Hope Standard, January 16, 2013

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Standard The Hope

Recreational hockey tournament attracts 12 teams 11

Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com



RECREATION BUDGET INCREASES FOR HOPE District funding for the arena and pool rises six per cent


FUNDING ANNOUNCED FOR HOPE AIRPARK Federal government contributes $99,660 for improvements

The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team surveyed a property on Othello Road Monday for evidence following a murder-suicide at the home on Sunday.



FIRE DESTROYS SILVER CREEK HOME Community fundraiser planned this Saturday to support homeowner



Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . . 9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Classifieds . . . . . 13 $

1.10 (HST INCL.)

Two men found dead in Hope Police confirm murder-suicide was a targeted shooting

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has confirmed the identities of two men involved in a Hope shooting. Twenty-six-year-old Alec Lamb and 29-year-old Tylor Insley were found dead inside a home in the 69100 block of Othello Road just before 2:30 a.m. on Sunday.

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Crime scene investigators spent ment, and the Lower Mainland two days on the property, which District Integrated Forensic Identification Section can be seen from the confirmed the case Coquihalla Highway was a murder-suinear exit 183. Police cide. initially believed the “We know that deaths were a douwww.hopestandard.com within smaller ble homicide, but communities an infurther evaluation cident such as this by IHIT, the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detach- can instill a great deal of fear in

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the public,” said Sgt. Jennifer Pound. “IHIT would like to ensure the public that this was not a random attack, but a targeted shooting between two males that were known to each other.” Police continue to investigate the details that led to the homicide and the motive for this shooting.

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A2 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Skills tests could change next year

Tom Fletcher Black Press

All students in Grade 4 and 7 who are able to are expected to write tests of literacy and math skills this month, but changes will be considered for future years, B.C. Education Minister Don McRae says. Long opposed by the B.C. Teachers’ Federation, the Foundation Skills Assessment tests are being administered in public schools across B.C. The issue is sure to be debated in this spring’s provincial election, as the NDP campaigns to scrap universal testing and look for a new way to evaluate student performance. McRae said last Wednesday there will be no change to the program this school year, with students only excused due to family emergency, illness or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. But he said he is open to discussing the program with the BCTF, school administrators and parents for years ahead. “Any time we have a form of assessment, I think it’s really important that after you give it, if you’re going to give it again, you continually look at it to see if it can be done better or more efficiently, and meet the needs of the students, the parents and the educational system,” McRae said. NDP education critic Robin Austin said work is underway with education experts to refine the party’s position on skills testing. If the NDP forms a government in May’s election, the plan is to replace province-wide tests with a random sample

of students, and develop a new program later. Austin said one of the problems with FSA testing is the annual controversy over the Fraser Institute school rankings based on test scores. The rankings are intended to help parents track their local school performance over time, but media attention typically focuses on comparing schools in rich neighbourhoods and poor ones. The BCTF continues to urge parents to bend the rules and pull their children out of the testing program. A letter to parents on the BCTF website argues that FSA tests are expensive, time consuming and “results are misused to rank schools and promote privatization.” McRae said FSA test results for all students have played a role in identifying students who need extra help, and can also help administrators spot performance problems in their schools. But he agreed with Austin that it would not be appropriate to use FSA tests alone to evaluate teacher performance. As a former teacher, McRae said one of his concerns about FSA is the timing. If they are going to continue to be used, the tests should be administered in the fall so teachers and parents have the results in time to work with students later in the school year, he said. Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth, has expressed concerns about doing away with universal tests, because they can help schools improve results for aboriginal students.


Fire destroys Silver Creek home


Three fire trucks and 10 firefighters were called out to 19797 Marie Street on Jan. 9 at 1:06 p.m. Flames were shooting out from the home when crews arrived on scene. Homeowner Anita Duffy was not injured, but seven birds and one cat perished in fire. The exact cause of the blaze is still under investigation, but it appears to have started in the back corner of the home. Over the last week, the community has reached out to Duffy with donations of clothing, furniture, food, and pet supplies for her dog. Anyone who still wants to donate items can contact Frances Berthiaume at 604-869-1541. A fundraiser for Duffy is also being held at the Silver Chalice on Saturday (Jan. 19) featuring live music, a toonie toss, raffle and 50/50 draws. In addition, dinner will be provided for $10 a plate.

Friday, January 18 • 7 p.m. 344 Fort Street, Hope, BC

1/13W SDA16

Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013 A3


Join us in Worship

Truck lineup

Community of Hope Church Directory ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA


www.anglican-hope.ca 275 Park Street




Church of the Nazarene Sunday Celebration 5:30 pm

Pastor Andrew Tarrant 604-749-7094 888 Third Ave. www.hopenazarene.ca


More than 50 trucks lined Flood-Hope Road in front of the Husky truck stop last Wednesday morning as Highway 1, 3 and 5 were closed in both directions east of Hope. Semis were pulled over at the Hunter Creek scales, Highway 1 exits, and in Hope for hours as drivers waited out the closures due to a high avalanche hazard in the mountain passes. The highways reopened later in the day, after avalanche risk assessments were completed.

Rec funding increases for Hope

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

District funding of Hope Arena and the Dan Sharrers Aquatic Centre is set to increase six per cent this year. The 2013 Hope & District Recreation budget was presented to council on Monday night at a committee of the whole meeting. Expenses for the arena and pool are shared by the District of Hope and Fraser Valley Regional District Area B. Hope’s share of the

budget will be $1,009,281 in 2013, an increase of $57,827 from 2012. The increase is largely attributed to needed repairs due to aging infrastructure. Funding for recreation programming will stay relatively the same, with funding decreasing $58 this year to $91,221. “Most of our maintenance is because of necessity to extend its life cycle,” said Milly Marshall, manager of recreation, culture and airpark services. “As the building gets older, these kind of projects will come up.” The new budget lists several projects for

2013 including a mezzanine door awning, sound system in the area, solar system upgrade, elevator replacement, roof snow/slide protection, office space, arena insulation/ condensation barrier, pool deck flooring, and main pool heater replacement. Capital projects and repairs are estimated at $396,500 this year, of which $256,500 is allocated for the arena. Major works and repairs for 2014 is estimated at $247,500, while the 2015 budget allocates an estimated $1.5 million for the arena floor replacement.

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their locked compound overnight. The business was also able to provide surveillance video of the incident. After police viewed the footage from both video cameras, they were able to identify a suspect. Walter Saunders was arrested on Jan. 9 during a traffic stop in Hope. “This kind of evidence is so helpful to us,” said Const. Tracy Wolbeck. “Both businesses had functioning surveillance equipment that

was very good quality and provided a clear picture. The value of their investment definitely paid off.” Saunders, who is well known to police in the upper Fraser Valley, has been charged with two counts of break and enter, theft of a motor vehicle, and possessing a weapon for a dangerous purpose. The stolen truck was recovered by Abbotsford Police Department on Jan. 6 on No. 3 Road in Abbotsford.

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MUNICIPAL NEWS 2013 Dog Licenses

The District of Hope would like to remind residents that all dogs over the age of 4 months are required to be licensed. The fine for an unlicensed dog is $100. There will be a $5.00 penalty for all licenses purchased after April 1st. Please come into the Municipal Office located at 325 Wallace Street to purchase your 2013 dog tag. District of Hope staff will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call at 604-869-5671. 10/12w DOH3

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Surveillance video footage leads to arrest

A 54-year-old Agassiz man is facing numerous charges in connection with breakins in the Hope area. On Jan. 5, Hope Auto Body Ltd. contacted Hope RCMP to advise them that someone had trespassed on their property overnight. At this time, surveillance video of the incident was provided to police. The following day, Hope Truck and Trailer Repair reported a truck had been stolen from


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A4 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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1-13H CS10

Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013 A5


Upgrades slated for airpark Throness returns to

run Chilliwack-Hope

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

The federal government is contributing $99,660 to support the Fraser Valley Regional District in upgrading Hope Regional Airpark. Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon MP Mark Strahl made the funding announcement on Tuesday at the Hope & District Recreation Centre. “I understand there’s a lot of disrepair there and a lot of upgrades that are needed,” he said. “So definitely there will be some local employment and that’s a great benefit of this type of project. However, the main benefit will be the lasting legacy for the airpark going forward. I look forward to seeing those improvements when they are done.” The project will include framing and drywall installation, plumbing, and retrofits to improve wheelchair accessibility. In addition, upgrades will be made to the Island 22 Equestrian Park, Cascade Falls Park, Thompson Park, and the Sumas Mountain Inter-Regional Park. Enhancements include picnic table installations, trail improvements, and public restroom upgrades.

Jessica Peters Black Press


Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon MP Mark Strahl announced $99,660 in federal funding for upgrades to Hope Regional Airpark and four other regional parks.

“We’re particularly thankful and proud of the work that is going to go into the Hope Airpark,” said FVRD chair Sharon Gaetz. “There’s really a lot of work that needs to be done there and we’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. The existence of an airpark in this area serves to connect this community to the air transportation world

and highlights the region for those with industrial and commercial interests.” The federal contribution is part of the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund. The Conservatives have committed $150 million over two years to support projects that look to improve existing community infrastructure accessible for use by the public.

Laurie Throness was kept very busy throughout the 2012 Chilliwack-Hope byelection. As the Liberal candidate, he had the full support of Premier Christy Clark. So much so, the duo hit the campaign trail together, meeting and greeting business owners throughout the riding, including Hope. Throness shook hands, posed for photo ops and sat through interview after interview. He even saddled up for one leg of the campaign, going door-to-door via a black Fresian light draft horse. As election day drew nearer, the whole province was watching this riding to see if the Liberals could hold on to their seat in the legislature. In the end, they didn’t. Gwen O’Mahony won the byelection, filling the place left by retired Liberal MLA Barry Penner. “It was a high pressure campaign,” Throness said, looking back to that time. And so he’s feeling “quite relaxed” by comparison about the upcoming election, May 14. He’ll once again be running for the Chilliwack-Hope seat, alongside fellow Liberal candidate John Martin running for John Les’ Chilliwack riding. While Throness doesn’t consider himself a “partisan person,” he said it’s an exciting time for the Liberal party. He has been staying active with the party, attending functions and

provincial policy sessions, along with multiple meetings around the riding. But it was the Liberal convention in October where he sensed a “movement” making the party stronger. He used the example of Martin, who moved to the Liberal party from the Conservatives last year. “That signals a change,” he said. “A deep political change, and that’s going to continue.” He said the convention is a “bellwether for the election” and that there was a “very good sense coming out” of it. While he is more relaxed about this election, he is prepared to fight for the seat. “I don’t intend to lay low,” he said. “I’m out here (in the riding) quite regularly, and I’m going to get out and meet the people.” He and Martin will be working together in the adjoining ridings to promote the party, and its platform. Besides the obvious similarities, the two candidates have something else in common, as well. They both are former University of the Fraser Valley criminology professors, working in the same department. He said the volunteer bank has grown since last election, too. “We have a bigger team than we did last time,” he said. But despite all the positive things, he is remaining conservative about his prospects. “I’m preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best,” he said.

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A6 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Opinion Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

Support those hurt most by the hockey lockout

Now that the millionaires and the billionaires have resolved how they will split up their pie, the NHL once again expects sports fans to forget the past seven hockey-less months and come crawling back. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said in August he was confident the NHL would recover from the lockout because, “we have the world’s greatest fans.” Apparently, having the world’s greatest fans means having the ability to walk all over them. Sports fans across the Lower Mainland have long supported NHL hockey with an intensity normally reserved for religious fundamentalism. But with talks of fan boycotts, certainly some sports fans are tired of being disrespected by a league that takes their support for granted. Of course, the NHL isn’t only game in town. Many other professional sports organizations, such as the Vancouver Giants, Vancouver Whitecaps, and B.C. Lions, offer as good or better bang for your sports entertainment buck. And every time the NHL can’t get their act together, an increasing number of local sports fans discover there is more out there than just the Vancouver Canucks. Whether or not the NHL can recover this time remains to be seen, however. But as NHL hockey returns to the arenas and television screens, spare a thought for those who have been hurt most by the lock out. Local restaurants, pubs, sports bars, memorabilia shops, and cab drivers. The people who own and work at these local businesses are your neighbours, family, and friends. Because the NHL and NHLPA couldn’t play nice, ordinary folks suffered the economic fallout. So if you do choose to return to following NHL hockey, why not go and watch the games at your local pub or sports bar, and take a cab home. These businesses live off the crumbs of NHL’s pie, and if anyone is deserving of your entertainment dollar, surely it’s them. - Black Press

Inconvenient truth of oil production

B.C. Views

Tom Fletcher A study of six northern Alberta lakes conducted by Environment Canada and other scientists was published last week, generating headlines around the world. “Oil sands toxins ‘accumulate in freshwater systems,’” the BBC announced. The headline in The New York Times declared: “Oil sands industry in Canada tied to higher carcinogen level.” The study was reported with similar alarm across Canada. It looked at levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in lakebed sediment, and found levels measurably higher than natural sources since oil sands extraction began 50 years ago. Most news reports I saw made

OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

little or no effort to put this information into context, in terms of the actual risk to humans, fish and other organisms. Some quoted people they knew would scream bloody murder, because as we in the media are taught, conflict and fear attract an audience. As expected, U.S. environmental groups and their Canadian branch offices ramped up the rhetoric to battle their favourite villain. At least one major Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail, did a responsible job. Its report on the study stated “PAH pollution level remains low – on par, at worst, with an urban lake – but is rising.” In fact, five of six lakes tested were far below average contamination of urban lakes. PAH fallout is a daily constant of urban life, from vehicles, industry, and particularly where coal is burned for electricity. To be clear, there are dozens of different forms of PAH. Some have been shown to increase cancer risk,


Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO

and some have been linked to (but not proven to cause) infertility, immune disorders and fish mutations. So when you drive your kids to school, stand at the bus stop, or drink a glass of water from Co-

“Greenpeace and the rest of the environmental scare industry want you to believe that stopping Alberta’s oil sands and pipelines would save the planet.” quitlam Lake or any urban reservoir, you are exposed to PAH pollution from human and natural sources. The risk from this is an ongoing focus of research, but this study confirms one thing: your exposure is likely greater in any ur-

Standard The Hope

ban area than it is downwind of the Alberta oil sands. I argued this point with B.C.’s celebrity environmentalist Tzeporah Berman, who has shuttled back and forth from ForestEthics to Greenpeace in recent years. She took to her Facebook page to publicize a dramatic call to action from 350.org, one of the most strident climate change advocacy groups in the U.S., selectively using a quote and picture from The New York Times. Our debate turned to greenhouse gas emissions. I argued that this PAH study mirrors the true picture of carbon dioxide emissions, which is that nearly 70 per cent of CO2 from all petroleum comes when you burn the final product in engines and furnaces. In B.C., which doesn’t burn coal for electricity, fully 40 per cent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation. Other sources include home heating and industry.

DEADLINES Display Friday 4 p.m.

Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.

E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




2 26

PublishEr AnDrew FrAnKlin 604-869-2421

Editor Kerrie-Ann Schoenit 604-869-4992

AdvErtising PAttie DeSjArDinS 604-869-4990

540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.



Berman insisted I was wrong, and claimed 70 per cent of Canada’s greenhouse gases come from “heavy industry.” I asked for her source. No response. A 2010 report by a Royal Society of Canada expert panel calculated that 27 per cent of our country’s fossil fuel emissions come from transportation. Another 16 per cent is from fuels burned for electricity. Five per cent is from oil sands operations. Berman’s figure is conveniently untrue. Greenpeace and the rest of the environmental scare industry want you to believe that stopping Alberta’s oil sands and pipelines would save the planet. Also wrong. It would drive oil demand from the U.S., Venezuela’s oil sands and elsewhere, with little net effect on the climate or pollution. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca

ClAssifiEd/CirCulAtion jAnice McDonAlD 604-869-2421

BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013 A7


Common good more important than oil profit Tom Fletcher strikes again. Once more we hear about the conspiracy to take over B.C. and Canada’s environmental movement. Yes, folks, if it wasn’t for the “foreign radicals,” the Sierra Club, Coastal First Nations, Forest Ethics and Greenpeace wouldn’t be anything but paper tigers. At least that is what Mr. Fletcher implies in his column “Is natural gas the enviro-villain of 2013?” (The Hope Standard, Jan. 2). He describes them as having “muscled their way to the table.” I wonder if it has ever occurred to Mr. Fletcher that in a true democracy they would not have had to “muscle” in to be heard. As to the sources of their funding, what difference does it make who foots the bill as long as there is a legitimate reason for the bill to be footed? These organizations, and tens of thou-

sands of citizens of British Columbia are dead set against the pipelines, the tanker traffic and the only way anyone in authority will pay any attention is to raise a ruckus. Being part of big business, the mainstream media only reports the disruptions of these meetings, never the meat of the subject. Enbridge has their ads running on TV showing the birds singing, the sun shining, and flat calm surrounding the tanker and tugs. The “Idle No More” movement has spread worldwide but has only recently made its way on to the evening news, and then only if it has caused a disruption somewhere. Conspiracy? Yes, I would call it a conspiracy. It is a conspiracy of big business, big oil, big media and big government to paint this backlash as a bunch of troublemakers, funding by the afore-

mentioned “foreign radicals.” Somebody has to step up to the plate and try to stop these things from happening. Are we to sacrifice our rivers and streams, our untouched wilderness, our pristine coastline so that some fat cats in Houston, Calgary or Beijing can give their stockholders a good year? Remember the mantra of big business, folks; “Our first responsibility is to our stock holders.” If those words don’t scare you I’m wasting my time. There has to come a time when the common good is more important than the profit and loss statement of some oil company. The myth of all the supposed jobs this is supposed to create should be exposed, finally. One more thing, Mr. Fletcher. The technique of fracking is indeed decades old. Just because it has been done for

years doesn’t make it right. I think I know whereof I speak, having spent over 15 years in the offshore oil field. I know about big oil. I’ve seen them in action. I don’t want them tramping all over the interior of this province and I sure don’t want them moving 300 to 400 supertankers up and down our coast. As an example of their attitude to the public good, think of the Ocean Ranger, the Exxon Valdez, the Alexander Kierland, and on and on and on. The recent disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a classic example of the attitude of the oil companies. Do you want these guys building anything through the untouched wilderness of B.C.? I think not. This is not a conspiracy, Mr. Fletcher, this is fighting back anyway we can. Jerry Riches

B.C. Auditor General needs to be reappointed

B.C.’s Auditor General is an institution our province can be proud of. The auditor is appointed by a vote of the entire Legislature following a unanimous recommendation from an all-party committee. This seemingly bullet-proof appointment method was intended to keep party politics out of the business of accounting for public spending. But the people who designed this institution in the 1970s knew nothing about Christy Clark. And in those days, B.C. Rail was a Crown Corporation that no one thought would ever be sold, let alone be sold in a way that produced mys-

tery, controversy, and criminal charges. Auditor John Doyle has done an excellent job, and to its credit the Liberal government has accepted many of his recommendations. But he no doubt bothered some in high places by taking the government to court over documents pertaining to the $6 million of public money paid out to halt the B.C. Rail trial. Further, Doyle called Speaker Bill Barisoff and the Liberal-dominated committee that runs the legislature inept in their handling of assembly expenses. In 2008, a review of the Liberal government’s

Industry Training Authority found unsatisfactory results, and in 2011 a review of their environmental assessment bureau also found gaps in effectiveness. A 2008 review of forest land removals found that the government effectively gave away $150 million in public assets. The response from then Forests Minister Pat Bell was to attack the auditor’s work as “unprofessional and lacking in integrity.” Can anyone not on the government’s payroll honestly doubt where the real lack of integrity lies? Perhaps most importantly, Doyle’s latest report differed with

the Liberal government’s interpretation of the province’s finances. Doyle concluded that accurate accounting in the 2011/12 summary financial statements would involve a deficit some half a billion dollars larger than that reported by Finance Minister Mike de Jong. We recently learned that the unanimity rule that was intended to protect the appointment process has been stood on its head. It has become the means by which a party in power, angered by a dogged auditor, can retaliate by declining reappointment. Three Liberal party members of the fivemember committee, two

of whom have already said they will not be facing the voters in the May 14 provincial election, refused to grant Doyle a second term. Hopefully the public can apply sufficient pressure on Liberal government MLAs that this regrettable piece of political trickery will be remedied. Either the three Liberals on the selection committee – John Les, Blair Lekstrom and Eric Foster – will reverse themselves and agree to re-appoint John Doyle, or at least they will leave this matter for a new selection committee to deal with after a wall-to-wall house cleaning in the B.C. election.

I’ve only lived in Hope for a few years, which is all the time needed to turn me from a Pollyanna raving about this lovely town to somewhat of a pessimist. Hope PACT, our performing art community theatre, has left the Station House due to administrative issues and has nowhere to perform now. I don’t know why, except I heard someone in power returned and made this decision.

A volunteer had recently built a beautiful backdrop with a curtain and I so enjoyed the last play with performers of all ages. It is the best Hope has to offer in terms of live entertainment. In my opinion, it beats old jalopies/cars smashing the heck out of each other in the hugely funded new area near the Coquihalla Bridge…boy have we got our priorities screwed up! Last fall, the communi-

ty garden, of which I am a member, went door-todoor asking neighbours surrounding the garden if it was OK with them to have a new greenhouse there. They all laughed goodheartedly and signed. But not district hall. They told us we needed a local engineer’s plans for it and wouldn’t accept the one from Ontario. Isn’t their weather worse than ours? Anyway that was cancelled to our dismay after a local con-

tractor gave us so much volunteer time and energy due to district hall. I think something positive is happening on that front and we may well get it. A couple of years ago when I was over the moon about the seniors subsidized Art Machine, someone complained and we had to take down

things on the window and have curtains to close. Do people in power in Hope hate others to have fun? I will never darken the doors of Hope Station House again. I am not going to attend the Burns dinner, too bad for them and me. Ruth Renwick

If the present party in power cannot bring itself to reappoint Doyle, then let the voters flush the system first. Then a new legislature can make a choice of auditor-general for the next six years. D. Rodney Smelser

Are you going to watch NHL hockey now that the lockout is over?

Does Hope need to do a better job with snow removal?

To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard. com

Here’s how you responded:

Yes 63% No 37%

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WE WILL BUY YOUR GOLD 30 years of trustworthy business SINCE


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Do you neeD a Possession & acquisition Licence for firearms? there will be an evening course held at Advantage Hope starting Jan 29th. register at: hoplologyconsulting.webs.com



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Circulation $1.10 per copy retail; $42 per year by carrier; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery.


Hope PACT looking for new performing venue


Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992.


A8 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Oil pipeline plan gets bigger

PLAYOFF ACTION starts February 6th Home games are Wednesdays at 9:00pm

Wednesday Jan. 16th 9:00pm vs Abbotsford

Wednesday Jan. 23rd 9:00pm vs Chilliwack Saturday, Jan. 26th 8:45pm vs Chilliwack

Ad sponsored by:

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Rob Pellegrino

how to play:

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3 Item Combo*


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Jeff Nagel Black Press

Kinder Morgan Canada now plans to boost its proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline from 750,000 to 890,000 barrels per day, bringing more oil tankers to Vancouver harbour than previously announced. The nearly 20 per cent increase in the planned capacity pushes the cost of the project up to $5.4 billion from $4.1 billion. The company previously estimated the project would bring a five-fold increase in the number of tankers to about 25 a month or about 300 per year loading at its Burnaby terminal. Company president Ian Anderson said he now expects up to 34 tankers per month – potentially around 400 per year. The larger project reflects the recent signing of more long-term contracts with shippers, bringing the total committed volume on the twinned line to 700,000 barrels per day. The remaining pipeline capacity would be sold on the spot market and Anderson anticipated that will be enough to supply existing customers, such as the Chevron refinery in Burnaby and other refineries in Washington State. He framed the increased demand for the pipeline as a strong statement of support from the markets and Canadian oil companies, who are increasingly forced to sell oil at a discount because of the lack of pipeline capacity to get it to interna-

January 16th Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 28. Gallivants 1. Tooth caregiver 30. Hyperbolic cosecant 4. Greek counterpart of Rhea 32. Rural delivery 7. A numbered mail compart- 33. Atomic #89 ment (abbr.) 34. Opposite of wealthy 10. New Zealand parrots 36. Imus and Knotts 12. Political action committees 39. Yellow ageratum species 14. Fringe-toed lizard 41. Large tropical Am. lizard 15. Reposes 43. Late Show star 17. Winglike structures 46. Armor breastplate 18. MacMurray of “My Three 47. “Death in the Family” Sons” author 19. Oprah’s Broadway show 48. Liquors from rice 22. Ceaser, egg and tossed 50. Bread for a burger 23. Oarlock 51. Yeast 24. Agile, lively (nautical) 52. 100 = 1 tala in W. Samoa 25. Skim or dart 53. Two-year-old sheep 26. And, Latin 54. Hyrax or cony 27. Embodies 55. Engine additive

DOWN 1. Danish krone (abbr.) 2. Insect repellents 3. Move sideways 4. October’s birthstones 5. __ Alto, California city 6. Mark of healed tissue 7. Somewhat purple 8. Egg mixture cooked until just set 9. Past tense of bid 11. Ancient stone slab bearing markings 13. 9th month (abbr.) 16. Thrown into a fright 18. A playful antic 20. “Waiting for Lefty” playwright 21. Ultrahigh frequency

Kim StallKnecht PhOtO

Kinder Morgan now plans to increase the capacity of its proposed Trans Mountain pipeline by nearly 20 per cent. Company president Ian Anderson said he now expects up to 34 tankers per month - potentially around 400 per year.

tional markets. “We are very, very pleased with the response from our customers,” Anderson said. Asked if a further increase in Trans Mountain’s capacity could be proposed to meet even more oil company demand, Anderson did not rule the possibility out. “It could,” he said. “But I can’t speculate on what our plans or design potential might be at that stage. This is the project we’re designing for right now.” He said he’s hearing growing “concern and angst” from oil producers about their ability to access markets. “We are seeing more and more support and interest in our project,” Anderson said. “I wouldn’t say I could connect that interest directly with Northern Gateway’s prospects.” Enbridge’s project would run across northern B.C. to Kitimat, extending oil pipeline over new ground and hundreds of salmon rivers, while Kinder Morgan’s would largely follow the existing 60-year-

28. Cutting gun barrel spirals 29. Youth loved by Aphrodite 30. Get by begging 31. Cleans by scrubbing vigorously 34. Bubonic calamity 35. Radioactivity unit 37. Bow (Sanskrit) 38. Legless reptiles 40. Thick piece of something 41. A distinct part of a list 42. Regarding (Scottish prep.) 43. Something that is owed 44. Mild exclamation 45. River in Spain 49. Variation of 17 down

Answers for JAnuAry 9 crossword puzzle cAn be found in the clAssified section of this pAper

old pipeline’s 1,150-kilometre right-of-way from northern Alberta through Kamloops to the Lower Mainland. Anderson said the bigger Trans Mountain capacity will require a larger pipe size – 36inch diameter instead of 30 inch – in areas such as the Lower Mainland. Kinder Morgan expects to file its formal application to build the pipeline with the National Energy Board by the end of the year. If approved, the expanded Trans Mountain pipeline could be operational late in 2017. The company conducted initial public information sessions last year but much more is promised. “One of the greatest challenges is to demonstrate and convince the public that tanker traffic through Port Metro Vancouver can continue to be done in a safe manner,” Anderson said. “We’ll be dedicating a lot of attention to that, as we have been doing already.” The provincial government has said Kinder Morgan’s project will have to meet the same

preconditions B.C. has set for Enbridge to proceed, including worldclass safety standards and a share of benefits. “We’re confident we can design and execute on a project that can meet parties’ concerns,” Anderson said. Kinder Morgan officials say they’ve already been preparing for further study ordered by U.S. authorities into Canadian tanker traffic near Washington State. Thirteen firms have now signed long-term contracts of 15 to 20 years. They are BP Canada Energy Trading, Canadian Natural Resources, Canadian Oil Sands, Cenovus Energy, Devon Canada, Husky Energy, Imperial Oil, Nexen, Statoil, Suncor Energy Marketing, Suncor Energy Products Partnership, Tesoro Refining & Marketing and Total E&P Canada. Christianne Wilhelmson of the Georgia Strait Alliance said Kinder Morgan may see support among its industry partners but predicts solid opposition among B.C. residents. “There is no common ground,” Wilhelmson said, adding the company is focused on getting oil out to market that environmental groups want kept in the ground. “This announcement just underscores that whatever they say about consultation, whatever they say about discussion, their construct cannot take into consideration our concerns. They don’t view risks the same way. The company does not value what we value.”


Local businesses expand services Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Got a news tip or story idea?

Follow us on facebook & twitter, or 24/7 online at hopestandard.com

Contact Kerrie-Ann at 604-869-4992 or email:

hopestandard news@


Fraser Canyon Hospice Society

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If your New Year’s resolution is to try something new, we have the role for you!

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Michael and Donna Kropp now offer cell phone accessories at Hope-ComTech on Wallace Street.

them and there wasn’t anywhere to send them locally,” said Donna. “It’s a good fit for us to have computer products and cellular products.” Hope-ComTech currently sells digital cameras and will soon be offering warranty repairs. The business will also be selling and renting handheld GPS devices by March 1, as well as avalanche beacons and backpacks for outdoor enthusiasts. “The area we live in is mountainous and people like to hike, ski and snow-

mobile. We’ve got it all in Hope and we need to offer people those things,” said Donna. As for Hope-SignCrafters, the Kropp’s have added business cards, brochures, copies and fax to their product list. In addition to competitive pricing, Donna said they can now offer customers a package deal when it comes to signage and graphics. For more information on the local businesses, visit hopesigncrafters.com or hopecomtech.com.

Free workshop at Hope Secondary Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

An upcoming workshop at Hope Secondary School aims to create a better understanding about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues. The free event will be led by C.A.L.L. Out (Creating Action, Learning and Leadership), an organization funded by Vancouver Coastal Health. The workshop provides parents and caregivers an opportunity to have questions answered, introduce them to services available in the community, and give them tools to work with their teens. There will also be

a discussion and presentation about terminology. “The intention is to provide education and make sure that people know they don’t have to do this alone and their questions are valid,” said HSS teacher Erin Wilkins. “We want to make it as comfortable as possible for parents. There will be no judgement and there are no stupid questions.” The workshop takes place on Jan. 24 from 6-9 p.m. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. Students will not be in attendance. For more information and to register, email ewilkins@sd78.bc.ca.


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Michael and Donna Kropp are in the process of transforming their businesses into a onestop shop. The owners of HopeSignCrafters and HopeComTech have recently added several new options to their offered services since moving into a larger retail space on Wallace Street. “We just like to keep growing to accommodate our community,” said Donna. “We understand who the client is and we like to cater to that. It’s about being friendly, approachable, and having a can-do attitude.” Hope-ComTech now provides on-site cell phone and tablet repair, cell phone unlocking, and variety of cell phone accessories. If they don’t have a particular product in-store, it can be specially ordered for customers. The company is also looking into pay-as-yougo cell phone SIM cards. “We noticed there was a lack of (these services) in the community and people were asking for

Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013 A9


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Return to the PST Seminar

The PST is coming back, like it or not.

This FREE event will be presented by Ministry of Finance presenters and will help you get prepared for the PST.

Wednesday, January 23, Noon to 2:00 pm at the Socia Building, 895 Third Avenue. Please call the Chamber office, 604-869-3111, or email info@hopechamber. net to register for the event.


The 2013 official visitor guide for Hope & area is coming soon!


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Book your ad by Feb. 1 to receive 2012 rates!

A10 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013


CoMMuniTy CaLendaR Monday

Hope Al-Anon Group Meeting: Support for friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, Jan. 21 8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078 obfuskat@telus.net Free Lunchtime Motivational Workshop: We will be making vision boards. Come and jump start your resolutions in a method proven to be successful by many professionals. Supplies included. Monday, Jan. 21 Obstacle Busting and Jan. 28 - Goal Planning 11:30 a.m. UFV Hope Centre 1250 7th Ave. 604-869-9991 michelle.vandepol@ufv.ca


Community Choir: We practice weekly and present one or two concerts a year, as well as participating in the Community Christmas Carol Evening. Tuesday, Jan. 22 7 p.m. Hope United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435 atlast@uniserve.com Pizzazz: Calling all book

lovers in Grades 1 to 6! Drop by after school and enjoy a snack, discuss what you are reading, explore some new books, and hang out with other book lovers. Tuesday, Jan. 22 3 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca Coat Salish Weaving Workshop: Event presented by Weaver, Barbara Faris. Workshops Tuesday, Jan. 22 5:30-8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 26, 10:30-1:30 p.m. at Trails Crossing Friendship Center. $85 includes loom, materials to make a small wall hanging. Workshop will be cancelled if less than five people pre-register for each workshop. 454 Wallace St. 604-869-9042 naydeentcfc@live.ca


1789 The Royal Westminster Regiment Cadet Corps: The Westie Army Cadets Training program prepares youth age 12 to 19 to become leaders of tomorrow through fun yet challenging activities. Wednesday, Jan. 23 6:30 p.m. Royal Canadian

Legion Branch No. 228 344 Fort St. 604-799-8897 1789trg@gmail.com


Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Drop in and join us for a cup of coffee - you’ll enjoy some interesting and lively conversation! No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, Jan. 17 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca Canadian Diabetes Association: Regular Hope branch monthly meeting. Guest speaker will be Dr. G.R. Grills. Thursday, Jan. 17 7:30 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-5933 don_dot@telus.net White Water, Black Gold: This award-winning documentary by David Lavallee demonstrates the true cost of producing oil through the tar sands. It shows the disastrous effects on our water, our land, our air and our lives that our unyield-

ing thirst for oil causes. The film chronicles the path of a drop of water as it travels through the Athabasca River past the tar sands and the communities along its route. A wonderful opportunity to enlighten yourself about what is happening and what price we will all pay for dirty oil. Keep in mind that the pipeline that runs through our towns carries bitumen (heavy oil, diluted with a toxic cocktail of solvents). The film has a positive conclusion that we all are part of the problem and must be part of the solution by reducing our need for oil and finding new alternative energy sources. Thursday, Jan. 17 7 p.m. Blue Moose Cafe 322 Wallace St. 604-860-0388 mrshinds@hotmail.com

Driving the baseline


It’s Popcorn Day: Celebrate all things popcorn today by dropping by for some popcorn stories and crafts and more. Co-sponsored by Hope and District Cultural and Leisure Services. Saturday, Jan. 19 2-4 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca


Senior Mustang Travis Herrling drives the baseline, on his way to a team-leading 13 points against REMSS of Langley in the opening game of the boys’ six-team home tournament last Friday. The hosts lost the opener and ended up in fifth place overall, while Langley’s Brookswood finished first. This weekend, the Mustangs travel to Barriere for a tournament.

The BC Services Card. Your CareCard, and more.

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Ben likes the peace and quiet as he delivers his papers.

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One card. Many services. The new BC Services Card is part of government’s plan to modernize BC’s health care system. It replaces your CareCard, can be combined with your driver’s licence, and also acts as your photo ID. It’s more convenient and more secure, with enhanced features to protect your personal information. And getting yours is easy. Starting February 15, 2013, and for the next five years, you can simply enrol when renewing your driver’s licence. And even if you don’t drive, you can enrol at the nearest location where driver’s licences are issued. To learn more visit: BCServicesCard.ca

Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013 A11



Kyle Larder of Petryk’s Picks sweeps the puck away to safety, after it deflected off his goaltender Ryan Stewart during Friday night action in the 12-team “Dusty’s” men’s recreational tournament. Mark Petryk’s team spent a lot of time in the penalty box — though they scored their first goal while two men short. The Surrey Young Nationals held a 4-3 lead late in the game until Jordan Romano made a pass across the slot to Scott McNicol, who put it home for the 4-4 tie. The Young Nationals went on to win the A-final over Lillooet, while the Abbotsford Snakes bumped off Mission in the B-final.

Hockey tournament gets bigger every year

Barry Stewart Hope Standard

Normally, you have to die or have a long and distinguished career before you get something named after yourself. Not so with young Dusty Smith. He’s alive and well — and he’s not even 24 years old yet. Six years ago, the hockey community in Hope was left with no organizer for the annual men’s recreational tournament. Of course, there were plenty of people who could have taken on the role... but only one was willing: Smith. Only 18 years old at the time, he stepped forward and soon the event was known as “Dusty’s Tournament.” It may be a plot by the rest of the players, though. Perhaps it’s an unspoken understanding that the name can stay that way as long as Smith keeps arranging the event.

“This was my sixth year of organizing the tournament,” said Smith. “I’m more than willing to keep doing it. It’s a lot of fun. It’s even easier now because most of the teams are returning teams. I just make my phone calls early.” Mark Petryk, who mustered his “Petryk’s Picks” team for the four-team A-division said, “Dusty did a very good job of organizing. I liked how he moved the tournament up to January because otherwise it would have been three tournaments in March. I think he had all the teams lined up in November.” The event drew teams from as far away as Surrey and Lillooet and brought back a lot of men who played their minor hockey in Hope. Build it and they will come back. “Everything ran smoothly. It was the best yet,” said Smith, who played on the Car Guys team.

“We spent probably $4,800 just on the ice rentals, then there was the ref and scorekeepers’ fees and the prizes.” At $650 per team, that pretty well takes care of the income, though there was a beer garden co-hosted by the men’s league and Penguin Concessions. Smith is gearing up for a league tournament March 15-17, with all six men’s league teams going up against four to six visiting teams. He’s also willing to help organize the annual Friendship Tournament. **** A minor hockey fundraiser is being organized to help pay for Brandon Pennell’s trip to Europe this March. Pennell lives in Hope but is playing top-level peewee rep hockey in Chilliwack. He has been selected to play defence on the Canadian AAA Explorers hockey exchange team, which will be travel-

ling to Germany and central Europe for exhibition games and tournaments. Hockey mom Vanessa James is leading the fundraiser, which will take place from 4:305:45 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 18. “We’ll have open skating for first half hour and a fun game for the remaining ice time,” said James. “Players must be in full gear. I’m hoping to have the mezzanine as well for the non-skaters and to have seating and snacks. There will be a few raffle prizes set up, and possibly a toonie toss or 50/50. There will be an entry fee, which will go towards the ice rental and the snacks provided.” In other minor hockey news, Rina Piovesan of the midget Wildcats invites local hockey fans to come cheer on the team Jan. 26 at 8:45 p.m. “We never play at home on Saturday nights and it would be great to fill the stands with people,” said Piovesan. “It’s free admission, with a full concession and a 50/50 draw.”

this week’s events at the rec centre Zumbatomic Tues., Jan. 22 – Feb. 26 3:30pm-4:15pm


Northern Dog Whisperer Sat., Jan. 19 2:30pm-4:00pm


Conversational French

Hope & District

Recreation & Cultural Services

Tues., Jan. 22 – March 12 7:00pm-8:45pm

Lots more programs/details are available online!

1/13W HR16

1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC” website: www.fvrd.bc.ca • email: leisure@fvrd.bc.ca

A12 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013




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Wednesday, January 16, 2013, Hope Standard A13



FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920




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EVERETT, Margaret Luella

QualicoÂŽ is recognized as the largest integrated real estate company in Western Canada. In the Vancouver area, we are currently building new homes in Surrey, South Surrey, and Coquitlam, with Langley soon to follow. With our growth, we now have the position of Jr. Estimator to fill. Qualico Offers Industry Competitive Salary and Full Health BeneďŹ ts Package.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Margaret Luella Everett (Peggy) on January 9, 2013. She is predeceased by her husband Don and survived by daughter Vicky (Julius), sons Rick (Lori), Dick, Donnie, Darrin (Maggie), Dean (Diana) and sister Marian (Ron). She will be missed by her grandchildren Chris, Jeremy, Caitlin, Karleen, Tabitha, Darcy, Blane, Trevor, Katrina, Arianna, great grandchildren Mason, Cailey, Willem, nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. She will be forever in our hearts. A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, January 20, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the Hope Legion, 344 Fort St., Hope, BC.

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HOMEMAKER REQUIRED In-home care for elders including house cleaning, transportation & some cooking. Fax resume with cover letter to: 604-869-7614 or mail to Chawathil Band Att: Social Development 4 - 60814 Lougheed Hwy Hope, B.C V0X 1L3 Posting closes Jan 29, 2013



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Chilliwack Ford is seeking applicants for the position of temporary warranty clerk. This position will run for 12-14 months. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail are essential for the successful applicant. Wage is $18/hour plus benefits. Previous automotive service experience is strongly preferred but not essential. Please forward resumes to:




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Required for Western Star & Sterling Trucks of Vancouver Inc. Position available in Surrey location.

Union Shop - Full BeneďŹ ts Forward Resume to Annish Singh Fax: 604-888-4749 E-mail: ars@cullendiesel.com Heavy Const Company requires journeyman mechanics to start asap, must be familiar with all heavy equipment Caterpiller, Komatsu, John Deere etc. competitive wage and superior benefit package. Required to work in shop in rural Winnipeg, MB and on job sites. email karen@hmcl.ca fax 204-224-9212. JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25. $31./hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email Chrysler@telusplanet.net. PUT POWER INTO your career! As a Fairview Power Engineer. On-campus boiler lab. 4th ClassPart A 3rd Class. Affordable residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882 www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.

)*3*/( $)*1 536$, %3*7&34 %*7*4*0/ &91"/%*/( Arrow Transportation Systems Inc. is seeking qualified company DIJQ USVDL drivers for immediate openings in )PQF #$ We offer CSBOE OFX USVDLT TUFBEZ MPOH UFSN DPNQBOZ QPTJUJPOT BOE B WFSZ DPNQFUJUJWF DPNQFOTBUJPO QBDLBHF The successful candidates must have a clean’ driver’s abstract and good references as well as experience with ‘Super B’ train chip vans. Please send resume and drivers abstract to:


A14 Hope Standard, Wednesday, January 16, 2013



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PRESA CANARIO P/B UKC, fawn Both parents approx. 20 to 150 lbs. Call 604-302-2357 STAFFORDSHIRE bull terrier, P.B. CKC registered. Staffies, only 6 left. Call Candace 604-780-4771 TROPICAL FISH SALE! All the products you need for your aquarium. Order online and receive 15% off with coupon code: FISH15 Sale ends January 27. www.petland.ca 1-855-839-0555


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PETS 477


BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS, pure bred at Diesel Kennel, 3 male, $1500. each. Call (604)869-5073


CANE CORSO MASTIFF all blues 6F, 2M, ultimate family guardian. Ready to go. $1000. (604)308-5665

GLEN TRAUN LANDSCAPING, Commercial & Residential yard maintenance. Call 604-869-2767

YALE, WOW 395K- 3+ acres, 2 houses, 600 ft Fraser River frt. 2 hrs from Vanc. Dan (604)860-3454

2 or 3 bedroom townhouse, 5 appl., soundproof, radiant heat, blinds, fenced yard, patio, 658 Coquihalla St., sunny side of town, N/S, no dogs, D/D Ref’s req.

1/2 Acre lot in Hope for Modular Home. Rent or buy the lot. New home $129,900. Call Chuck 604-830-1960.


SAWMILLS from only $3997 MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca



Coquihalla Courts 1030 3rd Ave. 2 Bdrm apt. $650 1 Bdrm apt $575

Call 604-869-0932

F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now.

LEAVE MESSAGE New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $66,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960. Glenbrookhomes.net



Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077


1 bedroom apartments for rent on Wallace St. $600. Newly renovated. Great view of Mt. Hope. On site coin-op laundry. N/P, N/S.

HOPE, For rent 1 small bedroom home, furnished with heat and light. A mobile home, better than an apartment, no noisy neighbour on the other side of the wall. In a 55 plus community. Call for appointment to see. 604-240-3464

Call (604)869-1301 or kflimited@hotmail.com HOPE

1 BEDROOM APT Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.


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For Rent in Kings Court on main floor. $600./mo. Heat & hot water incl. Air conditioning & balcony. D.D. and Ref’s Required. Seniors preferred. Avail. immed.

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CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866



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BEAGLE PUPS, tri colored, good looking, healthy, vet check $700. (604)796-3026. No Sunday calls

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HOPE: 2 BDRM, Spacious 1250 sq. ft., 5 appl., priv. patio, N/S, N/P. Ref req’d. Adult oriented, avail. immed. $625/mo. 604-869-5288 or 604-858-7620



ALLSYS IT, new computer sales & service. 604-869-3456 or info@allsyscomputers.com




HOPE, 2 bdrm apt in newer building in downtown. W/D, A/C, secure, priv. balcony, covered parking, N/S, no party, suit. for mature or seniors. Call 604-855-9940



KENLIN ELECTRIC, residential, rural, commercial, new construction, reno’s. Call (604)860-8605



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SURREY: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout and new roof. $549,000. 604-575-5555.



Size not exactly as shown


Power Pack iQcluGeV HoSe StaQGarG PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.


ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!


ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!

Call 604.575-5555 Standard The Hope

Wednesday, January 16, 2013, Hope Standard A15 RENTALS




HOPE, Newly reno’d commercial storefront in centre of town for rent or lease, 1200 sq ft, avail immed. rent negotiable. Call 1-604-5051077 or 1-604-267-7473

Hope, 535 Queens St. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl, garage, wood f/p, pets negot. Avail. Nov. 15, $1000/m Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage, 604792-0077

HOPE, Retail Space available, 591 Wallace, 3 units + storage shed starting at $400/mon +hst, incl heat, water & garbage. Call Rob @ 604869-9763

SILVER CREEK, Furnished cabin for rent at Wild Rose Campground, $550/mo + D.D. includes heat, hydro, cable and wifi. Avail. now. Call John or Judy (604)869-9842




HOPE, 2 bdrm, 1bath, duplex, 900 sq ft, fenced backyard w/ large shed, well maintained, N/S, D/D, utilities extra, 474 Rupert St. $850/mo. Call (604)798-5557


For sale or for rent, in a 55+ community a 2 bedroom manufactured home. Better than an apartment. No noisy neighbours. For rent only a double wide home with 2 bedrooms and a den. References, criminal background check. One small pet OK under 20 lbs, N/S. Call for appointment. Now accepting applications.

Gordon 604-240-3464






ABBOTSFORD Upstairs Suite for Rent! Christian Landlords. 1,000s.f. 2 BR, 1 Bath. Patio entrance/carport. Hydro. W/D. Stove/Oven/Fridge. NO Pets/NO Smkg. Ideal for newly-weds. Downes Rd, near Abb Auto Mall. Available Feb 1. $800 + Gas. Chris 604-308-4292


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HOPE; 1 Bdrm ste, near new grnd level, avail immed, $690/mo. Walter @ (604)792-0077 (Royal LePage) HOPE, 3 bdrm townhouse, 1 1/2 bath, full bsmt, No Pets, $850/mon. 1-604-858-4629

No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271




THE ONE, THE ONLY authorized Harley-Davidson technician training program in all of Canada. You’ll work on all types of HD bikes. Quality instruction and state-of-theart training aids. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview Alberta. 1-888-999-7882.

HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203


3 BR. home in prime location , sunny side of town. includes 5 appl., sauna, jacuzzi tub, built in vac,heat pump, has home base business with separate entrance used as hair salon. $1400 per month. Pets neg. Contact 250-460-1182 or ssandb@hotmail.com pics on request. COMPLETELY renovated 3 bedroom home backing onto Coquihalla River with beach frontage. Parklike setting, and yet close to shops and amenities. Available Feb 1st. Pets OK. 1-604-210-1249




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2009 NISSAN ROGUE fully loaded, 79,000 km, $19,000. Must see. Harry @ 778-878-0435.

HOPE, 4 bdrm, 4 appl. garage, walking distance to schools, NS, NP, references & damage deposit required. $900/mon. Avail. now. 604-869-3130 or 604-795-1524



Sell your Car! with the &ODVViÀeG

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SCRAP CARS & METALS - CA$H for CARS Up to $300. No Wheels - No Problem! Friendly & Professional Service. Servicing the Fraser Valley 1-855-771-2855

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2010 VENZA: Like new, only 20,000 kms, fully loaded, automatic, 6 cylinder, dvd system. $22,800. 604-575-5555.



Size not exactly as shown


Power Pack iQcluGeV +oSe StaQGarG PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.


ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!


ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!

Call 604.575-5555 Standard The Hope




Call Gordon 604-240-3464




HOPE, Long term stay available, for non smokers, utility included. Picture ID and credit card req. Call 604-860-5223


In a 55+ community in Hope. Mobile homes for sale 2 bedrooms from $14,000 to a brand new one for $74,000. 2- Vacant pads for rents.


2 hr. Service www.a1casper.com (604)209-2026

1999 PONTIAC TRANSPORT van 7 pgr low km ST#281 THIS WEEK $2299 1997 HONDA CIVIC 4dr auto Aircare ST#323 $2700 1998 HONDA ACCORD auto 4dr sdn Aircare ST#339 $3495 1999 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sedan fully loaded ST#303 $3495 2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr auto sdn a/c runs good st#302 $3500 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto Aircare low km st#313 $3800 2002 HONDA CIVIC 4dr sdn auto power locks Aircare ST#334 $3800 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4dr auto 4X4 runs good ST#221 $3900 2005 FORD TAURUS auto fully loaded air care low kms only 99km st#318 $4500 2007 PONTIAC MONTANNA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $6900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6900 2007 FORD FUSION 4dr sdn aotu full load Aircare st#321 $7,900 04 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 auto Aircared ST#319 $7900 04 AUDI A4 4dr sdn, auto Lthr Aircared ST#320 $8800 2009 CHEV IMPALA 4dr auto, loaded ST#325 $8,900 2008 NISSAN SENTRA 4dr auto low km fully loaded st#332 $9500 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto st#328 $11,500 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms st#331 $12,500

Notice of Public Hearing to consider Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1327, 2012 for the property at 21446 Lakeview Crescent, Hope, BC on

Monday, January 28, 2013 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall Council will hear the views of the public at the above meeting in order to assist them in deciding whether the proposed amendment bylaw should proceed. If you consider that this bylaw amendment affects you, you may make your views known at the Public Hearing. Location of the Property Lot 12; Plan 21550; PID 007-331-878, 21446 Lakeview Crescent.

TRUCKS 1997 FOR F150 Supercab 3 dr 5 spd v6 st#330 $2900 2006 GMC 3500SLE crew cab 4X4 auto fully loaded long box only this week ST#198 $7,900 2007 FORD F150 reg cab V6 auto long box ST#205 $8,900 2006 FORD F350 crew cab siesel 4X4 auto long box runs good st#282 $10,900 2005 GMC SLE CREW cab 4X4 auto diesel long box, loaded ST#218 $10,900 2008 FORD F150 REG CAB 4x4 auto long box ST#207 $11,900 2007 FORD RANGER 4X4 auto S/cab st#193 $11,900 2007 FORD F150 supercab cre XLT 4X4 auto fuel loaded ST#273 $13,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box ST#283 $13,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#309 $14,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel only 156K st#17 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160Km st#310 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto full loaded long box st#311 $15,900 2008 GMC 2500 HD Quad cab 4X4 auto long box ST#267 $15,900 2005 CHEV 2500 HD LS cr/cab Duramax diesel leather 4X4 auto ST#190 $15,900 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto short box ST#275 $18,900

33166 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford DL#31038



Intent of the Proposed Amendment Bylaw To rezone the subject property from the Single Family Residential (RS-1) zone to a new zone of Single Family Residential with Secondary Suite (RS1T) in order for the property owner to build a new single family dwelling with a secondary suite while maintaining the character of the existing neighbourhood. Inspection of Documents If you consider that this proposed bylaw amendment affects you or your property, you have the right to: inspect the staff report and the proposed amendment bylaw at the District of Hope 0unicipal Hall during regular of¿ce hours. The 0unicipal Hall is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Statutory Holidays. submit your views and comments to the District of Hope by letter or fax before 12:00 noon the day of the public hearing. Please ensure that your name and civic address is clearly printed on your submission. attend the public hearing and make your views known when the Mayor asks for comments from the public. At that time, you may submit a written statement or express your thoughts verbally to Council. Any enquiries on this proposal should be directed to the Planning Department. District of Hope, 325 Wallace Street, Hope BC V0X 1L0 Ph: 604.869.5671 Fax: 604.869.2275 Email: info@hope.ca John Fortoloczky, CAO 01/13W_DOH16

Standard - August 19, 2010POWERTRAIN WARRANTY

NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/‡Offers apply to the purchase, finance or lease of 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Ext Cab 4WD (1SF)/Cruze LS (1SA)/Equinox LS (1SA), equipped as described. Freight ($1,600/$1,550/$1,550) included in purchase, finance and lease prices and payments. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. .†0%/0.99% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit/TD Auto Financing for 72/84 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty and Equinox. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0%/0.99% APR, the monthly payment is $139/$124 for 72/84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0/$354, total obligation is $10,000/$10,354. 0% financing offers are unconditionally interest-free. ≠$7,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Silverado Light Duty Ext/Crew, for retail customers only. See your GM dealer for details. **Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires February 28, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the Offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this Offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Miles are issued by LoyaltyOne Inc. and are subject to the terms and conditions of the AIR MILES Reward Program. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited ‡Based on a 0.9%/0%, 48/60 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 Equinox LS/2013 Cruze LS, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of $2,899/$0 and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $17,254/$10,539. Option to purchase at lease end is $12,006/$5,956 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ^^/*†Warranty, Safety & Legroom comparisons based on latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM models. ~Visit OnStar.ca for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. .MyLinkTM functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth® and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. +The Best Buy seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license.

A16 Hope Standard Wednesday, January 16, 2013






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2013-01-11 5:05 PM


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