I N S I D E : Heritage neighbourhoods get their day. Page 7
Volume 120 No 6 PM # 400121123
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895
$1.34 includes HST
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Cache Creek confirms no bus contract renewal
Variety Club Bingo is back
About 80 eager bingo players gathered in Cache Creek Hall Monday night for the first Variety Club Bingo in two years. Cache Creek Council sponsored the event. (Above) Deanna Wong calls out a bingo; (Left) Mayor John Ranta looks at the bingo cards.
Ashcroft Council received a letter at the Jan. 28 Council meeting from the Village of Cache Creek, confirming that it would not be renewing the BC Transit contract it has with Ashcroft and Clinton after the current contract expires on March 31. “I’m disappointed that the partership isn’t going to continue,” said Coun. Jackie Tegart. “I think Ashcroft and Clinton and BCTransit have worked very hard to find an affordable solution.” “We’re still exploring,” she said. Cache Creek Council has never been entirely comfortable with the bus service since it began in 2008, but rapidly rising costs last year made them look seriously at pulling out of the agreement between Ashcroft, Clinton and Cache Creek. Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta says he hasn’t had any indication that Cache Creek residents are upset about the loss of the bus. “In all honesty,” he said after the decision was made earlier this year, “I’ve had one phone call from a concerned citizen.” He said he didn’t know how much the bus was used in Cache Creek because ridership statistics are rarely sent. “A regular scheduled service between Ashcroft and Clinton doesn’t appear to fulfill a need for the people of Cache Creek, he said, suggesting that something like a wheelchair-accessible Sunshine coach that would respond to individual calls from seniors might be a better option. Ranta stated in the letter to Ashcroft Council, dated Jan. 15, “We sincerely appreciate and wish to recognize the tireless efforts of everyone involved in managing the system over the past many years, and, more recently, in negotiating the substantial adjustments to the system with a view to making it work for everyone.” He said: “We share your disappointment that the scheduled service has not been embranced by more of our consituents, but, based on our perception of local ridership; the Cache Creek Council reaffirmed the decision to withdraw from the service.” Cache Creek Council unanimously agreed to pay the final quarterly payment that ends on March 31, 2013.
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Police Telephone #s Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
BUSINESS SERVICES Reserve your space!
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Purity Feed Building, Downtow
n Ashcroft
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Nobody home
Jan. 28 at 2:50 pm police attended a Cache Creek motel to check on a resident serving out a probation and learned that he had moved out on Jan. 12, contrary to the conditions of his probation. The 57 year old Cache Creek man’s probation officers were notified and charges are pending.
Hit in the head
Jan. 30 at 4:10 pm police received a call for help from a 54 year old Ashcroft woman. Police attended her residence and found her bleeding from her head. She advised them that she’d had an argument with a male in the residence, who then starting throwing things at her, striking her on the head. The 22 year old Ashcroft male was not located, but the matter is still under investigation and charges are pending.
Going to kill everyone
Jan. 31 at 12:30 am police attended a residence in
Thursday, February 7, 2013 The Journal
Ashcroft rcMP DetAchMent
Retaining wall damaged
Jan. 31 at 11:40 am police received a complaint of property damage in Cache Creek after a homeowner returned home after a lengthy time away and found damage to a retaining wall. The damage may have been caused by a car backing up
Climate change
Jan. 31 at 10 pm police received complaints about a suspicious hitchiker hanging around the Cache Creek area since the afternoon. Police located the 62 year old Williams Lake male who told them that the ocean was making it too cold in Vancouver and he was moving back to Williams Lake. He was left to his own devices.
Wendy Coomber Cache Creek after a resident complained that an intoxicated male outside was causing a disturbance, had punched him in the face and threatened to kill him with an axe. Police located the 23 year old Cache Creek man and arrested him for assault and impaired driving. The man threatened to kill the officers and was taken into custody. He has seven charges pending against him, including assault, uttering threats and assaulting a police officer.
into it.
Needed a ride
Feb. 1 a warrant was issued for 56 year old Clinton man, Gerald Dale Chevalier, for failing to appear in Kamloops’ court (Jan. 31) to answer to the charge of driving while prohibited.
Arrest warrant
Feb. 2 at 8:30 am routine patrols on Hwy 1 by Hat Creek Rd. nabbed the driver of a pick up truck travelling at 141 kph in the 100 zone.
Officers discovered that the driver, a 31 year old Coquitlam man, had a warrant for his arrest posted out of Coquitlam. He was arrested and held in custody until he could be transferred to Kamloops.
Highway speeds
Feb. 3 at 4:45 pm a Traffic Services officer stopped a Dodge Ram on Hwy 97, just before the bridge at the north end of town, for speeding along at 100 kph in the 50 kph zone. The 54 year old Williams Lake man was issued a ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.
What’s your hurry?
Feb. 4 at 5 pm a Traffic Services officer stopped a northbound Pontiac G5 sedan on Hwy 1 by Jackass Mountain for travelling at 138 kph in the 90 kph zone. The 57 year old Lillooet man was given a ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.
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Terry Daniels Publisher Office: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 e-mail: publisher@accjour nal.ca 402 - 4th Street, Ashcroft, BC • V0K 1A0 www.blackpress.ca
Legion officers installed The executive of the Ashcroft Legion was sworn in on Jan. 25 after the Robbie Burns Supper (p. 8-9), with George Cooke as this year’s president. (Back, L-R) Executive Committee Darrin Curran, Dave May and Paul Munro, Sargeant at Arms Bob Williams, Nicola Thompson Zone Commander Charlotte Cederholm and President George Cooke. (Front, L-R) Poppy Fund Flo Berry, Chaplain Lois Petty, Treasurer Darlene Quesnel and Secretary Jim Gyoba. Missing: Past President Glen Joss and Vice President Fran Clark.
Times of India to Christy Clark: “Thank you for the $11 million gift!” Premier said “No” to forestry workers, ranchers and local film industry, BUT her government gave $11 million to India’s national newspaper to hold a party in downtown Vancouver. For details see Official Opposition website at www.bcndpcaucus.ca and click “B.C. Liberals spending $11 million…”
Harry Lali, MLA Fraser-Nicola 2099 Granite Avenue, Bag 4400, Station Main Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Telephone: (250) 378-4802 Fax: (250) 378-4852 Toll Free: 1-877-378-4802 Email: Harry.Lali.MLA@leg.bc.ca
The Journal Thursday, February 7, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 3
Society looking for young adventurers The Rivershed Society of B.C. is looking for environmental leaders between the ages of 19 and 35 who are up for the trip - and the challenge - of a lifetime. They are now accepting applications for the 2013 Sustainable Living Leadership Program (SLLP): a three-week field course spanning the length of the Fraser River. From Aug. 1-25, participants journey 1,400 kilometers by canoe, raft, van and on foot from the Fraser’s headwaters near Valemount, to where it meets the shores of Vancouver. The program, now in its tenth year, has developed an incredible curriculum. In the river’s upper reaches, participants hike through a 2,000-year-old ancient cedar grove and paddle through the Robson Valley. In the Fraser canyon, they ride whitewater rapids and observe traditional First Nations fisheries. In the lower stretches, they visit a working organic farm and paddle past log booms and big-box stores while learning about the impacts of urban and industrial development on salmon habitat. The program’s founder, Fin Donnelly, has swum the length of the Fraser River twice to raise awareness about threats to river ecosystems, and what can be done to protect them. “There is no better way to learn about sustainability than to travel along the river, seeing first hand how the issues affect Fraser River communities,” says Donnelly, who also serves as the Member of Parliament for New Westminster-Coquitlam and Port Moody. “Both experience and knowledge are powerful factors. The program combines experiential learning with knowledge to motivate, inspire and give these young leaders the tools they need to make change.” The Rivershed Society covers 90 per cent of the program’s cost. As a result of its investment in the SLLP, the society has been able to build a diverse network of young, motivated leaders across the province. Many SLLP alumni have gone on to launch innovative projects and initiatives in their own communities. People with an interest in sustainability or community development are encouraged to apply. Participants must be 19 years of age or older and physically fit. Community volunteer experience is an asset. The application deadline is May 31. For more information or to apply visit: www.rivershed.com
B.C. Lieutenant Governor visits Ashcroft Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, Judith Guichon, met with Ashcroft Council on Jan. 29 before visiting the Ashcroft Museum and speaking to students during an assembly at the Ashcroft Secondary School. Pictured above in the Ashcroft Council Chambers is Councillor Jerry Fiddick, Mayor Andy Anderson, Her Honour the Honourable Judith Guichon, and councillors Helen Kormendy, Jackie Tegart and Alice Durksen.
Mine donates $10,000 to Spences Bridge V.F.D. Teck…Highland Valley…Ten Thousand Thank You’s! Spences Bridge residents were kept in the dark for over a month regarding the BIG announcement. Never was a secret better kept in Spences Bridge. Rumours flew, speculation was high…what could this big event be. All locals knew was to gather at
the old Elementary school on Wednesday at high noon. Build a surprise and they will come…and they did. A nearly full house waited anxiously as Fire Chief Arnie Oram approached the podium to begin proceedings. A brief rundown of the efforts of both the sides to get to this point he introduced Jacqui Schneider, Sr. Community Affairs Officer, and Peter Martell, Superintendent of Environment and Community Affairs, from Highland Valley Copper. After Martell spoke Spences Bridge Fire Chief Arnie Oram with Highland Valley Copper’s Jacqui briefly Schneider and Peter Martell. about the
role of Teck and Highland Valley in supporting small communities Schneider saddled up to the podium for the BIG announcement….drum roll please!!!! In the name of Teck and Highland Valley we would like to present the Volunteer Fire Department of Spences Bridge….$10,000. Short silence, applause…rising to their feets…smiles mixed with tears…this truly was to good to be true. “Safety is an unwavering value and an inherent part of who we are at Highland Valley Copper,” said Schneider. “We strive to be a company where ‘Everybody Goes Home Safe and Healthy Every Day.’ Having an effective safety and health systems in place that provides the foundation for a safe work environment is part of our safety strategy. “Our communities also deserve a place that provides the foundation of a safe and healthy environment. Teck Resources and Highland Valley Copper are committed to helping build healthy and vibrant communities.
Our Community Investment Program is a key pillar of our commitment to sustainability. We became aware of the limited funding the Volunteer Fire Department received based on their tax base and that the Spences Bridge Volunteer Fire Department approached HVC for support to assist with new equipment, training costs and operational costs. On Jan. 23, HVC representatives presented a $10,000 cheque to the Spences Bridge Volunteer Fire Department on behalf of Highland Valley Copper and Teck Resources.” The Fire Department has an extensive “wish list” (as most volunteer fire departments do) and the $10,000 will go a long ways to shorten it considerably. The impact of a significant donation to small communities cannot be underestimated…a huge High Five…Thank You…Shout Out for our Volunteer Fire Department, SBID, Highland Valley Copper, and Teck for making this happen…well done! Steve Rice
A 4 www.ash-cache-journal.com Published every Tuesday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber
The Editor’s Desk
Thursday, February 7, 2013 The Journal
Beyond the shadow of a groundhog Well, sunshine twice in the same week! Can I still complain about the weather? Last I checked, I was still Canadian, and my calendar says it’s still only February. So, I guess I’m entitled? Is anyone else getting tired of Winter? I hear rumblings of grumblings from most people I talk to. It’s been a few years since I remember it snowing before Christmas and staying until... some time this month, we hope. And now three weeks of gray, gloomy weather and snowy vistas has given way to drip... drip... drip... I can’t believe the groundhog was impressed, but Wiarton Willie called for an early Spring. And that was backed up by Rusty, the Cache Creek groundhug. I opened the front door for him on Saturday and I thought he was going to launch himself at the crowd of sparrows munching under the bird feeders by the sidewalk. Even if he could have seen his shadow on that gray, foggy day, I doubt it would have deterred him. But I did. He does his bird watching from the livingroom window. And that’s where I would rather be, looking at the snow while sitting in a warm, cozy house, instead of having to walk in it, drive in it, work in it... Some of us fantasize about lying on a nice hot beach at this time of the year, but my oldest brother lived in Mexico for 11 years and even he complained about the cold, wet season(s). At least he didn’t have to shovel snow. But he did have to clean up after a few hurricanes. Perhaps complaining about the weather is just our way of starting a conversation, or maybe some people really prefer a narrow range of temperatures day after day, but I actually hear a lot of people complaining about how “hot” it is outside. Hot apparently is anything between 28-35C. Where I grew up, we’d get two weeks of 40-plus temperatures. That was hot! I will never complain about the warm, beautiful sunny days we have here. Once they finally get here. I’ll start planning my vegetable garden once I can see it again.
WEEKS WITHOUT SUNLIGHT this winter have left the area in gloomy grayness.
Ashcroft visit downplayed Dear Editor I’m sorry, but I really do feel the need to protest over your coverage of the Lt Governor’s visit to Ashcroft this week (as reported in The Journal, Jan. 31. Although you mention Ashcroft in passing, most readers would, I suspect, be led to believe that this was a Cache Creek event. It was not. The Lt Governor also visited Ashcroft Village Office, the secondary school, where she gave a similar address to that given at Cache Creek Elementary and engaged students in a question an answer session, and the Ashcroft Museum. But nowhere is there more than an all-embracing mention of any of those. I feel sure that, like myself, others take some pride from the fact that
lETTErs To ThE EDiTor our remote village gets occasional recognition from the Provincial hierarchy. It would be nice if, in recognition of that, we weren’t sidelined in a single word. Christopher Roden Ashcroft
A good person remembered
Dear Editor Just a little personal See LETTERS on p. 6 story about Tuula Opheim I’d like to Letters to the editor share with The Journal We invite all Letters to the Editor on relevant or topical matters, but we reserve readers. the right to edit submissions for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. All Letters In May express only the opinions of the Author and should in no way be construed as of 2007 I being endorsed by The Journal. was diagnosed with All Letters must be signed and bear the Author’s name, address and telephone renal cannumber for reference purposes. No unsigned Letter will be printed. cer. It was the kind of Email: editorial@accjournal.ca or Drop off: 130-4th Street, Ashcroft BC, V0K 1A0 shock that or Fax to: 250-453-9625. Deadline for the following issue is Friday 10 am
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A division of Black Press Est. 1895
402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625
brings tears instant and a rush of anxiety. But Dr. Stewart of Kamloops assured me, that my chances of survival to live another day were good. The tumour in my left kidney, though quite large, had not yet spread to the surrounding tissue. Three weeks later, the good doctor was able to advise that “it’s gone”. The recovery period was long. At least it was for me. I have always been a physically active person and lying in bed gazing for weeks at
Terry Daniels
Wendy Coomber
the olive tree outside the bedroom window, drove me crazy. Finally, with energy still not quite up to snuff, I decided to get up and do something. That is where Tuula stepped into my life. She asked me to write for The Journal on a freelance basis. Suggested I do some sidewalk interviews, articles. When she wanted to publish a special issue on cancer survivors, she asked me to do some sleuthing and find them. I spoke to a couple of survivors, but they decided they did not want to
Anne Blake
Barbara Roden
Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $47.04 (HST included) Senior Rate: $40.32 (HST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $16.80 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The Journal Thursday, February 7, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 5
The Park that never was - for long by Esther Darlington MacDonald Well, to be more specific. It was a park, but for so brief a time most people have probably forgotten it. Ashcroft’s first public swimming pool was situated at the head of Tingley Street. It was a small park, grassed and dominated by a tall tree. The only thing left of the park today is the tree. Because when the new bridge was built, the park had to be destroyed. The new roads connecting Tingley Street to access to the bridge now cover most of what was what everyone called, “The Pool Park”. While I was on council, I suggested that the park be given a name, and because I had been researching the life of Ashcroft and district’s first permanent medical doctor, Dr. George Sanson, I recommended that our dear little park that had served the community for so many years, be named, Sanson Park. Outlining Dr. Sanson’s long residence in Ashcroft and in Clinton, with his clinics there and at Lillooet, Council agreed that giving the park a name at last, Sanson’s name could not be more appropriate. A ceremony was arranged to be held in the park. Dr. Sanson’s elderly son, Campbell Sanson, together with several relatives of the good doctor from various areas of the province, attended the ceremony. A sign was erected. A luncheon was held in the park. Campbell was pleased and proud to have his father’s 30 year long service to the community recognized. Unfortunately, the building of the new bridge not very long after, required that the park be partially covered over by the bridge. The pool had been a chronic problem. The proximity of the railroad was the chief cause of fractures inside the pool. It had become increasingly expensive to operate the pool given the conFamily Literacy Week ended with free public skating at the stant need of repairs. And Sanson Park was Drylands Arena. Pictured above are Ashlene Ranahan and no more. Brendan Minabarriet with their daughters Piper and Addi In the Fall of 1997, for their first time on the ice. It was a successful week of the journal of the B.C. activities. Thank you to the Village of Ashcroft, Village of Historical Federation, Cache Creek, Bonaparte Indian Band, Cache Creek Library, B.C. Historical News, featured a lengthy artiCooks Ferry Band and Nicole Archibald and Krystal Kettle cle by the writer, simfor providing us locations and time. The winner of the Kobo ply titled, Dr. George ereader was Beth Dafoe and the Chapters gift certificate was Sanson. With a picVida Ferris. ture of Sanson with Ann Belcham Central Hotel owner,
George Ward, after a good day’s hunt with some friends: Three rows of ducks were hung between the hunters. Sanson’s lengthy dedicated service to the three South Cariboo communities of Ashcroft, Clinton and Lillooet, was on record at last. His life and times are in the local Museum archives and in the Provincial Museum in Victoria, manuscript division. But we are still calling a new public swimming pool facility and parkland in Ashcroft, See SANSON on p. 6
St. Alban’s Anglican and Zion United churches will be hosting Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Alban’s on February 12th at 5:30 p.m. Come join us for pancakes, sausages and eggs, foods that traditionally aren’t allowed during the season of Lent. Supper by donation, proceeds to be given to the food bank.
Wednesday February 13th join us at St. Alban’s at 7:00 p.m. for Ash Wednesday service This marks the beginning of the Lenten season. At this service the opportunity will be given to be marked with ashes and the next 40 days are a good time to think about life and death, as well reflect on life’s choices and possible life directions.
Come for the food, come for the reflection, come for both February 12th at 5:30 p.m. and February 13th at 7:00 p.m.
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A 6 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, February 7, 2013 The Journal
The little park that gave way to the big bridge “The pool park”. It’s as if Dr. George Sanson never existed. Today, given the desperate need of medical doctors in these communities, and given the attempts to find some who will remain in the area for longer than a week or two or even a few years, Dr. George Sanson’s lengthy residence here, given that similar circumstances prevailed in 1886, seems particularly ironic. Here was a doctor who could be called out in the middle of the night to see a sick man living in a cottage between Lillloo-
et and Cache Creek, who would harness up his Hamiltonian horses and buggy and go off into the darkness to serve the oath he had taken when he received his degree. His wife Jenny, protesting as he left the house, “He probably won’t be able to pay you anyway”. Dr. Sanson’s cottage, situated at the corner of 5th Ave. and Brink St., was not only a residence, it was a clinic. A spacious garden surrounded, and a screened veranda stood against the south wall. Between the years 1886 and 1915, Sanson lived here. His family had left their residence in Clinton to live in Victoria. The education of Campbell and his sister Margaret was the reason for the break. Sanson commuted to Victoria frequently and every time he did, he never failed to visit the offices of the Times Colonist newspaper to give them the latest news of the area. The orchard enterprise at Walhachin, the mining ventures in Highland Valley (yes, We’re MORE than just cable they were people investing in minWe offer internet, home phone, ing ventures there, 60 years before business phone, as well as analog and Spud Heustis and Bethlehem Copdigital services and many affordable per, happened.) options to suit your needs Those two Hamiltonian horses, given to Dr. Sanson and Jenny as a wedding gift when they marFREE HOOKUP TO ANY OF OUR SERVICES ried, served him for many years. And bundle your plans to save even more! By 1900, his Clinton medical pracBut hurry, this offer expires March 7th! tice had begun to dwindle. The horse drawn transportation era was Call Copper Valley cable today at breathing its last breath. In 1912, 250-453-2616 the Pacific Great Eastern railroad or visit www.bccable.net would bring the half century era to
Sanson from p. 5
a close altogether. Sanson decided to close the Clinton clinic. Shortly afterwards, Jenny departed to Victoria with the children. Her sister Beatrice, nicknamed “Trix”, had married a Victoria pharmacist and the family connections there were firmly in place. Sanson bought the cottage in Ashcroft and he rented a building in Lillooet to be used as a clinic. At that time, Lillooet was a hotbed of mining ventures, and there was plenty of work for him in the thriving town. In 1914, Campbell Sanson enlisted. He lied about his age. Much to his parents’ consternation, they saw their tall, red haired, blue eyed lad still in his teens, go to war. The long list of deaths and casualties that came back were a constant source of worry. Campbell Sanson returned safely, but before that happened, his father complained of chest pains. He went to Victoria and Dr Jones found incurable cancer. Some time before, Sanson had suffered a serious blow to his heart when one of his horses shied on the Ashcroft bluffs. Folks in Ashcroft saw Sanson many an evening seated on the lawn in the shade of one of the trees, simply sitting, alone. George Sanson loved the Cariboo. He maintained his practice there for over 30 years, though he could have gone down to Victoria and practiced there. But a town or city practice had not suited the young
She made others feel special
make their cancer experience public. Still, I was able to find four survivors, including myself, and The Journal subsequently published the special. Some time after the publication, Tuula called me. Told me how delighted she was with the cancer surviver special. This is how she put it: “I’m over the moon!” This is not a business where you get a pat on the back too often. If at all. But Tuula’s encouragement sustained me Letters from p. 4
Hired Equipment Registration Cariboo District
The Cariboo District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating its list of registered Equipment for Hire in the Cariboo Service Area for the fiscal year 2013/2014, which begins April 1, 2013. All individuals or companies registered this past year through the District Office in Williams Lake will be receiving invitations to re-register their equipment for the coming fiscal year by mail. Any individuals or companies who were not registered in 2012, but wish to have their equipment listed, are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance, or up-to-date WorkSafeBC coverage to register, you will have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. Only owned or lease-to-own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment can only be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations is 4:30 p.m. on Friday March 22, 2013. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note there is no charge for registering new equipment or for changing or removing equipment information already listed.
Register through the Williams Lake District Office at: 640 Borland Street, Suite 301, Williams Lake, B.C. You can also phone 250 398-4510 or send a fax to 250 398-4454 to have the forms mailed or faxed to you, or register on-line at www.bcbid.ca.
doctor when he came to B.C. His first practice after leaving the employment of the C.P.R. was in Vernon. A doctor there who had just returned from practicing for a time in the Cariboo, extolled the virtues of the country and its hardy people. Sanson and he traded places, after a fashion, one taking over Sanson’s in Vernon, and Sanson heading to the Cariboo. He remained there until his death in 1916 at the age of 54. There are many stories in the Cariboo associated with Dr. Sanson’s character and life. His dry wit and easy manner made him many friends. And his wide interests included a love for the outdoors, for hunting and fishing. His favorite fishing spot was Pear Lake, near Clinton. He never ate fish himself, but would give his catch away. He was also vitally interested in the history of the area and became a member of the newly formed Historical Society. And his interest in the economic developments and potential of the area never left him. I knew Campbell Sanson well, and I interviewed his sister Margaret in Victoria in the early 90’s. Her self published booklet, Looking Backward, was a little gem and played a goodly part in the biographical paper I wrote for the B.C. Historical Federation. Dr. Sanson was buried in Victoria. Their infant son was buried in the pioneer cemetery in Clinton. And that is the story of the park that never was. At least, never was for long.
through that recovery period. But it wasn’t just the cancer edition, it was the general way Tuula treated people. Some people can do that. She always made you feel special. When Sherman and I married in December of that fateful year, Tuula came to the wedding. When a good and vibrant person like Tuula dies so young, you feel a pang of sorrow. I feel it as I write this letter. Esther Darlington MacDonald Ashcroft
School District No. 74 (Gold Trail)
Elementary schools within School District No. 74 (Gold Trail) will accept registrations for kindergarten placements for the 2013-2014 school year during the weeks of January 28th – February 22nd, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (NOTE FRIDAYS: Only till noon on Friday’s at Sk’il’ Mountain Community School and Gold Bridge Elementary is closed on Fridays)
To ensure a placement for your child in September 2013, it is very important you register early by visiting your nearest elementary school: Ashcroft Elementary School
Cache Creek Elementary School
Cayoosh Elementary School
David Stoddart School
George M. Murray Elementary School
Gold Bridge Community School
Lytton Elementary School
Sk’il’ Mountain Community School
** Children eligible for kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before December 31, 2013. An original birth certificate, immunization records, and CARE card MUST BE PROVIDED for each child at the time of registration.
The Journal Thursday, February 7, 2013
www.ash-cache-journal.com A 7
PeeWee Girls win first game in playoffs The PeeWee Girls team played hard this weekend in their first round of playoffs. Their first win of the season brought the fans to their feet in Kamloops on Feb. 3! The final score was 5-2 Ashcroft. The goals were scored by Kate Curran, Ali Aie and Jada Raphael. In Game 2 the girls played hard and finished with a good score of 4-2 Kamloops. They will be heading in to Kamloops this week for their third game! The peewee team played an exhibition game against Logan Lake last Sunday in Ashcroft. The players had fun even though they lost 6-0. The kids demonstrated their improved skating and puck handling. The peewee team is playing Lillooet this upcoming weekend for their playoffs! Wish them luck! Deanna Horsting
Jada Raphael (20) tries for the puck as Tyler Antoine (61) watches in Sunday’s game against Logan Lake.
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Ashcroft’s heritage homes celebrated
250-453-9880 • 301 Railway
At the corner of 6th St. and Railway Ave. sits the BC Express Building. This one and a half story structure, with its bell cast hip roof, was originally the headquarters of the famous Stage and Mail Company. Built in 1911 it served the company for three years until the business closed. The building was used for a time by the Ashcroft Cannery, and then served as a court house from 1925 until 1975. It is currently a private dwelling. This graceful old edifice is a designated Heritage Building. This is only one of Ashcroft’s historic gems. Please mark Sunday Feb. 24, from 2-4 pm on your calendar, when Ashcroft’s Heritage Committee will celebrate “Good Neighbours: Heritage Homes and Neighbourhoods” at the Ashcroft Community Hall. Stay tuned for more on Ashcroft’s historic buildings. Kathy Paulos
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The BX Building at the corner of 6th St. and Railway Ave. (above) shortly after it was build and (below) as it looks now as a private residence.
Feb. 7 - Zion UCW invites you to their Friendship Tea at the Church Hall, 40l Bancroft Street, Ashcroft at 2 pm. This is FREE and open to everyone. Come for social time, entertainment and refreshments. Feb. 7 - Extraordinary General Meeting for WRAPS. All members invited to come and consider a special resolution. St. Albans Hall in Ashcroft, 7-8 pm. Feb. 8-10 - Ashcroft Curling Club Men’s and Ladies’ Joint Bonspiels. For information call the Curling Club (250-453-2341), Barb Hodder (250453-9286), or Janet Quesnel (250-453-9665). Feb. 12 - Shrove Tuesday pancake supper St. Alban’s Church 5:30 p.m. By donation, proceeds to the Food Bank. Feb. 12 - Cache Creek Council meeting at 7 pm in the Village Office. Everyone welcome. Feb. 13 - Ash Wednesday service Sat. Alban’s 7:00 p.m. Feb. 13 - Zion is joining with St. Alban’s for Ash Wednesday service; 7 PM at 501 Brink Street. All are welcome. Feb. 15 - (Moved from Feb. 8) Movie Night at Zion United Church Hall; 7 pm. Showing Courageous. FREE admission. Refreshments by donation. Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society is hosting two evenings of stand up comedy and improv on Wed. Feb. 6 and Wed. Feb. 20. Come down to Shelly’s Place in Ashcroft for an evening of terrific local entertainment! Admission is free.
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MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm
* Legion Crib Tournament last Sunday of the month - Open 10 am starts 11 am sharp - 12 games * Free Pool Daily Euchre, first & third Sunday of every month 1:00 to 4:00 pm, beginners welcome Contract Bridge, beginners welcome Every Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Ashcroft Legion General Meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (no meeting July and August) Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday • 12 pm - 4 pm Thursday - Friday • 12 pm - 11 pm Saturday • 12 pm - 8 pm Sunday • 12 pm - 6 pm
accessible reasonable responsive Your lawyer makes the difference. Contact us for all your legal needs. Ryan Scorgie is in the Ashcroft office on Wednesdays.
Drop by or call to make an appointment. 401 Railway Avenue (in the RE/MAX office) Ashcroft, BC Telephone 250.453.2320 Fax 250.453.2622 300 - 180 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC Telephone 250.374.3344 Fax 250.374.1144 E-mail: info@morellichertkow.com www.morellichertkow.com
A 8 www.ash-cache-journal.com
LIONS Monday, January 11 Proceeds to go to community projects
Hope to see you all there! Cache Creek Community Hall • Doors Open 6 pm
Church Directory ZION UNITED
Sunday Worship 10:50 am
401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 zuc@coppervalley.bc.ca
United Church of Canada
Thursday, February 7, 2013 The Journal
(Right) Nicola Thompson Zone Commander Marilyn White (left) with newly inducted Legion Auxiliary president Sharon Reid and Sargeant at Arms Kathy Franks. (Below) Legion president George Cooke presents Legion Auxiliary Past President Kathy Franks with a Certificate of Appreciation for the work done by the LA over the year.
Alice Watson, CS SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm
St. Alban’s
501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909
Cache Creek Pentecostal Church Christ Centered People Centered 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. Phone 250-457-6463 Pastor David Murphy Worship and Sermon commences at 10 a.m. Everyone welcome
(Right) Fred Johnson receives his 50-year membership pin from Flo Berry. Shirley Holowchuk received her 40-year pin, Bob Williams received his 30-year pin and Shirley Dobson received her 25year pin.
“Come Play with us”
August 20-24
...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved
Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist
The Journal Thursday, February 7, 2013
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For news items or events, call Wendy at 250-453-2261 or email her editorial@accjournal.ca
The Journal office will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 12th
Box 190, 402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC, V0K 1A0
For auld lang syne
The annual Robbie Burns supper was held at the Ashcroft Legion on Jan. 25 to honour the poet’s birthday. Piper Kevin MacDonald delivered the Ode to a Haggis and Brittany Wojak danced for the full house, before everyone stuffed themselves on another delicious LA-cooked supper.
Need a phone number? hit the CONNECTOR 2013 Linking the Communities of Gold Country
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Business Directory
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PUBLICATION DATE: February 28, 2013
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AD DEADLINE February 8, 2013
Call Terry Daniels 250-453-2261 Call today to place your ad Phone: 250-453-2261 Or Fax: 250-453-9625 402-4th Street, Ashcroft B.C., V0K 1A0 Ph: (250) 453-2261 Fax: (250) 453-9625 email: production@accjournal.ca
Thank you to our generous sponsors who made the Healthy Living Day Conference possible! Cariboo Clear • Councillor Dafoe Councillor Hofer • Councillor Rawcliff Hungry Herbies • Safety Mart Foods
A10 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, February 7, 2013 TheJournal
What’s that smell?
My son’s room has an odd odor. It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s clean – which is rare – or a pigsty, which is common.Whatever state I find it in, the unpleasant stench remains. Strangely enough, I’m the only one who seems to notice. When I open his door I’m immediately
assaulted by the stink, but whenever I ask about it, no one else has a clue what I’m referring to. “I don’t smell anything,” my 12-year-old son will say as he takes a whiff while playing video games with his friends. “Yeah,” his pals will agree, looking at
me with concerned expressions as though I’m a confused old lady. “We don’t either.” Even my husband barely notices it and will say it’s so subtle that it’s nothing. Yet for me and my keen sense of smell, it’s not nothing, and although I can’t pinpoint what it is exactly, I find it offensive. It’s like a weird mixture of stale air, sweaty socks and moldy something or other. I’ve tried sniffing it out, tearing his room apart, sweeping everything from under his bed and cleaning out his closets. But even after I’ve changed his sheets, washed his floor, thrown out his garbage, opened the windows and put my eager nostrils to everything I can find, I’m still left wondering what it is. His backpack, thankfully, is far more obvious. Last week I opened it and the reek
ON A BRIGHTER NOTE LORI WELBOURNE loriwelbourne.com was overwhelming. “What in the world?” I asked as I pulled out a mashed banana and a rotting, half-eaten apple. “What else is in here?” Dumping the contents of the bag on the floor I also discovered a
punctured orange, another bruised apple, an open tube of yogurt and a stack of wet homework that had disintegrated into pieces. Revolted, I looked at him like I’d found a dead body. “This is a brand new
backpack,” I scolded. “This is exactly how the last one got ruined.” Apologizing, and promising to put his leftover lunch in the fridge in the future, he meant well, but I knew this would happen again. It’s not that he’s a bad kid, he’s actually a terrific one – he just can’t seem to remember to take care of his stuff. Apparently it’s not all that uncommon amongst his peers. After he failed to find his missing ski jacket and the three hoodies he’s been
looking for over the last couple months, I decided to check out the lost and found at Sam’s school. It was like a store in there. Unclaimed shoes, jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sweaters, hats, gloves, hoodies, coats and bags filled several large bins. As I went through the huge piles, I wondered if other parents knew about this crazy corner of the school where lovely presents go to die. If their kids are anything like mine, maybe they’ll luck out and recover some of their valuable items in there. I, unfortunately, did not. I’m still on the hunt for his misplaced jacket and hoodies. The true mystery that I’d like to solve, though, is the culprit behind the nasty smell in his bedroom. Now that would satisfy my senses. Lori Welbourne is a syndicated columnist. She can be contacted at LoriWelbourne. com
Advance Public Notice Load Restrictions
February 2013 • Week 1 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, there are a few things you need to work out this week, but then you will be set for quite a while. Take the opportunity to recharge your batteries. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, sometimes the things that are the hardest to come by are the ones that are most worth the effort. Think about this as you face obstacles. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, contrary to what you believe, things at work will go on even if you take a few days off for a vacation. There may be some catching up afterward, but you can handle it. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, your mind may be churning, but worrying excessively over something will not help the situation. Therefore, focus on something else for a while. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, just when you think the week will go on without any excitement, something pops up and it’s just what you need to beat the doldrums. Expect time with friends. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, sometimes you need to be tough on yourself to get things done, but you will be satisfied with the results when you push yourself. Focus on goals this week. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a risk you take this week will pay off in a big way. You might be anxious to take a significant risk, but the eventual reward will be well worth it. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, it may be challenging to find some initial support for a new idea because you are essentially charting new territory. Just give it time and people will come around. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Slow down a little, Sagittarius. Moving faster will not get the job done to your satisfaction and then you only will have to do it all over again. Think through your options. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, shift your focus to your family for the next few days because you have to make some decisions that will affect them all. Listen to your gut feeling when making these decisions. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, there are some things around the house that need your attention, but you may be having trouble finding the motivation to tackle them just now. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, when an opportunity comes your way, you may want to take a pass because something better is on the horizon.
Pursuant to Section 66 of the Transportation Act, and to provisions of the Commercial Transport Act, notice is hereby given that load restrictions may be placed on short notice in the near future on all highways within the Cariboo District. The restrictions will limit vehicles to 100 per cent, 70 per cent or 50 per cent legal axle loading. Overweight permits will not be granted and all term overweight permits are invalid for the duration of the restrictions. Trucking and transportation companies, as well as the general public, should govern themselves accordingly. Your cooperation in adhering to the above regulations is appreciated. Dated in Williams Lake, British Columbia, this 25th day of January, 2013. Todd Hubner, District Manager Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Cariboo District For more information about load restrictions, contact Assistant Area Manager Hilary Barnett at 250 395-8927, or visit the Load Restrictions section of www.DriveBC.ca.
TheJournal Thursday, February 7, 2013
Create together n One of my favourite memories was creating an enormous piñata in preparation for a multi-family holiday. We blew up a huge bouncy ball and covered it with papier mache. Our children and those of our friends were young so after my young sons painted the ball white, I drew a score of cartoon characters, shapes and funny animals all around it. Filled with ageappropriate, small toys, puzzles and treats, the big white ball became a major activity for everyone in our threefamily group. Every age took turns colouring in the shapes through-out the day, knowing when it was completed the ball would be strung up. The anticipation and excitement was heightened because the reward came with activity and was not immediate. Creating something as a family can mark an important time in your family history. It captures the age and ability of your children, your interests and a point in time. By working together on a project your family can develop new skills, collaborate on something truly memorable and enjoy what each family member brings to the endeavor.
Think about all the things a family could create together – a family album complete with stories, mementos and funny or poignant memories. Your family might be old enough to handle something more ambitious like preparing a garden, building a dog house or designing and painting a family recreation area in your home. Technology puts an amazing array of tools in the hands of today’s families. You can plan, write, film and edit a movie with your everyday computer and smartphone technology and software. Even more fun is sharing your family creation with friends around the world. You might even suggest a film festival by inviting families to create their own film and have a “popcorn premiere” to show them all. Searching online will uncover an astounding number of crafts and projects you could tackle as a family. It can be as simple as building and flying a kite. Or you may look for something you can recycle or repurpose into a creative new item – whether a work of art or function. It’s bound to make your family members proud environment stewards as well as treasuring your time and project as a family.
Cook together n If you ask any adult about some of their favourite memories of childhood, you will invariably hear something related to food. Whether it’s baking with Grandma or grilling hamburgers for a cookout with Dad, cooking is always an important part of growing up. Family Day is a great time to dig out those family cookbooks and try a recipe handed down by the older generation. Your mom’s famous meatloaf or your uncle’s recipe for spinach dip are great things to try with family members of all ages. Maybe you’re look-
ing to make something you’ve never made before, or perhaps you want to try out a new cuisine. Hitting the library or the web will give you ideas for new recipes, whether it’s trying to duplicate your favourite takeout pizza or make an authentic spicy Indian dish. Let each member of the family choose a recipe that they want to try, whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. That way everyone gets involved and has their say in what the family eats. Maybe you’ll find a new favourite food or discover that your child is aiming to become the next Mario Batali or Julia Child. Your local grocery store is sure to have a wide selection of ingredients that you may never have tasted before. Wandering the aisles may even spark your imagination. Learning about what goes into a dish will set your family on the road to healthy eating. Taking a few minutes to read the labels on a food item will demonstrate how to make healthy choices and help your children in the future. Finding healthy alternatives to not-so-healthy foods can be a fun experiment, and may end up being tastier than the original food. Many stores will have sections devoted to healthier options, whether they’re gluten-free or just lower in calories.
www.ash-cache-journal.com A11
Family Day 2013
Share together
n Bringing together your extended family can create a highly memorable and valuable life event. They say “it takes a village to raise a child” and many would agree especially in today’s world of working parents and latchkey kids. The support, experience and interest of your extended family can have a significant impact on your immediate family. Regardless of your definition of ‘extended’ family, bringing together those with whom you share history with can have lasting benefits not just for you and your children but for those you invite to share your day. It is common in today’s world to have older children in nuclear families reach their teens before meeting extended family members. Geographical isolation is common for middleclass families who move based on occupational opportunities while family branches retain their independence. Family Day is the ideal occasion to hold family reunions to re-establish and integrate a stronger family connection. This allows your children to connect with extended family members and to share a better sense of their heritage and belonging. Don’t forget to include senior members of your family. Family reunions and relationships inspire seniors to stay active and pursue their well-being. Studies have found seniors feel revitalized when they spend time with families. Your children will benefit from hearing their oral history and that’s an inspiring experience that won’t always be available to them. Another way to celebrate Family Day is to gather your extended family and friends around something you care about. It might be a shore clean-up, a family walk or a garage sale. You might volunteer at a foodbank. Food is often central to gatherings and with everyone contributing to a family meal afterwards, it becomes a great way to share B.C.’s first Family Day.
It’s our first
BC Family Day
Monday, February 11, 2013
Celebrate! Enjoy time with your family See what’s happening around BC, visit: www.bcfamilyday.ca
A 12 www.ash-cache-journal.com
February is heart month - take care of it
Nothing to do? Check out The Journal’s online COMMUNITY CALENDAR www.ash-cache-journal.com/calendar/
The gift of love blesses twice. It enriches both the giver and also the receiver.
South Cariboo Historical Museum Society
February is noted for many “days” Feb. 2 - Groundhog Day Feb. 10 - Chinese New Year Feb. 11 - Family Day Feb. 13 - Ash Wednesday Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day Feb. 15 - National Flag of Canada Day Space doesn’t allow for
Annual General Meeting February 12, 2013 • 4 pm Annex Room of the Village of Clinton’s Municipal Office. All interested public is welcome
elaboration on all of these important days, Clinton Seniors Association but mark your Zee Chevalier calendar for the day before Ash celebration evolved. GerWednesday Shrove Tuesday. St. Peter’s mans developed their own parish will be serving pan- take on it pronouncing the cakes in the Legion base- day sunny only if badgers ment from 11 am – 1pm at and other animals glimpsed their own shadows. When $5 per plate. If the groundhog emer- German immigrants settled ges from his burrow to see Pennsylvania in the 18th and his shadow, there’ll be six 19th Centuries they brought the custom with them choosmore weeks of ing the native groundhog as the animal forecastwinter er. The first Groundhog weathDay celebration took place er. Why Feb. 2, 1887 in Punxsutawdo Canney, Pennsylvania and the adians groundhog became known and as Punxsutawney Phil. AmerEvery Feb. 14 across icans and Canada and the US and in others other parts of the world, around candy, flowers and gifts are the world exchanged between loved turn to ones, all in the name of St. these Valentine. But who is this furry rodents for mysterious saint, and where did these traditions come weather pre- from, this centuries-old holidiction in day, from ancient Roman ritthe first uals to the customs of Victorian England? The histplace? ory of Valentine’s Day and Falling mid- the story of its patron saint is way be- shrouded in mystery. We do tween the know that February has long been celebrated as a month Winter of romance, and that St. ValSolstice and the entine’s Day as we know it today, contain vestiges of Spring Equinox, both Christian and ancient Feb. 2 is Roman tradition. There aca signifi- tually are more than one cant day Saint Valentine. Written valentine greetin severings appeared around 1410. al ancient By the middle of the 18th and modcentury it was common for ern tradfriends and lovers to exitions. change small tokens of afCelts and fection or hand written notes Chrisand by 1900 printed cards tians bebegan to replace written letlieve that ters due to improvements in a sunny printing technology. CandleWhile February tradmas itionally is the month to meant celebrate Valentine’s Day it anis also dubbed Heart Month other 40 days of when through various media cold and and publications we are urged to minimize our risk snow. of a heart attack by mainSunny taining a healthy diet and a winter days are regimen of regular exercise. associat- Making healthy eating a part ed with of your daily routine has so many benefits. A nutritious colder, drier air. diet provides the energy you need to get through your Legends busy days and can also have abound as to the long-term benefit of rehow the ducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Eat lots Groundhog Day of vegetables and fruit. Eat
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 The Journal
Month +HST
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402 4th St. Ashcroft, B.C.
Rockin’ & talkin’
whole grain breads and cereals. Eat less fat, sugar, and salt (sodium). Heart month is a time where awareness of heart disease and stroke is front and centre. Heart disease and stroke is a leading cause of death for women. Funds enable life giving research. They also provide a venue for us to learn about heart disease and reflect on our own lives and make better health choices. Through research and other initiatives, a future free of heart disease and stroke is being created where Canadians can live life to its fullest; healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke. Sometimes it takes the reality of a heart attack before people re-evaluate their lives and set priorities for a healthy life style. If you want to live a long healthy life, doing the things you love, you may need to make life style changes. Include healthier foods in your diet, exercise more (walking is good), stop smoking, reduce alcohol and salt (sodium) intake. Address the risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Do something - add years to your life and probably life to your years! A long-time member of Clinton Seniors Association and friend and relative to many in Clinton, Marg Zimmerlee, has passed away. Seniors will assist at a tea to be held in her memory Feb. 16 at the Clinton Memorial Hall. Clinton’s 150/50 Anniversary celebrations are underway. On Jan. 20 the Clinton Seniors Association partnered with the Lions Club to offer a concession at the arena when the Village sponsored an afternoon of free skating. Thank you to those who carried out this endeavour. Skaters enjoyed hot beverages and home baking. Reminder - Clinton Seniors Association Daffodil Tea will be March 13 in the Clinton Memorial Hall. Mark your calendars. Part of the proceeds are forwarded to the Canadian Cancer Society who are marking their 75th anniversary this year. There will be strawberry shortcake and fresh daffodils for sale. Happy Birthday to Ann Trembath Feb. 21 and to Isabel Haining Feb. 27. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” Les Brown
The Journal Thursday, February 7, 2013
Winter is no excuse not to get out and have fun Family Day Activities
The Clinton Snow Jockey Club will host a Family Fun Day starting about 9:30 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 11. There will be hot chocolate, coffee and hot dogs at the trailhead. Park at the Big Bar Road parking lot and enjoy the trails. If skiing isn’t your thing, bring the kids and enjoy activities in Reg Conn Centennial Park from noon to 2 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 11. Integris Credit Union is sponsoring snowshoe races, sledding, cross country ski races and snowman building contests. There will be free hot dogs, cocoa and coffee. This is a 150/50 Anniversary event. Get out and enjoy the outdoors on this, the first Family Day holiday in BC.
Pancake Breakfast
St. Peter’s Catholic Church members invite everyone to their annual Pancake Breakfast on Tuesday, Feb. 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Legion basement.
STRIKING A BALANCE Susan Swan 459-2224 or 2325
countrysquire@ bcwireless.com
Museum Society AGM
The South Cariboo Historical Museum Society is holding their Annual General Meeting at 4 p.m. in the Meeting Room at the south end of the Village Office Building. If you are interested in helping to preserve the history of Clinton and area you are welcome to attend.
Citizen of the Year
The Village of Clinton 2012 Citizen of the Year will be announced on Wednesday, Feb. 13. A reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room adjacent to the Council Chambers prior to the regular council meeting at 7 p.m. The Citizen of the Year will be announced at the beginning of
the council meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and honour the 2012 Citizen of the Year.
Health Centre Hours
The Clinton Health and Wellness Centre is now open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed over lunch) with nurse Meghan Nairn in attendance. Wednesday mornings are still reserved for lab work. Dr. Wood will be available Mondays except Feb. 11. He will attend on Tuesday, Feb. 12 instead. Phone 1-877499-6599 to make an appointment.
Fishing Derby
Sunday, Feb. 17 from daylight to noon the Clinton and District Outdoor Sportsman Association will host an icefishing derby at Beaverdam Lake as another 150/50 Anniversary event. There is a $10 entry fee: all monies will be paid back in cash prizes.
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Public asked to return old meds Clean out your medicine cabinet! The BC Pharmacy Association (BCPhA) and the ThompsonNicola Regional District (TNRD) urge residents to return their old medications to their local pharmacy to protect themselves, their families and the environment. “Unused or expired medications can be potentially harmful if swallowed by children or pets. They can also contaminate the environment if thrown in the trash or flushed down a toilet.” BC’s Medications Return Program ensures safe and effective dis-
posal of old or expired prescription drugs, as well as oral dosage overthe counter medications and natural health products. More information on the program can be found at www.medicationsreturn.ca. The British Columbia Pharmacy Association is a not-for-profit, voluntary, professional association of pharmacists and pharmacies. It represents more than 2,700 pharmacists and almost 800 pharmacies throughout British Columbia. Submitted
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal
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HISTORICAL ARMS Collectors Guns-Knives-Militaria Antiques Show & Sale Saturday March 9, 9am-5pm, Sunday March 10, 9am-5pm. Heritage Park, 44140 Luckackuck Way, Chilliwack (exit 116 off Hwy 1) Buy-Sell-Swap. For info or table rentals Gordon 604-7474704 Al 604-941-8489. Check our website www.HACSbc.ca
Education/Trade Schools
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Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 Sales: sales@accjournal.ca Editorial: editorial@accjournal.ca Production: production@accjournal.ca www.ash-cache-journal.com 402-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.
The 4th annual WCOWMA-BC Convention & Trade Show will be held at the Ramada Convention Centre (36035 North Parallel Rd) in Abbotsford on February 7-9, 2013. Workshops, open forum discussions, networking opportunities and door prizes. Trade show admission is complimentary. Don’t miss the only wastewater trade show and convention in BC. Info at www.wcowma-bc.com.
Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ sh@blackpress.ca AL-ANON ASHCROFT: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meets Tuesdays, 8:00pm at St. Alban’s Church, 501 Brink. Tracey 250-451-3368. AL-ANON: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meeting Wed at 8:00pm at the Cache Creek Elementary Sch Library. Contact: Val 250.457.1117
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities EARN EXTRA cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed. www.BCJobLinks.com LIFE CHANGERS! Distributors required for non-competition health product. Online at: www.ourwow.info and then at: www.jusuru.com/change. Or call 780-239-8305 or email to: mervkit@yahoo.com PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@pyramidcorporation.com or fax 780-955-HIRE.
21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes: • • •
ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for April 1, 2013. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 www.taylorprotraining.com
Help Wanted
Journeyman HD mechanic required for oilfield construction company. Duties will include servicing, maintenance and overhaul of our equipment. The job will be predominately shop work , but with a portion of your time spent in the field. A mechanics truck will be supplied for you. The job is based in Edson, Alberta. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051. TrafďŹ c Control (flagger) 2 day classes 100 Mile Feb 19/20 New $200 Renew $100 tx incl 1-866-737-2389 www.roadsafteytcs.com TRAFFIC Control personnel needed. Call 250-791-5725.
Labourers PORTAGE College in Lac La Biche, AB, is looking for Maintenance Service Workers. For more info, visit our website at portagecollege.ca or call 1-866-623-5551, ext. 5597.
Trades, Technical SHORE MECHANIC – F/T Heavy Duty Mechanic Certificate or equivalent w/5 yrs exp. www.westcoast tug.ca/shore-mechanic
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions KWIKAUCTIONS.COM New & Used Restaurant Equipment Auction Sat Feb 9th @11am 7305 Meadow Burnaby BC
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Misc. for Sale Ashcroft: Entertainment Center (oak) room for TV Stereo Blue Ray storage and ornaments with light. Like new. $125.00 Pls call 250.453.0069 after 4 pm Ashcroft: Free 32inch Sony Colour TV with Remote. Works well, just bought a new at screen. For Info call 250.453.0069 after 4pm.
Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com
AVAILABLE immediately for busy Volvo/Mack dealership located in Salmon Arm, BC. Journeyman or equivalent experienced parts counter applicant. Full time with competitive wages and benefits. Volvo/Mack an asset but will consider other OEM experience as equivalent. Forward resumes to jdiesel1@telus.net. Suitable applicants will be contacted for an interview.
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “This is a clearance sale. You don’t want to miss!� 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Call Pioneer Steel at 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca
Graymont’s Pavilion Plant is accepting applications for an Industrial Electrician. Candidate must possess current B.C. Red Seal certification. Preference will be given to well-rounded individuals willing to also perform other nonelectrical maintenance work as part of the maintenance team. A background in lime or cement industry along with computer and or PLC skills is preferred as well as a proven track record of developing and maintaining a safe work culture. Additional skills required: t &MFDUSJDJBO XJUI JOEVTUSJBM FYQFSJFODF SFRVJSFE UP XPSL BU UIF (SBZNPOU 1BWJMJPO Lime Plant. t .VTU CFDPNF FOHBHFE JO DPOUJOVPVT JNQSPWFNFOU BOE XJMMJOH UP XPSL JO B UFBN environment. t 3FHVMBS TIJGUT XJMM CF IST EBZ GSPN .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ o TUFBEZ EBZ TIJGU t .VTU CF XJMMJOH UP XPSL PWFSUJNF XIFO SFRVJSFE t 8BHFT BOE CFOFÜUT BT QFS UIF DPMMFDUJWF BHSFFNFOU t -PDBUFE JO 1BWJMJPO # $ TJUVBUFE CFUXFFO $BDIF $SFFL BOE -JMMPPFU # $ Qualified applicants please submit your resume to: jking@graymont.com or Graymont Pavilion Plant Attn: Dan Buis P.O. Box 187 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0
Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal Thursday, February 7, 2013
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw mills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
Real Estate Business for Sale
Ashcroft Apartment & Motel
Clean, Affordable, Convenient Downtown Location across from Beautiful Heritage Park 715 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft
Available NOW!
One bedroom unfurnished apartment, available immediately to older mature persons. $495 per month includes heat and hot water. Ref. req.
www.ash-cache-journal.com A15
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Auto Financing
ASHCROFT : 1 bed. house for rent, suitable 1-2 ppl, F/S, electric/wood heat Avail Mar 1. $450/mo. 250-453-9983. CACHE CREEK: house, N/S, (250) 457-9921
4 bedrm $950/mo.
Seasonal Acommodation $449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo hotel.com 1-888-481-9660.
A healthy local economy depends on you
Motel Units:
*All units have full kitchenettes, air conditioning, cable TV and Internet access Nightly • Weekly • Monthly On-Site Managers Contact 250-457-0235 250-453-9129
ASHCROFT Hillside Manor Best Apartments in the area!
1500 Government Street
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Cache Creek, 1&2 bdrm apts in Canyon Heights or Ponderosa. Pls Call 250-457-0035 COZY studio aval now 10 acres/2 min to Ash. Quiet/views/hdwd floors/horsebding possible $650 incl utilities 604-796-2284
Riverbend Seniors Community
Kamloops (55+) 2bdr. suite $1700/mo., river view, spacious, wheelchair friendly, many extras. Email catherine_steele@hotmail.com 1(604)408-1023 Vancouver 1(250)377-3686 Kamloops
Renovated 1 & 2 bedroom VIEW SUITES Available immediately Clean, quiet & well maintained. Air conditioning
A healthy local economy depends on you Townhouses Ashcroft: 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bth, a/c u/g sprinklers, close to schools N/S N/P Avl Mar 1, or sooner D/D & Ref Req.$950/mo or $900/mo on 2 yr lease 450.453.9960 250.453.9331
The Royal Canadian Legion #113
Auto Financing
South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society
601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656
Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-453-2352
St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome
Ducks Unlimited Canada DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557
OMG! BFF! OMG!It’s It’s your your BFF! And suchaaQT! QT! AndFYI: FYI:he’s he’s such OMG! It’s your BFF! And FYI: he’s such a QT!
Sage & Sand Pony Club
District Commissioner: Marcie Down sageandsandspc@hotmail.com
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club
Contact Person: Denise Fiddick Phone 250-453-9547
Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348
Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341
Soups On
Walking distance to hospital. Close to schools & shopping
Senior Discounts & other Discounts/Move In Incentives now available.
Community Volunteer Groups 301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625
Rent includes heat, hot water & cable TV (valued at over $100/month)
Please give our Resident Manager Geni Laurie a chance to impress you. 250-457-0433
Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Phone: 250-457-9390
Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307
Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department
Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105
Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department
Contact Person: Fred Dewick
Phone 250-453-2415
Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391
Phone 250-453-2233
Phone 250-457-9967
South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0
Ashcroft & District Lions Club
Soccer Association
Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077
Contact: Sandi Harry
Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc.
Minor Hockey Association
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762
Contact: Lisa Tegart Phone 250-453-9881 Email: lisamteg@hotmail.com
The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store
Historic Hat Creek Ranch
347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp
Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo
601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944 Contact Person: Lt. (N) Curran 250-319-3461 Alexine Johannsson 250-453-2661 email: darrin.curran@cadets.gc.ca
Ashcroft Communities in Bloom
Contact: Jack Jeyes
Phone 250-457-9366
Phone 250-453-2259
Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062
Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie
Phone 250-457-9122
Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050
Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122
Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail: dangre@telus.net
Bridging to Literacy Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417
Ashcroft Hospice Program
Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050
Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Nadine 450.453.9100
Fetch aa Friend Fetch Friend Fetch a Friend from today! from theSPCA SPCAtoday! today! fromthe the SPCA spca.bc.ca spca.bc.ca
The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564
SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415
Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
Ashcroft Yoga Group
Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244
Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050
Desert Bells Handbell Choir
Second Time Around
Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781
Sage Sound Singers Adult Community Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676
Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119
Cache Creek Beautification Society
BC Lung Association Carolyn Chorneychuk, Director 250-453-9683 Email:carelee67@gmail.com
(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693
A16 www.ash-cache-journal.com
Thursday, February 7, 2013 TheJournal
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