Agassiz Observer, January 18, 2013

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Liberal candidate chats about running for office a second time


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Friday, January 18, 2013


An Agassiz couple is hoping to win the vacation of a lifetime



opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Pat Sears holds her Life Membership award from the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, formerly the Coast Guard Auxiliary. She was presented the award by Greg Miller, vice president of the RCM-SAR, in a casual, surprise ceremony at a Kent Harrison Search and Rescue meeting.

Honoured for life’s work

mailbag . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Sears given Life Membership award for work with marine rescuers

community . . . . . . . . . 8

Jessica Peters

classifieds . . . . . . . . . 13

Home of the Burger Family. No. 9 Hwy at Morrow Rd, Agassiz


When Pat Sears arrived in the parking lot of the Kent Harrison Search and Rescue base on Wednesday night, she wasn’t too surprised to see all the extra vehicles. After all, an email had circulated the week before that piqued her interest, urging all members to be at the meeting. A special item had been placed on the agenda — something none of them would want to miss. Sears also didn’t notice that her husband, John, had been acting funny all day and was hustling her out the door to be there on

time. In fact, he had been anxious didn’t suspect a thing. since the week before, forced to The realization that she was the keep a secret from his wife of 37 person being honoured didn’t hit years. He was her until members one of a handful of the RCM-SAR of people who “Joining was my way started filing into knew that the base’s small of putting back into the meeting meeting room, would focus on along with several the community.” congratulating of her close friends. Sears for her “I had no idea Pat Sears dedication. whatsoever,” Sears B u t said. supporting They were his wife — a SAR member, there to award Sears with a an accomplished sailor, and a Life Membership, an honour Royal Canadian Marine Search currently bestowed upon fewer and Rescue coxswain — comes than a dozen of the organization’s naturally to Sears, and so she 1,400 volunteers. Sears became



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involved with the RCM-SAR in 1992, when it was known as the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary. She was an active member until the couple moved to Harrison Mills about five years ago. But she kept up her membership, and last month someone nominated her for the Life Membership. It was an easy, unanimous decision for the organization, said Greg Miller, vice president of the RCM-SAR. He outlined a few highlights of her career as a coxswain, or steersman, including a rescue in which 14 people were pitched into the water. While five Continued on 3

2 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013

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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013 3


Police released these photos of a Tidy Tank and a generator that were stolen from Hicks Lake Campground sometime between Dec. 9 and Jan. 9.

Donate to the

Theft at Hicks Lake campground

Community Recreation Cultural Centre Expansion

Generator and Tidy Tank stolen from steel container

Police are looking for answers to a significant theft in Sasquatch Provincial Park. It was discovered on Jan. 9 that someone had broken into a steel container at the Hicks Lake campground. Stolen were a large Cummings generator and a 150 gallon Tidy Tank. The theft would have occurred sometime between Dec. 9, 2012

and Jan. 9. The equipment stolen is the property of the campground. The generator was used to power the campground’s water system. “Although there could be a lengthy time delay between the theft and realizing the theft occurred, we are hoping that someone has information,” said Cst. Tracy Wolbeck. The suspect, or suspects, would

have needed a large truck to remove the generator from the container. The generator is valued at approximately $5,000 to $7,000. If you have any information regarding this theft, please contact the Agassiz RCMP at 604 796-2211 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS).

Andrew, Jessica & Chris at the Observer wish to welcome to their team


Agassiz man arrested for theft

On Jan. 5, Hope Auto Body Ltd. contacted the Hope RCMP to advise them that someone had trespassed on their property overnight, and they handed over surveillance video. The following day, Hope Truck and Trailer Repair reported a truck had been

stolen from their locked compound overnight. RCMP said that business was also able to provide surveillance video. After police viewed the footage from both video cameras, they were able to identify a suspect. “This kind of evidence is so helpful to us,” said Cst. Tracy Wolbeck. “Both businesses

had functioning surveillance equipment that was very good quality and provided a clear picture. The value of their investment definitely paid off.” On Jan. 9, Walter Saunders, age 54 of Agassiz, was arrested without incident during a traffic stop in Hope in connection to the break and enter and

theft. Saunders is well known to police in the Upper Fraser Valley. He has been charged with two counts of break and enter, theft of motor vehicle, and possessing a weapon for a dangerous purpose. 0The stolen truck was recovered by Abbotsford Police on Jan. 6.

Passion for the open sea led to volunteer work From FRONT

people perished in that incident, nine were saved. That was only one of hundreds of marine incidents Sears attended to as coxswain, he said, and she has participated in thousands of hours of training over her 20 years with them. But Miller also personally thanked her for bringing him up to standards. “Pat is best known for her … calmness and her ability to train new members,” he said. “I want to thank you for your personal guidance and friendship. You are truly an asset to our station.” Sears was on a team that represented the

Pacific Region in 2002 at the first International SAR competition in Quebec, Miller told the group, and her team won first place for all of North America. She was just as quick to tell everyone that Miller and Ryan Woodward (also in attendance) were also on that team. Being on the water, and volunteering with the RCM-SAR, is “definitely in her blood,” Miller added. It is that passion for the open sea that led her to volunteering in the first place. “I’d been boating for several years,” she said. “And joining was my way of putting back into


the community.” She joined the KHSAR just a few months after moving here, and got involved with the Agassiz RCMP office as well. Being a local Search and Rescue member doesn’t keep her as busy as her work on the open water, but she does lend a hand when it’s needed, both on the boats and behind the scenes. Sgt. Stuart Falebrinza from the Agassiz RCMP detachment was also on hand to award Sears with a pin for her service to the RCMP. While she’s had to stop volunteering over the last year due to illness from cancer and subsequent treatment, she has been on recent


Jan. 17 to Jan. 23

Sarah joins us as our

Classified/Feature Sales representative. With her ready smile & great ideas, we’re sure she can help promote your business, sell your car, find your pet or host a really successful garage sale!

SAR call outs, including from a dock or marina. Call Sarah at 604-796-4300 the recent body recovery Call (250) 480-2798 for in Harrison River. more information on The Agassiz ❖ Harrison The Royal Canadian how to contact the unit Marine SAR attends leader in your area. about hundreds of incidents a year, and puts in thousands of training hours. In the last 12 months, they report having saved 162 lives and assisted 718 people in total. Members interested in volunteering as RCM- SAR crew must also have boating experience, be able Pursuant to section 124(3) of the Community Charter, public notice is required to to meet the physical consider the following: conditions ofPursuant long hours to section 124(3) of the Community Charter, public notice is require NOTICE THAT the Council of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs intends to on the waterconsider in roughthe TAKE following: amend Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1002 at its regular meeting of January 21, 2013; conditions, be willing to be on call for 24 hours AND TAKE THAT the bylaw proposes changes provisions governing the NOTICE THATNOTICE the Council of the Village of toHarrison Hot Springs inten at a time overTAKE a five-day proceedings of Council by amending the order of business of the Regular and Special amend Procedure No. 1002 regular meeting ofitems January period, and live withinCouncil a Meetings of Council Bylaw to allow Questions fromat theits Public that pertain to agenda only. 21, 201 15 minute call-out range

AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the bylaw proposes changes to provisions governin proceedings of Council by amending the order of business of the Regular and Sp MeetingsItaly-Grown of Council Questions fromBC-Grown the Public that pertain to agenda items California Okanagan Debra Key to allowMexican FIELD RED FUJI CELERY KIWICorporate FRUIT Officer TOMATOES POTATOES APPLES

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4 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013


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Todd Richard and the TR Band performed a special New Year’s Eve concert at Memorial Hall in Harrison Hot Springs. Richard, whose hits include Zero to Hero, Life’s About People and One Wild Ride, will also be the entertainment at the 2013 Business Excellence Awards at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa, on Feb. 28.


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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013 5


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The Observer Ag assiz ❖ Harr ison

■ CODE NUMBER ■ LOCATION NAME(S) #1-7026 Pioneer Ave before buying or hiring. ■ SEP CHECK ✔ Cleaner ✔ Contractor 604•796•4302 It’s the quickest way to JANUARY 07, 2013 ✔ Gardener ✔ Painter locate a local:


$10 off an oil change That’s worth honking about JessICA PeTers / Observer FILe PhOTO

Laurie Throness cut a swath through the riding during the 2012 byelection in Chilliwack-Hope. He said he’s looking forward to a quieter election locally, without the attention of the entire province. He’ll run again for the Liberal party when we go to the polls on May 14.

Throness to run again in Chwk-Hope riding Liberal candidate talks about campaigning alongside the Premier Christy Clark

Jessica Peters The Observer

Laurie Throness was kept very busy throughout the 2012 Chilliwack-Hope byelection. As the Liberal candidate, he had the full support of Premier Christy Clark. So much so, the duo hit the campaign trail together, meeting and greeting business owners throughout the riding, including Agassiz. Throness shook hands, posed for photo ops and sat through interview after interview. He even saddled up for one leg of the campaign, going door-to-door via a black Fresian light draft horse. Following that, he took part in the annual Chilliwack Thresherman’s Ploughing Match. And as election day drew nearer, the whole province was watching this riding to see if the Liberals could hold on to their seat in the legislature. In the end, they didn’t. Gwen O’Mahoney won the by-election, filling the place left by retired Liberal MLA Barry Penner. “It was a high pressure campaign,” Throness said, looking back to that time during a sit down interview at the Observer. And so he’s feeling “quite relaxed” by comparison about the upcoming election, May 14. He’ll once again be running for the Chilliwack-Hope seat, alongside fellow Liberal

candidate John Martin running for John Les’ Chilliwack riding. Les, also a Liberal, has recently announced that he is not going to run in the next election. While Throness doesn’t consider himself a “partisan person”, he said it’s an exciting

“I don’t intend to lay low” Laurie Throness time for the Liberal party. He has been staying active with the party, attending functions and provincial policy sessions, along with multiple meetings around the riding. But it was the Liberal convention in October where he sensed a “movement” making the party stronger. He used the example of Martin, who moved to the Liberal party from the Conservatives last year. “That signals a change,” he said. “A deep political change, and that’s going to continue.” He said the convention is a “bellwether for the election” and that there was a “very good sense coming out” of it. While he is more relaxed about this election, he is prepared to fight for the seat.

“I don’t intend to lay low,” he said. “I’m out here (Agassiz) quite regularly, and I’m going to get out and meet the people.” He and Martin will be working together in the joining ridings to promote the party, and its platform. Besides the obvious similarities, the two candidates have something else in common, as well. They both are former University of the Fraser Valley criminology professors, working in the same department. Joining them on the campaign trail is UFV crim department’s Darryl Plecas, running as a Liberal candidate in Abbotsford South. “Three people in that same department are running,” he said. He said the volunteer bank has grown since last election, too. “We have a bigger team than we did last time,” he said. But despite all the positive things, he is remaining conservative about his prospects. “I’m preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best,” he said. He is also confident in the party leader, premier Christy Clark. “I found the premier to be extremely personable and insightful, and an intelligent person,” he said. “She is a great campaigner, and she’s good on policy. She has a certain humility about her, and is not condescending in any way.”

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Mamas with Cheese

6 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013

Opinion A dedicated life There is a saying, that if you want something done, give it to a busy person. That was certainly the case for Dorothy Kostrzewa. The former city councillor and longtime Chilliwack champion passed away Friday, sparking a flood of tributes that continued throughout the weekend. Flags at city council, where she spent 31 years representing the interests of the community, were lowered to half staff in her honour. Kostrzewa retired from politics in 2008, leaving behind a legacy of hard work, dedication and an unstinting commitment to make things better. There was hardly a department, committee or subcommittee, that didn’t feel the charge of her energy. As former mayor Clint Hames remembered, “there was never a job too small for her to consider. She would attack every challenge with the same amount of class and enthusiasm, even if it was a job that nobody else wanted.” Indeed, even after she retired from public


Will you boycott the NHL this season?

life, she remained active in the community, particularly in the arts community which she loved. Her accomplishments are many. Recipient of the Order of Chilliwack, Millennium Woman of the Year, Sportsman of the Year, Paul Harris recipient. The list goes on. But all these accolades were the result of her efforts – not the motivation behind them. Her energy was only surpassed by her humility. And perhaps that is her true legacy to Chilliwack. In a world where politics and public life draw their share of criticism, Kostrzewa remains to many an example of selfless service. It is a model we can only hope for in our elected officials. But one we have the opportunity to aspire to in our daily lives as citizens of this city. Dorothy Kostrzewa showed us how. -Chilliwack Progress

To answer, go to the Home page of our website:


Will pay parking increase business in Harrison Hot Springs? Here’s how you responded:

Yes 13% No 86%

Inconvenient truth of oil pollution B.C. Views Tom Fletcher VICTORIA – A study of six northern Alberta lakes conducted by Environment Canada and other scientists was published last week, generating headlines around the world. “Oil sands toxins ‘accumulate in freshwater systems,’” the BBC announced. The headline in The New York Timesdeclared: “Oil sands industry in Canada tied to higher carcinogen level.” The study was reported with similar alarm across Canada. It looked at levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in lakebed sediment, and found levels measurably higher than natural sources since oil sands extraction began 50 years ago.

Most news reports I saw made little or no effort to put this information into context, in terms of the actual risk to humans, fish and other organisms. Some quoted people they knew would scream bloody murder, because as we in the media are taught, conflict and fear attract an audience. As expected, U.S. environmental groups and their Canadian branch offices ramped up the rhetoric to battle their favourite villain. At least one major Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail, did a responsible job. Its report on the study stated “PAH pollution level remains low – on par, at worst, with an urban lake – but is rising.” In fact, five of six lakes tested were far below average contamination of urban lakes. PAH fallout is a daily constant of urban life, from vehicles, industry, and particularly where coal is burned for electricity. To be clear, there are dozens of different forms of PAH. Some have been shown to increase

The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

cancer risk, and some have been linked to (but not proven to cause) infertility, immune disorders and

“PAH fallout is a daily constant of urban life, from vehicles, industry, and particularly where coal is to be burned for electricity.” fish mutations. So when you drive your kids to school, stand at the bus stop, or drink a glass of water from Coquitlam Lake or any urban reservoir, you are exposed to PAH pollution from human and natural sources. The risk from this is an ongoing focus of research, but this study confirms one thing: your exposure is likely greater in any

P.O. Box 129 7167 Pioneer Ave. Agassiz, B.C. V0M 1A0 Phone: 604-796-4300 | Fax: 604-796-2081

DeaDliNeS Classifieds: Tues. 4 p.m. Display ads: Fri. 4 p.m.

urban area than it is downwind of the Alberta oil sands. I argued this point with B.C.’s celebrity environmentalist Tzeporah Berman, who has shuttled back and forth from ForestEthics to Greenpeace in recent years. She took to her Facebook page to publicize a dramatic call to action from, one of the most strident climate change advocacy groups in the U.S., selectively using a quote and picture from The New York Times. Our debate turned to greenhouse gas emissions. I argued that this PAH study mirrors the true picture of carbon dioxide emissions, which is that nearly 70 per cent of CO2 from all petroleum comes when you burn the final product in engines and furnaces. In B.C., which doesn’t burn coal for electricity, fully 40 per cent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation. Other sources include home heating and industry.

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Berman insisted I was wrong, and claimed 70 per cent of Canada’s greenhouse gases come from “heavy industry.” I asked for her source. No response. A 2010 report by a Royal Society of Canada expert panel calculated that 27 per cent of our country’s fossil fuel emissions come from transportation. Another 16 per cent is from fuels burned for electricity. Five per cent is from oil sands operations. Berman’s figure is conveniently untrue. Greenpeace and the rest of the environmental scare industry want you to believe that stopping Alberta’s oil sands and pipelines would save the planet. Also wrong. It would drive oil demand from the U.S., Venezuela’s oil sands and elsewhere, with little net effect on the climate or pollution. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and


Published at Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, Popkum/Bridal Falls, Rosedale and surrounding areas by the Black Press Group Ltd. Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #116572 Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.

PuBlishEr andrEw Franklin 604-796-4300

Editor JEssica PEtErs 604-796-4302

advErtising chris Blank 604-796-4301

classiFiEd FEaturE salEs sarah virtEau 604-796-4300

BC Press Council: The Observer is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Mailbag Taking Wilde's advice to heart

Re: “Resolution Writing is Not Just an Annual Event? by Jessica Peters, Jan. 4, 2013 I have always hated New Year’s. I make resolutions I have every intention of keeping, but never manage to. Lack of success is disconcerting enough, but when friends and family encourage me to return to my wicked ways, it becomes downright discouraging. The year I resolved to lose weight because all my clothing had inexplicably shrunk over Christmas was typical. Four days after embarking on a high-protein, low-fat, chelated, roughage-

enhanced, yeast-free micro-biotic diet, my partner offered me a large slice of chocolate cheesecake. “Not to discourage you,” she explained, “but the growls from your stomach keep me awake at night and your growling throughout the day makes me want to leave home. Eat.” I left my resolution in the dust to make someone else’s life more bearable, but my clothes still were too small. A week into withdrawal from smoking, my friends bought me a pack of the brand they knew I smoked. As I inhaled, the room began to spin

Idle No More

Pesqwiya James, 7, listened carefully as an elder spoke during an Idle No More demonstration in Agassiz last Friday. Dozens of people gathered for about 45 minutes in the parking lot of the Agassiz Harrison Museum for the demonstration, in support of the movement across the country. Kathy James originally shared this photo of the peaceful event — which included talks by elders and traditional drumming — with our readers on the Observer Facebook page.

and a measure of sanity returned. I looked down at my nicotine-stained fingers and was thankful for concerned friends, but discouraged with my inability to maintain a resolution. Oscar Wilde said: “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.” I have resolved to eat as I please, smoke no more but no less, to exercise when I feel that rare urge and to resist everything except temptation. I may not live as long as I hope, but the time I am allotted will be spent more happily. Ryan Lengsfeld Nelson

No way to treat elderly

Last Thursday I took my friend to the lab to have her blood checked. After they took her blood they called the doctor, because her blood was in bad shape. He told her to go to the hospital's emergency for blood transfusion. A friend was kind enough to take her. I went an hour later to keep her company, only to find out she had to wait for three hours for her transfusion. I got a call from her the next morning to tell me they let her go at 3 a.m. — an 80-year-old lady to

Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013 7

have to take a taxi at 3 in the morning to come home after paying $54 for the ride. What the hell is wrong with this system of care for the elderly? I guess we older people are painted with a brush called "never mind she is old." This should not happen to anybody anywhere. In my humble opinion these were the men and women who made this country, is that the treatment they deserve? I hope not. Marceline Billis


Sudoku Jan. 13, 2013 Intermediate Level

See answers in Classifieds.

Feedback, comments and letters to the editor can be submitted by email:

The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

FUN club Rave Reviews...

Office Hours 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday closed Mondays Deadlines advertising: 4:00 pm Friday classifieds: 4:00 pm Tuesday

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In a world filled with Mad Scientists and Evil Inventions, one talented evil scientist’s hunch-backed lab assistant has big dreams of becoming a Mad Scientist himself and winning the annual Evil Science Fair.

The Observer, Petro’s Pizza and The Video Station are inviting kids up to the age of 12 years to join the Observer Fun Club. When your name appears in this section, come in to the Observer office within 2 weeks with this clipping & you will receive: • a free pizza from Pizza Plus • a free movie rental from the Video Station • a free book from the Agassiz Public Library upon presenting the birthday letter to them.

The Agassiz ❖ Harrison ❖ Hope

8 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013



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To the local merchants who so generously donated gift cards or merchandise for our annual new year’s Eve Party. Agassiz Dollar Store Kent Outdoors A&W, Agassiz Agassiz Produce Jack’s Restaurant Minter Gardens Ann & Darryl Wallis, Remax Happy New Year! BC Pensioners and Seniors Organization (BC oaPo Branch 113) Friendship house, Morrow Road

JessICA PeTers / Observer

The sun rises over Mt. Cheam on a cold but clear January morning. Environment Canada says to expect sunny skies in Agassiz through the weekend and into early next week, with highs of up to 10 C.

Couple dreams of fairy tale wedding Agassiz couple competing for trip to Mexico with their 10 children

Jessica Peters The Observer

Tammy Wood has felt the love that community support can bring

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her family. When her husband died tragically on the job a few years ago, she was pregnant with their sixth child. She never thought she’d love again, and she was certain no one would consider a woman with six young children. So she delved into the task at hand — raising her family as best as she could, staying positive and helping them through their devastating loss. Friends, family and even complete strangers all came to their aid, helping them through the grieving process and beyond. As more and more timed passed, Wood realized it was time to take care of herself. It was time to go out on a date, she said. Time to get a simple cup of coffee with another adult, and enjoy some conversation. She mentioned to friend that she was lonely for companionship, and that friend knew the perfect match. Enter Jason Alexander — tall, handsome, and a divorced father of his own four children. They initially met through Facebook, through their mutual

friend. That grew to phone calls which led to the first date. It was a match made in heaven, and over the course of a year, they fell deeply in love. All their

a resounding yes. They headed for the popular Rainbow Falls, where he had wine and a picnic planned. “It was exciting, romantic and peaceful,”


Tammy Wood and Jason Alexander are competing to win a wedding trip to Mexico, for themselves and their 10 children.

10 children also became close friends. One day, Alexander took Wood out onto the lake in a boat. The sky was a beautiful blue that day, Wood recalled, and the water was aquamarine. “He got down on one knee and told me he wanted me to be his wife till the end of our days,” she said. Of course, her answer was

she said. “My heart felt complete.” They would join their two families, putting the Brady Bunch to shame with a total of 10 children. But weddings can be pretty costly. Wood is a stay-at-home mom, with a widow’s pension. Alexander hasn’t been able to work recently because of an illness. It’s a financial predicament

that could hold off their wedding plans for quite a while. But maybe not. In the fall, Wood saw an advertisement for a Global News contest to win a dream wedding. The prize would allow for the couple and all the kids to fly to Mexico for the big day. She was thrilled to find out they were selected as finalists. Now it’s up to that community of friends, family and complete strangers to support them. It just takes a click of the mouse. “It would be a spectacular way to celebrate this love story,” Wood said. The contest is being run by Global, in which they air segments of each couple’s stories. The segments are available on Global’s website, and the Agassiz couple’s story aired on Monday this week. Voting is open until January 27. As an incentive to vote, Global is also giving away a vacation package worth $3,000 to one lucky voter. To learn more, and to vote for Wood and Alexander, visit www. dreamwedding.

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Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013 9

Agassiz Harrison

Business Excellence Awards Category definitions

non-Profit of the year Recognizing the organization making a significant difference in our local community in terms of public service, the arts, fund raising, collaboration & the number of local people they serve.

Agassiz Harrison

Business Excellence Awards OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM

The Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce would like to present the third Business Excellence Awards. These awards will be presented to local businesses or their staff members that have proven to be outstanding in their field of expertise.

excellence in agriculture This award focuses on quality, innovation & success in all aspects of agriculture. Celebrating farming, agronomy & food production; this award recognizes the significant impact quality agriculture has on everyday life.


excellence in tourism Tourism is a cornerstone of the BC economy & this award recognizes the important contribution made by the tourism sector to the Harrison/Agassiz region. This award is given to a tourism based business that has shown excellence in all aspects of customer service providing visitors to our region with an experience beyond their expectations.

Excellence in Agriculture Business Nominee:______________________________

excellence in retail This award celebrates the professionalism, innovation & creativity within our retail sector. It recognizes outstanding performance at all levels: customer service, creativity, branding & marketing.

Excellence in Retail Business Nominee:______________________________

excellence in Culinary Awarded to a dining establishment (includes cafes, fast food and fine dining) that exhibits consistency of quality, excellence in food, atmosphere & service. excellence in service - Business Exemplary customer service, customer retention & customer relationship management define the recipient of this award. This award honours a business that has been a leader in demonstrating entrepreneurial spirit, quality workmanship & professional mannerisms. new Business of the year This award acknowledges an outstanding new business (established less than 3 years). This business shows strength in creative marketing, welcoming local customers, high standards of customer service & innovative business practices. People’s Choice award The ‘People’s Choice’ Award is given to the business or organization that is recognized by the residents of Harrison Hot Springs & the District of Kent as attaining the highest level of business excellence in the region. Chamber’s Choice award This business will have contributed to the growth & development of the community through their products, services & customer service. Given to an organization that has a strong history in the business community, continued growth & innovative strategies. green excellence award Recognizing environmental responsibility & leadership. Nominees will be judged on their stewardship or protection of environmentally sensitive areas. employer of the year A business owner who has been a leader in their community, one that demonstrates entrepreneurial spirit, quality service & workmanship, and exemplary customer service. The nominee should be one that shows professionalism towards their employees and empowers them to succeed. employee of the year An employee that shows leadership, is dedicated to quality service & workmanship. This nominee should be one that gives exemplary customer service.

Non-Profit of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________

Excellence in Tourism Business Nominee:______________________________

Excellence in Culinary Business Nominee:______________________________ Excellence in Service-Business Business Nominee:______________________________ New Business of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________ People’s Choice Award Business Nominee:______________________________ Chamber’s Choice Award Business Nominee:______________________________ Green Excellence Award Business Nominee:______________________________ Employer of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________ Employee of the Year Business Nominee:______________________________ NOMINATIONS DUE BY: Thurs., Feb. 1, 2013 at 10:00 am AWARDS & DINNER: Thurs., Feb. 28, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Harrison Hot SPrings Resort & Spa Nominator: ________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________ RETURN YOUR NOMINATION TO: Agassiz Harrison Observer 7167 Pioneer Ave., or email MEDIA SPONSOR:

The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

10 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013



Mon-Wed&Fri...9am-5pm Thursdays....... Closed

Beat the Winter Blues

Fundraiser! for

Community Recreation & Cultural Centre Expansion Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013 5:30 p.m. to Midnight

Agassiz Agricultural Hall Cocktails 5:30 p.m. | Dinner 6:30 p.m. Silent Auction, Auction and Live Entertainment featuring Stacey McKitrick $50 per person TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED AT:

Municipal Hall, Fitness /Activity Centre, Agassiz Library, Agassiz Elementary Secondary School and The Observer, or by calling 604-796-2235 in partnership with:

The Agassiz ❖ Harrison

DARE to be a Kid! StartABBOTSFORD: Something DARE April 1to - 2 beMarch 3-4 a Kid! … Bowl your way to

Bowl your way to

Galaxy Bowl


Dogwood Lanes

RIDGE MEADOWS: ABBOTSFORD: February 9, 11March & 12 3 - 416 AprilMarch 1 - 2 20–March

Mentoring is about the power of friendship. Volunteers and young people are building friendships where they experience the magic of everyday moments REVS Bowling shared with a friend. Everyone needs someone to laugh with, share a dream Galaxy Bowlwith, and Dogwood Lanes just hang out... With friends it's the little things that make a big difference!


Mentoring is about the power of friendship. Volunteers and young people are

building friendships where they experience the magic of everyday moments Galaxy Bowl Dogwood Lanes Chillibowl Lanes REVS Bowling shared with a friend. Everyone needs someone to laugh with, share a dream Abbotsford

For more information orjusttohang register your team: with, and out...

March 11that&make12 With friends it's the little9, things a big difference! MAPLE 604-852-3331 RIDGE: HOPE: (Abbotsford) Call: REVS Bowling Sunshine Alley 1. Select a bowling party

It is easy, rewarding and FUN!

Dogwood Bowling Wednesday, March 4th 12-2pm

- Lunch Bowl

Thursday, March 5th

4-6pm, 7-9pm - Dine & Bowl

Friday, March 6th

Maple Ridge

3. Start Collecting Pledges Abbotsford 12-2pm—Lunch Bowl 4. Celebrate the difference 4-6pm - Dine & Bowl REVS Bowling Centre Dogwood Bowling your fundraising 6-8pm - Dine &March Bowl 4th Thursday, March 12 It is easy, rewardingwill andmake FUN! Wednesday, Galaxy Bowling in the lives of children and 12-2pm (Abbotsford)12-2pm– Lunch Bowl - Lunch Bowl ★ Friday, March 27th Friday, March 13th Thursday, March 5th families your ★ 1. Select a in bowling party 4-6pm, 9-11pm- Dine 12-2pm, 4-6pm, 7-9pm (Maple Ridge) 4-6pm, 7-9pm & Bowl community! 2. Register Your Saturday, March 28th Saturday, March 14th Maple Ridge Friday, March 6th 3. Start Collecting Pledges 4-6pm, 8-10pm Bowl 4-6pm, 7-9pm 12-2pm—Lunch 4. Celebrate the difference 4-6pm - Dine & Bowl REVS Bowling Centre your fundraising will make 6-8pm - Dine & Bowl Thursday, March 12 Galaxy Bowling Forinevery raise your and name will go into a draw for our grand prize!!!!! 12-2pm– Lunch Bowl the $100 livesyou of children ★ Friday, March 27th Friday, March 13th families in your ★ 4-6pm, 9-11pm 12-2pm, 4-6pm, 7-9pm PRESENTED BY: community! Saturday, March 28th

For more information or to register your team: E-mail:

604-852-3331 Online: Online registration available 604-852-3331 Call:Call: 604-466-7555

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Online registration available

Saturday, March 14th

4-6pm, 8-10pm

4-6pm, 7-9pm

For every $100 you raise your name will go into a draw for our grand prize!!!!! The Chilliwack

Progress The Agassiz ❖ Harrison ❖ Hope Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows since 1978


Consumers urged to be vigilant by BBB

Jeff Nagel

BlaCk Press

Predators who target singles on online dating sites and text messages that lure cellphone users into revealing personal information are among the top scams that aim to separate consumers from their cash this year. The annual top 10 scams list was released Tuesday by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in partnership with police and both federal and provincial consumer protection authorities. The number one scam of the year actually plays on the role of the bureau itself – fraudsters have sent millions of official-looking emails to people and businesses claiming they’re the subject of a BBB complaint and investigation and directing them to click a link that downloads a virus that steals banking information and passwords. “The immediate fear is that your company’s reputation may be harmed by a complaint,” BBB president and CEO Danielle Primrose said. “And that is why the scam works so well.” She said young people with smart phones can be particularly susceptible to text messaging scams that offer them gift cards at major retailers and lure them

to a web site where they give up personal information. Romance scams have spiked in activity, she said, noting more than 1,000 victims in Canada lost a combined $14 million last year. Perpetrators always have an excuse why they can’t meet in person and build an online relationship with the victim before asking them to wire money for travel or to help with a heart-breaking family emergency. “These are probably very under-reported,” Primrose said. “Who wants to admit that they’ve been taken advantage of simply for falling in love?” Older schemes are also still making the rounds. Rogue door-to-door contractors remain an ongoing problem. And ‘curbers’ selling deficient used cars, often imported from the U.S., are expected to become a growing problem as a flood of vehicles damaged by Hurricane Sandy make their way to other jurisdictions, including B.C. “Buy from somebody you have recourse against, such as a licensed dealer,” suggested Doug Longhurst of the Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of British Columbia. He also urged car buyers to

search the full vehicle history. “If a vehicle has been in three or four states, there’s a pretty good chance it was essentially ‘washed’ through those states to get the title clean.” Investment fraud remains a major problem for commercial crime investigators. One such case involving a notary public snared more than 200 Lower Mainland investors last year and cost them $83 million, according to B.C. Securities Commission spokesman Andy Poon. He said a survey last year found a quarter of B.C. residents aged 50 and up have experienced some sort of investment fraud in their lifetimes. “One of the most significant barriers we face is reporting,” said RCMP Sgt. Duncan Pound. “Come forward and move past the embarassment. It could happen to anyone.” Businesses continue to fall victims to phoney invoice scams, such as one where a Gabriola Island man bombarded businesses with fake invoices of about $140 each for a web hosting company. He raked in $150,000 before authorities caught him. For the full list of top scams for this year and tips on how to avoid falling for them see www.

Slopes for Hope hits Hemlock There’s a new way to fundraise for the Canadian Cancer Society — on the slopes. Slopes for Hope is a ski-athon being held at Hemlock Resort on Feb. 10. Participants can sign up as individuals for a personal challenge, or in teams and split the distance between team member.

Registration is $10 for those aged 13 and older, and free for participants 12 and under. And to encourage participation, there is no lift pass for those who raise $100 or more. Visit www.slopesforhope. ca to register, on Facebook or Twitter, or by phone at 604-5331280.

Other ski hills participating in this inaugural fundraising event are Kimberly Alpine Resort, Red Mountain Resort and Whitewater Ski Resort in Nelson. For those who aren't able to ski or snowboard, or are not able to attend the fundraiser, the website allows for pledging riders and skiiers.

2OFCJM I@ NB? 4;FF?S anadian G row g in C nT izin l a i ul c i pe

Flower Stand Fresh Cut Open Local Tulips

Paddling time

The Fraser Valley Dragon Boat Club will once again present the Dragon Boat Communitiy Challenge of The Valley this summer. And to prepare, they are teams for the Lilies and or Oriental Lilies available, accepting (HSTnow included) Tulips:Calla $3 per bunch 4 for $10 day's roster. Peonies and Gladiolus coming soon The event is on June (HST included) Hyacynths: $3.50 per bunch 8, and teams require (weather dependent) 20 paddlers with a Check website for up to date blooming information. minimum of eight female paddlers. The Tulip stand open daily until Thanksgiving. club provides paddles, Stand located at: 1694 Tranmer Rd. life jackets, boats, four Stand located at: 1694 Tranmer Rd. full coaching sessions and a full race day. Cost 604.796.3496 | per team is $500. E: For more info, phone 604.796.3496 | Ian at 604-997-0137. ps

2. Register Your Team604-466-7555 (Maple Ridge)

Scammers exploit text messages and dating sites


How To Reach us... • Classifieds......604-796-4300 • Display Ads.....604-796-4301 • Editorial..........604-796-4302

Tulip stand now open daily dawn to dusk.


Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013 11



Ruth and ‘Ruthy’ have a chat HHS’s active senior heeds advice of her quieter side morsel to eat. If you’re curious, he was in the bathroom that I used in the middle of the night! And this, Ruth thought, could surely have spelled disaster! She knew that, yes, they really will have to RuTH AlTENdORF be super careful if they Harrison want to travel! On the Happenings other hand, we also should remember this they wanted to visit and 93-year-old lady who places they wanted to remarked during a see. Of course, Ruth flight to Germany that mentioned, at our age sometimes it is alright this is not as easy as to dare! it sounds. We both By the way, you will have to be super wonder what it means careful not to trip or to be a “Rescue Cat?” fall or get into other Ruth wondered, too. troubles. At first she thought that Well, that’s a given, it was his duty to scare Ruth said, after all she any unfriendly cats had some experience away, which he could about this, didn’t she?! have done easily just But then, just displaying his size and recently, she had been weight! visiting their son and She was wrong, as his family and all went her grandchildren well. And this in spite explained. In Everett, of three very active they said, any cat, dog children under 10 years or other pet which of age, an equally active cannot be kept by dog and a beautiful the owner any more, but very overweight might be brought to “Rescue Cat”. the “Rescue Pet Shop”, It is true, she thought, which then will look Bruno (the cat) was for a new owner. Thus, mostly sitting on a chair. Bruno came to their But he had been put on house. He seems to a diet and one night like it but for the diet he unexpectantly they put him on! One turned up in a totally day, though, he will be unexpected place, most thankful - who wants likely looking for a to be an overweight cat


Windy, sandy days for Village

50 Years Ago, 1962 • High winds from the north in the past few days have confirmed the fears of those who said sand would blow off a beach at Harrison. Nothing can be done about returning the sand to its place until the wind stops. In the meantime, anyone who wants good clean sand to fill a sandbox is welcome to help himself. • Annual cost of the Agassiz district school has reached the $300,000 mark. Careful budgeting by the school board has trimmed some items in comparison to last year’s spending but increase teaching cost,

plus the financing of new construction has pushed the budget to $312,665 this year. • Green hay that’s as tasty and rich in proteins as imported Alfalfa can be produced at low cost by Fraser Valley farmers can be produced at low cost by Fraser Valley farmers according to Stan Tallman of the B.C. Hydra’s farm service department. “The secret”, Mr. Tallman explains, “is to finish the drying of the hay in the barn with a forced flow of natural air. The results are inexpensive and also spectacular.” Submitted by Agassiz Harrison Historical Society

forever? In the meantime, I am sure, he dreams of food in his sleep! But back to Ruth and Ruthy: after they had their talk they decided to go for a walk. Walking is the best exercise if we want to be fit for traveling, Ruthy had said and for once, Ruth had agreed right away. It was cold but bright and sunny and, most importantly, there was no ice or snow on the ground. Just for safety, however, they took their “walker” or “rollaider” along and off they went. People who had not seen them for a while, thought that they started to look more and more like the same person - as, indeed they are. The only problem they have now is to spread the word around about their new lifestyle, but Ruth said she will take care of it! Finally, a note to those of us who are looking for an additional easy activity right here in Harrison Hot Springs: Every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. there is table tennis available at the Harrison Hot Springs Memorial Hall - no fee. Give it a try!

TIRED OF PAPER CUTS? { View new flyers from your favourite retailers now at

January 2013

(Due to space limitations, each week we will publish a different set of groups and activities from the community).


wan Dam told from the point of view of a Canadian couple. We’re meeting to discuss this rich story on Weds., Jan. 23 at Hooked on Books: Agassiz 6:30 pm at the Agassiz Library. - Harrison Library Book Club. Pick up your book now! Prepare for a great discussion The talk is lively, the people friendly & the refreshments – on Canadian author Anne Michaels’“The Winter Vault”- a free! drop-in, no-membership required vivid story of Egypt in 1964 Lions TV Bingo Thursday building of the Asnights at 6 pm on Shaw Cable. during the

Reading - Unbound! Learn how to use your eReader, iPhone, SmartPhone, iPad or tablet to access books NOT on paper. Book an appointment to learn how to access the library’s collection of free digital books. 604-796-9510

Pick up your bingo cards at The Source - Chehalis Store & Ledoux Hardware

Local Groups & Activities Group 3 of 4

Kent-Harrison Arts Coun cil - KHAC meets the third Sun of each month. Please cal . (604) 796-8604 or email usl at kentharrisonartscouncil@ sha for more information. MS Support Group 3rd each month. 11:30 am - 1Thurs. of Chwk. Call Carmen at 604 pm in 2270. All Upper Fraser Val -796ley folks welcome. Olive Branch Dinners. Co us for a free home cooked me join Tues. 5 - 6 pm. 7571 Morro meal. ACS gym. No expectatio w Rd, ns, enjoy community companionshi Families & all ages welco p. me. Royal Canadian Legion drop-in “Fun Darts” every hosts pm & Fri. at 8 pm, Players Mon. at 4 arrive early to register. Cri needed, bbage daily. Non-members welco me. Call 604-796-2332 Royal Westminster Cana Army Cadet Corps meet dian Tues. from 6:30 - 9:15 pm every Seabird Island Youth Cen at the tre

Ages 12 to 19 years. No cha for uniforms. FMI email Caprge Cameron Hull at camero tain nhull@ Seniors Friendship House In: Mon. Srs Walking to Mu Dropam, Sit & Fit at 10:30 am, sic at 10 Bingo at 1 pm, Srs. Learn to Line Da 4:30 pm; Tues. Bridge at 12:nce at Cribbage at 1:00 pm.; We 45 pm., Curling at 1 pm.; Fri. Floord. Floor 1 pm. Info: 604-796-3422 Curling at

Singing - from 7:30 to 9 pm at HHS Memorial Hall. FMI call Rut h at 604796-2084 Stitch “n” Rip every Tue s. 9 am - 1 pm. Come to the Harrison Hall with any unfinished Mills stitching, knitting projec sewing, call Kim 604-796-2336. ts, etc. FMI Strong Start - Mon. - Fri. 3:30 pm at Kent Elementa12:30 Free drop-in for kids 0 - 5. ry School. Kent Elementary at 604-79FMI call 6-2161. T.O.P.S. Meets Thurs. at 9:3 5:45 pm., at the Agassiz Ch 0 am, or ristian Church


Perhaps I should start by explaining that Ruth and Ruthy are actually one and the same person. Ruth is the “doer” and Ruthy, well, she likes doing things too, but in a much more relaxed way. It had been like this all through their lives and both were happy about it even so Ruth almost always had her way. Lately, however, there were signs that she, too, began to take life more easy and when, one morning, she did not get up at a super early hour and even dilly-dallied around at breakfast, Ruthy thought the time had come for them to have a talk. Well, Ruthy said to Ruth, I am really glad to see you finally start to take life easier. Perhaps now we can finally do things together. Yes, Ruth answered, but what about my weekly column in the newspaper — I still enjoy it! Ruthy agreed that Ruth should continue with this and even offered to help if necessary! For the rest of the morning, however, they made a list of other things they wanted to do together - people

Community Corner

Group 4 of 4


Join Us in Worship

Agassiz Christian Refor med Church 7452 Morrow Rd . Sun. at 10 am. Call 604-796-9474 . Agassiz United Churc h 6860 Lougheed Highway. 604 -7962680 Agassiz United Ch urch Sunday Ser vice & Sund ay School at 11:15 am. Coffee tim e at 10:30 am. Minister Rev. Randy Antle. All Saints Anglican Ch urch 6904 #9 Highway, Agassiz. Ser vice at 10 am Sun.

Just a few of our Featured Advertisers:

your source for FREE coupons

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Mountainview Comm unity Church meets for worsh ip & fellowship on Sun. at 10: 30 am


the Ag Hall. Everyone we lcome. 604-796-2429.

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 7237 Morrow Road. Sund ay 9 am & 11 am, Tues. to Sat . 9am. Everyone Welcome. Co ntact Father Joaquim Dias 604 -7969181. The Harrison Gospel Ch apel Sunday Worship Ser vic e begins at 10:30 am. 514 Lillooet Ave, HHS. Call 604-796-9500 Everyone welcome. e-mail: hgc@ • harrisongospelchapel.c om

12 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013


Village of Harrison Hot Springs NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Monday, February 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Village Office 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC

AESS success

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Section 890 of the Local Government Act of British Columbia, as noted above, on the following items. 1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 1021, 2013 Location: The Municipality of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs, Plan 35160, Lot 37, Section 12, Township 4, Range 29, Meridian W6, Land District NW Purpose: The bylaw proposes an amendment to Zoning Bylaw 1020, 2012 TEXT AMENDMENT That the Village of Harrison Hot Springs Zoning Bylaw Number 1020, 2012, be amended by: A. Inserting the following new sub-section: “VI. 4). (8) Comprehensive Development Zone 3 – CD-3”; and B. Inserting the above sub-section within the Table of Contents. “VI. 4). (8) COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ZONE THREE – CD-3 .1) Intent This zone is intended to provide for low density, single detached dwellings on small bare land strata parcels located on Plan 35160, Lot 37, Section 12, Township 4, Range 29, Meridian W6, Land District NW. 2

.2) Permitted Uses The following uses and no others are permitted in the CD-3 zone: Principal Uses .1 Single Detached Dwelling


Conditions on Use

Accessory Uses .1 Home Occupation; .2 Parking area; .3 Parking garage. .3)

Conditions on Use .1 .2 .3

Parking area; Parking garage.

.2 .3


All permitted uses shall be connected to the Village of Harrison Hot Springs community water system and sanitary sewer system.


All parcels shall have vehicle access only through a common lane in the rear.


Landscaping and screening shall be approved by the Village and conducted in accordance with the conditions outlined within the Zoning Bylaw 1020.

All permitted uses shall be connected to the Village of Harrison Hot Springs community water system and sanitary sewer system. .4)rear.Regulations All parcels shall have vehicle access only through a common lane in the Landscaping and screening shall be approved by the Village and conducted in accordance with the conditions outlined within the Zoning Bylaw 1020.

On a parcel zoned CD-3, no building or structure will be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision will be approved which Regulations contravenes the regulations set out in the following table in which Column I sets to be regulated Column which II sets out the On a parcel zoned CD-3, no building or structure will be constructed, located or altered and no out plantheofmatter subdivision will be and approved contra regulations.


venes the regulations set out in the following table in which Column I sets out the matter to be regulated and Column II sets out the regulations. .5)

Community Amenities On a parcel zoned CD-3, no building or structure shall be constructed until the following community amenity has been provided to the Village: 1. A $15,000 contribution towards beachfront and waterfront streetscape improvements.



Comprehensive Development Plan On a parcel zoned CD-3, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or altered and no plan of subdivision approved which is not generally in accordance with the Comprehensive Development Plan which forms an integral component of this zone as Schedule 1. MAP AMENDMENT A.


That Schedule A, the Zoning Map of the Village of Harrison Hot Springs Bylaw No. 1020, be amended by rezoning the property located on Plan 35160, Lot 37, Section 12, Township 4, Range 29, Meridian W6, Land District NW, and as outlined in heavy black outline and cross-hatched on Schedule 2 of this Bylaw, from the Residential One Zone (R-1) to Comprehensive Development Zone 3 (CD-3). That the map appended hereto designated as Schedule 4 2 showing such amendment is an integral part of this Bylaw.

Residential One Zone (R-1) to Comprehensive Development Zone 3 (CD-3)



Minimum Lot Size

335 m2

Minimum Lot Width

10.5 metres

Maximum Number of Principle Buildings


Principle Buildings Minimum Setback  front parcel line  interior parcel line  exterior parcel line  rear parcel line

4.5 metres 1.2 metres 1.2 metres 4.0 metres

Maximum Number of Accessory Buildings and Structures

Accessory Building and Structures Minimum Setback  front parcel line  interior parcel line  exterior parcel line  rear parcel line


4.5 metres 1.0 metres 1.2 metres 3 1.0 metres

Maximum Lot Coverage


Maximum Building Height

7.5 metres for principle buildings 3.8 metres for accessory buildings

Parking and Loading

2 parking spaces per parcel

The document is available for review on the Village Office website at .5) Community Amenities or at the Village Office located at 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, during business Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 On a parcel zoned CD-3, nohours building or structure shall be constructed untilpm. the following community amenity has been provided to the Village:

Persons who deem that their interest in property is affected by the proposed zoning 1. A $15,000 contribution towards beachfront and waterfront streetscape bylaw amendment bylaw, will have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing, or improvements. if you are unable to attend, you may send your written submission to the Village Office, PO Box 160, Harrison Hot Springs, BC VOM 1KO no later than 4:00 p.m. February 4, Comprehensive Development Plan 2013. All.6) submissions will form part of the record of the Public Hearing. On a parcel zoned CD-3, no building or structure shall be constructed, located or

The proposed bylaw beplan inspected between the hours 8:00generally a.m. toin4:30 p.m., alteredmay and no of subdivision approved whichof is not accordance with the Comprehensive Development which18, forms component Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from Plan January 2013antointegral February 4, 2013, this zone as Schedule 1. inclusive, in theofVillage Office, 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC. Please direct your enquiries to the Manager of Planning and Community Services 604-796-2171. III. MAP AMENDMENT A. Thatno Schedule A, information the Zoning Maporofsubmissions the Village of Harrison Springs Bylaw Please note that further can beHot considered by No. 1020, be amended by rezoning the property located on Plan 35160, Lot 37, Council after Section the conclusion of the Public 12, Township 4, Range 29,Hearing. Meridian W6, Land District NW, and as outlined in heavy black outline and cross-hatched on Schedule 2 of this Bylaw, One Zone (R-1) to Comprehensive Development

from the Residential Debra Key Zone 3 (CD-3). Corporate Officer

The document is available for review on the Village Office website at That the map appended hereto designated as Schedule 2 showing such or at the Village Office located at 495 Hot Springs Road,B.Harrison amendment is an integral part of this Bylaw. Hot Springs, during business hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Persons who deem that their interest in property is affected by the proposed zoning bylaw amendment bylaw, will have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing, or if you are

Students working hard

AESS students are working hard this year, with many of them recieving recognition for A Honours, B Honours and effort. The following lists were supplied by AESS. Keep up the good work. -Observer staff EFFORT ROLL Grade 7 Chelsey Baboth Seleen Banez Emily Bestwick Natanel Cercel Georgina Issac Darrian Jenkins Jaydin Lees Jessica Lucki Kaitlin McGillivray Kaela Pope Drew Ramey Hannah Sharples Justine Stoeckly Megan Vander Wyk Grade 8 Jordan Baker Tanner Douglas Hannah Exley Trevan Kozel Alyssa Lawley Bradee Lowe Ben MacPherson Jacob MacPherson Coby Sayo Cody Sayo Emily White Grade 9 Cody Beauvais Daniel Cercel Lindsey Debruin Leif Forge Cassidy Fox Taylor Lees Jacob Lucki Keith Machelle Shareena Malhi Teagean McNeil Kayla Myles Braydon Peters Lauren Reynen Janelle Ryan Kevin Sanchez Euan Sayo Sarah Sisson Sydney Vander Wyk Karen Walton Autumn White Grade 10 Zach Callander Andrew Cercel Carl Graham Jeremy Harris B HONOURS Grade 7 Seleena Banez Aidan Coughlin Nauness Paul Paul Dumas Kevin Graham Brianna Heaton Jessica Heffell Darrian Jenkins Kaitlin McGillivray Katona Michell Kayla Oleksy Drew Ramey Quentin Robertson Logan Sarka Tiana Sennie Grade 8 Nicole Callander Daniel Charlton Tanner Douglas Riley Finlay Kristen Fleming Alexandria Howe

Reese Jacobi Elisha Johnson-Jensen Vanessa Kohuch Todd Marklund-Brown Hebrina McInroy Eric Peterson Makayla Pollock Michelle Pollock Hunter Ramey Alex Robertson Esme Van Paridon Melissa Vermette Brooke Visser Grade 11 Moise Cercel Kaelin Duncan Desireah Eustache Maggie Eustache Adrienne Ferguson Kim Garcia Megan Harder Mitchel Heaton Esa James-Point Nicole Johnson-Jensen Tyler Kafi Sabrina Khan Shelby Kramer Jessica Leins Ross McInroy Emma Schram Alex Simpson Katelyn Simpson Lyndon Striker Tianna Stuyt Eric Theede Terron Vander Wyk Grade 12 Mikah Bresland Jon Cercel Kim De Jong Shelby Dodd Brooke Duncan Simon Fast Kieran Forge Tommy Hrynkiw Eric Klody EJ Link Grant Morley Esther Nam Richard Paul Kim Peterson Brie Robotham Heidi Sanchez Katelynn Shannon Paige Touchet Ben Inkman Matthew Irwin Kalem Isbister Blake Kafi Joey Kennedy Alyssa Lawley Bradee Lowe Lauren Lowe Ben MacPherson Jacob MacPherson Henrietta McInroy Quinton McNeil-Bobb Owen McNeil-Joseph Sebastian Molina Seth Pettis-Adair Jessica Read Alex Schwichtenberg Martin Skoda Garrett Tailby Grade 9 Inaki Aguirre Tamara Andrew Cody Beauvais Chase Bestwick Continued on 15

Harrison Observer January 18, 2013 13 13 Friday,Agassiz January 18, 2013, AgassizFriday, Harrison Observer

The❖Agassiz ❖ The Agassiz Harrison ❖ Hope



Phone: 604-796-4300 Phone: 604.796.4300 | Toll Free: 1.866.865.4460 Toll Free: 1-866-865-4460

After-Hours Call Centre:

toll free: 1.866.575.5777 Fax: 604.796.2081 | Email: Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm email: INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920




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Advertise across Advertise across the the Advertise across the Lower Mainland Mainland in Lower in lower mainland in the 18 best-read the 18 best-read thecommunity 17 best-read community communityand newspapers newspapers and newspapers. 3 dailies. 5 dailies. ON THE WEB: ON THE WEB:



ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

Qualico® is recognized as the largest integrated real estate company in Western Canada. In the Vancouver area, we are currently building new homes in Surrey, South Surrey, and Coquitlam, with Langley soon to follow. With our growth, we now have the position of Jr. Estimator to fill. Qualico Offers Industry Competitive Salary and Full Health Benefits Package.

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

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AGREEMENT It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement.


Hazel Bob 1942-2013

She is survived by her 4 children; 13 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; and many others who she claimed in the Indigenous Way. She is united with her son, sister, cousins, parents, and grandparents.


COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS 21st Century Flea Market. Jan 20th 10am-3pm. Croatian Cultural Ctr. 3250 Commercial Dr. Adm $5.

$294.00 DAILY MAILING POSTCARDS! Guaranteed Legit Work. Register Online! ZNZ Referral Agents Needed! $20$95/Hr! Multiple $100 Payments To Your Bank! More Amazing Opportunities @

COMMERCIAL cleaning business for sale. 20 years Bella Coola valley. Gov’t and commercial contracts, equipment and sup,plies, turnkey operation. Ideal owner/operator, couple. Owner retiring, annual revenue 60-70 k with potential to increase dramatically. respond to or McKenzie Cleaning Services, P.O. Box 247, Hagensborg BC. V0T 1H0 Help Wanted!!! Make $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! FREE Supplies! Helping HomeWorkers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately!

TRAIN TO BE AN Apartment/ Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-665-8339, 604-681-5456.



Power sweeping & scrubbing and pressure washing. Must be hard working with a good attitude. Must be avail to work nights and weekends. Good driving record req’d. Experience beneficial, but will train. Based in Burnaby. Email: or Fax 604-294-5988 CLASS 1 OWNER/OPERATORS Sysco Kelowna is seeking Owner/Operators to pick up product at various supplier locations in the Vancouver area and deliver to Kelowna. Competitive rates. Apply to:

DRIVERS Class 1 Drivers wanted. Offering top pay. Close to home. Family comes first! 1 year flat deck exp. & border crossing a must. Email resume & driver abstract to:







Dealing direct with the crematorium can help ease the financial strain of arrangements. Call our professional staff today to compare. • Funeral Services • Memorial Services • Burial or Cremation • Urns starting at $89.00

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Call Bill Keyes at 604-820-8844 Bakerview Community Crematorium & Celebration Centre Ltd Located right on the Hatzic Cemetery 34863 Cemetery Ave, Mission



An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.



Mature persons with car or truck to deliver Yellow Pages™ Telephone Directories Chilliwack, Agassiz, Hope & surrounding areas.

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Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and Benefits Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE SUTCO continues to expand! Current openings; Chip Hauls, Chilliwack, Merritt, West Kootenays. Dedicated runs, day and afternoon shifts. Highway, dedicated tractor, Canada Only runs. Dispatcher, based in Salmo, days and evening shifts. If you are looking for a career that offers steady work, Extended Benefits, Pension Plan then apply online: Fax: 250-3572009 Enquiries: 1-888-357-2612 Ext: 230



FARM labourer. Fertilize, spray, cultivate, irrigate crops. Operate/maintain farm mach/equip, starting Mar/13 @ $10.25/hr Gill & Sons Berryland 15155 40 Ave Surrey. Fax resume 604-574-1306.





PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.

C & C Electrical Mechanical • ELECTRICAL • FULL PLUMBING SERVICES • HVAC GAS FITTING *Free Est. *Licensed *Insured 24hr. Emergency Service


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GENERAL LABOUR POSITION WITH MECHANICAL UNDERSTANDING We have an opening for our company located in the Gloucester Industrial Park, Langley for a team member in our production department. Duties include machinery operation and training in our welding department. We require a self starter with excellent written and spoken english. Please e-mail resumes to No phone calls. Only persons of interest will be contacted.

Send resumes and cover letter along with salary expectations to: We will only be contacting those we wish to interview.

Hazel will be lovingly remembered as a devoted mother, sister, aunt, cousin and friend. Our family raise our hands to you for your prayers, love and support during our time of need. A Celebration of Life was held January 11, 2013 at the Immaculate Conception on Seabird Island. A light has gone out of our lives but now burns brightly in our hearts and heaven.



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Hazel Bob passed away on January 6, 2013, at Regina General Hospital in Saskatchewan at age 70.


You will have: - Expertise in Wood framed construction Multi and Single family homes - Produce material quantity lists - Review quotes for trades and suppliers - Produce Budgets for Models - Produce PO’s - Interact with Field personal, trades and suppliers to resolve issues - Working knowledge of Excel and Word - Preference given to Candidates w/ Newstar(REMS) software exp

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Required for Western Star & Sterling Trucks of Vancouver Inc. Position available in Surrey location.

Union Shop - Full Benefits Forward Resume to Annish Singh Fax: 604-888-4749 E-mail:

Growing construction company looking for labourers, CWB certified welders and Experienced heavy duty mechanic. Please forward resume with related experience to Heavy Const Company requires journeyman mechanics to start asap, must be familiar with all heavy equipment Caterpiller, Komatsu, John Deere etc. competitive wage and superior benefit package. Required to work in shop in rural Winnipeg, MB and on job sites. email fax 204-224-9212. JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25. $31./hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email PUT POWER INTO your career! As a Fairview Power Engineer. On-campus boiler lab. 4th ClassPart A 3rd Class. Affordable residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882



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353 ROOFING & SKYLIGHTS Canuck Roofing All Roof Repairs Any job big or small. Free Est. *WCB *Insured *BBB 778-772-1969

14 Agassiz Harrison Observer, Friday, January 18, 2013 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 353 ROOFING & SKYLIGHTS

PETS 477




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STAFFORDSHIRE bull terrier, P.B. CKC registered. Staffies, only 6 left. Call Candace 604-780-4771





Sell your Home! with the &ODVViÀeG

Power Pack…

LiPiteG Time Offer!


Size not exactly as shown

AGASSIZ 2 bdrm gr flr corner unit in Woodside Terrace, clean, quiet, well mngd bldg. Ref’s req’d. Feb 1. $750 + utils & D.D. (604)588-6665 AGASSIZ no. 9 hwy 1 Bdrm apt, ground floor,secured building to single/couple w/refs a must. Min 6mo, looking for reliable tenant, $490mth plus Utility. 604-617-0055

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DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

HARRISON HOT SPRINGS 1 Bdrm condo with 5 appls, 2 prkg. NS/NP. $700. Avl Feb 1. (604)826-2006

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557





No qr code reader? Text info: 778.786.8271

6,600sf. or 5,400sf. @ $4.50sf. + 3N or 12,000sf. @ $4.25sf. + 3N 3 phase and single phase power. 3 bay doors 12 x 12. (604)941-2959



Agassiz- 3 BDRM/ 2BA. Large, clean home w/ living & family rooms and 1 acre yard. 1585- #9 Highway. $1400/m. Please call 778-245-3790 or 778-241-3618. Avail. Now! Harrison Hot Springs Lg., 2 bed. house w/ living & dining room, kitchen, laundry, 2 bath. $1000/mo + utilities, NS $500 deposit. Call John 604-793-8593





LOOKING FOR A DEAL ON A NEW VEHICLE? Save up to 40% OFF your next new vehicle... No games or gimmicks, deal direct with local dealerships.

F/s, w/d, gas f/p. Newly updated Looking for responsible mature tenant. NS/NP. D/D. References required. $780/mo Available now. Call Kelly 604-819-1936




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2009 NISSAN ROGUE fully loaded, 79,000 km, $19,000. Must see. Harry @ 778-878-0435.


MISSION - 2 BDRM new BSMT suite. Util incl. N/P N/S. No parties. $750. Call 604-864-5152.


SURREY: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout and new roof. $549,000. 604-575-5555.

AGASSIZ - 1 BDRM, recent reno, coin laundry. $595 avail now. Wayne, Stratatech Consulting LTD. 604 799 0259

ROOM FOR RENT- In newer Harrison Hot Springs home, suits student, furnished. N/S, ref req’d. $400/m. Call (604)796-3325

Sell your home FAST in the highest read community newspapers & largest online sites!








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CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at or call 1 (604)820-2977

1999 PONTIAC TRANSPORT van 7 pgr low km ST#281 THIS WEEK $2299 1997 HONDA CIVIC 4dr auto Aircare ST#323 $2700 1998 HONDA ACCORD auto 4dr sdn Aircare ST#339 $3495 1999 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sedan fully loaded ST#303 $3495 2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr auto sdn a/c runs good st#302 $3500 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto Aircare low km st#313 $3800 2002 HONDA CIVIC 4dr sdn auto power locks Aircare ST#334 $3800 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4dr auto 4X4 runs good ST#221 $3900 2005 FORD TAURUS auto fully loaded air care low kms only 99km st#318 $4500 2007 PONTIAC MONTANNA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $6900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6900 2007 FORD FUSION 4dr sdn aotu full load Aircare st#321 $7,900 04 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 auto Aircared ST#319 $7900 04 AUDI A4 4dr sdn, auto Lthr Aircared ST#320 $8800 2009 CHEV IMPALA 4dr auto, loaded ST#325 $8,900 2008 NISSAN SENTRA 4dr auto low km fully loaded st#332 $9500 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto st#328 $11,500 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms st#331 $12,500


WEED FREE Mushroom Manure 13 yards - $160 or Well Rotted 10 yards - $180. 604-856-8877


SCRAP CAR REMOVAL 2 hr. Service (604)209-2026



The Scrapper

Power Pack iQcluGeV Agassiz-Harrison Observer

AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!

Jan. 18, 2013

ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!

Call 604.575-5555 The Agassiz





PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.


1997 FOR F150 Supercab 3 dr 5 spd v6 st#330 $2900 2006 GMC 3500SLE crew cab 4X4 auto fully loaded long box only this week ST#198 $7,900 2007 FORD F150 reg cab V6 auto long box ST#205 $8,900 2006 FORD F350 crew cab siesel 4X4 auto long box runs good st#282 $10,900 2005 GMC SLE CREW cab 4X4 auto diesel long box, loaded ST#218 $10,900 2008 FORD F150 REG CAB 4x4 auto long box ST#207 $11,900 2007 FORD RANGER 4X4 auto S/cab st#193 $11,900 2007 FORD F150 supercab cre XLT 4X4 auto fuel loaded ST#273 $13,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box ST#283 $13,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#309 $14,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel only 156K st#17 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160Km st#310 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto full loaded long box st#311 $15,900 2008 GMC 2500 HD Quad cab 4X4 auto long box ST#267 $15,900 2005 CHEV 2500 HD LS cr/cab Duramax diesel leather 4X4 auto ST#190 $15,900 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto short box ST#275 $18,900

33166 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford DL#31038





MATTRESSES starting at $99

CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866



BRANDNEW PILLOWTOP QUEEN MATTRESS SET. In packaging. Incls. Warranty $200! 604-798-1608

BOSTON TERRIER PUPS CKC Reg. Vet Ck, Exc. Pedigree, Reputable Breeder. Call 604-794-3786


TROPICAL FISH SALE! All the products you need for your aquarium. Order online and receive 15% off with coupon code: FISH15 Sale ends January 27. 1-855-839-0555

A BED: QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET New in Plastic $150 (360)778-9473

BEAGLE PUPS, tri colored, good looking, healthy, vet check $700. (604)796-3026. No Sunday calls


Chihuahua pups, 3M/3F, ready Valentine’s day, first shots, dewormed. $750. (604)796-8685


AMERICAN BULLDOGS $800 Ready NOW 4 females, 2 males Call for appt. (604)230-1999



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Tree removal done RIGHT!




Sell your Car! with the ClassiÀeG

Power Pack…

LimiteG Time Offer!

Sell your vehicle FAST in the highest read community newspapers & largest online sites!


2010 VENZA: Like new, only 20,000 kms, fully loaded, automatic, 6 cylinder, dvd system. $22,800. 604-575-5555.



Size not exactly as shown


Power Pack incluGes Agassiz-Harrison Observer PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.


ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!

ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!

Call 604.575-5555 The Agassiz



Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013 15


Agassiz honour rolls

From 12

B HONOURS GRADE 9 Daniel Cercel Lindsey Debruin Zane Elliott Millar Frederickson Brittany Howard Michaela James Austin Klotz Sharenna Malhi Kayla Myles Makenzie Peters Lauren Reynen Kevin Sanchez Hayden Simon Katelyn VanderEijk Grade 10 Trevor Bobb Rachel Brown Jeremy Harris Resse Jacobi Grade 7 Chelsey Baboth Emily Bestwick Natanael Cercel Georgina Isaac Jaydin Lees Jessica Lucki Kaela Pope Hannah Sharples Justine Stockely Megan Vander Wyk Grade 8 Jordan Baker Hannah Exley Trevan Kozel Serena Madsen

Kendra John Sean Lau Jade Solomon Esme VanParidon Brooke Visser Grade 11 Moise Cercel Megan Harder Mitchel Heaton Brylee James Faylen Jenkins Tyler Kafi Sabrina Khan Shelby Kramer Colby La Fond Jessica Leins Bailie Lowe Siequa McNeil-Bobb Jessica Souliere Lyndon Striker Tianna Stuyt Tatsuru Terado

Eric Theede Terron Vander Wyk Grade 12 Florin Andrie Leanne Bodnar Amanda Boorman Mikah Bresland Kim de Jong Shelby Dodd Simon Fast Tommy Hrynkiw Jae Min Hwang Josh Jewett Clayton Lake Spencer McColl Grant Morley Esther Nam Richard Paul Ashton Penner Kim Peterson Andrew Stuyt Zachary Wells

AESS A HONOUR ROLL Coby Sayo Callander Cody Sayo Andrew Cercel Emily White Megan Debruin Grade 9 Carl Graham Leif Forge Elisha JohnsonTaylor Lees Jensen Jacob Lucki Vanessa Kohuch Teagean McNeil Eric Peterson Braydon Peters Makayla Pollock Janelle Ryan Michelle Pollock Euan Sayo Hunter Ramey Sydney Vander Alex Robertson Wyk Melissa Vermette Autumn White Grade 11 Ian Wilson Kaelin Duncan Grade 10 Desireah Zachariah Eustache

Maggie Eustache Adrienne Ferguson Kim Garcia Esa James-Point Nicole JohnsonJensen Ross McInroy Emma Schram Grade 12 Jon Cercel Brooke Duncan Kieran Forge Eric Klody EJ Link Brie Robotham Katelyn Shannon

Make some noise against bullying on Pink Shirt Day February 27th…

Meet the Pros



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New Cabinetry, and Cabinet Refacing Counter Tops 6390 Pioneer Ave, Agassiz


16 Agassiz Harrison Observer Friday, January 18, 2013



BURNING REGULATION BYLAW NO.1448 All residents and property owners within the District of Kent are reminded that a burning permit is required for 2013 in order to burn within the allowable areas. BURNING WITHOUT A PERMIT IS PROHIBITED Burning permits may be purchased at the District of Kent, Municipal Hall located at: 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC For more information please call 604-796-2235, or go to ISSUED BY: Local Assistant Fire Commissioner, DISTRICT OF KENT





7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Marle


7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Wilma/Nancy


7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Marle


8:50 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Marle


8:50 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Marle




10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Marle

7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Marle


8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Nancy


9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Marle


8:50 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Marle


9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Nancy


10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Marle

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Alice

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Marle

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. Alice



1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Leonne 5:45 p.m. - 6:40 p.m. Blazenka


8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Nancy 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Marle


8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. Marle (Agri Hall)




7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Wilma/Nancy



The lands that are subject of the proposed bylaw are outlined in the map below:


8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. Marle (Agri Hall) 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Nancy

Written submissions received before 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 21, 2013 will be presented at the hearing.

6:15 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. Nancy




At the hearing, the public may make representations to Council respecting matters contained in the proposed bylaw and all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions.


6:15 a.m.- 7:15 a.m. Nancy



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Council will hold a Public Hearing in accordance with Section 890 of the Local Government Act in the Centennial Centre, Municipal Hall, 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC, on Monday, January 21, 2013 commencing at 7:00 p.m. to consider presentations from the public with respect to “District of Kent Zoning Bylaw 1219, Amendment Bylaw No. 1489, 2012”.


1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Leonne

ABS/BUTT/THIGHS 5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Nancy


‘BACK’ TO FITNESS 5:45 p.m. - 6:40 p.m. Blazenka


6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Marle

6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Marle



5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Mike

In general terms, the proposed amendment is to:



provide a new Home Occupations section that includes existing Cottage Industries language and creates additional opportunities for small, home based businesses in the District of Kent; and


include a new section on Farm Home Plate and Farm Employee Residence to assist in preserving the long term agricultural potential of land within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

6:40 p.m. - 7:40 p.m. Marion (No passes, $5 drop-in)


7:45 pm - 8:55 p.m. Mike




(Non-participants of Circuit Class have access to cardio equipment only)

$8 DROP-IN or 3, 6, 12 MONTH PASS


Part 3 Definitions: new and revised definitions;



Part 7 General Regulations: the replacement of existing Part 7.12 Home Occupations with a new Part 7.12 Home Occupations; and



Part 7 General Regulations: the removal of Part 7.14 Cottage Industries and replacing with Part 7.14 Farm Home Plate and Farm Employee Residence.



• Adventures in Play Drop-in Program Mon / Wed / Sat 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. • Mother Goose – Free! . . . . . . . . Starts Jan 22

• • • • • • • • • • •

ACTIVE PRESCHOOLERS • KinderDance Starts Jan 19 • Sporty Tots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starts Jan 26

ACTIVE CHILD / YOUTH • After School Drop-in Program – Free! Mon / Wed 2:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. • Sports Ventures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starts Jan 19

Sewing Classes Zipper Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan26 Red Hat Fascinator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 2 Photography Advanced Digital Photography . . Starts Jan 26 Health and Safety Weight Loss Program . . . . . . . . Starts Jan 24 WCB Occupational First Aid Level 1 . . . Feb 23 Introduction to Massage . . . . . . . Starts Feb 5 Infant Massage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb 16 Fitness New Wed night NO SWEAT! New Sat Bootcamp and Abs, Butt & Thighs

This bylaw and any relevant documents to be considered by Council may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, from January 4, 2013 to January 21, 2013 inclusive, at the reception desk in the Municipal Hall Office located at 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC. Enquiries may be directed to the undersigned at (604) 796-2235.

2013 UPCOMING COUNCIL MEETINGS: PUBLIC HEARING (Bylaw 1489) . . . . Jan 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING . . . . . Jan 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

Box 70, 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz BC V0M 1A0 • Tel 604.796.2235 • www.district.kent.

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