CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
Vol.10 • Issue 6
Breaking news at
Thursday, February 7 • 2013
Family Day Roy Has Fire in battle See Page of bands. You can help, A13 - A17 See Page A18
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Mayor positive on WestJet question JIM SINCLAIR
Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.
Castlegar News Editor
It’s been more than half a year since WestJet announced the imminent purchase of more than 40 Bombardier turboprop aircraft and the creation of a regional service to be known as WestJet Encore. Expressions of interest in WestJet service were solicited by the airline and dozens of communities responded, making formal presentations in Calgary last June. Announcement day is drawing closer as a planned late January statement date was pushed back. Communities across the country have eagerly awaited a decision on who can expect WestJet Encore service. Representing the West Kootenays, a Castlegar contingent felt good about it’s
pitch following the effort and Mayor Lawrence Chernoff is every bit as upbeat now as he was late last spring. “I’m still optimistic about it,” said Chernoff on Jan. 31.
Mayor Lawrence Chernoff: “I just think it’s working in a good direction.” File photo
The mayor hinted that there may have been recent, encouraging signs relating to whether Castlegar’s name is among those cities whose names are read when the news is broken. “I just think it’s working in a good direction,” he said.
Question of whether Castlegar and area will be served in future by WestJet remains up-in-the-air. The answer, however, is expected this month.
“It’s my understanding that WestJet executives were in the community in the last couple of days, either Rossland or Nelson… in the area.” Chernoff did not indicate any knowledge of who the executives were, or exactly what the purpose of their visit may have been. WestJet media rep-
resentative Robert Palmer, in an email, told the Castlegar News on Jan. 31 he had been unaware of any such group visiting the West Kootenays over this period. Back in June an excited Chernoff had described how towns and cities from Pacific coast to Atlantic coast had taken their 25-minute turns in
telling WestJet why they’d be good candidates for WestJet Encore service. His enthusiasm does not appear to have waned. “I’m still positive,” says the Castlegar mayor. “No doubt about it. I’m extremely hopeful.” The mayor also hinted at the possibility of Alaska Airlines service for Castlegar.
Job action More than 200 community living workers in the Kootenays and Salmon Arm went on strike starting on Thursday, January 31, including these photographed on Columbia Ave. in Castlegar.
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While the identity of the successful applicants remains a mystery for the time being, according to WestJet, the wait will be over soon. “We haven’t made the date public,” Palmer’s email concluded, “but it will be sometime in February via news release early in the morning.”
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
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News Dept. store must replace windows or City will
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Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
Council briefs Bylaw enforcement It’s been almost a year, but it looks like Basil and Susan McLaren, owners of Wests Department store, will have to fix their broken windows and stuccoed walls. The two appeared before council on Monday and pleaded their case. Basil, who spoke for the pair, said they have two window panes ready to go but wouldn’t put them in until they saw more action from the Element Club in living up to the Good Neighbour Agreement. “Basically, (for the Element to uphold) the good neighbour agreement, number one: there is a noise issue; number two: to patrol disorderly conduct outside and to have staff patrol outside,” said Basil to the Castlegar News. “I’ve talked to a number of bars and the liquor branch and when they do that it keeps everything down to a dull roar and it’s very effective.” City CAO John Malcolm told council that city staff had already witnessed Element staff cleaning the area as per the Good Neighbour Agreement and urged council to focus on the issue at hand re: the broken windows. Council voted unanimously in favour of the bylaw which stated: The city of Castlegar has been
Wests Department store owners Susan and Basil McLaren plead their case to Castlegar city council on Monday night as Phil Markin, director of development services, looks on. Craig Lindsay
unable to secure voluntary compliance with Property Maintenance Bylaw 1120 at 1209, 1217 and 1224 - 3rd Street and 310 Columbia Avenue. “The decision we made was that we are going on the McLaren’s property any way we have to go, to do that in order to do some remediation which involved at least putting windows up in place where the boarded up windows are there now,” said councillor Gord Turner. “We’re making this decision because we’ve been talking to him about this for quite some time. It’s still there. It’s as much a problem in the area as the problems he brought up about the Element. “So, yes we do want to do something about his concerns about the Element but we also have to do something about our concerns with the windows. It seems he’ll make these promises but, in fact, we have to take serious action to get it done.
“I’d like to see the two windows he’s talking about get going and him put them in place. Then we could say, ‘yes, he’s a responsible businessman starting to fix things up.’ But right now we don’t see that so we’re going ahead with this remediation situation.” Skate party The city of Castlegar’s first Skate Party was a big success with more than 250 people participating. Councillor and Community Wellness and Civic Pride committee chair Gord Turner told those in attendance at Monday’s city council meeting about the event. “It was wonderful,” said Turner who was one of many staff and council members who volunteered at the party. “We had people coming and going all night but particularly for the fireworks.” The Skate Party took place Friday night at the Kinnaird Park outdoor rinks. Turner said it was great to have an event
in town geared towards families. “It was a friendly, all ages, family gettogether kind of atmosphere,” he said. “People just seemed to enjoy being out there when it wasn’t too cold. Kids were out there doing lots of things. There was hot chocolate and firepits to go to get warmed up. You had people talking to neighbours they maybe hadn’t talked to much in the last while. The kids loved it. They were playing in the snow or skating on the rinks.” Budget 2013 On Monday, Castlegar city council agreed to have first reading of bylaw 1172, which is the bylaw to adopt the 2013 - 2017 Five Year Financial Plan. Council also agreed to adopt the 2013 provisional budget. In addition, council announced a public open house budget meeting on Mon., Feb. 18 (4:306:30 p.m.) at the Community Forum. “We have ideas of what we want to do
and where we want to go and what projects we want to do so we’ve got some pretty hefty numbers in there,” said councillor Deb McIntosh, chair of Finance and Corporate Services. “As I said at the meeting, people need to come out and check and see what we’re doing and see if they’re in agreement. Does money need to be spent elsewhere? There’s lots of good ideas out there. So come out and have your say. Come forward, have a voice. It’s your money being spent.” Council met on January 11 and 12 to discuss budgetary items and strategy. Some of the key points for the upcoming budget are: work to ensure a sustainable, vibrant economy; develop the airport property and work to improve landing reliability at the West Kootenay Regional Airport. “I think staff and council have done a very good job at identifying some of the areas,” said McIntosh. “There’s some regular maintenance stuff like roads and sewers, and some fun stuff like the lazy river (at Millenium Park). So even if you don’t want to voice your opinion, at least come out and listen. Read up on what’s going on. Be an active participant. Come out and talk to staff and talk to council. If you have any questions just come out and ask.” Some of the projects included in the budget are:
Continued on P. A12
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Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 A3
News Increase in capability for local health centre
Showing off the new EEG testing centre at the Castlegar Health Centre are (front, seated from left) Gabriella Mollica-Lazzaro, neurodiagnostic technologist for Interior Health, and Tammy Cranston, professional practice leader neurodiagnostics for Castlegar Health Centre and Kelowna General Hospital. Representing the Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary Society are (Standing, back row from left) Polly Chernoff, Sandy Groutage, Jim Gourlie, Margaret Holuboff, Gill Heney, Karen Banks, Nettie Stupnikoff, Joy Harford and Andy Stupnikoff. Craig Lindsay
“This was an opportunity for the auxiliary to help our health centre provide an enhanced service to residents from across the Kootenay Boundary and we were happy to support the project,” said Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary president Nettie Stupnikoff.
An EEG is used to measure brain waves and is an important tool in diagnosing epilepsy, seizures and other brain conditions. EEG can also provide valuable information to the health care team for patients with tumours, strokes, developmental delay, un-
explained coma and some mental health conditions. “This new service is allowing us to expand the number of patients we can see here,” said Tammy Cranston, professional practice leader for neurodiagnostics for Castlegar and District Health Centre and Kelowna General
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g i tʻs N EW n i c n u o n n is a d di n i n g ! e c n e c i l e all ag R E ST
Thanks in large part to the Castlegar and District Hospital Auxiliary Society, local patients are now able to receive Electroencephalography (EEG) diagnostic testing at the Castlegar Health Centre. Interior Health was able to renovate an area of the health centre to create a regional site for EEG testing thanks to the $8,500 donation from the society. “Having this enhanced service in Castlegar allows Interior Health to increase the number of tests done each year in the Kootenay Boundary by approximately 35 per cent,” said Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid. “Physicians will be able to diagnose and treat their patients quicker.” Before, Castlegar EEG patients would have to travel to Trail to the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital.
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PU B •
Castlegar News Reporter
NT •
Craig Lindsay
Hospital. “It’s been the last number of months that we were able to secure some funding for renovations to the site from the Auxiliary and that’s allowed us to get the service up and running.” Previously, EEG testing was run through Kootenay Boundary Hospital in a space shared with cardiology. “They would have to shut down their service to provide us with the space,” said Cranston. “Not only does it allow them to run their scans on a regular basis, but it allows us to come and go as we see fit to schedule patients.” Interior health will provide EEG testing four days every month in Castlegar for all Kootenay Boundary patients. “Previously we were running somewhere in the range of about two days every 4-6 weeks,” said Cranston. “So it has expanded our service considerably.”
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
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Prices in this ad good on Feb. 10th.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 A5
News MP irked by boundary adjustment Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
The electoral boundary commission tabled its report in the House of Commons on Monday (Jan. 28) and despite local opposition, the electoral map of B.C. could see changes such as Nelson joining Cranbrook and Penticton joining with Castlegar and Trail. Canada’s soon-tobe 338 federal ridings are drawn so the population is about the same in each. The map is studied once a decade by commissions in each province and adjustments are made to accommodate population growth. Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko, who spoke against the changes at several local forums held last fall including Castlegar, is not pleased. “I’ll have a chance to present my case to get that changed because that’s not what we want,” he told the Castlegar News on Jan. 31. “There’s a whole procedure now that’s going to happen. I’ll be working on that in the next
HEARHearts TS GO Gone W N E W ILD Hearts Gone Wild Hearts Gone W Hearts Gone Hearts Gone W
numbers. “There aren’t enough people in the East Kootenay so they have to add it from somewhere and this is the only place to do it from,” he said. Saturday February 9 H “So we have to make the argument that that Chances Gaming Centre Grand Ball R Saturday February 9 Saturday February 9 riding is geographiChances Gaming Centre Grand Ball Room Feb DoorsSaturday open Chan cally large and should Doors open at 7 pm Chances Gaming Centre Grand Ball Room Saturday February 9 Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko pleads probably just be alJoin u Doors open at 7 pmevening Gaming Grand Ball us forevening a naughty of Ro de Join us Join for aChances naughty ofCentre decadent his case to keep the boundaries as they are to lowed to stay as it is as Doors open a delights…… delights…… the Federal Election Boundaries Commission Kootenay-Columbia. us for aChocolate naughty eveningand of decadent Saturday February 9 Sample chocolates Join from Detailed Expressions sip a glass of last fall at the Fireside Inn in Castlegar. That it wouldn’t make Sample chocolates from Detailed Chocolate Expressions a champagne delights…… File photo any sense to enlarge Join uswith for aDetailed naughty evening of deca Dessert buffet chocolate fountain Chances Gaming Centre Grand B champagne Sample chocolates from Chocolate Expressions Tickets A sexy lingerie fashion show from Fashion Foundations week or so to pres- Nakusp. Nelson, it. So we have to look Dessert buffet with chocolate fountain delights…… and sip a glass of Floral arrangements from Kootenay Floral Doors ent a case. What the Kaslo, Salmo, Cres- at it and see what opsexy lingerie fashion show fromExpressions Fashion Foun Sample chocolates from Detailed Chocolate and Order yourA Valentines chocolates, flowers and lingerie champagne commission recom- ton and RDCK areas tions we have. I think Entertainment Photo Booth champagne Floral from Kootenay Flora Dessert buffetarrangements with chocolate fountain Door Prizes mended is contrary to A through G, would the reason is strictly Dessert buffet with chocolate fountain your Valentines chocolates, flowers and l lingerie fashion show from Fashion Foundations TicketsA : sexyOrder $20.00 in advance $25.00 at the door what everyone spoke join with Cranbrook numbers.” A sexy lingerie fashionfrom show from Photo Fashion Founda Floral arrangements florist Entertainment Booth An area stretching to when they were as well as Revelstoke Floral arrangements from Kootenay Sponsored by: Order your Valentines chocolates, flowers and lingerie Floral Door Prizes here. We have to see and Golden in the from Castlegar and Order your Valentines chocolates, flowers and ling Tickets: from $20.00 in advance $25.00 a Detailed Chocolate Express if we can reverse that Kootenay-Columbia Trail to Nakusp overSample chocolates Photo Booth EntertainmentEntertainment Door Prizes Door Prizes decision.” riding which would to Penticton would be champagne Sponsored Photo Booth with Linda’s Photo Opby: difficult forchocolates an MP to Tickets : $20.00 in advance $25.00 at t Atamanenko and extend to the Alberta Sample from Detailed Chocolate Expressions and Dessert buffet with chocolate fou cover and give a fair about a dozen others border. $20.00 in advance $25.00 at the door A Tickets: sexy lingerie fashion show champagne Sponsored by:from Fashio spoke at the forum “It’s ludicrous,” said shake to all constituFloral arrangements from Kootenay on Oct. 1 at the Fire- Atamanenko. “The ents. Dessert Sponsored by:buffet with chocolate fountain “Say I got re-electside Inn in Castlegar main point that evyourshow Valentines flowers A sexy lingerieOrder fashion fromchocolates, Fashion Founda to the federal elec- eryone made here is ed and kept my office Entertainment Photo Bo tion boundaries com- that we need to keep in Castlegar, so what Floral arrangements from Kootenay Floral Door Prizes Pentic- your mission. There was a Castlegar, Trail and happens to Order ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CASTLEGAR HOSPICE SOCIETY Valentines chocolates, flowers and ling Tickets : Mountain FM, $20.00 in advance similar forum held in Nelson and our area ton?” he said. “We Tickets available at: Fashion Foundations, Glens Hair Cuts, $2 Entertainment Photo Nelson as well. together. It doesn’t don’t have additional Chances, Hospice Office or call 250-304-1266 for moreBooth information The new map for make any sense to funding. Door Prizes Sponsored by: “We don’t have it B.C. added six new split us up, and then Tickets : $20.00 in advance $25.00 at t ridings and dra- also throw in Pentic- to open a full office matically recasts the ton. I think it’s not a there. So that means Southern Interior. very workable solu- people there would Sponsored by: Castlegar and Trail tion. So we’ve got to suffer. If an MP was would join with Pent- put together a case to elected from Penticton, that person icton to form the new change that.” South OkanaganAtamanenko says would probably have West Kootenay riding the reasoning behind an office in... which would stretch the change is mostly north to include due to population Continued on P. A11
Sample chocola
A sex
Saturday February 9 Chances Gaming Centre Grand Ball Roo Doors open a Join us for a naughty evening o delights…… Join us for a naughty evening of deca
Saturday Feb Cha Castlegar Slo-Pitch Association
Join u
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Family day: long time coming
The dog days of late winter - who hasn’t longed for the relief of a nice long weekend right around the time we’re finally going to have one to take advantage of? Family Day... what could be a better theme for an overdue stat? If the love and value of family isn’t idealized... what can be? It’s like the whole festive season is making a one-day curtain call... setting the stage for us all to bite down hard as we set our sights on Good Friday on the 29th of March, while paying the appropriate respects to Valentines Day, of course. There are people living in far more senior locations than us (Germany’s a good example) who benefit from a relatively benevolent vacation structure, and their economies seem to be doing just fine as a result. It’s not just slackers who thrive with a day off work from time to time, just think of the added employment opportunities generated just by the need to cater to all those folks taking a day off work? Then there are those of us who can go to work and feel like its a holiday just because the phone isn’t ringing quite as much. Whether your family is big or small, near or far... here’s hoping our February stat holiday finds you making the most of it, in whatever way suits you best. We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
Fax (250) 365-6390
Off the Line - Karen Haviland
The more things change... I’m a klutz. A royal klutz. This isn’t news – anyone who knows me will vouch that I am a klutz of longstanding. My balance is poor and I do silly things like taking a plunge while rappelling and slipping on ice (hey, it looked like water). That ice incident happened last November. My husband and I were renting a beach cabin near Longbeach, Washington with my brother and his wife. The day started nicely enough. Sitting on the couch and looking out the picture glass window at the surf rolling in while warming my hands with a cup of coffee was the perfect way to start the day. Inspired by the surf and the pungent ocean smell, I decided to take an early morning stroll in the back garden area overlooking the shoreline. Slipping on my Crocs, and still in my pajamas, I headed to the garden to take a closer look. The wooden deck had dew on it from the night before, but other than that it appeared perfectly safe. I was wrong. What I didn’t realize is that, in fact, the dew was actually ice. Being the klutz that I am, I took one step down from the deck and promptly fell, hard, as in earthshaking, bone- rattling ka-thunk! Craig Lindsay Reporter
Jim Sinclair Editor
That hurt. So I laid there for a few good minutes afraid to move and trying to assess any possible damage. From that prostrate position I could feel the pull of muscle as my right leg was folded up under me clear to my backside and there was a stinging sensation on my right shin. My sister-in-law, who is a physician’s assistant, saw me fall and was quickly outside trying to determine if I needed an ambulance. The only problem was she ran out without her shoes and her feet were cold. Telling me to lay still, she quickly ran into the house in pursuit of her shoes. This is where my quandary started. Did I lay there and let my sister-in-law, who is just under five feet tall, struggle to get me to my feet, or did I get up on my own. The answer was clear to me. First I rolled over thus easing my captured leg and then I got on all fours. Hmmm. Although I ached in protest, it seemed as if there were no broken bones. I slowly got to my feet and hobbled my way into the house. When inside I noticed that I had skinned my shin. No big deal, and hardly any blood. Sometimes it’s the small things which escape attention but which later turn out to grow into big things. Chris Hopkyns Publisher
Cindy Amaral Production Manager
It wasn’t until almost two weeks later, on the American Thanksgiving and while down in Phoenix, AZ, that I noticed the small scrape was angrily infected. My brother had such an incident numerous years ago, and that small scrape turned into MRSA, a strain of antibiotic-resistant. bacteria. That little scrape changed the course of his life. Taking no chances, I decided it was time to have the infection looked at, Thanksgiving or not. Unfortunately, all urgent care facilities were closed and so I ended up going to a hospital. The nurse practitioner who examined me wrote me a prescription for antibiotics and ordered a tetanus shot. It didn’t take long for that infection to clear up and I was none the worse for it except for my embarrassment at being so clumsy. It’s a good thing we had thought to take out travelers insurance though. Evidently that little foray into clumsiness cost over $850. I wish I could say the fall caused me to be more cautious and less clumsy. But if I did, I would be telling a lie. Just yesterday I walked full on into the kitchen chair, which has been sitting there forever. Some things never change, do they? Sandy Leonard Production
Theresa Hodge Office Manager
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 A7
Let them have the boot Re: Vehicle immobilizers to be used in Trail to encourage parking ticket payment I had lived in Trail for many years. Shopping downtown with the fear of going over two minutes on the meter was a lot of stress. Now living in Castlegar, my family and I don’t have that stress any more. We can shop... spend money and not have to think of the minutes and pennies to avoid huge fines. Now with this boot? I’m glad for the West Kootenays. Castlegar is going to be the new hub, not
boot in this area. -Credence New, Castlegar
February is Heart Month There are 7,000 people throughout the province who have an inherited risk of fainting or dying suddenly from an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) – often this is only discovered through an event like fainting. However, research indicates that this is just the tip of the iceberg – for every person identified with inherited arrhythmia, four or more family members may unknowingly be at risk. The condition can
be managed with simple medical intervention, but when left unmonitored, it puts lives in danger. As the recently appointed Sauder Family and Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair in Cardiology, we are assembling a team of experts to build a network of clinics to discover those British Columbians at risk, and provide them with protection. Despite all of our advances in prevention and treatment of heart disease, several thousand people in British Columbia die suddenly every year. I feel this is a key challenge for my team to identify why this happens, who is at risk and how to prevent these tragedies. I am proud to be able to pursue this work,
thanks in part to the generous Heart and Stroke Foundation donors. This February is Heart Month. When a Heart and Stroke Foundation canvasser arrives at your door, please give generously. Your support enables me and my fellow researchers, to continue vital work that will save lives here in BC. Show your support for healthy lives, free of heart disease and stroke at Together, we can Make Health Last. Sincerely, Dr. Andrew Krahn
Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 16th Recreation Complex
Everyone welcome Tickets at Kel Print or Castlegar Sports or call 365-365-6682 Tickets are not available at door.
The Sauder Family and Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair in Cardiology
Water treatment upgrade almost complete CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
Work on the city of Castlegar’s Water Treatment Plant upgrade is expected to be completed by the end of February. The total cost of the project is $1.4 million of which $760,000 is covered by a grant
from the provincial government. “The project has been going on in bits and pieces since October,” said Chris Barlow, director of civic works for Castlegar. “We’re just getting a new electric system upgrade right now. The majority of the work is going to hap-
Gentle Gentle Family Family Dentistry Dentistry WithWith A Friendly A Friendly Caring Caring Atmosphere Atmosphere
pen probably in the next two weeks.” Barlow says the project will install U.V. reactors at the water treatment centre. “That will provide the city with a dual barrier system of protection for treating water,” he said. “That’ll ensure that
all bacteria and viruses are killed at the source.” Civic Works is also replacing its chlorination system. Castlegar’s water supply comes from a pump at the Arrow Lakes to the water treatment centre and into the city’s distribution system.
Castlegar News Carrier of the Month Hannah Johnstone
Dr Anne Starr
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Hannah received a Complex certificate.
• Extensive experience • Extensive experience in in children’s dentistry children’s dentistry
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250-365-5252 250-365-5252
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PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments
Phil Angrignon
Eating Disorder Awareness Week is held each February to educate the public on the relationship between dieting, body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. The goal is to increase awareness of the factors that cause people, particularly women, to develop eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. It’s been over 13 years since a new weight-loss drug has come on the market. A new one was just OK’d in the US It’s called Belviq and it works on a brain chemical that controls appetite. Weight-loss drugs have had a rather shaky history and it’s not sure how good this new one will be. The drug is still under review in Canada. It may be available to pharmacies within the year. Losing weight is big business. However, there is no magic answer to the problem. To make weight-loss permanent, one must simply eat fewer calories or burn more calories. In fact, for better results, do both. Research in Israel has produced a strain of marijuana that can ease pain and discomfort symptoms but without the part of the plant that makes people “high”. Perhaps this altered product might make access easier for those with chronic diseases like MS, Parkinson’s and post traumatic stress disorder. There is so much occurring in the world of medications. We do our utmost to keep current on any new advances to enable us to serve you better.
Customer Appreciation Day 15% OFF*
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Hannah likes meeting alot of people and they know her as Hannah their paper girl. She is saving for a cell phone or an iPhone 4.
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*Some exceptions may apply - See in-store for details
Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar Tweet us
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Community Calendar
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
Tell us about your upcoming event, email:
Everyone welcome. For more information please contact Rick or Donna at 365-7273
Feb. 11 - Celebrate Family day with free skating and swimming at the Castlegar Rec Com-
mar. 9/10 - chip carving workshop - at the Oasis Hall near
plex from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sponsored by RDCK I. feb. 11 - family tree event of family day - In celebration of
B.C.’s first family day, the West Kootenay Family History Society (WKFHS) is hosting an introduction to Family Tree learning experience at the Community Forum in the Columbia Trust building from 1 - 4 p.m. The free, come-and-go event will include demonstrations, exhibits and one-on-one assistance. FMI, call Sam at 250-341-1601 or Ingeborg at 250-367-0076. Feb 13 - understanding dementia - Castlegar Complex 1 - 3
p.m. Participants will receive basic information about dementia and the impact this disease has on the individual, caregivers and families. Through an exploration of how dementia affects the brain and behaviour across the progression of the disease, caregivers will learn what to expect throughout the journey with dementia. To register call Julie at 250-3656769 or 1-855-301-6742 or email feb. 16 - Castlegar Move-a-thon
Trail. Sponsored by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance. FMI call 250-365-1017.
ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to
10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table discussions and make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956. ongoing: sharing dinner pot -
You are welcome for a hot meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee. All are welcome. Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena - Sun.
at 10 a.m. (phone Mike at 3658302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 365-7805). ongoing: al-anon meets every Monday night AL-ANON is for
- Skate or walk and raise funds for Castlegar Special Olympics and your favourite charity. From 10 a.m. until 12 noon at the Castlegar Community Complex. Pledge forms available at the complex or from any Castlegar Selkirk Lion member. FMI call Joanne 250-365-3884.
people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) For more information call Donna 3653168 or Eileen 365-3674.
feb 16 - scotties marina 8th annual fishing derby - 1st, 2nd
ongoing: legion meat draws every saturday - The Royal
and 3rd place cash prizes for largest rainbow, dolly or Kokanee caught. Entry fee $25. Weigh in at 4 p.m. sharp. FMI call 250365-3267.
Feb. 18 - Friends of the castlegar and district library AGM -
7 p.m. at the library.
feb. 13 - Ash Wednesday Lent Focus. @ 6 p.m. We invite you
to contemplate with us: What could I release in my life to make more room for God? hosted by the Confluence Fellowship Circle, a Christian gathering with a Celtic flavour at the Robson Community Memorial Church. feb. 27 - Annual General Meeting for Pass Creek Fall Fair & Exhibition Society - at the Cas-
tlegar Complex at 7 p.m.
Canadian Legion Castlegar/ Robson Branch#170 located at 248 Columbia Ave. Doors open at 3 p.m. and draws start at 4 p.m. and go to 6 p.m. Draws every half hour with other special prizes awarded. Guests are more than welcome and can be signed in by a member. Come on out and have fun with great company. ongoing: CRAFTING for WOMEN.
Wed. mornings 9-12 starting Feb. 13th at Sun Centre, above Community Services. No cost but may be required materials depending on project. Mocassins will cost about $50. Knitting and most others - Free. Looking for volunteers to come in and teach crafts... knitting for example. Please be in touch if you have a skill to teach or an idea for a craft to do. Phone: 250.365.2104 Ext. 34 or
ongoing: join the twin rivers chorale. We practice at 7 p.m.
on Thursday evenings at St. Peter Lutheran Church. 713 4th Street, Castlegar. New members welcome. FMI call Helga at 250365-6057, ongoing: The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop invites you to take advantage of the following great sales which will take
place from Saturday, January 26 to Saturday, February 2, 2013. All boutique items 2 for 1. Black shoes only 1/2 price. Bedding skirts 2 for 1. Be sure to get your bids placed for Silent Auction items as the current event will close for bidding end of day Saturday, January 26th. Volunteering is a great way of giving back to our community and it is our pleasure to ask anyone truly interested to come in for an application form at the Treasure Shop (across from the Library). Be sure to visit the Gift Shop located in the Castlegar & District Health Center for beautiful clothing and hand knitted baby wear. Your donations and continued support are greatly appreciated at the Treasure Shop. ongoing: Castlegar judo club
- Monday, Thursday evenings from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Twin Rivers School gym. Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. From aged 8 years and up. FMI call John Gibson 250-3655763. ongoing: poker fundraiser at the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday - Games start at 6:30 p.m.
and go until there is a winner. Buy-in is $40 and the prize is $1,000 or more. Partial proceeds go to the West Kootenay Therapeutic Riding Association. ongoing: Castlegar senior’s activities at the Rec Centre for february: at the Complex
Monday – 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist Tuesday – 9:30 Floor Curling/ Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool 10:00 20th Raspberry Reunion Wednesday – 9:30 Floor Curling, 1:00 Bingo,(1st Wed.only) 7:00 Rummoli, Thursday – 9:30 Floor Curling 7th 2:00 Gen. Meeting 1:00 Bingo (just @gen. meeting) Friday – 1:00 Bridge/Crib, 15th - Dinner/Dance $20 Members, $25 non-members. Brian deVought caterer. ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers - For
more information please call
250-919-0757. ongoing: Kootenay South Youth Soccer Association is still ac-
cepting coaching applications for the 2013 season. We will have coaching courses prior to the start of the season... get involve in the beautiful game! ongoing: Operation Feast was
established in 2012 to provide meals for members of our community. We invite you to join us for a home-cooked meal every Thursday at New Life Assembly Church 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, and dinner is served between 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area located at the back of Church. For information contact Carol at 3655734. Ongoing: Castlegar Garden Club meets third Wednesday of the month – 7:00 p.m. at the
Community Complex. Discover the Castlegar Garden Club and be dazzled by the depth of knowledge of our monthly speakers. Garden inspirations will linger long after the meeting is over. New members always welcome. Information: Rose Cheveldave 250.365.9600 or ongoing: robson market is open except for long weekends.
8-11 a.m. at the Robson Community Hall. Homestyle breakfasts, come enjoy and maybe find some treasures. Tables for vendors. Phone 250-365-3796. ongoing: the west kootenay roller derby is looking for supplies - WKRD is looking
for donations of 1/8 thick vinyl composite tile, paint and brushes, seating (chairs, couches, benches etc.) and rugs to help build their new practice space in Nelson. For more information please contact teressa.hodsall@ or like us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/wkrollerderby ongoing: castlegar chess club meets on Saturdays - The Sons
of Norway ,Nordic Lodge ‘76 is sponsoring the Castlegar Chess Club with weekly games at the Selkirk Community College in Castlegar on Saturdays from noon till 3 p.m. , till Apr. 30. Registration, Saturday Jan. 26, 11 A.M. –3 p.m. at Selkirk College in Castlegar . The club is open to all ages . There are no membership fees and everyone can bring their own kits. ongoing: Mom’s Support Group
Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon. (changed from Wed. afternoons). Castlegar Community
Services, Sun Centre. All moms welcome to this loosely structured group for support in challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 34
ongoing: friday youth program at blueberry creek - Are you
a youth in Castlegar looking for something to do on Friday nights? Why not check out the Friday Night Youth program at Blueberry Creek Community School? Manager Cindy Cropley and team ensure a fun, safe night for kids in the area to watch a movie in Blueberry’s very own movie theatre, play games and sports in the gym and just hang out with friends. For grades K - 5, the program time is 6:30-8 p.m. and for grades 6 and up, the program happens from 8-10 p.m. Check out the B.C.C.S. facebook page for movie listings and other information or phone 250-365-7201.
ongoing: castlegar & district hospital foundation light up campaign - The Foundation is
raising money to purchase three Space Lab cardiac monitors, Life Pak 15 crash cart monitors/defibrillators, and CADD Prism pump. call 250-304-1209 or mail cheque to 709 10th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 to donate.
ongoing: robson and blueberry strongstart centres – free
early learning programs for parents/caregivers with young children. Join us for snack, art, stories, gym time, and music. Robson - Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m, Thurs 12:303:30 p.m. Blueberry - Mon, Wed, Thurs, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m and Tues noon - 3 p.m. A partnership between Robson Community School, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Blueberry Creek Community School. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email:
ongoing: free english classes
– at the Castlegar Public Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. All levels are welcome. For more info contact Alana at 250.304.6862 or email:
ongoing: Join a 4H Horse Club near you! Check out www.bc4h. Nelson 4H Club Contact Kathleen Comstock @ 250-3529693. First meeting Jan. 16, 5 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Nelson. Castlegar 4H Club Contact Tekki Brown-Hryniw @ 250-3650725. First meeting Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m. Location contact Tekki.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
Community A9 Amnesty InternAtIonAl FIlm Fest Presents BrIllIAnt CulturAl Center, CAstlegAr
Sat. Feb 16th 7PM ShowtiMe DoorS oPen at 6PM ticketS at Door $8 StuDent/Senior • 10$ aDult
Sharing concerns Retired Armed Forces captain Jerry Flynn (far right) spoke to about 40 people at the Kinnaird Hall Saturday night in Castlegar about the dangers of smart meters and other sources of wireless radiation. The stop was one of three in the area for Flynn, who also spoke at Trail Saturday afternoon and South Slocan Sunday. The Kelowna resident was a guest of the Castlegar-based Citizens for Safe Technology and was introduced by Cliff Paluck, the local chapter’s head. FortisBC has applied to the B.C. Utlities Commission and plans to install smart meters into all households in their service area. Craig Lindsay
Castle Theatre coming into its own Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
The Castle Theatre has seen several renovations recently and will soon be showing classic movies and documentaries. In addition, the theatre will see its coffee shop opening up as well. “We’re kicking it all off on March 2nd with Hicks on Sticks,” says co-owner Dean Steblyk. “It’s a documen-
tary made by a couple of local guys and has won some awards. It’s going to be the Kootenay premiere here. The following Sunday we have a live band that’ll be here for our opening weekend. We’re going to have documentaries on Mondays and themed nights on Fridays that will change monthly. We’ll also have jam nights on Thursdays.” The coffee shop
will be open for the events and Steblyk says they’ll be looking at opening it for more hours after that. He adds that the renovations have gone very well. “We had some stuff done in the late summer,” he said. “We then worked on getting the coffee shop all set up. Now that that’s ready we’re good to go. Right now we’re just testing our sound
system and projector. We’ve got a bigger projector now and better sound so we’re going through the paces there but pretty much ready to go.” Steblyk says residents can look forward to more local concerts on a regular basis. He also says they will have a suggestion box at the movies and look forward to hearing suggestions from residents.
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) Notice to Parents:
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION during the week of Feb. 18 – 22, 2013 2013 –2014 School Year
WE ARE DURING THE RENOVATIONS Please come by and see what we’re up to!!
490 13th Ave. Castlegar 365-7252
• Parents of children who turn 5 years old between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 may register their child during the week of February 18 to 22, 2013 in Kindergarten to enter school in September, 2013. Parents are asked to bring with them their child’s birth certificate and BC Care Card. • The District offers full day, every day Kindergarten. • Should you require clarification or additional information please contact the Principal of your catchment area school. Should you wish to enrol your child in a non-catchment area school, you will need to register with your catchment area school as well as completing a transfer form which is available at all schools. • A parent of the child may defer the enrolment of his or her child until September 1, 2014. Parents are welcome to consult with district staff if they are considering deferring registration for one year. Please contact Bill Ford, Director of Instruction, at 250-368-2230 at the Board Office. ~ English Kindergarten Registration ~ Parents wishing to enrol their child in English Kindergarten for September 2013 are asked to register their child in their catchment area school during regular school hours. ~ Russian Kindergarten Registration ~ Parents wishing to enrol their child in Russian Kindergarten for September 2013 are asked to please contact Kere MacGregor, Principal of Castlegar Primary School, at 250-365-5744 for specific Russian registration procedures.
Jan. 31 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 5 Spanish for Travellers: Level Series: 1Jan. 28 7, 2013 Prenatal: Wed., Financial Education Feb. 5February Transportation Endorsement Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Dec. 5 Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Dec. Convert Pension to an10RRSP February 12, 2013 EbayYour Basics: Feb. OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 EbayBasics: Basics: Feb. 1010 Ebay Feb. Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Sibling Faiths: Christianity and Ebay Basics: Feb. 10Islam
Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 A10
Prenatal-Early Green YourClass Home From Low Tech to
Dec. 8
Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Module 2: Your Early February Green Home FromLow Low Tech Green YourIslam Home From Tech to to13, 2013
Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Tech: Feb. 12From Low OFA LevelYour 1 Home Green Tech toDec. 15 Jan. 31 Dec. 15
High Tech: Feb. 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 You Killing the Thing Love: Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12
Learn toDraw Draw inEditor 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 Being YourtoOwn Best February Learn in 18hours: hours: Feb. 12 17, 2013
Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. February 19, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5
Simply Accounting Level 1
PLEASE NOTE that registration begins on January 2, 2013. EbayToBasics: Feb. call 10 250.365.1208. register, please
Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 2.83From x5” Low Tech to Green Your Home Green Your Home From Low Tech to High Tech: Feb. 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15
Mir Lecture SerieS
JAMeS LONeY FRIDAY FEB 8th 7:00 pm Shambhala Music & Performance Hall, Selkirk College, Tenth Street Campus Peace activist and former iraqi hostage James Loney and three colleagues, were kidnapped and held hostage in Baghdad in a story that made international headlines. Loney will be sharing his personal experience of captivity, his vision of a world without war, and his life-long commitment to pacifism. Tickets available at: Selkirk College Bookstore 250.365.1281 and Otter Books in Nelson 250.354.3434 $16 adults, $13 seniors and $13 students
For more information visit our website or phone 250.365.1234.
250-352-5331 Feb 7th - XL-TEE & 4Mat Free Show Feb 8th - Bobby C Sound A/V Set Feb 9th - Electro Swing Club Feb 14th - Garden of Love Valentine’s Burlesque Show Feb 15th - Humans w/Shyness of Strangers, DJ Lucie Tic Feb 16th - Parker with Ryan Wells Feb 19th - Vinnie Paz & Ill Bill as Heavy Metal Kings Feb 21st - The Boom Booms Feb 22nd - The Librarian Bass Music with Soul Feb 23rd - Nick Thayer with Soup Mar 8th - Tribute to Motown Live Band
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
Environment/Community Excuse me, what’s this chip doing in my fish? SUBMITTED
The following is the latest in a series of ecology-related articles from students at Selkirk College in Castlegar. In the Kootenay’s we are very fortunate to have a number of great fishing opportunities right in our collective ‘backyard.’ Anglers and fly-fishers have the opportunity to fish for a variety of species such as Rainbow and Cutthroat trout, Kokanee, Whitefish, Bull Trout, Burbot, and Walleye. At one time, we even had access to Pacific Salmon in the Columbia River. The mighty Columbia runs through the heart of Castlegar, connecting many other communities before making its journey south through the U.S.A., and finally emptying into the Pacific Ocean. Since the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State was constructed in 1941, Pacific Salmon have been obstructed from returning to our local waters.
Sara Drebit and Dan McLean are second year Recreation Fish and Wildlife students studying at Selkirk College in Castlegar. Submitted
Although frequently caught in local waters, walleye is an introduced species. If you’ve ever caught one before, you’d know that they have spiny fins, razor-sharp teeth, large light reflecting eyes (from which they get their name), and put up a pretty good fight. They come with voracious appetites and with the abundance of food in the Columbia River, walleye can reach a whopping 25 pounds. They were first introduced as a sport fish in the northwest United States in the
1940’s and 50’s. Locally, the influx of Walleye began in 1960 when they were introduced into Lake Roosevelt, about 200 km south of the B.C./ Washington border. They spread into the lower Columbia River and moved upstream through the Waneta channel and into B.C. The introduction of non-natives is hardly ever a good thing. Consequently, exotic species require monitoring to ensure their effect is minimized. Golder Associates, a local fisheries consultant in Castlegar, has been monitoring
the walleye population for the past 12 years, using a variety of methods for data collection including electronic microchip tracking technology, or ‘PIT’ (Passive Integrated Transponder) tags. The tags have been used for years with pets as a permanent ID marker. In walleye, the tiny chips are embedded into the fish directly behind the head and near the spinal column on the left side. The procedure is relatively painless, just like getting a needle at the doctor’s (except the fish doesn’t get a sucker). The fish is then returned to its habitat and continues on its way. Periodically, a technician from Golder Associates will head back out to the river to track the tagged walleye. Tracking data compiled from chip implants will help to give an indication of the migration routes, distances traveled, and seasonal activity. The use of PIT tags relies on recapturing the marked
Toddlers to come out on top at Kinsmen Park SUBMITTED
The Castlegar Early Childhood Advisory Council (CECAC) is moving ahead with its plans for a toddler playground at Kinsmen Park. The initial installation of five small play pieces will begin early in the
spring, as fundraising continues for the second phase of the project, a larger imaginative play structure. Active, outdoor play is important for children of all ages, and having safe, fun play equipment for toddlers will encourage families to get out
with their little ones. With its central, downtown location, close to the library and waterpark, Kinsmen Park is the perfect place for families to gather with their children. The collaborative efforts of the early childhood council have
garnered the community support needed to turn the playground dream into reality. “With the generous support received from The Heritage and Kootenay Savings Credit Unions, the WK Toy Run Association, and the City of Castlegar we’re able to have the
Growing into, or growing out of?
first pieces ready to go in this spring, and are well on our way toward our second goal of an additional larger piece,” says coordinator Penny Tees. Please see a photo and further information relating to the funding of this project – on page A12. Adoption Dance of Joy... You can make it happen
Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? Leonardo da Vinci
Book your appointment today! Accepting new patients
fish some time later. When Golder recaptures they record the information and release the marked fish. The other major source of recapture is from local anglers and fly fishers. Often the walleye captured by the public are not marked externally, so you have to pay special attention when you’re preparing your catch for dinner. So what do you do if you’re dressing your catch and you come across a “chip” in your fish? Firstly, the fish meat is just fine so enjoy your dinner. Next, contact Golder Associates in Castlegar at 250-365-0344. You’ll need to note where you capture the fish, its sex, and its length, from nose to fork in the tail. Put the chip in an envelope and the folks at Golder will let you know what to do with it. They’ll be thankful for the information, and you can enjoy your tasty meal knowing you’ve also contributed to science and local ecology.
115-1983 Columbia Ave. 250.365.2000
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
4.3125” x 4” A11
Local hearts are about to go wild CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
February – ‘tis the season for romance and what’s more romantic than chocolate and lingerie? Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Castlegar and District Hospice Society is presenting “Hearts Gone Wild” at Chances Gaming Centre ballroom on Feb. 9. “This is a new event for Hospice,” said executive director Suzanne Lehbauer. “It involves chocolate, champagne, a dessert buffet, a chocolate fountain, and a fabulously sexy lingerie fashion show by Fashion Foundations. We’re also going to have Safeway floral on hand and Linda’s Photo Op to take pictures of people. We’ll have some great accompaniments if people want to get
The beauty of chocolate will be but one of the explored themes of Hearts Gone Wild, February 9 at Chances Gaming Centre Ballroom.
dressed up.” Also at the event, Detail’s Chocolate Expressions will be there giving out samples, and selling chocolates as well. “People can come have a wonderful evening and order their valentine’s chocolates, flowers and lingerie in advance,” said Lehbauer. “We have a three piece jazz trio from Selkirk College
performing as well.” Tickets are $20 and include a glass of sparkling pink wine, samples of chocolates, dessert buffet with the chocolate fountain, and an entry into the door prize draw. “Our big door prize is airfare for two to Vancouver,” said Lehbauer. “You’ll be able to buy additional chances while you’re there.
It’s going to be a fabulous time for singles and couples with lots of goodies. We’re having a bit of a Moulin Rouge theme this year, so it’s going to be quite over-the-top. It’s something that’s a little different for the area. If it’s a success we’re going to incorporate it as one of our yearly events.” Tickets are available at the Castlegar and District Hospice Society office, Mountain FM, Glen’s Haircuts, Fashion Foundations, and Chances Gaming Centre. You can even call Suzanne at the Hospice office at 250-304-1266 for delivery in town. “All funds raised stay in the community and help benefit Castlegar Hospice Society to provide all the services and support and community education,” said Lehbauer. TW / HZ
Applications Now Accepted Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding.
Program brochures and application forms are available online at, or call CKCA at 1.877.505.7355 or email Deadline for applications is March 8, 2013, or March 22, 2013, depending on the program.
Photo: Eye of the Mind Photography
Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355
No needle needed for cleaning
Client: Ministry of Forests, Lands and NRO Campaign: Operating Plan #8 Size:well. 4.31” x 5.473” a trip to get up to treatment very
JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Reporter
It’s safe to suggest that pooch-types rely on their pearly whites as much, or more than most others. It’s also reasonable to assume that not many of us (two-and fourleggers) like getting jabbed with a needle. Where this is going is… Kootenay Critters in Castlegar, where the’ve been performing anesthet-
Boundaries Continued from P. A5
...Penticton and a small satellite office here. Same thing. We might have one in Castlegar and Nelson, if the MP was in Cranbrook. Logistically it doesn’t make sense. We have an area that has over 30,000 people that needs an office people can go to to see their Member of Parliament. That’s one of my main concerns.”
Who doesn’t feel better with clean teeth?
ic-free teeth cleaning for the past 10 months. “Complete Canine” is the concept, and Angie Noad of Kootenay Critters has made
speed on the process. “It was in Denver Colorado, instructed by a veterinarian,” sai Noad. “It’s actually scaling the tartar off the teeth, polishing them, and the dog doesn’t have to be put under… completely drug free.” She told the Castlegar News on Feb. 1 that interest and acceptance had been good to that point, and that dogs seem to take to the
“Most of the dogs lie really still for it. They don’t mind it at all, actually.” No one needs to be reminded of the importance of dental health, and no one would want anything but the best for their dog. Consider anesthetic-free teeth cleaning, from the caring folks at Kootenay Critters, 502 Columbia in Castlegar. 250-365-7370.
CITY OF CASTLEGAR NOTICE MEETING CITYOF OFPUBLIC CASTLEGAR CITY OF CASTLEGAR CITY OF CASTLEGAR BUDGET NOTICE2013 OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 2013 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET The City of Castlegar is undertaking a public consultation process in preparing the City’s 2013 Budget and Five Year Financial Plan. The City of Castlegar is undertaking a public consultation process in preparing the City’s The City of Financial Castlegar Plan is undertaking a public consultation process in preparing the Utility, City’s The City’s includes about General Operations, Water 2013City Budget and FiveisYear Financialdecisions The of Castlegar undertaking aPlan. public consultation process in preparing the City’s 2013 Year Operations. Financial Plan. SewerBudget Utility,and andFive Airport It includes determinations regarding taxation, 2013 Budget and Five Year Financial Plan. utilityCity’s rates, servicePlan levels provided to the community and the City’s The Financial includes decisions about General Operations, WaterCapital Utility, The City’s Financial Plan includes decisions about General Operations, Water Utility, Improvement Program for the years to come. Sewer Utility, and Airport Operations. It includes regarding taxation, The City’s Financial Plan includes decisions about determinations General Operations, Water Utility, Sewer Utility, and Airport Operations. It includes determinations regarding taxation, utility rates, levels provided Ittoincludes the community and the City’s taxation, Capital Sewer Utility, service and Airport Operations. determinations regarding utility rates, service levels provided to the atcommunity and scheduled the City’s Capital The City seeksProgram your input and your submissions a public meeting Improvement for the years to come. utility rates, service levels provided to the community and the City’sfor: Capital Improvement Program for the years to come. Improvement Program for the years to come. February 18, The City seeks your input and Monday, your submissions at a2013 public meeting scheduled for: The City seeks your From input and submissions at a public meeting scheduled for: 4:30your pm to 6:30 p.m. (before council meeting) The City seeks your input and your submissions at a public meeting scheduled for: in the Community Forum Monday, February 18, 2013 th Monday, February 18, 2013 Castlegar, BC 445 13toAvenue, From 4:30 pm 6:30 p.m. (before council meeting) Monday, February 18, 2013 From 4:30 pm to 6:30 p.m. (before council meeting) in the Community Forumcouncil meeting) From 4:30 pm to 6:30 p.m. (before in the Community Forum th Avenue, would If you as an individual, or your organization, like to Castlegar, BCmake budget submissions to 445in 13 the Community Forum Avenue, Castlegar, BC please contact the City of 13th City Council, or if you wish445 to receive further information, Castlegar, BC 445 13th Avenue, Castlegar at (250) 365-7227 or by e-mail at If you as an individual, or your organization, would like to make budget submissions to If you as an individual, or your organization, would like to make budget submissions to City Council, or if you wish to receive further information, please contact the City to of If you as an individual, or your organization, would like to make budget submissions City advise Council,ofordate if you wish totoreceive information, please the Advertiser. City of Please change the ad further on page A17 of the Westcontact Kootenay Castlegar at (250) e-mail at City Council, or if 365-7227 you wish or to by receive further information, please contact the City of
BC Timber Sales Operating Plan #8 Arrow Operating Areas The public is invited to review and comment on Operating Plan #8, being prepared by the BC Timber Sales (BCTS) Castlegar field office under its approved Forest Stewardship Plan. Comments will be accepted on or before Friday, April 5, 2013. The Operating Plan includes information on BC Timber Sales’ newly proposed harvesting and road construction in the Arrow Timber Supply Area (TSA) and the Cascadia TSA. The Operating Plan includes forest development in the following areas:
• Beaton-Hadow Creek • South Whatshan Lake • East Barnes Creek • Christie Creek/Oatscott • Worthington Creek • Hills • Dog-Peter Creek • Big Sheep and Santa Rosa Creek • College Creek/Robson Ridge • Sheep Creek • Barrett Creek
Maps can be viewed online: Click on “FSP Documentation and Maps” and then “Operating Plan #8 Arrow”. These files are best viewed by right-clicking and choosing “Save as...” For more information, contact Rick Mazzocchi at the phone number below. Comments must be submitted in writing to Rick Mazzocchi, BCTS Planning Forester, Castlegar Field Office, 845 Columbia Ave., Castlegar, B.C. V1N 1H3 Phone: 250 365-8650 Fax: 250 365-8568
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
Big help for little ones The Heritage Credit Union recently presented a $3,000 cheque to the Castlegar Early Childhood Advisory Council (CECAC) for its project to develop a toddler playground at Kinsmen Park. The initial installation of five play pieces will begin early in the spring, as fundraising continues for the second phase of the project, a larger imaginative play structure.“I am very excited to see this project moving forward, with the support of the Heritage Credit Union,” says Susanne Thomas, Chair of the Council. “It will be great to watch families with young children enjoy a park featuring toddler-friendly play equipment in the core of the city.” Annual surveys of families identified the need for a safe and fun play space for toddlers and preschoolers that will support their unique development needs. The efforts of the council to garner support has been pivotal in turning this vision into action. Pictured above, from left, Lorne Myhra (CEO Heritage Credit Union); Penny Tees, Coordinator, CECAdvisory Council (CECAC), Susanne Thomas, Chair of CECAC, with baby Lyra and son Jacob; Bruce Gerrand, Chair of the Heritage Credit Union Community & Environmental Fund Committee. Submitted
Council briefs
Bring more than just your team spirit
Continued from P. A2
Toss for a Good Cause
February 8th, 2013 Rebels vs. Beaver Valley Nighthawks 7:30 p.m. Bring a small or medium sized stuffed toy to toss on the ice during the Rebels’ first intermission and receive a discount on your admission. For every donated toy, Castlegar Hyundai will provide a matching contribution to a worthwhile local charity. It’s our way to say we care about our community and the people in it. Help us help those in need.
Visit to learn more.
Tee-time anyone?
KGolf is all about the next shot and we’re almost there. Piled snow is just a temporary impediment to the pursuit of par. Golf is on poeple’s minds when they see a sight like this at a local car dealership. Jim Sinclair
HYUNDAI • 713 17th St. • 1-888-696-0984
Millennium Park Natural Outdoor Swimming Pool project - $1.2 million; Cycling and pedestrian master plan project on Connors Road - $250,000; South Castlegar Storm Expansion (Phase 3) - $205,000; 9th Avenue storm project $160,000. The city is also set to complete the Enhanced Streetlight project which has seen the installation of new, more energy efficient street lights. The total cost of the project is $600,000. The Water Treatment Plant project, which comes in at $1.4 million, is also set to be completed this year. The city received a grant of $760,000 for this project. Also set to be completed in 2013 is the Residential Water Meter program. The cost for the water meters is $600,000 and is fully financed using Community Works (Gas Tax) dollars.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, January 28, 2013 A13 B1
We make your House a Home
We Make Your House a Home Whirlpool | Kitchen Aid | Gen Air check our new flyer SEE 1919 Columbia Ave. Castlegar | 250.365.5999
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News Monday, January 28, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, January January 28, 28, 2013 2013 Kootenay Kootenay News News Advertiser Advertiser Monday,
A14 B2 B2 B2
Long-live Long-live the the new new type type of of grandparent! grandparent! of the prevalence of of the the prevalence prevalence of reconstituted families, of of reconstituted families, many grandchildren reconstituted families, manyfindgrandchildren grandchildren now themselves the many now find themselves the beneficiaries of more now find themselves the beneficiaries of grandmore than one set of beneficiaries of more than one one set set of of grandgrandparents. than parents. But this multiplicparents. Butofthis thisgrandmothmultiplicity But multiplicity of grandmothers and ity of grandfathers grandmothers and and grandfathers grandfathers can raise the question ers canwhat raise kind the question question of of role can raise the of what kind of It role theywhat should is of kindplay. of role they should should play. Itfor is always a good ideaIt they play. is always a good idea for grandparents to ask always a good idea for grandparents to kind ask themselves what grandparents to ask themselves what kind of grandpa what or grandthemselves kind of grandpa or grandma grandpa they want to be. of or grandma they they wantdoto tothey be. What values ma want be. What values do they wish tovalues transmit? What do How they wishcan to transmit? transmit? How far they go withwish to How far can can they they go withwithout being too go intrusive far out being too intrusive or offending anyone? out being too intrusive or offending offending anyone? The whole family will or anyone? The whole whole family will benefit from frank The family will benefit from frank discussions benefit frombetween frank discussions between children, parents, and discussions between children, parents, parents, and and children,
grandparents. One grandparents. One thing is for certain: grandparents. One thing is for certain: grand-parenting can thing is for certain: grand-parenting can be a truly enriching grand-parenting can be a truly enriching experience. is often be a truly Itenriching experience. It is is often often with the grandchildren experience. It with the grandchildren that the we grandchildren can catch up with thatlost we time can catch catchour up on with that we can up on lost lost time with withchilour own now-adult on time our own now-adult now-adult chilchildren. own dren. dren. IntergeneratIonal IntergeneratIonal homes IntergeneratIonal homes When thinking about homes When thinking about about the practicalities of When thinking the practicalities of daily life with young the practicalities of daily life life with with young young children and aging daily children an and aging parents, intergenchildren and aging parents, an intergenerational home, also parents, an intergenerationala home, home, also called bi-generaerational also called a bi-generational home, is a great called a bi-generational home, home, is aa great great option to consider. It tional is option to consider. It is a model for living option to consider. It is a model for living that allows the whole is a model for living that allows allows the whole family to the be whole close that family to be close together to while family bekeeping close together while keeping atogether certainwhile amount of keeping certain amount amount of of aa certain
privacy. It can make privacy. It It homeowncan make make becoming privacy. can becoming homeowners easier for younger becoming homeowners easier easier forityounger younger adults, and allows ers for adults, and it allows adult children have adults, and it toallows adult children children tochildhave support with to adult have support with childcare and childrearing. support with childcare and and childrearing. childrearing. Conversely, sharing a care Conversely, sharing home provides aging Conversely, sharing aa home provides aging parentsprovides an alternative home aging parents an alternative alternative to isolation. It can also parents an to isolation. isolation. Itthe cankind also provide themIt to can also provide them the kind of support that provide them thewould kind of support support that would let them tothat stay out of would let athem them to home stay out out of seniors’ for let to stay of a seniors’ home for longer. of a seniors’ home for longer. Building an interlonger. Building an an intergenerational home or Building intergenerational home or renovating an existgenerational home or renovating an existing house isana existchalrenovating ing house house is aa chalchallenge that is must take ing lenge account that must must take into privacy lenge that take into account privacy requirements and into account privacy requirements and financial resources. requirements and financial resources. The legal aspects of financial resources. The type legal aspects of this of aspects project are The legal of this type of project are also of vital importhis type of project are also of of vital vital imporimporalso
tance and should not tance and should should not be overlooked. Above tance and not be overlooked. Above all, parents and grandbe overlooked. Above all, parents parents andnot grandparents must let all, and grandparents must not let emotionsmust override parents not the let emotions override the need to keep things emotions override the need to to keep things legally clear regarding need keep things legally clear regarding home ownership and legally clear regarding home ownership ownership and financial responsibilhome and financial responsibility. While responsibilthe idea of financial ity. While While the idea idea of of an intergenerational ity. the an intergenerational houseintergenerational is very attracan house is very very should attractive, everything house is attractive,put everything should be in writing in tive, everything should be put put toin in avoid writingany in order be writing in order to avoid any unfortunate disagreeorder to avoid any unfortunate disagreedisagreements. unfortunate ments. There is another ments. There step is toanother another essential take if There is essential step to take if if you’re ready essential steptotoembark take you’re ready to embark on anready intergenerayou’re to embark on an anhome intergenerational project: on intergenerational your home project: check municipaltional home project: check your municipality’s regulations about check your municipality’s regulations regulations about renovations or apartity’s about renovations or apartments withinor homes. renovations apartments regulations within homes. homes. These can ments within These regulations regulations can can These
vary from one town varyanother, from one one town to so town it is vary from to another, so itout is essential to carry to another, so it is essential to carry out a complete enquiry essential to carry out a complete complete enquiry putting any abefore enquiry before into putting any plans operation. before putting any plans into operation. In some plans into municipalioperation. In some some municipalities, for example, the In municipalities, for for example, example, the dimensions of the ties, dimensions of the supplementaryof living dimensions the supplementary living space will be limited supplementary living space will be bepercentlimited to a precise space will limited to a precise percentto a precise percent-
age of the main livage area, of the the main livliving or perhaps a age of main ing area, or perhaps communal kitchen will ing area, or perhaps aa communal kitchen will be required. Livingwill in communal kitchen be required. Living in an required. intergenerational be Living in an intergenerational intergenerational home has many advanan home has has many advantages, butmany in order to home advantages, but in order to make sure the project tages, but in order to make sure the the project project is nothing but a sucmake sure is nothing nothing buttoaa plan success, be sure is but success, be sure to plan things out fully, down cess, be sure to plan things out fully, fully,detail. down to the very last things out down to the very last detail. to the very last detail.
Being a grandparent can be a truly enriching experience! Being aa grandparent grandparent can can be be aa truly truly enriching enriching experience! experience! Being
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PHOTO: PHOTO: juPiTerimages juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK / THiNKsTOCK PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
Forget about the Forget about aboutimage the old-fashioned Forget the old-fashioned image of the grandma who old-fashioned image of the theher grandma who wears grey hair in of grandma who wears her grey hair in a bun and wears her the greygrandpa hair in a bun bunsmokes and the the his grandpa pipe awho and grandpa who smokes chair his pipe pipe in a rocking on who smokes his in a rocking chair on the porch. Today’s in a rocking chair on the porch. porch. work Today’s grandparents or the Today’s grandparents work or go to university, they grandparents work or go to university, they travel, go to shows, go to university, they travel,jog, go ski, to and shows, paint, are travel, go to shows, paint, jog, ski, and are far from ready paint, jog, being ski, and are fargive from being ready to upbeing their active far from ready to give give up up their their active active lifestyles. to lifestyles. Old age and grandlifestyles. Old age age are andno grandparenting lonOld and grandparenting are no longer synonymous on parenting are no—longer synonymous — on average, people these ger synonymous — on average, people these days become average, peoplegrandthese days become become grandparents around the age days grandparents around thethat age of 50. This means parents around the age of 50. This means that grandchildren can enjoy of 50. This means that grandchildren can enjoy enjoy long-term relationships grandchildren can long-term relationships with their relationships elders, who long-term with their elders, who are often excellent with their in elders, who are often in excellent health. Indeed, because are often in excellent health. Indeed, Indeed, because because health.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 B6 B2
Monday, January 28, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser A15 Monday, January 28, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Monday, January 28, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, January 28, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Darling, my mother’s coming for the weekend
Do you get along well with on the criticism or stick Do you have the impres- you — plus bringing work your in-laws? Accord- their noses where they sion that all you do is rush home: only a superhero ing to experts, difficulty don’t belong. Alternately, around from morning ‘till could do all that without Forget about of the prevalence of night grandparents. privacy. It stressed. can make deeply Not a spouse can trying to meetOne the feeling with the inlaws is onethe of sometimes old-fashioned image reconstituted families, thing isof for becoming limits homeownmay be at overly territorial or demands work certain: and fam- setting the top three causes of be of the between grandma who jealous many ofgrandchildren grand-parenting can the ers heart easieroffor the younger problem, filial love. In ily? If you feel overwhelmed conflict spouses, wears with her grey hair in the nowcase findof themselves the by be alla your truly enriching and adults, it allows if so, and the good news is “interfering” responsibilities, along childrearing Doyouchildren you the a bun andfinances. the grandpa parents, beneficiaries of more perhaps experience. It to is take oftena that adult to have can dohave something it is it’s time and family that all you whocan’t smokes than one set grand- break. with the grandchildren impression support childabout that. with thatof spouses We choosehis our pipe par- important do is rush around in a and rocking chair on protect parents. that we can catch care childrearing. Setting limits is thefrom key first thing to consider ents, in a way we can’t Empowering Do youthemselves have the and ing workThe home: only a Children time for up yourself, timeand your health’s sake, morning ‘tillare night tryto reconciling work with ifyou athefamis whether it’s your work choose our in-laws either. stick impression that have all superhero all to pursue an interest or your you entitled the porch. Today’s But this multipliconcould lostdo time with our Conversely, sharing a to Enriching Dotogether you ing work home: only a Families! time for yourself, time health’s sake, ing to meet the can demands do impression is rush around from without feeling some exercise. If you some well-deserved that all you that superhero could do all get to pursue an interest or you are entitled to family life. You decide that’s encroaching on your But thatEmpowering isn’t work necessarmember demonstrates Children grandparents or ily ity of grandmothown now-adult chilhome provides aging Music Not for Young Children™ morning ‘till around night tryset- don’t look after yourself breaks. Sit downIfand do is rush from deeply that stressed. without feeling get some exercise. If you some well-deserved of work andfiles family? Empowering Children such Enriching Families! to leave your at awork family life theyour other way behaviour. it limits ily thing; in many go atobad university, they ers grandfathers dren. parents an alternative leaf through magaingmorning to and meet the demands may be at or the health most ‘till night And try- ting deeply stressed. Not setdon’t look afterwill yourself breaks. Sit down and is the only child-centered you feel overwhelmed by Enriching Families! Music for Young Children™ except for weekends or to around. Or is it both? Being is equally important that families, the motherand to meet the demands ting limits mayproblem, belearning at the system your health most leaf magazine,through take aa10-minute of ing work and the family? If heart of the likely begin will to to suffer, travel, go to shows, can raise question isolation. It can also music that is the onlyfor child-centered Music Young Children™ youoffeel all your responsibilities, work and family? If heart of the problem, likely begin to suffer, zine, take a 10-minute walk, make yourself a overwhelmed by and if so, the good news and you certainly won’t spend no more than an solely or mostly responsible each spouse not denigrate fatherinlaw, the uncles, integrates keyboard, musicski, learning system that paint, jog, and are of what kind ofby role IntergeneratIonal provide them kind is the only child-centered feelresponsibilities, overwhelmed so, the news be andable youto certainly make yourself a a cup of hotthe drink, take all you your isand thatifyou cangood do somecreate perhaps awon’t satis- walk, it’s time to take music learning system that his or her partner in front creative movement, rhythm, integrates keyboard, hour dealing with them at for all the housework, doaunts, and all the rest all your isisthat you can do some- factory be able to create aof satiscup of — hot drink, takehave a far from being they should play. homes support that would bath even if you perhaps it’s responsibilities, time to take Itthing about that. family/work balintegratesready keyboard, creative movement, rhythm, ahome, break. ear training, sightfactory reading, perhaps it’sortime to takeespething about that. bal- in bath — even if you have evening. You parents inlaws, ing the shopping, of the clan become accreative movement, rhythm, of tothe schedule it in your a break. Setting limits isgrocery the ance if family/work you’re sick. ear training, sight reading, to give up their active always a good idea for When thinking about let them to stay out music theory and composition. a break. Setting limits is the ance if you’re sick. to schedule it in your The first thing conear training, sight reading, music theory and composition. The first thingthe to conkey to reconciling work that for agenda! can to behome intobed by and Remember preparing quaintances and often cially when relationmusic theory and composition.grandparents first thing con- ask key family to planning reconciling work agenda! lifestyles. to the of thatsider of for adecide seniors’ for siderThe is whether it’sto your with life. practicalities You can JOYRemember is whether it’s your Discover the JOY of MYC! meals, helping even friends. However, for ship may be adversarial. Discover the of MYC! sider is whether it’s your with family life. You can JOY of MYC! themselves work that’s encroaching decide todaily leave your Old age Discover and the grandwhat kind lifefiles longer. work that’s encroaching that’s decide to leave your fileswith young with homesome couples, the inlaws Rather thanencroaching getting inTwo Two teachers your on work your family lifelife oror the for weekteachers in your of parenting are noinlongrandpa or grandchildren aging Building interon your family the atatwork workexcept except for week-andin your Two teachers on your familyanlife or the other way OrOr ends oror toto spend no work, putting are a source of annoyance volved in around. an argument, areaarea other way around. ends spend no ger synonymous — on ama they want totheir be. parents, an intergen- other generational home Or or way around. is couple itis both? Being solely more than an hour dealarea 250.489.1746 it both? Being solely more than an hour dealout the garor worse. These difficult should set 250.489.1746 or ormostly responsible ing with them atat home, average, people these What values do they erational home, also renovating an existmostly responsible ing with them home, is it both? Being solely 250.426.4536 250.426.4536 bage,250.489.1746 driving relationships can cause a boundaries and draw for for all all thethehousework, ininthe You housework, theevening. evening. Youacan can bi-generadays deal become grandwish to transmit? How called ing mostly house responsible is a chalor doing the grocery shopdecide in great of tension be- up some clear cut Day doing the grocery shop-rules decidetothe to be bechildren in bed bed by byto 250.426.4536 all that the housework, parents around the age far can they go withtional home, is a great for lenge must take ping, planning and pre10:00 p.m. every night. ping, planning and pre10:00 p.m. every night. and to tween spouses, leading to so the situation doesn’t school paring meals, helping You let famparing meals, helping Youcan can let your your to fam-consider. It doing the grocery shop50. This means that deteriorate. out being too intrusive option into account privacy extracurricular A polite disaof bumpy and uncertain with will withhomework, homework,putput- ilyilyknow knowthat thatyou you will be be ping, planning and and pregrandchildren can enjoy cussion or offending anyone? is available aavailable model requirements thegarbage, garbage, completely to for living tingting outoutthe completely to activities, makfuture. between adults, paring meals, helping driving children thembetween between 7:00 and the whole driving thethechildren toto will them and long-term The whole family that 7:00 allows financial resources. ing yourself You or yourrelationships spouse might where negative comments school to extracur- 8:00 8:00 p.m., p.m., but but before before school andand tofrom extracurwith homework, putwith be theirimagining elders, who benefit frank family to close home, The legal aspects of available not the and displays of anger are ricular activities, making andafter after that you you every will beBringing ricular activities, making and that will being responsible forfor thethe cleaning, Bringingwork work home, being responsible cleaning, ting out the garbage, yourself available everysolve focusing on houseare oftensome in excellent discussions between together while keeping this type of project are time a child or grocery shopping, meals, homework, and all the rest: it’s a a problem: parents- avoided, can often yourself available every bebefocusing on housegrocery shopping, meals, homework, and all the rest: it’s time a child or a spouse hold holdtasks. tasks.Setting Setting limlimdriving the children to combination that would make anyone feel overwhelmed. time a child or a spouse combination that would make anyone feel overwhelmed. health.really Indeed, because children, parents, and a certain amount of also of vital impora spouse needs in-law do go heavy the problem. needs you — plus bring- its also means making PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
Celebrate Family Day February 11
PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
Work/life balance Make for yourself yourself Makesome some time time for
Remember that for your health’s sake, you are entitled to some well-deserved age ofSitthe main breaks. down and livleaf ing area, or perhaps through a magazine, take aa communal kitchen will 10-minute walk, make yourbe in self required. a cup of hotLiving drink, take your sake, an a bathintergenerational —health’s even if you have to you are entitled to home has advanschedule it inmany your agenda!
that feeling legallywithout clear regarding deeply Not and sethome stressed. ownership ting limits may be at the financial responsibilheart of the ity. While theproblem, idea of and if so, the good news anthatintergenerational is you can do somehouseabout is very thing that. attractive, everything Setting limits should is the be put in writing in key to reconciling work orderfamily to life. avoid with You any can unfortunate decide to leave disagreeyour files ments. at work except for weekThere is spend another ends or to no essential to take if more thanstep an hour dealyou’re ready ing with themtoatembark home, in evening. You can onthean intergeneradecide be in project: bed by tional tohome 10:00 night. check p.m. your every municipalYou can let yourabout famity’s regulations ily know that you be renovations or will apartcompletely available to ments within homes. them 7:00 and Thesebetween regulations can 8:00 p.m., but before and after that you will be focusing on household tasks. Setting limits also means making
get If you In some someexercise. municipalidon’t after yourself ties, look for example, the your health will dimensions of most the likely begin to suffer, supplementary living and you certainly won’t space will be limited be able to create a satisto a precise percentfactory family/work balance if you’re sick. Remember that for
some well-deserved tages, but in order to breaks. Sit the down and make sure project leaf through a magais nothing but a suczine, a 10-minute cess, take be sure to plan walk, make yourself a things out fully, down cup of hot drink, take a to the very last detail. bath — even if you have to schedule it in your agenda!
A day to spend with your family BC Family Day February 11
Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West • 250-304-2783
In±tant In±tant It’s our first Increase your rlds of o W Cash Back§ rBack§ e d n Cash o w In±tant BC FamilyIn±tant Day Safety and awaIn±tant it needs you — plus bring-
Opening’ pening’
for yourself, time to pursue an interest or get some exercise. If you don’t look vary from one after yourself your town health to it to is will another, most likelysobegin essential out suffer,and to youcarry certainly awon’t complete enquiry be able to create a sattime for family/work yourself, time before putting any isfactory balto pursue interest or plans intoansick. operation. ance if you’re
Make some time for yourself
Work/life balance
10:00 p.m. every night. You can let your family know that you will be completely tance should not availableand to them between be Above 7:00overlooked. and 8:00 p.m., but all, parents andthat grandbefore and after you parents must onnot let will be focusing houseing a emotions override the holdwork tasks.home: Settingonly limits superhero could dotime all need to keep things also means making
PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
Work/life balance Make some time for yourself the newWork/life type balance of grandparent!
its also means making
310-0001 310-0001
school and to extracurricular activities, making yourself available every time a child or a spouse needs you — plus bring-
ooff s d l r o s d W l r o Wonder wwonder aawwaaiitt
Being a grandparent can be a truly enriching experience!
Bringing work home, being responsible for the cleaning, grocery shopping, meals, homework, and all the rest: it’s a combination that would make anyone feel overwhelmed.
Books, DVDs, Audio Books, Ebooks, Internet Access,Audio Programs andEbooks, more... Books, DVDs, Books,
• 9am-2pm 9am-2pm our next Instant joy. r next Pre-Planned Funeral Pre-Planned Funeral creation Walk in with your taxes. Arrangements Instant joy. 310-0001 reation Arrangements Walk out with your money. e on in, Monday, February 11, 2013 One Call 3 okin,around, One Call Speak to an H&R Block Tax Professional today Sat., Feb. 2One • 9am-2pm One Visit3 3 Walk in with your taxes. round, raft grab-bag, #101 425 Victoria Ave. N. Cranbrook, B.C. Visit 3 It’s Done 3 Walk out with your money. grab-bag, new ideas Internet Access, Programs and more... 1212 2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC
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‘Grand Opening’
Cash Back§ Cash Back§ Cash Ba Plan your next 3 In±tant Celebrate! In±tant creative creation In±tant Providing support and servicessupport to Providing families and children and services to from Birth to 19 families andliving children years of age from in Birth the to 19 yearsKootenay. of age living East
in the East Kootenay.
more. wuch ideas more.
It’s Done
Books, DVDs, Audio Books, Ebooks, Internet Access, Programs and more...
1455 BAY AVENUE TRAIL, BC Phone: 250-364-1617
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Instant joy.
1212 2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC Sun. 12pm to 6pm • Mon. Closed Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9am-9pm • Fri. & Sat. 10am-6pm 1740 COLUMBIA AVENUE 250-426-4063
CASTLEGAR, BC Phone: 250-365-5244
Providing support Pre-Planned Funeral Speak to anInstant H&R Block Profe Instant joy. joy. andTax services to Walk in with your taxes.
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Hillbilly Arrangements
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Pre-Arrangement 1455 BAY AVENUE TRAIL, BC Phone: 250-364-1617 Counsellors TRAIL, BC Phone: 250-364-1617 250-364-1617 ©Phone: H&R Block Canada, Inc. • Serving the East & West Kootenays | 800-HRBLOCK (472-5625)
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expenses you need a tickets, and the like. February 7, 2013 News Monday, News Advertiser ThisCastlegar exercise wi piece Thursday, ofJanuary paper,28, a 2013 pen,Kootenay Monday, 2013 Kootenay allow News youAdvertiser to se monthlyJanuary bills28,going back a few payment exactly where you cycles, and a bit of money is going an uninterrupted time. where you will hav Draw a line down the to cut back in orde middle of the paper to save for emergen and list your sources cies or for long-term of income on one side dreams. If you thin and your expenses on you need help wit the other. Income is the that, you could alway easiest section to com- consult a financia plete: write down all advisor. the money you receive
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Make some time for yourself
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Forget about the of the prevalence of grandparents. One privacy. It can make tance and should not a tude or on the go. The be eat overlooked. regularly with their old-fashioned image reconstituted families, How thing many is for times certain: becoming homeownAbove does your entire family all, families. makes of the grandma who many grandchildren week grand-parenting can chances ers easierare, for ayounger parentsThat and grandeat enriching together? menu includes more parents sense; after wears her grey hair in now find themselves the family be a truly adults,Like and itFacebook allows mustall, nottaklet us on Do children you have the ing home: a the five It minutes it fruits, vegetables, and ing work the time toonly share a bun and the grandpa beneficiaries of more Not experience. is often adult to have emotions override the impression that all you superhero could do the all 1117 Baker Street,Cranbrook BC takes to polish off a dairy products, while a meal, discussing who smokes his pipe than oneOpen set of grandwith the grandchildren support with childneed to keep things 8 am bowl -Empowering 11weofpm is and rush around feeling in a rocking chair on parents. that can catch up do childrearing. legally clear cereal in the acare solo “heat and from eat” that eventswithout of theregarding day, and Children nightlikely try-a deeply stressed. Notfamsetdays a morning, week the porch. Today’s But this 7 multiplicon lost time withreally our morning Conversely, sharing home ownership and but dinner is‘till more strengthening Enriching Families! ing to meet the demands ting limits may be at the grandparents work or ity of grandmoth- sitting own now-adult chil- to home provides aging financial together include the satuily tiesofis the aresponsibilgreat and Music fordown Young Children™ of work andalternative family? If heart problem, go to university, they ers and grandfathers around dren. parents an ity. While the idea of the table. You you rated and salts relatively simple way is the only child-centered feelfats overwhelmed by and if so, the good news B4 travel, go to shows, can raise the question are to isolation. It can also an intergenerational music learning system doing well if that din- all commonly found in to create a climate of your responsibilities, is that you can do someintegrates keyboard, paint, jog, ski, and are of what kind of role nertime IntergeneratIonal provide them the kind house is very attracin your home prepared, processed wellbeing and balance perhaps it’s time to take thing about that. creative movement, rhythm, far from being ready they should play. It is means homes ofbreak. support that homes would tive, everything B4 everyone get- afoods. In family inSetting a child’s life. should limits is the training, sight reading, 1721 Columbia Avenue Castlegar,BC to give up their active always a good idea for ting When thinking about let them to stay out be put in in music theory and composition. The first to conto reconciling together most where the thing television is key Perhaps thewriting bestwork way lifestyles. grandparents to ask evenings the practicalities of sider of a is seniors’ home for with order to life. avoid any whether it’s your family You can 250.365.7771 over a tasty, switched off, the body to manage to sit down Discover the JOY of MYC! Old age and grand- themselves what kind home-cooked daily life with young longer. unfortunate disagreethat’s to leave your files meal! work mass index encroaching of children decide all together for at least Store Hours: Mon-Sun: 7:00 AM-10:00 PM parenting are no lon- of grandpa or grand- children andin your aging onBuilding anlife or interments. Two teachers your family the at work except for weekUnfortunately, such is lower. one meal a day is to ger synonymous — on ma they want to be. parents, area an intergen- other generational home Or or There is spend another way show around. or week’s to no meals are rapStudies that ends plan the menus average, people these What values do they family erational home, also renovating an existessential step to take if is it both? Being solely more than an hour deal250.489.1746 idly becoming the exthere is a correlation in advance. Doing so days become grand- wish to transmit? How called a bi-generaing house is a chalyou’re ready to embark or mostly responsible ing with them at home, 250.426.4536 even if is for between and in might not intergenerabe effortfree, all that thechildren housework, thean evening. You can parents around the age far can they go with- ception, tional home, is there a great lenge must take on plenty of evidence that teenagers eating meals but it is challenge the grocery shop- decide bea in bed by of 50. This means that out being too intrusive option to consider. It doing into account privacy tional tohome project: so is for beneficial with the family and 10:00 well worth the trouble planning and and prep.m. night. grandchildren can enjoy or offending anyone? doing is a model living ping, requirements check your every municipallevels. better academic results You of taking can meals, helping can letup. yourItabout famlong-term relationships The whole family will on thatmany allows the whole paring financial resources. ity’s regulations with homework, putily know that you will be According to the exand a lower dropout improve family relawith their elders, who benefit from frank family to be close The legal aspects of renovations or apartout of the garbage, available to family are ting rate. Drug and alcohol tionships, foster selfare often in excellent discussions between perts, together whilemeals keeping this type project are completely ments within homes. thevital children to them between usage depression esteem, and 7:00 set and evhealth. Indeed, because children, parents, and usually a certainhealthier amountand of driving also ofand imporThese regulations can and to to diminish extracur- 8:00 p.m.,upbut more balanced than school also seem erybody for before good making after that you will those eaten in soli- ricular amongactivities, children who and health. yourself available every be focusing on housetime a child or a spouse hold tasks. Setting limneeds you — plus bring- its also means making
vary from one town age of the main livto another, so it is ing area, or perhaps a essential to carry out communal kitchen will a complete enquiry be required. Living in time for putting yourself, time health’s sake, before any your an intergenerational to pursue interest or you entitled to plans intoan operation. home are has many advanget If you some well-deserved In some someexercise. municipalitages, but in order to Controlling financesbreaks. can helpSit you down realize and don’t look afteryour yourself ties, your for dreams example, the maketosure the project ormost say goodbye your debts. your health will leaf through dimensions of the is nothing buta amagasuclikely begin to suffer, a 10-minute supplementary living zine, cess, take be sure to plan and you certainly won’t walk, make yourself a space be limited things outdrink, fully, take down be able will to create a satis- cup of hot a to a precise percentto the very last detail. factory family/work bal- bath — even if you have ance if you’re sick. to schedule it in your M Remember that for agenda!
Eating together helps build hea Eating together helps build healt Increase yourWorlds of r e d n o w Safety and await Comfort 310-0001 PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
‘Grand Opening’
Sat., Feb. 2 • 9am-2pm Plan your next creative creation
Come on in, 635 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar
PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
We Love Families.
Would you be able to money you receive in a give an accurate answer month, including any if you were asked what salary, tips, government your total monthly allowances, and child income and expenses support payments. were? If not, you would The expenses section probably benefit from can be a bit more difkeeping closer tabs ficult. First of all, note on your household fi- all your fixed expenses, nances. By staying on meaning all those that top of what’s coming recur every month: rent grandparent canout be a truly experience! or enriching mortgage, electricinBeing and awhat’s going you can be better pre- ity, telephone, cable Bringing home, being for the cleaning, TV, house and car inpared for awork rainy day. It responsible grocery meals, homework, and all the rest: it’s a surance, child support can alsoshopping, help you tuck combination that would make anyone feel overwhelmed. payments, and any money away for dream How many times a than those eatenreg-in purchases and be more ular school fees. Next, week does your entire list solitude or onexpenses the go the other effective in reducing How many a than eaten are, in aa family eatBytimes together? Thethose chances that vary from month your debts. creating week does your entire solitude or on the go. a the five minutes menu includes tofamily month, such as agro-e a Not monthly budget, youitThe family eat together? chances are, takes to better polish track off a ceries, more fruits, vegetables car repairs, gas, can keep Not the five minutes it is family menu and includes clothing, dentalf ofbowl where money ofyour cereal in the and dairy products takes toand polish off a more fruits, vegetables, care. Lastly, list all“hea dis-s going then decide morning, but reallyand while a products, solo bowl of cereal in the dairy expenses theisi where wouldtogether like it cretionary sittingyoudown and a eat” morning, but really while solo dinner “heat non-essentials such asa to be going. around the table. Youand more to include restaurants, movies, To draw up aAudio list ofBooks, your sitting down together eat”likely dinner is al-e Books, DVDs, Ebooks, are doing well if dinthelikely saturated fats ands cohol, lottery tickets, income and your ex-and Internet Access, Programs more... around the table. You more to include nertime in your home salts commonly found the like. fats and i penses youwell need piece theand are doing if adin1212saturated 2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC This exercise will allowr get-salts in12pm prepared, processed ofmeans paper, pen, home monthSun. to 6pm • Mon. Closed nertime in aeveryone your commonly found Tues., Wed.,you Thurs. 9am-9pm •exactly Fri. & Sat. 10am-6pm to see where ly bills going back a few ting together most foods. In family homes means everyone get- prepared, processed t money is goingis payment cycles, a your evenings over most aand tasty, where the television #101 425 Victoria Ave. N. Cranbrook, B.C. ting 250-426-4063 together foods. In family homes w and where you bit of uninterrupted home-cooked meal! switched off, will the ishave bodyi evenings overa line a tasty, theback television to cut in order to time. Draw down where Unfortunately, suchswitched massforindex of body children home-cooked meal! off, the save emergencies or the middle of the paper support family isProviding lower. Unfortunately, suchrap-mass index of children for long-term dreams. and list meals your are sources and services to becoming theis lower. Studies tha In your home, does dinnertime mean sitting down together over a balanced meal? family Iffamilies you think you need ofidly income onareone side meals rapandshow children help with that, you and your expenses on exception, even if there there is a correlation Experts say it is a family habit with many advantages. idly becoming the Studies show tothat In your home, does dinnertime mean sitting down together over a balanced meal? from Birth 19 could a the Income is the there is other. plenty ofif evidence between children exception, even there is always aofcorrelation Experts is a family habit withthat many advantages. MEDIchair has a wide rangesay ofitmobility solutions will get where you want to go and years ageconsult livingand financial advisor. section to com- between that doing is benefiteenagers eatingand meals iseasiest plenty of so evidence children in the compression products that will help you enjoy the process a little more. plete: write down all the Eastthe Kootenay. cial on many levels. with family and PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
Celebrate Family Day February 11
A family budget is a must
Pre-Planned Funeral Arrangements
A i
One Call 3
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that doing so is benefi- teenagers eating meals have a look around, Let us assist you in finding ways to make your life work... and play... better. cial According on many thewithbetter the academic family and resultsg One Visit purchase a craft grab-bag, According to information the academic experts, mealsbetter and a contact: lowerresults dropoui Forfamily more please Levie, Manager experts, family Kim meals and a lower dropout • Scooters • Walkers/rollators • Wheelchairs • Lift chairs • Seating systems • Aids to daily liv- usually are healthier rate. Drug and alcohoy It’s Done discover new ideas Community Connections Society ofand Southeast BC areand usually healthier rate. Drug and alcohol ing • Bedroom safety • Canes/crutches • Stairlifts/porch lifts • Bathroom safety more balanced usage depression i 250-426-2976 • email: and more balanced usage and depression w • Braces/supports • Adjustable beds • Van conversions INVITE EM’and FOR DINNER so much more. • Free in-home trials and assessments • Home delivery and set-up • Inhouse service Daryl Barb department • Assistance with funding processes • Rentals and short & term solutions Our individual attention and customized Houser shop at home with our convenient online shopping site! and fiOur tnessindividual training isattention designed to customized help you look Pre-Arrangement fiand tnessfeel training is designed to help look Counsellors better with the aid of ouryou modern and feel training better with the aid of our modern weight programs, cardiovascular • Serving the East & West Kootenays Join us for refreshments! Locatedweight at: training programs, cardiovascular equipment and tanning. • We work with your local funeral home equipment and tanning. Kootenay Child Care Resource & Referral
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Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, January 28, KootenayNews News Advertiser Monday, January 28,2013 2013 Kootenay Advertiser Monday, January 28, 2013 B7 A17 B7 B7 Monday, January 28, 2013 Kootenay News Advertiser
Living with a disabled child
Archery Badminton laugh and be silly, and Bridge they can have their Carpet Bowling own unique talents Arguments between brothers and sisters are inevitable. Children and ways tobetouch the laugh and silly, and disagreeing over a toy or because one has more juice than the other is Cribbage laugh and be silly, and hearts of those around an everyday occurrence that can certainly leave parents feeling stressed. they can have their they can Ithave their them. iscan what fam- tance Cycling The good news is not that these types arguments are harmless nor-livprivacy. make and should vary fromof one townare age of theand main own This unique talents Arguments between brothers and sisters inevitable. Children ily and friends must be own unique talents mal. If thebetween arguments get out of hand and deteriorate into physical Arguments brothers and sisters are inevitable. Children becoming homeownoverlooked. Above to another, so it is ing area, or perhaps and ways Above to touchand the confrontations, Darts is a disagreeing overhowever, a toy orlimits because one has more juice than the other discover. need to be set. and ways tofor touch the disagreeing over a toy or because one has more juice than the other is will ers easier younger all, parents and grandessential to carry out communal kitchen hearts of those around an everydaythe occurrence certainly feelingBoating stressed. beyond the prognosis, Whatever source ofthat thecan conflict mayleave be, parents your Dragon children have to hearts of those around an everyday occurrence that can certainly leave parents feeling stressed. adults, andisitwhat allows must not let a one complete enquiry be harmless required. Living in them. This fam- parents these children must understand that injuring another is out of bounds. It is and imperaThe good news is that these types of arguments are norAugust 20-24 them. This isfriends what famEquestrian good news is thatthe these types arguments aredeteriorate harmless and adult children have emotions override putting any an When intergenerational be to to spread tive that every child feel before safe inofhis or herand own home. anorquarrel ily allowed and must The mal. If the arguments get out of hand into physical ilysupport andwings friends must their as wide as mal. If to the keep arguments get out of into hand and physical with childneed things plans advandegenerates into a fight, separate theoperation. children, a into stop tomany whatever discover. Above and 5has Pin Bowling confrontations, however, limits need to bedeteriorate set. puthome they and are Above able to.and Like confrontations, discover. was happening, and explain why you’re doing it. tages, but in order to however, limits need to municipalibe set. care childrearing. legally clear regarding In some ...Over 3500 beyond the prognosis, Whatever the source of the conflict may be, your children have to Curling any child, they want to Whatever When regular squabbles break out, try be, notthe to automatically interfere beyond prognosis, the that source of the conflict may your children have toproject Conversely, sharing a home ownership and ties, for example, make Floor sure these the children must understand injuring one another issettle out of bounds. It isthe imperablossom and surpass with a judgment: children can learn to their disagreements by these children Golf 55+responsibilBCItSeniors home provides aging financial dimensions of the is sides nothing but a sucthat injuring one another bounds. It When is ifimperabe allowed tomust spread themselves, and they understand tive that every feel safe in hisisorout herof own home. a quarrel themselves. ischild especially important to not take you don’t beparents allowed to spread an alternative ity. While the idea of supplementary living cess, be sure to plan tive that every child feel safe in his or her own home. When a quarrel want be loved and their to wings as wide as know how itinto all started. That doesn’t mean you ignore the degenerates a fight, separate the children, put should a stopHorseshoes to whatever expected their wings as as accepted who they to isolation. Itwide can an intergenerational space will be limited things out fully, down into a fight, separate the children, put a stop to whatever situation; rather, avoid becoming the referee every time. Teach them to they are for able to. also Like degenerates was happening, and explain why you’re doing it. Ice Curling are, the way they are. express feelings andto help them name their needs, such aslast for fairthey able to.thewant Like provide them kindto was house is their veryand attraca you’re precise percentto the very detail. happening, explain why doing it. anyare child, they When regular squabbles break out, try not to automatically interfere to participate ! ness, safety, cooperation, creativity, or independence. Help them articuIce Hockey ofblossom support that would tive, everything should any child, they want to regular squabbles breakcan out,learn try not automatically interfere by and surpass When with a judgment: children totoexample: settle their disagreements what are really about, for “I’m angry because let themand to surpass stay belate put inthey writing in fighting blossom a don’t judgment: children can learn to settle theirtake disagreements by themselves, and out they with Lawn Bowling themselves. It to is let especially important toI not sides if fair you don’t you want me hold the remote. want to have my turn”. Visit our website to findimportant ofwant a seniors’ home order to themselves, and theyfor to be loved and themselves. Itavoid isit especially to to notnegotiate, take sides if toyou don’t knowthem how all started. Thatother, doesn’t mean youand should ignore the Show how toany listen to each find satisfacMtn. Biking longer. unfortunate disagreeout more about whatThat want to be for loved andthey know accepted who tory compromises together. how it rather, all started. doesn’t you should situation; avoid becoming themean referee every time.ignore Teachthe them to Pickleball Building an interments. Remember children by example, and that they are watching accepted who are, thefor way theythey are. situation; avoid becoming referee every time. Teach them to fairexpress theirthat feelings andlearn helpthe them name their needs, such as for werather, have to offer and listening when you are having a disagreement with your spouse or generational home or There is another are, the way they are. Slo-Pitch express their feelings and help them name their needs, such as for fairness, safety, cooperation, creativity, or independence. Help them articuanotherClick adult. Try to practice what you preach! renovating an exist- ness, essential step to take if on your Itindependence. includes late whatcooperation, they are really fightingor about, for example: angry because safety, creativity, Help“I’m them articuSoccer ing house is a chal- late you’re ready to geographic zone you don’t to letand me hold the remote. I people want to angry have my fair turn”. what theywant areembark really fighting about, for example: “I’m because contact info for lenge that must take you onShow an them intergeneratome listen each other, to Swimming find satisfacdon’t want to letlots holdtothe remote. I to want to haveand my fair turn”. youhome will how find of who would benegotiate, glad into account privacy Show tional project: Table Tennis tory compromises together. them how to listen to each other, to negotiate, and to find satisfacinformation requirements and tory check your municipalhelpby you get involved Remember that childrento learn example, and that they are watching compromises together. Tennis financial resources. ity’s regulations about and listening youlearn are by having a disagreement with spouse or Remember that when children example, and that they areyour watching Track & Field The legal aspects of renovations or apartTry you preach! andanother listeningadult. when youto arepractice having what a disagreement with your spouse or this type of project are ments within homes. Whist grandparent can be a truly enriching experience! another adult. Try to practiceBeing whata you preach!
Sibling rivalry
When to interverne? Sibling rivalry Living with a disabled child Sibling rivalry with a disabled child Long-live the new type When of grandparent! to interverne?
factacceptance that these children and of the wish to transmit? How are that complete human fact these children far can they go withbeings with strengths, are complete human out being too intrusive interests, qualities, as beings with strengths, or anyone? welloffending as qualities, faults. They interests, as The family will havewhole games, well asfavourite faults. They benefit from frank they might love have favourite games,to discussions between they might love to children, parents, and
grandparents. One thing is for certain: grand-parenting can be a truly enriching experience. It is often with the grandchildren that we can catch up on lost time with our own now-adult children.
When to Play interverne? “Come with us” Kamloops
IntergeneratIonal homes In orderthinking to blossomabout and When even surpass themselves, the practicalities of children with disabilities daily needlife to bewith loved young and accepted for and all theiraging gifts children and challenges as do all parents, an — intergenchildren. erational In order tohome, blossom also and called a bi-generaeven surpass themselves, In order to blossom and tional home, is a great children with disabilities even surpass themselves, option to consider. need to be loved and It children with disabilities isaccepted a model fortheir living all gifts need to beforloved and that allows whole and challenges — as do all accepted for all the their gifts family to —be children. and challenges as doclose all together while keeping children. a certain amount of also of vital impor-
PHOTO: juPiTerimages / THiNKsTOCK
and guilt as they try ness, denial, anger, days become grandas hard as as they cantry to and guilt they parents around the adapt situation. as hardto asthe they canage to of 50. This They might feel that conadapt to themeans situation. grandchildren cantoward enjoy flictingmight feelings They feel conlong-term relationships their child, veering flicting feelings toward with their elders, who between helplessness their child, veering are often helplessness in excellent between health. Indeed, because
and compassion and resentment. Daily life, filled with worries and challenges, can be and so and compassion compassion and and hard to bear that some resentment. Daily life, resentment. Daily couples are unablelife, to of thewith prevalence of filled worries and rely on each other for filled with worries and reconstituted families, challenges, can be so support, andcan their challenges, berelaso many hard to grandchildren bear that some tionship suffers or falls hard to bear that some now find themselves the couples are if unable to apart. And, everycouples are to beneficiaries of more thing already rely onwasn’t eachunable other for rely on for complicated enough, than oneeach set other of grandsupport, and their relathe oftenand embarrassed support, their relaparents. tionship suffers or falls or intrusive looks of tionship suffers falls But this multiplicapart. And, ifor everyothers reminds parents apart. And, if everyity grandmoththingof wasn’t loud and clearalready that thing wasn’t already ers and grandfathers their child is different. complicated enough, complicated enough, Theraise great gift in all can the question the often embarrassed this is the discovery the often embarrassed of kind of role or what intrusive looks of and acceptance of Itthe they should play. or intrusive looks ofis others reminds parents fact that these children always a good idea for others reminds parents loudcomplete and clear that are human grandparents to that ask loud and clear their child different. beings withis strengths, themselves kind interests, qualities, as their is what different. Thechild great gift in all well as faults. of grandpa ordiscovery grandThe great gift inThey all this is the have favourite games, ma to this isacceptance thewant discovery andthey of be. the they to What might values love do they
Discovering that one’s child has a disability or a serious illness can come asthat a Discovering Discovering that terrible shockhas foraparone’s child disone’s hasthat a disents. Itchild means all Forget the ability orabout a serious the dreams had ability or athey serious old-fashioned image illness can come as a previously imagined illness come as a of the can grandma who terrible shock for parfor their family will no terrible shock for parwears grey hair in ents. Ither that all longer bemeans valid. When Itand means that had all bun the grandpa aaents. diagnosis comes in, the dreams they the dreams had the lives of allthey involved who smokes his pipe previously imagined are forever changed previously imagined in a rocking chair on forways theirno family will no in one will could for their family no the porch. Today’s longer be valid. When have planned for. longer be valid. When grandparents work or aOn diagnosis in, learning comes the diaga diagnosis comes in, go to university, they nosis, and forinvolved years the lives of all the of all after, parents might travel, go to involved shows, are lives forever changed experience deep sadare forever changed paint, jog,noski, andcould are in ways one ness, denial, anger, far from being ready in ways no one could have planned for. and guilt as they try to give up their active have planned for. On learning the diagas hard as they can to lifestyles. On learning the diagnosis, for years adapt toand the situation. Old might age and They feelgrandconnosis, and for years after, parents might flicting feelings toward parenting aredeep no lonafter, parents might experience sadtheir child, veering ger synonymous — on experience deep sadness, denial, anger, between helplessness average, people these
Modern dads do it their way
New product boosting amount of nitric oxide in the body is good for your heart
ides and cholesterol levels in his Fatherhood has sure changed Sisu Teens Multi body. in the last 40 years or so. Not Studies show that 25% of the intake decided among to experiMr.calorie Thompson too long ago, dads were pretty Nu-Life Canadian children and teenagers comes from low much limited to the role of ment with the product for 30 days, The Nu-Science of Multivitamins! nutrient foods such as unhealthy snack foods, provider and breadwinner, having hisdeficiencies blood tested (For mom & dad) sugars and unhealthy fats. Nutrient are before and taking care of the physical After years of scientific research, Nu-Life has after the trial. associated with obesity and a variety of mental and Sisu Mini Vits for Children of are their families. Nowadeveloped a revolutionary next generation of Goingbyto26 school daily,needs children exposed to every physical health conditions. According to statistics, His triglyceride were down days, atmakes leastgood in immune the western nutrient absorption technology – Trisorb. Nu-Life in the past 25 years the number germ that goes around. This of overweight per cent in the 30 days, he says. world, fatherhood designed Trisorb with one goal in mind: To make teenagers has tripled. A multivitamin formulation health vital. The most important job today’s entails a “I have so much more energy,” he much role in the sure the nutrients you need are 100% available for is a convenient way to provide the additional children have is to learn. Themore more active they learn says, adding he made a deal withyoung, the the better esearchers across the globe daily of the fast and efficient absorption into the cells. It works nutrients required to support activ-x® while theylife will cope withhome adult and teen development, company theteens product’slife distribuhave spent decades and family members. in 3 ways: Feel your power! in the times we live in. One of the best ways to prevent various health concerns, andfor help Sisu Teens Multi The modern dad changes 1. Microencapsulated Nutrients: A protective (For the active adults in your family!) copious amounts of time brain development and therefore learning diameet theirshow full potential. Studies that 25%tion of therights caloriebefore intake hand-picking among support100 PLATINUM NATURALS pers, bottlefeeds coating that surrounds tiny nutrient particles, Sisu· Teens activ-x for men and women contains essential is with plenty of B vitamins. Childhood is thethe onlybaby, Extra BMulti vitamins for mood and stress accounts acrossfrom Canada, including determining how to maintain a Nu-Life Canadian children and teenagers comes low Super EasyMulti® 45+prolong life. takes cooking allowing for the release of all active ingredients in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega oils and time we have to growand strong boneshis andturn teeth to management Mother Natures Health Food Store healthy heart and Studies show that 25% of the calorie intake among The Nu-Science of Multivitamins! nutrient foods such as unhealthy snack foods, For healthy aging the upper intestine instead of the stomach. adaptogens that are designed to help you train washing the toilet. keep us healthy for asupper lifetime,and so it’s important · Vitamin A for better-looking skin and acne in Castlegar. A new supplement, Neo40 Daily, Nu-Life children and teenagers comes from low mom & dad) Precise portions of nutrients Canadian sugars and unhealthy fats. Nutrient deficiencies are for children to get plenty (For the senior members of your family!) 2.(For Nanospheres: harder, improve performance and recover faster He is more–supporting actively involved of bone prevention Asnack paper byMini the now available in and Castlegar, Nu-Science of Multivitamins! After years to of micron-size scientific research, Nu-Life has fornutrient foods such unhealthy foods, Super EasyMulti 45+ for men women contains after strenuous physical activity, and is tested by The Sisu Vits for contain Children are reduced – 50 times smaller – MiniVits 200mg of calcium withasvitamin obesity aresearch variety mentalreleased and nutrients in childrearing withoutforbeing · associated Extra Ester-C® Cand and zinc for of advanced University ofto statistics, Barcelona in Febaims increase amount of 1000 IUs oftovitamin D plusthe a host of powerful (For mom & dad) absorption into the cells. next generation of sugarsphysical NSF® to be free of substances banned in sport. that purpose. Butdaily, calcium canthe only do its work in of developed a revolutionary merely and unhealthy fats. Nutrient deficiencies are Going to school children are disciplinarian exposed to every immune support health conditions. According antioxidants like 60mg CoQ10,toGreen Tea, Ginkgo These ingredients are combined to exponentially After looks atand the ofgerm NO onforgoes nitric oxide in theofbody do just 3.nutrient Nutrient Triturates: Properly disperses the presence of adequate magnesium and Vitamin · inAdequate intake of essential the house. It’sgood nice to think years ofabsorption scientific research, Nu-Life has key Sisu Mini Vits Children technology – Trisorb. Nu-Life that around. This makes immune associated with obesity and aruary, varietyvitamins ofofmental andeffects the past 25 years the number overweight Biloba and Milk Thistle to help prevent age-related increase the power of each one. Adaptogens nutrients provide better availability D,to soschool MiniVits these nutrients too. Mostan imminerals mood and learning asresearch well asGoing suggests an that. that newjob isn’t developed atorevolutionary nextnutrient generation ofTo make teenagers designed Trisorb with one goal in mind: daily,includes children arethis exposed torole every health vital. The most important today’s health support conditions. According to The statistics, has tripled. Aexercise. multivitamin formulation diseases of agingnitric from the & allow for improved, more natural absorption, physical give athletes the boost they need to improve of the minerals in MiniVits are included in their physical health position, butimmune rather a choice: increase in NO production might In and thereverse worldtheofsigns science, nutrient absorption technology – Trisorb. Nu-Life sure the nutrients you need are 100% available for children have is to learn. The more they learn germ that goes around. This makes good is a convenient way to provide the additional in the past 25 years the number of overweight inside out similar to how nutrients appear in food. performance and endurance citrate form · Chewable - natural wild cherry flavour dads now elect to have more enhance nutrient and oxygen oxide (NO) is a relatively new topic fast and efficient activ-x® designed Trisorb withabsorption one goal ininto mind:theTocells. makeIt works young, better they will cope adult vital. The mosttheimportant today’ s inwith nutrients required to support teen development,health while teenagers tripled. A multivitamin formulation "Nutter's; looking after you from thehas inside out." of a job presence the lives of delivery to active muscles, of interest. 3 ways: Feel your power! in but the livemore in.children. One the best ways to sureinthe nutrients you need are 100% available for is a convenient is totimes learn.weThe theyoflearn prevent various health concerns, and help teenschildrenlifehave way to provide the additional their has a wide range ofefficient mobility solutions that will get where you want to go and some supplements only support worked Its function in the body was A protective (For the activeMEDIchair adults in your family!) development andwith therefore fast1.andMicroencapsulated absorptionNutrients: into the cells. It works nutrients activ-x® meetrequired their fulltopotential. thebrain better they will acope adult learning And fully present dad does support teen development, while young, SENIOR'S compression products that will help you enjoy the process a little more. on those who weren’t already in fi rst discovered by three scientists, PLATINUM NATURALS coating that surrounds tiny nutrient particles, activ-x for men and women contains essential is B vitamins. only remake difference: several in 3 ways: Feel your power! · Extra B vitamins for mood and stress life in thewith timesplenty we liveofin. One of atheChildhood best waysistothe DAY prevent various health concerns, and help teens peak condition. With those time who arehave to grow whose work and Let assist you finding ways to make your life work... and better. EVERY Y us Super EasyMulti® 45+research in the cent studies have shown for the release of all active ingredients in play... vitamins, minerals, omegainoils and 1. allowing strong boneslearning and teeth to that management Microencapsulated Nutrients: A protective (For theTUESDA active adults inantioxidants, your family!) support brainwedevelopment and therefore meet their full potential. highly-trained, the supplements garnered 10 % OFF involvement of the father Forfi eld healthy aging them a Nobel Prize 12 the upper intestinetiny instead of the stomach. adaptogens designed to help you train coating 0 usofhealthy for the a Childhood lifetime, soisit’s important 2particles, PLATINUM NATURALS · Vitamin A for better-looking skin and acne is with keep that surrounds nutrient activ-x for menthat andare women contains essential plenty B vitamins. the only · Extra B vitamins for mood and stress STOREWIDE had no effect, accordingfor to an to get plenty in the 1998. or father-figure positively af(For senior members 2. Nanospheres: portions of nutrients harder, improve recover faster allowing children of bone –supporting Super EasyMulti® 45+ of your family!) prevention for the releasePrecise of all active ingredients in management vitamins, minerals,performance antioxidants, omega oils and time we have to grow strong bones teeth todevelopment. 2 and 201activity, fects a and child’s abstract of researchers’ findings. The trio, Louis Ignarro, Robert Super EasyMulti 45+ for men and women contains are reduced to micron-size – 50 times smaller for after strenuous physical and is tested by nutrients – MiniVits contain 200mg of calcium for • Scooters • Walkers/rollators • Wheelchairs • Lift chairs • Seating systems • Aids to daily liv· Extra Ester-C® vitamin C and zinc for advanced For healthy aging the upper intestine instead of the stomach. adaptogens that are designed to help you train keep us healthy for a lifetime, so it’s important · Vitamin A for better-looking skin and acne Among other things, a healthy 2 were While NO has surrounded Furchgott and Ferid Murad, the 01 Dannika Mother Natures,banned displays the nitric oxide product that's available at their store: 1000 IUssenior of vitamin D2 plus a host of powerful absorption intoPrecise the cells. NSF® from to be free of substances infaster sport. that purpose. But calcium can only do its work in can immune support (For the members of your family!) ing • Bedroom safety • Canes/crutches • Stairlifts/porch lifts • Bathroom safety 2. Nanospheres: portions of nutrients harder, improve performance and recover for children to get plenty of bone –supporting father-child relationship prevention BC •much 1107 Baker Street, Cranbrook, 426-5519 fi rst to discover how the body proof Dr. Graham’s research, he antioxidants like45+ 60mg ofmen CoQ10, Green Tea, Ginkgo Mother Natures - 331 Columbia Ave. are Castlegar 250-365-7750 3. Nutrient Triturates: Properly disperses These ingredients are combined toisexponentially the–presence of adequate magnesium Vitamin · Adequate intake Cofand essential vitamins and nutrients Super EasyMulti for and women contains facilitate acalcium more and rapid adaptareduced to micron-size – 50 times smaller for • Braces/supports • Adjustable beds • Van conversions after strenuous physical activity, and tested by MiniVits contain 200mg of for · Extra Ester-C® vitamin zinc for advanced duces the compound, andprevent whether hasn’t studied or followed the difToll Free 1-888-426-5519 Biloba and Milk Thistle to ahelp age-related NSF® nutrients to provide better nutrient availability increase the power of each one. Adaptogens D, so MiniVits includes these nutrients too. tion to the outside world minerals support mood and learning as well as 1000 IUs of vitamin D plus host of powerful absorption into the cells. to be free of substances banned in sport. that purpose. But calcium can only do its work in Most and immune support it’ s possible to boost production. ferent modes of delivery, including diseases andlike reverse the ofGreen agingTea, fromGinkgo the These &Nutrient allow for improved, more natural absorption, a greater ability intotheir give ingredients athletes theare boost they need to improve of the of minerals in MiniVits are and included physical health antioxidants of signs CoQ10, Triturates: Properly disperses key andattests combined to exponentially the presence adequate magnesium Vitamin confront · set-up Adequate of essential vitamins and • since Free in-home trials and3.assessments • Home delivery •intake Inhouse service 1977, Mr.60mg Murad, a pharmacolsupplement, to the benesupplements. researching NO and the late the unknown. Young children insideInout similar to how nutrients appear in food. performance endurance citrate form · Chewable natural wild cherry flavour Biloba and Milk Thistle to help prevent age-related to provide better nutrient availability the power each one. Adaptogens MiniVits includes thesewho nutrients Most minerals support moodsolutions and learning as well as saysD, so department • Assistancenutrients with funding processes • Rentals and short term ogist, discovered that nitroglycerin fi ts of nitric oxide. Mr. Thompson community 90s,increase researching theof relationship have too. a father-figure who "Nutter's; looking afterformer you from the inside out." diseases and reverse the signs of aging from the between & allow forconvenient improved, absorption, give athletes boostand theyshop need toat improve of the minerals are included their and teases physical health Increasing the amount more of natural and similar compounds, release The professional footmembers who are considering usingin MiniVits plays the molecule cancer within them home with our online shopping site! inside similarproduced to how nutrients appear in food. performance and endurance citrate formwith them gently can socialize more Chewable - natural flavour can always nitric oxide in the NO, out which can relax some types of ball player was· previously put onwild cherry the product consult treatment. easily with other children. body can: muscle cells. Crestor, popular to their family physician or other clin“WeSENIOR'S have scientific evidence "Nutter's; looking after youa from themedication inside out." Despite all this, many young DAY • Improve circulation, Since then, a plethora of other help lower cholesterol. ical professionals about NO. that it might be suitable for cancer fathers are afraid to get inEVERY TUESDAY supporting the cardiovascular researchers have found NO has Within a couple of weeks, Mr. “I would hope that more doctors therapy,” he says, adding a clinvolved because they’re not 10% 2 system the potential to protect the heart, Thompson says he experienced now have an understanding that ical SENIOR'S trial for OFF further research 01is2 1 2 0 2 sure how or simply because DAY STOREWIDE • Reduce cardiovascular risk kill bacteria and increase2ability muscle aches and a panic attack, anything with clinical research ongoing. 012to they are not given the chance EVERY TUESDAY 2 1 0 factors and stopped taking the drug. behind it should be considered,” he In particular, Dr. 2 Graham is perform aerobic activity, among by their parenting partner. 10 % OFF 2 201Shortly • Increase energy levels afterwards, he was says, adding to date, there haven’t interested in using NO to treat other things. Moms need to understand STOREWIDE 2012 that being a competent father • Improve endurance approached by a company in been any adverse effects from users. prostate cancer. It’s also a topic which has peaked 2 1 0 doesn’t mean doing things the for physical exercise “I think it’s a real turning point for John Thompson,2CEO of the the interest of Dr. Charles Graham, Texas, who introduced him to the same way as a mother. Being • Increase sexual function people who want to change their Pro Rep Group, the Peterborough a scientist with 2 Queen’ NO supplement which, he was 012s Univera dad is different but just as lives.” company distributing the new sity’s School of Medicine. He’s been told, would help lower triglycerimportant!
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
In Home Consultations Wo o d B l i n d s , Pleated and Cellular shades and much more! Up to 30% off Selected Window Coverings
Kootenay Budget Blinds Call Ida at 250-304-8135 or toll free 1-855-799-1787 Visit our “Virtual Decorator” at
Catch us online, anytime.
Personal Development Why not spend more time on your strengths? Having recently finished a three week goal setting program with Andrea Owen of Your Kick Ass Life, I walked away experiencing one of those rare ‘ah ha’ moments, or as one course participant put it, a ‘game changer.’ It grew out of a question Owen asked us to ask ourselves: “What in your life is a Hell Yes!? Because if it’s not a Hell Yes! then it’s a Hell
No!” When applied to daily choices, it is a powerful perspective that hastens clarity. And as a secondary question, Owen asked, “What in your life are you just tolerating?” Before the ‘ah-ha’ moment happened though, the hell-yesno notion did get a bit complicated for me. What about all those pesky parts of life that really don’t
The City of Castlegar 2013 Utility Invoices have now been mailed. Please contact City Hall at 250-365-7227 if you have not received your Utility Invoice. Utility fees are levied to maintain and upgrade Water and Sewer systems as well as to provide garbage collection and disposal services to the community. The average property owner will receive a discount of $55.00 if they pay their utility invoice, in full, by February 28, 2013. Payments received after February 28, 2013 will not receive the discount. Payment may be made at most financial institutions, through internet, ATM, or telebanking. You may also pay by mail or in person at City Hall, Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. The City accepts cash, cheque or debit but does not accept credit cards. Mailed payments must be received by City Hall on the due date of February 28, 2013 by 4:30 PM. Postmarks will not be accepted as the received date. For more information about City of Castlegar utility rates or our pre-authorized payment plan please visit or call us at 250-365-7227 or by email at
Carla’s Call
feel like Hell Yes! at the time? For example, if it feels, a lot of the time, like life in the inferno when our children spend most of their waking hours devising ways to send their siblings into a spinning rage does this translate into Hell No!? Real life is littered with these stressful and unsavoury moments, with partners, relationships, and work. That answer is up to us to personally inventory. For example, maybe as a parent you thought staying at home with children full time was what you wanted, but then felt drained when you did it. Maybe, it turns out, you were better at being a working parent because it accommodated the different aspects of yourself as a whole person. Maybe in this way you live more of your Hell Yes! and both you and your loved ones benefit because simply put, you are happier. This is one example of how, from a bird’s eye view, the bothersome and the mun-
dane may fit at times within Hell Yes!, when they are aligned with our deeper values and wants. And if they are, and we want to not just tolerate, but live in more daily moments of joy, we need to reframe our perspective so we instead see each event as part of the mosaic in lives built based on our own choices. At the end of the program, what the ‘ah ha’ moment translated into for me was this: So many of us aren’t naturally inclined to look at where our Hell Yes! rests. Many of us are taught from childhood that if we are not good at something, we had better improve. “Why can’t you spell better than that! Look at how you do your math! But it’s science, it’s simple, what don’t you get! I know you can run faster than that, try harder!” I’m not suggesting we stop working on fundamental skills, they are essential, and overcoming something that is difficult builds discipline and esteem. However, step back and survey just how much time you and I and our kids have in a day. If we are spending all of our time trying to get good at what we’re bad at, where do we spend the time getting better at where we naturally excel? Play this one out a bit. In child development it’s sometimes
referred to as developing islands of competence, or resilience, and in adulthood, I’ve recently heard it referred to as the “cycle of excellence.” The theory is that we need to take account of what we naturally love, excel at, and where our strengths lie, and then do more of it. As we focus on it, we get better at it, do more of it, enjoy it more, get positive feedback (resulting in satisfaction and money, among the rewards). We are then fully engaged in the excellence cycle. In childhood, it builds confidence, and when we carry that through to adulthood, it builds a career and a life built on passion and excellence. When we feel like shouting, “I love my life!” that’s good for us and everyone around us. For today, I ask you to ask yourself, “what in my life is a Hell Yes!?” and then start doing more of it. Right away. Because, to borrow Owen’s tag line, “Life’s just too short for it not to kick ass.” Marshall & Associates provides human resources plus individual and group development services. For a consultation, or to find out more about their certified coaching services, please call (250) 5130044, visit or email
Vote For Roy! Castlegar’s “Roy Has Fire” is in a best band contest, to support them follow the prompts at and please do it before February 18. Submitted
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
Keeping the faith, keeping hope SUBMITTED
The congregation in Mazatlan has become so involved with the people near the dump that they are helping them build small schools there. There is no welfare in Mexico so many people sift through the garbage to look for recyclable items that will yield cash. About one hundred people lined up to receive the lunch and much needed water at the dump itself. The congregation in Mazatlan has become so involved with the people near the dump that they
United Church Speaks While in Mazatlan, Mexico where many Canadians and Americans flock for the winter months, my husband and I joined a church group that regularly makes hundreds of lunches and delivers them to extremely poor people who lived near the city dump and many who were right inside the dumpsite. A19
Beyond the scenic vistas, residents of places like Mazatlan have crucial daily survival challenges.
are now helping them build small schools there. We were heartened to see that us northerners were not simply basking in the lovely vacation sun all winter but had noticed with concern that many native residents were destitute and were stirred to action. Even in vacationland, it is apparent that the human spirit is alive with compassion. And so, too, up here in Castlegar we try our best to support the Harvest Food Bank with its endeavours to help those in need by providing hampers and lunches and counselling. The churchrun Sharing Dinner Pot serves its hearty meals weekly and St. David’s Thrift Shop offers much for those on low income. Recently, advocates of
raising our minimum wage have been getting the attention of politicians. Next month I am going on a Habitat for Humanity build. This will be my third time going to Guatemala to help build a house for a family there. I’m hooked. Now retired, it has become my favourite type of holiday in winter. This kind of trip satisfies my urge for exploring our world while at the same time doing something useful for those less fortunate than us. Habitat for Humanity offers a family a leg up in owning their own home. Through H4H, applicants get a 0 per cent interest rate on their mortgage. Once families are in a better position as homeowners, they in turn, are then able to benefit their communi-
A break from the ordinary
ties, so the positive assistance has a spinout effect. There are other important ways to make a difference, however, to speak out. From your chair or desk at home, you who patiently write letters to your political representative advocating for change, whether protesting the inequality in our society, the abuse of power or the degradation of our environment. Speaking out, writing letters, petitioning for change, this has power. Everyone doing a little in their own way to make a difference in our world, this is keeping the faith, keeping hope alive. Related websites: w w w. h a b i t a t . c a , www.united-church. ca/social justice. -Rosemary Manarin
A cross section of the local business community were enjoying the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce “Business after Business” mixer, Jan. 31 at Chances Gaming Centre Jim Sinclair
Across 1 Allow in 6 Behind the times 11 Keg insert 14 Nasty 15 Idol whose fans are called Claymates 16 Acapulco article 17 Traditional Christmas dessert 19 ER personnel 20 Swings about 21 Crunchy snack 23 LeBron James, e.g. 26 Ruler in old St. Petersburg 27 __ Diamond 30 Sweet spread 32 More than vexation 33 Red Army leader Trotsky 34 Run-of-the-mill 35 Liquid-Plumr rival 37 Jamaican music genre 39 Something to skip at the beach 42 Bollywood dress 44 Face cream ingredient 46 Kenny G plays one 47 Fiber-rich cereal 50 Hung on to 51 “Show Boat” novelist Ferber 52 Roger with 17 Grand Slam wins 54 Shrinking Asian lake 56 Scary bacteria 59 Downturn 60 Coffee break treat 64 “Little Red Book” chairman 65 Chipped in a chip 66 Comics friend of Nancy 67 Windup 68 Dallied (with) 69 Helped with dinner cleanup—or, a hint to the relationship between the starts of 0-/17-Across and 47-/30-Across
Down 1 Dangerous reptile in the Nile delta 2 Pol. convention attendees 3 Rough up 4 Not susceptible 5 Laid-back sort 6 Push-up bra feature 7 It may be financial 8 Slopes headwear 9 Men of La Mancha 10 Career for a sci. major 11 Sets free 12 Once-a-year bloomer 13 60-Across, for one 18 Grammarian’s concern 22 Explosive experiment 24 Sellout signs, briefly 25 Big mug 27 Holed up 28 NHL legend Bobby 29 Well-matched pair 31 No-way man? 33 “Tank Girl” star
Petty 36 Sounding stuffy 38 Winglike parts 40 Short rest 41 Office contact no. 43 Really hot spot 45 No right __: traffic sign 47 Software installation info file 48 Rocky’s love 49 Loveliness
50 Swedish currency 53 Digital greeting 55 Lovers’ clash 57 Taylor of “Mystic Pizza” 58 One of the Antilles 61 Alumna bio word 62 Teacher’s deg. 63 Coal carrier56 Thailand neighbor
Sports Reporter Craig Lindsay wants to hear about your sporting event. Call Craig at 250-3656397 or email reporter@
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
Rebels in first place after big win over Golden Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
After picking up three of four points during a weekend trip to the East Kootenay, the Castlegar Rebels have moved into sole possession of first place in both the Neil Murdoch division and the entire KIJHL. “It’s something we obviously wanted to have happen from the start of the year,” said Rebels’ forward Matt Reed. “I think the hard work and playing good defence in the past couple of games has really paid off.” On Friday, the Rebels lost 3-2 in overtime to Columbia Valley in Invermere. The teams traded goals in both the first period, with Mitchell Rosko scoring for CV and Travis Wellman for Castlegar, and the second, with Brendan Burge for CV and Aaron Brewer for
the Rebs. Jake Fardoe scored the game winner for the Rockies with ten seconds left in overtime, assisted by Burge. Connor Beauchamp stopped 18 of 21 shots from Columbia Valley. “Our lack of urgency in the first two periods of that game really hurt us,” said Reed. “We started playing well when we were down by a goal. If we don’t put pucks to the net we’ll let teams like that beat us.” The next night in Golden the Rebels bounced back and picked up the win over the Rockets, who are in second place in the Eddie Mountain division. Bryan Lubin and Travis Wellman scored two goals each to lead the Castlegar Rebels over Golden 5-2. The win moved the Rebels past Nelson into first place in
both the Neil Murdoch division and the entire KIJHL with 68 points with two weeks of the season left. After an early goal from Keith Wake put the Rockets up 1-0, the Rebels woke up and scored four straight to take a commanding 4-1 lead (Wellman twice, Jamie Vlanich and Lubin). James Price cut the Rebs lead to 4-2 in the third period but Castlegar would quash any come back at- He’s no Bobby Orr, but Rockets’ defenceman Brad Orr blocked this shot from Castlegar d-man tempts with an empty Aaron Brewer on Saturday night in Golden. Darryl Crane/Golden Star netter from Lubin late in the game. “We’re looking for Rebel Rousing - for some epic battles the year.” Between the pipes The Rebels have a hard work and ev- Only two points sepa- down the stretch as for the Rebs was busy weekend as they erybody being on the rate Castlegar (30- the three teams jockey Jordan Gluck who come down to the same page,” said Reed. 9-6-2 and 68 points) for position heading stopped 27 of 30 shots. final stretch before “We obviously would and third place Bea- into the play-offs. “I think we re- play-offs. On Friday like to win every game ver Valley (31-13-3-1 Beaver Valley’s vetsponded really well the boys host Beaver for the rest of the year. for 66 points). Nelson eran forward Dallas from the night before,” Valley, the next day That’s a goal for us. is sandwiched in the Calvin is tied with said Reed. “We had the two teams play These next games for middle with 67 points Kelowna’s Jordan a big meeting before in Fruitvale. On Sun- us might as well be (32-13-2-1) after los- Salahor for first in our game in Golden. day, Castlegar hosts the play-offs. Having ing twice to BV on the league scoring with 73 We came in and put the much improved home ice advantage weekend. points. Stuart Walton in a full 60-minute Grand Forks Bor- would be huge. We With four of the of the Rebs is sixth game. I think that’s der Bruins in an af- want to go all the way Rebels last five games with 65 points includwhat we’re going to ternoon affair at the this year so we need against the Leafs and ing 25 goals. have to do the rest of complex. the Nitehawks, look that home ice.”
Third period rallies boost Saints
One, two, three, Kick!! Connor McLaughlin of the Saints runs into Mike Ball of Simon Fraser during the first period of Saturday’s game at the Complex. Craig Lindsay photo Craig Lindsay Castlegar News Reporter
The Selkirk Saints mens’ hockey team bounced back after their first defeat of the season to win twice on the weekend, 3-2 in overtime Friday in Kamloops against Thompson Rivers University and 5-2 over second place
Simon Fraser University at the Castlegar Complex Saturday. Both games saw the Saints play strong third periods as they battled back from deficits to win. Saturday, the Saints were down 2-1 halfway through the final period before Beau Taylor evened the score with a slick deflection off a Dylan
Smith shot. Saints’ captain Jordan Wood took over after that, scoring two goals just 22 seconds apart to put his team up a pair with six minutes left before completing the natural hat-trick with an empty netter in the game’s dying moments. “SFU gave us all we could handle, but the guys dug deep in the third period and got rewarded,” said Saints’ head coach Jeff Dubois. “Jordan has been the top player in our league this season bar-none, and he showed why again tonight with a couple of big goals when we needed them. We also did a great job defensively limiting SFU’s scoring chances as our six defencemen as a unit played prob-
ably their best game of the season.” Alex Sirard got his 10th win of the season in net for Selkirk making 25 saves. With the win, Selkirk (16-1-0) moves five points ahead of SFU (13-4-1) in the BCIHL standings and possesses a game in hand. The Saints’ magic number for clinching first place for the regular season now stands at eight points with seven games remaining. This Saturday, the Saints host the University of Victoria Vikes at the Castlegar Complex starting at 7:30 p.m. as they look to sweep the season series and solidify their hold on first place in the BCIHL and home ice advantage through the playoffs.
Bad breaks for SHSS Rockers in Nelson submitted
Things started badly for the Stanley Humphries junior boys basketball Rockers. Star point guard Shayden Groshaw went down with an ankle injury early in the first quarter of their game versus JL Crowe at the LV Rogers Invitational tourney. The remaining squad battled hard and won the game in overtime. Alex Durning led SH with a dominating 20 point performance. Clarke Morris scored the winning basket to seal the victory. His tenth point of the game turned out to be the difference. The Rockers next game came against a deep and athletic Pen High squad. Things
started rough for the Rockers when Pen High’s press created early turnovers and points. Things got worse from there when starting forward Matt Anderson also suffered an ankle injury ending his day. That broke the dam and the Penticton team ran away with a 58-28 win. Next up for the depleted Rockers team was the host LVR squad. Only seven players dressed for the final game. Taylor Peveresoff played solid basketball throughout the weekend and continued to step up in the last game. First year players Masen Groshaw and Jack Roberts contributed significant minutes and played inspired basketball for the last game. Alex Durn-
ing scored 14 points, but it wasn’t enough as the Bombers held on for 30 to 27 victory. The seven players showed tremendous heart and pride throughout the game. The news got worse for the Rockers on Sunday when both Shayden and Matt were diagnosed with season ending damage to their ankles. “It breaks my heart to see both players’ season cut short with injury,” said coach Mike Lynn. “Both are great athletes with bright futures. We will miss them on the court, but we will do our best to continue winning in their absence.” The squad will have to quickly regroup for road league games with JL Crowe and Rossland this week.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013 A21
Local speed skater to represent B.C. submitted
Castlegar’s Tyler Hartleb, here with Kelowna’s Connie Kapak, show off their gold medal from prvoincials. Submitted photo
Tyler Hartleb of Castlegar flew to Winnipeg on Wednesday to represent B.C. at the Canadian Long Track Speed Skating Championships. Tyler will be there as the current B.C. champion after competing in four distances at the provincials last weekend in Fort St. John. Tyler earned two personal
bests. Tyler’s previous best times were set at the Calgary Olympic Oval, the world’s fastest ice surface. Tyler trains three times a week with the Nelson Speed Skating Club, as well as training at the regional training centres in Kelowna and Calgary. Tyler traveled north with fellow skater Connie Kapak, who won the BC championship for girls.
FEB. 8
FEB. 15
SAT, FEB. 16 • 7:00P PST CASTLEGAR REBELS VS NELSON LEAFS • NELSON COMMUNITY COMPLEX • We are always looking for volunteers to help with our organization.
Castlegar News Reporter
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386
Castlegar & District Recreation Department Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Dreher. B event winning rink was Chad Shkuratoff, Norm Higgins, Stu Higgins and Pat Adrien.
The C winners were Stuart Layfield, Rudy Linterman, Cameron Opperman and Chris Haynes. Finally,
the D event champs were the rink of Larry Kotyk, Tom Hall, Pat Burke and Serge Pasquale.
SHSS girls finish busy week at 3-1 Castlegar News Reporter
The Stanley Humphries Secondary junior girls basketball team had a busy week winning
FRI, FEB. 15 • 7:30P PST
Craig Lindsay
Craig Lindsay
SUN, FEB. 10 • 2:00P PST
Curling Deja Vu at the Groundhog Spiel There were 28 teams from throughout the West Kootenay battling it out at the Castlegar Curling Rink for the Mens Groundhog Bonspiel. Fortunately, unlike the Bill Murray movie, the curlers enjoyed their experience and didn’t have to repeat it over and over. Winning the A event was the rink of (picture at right, from left to right - submitted) Rick Cutler, Kevin Maffioli, Russ Holitzki and Brad
FRI, FEB. 8 • 7:30P PST
three times and losing once in four games. On Jan. 31, the Rockers played in Rossland and used a strong fastbreak to beat the Royals 6123. Rachael teBulte
led all scorers with 12 points, while Svetlana Hadikin and Angela Soukeroff added eight each. “We were able to build a nice lead early using some nice long
Rebecca Liszt of the SHSS Rockers tries to power up to the basket during Thursday’s game in Rossland. Craig Lindsay photo
passes which led to easy basketball for our guards,” said coach Kim Matson. “Rossland’s 2-3 zone gave us some problems early, but after some adjustments we were able to work the ball around and get some great shots.” On the weekend, SHSS finished second at the L.V. Rogers Invitational tournament in Nelson. The Rockers beat Grand Forks 41-12 and Trail’s J.L. Crowe 41-12 before losing Saturday to the hosts 36-21, The SHSS grade 8 girls team lost 32-19 in Rossland, also on Thursday. Ashley Fitchett led the team with eight points.
10:15-11:15am 5:30-6:30pm
Circuit Strength Deep Water Workout Fabulous 50+ Ultimate Kickbox
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am 9:00-11:00am 5:00-5:45pm 6:00-7:00pm
Step to It Health & Recovery Step & Tone/ Tues Body Blast/Tues Core & More/Thurs PM Aqua-Fit
Friday 9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am
Circuit Strength Aqua Circuit Fabulous 50+
Saturday 9:15-10:15am
Saturday Fit
Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by:
1 - 3 - 12 month Membership Passes or $6.00 FAMILY DAY FREE SKATE & SWIM
Public Swim Schedule Monday
10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm
2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-8:30pm
& 7:00-9:00pm
Saturday 1:00-6:00pm Sunday 1:00-6:00pm
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
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Cards of Thanks
The family of the late Nellie Rezansoff would like to thank the nurses and doctors who took such good care of Mom in the hospital and after her return home. Special thanks to Dr. Lesperance and Dr. Purssell for their exceptional care and to the EHS and First Responders for their quick and efficient effort. Many thanks to Lori Lavigne for reading the eulogy, to everyone who attended the funeral, sent cards and flowers and to Sarah Greenwood and Al Grywacheski of the Castlegar Funeral Chapel. Lastly, thanks to everyone at Castlewood Village for making Mom feel so “at home.” Halisheff, Konkin, Sallis & Angle Family
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Business Opportunities
HISTORICAL ARMS Collectors Guns-Knives-Militaria Antiques Show & Sale Saturday March 9, 9am-5pm, Sunday March 10, 9am-5pm. Heritage Park, 44140 Luckackuck Way, Chilliwack (exit 116 off Hwy 1) Buy-Sell-Swap. For info or table rentals Gordon 604-7474704 Al 604-941-8489. Check our website The 4th annual WCOWMA-BC Convention & Trade Show will be held at the Ramada Convention Centre (36035 North Parallel Rd) in Abbotsford on February 7-9, 2013. Workshops, open forum discussions, networking opportunities and door prizes. Trade show admission is complimentary. Don’t miss the only wastewater trade show and convention in BC. Info at
Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis
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Career Opportunities Heavy Duty Mechanic Required for an established, medium size logging and construction equipment dealership located in South Eastern B.C. Qualified applicants should have “hands-on” experience in the general repairs and maintenance of utility, construction and logging equipment. Applicants can work full-time or part-time (as their schedule permits). Most work will be inside shop diagnosing and repairing components... - Engines - Transmissions - Planetary Final Drives - Hydraulic Pumps & Valves - Winches, etc. Wages to be based on experience and product knowledge. For more information - Call us TOLL FREE: 1-800-562-5303
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking CLASS 1 Driver required for flatdeck haul from Trail to Tacoma WA. ABOVE Average wage offered home every weekend. Fax to 250-3672206 or call 250-364-8354
Coming Events To assist genealogy beginners, the West Kootenay Family Historians Society offers a free, come-and-go event of demonstrations, exhibits and one-on-ones at the Community Forum in the Columbia Trust Basin Building in Castlegar on Monday, Feb 11 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Further information: 250364-1601 or 250-367-0076
EARN EXTRA cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed. LIFE CHANGERS! Distributors required for non-competition health product. Online at: and then at: Or call 780-239-8305 or email to: PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.
In Memoriam
Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853
Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1
Certified Automotive Technician(s)
Required also accepting 3rd or 4th year apprentice Apply in person with resume Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:00 1050 Columbia Avenue Castlegar BC No Phone Calls
Employment Help Wanted AVAILABLE immediately for busy Volvo/Mack dealership located in Salmon Arm, BC. Journeyman or equivalent experienced parts counter applicant. Full time with competitive wages and benefits. Volvo/Mack an asset but will consider other OEM experience as equivalent. Forward resumes to Suitable applicants will be contacted for an interview. Journeyman HD mechanic required for oilfield construction company. Duties will include servicing, maintenance and overhaul of our equipment. The job will be predominately shop work , but with a portion of your time spent in the field. A mechanics truck will be supplied for you. The job is based in Edson, Alberta. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051.
Experience an asset
Apprentices considered training available Contact Nick or Kevin Trowelex, Castlegar 250-365-3315 or email
Stylists wanted at the Bass Players Daughter Hair Studio Castlegar, BC Part time and Full time Commissions up to 60%. Call Barry 250-365-1693
Marjorie Radulovic January 15, 1928 – January 18, 2013 Marjorie Radulovic resided at Castlewood Village in Castlegar, BC. She was born in Fremantle, Australia on January 15th, 1928. She passed away peacefully at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail, BC on January 18th, 2013 after a battle with cancer. She was predeceased by her beloved husband Sava Radulovic who died on August 8th, 1999. She is survived by 3 nieces; Sue Patulney, Rosemary Hors, Dianne Willis and their families. Thank you to Dr. Lum and Dr. Inniss and all of the hospital staff at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. Cremation has taken place in Nelson, British Columbia. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Valley Funeral Home Ltd. Online condolences may be expressed at
CASTLEGAR TOYOTA is pleased to announce the appointment of Kyle Burk to its sales staff
Please join us in welcoming our newest product advisor. Kyle gives off good energy and makes people feel at ease. More importantly, he genuinely enjoys addressing his customers questions and needs.
July 29, 1929 - February 07, 2012 It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home.
Start something that lasts.
Help Wanted Growing company seeks mechanically-inclined service person for periodic basic equipment maintenance in the Trail/Castlegar/Nelson/ Creston area, for a few service calls per month. Service times flexible. Perfect for a young retired person. Will train must have own reliable vehicle and basic tools. Fax resume or letter of interest to 905-791-7382 or email to
Help Wanted
BANNISTER AUTO GROUP If you are Energetic, Motivated and have the desire to join a “Customer First Family”, we are inviting you to come grow with us. We are one of Western Canada’s fastest growing automotive companies and always looking for great people to join our team. We’re accepting resumes for all departments and all positions: Management, Sales, Service (technicians), Parts, Body Shop and Accounting. Interested in joining our team? Email Darryl Payeur at . Bannister GM Vernon, Bannister GM Edson, Bannister Honda Vernon, Browns GM Dawson Creek, Champion GM Trail, Huber Bannister Chevrolet Penticton, Salmon Arm GM Salmon Arm and growing.
Mary Campbell
We’re on the net at
William Kalesnikoff
May you rest in peace
Help Wanted
Part time Server/Cashier required at Pie in the Sky at Castlegar Airport Serve it Right & Food Safe certified required.
In loving memory
Your Loving Family Wife Elizabeth Children Betty, Willy, Jeanette and families
(nee Arduini) of Castlegar, BC Born in Kamloops, BC March 22, 1912 Died January 29, 2013 After a long, healthy, and rich life, shaped by a strong belief in the importance of love, family, and faith we announce the passing of our Mother, Nonna, and Bisnonna, Mary Campbell in her 101st year. Mary is survived by her daughter, Regina (Ronald) Stewart of Almonte, Ontario, and sister-in-law Patricia Arduini of Kamloops. She is also survived by Judy Campbell of Gibson’s, BC. Mary will be lovingly remembered by her grandchildren, Graham Campbell of Castlegar, Jennifer (Brian), and Loree (Doug) of Vancouver, BC, Sheila (George) of Peterborough, Ontario, and Rachel (Jarrett) of Nelson, BC. She will also be remembered by her great-grandchildren, Aidan, Andrew, Marco, Haley, Jaxon and Frankie. How she loved those babies! Mary is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews, and nothing gave her more pleasure than to remember all their birthdays. Mary was predeceased by her beloved husband, Leslie Vernon Campbell, in 1977 and by her son, Burt Campbell, in 2007. Also predeceased by her brothers Victor and Joseph (wife Clara) and her dear sister and brother-in-law, Nellie and Jim Campbell of Kelowna, BC. Mary and Les were Castlegar pioneers, arriving in 1946 from Trail to open the Castle Theatre. Then in August 1947, the Castle News first went to press, mainly to advertise upcoming movies. Mary and Les resided on Cedar Street (now 1st Street), overlooking the Columbia River, and Mary continued to live there until she moved into care. She was a member of St. Rita’s CWL for many, many years. Our thanks to all the staff at Talarico Place for their kind, patient and supportive care during her last years. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by Father David John at St. Rita’s Catholic Church, Castlegar, on Monday, February 4, 2012 at 11:00 AM after which there was a reception in St. Rita’s Parish Hall. Arrangements were in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
Help Wanted
Eager Journalists The Castlegar News wants to hear from you. This Black Press publication has an imminent opening for a reporter/photographer in the heart of B.C.s beautiful and vibrant West Kootenay region. Castlegar is known as the Crossroads of the Kootenays – 35 minutes to Nelson, 25 minutes to Trail, 90 minutes to Grand Forks. Equal portions of ability and attitude are key for the next member of this two-person editorial team. The successful applicant will be well-versed in the CP style, InDesign, Photoshop and social media. A reliable vehicle and digital camera are required. Rush your resume this way if you take pride in finding the story, getting it right, getting the photo, getting it online and in print. This job involves covering news, sports and community events on a schedule including evenings and weekends. Here’s a gig with a future! As the largest independently owned newspaper company in Canada, with more than 150 titles in print and online, Black Press has operations in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Hawaii, California and Ohio. The company has 3,500 employees, and newsrooms with history dating back to the 1800s. This position is available as of February 14, 2013. Please send three writing samples, three photo samples along with three references, to: Jim Sinclair
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) invites applications for the position of
The Position: Reporting to the Director of Operations, the Manager of Transportation leads the day to day operations of the Transportation Department. This term specific position actively promotes and supports the effective management of the Transportation Department and is responsible for the following areas: • Oversee and support district transportation • Supervision of the transportation workforce • Setup and monitor licensing and insurance coverage, preventative maintenance program for the district vehicle fleet, and assigning vehicles to specific routes For full position details including qualifications and how to apply please refer to our website ( on the Job Postings – Administrative and Exempt page under the Careers /Employment section.
Along with Grade 12, you have your IP Red Seal Certification (or equivalent), at least 5 years’ relevant practical experience and some computer proficiency. An instructor’s diploma or BC teaching certificate and previous teaching experience would be preferred. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the BCGEU Collective Agreement. Closing date: February 11, 2013.
For more information, please visit
We’re on the net at
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Medical/Dental Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health
JOIN THE AXIS TEAM IN CASTLEGAR/TRAIL /ROBSON AREAS! We are seeking candidates who are skilled, experienced and flexible to work in our various residential programs throughout the West Kootenays. Potential candidates must have experience dealing with behavior challenges. If you are passionate about working with youth at risk or youth with special needs and want to make a difference in their lives, consider joining our team in the following positions: *Full Time Residence Workers (3 - 24 hour live in shifts/ week) and * Casual Residence Workers (24 hour live in shifts as needed). Successful applicants must be able to follow behavior plans/protocols, be positive role models and mentors. For further information on these positions refer to our website under job opportunities. Resumes with cover letters can be Faxed to: Bev Munro: (250)-851-2977 Emailed to: Only
&/d PerŵĂnent teƐt <ootenĂLJƐ͕
PoƐiƟon Kǀerǀieǁ͗ Lead the engineering delivery and business development iniƟaƟves Ĩor the test <ootenay operaƟon oĨ /^L͘ ZeƐƉonƐiďůiƟeƐ͗ ͻ ireĐƟng and managing engineering proũeĐts and Ƌuality proũeĐt delivery ͻ Wreparing designs and ĐontraĐt speĐiĮĐaƟons Ĩor inĨrastruĐture upgrade proũeĐts ͻ Danaging oĸĐe ĮnanĐial perĨormanĐe͕ approve oĸĐe edžpenditures and Đoordinate purĐhase agreements ͻ Danaging oĸĐe produĐƟvity and uƟlinjaƟon ͻ Wroviding leadership to other staī and proũeĐt teams ͻ ireĐƟng staī and parƟĐipaƟng direĐtly in the ĐompleƟon oĨ proũeĐts ͻ &ostering a spirit oĨ enthusiasm and Đlient ĨoĐus ͻ Leading and direĐƟng business development aĐƟviƟes in the /nterior oĨ ͕ nurturing neǁ Đlient relaƟonships and building on previous proũeĐt suĐĐesses͘ ZeƋƵireŵentƐ͗ ͻ W͘ ng͘ ; ligible Ĩor Dembership ǁith W ' Ϳ ͻ Dinimum sidž years͛ direĐtly related edžperienĐe as a ^enior WroũeĐt ngineer andͬor KĸĐe Danager in the ĐonsulƟng serviĐes industry ͻ džĐellent verbal and ǁriƩen ĐommuniĐaƟons sŬills ͻ ,ighly motivated͕ enthusiastiĐ͕ ǁith a strong desire to suĐĐeed ͻ ble to ǁorŬ independently and a demonstrated ability to manage proũeĐts and Đlients ͻ ble to mulƟͲtasŬ and meet various proũeĐt deadlines ͻ esign and ĐonstruĐƟon edžperienĐe in muniĐipal engineering inĐluding roads͕ drainage͕ ǁater distribuƟon͕ seǁer͕ and uƟliƟes design͕ speĐiĮĐaƟon͕ Đost esƟmaƟng͕ tendering͕ ĐonstruĐƟon and Đommissioning ͻ ^trong ǁorŬing Ŭnoǁledge oĨ DiĐrosoŌ KĸĐe͕ uto and ivil ϯ ͻ &amiliarity ǁith DD doĐuments͘ ůoƐing Ăte͗ DarĐh ϭ͕ ϮϬϭϯ /^L ngineering and Land ^erviĐes oīers ĐompeƟƟve ĐompensaƟon paĐŬages ǁhiĐh inĐludes a Đompany paid beneĮt plan͕ plus Ňedžible spending aĐĐount͕ Ňedžible ǁorŬ sĐhedule͕ proĨessional development opportuniƟes and potenƟal oǁnership opƟons͘ Wlease apply online at ǁǁǁ͘iƐůengineering͘coŵ
A healthy local economy depends on you
Make a difference in the lives of seniors. Come and work for AdvoCare Health Services, we take “Pride in Caring”
Now recruiting casual, potentially permanent positions at Mountain Lake Seniors Community in Nelson
Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/ Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.
• Registered Care Aides • Recreation / Rehabilitation Aides
Please send your resume and cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax to 1-866-686-7435
For more information and to apply please see our website or email resume to Janice.VanCaeseele@ or fax 250-352-0056
If you see a wildfire, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
those shortlisted will be contacted.
Help Wanted
Senior Project Engineer/ Kĸce DĂnĂger
You’ll provide a quality, motivated learning environment for your students as a valued on-call, relief or short-term instructor with Selkirk College’s School of Industry and Trades Training.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
TRADES RELIEF INSTRUCTORS For our Plant Operator, General Mechanics, Carpentry and Metal Fabricator programs— Silver King Campus
School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
Career Opportunities Career Opportunities
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
PORTAGE College in Lac La Biche, AB, is looking for Maintenance Service Workers. For more info, visit our website at or call 1-866-623-5551, ext. 5597.
SHORE MECHANIC – F/T Heavy Duty Mechanic Certificate or equivalent w/5 yrs exp. www.westcoast
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Casual Housekeeping/Dietary Aides Weekend & Afternoon Shifts Available QUALIFICATIONS: -Foodsafe -WHIMIS CVCC is focused on Resident-First, Person-Centered Care. We welcome individuals interested in making a difference. Email: Only successful applicants will be contacted.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
MOUNT MILLIGAN THOMPSON CREEK METALS COMPANY Located 150km northwest of Prince George BC, Mount Milligan will be British Columbia’s first major metal mine of this century. Construction began in mid-2010 with commercial production projected for the latter part of 2013. Mount Milligan is owned by Thompson Creek Metals and is currently recruiting for the following positions: t Chief Mine Engineer & Mine Engineer t Senior Surveyor t HD Mechanics t Health & Safety Advisor t Electricians & E&I Mechanics t Mine Maintenance Superintendent t Flotation & Control Room Operators / Supervisors t Millwrights t Mine Maintenance Trainer t Soil Technician t Surveyor For complete job descriptions please visit: Apply by email to: Or by Fax: 888-881-3527
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
Health Products
Legal Services
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Houses For Sale
Seasonal Acommodation
Auto Financing
GrownTent for sale everything included $1300 250 777-4918 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil
Buy One Get One
Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 250-499-0251
Financial Services Volunteers
Volunteers Needed! The Canadian Cancer Society is looking for volunteers to help with their Daffodil Campaign this spring. By donating a few hours of your time you can help enhance the quality of life for Canadians living with cancer, and bring us closer to our goal of eradicating cancer. Volunteer Positions Include:
Handypersons For all your Handyman needs call Gare’s Home Maintenance & Contracting Dealer for turn your exciting bathtub into a shower Call 250-359-2983 or Cell 250-304-5298
Real Estate
Apt/Condo for Rent
Business for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Career Opportunities
We are currently accepting applications to join our casual Relief Pool. Successful applicants will be trained in a variety of entry level positions across our operation, and then called in to cover vacancies as they occur. If you are looking to align with a progressive organization that respects the potential & ideas of people, let’s review our mutual expectations:
✓ Prior related work experience highly desirable ✓ Self-directed, finds work to be done ✓ Demonstrated examples of initiatives; gets things done ✓ Team focused approach to problem & tasks ✓ Generates ideas & suggestions ✓ At least 1 year of relevant postsecondary education
Cottages / Cabins
S CASTLEGAR: 2 baths, main floor laundry. Smoking outside ONLY, N/P, references requested. $1100/mo. + util. Call 250-513-0535.
What You Can Expect ✓ State of the art technology & facilities ✓ Varied work experiences within the mill ✓ Opportunities for increased responsibilities ✓ A collegial & stable work environment ✓ An incomparable family & recreationally oriented lifestyle with 4 distinct seasons ✓ $27.53 per hour plus a great benefits & pension package
For those yearning to get on board a growing enterprise & advance their skills, this is a rare opportunity! To learn more about Zellstoff Celgar go to
Think you can make a difference? Then send me your resume: by February 15, 2013. We thank all applicants; only those whose candidacy best suits our needs will be contacted.
Working together to be the best for our communities, our environment….our future!
Suites, Upper
1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034
Duplex / 4 Plex
Career Opportunities
Suites, Lower Castlegar clean, bright spacious 1 Bdrm ground level basement studio suite, partly furnished, convenient central location, N/S, N/P, shared laundry, $750/mth includes utilities, WIFI & Satellite TV Days 250-304-5289, evening 365-0620, Avail Immediately CASTLEGAR Cute, clean & bright 1 Bdrm, Adult Bldg furnished, ready to move in N/P, N/S, 365-5246 CASTLEGAR Raspberry Village, 2 bdrm Basement Suite N/S, F/S, DW, W/D, Pets nego, lrg yard reference required Avail Feb 1st $1100/mth incl heat & power call 1-928-726-6214 or 306-525-5045
CASTLEGAR, 1 Bdrm suite neat Kootenay Market & Bus stop $515/mth inclusive Avail Immed, N/S, N/P 250-608-3930 Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apartment Bright & Spacious, F/S Laundry on site, close to amenities, N/S, N/P, $725/mth + utilities, Call 359-7819
2 bdrm cabin $685/m + 2 bdrm cabin $585/m on large acreage, very private, 1km south of Slocan City. Wood/ elect heat, creek water, Utilities xtra. Pets ok, room for garden. Lease required. 250-359-2259
Located in the West Kootenay of southeastern BC, 450 employees of Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership (‘Celgar’) produce over 1400 tonnes of Bleached Kraft pulp per day. Our mill is a World Class state of the art facility & we continue to make significant capital investments to maintain that standing! We are 1 of 3 Pulp mills owned by Mercer International Inc. We are Castlegar’s leading employer & are committed to maintaining our responsible position within the community & being our customers’ preferred supplier of choice.
What We Expect
Mobile Homes & Parks
Career Opportunities
3.5 acreage parcel 2 potential building sites Taghum 199,000. 352-7380 after 6 pm
1364 Bay Ave, Trail 250-368-8878
KWIKAUCTIONS.COM New & Used Restaurant Equipment Auction Sat Feb 9th @11am 7305 Meadow Burnaby BC
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Grand Forks 1200 sq ft older mobile on own lot, taxes $100.00 yearly seniors. Rental suite brings in $450/m. 400 sq ft living room w/fireplace. Duplex lot. Furnished. 250-4427130. View at 3010 1st Rd.
$449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo 1-888-481-9660.
Estate Sale
Phil Swetlikoff - ReMax Kelowna 1-800-663-5770 or Cell: 1-250-470-2222
Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums Keyboards, Band & String Instruments, Music books & Accessories, Music Lessons Sales & Rentals
Merchandise for Sale
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. BIG BUILDING sale... “This is a clearance sale. You don’t want to miss!” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Call Pioneer Steel at 1-800-668-5422.
Legal Services
Musical Instruments
Retirement ranch style home. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms. Gas fireplace air conditioning, built in vac. End unit with green space garden area, covered patio.
Homes for Rent Castlegar 2 Bdrm Mobile, F/S, N/P, N/S, $500/mth + utilities, full covered deck by Millenium walkway & river Avail Feb 1st 250-365-7429 CASTLEGAR 3 Bdrm House 550 - 9th Ave, $1,200/mth + utilities, Ph 250-365-7867 Castlegar Spacious 3 Bdrm 2 bath, newly painted, some new flooring, 5 appliances, N/S, N/P, 1/2 utilities, Avail Feb 1st, $1150/mth, Phone 304-0023 Mobile Home, 2 bdrm, F/S W/D, Deck, Addition, in Thrums, No dogs over 15 # 250-359-7178, 250-304-9273 Pass Creek 2 Bdrm House Avail Immediately 250-365-4857 or 304-1711 ROBSON 4 bdrm House usF/S, online newlyvisit reno’d, DW, W/D Fenced yard, $1,000/mth + utilities, 250-365-3059
Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul
1-888-204-5355 for Pre-Approval
SOLUTIONS FOR ALMOST EVERY CREDIT SITUATION! We have the financial tools and specialists to get you behind the wheel! CALL PETER
Office/Retail CASTLEGAR 1000 sq ft Professional Office Space or Retail next to Tim Horton’s 250-608-3930
Legal Notices
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals DL# 7557
Daffodil Campaign Chair Coordinating the volunteers working on the campaign Business Canvasser Approaching businesses to take orders for live daffodils Daffodil Bundling Wrapping bunches of daffodils in florist paper to prepare them for delivery Daffodil Delivery Delivering flowers to businesses that have placed orders Mall Sales Selling live flowers at a table in the mall Contact Susan at 1-800-656-6426 or visit for more information.
DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Trades, Technical A25
Legal Notices
NOTICE OF CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is Hereby Given that all person having claims against the Estate of Susana Doell, also known as Susan Doell, also known as Susanna Doell, also known as Suzanne Doell, Deceased, formerly of the Town of Robson, Province of British Columbia, who died on 23rd day of August, 2012, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Linda Joanne Baker and Gerald Allen Rempel, Executors, on or before April 15, 2013, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Linda Joanne Baker and Gerald Allen Rempel, Executors c/o LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN McEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION 1432 Bay Avenue Trail, B.C. V1R 4B1
Cars - Domestic 98 Corolla good condition 185,000 km $2700 250-777-4918
Cars - Sports & Imports VERY nice 2008 Honda Civic LX Coupe with 1.8L, 5 speed 103,000 kl. Sharp brownish gray exterior. Winters. EXCELLENT condition. Remaining 6 yrs or 120,0000 warranty. Price $10,500 (firm). 250-304-9419
Legal Notices IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BETWEEN PAN MICHAEL NASMYTH PETITIONER AND FREEDOM WINDCHILD BEN-OLIEL, ADMINISTER OF THE ESTATE OF SHAUN JOSEPH BEN-OLIEL, ALSO known as SHAUN JOSEPH BRITTON and SHAUN J. BRITTON, and MCEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION, and THE CROWN IN RIGHT OF CANADA, and BANK OF MONTREAL, and THORSTEINSSONS - TAX LAWYERS, RESPONDENTS ADVERTISEMENT TO: FREEDOM WINDCHILD BEN-OLIEL TAKE NOTICE THAT on January 30, 2013 an order was made for service on you of a Petition issued from the Nelson Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia in proceeding number 17443 by the way of this advertisement. In the proceeding, the Petitioner claims the following relief against you: Order of foreclosure on the property legally described as PID 023-507-977. You must file a response to petition within the period required under the Supreme Court Civil Rules failing which further proceedings, including judgment, may be taken against you without notice to you. You may obtain, from the Nelson Registry, at 320 Ward Street, Nelson, BC a copy of the Petition and the order providing for service by this advertisement. This advertisement is placed by counsel for the Petitioner, Spilker Watson & Co whose address for service is #2-609 Baker Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 4J3
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. 1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000 (250) 707-2600
2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600
#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600 NOW OPEN
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600
1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000
1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000
745 Notre Dame Drive 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 851-8700 (250) 542-3000 NOW OPEN
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927
Chapters Entrance (250) 860-8100 Springfield Rd Entrance (250) 717-1511
Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496
Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566
Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880 TELUS KIOSK
Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258
ootney Advertiser - August 20, 2010
On now at your BC Buick Dealers. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Buick is a brand of General Motors of Canada.**/‡/*Offers apply to the purchase of a 2013 Buick Verano (R7A), 2013 Buick Enclave (R7A), 2013 Buick Encore (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,550). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, RBC Financial, TD Auto Financing Services or Scotiabank may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. †† 3.49%/0% Purchase financing for 84/48 months on 2013 Buick Verano, Enclave / Encore on approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services/RBC Financial/Scotiabank. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 3.49%/0% for 84/48 months, the monthly payment is $135/$209. Cost of borrowing is $1,286/$0, total obligation is $11,286/$10,000. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will also vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. ‡ Based on a 36 month lease for new (demonstrator not eligible) 2.5%2.9% advertised on 2013 Buick Verano/2013 Buick Enclave. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.20 per excess kilometer. OAC by FinanciaLinx Corporation. Lease APR may vary depending on down payment/trade. Down payment or trade and security deposit may be required. Other lease options available. ≠For more information visit comes first, excludes medium duty trucks. See dealer for limited warranty details. ~ OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. † Valid at participating GM dealerships in Canada only. Retail customers only. Offer ranges from 750 to 3,000 AIR MILES® reward miles, depending on model purchased. No cash value. Offer may not be combined with certain other AIR MILES promotions or offers. See your participating GM dealer for details. Offer expires February 28, 2013. Please allow 4–6 weeks after the Offer end date for reward miles to be deposited to your AIR MILES® Collector Account. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this Offer for any reason in whole or in part at any time without notice. Miles are issued by LoyaltyOne Inc. and are subject to the terms and conditions of the AIR MILES Reward Program. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited.
Castlegar News Thursday, February 7, 2013
• • • • • • • •
0 .5%
~ A27
BUICK 2 13
FINANCE AT 3.49%††
2,000 PLUS
FINANCE AT 3.49%††
Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917] PLUS
• • • •
Thursday, February 7, 2013 Castlegar News
the kootenay home and lifestyle March 2-3 2013
the kootenay home and lifestyle
March 2&3, 2013 Expo Hours Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-3
Selkirk College For more information contact the Castlegar Chamber 250-365-6313
inside & outside Expo Hours space available Saturday 9-6 â&#x20AC;˘ Sunday 10-3 On line application (virtual Castlegar)
Checkout the 2013 line up of new innovative products and services for your home, garden, leisure Checkout the 2013 line upand ofyou! new
MARCH 4th, 5th & 6th, 2011 Chance toproducts win $500 Expo Dollars! innovative andReward services for your Selkirk College Castlegar March 2&3, 2013 home, garden, leisure and2&3, you! March 2013 Sponsored by Kootenay Savings!
Expo Hours
Enter the Draws!
Saturday 9-6 Expo Hours Sunday 10-3 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-3
Chance to win $500 Expo Reward Dollars! March 2&3, 2013 ut the 2013 line up of new March innovative products and 2&3, 2013 Expert Advice! Adults: $4
Seniors: $3
& edisni edistuo ecaps elbaliava
March 2&3, 2013 Expo Hours Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-3
Students with Checkout the 2013 line up of new products and Expo Hours rvices for your home, garden, leisure andinnovative you! Reserve Your space ID $3 Sponsored Expo Hours Kootenay Savings! services for yourby home, garden, leisure and you! the 2013 line up of new innovative products and Checkout Saturday 9-6 nce Kids to win $500 Expo Reward Dollars! 10 & under Saturday 9-6 services for your home, garden, leisure and you! Chance win $500 Expo Reward Dollars! free with adultbyto Sunday 10-3 Today! Sunday 10-3 Sponsored Kootenay Savings! Reserve Your Space Today! Sponsored by Kootenay Savings! Chance to win $500 Expo Reward Dollars! Sponsored by Kootenay Savings! the 2013 line up of new innovative products and line up of new innovative Checkout the 2013 products and
Enter the ces for your home, garden, leisureservices and you!for your home, garden, leisure and you! vice! Draws! Enter the e to win $500 Expo Reward Dollars! Draws! Expert Advice! Chance to win $500 Expo Reward Dollars! 4 Sponsored Expert Advice! Savings! Adults: $4by Kootenay Savings! $3 Sponsored by Kootenay Adults: $4 with Seniors: $3 Enter the Seniors: $3 Students with Draws! underID $3 ce! Students with Expert Advice! adult Kids 10 & under ID $3 Mitchells Supply free with adult Adults: $4 Kids 10 & under free with adult Seniors: $3 th
Reserve Your space Reserve Your space Today! Today!
Reserve Your space
Reserve Your Chamber space Castlegar & District of Commerce phone: 250.365.6313 Students with
nder ult
ID $3
Kids 10 & under free with adult
â&#x20AC;˘ email:
Reserve Your space w w w . c a s t l e g a r . c o m Today!
Enter the Draws! Expert Advice! Adults: $4 Seniors: $3 Mitchells Supply Students with ID $3 Mitchells Supply Kids 10 & under free with adult
Mitchells Supply
Mitchells Supply Now accepting bookings for March 2013
Vendor information contact 250.365.6313Mitchells or Supply