The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956
From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen
Wednesday, October 2012 Wednesday, January31, 23, 2013
Vol. 404 Vol.56 57Issue Issue
BERNIE RAVEN CHRIS RAVEN 1-866-598-7415 TEAMRAVEN.CA Offices in Panorama, Invermere & Fairmont
Family Literacy Day embraced Pg A12
Fire and Ice set to take over Fairmont Pg A15
Fairmont fire suspects nabbed
MaxWell Realty Invermere
Curling kid
Arson charges laid against two residents in their 20s from Radium, Invermere NICOLE TRIGG
Arson charges have been laid in relation the suspicious fire that destroyed three partially built condominium buildings at Columbia Eagle Resort in Fairmont Hot Springs on December 22, 2012. As of January 17, a 20-year-old female from Fairmont Hot Springs and a 25-year-old male from Invermere have been CONTINUES TO 'DAMAGES' ON PAGE A8
BC Liberal fundraiser in Alberta raises eyebrows Proceeds for Clovechok's Columbia River-Revelstoke Liberal campaign CAROLYN GRANT Special to The Valley Echo
Columbia River-Revelstoke candidate for the BC Liberals, Doug Clovechok, attended a fundraiser for his campaign in Calgary last Thursday (January 17) night with some big names from his party, including Deputy Premier Rich Coleman and Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Bill Bennett. Holding a political fundraiser out of province has raised some CONTINUES TO 'OUT' ON PAGE A3
DAN WALTON/ECHO PHOTO Invermere's Bonspiel on the Lake took place over three days from January 18 to 20 and by all accounts was an incredible success with a huge turnout. These two intrepid curlers were caught in action at Lake Windermere's outdoor curling rink on Sunday, and The Valley Echo will award a free subscription to whoever can identify them! Email
What’s happening this week at Smoking Waters... Friday - Robbie Burns Day Join us for lunch and enjoy our themed menu complete with hearty Scotch broth soup and homemade Scottish Oat Bread, Scotch eggs, oat cakes and of course Scotch to drink! No Haggis, we promise! We’ll also have a bagpiper playing 11 am - 2 pm.
Sunday - FREE Pancake Breakfast, 8 am - 12 pm Coffee of the Week: Scottish Caramel latte
We’re also featuring a Winter Comfort Food Menu!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Crystallized calm
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Personal Mastery Workshop
Premier revisits decision on auditor-general Clark's proposed two-year extension welcomed by local NDP MLA, Liberal candidate
SUBMITTED PHOTO BY BRIAN FENERTY This photograph was taken at James Chabot Provincial Park in Invermere on Monday, January 14. The photographer, Brian Fenerty, said he was struck by the stillness of the park in the cold, winter morning.
Premier Christy Clark’s announcement that she’d like to see a two-year extension given to the contract of the current auditor general is not election grandstanding by the Liberals, according to BC Liberal candidate for Columbia RiverRevelstoke Doug Clovechok. “I think it’s clear the way that the premier has outlined it, that the system we’ve got now is flawed,” Clovechok said. “This new approach would respect
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Complete snow removal services available Did you know we have huuuuge Seniors' discounts?
the independence of the committee, which is really important, while reforming the system to restore confidence back into the system.”
“We do have to recognize the premier is right in addressing this issue.” NORM MACDONALD MLA COLUMBIA RIVERREVELSTOKE
Clark’s proposal to make the auditor general’s contract a one-time eight-year term with no opportunity for reappointment came after a controversial decision by an allparty legislative committee to not reappoint the current auditor general John Doyle for a second six-year term. The BC Liberals came under fire for the decision as Doyle is known for his tough stance on the Liberal government’s fiscal management, and the committee — made up of three Liberal and two NDP MLAs — needed to be unanimous in order to reappoint him. “We have to recognize the premier is right in addressing this issue,” said Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald. “The auditor general should be allowed to continue in his role, and the premier has taken the first step towards having that happen.” The committee had not made a decision on the two-year extension by The Valley Echo’s press deadline.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo A3
Page Three
Have a news tip? or 250-342-9216
Firefighters honoured
Echo Index Content Opinion..........................................A6-A7 Community Calendar.........................A9 A&E....................................................A15 Sports.........................................A16-A17 Brain Games......................................A18 Remember When?.............................A19 Build Your Wealth..............................A20 Classifieds..................................A21-A22 Business Profile.................................A23 Business Directory............................A24
Columns Off the Record.....................................A4 Tech Yourself.......................................A7 Ramble On..........................................A7
Features Fishing Derby 2013...........................A11 Family Literacy Day..................A12-A13 Snowflake Festival Photo Gallery.....A14
Find us online JESS DE GROOT/ECHO PHOTO Invermere Fire Rescue members John Shaw and Fire Chief Roger Ekman display the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals awarded to them by District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft on Monday (January 21) night at a special awards ceremony at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch in Invermere.
Out-of-province fundraising debated CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1
eyebrows, and in fact Premier Christy Clark defended the fundraiser in the Globe and Mail the day prior. Clovechok defends it as well, though he said he was a bit surprised at a “little tiny fundraiser turning into a national event”. “This is not an unusual thing as other parties including our provincial NDP raise money in other provinces,” Clovechok said. He said he wasn’t aware if the NDP had ever actually held a fundraiser out of province, but that it wasn’t that unusual. The $125 a plate dinner was held at the Delta Bow Valley in Calgary. Invitation letters, signed by Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR) owner Murray Edwards, were sent out to business people in both Alberta and B.C. “RCR owns two resorts in Columbia River-Revelstoke — Kicking Horse and Kimberley — and one in Bill’s riding (Fernie). I am grateful to Murray for doing this,” Clovechok said. Edwards did not organize the fundraiser, he said. “The event was organized by Rod Love, who is helping with our campaign, and a group of senior Calgary business men. This is a unique opportunity for us to raise some funds, but also to promote our area to Albertans.
We call Albertans our friends and neighbours. I am going to Alberta representing the people I hope to represent after the next election, the people of Columbia River Revelstoke. We are Alberta friendly, we want Albertans to invest in this area and are open to Albertans doing business here. Columbia River-Revelstoke is Alberta friendly, but I will be representing British Columbians, not Albertans.” However, Clovechok said that as second homeowners at many resort communities in this riding, Albertans do pay taxes and contribute to the economy. “I get so many phone calls from Albertans who have bought in this riding who want to know where their tax dollars are going. They can’t vote, but my office will be open to them. Currently I’ve been told by countless Albertans that they have tried to write to Norm Macdonald (NDP MLA) with questions and have received little support.” Macdonald categorically denies that he doesn’t respond to requests for assistance wherever they come from or that he fundraises out of province. “When?” he asked of the out-ofprovince fundraising. “I know where I raise my money. We raise money from the people in our area. We get it $100 to $200 at a time. Where our campaigns are successful is in volunteers. “The BC Liberal candidate will have all sorts of money but we will simply
outwork him on the ground. We have won the last two elections spending less money than any other winning campaign. That speaks to a whole lot of people — from Kimberley to Revelstoke and across this riding — putting their time and effort into the political process and I am very proud of that. It roots you in doing what is best for all people as a whole rather than a vested interest.” Macdonald also said he does hear from Albertans. “What Mr. Clovechok is asserting is wrong. We do a good job responding to anything that comes to us. But I represent the people of Columbia RiverRevelstoke. The idea of holding a fundraiser in another province brings up questions. Who are you beholden to? “We do hear from Albertans and they complain about gas prices which have increased dramatically because of BC Liberal policy. They complain about the HST, which was official BC Liberal policy. They complain about second homes purchases being impacted by the HST, which until recently were flatlined because of BC Liberal policy. These complaints go directly to very controversial BC Liberal policies.” Clovechok said the timing of the fundraiser was opportune as both Coleman and Bennett had other business in Calgary at the same time. Carolyn Grant is the editor of the Kimberley Daily Bulletin.
InvermereValleyEcho @TheValley Echo
Got news? Call Nicole or Dan at 250 342-9216 or email news@
Last week's online poll results Should Auditor General John Doyle be reappointed for another six-year term? Total Votes: 11 Yes: 90% No: 10%
(10 votes) (1 votes)
This week's online poll question Do you agree with Columbia RiverRevelstoke Liberal candidate Doug Clovechok fundraising in Alberta for his campaign? Cast your vote at poll *NO SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED*
Valley Echo subscription rates Annual subscription rates (incl. tax) Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $45.30 Office Pick-Up $34.50 Canada $62.60/ Outside Canada $182.00 Seniors (local) $34.50/Seniors (Canada) $56.00 Six months subscription rates (incl. tax) Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $29.40 Seniors (local) $22.80 The Valley Echo is published every Wednesday by Black Press Publishing.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Village of Radium Hot SpRingS
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The Village of Radium Hot Springs is welcoming applications for municipal grants in aid to community groups for endeavors, events or programs for the 2013 budget year. Applicants should pick up a guide to assist them in preparing a complete application. The deadline for applications will be February 8th, 2013. Guides may be obtained from the Village office, 4836 Radium Blvd during office hours.
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Invermere dialysis unit to close Permanent closure of unit questioned by NDP DAN WALTON
After $15 million in public funds was spent by the Liberals on an advertising campaign as part of the BC Jobs Plan, on the same day it was announced that the Invermere dialysis unit would not be re-opening due to lack of financing, and NDP MLA Norm MacDonald questioned the Liberals’ priorities. BC NDP leader Adrian Dix has charged that the advertising campaign is only to improve the Liberals' re-election chances. “Many people in this area will be forced to travel vast distances for dialysis services a number of times every week,” MacDonald said in a press release. “It’s simply not acceptable for even more services to be removed from this area… It’s hard to take the government claim that there is simply no money to provide this necessary service when government is currently spending millions on advertising with the sole purpose to try to convince you to vote for them in May.” In speaking with The Valley Echo,
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MacDonald said, “They’ve got to fix that. It’s not a lot of people, but it’s not a huge cost either. They should fix that very quickly. I’m surprised they haven’t addressed it sooner.” According to Interior Health, however, the dialysis unit closed for a different reason. “The unit was not closed because of money, that’s number one,” regional director for renal services for Interior Health Paula James explained. “We’ve had quite detailed discussions and conversations about the sustainability of the unit with limited patient volume, and right now we only have one renal patient, and ongoing staffing challenges. So that has been very difficult — we’ve been temporarily closed a number of times and it’s been difficult from a Human Resources perspective, from a staffing perspective and particularly for the renal patient that don’t know if it’s going to be open, closed; it’s kind of been up and down because it’s the only unit in B.C. that’s staffed with only one nurse.” In regards to the staffing issue, James said a dialysis unit requires specially trained nurses who are in great demand. “So it had nothing to do with money,” she said. “It was definitely be-
cause of ongoing challenges with human resources and such." James said there are different options for renal patients, and independent home dialysis is one of them. "It’s actually an effective alternative to having facilitate renal dialysis, because the patient can receive the dialysis on their own in their homes where they’re supported with equipment, nursing, and whatever else that they need to do that," she said. "There’s no cost for the patient to do that and it definitely is a viable option for the majority of patients on dialysis because it not only supports their independence with managing chronic kidney disease, it also supports excellent renal care because they can dialyze longer." With home dialysis, patients can dialyze all night long and have better outcomes for their renal disease, versus being limited to four hours in a renal unit — making it the preferred treatment. “Invermere has one renal patient at this time who's waiting for transplant," said James. "And so, the patient’s challenged with the travel and I can certainly understand CONTINUES TO 'HOME' ON PAGE A5
Off the Record — Dan Walton
Happy to be in the valley I’m the new reporter at The Valley Echo Saskatchewan. and I couldn’t be happier to be living and Writing about politics, hockey and hisworking in Invermere. tory is what I find most enjoyable — and it I spent just over 12 months working at a seems like there’s a lot to say about those newspaper in rural Saskatchewan before topics in the Columbia Valley. making the westbound move. Reporting in I can’t understand why most people the Prairies was enjoyable, but on my free choose to live outside of the mountains. time, there wasn’t much to do other than With the constant breathtaking views, the stare at tumbleweeds. fresh air, abundance of wildlife and the A few summers ago I was living in Banff countless things to do outdoors, you can working as a housekeepimagine how depressing it er. Other than my job, I is to reside anywhere flat. couldn’t get enough of “Living in Invermere Living in Invermere the mountains. On top of greatly raises my quality greatly raises my qualthe surreal mountainous ity of life. I plan on getof life. I plan on getting scenery, I noticed the genting a season’s pass at eral attitude of people liv- a season's pass at PanPanorama and joining a ing in the mountains to be orama and joining a beer beer hockey league. Once much friendlier. But I most it’s warm, I’ll be hiking hockey league.” appreciate Invermere for the mountains and rock the extreme sports which climbing every chance I are only found in the Canadian Rockies. get. But no matter what time of year, it’s alInvermere makes it much easier for me ways a blast to pedal around rugged terrain to reduce my carbon footprint. The news- on a mountain bike. paper where I was previously employed Those who I’ve met so far in Invermere tossed every shred of paper in the garbage have treated me almost like family. I’m and there was no public recycling at all; the ecstatic to be living and working in such a mayor of the town proposed to implement beautiful environment with an active and a program, but it was very poorly received. friendly community, especially at a newsI recycled more on my first day in Inver- paper with such a rich history and engaged mere than I would in a month in boonie readers.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo A5
New wheels for Invermere fire rescue squad New aquisition for local fire department saved taxpayers $170,000 NICOLE TRIGG
The Invermere Fire Department welcomed the newest member of its team at a regular training session on Tuesday, January 15. The front line fire engine is up from Minnesota and is a 2010 demo model by Pierce Manufacturing, considered a global leader in custom fire truck and fire equipment manufacturing. “That’s exactly the type of truck we wanted, but in getting the demo we saved $170,000,” said deputy fire chief and training officer Jason Roe. Because it was a demo, the department was able to buy it at a discounted price — $390,000 instead of $570,000 — and it’s still practically brand new, said Roe. With just a few miles on it, it’s never been on the fire line and the pump has hardly been used. The pump is one of the truck’s topof-the-line features. Called the “pump thumper”, it’s a simpler system with less components that is easier to maintain and more user-friendly while also taking up less space and allowing for more cabinet room to store fire fighting equipment. By law, the Invermere Fire Department is required to have two front line “pumpers” less than 15 years old. Once replaced, a front line pumper can still be used for five more years as a reserve vehicle before it must be retired. Although the new fire truck was manu-
nicole trigg/echo photo Invermere Fire Department members with their newest front line pumper on Tuesday (January 15).
factured in 2010, its 15 years of shelf life as a front-line pumper doesn’t begin until it’s put into service at a fire department, said Roe. The department’s other frontline pumper still has another seven years left on it. The new truck brings the department’s fleet of trucks to a total of five: two front-
line pumpers less than 15 years old, one reserve truck (the recently retired frontliner), one rescue truck (the main purpose of which is responding to vehicles therefore it carries the jaws of life and equipment for confined space rescues), one water tender that holds 3,000 gallons of water, and a parade truck.
“We’re required to have the water tender because we have areas that don’t have fire hydrants, so we use it to shuttle water to supply the trucks to fight the fire,” said Rowe. The newest fire truck also boasts air bag technology and a new type of suspension that allows for better handling.
Home option could be an alternative for renal patients Continued from Page A4
that, but again, the home options are certainly an alternative rather than driving for most patients.” She said there are currently patients in the community undergoing dialysis at home. James promotes the use of TeleHealth at the Invermere Hospital, which provides comprehensive services available
over the phone. “The patient will come to the Invermere hospital and through TeleHealth and a nurse on that end with the patient, they’ll be able to link in with a nephrologist in Trail, the social worker, the dietician, and the renal nurse and the doctor can actually do a physical examination of the patient through Telehealth,” she said. "There’s actually, for example, a stethoscope where he could hear the patient’s chest and see the pa-
tient through video.” Because the rates of renal disease in the Interior Health Region have declined, James said it’s unlikely the unit will re-open in the near future. “Looking at what our future renal growth is, there in a lack of growth for that area as well, so we don’t see it changing, which is a good thing — [it] means that people are healthier or not coming on board with renal disease," she said. "And so in saying that, the renal patients that
are on home treatment are well supported as well as our patient that is travelling to Cranbrook at this time.” Asked if a Golden patient with renal disease would have to seek treatment in Cranbrook, James replied, “If it was a new patient coming on initially, yes. So if you have a new renal patient, they always have to go first to where the full renal program is. For Interior Health, a full renal program, there’s one in Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton and Trail.”
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Something to say? email
Any publicity is good publicity It only goes to show what a hot topic B.C.'s upcoming provincial election has become that BC Liberal candidate for Columbia River-Revelstoke Doug Clovechok made national headlines last week. That Liberal Premier Christy Clark rushed to defend the fundraiser thrown in Clovechok's honour in Calgary, Alberta last Thursday didn't hurt Clovechok's public profile either. As the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity. Yet the issue proved not to be because Clovechok broke protocol. Fundraising in other provinces for a provincial election appears to be a legitimate thing to do, according to a spokesperson for the NDP who spoke to the Globe and Mail. What had people talking was the fact that Clovechok's campaign fundraiser actually took place outside the province of British Columbia. In his defence, Clovechok has said that out-ofprovince fundraisers aren't uncommon, and while no examples have been forthcoming, it begs to question why this differentiation between out-of-province funding and a fundraiser that physically takes place out-of-province really holds any weight at all. At the end of the day, it really doesn't make a difference whether a B.C. political party benefits from financial support that comes in from another province or an individual affiliated to any one party takes a trip across the border to fundraise. The funds are still coming in from sources that are not in-province, although an Alberta-based businessowner who runs a B.C.-based business may choose to think otherwise. Regardless, it's not a debate of right versus wrong. Any opinions on the issue come down to personal preference as opposed to party politics. Whereas the NDP accepts donations from companies based outside of B.C., NDP MLA for Columbia River-Revelstoke Norm Macdonald stands by the fact that fundraising efforts for his campaign are based strictly in his riding. But a pricey fundraiser in Calgary for a campaign taking place in this region overlooks what could have been an opportunity to put money in the hands of local businesses. Had the fundraiser been held on this side of the border for the very same assortment of B.C. and Albertan business people, residents in the Columbia River-Kootenay riding would have already begun to benefit.
Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Keep the oil in Canada Dear Editor, I came to Canada in 1957. In the latter part of the ‘70s, I became interested in politics and followed the news from Ontario, mostly by radio and television. In the mid ‘80s under Brian Mulroney’s term as prime minister, my interest grew as he attempted to get a trade deal with the USA. In due time, he finally got it, and at last it was signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1980. It seems very interesting that a lot of people are against the pipeline Enbridge intends to build from Alberta’s oilfields to British Columbia’s Prince Rupert. I do believe Canada’s natural resources should belong to the people who live and work here; therefore I suggest we close that pipeline. So with the pipeline closed, we can all get benefits. Can you imagine it? A little history about myself. Three years after my arrival, I drove an Oldsmobile V8 at a cost of $0.30 an Imperial gallon. Can anyone explain to me why I have to pay around $1.30 for a litre today? This is not really a question but a fact. Another fact. I became a citizen in
1975 and I think it is a shame to those of us who live here to see people walking the streets, in any big city, in Canada. I ask Honourable Stephen Harper and his entire Cabinet: Can we not do something? I was raised in Denmark and consequently I may think a little differently from Canadians. I understand we have many problems, like seniors, single parents, people with disabilities and the mentally ill. I am no longer proud to call myself a proud Canadian! I watch Harper daily on TV. Tell me why we can’t keep that oil in Canada, take people off the streets, put them in shelters, homes, apartments, condominiums, or whatever, and pay for it all with the money from the oil sands. Finn Haldrup Wilmer
Idle No More analyzed Dear Editor, I have mixed feelings about the Idle No More protests. There are growing divisions within the First Nations leadership, and there has always been a lack of clarity about how best to address First Nations’ poverty and unresolved rights and title claims. However, we must be very careful not to judge these protests too quickly or too harshly. The freedom to protest is a key te-
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
530 13th Street • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9216 Rose-Marie Regitnig publisher
Nicole Trigg editor
Dan Walton
Angela Krebs
Dean Midyette
Jessica de Groot
Renice Oaks
dean@cv-pioneer. com
customerservice@inver- In Absentia
Sheila Tutty
net of a healthy democracy. While we might be inconvenienced by protests or even disagree with the reasons behind them, it’s important to remember that the freedom to protest is a fundamental democratic right we need to protect. We must take care that our impatience with the personal inconvenience public protests may create does not enable our government to exercise authoritarian control over our freedom to express ourselves. The Idle No More protests have been a long time coming. They are the result of increasing frustration with treaty processes that are set up to fail, an Indian Act that maintains a paternalistic relationship with First Nations, and the development of natural resources that continue to have unresolved ownership claims. Our federal and provincial governments pay lip service to resolving these long-standing issues; but their focus on accelerating the development of Canada’s and B.C.’s natural resources has brought the issue of resource title and benefit sharing to a head. In the absence of consultation processes that work, clarity of ownership over these resources, and equitable sharing of the benefits of resource Continues to 'letters' on Page A7
Notice of Copyright: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC Press Council – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 23, 2013 A7
What's your opinion on BC Liberal candidate Doug Clovechok fundraising in Alberta for his campaign?
on the Street
Tech Yourself — Aaron Mackenzie
Las Vegas shows off the newest and greatest tech Every year at the start of January something fantastic happens in the world of consumer electronics. The annual CES (Consumer Electronics Show) happens in Las Vegas! CES is the largest CE show held in North America. The show is run as a press- and industry-only event with no access for the general public, but with Internet media being so prevalent, the average Joe gets info on the newest and greatest tech as they are announced. Likely the biggest topic that will get thrown around by most folks is 4k television. For those not familiar, 4k is the new format slated to dethrone 1080p as the king of high definition
video formats by boasting a native Expect to see 4k TVs showing up in resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. Still retail locations around August 2013. in its infancy as an adopted techAnother hot product that I am really nology, 4k televisions will enable a looking forward to is BlackBerry 10 by jump in visual quality on par with the Research in Motion. RIM is a Canadichange from older an company that was TV broadcasts to HD synonymous with “I had personally Blu Ray movies. dismissed BlackBerry as a the best cell phones I wouldn’t run out available for the lonrelevant player until I saw gest time. They made and buy one quite yet though. Content a demo video of their new it possible, and still recorded in 4k is still do for many busicamera software.” pretty hard to find, nesses, to distribute and there is already groundwork in email to staff on a cell phone in a place for 8k Ultra High Definition secure and confidential manner. BB (7680 x 4320) with supporting 22.2 10 is set to mark BlackBerry’s return to surround sound (22 speakers and 2 the spotlight after not quite innovatsubwoofers). ing fast enough to keep up with Apple
and Android devices. I had personally dismissed BlackBerry as a relevant player until I saw a demo video of their new camera software. A new feature called Time Shift would allow you to take a still picture, and use video from the few seconds leading up to the picture to adjust when someone was smiling or blinking. Check out YouTube’s “BB10 time shift camera” to see it in action. After seeing that and reading some of the other things the new phone will be capable of, I am a believer again! Aaron Mackenzie is The Valley Echo's technology columnist and the sales manager at The Source in Invermere. He can be reached at
LETTERS continued from page A6 development, First Nations’ frustrations have grown to the point that they feel compelled to take to the streets. When the treaty table doesn’t work, when the government won’t resolve long-standing legal rights issues, and when companies and the government make money from natural resources to which they don’t have clear title, what is left for First Nations to do but disrupt the status quo to force action on these issues? The courts have said these issues must be resolved. The investment community has said these issues must be resolved. But federal and provincial political leaders continue to address First Nations issues with little more than empty talk. Instead of grumbling about the inconvenience these protests create, if we take the time to educate ourselves about these issues and join the call for reform, then maybe this time our political leaders will finally start doing the hard work of resolving these complex issues once and for all. Bob Simpson MLA Cariboo North
Liberals vs. NDP Editor’s note: Peter Ross is formerly from Fernie where he was a regional director for the Regional District of East Kootenay. His let-
ter was copied to The Valley Echo for publication. Dear Editor, Joe Sawchuk’s letter to Fernie’s Free Press faults me for not explaining why I think the BC Liberals have little chance of being re-elected in May 2013 and he then lists a number of occasions when the NDP has lost elections in various other provinces, apparently as the reason why they will lose next May in B.C. Well, I don’t think other provinces’ historical changing of the guard is the determining factor in who is first past the post in B.C. elections. I was going by the latest polls reported in the media and the list of present BC Liberal MLAs who have announced they are retiring (while still undefeated) and will not run in the 2013 election. I expect the BC Liberals loss of popularity, as indicated by the polls, is a result of their failure to achieve what they promised to do, like magically increase revenue by reducing income tax; or doing something they indicated they would not, like implementing the HST. Here is how the increase in revenue went. According to the Tyee, when the BC Liberals took over the government in 2001, they discovered the NDP had left them a surplus of $1.5 billion for that year. That CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A10
Ramble On — Marilyn Berry
Our valley is the place to be We are right smack in the middle of another busy season in the valley. The Bonspiel on the Lake is over (by the time you read this), so is the Snowflake Festival but the pond hockey tournament is a little better than a week away along with the annual Ladies’ Bonspiel running from February 1 to 3. This year’s theme for the ladies ‘spiel is Viva Las Vegas so be prepared to see a number of somewhat crazy women around town dressed in their version of Vegas. I’m really not too certain how the ol’ “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” thing is going to apply but I am certain that there will be a lot of fun had by all. Last year I suggested that perhaps some of the married couples out there might want to join up and have the men enter the hockey tournament while the ladies enjoyed the curling bonspiel. I was told in no uncertain terms by one of the bonspiel
participants that I should not advance that theory. She said that this was a girls’ weekend and it was going to stay a girls’ weekend! The important thing here is that these events provide both an economic and enjoyment stimulus to our community. I spoke with many participants of last year’s events and was overwhelmed with the number (especially among the hockey players) who had never before visited our valley and were looking forward to returning. And not just returning in a year’s time to play again but to coming back to enjoy all we have to offer in the summer time too. The boys (Columbia Valley Rockies) will also be back in town that weekend to face the Castlegar Rebels on Friday, February 1 and the Spokane Braves on Saturday, February 2. A playoff spot seems likely right now and the team appreciates
the support it has been receiving. You can never have too many fans though so be sure to get to one of these two games and cheer them on. Funny thing happened at the last home game... a man with a somewhat familiar face approached me and asked if I remembered him. We all know that is one question that causes a great deal of stress — “Where have I seen him before” runs wildly through my brain. Turns out he was here from Alberta to play in the Oldtimers’ Tournament on Labour Day weekend and I was the dealer at the Blackjack table he played at. Now his son is playing for the Rockies — go Karsten! Remember, there is a great deal of truth to six degrees of separation! Marilyn Berry is the community columnist for The Valley Echo and can be reached at maberry7@
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
We’re There!
Playground Design, Supply and Installation
Request for Proposals The Village of Radium Hot Springs is requesting proposals for the Design, Supply and Installation of playground equipment in two Village Parks. Copies of the Request for Proposals are available for download from BCBid at and the Village of Radium Hot Springs website at . Sealed proposals will be received up to February 15, 2013, 4 p.m. local time at: Village of Radium Hot Springs, PO Box 340, 4836 Radium Boulevard, Radium Hot Springs, B.C. V0A 1M0
Proposal documents transmitted by facsimile machine or electronic media will not be considered. Arne Dohlen, Director of Planning and Development Services
We love our grandchildren! The Valley Echo will be publishing this very popular section in the February 6 issue. We would be pleased to publish the photo of your grandchild(ren) in this special. Drop off a photo along with child(ren)s’ name(s), parents’ and grandparents’ name(s) and for $40 + HST we will include them in this section. Deadline is Friday, February 1 at 12 p.m.
Ruptured water tank floods employment centre Minor damages to equipment, ceiling of thrift store below
the employment centre shut its doors to maintain the office’s relaxed environment. “We closed because we didn’t want anybody to be in an uncomfortable situation because the dehumidifiers and the fans they put into DAN WALTON these places to dry them out are really loud and noisy,” he said. During the evening of Monday, January 14, a Though there are a few details left to touch up, ruptured water tank flooded the second-storey Ptarmigan Restoration had the office back to offices of the Columbia Valley Employment normal within 72 hours. The thrift shop, which Centre (CVEC), damaging some equipment is located directly below the Employment Cenand causing minor damage to the ceiling of the tre, suffered minor damage from the leak. Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop below. The “The thrift shop didn’t sustain much damage damage was not noticed until Tuesday morning. other than the ceiling,” Jenkinson said. “That’ll “Our office sustained some damage to be replaced.” equipment and it actually closed the public Jenkinson said that between 20 and 30 walkarea of our offices on Tuesin clients use the centre each day, Wednesday and Thurs- “We closed because we didn't day, and were directed to the day, but we’re back up and BC Services office, the local running [Friday],” CVEC want anybody to be in an college, and the public library self-help host Jim Jenkinson uncomfortable situation.” during the centre’s closure. told The Valley Echo. Should the offices sustain JIM JENKINSON Jenkinson said the ap- EMPLOYMENT CENTRE SELF-HELP HOST an unexpected closure in pointments booked last the future, Jenkinson reweek at the centre weren’t disrupted, but minds job-seekers that employment websites walk-in clients were required to compromise, are running 24/7, referring to local resources “During the disruption, anyone who had an,, servicecanaappointment with any of the staff was seen —, and also the newspaper. we just met with them in a back office where “People weren’t denied job the opportunity they weren’t discomforted or at any risk,” he to look for job ads,” he said. “The only thing said. “It was just the front public area that was that they couldn’t do is photocopy and fax.” affected by the water.” Jenkinson said he is grateful for the library, Aside from having no fax machine or photo- college and local services office for the aid copier for three days last week, Jenkinson said provided during the setback.
Damages estimated to be $2M CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1
arrested and charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel. The fire, which lasted three hours, caused damages estimated to be between $1.5 million and $2 million. The two suspects were identified as the result of an ongoing arson investigation, which also determined that the owners had no insurance and that the buildings had no
electrical or water services. The Valley Echo reported in its January 9th issue that the developer behind the project, Columbia Eagles Resorts Inc. president Wayne Franchuk, remains committed to rebuilding the destroyed condos and completing the resort’s development. At completion, Columbia Eagles Resort will consist of eight chalet buildings, plus a main lodge that will house all the amenities including a spa, food
services, and more. Franchuk described the condominiums as privately-owned hotel units, but not timeshares. “It's a boutique facility, very unique, it would be truly five star, something the valley region has always needed, it still needs,” Franchuk said. He estimated it would take three and a half months to rebuild the destroyed condos back to the construction stage they were at then complete them.
Rotary of Radium Hot Springs meets at Higher Ground, Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Ongoing fundraising is going towards the Bicycle Pump Track. Rotary Club of Invermere meets every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. in the mezzanine at Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena.
T he
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley 530 - 13 Street, Invermere • 250-342-9216
Rotary International
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Little Idle No More activity in the Columbia Valley Despite a grassroots protest on Winter Solstice, Akisqnuk First Nation has no official position
Bergles explained that there hasn’t been any discussion from council specifically about those topics as broad, general issues rarely see an official position taken at Akisqnuk. A grassroots protest involving a handful of Akisqnuk residents, lasting roughly five minutes, took place in front of the band office on DAN WALTON December 21. “People might have opinions; individual During the month of January in which nu- community members may be involved,” Bermerous protests have taken place all over gles explained. “But from the band’s perspecCanada, the Idle No More tive, there hasn’t been any movement has been rela- “From the band's perspective, discussion specifically tively quiet in the valley. about pipelines, navigable there hasn't been any discussion waters act, even idle no Adrian Bergles, the communications co-ordinator specifically about pipelines.” more - there just hasn’t for Akisqnuk First Nation, adrian bergles been any kind of official told The Valley Echo that akisqnuk commmunications position taken. the band has not taken an “There’s lots of work to do official position on the national campaign. here in the Columbia Valley here at the Akisq“At a community level, there may be par- nuk First Nation and that’s the focus.” ticipants,” he said. “But the band itself hasn’t The Shuswap Band could not be reached for taken any official position.” comment.
Village of Canal Flats sets date for by-election Canal Flats mayor hopes for big candidate and voter turnout NICOLE TRIGG
The Village of Canal Flats council has an empty seat it is looking to fill after former councillor Evence Blanchard resigned in December. The nomination period for the upcoming byelection to elect a new village councillor will run from February 19 to March 1 with April 6 slated as the date for the by-election. “I just hope a lot of people come forward and
mpanion rner
Animal Name: CHOCO Age: 4 years old Breed: Mexican street special Family: Geoff Hill, Jess de Groot, Stevie Fun fact: Choco is one of the lucky ones and was rescued from a Mexican pound. He eventually found his way to Invermere and was adopted by Geoff, Jess and Stevie. Unforunately for Choco, he very much dislikes deep snow and swimming. To be featured, send in your companion’s name, age and photo, along with a fun fact or story about them! Be sure to include your name. Email
stand up for the job,” said Canal Flats mayor Ute Juras. “And I hope a lot of people will go out and vote.” Responsibilities the new councillor will likely shoulder include helping finish up projects from last year and moving new items up the list of priorities, she said. A planning and priorities session scheduled for February 15 will provide more clarity on what the future will hold for the successful candidate and with the Columbia Discovery Centre getting close to completion, a move into new council quarters sometime in May may prove to be an added bonus. “They will be lucky enough to not have to go through the entire budget because we will be close to adopting it at the time,” Juras said. A9
Community Calendar Send your events to WED JAN 23 • Scrapbooking with Summit Youth Centre at Scrapper's Cove, call 250-342-3033 to register, 6 - 9 p.m. FRI JAN 25 • Robbie Burns Day at Smoking Waters Cafe, Scottish menu, bag piper from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat Jan 26 • Contents of Home Garage Sale fundraiser for Windermere Community Association Youth Centre, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., 1709 8th Avenue, Invermere • Radium Public Library "'Learn to Draw with Trudy" Session 1, 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Children all ages welcome • Snowshoe fitness classes begin with Columbia Valley Life Sports, call 24 hours in advance to rent shoes. 250-342-3033 • Kinsmen Club of Windermere Valley 13th Annual Kinsmen Fishing Derby, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Registration starts at 8 a.m. at the Station Pub, $35, lots of prizes! MON JAN 28 • Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce Women in Business meeting, Landscape your life with Life coach Elizabeth Shopland, 6:45 to 9:00 p.m. $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Light refreshments served. Call 250-342-2844 for more info and to register SUN FEB 3 • CV Arts presents Morgan Childs at Christ Church Trinity, doors at 7:30 p.m., concert at 8 p.m. $15 in advance or $20 at the door. EVERY SUNDAY • Public Indoor Rock
Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. • Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Hall • Drop-in roller skating, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., $5, Glacier Peaks Gymnastics building, 250-342-5321 2nd SUNDAY • LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-3429580
olds) and Beavers (5-7 year olds), JA Laird, 6 - 7 p.m. 1st & 3rd WED • Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Call 250-342-6416 • Bingo, Windermere Community Hall, opens at 6 p.m., starts at 7 p.m. 2nd & 4th WED • Seniors' Day at the Invermere Library, bus provided
EVERY MONDAY • Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Centre • Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509. • Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/ person. Visitors welcome • EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674
EVERY WEDNESDAY • Indoor soccer, DTSS gym. Drop-in, $2, 8:30-10:00 p.m.
1st & 3rd TUESDAY • OPT clinic, 6:308:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 850-10th Ave. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing
EVERY FRIDAY • Baby Goose program for parents and babies up to 18 months. 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Eileen Madson Primary. • Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. • Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit
1st TUESDAY • Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@ EVERY TUESDAY • Yoga THRIVE- Yoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot Springs studio, Fairmont Village Mall. For info call Jan Klimek at 250-3421195 • Shuswap Bingo at the Shuswap Indian Band Office downstairs, doors open at 5:30 p.m., early bird at 6:45 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. • Cubs (8-10 year
EVERY THURSDAY • Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509 • Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Community Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided
EVERY SATURDAY • Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. Invermere Thrift Store • Thursdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 1 - 4 p.m.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
REDUCE Our Newsprint is made from
over 50%
recycled paper
LETTERS continued from page A7
A cold web offset printing process which creates no emissions 100% canola based inks
REUSE • Share with a friend • Train the puppy • Use as packing •Arts & Crafts paper
RECYLCE Please be responsible and
recycle your paper!
Bingay Main Coal Project Public Comments Invited As part of the strengthened and modernized Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012) put in place to support the government's Responsible Resource Development Initiative, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Bingay Main Coal Project located in British Columbia on January 18, 2013. The Agency invites the public to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment. The public can review and comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines, a document that identifies the potential environmental effects to be taken into consideration and the information and analysis that needs to be included in the proponent’s EIS. Centremount Coal Limited is proposing the construction, operation, and decommissioning of an open pit and underground coal mine located approximately 21 kilometres north of Elkford, in southeastern British Columbia. The proposed project would produce 2 million tonnes of metallurgical coal per year over a mine life of 20 years. Written comments must be submitted by February 17, 2013 to: Bingay Main Coal Project Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 410 - 701 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V7Y 1C6 Telephone: 604-666-2431 Fax: 604-666-6990 To view the draft EIS Guidelines or for more information, visit the Agency’s website at (registry reference number 80024). All comments received will be considered public. Copies of the draft EIS Guidelines are also available for viewing at the following locations: Elkford Public Library 816 Michel Road Elkford BC
Sparwood Public Library 110 Pine Avenue Sparwood BC
Fernie Public Library 492 3rd. Ave Fernie BC
Cranbrook Public Library 1212 2nd Street North Cranbrook BC
Consistent with the transparency and public engagement elements of CEAA 2012, this is the second of four opportunities for Canadians to comment on this project. Following this comment period, the Agency will finalize and issue the EIS Guidelines to the proponent. An application period for participant funding and a future public comment period related to the EIS will be announced later. Projects subject to CEAA 2012 are assessed using a science-based approach. If the project is permitted to proceed to the next phase, it will continue to be subject to Canada’s strong environmental laws, rigorous enforcement and follow-up and increased fines.
could be the only significant annual surplus a B.C. government ever had. Ironically, Gordon Campbell reacted by announcing, “It’s even worse than we thought so we will have to reduce income tax even more in order to balance the budget.” Also according to the Tyee, the total provincial debt that had been accumulating since the Social Credit days was $31.8 billion in May 2001 when the BC Liberals took over. Keith Baldry, Global’s legislative reporter, plays a part in the revenue picture because he praised the virtues of the BC Liberals leading up to 2001 election and was given some credit for the NDP defeat. He continued enthusiastically supporting the Liberals well into their second term. However, in the summer of 2009, after the BC Liberals were in their third term, I heard Mr. Baldry announce that the total provincial debt had reached $60 billion and was expected to reach $80 billion by 2013. After all his enthusiastic support, it must have been crushing for him to admit that. If our total provincial debt is $80 billion and the interest rate is five per cent, it is costing taxpayers $4 billion annually to float the loan; and $4 billion, strangely, is the average annual deficit you get going from a debt of $31.8 billion in 2001 to $80 billion in 2013. Re-elect the Liberals, reduce income tax to the wealthy a bit more, and maybe we can pay $5 billion in interest annually. I have never heard a BC Liberal mention the total B.C. debt, but I have heard some promise to balance the budget. An annual deficit averaging $4 billion doesn’t sound balanced to me. Maybe it can be made to look smaller after they get rid of John Doyle, the present Auditor General who has had the audacity to criticize the BC Liberals’ monetary shenanigans and creative accounting. Respectfully, Peter Ross Creston
Smart meters protested Editor's note: This letter was sent to Gary Murphy, BC Hydro Chief Project Manager of the Smart Metering Program, Premier Christy Clark, Rich Coleman, Adrian Dix, John Horgan, and copied to Black Press papers for publication. Dear Mr. Murphy, In your letter to me (dated January 4) you stated that the installation of a smart meter at my residence was delayed at my request. Those are your words, not mine. I did not request a delay. I refused to have a microwave transmitting device unilaterally imposed upon me and installed anywhere on my property. I challenge BC Hydro to disprove the scientific research that is presented and discussed in the BioInitiative 2012 report. The report can be found at Until such time that you can disprove this research to my satisfaction, I will continue to refuse to have a transmitting smart meter anywhere on my property, and furthermore I will use all means at my disposal to defend my right to do so. I have taken steps in my personal life to reduce my exposure to the radio frequencies that will be emitted by smart meters, including the choice not to use a cell phone, the choice to hardwire my computer, and the choice to eliminate cordless phones from my home not to mention others. BC Hydro and the government are crossing a line. I will consider any attempt to install a smart meter on my property an act of trespass and a violation of my Charter Rights. James G Smith Nanaimo
Hard at work for health care Dear Editor, I read with concern a press release issued by the NDP on January 17 regarding the closure of health care units and services in our riding. This claim does not represent the facts. Decisions regarding the cessation of any medical service do not lie with government but with health care management officials and are made with greatest of consideration. The management of health care service delivery was put into the hands of professionally trained experts by the BC Liberal government many years ago simply because politicians have no business making health care management decisions. This system has worked well and continues to be responsive to ever-changing health care needs. Today, B.C. has the best health outcomes in Canada in many key categories like joint replacement, cardiac and cancer care, resulting in the healthiest people in Canada. This management model continues to ensure precious health care dollars are used in a way that brings the greatest return to British Columbian patients and their families. The truth is that total spending on health care in this province has increased by 92 per cent since 2001 from $9.4 billion to $18 billion this year, and funding for Health Authorities will be increased by $1.1 billion over the next three years. That said, there are still cost pressures, which is why the health authorities and government are working to streamline services, increase health promotions, and find savings and efficiencies to improve health care for today and tomorrow. The BC Liberals take you and your families’ health care issues very seriously and we continue to work hard to ensure that B.C.’s health care system is sustainable so it will be there for our children and our grandchildren. Doug Clovechok BC Liberal Candidate Columbia River-Revelstoke
Alberta fundraiser defended Dear Editor, Some of our neighbours who pay taxes in our constituency, spend money in local businesses, and contribute to the overall success of our economy won’t be able to vote in the May provincial election. They want to have a voice in Victoria. That’s why BC Liberal candidate, Doug Clovechok, finds it very gratifying that not only permanent B.C. constituents feel he is that voice but that many residents who are “dual citizens” feel the same. Recently Doug was invited to a fundraiser in Calgary supported by people who spend a lot of time in our region and have homes and significant investments in our province. Our neighbours’ stepping up says good things about Doug Clovechok’s candidacy. Like the many individual B.C. donors who contribute to our campaign, we want to thank others who are taking action to ensure that our campaign will succeed. It is through such effort that our volunteers know they will have the resources they need to win. To all who support us we say thank you! Todd Mitchell President/ Fundraising Chair BC Liberal Party CRR 814
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo A11
Fishing Derby 2013 Meet the Burbot (lota lota) - A Winter Fish LAKE WINDERMERE AMBASSADORS Special to The Valley Echo
Burbot (also referred to as ling cod) were historically an ecologically important top predator in Lake Windermere and were important for First Nations peoples. More recently, burbot have significantly decreased in Lake Windermere and the Kootenay region of southeast BC. As a result of these declines, they are considered a species of regional concern in the Columbia River watershed. Protection of this species’ habitat in Lake Windermere is therefore important. Scientists found juvenile burbot in Lake Windermere in 2002. When scientists looked for the fish again in 2007 they didn’t find any. If their population levels become too low, it might not even be possible to recover this species through interventions such as fish stocking. What do they look like? Burbot look a little funny to anglers who are used to the size and shape of trout and salmon. Burbot are long and skinny with a long chin-whisker, making them look a bit like a cross between a catfish and an eel. They have small fins relative to their body size, which means they are adapted to living near lake
and stream bottoms and aren’t strong swimmers. They have brown mottles (spots) on their skin. Can I catch them? Because their numbers are so low, Lake Windermere’s fishing regulations specify that you can fish for burbot as catch-and-release only. Would I want to catch them? Burbot are desirable as a food source for many people around the world. In Finland, its eggs are served as caviar. For First Nations peoples in the East Kootenay region, the burbot has both historical and cultural importance. Many tribes fished for burbot throughout the Kootenays and used them as a dietary staple in winter. In the early 1900s, many settling families in Windermere depended on catch-
Rent a shack and join the derby REEL AXE ADVENTURES Special to The Valley Echo
ing burbot to make it through the winter as well. Ice fishing for burbot served as a social activity on Lake Windermere in winter from the 1900s to 1970s. Burbot Fun Fact Studies of newly hatched burbot in Columbia Lake identify that the baby fish remain sedentary on the rocks for at least 5 days after hatching, at which point they start a unique behaviour of spiraling up towards the surface and sinking to the bottom. This “wriggling” continues for about a week, after which they start swimming further afield and begin feeding. If you see a burbot during the fishing derby, please let the Lake Windermere Ambassadors know by emailing or call 250341-6898.
Good luck
to all participants in the Kinsmen Fishing Derby! District of invermere
Well, it’s that time of year again. The lake is frozen and everyone is recovering from the annual lake bonspiel, and ready for a long day of ice fishing. The annual fishing derby is always a huge success in the valley with everyone trying their best to fight the cold weather and hopefully fight a big sucker for the top prize. Luckily this year all you have to worry about is fighting the fish. Let Reel Axe Adventures worry about the cold. This year we are offering ice shack rentals to keep you warm while you jig your hooks and sip your hot chocolate. Each shack includes heat, with rods and tackle also available. Our cozy shacks seat up to six people, or if you are like me, five people and a dog. If you don’t get a chance to make it
914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934
Guided fishing Charters & tours
Kris Deren
Angling Guide
250-688-5626 into the derby — not to worry. Our shacks are available all winter long until the lake turns back to water. When that happens, it doesn’t mean you can’t count on us to keep you comfortable while you fish. We also offer many fishing excursions while the weather is nice. Relax on our 21 inch pontoon fishing boat as you pull chunky bass out of the weeds or the top of the water. We also have a fleet of
river boats and can take you on an overnight or a two-night scenic trip down the Columbia River. Let us take care of everything as you relax and fish for big thick char and see a side of the valley most have never seen. Of course all meals and gear (camping and fishing) are included in the adventure. So good luck to everyone this weekend. Have fun and stay warm. Reel Axe Adventures
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Family Literacy Day Get literate at Invermere Public Library INVERMERE PUBLIC LIBRARY Special to the Valley Echo
“15 Minutes of Fun” is this year’s theme for ABC Life Literacy Canada’s annual Family Literacy Day which is celebrated on January 27 each year. There are many quick and easy ways that families can spend 15 minutes together to support the development of early literacy skills in their children. From writing grocery lists to singing songs to reading stories together before bed, these small chunks of time in our daily family lives really do make a difference. The Invermere Public Library invites families with children of all ages to spend some time this week adding in 15 minutes of fun and learning together. Here are some activities that you can do at the library this week: 1. Come by the library to see if you can find the biggest book on the shelf. What about the smallest book? 2. Choose a new recipe to try from the cookbook section. Make a grocery list and head to the store for the ingredients. There is plenty of learning and lots of fun that can take place in the kitchen. 3. Spotted a winter bird in your backyard? Track it down in one of the bird books and find out what kind of bird it is. 4. Drop in for preschool storytime which runs every Friday morning at 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs, and crafts are always on the agenda. Give us a call to see what
Dragonfly Discovery Centre
very Centre
#4 7585 Main Street West, Radium (next to library) 250 341-7373
o isc
School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain)
Encourage a love for reading!
programs may be coming up for school-aged children. 5. Choose a picture book or two, curl up in the comfy chair, and enjoy a great story. Before children learn to read, they will develop many early literacy skills including their vocabulary. A child’s vocabulary grows each time they experience something new. They may hear a new word or see a new thing. When they begin school, children will have a vocabulary between 3,000 and 5,000 words. By providing our children with opportunities to experience new things, we are also supporting their early literacy development. Developing literacy together as a family will have wonderful benefits for both parents and children.
Playhouse Daycare knows importance of reading
Licensed early learning program 30 months - 6 years D
DAN WALTON/ECHO PHOTO Nine members of the Adventure Club were at the Invermere Public Library on Friday, January 18th to take part in Lego-Palooza.
Good values, nutritious food and proper development are important qualities that Invermere's Playhouse Daycare is sure to instil upon their young clients. Owner Sue Stratham is proud to offer a small environment for family daycare, "so kids are treated hopefully the same as they are in their own family environment," she said. Leading up to Family Reading Week, Stratham stressed the importance of reading to young children. "I can tell with the little ones here who the parents are reading to and I can tell the little ones who are not being read to," she said. "Kids that are read to, you can tell that they respect books. They know that you don't rip them, you don't toss them — you sit down and look at the pictures, and sometimes figure out a story from it." There are still a few stops open depending on age and needs. Playhouse Daycare can be contacted at 250-342-9348.
Sun shines at Sonshine Sonshine Children’s Centre is a licensed group care centre for all ages, offering daycare as well as a preschool program that has been very successful. Other daycare services: Group Care for ages 30 months to five years, infant toddler from nine months to 30 months, and an after-school program for five to 12 years of age. Preschool programs are for the following age groups: Four-year-old preschool runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon; three-year-old preschool runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon; three- and four-year-old split preschool runs Mondays through to Thursdays from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Preschool runs from September to mid-June. For more information and preschool registration, contact Cherie Hagen at 250-341-6224.
Windermere Valley Child Care Society Windermere Valley Child Care helps family literacy by ensuring a positive and welcoming learning environment so that children can later make a smooth transition to school. A play-based centre with highly qualified staff, Windermere Valley Child Care is a non-profit society that offers a variety of services to families. Some of the programs it offers are: an infant toddler program, a three- to five-year-old group daycare, and three- and four-year-old preschool programs. It also offers out of school and after school programs for children. The centre is open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., five days a week and is closed on closed on all stat holidays. You can register now for next years preschool by contacting either Arlee, Pat or Silvi at 250-342-3168.
Dragonfly Discovery The Dragonfly Discovery Centre is the Columbia Valley’s newest preschool centre, and is located at #4-7585 Main Street West in Radium Hot Springs next to the Radium Library. The facility is a licensed preschool for ages 30 months to 6 years with a learning environment that utilizes discovery science exploration, Montessori materials, performing arts, fine arts, physical education, imaginative play, practical life activities, and more. The centre is open Mondays through Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, visit www.
Little Badger Early Learning Programs
Windermere Valley Child Care Society
We have 4 programs for varying age groups: • Baby Badgers 18 - 36 months
• Aboriginal Head Start 0 - 6 years Parental participation
• Little Badgers 3 - 6 years
• Badger Den
30 months - 6 years Full day care
250-342-6331 • 3046 Hwy 93/95, Windermere, B.C.
We provide quality care in a play-based centre. • Programs for newborn to 12 years of age • Infant toddler daycare, 3-5 year old daycare, out of school program, pre-school program for 3 year olds and 4 year olds • Licensed and have qualified staff
630 3rd Street, Invermere, B.C.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo A13
January 27, 2013 Always Learning - Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy COLUMBIA BASIN ALLIANCE FOR LITERACY Special to the Valley Echo
Learning can happen anytime, anywhere! In honour of Family Literacy Day’s 15th year, the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is encouraging families to have “15 Minutes of Fun” learning together. Practising literacy together for just 15 minutes a day has tremendous benefits for both children and parents. ABC Life Literacy Canada offers some
great ideas to get started, like playing ‘I Spy’ for things that rhyme or begin with the same letter. “We all know that bedtime stories are great moments for families,” says CBAL community literacy co-ordinator Katie Andruschuk. “We can practice literacy skills without even knowing it, because board games and knockknock jokes at the din-
ner table enhance those skills, too.” You can also find fun at any of CBAL’s many family literacy programs in the Valley: Baby Goose is a program for parents with babies and toddlers up to 18 months that encourages early language development through rhymes, songs, finger-plays and stories; Making Connections is for parents with children in kindergarten to Grade 6. This 10-week program supports parents in developing their child’s
early literacy skills and school success; One-toOne Children’s Reading is a reading program in which trained community volunteers read with children in schools. Children in the program read with a volunteer several times each week for half an hour; Play and Learn and Strong Start are programs for parents and children under six where families play and interact together in a supportive and educational environment, facilitated by an Early Childhood Educa-
Radium Library celebrates literacy's magic Radium Public Library Special to The Valley Echo
The magic of literacy — to read, write and express oneself — is a key to our world. Family Literacy Day brings a focus to enhancing literacy in our communities. As a small community library, we welcome families to come and explore our resources. “Stories and crafts” with Trudy have been popular at the Radium Hot Springs Library since the fall. Halloween was explored over two evening sessions of poetry, stories and crafts. Christmas was celebrated
over four weeks featuring the stories of Jan Brett — subjects included reindeer, donkeys, Santa’s, trees, holly, snowmen, and patchwork decorations. Parents got into the action and participated in the activities. Anticipating 2013, watch for stories with a focus on art and drawing. We’ll explore line, shape, colour, texture, and composition through drawing. The children will produce their own portfolios. Watch local media for dates and times to begin “Fun with Stories & Art” at the Radium Library. Our first session is Saturday, January 26, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Other library news: We now have
a small (expanding) selection of ebooks available for members! Thanks to Edgewater School students for the excellent rotating art show in our library. Kindergarten students are regular, distance library patrons and the Edgewater Kindergarten class is the recipient of Scholastic Books provided by Radium Library. Many patrons are taking advantage of inter-library loans as well as using the One Card option when they are away. Come and visit us at our website or at the Radium Plaza on Main Street West in Radium Hot Springs. Jane and her volunteers will watch for you!
Early learning happens at Little Badger Early childhood literacy is encouraged at the Little Badger Early Learning Program, which offers a phonetic hands-on approach to language and literacy, beginning with the sand paper alphabet. Unique to the Montessori Method, this approach helps children to have a head start in reading and writing.
The Little Badger Early Learning Program operates as a non-profit society and is currently under new management. Along with our Aboriginal Head Start and quality early learning programs, we are very pleased to offer The Badger Den. This full-day play-based program has been created for children
30 months to six years. Spaces are available in the Little Badger afternoon preschool classes for children three to six years, Monday through Thursday. The Badger Den program has morning spaces available, Monday through Thursday and all day Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Badger Den program
Sonshine Children’s Centre is now accepting registration for September 2013 preschool. 3 year-old classes
4 year-old classes
Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings
Split 3 and 4 year-old classes Monday to Thursday afternoons
Please phone 250-341-6224 for registration Sonshine is a community initiative of Lake Windermere Alliance Church
operates year round and is accepting applications for the 2013 summer program. Call 250-342-6331 or email to arrange a visit.
tor; Guys Read is an activity-filled hour for boys in grades four through seven, promoting a lifelong love of reading with books, games, snacks and projects particularly interesting for young male readers. CBAL also partners with schools, local libraries, the Early Child-
hood Development team and Interior Health to offer Books for Babies and Books for Toddlers. For more information on any CBAL projects or programs, please visit www., or contact Katie at 250-688-2115 or email
The Book Bar est. 1965
BOOKS • MAGAZINES • GIFTS We’re encouraging young readers! Bring in this cutout and receive
10% off your next book purchase. 1046 7th Avenue • 250-342-6511
Supporting families in our community! 722 14th Street, Invermere, B.C. • 250-342-2131 •
Playhouse Daycare • Fully licensed • Spaces available • Nutritious food and subsidy welcome Phone: 250-342-9348 Cell: 250-341-1455 9244 Waterstreet Invermere, B.C.
l f g o t s d r o w y r r y o art r n c k o o b t c e l n t book Enter ootoacwin ai Family Literacy Day prize! words n h n f o r m a t i o n Send the completed puzzle, along with your name and phone number, to read o t o g t t tha a y d r u b i t library Katie Andruschuk, #2, 1535-14 Street, Invermere B.C., V0A 1K4. c om m u n31,i 2013. c a Good t e luck! p r t m school Deadline for entries is January l e a r n a t r r e t m a c i computer fiction l f g o et os d r e ow y er w r xy o Findr and circle these words: i i o g i o i n fact art l f g o t s d r o w y r r y o art learn o a r n nc a k o o b t c e l n t y f o information o a r n c k to ao ab it dc e ml tn lt cbook book o c n h i n f o r m a t i o n words language words o c n h i n f o r m a t i o n read o t o g t t a a y d r u b i t library communicate read o t o g t t a a y d r u b i t library media c o m m u n i c a t e p r t m school text school c o m m u n i c a t e p r t m computer l e a r n a t r r e t m a c i fiction computer writing l e a r n a t r r e t m a c i fiction literacy e o i i e o g e w x i o r i n fact e o i i e o g e w x i o r i n learn fact n a t a a i d e m t l c y f o information n a t a a i d e m t l c y f o learn information Name:
Phone: language language communicate
communicate media
media #2 1535-14th Street, text text writing Invermere, B.C. writing literacy literacy Phone: 250-342-3210 ext.7 • Fax: 250-342-9221 Email:
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Images from this year's festival that took place at Kinsmen Beach and Panorama Mountain Village from January 18 to 20. Photos by Nicole Trigg & Dan Walton
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 23, 2013 A15
A&E Fire and Ice a multi-national affair Festival returns to Fairmont with Robbie Burns, Aussie Day and Mardi Gras celebrations DAN WALTON
Fairmont Hot Springs is celebrating its 4th Annual Fire and Ice Festival this upcoming weekend, with Robbie Burns Day, Australia Day and a Mardi Gras dinner all lined up for this year's culture-filled celebration. "We lucked out that on this year, both Robbie Burns Day and Australia Day landed on the same weekend as Fire and Ice," special events co-ordinator Andi Dzilums shared with The Valley Echo. "Along those lines, we figured why not incorporate them into the festival." Dzilums explained how the festival was founded, having debuted in 2010. "When the Olympics came through, we had the torch come through Fairmont, so that was the start of the festival, and now we've changed that festival around to portray Fairmont’s community and culture," he said. "This year's going to be fun. We always like to get the community involved." Mountainside Market is graciously hosting a free barbecue lunch on Friday (January 25) from noon to 4 p.m. to thank the community for its support and kick off the festival. On Friday night, guests are invited to wear their plaid kilts and enjoy the Robbie Burns celebrations in the Bear's Paw Bar & Grill at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort with live music until 11 p.m. Scottish-style food will be on the menu, and a costume contest with a $50 prize will determine who the bestdressed Tartan is. "On Robbie Burns Day, we're going to have a pretty unique event happening in the Bears Paw lounge with great music by Fairmont local Mike Orr, food to represent Scotland, and a lot of drink specials for people that are visiting the resort and Fairmont during that time," Dzilums said. Australia Day and the Mardi Gras Gala both happen on Saturday (Janu-
echo file photo
echo file PHOTO This year's Fire and Ice takes place in Fairmont Hot Springs January 25, 26 and 27.
ary 26). The Australia Day celebrations will take place at the Fairmont Ski Hill, where prizes will be awarded for the best Aussie costume as well as to skiers and boarders who hit the slopes in their favourite 'Down Unda' outfits. Saturday evening is when the Mardi Gras Masquerade Gala Dinner takes place. Selling out every year, the gala costs $80 per person and offers dinner and entertainment in terrific company. "The Mardi Grad Masquerade Gala Dinner is an FBA (Fairmont Business Association) fundraising event," Dzilums told The Valley Echo. "Each year we have a silent auction, and each year the money raised goes towards an important cause which the FBA supports. This year the money raised through the auction will be going towards an information kiosk being developed at the entrance of the Fairmont community." The silent auction as always will boast some wonderful items to bid on, from golf passes, hotel stays, and even NHL signed jerseys, and Dzilums hopes for a repeat of last year's goal, which was around $4,000. When asked about a dress code, he explained people can dress casually but that dressing up is encouraged. "This year, because were having it as a masquerade theme, we're hoping
that we see some pretty fun dress-up costumes," Dzilums said. "Masks will be provided for each guest who comes to the gala — so even if you don't dress up to the nines, we'll have masks available at each of the table settings so you don’t feel out of place." Sharing history from the event, Dzilums spoke about how the Fire and Ice Festival has evolved since its beginning. "Each year the festival committee changes the theme to make it fun and exciting," he said."This year’s Masquerade theme was something the committee thought would be unique to the valley. We always strive to host an event which people from across the valley can come and enjoy in the Fairmont community." Wrapping up the weekend will be a free Smokin' Pancake Breakfast on Sunday (January 27) from 8 a.m. until noon generously hosted by Cindy Levagood of the Smoking Waters Coffee Company. “What better way to finish the weekend than free pancakes! The Fire and Ice Festival is a great Fairmont community event and people should definitely come down and see what's going on in Fairmont," Dzilums said. "I think a lot of the businesses are going to be putting on sales during that time, so it would a great weekend to just come down and visit."
Morgan Childs Quartet Concert on Sunday February 3rd
Fresh Fridays Open Mic Night What does ART mean to you? Friday February 1st · Call for more info 250.342.4423 Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.
Blackberry Wood returns to Bud's DAN WALTON
After a pleasing performance last October, Vancouver's Blackberry Wood is booked again at Bud's for another night of diverse live music. Tonight (January 23) at Bud's, the everchanging line-up of Blackberry Wood will return to the local stage before heading to Europe in June. Blackberry Wood has several shows prepared in Western Canada to promote their recent album, 'Strong Man vs Russian Bear'. "The newer album captures the live show a lot more than the older album," frontman Chris Blackberry told The Valley Echo. Though Blackberry Wood has been to Europe more than once before, Wood said his band is most eager to perform in the UK for the Glastonbury Festival at the end of June. With 35 stages and 170,000 tickets for sale, the massive festival is highly anticipated. "Nobody knows who's playing when the tickets go on sale, and they sell out the day they go on sale," said Wood. "Rumours start happening about what bands are playing, and the biggest rumour is that the Stones are playing, and it's been a rumour for quite a while." But for now, before their show in Invermere tonight, Wood said he's looking forward to a tour of the Arrowhead Brewery. Doors open at Bud's Bar & Lounge at 9 p.m.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Have a sports tip? or 250-342-9216
Loppet weekend coming up Last chance to register online for cross country ski race event is January 30 DAN WALTON
Echo file photo This year's fishing derby will include the raffling off of an ice auger, and a post-derby bash at the Station Neighbourhood Pub.
Chill out and catch some fish Come out for a chance to catch the "big one" in the Columbia Valley's annual Fishing Derby JOSHUA ESTABROOKS Special to The Valley Echo
Get your rods and reels ready Columbia Valley, as the 13th Annual Fishing Derby is set to take place on Saturday (January 26) on Lake Windermere. The ever-popular fishing derby drew approximately 90 people out onto the frozen lake last year, all of them dedicated to landing the "big one." Okay, not everyone was out to win the
event, which is what makes the derby such a popular contest. What other competition do you know of that requires you to hang out and fish for the whole day, and even rewards you for the smallest catch of the day? This year's event, as with previous derbies, is sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of the Windermere Valley, and will be hosted by the new Station Neighbourhood Pub. Josh Page, a partner of The Station Pub, said that registration for the event begins at 8 a.m. at the pub, with fishing taking place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost to participate is $35 and there is a plethora of prizes for different age groups and fish sizes. The grand prize for the event is
$500, with second taking home $300 and $200 for third, although the prize amounts could vary depending on the number of participants. "It's always super busy down here during the event," Page said, who is excited to be front and centre for the festivities this year. "It's an awesome event because it gets people out in the winter to enjoy the great outdoors. We will be raffling off an ice auger throughout the day." Prizes and warm-up specials will await participants at The Station after the 3 p.m. cut off time, Page said, who hopes this year's event is as successful as previous ones. For more information, please call 250-342-5557.
Regularly held toward the end of January, this year's Nipika/Toby Creek Nordic Loppet Weekend will take place on February 2 and 3. Competitors have until Thursday, January 31 to register, and must do so online at Registration, also available at the event, costs $5 and will be collected at the competition. Events begin at 11 a.m. on both days. Saturday offers the classic-style events. Men and women throughout every age group are invited to race in a 30km, 15 km, 5km and 1.5km route. Sunday is the skate-style event, where 20km, 10km, 4.5km, 3km and 1.5km routes will be available for each participant to compete in different age categories. The north side of Nipika Mountain Resort will see skiers weave throughout the trail system, and present some challenging climbs and technical descents. Both courses are well-maintained and offer beautiful scenery. Men and women who finish in top place according to their age and gender will receive awards. Two-day time totals will be measured to deliver a special prize for the top male and female finishers. Nipika's next event after the Loppet Weekend is the Crazy Soles Trail Run — a running event with routes up to 25km that takes place on Saturday, June 1.
Columbia Valley Rockies Home Games: Friday, February 1 7:30 P.M.
VS Thank you to our major sponsors
Saturday, February 2 7:30 P.M.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 23, 2013 A17
Rockies stumble on the road but still in playoff race With nine games left in season, Rockies are working hard to make the playoffs JOSHUA ESTABROOKS Special to The Valley Echo
With two losses and one win so far on their four-game road trip, the Columbia Valley Rockies have fallen back in points and are even with the Creston Valley Thunder Cats. “The biggest thing for us is to win right now. We don’t really care how,” said Rockies general manager Ross Bidinger. “We faced two of the top teams in the league during this road trip and we didn’t get the results we wanted.” Those two teams were the Nelson
Leafs and the Castlegar Rebels, which the Rockies played on Friday, January 18 and Saturday, January 19. Before that, the Rockies faced Kimberley on Tuesday, January 15 and came away with a 9-5 win, which included a four-goal game by Racey Red Crow. “We were able to take advantage of some of the turmoil going on in Kimberley right now,” Bidinger said, referring to the team management issues plaguing the Dynamiters.
The game saw the Rockies jump out to a 3-0 lead in the first, only to watch their lead evaporate in the second, ending that period tied at 4 goals apiece. The Rockies scored five goals in the third, including two power play goals and a shorthanded empty netter to get the win.
the second period. “We played great defensively. We had a couple of good chances but we didn’t end up getting anything by their goalie,” he said. The Rockies only registered 15 shots to Nelson’s 29 during the contest. Even so, goalie Stephen Pratt was awarded the
“We have people who haven't been out to games in years coming back out to watch us play.” ROSS BIDINGER COLUMBIA VALLEY ROCKIES GENERAL MANAGER
On Friday (January 18), the Rockies were in Nelson to take on the top team in the league, and according to Bidinger the team played really well, allowing only one “lucky” goal at 8:38 of
third star for keeping his team in contention right down to the final whistle. Saturday (January 19), saw the Rockies playing another away game against the Castlegar Rebels, currently tied with the Nelson Leafs for number one in
the league. The final score was a depressing 9-4 defeat for the Rockies, who came out flat in the first and just couldn’t quite catch the offensively skilled Rebels, Bidinger said. “We just dug ourselves too big a hole, going down 4-0 in the first period. We didn’t answer their physical play right away and just couldn’t catch up,” he said. The Rockies play one more game on the road before coming home for a twogame home stand on Friday, February 1 and Saturday, February 2. They will be playing the Kimberley Dynamiters, in Kimberley, this Friday (January 25), and then will host the Castlegar Rebels and the Spokane Braves before heading to Creston to take on
the Thunder Cats on Tuesday, February 8. With only nine games left in the season, and two of those against their point rivals, the Thunder Cats, Bidinger said the whole team is trying to stay focused on their goal of making it into the playoffs.
“They are all very important games for us. There’s lots of talk about the team right now, which is a good thing. We have people who haven’t been out to games in years coming back out to watch us play. I think the players are really excited too,” he said.
KIJHL Standings-Jan. 21 Kootenay Conference - Eddie Mountain Division Team
Columbia Valley
Creston Valley
Kootenay Conference - Neil Murdoch Division Team
Beaver Valley
Grand Forks
The Valley Echo's 2013 NHL Hockey Pool Rules: Choose one player from each category. Enter the answer to the three tie breaker questions. The entry with the most points at the end of the regular season will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie in any positions, the tie breaker questions will be used to determine the winner. If it is still tied a random draw will be made. Drop off your entry to The Valley Echo office at 530 - 13 Street, Invermere, B.C. or email at The deadline to enter is January 31, 2013. Prizes to be announced. No purchase necessary.
echo file photo by Joshua Estabrooks Columbia Valley Rockies Forward, Jerome Thorne, goes after the puck in the Ghostriders' end during a 4-1 win at home for the Rockies on January 12. The team brings their game back to home ice on February 1 and 2.
Group 1 • Crosby (PIT) • Giroux (PHI) • Malkin (PIT) • Sedin, D (VAN) • Sedin, H (VAN) • Stamkos (TB)
Group 2 • Kessel (TOR) • Kovalchuk (NJ) • Neal (PIT) • Ovechkin (WAS) • Parise (MIN) • St. Louis (TB)
Group 3 • Backstrom (WAS) • Kopitar (LA) • Spezza (OTT) • Staal, E (CAR) • Tavares (NYI) • Toews (CHI)
Group 4 • Eberle (EDM) • Eriksson (DAL) • Hossa (CHI) • Kane (CHI) • Nash (NYR) • Zetterberg (DET)
Group 5 • Datsyuk (DET) • Nugent-Hopkins (EDM) • Ribeiro (WAS) • Richards (NYR) • Seguin (BOS) • Thornton (SJ)
Group 6 • Hall (EDM) • Iginla (CGY) • Lupul (TOR) • Perry (ANA) • Pominville (BUF) • Sharp (CHI)
Group 7 • Benn (DAL) • Elias (NJ) • Hartnell (PHI) • Moulson (NYI) • Pacioretty (MTL) • Semin (CAR)
Group 8 • Bergeron (BOS) • Couture (SJ) • Filppula (DET) • Getzlaf (ANA) • Koivu (MIN) • Staal, J (CAR)
Group 9 • Alfredsson (OTT) • Jagr (DAL) • Marleau (SJ) • Selanne (ANA) • Tanguay (CGY) • Whitney (DAL)
Group 10 • Erat (NAS) • Lucic (BOS) • Michalek (OTT) • Purcell (TB) • Vrbata (PHO) • Wheeler (WPG)
Group 11 • Henrique (NJ) • Ennis (BUF) • Kane (WPG) • Landeskog (COL) • Oshie (STL) • Skinner (CAR)
Group 12 • Fisher (NAS) • Krejci (BOS) • Lecavalier (TB) • Pavelski, (SJ) • Ryder (DAL) • Vanek (BUF)
Group 13 • Bozak (TOR) • Callahan (NYR) • Desharnais (MTL) • O'Reilly, (COL) • Perron (STL) • Voracek (PHI)
Group 14 • Grabovski (TOR) • Marchand, (BOS) • Plekanec (MTL) • Ryan (ANA) • Stastny (COL) • Weiss (FLA)
Group 15 • Brown (LA) • Burrows (VAN) • Doan (PHO) • Heatley (MIN) • Malone (TB) • Richards (LA)
Group 16 • Baertschi (CGY) • Duchene (COL) • Hagelin (NYR) • Johansen (CBJ) • Read (PHI) • Yakupov (EDM)
Group 17 • Byfuglien (WPG) • Doughty (LA) • Karlsson (OTT) • Keith (CHI) • Letang (PIT) • Weber (NAS)
Group 18 • Campbell (FLA) • Chara (BOS) • Edler (VAN) • Phaneuf (TOR) • Suter (MIN) • Wideman (CGY)
Group 19 • Bieksa (VAN) • Boyle (SJ) • Pietrangelo(STL) • Pitkanen (CAR) • Streit (NYI) • Timonen (PHI)
Group 20 • Ehrhoff (BUF) • Enstrom (WPG) • Shattenkirk (STL) • Subban (MTL) • Wisniewski (CBJ) • Yandle (PHO)
Name of Entry
Tie Breaking Questions
Name in Full
1. Flames' win total will be?
2. Canucks' win total will be?
3. Who will win the Northwest division?
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Brain Games
Columbia Valley
Weekend Weather
Scattered flurries
Scattered flurries
Variable cloudiness
Temp: 0oC o Low: -5 C Precip: 2-4 cm
Temp: 2oC o Low: -2 C Precip: less than 1 cm
Temp: 3 C Low: -2oC Precip: none
January 25
Crossword January 23, 2013
January 27
January 26
CLUES ACROSS 1. Point that is one point E of due S 4. Slithered 8. Brain and spinal cord (abbr.) 11. Direct the steering of a ship 13. Chops with irregular blows 15. Plural of hilum 16. Incline from vertical (geo.) 17. Simple word forms 18. Paddles 19. Roman garment 21. Meat skewers 23. Ethiopia (abbr.) 25. The cry made by sheep 26. Beatty-Benning movie 30. Concealed 33. Political action committee 34. High rock piles (Old English) 35. Scottish county (abbr.) 36. Goat and camel hair fab-
ric 37. A very large body of water 38. Fabric stain 39. Israeli city ___ Aviv 40. Shoe’s underside 42. Military legal corps 43. Patti Hearst’s captors 44. Undecided 48. ‘__ death do us part 49. Supervises flying 50. Many headed monsters 54. Literary language of Pakistan 57. Halo 58. Hawaiian hello 63. Lubricants 65. Mild exclamation 66. Greek freshwater nymph 67. Nickname for grandmother 68. A restaurant bill 69. Automaker Ransom E. 70. A young man
CLUES DOWN 1. Singular cardinals hypothesis (abbr.) 2. Small water craft 3. Opposite of ecto 4. The woman 5. Skeletal muscle 6. Devoid of warmth and cordiality 7. Decameter 8. Italian goodbye 9. Mediation council 10. Impudence 12. A desert in S Israel 14. Japanese seaport 15. Nob or goblin 20. Ingested 22. Swiss river 24. Protects head from weather 25. Lava rock 26. Designer identifier 27. 34470 FL 28. Petrified ancient animal 29. Gas used in refrigeration 30. Journeys to
Mecca 31. 8th month, Jewish calendar 32. Small indefinite quantity 33. Taps 41. Extremely high frequency 44. Iguanidae genus 45. From the Leaning Tower’s city 46. Cologne 47. Moses’ elder brother (Bible) 50. A minute
amount (Scott) 51. Hindu name for 4 epochs 52. Faded and dull 53. Radioactivity unit 55. The face of a clock 56. The inner forearm bone 59. Tai language of the Mekong region 60. Embrocate 61. Possessed 62. Public promotions 64. Sorrowful
Answer to January 16:
Horoscope Four th week of Januar y ARIES Aries, patience and calm is the way out of a tricky situation. You also may want to keep your opinions to yourself until everything gets settled, which shouldn’t take long.
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Last week’s Sudoku answer -->:
CANCER Cancer, it can be easy to get into a routine and then in a rut. Try switching up just one thing from your daily tasks, and it could provide a breath of fresh air.
LIBRA Libra, you will likely find yourself in a domestic groove over the next few days. Use the time to get creative in the kitchen, straighten up the abode and do some decorating.
CAPRICORN Capricorn, speak up if you don’t like the way something is being done. Change can’t happen if you don’t voice your opinion, so overcome your reservations.
TAURUS Taurus, though you may be pinching pennies that doesn’t mean you cannot make a purchase that will benefit the household. Make a budget so you’ll learn how to spend wisely.
LEO Leo, take advantage of the many opportunities for you to meet new people and forge new friendships this week. You may just meet someone who changes your life.
SCORPIO Scorpio, don’t allow your emotions to get the best of you during a disagreement this week. Be sure to gather all of the facts before you form an opinion.
AQUARIUS Aquarius, if you want to broaden your horizons you will have to explore beyond your comfort zone. It may not always be comfortable, but it can be adventurous.
GEMINI You may need to subscribe to a new way of thinking. The way you have been doing things lately is not working out too well. Ask a family member for advice.
VIRGO Virgo, too much of a good thing can make it difficult to focus on other tasks and responsibilities. Make the effort to stay focused so you don’t find yourself falling behind.
SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius, this is the perfect week to correct any wrong impressions you might have made. Be overly generous with all the people you meet.
PISCES Pisces, you have many questions, but not enough answers are coming your way. Delve a little deeper this week.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 23, 2013 A19
Remember When?
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
Pet overpopulation, surrender to shelters and animal euthanization are preventable problems with a rational solution: SPAY & NEUTER! Find us on Facebook, and see who we have up for adoption!
ECHO FILE PHOTO 2010 — Michelle Cramton shows off some of her Olympic wear as she prepared to be a torchbearer on January 22, 2010. At the time, Michelle said she was very excited and was looking forward to seeing everyone for the run and at Winterfest, which was held in Radium on January 23.
A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 50 years DAN WALTON
5 years ago (2008): Panorama Ski Resort was left with a $2,162 bill after a fraudster left an invalid credit card and a fake address at the front desk. *** A motel owner in Radium Hot Springs was upset with the village because of its plans to install a cable box on his property. "People will see the box and keep on driving… we feel that there are alternate locations that are viable to run the fibre optic system. In fact we think it may have been chosen deliberately," he said. 10 years ago (2003): A petition was started to see a recount from the votes cast in Invermere during the provincial election. Liberal MLA Wendy McMahon was facing a by-election if petitioners gathered signatures from 40 per cent of eligible voters within 60 days. ***
MP James Abbott wrote a letter to the editor titled, 'The "C" Word'. Leaving the reader guessing as to which taboo word began with C, he finally mentioned Christmas and said Canadian culture was eroding. 20 years ago (1993): A 29-year-old painter from Kelowna was arrested by the Invermere RCMP for outstanding warrants. Upon his arrest, police found a yellowish-white powder in his cigarette pack which he admitted was 'crank', a mixture of crack and cocaine. Upon learning the man's occupation, the judge chided, "You must get enough to sniff without this stuff." *** Prayers were no longer a part of the opening procedure at the District of Invermere's council meetings. 25 years ago (1988): Preparing for the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Olympic fever hit the valley when the Olympic Torch travelled from Windermere to the ski lodge at Fairmont. Local ski teams and members of the Bavin family carried the torch down Highway 93/95, while hundreds came out to witness the relay, including Heidy and Howdie — the official
Olympic mascots. 35 years ago (1978): Panorama Mountain held its first annual Elephant Day, where seven teams of skiers competed in Giant Slalom and jumping competitions. Costumes were compulsory and contributed 50 per cent to the total score. The teams consisted of three men and one woman, and scores were based on total team effort. An average time was taken for the racing, between the fastest and the slowest on each team, and an average distance for the jumping event. Adding to the excitement was skydiver Dave Payne of Invermere, who made a perfect jump from a helicopter to land in front of the lodge. 40 years ago (1973): The opinion was growing that cigarette smoking would die out when it became socially unacceptable, just as using snuff and chewing tobacco had become so. A survey conducted by the National Cancer Institute of Canada hasd shown that, compared with the 50 per cent of the general population who smoked, only 35.4 per cent of doctors, 28.7 per cent of nurses and 29.2 per cent of teachers had the habit.
We offer photocopying services!
530 - 13 Street, Invermere Ph: 250-342-9216 Open 9-5 - Monday to Friday
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Building your Wealth Market Update
Weekly change
Oil US$/B
Our way forward I love words like ‘Awareness,’ ‘Consciousness,’ ‘Integrity,’ and a whole range of other very positive words that describe our unique nature. The biggest reason is they convey a sense of optimism I find in short supply as I look around. It’s a kind of optimism I believe is too often absent from our thoughts and actions. These words express our humanity, which is bigger than our economic status. The end result of the absence of such words is a pattern of behavior that is lopsided. For the first time in history we are thinking selfishly, taking on the highest levels of debt in history, and spending more money on ourselves than we do on the wellbeing of our children. We are spending more time, attention and money on selfishness than we spend in preparations for the future. We definitely need words more positive than ‘rights,’ ‘entitled,’ and ‘adequate’ to describe our greatest interests. We need words that say we are focused on the present and the future instead of the past. We need words that shape our thoughts and our actions into positive and constructive ways forward. In short, we need words that describe our creative problem-solving. Yet, it is difficult to think positive thoughts when we are always hearing we are on the brink of catastrophe. How can we think positive thoughts in the midst of what seems evidence that we are ‘going to hell in a hand-basket?’ Perhaps negatives sell news, but we are more than that. We are highly creative and intelligent creatures who have always found ways to solve problems that had been described as insoluble. No one has ever said how that happens; yet it always happens. Right now, there are scientists trying to prove that the brain creates awareness. There are other scientists who say it works the opposite way around. We don’t yet know for certain, but the study of consciousness and how it creates our sense of in-
dividuality, our intelligence and our awareness is, more than space exploration, the new frontier for the 21st century. In our future, we are in for exciting times as we discover the very roots of selfawareness. We tend to identify ourselves with the past, and our bodies are the past as we see it. If we didn’t eat much all day yesterday, we are hungry today. If we were told to meet with management this morning we might be scared or worried. If we broke up with our beloved last week we might be sad today – or feeling liberated. We tend to live from what has already happened, not from who we actually are, right now, or will be tomorrow.
Our thoughts are focused on the enormous list of our problems as they have been described in the news since the New Year. I don’t know how you have responded, but the descriptions of almost inevitable catastrophe have weighed heavily on me. The news is especially grave, as it has been for a long time now, in the area of our economic capability. I, and many others I’ve talked to, tend to
get caught up in that negative description of what might happen. Right now, for example, we are told that our future depends on the economic recovery of the American economy. If it recovers, it will take us right along with it. At the same time, however, we are told that the debt load of individual citizens is so great that it is making it difficult for both individuals and the country to have any flexible options. This, in turn, makes it very difficult for either to respond to challenges, or opportunities. Other countries, from Israel and Iran, to China and Europe, and everywhere else, we are told, are creating impossibilities that stand in the way of any success. So, what can we do? We need to find ways to deal with our own affairs and get them in order. Especially, we need to diminish our debt load and to give ourselves more flexible options with which to meet the future. This is especially true of our debt. The Bank of Canada is making louder rumblings about a rise in interest rates in order to lower demand for housing and bring greater stability to our over-willingness to borrow more money. That makes gaining control of our personal debt more important. Bringing our affairs into a greater order will have very positive effects on our overall sense of well-being, so it is doubly important. At the same time, RRSP season is upon us. As we have said before, the sooner it is done the more possibilities we have in overall planning. One of the biggest parts of our business is helping our clients make the kind of plans and choices that allow them to be in charge of their own affairs and not leave them to chance of the vagaries of the government. If this is something that appeals to you, give us a call and arrange an opportunity for us to be of service to you. It costs you nothing to sit down and discuss your plans with us, so how can you lose?
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 23, 2013
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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Education/Trade Schools
Trades, Technical
ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis
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Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open.
Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and BeneďŹ ts Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE SUTCO continues to expand! Current openings; Chip Hauls, Chilliwack, Merritt, West Kootenays. Dedicated runs, day and afternoon shifts. Highway, dedicated tractor, Canada Only runs. Dispatcher, based in Salmo, days and evening shifts. If you are looking for a career that offers steady work, Extended Benefits, Pension Plan then apply online: Fax: 250-3572009 Enquiries: 1-888-357-2612 Ext: 230
Research Participants Needed! PATIENTS OF NURSE PRACTITIONERS Do you receive, or have you received, health care from a BC Nurse Practitioner? Researchers from UVic’s School of Nursing want to learn how you feel about care provided by nurse practitioners.
THE ONE, The only authorized Harley-Davidson technician training program in all of Canada. You’ll work on all types of HD bikes. Quality instruction and state-of-the-art training aids. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview Alberta. 1888-999-7882.
CITY OF Yellowknife invites applications from qualified candidates for the following positions: Pumphouse and Liftstation Tradesperson Public Works Department Competition #902-137 Closes: February 1, 2013. Pumphouse and Liftstation Maintainer Public Works Department Competition #902-135 Closes: February 1, 2013. Building Inspector II - Planning and Development Department Competition #220-125U Closes: February 1, 2013 Submit resumes in confidence by the closing date, to: Human Resources Division, City of Yellowknife, P.O. Box 580, Yellowknife, NT., X1A 2N4; Fax (867) 669-3471 or Email: Please direct all inquiries to the above listed email address. For more information on these positions, including the required qualifications, please refer to the City of Yellowknife’s web page at: or contact Human Resources at 867920-5603.
Sales Education/Trade Schools
NEW Modular Home Dealership requires experienced Sales Associates to work full time at our new sales center in Cranbrook BC. Experience and a commitment to excellence is required. Send resumes and cover letter to
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JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE Service Technician. Hanna Chrysler Ltd in Hanna, Alberta needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25-$31/hour + bonus, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-8542845; Email:
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
University of Victoria School of Nursing
Trades, Technical
$449 CABO SAN LUCAS, ALL INCLUSIVE SPECIAL! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! 1888-481-9660.
Employment Career Opportunities ATTENTION LOGGING CONTRACTORS! D&J Isley and Sons Contracting Ltd. of Grande Prairie, AB is looking for: Load & Haul Contracts or Haul Contracts in the Fort St. John Area. B-Train configuration. Single shift. Potential multi-year contract with competitive rates. Accommodations available. Contact Daniel for further details (780) 8144331 or email INFRASTRUCTURE Technician, Servers (Kitimat, BC): CGI is looking for an experienced IT professional to work directly with our client and the CGI Client Service Manager on-site in Kitmat, BC! This position will support an environment of about 70 HP, IBM and Dell servers in a complex virtualized network environment including Exchange, Active Directory and a clustering solution. The full description can be viewed at Requisition #: J1112-1110 Resumes to:
OPPORTUNITIES AT CBT Manager, Water and Environment Please forward resumes to by noon PST February 8, 2013 for consideration. RFP Environmental Strategic Planning and Consultations Please forward proposals to by 3:30 p.m. PST February 8, 2013 for consideration. A detailed description of all opportunities can be viewed at or requested by calling1.800.505.8998. XXX DCU PSH t
Join us:
Financial Services
Financial Services INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email:
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to fax 780-955-HIRE or
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Help Wanted
Participation in this study means completing a short survey either by mail or telephone. To learn more and sign-up for the study, please contact Joanne Thompson Research Assistant at or 250-721-7964
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Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations
Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Financial Services M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) EXEMPT STAFF OPPORTUNITY OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR - INVERMERE Rocky Mountain School District is seeking one individual to assist the Director of Operations in the day-to-day management of the Custodial, Transportation and Maintenance Departments, located in Invermere, B.C. Rocky Mountain School District is... r located in the beautiful Columbia Valley and the three major centres in the district are the communities of Golden, Windermere and Kimberley; r composed of approximately 3300 students and 28 facilities spread over 270 kilometers along the Rocky Mountains; r the School District is divided into 3 zones; r shaping a future of collaboration, cooperation and innovation. In this position you will... r provide leadership to Zone Operations personnel to foster superior customer service and optimum quality of day-to-day Maintenance, Custodial and Transportation services; r participate as a member of the Operations Department Management Team; r be responsible for staffing, work procedures, department practices, fleet maintenance, facility maintenance, training, and purchasing; r be responsible for management of appropriate budget sections; r provide assistance to the Director of Operations in the area of Capital Planning, supervision and coordination of School Renewal Projects; To be successful you will likely have... r proven leadership skills and fiscal management; r knowledge of custodial practices, facility maintenance, project management and transportation systems; r knowledge of WorkSafe BC Regulations; r knowledge of BC Building Codes, Motor Vehicle Act and other related Government regulations; r leadership experience in a unionized setting; r organizational, supervisory and problem solving skills; r interpersonal, team building and communication skills; r Diploma/Certification in Facilities Management or Building Technology or a Journeyman with equivalent combination of related management experience and education; A competitive salary and benefit package will be provided which reflects the responsibilities of the position. For further information, please contact Steve Jackson, Director of Operations, 250-342- 4676 or by email at This competition will remain open until the position has been filled. We wish to express our appreciation to all applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position. However, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Please submit your resume and supporting documents, including references to: Cheryl Lenardon Assistant Superintendent School District No.6 (Rocky Mountain) P.O. Box 430 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9243 Fax: 250-342-6966 (email)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
Real Estate
Personal Care
Houses For Sale
Need assistance with cleaning, cooking or grocery shopping? Affordable help call Marie 250-347-9086
Two homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Kijiji 370618987. Phone 250-344-5772 or 344-0553.
Property Management
Merchandise for Sale
Mobile Homes & Parks
Garage Sales 1709 8th St., Invermere Sat, Jan 19th & 26th from 9 am - 1pm. All proceeds go to the Windermere Community Association & Youth Centre they are developing.
Trailers for sale 12 kms of Golden. New park. 14x66 2 bdrm 2 bath Harbour. NEW 24x52 3 2 bath Palm Harbour. 14x48 1 bdrm 1 Moduline. Vendor will 780-718-8243.
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB Dresser TD8G $23,000., TD15C $35,000., TD20C $19,000., DC5E-6 $35,000., TD20H - TD15M. Coastal Pacific Equipment,Williams Lake, BC 1(250)392-7755
Misc. for Sale AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON BIG BUILDING Sale. This is a clearance sale. you don’t want to miss! 20x20 $3,985. 25X24 $4,595. 30X36 $6,859. 35X48 $11,200. 40X52 $13,100. 47X76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422 FOR RESTLESS or cramping legs. A fast acting remedy since 1981, sleep at night, proven for 31 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660 or HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info and DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT 400OT STEEL BUILDINGS/ Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206.
south NEW Palm bdrm 2010 bath carry.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
Senior teacher artist avail for house care and sitting in early Feb in Invermere & area. 403519-8268. Have references.
Townhouses Gorgeous spacious townhome overlooking the Toby Creek. FF or not, 1800 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, heated underground parking. $1500 incl’s utilities Avail Feb 1. 403-252-1634
2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH Willow View apartment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, 2 parking stalls, F/S, D/W. Walking distance to arena, park and store. $850 + utilities & D.D., references required. Available immediately. Call (250)349-5306 or (250)489-8389, leave mess.
Auto Financing
AKISKINOOK resort - 1 bdrm fully furnished condo, indoor pool, hot tub. $675/ month includes cable. Call 403-281-3991
Invermere Centre Apartments 1 bdrm, 4 piece bath, central location. Laundry on site, N/P N/S 1 yr lease. Call Sharon 250-688-1365. Available Now! Radium - 405 Top unit Pinewood West building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail immediately. $1000/mth. Call Lina @ 403-264-2782 or 403277-7898 ask for Emilio
RADIUM - downtown Reduced!
New 2 bdrm, 2 full baths in The Pinewood. 3rd floor, fireplace, N/S. $875/mth, utilities included. Underground parking. Available immediately. Call Judy 250-345-0225 or 250-341-1903
Homes for Rent 3 BR HOUSE - Great location & lake views! One level, W/D, F/S, DW. Avail Jan 1st. $815 + Utilities. Jeff 250-688-1105
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
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The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564
WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin
9:30 a.m.: God’s Breakfast Club 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere. (Every Sunday)
Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’s Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Sunday at 5 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)
RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.
326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor
Sunday, January 27th
VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service
10:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided CELEBRATION SUNDAY “I AM: The Bread Of Life” Pastor Trevor ministering. Call the office at 250-342-9511 The Lord’s Supper will be for more information. served.
Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit
The Valley Echo Wednesday, January 23, 2013 A23
STAY CONNECTED: @flyerland
SUBMITTED PHOTO Elizabeth Shopland is both a trained horticulturalist and solutions-focused life coach, and is committed to giving back to the Columbia Valley community.
Local business branches out Banyan Tree Solutions combines gardening, coaching JOSHUA ESTABROOKS Special to The Valley Echo
Local business owner, Elizabeth Shopland, has enjoyed giving back to the community she loves in a variety of ways. She has lived in the Columbia Valley for over 18 years, and is celebrating her 10th year in the business of nature-inspired living. Banyan Tree Solutions, Shopland’s multi-faceted foray into the business world, is a hard company to nail down, as it includes both Shopland’s love of gardening and landscaping and her desire to help people achieve their life goals one step at a time. Both a trained horticulturalist and solutions-focused life coach, Shopland said her decision to begin her entrepreneurial experiment occurred in 2000, when she grew tired of her previous career in management and started seeking a way to spend more time outdoors. “Most people know me as Homefront Essentials Gardening. I have been working that end of the business for
ten years and I have over 70 clients throughout the valley,” Shopland said. In 2009, Shopland became a certified life coach, and has been helping clients reach their personal goals ever since. The two branches of Banyan Tree Solutions may seem completely unrelated at first, but for Shopland, they are both integral aspects of her desire to “appreciate and nurture the human spirit and the natural world we live in,” she said. So as her business grows, Shopland said she believes it is very important to give back to the community in which she operates, and she has done so in a variety of ways. On the personal growth end of things, she has supported coaching clients throughout the valley, worked with the College of the Rockies and is the driving force behind bringing in seminars and workshops to help others find out just what it is that makes them tick. In terms of the gardening side of her business, Shopland has volunteered herself and her staff to the Groundswell greenhouse project, as well as work for the local Family Resource Centre and the Rotaries crossroads beautification project. Looking forward, Shopland said she is excited to be able
to help bring one of the premier personal growth and development companies, Klemmer and Associates, to the valley to offer two training workshops for residents. “Often to get better results in our personal and professional lives, we need to improve our own personal leadership. Klemmer and Associates combines a grassroots approach with long lasting tools to really empower people to make a real difference in their own lives and the world around them.” The workshops are part of Banyan Tree’s Landscape Your Life Personal Leadership Coaching program, and are in conjunction with the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Business group. The first took place on January 15, and on February 8, 9 and 10, Klemmer and Associates’ international facilitator, Brian Miller will be at Copper Point Resort to facilitate a Personal Mastery Weekend. And stay tuned for the release of Shopland’s first book, entitled The S.a.g.e Garden, due out in June this year. For more information on the workshops, or any aspect of Banyan Tree Solution’s variety of services, contact Shopland at 250-342-8978 or, or visit
your source for FREE coupons
Copper Point Resort and the Family Resource Centre Presents the 18th Annual
CHINESE NEW YEAR GALA Saturday, February 9, 2013 at Copper Point Resort Tickets $50 each Everyone welcome. Call the Family Resource Centre for ticket details, 250-342-5566. Proceeds go to the Women’s Shelter.
Ticket includes tapas-style Asian cuisine, and a glass of bubbly.
FEBRUARY 2, 2013
Sponsored by
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Valley Echo
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