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The Blues Brothers take over the ball
A broad reason for construction on 9th Ave. ...............................2
Sharing a piece of Canada ................................12
Australian DJ ready to spin Golden ..............................13
Jake and Elwood Blues (a.k.a. Andrew and Lucas Drage) stole the show at the 2013 Masque Ball’s best costume and dancing competition. To see more photos of the ball and the Masque Parade go to page 14-15 or check out The Golden Star Facebook page and website. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Armed robbery at Peoples Drug Mart Darryl Crane
Local goalie rockets to a shutout ..............................22
On Saturday, Feb. 16 at 2:28 p.m. Golden/Field Royal Canadian Mounted Police responded to an armed robbery at the Peoples Drug Mart in Golden. Two male suspects entered the drug store wearing toques, sunglasses and hoodies. The men walked down to the pharmaceutical area where they drew knives and ordered the pharmacists to give them prescription narcotics. The men got away with approximately 2,000 prescription pills but, the final total has not yet been confirmed according to a representative from the store. An RCMP spokesperson said the men knew exactly what they were looking for and asked for drugs that included morphine and different types of pain killers.
It was confirmed from the store representative that the men made off with morphine, oxycodone and dilaudid. The men were caught on surveillance cameras in the drug store and RCMP are still attempting to identify the suspects. No one was hurt in the robbery but a store employee did say it was a scary event. The first suspect was described as being a Caucasian between the ages of 25 and 40 with dark short hair. The man was also clean shaven. The suspect was wearing dark sunglasses, a dark toque, ski jacket, hoodie and white running shoes. The second suspect was a Caucasian between the ages of 25 and 45 and slightly heavier than the first suspect but still a slim build. He had short dark hair and was also clean shaven. The male was wearing a grey toque, dark ski coat, dark sunglasses, dark hoodie and light blue jeans. Anyone with any information about the men are asked to contact the Golden RCMP at 250-344-2221.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Lanterns made of ice
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Wendell Johnston Painting Create a FRESH LOOK
Nicholson Elementary Grade 4 and 5 students got together and made icelanterns in Spirit Square, for the Snow King event. The kids built ice-lanterns that glowed in the background, behind the Snow King and Lady Spring, during the performance. The lanterns were built with frozen coloured shapes that the kids brought from home and school. Pictured above are Olivia White, Izzy Palumbo, Kaylee Robertson, Karsen Oddy, Dillon Anderson and Marcus Dondandeau. They were some of the students who worked on the lanterns. Photos Submitted
Wildlife Act amendments aimed at new hunters Golden Star Staff
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Hunting just became more accessible to both youth and first-time hunters with regulatory amendments to the Wildlife Act confirmed by Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson at the Oceola Fish & Game Club annual banquet. The amendments are being brought in to hopefully benefit resident hunters through an expanded Youth Hunting Licence and a new Initiation Hunting Licence, both of which will be effective for the 2013/14 hunting season. The changes to the Youth Hunting Licence now make it available for youth aged 10 to 17 years inclusive. Previously, the age range of the Youth (‘junior’) Hunting Licence was 10 to 13 years. According to the release from the ministry, this change have been put in place to make it easier for youth ages 14 to 17 to give hunting a try and to have more mentorship opportunities. “Hunting will always be an integral part of
the social fabric of British Columbia and these changes will help introduce a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts to this tradition,” said Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Steve Thomson. The amendments have also created a new Initiation Hunting Licence, a mentoring licence that allows a person 18 years or older, who has never previously held a hunting licence in B.C., to try hunting for a one-year period. It is a one-time-only licence. “The BCWF and our members are pleased to see the implementation of the expanded Youth Hunting Licence and new Initiation Hunting Licence. These changes will provide increased opportunities for youth to try hunting for the first time and will give experienced hunters a chance to foster responsible hunting and appreciation for wildlife and conservation in British Columbia,” said the president of the B.C. Wildlife Federation, Bill Bosch. Both licence options represent an opportunity for those new to hunting to try the experience with a limited commitment and under the supervision of an experienced mentor.
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A3
Golden Municipal Pool releases stats collected over summer Jessica Schwitek With a new manager of recreation services for the town last year, and some changes to the operations of the Golden Municipal Pool, there was a data collection and user feedback program launched at the end of the 2012 operational season. The information was collected through daily user statistics, recorded daily by staff, and an online survey completed by members of the public on a voluntary basis. There were approximately 6,600 separate pool visits recorded between May and August of 2012 (not including daily visits by the Swim Club). Of those visits, 64 per cent were Golden residents, 22 per cent were from Area A, and 14 per cent were from elsewhere. The afternoon public swims received the highest average weekly attendance rates, followed by the weekend public swims, and then the swimming lessons. The voluntary survey, completed by 83 people (97.5 per cent of whom live in either Golden or Area A) in a fourweek period, revealed that nearly half of the respondents visited the pool daily, and more than a quarter visited the pool more than once a week. Of the people who
responded, 42.2 per cent said that they find the Swim Club to be the most valuable program at the pool, and 22.9 per cent said the public fun swims were the most valuable to them, with the majority of people preferring the participate in those swims either between 1 and 5 p.m., or after 5 p.m. When asked if they thought the recreation opportunities in the community were promoted effectively, 43 per cent said no, and 34 per cent said yes, while the rest had no opinion. And 68.8 per cent agreed that the operational expenses at the Golden Swimming pool should be supported by regional tax dollars. The pool is currently supported with municipal tax dollars. The satisfaction rates found in the survey were quite high, with 94 per cent of respondents saying they were satisfied with the value of the services they paid for, and 95 per cent saying they would recommend the Golden Swimming Pool to friends and family. The information collected through this process will be a major component of future review of recreational services and budget proposals, and similar data will be collected for other recreational facilities including the Golden and District Arena, and Keith King Memorial Park.
Data collected at the Golden Municipal Pool and public feedback has given insight to the Town of Golden. Star Photo
Students discover Winter Wonder Behind the Wheel Jessica Schwitek Golden elementary school students are taking advantage of the winter wonderland with Wildsight’s Winter Wonder Program. With funding from the Columbia Basin Trust, Wildsight is taking primary students outside to learn about how plants and animals adapt to winter. “Wildsight’s Winter Wonder programs always start off with some warm-up activities with the students inside,” said Sanne van der Ros, who is delivering the programs in Golden and Nicholson with Wendy Pope. The program outings are different for each grade, and often reflect what they are learning in class. “The Grade 3s study plants, so we focus more on the ways plants and trees cope with winter, and how
animals depend on plants and trees for survival,” said van der Ros. “Once outside, we pack in a lot of different games and activities to let the students discover the nat-
reality, they often see deer tracks, discover burrows, notice squirrel nests, find woodpecker holes in dead standing trees, and identify rabbit droppings,” said van der
“The students’ enthusiasm and excitement is what keeps me coming back each year.” — Sanne van der Ros — ural area near their school. The students take on roles such as cougars and owls and snowshoe hares and mice in predator-prey type games.” So far, the five to nine-year-old students have used their imagination to discover animal tracks, including those of cougars, moose, hedgehogs, and sometimes even bears. “One student thought in all earnest that he saw a saber tooth tiger track. In
Ros. Between van der Ros and Pope, they are delivering a dozen Winter Wonder Programs this season, and are already part way through. Winter Wonder is one of Wildsight’s most beloved education programs. Even though the field trip is fun, the kids are learning life sciences that meet BC Ministry of Education requirements for science education. “Both Wendy and I
love going to the different schools in the area as Captain Powder,” said van der Ros, referring to the winter character she often teaches as. “I paint snowflakes on my face and show up with my bags and backpack full of materials to do the activities including fur and track samples, animal images, tree outfits, and fun books. “At the end of the program, I always ask the students what activity they really liked, and in the end all the different things we’ve done that morning or afternoon are mentioned. The students’ enthusiasm and excitement is what keeps me coming back each year. It’s so much fun to share in the wonder of winter with the youngsters in our Golden area.” Anyone who would like to support a Winter Wonder expedition can do so by calling Wildsight to donate.
Where is Our Traffic Enforcement? Having spent 20 years in traffic enforcement I’m always curious if I will see any of it being done when I travel on our highways. Unfortunately I have to say that I very rarely see a police vehicle in my travels, much less one stopped at the side of the road dealing with a driver. The erratic driver I saw this morning brought the question to mind “where’s a cop when you need one?” At my last posting we typically had three dedicated traffic enforcement personnel on shift at any one time, assuming no one was taking time off, sick or in court. We three could be anywhere on literally hundreds of kilometers of highway within our patrol district. It’s not a surprise that you could drive and not meet up with one of use on any given day. The Ministry of Justice’s documents show 396 dedicated provincial traffic policing positions in 2010. What isn’t shown is whether these positions are actually filled with officers who are fit for duty and on the job. If they are not full, this may explain why I’m not seeing active traffic enforcement around me when I drive. When I consider that I am more likely to suffer financial loss, injury or death in the operation of my vehicle than I am through all other criminal causes combined my perceived lack of enforcement is distressing. Yes, I may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time to not see policing in action. Not seeing it on a continual basis cannot be a good thing. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit The best insurance rates. Have a Commercial
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Traffic diverted to make way for better broadband service Jessica Schwitek 9th Avenue North in downtown Golden was under construction for most of last week, as an important piece of a longawaited project was being put into place. Shaw Communications began installation of a steel casing pipe on the north side of the Kicking Horse River. The steel casing pipe is an integral part of Shaw’s improved broadband service loop through the community. It began with the installation of a mainline valve on the Town’s 250 milimetre watermain underneath 9th Avenue North, just in front of The Dollar Store and Elite Nutrition. The work, carried out jointly between the Shaw general contractor and Town forces, began Tuesday Feb. 12, and was completed later that week. The rest of the steel casing installation will take place behind the river dike, and is expected to be completed within a month. The hole that was dug on 9th Avenue North has been filled in, and traffic patterns have returned to normal. However repaving will have to wait until the regular paving season resumes.
Crews installed a steel casing pipe under 9th Avenue North as part of a planned broadband service upgrade by Shaw Communications. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
BC JOBS START HERE Find a job that’s right for you.
Looking for your first job, a new job, or a whole new career? Explore the possibilities at a ‘BC Jobs Start Here’ job fair. You can: ¡ meet local employers looking to hire ¡ get helpful career advice ¡ find information on skills training and career trends, and ¡ learn more about the tools and resources available. The fairs are organized as part of Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan, the Province’s strategy to promote economic development and job growth throughout B.C. Find out what the future holds for you. Visit to find more information on the job fairs and skills training in B.C.
Date: Location: Address: Time:
February 25, 2013 Revelstoke Community Centre 216 Mackenzie Avenue, Revelstoke 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A5
RCMP Report: Dine and dasher caught Golden Star Staff Dog struck by vehicle Feb.12 A dog in Nicholson was struck by a passing vehicle and the driver failed to stop to render aid to the animal. The dog was subsequently taken to the veterinarian for treatment. Sign damage at motel Feb.14 A local motel sustained damage to their sign after a guest, driving a large truck, drove under the sign breaking off a cross member. The guest was likely not aware that contact was made. Police are in the process of tracking down the guest and vehicle involved. Power unit catches fire Feb.14 The power unit of a trailer over heated while traveling on the Highway 1. The engine ignited but was extinguished. There were no injuries, and traffic on the highway was affected for only a short while.
restaurant. A male ordered and ate his meal, and then left without paying. The male was exhibiting odd behaviour as well, and the owner expressed concern for his well being. The male was subsequently located in Lake Louise after consuming a beverage in a store without paying for it. It was confirmed that the male was suffering from some form of mental stress and was taken for assessment. The cost of the meal was covered by his family. Roadside prohibitions
Journal Writing and Introspection with Sarah Wegelin (Journalism-Print Diploma and published writer)
FREE 8 - week program Tuesday, February 26 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. or 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. at the Golden Women’s Centre Includes FREE child care, writing materials & snacks!
Police issued two 30-day roadside prohibitions to drivers who had provided breath samples which were found to be over the legal limit.
Limited spaces - register now! Call 250-344-5317
Public Notice
Community Engagement: Kamloops to Alberta Four-Laning Program February 7 to March 1, 2013 The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is inviting communities, stakeholders and the public to participate in community engagement and public information sessions for the Highway 1 Kamloops to Alberta Four‑Laning Program.
Dine and dash
Help shape the government’s $650 million investment over the next 10 years to improve the safety, reliability and movement of people and goods along the Trans‑Canada Highway.
Police investigated a dine and dash at a local
You will have the opportunity to learn more about projects currently under development and provide input as the ministry moves ahead with plans to widen more sections of this important trade corridor to four lanes.
Pacific Carbon Trust under fire Jessica Schwitek The provincial government released a statement on Thursday Feb. 14 saying that they will be examining the pricing model for Pacific Carbon Trust (PCT), and, if needed, make whatever changes are necessary to ensure B.C.’s public sector organizations, including schools and hospitals, continue to receive the best value. The announcement came on the same day The Globe and Mail published an article saying that Pacific Carbon Trust, a crown agency that buys carbon credits and sells them to third parties like municipalities, has been overcharging public sector agencies. “Critical to ensuring value for money is the full disclosure of what Pacific Carbon Trust pays for offsets,” said Environment Minister Terry Lake. “To date, PCT hasn’t released that information because it was important to
protect this commercial information as it helps the Crown negotiate better prices, and it assists offset developers secure better prices when they sell on international markets. As we’re in our third year of buying offsets, and the offset market has matured, we now believe it’s more in line with open government to release this information.” Public sector organizations are paying $25 per ton for carbon offsets, and The Globe and Mail is reporting that PCT is purchasing those offsets from companies like TimberWest Forest Co., Encana Corp., and International Forest Products Ltd. for between $9 and $19. The government has committed to evaluating the price PCT is charging, as well as what the crown agency retains as a surplus from the buying and selling of offsets, and what that money is used for. Continued on page 12
We Want to Hear from You - Get Involved Today PARTICIPATE ONLINE The community engagement will take place between February 7 and March 1, 2013. The deadline for feedback is March 1. Visit to learn how you can get involved: • Attend a Public Information Session • Read our Online Discussion Guide • Complete an Online Feedback Form • Sign-up to receive ongoing updates
February 12
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Hotel 540 540 Victoria Street
February 13
5 p.m. to 8 p.m
Chase Community Centre 547 Shuswap Avenue
Salmon Arm
February 20
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
February 21
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Comfort Inn and Suites 1090 22 Street N.E. Sicamous Recreation Centre 1121 Eagle Pass Way
February 26
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
February 27
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Revelstoke Community Centre 600 Campbell Avenue Golden Civic Centre 806 10th Avenue S.
For more information, contact program staff by telephone at 1 250 828-4220, e-mail, visit the web site, or follow us on Twitter @TranBC.
MoT High Ope 5 co 7.31
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Changing times
A Canfor question
Growing up in a small town you have a certain innocence about where you live and what can happen to you. When I was a child my parents were never worried about where we would go during the day, and never locked the door. Of course, like many places, it only took one act to change all of that. For the most part - My Way Golden is a safe place By Darryl Crane to live, and has been that way for quite some time. This explains why people still leave their cars unlocked even though after the number of break-ins to vehicles, they really should not. It is not too often when doing police reports that you run into stories that do not involve minor disturbances, a drunken fight or the occasional house break in. This week however, when the story broke about an armed robbery that according to many people I have talked to, is unlike anything from recent memory. Golden is not high on the list for armed robberies though sadly it has just joined the long list where these types of incidents happen. Even though no one was hurt in the robbery, the effects can take away one of the best things about living in a small town. It is the feeling that everyone is your neighbour and the level of trust that can exists and may not be found in larger centers. It should not be a shock to anyone that an incident like this could happen in Golden as it is a progression which had to come to the area eventually. Big cities and small towns are equally vulnerable to the list of cowards who make the decision that armed robberies are the best way to fund their so called lives. The concern over who they hurt, either physically or mentally, with their actions is not a concern to those who run into the robbery game. Violence has sadly become a way of the world we are living in. Golden is situated along one of the busiest highways in Canada, and this only increases the chances that someone from outside the area will take advantage of opportunities the town offers. This is not to say that the men involved in this local robbery were from out of town because they could also be locals as well. The truth is you just don’t know anymore, and it is too bad that society has reached a point where you do not get out of your car without locking the door, or making sure all of the multiple locks on your doors and security codes are punched in whenever you leave your house. So this week a small part of the innocence may have been taken away from some of the people in Golden, but in the end it is still a place where people come as an escape from many of the issues larger centres deal with on a daily basis. Even though you have to lock your doors on your car, in the end we have seen many instances where people have come together to support people in tough times.
I would like to comment on the Jas Johal interview of Jim Shepherd, past CEO of the Canfor Corporation and Canadian Forest Products Ltd. on the Global newscast of Jan. 28, 2013 at 6 p.m. In said interview, Jim Shepherd wanted to discredit the popularity of the NDP leader Adrian Dix
in regard to a certain memo he wrote and wrongly dated, when he served as the Chief of Staff for the then NDP Premier Glen Clark. Adrian Dix apologized for his mistake a long time ago. At the time when he wrote said memo, he wanted to protect his boss, the then NDP Premier Glen Clark of British Columbia, who serves today as the president of the Jim Pattison Group and as a direc-
Carbon Tax Waste The Pacific Carbon Trust has cost taxpayers millions of dollars and hasn’t done anything for the environment. It ranks as one of the biggest Ponzi schemes foisted on taxpayers by former Premier Campbell. The Pacific Carbon Trust has diverted millions of dollars from school and hospital budgets; money that could have been better spent on improving the quality of education, health care and the hiring of more teachers and health care professionals. I hope the Mayor and Council will follow Councillor Hern’s example and drop all talk of sending our tax dollars to the Pacific Carbon Trust. The Mayor, Councillors and all interested citizens are encouraged to read a recent article in the Globe and Mail regarding the Pacific Carbon Trust (February 14 – Public Pays huge markup for carbon offsets). Did you know we are subsidizing companies like Encana, Timber West Forest Products and International Forest Products? Let’s keep our tax dollars in Golden and put them to use cleaning up our own environment.
Making contributions Rural A residents make a contribution to our Golden community. Discussions about contributions made by Rural A residents to the wellbeing of our community are often
tor of the Canfor Corporation and Canadian Forest Products Ltd. companies. The Canfor Corporation and Canadian Forest Products Ltd. operate a number of sawmills in B.C., among them the sawmills in Radium Hot Springs and Canal Flats. Leo Klafki Golden
In Europe, Carbon Trusts and Carbon Taxes have been a disaster. Do we really want to follow their lead and end up in the same financial quagmire? Australia’s Carbon Tax collects money from individuals and businesses and then returns 90 per cent of the funds to homeowners and big business. Why bother? We don’t need another expensive and ineffective layer of government. Better to keep our own hard earned dollars! We owe it to future generations to leave the world a better place. It’s not a complex issue. Let’s devise and implement; meaningful, effective and enforceable regulations which industry can follow. Let’s emulate regulations like those that cleaned up the Great Lakes, reduced auto emissions and improved air quality. Spending money on wasteful and ineffective programs like the Pacific Carbon Trust, which is a voluntary choice for municipalities, is not the way to proceed. Yours truly Bob Munro Golden
based only on financial matters related to taxation. I am aware that two significant not for profit organizations, based in Golden, have volunteer Boards of Directors that are predominantly made up of Rural A residents: Golden Food Bank: more than 70 per cent
and Kicking Horse Culture: over 85 per cent I trust our political leaders bear this mind as they consider budgets and Official Community Plans. Mike Cantle Golden
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you care that the PST is coming back to B.C. soon?
Yes 66%
No 33%
This week’s poll question: Did you do anything special with your family on Family Day? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
The Golden Star encour-
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Star editorial and opinion
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A7
Golden point of view
Did you do anything special with your family for Family Day? I see stars to the light and ice sculpture on Highway 95 by Nicholson School - very cool. An allstar to the reporter who gave away his valuable hockey cards to a young hockey card collector to enjoy. Thanks!
Annette Parish
Brook Wimbelad
Sue Hein
“Ya we did. We just went for a long walk. It was nice to have the day together, especially since we’re splitting the maternity leave.”
“All my family lives in Vancouver, but we had friends come up from Vancouver. And the hill gave them 50 per cent off, so it was nice.”
“Ya, we took the grandkids for the day. We had them for one night, and then we gave them back to mom and dad.”
Stingers to the horrible zamboni driver at the Rockets hockey game on Feb. 14. Stars to the Golden Star for their ongoing support in the community and for always getting the word
Go to to have your say.
Dear USA,
We, your friends from the North are becoming very concerned for you. Between the national debt, the violence, the seemingly lack of regulations in your banking system and on Wall street , maybe we should be distancing ourselves from you. Don’t get me wrong, we truly like most of you and love to visit you even though that seems to get more difficult every year at the border. While we are far from perfect I think you could take a few lessons from us and many other countries. Let’s start with the financial mess, again, we are not perfect in that regard. In Canada, in order to buy a house you actually have to prove you have a job and can afford the house with documentation, proof of income and such. The number of mortgages in arrears in Canada runs around 0.26 per cent versus around 4.4 per cent on your side of the fence or about 2 million homes, even though we have been through some tough times of our own. Then when your government tries to help those in need, hundreds of new “companies” and “services”
BC Liberals Keep PST Word Dear Editor, Mark Twain wrote that “if you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed” and judging from the latest MLA NDP candidate report regarding the return of the PST, it would seem that he has yet again taken it upon himself to misinform the public about a very important issue! British Columbia will return to the PST on April 1, 2013 thus meeting the province’s commitment to return to the PST
out about special events! Stars to all the organizers and volunteers, especially Joyce and Bill, who make the Snow King festivities happen. Stars to the Blues Brothers at the costume ball. You guys rock! Stingers to the people who threw drinking glasses out of the bar, and left smashed glass on the street. Stars to the Golden Rockets for such a great
Stingers to people who go on vacations to warm places, and leave us here in the cold. Stars to all the people and businesses who are buying tickets to the Rotary Gala and supporting a good cause. Stingers to whoever went into the drug store with knives, and traumatized the staff just for a quick pay day. Get a job like the rest of us.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
suddenly appear with schemes to “help” those in need when in reality they are trying to somehow profit on the misfortunes of others and get their hands on a portion of the bailout money. We keep seeing massive corruption and outright stealing from people in positions of great power, how many millions of dollars and how many house does a CEO need? I am no financial expert but I think that as long as you are morally bankrupt, you will be financially bankrupt. On the violence side of things, again we have some minor issues but it believe or not, assault rifles are illegal here. We could not find a single reason or use for them other then killing our fellow man in mass quantities ( that is illegal here too). Handguns are legal but very strictly controlled and we realize that criminals will always manage to get their hands on guns but at least they won’t find one in my grandmas nightstand. ( I don’t want to know what’s in there either) We are grateful to both our and your military for protecting our freedom but that seems to be getting a little out of hand as well, certainly not the average soldiers fault!
as quickly as possible and demonstrating the government has always been clear that it had a well-defined plan to keep BC on track as it moved towards the reinstatement of the PST. As the Independent Transition Panel indicated, it would take 18-24 months to return to the PST and that the time required would ensure that businesses could plan their training and systems switch-over effectively in order to apply the sales tax correctly. During the transition process the government announced new relief measures that benefited purchasers and builders of new homes. Purchasers of new second-
regular season of hockey. Good luck in the playoffs.
Somewhere around 680 Billion yearly sound about right? While I’m sure the defence contractors and all their lobbyists appreciate it, we are thinking you may want to check your bank account as I think you are slightly overdrawn. Last time I looked it was -16,482,149,737,138.19. I don’t even know how much that is but I believe if we got within even 10 per cent of that here our banker would be calling us! They tell me it is increasing 3.82 Billion dollars per day! I hope your Visa card can handle it. We do have a few problems in common and our governments tend to live beyond their means here as well. That seems to be a problem in almost all countries but we do try to get control before things get too out of hand. Please get some counselling and get your house in order as we would like to keep you as neighbours, we are too old to adjust and/or learn a new language. Sincerely,
ary or recreational homes, outside of the Greater Vancouver area and priced up to $850,000, would be eligible to claim a provincial grant of up to $42,500 effective April 1, 2012. In addition, lower-income British Columbians will continue to receive the BC HST credit until the PST is re-implemented and once completed the HST Credit will be replaced by the re-implemented PST credit. Most important, the PST WILL be reinstated with ALL permanent PST exemptions that were in place prior to the HST!
Dan Maisonneuve Golden Let us not forget that the NDP record on taxes has always been to raise them; not lower them. The 1990s saw the NDP increase PST from six per cent to seven per cent and they campaigned in 1991 on no tax increases and then increased them by $2 billion in the first year. Under the NDP, British Columbia had the highest marginal income taxes in Canada. For the NDP candidate to choose to report differently on the return to the PST or the NDP record is misleading and simply not truthful. Doug Clovechok
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Attention: Golden Rod and Gun Club Members We are now scoring horns, antlers and skulls taken during the 2012 hunting season for the for 2013 banquet. For an appointment call: 250 344 6616. Deadline for scoring is March 3rd 2013.
Horns and antlers must be removed from the head reasonably clean and dry. Skulls must be clean and dry, preferably boiled. 2.815x4
“The Summer Works Program enabled us to hire a staff member we wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.” AndreA rymAn, oWner, endleSS AdvenTureS.
HIRE A SUMMER STUDENT TO HELP YOUR SMALL BUSINESS GROW Twitter Subsidized summer wages for students • Up to $8/hour wage subsidy Twitter • Employment of students ages 15 and up • Application forms available as of February 22, 2013
Call 1.877.489.2687 ext 3644 or visit our website to find out how you can apply.
Join us:
Golden McDonalds is proud to support our local economy by hiring locals. We currently have openings for Team Leaders and Swing Managers. Competitive salary and benefits. Must be able to work shift work, including weekends. Must have high school diploma and 1-3 years experience in a fast paced restaurant environment. To apply, go to
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Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Escape From Planet Earth starting Friday Feb.22Thursday Feb.28 at 7pm. Matinees on Saturday & Sunday at 3pm. Kid’s Club movie, Brother Bear, Saturday Feb.23 at 1pm. Admission is free.
This Week Oldtimers Hockey Sunday 7:15 & 8:45pm, Wednesday 9:45pm. Call Russ at 250344-2734. Silvertips Hockey (50+) Every Monday 3:30pm and Friday 2pm. Call Sid 250344-5514. Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June 14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies.
Wed, Feb. 20 Co-ed Badminton at Mount 7 Rec Plex 7-9pm. $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors. Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Public Skate every Wednesday, 7-8pm at the Golden Arena. Jam Night at the Rockwater. Free Homework Help at the GSS Library 3:30-5pm for high school students. Drop in. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon.
Thurs, Feb. 21 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-344-0652. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Open House at the Wixon House hosted by the Golden Museum. Feb.21 10-4pm
This week's achievement award goes to...
812 9th St S. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:30-5pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Aquafit exercise class at The Travelodge from 5:306:30pm. Drop in rate is $6.50. Food Bank Movie Night at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Thursdays from 8-10pm until Apr.25, 2013. Free admission with Food Bank donation.
Fri, Feb. 22 Winter Walking at the Mount 7 Rec Plex from 1-2:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included. Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm. Bridge Club Fridays, 7-10pm at St. Andrews Centre for Peace. Contact 250-3445448. Parent and Tot Skate 10-11:15am at the Arena. Adult Skate 12-1:45pm at the Arena. NobleThiefs play at the Rockwater Grill and Bar, Friday Feb. 22. Rotary Club of Golden Cops for Kids 50/50 Ball Drop at the Golden Rockets Game. Friday Feb. 22. Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at the Legion Banquet Hall Feb.22 5-8pm $12adults, $6kids, free for 1-3 year olds. .
Sat, Feb. 23
Karaoke Night at The Mad
• For more information... go to
Trapper every Saturday night. Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516. Public Skate every Saturday, 5:30-6:45pm. Free Food Skills for Families Jan.19-Mar.23 10-1pm. Teaches how to cook healthy on a budget. Call 250-3446117 to register. Rotary Gala Fundraiser Saturday Feb.23 at the Golden Civic Centre 5:30pm, dinner at 7pm, tickets $50. Golden Initiation Rams Timbits Hockey Tournament Saturday Feb.23. First game at 9:30am, second at 1:30pm, at the Arena. Multi-denominational Service at the Pentecostal church on 10th St. S. Saturday evenings, 7pm through winter. Praise and Eucharist at St Paul’s Anglican Church 913 9th St S Saturday Feb.23 6pm. All people, all denominations welcome! Helly Hanson Big Mountain Battle 10am-3pm at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Details at
Sun, Feb. 24 Public Skate Golden Arena Sundays 4:30-5:45pm. Helmets recommended, no pucks or sticks allowed during public skate. Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-344-6444. GKHAT Race at KHMR Sunday Feb.24 9am-12pm.
Mon, Feb. 25 Co-ed Badminton at Mount 7 Rec Plex, 7-8:30pm. $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors. Drop in Shinny every Monday from 9:30 to 10:30pm. Drop in fee $6.50. Winter Walking at the Mount 7 Rec Plex 1-2:30pm. Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night.
Grief and Loss Support Group every Monday starting Feb.4 until March 25. 7:30-9pm held at The Pentecostal Church 717 10th St. S. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24.
Tues, Feb. 26 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Aquafit exercise class at the Travelodge from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Drop in rate is $6.50. KRIC workshop and networking event. Learn about cloud based IT. Tuesday Feb.26 5-8pm. To register: FREE Women’s Journal Writing Group Tuesdays Feb. 26-Mar.26 1-2:30pm or 6:45-8:15pm. Free childcare and writing materials are available. To register call 250-344-5317. John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Upcoming Events
Brown Bag Lunch Series - The Return of the PST. Wednesday Feb.27 12-2pm at College of the Rockies. To pre-register call 250-3445901. Riding the Divide: Packhorse and Predictions with Wayne Sawchuk. Saturday Mar.2 7:30pm St. Andrew’s Church. Admission by donation. Golden Figure Skating Club 45th annual Ice Show. Saturday Mar.2 2pm and 7pm. $9 adults, $7 seniors and kids, kids under 5 free. Rita Chiarelli Band Thursday Mar.7 at the Golden Civic Centre. First Annual 9-1-1 Emergency Service Ball Saturday, Apr.6 at Emerald Lake Lodge in Field. Tickets $75ea. Available at RCMP Detatchment, or the Fire Hall.
Taylor Daubs for working hard and improving in her reading
Stop in by February 27, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A9
Golden Moments: From a street car to the streets of Golden Darryl Crane Laura Snider was born in Manitoba and took a roundabout way of moving to the Columbia Valley. “I was married in Manitoba just after World War Two started in 1939. My husband, Jack Snider, joined the army and moved to Camp Petawawa. We had our first child in 1941 and when he was five months old his father went overseas,” she said. After a while Snider was talked into moving from the Prairies to Vancouver where her mother and step-father were living. “That’s what I did, I got on the train and moved to Vancouver,” she said. While in Vancouver Snider explained she worked at the only job she would ever have and it was all because of her mother. “They were looking for girls to work on the street cars because there was a shortage of men at that time. Mom said if I wanted to go to work that she would look after my son. I applied for a job and I got it,” she said. Snider was hired as a conductor on the street cars until 1945 when her husband returned from the war. “It was a wonderful job. I loved it. You got to know Vancouver and it was really good,” she said. When her husband returned he tried to find work in Vancouver but Snider said he was not a the type of person who liked living in a big city. “I don’t think he looked very hard,” Laura said laughing. During this time Jack’s father and mother came out to British Columbia and ended up falling in love with the Brisco area. They kept inviting the couple to come out to Brisco to live and eventually that was what they did. “It has changed a lot. When we first moved out here there was no power and there were only a couple of telephones in Brisco. We had one of the phones and the store had one.”
She added, “Brisco was a pretty quiet place. There was a store, post office and community hall. That was about it,” she said. Jack started working at the Christmas tree company in Invermere and through his connections with men in forestry industry, the following year he started working in the backcountry around Parson. “He had a pack horse and a riding horse. He used to go way up into the mountains to keep a lookout for fires,” she said. “My son, Don and I would take our old car and go up to visit him on the weekends.” Eventually Jack got a job offer in Parson so the family once again packed up what they owned and moved. While the family was moving it was also getting bigger. Laura and Jack would have four sons. “It was a handful but they were good boys,” she said. “Their dad was a duck hunter and as soon as they were old enough they were out with him.” Laura said she would take them out when they were younger but she was happy when they reached the age when they could head out with their dad. “We would be out in the slews looking for ducks when Don was only four years old. I had lots of ducks to clean and pick.” Snider added that her boys had a wonderful time growing up. “The boys had a wonderful time, especially when we moved to Nicholson, we were right by the river. We got a boat and they would come home from school and they would be away in the boat. They would go up by the slew and swim,” she said. “They were taught to be careful by their dad and when they were old enough, off they went.” Snider is now a proud grandmother of 10 grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. She said she enjoys it when she gets the chance to spend time with all of the children and takes a drive to go see them. “I don’t know what I would do without my car. It is
Pictured above is Laura Snider who has lived in Brisco, Parson, Nicholson and Golden. Darryl Crane/Star Photo the only way I can get around. I couldn’t walk to the downtown area.” As for Golden she said it has developed over the years. “Golden has changed a lot. Businesses have changed. There are more businesses and they are so modernized now. There is also a new hospital, though I never had to go in the old hospital,” she said.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Bugress shale fossils bed shows the geography of Field
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
Long before Charles Doolittle Walcott discovered the now famous Burgess Shale Fossil Beds, workers on the CPR at Field had found want was known then as “stone bugs”. The site had also been looked at by RG. McConnell of the Geological Survey of Canada, in 1886, the same year that the Park was established. By word of mouth the story of the stone bugs became known to Charles Walcott, who came to have a look in July, 1907. Charles Walcott without any formal scientific training became interested in collecting fossils in his early teen years Walcott was fortunate to have met and been befriended by retired
museum curator Colonel Jewell, who really helped open Walcott’s mind to what the fossils he was collecting meant. Working as a farm labourer in Trenton Falls, New York, allowed Walcott to continue with his passion for collecting. At the age of 20, Walcott went to work on a farm for William Rust, who also had a passion for collecting. It was Rust who showed Walcott where to look, and what to do with the fossils once they were found. They were very good at what they did and soon they were selling their fossils to collectors all over. In September, 1873, Walcott had his only real involvement with college when he went to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard to unpack the fossils that he had sold to Professor Agassiz. Incidentally he made a huge amount of money from that sale and another sale made to Agassiz son in 1879.
Open House at Wixon House 10 am - 4 pm February 21st, 2013. 812 9 th Street South An interpreter will be on site. Free Heritage Week event hosted by the Golden Museum
4.3125” x 4”
In 1876, Walcott became assistant to James Hall, the state palaeontologist of New York. This gave Walcott the knowledge he would need to carry on with his career and upon leaving Hall’s employee, Walcott took a job as a temporary geological assistant for the United States Geological Survey for the sum of $50.00 a month. Over the next 15 years Charles Walcott worked hard to place himself as one of the top palaeontologists in the world and in 1894, he became the third director of the Geological Survey. His writing became world renowned and still he never stopped. In 1907, he became the fourth secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and went to work in the Field, mainly in Alberta and British Columbia. During his collection years(1910-1917) at the Burgess Shale site, Walcott and his family collected and sent to the Smithsonian Institute more than 65,000 fossil specimens. In 1930, another scientist named Percy Raymond came from Harvard University to open up another smaller quarry just above the Walcott Quarry. He collected fossils from both Quarries. The Quarries (Walcott and Raymond) were reopened in 1966 by the Geological Survey of Canada
The above photo shows miners at Field, B.C. Photo credit - Golden Museum and again in 1975 by the Royal Ontario Museum with collecting taking place over a period of at least 17 year. In 1981 the Burgess Shale site was designated as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981 and visitors to the quarry are no longer allowed to remove stone bugs.
According to the Royal Tyrell Museum, there are over 200,000 fossils collected from the Burgess Shale site. These collections are held in museums and private collections all over the world. From the earliest days of the discovery of the Burgess Shale beds people went to the site and
brought home souvenirs. Many of the young people in Field and Golden went to the site specifically to bring the fossils out to sell to people who got off the train. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of fossils were sold to visitors from all over. And so it was from one of these private
collections that the Golden Museum was given a reasonably good fossil which is on display at the Golden Museum. When you visit the museum to look at the stone bugs be sure to have a look at the photographs of Golden scenes and people that are for sale on the front counter.
Applications now accepted for Arts, Culture and Heritage grant writing workshops Natasha Smith West Kootenay Regional Arts Council, Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance
Applications Now Accepted Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust, invites individuals of all artistic disciplines and arts, culture and heritage groups in the Columbia Basin to apply for project funding. Photo: Eye of the Mind Photography
Administered and managed by: P.O. Box 103, Nelson, BC, V1L 5P7 1.877.505.7355
Program brochures and application forms are available online at, or call CKCA at 1.877.505.7355 or email Deadline for applications is March 8, 2013, or March 22, 2013, depending on the program.
To assist those interested in applying for Arts, Culture and Heritage Program grants from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), Krista Patterson and Natasha Smith of the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) will present workshops on how to apply and what to expect from the application process. CBT’s Arts, Culture and Heritage grants are managed
and administered by CKCA. Individuals of all artistic disciplines are invited to attend the workshops, as well as arts, culture and heritage organizations residing in the Columbia Basin. CBT proudly supports initiatives and projects that highlight Basin culture and heritage, and for 2013/14, CKCA is receiving $706,000. Workshops are free, and registration is not required. The workshop will be held in Golden on Saturday, March 2 from 9 to 11 a.m. The event will be hosted by Gold-
en District Arts Council and will be held in the Civic Centre, Board Room. More information, funding policies and program application forms are available online at www.basinculture. com from local community arts councils, or by phoning CKCA at 1-250-505-5505 or toll free at 1-877-505-7355. CBT delivers economic, social and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin. For more information about CBT, visit or call 1-800-505-8998.
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A11
Questions answered about meteorology and air quality in Golden
Image submitted by the Golden and District Air Quality Committee
Annette Luttermann Submitted by the Golden and District Air Quality Committee Several questions have been raised recently by folks in Golden about how weather affects our air quality in town. Weather patterns coupled with our topography do have large influence on the levels of air pollution that we may experience in the areas where we live on any given day
regardless of the quantity of emissions being released. Thermal Inversions A thermal inversion refers to the situation in which the normal decrease in air temperature with increasing altitude is reversed so that a layer of air above the ground is warmer than the air below it. Inversion layers can occur close to ground level and up to thousands of feet into the atmosphere. They can be signifi-
cant for air quality as a warm upper layer will prevent cooler air from rising and trap pollutants at ground level instead of circulating them away. In Golden as in other communities located in river valleys, nocturnal or radiation temperature inversions are common occurrences. The energy that the earth receives from the sun during the day is radiated back to space during the night. The ground
and air in contact with it cools and with poor mixing creates a cool layer under a warmer upper layer. Light winds, cloudless skies and long winter nights assist the development of deep, strong radiation inversions. Certain other meteorological conditions, such as strong high pressure systems over the area can create higher level inversions which can persist for several days. Katabatic winds
Teacher Inservice, Reading Programs, Winter Recreation Ian Robinson Lady Grey and Field Prinicpal At Lady Grey we look forward to an eventful time between now and Spring Break. On Tuesday, February 12 our staff participated in a number of different professional development activities. Wednesday, Feb. 27 is Pink Shirt Day where students and staff are encouraged to wear pink to support antibullying, anti-discrimination, and anti-homophobia. We will also be holding a special Pink Day assembly in the afternoon. Lady Grey continues to work hard to support our “You Matter in a Community of Awesome” theme. Over the next few weeks, all of our grade six and seven classes are engaging in discussions around appropriate use of social media and related issues. Finally the second formal report card will be coming out on Friday, March 8. As part of our reading goal, we have several ongoing programs in our school. Read Naturally is attended by students in every grade, who need a boost in their reading skills, it happens every morning of the week. Guys Read is a voluntary lunch club attended by a mixed grade group of boys where they engage in shared reading, book talks and snacks with our coordinator, Mr. Horlor. Lastly, but certainly not least, our One to One program continues with community volunteers reading with a number of individual
students. We really appreciate our volunteers, they really make a difference in our school. Our Grade 6/ 7’s have almost finished their cross-country skiing at the Dawn Mountain Trails while our Grade 4-7 skating finishing earlier in the month. A reminder that Grade 4 and Grade 7 parents should have received a Ministry Parent Satisfaction Survey from your child. Please return completed surveys to the school no later than April. In closing I would like to thank our Parent Advisory Council for all the hard work they do to make our school the best it can be. In particular, thanks to our PAC and parents in organizing our lunch program. A reminder that our next PAC meeting is at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 25 in our library. Field School Happenings February is a busy month at Field School. We’ve been enjoying cross country ski lessons as well as daily tobogganing! We’ve been doing lots of celebrating-Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and 100 Days. We are also excited to be doing another Outdoor Ed. Morning with Jane Powel from Golden. Still lots of snow here and we will be making Quinzee huts next week. ( Jane Powell taught Mrs. Larose how to do this on Pro D day!) Time is flying by for us at our little school!
drain air pollutants down the slopes into the valley. On clear nights the surface air cools on the hillsides surrounding Golden. This denser air flows downhill to the valley floor displacing the warm air which is forced up. These drainage or katabatic winds, are a regular occurrence during clear nights in most mountainous regions. Pollutants released at ground level on the upper slopes will travel with these katabatic flows and accumulate in the valley bottom within the inversion layer. This is one reason why the control of emissions in the whole air shed is important to the air quality in town. Air contaminants are carried on the wind. Elevated ambient particulate lev-
els measured at the Golden hospital site on days with calm or very light winds may indicate that local pollutants such as wood stove smoke, industrial emissions, road dust and automobile exhaust are building up near the point of origin. The same levels of particulate associated with a moderate wind may indicate transport of pollutants from a source outside of the local area such as for-
est fires or slash burning. During a strong wind event elevated particulate levels may be due to wind blown soil particles. Wood smoke from home heating is most noticeable in residential areas close to the source on calmer days. When smoke and other air contaminants are dispersed slowly they may create a haze, the source of which is not readily identifiable to the casual observer.
24 Movement
Classes begin February 25, 2013 at the Kin Hut 6:30pm For Info or to Register Call B Cacaci 250-348-2363
TOP NOTCH Thursday, Friday & Saturday ONLY Feb. 21st, 22nd & 23rd
27th Annniversary Sale All Winter Stock 27% off Selected T’s & hoodies 2 for 1 lots of 50% off items
Join the Kootenay Rockies Innova�on Council for this workshop and networking event, aimed at small and medium‐sized businesses looking to increase their produc�vity using technology. Learn the basics of the new cloud‐based IT landscape, including: IdenƟfying tools and narrowing the eld. Finding opportuniƟes and reducing risk. Understanding the relaƟonship between service, maintenance, exibility and cost. Staying agile as the IT ecosystem changes. Tuesday, February 26, 5 ‐ 8 pm | Golden There is no charge, but registra�on is required. Visit for details.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Experience brings international families together in Golden Darryl Crane Being a part of the international stu-
dents project at Golden Secondary School has rewards for both the children, and the home-stay families,
according to people directly involved with the program. In September Grade 8 student Enrique Aguilar Zamora stepped off a bus and entered the world that is Golden. Coming from Mexico, Enrique was greeted by the Setter family, who were going to help look after him during his time in Canada. “The first time he came off the bus he greeted us with a hug and was very welcoming. It has been very nice. Enrique is the fifth international student we have had stay with us. He is the first boy and it has been lovely to have him stay with us,” Dana Setter said. When he first got to Golden he was very tired from his long journey but after a good night sleep he started to get out and learn about his new surroundings. “When I woke up I went everywhere and I really liked it,” he said.
Through the Years Saturday, March 2, 2013 Shows at 2 pm and 7 pm Adults $9 Seniors & Kids 14 and under $7 5 and under FREE *Concession will be open
When comparing his home city to Golden he said, “It is not a big city, but there are about 4 million people. So it is very different than Golden.” It was a tough choice to decide where he wanted to be an international student. “My first option was to go to Ireland but I like skiing so I wanted to see snow. I decided to choose Canada,” he said. After thinking about going to Vernon he spoke to a friend who had been in British Columbia before and he said Golden was great place for him to come. “It is nice because you can walk everywhere. You do not need a ride and I like that the people are so friendly.” Even though this is the longest time he has been away from his family, Enrique said he is from a family that enjoys travelling. Setter said that Enrique is a very kind, respectful and honest boy who has blended into her family very well. Enrique added that he felt very shy for the first week but ever since then, things have been great. “I don’t feel like I am with a host family. They are just like my family because they have treated me so good,” he said. Enrique and some of the other international students love skiing so much that rain could not stop them from hitting the slopes on the first day
of the season this year. “It was raining on opening day and I said to the boys that it was going to be a bad day and they probably shouldn’t go up there. They looked at me and said they didn’t know any better and that it would be a good day for them,” Setter said. “They were soaking wet and they had a great time.” “The first time I was falling and falling but now I am better,” he said. One of the special
times for both families was when Enrique’s family came to Golden for Christmas. “His parents, 10-year-old brother and eight-year old sister came,” Setter said. The family had the chance to go skiing, ice fishing and got to visit Golden for eight days. “To share our families was special. It is very special to be a part of,” she said. “When “Enrique) came to Canada he was 13 and that is a pretty young age to be
coming in. Just opening and welcoming children into your home has enriched our family. He and our daughter get along very well, and to watch him grow has been neat.” “My siblings were bigger than when I left. They were so happy to see snow. My little brother, when they were in Mexico, would not sleep the night before or on the plane because he thought if he slept he would not see snow,” Enrique said.
Cost of offsets called into question
45th Annual Ice Show
International student Enrique Aguilar Zamora is pictured with his home-stay mother Dana Setter. Darryl Crane/Star photo
Continued from page 5
The cost of $25 per ton was set in 2007, and although the government confirms that PCT purchases those offsets for less than that, they had not released exact figures at the time of publication. The government stated in a press release that PCT will make all carbon offset payment and pricing information from 2009 to 2011 available on its website, but did not say when. The province is considering several options once the examination is complete, including reinvesting the money into other programs specific to the public sector organizations, lowering the cost charged to public sector organizations, and holding the retained surplus in the government’s accounts as part of balancing the budget. Pacific Carbon Trust and their pricing was
brought up in a Golden Town Council meeting late in January, when Coun. Keith Hern proposed that the Town remove itself from the BC Climate Action Charter, and stop using funds to purchase offsets. Hern pointed to the failure of the Clean Development Mechanism (the agency established to facilitate trading in carbon offsets under the Kyoto protocol), as parallel to what is happening with PCT. “It (PCT) too is doomed to fail, and should be closed,” said Hern. As a voluntary signatory to the BC Climate Action Charter, which requires its signatories to be carbon neutral by purchasing carbon offsets, Golden is purchasing offsets from PCT. It has been estimated that the Town will spend $14,000 on offsets from PCT in 2013. As of yet, Town Council has not made any decisions on Hern’s proposals.
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A13
Australian DJ Slynk braving Canadian winter for 2013 tour Golden Star Staff It may have started with classical instruments like the piano, guitar and drums, but when Evan Chandler, a.k.a. Slynk, received a gift in 2004 it changed his life. The Australian DJ, who will be stopping by Golden on March 22, was given a set of turntables. The gift set wheels in motion, resulting in an unremitting addiction to vinyl. Two years following, in his hometown Brisbane, Slynk secured a residency in an underground New York inspired cafe. Here he refined his skills, experimented and educated his peers and fans with mash-up productions of classic hip hop, ingrained with rare and funky, rhythmically savvy grooves. By 2008 he had garnered the attention of DJ agencies, and began fulfilling his destiny as one of Australia’s leading funky breakbeat DJs and producers.
In 2009, Slynk smashed the Fractal Forest stage at Canada’s biggest breakbeat festival, Shambhala, simultaneously releasing his first three vinyls on respected ghetto funk labels Goodgroove and Manmade. He was also featured in Juno Record’s Best of Breakbeat 2009 list, hitting numbers 1, 12, and 30. Slynk’s reputation stems from his inventory of unreleased and unsigned party style ghetto funk bootlegs, remixes and edits. His work is highly sought after by DJs around the world while his forward momentum knows no boundaries. Recently destroying the snow season dance floors around New South Whales, the funky breakbeat prodigy is ready to take on winter in Canada. His Canadian Winter Tour 2013 is taking all through the Kootenays, Alberta, and as far west as Tofino. He’ll be performing at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Friday March 22.
Australian DJ Slynk is coming to Golden for a show at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on March 22. Photo Submitted
2nd Annual
Kootenay Music Awards The Golden Star in partnership with 11 other Kootenay Newspapers are heading up the 2nd annual 2013 Kootenay Music Awards. Artists and fans alike will begin submitting their favourites from the past year starting in March and voting in April with the Awards Gala on May 10th. This is your opportunity to be a major sponsor for 10 weeks you will be promoted across the Kootenay’s in 12 newspapers and other promotional material.
Rita Chiarelli will be playing at the Golden Civic Centre on March 7. Photo submitted
Rita Chiarelli set to play in Golden Golden Star Staff One of Canada’s most highly acclaimed female roots and blues artist will be playing live at the Golden Civic Centre when the Rita Chiarelli Band plays on March 7. Over her career Chiarelli has won a Juno award and had four subsequent nominations, Chiarelli is known across Canada as the “Goddess of the Blues” and is well known as a gifted songwriter. The one thing Chiarelli is not; is predictable because she has released Cuore, a recording of traditional Italian folk songs, which won the World Music category at the prestigious Canadian Folk Music Awards; Uptown Goes Downtown Tonight, a highly acclaimed collaboration with the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra; and Music From the Big House, a documentary movie filmed in Louisiana, at Angola
prison, which premiered in New York and L.A. Chiarelli has also entered the film world. She was the lead in the critically acclaimed Music From The Big House, for which she developed the original concept for the film. The movie took Chiarelli on a pilgrimage to the birthplace of the blues, Louisiana State Maximum Security Penitentiary a.k.a. Angola Prison. Over the past decade Chiarelli has won every major Canadian blues award, including multiple Maple Blues awards, CBCs Great Canadian Blues Award, Toronto Independent Music Awards, Hamilton Music Awards, Manitoba Blues Society and the Hamilton Blues Society’s Lifetime Achievement Awards. Most recently Chiarelli was awarded the prestigious Maple Blues ‘Blues With A Feeling Award’ for Lifetime Achievement. To learn more about the show check out www. or to purchase tickets drop by The Art Gallery of Golden.
As a sponsor you will receive .... Platinum Sponsor - $800
• Top billing on all advertising, including logo • 10 weeks of advertising running in all Black Press Kootenay papers • Can hand out award at event • Mentioned in all editorial stories done on event • Top billing at event • Ability to put up banner and/or logo at event in high profile location • Large logo included on Thank You Advertisement
Gold Sponsor - $500
• Middle billing on all advertising, including logo • 10 weeks of advertising running in all Black Press Kootenay papers • Can hand out award at event • Numerous mentions as Gold Sponsor at event • Top billing at event • Ability to put up banner and/or logo at event • Medium sized logo included on Thank you Advertisement
Silver Sponsor - $300
• Mention on all advertising • 10 weeks of advertising running in all Black Press Kootenay papers • Recognition as Silver Sponsor at event • Recognition on Thank You Advertisement
Contact Michele at 250-344-5251 or Profit from the awards and event is being used to create a fund for muscians that can be used for scholarships.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Cari, Cam, Kennedy & Charly
Legion Banquet Hall Friday, February 22, 2013 5 pm - 8 pm
4-1 Adults 1-3 3 year $12 yea s $6 rs F .00 REE
Let’s get together and help this family who lost everything when their home burned to the ground on February 15, 2013. Everyone Welcome!
“Come Play with us”
August 20-24
...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved
Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist
Thank you to all of our volunteers, sponsors and participants for making the 17th Annual Huckleberry Loppet, Sunday Feb. 10th, a great success.
Thank you! Platinum Sponsors
Kickinghorse Mountain Resort Higher Ground Sports Nipika Resort Gold Sponsors The Island Restaurant Vagabond Lodge Cedarhouse Restaurant and Chalets Golden Star Selkirk Sports Sobeys Golden Cross Country Canada
Silver Sponsors Overwaitea Golden Prestige Inn Wilsons Sports Swix D.J.’s Paper Place Shape Up Fitness Kickinghorse River Lodge Dan Veselic Golden Chiropractic Clinic Beausoleil Bed and Breakfast
While The Boom Booms were kicking up their heels on stage at the Golden Civic Centre, many different creatures including a frog (directly below), and an elfish warrior (bottom left) were in the crowd at the Masque Ball. Kicking Horse Culture Director, Bill Usher (below right), had a great night handing out beads to those in attendance. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
A ball of a time had with The Boom Booms
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A15
Golden gathers for a great tale when the Snow King comes to town
It was a night where snow fell at the perfect moment as Golden gathered for the annual Snow King Masque Parade on Feb. 16. A great owl showed up to help local children, (above right) while Golden Mayor Christina Benty got to meet the Snow King and Queen (above left). Also on hand was Shelly Poland (pictured middle top) who recently brought back a gold medal from the Special Olympics held in South Korea, and some amusing people who enjoy spinning fire. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
& Lifestyle
Exhibitors Booth Opportunities
Secure your booth now and Save! Exhibitors Earlybird Deadline ends March 1st. Chamber members receive $100.00 off of the booth cost! Contact:
Ruth Hamilton Manager
Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce 250-344-7125
April 26 & 27, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Jobs and Growth for First Nations and all Canadians David Wilks submitted The Conservative Government is delivering results for constituents in Kootenay Columbia and for all Canadians, on the priorities that matter most. In December and January, I trav-
elled throughout Kootenay Columbia attending meetings with Chambers, Councils and individuals. Despite Canada’s very encouraging record, with one of the strongest economies in the G7, the job is far from done. That’s why our Jobs
and Growth Act (Bill C-45) implements additional measures, as promised in the Budget. These measures are essential to keeping Canada on the right track toward long-term prosperity. In addition to general measures, they include action on long-standing
RRSP/TFSA PROMOTION 15 MONTHS AT 1.5% RRSP Loans as low as Prime - 1/2
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requests from some First Nations for more logical and timely process for leasing land, helping them attract investment and jobs. Our Government is working to support economic opportunities for all Canadians, with measures to enhance interprovincial trade and by cutting taxes more than 140 times. Our Government has responded to requests from First Nations to make it easier for them to promote economic growth and jobs. Some First Nations have had success leasing land for commercial development, bringing jobs and generating property taxes to pay for services to members. Unfortunately, the lengthy, multiplestep approval process has delayed projects, sometimes causing developments to fall through during the average onetwo year wait. Before
The BC Services Card. Your CareCard, and more.
One card. Many services. The new BC Services Card is part of government’s plan to modernize BC’s health care system. It replaces your CareCard, can be combined with your driver’s licence, and also acts as your photo ID. It’s more convenient and more secure, with enhanced features to protect your personal information. And getting yours is easy. Starting February 15, 2013, and for the next five years, you can simply enrol when renewing your driver’s licence. And even if you don’t drive, you can enrol at the nearest location where driver’s licences are issued. To learn more visit:
our bill, approval of a lease required approval of a majority of voters in a vote in which a majority of potential voters in the First Nation took part. Because of the second requirement, 80 per cent of votes failed, forcing a second simple majority referendum. In addition, these leases require approval by the federal government – and we’ve replaced a lengthy Governor-in-Council process with approval by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, saving additional months. These measures were undertaken in response to requests by First Nations, and following committee hearings that consulted with First Nations representatives. They show our Government’s commitment to listening to First Nations and acting on their concerns, as well as our commitment to sup-
David Wilks, MP Kootenay-Columbia Photo Submitted porting economic opportunities across Canada. It’s important to note that these measures apply only to leasing – no land is lost – and that no First Nation is required to lease land or take any other steps. Instead, we’re simply making things easier for those First Nations for which land leases offer the potential for more jobs, more opportunity
and better services supported by tax revenues. Canadians can be assured that our Conservative Government remains focused on their priorities. As long as any Canadian is looking for work, we’ll continue to support jobs and growth. Through our low-tax plan, we’re helping keep Canada on track for long-term prosperity.
New minister at St. Andrews Darryl Crane The parishioners at St. Andrews United Church and Centre for Peace have a new minister, as Michael Hare has recently moved to Golden. Hare moved to Golden from Terrace. “The position I was doing came to an end so when this position came open and I was offered the position to come here,” he said. As for living in a smaller community, Hare said it is something he is quite used to. “Golden is a small little town. I have lived and experienced these types of towns before and I am impressed so far,” he said. “I look forward to seeing what this town has to offer.” As for what he has been doing since coming to Golden Hare said, “I am getting to know the town and its geography. Getting to know the congregation and parishioners as well. Getting to know the suburbs of Golden (Nicholson, Parson and more). Another thing he has enjoyed is the weather. “It has been a good time of the year to arrive. I appreciate that it has not been super cold. I am enjoying the weather.” Hare also took some time to explain how he decided to become a minister. “I am a preacher’s kid and I have always been involved in the church. Every time I drifted away
Michael Hare has recently come to Golden to become the minister at the St. Andrews United Church and Centre for Peace. Darryl Crane/Star Photo from the church and came back, I had increasing responsibilities. “Ministry for me was a second career. I originally was a junior high teacher and I taught for three years. I discovered that teaching was not my cup of tea. I did a few other things and ended up in the ministry,” he said. Another point Hare shared was that he could do a service in French if it was needed.
The Golden Star A17
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Golden grocery shoppers experience ‘flash mob’ on V-Day Jessica Schwitek Shoppers at Overwaitea had a surprise on Thursday afternoon, as their fellow shoppers spontaneously broke out into dance at 5:30 p.m. More than a dozen women of all ages dropped what they were doing, and started dancing choreographed moves near the cash registers in what is called a flash mob. The event, organized by the Golden Women’s Resource Centre, was a fun V-Day event to help raise awareness of violence against women. The global campaign states that one in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten at some point in their lifetime. Organizations around the world unite on Feb. 14, known as V-Day, and dance in a show of solidarity and a call for action. Participants at the Overwaitea flash mob handed out pamphlets with some facts about violence against women. Every year in B.C. there are more than 60,000 physical or sexual assaults against women - almost all of them are
Women from around the community got together to do a “flash mob” at Overwaitea on Thursday Feb. 14. The spontaneous outbreak of dancing was in an effort to raise awareness for violence against women. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo committed by men. Only 12 per cent of sexual assaults are
reported to the police, and an estimated 800,000 children in Canada witness
a women being abused each year (statistics from
Golden resident honoured for outstanding career with Parks
Bruce McMahon receives a Parks Canada CEO Award of Excellence. Photo Submitted Golden Star Staff with Parks Canada. The Parks Canada CEO Award of ExcelGolden’s Bruce lence is the most presMcMahon, recent- tigious honour awardly retired Senior Ava- ed by the Agency to lanche Forecaster for recognize Parks CanMount Revelstoke and ada team members Glacier national parks, and partners who received a prestigious have demonstrated a award in front of his high level excellence. Bruce McMahon colleagues and family. He was presented dedicated more than with a Parks Canada 30 years to protecting CEO Award of Excel- the Trans Canada and lence, honouring his Canadian Pacific, the contribution to, and two primary arteroutstanding career ies in Western Can-
ada’s transportation network,” said Karen Tierney, superintendent of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks. “His contribution and commitment to excellence in service has been inspirational to staff and the organizations served by the Avalanche Control Program in Glacier National Park.” He was recognized for his important contribution to the field of avalanche control and protection in an outstanding public service career that has spanned over 30 years. He excelled in serving Canadians and in strengthening the avalanche industry as a whole. He developed the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale, a tool now recognized in Canada and internationally as the most effective and accurate means of classifying wilderness avalanche terrain. In his 32-year career, McMahon looks at the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale as his most rewarding achievement. He leaves behind a
legacy of innovation and achievement that will be felt for years to
come. Last year he was also recognized by the
federal government for his contributions with a Public Ser-
vice Award of Excellence for Outstanding Career.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Enthusiasm in stamp collecting still alive and well Ron Tabbert submitted It seems rather humourous: everyone says no one is using the Post, yet every time I go to the Post there’s a line. E-mail and texting have taken over most personal correspondence. The shopping networks keep Canada Post in the shipping business, though. And there’s still the “BG” generation – that’s “before Google.” We still think
sending greeting and Christmas cards is important. With the decrease in mail volume, wouldn’t you think there’d be less need for postage stamps? Maybe so, but that doesn’t keep postal administrations around the world from issuing more and more stamps. Personally, I’m amazed by the apparently healthy collector interest. Possibly retirement has brought some back to the hobby.
Golden Minor Soccer is looking for coaches for the upcoming season
We need coaches for 5 teams in the U5 division; for 4 teams in the U12 division; and for 1 team in the U18 division. If interested please contact Vic Bennett 250-344-5857 or Coaches meetings will be held at GSS on Feb 26 th for U7 and U9 divisions and on Feb 27 th for U12 and U15 divisions. A coaching course from BCSA will be hosted in Golden on April 27 th for the U7, U9 and U12 divisons.
And, another factor: we’re not descended from monkeys; we’re descended from packrats. And we like souvenirs of important facets of our lives. Believe this: Canada Post issued 17 stamps, plus two souvenir sheets with another version of the 17 stamps for…the Grey Cup Centennial in 2012. Eight separate coils were issued for those who wanted to use their CFL team’s logo. (Do you hear that postal cash register in the background? “cha-ching.”) Several other things have changed to encourage folks to purchase stamps, even though they may not even contemplate sending letters. One is producing stamps that show living persons. Last summer, Rick Hanson, Louise Arbour, Sheila-Watt Cloutier, and Michael J. Fox were honoured under the clumsy title of “Difference Makers.” (cha-ching)
Topics are another gimmick to keep interest in coloured pieces of postal paper that will never see the front of a mailed envelope. Flowers every March, the final Zodiac set this month, motorcycles this summer, and pets, which always tug at your heart. (no, I won’t say it,… my cynicism is beginning to show.) In 2000, Canada Post began offering a service that not only caters to our individualistic, and self-oriented lifestyle, but makes a bit extra because patrons paid $25 for 25 46-cent stamps. It was simply an ornate, classic, gold frame. Canada Post said the frame was the postage and they would print whatever photo you submitted for the inside. Vancouver cruise passengers got a surprise in 2003, with the issuance of two stamps on which travelers could have their own picture printed and mail cards from
Looking for work? We can help. Get the training and support you need to find and keep a job in B.C.
Photo submitted by Ron Tabbert
on board. Very few of these have been seen actually used. Two new, more conservative, simple silver frame designs were issued in 2004, again with patrons paying nearly double for 49-cents postage. Then Canada Post hit on a new idea: why not use these frames and produce stamps honouring subjects for which regular stamps
will not be issued. So, the feasts of Diwali, Eid and Hannukah got two stamps each. Now the Post really went for broke (bad pun, eh?) in November 2012. With 12 new frame designs to choose from, you can now have your own photo printed in any denomination you like: regular mail, the US postage rate of $1.10, the second tier
rate of $1.34, or the international rate of $1.85. And lest you think I’m totally cynical, I’m ordering a set for my own use to family and friends in the States. We’ll have some Picture Postage examples to swoon over at the Golden Stamp Club meeting, 3 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 27, in the basement of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Food bank friends
Job search resources • Personal employment planning • Workshops and training • Specialized services
Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenays 205 – 421 9th Avenue, Golden, B.C. 250.344.5413 Locations across B.C. Vancouver Island 250.387.6121 TDD: 1.800.661.8773 Vancouver 604.660.2421 TDD: 604.775.0303 Elsewhere in B.C. 1.800.663.7867 TDD: 1.800.661.8773
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
The kindergarten class at Nicholson Elementary School, with the help of all the students at the school, collected 162 food items for the Golden Food Bank. It was the goal for the 100th day of school celebrations on Thursday Feb. 7. Photo Submitted
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Atom players gather for tournament in Golden
Golden Rams atom goalie Isabella Palumbo makes a great save against Dayton Nelson who was playing for the Cranbrook Atom Ice. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club officially opens its doors Jessica Schwitek After its first full season, the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club hosted its grand opening celebration on Wednesday Feb. 13. “This is one of the favourite parts of my job,” said Mayor Christina Benty, who was invited to officially cut the ribbon. “To see community groups and people come together to accomplish things like this is so great.” The club was full of students, volunteers, parents and community members as the ribbon was cut, and the students proceeded with a special demonstration on the equipment. Attendees were even allowed to test out some of the equipment with a special “participation passport.” The club has been very happy since the move to the new location, as they no longer have to set up and take down the equipment every day. Now it’s all about the gymnastics. “Christine’s leadership has really contributed to making this organization as successful as it is. I hear nothing but really good things about her leadership and training,” said Benty of head coach Christine Muise. Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club is a non-profit organization that was started in 2002. Since 2008, it has grown from 65 members to more than 240. The season has already started, but anyone interested in inquiring about registration can contact Muise at khgym@
Mayor Christina Benty cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club. Jessica Schwitek/Star photo
Golden Rockets VS. Kimberley Dynamiters THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST 7:30PM IN GOLDEN VS.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
Adventure Tourism Graduation Twenty students celebrated the completion of the College of the Rockies Golden campus flagship program, the Adventure Tourism Business Operations. For years the program has attracted students from all over the world to Golden, and has inspired many to stay in the area. Students in this program learned about entrepreneurship, marketing, sustainability, business, as well as all the adventure activities that make the area so special. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Kitchens are only a starting point at Columbia Valley Cabinets Darryl Crane For 20 years Danny Orr has taken a passion for creating with wood, and made it his career as the owner of Columbia Valley Cabinets. “I took my cabinet making course in Red Deer around 1982 and never looked back,”he said. Orr went on to explain that there has always been something about wood that intrigued him. “I just liked working with wood and it went from there. Any kind of wood is great to work with. It used to be everything was made out of oak, but now I am working with cherry, maple, hickory and other types.” This move to using many different types of wood has presented challenges, but it is a part of the work that Orr also enjoys. “I have to carry a lot more species of wood. All woods work different, and you have to learn how to work with them,” he said. “You always have to be fine tuning yourself. Every time you do a job it is different.” Orr added that learning the differences in the grain and levels of softness to the wood has also been something he has studied on the job since beginning 20 years ago. “Some wood is harder or softer and you have to work them differently. The end result however is still there,” he said. “I
mainly do work on kitchen cabinets but over the years I have also done work on vanities or china cabinets. Basically I can do whatever a customer wants,” he said. Orr owns a shop in Nicholson, which has been there since he started the business, and this gives him the space and freedom to take ideas and turn them into reality. “Mainly I can do anything you want to do with a house that is made out of wood. I am now working on walk-in closets, stereo cabinets and book cases as part of a project,” he said. “If I can get it out of your head and into my head, then I can create it,” he said. “I don’t do things on computers. If you want something drawn I can do that for you.” Twenty years later he explained the passion for his work has not diminished. “I still have the same passion. Kitchens at times can be a little difficult, but having so many more things in houses to work on really keeps the job fresh,” he said. Over the years Orr has developed many customers who have come back repeatedly to have him work on their houses. “I have built kitchens for them and when they got a new house they bring me in again. It is nice to have that and in a small town you make friends. Plus if you do not do a good job the first time then they won’t give you one a second time,” he said. Customers can call Orr at 250-344-5692 Danny Orr has spent 20 years helping turn houses into homes around Golden. Darryl Crane/Star Photo to book a time to talk with him.
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Starbusiness directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A21
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
It was a big weekend for Adam Johnson who got a shutout in his first ever start in for the Golden Rockets. The 16-year-old had many friends and family members in the crowd cheering him on as he led the Rockets to a 4-0 win aagaisnt the Penticton Lakers. Darryl Crane/ Golden Star
Rockets looking towards first round match up against Kimberley Darryl Crane After falling behind in the second period, the Golden Rockets mounted a comeback that fell short in double overtime against the Fernie Ghostriders on Feb. 15. The teams entered the night with the Rockets sitting two points back of the Ghostriders for first place in the Eddie Mountain Division. The Rockets struck fast less than a minute into the first period, when Jacob Bergeron scored his 24th goal of the season. Things stayed this way until Fernie forward R.T. Rice planted himself in front of the Rockets net and knocked in a goal to tie things up. Fernie came out strong in the second period and took advantage of their chances scoring three times on eight shots. Going into the third period the Rockets were on the power play and got a goal from Blake Roney. Rockets captain Bret DeFrais brought the Rockets within one goal before Keith Wake scored on another power play to ties things up. No team could grab the win in regular time as the top place contenders headed into overtime. For the first minute of the overtime period the Rockets were on a
power play but this time they could not get a puck behind Fernie goalie Chris Solecki. Nothing was settled in the first overtime so play moved into a second five minute period. After controlling much of the overtime play, the Rockets lost the puck in the Fernie end and led to a two on one break for the Ghostriders. Derek Georgopoulos ended the game with a little over a minute left in the second overtime. After the game, Davidson said the team needs to take advantage of their chances if they want to win. “If you are looking at the negatives first, that second period was awful. It was as awful as we have played in a period that I can remember. We came back with a valiant effort in the third period and tied the game up. We got a single point which is nice but again with the amount of opportunities we had…you have to score on those opportunities if you want to win the game and we didn’t,” he said. Saturday night was a special night for 16-year-old Golden Rockets goalie Adam Johnson who worked hard to earn a shutout in his first Kootenay International Junior Hockey League game. Both teams had a number of shots in the first period but could not get on the board.
That all changed early in the second period as Connor Beauchemin and Braeden Allkins scored less than a minute a part. The Rockets continued their strong play in the third period notching two more goals from Bobby Kashuba and Beauchemin, who had a three point night. Overall Rockets head coach Ty Davidson was happy with the win. “I was a little concerned in the second period. Even though we out scored them 2-0, I thought there were some bad habits seeping in. I let our boys know about that in the second intermission. But we came out in the third period and did a lot of good things,”he said. Davidson added that he was very happy to see Anderson get the shutout victory. “The biggest news of the night is Adam Johnson getting a shutout. I was really biting my knuckles there for the last few minutes.” Johnson, who is a local hockey player said he found out he was going to get the start on Friday. “I was a bit nervous at the start but excited at the same time. Near the end of the first I was getting better,” he said. For the game Johnson said his parents and many friends were out, showing sup-
port for him and the team. “I guess there are a few people who came out. My mom might have been more nervous than me,” he said. As for getting the shutout Johnson said he was surprised it happened on in his first start. “It feels pretty good. I didn’t expect it. The guys did a good job tonight in front of me. It was a full team effort.” In the Rockets final game of the regular season the team face-off against the Kimberley Dynamiters who they are going to play in the first round of the playoffs. Both teams started out strong in what turned out to be a high scoring affair and the game was tied 2-2 after the first period. The Dynamiters took advantage of their chances in the second to take a 4-2 lead. The Rockets got an early goal early in the third period from Blake Roney but then got into penalty trouble. The Dynamiters rattled off four unanswered goals against the Rockets before Brad Orr and James Price scored late in the game. In the end the Rockets lost 8-5 in their final game of the regular season. The Rockets playoffs will start with games on Feb 21-22 at home against the Dynamiters.
KHMR set to host the 5th annual DogTooth Dash and Ski-Mo Champs Matt Mosteller VP, Marketing & Sales, Resorts of the Canadian Rockies Ski touring races have been growing in popularity in the local region and beyond, the concept is a perfect fit for the resorts demographics, terrain and overall appeal. Moving with the momentum of last year’s unique event, the 2013 race will embody similar course elements with the addition of further resort animation, attendance and media coverage - Ian Gale has designed and created one of the most challenging and scenic races.
Golden BC
The event will be sanctioned by the Alpine Club of Canada & the US Ski Mountaineering Association and will follow the IFSM ski touring race rules and regulations. The award winning Eagle’s Eye Restaurant, will be the focal point for the event, with a clover leaf course that will have athletes, starting, finishing and looping through the top of the mountain during the race. Fast Facts Dogtooth Dash/ Continental Ski-Mo Championship dates: March 16 and 17.
Anticipated public visits on race day: 3000 Registration goal for year one of the race 80+ Registration fee: $65 including a 2 day lift ticket Course Details Ski, skin, hike layout spread out over terrain in KHMR controlled recreational area Total vertical climb 4300 ft, Total ski vertical 4300 Course utilizes 3 major bowls, 3 ridges and 2 peaks Run in partnership with the Ski Mountaineering Competition of Canada / Alpine Club of Canada & the US Ski Mountaineering Association
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The Golden Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Golden StarStar Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A23 A23
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SnowRider Chapel Saturdays @ 7pm, continuing through the ski season 717 10th St S (Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle). Music, personal stories of faith, teachings from the Bible, and more! Hosted and sponsored by the Pentecostal and Alliance Churches. All are welcome!
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Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and Benefits Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE
Education/Trade Schools
Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis
The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.
Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities ACCOUNTING AND Tax franchise - Start your own Practice with Canada’s leading Accounting Franchise. Join Padgett Business Services’ 400 practices. Taking care of small business needs since 1966. or 1-888-723-4388, ext. 222.
EXCLUSIVE FINNING/Caterpillar Mechanic training. GPRC Fairview Campus. High school diploma, mechanical aptitude required. $1000 entrance scholarship. Paid practicum with Finning. Write apprenticeship exams. 1-888-999-7882; PUT POWER into your career as a Fairview Power Engineer! On-campus boiler lab. 4th Class-Part A 3rd Class. Affordable residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-9997882;
Cards of Thanks
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853 TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627 THE ONE, The only authorized Harley-Davidson technician training program in all of Canada. You’ll work on all types of HD bikes. Quality instruction and state-of-the-art training aids. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview Alberta. 1888-999-7882; TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Cards of Thanks
A big thank you to Smitty’s for donating pancake mix and syrup for our very successful pancake dinner on February 12, 2013. And another big thank you to all the men who did the cooking & to all the volunteers! St. Andrews United Church and Centre for Peace We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the AMAZING staff at the Golden Hospital for the safe arrival of our beautiful baby boy, Benjamin Markus Chomiak on January 31st, 2013. Special thanks goes to: Nurses Tanis, Dana, Kim, Jeanette, Kara, Kailey & Anne, as well as Dr. Chiles, Dr. Tan and Dr. Atken. We couldn't have done it without you. You are all truly amazing! Proud Parents, Mark & Stef Chomiak
A24 A24
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Help Wanted
Looking for a Permanent P/T Community Health Worker for Golden Health Centre.
APPLY AT: Competition #464349 Best Western Mountainview Inn is looking for a cafe cook, and barista. Apply with resume in person at Best Western 1024 - 11th Street N. Golden, BC
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Professional/ Management
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
EXPERIENCED PARTS Person for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft. store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: Glacier Raft Company requires Class 2 Bus Drivers. Standard transmission. Full & Part time Mid May to September. Email resume to or call 250-344-6521.
GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message for Information: 1800-972-0209. Journeyman HD mechanic required for oilfield construction company. Duties will include servicing, maintenance and overhaul of our equipment. The job will be predominately shop work , but with a portion of your time spent in the field. A mechanics truck will be supplied for you. The job is based in Edson, Alberta. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Small Ads work!
QUALITY ASSURANCE SUPERVISOR HMC Services Inc., a British Columbia Road and Bridge Maintenance Contractor is presenting an opportunity for an enthusiastic individual to become involved in the Road and Bridge Maintenance Industry in British Columbia, as a Quality Assurance Supervisor (QAS) in the Golden area. Under the direction of the Operations Manager, the QAS is a critical and dynamic role responsible for ensuring adherence to the quality management system while offering ongoing operational support to ensure operational, safety and quality objectives are achieved. This is a terrific opportunity to build a long-term career in a stable industry while enjoying the quality of life offered in Golden. Full details of the positions can be found at:
Trade Apprentice Bridgeworker Company Description: HMC Services Inc. has an opening for a Trade Apprentice Bridgeworker based out of Golden. Requirements: Grade 12 education, physically fit and able to perform heavy physical labour, safety conscious, willingness to work outdoors in all weather, and must not be afraid of heights. Some travel may be required. Some shiftwork may be required. A valid BC Driver’s license with a positive driving record and the ability to obtain a Class 1 with air endorsement when required. Heavy equipment operation and experience would be considered an asset. This is a terrific opportunity for a candidate who posesses the aptitude to learn and develop the skills and abilities of the Bridgework/Pile driver trade and to build a long-term career in a stable industry while enjoying the quality of life offered in Golden. Full details of the positions can be found at:
DIRECTOR OF Public Works & Engineering, Competition #13-05 for the City of Quesnel. Please refer to our website at for more information on municipal services and a full job description. City of Quesnel, 410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel BC V2J 7J5 Fax (250) 992-2206 or Email: Alpine Rafting Golden BC requires 1 Full Time & 1 Part Time BUS DRIVER for Summer 2013 Season. $16/hr. As part of the operations team you will work in the delivery of our day of rafting to our clients. Driving clients from our office to our rafting departure point. You will also be asked to help with the loading and unloading of gear for the clients. Perks include lots of time outdoors, complimentary rafting and a positive work environment. Email or Fax resume to employment@alpine 1-866-220-7844. Kootenay Pumping is looking for an operator/driver in the Golden BC branch. Requirements include operating vac truck and hydro vac. Please hand in resume to Kootenay Pumping Systems at 908 10th St N. Training is provided. PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to or fax 780-955HIRE or
Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T immediate openings. Easy computer work, other positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.
Trades, Technical SHORE MECHANIC – F/T Heavy Duty Mechanic Certificate or equivalent w/5 yrs exp. www.westcoast
Financial Services DROWNING IN debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Custom blueprints.Visit: Save! Save! Save!
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under QUEEN size beds (250)344-0780
Fruit & Vegetables Patty’s Greenhouse has organic spinach and lettuce, as well as winter stored carrots and will be at the Golden Farmers Market at the Rec Plex Feb. 22 from 11-3pm 250-341-1087.
Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
“I’m too big for a car seat!” Keep your child safe in the car. Learn how to teach your child car safety. Call 1-877-247-5551 or visit
Rocky Mountain Buffalo Ranch, 100% Grass Fed Naturally Raised Buffalo. All cuts available again farm direct. Sides are now available by reservation also. Call Leo at 250-3444779 and he will be happy to answer any questions you have and put your order together. Thank you very much for supporting our family farm. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info and DVD: 400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 778-281-0030
Real Estate Acreage for Sale MOVE TO KIMBERLEY! Large Homesites from $100K. Home + lot start at $290K. Visit for more info. Call 403-265-6180
For Sale By Owner 12 plex apt bldg. Info at: search Golden ID #65220.
Houses For Sale Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit: Two homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Kijiji 370618987. Phone 250-344-5772 or 344-0553.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 1, 2, and 3 bdrm apts for rent avail Mar 1. Visit or call/txt 250-439-1128 for more info. 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551. LARGE newly reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm apt., NS, no pets, no parties, laundry facilities. Walking distance to all amen., DD req. (1-250)344-0780 Radium - 405 Top unit Pinewood West building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail immediately. $1000/mth. Call Lina @ 403-264-2782 or 403277-7898 ask for Emilio ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Commercial/ Industrial
Drive to Save Lives
Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday,Wednesday, February 20,February 2013 20, 2013
Auto Financing
Cottages / Cabins
Homes for Rent
2 room cabin located in the Blaeberry. Avail Feb 1 - March 31. Fully furnished incl utilities, laundry & sat TV. $400/mnt 250-344-4785. Must be willing/able to care for horses. Email
5 bdrm 2.5 bath house for rent $1050/month utls incld. 250344-5648
Misc for Rent
Seasonal Acommodation
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings
Cozy 2 Bdr house near Pine Drive. Low heating costs. N/S. $700/mth. 250-344-5992.
$449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo 1-888-481-9660. Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofce is independently owned & operated.
3 Bdr Upper & Avail now. 250-344-5075.
Homes for Rent 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 bdr, 2 bath home in the Blaeberry. High speed internet & Sat TV available. Wood & electric heat, large yard, room for horses & dogs. Seasonal or long term. $850/mth. Available now. 250-344-5888.
Shared Accommodation Shared Accommodation in Golden. $450 incl util. Close to College. 1248 Alexander Dr. 403-820-0785.
Suites, Lower 2 Bdr. basement suite. No pets, no parties, N/S. Laundry facilities. Aval March 1st 250344-0604. 2 bdr suite. Nicest suite in town! N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Mar 1. All incl. $1100/mth. 250-439-1055. 403-497-9303 A25 A25
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Re: The estate of Phyllis Higgs Ottoson, deceased, formerly of 606 -12th Street South, Golden, B.C.
Re: The estate of Allan William Ottoson, deceased, formerly of 606 -12th Street South, Golden, B.C.
Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Phyllis Higgs Ottoson are hereby notiÀed under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the executrices, Dorothy Lynn Ottoson and Vicki Louane Loader, c/o Graves & Russell, Barristers and Solicitors, 218 – 8055 Anderson Road, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 1S2, on or before 28 March 2013, after which date the executrices will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the executrices then has notice.
Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Allan William Ottoson are hereEy notiÀed under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the administratrix, Vicki Loader, c/o Graves & Russell, Barristers and Solicitors, 218 – 8055 Anderson Road, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 1S2, on or before 28 March 2013, after which date the administratrix will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the administratrix then has notice.
Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Auto Financing DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Snowmobiles 2010 Yamaha Nytro MTX, 162 track, 7000kms, stock except tunnel dump exhaust, steering re-locater, and CFR board/gas rack. Great shape! $7000 OBO. 250-344-0399.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
February is bring a friend month for Golden Toastmasters Jessica Schwitek February is Toastmasters Month, and the local club, now going strong after
more than a year in operation, is welcoming anyone to come out to a meeting and see what it’s all about. For those of you who don’t know,
Toastmasters in an international organization that helps people build their public speaking skills by teaching them how to effectively formu-
late and express their ideas, and gain confidence. The membership, which ranges from beginners to seasoned vets, teaches
THREE DAYS ONLY! Friday, Feb 22nd - Sunday, Feb 24th
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Storage Totes 10 gallon.
1.47 L. All types.
to share their knowledge with community. There is a public speaking program at Golden Secondary School, facilitated by two Toastmasters members, and they are looking at expanding it into the Golden Youth Centre. The Golden Toastmasters, although a relatively new club, are honoured to be hosting a district speech competition next month. Clubs throughout the district will travel to Golden for the event, which will hopefully include some local members. Anyone interested in checking out a Toastmasters meeting is welcome to go to see what it is all about. They meet every Thursday at the College of the Rockies at 7 p.m.
Tide Laundry Detergent
After that there are speakers, up to three, who deliver prepared speeches. Everything in Toastmasters is evaluated, which is how the members grow and learn. The content of the speech, body language, eye contact, filler words (such as um), and time is all examined after everyone speaks. From attending the Feb. 14 meeting, it was very clear that the club has a very open and welcoming environment. All evaluations contained far more positive than negative feedback, and the ease in which the members stood up to speak shows how safe they feel with the membership. Having gained so much from the club already, some members have decided
Lunch performance
and learns from each other. In the short time the Golden club has been around, its members have made great strides in their public speaking skills, as well as their confidence. “It’s so exciting to see how comfortable we have all gotten talking in front of each other,” said member Lynn Romano, who was chairing the Feb. 14 meeting while club president Geraldine Smith was home sick. “Now we see so much more of each other’s personality come through.” A typical meeting consists of Table Topics, where members are asked questions, and must spontaneously answer them. This exercise gets people comfortable thinking on their feet.
¢ Reg. $ 1.99
101 Bleach 2.84 L.
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Famous National Brands Hair Colour
SHOP LOCALLY AND SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY 916 10th Avenue South, Golden BC tel#: 250-344-6218
Store Hours: Mon – Thu, Sat: 9:30am – 6pm, Fri: 9:30am – 8pm, Sun: 12pm – 5pm, Holidays: 11am – 5pm
Daniel Crowchild Fletcher performs at a lunch time jam session at Golden Secondary School. Photo Submitted
The Golden Star Wednesday, February 20, 2013 A27
Golden Nordic Club hosts successful Huckleberry Loppet (Left) Golden Nordic Club Coach Annette Boelman enjoys her 30-kilometre ski at this year’s Huckleberry Loppet on Sunday Feb. 10. (Below left) Klister the ski bunny, also known as John Denham, clowns around with some of the younger competitors at the start line of the Huckleberry Loppet. The event had 98 participants and 72 volunteers, and saw skiers come from as far as Ontario. The weekend was blessed with blue skies, great snow conditions, and some great competition. Photos by Dave Thomson
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installation requirements go beyond the scope of a basic installation, additional fees may apply. 2Limited time offer and subject to change without notice, where 4G Satellite service is available; cannot be combined with any other offer unless otherwise specified. Actual speed online may vary with your technical configuration, Internet traffic, server and other factors. Traffic management applies to all packages. For details visit Monthly Service Fee includes $15/month rental cost of equipment. Taxes will apply. Xplornet® is a trade-mark of Xplornet Communications Inc. ©Xplornet Communications Inc., 2013.
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RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
$198,900 #12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road
2 bedrooms
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Golden Star
2 baths
2505 Highway #95, South 15.45 acres
$189,900 2bdrms
3075 Imler Road
1 bath
2.7 acres
5 bedrooms
2 baths
6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres
3 bedrooms
1.5 baths
3, 300sqft
3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,097sqft 6.74 acres
2 baths
3 bedrooms
$329,000 Lot 13, Wellstead Road 40 acres
Imler Road
from $210,000 to $260,000 Cromac Ridge
4 Acreages Available
4 bedrooms 2 baths 1,600sqft
5 bedrooms
4 baths
4bdrms 2 baths 2,037sqft 5.7acres
$19,900 #3 Pinewood Mobile Home Park 3 bedrooms
REDUCED 3 bedrooms
3 baths
6 bedrooms 3 baths 3,094sqft
$160,000 Lot 2, Campbell Road 2.5 acres
3 baths
Golden Donald Upper Road 72 acres
$199,900 #309 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms 2 baths 915sqft
$99,900 1 bedroom
1 bath
$550,000 2bdrms 1 bath 738sqft 97.17 acres
$23,000 #5 Golden Mobile Home Park 2 bedrooms
3 baths
532 Anderson Road
1735 Short Road
155 acres
#28 Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms
$249,900 3bdrms
2827 Donald Road 3 baths
2 baths
$569,900 3bdrms 1.5 baths 1,900sqft 13 acres
$179,000 #4 Parkland Gardens
3 bedrooms 1.5 baths
$45,000 #92 Kicking Horse Village MHP
$219,900 2393 Kettleston Road 9.76 acres
from $299,900 to $399,900 2 Lots Available
4.94 acres
3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
1592 Golden Avenue
3 bedrooms
$135,000 1045 King Crescent
1615 Campbell Road
3767 Sanborn Road
$355,200 3 bedrooms 2 bath 2,400sqft 5.38 acres
2 bedrooms 2 baths 1,050sqft
3bdrms 3 baths 2,704sqft 40 acres
1436 Hemlock Street
1121 Horse Creek Road
#11, 2924 Kicking Horse Road
#303, 521 - 8th Avenue
Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435
1363 Golden Donald Upper Road
$349,000 901 - 11th Street
4 bedrooms
#204 - 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1564 Quartz Crescent .289 acre
$559,000 1429 Granite Drive
$367,000 2267 Neville Road
from $169,600 to $209,900 3 Acreages Available
1 bath
$269,000 “Side A” 1215 Alexander Drive
$259,900 #7, 411 - 5th Avenue
3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
$39,900 #74 Kicking Horse Village MHP
3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,788sqft 1.5 acres
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
516 - 11th Street
.52 acre
974 Oster Road
$335,000 1213 10th Avenue
1735 Oberg Johnson Road
1611 Lafontaine Road
.289 acre
$649,000 551 Highway #95, South
$55,000 1556 Quartz Crescent
$209,900 1074 King Crescent
Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735 (250) 272-4321 (250) 272-4321 (250) 344-8451 (250) 344-0735
1 acres
from $219,900 to $239,900 Kootenay Ridge 5 Acreages Available