Kitimat Northern Sentinel, February 27, 2013

Page 1










Volume 58 No. 09

Homeless trend may be emerging Cameron Orr People are stepping off the bus in Kitimat filled with a hope that they’ve found a golden land of opportunity which isn’t quite there. That’s at least what some service providers are seeing emerging as a trend in the community. With many not finding the promised work, all they get is a bus ride back to Terrace or beyond, and no place to stay. It’s a hard situation to figure out though. There are no firm statistics about homelessness in Kitimat, and most cases are anecdotal. Kitimat Council will be looking at the community’s housing situation soon (page 3) but it’s not clear yet what solutions there will be. But the front line people who would notice an emerging trend are saying some solution is warranted. “It’s actually a growing need and it’s almost a hidden need,” said Don Read of the Kitimat Ministerial Association. Churches all over are feeling a crunch to their benevolent funds, he said. Those funds are earmarked to support people without a home. “We ran out because we’re helping people,” he said of the Mountain View Alliance Church. “Normally we have a surplus.” He said recently they came to the aid of a married couple who arrived in town late one evening and had nowhere to go after a friend of theirs couldn’t follow through on a promise of a place to stay. They came to Kitimat because they believed they could find work. “We ended up paying for a hotel room for the night, bought them a meal and got them on the bus back to Terrace,” he said. “Kitimat is the last place you want to be homeless because there are no support systems.” It’s true Kitimat has no dedicated homeless shelters. The closest thing to one locally is the Tamitik Status of Women’s transition house, which is not primarily a homeless shelter but does take in women and children with no other place to go. “When we have room we take in what we call interim. That is basically homeless,” said Tamitik executive director Linda Slanina, who also sits on Kitimat’s Housing Committee. Of course women and children fleeing abusive homes get first priority as that’s what their funding is mainly for, but people staying because of housing issues get a maximum of 14 days, although that has been extended for people in the past. Slanina said the home is currently at it’s maximum capacity — eight people — and they’ve had people in the recent past who had trouble moving out to their own place because rents have just gotten too high. Continued on page 3

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



Nechako Grade 2/3 class teacher Pat Mouland with four of her students, all of who pitched a grant request to council for a specialized outdoor wheelchair. More on page 6. Cameron Orr

An update on modernization At $3.1 million spent per day on modernization, the director of operations for the project says the construction from here will be far more noticeable. That’s due to earthworks being mostly done, leaving the rise of actual buildings the next step. Kerry Moran, along with other members of Kitimat Modernization Project (KMP) and Rio Tinto Alcan updated the business community at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon last week. Moving towards a 420,000 tonnes/ year production has brought out 1,300 people currently working on the project, with 2,000 expected for its peak in the third quarter of 2014. He also added that all of the firm power generated from Kemano will be used to produce aluminum. The company is in the aluminum business with this new smelter, not the aluminum and power business, he emphasized to the crowd.

Likely the most substantial item of note from his presentation was the heads-up that Rio Tinto Alcan is seeking an amendment to its P2 Multi Media environment permit from the Ministry of Environment. Across the board emissions will be going down with the more advanced AP40 technology, but in one instance, sulphur dioxide (SO2), will go up 56 per cent, from 27 tonnes a year to 42. That goes with an overall 50 per cent reduction in the number of emissions. Patriculates and greenhouse gases, among other emissions, will be going down — Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, for instance, will go from 212 tonnes a year to just three. The increase in SO2 emissions is entirely a product of their increased production and the quality of their raw material, said Moran. Moran added that SO2 is generally

safer than the other emissions at the smelter which are going down. “If any of those [others] were increasing, you wouldn’t have a project,” he said. The company will be holding an information session about their emissions, part of the requirements of receiving their environmental amendment. That meeting was expected to take place sometime this week. The meeting will share the results of 18 months of scientific study of the new smelter’s emissions. Meanwhile, labour also continues to be an issue as Moran said demand for skilled trades will exceed local supply. “We try very hard to get everyone we can in Canada first,” he said. “We’re just anticipating exhausting all of that.” But the project is managing the supply and progress has not slowed as a result.


Haisla Pride win big at tournament ... page 9

2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Temperatures comparable, but no snow is new Nothing is as Canadian as observing the weather, especially when things don’t seem quite right. Such is the case this spring, er, winter, as a nearly non-existant snowpack in town is combined with warm temperatures. It’s not the February Kitimatians know and love (to complain about). Environment Canada’s Weather Office doesn’t yet even have all of January’s weather recorded online, but it shows some warm temperatures, particularly on the 15th and 16th. The average temperature was only -3.1C, based on an incomplete month of figures. The snowfall was 15.6 cm up to the 16th but not much fell for the rest of the month anyway. The coldest January day this year was the 12th when it dipped to -15.3C. The average temperature was a full degree colder in 2012, at -4C, with a total snowfall of 215.8 cm. 2011 was actually relatively warm with a -3.2C average, but with an 80.4 cm snowfall. 2010’s average was only -.9C, with 38.6 cm.

Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

Some submitted photos show how bizarre the winter has been. At left is Ron Wakita mowing his lawn in January, a first for him. Above is, of all things, a banana plant, photo sent by Terry Smeader.





Rain (mm)

Snow (cm)

3 n/a n/a 1 0 3 3

4.5 n/a n/a 2 9.8 6.2 0.7

0 n/a n/a 0 0 0 0




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RCMP not seeing issue on streets the case. The RCMP have no authority to do that, nor is there even capacity at the local jail to operate like that. As for the help

they occasionally give people to find shelter, he added the police aren’t seeing people sleeping on benches or the breezeways at the banks, for example.










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needs to be done, but there’s no magic answer. While not against the idea, Read said building a homeless shelter could bring its own problems. “If you build a homeless shelter, not only will you be taking care of the homeless in Kitimat, you will have more homeless in Kitimat,” he said. “We do need something. I don’t know what the solution is.”



Homeless Continued from page 1 “What they receive on income assistance is not enough for rent, even if they include their food portion,” she said, noting that they’ve found bachelor suites in Kitimat cost about $600 a month. “In a bachelor suite now they have to have a roommate to make it work,” she said. Slanina and Read both agree something

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ask for advice we do tell them that the nearest shelter is in Terrace, and then of course there’s been times we’ve helped them get in contact with the Ministry late at night for emergency placement,” he added. Peppler did address rumours he has heard that RCMP in town are arresting homeless people and bringing them into their cells, something he said is entirely not

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From a policing perspective, homelessness is not something the local RCMP detachment sees regularly on their patrols. Cpl. Darryl Peppler said that while they’ve noticed a lot of new faces in town, they couldn’t suggest whether housing was an issue for anyone. “We’re not seeing an increase,” he said of incidents of homelessness on the streets. “When people do


people sleeping outdoors and in bushes. She suggested that council should be more proactive in establishing a shelter because of the apparent emergence of it as an issue. Councillor Edwin Empinado, also a member of the Kitimat Housing Committee, noted the availability of a Housing Assessment, released last March.

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“There appears to be a problem emerging in our community.”

That report covered a number of housing issues, but he noted that so far in Kitimat there is no real response you can give to someone needing shelter for the night. It was Mario Feldhoff who wanted to see the discussion involve all housing issues in the community. “I’m unsure as to where a homeless shelter fits into the continuum of different housing needs in the community,” he noted. He agreed a homeless shelter is a worthy request, but “I want to be sure we’re putting our District of Kitimat resources into those needs that are the priority.”


Kitimat Councillors will mull over a new bylaw just passed in Prince George which gives that city more authority in dealing with unsightly properties. C o u n c i l lor Corinne Scott brought up the report at the last Committee of the Whole meeting, suggesting it as something Kitimat’s councillors could consider, especially as a potential motion for this year’s Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. She thinks if communities banded together they could help municipalities deal with unsightly premises. No motion was passed at the meeting, but the discussion does coincide with ongoing efforts in the town to deal with unsightly premises. There’s an Unsightly Premises Task Force in the community which seeks to address, among other things, buildings in states of disrepair. In Prince George, their new bylaw sets a schedule of fines which begin at around $100 for certain offences, but go up for others, in addition to the administrative cost of pursuing compliance. Under their rules, allowing an “unsightly property” would result in a $200 fine. However the bylaw considers it a new offence for each day an offence exists. Fines cannot exceed $10,000.

Cameron Orr Kitimat Council has decided they want to look at the overall housing issue inclusive of a homeless shelter. Mary Murphy brought forward a motion at the February 18 meeting, saying that the District of Kitimat should have the Housing Committee report to council on progress on establishing a homeless shelter for Kitimat. “There appears to be a problem emerging in our community,” she said, although what she’s heard was admittedly second hand. “[Homelessness] seems to be becoming a big problem,” she said, referring to reports of

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Local briefs

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013 3

4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email • KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $44.39 Senior $39.99 Mail: out of town or business $64.39. Includes tax.

Taking a second look at council’s motion While not at all claiming it’s a problem with a straight-forward solution, I had to ponder for awhile council’s motion regarding homeless shelters, namely to refer hearing from the housing committee about them in favour of hearing about all housing priorities, inclusive of shelters. I suppose my thinking was that it would have been nice to hear about a homeless shelter specifically, to get a good grasp on what the extent of the problem is and to eventually determine a course of action, such as whether construction of a shelter is in order. With a shelter only for women and children in the community, on paper creating one for both genders seemed to make sense. From the phone calls I’ve made since that council meeting, it’s apparent that homelessness is, to some extent, a problem, although there’s no firm grasp on the numbers. The Tamitik Status of Women’s transition house is running full, and although not primarily a homeless shelter, does house women and children without anywhere else to go. The churches, as explained by Don Read through the Kitimat Ministerial Association, are seeing more requests for support. So it’s a problem, but no one can quite say how big of a problem it is. But back to Read, he had some very interesting thoughts that I’ll emphasize here. I’ll point out that he made no comment about what a solution could be — including whether a homeless shelter could help — but he did comment that creating a homeless shelter could, theoretically, compound a homeless problem. Namely, if we open a shelter, we may see more people come in to town to use such a facility. Bringing the question back to council’s motion, based on my conversation with him I had to give a bit more credit to their direction. As much as it seems like just more talking and less action, maybe it is best not to jump the gun and start looking at homeless shelters exclusively but look at the whole issue of housing. I won’t argue that there are very likely people in town who have no place to go, but taking the long way around may reveal that the real problem is the unavailability of low cost rent, or housing availability in general. Who knows, really? And that’s why the motion, I decided, really does make sense. So yes, council, I’ve come around to your way of thinking. I’d still support a homeless shelter, but maybe it is best to diagnose the whole issue. Cameron Orr

Grab gloves for a game of Catch 22 The world is changing. Yes, daily and by the minute. But an old adage keeps up with its sentiment: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Plus, as author Joseph Heller by Allan Hewitson demonstrated in his 1970 novel, “Catch 22”, there is always a catch. About 2002, when I started not about the cost of a gallon on ink. writing this weekly column, one of So, I guess, even at $5-$6 a gallon my earliest gripes was about what I still for gasoline, oil companies are pikers call the “scam” of replacement ink carwhen it comes to screwing the consumtridges for home office printers. Nothing er. much has changed there except that the Even 25-year-old Scotch, over the cost of printers has dropped dramatically, as competition and cheap Chinese bar counter, isn’t $22 an ounce. So I’d manufacturers permit the corporations say the quoted 60 per cent profit marto make more money (by subsidizing gin on ink cartridges is understated and the lowered printer cost from continu- quickly makes up for selling a printer at ing to charge outrageous prices for ink a “loss” of 20 per cent on manufacturing costs. But do you need a printer? If cartridges.) I saw an estimate that one major the answer is yes, you’ll need new carcompany charges approximately $22 an tridges and they have to be the right ones ounce for ink, with cartridges contain- and they cost what they cost. Catch 22. There are numerous situations ing about 20-35 ml. On average we’re where similar frustrating Catch 22 marlooking at a company making nearly keting approaches apply. $12,000 off a gallon of ink. Even top Razor blades are another example. quality ink, I doubt, costs better than $50 a gallon, but I can’t find ink costs Buy the shaver on sale and watch the anywhere on Google, although there’s cost of refill blades soar. I use an elecreams of info on the Canadian Printing tric razor but a man needs a razor shave Ink Manufacturers website, especially from time to time, so it’s necessary to about the eco-toxicity of what may or keep a few blades around. They know may not go into that 22 ml cartridge, but that. Catch 22.

Under Miscellaneous

Ever go in for a new eye test and need new lenses for your eye glasses? Can they just replace the lenses for the pair you are wearing, with a new prescription? You know, the ones you bought three years ago? Not likely. These are an old style, obsolete, “we’re selling new designs” and it seems every fashion designer alive has a line of eyeglasses that changes constantly. Look around you, there’s a thousand different designs, all different sizes and configurations, so if the lens manufacturers can fill these orders, why can’t they repeat your existing lenses? I say the reason is...Catch 22. What has come down in price? One example is the big flat screen TV sets. They are down in price, dramatically in the past year or two because of competition. It began to look, for a while, that the consumer had the upper hand. But now the rate of drop is slowing and has become a matter of size and technology. You just know they’re going to be back. Samsung’s 59” top of the line plasma cost $2,249 at big box stores in summer of 2011. It’s replacement was $2,597 in April 2012 and is now $1,900, but expect its replacement to be a lot higher. Continued on page 6

Working together bringing the news to you. Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.

Louisa Genzale Kimberley Crane-Maclean Cameron Orr Tracey Keohane Publisher/Advertising Ad Assistant Editor Classifieds/Administration

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5

Promise too soon Baxyard Banter

Hired Equipment Registration Skeena District

I really think someone should tell premier Christy Clark to have a The Skeena District of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is creating look at a calendar, speits list of registered Equipment for Hire in the Skeena Service Area for cifically what year it is. the fiscal year 2013/2014, which begins April 1, 2013. Then explain to her All individuals or companies registered this past year through the District Office that elections in this in Terrace will have received invitations to re-register their equipment for the coming by Malcolm Baxter province are held every fiscal year by mail. If you have new equipment to be added to your profile, you can four years. register online or contact the District Office at the address listed below. I say this because, judging by the February Any individuals or companies who were not registered in 2012, but wish to have their equipment listed, are hereby invited to contact the District Office, either in person 12 throne speech, she’s a little confused. or by phone, to obtain the appropriate registration forms. I refer to the bold announcement of the BC Prosperity Fund, to be financed by a new tax on the LNG industry, which will accumulate enough Note that while you do not need to have Commercial (Comprehensive) money to pay off the province’s deficit, eliminate the provincial sales tax, General Liability Insurance, or up-to-date WorkSafeBC coverage to register, you will improve social services, increase education funding, build vital infrastructure have to meet these requirements prior to working on any ministry projects. and put a Rolls Royce in everyone’s driveway (okay, I made up that last one). All owners of dump trucks or belly dump trucks must provide a current weigh scale slip Now that’s all good stuff, but those good times aren’t going to roll any to the District Office which will be used to calculate hourly rates. time soon. While the BC LNG Co-op in Kitimat may get into production in 2015, Only owned or lease-to-own equipment is eligible for registration. Equipment can only the revenue from an export tax on that small facility is not going to make be registered in one area in any given year. Seniority is not transferable from area to area. much of a dent in the deficit, let alone do anything else. The deadline for new registrations is 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20, 2013. As for the big boys looking at plants in this community - Chevron and Late registrations will be accepted, but may appear at the bottom of the open list. Shell - a realistic assessment suggests they won’t be in full production until Note that there is no charge for registering new equipment or for changing or mid-2017 at the earliest, 2018 more likely. removing equipment information already listed. And for any of the proposed plants for Prince Rupert it will be sometime after that. Register through the Skeena District Office at: In other words substantial LNG export tax revenue is not going to start 4825 Keith Avenue, Terrace, B.C. pouring into this new fund until after the election in May 2017. You can also phone 250 638-6440 or send a fax to 250 638-6414 Which means Clark has essentially promised a brave new world that she to have the forms mailed, e-mailed or faxed to you, can’t possibly deliver within the four-year mandate of the government to be or register on-line at elected in three months’ time. Where I am confused too - as are gas patch players - is that she should even suggest such a tax. I am going to throw out a few facts here to explain why we are confused. First, in September 2011 I interviewed Clarks’ parliamentary secretary, John Les. This is what he told me in answer to a question about whether the province could actually create the jobs it was touting: “It’s not for government to actually do the job creation, that’s what the private sector does so well.” Rather government’s job was to create the conditions that helped the private sector create those jobs. And subsequently his boss made it clear she was ready to move Heaven and Earth to help the LNG industry create those jobs. Second, the throne speech says, “Our province faces fierce competition from Australia.” Third, a government document released in the same week as the throne speech says Australia’s natural gas tax and royalty set up “is up to onethird higher than B.C.’s.” So, apparently we have an edge on our “fierce” Aussie competitors. FriDay, March 8 · 9am – 3 pm And what’s our response? Jack up the costs of LNG in BC. NWcc Terrace campus — Waap amgam You see my problem? It gets even more baffling. Prior to the throne speech, the president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers said the industry wanted LNG plants to be reclassified as manufacturing plants rather than part of AuTomotive • Carpentry • Culinary • eleCtriCal • Welding the gas transmission process. If that happened, the companies would be able to write off 90 percent of their capital investThis free event is open to everyone. ments over seven years rather than over 27 years. 8 Try out various trades skills and simulators That’s important because it would let the LNG plant owners off the hook for an estimated 8 Meet local professionals and employers $1.5 billion dollars in federal taxes - minimum. 8 Learn about trades training and trades careers Which obviously increases their competitive advantage. So the industry is lobbying the federal govFor more info contact Seth Downs at ernment for a tax break while the province promises to slap one on? Bizarre. One last point: the New Democrats have been quick to pour scorn on the Prosperity Fund fantasy. But not a word on whether they, if elected in 1.877.277.2288 May as looks likely, might follow the same path.

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6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Catch 22

Locals Michelle and Julie Wakita are stirring up support to get on the Canadian television show Amazing Race. A Facebook page has been set up to raise support for the duo. People can’t actually vote to get them on the show, but the page is to at least generate buzz.

Continued from page 4 Making money as a TV manufacturer has become tougher, but I have no doubt they’ll meet the challenge of improving technology in sufficient increments to keep margins up. Like the smart phone, the smart TV is the future, with thinner, lighter sets, 3D compatibility, voice recognition, hifi, wifi and streaming. Analog just went out with the dodo and the house phone. So “want a new TV?” isn’t the question. “Want a better TV?” is. If you do, you’ll likely need a major tech change, so expect to see higher numbers on the price slip. Catch 22. Sadly, what we have to watch has gone down too, in quality if not quantity and there’s nothing technology can do about that. Ugh. Catch 22.

Facebook page photo: Support Michelle and Julie Wakita on the road to the Amazing Race

Put your baby’s picture in the Northern Sentinel’s

Be a u t i f u l B a b i e s


of Kitimat feature!

Students pitch to council In what will certainly go their project as well. When the grant request “We’ve had a tremendous came to a vote, Mario Feldhoff down in history as one of the most adorable presentations amount of support in our com- moved that council give $5,000 Kitimat Council has ever seen, munity and outside our commu- for the purchase of the TrailRidstudents in Nechako’s grade two nity for this project which just er — the motion later amended and three class sought council’s goes to show there’s a need for to include other equipment — support in a grant for a special adaptive equipment,” she said. which is up from administratrail device for people with dis- The TrailRider is adaptable to tion’s suggestion of $2,300. both children and adults. “If we assist them at $5,000, abilities. As well, the class’ ambition not only will we be helping out But whether it was their unified pitch or just an overall good has moved beyond just the pur- the grade 2/3 class, but we will plan, the students, together with chase of this item and they plan be helping out the community their teacher Pat Mouland, were to establish an endowment fund in future years,” said Feldhoff. successful in soliciting money through the Kitimat Community “This goes beyond our typical from council. Foundation, which means their grant request...I think we can What the Nechako class initial $7,000 goal is now ex- go beyond the typical one-third funding.” was looking for was money to tended. Goffinet said he too would purchase a TrailRider, a special That fund, though, would wheelchair designed for back- allow for future purchases of support the motion, especially equipment to increase accessi- in light the class’ plans to escountry use. The grade 2/3 class became bility for people. Talk is being tablish the endowment fund for involved in the fundraising when down in town and with Kita- future purchases. they wanted to begin explor- maat Village to better underThe grant request passed ing local trails, but had to take stand what future needs will be. unanimously. into account the mobility issues of classmate Chloe, who was one of the student presenters at last week’s meeting. The class eventuRio RioTinto TintoAlcan Alcaninvites invitesyou youtotojoin joinususfor fora acommunity community ally used a sled for the consultation consultationforum forumopen opentotothe thegeneral generalpublic publicononthe theproposed proposed purposes of their trail permit permitamendments amendmentsthat thatwe weare arecurrently currentlyseeking seekingasaspart partofofthe the adventures this year, Kitimat KitimatModernization ModernizationProject. Project. but naturally such a These Thesemeetings meetingswill willprovide provideananupdate updateononthe theKitimat KitimatModernization Modernization solution would never Project, Project,ananoverview overviewofofthe thepermit permitchanges changeswe werequire, require,asaswell wellasas work in the summer. address addressany anyquestions questionsororconcerns concernsininregards regardstotothe theenvironmental environmental impact impactofofthese theseproposed proposedchanges. changes. To fix that problem, the class wants to raise $7,000 for the TrailRider, and before even arriving to council had raised $850. The students took turns explaining the device to council, before their teacher added a few comments about

Rio RioTinto TintoAlcan Alcan Open OpenPublic PublicInvitation Invitation



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AtAtthe Western Plus theBest Best Western Plus Western Plus At the Best Terrace located atat TerraceInn, Inn, located Terrace Inn, located at 4553 4553Greig GreigAvenue Avenue

This is always a very popular feature and your child/grandchild/niece/nephew or any beautiful baby you know can be included.


Only $

plus HST

Fill in the form below and enter your baby pic today! Baby’s Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................... Baby’s Birth Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parent’s Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Submit this form along with a photo of the beautiful baby to: Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat or email your digital photo to: – Ph. 250 632-6144 fax 250 639-9373. To have your photo returned, send a self stamped addressed envelope or pick up at our office. Unclaimed photos will be discarded.

approx. size of ad 2"x2" - includes photo and text

The Beautiful Babies Feature will be published in the Kitimat Northern Sentinel. K









GATEWAY perspectives

A decade of careful planning The Gateway pipeline is a state-of-theart project, in terms of safety and environmental sensitivity. And I can assure you that doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it’s taken more than 10 years of extensive, careful, and diligent planning to ensure Gateway is one of the safest, most environmentally responsible projects of its kind. Our team of engineers and scientists has taken great pains to ensure that the proposed pipeline route is almost entirely made up of pre-existing corridors of activity, such as logging roads, forestry roads, cut lines, or other “previously disturbed” areas. Our engineers, and experts familiar with B.C.’s terrain, have also spent years using the most advanced technology available to identify and mitigate any potential geohazard risks — such as landslides, rock fall, avalanches, seismic issues, and marine clays. We’ve worked hard to minimize the risks, and ensure the safest pipeline route possible, with extra measures such as deeper pipe burial, tunnels, and special pipe design. Last summer, we also announced a $500-million package of enhancements to make an already extremely safe project even safer. Those safety measures included: boosting the overall wall thickness of the pipeline; fitting the pipeline with dual-leak detection

analysis systems; bumping up the frequency of in-line inspection surveys to a minimum of 50 per cent above current standards; adding nearly 100 remotely operated isolation valves, bringing the total to 264; and staffing of all our pump stations 24/7. The planning doesn’t stop, either. Working with environmental groups, First Nations communities, and government agencies, our engineering team is constantly refining the route — with nearly two dozen amendments to date. Safety and respect for the environment have been our primary considerations in charting the Gateway pipeline route over the past 10 years. And that’s not about to change.

Janet Holder Executive Vice President Western Access Enbridge Inc.

It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to a stronger economy. Join the conversation at

©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.

4553 Greig Avenue

Sizes from

8’x8’x10’ to 12’x 27’x10’


414 enterprise ave.

Kitimat Modernization Project Kitimat Modernization Project Kitimat Modernization Project Building the together. Building thefuture future together. Building the future together.

It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to delivering energy safely. ©2013 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc. Join the conversation at ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7

Northern Gateway will be one of the safest energy pipelines because it’s been designed by engineers, safety experts and the people of British Columbia.

y intention is to ma make ke the North her ern n Ga Gate tewa way y Pi Pipe peli line ne the strongestt and saf afes estt off its es ts kind in Can people of British Columbia have told us that we must exceed safety standards if it is to cross this beautiful province. We’ve heard their concerns and have continually incorporated their feedback into our plans. We have added $500 million in extra safety measures–like thicker pipe, more isolation valves, meticulous pipeline construction techniques, and plans for around the clock monitoring by real people, in real time, with sophisticated technology.

We will use thicker pipe... Northern Gateway pipe will have an average thickness of 0.80 inches. That’s 20% over and above current Canadian safety standard requirements for the Northern Gateway Project. The pipe will be even thicker when it crosses major rivers and tributaries. It will be welded with exacting precision and its integrity checked using ultrasonic inspection and hydrostatic testing methods. And to ensure safe operation, the frequency of high resolution, in-line inspection surveys will be increased across the entire pipeline system by a minimum of 50% over and above current practices.

We will respect wildlife habitats and migration routes... To address concerns from the public that the construction of the pipeline will affect the environment, we have pledged to build it in such a way that natural wildlife habitats, migration routes and fish spawning sites will be respected. During the building phase, disturbances will be kept to a minimum by having construction vehicles access most of the pipeline using existing forestry roads. Instead of building all new bridge structures, it will use existing watercourse crossings where possible. When construction is completed on each section, soil will be returned and shrubs and grasses native to the region will be planted. If any large trees are removed to make way for the pipeline, a new tree will be planted in another location as part of Enbridge’s commitment to plant a tree for every tree we remove to build our projects.

We will practice and be prepared for incidents... Our goal is always zero spills. To help achieve that, the pipeline will be monitored from the air and the ground and routinely inspected inside and out to identify and address any integrity issues. But that doesn’t mean we will not prepare for an incident. We will adhere to world-leading practices for oil spill response and recovery systems. Emergency response equipment and training will be provided and constantly updated and upgraded. Training exercises with our own operations personnel and local emergency providers will be conducted on a regular basis. Can we guarantee that there will never be a significant pipeline failure? Our original pledge to build a safe pipeline combined with further enhancements made after hearing the concerns of British Columbians puts us closer than any other pipeline system in the world to providing that guarantee.

Discover more about our rigorous design and safety standards and join the conversation at

It’s more than a pipeline.

It’s a path to delivering energy safely.

©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.

EN9020_BC_PipelineSafety_Version_#2 REV1.indd 1

14/12/12 11:52 AM

Make some noise against bullying!

8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Help put a stop to bullying. Wear the shirt. Be the difference. K

The Kitimat Northern Sentinel staff are proud to wear pink on February 27! From left, Cameron Orr, editor; Tracey Keohane, Classifieds & Reception; Louisa Genzale, Publisher. Front, Kim Crane, Advertising Assistant.

This feature has been brought to you by The Kitimat Northern Sentinel and the following communityminded sponsors.

Park Optometry Dr. Harry Murphy

558 Mountainview Sq. Kitimat, BC V8C 2N2 Ph. 250.632.2821


Dr. stephanie pietralla 4609 Park Ave., OptOMetrist

Dr. Jan Zackowski OptOMetrist

Terrace, BC V8G 1V5 Ph. 250.635.5620

Proud to support awareness of Pink Shirt Day!

Kitimat District Teachers’ Association

Proud to Wear Pink! We are committed to promoting a safe, secure, and Bully-free learning environment in Kitimat’s schools!










It started in September 2007, when two teens at a Nova Scotia high school stood up for a younger student. David Shepherd and Travis Price, both in Grade 12, heard about a Grade 9 student at their school who had been bullied and threatened for wearing a pink polo shirt on his first day of school. They decided they should do something about it and bought 50 pink shirts and tank tops to wear to school the next day. They also went online to round up support for their anti-bullying cause, which they dubbed a “sea of pink.” It worked. The next day, dozens of students were outfitted with the discount shirts, but even better, hundreds of students showed up wearing their own pink clothes, some from head to toe. The bullies were reportedly never heard from again.



This year, Feb. 27 is Pink Shirt Day in B.C. and other parts of Canada, an annual anti-bullying event that started after the now-famous 2007 “sea of pink” campaign. The need for awareness and action against bullying remains as strong as ever say those involved in the pink event, including local radio station CKNW, Black Press, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver, and London Drugs, where people can buy the official pink shirts for 2013. “Awareness of what bullying is and understanding that it hurts is important,” says Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver president and CEO Carolyn Tuckwell. “It isn’t just a rite of passage. It doesn’t have to happen.

Proud to Wear Pink!

The Kitimat Northern Sentinel is pleased to promote awareness of Pink Shirt Day.

And it’s relevant to everyone, whether in school, after school or in the workplace.” According to, as many as 25 per cent of children in Grades 4 to 6 have been bullied and approximately one in 10 children have bullied others, while a 2004 study published in the Medical Journal of Pediatrics found that about one in seven Canadian children aged 11 to 16 are victims of bullying. It is important to recognize what bullying is, and that it happens in many forms – verbally, socially, physically and online (cyber bullying), says Tuckwell. “By wearing pink, people show they’re making that commitment, to not let bullying happen,” she says. Tuckwell and others emphasize that the pink shirt is secondary to raising awareness about bullying and getting people involved. B.C. is no stranger to tragedy related to bullying. From Surrey’s 14-year-old Hamed Nastoh, who jumped off the Patullo Bridge and killed himself after leaving a note behind blaming the constant bullying he endured at school, to Mission’s Dawn-Marie Wesley, 14, who committed suicide by hanging herself after relentless bullying, to Port Coquitlam’s Amanda Todd, 15, who killed herself after posting a video on YouTube talking about her experiences with cyber bullying, there are countless told and untold stories that remain horrific. The provincial government has taken steps to address bullying in recent years, including a Ministry of Education resource brochure for parents in 14 languages that can be found online at www.bced. Net proceeds benefit the CKNW Orphans Fund in support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC. The Boys and Girls Clubs offer programs that foster self-esteem, social engagement, academic success, inclusion, acceptance, respect for self and others, and connection to community. The CKNW Orphans Fund is committed to enhancing the lives of children with physical, mental and social challenges living in BC communities. The fund includes children who are bullied under the scope of the fund’s work, because these children will need extra support for their development.

The land upon which the facility situated and where the discharges is comprised of District lots 90, The is land upon which the facility is situatedoccur, and where the discharges occur, is comprised ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE 91, 92, 93, 96, 102A, 186, 7596 and 5469, Ranges 4 and 5, Coast District, Kitimat, British Columbia, located 91, 92, 93, 96, 102A, 186, 7596 and 5469, Ranges 4 and 5, Coast District, Kitimat, Britis permit amendment under the Provisions of the Environmental Management Act. at/on/near theApplication north endforofa the Douglas Channel, within theDouglas District of Kitimat.within at/on/near the north end of the Channel, the District of Kitimat.

Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9

We, Rio Tinto Alcan, #1 Smeltersite Rd, PO Box 1800, Kitimat, BC V8C 2H2, intend to submit this amend-

The amendment requests that theDirector following conditions be changed as follows: requests that the following conditions be changed ment application The to theamendment to amend multi-media permit P2-00001, issued 7 December 1999as follows:


with the last comprehensive amendment dated 9 November 2007 which authorizes the discharge of air

Kitimat Modernization ProjectApplication for a permit amendment under the Provisions of Before: the Environmental Management Act. Total smelter sulphur dioxideTotal emissions authorized in section 4.2.2 of the permitinofsection 27 Mg/d . of the perm smelter sulphur dioxide authorized We, Alcan, #1 Smeltersite Rd, Boxemissions 1800,occur, Kitimat, BC V8C 2H2, intendlots to4.2.2 submit The land upon whichRio theTinto facility is situated and where thePO discharges is comprised of District 90, Authorized sulphur dioxide emission sources and works in section 4.2.3 of but not limited to, the this amendment application to the4Director to amend multi-media permit P2-00001, issued Authorized dioxide emission sources works in section 4.2.3 of but 91, 92, 93, 96, 102A, 186, 7596 and 5469, sulphur Ranges and 5, Coast District, Kitimat, and British Columbia, located 7 December 1999 with the last comprehensive amendment dated 9 November 2007 which pyroscrubber, dry scrubber stacks, potline ventilators, anode paste plant stacks, and related at/on/near the north end of the Douglas Channel, the District of Kitimat. pyroscrubber, drywithin scrubber stacks, potline ventilators, anode paste plant stacks discharge of air emissions, effluent and refuse from an aluminium smelter. appurtenances. authorizes the appurtenances. 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The Haisla Pride team with their Intermediate division trophy Native Basketball Tournament in Prince Rupert.

emissions, effluent and refuse from an aluminium smelter.

Haisla Pride number one after defeating defending champs

Contact person: Katherine Dated Voigt this day of 22Katherine February 2013. person: Voigt Dated this day ofContact 22 February 2013. Telephone: (250) 639 8241 Telephone: (250) 639 8241 person: Email: Contact person:Contact Katherine Voigt Katherine Voigt Email: Telephone: Telephone: (250) 639 8241 (250) 639 8241 Email: Email:

Shaun Thomas The defending champion Ahousat Intermediates met some familiar competition in the finals of the 54th All Native Basketball Tournament in the form of the Haisla Pride of Kitamaat. After trading leads in the early going, Kitamaat was up 9-7 through five minutes of play. The two teams kept pace for the remainder of the quarter, which ended 13-11 in favour of the Haisla. Ahousat came out firing on all cylinders in the second, quickly wiping out the Kitamaat lead and turning it into a score of 24-18 in their favour through five minutes of play. Kitamaat went on an 13-4 run late in the quarter to regain the lead and the half finished with the Haisla up34-31. That back and forth contin-

“The time just ran out when we happened to be in the lead.” ued in the third, with Ahousat leading 41-37 through five minutes.when the buzzer sounded to end the third, Ahousat held a six-point 53-47 lead. But the game was far from over - a Kitamaat surge early on put them back in the lead and the two teams would battle for every basket. The game was tied at 59 midway through the quarter, but a 6-2 run put Ahousat in the driver’s seat with 1:25 to play. After a three pointer to pull within one and some strong defense, a foul sent Darren Metz to the line where he went two for two

KMP Operations DirectorRio Tinto Alcan KMP Operations Direc Kerry Moran, KMP Operations DirectorRio Tinto Alcan

Kirk Grossmann, Kirk Grossm General Manager - Kitimat Works, Rio Tinto Alcan General Manager - Kitimat W Kirk Grossmann, General Manager - Kitimat Works, Rio Tinto Alcan

The unit in thelead permit, Mg/d, is the same as tonne/day to give the Haisla a used 68-67 The unit used in the permit, Mg/d, is the same as tonne/day with 32 seconds left. When The the unit used in the permit, Mg/d, is the same as tonne/day Haisla pulled down the rebound Kitimat Modernization Project Kitimat Modernization Project Kitimat Modernization Project on a missed Greg Charlie threepointer the crowd erupted, and when Dustin Knaus was fouled and sank both his free throws, the sound was deafening. When the final buzzer sounded , fans rushed the floor to celebrate a 70-67 Kitamaat win. “It feels gratifying. These boys have put years of hard work to deal with this type of pressure in close, tight games,” said Haisla coach Mike RidsE dale, who said in the end the win AP could be attributed to “time”. C ES “The time just ran out when S ER we happened to be in the lead. It H T I was a back and forth game, we SM were up, they were up. Ahousat is a very talented team, they won it last year and made it to the final so you really have to give it to them.” 1



! N I W


Y A T &S

Four men, no instruments Kathleen Jeffery Four men, four microphones and no instruments is how this group describes itself. Cadence is a fantastic acapella group. Using just their voices they not only sing but also create their own accompanying music. I have witnessed first hand the vocal magic created by Carl, Ross, Lucas and Kurt on the stage. Combining the lyricism of Stan Getz, the sophisticated harmonies of the Count Basie Big Band and the devil-may-care attitude of Louis Prima, this fabulous foursome has been entertaining audiences worldwide for over a decade with their innovative jazz arrangements, genre-

hopping covers and eclectic originals. Born and raised in Toronto, Carl has been involved in the Canadian music scene for more than 20 years, and has been singing a cappella since high school. Ross has been performing since he was a teenager. His training began in high school where he played first trumpet and went on to place within the ‘top 5’ in the Canadian National Stage Band Competition. Originally from Victoria, Lucas Marchand has been singing on the stage since he was three years old. In high school, Lucas played keyboards and sang with the Vic High R&B

Band where he had the opportunity to perform with Martha Reeves. Originally from Charlottetown, PEI, Kurt began his musical endeavours at the age of 11 with the trombone, guitar, and singing, and eventually moved on to the bass, drums, and piano. If you liked the movie Pitch Perfect, which was about acapella singing, you’re going to love Cadence. As these fantastic performers are fond of saying “Instruments are for surgeons.” Tickets are available at the door or at Hollywood Video. Information for this article obtained from and from personal experience.






10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A10

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Northern Sentinel

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In Loving Memory of

Allan Francis Egan July 21, 1930 - February 10, 2013

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Allan Francis Egan on February 10, 2013. He is predeceased by his parents Lewis and Leontine Egan, brother Terrence Egan and his late wife, Elsie Egan. He is survived by his sisters, Valerie and Maureen; brother, Bryan; children Greg (Marietta), Ron (Marion), and Paula (Kerry); grandchildren Blake, Taylor, Hannah, Piers, Marissa, Marcus, Aliceyn, Trevor, Dale, Ryan and Jenna. In 2005 Allan remarried and is survived by his wife Juanita Dorothy Egan and children Bill (Carole), Kathy, Barbara, Tim (Christina), Van (Tien); grandchildren Trevor, Suzanne, Mitch, Katie, Kenny, Katrina, Vi, Karen, Anne, David, Eric and Glen; great-grandchildren Crystal, Skyla, Linden, Landon, Jakob and Benjamin. Allan moved to Kitimat in 1965. He embranced Kitimat and loved to volunteer in the community with various groups and organizations. Allan will be greatly missed by his family and friends. A celebration of Allan’s life was held at Christ the King Catholic Church on February 15, 2013. The Egan family would like to express their appreciation to everyone who has shown their kindness through thought, deed, or prayer. Special thanks to the Doctors, Nurses, Care-aids, Paramedics and Firefighters.

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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013A11 11

Northern Sentinel Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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We are presently seeking a Tire Person to work in the shop area.

Duties would involve changing tires including rotating, balancing, and flat repairs. Work involves use of tire shop equipment. Experience working on larger pieces of equipment would be an asset. Applicants must possess the ability to work successfully in a team atmosphere and to excel in a physically demanding environment. This is a part time position for the busy season but could lead to full time work with medical benefits. Applications with experience as a tire person will be considered over those having no experience. Training as required will be available. Valid driver’s license is required. Please fax resume including references to 250-632-4436 or drop off at the store 236 Enterprise Avenue (Attention Manager). All applicants will be considered but only those contacted will be given an interview for the position.


the beach

The Northern Sentinel is looking for an Ad Assistant to join our community newspaper’s production department. dle School TheMid successful now open applicant will build and design ads, interact with editorial and sales team, and advertising clients. NorthernS entinorganized el Must be creative, and work effectively ntinel accuracy and under tight deadlines. NoSpeed, rthernSe attention to detail is a requirement. Working Exhibitsand knowledge of Adobe Indesign reflectPhotoshop the region. is anndasset. pitched for Cablecar Playgrou Remuneration will be in accordance with the CEP Local 525gMP Collective Agreement. K I T I M



Please submit resumé and cover letter to: Louisa Genzale, Publisher Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4

News that applies to your life. I













Sentinel Sentinel



Bringing the news to your doorstep.

Until 4there's a cure, 4 there's us.

Call to start delivery today 250-632-6144. $ $


3939 Seniors Includes HST


Rosario’s Restaurant

has openings for full time/part time EXPERIENCED COOKS and SERVERS. Days and Evenings. Please email or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please

Trades, Technical PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.



shut down in JRP


Pyramid Office Supplies in Kitimat is looking for a part time in store Bookkeeper. 8-10 hours per week. Must know Simply Accounting and have a strong bookkeeping knowledge. Drop resume off to Pyramid Office Supplies. Attention: Heather Masch. Deadline: March 4, 2013

Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

626 Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat BC V8C 2E4 • 250 632-6144 fax 250 639-9373

Help Wanted

DISTRICT OF KITIMAT INFORMATION SYSTEMS COORDINATOR (Full Time, Exempt) The District of Kitimat has an opening for an experienced Information Systems Coordinator. Reporting directly to the Chief Administrative Officer, this position is responsible for a broad range of technical duties and operational challenges. The ideal candidate will have post-secondary studies in Computer Science from a University, College, or Technical Institute supplemented by a minimum of three years of relevant experience in network and communication systems. The candidate must have excellent problem solving skills and the ability to work independently with minimal direction. The candidate must value integrity, respect, teamwork, customer service and have the ability to perform under pressure while meeting deadlines and handling multiple concurrent tasks.


Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate


Legal Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

For Sale By Owner

Commercial/ Industrial

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Pets & Livestock

Pets ENGLISH Bull Terrier puppies, (Don Cherry dog), CKC, CH bloodlines, Ex Family pet, $2000 (604) 853-4273

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions Antiques, Furnishings & Collectibles Auction

Sale conducted on behalf of several Estates SALE 1 March 16, 2013 Saturday @ 11:00 am. Coast Inn of the West Banquet Room, 4620 Lakelse Ave, Terrace, BC ANTIQUES & FURNISHINGS: Couch & loveseat’s, bedroom suites, bunk beds, rocking chairs, dining room suites & china hutch’s, new glass top coffee & end tables, inlaid antique claw foot coffee table, other misc. coffee tables & end tables, antique bar, Victorian chairs, misc. kitchen chairs & occasional chairs, roll top desk, corner hutch, display cabinets, leather Wingback chair & ottoman. There is a supply of misc. antique items, overstuffed recliners. ANTIQUE HORSE GEAR: There is a very large selection of antique horse gear that includes, sleigh bells, collars, hames etc. NATIVE & TRADITIONAL ART: Large selection of Native Art including hides, drums, facemasks, leather art & clothing, moccasins, paddles, selection of framed painted art & pictures. BANK NOTE & COINS: Large selection of coins collections & Sets, individual coins & bank notes, US, Canadian & other country coins. HOUSEHOLD & MISC COLLECTABLE’S: Dolls, clocks, floor & table lamps, candelabra’s, fiddle & other misc. musical instruments, brass music stand, brass, pewter, wrought iron collectable’s, glassware & vases, Antique horn, swords, display pistol, carvings, oil lamps, watches, jewelry, military medals. This sale has a large & excellent quantity of new and used items, antiques & collectable’s. This is a partial listing, so look for future advertising as there are more items to come. Please view website for pictures of all scheduled sales. Consignments welcome. If you would like to consign any items contact Mikes Auction. Condition of Sale. Terms: cash & cheque with identification, sorry no credit cards. Items are As Is Condition ~ Not responsible for accidents. There will be a concession on Site. SALE 2 Antiques, Furnishings & Collectibles Auction. April 20, 2013 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Francios Lake Hall, Francios Lake, BC. South of Burns Lake, Intersection of Hwy 35 & Colleymount Road. SALE 3 Industrial Machinery, Equipment & Tool Auction. May 25, 2013 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Topley Garage, Topley, BC. Intersection of Hwy 16 & Hwy 118 to Granisle. Any question Please Contact:

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale KITIMAT BOXES, BOXES, BOXES You need them and we have them. Buy one bundle of 10 for $5.00 and we will give you a bundle for free. Come down to the Kitimat Northern Sentinel office at 626 Enterprise Avenue between 9 and 4:30 or call 250.632.6144 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD:

Microsoft Windows Server and Client Operating Systems, VMware vShere, SANs, Microsoft Exchange email, Data back-up systems and procedures Novell CNA or experience with Novell administration would be an asset.

As a condition of employment, the incumbent may be required to obtain and maintain RCMP security clearance. Wage: $76,650 (2013 starting rate) plus full benefits package. Interested candidates should submit a detailed resume, including references, by March 15, 2013, 4:30 pm, to: Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat BC V8C 2H7, Phone 250-632-8900, Fax 250-632-4995, email We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted.

3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315

KITIMAT Townhouse close to downtown. Well-kept three storey, 4 bedroom, 2 full bath. Lots of updates. Fenced yard with great view. 250-632-5295 or 250-632-1409

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Seasonal Acommodation $449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo 1-888-481-9660.

Townhouses 2 & 3 BED Townhouses. Fully furnished or unfurnished. Professional, licensed mngt., 250-847-8061



Cars - Domestic

Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom

2006 VW - PASSAT Kitimat - 2.0 lt turbo, 6 speed automatic with manual override. 51,000 km. Blue/black. Heated front seats. Power driver seat and glass moonroof. am/fm radio with 6 CD player. 2 sets of tires on rims. $14,000. 250-632-2076


APARTMENTS Largest, Brightest Suites Shiny Hardwood Floors Unfurnished & Furnished Daily - Weekly - Monthly

Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 778-281-0030


RENT starting from $575 INCLUDES HEAT!

OCEANVIEW APTS (250)632-2822 Kitimat

Hillcrest Place Apartments


Bachelor & two bedroom No Smoking, No Pets Starting at $475 monthly Also avail newly reno’d two bdrm units with d/w 250.632.7814 Kitimat


Starting at $550 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Visit our Website Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)

• • • •



Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking


• • •

QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511

KWIKAUCTIONS.COM Restaurant Equipment Auction Saturday, March 2nd @ 11am, 7305 Meadow Burnaby BC

FOR RENT IN KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath in 4-plex. 5 appliances included. 250-516-1642 or 250-642-4236

Apt/Condo for Rent

Misc. Wanted


Mike Steinebach @ (250) 694-3497 or Cell (250) 692-6107 Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 or Cell (250) 570-2055 E-Mail: Website:

Duplex / 4 Plex


STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or check online at:

For Lease: 4300sqft. Warehouse located 50 Charlie Currie Rd. - Cowbay. Triple net, office, warehouse, loading bays. Brian: 250-801-4952

TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110

1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.

Experience supporting server desktop, network and peripheral hardware as well as client applications such as Microsoft Office is required as well as a thorough knowledge of the following systems: • • • • • •










Deliver Kitimat’s Local Newspapers the Northern Sentinel and the Northern Connector. Phone the Northern Sentinel for a route today! 250 632-6144 K









SANDPIPER APTS KITIMAT Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies



Kitimat 1,2,3 bdrms Clean & Quiet Heat & hot water included Call (250)632-2824 or email

Project Boat Kitimat - 28’ Fiberform Command Bridge. 6 cyl. Mitsubishi, 120 hp diesel with triple axle factory trailer. $5,000 o.b.o. 250-639-4600


Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of KURT KNOLL, deceased, are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the undersigned Administrator at #200 - 4630 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, B.C., V8G 1S6 on or before April 24, 2013, after which date the Administrator will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Ramona Annette Knoll, Administrator. Warner Bandstra Brown, Solicitors.

Sports & Leisure

12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Marlins perform swimmingly Submitted The four qualified Kitimat Marlins Swim Club swimmers attended the AA short course ((25 meter pool) Swim Provincials recently in Surrey and had some exceptional results. All four swimmers had big personal best times and placed well among the almost 400 swimmers from 49 different BC clubs. Second year swimmer Ben Anker (14) lead the way for the Marlins. Anker achieved three golds in the 14-year-oldboy 100 and 200 meter backstroke and the 200 meter breaststroke. Anker got in the top eight in the 100 meter breaststroke, placing 6th. Anker also

achieved his first AAA Provincial time in the 14-year-old-boy 200 meter backstroke. Anker will now be allowed to compete at the AAA provincials championships short course (25 meter pool) in Victoria in three weeks and long course (50 meter pool) in July in Vancouver. Raychel Davies (12) made top finishes in three events in the 12-year-old-girls category. Davies placed 6th in the 200 butterfly, 6th in the 800 freestyle and 8th in the 400 freestyle. Davies also achieved the AA standard for the next age group up, 13 year old girls, in the 800 meter freestyle. Madisen Szmata (11) competing in the 11-and-under category

“Come Play with us�


August 20-24

...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! swam to four out of five personal best times with her best results coming in the 50 freestyle and 400 freestyle. She placed 14th overall for these events respectively. Morgan Winter-

burn (12) swam to personal best times in all five of her races while competing in the 12-year-old-girls division. Winterburn’s best result came in the 400 freestyle, a 19th place finish.

Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved

Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist


To register visit | 250.960.5980 | 1.866.843.8061

VIDEO CONFERENCE COURSES All courses below offered in person too! Looking to upgrade your training without having to travel? Do you like to have a live instructor to listen to? Then UNBC Continuing Studies video conferencing learning solutions are for you! If you are interested in having these sessions streamed into your workplace please contact us for more details. All offerings listed below will be streamed to our regional campuses in Terrace, Quesnel, and Fort St. John. Limited seats are available so please register early to avoid disappointment.

CertiďŹ cate in Mental Health and Addictions In ntrroducttio on to Mentall Healtth and Addic ctio ons

Northe ern Silvic cultu ure Committe tee Winte er Workshop Date: Feb 19 - 20 (Tues & Wed) Time: 8:00am - 4:30pm

What’s New w in n Silv vicu ultu ure e Surv urveyss

Date: Feb 5 - Mar 6 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Date: Feb 25 (Mon) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Assesssmentt & Treatm ment Appro oache hes fo or Menttall Health h & Addicction n

Silvvic cultture e Su urveyys for Conttract Adminisstrrattors s

Date: April 2 - 30 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Date: Feb 26 (Tues) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm

In ndivvid dual Welllness and Communiity y Hea alth h

Silvvic cultture e Su urveyyor Accre edittattio on Ex xam Revie ew

Date: May 14 - Jun 11 (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Date: Feb 27 (Wed) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm

For a complete list of courses for these certiďŹ cates please visit our website.

Sed dim ment & Erosio on Conttro ol Wo Worrks shop

CertiďŹ cate in Management Excellence & Supervisory Excellence

Date: Mar 12 - 14 (Tues - Thurs) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Forestt Road Con nstru uction n Prac actiice es an nd Pro ocedurres

Time (Thu) 6:00pm - 9:30pm, (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm

UNBC Continuing Studies offers two different management certiďŹ cates, the CertiďŹ cate in Management Excellence for individuals already in a management position and the CertiďŹ cate in Supervisory Excellence designed for individuals who are hoping to move into supervisory positions, or are very new into supervisory positions. Both certiďŹ cates are workshop-based, and consist of a combination of required core and elective workshops. Individuals will need to complete a total of 140 hours (approximately 20 days) of workshop-based training to complete their certiďŹ cates. This format allows individuals to work at their current jobs while moving forward with this training. Customized Management CertiďŹ cates If you would like to provide your staff with speciďŹ c learning opportunities while developing their management skills then look no further. UNBC Continuing Studies can work with your organization to develop an industryspeciďŹ c management certiďŹ cate through strategic elective development.

The Rolee of OHS in Pro ojeect Man nag a em ment April 4 - 13 (Thurs, Fri & Sat)

The e Purp pose and d Role e of a Board of Dirrecttors

Date: Apr 8 - 10 (Mon - Wed) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Pro oje ect Managem mentt for Nattura al Resourrce Pro ofess sion nals s Date: Apr 10 - 11 (Wed & Thurs) Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm **In addition, a one day Microsoft Project seminar will be held on April 12, but is available only at the Prince George campus.

Occupational Health and Safety CertiďŹ cate In ntrrod duc ctio on to o OHS Jan 25 - Feb 2 (Fri & Sat)

Time (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm

Pollic cy, Role es & Resp ponsib bilitiies Feb 28 - Mar 9 (Thurs, Fri & Sat) Time (Thu) 6:00pm - 9:30pm, (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm

In ntrrod duc ctio on to o Pro oje ect Manag gement April 4 - 13 (Thurs, Fri & Sat) Time (Thu) 6:00pm - 9:30pm, (Fri & Sat) 8:00am - 5:00pm For a complete list of courses for these certiďŹ cates please visit our website.

Project Management CertiďŹ cate

Date: Feb 26 (Tue) For a complete list of courses for these certiďŹ cates please visit our website.

in collaboration with

If you want to advance your career, UNBC’s CertiďŹ cate in Project Management is your next step. This program is designed with a key principle in mind: exceptional value with high-quality training and education in a conveniently-scheduled nine module program. This program includes important aspects meant to boost your career potential. Course materials compliant with The Project Management Institute (PMIÂŽ). Modules are scheduled in short intensive sessions two or three days in length, approximately every three weeks. This schedule is meant to minimize interruption to work and personal life and provide time between sessions to integrate learned skills into real-life projects. You will complete your training and be prepared for the PMP Exam in less than one year. Terrace intake starts February 22, 2013 Information Session: Come out for some snacks and learn more about this exciting new program. Date: January 31 (Thurs) Time: 3:30pm - 4:00pm & 7:30pm - 8:00pm Location: UNBC Terrace Campus

To register call: 250.960.5980 | 1.866.843.8061

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What will you get? t 5ISFF XFFLT PG GVMMZ GVOEFE FOIBODFE TFDVSJUZ HVBSE USBJOJOH t *ODMVEFT BMM NBUFSJBMT BOE FRVJQNFOU 5FSSBDF #$ t 'FCSVBSZ o .BSDI Information Session: +BOVBSZ t QN QN QN QN 6/#$ 5FSSBDF $BNQVT ,FJUI "WFOVF 5FSSBDF #$ Contact us for more information or to see if you are eligible

WILDLAND FIREFIGHTING PROGRAM Prepare now for ďŹ reďŹ ghting season!



Information Session: +BOVBSZ t QN QN QN QN 6/#$ 5FSSBDF $BNQVT ,FJUI "WFOVF 5FSSBDF #$ Contact us for more information or to see if you are eligible

Funding provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement.


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