Calendar Lake Country
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March 13, 2013
Lake Country has a plan to attract businesses
Jim Taylor points out that we see what we want or expect to see, despite what’s right in front of us. ...............................
Learn about the king of the fruit tree pollinators—the tiny orchard mason bee. ...........................
UBC Okanagan opens yet another state of the art building—the Arts and Sciences Centre housing classrooms, research and teaching labs, offices, student commons and two lecture theatres. ...........................
Tourism strategy, marketing plan and future of Pelmewash Parkway up for immediate action. KEVIN PARNELL The District of Lake Country has adopted an economic development plan for the next two years as it moves forward in its attempts to solicit new businesses to the municipality. Council heard a report from economic development manager Ryan Roycroft at its March 5 meeting, and voted to target 11 key issues that need attention to help with economic development in Lake Country. “This is an 18 month workplan to start working on those issues,” said Roycroft. “Economic development is one of those fields that can go very broad so it’s very important to narrow down the focus. This will be the guiding document behind our strategic focus on
economic development over the next 16 to 18 months.” The workplan was developed after the district
hosted a two-day session late last year that included a diverse group of interested parties from the community as well as a local government consultant. Based on those sessions, over 60 significant issues were brought forward before being distilled down to 11 items,
seven of which needed immediate attention. Among the issues needing immediate work was developing a tourism strategy, a marketing plan and the future plans of Pelmewash Parkway. The priorities for immediate attention are all local issues, touching elements such as housing policy, local tourism promotion and land inventory. It also included the future of Main Street, for which council recently passed a tax incentive plan while the district continues to look for developers to build out the street. “I had hoped to have Main Street built out already and moved on to other things,” said Roycroft. “But we will have a very focused marketing plan for Main street and targeting those with the motivation to get going is definitely a focus.” The work plan received support from members of council, who unanimously passed the recommendation. “There are a lot of
DISTRICT OF LAKE COUNTRY economic development manager Ryan
Roycroft speaks to Lake Country council, laying out the district’s economic development strategy and work-plan.
benefits to this plan,” said Coun. Jamie McEwan. “As we move forward I think this is a great initiative and I think we definitely have a positive
future with this kind of planning ahead of us.” The economic development plan for the district will be carried out by current district
staff and working on the top priorities are not expected to cost the district anything, according to Roycroft.
NDP line up their candidates for Central Okanagan ridings
■ Avenue Farm
Kachin-Kubota ■ JYSK ■ Rona ■ Staples
Long-time Lake Country resident Mike Nuyens will carry the NDP banner in Kelowna-Lake Country in the
upcoming provincial election. Nuyens, a machine operator for a road maintenance company and elected official with the B.C. Government and Service Employees’
Union, won the party’s nomination Tuesday night, defeating UBC Okanagan student Tom Macauley. Nuyens will challenge incumbent Liberal MLA and B.C Minis-
ter of Agriculture Norm Letnick in the May 14 election. “I’m excited to bring positive change to the people of British Columbia, especially in my community,” said
Nuyens following his nomination victory. “Together with (party leader) Adrian (Dix) and the B.C. NDP, we are taking practical steps to bring change for the better to Kelowna-Lake
Country.” Nuyens, 52, has lived his entire life in Lake Country and feels his connection in the community will help in the
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 13, 2013 A3
Food bank donations roll in KEVIN PARNELL As donations for the Lake Country Food Bank continue to roll in with businesses and individuals supporting the non-profit organization with food and cash, the campaign to raise enough money to construct a building for the food bank is looking forward to an important year in its efforts. The Rotary Club of Lake Country is hoping to raise enough money this year to at the least, start construction of a new food bank building in the spring of 2014. But the group will still have to raise over $300,000 to make that happen. “Our estimation is that we need probably in the range of $350,000 to $400,000 in cash to start construction and be able to complete the building,” said Rotary club director Bob Rymarchuk. “Right now we are at about $40,000 that we have in the bank so we
have a ways to go.” Several different fundraising campaigns are underway in Lake Country as the community, small businesses and larger corporations are all being asked to find extra funds to help raise enough money to move the food bank out of its current location in the old Winfield school. It’s a 100 year-old building that isn’t well suited to the growing operations of the food bank, which helps close to 600 folks each month. “They are really in a totally unsuitable space to being with,” said Rymarchuk. “It’s not suited for what they are doing at the food bank. It’s hard to believe they can make do with what they have. Unfortunately, in our community there aren’t lot of options. We don’t have a stockpile of our buildings that you might typically find in a larger city. There just isn’t anything out there.” The Rotary club started its campaign to find a
new home for the food bank about four years ago, looking for a new building. When a suitable location couldn’t be found, the District of Lake Country stepped forward and donated land next to the senior’s centre in Lake Country, a parcel big enough to build a 2,500 square foot building. Rymarchuk says once enough money is raised, the group has secured enough contractors that will donate their time and efforts to the cause, to help construct the building. But he added the money still needs to come in to purchase supplies and other materials for the build. “Some people are a little appalled by the cost,” admitted Rymarchuk. “But these days it’s very, very expensive to build. You can’t build a new house for under $200 per square foot and we’ve had our valuation confirmed. We’re confident we can do this for around $400,000.”
TUFF INDUSTRIES and the Sundeck Centre are among the local businesses helping the Lake Country food bank. The companies recently donated $1,500 to the Lake Country food bank. Pictured along with food bank representative Bev Marsh are company reps Michele Reynolds (left) and Bryan Hughes (right). Lake Country Mayor James Baker said the community has stepped forward to support the food bank in many ways and added that the group really needs to find a new home. “I think the support has been great,” said Baker. “Certainly they have minimal space right now. We have a great number of volunteers in
Lake Country and they are doing a great job supporting this movement.” There are several ways people can donate to the food bank construction campaign. Folks are being asked to donate their loose change and can drop it off at Interior Savings as well larger donations are being sought with a tax receipt available for any-
thing over $100. There is a group within the Rotary club working on larger cash donations from corporations and another group working on grants from different funding bodies like the Central Okanagan Foundation, which already donated $12,000. Rymarchuk says this year is an important year to try to meet their fund-
raising goals. “Given enough time I think we can make anything happen,” he said. “But we’d really like to see it happen sooner rather than later. At some point in the game, if it drags on too long, there is going to have to be a decision on which way to proceed.”
Local man runs for NDP in Kelowna-Lake Country B.C. FROM A1 election race. He said he decided to run because he feels the public is looking for a change in the riding. “Working families are looking at the problem of how are they going to provide for their families and as a result are looking at policies of the government,” he said. Nuyens has started, owned and operated two excavation and gravel businesses in the Okanagan in the past, and has been involved in the union movement in several capacities. He is married and has two sons. Dix, who was in Kelowna last week and showed off five of the six Okanagan candidates who will run for the NDP, said he was happy to see a candidate named in Kelowna-Lake Country. Nuyens is the last NDP candidate to be named here. Carole Gordon was nominated a year ago in Westside-Kelowna and Dayleen Van Ryswyk has been ac-
claimed the NDP’s Kelowna-Mission candidate. “I am really looking forward to working with all these candidates,” said Dix during his stop in Kelowna, where he reiterated his belief that the NDP have a good chance of winning seats in the Okanagan. Currently, all six Okanagan seats are held by MLAs originally voted in as Liberals. The Vernon MLA incumbent is runninig again, the Penticton MLA incumbnet is not. In the Boundary-Similkameen riding John Slater, who won the riding for the Liberals in 2009, quit the party after it refused to back him for re-election. He has since said he will not run in May. On Tuesday, in his acceptance speech Nuyens, who grew up on an orchard and whose family is in the agriculture business, immediately took direct aim at Letnick, saying support for farmers and orchardists will be a key theme in his campaign. “We need to work
with our farming industry. We need to do more than just expand the tree fruit replant program,” said Nuyens. “What’s a replant program, Mr. Letnick, if the trees are not available to do a proper replant? We need to look at subsidizing our farmers so that they can compete against the influx and flooding of our markets from other countries.” He also questioned Letnick’s commitment to agriculture, saying the incumbent Liberal MLA spends more time talking about health care than the needs of farmers and orchardists. In recent months, Letnick has held a series of public meetings about health care related issues. Prior to being named
agriculture minister last year, Letnick headed a government committee charged with trying to figure out ways to improve the B.C. health care system. But Nuyens also talked about health care in his acceptance speech, saying B.C. needs a new Pharmacare plan that goes beyond what he called the “obvious benefits of lower drug costs through group purchasing and generic drugs” to one that ensures seniors get the right kind of care at the right time—from home care and home support, to independent living, assisted living, residential care and finally hospice and palliative care. Another theme for the newly minted NDP
candidate will be support for small business. Nuyens called for more help for established businesses in the areas of skilled workers and technology implementation. With the riding being home to UBC Okanagan, Nuyens also touched on the need for more support for students, saying improvements in post-secondary education funding are needed. “Since the Liberals took power in 2001, tuition fees have more than doubled,” he said. “Non-repayable grants for students have been eliminated and students are graduating on average $27,000 in debt.” That also rang a chord for Westside-Kelowna NDP candidate Carole Gordon, who said the issue of students getting to and from UBCO from Westside is one she hears often on the doorstep from residents. She said she believes the carbon tax should be used for “its intended purpose” and help fund green initiatives such as transit in this area.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
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watched as a driver pulled out of the Canadian Tire parking lot right in front of a motorcycle coming down the curb lane of the main street.
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Despite frantic braking, the motorcycle crashed into the car’s left front fender. The rider somersaulted across the car’s hood, landing on the pavement on the
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Nothing new in targeting voters T he B.C. legislature session ends this week. It can’t come quickly enough for Premier Christy Clark and the B.C. Liberals. This is also the week we see the rest of the fallout from “ethnic-gate,” as the latest controversy over partisan activity by political staff has been clumsily labelled. A disgruntled former B.C. Liberal caucus staffer handed the NDP opposition an internal memo setting out a strategy for ethnic “outreach” that strayed into forbidden territory, suggesting that ethnic-friendly government events could be staged and participants’ names collected and turned over to the party. “This secret plan clearly demonstrates the Liberals are deliberately folding government resources and staff into their party’s campaign machinery, despite rules that forbid this,” thundered NDP house leader John Horgan. “We’ve seen this before, with the
BC Views
Tom Fletcher Liberals’ efforts to run a secret committee to subvert the public process around Burnaby Hospital, and in the attack website created by caucus staff and launched by the Liberal party.” Casual observers might see this as a disturbing new development in misuse of public resources. It’s disturbing, all right, but it’s hardly new. The “attack website” Horgan refers to is a case in point. While a website targeting NDP leader Adrian Dix was being cooked up in the B.C. Liberal bunker, a simi-
lar effort was being developed in NDP research down the hall. This partisan message detailed all the worthwhile things that could be done with the government’s $15 million advertising budget singing the praises of the government’s “jobs plan.” But this one carried the logo of the NDP caucus, so it was within the rules. The average person, seeing two groups of staff on the public payroll, each slagging the other, might not detect much of a difference. The biggest headline from the leaked memo was its reference to generating “quick wins” for the election campaign by staging apologies for historic racial injustices. It mentioned how former premier Gordon Campbell delivered a solemn apology in 2008 for the decision to turn away a ship carrying Sikh refugees from Vancouver harbour—shortly after the outbreak of the First
World War. What does a modern provincial premier accomplish by apologizing for a federal immigration decision made in 1915? Why would another premier now feel the need to apologize for a federal “head tax” imposed on Chinese immigrants from 1885 to 1923? The answer is obvious. Again, don’t expect much to change with an NDP government. Asked last week if he would stage an apology for the head tax, Dix delivered a well-rehearsed history lesson that made it clear he is anxious to do so. Welcome to politics in an urbanized, globalized media culture. It’s more important to put on a show than to do the right thing. Hospitals are announced three times before they’re built, then announced again when they are staffed. Politics is a lucrative career. Former B.C. Liberal MLA Lorne Mayencourt is one of the
additional “outreach” staff hand-picked by Clark. The B.C. Liberals retort that the NDP caucus has a similar staffer named Gabriel Yiu, who has taken three leaves of absence to run for MLA, and is in practical terms a professional NDP candidate. Yiu is running for a fourth time in Vancouver-Fraserview, having been defeated in 2009 by former West Vancouver police chief Kash Heed. That campaign was notorious for anonymous Chinese-language pamphlets claiming the NDP favours legalizing drugs and imposing a “death tax” on inheritance. This latest scandal might produce meaningful reform. But the misuse of public money to further the interests of political parties is deeply entrenched. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and
far side. As people rushed to help, I heard the bewildered driver protest: “But I did look for oncoming cars! I did! I really did!” Precisely. He looked for oncoming cars. Not for motorcycles. We see what we expect to see. In a famous psychological experiment, participants watched a film of a basketball game. They were instructed to keep track of how often each team controlled the ball. They did exactly what they were told. And completely missed seeing a man dressed in a gorilla costume strolling across the court. The community of Lake Country currently has a fundraising drive
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Matching volunteers with right task crucial for non-profit groups
Some key motivators for volunteers are the chance to use one’s skills in a different setting, or to learn new ones; regular social interaction; and giving back to an organization that serves a good cause. Understanding which one of these is the key driver for each volunteer makes it easier to match them with the right tasks. Next is role definition
There’s a crisis going on, and we don’t see TAYLOR FROM A4
to provide a permanent home for the food bank. The fundraising isn’t going very well, yet. Why not? I suspect many citizens don’t see a need for a food bank at all. People tell me: “But we don’t have any homeless people here.” I would probably have agreed, until the morning I went to our community hall. As the caretaker straightened out the rubber mat outside the front door, he explained, “Someone rolled himself up in it overnight, to keep warm.” Yes, there are homeless in our community. But we don’t see them because they try not to draw attention to themselves. But also because we don’t expect to see them. Or don’t want to see them. In the same way, we don’t see families struggling to get by. They got a mortgage years ago. They could barely afford it. But they expected things to get better. Then the kids started growing up. Hockey gear and gymnastics fees got more expensive. Salary increases didn’t come through. The car had to be replaced. One of them got laid off. Now they always seem
to have some month left over at the end of the money. So they drive to the food bank. Or the Thrift Shop. They’re reasonably well dressed—they have to be, to stay employed. They don’t like to look as if they need help. Every month, 700 of them rely on the food bank. Some come regularly; others come only when all else fails. Phyllis MacPherson, the driving force behind the Lake Country Food Bank, keeps a close eye on any who might be exploiting its services. The food bank currently operates out of two inadequate rooms in a former school. The Rotary Club of Lake Country has taken leadership in fundraising for a new building. The campaign needs $400,000 in the bank before it can start construction. The land has been donated. The need is obvious.
But we see only what we’re willing to see. If residents of Lake Country don’t see the need, they can’t respond
ger number of our population. Considering how full the marina (meant to be a “safe harbour”) and limited roadside parking areas become in summer, the beach is still not full. Without the neighbourhood maintenance of the Pebble Beach raft this year,composter it is alreadyad jan needing repair and it is
hard to know how coun- the list Ms. Cameron cil will be able to mainstates she emails to) do tain the raft and paths in not agree with this mothe greenspace without tion and feel very strongthe many residents down ly that this motion was in OK Centre doing as railroaded through withmuch as they have. out enough thought. I understand council Thank you for takthinks they have looked ing the time to read this at all sides of the quesletter. June, Blair, Ned and tion but the majority of 13:Layout 1/23/13 11:56 AM PageAlex 1 Ireland, OK Centre1residents Lake Country (unfortunately not on
! oil n half s r i you bage h c r i Enr ur ga yo Cut
Back Yard Compost Bins Pre Order Sale
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to a continuing crisis.
Author Jim Taylor lives in Okanagan Centre. rewrite@shaw.cav
Lake Country Youth Soccer Associaon is seeking volunteer soccer coaches for our upcoming soccer season. If you have a passion for soccer and would like to help grow and develop our youth soccer players, we would love to hear from you! Candidates should have playing and/or coaching experience and have completed the required coaching clinics or be willing to take the courses. Coaching applicaon forms can be found on our website at
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Laurie Mills
To the editor: We would like to agree with David Geen that the “offending structure” across from our home at 11523 OK Centre Road West dates back to the 1920s (as per several of the older residences in this area) and was a home to Brian Cooney who was well known in Lake Country. If any of the council or administration were to come and look at this shed (a “home” in past years), they would see the width of the timbers shows its age and its resilience as well as its heritage value. My family feel strongly that Okanagan Centre has not been well represented and have heard from many Lake Country residents that the “clean sweep” beach clean-up is not even on their priority list as taxpayers when they look at the conditions of roads and intersections and many other projects that would serve a lar-
Work Life
for volunteers, individually and in relation to paid staff. Volunteers want to know exactly what they are being asked to do and how their work complements that of employees and other volunteers as well. Orientating them to the workplace, to the organization’s mission and mandate will help volunteers see how their tasks fit into the bigger picture. Third, volunteers, just like employees, need regular feedback on their work. Are they doing it correctly, as expected and in a timely manner? Whether or not skills training is required, all volunteers benefit from learning the organization’s internal processes, policies and protocol. Finally, expressing sin-
Residents maintain Ok Centre greenspace
any non-profit organizations rely heavily on volunteers simply because they don’t have the budget to hire a large number of staff. Without these volunteers showing up to do basic tasks, the operation would not function. Anyone working with volunteers knows that managing them is a little different than managing employees. There are basically four areas to consider — motivation, role definition, feedback and appreciation. The first of these, personal motivation, is critical to understand. When there is no paycheque involved it’s fascinating to explore why people choose to give their time freely and to whom they choose to dedicate their efforts. A5
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Yahoo! dictates its workforce must come back to the office
hen Yaworkplace rather than The memo sent to Yahoo! issued a from home, a firestorm hoo! staff last week that memo tellof commentary broke started the controversy yard waste 1 week 1/25/13 AM as Page 1 “To being employees they’dadbe jan13:Layout out this past in the 8:35read follows: expected to work at the media. come the absolute best
Yard Waste Collection is back on!
• Yard waste pick up every two weeks through the end of November. • Just put your material right into the cart, close the lid and wheel it out for pickup. • Accepted items include grass clippings, leaves, needles, prunings, fruit droppings and branches. • NOTE: yard waste must fit in the cart with the lid closed. • NO garbage, plastic bags, flower pots, rocks, soil, sod or kitchen scraps please.
place to work, communication and collaboration will be important, so we need to be working sideby-side. “That is why it is critical that we are all present in our offices. Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussions, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings. “Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home. We need to be one Yahoo!, and that starts with physically being together. “Beginning in June, we’re asking all employees with work-fromhome arrangements to
You Work Here
R. Smithson
work in Yahoo! offices. If this impacts you, your management has already been in touch with next steps. “And, for the rest of us who occasionally have to stay home for the cable guy, please use your best
judgment in the spirit of collaboration. Being a Yahoo isn’t just about your day-to-day job, it is about the interactions and experiences that are only possible in our offices.” With that, workfrom-home arrangements at Yahoo! were brought to an end. And the public commentary, much of it critical, got started. Yahoo! chief executive officer Marissa Mayer was pretty much vilified for the decision. Commentary addressed the need for trust between management and employees, the fact that (due to technologic-
al advances) the workfrom-home arrangement is just the way it is today, the risk that Yahoo! would lose valuable talent as a result of this change, the negative impact employees with young families would suffer, the possibility that employees will be less productive at work and a hundred other criticisms. Who’s to say she is right or wrong? This whole episode was of particular interest to me because, for the last half-year, I’ve been working from home every second week. One week I’m in my
It pays to thank your volunteers MILLS FROM A5
Contact your municipality for additional curbside yard waste collection options, or visit A PROGRAM OF THE REGIONAL DISTRICT OF CENTRAL OKANAGAN, THE CITY OF KELOWNA, & THE DISTRICTS OF WEST KELOWNA, LAKE COUNTRY & PEACHLAND
cere gratitude for volunteer efforts is a simple yet powerful gesture that builds goodwill and does wonders for volunteer retention. Showing appreciation can take many forms and
needn’t be showy. A simple thank-you is often enough; the key is to make it a regular occurrence. Volunteers are more than just warm bodies that show up to help ease the workload of paid staff.
They are people who choose to give their time freely for their own personal reasons. Volunteers have the potential to be an organization’s proudest ambassadors in the community so when their efforts are well utilized and ap-
preciated by an organization, the mutual benefits are significant. Laurie Mills is an ICF certified executive coach and human resource professional with Lighthouse Professional Development Consulting Services.
APRIL 2013
APRIL 2014
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 13, 2013 A7
Distractions are hard to resist when you work at home SMITHSON FROM A6
firm’s offices in Kelowna and the second I’m working from my condo in downtown Vancouver. Looking back, I can see many of the positives—and negatives— of working from home. And, from where I’m sitting, I think Ms. Mayer may have a point. However, I’ll preface my comments by saying that I think the wisdom of allowing employees to work at home—or of requiring them to attend at the office—probably depends heavily upon the particular industry. The predominant 7thought I’ve had as I’ve experienced the workat-home arrangement is how many distractions there are. Whether it’s the television (there’s a lot of European soccer to catch up on during day-time hours!), the telephone, that need to hit the gym, the growing pile of laundry, or a sunny day just waiting to be appreciated, there are limitless reasons to be doing things a home other than work. I’ve also found that I don’t take advantage of “normal office hours” the way I do when I’m actually at the office.
I roll out of bed later and often attend to things like showering and eating breakfast as (time consuming) breaks between work tasks. I invariably quit working earlier, and I never make up that time during evening hours or on the weekend. Being as productive from home as I am at the office has been a real struggle for me. And, as I work in a business in which we record every productive minute of our working time, I have figures to back that up. I don’t even have young children needing my care or pets demanding to be walked. My life is about as streamlined as it gets and I still find my at-home work day is chipped away at by endless distractions. As a business owner, you might think I would fall at the high end of the scale for nose-tothe-grindstone motivation. So, if I was an hourly or salaried employee working for someone else, I wonder if I would get anything productive done at home. I absolutely recognize that working from home is an unavoidable necessity for some employees with young fam-
ilies. For them, not being able to work from home may, due to the impact of daycare costs (as an example), mean it is simply
not feasible to work at all. But, for the rest of us, my own experience suggests the work-at-home arrangement may be a
perquisite which is highly desirable to the employee but may not be of much (or any) benefit to the employer.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
What’s your best career investment: College or university? M ‘‘ y husband always tells my son the story of how when he was a young adult you could quit your job in the morning and find another job by the afternoon. It was the 1970s and the economy in Alberta was booming. Then came the 1980s recession and it seemed that overnight, jobs just disappeared. Many young adults unable to find employment opted to go back to school. Universities and colleges witnessed years of high enrollments leading many to increase capacity—mostly in academic programs. This also made it very difficult for
School’s In
Jane Muskens many students to get in as some programs were based on grades and the more students who applied the higher the required grade average to be accepted. It wasn’t uncommon for high school students to need grades in the 90s to get into a lot of pro-
grams. Although there are still programs that demand high grade averages these tend to be a select group, as opposed to just about every program offered. So what makes this different from what’s happening today? The most significant thing is there is a lot of skepticism among young adults on whether or not to invest in a college or university credential. Although interestingly enough, you don’t see the same skepticism when it comes to trades and technical training— both of these careers tend to have good job outcomes. Nor do you see this
St Patrick’S day with cOd GOne wild Featuring the Okanagan Celtic Choir
Friday, March 15 7:30pm
Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Cod Gone Wild for their annual Paddy’s Day performance. Cod Gone Wild will be sharing some new original and traditional music as well as performing some of their favorites that can not be overlooked around St. Patrick’s Day!
Tickets: Adult $25, Students/Seniors $20
archie FiSher
Saturday, March 16 7:30pm
Master guitarist, singer and songwriter Archie Fisher is Scotland’s foremost troubadour and is known throughout the country as the host of BBC Radio Scotland’s award-winning “Travelling Folk” show, which he has presented for over 25 years.The most recent recognition of his art came from the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival in 2008 when he was granted the Tradition Bearers Award.
Tickets: $23, Students/Seniors $22, Group of 4 tickets $80.
Sunday, March 17 • 2pm
With great pleasure the Lake Country Performing Arts Society is presenting “O’Fiddle,” which is a showcase concert in celebration of all things green, such as Spring and St. Patrick’s Day. A grand finale of Irish songs by Lake Country’s Louise Boisvert will surely stir up some Celtic participation.
Tickets: Adult $16, Students/Seniors $14, Group of 4 tickets $48.
the hObbit:
an UnexPected JOUrney All monies raised go to the Sigh Kobayashi Memorial Bursary. The Annual Sigh Kobayashi Memorial Bursary is an event to raise funds to provide scholarship monies to students wishing to continue their studies in the Arts.
Friday March 22nd•7pm Saturday March 23rd•7pm Pay What You Can!
associated with degrees and diplomas associated with health care and engineering. Most of the skepticism about whether to invest in post-secondary seems to be based on a number assumptions. The first is the belief that baby boomers (those who have the best jobs) are not going to retire due to the sheer fact that they haven’t saved
enough and can’t afford to quit working. Low interest rates, overall increases in costs for basic living expenses such as groceries, companies shifting from defined benefit pension plans to contribution-based plans, and the elimination of the mandatory retirement age have all contributed to boomers considering employment beyond 65. Freedom 55 is no longer. You don’t even see those advertisements anymore. Young adults just don’t expect the jobs will be there once they graduate. The other is an assumption (which is somewhat related) that youth don’t want to saddle themselves with high debt load if there isn’t a job waiting for them once they graduate. You regularly hear about students graduating with high debt, well
over $50,000, whereas the average of students who graduate with debts is about $22,000. In fact, about half of Okanagan College students complete their studies without debt. There tends to be an overall sense that it doesn’t matter if you go to college or university or not. Either way you won’t find a decent job. So where do we go from here? I first thing is to realize once you embark upon a career that doesn’t mean you can’t shift into something else. Education and training doesn’t always have to translate into a specific job. A good example of this is someone who completes a trades program, gets their Red Seal certification and with some experience turns that job into a management position with a company that hires a
number of trades’ workers. Many of the most successful people I know tend to be the most creative and the most adaptable when it comes to how they use their education combined with the jobs they are willing to take. Today, close to 70 per cent of the jobs in Canada require some kind of post secondary education. In about 10 years this number will probably be higher. The decision isn’t about whether or not to go; it’s about getting the right credential to meet the needs of the job market and being creative about where and how you apply the newfound skills and knowledge. Jane Muskens is the registrar at Okanagan College. Comments can be forwarded to jmuskens@
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 13, 2013 A9
Smile and nod your way to a more pain-free neck
eck pain is one of the most typical problems we hear about at Sun City Physiotherapy and is a common reason for lost time at work (Philadelphia Panel, 2001). There are many factors associated with neck pain but faulty posture is a well-known culprit. When we spend eight hours a day sitting at a desk, our core trunk muscles tend to fatigue and we slouch our backs, round our shoulders and poke our chins out in order to keep our eyes at computer height. The deep muscles in the front of the neck are prone to become length-
Laura Snyder
Keeping You Fit ened and weak while the muscles in the back become tight. When this posture is assumed for a few hours per day, five days per week, the muscles no longer function in a proper manner and can
increase a person’s risk of developing neck pain. Furthermore, when neck pain is present, the deep muscles “turn off ” and do not provide stability to the spine ( Jull 2004). In order to reduce the pain and restore the normal muscle length and strength balance, the tight, spastic muscles need to relax and the deep neck muscles neck to be strengthened. Although strengthening the neck muscles can help to reduce neck pain (Kay et al. 2005) how many of us want to go to the gym, strap a weight to our head and do neck lifts? Not me. The good
news is that the deep neck muscles can be strengthened with a simple exercise that you can perform anytime, anywhere. If you are familiar with core strengthening exercises for your low back, think of this exercise as a plank for your neck. Not only can this exercise help to strengthen the muscles that provide stability to your but it can also help other muscles to relax. Just as contracting the biceps causes the triceps to relax, contracting the muscles that flex the neck help to relax the muscles that extend the neck (Kisner and Col-
by 2007). To retrain the deep neck muscles there are two simple steps: Smile and nod. Although the smile may not be an essential component of the exercise it often helps people to relax their shoulders and large neck muscles. Once the muscles are relaxed, imagine a string running through the spine, up and out of the head and pulling you up so you are sitting or standing straight. The nod, which is the key ingredient, is a small chin tilt, as if you were trying to make a double chin or touch your chin to your Adam’s apple. Because the nod is so
small you can do this exercise five to 10 times, every one to two hours without anyone knowing that you are exercising. Just think of all of the useful times you can perform this throughout the day: Your mother is telling you to do your homework—smile and nod; your boss is bugging you to meet the deadline—smile and nod; your husband has decided that due to the lack of hockey this year he will flood the garage and turn it into the neighbourhood hockey rink— smile and nod. Although this exercise is a great way to start to train those deep neck
muscles it should not be performed if there is any pain. Muscle retraining may help some people to reduce or eliminate their neck pain, but other components may be involved such as joint, muscle, tendon, or ligament injury. If you continue to experience neck pain or need more tips on neck strengthening exercises you can visit your local healthcare provider or physiotherapist. Laura Snyder is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield. 250-766-2544
Tax tips reflect Canada Revenue Agency’s new priorities
urrently, people can start to receive their Old Age Security pensions when they turn 65 years of age. This age limit will be increased to 67 years of age beginning April 2023 and completed by January 2029. However, beginning July 2013, a taxpayer will voluntarily be able to defer receipt of the OAS for up to five years and be able to receive a higher actuarially adjusted pension after that time. This may be beneficial for those tax payers who currently have their OAS clawed back. ••• The Canada Revenue Agency has also taken some measures against those taxpayers who participate in a donation scam or tax shelter. Instead of processing the return and sending the refund to the taxpayer, the CRA will now hold the return until the audit of the tax shelter or non-profit organization have been completed. To date, more than 167,000 taxpayers have been reassessed due to denied tax shelters and donations of more than $5.5 billion have been denied as tax deductible. If the taxpayer removes the donation or tax shelter claim before the finalization of the audit, then their return will be processed. ••• The CRA is continuing its letter mailing campaign to various types of taxpayers. The first letter will
Gabriele Banka
Behind the Counter suggest that perhaps the taxpayer should self-review the reporting of the income and expenses on their tax return and give the taxpayer the option to check into their tax return and file an adjustment. The second letter will say almost the same and indicate that the taxpayer may be subject to an audit. The items that will target the mailing of this letter are things such as
a loss in the first year of rental operations or business operations, repairs and maintenance expenses over $5,000, high motor vehicle expenses, commissioned employees claiming high self employment expenses, rental losses used to reduce other income and established businesses that incur a sudden loss. ••• As the CRA’s computer systems become more integrated, the duplication of information between departments will become less. However, security of the taxpayer and their information is still paramount. One current pleasant change is that when you call CRA and have your identity verified by the first person answering the phone, if you are transferred to a second person, you no longer
need to re-answer security questions. ••• CRA is also looking at net worth assessments, whereby if assets held and lifestyle does not agree with income reported, the probability of an audit is imminent. The work is continuing on clamping down on the underground economy. Last tax season, some 5,400 underground economy audits where completed recovering about $130 million. The areas of underground economy that are due to be reviewed are small wineries, scrap metal dealers, construction and service providers in the film industry. ••• There have been increases in all penalty areas. Previously the interest was charged and the penalties were waived—
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CRA’s no longer inclined to waive the penalties.
Gabriele Banka is a CGA at Banka & Co.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
UBCO adds another building to its campus Students and their professors have a strikingly beautiful, high-
ly functional and energy-efficient new building in which to study
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and conduct research at the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. Officially opened earlier this month, the multi-purpose Arts and Sciences Centre houses classrooms, research and teaching labs, offices, student commons, and two large lecture theatres. UBC president Stephen Toope called the $41.4-million Arts and Sciences Centre a place of discovery. “Scholars will be able to innovate and collaborate with their peers around the world within the facilities of this new Arts and Sciences Centre,” said Toope. “It will enable UBC’s best academic minds to integrate their knowledge and wisdom with state-of-the-art technology to deliver exceptional learning experiences, ensuring our students get the best education available.” Cynthia Mathieson, dean of the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences, told those
THE ARTS and Sciences Centre at UBC Okanagan was officially opened earlier this month. gathered for the opening ceremony that her faculty is fortunate to share space in the Arts and Sciences Centre with graduate students from across many disciplines and students and professors from the faculty of health and social devel-
opment. “Collaboration— that’s the keyword for today,” said Mathieson. “We are in a space that not only drives collaborative research and inquiry, it is the product of collaboration between UBC and the government of British Columbia.” “We are proud to have invested over $27 million for the Arts and Sciences Centre,” added John Yap, B.C.’s Minister of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology. The 7,800-square-metre (84,000 square feet), four-storey structure was designed by Vancouver-based Kasian Archi-
tecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd. in partnership with HMA Architects of Kelowna, with construction managed by Stuart Olson Dominion Construction. The Arts and Sciences Centre provides a dramatic increase in space for the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences, and the health and social development faculty. In 2011, the Arts and Sciences Centre received the distinction of five Green Globes—an award given only to select projects that embody leadership in sustainability, energy efficiency and design.
To achieve that ranking, the building employed a variety of design elements such as natural and wind-driven displacement ventilation designed to reduce air change requirements by 50 per cent, and a district energy geothermal system that uses groundwater for heating and cooling. This is the second official building opening celebrated by the university this year. UBCO’s Engineering, Management, and Education building—which at 186,000 square feet is the largest building project on the campus—was officially opened Jan. 31.
Humble bee gets job done Watch for our flyer in today’s newspaper, or pick up a copy at your local dealer: ABBOTSFORD: 1521 Sumas Way 604.864.2655 1.888.283.3276
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Everyone knows how important bees are for the part they play in pollination. No bees, no pollination, no fruit. I’ve been recently introduced to the orchard mason, or blue orchard bee. Likely, we’ve all seen these amazing creatures visiting flowers, but because they are small they get paid little attention. This is a big mistake because these incredible wasps pollinate 95 per cent of blossoms they visit, whereas honey bees average five per cent.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, March 13, 2013 A11
Project works to map human brain
any of you may be aware of the Human Genome Project, the ambitious goal of an international group of genetic scientists to map the roughly 25,000 genes of the human genome. Publishing as it progressed, this group successfully completed its task in 2003—an incredible accomplishment. A new project is now underway with a similar naming convention— the Human Connectome Project. With the help of funding from the National Institutes of Health, researchers at several centres in the U.S. are working to map the many connections in the human brain. This five-year, $40-million project is using high resolution magnetic resonance im-
Healing Minds
Paul Latimer aging (MRI) to scan more than 1,200 brains and develop a working map of the entire human neural wiring system. Once a scan is taken, specialized software creates 3-D images with colour coding to show the direction of axons creating a stunning view of the major connections in the brain. Not only is the result quite visually beautiful, but the hope is that
by creating this map of brain wiring, we can learn more about how connections in the brain work to make us who we are. We do not currently have a way of imaging the brain to get a really detailed idea of what is happening in mental illness. With a better understanding, we could potentially use imaging as a diagnostic as well as preventive tool in illnesses affecting the brain—just as already happens with other major organs. Just as each person is unique, every brain will present differences in its wiring. Researchers believe this project will show how the connections in the brain change after experiences. The first batch of images gathered in the Hu-
man Connectome Project have already been posted on their website and they are well worth a look. Check them out at Although not part of the Connectome Project, there are several Canadian centres also working on similar projects and the knowledge in this field is quickly advancing. It is exciting to watch our understanding of the human brain expand and I look forward to seeing progress as it is made. It will undoubtedly bring improvements and added dimensions to our ability to help people experiencing mental illness. Paul Latimer is a psychiatrist and president of Okanagan Clinical Trials. 250-862-8141
PUZZLE NO. 656 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Copyright © 2013, Penny Press
1. Mark permanently 5. Label 8. Humid 12. Craze 15. “A Horse With No ____” 16. Unclose, to a poet 17. Like a villain 18. Dollar bill 19. Above 20. Take the gold medal 21. Nosegay 22. Pleased Julia Child 23. Famous 25. Night animal 26. In the company of 27. Physics unit 28. Mountainclimber’s coup
30. 32. 33. 36. 38. 40. 42. 43. 46. 48. 50. 51. 52. 53. 55. 56. 57. 59. 61. 63. 66.
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24. 26. 29. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 39. 41.
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42. 44. 45. 47. 49. 54. 58. 60. 62. 64. 65. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 75. 77. 79.
Halloween attire Sporting facility Emulate Elvis Citified Pixieish Bookish Experience Techie Make doilies Envelop Locust, e.g. Stinking Cloak Crosswise Cheerful “For ____ the Bell Tolls” Submarine sandwich Bedouin Determination Roster Destroy the interior of
Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date
•LAKE COUNTRY BUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 6pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515, or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH HOLY WEEK and Easter services Palm Sunday - March 25 at 9:50 am, Maundy Thursday Potluck - March 28 at 5pm, Good Friday - March 29 at 4pm, Easter Sunrise at Gambell’s Orchard - March 31 at 7:10am, Easter Sunday Service - March 31 at 9:50 am. Everyone welcome! 3751 Woodsdale Road. Phone 250-766-4458 for more information. •WINFIELD SENIORS SEWINg CLUB is holding a tea and fashion show March 23 from 1pm to 3pm at the Lake Country Senior’s Center, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Winfield. Tickets are $4 and are available from sewing members or at the Door. Come and see what our members have been creating. •MON., MARCH 18, 25 PRIME TIME. Tues., March 19, 26 Wheels to Meals Luncheon. Fri., March 22, Mystery Tour. To reserve seat on bus phone Marg 250766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •LINE DANCINg CLASSES for advanced beginners to intermediates from 10-11:45 am every Wednesday until the end of June at Holiday Park Resort’s recreation centre, on Commonwealth Road (turn at the sailboat). Twoonie donation. Call Doreen at 250-869-8446. •ST PATRICK’S TEA AND BAKE SALE Sat., March 16, 1pm-3pm at St. Edwards Church Hall, 11123 Okanagan Centre Road East. Also included will be live entertainment - Irish music and singing by Ceol na hEirann. Everyone welcome. •ROYAL CANADIAN LEgION 189 LADIES AUXILIARY - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10 am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •BINgO-TWICE MONTHLY BINgOS will be held at the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. Bingo begins at 1:30pm, doors open at 12:30pm. Everybody welcome but must be 19 to play. Bus service is also available in Lake Country if there are enough people wanting it. For info call Marg Fyfe one week before the bingo at 250-766-3227. Bingos are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month and sponsored by the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Society. •LAKE COUNTRY YOUTH SOCCER ASSOC. Registration ongoing. For info check out or call 250-766-0602. •TODAY’S LINE DANCINg IS SIMILAR TO BALLROOM DANCINg, but NO PARTNER IS NEEDED! Rhythm flavours of Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Merengue, Samba, Fox Trot, Waltz, Bolero, and coming up BACHATA! and yes, some Country and Western! Tooney donation. Location: Holiday Park Resort Recreation Centre, Hwy 97 North, turn at Sail Boat (Commonwealth Road). Mondays at 1:45 to 2:40 for New Beginners, 2 to 3pm for beginners and intermediates. First class for 2013 begins Feb. 4. Ph: Mary 250-766-4651. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •THE LAKE COUNTRY FOOD BANK wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-7660125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAKE COUNTRY THRIFT STORE hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •BEAVERS/CUBS/SCOUTS/VENTURERS REgISTRATION/AgM Registration is ongoing for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •LAKE COUNTRY BUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •OYAMA LEgION BRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAKE COUNTRY MUSEUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 www. •CRIBBAgE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for all day coffee. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •TO ALL WINFIELD CRIB PLAYERS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL BRIDgE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORgANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or ecbayer@ for further info. •LC OUTDOORS CLUB welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.
for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220
1. Pitfall 2. Indulge, with “to”
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Save on Pre-Arrangements. For a limited time, Valleyview Funeral Home and Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery is proud to offer Okanagan families a 12% savings on pre-arrangements. Please contact us for a personal consultation.
Encourage little pollinators with nesting boxes
inch block of untreated wood about six to eight If you grow any fruit inches long. trees, it is important to Drill about 30 tunTHURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013 attract these valuable nels 3 3/4 inches deep on beasties to your garden. one side. Hang the boxes TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E 165 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 To do this, you need) to in the sun fairly to # $ % & _ ( * ` close1 Proudly serving Lake Country, affiliated with Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery by the airport. provide nest boxes. your fruit trees, attached Darts The Doctors The View 2013 Poko The Price Is The Doctors UFC 158 Bucket-Dino The View Criminal THURSDAY, MARCH 14, ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” ” Franklin Minds 10 :00 :30 In his book, The Orto a building” rather than Billiards: Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink UEFA Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal :00 chard Mason Bee, Bria branch since a box Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Olly News TSN CHBC CIVT CBC Restless KIRO Debt/Part CHAN Europa SNP Dive, KNOW KOMO Minds A&E 11 :30 Pool Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery for 30 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon League Dan The Chew Thewill First 48 an Griffi n News provides de- Dino :00 30 # swaying in` the wind $ % & _ ( ) * 1 ” 250-765-2929 Hour ” Now Bold Hour Soccer Rob Robot ” ” 12:00 :30 tailed nestDoctors box distract The egg-laying bees. Darts ” The Doctors The Is The UFC Bucket-Dino View Criminal Days of our The TheView Dr. Oz Poko Heartland The Price Talk Days of our building UEFA158 Save-Ums! General The First 48 :00 Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements ” ” ” Doodlebops Right ” ” Franklin ” Minds ” Lives Show ” ” Lives Wibbly Pig Hospital ” 101:30 :30 plans. You need UEFA aEuropa 4X4 The name “mason” exBilliards: The Marilyn Steven & Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Off Record Eat, TheShrink Talk Dr. Phil Stevenand and Young Let’s Make a Eat, The Shrink Talk League Big Bear The Doctors The First 48 BEES FROM A10
Valleyview Funeral Home
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Denis Show ”
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for 30 Noon News CTV News CBC News SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen DeGeFigure THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013 :00 :00 30 ””
Hockey ” Movie: ”
Hour Lake Show Young Days of & our Restless Lives
neres” Show Now Skating
Anderson The Dr. Oz Live Show
“Bull News CTV News Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil Durham” at Five Interruption ”” ” Darts The Doctors The View ” Global Nat. Ellen CTV DeGeNews SportsCentre The Ricki ” ” ” NHL ”Pre CHBC News neres Show ” Lake Show Billiards: Eat, Shrink The Marilyn NHL Ent & Big Bang Hockey Young Anderson Pool Debt/Part Denis Show Hockey: ET Canada etalk Movie: Restless Live 30 for 30 Noon News CTV News Predators at News Zero Hour Big Bang “Bull CTV News ” Hour ” ” Canucks Two Men Durham” ” at Five ” ” Days of our The Dr. Oz Glee Grey’s Global Nat. Show CTV News ”” Lives SportsCentre ” Anatomy NHL Pre CHBC News ” Off Record The Talk Dr. SportsCentre Elementary ToPhil Be NHL Ent ” Big Bang Interruption ” ” ” Announced Hockey: ET Canada etalk SportsCentre Ricki SportsCentreThe CHBC NewsEllen CTVDeGeNews Predators Zero Hour Big Bang ” ” at Lake neres Show FinalShow CTV News Canucks ” Two Men Hockey & Anderson SportsCentreYoung ET Canada Daily Show Glee Grey’s Movie: ” ” Restless Live J. Probst Colbert Rep SportsCentre ” Anatomy “Bull News CTV News SportsCentre Elementary ToFive Be Durham” ” at ” ” Announced ” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News NHL Pre CHBC News ” ” Final CTV News NHL Ent Big Bang SportsCentre ET ET Canada Canada etalk Daily Show Hockey: ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Predators at Zero Hour Big Bang Canucks ” Two Men
” Glee SportsCentre ”
Grey’s Anatomy
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
To Be Announced
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst Darts
Dragons’ Heartland Den ”
Restless Deal
Debt/Part ”
Europa Soccer
Dive, Olly Dinosaur
News ”
cont’d Politics
Planes ”
Family Feud Medium Extreme Live
KIRO News ThisMinute Bold ThisMinute
Noon News The Ricki Hour Lake Show
League Sportsnet Soccer Connected
Dino Dan Rob Robot Rob Robot Clifford-Dog
The Chew Dr. Oz Show ”
Victorious The First 48 Victorious Victorious ” Victorious
CBC News ” Now With ”
Alien How/Made Mysteries How/Made
Funny Home Medium What Not to The Offi ” ce The Ricki Videos Wear College Lake Show Medium Big Bang
Judge Judy The Talk Judge” Judy
Youngof&our Days Restless Lives
2013 World UEFA Baseball Europa
G. Shrinks Save-Ums! Arthur Pig Wibbly
The First 48 Victorious Victorious ” Victorious Victorious
Lang & Andrew O’Leary Nichols
Daily Alien Planet ” Mysteries
Steve Law Order: Harvey CI
Early News The Talk Global” Nat. The Doctors News Hour The Ricki ” ” Lake Show Eat, Shrink Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News Zero Hour Early News Hour Global”Nat. Days Glee of our News Hour Lives ” ” The Talk Elementary Ent ” ” ET Canada The Ricki News Hour Zero Hour Lake FinalShow ” Young & ET Canada Glee Restless J. Probst ” Early News Elementary Global Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET J. Probst Zero Hour ”
Classic League Soccer” UFC 158 ” Sportsnet ” ” Connected UEFA Sportsnet 2013 World Europa Connected Baseball League Crashed Ice Classic Soccer ”” UEFA FIS Alpine ” Europa Skiing ” League Sportsnet Sportsnet Soccer Connected Connected Sportsnet Hockey Crashed Ice Connected UFC Central ” 2013 UFC World FIS Alpine Baseball Countdown Skiing Classic Sportsnet ” Connected ” Hockey ” UFC Central Sportsnet UFC Connected Countdown Crashed Ice ”
Martha Big Bear Wild Kratts Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Animals Rob Robot Franklin Can. Rivers Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie What’s That G. Shrinks Dive, Olly About? Arthur Dino Dan Brazil With Martha Rob PalinRobot Wild Kratts Save-Ums! Movie: AnimalsPig Wibbly “Mandela” Can. Rivers Big Bear ” What’s That Dinosaur ” About? Rob Robot What’s That Brazil With Clifford-Dog About? Palin G. Shrinks Park Avenue Movie:” Arthur “Mandela” Martha ” Wild Kratts ” Animals What’s That Can. Rivers About? What’s That Park Avenue About? ” Brazil With Palin
World ”News The View KOMO 4 The Dr. ” Oz News Show KOMO 4 Wheel 4 KOMO News Jeopardy! News The Chew Shark Tank News ” World ”News General Grey’s KOMO 4 Hospital Anatomy News The Doctors Scandal Wheel” ” Jeopardy! The Dr. News Oz Shark Show JimmyTank ” KOMO Kimmel4Live Grey’s News Nightline Anatomy News Scandal World News ” KOMO 4 News Jimmy Wheel Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Nightline Shark Tank ”
The First 48 ” Criminal The First The First 48 48 Minds ”” Criminal After the 48 The First Minds First 48 ” The First 48 The 48 The First First 48 ””” The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 ”” ” The First First 48 48 The After the ”” First 48 The First 48 After the The First ” 48 First 48 ” The First First 48 48 The The First ”” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 After the ” First 48 After the The First First 48 48 ” The First 48 ”
Victorious CBC News Property Say Yes Victorious Power & MythBusters Simpsons Anderson Medium Victorious ” Property Raymond Say Yes Victorious Politics ” Live Medium Big Time CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Chronicles of CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Say Yes Victorious ” How/Made The Ricki Medium Rush Now With How/Made Facelift? Baby Story Narnia: The National ” Two Yes Victorious ” How/Made LakeMen Show Say Medium Big Time Reshmi Nair Mighty Family Feud Extreme Dawn CBC News The Devils Bang What Not to Victorious Lang Daily Planet Big Steve Rush cont’d& Planes Family Feud Borrowed Extreme Treader ” Ride Two Men Wear Victorious O’Leary ” Harvey Borrowed Victorious CBC News Alien Funny Home What Not to ” CBC News: American Say Yes Victorious CBC News Greatest Property Simpsons Say Yes Victorious NowNational With Mysteries Videos Wear Zoink’d! The Know-It-All Idol Say Victorious ” Property Raymond SayYes Yes Victorious Andrew Alien Law Order: Say Gags CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee What Yes Not to Chronicles CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Say Victorious of The Nichols CI Bang SayYes Yes Gags National Mysteries ” ” Wear Narnia: The National ” Two Men Say Yes Victorious Power & MythBusters Anderson Medium Boys CBC News The Devils News Say Yes Dawn CBC News The Devils Big Bang What Not to Victorious Politics Live Medium Mr. Young ” Ride ” 30 Rock Say Yes Treader ” Ride Two Men Wear Victorious ” How/Made Sunny The Ricki Medium That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Borrowed ” CBCNational News: Greatest American Say Yes Victorious ” How/Made TMZ Lake Show Borrowed Medium Splatalot The Property Zoink’d! The National Know-It-All Idol Say Yes Victorious Lang & & Daily Planet The Steve Borrowed Dawn Lang MythBusters Office Paid Prog. Gags CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee What Not to Victorious O’Leary ” Harvey Borrowed Treader O’Leary ” King of Hill Paid Prog. Gags The National ” ” Wear Victorious CBC News Property Simpsons Say Yes Boys CBC News The Devils News Say Victorious ” Property Raymond SayYes Yes Mr. Young ” Ride 30 Rock Say Yes Chronicles of CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Say Yes That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Sunny Borrowed Narnia: The National ” Two Men Say Yes Splatalot The National Property TMZ Borrowed Dawn CBC News The Devils Big Bang What Not to Dawn Lang &” MythBusters The ce Paid Treader Ride Two Offi Men WearProg. Treader O’Leary ” King of Hill Paid Prog. ” CBC News: Greatest American Say Yes Zoink’d! The National Know-It-All Idol Say Yes
FIS Alpine Skiing
Movie: “Mandela”
Grey’s Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Gags Gags
CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee The National ” ”
What Not to Wear
Amer. Dad Seinfeld
Travel Skills ”
The Office 1600 Penn
Scandal ”
The First 48 ”
Boys Mr. Young
CBC News ”
News 30 Rock
Say Yes Say Yes
Seinfeld The Office
A 60s Pop Flashback:
Law & Order: SVU
News Jimmy
After the First 48
That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Splatalot The National Property
Sunny TMZ
Borrowed Borrowed
Law Order: CI
Hullabaloo (My Music)
KING News Jay Leno
News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Steven News KIRO News Chris Deal Poko The Price Is News KIRO News Figure ThisMinute Doodlebops Right Coronation ThisMinute CBS News Skating Steven and Young & Figure Ent Dragons’ Judge Judy Chris Restless Skating omg! Insider Den Judge Judy CBC News KIRO News ” Big Bang News KIRO News Now Bold Two Men News ” KIRO News Heartland The Talkof ” Person News ” KIRO ”News ” Interest Coronation CBS News Steven and Let’s Make a CBC News: Elementary Figure Ent Chris The National Deal ” Skating omg! Insider Figure ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News ” S Big Bang Skating ThisMinute George Late Show ” Two Men Dragons’ Judy Coronation Judge Letterman ” Person of Den Judge Judy Q With Jian Ferguson ” Interest News KIRO News CBC News: KIRO Elementary News News The National ” News KIRO News CBC News KIRO News Coronation CBS News George S Late Show Figure Ent Coronation omg! Letterman Skating Insider Q With Jian Ferguson ” Big Bang ” Two Men
” ”
Person of Interest
KOMO 4 KNOW General KOMO News Hospital News * ` The Doctors
CBC News: Elementary The National ”
Elementary ”
Sportsnet Connected
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey What’s That UFC Central About?
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada J. Probst
UFC Countdown
Daily Show Coronation Colbert Rep Q With Jian
plains another necessireaches 10 C for severOne final blessing ty—a source of damp al consecutive days, bring is that these little gems earth for closing the out your bee boxes and don’t sting unless trapped opening. Provide a small wait for the blue masons under clothing. And if pile of dampened earth to appear. they should react in panclose to the nest. Each female lays ic, the sting is equivaYTV NEWS DISC KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Leave the7 boxes in 9 about 35 eggs < during herA lent toN that of a P mosqui6 ; place until October, then short life span and all orto bite. Big Time CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story College Sid Science Today Rush Withdown How/Made chard Facelift? Baby Story Wild Krattsbees cont’d gently liftNow them mason bees willBasketball Mason are not Big Time Reshmi Nair Mighty Family Feud Extreme ” Daniel Tiger New Day and store in a dry area have completed their yet commercially availRush Feud Extreme ” Rick Steves Northwest YTV cont’d NEWS Planes DISC Family KAYU TLC WTBS KCTS KING Victorious CBC7 News Alien9 Funny Home and, What< Not to be A ” Easy Yoga KING 5 if such as a garage. Always life’s work sadly, able in Canada, but 6 ; N P Victorious Now With Mysteries Videos Wear College for Arthritis News store upright. theSay beginning build theDays boxes, they Big Timebee boxes CBC News How/Made dead HowOrder: Iby Met Baby Story Basketball College you Sid Science Today Victorious Andrew Alien Law Yes Hopeful of our Rush Now With How/Made Facelift? Baby Story Basketball Wild Kratts cont’d Victorious Nichols Mysteries CI Say Yes ” Aging Lives When spring weather of June. will come. Big Time Reshmi Nair Mighty Family Feud Extreme ” Daniel Tiger New Day Victorious Power & MythBusters Anderson Medium ” Charlie Rose Dr. Phil
” ”
A&E 1
A&E 1
Rush Victorious
Park Avenue Kimmel Live The First 48 ” Nightline ”
Dawn Treader
Lang & O’Leary
The Devils Ride
Poko Doodlebops
The Price Is Right
The Doctors MLB ” Preseason
Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”
Parking Parking
T.U.F.F. T.U.F.F.
CBC News Now With
Billiards: Pool
Eat, Shrink Debt/Part
The Marilyn Denis Show
Steven and Chris
Young & Restless
Eat, Shrink Debt/Part
Baseball: Nationals at
Rolie Polie Dive, Olly
Parking Parking
T.U.F.F. T.U.F.F.
Reshmi Nair Hillbilly cont’d Handfishin’
Movie: “Bull
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
SNP ) UFC 158:
Dino Dan Rob Robot
A&E 1 Parking
Kung Fu Kung Fu
YTV 6 Kung Fu
CBC News Now With
Heartland ” Poko Steven and Doodlebops Chris Steven and Figure Chris Skating CBC News Dragon’s Now Den Heartland News News”
CHAN ( Days of our
Cardinals Blue Jays
The Dr. Oz Show The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn Ellen DeGeDenis Show neres Show CTV News Anderson ” Live The Oz CTVDr. News Show at Five
KIRO The_ Talk
Noon News Hour
NEWS 7 Andrew
Durham” Days of our ” Lives Darts The Doctors Off Record The Talk ” ” Interruption ” Billiards: Eat, Shrink SportsCentre The Ricki Pool Debt/Part ” Lake Show Movie: Noon News NBA Young & “Bull Hour Basketball: Restless Durham” Days Bobcats at Newsof our ” Lives Raptors ”
Off Record The TalkNat. Dr. Phil ” Global CTV News Interruption ” NewsThe View ”” Darts Doctors SportsCentreThe CHBC ” ” ”DeGeSportsCentre The Ellen ” Ent Ricki Big Bang ”” Lake Show The neres Show ET Shrink Canada etalk Billiards: Eat, Marilyn Pool Debt/Part Denis Show NBA Young & Anderson The AnKitchen Golden Boy Basketball: Restless Live News nouncementNoon Nightmares ” Movie: News CTV “Bull Hour ” Bobcats News CTV News ” at Touch Grimm Raptors ” ”our The at Five E:60 Durham” Days of Dr.”Oz ”” Lives SportsCentre 16x9 Nat. Show BlueNews Bloods Global CTV ” ” SportsCentre CHBC News Off Record The Talk Dr. Phil”” Interruption ” News Big ”News Formula OneEnt CHBC CTV ” Bang Racing Final CTVDeGeNews ” ET Canada etalk SportsCentre The Ricki Ellen ” Lake Show neres SportsCentre ET Canada The Show The AnKitchen Golden Boy SportsCentre J. Probst Mentalist nouncement Nightmares ” NBA Young & Anderson
Mentalist Golden Boy ” Grimm ”
SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”
Blue Bloods ”
Formula One CHBC News CTV News Racing Final CTV News
Weigh-In MLB HockeycenPreseason tral at Noon Baseball: Soccer Nationals at Central Cardinals Hockey: Blue Jays Friday Night UFC 158: Hockey: Weigh-In Teams TBA
Wibbly Pig Bucket-Dino Big Bear Franklin Dinosaur Rolie Polie Rob Robot Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur Save-Ums! Martha Wibbly Pig Wild Kratts
Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO 4 The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 ” News General News Hospital World News
Steven News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Chris Deal Poko Price Is Coronation The CBS News Doodlebops Right Figure ThisMinute Figure Ent Skating ThisMinute Skating omg! Insider Steven and Young & Chris Restless Dragon’s Judge Judy ” Undercover Den News Judge Judy ” Boss News CBC KIRO Now Bold News ” KIRO News Golden Boy News ” KIRO News ” Heartland The Talk ” ” CBC News: KIRO Blue Bloods News News The National ” Coronation CBS Make News Steven and Let’s a Chris CBC News Deal KIRO News Figure Ent George S Late Show Skating omg! Insider Figure ThisMinute Skating ThisMinute Coronation Letterman ” Undercover Capote Ferguson ” Boss Dragon’s Judge Judy
The Talk News Hour ”” The Doctors ” The Ent Ricki Lake Show ET Canada Eat, Shrink Debt/Part Young & Kitchen Restless Nightmares Noon News Hour Early TouchNews Global ”Nat. Days of our Lives 16x9 Hour News ” ” The Talk News”Hour Ent Final ET Canada The Ricki Lake Show ET Canada Kitchen J. Probst Nightmares Young &
Hockeycen” tral at Noon MLB ” Preseason Soccer Sportsnet Central Connected Baseball: Nationals at Hockey: On the Edge Friday ”Night Cardinals Blue Jays Hockey: FIS Alpine Teams TBA Skiing UFC 158: Weigh-In Sportsnet ” Connected ” Hockeycentral at Noon Hockey Sportsnet UEFA Maga. Connected Soccer Central World On thePoker Edge Tour ” Hockey:
Big Bear Animals Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Parks Franklin Rob Robot Coast Clifford-Dog ” Rolie Polie Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Return to Arthur Cranford Dino Dan Rob Robot Martha Poirot Wild Kratts ” Save-Ums! Wibbly ” Pig Animals ” Parks Big Bear Dinosaur Black Coffee Coast ” Rob Robot Clifford-Dog Return to to Return Cranford Cranford G. Shrinks
Friday Night FIS Alpine Skiing Hockey: Teams TBA Sportsnet
Arthur Poirot ” Martha Wild Kratts ”
Parking KOMO 4 Duck D. ” Parking The View Parking News Duck D. ” Oz Parking The Dr. Parking Wheel Duck D. Show Parking Jeopardy! Duck D. KOMO 4 Parking News Parking KOMO 4 Duck D. D. Last Man Duck News Malibu Duck D. The Chew Parking Parking News Shark ”Tank Duck D. World ”News Duck D. General Parking Hospital Parking 20/20 4 Duck D. KOMO ” Duck D. News The Doctors Parking Parking News ” Duck D. Wheel Jimmy Duck D. Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Parking Show Parking Kimmel Live Duck D. Last Man Duck D. Nightline Duck D. Malibu Duck D. KOMO 4 News Duck D. Shark Tank Duck D.
Capote ” ” ” ”
Powerboat Driving TV
It Is Written Movie Night
” ”
News Hour PGA Tour
Operation Smile
MLS Soccer: Golf Toronto FC
Judge GoldenJudy Boy Restless Touch ” ” KIRO News Early News KIRO News Global Blue Bloods 16x9 Nat. ” ” KIRO News News Hour CBS KIRONews News News ”Hour
KNOW KOMO * ` The Doctors
Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D. Parking Duck D.
A&E 1
Late Show Final Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Letterman ET Canada Canada Ferguson J. Probst Undercover Kitchen Boss Nightmares
Duck D. News ” World Duck D. D. 20/20 News Duck Connected ” Duck D. ” Animals KOMO” 4 ” Parks News Duck D. Hockey Black Coffee News Duck D. UEFA Maga. Coast ” Jimmy Duck D. Sportsnet Wheel Connected Jeopardy! Duck D. D. World Poker Return” to Kimmel Live Duck Tourthe Edge Return Cranford Nightline Duck D. On to Last Man ” Cranford Malibu Duck D.
Golden Boy ”
FIS Alpine Skiing
Sportsnet Connected
Poirot ”
Nichols CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Nair ” cont’d ” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary Andrew CBC News Nichols ”
Kung Fu Power & Madagascar CBC News: Kung Fu Politics T.U.F.F. CBCNational News ” The T.U.F.F. Now With Penguins ” ” CBC News Penguins ” ”” Nair T.U.F.F. Reshmi T.U.F.F. cont’d Penguins LangNews: & Madagascar: CBC Penguins O’Leary Escape The Kung Fu2 CBCNational News Kung Fu Now News: With Penguins CBC News Africa CBC Penguins ” The National Kung ”Fu Andrew Kung Fu Nichols Mr. Young CBC News Madagascar CBC News: Mr. Young ” ” The National Kung Fu Power & Kung Fu Politics Boys CBC News: ” CBC News Boys The National ” ”” Penguins Penguins ” Madagascar Lang Madagascar: CBC & News: 2 O’Leary Escape 2 The National Penguins Lang &
DISC The 9 Devils
Ride How/Made River How/Made Monsters Hillbilly How/Made Handfishin’ How/Made Fast N’ Loud Daily Planet ” ” The Devils Greatest Ride Know-It-All
Penguins Africa ” Penguins Penguins Mr. Young
Activist” Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur Movie: Wild Kratts “The WordGirl Quantum Business Activist” World News
Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNews neres Show Days5of our KING Lives News
King ” King Law ”Order: CI Office The College Big Basketball LawBang Order: CI Bang Big ” College ” Excused Excused Basketball Amer. Dad Seinfeld There”Yet? There Seinfeld ”Yet? The Offi ” ce King King Guy Family College Movie: Basketball The Office Big Bang “Underdog” ” ”” Big Bang
Charlie RoseNightly Dr. PhilNews PBS ” Sid Science Today” NewsHour News WildinKratts cont’d Cat the Katie Washington Magazine Arthur ” Need Daniel Tiger Inside New Ed. Day Rick Steves Northwest WildMartin Kratts Fashion Ellen DeGeDoc Star WordGirl neres ” ” Show Movie: KING 5 “The News5 Business KING Members’ Grimm World News News Choice Quantum Days” of our Activist” Lives ” Rock Center PBS Nightly News ” ” NewsHour News Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ” Rick Steves’ KING News Washington Magazine Essential Leno Need Inside Ed. Cat in the Jay Katie Arthur Europe ” ” Star Doc Martin Fashion ” Jimmy Fallon ” ” Wild Kratts Ellen DeGe-
CI Weddings How I Met Baby Story Anderson Four Paid Prog. Baby Story Live Weddings Family Feud Four The Ricki Four Family Feud Weddings Lake Show Weddings Funny Home Four Steve Say Yes Videos Weddings Harvey Say Yes Law Order: Four Simpsons Four CI Weddings Raymond Weddings
Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
Borrowed Borrowed
Amer. Dad Seinfeld
News 30 Rock
Four Weddings
Seinfeld The Office
Sunny TMZ
Say Yes Say Yes
Family Guy Movie:
The First 48 ”
Turtles Beyblade
Now With Christine
The First 48 ”
Pokemon Power
Nightline College Basketball ” ”
League Soccer
Upside Dwn Planet Echo
News Hour PGA Tour
” University
Dogs Dogs
Hockey: CIS: Teams
Rivers Can. Rivers
The First 48 ”
Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno
Mega Builders Lilly
The First 48 To Be ”
Beyblade Beyblade Kung Fu
College Basketball
” KNOW KOMO ” * ` ”
Cash Cab College Miss BG of Basketball Frontiers Cash Cab Construction Cash Cab Upside Dwn ” Simpsons UFC 158 National Driving TV Soccer Planet Echo Sea Rescue ” Simpsons Preview Geographic Born-Explore News Hour ” Dogs College Simpsons UFC 158 Brazil with News PGA Tour University Dogs Basketball Global Nat. Prelims Palin World News Golf Hockey: Rivers ” Evening ” Be the ” CIS: Teams Can. Rivers KOMO” 4 News ” Creature News ” TBA Mega ” Tribute University Killed WheelCab Fishn English Lilly College ” ” Builders Cash Bands Hockey: Mamm.? Jeopardy! Real Fishing Premier Miss BG Basketball House Sportsnet Frontiers of Cash Cab The Brothel CIS: Teams Upside Heartbeat Celebrity Powerboat League Dwn Cash ” ” Connected Construction Cab ProjectTV TBA Driving Soccer Planet”Echo Wife Swap ” Simpsons UFC 158 National Sea Rescue Chicago Fire ” Midsomer 20/20 News Hour ” Dogs Simpsons Preview Geographic College Born-Explore ” Sportsnet Murders ” PGA Tour University Dogs Basketball Simpsons UFC 158 Brazil with News Combat Sportsnet ” ” Golf Rivers Global Nat. Hockey: Prelims Palin World ”News Hospital Connected ” ” ” CIS: Teams Can. Rivers ” Evening ” Be the KOMO 4 News”Final TBA Poker After Mega For King and News ” News Creature News Saturday Dark ”” Empire Burn Notice ” Builders Cash Cab Tribute University Killed Wheel” Night Live Crashed Ice Frontiers Midsomerof Cash House Sportsnet Cab Bands” Hockey: Mamm.? Jeopardy! ” Murders CastleCab ” Connected Construction Cash
KING 5 News
There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang Excused Big Bang Excused College There Yet? Basketball There” Yet?
KCTS N Quantum
King of Hill Kitchen Nightmares
Powerboat Driving TV
WTBS A There Yet?
CBC News: Finding The National Bigfoot
Redrum Redrum Breakout ”
TLC Four<
Lang & O’Leary CBC News CBC News
” English Premier Sportsnet Connected League
KAYU Law ; Order:
2 Madagascar: O’Leary CBC News: Redrum Redrum Escape 2 The National Redrum
Madagascar 2 Kung Fu Turtles
Fishn ” Real Fishing House ” Powerboat
New Day Northwest
Movie: “The
A&E 1
Announced Turtles The First 48 Beyblade ” The First 48 Beyblade Turtles Storage Madagascar ” Beyblade Storage ” The First 48 Pokemon To Be ” Power” Announced ” The First 48 Yu-Gi-Oh! ”” Cache Craze Monsuno ” ” The First 48 Beyblade Babysitting To Be ”” Kung Fu Beyblade ” Zoink’d! Announced Turtles The First 48 Beyblade ”” The First 48 Aquamarine Turtles Beyblade ”” ” Beyblade Storage Madagascar To Be ” The First 48 Pokemon Storage ” Announced ” Power” To Be ” ” SpongeBob The First 48 Yu-Gi-Oh! Announced ” ”” Babysitting Monsuno ” Cache Craze Craze ” The First 48 Cache Beyblade ”” ”” ” Beyblade ”” Babysitting The First 48 Aquamarine Beyblade Zoink’d! ””” ” Beyblade
A&E 1
Essential Leno Washington Jay Magazine Need Inside” Ed. Europe
Duck D. Duck D. To Be Announced
Daniel Tiger Rick Steves
Excused Excused
Movie: College Basketball “Underdog”
World Poker Return to Tour Cranford English Lilly Premier Miss BG
CHAN ” ( ”
Law Order: CI
The Offi ” ce Family”Guy
ET Canada J. Probst Fishn Real Fishing
Family Feud Four Family Feud Weddings
Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog.
CBC News: Breakout The National ”
College Basketball
Today cont’d
Weddings Say Yes SayYes Yes Say
CBC News ”
SportsCentre Figure ” Skating
Sid Science Wild Kratts
TMZ Big Bang Two Offi Men The ce
Boys Boys
at Montreal ” Lovett-Reid ” ” Impact Dr. Marla & One Ocean ” ” Curling Fishn ” SickKids Basketball ” Real Fishing Foundation ” College SportsCentre House Cash Cab National College ” ” Cash Cab HNIC Basketball ” Powerboat It Is Written FIS Alpine Basketball E:60 ” Simpsons Celebrity NHL Driving TV Movie Night Skiing ”” ” Simpsons Celebrity Hockey: ” ” News Hour Operation ” ” Boxing Simpsons etalk Winnipeg KIRO ”News ” PGA Tour Smile ” ” CHBC News App Central Jets at KIRO News MLS Soccer: Golf SportsCentre Figure College Global Toronto CBS News Toronto” FC ” Nat. CTV News ” Skating Basketball ” CHBC News ” Maple Leafs KIRO News at Montreal ” Lovett-Reid ” ” SportsCentre Tribute W5 NHL EntertainCurling Fishn SickKids One Ocean Basketball Impact ” Dr. Marla & ” ” Bands ” Hockey: ment ’Night ” ” Real Fishing Foundation ” College SportsCentre House Cash Cab National College The Brothel CSI: Crime Red Wings Basketball CSI: Crime ”” ” Powerboat ItCash Is Written FIS Alpine ” Cab HNIC Basketball 30 for ProjectTV Scene at Canucks Scene ” 30 Driving Movie Night Skiing ” E:60 Simpsons Celebrity NHL ” Chicago Criminal Criminal ”” ” News HourFireOperation ”” ”” Simpsons Celebrity Hockey: ” Minds HNIC” After Minds” ” ” PGA Tour Smile Boxing Simpsons etalk Winnipeg KIRO News SportsCentre Combat Big Bang Hours 48 Hours MLS Soccer: Golf College ” CHBC News SportsCentre App Central Figure Jets at KIRO News Hospital Big Bang News ” Toronto ”FC ” ” Skating Basketball ” Global Nat. CTV News Toronto CBS News Formula One News Final CTV News NHL Hockey KIRO” News at Montreal ” News Lovett-Reid ” Leafs KIRO ” CHBC ” Maple News Racing: Saturday CTV News omg! ”Insider Impact ” Dr. Marla & ”” SportsCentre Tribute W5 NHL ” EntertainAustralian House Night Live Cash Movie: Paid Prog. SportsCentre Cab National College ” Prix Bands ” ” Hockey: ment ’Night Grand “Jarhead” ” Paid Prog. ” ” Cash Cab HNIC Basketball
Law Order: CI
30 BigRock Bang Two Men Sunny
Mr. Young Mr. Young
” ”
WTBS Law Order: KCTS Eat & Cook KING ” CI Healthy! Jimmy Fallon A N P
Duck D. Duck D.
A&E 1
World News News ” ” Sid Science Today PBS Nightly News Cat the Katie WildinKratts cont’d NewsHour News ” Arthur Daniel Tiger New Day Easy Yoga Magazine Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeRick Steves Northwest for Arthritis Inside WordGirl neresEd. Show Easy Yoga KING 5 Rick Steves’ Community Business KING for Arthritis News5 Europe World News Parks News Hopeful Days Travel Skills The Offiof ceour PBS Nightly News Aging Lives ” 1600 Penn NewsHour News RoseLaw Dr. & Phil ACharlie 60s Pop Easy Yoga Magazine ” ” Flashback: Order: SVU for Arthritis Inside Ed. Cat in the KING KatieNews Hullabaloo Rick Steves’ Jay Community Arthur ” (My Music) Leno Europe Parks Wild Kratts Ellen” DeGeEat & Cook Travel Skills The Offi ce WordGirl neres Show Healthy! Jimmy Fallon ” 1600 Penn Business KING 5 A 60s Pop & World News Law News Flashback: Order: SVU PBS Nightly News Hullabaloo KING NewsHour NewsNews (My Music) Jay Leno Easy Yoga Magazine Eat & Cook for Arthritis Inside” Ed. Healthy! Jimmy Fallon Rick Steves’ Community Europe Parks
WordGirl neres Show Members’ Grimm Choice Business KING”5 World” News Rock NewsCenter ” News PBS ” Nightly NewsHour News Rick Steves’ KING News
Duck D. Duck D.
Basketball ”
Kratts Ellen Hopeful DaysDeGeof our WTBS Wild KCTS KING WordGirl neres Show Aging Lives 5 A Business N P Charlie RoseKING Dr. Phil
Basketball ” King ” College ” ce The Offi Basketball ” Big Bang ” College Big Bang ” Basketball College ” ” Basketball College ”” Basketball Amer. Dad ” Seinfeld” ” Seinfeld” College King The Office Basketball TheOrder: Office Law ” Big Bang CI ” Big Order: Bang Law Amer. Dad College CI Seinfeld Basketball Seinfeld ” The Office ” Law Order: ” CI College Law Order: Basketball CI ” ”
College Amer. Dad Seinfeld Basketball ” Seinfeld
Duck D. Duck D.
” ”
Big Bang Basketball College”
Shark Tank ”
KNOW KOMO * `Live Kimmel
Northwest ”
KING 5 Katie News”
Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Four Weddings Four
FIS Alpine Skiing
Baby Story Baby Story
Rick Steves ”
Easy Cat in Yoga the for Arthritis Arthur
Harvey Touch ” Simpsons Raymond News
Hockey Black Coffee News UEFA Maga. ” Jimmy
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
O’Leary ” CBC News: Finding The CBCNational News Bigfoot Greatest ” Know-It-All CBC News Greatest Mr. Young ” Know-It-All Madagascar CBC News: Finding ” The National Bigfoot Boys CBC News: Breakout Boys ” The ” CBCNational News Breakout ” ” Madagascar Lang &” Redrum
News Hour Final
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How I Met Paid Prog.
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CBC News George S
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MythBusters Anderson ” Live
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Motoring Preview
Sisters Gypsy Four Sisters Weddings Welcome to Myrtle Gypsy Four Sisters Weddings Gypsy Sisters Gypsy Borrowed Sisters Borrowed Gypsy
Highway Thru Hell
Dragons’ Den
Debt/Part ET Canada J. Probst Noon News Hour
Cleveland Crook & NASCAR Chase Racing Family Guy Burgers Trout TV cont’d: Outd’r Sprint News Cup: TMZ Big Bang Food City Two Men 500 ”
Power & Politics
The Following
” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre
KING ”News
Andrew Nichols
Anger Big Bang
CBC News: The PokoNational 0 The Price Is 0 The Doctors Doodlebops Right News News Hour ” CBC News KIRO George S Late Show Final Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink DenisShow Show Coronation Chris Restless Debt/Part Daily Letterman ET Canada Colbert Rep Being Erica Ferguson Probst CTV News CBC News KIRO News J. Noon News ” Now Bold Hour
Diamond Happiness Advantage Queen
Almost League/Evil
Deception ”
” CTV News CTV News The Marilyn
” “College Road Trip” ”
Squirrel Sidekick
A&E 1
Bones ”
Castle ” The View
Sisters Gypsy Sisters Welcome to Myrtle Gypsy Sisters Gypsy
Storage Storage
” Preview
SportsCentre Hawaii Five” 0 Curling The Doctors ” SportsCentre CHBC”News ”” Final Eat, Shrink
Storage Storage
” That’s Hcky
” Sportsnet
KING ”5 NewsTour PGA Golf Nightly News
General Hospital
KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `
Storage Storage Storage Storage Bates Motel Storage ” Storage Bates Motel Storage ” Bates Motel ”
Deception ”
News Highclere Castle & Moyers Company The
Storage Storage
Castle News ” News News News World Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel Live News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
Broke Girl Mike
Wild Kratts Activist”
Are Back” Movie: “Good”Will Movie: Hunting”
Criminal Shipping Minds Shipping
” Dancing WithDr. theOz The Show Stars KOMO” 4
Movie: Big Bang
Weddings Gypsy Sisters Borrowed Borrowed Gypsy
KOMO ” 4 NewsNotice Burn The Chew ”
Dinosaur Wartime FarmRobot Rob ”” neres Canucks The Show ” TV Clifford-Dog Shakespeare Preview Following Sportsnet ” Hockey Anderson World Poker G. Shrinks SportsCentre Restless Hawaii Five- Live Castle CBC News: Judge HawaiiJudy Five- Restless Hawaii Five- Tour Sportsnet Architects of NHL Den Arthur ” 0 ” The National 0 0 Connected Change Hockey: News CTV News News KIRO News Early News Prime Time Martha SportsCentre CHBC” News at CTV News CBC News KIRO News News Global News Hour Hockey Rescue Flyers at Five News KIRO Nat. Sports Wild Kratts ” Final CTV News George S Late Show Final UFC Central Our Part Lightning Global Nat. CTV News News KIRO News News Hour Sportsnet Animals SportsCentre ET Canada Coronation Letterman ET Canada FIS Freestyle Gardens Shakespeare ” CHBC News Daily Show ” Exchange CBS News ” Hockey ” J. Probst Colbert Rep Being Erica Ferguson J. Probst Skiing ” SportsCentre Ent Big Bang George S Ent Ent NHL Rescue ” ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider ET Canada Hockey: Our Part
” The Ricki Lake Show Deception Young ”&
Weddings Gypsy
Oscar Pistorius: What CBC News Asteroids! Now With ” G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Looney CBC News: Rescue Hero The cont’d Tunes National League/Evil CBC News Kid vs. Kat Now With
Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick G. Shrinks SpongeBob G. Shrinks SpongeBob Rescue Hero SpongeBob League/Evil SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat Victorious Squirrel ” Sidekick Victorious Almost Victorious League/Evil Cache Craze Squirrel ” Sidekick Squirrel Gags G. Shrinks SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob G. Shrinks Boys Rescue Hero SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob League/Evil That’s-Weird Kid vs. Kat Victorious Splatalot ” Squirrel Wipeout Sidekick Victorious ” Victorious Almost Storage Bates Motel League/Evil Cache Craze ” ” Storage Squirrel Storage Sidekick Storage Gags Storage Gags Storage SpongeBob
Racing Trout TV Outd’r cont’d: Sprint Cup: Big Bang
Mysteries Two Men Mighty Ships Food City 500 Alien ” Big Bang The National Mysteries Two Men ” Yukon Men ” ” Paid Prog. Oscar”Pisto- MythBusters Burgers rius: What ” Loud 30 Cleveland ” Fast N’ Rock Marketplace Alien ” The Office Asteroids! Simpsons
” KIRO Simpsons CHAN Cleveland ” ” _ ( ” ” The Amazing Simpsons
Cleveland The Best Block Years Lorna FamilyDueck Guy Burgers Mysteries Joel Osteen Simpsons In Touch The Good Wife Simpsons News Global Nat. PGA NewsTour Final
Little CoastPrince ” Little Prince Babar Wartime
Katie Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew neresDay Show Northwest KING 5 KING News 5 News Nightly News Days News of our Lives Magazine Dr. PhilEd. Inside ” The Biggest Katie Loser ” Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGe” neresDay Show New Deception Northwest KING ”5 News KING 5 KING News News Nightly News Jay Leno Newsof our Days ” Lives Magazine Jimmy Fallon Inside Dr. PhilEd. ” The Biggest Loser Katie
Bates Motel ”
Cache Craze CBC News: Driving Wars Bones ” The National ” ”
Gypsy Sisters: Extra
Family Guy Family Guy
The Best of 50s Pop
The Biggest Loser
A&E 1 Storage
Gags Gags
YTV Boys6
DISC 9 Auction
The Following
KAYU ; News
Gypsy Sisters: Extra
TLC < Gypsy
Amer. Dad Movie:
WTBS A “Brothers”
3 Steps to Incredible
KCTS N Health!-Joel
” KING ” P Deception
” SEC Post Preview ” Movie: Law Order:
Storage Storage
Connected MLB Preseason Hockey UFC Central Baseball:
CBC News: Auction The National Kings
Change ” Storage Bucket-Dino The View Criminal Franklin Minds Motel Rescue News ” Bates Our Part Jimmy ” Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal Yankees at Dive, Olly News Live Bates Minds Motel FIS Freestyle Shakespeare Kimmel Skiing ” Nightline ” Phillies Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 Hockeycen- Rob Robot ” ”
Mr. Young ” Squirrel CBC News Puppies Now With That’s-Weird CBC News: Splatalot The National G. Shrinks Reshmi Nair Rescue Hero Lang cont’d& Wipeout ” O’Leary League/Evil CBC News Kid vs. Kat Now With
Auction How/Made How/Made Auction Auction Strip the
30 Rock How I Met Paid Prog. Sunny TMZ Family Feud
Sisters: Baby Story Baby Bling Story Extra ” All-Stars
City Driving Wars ” Auction Kings
Family The OffiFeud ce King of Home Hill Funny Videos
Extreme CI Peter Popoff “Delta Paid WhatProg. Not to Farce” Excused Wear Excused
” Sid Science Today” Wild Kratts cont’dNews Magic KING Moments: Daniel Tiger Jay NewLeno Day RickBest Steves The of Northwest ” 50s Pop Jimmy A 60s Pop KING 5Fallon Flashback: News
tral at Noon Ski TV
Hullabaloo (My Music)
Days of our Lives
Save-Ums! Wibbly Pig
General Hospital
The First 48 ”
Squirrel Sidekick
Andrew Nichols
Auction Auction
Law Order: CI
Say Yes Say Yes
SNP KNOW The KOMO On the Edge Big Bear Doctors ” Dinosaur ” ) * `
A&E The First 48 ” 1
YTV Power NEWS Almost & League/Evil Politics 6 7
DISC KAYU Driving Wars Anderson ” Live; 9
TLC Medium Medium <
There Yet? There Yet?
WTBS King KingA
KCTS KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ” N P
SportsCentre The Curling The Ricki Doctors Lake Show ”” ” Hockey Young & ” Eat, Shrink NHL ” Restless Debt/Part
Ellen DeGe- Best The View Poko Recipes neres ”Show Stefano Doodlebops Anderson Dragons’ The Marilyn Steven and Live Show Chris Den Denis
ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless
The Rob Robot The Ricki Doctors Big MLBCoast Bucket-Dino Lake Show Alex Tagliani Clifford-Dog ” Preseason Franklin Young & World Poker Rolie G. Shrinks Eat, Shrink Baseball: Polie Restless Tour ArthurOlly Debt/Part Yankees at Dive,
The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 4 KOMO News News
Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Squirrel Squirrel Sidekick Puppies Odd Parents G. Shrinks Odd Parents Rescue Hero
” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Nair Reshmi O’Leary cont’d
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily the Planet Strip City ”
The HowRicki I Met Lake Show Paid Prog. Steve Feud Family HarveyFeud Family
Long The ce Baby Island Story SECOffi Post Medium: Be. The Office Baby Story Preview DC CupBig Bang All-Stars Law Order: cakes: Baby CI Big Bang Extreme
Cat Science in the Sid Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves
Katie Today cont’d ” Ellen Day DeGeNew neres Show Northwest
Hockey: ” Sabres at SportsCentre Canadiens Motoring ” Preview
News News Noon Hour ” GlobalofNat. Days our CHBC News Lives
CTV News News CTV at Five” CTV News The Dr. Oz Show ”
NewsNews CBC News Now News Heartland Exchange ”
KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Bold KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”
Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our Lives ”
Prime Time Phillies Sports Hockeycen2013 tral atWorld Noon Baseball Ski TV
Martha Dino Dan Wild Robot Kratts Rob Animals Save-Ums! Dogs/Jobs Wibbly Pig
News The Chew World ”News KOMO 4 General News Hospital
Storage The First 48 Storage ” Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Odd Parents League/Evil Oddvs. Parents Kid Kat Marvin Squirrel Victorious Sidekick
CBC News News CBC ” Now With CBC News: Andrew The National Nichols
How/Made Auction How/Made Kings Yukon Men Auction ” Auction
Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI
19 Kids and What Not to Counting: Wear 19 Kids and Say Yes Counting: Say Yes
Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne Yet? There
Business A 60s Pop World News Flashback: PBS Hullabaloo NewsHour (My Music)
KING 5 5 KING News News Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives
NHL Off Record Hockey: Interruption Blues at SportsCentre Canucks ” ” Curling Hockey SportsCentre ” NHL SportsCentre ” Hockey: ”” at Sabres SportsCentre ” Canadiens Curling SportsCentre ” Motoring NHL ” ” Preview Hockey:
Ent Talk The ET Canada ” NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show
Big Phil Bang Dr. etalk ”
Whitney Ellen DeGeCleveland neres Show NCIS: Los Cleveland The Doctors The View Young & Anderson Angeles New Normal ” ” Restless Live Vegas Criminal Eat, Shrink The News CTVMarilyn News ”” Minds Debt/Part Denis at FiveShow CHBC News CTV News Noon GlobalNews Nat. CTV CTV News News Final Hour ”” CHBC News CTV News ET Canada Daily Show Days of our The Dr. Oz Ent Big Bang J. Probst Colbert Rep Lives ET Canada Show etalk
Georgeand S Steven Coronation Chris Rick Mercer Best Recipes 22 Minutes Stefano
Ent Make a Let’s omg! Insider Deal NCIS ThisMinute ” ThisMinute
Ent Talk The ET Canada ” NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show
Classic On the Edge ”” ” Big Coast ” Alex Tagliani
Be the Big Bear Creature Dinosaur China: Rob Robot Triumph Clifford-Dog
Wheel Storage The Doctors The First 48 Storage ” Storage Storage Storage Storage
Mr. Young Almost Boys League/Evil Splatalot Squirrel Zoink’d! Sidekick
Bering Sea Driving Wars Gold ” How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Sportsnet MLB World Poker Connected Preseason Tour Sportsnet Baseball: Prime Time Connected Yankees at Sports
CBC News CBC NewsNews George S Now Exchange Coronation Heartland George S The Border ” Coronation
NCIS: Los The Doctors Young & Angeles ” Restless Vegas Eat, Shrink Early News Debt/Part Global” Nat. News News Hour Noon News Hour Final ” Hour ET Canada Days of our Ent J. Probst Lives ET Canada
Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Amer. Dad SEC Post Big Bang Movie: Preview Big Bang “Delta Law Order: Browns Farce” CI Payne
NCIS: Los The Price Is Judge Judy Angeles Right Judge Judy Vegas Young & KIRO News Restless KIRO ”News KIRO News News KIRO KIRO News Late Show Bold CBS News Letterman The Talk Ent Ferguson ” omg! Insider
DC CupMedium cakes: Baby Medium 19 Kids and Long Island Counting:Be. Medium: Six Little Baby Story DC CupMcGhees Baby Story cakes: Baby 19 Kids and All-Stars 19 Kids and Counting: Extreme Counting:
A 60s Pop Charlie Rose Flashback: ” Hullabaloo Cat in the (My Music) Arthur
Cracked Poko Dragons’ Doodlebops Den ” CBC Steven and NewsNews: The National Chris News
CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News News: CBC Lang & The National Now With O’Leary CBC News News Reshmi Nair CBC cont’d ””
DCKids CupWhat Not to 19 and cakes: Baby Wear Counting: Paid Prog. Say Yes DC CupPaidYes Prog. Say cakes: Baby
” Excused Browns Movie: Excused Payne “Drillbit There Yet? Seinfeld Taylor”Yet? There Seinfeld
Off Record Blues at Interruption Canucks
The Talk NCIS ””
Steven and Let’s Talk Rick Mercer NCISMake a The NCIS Chris Deal ” ”” 22 Minutes
Dr. Phil Whitney ” Cleveland
” KNOW Jeopardy! KOMO Splash The Dr. Oz * ` Show ”
The Topp Body of4 Bucket-Dino The View G. Shrinks KOMO Twins Proof ” Franklin Arthur News ” Body Rolie Polie KOMO Martha News of4 Landscape Proof News Dive, Olly News Wild Kratts World Hockey Be the News Phillies Dan The Chew 2013 World Dino Animals KOMO 4 UFC Central Creature Jimmy” HockeycenRob Robot Baseball Dogs/Jobs News The Ultimate The Topp Kimmel tral at Noon Save-Ums! General Classic Be the Wheel Live Fighter Twins Pig Nightline Ski TV” Wibbly Hospital Creature Jeopardy!
Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage
GagsParents Squirrel Odd GagsParents Puppies Odd Boys G. Shrinks Odd Parents Mr. Young Rescue Hero Odd Parents
Storage The First 48 Storage Storage ” Storage Storage The First Storage 48 Storage ” Storage
That’s-Weird League/Evil Marvin Splatalot Kid vs. Kat Victorious Wipeout Squirrel Mr. Young Sidekick Boys ”
Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Hell’s The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show YukonPlanet Men How New IGirl How/Made Met Daily Steve ”” Mindy How/Made Paid Prog. Harvey Bering Sea News Strip the Family Feud How/Made Simpsons Gold 30 Rock City Family Feud How/Made Raymond CBC News News: Auction How/Made Sunny CBC Home CBC News: Yukon Men Funny Big Bang The National How/Made TMZ Now With Kings Videos The National ” Two Men Lang News & MythBusters TheBang Office Andrew Auction Order: CBC Bering Sea Law Big O’Leary King Men of Hill Nichols Auction CI ” Gold ” Two
A&E 1
Magazine Dr. Phil Inside”Ed. Off-Rockers Katie Off-Rockers ” TheScience British Go On Sid Today Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeBeat (My New Normal Wild Kratts cont’d WordGirl neres Show Music)Tiger New Smash Daniel Day Business KING 5 ”News Northwest Rick Steves World News ” The KING 5 News A 60s Pop KING PBS Nightly News Diamond Jay Leno Flashback: News NewsHour News Queen ” Hullabaloo Days of our A 60s Pop Magazine Easy Yoga Jimmy Fallon (My Music) Lives Flashback: Inside Ed.
On the” Edge Big Bear China: ”” Dinosaur Triumph
The Doctors The First 48 Splash Storage ”” ” Storage
Almost Splatalot League/Evil Zoink’d!
Power & Driving Wars Anderson CBC News: How/Made Hell’s Politics ” Live The National How/Made Kitchen
Medium 19 Kids and King Family Guy Medium King Counting: Family Guy
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil Hullabaloo Off-Rockers ” ” (My Music) Off-Rockers
The Dr. Body ofOz
” How/Made CBC News: Yukon Men ” How/Made The National ”
SportsCentre The Ricki ” NCIS: Los ” Lake Show SportsCentre Angeles
Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute Cleveland Cracked NCIS: Los neres Show Stefano ThisMinute New Normal ” Angeles
The Ricki NCIS: Los Lake Show Angeles
Big Coast Rob Robot Sportsnet The Topp Alex Tagliani Clifford-Dog Connected Twins
Storage Storage Storage Storage
Squirrel Gags Sidekick Gags
The NewRicki Girl Lake MindyShow
Long Island The Offi ce Six Little Amer. Dad Medium: Office McGheesBe. The Movie:
Cat the Thein British Arthur Beat (My
Katie Go On ” New Normal
SportsCentre Young Vegas & Hockey ” NHL ” Restless
Criminal Anderson Minds Live
CBC News: Judge Vegas Judy Dragons’ The National Judge ”Judy Den
Vegas & Young ” Restless
Sportsnet ” World Poker G. Shrinks Connected Landscape Tour Arthur
Storage Storage Storage Storage
BoysParents Lang CBC & News Odd Mr. Young ” Odd Parents O’Leary
Bering Sea Daily Planet Gold ”
News Steve 30 Rock Harvey
19 Kids “Delta DC Cup-and Big Bang Counting: Farce” cakes: Baby Big Bang
Music) Wild Kratts ” WordGirl
Smash Ellen DeGe” neres Show
SportsCentre CHBC News Hockey: News Curling The Doctors Curling Final ”” Sabres ” at ET Canada Canadiens Global Nat. ”” Eat, Shrink J. Probst ””” CHBC News Debt/Part
CTV News CTV News The View CTV News at Five ” DailyMarilyn Show CTV News The Colbert Rep Denis”Show
CBC KIRO News News Hour News KIRO News News Poko News The Price Is Early The Doctors George S Late Final ” Nat. News KIRO News Global Doodlebops RightShow Coronation Letterman ET Canada News News News Hour Steven and KIRO Young & Eat, Shrink The Ferguson J. Probst Exchange News ” ChrisBorder CBS Restless Debt/Part
Hockey Be the News Prime News MLB Time Martha Bucket-Dino The View UFC Central Wild Creature Jimmy”News Sports Kratts World Preseason Franklin The Ultimate The Topp Kimmel4 2013 World Animals KOMO Baseball: Rolie Polie KOMO 4Live Fighter Twins Nightline Baseball News Red Sox at Dogs/Jobs Dive, Olly News
Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds Storage Storage Criminal Storage Storage Minds
That’s-Weird CBC News: Odd Parents CBC Squirrel CBC News News Splatalot Odd Parents The ” G. Shrinks NowNational With Wipeout Lang News: & Nair Marvin CBC G. Shrinks Reshmi ” O’Leary Victorious National Rescue Hero The cont’d
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made MythBusters Yukon Men Highway ”” Thru Hell
Sunny Simpsons How I Met TMZ Raymond Paid Prog. TheBang Offi ce Big Family Feud KingMen of Feud Hill Two Family
DC Cup” 19 Kids and Browns Baby Story Law Order: cakes: Baby Payne Movie: Counting: Baby Story CI Paid Prog. “Drillbit 19 Kids and Browns Extreme Law Order: Paid Prog. Taylor” Counting: Payne Extreme CI
The KING News Business Sid Science KING Today5 Diamond Jay Leno World News News Wild Kratts cont’d Queen Tiger Nightly ” News PBS Daniel New Day EasySteves Yoga Jimmy Fallon NewsHour News Rick Northwest
NHL ” Hockey: STIHL
Ent Noon News ET Canada Hour
Big Bang CTV News etalk ”
George S CBC News Coronation Now
Ent KIRO News Ent Noon News omg! Canada Bold Insider ET Hour
Classic Yankees ” Hockeycen-
Be the Dino Dan Creature Rob Robot
Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! ”
Storage Young The First 48 Mr. League/Evil Storage Boys ” Kid vs. Kat
CBC CBC News News ” Now With
Bering Sea Yukon Men Gold ”
Big Bang CupSeinfeld Funny Home DC Extreme Excused Two Men cakes: Baby Seinfeld Videos Cheapskates Excused
A 60s Pop The British Flashback: Beat (My
Magazine KING 5 Inside News Ed.
Darts at Blues ” Canucks
Days of our NCIS Lives ”
The Dr. Oz Whitney Show Cleveland
Heartland Rick Mercer ” 22 Minutes
The Talk NCIS ””
tral at ”Noon Snowbrd ”
Save-Ums! China: Wibbly Pig Triumph
General Splash Hospital ”
The First 48 Splatalot Squirrel Storage ” Sidekick Storage Zoink’d!
Andrew Bering Sea CBC News: How/Made Nichols Gold The National How/Made
Law Order: Hell’s CI Kitchen
Extreme 19 Kids and Extreme Counting:
There Yet? Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy
Music) Hullabaloo ” (My Music)
Days of our Off-Rockers Lives Off-Rockers
Days of our NCIS Lives ”
Proof KNOW Show KOMO Body of4 KOMO Proof * ` News
A&E 1
Off Record The Talk ” NCIS: Los Interruption Angeles ” SportsCentre
Dr. Phil Steven and Cleveland Cracked ” Chris ” New Normal
Let’s Make The Talk NCIS: Los a NCIS: Los Deal ” Angeles Angeles
Oil Change Sportsnet ” Connected
Big Bear The Topp Dinosaur Twins
The Doctors The First 48 Gags Almost Body of Storage ” League/Evil Proof ” Storage Gags
Power & How/Made CBC News: Yukon Men Politics The National How/Made ”
Anderson New Girl Live Mindy
Extreme Six Little Extreme McGhees
King Dad Amer. King Movie:
Charlie Rose Go Dr. On Phil The British ” ” Beat (My New Normal
SportsCentre SportsCentre ”” NHL SportsCentre Hockey: Curling
Ellen DeGeCriminal neres Show Minds Anderson CTV News Live News CTV CTV News Daily Show at Five Rep Colbert
ThisMinute Vegas ThisMinute ” JudgeNews Judy KIRO Judge Judy Late Show
The Ricki Vegas Lake Show ” HouseHour News Final ”
Rob Robot ” Clifford-Dog Landscape G. Shrinks Be the Arthur Creature
The Dr. Body of Oz Show Proof KOMO News 4 News Jimmy
Extreme 19 Kids and Extreme Counting: Addiction DC CupAddiction cakes: Baby Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive Paid Prog.
The Office “Delta The Office Farce” Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie:
Cat in the Music) Arthur” Wild Kratts The WordGirl Diamond
News Exchange
Early News ET Canada Global Nat. J. Probst News Hour ”
” CBC News ”” Lang & CBC News: O’Leary The National CBC & News Lang ” O’Leary
The Ricki News Lake Show 30 Rock Steve Sunny Harvey TMZ
KIRO News Letterman KIRO News Ferguson KIRO News CBS News
World Poker Sportsnet Tour Connected NBA Hockey Basketball: UFC Central Raptors at The Ultimate Bobcats Fighter
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Browns “Drillbit Payne Taylor” Browns Payne
Business KING ”5 Queen WorldYoga News Jimmy News Fallon Easy PBS Nightly News NewsHour News
George S Coronation
Addiction Addiction
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Johnny Carson:
Mr. D Ron James
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Family Guy Family Guy
American Masters
Arctic Air ”
Addiction Addiction
Amer. Dad Movie:
Hoarding: Buried Alive
“Drillbit Taylor”
The Ricki Vegas Lake Show ” House News CHBC Final ”
Lightning at ET News ” Canada Maple” Leafs J. Probst ” ” Global Nat. CTV News NHL CHBC News ” Hockey: Sharks at
Ent ET Canada
Survivor: Caramoan
American Idol
SportsCentre Go On ” Guys-Kids
” ”
Best Recipes CBC News: Stefano The National Dragons’ CBC News Den George S News Coronation News The Border
The First 48 Boys Squirrel Storage ” Sidekick Storage Mr. Young Duck D. SpongeBob Storage That’s-Weird Duck D. SpongeBob Storage Splatalot News Live Storage Duck D. SpongeBob Kimmel Wipeout World News Storage Duck D. SpongeBob Nightline ” KOMO 4 Duck D. Marvin News Duck D. Victorious
” Sportsnet
Martha The Topp Wild Kratts Twins Animals Undersea
Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada
Sportsnet Connected
Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!
Duck D. Duck D.
Mr. Young Boys
CBC News ”
Survivor: Caramoan
Survivor: Caramoan
Oil Change ”
Afghanistan: The Middle The Great Neighbors
Bates Motel ”
Splatalot Zoink’d!
CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold
Criminal Minds
Go On Guys-Kids
The Ultimate Waldbuhne Fighter 2009:
Mod Fam Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.
Gags Gags
CBC News: Alien The National Mysteries
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Boys Mr. Young
CBC News ”
Duck D. Duck D.
That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ
Strange Sex Addiction The
Wipeout ”
Peter Popoff Forbidden Paid Prog. Kingdom
SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene
CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene
Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News Curling Final CTV News
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Frontiers of News UFC Central Construction Jimmy
Coronation The Tudors
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada J. Probst
Soccer Central
” ”
ET Canada J. Probst
Daily Show Colbert Rep
How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made
Russian Rhythms
Afghanistan: Kimmel Live Bates Motel The Great Nightline ”
Alien MythBusters Mysteries ” CBC News: Alien The National Mysteries
Lang & O’Leary
Simpsons The Office Raymond King of Hill Big Bang Two Men
MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men
Alien Mysteries
How/Made How/Made
American Idol ” ” News 30 Rock
The Office King of Hill
” ”
Katie Smash ”” Ellen DeGeKING News neres Show Jay Leno
Magazine Inside Ed. Whitney Whitney Law & Order: SVU
Easy Yoga for Arthritis
Chicago Fire ”
KING News Jay Leno
” Muddy Waters
” Jimmy Fallon
Wednesday,March March13, 13,2013 2013 Lake LakeCountry Country Calendar CalendarL Wednesday,
A14 A14
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Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and BeneďŹ ts Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE
Farm Workers SEASONAL Farm Worker position available June 25th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Nov 5th, in Lake Country, BC. Thinning, picking & summer pruning of apples. Must be physically capable of working in all weather conditions. $ 1 0 . 2 5 / h r, 4 0 - 6 0 h r s / w e e k . Email Resumes to: WE are looking for a young, motivated individual to join our farm team. We run a modern 400 cow dairy in the beautiful Shuswap. General farm duties, milking, tractor work. Wages depend on experience, willing to train. Please send resume to or fax to 250-835-2166. Phone Todd @ 250-253-2300
Help Wanted 3 CHERRY orchard workers required at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from July 17th to November 30th. Pay rate is $10.25 per hour. The successful applicants must be physically fit and capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and include clean-up, general labour & pruning as well as picking & packing cherries during harvest. Fax resume to (778)4801126 or call (250)979-8555 for interview. 70 CHERRY orchard workers required at Tangaro Orchards in Lake Country from July 17th- to Sep.4th. Pay rate is $10.25 per hour. The successful applicants must be physically fit and capable of working in all types of weather. Duties are repetitive and include clean-up & general labour as well as picking and packing cherries during harvest. Fax resume to 778-480-1126 or call 250-979-8555 for interview. GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209. QUALITY Manager wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carrâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Landing Road, Lake Country, BC. Permanent Position. Must have a minimum of 4 years post-secondary education. Successful candidates must have in depth knowledge of cherries and cherry grading, Global Gap requirements, as well as a minimum of 5 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience managing a cherry sorting room, including quality control and phytosanitary systems. Must have a minimum of 3 seasons experience managing optical cherry sizing equipment. Applicant must be capable of working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day during harvest from mid July through to Sept., 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day off harvest. Work includes but is not limited to developing and maintaining food quality systems, managing 100+ sorting and box filling workers while maximizing efficiencies and ensuring quality from the field. Pay range $28-$40/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at
Medical/Dental LAKEVIEW Lodge (retirement facility in West Kelowna) seeking permanent full time RNs. / fax: 250-768-3858
Services City of Quesnel.
Trades, Technical ARE YOU A
JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC? Great opportunity in Kitimat BC. If you love the outdoor life style, OK Tire is looking for you. Excellent opportunity good remuneration & benefits for the successful applicant with the option to eventually. Own your own business. Fax resume to 1-250-635-5367 Attn. General Manager or email
Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
Merchandise for Sale
Legal Services
Misc. for Sale
Auto Financing
CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
Painting & Decorating WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Pets & Livestock
Pets CKC RGST. Great Pyrenees Pups 9 wks. old 1st. shots, Hlth guar. $1200, free delivery. Vet chk. 250998-4697
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53 in stock. SPECIAL 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Misc. Wanted Gold & Silver. Private buyer buying coins, jewelry, silverware, nuggets ect. I can come to you! Todd 250-864-3521 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Coming Events
Coming Events
DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE FUN? Join us at the Winfield Seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Centre for
Customized physical activity done at your own pace for 45-60 minutes, with education concerning health, well-being and your community. Light meal provided. Includes membership to Winfield Seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Centre. Have more energy Stronger muscles and bones Staying connected Maintaining a sense of well being
Every week starting Monday April 8th for 8 weeks, from 5:30-7:30pm Register at: 250-766-1731 or Registration fee $150
DreamTeam Auto Financing â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Auto Financing
15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Welded aluminum boat, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;10â&#x20AC;? wide, 44 inches deep v-hull with stand up fishermanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top, sst steering lights horn bilge pump. Boats are new. Trailers available. $6750. Chilliwack 250-244-1704
If you see a wildďŹ re, report it to
1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Meet new people Feel more relaxed Sleep better Have more fun
STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Lead Administrator
Job Duties Include:
¡Accounts Receivable ¡Accounts Payable ¡Govâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Remittances & Rebates ¡Other industry specific duties This is a long term position offering approximately 30 hours per week. Please apply in person to: 350 Carion Road, Lake Country (Winfield Industrial Park)
The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!
Wednesday,March March13, 13,2013 2013 rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, A15
To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688
Calendar Lake Countr y
JBâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUTO GLASS 250 - 766 - 0100
Your automotive specialist providing FREE Mobile Service THE t 3FTJEFOUJBM t $PNNFSDJBM â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;CLEAR t 4DSFFOT t *OTVSBODF $MBJNT CHOICEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Give us your â&#x20AC;&#x153;Breakâ&#x20AC;? Today
Done Right
â&#x20AC;˘Laser hair removal â&#x20AC;˘Sun spots & veins â&#x20AC;˘Acne - rosacea - facelifting â&#x20AC;˘Skin tags - corrective skin care â&#x20AC;˘Nutritional coaching/ weight loss
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
SARAH 250.215.5572
250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
Make this space work for you! Call for information:
Michelle or Shayla 250-766-4688
Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
Roosters Barber Shop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Community Barber Shopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!
Monday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707
7JTJU PVS PGmDF TIPXSPPN BU 'JU[QBUSJDL ,FMPXOB e Serving thn Okanaga 0 Since 199
250.765.1180 1.866.207.4444 NBEHFSPPĂ OH DPN $BMM UPEBZ GPS ZPVS '3&& &45*."5&
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Spring/Summer 2013 Activity Guide Online registration is now OPEN.
Visit and click on the Quick Link for the digital version of the Activity Guide to browse through all of the great programs and activities to keep you busy through the Spring and Summer in Lake Country.
Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-5650 f: 250-766-0113
Notice of Main Street Tax Revitalization Bylaw 853, 2013 The Council of the District of Lake Country will be considering adoption of “Main Street Tax Revitalization Bylaw 853, 2013”. The bylaw establishes a tax exemption area for certain properties accessing Main Street and Hill Road, as shown on the Schedule ‘A’ map (below).
The tax exemption program is available for a maximum period of ten years for the following eligible projects:
Attraction or Conference Hotel 3 storeys or more Hotel 3 storeys or more Commercial or Mixed Use Building 3 storeys or more Commercial or Mixed Use Building at least 2 storeys
Length of Tax Exemption
Percentage of Tax Exempted
6 years
6 years
3 years
10 years
Front Porch Meetings Planned for May/June Got questions for Mayor & Council? Want to know what’s new and exciting and hear an update on projects in the District? Plan to attend one of the Ward Front Porch Meetings scheduled for May and June. Oyama Carr’s Landing Okanagan Centre Winfield
Thursday, May 9 Thursday, May 16 Thursday, May 23 Thursday, June 6
Subsidized Composters offered by Regional District in March The Regional Waste Reduction Office is offering subsidized Earth Machine backyard composters – pre-sales only. The pre-order sale runs Friday March 1st through Thursday March 28th, with composters ready for pickup in your community in May. Orders can be placed by visiting the website at:
The revitalization bylaw is intended to encourage investment in commercial and mixed use developments that are two storeys or taller by providing taxation abatement that increases with the height of the development. Projects must have a construction value of at least $2 million to be eligible for exemption.
What are YOU doing for Earth Hour 8:30-9:30pm Saturday, March 23? Be part of the “I Will if You Will” challenge and
Since backyard composting doesn’t suit everyone, CORD is also offering the Green Cone ’food digester’. This unit is low maintenance, takes all types of food waste, including fruit and vegetable scraps, cooked and uncooked meat, fish, bones and dairy products, and can also handle pet waste. Worm bin composters are also available.
Creekside Theatre has a whole weekend of diverse entertainment for St. Patrick’s Day, starting with Cod Gone Wild Friday, March 15th at 7:30pm; then Archie Fisher Saturday, March 16th at 7:30pm; and Lake Country Performing Arts Society’s “O’Fiddle” showcase concert in celebration of all things green. Schedule ‘A’ Map of exemption area
The amount of municipal property tax exemption for an eligible project is equal to the municipal portion of property taxation for any new improvements on the property, subject to their meeting eligibility criteria established by the bylaw. The meeting of Council is to be held March 19th, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers, Lake Country Municipal Hall. For more information please contact Ryan Roycroft, Economic Development Manager.
Interested in knowing more about what the municipality is continuing to do about Climate Action and Carbon Neutral actions and innovations? The interim Climate Action Revenue Incentive (CARIP) Public Report for 2012 is now available on the web. Visit News to see the direct link to the report.