Calendar Lake Country
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March 6, 2013
Incentive to develop Main Street KEVIN PARNELL
Volunteers are working diligently to revitalize the Okanagan Centre community hall. The building’s 100-yearold floors are getting refurbished and the badminton court lines will be repainted. ...............................
Minor hockey is the winner Lake Country Building Centre staff and other community members worked hard in the TIMBR MART SharpShooter contest and has been awarded $5,000 for the local minor hockey association and the Lake Country food bank. ...............................
Flyers ■ Beach Comber Home ■ Home Depot ■ JYSK ■ Staples
The District of Lake Country is moving ahead with plans to try and attract more development on its Main Street with the unveiling of a development incentive strategy that is designed to encourage multi-storey and mixed use development. Lake Country council gave three readings to its new bylaw at its Feb. 19 council meeting, laying the groundwork for a plan that will give developers tax breaks ranging from three to 10 years, with the hopes that potential developers will build three to four storey buildings with mixed use, such as rental units on the top floor. The length of the proposed tax exemptions will depend on the type of development with the key aspect being the building’s height, so as to bring more people to Main Street. An example, according to Ryan Roycroft, District of Lake Country economic development manager, would be a business that has its office located on the ground floor and space for rent on the top floor. “The intent of the incentive package is to encourage developers to build more space than they otherwise would,” said Roycroft. “The (tax exemptions) would allow them to carry unrented office space for longer without incurring costs. They would have a longer period of time to find tenants.”
THE DISTRICT of Lake Country is moving ahead with plans to develop its Main Street with the unveiling of a tax incentive bylaw that will provide incentives to developers who construct taller buildings.
The largest incentives under the new plan are for attraction or conference hotels. Roycroft said the hotels are the most likely to act as a substantial economic driver on Main Street, drawing large numbers of customers for other businesses to the area. The tax incentive plan still needs to meet final approval from council, although it received plenty of support when laid out by Roycroft. The bylaw passed its first three readings at the council meeting and was applauded by council. “I’m excited to see this moving ahead,” said Coun. Jamie McEwan. “I think in Lake Country we have a unique opportunity to undergo revitalization. In
a lot of areas we are starting from scratch. “These incentives may be small but it’s a gesture to attract the development we want on Main Street.
“It’s essential for the community. In the short term we may lose some tax revenue but in the long term this is a huge investment in our community.”
COMMERCIAL real estate is available to be developed in the district.
Along with the tax incentive plan, Lake Country council is also being asked to amend a previous district bylaw that saw a density fee levied on buildings that
Flat Rates or
It’s time to MOVE!
Cam 250.863.9511
were over three storeys in height. Roycroft said the fee sends a mixed message to Main Street developers, who on one hand are being told the district wants three to four storey structures but are hit with an additional fee for the taller buildings. Roycroft also told council that one of the concerns of providing tax exemptions is the loss of tax revenue in the shortterm. But he said despite the short-term deferral of new tax revenue the overall tax revenue generated by the area may be greater in the longer term as a result of the incentives to build more storeys.
250.215.3315 Darla
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
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VERNON DODGE JEEP “Vernon’s Big Dealer” 4607 - 27th Street, Vernon
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A3
Get that yard waste into your bins and out to the curb as district pickup has resumed
OKANAGAN CENTRE community hall gets some tender loving care as volunteers Albert
Vanee, Jamie Holt and Mick Wentworth prep the 100-year-old fir floors on the stage for staining. Organized by the hall board, volunteers will continue to refinish the main floors and paint the badminton court lines.
Another sign that spring is on the way— regional district yard waste pick up has resumed. Starting Friday, March 1, all residents on municipal curbside garbage collection will benefit from yard waste pick up every two weeks until the end of November. Simply place your yard waste directly into the cart with the green lid and wheel it out for pickup every other week (alternate weeks to your recycling pick-up). To determine your yard waste collection week, refer to the Living Greener Calendar at recycle, or download the smartphone app at “Last year alone we collected almost 14,000 tonnes of yard waste at
the curb and turned it into high quality compost instead of it being buried at the landfill,” said Rae Stewart, waste reduction facilitator. “Collecting yard waste separately not only gives us the chance to compost all this yard waste, it also saves valuable landfill space, and reduces unnecessary traffic congestion at the landfill. “Your collected yard waste is turned into compost known as GlenGrow, great for amending your garden soil, so it’s most important to keep the yard waste free of any plastic or garbage.” Residents are reminded to put their yard waste out for collection by 7 a.m. on the morning of your regular garbage day. Please make sure that you don’t put any gar-
bage, plastic bags, rocks, sod, flower pots, landscape cloth, or kitchen scraps into the yard waste cart. Accepted items include: • leaves, needles • wood chips, bark • garden plants • fruit droppings • grass clippings • branches and prunings up to five centimetres (two inches) in diameter and less than one metre (three feet) in length Up to two additional 360 litre yard waste carts can be purchased from your municipality. For additional yard waste carts and collection options, contact your municipality or follow the links at To purchase GlenGrow compost please call 250-469-8868.
LC Building Centre contest helps minor hockey Staff at the Lake Country Building Centre may have spent some extra time online over the past several months, but it was all for a good cause. And thanks to those efforts, as well as others in the community, the Winfield and District Minor Hockey Association and its community partner, the Lake Country Food Association Society Fund, will both be awarded $5,000 as part of the TIM-BR MART SharpShooter contest, an online contest that allowed Facebook users and mobile app users to win points for their local minor hockey association. The SharpShooter contest featured a Facebook game and a mobile phone app that required participants to play a challen-
ging skills-based hockey game and contribute their points to their local minor hockey association. At the end of the contest period, those points were turned into ballots and 10 finalist teams were randomly selected. Associations were then asked to submit a proposal outlining how the prize money would help both the association and its youth-focused community organization of choice. A panel of judges from the Timbrkids Foundation Board deliberated over the proposals and ultimately awarded prizes to five teams. “We received some great proposals from across Canada, but the submission from the Winfield & District Minor Hock-
ey Association certainly stood out in the pack,” says Jon Irwin, vice-president of retail services for TIM-BR MART Group. “Our judges didn’t have an easy decision to make but they felt that the Lake Country Food Association Society Fund was an excellent program that aligns with the mandate of the Timbrkids Foundation, which is to support the health and wellbeing of Canadian youth.” The Dryden Minor Hockey Association was the grand prize winner, receiving $10,000, with an additional $50,000 going to the Breakfast Club, a volunteer program that teaches youth foundational hockey skills and provides a balanced breakfast two mornings a week. The four secondary priz-
es, each valued at $10,000, consist of a $5,000 charitable donation and a $5,000 donation to a hockey association. In Lake Country, the money will be used to help with a new food bank building while it’s unknown at this point what the minor hockey association will use its winnings for. In operation since 1967, TIM-BR MART Group is a $2 billion+ member-owned organization serving more than 750 building material and hardware retailers, commercial dealers and manufacturers across Canada. The organization exists to help Canadian entrepreneurs involved in the sale of building materials and hardware be more profitable.
Work restarts to revitalize Rutland transit The first phase of construction on Rutland transit improvements was to restart on March 4 with utility work on Asher Road. The work started last fall but was suspended due to weather. Once the Asher Road construction is complete,
near the third week in March, work will shift to Dougall Road and Shepherd Road. During construction, Dougall Road North between Highway 33 West and Shepherd Road will be closed but pedestrian access to businesses and homes will be main-
tained. Motorists will be directed to designated parking areas. This project will see improvements on Dougall, Asher and Froelich roads and construction of the new Shepherd Road transit exchange. The proposed works will include underground
utilities, utility relocation from overhead to underground, road reconstruction, pedestrian improvements and streetscaping. New bus pullouts on Highway 33, between Dougall Road and Hollywood Road are also scheduled to be built this year, along with bus
stop improvements between Rutland Road and Dougall Road. The project is a $4.55-million investment in Rutland. Part of the plan calls for a public space featuring wide and creatively designed sidewalks, trees, seating areas and decorative lighting.
Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753
Pastor: Lance Duncalfe
Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church
9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387
St. Edward’s Catholic Church
Mass times:
Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146 To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 250-864-1259 or 250-766-4688
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
De-cluttering our mental bulletin boards
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
or a while, our community had a bulletin board outside the neighbourhood store. Anyone could stick up a notice.
CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher
Barry Gerding Editor
Tessa Ringness Production Manager
Life and Faith
Sheri Jackson
Jim Taylor
Advertising Consultant 1-250-540-2974
But no one ever took a notice down. So there were notices for yard sales, babysitting, dog walking, car repairs, gardening services, concerts, weddings, hairdressing, skin care, tree pruning. The notices kept piling up.
Dawn Brule
Advertising Consultant 1-250-938-2187
Teresa Huscroft-Brown
Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275
OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm GENERAL ADVERTISING REGULATIONS This paper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such an advertisement.
Proud member of
Canadian Community Newspapers Association
British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspapers Association
Joe Oliver’s take on oil, gas and coal F ‘‘ ederal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver attended last week’s international conference in Vancouver on liquefied natural gas development. I spoke with him about Canada’s energy exports and emissions. Here are excerpts from that discussion: TF: President Barack Obama’s recent State of Union address seemed to hint at approval for the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to U.S. refineries, with perhaps some measure to go along with it like a carbon cap and trade market. Your government has backed North American cap and trade before. Would you do it again? JO: No, we’re not thinking about that at all. The U.S. Congress is opposed to that concept from what I understand. TF: Your party ran ads targeting NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and equating cap and trade with a carbon tax. They’re not the same, are they?
BC Views
Tom Fletcher JO: The end result is that taxes increase because of how we handle carbon. It hasn’t been successful in Europe at all. Anyway, it’s not part of our thinking. We are making significant progress on greenhouse gas emissions. Our recent regulations regarding heavy-duty vehicles, the previous rules regarding cars and light trucks, which are identical to the U.S., are going to be helpful. And also the rules relating to coal-fired electricity. It’s our objective to see all those coal plants closed, and in that regard we’re certainly
ahead of the U.S. Coal is contributing 40 times the greenhouse gas emissions of the oil sands. And actually the oil sands are less than half the emissions from coal-fired electricity in the state of Illinois. We’re moving with the U.S. on the over-arching objective of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 17 per cent from 2005 to 2020, but we’re also doing other things that the U.S. hasn’t yet decided to do. We’ve been approaching the reduction of emissions on a sectoral basis, and the next area of focus will be regulations in the oil and gas sector. TF: You’re comfortable with the idea that exporting LNG that replaces coal is an appropriate step at this time, one that’s doable as opposed to these Kyototype gestures? JO: It is doable. And on a global basis, this would be a very significant development.
If China, for example, could significantly move from coal to gas, that would have a huge impact. Canada’s small. We’re about two per cent of global emissions. We have to do our part, that’s the responsible thing to do, but it’s the big emitters that are going to make the difference to global emissions. TF: International Energy Agency talks about self-sufficiency in the U.S., oil and gas, by 2035. What does that mean for the Canadian economy?
JO: Firstly, I don’t think they’re going to be self-sufficient in oil. North America will be self-sufficient in gas and oil. What it means is, for gas we’re going to have to find new markets, and for oil we’re going to have to find markets to sustain the growth in supply. The United States will still be a big buyer of Canadian oil. We’re shipping about two and a half million barrels a day, of which a million comes from the oil sands. Right now we’re losing about $50 million a day because of the crude oil bottleneck in the U.S. midwest, compared to international prices. We absolutely must find new markets, which is why our government in principle is supporting the transport of oil and gas to the west, to the east, continuing to the south and possibly even the north. Tom Fletcher is Black Press legislative reporter.
Each new notice had to be pinned through three or four old notices still stuck to the board. The whole thing became a bewildering chaos. Nothing stood out. There was just a mass of brittle sunstained paper, curling at the edges, rustling in the breeze like autumn leaves. As I grow older, I have increasing difficulty coping with chaos. When multiple conversations swirl around me, I tend to turn my ears off. When too many meetings beckon, I inevitably miss some of them. I don’t multitask well—I can’t talk on the phone while I check my e-mail while I scan the newspaper while I make coffee while I look for my glasses. SEE TAYLOR A5
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A5
A good clearing out of the clutter is essential to remembering what’s important TAYLOR FROM A4 My mental bulletin board gets too full. On that community bulletin board, I sometimes saw people riffling down through the layers, trying to find an announcement or advertisement that they remembered seeing once. It used to be there. Therefore it must still be there, somewhere. And I wonder if that’s why some people— not necessarily older people—remember what used to be on their bulletin boards, even if it has long since been covered over. I’ll use church exam-
ples, but I’m sure the same happens elsewhere. My generation remembers when Sunday schools overflowed with children. The Sunday school notice is still on the board, somewhere. But dozens of competing notices have gone up— for soccer leagues and shopping malls, weekend work shifts and televised sports, video games and golf courses. Still, people insist, “We need to bring the children back.” There almost seems to be resentment towards new notices, as if they had no right to cover up the past. When the United and
Anglican churches jointly published their new red Hymnbook in 1971, people lamented the old blue 1930 Hymnary. When Voices United came out in 1996, they wanted to keep using the red Hymnbook. When More Voices offered a livelier selection of music, they clung to Voices United. When the next book comes out—whenever that happens— they’ll wax nostalgic for the good old songs in More Voices. My church celebrates communion by intinction—dipping the bread in wine (actually, grape juice). Some people object that it’s not hygien-
ic to dip one’s bread— and perhaps one’s fingertips—in the wine. They want to restore individual glasses, in trays passed from person to person. But those trays were originally a radical break from slurping out of a common cup. The grape juice too was an innovation, prompted by the temperance movement’s opposition to anything alcoholic. Each layer of notices covers over the previous ways of doing things— whether it’s church or science, medicine or economics. We need to tidy up our bulletin boards oc-
yard waste ad jan13:Layout 1 1/25/13 8:35 AM Page 1 casionally. And clear out its best-before date. in Okanagan Centre. the stuff that has passed Author Jim Taylor lives
Yard Waste Collection is back on!
• Yard waste pick up every two weeks through the end of November. • Just put your material right into the cart, close the lid and wheel it out for pickup. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • NOTE: yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.
Ok Centre resident wants town hall meeting Open letter to Okanagan Centre ward councillor Lisa Cameron: Your (Feb. 27) letter to the editor stated that the Feb. 5 presentation by a “resident” was of little significance, as it was only supported by eight of nine residents who had written directly to council. You failed to report he came back to the Feb. 19 meeting with 125 petition signatures.
If council feels the 2007 OK Centre Sector Plan does not reflect the current position of the residents, would not the legitimate process be to go back to the community for further input at a town hall meeting. When did it become a waste of “time and money” for a democratic government to provide its citizenry a legitimate opportunity for input into policies that affect
their day by day lives? Your motion that the clean-up be an “operational program” was a very slick way to block legitimate community
discussion; akin to the debate closure tactics, of our prime minister. Shame! David H Geen, Okanagan Centre
Contact your municipality for additional curbside yard waste collection options, or visit A PROGRAM OF THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL OKANAGAN, THE CITY OF KELOWNA, & THE DISTRICTS OF WEST KELOWNA, LAKE COUNTRY & PEACHLAND
When it comes to buying natural gas, it’s nice to have a choice. Compare your options: fixed rates and terms offered by independent gas marketers or a variable rate offered by FortisBC. Customer Choice: it’s yours to make. Residential fixed rates (per GJ)* Gas marketer
Available to Meet I am home working in the riding March 8th to 16th.
Contact info
Access Gas Services Inc.
Active Renewable Marketing Ltd.
FireFly Energy
Just Energy
Planet Energy
If you wish to meet with me to discuss issues or concerns related to the federal government feel free to call my office at:
Summitt Energy BC LP
Superior Energy Management
Local natural gas utility
Contact info
I will do my best to accommodate you.
Ron Cannan, P.C., M.P. Kelowna - Lake Country
114-1835 Gordon Drive, Capri Mall, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H4 (250)-470-5075
1 yr term
2 yr term
3 yr term
4 yr term
5 yr term
$5.89 $8.99
$5.33 $5.60
$6.19 $3.95
Residential variable rate (per GJ)** $2.977
For more information, visit *Chart shows gas marketers’ rates for a range of fixed terms, valid as of March 1, 2013. Marketers typically offer a variety of rates and options. Check gas marketers’ websites or call to confirm current rates. **Residential variable rate valid as of January 1, 2013. FortisBC’s rates are reviewed quarterly by the British Columbia Utilities Commission. A gigajoule (GJ) is a measurement of energy used for establishing rates, sales and billing. One gigajoule is equal to one billion joules (J) or 948,213 British thermal units (Btu). The Customer Choice name and logo is used under license from FortisBC Energy Inc. This advertisement is produced on behalf of the British Columbia Utilities Commission.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Letnick defends agriculture spending
Discreet advanced technology now exceptionally priced at less than a $1*per day.
Free Hearing Tests thru March 31st I ma g e
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ritish Columbia is home to more than just spectacular scenery. From blueberry fields in the Fraser Valley, to grain in the Peace region, and beef in the Cariboo, we produce worldclass agricultural products. And don’t forget the award-winning wine and tree fruit from here in the Okanagan. Food production and processing in B.C. amounts to more than $10.9 billion in revenue each year and employs 61,000 British Columbians. As Agriculture Minister and a representative for the Central Okanagan, I know firsthand the importance of this industry. Not only is it an important part of the economy, but having nutritious, fresh food available for British Columbians is key to a healthy family. Budget 2013 reflects how important agriculture is to our prov-
MLA’s Report
Norm Letnick ince. While maintaining a balanced budget, we’ve been able to increase spending on agriculture by 20 per cent, which will climb to $79.3 million in 2013/14. These funds will support the industry, helping it remain competitive.. I believe the budget does an excellent job of capitalizing on our competitive advantages, while helping mitigate some of the challenges that, together with our partners in industry, we have identified. B.C. has excellent
agricultural producers, including tree fruit and greenhouse growers. We’ve already established programs to help these important industries. For instance, the Buy Local program will help the industry promote its products by helping them expand their marketing campaigns, while the replant program will help tree fruit growers switch to higher-value fruits. Budget 2013 provides relief to help offset carbon tax costs, including a carbon tax exemption for coloured gas and diesel used by farmers in onfarm equipment and eligible farm vehicles. Agricultural land is vital to our province – environmentally, socially, and economically, so it’s important that we protect it. A major facet of the agrifoods strategy is maintaining a sustainable land base for continued food produc-
$50/month family contribution Canada Education Savings Grants
Provincial Grant
$4,458 $1,200
Age 6
Age 10
tion. The budget provides an additional $4 million over three years to support the Agricultural Land Commission, which will ensure they have the tools necessary to effectively administer and preserve the Agricultural Land Reserve. It is important to note there are many other elements of our provincial budget that will benefit the agriculture sector. For instance, changes to the Property Transfer Tax Act will support family farm succession. This will provide a tax exemption for farms being transferred through generations of British Columbians. Dairy producers will also benefit from the $1 million for the School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program, which will be used to provide local milk to students at no cost to them or their families. As agriculture min-
Age 14
Age 18
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A7
Tax Lady
of the OKANAGAN Preparation of Personal Income Tax Returns
Economic prosperity includes work opportunities for all
n March 8, I will be participating in the National Educational Association of Disabled Students Kelowna Strategies to Employment forum on behalf of federal Human Resources and Skills Development Minister Diane Finley. Youth Awareness funding for this event was announced by my colleague James Moore last September. As you know, Canada is facing skills and labour shortages in many sectors, and finding ways to get all Canadians working is fundamental to meeting this challenge. People with disabilities face particular challenges entering the job market and that’s why partnerships with associations such as the National Educational Association of Disabled Students are so important. Canadians with disabilities have a tremendous amount to offer employers but they remain under represented in our workforce. The overall labour
MP’s Report
Ron Cannan market participation rate for working age adults with disabilities is just under 60 per cent, compared with other working-age Canadians at 80 per cent. Following up on a commitment made in the 2012 Economic Action Plan, the government appointed a panel on labour market opportunities for persons with disabilities in July 2012 to consult with private-sector employers, organizations and individuals on the labour market participation of people with disabilities. Panel members included chairman Kenneth J. Fredeen, gen-
eral counsel of Deloitte and Touche LLP Kathy Martin, senior vice-president of human resources with Loblaw Companies Limited Mark Wafer, owner of Megleen Incorporated, which operates six Tim Hortons’ franchises in Toronto and Gary Birch, executive director of the Neil Squire Society. The panel submitted its report to Finley and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty on Dec. 3, International Day for Persons with Disabilities. The panel found that, while many companies are making strides in hiring people with disabilities, more education and training is needed to overcome barriers. The report recognized that hiring people with disabilities is good for business. It also advised that leadership and effective community partnerships are essential to success in increasing employment among people with disabilities and highlighted a number of actions employers can take to accommodate
people with disabilities in their workplaces. The report is available at . The federal government’s top priorities are creating jobs, economic growth and longterm prosperity. To address critical skills shortages, we must ensure that everyone who wants to work has the opportunity. Through the Economic Action Plan, the government is investing an additional $30 million in the Opportunities Fund to help more people with disabilities gain the hands-on experience they need to find jobs. Events such as the NEADS’s Kelowna forum provide an opportunity for students with disabilities to connect with employers who can benefit from their skills and talent. I’m looking forward to talking with local employers, service providers and postsecondary students and graduates with disabilities to discuss ways in which the federal government can
work in partnership to help people with disabilities obtain the skills
How do I deal with a tick attached to my dog?
Ticks are efficient carriers of disease because they attach firmly when sucking blood, feed slowly and may go unnoticed for a considerable time (days) while feeding. Ticks wait for host animals on the tips of grasses and shrubs; they are not commonly found in trees. When the plant is brushed by a moving animal or person, the tick quickly lets go of the vegetation and climbs onto the host. If you find a tick on your dog, use blunt tweezers or disposable gloves to handle the tick. Grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible. This reduces the possibility of the head detaching from the body upon removal. Pull the tick straight out with a steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick as this may cause the mouthparts to break off and remain in the skin, increasing the chances of infection. Continue applying steady pressure even if the tick does not release immediately. It may take a minute or two of constant, slow pulling to cause the tick to release. After removing the tick, thoroughly disinfect the bite area and wash your hands with soap and water. Home remedies such as applying petroleum jelly or grease, or touching the rear of the tick with a hot match do not work effectively and are not recommended. These techniques cause the tick to salivate and can actually increase the chance of getting a disease.
Why should a have a buyer agent?
When someone tells me they are looking for a home in Lake Country I take them under my wing. Having a buyer agent means you have someone who knows the area, does a lot of business here, and often has already toured the home that you are looking for. Another benefit of having a buyer agent is that I often know about homes that are soon to be listed that are not on the MLS system yet. So what that means to you is that you have “insider information” so to speak, of the best opportunities in Lake Country. I follow a professionally developed buyer process that allows me to treat my clients professionally. My service includes confidentiality, instant information, insider advantage, active agent advantage which coordinates the whole entire experience into finding your perfect home.
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At what age should I bring my child to the dentist?
Both the Canadian Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit the dentist within 6 months of the first tooth eruption or by one year of age. Regular visits help a child get comfortable with his dentist and the dental staff. These visits also allow us to consistently evaluate your child’s dental health and take early corrective measures if needed. Also, regular exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatments help prevent decay and avoid costly problems. Regular dental visits are part of leading a healthy and normal life for your child. Our goal is to create a sense of comfort and responsibility when it comes to routine dental care, so that our patients grow up to take their oral health seriously.
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What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar
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I am concerned about the number of floaters in my vision. Are they normal?
It depends. Most floaters are due to a breakdown of the clear jelly on the inside of the eye, called the vitreous. Over time, the vitreous separates into strands of tissue and pools of fluid which float across our line of sight and make it appear that there are objects in our vision. Floaters are more easily seen when looking at a blank wall or a clear sky. Generally, most floaters are normal, however they can sometimes be a sign of serious eye disease. If you observe new floaters, especially if they are accompanied by flashes of light, you should see your optometrist immediately. Retinal detachment, for example, is a medical emergency that is often associated with new floaters and can result in blindness if not treated quickly. When in doubt, get it checked out!
Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100
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49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250.766.4240
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
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participate in the workforce in our community. The participation of people with disabilities in our workforce is important to the economic and social well-being of our country and our federal government is committed to working with our partners to remove barriers and help Canadians with disabilities find jobs and achieve their full potential. If you have any questions about this issue or any matter related to the federal government, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Ron Cannan is the Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country
765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141 •
Movies For Kids
riSe OF the GUardianS
A love story between influential filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock & wife Alma Reville during the filming of Psycho in 1959.
An epic & magical adventure
Saturday, March 9 1:30pm
Friday, Mar. 8 • 7pm Saturday, Mar. 9 • 7pm
Pay What You Can!
Pay What You Can!
St Patrick’S day with cOd GOne wild Featuring the Okanagan Celtic Choir
Friday, March 15 7:30pm
Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Cod Gone Wild for their annual Paddy’s Day performance. Cod Gone Wild will be sharing some new original and traditional music as well as performing some of their favorites that can not be overlooked around St. Patrick’s Day!
Tickets: Adult $25, Students/Seniors $20
archie FiSher
Saturday, March 16 7:30pm
Master guitarist, singer and songwriter Archie Fisher is Scotland’s foremost troubadour and is known throughout the country as the host of BBC Radio Scotland’s award-winning “Travelling Folk” show, which he has presented for over 25 years.The most recent recognition of his art came from the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival in 2008 when he was granted the Tradition Bearers Award.
Tickets: $23, Students/Seniors $22, Group of 4 tickets $80.
Sunday, March 17 • 2pm
With great pleasure the Lake Country Performing Arts Society is presenting “O’Fiddle,” which is a showcase concert in celebration of all things green, such as Spring and St. Patrick’s Day. A grand finale of Irish songs by Lake Country’s Louise Boisvert will surely stir up some Celtic participation.
Tickets: Adult $16, Students/Seniors $14, Group of 4 tickets $48.
Strong relationship between governments LETNICK FROM A6 ister, I am proud of the strong, collaborative relationship our government has maintained with our partners in Ottawa, industry, and local governments across the province. It allows us to iden-
tify the best way to move forward and meet the needs of our constituents. This relationship allows us to achieve results, such as the Growing Forward agreement, which will help the industry implement business development and risk management pro-
grams. The budget builds on the agrifoods strategy, which is set to expand agrifoods to a $14 billion-a-year industry by 2017. The investment in agriculture reinforces an important theme in the strategy– competitiveness.
It’s all part of developing a fertile environment for B.C. agriculture to thrive. Norm Letnick is the Liberal MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country and B.C.’s Agriculture Minister.
Province creates new pension option for working British Columbians to contribute Legislation introduced by the B.C. government will create a new option for people to save for retirement and provide an additional financial safety net for the approximately twothirds of B.C. workers who do not have access to group pension plans. Finance Minister Michael de Jong followed the federal government Thursday and introduced the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act, which will make all
workers in B.C. eligible to enrol in defined-contribution pension plans. The bill is part of a national effort to make well-regulated, low-cost pension plans available to millions of Canadians who do not have occupational pension plans. Pooled Registered Pension Plans will be managed by licensed financial institutions, reducing administrative burdens for employers and providing tax advantages to employers that
are not available under alternative models such as group RRSPs. Based on consultations with stakeholder groups, including the Vancouver Board of Trade, the B.C. Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, B.C. has elected to make employer enrolment in these plans optional. If an employer chooses to offer a PRPP to its employees, they will be automatically en-
rolled and have the right to opt out. Employers will not be obligated to make matching contributions. Workers whose employers do not set up a PRPP will be able to deal directly with a PRPP administrator to open an account, similar to opening an RRSP. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, a federal regulatory agency, has established licensing and regulation.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Oyama Traditional School A9
Students’ Showcase
Written and photographed by staff and students at Oyama Traditional School.
MARCH 2013
Wishing all OTS families a happy, healthy, and relaxing Spring Break!
Top marks for a top school By Mr. Ross Hett, Principal Recently, we have been marketing the school in local papers through colourful and visually appealing display ads. One of the highlights mentioned about OTS in the ads is a “high academic focus”. Through a collaborative model of planning, co-teaching in classrooms, continual assessing of progress, and the use of best practice approaches to instruction, our school is seeing academic progress maximized as each student is being challenged at their instructional level on a daily basis to stretch their learning and move forward. Students are engaged in their studies, and I want to celebrate and communicate the student engagement I see day in and day out at the school. Although not perfect (no school is), I believe OTS is definitely one of the top “best practice” traditional
schools in the province, where we focus on character education, the development of student leadership and responsibility, and high academics. Rounding out the positive school culture (as the display ad also says), are house teams, spirit days, team sports, academic competitions and so much more. The display ads are one way we raise awareness about our gem of a school in wider Lake Country. And that word is spreading: we currently have 22 Kindergarten registrations at the school, including four from Winfield (and outside the OTS catchment area). Our greatest ambassadors, however, are our parents and students as they talk to their friends in the wider community about our school. In closing, I wish all of our families a relaxing and safe spring break!
School resumes Monday, March 25
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Don’t be caught off-guard by the April 30 personal tax deadline
he April 30 tax deadline is approaching composterand ad jan it is our Canadian duty
to get our annual tax return prepared and submitted before dead13:Layout 1 the 1/23/13 line or face the financial
penalty. You can choose to file early. 11:56 AMIf you Pageare 1 expecting a return, consider filing
! oil n half s r i you bage h c r i Enr ur ga yo Cut
as early as possible. If you choose to file early, you will typically get your tax return faster because you have beat the deadline rush of last minute tax filers. If you are employed and receive a large refund, make sure
Back Yard Compost Bins Pre Order Sale
• Get this $100 value Earth Machine composter for just $40. • Pre Order sale only, March 1st to March 28th, composters ready for pickup in early May. • Green Cone food digesters and worm composters also available • To place your order visit or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250.469.6250
Earth Machines just
to ask your employer to reduce tax on your payroll by completing Canada Revenue Agency form T1213-Request to Reduce Tax Deductions at Source. With most investment tax slips arriving in
the mail during February and March, it makes sense to review all of your tax information before you submit your return, this saves you filing an amended return before April 30. If you owe money to the government you can choose to wait until the April 30 deadline to send in your cheque. If you happen to file late, you will be subject to five per cent penalty on the unpaid taxes, plus an additional one per cent per month penalty. If an individual ends up owing more than $2,000 in taxes, Canada Revenue Agency will do a calculation to see if you need to start making quarterly installment payments. There are many tax preparation software packages available to purchase. Most are user friendly and affordable. If your return is complex, and you want to ensure all your expenses and income are accounted for, an accountant is the person you should be sit-
Doreen Smith
Fiscal Fitness ting down with to prepare your annual tax return. Remember to review all available expenses and deductions so you only pay your fair share of taxes. Here are some key tax reminders for the upcoming tax filing season. Spouses can benefit from pension splitting by using Form T1032-Joint Election to Split Pension Income. Up to 50 per cent of income can be allocated to a spouse or common-law partner, producing a lower overall tax bill and either avoiding or reducing the claw
Are you on the voters list? Elections BC is conducting an enumeration and updating the voters list for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Are you registered to vote? It’s easy. It’s convenient. You have choices. Be ready. Your choices to register to vote or update your voter information are: Online Register or update your information on Elections BC’s Online Voter Registration (OVR) system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at You need a B.C. Driver’s Licence or a Social Insurance Number to use the system. (OVR) By Phone Call Elections BC toll-free at 1-800-661-8683, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturdays. In Your Community From March 6 – 23, temporary voter registration opportunities are at hundreds of locations throughout the province. View electoral district voter registration opportunities at:
Is there someone registered at your address who no longer lives there? Call Elections BC or go to to have them removed from your address. Who can register? You are eligible to register to vote if you: . are a Canadian citizen, . are 18 or older, . have lived in B.C. for the past six months. Election workers required: Over 37,000 election workers are needed to work for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. View available postings at
B.C. voters can also register or update their information when they go to vote in the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Elections BC is a non-partisan Office of the Legislature responsible for administering the Election Act, the Recall and Initiative Act, and the conduct of referenda under the Referendum Act .
find us on / 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 8 6 8 3
12. Genealogy 55. Bagel topper 13. Perfect tennis 56. Suffer from heat serve 58. Disaster 14. Embroider 59. Alike 16. Nail’s cousin 63. Prior to, in 22. Slice Dogpatch 23. Double-cross 66. Jack’s foe 25. Roofing straw 68. Rye fungus 26. Dock 70. Region 28. Yen component 71. Champagne or sherry 29. Goldfish, e.g. 72. Immediately 30. Fowl balls? 74. Certain choir 31. Continental member currency 75. December air 32. Stead 76. Big book 34.incorporCall it quits FROM A10 Costs for boarding If you are GST/HST credit. 77. hwy. of re35. Wildcat of school and camp fees ated, take advantage AnyMajor amount 78. Period of time Sport fish back of Old Age Securmay also qualify. the Private37. Health Serported income will add Copyright © 2013, Penny Press 79. Family member 39. Bring together ity (OAS) benefits for Students are eligible vices Plan to allow you to future registered re80. Possessive 43. per Pencent pal’s of producttirement Kiddie cart 36. for Stringed ACROSS one or both spouses. non-refundable to claim 100 savings plan pronoun 45. Breadwinner instrument 1. Royal headdress Blow one’s cool Both spouses may be credits for tuition,73. educayour medical expenses. contribution room. 46. Passion “Peter, Peter, Aquarium In regards 6. to Carve able claim the pen- 38. tion and textbook77. costs. to charThe April 30 deadline pumpkin denizen 10. tax Motorist’s sion credit.aid SplitCertain itable donations, if a has exceptions, includ____ . . .” types of79. Barry Levinson 15. your Nettle’s cousin ting Canada couple has donated more ing individuals or their 40. examination Penny, e.g. fees will film 16. Rub hard Pension Plan can re- 41. also as part than $200ANSWER in the taxTO year, spouses who are self-emWordbeforconsidered Gatsby PUZZLE NO. 654 80. Arctic shelter 17. Jiffy duce your household 42. of tuition expenses81.when ployed, ran a business or Disposition Groom the receipts should be 18. Limber tax bill. the credit. if a spouse died during 44. claiming Fountainhead 82. Positive combined and claimed 19.credits Mild cigar Tax for chil- 46. Bombard withcan take adStudents the tax year. In these exelectrodeby the partner with the Extendthe (a non-recurrent of the movdren20. include 83. Clan emblem vantage highest income, maxiamples the individual has Daisy color deduction 84. Measuremizing of gold the allowable fundablesubscription) tax credit for 47. ing expense until June 15 to file re21. Dole out 85.and Withholdcredit. Up to five years children under age 18, 51. ifStages they earn income turns. 22. Sheep’s stomach, 53. Cotton cloth 86. Shoulderworth scarf of donation rethe children’s fi tness tax can qualify under the Tax time is often a to a chef Besides credit23.forMake children en- 54. CRA guidelines. The ceipts can be claimed on stressful and confusing like Greg ____ beef rolled inLemond eligible physic- 57. moving expense deducthe same tax return. time for Canadians. DOWN 59. Reach 1. Prepare for Canadians a al activity programs is one of the most with little Check out the CRA 24. Soak, as a teaand 60. tion Evening frock test the children’s all or no income should file website at www.cra-arc. bag arts tax 61. missed Nothing deductions2.forFly off the hancredit. an annual tax return. for tax filing tips. 26. Type of jacket 62. Canadians. Do a yard chore dle Deductions are avail- 64. Straight Medical inEarned income deterDoreen Smith is a Cer27. Nile menace stickexpenses 3. Fail to include able 30. for child carequarry exduring yearTricks mines eligibility for gov- tified Financial PlanSniggler’s 65. curred Chopping tool the 4. penses daycare 66. can 33.such Turnsasleft be claimed with ernment programs such ner with Capri Wealth Coagulate 5. the Previously and after-school care 34. Pose Child Tax PUZZLE Management Inc. 67. $10,000 In flames threshold being known asas the Canada CROSSWORD ANSWERS USE AMERICAN Bear necessity? costs.35. Carpenter’s curve 69. eliminated 6. Overshadow last year. Benefit (CCTB) or the SPELLING dsmith@
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Even if a professional prepares your tax return, know your deduction eligibilities
14. 16. 24. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 35. 37. 38. 41. 44.
Copyright © 2013, Penny Press
1. Formerly, formerly 5. “Thou ____ not kill” 10. Base 8 number system 15. Behind 16. Daze 17. Level surface 18. Lavish fete 19. Regarding this matter 20. Pianist Blake 21. Augury 22. Music or dance, e.g. 23. Underground passage 25. Endorse 27. Scrap 28. Id’s relative 31. Congealed dish 34. Coffee server 36. Sell to the public
39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 48. 49. 53. 55. 56. 59. 61. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 70. 72. 75. 76.
Like anchovies Greeted Spring back Ostrich’s kin Ecological no-no Auspices Spread Handrail support Loss of hope Bath beverage Marketplaces Boat propeller Heathen Toe dance Lab letters Fix text Woman’s purchase Matterhorn’s range Shucks! Pen Commit a moral offense Jug
80. 82. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
Century plant Variety of grape Vaccines Church plate Very perceptive Coal wagon Style Sheltered area Asta’s cry
46. 47. 48. 50.
Ship side Type of rug Nose parts Frigid Woody Allen drama Martini ingredient Out-of-date Lost Equivalent Electric lamp feature Lasso Black, poetically Lacquered metal “Cannery ____” Showed once more, as a TV program Beloved actor Desiccated Celeb’s resort Employee’s take
51. 52. 54. 56. 57. 58. 60. 61. 62. 68. 69. 71. 73. 74. 75. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 83.
Oomph Advance, as cash Shankar’s strings Wane Dent Appease Glow Miles ____ hour Pardon Tibetan clerics Luxurious Poker-game starter Chef’s need Rip up Skim “If I ____ King” Pertaining to a time period Sloping walkway Disposed Needlefish Conductor’s abbr.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Therefore Paper amount Garage event Conveyance Breastbone Feel pain Sight in a Tarzan flick Numbers game Freshwater fish Undo Detective’s guide Artistic grouping Tropical bird
8. Station A11 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. issue 14.
Frankly decla Delude Fabric layer Bubbles Dissenter copy deadline friday, 1 pm before date Ownership document •MON., March 11, 18, 25 PriMe TiMe. Tues., March 12, 19, 26 Wheels to Meals 24. Dry watercou Luncheon. Sat., March 9, Vernon pancake breakfast, shopping. Fri., March 22, 26. Hearth Mystery Tour. To reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-- residu 29. Juicy fruit 861-4131. 31. Got up •LiNe daNciNg cLasses for advanced beginners to intermediates from 10-11:45 32. Mixcentre, up am every Wednesday until the end of June at Holiday Park Resort’s recreation 33. Untamed on Commonwealth Road (turn at the sailboat). Twoonie donation. Call Doreen at 34. Procure 250-869-8446. 35. Agate •rOyaL caNadiaN LegiON Br 189 OyaMa. Annual General Meeting and Honours 36.member Tot’s garmen and Awards Presentations Sun., March 10, 2pm. Past service medals and 37. Type of skiing pins will be presented to those who are so deserving. members Copyright © All 2013, Penny Pressand guests are 39. Printing meth asked to join us for treats and refreshments while we honour our members who give 30. Snake shape If you 67.need Duelist 41. Student’s theirACROSS time to our Legion. Everyone welcome. a ride please contact us. 1. Mark 68. Beret 32. Hold fast furniture •sT PaTricK’s Tea aNd BaKe saLe Sat., March 16 1pm-3pm at St. Edwards permanently 71. Which thing? 33. Centre NauticalRoad unit East. Also Church Hall, 11123 Okanagan included will be live 5. Label - Irish music36. 74.hEirann. Ma that Everyone baas entertainment andDiameter singing by Ceol na welcome. 8. Humid 76. Collection of components •rOyaL caNadiaN LegiON 189 Ladies aUXiLiaryclothes - Notice of Cribbage 12. Craze 38. Doctrine Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your on the list byANSWER phoning the TO PU 78. name Pronoun 15. “A Horse With 40. Defective Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10 am sharp. $26 per team No ____” 79. Fortitude 42. Sculpt and lunch is included. 80. Nipper’s master 16. Unclose, to a Minister •a rOsey eveNiNg wiTh 43. richard radOMsKe81. frOM BedrOc rOses Wed., poet Concluded 46. Bizarre March 7:30pm. Club’s meeting: First 17.6,Like a villainNew location for the Kelowna Garden 82. Openings Abundant Lutheran Church & School,48. 4091 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna.Members free, guests 18. Dollar bill Not a pretty fruit Gaucho’s $2. Yearly subscription, due50.March eachtool year, $1583. single person, $20 couple. For Above 84. Outward more19. information contact Dorothy Robison, 51. Brownish gray Director/Publicity (778) 484 4704. appearance 20. Take the gold fabrics •BiNgO-Twice theTree Lake Seniors’ Centre. medal MONThLy BiNgOs will be held at85. of Country India 52. Sales Bingo begins at 1:30pm, doors openpitch at 12:30pm.86. Everybody welcome but must be 21. Nosegay Disorderly crowd 19 to play. Bus service is also in Lake Country if there are enough people 53. available Join 22. Pleased Julia 87. Informed wanting Child it. For info call Marg one week before the bingo at 250-766-3227. 55.Fyfe Cheat 88. Remitmonth money and to sponsored by Bingos are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each 56. Scope of 23. Famous 89. West Pointer’s the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Society. knowledge 25. Night animal team •LaKe cOUNTry yOUTh sOccer assOc.e.g. Registration ongoing. For info check out 57. Mushrooms, 26. In the company or call 250-766-0602. 59. Senseless of DOWN Eye section •TOday’s LiNe unit daNciNg 61. is siMiLar TO BaLLrOOM daNciNg, but NO PARTNER 27. Physics 1. Pitfall IS NEEDED! Rhythm flavours Cha, Rumba,2.Tango, Merengue, Samba, Fox 63. of PutCha in order 28. MountainIndulge, with CROSSWORD Trot, Waltz, Bolero, and coming up BACHATA! and yes, some Country and Western! climber’s coup USE AMERICA “to” 66. Conjunction
cOMMUNiTy eveNTs
Tooney donation. Location: Holiday Park Resort Recreation Centre, Hwy 97 North, turn at Sail Boat (Commonwealth Road). Mondays at 1:45 to 2:40 for New Beginners, 2 to 3pm for beginners and intermediates. First class for 2013 begins Feb. 4. Ph: Mary 250-766-4651. •wiNfieLd UNiTed chUrch ThrifT shOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •The LaKe cOUNTry fOOd BaNK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the FoodPUZZLE Bank. Any NO.amount 657 of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 10.250-766Coiffure 0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. 11. Went by airp •LaKe cOUNTry ThrifT sTOre hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 3pm. 12.9amForest growth Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food featu 14. Unicorn Bank). 15. Fierce flower •Beavers/cUBs/scOUTs/veNTUrers regisTraTiON/agM Registration is on16. Fun-house sh going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 21. Beat 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. 23. Invent Equine sport •LaKe cOUNTry BUsiNess cONNecTiONs meets twice monthly in the26. boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people 28. Cats’ prey to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to 29.each Alone other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one 33.person Extend per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each stuf 34. Abrasive month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. 36. London brew •OyaMa LegiON BraNch 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. 37. Narrow-intere All members and guests are welcome. doctor 39. Feathered sto •The LaKe cOUNTry MUseUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 www. 40. Shaq, e.g. 41. Pack animal 43.Wood StrictLake diet •criBBage TOUrNaMeNTs at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom 44. all KITT’s Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for day fuel on coffee. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call “Knight John Rider 250-766-3026. 46. Writing tool Copyright © 2013, •TO aLL wiNfieLd criB PLayers: Every Friday evening atPenny 7pmPress at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a 42. Wood Bog fuel 72. Pastrami seller ACROSS chance winning $12, $1043.or Where $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For 1. of Greatest cowboys 73. Image info call John 250-766-3026. get a few bucks 5. Tartare 75. Head •Lc 8. LiNeScrape daNcers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. 44. Lass 76. Strategy Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 45. Wrap 13. World’s fair, e.g. 78. Stagnant •sOciaL Bridge Tuesdays, at the Seniors’ Centre. players welcome. 47.7pm Hereditary unit 14. Nimbi 80. LongNew narrative ANSWER TO PU Eunice, 49. History chapter, 16. 250-766-3982. Basic food item 81. Stop perhaps OrgaNiZaTiONs (COSCO) is an advocacy •The17. cOUNciL Gyrate Of seNiOr ciTiZeNs 82. Fortuneteller’s 50.“The Staring intently group Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior card 18.devoted Scallionto improving 52. Mountain’s organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become 83. Of the ear 19. Bit of ash members please contact Ernie melody Bayer: 604-576-9734 604-576-9733 or ecbayer@ 84. fax Overly frank 20. Ref. work for further info. 54. Pain 85. Cove 21. Grain-storage bin 56. Eighteen-wheeler •Lc 22. OUTdOOrs cLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hikingdays boots are a must. Bring 86. Seven “God’s Little 57. Negatively water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more ____” info, to sign up for our hikes, orcharged to postatom your own hikes on the forum, visit www. 24. Part of BYOB DOWN 58. Nibble
1. Stupefy 59. “He ____ All the Way” Arachnidemail 30. Marched for all other 60. Nature’s inquiries,3.please 4. Cargo unit 31. Mental flash Band-Aid or fax 250-762-3220 5. Rajah’s mate 32. Have a debt 61. Rumple 6. Legal excuse 35. Voided volley 64. Flier’s aide 37. Vamoose! 67. Spanish monetary 7. Romance 8. Squalid sites 38. Out on a ____ unit, once CROSSWORD 9. Tin product 40. Look-alike 69. Poker word USE AMERICA 25. Hole-cutting tool
All Community all non-Profit organizations. 2. to Authority 27. Influence EvEnts will be placed at no charge
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
For a limited time, Valleyview Funeral Home and Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery is proud to offer Okanagan families a 12% savings on pre-arrangements. Please contact us for a personal consultation.
Kelowna Shelter
Save on Pre-Arrangements.
3785 Casorso Road
Dog control bylaws under review
Boxer Cross Second Breed: Border Collie Sex: Male Colour: Black / White Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 290879 Mickey was surrendered to the Shelter
in order for us to find him a more suitable home. He is a young dog would loves to go running and walking. Plus, he still needs to burn off all the excess energy. If he does not, he may get into trouble by digging. But that can be a bonding experience between you and he. He has learned some manners and is definitely food motivated. He was described by THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2013 his previous owners as friendly, playful, outgoing, affectionate, loyal TSN Road CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP and KNOW KOMO A&E also protective. He is good in 165 Valleyview • 250-765-3147 and has lived $Memorial Gardens %Cemetery by & _ ( ) the car * `with older1 Proudly serving Lake Country,# affiliated with Lakeview the airport. children. If you believe Mickey The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is The Doctors UEFA Bucket-Dino The View Criminal :00 Curling THURSDAY, MARCH 7, ”2013 would be a good fit ”for yourMinds home, ” Doodlebops Right ” Europa Franklin :30 Darts please ask the Kelowna Dog ” Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink League Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Dive, News Minds Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery TSN CHBC CIVT CBC Restless KIRO Debt/Part CHAN Soccer SNP Staff KNOW KOMO A&E toOlly meet him one-on-one. He :30 Billiards: Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Dino Dan charm The Chew First 48 :00 Pool will quickly you.and The he’s1 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` Curling: Hour ” Now Bold Hour Europa Rob Robot ” ” 250-765-2929 :30 handsome to boot!
Valleyview Funeral Home 10 11 12 :00 :00 Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements :30 101:30 :00 :00 :30 112:30 THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2013 :00 :00 :30 123:30 :00 TSN :00 CHBC CIVT CBC :30 14:30 # $ % & :00 :00 :30 25:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 36:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 :30 47:00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 5:00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 9 :30 6:00 :30 :00 :00 2 10 :30 7:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 11 :30 8:00 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 12 :30 9:00 :30 :00 5 :30 10:00 :30 :00 6 :30 11:00 :30 7 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 12 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013 11 :00 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :00 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 1:00 :30 :00 102:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013 :00 :00 124:30 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 TSN 15:30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 2 :30 :00 6 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 37:30 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 :00 8 :30 4 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :30 :00 59:30 :30 1 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 6 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 7:30 :30 3 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 8 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 9:30 :30 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2013 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2013 12 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 1 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 2:00 :30 :00 103:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2013 4:00 :30 :00 125:30 CHBC CIVT CBC :30 TSN :00 :00 16:30 # $ % & :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 107:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 38:30 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 :00 4 :30 :30 129:30 :00 :00 :00 5:30 :30 10 :30 1 :00 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 :00 7:30 :30 12 :30 3
Curling Doctors Tim Hortons The Days of our The TheView Dr. Oz Brier, Draw Lives” Show” Darts
Poko Heartland ” Doodlebops
The ThePrice Talk Is Right ”
13 ” ” Billiards:
Dr. Phil The Marilyn ” Denis Show
Stevenand and Steven Chris Chris
Let’s Make a Eat, The Shrink Talk Young & Deal ” Restless Debt/Part
EllenNews DeGeCTV neres” Show Anderson The Dr. Oz Live Show
Best News Recipes KIRO ThisMinute CBC News Stefano ThisMinute Now Bold
TheShrink Talk Eat, ” Debt/Part
The Ricki Pool ” Noon News SportsCentreHour Lake Show Curling:
Bucket-Dino The View Save-Ums! General
Criminal The First 48
Wibbly Pig Hospital Franklin ” Minds ”
Sidekick Puppies
Nichols Now With
CI How I Met
Almost Power & Nair MythBusters Anderson G. Shrinks Reshmi Mighty Family Feud Medium Extreme League/Evil ” Live Rescue Hero Politics cont’d Planes Family Feud Medium Extreme
King Law Order: King CI
The Ricki Noon News Lake Show Hour
tral at Noon UEFA Hockey Europa
Rob Robot Dino Dan Clifford-Dog Rob Robot G. Shrinks Save-Ums! Arthur Pig Wibbly Martha Big Bear Wild Kratts Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Animals Rob Robot Franklin Rivers Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie What’s That G. Shrinks Dive, Olly About? Arthur Dino Dan History Martha Rob Robot Britain Wild Kratts Save-Ums! Movie: Animals Wibbly Pig “Winged Rivers Big Bear Migration” What’s” That Dinosaur About? Rob Robot What’s That History Clifford-Dog About? Britain G. Shrinks Euro Crash Arthur Movie:” “Winged Martha
Dr. Oz The Chew Show ”
The First 48 ”
The Office Excused The Office Excused
The First First 48 48 The ””
Squirrel League/Evil Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Odd Parents Squirrel Odd Parents Sidekick
The First First The ”” Criminal The First The First Minds ”” Criminal After the The First Minds First 48 ” The The First First The First ”” ” The The First First The First ”” ” The The First First After the ”” First 48 The AfterFirst the The ” First First 48 ” The The First First The First ” ” The First
Odd Parents Almost Odd Parents League/Evil Squirrel iCarly Squirrel Puppies Victorious Sidekick G. Shrinks Mr. Young Odd Parents Rescue Hero Boys Odd Parents League/Evil Babysitting Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat Zoink’d! Odd Parents Squirrel Gags iCarly Sidekick Gags Victorious Almost Boys Mr. Young League/Evil Mr. Young Boys Squirrel That’s-Weird Babysitting Sidekick Splatalot Zoink’d! Odd Parents Wipeout Odd Parents Gags ” Gags Odd Parents
” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Andrew O’Leary Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News CBC News: ” Now With The National ” Reshmi Nair CBC News Lang cont’d& ” O’Leary CBC News: News CBC CBC News NowNational With The ” Andrew CBC News: CBC News: Nichols The National The National Power & CBC News CBC News Politics ” ” ” CBC News: CBCNational News: ” The The National Lang & & Lang O’Leary CBC News: O’Leary The CBCNational News
NHL League Hockey: Soccer
Canucks at ” Blue Jackets HockeycenUEFA ” tral at Noon Europa Sportsnet Hockey League On the Edge NHL Soccer ” Hockey: UEFA NHL Canucks at Europa Hockey: Blue Jackets League Canucks at ” Soccer Blue Jackets Sportsnet ” Sportsnet On the Edge HockeycenConnected ” tral at Noon Hockey NHL Hockey UFC Central Hockey: NHL Soccer Hockey: Canucks Central at Blue Jackets Canucks at
at Bruins ”” SportsCentre The Offi ce ”” Global Nat.
KIRO News Elementary ” KIRO News
Global” Nat. The Offi ce News Hour
World News Scandal KOMO” 4
CBS KIRONews News Late Show Ent
News ”Hour Final Ent
Blue Jackets Wild Kratts Sportsnet Migration” Connected ” ” Animals Sportsnet Rivers Hockey What’s That UFC Central About?That On the Edge What’s
Jeopardy! First First 48 48 Wipeout Boys Kimmel Live The Nightline ” ” Zero Hour The First 48 Babysitting ” ” Zoink’d!
Lang &” O’Leary CBC News:
KNOW General KOMO News Hospital News * ` The Doctors
News Jimmy Wheel
A&E 48 1 48 48 48
48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
48 ” 48 The First ” The First 48 ” After the First After 48 the
Odd Parents CBC News ” Boys Mr. Young ” iCarly CBC News: Victorious The National That’s-Weird CBC News: Splatalot The Mr. Young CBCNational News
Property MythBusters Property ” How/Made Fast N’ Loud How/Made How/Made ” How/Made Mighty Moonshiners Daily Planet Planes ” ” Alien Greatest Property Mysteries Know-It-All Property AlienN’ Loud Fast Fast N’ Mysteries ” Loud ” MythBusters Moonshiners Moonshiners ”” ” How/Made Property Greatest How/Made Property Know-It-All Daily Planet MythBusters Fast N’ ”” Loud ” Property
The Ricki Funny Home Medium What Not to Lake Show Medium Videos Wear Steve Law Order: Borrowed Four Harvey Borrowed CI Weddings Simpsons Say Yes Anderson Medium Raymond Say Yes Live Medium The Office Baby Story Big Bang Say Yes The Medium HowRicki I Met Baby Story Two Yes LakeMen Show Say Medium Family Feud Extreme Big Bang What Not to Steve Family Feud Borrowed Extreme Two Men Wear Harvey Borrowed Funny Home Say What Not to American Yes Simpsons Say Yes Videos Wear Idol Say Yes Raymond Say Yes Law Order: Four ” What Not to Big Say Yes CI Bang Weddings Glee Wear Two Men Say Yes Anderson Medium ” Say Yes Big Bang What Not to Live Medium News Say Yes Two Men Wear The Ricki Medium 30 Rock Borrowed American Say Yes Lake Show Borrowed Medium Sunny Idol Say Yes Steve Borrowed TMZ Paid Prog. Harvey Borrowed ” ce What Not to The Offi Paid Prog. Glee Wear Simpsons Say Yes
Property Raymond Moonshiners ” ” Loud News Fast N’ Big Bang ” Two Men Property 30 Rock Property Moonshiners Sunny Big Bang
of Things
omg! Insider ET Letterman ET Canada Canada Ferguson J. Probst Big Bang Zero Hour Two Men ”
” Soccer Central NHL Hockey:
” The Office SportsCentre Glee
Grey’s Anatomy
Doc Zone ”
Person of Interest
The Office Glee
Canucks at Movie: Blue Jackets “Winged
Grey’s Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Gags Gags
SportsCentre ” ” The Office
Do No Harm CBC News: Elementary ” The National ”
Scandal ”
The First 48 ”
Boys Mr. Young
News Jimmy
After the First 48
That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Splatalot The National Property
Euro Crash ”
The First 48 ”
Wipeout ”
Lang & O’Leary
MythBusters TMZ ” The Office
CBC News Now With
How/Made How/Made
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre J. Probst
CBC News George S
Daily Show Coronation Colbert Rep Q With Jian
About? Euro Crash ” History
World ”News The View KOMO 4 The Dr. ” Oz News Show KOMO 4 Wheel KOMO 4 News Jeopardy! News The ZeroChew Hour News ” ” World News General Grey’s KOMO 4 Hospital Anatomy News The Doctors Scandal Wheel”” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Zero Hour Show Jimmy ” KOMO Kimmel4Live News Grey’s Nightline Anatomy News
How/Made Alien How/Made Mysteries Daily Alien Planet ” Mysteries
Two Men
” The Office
Sportsnet Connected
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey What’s That UFC Central About?
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada J. Probst
Soccer Central
Migration” ”
KNOW Kimmel KOMO Live Nightline * `
A&E 1
” Two Men MythBusters TMZ The Office American
” Greatest The National Know-It-All
Parks The Office 1600 Penn
CBC News ”
Say Yes Say Yes
“Fun With Dick and
Borrowed Borrowed
Jane” Movie:
Moonshiners ” ” News
Dog Bounty Hunter
Squirrel G. Shrinks
” Billiards:
Eat, Shrink Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
Steven and Chris
Young & Restless
Eat, Shrink Debt/Part
Blue Jays 2013 World
Rolie Polie Dive, Olly
KOMO 4 News
Dog Dog
G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Hillbilly Rescue Hero cont’d Handfishin’
Pool Curling:
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Baseball Classic
Dino Dan Rob Robot
The Chew ”
Dog Dog
League/Evil Kid vs. Kat
Tim Hortons Days of our Brier, Draw Lives Curling The Doctors 16 The Talk Darts ” ” ” ”” Eat, Shrink The Ricki Billiards: Debt/Part SportsCentre Lake Show Pool Noon News NHL Young & Curling: Hour Hockey: Restless
The Dr. Oz Show The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn Ellen DeGeDenis neresShow Show CTV News Anderson Live ”
Tim Hortons Oz Senators at Days Newsof our The CTVDr. News Brier, Draw Lives ” Show Rangers at Five 16 The TalkNat. Dr. Phil ” Global CTV News ” ” NewsThe View ”” Curling The Doctors Curling: CHBC Darts ” ” ”DeGeEllen Tim Hortons The Ent Ricki Big Bang SportsCentre Lake Show neres Show Marilyn Brier,” Draw Eat, ET Shrink Canada The etalk Billiards: Debt/Part Denis Show NHL Young & Anderson 17 Kitchen Golden Boy
Heartland ” ” Poko The Price Is Steven and Let’s Make a Doodlebops Right Chris Deal Steven and Young & Best Recipes ThisMinute Chris Restless Stefano ThisMinute CBC News KIRO Dragons’ JudgeNews Judy Now Bold Den Judge Judy
Heartland The Talk News KIRO News News” KIRO”News Steven News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Chris Deal Poko The Price Is Exchange CBS News Doodlebops Right Best Recipes ThisMinute George S Ent Stefano ThisMinute Steven and Young & Coronation omg! Insider Chris Dragons’ Judge Judy Marketplace Restless Undercover
Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Eat, Shrink The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show
” Soccer ” Central Sportsnet Blue Jays Sportsnet 2013 World Connected
Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless
Baseball OHL Classic Hockey:
Wibbly Pig Hospital Hunter Bucket-Dino The View Dog Bounty Big Bear The Doctors Dog Bounty Franklin ” Hunter Dinosaur ” Hunter Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Dog Rob Robot The Dr. Oz Dog Bounty Dive, Olly News Dog Clifford-Dog Show Hunter Dino Dan The Chew Dog G. Shrinks KOMO 4 Duck D. Rob Robot Dog Arthur News ” Duck D.
Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat. The Talk News Hour ”” The Doctors ” The Ent Ricki Lake Show Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part Young & Kitchen
” London ” at Knights Sarnia” Sting Sportsnet Soccer ” Central Sportsnet 2013 World Connected Blue Jays Baseball 2013 World OHL Classic
Save-Ums! Martha Wibbly Pig Wild Kratts Big Bear Animals Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Parks Franklin Rob The Robot Manor Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie Reborn Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Return to
KOMO 4 ” The View News ” Oz The Dr. Wheel Show KOMO 4 Jeopardy! News KOMO 4 Last Man
” Wild Kratts Save-Ums! Wibbly ” Pig Animals ” Big Bear Parks Dinosaur The Manor Manor The Reborn Rob Robot Reborn Clifford-Dog Return to to Return Cranford G. Shrinks Cranford
World ”News General Hospital 20/20 4 KOMO ” The Doctors News News ” Wheel Jimmy The Dr. Oz Jeopardy! Show Kimmel Live Last Man Nightline KOMO 4 Malibu
Shark Tank ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Duck D. Duck D.
Mr. Young Mr. Young
KNOW General KOMO News Hospital World News * ` The Doctors
Nichols CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Nair ” cont’d” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary
” How/Made River How/Made Monsters Hillbilly How/Made Handfishin’ How/Made
Grimm ”
fifth estate ”
SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”
Blue Bloods ”
CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”
CBC News George S
News Hour Final
Hockey The Manor EPL Preview Reborn
Duck D. Duck D.
Boys Boys
CBC News: Breakout The National ”
ET Canada J. Probst Fishn Real Fishing
World Poker Tour English Premier League
Duck D. Duck D. Beyond Scared
Movie: “Robots” Kung Fu Turtles
Lang & O’Leary CBC News CBC News
Redrum Redrum Breakout ”
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
KIRO News Late Show
SportsCentre ET Canada The Coronation Letterman SportsCentre J. Probst Mentalist Céline Ferguson Unguarded Fishn World Vision One Ocean College MLS Soccer Real Fishing ” ” Basketball ” ”
” Curling:
Sportsnet Connected
” ” ”
KNOW News KOMO Jimmy * `Live Kimmel
Return to Cranford Lilly Miss BG
Nightline Recipe Food
A&E 1
The Office How I Met
Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Baby Story Baby Story
Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
CI The Office Anderson How I Met Live Family Feud The Ricki Family Feud Lake Show
TLC Say Yes <
Say Yes Baby Story Say Yes Baby Story Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes
Fast N’ Loud Steve Funny Home Say SayYes Yes Daily Planet Videos SayYes Yes ”” Harvey Say Squirrel Andrew Moonshiners Simpsons Law Order: Four Say Yes Kung Fu CBC News Greatest Sidekick Nichols ” CI Say Yes Kung Fu ” Know-It-All Raymond Weddings Almost Power & River Anderson SayYes Yes Movie: CBC News: Finding Big Bang Say League/Evil Politics Monsters Live Say Yes Squirrel CBCNational News Bigfoot How/Made Two TheMen Office Say Baby Story “Ice Age: The Yes G. Shrinks Now With How/Made HowRicki I Met Baby Story Squirrel ” How/Made The Say Yes Dawn of the CBC News Breakout Big Bang Borrowed Sidekick ” How/Made Lake Show Say Yes G. Shrinks Reshmi Family Feud Borrowed Say Yes Dinosaurs” ” Nair Hillbilly ” Two Men Rescue Hero cont’d Handfi shin’ Family Feud Say Yes Kung Fu Lang News: & Daily Planet Kitchen Steve SayYes Yes Movie: CBC Redrum Say “Robots” The Kung Fu O’Leary ” Loud Nightmares Harvey Say Yes League/Evil CBCNational News Redrum Fast N’ Funny Home Say SayYes Yes Kid vs. Now With ” Videos Say Yes ” Kat CBC News: Touch Borrowed Kung Fu News Finding Greatest Simpsons Four ” The National Bigfoot ” Borrowed Kung Fu ” Know-It-All Squirrel Andrew Moonshiners Raymond Law Order: Weddings Say Yes Sidekick Nichols ” CI Bang SayYes Yes Mr. Young CBC News News Four Movie: News: Greatest Finding Big Say Mr. Young ”& Know-It-All 30 Rock Weddings Almost Power River Anderson SayYes Yes “Ice Age: The National Bigfoot Two Men Say League/Evil Politics Monsters Live SayYes Yes Boys Sunny Say Dawn of the CBC CBC News: News Breakout Breakout Big Bang Borrowed Boys The National ” TMZ Say Yes Squirrel How/Made The Men Ricki Say Yes Dinosaurs” ” ” Two Borrowed Sidekick ” How/Made The Lake Show Say Prog. Yes Movie: Lang & Redrum Offi ce Paid Movie: CBC News: Redrum Kitchen Say Yes “Robots” O’Leary Redrum of Hill Paid Prog. Kung Fu LangNational & Daily Planet King Steve SayYes Yes “Robots” The Redrum Nightmares Say
” Touch SportsCentre ”
Oil Change ”
DISC KAYU Moonshiners Law ; Order: 9
Nightmares ” Restless Hockey: Noon News Baseball Hour TouchNews Classic Oil Change Early London ” ” Global Days ofNat. our Knights ” at Lives ” Sting 16x9 Hour Sportsnet News Sarnia Connected The Talk ” ”” News” Hour Sportsnet Hockey Ent 2013 World Final EPL Preview The Ricki Sportsnet ET Canada Baseball Lake Show Connected ET Canada World Poker Kitchen Classic J. Probst Tour ” Young & OHL Nightmares Restless Hockey: Touch Oil Change Early News London ” ” Global Nat. Knights at 16x9 Sportsnet News Hour Sarnia Sting ” Connected ” ” News Hour Hockey Ent 2013 World Final EPL Preview ET Canada Baseball ET Canada World Poker Kitchen Classic J. Probst Tour Nightmares ”
Duck Dog D. Dog D. Duck DuckBounty D. Dog Hunter Duck D. Dog Bounty Duck D. Hunter Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Dog Bounty Duck D. Hunter Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck News Duck D. Shark Tank Duck D. News ” Duck D. World News Duck D. 20/20 Duck D. KOMO” 4 Duck D. News Duck D. News Duck D. Wheel Jimmy Duck D. Jeopardy! Duck D. Kimmel Live Duck D. Last Man Nightline Duck D. Malibu Duck D.
NEWS Andrew 7
30 Rock Sunny
Fast N’ Loud Funny Home Say Yes ” Videos Say Yes
RickNews Mercer KIRO Boss News Den Judge Judy CBC Now fifth estate Bold Golden Boy News KIRO News ” ” News KIRO News Heartland The Talk ” ” CBC News: Blue Bloods News KIRO News The National ” Steven and Let’s a Exchange CBS Make News Chris Deal CBC News KIRO News George S Ent George S Late Show Best Recipes ThisMinute Coronation omg! Insider Stefano Coronation ThisMinute Letterman Marketplace Undercover Céline Ferguson Dragons’ Judy Rick Mercer Judge Boss Den Judge Judy fifth estate Golden Boy News ” KIRO News ” News KIRO News CBC News: Blue Bloods News The National KIRO News ” Exchange CBS News CBC News KIRO News George Ent George S S Late Show Coronation omg! Insider Coronation Letterman Marketplace Undercover Céline Ferguson Rick Mercer Boss
Arthur Poirot Martha ” Wild Kratts ” Animals ” Parks The Manor The Manor Reborn Reborn Return to Return to Cranford Cranford
Malibu News The Chew Shark”Tank News
League/Evil Kung Fu Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu
CBC News Now With
” Nightmares ” Hockey: Restless Live News Pool Noon News CTV Curling: ” ” at Hour Touch Grimm Senators News CTV News SportsCentre ” ” Rangers ” our The at Five Tim Hortons Days of Dr. Oz Brier, Draw Lives SportsCentre 16x9 Nat. Show BlueNews Bloods ” Global CTV ”News Dr. Phil”” 16 The Talk Curling:” CHBC ” ” News CTV ”News SportsCentre CHBC Tim Hortons Ent Big Bang ” Final CTVDeGeNews The Ricki Ellen Brier, ”Draw ET Canada etalk SportsCentre Lake Show neres SportsCentre ET Canada The Show 17 Kitchen Golden Boy SportsCentre J. Probst Mentalist NHL Young & Anderson ” Nightmares ” Hockey: Restless Live ” Touch Grimm Senators at News ” CTV News SportsCentre ” Rangers ” at Five SportsCentre 16x9 Blue Bloods ”” Global ”Nat. CTV News ” Curling: CHBC News ” SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Tim Hortons Ent Big Bang ” Final CTV News Brier, Draw ET Canada etalk SportsCentre ET Canada The 17 Golden Boy SportsCentre Kitchen J. Probst Mentalist ” Nightmares ”
Golden Boy ”
Cranford Arthur Dino Dan Rob Robot Poirot Martha
A&E 1
Dog DuckBounty D. Hunter Duck D. Dog DuckBounty D. Hunter Dog DuckBounty D. Hunter Dog DuckBounty D. Hunter Dog Duck D. Dog Duck D.
Sidekick Squirrel Almost G. Shrinks League/Evil G. Shrinks Squirrel Rescue SidekickHero
Kung Fu ” Kung Fu ” Kung Fu Mr. Young Movie: Mr. Young “Ice Age: Boys Dawn of the Boys Dinosaurs” Movie: Movie: “Robots” “Robots” ” ”
NewsHour NewsNews Rick Steves’ KING Europe Jay Leno Magic Magazine Moments: Travel Skills Inside” Ed. ” Jimmy Fallon The Best of Community 50s Pop
Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”
YTV Squirrel 6
Seinfeld “Head of State” Family Guy
O’Leary CBC News: CBCNational News The ” CBC News CBC News: ” The National CBC News: CBCNational News The ” Lang & CBC News: O’Leary The National
Travel Skills ” Sid Science Wild Kratts
Today cont’d
Law Order: CI
Daniel Tiger Rick Steves
New Day Northwest
Excused Excused
Great Performances
KING 5 News
There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang
” Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur Great PerWild Kratts formances WordGirl
Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Ellen DeGeNorthwest neres Show KING 5 Katie News”
There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Browns King Law Order: Payne CI Office The Seinfeld The ce LawOffi Order: Seinfeld CI Big Bang Family Guy
PBS ” Sid Science NewsHour WildinKratts Cat the Washington Arthur Daniel Tiger Need Rick Steves WildMartin Kratts Doc
Nightly News Today” News cont’dDeGeEllen Magazine neres Show New Day Inside Ed. Northwest Katie Star Fashion
WTBS There Yet? A
Family Guy Big Bang Excused Excused Amer. Dad Browns Movie: Payne There Yet? There Yet? “Doubt” Browns King ” Payne King ” Seinfeld Larry the ce The Offi Seinfeld The Offi ce Cable FamilyGuy Guy ” Guy Big Bang Family
Say Yes Borrowed Four Borrowed Weddings Four Say Yes Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Paid Prog. Say Yes Paid Prog. Say Yes
CBC News: Finding The National Bigfoot
Borrowed Borrowed
Amer. Dad Movie:
A 60s Pop Flashback:
Grimm ”
CBC News ”
News 30 Rock
Four Weddings
“Doubt” ”
Hullabaloo (My Music)
Rock Center ”
Sunny TMZ
Say Yes Say Yes
” WTBS Larry the AGuy Cable
Joe BonaKING News massa: Bea- Jay Leno
Greatest Know-It-All
The Office King of Hill Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Big Bang Amer. Dad Browns Movie: Payne “Doubt” Browns ” Payne ” Seinfeld Larry the Seinfeld Cable Guy Family ” Guy Family Guy
WordGirl Great” PerKING” ”5 formances News5 ABusiness 60s Pop Grimm KING Flashback: World News News ” Days” of our ” Lives Hullabaloo Rock Center PBS Nightly News (My Music) ” Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil NewsHour ” ” Joe BonaKING News Washington Magazine massa: Bea- Jay Leno Cat in the Ellen DeGeNeed Inside Ed. Arthur neres con ” Show DocTheatre Martin Fashion Star Cohen Jimmy Wild Kratts Katie ”Fallon ” WordGirl A 60s Pop Business Flashback: World News Hullabaloo PBSMusic) (My NewsHour Joe BonaWashington massa: BeaNeed con Theatre Doc Martin Cohen ”
” Payne College
College Basketball:
Powerboat Driving TV
Soccer 2013 World
Upside Dwn Sea Rescue Beyond Planet Echo Born-Explore Scared
Turtles Beyblade
Now With Christine
Driving Wars Kids News ” How I Met
Dateline: Real Life
Basketball: South
Shift Happens!
FIS Alpine Skiing
UCLA at Washington
Noon News Hour
Baseball Classic
Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs
Pokemon Power
Finding Bigfoot
Dateline: Real Life
Carolina at Vanderbilt
Live 3 Steps to
SportsCentre Speed ” Skating
College Basketball:
Lovett-Reid FIS Freestyle Notre Dame Dr. Marla & One Skiing at Louisville World Vision Ocean College ” Movie: National Liberty Kids MLS Soccer Real Fishing Cash”Cab ” Basketball ” “You Don’t Cash Cab HNIC Doodlebops ” Powerboat It Is Written fifth estate College SportsCentre Mess With Celebrity NHL ” Sports Stars ” Driving TV Car Bnss Basketball: E:60 the Zohan” Celebrity Hockey: Big World ” Noon News Operation FIS Alpine UCLA at etalk Pittsburgh KIRO News Curling:” Hour ” Smile Skiing Washington Curling: CHBC News App Central Penguins at KIRO News Tim Hortons Mysteries SportsCentre Speed College Tim Hortons Global Nat. CTV News Toronto CBS News Brier, Page Simpsons ” Skating Basketball: Brier, Page CHBC News ” Maple Leafs KIRO News Playoff: 1 vs. Simpsons Lovett-Reid FIS Freestyle Notre Dame Unguarded Fishn World Vision One Ocean College Playoff: 3 vs. Tribute W5 NHL Entertain2 Simpsons Dr. Marla & Skiing at Louisville MLS Fishing ”” ” Basketball 4 Soccer Real Bands Hockey: ment ’Night ” Movie: Cash Cab National Liberty Kids ”” ” Powerboat ItCash Is Written fth estate College Clubland Saving HopefiHNIC Flames at Person of “You Don’t Cab Doodlebops ” Kings” Interest ” ” Driving ”TV Car Bnss Basketball: SportsCentre Mess With Celebrity NHL Sports Stars SportsCentre Chicago FireOperation Flashpoint FIS Alpine ” 48 Hours ” Noon News UCLA at E:60 the Zohan” Celebrity Hockey: Big World HNIC After Washington ” Curling:” Hour ” Smile ” Skiing ” ” etalk Pittsburgh KIRO News SportsCentre Combat Big Bang Hours 48 Hours Tim Hortons Mysteries SportsCentre Speed College Curling:” CHBC News App Central Penguins at KIRO News Hospital Big Bang News ” Brier, Page Simpsons ” Skating Basketball: Tim Hortons Global Nat. CTV Toronto CBS SportsCentre News Final CTVNews News FIS NHL Hockey Notre KIRONews News Playoff: 1 vs. Simpsons Lovett-Reid Freestyle Dame Brier, Page CHBC News CTV News ” Maple Leafs KIRO News ” Saturday omg! Insider 2 Simpsons Dr. Marla & Skiing ” at Louisville Playoff: 3 vs. Tribute W5 NHL ” EntertainSportsCentre Night Live Miami Vice Paid Prog. ” Movie: Cash Cab National Liberty Kids 4 Bands ” ”” Hockey: ment ’Night Paid Prog. ” ” “You Don’t Cash Cab HNIC ” Doodlebops ” Clubland Saving Hope Flames at Person of SportsCentre Mess With Celebrity NHL Sports Stars ” ” ” Kings Interest
Mysteries Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Fishn
” SNP ” ) ”
Taste Beyond KNOW The KOMO A&E ” Scared * ` 1 ESPN Sports Beyond
Rivers Rivers
Mega Sportsnet Builders English Pre- Lilly Movie: Sportsnet Frontiers Real Fishing mier League Miss BG of “You Don’t Connected Construction Powerboat Soccer Upside Dwn Mess With MLS World Soccer: Planet National Driving TV 2013 Echo the Zohan” Crew at Geographic Noon News Baseball Dogs/Jobs ” Whitecaps History Hour Classic Dogs/Jobs Global Nat. FC Britain Mysteries ” Rivers Evening Be the Simpsons ”” Rivers News 2013 World Creature Simpsons ” Mega Fishn English PreLilly Tribute Baseball HammerSimpsons Sportsnet Builders Real Fishing mier League Miss Bands Classic headBG Movie: Sportsnet Frontiers of Powerboat Soccer Upside Dwn Clubland ” Heartbeat “You Don’t Connected Construction ” Driving” TV 2013 World Planet”Echo Mess With MLS Soccer: National Chicago Fire Baseball Sportsnet Midsomer Noon News Dogs/Jobs the Zohan” Crew at Geographic Connected Dogs/Jobs Murders Hour ” Classic ” Whitecaps History Combat Sportsnet Mysteries ” Rivers ” Global Nat. FC Britain Hospital Connected Simpsons ” Rivers ” Evening Be News Final Poker””After Mega Forthe King and Simpsons News 2013 Creature Saturday Dark World Builders Empire Simpsons Sportsnet Tribute Baseball HammerNight Live The Ultimate Midsomer Movie: Sportsnet Frontiers of Bands ” Classic head Fighter Murders “You Don’t Connected Construction Clubland ” Heartbeat Mess With MLS Soccer: National ” ” ”
Saturday Recipe Food ” ” Sea Rescue Cash Cab Born-Explore Cash Cab Paid Prog. NewsProg. Paid World News The Taste KOMO” 4 News ESPN Sports Recipe Wheel Saturday Food Jeopardy! ” Sea Rescue Once ”Upon a Time Born-Explore Cash Cab 20/20Prog. Paid Cash Cab ” Paid Prog. News ” The Taste World News ” KOMO 4 News Sports ESPN News Burn Notice Saturday Wheel” ” Jeopardy! Castle” Once Upon Cash Cab a Time
Scared Beyond Storage: NY Scared Storage: NY Beyond Storage: NY Scared Storage: NY Beyond Storage Scared Storage Beyond Storage Scared Storage Beyond Beyond Storage Scared Scared Storage Storage: NY Beyond Storage NY Storage: Storage Scared Storage: NY Storage Beyond Storage: NY Storage Scared Storage Storage Beyond Storage Storage Scared Storage Storage Beyond Storage Storage Scared Storage Storage NY Storage: Storage Storage NY Storage: Storage Storage: NY Storage
A&E 1
Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno
” ” NEWS ” 7
Greatest Know-It-All
Bones ”
Dateline: Real Life
College Basketball:
Incredible Health!-Joel
Mr. Young Mr. Young Kung Fu
National Issue CBC News
Mayday ” Breakout
Bones ” Paid Prog.
Dateline: Real Life Dateline:
Georgia at Alabama Payne
Rick Steves’ Europe Bob Builder
Mr. Young Turtles Mr. Young Turtles Movie: Beyblade “Ice Age: Pokemon Dawn Powerof the Dinosaurs” Yu-Gi-Oh! Cache Craze Monsuno ” Mr. Young Kung Fu Babysitting Mr. Young Turtles Zoink’d! Mr. Young Turtles Night at the Mr. Young Museum: Beyblade Movie: Battle of the Pokemon “Ice Age: Smithsonian Power Dawn of the League/Evil Yu-Gi-Oh! Dinosaurs” Babysitting Monsuno Cache Craze Craze Cache Mr. Young ”” Mr. Young Babysitting Movie: Mr. Young Zoink’d! “Igor” Mr. Young Night at the Movie: Museum:
National CBC News Mansbridge Now With Doc Zone Christine ” Birak fifth estate ” ” ” National ” Marketplace National CBC News Richard III: Issue CBCin News King the National NowPark With Car Mansbridge Issue Christine Doc Zone National Birak ” Mansbridge ” fifth estate JFK’s ” ” Women ” National National National Marketplace Issue Issue Richard III: National National King in the Mansbridge Mansbridge Car Park Doc Zone Issue
Cash Cab Leverage ” Paid Prog. How/Made ” Driving Wars Kids News Cash Cab Crook ” How I & Met Cash Cab Chase Finding Paid Prog. Auction How I Met Bigfoot Paid Prog. Auction Raymond Greatest Bones Greatest Know-It-All Big Bang ” Know-It-All Two Men Mayday Bones Breakout Paid Prog. Sons of Big Bang ” ” PaidMen Prog. Guns ” Two Cash Cab Leverage Driving Wars Cops Kids News Gold Rush How/Made ” ”” Cops How I Met Cash Cab Crook & Greatest The Finding Paid Prog. Cash Cab Chase Know-It-All Following Bigfoot Paid Prog. Auction How I Met Auction News Greatest Bones Auction Raymond Auction Know-It-All Wanted” Greatest Big Bang To Be Hell’s Mayday Bones Know-It-All Kitchen Two Men Announced ” ” SonsRush of BigSeconds Bang Gold 30 Cash Cab Leverage Guns ” Two Men How/Made 30 Rock ” Gold Rush Cops Cash Cab Crook & ” Cops
Dateline: Real Life Real Life Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard Evid. Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard Evid. Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard Evid. Dateline: Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life RealEvid. Life Hard Dateline: Dateline: 48 Hours: Real Life Hard RealEvid. Life 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Hard RealEvid. Life 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Dateline: Hard Evid. Hard RealEvid. Life 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Dateline: HardProg. Evid. Paid Real Life 48 Hours: Paid Prog. Dateline: HardProg. Evid. Paid Real Life 48 Hours: 48 Hours: Hard Evid.
The Office College The Office Basketball: Seinfeld South Seinfeld Carolina at Movie: Vanderbilt “Armored” College ” Basketball: ” Georgia at Payne Movie: Alabama College “S.W.A.T.” The Office Basketball: ” ce The Offi South” Seinfeld Movie: Carolina at Seinfeld “The Island” Vanderbilt Movie: ” College “Armored” ” Basketball: ”” at Georgia ”” Alabama Movie: Paid The Prog. Office “S.W.A.T.” Paid The Prog. Office ” Seinfeld ”
con Theatre ” Cohen Jimmy Fallon Bob Builder Gardening SciGirls Golf Central
fifth estate ”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
” Grimm KING”5 News Rock Center Nightly ” News News KING News Magazine Jay Leno Inside Ed. ” Fashion Star Jimmy Fallon ”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Dateline: Real Life
Operation Smile
Playoff: 1 vs. Simpsons 2 Simpsons Unguarded Fishn
” Days WTBS Business KCTS KING KING 5of our ” Lives News News A World N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil
It Is Written Car Bnss
Tim Hortons Mysteries Brier, Page Simpsons
” Jimmy Fallon
Law Order: CI
Noon News Hour
Beyond Scared
Law & Order: SVU
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” Finding Greatest Bigfoot Know-It-All Greatest Finding Know-It-All Bigfoot Breakout Breakout ” ” Redrum Redrum Redrum Redrum
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Great Performances
The Doctors Soccer ” Central
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Payne Jane” Movie: Seinfeld
Family Guy
The Price Is Right
KNOW KOMO Save-Ums! General * `
Amer. Dad Movie:
Poko Doodlebops
SNP ” )
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Cat the Ellen RickinSteves’ KINGDeGe5 Arthur neres Europe NewsShow Big Bang Kratts There Yet? Wild Travel Skills Katie Days of our Big Bang There Yet? WordGirl ” Lives” Browns Business 5 King Charlie Rose KING Dr. Phil Payne World News News King ” ” Law Order: Sid Science Today Browns PBS Nightly News The Cat the Ellen CI Office WildinKratts cont’dDeGePayne NewsHour News The Office Arthur neres Show Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day Seinfeld Magic Magazine Big Wild CI Bang Rick Kratts Steves Katie Northwest Seinfeld Moments: Inside Ed. Big Bang WordGirl ” Excused Rick Steves’ KING 5 Family Guy The Best of Community Browns Business KING Excused Europe News5 Family Guy 50s Pop Parks Payne World News News ThereDad Yet? Great TravelPerSkills The Days Amer. Offiof ceour Browns PBS ” Nightly News There Yet? formances Lives Movie: 1600 Penn Payne NewsHour News KingWith Charlie Dr. & Phil “Fun ” RoseLaw Seinfeld Magic Magazine King ” ” Dick and ” Order: SVU Seinfeld Moments: Inside Ed. The Office Rick Cat Steves’ in the EllenNews DeGeJane” KING Family Guy The Best of Jay Community The Offi ce Europe Arthur neres Show Movie: Leno Family Guy 50s Pop Parks Big Bang Wild Kratts Katie” “Head of Travel Skills Big Bang WordGirl ” ce Amer. Dad Great The Offi State” ” PerJimmy Fallon Movie: formances 1600 Browns Business KINGPenn 5 Payne World” News Law News “Fun With & Dick and ” Order: Browns PBS NightlySVU News
What Not to Wear
The Doctors The View ” ”
CHAN Days of our (
SayYes Yes Say Say SayYes Yes
Lives cont’d
CBC News: Fast N’ Loud ” The National ” Glee
” Wild Kratts
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Daniel Tiger New Day ” ” Rick Steves Northwest
Say Yes
Curling Darts
KIRO The_ Talk
There Yet? CI
The Doctors The First 48 KOMO 4 Criminal News ” Minds ”
Early News The Talk Global ” Nat. The Doctors News Hour The Ricki ” ” Lake Show Eat, Shrink Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News Zero Hour Early News Hour ” Global Nat. Days of The Offiour ce News Lives Glee Hour ” The Talk ” Ent ” ce The Offi ET Canada The Ricki News Hour Zero Hour Lake FinalShow ”& Young ET Canada Restless The Office J. Probst Glee News Early
Weddings Baby Story
Big Bear Rolie Polie Dinosaur Dive, Olly
Young Days of&our Restless Lives
Mysteries How/Made
” League HockeycenSoccer
NHL Young Dragons’ Judge Judy Tim Hortons Days of & our Heartland The Talk Hockey: Restless Den ” Judge” Judy Brier, Draw Lives Maple Leafs The News CTV News Steven News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa 13 Talk Dr. Phil at Bruins at Five News KIRO News ” ”” ” Chris Deal Curling The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is ” Global Nat. Ellen CTV DeGeNews Best News KIRO News The Ricki Recipes Right ThisMinute Darts ” ” ” Doodlebops Curling: CHBC News neres Show ” Exchange CBS News SportsCentre Lake Show Stefano ThisMinute ” Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Tim Hortons Ent Big Bang George S Ent NHL Young & Anderson Dragons’ Judge Judy Billiards: Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Brier, Draw ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider Hockey: Restless Live Den Judge Judy Pool Noon CBC News 14 ZeroNews Hour CTV Big News Bang The News Nature KIRO Big Bang Maple Leafs Hour News CTV News News KIRO News Curling: ” Now Bold ” ” Two Men of Things Two Men at Bruins ” at Five News KIRO News Tim Hortons Days of our The Dr. Oz Heartland The Talk ” The Office Grey’s Doc Zone Person of ” Global CTV News News ” ” KIRO Brier, Draw Lives ”News SportsCentre Glee Nat. Show Anatomy Interest Curling: CHBC News ” Exchange CBS News 13SportsCentreThe Talk Dr. and Let’s Make a ” DoPhil No Harm Steven CBC News: Elementary Tim Hortons Ent Big Bang George S Ent ” ” ” ” Chris Deal The Office ” The National ” Brier, Draw ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider ” The Ricki SportsCentre CHBC NewsEllen CTVDeGeNews Best CBCRecipes News ThisMinute KIRO News 14 Zero Hour Big Bang The Nature Big Bang SportsCentre Lake neres Show ThisMinute ” FinalShow CTV News Stefano George S Late Show ” ”& Two Men of Things Two Men NHL Anderson Judy SportsCentreYoung ET Canada Daily Show Dragons’ Coronation Judge Letterman Hockey: Restless Live Judy ” The Office Grey’s Doc Zone Person of SportsCentre J. Probst Colbert Rep Den Q With Jian Judge Ferguson SportsCentre Glee Anatomy Interest Maple Leafs News CTV News News ” KIRO News
at DoFive No Harm News CBC News: ” The National CTV News News Curling: ” Exchange SportsCentre CHBC CHBC News News CTV News CBC News ” Final CTV News George S S Tim Hortons Ent Big Bang George Brier, Draw ET SportsCentre ET Canada Canada etalk Daily Show Coronation Coronation SportsCentre J. Probst Colbert Rep Q With Jian 14 Zero Hour Big Bang The Nature
:00 :00
The Doctors Days of our UEFA League Lives ” Soccer Europa
The Central Okanagan Regiondrafting of the dog bylaw, and providal District has received an update on its ing public opportunity for input and efforts to phase-in recommendations engagement before bringing it forward stemming from its 2012 dog control to the board later this year. service review. Other steps include the use of conThe report outlined key elements to sent orders in appropriate dangerous NEWS DISC KAYU WTBS KCTS KING beYTV considered in developing a new ser- TLC dog cases and efforts to convenient6 7 9 ; < A N P vice model that’s focused on responly allow the purchase of a new dog liSquirrel CBC News How/Made The Office Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today Puppies With How/Made How I Met Baby cence Story CI Wild Kratts cont’d sible dog Now ownership while acknowonline. G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Mighty Feud Extreme Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day ledging dog owners mustFamily be active Currently, only licence Rescue Herothat cont’d Planes Family Feud Extreme CIWTBS Rick Steves renewal Northwest YTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC KCTS KING League/Evil CBC News Alien Funny Home Whattransactions Not to Excused can Rick Steves’ KING 5 partners with local government. be N completed on the 6 9 ; < A Europe P Kid vs. Kat Now7 With Mysteries Videos Wear Excused News RDCO staff are Alien working on aOrder: re-ce Four website. CBC News How/Made The Offi BabyRDCO Story There Law Order: Sid Science Today Squirrel Andrew Law Yet? Travel Skills Days of our
PGA Tour Golf ” ” ” KING ” P ”
” Gardening Travel Skills Skiing SciGirls Golf Central ” ” Shift PGA Tour Magic Exploration Happens! Golf Moments: Kids News Live ” The Bestto of KING 5” 3 Steps 50s Pop News Incredible ” AHealth!-Joel 60s Pop Nightly”News Flashback: News Rick Steves’ ” Bob Builder Paid Gardening Hullabaloo Prog. Europe ” SciGirls Golf Central (My Music) Backroads Travel Skills Skiing Shift PerPGA Tour Great American ” ” formances Ninja Happens! Golf Warrior Magic Exploration Chicago” Fire Live ” Moments: Kids News ” ”” 3 Steps to The Best of KING 5 Magic Saturday Incredible ” 50s Pop News Moments: Health!-Joel Night Live ” A 60s Pop Nightly News The Best of KING News Rick Steves’ ” Flashback: News 50s Pop Saturday Europe ” Hullabaloo Paid Prog. Great Live TravelPerSkills Night Skiing (My Music) Backroads formances ”” ” Great PerAmerican Magic Exploration formances Ninja Warrior
10 :30 11 :30 :00 5:00 :30 SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2013 12 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 7 :30 # $ % & 2 :30 :00 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 1:00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2:00 :30 :00 8 :30 3:00 :30 :00 9 :30 4:00 :30 :00 10 :30 5:00 :30 :00 11 :30 6:00 :30 :00 12 7:30 :30 :00 MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 11 :00 12 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 4:00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013 :00 :00 6:30 :30 1 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7:00 :30 2 :30 # $ % & :00 8:00 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 9:00 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 3:00 :30 9 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 10 :30 :00 5:00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :30 :00 7 :30 TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 3:30 :30 10 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 5:30 :30 12 :00 :00 TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013 6 :30 1 :30 :00 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 7:30 :30 2 :00 # $ % & 8:00 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 9:30 4 :00 11 :30 10 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 11 6 :30 :00 1:00 :30 7 :30 12 :00 :00 2:30 :30 8 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2013 :00 3:00 :30 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 10 :30 4:00 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 5:30 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 6:30 :30 11 :30 7 :00 :30 12 :00 8 1 :30 2 :00 9 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 11 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Lorna Dueck Corner Gas
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A&E 1
The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” The The Dr. Oz Bachelor Show The View ” KOMO” 4 ” News KOMO 4 The News News Bachelor World News The Chew News ” 4 KOMO Jimmy News General Kimmel HospitalLive Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors The ” Bachelor The Dr. Oz
The First 48 Criminal ” Minds Duck D. Criminal Duck D. Minds Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. ” Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck Duck D. D. Duck Criminal Duck D. Minds Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. The First 48 Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. Duck D. 48 The First Duck D. D. ” Duck Duck D. D. Duck The First 48 ” Duck D. Duck D. 48 The First
Show ” ” 4 KOMO The News Bachelor News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
” Duck D. Duck Duck D. D.
SportsCentre NHL 30 ” ” SportsCentre 30 for 30 ” ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ”
Lake Show neres Show Hawaii Five- The 0 Following Young & Anderson Deception Castle Restless Live ” ” News CTV News CHBC”News CTV News at Five Final CTV News Global Nat. CTV News ET Canada CHBC News Daily Show ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Ent Big Bang ET Canada etalk
Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Save-Ums! Gardens Wibbly Pig Rescue Big Bear Secrets of Dinosaur Wartime Rob Robot Farm Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Schama’s Franklin G. Shrinks Shakespeare Arthur Rolie Polie Architects Dive, Olly of Martha Change Wild Dino Kratts Dan Rescue Rob Robot Animals Secrets of Gardens Save-Ums! Schama’s Wibbly RescuePig Shakespeare Secrets Big Bearof Chris Deal I Met Ski TVvs. Dinosaur Dragons’ How Bones” Pierre Wartime Den Engagement ” Condit Farm Best Recipes ThisMinute The Ricki Canucks TV Rob Robot Stefano ThisMinute Lake Show Clifford-Dog Murdoch Broke Girl Hawaii Five- Big Coast ” Schama’s Mysteries Mike Dragons’ Judge Judy 0 Young & World”Poker Shakespeare G. Shrinks CBC Five- Deception Sportsnet Architects of Den News: Hawaii Judge Judy Restless Tour Arthur The National 0 ” Connected Change News KIRO News Early News Prime Time Martha CBC KIRO Rescue NewsNews KIRO News News News GlobalHour Nat. Hockey Sports Wild Kratts George S Late Show Final UFC Central Secrets of News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet Animals Coronation Letterman ET Canada On the Edge Schama’s Exchange CBS News ” Connected Gardens Being Erica Ferguson J. Probst ” Shakespeare George S Ent Ent Blue Jays Rescue Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada UFC 154: St- Secrets of
” Off Record
Bones ”
Dragons’ Den
How I Met Bones Engagement ”
The Bachelor
Motoring That’s Hcky
Hawaii Five- The 0 Following
Murdoch Mysteries
SportsCentre ” STIHL SportsCentre E:60 ” Billiards: SportsCentre Pool ” The Real Rocky
Deception ” The Doctors CHBC” News Final Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part J. Probst Noon News Hour
Castle ” The View CTV News ” CTV News The Marilyn Daily DenisShow Show Colbert Rep CTV News ”
CBC News: The National Poko CBC News Doodlebops George S Steven and Coronation Chris Being Erica CBC News Now
NHL 30 ”
Days of our Lives
The Dr. Oz Show
Heartland ”
Off Record NHL
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Bones” ” The Ricki
Anger Big Bang
The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our ” Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Hawaii FiveYoung ”& 0 Restless Eat, Shrink Deception Debt/Part Early News ” Nat. Global Noon News News Hour Hour Hour News Final ” Days of our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET TheCanada Talk
Monarch of the Glen
A&E 1
CBC News fifth estate Now With ” Christine JFK’s Birak Women ” CBC News: ” The National ” JFK: The ” Lost Bullet Marketplace JFK’s Doc Zone CBC News Women ” CBC News CBC News: fiNow fth estate With The National ” Christine JFK: The JFK’s Lost Bullet Birak Women ” Doc Zone CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News: JFK: The The National ” Lost Bullet Marketplace
A&E 1
Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.
Pierre vs. Condit
Wartime Farm
Broke Girl Mike
Hawaii Five0
KIRO CHAN _ ( Hawaii Five- Deception
” ”
SNP ) Sportsnet
Schama’s Shakespeare
” ”
0 The Price Is KIRO Right News Late Show Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson KIRO News Bold
” The Doctors News ”Hour Final Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part J. Probst Noon News Hour
The Talk ”
Days of our
SportsCentre The The Doctors Ricki Ellen DeGe- Poko Figure STIHL The View Lake Show neres ”Show Doodlebops Skating E:60 ” ”
ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right
The Doctors Ricki Sportsnet The Soccer Lake Show Hockey ” Central
Hockey Billiards: NHL Pool
Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part
Anderson The Marilyn Live Show Denis
Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris
Judge & Judy Young Judge Judy Restless
Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part
NHL HockeycenHockey: tral at Noon
Hockey: The Real Bruins at Rocky
News News Noon Hour ”
CTV News News CTV at Five ”
NewsNews CBC News Now
KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Bold
Early News Noon Global Nat. Hour
Canucks at Dino Martha UEFA Maga. Dan Blue Jackets Rob Wild Robot Kratts UEFA
News Storage The Chew The First 48 World”News Storage ”
Penguins NHL 30 ””
Global CTVDr. News Days ofNat. our The Oz CHBC News Show ” Lives
Newsof Hour Days our Lives ”
” Champions 2013 World League
KOMO 4 General News Hospital
KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk _ ( Deal ”
DISC 9 Greatest
KAYU ; News
TLC < Undercover
WTBS A51” “Planet
KCTS N -- Out
” KING ” P Deception
Connected Soccer Hockey Central UFC Central HockeycenOn Edge tral the at Noon ” UEFA Maga. UEFA
Change Bucket-Dino Rescue Franklin Secrets of Rolie Polie Schama’s Dive, Olly Shakespeare Dino Dan Rob Robot
Bachelor The View News ” Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline The Chew ”
Duck D. Criminal Duck MindsD. Duck D. Criminal Duck MindsD. Duck D. The First 48 ”
Mr. Young iCarly That’s-Weird iCarly Splatalot iCarly Wipeout iCarly ” iCarly iCarly
” CBC News CBC News: Now With The National Reshmi Nair Lang cont’d& O’Leary CBC News Now With
Know-It-All How/Made Auction How/Made Auction Strip the Driving Wars City ” Auction Auction
30 Rock The Office Sunny How I Met TMZ Family Feud The OffiFeud ce Family King of Hill Funny Home Videos
Boss Baby Story Undercover Baby Story Boss 19 Kids Peter Popoff 19 Kids Paid Prog. 19 Kids 19 Kids
” Tournament ” Preview Movie: Law Order: “The Last CI Castle” Excused Excused
Protect Your Sid Science Memory Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Happiness Rick Steves Advantage Heart of Perfect
” Today KING cont’d News Jay Leno New Day ” Northwest Jimmy Fallon KING 5 News
Champions League
The First 48 ”
iCarly iCarly
Andrew Nichols
Greatest Know-It-All
Law Order:
19 Kids 19 Kids
There Yet? There Yet?
Days of our
Rob Robot The View Dr. Oz Bucket-Dino The Clifford-Dog Show ” Franklin
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Mr. Young iCarly Mr. Young iCarly
” CBC News ” Now With
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
The Offi Ricki The ce LakeIShow How Met
19 Kids Baby Story 19 Kids Baby Story
The Office Tournament The Office Preview
Cat Science in the Sid Arthur Wild Kratts
Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d
G. Shrinks Rolie Polie ArthurOlly Dive,
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Mr. Young iCarly iCarly ”
Lang & Nair Strip Dailythe Planet Family Steve Feud 19 19 Kids Kids Reshmi O’Leary HarveyFeud 19 19 Kids Kids cont’d City ” Family
Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI
Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves
KatieDay New ” Northwest
Mr. Young iCarly Mr. Young iCarly
CBC News News CBC ” Now With
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Mr. Young iCarly iCarly ”
CBC News: Greatest Gold Rush Andrew The National Know-It-All ” Nichols
Wheel Storage The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! Storage ” ”
” Mr. Young Boys Mr. Young
CBC News Power & Politics”
Gold Rush Big Bang Driving Wars Anderson Finale” Two Men Live
Extreme Mr. Young Babysitting Mr. Young iCarly Gags Mr. Young iCarly Gags ” iCarly Boys Mr. Young iCarly Mr.Young Young Mr.
CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC & News: Lang Now With The National O’Leary Reshmi Nair CBC News News CBC cont’d””
Special How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Gold Planet Rush Daily How/Made Finale” Strip the Special How/Made City ” How/Made
Pig Hospital SNP Wibbly KNOW KOMO Soccer: Big Bear The Doctors )of 16 Dinosaur * ` Round ”
Animals Save-Ums! Dogs/Jobs Wibbly Pig
KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News
KNOW KOMO Celebrity The Dr. Oz * ` Wife Swap Show
ParkRobot Avenue Rob ” Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Surviving G. Shrinksthe Franklin Tsunami: My Arthur Rolie Polie Atomic Aunt Martha Dive, Olly Landscape Wild Kratts
UEFA Dino Dan Hockey Be the ”Maga. Animals UEFA Rob Robot UFC Central Creature 2013 World Dogs/Jobs
The The View Taste KOMO 4 News ”” KOMO Body of4 News News Proof News World The Chew News KOMO 4 Jimmy” News
A&E The First 48 1 ”
A&E 1
Storage Storage Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage
YTV Mr. Young 6 Mr. Young
Off Record ” NHL Hcky That’s
Dr. Phil The Taste ””
Let’s Make a NCIS The Talk NCIS Deal ” ””
Soccer: Big Bear The Doctors Storage The First 48 Extreme Mr. Young Sportsnet Park Avenue Celebrity Round of 16 Dinosaur ” ” Mr. Young Connected ” Wife Swap Storage Babysitting
ThisMinute NCIS: Los ThisMinute Angeles
Sportsnet Rob Robot The Taste Dr. Oz The Ultimate Surviving the The Hockey Clifford-Dog Fighter Tsunami: My Show ”
SportsCentre CHBC News Hockey: News Darts The Doctors Final ”” Bruins”” at SportsCentre ET Penguins Global Nat. Billiards: Eat,Canada Shrink J. Probst CHBC News Pool ”” Debt/Part SportsCentre Ent 30 for 30 Noon News ET Canada ” Hour
CTV News CTV News The View CTV News at Five ”
CBC KIRO News News KIRO News Poko News The Price Is George S Late News KIRO News Doodlebops RightShow Daily Show Coronation CTV News News KIRO The Marilyn Steven and Letterman YoungNews & Colbert Rep The Border Ferguson Exchange CBS News Denis ”Show Chris Restless Big George S Ent CTVBang News CBC News KIRO News etalk ” Coronation omg! Now Bold Insider
” That’s”Hcky
NCIS Days of our Lives ”
The Taste Dr. Oz Show ”
” Off Record Interruption E:60
NCIS: Los The Talk ” Angeles
Cleveland Figure Dr. Phil Steven and ” Chris New Normal Skating
The Ricki SportsCentre Vegas Lake Show ” ”
CBC News: Dragons’ The Den National
Rick Mercer Heartland 22 Minutes ”
NCIS The Talk ”
Storage Storage Storage Storage
A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage 1
News Hour Hockey Early News Canucks The Doctors Soccer at Final Central Global” Nat. UFC Blue Jackets Central ET Change News Hour Oil ” Eat,Canada Shrink HockeycenJ. Probst ”Noon ” 2013 Debt/Part tral atWorld Ent Baseball Noon News Premier ET Canada Classic Hour UEFA
Be the News Martha News Bucket-Dino The View Creature Jimmy Wild Kratts World ”News Franklin Surviving the Kimmel Animals KOMO Rolie Polie KOMO 4 4Live Tsunami: Dogs/Jobs News Dive, OllyMy Nightline News Be the Wheel Dino Dan The Chew Creature Jeopardy! Rob Robot ”
Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds
NCIS Days of our Lives ”
Park Avenue Celebrity Save-Ums! General Wife Swap Wibbly” Pig Hospital
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Sportsnet Champions Connected League
DISC CIKAYU Driving Wars Anderson 9 ” Live;
How/Made Auction How/Made Auction
Mr. Young Gags Mr. Young Gags
YTV Boys Mr. Young Mr. Young ” 6
WTBS King A King
KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”
Simpsons 19 Kids Kids and Excused Browns Funny Home 19 Raymond Counting Payne Videos 19 Kids Excused
Business KING 5 5 Heart of KING World News News News Perfect
Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI
19 Kids Kids and There Browns 19 Yet? Counting: PayneYet? 19 Kids There
PBS HealthNewsHour Watson
DCKids CupSeinfeld 19 King cakes: Seinfeld 19 KidsBaby King
Heart ofRose Dr. Magazine Charlie Phil Perfect Inside” Ed. ”
19 Kids Kids and 19 Counting: 19 Kids Baby Story DCKids Cup19 Baby Story cakes: Baby 19 Kids 19 Kids 19 Kids Kids and and 19 19 Kids Counting Counting
HealthCat in the Watson Arthur Sid Science Super Brain Wild Kratts Wild With Kratts Dr. WordGirl Daniel Tiger Rudy Tanzi Business Rick GreatSteves PerWorld News
Off-Rockers Ellen DeGeOff-Rockers neres Show Today Go On Katie cont’d New Normal ” New Day Smash KING 5 Northwest ” News
KING 5 News Nightly News News Jay Leno News
Hell’s The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show The NewOffi Girlce Steve How I Mindy HarveyMet Family News Feud Simpsons Family Feud 30 Rock Raymond
Excused ” Browns Excused Movie: Payne
Heart of formances PBS Perfect ” NewsHour
There Yet? “Step Up” Seinfeld There ”Yet? Seinfeld
HealthDays of ” ” our Heart of Magazine Watson Lives Ed. Perfect Inside Hammerstein Jimmy Fallon
Power & Driving Wars Hell’s Anderson CBC News: Special Politics Live The National ”” Kitchen
19 Kids Kids and 19 19 Kids Counting:
King Guy Family King Guy Family
Charlie Rose Off-Rockers Dr. Phil Health” ” Watson Off-Rockers
” How/Made CBC News: Gold Rush ” How/Made The National Finale
19 Kids DC Cup19 KidsBaby cakes:
The Offi ce Amer. Dad The Office Movie:
Cat in Brain the Super Arthur With Dr.
NEWS CBC Lang News & ” O’Leary 7
Funny Home 19 19 Kids Kids and Sunny Big Bang Videos 19 Kids TMZMen Two Counting:
Family The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Tournament Amer. Dad Big Bang Preview Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “She’s the Browns CI Man” Payne
Nightly Days of News our News Lives
19 Kids Paid Prog. DC Cup19 Kids cakes: Baby Paid Prog.
Andrew Lang News & CBC Nichols ” O’Leary
That’s-Weird Mr. CBC News OddYoung Parents CBC CBC News: News Splatalot Mr. ” OddYoung Parents The NowNational With Storage Wipeout & Storage Mr. CBC News: Criminal OddYoung Parents Lang Reshmi Nair Storage ” O’Leary Storage ” The National Minds Odd Parents cont’d Storage ” CBC News The First 48 Odd Parents CBC News Storage Boys ” ” Odd Parents Now With
The Ultimate Surviving Soccer: Big Bear the The Taste Doctors Storage The First 48 Round of 16 Tsunami: Dinosaur My ” Fighter ” Storage
TLC 19 Kids < 19 Kids
The Biggest Loser
Greatest Law Order: MythBusters TheBang Offi ce Gold Rush Big Know-It-All CI Finale Two ” KingMen of Hill
The Ricki New Girl Lake Show Mindy
DISC Special Daily Planet ”” 9
KAYU News Steve 30 Rock Harvey ;
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Sunny Simpsons The Office TMZ Raymond How I Met
TLC 19 19 Kids Kids and Counting 19 Kids <
WTBS “She’s the Big Bang Man” Big A Bang
19 Kids ” 19 Kids and Browns Baby Story Law Order: 19 Kids Movie: Counting Payne Baby Story CI MythBusters The OffiFeud ce Paid Prog. Up” Gold Rush Big Bang 19 Kids and “Step Browns Highway Family Hoarding: Law Order: ”” King of Feud Hill Paid Prog. ” Two Men Counting: Thru Hell Family Buried Alive Payne CI Gold Rush Big Bang DC CupSeinfeld Gold Rush Funny Home Hoarding: Excused Finale Two Men cakes: Videos Buried Baby Alive Seinfeld Excused
KCTS Rudy Tanzi Wild Kratts Great PerWordGirl N
Ellen Go OnDeGeneresNormal Show New
Smash Katie ””
formances Business KING 5 Sid Science KING TodayNews ”News Jay Leno World News Wild Kratts cont’d ” News PBS Daniel” Tiger Nightly New Day Hammerstein Fallon NewsHour News Rick Steves Jimmy Northwest Heart of Magazine Happiness KING 5 Perfect Inside Advantage News Ed.
Extreme News: Special Odd Parents CBC Andrew Babysitting National ” Odd Parents The Nichols
Hell’s Law Order: Kitchen CI
19 Kids and Hoarding: Counting: Buried Alive
Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy There Yet?
HealthWith Shawn Watson Heart
Gags Gold Rush Odd Parents CBC PowerNews: & How/Made Odd Parents The Politics How/Made Gags National Finale
New Girl Anderson Live Mindy
DC CupHoarding: Buried Baby Alive cakes:
Amer. King Dad King Movie:
Super On CharlieBrain Rose Go Dr. Phil ” ” With Dr. New Normal
Off-Rockers Days of our Off-Rockers Lives
The Ricki Vegas Lake Show ”
Sportsnet Connected
Rob Robot Atomic Aunt Clifford-Dog Landscape
The Dr. Body of Oz Show Proof
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Odd Parents CBC News ” Boys OddYoung Parents Mr. ”
How/Made Special How/Made ”
The Ricki News Lake Show 30 Rock
Hoarding: 19 Kids and Buried Alive Counting
The Offi ce “She’s the Big Bang Man”
Cat inTanzi the Rudy ArthurPerGreat
Ellen DeGeSmash neres ”Show
NHL SportsCentre Hockey: ” Senators at SportsCentre Canadiens ” ” NHL
Young & Anderson CHBC News CTV News Restless Live News Final CTV News CTV News ET Canada Daily Show ” at Five Rep J. Probst Colbert Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”
Dragons’ CBC News Den George S News Coronation News The Border News Coronation
JudgeNews Judy KIRO Judge Judy Late Show
YoungHour & News Restless Final
G. Shrinks Be the Arthur Creature
KOMO 4 News News Jimmy
Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage
Steve Sunny Harvey TMZ
KIRO News CBS News
News Hour ”
Celtics ”
News Live Storage Duck D. Kimmel World News Storage Duck D. Nightline KOMO 4 Duck D. News Duck D.
Wild Kratts formances WordGirl ” Business ” World News Hammerstein
Katie News KING ” Jay Leno
Martha Surviving the Wild Kratts Tsunami: My Animals Undersea
Addiction 19 Kids Addiction 19 Kids Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive Paid Prog.
Big Bang ” College Movie:
Early News ET Canada Global Nat. J. Probst
Odd Parents CBC Lang News: & That’s-Weird Odd Parents The O’Leary Splatalot National Odd Parents Lang CBC News Wipeout & Odd Parents ” ” O’Leary
Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made
KIRO News Letterman KIRO News Ferguson
UFC Central Hockey NBA Central UFC Basketball: Oil Change Raptors ” at
Hockey: Red Wings
Ent ET Canada
Figure Skating
Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!
at Flames ”
Survivor: Caramoan
American Idol
SportsCentre Go On ” Guys-Kids
Ellen DeGe- CBC Figure ThisMinute Criminal News: Vegas neres Show The Skating Minds National ThisMinute ”
Save-Ums! General The First 48 iCarly Surviving the Wheel Kimmel Live Storage Storage Wipeout Be the ” Wibbly PigMy Jeopardy! Hospital ” iCarly ” Creature Storage Boys Tsunami: Nightline Storage
KNOW KOMO Atomic Aunt Body of4 G. Shrinks KOMO Landscape Proof Arthur News * `
NCIS: Los a NCIS: Los Let’s Make The Talk Deal ” Angeles Angeles
SNP Sportsnet NHL Connected Hockey: )
NEWS Power & 7 Politics
The First 48 Mr. iCarly CBC News: News Auction Storage That’s-Weird News: Gold How/Made Storage Young CBC Rush ” iCarly Now With Auction Storage Splatalot The National National How/Made Storage ” The ”
Champions Oil Change Baseball League Classic ”
Criminal Anderson Minds Live
“Planet 51” Big Bang ” Browns Payne” Movie: Browns “The Last Payne Castle” Seinfeld Seinfeld
YTV 6 Boys
The Talk Days of our Letterman ET Canada Ent Ent ” Lives omg! Insider ET Canada Ferguson J. Probst
SportsCentre Vegas Hockey Young & ” NHL ” Restless
Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Undercover Boss Boss Undercover Peter Boss Popoff Paid Prog. Undercover Boss
A&E 1 Duck D.
The Dr. Oz Heartland Daily Show Coronation Big Bang George S Show ” etalk Colbert Rep Coronation The Border
CHAN Vegas Young & ” Restless (
News Harvey 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big Bang The ce Two Offi Men King of Hill Big Bang Two Men
Cat in”the Arthur neres ”Show Oscar Hammerstein Wild Kratts Katie ” -Out Deception WordGirl ” Protect Your ” Business KING 5 Memory World News KING News News ” Jay Leno PBS Nightly News Happiness NewsHour News ” Advantage Jimmy Fallon Great PerMagazine formances Inside Ed.
KNOW KOMO * of The` Architects
NHL 30 Days of our SportsCentre ET Canada SportsCentre Ent Lives ”” ET Canada J. Probst
KIRO Vegas Judge Judy ” Judy Judge _
King Guy Family Family Guy The Offi ce The Offi ce Amer. Dad Movie: Big Bang
” ”
Sportsnet Sportsnet Connected Hockey Soccer The Ultimate NHL Central Fighter Hockey: HockeycenSportsnetat Canucks tral atJackets Noon Connected Blue
The Ricki NCIS: Los Lake Show Angeles
Changed Undercover Boss Lottery Changed Undercover Boss Undercover
Oscar Hammerstein
NCIS ThisMinute ” ThisMinute The Price NCIS: Los Is Judge Judy Right Angeles Judge Judy Young & VegasNews KIRO Restless ” KIRO News
Steven and Rick Mercer Chris 22 Minutes
Live Bones ” The Ricki Lake Show The Following Steve
Ellen DeGeToday neres Show cont’d Katie New Day ” Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside Ed. ” The Biggest Ellen DeGeLoser neres Today Show cont’d ” Katie ” ” New Day Deception Northwest KING 5 ” News KING 5 KING News News Nightly News Jay Leno News Days of our ” Lives Magazine JimmyEd. Fallon Inside Dr. Phil ” The Biggest Loser Ellen DeGe-
Family Guy Family Guy
Rick Mercer Figure 22 Minutes Skating Poko Figure Dragons’ Doodlebops Skating Den Steven and CBC News: News ChrisNational The News
Ellen DeGe- Figure Figure Cleveland neresNormal Show Skating Skating New
Amer. Dad Movie:
The Taste Ellen DeGe” neres Show The View Cleveland Anderson ” New Normal Live The Marilyn Criminal CTV News Denis Minds at FiveShow
The Talk NCIS ””
Undercover Boss
” SportsCentre That’s” Hcky STIHL” Hockey E:60 E:60 NHL Billiards: SportsCentre Hockey: Pool ”at Bruins The Real SportsCentre Penguins Rocky””
SportsCentre The Ricki ” NCIS: Los Lake Show E:60 ” Angeles
Undercover Boss
Baseball Be the Soccer: Big Bear Classicof 16 Dinosaur Creature Round
KIRO News News KIRO Bold Late News Show CBS
The Ricki The Office Lake Show How I Met Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Offi ce The How I Met Steve Following Harvey Family Feud News Feud Family Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Funny Home Sunny Videos Big Bang TMZ Two Law Men Order: The Office CI Big Bang KingMen of Hill Two Anderson
The Following
Ent Make a The Ent Talk Let’s omg! Insider ET Canada Deal ”
CBC News News Now George S Exchange
Politics CBC News: Driving” Wars The National ” ” How/Made ” How/Made CBC News: Auction The Auction LangNational & Daily Planet Boys News Greatest SpongeBob CBC O’Leary ” Mr. Young ” Know-It-All SpongeBob CBC News MythBusters That’s-Weird Auction SpongeBob CBC News: ” ” Splatalot The National Auction Alvin and CBC News: Auction Wipeout Lang & Driving the ChipThe National AuctionWars ” O’Leary ” munks: The CBC News Greatest Squeakquel ” Know-It-All SpongeBob Gags Gags SpongeBob
CBC News: Auction The National Auction
KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”
Noon News CHBC News CTV CTV News News Global Nat. Hour News CTV News Final CHBC ””
” ce The Offi How I Met Sunny
Cache Craze CBC News: Driving Wars Bones ” The National ” ”
Georgeand S Steven Coronation Chris
Gags Gags
News Heartland Exchange ”
NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless Eat, Shrink VegasNews Early Debt/Part ” Nat. Global Noon News News Hour Hour News Hour Final ”
Duck D. Duck D.
BigPhil Bang Dr. etalk ”
” ”
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre Ent Talk Off Record The ET Canada NHL ” ”
NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless Eat, Shrink Vegas News Debt/Part ””
” ”
” ”
Movie: “Diary of a
Alien MythBusters Mysteries ” CBC News: Alien The National Mysteries
Duck D. Duck D.
Wimpy Kid” ”
CBC News ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Babysitting Zoink’d!
CBC News: To Be The National Announced
Mod Fam Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.
Gags Gags
CBC News: Alien The National Mysteries
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Boys Mr. Young
CBC News ”
Duck D. Duck D.
That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ Wipeout ”
Peter Popoff “Step Up 2 Paid Prog. the Streets”
Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada
Sportsnet Connected
” ”
Survivor: Caramoan
Survivor: Caramoan
On the Edge Afghanistan: The Middle ” The Great Neighbors
” ”
Criminal Minds
Go On Guys-Kids
The Ultimate Kathleen Fighter Ferrier
SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene
CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene
Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Frontiers of News UFC Central Construction Jimmy
SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst
Coronation The Tudors
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada J. Probst
Crashed Ice ”
Daily Show Colbert Rep
Afghanistan: Kimmel Live Duck D. The Great Nightline Duck D.
Lang & O’Leary
Simpsons The Office Raymond King of Hill Big Bang Two Men
MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men
Alien Mysteries
How/Made How/Made
American Idol ” ” News 30 Rock
The Office King of Hill
Hoarding: Buried Alive Addiction Addiction Hoarding: Buried Alive
Basketball “Step Up” ”” ” ” College Basketball ” ”
PBS NewsHour
KING ”5 News Fallon Jimmy Nightly News News
Movie: “The
Magazine Inside Ed.
Quantum Activist”
Whitney Whitney
Addiction Addiction
Amer. Dad Seinfeld
He Touched Me: Elvis
Law & Order: SVU
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Seinfeld The Office
Presley Alone in the
Chicago Fire ”
Addiction Addiction
Family Guy Movie:
Wilderness ”
KING News Jay Leno
Alone in the Wilderness
” Jimmy Fallon
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country Calendar
A14 A14
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Farm Workers SEASONAL Farm Worker position available June 25th – Nov 5th, in Lake Country, BC. Thinning, picking & summer pruning of apples. Must be physically capable of working in all weather conditions. $ 1 0 . 2 5 / h r, 4 0 - 6 0 h r s / w e e k . Email Resumes to:
Help Wanted EXPERIENCED CDA required for Dr. Dale Henry, starting April. Prostho module an asset. Office Hours TuesdayWednesday-Thursday 7:30am - 6pm. Resumes to: 201-330632nd Ave, Vernon, V1T 2M6 Fax 250-545-6872 or email: GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message for Information: 1800-972-0209. QUALITY Manager wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing Road, Lake Country, BC. Permanent Position. Must have a minimum of 4 years post-secondary education. Successful candidates must have in depth knowledge of cherries and cherry grading, Global Gap requirements, as well as a minimum of 5 years’ experience managing a cherry sorting room, including quality control and phytosanitary systems. Must have a minimum of 3 seasons experience managing optical cherry sizing equipment. Applicant must be capable of working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day during harvest from March 15th to April 30th, 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day off harvest. Work includes but is not limited to developing and maintaining food quality systems, managing 100+ sorting and box filling workers while maximizing efficiencies and ensuring quality from the field. Pay range $28-$40/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Painting & Decorating
Heavy Duty Machinery
Resident Manager for 20 unit Silver Star Motel,Vernon Fax 250-545-3859 email silverstar
Maple Ridge shop req. full time Fitter/Fabricator with specific pressure vessel/heat exchanger experience. Can interpret shop dwgs is well versed in layout, fitting and tacking of pressure vessel tube and shell heat exchangers & tanks w/minimum supervision. Competitive Salary, with Benefits Including Pension. Please e-mail resume
NOW HIRING! Journey person, 30 Millwrights, 50 Pipefitters, 20 Welders, with industrial experience for a large project in Vanscoy, SK. Wages $34-$40/hour, plus retention & completion bonuses, 14/7 shift rotation, paid benefits, RRSP’s. Travel & living out allowance (for eligible candidates). Successful candidates must complete a pre-access A&D test & CSTS 09 training. Apply with current resume and references to or online at: or fax 1-888398-0725 or in person at 9744-45 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5C5
Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale
Pets & Livestock
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions online at; or Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
Bichon-Shih-tzu pups 2males 1st shots, dewormed, litter trained. Available immediately. 1-250-832-3337
BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is a clearance sale. you don’t want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
FOR RESTLESS or Cramping Legs. A Fast acting Remedy since 1981, sleep at night, proven for 31 years. Online:, Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD online: www.Norwood or call 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or check us online at:
Help Wanted
Gold & Silver. Private buyer buying coins, jewelry, silverware, nuggets ect. I can come to you! Todd 250-864-3521
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 250-863-3082
Help Wanted
HARDER, PAUL On February 23rd, 2013 Paul Harder passed away at the Kelowna General Hospital. Survived by his loving family, wife Wendy of 52 years, son Bob Harder and daughter Laura Davis, grandchildren: Kristina, Cara, Leah, Sydney and Brett, his great grandchildren: Jessica, Jezariah, Linaya and Christian and his siblings: Del, John, Alvina, Ev, Caroline and Bobbi. Paul and Wendy ran a successful excavating business in Winfield since the mid 1970’s. Besides running a business, he found time to coach minor hockey, run a hobby farm and in the later years, he enjoyed spending his weekends and fishing at Dee Lake with his grandchildren. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide. A private family memorial service was held. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, clicking on stories and typing in Paul Harder. Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna. 250-762-2299
Lead Administrator
Job Duties Include:
·Accounts Receivable ·Accounts Payable ·Gov’t Remittances & Rebates ·Other industry specific duties This is a long term position offering approximately 30 hours per week. Please apply in person to: 350 Carion Road, Lake Country (Winfield Industrial Park)
Place a classified word ad and...
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Moving & Storage
Misc. Wanted
PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Legal Services
DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Real Estate
Real Estate
Auto Financing A15 A15
2013 DEPRECIATION REPORTS: Dynamic Reserve Fund Studies Inc. is ready to assist your strata development. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t delay. For professional and timely service CALL 1-855-853-8255 or go to www.DYNAMICRFS.COM.
Rentals Homes for Rent NEWLY Renoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d mobile home in Winfield, 2bd + 2rm edition, covered deck, large yard, close to all ammens, no pets. $1050 + utils, for more info 766-4670
Seasonal Acommodation $449 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $449! www.luxurycabo 1-888-481-9660.
Suites, Upper WinďŹ eld, 2bdrm, 1bath, upper floor suite on farm acreage. Avail immed., $800/mo incl utils & cable. Shared laundry, pets neg. Call: (250)766-2249
Auto Financing
DreamTeam Auto Financing â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688
Calendar Lake Countr y
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
Done Right
SARAH 250.215.5572
â&#x20AC;˘Laser hair removal â&#x20AC;˘Sun spots & veins â&#x20AC;˘Acne - rosacea - facelifting â&#x20AC;˘Skin tags - corrective skin care â&#x20AC;˘Nutritional coaching/ weight loss
/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707
Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Roosters Barber Shop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Community Barber Shopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!
Monday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
Make this space work for you! Call for information:
Michelle or Shayla 250-766-4688
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250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Spring/Summer 2013 Activity Guide Online registration is now OPEN.
Visit and click on the Quick Link for the digital version of the Activity Guide to browse through all of the great programs and activities to keep you busy through the Spring and Summer in Lake Country.
Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0113
Notice of Main Street Tax Revitalization Bylaw 853, 2013 The Council of the District of Lake Country will be considering adoption of “Main Street Tax Revitalization Bylaw 853, 2013”. The bylaw establishes a tax exemption area for certain properties accessing Main Street and Hill Road, as shown on the Schedule ‘A’ map (below).
What are YOU doing for Earth Hour 8:30-9:30pm Saturday, March 23? Be part of the “I Will if You Will” challenge and
Front Porch Meetings Planned for May/June Got questions for Mayor & Council? Want to know what’s new and exciting and hear an update on projects in the District? Plan to attend one of the Ward Front Porch Meetings scheduled for May and June. Oyama Carr’s Landing Okanagan Centre Winfield
Thursday, May 9 Thursday, May 16 Thursday, May 23 Thursday, June 6
Spring is almost here and the yard work begins…
The revitalization bylaw is intended to encourage investment in commercial and mixed use developments that are two storeys or taller by providing taxation abatement that increases with the height of the development. Projects must have a construction value of at least $2 million to be eligible for exemption. The tax exemption program is available for a maximum period of ten years for the following eligible projects: Development Attraction or Conference Hotel 3 storeys or more Hotel 3 storeys or more Commercial or Mixed Use Building 3 storeys or more Commercial or Mixed Use Building at least 2 storeys
Length of Tax Exemption
Percentage of Tax Exempted
6 years
6 years
3 years
10 years
Yard Waste Collection has started.
From March through November only, place your yard waste at the curb on those alternate weeks that recycling is not collected (look in the month by month pages of the Living Greener Calendar for your A or B collection week and the leaf icon). See details on Okanagan Environmental website
Schedule ‘A’ Map of exemption area
The amount of municipal property tax exemption for an eligible project is equal to the municipal portion of property taxation for any new improvements on the property, subject to their meeting eligibility criteria established by the bylaw. The meeting of Council is to be held March 19th, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers, Lake Country Municipal Hall. For more information please contact Ryan Roycroft, Economic Development Manager.
District of Lake Country Mayor James Baker, Councillor Jamie McEwan and staff sported their pink shirts and made some noise February 27th in support of the 2013 Anti-bullying campaign.