Rossland News, February 14, 2013

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Breaking news at

Vol. 8 • Issue 7

Thursday, February 14 • 2013

A new location, in time Catch up on Heritage Week for Valentine’s Day with Rossland Gallery event See Page 8 See Page 10


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At the flashing light intersection, Rossland

The School District 20 board of education has eliminated the option for K-7 at MacLean Elementary School, choosing only to pursue K-9 at Rossland Secondary School. Arne Petryshen photo

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SD20 choice leaves Rossland Secondary ARNE PETRYSHEN Rossland News Editor

School District 20 trustees left only one option on the table for Rossland Tuesday night and that is K-9 at Rossland YourSecondary Horoscope ForSchool. the Week While that not haveinside been the K-12 withmay Michael O’Connor education that was Horoscope the West Kootenay Advertiserhoped for, it looks like Rossland Secondary For the Week RosslandNews_2013_Feb7-Feb28.pdf 2/1/2013 PM standing School will be 4:56:16 the last with Michael O’Connor


inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

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public school in Rossland. Board members had a special meeting at RSS Tuesday night to have the second reading of two bylaws pertaining to the closure of either RSS or MacLean Elementary School. The options up for discussion were K-9 education at RSS, while closing MacLean, or K-7 at MacLean , while closing RSS. The option for K-12 at RSS, an option that has been favoured by residents as evidenced by a recent public fo-

rum and written submissions to the district, was dropped from the bylaw options last week. Tuesday, the options were down to two and as the meeting began, there was a sense of apprehension at what might have been the closing remarks on Rossland Secondary as a school. Closing RSS would also mean that two more grades would have to be crammed into the already overpopulated MacLean, and grades 8-12

would have to be bussed down to J. Lloyd Crowe in Trail. Trustees took the middle ground, voting unanimously for K-9 at RSS, while leaving the K-7 option at MacLean on the cutting room floor. Rossland trustee, Gordon Smith, noted that there has been tremendous support for RSS in Rossland. “I want to be clear that I’m not here to placate you, nor am I here to apologize for the board’s action,” Smith said, to

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the approximate 200 strong crowd, touching on the recent defeat of the K-12 option. “But I’m asking you all to dig deep, to get below the turbulent surface, to a place of inner calm and resolve, to regroup and continue to advocate for the best possible outcomes that will help build this community.” Smith then highlighted some of the benefits of the option, saying that the savings to See School on P. 4

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Thursday, February 14, 2013 Rossland News

Community Lot Tell your community what’s happening! Send photos, stories, event listings, upcoming activities and regular group meetings to or submit your listing on our website at

February is... • CHINese New Year, Feb. 10 • FamIlY daY, Feb. 11 • ValeNtINe’s daY, Feb. 14 • Flag oF CaNada daY, Feb. 15 • HerItage week, Feb. 17-24

Coming events

sCHool dIstrICt 20 meetINg Special board meeting at Rossland Secondary School,

Monday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. for the final reading of bylaws dealing with closures/reconfigurations of Rossland’s schools.

CItY CouNCIl: Next regular meeting is Monday Feb. 25 at 7 p.m.

rosslaNd goldeN CItY QuIlt guIld meets every Monday. The guild meets at the Se-

nior Centre on Rossland Avenue from 7-9 p.m.

rosslaNd rotarY wINe FestIVal is coming up Feb. 23 from 7-10 p.m. Tickets are

$55 each and on sale at Powder Hound. For more information on the event, contact Fiona Martin at

rosslaNd News CaleNdar oNlINe: Upload events that are coming up free online at

rosslaNd retIrees CurlINg Club invites men and women interested in curling on

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., to call Bill at 362-9462 or Jim at 364-1051. Beginners are welcomed!

Heart aNd stroke moNtH is happening in Rossland. Look for canvassers to donate.

For more more information, contact Mary Ann at 362-7302.

serVICes lost VIgIl the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Seniors’ memorial

vigil for services lost will be held outside Trail hospital on Tues. Feb. 19 from 1-3 p.m.

rosslaNd HIstorICal museum is open winter hours. Those hours are Feb. 22, from 2

p.m. to 6 p.m. and Feb. 23, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Joe HIll CoFFeeHouse Joe Hill Coffee House takes place the third Sunday of each

month starting in September. It carries a great Rossland tradition into a new season. The music starts at 7 p.m. in the Rossland Miners’ Hall, in a relaxing cafe setting with coffee, tea and good things to eat. Don’t miss the opening event of another season of fun! Les Carter, 250-362-5677,

opeN mIC NIgHt at the Flying Steamshovel every Wednesday at 9 p.m.

legIoN The Rossland Legion is open. Go in and check out their newly renovated


rosslaNd lIgHt opera plaYer Will perform their new production The Show Must

Go On Feb. 22, 23 and March 1. More info at

sCeNestudIo: Acting for All! Rossland’s new acting school is open and offers ongo-

ing programming. Professionally trained in Theatre and Film and TV, working actors, G. Michael and Alicia Gray, teach these exciting and educational classes. 2010 Washington (in the historic BMO Building) (250)521-1559

traIl sea Cadets: Ages 12-18 Meets every Tuesday 6pm-9pm at the 44th Trail Ar-

mory in Shaver’s Bench. 1990 - 7th Ave Contact Richard Chanig at by calling 250364-6247.



Highway Drive, Trail B.C.

goldeN CItY lIoNs: The Lions meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each

month at 6 p.m. at the Rossland Legion. Contact W. Profili at 362-7671

rosslaNd radIo Co-op: Open house every Monday from 3-7 p.m. followed by station

meeting at 7 p.m. More info:

traIl maple leaF baNd Monday evening practices 7 - 9 p.m. in the McIntyre Room at the Cominco Memorial Centre. Brass and woodwind players welcomed. For more info, contact Andrea McKay, 362-7604. rosslaNd skatepark CommIttee 6-8 pm, first Tuesday each month at the Rossland

Library. Come be part of the process.

sCoutINg For boys and girls, now at the Rossland Scout Hall. Beavers (ages 5,6,7)

Tuesdays. Cubs (ages 8,9,10) Scouts (ages 11-14) Contact Tim Leask 362-7118. Accepting applications for Scout Leaders. ColumbIa dIstrICt gIrl guIdes Columbia District Girl Guides has units from Ross-

land to Salmo for girls aged 5 to 17. Call 250-367-7115. Leaders also wanted.

YCdC YoutH NIgHts Free drop-in, 1504 Cedar Ave, Trail. Call 364-3322 or contact Art Night: Tue. 7pm; Movie Night: Wed. 6-8pm.

roYal CaNadIaN legIoN br. # 14 rosslaNd General Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on

the third Wed. of every month. All members of Branch #14 are asked to attend.

rotarY Club oF rosslaNd: Weekly meetings at the Rock Cut Pub, Mon., 6-8pm. All

welcome! Contact John Sullivan, 362-5278.

geNealogY West Kootenay Family Historians, 7pm, first Monday each month, Sept to

June, SHSS, Castlegar. Annual fee $10. Contact Jean, 365-8100, or Grace, 364-1426.

NaNCY greeNe Hut Crew Once again, it’s time to make sure our favorite huts around

Nancy Greene Summit are ready for the snow season. If you would like to help cut firewood, make interesting repairs, or just learn where the huts are, get some exercise, and help put the “party” in work party, contact Les Carter at 250-362-5677, retrac01@telus. net. aIr Cadets Meets every Wed. 6pm - 9:15pm at the 44 Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench

1990-7th Ave. Contact: Michelle Szabo at 231-5000,



Waneta Plaza, Trail B.C. A3

Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2013


the Golden City Lions Club donated $500 to the La nina extreme Weather shelter located in the trail United Church. the shelter has six beds for people in need of a place to sleep during the cold months of the year. there are two workers on duty from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. to welcome people seeking shelter from the cold. reverend Keith simmons (left) accepts a cheque from Lion Don Vinish at a recent club meeting in rossland. Submitted photo

City puts forth cost of keeping K-12 in Rossland Arne Petryshen Rossland News Editor

City of Rossland administrative staff have put numbers to the prospect of supporting continued K-12 education in Rossland. The tax rate calculation was presented to council on Wednesday night, during the regular meeting. Council instructed staff to run through the possible tax implications if it were to help School District 20 meet the shortfalls that have forced it to only consider K-9 education at

Rossland Secondary School or K-7 at MacLean Elementary School. City staff ran four possible scenarios for funding. The four options are for $300,000 to be paid annually for three years, $300,000 annually for one year, $140,000 to be paid annually for three years and $140,000 to be paid annually for one year The biggest tax rate increase comes as a result of the first option, which is no surprise. That would amount to a residence assessed at $265,000 paying an additional $94.57 per year, for five years, on top of other taxes. Businesses would also see a hike,

with a $161 raise in their annual tax rate. For the 2012 tax year, a household assessed like the one above pays around $3,270. The second suggestion would cost $31.52 per year over five years for residents and $53.90 for businesses. The third possibility that staff looked at, $140,000 per year for three years, would see a rise of $44.13 per $265,000 assessment.This would amount to a $75.46 increase for businesses. The fourth, $140,000 for one year, would raise taxes by $14.71 per $265,000, and $25.15 for businesses.

The city’s corporate officer, Tracey Butler, clarified that the numbers have no recommendations attached to them, as staff was only directed to look into the scenarios. Butler also noted that the five-year term for a MFA loan is the longest term to keep the loan a short-term loan. The other option at council’s disposal is to dip into reserves, but Butler said they are depleted because of the Columbia-Washington project. Council will receive the information on Wednesday and can then chose where to go with it. On Tuesday night, councillors and

the mayor of Rossland attended the school district meeting at Rossland Secondary, which was the second reading of the two bylaws pertaining to the closure of either Rossland Secondary School or MacLean Elementary School. The option for K-9 education in Rossland is the only bylaw option remaining on the table. The information above can be found on page 109 of the council agenda package. The results of last night’s meeting will be posted online at, as the meeting hadn’t yet happened as of press time.

Trails society hoping to avoid city cuts to budget stAff Writer Rossland News

The Kootenay Columbia Trail Society (KCTS) was hoping for a good turn out from Rossland residents in support of its trail maintaining ser-

vices. The society is worried about its future as a recent draft budget has shown that the funding for the society could be cut entirely by the City of Rossland. Currently, the city provides $19,000 per year to KCTS, which

goes to maintenance of the expansive trail networks around Rossland. That funding provides about a quarter of the society’s operating budget. KCTS members promised a packed council chambers in support of the society Wednesday night.

The KCTS said is has been successful in the 2012 summer season that finished with the construction of approximately half of the Sunningdale trail that will eventually link the north end of Bluff ’s Trail to the neighbourhood of Sunningdale, in Trail.

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“We have the funding in place and intend to complete the construction of this trail in 2013,” said Isaac Saban, KCTS president. “This will provide a continuous single track link from Miral Heights north all the way to Sunningdale.” More info at

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Thursday, February 14, 2013 Rossland News


Rossland residents waited with nervous aniticipation to find out what School District 20 would have in store for the community schools. The board decided to drop the option that would allow K-7 in MacLean Elementary School, and instead only pursue the option of K-9 in Rossland Secondary School. Arne Petryshen photos

School board moves K-9 at RSS to final reading continued from P. 1

the board would be $285,000, and it would also keep the RSS building in the community. “So while it may not be, in some people’s mind, the best option, it is the best option that is available to us at this point in time, so I encourage board members to support the K-9 option at the RSS school,” he said. Toni Driutti, who represents Warfield, spoke against the option. “I have concerns with K-3 students being housed in the RSS building,” Driutti said. She was concerned with the safety and supervision of students in RSS, noting a busy road outside and a limited play area. Trustee Mickey Kinakin said that his heart was behind neither of the motions, but since he had to choose one, it was K-9 at RSS. “The first effect is on the students, we are going to move these students from this community into another community in the name of increasing the opportunities for other students, but for these students, we’re going to end their opportunities in Rossland,” he said noting that the K-9 option has the least effect of the two on students. “Much of the culture of the school is done after school and before school,” he said. “Moving them out of this community where they can easily access this school and use it for their various gatherings and meetings will mean they will be disconnected.” Kinakin also recognized the work going on in RSS. “There’s a comment in here that somehow we will recreate the unique learning we have here in the other facility. It won’t happen.” Kinakin said that after being involved with

the closure of 11 schools, he knows that the culture of one school doesn’t easily transfer to another. “The reason these things are happening is because it’s Rossland, we’re not going to recreate Rossland in Trail or Castlegar,” he said. Kinakin also noted that in a couple of months they would meet with the Francophone school, and by closing RSS and using MacLean, the school district would effectively be evicting the Francophone school. The school has also expressed interest in buying MacLean, but not RSS. Manning said she is not in favour of closing an elementary school, and said she would vote for both as she did not know which path to take. Manning was worried about the feasibility of having kindergartens and Grade 9 students in the same building, as she had heard concerns in other communities about Grade 7 students and grade 12s being in the same school. Trustee Jen Carter said Rossland has made it very clear how they want the school to be run. “I believe this school is viable,” Carter said. “It has tremendous options for your children and in terms of looking at the budget, we have an election coming up, we have three more years before we have to make some final decisions on terms of our budget. If we close schools or create situations where children are not happy,

it doesn’t do anything for us in terms of educating our children, I think we need to have them in places where they’re comfortable, they’re happy, where they have the services that they need in their community. We need to be providing the best services that we can,.” She said closing schools and cramming kids into portables cuts down on services and increases stress to students. Trustee Mark Wilson said that if he lived in the community and had a student in the school he’d be on the Rossland side of the fence, but as it was, the board looks on from the other side at the whole district. “We got into this review because of financial pressure and it boils down to dollars and cents,” he said. Wilson noted that underutilization of certain schools is costing other schools in the district money. “So Rossland K-9, we can save $255,000 after the initial transition. Maclean K-7, we can save $455,000 after the transition. So like a couple other trustees, the decision is very tough. Do we have our numbers hat on? Do we look at just where the dollar is and not the community? Or do we look at our community hat and look at the community and what is best for it?” Wilson said they have to make the best educational decision for the students.

“(K-9) is something that will fit nicely into this building and will allow for growth in the community.”

“We have quite a bit of information and quite honestly, I was really torn about where this was going. At the start, one of the people at a previous meeting here said he was a numbers man and he asked how many people would take their kids out of the school (if RSS was closed) and about 200 people stood up,” Wilson said. “That would really take care of our problem right there. I’m a bit of a numbers man too, but unfortunately I see the community side. So I think I made my mind up tonight… I’m definitely going to be wearing my community hat and voting for K-9.” Board Chair Darrel Ganzert said he wouldn’t keep the audience in suspense, noting that he supports the option for K-9 in Rossland. “What I understand about the K-9 option is it is not overcapacity, nor will it be in the foreseeable future. It is something that will fit nicely into this building and will allow for growth in the community. :We all, trustees, believe there will be growth in this community and other communities in the Kootenays. I know it is a compromise position from your perspective, but you do get to keep your children for two more years with this position. It allows the community to access this building the auditorium etc.” The option passed second reading unanimously to a big applause. The second option, to close RSS and have K-7 in MacLean didn’t make it through second reading, with everyone but Driutti voting against it The board will meet again in Trail on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. to have the third and final reading, and adopt the bylaw. Ganzert noted that there is no discussion at that stage, and would just be a vote.

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Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2013


St.Andrew’s United Church The Church with the Red Roof Rossland B.C. Annual General Meeting Sunday, February 17 following morning worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship & Sunday School

Sunshine & Storm Clouds WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU...

Send us your Sunshine or Storm Clouds to: Rossland News Monika Smutny - Office Administration/Sales Ph: 250-362-2183 - Fax 250-362-2173 Email:

Sunshine - To all the courageous citizens young and old that spoke out to the SD20 board of trustees last night at the RSS gym and to everyone that wrote their letters.

SD20 meeting

Storm Cloud - To the people that seem to think the bulb out curbs are parking spaces in downtown Rossland, they leave the back ends of their trucks jutting out so much that traffic has to go around them.

Above, trustee Gordon Smith makes his case for K-9 in rossland; Above right, trustee Mickey Kinakin pleads to the board to pass the K-9 at rSS option, saying that K-7 at MacLean simply would not work. right, residents, many of whom are neighbourhood of Learning members, wait anxiously for the board’s decisions. Arne Petryshen photos

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NOL will have info session at end of month Aerin Guy Neighbourhood of Learning

K-7 at MacLean is dead, and K-9 at RSS has passed to the next reading, Rossland residents learned at Tuesday night’s emotional board meeting in the RSS gymnasium. Several trustees spoke honestly and eloquently about the implications of each of the options on the table. We know, as trustee Lorraine Manning reiterated, that it does come down to “dollars and cents,” but we also know that it should be about education and kids. It should also be about the sustainability and future of a community that has invested so much in this frustrating battle; a community that wants, needs and deserves a stable and high quality educational experience for all of our learners. As Rossland trustee Gordon Smith said, “We need to see the community as a partner, and make decisions with openness of mind and a spirit of innovation.” The NOL committee thanks the SD20 trustees for being flexible in their process and giving the community the opportunity to listen to their opinions, rationales

and vision. Rosslanders weren’t given that opportunity when K-12 was voted down, and that has been frustrating for many concerned residents. We also appreciate that a great many people were allowed to speak freely, ask questions and support each other through the generously extended question period. Once again, the community poured forth

If they vote to pass it, the board will then proceed with the next stages of their planning process. A bylaw that is passed can also be rescinded, so any emerging partnerships that develop with the City of Rossland could still change the playing field. City council is currently discussing various partnership ideas and the tax implications that would result. The NOL committee will hold a Public Information Meeting on Feb. 28. This meeting will address what steps we can take to keep K-12 alive in our community, and what potential solutions and alternatives are available. We will also outline how passionate Rosslanders can become more involved in the critical next steps that will hopefully lead to outcomes that we all want. Details will be available soon and posted on our Facebook page, the NOL website, and the Bhubble. Thank you to all of the Rosslanders who came out on Tuesday night to question, to cheer, to give a few memorable standing ovations, and to share what is in our hearts. You make all the difference.

This meeting will address what steps we can take to keep K-12 alive in our community. a trove of creative ideas and solutions, and expressed hope that K-12 in Rossland might still be a possibility when the dust settles. So what happens next? The Feb. 25 board meeting at Trail Middle School is the final reading of the bylaws. Trustees will vote for or against K-9 at RSS. If they vote against it, then the status quo (K-5 at MacLean and 6-12 at RSS) will remain in Rossland for the time being.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013 Rossland News Publisher: Barbara Blatchford Editor: Arne Petryshen Sales: Monika Smutny 2114 Columbia Ave., Rossland 250-362-2183

A chance to look at Rossland’s rich heritage next week Heritage Week begins at the start of next week and living in Rossland is a great chance to get in touch with the deep heritage that is available and still around in this community. Heritage Week is celebrated all over the province. It is an opportunity to recognize the community’s heritage buildings and take a look back. Rossland’s heritage dates back to the late 1800s and there are still a number of interesting buildings around town that represent this background. Those buildings shouldn’t be taken for granted as they present a unique cultural value to the community and are a visual representation of our history. The Rossland Heritage Commission will be presenting some of those buildings at a special Heritage Week exhibit next week. Members of the commission will be handing out maps to find some of those still standing relics of the past, as well as offering current heritage building homeowners a chance to do research on their own building. Heritage Week runs from Feb. 11-18 all over the province. Don’t miss out on this chance to gaze at Rossland heritage and look back on the history of this mountian mining town.

We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Rossland News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should not be more than 300 words long. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: 2114 Columbia Ave. Rossland/ Box 970 V0G 1YO Phone: 250-362-2183 Fax: 250-362-2173 The Rossland News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of

BC Views: Independent MLAs have a dream TOM FLETchER Black Press

Imagine a province where party leaders are chosen in an independently supervised vote, with 12-yearolds, dead people and pets prevented from voting. Imagine a province where roving gangs of influence-seekers aren’t allowed to join multiple parties, and the rule is actually enforced. One where corporations and unions have to advertise in their own name instead of financing political parties and then disclosing millions in donations months after the election is over. Imagine a province where elections are held based on audited financial statements, not a collection of election promises that will be dismissed as a work of fiction by the new regime if the incumbent party is defeated. A cat joined the B.C. Liberal Party to support Christy Clark. Adrian Dix won the NDP leadership with the help of bags of $10 bills stapled to new memberships. As parties go to online voting, multiple PIN numbers may be activated from the same phone number or the same address. These and other glaring problems with our party-based political system were highlighted last week in a set of reforms proposed by three independent MLAs. Vicki Huntington broke the party choke-hold on

B.C. politics by getting elected as an independent in Delta South in 2009. Bob Simpson was kicked out of the NDP caucus shortly after winning re-election for the party in Cariboo North, because he dared to criticize then-leader Carole James for a lack of policy specifics. They were belatedly joined by Abbotsford South MLA John van Dongen, who quit the B.C. Liberals in an orchestrated move to the B.C. Conservatives, and then quit that party soon after. Van Dongen does not have the credibility of the others to speak on integrity, given his selfserving party antics and his questionable decision to hire his fiancée and pay her one and a half salaries to serve as his constituency assistant. Leaving that aside, there are some good ideas in the independents’ reform package. One is to give backbench MLAs a meaningful role in policy-making. Simpson gave the example of Prince George MLA Shirley Bond’s term as education minister, where she had to reverse ministry policies that didn’t make sense in rural school districts. The all-party standing committee on education could have prevented this error, he said, but it didn’t because it never meets. The party voting irregularities described above could be addressed by giving Elections BC authority to supervise party leadership votes, the

way it does elections and referenda. There are unknown costs for this, and other problems. For instance, should the Marijuana Party be subject to this, or the Work Less Party, should either one muster enough organization to stage a leadership contest? The independents had high hopes for one fundamental reform, moving B.C.’s set election date from the spring to the fall. This would take a simple amendment. The idea is for the government to table the annual budget, present the audited public accounts for the previous year, then have an election that rests on tested financial statements and initial results for the current forecast. Both the B.C. Liberal Party and the NDP have expressed support for this idea. The independents suggest that this brief three-week legislative session is a good time to do it, so the next government can implement it. I asked Mike de Jong, the B.C. Liberal finance minister and house leader, if he would consider it. He allowed that it is interesting, but it’s not contemplated for the pre-election session. That will be dominated by returning the provincial sales tax, and the usual jousting over untested spending and revenue proposals. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2013 A7


Micronutrient Testing To learn more about this cutting edge test please phone to schedule your consultation with Dr. Jeffrey J. Hunt ND

Letter: Reconsider K-12 decision I served as a school trustee some years ago, and I understand the difficulties that budget cuts entail, but surely somewhere along the line, the educational and social needs of a community must be taken into consideration. I do not feel, however, that the Board of School District 20 should move students from Rossland Secondary School to the J.Lloyd Crowe School as a cost saving measure. While the numbers of students in the Trail area are declining, they are rising in Rossland. Rossland Secondary School, and indeed the unique attractions of Rossland, have been able to attract students from out-

side the region because of their ability to offer special locally developed programs. Programs like this are being encouraged as part of the B.C. government’s desire to have more flexible systems of education for the 21st century. They will be impossible to continue if the high school is compromised. I have two questions: Why did the board not choose the option of closing McLean School and having all students from K to 12 use to the current Rossland Secondary School? And why does the board not support continuation of the top ranked schools in the district?

I guess the most upsetting thing for me is that the board does not seem to care about the social and economic costs to Rossland, a community the board should be serving. I know the people of Rossland will do everything possible to keep local education viable, in fact, I believe that the City is already covering the cost of maintaining the high school’s playing field. Please reconsider your recent decision.

Nancy Greene Raine RSS class of 1961

Letter: Letting a wolf into the city’s barn

It’s easy to blame, and why shouldn’t we? A few people ought to be blamed for the fact that Rossland is now being described on CBC radio, among other places, as “a mess.” For starters, let’s blame one Victor Kumar, who when offered the job as Rossland’s CAO made it a condition of his employment that council pass Bylaw 2473 that turned over virtually all council’s powers to him. Let’s also blame that particular council (circa 2009) for having hired a CAO without properly vetting him, and then, as quickly as humanly possible, voting 6-1 to approve a bylaw that gave him unprecedented powers to hire, fire, spend money, and approve development permits with zero oversight. A little further down on the blame list are citizens who had not only wandered around quiet as grazing sheep when their right to hold a referendum on controversial issues was taken away from them, but who, after that, paid so little attention to what their municipal government was doing that they didn’t even notice when council handed off its powers to a carpetbagging CAO. We have not only all of the above to blame, but throughout 2010, 2011, and 2012, there were senior members of city staff who may have known about Kumar’s antics and if they did, kept quiet about it. We cannot be sure of that, but we do know that among senior staff, at least one accepted (or gave himself) lucrative untendered contracts while others accepted astonishing salary increases. Now everybody has been blamed. That’s as it should be. Nobody who was in any way responsible for this mess should be able to get away with saying, “Hey, I’m sorry!” Not that everybody has said that, but what would

it change if they did? We’d still have an expensive mess on our hands, wouldn’t we? So now what? Muttering around town has basically two focuses: (1) what can we do to punish everybody involved and (2) what can we do to change the system that brought all this about? Taking 1 first: Victor Kumar gets off scotfree because he’s gone. Ditto Jason Ward, although he has not gone so far that he can’t be nabbed if subsequent investigations turn up reasons to nab him. Other senior staff members are still on the payroll drawing mindboggling salaries. Citizens have been punished, via higher taxes, for a while now; that’s going to go on indefinitely and only get worse. Councillors, like most Rosslanders, will continue to pay extreme taxes for Kumar’s extravagances (both the ones we know about and the ones we don’t.) Plus they’re getting beat up in the press for having been asleep at the wheel. So maybe--not sure but maybe--we want to set aside the blame-and-punishment discussion for now and focus on the second issue: how to change the system that brought all this about. Because if we don’t things can get worse—and will. Many of us have requested that the Delegation Bylaw be abolished or at least greatly amended so that Council will once again be responsible for the things it’s supposed to be responsible for. That may well happen this month, so there’s a great first step. The mayor said at a recent Council meeting that an inspection of arena work is being undertaken, and that there has been consultation with the RCMP.

We don’t know where those will lead, but it’s a start. Council also voted to invite the BC Auditor General to investigate and make recommendations for how to improve things. And there’s a petition being circulated that you can sign in support of council’s request to the Auditor General. If you want her evaluation and report, you’ll want to sign it. We as citizens want more than that? Like, would you like to have your Referendum Bylaw back so when you feel Council is on the verge of making a wrong turn, you can get up a petition, take the issue to referendum, and if it passes, Council will be obligated to act according to the will of the majority? That of course would be real democracy. You can’t get that kind of democracy by blame alone, or even by investigating past mistakes. You can only get that kind of democracy by deciding you’d like to live under a truly democratic system, and organizing with like-minded citizens to bring it about. In Rossland? I’d laugh and say, not a chance. Except that we did it once before, didn’t we? Is there any possibility, any possibility, that we could have such a system again, and again get the kind of positive nationwide coverage we got then? Anybody up for taking the lead on that one? Or shall we just mill around blaming our shepherds for having let a wolf into the barn?

Rosa Jordan, Rossland



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ARTS, CULTURE & HERITAGE GRANT WRITING WORKSHOPS CKCA is hosting FREE workshops for individuals or groups in the Canadian Columbia Basin who are interested in applying for CBT’s arts, culture and heritage funding.

Salmo: Sat. February 16, 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Location: Salmo Youth & Community Centre, Multipurpose Room, 206 - 7th St.

Kaslo: Sun. February 17, 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Location: Kaslo Seniors Hall, 4th St. (between Ave. A and

Front St.)

Revelstoke: Sat. February 24, 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Location: Okanagan College, Rm 105, 1401 - 1st St West Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355


Letter: Nominations for the Order of B.C. The Order of British Columbia offers British Columbians a golden opportunity to take part in the public recognition of individuals who demonstrate outstanding achievement, excellence and distinction in their particular fields of endeavour. Nominations are now being received for the 2013 Order of British Columbia. If you know anyone in this community who has truly led by example, I encourage you to nominate them for the Order of British Columbia. Nominations must be received by

the first Friday in March to be considered this year. Nominations received after this will be included in the selection process for the next calendar year. An independent Advisory Council, chaired by the Chief Justice of British Columbia will consider nominations. Since 1990, 331 British Columbians from all walks of life and many regions of the province have received the Order of British Columbia, the Province’s highest award. Nomination forms are available from the

Honours and Awards Secretariat in Victoria at 250-387-1616 or online at www.orderofbc., as well as your nearest Service BC Centre. Here is your opportunity to participate in the appointment of deserving British Columbians to the Order of British Columbia. The process begins with a nomination. Thank you for making it happen. Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West


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Thursday, February 14, 2013 Rossland News

Have we got News for you! Now available on...

“Come Play with us”


August 20-24

...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved

Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist

Rossland Rotary

cordially invites you cordially to attend attend the

24th Annual Wine Festival Sat, Feb 23rd, 2013 – 7-10 pm Prestige Mountain Resort Proceeds support local and international Rotary projects.

Theme: Mardi Gras

Everyone is encouraged to dress accordingly

Price: $50/Person prior to Jan 31st $55/Person after Jan 31st

Chocolate Company

• Entertainment • Silent Auction • Door Prizes

Local chocolate shop relocates in time for Valentine’s ARNe PetRysheN Rossland News Editor

Today is Valentine’s Day and that means most people will be giving chocolate and cards to their significant other. What better way to do that than to buy from your local chocolate shop. Mountain Nugget Chocolate Company has been busy prepping for Valentine’s Day orders for the past week and owner Trish Dyer said she’s been at the shop at 7 a.m. everyday. Dyer recently moved shop further west down Columbia Avenue, which has also meant an expansion of the store front and kitchen. She said the change came about because they needed more power for the equipment they use and the location, across from the Prestige, became available. “It came two years early than predicted in our five year plan, but that’s always a nice thing right?”

Dyer said, noting she enjoys the bigger operating space. “It’s unbelievable, we have more room in our kitchen, we have more room up front. We’re going to be starting to make ice cream in the shop.” For Valentines day things have picked up. “It’s been awesome,” she said. “Ever since we opened the new shop it’s been awesome.” The new shop opened on Winter Carnival weekend a few weeks ago and she said it’s been non-stop since then. Last year, the store wasn’t open on Valentine’s Day, as many Rossland residents will remember, since Dyer was having a baby. “It’s a very special season this year, that we’re open.” She said the ice cream will follow the same philosophy as the chocolate does now. “The ice cream that comes out will be the unfinished product, we finish it by dipping it in chocolate or sprinkling it with salt,” she said.

“It will be just like our chocolates, but in a frozen cabinet, we’ll also have little pints as well.” So why the move into ice cream? “Ice cream and chocolate go really well together,” she said. “They’re a beautiful compliment to each other, one focuses on the winter season and one focusses on the summer season. It makes us a 365 degree business,” She said business dips like everywhere else at the end of the winter season, since the ski hill only operates in the winter and brings in a lot of people to Rossland. This is their fourth year that the business has been operating and they were in the other location for three and a half years. She said the other location was a great spot as well and she was happy to open up the spot to other businesses. “We’ve opened up a really hot retail spot for another market to get in there, so that we can just start building retail in Rossland. It’s nice actually to see the borders of commerce expanding in Rossland.”

SUNDAY & MONDAY Printed by Hall Printing, Ltd. Trail, BC

Poster thoughtfully created for you by Gillian deTremaudan

Arne Petryshen photo

What goes around, comes around, right?

• Regional Wines • Hors d’oeuvres by Gabriella • Chocolate by Mountain Nugget

Tickets are available at Powderhound, Rossland OR any Rotarian Member

Mountain Nugget Chocolate has a new location in Rossland and is extra busy for Valentine’s Day.

2 entrees & wine $59

EVERY DAY 4 - 6 pm 1 Pound of Mussells & Beer $12

250-362-0078 | 1999 2nd Ave Rossland, BC

Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2012 A9


The BC Services Card. Your CareCard, and more.

Rossland Rotary will be hosting its 24th annual wine festival at the Prestige Feb. 23. Last year’s event pictured above. Submitted photo

Wine festival tickets available

RotaRy Submitted

Whether you enjoy a cold glass of Gewurtztraminer or an after-dinner port, you’re sure to love the opportunity to try some of Canada’s best wines. For the 24th year in a row, Rossland Rotary is once again holding its annual wine festival. Patrons will be able to sample dozens of wines while enjoying scrumptious hors d’oeuvres. They’ll also be able to bid on some great treasures offered up by local businesses and artisans. “We’re really excited about this,” said Rotary president Tina Kenyon. “We’ve got a really great crew of volunteers, some

fantastic food and almost 30 wineries booked.” This year’s theme is Mardi Gras. “So come dressed for the occasion. We’ll be featuring wines from the Okanagan and the Kootenays, as well as tapas by Gabriella, chocolate from Mountain Nugget, a silent auction and door prizes.” In years past, the wine festival has been held during winter carnival. “But there was so much going on this year, we decided to bump it up a bit,” she said. Money raised from the festival supports local and international Rotary projects. “This is a major fundraiser for us. It brings a lot of attention to Rossland, supports local businesses and benefits area youth.” The club always en-

lists the help of the Rossland Interact Club (high school Rotary) who are raising funds themselves for their various projects. The 24th Annual Rossland Rotary Wine Festival takes place at the Prestige on Feb. 23 from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $55 each and on sale at Powder Hound. Rossland Rotary meets at the Rock Cut on Mondays at 6:15 p.m. Visit the Facebook page Rossland Rotary.

One card. Many services. The new BC Services Card is part of government’s plan to modernize BC’s health care system. It replaces your CareCard, can be combined with your driver’s licence, and also acts as your photo ID. It’s more convenient and more secure, with enhanced features to protect your personal information. And getting yours is easy. Starting February 15, 2013, and for the next five years, you can simply enrol when renewing your driver’s licence. And even if you don’t drive, you can enrol at the nearest location where driver’s licences are issued. To learn more visit:


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Rossland a signal... fingertips. News


Thursday, February 14, 2012 Rossland News

Community You’veat got your Rossland fingertips.Heritage exhibit features Rossland homes News at your fingertips. ARne PetRyShen Rossland News Editor


Area ‘B’ Director Linda Worley

RDKB ELECTORAL AREA ‘B’ Genelle, Oasis, Rivervale, Casino, Paterson, Sheep Creek, Blackjack & Southbelt

Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Electoral Area ‘B’ Director Linda Worley and RDKB staff invite all Area ’B’ residents, taxpayers and interested parties to a Town Hall Meeting to learn about the proposed 2013 Budget, the 2013-2017 Five-Year Financial Plan and how Regional Districts operate.

RDKB staff will provide information regarding the legislative framework, what regional services are provided and what specific Area ‘B’ services are provided and how much taxpayers pay as well as how levels of taxation are determined. Information regarding current projects and what the Regional District has been working on will also be presented.

Come out and share your comments and your views on the 2013 Budget and the types of local government services you believe would make Electoral Area ‘B’ a better place.


School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia) Notice to Parents:

School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION during the week of Feb. 18 – 22, 2013 2013 –2014 School Year • Parents of children who turn 5 years old between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 may register their child during the week of February 18 to 22, 2013 in Kindergarten to enter school in September, 2013. Parents are asked to bring with them their child’s birth certificate and BC Care Card. • The District offers full day, every day Kindergarten. • Should you require clarification or additional information please contact the Principal of your catchment area school. Should you wish to enrol your child in a non-catchment area school, you will need to register with your catchment area school as well as completing a transfer form which is available at all schools. • A parent of the child may defer the enrolment of his or her child until September 1, 2014. Parents are welcome to consult with district staff if they are considering deferring registration for one year. Please contact Bill Ford, Director of Instruction, at 250-368-2230 at the Board Office. ~ English Kindergarten Registration ~ Parents wishing to enrol their child in English Kindergarten for September 2013 are asked to register their child in their catchment area school during regular school hours. ~ Russian Kindergarten Registration ~ Parents wishing to enrol their child in Russian Kindergarten for September 2013 are asked to please contact Kere MacGregor, Principal of Castlegar Primary School, at 250-365-5744 for specific Russian registration procedures.

Next week is Heritage Week, an event celebrated across B.C., with a theme this year of Heritage Homes and Neighbourhoods. Rossland still has many homes that date back to the late 1890s and early 1900s, a time when the community was a world renowned gold mining center. Jackie Drysdale, chair of the Rossland Heritage Commission said the homes were often grouped in distinct neighborhoods based on ethnicity and/or employment. The commission will be showing off their inventory at an exhibition going from Feb. 19 -21. The exhibition focuses on the homes and neighborhoods of Rossland and will be at the Rossland Gallery from 1-5 p.m. on each of the days. “We have an inventory of heritage homes in Rossland, but it was done in 1986, so it is almost 30 years old,” Drysdale said. “They are hard copies with pictures. The Heritage Commission wants to produce a new inventory, and produce it electronically, so it could be off a website that people could visit more easily.” She said there have also been changes to many of the buildings in the 30 years. The original inventory was also done at a time when it was common to place a numerical value on a building based on its condition and significance and so on. “That’s not in so much in vogue anymore,” she said. “It’s the significance of the building and the history that is the story of the people who lived there, and that’s what really captures people’s interest. It is the story behind the buildings and the sites.” Drysdale said she hopes this is the start of the process to building a new inventory.

Above is the West Kootenay Power and Light Company’s residence for its first general manager and later, the superintendent of operations, circa 1898. It is located beside the brick Rossland Substation where the high voltage electricity from the first Bonnington Dam was converted for use in the mines.

Arne Petryshen photo

“The first one was done with grant money which no longer exists at all,” she said. The exhibition will be showcasing the 1986 Rossland Inventory of Heritage Homes binders, as well as maps of the historic neighbourhoods of Rossland that people can take, and a display of archival research material at the museum that people can access if they want to research their own homes. The commission will also be taking comments, new information and suggestions from the public. In addition, the Heritage Commission will be serving tea and cake, the way it used to be done, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. on each of the three days. Drysdale also noted the difference between heritage and history. “The interesting thing is that heritage and history keep getting used interchangeably,”

she said. “Heritage refers to things that are in situ - visual reminders of the past. The heritage commission deals with buildings. Museums are a sort of repository of artifacts at a location. When we value a site or a building we look at it for not only its historical significance, but also its cultural, social (significance). It’s not simply because it’s old, you have to find the significance to the community.” The Rossland Gallery, located in the Bank Room of the Bank of Montreal building is itself a heritage gem for the community and the February showing of art works will add additional interest for the visitors that come by next week, Drysdale noted. No admission fee for the exhibits will be charged but donations are always appreciated.

Ways to create a family-friendly Rossland SuStAInABILIty CommISSIon Submitted

Rossland’s Sustainability Commission has completed both a comprehensive inventory of family friendly community assets and an open-ended, online public consultation to ask community members what makes Rossland family friendly and what could make it even better. The process identified more than 300 family friendly assets in town, and categorized and prioritized a broad range of public input. The information will be likely be integrated into a family services database by the Lower Columbia Family Action Network (FAN), a regional coalition aiming for collaborative action to invest in our communities’ family friendliness. FAN originally approached Mayor Greg Granstrom in the spring of 2012 to see how Rossland could participate in the regional initiative, and Granstrom suggested that the SC take the lead on Rossland’s initiatives. SC Manager Ann Damude solicited residents’ opinions using Thoughtstream, a survey software designed to address open-

ended questions. About 350 community members drawn from the City of Rossland, SC, and Neighbourhoods of Learning email lists were contacted with the following three questions: 1) From your perspective, what currently makes Rossland a family friendly community? 2) What could we do, as a community, to make Rossland more family friendly? 3) Is there anything else you’d like to share with us about Rossland as a family friendly community? Damude categorized the answers from the 96 respondents, and then sent a second email to the same 350 community members to ask them to “vote” by assigning stars to their favourite answers. The answers were prioritized by summing the votes of the 81 respondents to the second email. “People feel Rossland is family friendly because it is a safe, quiet community set in a healthy natural environment with easy access to the outdoors encouraging active, healthy lifestyles,” Damude said. “People also put a lot of value on the warm, welcoming and inclusive nature of the community, and the fact that it is compact and walkable, with downtown businesses that provide most of the things that families require.”

Far and away the most important element of Rossland’s future friendliness to families, however, receiving nearly double the votes of the second place element, was the availability of quality K-12 education. Damude said survey participants were unequivocal: “Rossland will need to ensure that high quality and innovative K-12 educational opportunities remain in the community.” Strong support also focused on services and programming for teens. “Residents feel that a skatepark and an ‘in-town winter play park’ that includes skating and tobogganing would be attractive to families,” Damude said. Now Damude is spreading the word to stakeholders such as the City of Rossland, Rossland Recreation, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Lower Columbia Initiative, about how best to use the data. She hopes the information they’ve gathered will help guide the city’s marketing efforts to attract new families, businesses, international and academy students, and regional employees to move to Rossland. She hopes the SC’s efforts will help families in town take advantage of its best family friendly assets. A11

Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2012


Little Scholars Montessori Pre-School

Plenty of programs starting

Now Accepting Registrations for Sept. 2013 Open HOuse Wednesday March 6th | 4:30 - 6:00pm Jr. Kindergarten Program Age four by Dec 31 - four day a week program

Recreation, Education, Community - Rossland Rec Department The recreation department is working on the Spring Brochure, which will be available mid-March and cover the months of April, May and June. If you’re new to town and interested in teaching a hobby or skill that you enjoy, please contact us to discuss opportunities for running a program. If you represent a local organization and you have events during that time period that you’d like to advertise, please email us with the information, at The Interact Club will be putting on an outdoor skating event after the Smokettes Hockey tournament on Saturday evening, from 6-9 p.m. They will be set up on the outdoor skating rink, located between Spokane, Third Ave and Washington and they’ll have hot dogs and hot chocolate for sale. There will be kid’s games including a Snowman building contest and treasure dig. The money the Interact club raises this year will be used to help bring two refugee families from Burma through the West Kootenay Friends of Refugees. The Joe Hill Coffee House at the Miners’ Hall takes place this Sunday, Feb. 17. The lineup for this month includes Eva and Michael Gifford on bass and guitar, Kootenay Dance Works, The Foggy Goggle Boys – a toe tapping, three-part harmony, Paul Dasti and Aaron Andrews – songs, guitar and bass and lots more local talent and variety! The doors open at 6 p.m. and the entertainment starts at 7 p.m. Admission is $3 for adults – kids and students are free. Goodies are supplied by the RSS Drama Club. The Lil’ Gretzky’s Preschool Hockey Program is going to continue as a drop in program on Mondays from 3:15-4:15 p.m.

This is a fun introduction to skating, holding a stick and moving the puck around. Parent participation is required for this preschool program. Helmets and skates are a requirement for both. The program will run until March 11. Red Mountain has night skiing and boarding, every Thursday night from Jan. 17 through to Feb. 21. The Red Carpet and T-Bar are open from 6

ers are expected to play in the spirit of fellowship and sportsmanship. All abilities are encouraged and welcome! For more information, please contact the program coordinator, Mike Ramsey at The Saturday Co-Ed Rec Hockey has cancelled, so make sure you take advantage of the Tuesday / Thursday/Friday/ Sunday ice times. Interested in Hip Hop & Jazz? The classes are

The Interact Club will be putting on an outdoor skating event after the Smokettes Hockey Tournament on Saturday evening. -9 p.m. every Thursday. If you want to make an evening of it, Rafters is open with their family friendly dinner menu, available on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Please contact Red Mountain at 250-362-7384 for pricing or check their website at, www.redresort. com . If you’re new to town and wondering about drop in hockey, there are several opportunities to lace up your skates and join the locals! On Thursdays you can play from 1:45-3:15 p.m. with Johann’s Hockey. On Tuesday nights, the Co-Ed Rec Hockey runs from 9:45-11 p.m. and the Sunday hockey runs from 9:15-10:30 p.m. The drop in fee is $10 per person, or you can purchase a 10X pass at the rec department, for $80. Sr.’s Hockey is running in the arena on Friday mornings from 9:30-10:45 a.m. This ice time is for senior and/or “laid back” players who are committed to ensuring a fun and safe game of hockey. Play-

running on both Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The Tuesday classes are running in the Annex from 3-3:45 p.m. for 5-6 year olds and 4-5 p.m. for 7-9 year olds. On Wednesdays, the classes are held at the Miners’ Hall from 3:15-4 p.m. for kids 5-6 years. The classes are taught by Meg Wadsworth and are guaranteed to be high energy, addictive and fun! Public Skating for the week of Feb.11-17, is on Wednesday, Feb. 13 from 6:30-7:45 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15 from 5-6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 17, from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information about admission prices and skate rentals, please log on to the city’s website, at www. The information can be found under the City Hall, Arena page. If you’re a parent of a preschooler, there’s a new Parent & Child Mother Goose Program running on Saturdays, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., starting Jan. 12 and running until March 16.

This program is offered through the Public Library for babies 6-18 months and their parents. To reserve a place, please contact the Children’s Librarian, Lynn Amann, at children@rossland. or by phone, at 250-362-7611. The outdoor rink is located on Third Ave, between Spokane and Washington and weather permitting is open to the public. Red Mountain also has an outdoor ice rink for the public’s use and the rental department has a small fleet of rental skates available. The Rossland Public Library is offering a 3 p.m. “Movies & Munchies” program, every third Wednesday of the month. Kids will enjoy five different cartoons from the National Film Board – quirky, interesting independent films – while enjoying a healthy snack! For more information, contact the Library, at 250-362-7611 or info@

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur 8:30 - 12:00 or Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 1:00-4:30pm

Pre-School Program Age 3 at time of enrolment Wednesday 1:00 - 4:00 and Friday 9:00 - 12:00


1555 B McLean Street, Trail |

The City of Rossland is seeking applications for volunteer positions on the

HERITAGE COMMISSION The duties of the Heritage Commission are: • To preserve and promote buildings and sites that are significant to Rossland’s identity. • To advise Council on any matter relating to heritage conservation; • To recommend strategies and policies to Council, and undertake programs for the support of heritage conservation; • To support heritage education and public awareness of heritage; • To raise funds and pursue partnerships for the support of conservation and promotion of heritage. The Commission is particularly interested in people with writing experience and a key interest in heritage. Further information about the role and procedure of the Commission can be obtained by contacting Stacey Lightbourne at 362-2329. Please submit your interest in writing or email by March 1, 2013 to: Stacey Lightbourne Planning Assistant City of Rossland 1899 Columbia Avenue Box 1179, Rossland, BC. V0G 1Y0 Phone: 362-2329 Fax: 362-5451 Email:

4.3125” x 4”

Applications Now Accepted Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Photo: Eye of the Mind Photography

Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355

Program brochures and application forms are available online at, or call CKCA at 1.877.505.7355 or email Deadline for applications is March 8, 2013, or March 22, 2013, depending on the program.



Monday February 25,2013 7:00pm Council Chambers 1899 Columbia Ave


City of Rossland OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2542 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2543 What are Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Amendment Bylaws No. 2542, 2543 about? To rezone the lands shown on the map below on Redstone Drive opposite the entrance to the clubhouse and adjacent the existing residential development from R1-R-Rural Residential to R-5-Mixed Density Resort Residential. This also requires an Official Community Plan Amendment from Parks Trails and Open Space to Resort Residential.

Phone (250)362 7396

PO Box 1179 Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

Email: stacey@


How will this affect me? The purpose of the bylaw is to allow a variety of housing types (single family, duplex, townhouses) to be located in this area. This area will be added to the existing R-5 Mixed Density Resort Residential zone directly across Redstone Drive with a total density (for both areas) of 85 equivalent units.

How do I get more information? A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be inspected at the City of Rossland Office, 1899 Columbia Ave on regular working days from 9 am to 4pm, and also online at Tracey Butler - Deputy CAO/Corporate Officer

Arts & Culture

Thursday, February 14, 2012 Rossland News

Van Django playing Rossland ROsslanD GalleRy Submitted

Acoustic string ensemble, Van Django, is made up of four of Canada’s most talented and eclectic musicians; violinist Cameron Wilson, guitarist Budge Schachte, guitarist/cellist Finn Manniche and bassist Brent Gubbels. Van Django’s music is punchy, driving and rhythmically inventive, combining a wealth of musical influences while maintaining their roots in the gypsy jazz made famous by the 1930’s Quintet of the Hot Club of France. Since the group’s formation in 1998, they have toured extensively in Canada as well as international forays to the USA and Europe. The group has had repeat performances at Djangofest Northwest (DFNW) in 2008-2010 sharing the stage with gypsy jazz luminaries such as the John Jorgenson Quintet, the legendary gypsy jazz guitarist Romane and his group and the Mark Atkinson Trio. Their first CD “Tiptoe Trip” has been well received and played on

Van Django performs live Thursday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rossland Gallery (the BMO building). Submitted photo

many radio stations at home and abroad including; CBC, RDI, Espace Musique, NPR and Lyric FM in Ireland. This past April, the band released its second CD “Waltz in the Shape of a Tree”. Perhaps Nick Lehr, director of Djangofest Northwest, summed it up best describing Van Django when he said: “In an increasingly crowded

niche, Van Django is a standout act. With a clever mix of contemporary standards, classical ditties, rock homages and solid originals they effortlessly whip the audience into a joyful frenzy. Attending a Van Django concert is the most fun you can have sitting down with your clothes on.” The concert is Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rossland Gallery in the historic bank building.

Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2013 A13

Education Week


The Rossland Figure Skating Club competed in a skating competition in Nelson last weekend.

Submitted photos

Local skaters shine at championships STaFF WRiTeR Rossland News

The Rossland Figure Skating Club competed in the Nelson last weekend. The results: Sianna Tomich third place in Gold Solo Dance, first place in Pre Juvenile Competitive Freeskate, fourth place in Bronze Interpretive, Desiree Cassidy - Bronze Evaluation - Star 2 Solo, first place in Preliminary Elements, third place

in Pre Introductory Interpretive Alex Stephens - fifth place - Introductory Interpretive Payton Reed - Bronze Evaluation - Star 3A Solo Ella Knight - Bronze Evaluation - Star 3B Solo Jade Gaudet - fourth place in Pre Introductory Interpretive Morgan Corkill - Silver Evaluation - Star 1 Loren Corkill - Bronze Evaluation - Star 1 Tatyanna Fontaine - Silver Evaluation - Star 1

Sebastian Stephens - Merit Evaluation - Star 1 Boys Isabelle Kuhn - Bronze Evaluation - Star 1 Elle Ballendine - Bronze Evaluation - Star 1 There was also a High Test Day held on February 1 before the competition - successful passed tests were as follows: Sianna Tomich - Silver Interpretive, Alex Stephens - Bronze Interpretive, Payton Reed - American Waltz and Introductory Interpretive

The Rossland News is putting out a special section on Education in our schools. There are two parts to this unique section. The first, and most exciting part, is that we are going to get the students themselves to draw up the advertisements. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about marketing and advertising while at the same time having a great time participating in this neat project. This is a great opportunity for advertisers, because your ad has a totally unique look and the readership for this section is amazing. The second aspect to this section is that we write stories on specific projects and initiatives happening inside our Rossland and area schools.

Publication Date: March 14th


Deadline Date : February 15th

Contact Monika to participate at | 250-362-2183

BC JoBs start Here Find a job that’s right for you.

Looking for your first job, a new job, or a whole new career? Explore the possibilities at a ‘BC Jobs Start Here’ job fair. You can: ¡ meet local employers looking to hire ¡ get helpful career advice ¡ find information on skills training and career trends, and ¡ learn more about the tools and resources available. The fairs are organized as part of Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan, the Province’s strategy to promote economic development and job growth throughout B.C. Find out what the future holds for you. Visit to find more information on the job fairs and skills training in B.C.

Date: Location: Address: Time:

February 21, 2013 Selkirk College, Castlegar 301 Frank Beinder Way 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.




Thursday,February February14, 14,2013 2013 Rossland Rossland News News Thursday, Your community. Your classiďƒžeds.



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SCHOOL DISTRICT #20 (KOOTENAY-COLUMBIA) The School District is seeking DSSlicDtions IroP TXDliĂ€eG Sersons Ior the On-Call List in the following areas: CUSTODIAN: ‡ %XilGing SerYice :orker CoXrse CertiĂ€cate or eTXiYalent PiniPXP of two \ears of work e[Serience as a cXstoGian or EXilGing serYice worker in a coPPercial or inGXstrial setting or an eTXiYalent coPEination of training eGXcation or e[Serience BUS DRIVERS: ‡ 9aliG Class GriYer¡s license with $ir enGorsePent ‡ 9aliG SXrYiYal )irst $iG CertiĂ€cate ‡ $nnXal PeGical e[aPination to Ee coPSleteG each SeStePEer GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: ‡ *raGe or eTXiYalent ‡ 9aliG :+0,S CertiĂ€cate ‡ 9aliG Class DriYer¡s License

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A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB


Lower Rossland 3 Bedroom house with garage, large yard + deck. Available for ski season or long term . Furnished or unfurnished 250-362-2105 ----------------------------------------1 Bedroom Suite lower Rossland. Private yard and carport Utilities included. Avail. April 1st 250-362-2105


How to place a

CoPSleteG Gistrict aSSlications aYailaEle on the Gistrict weE site or at oXr ofÀce shoXlG Ee sent to Mrs. Marcy VanKoughnett, Director of Human Resources, School District #20 (KootenayColumbia), Suite 120, 1290 Esplanade, Trail, B. C. V1R 4T2 )a[: - - E\ TXesGa\ )eErXar\ # : 1oon 3lease sXEPit electronic applications to: ,t is XnGerstooG that applicants agree to conÀGential reference checks of all preYioXs ePplo\ers :e appreciate \oXr interest EXt regret that onl\ shortlisteG canGiGates will Ee contacteG

POOL MANAGER & SENIOR STAFF The Rossland Swimming Pool is looking for an experienced Pool Manager and Senior Staff for the 2013 season. The Rossland Pool is a full service, community oriented outdoor pool operating from the beginning of June until the end of August. The Pool’s services include a full range of aquatic courses and lessons including School Board lessons, Red Cross Swim lessons, Swim Club, Aqua Tot, summer camps and the three Bronze Lifesaving courses as well as numerous special events. Working closely with the Recreation Department, the Pool Manager provides leadership to the Pool Staff and is responsible for the daily operations of the Pool. This full time position from May to August, requires the following certiďŹ cations; NLS, WSI, CPR-C SFA, LSI, (Pool Operator 1 is an asset) The two Senior Staff report directly to the Pool Manager and are responsible for providing leadership to the Jr. Staff and ensuring a safe, enjoyable aquatic experience through lessons, quality customer service, water safe education and prevention. Senior Staff are employed full time from the end of May until the end of August and require the following certiďŹ cations; NLS, WSI, CPR-C, SFA.  QualiďŹ ed individuals should forward their resume and copies of all certiďŹ cations by March 15, 2013, attention Robin Hethey, Recreation Department. Recreation Department, City of Rossland Box 1179, 1899 Columbia Ave. Rossland BC V0G 1Y0 E: P: 250.362.2327 w.

Rossland News Thursday, February 14, 2013 A15



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1 “World Series of Poker” channel 5 Improve 10 Japanese noodle 14 See 17-Across 15 Hawk’s weapon 16 Neatness analogy ending 17 Queen of the 14-Across, familiarly 18 The money follows it 20 Gardner of film 21 Lacking embellishment 22 Missouri tributary 23 Olympic hero 27 Duty 28 Conductor André 29 __ which way 30 Suffix with phon31 River project 32 Create, as words 34 ‘‘__ Death’’: Grieg work 35 Treat like a child 38 Sense 41 Lincoln et al. 42 __ gratia: by the grace of God 44 Italian article 45 “Now I understand!” 46 Fin de __: end of the century 49 Approximate no.




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50 Rapid rail transport 53 Tokyo-based watchmaker 55 New Haven collegians 56 Columbus-to-Cleveland dir. 57 Actor’s tryout 60 Do bar work, perhaps 61 British weapon of WWII 62 Down Under soldier 63 Basic video game 64 __ buco 65 Grind, as teeth 66 Old-fashioned sort


1 Spend a night on the trail 2 With 47-Down, proverbial cloud feature, and a hint to the starts of 18-, 23-, 35-, 50and 57-Across 3 Begged 4 “The Matrix” hero 5 Early in the morning 6 Native New Zealanders 7 Former “Idol” judge with Simon, Kara and Randy 8 Lon of Cambodia 9 Genetic letters


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10 Smart talk 11 Poppy products 12 Super Bowl, e.g. 13 New wings, maybe 19 Golf star McIlroy 21 Super Bowl sight 24 “Stop, ya swabs!” 25 Innocents 26 -trix relative 32 Early computer language 33 Maître d’s “Are you by yourself?” 34 Run like __ 36 Obama’s birthplace 37 Prepares for print 38 “I suppose” 39 Flies, for example

40 Send-ups 43 Playground response to a challenge 45 Reed instrument 46 Sewer line 47 See 2-Down 48 Benefit of some bars and drinks 51 TV host Gibbons 52 Schiaparelli et al. 54 Lotto-like game 58 Racehorse, to a tout 59 Spike TV, formerly 60 Coppertone letters

Thursday, February 14, 2013 Rossland News


News Throne speech highlights liquid natural gas hopes for province

Tom FleTcher Black Press

Premier Christy Clark kicked off the pre-election legislature session

Tuesday with a pledge to establish a new fund from natural gas exports to support social programs and pay down debt. The main purpose of the “British Columbia Prosperity Fund” will be

to pay down debt, starting in 2017 when the first liquefied natural gas facilities begins to ship LNG for export from the northern coast to Asian markets. It will be funded by a tax on LNG exports, as well as gas

producers’ corporate taxes and traditional natural gas royalty revenues. The new fund is patterned after Alberta’s Heritage Fund, set up in 1976 as a legacy for Alberta’s oil and gas revenues. The B.C. fund would

receive an estimated $100 billion from LNG revenues over 30 years, based on an assumption of five LNG production facilities exporting gas from the Kitimat-Prince Rupert region. The plan was presented in the throne speech delivered Tuesday by Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon, to open a four-week legislature session leading up to the May 14 provincial election. The key task for the B.C. Liberal government in that session is to pass legislation returning the provincial sales tax to B.C. effective April 1, and the speech hinted at relieving that tax as one use for the new fund. “Whether it is eliminating the provincial sales tax, or making long-term investments in areas like education or vital infrastructure that strengthen communities – these are the kinds of opportunities the B.C. Prosperity Fund can provide,” the speech says. NDP leader Adrian Dix said the government’s focus on LNG development is at odds with its heavily advertised jobs plan, with little mention of forestry, mining, tourism, film and TV production or high technology. The government missed its natural gas revenue targets in a budget update six months ago, so projecting LNG revenues many years in the future is questionable at best, he said. The government estimates that if B.C.’s LNG mega-project develops as expected, and all of the fund’s revenues are directed to debt reduction, B.C.’s $56 billion debt could be paid off within a decade. The province currently pays about $2.5 billion a year in interest on the debt. There has been a rush of international investment interest in northeastern B.C.’s shale gas deposits. Companies include Mitsubishi Corp., Shell Canada, China National Petroleum Corporation and Petronas, a trans-national gas player owned by the government of Malaysia.

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