Hope Standard, February 06, 2013

Page 1

Hope hockey teams battle to first place finishes 12

Standard The Hope

Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com



ELECTORAL BOUNDARY CHANGES PROPOSED Fraser Canyon to join riding with Mission and Matsqui


NEW HOLIDAY TAKES EFFECT ON FEB. 11 Family Day expected to cost the average small business an extra $1,100




The results will form the foundation for a community brand book


Highway Thru Hell merchandise promoter Peni Puschmann and Jamie Davis hold a couple of the new T-shirts that are available online, at the tow yard or at Hope Drive-In.


Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . 11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Classifieds . . . . . 14 $

1.10 (HST INCL.)

Highway Thru Hell merchandise available Fans of the hit television series Highway Thru Hell can now purchase Jamie Davis merchandise. The local towing company has partnered with Vancouver’s Great Pacific TV to launch an online store in addition to selling hats, T-shirts, hoodies and toques at Hope Drive-In on Old Hope Princeton Way and the Jamie Davis yard on Silver Skagit Road. The toques come in a variety of colours and T-shirts highlight dif-

Puschmann is also looking into ferent trucks seen in the show. offering a hand “People can take tool set and toy tow a piece of Highway trucks when finishThru Hell home “People can take a ing touches on the with them. It’s a piece of Highway new store at the novelty,” said Davis. Thru Hell home yard are complete. New products Highway Thru have been added with them.” Hell has become specifically to coa massive hit in incide with the U.S. Jamie Davis Canada on the Dispremiere of the covery Channel, show on the Nagarnering the hightional Geographic est premier audience in network Channel. Merchandise promoter Peni history. The show now airs in 170

countries. “It’s neat and it’s kind of exciting that it’s airing around the world,” said Davis. “It shows a different side of the towing business and I think it’s going to be very good for Hope in the tourism area. But we’re so busy worrying about the dayto-day that you don’t really feel any different. The job is still the same.” To check out the Jamie Davis merchandise, visit http://store.jamiedavistowing.com.

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A2 Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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Meet & Greet - Martin Brothers Funeral Chapels is pleased to be hosting the next Meet & Greet on Wednesday, February 13, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Martin Brothers Funeral Services, 1270 Ryder Street. Come out and meet the new owners.



Local members:

The Branding Information Session, jointly sponsored by The District of Hope, AdvantageHOPE and the Chamber of Commerce, was held on January 30 and had a great turnout. We heard lots of positive comments. Doug Araki, CFP A confidential on-line community survey is available on the branding TF: 1-800-778-1133 ext. 213 page of our website until February 12. Everyone is welcome and C: 604-869-1862 encouraged to participate. It should only take approximately E: doug.araki@investorsgroup.com W: www.investorsgroup.com TOO MANY THINGS IN LIFE, 10 - 15 minutes to complete. It is open until February 12th at COMPLICATED. TOO MANY THINGS IN LIFE, noon. If you or someone you know would like to participate, COMPLICATED. MANAGING YOUR FINANCES, NOT COMPLICATED. MANAGING YOUR FINANCES, but is unable to use the on-line version, hard copies can be NOT COMPLICATED. found at the District of Hope office, as well as the Hope & At Envision Financial, we’re all about simplicity. At Envision Financial, all At Envision Financial, we’re all about about simplicity. simplicity. Drop by and havewe’re a conversation with one of Dist. Chamber of Commerce office. Hard copies need to be Drop by aa conversation with Drop by and and have haveAdvisors conversation with one one of of our Financial today. our Financial Advisors today. our Financial Advisors today. received by the February 12th deadline. envisionfinancial.ca envisionfinancial.ca envisionfinancial.ca

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Ideas Exchange We are looking for some feedback on some seminars that we would like to host. To help us out, please take a very short survey at http://www.surveymonkey. com/s/FXDSM9W

Micro Business Training Funding is still available for this program. If you are a business owner looking to upgrade their skills, the Micro Business Training program is up and running. They offer funding for owners to upgrade their skills. Call the Chamber office at 604-869-3111 for more details. You don’t have to be a chamber member to take advantage of this program.

Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013 A3


Word from the

MP concerned about boundary changes Kerrie-Ann Schoenit

smaller remote communi- ing, which were previously at ties as they need to. I do have risk of being joined to Abbotsconcerns there. It seems that ford. Most of the current Chillisome of those communities (in the Fraser Canyon) cer- wack-Fraser Canyon riding’s land would tainly would form a new be better Missionpaired with “... unfortunately Matsqui–FraChilliwack remote communities ser Canyon and Hope.” riding, and The proare often the last absorb many posed Chillto find a home it communities i w a c k - Ho p e north of the riding would seems.” Fraser River, cover a fracall the way tion of the from Agassiz land of the MP Mark Strahl and Harrison current ChillHot Springs, iwack-Fraser to Boston Bar Canyon riding, but would keep Chilli- and Ashcroft. Pemberton, wack united. The riding’s new meanwhile, would join a new Vancouver–Sunshine 92,734 population size would West include areas south of High- Coast–Sea to Sky Country way 1 such as Garrison Cross- riding, tying the town to near-

Hope Standard

The new proposed federal electoral boundaries will see the Fraser Canyon join a new riding. The Federal Election Boundaries Commission for B.C. released its report last week, which is now under review by the House of Commons. The review is part of a regular 10-year re-assessment of federal electoral boundaries to reflect population growth. “The commission has a very difficult job to do and unfortunately remote communities are often the last to find a home it seems,” said Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon MP Mark Strahl. “They give greater consideration to the bigger population centers and then add those

by Whistler. Strahl said he’s happy to see Chilliwack and Hope remain in one riding, as there’s important links between the two communities geographically and economically. “The commission heard compelling testimony from people in Chilliwack that the community should be kept together as one federal riding,” said Strahl. “That then has a domino effect outside of that district. To get the right numbers, the City of Chilliwack was kept intact, Hope was added and there wasn’t any room really for any other communities to be added.” The commission will submit its final report on boundary changes to the House of Commons in June.

Fatal crash on Coquihalla Highway A 54-year-old woman from West Kelowna has died following a multi-vehicle collision on Highway 5 Sunday. Fraser Valley Traffic Services responded to the scene, approximately 35 kilometres north of Hope, at about 6:35 p.m. Three vehicles, a 2008 Toyota, a 2008 Ford and a 2007 International commercial vehicle hauling lumber were traveling southbound on the Coquihalla Highway near the Zopkis brake check. The vehicles subsequently collided with one another and ended up coming to rest both on the travelled portion of the roadway as well

as the shoulder. The two occupants of the Toyota, a 66-year-old woman and a 67-year-old man from Langley, were both injured. While the two 40-yearold male occupants of the 2008 Ford from Kamloops and the 54-year-old woman from West Kelowna, who had been a passenger in the commercial vehicle, rendered medical assistance to the injured, a fourth vehicle, a 2008 Chevrolet driven by a 62-year-old man from West Kelowna, drove through the collision scene and struck the Toyota.

The two men from Kamloops were able to leap to safety, however the 54-year-old woman from West Kelowna was struck by the stationary Toyota after the Chevrolet struck it while her 59-year-old husband witnessed the crash. She was taken to Fraser Canyon Hospital in Hope where she succumbed to her injuries. Her name has not been released yet pending notification of next of kin. The driver of the Chevrolet stopped briefly down the road from the collision scene however, did not return to the scene and

chose to drive to Hope where he attended the RCMP detachment. Police said he’s been cooperating with the investigators. Primary investigation reveals that it was snowing at the time of the collision, which may have been a factor in this collision along with driver inattention. Police said speed and alcohol do not appear to be factors at this time. Anyone who witnessed this collision and has not spoken to the police, is asked to contact Const. Laszlo Bali of Fraser Valley Traffic Services at 604702-4039.


February is auto crime enforcement month in B.C. and the Hope/Boston Bar RCMP is actively seeking your help in combating this problem. Police have seen a slight increase in thefts from vehicles, theft of vehicle and mischief to vehicles over the last few months throughout the Upper Fraser Valley. Your police will be actively targeting known auto crime suspects and will be assisted by Hope Crime Prevention Society volunteers to monitor their activities. What we need from you is to protect yourself from being a potential target. Here are a few tips to help protect your vehicle from auto crime (& they really work!): 1. Remove your valuables. 2. If you have an older vehicle without an immobilizer, use an anti-theft device. 3. Park in secure, well-lit areas. 4. Always lock doors and close windows, even if you’re just away from your vehicle for a few minutes. 5. Keep your garage door opener out of sight. If you’re parking on the street outside your home, take your garage door opener with you. 6. Wait for the garage door gate to close behind you. 7. Don’t store your spare key - or your spouse’s spare key - in your vehicle. 8. Never leave your keys unguarded in a gym or restaurant. Keep your key with you or locked in a secure place. 9. Report any suspicious activity to us immediately. Try and get as much information as possible on what you observed. 2/13W_RCMP6

Hope Lions CLub A Big Thank You to these merchants who helped us with our Lions TV Bingo

RCMP looking for stolen equipment

Numerous stolen items were stolen from the Gold Rush Pub on Old Hope Princeton way on Jan. 29. Approximately $10,000 worth of bar items went missing following a break-in, as well BC

Lottery Corporation equipment and sound equipment. Police are looking for amplifiers, speakers, Keno equipment, a computer, a printer, Molson Canadian and Alexander Keith beer draft towers, as well as various lot-

Constable Drew Padgett

tery pull tabs. Anyone with information is asked to call Hope RCMP at 604-869-7750 or leave an anonymous tip with Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

• Headliner • Toy's pharmacy • Romano's • Hope Video • Lucky Dollar store • buy & save Foods • Fraser Hope Lodge • Lakeway Market • Cooper's Foods We would also like to express a belated thank you to McDonald’s Restaurant, Ridgway Ent. and Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson for contributing to our After Christmas Cash program.


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The 2013 official visitor guide for Hope & area is coming soon!





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rather shaky history and it’s not sure how good this new one will be. The drug is still under review in Canada. It may be available to pharmacies within the year.

Losing weight is big business. However, there is no magic answer to the problem. To make weight-loss permanent, one It’s been over 13 years since a must simply eat fewer calories new weight-loss drug has come or burn more calories. In fact, on the market. A new one was for better results, do both. just OK’d in the U.S. It’s called Belviq and it works on a brain Research in Israel has produced chemical that controls appetite. a strain of marijuana that can Weight-loss drugs have had a ease pain and discomfort symp-

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A4 Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013




Truck recovery

Battle OF

A Highway Thru Hell camera crew films Jamie Davis Heavy Rescue clearing a wreck on Highway 1 near China Bar Tunnel on Saturday. A lumber truck went over the embankment at about 8 p.m. on Friday after swerving to miss a falling rock. The driver survived the crash.



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Branding survey underway

Join us in Worship

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Community of Hope Church Directory AngliCAn ChurCh of CAnAdA

Christ ChurCh consecrated 1861

www.anglican-hope.ca 275 Park street

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Corner of 5th & Fort

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Pastor Jim Cornock

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Alison Harwood discusses the branding process at a community open house last Wednesday at Blue Moose Cafe.

A new survey has been launched to get public input on Hope’s community branding initiative. The results will be used to determine the spirit and personality of Hope, and find out what makes the community an attractive place to visit, relocate or do business. The

project is a partnership between the District of Hope, local Chamber of Commerce and AdvantageHOPE. “Branding as a whole is an ongoing process,” said branding coordinator Alison Harwood, who has been involved in similar processes in Golden and Fernie. “It’s about focusing in on a clear defined message. This first stage is

really about taking a hard look at who we are, what our assets are and defining who we are.” A brand book will be drafted by the end of June to articulate Hope’s values, competitors and target audience. It will be used by the three partners to influence marketing decisions, policy decisions, and budget allocations. A logo will also be produced, along with colour palettes and fonts for signage and websites. “I think most people recognize that times have changed and the status quo doesn’t work for Hope,” said Harwood. “For any community that was based on mining, forestry or resource extraction, it’s a bit of a boom and bust. Towns that can adapt and really keep themselves flexible to opportunities and have fresh identities, those are the ones that are going to be able to sustain themselves in the future. That’s what we’re hoping for in Hope.” The branding committee will be participating in a series of workshops this month to review the survey results. A report will be will be posted on hopechamber.net. To complete the survey, visit https:// www.sur veymonkey. com/s/hope-brandingsurvey. Hard copies can also be picked up at district hall or the chamber office, which is located at Pixel Mountain Studio on Wallace Street. Completed surveys must be received by Feb. 12 at noon.


Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013 A5

No reversal on smart meters, Coleman insists But it’s unclear what happens after ‘re-education’ effort

Jeff Nagel Black Press

Energy Minister Rich Coleman says smart meters won’t be forced into homes over the next few months but he denied reports the province has reversed its policy and will let objectors opt out of having the wireless devices. “We’re going back to talk to our customers,” he said last Thursday. “We’ll not force any customer to take a meter.” Coleman said he believes most smart meter opponents will ultimately agree to take them after they talk to BC Hydro reps. But exactly what will happen to holdouts who resist to the end is unclear. Coleman said the next steps would be decided after “some re-education” and an effort to work with objectors in a “respectful” way. “(We’ll) see how many at the end of maybe two or three months we have left and then we’ll have a conversation about where we go from here,” he said. Asked whether the meters will ultimately be mandatory, Coleman said: “I’m not going to make that decision until I see

the results of the next couple of months. “Out of repect for our customers, we go through that first without coming with whatever program would come later.” BC Hydro officials said earlier this week they will take more time to work through customer concerns and won’t install meters without permission in households who oppose them. Coleman had also indicated that in an earlier op-ed piece. South Surrey-White Rock Liberal MLA Gordon Hogg last Wednesday claimed Coleman had agreed smart meter objectors would get a permanent optout. “He actually contacted me and apologized,” Coleman said, adding Hogg’s office misinterpreted his position. NDP energy critic John Horgan accused the Liberals of making a muddled attempt to neutralize the contentious issue ahead of the provincial election. “They want to reduce the amount of frustration they find in communities right across B.C.,” Horgan said. He said the attempt to punt the issue to after the May 14 vote

has only confused the public, Hydro officials have so far adding MLA offices have been refused to disclose what pro“swamped by concerned citizens portion of smart meters are rewho want answers.” quired in a given area for the For months, wireless meter new smart grid to function efopponents have posted notices fectively. and in some cases built cages More than 1.74 million smart or other structures around their meters have so far been inold analog meters to keep Hydro stalled province-wide, pointing contractors to a penetrafrom converttion rate of at ing them. least 93 per “(We’ll) see how many But those cent, with a who didn’t combination of at the end of maybe take such steps holdouts and and now have two or three months we accepting cusa smart meter have left and then we’ll tomers still to won’t be algo. have a conversation lowed to switch Horgan said back – no mat- about we go from here.” an NDP govter how the ernment would province ultiask the B.C. mately handles Utilities ComRich Coleman the final holdmission to adouts. vise on how “We can’t rebest to deal move a smart meter once it has with households who refuse the been installed because they are new meters. now standard operating equip“What we need now is not ment like utility poles and pow- government or a political party er lines,” BC Hydro spokesman telling the public why this is a Greg Alexis said in an emailed good or bad idea, but an indestatement. “Also, the old meters pendent third party.” are being recycled and are no That’s what the province longer available.” should have done from the

outset, Horgan said, but added B.C.’s Clean Energy Act exempted the smart meter program from regulatory scrutiny. “They’re reaping what they sowed,” he said. “This $1-billion program was jammed through for reasons unknown to me.” Horgan said he expects the BCUC would consider a range of options for holdout households. He said one might be to subsidize the cost of placing a wireless meter at the edge of the property and running a wire to it, potentially allowing the customer to pay their share over the long term through small monthly payments. Horgan said he has no personal concerns about smart meter safety but said the government’s approach of dismissing opponents as “just irrational people doesn’t diminish the anxiety they’re feeling.” Some objectors have also refused to accept smart meters because they believe BC Hydro will eventually implement timeof-use pricing that charges more at peak periods. Coleman previously ruled that out.

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Date: February 12, 2013 Location: Hope and District Recreation Centre, Conference Centre Address: 1005 6th Avenue, Hope Time: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


A6 Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

Laws must be toughened It took a cultural shift to battle drinking and driving, perhaps it’s time to make another shift so fewer pedestrians die in our streets. As with drunk driving, we can do that by changing laws, attitudes and public perception. Tougher laws and costly penalties made it unacceptable to drink and drive. Groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving got behind the campaigns and programs such as Operation Red Nose made it easier for people to make the right choice during the holidays. Corporations launched campaigns to make it cool to be the designated driver and drivers — thus educated and forewarned — changed their behaviour. It may take similar efforts to reduce the number of pedestrian fatalities, which last year totalled 63, according to the BC Coroner’s Service. That’s almost the same number of people who were killed by drunk drivers last year, yet where’s the outcry? The sad fact is it’s walking seniors, 70 years and older, who die the most often in a collision with a car. Where do most of these fatalities occur? At intersections and marked crosswalks. When? In December and January, when it’s dark and rainy. In fact, people of all ages are at greatest risk during this province’s gloomiest months. Pedestrians need to understand that there are no safe intersections or crosswalks. Adults must apply the same safety rules they teach their kids: be aware of your surroundings, look both ways, make eye contact with drivers. And sorry, seniors, old age is not an exemption from the crucial lessons we direct at our youth. But it doesn’t stop there: Driver education must be enhanced, laws must be toughened and outwear must be reflective, or at the very least lighter in colour. Pedestrian fatalities aren’t any less serious than drunk driving deaths. So why are they treated that way? - Black Press

Stage set for B.C. senate election

B.C. Views

Tom Fletcher Cannon will roar across the Inner Harbour on the morning of Feb. 12 to mark the opening of the 2013 legislature session. Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon will inspect the troops and present her inaugural Throne Speech, setting out the B.C. Liberal government’s goals for the coming year. This ritual will kick off a legislative session that is expected to run until March 14, where the official Parliamentary Calendar shows a three-week break for Easter. Debate is unlikely to resume in April, as the election campaign will be in full roar by then. This means there will be a grand total of 19 sitting days to push

OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

through a budget and a raft of legislation. Here’s my unofficial preview. The pre-election budget will be presented Feb. 19 by Finance Minister Michael de Jong. Premier Christy Clark has decreed that it must be balanced, and the government has made extra efforts to armour itself against what will likely be the loudest debate ahead. First, de Jong held a pre-budget meeting of the government’s bluechip forecast council in public. This provided a visual record of what happens every year, when the finance ministry solicits the same sort of independent advice as most competent democracies, and bases its numbers on that. Then the finance ministry hired former Bank of Montreal chief economist Tim O’Neill, who will act as an unofficial version of the parliamentary budget officer in Ottawa. Now that we have simultaneous oversight of child welfare and the police, the next step is to extend


Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO

it to finance bureaucrats. Regardless of party, the government has to produce a three-year set of forecasts to replace the current one. A lot of election energy will go into competing claims about

“Electing senators remains a popular notion, especially with older, conservativeminded voters in B.C. who identified with the Reform Party.” who is better at predicting the future. Another new law to be given high priority is one setting up senate elections, to be run in connection

Standard The Hope

with the May 14 provincial vote. Alberta pioneered this, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent round of senate appointments included Calgary lawyer Doug Black, who won an Alberta senate election held last year. There was no one appointed to replace Gerry St. Germain, who bid an emotional adieu as a Conservative senator for B.C. last year. St. Germain was instrumental in uniting the splintered federal Conservatives, but he reached the mandatory retirement age of 75, having been appointed by Brian Mulroney in 1993 after losing his seat as an MP. Why would this senate reform be so urgent for the B.C. Liberals now? Well, turnout for the 2009 election fell to around 50 per cent, a record low for a provincial vote. If that downward trend is reversed this year, it will be in large part because people are still mad enough about the harmonized sales tax and

DEADLINES Display Friday 4 p.m.

Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.

E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




2 26

PublishEr AnDrew FrAnKlin 604-869-2421

Editor Kerrie-Ann Schoenit 604-869-4992

AdvErtising PAttie DeSjArDinS 604-869-4990

540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.



a range of other issues to get off the couch and kick some B.C. Liberal butt. Electing senators remains a popular notion, especially with older, conservative-minded voters in B.C. who identified with the Reform Party. The first-ever senate election looks like the best available shot at boosting turnout among people who are not likely to vote NDP, and who may also be disengaged from provincial politics. And then there is the provincial sales tax bill. Another kick in the slats for the movie business, for one, and don’t hold your breath for NDP leader Adrian Dix to produce a solution in the wake of his recent trip to Tinsel Town. The performance of the governing party and the opposition will be scrutinized as never before. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca

ClAssifiEd/CirCulAtion jAnice McDonAlD 604-869-2421

BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013 A7

Letters Decision warrants community input

Re: Secondary suite bylaw supported (Jan. 30) I attended the public hearing during which I and others raised some serious concerns, not only regarding the effect on the neighborhood in question, but the broader implications that such a change would have on our community and one of the key factors that attracts people from larger centres to Hope. In fact, though not great in number, twice as many people spoke and emailed against the rezoning than for it. The outcome of the council vote has

me wondering whether the public hearing was more for optics, to satisfy a process requirement and enable them to push their agenda forward, than to gauge where people stand and act accordingly. I recognize that governments must at times make unpopular decisions that make fiscal and/or economic sense, however this situation does neither. Why it was deemed important to spend a great deal of time, energy, and money over two years to explore high density housing and gather a mere 63 opinions in the process when we have

a surplus of affordable inventory sitting idle in our community is a mystery to me. To then take those 63 opinions and claim “overwhelming support” because 46 of them indicated support of secondary suites adds insult to injury. It seems to me that a decision of this magnitude would warrant extensive community input and a cohesive long term plan, neither of which were garnered nor provided. Imagine the difference these resources could have made had they been directed toward the more pressing issues we face

as a community, such as making the investments and adjustments necessary to attract employers, businesses, residents and visitors. All of this is a symptom of a larger problem. I believe the bigger issue for our mayor and council to consider is why the community is so disengaged from the issues before us. Based on this outcome, I suspect it is because they don’t believe their input will make a difference in the outcome. Unless and until this changes, nothing else will. Michelle Richardson

Province needs to match film tax credits

On Jan. 31, Community, Sport, and Cultural Development Minister Bill Bennett announced the $6.25 million in funding for young people involved in artistic ventures. He also said during this announcement, “Can we immediately match the tax film credits available in Ontario? The cost to the taxpayer in B.C. would be $100 million to do that, and so, as I’ve said in the many meetings that I’m having, and will continue to have with the industry, we can’t do that.”

His statement makes me wonder? Is Mr. Bennett capable of properly doing his job? How can he be so wrong, or is he intentionally misleading the public? The $100 million to which he refers is not money that the province has. It is money that the province will never have, unless the film producers actually spend $1 billion dollars here in B.C. Only then, will the $100 million he refers to, be paid out, and that would be only a portion of the massive

taxes collected from the multitude of local companies, and the thousands of workers employed by those film producers. This is not a grant, not as Mr. Bennett would have you believe, not money taken from the public purse, but a simple rebate of only some of the taxes collected, from a significant economic driver in our province. The many who “would be employed,” won’t be! Without matching the film tax credits, the producers

District’s public works crew handled problem promptly

A few weeks ago during a cold spell, we had a burst water pipe at the front of our property on Kereluk Rd. Water was gushing everywhere so we called the water department to come and shut off our connec-

tion. After much digging and wading around in muck, they discovered it was not our pipe to the house that broke but a municipal pipe. They worked very hard in cold, wet conditions for two days to correct the problem.

They also worked inside our house to clear all the lines. Our problem was handled promptly and professionally from the first call to the office to the final cleanup. We want to thank Bobby, Duncan,



Do you support the proposed secondary suite bylaw in Hope?

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To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard.com

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Yes 37% No 63%

Emmett, Graham and the rest of the crew for a job well done!! Paul Kaji

won’t come here, they won’t spend the $1 billion dollars here and many B.C. businesses will suffer, while thousands of workers, many of which are artists, will be unemployed. Mr. Bennett’s $6.25 million in funding will create more artists that will also have a difficult time finding any meaningful work in their field and thus, be unemployed like the multitude of B.C. film workers (23,500 at last count). Alan MacKinnon

Slow down for pedestrians We have wonderful people in this lovely city of Hope and we would like to keep them safe. But it’s a difficult situation to try to keep them safe because in the evenings there are

Letters The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters. Email:


The Hope Standard office will be

CLOSED for Family Day, Monday, February 11

Are you unemployed, aged 15-30yrs?

Advertising Deadlines for the February 13 edition: Classified: Feb. 8 at 5 pm Display Advertising: Feb. 8 at 12 noon

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so many people walking who give no indication that they are there. They are in dark clothing without reflections of any kind to make them visible. And in a small town it’s easy to think that

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992. Circulation $1.10 per copy retail; $42 per year by carrier; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.

nothing bad can happen. But that isn’t true. Please give some thought to slowing down to give these people a chance to stay alive. Dolores Hampton


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Hope and District Minor Hockey would like to say THANK YOU to the following sponsors who generously supported our recent BANTAM HOcKeY tournament...

• Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa • Sandpiper Golf Course • Lordco (Agassiz) • Cooper’s Foods • Sharon’s Deli • Joe’s Restaurant • Kimchi • Home Restaurant • Hope Liquor Store • Pharmasave • Napa (Canyon Cable) • Jim’s Antiques • Brenner Contracting • Sunshine Lanes • 6th Avenue Sports • Shelly’s Hair Stop • The Cats Meow • Rolly’s • Nestle Waters 02/13W_HMH5

A8 Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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New February holiday

Jeff Nagel Black Press

B.C. will usher in a new statutory holiday in the dead of winter with the addition of Family Day on Monday, Feb. 11. And while it’s being billed as a chance for workers to take an extra day off and enjoy a long weekend with loved ones in the three long months between New Year’s Day and Easter, tourism operators see it as a major potential payday. Local ski hills and familyfriendly attractions are banking on a big boost in business. “We are confident that this decision will drive significant benefits for the tourism industry, the provincial economy and the people of British Columbia,” said David Lynn, president and CEO of Canada’s West Ski Areas Association. In fact, tourism industry interests were a major consideration in the decision on exactly what date should become B.C.’s new midwinter holiday. Premier Christy Clark pledged last year B.C. would create a Family Day, joining Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia with similar statutory

holidays in February. More than 3,000 residents voted in online consultations on whether the day should fall on the second or third Monday in February of each year. The second Monday got support from nearly two-thirds of respondents. It also won the backing of most tourism operators because it’s a different weekend from February holidays in other western provinces and President’s Day in the U.S. They argued placing B.C.’s Family Day out-of-step with other jurisdictions gives them a better chance to capitalize on two hightraffic weekends in February, rather than have local and outof-province vacationers jammed together at the same overcrowded attractions on a single common holiday. The minority who wanted to align with other provinces and states on the third Monday said it would allow families and friends across provincial borders to get together on the same weekend. Universities also argued the third Monday would align better with student breaks and others

were concerned Feb. 11 falls too close to Valentine’s Day. The idea wasn’t universally embraced. Independent MLAs voted against Family Day in the B.C. legislature, calling it a politically motivated feel-good stunt by the new premier that adds unnecessary costs to businesses. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business estimated Family Day will cost the average small business an extra $1,100 to either pay employees to stay home or overtime to come to work. And that’s on top of new transition costs to go back to the Provincial Sales Tax, following previous costs of switching to the Harmonized Sales Tax, as well as a series of increases to the minimum wage. The provincial government itself will shell out an estimated $28 million in higher payroll costs due to the new holiday. Not every employer or group of workers will get Family Day off. Because it’s a provincial holiday, the legislation requiring it to be a paid day off doesn’t apply to employees at federally regulated Telus, Canada Post, and branches of the federal government.

Faces of Hope Born in Vienna Austria in 1938, Hans Jeschek moved to Canada in 1960 and lived in Montreal for 15 years, while working in New York as a management consultant engineer. Hope became his permanent home in 1975 because the climate was too hard for him to resist. His entrepreneurial spirit within expanded in various business ventures. Jeschek became a drapery manufacturer, retail store owner, motel owner, restaurant owner and for the last 25 years has been a Royal LePage realtor in Hope. Jeschek earned the respect of his peers through his volunteer work HANS JESCHEK and strong dedication to his community. Highlights of his many awards include: The United Nations International Year of the Volunteer for Canada in 2001, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2003 and this past month the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Jeschek is also the only lifetime honorary member of the Chamber of Commerce in Hope. The Spirit of BC honoured him to carry the torch for the Olympic Torch Run, which is one of his most precious moments of life. - Contributed by Johanne Losier

how to play:

• Fill in the grid so that every row, every column & every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. • Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.

answErs for pUZZlE 378

February 6th Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. Sleeveless Arab garments 5. Make somebody laugh 10. Doctors’ group 13. Afghan Persian language 14. Indian dresses 15. Publisher Conde 17. Loud noises 18. Threefold 19. 6489 Ft. Greek mountain 20. Holds outerwear 22. Expressed pleasure 23. Hawaiian floral garlands 24. Unhappy 26. Belonging to a thing 27. Tooth caregiver (abbr.) 30. A public promotion 31. Levels to the ground (alt. spelling) 33. Nursing group 34. Set aside for a purpose 38. Slightly wet

40. One of #1 across 41. Any competition 45. Verify 49. Lyricist Gershwin 50. Bangladesh capital before 1982 52. Potato state 54. “Weighing Gold” artist Gerard 55. Australian Racing Board 56. Type of health insurance 58. Pierce with a knife 60. Southeast Asia Treaty Org. 62. Outer garment storage room 66. Genus cuniculus 67. Speak 68. Language, a.k.a. twi 70. Smudge made by soot 71. Amber is one 72. Stand to hold articles 73. Midway between S and SE 74. Satiates 75. One who colors clothes

DOWN 1. Determine the sum of 2. Spoken in the Dali region 3. River in Florence 4. Plant fiber that makes rope 5. Spanning 6. 1978 Turkish massacre 7. Acid causing gout 8. Drops underwater 9. Midway between E and SE 10. Dwarf buffalo 11. Five iron 12. Valuable owned items 16. Small amounts 21. High, green or iced 22. 6th Jewish month 25. Macaws 27. Male parent 28. The king of molecules 29. Golfer Snead 32. Swedish krona 35. Express pleasure

36. Resource-based economy 37. A waterproof raincoat 39. Red China 42. Furnish with help 43. Criminal Records Office 44. ___ de cologne 46. Repeat sound 47. Stonestreet character 48. Baby cats 50. Sleep reveries 51. Ancient calculating device 53. Constitution Hall org. 55. Vipers 57. Plant structure (alt. spelling) 58. Gymnopedis composer Erik 59. A slab of lumber 61. Modern London gallery 63. Kiln 64. All right 65. Ceremonial staff of authority 67. Many not ands 69. Norwegian money (abbr.)

Answers for JAnuAry 30 crossword puzzle cAn be found in the clAssified section of this pAper

Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013 A9

w e h t a t y n s t i n n e e u l C a V ont ... o C es t

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A10 Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Experience as a Family

Get out and enjoy our beautiful outdoors – no matter what your weather. Hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing or just going for a leisurely stroll would be a great thing to do together as a family. Plan a meal away from the house – Instead of cooking for the gathering, plan a formal brunch or dinner at a favorite or new restaurant. Not only do you experience a new menu together but everyone in your group can sit together and enjoy the meal. Be Active Together - Family Day is a great opportunity to get in a little exercise. The cold wet weather usually keeps us inside and might seem better suited for a day on the couch, but there are places to get active that will keep you out of the cold. Take the whole

family swimming. The Dan Sharrer’s Aquatic Centre in Hope will be open 1 - 4 pm on Family Day. The Hope & Dist. Recreation Centre gym is also open from 1- 4 pm. Go bowling together as a family. Fraser Bowl & Raquetball is great place to have a little friendly ‘family competition’.

Cook Together If you ask any adult about some of their favourite memories of childhood, you will invariably hear something related to food. Whether it’s baking with Grandma or grilling hamburgers for a cookout with Dad, cooking is always an important part of growing up. Maybe you’re looking to make something you’ve never made before, or perhaps you want to try out a new cuisine. Hitting the library or the web will give you ideas for new recipes, whether it’s trying to duplicate your favourite takeout pizza or make an authentic spicy Indian dish. Let each member of the family choose a recipe that they want to try, whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack.

Create Together Whatever your plans are for this first “Family Day”, spending time with your family will make it a memorable one!

It’s our first

BC Family Day

Monday, February 11, 2013


Creating something as a family can mark an important time in your family history. It captures the age and ability of your children, your interests and a point in time. By working together on a project your family can develop new skills, collaborate on something truly memorable and enjoy what each family member brings to the endeavor. Think about all the things a family could create together – a family album complete with stories, mementos and funny or poignant memories. Your family might be

old enough to handle something more ambitious like building a dog house or designing and painting a family recreation area in your home. Technology puts an amazing array of tools in the hands of today’s families. You can plan, write, film and edit a movie with your everyday computer and smartphone technology and software. Even more fun is sharing your family creation with friends around the world.

Celebrate Family Day Monday, February 11, 2013 The Hope

Eat Together At Home Family Day is the ideal time to bring your family ‘back to the table’. Engaging your family in menu selection, shopping and preparation helps you get more out of the family meal. At Cooper’s Foods we have everything you need for healthy meal choices.

Enjoy time with your family See what’s happening around BC, visit: www.bcfamilyday.ca

Proud supporter of community events!



559 Old Hope Princeton Hwy 604-869-3663


Try something new this Family Day. It might be as simple as agreeing that everyone observe a no-technology or TV day. Board games are a great indoor activity, and Family Day is a great time to dig out some of your old favourites like Monopoly and Clue, and maybe try out a few new ones that are geared towards family fun. Set up a card table, get your favourite puzzle out and spend hours putting together the pieces. Finishing a complicated puzzle will also give your kids a sense of accomplishment.


Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013 A11


With a couple of clicks, add your event today.

New market study spells out promising retail opportunities ing were made aware of the need not just for another study, but a document that drew from recent research and that could be actively used by the entire community. We wanted a marketing tool that local real estate offices, local business people, societies such as the Chamber of Commerce, local and regional governments, media, and simply interested citizens could all use to entice their clients, partners, and friends to Hope. Smerdon’s and Bell’s research strategy em- Tyler braced this require- Mattheis ment, and rather than starting with a Google search, data review, or traffic count document, Smerdon and Bell started with a trip. Driving them around town I was able to watch them take pictures, make comments and notes, and keenly observe everything from store fronts to traffic patterns and customer attitudes.

More like investigative journalism than economic research, their commitment to uncovering patterns and opportunities was invigorating - and a lot more fun. The follow up was equally impressive. After their trip, Smerdon and Bell dove into recent land analyses and demand forecasts (2008), the economic development strategy (2009), the Official Community Plan (2004), and the research that compiles Hope’s economic profile (2011). Then personal phone calls to specific local businesses rounded out the raw data to again bring faces and down-to-earth experience into the final product. Our community has already benefited from this exercise. Armed with this objective analysis, AdvantageHOPE was able to strategically market opportunities in Hope to prospective de-

velopers, retailers, and franchisees at the International Council of Shopping Centres conference in Whistler in January. Rather than saying “if you don’t believe me, just ask me,” we could instead point to the conference co-chair, James Smerdon, and say, “if you don’t believe me, ask him - he’s seen the opportunity in Hope and here’s the data to back it up.” All research documents are not created equally - some are far more useful than others. Our community has already received excellent value from this exercise and is poised to continue to see value over the next few years. This is one study that won’t have time to get dusty on the shelf. Check out AdvantageHOPE.ca to download a copy for yourself. You can find it in the “Blog,” under “Retail” or on the “Publications” page under “Business Resources.” Tyler Mattheis is executive director of AdvantageHOPE. He can be reached at 604-860-0930 or info@advantagehope.ca.

Biz on the Street

Colliers International Consulting has successfully identified promising retail market opportunities in the retail sector for Hope. This respected third party objectively assessed the current business opportunities in Hope using a combination of local field work and statistical analysis. The study decodes economic terms such as Potential Market Recapture, Primary Trade Area, Demand Analysis, and Market Gaps to clearly describe our business potential. Satisfied - and excited. This would well describe the AdvantageHOPE board when the final product was unveiled. The importance of Hope’s strategic location, the additional retail businesses that can thrive in our area, and the potential to claw back dollars currently leaving our community are all wellarticulated in a way that can be presented to local, regional, or international entrepreneurs. From the beginning, James Smerdon and David Bell from Colliers International Consult-


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Fraser Canyon Hospital/ Fraser Hope Lodge Auxiliary: We raise funds for our hospital and lodge, and have several events throughout the year. We also have two gift shops, one in the hospital and the other in the lodge. With the money raised we are able to continue to purchase large items needed for the patient’s comfort and care. Monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 11 1 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital conference room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-3517 Hope Al-Anon Group Meeting: Al-Anon welcomes and supports friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, Feb. 11 8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078 Children’s Active Playtime (CAP): Bring your children for some energetic and active playtime. Lots of floor space to kick a ball, large toys to climb and ride on. For ages 1-4

For the record

years. Parent supervision required. Monday, Feb. 11 9:30 a.m. Hope Recreation Centre 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2304

played in the back room gallery for the month of February. Hope Arts Gallery 349 Fort St. 604-869-3400


Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Join us for a cup of coffee . No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, Feb. 7 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369

Community Choir: We practice weekly and present one or two concerts a year, as well as participating in the community Christmas carol evening. Tuesday, Feb. 12 7 p.m. Hope United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435 Hope Homelearners: Learn, share, and chat with other homeschooling families in your community. Children and caregivers welcome. Group meeting Tuesday, Feb. 12 6:30 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-9441


Retrospect Four: Artwork by the many children, youth, adults and seniors who attend the Hope & District Arts Council sponsored Art Machine will be disFurther to the The Bibliotheca column in the Jan. 30 edition of The Hope Standard, Manning Park Resort is participating in Canada West Ski


Power line tree Pruning and hazard tree removals Bridal Falls When:

February 4, 2013 to March 29, 2013

Hope Christian Women’s Club: Enjoy a morning with like minded women who meet, enjoy a cup of coffee and pray for their families & friends, the community, politicians, world leaders, our military, firefighters & health care workers. Thursday, Feb. 7 9:30 a.m. The Sim’s 532 Rupert St. 604-869-8420


7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


West: Highway 9

Movie night: Free movie with free pop,and popcorn. Saturday, Feb. 9 6 p.m. Potters House Church 476 Wallace St. 604-702-8464

Trees are a significant cause of power interruptions. Contact between trees and power lines can also create a severe danger. Over the next few months we will be pruning and removing trees in the Bridal Falls area. Boundaries: North: Fraser River East: Herrling Island South: Highway 1

Trees are pruned using the best arboriculture (tree care) practices. Skilled workers employed by BC Hydro are trained in both electrical safety and tree care. Only correct and proper techniques are used to eliminate any safety hazards. For more information about this work, please call Brian Hadden at 604 854 8447. For more information on our vegetation management practices, please visit bchydro.com/trees. 3789


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Areas Association’s Family Day discount on lift tickets. Visit www.manningpark.com for more details. Publication:

Hope Standard (BCNG)

A12 Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sports Hope Wildcats win weekend tournaments

Barry Stewart Hope Standard


A Langley forward readies to shoot the go-ahead goal, late in the first game versus Hope bantam C1 — but was the play was whistled down for a Langley penalty. The puck actually got past Hope netminder Matt Irwin but was disallowed. Hayden Simon scored his third goal with 34 seconds to go, to give Hope the 6-5 win.

nament before. “In that first game, when we got behind: in the past, that team would have crumbled when they got down like that. This year, though, they’ve been able to come back.” The team had a tight first period in their second game, against Aldergrove. Ahead 3-2 after the first frame, Hope took it 7-4, with two-goal efforts by Simon and Jarek Inancsi. Surrey was ahead 2-1 after one frame in game 3 but Inancsi’s two goals helped pace the Wildcats to a 4-2 win.

With a 3-and-0 record going in to game 4, coach Rick Simon said goaltender Irwin had to come up with another big effort in a tight game. Zane Elliot scored twice for Hope and the defensive core of Jacob Lucki, Millar Fredrickson, Jarek Inancsi and Dimitri John helped seal the 3-1 win. Surrey was the next-best team in the tournament standings, so they got to face Hope again in the championship final on Sunday afternoon. Surrey was awarded the most sportsmanlike team trophy. “They had only 22 penalty

minutes after four games,” said Michelle Inancsi, who helped run the event. “Teams were given a sportsmanship point if they got 10 penalty minutes or less in a game.” Irwin allowed only one goal against in the final, while Zane Elliott, Hayden Simon, Chase Bestwick, Jacob Lucki, Jarek Inancsi helped make it 5-1 for Hope. “The team played great this weekend, with games as early as 7 a.m.,” said coach Simon. “We were well-deserving of the first place title. They really came to-

gether and played as a team to win in their home town.” Teams chose player-of-thegame and most-sportsmanlike player for each game. A complete list was not available for the C1s but the C2’s players-of-the-games were: Brett Mayr, Warren McIntyre, Brandon Price and Tyler Krossenger. Their most sportsmanlike players were Demay Nickel, Tyrone Giroux, Shawn Larson and Mackenzie Peters. The final two minor hockey tournaments at the Hope rink are Hockey 2 on Feb. 22-24 and Hockey 4 on March 8-10.

this week’s events at the rec centre

Valentine’s Events

Tween Dance – Fri., Feb. 8 7:00pm-10:00pm Valentine Candy Box – Sat., Feb. 9 1:00pm-2:30pm Valentine Cookie Decorating – Sun., Feb. 10 1:00pm-2:30pm Valentine’s Skate Party – Sun., Feb. 10 4:00pm-5:30pm Teeny Valentine – Tues., Feb. 12 10:00am-11:30am

SCHOOL DAZE OFF Fri ., Feb. 15 8:30am5:00pm

YOGA FOR YOUTH! Fri., Feb. 15 Mar. 8, 2013 4:00-4:45pm

Hope & District

Recreation & Cultural Services


Lots more programs/details are available online!

1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC” website: www.fvrd.bc.ca • email: leisure@fvrd.bc.ca

2/13W HR5

Hope Minor Hockey teams had great success last weekend, with the bantam C1 squad winning their eight-team home tournament and the midget Cs winning a 12-team event in Kamloops. Hope had two entries in the bantam tournament, with the C2 team finishing fifth. The C1s went 5-and-0 on the weekend — but they didn’t choose an easy path in the opening game versus Langley on Friday. Penalty troubles helped them get behind 5-3, late in the game. Goalie Matt Irwin stood tall against a barrage of Langley shots, knowing that one more goal for the visitors could have made a deficit too big overcome. Then the tide turned. Hope got it to 5-4 with about three minutes to go, then tied it up — and Langley started a parade to the penalty box. A Langley player then rushed in and scored just as the whistle blew... but the referee had called a holding infraction against Langley, so the goal did not count. With 34 seconds left, Hayden Simon completed a hat-trick, putting the Wildcats ahead 6-5. Langley then pulled their goalie for an extra attacker — though they were short-handed because of a penalty — and they pounded a few desperate shots at Irwin, who found a way to stop them. When time elapsed, the Wildcats stormed their netminder, who was given the player-of-thegame honours. Darryl Inancsi, who has been co-coaching the team for the last 10 years, was unable to be behind the bench due to recent knee surgery. He was in the stands, though, and he liked what he saw over the weekend. “It was good to see the players coming together as a team,” he said on Monday. “There’s a core group of about six that we’ve been coaching for the last ten years — but we’ve had some new players join this year, who have never skated or played hockey before. “We’ve been working on getting the players to think and move the puck and all of a sudden, it just clicked this weekend. We’ve never won the Hope tour-

Hope Standard Wednesday, February 6, 2013 A13



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Hey! If this got your attention, then it worked...

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A14 Hope Standard, Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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HOPE RATEPAYERS MEETING Feb. 7, 2013 7:00 pm Council Chambers Everyone Welcome! The 4th annual WCOWMA-BC Convention & Trade Show will be held at the Ramada Convention Centre (36035 North Parallel Rd) in Abbotsford on February 7-9, 2013. Workshops, open forum discussions, networking opportunities and door prizes. Trade show admission is complimentary. Don’t miss the only wastewater trade show and convention in BC. Info at www.wcowma-bc.com.

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The Hope/Boston Bar RCMP Victim Services wishes to thank the family and friends of Maria Soares for the generous and thoughtful donations to our program. The funds collected will be used for our Compassion Fund for victims and clients. We wish to extend our sympathies to all of you who have been affected by this loss.


Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits or Other Insurance?






LIFE CHANGERS! Distributers required for non-competition health product. www.ourwow.info then www.jusuru.com/change. 780-2398305 or mervkit@yahoo.com.


MARKETING MANAGER Begonia Food Service Ltd. has a F/T Marketing Manager opportunity. Responsibilities will include developing & directing marketing functions for the assigned brands to grow the company’s presence in the market. • Analysis of pricing, marketing strategies, and event planning • Design prints advertising, brochures, website updates, etc. • Implement advertising and promotional activities • Leadership and guidance • Manage a marketing budget • Work with the buying teams with the marketing strategy

Base salary is $36,000 + performance bonus (20% of yearly net proceeds)


Send your resumes to Henry Cui by email: cuish2@yahoo.ca or by fax: 604-988-8398


Gertrude (Trudi) Elise Cremonese


a young child. So she went ‘back to school’ emerging as a newly-minted real estate agent in Vancouver. In 1976 she made another shift, this time buying a failing bridal salon and growing it into one of the leading stores of its kind in Vancouver. The 1970s also ushered in a 40 year relationship with her third husband, Rudolph Erdman Goy. Trudi and Rudi were to all an example of two people deeply in love and enormously committed one to the other. For over 20 years one of them drove each weekend between Vancouver and Hope so that they could be together. She retired happily to their retirement home in Hope overlooking the Fraser River which they designed, devoting herself to her passion - a sumptuous garden surrounding the house. The only thing that brought her more joy was being Oma to the over 30 children, grand- and great-grand-children she shared with Rudi. Survived by husband of over 40 years Rudi Goy, sons Al, Dino and Rene, grandchildren Marisol, Alexandra, Marina, Elena, Roman, Marc and Sylvia, great-grandchildren Rhianna, Troy and Molly. Survived as well by sisters Erika and Johanna in Germany. Predeceased by husbands Alfons Peter Dachs (1944) and Emil Cremonese (1969). No service will be held at this time. Donations to mark her life and memory can be made to the Salvation Army.



bcclassified.com 604-869-2421

Born January 11, 1923. Deceased January 30, 2013.

Until her passing on January 30, 2013 at Fraser Canyon Hospital in Hope, BC, Trudi had never faced a challenge to which she could not rise. Trudi was born in DonauEschingen. She started her long working life early spending her adolescence working in the family-operated restaurant in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 1944 she found herself a young widow with a newborn son following the death of her husband, Alfons Peter Dachs. Following the war she married Emil Cremonese. The family immigrated to Toronto in 1948. Over the next decade Trudi did whatever it took to help put food on the table - farm worker in Brantford, Ontario, piece-work in a garment factory and restaurant manager in Huntsville. The family relocated to BC in 19 9 after a ¿re destroyed Trudi’s sewing business in Toronto. In 1965 Trudi was hired to manage the newly-built Lake of the Woods Resort in Hope, BC. Many long hours and determination resulted in a thriving business with a restaurant popular year-round, a family summer holiday destination and a regular stop for tour busses heading up the Fraser Canyon. She often served as a second mother to a slew of young women hired each summer to work in the restaurant. Following the death of Emil in 1969, Trudi, at almost 50, was once again a widow with

108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $294.00 DAILY MAILING POSTCARDS! Guaranteed Legit Work. Register Online! www.ThePostcardGuru.com ZNZ Referral Agents Needed! $20$95/Hr! www.FreeJobPosition.com Multiple $100 Payments To Your Bank! www.SuperCashDaily.com More Amazing Opportunities @ www.LegitCashJobs.com

Requirements: • At least 1 - 2 years experience in food service franchise marketing is a must • Excellent attention to detail and strong oral and written communication skills • Energetic, creative & hands on • Proficient in MS Office and creative design software or the ability to learn quickly

Historical Arms Collectors GUNSKNIVES-MILITARIA Antiques Show & Sale Saturday March 9, 9am5pm, Sunday March 10, 9am-5pm. Heritage Park, 44140 Luckackuck Way, Chilliwack (exit 116 off Hwy 1) BUY-SELL-SWAP. For info or table rentals Gordon 604-747-4704 Al 604-941-8489. Check our website www.HACSbc.ca




EXP CLASS 1 TEAM DRIVERS Earn up to $6500/mo. Send resumes mj@synergytruckingltd.com Fax:604-598-3497 TEAM DRIVERS required for regular USA runs. Must have 2 years mountain and highway experience and a clean drivers abstract. $22.50 per hour. Fax resume to Nasho Trucking Inc. at 604-558-3213.


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TEAM DRIVERS Wanted Team Drivers required for regular USA runs. Must have 2 years mountain and highway experience and a clean drivers abstract. $22.50 per hour. Fax resume to Blue Trans Logistics at 604-558-3213.



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PropertyStarsJobs.Com Chilliwack bottled water company seeks exp only millwright, mechanic, operator & programmer. Good salary. Send resume to: The Chilliwack Progress, 45860 Spadina Ave., Chilliwack, BC, box 648. EARN EXTRA CASH! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed. www.BCJobLinks.com



If you are Energetic, Motivated and have the desire to join a “Customer First Family”, we are inviting you to come grow with us. We are one of Western Canada’s fastest growing automotive companies and always looking for great people to join our team. We’re accepting resumes for all departments and all positions: Management, Sales, Service (technicians), Parts, Body Shop and Accounting. Interested in joining our team? Email Darryl Payeur at darryl@bannisters.com . Bannister GM Vernon, Bannister GM Edson, Bannister Honda Vernon, Browns GM Dawson Creek, Champion GM Trail, Huber Bannister Chevrolet Penticton, Salmon Arm GM Salmon Arm and growing.

WE require an experienced Crane Truck driver with a clean driving record. A mechanical aptitude is also a must for this role. Our progressive company offers a great extended medical and dental package, uniforms and all necessary safety gear to ensure employee safety. The ideal candidate possesses SMITH Driver training but we may be willing to train the right individual. Possession of H2S Alive, WHMIS, TDG, First Aid would be an asset. A road test and capabilities evaluation will be a component of our interview process. Apply with your up-to-date resume and current NSC drivers abstract at hr@amixgroup.ca

Wild and Crazy, Can’t Be Lazy


$440/wk, up to $800/wk

Part time, Apply in person

Must like loud Music & Travel Outgoing ppl only and avail immediately call today,start tomorrow!

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Cindy 604-777-2195

Journeyman HD mechanic required for oilfield construction company. Duties will include servicing, maintenance and overhaul of our equipment. The job will be predominately shop work , but with a portion of your time spent in the field. A mechanics truck will be supplied for you. The job is based in Edson, Alberta. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051.

CHECK CLASSIFIEDS bcclassified.com 604-869-2421



PORTAGE College in Lac La Biche, AB, is looking for Maintenance Service Workers. For more info, visit our website at portagecollege.ca or call 1-866-623-5551, ext. 5597.



BOOKKEEPING SERVICES REQUIRED AdvantageHOPE (Hope Business & Development Society) wishes to hire, on a contract basis, an individual or company to provide bookkeeping duties.

The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications: t 1SPåDJFOU JO 4JNQMZ "DDPVOUJOH TPGUXBSF t "CJMJUZ UP TFU VQ UIF 4PDJFUZ T CPPLLFFQJOH QSBDUJDFT t "CJMJUZ UP XPSLJOH JOEFQFOEFOUMZ BOE XJUIJO EFBEMJOFT CLOSING DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2013 START DATE: ASAP This contracted position is for 8 hours a month. Interested applicants should submit their resume/ qualifications and cover letter to AdvantageHOPE (Hope Business & Development Society) Executive Director – Tyler Mattheis PO Box 37, Hope, BC V0X 1L0 ExecutiveDirector@AdvantageHOPE.ca Only those candidates interviewed will be contacted.




Wednesday, February 6, 2013, Hope Standard A15





HELIWELDERS is hiring a full time Technical Records Clerk/Maintenance Administrative Assistant. Skills: Aviation Background/PC/MS Office Skills/work in fast paced office. Please send resume to fx: 604530-5226 www.heliwelders.com

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Union Shop ~ Full Benefits. Forward Resume to Fax: 604-888-4749 E-mail:ars@cullendiesel.com PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@pyramidcorporation.com or fax 780-955-HIRE.

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HOPE, 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT., for rent $500 - $600, Park Royal, heat & hot water inc., balcony, covered parking, 55, NP, NS. Best Loc Hope. Ref’s required. Call (604)860-0236 Linda or (604) 8251444 HOPE



For Rent in Kings Court. $600./mo. Heat & hot water incl. Air conditioning & balcony. D.D. and Ref’s Required. Seniors preferred. Avail. Feb 1.

Call 604-869-0932 LEAVE MESSAGE

FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514

1 bedroom apartments for rent on Wallace St. $600. Newly renovated. Great view of Mt. Hope. On site coin-op laundry. N/P, N/S.


Call (604)869-1301 or kflimited@hotmail.com HOPE


1 BEDROOM APT Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.

BEAGLE PUPS, tri colored, good looking, healthy, vet check $700. (604)796-3026. No Sunday calls BORDER COLLIE X, born Dec 5th, ranch raised, getting lots of atten. $350. Carol 604-316-4668 or email: carol@blackdiamondranch.ca


BOSTON TERRIER PUPS CKC Reg., Vet Ck, Exc. Pedigree Reputable Breeder, Call 604-794-3786

604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139

.www.truserv.ca or 1-800-665-5085

GET the BEST for your MOVING From $40/hr Licensed & Insured Senior Discount 778-773-3737

CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866

1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. Real Professionals, Reasonable. Rates. Different From the Rest. 604-721-4555.

German Shepherd pups, ckc reg, vet check, 1st shots, own both parents, gd tempered, farm & family raised in country, make a good guard dog and family pet. $1000. 604-796-3026, no sunday calls NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com PITT BULL/American Bull Dog X, 7/mo fem, vet chkd, all shots, needs new home, $425. (604)825-1521

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Rescued cats fr overseas, $150. Dsexed, vacc’nted. Fosters welcome. 778.297.4470, glauris@yahoo.ca SHELTIES 2 SABLE PUPS 1 w/ white body + spots D.O.B Oct 19th Loveable, sweet pups 604-826-6311

YORKIE X POMERANIAN. Two females, all shots, vet checked, dewormed. $500. 604-504-5438.


1/2 Acre lot in Hope for Modular Home. Rent or buy the lot. New home $129,900. Call Chuck 604-830-1960.


BRANDNEW PILLOWTOP QUEEN MATTRESS SET. In packaging. Incls. Warranty $200! 604-798-1608 ESTATE SALE, almost new cream colored leather living rm set $700. Solid wood 4 pce bedroom suite; Wood buffet $200; brass & glass table with 6 chairs $150; misc. table, lamps & more. Call 1-604-860-4634

MATTRESSES starting at $99 • Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct Liquidation.ca (604)294-2331

New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $66,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960. Glenbrookhomes.net

F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now. Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077





2 Bdrm apt. $650 1 Bdrm apt $575

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GLEN TRAUN LANDSCAPING, Commercial & Residential yard maintenance. Call 604-869-2767



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2 or 3 bedroom townhouse, 5 appl., soundproof, radiant heat, blinds, fenced yard, patio, 658 Coquihalla St., sunny side of town, N/S, no dogs, D/D Ref’s req.


Legion Hall Sunday, Feb 10 9 am - 2 pm

Tree removal done RIGHT!

CANYON CARPETS, 549 Wallace St., Hope. For all your floor covering needs! Call 604-869-2727




3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour






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Required for Maple Ridge roofing co. Previous experience is an asset, not necessary - willing to train. Wages Commensurate with Experience. Fax resume 604.462.9859 or e-mail - hiroofingltd@shaw.ca or Call: Sue 604.880.9210



HOPE: 2 BDRM, Spacious 1250 sq. ft., 5 appl., priv. patio, N/S, N/P. Ref req’d. Adult oriented, avail. immed. $625/mo. 604-869-5288 or 604-858-7620

HOPE, For rent 1 small bedroom home, furnished with heat and light. A mobile home, better than an apartment, no noisy neighbour on the other side of the wall. In a 55 plus community. Call for appointment to see. 604-240-3464

6,600sf. or 5,400sf. @ $4.50sf. 12,000sf. @ $4.25sf. 3 phase & single phase power. 3 bay doors 12 x 12. (604)941-2959

HOPE, Retail Space available, 591 Wallace, 3 units + storage shed starting at $400/mon +hst, incl heat, water & garbage. Call Rob @ 604869-9763


For sale or for rent, in a 55+ community a 2 bedroom manufactured home. Better than an apartment. No noisy neighbours. For rent only a double wide home with 2 bedrooms and a den. References, criminal background check. One small pet OK under 20 lbs, N/S. Call for appointment. Now accepting applications.

Gordon 604-240-3464 HOPE

In a 55+ community in Hope. Mobile homes for sale 2 bedrooms from $14,000 to a brand new one for $74,000. 2- Vacant pads for rents.

Call Gordon 604-240-3464

HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203



HOPE, 2 bdrm trailer on farm in Hope, suitable for quiet couple, fenced yard, sm pets OK, security check req. $720/mo. Call 778-8836654

HOPE, 4 bdrm, 2 bath,huge yard, new kitchen & appl., in town, $1200/mo, avail. March 1. 604-3927088/604-712-1000

HIGH VOLTAGE! bcclassified.com 604-869-2421


A16 Hope Standard, Wednesday, February 6, 2013 RENTALS 748 SHARED ACCOMMODATION HOPE, Room or lg loft in house, 2 people only, or small apt 1 person,1/2 block Kawkawa lake, $270$290 + util. devaneall@gmail.com



HOPE, 2 bdrm, heat included, $740/mo, no pets please, sunny side of town. Avail immed. Call 1 (604)858-4629




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13-02-04 1:51 PM

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