Castlegar News, March 21, 2013

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Thursday, March 21 • 2013

Vol.10 • Issue 12

Breaking news at

Provincial NDP leader pays Something to crow about at a West Kootenay visit Blueberry bird rehab See Page A2 See Page A13

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Success piles up for Castlegar squads


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Nelson Star

Photo below - Golden Star

Selkirk College Saints pose in Nelson (below) on March 16 after earning the British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League Championship with a win over Simon Fraser University. The game was played in Nelson due to a scheduling conflict arising from a Castlegar Rebels home playoff date with the Golden Rockets. The Rebels would win that contest along with a pair in Golden to take the third round Kootenay International Junior Hockey League series 4-0. In the picture at left, Tuesday in Golden are, from left, Kody Disher, Erik Alden, Conference President Milton Crawford and Jamie Vlanich. More details on page A19.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News

NDP stronghold visited by leader Dix


Castlegar Sculpturewalk’s Annual General Meeting


Date: Wednesday, April 3rd Time: 5:00 pm Location: Sculpturewalk office, 276 Columbia Avenue y, or LeaSe a ScuLpture

Castlegar News Reporter

British Columbia’s opposition leader, Adrian Dix said there are a number of reare for $1000. Your name will be ameplate and your business logo & sons for his visit to website and brochure. the Kootenay’s this SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY! d place it where you want (even week, including a CONTACT CASTLEGAR SCULPTUREWALK d!). Leave a business or family munity to beautify the city or your FOR THE FULL SALES & LEASE CATALOG. March 20 fundraiser ices range from $3000-$30,000 be made over time. for Kootenay-West MLA Katrine Cons have been up for a year, those chased can be leased and moved roy. our choice. Average lease price is Dix said he has SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY! a full schedule of CONTACT CASTLEGAR SCULPTUREWALK FOR THE FULL SALES & LEASE CATALOG. mon by Christina Nick, Chieftain by Daniel Kloc, Full Metal Basket by Kate Tupper, Kinetic Weather Disturbance meetings planned as Walker, QR by Carl Schlichting, Soaring by Spring Shine, Look and You Will Find It by Kate Christopher, Seeker of pizza, get* on the pizza... he travels through y, and Man in Motion by Denis Kleine the Kootenay region, a 1 . pizzas and get the drumming up supAve. | | port for the NDP as the May 14 general 250.365.8308 election nears. 1432 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC “I like being in the a 1 . OPEN 7 days a week region,” said Dix by | telephone with the Castlegar News on Tuesday, March 19. “There are things there that the NDP has worked on for a long time. Columbia Power and the Columbia Basin Trust are both legacies of the NDP’s time in ofnoon to 4pm fice and so seeing the ongoing work is also exciting.” “There are lots of major healthcare and economic issues,” 250.365.5006 said Dix. “The major employers in the region are facing a skills shortage and that is a key issue facing the economy. I want B&M to talk to people and businesses in the reCLOSETS gion.” The City of Castlegar has made no Time to secret it would like Organize and to see a regional hosDeclutter your pital built in the city storage space. and Dix said that issue relates to a general centralization of all of the health care authorities in B.C. Dix said he would


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Provincial NDP Leader Adrian Dix. Submitted

be discussing healthcare with people in the community, including doctors and healthcare workers and the discussion of a regional hospital was one of the things to look at. “I think there are significant regional issues,” said Dix. “As we’ve seen, there has been a relative centralization of care and so Castlegar, Nelson and other communities in the region have felt that over time.” Dix sees chronic disease as a main driver of healthcare costs and a significant issue everywhere in B.C., something that better coordination with doctors and other providers need to address. “The support nurs e-prac t ioners can give is often what is needed for chronic disease,” he said. “And we have to continue to push to attract doctors in all parts of the province, but also have to ensure other professions use the full scope of their skills so people get access to the pri-

mary care they need. One of our key priorities in healthcare is to ensure people have the means to stay at home as long as possible without entering the care home system.” Dix said nobody wants to be in acute care or a care home. “It’s an important region for us with respect to the election but also an important region generally,” he said. “The Kootenay’s have had historically, tremendous NDP representation and this period continues that tradition.” Dix labelled the NDP as perpetual underdogs, saying the Liberals are raising a “huge war chest” and running “some of the nastiest advertising we have ever seen in B.C.” “We’re responding with a different kind of campaign,” he said. Asked if the Kootenay trip was a pre-scouting endeavour for possible future cabinet posts, Dix said he knew Conroy, Michelle Mungall and NormMacdonald very well and didn’t think he could learn too much more about them during his visit. Dix was optimistic about the NDP candidates in the region and his party’s chances in May. “I think we have superb MLA’s,” he said. “Michelle and Katrine have just done a terrific job; Norm Macdonald in Columbia River Revelstoke — I think he won with 56 per

cent of the vote — and in the East Kootenay we’re got a terrific candidate there [Norma Blissett of Cranbrook] and we’re looking to do very well there, as we are to the West in Boundary-Similkameen.” Dix said they will be nominating the Grand Forks-Oliver seat at the beginning of April. With skills training and education being a key NDP platform item, the opposition leader also addressed some recent comments from Andy Davidoff, president of the Kootenay Columbia Teachers’ Union (KCTU), which were directed to the current B.C. Government. At the BC Teachers’ Federation annual general meeting in Vancouver Monday, Mar. 18, Davidoff said teachers are not getting enough support from the current B.C. Government in maintaining a healthy working environment. “One of the things that we’re hopeful of, over the next ten years, is that we can end some of the fighting in education,” said Dix. “It really started in January 2002 when the government brought in bill 27 and 28 and stripped contracts at that time. Since then, we’ve had this period of instability and it has coincided with a period where education is more important for young people than ever before.” Dix said 80 per

cent of the jobs of the future will require post-secondary education and by definition that means excellent K-12 education. Dix also reiterated statements he has made with respect to the Northern Gateway proposal, saying it is not in the environmental and economic interest of B.C. “We’ve been specific about that to the joint review panel, which is not a joint review between Victoria and Ottawa but a joint review between Ottawa ministries,” he said. “We disagree with the current [B.C.] government’s policy — as you know they have signed an equivalency agreement with Ottawa, that basically says whatever the Prime Minister decides becomes B.C.’s decision. So, in the first week, if we were to win the election we would cancel that equivalency agreement and ensure the decision is made here.” As for the rest of the NDP platform, Dix said his party has been more specific about taxes, earlier than anyone else and has talked about skills training for more than two years. “The province is in difficult financial shape,” said Dix. “So we have to review all of our plans. “When you’re running for government, everything you put in the platform you have to be prepared to implement with public funds; that means you have to get it right.”

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Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013


Millennium Park work halted A3

Catch us online, anytime.

MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

Briefs from the City of Castlegar council meeting held Monday, Mar. 18 (in no particular order): Despite extensive work already being done, the Millennium Park ponds project will have to wait until fall for work on the ponds themselves. Environmental “work windows” need to be adhered to for work to proceed near the river and because of delays due to the complicated nature of the work, the permitting and work windows will need to align at that time. • Spring Fling ($1000), Pee Wee Rep Hockey ($500) and Castlegar Bantam Hockey ($800) are all receiving grants to assist with expenses.

Did you know that

family law in BC has changed

Pictured above, from left, councillors Deb McIntosh, Russ Hearne, Dan Rye, CAO John Malcolm, Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, Carolyn Rempel, councillors Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff and Gord Turner. Marvin Beatty

currently in use is over 10 years old. • Tw e n t y - s e v e n dog-catcher warnings were issued in the last report, something Coun. Russ Hearne said could result in $50 fines for owners of dogs off-leash and another $50 for not cleaning up after your pooch. Hearne wanted to remind pet owners to do both, not just to avoid the fines but because, the poop issue “is gross.”

departments. Coun. Deb McIntosh said many communities are using similar systems and experiencing good benefits from it. • A drop in business licences was mostly attributed to the fact renewal reminder notices to existing businesses have yet to go out.

there are secondary routes for fire apparatus vehicles to take to avoid the crossing. • Carol Shypitka spoke passionately about the importance of social service workers in the community and hoped council would formally recognize the work they do. Coun. Deb McIntosh replied by saying the city doesn’t do proclamations (because there are simply too many) but said council supports and encourages social services workers.

• Resident Pat West • A motion from was concerned with Coun. Dan Rye to the CPR crossing bepurchase or lease ing blocked by a train some new vehifor what she said was cles and a trailer • A temporary use near 55 minutes refor hauling equip- permit was granted cently. She worried ment — what Chris to the Bargain Bin to what might happen Barlow, Director of allow a portion of it if an emergency was • Rudiger Klaus Transportation and to be used for a small to occur during such also asked council Civic Work called recycling depot. an incident. May- about what restric“right-sizing” to the or Chernoff said he tions were placed on correct vehicles for • Mayor Chern- had heard about it heavy trucks along the work needed — off spoke about the and thought it was Columbia Ave. He was defeated after importance of Earth s slow-moving train said many large a discussion about Hour (Mar. 23 start- that took about 15- trucks are parking why the vehicles were ing at 8:30 p.m.) and 20 minutes to clear, alongside parts of the not included in bud- encouraged Castlegar which West disputed. road for extended peget talks earlier. Rye and area residents to Mayor Chernoff said riods. He also asked said the items were turn off what they he would follow up about the burning somehow missed. An can that night. with CPR and if in ban and what faciloption to lease the the future they could ities were available vehicles over a lon• The City is look- be given notification to residents who are ger term instead of ing��������������������������������������� to spend up to about such events, not equipped to haul ����������������������� buying them outright $3500 for a citi- they would attempt branches and yard did not get council’s zen-reporting mobile to notify the public, waste. He suggested approval. One of the app that would allow too. Fire Chief Ger- that larger advertisevehicles in question everyone to report ry Rempel added ments about the... was a “smart car” for issues immediately that the trains have Bylaw use, as the one to appropriate city the right of way and Continued P. A18

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4.31" x 3.5" NOTICE RESIDENTIAL OPEN AIR BURNING The City of Castlegar has amended the Open Air Burning Bylaw. Effective January 7, 2013, all open air burning of residential yard and garden waste within the City of Castlegar is prohibited. Residential outdoor barbeques, fires for cultural purposes and small outdoor fire pits used solely for recreational or cooking purposes are still allowed. For further information or questions, please contact the Castlegar Fire Department at 250-365-3266. Thank you for your cooperation. Gerry Rempel CD CCFI(C) Fire Chief

REQUEST FOR TENDERS VEHICLE RENTAL CONCESSION WEST KOOTENAY REGIONAL AIRPORT Tenders are invited from individuals and/or companies wishing to operate a vehicle rental concession at the West Kootenay Regional Airport from May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2018. As many as two (2) licenses may be offered through this public tender and proposals will be accepted up to 12:00 p.m. on April 12, 2013. Tender packages are available at City Hall, 460 Columbia Avenue, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for a non-refundable fee of $50.00. A pre-tender briefing will be held at 2:00 p.m. (PST) on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 in Room #129 of the West Kootenay Regional Airport Terminal Building. All tenderers are urged to attend or be represented at this pre-tender briefing.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News


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Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A5


Transit changes due this summer Marvin Beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The West Kootenay Regional Transit Project, earlier projected to start in September of this year, will now see significant changes on July 2, 2013. The West Kootenay Transit Committee (WKTC) released a number of details recently, including: new transit routes, new schedules and new fare increases for adults, seniors and students in almost every ridership category. - Adult cash fares increase from $1.75 to $2.00 - Adult book of 10 tickets increases from $15.00 to $18.00 - Adult monthly passes increase from $46.00 to $50.00 - Senior cash fares increase from $1.50 to $2.00 - Senior book of 10 tickets increases from $13.50 to $15.75 - Student cash fares

increase from $1.50 to $2.00 - Student book of 10 tickets increases from $13.50 to $15.75

- Student and Senior monthly passes will decrease by a dollar to $35.00. Another change noted in the release was an “all zone” fare (ranging from $3.50 for a single cash fare to $90.00 for a monthly pass) for three different zones (Kootenay, Slocan and Columbia). “It’s not really an increase,” said Castlegar Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, who is also chairperson of the WKTC. “It’s really the opportunity to — instead of paying once and then move to another zone and pay again – it’s setting the fares where they are reasonable.” The Kootenay Zone includes routes 1 to 19; Slocan Zone routes 20 to 29; Columbia Zone routes 30 to 39 and Colum-

bia Zone (Kootenay Boundary) is made up of routes 40 to 49. “We’re trying to work things so everything runs smoothly,” said Chernoff. Other notable changes include:

- two additional trips between Nelson and Castlegar - four of six regional trips from Castlegar finish at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital - route #5 service covered by route #9 from Trail (no deviation into Blueberry or Fairview) - one additional return trip on #1 - two additional return trips on #2 - a new Friday early evening #3 - an earlier trip to Selkirk College on #6 - introduction of new smaller community busses to the local Nelson service “We’re trying to materialize this into more people using the buses than ever

before,” said Chernoff. “Additional runs from Nelson to Castlegar to Trail, it kind of ties it all together in this new plan. “That’s the big thing here, you could get on a bus from Trail and go all the way to Nelson.” Children under four years of age ride free and senior rates apply to those persons age 65 and older upon presentation of valid ID. Students must be in full-time attendance to Grade 12 upon presentation of valid student ID and college student fare products are available to fulltime college students upon presentation of valid student ID. Tickets and passes are available for sale on campus only. BC Transit and local transit providers are finalizing schedules that will be made available in the next few weeks. For more information, visit:

FD puts out call for reinforcement Jim Sinclair Castlegar News Editor

The need for a third paid position within the Castlegar Fire Department has been recognized and building for the past several years, said Chief Gerry Rempel on March 18, and a formal request for funding to allow for such a hiring has been before city council. “When you look at comparable communities that have more manpower than us – even Kimberley, for example, has three paid positions – they’re having difficulty keeping up.” Chief Rempel indicated the workload is proving to be a handful for himself and deputy chief Duane Monsen. “The two of us

are having difficulty meeting our requirements of building inspections,” he said. “There’s a lot of public buildings in town that have to be inspected annually, at least. With bigger properties you can be there all day on some of them.” The time commitment is significant,

and, as with all FD activities, everything is dropped when an alarm goes off. The position, if and when created is likely to be filled from within the volunteer department. Chief Rempel said they’ll be interested to see who applies for the upcoming post. A decision on the

funding for a second deputy chief was made when the 2013 budget was approved at the March 18 Castlegar City Council meeting. “I’ll talk with John (CAO Malcolm) and see what we’re going to do there,” said Rempel on March 19, “then I’ll give you a bit more info.”




PHARMASAVE C apsule C omments

Phil Angrignon

National Poison Prevention Week in Canada is March 17 to 23. It's a good time to check your home to see how you store dangerous chemicals and cleaning solutions. Look at your medication storage too. Ensure all these products are kept out of reach of children and educate your older children about the signs of poisoning and have them help you keep younger children safe. In Canada, 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. Many women aren't aware about emergency contraception options. These are available from your pharmacist who can explain how to use them. If used within 24 hours of unprotected sex, these products can reduce the risk of pregnancy by 95%. Speaking of pregnancy, it is well-known that women who plan to get pregnant should start taking a supplement containing folic acid (at least 0.4 mg daily). This product will prevent neural tube defects in the brain and spinal cord. It has been suggested that all sexually active women take folic acid in case of an unplanned pregnancy. Some eye drops have to be shaken before each use to get the proper dose. Pull the lower eyelid down forming a small pouch in which to put the drop. After instilling the drop, gently close the eyes for 30 seconds while pressing the bridge of the nose so the drop doesn't move out of the eye through the tear duct. Our pharmacists would like you to get the most from your medications. Talk to us.

The City of Castlegar encourages all residents to participate in Earth Hour. On Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 8:30 p.m. switch off your lights for one hour. The City of Castlegar encourages all residents to participate in Earth Hour. On Saturday, March

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News



Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Achievement to be proud of

Schools, communities... even countries have a lot of reasons to feel good when their sporting teams do well. A championship in any kind of athletic pursuit can put a bounce in the step and a smile on the face of anyone even remotely connected with institution, city, province, state or nation doing the winning. Think back to the 2010 Olympics, did Canada’s strong showing affect you in any way? What about the Canadian women’s soccer team at the the London Olympics in 2012... any patriotic palpitation beneath your ribcage? Right now we’re looking at a great time for athletics in the City of Castlegar, so we’re taking the opportunity to offer many congratulations to the Selkirk Saints and Castlegar Rebels. They’re representing themselves plus their school and community in a most positive way, and the Rebels may not be done for a while yet. Watching the kids lined up for highfives along the wall leading to the Rebels dressing room after the second round was a great thing to see. A bit of success goes a long, long way and getting a chance to put together a front page like this week’s doesn’t come along often. So let’s revel in the glory while the revelling’s good, and salute the young men and their coaches, managers, parents, trainers, billets and bus drivers for jobs very well done. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Off the Line - Karen Haviland

Walk in their shoes I first met Lin in 1977 after moving from Columbus, Ohio to Seattle to live with my young son and mother. Lin was an exotic Vietnamese woman who moved into the apartment a couple of doors away from where we lived. She was so young when I met her; likely not much older than 19 or 20. She was married to an American veteran who had served in Vietnam and so I assumed that is how they met. She never divulged the details to me though. That could have been because of our slight language barrier, or maybe it was simply something she didn’t care to discuss. We would pass each other in the halls on occasion, exchange pleasantries or a smile and go on our way. But after a while our pleasantries became friendly and lengthier exchanges. Without intent or effort we quickly became friends. Friends enough that she would invite me over to her home for tea and cozy little chats. It didn’t take me long to realize, though, that Lin was a victim of spousal abuse. At first I simply and privately thought that Lin had married a controlling man. She never came to my apartment. For that matter, she never left her apartment except to go to the communal laundry room. She was virtually a prisoner in her own home. Here she was thousands of miles away from home, far from family and friends in a country to which she Marvin Beatty Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

had never been before. Her English was poor, at best, and her husband was gone for long hours. The only time she went out, other than to the laundry room, was in the presence of her husband. He took her shopping, he took her to the many appointments with immigration and he was her only human contact other than those listed above and myself. I now know he liked it that way. Not long after meeting Lin she told me she was expecting a baby. It was an exciting time, but equally frightening time as well. Who was to help her carry out her customs, especially those concerning pregnancy and childbirth? Vietnamese, as in most cultures, have their own set of customs, one of which is not naming the baby until it is anywhere from four weeks to six weeks old. Lin did have her baby, a girl, and so she followed through on that custom and simply called the girl by the Vietnamese name for baby girl. When that baby reaches that milestone it is then customary to have a feast and name the baby. Because my mother and I were her only friends she invited us to the feast. The weeks prior were filled with little excursions to local Vietnamese stores (always accompanied by her husband) in search of exotic, but to her, familiar foods. The naming day finally arrived and that is the day I learned to love VietChris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

namese food. Most of it was unrecognizable and I consciously chose to not ask what was in some dishes. My mother and I were overwhelmed with the Vietnamese decorations and the food which was so laboriously prepared. I felt truly honoured to have been invited and often think back to that day. That child has since grown and left the home, and so did Lin. You see, shortly after that ceremony I saw regular bruise marks appearing on Lin. When I asked her about it she told me that her husband had taken to drinking, staying out at night and beating her. She had nowhere to turn and no one to turn to. She was alone in the world except for her daughter and couldn’t, due to the language barrier, even secure a job to help her escape from her nightmare. Mom and I moved up to Castlegar after that, but I kept track of Lin through my brother, who had also met her. It was a sad day when I heard that Lin had turned to prostitution on the streets of Seattle to free herself and her daughter from the tyranny of her abusive husband. I still think of Lin, a foreigner in a strange country and wonder what I would have done had the circumstances been switched. It’s easy to judge a person by their appearance or by what they did or are doing. It might not be as easy to walk in their shoes. Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A7


“Light Up” indebted to donors Thanks to Castlegar residents the 2012 “Light Up the Hospital” campaign was a success. Over $38,000 was raised to purchase equipment for use in the Castlegar & District Health Centre and/or Talarico Place. This year’s campaign revenues will enable C & D Hospital Foundation to buy another Space Lab Cardiac Monitor for the Emergency Department. These monitors are portable and can be sent with the patient in an ambulance, when necessary, for transportation to Trail or Kelowna. The Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation was established in 1987 by the then-Hospital Administrator, the late

Ken Talarico. It was intended as a fund to be used to purchase equipment needed for the hospital which could not otherwise be afforded from the provincially-funded equipment fund. As the years pass, equipment costs have increased while the equipment fund has not kept pace. Consequently the Hospital Foundation has provided many items to support needed patient services at the Health Centre and Talarico Place. Many Castlegar residents have benefitted over the years from having this equipment available for use in their care. The board of the Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation is made up of volunteers. We endeavour to manage the foundation’s endowment carefully, with prudent investments, and to raise addi-

tional funds for use in supporting the equipment needs of the health centre and Talarico Place. All the funds raised are used in Castlegar as the foundation’s constitution requires this. Interested volunteers are always welcome to join the foundation board – contact the undersigned at 250365-6187 for information. Thank you for your interest, -Margaret Nickle, Chair, Castlegar & Dist. Hospital Foundation

Late addition A significant piece of information was inadvertently left out of a letter published in last week’s Castlegar News. The letter, expressing thanks from Edward Martin and family to those whom

had helped during their recent health-related challenges, also stated that: “Trust Fund Donations are accepted at any Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Crossroads Branch #141650.”

Castlegar News Reporter

Back in May of 2012 the Castlegar News reported an online petition to bring WestJet Airlines service to the West Kootenay Regional Airport had about 450 signatures. Nelson resident Dirk Jonker, creator of the petition, said it now has almost 1,700 and is still climbing. “I have already sent a hard copy of the petition back in February of this year to WestJet headquarters in Calgary,” said Jonker. “At the time it had 1,448 signatures on it. “I felt the pinch to send them a copy right away, before they

make another list of destinations they are wanting to serve and didn’t want to miss out. “I live in Nelson, and fly as often as I can to Vancouver Island to visit family.” For it’s part, WestJet spokesperson Brie Ogle said strong community grassroots campaigns reflect the spirit of the WestJet community, too. “It is important to remember that Encore is just getting started,” said Ogle by email. “Moving forward, WestJet will take delivery of seven Bombardier Q400 NextGen aircraft in 2013: two in June, one in August and one every month


I love my wife for everything she’s done. I feel sorry for all she’s been through since my accident on January 22, 2012... all the stress. I’ll never forget you for as long as I live. Please God, I want to be with my wife Sylvia for ever and ever. Thank you Carlos and Maria Amaral for all the work you’ve done in the house and yard for us. -Albert Cancela, Castlegar

to follow in the years to come.” Expanded air service to the western provinces has been a focus for many communities over the past few years, and WestJet has responded with additional flights. WestJet flies an average of 420 flights per day. Ogle said Castlegar was one of more than 30 Canadian communities that went to the WestJet campus in June 2012; presenting their best cases for service. “We were very impressed with the compelling and comprehensive nature of their presentations,” wrote Ogle. 10 ft

CAR vs WILDLIFE Everybody Loses

Notary Public Inc.

7.5 ft 5 ft

11% of collisions

2.5 ft 86% of collisions

+ +








+ + + + + + + + +

for the rest of the year. The reason that Fort St. John and Nanaimo have been the only two cities announced so far is due to our delivery schedule, namely the fact that we will have only three aircraft by the end of the summer. With that in mind, WestJet has firm orders for 20 Bombardier Q400 NextGen aircraft, as well as options on another 45, between now and the end of 2018. As we take delivery of more aircraft, we will announce service to more communities. We expect to make at least one more announcement before the end of 2013 with more announcements




Gratitude reaffirmed

WestJet petition showing steady growth marvin beatty


High risk times of day: 6 - 8 am and 5 - 8 pm 1,930 wildlife vehicle collisions occur each year in the east and west Kootenays. For driving tips go to Sponsored by ICBC and the Wildlife Collision Prevention Program


1 __-minded 6 Skating team 10 Strong desire, with “the” 14 Caught this morning 15 “Look __ when I’m talking to you!” 16 Auth. of many snarky blog comments 17 “Scrubs” head nurse 18 Nurses 19 “__ 911!”: police series parody 20 Hot sauce ingredient 23 Beret-sporting revolutionary 25 Operation Overlord vessel, for short 26 Concerto standout 27 Vox populi 30 Monstrous 31 Off __: sporadically 32 NBAer who tweeted “I’m about to retire” in 2011 33 Wrinkly toy 34 Silver-tongued 38 No later than 41 British blame game? 43 Genre artist of mid-18th-century Europe 45 Men’s department

fixture 47 Vessel near the desserts 48 Droop 49 Stinger? (and what’s literally found in 20-, 27- and 43-Across) 52 Produced fiction? 53 Say and mean 54 Slapstick sidekick 57 “House,” in Inuit 58 Suckling spot 59 Favors, with “toward” 60 Fanfare 61 Woody’s son 62 “Tearin’ Up My Heart” band


1 Compound once used as aerosol propellant: Abbr. 2 NPR’s “Science Friday” host Flatow 3 Anatomical column component 4 Land in el agua 5 Dry French wine 6 Target in the end zone 7 System ending? 8 Eliciting awe 9 Plead in court, say 10 Whaling weapon 11 Bowler’s target

12 Strengthens 13 Sound from the bull pen 21 “The Nazarene” author Sholem 22 Belgian prime minister Di Rupo 23 Coast Guard noncoms 24 Jackman of “Les Misérables” (2012) 28 Sloshed 29 São __ 33 Examine, as produce 35 “Game on!” 36 Coconut product? 37 McEnroe rival

39 Tar Heel St. 40 Improvisational piece 41 Gideon Fell creator John Dickson __ 42 Apt vehicle in a presidential motorcade? 43 Furniture wood 44 __ Rico 45 Dutch export 46 Covent Garden architect Jones 50 Scaloppine meat 51 Fútbol cheers 55 Resting place 56 “I didn’t mean to do that” key


Community Calendar

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:


mar. 22 and 25-29 - Spring break-out - Castlegar Complex

pool Monday - Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Fun days during Spring Break with games and goodies! The Big Dog is in the water on Fridays. Break out and join us. Regular admission.

Mar. 23 - Turkey Draw at Royal Canadian Legion Castlegar Robson Branch #170 - There

will be 15 turkeys and one giant ham raffled this Saturday. Doors open at 3 p.m. and draws begin at 4.


District Community Hall Society 8th Annual Fundraiser at 7:00 p.m. featuring local talent at the Tarrys Community Hall, Hwy 3A Tarrys; Adults $8, Students $5. Under 12-free. Light refreshments, door prizes, 50/50 draw. Come and enjoy the music

at this no alcohol event.

MAR. 25 - Gathering Place Wellness Fair, Selkirk College gath-

ering Place, Castlegar Campus. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Everyone welcome. Hosted by the Selkirk College Nursing Students and Aboriginal Services. More info: or

Mar. 25 - WK Naturalist’s month-end meeting 8 p.m. Sil-

ver King Campus Nelson Selkirk College. Eva Johansson will introduce the newly formed Kootenay Native Plant Society and the Kootenay Camas Project. Learn about up-coming events and how you can contribute. Free; all welcome. Info: 3627424

MAR. 28, 2013 - AGM Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Society; 10 a.m. in the educa-

tion room of the castlegar health centre. Everyone welcome.

MAR. 29 – 10 a.m. Good Friday Service at Castlegar United Church, beside the Kinnaird

Medical Clinic.

Mar. 30 - Easter Eggstravaganza - from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the

Castlegar Complex pool. Join us for this Easter family special event! Kids can hunt for Easter eggs in the pool and participate in a colouring contest and enjoy some games and surprises. Regular admission.

MAR. 31, Easter Sunday Service

at Castlegar Baptist Church, 419 - 7th Ave. 10:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to join in celebrating Christ’s Resurrection.

MAR. 31 – 7 a.m. Short outdoor sunrise service at Castlegar

United Church, beside the Kinnaird Medical Clinic. Followed by hot cross buns and coffee. MAR. 31, 10 a.m. Easter Sunday service at Castlegar United Church, beside the Kinnaird Medical Clinic. MAR. 31 - 10 a.m. EASTER MORNING SACRED SONG AND STO-

RY SERVICE. Contemplate the Crucifixion and celebrate the Resurrection with us at Robson Community Memorial Church; Hosted by the Confluence Fellowship Circle; a Christian gathering with a Celtic flavour. www. MAR. 31 - Easter Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. at Living

Waters Faith Fellowship, 2329 6th Ave. Come and experience the Love of God. Stay for free lunch. More info: APR. 2 - SPECIAL AGM at the Fireside Inn, 6:00 P.M. regarding the imminent closure of the Castlegar United Way. All donors and member agencies are invited. APR. 2 - BRIDGES FOR WOMEN PROGRAM begins for six weeks.

Healing, connection, financial security. Call Laurie at (250) 608-2254. Sponsor: Castlegar Community Services & Kootenay Career Development Society. APR. 3 - Sculpturewalk AGM

Start time is 5 p.m. at the SculptureWalk office, 276 Columbia Avenue. APR. 13, 6:30 pm - Turning Pointe Performance Company is per-

forming their Spring Repertoire Saturday at the Brilliant Cultural Centre. Please support our award winning dancers! Tickets available at the door or in advance from Turning Pointe Dance Studio, M&M’s Meat Shop, Back in Balance Chiropractic or Kootenay Smile Studio. APR. 13 - Free Survivor Social

at Portugese Hall, 1 - 3 p.m. Contact Janice 250-304-7854, email or Jackie 250-365-2524. Entertainment, refreshments and fun! APR. 20 - SONS OF NORWAY, Nordic

Lodge ‘76 in Castlegar is holding a workshop on folk dancing sponsored by The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance. Interested persons are invited to take this rare opportunity. For


ongoing: sharing dinner pot -

ongoing: Castlegar judo club

ily event encourages everyone to come together in the downtown area of Castlegar and enjoy the day. Vendors in Kinsmen Park, 3 on 3 hockey, stage performers, and kid’s games. Volunteers needed for various tasks. To help out with this fun, worthwhile event, please call Peter 250-3655655.

Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena - Sun.

ongoing: poker fundraiser at the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday - Games start at 6:30 p.m.

MAR. 16 - 22 The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary

people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info call Donna 365-3168 or Eileen 365-3674.

apr. 26 - pro-d day youth swim

- Castlegar Complex pool from 2 - 4 p.m. Water walkway will be set up. Sorry, no lap swim during this time. $2.50 for all students.

APR. 27 - 8th Annual Spring Fling, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. This fam-

Treasure Shop has a “super big bag clothing sale”. Sale consists of men’s, ladies’, boutique and all infant/children’s wear. Donations welcomed. Volunteer application forms can also be obtained at the Treasure Shop 250 - 11th Avenue (across from the Library). ONGOING: MAR. 5 - APR. 30 Free Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Tues. & Thurs, 9

a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Castlegar & District Community Services 1007 - 2nd. St. Income level: single $30,000.00 or less, couples $40,000.00 or less, 1 adult with 1 child $35,000.00 or less, additional child $2500.00, interest income $1000.00 or less. Please call 250365-2104 for appt. ONGOING: ROBSON MARKET IS OPEN every Sunday except holi-

day weekends (Easter weekend is March 29th). Current hours: 8 am - 11 am at Robson Community Hall. Market includes a wonderful homestyle breakfast and vendors offering a variety of wares. New vendors welcome. To book a table please call 250365-3796. ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to

10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table talks, make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956.


Mon: 10:00 Darts 1:00 Whist Tues: 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling; 1:00 Crafts 7:00 Pool Wed: 9:00 Floor Curling; 2:00 on 20th Raspberry Reunion; 1:00 Bingo only 1st Wed.; 7:00 Rummoli. Thurs: 9:00 Zone 6 Sr. Games; 9:30 Floor Curling; 2:00 on 7th Gen. Meeting; 1:00 Bingo not @ Gen. Meeting; 2:00 on 21st Tea Dance. Fri: 1:00 Bridge/ Crib. Sat. 23rd Soup Day 11:30 - 1:00.

You are welcome for a hot meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee.

at 10 a.m. (phone Mike – 3658302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 365-7805). ongoing: al-anon meets every Monday night AL-ANON is for

ongoing: legion meat draws every saturday - Royal Ca-

nadian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch#170 located at 248 Columbia Ave. Doors open at 3 p.m., draws from 4 - 6 p.m. Draws every half hour with other special prizes awarded. Guests more than welcome and can be signed in by a member. Come out and have fun with great company. ongoing: chronic pain selfmanagement program - Free

six session workshop. Thursdays from March 7 - April 11 at 1:30 p.m. at 1030 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. FMI 1-866-902-3767.

ongoing: CRAFTING for WOMEN.

Wed. mornings 9-12 starting Feb. 13th at Sun Centre, above Community Services. No cost but may be required materials depending on project. Mocassins will cost about $50. Knitting and most others - Free. Looking for volunteers to come in and teach crafts... knitting for example. Please be in touch if you have a skill to teach or an idea for a craft to do. Phone: 250.365.2104 Ext. 34 or ongoing: 4th Annual Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest look-

ing for interested vendors and nonprofit groups. May 18, 2013 Garden/ nature/ farm related only please for this open air festival. More info contact: or call 250.399.4439 / www. ongoing: Confluence Fellowship Circle. Wednesdays at 6

p.m.Christian gathering with a Celtic flavour. Robson Community Memorial Church. Waldie Avenue, Robson. Connect with our Creator and each other.

- Mon. & Thurs. evenings 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Twin Rivers School gym. Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. Ages 8 years and up. FMI call John Gibson 250-365-5763.

and go until there is a winner. Buy-in is $40 and the prize is $1,000 or more. Partial proceeds go to the West Kootenay Therapeutic Riding Association.

ongoing: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS The local Toastmasters

club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun! Guests warmly welcomed. More info please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336.

ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers -

More info please call 250-9190757.

ongoing: Kootenay South Youth Soccer Association is still ac-

cepting coaching applications for the 2013 season. We will have coaching courses prior to the start of the season... get involve in the beautiful game!

ongoing: Operation Feast was established in 2012 to provide meals for members of our community. We invite you to join us for a home-cooked meal every Thursday at New Life Assembly Church 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner served until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area located at the back of Church. For info contact Carol at 365-5734.

ongoing: scrabble club – Come

out on the second Wed. of the month at the Castlegar Public Library - 6:30–8 p.m. All levels are welcome.

Ongoing: Castlegar Garden Club meets third Wednesday of the month – 7 p.m. at Commu-

nity Complex. Monthly speakers. Garden inspirations will linger long after the meeting is over. New members welcome. More info: Rose Cheveldave 250.365.9600 or

ongoing: the west kootenay roller derby is looking for

donations of 1/8 thick vinyl composite tile, paint and brushes, seating (chairs, couches, benches etc.) and rugs to help build new practice space in Nelson. For more info please contact

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013


Money issues tackled by city and RDCK rural areas Marvin Beatty Castlegar News Reporter

A public meeting regarding the 2013 budget and five year financial plan of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Areas “I”, “J” and the City of Castlegar, was lightly attended but still resulted in important lines of communication being strengthened. Rob Trickey and Jean Borsa, treasurer and chair on the board of directors for the Castlegar and District Public Library joined with library director Heather Maisel, in opening a dialogue regarding the change from one per cent to two per cent in RDCK funding for the library. RDCK directors A9

Andy Davidoff (Area “I”) and Gordon Zaitsoff (Area “J” ), joined RDCK’s Grant Roeland, CFO, and Brian Carruthers, CAO, at the meeting. After a brief presentation by Trickey outlining the library’s strategic plan for the next three years, and acknowledging how grateful they were for any level of funding, director Davidoff got straight to the heart of the matter. “We held the line at one per cent across the board in 2012,” said Davidoff. He and other members of the RDCK went on to explain the library would have had to make a formal presentation to the RDCK during budget consultations, making its best case as to

why the same two per cent level of funding would be needed. Borsa said the library board would not neglect to approach the budget consultations in the future. She added that library personnel do excellent work in applying for and receiving grants; making good use of the funds on a “skinny budget.” The 2012 annual report for the library has a thank you to its core funders: the CIty of Castlegar, the RDCK and the Libraries and Literacy Branch. One of the other important details the RDCK wanted to publicly convey, was the change to a new financial business system that Roeland said

embraces detailed project costing. The new proprietary software should allow for more organizational analysis and better identification of inefficiencies. With a $60 million budget to oversee, Davidoff said the RDCK wants to enhance services and operate as efficiently as possible, while at the same time holding the line on taxation. “We take a pretty technical and analytical approach, but we want to understand and then help,” said Davidoff. Financial statements and property tax rates by area, can be seen at: www. html.

Blueberry Creek Community School Hub’s Registration Fair Registration for September 2013 for B.C.C.S. programs including: Blueberry Buds Daycare - quality care for 3-5 year old children *only full time spots available Blueberry Patch Afterschool Care - after-school and summer care for school age children Play to Learn Preschool - a few afternoon spots for September still available! • Program Managers on hand to ask questions and take registration • Information on our Blueberry Creek StrongStart Program • Great activities set up for the children as parents complete registration and get information Where? Blueberry Creek Community School Gymnasium When? April 4 & 5 from 9am-3pm (it is a first come, first served basis) Call 250-365-7201 for more information or email


Award Categories Artist of the Year Song of the Year Album of the Year Best Rock/Metal/Punk Best Roots & Blues

Best Folk/Country Best New Artist Best Live Producer- Electronic Best DJ Best Live Act

General Information

The Kootenay Music Awards are open to any resident of the Kootenays. Please make all submissions mp3 format. From there they will be shortlisted by our panel of judges that includes Christine Hunter from Shambhala, Ryan Martin of The Hume Hotel, Lea Belcourt of Starbelly Jam Music Festival, Jay Hannley Program Director of Kootenay Coop Radio and Paul Hinrichs of the Royal on Baker. Nominations are open to all, you can nominate your self or favourite artists or acts, we want to make sure we have a great representation of the talent that the Kootenays have to offer. Nominations are open from March 1 to the 29th.


Black Press C O M M U N I T Y



Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News


The Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club Presents

14th Annual

Wine Festival • Dress: Semi-formal • Blind Challenge • Silent Auction • Door Prizes • Sweet & Savory Appies • Safe Ride Home Event

Saturday April 6, 2013 7-10pm, Castlegar Community Complex Ticket Price: $50 (non-refundable)

Available at: • Oglow’s Paint • Bubblees Liquor Store Plus • Sound West Sales & Service (Trail)

This Week’s Featured Wineries Seven Stones Winery

(Donation to the Interact Club)

Confirmed Wineries House of Rose Heaven’s Gate Estate Winery Rustic Roots Winery St. Hubertus Estate Winery Hillside Estate Winery Kraze Legz Vineyard & Winery Columbia Gardens Winery Volcanic Hills Estate Winery River Stone Estate Winery Thornhaven Estates Winery Seven Stones Winery Forbidden Fruit Winery Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery Skimmerhorn Winery & Vineyard Arrowleaf Cellars Hester Creek Estate Winery Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery Silver Sage Winery Sonoran Estate Winery Recline Ridge Winery Wild Goose Vineyards Gray Monk Estate Winery Castoro de Oro Estate Winery Kalala Organic Estate Winery Heron Ridge Estates Oliver Twist Estate Winery Tinhorn Creek Quinta Ferreira Estate Winery


Best Pure Juice Product - 2012 World Juice Awards, Barcelona, Spain

Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery Award-winning, consistent, uncompromising wines. Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery is located in the South Okanagan , on the Golden Mile Bench --- the valley’s west side, south of Oliver. Their vineyard is tucked in among five neighbouring wineries, overlooking an expanse of vineyards and orchards as far as Osoyoos Lake. An awesome view. Taste unique and award-winning varietals from an impressive line-up of 22 wines, all of which are featured daily. Dress: Semi-formal


BC Wineries

Celebrating Celebrating Celebrating The high mountain slopes behind the vineyards provide evening in the BC Wineries BCshadeWineries Blind Challenge BC Wineries summer, resulting in a nice rapid cool off. This in turn prevents grape acid Celebrating Dress: Semi-formal Semi-formal levels from falling. That is what shapes the Gehringer style: a fine balanceDress:Dress: Semi-formal Silent Auction Celebrating BC Wineries

between ripe, sweet fruit and firm, clean acidity.

Blind Challenge Blind Challenge Blind Challenge Door Prizes BC Wineries Dress: Semi-formal The past 26 vintages have consistently won numerous awards. At the recent Silent Auction Silent Auction Wine Press Northwest Platinum Judging, Gehringer Brothers won sixSilent Dress: Semi-formal Auction Sweet & Savoury Appy’s Blind Platinum awards, totalling 25 Platinums in theChallenge past 12 years --- the most of Door Blind Door Prizes any winery in the Pacific Northwest. Door Prizes SafeChallenge Ride Prizes Home Event Silent Auction Silent(donation Auction theSavoury Interact Club) Sweetto & Appy’s Sweet & Savoury Sweet & Savoury Appy’s Appy’s Door Prizes Door Prizes Safe Ride Home SafeHome Ride Event Home Event SafeEvent Ride Sweet &Sweet Savoury Appy’s & (donation Savoury toAppy’s the Interact Club) (donation to the Club) Interact Club) (donation to the Interact Safe Ride Event Home Event Safe Ride Home to the Interact (donation to(donation the Interact Club) Club)

Our Sponsors

Seven Stones Winery from the Similkameen Valley will be attending the Rotary Wine Festival. This is a small boutique winery that produces about 3000 cases of handcrafted wines per year. The owner George Hanson is the winemaker and grower of the estate winery. George will be attending Dress: the event Se to pour three red wines and one white. Seven Stones Blind are Chal known for their production of big red wines. Silent Auc



Door Priz One of the interesting things that is happenning right Sweet & now at Seven Stones is that they are in the process of Safe Ride building underground caves (donation for wine barrel storage. In t the caves will also be an area for receptions and events like wine makers dinners…there will also be a very highly tuned audio experience that they will offer to customers in this underground setting… Seven Stones is located in between Osoyoos and Cawston on highway 3…

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A11

The Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club Presents

14th Annual

Wine Festival • Dress: Semi-formal • Blind Challenge • Silent Auction • Door Prizes • Sweet & Savory Appies • Safe Ride Home Event (Donation to the Interact Club)

Confirmed Wineries House of Rose Heaven’s Gate Estate Winery Rustic Roots Winery St. Hubertus Estate Winery Hillside Estate Winery Kraze Legz Vineyard & Winery Columbia Gardens Winery Volcanic Hills Estate Winery River Stone Estate Winery Thornhaven Estates Winery Seven Stones Winery Forbidden Fruit Winery Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery Skimmerhorn Winery & Vineyard Arrowleaf Cellars Hester Creek Estate Winery Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery Silver Sage Winery Sonoran Estate Winery Recline Ridge Winery Wild Goose Vineyards Gray Monk Estate Winery Castoro de Oro Estate Winery Kalala Organic Estate Winery Heron Ridge Estates Oliver Twist Estate Winery Tinhorn Creek Quinta Ferreira Estate Winery


Best Pure Juice Product - 2012 World Juice Awards, Barcelona, Spain

Saturday April 6, 2013 7-10pm, Castlegar Community Complex Ticket Price: $50 (non-refundable)

Available at: • Oglow’s Paint • Bubblees Liquor Store Plus • Sound West Sales & Service (Trail)

This Week’s Featured Wineries Forbidden Fruit Winery

Gray Monk Estate Winery

“A Great Place To Visit” Gray Monk Estate Winery is the oldest family owned and operated Located directly on the pristine winery in the Okanagan Valley. Similkameen River, just off The Heiss family’s commitment to Highway 3 halfway between quality wines and to providing an Osoyoos and keremeos, outstanding visitor experience is reflected in all aspects of the winery. Forbidden Fruit Winery is the Gray Monk Estate Winery celebrated Similkameen Valley’s most its 30th anniversary in 2012. Owned southerly winery. The Winery is and operated by the Heiss family– part of Ven’Amour Organics, one George, Trudy and their sons Bob, George Jr. and Steven–the winery is located in Dress: of the Valley’s original Organic the Okanagan Valley, north of the city of Kelowna, surrounded by their 50-acre Se Dress: Semi-formal vineyard and a spectacular lake view. Farms, and is surrounded by Blind Cha The Heiss family has been among the pioneers of British Columbia’s wine industry a stunning wildlife corridor Blind Challenge since 1972, growing grapes and supporting the promotion of BC’s world famous consisting of Riparian forests VQA Dress: wines. In 1998 the family was honoured with the Founder Award from the Silent Auc Dress: Semi-formal Semi-formal Semi-formal and desertSilent steppe. Auction The orchards Dress: Okanagan Wine Festival Society for their outstanding contributions to British Columbia’s unique wine-growing region. and vineyards are all planted on Door Priz Blind Challenge Blind Blind Challenge At Gray MonkChallenge Estate Winery, optimum growing conditions allow a range of cool Door Prizes a gentle sloping hillside slightly Dress: Semi-formal climate grape varieties to flourish, including: Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, Sweet & above the river Silent and isolated Silent Auction Silent Auction Dress: Semi-formal Gewürztraminer, Kerner, Ehrenfelser and Pinot Auxerrois. The Heiss family grew Auction Sweet &areSavoury from Challenge outside commercial farming Appy’s Blind grapes for 10 years prior to establishing the winery, and today, some of the original Safe Ride Door Blind areas. Blazing summer sun andEvent Door Prizes vinesPrizes are now more than 35 years old and are used to make Gray Monk’s top-tier Door SafeChallenge Ride Prizes Home Odyssey Series. Silent crystal Auction clean water ensure the (donation Silent(donation Auction Gray Monk Estate spectacular setting is the perfect place to discover the to & the Interact Club) Sweet Savoury Appy’s Sweet &Winery’s Savoury Appy’s proper growth and plant health Sweet & Savoury Appy’s fine wines of the Okanagan Valley. Door Prizes needed Door for thePrizes highest quality Overlooking Okanagan Lake and surrounded by gently rolling vineyards, the winery Safe Ride Home Event SafeHome Ride Home Event Safe Event fruit and grapes. The farm produces 60 varieties of tree fruits and 4 grape is a Ride rich reminder of the Heiss family’s Old World roots, with its magnificent etched Sweet & Savoury Appy’s Sweet & Savoury Appy’s (donation to the Interact Club) (donation to the Interact Club) wine library houses and displays every copper doors andInteract wood carvings. A private varietals. And with a portfolio of 18 different, highly acclaimed wines, (donation to the Club) the winery has produced. ranging from red and white table wines to traditional method sparkling Safe Ride Home Event vintage Safe Ride Home Event For more than 10 years, the Grapevine Restaurant at Gray Monk has been an wines, to ports, there is certainly a wine for every connoisseur. The winery place to relax and enjoy world-class cuisine with an uninterrupted view of tothe the Interact to(donation the Interact Club) Club)excellent has a licensed picnic area alongside the(donation river, overlooking wildlife the lake and mountains. corridor, and an in house Art Gallery featuring the beautiful creations of The expansive patio offers seating in the prime Okanagan sunshine and also features a covered section with retractable glass panels to provide shelter on rare rainy days. Proprietor Kim Brind’Amour. Oh yes, and there is always fresh, in season Operated by Willi and Marie Franz and their partner Rene Haudenschild, the Certified Organic Fruit available! Stop by and discover for yourself why Grapevine Restaurant is open for lunch and dinner, offering a menu as outstanding Forbidden FruitWinery was the People’s Choice for #1 as the view. A delicious variety of dishes featuring regional fare is offered to suit all Winery to Visit. tastes, paired with Gray Monk wines by the bottle or glass.



BC Wineries

Celebrating Celebrating Celebrating BC Wineries BC Wineries BC Wineries Celebrating Celebrating BC Wineries

BC Wineries

Our Sponsors


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Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News


Last call for Kootenay Music Awards nominations STAFF WRITER Black Press

If you’ve been considering nominating a band or DJ for the Kootenay Music Awards, now is the time to do it. All artists who live in the Kootenays are eligible to enter a song in one of the 10 award categories that recognize the range of musical talent coming out of the region. There’s a category for everything from best DJ to best roots and blues band. More than 70 songs have already been submitted online at kootenaymusicawards. com and KMA president Chad Hansen hopes to see many more roll in before nominations close next Friday (March 29). “If you’re an artist yourself or even just a fan of a local band, I’d

music that’s been posted up there,” Hansen says. A f t e r nominations close, the panel of five industry judges will shorttheir 2012 band winners “The Auto- list f a v o u r ites mation.” Submitted for public voting. The encourage you to go to judges inthe website and sub- clude music festival mit an MP3. Let peo- producers Christine ple hear it, you never Hunter from Shamknow what could hap- bhala and Lea Belpen,” Hansen says. court from Starbelly Fans can check out Jam; Nelson live music the music that’s been venue managers Ryan submitted so far by Martin from Spiritclicking the “nomi- bar and Paul Hinrichs nate” tab at the top of from The Royal; and the page, then going Kootenay Co-op Rato “view entries.” dio program manager Hansen has listened Jay Hannley. to many of the sub“These are great missions and is im- people to get your pressed by the variety. music into the ear of,” “There’s some real- Hansen says. ly eclectic, interesting So far the nomina-

tion page is dominated by Nelson-based artists. But Hansen is encouraging bands for every corner of the Kootenays to get their music in. Bands who entered last year are also welcome to enter again. Shane Johnsen, frontman for The Automation — winner of Best New Band in last year’s KMAs — says he saw a surge in new listens on the band’s Soundcloud page during the public voting period. “We had about 2,000 unique listens, which is huge boost for a band just starting out,” Johnsen says. “We recorded everything ourselves, without a producer, so we were really proud to be recognized last year.” The Automation has submitted an early release off their next album for this year’s


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awards and will be playing at the awards gala event, along with last year’s Best Artist winner Shred Kelly, on May 10 at Spiritbar in Nelson. To enter a song in the Kootenay Music Awards, go to The Kootenay Music Awards are presented by Nelson Brewing Company and Black Press. Platinum sponsors include, Kootenay Coop Radio, Vantage Point, Nelson and District Credit Union, AM Ford, Selkirk College. Other sponsors are Wapiti Music Festival, Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Bee Kissed Body Piercing, Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism, Chatterson Drive, Our Glass, Ric’s Lounge and Grill, Tribute Boardshop and Whitewater Ski Resort.

Age 14

Age 18

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013

marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

When I arrived at BEAKS (Bird Emergency and Kare Society) in the community of Blueberry, the first thing I noticed was that from a halfblock away, I could hear birds singing. The songs weren’t just coming from inside the bird rescue centre but from the many trees surrounding the property. Somehow, even healthy birds just seem to know this is a safe place. A self-professed “crazy bird lady,” president Carol Pettigrew greeted me warmly as she and her staff were busy with yet another arrival. East Trail resident Nancy Prime had brought in a Pine Siskin, a member of the finch family, which her cat had unceremoniously brought home. Mohawk, a European Starling, is the bird who greeted me when I stepped into a small room off the entrance. “In the wild, these birds dig in the dirt for bugs,” said Pettigrew. “So Mohawk is the one who — when people come in — looks up their sleeves and in their hair for bugs. Everyone loves Mohawk, he’s quite a bird.” “I’ve been doing this since I was five years old,” said Pettigrew. “But in B.C. only since 1971.” Only? Pettigrew’s passion for helping injured birds turned her into a licensed federal rehabilitator. The facility she now

Lenette Doskoch spends some quality time with Juliette, a smart baby crow at BEAKS, that came in last summer. Submitted

coordinates requires considerable upkeep and organization, something not possible without the help of dedicated local volunteers and sponsoring organizations. Space in the rescue centre, which is also Pettigrew’s home, is at a premium and she said a new facility to operate from would be wonderful but it all comes down to funding. “It’s tight in here — we do the same amount of birds as other rescue centres but it’s all squished in here,” she said. Between 60 and 70 birds have been in the BEAK’s rehab centre for most of this winter but they normally have only about 30. Pettigrew said the additional birds have been a considerable drain on resources. “We have an endangered swallow

here that eats $4.00 per day in mealworms and that’s just one bird,” she said. “We see a lot of migratory birds here — not just seed eaters — and they are all expensive.” The endangered swallow, by the way, has been given the name Joey. He will be released sometime in April when others of his kind start to return to the area. The only paid staff member is Lenette Doskoch, who has taken some courses involving care of animals and birds and has been with the organization for the past nine months. When asked why she wanted the job, she simply said, “I love animals.” Evelyn Beaudet, a volunteer who also handles many of the marketing needs of the society, wanted to

express how grateful they are to everyone who can make a donation or offer their time. She and Pettigrew said the facility is currently operating on a week-to-week basis though the generosity of donors. Teck Cominco recently provided BEAKS with a monetary gift to help the facility partially fund operations for the summer but more help from volunteers is needed. Pettigrew said she is also very grateful for the help from Total Pet in Castlegar. She said manager Kris Koop and the staff have been wonderful to them for some time. “We wouldn’t have our wings without Total Pet,” she said. Total Pet accepts donations of cans and bottles for BEAKS from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday and Sundays from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. BEAKS will also arrange to pick up cans and bottles; just give them a call at 250-3653701, or “LIKE” their page and send them a message through their Facebook page at www.facebook. com/BirdEmergencyAndKareSociety. There are a number of beautiful photos of birds on the BEAKS Facebook page to check out, too, which better shows the caring work they do for our feathered friends. “We’ve had 169 different species over the last 12 years but that is as long as we’ve been keeping records,” she said. “We have some unique birds, too. Ev-

ery year it seems the weather is changing, the climate is changing and there are different birds coming in. We have a Snow Bunting here right now and also a longeared owl, which will be sent to the coast and released there, because we’re not big enough.” Pettigrew said Pacific Coastal Airlines flies the birds for free; something they do for a lot of rehab facilities. “Dogs, cats, birds… they really are good. Because the birds are small, they are right up where the passengers are so their chances of arriving safely are really good.” “No rehab really runs like we do,” said Pettigrew. “Most keep all their birds in cages but we don’t. They’re free flying and in with different species, flying from trees and small perches. Our release rate is 70 to 80 per cent and basically, we don’t lose any birds to stress.” She added that when an injured bird arrives she often will stay up with them through the first 24 to 48 hours. Crazy? Perhaps. But it’s a good thing for the bird populations of the Kootenays that Pettigrew has such dedication. If you can help the society with time, a donation or anything else, they would love to hear from you at 250-365-3701 or through their Facebook page: www.

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Community Going to bat for banged-up birds in Blueberry A13

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When the weather gets warm the water will surely flow Region


Castlegar News Reporter

With the spring freshet season arriving, there is no better time to remind residents of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) about the possibility of flooding. The impressive snowpacks of the Kootenay’s provide a lot of fuel, in the


Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News

form of runoff, and can cause considerable damage without proper monitoring and planning. One of six Emergency Management BC regional offices is located in Nelson, and so the areas around Castlegar are also well served to avoid such problems. The spring flooding season generally ranges from April

“Residents are responsible for having a plan, as well as the tools and equipment necessary to protect their homes...” RDCK

through July and a number of provincial agencies and local volunteers monitor



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streams and rivers in the region. A press release from the RDCK said, “Residents are responsible for having a plan, as well as the tools and equipment necessary to protect their homes and properties (sand bagging, for example).” During a flooding emergency, local radio stations will





















broadcast information on where sand bag locations are and any current evacuation alerts or orders. Of course, decisions such as evacuation alerts and evacuation orders are the responsibility of the RDCK, but it is best for citizens to know where they can access help and information. Dirty or muddy

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water should be reported to the 24/7 Provincial Emergency Reporting Number: 1-800-663-3456. The RDCK Emergency Coordinator for Area “H, “I, “J” and “K” (Nakusp / Slocan) is Terry Warren who can be reached at 250-2651920. In addition, the website www.emerg e n c y i n f o b c . g o v.








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Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917] has more information about flood preparedness, sand bags, creating personal emergency kits and current river flow levels. Kootenay Lake water levels can be seen at The RDCK will issue flooding and freshet bulletins, as available, at www.

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Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A15

Community Group focused on losing, gains a pile of benefits for the needy marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Curves of Castlegar’s “Feed the Need” food drive is on from Mar. 11 - 23 and donations are piling up in a massive box at their downtown 4th Street location. The food drive is part of a campaign that will also see 10 per cent of March profits from Curves International (U.S. and Canada) directed to “Blessings in a Backpack” if a combined 100,000 donations are reached. “Blessings in a Backpack” is an international non-profit organization helping to ensure impoverished elementary school children are fed on

weekends throughout the school year. The joining fee is being waived for new members who donate either a bag of non-perishable food items — or $30 to their local food bank — during the March campaign. Curves manager Annette Cameron, who has been a member of curves for eleven years and manager of the local gym for the last eight months, said membership at the club has doubled to about 130 members since she came on board. “We offer an onstaff personal trainer as part of our memberships now,” said Cameron. “It takes it one step beyond the

Jasmyn Drew with Mar. 18 donations Marvin Beatty

way things used to be. There were six members working out on the circuit training setup when The Castlegar News paid a visit and there were plenty of stations in the large space to go around. Attendant Jasmyn Drew, a Gr. 12 student at Stanley Humphries Secondary School,

said she has been working at Curves since mid-January and loves it. “There are so many great ladies that come in,” said Drew. “Twice around the room at each station works out to about 27 or 28 minutes and there are some ladies who come in five or six times a week. The

combination of cardio and resistance training provides a good workout to tone and shape without building up an abundance of muscle; something important to women.” Janice Kelley, who we determined was one of the older members, said she has been coming in three times per week since early December. “I feel great,” said Kelley. “It makes you feel so good and I’m losing weight.” She added there is also a social component to regular workouts and she has made new friends. Debbie McIntosh of the Community Harvest Food Bank (St. David’s Anglican Church at 614

Christina Place) said Curves has been very good to them over the years, like many other individuals and organizations in the area. “It really helps those in need in our community,” said McIntosh. “It gives them a hand up and makes people feel needed and welcome. It’s how communities are built and we are so grateful for the support.” Total contributions to local food banks from the annual Curves Food Drive has exceeded 75,000,000 pounds of food, according to Curves Vice President of Marketing Mike Raymond. “Each year, we encourage our clubs

and members to donate even more than the year before. Our annual Food Drive is a great way for members and their communities to fill a real need by restocking the shelves in local food pantries across the U.S. and Canada during a time when they are usually low,” said Raymond. For more information about Curves of Castlegar, 1125 - 4th Street, and details of the 2013 Curves Food Drive call 250304-1818 or 9BYT2ML@cur vesmail. com. For more information about Curves or “Blessings in a Backpack”, visit www. or www. blessingsinabackpack. org.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News


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The driver of a red corvette was lucky to escape without injuries after losing control on the off ramp to the Crownest Highway (from Columbia Avenue near 8th Avenue). The car narrowly missed a hydro pole but left a long trail of debris after first striking a concrete barrier. A dealership licence plate was visible on the back of the vehicle. Marvin Beatty

Lack of volunteers forces dissolution of United Way Marvin Beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar and District United Way has been a part of the community here, raising funds and hosting popular events to help those in need since 1967. But at a special AGM on Tuesday, April 2, the charity will officially dissolve due primarily to a lack of volunteers. “For the last few years we have been

challenged with a diminishing base of donations and volunteers,” said president Nicole Beetstra on March 15. “Despite our good intentions and efforts from previous and current people who volunteer we have not been able to change things. “We can’t meet the United Way of Canada mission and therefore we can’t sustain the organization locally.”

In July of last year, the Castlegar News reported on the struggling charity. At the time, Beetstra made clear that the bylaws of the organization stated at least four board members were needed to continue as a functioning non-profit society. The biggest thing that has happened, said Beetstra, is those volunteers have not come forward. “When people give

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their time it’s so greatly appreciated,” she said. “But people are busy and in previous years we had boards of 10 to 12 people but the last few years it’s down to three to five.” Beetstra wanted to emphasize any money remaining in charity accounts will be disbursed to the agencies they currently fund and the United Way is grateful for the support from those in the

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Castlegar area over the years. “I want to assure anyone in Castlegar that has graciously donated in the past, that all of that money is going to stay in the community.” Beetstra said when the board met with representatives from United Way Canada about the situation, they learned there were several other United Way’s struggling with similar issues. “It’s very difficult to continue with this kind of thing, the way it is run now — based on volunteers and donations — when you have to have a paid administrator and an office and stuff,” she said. “You have to fall into Revenue Canada and United Way of Canada guidelines and we just don’t raise enough money to fulfill our obligations to that.” “It’s kind of a sign of the times,” said Beetstra. “People are busy and unfortunately we were just not able to maintain things with how small of a board we are. I hope the generous people of Castlegar continue to donate to our needy causes.”

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ecology/Environment ‘Envirosponsible’ mayhem SUBMITTED

This is the second-last in a series of ecology-related articles contributed by students of Selkirk College. There are some who use their cars just to go from point A to point B on paved roads and that’s it. For others their vehicle is a means to go where others can’t go; just to see how far they can push their four wheels into unknown territory.

“Creating new roads in town is very complex, involving a lot of time, money and expertise to engineer a road that will last” Clemence & Leyte With as many forestry and backcountry roads as are available to users in the area, four-wheeling and ATV use has become increasingly popular. With more users there is a higher chance that sensitive habitats are being or will be affected. As you can imagine, driving off trail tends to have detrimental effects on the environment. The most common is compaction and loss of soils. Compaction makes it difficult for vegetation to re-establish on these trails after they are abandoned. Off-road enthusiasts know how fun it can be to drive through a big mud hole, but the more it’s used the bigger it gets and more soils are lost. If these mud

Matt Clemence (above, left) and Jeffrey Leyte are second year Recreation Fish and Wildlife students at Selkirk College, Castlegar. Submitted

holes are associated with rivers, streams or wetlands, the damage can be even worse. Off road driving can leave “scars” on the landscape that can take years to recover. A simple breakdown off trail can lead to devastation in an area. For example, you have an engine failure that leaks oil. The oil can enter our stream systems and damage a much larger area than you think as it spreads in the soil. Creating new roads in town is very complex, involving a lot of money, time, and expertise to engineer a road that will last. Off road trails, on the other hand, take no time at all to create and little planning. Each time someone creates a trail, it provides an opportunity for the next person to create yet another trail. In no time at all, a habitat is fragmented with roads that will eventually fail, all the while, negatively affecting how wildlife will use the area. Just like wildlife management or fisheries, off-roading can

be managed in good ways for both the environment and the users. If the proper steps have been taken to reduce impacts and keep users in designated areas, we can reduce the overall impact. There are many ways to reduce the impact on the environment and still enjoy off-roading. The simplest way would be to ensure that you stay on existing trails and roads, minimize stream crossings, and avoid wetlands. As 4x4 enthusiasts, we should all care for the environment that we drive through, making sure we leave behind the smallest footprint possible. We all need to think beyond just our day of fun when off-roading, it’s inherently destructive and it’s incumbent on us to mitigate the effect we have. Sticking to the already-created trail, keeping our riparian areas intact, and making sure your vehicle is well maintained can all help you reduce the impact on the environment while still enjoying your time.

There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION pounds of garbage year being dumped into the ocean. Help by recycling & reducing waste. pounds of garbage per year being dumped intoperthe ocean. There are 9000 blue whales. There are 9000 blue whales. Help by recycling & reducing waste. There are 7 BILLION people. There are 14 BILLION pounds of garbage per year being dumped into the ocean. There are 9000 blue whales.

Help by recycling

& reducing waste. A17



Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News

Artists/heritage venues take note Submitted

Registrations are being accepted for artists/venues in the Columbia Basin to participate in the Columbia Basin Culture Tour (CBCT). The CBCT is a two day celebration of culture taking place August 10-11, 2013 from 10 am to 5 p.m. The CBCT is a self guided tour showcasing local arts, culture and heritage offered at no charge to the general public. Full colour tour directories will be available free of charge to the public as a guide to visit your studio, exhibition, museum, art gallery, cultural center or heritage site throughout the Columbia Basin during this special weekend event. And yes, “artists” includes visual, written, performing, media and inter-arts! Visitors love this event and are anticipating this fifth year. Participating as a venue allows you to really connect with locals, develop a wider audience, educate the public about what you do, market your activities, and attract visitors to your community. The CBCT allows visitors to meet the participants “behind the scenes” and allows them to: visit artists’ studios that may not regularly be open to the public, purchase works directly from the artists, visit art galleries, museums and cultural centres to view special interpre-

The Live Art Shop – Kaslo & Pamela Nagley Stevenson Jeremy Addington

tive displays, archives, demonstrations or performances. It is also a chance for them to meet people such as artists, curators, historians and volunteers that are such a vital part of our local culture. Final registration deadline is April 15. Register by Mar 31 and save. $40.00: Early Registration (registration packages received by March 31) $50.00: Registration (registration package received between April 1-April 15) The registration fee includes: inclusion in printed directory, web page profile, placement on on-line interactive map, event signage, province wide promotional campaign. If you plan to have any special programming or demonstrations at your venue, details can be

included on your web page profile. Directories and web profiles will be released by the end of May. Artist/venue web profiles will remain online until Dec 31, 2013 to provide contact information for follow up visits. Participating individuals and venues must be located in the Canadian Columbia Basin, the southeast corner of British Columbia roughly bordered by the communities of Valemount, Golden, Elkford, Creston, Rossland, Arrow Lakes and Revelstoke. Although not in the Basin, the communities of Grand Forks and Christina Lake are again invited to participate. For information or to register visit: www., or phone the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance at 1-250-5055505 or toll free at 1-877-505-7355.

Castlegar City Council briefs Continued from P. A3

...burning ban need to be placed in local media. • Another resident, Heidi Burger, spoke about the ongoing work at Twin Rivers / Millennium Park. She said she was upset at the loss of trees and wondered what

the plans were. CAO John Malcolm said the trees were cleared to access gravel from an old pit, that will be used for the new ponds. He added the costs to use the onsite gravel are less than those to bring it in from other sources. He also said the site would be refurbished with new

ground cover after the gravel extraction is over. Chris Barlow said the area would become an enhanced beach area when complete and have vegetation added. He acknowledged it is possibly an eyesore right now but that improvements are coming.

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A19


Tell us how your team is doing, email:

Saints claim BCIHL supremacy Kirsten Hildebrand Black Press

The Selkirk College Saints celebrated Saturday night as they took the BC Intercollegiate Hockey League title in an exciting 3-2 overtime win at the Nelson District Community Complex. The Saints notched the championship win against the Simon Fraser University Clansmen after a bold come from behind effort sent them into extra play. Forward Cody Fidgett scored the winning goal, unassisted just 3:11 into overtime. “I can’t even put words to it. It’s probably the biggest goal I’ve ever scored. It’s fantastic,” he told the Nelson Star after the game. “It was a hard fought comeback.” SFU were first on the scoreboard with a penalty shot goal by Kale Wild at 4:37

left in the first period. Then, early in the second, the Clansmen made it 2-0 off a goal by Brenden Silvester from Colton Graf. Playing at the NDCC due to scheduling conflicts with the KIJHL semi-final series opener in Castlegar, the Saints packed the Nelson rink with fans eager to see their team take the best two of three college series. When the Selkirk’s Thomas Hardy put his team on the scoreboard with 3:21 left in the second, the crowd erupted. Mason Spear and Fidgett assisted making it 2-1 at the end of the second. The Saints came out hard in the third and it was captain Jordan Wood who scored the huge tying goal off a pass from assistant captain Logan Proulx midway through the third. With good pressure, the Selkirk team had

several more scoring chances that kept the crowd on the edge of their seats. Even up on shots on net, the score was a deadlocked 2 at the end of regulation play. About to go into overtime, Assistant coach Jamie Freiss said they let the guys know this was the time to capitalize on the tired SFU defensive line. “We said let’s take ‘em wide. Let’s make sure we put the pucks on net and sure enough, it went in. Our speed finally paid off for us in the end,” he said. Fidgett’s goal brought down the house with the jubilant Saints bursting to the ice and the crowd cheering the champions on. Assistant captain Scott Swiston was ecstatic after the game. “There’s no better feeling in the world right now. You only

really get these opportunities really once in a lifetime. This is the first time I’ve won a trophy as big as this. You are just never going to forget it or the people you won it with,” he said. “Start to finish we knew we wanted this more than them. We played with a ton of heart and I think we deserved it.” Goaltending played a huge role in the Saints win with Alex Sirard solid between the pipes. Hard hits and hard work were critical as the BCIHL champions dug in for the win. “I am very proud of every last one of them. They all put in the time. They all worked very hard all year,” said Freiss. “This was our goal right out of training camp and they stayed the course. They followed the program and it paid off for us in the end.”

Goaltender Alex Sirard was one of many Selkirk College Saints to have an outstanding regular season and playoff on the way to the British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League Championship.

Bob Hall

Castlegar Rebels are new KIJHL Kootenay Conference Champions Marvin Beatty Castlegar News Reporter

A pinnacle of fan interest, through three rounds, was reached during the second round versus local arch-rival Beaver Valley Nitehawks. Marvin Beatty

The Castlegar Rebels have won the KIJHL Kootenay Conference title after sweeping the Golden Rockets in four games, winning game four in Golden 3 - 2 on Tuesday, March 19. The Rebels got past the Spokane Braves in five games and then the Beaver Valley Nitehawks in a thrilling seven-game series before facing the Rockets. The Rebels outscored Golden 17 - 4 during the series and have earned a weeklong break before going after the KIJHL Championship on Tuesday, March 26 against either the North Okanagan

Knights or the Osoyoos Coyotes. There was no scoring in the first but forward Kody Disher put the Rebels on the board at 17:15 of the second period, with assists from Matt Reed and Stuart Walton. Bryan Lubin then added another at 15:26 from Hunter Jenerou to take a twogoal lead. What proved to be the game (and conference) winner came on the power play from Brenden Heinrich at 19:35 of the third, with assists coming from Erik Alden and Jamie Vlanich. The Rockets fought back valiantly with goals from Blake Roney (14:48 - PP) and Brad Orr (5:57) but could not level the game.

Jordan Gluck got to enjoy the feeling of a conference title win in net for the Rebels, turning aside all but two of Golden’s 26 shots. James Leonard played 59:37 of game four, stopping three of four power plays from the Rebels while facing 19 shots.

Game four of the Okanagan-Shuswap Conference, between the North Okanagan Knights and Osoyoos Coyotes, went to the Knights 5 - 1 who now lead that seven-game series three games to one. Game five for the Knights and Coyotes is Thursday, March 21 in Armstrong at 7 p.m.

A20 Castlegar’s Sculpturewalk is entering its 4th year, and what a success it has been! This exhibit of original outdoor sculptures displayed in downtown Castlegar is attracting interest from across theCastlegar’s country. From May through September the public Sculpturewalk is entering its 4th year, andvotes what for a Thesuccess People’s Choice sculpture isand purchased the City of it has been! This exhibit original outdoor Castlegar’s Sculpturewalk is entering its which 4th of year, what a bysculptures Castlegar forCastlegar’s Permanent Collection. success it has been! This exhibit of original outdoor sculptures displayed inCastlegar’s downtown Castlegar is attracting interest from across Sculpturewalk is entering its 4th year, and what a displayed downtown Castlegar is attracting interest from across success it has been!through This exhibitSeptember of original outdoor sculptures theincountry. From May the public votes for in downtown Castlegar the is attracting interest the country. From displayed MayChoice through September public votesfrom for across The People’s which isthe purchased by the City of the country. Fromsculpture May through September public votes for The People’s Choice sculpture which is purchased by the City of Choice sculpture which is purchased by the City of CastlegarThe forPeople’s Castlegar’s Permanent Collection. Castlegar for Castlegar’s Castlegar Permanent for Castlegar’s Collection. Permanent Collection.


Locals battle hard in provincials MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

SponSor, Buy, or LeaSe a ScuLpture SponSorShip program Sponsor a sculpture for $1000. Your name will be engraved on the nameplate and your business logo & link will go on our website and brochure. purchaSe program Buy a sculpture and place it where you want (even

own backyard!). Leave a business or family SponSor, Byour uy,toor LeaSetoabeautify ScuLpture legacy the community the city or your


SponSor , Buy, or LeaSe a ScuLpture S p Sponsor a sculpture for Your L name will a be ScuLpture S ponSor , B$1000. uy, or eaSe SponSorShip program engraved on the nameplate and your business logo & ponSorShip

neighbourhood. Prices range from $3000-$30,000 and payment can be made over time. rogram

Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget hockey teams from Castlegar have competed at Provincial Championships across the province during spring break. Here’s a summary of the most current information available as of press time. Please check www.castlegarnews. com in the coming days for possible further updates. PEE WEE TIER 3 -

LeaSing program After the sculptures have been up for a year, those

Creston, B.C. not purchased can be Your leased and moved asculptures sculpture forbrochure. $1000. name will be link Sponsor willSgo on our website and to the location of your choice. Average lease price is ponSorShip program engraved on the nameplate and your business logo & Sponsor$1500/year. a sculpture for $1000. Your name will be linkengraved will go on our website and brochure. purchaSe program on the nameplate and your business logo & SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY! Buy a sculpture and place it where you want (even Sunday, Mar 17 linkbackyard!). will go ontoour website andNick, brochure. SCULPTUREWALK From left Leave right: Salmon by Christinaor Chieftain by Daniel Kloc, CONTACT Full Metal Basket CASTLEGAR by Kate Tupper, Kinetic Weather Disturbance yourpown a business family urchaSe program Seeker of Ensemble by Douglas Walker, QRthe by Carl Schlichting, Soaring by Spring Shine, Look and You Will Find It by KateTHE Christopher, Th e first game against SUPPORT COMMUNITY! legacy to the community to beautify city or your FOR THE FULL SALES & LEASE CATALOG. Buy a sculpture and place it where want * (even Visions by David Sidley, and Man in Motion byyou Denis Kleine purchaSe program neighbourhood. Prices range from $3000-$30,000 CONTACT THE CASTLEGAR SCULPTUREWALK SUPPORT COMMUNITY! Quesnel Thunder, own backyard!). Leave business or family and your payment be and made over time. *these more available for or lease before(even april 1st. Buy a can sculpture and place ita purchase where you want legacy thebackyard!). community to beautify the city or your FOR THE FULL SALES & LEASE CATALOG. CONTACT CASTLEGAR SCULPTUREWALK your to own Leave a business or family according to updates LeaSing p rogram 276 Columbia Ave. | | neighbourhood. Prices range from $3000-$30,000 legacy to thehave community to abeautify the city or your FOR THE FULL SALES & LEASE CATALOG. Afterand the sculptures been up for year, those payment can be made over time. from, neighbourhood. $3000-$30,000 sculptures not purchasedPrices can berange leasedfrom and moved and payment be Average made over time. to the location your can choice. lease price is was competitive with LeaSing pof rogram $1500/year. After the sculptures LeaSing program have been up for a year, those Castlegar outshooting sculptures purchased beup leased and moved After the not sculptures havecan been for a year, those to sculptures the location ofpurchased your choice. lease is the Thunder almost not canAverage be leased andprice moved From$1500/year. left right:location Salmon byof Christina Nick, Chieftain by Daniel Kloc,price Full Metal totothe your choice. Average lease is Basket by Kate Tupper, Kinetic Weather Disturbance two to one. The score, Ensemble by Douglas Walker, QR by Carl Schlichting, Soaring by Spring Shine, Look and You Will Find It by Kate Christopher, Seeker of $1500/year.

however, remained 1 1 going into the third with good goaltending. Quesnel scored *these and more available for purchase or lease before april 1st. early in the frame to *these and more available for purchase or lease before april 1st. take the lead but Cas276 Columbia Ave. | | 276 Columbia Ave. | | tlegar tied it up near the six minute mark. Quesnel wouldn’t be denied, though, and put in another with 3:29 left on the clock for the 3 - 2 win.

Visions by David Sidley, and Man in Motion by Denis Kleine*

*these and more available for purchase or lease before april 1st.

From left to right: Salmon by Christina Nick, Chieftain by Daniel Kloc, Full Metal Basket by Kate Tupper, Kinetic Weather Disturbance From leftbytoDouglas right: Salmon byQR Christina Chieftain Soaring by DanielbyKloc, FullShine, Metal Basket by Kate Tupper, Weather Disturbance Ensemble Walker, by CarlNick, Schlichting, Spring Look and You Will FindKinetic It by Kate Christopher, Seeker of 276 Columbia Ave. | | Ensemble by Douglas Walker, QRinby Carl Schlichting, Soaring Visions by David Sidley, and Man Motion by Denis Kleine * by Spring Shine, Look and You Will Find It by Kate Christopher, Seeker of Visions by David Sidley, and Man in Motion by Denis Kleine*

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News

Monday, Mar. 18 Whitehorse jumped out to an early 2 - 0 lead in the first period, before Castlegar got on the board at 5:44. The bombardment continued with Whitehorse scoring two more before Castlegar got one back near the end of the period. Castlegar edged closer in the second period with the only goal of that frame to make it 4 - 2 heading to the final period.

Castlegar scored early to tie the game but Whitehorse took the lead about a minute after. But the Castlegar team gritted out two more unanswered goals for a 6 - 5 victory. SCHEDULE: Thursday - 3rd place game at 8 a.m. and championship game at 11 a.m. MIDGET TIER 3 Port Alberni, B.C. Sunday, Mar. 17 There were ten goals in this battle with Victoria edging Castlegar 6 - 4. Castlegar goal-scorers were # 11 Ren Mason, # 10 Luke Ponte (PP), # 16 Edward Lindsey and # 18 Trevr Rigby. Monday, Mar. 18 - A 10 a.m. game against Whistler was not a fun one for the Castlegar Midget Tier 3 team, as the Whistler squad got to double-digits in an uneven 10 - 2 game. They will be looking for a stronger performance at 5:30 p.m. when they take on Whitehorse. SCHEDULE: Thursday, Mar. 21 semi-finals Friday, Mar. 22 3rd place game at 8 a.m. and final at 11 a.m. BANTAM TIER 3 MALE - Dawson Creek, B.C. Sunday, Mar. 17 An early 7 a.m. game against Quesnel saw Castlegar take a narrow 2 - 1 loss with

the goal coming from Castlegar’s Mathew Zwick. It was a goal from Quesnel’s Matt Kuehn with 24 seconds on the clock that secured the win for Quesnel.

Costa got the first goal of the game midway through the first, and banged home another less than two minutes later. A second game at 5 p.m. against Cranbrook went in favour of the Castlegar squad 4 - 1, with two goals each credited to to Tanner Costa and Garret Pattersen. Costa got the first goal of the game midway through the first, and banged home another less than two minutes into the second. Garret Pattersen then scored two of his own on the night in the second and third periods. Monday, Mar. 18 Castlegar was down early after two quick Revelstoke goals but bounced right back to tie it up before 20 minutes had passed. Tanner Costa got his third and fourth of the series about a minute apart to level things heading in to the second period. After just 1:10 had passed to start the third, Castlegar’s Kadrian Klimchuk scored the first of his two on this night to make it a 4 - 2 Castlegar lead through 40 minutes. In the third, Solomn Burke, Castlegar

goaltender, was perfect in net and Castlegar’s Garret Patterson got in on the twogoals each pattern to make it a 6 - 2 Castlegar win. SCHEDULE:

Thursday, Mar. 21 8 a.m. 3rd place game and 11 a.m. championship game


Sunday, Mar. 17- A late 8 p.m. start for the Castlegar Bantam A Wildcats against host team Greater Vernon, ended with each team securing a point. Vernon struck first but Castlegar’s Kendra Waterstreet answered with time winding down in the first. Castlegar then took the lead on a marker from Merissa Dawson but Vernon tied it up about a minute and a half later. Vernon then took the lead late in the game and Castlegar pulled the goaltender for an extra attacker. Jessica Bonacci scored unassisted to get the tie with just 1:03 left on the clock.

Monday, Mar 18 Juan de Fuca secured a 3 - 0 shutout of the Castlegar Wildcats on 40 shots. Castlegar mustered a good effort, taking 21 shots of their own but could not fool Juan de Fuca goaltender Tanya Lowry. T eam manager, Lori Dawson said there were a lot of penalties in the game and had beaten the same team in a tournament in Surrey by a score of 2 - 1.

HANDLE WITH CARE conserve • reduce • recycle






Sports A21


Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013


- VS


Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am 5:30-6:30pm

Circuit Strength Deep Water Workout Fabulous 50+ Ultimate Kickbox

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am 9:00-11:00am 5:00-5:45pm 6:00-7:00pm

Step to It Health & Recovery Step & Tone/ Tues Body Blast/Tues Core & More/Thurs PM Aqua-Fit


Getting the feel for it Brian Stainer, coach with the Castlegar Little League, shows some batting techniques to Trevor Price (7) at Selkirk College on Tuesday, Mar. 12. As soon as the snow flurries stop, and even if they don’t, baseball season will get underway in Castlegar. At a recent indoor practice session at Selkirk College, mom Sakiko Covington took her eight-year-old son, Yuta, out for his first time swinging a bat. She said having a fun activity to do in the summer will be great for him. “He asked to play,” said Covington. “He plays soccer, too, and his aunt plays baseball in Vancouver.” Half of the Selkirk gym was packed with kids of all ages throwing, catching and learning the skills of the great summer pastime. Tim Taylor, this year’s president of the Castlegar Baseball Association (B.C. Little League), said they are expecting eight or nine teams and about 120 kids to participate, starting on April 15. Registration is on now, as are ongoing indoor practice sessions at the Selkirk College gymnasium. Registration deadline is Friday, Mar. 29 and there are teams available for all ages, from first time T-ball players to seasoned veterans with wicked fast balls. Tim can be reached at 250-608-1045 or call vice-president Michael Gagnier at 250-3652399. Marvin Beatty, text and photo

9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am

Circuit Strength Aqua Circuit Fabulous 50+

Saturday 9:15-10:15am


MARCH 22 – 31 • 2:00-4:00PM


MARCH 25 – 29 • 9:30-11:00AM

LUNCH HOUR HOCKEY MARCH 25 – 29 • 12:00-1:00PM




Saturday Fit

Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by:


1 - 3 - 12 month Membership Passes or $6.00


Public Swim Schedule



10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday 10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm Thursday 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm Friday 10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-8:30pm Saturday 1:00-6:00pm Sunday 1:00-6:00pm


Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sports How ‘bout hooking onto a heck of a hobby? marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Enjoy being on the water, looking to land the big one? The International Fly-Fishing Film Festival is March 22 at 7 p.m. — part of a larger fly-fishing event being held this weekend at the Castlegar Community Complex. The film festival is just one of the things to do at the 14th annual Fly-fishing Symposium. Running from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, the event is presented by the West Kootenay Fly Fishing Club & Castlegar Sports Centre & Fly Shop. There are draws, raffles, casting demonstrations and seminars, plus a large

A combination of relaxation and excitement awaits the person who gets involved with fly-fishing. Kasper Sorensen

number of booths for vendors with the latest in fishing gear. Organizer Rod Zavaduk, who has owned the Castlegar Sports Centre and Fly Shop for the past 29 years, said the event is the only free fly-fishing event

of its kind. “We get anywhere from 1,200 to 2,000 people coming in from all over,” said Zavaduk. “There are two families that I know, that come from Osoyoos and Okanagan Falls every year.” Zavaduk added the event brings in

not only locals but visitors from all over Canada, the United States and even some transplanted Australians every year. “It really brings our members together too,” he said. “We have anywhere from 120 to

150 paid members per year and do a lot of club outings and fly-tying events for them.” The family-friendly event includes numerous places for kids to join others in tying their own flies and there hourly seminars for the really serious enthusiasts. The two-day schedule of events also has an economic impact locally. Zavaduk said the suppliers and attendees spend money on hotels, meals and other services while in Castlegar. Zavaduk wanted to thank the event sponsors for making it all possible: Columbia Power Corp., Columbia Basin Trust and Teck.

Extreme nickname for local soccer squads marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

A 2012 contest to find a name for the Kootenay South “rep” (or select) soccer teams has wrapped up after

voting from the rep players. About 20 entries were considered, said organizer Ralph Lunn by email, with the winning entry coming from Maddie Van

Horn, who entered the name “STORM.” After the name was chosen, a new team logo was also designed. The select program brings Rossland, Trail, Castlegar, and Beaver

Valley players together to compete against teams from Nelson, Cranbrook, the Okanagan, etc. Organizer Ralph Lunn said by email that several Kootenay South

teams were successful in qualifying for Provincial finals last year. For more information on “house” and “rep” soccer, or to sign up for 2013, visit A23

Birchbank Golf is getting ready for the 2013 Golf Season The Birchbank Driving Range and 18 Hole Golf Course are scheduled to open March 19 - 25

Thanks to Mother Nature, Birchbank Greens and the entire course came through the Prenatal:in Wed., 28 winter great Jan. shape!

Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28

25% Discount Prenatal: Wed., on Jan.all 28green fees OFA Level 1: Jan. 30

until 30th Prenatal: Jan. OFA April LevelWed., 1: Jan. 30 28 Check our website for OFA Level 1: Jan. 30for Sledders: Avalanche Awareness OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Avalanche Sledders: opening days Jan. 31 Awareness forfinal Avalanche for Sledders: Jan. 31 Awareness WWW.for BIRCHBANKGOLF .COM Avalanche Awareness Sledders: Jan. 31 Prenatal Feb. us 4 at 250.693.2255 Jan. 31 Refresher: or call Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb.Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: AvalancheSkills Skills Training:: Feb. 5 5 Avalanche Feb. Spanish for Travellers Level Training:: 3: Intro to Conversation March 21, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. GrowFinancial Wild! Education Series: Feb. 5 5March 23, 2013 Prenatal: Wed., Series: Jan. 28Feb. Shelter Guides Education 25, 2013 Financial Education 5 March Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Series: Feb. 5 Dec. Prenatal: Wed., Jan. 28 Feb. March Prenatal: Early Pregnancy 27, 2013 Transportation Endorsement Dec. 5 Financial Education Series: 5 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Simply Accounting Level 2 March 28, 2013 OFA Level Feb. 1: Jan. 30 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: 10 Sign Language: Beginner 2 April 2, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 OFA Level 1:Level Jan. Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Prenatal Classes April 3, 2013 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 Green Your Home From Low Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Peace Cafe:Your Economics of Happiness April 4, 2013 Green Home FromLow Low Tech to Green Your Home From Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Tech: Feb. 12 From Low OFA Level 1 Home Dec. 15 Mediation Training April 5, 2013 Green Your Tech to Jan. 31 High Tech: 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Feb. Dec. 15 FabricPlay April 6, 2013 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 History and Memoir: Creative Non-Fiction April 6, 2013 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Learn to Draw First in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Workplace Emergency Aid plus Standard Learn Draw in 18 hours: Feb.412 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. Learn totoDraw First Aid w/CPR (SWEFA)in 18 hours: Feb. 12April 6, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: 5 7, 2013 Acrylics Plus: Paint a Waterfall Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15April Avalanche Skills Training:: Applied Leadership Program: Module 3: Feb. Painting Natural Elements: 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Developing Teams Financial Education Series: Feb.April 5 9, 2013 Combined S-100 Fire Suppression and Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 S-185 Fire Entrapment Avoidance April 12, 2013 EbayTouch Basics: Feb. 10 Therapeutic April 13, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Call 250.365.1208 or visit Green Your 2.8125” x 3” Low Tech to forHome details From Green Your Home From Low Tech to High Tech: Feb. 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Feb. 12 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15

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email classifi em Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News



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Employment email classifi Employment Employment Employment Your community. Your classifieds. How to place a

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Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


Welcome to the months at a time, Valid License Golden Years Bro 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday w/ air brake endorsement. Career Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Deadline44pm weeksMonday Vacation With love from Classified Allowance, Opportunities and Benefits Package. your siblings Compensation based on prior driving experience. Announcements Announcements Apply at

How to place a

Classified Ad with

under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE

Obituaries Lost & Found

LOST Black Ray band Prescription Glasses from Castlegar Pool women bathroom. Please return to Complex, no questions asked Distress single Mom hasn’t even finished paying for them Drop by250-352-5325 our office at


CelebrationFrancisco of Life 250.365.6397 “Frank” Gaspar

Lois Dyck, B.E.S.T. Practitioner, is speaking at the Castlegar, Quality Inn Call Conference Room on Tuesday, March 27th, from Or Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. She will demonstrate the A24 Castlegar, BC benefits of the Bio 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Energetic Synchronization Sadly family of, Francisco Technique, (BEST). Classifiedthe Deadline 4pm Monday This non-invasive technique “Frank” Gaspar Rodrigues of Share. CANCEL YOUR Time allows you to free yourself No wishes Risk Program, Stop to announce hisMortfrom past personal traumasCastlegar, gage & Maintenance Paythat they no longer affect 4 passing atments TalaricoToday. Place Care Centre 100% Money your present life. Guarantee. Consulon Saturday,Back March 2, 2013, Free blessed Admission free for anyone tation. Call Us Now. We Can pre registering or $5.00 at years of with 80 life.1-888-356-5248. Help! the door. Draw winner LOST Black Ray band FEELING STUCK? receives complimentary Prescription Glasses from Frank was born in Sao Joao, Pico, Azores, Portugal LOW ENERGY? B.E.S.T. treatment. Castlegar Pool women Phone 1-604-852-3835 on August 4, 1932 to parents Mariabathroom. and Francisco PleaseRodrigues. return to $399 CABOnoSan Lucas,asked all InLois B.E.S.T. to Dyck, pre-register. Complex, questions On September 12, 1964,athe married Maria Conceicao clusive Special! Stay hasn’t 6 Days Practitioner, is speaking Distress single Mom in a Luxury Beachfront Resort the Rosa Castlegar, Quality Inn one son. even finished at paying for them Da and they raised He worked the Celgar with Meals & Drinks! For Conference Room on 250-352-5325 sawmill for about 35 from years before$399! he retired. 1-888-481-9660. Tuesday, March 27th, 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. Loving Memory She will demonstrate Frank liked gardening,thefishing,In hunting, playing cards andOf benefits of the Bio watching all levels of hockey, especially his favourite team, Energetic Synchronization (BEST). theTechnique, Montreal Canadiens. This non-invasive technique CANCEL YOUR Time Share. allows to free yourself He wasyou predeceased by his parents sisters Luisa No and RiskhisProgram, Stop Mortfrom past personal traumas gage & Maintenance Payand Maria. so that they no longer affect ments Today. 100% Money your present life. Back Guarantee. Free ConsulAdmission free his for anyone February 1962 Left to mourn loss is his loving wifeCall of 48Us16, years Maria; tation. Now. We Can pre registering or $5.00 at Help! 1-888-356-5248. March 21, 2010 sontheLuis; brother Manuel; sister Matilde; many cousins and door. Draw winner Call If there ever comes a day receives complimentary many nieces and nephews. May 15, B.E.S.T. treatment. CallOr Drop bycan’t our1946 office at When we beon together Phone 1-604-852-3835 Or Drop by our12, office at all InVigil Prayers were at St. Rita’s Catholic Church Tuesday, – March 2013 Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. $399 CABO San Lucas, to pre-register. I’ll Keep you in my heart #2, 1810 8th Ave. clusive Special! Stay 6 Days March 5, 2013 and MassUnit of Christian Burial wasBC celebrated Castlegar, Kim Kratky passed at Castlegar, BC And you’ll beaway forever in athere Luxury Beachfront Resort 8:30-5:00 Monday -on Friday at St. Rita’s Catholic8:30-5:00 Church by Father David John withMonday Meals Hospital & -Drinks! For Friday Kootenay Lake in $399! 1-888-481-9660. Wednesday, March 6, 2013 followed by interment atMonday Classified Deadline 4pm Classified Deadline 4pm Monday Miss you always Uncle Nelson, British Columbia on

ALL CASH Healthy Vending Route: 9 local secured proven accounts. Safest, quickest return on money. Investment required + $72K potential trainCall ing included. 1-888-979-8363.

Career Opportunities



Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

ALL CASH Healthy Vending Route: 9 local secured proven accounts. Safest, quickest return on money. Investment required + $72K potential training included. 1-888-979-8363.

Lost & Found Taghum Hall ~ Nelson


Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday

Career Opportunities

is the Limit Buy It, Sell It, orMove Trade with It! CN Employment Announcements

Business Coming Events Opportunities FEELING STUCK?

Drivers/Courier/ Lost & Found Trucking LOST Black Ray band


Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and Benefits Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE


Prescription Glasses from ALL CASH Healthy Vending LOW ENERGY? Castlegar Pool women DRIVERS WANTED: Route: 9 local secured proven bathroom. Please return to Terrific career Opportunity with accounts. quickest reLois Safest, Dyck, B.E.S.T. Complex, no questions asked outstanding growth potential to turn on money. isInvestment Practitioner, speaking atreDistress single Mom learn how to locate rail hasn’t defects. quired + $72K potential trainthe Castlegar, Quality Inn evenRail finished paying for them No Experience Needed!! ing included. 1-888-979-8363. Conference Room on Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 250-352-5325 months at a time, Valid License Tuesday, March 27th, from w/ air brake endorsement. 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal If you’re looking to makeThursday, a positive change, make the looking If Castlegar you’re She will demonstrate the March 21, 2013 News Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation benefits of the Bio and Benefits Package. move and join the finest railroad in North America as a move and join th Energetic Synchronization Compensation based on prior If you’re(BEST). looking to make a positive Technique, Yourthe community. Your classifieds. driving experience. change, make Train Conductor. Train Conductor. This non-invasive technique Apply at CANCEL YOUR Time Share. move join the finest railroad inDriver. North America as a allows you toand free yourself keyword Nounder Riskcareers, Program, Stop Mortfrom past personal traumas DO NOT IN CITY OR STATE gage & FILL Maintenance PayCN has numerous long-term career opportunities CN has numero Train so that they Conductor. no longer affect Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar Ne ments Today. 100% Money your present life. Back Guarantee. Free Consulavailable in Western Canada, including SK, AB and available in We Admission free for anyone tation. Call Us Now. We Can Your community. Your classifieds. has ornumerous long-term career opportunities preCN registering $5.00 at Help! 1-888-356-5248. Northern BC. Northern BC. the door. Draw winner available in Western Canada, including SK, AB and receives complimentary B.E.S.T. treatment. To learn how to become a CN Conductor, join us at one of next To our learn how to beco Northern BC. Phone 1-604-852-3835 career fairs in Cranbrook or Trail. In 2012, Canadian Conductors earned career fairs in Cranbr $399 CABO San Lucas, all Into pre-register. Stay join 6 Days To learn how to becomeclusive a CN Special! Conductor, us at one of next salary of $85,000. Come to a career fair to discover an our average moresalary of an average in a Luxury Beachfront Resort Inwith Loving Memory OfFor Conductors In Loving Memory Of your chance career fairs in Cranbrook or Trail. Canadian earned about this challenging and rewarding job. It’s also to have an about this challenging Meals In &2012, Drinks! $399! 1-888-481-9660. an average salary of $85,000. Come to a career fair to discover more interview on the spot! interview on the spot email

Career Opportunities

CASTLEGARTravel NEWS In Memoriam Coming Events


Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License w/ air brake endorsement. Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation and Benefits Package. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Classified Deadline 4pm Monday Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE

Employment Announcements

Stanley Joseph Strutin CSaturday ASTLEGAR NEWS March 23rd @ 1 pm Rodrigues Travel


Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

The Sky bc classifi


ALL CASH Healthy Vending DRIVERS WANTED: Route: 9 local secured proven Call Terrifi c career Opportunity with accounts. Safest, quickest reOr Drop by our office at to outstanding growth potential turn on money. Investment rehow to locate rail defects. quired + $72K potential trainUnit learn #2, 1810 8th Ave. No Rail Experience Needed!! ing included. 1-888-979-8363. Skills Needed - Ability Castlegar, BC to travel 3

Obituaries Coming Events

Business Opportunities


Move with CN Mo



For Classifieds bc classifi Move with CN bc

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Travel In Memoriam Timeshare

How to place a In Memoriam

Gerald Robert “Kim” with Classified Ad Kratky with

How to place a Nichvalodoff Classified Ad


Travel 250.365.6397

Park Memorial Cemetery.

Julie, Trey and Kaulyn Announcements March 12, 2013,Ashley, atAnnouncements the ageMemoriam of 66. Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Arrangements were taken in care place of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. Cremation has and a celebration Coming Events Lost & Found of Coming Events Lost &Ray Found his life will beMEMORY, held atLOST a WE later date. “LOVING WILL Automotive Automotive Black band FEELING STUCK? Prescription Glasses from LOST Black Rayof band NEVER FORGET YOU.” Arrangements are under the direction LOW ENERGY? Castlegar Pool women FEELING STUCK? Prescription Glasses bathroom. Please returnfrom to LOW Th ENERGY? Lois Dyck, B.E.S.T. ompson Funeral Service Ltd. Castlegar Pool women Complex, no questions asked Th e family would likeattoService express their heartfelt gratitude to Automotive Technician ractitioner, is speaking Distress single Mom return hasn’tto bathroom. Please he staff Castlegar, Quality Online condolences may expressed atthem even fibe nished paying for Lois B.E.S.T. andDyck, nurses atonInn Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital and Complex, no questions asked Conference Room 250-352-5325 Practitioner, is speaking at taking your single Mom hasn’t Are you thinking about automotive career Tuesday, March 27th,Care from at Place Centre. Theven eyDistress would alsopaying like to thank theTalarico Castlegar, Quality finished for them 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. Inn Travel towill the next Dr. level? Ifonyou are, you’ll appreciate Conference Room SheDr. demonstrate the 250-352-5325 Merritt, Sithembu, Dr. then VanMay Vliet, Dr. Trenholme and 15, 1946 benefi ts of the Bio Tuesday, March 27th, from working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires an nergetic Synchronization Bill Strilaeff of the Castlegar Funeral Chapel. 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. Timeshare Technique, (BEST). the – March 12, 2013 Travel She will demonstrate experienced licensed technician to service all makes his non-invasive technique CANCEL YOUR Time Share. benefi ts of yourself the Bio allows you to free Kim Kratky passed away at No Risk Program, Stop Mortand models in our modern and fully equipped facility. Synchronization omEnergetic past personal traumas gage & Timeshare Maintenance Payo that they no longer affect Kootenay Technique, (BEST). Lake Hospital in ments Today. 100% Money your present life.technique Our dealership is focused Back onCANCEL hiring and retaining This non-invasive Guarantee. ConsulYOURFree Time Share. Admission free for anyone Nelson, British tation. Call Columbia Us Now. Weon Can allows you to yourself pre registering or free $5.00 at No 1-888-356-5248. Risk Program, Stop Mortthe best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and Help! from past personal traumas the door. Draw winner gage & Maintenance PayMarch 12, 2013, at the age of 66. so that they no longer affect receives complimentary benefits, paid training opportunities, a supportive February 3, 1975 ments Today. 100% team Money Travel B.E.S.T. treatment. your present life. Guarantee. Free ConsulCremation has taken placeBack a celebration of Phone and1-604-852-3835 the opportunity to advance. Admission free for anyone -and March 14, 1993 $399 CABO all Intation. CallSan Us Lucas, Now. We Can to pre-register. pre registering or $5.00 at held clusive Stay 6 Days his life will be at aSpecial! later date. Help! 1-888-356-5248. the door. Draw winner in a Luxury Beachfront Resort When it comes to service, our priority is making sure has been 20 years since you For with Meals & Drinks! receives complimentary Arrangements areItunder the of our customers are pleased, and1-888-481-9660. we direction understand were $399! taken from us,Travel you werethe far B.E.S.T. treatment. Th ompson Funeral Service Ltd. Phone 1-604-852-3835 importance of quality technicians in meeting that goal. too young. Not a day goes by that $399 CABO San Lucas, all Into pre-register. InCome Memoriam In Online condolences may beMemoriam expressed at 6 Days clusive Special! Stay join us. we don’t think about you. in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For

Robert “Kim” Kratky Michael Dean Rye

Please and cover letter to:you in so You wouldsend haveyour lovedresume your niece Kayla; she is like $399! 1-888-481-9660. many ways. We can see your sense of humor in her and your Craig Kalawsky scheming ways in her eyes. We think she is trying to outdo 1530 Columbia Avenue In Memoriam In Memoriam you in the joking dept.1H9 lol Castlegar, BC V1N

Robert “Kim” Kratky

Michael 15,year. 1946 Fax:Canucks (250) 365-2752 -Go Go- maybe this willMay be their March 12, 2013 Dean Rye Email: We love you and miss you very– much Kim Kratky passed away at Love Mom, Dad and Kristine Robert “Kim” 3, 1975in KootenayFebruary Lake Hospital - March 14, 1993on Nelson, British Columbia Kratky Start something March 12, 2013, at thethat agelasts of 66. It has been 20 years since you

Cremation has taken place and a celebration of May 15,you 1946 were taken later from us, were far his life will be held at–aMarch date. 12, 2013 young.the Notdirection a day goes by Arrangements aretoo under of that Kim Kratky passed away at don’t think about you. ThompsonweFuneral Service Ltd. Lake Hospital Online condolencesKootenay may be expressed at in You would have loved your niece Kayla; she is like you in so Nelson, British Columbia on

many ways. We can see your sense of humor in her and your March 12, 2013, at the age of 66. scheming ways in her eyes. We think she is trying to outdo Cremation has taken place and a celebration of you in the joking dept. lol

his life will be heldMichael at a later date.

-Go Canucks Go- maybeare thisunder will bethe theirdirection year. Arrangements of We love youTh and miss you very much ompson Funeral Service Ltd. Love Mom, Dad and Kristine February 3, 1975

Dean Rye

Online condolences may be expressed at

In Memoriam In Memoriam 250.365.6397

Travel In Memoriam

about this challenging and rewarding job. It’s also your chance to have looking an If you’re to make a positive change, make the Register in advance at! Here you will Register in advance at In Memoriam In Memoriam interview on the spot! Employment Employment move and join email the finest indetailed Northinformation America asthe ato apply on find a link to apply online (prior torailroad the event), find a on link classifi Register in advance at! Here youConductor. will Train various locations that CN is hiring for, and our Conductor Job Preview video. various locations that Business Drivers/Courier/ Employment Employment find a link to apply online (prior to the event), detailed information on the February 16, 1962 February 16, career 1962 Opportunities Trucking hasvideo. numerous long-term opportunities various locations that CN is Drivers/Courier/ hiring for, and our Conductor JobCN Preview Business CRANBROOK - March 21, 2010 - March 21, 2010 ALL CASH Healthy Vending Opportunities Trucking available in Western Canada, including SK,WHEN: AB and WHEN: DRIVERS WANTED: Route: 9 local secured proven thereCRANBROOK comes a day with If there ever comes a day c ever career Opportunity accounts. quickest re- If Terrifi ALL CASHSafest, Healthy Vending Wednesday, April 3 – TWO SESSIONS: 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Wednesday, April 3 outstanding growth potential to DRIVERS WANTED: Northern BC. Route: 9 local secured proven turn on money. Investment re- When can’t be together When we can’t be together learnwe to locate rail defects. Terrifi c how career Opportunity with accounts. quickesttrainrequiredWHEN: + Safest, $72K potential Be sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the Bemandatory sure to arrive at outstanding growth potential to No Railyou Experience Needed!! turn on money. Investment reI’ll Keep in my heart I’ll Keep you in my heart learn how to -locate rail defects. ing included. 1-888-979-8363. May 15, 1946 Skills Needed Ability8:30 to travel 3 and 6:00 To PM learn how to become a CN Conductor, join us at one of next quired + $72K potential trainWednesday, April 3 –And TWO SESSIONS: AM In Memoriam In Memoriam job orientation. jobour orientation. Nothere Rail Experience Needed!! beValid forever And there you’ll be forever months atyou’ll a time, ing included. 1-888-979-8363. Skills Needed - Ability to License travel 3 w/ air brake endorsement. career fairs in Cranbrook or Trail. In 2012, Canadian Conductors earned – March 12, 2013 Be sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the mandatory months at a time, Valid License Career Extensive Paid Travel, Meal w/ air brake endorsement. WHERE: WHERE:more Career Extensive Paid Travel, Meal an average salary of $85,000. Come to a career fair to discover Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation job orientation. Kim Kratky passed away at Miss you always Uncle Miss you always Uncle Allowance, 4 weeks Vacation Opportunities and Benefi ts Package. PRESTIGE ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORT It’s also your chance PRESTIGE M Opportunities In Compensation Loving Memory Of and Benefi ts Package. about this challenging and rewarding to haveROCKY an Compensation based on prior Kootenay Lake Hospital Ashley, Julie, Trey and Kaulyn Ashley, Julie, Trey job. and Kaulyn based onin prior WHERE: driving experience. 209 VAN on HORNE STREET SOUTH, CRANBROOK, BC V1C209 6R9 VAN HORNE ST driving experience. interview the spot! Apply Apply at atColumbia Nelson, British on PRESTIGE ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORT under keyword Driver. Driver. under careers, careers, keyword DO NOT FILL IN66. CITY OR STATE March 12, 2013, at the age of DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE Register Here you will 209 VAN HORNE STREET SOUTH, CRANBROOK, BC V1C 6R9 in advance at! Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Cremation has taken place and a celebration of find a link to apply online (prior to TRAIL the event), detailed information on the WHEN: various locations that CN is hiring for, and our Conductor JobWHEN: Preview video. his life will be held at a later date. TRAIL of Thursday, April 4Service – 10:00 AM Thursday, April 4 – 1 Automotive Service Technician Automotive Technician Arrangements are underFebruary the direction 16, 1962 WHEN: Be sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the Bemandatory sure to arrive at Thompson Service Ltd. Are you thinking aboutFuneral taking your automotive career Are you thinking about taking yourCRANBROOK automotive career March 21, 2010 Thursday, April 4 – 10:00 -AM job orientation. job orientation. WHEN: to the next level? If you are,may you’ll appreciate to the next level? If you are, then you’ll appreciate condolences be expressed Ifthen there ever comes aatday BeOnline sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the mandatoryApril 3 – TWO SESSIONS: 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Wednesday, working with Castlegar When Toyota we requires antogether working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires an WHERE: WHERE: can’t be job orientation. Be tolicensed arrive at the of session for the mandatory experienced licensed technician to service all makes experienced technician to service allthe makes If sure you’re looking tobeginning make aRIVER positive change, make the PLU BEST WESTERN PLUS COLUMBIA HOTEL BEST WESTERN I’ll Keep you in my heart job orientation. and models in our modernAnd andthere fully equipped facility. and models in ourjoin modern and fully equipped facility. WHERE: you’ll be forever move and the finest railroad in North America as a AV 1001 ROSSLAND AVENUE, TRAIL, BC V1R 3N7 1001 ROSSLAND IfTrain you’re looking to make a positive change, make the BEST WESTERN PLUS COLUMBIA RIVER HOTEL Conductor. WHERE: Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining Our dealership focused on hiring and retaining BRING WITH isYOU: BRING WITH YOU: MissTRAIL, you always 1001 ROSSLAND AVENUE, BC Uncle V1R 3N7 move join the finest railroad in North America as a PRESTIGE ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORT the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and theYour best.resume, Asand such, we offer market-leading pay and CN has numerous long-term career opportunities along with a legible copy of 2 different governmentYour resume, along Ashley, Julie, Trey and Kaulyn Train Conductor. 209 VAN HORNE STREET SOUTH, CRANBROOK, BC V1C 6R9 benefi ts, paid training opportunities, a supportive team benefi ts, paid training opportunities, a supportive team BRING WITH YOU: available in Western Canada, ABIDs and issued IDs (including one with photo). including SK, issued (including and the resume, opportunity to advance. the opportunity to advance. Your along with a legible copy of 2 differentand governmentNorthern BC. CN has numerous long-term career opportunities Build a career in a strong, growing and innovative company. Build a career in a 3, 1975sure Automotive Automotive IDs (including oneFebruary with photo). To learn how to become a CN is Conductor, When it comes to service, our priority is making When it comes to service, our priority making surejoin us at one of our next Inissued Memoriam In Memoriam TRAIL available in Western Canada, including SK, AB andearned March 14, 1993 career fairs in Cranbrook or Trail. In 2012, Canadian Conductors our customers are pleased, and we understand the our customers are pleased, and we understand the WHEN: Build a career in a strong, growing and innovative ancompany. average salary of $85,000. Come to a career fair to discover more Northern BC.4 technicians importance of qualityService technicians in years meeting importance of quality in meeting that goal. It hasInbeen 20 sincethat you goal. Thursday, – 10:00 AM Automotive Technician Loving Memory Of about thisApril challenging and rewarding job. It’s also your chance to have an Come join us. Come join us. were taken from Memoriam us, you were far Be sure to arrive at the beginning of thejoin session To learn how to a CN Conductor, us atfor onethe of mandatory our next interview on thebecome spot! Memoriam AreInyou thinking about taking yourInautomotive career too young. Not a day goes by that career fairsin inadvance Cranbrook or Trail. In 2012, Canadian Conductors earned job orientation. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Please send your resume and cover letter to: Register at! Here you will to the next level? If you are, then you’ll appreciate we don’t think about you. an average salary ofonline $85,000. a career fair toinformation discover more find a link to apply (priorCome to thetoevent), detailed on the working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires an WHERE: Craig Kalawsky Craig Kalawsky In Loving Memory Of various locations that and CN is hiring for,job. andIt’s our Conductor Job to Preview video. about this challenging rewarding also your chance have an You would havelicensed loved yourtechnician niece Kayla; is likeallyou in so experienced to she service makes BEST WESTERN PLUS COLUMBIA RIVER HOTEL 1530 Columbia Avenue 1530 Columbia Avenue interview on the spot! February 16, 1962 many We your sense humor in her and your and ways. models oursee1H9 modern andof fully equipped facility. 1001 ROSSLAND BC V1R 3N7 CRANBROOK Castlegar, BCincan V1N Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9AVENUE, TRAIL, - March 21, 2010 scheming ways in her eyes. We think she is trying to outdo WHEN: Register in advance at! Here you will Fax: (250) 365-2752 Fax: (250) 365-2752 If there ever comes a day Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining BRING WITH YOU: Wednesday, April 3 – (prior TWO to SESSIONS: AMinformation and 6:00 PM you in the joking dept. lol When we can’t be together find a link to apply online the event),8:30 detailed on the Email: Email: the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and Be sure to arrive the a beginning of the for the mandatory Your resume, along with legible copy ofConductor 2session different I’ll Keep you in my heart various locations thatat CN is hiring for, and our JobgovernmentPreview video. -Go Canucks Go-training maybe this will bethere theirayou’ll year. job your orientation. Find at CN. one with photo). Find your place at CN benefi ts, paid opportunities, supportive team And be forever issued IDsplace (including February 16, 1962 We love and miss you very much and theyou opportunity to advance. WHERE: CRANBROOK Miss you always Uncle - March 21, 2010 LoveFind Mom, Dadplace and Kristine your at CN. PRESTIGE ROCKY RESORTand innovative company. Build a career in aMOUNTAIN strong, growing Start something that lasts Start something that lasts Ashley, Julie, Trey and Kaulyn When it comes to service, our priority is making sure WHEN: 209 VAN HORNE STREET SOUTH, CRANBROOK, BC V1C 6R9 If there ever comes a day Wednesday, April 3 – TWO SESSIONS: 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM our customers are pleased,When and we understand the we can’t be together Be sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the mandatory importance of quality technicians in meeting goal. Automotive Automotive I’ll Keep you in mythat heart TRAIL job orientation. Come join us. And there you’ll be forever WHEN: Thursday, April 4 – 10:00 AM Automotive Service Technician WHERE: Please send your resume and cover letter to: Be sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the mandatory always Uncle Are you thinking about taking Miss youryou automotive career PRESTIGE ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORT job orientation. Kalawsky Ashley, and Kaulyn toCraig the next level? If you are, then Julie, you’llTrey appreciate 209 VAN HORNE STREET SOUTH, CRANBROOK, BC V1C 6R9 working with us. Castlegar 1530 Columbia Avenue Toyota requires an WHERE: experienced technician to service all makes BEST WESTERN PLUS COLUMBIA RIVER HOTEL Castlegar, BClicensed V1N 1H9 and models in our modern and fully equipped facility. Automotive Automotive 1001 ROSSLAND AVENUE, TRAIL, BC V1R 3N7 Fax: (250) 365-2752 TRAIL Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining BRING WITH YOU: Email: WHEN: the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and Your resume, along with a legible copy of 2 different governmentThursday, Aprilat 4 CN. – 10:00 AM Automotive Technician Find your place benefi ts, paid trainingService opportunities, a supportive team issued IDs (including one with photo). Be sure to arrive at the beginning of the session for the mandatory and to advance. Arethe youopportunity thinking about taking your automotive career Build a career in a strong, growing and innovative company. job orientation. When it comes to service, our priority is making sure Start something that lasts to the next level? If you are, then you’ll appreciate

Gerald That Work! Nichvalodoff Robert “Kim” Call: Kratky

Gerald Nichvalodoff


Gerald Nichvalodoff

Move with CN

Move with CN

Michael Dean Rye

Gerald Nichvalodoff

Gerald Nichvalodoff

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A25








Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted



Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Owner Ops. to be based at Castlegar terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: or call Bev at 604-968-5488 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank you for your interest, however only those of interest to us will be contacted.


EQUIPMENT PAINTER Auto body knowledge an asset. Full or Part Time Contact Kevin at Trowelex Rentals, Castlegar 250-365-3315


1HZ '

Help Wanted

GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message. For Information 1-800-972-0209.

DHC Communications Inc. is recruiting for the following open positions in Nelson, BC: • IT Systems Administrator • Jr. IT Technician Further details available at

HOOKTENDER, F/T.- Duncan, BC. Wages as per USW coastal agreement. Loader & processor experience an asset or be willing to learn to run these machines. Fax resume to 1-604-736-5320 or email to

Payroll Administration / Accounting We require a highly-proficient, detail-oriented individual with solid experience in payroll and benefits administration and various accounting duties. Along with accounting experience, you must be accurate, at ease with computers, personable, flexible and professional. This is currently a permanent, part-time position. As our businesses grow, there is opportunity for this to transition into a full time position. Please send your cover letter and resume, with references, to: Mitch Rinas Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC 1700 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2W4 Fax: (250) 365-3949 Email:


Term Contract Position As a part of the Columbia Basin Trust Water Smart Initiative and in partnership with the Columbia Basin Trust, the Water Smart Ambassador Program is designed to help communities achieve water conservation targets with a goal for a 20% overall reduction in water consumption by 2015. The City of Castlegar is seeking an enthusiastic, community-minded individual to fulfill the role of Water Smart Ambassador for a 4 month term from May to August, 2013. The main role of the Water Smart Ambassador will be to provide water conservation education to residents and businesses of the City of Castlegar.


Making Money




RT-38 100 St. Schultz Crest.-Blueberry RT-39 101 & 102 St Blueberry • Castlegar News 250.365.6397 Theresa Castlegar Distribution Hodge Manager

Duties of the position include conducting landscape and irrigation system audits, patrolling neighbourhoods by bicycle to identify water waste and distribute conservation information, promoting water conservation at summer public events, responding to customer requests for information, and providing reports on audits and customer visits. The successful applicant must have excellent interpersonal and basic computer skills, and be business oriented, self motivated, and highly organized. Experience with public education programs, irrigation systems, and knowledge of local flora and gardening aptitude are definite assets. You must have a valid BC Drivers’ Licence (“N” Novice class accepted), access to a vehicle, and the use of a well-maintained bicycle and appropriate safety gear. Preference will be given to those working toward completion of a post secondary education program. This is a contract position anticipated to work in a full time capacity during the four month term at an hourly rate of approximately $17.00/hour. There are no benefits, and hours of work, wage rate and vehicle allowance are subject to limited negotiation. Training and supplies will be provided. Please forward your resume by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2013 to the: City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Phone: (250) 365-7227 Fax: (250) 365-4810 Email:

Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.


The Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative is seeking applications for the position of EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR.


:ou are a creative visionary individual Xho is familiar Xith the non-promt community services sector and is passionate about its contribution to civil society. You are a facilitative leader who can inspire staff, contracted consultants, and Co-op members to contribute their talents to increasing the capacity and effectiveness of community services in the region. You have demonstrated eYperience in mnancial management, communicating with sector leaders, funders, and the public, working with a Boardof Directors, and connecting with jurisdictions beyond the local. You are collaborative in your approach and familiar with the values of co-operative association. You like to get out and about, look for opportunities, and make things happen. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS

• A university degree, ideally post-graduate level, in a relevant discipline(s); • Related professional certimcations WORK EXPERIENCE

• .inimum mve years eYperience at the senior management level in the community services sector, ideally in several different settings • Demonstrated eYperience in effective mnancial management of a compleY organi[ation • Demonstrated responsibility for key programs or organi[ational units • Experience working with and reporting to a Board of Directors • Understanding and endorsing the principles on which a Co-operative is based • Experience working with a Co-operative or in other collaborative structures Further information is available at: Further inquiries may be directed to: Judy Pollard, Board Chair, at 250-354-4028 or Please email a cover letter and resume to: or mail to: Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative, #304-625 Front Street, Nelson, B.C. V1L 4B6 Attn: Judy Pollard, Board Chair

Closing date: April 5, 2013

The City of Castlegar would like to thank all candidates for their interest. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Executive Director Kalein Hospice Centre

How might a culture-shift towards fully embracing death as a natural part of life, impact the following: Personal values and choices, social policies, approaches to education, bringing communities together to develop effective regional strategies. Where would you focus if you were asked to evolve more expansive ways of providing care in a rapidly aging world? Kalein’s Executive Director will lead the development and growth of a unique centre where questions like these, and all aspects of what it means to “live fully at all stages of life including end-of-life,” are explored in a master-planned campus setting, featuring a Centre for Dialogue & Education fully integrated with a residential hospice care facility. You will consult with the Board of Directors to fulfill Kalein’s unique vision and mission for this integrated campus. In addition to the management aspects of the position, you will oversee and be engaged with development of a variety of programming and funding initiatives, you will cultivate relationships with thought leaders and partners locally and globally, from a wide range of disciplines, you will lead Kalein’s evolution as a recognized centre of inquiry and care. You will feel completely at home in a variety of environments, whether developing long term strategies, managing day-to-day operations, representing Kalein to the public and potential funders, negotiating cooperative partnerships and working side-by-side with volunteers. You will have compassionate empathy for the end-of-life experience. You will be living in the city of Nelson, on the shores of Kootenay Lake in British Columbia. Known internationally for its limitless outdoor recreation, lively cultural influences, and unique reputation as a place that attracts social “change makers,” Nelson offers an unmatched quality of life for those seeking a dynamic, family-friendly, rural community change from the urban experience.

To Apply:

Please send your resume with cover letter to Submissions must be received by 5pm, March 28, 2013. All applications will receive a personal response. Complete Job Description available on our website at

OurMerchandise classified adsforareSaleon Employment Our classified ads are on net!FreeCheck it outatat Trades, Technical the net! the Check itItems out


Auto Financing Employment



Help Wanted



or, exterior and mechanical condition 9 out of 10. 40 mpg. $3,700 obo. 250-442-0122.

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News

Merchandise for Sale




Misc. Wanted

Suites, Lower

Auto Financing

Cars - Sports & Imports

SUMMIT Truck and EquipFree Kenmore Dryer Local Coin Collector Buying Castlegar clean, bright 0887118 BC Ltd. ment Repair Ltd. requires a 250-365-5796 Collections, Accumulations, spacious 1 Bdrm ground level DBA City Furniture in Service Writer with parts expeOlympic Gold & Silver Coins + basement studio suite, partly Sport Castlegar is hiring rience. This position requires Utility Vehicle Coin Guy: 250-499-0251 furnished, convenient central attention to detail 1997,1998 and ability to location, N/S, N/P, shared red Jeep Cherokee, 4 doors, 6 cly eng, auto work in a busy trans environment. laundry, $750/mth includes 2 f/tDennis, SalesShawn Associate & 5 speed, 270,000km, Call or Paul Antiques for sale -$3,200 Large chest / excellent condition. The ideal candidate brings exutilities, WIFI & Satellite TV (furniture) / 1-888-204-5355 of250-442-0122 drawer perience in parts $3,600 and service obo. Days 250-304-5289, evening Musical Instruments, Lessons 250-493-1807. 1997,1998 red/mirror, Jeepbed Chero2 f/tfor Delivery Drivers desk &6 chairs order writing, however training 365-0620, Avail Immediately Pre-Approval Books & Accessories kee, 4 doors, cly eng, auto 1 Warehouse Legal Worker Notices Legal Notices 250-365-2950 5 pm will be considered. The posiP.A. lightning sales & rentals trans & 5 speed,after 270,000km, tion offers competitive wage, BAY AVENUE MUSIC, TRAIL excellent condition. $3,200 / YOU’RE APPROVED • YOU’RE APPROVED Duties for sales associate extended benefits and pension 250-368-8878 $3,600 obo. 250-442-0122 / are Greet customersTO and NOTICE CREDITORS AND OTHERS plan eligibility after 1 years’ 250-493-1807. discuss type, quality and service. Resumes can be Castlegar, Prepping to move Notice isfurniture Hereby Given all persons having claims quantity of for faxed tothat 250-357-2009 or in Sat, Marchalso 23rd, 8 am - 3 pm against of Francis Joseph Creegan, purchase,the quoteEstate prices person 8561 Hwy 6N. Salmo. 2408 Ave known as Frank Joseph Creegan, also known as- 9th Frank credit terms, trade-in Enquiries: J.allowances, Creegan, Deceased, formerly of the City of Castlegar, warranties and rob@summitrepair.cawho died on the 10th Province of British Columbia, delivery dates etc. salary ALL WEST KOOTENAY day of are hereby required to send the would be October, $12.00 per hour. 2012, UNIFAB Industries is located REAL ESTATE particulars thereof to the undersigned Anthony Joseph in Grand Forks BC. We are Creegan, Executor, on or before May 31, 2013, after Duties for delivery drivers currently seeking [5] Level A, which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having FREE Market Evaluation A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY are to operate andto drivethe claims CWB cert.that welders.have Level Bbeen & regard only received. Air Miles/Moving Trailer STORAGE CONTAINERS automobiles, vans and light C Notice should is also apply.Given We offer Hereby that all persons having claims GREG GRITCHIN Anthony We havetothe financial tools and Creegan, YOU’RE APPROVED • YOU’RE APPROVED Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. trucks pick upJoseph and deliver a competitiveExecutor wage and after a Century21Mountainview Realty c/o LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN against of Francis also • GOOD CREDIT • BAD CREDIT specialists to get you behind the SPECIAL furniture items at customer trial periodthe an Estate extensive bene- Joseph Creegan, 1-250-365-9791 McEWAN & CO. LA W CORPORATION • NO CREDIT • HIGH DEBT RATE Container Shop premises, pre trip fitknown package. email your as Please Frank Joseph Creegan, 44’ alsox 40’ known as Frank !conduct CALL PETER wheel 1432 Bay Avenue w/steel trusses $13,800! inspection, load and unload • 1ST TIME BUYER resume to Visit Trail, B.C. V1R 4B1 J. Creegan, formerly of the City Castlegar, Sets up inofone day! furniture, plan delivery our website forDeceased, more informa• BANKRUPTCY • DIVORCE Also Damaged 40’ schedule etc. salary would tion at Province of British Columbia, who died on the 10th $1950 Call Toll Free Also be $15.00 per hour. WWW.NELSONFORDSALES.COM NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS day of October, 2012, are hereby sendloaders the JDrequired 544 & 644towheel DLN28082worker JD 892D LC Excavator Warehouse NOTICE is hereby given that creditors and others particulars thereof to the undersigned Anthony Joseph 1 brdm + den. 1 - 1 1/2 bath 1-866-528-7108 duties are to move against the Estate of RonaldPh. having claims Cecil Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul N/S $1500/m util included + FreeAvenue, Delivery BC and Creegan, Executor, on or before May 31, 2013, afterAB household appliances and Orton, Deceased, formerly of #2-663 11th Deposit, avail April 1st ref req 1-888-204-5355 furniture onto and BC off moving Castlegar, who died on July 13, 2012, are hereby which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having required to send them to Susan Richards, the trucks or vans, Perform for Pre-Approval or 1.800.611.5788 Executrix Estate, Severide Law, other activities of suchthe as regardc/o only to the claims that have Barristers been received. Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt &counting, Solicitors, #201-5027 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K sorting, packing YOU’RE APPROVED • YOU’RE APPROVED 1T9, before April 10, 2013, after which date the estate’s 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry and unpacking, opening Anthony having Joseph Creegan, Executor AT only LAST! to An iron assets be fidistributed, regard thefilter that on site, grassed fenced yard containerswill and crates, lling works. IronEater! Fully patentclaims that have been received. one parking stall per apt. c/oOREGA-FIRST LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN warehouse orders etc. salary ed Canada/U.S.A. Removes Clean bright and quiet. Ground By David would be $16.00Severide per hour. McEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION Organic iron, hardness, smell, mangalevel N/S, N/P $700/mth + Barrister and Solicitor nese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 Oil utilities, 365-5070, leave msg Severide Law 1432Oregano Bay Avenue All positions are full time innovative inventions online at; Avail April 1st #201-5027 with 40 hrs per 47A week. Avenue Trail, B.C. V1R 4B1 or Buy One Delta. BC V4K 1T9 Interested applicants SELKIRK MANOR Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. Tel: 604-940-8182 please email resume at CEDAR MANOR Get One BIG BUILDING sale... “”This is 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt a clearance sale. You don’t NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Call 250-304-3026 want to miss!”” 20x20 $3,985. HUNTING GUIDE needed 250-365-3034 DreamTeam Auto Financing deceased15ml Re: Anne Chernoff, 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. July-October in Northeastern We have the financial tools and “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK formerly of #2 - 1545 Columbia Avenue, 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 Yukon. Must minimum Cash Back ! 15have min Approvals Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 1J1 specialists to get you behind the $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One NOTICE is hereby given that creditors and others two years guiding experience Downtown that Castlegar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN creditors Endand wall others included. Pioneer wheel! CALL PETER and 1-800-961-7022 be comfortable with horshaving claims of against Estate of Ronald 1-800-668-5422. Cecil having against the estate thethe above deceased are DL# 7557 Steel 250.365.7750 es. Contactclaims Chris, 867-393hereby required to send particulars to the Executor Orton, Deceased, formerly of #2-663 11th Avenue, 4500SQ FT (418sq meters) 3802 or send an email to: named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar V1N 2A1, grd flr, suitable for retail/whole chris@widrigoutfi HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. on or before April 19, 2013, after which the Executor Castlegar, BC who died ondate July 13, 2012, are hereby WWW.NELSONFORDSALES.COM sale, customer parking, loadBest price. Best quality. All will said estate among the parties entitled LIVE-INdistribute RESIDENTIALthe Maning dock, high traffic visibility. required to send them to Susan Richards, the DLN28082 shapes & colours available. thereto regard only to the claims of which the ager neededhaving for a N/S, N/P 50 Call (250)352-5674. 1-866-652-6837 Executor then has notice. The Executor will not be liable Under the Sun Yoga Executrix of the Estate, c/o Severide Law, Barristers unit apartment building in Trail, any claim of which offers he has notonotice time of beginners advance at the BC. Send resume to: distribution. paper? Delta, BC V4K &stay Solicitors, strong for#201-5027 older adults 47A Avenue, or mail restorative therapy & Paul Barabonoff, Looking for date pails?the Selling 22-lito 100-3525 Laburnum Drive, 1T9, beforeyoga April 10, 2013, after which estate’s Comfortable Log Cabin yoga for MS, Classes Executor tre pails at 156 Columbia Ave. Trail, BC V1R 2S9 F/S, N/S inside, $700/mth + assets will be distributed, having regard only to the April 1, 2013 at Just knock on the door and By Polonicoff Law Firm, his solicitors Utilities, References required 2 fully equipped studios ask about them. claims that have been received. 10 mins from Castlegar Janice Ferraro 250-365-5428 SAWMILLS FROM only 250-365-3406 By David Severide $3997 - Make money & save Trail 2 1/2 Bdrm, 1 bath, new money with your own bandmill furnace, well insulation ed Barrister and Solicitor - Cut lumber any dimension. In fenced backyard, carport & Make a difference in stock ready to ship. Free Info Severide Law garage, N/S, N/P close to DT I’m HEAD OVER HEEL’S the lives of seniors. & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw $900/mth + utilities, Avail now #201-5027about 47A Avenue Come work for RERS 250-226-7609/365-4644 FOOTCARE & PEDICURES AdvoCare Health Services, 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. Delta. BC V4K 1T9 specializing in extreme we take “Pride in Caring” STEEL BUILDINGS/metal footcare Tel: 604-940-8182 buildings 60% off! 20x28, Bev Chernoff (CMP) recruiting casual, DreamTeam Auto Financing parksNow maintenance work 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, Castlegar 1 Bdrm furnished Certified Master Pedicurist potentially permanent “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK 60x150, 80x100 sell for balgood physical condition basement suite, Avail April 4th 250-365-0668 for appt. positions at; Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals ance owed! Call 1-800-457$650/mth + 40% utilities er's License, Class 5 is 1-800-961-7022 2206 or visit us online at: shared laundry Mountain Lake Seniors DL# 7557 15.50 per hour in(March Community Nelson 1, Re: Anne Chernoff, deceased in a full time program at DROWNING IN debts? Help• Registered Care Aides formerly of #225- 1545 Columbia Avenue, ing Canadians years. Low• Cooks erCastlegar, paymentsBritish by 30%, or cutV1N 1J1 Columbia • Registered Recreation Aides debts 70% thru Settlements. • Multi-Service Avoid bankruptcy! Free conked "SUMMER Workers- Housekeeping NOTICEVisit IS HEREBY GIVEN sultation. us online at: that creditors and others and Dietary or having claims against the estate of the above deceased are call Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 For more information hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executor GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad and to apply please named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar V1N 2A1, credit? Bills? Unemployed? see our website Need We Lend! If youafter which date the Executor on orMoney? before April 19, 2013, own your own home - you or email resume to will distribute said estate among the parties entitled qualify. PioneertheAcceptance Janice.VanCaeseele@ Corp. BBB. only theretoMember having regard to the claims of which the 987-1420. or fax (1)250-352-0056 Executor then has notice. The Executor will not be liable IFfor YOU ca any own claimaofhome whichorhereal has no notice at the time of estate, Alpine Credits can lend SUMMER STUDENTS - LABOURERS distribution. you money: It’s That Simple. Busy Dental Office in Your Credit / Age / Income is Castlegar looking for Paul not an Barabonoff, issue. 1.800.587.2161. experienced permanent The City requires up to four (4) Summer Students for parks maintenance work Executor M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M for their interest. Only part time Reception 2 - 4 days from May 6 to August 23, 2013. Students should be in good physical condition $500 Loan and +. No Credit per week. Please send Refused. Fast, Law Easy, By Polonicoff Firm,100% his solicitors resume to and able to work in all weather conditions. B.C. Driver's License, Class 5 is Secure. 1-877-776-1660. required (“N” Novice class accepted). Rate of pay is $15.50 per hour (March 1, or fax 250-365-2834

Furniture Sport Utility Vehicle

Garage Sales

Legal Notices


Musical Instruments

Legal Notices




Health Products

Misc. for Sale


Help Wanted



Apt/Condo for Rent



Commercial/ Industrial



Homes for Rent

Esthetics Services

Suites, Lower


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/ Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client specific training.

Please send your resume and cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax to 1-866-686-7435

Legal Services

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Tree Services Fruit Tree & Small Tree Pruning Call Dana 250-365-0110

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions KWIKAUCTIONS.COM Restaurant Equipment Auction Saturday March 23rd @ 11am 7305 Meadow Burnaby BC

Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at

Auto Financing



2002 Toyota Corolla 4 dr sedan, auto, 4 cyl, PS, PB, very high km. Vehicle has been extremely well maintained. Interior, exterior and mechanical condition 9 out of 10. 40 mpg. $3,700 obo. 250-442-0122.

Real Estate



2012 rate). Proof of current and continuing registration in a full time program at a post-secondary educational institution is required. Applicants are invited to submit resumes - Clearly Marked "SUMMER STUDENT" - with references to the: City of Castlegar, 460 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Att: Personnel Officer Phone: (250) 365-7227 Fax: (250) 365-4810 Email: Website:

1997,1998 red Jeep Cherokee, 4 doors, 6 cly eng, auto trans & 5 speed, 270,000km, excellent condition. $3,200 / $3,600 obo. 250-442-0122 / 250-493-1807.

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of Francis Joseph Creegan, also known as Frank Joseph Creegan, also known as Frank J. Creegan, Deceased, formerly of the City of Castlegar, Province of British Columbia, who died on the 10th day of October, 2012, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Anthony Joseph Creegan, Executor, on or before May 31, 2013, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Anthony Joseph Creegan, Executor c/o LEWIS J. BRIDGEMAN McEWAN & CO. LAW CORPORATION 1432 Bay Avenue Trail, B.C. V1R 4B1

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Ronald Cecil Orton, Deceased, formerly of #2-663 11th Avenue, Castlegar, BC who died on July 13, 2012, are hereby required to send them to Susan Richards, the Executrix of the Estate, c/o Severide Law, Barristers & Solicitors, #201-5027 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T9, before April 10, 2013, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. By David Severide Barrister and Solicitor Severide Law #201-5027 47A Avenue Delta. BC V4K 1T9 Tel: 604-940-8182

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Anne Chernoff, deceased formerly of #2 - 1545 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 1J1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executor named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar V1N 2A1, on or before April 19, 2013, after which date the Executor will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. The Executor will not be liable for any claim of which he has no notice at the time of distribution.

by 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 12, 2013. The City of Castlegar would like to thank all candidates for their interest. candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Sport Utility Vehicle


Paul Barabonoff, Executor By Polonicoff Law Firm, his solicitors

Castlegar News Thursday, March 21, 2013 A27

Celebrating Celebrating


BC Wineries

BC Wineries BC Wineries

Dress: Semi-formal Dress: Semi-formal Celebrating Blind Challenge Celebrating Dress: Semi-formal BC Wineries SilentChallenge Auction Blind Dress: Semi-formal Blind Challenge Celebrating Door Prizes Celebrating Blind ChallengeBC Winer Silent Auction Silent Auction BC Wineries Sweet & Silent Savoury Appy’s AuctionDress: Semi-f Celebrating Celebrating Celebrating Prizes Dress:Door Semi-formal Door PrizesEvent Blind Challeng Door Prizes Safe Ride Home BC Wineries BC Wineries BC WineriesBlind Challenge

Sweet Savoury Appy’s Dress: Semi-formal Dress: Semi-formal Silent Auction Sweet & Savoury Appy’s (donation to the &Interact Club) Dress: Semi-formal Sweet & Savoury Appy’s Silent Auction Safe Ride Home Event Blind Blind Challenge Challenge Door Prizes Blind Challenge Door Prizes Safe Ride Home (donation toEvent the Interact Club) Silent Auction Silent Auction Safe Ride Home Event Sweet & Savo Silent Auction Sweet & Savoury Appy’s (donation to Interact the Interact Club) Door Prizes Door Prizes Safe Ride Hom (donation to the Club) Door Prizes Safe Ride Home Event (donation to the Sweet & Savoury Appy’s Sweet & Savoury Appy’s Sweet & Savoury Appy’s (donation to the Interact Club) EventEvent Safe Home Ride Home Safe Ride Home Event Safe Ride to the Interact Club) Club) (donation to the Interact (donation to the Interact Club) (donation

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Castlegar News




2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600






2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600












#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. 1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000 (250) 707-2600


2153 Springfield Road (250) 860-2600


#200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600 NOW OPEN

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600

1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000

1001-2601 Skaha Lake Rd. 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 493-3800 (250) 542-3000


745 Notre Dame Drive 200-3107 - 48th Ave. (250) 851-8700 (250) 542-3000 NOW OPEN

WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927

Chapters Entrance (250) 860-8100 Springfield Rd Entrance (250) 717-1511

Villiage Green Mall (250) 542-1496

Cherry Lane Mall (250) 493-4566

Aberdeen Mall (250) 377-8880 TELUS KIOSK


Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

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