Hope Standard, March 06, 2013

Page 1

Standard The Hope

Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com



BC HYDRO DISPUTE LEADS TO ARREST Hope couple charged after refusing to allow meter change

Skating carnival


You Need A Thneed skaters take to the ice at Hope Arena Saturday for the Hope and District Figure Skating Club’s presentation of “Dr. Suess on the Loose.” The 37th annual carnival featured skaters decked out in costumes as truffles, crazy fish, Things One and Two, Horton, Mr. Grinch and the Cat in the Hat, among other characters. Sarah Steberl and Haleigha Bull were this year’s guest soloists.

LOCAL ARTISTS TEAM UP FOR NEW EXHIBIT Jan Toland and Mike Steer showcase their work throughout March



BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE RAISES $3,400 Event at Sunshine Lanes needed two sessions this year due to turnout



Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . . . 9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Classifieds . . . . . 14 $

1.10 (HST INCL.)

Hope Cinema goes digital Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Hope Cinema is converting to digital projection Owner Kevin Larson has installed a new projector to meet the demands of the movie industry. Hollywood is moving away from traditional film, preferring to show films entirely on digital media. Across North America, hundreds of small, independently-owned movie theatres are closing because they can’t afford to upgrade their equipment, which in Hope is $50,000. “It’s the way the industry has gone. You either convert or close,” said Larson. “I’m not going to up my price

because my costs are going up. I’m opportunity to host special movie going to keep it the same and diver- nights, film festivals, and show sportsify a little more what’s on screen.” ing and entertainment events on the Hope Cinema will big screen. now be able to “open” “I see the cinema new movies sooner as a cornerstone of “It’s the way the because the digital a town and a viable format is easier to industry has gone. piece of Hope,” he distribute to small said. “It’s been here theatres. The old-style You either convert since 1945 and for me film reels are becomto change over and do or close.” ing rare, making it this digital conversion, difficult for Hope Cinit keeps it in business Kevin Larson ema to obtain prints. for the next 70 years as Digital projectors alan operating theatre.” low a variety of media Larson and his to be shown, including brother Jeff bought blu-ray DVDs and various computer Hope Cinema in 1999 and proceeded formats. Larson said this creates an to invest $225,000 in building reno-

vations. A new roof was installed and the exterior was decorated with new paint, poster displays and lighting. In the interior, the entire lobby was redecorated and the main theatre was improved with paint, carpet, and new curtains. The old wooden seats were torn out and replaced with more comfortable seats imported from a theatre in New York City. A new digital sound system was also installed. When his brother moved to Alberta in 2005, Larson continued to improve the business, installing a custom-built neon marquee on the front of the theatre at a cost of $10,000. Continued on 3

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A2 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013

News Pink Shirt Day


Betsie Kopola-Hoshowski (left), Arden Sauve, Keenan Kohlman, and Caden Dube pick up wrist bands with positive messages written on them during Pink Shirt Day at Hope secondary on Feb. 27. Other tables at the school featured snacks and beverages, and there was a “Truth Booth” and “Vow Wall.” Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness about bullying in schools, workplaces, homes, and over the Internet. The event started in 2007 when two Grade 12 students at a Nova Scotia school stood up for a younger student at their school who had been bullied for wearing a pink polo shirt on his first day of school. They decided to buy 50 pink shirts to wear to school the next day and went online to round up support for their anti-bullying cause. The next day, dozens of students were outfitted with the discount shirts and hundreds showed up in their own pink clothes.

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Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A3


Dispute ends with bomb threat

Charges have been laid against a Hope couple involved in a BC Hydro dispute. On Feb. 28 at about 1 p.m., Hope RCMP and the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment RCMP First Nations Police were called to assist BC Hydro in keeping the peace at a home in the 21900 block of Ross Road. Police were advised that Dean Grykuliak, 46, and Ella Gutierrez, 48, were allegedly using an illegal meter that had been installed without authorization. After repeated threats of violence towards BC Hydro employees, a police escort to the home was requested in order to inspect the equipment and install an authorized BC Hydro meter. Upon arrival, the couple refused to allow BC Hydro access to inspect their equipment. BC Hydro had safety concerns about the couple’s current meter setup as they allegedly removed their original meter and replaced it with an unauthorized meter from an abandoned house nearby. The couple was


The home-made bomb police seized at a Hope home last week, consisting of two mason jars with blue clear liquid rigged to a barbecue igniter.

advised that if they didn’t allow the inspection, BC Hydro would be forced to cut power to the residence. During the conversation, Grykuliak allegedly made indirect threats to officers and BC Hydro employees that if a new meter was installed people could lose their lives and police may have to kill him. Gutierrez became agitated during the incident and was arrested after allegedly threatening to hit and

punch the Hope RCMP officer. While the officer was escorting her to his police car, she allegedly assaulted the Hope officer by kicking him. During this time, Grykuliak went into the home and came out with two mason jars containing a blue clear liquid. He was holding an ignitor that was rigged to the jars in one of his hands. The officers believed it was a home-made bomb and negotiated with Grykuliak.

He eventually unarmed himself and was subsequently arrested. “This is an example that shows there is never a routine call for a police officer,” said Staff Sgt. Suki Manj. “Two seasoned officers were faced with a life and death situation and were almost forced to use lethal force to protect themselves and the public. You never know what a person is willing to do over something that may seem trivial to others. In this case, we are glad we were able to resolve this situation without anyone been seriously injured.” Grykuliak has been charged with possessing a weapon for dangerous purpose and two counts of conveying a threat against the two officers. Gutierrez has been charged with assaulting a peace officer. The RCMP Explosive Disposal Unit (EDU) attended and determined the content of the mason jars was likely jet fuel which was triggered with a barbecue ignitor. The suspected bomb was destroyed at the scene by EDU.

Fundraiser planned to help with conversion expense From 1

The Friends of the Hope Cinema are launching a fundraising campaign this Thursday (March 7) at the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival to help offset the financial hurdle of the new digital projector. “The cinema is a landmark in our community. It’s a social hub and it’s part of the life and vitality of our town,” said member Kelly Pearce. “I think the life of our town would be diminished with the loss of that theatre. We don’t want another reason to drive down the road to Chilliwack.” Other small towns in B.C. have raised funds to save their local theaters. In Sydney, on Vancouver Island, the Star Theatre


A new digital projector has been installed at the Hope Cinema.

received $185,000 in donations to pay for two new projectors as well as new seating. In Powell River, the Patricia Theatre raised

Hope and District Minor Hockey would like to say THANK YOU to the following sponsors who generously supported our recent HOcKeY 2 Tournament... • DQ • Tolson Enterprises • Melanie Kennedy, Mary Kay Consultant • Lakeside Pacific Forrest Products • Hope Golf and Country Club • Southview Sorting Ltd. • Harrison Hotsprings Resort and Spa • Agassiz Subway • Vriend Home Inspection • Tammy Frayn, Epicure Consultant • Hope Pharmasave • Sandpiper Golf Course • Bridal Falls Water Park • Nestle Waters • Sunshine Lanes • Rolly’s 02/13A_HMH1

$71,000 in just four months, and they’re well on the way to reaching the $90,000 target needed to buy a new projector and screen.

In Nelson, a team of volunteers is renovating their old theatre and raising funds for a digital projector and screen, with the support of their mayor and council. Local residents are encouraged to support the fundraising effort in Hope by continuing to attend the cinema, buying a $50 coupon book with six months of discounts and savings, or donating directly to Hope Cinema. There’s a donation box by the theatre popcorn machine or you can pay online through a secure PayPal account at www.hopecinema.ca. For more information on the fundraising campaign, contact Jon Polishak at hopecinemapals@gmail.com.

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A4 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Wanted man turns Crime stats help allocate himself into police local RCMP resources Warrant dates back almost eight years

A man who has eluded police for almost eight years turned himself into Hope RCMP on Tuesday. Jason Burkard, 38, appeared in court on Thursday after being arrested on a warrant that goes back to June 13, 2005. The warrant relates to an incident that took place on Nov. 25, 2004. Langley RCMP had received numerous calls of an erratic driver in the Aldergrove area. One of the police cars responding to the call was hit by this vehicle as it tried to evade capture. The officer was not successful in stopping the vehicle. The vehicle was later spotted near the Greater Vancouver Zoo on 264 Street. Police received a report the Honda had collided with another vehicle. The vehicle entered the zoo parking lot and the driver fled. Witnesses at the scene directed police to Burkard’s location, and he was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle, flight from police, dangerous driving after fleeing from

police and causing a pursuit. He was held in custody until March 1, 2005 when he was found guilty of possession of stolen property over $5,000, dangerous driving, and theft under $5,000. He was sentenced to an 18-month conditional sentence order (CSO). On May 17, 2005, he attended Chilliwack Community Corrections as part of his CSO and was directed to re-attend a week later. He didn’t attend on that date and the arrest warrant was issued on June 13, 2005. Since then, police found no evidence of any contact between Burkard and any government agencies. Continued efforts to execute the warrant led Langley’s Crime Reduction Unit officers to locate Burkard in Hope. Police made contact with family members and planned to arrest Burkard at his residence on Feb. 26. However, he turned himself in to Hope RCMP that same day.

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Hope RCMP is crediting statistical analysis for helping curb recent crime trends in the area. Data is reviewed on a daily basis by an analyst in Chilliwack and information is provided to local officers on duty regarding when and where criminals are targeting. In the past, Silver Creek has been a hot spot for property crime and the RCMP allocated resources accordingly to concentrate on the area. The latest trend appeared on Wallace

For the record

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Street last week, where two businesses had their front windows smashed and items were stolen from one of them. “In a town like this, that’s unnerving because it happens in a short time frame and likely is the same culprit,” said Staff Sgt. Suki Manj. Officers focused patrols in the Wallace Street area following the reports and conducted street checks on people who were out in the late morning hours “that really had no reason to be.” Manj said some of the individuals had already been identified as prolific offenders. Through the street

A story in the Feb. 27 edition of The Hope Standard stated that a 58-year-old man was allegedly involved in drug trafficking at a local pub, along with two other employees. Silver Chalice Pub owner Susan Hall says the man was actually not an employee, but rather “casual labour helping set up for

checks, police believe they now know who may have been responsible for last week’s vandalism and theft. There have been no further incidents since. “With the amount of resources any business has, you have to always be looking for the best ways and the most efficient ways to use them,” said Manj. “We use statistics to help direct where our resources are needed. Sometimes, it’s unfortunate, there are times our officers are tied up with calls that take them away from doing proactive policing.”

a fundraiser.” She says her and her husband were not aware of illegal drug activity at their establishment and are cooperating with police. The owners are frequently involved with fundraisers and will be hosting one for Fraser Canyon Hospice Society on March 16 at the pub.

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If you have a letter concerning local issues, drop it off at 540 Wallace St. or email it to: news@hopestandard.com

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The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

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Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A5


Minister quits over ethnic memo

Tom Fletcher Black Press

Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap has resigned from the B.C. cabinet pending the outcome of an investigation into government conduct on outreach to ethnic communities. Premier Christy Clark told the legislature Monday that Yap is stepping aside as advanced education and multiculturalism minister until an internal investigation is complete. Clark apologized for a third time in the legislature Monday, before being grilled by NDP MLAs about her office staff ’s involvement in the plan. Speaking to reporters after question period, Clark did not rule out resigning herself, depending on the outcome of an internal probe by her deputy minister. “When we have all the facts, and when the report is tabled, we will likely be required to take further action, and I will take that action,” Clark said. B.C. Liberal MLAs held an extended caucus meeting Monday to discuss a leaked memo describing use of government resources to boost the party’s popularity with ethnic communities. Cabinet ministers held a hastily arranged meeting in Vancouver Sunday, and emerged united in support of Clark. One disputed point is a plan to apologize in the legislature this month for the “head tax” on Chinese immigrants,






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Premier Christy Clark told the B.C. legislature Monday she is “very, very sorry” about a political strategy plan revealed last week by the NDP.

imposed by Ottawa from 1885 to 1935. Such apologies are proposed in the strategy memo as “quick wins” before the May 14 provincial election. Retiring B.C. Liberal MLA Kash Heed objected to the move on the weekend, telling CKNW radio that such an apology would be “hollow.” The NDP released another document Monday, a December 2011 spreadsheet describing a meeting to “target swing ridings” and “target ethnicities” including Chinese, South Asian, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese. Clark announced Friday that she has accepted the resignation of her long-time assistant, Kim Haakstad, who distributed the ethnic voter plan to party and government staff via their personal email addresses. Haakstad, Clark’s deputy chief of staff, and “outreach” staff from the premier’s office are subject to an internal

investigation ordered by Clark Thursday. John Dyble, head of the public service, is to examine whether government resources were used to help deliver ethnic votes to the B.C. Liberal Party. The January 2012 draft strategy memo, leaked to the NDP, discusses ways to improve the governing party’s popularity with immigrant communities, including recruiting new members and spokespeople to call and write to ethnic media outlets. Clark issued an apology for the document, read in the legislature Thursday by Deputy Premier Rich Coleman. “The document did not recognize there are lines that cannot be crossed in conducting this outreach [to ethnic communities] and it is unacceptable,” the statement says. “The language in this draft document and some of the recommendations are absolutely inappropriate.”

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A6 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Opinion Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

Fixing a new election date One of the issues which is mentioned as B.C. gets set for a provincial election, but only on occasion, is whether the fixed election date should be changed. When then-Opposition Leader Gordon Campbell promised a fixed election date, long before the 2001 election was held, he was a pioneer. No provincial government, and certainly not the federal government, had even suggested fixed election dates. Premiers and prime ministers wanted to keep the power of when to call an election to themselves, and give their parties the greatest possible advantage. Thus if the party was doing quite well, as the Social Credit Party did under W.A.C. Bennett, an election was called every three to four years. When a party was facing annihilation, as the federal Conservatives were in 1993 and the NDP was in B.C. in 2001, the government would stretch its term out to the maximum of five years. Campbell was true to his word and set up fixed elections. There have now been two of them, in 2005 and 2009, and the third is set for May 14. Other provinces and even the federal government have followed suit, although in the case of Ottawa, it has yet to abide by a fixed date, largely due to the fact the first two Stephen Harper governments were minority governments. A number of observers have suggested that B.C. would be best to hold its elections in the fall, after the audited books for the previous fiscal year have been made available to the public. It is obvious from this year’s budget (and indeed from the 2009 budget) that budgets produced just before an election have more to do with attracting votes than managing public finances. All provinces except Nova Scotia have now set fixed election dates. All but Alberta hold their elections in the fall months — September, October or November. B.C. would be wise to follow suit. No matter which party is elected on May 14, a move towards holding the next election in September, 2017 would make a lot of sense. September would be the best choice, given that municipal elections are held in November, and there will be occasions where both are held in the same year. The fixed date for a federal vote is in October. While it is unlikely to see elections in the same year (the next federal date is likely Oct. 19, 2015), any likely conflict should be avoided. - Black Press

B.C. Views

Joe Oliver on oil, gas and coal

Tom Fletcher Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver attended last week’s international conference in Vancouver on liquefied natural gas development. I spoke with him about Canada’s energy exports and emissions. Here are excerpts from that discussion: TF: President Barack Obama’s recent state of union address seemed to hint at approval for the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to U.S. refineries, with perhaps some measure to go along with it like a carbon cap and trade market. Your government has backed North American cap and trade before. Would you do it again?

OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

JO: No, we’re not thinking about that at all. The U.S. Congress is opposed to that concept from what I understand. TF: Your party ran ads targeting NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and equating cap and trade with a carbon tax. They’re not the same, are they? JO: The end result is that taxes increase because of how we handle carbon. It hasn’t been successful in Europe at all. Anyway, it’s not part of our thinking. We are making significant progress on greenhouse gas emissions. Our recent regulations regarding heavy-duty vehicles, the previous rules regarding cars and light trucks, which are identical to the U.S., are going to be helpful. And also the rules relating to coal-fired electricity. It’s our ob-


Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO

jective to see all those coal plants closed, and in that regard we’re certainly ahead of the U.S. Coal is contributing 40 times the greenhouse gas emissions of the oil sands. And actually the oil sands are less than half the emissions from coal-fired electricity in the state of Illinois. We’re moving with the U.S. on the over-arching objective of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 17 per cent from 2005 to 2020, but we’re also doing other things that the U.S. hasn’t yet decided to do. We’ve been approaching the reduction of emissions on a sectoral basis, and the next area of focus will be regulations in the oil and gas sector. TF: You’re comfortable with the idea that exporting LNG that replaces coal is an appropriate step at

Standard The Hope

this time, one that’s doable as opposed to these Kyoto-type gestures? JO: It is doable. And on a global basis, this would be a very significant development. If China, for example, could significantly move from coal to gas, that would have a huge impact. Canada’s small. We’re about two per cent of global emissions. We have to do our part, that’s the responsible thing to do, but it’s the big emitters that are going to make the difference to global emissions. TF: International Energy Agency talks about self-sufficiency in the U.S., oil and gas, by 2035. What does that mean for the Canadian economy? JO: Firstly, I don’t think they’re going to be self-sufficient in oil. North America will be self-sufficient in gas and oil.

DEADLINES Display Friday 4 p.m.

Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.

E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




2 26

PublishEr AnDrew FrAnKlin 604-869-2421

Editor Kerrie-Ann Schoenit 604-869-4992

AdvErtising PAttie DeSjArDinS 604-869-4990

540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.



What it means is, for gas we’re going to have to find new markets, and for oil we’re going to have to find markets to sustain the growth in supply. The United States will still be a big buyer of Canadian oil. We’re shipping about two and a half million barrels a day, of which a million comes from the oil sands. Right now we’re losing about $50 million a day because of the crude oil bottleneck in the U.S. midwest, compared to international prices. We absolutely must find new markets, which is why our government in principle is supporting the transport of oil and gas to the west, to the east, continuing to the south and possibly even the north. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com

ClAssifiEd/CirCulAtion jAnice McDonAlD 604-869-2421

BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A7


People should pick up after their dogs Paris has nothing on Hope when it comes to dog poop! I’ve lived here a year now and think Hope is the most attractive place to have retired to. Regrettably too many of the dog owners here think otherwise. Dog poop is everywhere – in the parks,

school grounds and lawns all over the town. On March 2, while walking my dog, two large dogs, a black lab and shepherd-cross, had free run in the park, not an owner in sight. Both left a large deposit next to the playground (hopefully

it is not your child, grandchild, or you who steps in it). Later I saw the dogs in a small van unattended again by the invisible owner. After picking up and depositing my own dog’s droppings, I took him for a run in the school ground at Fourth Avenue and Park Street. Again

the amount of dog feces was disgusting and this was a school playground! I can only assume the dog owners are too lazy or too thoughtless to have the privilege of owning an animal. I would think others have similar concerns! Stan Kirkpatrick

Capitalism — free enterprise —corruption. No other economic system has ever produced such wealth for people as capitalism. The term “free enterprise” has been battered lately. Enterprise is not free, in our governing system, it is really “taxed and regulated private enterprise.”

Corporations have been around for a long time, as has the structure of capitalism, financial markets, manufacturing, trade, construction, etc. Together, they form private enterprise, the engine that drives our economy. Government’s role is to provide and enforce the laws, tax structure and regulatory framework for private enterprise to function, and to do this

openly, honestly and at arm’s length. When government crosses the line and gets in bed with, (colludes in the corporation’s board rooms), the system becomes corrupt and breaks down. Many of us believe that has happened, as the BC Liberals have sold us out for favours and quid pro quo donations.

Our Auditor General (who will soon be leaving) has become the most valued office in Victoria, because he is perceived as non-corruptible and we are relying on him to save us from our government. It’s never been more apparent that we need to build a new centre-right political party, and the BC Conservatives have it underway. Roland Seguin

Provincial government must not cross line

Parents have the power to fight back against bullying Last Wednesday, I hope everyone wore pink and took a minute and think… the one thing every child will ask their parent(s) at least once is, “When will I ever need this information I’m being taught in school in the real world?” I have to wonder why we are not making a mandatory course in our

schools for every grade – from kindergarten to graduation – that will help teach our children respect, accountability, responsibility, acceptable behaviour and general human kindness. Yes, these are things to be taught at home, but as times change, social media and technology have changed the world. Why can’t we make a

change? Why can’t we make it part of the curriculum and give these kids the life skills they will be able to utilize throughout their life? Consider something like this, for primary level (kindergarten to Grade 4): “Friendship and Acceptance” ; for intermediate (Grades 4-7): “Community and Your Role in It”; and then for

high school: “Making a Difference.” We could incorporate social media, technology, community and teamwork. Maybe it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty and utilize the one source we all share – our schools. Maybe we can teach our children young enough that they won’t have a chance to grow

into a bully. We can break the cycle and make our schools a place where all our children want to go. Bullying changes people’s lives, but we as parents have the power to fight back and truly make a change. Or we can stay on this same path and just keep talking about it. Again, I hope you wore pink, not

Residents need to support facilities Great skating carnival “What a quaint little town,” remarked our American guests last summer. “And you not only have a curling club, a swimming pool, a hockey rink, a bowling alley, but also an old-fashioned cinema.” Most small towns in the good old U.S.A don’t have any of these facilities to brag about. But I can’t help but ponder on the overwhelming public outcry if any of

these leisure activities had to be curtailed through lack of use. For example, the Hope Cinema had no more than 10 people in attendance at a recent movie and it was a pretty good film too. My point is this: if we want all of these facilities to remain open to keep Hope a desirable place to live or visit, then we must be supportive of them. Pauline Cattrell



Are you going away for spring break this year?

Do you think the RCMP Musical Ride is a good addition to Hope Brigade Days?

To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard.com


The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters.


Circulation $1.10 per copy retail; $42 per year by carrier; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form, particularly by a photographic or offset process, in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.

To: All Yale First Nation Members


A Meeting of all Yale First Nation Members will be held at the Hope and District Recreation Centre on Thursday March 28, 2013 at 7 pm. It is extremely important that we get as many Band Members to the upcoming community membership meeting as possible! This is our Community’s chance to get a fair election process that does not violate our constitutional rights! If you have any questions, or require a ride or other assistance getting to the meeting, please contact Doug Hansen at 604-869-1597, or email hfmltd@uniserve.com 2/13w DH27

Sunday June 9, 2013

Lace up for someone you love

Here’s how you responded:

Yes 91% No 9%


I just arrived home after watching the best entertainment for only five dollars – The Hope Figure Skating Club’s Dr. Seuss-themed Carnival. Well organized, great skaters and astounding costumes made by Laurie Isbister. Many thanks to the volunteers, skaters and executive members for two hours of wonderful fun-filled entertainment. You should all be so proud of what you have brought to the community. Thanks! Sharen Hart

just because you “wish” bullying would stop, but rather because you really want to see a change and make a difference. Michelle Cozzuol

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992.

I walk for my overall health and to stay ahead of my MS. Janelle Member, The Hopefuls

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Tiger Excavating Ltd.

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Capturing You Photography

A8 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013

“Come Play with us”


August 20-24

...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved


Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist


News Tow dispute


A Canada Post trailer rolled into a ditch on Highway 5 near Coquihalla River last week. The truck owned by a private company was removed, however the trailer was left there for about 24 hours with Canada Post security guarding the mail following a dispute with a local towing company over payment. The Highway Thru Hell film crew was on scene to capture the trailer’s removal last Thursday.

Faces of Hope

how to play:

• Fill in the grid so that every row, every column & every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. • Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.

answErs for pUZZlE 381

Dr. Ernest Murakami was born in Vancouver in 1931. He obtained his Bachelors in Immunology & Bacteriology and his MD from the University of British Columbia (UBC). UBC honoured him with the status of Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus for his efforts to further the education of colleagues. Murakami retired as a family physician in 2008 following criticism of his research and treatment of Lyme Disease. His passion and interest in Lyme Disease began in 1994, with his first two cases in Agassiz and Hope. Over the years he has attended conferences on Lyme Disease and is the founder of the Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme Research in Canada. Naturopaths in British Columbia and Ontario will finally be able to prescribe oral antibiotEd MurakaMi ics for treatment of Lyme Disease starting this month. Over the years, he has helped build the Hope Arena, Fraser Hope Lodge and fought for the preservation of the Fraser Canyon Hospital in Hope. Last month, he received a Making a World of Difference in 2013 award by the Physicians Round Table in Tampa Bay, Florida. Murakami was also recently honoured with the first-ever Chilliwack-Hope Citizenship Award for his outstanding contributions to his community. - Contributed by Johanne Losier

March 6th Crossword Puzzle

6. Atomic #43 45. Swiss river 38. Possessed ACROSS 7. Arbitrager (inf.) 47. Black tropical American 39. US Nursing Organization 1. Utilization 8. Harvest grain cuckoo 40. Quickly grab 6. 2nd largest Estonia city 9. Broadcast images on the 48. Short stroke 41. Prosecuting officer 11. Spiral staircase center airwaves 49. Competent 42. WW II Crimean conference 12. Fisherman’s basket 50. Unit used to measure buttons 10. Nine county No. Irish province site 13. Gain an objective 13. Assist in some wrongdoing 52. Liabilities 43. Unstick 15. Aromatic pine resin 14. An old 78 card game of Italy 46. 20th Hebrew letter 53. Loafers 18. Thai monetary unit 16. They __ 55. A social outcast 47. The work of caring for 19. Ancient capital of Nabataea 17. Partner of Pa 56. Old Man’s beard lichen someone 20. Strays 21. To and ___: back and forth 49. Any high altitude habitation 58. County north of The Golden 21. Served food 22. Records electric brain currents 50. Atomic #3 24. “Rubber Ball” singer Bobby Gate 23. Female revolutionary descend- 51. Sea eagles 59. Short literary composition 25. Foot digit 60. Norwegian composer 52. Afghan persian language 26. Profound fear ants 54. A large body of water 28. Atomic #77 26. Doctor of Theology DOWN 55. Golf score 29. Faced up to 27. The People’s Princess 1. Disentangle stitching 57. Antarctica 33. Unit of pain intensity 30. Temperament 2. Plane passenger places 58. Magnesium 34. Confederate soldier 31. One of Santa’s helpers 3. Assoc. for Women in Science 32. Pakistani rupee 36. In an inconsiderate manner 4. 1st bible book (abbr.) 43. Blue Hens school 35. Divulging a secret 5. The in spanish 44. Yemen capital 37. Foreign Service Answers for februAry 27 crossword puzzle cAn be found in the clAssified section of this pAper

Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A9

Community Curling bonspiel



Sat., March 9th 7:00pm Prospera Centre





CHIEFS HOCKEY...CHILLIWACK’S TEAM For more details: 604.702.0062 www.chilliwackchiefs.net


pare to sweep. Thirty teams from around the province participated in the weekend event. The bonspiel winners were: A Event - Milward rink

from Lillooet, B Event Trick rink from Hope, and

C Event - Neid rink from Chilliwack. The ice at

Hope Curling Club is coming out this week.

3/13os C6

Ice man Roman Petryk throws a rock on Friday night at the beginning of Hope Curling Club’s mixed bonspiel, while Aki Medley and Seamus Shields pre-

2 nd AnnuAl

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A10 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Library considers mobile book case selling organization whose profits go toward funding literacy programs. With the proceeds of the book sale, we are considering purchasing a mobile book case to replace the current orange DVD/book sale case. The new unit would have casters and would be moveable if there’s a large crowd at a library event. This mobile bookcase would have been handy to have had when we had the pleasure of hosting author W.P. Kinsella last month. Mr. Kinsella read two unpublished stories to a sizeable audience. A very successful event and we hope to see Mr. Kinsella return to do another author reading in the future! Back to the future, this coming Spring Break, we’ve upped the number of programs we are offering. Unfortunately, the teen program has been cancelled but we have a talented entertainer – Joseph the Magician (appearing as if by magic!) on Thursday, March 21 at 11 a.m. and a Spring Fling in partnership with Hope & District Recreation & Cultural Services. Participants will decorate eggs and then devise a clever method of protecting their creation. The creator of the egg that survives intact wins! All month long we are collecting international cookie recipes in cel-


Just where does the time go? The winter sped along and most items checked out today won’t be due back to the library until the end of March. In those three weeks, we will have had a women’s day celebration (March 8), Pi Day (March 14), a Spring Fling (March 19), a magic show (March 21), and celebrated Multicultural Month with a Cookies from Around the World event (March 22). Not to mention Spring Break, a change of time, and St. Patrick’s Day! And by then we’ll be headed toward Easter and .... drier weather too? At the end of February, volunteers with Friends of the Hope Library worked hard at the Great Big Annual Book Sale, raising Deb nearly $1,000 for the li- Ireland brary. This group of dedicated volunteers deserve a big round of applause for all they do to support the library and its programs. All of us at the library would like to heartily thank the volunteers who helped as well as those people who supported the sale. Leftover books will be donated locally, some will be turned into art at the Repurposing the Book event on International Women’s Day this Friday, and the rest will be shipped to Better World Books, an online book-

ebration of Multicultural Month. On March 22 as part of Spring Break we will have tasty international cookie samples at the library from 2-4 p.m. Don’t have a cookie recipe to share? We have lots of cookie recipe books at FVRL – look for the call number 641.8654! Wrapping up the month, photographer John Gordon (March 27) will be here to share his photographs of the United Kingdom. He was in Hope last March with his Grizzly Bears of the Khutzeymateen program. Get your tickets for the Friends of the Library third annual Hope Library Quiz Night fundraiser in order to compete for the prestigious Hope Highbrow Award on Friday, April 5. This year’s theme is fitness and health. The award has been won by “The Quizards” two years in a row. Deb’s Pick: Visitors to the library might notice a new display these days - Kristin, an avid reader, is keeping the “Staff Picks” shelf stocked with all our favourites, of which are available for taking home. On that shelf, is one of my current favourites: Emma Donoghue’s Astray. The author of Room has recently published a book of short stories based on small snippets of historical fact. Donoghue takes that historical morsel and works it into some tasty and entertaining fiction.

Author visit


Canadian author Rachna Gilmore visited Coquihalla school last Thursday, to speak to students about her books and about the writing process. The visit coincided with the annual Reading Link Challenge, which is coordinated by the Fraser Valley Regional Library and school librarians in the Fraser Valley. About 100 students from Coquihalla, C.E. Barry and Silver Creek schools attended the talk.

Are you on the voters list? Elections BC is conducting an enumeration and updating the voters list for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Are you registered to vote? It’s easy. It’s convenient. You have choices. Be ready. Your choices to register to vote or update your voter information are: Online Register or update your information on Elections BC’s Online Voter Registration (OVR) system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at elections.bc.ca/ovr. You need a B.C. Driver’s Licence or a Social Insurance Number to use the system. (OVR) By Phone Call Elections BC toll-free at 1-800-661-8683, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturdays. In Your Community From March 6 – 23, temporary voter registration opportunities are at hundreds of locations throughout the province. View electoral district voter registration opportunities at: elections.bc.ca/registration-opportunities.

Is there someone registered at your address who no longer lives there? Call Elections BC or go to elections.bc.ca/remove to have them removed from your address. Who can register? You are eligible to register to vote if you: . are a Canadian citizen, . are 18 or older, . have lived in B.C. for the past six months. Election workers required: Over 37,000 election workers are needed to work for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. View available postings at elections.bc.ca/jobs.

B.C. voters can also register or update their information when they go to vote in the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Elections BC is a non-partisan Office of the Legislature responsible for administering the Election Act, the Recall and Initiative Act, and the conduct of referenda under the Referendum Act .

find us on

elections.bc.ca / 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 8 6 8 3

Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A11


East meets West

Jan Toland and Mike Steer have teamed up for the new backroom exhibit at Hope Arts Gallery this month. Toland moved to Mador, Ontario after retiring in 2005. She found her inspiration while living on the Canadian Shield and spending time in Algonquin Park. Toland paints in watercolors and acrylics, reflecting her love for nature and wildlife. She moved to Hope in 2011 and now holds workshops in both mediums at The Art Machine on Thursday mornings. Englishman Mike Steer signed up for naval school training in 1956 and served in the Royal Navy for 10 years. He married his wife Mary in Scotland in 1962 and later immigrated to Canada in 1973. Steer took art lessons with former Hope RCMP Staff Sgt. Ed Hill in the late 1990s, as well as Chinese brush painting with local artist Marlene Easterbrook. He has also taken workshops in water-

CoMMuniTy CaLendaR lenging activities. Wednesday, March 13 6:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 228 344 Fort St. 604-799-8897 1789trg@gmail.com


Hope Al-Anon Group Meeting: Support for friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, March 11 8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078 obfuskat@telus.net


Seniors Coffee and Conversation: Join us for a cup of coffee . No membership required. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hope Library. Thursday, March 7 10:30 a.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2369


Community Choir: We practice weekly and present one or two concerts a year, as well as participating in the Community Christmas Carol Evening. Tuesday, March 12 7 p.m. Hope United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435 atlast@uniserve.com


Local artist Mike Steer will be showcased in a new exhibit Hope Arts Gallery with Jan Toland.

colors, acrylics, sketching and life drawing. An avid fly fisherman, Steer ties his own flies and has facilitated many fly-tying workshops.

Both artists will be at the opening reception for “East Meets West” on March 9, from 7-9 p.m. at the Hope Arts Gallery on Fort Street.

CWC Prayer Connection: Enjoy a great cup of coffee with some like minded gals who will guide you in prayer. Thursday, March 7 9:30 a.m. 22055 Trans Canada Highway. 604-869-8420 hopecwc@hotmail.com

Hope Homelearners Group Meeting: Learn, share and chat with other homeschooling families in your community. Children and caregivers are welcome. Tuesday, March 12 6:30 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-9441 scotti_erickson@live.ca

Easter Parade: Hope Christian Women’s Club Interdenominational Breakfast. Design and wear your own Easter Bonnet, enjoy songs by Harrison Hot Springs soprano Rosanne Rumley and hear Chilliwack writer Christine Schmidtke speak about “What Becomes of the Broken Hearted.” Thursday, March 14 9 a.m. Kimchi Restaurant 621 6th Ave. 604-869-8420


Westie Army Cadets Training: The 1789 Royal Westminster Regiment Cadet Corps program prepares youth age 12 to 19 to become leaders of tomorrow through fun yet chal-

hopecwc@hotmail.com Spring Break Extravaganza: It’s either apple/cherry/ mince... chocolate? Or it’s 3.141592653589793238462…? This is the day to celebrate pi/ pie, so don’t miss the displays and edibles at your library! Thursday, March 14 2 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl.bc.ca


East Meets West: Artist Jan Toland comes from the east coast. She paints animals, birds, flowers and landscapes. Mike Steer is a west coaster who creates far eastern oriental artwork. They have come together to display their work in the back room of the Hope Arts Gallery for the month of March. Come by, have some refreshments and meet the artists on Saturday, March 9 from 7-9 p.m. Hope Arts Gallery 349 Fort St. 604-869-5925 slblythe@telus.net


Cross Country Skiing: Equipment rental available. Half-day ski pass purchase is required. Meet at the Curling Rink parking lot for carpooling. Sunday, March 10 11 a.m. 1055 6th Ave. 604-869-9620


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A12 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Large turnout for Bowl for Kids Sake Hope event raises $3,400 for Big Brothers Big Sisters

Barry Stewart

ley but local sponsors helped reduce the cost of putting on Small town spirit grew into the event in Hope. As it was big time fun, Friday evening, the 100th anniversary of Big as teams of bowlers gathered at Brothers Big Sisters in Canada, Sunshine Lanes to donate some Dutchie’s Bakery donated a spare cash to make a positive cake. Panago Pizza supplied free change in the lives of disadvan- snacks for the bowlers and the taged kids — and have a bit of Hope Lions and Adams Freight also donated. fun at the same time. Also bowling in the second Bowlers brought pledges or draw were Roland and Diane their own donations for the Big Brunet. Brothers Big Sisters organiza“Diane will be an in-school tion and when it was all totalled volunteer mentor in Hope,” said by event coordinator Angel Elias. “We have three levels of Elias, the people of Hope had donated $3,400 toward the men- mentorships. We have commutorship programs offered by the nity-based matches, which involve visits of two to four hours organization. Elias said that four nights a week, outside of school hours. of bowling in Chilliwack had There’s also in-school mentorraised $20,000 — so Hope’s total ing that is one hour per week. was significant, considering the And there are group sessions, ‘GameOn’ for boys and ‘Go much smaller population. “Hope has been a huge sup- Girls’ for girls. The group sesporter, for such a small commu- sions are usually run by univernity,” said Elias, who works out sity students. “All of our volunteers have to of the Abbotsford office. “Last year, we raised $4,000 in Hope pass through a vigorous screen— but there was one individual ing process,” said Elias. “They who wasn’t bowling this year have to meet national stanwho came in with a couple of dards.” The Big Brothers Big Sisters’ thousand dollars in pledges. “In bigger centers, we have Canadian website says, “We beto pay for the bowling,” add- lieve every child should have the ed Elias, “but Sunshine Lanes opportunity to reach his or her didn’t charge us a thing. Basical- full potential, both as individuly, what we made tonight comes als and citizens – that by doing so, they will not only do well, back to local programming.” Facility owner Drew Paton they will also do good. “We believe that by changing said, “This is their third event since I’ve been here. It’s the least the course of young lives we can we can do to help out. It’s a great in turn be changing the course cause. It’s good to see the kids of a community’s future. That it could lead to a reduction in out too, helping other kids.” Unlike last year, the event poverty and unemployment. Or needed two sessions. Cooper’s to safer schools and neighbourFoods and Free Rein brought big hoods. Or to a renewed optiteams for the 5 p.m. draw, along mism for growth. That it could with kids as young as three years even lead to change on a broadold. Paton had set up the gutter er, more far-reaching scale. “We believe that opening a guards that keep shots from going sideways — ensuring suc- child’s eyes to what is – opens cess for bowlers of lesser ability. their mind to what could be.” If you would like to help make “Envision Credit Union, Jamie Davis Towing and the film a difference in the life of a local crew of Highway Thru Hell came boy or girl — or if you know of out for the second shift,” said a boy or girl who would benefit Elias. “It was a lot of fun.” from having a mentor — Elias Prospera Credit Union is invites you to call the Abbotsthe main sponsor of the events ford Big Brothers Big Sisters’ ofthroughout the Fraser Val- fice at 604-852-3331. Hope Standard


Ali Harwood of Free Rein’s “Partygoers” team unleashes her shot during the Big Brothers/Big Sisters “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” event at Sunshine Lanes last Friday. Event coordinator Angel Elias said $3,400 was raised in donations, which will be used for local mentoring programs.

This week’s events at the Rec Centre Bronze Medallion

Starts March 11 10:00am-5:30pm

Spring into Wreaths & Centerpieces Thursday, March 14 6:30pm-8:30pm

Lots more programs/details are available online!

Red Cross Babysitting Course

Friday, March 15 9:00am-4:30pm

Spring B r Day Ca eak mp s tarting March 1 1

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Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013 A13





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A14 Hope Standard, Wednesday, March 6, 2013






BRAY, Audrey Joyce June 25, 1929 February 21, 2013 Audrey Bray passed away on February 21, 2013, peacefully with her family by her side. With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, she knew it was her time to fly. Audrey was predeceased by John F. Hunt, her spouse of 30 years. Left to cherish her memory are her 5 children, many grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was born in Regina, Sask. and spent most of her life in B.C. She lived happily in Hope for the last 25 years. Thank you dearly to the doctors and staff at the Fraser Canyon Hospital for all the special care given to Mom. There will be no service at this time. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Fraser Canyon Hospital in Audrey’s memory.

Alice (Andrychuk) Fletcher of Hope, beloved wife of David Fletcher, passed away gently in Hope, BC on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at the age of 82 years. She will be missed by Dave, her husband of 60 years, her daughter Judy (Keith), special grandson Ryan, sisters; Francis and Josephine, brother Steve, and their families, as well as countless friends and neighbours. A Memorial Service was held at 11:00 am on Monday, March 4, 2013 at MARTIN BROTHERS CHAPEL OF HOPE FUNERAL HOME, 1270 Ryder Street, Hope, BC, with Valerie Martell-Kostiuk, celebrant. No flowers by request. Those who wish may make donations in Alice’s memory to the Fraser Canyon Hospice Society, 1275 7th Avenue, Hope, BC, V0X 1L4. Condolences may be sent to chapelofhope@martinbros.info



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ATLAS COPCO THIESSEN is looking for a Industrial Production Painter with up to 3 years of industrial painting experience. Using an airless spray gun, to paint machined steel parts/pieces efficiently and following standard operating procedures in an industrial paint booth. Full participation in all clean-up and maintenace functions. Perform other duties as required including general clean-up and the accurate and timely completion of paperwork. 100% participation in all company safety procedures Assets: Overhead crane and forklift experience Apply to janice.moult@ca.atlascopco.com

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HEAVY HAUL DRIVERS F/T Class 1 Heavy Haul Drivers required. 1 year low bed experience & ability to cross border a must. Please email DRIVER’S ABSTRACT with resume to:

robin@spruce hollowheavyhaul.com



JAMES Garden Ltd. requires 3 Farm Workers for Seasonal work starting around May 15-Oct.15. Approx. 50+ hrs/wk. Wage rate $10.25 hr. Duties are: planting, cultivating, harvesting, weeding, moving irrigation pipes,lifting etc. Fax resumes to 604-574-5921.



$100-$400 CASH DAILY for Landscaping Work! Competitive, Energetic, Honesty a MUST!





HOPE RATEPAYERS MEETING March 7, 2013 7:00 pm Council Chambers Everyone Welcome! HOPE STATION HOUSE jct of Hwys 1 & 3


GUARANTEED Job Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209


Sat., March 16 6:30 pm Great Music and Food $15.00



REWARD OFFERED for return of 2 sets of golf clubs. (604)869-9413



FOUND: Set of keys, on Coquihalla St. by Coquihalla School on Feb 20. Call to identify. (604)860-4989



STAVE LAKE Cedar Mills, in Dewdney, BC is looking for labourers and experienced shingle packers. These are full time positions and require heavy lifting. Apply by fax at 604-826-2379 or email at cnorthrop@stavelake.com. Call Colin at 604-826-6764 for more information.

142 OFFICE SUPPORT/CLERKS ADMIN SECRETARY fr Abbotsford Church, 20 hrs/wk. Professional, self-starter, excellent MS Office, 40 wpm, social media. Details at: AnglicanAbbotsford.com. Send resume to: cweleanor1@gmail.com subject line “St. Matthew” by March 14, 2013



ARE you the one? Marketing Coordinator: creative, with social media skills and an ability to “get it done”, we want to talk to you. More information at www.NATSnursery.com/employment.php




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604-746-6777 2459 McCallum Rd. Abby. *****Hiring New Girls*****




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Part time, Apply in person

Slumberlodge Motel 250 Fort St. Hope

Wild and Crazy, Can’t Be Lazy






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BARCLAY FLETCHER CONTRACTING, complete home reno’s, additions & more. (604)869-1686

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Running this ad for 8yrs

PAINT SPECIAL 3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour


(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services.

CANYON CARPETS, 549 Wallace St., Hope. For all your floor covering needs! Call 604-869-2727




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YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899



GLEN TRAUN LANDSCAPING, Commercial & Residential yard maintenance. Call 604-869-2767


C & C Electrical Mechanical


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Heavy Duty Mechanic Emil Anderson Maintenance Co has an immediate opening for a Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic at our Hope Repair Facility. Your duties will be to assist with the service, repair, and overhaul of a varied fleet of highway maintenance equipment. Preference will be given to the person who possesses a Class 3 drivers licence c/w air endorsement and also a Commercial Vehicle Inspection certification, though all applications will be considered. This is a long term employment opportunity that offers an excellent Union wages and benefits package. Please fax your application to: Emil Anderson Maintenance Co. at (604) 794-3863 Attention: Equipment Manager Closing date: March 8, 2013 02/13T_EAM26

BOOKKEEPING SERVICES REQUIRED AdvantageHOPE (Hope Business & Development Society) wishes to hire, on a contract basis, an individual or company to provide bookkeeping duties.

The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications:

$440/wk, up to $800/wk

Cindy 604-777-2195 74



ALLSYS IT, new computer sales & service. 604-869-3456 or info@allsyscomputers.com

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EXCAVATOR Operator req’d. Prefer experience in Residential Excavation. Fax resume 604-460-7853 email wmader@telus.net

Maple Ridge shop req. full time Fitter/Fabricator with specific pressure vessel/heat exchanger experience. Can interpret shop dwgs is well versed in layout, fitting and tacking of pressure vessel tube and shell heat exchangers & tanks w/minimum supervision. Competitive Salary, with Benefits Including Pension. Please e-mail resume emmfg.com




Licenced Heavy Duty Mechanic The successful candidate must be certified with a minimum of 5years experience in field. Skills included ability to repair, troubleshoot, adjust, overhaul and maintain mobile heavy-duty equipment used in construction, transportation, and mining. Offering competitive wages and career advancement for the right individuals.

Send resume to: Email: hr@jakesconstruction.ca | Fax: 604-702-5609 02/13H_JC28

• Proficient in Simply Accounting software • Ability to advise the Board and Executive Director on best practices as well as provide regular reports on financial health and society budget status. CLOSING DATE: MARCH 15, 2013 START DATE: ASAP This contracted position is for 8 hours a month. Interested applicants should submit their resume/ qualifications,cover letter and bid price to AdvantageHOPE (Hope Business & Development Society) Executive Director – Tyler Mattheis PO Box 37, Hope, BC V0X 1L0 ExecutiveDirector@AdvantageHOPE.ca Only those candidates interviewed will be contacted.



Wednesday, March 6, 2013, Hope Standard A15



PETS 477


BERNESE Mountain Dog Puppies. Vet checked with first shots and ready for loving homes. $975. Langley area. 778-241-5504.

FULL PLUMBING SERVICES • Hvac Gas Fitting • Electrical *Free Est. *Licensed *Insured 24hr. Emergency Service

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BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS, pure bred at Diesel Kennel, 3 male, $1500. each. Call (604)869-5073


UNDER $200


ALUMINUM RAMPS for loading cars& trucks, 11’,strong,prof. made, 2, $195 each. Call (604)863-2255 PORTABLE GENERATOR, new 950 W, Power Force King Canada, $125. firm Call (604)863-2255

CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866

1/2 Acre lot in Hope for Modular Home. Rent or buy the lot. New home $129,900. Call Chuck 604-830-1960.

353 ROOFING & SKYLIGHTS GL ROOFING. Cedar shakes, Asphalt shingles, flat rfs. Cln Gutters $80. Liability Insur. 1-855-240-5362


BRANDNEW PILLOWTOP QUEEN MATTRESS SET. In packaging. Incls. Warranty $200! 604-798-1608

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604.562.0957 or 604.961.0324




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FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514

PETS 477


Shihtzu(3/4) Papillon x pups, 3m tri-colour, dewclawed, deworm, home raised with both parents. $300 604-795-6552


SEIZED-IMPOUND Vehicle Auction Sat Mar 9th @10:30 am, 231 Ewen Avenue, New Westminster, www.allcityauctioneers.com


UNDER $100

ALL SEASON TIRES, like new, 2, P-235/75, 15”, 99% tread. $100 for pair. Call (604)863-2255 ALL SEASON TIRES, P205 70, 15”, 2, 90% tread, $50 for pair. Call (604)863-2255 ALUMINUM WHEELS, 15”, factory, fits Blazer and Jimmy, 4, $75 for set, no tires. Call (604)863-2255 ALUMINUM WHEELS fits Jeep or Cherokee, 15”, set, gold centers, no tires. $85 for all. (604)863-2255 HOOVER upright vacuum cleaner, $45, works great! Call (604)8632255 KENWOOD STEREO, CD & cass, 3 ft high speakers, beautiful sound. $95. Call (604)863-2255 LEATHER JACKET, black, biker’s style, size M, excell. cond. $100. Call (604)863-2255 MAGS and tires,17”,215/45ZR17, fits Cavalier/Sunbird etc., very sporty, $100. Call (604)863-2255 OFFICE CHAIR, black with arm rests, exc cond. $35. (604)8632255

American Bulldog X adorable pups w/papers, med-lrg dogs. Fem $650 Male $850. Mike 778-230-3987


SINGLE TIRES with lots of tread, 10, 13” - 15”. $10 each or $75 for all. Call (604)863-2255



Ladies Auxiliary


PRESA CANARIO P/B UKC, fawn Both parents approx 150 lbs. $950. Call 604-302-2357 PUG avail for stud service. He is a rare silver male, purebred but not registered, $700 or puppy back. Also Golden retriever (not reg.) avail for stud $600 (OFA hips and cert eyes) Mission 604-820-4827






Legion Hall Sunday, March 10 9 am - 2 pm Table Rentals call 604-869-2174



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HOPE, For rent 1 small bedroom home, furnished with heat and light. A mobile home, better than an apartment, no noisy neighbour on the other side of the wall. In a 55 plus community. Call for appointment to see. 604-240-3464



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HOPE, 2 bdrm duplex, convenient location, newly renovated, adult oriented building, new s/s appliances, avail. now. Call (604)813-4028


566 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SHERLOCK-MANNING PIANO, 40” x24”x57”, 88 keys, 2 pedal w/ stool, excell cond., for pics Call Dwight (604)869-5408


Gordon 604-240-3464


HOPE, 3 bdrm mobile home, in quiet park just outside of town, reasonable pad rent, needs some TLC. $15,000 OBO. Call 604-869-2022



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Call Gordon 604-240-3464 HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203

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Auto Financing 1.800.910.6402






HOPE, 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT., for rent $500 - $600, Park Royal, heat & hot water inc., balcony, covered parking, 55, NP, NS. Best Loc Hope. Ref’s required. Call (604)860-0236 Linda or (604) 8251444 HOPE:

1 bedroom apartments for rent on Wallace St. $600. Newly renovated. Great view of Mt. Hope. On site coin-op laundry. N/P, N/S.

Call (604)869-1301 or kflimited@hotmail.com HOPE

Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.

604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139

Coquihalla Courts 1030 3rd Ave. 2 Bdrm apt. $650 1 Bdrm apt $575

HOPE, room for rent, rent neg., N/S, Call or text for more details. (604)860-9466

1997 FOR F150 Supercab 3 dr 5 spd v6 st#330 $2900 2006 GMC 3500SLE crew cab 4X4 auto fully loaded long box only this week ST#198 $7,900 2006 FORD F350 crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good st#282 $10,900 2008 FORD F150 REG CAB 4x4 auto long box ST#207 $11,900 2003 FORD F250 XLT quad cab 4X4 7.3L pwr strk dsl shrt boxruns good ST#256 $12,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT CREW cab diesel 4X4 auto long box runs good ST#309 $14,900 2009 GMC HD QUAD cab 4X4 auto long box runs good Only This Week St#274 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel only 156K st#17 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto long box only 160Km st#310 $15,900 2006 FORD F350 XLT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto full loaded long box st#311 $15,900 2005 CHEV 2500 HD LS cr/cab Duramax diesel leather 4X4 auto ST#190 $15,900 2008 FORD F150 XLT super crew 4X4 auto fully loaded st#348 $15,900 2007 FORD F150 XLT super crew 4dr 4X4 auto very low kms only 86,100 fully loaded ST#348 this week only$16,900 2007 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab diesel 4X4 auto short box ST#275 $18,900

HOPE, Small apt and/or large room for rent, 1/2 block Kawkawa lake, $270-$290 + util. devaneall@gmail.com

33166 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford DL#31038



HOPE, 4 bdrm, 2 bath,huge yard, new kitchen & appl., in town, $950/mo, 604-392-7088/604-7012366 HOPE, 4 bdrm, 2 baths, 2 levels, 5 appls, private backyard. $1200/mo. + utils. Avail. immed. D.D. Req. Call: 1-604-721-4819.

HOPE, deluxe 1 bdrm apt., with walk in closet, fireplace & hardwood floors, $675/ mon., includes hot water, N/S. Call 1 (604)794-7132 or 604-819-6122



2004 CHEVY IMPALA - 4 dr. V-6, Air, Tilt, Cruise, PW, PDL, Air Care, Exc. Cond. $3600 (604)309-3135


SCRAP CAR REMOVAL 2 hr. Service www.a1casper.com (604)209-2026

HOPE, 4 bdrm home, beautiful park like grounds, downtown, walk to everything, $1450/mo, D/D, N/S, N/P, refs req, avail Mar 1. Call 1 (778)552-5293 Hope - 688 Hudson Bay St. 2 bdrm, w/d, f/s, freshly painted, non smoking, pets negot. $825/m avail. March 1, Ross Fullbrook Royal Lepage 604-792-0077 The Scrapper

HOPE, house for rent, 2 bedroom, new carpets, new paint job. $825/mon. Avail. immediately. Ref. & DD Req’d. Call 1-604-795-1433 HOPE, sublet country home, 1/2 bl. Kawkawa Lk, 2 bdrm + lrg loft, sm pets OK, avail. immed., $710. reply to devaneall@gmail.com SILVER CREEK, 1 bdrm, clean, quiet country cottage. Avail now. Call (604)869-5806


F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now. Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077

2002 CHRYSLER NEON 4dr auto Aircare sunroof runs good ST#147 $2,900 2005 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr auto sdn full load aircare st#276 $3,495 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto Aircare low km st#313 $3,400 2002 FORD FOCUS 4DR auto sdn Aircare low kms ST#350 $3,700 2002 MAZDA PROTEGE 4dr auto sdn Aircare ST#351 $3,700 2005 FORD TAURUS auto fully loaded air care low kms only 99km st#318 $4,500 2006 PONTIAC WAVE 4dr auto sdn low kms fully loaded Aircare st#353 $5,888 2007 PONTIAC MONTANNA 7pgr Van runs good no accidents ST#312 $5,900 2006 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto fully loaded st#292 $6,500 2006 SATURN ION 4dr auto sdn fully loaded st#349 $6,900 2007 FORD FUSION 4DR auto, loaded ST#250 $6,900 2006 CHEVY UPLANDER ex 7 pgr fully loaded ow km dvd st#342 $6,900 2008 KIA SPECTRA 4dr auto hatch back fully loaded st#352 $7,777 2007 FORD FUSION 4dr sdn aotu full load Aircare st#321 $7,900 2007 JEEP COMPASS 4dr auto 4X4 Aircare loaded ST#336 $8,900 2009 CHEV IMPALA 4dr auto, loaded ST#325 $8,900 2008 NISSAN SENTRA 4dr auto low km fully loaded st#332 $8,900 2009 NISSAN SENTRA low km 4dr auto st#328 $10,900 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA 4dr sdn auto full load low kms st#331 $11,900 2010 DODGE CARAVAN 7 pgr, fully loaded, roof rack st#355 $12,900


Advertise across the lower mainland in the 17 best-read community newspapers. Call bcclassified.com at 604-869-2421

HOPE, 3 bdrm home with view for rent, avail Mar 15, all appliances, large yard, N/S. Call 604-8699354



HOPE AUTO BODY, complete collision repair & restoration. www.hopeautobody.ca Call (604)869-5244

HOPE, 2 bdrm, 2nd flr, $750. Call 1 (604)525-1883



In a 55+ community in Hope. Mobile homes for sale 2 bedrooms from $14,000 to a brand new one for $74,000. 2- Vacant pads for rents.




For sale or for rent, in a 55+ community a 2 bedroom manufactured home. Better than an apartment. No noisy neighbours. For rent only a double wide home with 2 bedrooms and a den. References, criminal background check. One small pet OK under 20 lbs, N/S. Call for appointment. Now accepting applications. HOPE



2007 FORD RANGER, ext cab, 2wd, auto, air, 6 cyl, matching canopy, 200 hwy km, well maintained. $5500. 604-316-7285


NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com




New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $69,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960. Glenbrookhomes.net




MATTRESSES starting at $99 ITALIAN MASTIFF(Cane Corso) P/B blues, ready to go, 1st shots, tails/dew claws done. Ultimate family guardian $1000 (604)308-5665


HOPE, Retail Space available, 591 Wallace, 3 units + storage shed starting at $400/mon +hst, incl heat, water & garbage. Call Rob @ 604869-9763


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CASH PAID FOR Cars, Trucks, Equipment & scrap metal. Local Service. Call (604)869-2081 AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

A16 Hope Standard Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pixel Mountain Studio FUDGE: made with real butter & cream



Art supplies, framing & handcrafted items. We sell honey from Honeyview Farms

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ATTENTION CHAMBER MEMBERS This high-profile advertising space can be yours. Call Pattie at 604.869.4990 for more information.




Survey says..... The Branding Survey is over and the data has been gone through. Over 355 responses… holy smokes! We asked, and you answered – thank you to all who participated. The time, thought, and effort that went into the responses clearly sends a message that people in Hope are engaged and looking to continue moving in a positive direction. The raw data is now available on the Chamber website, www.hopechamber.net/about/hope-brandinginitiative/. They are unfiltered and uninterpreted… just the stats and unedited answers. These survey results, combined with the background research and the outcomes from recent branding workshops, will help us form the base of the Hope Brand in the upcoming months.

Doug Araki, CFP TF: 1-800-778-1133 ext. 213 C: 604-869-1862 E: doug.araki@investorsgroup.com W: www.investorsgroup.com TOO MANY THINGS


The branding initiative is still in full swing. There have a been a few stakeholder workshops where even more valuable insight was gained. A background report will be released around mid March, and there is a branding update open house being planned for late March, early April. More details to follow.


Local members:


At Envision Financial, we’re all about simplicity. At Envision Financial, all At Envision Financial, we’re all about about simplicity. simplicity. Drop by and havewe’re a conversation with one of Drop by aa conversation with Drop by and and have haveAdvisors conversation with one one of of our Financial today. our Financial Advisors today. our Financial Advisors today.



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than 5 employees) The Micro-Business Training Pilot Program is still running. This program is funded through the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation and delivered by the BC Chamber of Commerce. This program is geared toward training business owners instead of staff. Under this program, eligible micro-business owners can receive up to $1500 for general business training in a variety of areas such as Bookkeeping, Marketing & Sales, Management, Computing, Websites & Social Media. For more information on this program, contact us at 604-8693111, or visit our office at Pixel Mountain, 419 Wallace Street, (beside CIBC).

419 Wallace St. 604-869-3111 hopechamber.net info@hopechamber.net

PST Registration If you haven’t registered for the returning PST, there is only 1 month left before the PST comes back. You can register online or by phone.

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