Golden Star, March 06, 2013

Page 1

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Figure skating fun

Happy celebration at Bizarre Entertainment ...............................4


Students stand united in pink ................................12


Flim Kicks continues with a great Quartet ..............................13


The Golden Figure Skating Club presented “45: Skating Through the Years” at the group’s annual carnival. Pictured above are members of the junior and senior teams. To see more photos of the event turn to page 19 or go to The Golden Star website or Facebook page. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Information shared on four-lane project

photo by Andrew Mirabato

Rockets get ready to go on a ghost hunt ..............................16

Jessica Schwitek Representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure were in Golden last week for an information session at the Golden Civic Centre. The open house was to engage the public and get feedback about the Kamloops to Alberta Four-Laning Project (covering a total

of 440 kilometres of highway), which has recently received $650 million for the next phase of the project. The recently completed Kicking Horse Canyon and Donald Bridge projects were part of the four-laning initiative, and there is a proposed project for Donald East in the next phase. “Donald East was chosen because it’s the approach to the median scale… It will allow

heavier units to slow down on the highway and vehicles can still pass them as they approach the median scale,” said Rick Blixrud, assistant regional director with the ministry. The Donald East project, located 20 kilometres west of Golden, will widen 2.5 km of highway to four lanes, add 1.2 km of paved shoulders (2.5 metres wide), install a retaining wall to avoid impacts on the rail corridor. Story continued on page 4


Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Local Rotarians return from eye-opening journey in Pakistan Darryl Crane Recently the Rotary Club of Golden president Greg Ehman and his wife Kristie returned from a journey to help people in Pakistan, that turned out to be an amazing experience. The couple returned from Pakistan on Feb. 20 after a 12-day friendship exchange. “Rotary really highlights the importance of building under-

standing and friendship across countries,” Greg said. He went on and explained that Rotarians go with their spouses to another country where they are home stayed with local families, who in turn will one day come to the home country of their guests. Having never been to Pakistan the pair did not know exactly what life was going to be like on their trip. “I tried to go there

without too much in the way of expectations but people told me, especially because it was Pakistan, that I should be scared,” Kristie said. “I found it warm and the people were giving. People gave us their home basically and toured us around.” “I think the western press, for lack of a better term, does a good job of presenting the bad sides of places like Pakistan. We were never

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scared going over there. I think that any fear or apprehension that we might have had vanished the first day we went out,” Greg said. He explained that one day they went to a local zoo with a couple from Cranbrook, and they were one of the biggest attractions. “We had all of these people smiling and wanting to talk to us. They were all very excited to get to know where we came from and why we were there,” he said. “It was a nice experience to have people who wanted to talk to you and be with you,” Kristie added. One of the main parts of the trip was to help dispense polio vaccines in the country. “Knocking back polio in Pakistan is huge. We had the absolute privilege of being able to participate in schools and villages in the country to administer drops to children under five,” Greg said. “Polio is so far from us here (in Canada). It hasn’t existed in our country for decades. There, it is on the front lines.” Greg said it was very interesting to get out to some of the smaller villages in areas further away from the cities. “They use the term gypsy villages because

Kristie (holding the sign on the right) and Greg Ehman (back left wearing a Rotary hat) have just returned from Pakistan where they helped distribute polio medicine to children. Photo Submitted the families are high- was ignorant and you they would happily go ly transitional and don’t really know the back to Pakistan for a move through. That facts, beyond what visit and take at least was one of the most you see on the news or their two older chilamazing experien- read on the internet dren with them. ces because we met and assume it to be “It is nothing like a lady who was close true. You don’t under- what some people to 75 years old who stand the struggles said it was,” Kristie opened a school on they have,” he said. said. her porch,” he said. Greg explained that “Their sense of According to Greg, projects in the coun- family is high and over the years more try have been aimed sometimes in western children came to her at helping families society we miss that. and eventually, with stay together. One The homes we stayed the help of the Rotary, example he gave was in would frequenta school was built for of a factory which was ly have multi- generher, where children filled with rugs that ations in there. They could come to receive are made in the work- do not put grandma an education. er’s homes. and grandpa in an old Greg also said that The looms are put age home. They stay having the chance in their houses so par- in the house and help to talk to the people ents can look after out. It was a wonderabout their lives was their children and ful time of bonding,” important for him. make a living. he said. “It was amazing. We “This whole circular “The process of lishad many very open process was amazing.” tening to the stories conversations there. I The couple said was astounding.”

GAI business review released Jessica Schwitek

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Golden Area Initiatives has just released their Business Support Services Review to the public. “One of the actions that came out of a workshop with community partners, and a lot of non-profit organizations, was an action to do a review of what’s available in our area,” said Denise Wheelhouse, communication and project co-ordinator for GAI. The community identified a need for an inventory of existing business services, and a comprehensive business-support framework. The project came out of GAI’s 2012 budget. “A lot of people thought that this was necessary for our community, and that it would help businesses and non-profits moving forward,” said Wheelhouse. The review summarizes existing business services, such as grants, that are available to local businesses and non-profits. The review includes services available at a local, regional, provincial and even national level. “A lot of businesses and non-profits just don’t know about them. So we’re hoping that

this will help get the word out,” said Wheelhouse. “Our board was really happy to hear about this, and are confident it will be a great resource for the community.” The resulting inventory is a list of 112 business support services that are applicable to a wide variety of organizations, and service a wide variety of needs. These resources are often under-utilized for the simple fact that many people don’t know about them. The inventory includes information on all 112 services, including the organization and its mandate, a detailed description of the service and contact information. Now that the report is out in the public, GAI will be able to gain feedback, and in the future determine which organizations are not being adequately served, and where there is unnecessary overlap. The Business Support Services Review, which includes background on the project, examples of services, conclusions and strategic options, is available at To see the inventory of support services, call the Golden Area Initiatives office at 250-3442420.

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A3

Junior Freeski

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort hosted a successful Jeep Junior Freeski over the weekend, allowing skiers ages seven to 28 to showcase their skills. Photo Submitted

5-Year Financial Plan open for discussion Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden has put their 5-Year Financial Plan for 2013 to 2017, out for public input. It passed first reading at the last regular open council meeting, and is now open for discussion. Overall expenditures for the 2013 portion have gone down significantly, much of which is attributed to capital expenditures. Last year’s projection for 2013 included costs for the Bridge to Bridge project (projected at $4.208 million). Since the project was defeated at referendum, projected capital expenses for the year have dropped from from $5.3 million to $1.5 million. The projected debt from the project, $1.831 million, and the provincial and federal grants, $2.24 million, have also been removed from the budget. Total operation costs (which include a wide range of services like essential services such as water, sewer, and transportation, as well as recreation and environmental services) have also gone down. Total expenditures (both operations and capital) is projected to be $8.87 million for 2013, far less than the $14.5 million that had been projected for 2013 in last year’s budget. The budget accounts for general costs and maintenance for the Town’s services and infrastructure. But somewhere down the

line, that infrastructure (such as sewer lines) will need major upgrades. To accommodate this, council has decided to start preparing now. They have approved a two per cent tax increase, 100 per cent of which will go into an Asset Renewal Reserve. This increase will bring in approximately $85,000 a year, which will be saved to replace aging infrastructure somewhere down the road. All municipalities across the country are struggling to maintain operations and infrastructure with a limited tax revenue. The budget includes a pie chart demonstrating how much tax revenue the Town really gets. Property taxes only account for 49.5 per cent of the Town’s revenue source. The Town is hoping for as much feedback on the proposed budget as possible. Copies of the 2013 Proposed Annual Budget Package are available online at, on the Town of Golden Facebook page, at the Town Hall, and at the Okanagan Regional Library. Any input can be emailed to the Town at (please title email Comments on Annual Budget). Council plans to give a second reading on the bylaw on March 19, and would like to have all input by March 11, giving them time to consider all comments prior to second reading.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Turning three at Bizarre Entertainment Pictured left is owner of Bizarre Entertainment Trevor Hamre, and store manager Kaitlyn Spurrill. Hamre and Spurrill were all smiles as they celebrated the store’s third anniversary on March 2. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

Discussion continues on Highway 1 continued from page 1

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This is expected to improve safety and traffic flow, especially in regards to trucks getting to and from the Joint Use Vehicle Inspection Station. There are seven proposed projects between Kamloops and Golden. These seven projects make up $140 million of the $650 million investment. Some have already been tendered, and will hopefully be underway soon. Donald East is still in early stages of design, but Blixrud

says they plan to have it tendered as soon as possible. The four-laning project is a provincial effort, although there has been co-operation and financial support from the federal government. This means that the substantial stretches of highway from Revelstoke to Golden, and Golden to the border, that are inside the national parks, are not part of this project. These stretches of highway are federal jurisdiction. Golden was the last stop on this information tour, and the feed-

back has varied quite a bit from location to location. “Every place has their own take on it, but we’re getting a lot of comments about where we have restrictions, like Three Valley Gap, where we have closures due to avalanches, that sort of thing,” said Blixrud. Three Valley Gap was pointed out as a major concern at both the Golden and Revelstoke meetings. “We’ll take the information we’ve compiled here, and the stuff sent in through the website, and that

will help us formulate our next projects.” This is not however the last chance to give your opinion. Before these projects actually begin, the ministry will come back to have open houses in the communities close by. “This is not the last chance for people to have input, especially when it comes down to specifics. Once we have something to show, we’ll come back,” said Blixrud. They are also welcoming feedback on completed projects. The ministry has received some letters inquiring about the Donald Bridge, and the lack of centre medians. When designing the project they had looked at the possibility of installing medians, but determined that traffic volume was not sufficient to warrant it. “Research has shown that until you have a certain amount of traffic, centre medians can actually increase the number of accidents. Instead of drivers drifting slightly into the oncoming lane and correcting themselves, they hit the median,” said Blixrud. The project was designed to allow for medians, and if the traffic level increases the ministry may return to the Donald Bridge and install them. To learn more about the proposed projects, visit

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A5

RCMP Report: Drug store cowboys plead guilty in Invermere Darryl Crane Drivers suspended, 2013-02-24 and 25 Police suspended the driving privileges of two drivers this week for driving under the influence of alcohol. One received a threeday Immediate Roadside Prohibition and the other a 30 day prohibition. Vehicle struck, 2013-02-23 A vehicle which had been parked at the Quartz Creek parking lot was struck by an unknown white vehicle. Anyone with information is asked to call the Golden RCMP. Disturbance stopped, 2013-0223 Police responded to a disturbance at the Husky Truck stop. Two semi units had been parked next to each other for a night’s rest. The occupants of one unit were watching a movie, which was apparently too loud for the occupant next door who was trying to sleep. An argument ensued. Police attended, diffused the situation and had one of the drivers park elsewhere. Firewood lost on highway, 201302-23 A dump truck hauling firewood lost some of its load on the highway near Quartz Creek. As a

result, a passing vehicle struck the wood and damaged the oil pan on his vehicle, which resulted in the vehicle requiring a tow into town. The vehicle hauling the wood was located and issued a violation ticket for an insecure load. Police are reminding all drivers that regardless of what they are hauling, be it wood, furniture, recreation vehicles (sleds), or any other item, they are required to ensure the items are secured properly to the vehicle. Beacon activated, 2013-02-27 Police responded to a reported SPOT beacon activation near the ice climbs behind the town of Field. Banff Parks were notified to arrange for the rescue. Contact was made with the climbing party and it was determined one of the climbers had non life threatening injuries. The climbers said they would be able to hike out and transport themselves for medical attention. Incidents at Kicking Horse Mountain, 2013-02-23 Police responded to Kicking Horse Mountain for two separate incidents; An out of town guest was walking a dog off leash along the main road when a passing vehicle struck the dog. The dog died from the impact. Police were called as emotions and tempers were raised as a result of the incident. Some staff

were able to intervene and diffuse the situation prior to police arriving on scene. In the early morning hours, police were called to a disturbance at a vacation rental home. Police found a group of young adults had rented the home for a ski weekend getaway. The group had an argument over the cost of groceries from the weekend resulting in a physical altercation between two of the occupants. Although the home was large enough for all, they agreed that the aggressor would find alternate accommodations for the evening. Injured deer on highway Police have been responding to an increased number of injured deer on or near the roadways. The public is reminded that with the melting snow, deer will be more common along the roadway edges. These animals can cause significant damage to your vehicle. Counterfeit bills Golden Police were notified that counterfeit bills have recently been passed at Lake Louise businesses. Police are reminding businesses to be diligent in examining authenticates of currencies passed. If in doubt, they should decline to accept the bill.

The lucky winner of the Cops for Kids raffle at the Golden Rockets game receives her $1,000 cheque. (From left) Cops for Kids riders Mike Hull and Amber Brunner, winner Jenny McNab, Rotarian Eddie Liegan, and Adam Sherriff, along with his son Connor and avalanche safety dog Brooke, all came out for the presentation. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Drug store robbery Two suspects responsible for the robbery at Peoples Drug Mart, reported in last week’s police report, have been identified as Lucas Holman, 28, ad Travis Hutzul, 32, of Penticton. The pair robbed the Golden pharmacy at knifepoint on Feb. 16, after having done the same at the Princeton Shoppers Drug Mart on Jan. 30.

They were apprehended without incident in a mobile home just outside Golden on Feb. 22. Holman and Hutzul appeared in court in Invermere on Feb. 27, each charged with two counts of robbery. Holman was remanded into custody until March 12, while Hutzul pleaded guilty to both counts, and received a sentence of one year in custody per count.


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Black Press C O M M U N I T Y


General Information

The Kootenay Music Awards are open to any resident of the Kootenays. Please make all submissions mp3 format. From there they will be shortlisted by our panel of judges that includes Christine Hunter from Shambhala, Ryan Martin of The Hume Hotel, Lea Belcourt of Starbelly Jam Music Festival, Jay Hannley Program Director of Kootenay Coop Radio and Paul Hinrichs of the Royal on Baker. Nominations are open to all, you can nominate your self or favourite artists or acts, we want to make sure we have a great representation of the talent that the Kootenays have to offer. Nominations are open from March 1 to the 29th.





Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star


Mistakes made

No release

Things are heating up in British Columbia politics with an election just around the corner. The language in a leaked document put forward the idea to the Liberals to co-ordinate resources to focus on winning over ethnic voters. Heads have begun to roll with Premier Christy Clark’s now former chief of staff, Kim - My Way Haakdstad, already resigning over the scanBy Darryl Crane dal. Even though Clark has apologized, there was a call for her to step down over what was said in the document. If you want to talk about bad timing, this seems to be the perfect example in a political world. The Liberals have been behind in a number of polls released over the past few months, and one would have to think this is not going to make getting reelected any easier. Realistically, parties going after voters of all ethnic backgrounds is no great surprise. If you are going to run in an election the main goal is to try and figure out a way to get more people out to vote for you than the candidates you are facing. The catch here seems to be that people see this as a terrible show of respect. Respect for the people you represent should be high on any politician’s mind. The voters may or may not agree with all of your decisions, but in the end we can’t always get what we want. But when respect seems to be lost, or missing in action, people tend to respond. In this case the response has been to call, in some cases, for the resignation of the premier. The BC Liberals have had to go into a defensive mode and deal with the fact that they are in a very stormy sea moving forward. If we were not already in a major push going into the election, we must think that the Liberals and NDP will be rolling hard moving forward. One side of this tale that is yet to be written, is whether or not, with all that has happened, the government will change. Most polls may have the NDP out front, but there is another number that stands out in many of them — the number of people who are still undecided. Even though things have been going poorly for the Liberals, a significant number of people polled seem to be available to be wooed into winning their vote. Elections can be tricky, and week to week things can change from going great to falling apart. Before the last federal election I doubt many people would have seen the Orange Crush dropping the big wave over Quebec. But it happened, and if any lesson should be learned, it is that, even though you may be doing well in the polls, sitting back and waiting to see if your opponent makes enough mistakes to get your elected, is a dangerous game to play. In the end, people will have the chance to get out and have their voices heard in May. Voter turnout for the last provincial election was barely over 50 per cent. It will be interesting if more people will bother to come out later this year.

I am writing in response to your Feb. 27 article about the Little Mittens Rescue program for Golden. I am very much in support of your efforts in trapping these feral cats and kittens, spaying and neutering them. But why are you releasing them back into the town, or wherever? If you can’t find them homes as stated in your article. These cats have to eat, and there are very few song

Re: BC Liberals working hard for health care units?

On Jan. 23, the Golden Star published a letter from Doug Clovechok, the local BC Liberal candidate, in which he defended the closure of the Invermere Dialysis Unit, a unit that served not only the Invermere area, but also renal patients from Golden. When the closure was first announced, Invermere Mayor Gerry Taft, MLA Norm Macdonald, and representatives of other local governments, including Golden, immediately went to work to make the case for the reopening of the clinic. And because of their effort, Interior Health is now re-considering the closure. Hooray for them! In the Invermere Valley Echo it was reported that Interior Health has agreed not to remove

Candidate Flip Flops As a Councillor for the District of Invermere, I was one of many local and provincial government representatives who strongly opposed the closure of the Invermere Dialysis Unit. Resolutions have been passed by the District of Invermere and the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District Board calling on the Ministry of Health to re-open the clinic. And MLA Norm Macdonald, who has been very clear that the unit must be reopened, has made public statements and written a letter to the Minister of Health outlining the need in this community for this health service. But there was one person on the political landscape who wrote a very different letter. BC Liberal candidate Doug Clovechok immediately wrote a letter to the editor attacking the position taken by our MLA and defending the decision to close the clinic which was published in both the

birds and robins left in residential areas as it is. I realize the kittens are cute, but so are puppies and bunnies. Do the humane thing and euthanize the ones you can’t find homes for. Residents of Golden and area don’t want to have to deal with stray, homeless cats even if they can’t reproduce. long time resident Dave Poland Golden the dialysis equipment while the situation is being reviewed. In that article they quoted Mr. Clovechok, who is now claiming that the decision to close the dialysis unit “didn’t sit well with him from the beginning.” Mr. Clovechok is asking local voters to support him in his bid to become our MLA; to represent us in Victoria. But when he had the opportunity to fight for a program that provides a life-saving service in this area, he first chose to defend the government over the needs of local citizens! And now, when it looks like the fight to re-open the clinic is going to be successful, he is quickly jumping to the other side. I find his inconsistency unacceptable. Bob Campsall Invermere, B.C. Golden Star and the Invermere Valley Echo on January 23. So when I read last week’s story that indicated that it was “unanimous” political pressure that resulted in IH agreeing not to immediately move the dialysis equipment, I was very surprised. Further into the article I was shocked to read that Mr. Clovechok is now claiming that he opposed the closure from the beginning. Mr. Clovechok then went on to claim that he was part of the effort to convince the government to review the decision. Nothing can be further from the truth. Mr. Clovechok wants the people of this region to vote for him in the next election. Yet he decided that in this case it was more important to attack the current MLA than to fight for what was best for this communty. That’s not the way to prove that you deserve the electorate’s support. Paul Denchuk Councillor District of Invermere

POLL OF THE WEEK Will having an early learning and child care centre help attract families to Golden?

Yes 50%

No 50%

This week’s poll question: Are you happy that our winter appears to have been cut short ? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Golden Star encour-

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Star editorial and opinion

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A7

Golden point of view

Are you happy our winter seems to have been cut short? Shining Stars to Jan, Jarod and Dane for all their hard work moving “Grandma.” You guys are terrific! Thank you. Stingers to drivethrus that always mess up my order. Emma Arnesson

Linda Melko

Dakota Deberall

“I am definitely not. I’m from Sweden, and I’m only here for the season. And I would prefer a very long season.”

“Yes, I’m deliriously happy. And you can quote me on that!”

“Oh yeah, I’m happy. I’m not a winter sports person, I haven’t snowboarded in years.”

An arena full of stars to Nancy J for being the team manager. We appreciate everything you do. Stars to the Golden figure skaters for the great show they put on at the carnival.

Go to to have your say.

Golden Heathcare Dear editor, I was very sick when I arrived back in Golden. I had excellent care from a friend who escorted me to my family doctor which proved to be satisfactory since my file was still in Vancouver. However, the next day I had to have emergency treatment in the hospital and there, a young doctor put my life in his hands immediately, and I survived a head trauma, along with other sicknesses. The follow up visits I must do with my regular doctor are reassuring and now I am able to live for another day. I share this with you because I never realized the quality of care

that the Golden medical profession has offered me the years I lived here. Perhaps I took it for granted? I lived for two years in Burnaby and Vancouver and may I share with you what it is like trying to find a doctor in the city. I lived on a street near Kingsway and there are six walk in clinics. I needed meds filled, a checkup, and various other duties doctors perform. The clinics are full of people from all walks of life. I was at the end of the line and waited two hours for the receptionist. She politely said they were not taking amy more people that day, but I could try the other clinics. Each clinic takes only fifty people, leaving many waiting. I was told that I cannot see a doctor until I had

Budget Concerns The 2013 BC Budget was released Wednesday, February 20, and there are no increases provided for critical services that respond to violence against women and children throughout BC, nor in the Columbia Valley. Yet awareness of violence against women and children is rising and service delivery pressures are at an all time high. Many reports make recommendations for change and increased funding, however no new resources have been allocated in the government’s budget for safety and services for women and kids. “We were disappointed to see no increases for services that would help families and women and children experiencing domestic and sexual vio-

Stars to Liz at the Whitetooth for the great service.

the side of the road on their way home from the bar.

Stars to people who donate such great items to all the silent auctions around town.

Stars to people who go on vacation and bring you back gifts.

Stingers to people who tailgate within the the town. Stars to my dance partner at the beach party. Thank you for not dropping me when you flipped me. Stingers to the people who leave beer cans on

Stingers to people who are too scared to drive in some less-than-desirable road conditions, and then don’t show up for work. Stars to all the volunteer drivers who donated their time to Meals on Wheels. Your time was very much appreciated.

Email your Stars and Stingers to a family doctor. I had to go to the internet to check if any doctors were taking new patients. None were for at least three years. How do I see a doctor? Well, each morning the clinics open at ten, so I would arrive at eight like so many others and stand in line. I did that each time in need of a doctor and never once, did I see the same one. They are overbooked and busy, and sometimes they don’t even look up to see who you are, and no doubt they too, are fed up with the patient load. During my times waiting for the doctor I would be thinking of the Golden doctors, and how compassionate the staff is here. The Golden medical clinic has no doubt humanity in its entire glor-

lence in Golden BC,” said Heather Barrett, Abuse Recovery Counsellor with the Golden Family Center. “Abuse Recovery Counselling provides support for women, children and families who have experienced or witnessed abuse, and we serve Golden, Nicholson, Parson and the surrounding areas.” The 2013 budget includes a $197 million dollar surplus. It also includes an added $5 million to address problem gambling and $52 million for increased RCMP costs including costs associated with gang activity. Yet there are no increases to ensure victims of domestic and sexual violence have access to important life-saving support services. This is despite numerous Coroner’s Inquests and Death Review Panels across North America that have identified that access to such services is critic-

ification, simply because they still take the time to care. In the city for the most part, that humanity is swallowed up in the mass of over population, the lack of proper leadership, facilities that are outdated and a system that has proven total failure for both patient and doctor. I endured it, and hopefully, won’t have to again. In the city when my head started to hurt really badly, I was rushed to one of the major hospital’s emergency wards. I really wasn’t aware of all the people there until later. The nurses rushed me ahead of everyone, which caused commotion with some patients, and security settled them down. But with the head, they were afraid of meningitis. The scan-

al to life-saving help for victims. While the BC Government has spent significant resources on Commissions of Inquiry and Justice Reform initiatives, there are no funds in the budget to implement these and other report recommendations. Examples of these reports include: Forsaken: The Report of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry; BC’s Domestic Violence Death Review Panel Report; Honoring Christian Lee; Kaitlyn, Max and Corydon; BC Policing and Community Safety Plan; Family Law Reforms; White Papers on Justice Reforms. “Service providers in our community are eager to be a part of the solution to help eliminate violence against women in relationships and sexual assault. There is also pressure from regional and federal forces for service provid-

ner did not show anything so I was given Tylenol #3 and sent to the back of the line or home. I sat for an hour and did not see anyone being tended to and went home knowing my trip up here was near at hand. I know there still are towns that honour the medical profession and I shall always seek them out rather than the city. I also know my stay in Golden will be comforting knowing the staff; doctors and nurses who tend to our medical needs are the best. They deserve all the respect we as patients can give them and in my view, if we don’t do that we may end up standing in line. Mary Stevenson Golden

ers to do the work necessary to make a difference. However, this is a call for more work with no change in available resources or funding” said Linley McLean, Executive Director and Outreach Coordinator at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre. Heather Barrett and Linley McLean agree with Tracy Porteous’, Ending the Violence Association of BC’s Executive Director, statment that “Concrete action is needed to prevent this senseless violence. The time for general statements of support and further study has passed. We need action and programs, not merely more committees, more reports, more plans and more summits”. Heather Barrett Golden Family Centre

2.815x3 A8

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Kid’s Club Saturday Mar.9 Bolt 1 pm, free admission.

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Golden Minor Soccer Registration Night 2013 Season

If you want to register online (mailing of disclaimer and cheque still required), email and request the registration link, or

A RegIstRAtIon nIght wIll be held tUesdAY, MARch 12 At golden secondARY school 7 pM to 8:30 pM First time registrants bring bc health card and birth certificate. All registrations after March12th will be subject to a $10 late fee. we are still planning for a mid-April beginning to the usual 8-week season. come out and play the beautiful game!

A big THANK YOU to all the players, parents, fans and sponsors for helping make the Golden Rams Initiation Tournament such a success! S pons o r s : Ti m Ho r to n s T he Ta p s Moose Tr a x Off t he Wa ll OK Tir e T he Gol den Re d d i- Ma r t Turni ng P oi nt Re s ta u r a n t T he Wolf ’s De n Lordc o K icki ng Horse Pa r ty Re n ta ls Excel P roj ect Ma n a g e me n t T he S o u r c e Telu s S obey s Mi ssTeek Bo o Te e k Ken Hami l t on Co n tr a c tin g S ea r s Nakis k a Overw a ite a S now P eak Re n ta ls

Jack the Giant Slayer 3D Friday Mar.8 - Thursday Mar.13, 7pm.


This Week Oldtimers Hockey Sunday 7:15 & 8:45pm, Wednesday 9:45pm. Call Russ at 250344-2734. Silvertips Hockey (50+) Every Monday 3:30pm and Friday 2pm. Call Sid 250344-5514. Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June 14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies. Erica Konrad Waggle Dance Exhibit Feb.22-Mar.26 at the Art Gallery of Golden.

Wed, Mar. 6 Co-ed Badminton at Mount 7 Rec Plex 7-9pm. $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors. Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening. Public Skate every Wednesday, 7-8pm at the Golden Arena. Jam Night at the Rockwater. Free Homework Help at the GSS Library 3:30-5pm for high school students. Drop in. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Public Input Meeting, Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program. Mar.6, 6-9pm at the Golden Seniors Centre. All welcome, for info:

Thurs, Mar. 7 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Public Input Meeting,

This week's achievement award goes to...

Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program. Mar.7, 6-9pm at the Golden Seniors Centre. All welcome, for more info: www. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-344-0652. Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8. Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:30-5pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in. Rita Chiarelli Band Thursday Mar.7 at the Golden Civic Centre. Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Aquafit exercise class at The Travelodge from 5:306:30pm. Drop in rate is $6.50. Food Bank Movie Night at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Thursdays from 8-10pm until Apr.25, 2013. Free admission with Food Bank donation.

Fri, Mar. 8 Winter Walking at the Mount 7 Rec Plex from 1-2:30pm. Mother Goose Program Fridays from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included. Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm. Bridge Club Fridays, 7-10pm at St. Andrews Centre for Peace. Contact 250-3445448. Parent and Tot Skate 10-11:15am at the Arena.

• For more information... go to

Adult Skate 12-1:45pm at the Arena. International Women’s Day Annual Performance Salon Mar.8 7-9pm at the Kicking Horse River Lodge. $5 at the door.

Sat, Mar. 9 Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Saturday night. Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516. Public Skate every Saturday, 5:30-6:45pm. Free Food Skills for Families Jan.19-Mar.23 10-1pm. Teaches how to cook healthy on a budget. Call 250-3446117 to register. by donation. KHMR Winter Dinner Series - Taste of BC Saturday Mar.9 6-11pm at Eagle’s Eye. Multi-denominational Service at the Pentecostal church on 10th St. S. Saturday evenings, 7pm through winter.

Sun, Mar. 10 Public Skate Golden Arena Sundays 4:30-5:45pm. Helmets recommended, no pucks or sticks allowed during public skate. Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-344-6444. Daylight Savings Time don’t forget to spring ahead!

Mon, Mar. 11 Co-ed Badminton at Mount 7 Rec Plex, 7-8:30pm. $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniors. Drop in Shinny every Monday from 9:30 to 10:30pm. Drop in fee $6.50. Winter Walking at the Mount 7 Rec Plex 1-2:30pm. Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night. Grief and Loss Support Group every Monday starting Feb.4 until March 25. 7:30-9pm held at The Pentecostal Church 717

10th St. S. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24.

Tues, Mar. 12 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Aquafit exercise class at the Travelodge from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Drop in rate is $6.50. FREE Women’s Journal Writing Group Tuesdays Feb. 26-Mar.26 1-2:30pm or 6:45-8:15pm. Free childcare and writing materials are available. To register call 250-344-5317. John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Golden Minor Soccer Registration Night Mar.12 6-7:45pm at C.O.T.R Rockwater Grill & BarR


Upcoming Events

The Farmhounds Mar.13 at the Golden Taps Pub. Voter Registraion Mar.14 at C.O.T.R 11:30-1:30pm, and Overwaitea 2:30-7:30pm. Voter Registration Mar.15 at Sobey’s 11-8pm. Film Kicks “Quartet” Mar.14 7:30pm at the Cinema. Wine and Cheese Night at the Golden Star Mar.14, 4-6pm. Zumba Fitness Spring Break Party Mar.16 7-10pm at the Rockwater Bar and Grill. $10 advanced, $15 at the door. Golden Minor Hockey vs. Golden Emergency Force Mar.19 Golden Arena 5:307:30pm. Rod & Gun Club Banquet Night at the Golden Seniors Centre Mar.23 5pm-1am $25, under 16 $10. www. First Annual 9-1-1 Emergency Service Ball Saturday, Apr.6 at Emerald Lake Lodge in Field. Tickets $75ea. Available at RCMP Detatchment, or the Fire Hall.

Iain Frazer for doing a great job with his reading.

Stop in by March 13, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A9

Golden Moments: Sharing journeys back in time with the youth of Golden Darryl Crane George Strynadka came to the Golden area from Northern Alberta in 1956 and has never had the urge to leave. Born to a Ukranian father and a Cree mother, Strynadka spent much of his early childhood on a reserve. Strynadka went to live with his grandmother when he was young, after his father passed away in an accident when he was a baby. He was born in Goodfish Lake and but would eventually move to Edmonton to go to school. “We stayed there for a while until we were supposed to go to school. There was a little Ukrainian district we got moved over to because the native people would not allow us to go to school. The Ukrainians came into Canada, and in many cases were very poor and just trying to make a go of things. We just fit in there nicely,” he said. Discrimination was something Strynadka had to deal with, especially early in his life. “There was a lot of racial

discrimination back then. First of all the native people were against us, being that we were of mixed race on the reserve. The Ukrainians didn’t really discriminate against the natives because they saw it as the learning process of being in Canada,” he said. “When we moved to Edmonton we saw discrimination the other way because they saw us as being full natives.” As for how he dealt with the discrimination, Strynadka said moving on was all you could do. “You just live day to day. You had to move forward. That is the tough part of life is when discrimination hits from different angles,” he said. “But if you learn to do your job, be good to people, then things come your way.” Strynadka moved back to the Goodfish Lake reserve to help his grandparents look after their farm for two years before moving to the Columbia Valley. It was his brother who told him there was a great deal of work in the area. “I was working for nothing over there so I came to the valley on a long weekend in September,” he said. Strynadka ended up

marrying a girl from Brisco named Jean Watkins. “I knew her family from 1956. Once I was going home for Christmas and her mother gave me a ride from Brisco to Golden. She picked me up at 8 in the morning and we made it in time for the evening train that left Golden at 6:45 p.m. The thing of it was that we stopped at all of her relatives for tea, coffee or lunch coming to Golden,” he said. “Little did I know I was going to marry into the family in 1970.” After getting married, Strynadka said his life changed because he did not move around so much. “That is where the stick in the mud began, because you have a family,” Strynadka said laughing. Over the years Strynadka has worked many different jobs. He worked on a farm in Radium Hot Springs, sawmills, logging and more. “You always had to be working hard just to get along,” he said. “The wages in the saw mill when I started was $1.25 an hour.” For much of the 1980s Strynadka ran his own business in the area before returning to the bush for a


few years in the ‘90s. Taking a program in Edmonton dealing with communications, Strynadka became much more comfortable speaking in front of crowds. “Before then I was shy. I wouldn’t do any talking. Now they got me standing in front of I don’t know how many hundreds of people. I have a booming voice so I don’t need a microphone,” he said. “I am not scared to walk in a door and talk to people.” Though he only went to Grade 7, Strynadka worked hard throughout his life and ran profitable businesses. Today Strynadka enjoys sharing stories from the past with local students in the Golden area. He said the students pay a great deal of attention to the stories he shares. As for Golden and the area, it has changed a great deal for Strynadka over the years. “The whole road is changed. When travelling to Cranbrook I point out where the old road was from back in the day. I like doing that with younger people. I point out to them the old places. Some

George Strynadka brings the stories of the past to many young people in and around Golden. Darryl Crane/Star Photo of them are not there anymore,” he said. Strynadka said he tells young people he is a time traveller when he is sharing the past with them because he feels it is important for

the stories to be kept alive. “Time travel means something you can remember word for word. I can pin point in time to a specific moment with my brain and share the stories.”

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Turning Back the Pages on the history of rock club in Golden

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

There are way too many groups and organizations in Golden. You can’t possibly belong to them all, although some people seem to think you can, and many of the groups are duplicating services already provided. I think perhaps its time to get every-

Columbia Shuswap Regional District REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting submissions from qualified Proponents for the design and development of a new Regional District website. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to develop a shortlist of qualified Proponents best suited to achieve the Regional District’s vision for a new website that will enhance the user experience, simplify content management and provide better information and service to its residents while meeting high standards for design quality and visual appeal. Shortlisted Proponents will be invited to participate in a subsequent Request for Proposal process. Submissions clearly marked “Request for Qualifications – Website Design & Development” will be accepted until 2 PM local time on Tuesday April 2, 2013 at the office of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District located at 781 Marine Park Drive NE, PO Box 978, Salmon Arm BC V1E 4P1 or by email to (in pdf format). RFQ documents are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at or from the Regional District during regular office hours. For more information, contact Carolyn Black, Manager of Corporate Administration Services by phone to 250-833-5939 or 1-888-248-2773 toll-free or by email to


April is OrAl HeAltH MOntH!!

We thought we would test your knowledge of oral health through a small quiz. True or False: 1) Women with gum disease are likely to deliver premature or low-birth weight babies 2) Poor oral health causes nothing but pain, tooth loss and bad breath 3) Gum disease is a disease of the elderly 4) Tobacco use puts you at risk for oral cancer 5) Toothache is the most common pain affecting the daily lives of Canadians 6) Exposed root surfaces cause tooth sensitivity Your mouth is an important part of your body!!! As always, we recommend good oral health care practices: brush and floss daily, eat nutritious foods and beverages, quit smoking/chewing tobacco and get regular dental check ups. Answers: 1) True – women with gum disease are 7 times more likely to deliver premature or low-birth weight babies 2) False- research is showing association between poor oral health and premature/low birth weight babies, heart disease and stroke, diabetes and respiratory disease. 3) False- 75% of adults over 30 have experienced some form of gum disease. 4) True- approximately 75% of all oral cancers are associated with tobacco and alcohol consumption. Smokers also have increased risk of gum disease. 5) True- research studies have found that in a 4 week period 6-9% of adults experience moderate to severe oral/facial pain. 6) True- root surfaces become exposed by brushing too hard, receding gums, or gum disease. Accepting New Patients!!! at the Golden Dental Center 901 9th St S. Golden For appointments, please call…. (250) 344-2710

one together so that we can work in a more cooperative manner with each other as volunteers become fewer and fewer. Want to learn more about the non-profits in Golden and the work being done to bring organizations together then check out I am a member of the Golden Junior Hockey Society, Golden Community Resources Committee, Golden Seniors and Parson Community Hall Society. The following story was prepared for Golden Memories 2000 by Denise Shular. A headline in the Golden Star, June 8, 1961 reads, “Rock and Fossil Club Organized”. The article continues, “Columbia Valley Rock and Fossil Club”, was the name selected by a number of Rockhounds when they met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bergenham, Friday evening, June 21 to form the organization and to elect a skeleton board of officers. G. Burton was unanimously elected president; O. Bergenham, vice-president; and Mrs. Margaret McQuarrie, secttreas. Mrs. K.K. Gibson was named publicity officer. The members of the newly formed club jumped right into the business of rock hounding, planning field trips every couple of weeks over the summer in that first year. The tradition of field

trips continues to the present day with several trips a year planned from April to late October (weather permitting). A Junior Rock Club, for children 12 and over, was formed in 1962 and held joint meetings with the elder group. Several of these young members had a parent or parents who were not enthusiastic participants. Also in 1962 the first Rock & Hobby Show was mounted. The Columbia Valley Rock & Fossil Club sponsored the show for the next 8 years. The Golden District Art Council took over this show in 1971. In April 1963, the club chose banded honey onyx, a type of rock found in the Golden area, as their emblem. They became members of the Lapidary, Rock & Mineral Society of B.C. This membership allowed them to purchase insurance at reasonable rates to cover field trip mishaps. It also kept them in touch with other Rock Hounds in the province through a monthly newsletter which they still receive. The first meeting were held in private homes but soon the Rod & Gun hall and IOOF hall were used. 1965 saw plans for an A-frame building as a permanent home for the club. Unfortunately this plan fell through but in 1969 a petition was made to the town requesting space in the

Pictured above is a the riverboat Marion tied up at the rear of the present Dollar Store. The river was wide enough that the craft turned around when it was finished loading or unloading and went back down river to the Columbia. Photo courtesy of The Golden Museum Civic Centre. On Feb. 10, 1970 it was announced that a lapidary workshop would be housed in a basement room in that facility. The grinding wheel and polishing disc was purchased in 1964 and a second hand tumbler was purchased in 1967 & 1969 respectively were installed. In 1973 a polishing wheel and plates, and a fan to clear the air were added to the space. A facetor was bought in 1988, to increase the ability of the members to finish their specimens. Club members attended shows in Calgary, Vancouver, and cities in the USA as well. The Dam Advertiser, May 10, 1967 reports. “Among the

winners in the senior “Novice” classes at the Calgary Rock & Gem Show last week were two members of the Columbia Valley Rock & Fossil Club. Mr. Dave Hartley placed first for his fine collection of faceted stones. First place in novelties with a case of soapstone carvings went to Chris Schiesser. The Annual BC Summer Camp was held in Golden, August 2-10, 1969. About 120 people attended from as far away as Oregon and Saskatchewan. On October 14, 1970 it was decided to change the name of the group to more closely reflect its setting. The new name voted in was Golden Rock & Fossil Club. In 1980, a discussion about wheth-

er to start a group for 6-12 year olds know as Pebble Pups was held. At the time it did not seem feasible but now (2000) the plan is in the development stage. Many different classes have been offered to the club members and the general public over the years. Lapidary and Silver smithing being the two most prominent. Like most clubs in Golden, The Rock & Fossil Club has had its ups and downs but a few devoted members have managed to keep it going for over 50 years. They are encouraged by the fact that the Columbia Valley area is known worldwide for its many and varied rock specimens.

Consultations continue on the River Treaty Golden Star Staff The Province is hosting two free conferences that will explore the future of the Columbia River Treaty (CRT), secure input on alternative future scenarios and how Basin interests might be affected. The CRT Local Governments’ Committee is encouraging Columbia Basin residents to attend the event in Golden on March 20. These will be the last consultations planned by the Province as it fulfills its commitment to consult with residents of the Columbia Basin to ensure their concerns are heard as part of the provincial review of the CRT. The CRT is an international agreement signed in 1964 by Canada and the United States to co-ordinate flood control and optimize hydroelectric power generation on both sides of the border. “The Province has completed a number of important studies, including analyses of the potential impacts of CRT scenarios on Basin interests. It is important that Basin residents attend these consultation conferences to express their views on the treaty options and on local issues related to the CRT,” said Deb Kozak, CRT Local Governments’ Committee Chair and Councillor, City of Nelson. Decisions about the future of the CRT could influence

how Canada operates local dams and reservoirs for power, flood control and other values, including the environment. Those changes could impact, among other things, water levels, annual payments from the U.S. to B.C., and the amount of hydroelectricity generated in the Columbia Basin. The event in Golden will be held on March 20 at the Golden Civic Centre. The free conferences will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To view the agenda, see the latest studies and register for these free conferences or the live streamed option, visit or call (250) 9520777. The registration links are on the right side of the webpage. As an alternative, join the Provincial CRT Review Team from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. on March 20 at the Golden Civic Centre for an overview of the treaty options. Registration is not required for these information sessions. The CRT Local Governments’ Committee includes representatives of regional districts from across the Canadian Columbia Basin as well as the Village of Valemount and the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments. With the support of Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), the Committee is working to help Basin residents and local governments engage in decisions about the future of the CRT.

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A11



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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Lady Grey brings the school together for Pink Shirt Day Jessica Schwitek Lady Grey Elementary School celebrated Pink Shirt Day with an inspirational assembly to address the issue of bullying, and acknowledge those who are making a difference. The YMCA (You Matter in a Community of Awesome) dancers got up on stage, and the whole school joined in. Then after a few inspirational videos all the students who received “Gotchas” (students caught doing something kind for someone else) got up on the stage, a few even won a prize. Pink Shirt Day, or Bullying Awareness Day, is gaining more and more support across the country and around the world. Premier Christy Clark marked the occasion by announcing grants to school-led anti-bullying efforts across the province. “By standing up against bullying, we send a powerful message - bullying has to stop, period,” said Clark. “When someone witnesses bullying, they have the power to stop it,” said Education Minister Don McRae. “By being a helpful bystander, whether that’s online or at school, they can defend the person getting bullied and rally their friends to do the same.” LGES showed an example of this. They played a video telling the story of how a high school soccer team rallied behind one of their players, and used Facebook to support him. “One person, and one act of kindness really can make a difference,” said Laurie Macdougall, vice-principal at LGES.

Students at Lady Grey Elementary School were recognized during a Pink Shirt Day assembly on Feb. 27. These students all received “Gotchas,” for being caught in an act of kindness. The school did a random draw, and five students who got Gotchas, also received a movie ticket as a prize. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Are you on the voters list? Elections BC is conducting an enumeration and updating the voters list for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Are you registered to vote? It’s easy. It’s convenient. You have choices. Be ready. Your choices to register to vote or update your voter information are: Online Register or update your information on Elections BC’s Online Voter Registration (OVR) system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at You need a B.C. Driver’s Licence or a Social Insurance Number to use the system. (OVR) By Phone Call Elections BC toll-free at 1-800-661-8683, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturdays. In Your Community From March 6 – 23, temporary voter registration opportunities are at hundreds of locations throughout the province. View electoral district voter registration opportunities at:

Is there someone registered at your address who no longer lives there? Call Elections BC or go to to have them removed from your address. Who can register? You are eligible to register to vote if you: . are a Canadian citizen, . are 18 or older, . have lived in B.C. for the past six months. Election workers required: Over 37,000 election workers are needed to work for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. View available postings at

B.C. voters can also register or update their information when they go to vote in the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Elections BC is a non-partisan Office of the Legislature responsible for administering the Election Act, the Recall and Initiative Act, and the conduct of referenda under the Referendum Act .

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The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Local dancers go for a stomp The Asham Stompers spent time with Li Jigeurs Mechif, a local dance troupe in Golden, on Feb. 26. The worldfamous dancers not only held a class with the local group, but also took some time to kick up their heels on the dance floor with them. Darryl Crane/ Star photo

A perfect time to join a Quartet Darryl Crane Kicking Horse Culture will be showing Quartet on March 14 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Cinema as part of the 2012-2013 Film Kicks series. Dustin Hoffman’s directorial debut tells the tale of four elderly opera singers who end up living in Beecham House (a home for elderly musicians). When you look at the cast in the film you will find a who’s who of British stage and screen. Tom Courtenay (The Golden Compass, Doctor Zhivago), Billy Connolly (The Boondock Saints, The Last Samuri), Pauline Collins (Bleak House, Albert Nobbs) and Maggie Smith (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Harry Potter), all end up living in the home. Michael Gambon also puts on a spirited performance as the man with the great plan in the story. It is when Smith’s character moves into the house that the home, filled with gossip, truely takes off. The film looks at each person’s attempt to, not only

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Kicking Horse Culture will be showing Dustin Hoffman direcClick on your It includes torial debut “Quartet” at the Golden Cinema on March 14 geographic zone and contact info for people with the show starting at 7:30 p.m. you will find lots of who would be glad Photo submitted information to help you get involved be true, sometimes in deal with where they side of life. Two-time Academy the middle of madare, but also look at trying to mend the Award winner, Smith, ness something great steps into the role can be found. past. Can the passage of of opera diva, with a time heal the wounds fiery grace that seems all too natural. of days long ago? Beneath all the Is the threat of losing something you pressure, the story dearly love or need shares a desire to Municipal Buildings Janitorial Services enough to make once again take conpeople raise to heights trol of life and step The Town invites proposals for daily janitorial services to Town Hall and weekly they thought impos- out on the edge services to Public Works, the Airport Terminal, and the Fire Department. RFQ where the light burns sible to find? Hoffman gives bright. packages are available free of charge during normal business hours at Town Hall In the trailer for the team of veterlocated at 810 9th Avenue South. an actors a place to the movie Smith’s Tender Closing Date: Friday, March 22nd, 2013 shine, and they seem character looks in a Tender Closing Time: 2:00 pm local time to take control of the room, and after seeing what is going on story on screen. Tender Closing Location: Town Hall Connolly shines, states, “This is not a All general and technical inquiries can be directed to Chris Cochran, Manager of home. taking his larger- retirement Operations at 250-344-2271. than-life presence to This is a madhouse.” engage the lighter Even though this may

Request for Quotations


Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star


2013 Golden Directory

Golden’s Only Telephone Directory Over 4,500 copies will be distributed in Golden and surrounding area including 2,000 inside The Golden Star and another 2,000 copies to the hotels, resorts and other commercial high traffic locations for an entire year

Publishing: Wednesday, March 27th Deadline: Friday, March 15th Contact Michele LaPointe - Publisher P h o n e : 2 5 0 - 3 4 4 - 5 2 5 1 E m a i l : a d v e r t i s i n g @ t h e g o l d e n s t a r. n e t


Golden’s very own DJ Wakcutt and Golden Delicious Productions present Funkanomics at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on March 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door. Photo Submitted


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Sarah Wegelin performs at last year’s International Women’s Day Performance Salon. This year’s event is taking place at the Kicking Horse River Lodge on March 8. Star Photo

Women’s Day performance

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Jessica Schwitek


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To commemorate International Women's Day, the Golden Women's Resource Centre is hosting their annual performance salon at the Kicking Horse River Lodge on Friday March 8. The event takes place every year, and features performances by women, or even about women. This could be in the form of song, poetry, slam poetry, skits, or even belly dancing.

International Women’s Day, a day to spread awareness on issues pertaining to racism, gender equality, and quality of life, is celebrated in many different ways around the world. The event has a casual atmosphere, and features some great local talent, and even some door prizes. It is open to everyone, men, women and children, and is $5 at the door. The show goes from 7 to 9 p.m. If you are interested in performing, contact the women's centre as soon as possible at 344-5317.

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A15

Zumba night at the Rockwater in support of gymnastics

Golden’s Shape Up Fitness is holding a special Zumba session for the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club on March 16. Photo Submitted Jessica Schwitek For the winter season wind-up, Golden’s Shape Up Fitness is hosting a special extended Zumba session, and helping out a local non-profit

at the same time. “The main intention is for a season wind-up. And I thought it would be good to choose an organization to raise some money for as well,” said Nicki McIntosh, instructor

and owner of Shape Up Fitness. McIntosh will be hosting a three-hour Zumba class in the Rockwater Grill and Bar on March 16, and will be raising money for the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club. “The gymnastics club has worked so hard to get their own space, and they just had their grand opening. There are so many kids who are so dedicated to that program, they’re up at 6 a.m. And I know that coach Christine (Muise) is there 24/7 practically,” she said. “They can always use the extra funds.” This will be the first time Shape Up has hosted a class in a bar, but McIntosh says it is quite common else-

where. “Within the ‘Zumba world,’ they always have Zumba in nightclubs. So they encourage us to promote it in that atmosphere, which makes sense because it’s dancing,” she said. “So it will be three hours of non-stop Zumba.” A newly certified local Zumba instructor, and an instructor from Invermere will be joining McIntosh for the class, hopefully adding a little extra

energy and motiva- are $10, or $15 at the schedule until April tion into the event. door. 15, before starting A similar event is Shape Up is wrap- the spring season. being hosted in Inver- ping up its winter seaFor more informamere the following son on March 15, and tion go to www.shapeweek, and McIntosh will have an alternate plans to attend with some of her students. “It’s something I Announcing the Premiere event of the Spring! thought would be fun Golden Rotary Youth Music Festival to do to cap off the and Giant Rotary Silent Auction winter season,” she May 4: Golden Civic Centre Come play your favorite music said. in front of a casual audience and friendly judges. The class will be Prizes and certificates for excellence. from 7 to 10 p.m. on A great opportunity to showcase youth talent! March 16. Presale tickets, available at A juried performance by youth musicians 18 and under. limited to 20 entrants. Shape Up classes, Entry Registration Deadline is March 15 please. through McIntosh, For registration please go to: or at the Rockwater, 5.8125” x 10”

PUBLIC INPUT MEETING Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program Project applicants for Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs are presenting their proposals to the public in two evening sessions. Wednesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 7, 2013, from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Golden Seniors Centre. After each short presentation there will be an opportunity for questions from the Town of Golden’s Community Funds Local Selection Committee and the public. WEDNESDAY MEETING

You never know what will be attached to skis (like the homemade airplane above) at the Dummy Downhill at kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Star Photo

Splash and Funk at KHMR Golden Star Staff

March 31- Easter Egg hunt – Kids will go bonkers looking for a mountain full of eggs To fully enjoy your spring SkiApril 6 – Two of Canada’s best up ing just add; Sun, the most beauti- and coming bands play their hits ful mountains in the world, music, while you dance - Rah Rah and Two après ski and your friends, then Hours Traffic you’ll have the recipe for spring ski April 7 – “Slush Cup” Returns magic at Kicking Horse Mountain A crowd pleaser – watch skiers and Resort’s Sun, Splash, Funk Fest. snowboarders try to make it across Guests at the resort will have the a pond full of chilly water. Loads of chance over two full weekends of eye candy and belly laughs on this fun starting March 30 and 31 and one. ending with an incredible two music Rah Rah was named “Best Alternaact extravaganza on April 6 and 7. tive New Artist” and “Best New CanThe action packed fun for all with adian Artist” in iTunes Best of 2009 a funk and retro theme will keep list. They headlined the Whistler people on their toes in the base area Live! stage during the 2010 Paraas the spring skiing turns all day lympic Games and performed at the long. Saskatchewan Pavilion. The group There will be barbecues and live has been noted for their energetic DJ music along with the following live shows which often feature Pop incredible line up of events. (All Rocks candy and confetti. events, entertainment and music Two Hours Traffic is a Canadian in the Base Area is free for specta- Indie Rock band, based in Prince tors). Edward Island. Although often March 30–Dummy Downhill, fun described as the band that Halifax and full of laughs, this classic ski hill guitarist Joel Plaskett took “under event is sure to bring a smile to all his wing,” they have increasingly faces and Golden’s choice in best of become known as purveyors of orilocal bands. ginal, well-crafted songs.

# Organization


1 Alexander Park Elementary School Parent Advisory Council (APES - PAC)

Replace the Alexander Park Elementary School (APES) Wooden Play Structure



2 BC Conservation Foundation

Golden Bear Hazard Assessment and Conflict Management Plan


3 BC Summer Swim Association Okanagan Region

B.C.S.S.A. Okanagan Region Timing Equipment Replacement

4 College of The Rockies

Find Your Creative Voice


5 Field Recreation Advisory Association

Field Hall Improvement Project


6 Field Recreation Advisory Association

Kicking Horse Ski Club Cross-country Track Setting Equipment



7 Golden & District Senior Citizen's Housing Society Purcell View Apartments - Upgrades 2013


8 Golden Area Initiatives / Golden Early Learning and Stakeholder Action Group

Golden Early Learning and Care Hub


9 Golden Community Resources Society

Community Coordination


10 Golden Cycling Club

Mainline Completion Project


11 Golden Food Bank Society

Building Basin Outcomes


12 Golden Food Bank Society

Feeding the Hungry


13 Kicking Horse Culture

Achieving Good Governance




1 Golden District Rod & Gun Club

Proposed Skeet Range Layout

Request $64,600.00

2 Golden Golf Club

Phone System and Back-up Server Replacement


3 Golden Golf Club

Power Pole Replacement


4 Golden Nordic Ski Club Society

Dawn Mountain Nordic center Novice Trail Additions

5 Golden Snowmobile Trail Society

Golden Snowmobile Trail Maintenance

$8,500.00 $17,200.00

6 Golden Women's Resource Centre

Leadership & Belonging 4 Girls!

7 Golden & District Historical Society

Renovation of Outdoor Exhibit Building


8 Golden & District Historical Society

Weatherizing the Museum


9 Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce


KHCCC - Centre - Facelift


10 Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association

Low Income Spay & Neuter Voucher Project


11 Parson Community Hall Society

Dancing the Night Away

12 St. Andrews United Church and Centre For Peace

Modernization of the Bargain Basement and Meeting Area through Lighting and Color

Administered and Managed by: Town of Golden Contact Ryan Watmough at 1.250.344.8610 or email for further information.

$4,886.56 $10,742.88


Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Golden Rockets prepare to take on Ghostriders in round two Darryl Crane The Golden Rockets’ wait is over, and the team now knows they will be playing the Fernie Ghostriders in the second round of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL) playoffs. The Rockets dispatched the Kimberley Dyna-

miters in four straight games and have been waiting for the series between the Fernie Ghostriders and Columbia Valley Rockies to end. Fernie defeated the Columbia Valley Rockies in six games to get through to round two. According to the KIJHL website, the series will begin with two games in Fernie on March 5 and 6. The series will shift back to Golden for back to back games on March 8 and 9.

THREE DAYS ONLY! Friday, Mar 8th - Sunday, Mar 10th 32





SAVE $1.50



Reg. $ 4.99

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The Golden Rockets will start round two of the playoffs on the road as they face off against the Fernie Ghostriders on March 5. The team will return for two home games in Golden on March 8 and 9. To keep up to date on how the Rockets playoffs are going, or to see pictures from the games check out The Golden Star website and Facebook page. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

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A change for Meals on Wheels Jessica Schwitek



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Meals on Wheels, an Interior Health program that has been operating in the community for decades, has undergone some changes. “They’ve gone to a totally different system where they don’t need drivers anymore,” said Linda Ferro, co-ordinator for Golden Meals on Wheels, and a longtime volunteer. In the past, the hospital has prepared a hot meal, and volunteer drivers would pick them up and bring them to residents around Golden, three times a week. As of Feb. 20, the program has switched to frozen meals that must be picked up at the hospital by the families. Ferro, having been a volunteer for 22 years, is not saying whether this change is good or bad, but wants to make sure the public knows about it. “If there’s people out there that need meals, there’s still a way to get them,” she said. The decision was made and communicated to Ferro by Interior Health a few months ago. Interior Health likes to keep all their hospitals uniform, including programs like Meals on Wheels. Although she is very glad that the customers will still be receiving a nutritious meal, she is concerned that a social element is being lost. “A big part of Meals on Wheels was not just delivering a hot meal for them to enjoy, but it was a connection to the outside world, if only for a few brief minutes,” she said. “A lot of these people are stuck at home day in and day out. They don’t see many people.” The local program has had a lot of very dedicated volunteer drivers over the years, and Ferro says they are all going to miss it. “We’d like to thank all of the Meals on Wheels volunteers for their many years of dedicated service,” she said. “Our drivers have been very reliable. They enjoy and look forward to doing it, that’s why they do it. They are going to miss it.” Anyone interested in receiving meals can get more information at the Golden and District Hospital.

The Golden Star

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A17

Starbusiness Sous chef Matt Webber brings out a plate of Scallops and Prawns with a creamy sweet corn spinach succotash. (Top corner) The Chinese seared Duck Pancakes are served with a chili plum sauce, and a shaved cucumber and cashew salad. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo

Columbia Shuswap Regional District NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION FIVE YEAR (2013 – 2017) FINANCIAL PLAN Sections 815 & 816 of the Local Government Act require that all Regional Districts prepare and adopt, by bylaw, a Five Year Financial Plan on an annual basis. It also requires that the Board undertake a process of public consultation regarding the Five Year Financial Plan before it is adopted. Interested members of the public are invited to attend the CSRD offices located at 781 Marine Park Drive NE, Salmon Arm BC on Friday March 8, 2013 from 3.00 PM to 4.00 PM local time for an opportunity to speak directly to the Manager of Finance regarding the proposed Five Year (2013 – 2017) Financial Plan. The Five Year Financial Plan will be considered for adoption at the Thursday March 21, 2013 Regular Board meeting.

On Thursday, March 14th, from 4-6pm come mingle with the staff of





conversation and 25% off newspaper subscriptions! 413A 9th Ave. N. (Box 149) Golden, B.C. | V0A 1H0

Tasty developments in Golden cuisine Jessica Schwitek The Whitetooth Bistro, the Rockwater Grill and Bar, and Carlito’s Pizza have been mainstays in Golden for quite some time now, but the owners and chefs are working hard to make sure that they never get complacent and stale. The menus have been a constant development, and try to accommodate everyone who walks through the door. “It’s quite an eclectic offering, and very extensive. Most people will be able to find something that they like,” said head chef and part owner David Knoop. Creating menus for both a relaxed pub atmosphere, and an upscale dining experience challenges the chef, but also means he never gets pigeon holed into only one kind of cuisine. Knoop provided an extensive taste testing to let me try out some of the newer items on the Whitetooth menu, all of which were paired with just the right wine. We started off with some adventurous creations—Alberta Beef Tartar, followed by Chinese seared Duck Pancakes, and then some Agadashi, golden fried tofu. My gluten-intolerant dining companion was accommodated with every course, even getting gluten-free crostinis to pair with her beef tartar. “It was definitely a conscious decision to put some gluten-free options on our menu, there’s a lot of people who have trouble with gluten and need those options,” said Paul Deutsch, one of the owners. “Our main aim is

always to accommodate our guests as much as possible.” Deutsch recalled one customer who came in with a craving for spaghetti. Even though it is not on the menu, the chef managed to put together a spaghetti dinner with the ingredients in the kitchen. The menu tasting continued with three entree items—Scallops and Prawns with a creamy sweet corn spinach succotash, Gnocchi with sundried tomato and toasted pine nuts, and Braised Beef Short Ribs that melted in your mouth. The Whitetooth was recently Ocean Wise certified, which means that they’re using sustainable ocean products. And they are always striving to keep their other meats as local as possible. The wine selection is also an eclectic mix of B.C. local, and international flavours. Liz Lyding, our server for the evening and a Level III Sommelier who is often referred to as the Ambassador of Good Times, selected a specific wine to be paired with each course, describing in detail the flavours of each selection, and why they pair nicely with the course. The final course, a white chocolate cheesecake, was paired with a delicious ice wine. Between the three locations, all located on 9th Avenue North, patrons can get anything from a quick slice of pizza, to a hearty burger while watching the game, to a nice evening out with a delectable entree and a bottle of wine. Menus are available online at, and www.rockwatergrill. com.

SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) GOLDEN ZONE KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2013 To be eligible for Kindergarten in September 2013 your child must reach the age of five on or before December 31, 2013 (born in 2008). A Birth Certificate or other legally acceptable document must be provided at the time of registration. Please also bring your child’s Care Card. Alexander Park Elementary School REGISTRATION: March 4 to 15, 2013 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (For further information please call 344-5513) Nicholson Elementary School REGISTRATION: March 4 to 15, 2013 between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon Monday to Friday and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday or Wednesday (For further information please call 344-2370) Learning@Home Program: If you are interested in finding out more about the Learning@Home Program and/or wish to register for this program, please phone or e-mail Becky Blakley at (250) 342-9243, ext.4429 / or Ed Main at (250) 427-5308 /

Starbusiness directory


Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

Golden Business Directory S



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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

A celebration 45 years in the making It was a day to celebrate 45 years of the Golden Figure Skating Club at the group’s annual carnival. Pictured far left are young skaters Breck Nolin, Hayden Nolin and Tia Schacher. Directly left is Kateylne Elliott who was showing off some Canadian pride at the event. Darryl Crane/ Star Photos

It was a successful weekend of skiing at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort as skiers like Kaleb Barnum (above left) took to the hills. Everett Sprenger (pictured above right) proudly showed off a new medal that he won at the event. Photos Submitted

New heights reached by Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team Mark Baxendale Submitted On Sunday Feb. 24, the Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team hosted its annual invitational race. In total, 91 racers completed the course twice in their respective age categories to obtain their best time that goes towards the results. Teams from Fernie, Kimberley and the Lake Louise Black Dog team joined us as well. The weather was very kind to us except for the lack

Golden BC

of snow, but Kicking Horse Mountain Resort assisted here by harvesting the snow to the shallow spots. This year was the first year that they ran the race on the Wolverine piste which is directly below the Catamount chairlift. This gave a greater spectator view point and made it easier for the younger athletes to access. This is classified as the same technical difficulty as the Women’s World Cup disciplines so its still a challenge for the older athletes as well. The day was a huge success with races starting and

finishing on time. “A race is always a success when there are no injuries which was the case here,” said Peter Russell, the Race Chief. The Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team would like to thank all the volunteers that helped with the day, operations at KHMR, the visiting teams, our supporters and the athletes. “We had a fun day here at the race,” one of the Lake Louise coaches told the president of the club. That is, and will be the goal of the club in years to come.

• Music ALL WELCOME • Personal Stories of Faith SnowRider Chapel • Teaching from the Bible Saturdays @ 7 starting January 5th... and continuing through the winter season • Connecting with other believers 717 - 10th St S (Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle) • Room for questions Hosted and sponsored by the Pentecostal and Alliance Churches of Golden

A20 A20

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Golden Star Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Announcements SnowRider Chapel Saturdays @ 7pm, continuing through the ski season 717 10th St S (Golden Pentecostal Tabernacle). Music, personal stories of faith, teachings from the Bible, and more! Hosted and sponsored by the Pentecostal and Alliance Churches. All are welcome!

Information New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799.

Lost & Found Found by the Dollar Store (by bridge): black leather wallet. March 1st. Call 344-5251.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Employment Business Opportunities ACCOUNTING & Tax Franchise - Start your own Practice with Canada’s leading Accounting Franchise. Join Padgett Business Services 400 practices. Taking care of small business needs since 1966. or 1-888-723-4388, ext. 222.

Help Wanted Black Forest Restaurant is hiring Cook. $12 - $14 per hour 40 hours per week. Email resume to: careers@ or drop off resume between Noon-5:00pm. EXPERIENCED CDA required for Dr. Dale Henry, starting April. Prostho module an asset. Office Hours TuesdayWednesday-Thursday 7:30am - 6pm. Resumes to: 201-330632nd Ave, Vernon, V1T 2M6 Fax 250-545-6872 or email: Front Desk Clerk wanted. Must have experience. Email resume to ajinderGlacier Raft Company requires Class 2 Bus Drivers. Standard transmission. Full & Part time Mid May to September. Email resume to or call 250-344-6521.


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Fernie, British Columbia

In Memory of

Mike O’Rielly March 2, 1953 - March 7, 2008 Missed by Mona and family Cards of Thanks

Cards of Thanks

to all the wonderful, thoughtful, generous people of Golden. It took a tragedy to open our eyes to see how lucky we are to live in a small town. This town is amazing! Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated. We truly are grateful for all the donations from all the people and businesses. Thank you to the Sportsman, Jungle Room, Signature, Dollar Store, Warehouse, Golden Grizzly, Firepit, APES and Rotary Club. A special thanks for the fundraiser from Zodiac Hemp, Captured in Time, and Dave Knowles (firewood). And thanks to Sobeys, Fields, the Golden Bakery, the Bargain Shop, the Legion and Overwaitea for making the spaghetti dinner possible. Thank you to our good friends for getting us a temporary home and dropoff for donations. Lori, Julie, Tanya, Monica ad to everyone else who have helped us over the past few weeks. I wish I could name you all. We are truly grateful to all of you. Sincerely, The Wilson-Hildebrand Family

Help Wanted

Now Hiring – Store Manager

Reporting to the Owner/Operator, the Store Manager will be involved in all aspects of running a Grocery Store. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Involvement with Payroll, Financial Statements, Health and Safety Committee; Lead, coach and motivate employees to improve productivity; Maintain merchandising and operational standards, while striving to increase sales. Successful candidates should have three to five years previous retail experience as well as superior supervisory skills and ability to prioritize tasks and deliver results. Ability to work effectively in a fast paced, dynamic environment and capability to work flexible hours are also qualifications for this position. We offer a competitive salary, along with a comprehensive benefits package. If you have a passion for providing great customer service and are looking for a career with us, please bring your resume, along with salary expectations to: Extra Foods, 1792A – 9th Avenue, Fernie, B.C. V0B 1M0, Attention Store Owner, Ann Thank you for your interest in Extra Foods

Customer Service Representative Falkins Insurance Group’s Golden location has an opening for a Customer Service Representative in the Autoplan/Motor Vehicle department. This position is for maternity leave with an opportunity for a permanent/full time position. Closing date 4:00 pm March 15, 2013. Duties include (but are not limited to): • • • •

ICBC Autoplan Motor Vehicle/Drivers Licensing Private Autoplan Out of Province Medical

Successful candidate will: • Provide outstanding customer-focused service to clients in person and over the phone • Have good knowledge of Microsoft Word/Excel • Be a team player with excellent communication skills. • Be well organized and able to work in a fast paced environment. • Be available to work 5 days/week (including alternating Saturdays) • Be required to study and complete necessary insurance licensing courses Preference will be given to licensed candidates with previous insurance experience. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Deanna Lacasse 511-9th Ave, PO Box 1035, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Phone: 250.344.7161 Fax: 250.344.2286 Toll Free: 1.866.345.7161 Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

It Starts with You!



In Memoriam

Place of Worship


In Memoriam



The Golden Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Golden Star Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A21 A21





Merchandise for Sale



Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Financial Services


Misc. for Sale

Suites, Lower

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message for Information: 1800-972-0209. Resident Manager for 20 unit Silver Star Motel,Vernon Fax 250-545-3859 email silverstar

NOW HIRING! Journey person, 30 Millwrights, 50 Pipefitters, 20 Welders, with industrial experience for a large project in Vanscoy, SK. Wages $34-$40/hour, plus retention & completion bonuses, 14/7 shift rotation, paid benefits, RRSP’s. Travel & living out allowance (for eligible candidates). Successful candidates must complete a pre-access A&D test & CSTS 09 training. Apply with current resume and references to or online at: or fax 1-888398-0725 or in person at 9744-45 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5C5

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Help Wanted


Financial Services

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500

Custom blueprints.Visit: Save! Save! Save!

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Merchandise for Sale

$100 & Under QUEEN size beds (250)344-0780

Firewood/Fuel Firewood for sale: Fir, Pine, Spruce. Phone 250-939-8548

Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40’ $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale FOR RESTLESS or Cramping Legs. A Fast acting Remedy since 1981, sleep at night, proven for 31 years. Online:, Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.

GENERAL MANAGER Community Futures East Kootenay in Cranbrook, BC has an opportunity for an established business professional to further their career as General Manager. The GM is responsible for the broad roles of Community Futures, including the management of the loans portfolio, overseeing the effective administration and delivery of the various programs offered, and promoting economic development within the East Kootenay region of BC. CFEK offers a competitive salary and full benefit package. For more information about this rewarding position, see the full job description on our website:Â The deadline for applications is March 11, 2013.

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: The estate of Phyllis Higgs Ottoson, deceased, formerly of 606 -12th Street South, Golden, B.C. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Phyllis Higgs Ottoson are hereEy notiĂ€ed under section of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the executrices, Dorothy Lynn Ottoson and Vicki Louane Loader, c/o Graves & Russell, Barristers and Solicitors, 21 ² 0 Anderson Road, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 1S2, on or before 2 0arch 201 , after Zhich date the executrices Zill distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the executrices then has notice.

careers at cbt Manager, Community Initiatives (13-14 month maternity leave coverage) %FBEMJOF OPPO 145 .BSDI Administrative Assistant, Sector Initiatives (13-14 month leave coverage) %FBEMJOF OPPO 145 "QSJM A detailed description of both positions can be viewed at or requested from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998. Please forward resumes to by the deadline for consideration. XXX DCU PSH t

Join us:


NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: The estate of Allan William Ottoson, deceased, formerly of 606 -12th Street South, Golden, B.C. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Allan William Ottoson are hereby notiÀed under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the administratrix, Vicki Loader, c/o Graves & Russell, Barristers and Solicitors, 218 – 8055 Anderson Road, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 1S2, on or before 28 March 2013, after which date the administratrix will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the administratrix then has notice.

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Cottages / Cabins 2 room cabin located in the Blaeberry. Avail Feb 1 - March 31. Fully furnished incl utilities, laundry & sat TV. $400/mnt 250-344-4785. Must be willing/able to care for horses. Email 2BR Cabin 8 mi S of Golden. Secluded acreage. N/S. Refs req. $800/mo. Avail Mar 1. 403 461-4090 / 403 286-3391.

1200 sq ft 1 Bdr basement suite furnished $750/mo plus util. Avail. April 1, refs req’d.

Suites, Upper Two Bedroom walk-out suite with garage FOR RENT. Furnished $950 (utl. incl.) Across from Nicholson school. NS/NP Call Evelyn at 250-344-1372. Upper bachelor Suite avail in Nicholson. Util incl. N/P, N/S. Avail April 1. Call 344-1372.

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


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Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm mobile home at Nicholson. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551.

FOR RENT In the Blaeberry 2 Bdr Apt $800/month -Avail. March 1 -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV & Internet -DD ($300)&References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer

LARGE newly reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm apt., NS, no pets, no parties, laundry facilities. Walking distance to all amen., DD req. (1-250)344-0780 Radium - 405 Top unit Pinewood West building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail immediately. $1000/mth. Call Lina @ 403-264-2782 or 403277-7898 ask for Emilio ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.

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Homes for Rent 2 Bdrm chalet, furnished, full kitchen, fire place, sat. tv, high speed internet, utl incd. NS avail. April 2, min. 6 months $950/month. 250-344-7874 evenings. 2 bdr suite. Nicest suite in town! N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Mar 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1100/mth. 250-4391055. 403-497-9303 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 5 Bdr, 2 bath, 1950 sq ft house, great central location. Avail. April 1st. $1400/mth. Call 604-388-5529. Cozy 2 Bdr house near Pine Drive. Low heating costs. N/S. $700/mth. 250-344-5992. Large 3 bdrm home for rent in Golden. Includes laundry, storage, yard, and patios. NS, no parties, some pets allowed. $1400/month + 60% hydro. Ref’s and deposit req’d. Avail May 1. Min 1 year lease.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

It has become a family affair on snowmobile trails around Golden Darryl Crane Thanks to some hard work, lovers of getting out for a day with the family for a fun ride on snowmobiles have enjoyed a new family trail in Golden, according to President of Golden Snowmobile Trail Society, Aaron Bernasconi. Bernasconi, who along with his wife Kim, have seen the pastime growing in the area both when they are out on the trails and at their business (Mountain Motor Sports and Golden Snowmobile Rentals). He explained that what has been accomplished so far is the first part of a two-part project. The first half of the group’s work was to clean up and get signage out to Wiseman Corner in Donald. “The trail has been groomed a few times this winter and has been used by some of the local tour operators, who have said it is busier than they have ever seen it,” Aaron said. Stage two of the project will go from Wiseman Corner to Quartz Creek. “That part of the trail has been cut in by Pioneer Forest Service Ltd. The trees are all cut and lying on the side of the trail. We just need the ground to freeze to get the wood out of there,” Aaron said. He added that the project should be completed during the summer of 2013, and will be a fully functioning trail for next winter. Aaron said he feels this is a great benefit, both for local people and visitors to the community, who enjoy snowmobiling. “It is a great asset for the community. It gives locals a place to go ride where they do not necessarily need to go to the alpine. They can go ride a nice, gentle, family-style trail that has zero avalanche risk,” Aaron said. Kim added, “It is great for out-of-town people as well. Now the sledders are bringing their families out for the weekend. They will sled with their families one day on the West Bench Trail, and then they go sledding for a day or two with their bud- Pictured above is some of the new signage on the Westbench Trail system near Golden. dies, and their families can go to the ski hill. A lot of new families are getting into sledding and they come to Golden Riders now have the chance to get out and enjoy snowmobiling on a family friendly trail, with the second phase of the project to be completed in the summer of 2013. Photos Submitted because they can go on a family trail.”


$50/month family contribution Canada Education Savings Grants


Provincial Grant

$4,458 $1,200

Age 6

Age 10

Age 14

Age 18

The Golden Star Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A23

Minor hockey fundraiser pits players against emergency squad Jessica Schwitek The East Kootenay Brain Injury is hosting a fun-filled hockey game with Golden Minor Hockey facing off against the Golden Emergency Force. “This will just be a fun event to create awareness, and teach people about prevention of brain injuries,” said Debbie Gudjonson, the Columbia Valley outreach worker with EKBI. The only way to cure a brain injury is to not have one in the first place, so the EKBI does everything they can to promote prevention. And a large part of prevention is wearing a helmet. “There have been a lot of injuries in the area with kids who weren’t wearing helmets,” said Gudjonson. EKBI often uses helmets as giveaways for contests and draws they hold, and have been very fortunate with local businesses helping them purchase those helmets. “The great thing about the helmets that we get, is that

Golden minor hockey players are going to take to the ice, for a fundraiser, to face off against the Golden Emergency Force on March 19 at the Golden Arena. Star Photo

they’re cool. And it’s much easier to get kids to wear their helmets if they’re cool,” said Bryan Dean, a volunteer helping organize the hockey game. Dean has suffered from brain injuries himself, and now that he is dealing with the long term effects, he is determined to make sure it doesn’t happen to other people. This family event is bringing Golden Minor Hockey on the ice with local emergency service personnel, including police, fire, and search and rescue. “I think the kids will have a really good time playing against them,” said Gudjonson. “We’re gearing up for a really fun event.” There will be hot dogs, a prize table, speakers and much more. Donations at the game will go directly towards ensuring that services are available in the community for people living with brain injuries. The game is on March 19 at the Golden Arena from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

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Love is Louder Iris Trask Golden Secondary School To celebrate diversity and promote kindness, students at Golden Secondary School were encouraged to wear pink on February 27. In each classroom, students watched a Shane Koyczan video and then received a Sparkler drink and a compliment written by fellow students in an effort to “walk the talk”. The theme, ‘Love is Louder’, was promoted throughout the month of February with posters and announcements and the culminating activities today. The following is an excerpt from CBC News about the video that the students watched: A powerful and deeply personal anti-bullying video by a noted B.C. poet has taken the internet by storm, with more than two million hits in the two days since it was posted. In the seven minute video, part of the anti-bullying campaigner’s “To This Day Project,” spoken word artist Shane Koyczan tells the story of his own experience being bullied in school, and how he went on to become a bully himself. You may remember Koyczan from his performance at the opening ceremonies for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, where he read his poem “We Are More.” To read the whole article: http:// To watch the video, please go to following: watch?v=ltun92DfnPY

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13-03-01 4:07 PM


Wednesday, March 6, 2013 The Golden Star

RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275

$429,900 1305 Stoney Lane

3 bedrooms 1.5 baths 2,700sqft


$207,000 1 bath

$235,900 716 - 8th Avenue

3 bedrooms

1 bath


1113 - 11th Street

4 bedrooms

3 baths

4 bdrms

3 baths


3.7 acres

742 Nicholson Road

3bdrms 2.5 baths 2,160sqft

3 bedrooms

1 bath


985 McBeath Road

$1,395,000 4 bedrooms 3.5 baths 3,826sqft

5.73 acres



Lot 5, 1313 Campbell Road 2.038 acres

#303, 1420 Palliser Trail

2 bedrooms

2 baths

3 Acreages Available

2 bedrooms

1 bath


23.1 acres




4bdrms 1.5 baths 2,880sqft 1.73 acres

3 baths


$569,000 730 Nicholson Road

6bdrms 5.5 baths 3,000+sqft 1.43 acres

$339,900 850 Canyon Creek Road

4 bdrms 2 baths 2,072sqft 2.26 acres

$369,600 2166 Blaeberry Road


$95,000 3.74 acres

714 Kostiuk Road

1402 Birch Crescent

4 bedrooms

38.6 acres

Highway #95, South

151 acres



$348,600 2826 Donald Cemetary Road

Lot 6, Dogtooth Close 9,472sqft

1602 Gareb Road

3 bedrooms

2 baths

$179,000 #105, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

1 bedroom

1 bath




$339,000 1405-11th Avenue

3071 Tegart Road

5 bedrooms 2 baths 2,060sqft .66 acre

2975 Allen Road

2.5 baths



$290,000 #11, 1322 Kaufmann Way

SOLD Land, Buildings & Business

from $299,900 to $449,000 Wiseman Road

1525 Fir Crescent

4 bedrooms

$19,900 3 bedrooms

2 Acreages Available


1592 Golden Avenue

3 bedrooms

3 baths




Southridge Road 17.26 acres


from $109,900 to $179,900 Forde Station Road



#3 Pinewood Mobile Home Park

6 Acreages Available



3.5 baths

from $124,500 to $255,000

$235,000 718 Adolph Johnson Road

1 bath

1513 Cedar Street

McMurdo Road

Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435

$419,900 5 bedrooms

2238 Neville Road 80 acres

40 acres

.4 acre

1239 Alexander Drive

8 Lots Available



1601 Golden Avenue

5 acres

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435


3 bedrooms

Bear’s Paw Heights

$329,000 3 bdrms


from $103,200 to $131,200


1695 Golden Donald Upper Road

1 acre

576 Habart Road



#10 Golden Mobile Home Park


$81,000 50’ x 130’



$559,900 965 Oster Road


522 - 11th Street

520 - 11th Street

2 bedrooms

Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735

3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,400sqft

$500,000 501 – 9th Street

Land and Building

SOLD $359,000

$24,900 #60 Golden Mobile Home Park

1900 sqft

$969,000 1614 Purcell Woods Close

3 bedrooms

523 - 9th Street

3 bedrooms

3 baths


$699,000 448 Althoff Road Land and Building

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