u Ladie’s Curling Bonspiel P. 6 u North Ski & Board Zones P. 5
u Fort loses ambassador P. 7 u Hair show P. 8
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WEDNESDAY, February 20, 2013
Lock me up!
One man may be facing criminal charges after a bizarre incident took place in Fort St. James over the weekend of Feb. 2. While RCMP were investigating a suspected impaired driver, the suspect’s brother began calling and insisting to be placed with his brother in custody. The man then came to the detachment, again insisting he be put with his brother in custody. When RCMP refused to take the man into custody, he announced to RCMP he was in the possession of drugs, for which the RCMP then took him into custody and searched him, finding no drugs in his possession. The man then reportedly resisted arrest, and one RCMP member sustained a sprained thumb in the incident. RCMP are now recommending charges of resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer and causing a disturbance against the man. The man was allegedly under the influence at the time, and was placed in lockup, separately from his brother.
PHONE: 996-8482
VOL. 35 NO. 51 $1.34 inc. GST
Poker Ride
Despite having a lower snow pack thank normal, the Fort St. James Poker Ride once again saw sledders out for a day of riding the 70 km trail loop maintained by the local snowmobile club. More photos Page 12.
Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
Court finds fault Snowmobile accident with RCMP search Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Marijuana-related charges against a Fort St. James man were dismissed after a Provincial Court judge ruled most of the evidence in the case inadmissible. Joseph Greco Ricardo Sordini was acquitted after Honourable Judge D.J. O’Byrne found the search the evidence in the case against him was based on was in violation of Sordini’s Charter rights. Sordini was facing charges of production of a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking. According to court documents, RCMP learned a woman serving a conditional sentence was staying with Sordini at his residence, and was subject to curfew checks. According to information put forward in the case, an RCMP member had been investigating Sordini’s activities since 2009, suspecting him of cultivating marijuana, but had not found any conclusive evidence by November of 2010. On Nov. 5, 2010, RCMP entered onto the property to conduct a check on the woman’s curfew for her conditional sentence. During the visit, the RCMP members received permission to look around at some oth-
er aspects of the property, and subsequently discovered some evidence of marijuana cultivation when an RCMP member moved something on the floor with his foot, uncovering “shake” marijuana under some landscaping fabric. The constables then arrested Sordini as well as two women on the property at the time. The judge ruled, however, the case was based on evidence obtained through a “warrantless search” due to the constable using his foot to uncover the evidence and was therefore a violation of Section Eight of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which provides freedom from unlawful search and seizure. “In my view, these searches constituted serious state misconduct,” said O’Byrne in his ruling. The judge also called the arrests of the two women at the residence “egregious.” “Those arrests are totally without any legal justification and they further demonstrate the absolute flagrant disregard by the police for the Charter rights and freedoms of anybody at the Sordini residence that evening,” he said. A warrant was later obtained to search the outbuildings, however the address of the search was misspelled, using Pinchie Road instead of Pinchi Lake Road, which the judge saw as further indication of a “lack of care and attention to detail” required for a valid search warrant.
prompts RCMP warning
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier
Fort St. James RCMP responded to a snowmobile accident on Sunday, Feb. 10 at 2:25 p.m.. The single snowmobile accident took place near the Fireweed Safe Haven on Stuart Drive, and when police arrived at the scene, they found the male driver of the snowmobile beside his machine showing signs of intoxication. The driver reportedly said the sled tipped sideways while he and a
female passenger were going up a hill and the machine then landed on him. Emergency Health Services then transported the driver to hospital for treatment of injuries to his ribs. The passenger was not injured in the incident. The RCMP are continuing to investigate, and are reminding the public a person can be charged with impaired driving and having a blood alcohol level over 0.08 mg when driving a snowmobile.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Caledonia Courier
Premier launches LNG ‘Prosperity Fund’ Tom Fletcher Black Press
Lakeshore Realty 840 Douglas ave. 3 bedrooms up 1 down in this bright family home located close to both schools and park. 2 bath, Nat gas fireplaces kitchen and bathroom currently being updated, large entrance, terraced front yard. $199,000.
Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797
would receive an esti- areas like education or vital infrastructure that mated $100 billion from strengthen communities – these are the kinds Child Abuse Prevention Month LNG revenues over 30 of opportunities the B.C. Prosperity Fund can Prevent Child Abuse America Premier Christy Clark years, based on an as- provide,” the speech says. 312-663-3520 kicked off the pre-election sumption of five LNG NDP leader Adrian Dix said the governlegislature sessionJazz Tuesday production facilities ment’s focus on LNG development is at odds BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS Appreciation Month with a pledge to establish exporting gas from the with its heavily advertised jobs plan, with little SmithsonianaNational Museum of American History 202-633-3129 new fund from natural gas Kitimat-Prince Rupert mention of forestry, mining, tourism, film and exports to support social region. TV production or high technology. The governHot Retail Co-op Categories programs and pay down The plan was presentment missed its natural gas revenue targets in Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies National Car Care Month Garden speech debt. ed inLawn theandthrone a budget update six months ago, so projecting Car Care Council Motorcycles and Snowmobiles 240-333-1088 The main purpose of the delivered Tuesday by LNG revenues many years in the future is quesOutdoor Furnishings “British Columbia ProsLieutenant Governor tionable at best, he said. Recreational Vehicles perity Fund” will be to pay Judith Guichon, to open The government estimates that if B.C.’s National Donate Life Month Hot Manufacturer Co-op of Health and Human Services down debt, startingU.S.inDepartment 2017 Premier a four-week legislature LNG mega-project develops as expected, and Christy Clark, left, greets Benjamin Moore Paints 202-619-0257 when the first liquefi ed natu- Lt-Gov. Judith Guichon before the session up to the all of the fund’s revenues are directed to debt Campleading Healthcare Mowers elecral gas facilities begins to Throne Speech. MayGrasshopper 14 provincial reduction, B.C.’s $56 billion debt could be paid Watch National Lawn Care Month THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck tion.Rolex ship LNG for export from The key task for the off within a decade. The province currently pays Whirlpool Corporation Professional Landcare Network the northern coastPLANET, to Asian B.C. Liberal government about $2.5 billion a year in interest on the debt. 800-395-2522 markets. It will be funded by a tax on LNG ex- in that session is to pass legislation returning the There has been a rush of international Themes interest in northeastern B.C.’s shale ports, as well as gas producers’ corporate taxes provincial sales tax to B.C.AdBuilder effectiveSpecial AprilSection 1, andBuildervestment • Financial National and traditional natural gasParkinson royalty Awareness revenues.Month the speech hinted at relieving that tax as one use gas deposits. Companies include Mitsubishi • Planning a Garden National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. The new fund 800-327-4545 is patterned after Alberta’s for the new fund. Corp., Shell Canada, China National Petroleum • Earth Day • Easter the provincial Heritage Fund, up in 1976 as a legacy for “Whether it is eliminating Corporation and Petronas, a trans-national gas Alberta’s oil and gas revenues. The B.C. fund sales tax, or making long-term investments in player owned by the government of Malaysia. Special Events
You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618 DaffodilsHC0804.EPS
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NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700
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CorPorate anD PerSonaL taX (PersonalanD andData Business) BooKKeePInG ProCeSSInG aSSuranCe FInanCIaL StateMent PreParatIon RHN SCHMITZ de GRACE eState PLannInG Chartered Accountants CoMPuter ConSuLtInG
District of Fort St. James Calendar February, 2013
March 2009 17
Municipal Website:
Ski Hill Public Skating 524 Palm Sunday 5:45-7:15pm Stunts @ Ski hill
6:30pm Newcomers potluck @ National historic site
12 Easter
18May 2009
S MSnrs T W T F S 9am Delivery Archery 6:30pm1@ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sowchea 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Archery 5:30pm @ Sowchea Hoop Dance 6:457:45pm @ Sowchea
Easter Monday 14 15 Tax Day 13 (AustraliaCaledonia 17th Annual Classic Dogsled Races! & Canada)
20 Taurus
Mens Bonspiel
22 Earth Day Administrative 9am Snrs Professionals DayDelivery
Arts Council Craft night 7pm @ 253 Birch St
Hoop Dance 6:457:45pm @ Sowchea
11 9am Snrs Delivery 12 Workers Mourning Day
10 26
27 Archery 6:30pm @ Sowchea Arts Council Craft Night 7pm @ 253 Birch St
28 (Canada)
Community Arts Council of Fort St. James Presents.... Igniting Your Ad Sales Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
Telephone: 250-996-8233
Hoop dance classes 3:30pm
Archery 6:30pm @ Sowchea Public Skating 7:45-8:45pm Caledonia Classic Sled Dog Races @ Cottonwood Park!!
Caledonia Classic Sled Dog Races @ Cottonwood Park!! Parents club bingo @ Eugene Joseph School Gym ( Tl’azt’en 1pm )
10 Good Friday
STUNTS at Murray Ridge Ski Hill Sunday February 24th! Newcomers potluck @ National historic site
Hoop Dance Classes Hoop Dance Classes 3:30pm @ Sowchea 3:30pm @ Sowchea Archery 5:30pm @ 7:30pm Cadence @ FSJSS Sowchea
Archery 6:30pm @ Sowchea
1179am Snrs Delivery 18 2
Archery 6:30pm @ Sowchea Public Skating 7:45-8:45pm Ski Patrol Fundraiser @ Ski Hill Mens Bonspiel
March, 2013
24 Arbor Day
Hoop Dance Classes 3:30pm @ Soowchea
13 9am Snrs Delivery 14 29 Archery 5:30pm @ Sowchea
Hoop Dance 6:457:45pm @ Sowchea
• AdBuilder® Retail • AdBuilder® Classified • Co-op Sales Ideas
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3 9am Snrs Delivery 423 22
27 8 9am Snrs Delivery 28 9 First Day of Passover
25 7 6 9am Snrs Delivery 26
The Caledonia Classic is the only race in Canada that combines sprint, mid-distance, and longdistance races into one exciting weekend February 22-24. Mushers come from all over North America to race and Fort St. James is home to the most dog mushers per capita in British Columbia! Saturday races include the Politicians Race, Kid ‘n Mutt Race and the Classic Community Connector Race! Visit for schedule details!
9am 20 1April 2 Fool’sSnrs Day Delivery 21
Cancer Support Group 1pm @ Sue Amyots all welcome
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Mens Bonspiel
9 Anzac Day (Australia) 25 SLUSH CUP!
9am Snrs Delivery Archery 6:30pm @ Sowchea
Ski Patrol Fndrsr @ Ski Hill
9am Snrs Delivery
Hoop Dance Classes 3:30pm @ Sowchea
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.
S M T W T F S 1 Public 2 3 Skating 4 5 6 7 8 5:45-7:15pm 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sweetheart Relay; 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dinner 29 30 31+ Dance @
Archery 6:30pm @ Sowchea
Four Men, Four Microphones...Step back to the days of speakeasy!
Thursday February 28th, 7:30pm @ FSJSS Old Gym Tix @ Soup Wallah, District Office & Enterprise Centre Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James
NEWS Huge resource tax-dollar potential
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A3
in place, nor the final engineering and design studies completed that will be required before a final investment decision is made by
Artist’s rendering shows proposed liquefied natural gas processing and loading facility on Haisla reserve land near Kitimat.
Kitimat LNG
Walter Strong Black Press
Any of these pipeline projects would contribute to the RDBN annual tax Franca Petrucci of base. Spectra Energy led a delThe Mount Milligan egation to the Jan. 24, 2013 Mine project, expected board meeting of the Re- to be ready for producgional District of Bulkley tion this year, will also Nechako (RDBN). His contribute to the RDBN presentation concerned the tax base. If all four LNG recently announced joint pipelines and the Milligan proposal of Spectra Energy Mine project were up and and the BG Group to build running, the estimated tax a liquid natural gas (LNG) impact for the RDBN, the pipeline from Northeast Stuart Nechako Regional B.C. to Prince Rupert. Hospital District (SNThe proposed pipeline RHD), and the North West would be similar in capac- Regional Hospital District ity to the proposed Trans- (NWRHD) would total canada Coastal Gaslink over $6.2 million. project which is currently If the Enbridge Northworking on its provincial ern Gateway Pipeline environmental assessment. project were to come onThe pipeline would line, then an additional $2 connect shale gas fields in million would drop into the Fort Nelson and Fort RDBN and hospital disSt. John areas to proposed trict coffers for a total of LNG terminals in Prince over $9.5 million per year. Rupert via a pipeline runThese figures, provided ning westward more than to the board of directors of 140 kms north of Burns the RDBN by Hans BerLake. ndorff, Financial AdminThe Spectra BG Group istrator for the RDBN, are proposal is the fourth pro- based on 2012 tax rates posed LNG pipeline that and do not include school would cross RDBN areas. taxes or other provincial A fifth pipeline, the En- property taxes. bridge Northern Gateway Focussing on the Lakes pipeline has also been pro- District, the 2012 tax base posed to transport modi- for the RDBN and the fied bitumen from North- SNRHD combined was ern Alberta to Kitimat, $9 million. The projected B.C. income from all proposed
pipeline projects and the Milligan Mine would provide an additional $8.7 million to the tax base, according to 2012 tax rates. As enticing as a neardoubling of the annual tax base sounds, Bill Miller, RDBN Chair and director of Region Area B, expressed a cautionary note regarding the likelihood of all projects moving forward. Beyond vocal public resistance to the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway project, supply and demand will govern which proposed natural gas pipelines get built. “Realistically, we’re not going to see all those lines,” said Miller. “All those players realize that there’s not going to be five pipelines. We may end up with two, or one, or four, but not everybody is going to be there.” Although the Milligan Mine is expected to begin limited operations later this year, of the proposed LNG pipelines, only the Apache Corp. Pacific Trails Pipeline (PTP) has completed all environmental assessments. Initial work has begun in the Terrace and Kitimat areas for PTP, but even that project has neither the long-term LNG contracts
Unsafe firearm storage leads to charges On Feb. 11 at 10:50 a.m., Fort St. James RCMP responded to a complaint of a vehicle in the ditch on Sowchea Road. Upon arriving at the scene, RCMP found the vehicle unoccupied, but a rifle and ammunition were located in the ve-
hicle. The owner of the vehicle is a Fort St. James resident, and has been served documents to appear in court on May 21. Charges of insecure storage of a firearm are being recommended to Crown counsel in the case.
Apache and Chevron. Pacific Trails Pipeline also faces strong opposition from the Wet’suwet’en, one of the
First Nations whose traditional territories PTP is proposed to cross. The other proposed LNG pipelines are all at
very preliminary stages and none have yet moved beyond pre-assessment to gain environmental or regulatory approvals.
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Editorial Page
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Caledonia Courier
The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
• Guest editorial
Independent MLAs have a dream Tom Fletcher Black Press VICTORIA – Imagine a province where party leaders are chosen in an independently supervised vote, with 12-year-olds, dead people and pets prevented from voting. Imagine a province where roving gangs of influence-seekers aren’t allowed to join multiple parties, and the rule is actually enforced. One where corporations and unions have to advertise in their own name instead of financing political parties and then disclosing millions in donations months after the election is over. Imagine a province where elections are held based on audited financial statements, not a collection of election promises that will be dismissed as a work of fiction by the new regime if the incumbent party is defeated. A cat joined the B.C. Liberal Party to support Christy Clark. Adrian Dix won the NDP leadership with the help of bags of $10 bills stapled to new memberships. As parties go to online voting, multiple PIN numbers may be activated from the same phone number or the same address. These and other glaring problems with our party-based political system were highlighted last week in a set of reforms proposed by three independent MLAs. Vicki Huntington broke the party choke-hold on B.C. politics by getting elected as an independent in Delta South in 2009. Bob Simpson was kicked out of the NDP caucus shortly after winning re-election for the party in Cariboo North, because he dared to criticize then-leader Carole James for a lack of policy specifics. They were belatedly joined by Abbotsford South MLA John van Dongen, who quit the B.C. Liberals in an orchestrated move to the B.C. Conservatives, and then quit that party soon after. Van Dongen does not have the credibility of the others to speak on integrity, given his self-serving party antics and his questionable decision to hire his fiancée and pay her one and a half salaries to serve as his constituency
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assistant. Leaving that aside, there are some good ideas in the independents’ reform package. One is to give backbench MLAs a meaningful role in policy-making. Simpson gave the example of Prince George MLA Shirley Bond’s term as education minister, where she had to reverse ministry policies that didn’t make sense in rural school districts. The all-party standing committee on education could have prevented this error, he said, but it didn’t because it never meets. The party voting irregularities described above could be addressed by giving Elections BC authority to supervise party leadership votes, the way it does elections and referenda. There are unknown costs for this, and other problems. For instance, should the Marijuana Party be subject to this, or the Work Less Party, should either one muster enough organization to stage a leadership contest? The independents had high hopes for one fundamental reform, moving B.C.’s set election date from the spring to the fall. This would take a simple amendment. The idea is for the government to table the annual budget, present the audited public accounts for the previous year, then have an election that rests on tested financial statements and initial results for the current forecast. Both the B.C. Liberal Party and the NDP have expressed support for this idea. The independents suggest that this brief three-week legislative session is a good time to do it, so the next government can implement it. I asked Mike de Jong, the B.C. Liberal finance minister and house leader, if he would consider it. He allowed that it is interesting, but it’s not contemplated for the pre-election session. That will be dominated by returning the provincial sales tax, and the usual jousting over untested spending and revenue proposals. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, February20, 2013
FAR LEFT: The Fort Falcon Girls Ski Team with their medals for first place. L-R: Gabriela Willick, Kaitlan Goodwin, Melissa Hilde, Quintanna Paziuk, Ashley Woodley, Mackenzie Moeller, Rylee Flynn, Jazmyn Dionne, and Rebeccah Gauthier. BOTTOM LEFT: Gabriela Willick was the top female skier in the North Zone. Izzy Willick Photos
NEAR LEFT: Ski team coach Sarah Grill prepares Liam Willick for his run during the North Zone Championships. Willick took second place in the boy skiers out of a field of 48. Nicole VanKoughnett
FREE EVENTS going on can be
submitted to the Caledonia Courier online calendar, visit: and see the calendar on the bottom right and click on add your event.
Local teams clean up at zones
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Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Home hill advantage may have helped Fort dominate at Murray Ridge last week, and dominate they did. During the North Zone High School Ski and Snowboard Championships Feb. 7-8, the girls snowboard and ski teams both finished first in team events. High school snowboarders competed at Murray Ridge in Fort St. James on the Thursday, and skiers raced Friday, with Fort leading the pack both days. Gabriela Willick took first place individually among the girl skiers, and Liam Willick placed a close second among the boy skiers - only a fraction of a second behind first place. The girl ski team secured first place among teams with five racers in the top 10, two in the top three. Right behind Gabriela WIllick was Kaitlan Goodwin in second, Ashley Woodley placed eighth, Mackenzie Moeller was ninth and Quintanna Paziuk was 10th. There were 23 girl skiers in total. Liam Willick was the only boy skier to place in the top 10 out of a field of 48, but Max Boschman was just edged over the line into 11th place with 44.36 seconds for his two runs, with less than half a second separating him from 10th spot. Female snowboarders from Fort St. James also did well, with four competitors in the top 10.
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Sara King from Fort St. James was second overall out of 22 competitors, Brooke Dunkley was sixth, Mackenzie Moeller was seventh and Kaylee Walstrom was 10th. The top six girl skiers, the entire girl snowboard team and Liam Willick and Max Boschman will next be heading to provincial championships in Smithers, set for March 4-6. Last year's girl snowboard team also made it to provincials, the team placing third in the province. The team ranking depends on the top four times from each team. Top individual Results for skiers (boarder results published in last week's Courier) Girl Skiers: First - Gabriela Willick from FSJSS 43.65 sec. Second - Kaitlan Goodwin from FSJSS 44.13 sec. Third - Erica Haugland from Duchess Park 45.26 sec. Boys Skiers: First - Jason Oliemans from Smithers Secondary School 40.31 sec. Second - Liam Willick from FSJSS 40.78 Third - Chris McGauley from College Heights 42.07 sec.
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There was lots of colourful curling action in Fort St. James over the long weekend with the Ladies Curling Bonspiel. LEFT: Tina Auchstetter throws a rock with perfect 80s style. BELOW LEFT: Winner of the A Event Kim Repko’s rink. (LR) Alla Moise, Kim Repko, Michelle Boschman, and Katie Graham. BELOW: Some nerds sweep away the competition. Team photo Jana Gainor Other photos by Ruth Lloyd
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Caledonia Courier
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call your local community paper at
or stop by to order at Lakeshore Realty - 169 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James
LEFT: A Germansen Landing team member holds a marker broom for her teammate. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
Bonspiel Final Results: A Event Kim Repko’s team beat out Tara Frederick’s rink
Ladie’s Bonspiel a rocking success
It was another fun Ladies’ Curling Bonspiel over the long weekend in Fort St. James. While leading up to the event there was some concern there would be fewer rinks due to a number of factors like the long weekend and other local events, the bonspiel was only down one team from last year’s numbers. There were 15 rinks entered in all, 14 were from Fort St. James and the only out of town rink was from Germansen Landing. The Germansen team had little experience, but they enjoyed the event, and learned a lot. “It was good and they did very well for themselves,” said Terri-lee MacDougall. “A good time was had by all.” Look for more photos on the Caledonia Courier Facebook page
B Event Mel Ubleis team beat Tina Auchstaetter’s rink C Event Terri-lee MacDougall beat out Lynn Rasmussen’s rink SPORTING EVENTS? CALL THE CALEDONIA COURIER 250-996-8482
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Community Events Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** FORT ADULT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION...Suite 221-250 Stuart Drive, in the Goodwin Building. Open daily 8:00-4:00. Call 250-996-7712 for more information. *** FIREWEED STOPPING THE VIOLENCE & OUTREACH SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 996-1214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: fire.or@ *** ST PATRICK’S ANGLICAN CHURCH... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including Sylvia Isaac, The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, and many other individuals.We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour
to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 11-1pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIREWEED CLOTHES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NECHAKO VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to
Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAP AND HANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact Sharon at 9968373 for more information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCH & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAKERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-9968997 for more info. *** THE THRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS... Every Thursday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall on 2nd Avenue. Contact 996-8290. *** FIREWEED SAFE HAVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 996-8000.
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Courier A man who made his mark
Product development officer is moving on, but will not be forgotten Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier "He's probably our community's biggest ambassador." ~ Emily Colombo, Fort St. James economic development officer Kevin Gedling has made himself known throughout the region. At a going-away event held in his honour, Colombo, described a typical reaction from people she met at different events she has attended outside the community when they find out she's from Fort St. James. She said the common response is: "You're from Fort St. James, do you know Kevin Gedling?" Three years ago, Kevin Gedling was hired by Site Manager Bob Grill to become the Fort St. James National Historic Site Product Development Officer. "We had really good applicants for the position," said Grill. Gedling made an outstanding presentation on how he would increase visitation to the site, and when Grill called to check Gedling's references, his previous employers told him Gedling came with one problem, he was always doing too much, and going outside his job description. "When I heard that, I knew he was the guy," said Grill. When Gedling arrived in Fort St. James, he immediately began travelling to Prince George for events and promotions, because they had identified P.G. as their target market. "He really just became a fixture at everything there was to do in Prince George," said Grill. "I think the mayor said to me: Everywhere I go, there's Kevin." With a small park like the local historic site, Grill said there were few resources to do many of the extra promotion Gedling had in mind. Gedling asked Grill for more manpower to help staff booths at promotional opportunities, but Grill had to tell him there wasn't any extra staff available. But this did not deter
Gedling, instead, Gedling joined Volunteer Prince George and became a board member, then recruited volunteers to help with some of the things he wanted to do to promote the park. "And that surprised me," said Grill. "Kevin has a million ideas all at once, then he tries to work on all of them." One of Gedling's ideas was the implementation of a free admission day for Aboriginal Day to create a community-wide event. There was a lot of background work he had to do in order to get permission to allow free entrance to the park for the day, but eventually, after going through all the necessary channels, Gedling made it happen and created a huge community event. "It was such a successful day, it was worth it," said Grill. Gedling was also instrumental in getting Fort St. James National Historic Site on the map in other places. While the park was doing some unique things when he came, they were not necessarily wellknown. For example, the local site is the only Canada Park with a bed and breakfast program, which offers a truly unique visitor experience. Gedling raised the profile of the bed and breakfast and the site has be-
LEFT: Kev- impression on the park in Gedling itself, he will also be leavbites into ing behind a lot of friends a beef dip. he made in his three years. Colombo had become Gedling always has friends with Gedling ina fun ap- stantly, and he was one proach and of the first people she met when she came to Fort St. a ready James while touring the sense of park. humour. Gedling invited her on BOTTOM: her first hike in the area, Gedling and they have been on a works with some number of snowshoe adventures and hikes since. elders. Bob Grill Colombo said she will miss always having a willing outdoor activity partner. Grill said he will miss chatting with Gedling in the mornings. He said Gedling comes in each morning with new ideas to discuss. This editor will absolutely miss Gedling both come well-known for this socially and as a phenomunusual amenity. enal resource. "Now we're famous," Gedling was always said Grill. incredibly helpful in proAlways wearing his viding great photographs Parks Canada uniform, whenever he could for Gedling was tireless at ex- the paper and wrote press hibition booths promoting releases which read like a the park and their events. fun story instead of an ad. "He's very animated," Gedling will be leavsaid Colombo. "The kids ing at the end of the month are drawn to him." to become the Jasper "He's been a huge con- Field Unit Partnering and tribution … the leading Engagement Officer in force on our tourism com- Jasper National Park. mittee," she said. Gedling should likely But Gedling will not expect visitors during his only be leaving a lasting stay in Jasper. A7
“Come Play with us”
August 20-24
...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved
Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist
GATEWAY perspectives
Spill response plan Over the last few months, I’ve talked about the precautions, the safety measures, and the selection criteria involved in the marine elements of the Gateway project — all of them intended to prevent an oil spill on water. I’ve also discussed how Gateway’s marine safety program was examined by an independent risk assessment group, which determined that the chances of a major spill are once in more than 15,000 years. Although statistics and reports suggest a marine oil spill is unlikely, you want to know — what if one does occur? How will Gateway be prepared? While the chances are slim, we continue to develop a world-class marine response program. The Northern Gateway Project includes a spill response capacity that’s more than three times the Canadian regulation. And while the Canadian requirement for oil spill response is 72 hours plus travel time, our response time will be a fraction of that number — 6 to 12 hours in the marine channels. This is a significant increase to the response capability available to B.C.’s north coast. Additionally, for immediate response, our tug escorts will be
Join the conversation at
equipped with booms, oil skimmers, and firefighting equipment to provide enhanced initial containment, and they will be available to all marine traffic in the event of an incident. We will store equipment, such as containment and absorbent booms, skimmers, and waste storage, in multiple well-maintained, readily accessible response bases, providing a wider area of coverage in a shorter amount of time. Barges will also be located throughout the marine channels for additional storage and equipment mobilization. We are committed to having staff, contractors, and partners in place to maintain that enhanced state of readiness. The Gateway project will likely never see a major marine oil spill. But if it does, we’ll be prepared to protect our coastline.
Janet Holder Executive Vice President Western Access Enbridge Inc.
It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to delivering energy safely. ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Caledonia Courier
FAR LEFT: The hair models and stylists pose for a group shot after the hair show modelling is done. LEFT: Destiny Hunt modelled a “fantasy” hair” design which pushed the boundaries on creative hair possibiities. BOTTOM: (Leftright) Destiny Hunt, stylist Katie Marshall and Sondra Marshall. Katie Marshall showed what can be possible in the art of hair with some of her fantasy hair styles. Left photo Noreen Marshall Right and bottom photos Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier
Fas Gas 250-996-7305
Cafe open 6am to 2pm, Monday to Friday
Hair-raising good time
Open 6am to 10pm
3 cents a litre back to you!
Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier It was a packed house for the hair show at the North Arm Pub on Feb. 12. The evening was organized by stylists Terri Karey and Katie Marshall to mark Marshall joining Terri’s Hair Studio and involved 26 models of all hair types and colours showing off the stylists’ skills. While Terri’s Hair Studio has been around since 1988, with one five-year hiatus, Marshall has just begun to locate her business there, leaving her mill job to focus on hair. Marshall trained and practiced in Kelowna for four years, and her models showed the cutting edge creativity Marshall is capable of.
AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m.
642 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James B.C.
NOTICE The show included a live demonstration of “hair tattooing” where a design is shaved into short hair. Karey demonstrated two types of “updos” including a waterfall braid. Makeup was done by Ashley Beauchamp from Prince George
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+HST For as low as You can NOW read THE CALEDONIA COURIER
and Leila Holfworth. Beauchamp will be partnering with Terri’s Hair Studio for graduation as well.
The “fantasy” hair styles Marshall created on some models included vivid colours and exotic extensions.
Wants You! What is your Interest? ❚ Do you have a passion to write, cover sports, photography? ❚ Are you a student, retired? Interested in English/Journalism? ❚ We are looking for LOCAL writers, photographers, contributors in Fort St. James. Interested? Please call Pam
The Caledonia Courier pick-up & drop off location has moved to 169 Stuart Drive West @ the Lakeshore Realty office
ADVERTISING You can subscribe online at or call 250-567-9258 and we will help you set up your e-sub to 169 Stuart Drive West, at the Lakeshore Realty office
The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic Caledonia Courier Wednesday, February 20 2013 Statement welfareOur of Mission our community in order to make OurMission Mission Statement Our Statement Our Mission Statement
The Fort, James Chamber Exists to promote trade, progress,and development, and the economicand civic The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote progress, development, the economic and civic welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work The Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the TheFort FortSt St James James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, and the economic and economic civic welfare of our community indevelopment, order to make welfare of our community in order toinmake welfare of our community order to make Our Mission Statement
Fort St. JamesFort Chamber Chatter St. James
Chamber Chatter Fort exists St. toJames Chamber Chatter The Fort St James Chamber promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic Fort James Chatter welfare of ourChamber community in order to makeChatter Our Mission Statement FortSt.St. James Chamber
The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome Tannis’s Place Bed abd Breakfast as our new business in town. Weary Travelers will find a quiet and relaxing comfortable atmosphere in a non-smoking Tannis’s Place offers queen roomsTannis’s each with satellite T.C/ Breakfast H.S Internet The Fort St. Jameshome. Chamber of Commerce would likeor todbl welcome Place Bed abd as and The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome Tannis’s Place Bed and Breakfast as shared bath and a half.Weary Overlooking thewill panoramic views ofrelaxing Stuart Lkcomfortable while enjoying your breakfast. our new business in town. find a like quiet and atmosphere in a as The Fortbusiness St. James ofTravelers Commerce welcome Bed abd Breakfast our new inChamber town. Weary Travelerswould will find to a quiet andTannis’s relaxingPlace comfortable atmosphere in a nonThe Fort St James non-smoking Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic an Tannis’s Bed and Breakfast is located at 2255 Stones Bay Rd. If with you wish to have information The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome Tannis’s Place Bed abd Breakfa home. Tannis’s Place offers queen or dbl rooms each satellite T.C/ more H.S Internet and our new business in town. Weary Travelers will find a quiet and relaxing comfortable atmosphere in a smoking home. Tannis’s Place offers queen or dbl rooms each with satellite T.C/ H.S Internet and shared shared bath and a half. theor panoramic views of Stuart Lk while enjoying your breakfast. please call Tannis atOverlooking 250.996.8002 email atTravelers our new business in town. Weary will find awith quiet andto relaxing comfortable atmospher non-smoking Tannis’s Place offers or dbl satellite T.C/ H.S Internet and welfare of queen our community in order make bath and a half.home. Overlooking the panoramic views ofrooms Stuarteach Lk while enjoying your breakfast. Tannis’s Bed Bedbath and and Breakfast located at 2255 Stones Bay views Rd. If of youStuart wish torooms have more information non-smoking home. Tannis’s Place offers queen or dblLk each with T.C/ H.S Interne shared a half. Overlooking the panoramic while enjoying yoursatellite breakfast. Welcome BareTannis’s Hands Landscaping &isat Design, The Soup Wallah, and MXV to the Chamber of Commerce! and Breakfast is located 2255 Stones Bay Rd. If you wish to have more information Amendments to the Canada Pension Plan please call Tannisbath at 250.996.8002 or Overlooking emailatat2255 shared and a half. the panoramic Stuart Lkinformation while enjoying your breakf Tannis’s and Breakfast is located Bay Rd. If youviews wish toofhave more please callBed Tannis at 250.996.8002 or email atStones Every three years, federal, provincial and territorial Finance ministers review the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to determine if beneplease call Tannis 250.996.8002 orwhether Tannis’s Bed and isemail located at 2255 Stones Bay Rd. If you wish to have more informatio fits and/or contribution rates should their recommendations on aat number ofBreakfast factors, including orat Amendments to the Canada Pension Plan be changed. They base Bare Hands Landscaping & Design Amendments to the Canada Pension Plan not the Plan is meeting the needs of Canadians. Following their review of the CPP in May 2009, the ministers unanimously recomplease call Tannis 250.996.8002 or email at Every three years, federal, provincial and territorial Finance ministers review the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)at to determine if benemended changes to the CPP toPension enhance flexibility and toMel support both older and workers in a fair and affordable way. Amendments to the Canada Plan Chesnutt, theyounger owner of Bare Hands Landscaping & Design, lives and works in Fort St. James. Mel has over 10 years expe-
Fort St. James Chamber Chatter
Fort St. James Chamber Chatter
fits and/or contribution rates should be changed. They base their recommendations on a number of factors, including whether or
The CPP is adapting to better reflect how Canadians choose to live, work and retire. People takeministers many different review paths to retireEvery three years, federal, provincial and territorial Finance the not the Every Plan isthree meeting thefederal, needs of Canadians. review ofand the review CPP May 2009, the ministers recomrience isThe ain registered Apprentice with the Industry Training Authority in the Red SealPlace Endorsed years, provincial andFollowing territorialtheir Finance ministers theFort Canada Pension Planunanimously (CPP) to determine ifof beneSt. James Chamber Commerce would like to Interprovincial welcome Tannis’s BedLandscape abd Breakfast a Amendments to the Canada Pension Plan ment today, and these changes to the Plan better recognize that retirement is often a process that occurs in stages, rather than a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) tobe determine if their benefi and/or rates mendedfits changes tocontribution the CPP to enhance flexibility and to support both older andts younger workers in a fairofand affordable way.should and/or rates should changed. They base recommendations on contribution a number factors, including whether or Horticulturist Program. Mel first acquired her love of horticulture while growing up in rural Nova Scotia where her family one-time event. In addition tohow remaining financially sustainable, the mustPeople continue to meet thein changing needs Weary of Canabe They base their recommendations on aalso number of ministers factors, including Thechanged. CPP is adapting to better reflect Canadians choose to live,their workreview andCPP retire. many different paths to retirenew business town. Travelers will find a quietMines and relaxing comfortable in Ministry of Energy, and Natural Gas, underatmosphere the not the Plan is meeting theprovincial needs of Canadians. Following ofour the CPP intake May 2009, the unanimously Every three years, federal, and territorial Finance ministers review the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)recomto determineThe if beneda’s diverse and aging population and ever-evolving labour market. These changes are affordable at the current CPP contribution maintained extensive vegetable and ornamental ment today, and these changes to the Plan better recognize that retirement is often a process that occurs in stages, rather than a mended changes to thePlan CPP to enhance flexibility and to support both older and younger workers a fair andtheir affordable way.gardens. Mel has worked various landscaping positions, including Canada’s whether or not the is meeting the needs of Canadians. Following review fits and/or contribution rates should be changed. They base theirnon-smoking recommendations on a number of factors, Place includingoffers whether or Tannis’s queen or dbl rooms each with satellite T.C/ Internet and LiveSmart Small Business Program, currently provides event. addition to remaining financially sustainable, thetoCPP must also to meet thehome. changing needs of CanaThe CPP isIn adapting better reflect how Canadians choose live, work andcontinue retire. People take many different paths toto retireMinistry ofBC: Energy, Mines Natural Gas, under theH.S ofone-time therate. CPP in Mayto2009, the ministers unanimously recommended changes the prestigious 900 acre resort, the Fairmont Jasper Park The Lodge, in Alberta. Mel’s also offersand Garden services, Lawn Care & not the Plan is meeting the needs of Canadians. Following their review of the CPP in May 2009, the ministers unanimously recomda’s diverse aging population and ever-evolving labour market.that These changes are affordable at the current contribution mentand today, and these changes to the Plan better recognize retirement is often a process that occursCPP in stages, rather than a shared bath and aworkers half. the panoramic Stuart Lk enjoying breakfast. CPP to enhance exibility and to older and younger in aandfair small businesses in theofFortisBC gaswhile service territory withcommended changes totofl the CPP to enhance flexibility and support both older and younger workers in Overlooking a fair way. The amendments the CPP were introduced insupport Bill C-51, thetoboth Economic Recovery Act (stimulus), which received Royal Assent onaffordable Maintenance, Installations, and Snow Removal. Mel has decided to join theviews Chamber of Commerce because it allowsyour LiveSmart BC: Small Program, provides rate. one-time event. In addition to remaining financially sustainable, the CPP must also continue to meet the changing needs of CanaThe Ministry of Business Energy, Mines and currently Natural Gas, underher the and ordable way. The CPP is adapting to better refl ect how Canadians choose Theaff CPP is adapting to better reflect how Canadians choose to live, work and retire. People take many different paths to retireDecember 15, 2009. Stewardship of the CPP is a joint federal-provincial responsibility. Provincial and federal Orders in Council to da’s diverse and aging population and ever-evolving labour market. These changesvenue are affordable at theBreakfast current CPP contribution Tannis’s Bed is located at 2255 Stones Bay Rd. If you wish have more information pany an expanded ofand networking, and Mel can be reached atFortisBC 250.996.8163 or to The Ministry Energy, Mines and Natural Gas,highunder the additional incentives when upgrading toterritory qualified businesses inofSmall the gas service amendments toand the CPP were introduced inThe Billtake C-51, the Economic Recovery Actgradually (stimulus), which Royal Assent onadvertising. today, and these changes the Plan better recognize that retirement isover often areceived process that occurs ininand stages, small ratherLiveSmart than a bring the changes into force arePeople intoplace. changes are beingdiff implemented aretirement six-year period that started toThement live, work retire. many erent paths to today, BC: Business Program, currentlywith provides rate. December 15, 2009. Stewardship of the CPP is a joint federal-provincial responsibility. Provincial and federal Orders in Council to LiveSmart BC: Small Business Program, currently provides one-time event. Into addition to remaining financially sustainable, the CPP must to meet the changing of Cana- incentives January 2011, with fullthe implementation in 2016. please callalsoTannis at 250.996.8002 or email at these changes Plan better recognize that Recovery retirement iscontinue often astarted process that needs additional when upgrading to qualified high-and efficiency boilers and water heaters. The Ministry would like The Ministry of gas Energy, Mines Natural Gas bring the changes into force are CPP in place. changesin are over six-year period in Assent on smallbusinesses businesses in the FortisBC service territory with The amendments to the wereThe introduced Billbeing C-51,implemented the Economicgradually Act a(stimulus), whichthat received Royal small in the FortisBC gas service territory with da’s diverse and aging population and ever-evolving labour market. These changes are affordable at the current CPP contribution occurs in stages, rather than a one-time event. In addition to remaining fi nancially JanuaryThe 2011, with full implementation in 2016. December 15, Stewardship theand CPPwhen is a joint federal-provincial Provincial and they federal Orders in Council boilers and water heaters. The Ministry like to 2009. the CPP may affectof how contributors choose toresponsibility. retire from work and when decide to apply for a to CPP efficiency to provide small business gas and propane customers, who LiveSmart BC: Small Business Program, current rate. changes additional incentives when upgrading to qualified highadditional incentives when upgrading towould qualifi ed highAmendments to the Canada Pension Plan are being sustainable, the into CPP must also tocircumstances. meet the changing needs of started Canada’s bring the changes force are in place. Thecontinue changes implemented gradually over a six-year period that in retirement pension. These decisions will depend on individual Some key considerations include: The changes to the CPP may affect how and when contributors choose to retire from work and when they decide to apply for a CPP to provide small business gas and propane customers, who effi ciency boilers and water heaters. The Ministry would January 2011, with full implementation inand 2016. ever-evolving diverse and aging population labour market. These changes aredetermine are not already served by FortisBC, saving efficiency boilers and water heaters. The Ministry would like small businesses inwith theenergy FortisBC gasopporservice ter The amendments to decisions the CPP were introduced in territorial Bill C-51, the Economic Recovery Actinclude: (stimulus), which Assent on retirement pension. will depend on individual circumstances. Some key considerations Every These three years, federal, provincial and Finance ministers review the Canada Pension Planreceived (CPP) toRoyal if beneemployment opportunities; The SOUP WALLAH affordable at the current CPP contribution rate. like to provide small business gas and propane customare not already served by FortisBC, with energy saving opporDecember 15, 2009. Stewardship of the CPP is a joint federal-provincial responsibility. Provincial and federal Orders in Council to fits and/or becontributors changed. They base a number factors, whether or and The changes to the contribution CPP may affectrates how should and when choose to their retire recommendations from work and whenon they decide toofapply for aincluding CPP to provide small business gas propane whoto qualifi tunities cash incentives byand offering the customers, LiveSmart Boiler additional incentives when upgrading other income; employment opportunities; bring theretirement changes intoThese arethe in place. The changes are being their implemented a six-year period that started in The mission of MXV Integrated Health andBoiler Fitness energy is to ers, who are not already served by FortisBC, with retirement pension. decisions will depend on individual circumstances. Some key considerations include: not the Plan isforce meeting needs of Canadians. Following review of gradually the CPP in over May 2009, the ministers unanimously recomtunities and cash incentives by offering the LiveSmart Wallah refers to someone whofamilies; sells or makes something. health of contributors and their and other retirement income; are already served by FortisBC, with energy saving opporJanuary 2011, withchanges fullto implementation in 2016. The amendments the introduced Billboth C-51, Economic and Commercial Water Heater Replacement Program provmended to theCPP CPP towere enhance flexibility and to in support olderthe and younger workersRecovery in a fair and affordable way.not efficiency boilers and water heaters. The Minis bring together Fitness, Therapy and Nutrition in an accessaving opportunities and cash incentives by off ering health retirement of contributors and their families; and goals. employment opportunities; andtoCommercial Water Heater Replacement Program prov-Boiler Act (stimulus), which received Royal on December 15, 2009. Stewardship of The CPP is adapting to betterfor reflect how Assent Canadians choose to live, work and retire. People take many different paths retiretunities and cash incentives by offering the LiveSmart sible way for as many members of the community they The Soup Wallah name was chosen it’s humble associaretirement goals. the andsmall Commercial Water Heater Re- cus other retirement changes theincome; CPP are described TheThe changes totothe CPP may affect how and when contributors choose to retire from work and when they decide to apply for LiveSmart a CPP ince-wide. If you are interested and need more toBoiler provide business gasinformation and propane ment today, and these changes to the Plan better recognize that retirement is often process thatOrders occurs in stages, rather than a If you are the CPP is acontributors joint federal-provincial responsibility. Provincial anda federal in ince-wide. The changes toand CPP are described interested and Replacement need more information health ofthe and their families; and we can.province-wide. retirement pension. These decisions will depend on individual circumstances. Some key considerations include: tion: I make sell soup…along with many other things!!! placement Program If you are interested and Commercial Water Heater Program provone-time event. addition to remaining financially sustainable, CPPchanges must also continue to meet the changing needsplease of Cana- call the Council to bring the Inchanges into are in place.the The are being implechamber at 250.996.7023 retirement goals. The Ministry of Energy, and Natural un are not already servedMines by FortisBC, withGas, energ Insert from the Government of Canada web page,force I take pleasure in producing my own menus with a variety please call the chamber atinterested and need more information please theinformation chamber at da’s diverse and aging population and ever-evolving labour market. These changes are affordable at the current CPP contribution Insert from the Government of Canada web page, a250.996.7023 ‘workout of and the month’ template which they The changes to the CPP are described ince-wide. If youUsing are needcall more employment opportunities; mented gradually over a six-year period that started in January 2011, with full imBC:cash Small Business Program, currently p rate. India tunities and incentives by can offering the Liv of other origins: from to Italy, Africa to Americas, Paris to 250.996.7023LiveSmart retirement scale appropriately to each participant they offer plementation inincome; 2016. please call the chamber at 250.996.7023 Insert from the Government of Canada web page, Fort James. health of contributors andSt. their families; near personal training level and gas progression in territo small businesses inWater theattention FortisBC service The to the CPP wereand introducedTAXES? in Bill C-51, the Economic Recovery Act (stimulus), which received Royal Assent on and Commercial Heater Replacement P Books Byamendments Sandie Books By Sandie NEEDNEED HELPHELP WITHWITH YOURYOUR TAXES? retirement goals. December 15, 2009. Stewardship of ect the CPP is a joint federal-provincial responsibility. Provincial and federal Orders in Council to The changes to the CPP may aff how and when contributors choose to retire a group setting. Their workouts use many new and old GIVE Atakes CALL! additional incentives upgrading qualified GIVE US A US CALL! The Soup Wallah pride in delivering freshly made are being implemented gradually over a six-year period that started in The changes to the CPP areinto described ince-wide. If you arewhen interested andtoneed moreh bring the changes force are in place. The changes from work and when they decide to apply for a CPP retirement pension. These decitools with a focus on full-body/multi-joint movement Books By Sandie NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? tasty foods. Local sources are prized ingredients! Bread and Some key considerations include: January 2011, with full implementation in 2016. efficiency boilers and heaters. The Ministry w sions will depend on individual circumstances. patterns. In addition to thewater group at fitness there will soon please call the chamber 250.996.7023 GIVE US A CALL! We have over 15 years experience dealing with both individual and business clients. We have over 15 years with both individual and business clients. Insert from the Government ofexperience Canada webdealing page, soup are made daily. Sandwiches are made with fresh . Our employment opportunities; be yoga andsmall MMA skills and conditioning available. The to the CPP mayIndividual affectIndividual how and to retire from work andreturns when they decide to apply for a CPP prices arechanges very tax when returns start start at choose $25atwhile business returns start to provide business gas and propane custom Ouringredients prices are competitive. very competitive. taxcontributors returns $25 while business start bread and prepared on decisions site: chicken, roast . at other retirement will depend onbeef individual circumstances. Some key clients. considerations include: Contact Scott Croucher @ 250.996.4377 Weretirement have over pension. 15income; yearsThese experience dealing with both individual and business $50. at $50. At the ‘Wallah’ there is always something to are not already served by FortisBC, with energy sav and hummus. Ourof prices are very competitive. Individual taxand returns start at including: $25 while business returns start . We health contributors and their families; also computerized bookkeeping services for businesses Books By Sandie NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? We provide also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses including: employment opportunities; MXV is striving to bring a variety of private healthcare at $50. nutritious satisfy: sweets, snacks and great coffees and . retirement tunities and cash incentives by offering the LiveSm GIVE USother A goals. CALL! retirement income; professionals to the community including physiotherapy, traditional chinese medicine We also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses The changes toinclude CPP are described Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, teas. Baked goods wheat free and healthy youT4s) know howincluding: to boil water? Do of the contributors and their families; andoptions.Do Payrollhealth (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) and Commercial Heater Replacement and shiatsu. They hope to offer chiropractic and Water massage therapy at some point also. Progr Inserted from the15 Government of Canada page, Accounts Receivable retirement goals. you enjoyhave good food? For your convenience The Soupweb Wallah has a range of easyand takebusiness home We over years experience dealing with both individual clients. Accounts Receivable Sport and exercise focused nutritional consultation willinterested soon be available as need certifica-more inf Payroll source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) Payable <Accounts > The(paycheques, changes to the CPP are described ince-wide. If you are and meals that require minimal Our prices are very prep. competitive. Individual tax returns start at $25 while business returns start Accounts Payable tionsOmineca with PrecisionCable Nutrition areLtd completed Accounts Receivable Omineca CableTVTV Ltd Monthly bank reconciliation Come in andthe check out the menu. Call 250-996-4386. please call the chamber at 250.996.7023 at preparation $50. Omineca Cable TV LtdProvider Cable TV, Internet && Phone Monthly bank Accounts Payable Insert from Government of Canada web page, HST andreconciliation filing Cable TV, Internet Phone Provider Omineca Cable TV Ltd WeHST also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses including: Monthly bank reconciliation preparation and filing HELP WITH Books By Sandie NEED YOUR TAXES? Financial Statements Cable TV, Internet & Phone Provider Flourless chocolate walnut cake with red currants and huckleberries. HST and filing Omineca Cable you access to aff ordable options for your SmallFinancial business and personal income tax Cable TV,gives Internet & Phone Provider Statements GIVE US Apreparation CALL! Financial Statements Books By Sandie NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? entertainment, communication and global network needs. Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) Smallover business personal income tax We have 15 and years experience dealing with both individual and business Small business and personal income tax GIVE US A CALL! Call for more information: Telephone/Home Phone Solutions, Analog Television Accounts Omineca Cable gives you access to affordable op- Services, clients. Our Receivable prices are very competitive. Individual tax returnsRDBN start at $25 START-UP BUSINESS CONTEST Market research and analysis and its importance for your business. Quality Digital HD Services, High SpeedtoInternet Options. Accounts Payable Media Release while business returns start atof$50. Call for more information: tionsOmineca for your&Cable entertainment, communication and gives you access affordable op- We Successful businesses have extensive knowledge their customers and their competitors. Call for more information: Omineca Cable gives you access to and affordable op(250) 996-7669 Ask for Sandie We have over 15 years experience withaware both andincluding: business clients. Omineca Cable TV Ltd also carry retail products like digital boxes a variety of auMonthly reconciliation Interested in mediMarket research isbank the process of gathering information which willdealing make you more of individual We also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN) is pleased to announce the global network needs. Telephone/Home Phone and tions for your entertainment, communication and Our prices are very competitive. Individual tax returns start at $25 while business returns start howHST the(250) people you hope to sell to will react to your current or potential products or sertions for your entertainment, communication dio/video cables. finalists in the RDBN Start-up Business contest. Entrants provided a business plan preparation and filing 996-7669 Ask for Sandie Cable TV,Services, Internet & Phone Provider cal and dental cov(250) 996-7669 Ask for in Television Quality Digital Whether you are aware of it or not,Sandie as aCommerce business owner would you conduct researchDave introducing theirInterested Interested in medimediThe Fort St. James Chamber of likemarket to ROEs, thank new business or business idea. TheSolutions, entries global were judgedAnalog on the at $50. network needs. Telephone/Home Phone Financial Statements .vices. Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line WCB, T4s) global network needs. Telephone/Home Phone strengtherage of their business planning. The finalists chosen by the selection panel all the time. When you talk to customers about your business or check out the prices of your for yourself WeReceivable also and provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses including: Services,Analog High Speed Options. We Digital cal and dental Contact: KimInternet Brown Cromarty and Kevin Pesserl for their help inreconciliation cal and dental covcov- & HD Small business personal income tax .competitors Accounts . Accounts Payable .would Monthly bank are: Solutions, Television Services, Quality The Fort James Chamber Commerce like Dave areSt. conducting research.of Formalizing the process can produce a thank Theyou Fort St. Jamesmarket Chamber of Commerce would like to to thank Dave Burrard PO Box 798and a and employee's. also carry retail 2444 products likeAve digital boxes .wealth HSTofpreparation and filing Financial Statements trying put theyour Snowmobile races. information about your products and.on services, customers anddrag the marketerage&for yourself Aspen Acres Culinaries Eclectics - Lori Koop Internet Options. We & HD Services, High Speed Cromarty and Kevin Pesserl for their their help in Cromarty and Kevin Pesserl for help in Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) Vanderhoof, BC place you operate in. The level of complexity used in your market research campaign is up to . Small business andYour personal income tax the Trac, offering Heavenly Call for more information: Omineca gives you access to aff Grinds andthe Little Treasures variety of audio/video cables.Cable Contact cham-Café - Sean Wright help towards making and employee's. Receivable you, as market Accounts research can cover a broad spectrum activities. You can undertakedrag simpleraces. trying putofon on the Snowmobile Snowmobile drag races. Silver Springs Country Recreation & Wellness - Kerry Buck also carry retail products like digital boxes and a trying put the tions forcables. your entertainment, commun ber Landscaping for more info- Mel atChesnutt advice and most importantly your time are activities that can be done onPayable your own, such as creating a short customer satisfaction Bare Hands & Design Accounts variety of of audio/video audio/video Contact the chamhelp towards making the Trac, offering Call for more information: (250) 996-7669 Ask forYour Sandie variety cables. Contact the chamhelp towards making the Trac, questionnaire or studying demographicYour data for your area, or undertake complex ones that offering Interested in mediOmineca Cable TV Ltd Contact: Kim Brown Monthly bank greatly appreciated. The Fort St. James 250.996.7023 We were pleased with the number of quality entries we received, representing a (250) 996-7669 forreconciliation Sandie ber for forWemore more info at these businesses develop global network needs. Telephone/Ho require assistance from a Ask professional market research Regardless of the size your of yourtime are advice andfirm. most importantly ber info at advice and most importantly your time are wide range of businesses. look forward to watching HST preparation and filing 2444 Burrard PO Box 798 cal and dental cov- AveCable TV, Internet Phone Provider Chamber of Commerce says a would bigsome thank youto and market research budget, the time you have available or your level of experience, form Analog&Television Services, TheFort Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce like thank Dave Brown appreciate the contribution each makes to our region. Contact: Kim Solutions, greatly appreciated. Thedecisions. Fort St. James 250.996.7023 The St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Dave CromarFinancial Contact: Kim Brown of market research is possibleStatements and it can help you to improve your business greatly appreciated. The Fort St. James Finalists will present Vanderhoof, BC 250.996.7023 concept speeches on October 16, 2012 at the RDBN Business for your time. Thanks guys! erage for yourself HD 2444 Burrard& Ave POServices, Box 798 High Speed Internet Op ty and of Kevin fora their help in help trying putin Smithers. Cromarty and Pesserl Kevin Pesserl for their inWave Chamber Commerce big thank you Why conduct market Smallresearch? business and personal income tax says Forum – Ride the The grand prize winner will be selected and 2444 Burrard Ave PO Box 798 Chamber of Commerce says a big thank you Product — Improve your product or serviceon based on findings about what your customers at a gala dinner that evening. public is invitedVanderhoof, to attend both the Snowmobile drag races.dragannounced BC and The employee's. also carry retail products like digital bo for your time. Thanks guys! trying put on the Snowmobile races. may register at really want and need. Focus on things like function, appearance and customer service or Vanderhoof,Omineca BC making the Trac,events, offand ering adforYour your help time. towards Thanks guys! Call for more information: Cable gives you cables. access to afforda warranties. variety of audio/video Contact the chamYour help towards making the Trac, offering We areare grateful for the many businesses and organizations that have made this vice and most importantly your time greatPrice — Set a price based on popular profit margins, competitors' prices, financing options, tions for your entertainment, communica possible through their generous sponsorship. A full list of these sponsors lyfor appreciated. Fort St. James Chamber ber for more info at advice and mostThe importantly yourcontest time are of (250) 996-7669 Sandie P.O. Box 1164 115 Douglas Avenue, Fort St. or the price a customer is willing to pay.Ask Interested in mediand the prize packages is available at Interested in medical and global network needs. Telephone/Home Commerce says a big thank Placement — Decide where to set up and how to distribute a product. Compare the charac-you for your time. James, B.C Kim V0J 1P0 Telephone: 250-996-7023 Contact: Brown greatly appreciated. The Fort St. James 250.996.7023 coverage for For more information regardingdental the RDBN and Business Forum please visityourself cal dental covteristics of different locations and the valueThanks of points ofguys! sale (retail, wholesale, online). Solutions, Analog Television Qua The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Dave Fax: 250-996-7047 Toll Free: or contact Corrine Swenson at 1-800-320-3339. Burrard Ave PO1-800-608-7698 Box Services, 798 and employee’s. Contact the 2444 Promotion — Figure out how to best reach particular market (teens, families, Chamber of segments Commerce says a big thank you erage for HD Services, High Speed Internet Optio Email: students, professionals, etc.) in areas of advertising and publicity, and social media, andPesserl brandCromarty Kevin for their help in chamber foryourself more info at & Vanderhoof, BC for your time. Thanks guys! ing. and employee's. 250.996.7023 also carry retail products like digital boxes trying put on the Snowmobile drag races. variety of audio/video cables. Contact the chamYour help towards making the Trac, offering
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Caledonia Courier
LEFT: Murray Ridge provided a scenic backdrop to the beginning of this year’s Poker Ride. Ruth Lloyd Photos
SUNDAY SCHOOL .........10:30 am - 12 Noon MORNING WORSHIP ....10:30 am - 12 Noon Church Office 996-7261
Poker Ride Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The trail held up pretty well for this year’s Poker Ride hosted by the Fort St. James Snowmobile Club. While the trail became a bit rough towards the end according to organizers, this is to be expected after 210 snowmobiles tramp along the same track. “Everybody was happy and said the trails were good,” said Wayne Moll. The 70 km route was backwards from what it has been in previous years, making the long rolling section along the highway the beginning instead of the end. While the snow pack was low, the weather helped make up for it, with a beautiful sunny day for participants to stop and socialize along the way.
(Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am
A total of 310 poker hands were sold at the event, helping to raise some of the approximately $4,000 per year the club invests in fuel to maintain the extensive trail network in the area. This year a club sled used for trail maintenance needed a new motor, adding nearly $2,500 in extra costs to the club. Ed Hill and Grant Luck donated extensive time to grooming the trails before the ride, which helped to keep the trail in better condition for the event.
FORT ST. JAMES SEARCH & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome.
Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op Co-op Mall Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Careb Entertainment Extra Foods Janet’s Hair Gallery Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes Blackwater Road CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road Redfern Drive Sinkut Frontage Road Arena Lobby Kenny Dam & Lakes Road J&S Restaurant
Endako Bar & Grill Slenyah Store
Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies
Giesbrecht Frontage Road
Fort Fraser Petro Can
Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy Red Fox Bistro