Breaking news at
Vol. 8 • Issue 10
Thursday, March 7 • 2013
Selkirk students put on Museum hoping for more Guatemala fundraiser Friday funding for full-time curator See Page 3 See Page 4
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There was a crowd of close to 200 Rossland residents who came out to the Neighbourhood of Learning committee’s public information meeting on the future of K-12 education in Rossland Feb. 28. Arne Petryshen photo
$299,000 4 Bed, 2 bath, Renovated, Quiet location, Park Setting yard!
Rossland still stands behind K-12 ARNE PETRYSHEN Rossland News Editor
The school district may have recently passed a bylaw that closes MacLean Elementary 1st Trail Real Estate School and forces Rossland 1993 Columbia Ave. Rossland families to send their Grade 10-12 students to Trail, but that Yourdoesn’t Horoscopemean For thethat Weekthe battle is withover. Michael O’Connor inside Horoscope the West Advertiser OnKootenay Feb. 28 the NeighbourFor the Week hood of Learning committee with Michael O’Connor (NOL) held a public forum to
inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
talk about what the recent ruling by the board means to the strong push for K-12 in Rossland and where it could go from here. Aerin Guy, NOL’s co-ordinator made it clear that there are still many avenues that the committee will be pursuing. In a slideshow presentation Guy, along with Bernie Hofmann, who is involved with the blended learning program, and Aaron Cosbey, highlighted some of those avenues. Guy noted that a decision
was finally reached and now the committee could move on. “Now that the board has made their decision, we’re ready to move forward,” Guy said. The fate of MacLean, and the StrongStart program, are still up in the air, but the elementary school will likely be sold to SD93, which is the francophone school district that operates throughout B.C. It also means that, starting in September, Grade 10-12 students are slated to be bussed
Open the door to a great Mortgage opportunity.
down to J.L. Crowe Secondary School in Trail. Guy said it is also the end of blended learning, extracurriular activities for the senior classes and the loss of one third of the sports teams in the district. In a recent report, Aaron Cosbey put forward other impacts that not having K-12 in Rossland could bring, as well as an argument for why those who don’t have children or plan to have children, may still still find the option to raise
taxes to cover the K-12 cost an good one. Losing those top grades will make Rossland a less desirable place to live in and as well as less desirable to move to, Cosbey argued, saying he would not have moved if Rossland Secondary hadn’t been here. Cosbey said the loss of K-12 could result in loss of current and future families, as well as loss of revenue from international and academy schools. See Alternatives on P. 7
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Thursday, March 7, 2013 Rossland News
Community Lot Tell your community what’s happening! Send photos, stories, event listings, upcoming activities and regular group meetings to or submit your listing on our website at
march is...
• InternatIonal women’s day, march 8 • natIonal youth scIence festIval month • sprIng equInox, march 20 • world water day, march 22 • natIonal nutrItIon month
coming events
cIty councIl: Next regular meeting is Monday March 11 at 7 p.m.
rossland golden cIty quIlt guIld meets every Monday. The guild meets at the Se-
nior Centre on Rossland Avenue from 7-9 p.m.
rossland sacred hearts club CWL is hosting an 80th Anniversary Spring Tea
on March 16, at the Parish Hall. The event is from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Cost: $4. There will be a bake table. Everyone is welcome.
rossland news calendar onlIne: Upload events that are coming up free online at
sprIng flIng 2013 at the RockCut Neighbourhood Pub on March 13 from 5 p.m.
For $20 you will receive an RC cheeseburger, fries or salad and beer, plus an evening of funfilled entertainment. Bring your toonies for the famous “Toonie Auction” & “Peel & Pay.” Get your group together to play Name That Tune. Seating is limited. Tickets available at 362-9649.All proceeds are in support of the Canadian Cancer Society Support Services.
rossland retIrees curlIng club invites men and women interested in curling on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., to call Bill at 362-9462 or Jim at 364-1051. Beginners are welcomed!
Joe hIll coffeehouse Joe Hill Coffee House takes place the third Sunday of each
month starting in September. It carries a great Rossland tradition into a new season. The music starts at 7 p.m. in the Rossland Miners’ Hall, in a relaxing cafe setting with coffee, tea and good things to eat. Don’t miss the opening event of another season of fun! Les Carter, 250-362-5677,
open mIc nIght at the Flying Steamshovel every Wednesday at 9 p.m.
west Kootenay mInor lacrosse 2013 registration is now open. Forms can be picked
up/dropped off at Gerricks Cycle in Trail. Free Clinic taking place at Stanley Humphreys Secondary March 23-24 for new and returning players. Contact Tina at for info. Practices will be starting the week of April 15..
rossland radIo co-op: Open house every Monday from 3-7 p.m. followed by station
meeting at 7 p.m. More info:
traIl maple leaf band Monday evening practices 7 - 9 p.m. in the McIntyre Room at the Cominco Memorial Centre. Brass and woodwind players welcomed. For more info, contact Andrea McKay, 362-7604. rossland sKateparK commIttee 6-8 pm, first Tuesday each month at the Rossland
Library. Come be part of the process.
scoutIng For boys and girls, now at the Rossland Scout Hall. Beavers (ages 5,6,7) Tuesdays. Cubs (ages 8,9,10) Scouts (ages 11-14) Contact Tom Leask 362-7118. Accepting applications for Scout Leaders. columbIa dIstrIct gIrl guIdes Columbia District Girl Guides has units from Ross-
land to Salmo for girls aged 5 to 17. Call 250-367-7115. Leaders also wanted.
ycdc youth nIghts Free drop-in, 1504 Cedar Ave, Trail. Call 364-3322 or contact Art Night: Tue. 7pm; Movie Night: Wed. 6-8pm.
royal canadIan legIon br. # 14 rossland General Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on
the third Wed. of every month. All members of Branch #14 are asked to attend.
rotary club of rossland: Weekly meetings at the Rock Cut Pub, Mon., 6-8pm. All
welcome! Contact John Sullivan, 362-5278.
genealogy West Kootenay Family Historians, 7pm, first Monday each month, Sept to
extended lIft hours All lifts at Red Resort operate an extra half hour, until 3:30 p.m.,
June, SHSS, Castlegar. Annual fee $10. Contact Jean, 365-8100, or Grace, 364-1426.
school dIstrIct 20 meetIng The next school board meeting is March 11 at 7p.m. at
Nancy Greene Summit are ready for the snow season. If you would like to help cut firewood, make interesting repairs, or just learn where the huts are, get some exercise, and help put the “party” in work party, contact Les Carter at 250-362-5677, retrac01@telus. net.
until the end of the season on April 1.
the Blueberry Creek school.
scenestudIo: Acting for All! Rossland’s new acting school is open and offers ongo-
ing programming. Professionally trained in Theatre and Film and TV, working actors, G. Michael and Alicia Gray, teach these exciting and educational classes. 2010 Washington (in the historic BMO Building) (250)521-1559
golden cIty lIons: The Lions meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each
month at 6 p.m. at the Rossland Legion. Contact W. Profili at 362-7671
Highway Drive, Trail B.C.
nancy greene hut crew Once again, it’s time to make sure our favorite huts around
traIl sea cadets: Ages 12-18 Meets every Tuesday 6pm-9pm at the 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench. 1990 - 7th Ave Contact Richard Chanig at by calling 250364-6247. aIr cadets Meets every Wed. 6pm - 9:15pm at the 44 Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench
1990-7th Ave. Contact: Michelle Szabo at 231-5000,
Waneta Plaza, Trail B.C. A3
Rossland News Thursday, March 7 2013
Annual Beans and Rice fundraiser is this Friday Selkirk College nursing students preparing for April trip to Guatemala
ARne PeTRyShen Rossland News Editor
Selkirk nursing students are putting on a Beans and Rice dinner to fundraise for a trip to Guatemala. The students are asking Rossland to join them for a traditional Guatemalan dinner Friday at Rossland Secondary School. The dinner will support thirdyear Selkirk College nursing students who will participate in a practice experience to Guatemala this spring. Ten nursing students will travel to Guatemala in April for three weeks as part of an international experience. The students will share their knowledge and learn from four different grassroots organizations whose work, within their communities promoting health as a basic human right, has brought about significant positive social change. Mary-Ann Morris, who instructs the nurses at Selkirk, has lead the class each time. Morris said the group is fortunate to once again have the opportunity to travel to Guatemala. “The beauty of this particular trip is that we meet with the same practice partners, so the relationship over the years has deepened and the opportunities to work more collaboratively grow with those relationships,” Morris said. “We have 10 students going, all of them from the West Kootenays, so the experience for them is in coming to understand more fully how factors outside of the healthcare system come to influence people’s health and well-being, so they’re looking at those broader pieces of community health.” Morris said the students get a lot of
theory around broader determinants of health, such as housing, a decent living wage, inclusion in a community and potable water and sewerage and environmental health, how all of these pieces influence whether or not one is healthy and how a person lives in a community. “That’s a little bit more difficult to see in a country like Canada, where people who are struggling with those factors are invisible,” she said. “Or there is still a prevailing sense that somehow they are the fault, an individual issues, not a societal issue.” Morris explained that in a country like Guatemala, where those issues are so much more self-evident, students find themselves able to see it at home as well. “When they come back they are so much more aware of it,” she said. Students from last year will speak to their experiences at the dinner. Previous Selkirk groups visited urban free-trade zones, highland villages where community health and well-being is being affected by Canadian mining operations, and the remote north-eastern jungle region of the country, where government health services are almost non-existent. For the nursing students, the practical experience brings to life the incredible resilience, capacity, and creativity of the Guatemalan people. This helps to actively confront the formidable challenges to health that they face, and in doing so, poignantly illustrates the benefits of collaboration around health between the northern and the southern countries. A number of students who are about to graduate from the program live in Rossland. Five of them will be coming to Rossland to speak. This is the program’s seventh trip
Selkirk nursing students will once again be putting on the popular Beans and Rice Dinner, to raise money for their trip to Guatemala. The dinner is March 8 at 6 p.m. at Rossland Secondary School. Submitted photo and so far 62 students have graduated, with the majority working as nurses in the Kootenays. “It really does hit home. They have a much broader global perspective and so they tend to be more active in their professional bodies, in their community organizations and in their unions, to collectively influence change,” Morris continued. The dinner is the final major fundraising effort to send the group south in the spring. Abundant community support has been the foundation in making this international practice
experience possible, and they are grateful to local citizens, businesses and organizations. “Consequently, I think that’s why we’ve been blessed with incredible community support,” she said. “The students aspirations seem to really resonate with community members, and I’ve heard community members say ‘I’m physically unable to go but what you’re doing is precisely what I want to support, so we don’t really on corporate donations.’” Instead, it comes down to small individual donations that collectively
make up the effort. She said it’s not only individuals, but community businesses as well, which have been consistently generous in donating items for things like the silent auction. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Friday, with dinner at 6 p.m. That will be followed by a presentation by last year’s students. Cost is $10 at the door. Children are welcome. For more information please call 354-4791.
their house values (but not a drop in taxes) if there is no K-12 in Rossland. Even a 1% drop in the value of the average home means a loss of $2,560 in equity for the homeowner — enough to cover a tax increase of $50/year for over 50 years. • Businesses in Rossland will be negatively impacted by the the loss of students shopping in the community after school hours, and parents shopping outside the community while they are transporting their kids. • K-9 means the loss of the Academy and International Programs at RSS. A conservative estimate sees International students contributing between $25,000 and $35,000 per year to the local economy, through homestay fees, tuition fees, parental visits, and discretionary spending. • Rossland’s economy would contract as families move away to K-12 communities, and as new families
decided against moving to Rossland because it lacked the K-12 available in other destinations. Lower population + same services = higher taxes. • The Blended Learning Program at RSS is an exciting, innovative program that needs to be given the opportunity to flourish. Tax implications The City of Rossland is examining several possibilities for covering the difference between the cost of K-12 and K-9 at RSS ($140,000/year). The options include short-term spending (e.g., a three-year agreement), and long-term spending (agreement in perpetuity). To give an idea what the tax burden might be: •If the City were to offer SD20 $140,000 per year for a three-year deal, paid back over five years, the tax increase to residents on an assessed
property value of $256,000 would be about $43/year for five years. •If the City were to offer SD20 $140,000 per year indefinitely, the tax increase per year to residents on an assessed property value of $256,000 would be about $64. Part of the negotiations could involve the City being able to use RSS as a community resource, housing Rossland Rec programs, renting out the kitchen and auditorium, etc. Our newly established working groups will meet soon to research the frameworks that would be required to establish a municipal school district or an independent school. To get involved, contact Aerin Guy at You can fill out the survey online at NOLTaxation or in person at the City of Rossland building on Columbia Ave.
Survey on Rossland schools is now available
AeRin Guy Neighbourhood of Learning
The Rossland Neighbourhood of Learning Committee would like to thank everyone who came out to learn and connect at last week’s public meeting at RSS. Your thoughtful questions and support are greatly appreciated as we move into the next phase of our fight to keep K-12 in the community. If you missed the meeting, or would like a review of the presentation given, an overview of the options is available at vssrossland. NOL has launched a survey to gauge Rossland residents’ appetite for a tax increase that would potentially support the availability of K-12
education in town. The City of Rossland is considering providing bridge funding in order to maintain K-12 in the community, but it needs a strong mandate from residents before taking action. We encourage all households to participate and indicate their willingness to pay tax increases for certain school options in Rossland. The survey questions also ask how much of a tax increase households are willing to pay and for how long. NOL has worked to provide residents with as much information as possible, particularly around the impacts of the loss of K-12 when balanced against an increase in taxes. Losing the ability to educate all of our children in Rossland has economic, social and environmental consequences for all residents. Impacts of losing K-12 • Homeowners will see a drop in
Thursday, March 7, 2013 Rossland News
Museum hopes city will help fund year-round employees ARne PeTRysHen Rossland News Editor
The Rossland Historical Museum and Archives is asking for $28,000, and potentially more, from the city to deal with operational matters. The problem comes as a result of the museums plan to become open yearround. Right now, the museum grinds down through the slower winter season and is only open full time in the summer. “It’s become apparent in the last few months that we really do need to have an employee year round at the museum,” Libby Martin, the museum’s president, said. “The directors that currently are attempting to do tasks that an employee would do under these circumstances.” Martin said the perception is that when the museum is closed there is nothing to do, when in fact that is not the case. She said that January to March is grant application time as well as when they start advertising for spring and summer opening hours. There are also the tasks of emailing, paying bills and other things. During the season, she said there isn’t the same amount of time for staff to look after objects, organize archival material and take research submissions. “A lot of that has to be done out of
season,” she said. Martin said they also learned recently that the museum’s longtime manager, Joyce Austin, will be retiring in 2014. Austin has been with the organization for over 30 years. “Much of what she does as manager has never been recorded, it’s all up here,” Martin said, pointing to her head. “We’ve been working on that, I’ve been trying to get procedures written down and so forth, but we also need to get a succession plan in place. That’s something else we’re working on.” Martin said that there will have to be an overlapping period where the extra employee costs will come into play. Already, the museum has changed its regular hours from seven days a week, to five days, other than July and August, which it hopes will give some time to the manager to work the two off days and get some of the other work completed. The museum is planning to hire another full-time employee to run the desk and visitor’s centre, which should allow the manager to manage and curate. Martin said, at the moment, the manager spends a lot of her time taking people’s money at the front desk, which, she noted, is not the most pertinent of her duties. “Unfortunately, all this is going to cost some extra money,” she said. “We really want to carry out these plans, and we will need more fund-
The Rossland Historical Museum and Archives is hoping to secure at least $28,000 from the city to pay for a new manager and curator, as it will soon be open throughout the year. Submitted photo ing than in previous years. We have been looking at granting opportunities, but I’m sure you’re all aware that it’s really hard to get funding for operational procedures. It’s almost an impossibility. You have to create a project, that then requires someone to do the project, you then have to make sure that project is sustainable once that person’s job is done. So you have to be very cautious about that.” They hope that once the Gateway Project comes to fruition, the funds would be a carry over. Martin wants to see the museum become more financially sustainable, but conceded that it is hard right now without a drawing card. Profili said the museum traffic will most likely increase once the hours are set, since they have had some
partial hours lately. He said it would be wise for the museum to be open during the ski season. Martin said they need the consistency of being open three or so days in the winter months, so that people will know it is open. The museum is also in talks with Teck to make the ore dumps more visible by taking down some of the trees that are growing around the museum site. Profili said he submitted a budget of $28,000, but would like to double that. “When you start talking about full-time employees, if you look at hiring someone with credentials like we’re looking at, by the time you put a loaded factor in there, you’re looking at close to $50,000 for that
employee.” They hope to hire a manager and curator full-time, as well as a student tour guide, and a full time person to run the visitor centre, which does generate some funds. That extra person could also lead tours, as they hope to bring the number of tours up. “We are trying to reach out to the schools again, to try to get them to come back. Before, when they came, it was because the tunnel was open and it was a fun outing,” she said. “We’re working on an education plan, we’ve been talking with students, we’ve applied for a gaming commission grant to try and set up some kind of educational program, where the students would come to the museum as part of their curriculum.”
Recreation department introducing new bursary program ARne PeTRysHen Rossland News Editor
Rossland Recreation has created a new kids bursary fund that it hopes will assist low-income families with the expense of social and recreational programs. Robin Hethey, from the recreation department informed council of the move, which came after community members expressed a desire to be
able to donate money to the recreation department to be made available for those families that need it for recreation based programs. The program would pay $100 for a program to a child in need. Hethey noted that the department has had trouble in the past giving out of donations, as they have to keep them at “an arms length” from the department. They used the Rossland News, as well as the Rossland Legion to get around those difficulties. “With the recent donation of al-
most $7,000 from the Jr. and Sr. Warriors Teams, the recreation department reviewed our processes and created a Bursary Fund that would be administered in-house,” Hethey wrote. “The “at-arms-length” concerns would be addressed by having the council approve the applications in a confidential manner. The recreation department would simply distribute the information and collect the applications.” Coun. Tim Thatcher said it is an excellent initiative for kids that are
less fortunate to get involved with physical activities, but he said they have to be cautious, since there is only the donated money to use. Coun. Kathy Moore asked if they might be able to hold some of the money back so that over time it could be invested and grow. Corporate Officer Tracey Butler said that once council made a decision, staff would look into ways the money could be leveraged. Moore suggested that instead of You’ve having a sponsor in the community,
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TCARE: Trail Castlegar Augmented Response: Enhancing supportive services for persons and families living with life-limiting chronic illness Do you know someone living with a life-limiting chronic illness who would benefit from regular visits in their home from a health professional? We are looking for persons and family members living with life-limiting chronic illness (eg. heart or lung disease or cancer) to participate in a research project.
TCARE is a service that sends a health care professional into participants’ homes to teach them about the illness they are experiencing, to help them find the resources they might need and to listen and help with their concerns.
To participate in this project or find out more, please contact: • Brenda Hooper, BSN, MA, RN, TCARE Coordinator at 250-512-7721 or • Barb Pesut, PhD, RN, Project Supervisor, UBC Okanagan at 1-877-806-9955 or
who says whether or not the child is eligible, families could just present a tax return, which she said was something tangible, instead of just someone’s word for it. “If we’re trying to make it needs based then we should make it more structured,” Moore said, adding that the sponsor idea sounded “mushy” to her. Moore made an amended to have applications go to city staff instead of council and have applicants show a got Rossland News tax return to prove eligibility.
This service is free!
The Interior Health Research Ethics Board carried out an ethics review for this research project and made a determination that it met ethical requirements for research involving human subjects. A5
Rossland News Thursday, March 7, 2013
Jumbo Wild event next week at RSS Council amends animal bylaw
KootenAy MountAineerinG Club
City will soon permit leashed dogs downtown
The Jumbo Wild! “Take it to the People Tour” will entertain and inform Rosslanders with an evening of films, presentation and discussion on next Thursday. Jumbo is in the news again, most notably with the filing of an application for Judicial Review of the Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality by the West Kootenay EcoSociety. People on both sides of the Purcells are working hard to protect the ecological integrity of the Purcells and to challenge the constitutionality of a town without any people. Come out to get updated on the campaign by key activists. The evening will offer a mix and match assortment of films relevant to the proposed and still opposed Jumbo Glacier Resort development, including the rarely seen “River Spirits”. The film follows two world-class kayakers as mules pack their kayaks to the height of the Purcell Mountains. The kayakers make a spectacular and often funny first descent of Carney and Fry Creeks to Kootenay Lake. The 100 kilometre journey through pristine wilderness was directed by Art Twomey, the legendary protector of the Purcells who died in a helicopter crash in 1997. The film is a beautifully filmed and eloquent reminder of what’s at stake. Other films in the mix include “The Lost People of Mountain Village” which is one of the most hilarious, mock-umen-
Arne Petryshen Rossland News Editor
Rossland may soon be allowing dogs downtown, as council asked city administration, on Monday, to put together an amendment to the Animal Control Bylaw that will allow dogs to be brought downtown. The move follows a committee of the whole last week in which council members recommended attended dogs be allowed to be walked downtown. The committee also recommended that bylaw enforcement be increased once the bylaw is amended, as well as a fee structure for fines which will be applied cumulatively per dog, per offence, without resetting on a yearly basis. A motion for city staff to talk with the Rossland Chamber of Commerce to determine which businesses owners would allow dogs to
the Kootenay Mountaineering Club will host an event next week at rossland secondary school which will highlight aspects of the Jumbo Glacier. Submitted image taries ever made. Complete with real anthropologists like Wade Davis, it examines the disappearance of a Ski Resort culture. This is a film you want to see with a roomful of friends. The film was made by U.S. filmmakers Carol Black and Neal Marlens in Colorado. “Not in my Backyard” and an old CBC Venture program featuring some very
entertaining footage of the Grinch Who Tried to Steal Jumbo (aka Oberto Oberti), will round out the program. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. on March 14, with films and discussion starting at 7 p.m. Admission is by donation. Fundraising stuff, including Pixie Tanya Johnson’s wonderful t-shirt design, buttons, bumper stickers and books will be available for purchase.
leashed dogs will soon be permitted downtown. Arne Petryshen photo
be tied up behind their business, was defeated. The committee recommended that the bylaw also be amended to prohibit dogs from being tied up downtown. The committee deferred any decisions on a possible smoking regulation bylaw, which could prohibit smoking in public places, until after Interior Health makes a presentation in front of council on April 8.
Last chance to submit suggestions on Columbia River Treaty stAff Writer Rossland News
The provincial government is inviting Columbia Basin residents to two free conferences that will explore the future of the Columbia River Treaty (CRT). It will look at securing input on alternative future scenarios and how Basin interests might be affected. The committee in charge is encouraging basin residents to attend one of the con-
Adoption Dance of Joy... You can make it happen
sultation conferences, the closest one to Rossland will be in Castlegar on March 22. The committee explains that these consultations are the last ones planned by the province to fulfill its commitment to consult with residents of the Columbia Basin in hopes that their concerns are heard as part of the provincial review of the CRT. The CRT is an international agreement signed in 1964 by Canada and the United States to coordinate flood control and optimize hydroelectric power generation on both sides
of the border. “The province has completed a number of important studies, including analyses of the potential impacts of CRT scenarios on Basin interests,” said Deb Kozak, chair of the CRT local governments’ committee. “It is important that Basin residents attend these consultation conferences to express their views on the Treaty options and on local issues related to the CRT.” Decisions about the future of the CRT could influence how Canada operates local dams and 2.815x3
reservoirs for power, flood control and other values, including the environment. Those changes could impact, among other things, water levels, annual payments from the U.S. to B.C., and the amount of hydroelectricity generated in the Columbia Basin. The next session is in Golden on Wednesday, March 20 at the Golden Civic Centre from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Castlegar will host the nearest session on Friday, March 22 at the Sandman Inn from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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Thursday, March 7, 2013 Rossland News Publisher: Barbara Blatchford Editor: Arne Petryshen Sales: Monika Smutny 2114 Columbia Ave., Rossland 250-362-2183
Survey a chance to give city direction on K-12 funding The Neighbourhood of Learning committee, which is a committee of the City of Rossland, has now released its survey to residents. The survey is an opportunity for Rossland residents to give council direction on on the subject of funding K-12 in Rossland. Having a full-spectrum of grades in Rossland will only now come as a result of a partnership, legal battle or through private means. What is certain though, is that it will cost, maybe not in the long term, once some funding has been found or revenue genration plans have come to fruition, but at least in the short term, as there will almost certainly be a need for a bridge of funding to get to that stage. The survey asks how much you’d be willing to pay in increased taxes to cover K-12 in various scenarios. The survey doesn’t take long to complete and will give council a much better idea of what it should do. As it stands, council has overwhelming heard a voice of K-12 in Rossland, but sometimes, when the cost of that option comes out, the voices change. So this is your opportunity to get across a clear idea of what you, as a Rossland resident, would be willing to pay for K-12 education to stay in Rossland. Your input is important. It will help the city decide what it should be willing to spend.
We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Rossland News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should not be more than 300 words long. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: 2114 Columbia Ave. Rossland/ Box 970 V0G 1YO Phone: 250-362-2183 Fax: 250-362-2173 The Rossland News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Is a subsidiary of
BC Views: Joe Oliver on oil, gas and coal TOM FLETchER Black Press
Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver attended last week’s international conference in Vancouver on liquefied natural gas development. I spoke with him about Canada’s energy exports and emissions. Here are excerpts from that discussion: TF: President Barack Obama’s recent state of union address seemed to hint at approval for the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to U.S. refineries, with perhaps some measure to go along with it like a carbon cap and trade market. Your government has backed North American cap and trade before. Would you do it again? JO: No, we’re not thinking about that at all. The U.S. Congress is opposed to that concept from what I understand. TF: Your party ran ads targeting NDP leader Thomas Mulcair and equating cap and trade with a carbon tax. They’re not the same, are they? JO: The end result is that taxes increase because of how we handle carbon. It hasn’t been successful in Europe at all. Anyway, it’s not part of our thinking. We are making significant progress on greenhouse gas emissions. Our recent regulations regarding heavy-duty vehicles, the
previous rules regarding cars and light trucks, which are identical to the U.S., are going to be helpful. And also the rules relating to coalfired electricity. It’s our objective to see all those coal plants closed, and in that regard we’re certainly ahead of the U.S. Coal is contributing 40 times the greenhouse gas emissions of the oil sands. And actually the oil sands are less than half the emissions from coal-fired electricity in the state of Illinois. We’re moving with the U.S. on the over-arching objective of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 17 per cent from 2005 to 2020, but we’re also doing other things that the U.S. hasn’t yet decided to do. We’ve been approaching the reduction of emissions on a sectoral basis, and the next area of focus will be regulations in the oil and gas sector. TF: You’re comfortable with the idea that exporting LNG that replaces coal is an appropriate step at this time, one that’s doable as opposed to these Kyoto-type gestures? JO: It is doable. And on a global basis, this would be a very significant development. If China, for example, could significantly move from coal to gas, that would have a huge impact. Canada’s small. We’re about two per cent of global emissions. We
have to do our part, that’s the responsible thing to do, but it’s the big emitters that are going to make the difference to global emissions. TF: International Energy Agency talks about self-sufficiency in the U.S., oil and gas, by 2035. What does that mean for the Canadian economy? JO: Firstly, I don’t think they’re going to be self-sufficient in oil. North America will be self-sufficient in gas and oil. What it means is, for gas we’re going to have to find new markets, and for oil we’re going to have to find markets to sustain the growth in supply. The United States will still be a big buyer of Canadian oil. We’re shipping about two and a half million barrels a day, of which a million comes from the oil sands. Right now we’re losing about $50 million a day because of the crude oil bottleneck in the U.S. midwest, compared to international prices. We absolutely must find new markets, which is why our government in principle is supporting the transport of oil and gas to the west, to the east, continuing to the south and possibly even the north. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and Email him at
Rossland News Thursday, March 7, 2013 A7
Alternatives alive for K-12 in Rossland continued from P. 1
It will also leave the town with the negative impact of not having any grade 10-12 students in the city after school. In the presentation Hofmann, who works at RSS, layed out a number of scenarios that NOL will be pursuing. The first one is that the City of Rossland will be able to partner with SD20. This would keep K-12 at RSS and buy time to develop alternative options for eventual self governance. Hofmann said it would also allow time to develop a business model which could potentially be in partnership with Sustainability Commission. RSS would also be eligible for improvements and renovations. In this scenario the city could take ownership of Annex and use it for recreation programs. There could also be a partnership on RSS facilities, like the gym, auditorium and kitchen, and the city could take over marketing of
St.Andrew’s United Church The Church with the Red Roof Rossland B.C. No service in Rossland March 10th Joint Service Trail United Church @ 11:00 a.m. Pastoral Charge AGM and cold potluck immediately following service
Neighbourhood of Learning committee members explain what the options are for keeping K-12 in Rossland despite the recent ruling by SD20 that sends Grades 10-12 to Trail. Arne Petryshen photo the international and academy programs. ing would become a community asset and Another scenario is that the city buys the the school district wouldn’t be able to close RSS building. Hofmann said the operat- it. ing costs would be offset by leasing space to NOL has laid out all the options in a deSD20. tailed report on its website vssrossland. The thinking behind this is that the build-
Pool looking for qualified staff
Council of the City of Rossland, under section 24 of the Community Charter, has approved an extension of the current lease to the Rossland Radio Cooperative for an additional (1) year, for a portion of the City owned building located at 1807 Columbia Avenue (Rotary Health Centre). The lease will comprise of reduced rent for the year, $110.00 per month plus utilities. A copy of the agreement can be viewed by contacting City Hall (250)362-7396 or Tracey Butler, Deputy CAO/CO (250)362-2321
Recreation, Education, Community - Rossland Rec Department The Rossland Pool doesn’t open for several months, but we’re already looking for qualified, certified staff for the 2013 season. The outdoor pool opens at the beginning of June and closes at the end of August. The Rossland pool offers a full range of aquatic education – including School Board Lessons, Aqua Tot, Red Cross Swim Lessons, the Bronze courses and Swim Club. Applications will be received by individuals who possess their NLS and WSI. If you are currently working on obtaining your WSI and will have it by June 2013, please forward your resume indicating where you’re taking the course and when you’ll be completed. Resumes should be forwarded to the recreation department as soon as possible. The NOL committee survey regarding K-12 education in Rossland and the tax implications is in the mail boxes this week and needs to be returned as quickly as possible. If you don’t receive newsletters from the City in your mailbox, please log onto NOLTaxation to complete the survey. Deadline is next week, so don’t delay! The Rossland Public Library has lots of great programming running this week. The Lego Club starts this week, on Thursday, March 7 from 3-4:30 p.m. The Library will supply all the Lego – please leave yours at home to ensure it doesn’t get mixed up! On Friday, March 8 at 7 p.m., the library is hosting the NFB Film Night and they’re showing the movie, “Status Quo? The unfinished business of feminism in Canada”. Admission is by donation. For more information about all the li-
brary’s new programs, please call 250-362-7611 or email at Hip Hop & Jazz classes will be showing off their new skills with a Dance Party on Wednesday, March 6 at 5:00pm in the Miners Hall. All friends and family are invited to come and watch them perform their new moves. Arena Season is officially only two more weeks – so if you haven’t enjoyed Public Skating or taken in a Hockey Game, don’t delay…..Spring is right around the corner! The Arena officially closes on Friday, March 15, so if you would like to rent the ice, please contact our Department for available times. The Lil’ Gretzky’s Preschool Hockey Program is running for one more week on Monday, March 11 from 3:15-4:15 p.m. This is a fun introduction to skating, holding a stick and moving the puck around. Parent participation is required for this preschool program. Helmets and skates are a requirement for both. Public Skating for the week of March 4-10 is on Wednesday, March 6 from 6:30-7:45 p.m., Friday March 8 from 5-6:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 10 from 2:30-4 p.m. and again from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information about admission prices and skate rentals, please log on to the City’s website, at The information can be found under the City Hall, Arena page. The Rossland Figure Skaters Club is gearing up for their year-end ice show on Wednesday, March 13 at 4:30pm. Skaters as young as three years of age, all the way up to our Senior skaters in their mid-teens will be showing off their skills and de-
lighting the audience. Admission is by donation to this exciting, endearing annual show. The recreation department and art instructor Shelley Painter are running Spring Break Art Camps to help keep the kids busy and having fun over the Spring Break! Classes are held in the Arena Lounge from 2:30-4:30 p.m. and each day has a different art theme to look forward to. Some themes include; shadow puppets, block printing, stop action movies, beading and painting. The dates are March 18-22 (five day week) and March 25-28, (4 day week). Children ages 6-12 years can register for one day, several days or a full week. Spaces are limited and the instructor will require advance notice to ensure there are enough materials for each day. The Spring Brochure is almost done and should head off to the Printers by the end of the week. Lots of great, new courses coming up – starting in April! Boating Basics, Little Kid’s Rugby, Swimming Lessons, Tennis, Mountain Biking Courses, new Aerobics classes, and several new crafts courses are all being offered in the Spring. We’ll also be launching the new Kids Access Bursary Fund, a fund that Rossland kids ages 2-18 can access to help pay for the cost of recreation based programs, in our community. This fund came about with two very generous donations from the Jr. and Sr. Warriors who wanted to make sure that every child in Rossland could afford to play. Information about the fund and other exciting programs will be available soon!
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Thursday, March 7, 2013 Rossland News
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1633 Leroi Ave. Lower Rossland
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Sunshine & Storm Clouds WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU...
Send us your Sunshine or Storm Clouds to: Rossland News Monika Smutny - Office Administration/Sales Ph: 250-362-2183 - Fax 250-362-2173 Email:
Sunshine - To the Trail SPCA and the Fruitvale vet for their program to help spay/neuter and vaccinate pets. Too many people take on pets and can’t afford them, its good to know there is an option especially for young people starting out that helps them work off their payment by volunteering. Good incentive for taking on responsible pet ownership. Sunshine - To the young man who returned my sons missing skipass and goggles to the main office. There ARE good people out there, thanks! Sponsored by
2116 Columbia Ave, Rossland, BC • 250.362.5099 View our menu
Pet of the Week
This week’s pet of the week is Jersey cat. Jersey is a four year old domestic short haired, male cat. Jersey is a funny boy; he likes to cuddle under blankets, until he feels it’s safe to come out. He would do best in a quiet home without dogs or young children. He seems interested in meeting other cats, but would be fine in a home all to himself. Jersey would be best as an indoor only cat, as he is spooked easily and may run to far from home. Jersey is a very sweet boy and would love to cuddle with you under the blankets. If you can give this big boy a loving quiet home, please come down to the Trail SPCA today to meet him.
BC SPCA Trail Regional Branch
Pet Of The Week Sponsor
Fresh Regional Ingredients 2125 Columbia Ave. Rossland, BC (250) 362-5385
Jackie Drysdale, from the Rossland Heritage Commission, stands with Chick Gresley-Jones. Drysdale hosted an exhibit that showed off Rossland’s Heritage Homes binder. Arne Petryshen Photo
Rossland heritage featured in exhibit last month at the Rossland Gallery aRne PetRysHen Rossland News Editor
During Heritage Week, the Rossland Heritage Commission exhibited an inventory of heritage homes in Rossland. The exhibition showcased the 1986 Rossland Inventory of Heritage Homes binders, as well as maps of the historic neighbourhoods of Rossland that people can take, and a display of archival research material at the museum that people can access if they want to research their own homes. Jackie Drysdale, chair of the Rossland Heritage Commission hosted the exhibitions, where residents could browse the inventory while having a cup of tea and a slice of cake. The commission showed off their inventory from Feb. 19 -21. The exhibition focused on the homes and neighbourhoods of Rossland.
The Rossland Museum and Archives was also represented and offered a service where a resident living in a heritage home can research the building’s history. That includes such things as
who owned it, what it was worth, when it was built and what the taxes were back then. The museum continues to offer the service throughout the year.
Runaway wagon in Rossland back in 1913 MauReen BRown Rossland Hisorical Museum
Compiled by the Rossland Historical Museum from the pages of the Rossland Miner. 100 Years Ago February 1913 Golden City’s Sixteenth Annual Winter Carnival Opens Auspiciously Winter Carnival opened with a grand masquerade skating carnival at the big rink. There were over 170 on the ice in costume, and a total of nearly 700 in attendance. The rink was handsomely decorated with flags and streamers, the city band was in attendance, playing popular airs, and when the maskers in the early portion of the evening were in full motion, and who were largely augmented after nine o’clock by numerous skaters not en-masque, the rink presented a pleasing, vivid and picturesque scene, full of life and colour. A Wild Runaway on Saturday Afternoon Malcolm McKinnon’s express wagon team indulged in rather a wild runaway which ended in its colliding with a CPR train. The team was left standing momentarily near the Sister’s hospital, and then the two animals started. Away they went along Columbia Ave. to Butte St. and up Butte St. to First Ave. Then they went helter-skelter down grade to Washington, on to Spokane and turned into Columbia Ave at a good clip. Then they hurried along Columbia Ave., past the hospital and seemed determined
to cross the CPR track. The venerable Shay engine with a train of cars got in the way, however, and then things happened. The horses ran straight into one of the cars, as though determined to push the entire train off the track. After considerable effort the horses were taken out of danger and the train proceeded on its way. Vocal Music in a Rossland Mine The Elks’ Quartette of Spokane visited the Le Roi workings while here on Saturday. They went down to the 1,650 foot level, and while there they rendered “Auld Lang Syne.” The good old ballad was finely given and its notes reverberated throughout the mine. When they next visit Rossland they will sing on the 2,300 foot level of the Centre Star. 75 Years Ago February 1938 Interest in Triplets is Wide-Spread, Progress Good, Sister’s Hospital Three little babies in Mater Misericordia hospital, sons of Mr. And Mrs. Hans Knutsgaard, are causing more concern and interest in the golden city and over the entire province than some chronic international situations. And all because they made their entry into the world at one time - Rossland’s first triplets. Day by day their progress is being watched with anxious eyes by the entire community, and metropolitan papers in all the big surrounding centres have wired for stories on their progress. A medical report informed this office that all three are thriving “and doing as well as can be expected.” Mrs. Knutsgaard is also gaining strength each day.
If you’ve got a signal... A9
Rossland News Thursday, March 7, 2012
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Well read • Long shelf life • Wide distribution ORY ION HIST R E C R E AT C U LT U R E ES FOOD FALL/ RTS HOM PEOPLE A WINTER 2012
Life in the West
Okanagan-based folk singer Ari Neufeld will be at the Rossland Miners’ Hall next week for Rossland Council for Arts and Culture show.. Submitted photo
Okanagan folk singer playing in Rossland next week
RCAC Submitted
Rossland Council for Arts and Culture (RCAC) is known for bringing well-known music acts to Rossland, and next week is no exception. The RCAC will be bringing in youthful folk singer Ari Neufeld, who hails from the hills of the Okanagan. Neufeld is famous for his intimate live performances that create an intense energy and celebration in the performer/audience rela-
tionship. Neufeld will play the Miners’ Hall on Saturday, March 16 with a special opening performance by local musicians Andrew Bennett and David Hartman. Ari Neufeld sings and plays the guitar while playing drums with his legs through an amplified wooden box he found in his grandfather’s tool shed. His growth as an artist has been a journey of world-traveling and an array of honest experience, yielding a highly entertaining and innovative approach to folk music. Prepare to be enchanted and
absorbed by the music at this live show! Neufeld is hosted by the Rossland Council for Arts and Culture as an intimate, sit down performance ( Tickets are $15 in advance or $18 at the door ($2 off for RCAC members). Advanced tickets can be purchased at Out of the Cellar on Columbia Avenue in downtown Rossland. Doors at 8 p.m., show starts at 8:30 p.m. Learn more and listen to Ari Neufeld here: www.arineufeld. com.
Year End
Ice Show! Come celebrate with Rossland Figure Skating Club’s Year End Ice Show!
dary Region Kootenay/Boun
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Thursday, March 7, 2012 Rossland News
Kootenay Kanibelles at the top of the heap
Val Rossi West Kootenay Roller Derby
West Kootenay Roller Derby’s all-star team has managed to climb to the top of the heap in Canadian Roller Derby, and they’ve done it in a remarkably quick fashion. The Kootenay Kannibelles are gearing up for some high-calibre derby at a national level tournament set to take place at West Edmonton Mall’s Ice Palace March 15-17. Belles captain and West Kootenay Roller Derby League marketing and media director Amber Harper, who is best known as ‘Pantsoff ’, is excited that what she describes as their “rag-tag troupe of mismatchedjersey-wearing ladies” are getting the opportunity to represent British Columbia in the first ever Roller Derby Association of Canada’s Canadian National Championships. No small feat, as she explains that they’ve “only been playing for two seasons as a team; most of (them) only just learned how to skate with the birth of West Kootenay Roller Derby, so this is pretty incredible.”
The Belles are ranked sixth in the country (out of 101 travel teams), which earned them a spot in the tournament. However, the bloodsplattered team is entering nationals with a new roster, featuring some new all-star players ready to make their mark on Canadian roller derby, bruise by well-earned bruise. Up against some top teams – including E-Ville Roller Derby (Edmonton, AB), Central – Saskatoon Roller Derby League (Saskatoon, SK), Pile O’ Bones Derby Club (Regina, SK), Atlantic – Muddy River Rollers (Moncton, NB) and Fog City Rollers (Saint John, NB) – the Belles are fiercely gearing up for some hardhitting derby and have their eyes firmly on the gold medal prize. With an impressive 8-1 record last season, B.C.’s dark-horse team is certainly rolling into this, their third competitive season, hungrier for results than ever. After debuting at the Roller Derby Associations of Canada’s Western Tournament in 2011, the Belles shocked both fans and fellow skaters by finishing fifth after only one loss – a five-point nailbiting triumph by Red Deer’s Belladonnas.
The Kootenay Kanibelles derby team is heading to nationals. Their competitive appetite not ping for spring, not only on but also sated, the Belles then went on to take off the track as they fundraise to help second place in the RDAC Western offset the costs of travel and accomTournament in June 2012, after com- modation (they are also looking for ing out on the losing side of a hard- season sponsors). fought battle against Terminal City The Belles are hoping to raise Roller Girls’ All Stars, who secured funds through the Fundscript protheir victory by 84 points. gram where they sell gift cards for With this history in mind, it’s no major retailers and the retailers pay wonder these ladies are approaching a percentage of the dollar value of this tournament with ferocious ap- cards bought to the team. petites for victory. “Calling it a “no fuss, no stress The team is currently busy prep- fundraiser,” Pantsoff explains Belles
are selling gift cards for 100-plus retailers. “No buying useless junk,” she says. “Just get the card for the denomination and retailer you want and we get the kick back from the supplier.” The Belles hope to see some hardcore fans at the nationals, but at the very least are looking forward to the kick-off of the local season, where some of these savage skaters will be hitting the rink with their home teams.
Derby girls are set for the upcoming season
The newly formed Rossland Trail Roller Girls (RTRG) made its first appearance on Saturday at the Trail Memorial Centre during the Trail Smoke Eaters game. The puck dropped at 7:30 p.m., but the local roller derby team was geared up when the doors open at 6:45 p.m., displaying its new
team logo and creating awareness of what is arguably, the fastest growing women’s sport in the world. The Rossland Trail Roller Girls (RTRG) are comprised of the former Gnarlie’s Angels from Rossland and the Bad News Betties from Trail. The team plays in the West Kootenay Roller Derby League, competing against Salmo’s Babes of Brutality, the Killjoys from Nelson, the Valley Vendettas from Slocan and Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers. Roller Derby is a full contact women’s sport
played by two teams of five, roller skating around an oval track. Each game or “bout” is divided into two minute segments in which each team selects a “jammer”, whose role is to score points by passing members of the opposition. Playing offence and defence simultaneously, the remaining players on the track try help their jammer through the pack while preventing the opposing jammer from scoring. Those familiar with the “old school” style of roller derby from decades past assume that an
elbow to the face or a fist fight on the track is par for the course. Modern Roller Derby however, has exchanged the theatrical elements of its early years for honest, hard-hitting action, making it a fully legitimate sport under consideration for the 2020 Olympics. The Rossland Trail Roller Girls (RTRG) season opener is on April 13 in Rossland against the Nelson KillJoys. To keep up to date on the Rossland Trail Roller Girls (RTRG), follow the team on Facebook page.
If you’ve got a signal... You’ve got Rossland News at your fingertips. A11
Rossland News Thursday, March 7, 2012
Hey Kids!!
Joel Salatin, world famous ecological farmer, will be doing a series of online workshops for rossland residents on March 20-22. Submitted photo
Unique farming opportunity
Staff writer Rossland News
For intested farming hopefuls in Rossland, there will be an opportunity to learn from world famous ecological farmer and entrepreneur Joel Salatin. Salatin will be doing a threeday online workshop hosted at the Rossland Art Gallery. He will broadcast from Verge Permaculture in Calgary, talking about how farmers can earn whitecollar wages, animals and laying out the many facets of Polyface Farm’s success. The workshop is March 20, 21, 22 at the Rossland Art Gallery The sessions are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.Wednesday-Friday. March 20’s session will feature
You Can Farm: The entrepreneur’s guide to start and succeed in a farm enterprise. March 21 will be about Pastured Poultry Profits. March 22 covers Salad Bar Beef. Drop in for one day ($20) or come for all three ($40), but either way come be inspired by one of the great masters of agriculture, and also by other local food growers who see a bright future for regenerative, wealth-producing farms. Couchsurfing for out-of-towners can also be arranged by the organizers. The course fee helps reimburse the Kootenay Local Agriculture Society and the Rossland Public Library, which are supporting the event. Equipment has been by the
Kootenay Association for Science and Technology. Organizers hope that you’ll bring some food, as well as ideas to share. Seating is limited, so register soon. Call 250-521-2500 for more information.
The Rossland Trail Smokettes Hockey Team would like to thank the following for supporting their tournament Calder Trophy Sponsor
First All Star Sponsors
Door Prize Donors: Red Mountain Resort Out of the Cellar Revolution Cycle Rossland Subway The Grind Coffee Shop West Kootenay Chiropractic JJ’s Fashions The Colander Challenger Auto Detailing Gericks Sports Lizette Tucker –Massage Therapist Feather Your Nest Vincor
Nature’s Den Butch Boutry’s Café Books West Rock Island Tape Centre Mainstage Gallery Powderhound The Pastry Shop Century Vallen Doell Photo The Flying Steam Shovel East Trail Brew Shop Kootenay Columbia Therapeutics
Enter the Easter Coloring contest & Win a special gift! Look for the coloring page & entering information in next weeks issue. Winner will be announced on March 28th, just in time for Easter weekend.
Book your ad space in our Easter Special Feature & Colouring Contest Contact Monika 250-362-2183!
HAVE YOUR SAY We’re Listening PUBLIC HEARING Monday, March 11,2013 7:00pm Council Chambers 1899 Columbia Ave
Email: stacey@
City of Rossland Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2546, 2013 (1606 Thompson Ave. Old Cooke School Ball Diamond Site) What is Zoning Amendment (Old Cooke School Ball Diamond Site) Bylaw No. 2546, 2013 about? To rezone the lands shown on the map below (formerly known as the Cooke School Ball Diamond) from P1-Public and Institutional to R-1 Detached Infill Residential.
How will this affect me? The purpose of the bylaw is to allow for the property at 1606 Thompson Ave to develop a single family dwelling or a duplex.
How do I get more information? A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be inspected at the City of Rossland Office, 1899 Columbia Ave on regular working days from 9 am to 4pm, and also online at
Women’s day tomorrow
Phone (250)362 7396
PO Box 1179 Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0
Thursday, March 7, 2012 Rossland News
Tracey Butler, Deputy CAO/Corporate Officer
International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world tomorrow, as a time not only for reflecting on woman’s long and difficult struggle to gain the same rights and freedoms enjoyed by men, but also to look ahead to what still needs to change so women can enjoy true equality and respect. In Canada, it’s hard to believe that it was less than a hundred years ago, in 1918, that white women were granted the right to vote and to stand for office and only in 1928 did they become ‘persons’ under the law. It took until the 1950s to make it illegal for employers to pay women lower wages than males received for the same work. And it wasn’t until 1960 that aboriginal men and women were allowed to vote without having to give up their Status and Treaty rights. Positive as these and other changes have been, a recent study Economic Opportunity in the Lower Columbia, clearly shows that many local women still have quite a way to go to achieve the
same level of economic security currently experienced by males. The study was commissioned for Women Creating Change, a threeyear project funded by Status of Women Canada and implemented by the Skills Centre and the Trail FAIR Society. The project is supported by a number of community partners and by a 16 person advisory committee whose members come from diverse experiences and backgrounds in the region. As a fun way to celebrate International Women’s Day and to introduce the results of the just released study, Women Creating Change recently sponsored a contest to highlight some of the findings. The correct answers are published in the Trail Times today, and are also posted on the Skills Centre (www. and Trail FAIR ( websites. Next week, the websites will post the name drawn to win a gift card from Ferraro Foods. As an example of gender differences, the study found that 52% of women and only 28 per cent of men in the Lower Columbia region earned less than $24,000 per year. On the other hand, 43 per cent of men and just 16 per cent of
women reported annual earnings above $50,000. More women than men are employed in lower paying sectors such as clerical, sales, health and social services, while more men than women are employed in higher paying sectors such as construction and manufacturing. The study also found that women, especially those living on low incomes, experience many barriers to gaining economic security, including a lack of affordable and accessible child care (particularly for children under three years of age), lack of public transportation to key work sites, difficulty in accessing employment skills training opportunities and a lack of flexible, ‘family friendly’ policies on the part of some employers in the region. Over the next two years, Women Creating Change, will use the study’s findings and recommendations as a foundation for engaging the wider community and encouraging positive changes to increase women’s access to a wider variety of economic opportunities in what would then become thriving, supportive, women and family friendly communities in the Lower Columbia region.
Award Categories Artist of the Year Song of the Year Album of the Year Best Rock/Metal/Punk Best Roots & Blues
Best Folk/Country Best New Artist Best Live Producer- Electronic Best DJ Best Live Act
Black Press C O M M U N I T Y
General Information
The Kootenay Music Awards are open to any resident of the Kootenays. Please make all submissions mp3 format. From there they will be shortlisted by our panel of judges that includes Christine Hunter from Shambhala, Ryan Martin of The Hume Hotel, Lea Belcourt of Starbelly Jam Music Festival, Jay Hannley Program Director of Kootenay Coop Radio and Paul Hinrichs of the Royal on Baker. Nominations are open to all, you can nominate your self or favourite artists or acts, we want to make sure we have a great representation of the talent that the Kootenays have to offer. Nominations are open from March 1 to the 29th.
Rossland News Thursday, March 7, 2013
News A13
July2013 27, 2013 July 27, 2013 10:30 am to 7:00 pm 10:30 am to 7:00 10:30 7:00pm pm
July 2013 July 27,27,27, 2013 July 2013 Proposed B.C. refinery BeBeaapart 10:30ofam to 7:00 July 27, pm 2013 part of this this exciting cultural cultural event! event! switches to new technologyexciting July 27, Be a part of this 2013
2013 2013
7:00pmpm Be a10:30 part of this 10:30 amam toto 7:00 exciting event! 10:30cultural am to 7:00 pm
2013 2013 Be aexciting part ofcultural this event! Adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre and the Kootenay Gallery 2013 Be a part of this 10:30 am to 7:00 pm exciting cultural event! Featuring live music, dance, performances from the Gallery Adjacent toevent! the Doukhobor Discovery Centre and andcuisine the Kootenay exciting cultural sands crude using cokers, selling Be a part of this
Tom FleTcher Black Press
Newspaper publisher David Black is revising his B.C. environmental assessment application for a large-scale heavy oil refinery in Kitimat to use a new refining process to reduce its environmental impact. Black gave an update on the project to a B.C. Chamber of Commerce breakfast in Vancouver Wednesday, saying he has found most of the $25 billion in financing needed, and buyers for the refinery’s fuel products. He said customer contracts and financing are to be finalized within two months. Black also released a Mustel Group poll conducted in February that shows three out of four people support the idea to refine crude oil in Kitimat. A 57 per cent majority continue to oppose the Enbridge Northern Gateway plan to pipe crude to Kiti-
mat and load it on ocean tankers. Black said rejection of pipelines would only push crude oil producers to use rail transport to reach his refinery and other buyers. The new process makes synthetic fuels from the heavy tar left over from conventional oil refining, instead of extracting the carbon as petroleum coke as is done in Alberta and elsewhere. Black said in an interview there are currently four other heavy oil refineries under construction around the world, two in Africa and two in Saudi Arabia. All are about the same scale as his proposed Kitimat Clean plant, processing about 400,000 barrels per day of heavy oil using “cokers” that extract the coal-like byproduct. A refinery of that size would fill 100 rail cars per day with petroleum coke, which is typically burned for metal production and contains sulphur as well as similar carbon intensity to metallurgical coal. Shell’s refinery at Anacortes, Wa. currently processes Alberta oil
exciting cultural event!
Adjacent to thecultures Doukhobor Discovery Centre and the Galle diverse represented in theCentre Kootenay region. Cost:Kootenay $2.00 Adjacent the Doukhobor Discovery and the Kootenay Gallery the petroleum coke for aluminum Featuring livetomusic, dance, performances and cuisine from the refining. Adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre and the Kootenay Gallery Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the from th Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine Bediverse aBring part Adjacent the Doukhobor Discovery Centre and the Kootenay Gallery aof lawn &represented Blanket and spend the day on heritage way Adjacent tothis thetochair Doukhobor Discovery Centre and the Kootenay Gallery Cost: $2.00 cultures represented in the Kootenay region. The new process adds hydrogen Cost: $2.00 diverse cultures in the Kootenay region. Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the exciting cultural event! diverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Cost: $2.0 Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the from natural gas to combine with Cost: $2.00 diverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Bring diverse a lawncultures chair &represented Blanket and theregion. day onCost: heritage in thespend Kootenay $2.00 way the excess carbon in heavy oil, indiverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. 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We acknowledge thethe financial assistance of the Province ofColumbia British Columbia Contact: Audrey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext.4105 We acknowledge financial assistance of the Province of British Expander’s modified process for We further information or assistance to volunteer at the event acknowledge the financial of the Province of British Columbia converts bitumen, petroleum coke, Contact: Audrey Polovnikoff at ext.4105 Contact: Audrey Polovnikoff at250-365-3386 250-365-3386 ext.4105 We further acknowledge the financial assistance at of the the Province of British Columbia for information or to volunteer biomass or municipal solid waste for further information or to at event the event Contact: Audrey Polovnikoff at volunteer 250-365-3386 ext.4105 into gas products used to make for further information or to volunteer at the event Contact: Audrey Polovnikoff at 250-365-3386 ext.4105 synthetic diesel and jet fuel. for further information or to volunteer at the event
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Bring a lawn chair & Blanket and spend the day on heritage
Bring a lawn chair & Blanket and spend the day on herita
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1 Theme 6 Woody’s “Annie Hall” role 10 Slash mark? 14 NBC’s “Weekend Today” co-anchor Hill 15 Some parasites 16 Marching band instrument 17 See 60-Across 20 “Viva el matador!” 21 Has the stage 22 Winter airs 23 Plastic __ Band 24 Summoning gesture 26 See 60-Across 34 Big name in big banking 35 Nick-named actor 36 Miss Piggy, to Miss Piggy 37 Neglects to mention 39 Communication no one hears: Abbr. 40 Cabbage salads 42 At an angle: Abbr. 43 Leg bone 45 Applications 46 See 60-Across 50 “... to market, to buy __ pig ...” 51 Smudge on Santa’s suit 52 Snowman’s accessory 55 Hearing subject
57 Summer shade 60 Trio suggested by the answers to 17-, 26- and 46-Across 64 Sword with a guarded tip 65 Kept 66 Shah’s fate 67 “Buddenbrooks” novelist 68 Wild about 69 Provide room for growth, perhaps
1 Jogging instrument? 2 Unwritten test 3 Roofer’s purchase 4 Hard water? 5 Going up against 6 Part for a singer 7 Oz visitor 8 TiVo ancestor 9 So far 10 It precedes “Substituted Ball” in the Definitions section of the “Rules of Golf” 11 Pickled veggie 12 First family member 13 Tropicana Field team 18 Date-setting phrase 19 Rich relatives? 23 “Count __!” 24 Story-telling song
25 Handyman’s approx. 26 Shaggy’s pal, to Shaggy 27 Unsettled state 28 Not straight up 29 With money at stake 30 Violinist’s supply 31 Member of the Five College Consortium, familiarly 32 Swimmer’s need 33 Temper tantrum 38 World No. 1 tennis player between Martina and Monica 41 Abundant, plantwise 44 Tax shelter letters 47 Become pitiless
48 Ascribed, as blame 49 Old Testament queen 52 Mushroom piece 53 Club where “music and passion were always the fashion,” in song 54 “Right on!” 55 Fries seasoning 56 Menu choice after an “oops” 57 Dancing blunder 58 Folksy Guthrie 59 Rostov rejection 61 Sox, in line scores 62 Boy toy? 63 Send packing
Thursday, March 7, 2013 Rossland News
“Come Play with us”
August 20-24
...Over 3500 55+ BC Seniors expected to participate ! Visit our website to find out more about what we have to offer Click on your It includes geographic zone and contact info for people you will find lots of who would be glad information to help you get involved
Archery Badminton Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boating Equestrian 5 Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling Mtn. Biking Pickleball Slo-Pitch Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Whist
Black Jack Loppet Black Jack Ski Club held its 29th annual Loppet event, which saw skiers of all ages and skill levels come out to put their skills to the test on the course. The races were in distances up to 30 kilometres. Arne Petryshen photos
Are you on the voters list? Elections BC is conducting an enumeration and updating the voters list for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Are you registered to vote? It’s easy. It’s convenient. You have choices. Be ready. Your choices to register to vote or update your voter information are: Online Register or update your information on Elections BC’s Online Voter Registration (OVR) system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at You need a B.C. Driver’s Licence or a Social Insurance Number to use the system. (OVR) By Phone Call Elections BC toll-free at 1-800-661-8683, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturdays. In Your Community From March 6 – 23, temporary voter registration opportunities are at hundreds of locations throughout the province. View electoral district voter registration opportunities at:
Is there someone registered at your address who no longer lives there? Call Elections BC or go to to have them removed from your address. Who can register? You are eligible to register to vote if you: . are a Canadian citizen, . are 18 or older, . have lived in B.C. for the past six months. Election workers required: Over 37,000 election workers are needed to work for the May 2013 Provincial General Election. View available postings at
B.C. voters can also register or update their information when they go to vote in the May 2013 Provincial General Election. Elections BC is a non-partisan Office of the Legislature responsible for administering the Election Act, the Recall and Initiative Act, and the conduct of referenda under the Referendum Act .
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