1029 Electrical 1150 Care 1210

Legal Services


Grant & de Vries

“Serving Stettler & area for 37 yearsâ€? • Complete auto body repair & painting Call Curt or Rob

Phone 403-742-2869 4606 - 40 St., Stettler


4912 - 51 Street P.O. Box 460, Stettler, Alberta

403-742-4431 Toll free 1-877-742-4431 e-mail: website: Chapman and Co. PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS LLP

4702- 51 Ave., Stettler Tel: 403-742-3438 or 403-742-3439 P.O. Box 1328 e-mail:

Auto Body Repairs Accessories & Graphics Restoration/Sandblasting Box Liners

Phone 403-742-1681

Cabinet Makers



Certified General Accountants 4814 - 49 Street, Stettler

403-742-5520 403-882-3740 (Castor)

“If It’s Electrical We Do It�

All types of Electrical Installation & Maintenance

403-742-5111 Serving Stettler & Area since 1978


DO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - It’s that simple. 1-877-486-2161. DROWNING IN DEBTS? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30% or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation; or toll free 1-877-556-3500.

BOB HOLOWENKO Furnace TEL: 403-742-6277 Res: 403-742-2409 No. 5 Kunstman Komplex

Box 685, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0




Qualified and Reputable

Phone: 403-742-6612 Cell: 780-935-0540 Email:



• Locks repinned & installed • Windshields repaired & installed • Residential & Commercial Windows & Doors • All your glass & screen needs Main St., Stettler Emergency 403-742-2665 403-742-3628



“Your Service Specialists�


Randy Long

• Residential • Commercial • Automotive Needs



5004 - 48 AVE., STETTLER

4607 - 59 St., Stettler (Beside A & W)

PH: 403-742-4101 FAX: 866-305-5686



FINISHING TOUCH EXTERIORS LTD. 5�Continuous Eaves “Gutter Clean� Leaf Protection

Health Care


Gary G. Grant


Misc. Services

Robert de Vries Phone: 403-742-3399

Physiotherapy, Acupuncture & Massage


Brenda Anderson, B.Comm., LL.B.

“Keeping people in Motion...�


Stettler Eye Care Dr. R. TROY NELSON

5002 - 51 Ave., Stettler, AB Phone 403-742-2529 Fax 403-742-2522

Personal Services


Lori R. Reule LL. B.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300 or 1-800-347-2540; www.

GET 50% OFF - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176. TRUE PSYCHICS! 4 Answers call now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877-342-3036; Mobile: # 4486;




4819 51 Street


BRYON D. BALTIMORE of McCuaig Desrochers

403-742-3007 DISCONNECTED PHONE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Factory today! 1-877-336-2274;

Barristers and Solicitors Advocates 2401 Toronto Dominion Sq. Edmonton Centre Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2Z1 Telephone: 780-426-4660 Fax: 780-426-0982

IRONMAN Scrap Metal Recovery is picking up scrap again! Farm machinery, vehicles and industrial. Serving central Alberta. 403-318-4346


Chiropractor -Gitzel Krejci Building


• Complete Plumbing & Heating Services • Commercial and Residential • Water Conditioning & Pumps • 24 Hour Service Service Wise - We Specialize


Misc. Services

Get rid of your Garbage with. . .

Stettler Professional Building


DATING SERVICE. Long-term/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+).

CRIMINAL RECORD? Comprehensive eye Have it removed. Canada’s health and vision exams premier record removal provider since 1989. BBB Plumbing Top quality frames, A+ rating. Confidential, fast & Heating lenses and contacts & affordable. Free information booklet. Treatment of eye 1-8-NOW-PARDON disease, injuries and (1-866-972-7366); surgical co-management

Phone 403-742-2683 New patients welcome


NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228.

Phone: 403-742-4437

403-742-5810 or 403-742-6443


Misc. Services




Tell them Danny Hooper sent you


country on earth�! 1-780-952-0709;

NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering small engine, snowmobile, quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all - fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview campus. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882;

Houses Wanted ................4030 Condos/Townhouses ........4040 Acreages ..........................4050 Acreages Wanted ............4060 Farms/Land ......................4070 Farms/Land Wanted ........4080 Manufactured/ Mobile Homes ..................4090 Income Property ..............4100 Commercial Property ......4110 Industrial Property ............4120 Cottages/Resort Property ..4130 Businesses for Sale..........4140 Buildings for Sale ............4150 Lots for Sale ....................4160 Out of Town Property ......4170 Investment Opportunities ..4180 Mortgages Bought/Sold....4190

Condos/ Townhouses


QUALITY LIVING - affordable price. Brand new 2 bdrm/1 bdrm condos for sale. Easy financing! Less than rent! 3 blocks east of main street “Parkland Place�. All inquiries welcome, Ken @ 403-350-9243



Public Notices ..................6010 Special Features ..............6050

Public Notices


Community Support Services ADULTS/CHILDREN ANONYMOUS Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. For more info Kira & Ian FCSS, 403-742-2339

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 403-742-3214; 403-742-2966 or 403-742-4271

AL-ANON 403-742-0990

ALZHEIMERS SUPPORT GROUP 403-742-4263; 403-742-8122 or 403-742-4091




Beautiful, custom built 2800 sq ft home on 4 acres (can be up to 10 acres) with 30,000 sq ft poly greenhouses, currently in cutflower lily production. Located in Forestburg (East Central Alberta) right on Hwy 53. Great courier service. Asking $535,000. Call 780 582 2265 or 780 336 5888 or email sunrich@ for more info.

Out Of Town Property

Public Notice #6000


BOWDEN BARGAIN! 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 869 sq.ft. bi-level. Single garage. Value, 150,000! Your price, 118,000! Call Janet 780-483-2006 if you have financing.

BIG BROTHERS & BIG SISTERS ORGANIZATION 403-742-5437 during business hours

BRIGANTIA PLACE (formerly Camrose Women’s Shelter)


CELIAC (Gluten Intolerance) Brenda 403-742-3067

COCAINE ANONYMOUS Pager toll-free (20 sec. response time) 1-403-357-6266

COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP 403-742-2337 (parents who have lost a child[ren])



NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Hot Line 403-342-1444

STETTLER & AREA ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY SOCIETY (STABIS) For more information phone 403-742-6456

STETTLER & DISTRICT FOOD BANK SOCIETY Kathy Willis - 403-742-4567 Elaine Williams - 403-742-2745 4820 - 51 Street

Transportation #5000-5300

Automotive Services ........5010 Antique & Classic Autos ....5020 Cars ..................................5030 SUV’s................................5040 Trucks ..............................5050 Heavy Trucks....................5060 Vans/Buses ......................5070 Motorcycles ......................5080 Campers ..........................5090 Motorhomes......................5100 5th Wheels........................5110 Holiday Trailers ................5120 Tent Trailers ......................5130 Utility Trailers ....................5140 ATV’s ................................5150 Boats & Marine ................5160 Snowmobiles ....................5170 Tires, Parts & Accessories ......................5180 Auto Wreckers ..................5190 Vehicles Wanted ..............5200 Car/Truck Rental ..............5210 Recreational Vehicle Rental ..............................5220 Trailer Rental ....................5230 Misc. Automotive ..............5240 RV’s ..................................5300



REV UP YOUR ENGINE. Now gain 1st and 2nd year Apprenticeship Motorcycle Mechanic skills. GPRC Fairview campus. Hands-on training - street, off-road, dual sport bikes. Write AB MCM exams gain 320 hours credit. 1-888-999-7882;






T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Grace – 403-742-0681 Vivian – 403-742-3935


the classifieds. 1-877-2233311.

Just Dial - 403-742-1155

St. John Ambulance volunteers provide Canadians with more than 2 million hours of community service each year.

Misc. Services




")' )2/.

Call Barry Harvey


View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at

*27 years experience*

Stettler, Alberta Box 1796 Phone 403-742-2998



Over 2,000,000 hours




10X12’ With 5x7 doors. For quads, snowmobiles, furniture, etc. Phone: (403)742-9729 DYMY Oilfield Services


CONTACT YOUR INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTRE Travel Residents of Stettler and the surrounding area now have access to HAWAII this free and confidential service. It ON THE MAINLAND, provides information and referral on healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal social agencies, government serMaleku Condominiums, vices, clubs and organizations, to 24/7 secured Community, MORE sellers find buyers in best suit the caller’s need. Costa Rica “friendliest


4912 - 51 Street Stettler, AB Open Mon. - Sat.

Ph:403-742-5979 Fax:403-742-3656

One block East of Scotia Bank

DR. D.G. BECKLUND Services

Bus.: 403-742-2553 Res.: 403-742-0370

Box 1595, 4907 - 50 Street, tree ee et et, t, Stettler AB AB

4910 - 51 Street, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0




4719 - 49 St. Stettler, Alberta

Stettler Furnace Legal Cleaning Services

House Plan Design Small Commercial Glass Shops Shop Drawings As Builts rg HEARTLAND

lbe Staehr vice a k i S Mon afting

Barristers and Solicitors


MONEYPROVIDER.COM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Thorogood Pinches



Drafting & Design

Gitzel Krejci Dand Peterson




Storage Space

2 BDRM. bsmt. suite in Stettler to quiet tenants, large windows, close to downtown/school, ns, pets Real Estate neg., $800 DD $800 rent i n c l d s . u t i l s , e x c l u d i n g #4000 - #4190 phone/cable, avail. Feb. Realtors & Services..........4010 Houses for Sale................4020 1 403-854-1982

Storage Space

5 quarter sections of land in one parcel for rent 12 miles east of Bashaw for the 2013 crop. SE 31-41-19, NE 30-41-19, S 1/2 32-41-19 and NW 32-41-19. Bids received until February 15, 2013. Highest offer not necessarily accepted.

David Unruh Cell 403-323-6787 Home 403-742-4673



3020 3 Bdrm Townhomes

Houses/ Duplexes

Bale Hauling & Swathing

TELL it all! Tell it well! Make your ads sell for you by giving full description of goods or services offered. Include prices and terms. Phone 1-877-223-3311 for a friendly ad taker.


Page B9


hether it happened Yesterday or Today, Whatever you want to say, To celebrate your special day...

~ Say it with a classified

ANNOUNCEMENT 309-3300 1-877-223-3311


Page B10

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Reach your customers where they live, work & farm in their community newspaper




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Wednesday, January 16, 2013




‘It has turned into a real war’ chew? Is this going to end up like Afghanistan and Iraq? The supporters of the war prefer to compare it with last year’s Western military intervention in Libya, another French initiative that was decided over one weekend. They like that analogy better because the Libyan intervention ended tolerably well, with the overthrow of the dictator, a democratically elected government, and no Western casualties. But the differences between Libya and Mali are greater than the similarities. In Libya, the rebels were trying to rid the country of Muammar Gaddafi, a loony, friendless dictator, and create a democratic future. The decision to intervene was made in Paris in only two hectic days, when it appeared that Gaddafi’s mercenary troops were about to overrun Benghazi and massacre the rebels. NATO served as the rebel air force, but no Western troops fought on the ground. And it worked. With Mali, once again it was decided in a couple of days, and once again France has taken the lead. Once again Britain is sending some help as well (transport aircraft, but no troops or combat aircraft), and the United States is providing discreet logistical support. (US Air Force tankers refuelled the French fighters on their way to Mali.) But that’s where the similarities end. The West is supporting the government, not the rebels, in Mali. That government, behind a flimsy civilian facade, is controlled by the same thugs in uniform whose military coup last March, just one month before the scheduled democratic election, created the chaos that let the Islamist rebels conquer the northern half of the country. The young officers who now run the country are ignorant and violent, and having them on your side is not an asset. The Islamist rebels are fanatical, intolerant, and

GWYNNE DYER GLOBAL AFFAIRS “Those days are over,” said Frances President Francois Hollande last month, when asked if French forces would intervene in the war between Islamist insurgents who have seized the northern half of Mali and the government in Bamako. But the days in question weren’t over for very long. Last Friday, France sent a squadron of fighterbombers to the West African country to stop the Islamist fighters from taking the capital. “We are making air raids the whole time,” said French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. “They are going on now. They will go on tonight. They will go on tomorrow.” Some 550 French combat troops are on the ground already, with up to 2,500 more to follow. Contingents of soldiers from the neighbouring countries of Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo are scheduled to arrive as early as next week. It has turned into a real war. It has also turned into a Western-run war in a Muslim country, despite the discouraging precedents of Afghanistan and Iraq. The government of Mali has asked for French help, and on Monday the United Nations Security Council unanimously supported France’s military intervention. The army of Mali, such as it is, will theoretically be in charge of the war — but everybody knows that the Malian army is useless. In fact, the presence of Mali’s army at the front is usually counter-productive, as it is brutal, militarily incompetent, and prone to panic flight. The other African armies are of variable quality, but it is obviously French troops, and especially French air power, that will decide the outcome of the war. So has France bitten off more than it can

Life of the party at 50 LIFE COLUMNIST

Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

THE Less Fuel. More Power. Great Value is a comparison between the 2013 and the 2012 Chrysler Canada product lineups. 40 MPG or greater claim (7.0 L/100 km) based on 2013 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption estimates. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. See dealer for additional EnerGuide details. Wise customers read the fine print: •, *, ‡, § The First Big Deal Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers on or after January 3, 2013. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. See participating dealers for complete details and conditions. •$20,898 Purchase Price applies to 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package (29E+CL9) only and includes $8,100 Consumer Cash Discount. $20,698 Purchase Price applies to 2013 Dodge Journey Canada Value Package (22F+CLE) only and includes $2,000 Consumer Cash Discount. Pricing includes freight ($1,500-$1,595) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See participating dealers for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2013 vehicles and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Amounts vary by vehicle. See your dealer for complete details. ‡4.49% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package/2013 Dodge Journey Canada Value Package models to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, TD Auto Finance and Ally Credit Canada. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See your dealer for complete details. Examples: 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package/2013 Dodge Journey Canada Value Package with a Purchase Price of $20,898/$20,698 (including applicable Consumer Cash Discounts) financed at 4.49% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $120/$119 with a cost of borrowing of $3,995/$3,957 and a total obligation of $24,893/$24,655. Pricing includes freight ($1,500$1,595) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. §2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount: $27,395. 2013 Dodge Journey Crew shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount: $27,595. Pricing includes freight ($1,500-$1,595) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. &Based on R. L. Polk Canada Inc. January to October 2011 Canadian Total New Vehicle Registration data for Chrysler Crossover Segments. ^Based on 2013 Ward’s Middle Cross Utility segmentation. ¤Based on 2013 EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Transport Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan – Hwy: 7.9 L/100 km (36 MPG) and City: 12.2 L/100 km (23 MPG). 2013 Dodge Journey SE 2.4 L 4-speed automatic – Hwy: 7.5 L/100 km (38 MPG) and City: 10.8 L/100 km (26 MPG). TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.


violent, but they are well armed (a lot of advanced infantry weapons came on the market when Gaddafi’s regime collapsed) and they appear to be well trained. They have almost no popular support in 90-percent-Muslim Mali, whose version of Islam is much more moderate, but they have terrified the population of the north into submission or flight. The insurgents are not short of money, either, as they receive secret subsidies from several Arab monarchies in the Gulf that have persuaded themselves, strangely, that subsidising radical Islamist movements in the far-flung fringes of the Muslim world is a good way to avoid being overthrown by radical Islamists at home. They are formidable opponents, and the war to free northern Mali may be long and hard. Until recently, the rebels seemed to be confined to Mali’s desert north, but last week they began to advance into southern Mali, where nine-tenths of the country’s 14 million people live. The Malian army collapsed, and Western intelligence sources estimated that the Islamists would capture the capital, Bamako, within two days. That would effectively give them control of the entire country. Mali has long, unguarded borders with seven other African countries, and it is only 3,000 km. (2,000 mi.) from France. So President Hollande ordered immediate military intervention to stop the Islamist advance, and we’ll all worry about the long-term consequences later. The next Western war against Islamist extremists has already started, and the question is whether it will end up like Afghanistan. Nobody would like to know the answer to that more than the French. Except, of course, the Malians.

My husband turned 50 years old last week and I threw him a party. I’m not particularly good at that kind of thing. In fact, it had been so long since I planned a shindig for grownups that I forgot why I didn’t like it. To my surprise, I actually started getting excited about the event in the weeks leading up to it. I had fun ordering the cake, the giant card, the food, the DJ, the decorations, the customized bobblehead and picking up the most beautiful dining room table made out of 100-year-old barn wood that I’d commissioned for him months before. What was less fun was that feeling of responsibility for everyone’s enjoyment the night of the celebration. The sight of any lone person or couple not mingling caused me stress and I felt frustrated that I was unable to talk to everyone as much as I wanted to. I tried to shake off those feelings because I knew they didn’t make sense. As it turns out, my anxieties didn’t stop there. I also managed to get a wicked cold that same day, developed a pounding headache as the night progressed, and became even more forgetful than usual. Despite the fact that people seemed to be having a good time and the party didn’t end for some of them until 4:30 in the morning, I kept thinking about what I could have done better. As I lay in bed trying desperately to fall asleep, I started mentally listing off the things I should have remembered or done differently. “It was perfect exactly the way it was,” Paul said when he realized I was beating myself up. “No one’s ever thrown a party like that for me before. I had a blast.” And, really, that’s what mattered most. Of course I wanted everyone to have fun and I wanted everything to go as planned, but if he hadn’t enjoyed the night, none of it would have been worth it. He was an excellent guest of honour and much less neurotic than I was as host, or would have been if I’d been in his shoes. He tried to talk to everyone, but he didn’t stress that he missed FOR MORE a few. He also didn’t take on GREAT OFFERS the responsibility of other people’s level of enjoyment. He simply relaxed and had a great time himself. If only I could be more like him. In our 19th year together, he’s still teaching me a thing or two.


BI G D E A L E V E N T 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew shown.§



7.9 L/100 KM HWY¤




% @ 120 4.49

















WY¤ 7.5 L/100 KM HWY

INCLUDES $2,000 CONSUMER CASH* AND FREIGHT. 2013 Dodge Journey Crew shown.§













ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ‡/††/*Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Silverado EXT 4X4 (R7C) 2013 Cruze (R7A), 2013 Equinox LS FWD (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,600/$1,550). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in Alberta Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. $7,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Silverado EXT 4X4 (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. †† 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank for 72 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Silverado EXT 4X4 & 2013 Equinox LS FWD. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $138.89 for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight ($1,600/$1,550) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL/Ally Credit/TD Auto Financing/Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ¥¥ 2.49% purchase financing for 84 months on 2013 Cruze LS approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services/Ally Credit/Scotiabank. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 2.49% for 84 months, the monthly payment is $129.85. Cost of borrowing is $907.15. Total obligation is $10,907.15. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will also vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Biweekly payments based on a purchase price of $16,595 on 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS with $0 down equipped as described. ‡ Based on a 24/48/60 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 0.9%/0%advertised on 2013 Chevrolet Silverado EXT 4X4, 2013 Equinox LS FWD/2013 Cruze LS equipped as described. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000km, $0.20 per excess kilometer. OAC by FinanciaLinx Corporation. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $11,844/$17,247/$10,603. Option to purchase at lease end is $19,348/12,048/$5,992 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. †Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires February 28, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the Offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this Offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Miles are issued by LoyaltyOne Inc. and are subject to the terms and conditions of the AIR MILES Reward Program. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited. +©The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. ¥ Based on latest competitive data available. ~ OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide.

Page B12



0% + $7000 + ,

leasing ‡

purchase financing †† ON SELECT MODELS






$168 in Cash Credits




WITH $1,999 DOWN












WITH $2,399 DOWN


160,000 KM/5 YEAR


Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.














Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kodiaks work overtime in heavyweight battle with AJHL’s Oilers

After emerging with a 1-0 overtime win over the Okotoks Oilers in a battle of Alberta Junior Hockey League contenders Saturday night in Camrose, the hometown Kodiaks salute their fans at the Edgeworth Centre. The man of the hour was Camrose goaltender Devin McDonald, who made 36 saves in a first-star effort. Connor Mailey scored the lone goal at 1:35 of overtime. The Kodiaks’ lineup includes Bashaw native Dallas Bergstrom, a 17-year-old defenceman who played minor hockey in Stettler. Photos by JOHN MacNEIL/Independent editor






AIR MILES ® Reward Miles †








$30, 745

11.2 L/100 KM HWY | 15.9 L/100 KM CITY


AIR MILES® Reward Miles †















AIR MILES® Reward Miles †




5.4 L/100 KM HWY | 8.2 L/100 KM CITY



AIR MILES® Reward Miles †




6.1L/100 KM HWY | 9.2 L/100 KM CITY



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