Lake Country Calendar, February 13, 2013

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Calendar Lake Country

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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February 13, 2013



Council will revisit decision to tidy greenspace Some residents want councillors to keep their noses out of Okanagan Centre lifestyle KEVIN PARNELL

BC SPCA was happy to receive a donation of money and needed materials collected over Christmas time by Carrie Gullion of Just Because Boutique. ...............................


Ready for action a group of Lake County residents gathered recently to learn about and join a new service club to help out in their community, called Life After Laundry Ladies Club. ...............................


Flyers ■ Rona ■ Staples

Lake Country council will have a familiar issue before it at its next council meeting, after residents brought their concerns about the proposed clean up of a three-kilometre walking trail alongside Okangan Lake in Okanagan Centre, known as the greenspace, to last week’s council meeting. Council had previously passed a motion to remove old boathouses, boats, chairs and other private property left on the greenspace by residents but, following a presentation by two Lake Country residents who were against the clean up, council will be debating the issue again at its next meeting. Following the presentations Coun. Penny Gambell filed a motion to rescind council’s previous motion, a move that will bring the issue back before district councillors at its next scheduled meeting Feb. 19. Okanagan Centre resident David Geen spoke to council and presented several letters of opposition to the plan. “I think it was pretty unanimous of the people who responded to me that said we recognize there is something of lifestyle and essence of a community that isn’t being recognized when you go through and clean up all the tables and people’s kayaks that they use from time to time,” said Geen, following the

“Before any changes were going to be made to the greenspace we were going to do a public meeting,” Baker said. “We understand the concern and we will be looking at it.”




A COUPLE OF Lake Country residents sit on one of the many old picnic tables that residents have left along

the walking trail known as the greenspace, beside Okanagan Lake in Okanagan Centre. meeting. “As a community you have the right to describe what you want in your community.” Geen said the community was never properly consulted about the plan to remove private property from the greenspace, a trail that is public property that the district’s parks committee had wanted cleaned up. But Geen said a clean-up will change the character of Okanagan Centre and is against a sector plan that was put together in 2006. “We didn’t want street lights, we didn’t want extensive sidewalks,” he said. “That is part of the

lifestyle which has been here for 100 years, including the use of the beach area, the so-called greenspace. “Council suddenly decided they were going to clean up that lifestyle. We’ve never had a town meeting about the greenspace and I can’t see how council can make a decision without doing that,” Geen said. Coun. Jamie McEwan, who sits on the parks committee, said he was surprised the issue will be back in front of council but welcomed the input from the concerned residents. “I understand this is a

big change for the area,” said McEwan. “The area has been able to function as is for quite some time and this council has brought a lot of changes. It might be rather drastic for the area but I think it would be there for the benefit and enjoyment of the entire community. This is the direction our parks and recreation committee would like to go. It’s always a matter of balancing a multitude of perspectives on any issue.” McEwan added that with the amount of private property items strewn about the greenspace, the trail can often

be mistaken for private property, especially by people who may not be familiar with Okanagan Centre. Because Geen, as well as one other resident, were only at council to make a presentation, Lake Country council did not discuss the issue, although Gambell’s motion to rescind will bring it back to the table. During his closing remarks though, Mayor James Baker said the council will take the public’s concerns into consideration and hinted that a public meeting on the issue could be coming.

The issue is also tied to the removal of docks in Okanagan Centre that are also in the process of being removed. The docks and the boathouses, canoes, kayaks and chairs are all located on a stretch of land that is owned by either the district or the province. But Geen said it’s all part of the character of Okangan Centre. “That is what Okanagan Centre is. The path ambles over rocks and around fallen trees and some places there is a building,” he said. “It doesn’t impair the use of the area, it’s part of our lifestyle. It’s charming. We just want to be left alone and not destroyed.”

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Lake Country get 3% tax increase after council deliberations KEVIN PARNELL Lake Country district council approved a three per cent tax increase this year for Lake Country

residents after two days of budget meetings last week. Staff had requested the tax increase which was needed to cov-

er the cost an increase in the RCMP contract of $112,000 and the September expansion of transit services to the tune of $120,000.

“We still have two big bills: One from the RCMP and one from BC Transit so we proposed the three per cent tax increase to cover the

cost of those two things,” said chief administrative officer Alberto De Feo. Late Thursday, council approved the request which equates to about

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$45 on an average single-family home assessed at $489,000. “We are obligated to balance the budget and revenue wise, if we calculate the three per cent increase, we should be close,” said De Feo. Council also approved a fairly ambitious capital projects plan within the $18.4 million dollar operating budget, spending $9.5 million on various projects including: •Improvements to the district’s wastewater treatment plant. •Work to complete the Kalamalka Interconnect project to improve water quality in Oyama. •$620,000 on improvements to Beasley field lights and community centre. •Resurfacing work on Camp road to the tune of $150,000. •Nearly $50,000 for work on the Apex Park in the Lake’s development. •Water line improvements in the Lakes development. •Improvements to drainage issues on Clement Road.

•A $40,000 design plan for the Pelmewash Parkway corridor. •$14,000 for an artist in residence program at the Lake Country Art Gallery. •Streamlining of garbage collection services in district parks. According to De Feo, the 2013 budget will set Lake Country on the right path moving forward as it continues to grow. The administrator did say there is still plenty of infrastructure needs as well as the need for more taxpayers. “It’s an exciting time for the commmunity,” said De Feo. “We understand the economy is not good and we’re really trying to foster development in Lake Country and trying to minimize the impact on taxpayers. Our infrastructure needs a boost. We have $350 million in assets and half of them are in need of some sort of maintenance. We need more tax base in order to be sustainable. It is a tough time but an exciting time.”

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving



Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951











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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 A3


Night out with a purpose KEVIN PARNELL Like a lot of moms, Lake Country resident Melanie Fulks-Kraus has a pretty full day everyday, making lunches, running kids around, helping with homework, making dinner, and yes doing laundry. And like many people in this day and age, she says there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. “It just seems like since I’ve been a mom there isn’t a lot of time for anything,” said FulksKraus. “We’re all trying to do so much in so little time. It seems to be the common thing nowadays. I thought by having this ladies night out we can not only assist in doing something amazing in the community but we can get out of the house.” And judging by the reaction to the first gathering of a new lady’s group in Lake Country, she’s got a lot of support. Nearly 200 Lake Country women showed up to the inaugural Life After Laundry Ladies Club in January, a gath-

ering that saw women of all ages get together to share ideas and think of ways to help their community. “I think it was time for something like this,” said Fulks-Kraus. “I think the ladies of Lake Country needed a night out and I think that knowing that you are doing something for your community is so powerful. A lot of these women have never done anything for charity and I had so many of them coming up to me and saying they had their eyes opened.” The Life After Laundry Ladies Club isn’t just a bunch of housewives getting together to relieve stress. Instead it’s designed to help the community in a variety of ways, from donating money to charity, to teaching kids about the value of community to helping out residents who may have fallen on hard times. “Sometimes we don’t realize something so small can help the community so much,” she said, alluding to the fact that the group raised

over $1,000 at its first gathering, by collecting just $5 from every person who attended the meeting. “To me it’s about doing more by doing less,” said Fulks-Kraus. “Staying closer to home, incorporating kids into some of this stuff and really learning about empathy and community. We want to teach our kids what a community is and remind women what a community is. It’s time to learn and do the little bit that we can whether it’s helping out for an hour somewhere or dropping food off at the food bank with your kids.” The Life After Laundry Ladies Club is in the process of becoming a non-profit society and Fulks-Kraus says the reaction from women in Lake Country has been incredible with her team of organizers growing by the day. The group plans to hold its main event once a year to raise money as well as other events to help the community. “I didn’t know there


MELANIE FULKS-KRAUS speaks at the inaugural get together of a new group in Lake Country called the

Life After Laundry Ladies Club. would be this much response,” she admitted. “It was beyond amazing. There are a lot of things in the works, a

lot of planning and a lot of ideas. We have class, we have integrity and we have a team that is growing daily. So for a

month’s work that’s a pretty good foot in the door in the community.” If you are interested in learning more about

the Life After Laundry Ladies Club, e-mail them at

Lake Country council lays out its priorities for capital projects in 2013 As part of its ongoing budget discussions for this year (also see story page A2) Lake Country council passed a motion that laid out its priorities when it comes to capital projects at last week’s council meeting. Council and staff met in December to hold a priority setting session, looking back at projects that have been completed and looking forward to which projects should hold the highest importance this year. Council approved its list of priorities at the public meeting as it continued to hold budget

deliberations. “Council has set five major priorities for this year and the Town Centre development is at the top of the list,” said Lake Country chief administrative officer Alberto De Feo. “As soon as these goals are accomplished the ones that are on the back burner will move forward. We will review these on a quarterly basis and every year they are received when we are looking at the budget.” The council’s list of priorities are as follows. 1. Town Centre Development

2. Liquid Waste Management Plan Amendment 3. Integrated Transportation Framework Approval 4. Pelmewash Parkway Vision 5. Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Approval. In a report to council De Feo stated that the Pelmewash Parkway vision was introduced on the priority list this year because of the impending devolution of the portion of the “old” Highway 97 between Winfield and

Oyama. In addition he stated that Okanagan Indian Band relations are emphasized as critical to the future of both governance and economic development in Lake Country. District of Lake Country departments have also identified their major priorities in coordination with council’s vision. Some of those priorities as identified by district staff as being important include engaging stakeholders in a tourism strategy to help with economic development as well as working on improvements to community transit.

Disoriented boy helped by stranger With the help of a Good Samaritan, a disabled Kelowna boy was reunited with his family after going missing for nearly an hour in Lake Country. On Feb. 3 at about 11:45 a.m., the Lake Country RCMP received multiple reports of a 10 to 12 year old child seen walking northbound along Highway 97 from the Husky gas station in Lake Country. The reports indicated that the child did not seem appropriately dressed for the sub-zero temperatures and appeared disoriented. A concerned Lake

Country resident found the disoriented boy wandering on his property, noted that his hands were cold, his clothing was wet, and immediately called police. He brought the boy inside his home in order to warm up and get some water to drink. Police later reunited the boy, actually 17 years of age, with his parents and learned that the he has special needs and is diagnosed with C.H.A.R.G.E. Syndrome, which is a disability comprised of numerous conditions. The boy’s parents were in the Lake Country

area at a church function and believed him to be in his class when he had actually wandered off. When his parent’s realized that he was not in class as expected, they were relieved to hear that he had been located so quickly. Thanks to the assistance of the concerned citizen, tragedy was avoided as the boy did not realize the danger in which he had placed himself. The boy was examined by BC Ambulance Service paramedics for precautionary reasons before being released into his parent’s care.


(right) at Just Because Boutique, donated money as well as food and toys to the BC SPCA after gathering donations over Christmas. Also pictured is Andrea Klingbeil of the BC SPCA and Gullion’s dog. More than $250 was raised in lieu of gift wrapping as well as donations of blankets, toys and food from Lake Country Chamber of Commerce the entire community. CURT JENSEN/CONTRIBUTED

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951

Return of daylight heralds spring


ere at the 50th parallel of latitude, days are getting perceptibly longer again.

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.


Life and Faith


Jim Taylor

Barry Gerding Editor

A few weeks ago, if I went outside at 7 a.m., it was pitch black. Even the stars had pulled the blankets up over their heads. Last week, I took the dog out at 7:00 and there was light. Not sunlight. The sun had not yet lofted itself over the eastern ridges to illuminate the valley I live in. But there was light in the sky. I thought of the first story of creation in Genesis. “God said, ‘Let there

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Independent MLAs have a dream for B.C.


magine a province where party leaders are chosen in an independently supervised vote, with 12-year-olds, dead people and pets prevented from voting. Imagine a province where roving gangs of influence-seekers aren’t allowed to join multiple parties, and the rule is actually enforced. One where corporations and unions have to advertise in their own name instead of financing political parties and then disclosing millions in donations months after the election is over. Imagine a province where elections are held based on audited financial statements, not a collection of election promises that will be dismissed as a work of fiction by the new regime if the incumbent party is defeated. A cat joined the B.C. Liberal Party to support Christy Clark. Adrian Dix won the NDP leadership with the help of bags of $10 bills sta-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher pled to new memberships. As parties go to online voting, multiple PIN numbers may be activated from the same phone number or the same address. These and other glaring problems with our party-based political system were highlighted last week in a set of reforms proposed by three independent MLAs. Vicki Huntington broke the party chokehold on B.C. politics by getting elected as an independent in Delta South in 2009. Bob Simpson was kicked out of the NDP caucus shortly after win-

ning re-election for the party in Cariboo North, because he dared to criticize then-leader Carole James for a lack of policy specifics. They were belatedly joined by Abbotsford South MLA John van Dongen, who quit the B.C. Liberals in an orchestrated move to the B.C. Conservatives, and then quit that party soon after. Van Dongen does not have the credibility of the others to speak on integrity, given his self-serving party antics and his questionable decision to hire his fiancée and pay her one and a half salaries to serve as his constituency assistant. Leaving that aside, there are some good ideas in the independents’ reform package. One is to give backbench MLAs a meaningful role in policy-making. Simpson gave the example of Prince George MLA Shirley Bond’s term as education minister, where she had to re-

verse ministry policies that didn’t make sense in rural school districts. The all-party standing committee on education could have prevented this error, he said, but it didn’t because it never meets. The party voting irregularities described above could be addressed by giving Elections BC authority to supervise party leadership votes, the way it does elections and referenda. There are unknown costs for this, and other problems. For instance, should the Marijuana Party be subject to this, or the Work Less Party, should either one muster enough organization to stage a leadership contest? The independents had high hopes for one fundamental reform, moving B.C.’s set election date from the spring to the fall. This would take a simple amendment. The idea is for the government to table the annual budget, present the audited public accounts for

the previous year, then have an election that rests on tested financial statements and initial results for the current forecast. Both the B.C. Liberal Party and the NDP have expressed support for this idea. The independents suggest that this brief three-week legislative session is a good time to do it, so the next government can implement it. I asked Mike de Jong, the B.C. Liberal finance minister and house leader, if he would consider it. He allowed that it is interesting, but it’s not contemplated for the pre-election session. That will be dominated by returning the provincial sales tax, and the usual jousting over untested spending and revenue proposals. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.

be light.’ And there was light. And God saw that it was good.” Indeed, it is good. I’m rather surprised, I must admit, that we don’t worship the sun. Unless we’re lying on a beach courting melanoma, that is. Because our existence is utterly, totally, dependent on the sun. All the energy that we get, all the energy that we have, comes from the sun. We have no alternative energy sources. Wind turbines depend on solar warming to generate winds. Tidal power depends on the sun to keep the oceans from freezing. Biofuels depend on the sun to grow plants. The fossil fuels we T burn so recklessly are the accumulated capital of solar energy that fell on the earth millions of years ago. Through the miracle of photosynthesis, plants convert solar energy into carbon-based molecules. SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 A5


In B.C. we’re digging our way to the future with jobs in exploration and mining


n B.C., we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of natural resources, and under the BC Jobs Plan, we have established a solid bedrock on which our economy will continue to prosper. For the second year in a row, we can celebrate record levels of investment in our mineral exploration sector. It’s a trend our government began 10 years ago and we are enjoying the benefits today. Our mining and mineral exploration industry is a key component of the BC Jobs Plan, and with a second consecutive record year of invest-

MLA’s Report

Steve Thomson ments in 2012, we’re seeing progress. We are more than halfway to our Jobs Plan’s commitment of nine expanded mines and eight new mines by 2015. This will generate an increase of mine-oper-

ation revenue, estimated at $1.6 billion per year, once these projects are fully operational. In B.C., the mining industry and related sectors employed 29,000 people in 2011, an increase of nearly 14 per cent. When these new projects are all on line, they’ll create about 2,000 new jobs and will sustain more than 5,000 jobs because of longer mine lifespan. The jobs are well-paying, supporting highly-trained workers and families in more than 50 communities. Under the Jobs Plan, the provincial and federal

governments are working to develop a single, effective environmental assessment process while maintaining the highest standards. In 2011, we also committed to reducing the mining permit backlog. By the end of last year, we cut that backlog by 94 per cent, thanks to the more efficient One Project, One Process business model now in use. Now, all required authorizations on a project are processed together, based on the client’s needs. It’s making a measurable difference and is the kind of progress that investors like to see.

It is an improvement that benefits the people and communities we consult with. To further support the industry, a new online application system will be provided through FrontCounter BC. This system will replace hard-copy applications with electronic ones for authorizations that relate to natural resources in our province. It will help reduce backlogs, minimize rejections and delays, and allow clients to monitor in real time, the status of their application. Mining has a huge impact on our economy. Strong revenues to the

Surprising we don’t worship sun, supplier of all energy

TAYLOR FROM A4 Which get compressed, over millennia, into coal. Or which feed the animal kingdom, including microbes. Who got compressed, over millennia, into oil. Other organic compounds compost, anaerobically, into flammable gases. True, we could employ nuclear power. But as environmental economist Amory Lovins demonstrated, decades ago, the

construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear power plants consumes more energy than they produce. If the sun’s thermonuclear furnace switched off, it would take the world—at a guess— about three months to freeze solid. Oh, sure, we could keep some home furnaces burning. We could keep industries fired up with fossil fuels. For a while. But we couldn’t

heat the fields. The rivers. The oceans. Between hypothermia and starvation, we wouldn’t last long. As Bruce Sanguin has written, the sun sacrifices itself. For us, if we take an anthropocentric focus. It consumes itself to generate the light and heat that keep us alive. It is the ultimate self-sacrifice, because it gains nothing—absolutely nothing—in return. Not that I think the

Whispers are discreet. So is your new hearing device.

sun knows or cares that we Earth-dwellers (all plants and animals, not just humans) benefit from its sacrificial life. Perhaps that’s why we don’t love the sun—it is utterly impersonal. For a brief period, some 3,300 years ago, the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten abolished all gods except the sun, and imposed the world’s first pure monotheism. But it didn’t last. Perhaps the sun was too impersonal

for humans to feel a personal relationship with it. Perhaps the priests, deposed as mediators with the supernatural, forced Akhenaten’s son Tutankhamen to revert to the traditional gods. We no longer consider the sun a god. But I still greet it each morning with awe, delight, and gratitude. Jim Taylor is an author living in Okanagan Centre.

province mean we can deliver a budget that’s balanced and fair, maintain our triple-A credit rating, attract new investment in new projects and technology, create and maintain more well-paying, stable jobs, fund skills training and trade programs to ensure our workforce is competitive, and pay to deliver health care to 4.6-million British Columbians. Here’s a telling excerpt taken from the BC Jobs Plan: “Worldwide demand for coal, metals and industrial minerals has increased dramatically and it’s expected to rise even more with continuing growth of a new middle class in places


like China and India. B.C. mining products are essential ingredients to supporting the largest urbanization in human history—taking place in China and India. “There are no better mining companies in the world than those found in B.C. (They) set the global standard for environmental responsibility in mines here and around the world. B.C. is an international mining centre and now we have an opportunity to finance new mining opportunities to supply the mineral demands of Asia Pacific.” Steve Thomson is the Kelowna-Mission MLA.

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The Okanagan Shuswap District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating its list of registered Equipment for Hire for the fiscal year of 2013/2014, which begins April 1, 2013. This district geographically covers the area from the United States border, east to Osoyoos, west of Princeton and north of Salmon Arm. All individuals or companies registered in 2012 will have received invitations by mail to re‑register hired equipment for 2013. If you have new equipment to be added to your profile, you can register online at or contact the District Office in Kelowna to obtain the appropriate forms. Any individuals who were not registered in 2011/2012, but wish to have equipment listed are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) General Liability Insurance or up‑to‑date WorkSafe BC coverage to register, you will have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. Only owned or lease‑to‑own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment may only be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. The deadline for new registrations is midnight on Thursday, March 21, 2013. Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment, or for changing or deleting equipment information already listed.

Register through the Okanagan Shuswap District Office at: 1358 St. Paul Street, Suite 300, Kelowna You can also phone 250 712-3660 or send a fax to 250 712-3669 to have the forms mailed or faxed to you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL




Students get a closer look at some career options at UBCO career fare ALISTAIR WATERS ASSISTANT EDITOR

University of B.C. Okanagan students learned first-hand about possible future employment options Thursday during UBCO’s annual career fair. The fair, which included about 30 organizations representing a full spectrum of possible employment opportunities from law enforcement to environmental technologies and from local government to finance, attracted a steady flow of students through the day. “Yes, it’s been busy,” said Christen Wilson, a recruiter with the City of Kelowna’s human resources department. Wilson said the university has provided the city with many summer students in the past, and several have gone on to work full-time for the city. She said students, especially those with en-

gineering backgrounds, often give the city a good look as a potential employer. As a result, she added, she tried to rotate in current city employees from a varying number of departments during the day in order to help answer specific questions from students. One student interested in working for the city was Krisnendu Bas Kushal, an international student from Bangladesh who is studying marketing here at UBCO. He said he hopes to find a job in that field after finishing his studies and returning to Bangladesh.He said he would like to work for three of four years here after he gets his degree. Kushal said he came to Kelowna, in part, on the advice of friends who were already studying in Canada and had good things to say about British Columbia and especially the Okanagan.

“It’s a wonderful place,” said Kushal.


WE ARE LOOKING FOR EDUCATED PEOPLE BUT THEY ALSO HAVE TO BE WELL-ROUNDED PEOPLE. Const. Denise Foster, Vancouver Police Department recruitment officer

“I think there are good opportunities here.” Over at the Vancouver Police Department booth, a former UBCO student was helping spread the word about the Lower Mainland police force. Caleigh Gehl, who graduated last year with a degree in management and is now a VPD recruit, said she came from the Lower Mainland to study here because she

liked the smaller UBC campus and the lifestyle the Okanagan offered. The Vancouver Island native said she always wanted to be a police officer and opted for the Vancouver city force over the RCMP because she liked what it had to offer. As a recruit constable, Gehl is currently going through the nine-month training course that involves hands-on work, as well as training at the Justice Institute in New Westminister. VPD Const. Denise Foster said it’s important for her and other VPD recruiting officers to make students aware they do not have to have a degree in criminology to join the force. “We are looking for educated people but they also have to be well-rounded people,” said Foster. The annual career fair followed a similar event held Wednesday at the Kelowna campus of Okanagan College.


THE VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT was among the participants at the UBCO Career Fair last on Thursday.


Water quality advisory lifted ALISTAIR WATERS ASSISTANT EDITOR

After nine months, McKinley Landing area residents are no longer living under a water

quality advisory. The Glenmore-Ellison Improvement District removed the advisory Thursday, saying the increased turbidity in Okanagan Lake water

had finally lowered to a level that appeared consistent and not likely to spike back up again. The turbidity, origin-


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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 A7


Oyama boil water advisory lifted A long running boil water advisory for Oyama has been lifted by Interior Health. The District of Lake Country in conjunction with Interior Health has lifted the boil water notice for the Oyama Lake source which has been in effect since March 2010. The infrastructure upgrades to the source, as part of the Kal Lake Interconnect project, have resulted in improved reliability and water quality, thereby allowing the boil water notice to be downgraded to a water quality advisory. The $5.5-million Kalamalka Lake Inter-

McKinley water turbidity finally settles MCKINLEY FROM A6

ally caused by near-record excessive run-off last spring, remained in the water for the rest of the year, said Darren Schlamp, the improvement district’s operations, manager. He said 7GEID officials wanted to see it stay down before lifting the advisory. The McKinley Landing advisory affected about 220 homes in the area. But while that advisory was lifted, residents in the Glenmore Valley and Ellison were not so lucky. Residents in Glenmore, Quail Ridge,Wilden, UBCO, Dry Valley Road and Ellison all remain under a separate water quality advisory. The Glenmore advisiory dates back to 2006. Schlamp said work is being done to switch the source for Glenmore’s water over from Mill Creek to Okanagan Lake and that will help. But the switch will be gradual because of the large amount of water in the McKinley Reservoir. It may not be fully replaced until 2014. The new pumping station, however, is expected to be finished in June.

connect project is the first priority of the Water Master Plan and improves water quality for customers on the Oyama and Kalamalka Lake water system. The project would not have been possible without a $3.4 million grant from the federal and provincial governments under the Canada-BC Building Canada Fund. Work to interconnect the Kalamalka Lake and Oyama Lake system with new chlorination facility and reservoir improvements as well as a new pump station at Sawmill Road have kept to schedule. Work to interconnect the Kalamalka Lake and Oyama Lake system with new chlorination facility and reservoir improvements as well as a new pump station at Sawmill Road have kept to schedule and budget. “Now that the commissioning exercises are taking place for the Oyama source water, the next step is to install ultra violet disinfection on the Kalamalka Lake source water,” said Greg Buchholz, Operations Manager. “We are moving towards achieving the vision of providing water that is safe to drink in a sustainable and affordable manner

for our community and environment.” Improvements to the Kalamalka Lake source to install an ultra violet disinfection system will require a shutdown of the Kal Lake pump station. During these infrastructure upgrades taking place mid-February to April 2013, customers on the Kalamalka Lake source will be temporarily supplied with water from the Oyama Lake source. The switch over is scheduled to take place Feb. 18, 2013. “Customers may notice increased yellow or reddish color in the Oyama water due to organics or rust particulates,” said Buchholz. “Water quality monitoring of the raw water source and distribution system will continue to ensure safe water is being delivered. Both the Kalamalka Lake water source and the Oyama Lake water source will be on a Water Quality Advisory due to turbidity.” The water quality advisory means that for children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, water should still be boiled for one minute for drinking, washing fruits and vegetables, making beverages or ice and brushing teeth.

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTOR®


South Okanagan watershed management reprieve The International Joint Commission has issued an Order of Approval renewing the State of Washington’s authority to operate Zosel Dam and making minor modifications in how water levels on Osoyoos Lake will be managed. The dam, located in Oroville, Wash., is subject to international jurisdiction because it regulates the outflow from Osoyoos Lake, and backs water across the border into British Columbia, including into the Okanagan Valley watershed. “Thanks to the active participation in the process by watershed residents and input from the state and province, the IJC was able to thoroughly vet the issues affecting both countries before revising this order,” said IJC Commissioner Lyall Knott. “As we move forward, we will continue to engage stakeholders in the watershed, and keep them advised of the reservoir operations and

water levels. Cooperation is an ongoing process,” added IJC commissioner Rich Moy. One of the groups contributed research and scientific information to that discussion was the Okanagan Basin Water Board. “I think most of the things we wanted to see in the Order have happened,” said Anna Warwick Sears, executive director of the OBWB. “There were no surprises…there was no guaranteed flow on the American side at our expense, acknowledgement of the need to protect our fisheries…” The current Orders for Zosel Dam were scheduled to expire in February and April 2013. The renewal process began in 2000 with the scoping of issues related to water levels, future water supplies and water quality in order to develop a plan of study. A number of these issues had been raised at the annual public meetings of the Internation-

al Osoyoos Lake Board of Control, which was appointed by the IJC to oversee implementation of its Orders. The IJC launched eight studies in 2006 and these were completed in 2011. Stakeholders also held in-depth discussions of watershed issues at the Osoyoos Lake Water Science Forums held in September 2007 and September 2011. In a June 2012 report to the IJC, the board

concluded that the current Orders have adequately facilitated control of water levels in Osoyoos Lake, to the extent possible, primarily for the benefit of agriculture, tourism, municipal interests and fisheries protection. The IJC held public hearings in Oroville, Washington and Osoyoos on July 24 and 25, 2012, respectively, and SEE WATER A8

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


news ▼ UBCO

Addition to campus master plan complete An impressive hightech building designed to inspire students and produce extraordinary research collaboration has been officially opened at the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. At 186,000 square feet, and completed with a budget of $68 million, the Engineering, Management and Education (EME) building is home to four faculties and schools: The School of Engineering, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Management and the College of Graduate Studies.

It is the largest single project undertaken as part of the campus master plan. “The people who will make the significant discoveries of the next generation are in the classrooms and labs of this new Engineering, Management and Education building,” said UBC president Stephen Toope. “Students, researchers, and scholars will redefine our notion of the world by challenging concepts and engaging with students and society in new understanding. Together, they will improve our

world from within these walls. That is truly exciting.” “We are proud to have invested over $40 million in this building and I want to thank our partners for their generous investments in our province’s future,” added John Yap, B.C. Minister of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology. “As part of our Skills and Training Plan, we’re taking an important step to ensure we have qualified civil, electrical and mechanical engineering professionals, as well as business leaders and ed-

You Love Them, so Licence Them! Purchase or RENEW your Dog Licence before February 28th Be a Responsible Dog Owner and get your 2013 Dog Licence. Renew now and save a $20 late fee. February 28th is the renewal deadline: $20 for spayed/neutered dogs, $60 if not. Take your renewal notice or purchase a new licence at any of the following licencing agents or visit for more locations. In Lake Country visit: District of Lake Lake Country Country office Farm & Pet 10150 Bottom Wood Supply Lake Rd #17A - 10051 Hwy. 97 N

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ENGINEERING students use a glass wall as a whiteboard in one of the break-out rooms in the Engineering, Management and Education Building at UBCO.

ucators, to meet the anticipated labour market demands in British Columbia.” “We spend a lot of time thinking about how our university can have the greatest impact on our region and beyond,” said Deborah Buszard, UBC deputy vice-chancellor and principal of the Okanagan campus. “The faculties housed in this building are transformative influences in the Okanagan and they have great impact far beyond our region. “This is where our future engineers, teachers, and business leaders are learning about the world and how they can improve it.” UBCO plays a critical role in the Okanagan, and this facility will ensure engineering, management and education students are able to train in B.C. to help meet the



needs of our local and provincial economy, now and for the future, noted Westside-Kelowna MLA Ben Stewart. “What began as a conceptual drawing on a campus master plan has become a wonderful, thriving reality,” said Spiro Yannacopoulos, director of the School of Engineering. “There are literally hundreds of examples of how the students and members of faculty who call this building home

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are engaged in research with the power to transform society.” Engineering researchers, for instance, are developing the building blocks for light-speed computers that could revolutionize the notion of what computers can do. Green roof research is underway that will help semi-arid regions around the world design more sustainable buildings. Civil engineers are helping communities make better decisions about how and when to replace aging—and failing—pipes, roads and bridges. Education researchers are developing the next generation of classrooms in their innovation lab, and helping teachers better understand ways to mindfully engage students. Management researchers are helping us

understand social networks and consumer culture. The EME building was designed and built with the needs of students in mind. One of the building’s distinguishing features is the Richard S. Hallisey Atrium, providing bright, spacious areas for students, faculty and staff from all programs to socialize, study and interact. Multipurpose classrooms and laboratory facilities bring students together through cross-disciplinary learning opportunities. Not only functional, the EME building is environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Construction was performed to a Gold Seal standard—in 2010 the national Gold Seal program used this project as a showcase for Gold Seal Certification.


the rule curve would include a one foot-range with a 912-foot maximum in the summer under normal conditions, and a two-foot range with a 912.5-foot maximum during drought years. The IJC was established under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 to help Canada and the United States prevent and resolve disputes over the waters they share. One of the IJC’s main responsibilities is to approve projects that affect the natural water levels and flows on the other side of the international boundary.

Okanagan water met with the Osoyoos Indian Band on July 25, 2012. Several shoreline residents in Canada voiced the view that a sustained maximum lake level of 912.5 feet would be too high because of concerns about flooding, erosion, riparian habitat, endangered species and navigation. The IJC Commissioners heard these concerns and, after due consideration and consultation with the Board, made adjustments to the rule curve recommended by the board in their June 2012 report. The commissioners decided that

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 A9


Fraud prevention for older adults

(NC)—Seniors are often the target of fraudulent phone calls and email scams. Older adults can be seen as profitable targets for fraudsters, in part because seniors are often thought to have a “nest egg” and an excellent credit rating. Research shows seniors who do become victims of fraud are not telling their friends or family. This is an important step to help law enforcement catch the criminals and prevent fraud in the future. “According to a Visa Canada survey, approximately half of all Dseniors over the age of 65 who have been victimized by fraud do not tell anyone about their ordeal,” said Gord Jamieson, head of security for

Visa Canada. “Individuals should never be embarrassed to talk to family, friends or their bank if they have questions or are worried they may be a victim of fraud.” Jamieson said there are many things seniors, and all Canadians, can do to help safeguard their personal information. He recommended the following tips for everyone to follow: • Always treat your cards as if they were cash, and don’t leave them in places where they are easily accessible to anyone • Always report lost or stolen cards immediately to your bank • Always make a list of all your card numbers and keep this list in a safe place

• Always create a PIN that is hard to guess (e.g. not a birthday or phone number) • Always be cautious when asked for personal information over the phone when you didn’t initiate the call • Never share your PIN—not even with family, friends or caregivers • Never keep a written copy of your PIN in your wallet or purse • Never lend your credit or debit card to anyone, ever • Never agree to a “free trial” or “sample” without reading the terms and conditions. You may be agreeing to future monthly charges—which aren’t free. More fraud prevention tips see

Young people must not share their info to prevent online fraud (NC)—Sharing pictures and information online through social networks has become a normal way of life for tech-savvy millennials. Unfortunately, some technology experts are concerned that young people’s sharing can go too far, putting their security at risk. A recent survey by Visa Canada found that young Canadians, aged 18-30, were the most likely age group to overshare personal information on social networking sites, including posting their home addresses, birth dates and phone numbers online—

Merchants’ role in preventing payment fraud Merchants can watch for the following warning signs when carrying out transactions online without the payment card physically present: • Multiple purchases made with different cards, shipped to a single address: Indicates a batch of stolen payment card account numbers. • Multiple high value

transactions made on the same card over a very short period of time: Indicates an attempt to “run the card” until the account is closed. • Multiple purchases made on a card with a single billing address, shipped to many different addresses: Indicates organized criminal activity. • Online transactions

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with multiple cards but a single IP address: Indicates a batch of stolen cards being run from the same computer. • Multiple trans-

actions in close succession with very similar account numbers: Indicates account numbers that have been generated using illegal software.

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information that could potentially be used to carry out identity theft and other scams. What’s more, it appears this willingness to share extends into the offline world. The same survey also found that young adults are most likely to share their PIN and lend their credit or debit card to others. “Young adults need to better understand the risks associated with oversharing personal and financial data,” says Gord Jamieson, the head of security at Visa Canada. Jamieson recommends young people, and all Canadians, remember

these five security tips before posting online: 1. Personal information is just that—personal. Don’t post information such as payment card information or SIN in a public forum or on a social networking site. 2. Pay close attention to what you share on social networking sites; even seemingly innocuous information such as your mother’s maiden name or your high school mascot can help a thief gain access to your accounts. 3. Familiarize yourself with your social network’s privacy settings to help control who can see

your information. 4. Create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. Using different passwords will limit any damage if one password is compromised. 5. Be suspicious of any requests for your personal or payment information no matter how convincing the communication or phone call you received may be. Scammers may use tactics like phishing and social engineering to trick consumers into divulging personal or payment information. For more see www.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



No surprise there’s a major link between life satisfaction and depression


t may not come as a surprise to you, but research shows our life satisfaction and risk for depression are linked. Yes, those with a high degree of satisfaction or contentment with their lives are also at a lower risk for depression while those with a more pessimistic outlook are also the ones more likely to become depressed. Of course this can raise the question of whether it is a lack of satisfaction with life that causes depression or sim-

ply that a depressed person is less likely to feel satisfied. It turns out, both are largely determined by our genetic make-up. A study published out of the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health compared information from 1,500 sets of identical and fraternal twins to examine how depression risk is linked with overall lifetime satisfaction. In the past, studies have found a person’s general life satisfaction

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Paul Latimer tends to be similar over time. If you are satisfied with your life at one point in time, it is likely you will be satisfied at other times as well. This points to an

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lationship between depression and life satisfaction while the remaining one quarter could be explained by environmental factors. Specific genes were not identified in this study and the authors caution that their data points to the importance of genetics for explaining the differences between people but that estimates may vary across time and place. But what does all of this mean to us? Is it possible to increase your life satisfaction and thus protect yourself from depression? Or is it all hard-

wired? Even though our underlying disposition may be relatively stable over time, and our genes account more for this than our environment, actions in our daily lives can still provide pleasure that is important. Participating in activities we enjoy can certainly contribute to happiness and over time can work to improve our overall life satisfaction. There is also evidence that one’s tendency to optimism or pessimism can be modified by cognitive behavioural therapy. If you are someone

who tends to see the glass half empty as a general rule than perhaps it would be wise to try and change this tendency in spite of your genetic predisposition. Depressed individuals who seek appropriate treatment may also find a corresponding improvement in their overall life satisfaction. If you or a loved one are experiencing depression, consider seeking professional help. There are effective treatments available. Paul Latimer is a psychiatrist and president of Okanagan Clinical Trials.

Home care service offers unique treatment method WADE PATERSON

For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together in celebration of a special life.

underlying “disposition” or tendency toward a positive or negative outlook. By using identical twins who share 100 percent of their genetic material as well as fraternal twins who share only 50 percent of their genes, this study was able to determine the extent to which variation and covariation was due to genes or environmental influences. Results found both men and women studied who met the criteria for depression also reported lower life satisfaction. Genes could explain three quarters of the re-

The co-owner of a local home care service franchise believes a relatively new method of treatment is giving hope to patients living with Alzheimer’s disease. Cathy Bilton, coowner of Nurse Next

Door Home Care Services in Kelowna and Vernon, said the Ashby Memory Method works by focusing on clients’ personal history to trigger memories. “What we see at Nurse Next Door when we run this program is an incredible reduction

Hello! I’d like to introduce myself... My name is Sheri Jackson, and I’ve recently been given the opportunity to work for the Lake Country Calendar. My enthusiasm and previous marketing experience can help your business grow in this vibrant community. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing your current marketing strategies, and maybe suggest some new ideas to help your business thrive. In the next few weeks my intent is to stop by your place of business, introduce myself and discuss advertising and marketing. If you require more immediate attention, please don’t hesitate to contact me, and we’ll arrange a meeting.

in anxiety,” said Bilton. Bilton said the program typically runs two times per week— at a cost of $55 per session—and utilizes workbook-based exercises. “It’s kind of like brain training.” The mantra for Nurse Next Door is to keep people in their own homes for as long as possible; Bilton suggested the Ashby Memory Method does just that. The company also happens to be the only one currently offering the program in Kelowna. According to a 2008 Calgary Herald article, the Ashby Memory Method is a Calgary-based program cre-

ated by John Ashby. He developed the system based on the work of his mother, Mira Ashby, who was awarded with the Order of Canada in 1984 for her work with the brain injured. According to the Alzheimer’s Innovative Institute website— the company of which John Ashby is president and CEO—the method “is designed to be an easy-to-implement program that offers quality of life benefits for the program participants, their families and caregivers.” A spokesperson for the Alzheimer’s Society of B.C. said the Ashby Memory Method is not


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a system currently being used within the society and could not comment on its effectiveness due to not being familiarity with the method. Dr. Claudia Jacova, an assistant professor at the UBC Division of Neurology, said there is currently an ongoing pilot study on the method supported by Alzheimer’s Australia in Western Australia. But, she noted, there is limited proof to suggest the Ashby Memory Method benefits those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. “I am unable to form an opinion on the method, and have difficulty finding scientific evidence in its support,” Jacova said in an email to the Capital News. But Sue Chambers, of Williams Lake, is a believer in the program. She said the Ashby Memory Method worked well for her mother-in-law—who lives in Winfield—for a number of reasons. “They really engage them. They talk to them a lot and encourage them. I found, when I was watching her do it, she was so excited because it’s a program that brings up memories that she loved in the past,” said Chambers. “You can actually see their mind sort of working when they recall things…it takes stress out of their life and allows them to actually remember things that they love to do.” Chambers said her mother-in-law has been suffering from Alz-

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 A11




Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

New location for Alzheimer resouce centre

The primary resource for North and Central Okanagan families living with dementia has a new home. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. Resource Centre has moved to 307-1664 Richter St., in Kelowna. Michelle Hallgren, the non-profit society’s local support and education coordinator, says the centre has much to offer local families who are supporting anyone living with any form of dementia.

It helps caregivers and/or people with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia by providing: • one-to-one appointments • information and free materials • details about community resources and how/where to access them • support groups that meet monthly; and • the First Link referral program, coordinated by staff person Lila Sofonoff.

Sofonoff also delivers the Shaping the Journey program for people recently diagnosed with another form of dementia, and for their partner/ family. The resource centre also provides the fitness and social program Minds in Motion, for people with early symptoms of dementia and a family member or friend. It is coordinated in Kelowna and Vernon by staff person Melanie Wasylyshen. Hallgren regularly of-

fers education presentations on dementia-related topics including the Family Caregiver Series, and coordinates the centre’s support groups. The resource centre also has openings for volunteers who can assist with any of the work. For more information contact Hallgren at 250860-03035 or For more information on dementias, visit the Alzheimer Society of B.C. website at

Program keeps Alzheimer patients engaged


heimer’s disease for the last three years. “We never really had anything other than just trying to recall memories

with her until (Nurse Next Door) asked us whether we wanted to start working on this program with her. “She really enjoyed it. It gave her some kind of

quality of life and memory recall that she never would’ve had.” Her mother-in-law was recently put in a full-time facility, but Chambers believes that

would’ve happened much sooner had it not been for the method. “She was able to stay in her home much longer than what we thought she would originally.”

PUZZLE NO. 650 11. 19. 21. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 32. 33. 39. 40. 42. 44. 46. 47. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 56.


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Copyright © 2012 by Penny Press


1. Physique, for short 4. Was aware of 8. Three-piece-suit part 12. Hubbub 13. Inventor Elias ____ 14. Tennis's Nastase 15. "I'm ____ Rappaport" 16. Baseballer Tommie ____ 17. 1492 vessel 18. "The ____ Tycoon" 20. Peppy 22. Ignited 24. Excuse

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Big ____ theory Bouquet Love too much Uniform color Holiday drink Female bleaters Sob Record material Mr. Yale Moral crime


•WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH is holding a roast beef dinner and live auction on Sat., Feb 23 at 5pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and $8 for children under 12 yrs. Tickets are available @ the church office 250-766-4458, the Thrift Shop 250-766-3387 or for further information, please call Marilyn Pullan at 778-480-4979. •BINGO-TWICE mONTHLy BINGOs will be held at the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre beginning Feb. 24. Bingo begins at 1:30pm, doors open at 12:30pm. Everybody welcome but must be 19 to play. Bus service is also available in Lake Country if there are enough people wanting it. For info call Marg Fyfe one week before the bingo at 250-766-3227. Bingos are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month and sponsored by the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Society. •VALENTINE’s DAy PANCAKE BREAKFAsT at the Winfield Senior Centre, Sat., Feb. 16, 8am-11am, sponsored by Seniors Bus Society. Homemade baking and raffle prizes. For info call Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250861-4131. •LC sENIORs BUs sCHEDULE Mon., Feb 18, 25 Prime Time. Tues., Feb. 19, 26 Wheels to Meals luncheon. Thurs., Feb 21 local shopping. Sat., Feb. 16 pancake breakfast, Winfield (free bus). To reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •LAKE COUNTRy yOUTH sOCCER AssOC. Registration ongoing. For info check out or call 250-766-0602. •TODAy’s LINE DANCING Is sImILAR TO BALLROOm DANCING, but NO PARTNER IS NEEDED! Rhythm flavours of Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Merengue, Samba, Fox Trot, Waltz, Bolero, and coming up BACHATA! and yes, some Country and Western! Tooney donation. Location: Holiday Park Resort Recreation Centre, Hwy 97 North, turn at Sail Boat (Commonwealth Road). Mondays at 1:45 to 2:40 for New Beginners, 2 to 3 p.m. for beginners and intermediates. First class for 2013 begins Feb. 4. Ph: Mary 250-766-4651. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT sHOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •THE LAKE COUNTRy FOOD BANK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAKE COUNTRy THRIFT sTORE hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAVERs/CUBs/sCOUTs/VENTURERs REGIsTRATION/AGm Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250766-4269. •LAKE COUNTRy BUsINEss CONNECTIONs meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •OyAmA LEGION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAKE COUNTRy mUsEUm is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 •CRIBBAGE TOURNAmENTs at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for all day coffee. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •TO ALL WINFIELD CRIB PLAyERs: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC LINE DANCERs Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •sOCIAL BRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF sENIOR CITIZENs ORGANIZATIONs (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-5769733 or for further info. •LC OUTDOORs CLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Library initiative promotes better literacy

The Okanagan award-winning Oka“The Okanagan has Regional Library has un- nagan author and Cana rich heritage and we veiled its first valley-wide ada’s first Poet Laurehope our choice of one reading project, Okaate, has been selected as book will not only ennagan Reads. the book for Okanagan courage reading, but also Aimed at promoting Reads. Bowering has connect the community THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2013 literacy, the project will published more than 80 with the history of the encourage booksCHAN of fiction, history, area,” Teleglow said.A&E TSN CHBC CIVT participants CBC KIRO SNP KNOW KOMO plays and( poetry. ) Okanagan # $ throughout % the Oka& _ * `Reads, 1 nagan to readPoko the same The Price Is“ThThe is ‘one book/one which started 1 and The Doctors The View Doctors UEFA Bucket-Dino The ViewFeb.Criminal :00 Darts ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Europa Franklin ” Minds 10 :30 book. community’ project proruns through March 8, Billiards Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink League Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2013 :00 ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Soccer for Dive, Ollyfeature NewsauthorMinds Shoot!, a westvides Debt/Part an opportunity will read11 :30 Noon News CTV News News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 :00 E:60 ern novel set CBC inCBC the people to read, discuss ings, film screenings and TSN CHBC CIVT KIRO CHAN SNP Rob KNOW KOMO A&E ” Hour ” Now Bold Hour Europa Robot ” ” 12 :30 Th ompson Okanagan and connect,” said librarbook discussions in li30 Days of our The% Dr. Oz Canada The_ Talk Days of our League Save Ums General The First 48 # $ & ( ) * ` 1 :00 30 for ” Lives Show Reads 2013 ” Lives Soccer Wibbly Pig Hospital ” 1 :30 in the late 1800s ianIsFern Teleglow, cobrary branches the Darts The Doctors The View Poko by The Price The Doctors UEFA Bucket-Dino The View across Criminal :00 Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a The Talk ” Big Bear The Doctors The First 48 :00 ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Europa Franklin ” Minds 10 :30 ” ” Bowering, Chris an Deal ordinator ”of thePrime Time Dinosaur ” George project. region. Readers can fol-” 2 :30 Interruption Billiards Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink League Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal

:00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2013 4 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 5 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :30 6 :00 :00 3 :30 7 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 8 :30 11 :00 :00 5 :30 9 :30 12 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 1 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 2 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :00 10 5 :30 11 :30 6 :00 :00 12 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2013 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 11 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 12 :30 10 :30 :00 11 :30 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2013 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2013 12 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 :00 10 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 12 :00 5 :30 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 1 :00 6 :30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 2 :00 7 :30 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 3 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 4 9 :30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2013 9 :30 :00 10 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 11 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 12 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 4 :30 11 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2013 :00 5 :30 12 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 6 1 :30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 7 2 :30 :30 :00 :00 10 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 9 4 :30 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 10 5 :30 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 11 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 :30 :00 12 :30 SportsCentre ”” E:60 Hockey ” Interruption

The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless

30 for 30 NBA ” Basketball:

Days of our News Lives ”

Ellen DeGeDenis Show neres Show CTV News Anderson Live ”

Best Recipes Chris Stefano CBC News Dragons’ Now Den

ThisMinute Restless ThisMinute KIRO JudgeNews Judy Bold Judge Judy

The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless

Oil Change Soccer ” UEFA World Poker Europa Tour

Rob Robot Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur

The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 News ”

The First 48 Minds” The The First First 48 48 ””

Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat.

League Prime Time Soccer Sports

Save Ums Martha Wibbly Pig

General News Hospital

The Ent Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ET Canada ”

Oil FISChange Alpine UEFA Skiing” Europa

The The First First 48 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ”” The First 48 After the Criminal ” First 48 Minds

The Dr. Oz CTV News Show at Five Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Miami Heat Global Nat. CTV News Interruption at Oklahoma CHBC” News ”” SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGeCity Thunder The Ent Doctors The Big Bang Darts View Lake Show neres NBA ”” ET Canada etalk ”Show ” Hockey Young & Anderson Basketball: Zero Hour Big Bang Billiards Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Interruption Restless Live Men Clippers ” Two ” at Debt/Part Denis Show NBA News News CTV CTV News News Lakers Glee Grey’s E:60 Noon Basketball: at Five ”” ” Anatomy Hour ” Miami Heat Elementary GlobalofNat. CTV News SportsCentre No Harm 30 for 30 Days our Do The Dr. Oz at Oklahoma CHBC” News Show ” ”” Lives

Canada The Talk News KIRO News Reads 2013 KIRO ”News News Steven and Let’s News KIROMake Newsa Chris Deal Exchange CBS News Best Recipes ThisMinute George S Ent Price Is Poko The Stefano ThisMinute Coronation omg! Insider Doodlebops Right Dragons’ Judge Judy The Nature Big Bang Steven and Young & Den Judge Judy of Things Two Men Chris Restless

SportsCentre CityRecord Thunder Off NBA ” Interruption SportsCentre Basketball: SportsCentre Clippers ”” at

CHBC News CTV News Ent Talk Big Phil Bang The Dr. Final CTV ET Canada etalk News ” ” ET Canada Daily Show ZeroRicki Hour Big Bang The Ellen DeGeJ. Probst Colbert Rep ” Two Men Lake Show neres Show

CBC News George S Steven and George S Coronation Chris

KIRO Newsa Ent Let’s Make Late omg! Insider Deal Show Coronation Letterman The Nature Big Bang Best Recipes ThisMinute Q Jian ThisMinute Ferguson of With Things Two Men Stefano

ET Canada Zero Hour The Ricki J. Probst ” Lake Show

Lakers Hockey ” Interruption

Glee & Young ” Restless

Doc Zone Dragons’ Den ”

Glee Young & ” Restless

KIRO News Person of KIRO News KIRO News Interest Bold KIRO News Elementary The Talk ”” CBS News

CHAN The Talk News Hour ”” ( Young & ZeroShrink Hour Eat, Restless ” Debt/Part Early Glee News Noon News Global Hour ” Nat. News Hour Elementary Days of our Lives ” News Hour Ent The Talk Final ET Canada ”

Wild Kratts World News SNP KNOW KOMO ” Big Bear The Doctors Sportsnet Animals KOMO 4 Prime Time Dinosaur ” ) * ` Connected Rivers News

Rob Robot What’s That Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog About? Franklin World Poker G. Shrinks Oil Change The World League Rolie Polie Tour Arthur ” After Sto. Soccer Dive, Olly Prime On theTime Edge Martha William UEFA Dino Dan Sports Wild Kratts ” Shatner, Europa Rob Robot Animals Sportsnet World League Save Ums Connected Landscape Rivers Soccer Wibbly Pig

” cont’d ”

CBC Lang News & Now With O’Leary

Squirrel Odd Parents Andrew CBC News Sidekick Odd Parents Nichols ” Almost Power & iCarly CBC News: Squirrel Politics Victorious The National Sidekick ” Mr. Young CBC News News Squirrel CBC Penguins ”” Boys Puppies Now With Odd Parents Lang & Nair My Valentine CBC News: G. Shrinks Reshmi Odd Parents O’Leary Valentine The National Rescue Hero cont’d



How/Made Flights How/Made Expedition Daily Planet Wolf ”

The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show Funny Steve Home Videos Harvey

Medium Cake Boss Medium What Not to DC CupWear cakes:

The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang

Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur The Wild British Kratts Beat (My WordGirl

Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING Katie 5 News ”

Expedition Sons of Wolf Guns

Law Order: Simpsons CI

Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes

There Yet? Browns There Payne Yet?

Music) Business World ”News

Days KING of 5 our Lives

How/Made Moonshiners How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Daily Planet Greatest Dangerous ” Know-It-All Flights

The Ricki Big Bang The Office Lake Two Men How IShow Met

The Offi ce Seinfeld Law Order: The Office Seinfeld CI Big Bang Family Guy Law Order: Big Bang Family Guy CI

Cat in the Pie Science Sid Arthur Chef Kratts Wild Wild Kratts Foyle’s War Daniel Tiger WordGirl ” Rick Steves

Ellen DeGeMagazine Today neres Inside Show Ed. cont’d Katie Community New Day Parks ” Northwest

Browns Amer. Dad Excused Payne Movie: Excused

Business Midsomer The British World News Murders Beat (My

KING 5 The Offi KING 5 ce News 1600 Penn News

Browns “Envy” There Yet? Payne There ”Yet?

PBS DCI Banks Music) ”” NewsHour

Nightly News Do NoofHarm Days our News Lives ”

” Rose Pie Charlie Pie Chef ” Victor Foyle’s War Cat in Borge: the Comedy ” Arthur

KING News Magazine Dr. Phil Jay Leno Inside ”Ed. ” Community Ellen DeGeJimmy Fallon Parks Show neres

Midsomer Wild Kratts Murders WordGirl DCI Banks Business World ”News PBS ” Pie NewsHour Victor Borge: Pie Comedy Chef

The KatieOffice 1600 Penn ”

News Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Sunny Big Bang TMZ Two Men The Office Big Bang King of Hill Two Men

What Not to DC CupWear cakes: Say Say Yes Yes Say Say Yes Yes DC CupSay Yes cakes: Say Yes Paid WhatProg. Not to Paid WearProg.

Seinfeld King ” Movie: Seinfeld King “Envy” Family The OffiGuy ce ” Guy Family The Offi ce Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Big Bang “Envy” Browns Payne” ” Browns Movie: Payne “Envy” Seinfeld ” Seinfeld

” Magazine Jimmy Fallon Inside Ed.

American Idol

DISC Raymond KAYU MythBusters Fast N’ Loud Anderson Big Bang ”” Live 9 Two; Men

TLC Medium Say Yes Medium Say < Yes

The The First First 48 48 ”” The First 48 The First 48 ”” News the 48 Wheel The Doctors After The First Jimmy First 48 Jeopardy! ” ” Kimmel Live The The First First 48 48 ZeroDr. Hour The Oz Nightline ” Show ””

My Valentine Sidekick Valentine Penguins

Medium What Story Not to Baby Medium Wear Story Baby Steve DC CupAmerican Say Yes Family Feud Cake Boss Harvey cakes: Idol Say Yes Family Feud Cake Boss CBC ofLoud Simpsons Yes News: Sons Fast N’ Glee Home Say What Not to to CBC News News Expedition Funny What Not ” Guns Raymond Say Yes The National ” ” Wear Now With Wolf Videos Wear CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Say Yes News Moonshiners News Andrew Expedition Law Order: Borrowed ” 30 The National Two Men Say Yes Nichols Wolf ” CI Rock Borrowed News: Sons of Sunny DC CupCBC Moonshiners Big Bang What Not to PowerNews & MythBusters Anderson Medium The National Guns TMZ cakes: ” ” Two Men Wear Politics ” Live Medium Lang & MythBusters The Offi ce Paid Prog. CBC News: Greatest American Say Yes ” How/Made The Ricki Medium O’Leary ” King of Hill PaidYes Prog. The National Know-It-All Idol Say ” How/Made Lake Show Medium

Soccer FIS Alpine Central Skiing

William G. Shrinks Shatner, Arthur World Martha Landscape Wild Kratts What’s AnimalsThat About? Rivers Money, What’s That Power About?

Grey’s KOMO 4 Anatomy News Scandal News World ”News News KOMO 4 Jimmy News Kimmel Wheel Live Nightline Jeopardy!

The The First First 48 48 ”” The The First First 48 48 ”” After the The First 48 First 48 ” The AfterFirst the 48 ” First 48

Mr. OddYoung Parents Boys Odd Parents Boys Odd Parents Mr. OddYoung Parents That’s-Weird iCarly Splatalot Victorious My Valentine Mr. Young Valentine Boys

CBC Fast Loud Lang News: & DailyN’ Planet The National ”” O’Leary CBC Moonshiners CBC News News Sons of ”” Guns ” CBC News: Sons ofLoud Fast N’ The National Guns ” Lang & MythBusters CBC News Moonshiners O’Leary ” ”

The World After Sto.

Hockey What’s That FIS Alpine ” Big Bear UFC Skiing PrimeCentral Time About? Dinosaur Soccer Money, Oil Change Change Rob The World Oil Robot Central Power After Sto. ”” Clifford-Dog

The First 48 Criminal Minds”

News Grey’s The Chew World Anatomy ”News KOMO Scandal General4 ” News Hospital

Odd Parents Mr. Young League/Evil Odd Parents Boys Kid vs. Kat iCarly Boys Squirrel Mr. Young Victorious Sidekick That’s-Weird Mr. Young Almost Splatalot Boys Squirrel

News KCTS KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil News PBS Nightly ” ” N P NewsHour News

SportsCentre City Thunder NBA ” Basketball: Clippers at

Zero Hour ”

Big Bang Two Men

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Two Men

Zero Hour ”

Oil Change ”

Zero Hour ”

The First 48 ”

My Valentine CBC News: Greatest Valentine The National Know-It-All

Say Yes Say Yes

Family Guy Family Guy

Foyle’s War ”

Community Parks

Lakers ”


Grey’s Anatomy

Doc Zone ”

Person of Interest


On the Edge William ” Shatner,

Grey’s Anatomy

The First 48 ”

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee The National ” ”

What Not to Wear

Amer. Dad Movie:

Midsomer Murders

The Office 1600 Penn

Sportsnet Connected

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Say Yes Say Yes

“Envy” ”

DCI Banks ”

Do No Harm ”

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

Do No Harm CBC News: Elementary ” The National ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Darts ” The Doctors Colbert The View J. Probst Rep ” ” ”

Coronation Poko Q With Jian Doodlebops

Billiards ”

Eat, Shrink Debt/Part

KIRO KIRO News Late_ Show

Letterman The Price Is Ferguson Right

” Elementary ”

CHAN News Hour Final (

ET Canada The Doctors J. Probst ”

World Landscape

SNP What’s KNOW KOMO Hockey That News UFC) Central About? Jimmy * `

A&E After the First1 48

YTV CBC NEWS That’s-Weird News: Splatalot The7 National 6

Soccer Sportsnet Central Connected

Money, Kimmel Live The First 48 Bucket-Dino The View Parking Power Nightline ” Franklin ” Parking

My Valentine Squirrel Valentine G. Shrinks

Lang & CBC News O’Leary Now With

Glee Steve ” Harvey

WTBS King Browns King A Payne

Elementary Early News Global” Nat. News Hour Final ” ET Ent Canada J. ETProbst Canada

On thePoker Edge World Tour ” Sportsnet Prime Time Connected Sports Hockey Sportsnet UFC Central Connected

The Dr. Oz Wheel The View Show Jeopardy! ” KOMO 4 Zero Hour KOMO 4 News News ”

A&E 1

Sidekick Rescue Hero Penguins League/Evil Odd Parents Kid Kat Oddvs. Parents

Person of Judge Judy Interest Judge Judy Elementary Do No Harm CBC News CTV News NewsNews: Elementary KIRO News ”” The National KIRO ”News at Five” News CHBC News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Global Nat. News Final George S Late CHBC News CTV News ” Exchange CBS Show News ET Show Coronation Letterman Ent Canada Daily Big Bang George S Ent J. Rep Q With Jian Ferguson ETProbst Canada Colbert etalk Coronation omg! Insider

SportsCentre NBA ” Basketball: SportsCentre Miami Heat ” at Oklahoma

Grey’s Anderson Anatomy Live

News Doc Zone CBC News News ” Now News CBC News: Canada The National Exchange Reads 2013


low the dialogue at okatined to be outlaws. Extra copies of Shoot! and join British Columbia, and have been purchased the discussion on the liin particular the Okaand are also available as brary’s social media nagan, appear frequentQuick Reads, seven-day channels. ly in George Bowering’s library loans. Shoot! is Shoot! follows the work, who was born in also available from local adventures of the McPenticton and raised in bookstores. Lean GangNEWS and bringsDISC Oliver. literacy proYTV KAYU TLC WTBSTheKCTS KING to 6 life the historical ac- 9 “He paints vitality 7 ; < Aject is made N possible Pby count of the murder of into world heStory cre- Law Order: a $24,000 Libraries Squirrel CBC News How/Made Thethe Office Baby Sid Science Today and Puppies Now With How/Made How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d constable Johnny Usshates,” said Teleglow. Literacy grant from the G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Dangerous Family Feud Cake Boss Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day Rescue Hero1800s. cont’d Known Flights Family Cake Boss CI Steves of Northwest er in the “AnyFeud reader familiar B.C.Rick Ministry EduLeague/Evil CBC News Expedition Funny Home What Not to Excused The British 5 as “breeds,” mixed Scotthe areaWear will neverExcused cation as(My well asKING support NEWS DISC with KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING KidYTV vs. Kat Now With Wolf Videos Beat News tish and Salish blood, the look at the history, the from New Star Books Squirrel Andrew Expedition Law; Order: Borrowed There Yet? Music) Days of our 6 7 9 < A N P Sidekick Nichols Wolf CI Borrowed There Yet? ” Lives McLeans CBC wereNews outcasts people and local Okanagan Squirrel How/Made hills, The and OfficetheBaby Storythe Law Order: Sid Science Today Almost Power & MythBusters Anderson Medium King Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Puppies Now With How/Made How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d Squirrel Politics and des-” Live way ever Medium King ” ” of both cultures same again.” Law media. G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Dangerous Family Feud Cake Boss Order: Daniel Tiger New Day

Moonshiners News ” 30 Rock

DISC Sons of Guns 9

MythBusters How/Made ” How/Made


The Office The ce KingOffi of Hill How I Met

DCTLC Cupcakes: <

Paid Prog. Baby Story Paid Prog. Baby Story

KCTS ” Pie N


KING News Jay Leno

“Envy” Law Order: ” CI

Victor Borge: ” Sid Science Jimmy Today Fallon Comedy Wild Kratts cont’d

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Eat, Shrink Debt/Part

Sportsnet Connected

Rolie Polie Dive, Olly

KOMO 4 News

Parking Wars

G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Hillbilly Rescue Hero cont’d Handfishin’

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

World Poker Noon News Tour Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

Parking Parking

League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

CBC News Now With

Fast N’ Loud Funny Home Say Yes ” Videos Say Yes

Excused Excused

Movie: “The

KING 5 News

World Poker Days of our Tour Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Canada The Talk Reads 2013 ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

Parking Parking

Squirrel Sidekick

Andrew Nichols

Moonshiners Law Order: ” CI

Say Yes Say Yes

There Yet? There Yet?

Quantum Activist”

Days of our Lives

Off Record Darts Interruption ” SportsCentre ” Billiards ” Hockey

Dr. Phil The View ” ” Ellen DeGeneres Show The Marilyn Denis Show Anderson

Steven and Poko Chris Doodlebops Best Recipes George S Steven and Chris NHL

Let’s Make a The Price Is Deal Right ThisMinute ThisMinute Young & Restless Judge Judy

The Talk The Doctors ” ” The Ricki Lake Show Eat, Shrink Debt/Part Young &

Bobsledding Sportsnet ” Connected FIS Alpine Skiing Sportsnet Connected World Poker

Big Bear Bucket-Dino Dinosaur Franklin Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie Dive, Olly G. Shrinks

The Doctors The View ” ” The Dr. Oz Show KOMO 4 News 4 KOMO

Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Wars D. Duck

Almost Squirrel League/Evil G. Shrinks Sidekick Penguins G. Shrinks Rescue Kung FuHero

Power & CBC News Politics Now With ” ” Nair Reshmi cont’d Lang &

River How/Made Monsters How/Made How/Made How/Made Hillbilly Handfi shin’ Daily Planet

Anderson The Office Live How I Met The Ricki Lake Show Family Feud Family Steve Feud

Say Yes BabyYes Story Say Baby Story Say Yes Say Yes Say Say Yes Yes

King Law Order: King CI The Office The Offi ce Law Order: CI Big Bang

Charlie Rose Sid Science ” Wild Kratts Cat in the Arthur Tiger Daniel Rick Wild Steves Kratts

Dr. Phil Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeneresDay Show New Northwest Katie

Live CTV News ” CTV News

Hockey: CBC News Now Pittsburgh

Judge Judy KIRO News Bold News KIRO

Restless Noon News Hour News Early

Tour Hockeycentral at Noon Prime Time

Arthur Dino Dan Rob Robot Martha

News The Chew News ”

Duck D. Parking Parking Duck D.

Kung Fu League/Evil Kid vs.Fu Kat Kung

O’Leary CBC News Now With CBC News

KIRO News The Talk KIRO ”News CBS Let’s News Make a Deal Ent The Price Is omg! Insider ThisMinute Right ThisMinute The Job Young & Judge”Judy Restless Judge Judy CSI: NY KIRO KIRO ”News News Bold Bloods Blue KIRO News ” The Talk KIRO News ”News KIRO CBS News Late Let’s Show Make a Ent Deal Letterman omg! Insider Ferguson ThisMinute The Job ThisMinute ” Judge Judy CSI: NY Judge Judy ” KIRO News Blue KIROBloods News ” KIRO News KIRO News CBS News Late Show Ent Letterman omg! Insider Ferguson The Job ”

Global Days ofNat. our Lives Hour News ” The Talk ” Ent TheCanada Doctors ET The Ricki ” Lake Show Kitchen Eat, Shrink Nightmares Young & Debt/Part Restless Touch Noon News ” Early News Hour 16x9 Global Nat. ” our Days of News Hour Lives Hour News ” Final The Talk Ent ” ET Canada J. Probst The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show Nightmares Young & Touch Restless ” Early News 16x9 Global Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent ET ET Canada Canada J. Probst Kitchen Nightmares

Sports Soccer Central Sportsnet Hockey Bobsledding NHL ” Sportsnet Hockey: FIS Alpine Connected Skiing Stars at Sportsnet Canucks World Poker Connected Tour ” HockeycenSportsnet Prime Time tral at Noon Sportsnet Sports Connected Soccer Sportsnet Central Hockey UFC Bobsledding NHL ” Bobsledding Hockey: ” FIS Alpine Stars at Skiing Canucks World Poker ” Tour Sportsnet Prime Time Sportsnet Sports Connected Sportsnet Hockey Hockey UFC NHL Bobsledding Hockey: ” Stars at Canucks

Wild SaveKratts Ums Wibbly Pig Animals Parks Big Bear Dinosaur The Manor Bucket-Dino Reborn Rob Robot Franklin Clifford-Dog Cranford Rolie Polie ” G. Shrinks Dive, ArthurOlly Poirot Dino Dan ” Martha Rob Robot ” Wild Kratts ” Save Ums Animals Wibbly Pig The Manor Parks Reborn Big Bear The Manor Dinosaur Cranford Reborn ” Rob Robot Cranford Clifford-Dog ” G. Shrinks Poirot Arthur ” Martha ” Wild Kratts ” Animals The Manor Parks Reborn The Manor Cranford Reborn ” Cranford ”

World News General Hospital4 KOMO News The Doctors Wheel” The View Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz ” Show Last Man KOMO Malibu KOMO 4 4 News News Tank Shark The Chew ” News 20/20 World ”News ” General KOMO 4 Hospital News Jimmy The Doctors Wheel ” Live Kimmel Jeopardy! Nightline The Dr. Oz Last Man Show Malibu KOMO 4 Shark Tank News ” News 20/20 World News ” KOMO 4 News News Jimmy Wheel Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Nightline Last Man Malibu

Duck D. Parking Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Parking Southie Parking Southie Parking Parking Parking Southie Parking Southie Duck D. Wars Duck D. Parking Duck Duck D. D. Parking Duck D. Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Southie Duck D. Southie Parking Southie Parking Southie Southie Parking Southie Parking Southie Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Southie Duck D. Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie

Kung Fu Squirrel Sidekick SpongeBob SpongeBob Almost League/Evil SpongeBob Squirrel SpongeBob Sidekick G. Shrinks Penguins Movie G. Shrinks ” Kung Fu Rescue Hero Kung Fu ” League/Evil ” Kung Fu Kid Young vs. Kat Mr. Kung Fu Mr. Young Squirrel SpongeBob Sidekick Boys SpongeBob Boys Almost SpongeBob League/Evil Movie SpongeBob ” Sidekick Movie Penguins ” Kung Fu ” Kung Fu ” Kung Fu Mr. Young Kung Fu Mr. Young SpongeBob Boys SpongeBob Boys SpongeBob Movie SpongeBob ” Movie ”

” Andrew Nichols CBC News: The National Power & Politics CBC News CBC News ”” Now With ” CBC News: Reshmi The National Lang & Nair cont’d O’Leary CBC News: CBC News The CBCNational News Now With CBC News ” ” Andrew CBC News: Nichols CBC News: The National The National Power & CBC News Politics Lang & ” O’Leary ” CBC News: ” The National Lang & CBC News: O’Leary The National CBC News CBC News ” ” CBC News: CBC News: The National The National CBC News Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News: The National

Harvey Funny Home Say Yes Videos Say Yes Simpsons Four WedRaymond Law Order: dings: Say Yes CI Say Yes Big Bang Say Yes Two Men Say Anderson Say Yes Yes LiveBang Say Yes Big Borrowed The Offi ce Baby Story Two Ricki Men Borrowed The Say Yes How IShow Met BabyYes Story Lake Say Kitchen Family Nightmares Steve Feud Say Say Yes Yes Family Feud Say Yes Harvey Say Yes Touch Borrowed Funny Say ”Home Borrowed Simpsons FourYes WedVideos Say Yes News Four WedRaymond dings: 30 Rock dings: Law Order: Say Yes Big Bang Say Yes CI Say Yes Yes Sunny Say Two Men TMZ Say Yes Anderson Big Bang Borrowed Live Say Yes The ce Paid Prog. Two Offi Men Borrowed KingRicki of Hill PaidYes Prog. The Say Kitchen Say Yes Lake Show Say Yes Nightmares Say Yes Steve Say Yes Touch Borrowed Harvey Say Yes ” Borrowed Simpsons Four WedNews Four WedRaymond dings: 30 Rock dings: Big Bang Say Yes Sunny Say Two Men Say Yes Yes TMZ Say Yes Big Bang Borrowed The ce Paid Prog. Two Offi Men Borrowed King of Hill Paid Prog. Kitchen Say Yes Nightmares Say Yes

WordGirl Movie: “The Business

Penguins Canada at Reads 2013 Winnipeg Jets Steven and Chris News Poko Coronation Best Recipes Doodlebops George S Marketplace Steven and Rick Mercer NHL Chris Hockey: fi fth estate CBC News ” Pittsburgh Now CBC News: Penguins at The National Canada Winnipeg Reads 2013 CBC Jets News George S Steven and News Chris Coronation Booky Best Recipes Marketplace George S Rick Mercer NHL fifth estate Hockey: ” Pittsburgh CBC News: Penguins at The National Winnipeg CBC News Jets George S News Coronation Coronation Booky Marketplace Rick Mercer

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at Five The Dr. Oz ShowNews CTV ” Dr. Phil ” Big Bang The View etalk DeGeEllen ”Show neres CSI: NY The Marilyn ” Anderson Denis Live Show Shark Tank CTV ” CTV News News ” Blue Bloods at Five ” Oz The Dr. CTV News ShowNews CTV ” CTV News Dr. Phil Big Bang ” The etalk Mentalist Ellen DeGeCSI: NY neres Show ” Anderson Shark Tank Live ” CTV News Blue Bloods at Five ” CTV News CTV News ” CTV News Big Bang The etalk Mentalist CSI: NY ”

Payne There Yet? There Yet? Browns Payne King King Seinfeld Law Order: Seinfeld The Offi ce CI Office The Family Guy Law Order: Family Guy Big Bang CI Big Bang Amer. Dad Excused Movie: Browns Excused “Heart Payne Condition” There Yet? Browns There ”Yet? Payne Movie: King Seinfeld King “Scream Seinfeld 2” ” ce The Offi Family Guy The Office Family Guy Big Bang Amer. Dad Big Bang Movie: Browns “Heart Payne Condition” Browns Payne” Movie: Seinfeld “Scream Seinfeld 2” ” Family Guy Family Guy

World News Quantum Activist” PBS NewsHour Charlie Rose ” Washington Sid Science Need Cat in the Wild Kratts Arthur Doc Martin Daniel ” Tiger Wild Kratts Rick Steves WordGirl Reel NW Movie: ” Business “The ” World News The British Quantum PBS Activist” Beat (My NewsHour Music) Charlie Rose Washington ” Need ” Muddy Cat in the Doc Martin Arthur ” Wild Kratts Reel NW WordGirl ” Business World ”News The British PBS Beat (My NewsHour Music) Washington Need ” Muddy Doc Martin ”

KING ”5 News 5 KING News Days of our Lives News Nightly News Dr. Phil ” Magazine Today InsideDeGeEd. Ellen cont’d Show neres Dateline New Day NBC Katie Northwest ” KING KING ”5 5 News Rock News Center ” our Days of Nightly News Lives News KING News Jay Leno Dr. Phil Magazine ” Inside”Ed. Jimmy Fallon Ellen DeGeDateline neres Show NBC Katie ” ” ” KING 5 Rock Center News ” Nightly News KING News News Jay Leno Magazine Inside”Ed. Jimmy Fallon Dateline NBC


” Sportsnet


The Talk The Doctors ” ” The Ricki Lake Show Eat, Shrink Debt/Part Young &

24 CH Poker Restless World Noon News Tour Hour E:60 News ” ” our World Poker Days of Tour Lives Nat. NBA Global Basketball CHBC News Off Record The Talk Interruption ” ” Ent Darts The Doctors ” ET Canada SportsCentre The Ricki ”” ” Lake Show SportsCentre Kitchen Billiards Eat, Shrink ” Nightmares Hockey Young & ” Debt/Part 24 CH Poker Touch Restless World World Tour ” E:60 Poker Noon News News Tour Hour SportsCentre 16x9 ” ” ” our World ”Poker Days of NBA Global Nat. Tour Lives News SportsCentre CHBC Basketball ” Final Off Record The Talk ” Ent Interruption ET Canada ” SportsCentre ” ” J. Probst SportsCentre The Ricki SportsCentre Kitchen ” Lake Show ” Nightmares Hockey Young & World Poker Touch 24 CH Restless Tour ” E:60 News SportsCentre 16x9 ” ” ” ” NBA Global Nat. SportsCentre CHBC Basketball CHBC News News ” Final ” Ent SportsCentre ET ” ET Canada Canada ” J. Probst SportsCentre Kitchen ” Nightmares






World Poker Touch Tour ”

Shark Tank ”

fifth estate ”

SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

Blue Bloods ”

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”


Sportsnet Connected

SportsCentre ” 30 for 30 SportsCentre cont’d ”

CHBC News Final Fishn ET Canada Real Fishing J. Probst

CTV News CTV News SickKids The Foundation Mentalist

CBC News George S The Coronation Adventurers Booky

KIRO News Late Show College Letterman Basketball: Ferguson

News Hour Final Fishn ET Canada Real Fishing J. Probst

Hockey UFC Swimming Bobsledding ””

Curling: 2013

Auto Show Driving TV

It Is Written Car Bnss

fifth estate ”

Regional Coverage

Auto Show Driving TV

Scotties Tournament

News Hour PGA Tour

Operation Smile

FIS Freestyle PGA Tour Skiing Golf:

News Hour PGA Tour

of Hearts: Draw 1

Golf: Northern

SportsCentre ” ” FIS Alpine

Golf: Northern


Northern Trust Open,




” ” CHAN (



KNOW General KOMO Hospital * `


” ” ”

A&E 1

A&E 1

Shark Tank ”

Duck D. Duck D.


Duck D. Duck D.

” KNOW KOMO News * ` Jimmy

A&E 1


” ”















CBC News: Finding The National Bigfoot


Borrowed Borrowed

Amer. Dad Movie:

Reel NW ”

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Greatest Know-It-All

News 30 Rock

Four Weddings:

“Heart Condition”

” The British

Rock Center ”

Sunny TMZ Paid Offi Prog. The ce Paid Prog. King of Hill

Say Yes Say Yes Lottery Paid Prog. Changed Paid Prog.

” Movie: Payne “Scream 2” College ”

Beat (My Music) Bob Builder ” SciGirls Muddy

KING News Jay Leno Gardening ” Gardening Jimmy Fallon








” ”


Boys Boys Kung Fu Movie Turtles”

CBC News: The National Federal Lang & Liberal O’Leary

Breakout ” 2013 of Sons Westminster Guns

Big Coast UFC

Southie Southie Recipe First 48: Kimmel Live Southie Food Missing Nightline Southie Upside Dwn Sea Rescue First 48: Planet Echo Born-Explore Missing

Turtles Beyblade

Leadership Debate

Kennel Club Kids News Dog Show How I Met

Lottery Changed

Basketball: Florida at

Heart of Perfect


UFC: Barao vs.

Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

First 48: Missing

Pokemon Power

CBC News Now With

Finding Bigfoot

Lottery Changed

Auburn ”


FIS Alpine Skiing

McDonald ”

Can. Rivers Rivers



College Basketball

Greener Lidia’s Italy

Red Bull Signature

SNP ” ) ”

The Manor Reborn Lilly Cranford Miss BG ”


Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes

WTBS ” Movie: A

Do No5Harm KING News ” KING NightlyNews News Jay Leno News

KNOW Millionaire KOMO Scared A&E ESPN Sports Straight * ` 1 Saturday Beyond

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno

Christine Birak

Greatest Know-It-All

Bones ”

Lottery Changed

Mr. Young Mr. Young

National Issue

Jungle Gold ”

Bones ”

Lottery Changed






WTBS ” A ”



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Skiing ”

Third Round Trust Open, ” Third Round

SportsCentre The Best Cash Cab 30 for 30 Fishn SickKids Years Cab cont’d ” Real Fishing Cash Foundation

National The HNIC Adventurers

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Scared First 48: Straight Missing

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National Federal Mansbridge Liberal

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Test Kitchen Poppy Cat Bob Builder Gardening Cook’s Justin Time SciGirls Gardening

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The Nature Leadership of Things Debate

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Lottery Changed

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Old House Heart of Old House Perfect

Scotties Tournament of of Hearts: Hearts: Draw Draw 2 1 SportsCentre SportsCentre ” SportsCentre 30 for 30 ” cont’d SportsCentre World ”Poker Curling: Tour 2013 Curling: SportsCentre 2013 Scotties SportsCentre Tournament Scotties ” Tournament of Hearts: SportsCentre Draw 1 of Hearts: ” Draw 2 SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre ” ”

Simpsons News Hour CHBC News PGA Tour Global Golf: Nat. CHBC News Northern

etalk Operation App Central Smile CTV News SportsCentre ”” W5 Lovett-Reid ” Dr. Marla & SickKids Saving Hope Foundation Cash Cab ” Cash Cab It Is Written Flashpoint Car Bnss Celebrity ” Celebrity Operation Big Bang Smile etalk Big Bang App Central SportsCentre CTV News ” CTV News CTV News ” Lovett-Reid Movie: Dr. Marla & W5 “Munich” ”

Ottawa FIS Freestyle Senators at Skiing Toronto ” Maple Leafs FIS Alpine

KIROTour News PGA KIRO News Golf: CBS News Northern KIRO Open, News Trust

Simpsons News Hour Global Nat. PGA Tour Evening Golf: News Northern

Storage: First 48: NY Storage: NY Missing Storage: Beyond NY Storage: NY Scared

Boys Pokemon Boys Power Zoink’d! Yu-Gi-Oh! Splatalot Monsuno

fifth estate CBC News ” Now With National Christine Marketplace Birak

Auction Finding Auction Bigfoot Greatest Greatest Know-It-All Know-It-All

NASCAR Paid Prog. Racing Paid Prog. Bones” ””

Next Great Lottery Baker: Road Changed Cake Boss: Lottery Next Great Changed

Movie: Auburn “The Bourne ” Identity” College ” Basketball

NHL Skiing Hockey: The ” Avalanche at Adventurers National Oilers HNIC fifth estate NHL ”” HNIC After Hockey: FIS Freestyle Hours Skiing Ottawa News Senators at ” NHLAlpine Hockey FIS Toronto ” Maple Leafs Skiing ” NHL ”” Hockey:

EntertainThird Round ment ’Night ” College Person of Basketball: Paid Prog. Interest Doodlebops Regional Criminal Coverage Sports Stars Minds Big World PGA Tour 48 Hours Golf: KIRO News ” KIRO News Northern KIRO Open, News Trust CBS News omg! Insider KIRO Round News Third Paid Prog. ” EntertainPaid Prog. ment ’Night

Variety Club Trust Open, Show of Third Fishn Round Hearts RealBest Fishing The Telethon Years Auto Show ” TV Driving Simpsons ” Simpsons News Hour ” PGA Tour Simpsons ” Global Nat. Golf: ” Northern Evening ” NewsOpen, Trust ” Third Round Variety ” Club Show of

Bobsledding UFC: Barao ” vs. Blue Jays McDonald Blue Jays ” The Ultimate ” Fighter ” Swimming UFC: Barao ” Sportsnet vs. Connected Big Coast McDonald UFC Bobsledding ”” UFC: Barao Sportsnet vs. Bobsledding Connected ” McDonald European ” Blue Jays Poker Tour Blue Jays ” Sportsnet ” The Ultimate Connected Fighter

Storage: NY Beyond First 48: Storage Missing Scared Storage Straight First 48: Storage: Missing Storage NY Storage: NY Storage First 48: Storage: NY Missing Storage: NY Storage: NY Storage: NY Beyond Storage: NY Scared Storage: NY Storage: NY Storage: NY Straight Storage Beyond Storage: Storage NY Storage: NY

Babysitting Mr. Young Zoink’d! Mr. Young Kung Fu Movie: Turtles Mr. Young “A Young Mr. Turtles Cinderella Beyblade Boys Story” Boys Pokemon Zoink’d! Power Boys Splatalot Boys Yu-Gi-Oh! Babysitting Monsuno Zoink’d! Splatalot Splatalot Mr. Young A Cinderella Mr. Young Babysitting Story Zoink’d!

My Thai National Bride Issue Federal Doc Zone Liberal National ” Mansbridge Leadership National Debate The Nature Mansbridge of Things CBC News My Thai Now With fifth estate Bride ” Christine National Birak National Issue Marketplace National National Issue My Thai Mansbridge Bride

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Variety Club Trust Open, Show of Third Fishn Round Hearts RealBest Fishing The Telethon Years Auto Show ” TV Driving Simpsons ” Simpsons News Hour ” PGA Tour Simpsons ” CHBC News Golf: ” Northern Global Nat. ” CHBCOpen, News Trust ” Third Round Variety ” Club Show of


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NewsProg. Paid WorldProg. News Paid KOMO 4 Secret News Millionaire

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Exploration SnowboardKids News ing KING 5 FIS Alpine News Skiing Nightly News Red Bull News Signature


Paid Prog. Series Backroads ” Gardening American Gardening Poppy Cat Ninja Warrior Justin Time SnowboardChicago Fire ing Exploration ” KidsAlpine News FIS Saturday Skiing KING 5 Night Live NewsBull Red KING News Signature Nightly News Saturday News Series Night Live ” Paid Prog. ” Backroads

10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2013 12 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 :30 # $ % & _ 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :30 10 :00 9 :30 4 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO # $ % & _ 10 :00 :30 :00 11 10 :30 11 :00 12 :30 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 2 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 7 2 :30 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 9 :30 TSN # $ % & _ :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 2 :30 :00 3 :30 10 :00 4 :30 11 :00 5 :30 12 :00 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2013 6 1 :30 :00 7 2 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO :00 # $ % & _ 8 :30 3 :00 :00 10 9 4 :30 :30 :00 11 10 5 :30 :00 12 6 :30 11 :00 1 7 :30 12 :00 2 8 :30 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2013 3 :30 9 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO 10 4 :00 :30 # $ % & _ :00 :00 11 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 2 :00 10 3 :30 :00 11 4 :30 5 :00 12 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 cont’d

Show of

Corner Gas

Marketplace Basketball:

2013 Game Scotties ” Tournament ” of Hearts: ” Draw 4 ” SportsCentre ” NFL Plays SportsCentre SportsCentre 30 for ”30 cont’d ” That’s Hcky 2013 NBA Curling: ” All-Star 2013 SportsCentre Game Scotties ” ” Tournament SportsCentre ”” of Hearts: ” Draw 4 SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre ” NFL Plays

Telethon ” cont’d News CHBC ” Global Nat. CHBC” News ” Simpsons Variety Club Cleveland Show of Simpsons Hearts Variety Club Burgers Telethon Show of Family Guy Hearts Amer. ”Dad ” Telethon The Good cont’d ” Wife CHBC News News ”Final Global” Nat. Block CHBC” News Paid Prog. Simpsons Paid Prog. Variety Club Cleveland Show of

Period W5 First Story ” First Story ” Canada’s ” Worst Driver Once Upon Movie: a Time “Steel The Amazing Magnolias” Corner Gas Race ” Gas Corner Motive Question ”” Cash Cab Period The W5 First Story Mentalist ” First Story CTV News ” CTV News Canada’s Worst ”Driver The Once Upon Mentalist Movie: a Time “Steel

Chris Movie: Land & Sea “Nanny Mansbridge McPhee” Q With” Jian Ghomeshi Heartland FIS Alpine ” Skiing Dragons’ Best Recipes Coronation Den Stefano Marketplace Republic of Dragons’ Steven and Doyle Den Chris CBC News: Movie: LandNational & Sea The “Nanny Mansbridge CBC News McPhee” fi fth estate Q With Jian ” Ghomeshi ” Heartland Canadian FIS Alpine Skiing”

at Wisconsin KIRO News PGA Tour KIRO News Golf: CBS News Northern KIRO News Trust Open, 60 Minutes Final Round ” ” The Amazing ” College Race Paid Prog. Basketball: The Good Doodlebops Ohio State Wife Pets.TV at Wisconsin The KIRO News PGA Tour Mentalist KIRO News Golf: KIRO News CBS News KIRO News Northern KIRO Open, News Trust Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. Final Round ””

Show of ” Hearts” Telethon ” cont’d Nat. Global ” News Hour ” ” Simpsons Variety Club Cleveland Show of Simpsons Hearts Variety Club Burgers Telethon Show of Family Guy Hearts Amer. ”Dad ” Telethon The Good cont’d ” Wife Global Nat. News ”Final News ”Hour Block ”” Paid Prog. Simpsons Paid Prog. Variety Club Cleveland Show of

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Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cash Cab Paid Prog. News Movie:News World “The KOMO 4 Grand” News ” Funny Home Shark VideosTank ” Once Upon The Taste Rescue a Time ” Paid Prog. Revenge CashProg. Cab Paid ” Cash Cab Paid Prog. Revenge for News Movie: Real World News “The News KOMO 4 Castle Grand” News ” ” FunnyNotice Home Burn Shark Tank Videos”

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SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” That’sNBA Hcky 2013 ” All-Star

Simpsons Hearts Burgers Telethon Family” Guy Amer. ”Dad

The Amazing Best Dragons’ Magnolias” Recipes Race ” Den Stefano Motive” Republic Dragons’ of ” Doyle Cash Cab Den

The Amazing ” RaceProg. Paid The Good Doodlebops Wife Pets.TV

Simpsons Hearts Burgers Telethon

” Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected On the Edge Oil Change ””

Monarch of Be the the Glen Creature

Once Upon The Taste a Time”

Storage Shipping Storage Shipping

Family” Guy Amer. ”Dad

Lewis The Manor ” Reborn

Revenge Cash Cab ” Cash Cab

Storage Storage Storage Storage

Movie:” That’s-Weird “Hook” Splatalot ” Babysitting ”

SportsCentre Game ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ”

The Good ” Wife CHBC News News Final Global Nat. Block CHBC News Paid Prog. Simpsons Paid Prog. Cleveland

The W5 Mentalist ” CTV News ” CTV News ” The Once Upon Mentalist a Time

The KIRO News Mentalist KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News KIRO News Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ”

The Good ” Wife Global Nat. News Final News Hour Block ” Paid Prog. Simpsons Paid Prog. Cleveland

Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected Hockey UFC NHL Unleashed Hockey: The Ultimate Blues at Fighter Canucks

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Revenge for News Real World News News KOMO 4 Castle News ” Funny Home Burn Notice Videos

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Pick ” Splatalot ” Babysitting Movie: Splatalot “Peter Pan” Movie: ” “Peter Pan” ”

Monarch of the Glen

Once Upon a Time

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” Silence in That’s-Weird the House

Revenge ”

KNOW KOMO ” Revenge for * ” Real`

Storage Storage

Splatalot Babysitting

CBC News: The National

Storage Storage

Pick Splatalot

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Storage Criminal Storage Minds

” ” Dragons’ Doodlebops :00 2013 NBA Country Calendar 2013 rLake4 Curling: Hearts” Wednesday, Question Steven and 13, Ohio State Cash Cab February Den Pets.TV :00 All-Star :30

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A&E 1




Wild Kratts


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” Movie: The Closer “Charlie’s ” Angels: Full King Throttle” King Movie: Family Guy “Charlie’s Family Guy Angels” Big Bang Movie:” Big Bang “Next” The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang ” Movie: Movie: The Closer “The “Charlie’s ” Reaping” Angels: ” Full King Throttle” King Jim Movie:Yet? There Family Guy “Charlie’s Family Guy

News Pie Moyers & Ocean Company Moyers & Mr. Cao Company Goes Masterpiece Independent Classic Lens ” Live/Lincoln Bob Builder ” Center Wild Kratts Masterpiece History McLaughlin Classic Students News ” Pie Moyers ” & Ocean Company Globe Moyers Trekker Mr. Cao & Company Goes Alone in the Masterpiece Wilderness Independent Classic Lens

Sabres KING 5 News ” NHL Nightly News Hockey: KING News Kings at Dateline Blackhawks NBC ” Off-Rockers LazyTown NHL Off-Rockers Noodle Hockey: Saturday Matthews Penguins Night Liveat in Backroads Sabres the ’90s: KING 5 ” Pop Culture News NHL KING News Nightly News Backroads Hockey: KING News Kings at Paid Prog. Dateline Paid Prog. Blackhawks NBC ”

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” Live/Lincoln Center” Masterpiece History Classic Students

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Movie: Movie: “The “Charlie’s Reaping” Angels: Full ” Throttle” Jim Movie: There Yet? “Charlie’s

” Pie ” Ocean Globe Moyers & Trekker Company Alone in the Masterpiece Wilderness Classic

the ’90s: KING 5 Pop Culture News KING News Nightly News Backroads KING News Paid Prog. Dateline Paid Prog. NBC

Simpsons Burgers

Gypsy Sisters

Angels” ”

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Starter Wives

The Closer ”

Mea Maxima MythBusters News Culpa: ” TMZ

Gypsy Sisters

Movie: “The

Babysitting Peter Pan Splatalot ”

Silence in CBC News the NowHouse With

Gypsy Extreme Sisters Extreme

” Victorious ” Big Time ” Mr. Young ” Zoink’d! Movie: Movie:Pan” “Peter “The ” Spiderwick ” Chronicles” ” Movie: Winx Club That’s-Weird “Hook” iCarly Splatalot ” Victorious Babysitting ” Big Time Pick ” Mr. Young Splatalot ” Zoink’d! Babysitting Movie: Splatalot Movie: “Peter “The Pan” Movie: “Peter”Pan” Spiderwick ” Chronicles”


SportsCentre Simpsons ” Burgers

The Amazing Dragons’ Race Den

The Amazing Simpsons Race Burgers

” Sportsnet

That’s Hcky ”

Motive ”

Republic of Doyle

The Good Wife

Family Guy Amer. Dad

On the Edge Lewis ” ”

The Mentalist

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

The Good Wife

Sportsnet Connected

SportsCentre Final CTV News Sportfishing News The Doctors The View ” Block ” CTV News Motoring ”

CBC Poko News fi fth estate Doodlebops

KIRO News The Price Is KIRO Right News

News Final UFC The Doctors Sportsnet Block ” Unleashed Connected

Curling: Eat, Shrink SportsCentre Paid Prog. 2013 ” Debt/Part Paid Prog.

The Marilyn Denis Show Mentalist

Steven” and Chris Canadian

Young & Face/Nation Restless Paid Prog.

Eat, Shrink Paid Prog. Debt/Part Paid Prog.

Sportsnet Rolie Polie The Ultimate Changed the KOMO” 4 Connected Dive, Olly NewsNotice Fighter World Burn

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Movie: “The Parent “Peter Pan”

Scotties Tournament

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News KIRO News Marketplace Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

The First 48 ”


of Hearts: Draw 6

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

Red Bull Big Bear Supernatural Dinosaur

The First 48 ”

SportsCentre Sportfishing That’s Motoring Hockey! Curling: Curling: 2013 2013 Scotties Scotties Tournament Tournament of Hearts: of Hearts: Draw 6 Draw 7 Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre ” That’s shing Sportfi That’s Hcky Motoring Hockey! ” Curling: Curling: SportsCentre 2013 2013 ” Scotties Scotties SportsCentre Tournament Tournament ” of Hearts: Hearts: of SportsCentre Draw 6 7 ” SportsCentre Off Record

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days of our CHBC News Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Deception ”& Young ” Restless Eat, Shrink Hawaii Debt/Part News Five0 ” Noon News News Hour GlobalHour Nat. Final CHBCofNews Days our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET TheCanada Talk

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News The Dr. Oz ” Show Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk-Oscars ” Anger Ellen DeGeBig Bang neres Show The View The ” Anderson Following Live Marilyn The Castle Denis Show CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV ” CTV News News CTV News ” Oz The Dr. Daily Show Show Big Bang Colbert Rep etalk-Oscars Dr. Phil Anger” Big Bang Ellen DeGe-

Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC News News Marketplace News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris March to the Best Recipes Top Stefano Poko Murdoch Doodlebops Dragons’ Mysteries Den Steven and CBC Chris NewsNews: The National News CBC News CBC Marketplace NewsNews George S Exchange Heartland Coronation ” S George Being Erica Coronation Steven and

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’s Make a omg! Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Engagement ThisMinute The Price Is Broke Right Judge Girl Judy Mike Judge Judy Young & Hawaii FiveRestless KIRO News 0 KIRO News News KIRO KIRO Bold KIRO News News Late Show CBSTalk News The Letterman ” Ent Ferguson omg! Insider Let’s Make a

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our ” Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Deception ”& Young ” Restless Eat, Shrink Hawaii FiveDebt/Part Early News 0 GlobalNews Nat. Noon News Hour News Hour Hour Final ” Days of our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET TheCanada Talk

Chris March to the Top Recipes Best Stefano Murdoch Mysteries Dragons’

Deal How I Met Engagement ThisMinute ThisMinute Broke Girl Mike Judy Judge

” The Ricki Lake Show Deception Young”&

” Sportsnet ” Connected World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time HockeycenSports tral at Noon Sportsnet Soccer Connected Central UFC Central Red Bull Canucks TV Supernatural Oil Change ” ” ” Sportsnet On thePoker Edge Connected World Tour ” Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Prime Time Connected Sports HockeycenHockey tral at Noon Sportsnet UFC Central Connected Soccer European Central UFC Central Poker Tour Canucks Red Bull TV Supernatural Oil Change ””

Family Guy Amer. Dad

SportsCentre The Good ” Wife





KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `

A&E 1

A&E 1


Danielin Tiger Alone the Rick Steves Wilderness

New Prog. Day Paid Northwest Paid Prog.

Excused Excused

President ”

KING 5 News

” Movie:

Andrew Nichols

Jungle Gold ”

Law Order: CI

Cake Boss Cake Boss

There Yet? There Yet?

Sara’s Joy/Painting

Days of our Lives

“Nanny McPhee”

Power & Politics

MythBusters Anderson ” Live

Cake Boss Cake Boss

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary cont’d CBC News CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Andrew The National Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC With News: Now Lang & The National O’Leary Nair Reshmi CBC cont’d CBC News News ”” CBC News CBC News: Now CBC With News: The The National National Andrew Lang & Nichols CBC News O’Leary Power”&

The Office Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Office Family Guy The ce Law Offi Order: Amer. Dad CI Big Bang Movie Big Bang Law Order: ” CI Browns Payne” Excused ” Excused Browns Movie: Payne Yet? There “Seven There Yet? Seinfeld Pounds” Seinfeld King

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business President World News ” PBS Sara’s NewsHour Joy/Painting Old House Charlie Rose Antiques ” Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Arthur Sid Science Pie Wild Wild Kratts Kratts Chef WordGirl Daniel Tiger Independent Rick Steves Business Lens World News President Independent PBS ” Lens NewsHour Sara’s Dyer Wishes Joy/Painting Old House Fulfilled Antiques Charlie Rose ” Antiques Roadshow Cat in the

Bones ”

Anger Big Bang

March to the How I Met Bones Top Engagement ”

Deception ”

The Following

Murdoch Mysteries

Broke Girl Mike

SportsCentre ” PBA Bowling SportsCentre ” ” Curling: SportsCentre 2013 ” Scotties Tournament

Hawaii Five0 The Doctors News ”Hour Final Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part J. Probst Noon News Hour

Castle ” The View CTV News ” CTV News The Marilyn Daily DenisShow Show Colbert Rep CTV News ”

CBC News: The National Poko CBC News Doodlebops George S Steven and Coronation Chris Being Erica CBC News Now

Hawaii Five0 The Price Is KIRO Right News Late Show Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson KIRO News Bold

of Hearts: Draw 8

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a Deal


To Be Mayday Announced cont’d



” ce The Offi Sunny How I Met






The Ricki The Office Lake Show How I Met Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Offi ce The How SteveI Met Following HarveyFeud Family News Family Feud Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Funny Home Sunny Videos Big Bang TMZ Two Men Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang King Men of Hill Two Anderson Live Bones ” The Ricki

Cake Boss Extreme Cake Boss Extreme Cake Boss Extreme Cake Boss Extreme Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Gypsy Cake Boss Sisters Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Extreme Gypsy Extreme Cake Boss Sisters Cake Boss Extreme Cake Extreme Cake Boss Boss Cake Cake Boss Boss Cake Boss Cake Cake Boss Cake Boss Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Boss Cake Peter Cake Boss GypsyPopoff Paid Prog. Sisters Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Boss Cake

Movie: Gags Gags “Nanny

How/Made Mayday How/Made cont’d Daily Planet Pyros ” ” MythBusters Bering Sea ” Gold: Under Auction Jungle Gold Auction ” Greatest MythBusters Know-It-All ” Driving Wars How/Made ” How/Made Mayday Auction cont’d Daily Planet Auction Pyros ” Greatest ” MythBusters Know-It-All Bering” Sea Highway Gold: Under Auction Thru Hell Auction Jungle Gold Driving ” Wars Greatest ” Know-It-All MythBusters Politics ” Wars CBC News: Driving The National ” ” How/Made ” How/Made CBC News: Auction The National Auction Lang & Daily Planet

Lake The Show Following Steve

Cake GypsyBoss Sisters Cake Boss

King Family Guy Family The OffiGuy ce The Offi ce Amer. Dad Movie Big Bang

Announced Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie Southie

McPhee Boys Mr. Young Returns” That’s-Weird ” Splatalot iCarly Wipeout Big Time ” Victorious How to Rock

O’Leary CBC News ” CBC News CBC News: ” The National CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News ”

Harvey News 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big Bang The ce Two Offi Men King of Hill Big Bang Two Men

Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Peter Popoff Cake Boss Paid Prog. Gypsy Sisters

Southie Southie

Wipeout ”

CBC News: Driving Wars Bones The National ” ”

Southie Southie

Gags Gags

CBC News: Auction The National Auction

The Following

A&E 1

Off-Rockers Off-Rockers

Masterpiece Saturday Classic Night Live in

Funny Home Cake Boss Videos Cake Boss



” ”

Saturday Matthews Night Live in Backroads

Family Feud Peter Extreme Law Order: Sunny Popoff Jim Family Feud Paid Extreme CI Spokane Prog. There Yet?

The Bachelor

” ”

” ”


Bering Sea Gold: Under


To Be Announced


CBC News Now With

” Southie Southie To Be

That’s Hcky ”

To Be Cab Simpsons Cash Crook & Announced Burgers How/Made Chase CBC News: ” Family Guy fifth estate MythBusters Trout TV The National Amer. Dad ” ”” Outd’r Mea Maxima MythBusters News Castro’s To Be Big Bang Culpa: ” TMZ Cuba Announced Two Men Silence in To Be ” CBC News: ” Big Bang the House Announced Sunny The National ” Two Men CBC News: ” Sunny Mea Maxima MythBusters Simpsons The National ” Spokane Culpa: ” Cleveland


Reshmi Nair Pyros ” CBC News: cont’d The National ”

Show ” KOMO” 4 News Castle ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!


Silence in Doc Zone the House ”


KING Today News Backroads cont’d

On the” Edge Clifford-Dog Fake or Fortune? World ”Poker G. Shrinks Curling: Restless Live Den News: Hawaii Judge Judy Restless Tour Arthur SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Castle CBC Five- Hawaii Five- Sportsnet Architects of ” 0 ” The National 0 0 Connected Change 2013 News CTV News News KIRO News Early News Prime Time Martha SportsCentre News ”Hour CTV News CBC KIRO News News Rescue Scotties at Five NewsNews GlobalHour Nat. Hockey Sports Wild Kratts ” Final CTV News George S Late Show Final UFC Central Volcanic Tournament Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet Animals SportsCentre ET Canada Coronation Letterman ET Canada European Fake or of Hearts: CHBC News Daily Show ” Exchange CBS News ” Connected Gardens ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Being Erica Ferguson J. Probst Poker Tour Fortune? Draw 7 Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent UFC Central Rescue SportsCentre ET Canada etalk-Oscars Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada Canucks TV Volcanic

neres The Show Following Anderson


Globe Sid Science Trekker Wild Kratts

” Peter Pan Movie: ” “Nanny Movie: McPhee “The Parent Returns” Trap” ” ” iCarly ” Big Time Movie: Victorious “Nanny How to Rock McPhee” Wipeout ” ” Movie: Peter Pan Gags ” “Nanny Gags McPhee Movie: Boys “The Parent Returns” Mr. Young Trap” ” That’s-Weird iCarly ” Splatalot Big Time ” Wipeout Movie: Victorious ” Rock How to “Nanny McPhee” Wipeout ””

Interruption ” Bones” ” ” SportsCentre The Ricki That’s Hcky Lake Show Deception ” Hockey! Young”&

Gypsy Big Bang History Matthews A13 Extreme ” McLaughlin Backroads Penguins at Sisters Big Bang Students

Reaping” Law Order: ” CI

The First 48 Criminal ” Minds To Be Criminal Announced Minds Southie The First 48 Southie ” Southie The First 48 Southie ” Southie The First 48 Southie ” Southie The First 48 Southie ” Criminal Southie Minds To Be Southie Announced Criminal Southie Minds Southie Southie Southie The First 48 Southie ” Southie Southie Southie The First 48 Southie ” Southie Southie Southie The First 48 ” Southie Southie The First 48



Racing: Trout TV Sprint Cup: Outd’r Daytona Big Bang 500, Men Two Qualifying Big Bang Paid Men Prog. Two Jim Simpsons 30 Rock Cleveland The Office Simpsons Crook & NASCAR Burgers Chase Racing: Family Guy Trout TV Sprint Cup: Amer. Dad Outd’r Daytona News Big Bang 500, TMZ Two Men Qualifying ” Big Bang Sunny Paid Prog. Two Men Jim Sunny Simpsons Spokane 30 Rock Cleveland The Office

the ’90s: Pop Culture

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelor Show The View KOMO” 4 News ” 4 KOMO Castle News News ”News World The Chew News KOMO” 4 Jimmy News General Kimmel HospitalLive Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelor The Dr. Oz



Westminster MythBusters Kennel ” Club Dog Show To Be Flying Wild Announced Alaska ” Yukon”Men ” MythBusters Bering” Sea Gold: Under To Be Cash 2013 Cab Announced How/Made Westminster ” MythBusters Kennel ” Club ” Dog Show MythBusters To Be Flying”Wild Announced Alaska To Be Announced Yukon”Men ” ”” MythBusters ” Sea Bering ” Gold: Under

KCTS ” N ”

Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Save Ums Gardens Wibbly Pig Rescue Big Bear Volcanic Dinosaur Wartime Rob Robot Farm Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Fake or Franklin G. Shrinks Fortune? ArthurPolie Rolie Architects Dive, Olly of Martha Change Wild Kratts Dino Dan Rescue Rob Robot Animals Volcanic Gardens Save Ums Fake orPig Wibbly Rescue Fortune? Volcanic Big Bear Dinosaur Wartime FarmRobot Rob


CBC News fifth estate Now With ” Christine Castro’s Birak Cuba ” CBC News: ” The National ” Mea Maxima Culpa:” Marketplace Silence in Doc Zone CBC News the House ” CBC News CBC News: fifth estate Now With The National ” Christine Mea Maxima Castro’s Birak Culpa: Cuba ” Silence in CBC News: the House ” The National ” CBC News: Mea National Maxima The ” Culpa: Marketplace




” Greatest Know-It-All MythBusters Highway ” Thru Hell Auction Driving Auction Wars ” Greatest Know-It-All








Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d Katie New Day ” Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside Ed. ” The Biggest Ellen DeGeLoser neres Today Show cont’d Katie ” ”” New Day Deception Northwest KING 5 ” News 5 KING KING News NightlyNews News Jay Leno News Days of our ” Lives Magazine Jimmy Fallon Inside Dr. PhilEd.


Arthur Pie Chef Kratts Wild

” The Biggest LoserDeGeEllen neres ”Show Katie ”

Big Bang ” ” Browns Payne” Movie: Browns “Seven Payne Pounds” Seinfeld Seinfeld

WordGirl Independent Lens Business Independent World News Lens PBS Dyer Wishes NewsHour Fulfilled Old House Antiques

” Deception ” KING 5 KING News News Jay Leno Nightly News News ” Jimmy Fallon Magazine Inside Ed.

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

The Biggest Loser

Gypsy Sisters

Pie Chef

KCTS N Independent

” KING ” P Deception

Oil Change ”

Wartime Farm

Deception ”

CHAN ( Hawaii Five-

SNP ) Sportsnet

KNOW KOMO * of Castle ` Architects

A&E 1 Southie

YTV 6 Boys


DISC 9 Greatest

KAYU ; News

TLC < Cake Boss

Amer. Dad Movie

0 The Doctors News ”Hour Final Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part J. Probst Noon News Hour

Connected Soccer Hockey Central UFC Central UEFA Maga. European UEFA Poker Tour Champions League

Change Bucket-Dino Rescue Franklin Volcanic Rolie Polie Fake Dive, or Olly Fortune? Dino Dan Rob Robot

” The View News ” Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline The Chew ”

Southie Criminal Southie Minds Southie Criminal Southie Minds Southie The First 48 ”

Mr. Young Squirrel That’s-Weird Puppies Splatalot G. Shrinks WipeoutHero Rescue ” League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

” CBC News CBC News: Now With The National Reshmi Nair Lang & cont’d O’Leary CBC News Now With

Know-It-All How/Made Highway How/Made Thru Hell Canada’s DrivingDriver Wars Worst ” Auction Auction

30 Rock The Office Sunny How I Met TMZ Family Feud The OffiFeud ce Family King of Hill Funny Home Videos

Cake Boss Baby Story Cake Boss Baby Story Cake Boss Cake Boss Peter Boss Popoff Cake Paid Prog. What Not to Wear

” Law Order: ” CI Movie: Law Order: “Seven CI Pounds” Excused Excused

Lens Sid Science Independent Wild Kratts Lens Daniel Tiger Dyer Steves Wishes Rick Fulfilled Atlantic Crossing

” Today KING cont’d News Jay Leno New Day ” Northwest Jimmy Fallon KING 5 News

Days of our Lives

Soccer: Save Ums Round of 16 Wibbly Pig


The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick


Greatest Know-It-All

Law Order:

Say Yes Say Yes

There Yet? There Yet?

Ocean Joy/Painting

Days of our

Storage Criminal Storage Minds

Squirrel Sidekick Puppies

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made How/Made

The Ricki Office Lake How IShow Met

Long Baby Island Story Medium Baby Story

The ce Law Offi Order: The CI Office

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts

Ellen TodayDeGeneres cont’d Show

CHAN The Talk ( ”

On the Edge Fake or ” Fortune?

” ”

SNP KNOW Hospital KOMO Hockeycen- Big Bear The Doctors ) * ` tral at Noon Dinosaur ”

YTV Nichols NEWS Almost Power & 6 7 League/Evil Politics

DISC CIKAYU Driving Wars Anderson 9 ” Live;

TLC Medium < Medium

WTBS King KingA

KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”

SportsCentre DeGe- Best PBA Bowling The Ricki Doctors Ellen The View Poko Recipes ThisMinute The Price Is Lake Show neres ”Show Stefano ” ” Doodlebops ThisMinute Right

The Ricki Coast Doctors Big Soccer Lake Show Blue Jays ” Central

Curling: 2013

Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part

Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show

Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris

Judge Young Judy & Judge Judy Restless

Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part

World Poker G. Shrinks UEFA Maga. Rolie Polie Tour ArthurOlly UEFA Dive,

KOMO 4 News

Storage Criminal Storage Minds

Odd Parents Reshmi Lang & Nair Canada’s Daily Planet Family Steve Feud Cake Starter G. Shrinks Boss Odd Parents O’Leary HarveyFeud Cake WivesBoss Rescue Hero cont’d Worst ”Driver Family

Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI

Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves

KatieDay New ” Northwest

Scotties Tournament

News Noon News Hour ”

CTV News at Five”

News CBC News News Now

KIRO News KIRO Bold News

Early Noon News News Global Hour Nat.

Hockey Champions NHL League

News The Chew World ”News

Storage The First 48 Storage ”

Odd Parents CBC News League/Evil Odd Parents ” Kid vs. Kat Now With

Simpsons Funny Home The What Not to Raymond Sisterhood Videos Wear

Browns Excused Payne Excused

Business Atlantic World News Crossing

KING 5 News

of Hearts: Draw 9 8

Global CTVDr. News Days ofNat. our The Oz CHBC Lives News Show ”

News Heartland Exchange ”

KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”

News of Hour Days our Lives ”

Hockey: Animals Soccer: Save Ums Canucks Dogs Pig Round of at 16 Wibbly

KOMO 4 General News Hospital

Storage The First 48 Storage ”

iCarly Squirrel Victorious Sidekick

CBC News: Greatest Gold Rush Andrew The National Know-It-All ” Nichols

Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI

Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives

NHL Off Record Hockey: Interruption

Ent The Talk ET Canada ”

Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ”

George S Steven and Coronation Chris

Ent Ent Talk Let’s Make a The omg! Deal Insider ET Canada ”

Blackhawks Hockeycentral at ”Noon

Be Big the Bear Creature Dinosaur

Wheel The Doctors Southie The First 48 Jeopardy! Southie ” ”

Mr. Young Almost Boys League/Evil

CBC PowerNews & ” Politics

Kings at SportsCentre Oilers ” PBA Bowling ” Curling: SportsCentre 2013 ” Curling: SportsCentre Scotties 2013 ” Tournament Scotties SportsCentre of Hearts: Tournament ” Draw 9

NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless Eat, Shrink Vegas News Debt/Part ” Noon CHBC News GlobalNews Nat. Hour Final CHBC News

The Taste Ellen DeGeneres ”Show The View Cleveland Anderson ” New Live Normal The Criminal CTVMarilyn News Denis Minds at FiveShow

Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano Poko Cracked Dragons’ Doodlebops Den ” Steven and CBC NewsNews: Chris The National News CBC News CBC NewsNews Now George S Exchange

NCIS ThisMinute ” ThisMinute The Price Is NCIS: Los Judge Judy Right Angeles Judge Judy Young & Vegas KIRO News Restless KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO Bold Late CBS Show News

Sportsnet Big Coast UFC Jays Central Blue Soccer The Ultimate World Poker Central Fighter Tour UEFA Maga. Sportsnet Hockey UEFA Connected NHL Champions Hockey Hockey: League UFC Central Canucks at

Money, Rob Robot Power Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Liberia ’77 G. Shrinks Franklin Arthur” Rolie Polie The First Martha Dive, Olly Movie Wild Kratts

Heartland George S Coronation ” Coronation The Border

The Days of our Ent Talk Ent Canada Letterman ET ” Lives omg! Insider ETProbst Canada Ferguson J.

Steven and Rick Mercer Chris 22 Minutes

Let’s Talk NCISMake a The NCIS Deal ” ”

of Hearts: Days of our NHL Ent Canada SportsCentre ET Draw 8 Lives Hockey: ETProbst Canada ” J. Off Record Kings at Interruption Oilers

The Talk NCIS ”

CTV News News CTV ” CTV News The Dr. Oz Big Bang Daily Show Show etalk Colbert Rep Dr. ThePhil Taste ”

SportsCentre The Ricki ” NCIS: Los ” Lake Show SportsCentre Angeles

Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Cleveland Cracked NCIS: Los neres Show Stefano ThisMinute New Normal ” Angeles

SportsCentre Vegas Curling: Young & ” 2013 ” Restless

Criminal Anderson Minds Live

CBC News: Vegas Dragons’ Judge Judy The Den National Judge”Judy

SportsCentre Scotties STIHL ” Tournament 24 CH SportsCentre of Hearts: Curling: ” Draw 9 2013 NHL Scotties Hockey: Tournament

CHBC News News The Doctors Final ” ” ET Canada Global Nat. Eat, Shrink J. Probst CHBC News Debt/Part

Ent Noon News ET Canada Hour

CTV News The View CTV News at Five ” Daily Show CTV News The Marilyn Colbert ” Rep Denis Show Big CTVBang News etalk ”

CBC NewsNews Poko George News S Doodlebops Coronation News Steven and The Border Exchange Chris George S CBC News Coronation Now

Kings at of Hearts: Oilers Draw 10 ” Off Record SportsCentre Interruption SportsCentre SportsCentre ”

NCIS Days of our Lives ” NCIS: Los The Talk Angeles ” Vegas The Ricki ” Lake Show

The The Taste Dr. Oz Show ” Cleveland Dr. Phil New Normal ” Criminal Ellen DeGeMinds neres Show

Rick Mercer Heartland 22 Minutes ” Cracked Steven and Chris ”

The Ricki NCIS: Los Lake Show Angeles

CHAN Vegas Young & ” Restless (


Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot

KNOW KOMO Taste The` Dr. Oz * Show ”

Dino Dan Be the Animals Rob Creature DogsRobot Soccer: Blackhawks Save Be theUms UFC Liberia ’77 Round ” of 16 Wibbly Creature Countdown ” Pig

The View To Be KOMO 4 Announced News ” KOMO 4 Body News of News Proof World News The Chew News KOMO 4 Jimmy News ”

A&E 1

Southie Storage Southie Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage The First 48 Southie Storage ” Southie Storage

General First 48 Wheel Live The Kimmel Southie Hospital ” Jeopardy! Nightline Southie


Wipeout Squirrel ” Sidekick Squirrel Gags Odd Parents Puppies Gags Odd Parents G. Shrinks Boys Odd Parents Rescue Hero Mr. OddYoung Parents


CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC Lang News: & Now With The National O’Leary Reshmi Nair CBC News cont’d ” League/Evil CBC News: News That’s-Weird CBC iCarly Kid vs. Kat NowNational With Splatalot The Victorious

Squirrel Mr. Young Wipeout Sidekick Boys ”

Andrew CBC News Lang & Nichols ” O’Leary

Gold Rush Auction The Dirt Auction

Starter Say Yes Wives Say Yes

Browns There Yet? Payne Yet? There

PBS Ocean NewsHour Joy/Painting

Bering Big Bang Driving Sea Wars Anderson Gold ” Two Live Men

Gypsy Medium Sisters Medium

Seinfeld King Seinfeld King

Public Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil Matters Inside”Ed. ”

Licence to How/Made Drill How/Made How/Made Gold Daily Rush Planet How/Made ” Canada’s Bering Sea Gold Rush Worst Driver Gold The Dirt

Raising The Ricki New Girl Lake Show The Offi New Girlce Steve How I Mindy HarveyMet Family Feud News Simpsons Family Feud 30 Rock Raymond

Starter Long Island Wives Medium Baby Story Gypsy Starter Baby Sisters WivesStory Cake The Boss Cake Boss Sisterhood

Auction Licence to Gold Rush Auction Drill ” Greatest Bering Sea MythBusters Know-It-All Gold ”

Funny Home Sunny Big Bang Videos TMZ Two Men Law Order: Big Bang The Offi ce CI Two Men King of Hill

What Not to Starter Wear Wives Say Yes Gypsy Paid Prog. Say Yes Sisters Paid Prog.

Family The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Law Order: Amer. Dad Big Bang CI Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Seven Browns CI Pounds” Payne Excused ” Browns Excused Payne”

Billyin the Kid: Cat the American Arthur Sid Guns in WildScience Kratts Wild Kratts America WordGirl Daniel Tiger Frontline Business Rick Steves ”News World Atlantic Afropop: PBS Crossing Cultural NewsHour

Off-Rockers Ellen DeGeOff-Rockers neres Show Today Go On Katie cont’dNormal New ” New Smash KINGDay 5 Northwest News ” KING 5 News KING NightlyNews News Jay Leno

There Yet? Seinfeld The Love There Yet? Seinfeld Guru

Ocean Public in the Alone Joy/Painting Matters Wilderness

Days of Magazine ” our Lives Inside Ed. Jimmy Fallon



Almost Wipeout League/Evil ”

Power & Driving Anderson CBC News: LicenceWars to Raising Politics Live The National Drill ” New Girl

Medium Starter Medium Wives

King Family Guy King Family Guy

Charlie Phil Billy theRose Kid: Dr. Off-Rockers ” ” American Off-Rockers

Squirrel Gags Sidekick Gags

” How/Made CBC News: Gold Rush ” How/Made The National ”

Long GypsyIsland Medium Sisters

The Offi ce Amer. Dad The Office Movie:

Cat in in the Guns Arthur America

SNP G. KNOW KOMO Sportsnet First Body of4 World Poker The Shrinks KOMO Connected Movie Proof Tour) Arthur News * `

NCIS The Talk ”” NCIS: Los a Let’s Make Angeles Deal CBC Recipes News: ThisMinute Vegas Best The National ThisMinute ” Stefano

NCIS Days of our Lives ” NCIS: Los The Talk Angeles ” Vegas The Ricki ” Lake Show

Sportsnet Soccer: UFC Central Round of 16 The Ultimate HockeycenFighter tral at Noon Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Curling: Young & Anderson Final CTV 2013 ” Restless Live News

CBC News Dragons’ George S Den

KIRO JudgeNews Judy Late Show Judge Judy

News YoungHour & Final Restless

SportsCentre ET Canada Scotties News Tournament ” ” J. Probst

Storage Storage

A&E Storage Storage 1

YTV Lang NEWS Boys News Odd Parents CBC & Mr. ” OddYoung Parents O’Leary 6 7

DISC Bering Sea Daily Planet Gold ” 9

Be the Martha Bucket-Dino Creature Wild Kratts Franklin Liberia Animals’77 Rolie Polie ” Dogs Dive, Olly Be the Dino Dan Creature Rob Robot

News The View Jimmy World News ” Kimmel KOMO 4Live KOMO 4 Nightline News News Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! ”

Southie Storage Criminal Southie Storage Minds Southie Storage Criminal Southie Storage Minds Southie The First 48 Southie ”

That’s-Weird Odd Parents Squirrel Splatalot Odd Parents G. Shrinks Wipeout iCarly G. Shrinks ” Victorious Rescue Hero Mr. Young League/Evil Boys Kid vs. Kat

CBC News: News CBC News The National ” Now With Lang & CBC News: Reshmi Nair O’Leary The National cont’d CBC CBC News News ” Now With

Licence to Gold Rush How/Made Drill The Dirt How/Made MythBusters Gold Rush To Be ” Announced

Money, Save Ums Power Wibbly Pig Liberia ’77 Big Bear ” Dinosaur

The Taste General ” Hospital To Be The Doctors Announced ” BodyDr. of Oz The Proof Show

Southie The First 48 Southie ” Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage

Wipeout Squirrel ” Sidekick Gags Almost Gags League/Evil Boys Squirrel Mr. Young Sidekick

CBC News: Andrew The National Nichols CBC News: Power & The National Politics

Licence to Bering Sea Drill Gold Gold Rush Licence to Drill ”

CBC News ” ”

Bering Sea How/Made Gold How/Made

Hockey Be the NBA G. Shrinks UFC Central Creature Basketball: Arthur

News KOMO 4 Jimmy News

Southie Storage Southie Storage

That’s-Weird Licence to SpongeBob CBC Lang News: & Daily Planet Splatalot National Drill ” SpongeBob The O’Leary

The First Rob Robot Movie Clifford-Dog

Bering Sea Gold Rush Gold ”

Coronation News News The Border

Letterman KIRO News KIRO News Ferguson

ET Canada Early News Global Nat. J. Probst

UFC Grizzlies at Raptors Countdown

Liberia Martha ’77 Wild Kratts ”

Kimmel News Live Southie Duck D. World News Southie Duck D. Nightline

Wipeout SpongeBob SpongeBob ”

Lang & CBC News ” O’Leary

of Hearts: Draw 11

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”

News Exchange

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour ”

” Sportsnet

Animals Undersea

KOMO 4 News

Duck D. Duck D.

iCarly Victorious

CBC News: The National

NHL Hockey:

Ent ET Canada


George S Coronation

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News ”

Kings at Flames

Survivor: Caramoan

American Idol

Mr. D Ron James

Survivor: Caramoan

Survivor: Caramoan

UEFA Champions

The Story of The Middle India Neighbors

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout ”

CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold

Arctic Air ”

Criminal Minds

Go On Guys-Kids

League Soccer

Gareth Ma- Mod Fam Duck D. lone Goes to Suburgatory Duck D.

Gags Gags

CBC News: To Be The National Announced

Handel’s 20/20 Water Music ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Duck D. Duck D.

SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene

CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene

Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Frontiers of News UFC Central Construction Jimmy

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

The Ultimate The Story of Kimmel Live Duck D. Fighter India Nightline Duck D.

Daily Show Colbert Rep


The Taste Doctors The First 48 Southie ” ” Southie

Blackhawks Champions ” League

” ”


The Dr. Oz To Be Show Announced

Ent Noon News ET Canada Hour

” Go On SportsCentre Guys-Kids


HockeycenBig Bear Sportsnet Money, tral atCentral Noon Dinosaur UFC Power

Hockey Soccer UFC NHL Central Central UFC Hockey: Premier Countdown Canucks at UEFA


Big Robot TheCoast Ultimate Rob Liberia ’77 Blue Jays Clifford-Dog Fighter ”

News Hour Early News The Doctors Final Global Nat. ” ET Canada News Hour Eat, Shrink J. Probst ” Debt/Part

Daily Show CTV News at Five Rep Colbert

KIRO News The Price Is Late KIROShow News Right Letterman KIRO News Young & Ferguson CBS News Restless Ent KIRO News omg! Bold Insider


NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless Eat, Shrink Vegas Early News Debt/Part Global” Nat. Noon News News Hour Hour ” Final

Rob Robot The View Dr. Oz Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Show ” Franklin

A&E The First 48 1 ”


The NewRicki Girl Lake MindyShow

KAYU News Steve 30 Rock Harvey ;

WTBS “Seven Big Bang Pounds” Big A Bang

KCTS Frontline Wild Kratts ” WordGirl N

Ellen DeGeGo On neres Show New Normal


Smash Katie ”

Sunny Simpsons The Office TMZ Raymond How I Met The Office Big Bang Family Feud King of Hill Two Men Family Feud Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos

Starter The Baby Story Wives Sisterhood Baby Story Paid Prog. Starter Cake Boss Paid Prog. Wives ” Gypsy What Not to Sisters Wear

” Browns Law Order: Payne” CI The Love Browns Law Order: Guru Payne CI Seinfeld Excused Seinfeld Excused

Afropop: Business Sid Science Cultural World News Wild Kratts Alone PBS in the Daniel Tiger Wilderness NewsHour Rick Steves Public Antiques Matters Roadshow

KING News 5 Today Jay Leno News cont’d Nightly” News New Day Jimmy News Fallon Northwest Magazine KING 5 Inside News Ed.

Raising Law Order: New Girl CI New Girl Anderson Mindy Live News The Ricki 30 Rock Lake Show

Starter Say Yes Wives Say Yes Gypsy Medium Sisters Medium The Medium Sisterhood Medium

Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy There Yet? Amer. Dad King Movie: King “Seven The Office Pounds” The Office

Billy Kid: Julia the Child American Joy/Painting Guns in Charlie Rose America ” Frontline Cat in the ” Arthur

Off-Rockers Days of our Off-Rockers Lives Go On Dr. Phil New Normal ” Smash Ellen DeGe” neres Show

Sunny Steve TMZ Harvey

Starter Addiction Wives Addiction

” Big Bang ” Big Bang

Afropop: Wild Kratts Cultural WordGirl

KING Katie News Jay Leno ”

Paid Prog. Hoarding: Buried Alive Paid Prog.

The Love College Basketball Guru

Alone in the Business World News Wilderness

KING ”5 News Fallon Jimmy

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

MythBusters The Office To Be Simpsons Announced Raymond ” King of Hill ” ”

TLC The Starter Sisterhood Wives <

Big Bang Two Men

” ”

Addiction Addiction

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Golden Apple

Magazine Inside Ed.

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Whitney Guys-Kids

Addiction Addiction

Amer. Dad Browns


Law & Order: SVU

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Payne Browns

The Path to Violence

Chicago Fire ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Addiction Addiction

Payne Movie:


KING News Jay Leno

Wipeout ”

Peter Popoff “Never Back The QuanPaid Prog. Down” tum Activist

Lang & O’Leary

MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men

Hoarding: Buried Alive

” ”

Licence to Drill

American Idol ” ” News 30 Rock

The Office King of Hill

” Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A14

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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Business Opportunities

Career Opportunities

ACCOUNTING & Tax Franchise - Start your own Practice with Canada’s leading Accounting Franchise. Join Padgett Business Services’ 400 practices. Taking care of small business needs since 1966. or 1-888-723-4388, ext. 222.

PUT POWER into your career! As a Fairview Power Engineer. On-campus boiler lab. 4th Class-Part A 3rd Class. Affordable residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-9997882;

ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

EARN EXTRA cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed.

Career Opportunities MCELHANNEY CONSULTING seeks SAFETY COORDINATOR: OH&S diploma + 2-5 yrs exp; current on OH&S regulations, exp in oil & gas, construction or surveying an asset. Info/apply @

TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Farm Workers SEASONAL Farm Worker positions available June 24th – Oct 31st in Lake Country, BC. Thinning, picking and summer pruning of apples and grapes. Must be physically capable of working in all weather conditions. $10.25/hour. 40-60 hours / week. Email resumes to:



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

BANNISTER AUTO GROUP If you are Energetic, Motivated and have the desire to join a “Customer First Family�, we are inviting you to come grow with us. We are one of Western Canada’s fastest growing automotive companies and always looking for great people to join our team. We’re accepting resumes for all departments and all positions: Management, Sales, Service (technicians), Parts, Body Shop and Accounting. Interested in joining our team? Email Darryl Payeur at . Bannister GM Vernon, Bannister GM Edson, Bannister Honda Vernon, Browns GM Dawson Creek, Champion GM Trail, Huber Bannister Chevrolet Penticton, Salmon Arm GM Salmon Arm and growing.

EXPERIENCED PARTS person for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:

ClassiďŹ eds Get Results!

Journeyman HD mechanic required for oilfield construction company. Duties will include servicing, maintenance and overhaul of our equipment. The job will be predominately shop work , but with a portion of your time spent in the field. A mechanics truck will be supplied for you. The job is based in Edson, Alberta. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 13, 2013 A15 A15





Merchandise for Sale



Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Esthetics Services

Misc. for Sale

Homes for Rent

Auto Financing

Seasonal labourer positions at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing, Lake Country BC. No experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Applicant must be capable of physically demanding (incl. heavy lifting) work in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week. 10-12 hours a day beginning March 15, 2013 - April 30, 2013. Work includes tree planting, pruning & irrigation. Pay $10.25/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at

PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.

AWARD Winning Permanent Cosmetics. Licensed Clinic. 1855-4803116 Lake Country

Painting & Decorating

STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206

Lakeview, 3bd house, $1000. 2 full baths, lrg living rm, sundeck, newly painted. 718-1975

WANT to live in PARADISE? A year round, resident caretaker couple is required for beautiful Paradise Lake Resort in the Thompson/Okanagan. We are seeking a dependable couple who will work independently throughout the year and have skills in the maintenance and repair of electrical and plumbing systems; carpentry and/or construction experience; and a mechanical aptitude. Experience in a similar role would be an asset. Compensation will be commensurate with skills and experience and includes living accommodation. Please direct any questions to Tracy at Resumes, along with a cover letter, can be emailed to the above or mailed to: Paradise Lake Resort c/o 24560 - 58A Avenue, Langley, BC V2Z 1G9. The deadline for receipt of applications is Feb. 28, 2013.

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Trades, Technical FULLY qualified LICENSED Trade Technician. MUST have Journeyman Qualification Certificate & BC approved Propane Gas License. Submit resume: Midtown RV, Penticton, BC. email:


(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500


Education/Tutoring EXCLUSIVE FINNING/Caterpillar Mechanic training. GPRC Fairview Campus. High school diploma, mechanical aptitude required. $1000. entrance scholarship. Paid practicum with Finning. Write apprenticeship exams. 1-8889 9 9 - 7 8 8 2 ; THE ONE, the only authorized Harley-Davidson technician training program in all of Canada. You’ll work on all types of HD bikes. Quality instruction and state-of-the-art training aids. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview Alberta. 18 8 8 - 9 9 9 - 7 8 8 2 ;

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB WANTED:Will pay cash for construction equipment, backhoes, excavators, dozers, farm tractors w/loaders, skid steers, wheel loaders, screeners, low beds, any condition running or not. 250-260-0217.

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.Norwood or call 1800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 250-863-3082 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

Seasonal Acommodation $449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo 1-888-481-9660.

Suites, Upper WinďŹ eld, 2bdrm, 1bath, upper floor suite on farm acreage. Avail immed., $800/mo incl utils & cable. Shared laundry, pets neg. Call: (250)766-2249

Want to Rent Responsible, working woman req 2bd suite for Mar, Apr or May 1. Long term, reasonable, inclusive. 250-766-1770



Sporting Goods

Auto Financing

Ruger 10-22’s, SKS’s & SKS Ammo in Stock, Upgraded Grizzly 870 shotguns from $425. Quality Firearms Bought & Sold at The Best Little Gun Shop Around Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, 4-1691 Powick, Kel. 250-762-7575, Tue-Sat,

Off Road Vehicles

LAKE Country area vineyard, no exp. necessary, will train, employment from April 30. to Nov 11. 2013. 6 days/40 to 50 hrs/wk. $10.25/h. Physically demanding all weather job. Email Joe: or fax 250-766-9081

Real Estate Lots The Lakes, 2 spectacular lake view lots, southern exposure, suitable for Rancher with w/o basement. $219,000 per lot, MLS10058130, MLS10058125, David Jurome, McDonald Realty, 250-862-1888


DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688


24/7 • anonymous • conďŹ dential • in your language



Stand up. Be heard. Get help.

Calendar Lake Countr y






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Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


What did you do together with your family on the first BC Family Day February 11th? Post a photo of how you chose to enjoy this new provincial holiday on our Facebook page to let us know how you like to spend time in Lake Country with your family & friends

Great NEWS for Oyama water source customers: After almost three years the Oyama water source Boil Water Notice was lifted on Friday, February 8th.

Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-6677 f: 250-766-0200

BOIL WATER NOTICE LIFTED Water Quality Advisory now in Effect The District of Lake Country in conjunction with Interior Health has LIFTED the BOIL WATER NOTICE for the Oyama Lake Source effective immediately. The Boil Water Notice has been downgraded to a Water Quality Advisory for turbidity. We are pleased to report that recent upgrades to the Oyama Lake source, including a new chlorination facility and reservoir have resulted in improved reliability and water quality.

Notice of Temporary Use Permit TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, a report is being taken to the Regular Council meeting of Tuesday, February 19, 2013, at 7 p.m. in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to give consideration on the following: 1. TP2012-009 – Temporary Use Permit The applicant is seeking Council approval for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a collision/auto-body repair shop from an accessory building on the property. Applicant/Agent: Owner(s): Legal Description: Civic Address: Zoning Designation:

David Tenborg As Above Lot 1, District Lot 7, ODYD Plan 24640 15151 Oyama Road A1 – Agriculture 1

Change of Water Source during infrastructure upgrades: Kalamalka Source customers to receive Oyama Source Water Improvements to the Kalamalka Lake source water with the installation of an ultra violet disinfection system are taking place between February and April and require a complete shutdown of the pump station. During these infrastructure upgrades customers on the Kalamalka Lake source will be temporarily supplied with water from the Oyama Lake Source. Customers may notice increased colour (yellow or reddish) in the Oyama water due to organics or rust particulates. Water quality monitoring (physical, chemical and bacteriological) of the raw water source and distribution system will continue to ensure safe water is being delivered. Both the Kalamalka Lake water source and the Oyama Lake water source are currently on Water Quality Advisories due to turbidity: What is Turbidity? Turbidity is a measure of how clear or cloudy the water is and “NTU” is the unit it is measured in. Particles can interfere with the disinfection process and may reduce chlorines effectiveness. Turbidity in the good and fair range are invisible to the human eye.

The water quality is rated as FAIR. This means all customers who receive water from these sources are now on an Advisory. Health risks increase as turbidity rises, particularly for at-risk populations such as newborns, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. Contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites can attach themselves to the suspended particles in turbid water. These particles can then interfere with disinfection, limiting chlorine’s ability to remove or inactivate the contaminants. “Interior Health recommends that children, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems and anyone seeking additional protection drink boiled water or a safe alternative until further notice. For these at-risk populations, water intended for drinking, washing fruits or vegetables, making juice or ice, or brushing teeth should be boiled for one minute.” For more information, contact the Greg Buchholz (Operations Manager) or Patti Hansen (Water Quality Technician) at 250-766-6677 or or Interior Health at 250-549-5714 or

A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Temporary Use Permit may be carried on. If you believe your interest in property is affected by the application noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submission respecting matters contained in the above application. A copy of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Office, District of Lake Country, Development Services Department (2nd Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Wednesday, February 13, 2013 through Tuesday, February 19, 2013 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Dated February 13, 2013

Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

Council met February 5 & 7th to deliberate on the 2013 Operating and Capital Budget for the District of Lake Country. See the full budget presentation in the Special Council Meeting agenda for February 5th available on the website

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