Thursday, February 21, 2013 ▼ Volume 48 No. 8 ▼ www.clearwatertimes.com ▼ $1.40 Includes HST
Second Place General Excellence B.C. and Yukon <2,000 circulation 2012
After Hours Theatre does it again. See page A9 inside.
Blue Ribbon Runner-up Best All Round Newspaper All of Canada <1,250 circulation 2012
Planning for second transmission line stopped by BC Hydro Keith McNeill
BC Hydro has confirmed that it has stopped planning for a second power-line into the North Thompson Valley. “Planning for the North Thompson Transmission Line Project is on hold for now and the decision to resume planning for this new transmission line will depend on whether large industrial loads materialize in this region and fulfill the requirements of BC Hydro’s process, approved by the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC), which protects the interests of ratepayers, assists the customer and meets regulatory requirements,” said Jennifer Walker-Larsen, stakeholder engagement advisor for BC Hydro. A second transmission line would be required to operate Yellowhead Mining’s proposed copper-gold-silver mine at Harper Creek near Vavenby. The additional power would also be useful for other developments proposed for the Barriere-to-McBride cor-
ridor, including Imperial Metals’ proposed lead-zinc mine at Ruddock Creek and a proposed high elevation ski resort near Valemount. “In order to protect ratepayers from risk we must justify to our regulator, the BCUC, all expenditures for new infrastructure such as transmission lines, and show evidence that the load is confirmed, new infrastructure is indeed required, and the proper process is followed,” said Walker-Larsen. According to the utility company spokesperson, there is sufficient capacity in the North Thompson transmission system to serve current load and normal load growth over the next 20 years. She said that BC Hydro will continue to monitor the electricity requirements for this region as part of their ongoing load forecasting activities. “We plan and build for confirmed and normal growth but cannot build for large loads which are not confirmed or have not
met BC Hydro’s requirements for connecting new loads,” she said. Walker-Larsen said that, should any potential large industrial loads be confirmed in the region, BC Hydro will determine if there is sufficient capacity in the existing system or if upgrades to the transmission system are required to serve the new load. She noted that BC Hydro has an obligation to serve all customers who come to it if they meet requirements established by BC Utilities Commission. Walker-Larsen said people should check out BC Hydro’s webpage on industrial connections at www.bchydro.com/accounts-billing/new-electrical-connections/industrialconnections.html. “This not about Yellowhead (Mining) only. It’s about the Valley’s future,” said Clearwater Mayor John Harwood during discussions about the planning stoppage during the Feb. 5 town council meeting. The mayor predicted that other develop-
ment projects, such as Ruddock Creek, would not happen if BC Hydro did not go ahead with reinforcing the electrical power available. Councillor Barry Banford noted that the average power outage in Valemount is eight hours while in McBride it is 20 hours. Both are located near the end of the single power-line up the Valley. Premier Christy Clark indicated her support for increased electrical power for the North Thompson Valley in her address given during last fall’s Union of BC Municipalities convention. “We believe in Yellowhead Mines in the North Thompson and they will get their power,” she said. BC Hydro earlier indicated it was looking at two possibilities for a second powerline into the Valley. One option would be a line from near 100 Mile House to Clearwater. The second option would be a line from Mica Dam to Vavenby.
Open house to examine plans for Bear View shopping center Keith McNeill Clearwater business owner Ron Rotzetter has revealed some of his plans for a new shopping center proposed for next to Highway 5. The facility would be located across the highway from and slightly west of the former greenhouse on Haywood Road. Rotzetter’s plans show space for one large tenant, two medium-sized tenants, and eight smaller retail spaces. Two prospective tenants have indicated strong interest in opening businesses in Clearwater, he said. The building would include post-and-beam construction and would
have a pitched roof, which Rotzetter feels is more appropriate to this climate than a flat roof. A concept drawing of the Bear View shopping center shows a large sculpture of a bear near the east end of the lot. The lot itself is about 10 acres in size, said Rotzetter. It is presently zoned residential but he is working on getting that changed to commercial zoning. This, in turn, will likely hinge on whether he is able to get highway access for the development. Plans for the shopping center also show access for shipping and delivery from Worebey Road to the back of the facility. As reported in last week’s Times, Rotzetter
first publicly revealed his intentions for the property during a Clearwater council meeting held Feb. 5. During that meeting, Wade Elliot, one of the owners of Safety Mart, said that they also were planning to build a shopping center, except theirs would be located at the junction of Highway 5 and Park Drive, next to where the courthouse is now. Further details of Rotzetter’s plans appear on page A 11 inside. In a letter to the editor, which appears on page A5, Rotzetter invites the community to an open house about his project in the Wells Gray Inn banquet room on Feb. 26, 3 – 8 p.m.
Getting a good start Youngsters (l-r) #17 Seth Cooperman, #23 Parker Collins, and #18 Kaleb Parsons, all from Raft River Elementary, take part in cross-country ski races in Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 14. For more about how the races turned out, see page A10 inside. Photo by Keith McNeill
A2 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
A Night at the Oscars coming soon to Wells Gray Times Staff Clearwater Festival and Events Society will be sponsoring A Night at the Oscars on Sunday, Feb. 24, at the Wells Gray Pub, with all of the money raised going towards the Safe Home Program. Safe Home Program offers immediate short-term assistance to women and their dependent children who need to leave home because of domestic abuse. They are provided with a place to stay and their meals for a few
days while they figure out what to do next. Advance tickets only will be on sale for $25 and are available at Erica’s Emporium, Vera’s Video and the Wells Gray Inn front desk. Appetizers will be included in the ticket price along with some door prizes. Cocktails and mocktails will be on sale, Red Carpet and Big Screen TV; numerous other things will be going on, including a Gold Ticket Silent Auction. This event is for persons over the age of 19 years. Please feel free to dress up as your favourite movie star or come as yourself. For more information, please contact Fay McCracken (fundraising coordinator) at 250674-2700 or mysticmountainacres@gmail. com.
Sunday, Feb. 24 Wells Gray Pub
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Food Bank gets help from Blackpool Hall (L-r) Blackpool Hall musician Jack Perry presents Pat Stanley and Heather Stanley of Clearwater Food Bank with $211 in cash. The money was the take at the door during the hall’s most recent coffee house (held on the second Friday of the month, starting at 7 p.m.). A total of 18 musicians took part, said Perry. Photo by Keith McNeill
Simpcw clarify Kamloops newspaper story Times Staff On Friday Simpcw First Nation and Adams Lake Indian Band Chiefs disavowed a story that appeared Tuesday in a Kamloops newspaper that said they
were opposed to the Ruddock Creek project, a lead zinc mine proposed by Selkirk Metals (a subsidiary of Imperial Metals Corp.). The newspaper article reported that the Secwepemc people
issued a declaration opposing the project, and that Simpcw First Nation had “backtracked” on a cooperation agreement it signed with Selkirk Metals in 2011. Simpcw First Nation Chief Rita Matthew said, “Firstly, only Simpcw Council speaks on behalf of Simpcw, and while we acknowledge that there are concerns about the watershed area of the development, it is recognized that the company is still in the exploration phase. Simpcw will not take a position either for or against Ruddock Creek until we see technical details that would allow us to measure long-term environmental dam-
age and risks against potential economic benefits.” Chief Nelson Leon of Adams Lake Indian Band further stated, “This is a classic case of a newspaper lumping everyone together as Secwepemc without bothering to check as to who speaks for our community.” The Secwepemc Nation is comprised of 17 separate communities spread across eight geographic divisions, with each community having autonomy to speak for itself on policy matters. In recent year some bands have agreed to work together voluntarily as divisions, with the Skeetchestn and T’kemlups bands acting as the Kamloops
Congratulations Curtis Mattenley, BBA, CA on obtaining your CA Designation Curtis was born and raised in Clearwater and attended Thompson Rivers University where he earned his BBA with concentrations in both Accounting and Finance and joined Daley & Company LLP in 2008. An avid sportsman, Curtis enjoys basketball, golf and curling. He is the most recent TRU alumni at Daley & Company LLP to pass the Uniform Final Exam and obtain his CA designation. Curtis works in a broad range of areas including small business, not-for-profits, corporate & personal income tax. Love Mom, Dad, Dustin and family.
Division being a notable example. Simpcw First Nation comprises a division unto itself, described by the ethnographer James Teit as the “North Thompson Division” of the Secwepemc Nation. Simpcw First Nation and Adams Lake Indian Band recently signed a cooperation agreement on mining, under which they agreed to work together to assess the potential risks and benefits of various proposed mining projects in areas of mutual interest. Projects of interest to the two communities include the proposed Harper Creek open pit copper mine (near Vavenby) of Yellowhead Mining Inc., and Imperial Metals' proposed underground Ruddock Creek lead zinc mine (near Tum Tum Lake, about 30 km east of Avola).
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A3
Applications sought for Wells Gray Community Forest grants Keith McNeill
Gift from Lieutenant Governor Mayor John Harwood holds the Eagle Frog bowl given to District of Clearwater by Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon during her visit to the community on Jan. 28. The silver-plated serving bowl was made out of pewter by the Tsmishian artist, Terry Start of Prince Rupert. The design is representative of an Eagle Frog to signify the connection through the spirit of generosity, grace and kindness. According to information from Guichon’s office, the Eagle is a symbol of power and prestige while his ‘down’ symbolizes peace and friendship. He is highly respected by all who share his environment. The Frog is the voice of the people, especially in our family. He strives for family unity, is one who teaches by example and is sometimes a symbol of innocence. The frog is more ‘us’ and ‘we’ and less ‘I’. “My passion is to express my culture through my art and be part of the revival and continuity of my people’s traditions.” said the artist, Terry Starr. Photo by Keith McNeill
Wells Gray Community Forest is once again inviting grant applications for its spring disbursement. Applications will be accepted until Sunday, Mar. 31 at 4:30 p.m. This spring’s disbursements will have a total of $100,000. Application forms are available at the community forest’s website, but the easiest way to find them is to Google “Wells Gray Community Forest 2010 Society.” If possible, the applications should be made electronically. If the application must be made on paper, then seven copies (one for each board member) should be submitted. Complete criteria on what the community forest is looking for are available at the website. Last fall the community forest gave away a total of $87,000. Biggest recipient was Clearwater Secondary School, which received nearly $27,000 for three projects: new athletic uniforms, upgrades for the robotics program, and improvements for the weight/exercise room by the gym. The Healthy Living program sponsored by District of Clearwater got $10,000, while another $10,000 went to Clearwater Sno-drifters Snowmobile Club to help pay for its new groomer. A toy-lending program organized by
the Feb. 5 Clearwater council meeting. Mayor John Harwood said the Kamloops business owner should be informed that there currently is a community bus service running from Clearwater to Kamloops once a week. The bus operates through a partnership agreement with BC Transit and District of Clearwater. “Yes, it would be nice to have the additional service, but how much is it going to cost?” Harwood asked. Council members suggested that Wells Gray Inn, which operates the taxi service in Clearwater, should be asked if they are considering providing a similar service.
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Greyhound is cutting back its service to the North Thompson Valley and Kamloops Yellow Cabs wants to fill the gap. “So far I've only received a letter of support from Barriere council,” said Abdul Rashid, president of Yellow Cabs (Kamloops) Ltd. and Kamloops Transportation Ltd. “I'm still waiting for one from Clearwater.” Once he receives the letter he will make an application to the BC Passenger Transportation Board for a license to operate a daily shuttle service between Clearwater and Kamloops, he said. The plan would be to have a 15- to 25-passenger bus leave Clearwater at 7 a.m. daily and then leave Kamloops for Clearwater at 5:30 p.m. That would mean people living in the Valley could use the bus to travel to and from work in the city, plus it would give plenty of time for those wanting to go shopping or for medical appointments. The bus would stop at Barriere, Little Fort and points in between.
If successful, the service would be increased to two trips per day. Rashid said he expected it would take the service a few months to catch on but was confident his other businesses could sustain it until then. He is also looking at providing shuttle services connecting Kamloops with Salmon Arm and Kelowna. Kamloops Yellow Cab has been in business for about 80 years, while Kamloops Transportation Ltd. has been going for about 50. He took over the businesses 14 years ago, he said. Rashid's request for a letter of support was discussed during
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What’s Happening
Yellow Cab proposing Valley bus service Keith McNeill
Yellowhead Community Services Society got $5,000. Children from needy families now are able to borrow toys through Clearwater Library just the way they borrow books. Clearwater Rotary received $4,500 for a storage box plus another $1,000 for Christmas tree decorations. The sum of $1,500 went to Clearwater Food Bank, while Clearwater Volunteer Fire Department got $1,000 for Halloween fireworks.
Mayor, Council and Community receive Gift Mayor John Harwood was presented with a gift from the Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon during her visit to Clearwater on January 28th, 2013. As the gift was to Mayor, Council and the Community of Clearwater the Mayor opened it at the February 5th, 2013 Council. The gift was an Eagle Frog silver plated serving bowl made out of pewter by the Tsmishian artist, Terry Start. The design is representative of an Eagle Frog to signify the connection through the spirit of generosity, grace and kindness. Combining these two sacred animals is very symbolic. The Eagle is a symbol of power and prestige while his 'down' symbolizes peace and friendship. He is highly respected by all who share his environment. The Frog is the voice of the people. He strives for family unity, is one who teaches by example and is sometimes a symbol of innocence. The frog is more 'us' and 'we' and less 'I'. The Eagle Frog bowl is on display at the District of Clearwater office. Wells Gray Community Forest Funding Opportunity The Wells Gray Community Forest will be accepting applications for funding projects from February 15th to March 31st, 2013. There is $100,000 available for distribution. Decisions on successful applicants will be made by April 15th, 2013. United Way in the North Thompson The United Way is focussed on three areas: creating opportunities for individuals to move out of poverty and thrive, providing opportunities for children and youth to reach their full potential and supporting people and communities to be healthy and strong so they are able to respond to both challenges and opportunities. All money raised through a United Way campaign is invested back into the community through the North Thompson Community Fund. Local investments include: Success by 6 – North Thompson Youth Initiative Grant - Clearwater Secondary School, Community Recreation Healthy Living Coordinator – District of Clearwater & School District #73 Youth Services – Yellowhead Community Services Annual Canoe Regatta – District of Clearwater Drop In Curling A fun opportunity to find out what curling’s all about. Every Friday night at 7:00pm there will be informal coaching and equipment available. Come out with your family or friends for a fun evening at the curling rink. Upcoming Events Free Family Skating Fridays and Sundays – 4:30-6:00pm February 22-24 – Blackhawks Old Timer Hockey Tournament February 22-24 – Ladies Bonspiel February 24 – A Night at the Oscars Upcoming Meetings of Council March 5th, 2013 - Economic Development/Finance and Audit Committee meetings – 5:00pm March 5th, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm March 26th, 2013 – Parks and Recreation/Infrastructure Committee meetings – 5:00pm March 26th, 2013 – Regular Council meeting – 7:00pm
Civic address: 132 Station Road Box 157, Clearwater,B.C. V0E 1N0 Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 District Office Ph: 250-674-2257 • Fax: 250-674-2173 email address: admin@districtofclearwater.com
DISTRICT OF CLEARWATER www.districtofclearwater.com
A4 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
“ In difficult and hopeless situations the boldest plans are the safest. - Titus Livy, historian editorial by keith mcNeill
Seib deserves a chance to redeem himself
Wolf’s Corner should have first priority for barriers Editor, The Times:
Thank-you to the Dekelver families for their words of appreciation regarding the request for installation of highway safety barriers. The Ministry of Highways personnel have been helpful and supportive, and have indicated that new criteria has been introduced to enable the installation of the barriers. They are current-
ly waiting for funding to proceed. I would suggest that the Wolf’s Corner area of Highway 5 be the first area of installation for the following reasons: 1. Loss of life has occurred in this area that might have been preventable. 2. This area is a recognized avalanche area where falling rocks and debris could force drivers off the highway
into the river. 3. The highway in this area is in continual shade and can create unexpected icy conditions in late fall and early spring, when most other sections of the highway are dry. If we are going to spend money to improve highway safety, I believe the installation of barriers is a good place to begin.
Bob Mumford, Clearwater, B.C.
Stu Seib pleaded guilty to breach of trust in Kelowna court on Feb. 12. We didn’t report it in our Feb. 14 issue. Two reasons: 1. Because Feb. 11 had been a holiday, we had already laid out the paper and we didn’t want to tear it apart and rebuild it; and 2. Running the guilty plea story would have meant putting it in the same issue as the story about Clearwater RCMP getting an award for the successful arrest of a suspected murderer. We figured that, with all the bad news the RCMP has been getting lately, the local detachment deserved at least one moment of praise. All of us need to remember that being a police officer isn’t like other jobs. I had a friend whose dream all the way through school had been to be a RCMP officer. As I recall, he lasted about three years. He said the turning point came for him when a little girl died on the hood of his car following an automobile crash. He had placed her there to try to keep her warm. The police are the people we call when things go wrong – when our car goes off the road, when our house gets broken into, when someone scams us out of our life savings. They get to deal with, on an everyday basis, situations and people that the rest of us would just as soon not deal with ever. The constant stress has got to tell.
NDP candidate not acknowledged at Healthy Forest Healthy Community meeting Editor, The Times:
The town of Clearwater recently held a Healthy Forest Healthy Community meeting on a Saturday January 19th. According to a forestry consultant the meeting was one of the best attended in the province – over 60 concerned citizens! I found it profoundly iron-
BC Press Council The Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 210 Selby St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2 For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Times THE
www.clearwatertimes.com Established September 23, 1964 Member, BC Press Council
Fortunately, 99 per cent of the police seem to successfully cope with the stress 99 per cent of the time. Not all of them do all of the time, however. Stu Seib seems to have been one of the exceptions. Seib was NCO-in-charge of Clearwater RCMP for about eight years. During that period he did a lot of good things for the community. The general consensus was that he was one of the best (and certainly one of the nicest) RCMP officers this area has seen. It therefore was a shock when he stepped forward and admitted stealing cocaine from an evidence locker. He then apologized to the community in a letter to the Times. All of us make mistakes. We look back, sometimes, and ask ourselves, “What the heck was I thinking of when I did that?” Stu Seib seems to be in that position. He made his mistake, owned up to it, apologized, pleaded guilty, and now is awaiting sentencing by the court. How he will redeem himself with the community is the next question, one that only he can answer. We are sure that he will try, however, and we hope that the community will give him the opportunity to do so.
ic that one of the main points identified for positive economic change for Clearwater was to apply pressure on politicians. All the local politicians were formally introduced by the facilitator. You know what’s laughable? The future MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson,
Kathy Kendall, was in attendance. She wasn’t even acknowledged! Thanks for attending to find out about our community concerns. Terry Lake, the outgoing MLA, was nowhere to be seen. Shame.
David Sagar Clearwater, B.C.
Reader has questions about roundabout Editor, The Times:
Re: Roundabout 1) Is this really necessary? 2) Assess first. 3) Plan later. 4)Faults: a) Crosswalk from Infocenter. i) From Infocenter to where? ii) No consideration of the number of people
at one time. We are talking tourists who are sometimes in large groups. I have seen as many as eight buses at the Infocenter. iii) far too close to highway. b) vehicles not shown in scale to plan. c) video did not show line-ups of traffic. I went to the meeting
about the roundabout on Feb. 7. I talked to four representatives. One was an engineer. Three out of the four did not know it was a school crosswalk. Parents who are concerned should teach their children road safety and consideration.
Niki McMillan Clearwater, B.C.
74 young Road, Unit 14 Brookfield Mall, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N2 Phone: 250-674-3343 Fax: 250-674-3410 Email: newsroom@clearwatertimes.com www.clearwatertimes.com
Subscribe to the Times
Publisher: Al Kirkwood Editor: Keith McNeill Office manager: Yevonne Cline
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
In Town / Out of Town Rates 1 year $61.60; 2 years $117.60 Prices include HST
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A5
of the Week Do you think a new shopping center on Highway 5 would be a good idea?
Myron Smith:
It would be a shame to spread out more than we are. On the other hand, it would pull in more people from the highway.
Mike England:
I think it would be an awesome idea. It would be an attraction for Clearwater. Everyone asks me, “Where's Clearwater?”
Ray Sollows:
Sandra Graffunder:
No, I like it where it is. Everything's handy.
Tracy Hart:
I think that competition is good. It helps keep prices down.
I say it's about time ... if they do it. There's always been talk about it.
Developer invites the people of Clearwater to an open house Editor, The Times:
A “Place of Gathering” I have lived in Clearwater for 30 years and have had the great opportunity of raising my family here. I have also been fortunate with the opportunity to work for and with many of you, and to grow my various businesses right here in Clearwater. There is great vibe growing about Clearwater in B.C. with the proposed mine, the reopening and upgrading of Canfor, and Wells Gray World Heritage Committee (WGWHC) working to achieve World Heritage Site status for Wells Gray Provincial Park. All of the optimism led me to my next project. I want to raise Clearwater’s status along the highway to the 1,200,000 people that go right by our door every year on the highway, and to provide some new opportunities for local entrepreneurs, businesses and locals who I feel travel too far to get the quality of amenities they are after. I am proposing an attraction that includes indoor and outdoor gathering places and commercial spaces that will be complimented by park and native vegetation. Please see the artist’s rendition (on page A11) – the building is very attractive. I have been encouraged by those I have shared my vision with; the Simpcw First Nation is excited to be naming
will help reaching this goal and instead of being a “drive this place “Place of Gathering” in their Native language. through” town, this will present opportunity to invite more Neighbouring property owners, including Gary Arsenault businesses to Clearwater and make Clearwater a town to stop who is developing a 100-plus unit seniors living project adjaand shop. cent to our property, have shown me great support. Mayor Harwood and CAO Leslie Groulx have offered great advice Please share my excitement and provide your comand encouragement. Local businesses have shown great inter- ments. I invite you to an open house about the project on est in the space, and local businesses have been given first pri- Feb. 26, 2013 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wells Gray Inn ority. I think we can welcome new business as well that will – Banquet Room, Clearwater, B.C. complement, and we have received numerous inquiries. Ron Rotzetter, Bear View Development In order to do this I have applied to council to amend Clearwater, B.C. the official community plan (OCP) land use designation from Rural Resource to HOME HARDWARE IS A CANADIAN OWNED COMPANY Commercial. We also need the support from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to gain access to the highway. These changes would be not only for Bear View but also for other potential commercial properties in Clearwater. The mayor has indicated that reduced speed on the highway from one side of the town to the other side of town is a goal, which will have a hugely positive effect on our community. Our proposed development
Foundation serves NT communities Editor, The Times:
North Thompson Communities Foundation will celebrate its 10th year birthday during 2013. Throughout these years we have continuously supported the various communities of the valley with grants to support the development of groups and organizations such as the Challengers program at Yellowhead Community Services,, the Redneck Rodeo 4H Club and a wide variety of sports and outdoor groups. We have contributed to the upgrading of community halls in the Upper Clearwater and Blue River, and the Sportsplex in Clearwater. We have supported festivals - for example the Wildfire Dragon Festival in Louis Creek, and helped purchase ski equipment for Barriere youth. The list is long and varied. The Foundation began when the Weyerhaeuser mill in Vavenby closed. We partnered with the Vancouver Foundation to double our funding in the beginning, but have also invested with Interior Savings Credit Union locally. Thanks to the gen-
erous donations from local families, these local investments are growing steadily. Investing in the future of your community is a forward thinking and progressive way to contribute to your community and the lives all who live within. We, the volunteer board of directors and the recipients of the interest from these funds, (that is where the grant money comes from) thank these families and groups for their support. If you would like to know more about or contribute to North Thompson Communities Foundation, contact one of the directors. In McLure – Bob Hearn, in Louis Creek – Susan Garland, in Barriere – Mike Fennel and Kevin Bryant, in Chu Chua- Celena Slater, in Vavenby Ted Richardson, in Clearwater – councillor Barry Banford, Gina Walchuck, Hazel Wadlegger and Cheryl Thomas (and we would welcome on board someone from the north end of the valley, too).
Cheryl Thomas, 2013 chair North Thompson Communities Foundation
Editor needs to check the cost of a cup of coffee Editor, The Times
Re: Roundabout Debate has Lost Sense of Proportion Judging by this last editorial, Keith, I think you had better switch to decaf coffee! So, you think the cost of one coffee will pay your share of the roundabout? I have good news and bad news for
you! The good news is that one cup of coffee per day for one year will also pay your share of the $650 million for the widening of the Trans Canada Highway, and still leave enough to upgrade the intersections in Clearwater that actually need upgrading. The bad news is that you
and I both need to get a life. I suggest we start by having a coffee. You buy, and I’ll consider my share of the cost of the roundabout as paid.
Jim Lamberton The Rambling Man Clearwater, B.C.
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A6 www.clearwatertimes.com
Brother Ray, annoyed by the fact that the last census taken in Clearwater was back in 1941 and that in 1968 we were still listed as having 141 souls, took it upon himself to perform his own census. His count was 730 adults and 642 children. The deal of the week was a 1956 log-
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
HISTORICAL Perspective
ging truck, three-speed with air brakes, for only $1,600
YEARS AGO: M.P. Len Marchand announced the approval of a federal grant for the construction of a Bible camp in Clearwater. Reverend Ernie Isaac of Clearwater was in charge of the project.
BACK IN TIME Clearwater Business Association was trying to raise money to support its bid to bring CTV television to Clearwater.
Proud parents Shamus Romeril and Heather Jones would like to introduce their new baby girl,
“JORDYN SHAYLYN ROMERIL” Jordyn was born in Kamloops on January 13, 2013. Soli & Sage are very excited to have a new sister. Proud Grandparents are; Jim & Carla Romeril ~Joan & Evan Smith Gord Jones & Doris Laner~ Rob & Diane Grantham
YEARS AGO: Dr. Bob Woollard and MLA Rafe Mair were having a goaround in the newspaper over the issue of uranium mines. Mair started his letter by asserting: “You seem to be both incapable of understanding plain unadorned English and at the same time insistent upon interpreting my position on the Birch Island uranium mine situation as an attack on the integrity of the citizens of Clearwater.”
YEARS AGO: After an organizational meeting to hear about Toastmasters, it was decided there
was enough interest to form a club. Vi Mayer became president; Lois Moss, educational vice-president; Joanne Schurman, administrative vice-president; Peggy Neufeld, secretary; Betty Borrows, treasurer; and Les Leger, Sgt-at-arms.
YEARS AGO: Free cross-country ski lessons were being offered at Dutch Lake Park. The primary goal of the instructors was to get people of all ages participating and having fun in cross-country skiing.
YEARS AGO: TNRD rep. Steve Quinn reported a
building boom in the district, with the value of building permits issued during the previous month being $2.2 million. This amount was over twice that of the previous year’s. As well, the TNRD agreed to spend $125,000 a year to spray for mosquitoes.
YEARS AGO: Forest Renewal B.C. “… is not receiving very high marks from a lot of people,” said Liberal MLA and deputy forests critic Rich Coleman. Speaking at a breakfast meeting at the Wells Gray Inn, he doubted that 20 per cent of its budget actually ended up in silviculture.
YEARS AGO: University College of the Cariboo should take over Bear Creek Correctional Center as an educational facility, according to Shane
McGrath and Frank Ritcey.
YEARS AGO: Clearwater Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire at the old Camp Two sawmill site, beside the Argo gravel pit. The vehicle was totally destroyed by the fire. Trevor Goward went before Clearwater council to discuss Clearwater’s future and request that Buck Hill be adopted as a natural podium to showcase Clearwater.
YEAR AGO: Yellowhead Mining increased the estimated size of the ore body at its Harper Creek project by more than 50 per cent. A preliminary economic assessment done the previous March had projected a 22-year life for the proposed mine, based on the earlier estimated size.
Snowmobiler dies after going off trail Times Staff
Clearwater Employment Services offers a variety of services to Employers Post your job vacancies at no charge at: www.clearwateremployment.ca
We will advertise your job vacancy at: Clearwater Employment Job Board Postings Local newspapers and distribution sheets Clearwater Employment Website
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The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
An Alberta snowmobiler was killed in an accident Sunday near Blue River. According to Clearwater RCMP, on Feb. 17 at 5:33 p.m., police received a report from BC Ambulance of an injured adult
male sledder in the Finn Creek area, 22 km south of Blue River. Provincial Emergency Program was contacted and the Wells Gray Search and Rescue team was activated. Upon RCMP arrival, EHS confirmed that the sledder was
deceased. The coroner out of Kamloops was contacted and he authorized recovery of the body. Investigation reveals that a group of sledders were on their way down the trail after a day of sledding back to the parking lot. On the way down the male subject
There’s an old adage that says ‘anticipation is the greater part of pleasure’. It is quite true for some people. Looking forward to something can bring more happiness than actually buying it. Happiness can also come from spending money on others rather than on ourselves. Give it a try! Falls are a common occurrence in the elderly. To reduce them, consider the following: check the eyes for cataracts; check the home environment for possible risk situations; check medications. As we get older, our bodies handle medications differently. Perhaps a change in medication or dose may help. Low blood pressure could also contribute to falling. Get your pressure checked. NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like ibuprofen and naproxen are available without a prescription. However, in the elderly, these oral drugs may not be the best choice for muscle and joint pain. Our pharmacists can direct you to a topical gel that would be a safer approach. When you receive a new prescription, it’s important to be familiar with the drug’s name and its purpose. Our pharmacists will tell you how best to take it and of any food or drug interactions it may have. Also be familiar with the main side effects of the drug and how long the drug should be taken. What about missing a dose? Pharmacists are a great resource that you can use on your path to good health. We’d be happy to help you understand the medications you are taking and how to help you get the best possible outcomes from them.
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was unable to negotiate a sharp corner and went off the trail right over a bank becoming airborne. The male and his sled smashed directly into a tree. The male subject was located by his group lying at the bottom of the tree unconscious. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. The scene was photographed and statements were obtained from those involved. Wells Gray SAR removed the body from the mountain and he was transported to Clearwater by North Thompson Funeral Services. Next of kin notification was completed by Killam RCMP detachment in Alberta. The deceased was a 50-year-old male from Hardisty, Alberta. As a result of the statements obtained it appears that speed may have played a role in this accident. However, alcohol was not a factor. This death is not considered suspicious, the police investigation has been concluded and this matter is now in the hands of the coroner, Terry Dixon.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A7
Seib pleads guilty to breach of trust in Kelowna court Emily Wessel - Merritt Herald Former Merritt RCMP Staff Sgt. Stuart Seib pleaded guilty to breach of trust in a Kelowna provincial courtroom on Tuesday. Seib was charged with allegedly stealing and using cocaine from a police evidence locker in January 2012.
Seib was the head of the Merritt detachment and had spent nearly two decades with the RCMP when the charges came to light. He resigned from the RCMP shortly after the charges were laid. The first plea comes about a year after Seib’s first scheduled court appearance on Feb. 21, 2012.
Intoxicated male at the Sportsplex C L E A RWAT E R From Feb. 8 - 10 the Sportsplex hosted a six team BC Forestry Tournament, which included teams from 100 Mile House, 1-800-222-TIPS Williams Lake, Quesnel, Merritt and Clearwater RCMP Report Kamloops. Overall the weekend was a success. However on Feb. 9 a member responded to a report of an intoxicated male who was causing problems and refusing to leave the arena when asked by organizers. Upon arrival the member gave the male two options: leave the arena with his friends and not return or be arrested and spend the rest of the day in cells sobering up. The male decided to leave the arena and did not come back. Snowmobile patrols with Conservation On Feb. 8 a member made snowmobile patrols along with the Conservation Officer Service near the Chappell Creek area north of Blue River. Patrols were made to ensure people stayed away from closed areas. Due to a recent snowfall all sledders enjoyed the fresh powder and stayed away from the areas. Eventful landing at Blue River Airport On Feb. 9 a plane carrying 17 passengers landed safely at the Blue River Airport. Shortly after landing the plane veered left and got caught in the snow along the shoulder of the runway. This pulled the plane over and spun it 60 degrees to the east, where it slid a short distance before finally coming to a stop. It appears as though there was a mechanical issue with the plane’s landing gear. No one on board was injured. Break and enter into a vehicle On Feb. 9 a male and his girlfriend parked along Highway 24 near Janice Lake and went snowmobiling for the day. When they returned they found their truck had been broken into and a number of items stolen from inside. This serves as a good reminder not to leave valuables in your vehicle, regardless of where you are.
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The appearance was delayed more than five times for various reasons, including Seib’s drug treatment and special prosecutor Sheryl Wagner’s involvement in a lengthy murder trial. An agent acting for defence attorney Neville McDougall entered the plea for
the former top cop. Seib also faces two charges of theft under $5,000. Seib is scheduled to be back in court on April 9 for sentencing. He was the NCO-in-charge of the Clearwater RCMP detachment from the summer of 2003 until the fall of 2011.
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Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
Women in the Wilds share their moose stories motor, our talking, the dogs. We must have gone right past her on the way in, but on the way out, she felt threatened. That lunge said it all. She wanted us away from here baby! It was both inspiring and scary. I still walk there a lot by myself. I am very alert. I take an umbrella to open and shut fast to scare an animal away. But I have never seen a moose before or since although there is a lot of moose sign all thorough out the area. I don’t walk with the children, but I do walk alone.
Eleanor Deckert
I’ve lived in Avola for 34 years and I’ve seen moose three times. The first time, fresh from the city, my newly-wed husband and I drove across the old Otter Creek bridge on an early autumn morning and we saw just a rump trotting off into the fog. We looked at each other wide-eyed: “Our first moose!” The second time we were in our crewcab on the highway just south of Avola near the wide, flat swampy area on a winter morning. With our two young children, we stopped to wonder at the scene of twin calves following their mother, punching through the deep crusty snow. We thought it was quite a story to tell our city-dwelling relatives, “Guess what we saw on the way to the grocery store?” The third time I was out for my morning jog and a bull moose ran across and up and over the train tracks. Tall! But my “I saw this big moose” stories shrink in comparison to my neighbours’ experiences! Colleen Jensen Let’s see. It was 1986 and I was new to Avola. Just before snow fell that year, I was driving my VW van to go to work at the Wells Gray Inn. I noticed three moose
A moose relaxes in a field somewhere in the North Thompson Valley. Although ungainly looking, members of the largest of the deer species can move surprisingly quickly. Photo by Kevin Deckert
Eleanor Deckert has lived in the North Thompson Valley for a total of 34 years. alongside of the highway! I turned around and went back to watch them because I didn’t really know anything about them. I wanted to get out but they were so big I stayed in the van. I
looked and looked in awe. One had antlers and the other two didn’t. One was smaller but not really a baby. Pretty soon, I realized I’d be late for work, and just then, with head down, the big one pawed the ground, steam coming out of his nose. “Oh, no!” I thought. “A mad moose! What do I do?” I was scared. No word of a lie, that moose looked as tall as my van! The car didn’t want to start. He came right over to where I was. As soon as the car started: Zoom! I literally got out of there.
When I came home after work and told my husband the story he said, “You never do that. Stop and look. They think they own everything that is in their vicinity.” I’ll never forget. I was face-to-face. It was scary. I’d never do that again! Share Holstein I’ve lived in the bush all my life so when we recently built a place out at Otter Creek, I love to go walking and exploring with my four dogs. But, when the grandchildren come, I don’t walk. We go exploring on the quad. They are just not fast enough if we find any trouble.
Proud supporter of the
North Thompson Star/Journal Monday, June 18, 2012
We have a trail that goes through our 160 acres. This one time, we were just puttering along the trail and on the way back, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a mama moose lunge towards us, her baby just behind her. Luckily, the dogs were ahead of us and didn’t notice her or stop to challenge her. I called, “Go home!” and all four dogs immediately ran for home. I sped away on the quad and we were safe. It happened so fast. She must have been only 10 feet away! When I think back, I guess the moose knew we were there with all the noise of the quad
www.starjournal.net A11
Nature plays a large part in Art by Ecki By Elli Kohnert North Thompson Star/Journal The small settlement of Vavenby is home to Ecki Manthei, a gifted artist who‘s artwork grows out of his connection to nature, and his drive to follow every new idea with a passion that moves him to create what is in his imagination, without delay. Ecki’s home stands out from all others in the Vavenby trailer park where it cannot be missed. Two large life-like eagles formed from wood, seem to be guarding his property. Varieties of creatures also made from wood, line the path to the house; and the
Canada, and eventually came to live in Cloverdale, B.C. It is there that he began his artistic career. Seashells were his medium then, tells Ecki as he explains how they lend themselves to be made into clocks for instance, or be used as a canvas for his paintings. When the couple eventually settled in the community of Vavenby, it is here that Ecki took on art as his life work. Ecki has transformed one room of their home into an art gallery, where he now displays the numerous ‘Art By Ecki’ creations. The variety of his work is remarkable; it
carve on it!” He notes that nearly all the materials he uses in his creations are natural; giving the artwork its special character. Sometimes a person may come into the gallery to view Ecki’s work, and they may purchase a special item of art for their own home. Most of the time though, Ecki and Marilyn market the art work by taking part in craft fairs. “At some I do well, with others I do not,” commented the art-
ist on selling his work through craft fairs. The couple say they have a few tentative ideas in mind for marketing; such as going on the road to sell their creations. But right now, they have no immediate plans that they want to follow. “We like it here in Vavenby,” says Ecki, “We feel comfortable around here, and we do enjoy to be with the friends we have made in the area. For now, ‘Ecki’s Art’ will have its home in the North Thompson Valley .”
1655 Lucky Strike Place Kamloops, BC V1S 1W5
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Fay Lutz I was a teenager, born and raised on a ranch west of William’s Lake. I went out every evening to get the cows. That was life. They didn’t come home by themselves. I was walking out along a the path beside a log fence in June when a cow moose challenged me. I could see her calf. There was no point
Fay Lutz once "fenced" with an angry cow moose.
An aggressive male moose gave Colleen Jensen a scare. in running. There was no point in yelling for help. I dropped to the ground and rolled under the fence. She went over the fence, and I rolled under to the other side. We went back and forth. I could hear her breathing and the sound of her hooves as she came boiling over the fence. I rolled away so many times that she gave it up and went back to her young. I was going about my business and she was going about her business when we crossed paths. I didn’t think she was surprised. I was in her territory. I have also seen when moose get into a real run. In the wintertime they used to come and eat off of our hay stack. I don’t know what scared them, but they took off running. They go lower. They smooth right out. The three of them took off like a runaway train. Women in the Wilds will share more stories of our local women’s experiences in Valley Voices.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A9
Ruddock Creek open house highlights environmental concerns On Monday, Feb. 11, Mining Watch, an Ottawa-based NGO, held an open house in the Chase Community Hall regarding the Ruddock Creek lead/zinc mine proposed for the Tum Tum Lake area in the headwaters of the Adams River. Ramsey Hart, a Mining Watch representative, went over the project proposed by Selkirk Metals, a subsidiary of Imperial Metals, which is a Vancouver company with substantial Japanese investment. It would be relatively small compared to other mine proposals in the Thompson watershed and could slip under the limit that would trigger a federal government review. This project would require a 28 km power-line from Mica Creek. Hart highlighted the issue of mine tailings. Given the high elevation and steep mountainsides, a secure tailings pond would be a challenge. The company has yet to draft its final plan regarding the location of a tailings pond but one idea it has suggested would be a pipeline to move the material to a more suitable location. Some of the tailings would be back-filled into the mine shafts, once they were abandoned. Voices from the mostly-First-Nations audience expressed concern for nearby Light Lake and Tum Tum Lake. Hart presented a slide of a similar lead/ zinc mine in Newfoundland that used a nearby lake as a tailings pond. Lakes represent an attractive low-cost solution for the storage of tailings, and the polluted water that covers them, because they form natural depressions in the landscape.
This avoids the need for the construction and maintenance of large dams. Since mine tailings must be contained for generations, natural forces often cause breaches in the dams and these failures have allowed the escape of contamination into nearby waterways, with disastrous consequences. Under the Harper government, there are no longer any federal regulations preventing the use of lakes for tailings storage, Hart said. Selkirk has expressed uncertainty regarding the issue of acid runoff. Previously, the company said that there should be adequate natural buffering to neutralize any acid runoff. Now, according to Hart, Selkirk isn’t so sure. Another problem that is particular to zinc mining is the constant leaching of zinc from the tailings into nearby waterways. This happens regardless of acidity in the water. This zinc kills off tiny lifeforms that inhabit the bottoms of streams. Fish species are also sensitive to it. The waterways near the mine site are inhabited by bull trout, which is an endangered species. Hart reviewed a lead/zinc mine located at Myra Falls within Strathcona Provincial Park on Vancouver Island. The Myra Falls mine had its tailings piled near Buttle Lake, a sport fishing destination. This resulted in a fish die-off due to zinc leaching from the tailings. A water treatment plant was built. This appears to have helped restore some of the indigenous fish populations. All of the public exchanges were orderly and polite but support for the mine proposal was virtually non-existent at the Chase meeting.
North Thompson Arts Council hosts elementary school art contest Times Staff
North Thompson Arts Council (NTAC) is holding an art contest for elementary students of the North Thompson Valley. There will be two categories: from Kindergarten to Grade 3; and from Grade 4 to Grade 7. Students are invited to create a work of two-dimensional art on an 8.5×11 sheet of paper, using any media they wish: pencil, charcoal, watercolour, acrylics, oil paints, etc. The artwork can be in
any style and on any theme. Students must provide a short description or story about their work of art, to a maximum of 50 words. Students must also clearly label their artwork and write-up with their name and grade. All entries submitted in Barriere will be displayed at the Celebration of the Arts Festival at the North Thompson Agriplex on April 27-28. All entries submitted in Clearwater will be displayed at the Clearwater Arts
Teneille McGill’s
family would like to congratulate her for receiving her Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from TRU with a major in finance and a minor in marketing.
We are so proud of her years of dedication and hard work!
Festival at Blackpool Hall on April 20. The public will be invited to vote on their favourite piece of art. The People's Choice 'winner’ in each category at each event will receive a basket of art supplies, a one year membership to the North Thompson Arts Council, and will have their winning artwork displayed at the Armour Mountain Art Gallery, NTAC's official
Mayhem in Mayville Frank (Neal Broswick) confronts Connie (Alex Arduini) as members of the After Hours Theatre company rehearse Mayhem in Mayville, a comedic whodunit. Something is not right at Connie’s Cup ‘O Coffee Cafe. A pair of legs is sticking out from under a table. The police inspector suspects all the regulars, enlists the help of the audience, and then even suspects members of the audience. It all resolves in a surprising climax. The play will be performed in the Pit at Clearwater Secondary School on Feb. 28, Mar. 1 and 2 at 7 p.m., plus at 2 p.m. on Mar. 1 and 2. Photo by Keith McNeill
featured Job Opportunities
Submitted by David Simms
art gallery. Please submit artworks to the Armour Mountain Art Gallery, #4 – 4480 Barriere Town Road, or mail to NTAC c/o Box 458, Barriere, V0E 1E0, or to the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center, Attention NTAC, 224 Candle Creek Road, Clearwater, BC, V0E 1N1 no later than April 5.
Wells Gray Community Forest (2010) Society Now accepting Grant Applications $100,000 grant money available Funded by Wells Gray Community Forest Corporation applications will be accepted
until Sunday, March 31, 2013 @ 4:30pm
applications available online GooGle: ‘wells Gray community Forest 2010 society’ to download application
Please use the online form. If submitting paper, seven copies must be provided
purpose oF the society: To promote the economic and social welfare of the residents of Wells Gray Country (including the District of Clearwater), including the provision of support for the benevolent and charitable enterprises, federations, agencies and societies engaged in furthering these purposes.
A10 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
Wiegele hosts cross-country ski races Left: Charlie Guinn of Blue River Elementary School takes the lead during the start of the Grade 2 Boys event during cross-country ski races in Blue River on Thursday, Feb. 14. A total of 93 students took part in the race day, including six from Barriere.
All photos by Keith McNeill
Above: Blue River teacher Kendra Staruiala congratulates Noelle Muddiman of Raft River Elementary for winning the Grade 2 Girls event. A luncheon and awards ceremony at Mike Wiegele’s resort followed the competition. Right: Mercy Flegel, a Kindergarten student from Vavenby Primary School, shows her cross-country style.
“Come Play with us”
August 20-24
...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved
Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist
Vavenby students have fun during Blue River races Robyn Rexin
The Vavenby Primary School students spent Feb. 14 in Blue River when Mike Wiegele held his annual cross-country ski races for all the elementary school students. None of the Vavenby students won medals but all of them had a good time. They raced against their own grade levels. Teacher Mrs.. Boyes was very proud of her students as they all tried hard and displayed good sportsmanship. Wiegele provided a free lunch of pasta with meat sauce and the Wells Gray Community Forest 2010 Society gave the school’s Kindergarten students brand new skis and boots. Party at Oma’s house The school has a new Grade 1 student. Mitchell Samila is from Kamloops and he said that when he first came to the school he didn’t like it because it was totally new. But the second day was totally awesome. He loves everything now! Some members of the Vavenby Christian Church got together on the evening of Feb. 14 for a Valentine’s Day party at the home of Marie Visser, affectionately known as Oma. It started off with a delicious and very filling pot-luck dinner. Valerie Gerber then told everyone how Valentine’s Day got its name. One legend is that it was named after a Christian bishop named St. Valentine who held secret marriage ceremonies for young soldiers. This was around 270 AD and the Roman ruler Claudius forbade marriages of his young soldiers. Valentine was caught and executed, supposedly on Feb. 14. CN crew visits Vavenby On Feb. 15 a train went through town, heading towards Kamloops, and carrying a strange looking machine on the back. The train stopped on the far side of the crossing. All of the crew jumped off the train and ran into the Vavenby General Store to buy lunch. The first fellow in was really happy because he got the last slice of pizza. The next crew member bought chicken wings and encouraged everyone else to do the same. He kept saying how delicious they were. The extra crew was because of the machine on the back that was called a threader car. It pulls out old rails and puts down the new rails that are on the train. The crew was travelling as far as Kamloops where new members would take over.
250-674-3320 • Open Studays
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Bree recently moved from Kamloops and specializes in: • Hair cuts & styles for • Foils & Highlights Women, men & kids of all ages • Perms and roller sets • Hair Colour • Up-dos and curls
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A11
Artist's concept shows the post-and-beam constructioin of the interior of the proposed shopping center.
Above: Drawing shows overall view of proposed Bear View shopping center.
Ron Rotzetter reveals shopping center plans Left: Map shows location of proposed shopping center in green. All graphics courtesy of Ron Rotzetter, On Call Service Center
New tool helps towns assess bio-energy UBC Public Affairs For B.C. communities considering investing in a bio-energy heating system, it can be expensive and timeconsuming to weigh the pros and cons. Researchers at University of British Columbia have partnered with the Community Energy Association and the Wood Waste to Rural Heat project to create a tool that evaluates if local forest waste wood can support these systems, which then have the added benefit of reducing the risk of forest fires and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. As energy costs rise, communities are looking for alternative renewable heating fuels for large buildings like schools, hospitals, and libraries. Bio-energy heating systems use wood waste to produce clean heat. Working with communities in the
Shuswap, Kootenays and northern B.C., researchers developed an online tool that uses forest ecosystem modelling to estimate how much wood could
be removed from surrounding forests to reduce fire risk while maintaining forest health. This project is funded by the Pacific
Institute for Climate Solutions and the tool can be accessed online at: www.communityenergy.bc.ca/ resources-introduction/first-heat
Snowarama Sunday Feb. 24 • 8 am - 10 am Registration at Elk’s Hall
The building's exterior would also highlight post-and-beam construction. Also see the letter to the editor on page A5 and the story on page A1.
Mayhem in mayville by: Dean Kephart Performances at
Clearwater Secondary School Pit TICKETS PRICES
Advance - Dec 1, 2012—February 27, 2013: Adults $12 Student/Sr. $10 Regular Pricing - February 28, 2013: Adults $14 Student/Sr. $12
On sale at Community Resource Centre 250.674.3530
There’s a body in the café!
Pledge forms are available at several locations around town.
This fundraiser is jointly sponsored by the Clearwater Sno-Drifters and the Clearwater-Vavenby Lions.
Proceeds to the B.C. Lions Society will provide housing and holiday camps for handicapped children.
Who did it? What was the motive? Will the police find out what really happened? Welcome to Mayville on one fateful morning. A great whodunit for all mystery fans!
February 28 @ 7:00pm March 1, 2 @ 7:00pm March 2 @ 2:00pm
For more info contact Ralph Sunderman 250-674-3773 Ad sponsor ed by:
An After Hours Theatre: Community & The After School Program Production in partnership with TRU
A12 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
Nice teamwork Clearwater player Jenna Ormondy scores on a pass from Ole Kjenstad (behind net) during a Forestry hockey tournament at the Sportsplex during the Feb. 8 – 10 weekend. Teams from across the province took part in the event. Photo by Keith McNeill
Clearwater Atoms rock the net
Battling in the corner Clearwater Icehawk #16 Jayson Sutherland wrestles for the puck in the corner with two Kelowna opponents as Brock Vandamme watches from behind. Despite a strong effort, the local Midget Rep team lost the game 4 – 1 and is now out of the playoffs. A home tournament is tentatively scheduled for Mar. 8 weekend. Photo by Keith McNeill
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Kamloops (250) 374-5908
A Clearwater Atoms player puts one in the net during a playoff game against Lillooet on Saturday. It was just one of many unanswered goals as the local team dominated the game. Photo by Keith McNeill
B.C. economy reels in huge catch from recreational anglers BC Wildlife Federation SURREY - A recent report released by B.C. Statistics shows that public recreational fisheries, both tidal and nontidal, contribute nearly $1 billion per year to the B.C. economy. “The provincial
government has just issued important economic data that confirms something that our organization has been saying for years: ‘It pays to go fishing!’”, said BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF) president Bill Bosch. The report, entitled “British Columbia
Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector, 2012 Edition”, was released on Feb. 1, and clearly supports a longstanding position of the BCWF that public access to our province’s recreational fishing resources is a significant contributor to the economic health of B.C., espe-
Hockey Lives Here!
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4:00pm Atom 1 vs Atom 2
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For more information about the Sportsplex or any programs call 250 674 2143
cially in areas desperately in need of economic diversification and employment opportunities. The economic impact analysis included in the report shows that recreational fishing creates jobs for 13,900 British Columbians and contributes $936.5 million dollars to B.C.’s economy each year. Local and visiting anglers make significant contributions to the tourism and retail sectors through their purchases of equipment, boats, vehicles, travel, and services. “This report has established a clear need for both the
provincial and federal governments to wake up to the economic importance of investing in building and maintaining sustainable recreational fisheries across British Columbia”, said BCWF president Bosch. The BCWF is British Columbia’s largest and oldest conservation organization with over 40,000 members committed to protecting, enhancing and promoting the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. Visit www.bcwf.bc.ca for more information.
Clearwater & District Minor Hockey Association
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING March 4th • 7pm Sportsplex Curling Lounge
EXECUTIVE POSITIONS UP FOR ELECTION President, Secretary, Referee in Chief and Tournament director REQUIREMENTS – must be 19 years old to hold position on Executive, complete a criminal record check and attend Executive meetings as required. Sign-up sheets and job descriptions are posted in the Sportsplex lobby. Deadline to sign up is Tues. Feb. 26, 5 pm For info contact Nissa McGill @250-674-2594
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A13
PST return looms for B.C. business Gaming grant going to YCS
By Tom Fletcher, Black Press VICTORIA – Undoing the harmonized sales tax and establishing a modernized version of the 60-year-old provincial sales tax is the biggest task facing Premier Christy Clark’s government in the brief legislative sitting that precedes the May 14 provincial election. Finance Minister Mike de Jong introduced the transition legislation Wednesday. It includes provisions for transactions that straddle the transition date such as new home purchases. The bill to replace the HST runs nearly 200 pages, and it will add accounting costs for business as well as taking away business input tax credits that match those available under the federal Goods and Services Tax. The government has given itself a deadline of April 1 to make the switch for the 2013-14 fiscal year. The administrative burden of the switch starts with businesses reprogramming cash registers and other systems to go back to collecting two separate sales taxes. One of the few modern touches to the new PST is the ability of more than 100,000 businesses to register online at www.gov.bc.ca/etaxbc/register, and view online instructions to help make the transition.
Times Staff
Finance Minister Mike de Jong Black Press files
About 30,000 B.C. businesses have started up since 2010, and operators may have no experience with the old sales tax system. Provincial sales taxes on restaurant meals, haircuts and other services will be removed as of April 1, but one companion tax is being kept in place. Private sales of vehicles, boats and aircraft are exempt from GST, but the province levied
a 12 per cent provincial tax on the transactions to equalize treatment of used vehicle sales between dealerships and individuals. The government vowed to reinstate the old PST at seven per cent after the HST was rejected in a province-wide initiative petition. The HST was imposed in 2010, extending the provincial sales tax to a range of services.
Agreeing to disagree helps to grow and learn Phobic or just don't agree? The other day Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. released a statement saying, “Crossroads is not anti-gay”. They went on to explain that they love people unconditionally, as God does. Jesus told us to love people, (all people) as he loved them. No matter the race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, the qualification is to be human. There is a beautiful piece of scripture in Romans 5:6-8; which plainly says that Christ died for the ungodly, and then states, “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. There is
Think on These Things By Lynne Bode
Christian life assembly
no greater love demonstrated than that one person gives his/ her life for another. Every person has sinned, therefore we are all sinners. This scripture includes every human being. Jesus loves every person period. Now Jesus has told us to love people as He
“When you need us, we’re close by” When a death occurs, I’m here to help you, every step of the way. 24 hours a day, every day. If you have made pre-arrangements elsewhere and would like to discuss having your local funeral home take care of you, please feel free to call.
Call Drake at 250-674-3030 or 1-877-674-3030 day or night.
Drake Smith, MSW (Funeral Director/Owner)
has loved them. A while ago a dear friend of mine and I were having a discussion about something that we clearly did not agree on. The next day she came up to me and asked if we were still friends. I was a little astonished that she had to ask, for of course we are still friends and I love her very much. I think you would be hard
pressed to find anyone who agreed with you on everything. Love should not be based on what you believe. What I am trying to say is that I do not agree with several things: the beliefs of other religions, abortions, the gay/ lesbian lifestyle, etc., but I have friends in all these categories. I do not love them any less because of
the choices they have made, and they do not love me any less for being a Bible believing straight person. We have some pretty interesting discussions sometimes, but I find these discussions just cause me to grow and learn. So please do not label me as a phobic, for I have no fear of other lifestyles … I just may not agree with them.
Yellowhead Community Services Society is one of three Kamloops-area organization to receive Community Gaming Grants from the B.C. government, according to a recent media release. The locally based society is to receive $44,600. The other organizations from the region receiving grants are Kamloops and District Humane Society, which is getting $15,000, and Lions Club of Kamloops Paddlewheelers, which is getting $45,000. “The province continues to support deserving organizations that make real contributions to our communities. Congratulations to the Kamloops and District Humane Society, Yellowhead Community Services Society, and Lions Club of Kamloops Paddlewheelers – thank you for your efforts!" said Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake Recipients in this round of grants include programs for human and social services, arts and culture, and environment. "These Community Gaming Grants recognize our community organizations’ work to increase the quality of life in our region. This year, $104,600 is supporting these outstanding services in the Thompson Valleys,” said Kamloops-South Thompson MLA Kevin Krueger. Across British Columbia, 119 recipients will share $3,698,801 in the latest round of grants. Community Gaming Grants help local groups provide important services for B.C. families. Last fiscal year the provincial government distributed $135 million in gaming grants for eligible community programs and services. More than 5,300 community groups benefited. DINNER IS ON ME I will buy you a $100 meal when you buy a car from me!
Big city selection with small town pricing
DEARBORN FORD Jody Gyger CELL 250-571-9609 Tel 250-372-7101
2555 East Trans Canada Hwy - Kamloops
HOME TOWN girl with HOME TOWN service
Church Directory
Clearwater Christian Church
“an Independent” congregation in fellowship with the broader Christian community in the area.
Your places of worship
Meeting at: 11 Lodge Drive (Behind Fields Store)
Sunday Worship Service 10 am On the Web: www.clchch.com For information 250.674.3841 or 250.674.2912
3083 Capostinsky Rd. • Service 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Celebration Services Ian Moilliet Pastor 250-676-9574 Non Denominational
St James Catholic Church
Sunday Service Mass • 11am - 12pm Tuesday & Thursday 10am 324 Clearwater Village Road 250-672-5949 Father Don O’Reilly
Clearwater Seventh-Day Adventist Church Pastor Bill Kelly Saturday Service - 10am Clearwater Christian Church Ph. 250-674-3468
CLEARWATER UNITED CHURCH Meeting at Catholic Church of St. James
Sunday 9am
Rev. Brian Krushel
250-672-5653 • 250-674-3615 www.norththompsonpc.ca
Clearwater Living Streams Christian Fellowship
CLEARWATER NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Dan Daase - Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Meeting at New Life Assembly every Sunday 5:00pm
(Kids church during service)
Contact Dave Meehan 250-674-3217 email: livingstreams@hotmail.com Clearwater Community Church open to everyone - all denominations
Wednesdays Am Ladies Bible Study Thursday 3-5pm Kids Club
Phone: 250-674-2345
308 W Old N Thompson Hwy
COMMUNITY BAPTIST 24E Old North Thompson Hwy
Worship Service 10:30 Pastor Mike Kiewitt 250.674.1332 www.ccbaptist.ca
Forest Agrologist
A14 www.clearwatertimes.com
District of Clearwater
250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour
• Landscape Design • Agroforestry • Xeric Dryscapes • Range Management Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times • Native Species Landscapes • Raw Land Assessment/Ideas • Hydroseeded Lawns • Aerial Revegetation • Land Reclamation • Greenhouses
Business & Service Directory Accountant -- Certified ACCOUNTANT CERTIFIED
STONE & COMPANY (Robert Lawrie, Silvia Scheibenpflug)
Certified General Accountants Rison Realty • 32 E Old N. Thompson Hwy. Feb. 1st to Apr. 30th - Every Thursday May 1st to Jan. 31st - By Appointment Hours: 9:30 am to Noon, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Phone: 250-674-2532 • Kamloops: 554-2533 • Fax: 554-2536
Financial Statement Preparation • Corporate & Personal Income Taxes
Hazel Dowds
Journeyman Carpenter
Construction Tiny Builders Ltd. Box 345 Clearwater BC V0E 1N0
Fully Insured Journeyman Carpenters Bonded General Contractor
674-4001 (250) 674-8469 (250)
John White
Appliance Pet Repair Grooming massage APPLIANCE REPAIRS
Shiatsu Clinic
REPAIR Located In APPLIANCE The Legion Four Star Service Building Arlee Yoerger
250-674-0079 Professional Quality
Registered with N.H.P.C. & Canadian Reflexology Association
Pet Grooming
Box 463 Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 gellen@mercuryspeed.com
Tel: (250) 674-3444 Fax: (250) 674-3444
Safe Shelter Building Supply If you need help getting away from domestic abuse,
call Safe Home (250) 674-2135 in Little Fort, Clearwater, Birch Island, Vavenby, Avola & Blue River (250) 682-6444 in Dareld, Barriere, Chu Chua, Louis Creek and McLure
Open Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 3133 Hundsbedt Rd Call for day or evening appointments VAVENBY BC 674-0098 PARTS (250) - SALES - SERVICE CALLS USED APPLIANCES 250-676-0052
Anytime day• or night Winter Hours 8:30am - 5pm - Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Call us now. We can help. If you would like to volunteer, call 250-674-2600 and ask for Wendy
Septic Construction
ON CALL SEPTICConstruction SERVICES& in Clearwater will be in
Renovations from Valemount, Blue River and Avola every first Friday of each Foundations month. Charges for septic pumps start at $250 plus totax. Roof
Charges are subject to pump volume, location of the tank and dumping fees. Rob Kerslake We do require a minimum of 3 appointments Steve Noble to be able to service your area.
Please call to make an appointment 250-674-0145 or 250-674-1869
Water Wells Contracting CONTRACTORS
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Electric Contractors
For All Your Advertising Needs Call
Al Kirkwood 674-3343
Contrac Contractor Advertise A D VERTISING ON CALL HANS Traffic Service For AllCenter YourDIVISIONS Contro Construction, Renos & Demos OUNPUU
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Portable toilet rentals Chimney Sweep Plumbing Well Repair
RON ROTZETTER Al Kirkwood 250-674-3875 250-674-0145 / 250-31 674-3343 Clearwater, BC • ounpuu@telus.net
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Motor Licence Office
Plumbing & Drains
250-674-2733 132 Station Road, Box 157, Clearwater, B.C. V0E 1N0 Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Open through the Noon hour
District of Clearwater
73 Taren Drive, Clearwater Phone 250-674-2929 Toll Free: 1-877-974-2929
Sunshine Valley Growers
JASEN MANN 250-674-8151
Containers available for construction sites, yard clean-up, industrial sites etc.
Phone Jager Garbage 250-674-3798 Serving from Vavenby to Blackpool area
Business & Service Directory
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A15
Business & Service Directory Septic Service
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Storage Storage
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Vocal Coach VOCAL FromCOACH the music stand of…
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Fever Sounds looking for business ment and people think it’s really cool.” Cal says he would like to do a lot of family events; weddings, Cal Eustache is a reunions, and sports. mobile music man. He can even bring Under his newly karaoke to an event for launched DJ business, some extra fun. Fever Sounds, Cal The DJ has had brings music to wherto rebuild his life a ever he goes; traveling few times. Losing his with portable sound Louis Creek home to systems, and playthe McLure Wildfire, ing recorded music as well as his job after at events throughout 23 years at the Tolko the North Thompson Mill (also due to the Valley. fire), was an experience “I’ve DJ’d for 30 that proved Cal has no years off and on,” said Cal, “but mostly at ball Cal Eustache and his DJ business, Fever Sounds, are “quit” in him. “I have always been tournaments and wed- currently booking events. Photo by Jill Hayward, Barriere Star/Journal able to find work, but dings. Now I’m going now my health has creinto it as a full time ated another change business.” in my working life; so Cal says he can play at 58 years old I am now running my own DJ any music requested. With a fully computerized business full time. I know how important it is to system he can provide his clients anything from have good music at an event – and that’s what I country and western to heavy metal or rock. He also MCs sports events, such as ball tourna- do. I practice what I tell other people; you have to try your best and not be afraid to get out ments or hockey games. there.” “I’ve played fastball for 40 years, and people Give him a call at 250-672-9580 or his cell at seem to like my voice,” says the DJ, “I can plug my computer right in at their slow-pitch tourna- 250-819-3375.
By Jill Hayward, Barriere Star/ Journal
Learning the basics of carpentry Students in a Thompson Rivers University carpentry course being offered at Clearwater Secondary School listen to instructions on how to measure angles on the sawhorses they are making. Pictured are (l-r) Taylor Rhodes, Donald Ritchie, Justin Sutherland, Seth Moilliet, Chance Tobin, Mason Romeo, Chris Gouchie, Jacob Madden, Jared Bourdeleau, and instructor Carl Brownstein. The course started Feb. 4, will last until the end of June, and can be used for high school graduation, first year university credit, and first year apprenticeship completion. During the course the students will build several cabins to be used at the TRU Wells Gray Wilderness Center planned for next to the former Upper Clearwater School. Photo by Keith McNeill
A16 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK First things first, but not necessarily in that order.
~ Doctor Who
Mon- Fri, March 25 to May 3 Train to become a cook in a work camp or in a restaurant. There is funding available for eligible unemployed individuals.
UPCOMING COURSES Traffic Control Certification
Feb 23 & 24
Basic CNC Plasma Cutter
Feb 23 & 24
Joy of Painting
Feb 23
Microsoft Excel
M&W, Feb 25-Mar 27 $325
To Bid on a Contract
Feb 28
Occupational Health & Safety Mar 2
Wells Gray Country UPCOMING EVENTS
Feb. 15-Mar 22: Food Skills for Families, Fridays 10 am – 1 pm, Free, YCS. 250-674-2600 Feb. 22-24: Ladies Curling Bonspiel. Call Gwen 250-674-3768. Feb. 23: Clearwater Ski Club Fun Day. Ski for free. Wear a costume. Feb. 24: Snowarama Fundraiser. Registration 8am – 10am, Elks hall. Proceeds to BC Lions Society. Info 250-674-3773 Feb. 24: Pancake Breakfast, Blackpool Hall, 8am-11am. $5/person Feb. 26: Bear View Development Open House, 3pm-8pm, Wells Gray Inn – Banquet Room Feb. 27: Pink Shirt Day. Make some noise against bullying.
Mar 1: Little Fort Coffee House, 6:30, $4/per, performers free, open mic Mar 2: House & Home Show, Kamloops Convention Centre, March 4: Clearwater & Dist Minor Hockey Assoc AGM, 7 pm, Sportsplex Curling Lounge March 7-10: Cowboy Festival, Kamloops, www.bcchs.com Apr. 13: 7th Annual Seedy Saturday 10am - 2pm Clearwater Ski Hill 250-674-3444 for info Apr 13-14: Antique Appraisal, 10-5pm @ Little Fort Hall. 672-5660 Apr 27-28: Celebration of Rural Living Expo & Trade Show @ NT Agriplex & Fall Fair Grounds. Info 250-319-8023
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • Coffee House: 1st Friday every month - Little Fort Community Hall. 6:30, mic $4/person. Info Bill Fowler 250-672-5116 • Raft River Rockhounds: 3rd Sunday of the mth. 250-674-2700 • Women in Business Luncheon: 2nd Wed. of the mth at Wells Gray Inn, 12–2 pm. Preregister at 250-674-2700 • Clearwater Choir: Youth 3:30 - 5 pm; Adult 6:30 - 9 pm, Tuesdays, Clearwater Christian Church • Crafts & Conversations with Cheryl. Tuesdays 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Center. Phone 674-3703 for more info. • Clearwater Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9:00 am – Noon. For more information please call Anne at 250-674-3444. • Clearwater-Vavenby Lions Bingo: Every 2nd Tues. Elks Hall. 250-587-6269 • M&M (Mrs. & Ms.) Social. Last Sun of the mth Wells Gray Inn. 1pm: 587-6503 • Blackpool Community Hall Coffee House; Local musicians – every 2nd Fri. of the month. 6:30 pm. Concession, $3 or 2 for $5. • Clearwater Elks Bingo - every 2nd Thurs. Elks Hall. open 5pm • Cribbage Wed. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 12:30 pm. • Little Fort Coffee House 7pm Little Fort Hall. 1st Fri of the mth Oct. - May Bill 672-5116 • Fun Darts Fri. at the Royal Canadian Legion. 6 pm. CHILDREN & FAMILIES • Raccoon StrongStart: Raft River Elem school days Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 8:45-11:45am • Raccoon StrongStart: Vavenby Elem school days Wed 8:5011:50am • Clearwater Breastfeeding Group: 3rd Wed. of every month 7:30pm @ YCS • Mother Goose - Mornings, reg. call Kerry 250-674-2600 ext 227 • NT BC Home Schoolers: Meets Fri. afternoons. Call Leanna 250-674-0057 for details • Kids Club: Clearwater New Life Assembly. Meets every Thur. 3-5 pm. Ages 5-12. For info contact Bobbi @ 250-674-3346
HEALTH & HEALING Tuesday Morning Coffee ~ 10 am – 11 am at Baptist Church. Themed weekly women’s discussions - drop-in. • Shambhala Meditation Group: meets every Tuesday at Forest House 6:30-8:00 pm. Info: 250-587-6373. • Connections Healing Rooms - Fridays1-3pm (except stat. holidays). 86 Young Rd. No charge. Sponsored by Living Streams Christian Church. www.healingrooms.com. • Healthy Choices – Tues 9am Clearwater Christian Church bsmnt (behind Fields). $2/wk drop-in free. Call Kim 250-674-0224 • Clearwater & District Hospice 3rd Mon. Sept-Jun 10am Legion. RECREATION • Drop-in soccer: May-Sept. Tuesdays & Thursday at 7pm at CSS field. Everyone welcome! • Bowling: Mon. 10–12pm & 1-3pm; Thurs., 1-3pm. Seniors Centre at Evergreen Acres. 674-2699 • Clearwater Sno-Drifters: Meet 1st Thursday of every month. 250-676-9414 • CNT Rod & Gun Club: 3rd Sun. of the mth. Blackpool Hall 7pm Sept. - April • Drop in Tennis: May-Sept. Mon & Thurs 6:30pm All levels. Double & single play. Rotary Sports Park. • Volleyball: Tues. 7:30-9:00 PM, Jan. 15 - Apr. 30, 2013. Clearwater Secondary School Gym, $2 drop in. • Yoga Tree – Call or email Annie 674-2468 annie.pomme@ hotmail.com • Core Strength Fitness. Tuesdays. 10-11am 250-674-0001 • Walking Club: Indoors: Wed. Jan. 30 - Mar. 13, 6:30 - 7:30 AM at Clearwater Secondary. FREE. 250-674-1878 for more info. • Drop-in Curling: Fri. Jan. 11 - Mar. 8, 7:00 PM, $5. Brooms and sliders available. • Badminton: Mon & Wed, Oct – Mar, CSS gym, 7:30-9:30 pm, $3 drop-in fee, info 250-674-2518 SENIORS • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society 3rd Sun Social Meet at the Wells Gray Hotel at 12:30pm for lunch or dessert, & chat • Wells Gray Country Senior’s Society Book Club Last Thursday of the month at 2pm at the public library. All seniors welcome.
please stop in at the Times office and pick up your copy of the North Thompson Community Directory • Brookfield Mall Clearwater • 250-674-3343
Camp/Prep Cook
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Heavy Equipment Operator
Mar 4 – Apr 26
Computer Starters
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OFA Level 1 First Aid
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$235 $85
TEL: 250.674.3530 IN PERSON: 224 Candle Creek Rd. EMAIL: sarduini@tru.ca • www.tru.ca/regional_centres/clearwater
For a complete list of our area’s COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS
this ad is sponsored by
Bayley’s Bistro
in the Brookfield Shopping Centre in Clearwater Eat in or Take out Fried Chicken
North Thompson Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
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Your community. Your classifieds.
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Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. • 9am - 5pm, Fri. • 9am - 12pm
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Ph: 250.674.3343 • Fax: 250.674.3410
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Happy Occasions: Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc. 1 column by 3 inch - $18.49 + GST Deadlines: Word Ads: Mondays 5pm Display Ads: Mondays 12pm It is the policy of The Star/Journal and The Times to receive pre-payment on all classified advertisements. Ads may be submitted by phone if charged to a VISA, MC or an existing account.
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In Memoriam
In loving memory Jimmy Musselman Feb. 26, 1995 Eighteen years ago since that sad day, When the one we loved was called away. God took him home, it was his will. In our hearts he lives still. ~ Sadly missed by Norine, Fergie, Orval, Keven, Ardell, Lesley, Trevor and family
Safe Home Response Providing a safe place to escape for women and their children. Volunteers always needed. Call 250-674-2135.
Cards of Thanks Thank You For all the help and support to our family for the celebration of life and donations to the SPCA. ~ Family of Jayme Friesen
Coming Events Clearwater & District Food Bank Annual General Meeting March 15, 12 noon 741 Clearwater Village Rd. Pancake Breakfast Blackpool Hall Sunday, Feb. 24 8 am - 11 am $5/person
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Personals Alcoholics Anonymous Phone 250-674-3838 or
250-587-0026 Anytime Barriere Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 250-672-9643 For Al Anon Call: 250-672-9643, 250-819-5361, 250-308-5139 or 778-220-6269 Clearwater: AA meetings every Wed., #11 Lodge Dr., side door. Roll call 8 p.m. 250674-7155 or 250-674-7313
Lost & Found Lost: camera lens at Moul Falls or trail to. Please contact Erik at 250-319-4841. LOST: prescription sunglasses, in front of the Barriere Liquor Store on Friday, Feb. 8. If found, call 250-318-9955.
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Education/Trade Schools
Work Wanted
Feed & Hay
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HAFI GRANTS Notice to low income seniors and persons with disability. You may qualify for a grant up to 20,000. to modify and adapt your home for improved safety and accessibility. For details contact your local HAFI expert Hans Ounpuu, Building contractor @ 250-674-3875. Need some help with those odd jobs you don’t have time for? Call Keiran Jones at 250-674-3051
Carl’s Market Garden Good quality horse hay, approx 70lb bale, grass/grass-alfalfa mix, $7/bale. Cow hay $5-6/bale. Potatoes - 40lb sac, red or yellow, $20/sac. 250672-5795 (McLure).
Thunderbird Model Arm-02 1/2 hp commercial dough mixer and attachments. Was $2800.00 Asking $2200.00 OBO Ph. 250-676-9588
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Lakes District Maintenance Ltd. is looking for a Planning & Quality Assurance Manager in Tête Jaune Cache, BC You will be responsible for developing & executing the summer maintenance plan for the service area, and performing quality assurance inspections on work performed in accordance with our Quality Management System. Apply with resume and references in person at the Burns Lake or Tête Jaune Cache Offices, or to careers@ldmltd.ca or fax to 250-692-3930 For a more detailed job description on this posting and more, please visit: www.ldmltd.ca/careers
Lakes District Maintenance Ltd. is looking for an
Area Manager in McBride, BC
You will be responsible for a small road maintenance crew for the highways and public roads around McBride. Highways maintenance and management exp. are an asset. Apply with resume and references in person at the Burns Lake or Tête Jaune Cache Offices, or to careers@ldmltd.ca or fax to 250-692-3930 For more details on this posting and more, please visit: www.ldmltd.ca/careers
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Help Wanted EXPERIENCED PARTS Person for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft. store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at LacLaBicheRegion.com Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: hr@sapphireinc.net GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message for Information: 1800-972-0209. Journeyman HD mechanic required for oilfield construction company. Duties will include servicing, maintenance and overhaul of our equipment. The job will be predominately shop work , but with a portion of your time spent in the field. A mechanics truck will be supplied for you. The job is based in Edson, Alberta. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051. PT care/respite support for mom of child w/disability. McLure. 250-672-9239 PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to or fax 780-955HIRE or hr@pyramidcorporation.com RIVER FLY FISHING GUIDE AVID FLY FISHER, JET AND DRIFT BOATS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. REMOTE LODGE IN BC. EMAIL RESUME AND REFERENCES TO TSYLOS@TSYLOS.COM
Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T immediate openings. Easy computer work, other positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed. www.BCJobLinks.com
Professional/ Management DIRECTOR OF Public Works & Engineering, Competition #13-05 for the City of Quesnel. Please refer to our website at www.quesnel.ca for more information on municipal services and a full job description. City of Quesnel, 410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel BC V2J 7J5 Fax (250) 992-2206 or Email: ncoe@quesnel.ca
Trades, Technical SHORE MECHANIC – F/T Heavy Duty Mechanic Certificate or equivalent w/5 yrs exp. www.westcoast tug.ca/shore-mechanic
Mind Body Spirit
Merchandise for Sale
Mystic Mountain Healing Spa Appointments only 250-674-2700 mysticmountainacres.com
Moffat Therm-Aire 3-level pizza oven, accessories and attachments. $2500.00 obo Ph. 250-676-9588
Financial Services
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Fitness/Exercise Elliptical Trainer Canadian Tire Cardio Style ET150 in very good condition. Will trade for treadmill in good condition. Call 250-319-8023.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Photography / Video Need a professional
photographer? Portraits, weddings, special events, pet portraits, commercial. Affordable memories that last a lifetime. Seniors rates. Book now avoid & disappointment. Sorry no passport photos Jill Hayward 250-319-8023/250-672-0055
by Keith McNeill
Digital and film photographs. Phone 250-674-3252 or email:kmcneill@mercuryspeed.com
Pets & Livestock
Feed & Hay Hay for sale: square bales, 2nd cut, grass/alfa mix. 800lb round bales, 1st cut. Del. can be arranged. (250)672-9319
Clean Burn Fir Pellets * Fresh from factory * $270/ton Call Morley 250-819-2944
Help Wanted
NORTH THOMPSON JOBS BARRIERE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 629 Barriere Town Rd. Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 Phone: 250-672-0036 / Fax: 250-672-2159
E-mail: mail@barriere-employment.ca • Website: www.barriere-employment.ca COOK – PT (not suitable for student) A&W B0009 CASHIER – PT (not suitable for students) Petro Can B0008 RCA – Casual & Permanent PT, ICS B0007 YARD PERSON – Seas. FT T TV Charters B0038 COACH CLEANER – Seas. FT TV Charters B0039 BUS DRIVERS – Thompson Valley Charters B0040 COOK – FT or PT Station House Restaurant B0041 SUPPORT WORKER – Casual, YCS B0050 CASHIER – Little Fort Store PT/FT CB0054 SANDWICH ARTIST – Subway PT/FT CB0055 APPRENTICE MECHANIC – Insight Autopro B0056 PARTS PERSON – Noble Tractor & Equip. B0058 SERVICE SUPERVISOR/LEAD HAND – Noble Tractor & Equip. B0059 FOREST FIRE FIGHTER TRAINING – B0061 (Apply on line @ www.wildfire.ca) Boulder Mountain Contracting
WANTED – Possible Room & Board situations for a student(s) taking a Heavy Equipment Operators Course starting March 4, 2013 to April 29, 2013 SKILL DEVELOPMENT: If you have been on Employment Insurance in the past 3 years (5 years maternity) and are currently unemployed, you may be eligible for retraining dollars. Book an appointment to see one of our counselors for more information. We look forward to seeing you: come in and we’ll personally see that you get the information you’re seeking or call and make an appointment. • Free computer and Internet access • Free resume help • Free information on many services.
“The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia” In Partnership with Barriere & District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services
CLEARWATER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 58A Young Road, Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 250-674-2928 Fax 250-674-2938
E-mail: info@clearwateremployment.ca • Web Page: www.clearwateremployment.ca Reservations Manager-Maternity Leave Coverage: FT/Blue River CB0062 Park Attendant: 6 pos/Seas/Clwr #CB0057 Sandwich Artist: PT-FT/Little Fort CB#0055 Cashier: PT-FT/Little Fort #CB0054 Chokerman: FT/Clearwater #C0053 Class 4 Driver: PT/Seasonal/Highway 5 #CB0051 Sightseeing Boat Operator: Seasonal/Blue River #CB0049 Housekeeper: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0048 Class 1 Truck Driver: 2-positions/FT/Kamloops #C0047 IT Manager: Seasonal/Blue River #CB0043 Food and Beverage Server: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0036 House-keeper: Seasonal/Clearwater #C0031 German Speaking Tour Guide: Seasonal/ Clearwater #CB0030 Driver-Ski Guide (German Speaking): Seasonal/ Clearwater #C0029 Class 1 Driving Instructor: FT Quesnel/Williams Lake #CB0024 Logging Truck Driver: Seasonal/Clearwater #CB0021 Housekeeping Manager: FT/Blue River #CB0015 GENERAL INFORMATION • Free Workshops: Thurs. Feb. 14th – Internet & Email Basics Workshop ( or every 2nd Thursday)
Thurs. Feb. 21st – Creating & Updating Your Resume Workshop (or every 3rd Thursday) Thurs. Feb. 28th – Work Search Techniques Workshop (every 4th Thursday) Tues. Mar. 5th – Budget and Personal Finance Workshop Please call 250-674-2928 to register for free workshops. • Resumes & Interviews: Go hand in hand, so the better prepared you are the greater the impression you will make to your future employer. Please drop in and our friendly staff will assist you. • Targeted Wage Subsidy (TWS): Are you currently on Employment Insurance or have you been in the last 3-5 years? If you have, you may be eligible for wage subsidy. Ask us for further info. • Funding for Skill Enhancement: Recent or active EI clients with a career plan in mind seeking assistance through Service Canada are required to book an appointment with one of our Employment Counsellors. • Blue River Itinerant: An employment consultant comes to town twice/mth to the Blue River School. Next visit is Thursday Mar. 14 from 12:30-2:30. If a one on one appointment is required, please call to set up a time prior to the drop in.
Operate by Yellowhead Community Services The Employment Program of BC is funded by the Government of Canada & the Province of British Columbia
A18 www.clearwatertimes.com A18 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013 North Thompson Times
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Heavy Duty Machinery
Houses For Sale
Auto Financing
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info and DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/ 400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca Will purchase or consign anything of value, ie: cars, trucks, boats, furniture, antiques, trailers. Call Bruce at Haydn Auction Services (250)319-5230, or (250)6729809.
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 778-281-0030 Used Postage Stamps
Support International Scouting by donating used stamps which are sorted & sold to raise money for the International Development Fund of the International Scout & Guide Fellowship. This fund pays for training for Scouters in the third world. Drop stamps off at front counter of the Star/Journal in Barriere, or call Margaret at (250)672-9330.
Area-based tenure raises questions and political controversy
Thompson-Crossing.com 121 Ferry Road, Blackpool Clearwater, B.C. A NEW BEGINNING! For further information please Call 250-587-6151
Central Interior Logging Association
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Riverbend Seniors Community
Kamloops (55+) 2bdr. suite $1700/mo., river view, spacious, wheelchair friendly, many extras. Email catherine_steele@hotmail.com 1(604)408-1023 Vancouver 1(250)377-3686 Kamloops
Cottages / Cabins Clearwater: Cabin for rent. Avail. immed. $800/mo. Everything incl (util, internet, cable TV). Can come furnished or unfurnished. Watauga Village 250-674-2700
Homes for Rent Clearwater: 2bdrm townhouse located in Weyco sub. Newly painted, high end appl. Avail immed. $800/mo. Call Julie 250-674-0188 Clearwater: 4 bdrm home on 1 acre, fenced yd. Avail now. $1,000/mo. Security dep & ref. 250-320-4943 Nice clean 3bdrm house for rent in Vavenby w/bsmt, carport and storage sheds on 1/2 acre with river view. $850/mo. F/S, W/D. 250-674-0002 Short term rental, furnished, lakeside 2bdrm home. Absolutely NO smoking, NO pets, w/d. Avail immed. $595/mo. 778-773-2465 or 604-5414084
Seasonal Acommodation
$449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo hotel.com 1-888-481-9660.
Real Estate
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Auto Financing
MOVE TO KIMBERLEY! Large Homesites from $100K. Home + lot start at $290K. Visit www.forestcrowne.com for more info. Call 403-265-6180
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
www.iDreamAuto.com DL# 7557
Legal Notices In the matter of the Estate of Agnes M. Martinsen: Notice is hereby given that creditors & others having a claim against the Estate of the above named deceased, are hereby required to send them to Lloyd Abbey, Executor, at Box 1214, Barriere, BC V0E 1E0, before the 4th day of April, 2013, after which date the executor will distribute the estate among the parties thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice.
This Crossword Sponsored by
Feb. A p r i 21 l 2-3 Feb. - 2 27, 9 , 22013 0 1 2 Capricorn, This week is you all may bigtake, plans abouthave give and this week Do butforthat Capricorn. doesn’t mean others, and they you will can leave other do for you.all A special responsibilities by event calls for some the wayside.gifts. If you extra-special December 22– can’t get to things January 19 yourself, then delegate.
January 20– February 18
February 19– March 20
Aquarius, crave Some habitsyou are hard change week, to break,this Aquarius. even is someLook if to it a mentor to thing small and help and you will mundane. Figure succeed. A fitness out you goalsomething is easily achieved can on piece a small withdo a new of level to incorporate equipment. change into your day. You maymay be inclined The odds be to help against your comstacked you, munity this Pisces, but thatweek, doesn’t Pisces. There mean you won’tare come bound to with be plenty out on top a little ofingenuity. places A toweekend share your time. endeavor requires a leap of faith.
March 21– April 19
April 20– May 20
May 21– June 21
Aries, planning is Speak up, Aries, and going well will andbeyou the problem have been following solved. A little miracle through withfor your at home makes an responsibilities. interesting weekend. Expect to tweak Travel plans come a few things in the together. days to come. Taurus, up to a Cast asideopen all doubt, trusted friend Taurus. The offerto is regarding a significant genuine and will bring decision haveA you manyyou rewards. to this week. testmake of faith begins— This friend can woes probe strong. Money vide ease. some valuable perspective. AFeeling barrage of new blessed ideas makes you a these days, Gemini? hot this Aweek, Pay item it forward. Gemini. Your brain compromise at home israises working overtime everyone’s and you be spirits andmay fun ensues shocked at long! what you all weekend come up with.
June 22– July 22
Cancer, expect to see A business relationship eye-to-eye with blossoms with an your significant other this addition. A larger-thanweek. You will be life personality drops on the same by with an offerpage you and will can’tthis refuse. Ohhelp boy, to oh strengthen boy, Cancer. your September 23– relationship. October 22
You full on of Ladywill Luckbe smiles energy thisand week you, Libra, there and readybeyond to handle is nothing your anything that comes reach. A treasured your way,resurfaces, Libra. heirloom When on bringingyou backget many afond roll,memories. you may find you have some admirers.
July 23– August 22
Leo, Oops,embrace Leo. You the fall opinions those behind on aofproject, closest to you. Those raising some opinions eyebrows. might Not to differ from own, worry. Youyour will get but may also backthey on track sooner provide you with than you think, thanks some important October 23– to an innovation. perspective. November 21
Scorpio, The tiniestthe of coming week may trya vast your changes make patience. Relax improvement in a when week is project.the A rejection starts to prove a blessing in disguise. too stressful, and Be grateful for what you will make it you’re given, Scorpio. through the week with your peace of mind intact.
Try something Spend less, save more different week, and you’ll this definitely Virgo. It Virgo. may mean get more, More taking a new line route in your bottom toandwork trying moreor peace of amind. new Flowers food. Try provide something that is a great pick-me-up. out of your element August 23– September 22 and you may find you like it.
Keep when News listening from afar gets others around you the creative juices are talking, Sagitflowing, and you tarius. Youmore can than learn accomplish valuable lessons you have in some time, just by keeping Sagittarius. A gamea of trained earoffice on the wits at the and November 22– conversation proves challenging. December 21 use this information later on.
A provincial government move to pass enabling legislation that will open the door to area-based tenure instead of the current volume-based forest licences held by forest companies raises a lot of questions – and a predictable amount of political controversy. The idea of shifting to area-based forest tenures is nothing new. The argument has been that such tenures provide forest companies with even more long-term security over timber-harvesting rights. With that comes the anticipation that there will be greater commitment to more-efficient forest management. There will undoubtedly be implications to the log-harvest sector, but until terms and conditions of the rollover from volume-based to area-based tenures is made clear, it’s a guessing game. Passing this enabling legislation will allow government to meet the commitment it has made to Hampton Affiliates in Burns Lake – to provide an adequate long-term timber supply that will prompt that company to build a new Burns Lake sawmill. Good news to some, but critics of the measure argue it will give too much power over the forest land base to forest companies, creating tenures akin to or in the form of Tree Farm Licences that are valuable assets that can be bought, sold and traded between companies with little or no public input. In the Burns Lake situation, the area-based tenure to Hampton is a trade for the commitment to build the mill and employ local people. Will that same condition apply to other companies that will hope to benefit by the area-based tenure shift? Or will they simply gain more control over forests with no requirements for increased commitment to reforestation, to community employment, or to greater consultation with First Nations? Area-based tenure could be a tremendous tool for government, and the Burns Lake situation offers a partial example. Why not use this assurance of greater control over long-term timber supply as a lever to accelerate reforestation efforts, build local employment stability and encourage upgrades to mills to keep them competitive? Such measures would mesh well with a key recommendation by the province’s Auditor-General -– that government should “... clearly define timber objectives and forest stewardship principles to guide decision-making, actions, time frames and assessment of results.”
New scholarship to recognize safety initiatives Canadian Safety Council The Canada Safety Council is thrilled to launch the Sarah Beth Therien Memorial Scholarship! The new $2,500 scholarship is in honour of Sarah Beth Therien, a long-time employee of the Canada Safety Council and a passionate advocate for child and traffic safety. The competition is open to graduating high school students entering their first year of postsecondary studies. Current undergraduate and college students are also eligible to apply. Applicants must clearly describe initiatives they undertook to improve safety in their community or at home, school, or work. The initiatives must have demonstrated results that can be verified by references. The application form for the Sarah Beth Therien Memorial Scholarship is available at: www.canadasafetycouncil.org. Deadline is June 15, 2013.
Clearwater Times Thursday, February 21, 2013
www.clearwatertimes.com A19
Enjoying skiing in the park Cross-country skiers relax in front of a cabin at the Majerus Farm on the trail by Murtle River in Wells Gray Park. Pictured are (l-r) Jake the dog, Kay Knox, Clearwater; Mary Eggertson, West Vancouver; Monique Ledoyen, North Vancouver; Janet Stoll, Vernon; and Jean Nelson, Clearwater. Local volunteers have been doing an exceptional job track-setting trails in the park this season. Photo by Keith McNeill
MP welcomes Not Criminally Responsible Reform Act Proposed changes to laws governing people found not criminally responsible of committing serious offences, including murder, are being welcomed by Kamloops’ MP. “It is a really important piece of legislation on public safety,” said Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo Conservative MP Cathy McLeod of the Not Criminally Responsible Reform Act — legislation welcomed by B.C. Attorney General Shirley Bond. Among the crimes that prompted the federal government’s action was the case of Darcie Clarke of Merritt, whose three children were murdered in April 2008 by her former husband, Allan Schoenborn. The courts found Schoenborn not criminally responsible, which put him into a system in which he could be given access to the outside world without Clarke or any other person affected by the murders being advised of the decision. McLeod said that’s an important part of the proposal that is not getting as much attention as the creation of a new high-risk category for those deemed not criminally responsible, a designation that will see their opportunity for a review of their case changed from annually to every three years.
McLeod noted the existing law led to the possible release of Schoenborn in 2011 on day passes in the same community where Clarke lived — Port Coquitlam. Schoenborn’s pass allowance was later revoked after a public uproar. McLeod said the need to advise family of any impending release under any conditions is also a valuable change that will avoid putting people already affected by a crime from being revictimized. Prime Minister Stephen Harper chose Burnaby to announce the new legislation, a city not far from where Schoenborn is scheduled to attend a hearing this week to determine if he should be allowed out of the psychiatric hospital where he is not detained for any set time. Harper also met with Clarke to talk about the changes. Bond issued a statement thanking the federal government for safeguarding families that have been affected by horrific crimes and expressed a hope the new law will be in place soon. McLeod couldn’t speculate on a timeline, noting the legislation must first be debated in the House of Commons.
TNRD seeks input on financial plan Thompson-Nicola Regional District Thompson-Nicola Regional District is currently seeking public input on its 2013-17 Financial Plan. The Local Government Act states that “a regional district must have a financial plan that is adopted annually, by bylaw, by March 31. The planning period for a financial plan is five years, that period being the year in which the plan is specified to come into force and the following four years.” “The public is encouraged to go on our website and review the 2013-2017 Financial Plan and its highlights. If they have any feedback, they can then fill out our Finance Plan Input Form,” said Doug Rae, director of finance. The preparation of the Financial Plan begins in the fall of each year and a provisional Financial Plan is presented to the board of directors at that time. The Financial Plan incorporates requests from directors and service
Day, Wendy Magdelena (nee Trofimuk) Sept. 7, 1955 - Feb. 13, 2013 Wendy passed away peacefully on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 in Calgary, AB at the age of 57 years. She will be sadly missed by her daughters Courtney and Robyn; mother Carol; partner Rob; grandsons Marshall and Nick; siblings Tim and Leanne as well as all of her family and friends. A Memorial Service was held at Ralph Connor Memorial United Church, 617 Main Street, Canmore, AB on Friday, February 22, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. A Celebration of Life and Interment will take place at a later date, which will be announced by Wendy’s daughters. If friends so desire, in lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made directly
committees, any new services as well as staff estimates of funding required to maintain current service levels. The final Financial Plan is then presented in March and adopted before the deadline of March 31. The finance department conducts public budget consultation in conjunction with other service-related meetings throughout the year at various locations in the regional district. The TNRD encourages input from taxpayers across the regional district on the Financial Plan. The Finance Plan Input Form is available at tnrd.ca under the Submission Inquiries header on the homepage. You can also go to the Finance page under Departments and find a link to the online form, as well as a link to a PDF that can be faxed, mailed, or emailed to the TNRD. A link to the 2013-17 Financial Plan is also found on the Finance page. Submissions can be filled out anonymously or information can be provided if you wish to be contacted.
to Rosedale Hospice, 920 – 7A Street N.W., Calgary, AB T2M 3J3 where she was taken into the hearts of those who helped care for her. Expressions of sympathy and memories of Wendy may be forwarded to the family via the website www.
fostersgardenchapel. ca. FOSTER’S GARDEN CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORIUM Telephone: 403297-0888 Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial
Cowboy Festival
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A20 www.clearwatertimes.com
Thursday, February 21, 2013 Clearwater Times
Prep cook training leads to jobs Submitted Are you looking for work? Or looking to change careers? TRU-Clearwater Regional Centre is offering a Camp/Prep Cook Training Program that could help you land your next job. The objective of this sixweek hands-on program is to train students to an acceptable skill level in order to successfully obtain work in a kitchen or camp and perform basic duties of food preparation. There are numerous job opportunities in the North Thompson area for someone who has completed the Camp/ Prep Cook training. Every summer Clearwater Employment Services (CES ) receives inquiries from employers requiring cooks with some formal training or past experience. Upon successful completion of this program, candidates can also qualify for Second Cook positions in northern Alberta and B.C. The camp cook positions usually consist of a long and a short season each year. The positions often require the ability to work long shifts. A position as First Cook usually requires additional ‘Professional Cook’, ‘Culinary
Arts’ or Red Seal credentials. Under the guidance of a Red Seal Chef, students in the Camp/Prep Cook program will receive a nutritional education and will learn to cook with a balance of protein, starch, and vegetables. Students will make soups from scratch and cook recipes from other countries, pushing them out of their comfort zones to try new and interesting cuisine. Training will be experiential using guide sheets and menus to prepare orders. Students will learn to use successful time management in order to have tasks completed. There will be constant supervision to ensure safety and quality of food products being prepared. All students will participate in setup, menu planning, inventory, budgeting, and other tasks. Students will also be given the opportunity to obtain their First Aid Level 1 certificate, WHMIS certificate, and Foodsafe Level 1 certificate during the program. There is funding available for the Camp/Prep Cook Training Program for eligible unemployed individuals. Having collected Employment Insurance within the past three
years (five years for maternity or parental EI) or being a BCEA client may lead to tuition and/or living supports for suitable candidates. Persons interested in this training and who are seeking funding assistance should make an appointment with a case manager at Clearwater Employment Services (250-6742928) as soon as possible to check eligibility since the time required for the application varies from one individual to another. CES have staff available to assist those who require extra assistance. Individuals interested in this occupation should be wellorganized and able to work under pressure. They should enjoy working with their hands and have an interest in preparing food. Communication and team skills are very important, as cooks must work within a team of kitchen staff. The training program will run Monday through Friday, March 25 to May 3. If working as a camp/prep cook appeals to you, please contact Sylvia Arduini, TRU Regional Centre community coordinator at 250-674-3530 or sarduini@tru.ca to register or for more information.
Dylan Vaisnis makes his point at the dart board during a Family Fun Pasta Dinner hosted by the grad class at Clearwater Secondary School on Family Day, Feb. 11. Photos by Keith McNeill
Family fun and pasta too Left: (L-r) Grads Jesse Shaw and Kaylee Ash serve Barb Ferguson.
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