Volume 58 No. 05
New regs for LNG Cameron Orr and Tom Fletcher A new set of regulations aims to soothe the uncertainty regarding regulations as they apply to reserve lands, at least on Haisla territory. The federal government announced last week the Haisla Nation Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Regulations, which came into being through the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act. That Act was designed to set a framework to fill in regulatory gaps to move forward economic development on reserves. From a report published in the Government of Canada’s Canada Gazette, the existing gaps in regulations meant that the proposed Kitimat LNG project — a joint venture between Chevron Canada and Apache Canada — likely could not proceed. “The project can only proceed if the facility is located in the desired…Bees Indian Reserve No. 6,” said the report. “In the absence of an adequate federal regulatory regime to ensure environmental protection, health and safety, and investor certainty, the proposed liquefied natural gas project could not feasibly proceed on.” The same report notes that the provinces have extensive regulations regarding these types of developments. However there were uncertainties on whether those same regulations apply on First Nation reserve land, as the federal government is the body which has authority in relation to reserves. The regulations established in this new document for the most part mirror what is already established provincially in B.C. The goals of these regulations are reportedly to allow environmental impacts from Kitimat LNG to be effectively managed, address legislative and regulatory barriers to economic development in First Nations communities and to provide certainty for investor, developers and the public. “This has been a long process, but everyone’s delighted,” Federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan said in an interview from Vancouver after the announcement. “There have been no delays to the actual project, because they’ve been operating under some interim agreements with the province in terms of permitting.” The B.C. government passed similar legislation last spring, to govern the Kitimat LNG project and a four-tower condominium commercial development proposed for the Squamish Nation reserve in West Vancouver. Without such changes, provincial building codes and environmental laws for burning, emissions and water and land use do not apply to reserves. Continued on page 2
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Olivia Fernandes with Levi Gardiner. Inspired by the support Levi’s family has received through Variety —The Children’s Charity, Olivia asked for donations to the charity rather than presents for her sixth birthday party at Riverlodge. More on page 5.
BC LNG gets gas buyer The BC LNG Export Co-Operative is racing to be Canada’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter and the signing of some recent deals pushes them further. The Co-Op, which stands behind the Douglas Channel Energy Partnership proposal, announced a contract award for LNG purchase and off-take. The award went to Golar LNG Limited and LNG Partners, LLC. LNG Partners, LLC also got the contract award for feed gas supply. LNG Partners are set to work with Tenaska Marketing Canada, a division of TMV Corporation, to procure and manage the natural gas supply. Golar LNG Limited and LNG Partners LLC are working towards finalizing a financing package for the project that would provide for construction and commissioning of initial facilities, subject to receipt of final required permits.
Golar LNG confirmed the news through a press release of their own, They add in their own release that their participation in the project, and their commitment to LNG off-take is subject to “the Company reaching an agreement with the current proponents of the [Douglas Channel Energy project] for financing of the facilities,” as well as receipt of all permits required for the project to proceed. BC LNG already has a 20 year export licence from the National Energy Board. The Co-op’s LNG Project is being jointly developed by the Haisla Nation and Douglas Channel Gas Services Ltd. and is expected to be Canada’s first operational LNG export project. It will be a barge-based liqeufaction facility just offshore from their facility along the Douglas Channel. The natural gas will be supplied A map from the Douglas Channel Energy by the existing Pacific Northern Gas website showing approximately where they propose to develop. pipeline system.
Investment website wins award ... page 6
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013
LNG regulations
Pedro’s Grill
Continued from page 1 Duncan said the delegation of reserve land use is a new approach to promoting reserve development. It has been used for a sawmill at the Fort William First Nation near Thunder Bay, industrial development in Alberta, and there is “strong interest in Atlantic Canada,” Duncan said. Kitimat LNG has, so far, received permits from both the the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Office, as well as a 20-year export licence from Artist’s rendering shows proposed liquefied natural gas processing and loading facility Kitimat LNG graphic the National Energy Board to on Haisla reserve land near Kitimat. export LNG. The company is still conducting its own Front End EnIn our January 16 issue we ran a file photo from last year’s Rail Jam. However it turns gineering and Design [FEED] out we had the name wrong both times it ran. The snowboarder is actually Justin Hickman. study.
WEATHER WATCH Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013 3
have healthy outlets,” he said. As an example he said companies working on projects in town could establish a bulk membership for the workforce to a club like the Snow Valley Nordic Ski Club to allow workers easy access to outdoor recreation. Community groups, from public health to the RCMP, could also provide safety training to escort employees. “There is expertise in the community that can be organized and focused for the young women who are employees of that company,” he said. “If the company were a good one, I’m thinking they’d really
An extra vote for the road Kitimat councillors had to vote one more time for their move to a classroom at the Northwest Community College. That’s because, as administration noted, council actually didn’t vote on the motion the first time. Council voted on and passed two amendments to the main motion first brought forward by Corinne Scott. Except once they established that they’d spend $10,000 to expand the classroom and that the move would be conditional on the college not having reservations about council moving into the space, councillors didn’t actually vote to pass the whole thing. The motion passed unanimously when presented at the January 21 council meeting.
Danuta Galary, left, accepts a cheque on behalf of the Salvation Army for $2,083, the proceeds from Cook’s Jewellers’ angel ornaments sold over the holidays. That’s manager Ida Thomschke presenting the cheque.
Committee gets the money Kitimat Council has backed a financial proposal from the 60th Anniversary Committee for Kitimat. Administration presented council with a proposed budget of $37,500 for activities and events throughout 2013 to celebrate Kitimat’s 60th — Kitimat will turn 60 on March 31. The six person committee (in the interest of transparency, the editor of this newspaper is on the committee) came up with a list of possible celebra-
tions, the headliner for March 31 being a fireworks display. That was the most pressing budget item that was needed with council’s approval at their last meeting. The fireworks are budgeted at $15,000. Leading up to that is expected to be a pancake breakfast, no-charge access to recreation facilities for some of the day, and a birthday cake for recreational facility patrons. The committee is also hoping to organize a film contest for the
town’s teens, for them to create short films about life in Kitimat. There are a number of other plans in the works as well, from an outdoor movie night at the Riverlodge soccer fields to citizen recognition awards for long-term residents of the community. Kitimat staff noted in their report to council that they wanted to ensure the celebrations were appropriate for the 60th birthday, and not to the scale that a 75th or 100th birthday would call for.
favour that.” The bottom line for Hart, though, is his concern that the employees of such a business would be vulnerable due to their home life and lack of proper education. “I’m concerned about the special vulnerability of that population and I’m further concerned that there’s no specific agency dedicated to keeping that population safe.” Meanwhile the Tamitik Status of Women, Kitimat’s own women’s advocacy group, is still working on crafting an official position to the escort service proposal for town.
“We’re currently informing ourselves and that is including having conversations with women who are working in the trade and using a lens of health and safety for all women,” said Tamitik outreach worker Cheryl Rumley.
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worker, what needs to be done and what questions need to be asked? “If I were evaluating an escort service I’d certainly have a conversation with them on how they recruit people, what’s in the deal, is it a fair labour deal?” he said. “Those kinds of people are particularly vulnerable sometimes to labour relations.” He points out that there are ways businesses and the community can attempt to curb the economic desirability of such a business operating locally. “The town could work with the [industrial] companies to provide additional recreational resources, so young guys would
ation for some women in the trade as a “double tragedy.” By that he refers to the fact that a lot of people working in such business are usually from a hard home life. “Oftentimes these are women who are fleeing abusive homes. Young kids, including young women, don’t leave home when it’s working for them,” he said. “They do it because the home is a hurtful place.” From there they may end up in undesirable occupations. “Then in trying to support themselves they become systemically abused,” he said. So from the perspective of a social
Council voted to move forward with consideration for a development permit for 702 - 730 Kuldo Boulevard. The address is for the Kuldo Boulevard Apartments and on January 21 council voted to give retroactive approval for the town to give notice to neighbours and seek public comment — staff started the process in parallel to council and Advisory Planning Commission [APC] review to accelerate the process. The application will also go to the APC for their comments at their January 29 meeting. Staff’s report notes that exterior renovation work has already started on buildings 718 and 720 of the complex. Building occupants received notice on Jan. 17.
Cameron Orr The president of the Northwest Branch of the B.C. Association of Social Workers says his concern would be the vulnerability of potential employees of an escort service. That’s from Robert Hart, who represents social workers over a wide swath of the province’s northwest, including Kitimat. While he didn’t seek to cast a black line through the entirety of the escort service industry — he said some companies may provide legitimate social activities — he did say that some businesses do end up oppressing women through their operations. He called the situ-
Social worker considers escort service impact
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Local briefs
Is winter’s chill making you shiver? Here are a few ideas for staying cozy without turning the thermostat higher and higher! • Dress warmly. Even indoors, it’s too cold for shorts and T-shirts! Add a sweater during the day and wear warm pajamas at night. Don’t forget socks! • Keep blankets or throws ready for snuggling up while watching TV or reading. Add extras for guests! • Consider hanging heavy curtains or even blankets over your windows to help block drafts.
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Public Notice Kuldo Blvd Apartments Development Permit Application Kitimat Council invites public comment before making a decision on the following land use application. 1. Development Permit Application, 0921430 BC Ltd, 702 - 730 Kuldo Blvd. Kitimat Council is considering an application from 0921430 BC Ltd for exterior renovations that will replace siding and windows. Application is for eight buildings. Renovation of two buildings has already commenced. Work will be completed by January 2015. More Information Handbook may be viewed at the District of Kitimat Reception Desk, 270 City Centre, 8:30 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, until 5 February 2013. Further inquiries should be directed to Community Planning and Development at 250-632-8900. How to Provide Comment Written comments addressed to Mayor and Council may be delivered c/o 270 City Centre, V8C 2H7; faxed to 250-632-4995; or emailed to dok@kitimat.ca; until 8:30 am, Thursday, 31 January 2013. Feedback may be personally delivered during the inquiries and answers portion of the Council meeting beginning at 7:30 pm, 4 February 2013, in the Council Chamber at 1101 Kingfisher Avenue. File:
14 January 2013
4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $44.39 Senior $39.99 Mail: out of town or business $64.39. Includes tax.
Just a few thoughts To be clear before I say anything, I do think it’s good that regulations have been sorted out regarding the Kitimat LNG project to alleviate the confusion over the fact it is set for reserve land. However I was left with a thought as I sorted through all the documents last week. While the company moves ahead with their own studies before seeking a final investment decision, they do have their environmental permits in hand, both from the B.C. Assessment Office and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Office. So that’s good news for them. Except now that this new framework has been signed setting out who has authority over LNG developments, I have to wonder how it made it this far. To recap, the province had regulations for LNG projects, but reserve lands fall under the scope of the federal government, which do not have such regulations in place. So this new document that came into effect last week brings the scope of the project under the authority of the province. It just seems odd to me that environmental permits were allowed for the project when, from a regulation standpoint, there was no clear answer who’d be in charge of such things. Again, it’s all good news and I am happy to see progress regardless, but I would have just expected these kinds of questions to come before signing of any permits. ---This PTI Group lodge concept sounds like a good thing for the town, and I mean that in a much broader sense than the fact that it’s something new. I’ll start with the most significant aspect, in my view, of this whole thing; the vice president of business development Sean Crockett told people at the open house that they are going to develop with an eye for having a line of sight to the Douglas Channel. All well and good, especially when he adds that they will be working with the town to keep in line with the Official Community Plan. And what’s in that OCP? A line that the town will seek to develop waterfront property at Minette Bay. Sight of the channel, aligned with the OCP? Maybe this lodge will be the town’s in to seeing eventual public waterfront. And while we’re on the subject, there was talk about developing senior housing. But here’s another thought; if the city can buy these units off of PTI at the end, the town would suddenly have developed land with structures designed for a lot of people, overlooking the channel. Some simple remodelling of the lodge’s food court could mean a conversion to a council chambers. The location of meetings as you might know was a subject of recent debate. Some of the attached accommodation rooms could potentially even be converted into office space. And how about that, a waterfront city hall. Cameron Orr
The peculiarities of trivialities The world is a funny place, isn’t it? Well, not so much funny, it is serious, so perhaps a better word to use is peculiar. Yes, that’s better, the world is a peculiar place. by Allan Hewitson It seems that trivial events, the ahewitson@telus.net cult of personalities and social media like Twitter are more important than the serious realities of life. Take teenager. Legislative action is awaiting some of the events of this past week. the end of the inauguration. In the United States, the end of The inauguration was well cova long, bitter and convoluted elec- ered but soon gave way to a much more tion process finally saw Barack Hus- traumatic national debate: did popsein Obama inaugurated (twice) with singer Beyoncé lip-sync the words of a million cheering Americans spread “The Star Spangled Banner”? Did the over the plazas, streets, parks and band really play their instruments or squares of Washington, determined to did the massed crowds listen to a laid to ensure that they and their children down sound track? are part of history, jointly marking the A Texan college gunfight created inauguration of the first black presi- some minor police furore, but quickly dent for a second term, particularly in was seen as an every day occurrence, conjunction with the holiday to com- raising the question, really, who gives memorate and recognize black rights a damn? hero, Martin Luther King. In London, British Prime Minister It was all very grand and impres- David Cameron has promised an “insive with a great deal of money spent or-out referendum” on Britain’s memon the pomp and ceremony of the occa- bership of the European Union, if his sion. Forgotten for a moment was the government wins the next election. fiscal cliff and the largest deficits the After months of waffling dissennation has known. Also forgotten, (but sion, Cameron has set out his vision of quickly brought back to the forefront how to drag back numerous traditional by more gun violence, a day later) the UK national decision-making powdeaths of 20 elementary school chil- ers from Brussels to Britain through dren gunned down by a mentally-ill intense negotiations and then put a
Under Miscellaneous
changed EU relationship to a public vote by October, 2017. In what could be one of the defining speeches of his term, the prime minister said: “It is time for the British people to have their say, it is time for us to settle this question about Britain and Europe.” He announced this would be a decision of the British people, not one by government. “While the EU is in flux is not the time to make such a momentous decision about the future of our country. It is wrong to ask people to stay or go before we have had a chance to put the relationship right.” Meanwhile, the British newspapers were busy wondering, “What woman would be brave enough to marry Prince Harry?” There were lots of pictures of pretty “girlfriends in waiting” as Harry moved back into the London scene after a short and largely media blacked-out stint of service in Afghanistan. Also, pretty close to the top of the news was speculation on David Beckham’s future in club soccer — Chelsea, Man U., but not AC Milan which spurned his services. I couldn’t find a “younger man” story there, but there likely was one. Worse, the former colonies are forming a cartel that could raise the price for a cup’a tea! Check Twitter, quick! Who really gives a damn? Continued on page 5
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Louisa Genzale Kimberley Crane-Maclean Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Publisher/Advertising Ad Assistant Editor Classifieds/Administration publisher@northernsentinel.com newsroom@northernsentinel.com classifieds@northernsentinel.com advertising@northernsentinel.com
Rebekah Lindroos Flyer Distribution office@northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013 5
Forest for the trees Despite the fact the forest industry in the Northwest is a shadow of its former self, there’s apparently still a lot of money to be made out of trees. At least that’s the hope of the Coastal First Nations group. And they won’t have to cut a single branch to make literally millions of dollars. It’s all based on the idea of carbon offsets/credits. Basically the concept is all the trees up in this neck of the woods daily absorb carbon from the atmosphere. So you calculate how much carbon is absorbed and that’s the carbon offsets you can sell. What are those worth? The Globe and Mail story I read said, “ Currently, offsets are selling for about $10 per tonne and the project is expected to generate up to 1 million tonnes of offsets a year.” That’s $10 million a year. For watching trees grow. Puts me in mind of a line from the Dire Straits ‘80s hit: “Get your money for nothing.” That’s not a criticism of the CFN. More power to them if they’ve figured out an easy way to turn trees into cash. However, I have a suggestion on how they could do even better financially. Back in the ‘90s when there was a forest industry up here I would pore over documents prepared for the BC chief forester that he needed to set the annual allowable cut in this area. At the risk of oversimplification, the AAC was volume based - X cubic feet per year - so forestry staff had to estimate what volume of harvestable timber would be out there in the years to come. Which in turn involved rating the growth potential of different sites - good, medium, poor - since obviously the annual volume increase for trees on poor sites was significantly less than that for good sites. And that rating was based on how much trees were growing on those sites at the time of the AAC review.
Baxyard Banter
by Malcolm Baxter msdbax@citywest.ca
One year somebody worked out the growth ratings were flawed in that you had sites which consisted of old trees that were “bulking up” relatively slowly and had therefore been assigned a medium ranking. But in reality they were good sites. Look at it this way: a two-year-old toddler today will grow dramatically over the course of the next 15 years. While a senior will not. It’s the same with trees: young ones grow faster which means they absorb more carbon per year than old growth giants. So if you log the slow-growing trees on good sites and replant, the more carbon that will be absorbed annually and the more credits you have to sell. Of course there would be a cost to logging, but I suspect that would be more than offset by the increase in saleable carbon credits. It also occurs to me that there might be an opportunity here for the District of Kitimat. One thing this community is not short of is trees - the gullies alone are full of them. And the recreation department has annually been planting even more. Surely they must be worth a few carbon bucks. Of course, the value of the credits associated with these trees won’t be in the tens of millions a year. But they may just cover the cost of providing subsidised taxi rides to the airport. Just a thought.
Girls rocking the air guitars at Olivia Fernandes’ birthday party. Photo provided by Variety Children’s Charity
Donations, not presents Olivia Fernandes might not be able to say in a single word what she got for her sixth birthday. Regardless of how you say it, the Kitimat girl raised $767 for Variety — The Children’s Charity, after asking guests to her birthday to make donations rather than buy her presents. Olivia is close friends with the sister of Levi Gardiner, a oneand-a-half year old boy with a rare disorder which essentially makes coordinating breathing and swallowing impossible. Olivia was impressed with the support Variety provided to the Gardiners and wanted to give back. Olivia’s mom, Kate, said the idea was all Olivia’s, and came from a conversation about how there are children who are ill and in need. Levi’s mom, Michelle, was very impressed by the gesture. “It’s pretty amazing they were able to do this,” she said. “It makes me feel very proud of little Olivia that Levi was able to encourage this.” These days she said Levi has been happy, even as they continue to address ongoing issues. Variety is hosting their major fundraiser, the Show of Hearts telethon, on February 16 and 17 on Global BC.
Trivial Continued from page 4 In Canada, Chief Theresa Spence is getting hungry and is reported ready to exchange fish broth for filet mignon - but there’s time for another 13-point demand for commitment from PM Steven Harper, (and instead of the Governor General and Mrs. Harper, the other federal political leaders to spend time with her (and some other important elected First Nations representatives) to address the various First Nations issues that distressed her enough to put her off her feed including, for the first time, race-based natural resources sharing.) This, of course, provided more opportunity for interim Liberal leader Bob Rae to mumble more support, but NDP leader Tom Mulcair still did not seem eager to get pulled into the quagmire of issues at this particular time. He hasn’t visited Spence. The House resumes next week and Mulcair gets to ask the first question in front of the TV cameras. Fortunately for the media, it’s really cold in Montreal and Toronto and hockey is back and so a bunch of reporters are pursuing unknown sources for more info on whether Wayne Gretzky could become president of the Maple Leafs, despite the fact that that Gretzky and the Maple Leafs deny that issue had ever been broached. In Canada, of course, the weather and hockey are not just trivial (especially if Gretzky or Bieber are involved) and they do trump anything else going on in this country. Everybody gives a damn in the country where the puck can be dropped from outer space! ahewitson@telus.net
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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Family Child Care/Responsible Adult Course Dates: Time: Cost: Place: Registration deadline:
A screen grab of the interactive map showing proposals for the community at investnorthwestbc.ca.
Investment site takes award The website Invest Northwest BC (www.investnorthwestbc.ca) has come out ahead with an award. The website, which provides information for potential investors about the opportunities that exist and are possible for the region, took the Technology Provider of the Year award at the annual Northern B.C. Business and Technology awards gala on January 8. The website means a connected look at everything that’s happening in the region. “We wanted to create a regional presence,” said Kitimat Economic Development Officer Rose Klukas, who notes
that when speaking to foreign investors, trying to pitch an individual town of under 10,000 can sometimes under whelm a person used to million-plus communities. “We’ve all recognized that each of our communities have attributes that make us unique to investors.” The details on the website are compiled with the input of economic development officers in communities from Prince Rupert to Dease Lake to Burns Lake, and further. “It’s designed for potential investors but it also provides information about the projects that are unfolding in the community,” said Klukas.
Clicking on a community will bring up a list of that community’s major projects, both active and proposed. Kitimat’s tab, for instance, will show RTA’s modernization, to Douglas Channel Energy Partnership to the proposed Kitimat Clean oil refinery. The website is undeniably popular. Klukas said that in November 2012 they had 4,670 visits to the site. As well, most potential investors will tell Klukas they have seen the website the first time she meets them.
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74% of adults read a
COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER (weekend or weekday)
GATEWAY perspectives
Partners for the long term For decades, respect has been fundamental to Enbridge’s communication with Aboriginal groups across Canada. Among other considerations, that means developing sensitivity and an understanding of the values and issues important to them. As discussion about Gateway has evolved and progressed with Aboriginal communities in B.C., one thing groups have told us, in unequivocal terms, is that they wanted meaningful, long-term involvement in the labour force. That’s why we established a $3 million Gateway Education and Training Fund. This is an initiative for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities that’s not dependent, in any way, upon Gateway approval. This fund supports training initiatives based in the pipeline, construction, and energy sectors. This isn’t training for the sake of training; it’s focused squarely on employment outcomes. And Enbridge is already connecting industry and community to help create career opportunities in B.C. We’ve already co-funded training programs for surveyors and ironworkers. We’re purchasing seats in existing trades programs, and partnering with provincial and federal bodies to help develop skilled tradespeople in the areas of heavy equipment operation, pipefitting, welding, and construction craft labouring. We’ve also co-ordinated the
first of many “workforce connections” workshops, bringing together representatives of Gateway equity First Nations and companies with labourforce needs for some meaningful employment discussion. We’ve heard, loud and clear, from Aboriginal communities in B.C. that they no longer want to be bypassed by economic opportunities created within, near, or around them. With the Gateway Education and Training Fund, we’re doing something about it. We’re showing true commitment to community and workforce development. And the opportunities we’re sponsoring are not exclusive to our proposed project or our industry — they’re regional and cross-sector in nature. We want to stay connected to the Aboriginal community because it makes good business sense. But our intentions go beyond basic business: It’s about partnership. It’s about responsibility. And, ultimately, it’s about respect.
Janet Holder Executive Vice President Western Access Enbridge Inc.
It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to a stronger economy. Join the conversation at
©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to delivering energy safely. ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc. Join the conversation at northerngateway.ca ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
imat Sentinel - April 14, 2010
ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/‡Offers apply to the purchase, finance or lease of 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Ext Cab 4WD (1SF)/Cruze LS (1SA)/Equinox LS (1SA), equipped as described. Freight ($1,600/$1,550/$1,550) included in purchase, finance and lease prices and payments. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. .†0%/0.99% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit/TD Auto Financing for 72/84 months on new or demonstrator 2013 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty and Equinox. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0%/0.99% APR, the monthly payment is $139/$124 for 72/84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0/$354, total obligation is $10,000/$10,354. 0% financing offers are unconditionally interest-free. ≠$7,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2013 Silverado Light Duty Ext/Crew, for retail customers only. See your GM dealer for details. **Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires February 28, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the Offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this Offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Miles are issued by LoyaltyOne Inc. and are subject to the terms and conditions of the AIR MILES Reward Program. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited ‡Based on a 0.9%/0%, 48/60 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2013 Equinox LS/2013 Cruze LS, equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. OAC by GM Financial. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade of $2,899/$0 and security deposit may be required. Total obligation is $17,254/$10,539. Option to purchase at lease end is $12,006/$5,956 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ^^/*†Warranty, Safety & Legroom comparisons based on latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM models. ~Visit OnStar.ca for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. .MyLinkTM functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth® and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. +The Best Buy seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7
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Talk to your healthcare professional, including your Safeway Pharmacist, about having your own immunization record reviewed to determine your individual needs. Vaccines may not be suitable for everyone and do not protect all individuals against development of disease. Some vaccines may require a prescription. Vaccines may not be available in all locations. Age restrictions may apply. Check with our pharmacist for further information.
Prices effective at all British Columbia and Alberta Safeway stores Friday, February 1 through Sunday, February 3, 2013 only. We reserve the right to limit sales to retail quantities. Some items may not be available at all stores. All items while stocks last. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. Advertised prices do not include GST. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Canada Safeway Limited. Extreme Specials are prices that are so low they are limited to a one time purchase to Safeway Club Card Members within a household. Each household can purchase the limited items one time during the effective dates. A household is defined by all Safeway Club Cards that are linked by the same address and phone number. Each household can purchase the EXTREME SPECIALS during the specified advertisement dates. For purchases over the household limits, regular pricing applies to overlimit purchases. On BUY ONE GET ONE FREE items, both items must be purchased. Lowest priced item is then free. Online and in-store prices, discounts, and offers may differ.
Prices in this ad good on Feb. 3rd.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9
oast Mountains Board of Education School District 82
2013-2014 SCHOOL CALENDAR PUBLIC FEEDBACK REQUESTED Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82 is seeking public feedback regarding the proposed 2013-2014 School Calendar. Details regarding the proposed 2013-2014 School Calendar are available on the school district web site at www.cmsd.bc.ca. Public feedback is welcomed by February 28, 2013, by completing the 2013-2014 School Calendar Survey (link available on the school district web site) or by forwarding your comments by email to carole.gagnon@cmsd.bc.ca, by fax to 1-888-290-4786, or drop off/mail to: Coast Mountains Board of Education School District 82 3211 Kenney Street, Terrace, B.C. V8G 3E9 A summary of all responses and feedback received will be reviewed by the Board of Education. The 2013-2014 School Calendar will then be adopted at the Regular (Public) Meeting of the Board to be held on March 13, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the Board of Education Office. For further information, please contact Carole Gagnon, Executive Assistant at the Board of Education Office (250) 638-4401 or 1-855-635-4931, Ext. 4401.
People gathered to celebrate Leon Kirstein’s 100th birthday in this photo originally published in the Rio Tinto Alcan Ingot, November - December 2010 issue. Reprinted with permission
Kitimat loses one of its oldest pioneers Cameron Orr Last November Kitimat lost what was likely to be its oldest living resident, Leon V. Kirstein. Leon lived an incredible 102 years and passed away on his birthday on November 18. His passing marks the end of a legacy of being one of Kitimat’s pioneers, and an avid explorer who even stumbled upon the remnants of an old area gold mine during a hike in the 50s. Kirstein has relatives living in various parts of the globe now, but locally he had no one closer to him than Rolf and Sophie Reschke, who were Leon’s closest friends and confidantes. Rolf explained Leon was part of the original survey crew who laid out the town site and laid down the road from the town to the smelter. Leon is also, said Rolf, the man behind many of Kitimat’s fa-
mous trails. Clague Mountain, Coho Flats, Robinson Ridge and Mount Elizabeth’s trail were the work of Leon, he said. “He was the original trail blazer,” said Rolf. The Reschkes met Leon when he was their neighbour renting a house on Grouse Street, and Leon and another neighbour, a fellow Estonian like Leon, had tried to convert Rolf to their avid vegetarian ways. It didn’t work, but it set the groundwork for a life long friendship. “We more or less became his family,” said Rolf. Leon was easy to spot as he made his way around town, always known to ride his bike and “wear hip waders and a hard hat,” said Rolf. Leon worked for Alcan at one point in his life, and later joined the District of Kitimat. He was a very
“He would not take advantage of anyone, friendship or otherwise.” smart man, knowing five different language, but was also a proud, yet quiet man. Rolf recalls one story of Leon from the 1950s when he had broken his ankle while working in the bush. Rescue crews had come close to finding him but when they were “in arms reach,” Leon said nothing. He was too embarrassed to call out for help. When the potential rescuers had left, Leon crawled his way out of the bush on his own. Such was the kind of guy he was, never wanting to put anybody out. When Leon eventually moved into his own home, he
asked for help from Rolf for the usual household maintenance. Rolf was naturally ready to lend a hand free-of-charge, as friends do, but Leon would never risk taking advantage of anyone. He insisted he pay Rolf for the work, and he was meticulous in tracking it. “One hour and 15 minutes, one hour and 16...,” said Rolf about Leon’s time sheets for his work. “He would not take advantage of anyone, friendship or otherwise. That was not in the cards.” With such a illustrious, long life, it seems like Leon had done it all by the time he passed, except there was one goal of his that will go unmet; he wanted to live to be 120. But with 102 years of trail blazing and town building, he did more with the many years he was given than many men could dare hope in their lifetime.
3211 Kenney Street, Terrace, B.C. V8G 3E9 Tel. (250) 635-4931 or 1-855-635-4931 local 4401 . Fax 1-888-290-4786 . www.cmsd.bc.ca
Letters Welcome The Northern Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor on relevant or topical matters. It reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All submissions must bear the author’s name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed. Address your letters to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 E-mail: newsroom@northernsentinel.com
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Northern Sentinel
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Research Participants Needed! PATIENTS OF NURSE PRACTITIONERS Do you receive, or have you received, health care from a BC Nurse Practitioner? Researchers from UVic’s School of Nursing want to learn how you feel about care provided by nurse practitioners. Participation in this study means completing a short survey either by mail or telephone. To learn more and sign-up for the study, please contact Joanne Thompson Research Assistant at jethomps@uvic.ca or 250-721-7964 University of Victoria School of Nursing
Snowflake Community Fairgrounds Society AGM Wed. January 30 2013 at 7:00pm in the Kitimat Public Library Meeting Room.
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CAW 2301
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TEMPORARY POSITION CAW 2301, the Union representing the Rio Tinto Alcan workers in Kitimat/Kemano, has a temporary opening in the position of Administrative Assistant, during the months of March and April 2013, with possible future call-in opportunities. The successful candidate will have good computer skills, with proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, a minimum typing speed of 45 wpm, excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to multi-task and organize work assignments independently and effectively. This position requires communicating with union members and retirees, both on the phone and in person, on a regular basis. CAW 2301 offers a respectful work environment. Remuneration will be in accordance with the CAW 3000 Office Staff collective agreement. Please submit expressions of interest and resumes to: CAW Local 2301, 235 Enterprise Ave. Kitimat, BC, V8C 2C8 by Thursday, January 31 at Noon. Ph: 250-632-4611 e-mail: caw2301@caw2301.ca
Help Wanted CASHIERS & STORE SUPERVISOR Mac’s Convenience Store Inc. is hiring Cashiers ($10.50/hr), Retail Store Supervisor ($13.00/hr). All 37.50hrs/wk. Mail CV: 1065 Lahakas Blvd N, Kitimat BC V8C 1E8 or: kitimatmacs@yahoo.ca
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MOUNT MILLIGAN THOMPSON CREEK METALS COMPANY Located 150km northwest of Prince George BC, Mount Milligan will be British Columbia’s first major metal mine of this century. Construction began in mid-2010 with commercial production projected for the latter part of 2013. Mount Milligan is owned by Thompson Creek Metals and is currently recruiting for the following positions: t Chief Mine Engineer & Mine Engineer t Senior Surveyor t Chief Geologist t Construction Superintendent t Civil Supervisor t HD Mechanics t Health & Safety Advisor t Electricians & E&I Mechanics t Mine Maintenance Superintendent t Flotation & Control Room Operators / Supervisors t Millwrights t Many, many more. For complete job descriptions please visit: www.mtmilligan.com Apply by email to: MtMilligan-Resumes@tcrk.com Or by Fax: 888-881-3527
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Trimac Transportation is North America’s premier provider of services in highway transportation of bulk commodities. Our Kitimat and Terrace locations require...
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Career Opportunities
Mill Manager Kyahwood Forest Products is a finger-Jointing Plant located in Moricetown, 30 kilometers west of Smithers, BC. Kyahwood produces 20 million board feet of random length FJ Lumber on an annual basis for the North American market. Kyahwood also produces 17,000 ODT of shavings annually which is shipped to Houston Pellet Limited Partnership plant in Houston, BC. Kyahwood is fully owned by the Moricetown Band and operates as a business entity under the Moricetown Band Development Corporation. Kyahwood employs 70 community people in all levels and facets of production. The Moricetown Band Development Corporation seeks a self motivated individual to manage the Kyahwood mill. Responsibilities includes managing production, staffing, maintenance and cost control. Applicants will be considered based on past experience and a willingness to work with and build skills and training into the employees. Kyahwood has a blend of seasoned committed individuals as well as employees which are just entering the workforce. Skill building may be for further competence at the facility and for life skills that are carried further into the employee’s careers. Applicants must have experience working with a diversity of teams and people. Preference will be given to individuals that have worked with First Nations peoples at a production level. Cost control, accounting, production and skilled trade experience are also assets that will help select the successful candidate. A competitive salary and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate. Interested individuals need to apply in confidence to Lucy Gagnon, Band Manager, Moricetown Band at Suite , 205 Beaver Road, Smithers, BC V0J 2N1. Lucy can be reached at 250-847-2133 or via email lucy.gagnon@moricetown.ca Application deadline will be February 15, 2013.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013A11 11 www.northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Employment Help Wanted
is part of the fast growing Terraceautomall Group, a leader in Automotive, Parts and Service sales. We are looking to immediately add a qualified
Terrace Chrysler offers a team environment, great benefits and ongoing training and support for its employees. If you’ve got the horsepower to join a fast paced environment and hit our high standards – apply today! Apply with resume and cover letter to: Robert Onstein 4916 Hwy16West Terrace, BC, V8G 1L8 or email: robonstein@terraceautomall.com
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Carriers Wanted! + No Collecting! + Direct Deposit Pay! + Wednesday & Friday Deliveries. Available Routes in Kitimat + Trailer Park + Whittlesey, Oersted + Amos, Baker + Duncan, Anderson, Nalabila Townhouses + Swan, Quail Call the Northern Sentinel today! Call 250-632-6144, or email classifieds@northernsentinel.com K
MK Bay Marina Fisherman’s Pier
Is currently looking to fill the following position. Sales Clerk - The successful candidate must have: • Retail sales experience • Excellent communication skills • Customer service oriented • POS computer skills • Organizational skills • Be available to work a flexible schedule, weekends and evenings. Submit Resume to: Richard Smeal, Manager, MK Bay Marina, Kitamaat Village Road, Kitimat, BC mkbay@telus.net • Fax 250-632-6889 No phone calls please.
AD ASSISTANT The Northern Sentinel is looking for a permanent part-time Advertising Assistant to join our community newspaper’s production department. The successful applicant will be creative, organized and work effectively under tight deadlines, interacting with advertising clients, sales representatives and the creative team. Speed, accuracy and attention to detail is a requirement. Working knowledge of Adobe Indesign and Photoshop is an asset. Remuneration will be in accordance with the CEP Local 525g Collective Agreement. Please submit resumé and cover letter to: Louisa Genzale, Publisher Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 K
KITCHEN MANAGER/ HEAD COOK The Bar and Grill at the beautiful Hirsch Creek Golf and Winter Club is under new management. We are looking for an experienced Kitchen Manager/ Head Cook. If you are energetic, committed to giving outstanding customer service and have valid “Food Safe” certification, we look forward to your application. Please apply in person Monday to Friday with resume and cover letter.
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WE Care is hiring health care aides and home support workers. Qualifications include: 1. Health Care Aide Certification for Health Care Aides only. 2. Employment, education and volunteer experience with seniors and the disabled. 3. Valid driver’s license and a vehicle. 4. Criminal record search. 5. Excellent communication skills. “ Join our growing home health care company”. For a hiring package or further information call 250-635-2274 ask for Linda or Cindy, or email terrace@wecare.telus.biz. Office location is 101-4614 Greig Ave. Terrace, BC V8G 1M9
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Trades, Technical LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) for our EWP Operation in Golden B.C. Email resume to: Audra.Stanton@LPCorp.com or fax to 250-344-8859. PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume by email to: hr@pyramidcorporation.com or fax 780-955-HIRE.
Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi. $12/hr. Send resume & drivers abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls KITIMAT FORTUNE KITCHEN is hiring a full-time/part-time delivery driver. Must have own vehicle. Drop resume off at 410 Enterprise Ave. Phone 250.632.3828 Tsunami Restaurant Looking for a mature Waitress. Food Safe and Serving it Right required. Also Cook must have experience, Food safe and know how to cook “Asian Food” (with driver’s license). Drop off resumes at 650 Kuldo Blvd. (North Star Inn) Kitimat. Ask for Virginia. 250-632-6608
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INVITATION TO TENDER Sealed tenders marked “Haisla Ave. Sewage Lift Station Remediation 1386-1” will be received no later than 3:00 pm local time on Tuesday February 19th, 2013 by the Haisla Village Government at the office of McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Suite #1 – 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4S8 This tender is for the early spring construction remediation of the current wet well and valve chamber structures complete with submersible pumps, piping, controls, and sanitary sewer modifications. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all of the Tenders and the lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tender Documents may be viewed at the Haisla Village Government Office or at McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Suite #1 – 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace, BC on or after January 29, 2013. All bidders shall familiarize themselves with the local site, ground water conditions, availability of local materials, labour and equipment, and infrastructure conditions. An optional site visit will be held February 4th at 9:00 a.m. Meet at the administration office, Haisla, BC. Tender documents may be obtained on or after January 29th, 2012 from McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd., Suite #1 – 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4S8. Project Engineer: Joel Barkman, P.Eng. (250) 635-7163.
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OCEANVIEW APTS (250)632-2822 Kitimat
Hillcrest Place Apartments Bachelor & two bedroom No Smoking, No Pets Starting at $475 monthly Also avail newly reno’d two bdrm units with d/w 250.632.7814 Kitimat
• • • •
KITIMAT BOXES, BOXES, BOXES You need them and we have them. Buy one bundle of 10 for $5.00 and we will give you a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue between 9 and 4:30 or call 250.632.6144
LUXURY Condo in Abbotsford..14th Floor. Wrap around South E/W view spans 270*. 3 BR. 3 Bath. 3 Balc 2475 Sq.Ft. spacious Beauty PH style. CM78CM78@gmail.com, 604-807-5341- $589,000
Starting at $550 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Email: www.apartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
Duplex / 4 Plex
KITIMAT - 3bdrms, 1.5 baths, 5 appliances, in Nechako 4-plex. $775/mo plus damage deposit. Ref. Req. No pets. 250.632.2569 KITIMAT - Furnished 3 bedroom duplex with garage. References, security deposit and criminal record check required. 250.632.6274 Nechako - 3 bedroom duplex. f/s, w/d. Refs req. + PNG connect approval. $1,000/mo + utilities 250-279-0207
Homes for Rent BUNGALOW FOR RENT Kitimat - 3 bedroom, garage, W/D, F/S. Walk to downtown. n/s n/p. $1.200/mo. Available immediately. Call 250.639.0568 Kitimat - 3 bedroom executive style bungalow for rent. Fully furnished. f/s, d/w, w/d, microwave. Fully equipped (dishes, bedding, towels etc.) Internet and satellite TV. References required. $1,600/mo. Available March 24 250-639-6431 or 250-639-4555.
Townhouses KITIMAT
Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking
Kuldo Court Apartments 2 - two bedroom apartments available. Newly renovated, New carpets. Heat and hot water included. $850/mo. (c) 778-818-0126 (office) 250-632-7729 Apply at 730 Kuldo Blvd. Kitimat
Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale
Kitimat 1,2,3 bdrms Clean & Quiet Heat & hot water included Call (250)632-2824 or email www.jasebudgel@hotmail.ca
Kitimat - 3 bdrm 1/2 duplex near elementary and high schools. Freshly painted, very clean. F/S. Available Immediately. $850/mo plus utilities. Refs req. Call after 5pm. 250-632-5199
Heavy Duty Machinery
Kitimat - Horizon treadmill for sale. One and a half years old. Hardly used. $900 new, asking $300 obo. 250-632-4164 after 9pm or text 250-632-1265 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com /400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom
Misc. for Sale
2 Bdrm duplex with garage avail. immed. in Kildala comes with F.S.W.D. Very Clean $900/mo. Ref. req’d. Call Brent (514) 210-5551
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?
Classifieds Get Results!
Merchandise for Sale
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com Dresser TD8G $23,000., TD15C $35,000., TD20C $19,000., DC5E-6 $35,000., TD20H - TD15M. Coastal Pacific Equipment,Williams Lake, BC 1(250)392-7755
Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies
• • •
QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
LARGE (1500sq ft + bsmt) Townhouses for rent. newly renovated, great neighborhood, carports, on bus route. call 250-279-2727 for viewing. 5 available. $895 a month. Sourceone@dccnet.com
TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110
Auto Accessories/Parts 4 - 16” Bridgestone Blizzak winter tires on rims. 235/65 R16 103T WS 70. Good Condition. $450 250-639-5949
Trucks & Vans
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2007 GMC Savana Cube Van Commercial. Net weight 3320 kg, GVW 4980 kg. Box: L=16’, W=8’, H=7’10”. Door 6’ x 7’4”. 92,000 miles. Gasoline. A1 condition. $18,995 250-632-3420
Sports & Leisure
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Left to right, Coach Laurel deGoeij, Skip Rachel Rice, 3rd Taylor Reese Hanson, 2nd Micaela Stevenson, Lead Leah Anthony, and alternate Emma Baker. Photo submitted
Put your babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s picture in the Northern Sentinelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Be a u t i f u l B a b i e s of Kitimat feature!
This is always a very popular feature and your child/grandchild/niece/nephew or any beautiful baby you know can be included.
Curlers make a clean sweep facing a relatively new team in the Bulkley Valley community. However the Kitimat rink has experience in high-level competition. They attended provincials last year and placed third, said deGoeij. This year is deGoeijâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first year as the coach. Looking ahead to their eventual performance in Kamloops, she said the girls are feeling confident. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certainly going to be stiffer [competition],â&#x20AC;? she added.
Cameron Orr A Kitimat girls curling rink swept circles around their competition in Smithers at a regional high school zones championship. Their skillful play at the high school junior girls and boys zones playoffs means the rink will take to Kamloops shortly to test their might against provincial competitors. That tournament begins February 28. Coach Laurel deGoeij said their top performance in Smithers can be partially attributed to
Only $
plus HST
Fill in the form below and enter your baby pic today! Babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................... Babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Birth Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Submit this form along with a photo of the beautiful baby to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat or email your digital photo to: classifieds@northernsentinel.com â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ph. 250 632-6144 fax 250 639-9373. To have your photo returned, send a self stamped addressed envelope or pick up at our office. Unclaimed photos will be discarded.
approx. size of ad 2"x2" - includes photo and text
The Beautiful Babies Feature will be published in the Kitimat Northern Sentinel. K
To register visit unbc.ca/continuing_studies | 250.960.5980 | 1.866.843.8061
VIDEO CONFERENCE COURSES All courses below offered in person too! Looking to upgrade your training without having to travel? Do you like to have a live instructor to listen to? Then UNBC Continuing Studies video conferencing learning solutions are for you! If you are interested in having these sessions streamed into your workplace please contact us for more details. All offerings listed below will be streamed to our regional campuses in Terrace, Quesnel, and Fort St. John. Limited seats are available so please register early to avoid disappointment.
CertiďŹ cate in Mental Health and Addictions In ntrroducttio on to Mentall Healtth and Addic ctio ons
Northe ern Silvic cultu ure Committe tee Winte er Workshop Date: Feb 19 - 20 (Tues & Wed) Time: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New w in n Silv vicu ultu ure e Surv urveyss
Date: Feb 5 - Mar 6 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Date: Feb 25 (Mon) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Assesssmentt & Treatm ment Appro oache hes fo or Menttall Health h & Addicction n
Silvvic cultture e Su urveyys for Conttract Adminisstrrattors s
Date: April 2 - 30 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Date: Feb 26 (Tues) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
In ndivvid dual Welllness and Communiity y Hea alth h
Silvvic cultture e Su urveyyor Accre edittattio on Ex xam Revie ew
Date: May 14 - Jun 11 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Date: Feb 27 (Wed) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
For a complete list of courses for these certiďŹ cates please visit our website.
Sed dim ment & Erosio on Conttro ol Wo Worrks shop
CertiďŹ cate in Management Excellence & Supervisory Excellence
Date: Mar 12 - 14 (Tues - Thurs) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Forestt Road Con nstru uction n Prac actiice es an nd Pro ocedurres
Time (Thu) 6:00pm - 9:30pm, (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm
UNBC Continuing Studies offers two different management certiďŹ cates, the CertiďŹ cate in Management Excellence for individuals already in a management position and the CertiďŹ cate in Supervisory Excellence designed for individuals who are hoping to move into supervisory positions, or are very new into supervisory positions. Both certiďŹ cates are workshop-based, and consist of a combination of required core and elective workshops. Individuals will need to complete a total of 140 hours (approximately 20 days) of workshop-based training to complete their certiďŹ cates. This format allows individuals to work at their current jobs while moving forward with this training. Customized Management CertiďŹ cates If you would like to provide your staff with speciďŹ c learning opportunities while developing their management skills then look no further. UNBC Continuing Studies can work with your organization to develop an industryspeciďŹ c management certiďŹ cate through strategic elective development.
The Rolee of OHS in Pro ojeect Man nag a em ment April 4 - 13 (Thurs, Fri & Sat)
The e Purp pose and d Role e of a Board of Dirrecttors
Date: Apr 8 - 10 (Mon - Wed) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Pro oje ect Managem mentt for Nattura al Resourrce Pro ofess sion nalss Date: Apr 10 - 11 (Wed & Thurs) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm **In addition, a one day Microsoft Project seminar will be held on April 12, but is available only at the Prince George campus.
Occupational Health and Safety CertiďŹ cate In ntrrod duc ctio on to o OHS Jan 25 - Feb 2 (Fri & Sat)
Time (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm
Pollic cy, Role es & Resp ponsib bilitiies Feb 28 - Mar 9 (Thurs, Fri & Sat) Time (Thu) 6:00pm - 9:30pm, (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm
In ntrrod duc ctio on to o Pro oje ect Manag gement April 4 - 13 (Thurs, Fri & Sat) Time (Thu) 6:00pm - 9:30pm, (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm For a complete list of courses for these certiďŹ cates please visit our website.
Project Management CertiďŹ cate
Date: Feb 26 (Tue) For a complete list of courses for these certiďŹ cates please visit our website.
in collaboration with
If you want to advance your career, UNBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CertiďŹ cate in Project Management is your next step. This program is designed with a key principle in mind: exceptional value with high-quality training and education in a conveniently-scheduled nine module program. This program includes important aspects meant to boost your career potential. Course materials compliant with The Project Management Institute (PMIÂŽ). Modules are scheduled in short intensive sessions two or three days in length, approximately every three weeks. This schedule is meant to minimize interruption to work and personal life and provide time between sessions to integrate learned skills into real-life projects. You will complete your training and be prepared for the PMP Exam in less than one year. Terrace intake starts February 22, 2013 Information Session: Come out for some snacks and learn more about this exciting new program. Date: January 31 (Thurs) Time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm & 7:30pm - 8:00pm Location: UNBC Terrace Campus
To register call: 250.960.5980 | 1.866.843.8061
Sign up for email updates unbc.ca/continuingstudies/email.html
What will you get? t 5ISFF XFFLT PG GVMMZ GVOEFE FOIBODFE TFDVSJUZ HVBSE USBJOJOH t *ODMVEFT BMM NBUFSJBMT BOE FRVJQNFOU 5FSSBDF #$ t 'FCSVBSZ o .BSDI Information Session: +BOVBSZ t QN QN QN QN 6/#$ 5FSSBDF $BNQVT ,FJUI "WFOVF 5FSSBDF #$ Contact us for more information or to see if you are eligible
WILDLAND FIREFIGHTING PROGRAM Prepare now for ďŹ reďŹ ghting season!
Information Session: +BOVBSZ t QN QN QN QN 6/#$ 5FSSBDF $BNQVT ,FJUI "WFOVF 5FSSBDF #$ Contact us for more information or to see if you are eligible
Funding provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement.
LinkedIn linkedin.com/groups/UNBC-Continuing-Studies-4580238