Lake Country Calendar, February 27, 2013

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February 27, 2013



Public lakefront will be cleared of private property

Lake Country RCMP are recommending that several witnesses of a car crash into Wood Lake be awarded for their heroism after risking their own lives to try and save another person ...............................


Lake Country council remain firm in their decision to not allow two variance requests to lengthen docks along Okanagan Lake. ...............................


There’s still time to enter the Open Mic Has Talent contest at the Lake Country Coffee House. ...............................


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KEVIN PARNELL Despite some heated opposition from a group of Okanagan Centre residents, Lake Country council is moving forward with a plan to clean up the Okanagan Centre greenspace, a public trail that is currently littered with private property including boathouses, canoes, tables and chairs. At its Feb. 19 meeting, a group of residents presented council with a 122-name petition of residents who wanted a public hearing on the issue before any clean-up goes ahead. But their efforts did not sway council, which collectively voted to move ahead with the clean-up and remove private property from the public park. “This (issue) has been coming before council after council ever since (Lake Country) incorporated,” said Coun. Lisa Cameron, the councillor elected to represent the Okanagan Centre ward. “It’s time for the clean-up to be completed. Absolutely there will be lots of opportunity to talk about amenities that the community and citizens of Lake Country would like to see in the public park (after it’s cleaned up).” The clean-up effort was back in front of council only after a motion to rescind the district’s previous motion to remove private property from the greenspace was put forward by Coun. Penny Gambell at the Feb. 5 council meeting. But before the debate even began, Gam-

bell withdrew the motion to rescind. “I felt it was my duty to listen to my constituents but I have come to the conclusion that there is currently little support on council to rescind the motion. I do hope that the staff will approach the clean up task with sensitivity and common sense.” Despite the removal of her motion, several members of Okanagan Centre spoke, including David Geen who had organized the public movement against the clean-up. “What somebody sees as an old building that is post mature but not creating a problem, that is beauty to some people,” said Geen. “That is part of the thing that we feel is being foisted on us. This is the heritage of Okanagan Centre and you take that away when you sterilize it.” When pushed by residents about the clean-up, district parks director Steve Schaffrick said the parks committee, as well as community volunteers, will be doing the work and all non-public items will be removed. “We will be removing anything that doesn’t belong on the greenspace such as derelict buildings, old chairs, any non-public property,” he said. “Some people have contacted us and said they will be removing their structures before April 20 which is the date that has been set for the beginning of the clean-up.” In the end, council voted to hand the cleanup over to district staff


LAKE COUNTRY council is moving ahead to clean up the trail known as the greenspace in Okanagan Centre.

Pictured is a boat house (above) and some chairs (below right) that are locked to a tree as an example of what will be removed. Resident David Geen (below) presented a petition to council with 120 names on it, but his efforts failed to sway council to hold a public meeting before any clean-up is done.

to move ahead with its plans, which includes installing several picnic tables for residents to use once the tidy up is complete. Cameron said it was high time the greenspace became open for all residents of Lake Country and not just those

that have been using it for their own purposes and storing their private property on it. “I’d like to thank my fellow councillors for the leadership they have shown and thank the citizens of Okanagan Centre for their patience in waiting for council to

finally address the Okanagan Centre greenspace public/private conflict,” said Cameron. “We can all be proud of the fact that today we have

helped create a legacy for Lake Country with a truly public park for all Lake Country residents and future residents to enjoy.”

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Passersby stepped in despite danger


Lake Country’s top police officer will be recommending heroism

and bravery awards to as many as 10 people after investigating a fatal car accident that claimed the life of a Salmon Arm

woman last December. The accident occurred along Highway 97 near the Swiss Lodge in Lake Country when the

woman lost control of her vehicle in snowy and cold conditions, plummeted into Wood Lake and quickly submerged.

Lake Country RCMP Sgt. Scott Rempel said several individuals put their own lives at risk in trying to save

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LAKE COUNTRY RCMP sergeant Scott Rempel will be recommending heroism awards for several Okanagan residents after a fatal accident in December.

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Among the seven to 10 residents who ended up entering the frigid waters of Wood Lake were a 60-year-old man from Salmon Arm, a 40-year-old from Kelowna, a female truck driver, two police officers and the deputy fire chief from Lake Country. Rempel said he will be forwarding his report on the accident and a recommendation for bravery and heroism awards through RCMP chan-





the woman, including a 30-year-old woman banker who was first on the scene. “This woman dove into the water and went to the bottom of the lake at least four times to try and save the woman,” Rempel told Lake Country council during a report on crime stats for Lake Country in 2012. “I just find it incredible that random people traveling on the highway in those same conditions all attempted to rescue this woman.”






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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A3


Council snubs science; disallows docks that would protect habitat KEVIN PARNELL

Lake Country council has asked for a second look at a bylaw that limits the length of docks in the district after going against a staff recommendation and denying two separate requests from Lake Country residents to add 10 Rmetres to their docks on Okanagan Lake. The two variance requests came back-to.back at last Tuesday’s Lake Country council meeting. Both requests were denied by council, despite the staff recommendation to approve the variance and against the urging of an independent biologist who stated that the decisions would have negative effects on Okanagan Lake. Lake Country’s current bylaw limits docks to 40 metres. The requests to add 10 metres were made so that there would be enough water to accommodate a boat and keep it from im3pacting negatively on

fish habitat with what’s called prop scour, when a boat motor stirs up the lake bottom. “It’s crazy that they are saying you have to stick to 40 metres,” said Christina White, of Triton Environmental Consultants, a biologist who compiled a report for both variances as is required under provincial and federal regulations. “They are going against the science. It just seems crazy to me that they aren’t willing to listen. They need to revisit their maximum length. It’s not about the length of the dock, it’s about the science.” In one variance, councillors were concerned that the dock extension would have a negative impact as it would be 10 metres longer than neighbouring docks. The second proposal didn’t have any issues with neighbouring docks. Still, council decided to stick to its guns and keep the dock limit to 40 metres.

The decision means both residents will have issues getting their boats to the docks without disrupting the bottom of Okanagan Lake—potential habitat for shore spawning kokanee. Docks are actually governed and approved by the provincial and federal governments although a municipality’s zoning bylaws must also be adhered to. White says in her experience, variances are generally granted by a municipality when it’s shown that a dock extension is needed to have the least impact on the environment. Doug Pusey, of Legacy Homeworks, presented to council on behalf of the second applicant. “We don’t have the neighbour issues, we’re not affecting anyone else, none of the other government agencies have given any pause for thought,” he said. “What we were hoping for is to get the dock out far enough so that we don’t

have to worry about prop scour.” Despite his pleas, council denied the request. “The (provincial government) tells us we have to build a longer dock but the district says they don’t want it,” Pusey said after the meeting. “I find they are putting themselves in a precarious position. They say 40 metres but that doesn’t meet the best management practices. The lake is going to be impacted.” After turning down the requests, council asked district staff to provide a report on the length of docks allowed in Lake Country. “I’d like to request staff bring back a report on the changes that have been made to the best management practices (on Okanagan Lake) and comment on our zoning bylaw and how this is related to our decision,” said Coun. Penny Gambell. “I’m whole-hearted-


LAKE COUNTRY resident Scott Cochlan speaks against the lengthening of a

dock in Lake Country in what turned out to be a contentious issue surrounding the length of docks on Okanagan Lake. ly in support of a scientific approach, but maybe what that means is not all parcels of land can have a dock,” added

Coun. James McEwan. Meanwhile, White said she is looking into where the two applicants go from here—they can

either appeal or get twothirds of council support to bring the issue back to the council chamber.

District staff work on water ▼ DISTRICT OF LAKE COUNTRY system over next few weeks Council sets budget spending priorities District of Lake Country staff will be out in the community over the next several weeks, working on some maintenance issues with the district’s water system. Over the next few weeks the District of Lake Country Water operations department will be in the process of locating water shut-offs to properties connected to the district’s water system. The district would like to remind residents that the water shut-offs are

located within the district’s right-ofway and during this process, if needed, crews may need to clear away shrubs or trees that may be impeding access to the shut-off. This work will benefit the property owner as it will allow district staff quicker response time to any water leaks that may occur on or off your property. Should you have questions, please call the engineering department at 250-766-6677.


Many still suffer stress from attempts to save crash victim HEROISM FROM A2 nels and eventually to the Governor General and the Royal Canadian Humane Association. “This was a random group of people that came together moments before the official responders could get there,” said Rempel. “They went above and beyond and risked their own lives in trying to save this woman. It was

amazing.” After four trips to the bottom of the lake, the first woman on scene was finally able to break the window, but she could not remove the submerged victim. A chain was eventually fastened to the vehicle and it was moved towards the shore, but not in time to save the woman’s life. Rempel said the actions of the folks try-

ing to save a life need to be recognized. “It certainly restores my faith in humanity and is really touching,” he said. The process to be awarded heroism awards through the RCMP can take up to two years. Rempel said many of the people involved are still suffering post traumatic stress.

After deliberating for two days, Lake Country council has finalized its 2013 operating and capital budget. During the first week of February, council made decisions on how best to fund the operation of facilities and services the community relies on and make infrastructure improvements. The budget helps determine which objectives to give the highest priority and which will yield the most benefit in the community. The 2013 budget includes a three per cent property tax increase, which equates to approximately $45 on an average single-family home assessed at $489,000. The largest impacts within the 2013 operating budget are the increase in the RCMP contract ($112,000) and the transit expansion

which took effect September 2012 ($120,000). Together these two items equate to a tax increase of 2.65 per cent. The district’s total operating budget is $18.4 million and the capital budget is $9.1 million (plus 2012 unfinished project allocations). The Business Systems Review and recommended changes implemented in 2012 resulted in annual savings of $393,000 starting in 2013 which has been allocated to capital projects for infrastructure improvements. The capital projects are the big ticket items. They include: • Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 3 Expansion $7 million • Kal Lake Interconnect Project final stages $1.3 million • Water main replacement along Glenmore

Calendar Lake Country

Proudly Serving

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

Road $175,000 • Camp Road Reconstruction and Pathway (Bond Rd. to Jack Seaton Park) $250,000 • Beasley Park Community Centre Upgrades $450,000 • Bottom Wood Lake Road design (Berry Rd. to Woodsdale Rd.) $100,000 • Master Drainage Plan $80,000 • Clement Road Drainage Improvements $80,000 • Integrated Transportation Framework $75,000. Some decisions made by Council in last November that affected the

budget included: • that there be no increase to the sewer user fee, sewer parcel tax, environmental levy and garbage and recycling user fee for 2013; and • that there be a $50 increase to the water user fee for the years 2013 to 2016. The full budget document is on the district’s website lakecountry. . There you can also view the minutes of the Feb. 5 and 7 council meetings to see all of the individual budget decisions. District of Lake Country Feb. 27 newsletter.

Covering your community since 1951.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Quick test for good and bad

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.


think I may have discovered a fundamental law of the universe.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness

Life and Faith

Production Manager

Jim Taylor

Sheri Jackson Advertising Consultant 1-250-540-2974

OK, maybe not the universe. But at least of human affairs. And that law is— You can’t legislate good. Or goodness, if you prefer. You can only legislate against badness. Think about it—our criminal and civil codes

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Suzuki now the Don Cherry of TV science


e has a white beard and a bully pulpit on CBC television, but he doesn’t use it to promote hockey fighting. Instead he sucker punches the oil and gas industry at every opportunity, with increasingly flagrant disregard for the rules of science. Public broadcasting referees keep their whistles in their pockets, wary of offending a legend. He’s David Suzuki, and he has evolved from geneticist to TV celebrity to his current role as the Don Cherry of Canadian science, an angry curmudgeon lashing out at his enemies. Earlier I wrote about Suzuki’s hit piece on the Alberta oil sands, featuring selective pollution studies and a celebrity turn by movie director James Cameron, who toured the alleged carbon crime scene in his personal jet helicopter. Suzuki’s latest Scud missile of misinforma-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher tion was launched Feb. 7 on The Nature of Things. It’s called Shattered Ground, and it borrows heavily from earlier shock docs that target hydraulic fracturing for shale oil and gas. While clearly aimed at the surging shale gas industry in B.C., this hourlong program offers little about B.C.’s long history of gas development. Suzuki’s voice-over refers briefly to B.C.’s Oil and Gas Commission, insinuating it was set up as a pet regulator protecting the industry from stricter oversight. Mostly the show fo-

cuses on places like Dish, Texas and Dimock, Pennsylvania. The Texas segment talks about traces of neurotoxins in residents’ blood samples, blaming this on gas drilling and “fracking,” the new swear word of professional environmentalists. The evidence shows some people have these traces in their blood, but others don’t, which suggests that more likely sources are cigarettes or exposure to disinfectants. Pennsylvania and Colorado are key stops for the anti-fracking crowd. For centuries there have been places known for methane dissolved in groundwater, typically from shallow coal seams. This is where you can find a rustic fellow to shake a jug of well water and touch his Bic lighter to it, producing a brief blue flame. The standard sequence moves to a sink and faucet, where a more impressive methane fire-

ball is generated. Suzuki’s voice-over notes that this is the scene that really gets media attention. There’s no evidence that drilling caused it, but hey, it’s TV. Science meets Hillbilly Handfishin’. Protest sequences take up much of the program. Moms rally against a gas well near a school in Erie, Pennsylvania, forcing evil Canadian corporation Encana to back off. An elderly Quebec woman sobs on camera, convinced that a nearby gas well will trigger a relapse of her cancer. One bit of local content is a segment on fracking-induced earthquakes, presented with sombre alarm by Ben Parfitt, go-to researcher for the anti-industry left in B.C. These are detectable by sensitive instruments, as is the case with some mining and other industrial activities, but according to the Oil and Gas Commission, they don’t do any actual harm.

It should be noted that Suzuki doesn’t do much beyond reading a script on these shows. He has people to load up the propaganda weaponry, just as his ghostwriter in Toronto cranks out the relatively innocuous weekly columns that run in some Black Press publications. In fairness, most episodes of The Nature of Things are in the original spirit of the show. A recent program on an ancient Egyptian aquifer, voiced by Suzuki over National Geographic video footage, would be appropriate for a high school classroom. The same cannot be said for this anti-fracking screed, which is plainly and recklessly calculated to twist public opinion against a crucial B.C. industry. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

are all about things that you can’t or shouldn’t do to another person. You can’t kill them. Hurt them. Cheat them. Oppress them. Conspire against them. And we can enforce— more or less effectively— those prohibitions. But you cannot pass laws that will make people be kind to each other. You can’t make them love each other. You can’t make them thoughtful, considerate, or sensitive. You can pass laws that will tax part of everyone’s income and turn the money over to a worthy cause—be that cause education, health care, or (as in Germany) the established churches. But you cannot write laws that will make people generous. As soon as the



We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community

Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A5


New legislation places rights of crime victims as the priority A s a first-time Member of Parliament, I greatly value the advice and wisdom that is often shared with me by more senior and veteran elected officials from all levels of government. In particular, a recent MLA report from Speaker of the House Bill Barisoff really hit home for me. In his Dec.17 comments, Barisoff spoke of the unpleasant but important need for publicly elected officials to be in tune with death and tragedy. In my relatively brief time as an MP, I have already noted that, while serious tragedies often make the headlines, the media spotlight is quick to shift to other issues of the day, all too often leaving the victims and their families behind.

MP’s Report

Dan Albas

For the past year, I have worked closely with the family of Lynn Kalmring. As I shared with the House of Commons recently, Lynn Kalmring was a loving mother, sister, daughter and friend to all who loved her. Lynn’s life was tragically taken from her in a senseless and brutal act of domestic violence. The suffering and immense hardship for the

Kalmring family did not end with Lynn’s passing; rather it was only the beginning of an ongoing challenge, one that often only victims of such a tragedies truly understand. It should not have to be this way. Likewise, although I have only briefly met with a few of the family members who have suffered greatly at the hands of Allan Schoenborn (the man who took the lives of his three children in Merritt), his legal status of being found not criminally responsible for this heinous act continues to terrify the family and victims to this very day. It should not have to be this way. In yet another example, long-time Okanagan-Coquihalla residents may recall the 1997 tragedy that oc-

Would be nice to not need rules


donation becomes mandatory, it ceases to be generosity. You can penalize promiscuity; you cannot mandate morality. Goodness, kindness, love—these are always voluntary. St. Paul listed desirable attributes in a Christian—none of them can be enforced. The closest thing to a command to be good comes from the Hebrew book of Leviticus, later quoted by Jesus: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” It’s like the variants of the Golden Rule, found in every religion and culture: “Treat others as you would want them to treat you.” Neither of those admonitions can be imposed. Not even by God, it would seem. The best they can do is create a climate in which people feel social pressure to conform to certain standards. And even conformity may be mistaken. White South Africans conformed, for generations, by treating black people like cockroaches. Devout Hindus still maintain an equally punitive caste system. Some churches and religions apply a

kind of gender apartheid to women. Admittedly, my thesis has fuzzy edges. China bans additional children; the Vatican bans devices to restrict children. Some states prohibit abortion, even for forced sex; others use abortion to undo overly voluntary sex. Judaism prescribes genital mutilation for males; some other societies, for females. Because these are all imposed, my “law” would consider all of them wrong. I suspect that I have always rebelled against arbitrary rules and regulations. At times, when I worked in corporate environments, I admit that I did my best to subvert the petty procedures

that sprout like mushrooms in the compost of bureaucracies. I would love to live in a world that didn’t require rules and regulations at all. Where each person was sufficiently concerned about each other person’s welfare that we didn’t need punitive laws to prevent us from harming each other. Unfortunately, we don’t live in that kind of world. At least my principle gives me a quick test for distinguishing right from wrong, good from bad. If it can be legislated against, it’s probably bad. If it can’t be enforced, it’s probably good. Author Jim Taylor lives in Okanagan Centre.

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curred in Summerland. Kevin Machell, who was released on parole, senselessly murdered Tammy Grono and her mother Cecilia at a motel in front of his own pre-school aged children. These murders occurred in spite of a restraining order against Machell. In fact, the victim who had feared for her life as a result of death threats was neglected to even be notified that Machell was on the loose and that he had failed to report to a halfway house. Sadly, those children grew up without a mother or grandmother by

their side. It should not be overlooked that this tragedy occurred some 16 years ago. Today, families involved in similar tragedies continue to be victimized by a justice system that all too often puts the rights of criminals ahead of the victims and ahead of public safety. It should not have to be this way. This past Friday, I had the honour of supporting our prime minister at an event as he announced the Not Criminally Responsible Reform Act. This legislation will introduce several important changes that will

help to put the rights of victims ahead of criminals, as well as aiding in protecting the public and reducing these acts from occurring in the future. This legislation will ensure that victims are specifically considered in the decision making process and more importantly are notified when a person found not criminally responsible is discharged; including the creation of non-communications orders. This legislation will also create a High-Risk Designation—individuals designated by the court as high-risk must be held in custody and

cannot be considered for release by a review board until their designation is revoked by a court. In my view, these changes are long overdue and I am proud to be part of a government that is finally taking action and putting the rights of victims first and enhancing public safety in the process. The families of serious domestic violence should not have to live in fear for their safety and continue to be victimized by offenders. Dan Albas is the Conservative MP for Okanagan-Coquihalla.


Residents make Okanagan Centre unique Open letter to District of Lake Country mayor and council and administrator Alberto De Fao: In 2007, a commit-

tee of your council developed a Sector Plan for the Okanagan Centre Ward with the vision “to sustain a unique community personality”

and identified the OK Centre Village as having a “low-key ambience that make the Village a unique and attractive community to live and

visit.” The Sector Plan committee suggested “that the Parks and Recrea-


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Wildlife Act amended to encourage Reversing decisions wastes money young, new hunters to try the sport ▼ LAKE COUNTRY COUNCIL

To the editor: Re: Council Will Revisit Decision To Tidy Greenspace, Lake Country Calendar Feb. 13. As a new member to the Council of Lake Country, as the Okanagan Centre Ward representative, I have spent a lot of time talking to residents, and reading current letters and past documents outlining Okanagan Centre residents’ wishes for the Okanagan Centre greenspace/public beach. In 2007, at a cost to Lake Country tax payers upwards of $20,000, a consultant was hired to survey Okanagan Centre residents on their wishes for the community and its public spaces (e.g. the Okanagan Centre Greenspace/Public Beach). Completion of this document, titled Okanagan Centre Sector Plan, was in November 2007 and presented to the council of the day. This document surveyed Okanagan Centre residents in great detail and resulted in the following responses: • 76 per cent felt that unapproved structures should be removed from the foreshore • 84 per cent felt that

the municipality should more strictly enforce parks and parking bylaws • 88 per cent felt that the foreshore should be kept natural, undeveloped, and for public use Fast forward five years and the Parks and Recreation Committee (made up of hardworking community-minded volunteers) recommended to council to follow our own Parks bylaws and remove all private property from the public beach. Council voted unanimously to support this recommendation in September 2012. Lake Country council had finally acted upon the intent of the results from the Okanagan Centre Sector Plan Survey of 2007. On Feb. 5, 2013 a resident spoke to council on behalf of eight or nine residents, requesting council stop the cleanup, and suggested we hire another consultant to do another study before rushing into a beach cleanup. Councillor (Penny) Gambell then informed council that she was notifying us that she would bring forward a motion to rescind our

previous motion—essentially a motion to reverse the beach cleanup. On Feb. 19, 2013 after receiving many letters in support of the cleanup after the article in the Lake Country Calendar indicated this would be going back before council, Coun. Gambell withdrew her motion, as she stated she felt she did not have the support of council to continue. In an effort to ensure that this issue would not appear before council yet again, wasting municipal staff and council’s time and taxpayers’ money, I moved to make the cleanup an operational program of the municipality, like any other public park in Lake Country, and to not revisit this issue before the end of 2013 at council’s discretion. This will ensure municipal staff has enough time to clean up the public beach and return it back to the public where it belongs.

Lisa Cameron councillor, District of Lake Country Okanagan Centre Ward

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Hunting just became more accessible to both youth and firsttime hunters. Amendments to the Wildlife Act benefit resident hunters through an expanded Youth Hunting Licence and a new Initiation Hunting Licence, both of which will be effective for the 2013-14 hunting season. The Youth Hunting Licence will be available for youth aged 10 to 17 years inclusive. Previously, the age range was 10 to 13 years. This change will make it easier for youth to give hunting a try and to have more mentorship opportunities. The amendments also create a

new Initiation Hunting Licence, a mentoring licence that allows a person 18 years or older who has never previously held a hunting licence in B.C. to try hunting for a one-year period. It is a one-timeonly licence. Both licence options represent an opportunity for those new to hunting to try the experience with a limited commitment and under the supervision of an experienced mentor. It is anticipated that the new licence options will promote hunting uptake among B.C. residents and provide another opportunity for families to get out and enjoy B.C.’s backcountry.

“Hunting will always be an integral part of the social fabric of British Columbia and these changes will help introduce a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts to this tradition,” said Steve Thomson, the MLA for the Kelowna-Mission riding. “The BCWF and our members are pleased to see the implementation of the expanded Youth Hunting Licence and new Initiation Hunting Licence. These changes will provide increased opportunities for youth to try hunting,” said Bill Bosch, president of the B.C. Wildlife Federation.

Film society offers camera, grants to new filmmakers The Kelowna Film Society wants to offer financial aid to film students and prospective filmmakers through scholarships and grants. Last year, the society awarded $6,000 to eight applicants for their film projects. This year, the society wants to offer financial support again to students from the

Okanagan who are planning to attend approved post-secondary film programs and to local filmmakers with viable projects. Interested students and film and video makers should consult the Kelowna Film Society website at www. for application details. The

closing deadline for 2013 applications is 5 p.m., May 17. Winners will be announced at the society’s June AGM. Another initiative, with the technical and business support of Mountain Lake Films, makes available a professional-quality Sony Super35mm digital film camera and peripherals

at non-profit rental costs. The Kelowna Film Society has been in existence since 2007 and its Wednesday evening film showings, 7 p.m., at the Orchard Plaza 5 on Cooper Road in Kelowna draws a diverse and enthusiastic audience of film buffs. For more call Wendy Ord 250-766-4886.

Resident wants to debate greenspace clean-up GREENSPACE FROM A5 tion Committee and the Okanagan Centre community should co-operate and work together with regular strategic planning for recreational and cultural facilities.” To date there has been only one such meeting, that being the one that was rigidly confined to discussing the “on-lake”

buoys. Last week, in a space of three to four days and a time when many residents are off in the sun, more than 125 ward residents signed the petition asking for a town hall meeting before any further DLC activity in the greenspace (i.e. hold off the clean-up). Many more names would have likely been added if our

canvass had been extended. Unfortunately our ward councillor’s recent statements reflect her lack of knowledge, or understanding, of the OK Centre Sector Plan; and that her attitudes are at variance with a large number, probably a significant majority, of her constituents. Her crafty motion to, in effect, stop

further council discussion of the issue is an abomination. Obviously, if council does not convene an appropriate meeting and facilitate ongoing dialogue as outlined in the sector plan these residents will justly feel violated. David H. Geen, Okanagan Centre

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A7


Elections BC ready to start Valdy to help Camp Owaissi enumerating voters for May election ▼ FUNDRAISER

Canadian folk icon Valdy comes back in the Okanagan next week. The popular singer songwriter, who penned such Canadian classics as Renaissance, Country Man, Play Me a Rock n’ Roll Song...) will bring his troubadour talent to the Creekside Theatre in Lake Country on Tuesday, March 5. A multiple Juno nominee and winner over the decades Valdy has agreed to donate his time in an effort to help raise

funds and awareness for a youth camp in the heart of the Okanagan – Camp Owaissi. Best known as the Anglican Church Camp (OAC) on Westside Road, the popular facility has played host to church, cub, guide and scout camps for 63 years. Proceeds from the event will go towards upgrading facilities at the summer camp, as well as the costs of holding the youth camps. A silent auction will

Water upkeep

Performers are signing up

District of Lake Country staff will be in the community over the next several weeks, working on some maintenance issues with the district’s water system. Over the next few weeks the Lake Country water operations department will be in the process of locating water shut-offs to properties connected to the district’s water system. The district would like to remind residents that the water shut-offs are located within the district’s right-of-way and during this process, if needed, crews may need to clear away shrubs or trees that may be impeding access to the shut-off. This work will benefit the property owner as it will allow district staff quicker response time to any water leaks that may occur on or off your property. Should you have questions, please call the engineering department at 250-766-6677.

The first performers have been announced for the 2013 Lake Country Open Mic Has Talent contest, with performances will begin at the Lake Country Coffee House. The second year of the talent contest will begin with four performers set for March 6. “It has been a very successful year with the Open Mic at the Lake Country Coffee House,” said organizer Jennifer Boal, with performances already ongoing this year. “We have had many packed evenings with energetic performances from both familiar and new artists in a unique and intimate venue. “After a slow start to registrations the Open Mic contest has once again gained momentum and features an array of stand-out singers and songwriters.” Musicians set to perform during the first contest night on March 6 are Luke Atherton, Bex Troock, Dale Ziech and Lourine Welding. Part of the even-

also be included at the event. Opening the show for Valdy will be local singer songwriter and Executive Director of Camp Owaissi Keith Thom. For more information or for tickets telephone 250-769-3676 or go to Doors open at 6 p.m. March 5 with the concert running from 6:30 until 9 p.m. The event is designed for all ages so bring the family.

Elections BC is conducting an enumeration and updating the provincial voters list for the May 2013 provincial general election. Are you on the voters list? “Elections BC is implementing a multi-layered approach to enumerating the province in advance of the May 14 provincial general election” explained Keith Archer, chief elector-

al officer. “We are asking eligible voters to register and those already on the list to ensure their voter registration is up-todate.” Beginning Monday, Feb. 25, more than 1.9 million notices will be mailed to residential addresses in the province asking eligible residents to register to vote or to update their voter registration information.

Residents can do so online (www.elections. or by calling Elections BC toll-free at 1-800-661-8683. Residents may also identify the names of voters no longer living at their address and request that their name be removed from the address. Starting on March 6, Elections BC voter registration officials will provide voter registration opportunities throughout the province at shopping malls, community centres, campuses and more.

Voter registration officials will be conducting door-to-door visits in selected high mobility neighbourhoods, new subdivisions and residential complexes. View the electoral district specific voter registration opportunities on the Elections BC website at: “Look for us in your community,” said Arch-


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AMONG THE PERFORMERS for the first night of

the Lake Country Open Mic Has Talent Contest on March 6 are Bex Troock (above) and Luke Atherton (right). ing will also be reserved for a regular Open Mic

night and so performers are welcome to come out

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Ottawa must heed environment commissioner’s warnings R W

hen the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in 2010, killing 11 people and spewing massive amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, it cost more than $40 billion to mop up the mess. In Canada, an oil company would only be liable for $30 million, leaving taxpayers on the hook for the rest. That’s just one of a litany of flaws Canada’s environment commissioner identified with the government’s approach to environmental protection. According to environment and sustainable development commissioner Scott Vaughan, who released a final ser-

Science Matters

David Suzuki ies of audits before stepping down, the federal government’s failure to protect the environment is putting Canadians’ health and economy at risk. Vaughan says the government has no real plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is not even on track to meet its own modest targets (already

watered down from the widely accepted emission-levels baseline of 1990 to 2005). It is unprepared for tanker accidents and oil spills in coastal waters. It lacks regulations governing toxic chemicals used by the oil industry. He noted the federal government does not even require the oil and gas industry to disclose chemicals it uses in fracking, which means there is no way to assess the risks. And despite the fact that Canada has committed to protecting 20 per cent of its oceans by 2020, we have less than one per cent protected now and are not likely to meet our goal within this century. “We know that there

is a boom in natural resources in this country and I think what we need now— given the gaps, given the problems we found—is a boom in environmental protection in this country as well,” Mr. Vaughan told the Globe and Mail. He added that not dealing with the risks will cause economic losses as well as damage to human health and the environment because it will cost more to clean up problems than prevent them. Remember, this is not coming from a tree-hugging environmentalist but from the government’s own independent office of the auditor general. It should concern all Canadians. We have a

beautiful country, blessed with a spectacular natural environment and a progressive, caring society. But we can’t take it for granted. Beijing was probably a nicer city when you could breathe the air without risking your life. Often, the justification for failing to care for the environment is that it’s not economically feasible. It’s not a rational argument—after all, we can’t survive and be healthy ourselves if we degrade or destroy the air, water, soil and biodiversity that make it possible for us to live well. But Vaughan shows the folly of this way of thinking on a more basic

level. Beyond the high costs of cleaning up after environmental contamination or disasters, he notes the government doesn’t even have a handle on some of the financial implications of its policies. “The government does not know the actual cost of its support to the fossil fuel sector,” he reports, adding that it has no idea how much its sector-by-sector approach to greenhouse gas emissions will cost either, even though that was a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol, which the government bailed on, arguing it was too expensive. The government has also steadfastly refused to consider putting a price on carbon, through a

carbon tax and/or capand-trade, even though economists point to the ever-growing mountain e of evidence that those arem effective ways to reduce i carbon emissions. e With an expected doubling of fracking e wells, from 200,000 to 8 400,000, and tripling of tanker traffic off the West Coast, we can’t afford such a lax approach. Our prime minister has responded mostly with slogans and platitudes, but others in government say the issues will be addressed. For the sake of our country’s future, we must demand that they keep that promise and recognize the crucial role the environment commis-



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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A9


Register to vote in the upcoming provincial election over the phone or on line VOTE BC FROM A7


er. “Take the opportunity to register to vote or emake sure your voter registration information is up-to-date. Be ready for the provincial general election.” Register as a provincial voter online at www. or by phone at 1-800-6618683.

• 3,276,388—number of estimated eligible voters in B.C. as of April 1, 2012 (BC Stats) • 3,145,120—number of registered voters in B.C. as of February 11, 2013 (Elections BC) •2,995,465—number of registered voters as of the May 12, 2009 provincial general election • An enumeration is a set of voter registration outreach activities conducted before an

election • Enumerations improve the accuracy and completeness of the provincial voters list. This is particularly important in B.C., which has a high mobility rate. • Creating an accurate voters list enhances the efficiency of the voting process. When voters are registered they will receive timely information about voting opportunities, and are able to vote quickly and easily, reducing their

time at the voting place. • Beginning in April 2013, Elections BC voter registration officials will visit homeless shelters, social service agencies and long-term care facilities to register eligible voters and provide information about voting. The objective of these outreach activities is to make registration accessible for those who may otherwise face barriers to participation in the provincial electoral process.





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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



LouisiAnA HAYriDe iV The Legends of Country & Rockabilly

Friday, March 1,7:30pm A World Premiere: The History of Country and Rockabilly. Go back in History with The Louisiana Hayride featuring Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison and many more! Amazing LIVE singers and band, takes you back to that timeless

Business groups want to restore Canada’s competitiveness JOHN WINTER CONTRIBUTOR

Tickets: Adult $35, Students/Seniors $33


Tuesday, March 5 7:30pm

Canadian folksinger, remembered for “Play Me a Rock and Roll Song,” his bitter-sweet memory of finding himself, a relaxed and amiable story-teller, facing a rambunctious audience at the Aldergrove Rock Festival circa 1968, Valdy has sold almost half a million copies of his 13 albums.

Tickets: $20 in advance; $22 at the door

st PAtrick’s DAY witH coD Gone wiLD Featuring the Okanagan Celtic Choir

Friday, March 15 7:30pm

Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Cod Gone Wild for their annual Paddy’s Day performance. Cod Gone Wild will be sharing some new original and traditional music as well as performing some of their favorites that can not be overlooked around St. Patrick’s Day!

Tickets: Adult $25, Students/Seniors $20

Archie Fisher

Saturday, March 16 7:30pm

Master guitarist, singer and songwriter Archie Fisher is Scotland’s foremost troubadour and is known throughout the country as the host of BBC Radio Scotland’s award-winning “Travelling Folk” show, which he has presented for over 25 years.The most recent recognition of his art came from the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival in 2008 when he was granted the Tradition Bearers Award.

Tickets: $23, Students/Seniors $22, Group of 4 tickets $80.

A great deal is said and written these days about the global economy and Canada’s role in it. Concerns about Canada’s competitiveness have been expressed in many quarters and to address that issue requires an ambitious, aggressive and innovative private sector. Strategic thinking and smart public policies are also needed to address long-standing structural impediments that hinder businesses at a time when they need much greater flexibility to compete. Led by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, chambers of commerce from coast to coast have a

role to play in identifying and restoring Canada’s competitiveness. Consequently, the B.C. Chamber of Commerce announced a major advocacy initiative focused on harnessing the power of business and public policy to address the key barriers to Canada’s competitiveness and our national prosperity. Powerful forces are transforming the global economic landscape and challenging Canada’s prospects in the world. The weight of global economic activity has dramatically shifted from developed to developing countries. Emerging economies like China and India are sparking a wave of inno-

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Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist

vation with their critical mass of researchers, scientists and engineers. These countries recognize that research and innovation are the keys to success in the increasingly competitive global economy. Canada risks being swept aside. Improving Canada’s competitiveness requires an ambitious, aggressive and innovative private sector. Strategic thinking and smart public policies are needed to address long-standing structural impediments that hinder businesses at a time when they need the utmost in flexibility to compete. Over the past year, the chamber network, comprised of local chambers of commerce, boards of trade, large corporations and small businesses right across Canada, has worked to identify the key barriers hindering our ability to compete. Those consultations have identified 10 critical policy and regulatory barriers which will be the focus of our advocacy and outreach activities. Effectively addressing these issues will sharpen our competitive edge and allow us to prosper in the global economy. The network of chambers of commerce includes more than 130 chambers and boards of trade here in B.C., and is uniquely positioned to lead this effort. We have long served as a key resource to solv-

ing the issues—by connecting businesses, workers, educators and governments. That is an approach we will continue to pursue in a collaborative effort to establish practical solutions toward a common goal—strengthening Canada’s competitiveness in a knowledge-based global economy so that our future prosperity and standard of living can be assured. As the voice of business in our community, it is important to continue the dialogue at all levels to reverse the trend. We are calling on governments, on labour organizations, on educators and others to tackle and overcome these barriers as tolerating them is simply not an option. Effectively addressing these 10 barriers will sharpen Canada’s competitive edge and allow us to prosper in the global economy. The need for action is urgent. The standard of living of every Canadian depends on how well we respond to the challenge. We must identify and implement real, tangible solutions for breaking down the barriers to our competitiveness and for creating more opportunities and greater prosperity for Canadian businesses and families.

John Winter is the president and chief executive officer of the B.C. Chamber of Commerce.

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A11

coMMUniTy evenTS


copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date

Kelowna Chamber plans delegation to China

The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce is promoting a fivestar, all inclusive trip to China in October 2013. - “The venture is brand-new for us,” said Kelowna Chamber of Commerce president Caroline hGrover, who is going on the same trip in April. o “This trip offers amazing sights -and opportunities, going to seven out of 10 of China’s world histor-ic sites, such as the Great Wall and nthe Temple of Heaven.” - Equally important is to use the -trip as an opportunity to combine -business with vacation pleasure, -she said.

The tour operator will set up business meetings with government officials and business owners, she said. “We recognize China as a critical part of the B.C. and Canadian economy. This is a great opportunity to be introduced to the culture and the business life of China.” A meeting request form is posted at discoverchina. The price includes four- and five-star hotels, three meals a day, nine days of packed tours with English-speaking guides—all taxes and gratuities included—along with international airfare, for $2,475. “That is the

chamber member price,” said Grover. Non-members are welcome for another $150. A Kelowna-based travel agent will be assisting in ticketing and insurance. Tour operator Citslinc is a member of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, with its home base in Monterey Park, Cal. The trip, scheduled for Oct. 9 to 17, will take travelers to Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou. The Kelowna Chamber will hold orientation sessions every other month until the booking deadline, July 31. For more contact Carolin Miller; 250-469-7358.


‘We can’t afford such a lax approach’


sioner has in analyzing sCanada’s environmentd al practices and recoms mending improvements y for environmental per-

formance. Given our government’s current record of ignoring scientific evidence and gutting environmental laws and programs, it will have to

do a lot more to convince Canadians that it doesn’t see environmentalists and environmental regulation simply as impediments to fossil fuel development.

Written with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation communications manager Ian Hanington.

l w -



PUZZLE NO. 654 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

d -

r -

14. 16. 22. 23. 25. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31.



Copyright © 2013, Penny Press


1. 6. 10. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

23. 24. 26. 27. 30. 33. 34. 35.

Royal headdress Carve Motorist’s aid Nettle’s cousin Rub hard Jiffy Limber Mild cigar Extend (a subscription) Dole out Sheep’s stomach, to a chef Make like Greg Lemond Soak, as a tea bag Type of jacket Nile menace Sniggler’s quarry Turns left Pose Carpenter’s curve

36. Stringed instrument 38. “Peter, Peter, pumpkin ____ . . .” 40. Penny, e.g. 41. Word for Gatsby 42. Disposition 44. Fountainhead 46. Bombard with current 47. Daisy color 51. Stages 53. Cotton cloth 54. Besides 57. ____ beef 59. Reach 60. Evening frock 61. Nothing 62. Do a yard chore 64. Straight stick 65. Chopping tool 66. Coagulate 67. In flames 69. Bear necessity?

71. Kiddie cart 73. Blow one’s cool 77. Aquarium denizen 79. Barry Levinson film 80. Arctic shelter 81. Groom 82. Positive electrode 83. Clan emblem 84. Measure of gold 85. Withhold 86. Shoulder scarf

32. 34. 35. 37. 39. 43. 45. 46.

Catch Remedy Cable channel Heart chambers Journey Genealogy Perfect tennis serve Embroider Nail’s cousin Slice Double-cross Roofing straw Dock Yen component Goldfish, e.g. Fowl balls? Continental currency Stead Call it quits Wildcat Sport fish Bring together Pen pal’s product Breadwinner Passion

48. 49. 50. 52. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59. 63. 66. 68. 70. 71. 72. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Con man Melange Go along Farmer’s concern Eastern title Bagel topper Suffer from heat Disaster Alike Prior to, in Dogpatch Jack’s foe Rye fungus Region Champagne or sherry Immediately Certain choir member December air Big book Major hwy. Period of time Family member Possessive pronoun



1. Prepare for a test 2. Fly off the handle 3. Fail to include 4. Tricks 5. Previously known as 6. Overshadow

• We are calling March 3, “The BoB hannah” afTernoon in honour of the veteran that is hosting. March 3, 2pm at the Oyama legion. Fun games, liars’ club, free draws, and especially the horse races. All are welcome. Everyone is a winner. •World day of Prayer Fri., March 1, 1pm at St. Francis Anglican Church, Newene Rd. “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. Written by the committee of France. All are welcome. Offering taken. Refreshments to follow service. •laKe coUnTry Trade ShoW Small business & home-base business. Learn more about our local businesses. Sat., March 2. 10:30am-3pm. Winfield Seniors Centre - Bottom Wood Lake Road. Demonstrations, snacks, door prizes. Admission is free. Bring a donation for the Lake Country Food Bank for entry in a special door prize draw. Further details contact Sandi Zoobkoff at 250-212-5973 or Tom Cockrell 250-979-8658. •royal canadian legion 189 ladieS aUXiliary - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10 am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •a roSey evening WiTh richard radoMSKe froM Bedroc roSeS Wed., March 6, 7:30pm. New location for the Kelowna Garden Club’s meeting: First Lutheran Church & School, 4091 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna.Members free, guests $2. Yearly subscription, due March each year, $15 single person, $20 couple. For more information contact Dorothy Robison, Director/Publicity (778) 484 4704. •Bingo-TWice MonThly BingoS will be held at the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. Bingo begins at 1:30pm, doors open at 12:30pm. Everybody welcome but must be 19 to play. Bus service is also available in Lake Country if there are enough people wanting it. For info call Marg Fyfe one week before the bingo at 250-766-3227. Bingos are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month and sponsored by the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Society. •laKe coUnTry yoUTh Soccer aSSoc. Registration ongoing. For info check out or call 250-766-0602. •Today’S line dancing iS SiMilar To BallrooM dancing, but NO PARTNER IS NEEDED! Rhythm flavours of Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Merengue, Samba, Fox Trot, Waltz, Bolero, and coming up BACHATA! and yes, some Country and Western! Tooney donation. Location: Holiday Park Resort Recreation Centre, Hwy 97 North, turn at Sail Boat (Commonwealth Road). Mondays at 1:45 to 2:40 for New Beginners, 2 to 3pm for beginners and intermediates. First class for 2013 begins Feb. 4. Ph: Mary 250-766-4651. •Winfield UniTed chUrch ThrifT ShoP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •The laKe coUnTry food BanK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. PUZZLE NO. 656 •laKe coUnTry ThrifT STore hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9amSurrounded b 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the3.Lake 4. Default result Country Food Bank). 5. Small city •BeaverS/cUBS/ScoUTS/venTUrerS regiSTraTion/agM Registration is on6. Each going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls 7. Sex ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. 8. Station •laKe coUnTry BUSineSS connecTionS meets twice monthly in 9. the Frankly decla boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local 10. Delude business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide 11.and Fabric motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free is layer limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on 12. the Bubbles 2nd and 13. Dissenter 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or 14. Ownership Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. document •oyaMa legion Branch 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 24. Dry watercou 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. 26. Hearth residu •The laKe coUnTry MUSeUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and 29. Saturdays Juicy fruit 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 31. Got up 32. Mix up •criBBage ToUrnaMenTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood 33. Untamed Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for all 34. Procure day coffee. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call 35. Agate John 250-766-3026. 36. Tot’s garmen •To all Winfield criB PlayerS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the 37. Seniors’ Type of skiing Copyright © 2013, Penny Press Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games a meth 39. with Printing 30.orSnake shape drinks 67.& Duelist chance of winning $12, $10 $8. Coffee, goodies served at41. no Student’s charge. ACROSS 1. Mark For info call John 250-766-3026. 68. Beret 32. Hold fast furniture 71. Which thing? 33. Nautical unit& Thursdays, •lc linepermanently dancerS Tuesdays, 1:30pm 9:30am in the Seniors’ 5. Beginners Label 74. Ma that baas Diameter Centre. always 36. welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 8. Humid Collection of components •Social Bridge Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’76. Centre. New players welcome. clothes 12. Craze 38. Doctrine Eunice, 250-766-3982. ANSWER TO PU 78. Pronoun 15. “A Horse With 40. Defective •The coUncil ciTiZenS organiZaTionS (COSCO) is an advocacy No ____”of Senior 79. Fortitude 42. Sculpt group “The Quality of Life”80.forNipper’s all seniors. masterSenior 16.devoted Unclose,totoimproving a 43. Minister organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or81. individuals wishing to become poet Concluded 46. Bizarre members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or 17. Like a villain 82. Openings 48. info. Abundant for further 18. Dollar bill 83. Not a pretty fruit 50. Gaucho’s tool •lc 19. oUTdoorS clUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Above 84. Outward 51. Brownish gray Bring20.water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate &appearance sufficient for the weather. For Take the gold fabrics or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit more info, to sign up for our hikes, medal 85. Tree of India 52. Sales pitch 21. Nosegay 86. Disorderly crowd

53. Join 22. Pleased Julia Child 88. Remit money to Scopeinquiries, of 23. Famous for all 56. other please email 89. West Pointer’s knowledge 25. Night animal team or fax 250-762-3220 57. Mushrooms, e.g. 26. In the company 59. Senseless of DOWN 61. Eye section 27. Physics unit 1. Pitfall 63. Put in order 28. Mountain2. Indulge, with CROSSWORD climber’s coup USE AMERICA “to” 66. Conjunction

87. to Informed All Community EvEnts will placed at no charge all non-Profit organizations. 55.beCheat


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Finding silver linings after Hurricane Sandy 11

Disasters are tragic “Most of the work “The crisis creates occurrences that bring that has been done so situations that force difficult challenges, often far on disasters docupeople to do things difentrenching social inments the ways social ferently, at least temporequalities and further inequality is perpetuarily. So what does that marginalizing vulnerable ated in the aftermath,” mean for social relationpeople. said Pacholok. “We don’t ships, and more broadly, But can a28, disaster or want to overshadow the inequalities?” It’s a new THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2013 crisis create opportunstruggles that people face avenue of research and TSN CHBC CIVT CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E ities for positiveCBC social KIRO when they experience there’s no literature to # $change? % & _ ) * upon.` 1 a disaster,( but we don’t draw THURSDAY, 2013 The Doctors The View 28, Poko The Price Is The Doctors MLB Bucket-Dino The View Criminal :00 NHRA DragFEBRUARY Shelley Pacholok, want to be” blindBaseball to the FranklinUsing seed funding ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Minds 10 :30 Racing: assistant professor that crises from Okanagan, Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Stevenof and Youngpossibility & Eat, Shrink ” can Rolie PolieUBC KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Arizona TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part ” Dive, Olly News Minds 11 :30 Nationals sociology at UBC Okatransform social life in Pacholok and her re- First 48 # $ % & _ ( ) * ” Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News ” Dino Dan The` Chew The 1 :00 ” Hour Now this Bold ways that Hour may be HockeycenRob Robot assistant ” ” 12:00 :30 NHRA Drag nagan, is” exploring bene- Bucket-Dino search Marcilyn The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors MLB The View Criminal E:60 Days ”of our The Dr. Oz Doodlebops Heartland The Talk Days ”of our Baseball tral at Noon Franklin Save Ums General The First 48 :00 Racing: ” of Right ” Minds 101:30 new line research. fi cial. Cianfarani travelled to ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Blue Jays Wibbly Pig Hospital ” :30 :00 Arizona Off Record :00 Nationals :30

Eat, Shrink The Talk Debt/Part

The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis Show

Steven and Steven and Chris

Young & Eat, Shrink Let’s Make a Debt/Part The Talk Restless ” Noon News The Ricki Bold Hour ThisMinute Lake Show The Talk Days of our Judge Judy Young & Judge” Judy Lives Restless Let’s Talk KIROMake Newsa The Early News Deal ” Nat. KIRO News Global The Price Is The Doctors

” ” Chris Deal 2:00 :30 InterruptionFEBRUARY THURSDAY, 2013 ” Noon News CTV News28, CBC News KIRO News SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute

:00 123:30 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT :00 TSN 14:30 :30 # $ % :00 :00 25:00 :30 :30 :00 10 :00 36:30 :30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 47:00 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 58:30 :30 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 :00 :30 69:00 :30 :00 2 :00 10 :30 7:30 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :00 11 :30 8:00 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 12 :30 9:00 :30 5 :30 :00 10:00 :30 6 :30 :00 11:00 :30 7 :30 :00 12:00 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2013 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT 12 :30

” Hour ” ” Lake Show neres Show E:60 Days of our The Dr. Oz Hockey Young & Anderson ” Lives Show Interruption Restless Live Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil NBA News CTV News Interruption ” ” Basketball: ” at Five NHRA Drag The Doctors The View Racing: ” ” SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe76ers at Global Nat. CTV News Lake Show neres Show Bulls ” CHBC NewsThe ” Arizona Eat, Shrink Marilyn Nationals Debt/Part Denis Show Hockey” Young Anderson Ent & Big Bang Interruption Restless Live NBA” ET Canada etalkNews Noon News CTV ” Hour ” NBA News CTV News Basketball Zero Hour Big Bang Basketball: ” ”our The at Five ” Two Men E:60 Days of Dr. Oz Lives 76ers” at Global Nat. CTV News ” The Offi ce Show Grey’s Bulls CHBC News ” ” The Offi ce Anatomy Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Interruption ” Five- Big ” SportsCentre Hawaii Law & ” Ent Bang 0 Canada Order: SVU NBA ” ET etalk SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe-

Now Stefano Heartland Dragons’ Den ”


Steven News and Chris News Poko



Doodlebops ”Hour Best Recipes Right ThisMinute Ricki News KIRO News The News Stefano ThisMinute LakeShrink Show Exchange CBS News ” Steven and Young & Eat, Chris Restless Dragons’ Judge Judy Debt/Part Young & George S Ent Ent Den Judge Judy Restless Coronation omg! News Insider Noon ET Canada CBC News KIRO News Now Bold Hour News KIRO News Early News The Nature Big Bang Zero Hour News KIRO News Days Global of Things TwoTalk Men ”Nat. Heartland The of our ” ”News News KIRO Doc Zone Person of Exchange CBS News a ”and Let’s Interest Steven Make Chris Deal CBC News: Elementary George S Ent The Recipes National ThisMinute ” Coronation omg! Insider Best

Lives News Hour The Offi ce ” ce TheTalk Offi The

” On the ” Edge ” ” Oil Change Hockeycen” tral at Noon World Poker Blue Tour Jays On theTime Edge Prime Sports” MLB

KOMO 4 The Doctors News ” The Chew The Dr. Oz ” Show General KOMO 4 Hospital News Big Bear The Doctors Martha News Dinosaur ”News Wild Kratts World Bucket-Dino The View Baseball Franklin Oil Change Rob Robot The Dr. Sportsnet Animals KOMO” 4Oz Clifford-Dog Show Connected RiversPolie News 4 ”” Rolie KOMO ”Poker Olly World G. Shrinks KOMO Crashed Ice Dive, What’s That News Wheel 4 Tour ”” Arthur News About? Jeopardy! Dino Dan The Chew HockeycenRob Robot ” Prime Time Martha News On the Edge The World Zero Hour Sports Wild World ”News ” After Kratts Sto. tral at Noon Save Ums General Blue Jays Wibbly Pig Hospital Sportsnet Animals KOMO Oil Change Holy Rollers: Scandal4 Connected Rivers News TheBear True ” On the” Edge Big The Doctors


” Five- Crashed ” Ice Hawaii Sportsnet Ent 0 Canada Connected ET ” The Ricki Oil Change ” Lake Show Show SportsCentre CHBC Newsneres CTV News Stefano CBCNature News ThisMinute KIRO News Lake NewsShow Hour On Hockey Basketball Zero Hour Big Bang The Big Bang Zero Hour the” Edge ” Final CTV News George S Late Show Final UFC Central Two Men of Things Two Men Hockey” Young ”& Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Young ”& World ”Poker SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Den Coronation Letterman ET Canada Soccer Interruption Restless Live Judge Judy Restless Tour ” The Office Grey’s Doc Zone Person of The Office Oil Change ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Q With Jian Interest Ferguson J. Probst Central ” The Offi ce Anatomy ” The Offi ce NBA News CTV News News KIRO News Early News Prime ”Time Basketball: ” Five- at Five News News Global SportsCentre Hawaii Law & CBC News: KIRO Elementary Hawaii Nat. Five- Sports Sportsnet ” 0 Order: SVU News The National KIRO News ” 0 Connected 76ers at Global Nat. CTV News News Hour Sportsnet Bulls ” Exchange SportsCentre CHBC CHBC News News CTV News CBC News CBS KIRONews News News ”Hour Connected Hockey ” Final CTV News George S Late Show Final UFC Central ” Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent Crashed Ice NBA ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada ” SportsCentre ET Canada Daily Show Coronation Letterman ET Canada Soccer ” J. Probst Colbert Q With Jian Big Ferguson J. Probst Central Basketball Zero Hour Big BangRep The Nature Bang Zero Hour On the Edge ” ” Two Men of Things Two Men ” ” ” ”

The Office The Office

Grey’s Anatomy

Doc Zone ”

Person of Interest

The Office The Office

Oil Change ”

Rolie Polie Big Bear Dive, Olly Dinosaur Dino Dan Rob Robot Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Save Ums G. Shrinks Wibbly Arthur Pig


Holy Rollers: Scandal The True ”

Sunny TMZ

Live KNOW Kimmel KOMO Nightline * `

The First 48 ”

Wipeout ”


ET Canada J. Probst

Soccer Central


” ” ” 10 :30 MARCH FRIDAY, 1, 2013 Eat, Shrink The Marilyn :00 Darts Darts

The Doctors The View

Poko Doodlebops

11 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 12 :30 # $ % & :00 1:00 :30 102:30 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2013 3:00 :30 :00 124:30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 15:30 # $ % & :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 106:30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 117:30 :00 :00 :00 48:30 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 :00 59:30 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 :00 6:30 :30 10 :30 2 :00 :00 :00 7:30 :30 11 :30 3 :00 :00 :00 8:30 :30 12 :30 4 :00 :00 9:30 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 10 :30 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 12 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 :00 12 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 1 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :30 113:30 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 :00 :00 :30 124:30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :30 :00 # $ % & 15:30 :00 6:00 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 107:30 :30 :00 :00 38:30 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 129:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 5:30 :30 1 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 6:30 :30 2 11 :30 :00 :00 :00 7:30 :30 3 12 :30 ”

Billiards ”

Barter Kings G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Hillbilly ” Rescue Hero cont’d Handfishin’

Noon News Hour

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Heartland Poko ” Doodlebops Steven and Chris and Steven

The Talk ” The Price Is Right Let’s Make a Deal & Young



SportsCentre Touch ” ”

Shark Tank ”

fifth estate ”

SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

Blue Bloods ”

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

News Hour Final

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Coronation Shania


Blue Bloods ”

KIRO News Late Show

KIRO Letterman _ Ferguson


” Hockeycen-

KOMO 4 News

Chew KNOW The KOMO ” * `

Dino Dan Rob Robot

A&E 1

Save Ums General Barter Kings Wibbly Pig Hospital Bucket-Dino The View Barter” Kings Franklin ” Big Bear The Doctors Barter”Kings Dinosaur Rolie Polie KOMO” 4 Barter” Kings Dive, Olly News Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Barter”Kings Clifford-Dog Show ” Dino Dan The Chew Barter Kings G. Shrinks KOMO” 4 Duck D. Rob Robot ” Arthur News Duck D. Save Ums General Barter Kings Martha Pig News Duck D. Wibbly Hospital ” Wild Kratts World News Duck D. Big Bear The Doctors Barter Kings Animals KOMO 4 Duck D. Bucket-Dino The View Barter” Kings Dinosaur ” Parks News ” Duck D. Franklin ” Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Barter Kings The Manor Wheel 4 Duck Rolie Polie KOMO BarterD. Clifford-Dog Show ” Kings Reborn Jeopardy! Duck D. Dive, Olly News ” G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Duck D. Cranford Last Chew Man Duck Dino Dan The BarterD. Arthur News Duck D.Kings ” Malibu” Duck D. Rob Robot ” Martha News Duck D. PoirotUms Shark Tank Duck Save General BarterD. Wild Kratts World News Duck D.Kings ” ” Duck D. Wibbly Pig Hospital ” Animals KOMO 4 Duck D. ” 20/20 Big Bear The Doctors Duck BarterD. Parks News Duck D.Kings ” ” Duck D. Dinosaur ” ” The Wheel Duck D. D. The Manor Manor News Duck Rob Robot The Dr. Oz BarterD.Kings Reborn Jeopardy! Duck Reborn Jimmy Duck D. Clifford-Dog Show ” Cranford Last Man Duck D. D. Cranford Kimmel Live Duck G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Duck D. D. ”” Malibu Duck Nightline Duck D. Arthur News Duck D. Poirot Shark Tank Duck D. Martha News ” Duck D. D. ” Duck Wild Kratts World News Duck D. ” 20/20 Duck D. Animals KOMO” 4 Duck D. D. ” Duck Parks News Duck D. The Manor News Duck D. The Manor Wheel Duck D. D. Reborn Jimmy Duck Reborn Jeopardy! Duck D. Cranford Kimmel Live Duck D. Cranford Last Man Duck D. ” Nightline Duck D. ” Malibu Duck D.





Oil Change ”

Sportsnet Connected

CHAN ET Canada ( J. Probst


” ” ”

Hockey The Manor UEFA Maga. Reborn

SNP Soccer ) Central

A&E 1

” KING Jimmy Fallon P

Baby Story Baby Story


Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest KING 5 News




CBC News Now With

Fast N’ Loud Funny Home Say Yes ” Videos Say Yes

Excused Excused

3 Steps to Incredible

Andrew Nichols CBC News Now With Power & Politics Reshmi Nair

Moonshiners ” How/Made How/Made River Monsters Hillbilly

There Yet? There Yet? Law Order: CI King King Law Order:

Health!-Joel Days of our ” Lives Sid Science Today Wild Kratts cont’d Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” Tiger New ”Day Daniel Rick Northwest Cat inSteves the Ellen DeGeArthur neres Show 3 Steps to KING 5 Wild Kratts Katie Incredible News WordGirl ” Health!-Joel Days of our Business KING ” Lives5 World News News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil PBS Nightly Sid Science Today”News ” NewsHour Wild Kratts News cont’d Cat in the Ellen DeGeWashington Daniel Tiger Magazine New Day Arthur neres Show Need Inside Ed. Rick Steves Northwest Wild Kratts Katie Doc Martin Dateline 3 Steps to KING”5 WordGirl ” NBC Incredible News Business KING 5 Leonard Health!-Joel Days” of our World News News Cohen Live ” Lives” PBS Nightly News inCharlie LondonRoseRock Center Dr. Phil NewsHour News 3 Steps to ” ” ” Washington Magazine Incredible KING News Cat in the Ellen DeGeNeed Inside Ed. Health!-Joel Jay Leno Arthur neres Show Doc Martin Dateline Albert King” Wild Kratts Katie ” NBC Stevie Ray Jimmy Fallon WordGirl ” Leonard ” Business KING”5 Cohen Live World News News in London Rock Center Nightly 3PBS Steps to ” News NewsHour News Incredible KING News Washington Jay Magazine Health!-Joel Leno Need Inside Ed. Albert King” Doc Martin Dateline Stevie Ray Jimmy Fallon ” NBC

Law Order: CI The Office How I Met Anderson Live Family Feud

Say Yes Say Yes Baby Story Baby Story Say Yes Say SayYes Yes

Rescue Hero cont’d” Handfishin’ The Family Feud Say SayYes Yes Squirrel How/Made Ricki Sidekick ” How/Made Lake Show Say Yes League/Evil CBC News Fast N’ Loud Funny Home Say Yes Kung Fu Lang & Daily Planet Steve Say Yes Kid vs. Kat Now With ” Videos Say Yes Kung Fu O’Leary ” Harvey Say Yes Squirrel Andrew Moonshiners Law Order: Say Yes Kung Fu CBC News Greatest Simpsons Four Sidekick Nichols ” CI Say Yes Kung Fu ” Know-It-All Raymond Weddings Almost Power & River Anderson Say Yes Movie: CBC News: Finding Big Bang Say Yes Squirrel CBC News Monsters How/Made The Office Baby Story League/Evil Politics Live Say Yes “The Wizard The Bigfoot Say Yes G. Shrinks NowNational With How/Made Two HowMen I Met Baby Story Squirrel ” How/Made The Ricki Say Yes of CBC News Big Bang G.Oz” Shrinks Reshmi Hillbilly Family Feud Borrowed SayYes Yes Sidekick ” Nair Breakout How/Made Lake Show Say ” ” ” Two Men Borrowed Rescue Hero cont’d Handfishin’ Family Feud Say Yes Kung Fu Lang & Daily Planet Steve Say Yes Willy Wonka CBC League/Evil CBC News: News Redrum Fast N’ Funny HomeSay SayYes Yes Kung Fu O’Leary ” Loud Kitchen Harvey Say Yes and the Kat The Redrum Nightmares Say Kid vs. NowNational With ” Videos SayYes Yes Kung Fu CBC News Greatest Simpsons Four Chocolate CBC News: Finding Touch Borrowed Squirrel Andrew Moonshiners Law Order: Say Yes Kung Fu ” Know-It-All Raymond Weddings Factory The National Bigfoot ” Borrowed Sidekick Nichols ” CI Say Yes Movie: CBC News: Finding Big Bang Say Yes ” CBC News Greatest News Four Almost Power & River Anderson SayYes Yes “The Wizard The National Bigfoot Two Men Say Mr. Young ” Know-It-All 30 Rock Weddings League/Evil Politics Monsters Live Say Yes of Oz” CBC News: News Breakout Breakout Big Bang Borrowed Boys CBC Sunny Say Yes Squirrel ” How/Made The Ricki Say Yes ” Two Men Borrowed Boys ” The National ”” TMZ Say Yes Sidekick ” How/Made Lake Show Say Yes Willy Wonka Wonka Lang CBC & News: Redrum Redrum Kitchen Say Yes Willy The Office Paid Prog. Kung Fu LangNational & Daily Planet Nightmares Steve SayYes Yes and the The Redrum Say ” O’Leary Redrum King of Hill Paid Prog. Kung Fu O’Leary ” Harvey Say Yes Chocolate CBC News: Finding Touch Borrowed Kung Fu CBCNational News Bigfoot Greatest Simpsons Four Factory The ” Borrowed Kung Fu ” Know-It-All Raymond Weddings ” CBC News Greatest News Four Movie: CBC News: Finding BigRock Bang Say Yes Mr. Young ” Know-It-All 30 Weddings “The Wizard The National Bigfoot Two Men Say Yes Boys CBC News: Breakout Sunny Say Yes of Oz” CBCNational News Breakout Big Bang Borrowed Boys The ” TMZ Say Yes ” ” ” Two Men Borrowed Willy Wonka Lang & Redrum The Office Paid Prog. Willy Wonka CBC News: Redrum Kitchen Say ” O’Leary Redrum King of Hill Paid Yes Prog. and the The National Redrum Nightmares Say Yes


Law Order: CI Law Order: CI





CI Office The The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Browns Law Order: King Payne CI The Office Seinfeld LawOffi Order: The ce Seinfeld CI Big Bang Family Guy Excused Big Bang Family Guy Excused Browns Amer. Dad There Payne Yet? Movie: There Yet? Browns “The King Payne Tuxedo” King Seinfeld ” The Office Seinfeld Movie: The Office Family Guy “Step Up 2 Big Bang Family Guy the Streets” Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Movie: Payne “The Browns Tuxedo” Payne ” Seinfeld Movie: Seinfeld “Step Up 2 Family Guy the Streets” Family Guy




Leonard Cohen Live

in London 3 Steps to

Rock Center ”

News Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Boys

CBC News:


Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes



Recipe Food

To Be Announced

KNOW KOMO Cranford Kimmel Live * ` ” Nightline

A&E Duck D. 1 Duck D.

Mega Lilly Builders Miss BG Frontiers of Upside Dwn Construction Planet Echo National Geographic Dogs Dogs The World

Curling: CHBC News SportsCentre App Central Washington Penguins at College KIRO News Tim Hortons Golf: Honda Brier, Draw Classic, ” Capitals Basketball: Tim Hortons Global Nat. CTV News Montrealat CBS News CHBC News Lovett-Reid ” Canadiens Kentucky KIRO News 1Brier, Draw Third Round Winnipeg at X Games Fishn SickKids Figure College ” ” Dr. Marla & Jets Arkansas 2 renegade W5 NHL Paid Boxing Real Fishing Foundation Skating Basketball renegade ” Hockey: Program ”” House Cash Cab National Liberty Kids ” Powerboat It Is Written ” College MLS Soccer ” Five- Cash Cab HNIC Doodlebops Hawaii Saving Hawaii Five” ” Driving TV Car BnssHope Kings” at Basketball: SportsCentre 0 ” Canucks 0 ” Simpsons Celebrity NHL Sports Stars ” News Hour Operation NHL West Virginia ” Simpsons Celebrity Hockey: Big World Chicago Golden Boy Hockey: ” Golden Boy Curling:” PGA Tour FireSmile at Kansas SportsCentre ” ” HNIC After ” ” Simpsons etalk Pittsburgh KIRO News Tim Hortons Golf: Honda SportsCentre Washington College SportsCentreCHBC Combat Big Bang Hours 48 Hours Curling: Penguins KIRO News Brier, Draw Classic,News App Central ” Capitals atat Basketball: ” Hospital Big Bang News ” Global Nat. Lovett-Reid CTV News Montreal CBS News 1Tim Hortons Third Round Winnipeg Kentucky at SportsCentre News News Final CTV News NHL Hockey KIRO KIRO News News Brier, Draw CHBC ” Canadiens ” ” Dr. Marla & Jets Arkansas ” Saturday CTV News ” omg! Insider 2 renegade W5 NHL Paid ” House Cash Cab National Liberty Kids SportsCentre Night Live Men With ” Paid Prog. ” renegade ” Hockey: Program MLS Soccer ”” Cash Cab HNIC Doodlebops ” Brooms ” Paid Prog.

Global Nat. Golf: Honda Classic, Evening NewsRound Third Fishn ” renegade Real Fishing renegade House Powerboat ” FiveHawaii Driving TV 0 Simpsons News Hour Simpsons Chicago PGA TourFire ” Simpsons Golf: Honda Combat Global Nat. Classic, Hospital Evening Third Round News Final News ” Saturday renegade House Night Live renegade ””

Ski TV” Crashed ” Ice ”” MLB ” UFC: Silva Preseason vs. Stann Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Phillies” at MLB ” Blue Jays Baseball ” Big Coast ” Ski TV” Sportsnet ” Ice Crashed Connected ”” European ”” Poker Tour UFC: Silva Sportsnet ATP Tennis vs. Stann Connected ”

After Sto. Rivers Rivers Be the Creature Mega Lilly Builders Ghosts Miss BGofBlack Seaof Frontiers Upside Dwn Construction Heartbeat Planet Echo ” National Dogs Geographic Midsomer Dogs Murders The World Rivers ” After Sto. Rivers ” Be the Mega For King and Creature Builders Empire Ghosts ofFrontiers of Midsomer Black Sea Construction Murders


Leonard KCTS Cohen N

“The Tuxedo”

” MLB ” Preseason Sportsnet Baseball: Connected Phillies at MLB Baseball Blue Jays Big Coast ”


“Double WTBS Jeopardy” A

Amer. Dad Movie:

Third Round Fishn ” Real Fishing House Powerboat ” Driving TV Simpsons Simpsons News Hour PGA Tour Simpsons


Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Four Weddings

Kentucky at College Arkansas Basketball Liberty Kids College Doodlebops Basketball: Sports Stars Big World West Virginia at Kansas KIRO News

Winnipeg Figure Jets Skating National HNIC” ” NHL Hockey: NHL Hockey: Pittsburgh

KING News Jay Leno

Borrowed Borrowed

Dogs Dogs

Lovett-Reid SickKids Dr. Marla & Foundation Cash Cab ItCash Is Written Cab Car Bnss Celebrity Celebrity Operation Smile etalk

Europe ”

News 30 Rock

Blue Jays Big Coast

Third Round Fishn ” Real Fishing House Powerboat ” Driving TV Simpsons Simpsons News Hour PGA Tour Simpsons

” Movie:


Ski TV Rivers Crashed Ice Rivers

1 X Games ” Boxing ” MLS ”Soccer ” ” ”” Curling:”

Borrowed Borrowed


The Office 1600 Penn

Greatest Know-It-All

Golf: Honda Classic,


Midsomer Murders

Rick Steves’ Law & Essential Order: SVU

CBC News ”

West Virginia News Hour at Kansas PGA Tour


Amer. Dad Movie: “1408” ”

CBC News: Finding The National Bigfoot

College Basketball:


What Not to Wear Say Yes Say Yes

” Mr. Young

Upside Dwn Sea Rescue To Be Planet Echo Born-Explore Announced

NHL Hockey:

” Rick Law & ” Pie Steves’ Magazine Essential Chef Inside Ed. Cat in the Order: Ellen SVU DeGeArthur War KING neres Show Europe News Foyle’s Community ”” Jay Leno Wild Kratts Parks Katie Leonard ” WordGirl ” ce Midsomer The Offi Cohen Jimmy Fallon Murders 1600 Business KINGPenn 5 SayYes Yes Payne World News Law News Say “1408” Rick Steves’ & Say ” Essential Order: SayYes Yes Browns PBS NightlySVU News Say Yes Payne” NewsHour NewsNews Borrowed Europe KING Borrowed Movie: ” Jay Leno What Not to Seinfeld Pie Magazine WearProg. Seinfeld Chef Inside” Ed. Paid “Double Leonard Paid Prog. Jeopardy” Fallon Say Yes Family Guy Cohen Foyle’s War Jimmy Community Say Yes Family Guy ” Parks

Chocolate Factory

Lilly Miss BG

Operation Smile

Medium King Say Yes What Not to “1408” Seinfeld Say Yes ” ce Wear Seinfeld Medium The Offi Medium The Offi ce Borrowed ” Guy Say Yes Family Borrowed Movie: Say Yes Family Guy Borrowed Big Bang Paid Prog. “Double Borrowed Big Bang What Not to Amer. Dad Paid Prog. Jeopardy” Wear Movie: Say Yes Browns

Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes



Duck D. Duck D.

Baseball: Phillies at

SportsCentre Washington ” Capitals at



Duck D. Duck D.

Powerboat Driving TV

News Hour PGA Tour


The Office How I Met



Fishn MLB Real Fishing Preseason

Tim Hortons Golf: Honda Brier, Draw Classic,

Squirrel Sidekick Squirrel G. Shrinks Almost League/Evil G. Shrinks

How/Made How/Made


Law Order: King CI King Excused The Office Excused The Office There Yet? Big Bang There Yet? Big Bang

Shark Tank ”

College Basketball:

” ”


Barter Kings League/Evil ” Kid vs. Kat

Days of our tral at Noon Lives Blue Jays The Doctors MLB ” Baseball The Talk World Poker ” Tour ” Eat, Shrink Debt/Part ” Edge The Ricki On the Lake Show ” Noon News ” Young & QMJHL Hour HockeycenRestless Hockey: Days of our tral at Noon Early News Blue Moncton Lives Jays Global Nat. Wildcats at The Talk World Poker News Hour Rimouski The Doctors MLB ” Tour Oceanic ”” Baseball The Ricki On the Edge Ent Shrink Sportsnet Eat, ” Lake Show ET Canada Connected Debt/Part ” Young & QMJHL Kitchen FIS Alpine Noon News Hockey: ” Restless Nightmares HockeycenSkiing Hour Early News Moncton Touch Oil at Change Days of our tral Noon Global Nat. Wildcats at ” Lives ” Blue Jays News Hour Rimouski 16x9 Sportsnet The Talk World Poker ”” Oceanic Connected ” Tour Ent News Hour Sportsnet Hockey The Ricki On the Edge ET Canada Connected Final UEFA Maga. Lake Show ” Kitchen Alpine ET Canada FIS Soccer Young & QMJHL Nightmares Skiing J. Probst Central Restless Hockey: Touch Oil Change Early News Moncton ” ” Global Nat. Wildcats at 16x9 Sportsnet News Hour Rimouski ” Connected ” Oceanic News Hour Hockey Ent Sportsnet Final UEFA Maga. ET Canada Connected ET Canada Soccer Kitchen FIS Alpine J. Probst Central Nightmares Skiing

College Basketball

” Curling:

Figure Skating


Barter Kings Squirrel ” G. Shrinks

” ”

CBC News Now With

MythBusters The Office ” King of Hill

Rolie Polie Dive, Olly

CTV News ”

It Is Written Car Bnss


Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”

Denis Show

Powerboat Driving TV

Lang & O’Leary

Eat, Shrink Debt/Part

Chris Best Recipes Restless ThisMinute Stefano ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Dragons’ Judge Judy Now Bold Den Judge Judy Heartland The Talk News” KIRO ”News News KIRO News Steven and Let’s Make a News KIRO News Poko The Is Chris DealPrice Exchange CBS News Doodlebops Right Best Recipes ThisMinute George S Ent & Steven and Young Stefano ThisMinute Coronation Restless omg! Insider Chris Dragons’ Judge Judy Marketplace The Job CBC News KIRO News Den Judge Judy Rick Mercer Bold ” Now News KIRO News fifth estate The Blue Bloods Heartland Talk News KIRO News ”” ”” News KIRO News CBC News: BlueMake Bloods Steven and Let’s a Exchange CBS News The National ” Chris Deal George S Ent CBC News KIRO News Best Recipes ThisMinute Coronation omg! Insider George S Late Show Stefano ThisMinute Marketplace Job Coronation The Letterman Dragons’ Judge ”Judy Rick Mercer Shania Ferguson Den Judge Judy fifth estate Blue Bloods News ” KIRO News ” News KIRO News CBC News: Blue Bloods News The National KIRO News ” Exchange CBS News CBC News KIRO News George Ent George S S Late Show Coronation omg! Insider Coronation Letterman Marketplace The Job Shania Ferguson Rick Mercer ”

” ”


The Doctors MLB ” Baseball

Noon News Hour

The Mentalist

A&E 1

Young & Restless


Fishn SickKids Real Fishing Foundation

Goldman Sachs: The

” ”

Moonshiners News ” 30 Rock

The Price Is Right

Steven and Chris

E:60 Days of our The Dr. Oz Lives Show Darts ” The Doctors The View ” ” ” Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Interruption Eat, Shrink ” ” Darts The Marilyn ” Debt/Part Denis Show SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe” Lake Show neres Show Billiards Noon News CTV News NBA ” Young & Anderson Hour ” Basketball: Restless Live E:60 Days of our The Dr. Oz Pacers News CTV News ” at Lives Show Raptors ” at Five Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil ” Global CTV News Darts The Doctors View Interruption ” Nat. The ” SportsCentre CHBC ” ” News ”” SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGeEntShrink BigMarilyn Bang Darts ” ” Eat, Lake Show The neres Show ET Canada Denis etalk Show ” ” Debt/Part NBA Young & Anderson The Fab Five Kitchen CSI: NY Billiards News CTV Basketball: Noon Restless Live News Nightmares ” ” Hour ”” Pacers at News CTV News SportsCentreDays Touch Shark E:60 of our The Dr. Tank Oz Raptors ” at Five ” ” ” Lives Show ” ” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre 16x9 Blue Bloods Off Record The TalkNews Dr. Phil” SportsCentre CHBC ” ” ” Interruption ” ” ” Ent Bang SportsCentre CHBC News Big CTV News SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGe”” ET Canada etalk Final CTV News ” Lake Show neres Show The Fab Five Kitchen SportsCentre ET Canada CSI: The NY NBA ” Young & Anderson Nightmares ” ” J. Probst Mentalist Basketball: Restless Live SportsCentre Touch Shark Tank Pacers” at News ” CTV News ” Raptors ” at Five SportsCentre 16x9 Blue Bloods ”” Global ”Nat. CTV News ” SportsCentre CHBC News ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ”” Ent Big Bang Final CTV News ” ET Canada etalk SportsCentre ET Canada The The Fab Five Kitchen CSI: NY ” J. Probst Mentalist ” Nightmares ”

X Games Boxing

Lake Show Sunny American TMZ Idol Steve The Offi Harvey ” ce King of” Hill Simpsons Odd Parents CBC News ” Guns Raymond Boys Moonshiners News Mr. Young ” ” Loud 30 iCarly CBC News: Fast N’ BigRock Bang Victorious The National ” Two Men That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Sunny Splatalot The National Guns TMZ Mr. Young CBC News Moonshiners Big Bang Boys ” Two Offi Men Wipeout Lang &” MythBusters The ce ” O’Leary ” King of Hill Wipeout CBC News: Greatest American ” The National Know-It-All Idol

That’s-Weird CBC News: Sons of Splatalot The National Guns

Letterman Ferguson


How/Made Sons of Greatest Guns Know-It-All Daily Planet MythBusters Fast N’” Loud ” Sons ”of

After the First 48

Hockey What’s That UFC Central About?


” LiveBang Moonshiners News Moonshiners Big ”” 30 Rock Two Men How/Made The Ricki

News Jimmy

News Hour Final



CBC News: Fast N’ Loud The National ”

KIRO News Late Show


League/Evil Politics Boys CBC News Mr. Young CBC News Mr. Young ””” Boys Squirrel Sidekick ” That’s-Weird CBC Wipeout CBC News: News: Splatalot The National ” The Odd Parents LangNational & Wipeout Lang & Odd Parents CBC O’Leary Gags News: ” O’Leary Gags Odd Parents The CBCNational News


Family Feud Cake Boss Anderson Family Feud Medium Cake Boss Live Medium Funny Home What Not to The Ricki Medium Videos Wear Lake Show Medium Law Order: Four Steve Borrowed CI Weddings Harvey Borrowed

CBC News ”

Story of Card

The First 48 ”


Dangerous MythBusters Flights ” River How/Made Monsters How/Made River Daily Planet Monsters ” MythBusters Sons of ” Guns How/Made

Gags Gags

CBC News George S


” 48 The First

Daniel Tiger New Day Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Rick Steves Northwest ” ” Nature KING 5 Cat in the Ellen DeGe” News Arthur neres Show Golden Days of our Wild Kratts Katie Apple Lives” WordGirl Anderson Medium King Charlie RoseKING Dr. Phil Simpsons Say Yes Browns Business 5 Live Medium King ” Raymond Yes News News The Office Say Baby Story Payne Law Order: World Sid Science Today” Puppies Now With How/Made How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d Squirrel ” How/Made The Ricki Medium The Offi ce Cat in the Ellen iCarly CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Say Yes Browns PBS NightlyDeGeNews Sidekick ” Nair How/Made Lake Show Medium The ce NewsHour Arthur neres Show Victorious The National ” Two Men YesBoss Payne G. Shrinks Reshmi Dangerous Family Feud Say Cake LawOffi Order: Daniel Tiger News New Day Rescue Hero CBC cont’d Flights Family Feud What CakeNot Boss CI Bang Rick Kratts Steves Magazine Northwest Odd Parents Lang & Daily Planet Big Steve Borrowed Big Wild Katie Mr. Young News Moonshiners Bang to Seinfeld Pie Odd Parents O’Leary Harvey Borrowed Big Bang WordGirl ”5 Boys ” Two Men Chef Inside League/Evil CBC News River ”” Funny HomeWear What Not to Seinfeld Excused Nature KINGEd. Kid vs. Kat Now News: With Monsters Videos Wear Excused ” News5 Odd Parents CBC News Greatest Sons of Simpsons Say Yes Browns Business KING Wipeout CBC American Say Yes Family Guy Foyle’s War Community Odd Parents ” Guns Raymond Say Yes Payne World News ” The National Know-It-All Idol Yes Family ” News Parks Squirrel Andrew River Law Order: Say Four ThereGuy Yet? Golden Days of our Sidekick Nichols Monsters CI Bang Weddings ThereDad Yet? Midsomer Apple Lives iCarly CBC News: Fast Fast N’Loud Loud Big Say Yes Browns PBS Nightly News Gags CBC News: N’ ” What Not to Amer. The Office Victorious The National ” Two Men Say Yes Payne NewsHour News Gags The National ” ” Wear Movie: Murders 1600 Penn Almost Power & MythBusters Anderson Medium King Charlie Rose Dr. Phil


Reshmi Nair Power cont’d & Politics CBC News ” Now With ” Andrew Lang & Nichols O’Leary Power & CBC News Politics ” CBC News

Boys Mr. Young

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

Daily Show Coronation Colbert Rep Q With Jian

Minds The First After the 48 ” First 48 The First 48 ” 48 The First ” The First 48

G. Shrinks Almost Rescue Hero League/Evil League/Evil Squirrel Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Squirrel Odd Parents Sidekick Odd Parents Almost Odd Parents League/Evil Odd Parents Squirrel

Jimmy The First 48 Kimmel Live ”

Hawaii Five- Sportsnet 0 Connected


Minds The First 48 48 The First ”” Criminal

” The First 48 ” 48 Jimmy” The Wheel AfterFirst the Kimmel Live ” Jeopardy! First 48 The Dr. Oz The First 48 Clifford-Dog ” 48 What’s That Show NewsHour After the The World Zero The First About? Jimmy First 48 After Sto. ” G. Shrinks KOMO” 4 The First 48 Goldman Kimmel Live The First Arthur ” 48 Holy Rollers: News Scandal The First 48 Sachs: The Nightline ”” The True ” Martha News The First 48 Wild World ” 48 StoryKratts of JimmyNews The First Card Kimmel4Live The First ” Animals KOMO 48 Rivers ” What’s That News News After the About? Jimmy First 48 What’s That Wheel After the About? Jeopardy! First First 48 48 Goldman Kimmel Live The Sachs: The Zero Nightline ” The World Hour The First 48 After Sto. ” ”

CBC News: Elementary The National ”


A&E 1

Dinosaur Story ofThat What’s CardRobot About? Rob

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Law & ” 0 Order: SVU

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Criminal The First 48 Minds ” The First 48 The First 48 ” ” The First 48 The First 48 ”” The First First 48 48 The ”” Criminal

New York City to coning…to navigating diswho lived in a communduct a small pilot project aster relief programs. We ity with racial tensions on Hurricane Sandy. encouraged them to talk between Hispanics and Pacholok interviewed about that, but we also African-Americans. Afeight people who were asked them if anything ter Sandy the two groups identified as being margood happened during, pulled together and ginalized in the wake or resulting from, the ex- shared their meager reof the storm. Participerience. It was surprissources. pants were asked to reing to find quite a few Pacholok is continuYTV NEWS ex-DISC people KAYU TLChowWTBS KCTS KING lay their hurricane referenced ing her preliminary an6 7 9 they; P periences, including positively< connect- A alyses N of the interview Squirrel CBC News How/Made Office Baby Story Order: Science Today their personal relationedThe with people they Law dataSid with the cont’d intention Puppies Now With How/Made How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts ships. “Th e people have normally of using the results from G. Shrinks Reshmi Nairwe Dangerous wouldn’t Family Feud Cake Boss Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Rescue Hero cont’d Flights Family Feud Cake Boss CI Rick Steves Northwest spoke with were strugconnected with.” the pilot study to secure 6 ; A Nature N KINGP League/Evil CBC7 News River9 Funny Home What< Not to Excused 5 Kid vs. Kat With Videos Wear Pacholok Excused more funding ” News for a larger gling on aNow number ofMonsters difFor example, Squirrel CBC News How/Made The Office Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today Squirrel Andrew River Law Order: Four There Yet? Golden Days of Puppies Nowfrom With housHow/Made recalls How I Met Baby Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d our research ferent levels, a homeless Sidekick Nichols Monsters CI Weddingsman There Yet? Apple initiative. Lives

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

KNOW The KOMO Bachelor * `

ESPN Sports Recipe Saturday Food ” Sea Rescue ” Born-Explore Cash Cab CashProg. Cab Paid Paid NewsProg.

KNOW The KOMO World News Bachelor * `4 KOMO

News Sports ESPN Recipe Saturday Wheel Food Jeopardy! ” Sea Rescue ” Once Upon Born-Explore a Time Cash Cab Paid Prog. Cash Cab 20/20 Paid Prog. News ” The World ”News Bachelor ” KOMOSports 4 ESPN News Saturday Burn Notice Wheel” ” Jeopardy! Castle”

National DISC ” YTV The NEWS Willy Wonka Lang & Redrum 6 7 9 ” O’Leary Redrum Kung Fu Turtles

CBC News CBC News

Breakout ”

Now With Christine

Driving Wars Kids News ” How I Met


To Be Announced

Pokemon Power

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno

To Be To Be Announced Announced To Be To Be Announced Announced Storage Storage To Be Announced Storage

Pokemon Kung Fu Pokemon Turtles Pokemon Turtles Pokemon Beyblade Squirrel Squirrel Pokemon Power Squirrel

Storage To Be Announced Storage

Squirrel Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno Zoink’d!

A&E 1

Storage To Be To Be Announced Southie Announced Southie To Be To Be Announced Southie Announced Storage Storage To Be Storage Announced Storage Storage To Be Storage Announced Storage Storage To Be Southie Storage Announced Southie Southie To Be Southie Southie Announced Storage

KAYU The Office ; King of Hill

Turtles Beyblade

To Be Announced

A&E 1



NEWS ” ” 7

National CBC News Issue CBC News National Now With Mansbridge Christine The Nature of Things Birak ” fifth estate


”” ” National Splatalot Marketplace Pokemon National Kung Fu CBC News Pokemon Issue Babysitting The Turtles CBCSecret News Zoink’d! Life of Dogs Pokemon National Turtles Now With Pokemon Mansbridge Movie: Doc Zone Beyblade Christine “Akeelah ” Squirrel The Nature Pokemon Birak Squirrel of Things and the National Power ” Bee” Mansbridge Squirrel fifth estate Yu-Gi-Oh! ” ” The Secret Squirrel ”” Monsuno Splatalot Life of Dogs Zoink’d! National Pokemon National Babysitting National Splatalot Marketplace Pokemon Issue Splatalot Issue Babysitting The Secret Pokemon National Akeelah and National Zoink’d! Life of Dogs Pokemon Mansbridge the Bee Mansbridge

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

TLC Paid Prog. < Paid Prog.

” ”

Movie: Health!-Joel KING Jay Leno WTBS KCTS “Step Up 2 Albert KingNRay Jimmy P” Fallon theA Streets” Stevie

Cellblock 6: Payne Female Lock College

Bob Builder SciGirls

Gymnastics: AT&T

Cellblock 6: Basketball: Female Lock Tennessee

Protect Your Memory

American Cup

Finding Bigfoot

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Cellblock 6: at Georgia Female Lock ”

” KCTS 9

PGA Tour Golf: Honda

Greatest Know-It-All

Bones ”

Cellblock 6: College Female Lock Basketball:

Cooks: At Home

Classic, Third Round

Mayday Breakout ” ” Cash Cab Driving Wars How/Made ” Cash Cab Cash Cab Finding Bigfoot Auction

College Paid Prog. Basketball: Paid Prog. Portland at Kids News Gonzaga How I Met Bones ” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Leverage

Cellblock 6: LSU at Cellblock 6: Missouri Payne Female Lock Female Lock College Cellblock 6: The Office Cellblock 6: The Basketball: Female Lock Office Female Lock Tennessee Dateline: Seinfeld Real Life 6: Seinfeld Cellblock at Georgia Female Lock Movie: ” Dateline:

” Bob Builder ” SciGirls ” Protect ” Your Memory ” Hopeful” KCTS 9 Aging

” Gymnastics: ” AT&T Poppy Cat American Justin Time Cup Exploration Kids PGANews Tour Golf: 5 Honda KING



Auction Greatest Know-It-All Greatest



” Bones

” Crook & Know-It-All Chase Mayday College Breakout Paid Prog. ” Basketball: Sons of Big Bang ” Paid Prog. Guns Two Men at Cash Cab Portland Driving Wars Kids News How/Made Gonzaga Gold Rush Cops ” How I Met Cops Cash ”Cab Bones Finding Paid Prog. Cash Cab ” Greatest The Bigfoot Paid Prog. Know-It-All Following Auction Leverage Greatest Bones Auction News ” Auction Know-It-All ” Auction Wanted Greatest Crook & Mayday College Sons of Hell’s Know-It-All Chase ” Basketball: Guns Kitchen Sons of Big Bang Cash Cab Portland at Bering Sea 30 Seconds Guns Two Men How/Made 30 Gonzaga Gold Rock






WTBS An KCTS KING Evening News Cooks: At Classic, Home ThirdP Round A With N Nightly Jerry News

Real Life 6: “3:10 to Cellblock College Female Lock Yuma” Basketball: Dateline:

Real Life 6: LSU at ” Cellblock Cellblock 6: Payne Female Lock Missouri Dateline: ” Female Lock College Real Life 6: The Cellblock The Office Cellblock 6: Basketball: Female Lock International The Office Dateline: Female Lock Tennessee Real Life ” Dateline: Seinfeld Cellblock 6: at Georgia Real Life Seinfeld Dateline: ”” Female Lock Real Life ” Dateline: Cellblock 6: Movie: College Dateline: Real LifeLockMovie: “3:10 to Female Basketball: Real Life “The Dateline: Cellblock 6: Yuma” LSU at Dateline: Invasion” Real Life ” Female Lock Missouri Real Life ” Dateline: ” ce Cellblock 6: The Offi Paid Prog. Real LifeLockJourneyThe Female The Office Paid Prog. Center

Lewis ” News ” Bob Builder Gymnastics: ” ” Celtic Pregame SciGirls AT&T Thunder MLS Soccer: ” Poppy Cat Protect Your American ” Justin at Time Mythology Impact Memory Cup ”” Sounders Exploration ” PGA Tour Hopeful Kids ”News ThePianoKCTS 9 Golf: Honda Guys: Red Backroads Aging KING 5 Cooks: At Classic, Butte An Evening Saturday News Home Third Round Happiness Night Live With Jerry Nightly”News ” Advantage KING Lewis ” NewsNews ” With Shawn Saturday Celtic ” Pregame Poppy Cat Super Brain Night Live Thunder MLS Soccer: ” Justin ” ” Time

10Country :30 Mysteries ” Dragons’ Doodlebops :00 30 for 30 Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 rLake Simpsons ” Den Pets.TV Osteen Question Steven and College 4 :00 :30 Friday”Night Joel 11 :30 :00


Lorna Dueck Corner Gas


To Be ” Announced To Be Announced Storage

iCarly “The Golden Compass” Victorious Big Time ”

CBC News fifth estate Now ” Diana:” Her

Thru Hell MythBusters ” Dangerous Flights Alien

Jim Trout TV Outd’r 30 Rock NASCAR Big Bang

Fights” Curling: ”

In Touch Period Simpsons W5 CHBC News First Story ” News

Chris Movie: “The & Sea Land Mansbridge Princess

World News To Storage Knicks Be NBA Announced KOMO 4 Storage CHBC News Canada’s ” Diaries” KIRO News Golf: Honda ” Flames Construction Basketball: News Storage Golf: Honda Q With Jian College FIS Alpine Volcanic To Be Classic, Final Worst Driver Ghomeshi Basketball Classic, Final Skiing” Rescue Thunder at Announced Simpsons Once Upon Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons National Funny Home Storage Cleveland a Time ” Cleveland Sportsnet Geographic Videos Storage Round Cash Cab Figure” Round FIS Alpine What’s That Clippers To Be ” Cash Cab Skating ” ” Skiing About? ” Announced Simpsons The Amazing The The Amazing Simpsons The Ultimate Monarch of Once Upon Storage Cleveland Race Gas Coronation Canadian RaceRiding Cleveland Fighter the the Glen a Time Storage The Best Movie ” Paid Prog. The Best Sportsnet Be Cash Cab To Be Block Corner Bull Block Blue Jays Wild Kratts NBA Casino Years ” Liberty Lorna ” Kids Years Lorna MLB Little Basketball: ” FamilyDueck Guy Corner Motive” Gas Marketplace Screen The Good FamilyDueck Guy Connected On the Edge Creature LewisPrince Rescue Red Widow Announced Storage Burgers Awards and Wife Burgers ” TV Little ” ”Heat To Storage Mysteries ” Dragons’ Doodlebops Mysteries Canucks The Manor This Week To Be Joel Osteen Question Steven College Joel Osteen Preseason Prince Miami Be Simpsons Den Pets.TV Simpsons Hockey Reborn ”” York Announced Announced In Touch Period Chris In Touch Baseball: Babar at New The Good The ” CBC News: Basketball The The Good Sportsnet ” Storage Simpsons W5 Movie: Simpsons NHL Wartime News ” Storage Wife Mentalist The National Mentalist Wife Connected ” News First Story Land & Sea KIRO ”News News Yankees at Animals Knicks To Be CHBC News First Story ” “The KIRO ”News PGA Global Nat. Hockey: Farm World News Announced Storage PGA Mansbridge Red Sox Animals NBA NewsTour Final CTV News CBC News KIRO News NewsTour Final European Movie: News Storage Global Nat. CTV News Princess CBS News News Hour Canucks at Frontiers of KOMO 4 Storage Block fi fth estate KIRO News Block Poker Tour “Holy Castle Golf: Honda Canada’s Q With Jian College Golf: Honda FIS Alpine Volcanic Basketball: To Be CHBC News ” Diaries” KIRO News Classic, ” Final Skiing Flames Construction Thunder News Storage Classic, Final Worst Basketball Rescue Announced Paid Prog. The Driver Ghomeshi ” Face/Nation Paid Prog. UFC Rollers” ” at Storage Simpsons Once Upon Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons ” National Funny Home Storage Paid Prog. Mentalist Canadian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unleashed Burn Notice Round Cash Cab Figure ” Round FIS Alpine What’s” That Clippers To Be Cleveland a Time ” ” Cleveland Sportsnet Geographic Videos Storage ” Cash Cab Skating ” ” Skiing About? ” Announced Simpsons The Amazing The The Amazing Simpsons The Ultimate Monarch of Once Upon Storage The Best Movie ” Paid Prog. The Best Sportsnet Be the Cash Cab To Be Cleveland Race Canadian Race Cleveland Fighter the Glen a Time Storage Years ” ” Liberty Kids Years Connected Creature Rescue Announced Family Guy Motive Screen The Good Family Guy On the Edge Lewis Red Widow Storage Mysteries ” Dragons’ Doodlebops Mysteries Canucks TV The Manor This Week To Be Burgers ” Awards Wife Burgers ” ” ” Storage Simpsons ” Den Pets.TV Simpsons Hockey Reborn ” Announced The Good The CBC News: The The Good Sportsnet ” ” Storage Simpsons W5 Movie: KIRO News Simpsons NHL Wartime News Storage Wife Mentalist The National Mentalist Wife Connected ” ” Storage CHBC News ” “The KIRO News Global Nat. Hockey: Farm World News Storage News Final CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Final European Movie: News Storage Global Nat. CTV CTV News News Princess CBS News News Hour Canucks at Frontiers of Castle KOMO 4 Storage Block fi fth estate KIRO News Block Poker Tour “Holy Storage CHBC News ” Diaries” KIRO News ” Flames Construction News Storage Paid Prog. The ” Face/Nation Paid Prog. UFC Rollers” ” Storage Simpsons Once Upon Canadian Heartland 60 Minutes Simpsons ” National FunnyNotice Home Storage Storage Paid Prog. Mentalist Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unleashed ” Burn Cleveland a Time ” ” Cleveland Sportsnet Geographic Videos Storage

” Mr. Young Zoink’d! Chronicles of Narnia: Splatalot Journey to Dawn

True Story Federal Liberal CBC News:

Mysteries Flying Wild Alaska Alien

5 :30 :30 :00 SUNDAY, MARCH 2013 PGA Tour Story 12 Tim Hortons Global Nat.3,First CTV News :00 Curling:

6 :30 :30 :00 1 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 :30 # $ % & 2 :00 :00 8 :30 :00 3 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 9 :00 :30 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 :00 12 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 :30 2 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 12 :00 12 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 2 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2013 :00 6 :30 :30 1 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 :30 2 # $ % & :00 :00 8 :00 :30 3 :30 :00 10 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 11 :30 6 :30 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 12 :30 7 :30 :30 :00 :00 2 8 :30 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013 :00 8 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 11 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 11 5 :00 :30 12 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013 6 :30 1 :00 7 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 # $ % & 8 :30 3 :00 9 :30 10 4 :00 10 11 5 :30 :00 11 6 :30 12 :00 12 7 :30 1 :00 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 8 :30 2 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 3 :00 # $ % & 10 4 :30 :00 11 :30 10 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 11 6 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :30 8 :00 :00 2 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 :30 12 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Brier, Draw Tim Hortons Brier, Draw 5 4

” ””

SportsCentre ” Curling SportsCentre Boxing: ” Motoring 30 for Friday 30 Night ” Fights SportsCentre

”” Curling: Curling: SportsCentre Tim Hortons ” Tim Hortons Brier, Draw Draw Brier, SportsCentre 5 ” 4 ” ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” 30 for 30 Motoring ” SportsCentre ”” Curling: SportsCentre Tim Hortons ” Brier, Draw SportsCentre 5 ” ”

Basketball KIRO News KIRO ”News ” CBS News


Lorna Dueck Mysteries Simpsons Joel Osteen In Touch Simpsons

Global Nat. News PGA NewsTour Hour


MLB Prince Canucks TV Little The Manor Hockey Reborn Preseason Little Prince Baseball: Babar NHL Wartime Hockey: at Farm Yankees Animals Red Sox at Animals Canucks Frontiers of


Basketball: This Week Miami ”Heat at New York News


A&E 1

Untold StoBig Bang Memory Matthews A13 ries of ER Big Bang ” Backroads Untold Sto“Phone McLaughlin ” Borrowed


Wild Kratts

Two Men Racing: Sprint Cup: Big Bang

ries of ER Gypsy SistersStoUntold ries of ER Gypsy

Booth” Movie: “TheCloser The ” Women”

News Celtic Thunder& Moyers Company Mythology

KING ”5 NewsTour PGA Golf: Honda Nightly News

King King


The National Yukon Mysteries Leadership Men Debate ” Richard II: MythBusters King in the ” CBC News Fast N’ Loud Marketplace Car Park Alien ”

Two Men Subway Fresh Fit Simpsons

SistersStoUntold ries of ER to Welcome

Treader the Center of the ”Earth

Cleveland 500 ” Simpsons

Myrtle StoUntold ries of ER Gypsy

Zoink’d! ” Winx Club Movie: iCarly Splatalot Babysitting “The Golden Victorious Compass” Big PickTime

Marketplace Mysteries Doc Zone Cash Cab CBC News Highway ” How/Made CBC Thru CBC News News: Alien Hell The National Mysteries fi fth estate MythBusters Now Dangerous ” ”” II: Flights Richard MythBusters

Cleveland Paid Prog. Old House The OffiGuy ce Jim Family Burgers Trout TV 30 Rock Outd’r NASCAR News

” Splatalot Mr. Young ” Zoink’d! Babysitting Chronicles Splatalot Splatalot of Narnia: Journey to Dawn Dawn Treader the Center Treader of the Earth ” ” Zoink’d! Movie: Splatalot “The Golden Babysitting Compass” Pick ” Splatalot ” Babysitting Chronicles Splatalot of Narnia: Dawn Dawn Treader Treader

Diana: King inHer the Federal True Story Liberal Car Park CBC News: Mansbridge Leadership The National Debate CBC News: Richard II: The National CBC News King in the Marketplace Car Park Doc Zone Marketplace ” CBC News: fifth estate The National ” Richard II: Diana: King in Her the True Story Car Park CBC News: Mansbridge The National CBC News: Richard II: The National King in the



Alien ”Wild Flying Mysteries Alaska Alien Alien Mysteries Yukon Men Mysteries Alien ” MythBusters Mysteries Fast N’ Loud ” ” Alien Cash Cab Mysteries How/Made Alien MythBusters Mysteries ” MythBusters Alien ” Mysteries Alien Alien Mysteries Mysteries Alien MythBusters Mysteries ”

KING News Classic, Final Round Off-Rockers

SistersStoUntold Borrowed ries of ER to Borrowed Welcome

” Shift ” Happens! ” Magic Movie: Moments: Family Guy Live Family Guy Hopeful “Monster-in- The Best of Law” 50s Pop Big BangTale Aging Knight’s Bob Builder Big Bang Protect Your Movie: Wild Kratts ” Masterpiece

Myrtle StoUntold StoUntold ries of ER ER ries of Gypsy

TheBang Closer Big “Phone Big Bang Booth” ”

Mystery! Memory McLaughlin News ””

Celebrity Matthews ” Backroads ” Apprentice

Big Bang TMZ Racing: Two Men Sprint ”Cup: Big Bang Sunny Subway Two Men Fresh SunnyFit Simpsons Spokane 500 Cleveland ” Simpsons Paid Prog. Cleveland The Office Family Guy Trout TV Burgers Outd’r News Big TMZBang Two Men ” Big Bang Sunny Two Men Sunny Simpsons Spokane Cleveland

Gypsy SistersStoUntold Sisters ries of ER Untold StoGypsy ries of ER Untold StoSisters ries ER Paidof Prog. Welcome to Paid Prog. Untold StoMyrtle ries of ER Gypsy Untold StoSisters ries of ER Welcome to Untold StoMyrtle ries of ER Gypsy Gypsy Sisters Sisters Untold StoGypsy ries of ER Sisters Paid Prog. Welcome Paid Myrtle

Movie: Movie: The Closer “The ” “Superhero Women” Movie” King ” King Jim There”Yet? Family Guy Movie: Family Guy “Monster-inBig Bang Law” Big Bang ” Big Bang The Closer Big Bang ” Movie: Movie: “The “Superhero Women” Movie” ” Jim There ”Yet? Movie:

Celtic Protect Your Moyers & Thunder Company Memory Mythology ” Shift ” Happens! Aaron Magic Neville Live Moments: Hopeful The Best of Aging 50s Pop Protect Your Masterpiece Memory Mystery! ” ” Celtic Protect Your Thunder Memory Mythology ” ” Aaron Magic Neville Moments:

KINGTour 5 ” PGA NewsHonda Golf: KING News Nightly Backroads Classic,News Final KING News Round Paid Prog. Off-Rockers Paid Prog. ” Off-Rockers ” Dateline LazyTown NBC Noodle All-Star Matthews Celebrity Backroads Apprentice KING ”5 News KING News Nightly News Backroads KING News Paid Prog. Off-Rockers Paid Prog. Off-Rockers






Off-Rockers ” ” Dateline NBC Hockey LazyTown NHL Noodle ” All-Star

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The Amazing The Race Canadian

The Amazing Simpsons Race Cleveland

The Ultimate Monarch of Fighter the Glen

Once Upon a Time

Storage Storage

” Zoink’d!

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“Monster-in- The Best of Law” 50s Pop

” Motoring

Family Guy Burgers

Motive ”

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The Good Wife

Family Guy Burgers

On the Edge Lewis ” ”

Red Widow ”

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Splatalot Babysitting

CBC News: Alien The National Mysteries

Family Guy Burgers

Welcome to Myrtle

” The Closer

Masterpiece All-Star Mystery! Celebrity

SportsCentre ” Sportfishing SportsCentre Bowling ”

The Good Wife The Doctors News Final Block ”

The Mentalist The View CTV News ” CTV News

CBC News: The National Poko News CBC Doodlebops fi fth estate

The Mentalist The Price Is KIRO News Right News KIRO

The Good Wife The Doctors News Final Block ”

Sportsnet Connected Blue Jays European MLB Tour Poker

Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Pick Splatalot Squirrel Babysitting G. Shrinks Splatalot

Richard II: King in the CBCPark News Car Now With Mansbridge

MythBusters ” How/Made Alien How/Made Mysteries

News TMZ The Offi ” ce How I Met Sunny

Gypsy Sisters Baby Story Untold StoBaby ries ofStory ER

” Movie: Law Order: “Superhero CI Movie”

” Eat, Shrink SportsCentre Paid Prog. Debt/Part ”” Paid Prog. ” Noon News Curling: Hour

The Marilyn The Denis Show Mentalist

Steven ” and Chris Canadian

Young & Face/Nation Restless Paid Prog.

Eat, Shrink Paid Prog. Debt/Part Paid Prog.

Preseason UFC Baseball: Unleashed

Auction Alien Auction Mysteries

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Rays at Red Dino Dan Sox Rob Robot

The Chew ”

Dangerous Flights

Family Feud Paid Extreme Sunny Prog. Family Feud Paid Extreme Spokane Prog. Funny Home What Not to Videos Wear

Law Order: Jim CI There Yet?

CTV News ”

G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Dawn CBC News: Rescue Hero The cont’d Treader National The First 48 League/Evil CBC News ” Kid vs. Kat Now With

” Apprentice Protect Your ” Sid Science KING TodayNews Memory Wild Kratts cont’d ” Backroads Daniel Tiger Paid New Prog. Day Aaron Rick Steves Paid Northwest Neville Prog.

Excused Excused

Magic Moments:

KING 5 News

Tim Hortons Days of our Brier, Draw Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Hockeycentral at Noon

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick

Andrew Nichols

Highway Thru Hell

Law Order: CI

Four Weddings

There Yet? There Yet?

The Best of 50s Pop

Days of our Lives

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News Bold KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’s a omg! Make Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Engagement ThisMinute The Price Is Broke Girl Right Judge Judy Mike Judge Judy Young & Hawaii FiveRestless KIRO News 0 KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Bold KIRO News Late Show CBS News The Talk Letterman Ent ” Ferguson omg! Insider Let’s Make a How Deal I Met Engagement ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Mike Judge Judy Hawaii FiveJudge Judy 0 KIRO News KIRO KIRO News News Late Show KIRO News Letterman CBS News Ferguson Ent omg! Insider

The Ricki The LakeDoctors Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon GlobalNews Nat. Hour News Hour Days of ” our Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Hawaii FiveYoung”& 0 Restless Eat, Shrink Deception Debt/Part Early News ” GlobalNews Nat. Noon News Hour Hour News Hour Final ” Days of our ET Canada Ent Lives J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Bones” ” The Ricki Hawaii FiveLake Show 0 Young & Deception Restless ” Early News News GlobalHour Nat. Final News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst Ent ET Canada

Blue Jays Blue Blue Jays Jays MLB World Poker Preseason Tour Baseball: Prime Time Rays at Red Sports Sox Sportsnet HockeycenConnected tral at Noon FIS Alpine Soccer Skiing Central Oil Change Blue Jays ” Blue Blue Jays Jays On the Edge MLB World Poker ” Tour Preseason Sportsnet Baseball: Prime Time Connected Sports Rays at Red Hockey Sox Sportsnet UFC Central Connected HockeycenEuropean FIS at Alpine tral Noon Poker Tour Skiing Soccer Oil Change Central ” Blue Jays On the Edge Blue Jays ” World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected Prime Time Hockey Sports UFC Central Sportsnet European Connected Poker Tour FIS Alpine Skiing

Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie ArthurPolie Dive, Olly Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Save Ums Gardens Wibbly Pig Rescue Big Bear Volcanic Dinosaur Wartime Rob FarmRobot Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Schama’s Franklin G. Shrinks Shakespeare ArthurPolie Rolie Architects of Dive, Olly Martha Change Wild Kratts Dino Dan Rescue Rob Robot Animals Volcanic Gardens Save Ums Schama’s RescuePig Wibbly Shakespeare Volcanic Big Bear Wartime Dinosaur Farm Rob Robot Schama’s Clifford-Dog Shakespeare G. Shrinks Architects of Arthur Change Martha Rescue Wild Kratts Volcanic Animals Schama’s Gardens Shakespeare Rescue Volcanic

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO News 4 News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelor Show The View ” KOMO” 4 ” News 4 KOMO Castle News ” World News The Chew News KOMO” 4 Jimmy News General Kimmel Live Wheel Hospital Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelor The Dr. Oz Show ” ” KOMO 4 Castle News ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!

Gangsters: Criminal Most Evil Minds Gangsters: Criminal Most Evil Minds Gangsters: The MostFirst Evil 48 ” Gangsters: The First Most Evil 48 ” Beyond The First 48 Scared ” Straight Gangsters: TBA Most Evil Criminal Gangsters: Minds Gangsters: Most Evil Most Evil Criminal Gangsters: Minds Gangsters: Most Evil MostFirst Evil 48 The Beyond ” Gangsters: Scared Most Evil The First 48 Straight Beyond ” TBA Scared The First 48 Straight ” TBA Gangsters: Gangsters: Most Evil Most Evil Gangsters: Gangsters: Most Evil Most Evil Gangsters: Beyond Most Evil Scared Gangsters: Straight Most Evil TBA Beyond Scared

Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick G. Shrinks SpongeBob G. Shrinks SpongeBob Rescue Hero SpongeBob League/Evil SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat iCarly Squirrel Big Time Sidekick Victorious Almost How to Rock League/Evil Babysitting Squirrel Zoink’d! Sidekick Squirrel Gags G. Shrinks SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob G. Shrinks Boys Rescue Hero SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob League/Evil That’s-Weird Kid vs. Kat iCarly Splatalot Big Time Squirrel Wipeout Victorious Sidekick ” How to Rock Almost Babysitting League/Evil Zoink’d! Squirrel Gags Sidekick Gags SpongeBob Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob That’s-Weird SpongeBob Splatalot iCarly Wipeout Big Time ” Victorious How to Rock

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi O’Leary Nair cont’d CBC News CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Andrew The National Nichols CBC News Power”& Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC News: Now LangWith & The National O’Leary Reshmi Nair CBC News cont’d CBC News ” ” CBC News CBC News: Now CBC With News: The National The National Andrew Lang & CBC News Nichols O’Leary ” Power & CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News: ” The National Lang & CBC News O’Leary ” CBC News CBC News: ” The National CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News ”

How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Auction ” Auction MythBusters Dangerous ” Flights Auction Highway Auction Thru Hell Greatest MythBusters Know-It-All ” Driving Wars How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Auction How/Made Daily Planet Auction ” Auction Greatest Auction MythBusters Know-It-All ” Dangerous Highway Flights Auction Thru Hell Auction Highway Driving Wars Greatest Thru Hell ” Know-It-All MythBusters Driving ” Wars ” How/Made Auction How/Made Auction Daily Planet Greatest ” Know-It-All MythBusters Highway ” Thru Hell Auction Driving Auction Wars ” Greatest Know-It-All

The Ricki The ce LakeOffi Show How I Met Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Offi ce The How SteveI Met Following Harvey Family Feud News Family Feud Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Funny Home Sunny Videos Big Bang TMZ Two Men Law Order: The Office Big Bang CI King of Hill Two Men Anderson Bones Live ” The Ricki The Lake Show Following Steve News Harvey 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big Bang The ce Two Offi Men King of Hill Big Bang Two Men

Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story Undercover Extreme Boss Extreme Undercover What Boss Not to Wear Undercover Four Boss Weddings Undercover Medium Boss Medium Undercover Medium Boss Medium Baby Story Undercover Baby Story Undercover Boss Boss Extreme Undercover Extreme Undercover Boss Boss Not to What Undercover Wear Undercover Boss Boss Four Peter Popoff Undercover Weddings Paid Prog. Boss Medium Undercover Medium Boss Medium Undercover Medium Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Peter Boss Popoff Paid Prog. Undercover Boss

The Office Law The Order: Office CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There PayneYet? There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The OffiGuy ce Family The ce Law Offi Order: Amer. Dad CI Big Bang Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Bedtime CI Browns Stories” Payne Excused ” Excused Browns Movie: Payne There Yet? “Deep Seinfeld There Yet? Impact” Seinfeld King Family King Guy Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: Big Bang “Bedtime Big Bang Stories” Browns Payne” Movie: Browns “Deep Payne Impact” Seinfeld Seinfeld

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business Magic World News Moments: PBS The Best of NewsHour 50s Pop A 60s Pop Charlie Rose Flashback: ” Hullabaloo Cat in the (My Music) Arthur Sid Science Leonard Wild Kratts Cohen Live WordGirl Daniel Tiger in London Rick Steves Business A 60s Pop World News Magic Flashback: Moments: PBS Hullabaloo NewsHour The Best of (My Music) A 60s Pop 50s Pop Health-Joel Flashback: Charlie Rose Hullabaloo ” (My Music) Cat in the Leonard Arthur Cohen Live Wild Kratts in London WordGirl A 60s Pop Business Flashback: World News Hullabaloo PBS (My Music) NewsHour Health-Joel A 60s Pop Flashback:

Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d Katie New Day ” Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days Newsof our Lives Magazine Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” The Biggest Ellen LoserDeGeneres Today Show ” cont’d Katie ” ” New Day Deception Northwest KING 5 ” News 5 KING KING News News Nightly News Jay Leno News Days of our ” Magazine Lives Jimmy Fallon Inside Ed. Dr. Phil The Biggest ” Loser Ellen DeGeneres ”Show ” Katie Deception ” ” KING 5 KING News News Jay Leno Nightly News News ” Jimmy Fallon Magazine Inside Ed.

Oil Change ”

Wartime Farm

The Bachelor

Straight TBA

Babysitting Zoink’d!

CBC News: Driving Wars Bones The National ” ”

Undercover Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Hullabaloo (My Music)

The Biggest Loser


” Sportfi shing SportsCentre Bowling Hockey ” 24 CH ” Interruption ” Curling: Curling: Tim Hortons Tim Hortons Brier, Draw Brier, Draw 7 6 ” ” ” ” SportsCentre SportsCentre Sportfi shing ” Bowling Hockey That’s Hcky 24 CH” SportsCentre ” Interruption ” Curling: ” SportsCentre Curling: Tim Hortons ” Brier, Draw Tim Hortons SportsCentre 7 Brier, Draw ” ” 6 ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre That’s Hcky Hockey SportsCentre 24 CH ” Interruption SportsCentre Curling: ” Tim Hortons SportsCentre Brier, Draw ” 7 ”

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

The Ricki The LakeDoctors Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days of our CHBC News Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Hawaii FiveYoung”& 0 Restless Eat, Shrink Deception Debt/Part News ” ” Noon News CHBC News Hour Global Nat. Final CHBC News Days of our ET Canada Ent Lives J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Bones” ” The Ricki Hawaii FiveLake Show 0 Young & Deception Restless ” News CHBC” News Final Global Nat. ET Canada CHBC News J. Probst Ent ET Canada

Ellen DeGeThe View neres Show ” Anderson The Marilyn Live Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News The Dr. ” Oz Show Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ” Anger Ellen DeGeNew Normal neres Show The View The ” Anderson Following Live The Marilyn Castle Denis Show CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV News ” CTV News CTV News ” The Dr. Oz Daily Show Big Bang Show Colbert Rep etalk Dr. Phil Anger” New Normal Ellen DeGeThe Show neres Following Anderson Castle Live ” CTV News CTV News at Five CTV News CTV News Daily Show ” Colbert Rep Big Bang etalk

Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC NewsNews Now News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris Dragons’ Best Recipes Den Stefano Poko Murdoch Doodlebops Dragons’ Mysteries Den Steven and CBC News: Chris News The National NewsNews CBC CBC News Now News George S Exchange Heartland Coronation George ” S Being Erica Coronation Steven and Dragons’ Chris Den Best Recipes Murdoch Stefano Mysteries Dragons’ CBC Den News: The National News CBC NewsNews George S News Coronation Exchange Being Erica George S Coronation

” Bones SportsCentre ”

Anger Dragons’ New Normal Den



KIRO CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk Deal_ ” (



How I Met Bones Engagement ”


The View News Castle” KOMO” 4 NewsNotice Burn

KNOW KOMO Big Bear The Doctors Dinosaur ” * `




Criminal Storage Minds Storage

A&E The First 48 ” 1

A&E 1




KCTS KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ” N P


Hawaii Five- On the Edge Schama’s 0 ” Shakespeare

Gags Gags

CBC News: Auction The National Auction

The Following

Undercover Boss

Leonard Cohen Live

Architects of Change Bucket-Dino Franklin Rescue Volcanic Rolie Polie Dive, Olly Schama’s Shakespeare Dino Dan Rob Robot

Gangsters: ” Most Evil The View Criminal Minds News ” Beyond Jimmy Scared KOMO 4 Criminal News Live Straight Minds Kimmel Nightline TBA The Chew The First 48 ” ”

Boys Mr. Young Squirrel Puppies That’s-Weird Splatalot G. Shrinks Rescue Hero Wipeout ” League/Evil Kid vs. Kat

CBC News ” CBC News Now With CBC News: The National Reshmi Nair cont’d& Lang O’Leary CBC News Now With

Greatest Know-It-All How/Made How/Made Highway Thru Strip Hell the City Driving Wars ” Auction Auction

News 30 Rock The Office How I Met Sunny TMZ Family Feud Family The OffiFeud ce King of Home Hill Funny Videos


Amer. Dad Movie:

Sportsnet Connected Soccer Central Hockey UFC UEFACentral Maga. UEFA European Poker Tour Champions League

” KNOW KOMO ” * ` Castle

Gangsters: Most Evil

Deception ” The Doctors News ”Hour Final Eat, Shrink Debt/Part ET Canada J. Probst Noon News Hour

Undercover Boss Baby Story Baby Story Undercover Boss Extreme Extreme Peter Popoff Paid WhatProg. Not to Wear

“Bedtime Stories” Law Order: CI ” Movie: Law Order: CI “Deep Impact” Excused Excused

in London A 60s Pop Sid Science Wild Kratts Flashback: Hullabaloo Daniel Tiger RickMusic) Steves (My Health-Joel Protect Your Memory

Deception Today” cont’dNews KING Jay NewLeno Day Northwest ” Jimmy KING 5Fallon News

Tim Hortons Days of our Brier, Draw Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer ”

Save-Ums! Wibbly Pig


The First 48 ”

Squirrel Sidekick

Andrew Nichols

Greatest Know-It-All

Law Order: CI

Four Weddings

There Yet? There Yet?

” Steves

Days of our Lives


Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

Hockeycentral at Noon

Big Bear Dinosaur

The First 48 ”

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

Driving Wars Anderson ” Live

Medium Medium

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

Storage Criminal Storage Minds

Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick Puppies

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Nair Reshmi O’Leary cont’d CBC News News CBC ” Now With

How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made

The Order: Office Law The Office CI

Cat Science in the Sid Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business Protect Your World News Memory

” Motoring SportsCentre ATP Tennis: Hockey BNP Paribas TradeCentre Showdown Interruption ” Curling: Curling:

The Doctors Ricki EllenView DeGeThe The Lake Show neres ”Show ” Young & Anderson Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Restless Live Show Debt/Part Denis News CTV News Noon News CTV News at Five” Hour ” Tim Hortons Hortons Days GlobalofNat. CTVDr. News Tim our The Oz Brier, Draw Draw CHBC News Show ” Brier, Lives 9 Ent Big Bang 8 The Talk Dr. Phil ET Canada etalk ” ” ” NCIS American ” The Ricki Ellen DeGeSportsCentre Lake Show ” Idol neres Show


Best Recipes The ThisMinute Poko Price Is Stefano ThisMinute Doodlebops Right Dragons’ Judge Judy Steven and Young & Den Judge Judy Chris Restless News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News News KIRO News Now Bold

The Doctors Ricki Oil Change The Soccer Lake Show ” ” Central Young & World Maga. Poker Eat, Shrink UEFA Restless Tour Debt/Part UEFA Early News Big Coast Noon News Champions Global Nat. League Canucks TV Hour

Rob Robot The View Dr. Oz Bucket-Dino The Clifford-Dog Show ” Franklin

News Heartland Exchange ” Georgeand S Steven Coronation Chris

Animals Save-Ums! Dogs/Jobs Wibbly Pig Be the Big Bear Creature Dinosaur

Rick Mercer NCIS Best Recipes ThisMinute 22 Minutes ” Stefano ThisMinute

Newsof Hour Days our Lives ” Ent The Talk ET Canada ” NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show

” NCIS: Los ” Motoring The Doctors The View Hockey Young & Anderson That’s Hcky Restless Angeles ATP Tennis: ” TradeCentre Live ”

Cracked Poko Dragons’ Doodlebops Den ”

NCIS: Los Ping Pong Taste The Doctors Soccer The View Young & World ”Poker Bucket-Dino G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Angeles Sportsnet ” Central Franklin Restless Tour Arthur” News ”

Storage Criminal Minds Storage

GagsParents CBC CBC News News: Gold Rush Squirrel How/Made Odd Lang & Daily Planet GagsParents Now The National Puppies With How/Made Odd O’Leary ””

” ce The Offi Steve How I ”Met Harvey

SportsCentre Elementary BNP Paribas Eat, Shrink Interruption News ” Showdown Debt/Part Curling: ”

CBC News: Golden Steven and Young &Boy News KIRO News The National Restless ” Chris News KIRO News

Elementary Eat, Shrink Early News Debt/Part Global” Nat.

Sportsnet ” UEFA Maga. Rolie Polie Big Coast Martha Connected Landscape UEFA Olly Canucks TV Dive, Wild Kratts

Body of4 KOMO News Proof News News World

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

CBC NewsNews George S Exchange Now

Noon News News Hour Final ” Hour

Hockey Be the Champions Dino Dan Sportsnet Animals UFC Central Rob Creature Hockey Dogs/Jobs League Robot

News The Chew KOMO 4 Jimmy” News

The First 48 Storage Storage ”

Golden Boy The Marilyn CTV News Denis at Five”Show

SportsCentre CHBCNews News ” Noon CTV News Tim Hortons Global Nat. ” Final News CTV News Brier, Draw CHBC Curling: Hour ”

KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’s Make a omg! Insider Deal


NCIS: Los The Price Is Judge Judy Angeles Right Judge Judy

KIRO News Late Show CBS News Bold


Sportsnet Soccer Hockey ” NHL HockeycenHockey: tral at Noon Sharks at Oil Change Canucks ”


G. Shrinks Rolie Polie ArthurOlly Dive, Martha Dino Dan Wild Robot Kratts Rob

KOMO 4 4 Storage KOMO Criminal News Storage News Minds News Storage The Chew The First 48 World ”News Storage ” KOMO 4 Storage General The First 48 News Storage Hospital ” Wheel Storage The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! Storage ” ” Celebrity The Dr. Oz Storage Wife Swap Storage Show


EuroRobot Crash Rob ” Clifford-Dog

A&E 1

Odd Parents G. Shrinks Odd Parents Rescue Hero Odd Parents League/Evil Oddvs. Parents Kid Kat iCarly Squirrel Victorious Sidekick Mr. Young Almost Mr. Young League/Evil


The Offi Ricki The ce LakeIShow How Met

Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story Daily the Planet Family Steve Feud Extreme Lost His Strip ” Harvey Face City Family Feud Extreme Gold Rush - Funny Simpsons The Man: Auction Home What Not to The Dirt Raymond 200lb Tumor Auction Videos Wear CBC News: Greatest Gold Rush Big Bang Man-Half Andrew Law Order: Four The National Know-It-All ” Two Men Body Nichols CI Weddings CBC News Bering Sea Big Bang Bubble Skin Power & Driving Wars Anderson Medium Gold ” Two Men Man Politics” Live Medium CBC News: To Be American Man-Half ” How/Made The Ricki Medium The National Announced Idol Body ” How/Made Lake Show Medium


Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused


” KING ” P


Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d KatieDay New ” Northwest KING 5 5 KING News News

PBS ” NewsHour Steves Chris Mann Charlie Rose in Concert” All Seasons Cat in the Celtic Arthur


Off-Rockers Ellen DeGeOff-Rockers neres Show

Bubble Skin Law Amer. Dad Baby Story Order: Lost His Big Bang Man Story Movie: Baby CI Face Big Bang

Thunder Sid Science Wild Kratts Mythology Wild Kratts WordGirl

Go On Today Katie New Normal cont’d ”

Boys CBC News News Bering SeaG. Shrinks Nair Strip the Odd Parents Reshmi CBC Gold Rush Mr. Young GoldDirt Rescue Hero cont’d ”” City Odd Parents The

News Feud Extreme The Man: Man: “Final Family Law Order: Simpsons The Browns 30 Rock 200lb Tumor Tumor CI Destination Family Feud Extreme Raymond 200lb Payne

”Tiger Daniel Business Albert KingRick Steves World News

Smash New Day KING 5 Northwest News ”

That’s-Weird CBC CBC News News: Auction To BeRush League/Evil iCarly News: Gold Splatalot The National National Announced Victorious The ” Kid vs. Kat Now With Auction

Sunny Lost His Funny Home What Not to Big Bang Man-Half TMZMen Face Two Body Videos Wear

Stevie Ray Protect Your PBS ” NewsHour Memory

KING 5 News KING Nightly News Jay Leno News ” our Magazine Days of JimmyEd. Fallon Inside Lives


Babysitting Squirrel Zoink’d! Sidekick





Family The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce

2” Excused Browns Final Payne Excused

Nightly Days of News our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside” Ed.


SportsCentre ET Canada 9 Ent Tim Hortons Days of our J. Probst ” ET Canada Brier, Draw Lives

Daily Show Coronation Big Bang George S The Dr. Oz Heartland Colbert Rep Coronation The Border etalk Show ”

Letterman ET Canada Ent Ent The Talk Days of our Ferguson J. Probst omg! Insider ET Canada ” Lives

The Ultimate Save-Ums! Ping Pong NHL Be the Soccer Fighter ” Pig Hockey: Creature ” Wibbly

Kimmel Live The Wheel Storage General First 48 Nightline Jeopardy! Storage Hospital ”

Wipeout Mr. Young Squirrel ” Mr. Young Sidekick

Lang News & CBC Andrew O’Leary ” Nichols

Paid Prog. Bubble Skin Four Paid Prog. Man Weddings

Destination Love for Seinfeld Mann There Yet? 2 Chris ” ”Yet? Levon Seinfeld in ConcertThere Steves

” NCIS 8 The Talk SportsCentre ” ”

American Dr. Phil Idol ”

Rick Mercer Steven and 22 Minutes Chris

NCIS Let’s Make a NCIS The Talk ” Deal ”

Sharks at HockeycenCanucks tral at Noon

Euro Crash Big Bear ” Dinosaur

Celebrity The Doctors Storage The First 48 Wife Swap Storage ” ”

Babysitting Almost Zoink’d! League/Evil

CBC To Be Wars American PowerNews: & Driving Anderson The National Announced Idol Politics ” Live

Man-Half Medium Body Medium

Family King Guy Family King Guy

All Seasons Charlie Rose Off-Rockers Dr. Phil Celtic ” Off-Rockers ”

” That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre Hockey ” TradeCentre

” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show Golden Boy Anderson Live ”

” Oil Change Sportsnet ” Sportsnet World Poker Connected Tour News Hour Hockey The Doctors Soccer Early News Big Coast Final Central Central Global” Nat. UFC Canucks TV ET Canada The Ultimate Eat, Shrink Premier News Hour Sportsnet J. Probst Fighter Debt/Part UEFA ” Hockey Noon News NHL Champions Ent Hour League ET Canada Hockey:

Ping Robot Pong Rob ” Clifford-Dog

The Taste Dr. Oz

Gags Squirrel Gags Sidekick

CBC News: Gold Rush ” How/Made The National ” ” How/Made

Go On Ellen DeGeNew Normal neres Show Smash Katie ”” Stevie Ray KING Sid Science TodayNews Business KING 5 ”News Jay Leno Wild Kratts cont’d World News Love for ” Daniel Tiger New Day PBS Nightly News Levon Fallon Rick Steves Jimmy Northwest NewsHour News

Excused Seinfeld Excused Seinfeld

Days of our NCIS Lives ”

Soccer at Sharks ” Canucks

Save-Ums! Euro Crash Wibbly” Pig

Bering Sea Daily Planet Gold ” CBC To BeRush CBC News: News How/Made CBC News Gold The Announced NowNational With How/Made ” The Dirt Lang & MythBusters Reshmi Nair Highway CBC News: Gold Rush O’Leary ”” cont’d The National Thru Hell CBC News News Gold Rush CBC Bering Sea Now With ” Gold ” Andrew Bering CBC News: To Be Sea Nichols Gold The National Announced

Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: The Office “Final Big Bang Destination Big Bang 2” Law Order: Browns Final CI Payne Destination Law Order: 2 Browns ” CI Payne

Thunder Cat in the Mythology Arthur

Storage Boys Odd Parents Storage Mr. Storage OddYoung Parents News Storage That’s-Weird The View Criminal Squirrel News Storage Odd Parents Jimmy Splatalot Minds G. Shrinks World ”News Storage Storage Odd Parents Kimmel Wipeout KOMO 4Live Storage Criminal G. Shrinks Storage iCarly Nightline Storage ” Hero Minds Rescue News Storage Victorious The Chew The First 48 Mr. League/Evil Wheel Storage Young ” ” KidYoung vs. Kat Jeopardy! Storage Mr. General The First 48 Babysitting Squirrel Celebrity Storage Hospital ” Sidekick Wife Swap Storage Zoink’d!

” The Ricki ” Lake Show News Steve 30 Rock Harvey

Bubble Skin Medium Man Medium

” G. Shrinks Landscape Arthur Be the Bucket-Dino Martha Creature Franklin Wild Kratts Ping Pong Rolie Polie Animals ” Dive, Olly Dogs/Jobs

CTVBang News Big etalk ” The Dr. Oz American Show Idol

Cracked NCIS: Los Best Recipes ThisMinute ” Angeles Stefano ThisMinute CBC News: Golden Boy Dragons’ Judge Judy The Den National Judge”Judy CBC KIRO News Poko News The Price Is News KIRO News George S Late Doodlebops RightShow News KIRO News Coronation Letterman Steven and Young & News KIRO News The Ferguson ChrisBorder Restless Exchange CBS News CBC News KIRO News George S Ent Now Bold Insider Coronation omg! Heartland The Talk Rick Mercer NCIS ” 22 Minutes ””

Law Order: American CI Idol

Four Man-Half Weddings Body

There Yet? Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy

A 60sMann Pop Chris Flashback: in ConcertHullabaloo All Seasons (My Music) Celtic

Dr. Phil ” ”” Ellen DeGeGolden Boy neres Show ” Anderson CTV News Live CTV News CTV News Daily Show at Five Colbert Rep CTV News ”

Steven and Cracked Chris ” Best CBC Recipes News: Stefano The National Dragons’ CBC News Den George S News Coronation News The Border News Exchange

Let’s Make The Talk NCIS: Los a NCIS: Los Deal ” Angeles Angeles ThisMinute The Ricki Golden Boy Elementary ThisMinute Lake Show ” ” Judge Judy Young & KIRO News News Hour Judge Judy Restless Late Show Final KIRO News Early News Letterman ET Canada KIRO News Global Nat. Ferguson J. Probst KIRO News News Hour CBS News ”

Hockeycen” tral at Noon Sportsnet On the Edge Sportsnet ” Connected World Poker Hockey Tour UFC Central Prime Time The Ultimate Sports Fighter Sportsnet Connected

Big Bear Ping Pong Dinosaur ” Rob Robot ” Clifford-Dog Landscape G. Shrinks Be the Arthur Creature Martha Ping Pong Wild Kratts ” Animals Undersea

The Taste Doctors Storage The First 48 Gags Almost The ” League/Evil ”” Storage Gags The Dr. Oz Storage Squirrel Body of Storage Boys Show Storage Sidekick Proof Storage Mr. Young KOMO 4 Storage SpongeBob News Storage That’s-Weird News Storage SpongeBob Jimmy Storage Splatalot News Duck D. SpongeBob Kimmel Live Storage Wipeout World News Duck D. SpongeBob Nightline Storage ” KOMO 4 Duck D. iCarly News Duck D. Victorious

Power & CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News ” ” Lang & CBC News: O’Leary The National CBC News Lang & ” O’Leary CBC News: The National

To BeRush Gold Announced ” How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold Daily Planet To Be ” Announced Alien MythBusters Mysteries ” Alien Mysteries

Anderson ” Live ” The Ricki News Lake Show 30 Rock Steve Sunny Harvey TMZ Simpsons The Office Raymond King of Hill Big Bang Two Men

MediumSkin Bubble Medium Man

King Dad Amer. King Movie:

Medium The Man: Medium 200lb Tumor Addiction Lost His Addiction Face Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive Paid Prog. Hoarding: Buried Alive

The Office “Final The Office Destination Big Bang 2” Big Bang Final College Destination 2 Basketball: ” Vanderbilt at Florida

Charlie Rose Go Dr. On Phil Thunder ” ” Mythology New Normal Cat in”the Ellen DeGeSmash Arthur neres Show Albert King” Wild Kratts Katie Stevie Ray KING News WordGirl ” ” Jay Leno Business KING 5 Love for ” World News News Levon Jimmy Fallon PBS Nightly News NewsHour News

Tim Hortons Ent Brier, Draw ET Canada


George S Coronation

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

Oil Change ”

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men

Addiction Addiction

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Rick Steves Magazine Rick Steves’ Inside Ed.


American Idol

Mr. D Ron James

Survivor: Caramoan

Survivor: Caramoan

On the Edge The Story of The Middle ” India Neighbors

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Family Guy Family Guy

Europe Rick Steves

Whitney Guys-Kids

Arctic Air ”

Criminal Minds

Go On Guys-Kids

The Ultimate Movie: Mod Fam Duck D. Fighter “The Pirates Suburgatory Duck D.

Addiction Addiction

Amer. Dad Browns

A Symphonic

Law & Order: SVU

NCIS: Los The Ricki Angeles Lake Show Elementary Young & ” Restless

SportsCentre CHBC News STIHL The Doctors Interruption News Final ” Darts ” Curling: SportsCentre ET Canada ” Eat, Shrink Tim Hortons Global Nat. ” J. Probst SportsCentre Debt/Part Brier, Draw CHBC News TradeCentre Ent Noon News 9 Curling: Hour ” ET Canada Tim Hortons Days of our ” NCIS Brier, Draw Lives ” SportsCentre 10 The Talk ” NCIS: Los ” That’s”Hcky Angeles ” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” NHL SportsCentre Hockey: ” Senators at SportsCentre Maple Leafs ” ” Curling:

The Ricki Elementary Lake Show ” Young & CHBC News Restless Final News ET Canada ” J. Probst Global Nat. CHBC News

Survivor: Caramoan

” Go On SportsCentre Guys-Kids

CTV News The View CTV News CTV News ” at Five Daily Show The Marilyn CTV News Colbert Rep Denis ”Show

” ”


NCIS: Los The Ricki Angeles Lake Show Elementary Young & ” Restless



” KNOW Show KOMO Body of4 KOMO * ` Proof News

Dino Dan Be the Rob Robot Creature

SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene

CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene

Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Frontiers of News UFC Central Construction Jimmy

SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

FIS Alpine Skiing

Daily Show Colbert Rep

of Penzance”

Nashville ”

Storage Storage

A&E 1



CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary

MythBusters TheBang Office Bering Sea Big Greatest Law Order: KingMen of Hill Gold ” Two Know-It-All CI


Browns There Yet? PayneYet? There Seinfeld King Seinfeld King



Broke Girl Mike




Hawaii Five0 The Price Is Right News KIRO Late Show Young & Restless Letterman Ferguson KIRO News Bold




WTBS King KingA


Murdoch Mysteries




TLC Medium Medium <


CBC News: The PokoNational Doodlebops CBC News George S Steven and Chris Coronation Being Erica CBC News Now

A&E 1


DISC Anderson KAYU MythBusters ” Live; 9


Castle ” The View ” CTV News CTV News The Marilyn DenisShow Show Daily Colbert Rep CTV News ”

KNOW Hospital KOMO The Doctors * ` ”




Hawaii Five- The 0 Following


A&E 1

YTV Power NEWS Almost & League/Evil Politics 6 7


Deception ” The Doctors CHBC” News Final Eat, Shrink Debt/Part ET Canada J. Probst Noon News Hour



Bucket-Dino Movie: Franklin “Holy Rolie Polie Rollers” Dive, Olly ”

A&E 1

SportsCentre ” Motoring ATP Tennis: SportsCentre ” BNP Paribas Showdown SportsCentre ”” Curling:



SNP Soccer Central )

KNOW KOMO ” ” * ` ” ”

” That’s Hcky

The Talk ”



Dateline NBC




The Lost Man: His 200lb Face Tumor Sunny Lost His The Office BabyMan: Story Simpsons The TMZ Face How I Met Baby Story Raymond 200lb Tumor The Offi ce Paid Prog. Family Feud Extreme Big Bang Man-Half King of Feud Hill Paid Prog. Family Extreme Two Men Body Funny Home Bubble What Not to Big Bang Skin Videos Wear Two Men Man



” Wild Kratts Albert KingWordGirl


KING 5 Magazine News Ed. Inside Days of our Off-Rockers Lives Off-Rockers

Duck D. Duck D.

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Babysitting Zoink’d!

CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold

Gags Gags

CBC News: Alien The National Mysteries

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Payne Browns

Journey An Evening

Chicago Fire ”

Duck D. Duck D.

That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Addiction Addiction

Payne Movie:

With Jerry Lewis

KING News Jay Leno

Wipeout ”

Peter Popoff “Fracture” Paid Prog. ”

The Story of Kimmel Live Duck D. India Nightline Duck D.

Lang & O’Leary

Alien Mysteries

To Be Announced

American Idol ” ” News 30 Rock

The Office King of Hill

Dyer Wishes ” Fulfilled Jimmy Fallon

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A14

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email classiďŹ



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

Witness needed for vehicle accident on Lodge Rd. in Lake Country on Jan. 11, 2013 at 1pm. Involving a black Jetta and white Jeep. Please phone ICBC Kimberley Reilly at 250979-2654, claim # P6840701

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ CLASS ACTION Claim Support – Vioxx, others. The Nurses at The Optio Group will help prove your claim and get you the money you deserve. 1 - 8 5 5 - 9 3 9 - 0 4 9 9 ;;

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ Travel

Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Business Opportunities ACCOUNTING & Tax Franchise - Start your own Practice with Canada’s leading Accounting Franchise. Join Padgett Business Services 400 practices. Taking care of small business needs since 1966. or 1-888-723-4388, ext. 222. GET FREE vending machines Can earn $100,000.00 + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866668-6629,

TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes: • • •


Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and BeneďŹ ts Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE



• • • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) CertiďŹ cates included are: Ground Disturbance Level 2

WHMIS Traffic Control First Aid Reserve your seat for April 1, 2013. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 www.taylorpro

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Farm Workers SUNCREST Vineyard, Lake Country area, 2 farm workers needed. Employment from May 7 to Nov. 11, 2013. 6 days / 40 to 50 hours / week. $ 10.25/h, Physically demanding all weather job. Need own transp. Email Joe: or fax 250766-9081



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

8 vacancies starting June 13 for Orchard Labour. A variety of tasks including, planting, irrigating, thinning, pruning and hand harvesting apples and grapes. Wage is 10.25/hour Located in Winfield., BC. B&T Orchards Ltd. Apply via fax to (250)-766-2375. EXPERIENCED PARTS person for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Or Email to: Resident Manager for 20 unit Silver Star Motel,Vernon Fax 250-545-3859 email silverstar

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message for Information: 1800-972-0209.


Trades, Technical

PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: or fax 780-955-HIRE.

Help Wanted

Lead Administrator

Job Duties Include:

¡Accounts Receivable ¡Accounts Payable ¡Gov’t Remittances & Rebates ¡Other industry specific duties This is a long term position offering approximately 30 hours per week. Please apply in person to: 350 Carion Road, Lake Country (Winfield Industrial Park)

E M Y T O FIND EMPLOYMENT N L T T P T E N N N M THE M E E E IN CLASSIFIEDS Y E M M M O Y Y Y L O O O T T P PL L L N N P P E E M M E OYM E OYM EM NT E T T L L N N M P P E E Y M M M M O T E E L Y Y N P O O E T L L M M N P P E Y E M M O M T E E L EN Y P O , T T M L N N M E Everything you re looking for is P T T E E Y N M N M M O E E E L Y Y in the classifieds! M M P O O T Y Y L L M N O O P P E E L L M MP M P

Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.




The link to your community

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A15 A15



Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate



Trades, Technical

Moving & Storage

Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted


Auto Financing

Auto Financing

AMS Solutions Inc. is seeking Junior, Intermediate and Senior Controls Engineers for our Enderby, BC office. AMS primarily serves the wood product industry which provides the opportunity for successful applicants to apply their skills and deploy leading - edge technologies on many different machines & processes. Typical projects involve PLC/HMI programming, Motion control, Network design, and Control Panel / Console layouts.

DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour


(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Financial Services

Pets & Livestock

DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD:

The Lakes, 2 spectacular lake view lots, southern exposure, suitable for Rancher with w/o basement. $219,000 per lot, MLS10058130, MLS10058125, David Jurome, McDonald Realty, 250-862-1888

1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or check online at:

Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231

Mobile Homes & Parks

Pets ENGLISH Bull Terrier puppies, (Don Cherry dog), CKC, CH bloodlines, Ex Family pet, $2000 (604) 853-4273

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions KWIKAUCTIONS.COM Restaurant Equipment Auction Saturday, March 2nd @ 11am, 7305 Meadow Burnaby BC

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557


Rentals Homes for Rent Lakeview, 3bd house, $1000. 2 full baths, lrg living rm, sundeck, newly painted. 718-1975

Seasonal Acommodation

Misc. Wanted Gold & Silver. Private buyer buying coins, jewelry, silverware, nuggets ect. I can come to you! Todd 250-864-3521 Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 250-863-3082


$449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo 1-888-481-9660.

Suites, Upper

PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

WinďŹ eld, 2bdrm, 1bath, upper floor suite on farm acreage. Avail immed., $800/mo incl utils & cable. Shared laundry, pets neg. Call: (250)766-2249



To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688


Calendar Lake Countr y










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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


District of Lake Country Water Operations Department is currently in the process of locating water shut-offs within the District’s right-of-way. During this process, they may need to clear away shrubs or trees impeding access to the shut-off.

Spring/Summer 2013 Activity Guide Online registration is now OPEN.

Visit and click on the Quick Link for the digital version of the Activity Guide to browse through all of the great programs and activities to keep you busy through the Spring and Summer in Lake Country.

Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0310

Council approves 2013 Operating and Capital Budget Consistent with Council’s strategic priorities set at the end of 2012, the 2013 Operating and Capital Budget has been set by Council for Lake Country. After deliberating for two days during the first week of February, Council made decisions on how best to fund the operation of facilities and services the community has come to rely on and infrastructure improvements to ensure Lake Country is one of the best places to live in BC, while recognizing the current economic climate. The budget adopted for 2013 provides the financial resources necessary to implement Council’s priorities. As with any community, the municipality is limited by the amount of resources available, so the budget helps in determining which objectives have the highest priority and yield the most benefit in the community. Council and senior staff participated in a facilitated priority-setting session December 6th, and emerged with clarity around strategic priorities for staff to focus on in 2013 and beyond to support the vibrant community of Lake Country through sound fiscal management. The budget is the numeric expression of Council’s plan. The 2013 budget includes a 3% property tax increase, which equates to approximately $45 on an average single-family home assessed at $489,000. The two single largest impacts within the 2013 operating budget are the increase in the RCMP contract ($112,000) and the transit expansion which took effect September 2012 ($120,000) – which together equate to a tax increase of 2.65%.

This work will benefit the property owner as it will allow District staff quicker response time to any water leaks that may occur on or off your property. Questions: Engineering 250-766-6677

Notice of Public Hearing TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act and the Agricultural Land Commission Act, a Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to hear representation on the following: 1.

Agricultural Land Reserve ALR2012-003 Application (District of Lake Country) The District of Lake Country proposes that the lands described below be excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve:  PORTION of Lot 11, District Lots 169 & 117, ODYD, Plan 216 Except Plans 36673 and 39548  PORTION of Lot 10, District Lots 117 & 169, ODYD, Plan 216 Except Plans 12250, 16540, 17318 and 43162  Lot A, District Lot 169, ODYD, Plan 17318  Lot B, District Lot 169, ODYD, Plan 17318 Civic Addresses: 10639 Bottom Wood Lake Road/10587 & 10615 Powley Court/10370 Lodge Road The Exclusion is requested to allow for a total of 0.46 hectares (1.14 acres) of land be removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve which will:  Align the subject properties with the Official Community Plan Future Land Use Map designation of High Density Residential;  Fulfill commitments made for the Lodge Road Upgrade Project which provided a safe pedestrian corridor and improved drainage on Agricultural Land Reserve lands, and  Allow 2 of the properties (Lot 10 & 11) to be subdivided to allow the small portions of the property to be removed from the Agricultural Land Reserve and the larger portions to remain in the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The District’s total operating budget is $18.4 million and the capital budget is $9.1 million (plus 2012 unfinished project allocations). The Business Systems Review and recommended changes implemented in 2012 resulted in annual savings of $393,000 starting in 2013 which has been allocated to capital projects for infrastructure improvements. The capital projects are the big ticket items or assets that are typically long-term in nature such as land, buildings, roads, pipes and equipment. What are the top capital projects?  Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 3 Expansion $7 million  Kal Lake Interconnect Project final stages $1.3 million  Water main replacement along Glenmore Road $175,000  Camp Road Reconstruction and Pathway (Bond Rd. to Jack Seaton Park) $250,000  Beasley Park Community Centre Upgrades $450,000  Bottom Wood Lake Road design (Berry Rd. to Woodsdale Rd.) $100,000  Master Drainage Plan $80,000  Clement Road Drainage Improvements $80,000  Integrated Transportation Framework $75,000 Some decisions made by Council in November 2012 that affected the budget included the following:  that there be no increase to the sewer user fee, sewer parcel tax, environmental levy and garbage & recycling user fee for 2013; and  that there be a $50 increase to the water user fee for the years 2013 to 2016. You can see the full budget document presented for Council’s consideration on the website with the agenda for the February 5th Special Council meeting, and view the minutes of the February 5th and 7th Council meetings to see all of the individual budget decisions. Watch for more news on individual projects.

If you believe your interest in property is affected by the Application (ALR2012-003) noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the above-referenced application. A copy of the proposed application and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Office, District of Lake Country, Development Services nd Department (2 Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Wednesday, February 20, 2013, through Tuesday, March 5, 2013, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. NO SUBMISSIONS TO COUNCIL WILL BE RECEIVED AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARINGS. Dated February 20, 2013

Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

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