Calendar Lake Country
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April 3, 2013
Fun for whole family ice fishing on Beaver Lake
Politicos take up the challenge to live more sustainably and challenge others to do likewise. ...............................
Imagining heaven is a game for the very young. Better yet to create your own heaven on Earth. ...............................
Spion Kop trail gets a partial rerouting while work is completed. ...............................
A healthy gathering of kids enjoyed a day of ice fishing on Beaver Lake late last month as the Oceola Fish and Game Club organized a youth ice fishing event at Beaver Lake Resort, designed to get Lake Country youth connected to the outdoors. A total of 41 people attended the event with about 20 kids and their eager parents participating for the fun-filled four-hour event. The families were provided with an ice fishing rod, bait and a drilled hole so they could start fishing as soon as they arrived. With the help of Oceola Fish and Game Club volunteers, the kids were shown the basics of ice fishing. The rainbow trout fishing action was a bit on the slower side, but the small sculpins in the lake came out to play. Each time one of the kids caught a sculpin, you would think they had hooked a 10-pound trout and their smiles and excitement was contagious throughout the crowd. Thanks to a generous donation by Winfield Cooper Foods, a BBQ hot dog lunch with all the fixings was served to the group of young anglers. After lunch was
■ Budget Blinds
The sharp eyes of kids playing outside at lunch at the Boys and Girls Club’s Lake Country Daycare in Winfield
■ Staples
fisherperson, Kassidy Lillie (right) tries her luck at the Oceola Fish and Game Club’s youth fishing derby held at Beaver Lake in March. served, the OFGC volunteers had some fun games for everyone. The youth learned how to cast a fishing rod by taking part in a casting challenge. The game involved casting a bobber towards cardboard fish targets on the ice. Once they finished their turn they were awarded with a prize courtesy of The big hit of the day was the fishing bobber and spoon relay game. The children and adults were divided into two teams. Before the game could start every-
one warmed up by learning the secret fish dance taught by OFGC volunteers. The whistle blew and the teams were off and running. Working their balancing skills, the team members ran to a check point then marched backwards to the starting point all while balancing a bobber on the spoon. If the bobber fell off the spoon, the team member would have to “fish dance” for five seconds with an OFGC volunteer before picking up the bobber again. Within minutes into
the game all the children and parents were cheering and performing the fish dance. OFGC members report that each youngster was very engaged in this outdoor event as they demonstrated valuable team work, patience and sportsman-like skills which made them all winners. Thanks to a generous donation by Interior Land Reclamation Ltd., each youth received a prize of a new fishing rod and tackle box. This ice fishing event was a small step for the Oceola Fish and Game
Club towards adding more youth-driven programs and events to the community. The club plans on growing its youth programs to reach multiple aspects of the outdoorsmen/outdoorswomen in the years to come. “Introducing a young person to the outdoors is a very rewarding experience,” said Danny Coyne, an OFGC director. “It is a skill and livelihood that has been passed down from generation to generation. The Oceola Fish and Game
Club encourages all families to get their youth connected to the outdoors and throw a line in the water. You might just catch a smile.” The club thanks event sponsors: Cooper Foods, Interior Land Reclamation Ltd., Beaver Lake Resort and BCFishn. com as well as OFGC volunteers Bob Vannan, Mike Kamann, Gael Russell, Marina Coyne, Jay and Aly Earl. For more information regarding the OFGC Youth Programs please visit
Cougar spotted at daycare dispatched by conservation officers
Flyers ■ Home Depot
KYLE MACLEOD (above) gets a bit of help from a volunteer while another young
Wednesday may have saved them from catastrophe when they spotted and reported a cougar in a ponderosa pine tree in the playground. Caregivers rounded up the youngsters and
got them inside, then called the Conservation Officer Service to deal with the wildcat. Conservation officer Ed Seitz admitted it was a “very scary situation; the worst situation you
can imagine.” He figured the noise that the children were making could have attracted the cat, which may have viewed them as prey. It was the second cou-
gar that Seitz had to shoot yesterday. The other was in Oyama and had attacked and killed livestock in a farmyard. (See story on page A3). Seitz said the cougar
at the daycare was a juvenile, about two years old, weighing about 40 or 45 pounds. “Typically these ju-
Cam 250.863.9511
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Oyama Traditional School
Students’ Showcase
Written and photographed by staff and students at Oyama Traditional School.
APRIL 2013
Fiction writing fun! By Sophia, grade 2 If I was the principal I would make all the classrooms purple. I would make everyone eat candy all day. The receptionist would be Thea Stilton. She would be perfect at being on time. The chalkboards would be made with chocolate. The chalk would be licorice. Erasers would be taffy. Pens would be candy canes. What a sweet school!
PAC Meeting 6pm in school library
Cultural performance: Axe Capoeira
Greek House Group/Team Photos
By Zachariah, grade 2 Once upon a time there was an alien and an astronaut. The alien always drove his space ship around. The astronaut always took a rocket to the moon. Once they bumped into each other and the promised they would get revenge on each other again. So three years have gone by and they still didn’t get revenge because they forgot. But then they bumped into each other again. The had a big battle. By Scarlett, grade 1 Once upon a time there was a space man and his name was Sile and he was 81 and he was searching for a big monster in outer space and he eats meat. Every day he tells his wife that he saw a rock. Then the little space man decided to get the little piece of money that was stolen from the bank in the city on their planet. So he went on to his job and soon he had found him and he snuck in and he took the money and took it back to its normal spot. And he never did that again.
Wooden Nickel
Oyama Cantina Cdn. 2 for 1 Western cowboy/ cowgirl spirit day! School public speaking
Important May Dates:
May 1: Zone public speaking May 7: District public speaking May 9: Cambridge uniform fittings at OTS
Check out for more information
Becoming a 21st century learner By Mr. Ross Hett, Principal On the first day back after Spring Break, all of the Intermediate students gathered in the gym for the launch of a project that focuses on “peace through service”. They viewed scores of pictorial images of world issues such as polluted lakes, global warming, lack of schooling in developing countries and so forth as reflected in photographs. Then, in groups of three, the students collaborated to discuss and record what they saw, how they felt and what they could do
about it. The driving question, “How can we provide a service that creates peace?” will lead into effective research (both online and through our library collections). Following this, students will learn to write effective speeches leading to our Annual Public Speaking Competition here at the school. Younger intermediate students will do a “living museum” where they take on the role of a real life person they have researched who is making a difference in the world. Project based learning such as this involves in-
depth inquiry around a driving question and students learn significant content as well as engage in the attributes of a 21st century learner: those of being a collaborator, a contributor, an innovator, a learner, and a thinker. The primary teachers are also engaging all students in project based learning on a theme that will integrate math, science, and literacy starting next week. Project based learning is just one way in which the students at Oyama Traditional School engage deeply in their learning.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013 A3
Lake Country councillors embrace sustainable living The District of Lake Country has kicked off a two-year action plan to establish a set of guidelines designed to help Lake Country not only survive but proser in the future. Our Sustainable Lake Country is a community-owned action plan that will address issues that are important to the community while considering the long term sustainability of Lake Country in terms of the economy. The DLC hopes the Sustainable Lake Country plan will integrate economic, social, cultural and environmental objectives in all community matters to ensure longterm success. Over the next year and a half the DLC will be developing the plan utilizing information from community groups, members of the public, businesses and partner agencies. Once the plan is developed, it will be implemented with partner organizations that are already working towards making Lake Country a great place, and new groups that may form around issues that are identified through the process. The final plan adoption is slated for the winter of 2014 or the spring
of 2015. Several Lake City councillors have put forward challenges to kick start interest in the Sustainable Lake Country plan. Watch the LC Calendar for results of challenges like these:
If 50 compost bins are sold from Lake Country Municipal Hall before the end of March, McEwan will consume an entirely plant-based diet for one month. If 100 compost bins are sold he will triple his commitment. If two George Elliot Secondary School classes take on and post classroom-focused Earth Hour challenges and submit them to the District of Lake Country, McEwan will spend four hours every week for the month of April picking up litter in the community.
If 50 Oyama residents attend the Sustainable Lake Country Visioning Workshop Saturday, April 13, the Dickie family will go garbage-free for two weeks. Coun. Dickie challenged each member of council to reduce their power consumption as much as possible
LAKE COUNTRY councillors and staff ponder the challenges they could undertake to lead the community into a more sustainable lifestyle
through 2013 and into the future. on Earth Hour, with the winning councillor winning a T-shirt.
Coun. Cameron’s challenge is about economic sustainability to help local businesses. If all Lake Country citizens
Kal/Oyama lakes water supply Water customers in Oyama continue to be supplied water from Kalamalka Lake. The District of Lake Country intends to continue the Kal Lake supply until irrigation season starts and water demands increase. By that time it will be necessary to switch historical Oyama Lake source customers back to the Oyama Lake supply. The move is designed to avoid supplying water from Oyama Lake during spring run-off when turbidity increases. Users who historically rely on Kalamalka Lake water will continue to do so throughout the year. Water users familiar with Oyama Lake supply may notice a change to the water which will be clear and without colour but harder due to the presence of minerals (calcium carbon-
ate). The hardness level is still in the low to moderate range and well within Canadian Drinking Water Quality guidelines. No health issues are associated with hard water. The Kalamalka Lake water source remains on a Water Quality Advisory due to turbidity, a measure of how clear or cloudy the water is. Particles can interfere with the disinfection process and may reduce the effectiveness of chlorine. Turbidity in the good and fair range are invisible to the human eye. Health risks increase as turbidity rises, particularly for at-risk populations such as newborns, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. Contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites can attach themselves to the suspended particles. These
particles can then interfere with disinfection, limiting chlorine’s ability to remove or inactivate the contaminants. Until further notice, water intended for the following uses should be boiled for one minute and then refrigerated in a clean, covered container: • drinking • washing fruits and vegetables • making beverages or ice • brushing teeth. Who should take these precautions? • children • the elderly • people with weakened immune systems. For more information, contact the Greg Buchholz (operations manager) or Patti Hansen (water quality technician) at 250-766-6677 or or Interior Health at 250-549-5714 or www.
shop local for two weeks in April then she will do the same for an entire month. Cameron also put out an economic sustainability challenge about the libraries in Winfield and Oyama. Her challenge is if 50 Lake Country
residents (including children and youth) take out a new library membership and/or take out more books, ebooks or videos in the month of April she promises to only take out library books (not buy books) for the rest of 2013.
If 50 per cent of George Elliot Secondary School (GESS) students and staff take part in the Lake Country community clean up the week of April 21 to 27, he will dye his hair green for the
remainder of April. Geier also challenges that if students at GESS walk the equivalent of from Lake Country to Mexico (2,500 km) by the end of May, he will walk or bike to work the entire month of June.
Livestock killing Juvenile cougars cougar handled most dangerous COUGAR FROM A1
A cougar which had been stealing into farmyards in the Oyama area and killing goats and sheep, was tracked down by the Conservation Officer Service and shot last week. The first attack was reported Tuesday March 12, said CO Ed Seitz. They set up a trap for it, but the cougar refused to be taken in. It killed three sheep and a goat in one attack. Officers finally removed the trap, and the cougar returned Tuesday, March 26, killing several more goats at the farm.
Conservation officers brought in hounds to track the cougar and it was found within a mile or so of the farmhouse. Seitz said it was a big male cougar, about 120 to 130 pounds, in very good shape, so it’s not clear why it wasn’t doing its hunting in the wild. “He was very brazen,” commented Seitz. Cougar populations must be on the rise, he speculated, because there have been a number of complaints this winter in the Vernon and north of Vernon areas with the big wildcats killing both livestock and dogs. jsteeves
venile cougars haven’t learned to hunt successfully on their own. They’ve been pushed away from their mothers and are out looking for easy prey,” he explained. Normally, cougars are nocturnal hunters, not seen during the daytime, so he wondered if it might even have entered the playground earlier in the day. It would have had to cross busy Highway 97 from the nearest wild area, and it had taken refuge up a big tree adjacent to that busy highway. He advised anyone who sees a cougar not to turn and run be-
cause that can make the big predator think you are prey. Instead, appear as large and threatening as possible, while slowly backing away and try to grab a stick. If attacked, fight back, because they’re not used to their prey fighting back, so they might change their minds about the attack. Seitz said there have been a number of incidents and complaints involving cougars this winter, so he feels there must be a burgeoning population of the big cats. Generally, their numbers rise and fall along with those of their favoured prey animals, such as deer.
Wednesday, March Wednesday, April27, 3, 2013 Lake Country Country Calendar CalendarL L Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Lake
A4 A4
The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951
The How youofcan’t O Onemerits minor modern get to translation heaven adjustment
A John 3:16 to A
Karen Hill
young woman, I remember sitting the grandaround adaughter campfire,ofsinga ing “Oh you can’t get to heaven onll roller skates over the world, ‘Causethis you’ll roll right week, past themChristian pearly gates.” Clearly,will weread boysa churches thought of heaven asaa Bible verse in which cynical Roman governor named Pontius Pilate asks Jesus: “What is truth?”
Barry Gerding Gerding Barry
Life and Faith
DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.
CALENDAR STAFF Publisher Publisher
Jim Taylor
Editor Editor
Tessa Ringness Tessa Ringness
friend of a colleague of a—oh, never mind who andaFaith she Life is—plans very traditional wedding. She has Jim Taylor instructed her minister that Bible readings must Life and Faith come from the 1611 real perhaps even Kingplace, James Version. If Jim Taylor with a postal address. he objects, she says, she’ll And with “spit in hissolid eye!”floors: “If get tothe heaven Jesus doesn’t answer. It’syou hardly lan- before I do Perhaps he didn’t need guage revered by deJust bore a hole and pull to. As he told his disvotees of the King James me through.” ciples: “You will know Bible. don’t believe in theIShe truth and truth and herthe fiancé that kind of heaven any will set you free.” will probably also repeat
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ee the traditional words, vee more—if I ever did. thee f “and thereto I plight C Probably C my troth.”my juvenile m mind couldn’t imagine a m Say, what? place that wasn’t a place. q No one, today, says q Later, Led Zeppelin Th at verse is, I think, d d “thereto” for anything. sang about a“plight” Stairway to gg my motto. people Asked whatOther Heaven—perhaps have other mottos like tt means, most people–the ultimate the guythink ineight-minute a crowded m might of the plight m rock grandstand who of thetrack. poor or thebrandisI don’t believe inis,that tt dishes a sign declaring, abled. And “troth” kind heaven either— “John As if the un- ss umm,of3:16” well… especially since I can’t saved should know what cc So why would this make head or tail of John 3:16 says. woman want her wed- cc the nearly indecipherBut I would make ding ceremony to be one aa able lyrics about a lady minor amendment to my w w conducted in language who buys the stairway verse. Because I don’t that she herself never be- ss to heaven and then has a tt lieve we can ever fully uses? bustle in her hedgerow. know the truth. It will u I can understand al- u At least, I think ways be one stepthat’s ahead quoting Shakespeare in ee what they said. of d theus. language he wrote, d I know I’m supposed So I would say, “You aa even if it’s unfamilto in heaven. Afwill the truth and iarbelieve toseek today’s speakers. I ter all, that’s where Jesus the seeking will set you also understand that the tt went, his resurrecfree.” poetryafter of Blake or Hop- ll tion—the Bible tells me Recently I’ve kins, T.S. Eliot orbeen Dylan so. Th at’s where I’m supreading Th e EvolutionThomas, mustn’t be med-tt posed toCarter be re-united aries, by Phipps. 11 dled with. with my parents, our son, oo HeBut argues that the printhe Bible was not several dearly loved dogs, ciple of evolution underN written in English. The N and aTestament multitudeNot of saints. lies just u u Oldeverything. used Assuming I’ve been biological evolution, so tt Hebrew; Jesus apparentgood, of course. despised by biblicalthe litly spoke Aramaic, Otherwise I’llhis problingua franca of area;
Greenhouse gas leaks trust Ottawa takes the leadfrom on training Both parties have betrayed us
B.C. he Pacifi csome here waselection campaign Carbon Trust public business that’s aboutintothe orchestrated conducted get underway will afi months-long camnal frantic days offeature the lots oflegislature talk about skills paign of calls and letters B.C. session training. will be likeeveryto discredit a report from last week,Itbut you one’s top priority, along B.C.’s Auditor ly wouldn’t haveGenerheard with dozen other al on aits first it. two bigtop carmuch about priorities. bon offset projects, Premier Christy beBut since elections are fore it could be govreleased. Clark’s skimpy noJust timeas tothe deal withreport seraudit erning agenda was overious about issues,to don’t expect was be shadowed by themade delivmuch frank discussion public, theinternal trust, ainvesCrown ery of an about ways to redirect corporation created at tigation report into her our increasingly soft, taxpayer expense, particigovernment’s ethnic outurbanprogram. society towardof pated in the leaking reach useful work. Somebody selected critical letters to A review by four depmight be offended. media outlets. uty ministers detailed ereporters B.C. Then the Liberals Speaker of what already see lots ofLegislature, skilled, techthe B.C. Bill knew from a memo and nical jobs on the Barisoff , notes made a fihorinal,to meeting leaked zon,NDP. buteff they their clumsy ortecut to delay the the Th plan startskills budget release ofpremier’s the report. ed in training the of-and many ofby their are Asled soon as itMLAs wasdepout, fi ce, Clark’s alsochief looking atMinister a,career Environment uty of staff who rechange. etried B.C. school Terry Lake dissigned asThsoon as to it was system, that of other credit it,like by blustering made public. provinces, stillhighly pushabout all the paid A B.C. Liberal Party es kids to university proexperts who swore up employee attended the grams thatthat lead cofand atoforest fi rst down meeting, expressfee-serving and the reserve nearjobs Kootenay ly intended to organize need for Lake, and a gas flround aring events toanother impress immiof training. reduction project near grant communities, then ThNelson, is has Fort weregoing bona harvest the been goodwill in ondesince the 1970s, and fi carbon sets worth the form of off contact lists it’s million not confi to B.C. $6 ofned taxpayers’ for the coming election. money. After 10,000 e-mails
BC Views
Tom Fletcher Thcollected e B.C. NDP were andap27 The audit states parently expects to in coast interviews conducted, plain language, withsame to victory witha the they revealed few sigcharts timelines, empty rhetoric aboutthat nificantand details. the $6 million was basic“income inequality” and Former multiculturally given away forthey’ve nothstudent debt that alism minister John Yap ing. I using look forward to been for years. knew or should have further audits onscheme this Theirthat onlythe discernible known carbon scheme, asintent isoff toset return con-bewas being kept secret suming ithow survives aftrol over apcause it was anmany inapproter theuse May prentices can be on a bejob priate of election, government cause these two projects site to industrial unions, resources. He won’t be aren’t the only boondogwhich severely restrict it, back in cabinet, although gles. squeezing small busiClark said out he intends ThTh e for Pacifi c Carbon ness. is team’s ideasin are to run re-election Trust was upfrom in 2008 mostly leftset over the Richmond-Steveston. as ofexecutive former premier lastpart industrial revolution. Yap’s assistGordon Campbell’s cliFortunately there is a ant resigned when the mate program. mid-term federal govreportchange came out, admitTo the B.C. government that has acttingmake he helped cover the ernment’s operations ed. Last week’s federtracks of political med“carbon al budget launches new dling in neutral,” the hiringthe of government and all of its three outreach contract-
programs thatcient the loyalty next agencies were required ors with suffi B.C. will to pay the trust $25 per thegovernment party. have tofor go alongcarbon with. tonne their Clark insists she knew Primeemissions Stedioxide from nothing ofMinister this plan. She phen Harper’s governfuel use. tabled the investigament didn’talone, clawthen back Inreport, 2011 B.C.antion and post-secondary universities paid $4.46 nounced that thefunds B.C. from B.C. andhad other million to the trust. Liberal Party writinept provinces, as some B.C.’s 60 school districts ten a $70,000 cheque to had feared. got paid a total What of $5.36 milthe government towe cover from Ottawa lion the same was year, and the estimated costsocial of the engineering, the province’sConservasix health inappropriate political tive authorities paid $5.79 workstyle. done by non-polite centrepiece million. Th icalTh staff . e moneyisisthe Canada a supposed to Grant, go to taxproHere’sJob the part $5,000 grant tofully employjects that capture car-appayers may not ers willing to match itthe bon, thusTh “off preciate. eresetting” are auand trainofpolitical an unemployed heating schools, theers thorized staff person. To the in fuel burned by ambuall over thequalify, legislature, province match lances andhas soto forth. the premier’s offi ce, theas well, a total $15,000 Thfor e 55,000-hectare opposition leader’s office commitment toof one forest reserve known and two teamsis caucus worker whowho willTh have a as Darkwoods. e audemployees spend job to go to. the it shows Nature much of that their time digDelta-Richmond East Conservancy ofthe Canada ging up dirt on other MP Finddecided 2006 buy party.Kerry-Lynne Allinare paidtoby you lay was the Conit, using $25ofmillion of and servatives to profederal taxpayers’ money. A line isout crossed only mote the budget.inShe Th e deal closed 2008, when a non-political said whenyear the the Canada the same employee such as aPacifminJob Grant is fullywas rolled ic Carbon Trust istry communications out, it will fund formed. director acts on trainbehalf of ing for 130,000 2008 topeople 2010, theFrom party. The main of- a year. Some willcapacity be450,000 young the trust fender inbought that people, but there will tonnes carbon off- also was oneof Brian Bonbe workers whose set, based on independney,older whose records sugent evaluations gested he spent that half all of
skills need upgrading. rested onon the assumption his time party work. they’re willing to that Darkwoods would He“If quit in February, belook at the jobs are be logged. foreclear-cut the plan wasthat leaked, available andforest understand the andSince the party paid was back that that’s theirby best shot already owned Canhalf of his salary for the at ahe living ada’s leading conserv18making months was and on the being able to support ancy, assumption publicthis payroll. their own families some makes nooutrage sense. Was the NDP over day, to be conservancy going to this we waswant blunted bysure anthat log it,the or opportunities flip itdocument. to someother leaked are Findlay said. one who would, after Thisthere,” one was from a acThe diff is that cepting $25erence million in never-released 2010 reit has beto what an emtax money acquire it? port bytoAuditor Genployer needs, notnot. what Legally, itDoyle, could eral John which the might pre(Istudent would add that the condemned a five-year fer. It’s a public-private assumption that logging program of skimming partnership, wecarbon have releases all ofas the money from NDP conseen withoffi modern pubin a forest is also false. stituency ce budgets lic Lumber actually sequesall works. over the province ters carbon for andFindlay using itacknowledged forlonger political that a big push than trees,with which eventuwork.even onIn training, Canada will ally die and bit rot.) a nice of symstill need to import forTh e much audit found metry, of the amore eign similar case against Enthan workers. $400,000 was spent In B.C. are bracing Cana’s flarewe reducto put three-time canfor an unprecedented tion program, didate Gabrielwhich Yiu onresource boom, much the company used onof it NDP caucus payroll. in theVancouver-FrasB.C. Interior and many wells before the Yiu’s north. Th at’soff one reason trust started ering erview candidate page for a $241 million inmoney. was savboasts ofEnCana his ethnic outcrease over as fiwhich vewell years to ing money as reach work, in-rethe federal Income Asducing emissions withcluded tirelessly warnsistance Program for about collecting offsets. ing B.C.’s Chinese comoriginal reserves. Th econTh erefore, the the audit munity about evils of new money is available cluded, neither ofsales these the harmonized tax. only the projects was a credible Iniffact, itcommunwas the off set because the emisNDP-Yiu operation that
ity leadership commits sions savings would have inspired a B.C. Liberal to a mandatory training occurred anyway. copycat plan. component. ey didn’t Here’s theTh next PacifThe NDP quietcallCarbon it Idle Trust No but ic project ly stopped the More, budget that’sshould the gist it. that beofaudited. skimming after Doyle Of course, noblinworkIn a complicated transpointed out the er or province band is action, the trustorwhich bought dingly obvious, council is required to off sets from something that constituency funds participate. Th eyBear have called the Great are to serve constituthe leave Carbon Limited entsoption andCredit aretonot to the be difederalto money onthis the Partnership. Yes, is verted political organtable. But the NDPforest the world-famous izing. should note that the on North Coast ItB.C.’s was kept under Canada that was subject to aapwraps byJob theGrant secretpliesLegislative to union-run appreservation deal hamive Assemprenticeship schoolsthe as mered out between bly Management Comwell as those comCoastal First Nations, mittee. Th is isin the B.C. munity and the B.C.colleges government Liberal-NDP co-mantechnical Sayand three institutes. U.S.-backed aged trough of undocuing no isn’t much of a environmental groups. mented MLA expenses choice. Thother at was in 2006. The and questionable Whatever off set purchases were has in payments thatgrand Doyle promises B.C. Liber2009 andthe 2010, years afonly recently dragged als and have writter detailed preservation into theNDP light. ten into their yet-to-beareas were mapped and Both of these schemes released platcodifi ed election in law.stink. have the same forms, they will need to Again, the trust paid Both are intentionfi the of money to parfor forest that was alalnd abuse taxpayers’ ticipate. ready preserved. money for the political gain of the dominant parties. There is no morTom ground Fletcher for is legislaal high either tivethem. reporter andiscolumTom Fletcher legislaof nist for Black Press and tiveTom reporter and Fletcher nist for Blackand Press and tive reporter columnist for Black Press.
We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013 A5
Call for town hall meeting
No more ‘wallowing in the mud’ of greenspace beach clean-up controversy
TAYLOR FROM A4 ably just re-unite with a few school friends and a multitude of self-centred cats. The only way I can imagine heaven now is as an ideal against which to compare earthly realities. A church I belonged to, some years ago, held a study session on disarmament. Several people enthused about a world without wars. Without weapons. Without enemies. “It won’t work,” snorted one man. “If you make yourself vulnerable, someone will always take advantage of you. That’s why we need armies. Peace only comes through a balance of power.” In the silence that followed his outburst, my friend Grant Kerr asked, mildly: “Do you suppose there will be armies in heaven?” That question changed the tone of the discussion. The idea of armies waging wars in heaven offends all our presuppositions about what heaven would be like. In heaven, there would be no aggressors, no injustice, no need for defences. From which it follows that there would be no National Rifle Asso-
ciation, no guns, no murders. And no arms dealers peddling weapons of destruction to underdeveloped nations. In fact, no underdeveloped nations to peddle arms to. No one dominating anyone else. Which would also eliminate rape, domestic violence, and mugging. And while we’re dreaming in high definition, how about no amoral bankers flogging credit derivatives, subprime mortgages, and Ponzi schemes? I’m not sure how food would appear, but it certainly wouldn’t require genetic modification. Count Monsanto out. If everyone’s content, no one would need drug dealers pushing marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or booze to escape into an alternate reality. I have only two questions—if we can imagine all those things for a place that may or may not exist, why can’t we imagine them for a place that we know does exist? And vice versa—if we can’t imagine them here, does that mean heaven is unimaginable? Author Jim Taylor lives in Okanagan Centre.
To the editor: What constitutes beach clean-up? Only a few sheds and decks were removed. Not obnoxious weeds or trees. Not all the fallen down trees either. Doesn’t look very clean. And all this at the taspayers’ expense. Also, in response to Dr. LaBounty’s letter in the Calendar (March 20: ‘Astounded’ people use public lake access like it’s their own personal beach), shame on you for stirring the pot and making an already bad situation worse. Your daughter-in-law, Lisa Cameron (Lake Country councillor), has caused enough grief without help from the relatives. Guess we know where
her support comes from. We don’t want to get down and wallow in the
mud with you, so enough said. Could we please have
some peace now? Doug and Sue Pekrul, Lake Country
YOU’RE INVITED! Campaign Office Grand Opening Saturday, April 6, 2013 at noon Everyone Welcome Food & Refreshments Served
Norm Letnick Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458
Kelowna-Lake Country Campaign Office 3580 Edwards Road, Kelowna
Sunday Worship and Children’s Church
9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387
St. Edward’s Catholic Church
Mass times:
Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9am 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146
Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages
10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753
Pastor: Lance Duncalfe To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688
Visit our web page: to view ‘Community Links’
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Why not imagine a Heaven on Earth?
inexperienced, low-cost, consultant, and felt at the time to be of limited value as the questions were not presented within any context. The results you keep quoting were not at the time, or currently, a reflection of the on-site interviews in 2007, nor the buzz in the community currently. The questions the Sector Plan Committee answered in 2007, and that the community has to answer currently follow a simple progression: • Do you feel OK Centre Village is a unique place to live and visit? • Do you feel the ambiance found in the Village should be preserved into the future if possible? • Do you agree with the Sector Plan Committee that to allow this preser-
council for such a meeting; and as yet I have not had any official acknowledgement from council, or the administrator, regarding the petition. On Feb. 5 I noted that there was a valid Ward Sector Plan in existence, and suggested that if council felt it was outdated, the legitimate action was for council to convene a new committee to update it, or at least convene a town hall meeting before violating its provisions; not to simply ignore it. Rather than provide a constructive suggestion, you have condescendingly intimated several times that my proposal was simply a waste of district money. In my presentation of the 5th, I explained that the survey conducted by the Sector Plan Committee was done by an
Open Letter to mayor and council, District of Lake Country: A follow up to Lake Country Coun. Lisa Cameron’s letter to the editor in the View, March 15. Lisa you have a propensity to only remember part of the information provided to you, and to present what you remember in a patronizing manner. You suggest in your letter that I spoke on behalf of eight or nine residents at the Feb. 5 council [meeting], but make no mention that I returned on the 19th with a petition signed by more than 120 residents, requesting the same ward town hall meeting. The eight or nine have each written their heartfelt personal pleas to mayor and
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Pitfalls of reading the vacation car rental insurance fine print—in Spanish I promised, in my last column, to share my experience of being “taken” when renting a car in Mexico where I am holidaying with my family. I’ll start out by com-
plimenting my wife, who I am incredibly grateful to for handling absolutely everything when it comes to travel bookings and arrangements. She is something spe-
cial. Having worked retail for several years starting at age 15 (my much older readers will remember Woolworths on Kelowna’s Westside), she is retail savvy beyond compare. She also comes up with cool ideas like bringing inflatable pool chairs to an all-inclusive Mexican resort and bringing our own snorkel gear (do it). It was my high level of confidence in my wife that led me to be standing there with my pants around my ankles at a car rental franchise at the beginning of our vacation in Los Cabos. My wife had prebooked the two week rental of a car through a well-respected online travel company. Paying approximately $250 to have a car available during our stay was an expenditure we had discussed, and decided to go with. The thought of driving a pre-arranged vehicle from the airport
Achieving Justice
Paul Hergott
to the resort (not waiting around for a shuttle) and being able to tootle around as we wished during our stay seemed to make it worthwhile. We start off on the wrong foot with having to take a damned shuttle to the car rental franchise. On arrival, my retail savvy wife goes to get the keys to our pre-arranged car. Not so fast. There is paperwork to sign and decisions to make about insurance. I am called in because that’s supposedly my area of expertise.
My wife hadn’t done the Internet research that would have led her to this handy tip from Trip Advisor: “Making a car rental reservation in advance, using the Iternet or telephone, will inevitably skip over the issue of auto insurance and is never completely included in the rental rate that you are quoted. It can double or triple the quoted daily rate in most cases.” Let’s go with “triple,” and then some. I am what you would call a sophisticated insurance consumer. I know to read the fine print of contracts. I know to ensure I am fully protected so that my Mexican holiday doesn’t result in a financial disaster. Put me in front of a Mexican rental car clerk whose command of the English language is not much better than my limited command of Spanish—“dos cervezas, por favor”—with forms, some of which are en-
Natural gas prices When it comes to buying natural gas, it’s nice to have a choice. Compare your options: fixed rates and terms offered by independent gas marketers or a variable rate offered by FortisBC. Customer Choice: it’s yours to make. Residential fixed rates (per GJ)* Gas marketer
Contact info
Access Gas Services Inc.
Active Renewable Marketing Ltd.
FireFly Energy
Just Energy
Planet Energy
Summitt Energy BC LP
Superior Energy Management
Local natural gas utility
Contact info
1 yr term
2 yr term
3 yr term
4 yr term
5 yr term
$5.89 $8.99
$5.33 $5.60
$6.19 $3.95
Residential variable rate (per GJ)** $2.977
For more information, visit *Chart shows gas marketers’ rates for a range of fixed terms, valid as of April 1, 2013. Marketers typically offer a variety of rates and options. Check gas marketers’ websites or call to confirm current rates. **Residential variable rate valid as of April 1, 2013. FortisBC’s rates are reviewed quarterly by the British Columbia Utilities Commission. A gigajoule (GJ) is a measurement of energy used for establishing rates, sales and billing. One gigajoule is equal to one billion joules (J) or 948,213 British thermal units (Btu). The Customer Choice name and logo is used under license from FortisBC Energy Inc. This advertisement is produced on behalf of the British Columbia Utilities Commission. 13-053.2
tirely in Spanish, and I’m like a fish out of water. He seemed to get that I wanted the maximum protection, my eyes bugging out of my head as he quoted me figures. In British Columbia, everyone is required to purchase a minimum of $200,000 liability insurance from ICBC, but we always get much more protection than that. This is the insurance that protects you if a crash is your fault and you must provide fair compensation for the injuries and losses of your victims. I wanted at least $1 million liability insurance. The clerk was able, with a significant upgrade, to get me protection up to $1 million, but get this—the “$” was Mexican Pesos making for a rough equivalent of less than $90,000 in Canadian dollars. After signing a bunch of forms, some entirely in Spanish, explained to me by a Mexican with very broken English, I ended up with horribly unsatisfactory insurance protection, which might be even worse than I under-
stand it to be because of the language barrier, at a cost that added significantly to the cost of our vacation. We could have pulled the plug and not gone ahead with the rental, but having easy vehicle access to such short jaunts as the Chileno Bay and Santa Maria beaches (bring a bag of peas for an insanely fun snorkelling experience) has been wonderful. I would say that I’ve been driving extra careful to ensure I don’t cause a crash and have to call on the inadequate liability insurance coverage but of course that would be ridiculous. We always drive extra careful to prevent death or serious injury to ourselves, our families, and other motorists, right? Do we? That’s where our driving attitudes must migrate to. One crash is too many. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.
Clean up gets muckier OK CENTRE FROM A5 vation, specific initiatives have to be undertaken by the community? This was the unanimous conclusion of the Sector Plan Committee, and ongoing discussions were identified to monitor changes over time. Lisa, having served along side yourself on
another committee, I expect you were as insulted as I was when our Prime Minister prorogued our Parliament to save his skin. Yet you invoked a sneaky technicality to suspend the possibility of needed, legitimate community debate. Shame!
David H Geen, Lake Country
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013 A7
UBCO student receives grant to continue research into breast cancer detection The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation B.C./Yukon Region, has announced a new scholarship granted to University of British Columbia Okanagan student, Stephen Smithbower, under the supervision of Dr. Rasika Rajapakshe, a past CBCF grantee. The $25,000 grant
was funded by Vernon’s annual Wine, Women and Woods event, a golf tournament that, since 2003, has raised a cumulative total of $597,100 to benefit CBCF and the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation. This year, the organizing committee directed fundraising efforts from
the event to support digital mammography equipment at Vernon Jubilee Hospital and local research initiatives in the Okanagan region. A Vernon resident and UBC Okanagan student, Smithbower was selected as the recipient of the $25,000 Wine, Women and Woods Studentship
over two years in the lab of Dr. Rasika Rajapakshe. The research will focus on developing a faster breast cancer care model utilizing graphics processing units used in video game systems. “Modeling is quickly becoming a very important tool for the Can-
Spend 20 minutes tidying your community Do you have 20 minutes to spare to make a difference in the community? At 10 a.m. on Wednesday April 3, the regional waste reduction office challenges you to give just 20 minutes of your time to the Twenty Minute Make-Over, a community-wide litter clean-up campaign. “This is the seventh annual Twenty Minute Make Over, the official kick start to Community Clean-Up Month, which runs the entire month of April,” said regional district waste reduction facilitator Rae Stewart. “The challenge is to take just 20 minutes of your day and do a little spring cleaning in your neighbour-
hood or place of business. “Pick up trash, sweep a sidewalk, bust graffiti, tackle an illegal dump site, the opportunities to pitch in are endless,” she suggests. The regional waste reduction office provides free garbage bags and gloves for collecting litter and will also arrange to have the garbage-filled bags picked up and taken to the landfill after your clean-up is done. Graffiti busting kits are also available for pick up. “Anyone can get involved, from kids to seniors and everyone in between,” said Stewart. “It’s a fun event, and super easy to take part. The 20-minute factor is ideal for business people on
a tight schedule, students, neighbours, community groups, and anyone with some extra elbow grease to spare. It’s easy enough to gather a group together on your coffee break or recess for some fresh air, exercise and a little spring cleaning.” She added that it’s also a “feel good” thing to get involved, knowing you’ll be joining the hundreds of people across the community who are helping make a difference. To register your group for garbage bags and gloves, and for pick up of your litter- filled bags when your clean-up is complete, contact the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250.469.6250 or visit
Spion Kop walking trail temporarily detoured WALC informs the public that fire mitigation work is currently under way on Spion Kop Mountain above The Lakes subdivision. Due to logging taking place along the first half kilometer, Arrowleaf
Trail (yellow trail markers) is currently unusable. The trailhead is accessed near the upper water tank on Apex Drive. The first part of the trail has been temporarily moved and marked
onto a shared motorbike trail for approximately half a kilometer where it then rejoins the old trail. Walkers and motorbikers are asked to please use caution on this shared trail. WALC will reactivate
the original trail once logging has been completed.
adian health care system by improving efficiencies to provide a high level of care to cancer patients,” said Dr. Rajapakshe. “These models are very complex, so research such as Stephen’s provides a crucial layer of groundwork that can be further expanded upon. We are excited about the possibilities this research can provide, not only in breast cancer, but also for its future applications in many related aspects of cancer care.” Smithbower said that receiving the award will allow him to continue
his research. “Without a doubt, this studentship will allow me to make a contribution to the field of breast cancer research, and I’m excited to focus my future career in this area,” he said. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in Canadian women, representing 26 per cent of all newly diagnosed cases inthe country. In 2012, an estimated 22,700 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and about 5,100 will die from it.
Since 1986 however, death rates among women have fallen by almost 40 per cent. Today in B.C., 91.8 per cent of women diagnosed with breast cancer survive the disease for five years or longer—the highest survival rate in Canada. This year’s Wine, Women and Woods tournament will take place at Predator Ridge Golf Course in Vernon, on Sept. 28 and 29. Pleas e visit for more information.
10327 Sherman Drive, Lake Country
Wonderful, fully finished 8 year old family home in newer area of Lake Country. Grade level entry, 3 bedrooms plus den, gleaming hardwood floors, central air, gas fireplace, 2 decks plus large rear patio. Fish pond, greenhouse, underground sprinklers, oversized double garage, RV parking, fenced yard. Located across from Peter Greer Elementary School. Call Ken to view! $449,500
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George Elliot’s Full Moon Theatre Company proudly presents
Grease a new 50's Rock and Roll Musical. Book, Music, and Lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey
Six shows only: Thursday, April 4 to Saturday, April 6 at 7:30PM and one matinee on Saturday, April 6 at 2:00PM. Wednesday and Thursday, April 10 and 11 at 7:30PM. All shows are at The Creekside Theatre in Lake Country. Information available on the Creekside Theatre Website: and on George Elliot Secondary’s School Website: For reservations email Dan Brochu at: or leave a voice mail message at 250-766-2734 ext.2327. Tickets at the door: Children $5; Student/Senior $8.00; Adults $12. Don’t miss this classic Rock and Roll Musical!
Special ticket price of $5 in effect for groups of 10 or more who purchase tickets for the same performance. Group bookings must be done through contacting Dan Brochu at G.E.S.S. @
MARCH 28TH FOR LUNCH NowOPEN Open for Lunch Daily from 11:30am to 3pm
Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country Calendar
news A9
Highway Highway 97 to97 be to widened be widened between between Highway Highway 33 and 33Edwards and Edwards RoadRoad
Bridge linking Swalwell, Creekside parks closed
An expansion and upgrade project for more than 4.5 kilometres of Highway 97 between Highway 33 and Edwards Road is set to begin in 2014. The section of highway will be widened from four to six lanes and intersections will be upgraded along the route. The federal and provincial governments announced the new funding last week. The highway widening and
The bridge that links Swalwell Park to Creekside Park is closed until further notice. The District of Lake Country decided to shut down the bridge between the two popular parks to assess whether it needs to be replaced. On March 28 district staff were forced to shut the foot bridge until further notice. The bridge has been identified as a structure
reconstruction will help ease congested intersections, making travel through the area safer and better connect high density residential areas of the district with the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. These improvements will also benefit commuters to areas north of Kelowna including the Quail Ridge residential area, the Kelowna Airport and the airport in-
dustrial park. “Investments in Canada’s public infrastructure create jobs, economic growth and provide a high quality of life for families in every city and community across the country,” said Ron Cannan, MP for Kelowna-Lake Country, on behalf of the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. “Highway 97 upgrades in Kelowna
will help residents and visitors reach their destinations safely and more efficiently for years to come,” Cannan said. “This $50-million project will build on the improvements done to Highway 97 through Kelowna over the last number of years,” said Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick, on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Mary Polak. “This work will im-
prove traffic flow at the northern entrance to Kelowna, and make for more efficient and safer connections to UBCO, Quail Ridge, Rutland, Glenmore, Ellison, Lake Country and beyond for motorists, cyclists and transit users,” Letnick said. The Government of Canada is setting aside up to $18 million through the Building Canada Fund’s Major Infrastructure Compon-
ent for this project, with the Province of British Columbia providing $32.2 million, for a total project cost of $50.2 million. Federal funding is conditional on the project meeting all of the requirements under the Building Canada Fund and the signing of a contribution agreement with the province. Preliminary work is underway. Construction is expected to begin in 2014 and should be
completed by the completed fall of by the fall of 2016. The work2016. builds Thon e work builds on the $1.3-billion the invested $1.3-billion invested in highway improvein highway improvements in the Th ments omp-in the Thompson-Okanaganson-Okanagan since since 2001. 2001. Canada’s EconomCanada’s Economic Action Planic2013 Action is Plan 2013 is delivering a new delivering Build- a new Building Canada Plan ingto Canada build Plan to build roads, bridges,roads, subways, bridges, subways, commuter rail,commuter and other rail, and other public infrastructure public in infrastructure in cooperation with cooperation prov- with provinces, territories, inces, andterritories, and municipalities.municipalities.
that is in need of replacement and the district is currently reviewing the structure to see if repairs are possible to provide a short term solution or whether the bridge needs to be replaced in its entirety. The general public is asked to stay off the structure and use the pathway around the creek to Bottom Wood Lake Road to walk between the parks.
Get ready for Summer, holidays, or the rest of your life! Do yourself a favour - stop the razor and switch to laser. Come for the results as well as the discretion. YOUR ONE STOP FOR PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL IN THE VALLEY!
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We want to know...
Your Community Partner
what you think is the best burger (beef, chicken, veggie...)
in Kelowna.
1 lucky voter will receive a
Go to and click on contests to vote for your favourite.
from the winning restaurant
Contest runs March 26 - April 19
Vote up to 5 times a day, and the winning restaurant will be featured in the Kelowna Capital News.
Executive Chef Negoro invites you to try his perfect, hand crafted 8oz burger…
Buy A
Order our 20-oz
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$ 95
Home of the
Paired with a toasted cheese bun, lettuce, tomato, secret Rusty’s sauce topped with Guinness battered onion rings
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1525 Dilworth Drive
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The BunkHouse Bar and Grill is a family friendly restaurant uniquely encircled by the apple trees and the fairways of Orchard Greens Golf Couse. Open Year Round. Fully Licenced. Large patio.
Great Food. Great Value. 250.868.3844 2777 KLO Road
with every burger ordered Vintner’s Poolside Grill at The Coast Capri Hotel 1171 Harvey Avenue • 250.860.6060
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250-766-2310 ground bison burger with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, crispy onions, your choice of aged cheddar or blue cheese, on a sesame bun with spicy aioli and red pepper jelly…
…The Ric’s Grill Bison Burger Mention this ad to add on mushrooms or bacon… FREE!
210 Lawrence Ave. Kelowna • 250-869-1586
140 Rutland Road 250-765-3906
Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country Calendar
news A9
Highway Highway 97 to97 be to widened be widened between between Highway Highway 33 and 33Edwards and Edwards RoadRoad
Bridge linking Swalwell, Creekside parks closed
An expansion and upgrade project for more than 4.5 kilometres of Highway 97 between Highway 33 and Edwards Road is set to begin in 2014. The section of highway will be widened from four to six lanes and intersections will be upgraded along the route. The federal and provincial governments announced the new funding last week. The highway widening and
The bridge that links Swalwell Park to Creekside Park is closed until further notice. The District of Lake Country decided to shut down the bridge between the two popular parks to assess whether it needs to be replaced. On March 28 district staff were forced to shut the foot bridge until further notice. The bridge has been identified as a structure
reconstruction will help ease congested intersections, making travel through the area safer and better connect high density residential areas of the district with the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. These improvements will also benefit commuters to areas north of Kelowna including the Quail Ridge residential area, the Kelowna Airport and the airport in-
dustrial park. “Investments in Canada’s public infrastructure create jobs, economic growth and provide a high quality of life for families in every city and community across the country,” said Ron Cannan, MP for Kelowna-Lake Country, on behalf of the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. “Highway 97 upgrades in Kelowna
will help residents and visitors reach their destinations safely and more efficiently for years to come,” Cannan said. “This $50-million project will build on the improvements done to Highway 97 through Kelowna over the last number of years,” said Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick, on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Mary Polak. “This work will im-
prove traffic flow at the northern entrance to Kelowna, and make for more efficient and safer connections to UBCO, Quail Ridge, Rutland, Glenmore, Ellison, Lake Country and beyond for motorists, cyclists and transit users,” Letnick said. The Government of Canada is setting aside up to $18 million through the Building Canada Fund’s Major Infrastructure Compon-
ent for this project, with the Province of British Columbia providing $32.2 million, for a total project cost of $50.2 million. Federal funding is conditional on the project meeting all of the requirements under the Building Canada Fund and the signing of a contribution agreement with the province. Preliminary work is underway. Construction is expected to begin in 2014 and should be
completed by the completed fall of by the fall of 2016. The work2016. builds Thon e work builds on the $1.3-billion the invested $1.3-billion invested in highway improvein highway improvements in the Th ments omp-in the Thompson-Okanaganson-Okanagan since since 2001. 2001. Canada’s EconomCanada’s Economic Action Planic2013 Action is Plan 2013 is delivering a new delivering Build- a new Building Canada Plan ingto Canada build Plan to build roads, bridges,roads, subways, bridges, subways, commuter rail,commuter and other rail, and other public infrastructure public in infrastructure in cooperation with cooperation prov- with provinces, territories, inces, andterritories, and municipalities.municipalities.
that is in need of replacement and the district is currently reviewing the structure to see if repairs are possible to provide a short term solution or whether the bridge needs to be replaced in its entirety. The general public is asked to stay off the structure and use the pathway around the creek to Bottom Wood Lake Road to walk between the parks.
Get ready for Summer, holidays, or the rest of your life! Do yourself a favour - stop the razor and switch to laser. Come for the results as well as the discretion. YOUR ONE STOP FOR PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL IN THE VALLEY!
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765 Rose Avenue, Kelowna (1½ blocks from KGH) 250-861-1141 •
We want to know...
Your Community Partner
what you think is the best burger (beef, chicken, veggie...)
in Kelowna.
1 lucky voter will receive a
Go to and click on contests to vote for your favourite.
from the winning restaurant
Contest runs March 26 - April 19
Vote up to 5 times a day, and the winning restaurant will be featured in the Kelowna Capital News.
Executive Chef Negoro invites you to try his perfect, hand crafted 8oz burger…
Buy A
Order our 20-oz
for just...
$ 95
Home of the
Paired with a toasted cheese bun, lettuce, tomato, secret Rusty’s sauce topped with Guinness battered onion rings
in the Ramada Hotel & Conference Centre
2170 Harvey Ave. 250-979-4548
BIG screens
1525 Dilworth Drive
1 5 0 H W Y 3 3 , K E LOW N A , B. C .
To participate in this fantastic contest, contact your Advertising Representative Today…
t... Try the sraevs or the Best! then
2210 Boucherie Road West Kelowna, BC
Bison Burger
25% Off any burger on the menu with this coupon!
Turkey • Salmon • Lamb • Chicken • Schnitzel • Falafel Expires June 30, 2013
2 1
The BunkHouse Bar and Grill is a family friendly restaurant uniquely encircled by the apple trees and the fairways of Orchard Greens Golf Couse. Open Year Round. Fully Licenced. Large patio.
Great Food. Great Value. 250.868.3844 2777 KLO Road
with every burger ordered Vintner’s Poolside Grill at The Coast Capri Hotel 1171 Harvey Avenue • 250.860.6060
Bring in this ad and get your choice of toppings at no charge!
Burger Buffet
Par Tee Burger
Bring this ad in & receive $3.00 Off any reg priced Burger 250-769-7366
Bring in this ad & receive
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Eat it in 1 hour and it’s
Get a 2nd Burger for just
BFB We Challenge You!
A unique combination of Gouda & apple slices... Amazing!
Kelowna’s ORIGINAL The Ultimate
CHEESEBURGER CAESAR includes 10 items
991 Richter St.
exp. May 15, 2013
Go Dutch!
Why not try some of our other great specials, too!
West Kelowna 778-755-5675
2789 KLO Road
Monday: Cheeseburger & Beer Thursday: Chicken Parmesan Sat-Sun: Weekend Brunch
Dine Inside…Vote Online Woody’s Pub: Home of the
Elk Burger All burgers are handmade
250-766-2310 ground bison burger with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, crispy onions, your choice of aged cheddar or blue cheese, on a sesame bun with spicy aioli and red pepper jelly…
…The Ric’s Grill Bison Burger Mention this ad to add on mushrooms or bacon… FREE!
210 Lawrence Ave. Kelowna • 250-869-1586
140 Rutland Road 250-765-3906
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Take part in making Lake Country environmentally, socially sustainable The District of Lake Country and many of its community partners will
be exploring topics important to the community as part of the moveBayside Plumbing & Gas Fitting
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s nts all-girl team Association wa
The Okanagan Mainline Amateur Hockey to Association is hoping increase the number of girls playing minor Okahockey across the nagan, including in Winfield. A committee is being with formed to come up some new ideas about how to increase the number of girls entering the minor hockey, with feNed Ireland g hope of establishin makes it to the podium lower a male-only teams at the for the first time in to levels, as opposed circuit cross ski Nor-Am current situation, where race. play on boys’ 2 many girls the ............................... teams, especially for first few years of minor
hockey. ’s “We as association have to start looking at the grassroots levget els and saying let’s and more girls out there allget them playing on girls teams,” said CathyfeHockey’s Carolei, BC comale development ITAL NEWS WADE PATERSON/CAP ordinator for the Okastart earlier nagan. “We have to and girls playoff action Mainline midget A at the younger levels Arm defender in Okanagan ones . a shot past a Salmon try to get the little and Blackburne (left) slaps hockey in the Okanagan out from the get-go we KELOWNA’S Christymovement underway to attract more girls to so is a exbuild these teams this month. There hockey initiative to in cit be to defi Have you seen a kids into our don’t run we need plain all of the options the know of the opportunthis sign? situation in certain developing through a don’t get that hockthe coming months. a they at and playing that starting ities years.” room system and If so, Lake Country “The myth is that “We want to have camaraderie in the ey provides to females. According to Carolei, young age,” said Carolei. are girls will play harder business owner discussion with parents before and after games Many scholarships par“People don’t realone of the things asso-a and stronger if the the about why it’s benefi to is Shirley Gingras would ride and practices.” available in both Canciations are battling ize girls can get full ents leave them with cial for your daughtersaid There are about 250 US for high said. the parents she and like it back as it’s an many ps,” ada that myth in the boys,” said Carolei. year at scholarshi opportunity play female hockey,” playfemales registered level athletes. This important part of believe that female “It’s a huge “But it would be just team Carolei. not different minor hockto UBC, the women’s ers are better off playing that people are just attracting customers as good and probably If you want more indeey associations across featured three graduwith boys and will her door. Min- aware of.” better in the long term formation about fe- area Okanagan Mainline Kelowna the steerthe from ates better. 3 Kelowna In velop Assoto have girls playing ............................... male hockey in your loAmateur Hockey their or Hockey, playing on girls But Carolei says when together. They develop ing committee on says you can contact your to and ciation. Carolei that scholarships. girls play on a boys’ hockey is also hoping differently than boys cal minor hockey assogoal is to double “Looking long term, teams, there are thingsout they don’t have the same talk to parents of young two years. to be ciation. on boys. number in things if we want our kids that the player misses girls to educate them and physical strength as In Winfield call 250Flyers One of the the best of the best uni- minor hockey and will on, and a better situation will em“When they are on 766-3442. play at said, that OMAHA al want them to would have girls playing host a come-and-play boys’ teams,” Carolei a national level, bark on is an education ■ Home Depot on all-girls teams from parents versity or have to dress in campaign, letting enter min- “they they room time the dressing ■ JYSK different or hockey. ■ Rona
ment to create a sustainable Lake Country. Members of the pub-
From the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada, the Spinney Brothers are comprised of Allan Spinney , Rick Spinney, Gary Dalrymple and Darryl Hebb.
Tickets: Adult $24, Students/Seniors $22, Group of 4 tickets $80.
Onlsq.yft.)$ 49 sq.ft.
(1 box covers 25.84
3223 Wood
Earth Day April 22
April 22, 2013
Created by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, Earth Day unites individuals, organizations, and businesses in the same environmental challenge: the reduction of our ecological footprint. For 43 years now, various cultural and educational activities have been
organized around the world to raise people’s awareness of environmental issues, and in particular to promote and encourage concrete actions that will reduce the ecological footprint of human beings. An ecological footprint is the measure of human demand on land and water to supply the resources a human population consumes as well as the absorption of the resulting waste. No one will be surprised to learn that the current demand on natural resources is not sustainable: global consumption is such that more than one planet would be necessary to satisfy our current demand! Earth Day is the ideal occasion to do something concrete for the environmental cause. Planting a tree, using public transport, recycling, reusing, and composting are all gestures that will have a positive impact on the environment. Earth Day is the time to get moving on this issue, to act now, for ourselves and for future generations.
Includes colour
Earth Day is a time for everyone to remember how important even small gestures are in safeguarding our environment.
Dawn Brule
Lake Countr y
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
you Just Can’t Laugh Any harder
A p r i l
2 4
2 0 1 3
On Wednesday, April 24, the Lake Country Calendar will be publishing their annual “Women in Business” feature. This very popular section is a showcase for successful business women in Lake Country, and will feature local business editorial highlighting the business spirit of women in the Lake Country community.
Women in Business April 24
Publishes April 24 Deadline April 16
Jane Smith
let people know who you are, and what you do
Registered Home Care Nurse
Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilicilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat ad dit irilit autw.
Home Care Services 1234 Address Street, Winfield
be recognized for all your business accomplishments
170 words to share your business story your business logo, name and contact information
250-000-0000 •
y$62 onl4.6”x3.6”
Publication date: Wednesday, April 24 Deadline: Tuesday, April 16
Advertising Respresentative
Proudly Serving
the BeSt of yUK yUK’S!
Women Business
Publishes April 17 Deadline April 11
Earth Day: an international event On Monday, April 22, more than 500 million people will celebrate Earth Day. This important environmental event is an attempt to mobilize the planet and remind everyone that even small gestures are essential to save our environment.
Memorial Hall from 1 to 5 p.m. There will be a var-
Friday, April 12 7:30pm
While Quantities Last!
g Centre ntry Buiryldin Lake CouRd., 66-2118 Lake Count • 250-7 sdale
Country is invited to a community meeting on April 13 at the Winfield
Spinney BrotherS
l features: oming specia c p u e s he rt o f t
a pHaardwood Flooring Sale
lic, business owners and anyone else interested in development of Lake
Colour Included!
Dawn Brule Advertising Respresentative
250.766.4688, ext. 7269 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
250.766.4688, ext. 7269 fax: 250.862.5275 email:
Contact Dawn Brule, 250-766-4688 Ext. 7269 email:
Saturday, April 13 • 7:30pm Featuring: •Sean Lecomber •Damonde Tschritter •Sam Easton •Rob Balsdon
Tickets: All Seats $24
Calendar Lake Country
Proudly Serving
How do I deal with a tick attached to my dog?
Ticks are efficient carriers of disease because they attach firmly when sucking blood, feed slowly and may go unnoticed for a considerable time (days) while feeding. Ticks wait for host animals on the tips of grasses and shrubs; they are not commonly found in trees. When the plant is brushed by a moving animal or person, the tick quickly lets go of the vegetation and climbs onto the host. If you find a tick on your dog, use blunt tweezers or disposable gloves to handle the tick. Grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible. This reduces the possibility of the head detaching from the body upon removal. Pull the tick straight out with a steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick as this may cause the mouthparts to break off and remain in the skin, increasing the chances of infection. Continue applying steady pressure even if the tick does not release immediately. It may take a minute or two of constant, slow pulling to cause the tick to release. After removing the tick, thoroughly disinfect the bite area and wash your hands with soap and water. Home remedies such as applying petroleum jelly or grease, or touching the rear of the tick with a hot match do not work effectively and are not recommended. These techniques cause the tick to salivate and can actually increase the chance of getting a disease.
REALTOR® AGA™ SRES® We are getting ready to list our home, where should my focus be when thinking about first impressions and curb appeal?
As we all know, first impressions are extremely important and can make, or break, your chance to get a potential buyer in the front door for a look! To make your home’s first impression a memorable one, there are a few details to attend to in order to make the curb appeal stand out while also improving your ability to sell quicker for the right price. Stand in front of your house with a friend and take note of all things that might improve that all-important first impression. Remember to look at the small details before looking at the bigger picture and have a realistic plan with a time-frame that will allow you to do a great job. For example, simple things like getting rid of weeds, cleaning the windows, getting pine needles and leaves off the roof and out of the gutter and a raked lawn will make your home look well kept and will brighten and accentuate the foliage that you want to be noticed. A freshly painted front door and a new welcome mat are simple ways to make your home look inviting! Finally, remember to wash your driveway and edge it for that clean, professional look. If you are getting your home ready for sale, remember to have a plan of action and to ask your Realtor for other great tips on how to get your home prepared for buyers!
What will my child’s first visit to the dentist be like?
The first visit includes a thorough discussion of medical history, fluoride use, prior dental history, habits (pacifier or thumb sucking), and any concerns with the child’s teeth. A comprehensive exam is completed addressing not only the teeth, but also growth and development of the jaws and the soft tissues of the mouth. If the child is ready, a professional cleaning and fluoride treatment are completed. The dentist will assess the need for x-rays. Oral hygiene instructions as well as diet history are reviewed. If there is need for further treatment, a future appointment will be made after the treatment plan is explained in detail. Our patients are praised and rewarded with prizes and balloons in order to emphasize a positive experience at the office. Dr. Jung did part of her hospital residency at BC Children’s Hospital in addition to having worked at a private pediatric practice in Vancouver. Plus, all of our staff are parents of a total of 13 young children ranging in age from 2 to 15 years so we are wellexperience and look forward to taking care of your whole family!
Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?
Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar
Petrina Koltun
Dr. Jessica Wales, DVM
iety of ways to interact with district community members and give input on what matters most to you and what your ideas are for creating an economically, socially, culturally and environmentally sustainable Lake Country. At the event there will be input opportunities and discussion on several topics, including: • Creating local jobs • Creating a vibrant town centre • Fostering a creative community • Providing more transportation options • Diverse housing options • Sustainable infrastructure for water and sewer services • Solid waste management. Everyone interested in attending can find out more information at
Dr. Stephanie Strawn Optometrist
How can you check my child’s eyes if they are unable to speak or identify letters?
There are many ways of testing the eyes of children without them even saying a word. The power of glasses required can be determined by flashing a scope of light repeatedly across their pupil in conjunction with using some handheld lenses. Their eye muscle balance, which is very important for proper vision development, can be determined simply by covering and uncovering their eyes and by watching them follow a small target, like a toy. Eye health is also evaluated to ensure that there is nothing that would impede proper eye development. Once the child is older, pictures instead of letters are used, their colour vision can be determined, their depth perception evaluated and so much more. For proper brain and eye development, ensure that your child’s eyes are healthy and that they are seeing clearly. At Lake Country Optometry, comprehensive eye exams for everyone under 19 are completely covered under their BC Care Card - so book one today!
Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. #21-10051 Hwy97N, Lake Country, BC V4V 1P6 250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 250.826.5660 • 250.860.1100
208 - 3121 Hill Road • 250.766.1003
49-9522 Main St. Lake Country 250.766.4240
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 24. 26. 28. 30. 31. 33. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43.
Brazilian dance Package Frenzied Contact Quaker word Butler or maid Donations Sci-fi transports Blame ____ clock Egg producer Qualify Brad Intertwine Wild donkey Window topper Reach Jethro’s relatives
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 25.
Idolize ____-control Botanist Gray Bad mood Food fish Ballyhoo Intrusion Run-down Diplomatic representative Entomb Rug choice Lament Copier fluid Glass section Legislate Campus gp. Relaxation Chopin work Gardening aid Testy
57. 59. 60. 63. 67. 69. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.
Companion of to Heroic tale Fodder Sharp crests Belief in God Flat Duck Hail Busybody Costing nothing Sneak Anglo-Saxon peon Difficulties Egyptian symbol Indian garb Female ruff Bad temper
Public hearing regarding allowing taller buildings along Main Street 77. 78. 79. 82. 84.
In accordance with er buildings that would 2013, Penny Press District© of the provisions of the Lo- help meet the Copyright 74. Sheep’s coat RefugeCountry’s density cal Government Act a 40. Lake ACROSS 1. hearing Crow sound 77. Slosh through 42. objectives Munchies for the area. public will be surf thebelieve wind your inRotaryApril disk 16 at 44. A way If you held 4. Tuesday, blows 79. Breathe loudly 7. Disapproving terest in property is af7 p.m. in the District of Shady porch 80. Oxidize sound Munici- 46. fected by the application Lake Country Polynesian 81. Club for Trevino 11. Covenant above, you shall pal Hall, 10150 Bottom 48. noted ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 658 image 83. ____ media 15. Your and my afforded Wood Lake Rd., to hear 49. be Grand ____ a reasonable 85. Grizzly’s lair 16. Be less than heard representation on zoning opportunity (bridge term) to be 86. Irish river truthful or to present written Amendments to Bylaw 50. Achieve 87. Hide-and-____ 17. Elaborate solo respecting 852, 18. 2013 (Z2013-003). 51. submissions Greek E 88. Bobble the ball Far East nanny 53. matters Creche figures Th19. is Amendcontained in the 89. Come and ____ Summer drink 54. above-referenced Censor ment20. would encourappliit! Everybody 55. cation. Doubtful age multi-storey and 90. Enlarges 21. Unyielding 56. Policeman 91. Engage, as gears mixed development A copy of the pro22.use Theatrical part Vroomapplication 92. on Lake Country’s Main 58. posed andOahu necklace 23. Coward 59. Consumebackground 93. maLetter from Street and it is hoped relevant 25. Vittles 61. Judge’s demand Athens that by removing the terial may be inspected 27. Belt fastener 62. Gather amenity fee (Table 7.1 in at the Municipal Offi ce, 29. Carry along 64. Dueler’s tool DOWN Zoning 561) and 65. District of Lake Coun30. Bylaw Animation frame 1. Glide Ship’s record providing a tax incen- 66. try, Development Serviday, ing statutory holidays. 31. Diner 2. Pertaining to April 16, between Carnival feature tive (Bylaw 853)after thatpide- 68. ces Department (second No submissions will 32. It comes sound the hours of 8:30 a.m. Certain lodge velopers will belistencourflmember oor), from Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., Monday be received after the con34. Entree 3. Take by to force CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS aged37. to construct exclud- SPELLING clusion of the hearings. Butterine tall4. Loam through Friday, 70. April Fidgety3 through TuesUSE AMERICAN
27. 29. 31. 32. 34. 35. 36. 38. 40. 41. 43.
44. 45. 48. 52. 54. 56. 57. 59. 61. 62. 64. 65. 67. 69. 71. 72. 74. 75. 76. 79.
Catch ____ winks Ocean motion Earnest Tank ship Draw out Naysayer Without a saddle Dan Rather, e.g. Bathing alternative Swagger Putrid Write down Go home Gold measure Chalet part Wait Nerve-cell part Default result Bungled Most of a martini
Copyright © 2013, Penny Press
1. 5. 8. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 28. 30. 31. 33. 34. 36.
Hide Distinctive time Scarf Towel marking Green fruit Palindromic parent Laborer of yore Half a pair Enlarges Dogma Lion's cave Cinnabar, e.g. Roomy Tribal head Camera stand Behind a ship Dental work Engrave chemically Gun an engine Group of five Plants
37. 39. 41. 42. 46. 47. 49. 50. 51. 53. 55. 58. 60. 61. 63. 66. 67. 68. 70. 72. 73. 77. 78.
Breakfast juice No-no at bridge Laughing critter Prevalent Time period Moreover Dry Fishing pole Beginner Agitated Knight's tunic Without a doubt Dapper Anger Coffee vessel Card above a deuce Crone Biscuit Roughly textured Fighting fish Prong Hold title to Creche figures
80. Roofer's caulking material 81. Jump for Kwan 82. VCR button 83. Enthusiastic 84. Athens vowel 85. Overcome difficulties 86. Prior to, poetically 87. Maui goose 88. "Big Top" safeguard 89. Be informed about
1. Swerve 2. Polynesian image 3. Due 4. Smart aleck 5. Proclamation 6. Bacon measure
marketplace A11 13. First-aid prov
community events
14. Kilt fold 24. Madison Ave employees 26. “____ Goes Another Love copy deadline friday, 1 pm before issue date Song” •Grade 6 classes at dre are holdinG a fundraisinG event at the GESS parking lot of on 30. Unit April 6 from 10am-3pm. This is a car wash, bake sale, popcorn sale and lemonade stand to support resistance the grade 6 camping trip to Gardom Lake, which the grade 6’s go to every year for their year end 32. We Dec. school activity. We are hoping to help with the cost to the families for sending the kids. are25 looking for support from the community for the items needs at the event as well as community 34. Sasquatch’s support to come have their cars washed and or pick up some goodies. 36. Dues payer •our non-profit club, the lake country JumpinG aGility mutts, is having its Annual 37.Municipal Rare moon c General Meeting at 6:30pm, Thurs. April 11 in the Winfield Room at the Lake Country 38. Stringed Hall. All members and the general public are encouraged to attend. instrument •lake country Garden club Monthly meeting Thurs., April 18, Room 118, GESS. Annual Plant Sale: Sat., May 11, 9m-noon at the Seniors’ Centre. Annual Garden Tour: Sat., June 39. 8 from 9am-of eig Group 4pm. Tickets go on sale May 1; tickets $15. More info: Laverne 250-766-3269, Trish40. 250-766-3367 Painter’s plas (plant sale). 42. Pass, Copyright © 2013, Penny Press •lc senior bus schedule Mon., Apr. 8, 15, 22, 29 Prime Time. Tues., Apr. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 as hou 44. Not a winner Wheels to Meals lunch. Sat., Apr. 13 Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping. Fri., Apr. 26 Mystery 41. Just 80. Building annex ACROSS Trip. To reserve a seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. 45. Roomy 1. Modest 81. Rich pastry 43. Priest’s garment •sprinG brunch, sat. april 6, 9am-1pm. Cost $7 per person, Senior Centre, 9832 46. Bottom Bro or sis Unprincipled Promenade Redolence Wood4.Lake Rd., Winfield. Come,46. enjoy a great brunch put85. on by the Winfield Auxiliary to KGH. Help 87.are Falsify 8. the “____ Magic Madagascar support building of the new 47. Heart & Surgical Centre. We committed to help in the cost of a great newMoment” piece of equipment calledmammal MALDI-TOF. We have88. committed lastday donation of $4,500 to Middle our of the this piece (Drifters of equipment which costs $250,000.00 to Humpback’s add more. kin song) 89. 48. Marsh bird and wish •GaraGe sale, 1st lake country venturers. Sat.,91. AprilBreak 6,10am-3pm, Glenmore Road, 12. Onstage gear the ____9311 ANSWER TO PU Winfield. For more information 50. or toPossessive donate gently used items, please call Cole at 250-548-0065. 92. Summer drink 15. Tail-less simian We greatly appreciate your continuedpronoun support. 93. Flit 16. Lost anGlican church 51. Proposal •st. francis soup-smorG, Sat., April 13, 11am-1pm @ the Lake Country 94. Stiff 17. Centre. CharterFull meal $6. Information: Seniors’ 54. Foamy250-869-8446. drink 95. garage Expressions of April 21 Hairlaundry goo •life18. after Ladies’56. ClubMiss is hosting sale! Sun., Piggy aiscommunity doubt from 19. 10am-2pm. Location: Lake Country your spot $10. Email Pod content one Boys & Girls Club. Book lifeafterlaundryladiesclub@hotmail com. All profits go to Lake Country women in need. 96. Besides 20. Thin 57. Military station •lake country seniors’ centre is having their annual Sale on April 27, from 9am to 97.Yard Toward 21. Door to ore 59. for Plentiful 1pm. We will once again be asking donations until sale Please call 250-766-4588 for pick Pindar toproduct up or22. to arrange drop off. 61. Of a region 98. Exaggeration 23. Boo-boo •Winfield unitedlist church thrift shop presents Fashion show & election fun, Sat., April 63. Sawbones 99. Land portion 13, 7pm. Door prizes & refreshments (special opening of the shop at 6:30). Tickets $10 at the 25. Verify 64. Remove shop, 3751 Woodsdale Road, 250-766-3387. weapons from 27. River inlet •keloWna Garden club Wed., Wed., April 3, 7:30pm,DOWN First Lutheran Church, 4091 Lakeshore 66. Techieof the Westwold1.Carrot 28. South African Prank Road, Kelowna. Speaker: Alison Linklater Company invites you to come monetary unit 67. Rush out and explore the world of CARROTS & GARLIC. Sat., April from forte 9am to 1pm, Guisachan 2. 27, Gluck’s Heritage Avenue, Kelowna. Perennials, annuals, herbs, bulbs, tubers, house 29. Garden, Snack 1060 Cameron69. Auricular 3. Desire plants, shrubs and trees, books, magazines and garden items. Master gardeners on hand to 31.small Precise 4. Upright pole 71. Confuse answer your gardening questions. Everyone welcome. Sale takes place rain or shine. 33. Invented story 5. inTilted 74. Monasticmeets official •lake country business connections monthly the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake 35.Branch. SymbolThis is an opportunity Maui memento CROSSWORD 76. Pyramid, forbusiness 6. Country for local people to meet, share business ideas and 39. Certain moldingmotivationsome 7. are Tibetan clericsMembership USE AMERICA concerns, and to provide to each other. Referrals also shared. is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 6pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515, or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •line dancinG classes for advanced beginners to intermediates from 10-11:45 am every Wednesday until the end of June at Holiday Park Resort’s recreation centre, on Commonwealth Road (turn at the sailboat). Twoonie donation. Call Doreen at 250-869-8446. •royal canadian leGion 189 ladies auXiliary - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10 am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •binGo-tWice monthly binGos will be held at the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. Bingo begins at 1:30pm, doors open at 12:30pm. Everybody welcome but must be 19 to play. Bus service is also available in LakeNO. Country PUZZLE 661if there are enough people wanting it. For info call Marg Fyfe one week before the bingo at 250-766-3227. Bingos are held on the second and fourth Sunday11. of each month Fabled bird and sponsored by the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Society. 12. Subway org. •lake country youth soccer assoc. Registration ongoing. For info check out13. www.lcysa. Japanese mo com or call 250-766-0602. 15. Scuba ____ •today’s line dancinG is similar to ballroom dancinG, but NO PARTNER IS NEEDED! 16. Lethargic Rhythm flavours of Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Merengue, Samba, Fox Trot, Waltz, Bolero, and coming up BACHATA! and yes, some Country and Western! Tooney donation. Location: 23. Holiday Dueling devic Park Resort Recreation Centre, Hwy 97 North, turn at Sail Boat (Commonwealth Road). 25. Mondays Group of wh at 1:45 to 2:40 for New Beginners, 2 to 3pm for beginners and intermediates. First class for 2013 26. Peasant begins Feb. 4. Ph: Mary 250-766-4651. •Winfield united church thrift shop (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from 27. Tues.Puzzling to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding 29. Adequate, to appropriate donations. bard •the lake country food bank wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the30. FoodEstate Bank.measu Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community 31. Shred you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry 32. Yet, briefly Road, Winfield. •lake country thrift store hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm.33. Located “I Gotat____ 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). Babe” •beavers/cubs/scouts/venturers reGistration/aGm Registration is on-going Lake 34. for Bit1st of butter Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more 36. Chess castle information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. Court shout •lake country business connections meets twice monthly in the boardroom37. of the 39. share Phonograph TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also record shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are41. at 9am on the Boston ____ 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Party Ruffle 250-548-4070. The things th Copyright © 2013, Penny Press •oyama leGion branch 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm.44. All members 46. Of a time and guests are welcome. into water Forsaken •the ACROSS lake country museum42. is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by 49. Before 1. List 11255 of appointment. Okanagan Centre Rd. W.unit 250-766-0111 Diminished 43. Military candidates •cribbaGe tournaments at 45. the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third quantity Crystal-lined Sunday the month. Entry fee $13.rock Excellent lunch; $1 for day coffee. Games start at 10am. 6. ofMast support 85.allLive Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. 10. Patton’s branch Movies 47. Take the altar •to all Winfield crib players: EverytoFriday evening87. at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre Facing 89. aBounded Clog creator (983214. Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). 48. $2/evening. 8 full games with chance ofsection winning $12, $10 or $8. ANSWER TO P Coffee, & goodies served51. at no charge. For info call90. John 250-766-3026. 16.drinks Net fabric Red, white, or Existed •lc line dancers Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners blue 17. Routine 54. Kind of drum always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. 91. Bring to light 18. African river Descend, in Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766•social bridGe Tuesdays, 7pm the Seniors’ 92. Gizzard a way 3982.19. Corpulent 93. Tie is an advocacy group devoted to nanny 60. Indian Glanceofatsenior citiZens •the 20. council orGaniZations (COSCO) improving “The Quality for all seniors. wishing to affiliate 94. Lyric verse Bar bottle Senior organizations/associations 21. “Little ____ of Life” 62. or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576Blue . . .” 65. Apartment 9733 or for further info. DOWN agreement 22. Done club welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/ •lc outdoors Ticketinfo, receipt lunch24. & clothing appropriate & 66. sufficient for the weather. 1. For more to sign up for our hikes, or Inheritor Be evasive to post own hikes on the forum, visit 2. Timber wolf 68. Shackle 26.your Vast plain 3. to Notallpresent All Community no charge non-Profit organizations. 70.beAtplaced anotheratplace 28. Close by EvEnts will 4. Sunbather’s goal 71. Talent 32. Write with a for all other inquiries,5.please email Rye fungus keyboard 72. Expensive or fax 6. Poorboy 250-762-3220 appetizer 35. Harness piece 7. Appealed 74. St. Petersburg 36. Love affair penny 8. Likewise 38. Accumulate a great amount 78. Young voter 9. Clarinet need CROSSWORD 79. Dip suddenly 10. Munitions depot USE AMERICA 40. “People” person
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
Kelowna Shelter
Valleyview Dignity Memorial
Coonhound Cross Second Breed: Coonhound, Redbone Sex: Male Colour: Red Roan / White Merle For us, there is no Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 293447 higher honour than Meet Magoo! He is a strikingly handsome boy. Magoo is very sweet & shy at first, but does approach when his new friend is patient & to be chosen to bring supportive. Because of this, we believe he would be most responsive loved ones, friends with a calm, gentle handler. That being said, after he has warmed and a lifetime of up to you he is happy to be at your side. The breed is described as intelligent, high-strung, active, loyal, & energetic, Magoo is true memories together to this. He would benefit from basic obedience training, & plenty celebration of4, a 2013 THURSDAY, Aron Meier inAPRIL Glen Whittaker of socialization with people & special life. Assistant Manager Funeral Director animals. We believe Magoo could TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW live happily inKOMO a home with aA&E # $ % & _ ( ) * & patient `family, the 1 consistent Proudly offering reward miles on all pre-arrangements right canine The companion, &Criminal would The Doctors 4, The2013 View Poko The Price Is The Doctors Soccer Bucket-Dino View :00 Motoring APRIL THURSDAY, ” ” Doodlebops Right ” Central Franklin Minds :30 Motorcycle do best in a home”with older Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink Hockeycen- Rolie PolieandKOMO 4 animals. Criminal :00 Darts children no small ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless Debt/Part tral at Noon Dive, Olly News Minds TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E :30 Come down & give this sweet Lumberjacks Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News UEFA Dino Dan The Chew The 1 First 48 :00 # $ % & _ ( ) * ` boy a chance! We promise he will 24 CH Hour ” Now Bold Hour Europa Rob Robot ” ” :30 165:00 Valleyview Road • 250-765-3147 reward you right back. Doctors View Poko The Doctors Bucket-Dino The View Criminal Table Tennis The Days of our The Anderson Heartland The Price Talk Is The Days of our Soccer League Save-Ums! General The First 48 :00 Motoring
Valleyview Funeral Home 11
12 101:30 :30 :00 :00 112:30 :30 THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013 :00 :00 123:30 :30 :00 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC :30 TSN 14:30 # $ % & :00 :00 :30 25:00 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 36:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 47:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 12 :30 58:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 1 :30 69:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 2 10 :30 7:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 3 11 :30 8:30 :30 :00 :00 :00 4 12 :30 9:30 :30 :00 :00 5 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 7 :30 12:00 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2013 :00 11 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 12 :30 # $ % & :00 10 :30 APRIL 5, 2013 FRIDAY, :00 11 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 12 :30 # $ % & :00 1:00 :30 :00 102:30 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 3 :30 FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2013 :00 :00 124:30 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 15:30 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 26:00 :30 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 37:00 :30 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 4:00 :30 :30 128:30 :00 :00 5:00 :30 :30 19:30 :00 :00 10 :30 6:00 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8:30 :30 :00 4 :00 9:30 :30 :00 5 :00 :00 10 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 7 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 8 :30 :00 9 :30 SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2013 :00 10 :30 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 11 :30 # $ % & :00 12 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2013 :00 12 :30 CHBC CIVT CBC :00 TSN 1 :30 # $ % & :00 2:00 :30 :00 103:30 :30 :00 :00 114:30 SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2013 :30 :00 :00 125:30 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 :00 16:30 # $ % & :30 :00 :00 :00 2 :30 :30 107:30 :00 :00 :00 3 :30 :30 118:30 :00 :00 :00 49:30 :30 :30 12 :00 :00 :00 5:30 :30 10 :30 1 :00 :00 :00 6:30 :30 11 :30 2 :00 :00 7:00 :30 12 :30 Motorcycle ” Darts Curling ””
Lives” Eat, TheShrink Talk Debt/Part ”
Live ” The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis Show ”
Doodlebops ” Steven Stevenand and Chris Chris
Lumberjacks Noon News ” The Ricki 24 CH ” Hour Lake Show
CTV The News Dr. Oz Show”
CBC News Best News Recipes KIRO ThisMinute Now Bold Stefano ThisMinute
” Young Table Tennis Days of & our Restless ”” Lives
Ellen DeGe- Heartland Dragons’ Anderson neres Show Den ” Live
30 for 30 News CTV News Curling The Talk Dr. Phil at Five ”” ”” ” Motoring The Doctors The View ” Global Nat. CTV News ” The Ricki The Dr. Motorcycle ” ” Oz CHBC News Show ” ”” Lake Show Darts Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Curling Ent & Big Bang Young Ellen DeGe”” Debt/Part Denis Show ” ET Canada etalk Show ” Restless neres Lumberjacks Noon News CTV News ” King Big Bang 30CH for 30 News CTV News 24 Hour ” Two Men ”” ”” at Five Table Tennis Days our ” The of Offi ce Anderson Grey’s ” Global Nat. CTV News ” ” Lives Live Go On Anatomy ” CHBC News ” Curling Talk Dr. Phil SportsCentreThe Elementary Motive Curling Ent ” Big Bang ” ” ”” ” ” ET Canada etalk ” The Ricki Dr. Oz SportsCentre CHBC NewsThe CTV News King Big Bang ”” ” Lake Show FinalShow CTV News ” ” Two Men ” Young & Ellen SportsCentre ET Canada DailyDeGeShow The Office Grey’s ”” ” Restless neres Show J. Probst Colbert Rep ” Go On Anatomy 30 for 30 News CTV News SportsCentre Elementary Motive ” ” at Five ” ” ” ” Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News News CTV News ” CHBC ” ” Final CTV News Curling Ent Big Bang SportsCentre ET Canada Canada etalk Daily Show ” ET ” J. Probst Colbert Rep ” King Big Bang ” ” Two Men
” ”
The Office Go On
SportsCentre Elementary ” ”
Right ” Lives ” Young & Let’s Make a Eat, The Shrink Talk Restless Debt/Part Deal ”
Judge Judy The Talk Judge” Judy
News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Steven News KIRO News Chris Deal Poko The Price Is News KIRO News Best Recipes Right ThisMinute Doodlebops Exchange CBS News Stefano ThisMinute Steven and Young & George S Ent Dragons’ Judge Judy Chris Restless Coronation Judge omg! Insider Den Judy CBC News KIRO News The Nature Big Bang News KIRO News Now Bold of Things Two Men News KIRO News Heartland The Talkof Doc Zone Person News ” KIRO ”News ” Interest Exchange CBS News Steven and Let’s Make a CBC News: Elementary George S Ent Chris The National Deal ” Coronation omg! Insider Best Recipes ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News The Nature Big Bang Stefano ThisMinute George S Late Show of Things Two Men Dragons’ Judy Coronation Judge Letterman Doc Zone Person of Den Judge Judy Q With Jian Ferguson ” Interest News KIRO News CBC News: KIRO Elementary News News The National ” News KIRO News CBC News CBS KIRONews News Exchange George S Late Show George S Ent Coronation omg! Letterman Coronation Insider Q With Jian Ferguson The Nature Big Bang of Things Two Men
CBC News ” Now With ”
UEFA Sportsnet Europa Connected
Dino Dan Rob Robot Rob Robot Clifford-Dog
The Chew Dr. Oz Show ”
Kid vs. Kat The First 48 Squirrel Squirrel ” Sidekick
Youngof&our Days Restless Lives
MLB League Baseball: Soccer
G. Shrinks Save-Ums! Arthur Pig Wibbly
KOMO 4 General News Hospital
The First 48 Odd Parents & Rated A for Lang Andrew ” Odd Parents O’Leary Kid vs. Kat Nichols
Early News The Talk Global” Nat. The Doctors News Hour The Ricki ” ” Lake Show Eat, Shrink Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News King Early News Hour Global”Nat. Days of our The Offi ce News Hour Lives Go On ” The Talk Elementary Ent ” ” ET Canada The Ricki News Hour King Lake FinalShow ” Young & ET Canada The Office Restless J. Probst Go On Early News Elementary Global Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent ET Canada Canada ET J. Probst King ”
Cleveland ” Indians at Blue Jays Soccer Toronto Blue Sportsnet Central Jays Connected HockeycenNHL MLB tral at Noon Hockey: Baseball: UEFA Edmonton Cleveland Europa Oilers atat Indians League Vancouver Toronto Blue Soccer Canucks Jays ”” NHL Jays Blue Sportsnet Hockey: Sportsnet Connected Edmonton Connected Hockey Oilers at MLB Blue Jays Vancouver Baseball: UFC Central Canucks Cleveland ” at Indians Sportsnet Toronto Blue Connected Jays Hockey NHL Blue Jays Hockey: UFC Central Edmonton Oilers at
Martha Big Bear Wild Kratts Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Animals Rob Robot Franklin Can. Rivers Clifford-Dog Rolie Polie Going to G. Shrinks Dive, Olly Extremes Arthur Dino Dan Brazil With Martha Rob PalinRobot Wild Kratts Save-Ums! Movie: Animals Wibbly “Earth Pig Can. Rivers Big Bear Days” Going to Dinosaur ” Extremes Rob Robot Going to Brazil With Clifford-Dog Extremes Palin G. Shrinks China: Movie: Arthur Triumph “Earth Martha
KNOW KOMO News * ` The Doctors
Days”Kratts Wild ” Animals GoingRivers to Can. Extremes Going to China: Extremes Triumph Brazil With Palin
World ”News The View KOMO 4 The Dr. ” Oz News Show KOMO 4 Wheel 4 KOMO News Jeopardy! News The Chew Wife Swap News ” World ”News General Grey’s KOMO 4 Hospital Anatomy News The Doctors Scandal Wheel” ” Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz News Wife Swap Show Jimmy ” KOMO Kimmel4Live Grey’s News Nightline Anatomy News
Scandal World News ” KOMO 4 News Jimmy Wheel Kimmel Live Jeopardy! Nightline Wife Swap ”
A&E 1
The First 48 ” Criminal The First The First 48 48 Minds ”” Criminal The First The First 48 48 Minds ”” The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 ””” The First First 48 48 The The First 48 ”” ” The First First 48 48 The The First 48 ”” ” The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 ”” ” The First First 48 48 The The First 48 ” ” ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 The First ” 48 ” The First 48 ”
Family Feud NY NYInk Ink Anderson Family Feud Live ””
Excused Law Order: There Yet? CI There Yet? Law Order: King CI King
” News Sid Science Today Wild Adv. Days of our Wild Kratts Lives cont’d Joy/Painting Daniel Rose Tiger Dr. New Day Charlie Phil Rick Steves Northwest ” ”
Silver Rush How/Made ” How/Made
Funny Home NY NYInk Ink The Ricki Videos Lake Show ””
Excused The Office Excused The Office
Nature Cat in the Arthur ”
Daily SilverPlanet Rush ””
Steve Law Order: Harvey CI
Big Bang There Yet? Big Bang There Yet?
Wild Ellen WildKratts Adv. DaysDeGeof our WordGirl Joy/Painting neres LivesShow
Browns King Payne King Law Order: Browns The CI Office Payne The Office Law Order: Seinfeld Big CI Bang Seinfeld Big Bang Excused Family Guy Browns Excused Family Payne Guy There Yet? Amer. Dad Browns There Yet? Movie: Payne King “The Seinfeld King Mexican” Seinfeld The Offi ” ce Family Guy The Offi ce Movie: Family Guy Big Bang “Nothing to Amer. Dad Big Bang Lose” Movie: Browns “The Payne Mexican” Browns Payne” Movie: Seinfeld “Nothing Seinfeld to Lose” Family Guy Family Guy
World News News ” ” Sid Science Today PBS Nightly News Cat the Katie WildinKratts cont’d NewsHour News ” Arthur Daniel Tiger New Day Pie Magazine Wild DeGeRick Kratts Steves Ellen Northwest Chef Inside WordGirl neresEd. Show Nature KING 5 Foyle’s War Community Business KING ” News5 World” News Parks News Wild Adv. Days Midsomer The Offiof ceour PBS Nightly News Joy/Painting Go Lives Murders On NewsHour News Charlie RoseHannibal Dr. Phil Vera Pie Magazine ” ” ” ” Chef Inside Ed. Cat in KatieNews ” the KING Foyle’s Community Arthur War Jay ” Pie Leno ” Parks WildSmiley Kratts Ellen” DeGeTavis Midsomer The Offi ce WordGirl neres Show Chef Jimmy Fallon Murders Go On Business KING 5 Vera World News Hannibal News ” ” PBS Nightly News ” KING NewsHour NewsNews Pie Jay Leno Pie Magazine Tavis Chef Smiley Inside” Ed. Chef Jimmy Fallon Foyle’s War Community ” Parks
” Baby NY InkStory Baby ”Story
Tattoos NY Ink Tattoos”
Odd Parents CBC News Property Casino Almost Power & Silver Rush Simpsons Anderson NY Ink Odd Parents Politics ” Property Raymond Casino” League/Evil ” Live Almost CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Victorious CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Tattoos Squirrel ” How/Made The NY InkStory G. Shrinks Now With How/Made PaidRicki Prog. Baby Mr. Young The National ” Two Sidekick ” How/Made LakeMen Show Tattoos” Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Mighty Family Feud NY Ink Mr. Young News The Devils Bang NY Ink Odd Parents CBC Lang Daily Planet Big Steve League/Evil cont’d& Planes Family Feud Tattoos” Boys ” Ride ” Two Men ” Odd Parents O’Leary Harvey Tattoos Kid vs. Kat CBC News Silver Rush Funny Home NY Ink Splatalot News: Mafia American Tattoos Odd Parents CBC CBC News Amish Property Simpsons Casino” Squirrel Now With ” Videos Zoink’d! ” Idol Tattoos Odd Parents The National ” Property Raymond Casino Rated A for CBC Andrew Silver Law Girl Order: NY NYInk Ink Gags News: Fast N’Rush Loud New Victorious CBC News: Fast N’” Loud Big Tattoos” Kid vs. Kat Nichols CI Bang Gags The National ” Mindy ” Mr. Young The National ” Two Men Tattoos Almost Power & Silver Rush News Anderson NY Ink Boys CBC News The Devils Casino Mr. Young CBC News The Devils Big Bang NY Ink” League/Evil Politics ” Live Mr. Young ” Ride 30 Rock Casino Boys ” Ride Two Men ” Squirrel ” How/Made Sunny The Ricki NY Ink That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Tattoos Splatalot CBCNational News: Amish Mafia TMZ American Tattoos” Sidekick ” How/Made Lake Show Tattoos Splatalot The Property Zoink’d! The National ” Idol Tattoos Odd Parents Lang Lang & & Daily Planet Steve Tattoos Wipeout Amish Mafia The Office Paid Prog. Gags CBC News: Fast N’ New Girl NY Ink Odd Parents O’Leary Harvey Tattoos ” O’Leary ”” Loud King of Hill Paid Prog. Gags The National ” Mindy ” Odd Parents CBC News Property Simpsons Casino Boys The Devils News Casino Odd Parents CBC News ” Property Raymond Casino Mr. Young ” Ride 30 Rock Casino Victorious CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Tattoos That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Sunny Tattoos Mr. Young The National ” Two Men Tattoos Splatalot The National Property TMZ Tattoos Mr. Young CBC News The Devils Big Bang NY Ink Wipeout Lang &” Amish ce Paid Prog. Boys Ride Mafia The Two Offi Men ” ” O’Leary ” King of Hill Paid Prog. Splatalot CBC News: Amish Mafia American Tattoos Zoink’d! The National ” Idol Tattoos
KING 5 Katie News”
WTBS KCTS KING 5 A Business N P Charlie RoseKING Dr. Phil
Doc Zone ”
The Office Go On
Vancouver Canucks
Movie: “Earth
Grey’s Anatomy
The First 48 ”
Gags Gags
CBC News: Fast N’ Loud New Girl The National ” Mindy
NY Ink ”
Amer. Dad Movie:
Midsomer Murders
The Office Go On
Elementary ”
” Sportsnet
Scandal ”
The First 48 ”
Boys Mr. Young
CBC News ”
News 30 Rock
Casino Casino
“The Mexican”
Hannibal ”
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Connected Hockey
Going to Extremes
News Jimmy
The First 48 ”
That’s-Weird CBC News: Property Splatalot The National Property
Sunny TMZ
Tattoos Tattoos
” Movie:
Letterman Ferguson
ET Canada J. Probst
Blue Jays China: UFC Central Triumph
The First 48 ”
Wipeout ”
Lang & O’Leary
CBC News Now With
KNOW Kimmel KOMO Live Nightline * `
A&E 1
The Doctors MLB ” Baseball:
Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”
Shipping Shipping
Almost G. Shrinks
Rolie Polie Dive, Olly
Shipping Shipping
Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Hillbilly League/Evil cont’d Handfishin’
A&E 1 Shipping
Kid vs. Kat Squirrel
YTV 6 Rated A for
Young & Restless
Eat, Shrink Debt/Part
New York Yankees at
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
KIRO The_ Talk
Noon News Hour
CHAN ( Days of our
Detroit Tigers
KOMO 4 News
SNP KNOW KOMO ) * ` HockeycenSave-Ums! General Dino Dan Rob Robot
The Chew ”
Shipping Shipping
Anderson Live The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV News Ellen DeGe” neres Show Anderson CTV News Live at Five
Heartland ” ” Poko The Price Is Steven and Right Let’s Make a Doodlebops Chris Deal Steven and Young & Best Recipes ThisMinute Chris Restless Stefano ThisMinute CBC News KIRO News Dragons’ Judge Judy Now Bold Den Judge Judy Heartland The Talk News KIRO News ” News KIRO ”News
Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Eat, Shrink The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon News Young & Hour Restless Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat.
tral at Noon MLB World Poker Baseball: Tour New York Sportsnet Yankees at Connected Detroit MLB Tigers Baseball: HockeycenBoston Red tral Soxat atNoon
Wibbly Pig Bucket-Dino Big Bear Franklin Dinosaur Rolie Polie Rob Robot Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur Save-Ums! Martha Wibbly Pig Wild Kratts
Hospital The View The Doctors ” ” KOMO 4 The Dr. Oz News Show The Chew KOMO 4 ” News General News Hospital World News
Off Record The TalkNat. Dr. Phil ” Global CTV News Interruption ” NewsThe View ”” PBA Bowling The Doctors ” CHBC ” ” ” Oz SportsCentre The The Curling Ent Ricki Big Dr. Bang ” Lake Show Show ET Shrink Canada The etalk ” ” Eat, Marilyn ” ” Debt/Part Denis Show Hockey Young Ellen DeGeTouch& Undercover Hockey” Restless neres Show ” Boss Darts Noon News CTV News ”” ” Hour ” News CTV News Vegas Grimm ”” ” ”our Anderson at Five ” Table Tennis Days of ”” Lives SportsCentre 16x9 Nat. Live BlueNews Bloods Global CTV ”News Dr. Phil”” ”” CHBC Off Record The Talk Interruption ” News Big ”News SportsCentreEnt CHBC CTV Curling Bang Final CTV News ”” ET Canada etalk SportsCentre The Ricki The Dr. Oz ”” Lake Show Show SportsCentre ET Canada The Touch Undercover SportsCentre J. Probst Mentalist ” ” Boss Hockey Young & Ellen DeGe-
Steven News and Let’s KIROMake Newsa Chris Deal Poko The Price Is Exchange CBS News Doodlebops Right Best Recipes ThisMinute George S Ent Stefano ThisMinute Coronation omg! Insider Steven and Young & Chris Dragons’ Judge Judy Marketplace Restless Undercover Den Judge Judy RickNews Mercer KIRO Boss News CBC Now News KIRO fifth estate Bold VegasNews News ” KIRO News ” Heartland The Talk ”News CBC ”News: KIRO Blue Bloods News The National ” Exchange CBS Make News Steven and Let’s a Chris Deal CBC News KIRO News George S Ent George S Late Show Coronation omg! Insider Best Recipes ThisMinute Stefano Coronation ThisMinute Letterman Marketplace Undercover Miss Potter Ferguson Rick Mercer Boss Dragons’ Judge Judy
The Talk News Hour ”” The Doctors ” The Ent Ricki Lake Show ET Canada Eat, Shrink Debt/Part Young Touch & Restless ” Noon News Hour Early VegasNews Global ”Nat. Days of our Lives 16x9 Hour News ”” The Talk News”Hour Ent Final ET Canada The Ricki Lake Show ET Canada Touch J. Probst Young ”&
World Poker Toronto Blue Tour MLB Jays Baseball: Sportsnet Hockey: Connected Friday Night New York Yankees MLB Hockey: at Baseball: Teams TBA Detroit Tigers Boston” Red Sox at” Hockeycentral at Noon Sportsnet Toronto Blue Connected Jays World Poker Tour Hockey Hockey: Blue Jays Friday Night Sportsnet Connected Oil Change Hockey: ” Teams MLB TBA
Big Bear Animals Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Parks Franklin Rob Robot Coast Clifford-Dog ” Rolie Polie Dive, Olly G. Shrinks BallykissanArthur gel Dan Dino Rob Robot Martha Poirot Wild Kratts ” Save-Ums! Wibbly ” Pig Animals ” Parks Big Bear Dinosaur Sleeping Coast Tigers: ” Asahi Rob Robot Clifford-Dog BallykissanBallykissangel gel G. Shrinks
Baseball: ” Boston” Red Sox at Sportsnet
Arthur Poirot ” Martha Wild Kratts ”
Shipping KOMO 4 Storage ” Shipping The View Shipping News Storage ” Oz Shipping The Dr. Shipping Wheel Storage Show Shipping Jeopardy! Storage KOMO 4 Shipping News Shipping KOMO Storage Happy 4 Storage News Happy Storage The Chew Shipping Shipping News Shark ”Tank Storage World ”News Storage General Shipping Hospital Shipping 20/20 4 Storage KOMO ” Storage News The Doctors Shipping Shipping News ” Storage Wheel Jimmy Storage Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Shipping Show Shipping Kimmel Live Storage Happy Storage Nightline Storage Happy Storage KOMO 4 News Storage Shark Tank Storage
Hockey” Restless Vegas ”” News ” ” SportsCentre 16x9 ”
neres Show Den Grimm fifth estate ” CTV News News ” at Five Blue Bloods News CBC News: ” The National ”” Global ”Nat. CTV News News ” CHBC ” Exchange SportsCentre CHBC News News CTV News CBC News Final CTV News George S S Curling” Ent Big Bang George ” ET Coronation SportsCentre ET Canada Canada etalk The Coronation
Judge Vegas Judy Restless Vegas ” ” KIRO News Early News KIRO News Global Blue Bloods 16x9 Nat. ” ” KIRO News News Hour CBS KIRONews News News ”Hour
Mentalist Undercover Boss
Late Show Final Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Letterman ET Canada Canada Miss Potter Undercover Ferguson J. Probst Marketplace Touch Rick Mercer Boss ”
Grimm ”
fifth estate ”
Blue Bloods ”
CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”
CBC News George S
News Hour Final
Vegas ”
KIRO News Late Show
KIRO _ Letterman
SportsCentre ET Canada The Coronation SportsCentre J. Probst Mentalist Miss Potter Ferguson Harlem Fishn World Vision One Ocean Best of Globetrotters Real Fishing ” ” Basketball
Vegas ” ”
CHAN ( ET Canada
KNOW KOMO * ` The Doctors
Connected ” Toronto Blue Animals Jays Parks Hockey Sleeping Blue Jays Tigers: Asahi Hockey: Coast Friday Night Ballykissan” Oil Change ” Hockey: Teams TBA ” ” Sportsnet Connected
gel Ballykissangel Poirot ”
Storage Storage Jimmy Storage Wheel Jeopardy! Storage Kimmel Live Storage Nightline Storage Happy Happy Storage
Boys Movie: “Muppet Muppet Treas. Treasure Island”
KING 5 News
There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne
KCTS N Cooking
Joy/Painting Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur Ask the Wild Kratts Governor WordGirl Cooking Business Joy/Painting World News
Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNews neres Show Days5of our KING Lives News
King Browns King Law Order: Payne CI Office The Seinfeld The ce Seinfeld LawOffi Order: CI Big Bang Family Guy Big Bang Family Guy Excused Excused Browns Amer. Dad Payne Movie: There Yet? There Yet? “The Out-ofBrowns Towners” Payne King King ” Seinfeld Movie: Seinfeld The Office The Offi ce “The Ring” Family Guy ” Guy Family Big Bang
Charlie RoseNightly Dr. PhilNews PBS ” Sid Science Today” NewsHour News WildinKratts cont’d Cat the Katie Washington Magazine Arthur ” Need Daniel Tiger Inside New Ed. Day Rick Steves Northwest WildMartin Kratts Fashion Ellen DeGeDoc Star WordGirl neres ” ” Show Ask the KING 5 Governor News5 Business KING Reel NW Grimm World ” News News Cooking Days” of our Joy/Painting Rock Lives American Center PBS Nightly News Songbook ” NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” ” ArtZone KING News Washington Magazine Reel Leno Need Inside Ed. Cat NW in the Jay Katie Arthur Austin City ” ” Star Doc Martin Fashion Limits Jimmy Fallon ” ” Wild Kratts Ellen DeGe-
CI Say Yes How I Met Baby Story Anderson Say Yes Paid Prog. Baby Story Live Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes The Ricki Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes Lake Show Say Yes Funny Home Say Yes Steve Say Yes Videos Say Yes Harvey Say Yes Law Order: Four Say Yes Simpsons WedCI Say Yes Raymond dings: Un.
Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes
” Guy Family Family Guy
Borrowed Borrowed
Amer. Dad Movie:
News 30 Rock
Four Weddings: Un.
“The Out-of- American Towners” Songbook
Rock Center ”
Sunny TMZ
Say Yes Say Yes
” Movie:
KING News KING Jay Leno P”
Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
Sports KNOW ESPN KOMO Saturday * `
Golf: Valero Sportsnet Texas Open, Connected
Rivers Can. Rivers
Third Round Tennis: Davis Cup, Fishn ” MLB Real Fishing Baseball: Ice Pilots Quarterfinal: NWT CanadaRed vs. Powerboat Boston
Mega ” BuildersDwn Recipe ” Upside Miss BG of Food Frontiers Splash Construction ” Lilly Sea Rescue
Simpsons Driving TV Simpsons News Hour Simpsons PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Valero Evening Texas Open, News Third Round Final 24 Fishn ” ” Real Fishing Ice Pilots Global Powerboat NWT Currents: DrivingH2Oil TV Simpsons Chicago Fire News Hour Simpsons ” PGA Tour Simpsons Combat Golf: Valero Global Nat. Hospital Texas Open, Evening News Final Third Round News Saturday ” Final 24 Night Live Ice Pilots ” NWT ”
Alaska’s Planet Echo Black Gold Dogs/Jobs Brazil With Dogs/Jobs Palin Rivers Be the Can. Rivers Creature Mega NationalDwn Upside Builders Geographic Miss BG Frontiers of Heartbeat Lilly Construction Planet”Echo Alaska’s Midsomer Dogs/Jobs Black Gold Murders Dogs/Jobs Brazil With ” Rivers Palin ” Can. Rivers Be the For King and Mega Creature Country Builders National Midsomerof Frontiers Geographic Murders Construction
WTBS A There Yet?
King of Hill Kitchen Nightmares
National Showcase
Italyat Sox ” Toronto Blue Sportsnet Jays Big Coast Sportsnet IndyCar Connected Racing Tennis: Premier MLB Davis Cup, MLS Soccer: Baseball: Quarterfinal: Whitecaps Boston CanadaRed vs. FC at Sox at Italy Earthquakes Toronto ” Blue Sportsnet Jays Sportsnet Sportsnet Sportsnet Big Coast Connected Connected IndyCar Poker After Tennis: Racing Dark Cup, Davis Premier Blue Jays Quarterfi nal: MLS Soccer: Ult. Fighter Canada vs.
TLC < Say Yes
That’s-Weird CBC News: Finding Mr. Young The National Bigfoot
Turtles Beyblade
KAYU Law ; Order:
Storage Storage
Lilly Sea Rescue Time” Planet Echo Born-Explore ”
Golf: Valero Canada’s Philadelphia The Final Texas Open, Worst Driver Flyers at Four Show
New Day Northwest
Ask the Governor
Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Paid Prog.
Mysteries Mayday ”
” ”
Daniel Tiger Rick Steves
Excused Excused
dings: Un. Say Yes SayYes Yes Say
O’Leary Liberal Leadership
Toronto Blue Dogs/Jobs Jays Dogs/Jobs
Law Order: CI
TMZ Big Bang Two Offi Men The ce
Treas. Kung Fu Turtles
Boston Red Sox at
Family Feud Say Yes Family Feud Say Yes
30 BigRock Bang Two Men Sunny
Storage Movie: “Out of
Sports Spec. News Hour H’light Reel PGA Tour
Today cont’d
The ” CBCNational News Mayday Lang &” Alien ” O’Leary CBC News: Mysteries Cash Cab The National Cash Cab
gel Nightline Upside Dwn Recipe Miss BG Food
High School Powerboat Basketball Driving TV
Sid Science Wild Kratts
Shark Tank ”
KNOW KOMO * `Live BallykissanKimmel
NHL Hockey:
Law Order: CI
Big Bang WordGirl neres Show Amer. Dad Reel NW Grimm Movie: ” Browns Business KING”5 Payne World News Rock NewsCenter “The Out-of- American Towners” Songbook ” News Browns PBS Nightly Payne” NewsHour NewsNews ArtZone KING Movie: Reel NW Jay Leno Seinfeld Washington Magazine Seinfeld Need City Inside” Ed. “The Ring” Austin
SNP ) Oil Change
fifth estate ”
KING News Jay Leno
Say Yes Borrowed Borrowed Four Weddings: Un. Four Wed-
CBC News: Mayday The National ”
Operation Smile
WTBS “Nothing to KCTS Tavis Smiley KING ” Lose” Chef Jimmy Fallon A N P
Harvey Touch ” Simpsons Raymond News
CBC News ”
It Is Written Movie Night
” Pie
O’Leary ” CBC News: Finding The CBCNational News Bigfoot Oddities ” Oddities CBC News Oddities ” Oddities CBC News: Finding The National Bigfoot CBC News: Mayday
Boys Boys
News Hour PGA Tour
Mr. Young SpongeBob SpongeBob Boys
Mr. Young Mr. Young
Powerboat Driving TV
KOMO” 4 News News
Kung Fu That’s-Weird Mr. Young Kung Fu Kung Fu Mr. Young
Baby Story Baby Story
Property Anderson SayYes Yes Finding Big Bang Say Property Live Say Yes How/Made Two HowMen I Met Baby Story Bigfoot Say Yes How/Made PaidRicki Prog. Baby Story How/Made The Say Yes Mayday Big Bang Borrowed How/Made Lake Show Say Yes ” Two MenFeud Borrowed Hillbilly Family Say Yes Handfi shin’ Family Feud Say Yes Daily Cab Planet Kitchen Steve SayYes Yes Cash Say ” Loud Nightmares Harvey Say Yes Cash Cab Fast N’ Funny HomeSay SayYes Yes ” Videos Say Yes Oddities Simpsons Four WedFinding Touch Borrowed Oddities Raymond dings: Un. Bigfoot ” Borrowed The Devils Law Order: Say Yes Ride CI Say Yes Oddities News Four WedFinding Big Bang Say Yes Oddities 30 Rock dings: Un. Bigfoot Two Men Say Property Anderson SayYes Yes Property LiveBang SayYes Yes Mayday Sunny Say Mayday Big Borrowed ”” TMZ Say Two Borrowed How/Made The Men Ricki SayYes Yes How/Made Lake Show Say Yes Alien The Office Paid Prog. Cash Cab Kitchen Say Yes Mysteries of Hill Paid Prog. Cash Nightmares Say Daily Cab Planet King Steve SayYes Yes
Storage Storage
J. Probst ” Fishn MLB Real Fishing Baseball:
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Almost Power & SpongeBob CBC News: League/Evil Politics Almost CBCNational News SpongeBob The G. Shrinks Now With Squirrel ” Movie: CBC News Sidekick “Muppet ”” Nair Rescue Hero Reshmi League/Evil cont’d Kung Fu LangNews: & Treasure CBC Kung Fu O’Leary Island” The Kid vs. Kat CBCNational News Squirrel Now News: With Kung Fu CBC News That’s-Weird CBC Kung Fu ” Mr. Young National Rated A for The Andrew KidYoung vs. Kat Nichols Mr. CBC News SpongeBob CBC News: Mr. Young ”& SpongeBob The National Almost Power League/Evil CBC Politics Boys News: Movie: CBC News Boys The National “Muppet ”” Squirrel Sidekick ” Muppet Lang Treasure CBC & News: Treas. O’Leary Island” The National Kung Fu Lang &
Ride How/Made Property How/Made Property Hillbilly How/Made Handfishin’ How/Made Fast N’ Loud Daily Planet ” ” The Devils Oddities Ride Oddities
Storage Storage
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How I Met Paid Prog.
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A&E 1
Kid vs. Kat Almost Almost G. Shrinks League/Evil Rescue Hero Squirrel League/Evil Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Squirrel Kung Fu RatedFu A for Kung Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu
How/Made How/Made
Sleeping News Tigers: Asahi Jimmy
Hockey Blue Jays
” ”
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NEWS 7 Andrew CBC News Now With
Amish Mafia The Office ” King of Hill
The Price Is Right
Steven and Chris
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
The Devils Ride
Poko Doodlebops
CTV News ”
SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”
Videos HowOrder: I Met Law Paid Prog. CI
Noon News The Ricki Hour Lake Show
The Marilyn Denis Show
Vegas ”
” How/Made Silver Rush How/Made ” Reshmi MightyRush Power & Nair Silver cont’d Planes Politics ”
” Minds” Hospital KOMO 4 Criminal The Doctors The First 48 News ” Minds”
Noon News Hour
” ”
Now With CBC News Andrew Now With Nichols
Franklin Wibbly Pig Rolie Polie Big Bear Dive, Olly Dinosaur
Eat, Shrink Debt/Part
SportsCentre J. Probst ” Touch ” ”
Squirrel AlmostA for Rated G. Shrinks Kid vs. Kat Rescue Hero Almost League/Evil
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” ”
Table Tennis Days of our ” Lives PBA Bowling The Doctors Off Record The Talk ” ” Interruption ” ” Eat, Shrink SportsCentre The Ricki ” Debt/Part ” Lake Show Darts Noon News Hockey Young & ” Hour Hockey Restless Table Tennis Days ” Newsof our ”” Lives ”
With the Easter long Windley construction proximately five minweekend in the books, crews will be working on utes) from 9 a.m. to 3 construction crews are tie-ins and excavation on p.m. YTV KING e construction work back in fullNEWS swing, in-DISC theKAYU new HwyTLC 97 align-WTBS ThKCTS 6 crews 7 <2 to 6. A will beN Palong taking place cluding work- 9 ment; from April Almost News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Law Order: Science Today ing on theCBC new section Residents driving the Sid existing 97 G. Shrinks Now With How/Made Paid Prog. Baby Story CI Wild Kratts Highway cont’d Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Mighty Familythe Feudroute NY Ink Law Order: Daniel Tiger to New Day of Highway 97, set for along should from Oceola PonderLeague/Evil Feud ” CIWTBS Rick Steves Northwest YTV cont’d NEWS Planes DISC Family KAYU TLC KCTS KING completion mid-2013. briefNY delays roads. Kid vs. Kat CBC News Silver Rush expect Funny Home Ink Excused 5 6 7 9 ; < (apAosa Nature N KINGP
CBC News: Elementary The National ”
PBA Bowling The Doctors The View ” ” ”
Expect delays for road work
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Limits Bob Builder SciGirls
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Driving Wars Kids News ” How I Met
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Universe” ”
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Poppy Cat Justin Time
Finding Bigfoot
MLB Player Pregame
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PGA Tour Golf: Valero
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MLB Preseason
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King King
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Changed Lottery Changed Lottery Dateline: Changed Real Life Lottery Dateline: Changed Real Life Lottery Dateline: Changed Real Life Lottery Dateline: Lottery Changed Real Life Changed Lottery Dateline: Lottery Changed Real Life Changed Dateline: Dateline: Lottery Real Life Real Life Changed Dateline: Dateline: Lottery Real Life Real Life Changed Dateline: Dateline: Lottery Real Life Real Life Changed Dateline: Paid Prog. Lottery RealProg. Life Paid Changed
” Gardening “Across the Test SciGirls Paid Prog. The Office Kitchen National The Offi ce Cook’s Heads-Up Universe” Heart of Poppy Cat Seinfeld Old House Poker ” Perfect Justin Time Seinfeld Old House ” ” HealthPGA Tour Movie: Fake or KING Jim Watson Golf: 5 Valero “The Bourne Fortune? News King Greener Texas Open, Identity” Antiques News King Lidia’s Italy Nightly Third Round ” Roadshow News Family Guy Nick Stellino ” ” Guy Market Movie: Bob Builder Traveler Gardening Family Cooking ” Movie: Backroads “Across the Warriors SciGirls Paid Prog. The Office Test Kitchen National “The Bourne Call the The Voice Universe” Heart of Poppy Cat The Office Cook’s Heads-Up Ultimatum” Midwife ” Time ” Perfect Justin Seinfeld Old House Poker ”” Movie: Smash HealthPGA Tour Seinfeld Old House ” “Call Jim ” Watson Golf:” Valero Movie: Fake or KING 5 Movie: Northside Saturday King Greener Texas “The Bourne Fortune? News Open, “Nothing to 777” Live King Lidia’s Italy Night Third Round Identity” Antiques Nightly News Lose” Movie: KING Family Guy Roadshow Nick Stellino NewsNews ” ” ” Guy “Shake Saturday Family Cooking ” ” Market Traveler Movie: With Night Live The Office Hands Test Kitchen National Movie: Warriors Backroads “The Devil” ” TheRing” Office the Cook’s Heads-Up
10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2013 12 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 10 :00 9 :30 4 :30 11 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 :30 3 :00 :00 9 :30 4 :30 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 11 :00 12 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :30 :00 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 12 :30 7 :00 :30 2 :30 :00 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2013 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 5 :00 :30 12 :00 TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2013 6 1 :30 :00 7 2 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 # $ % & 8 :30 3 :00 :00 10 9 4 :30 :30 :00 11 10 5 :30 :00 12 11 6 :30 :00 1 7 :30 12 2 :30 8 :00 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 3 :30 9 :00 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 10 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 6 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :00 8 1 :30 2 :00 9 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 11 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 12 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 cont’d
Lorna Dueck Corner Gas
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In Touch Simpsons News CHBC News PGA Tour Global Nat. Golf: Valero CHBC News Texas Open, Burgers Final Round Cleveland ” Simpsons Captain Block Burgers Cook Lorna Dueck Family Guy Re-Inventors Joel Osteen Cleveland Simpsons In Touch Celebrity Simpsons Apprentice News CHBC News PGA Tour News Final Global Nat. Block Golf: Valero CHBC News TexasProg. Open, Paid Burgers Paid Prog. Final Round Cleveland ”
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Chris Movie: Land “Race&toSea Mansbridge Witch Q With Jian Mountain” Ghomeshi Heartland The Nature ” of Things Dragons’ Best Recipes Coronation Den Stefano Marketplace Republic of Dragons’ Steven Doyle and Den Chris CBC News: Movie: The National Land & Sea “Race to Mansbridge CBC News Witch fi fth estate Q With Jian Mountain” Ghomeshi ” Heartland Canadian The Nature ” of Things
Basketball KIRO News KIRO ”News ” CBS News College KIRO News Basketball 60 Minutes ” ” The 48th Doodlebops Bull Riding Annual Liberty” Kids Academy of Doodlebops College Country Pets.TV Basketball Music KIRO Awards ”News KIRO ”News KIRO News CBS KIRONews News College KIRO News Basketball Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ” ””
Lorna Dueck Re-Inventors Joel Osteen Simpsons In Touch Simpsons News Global Nat. PGA Tour News Hour Golf: Valero ” Texas Open, Burgers Final Round Cleveland ” Simpsons Captain Block Burgers Cook Lorna Dueck Family Guy Re-Inventors Joel Osteen Cleveland Simpsons In Touch Celebrity Simpsons Apprentice News Global Nat. PGA NewsTour Final News Hour BlockValero Golf: ” Texas Open, Paid Prog. Burgers Paid Prog. Final Round Cleveland ”
Baseball: Italy Boston ” Red Sox at ” Toronto ” Blue Jays ” Sportsnet ” Connected ” Tennis: ” Davis Cup, Sportsnet Quarterfi nal: MLB Connected Canada Baseball:vs. The Ultimate Italy Boston Fighter Red Sox at” Sportsnet ” Blue Connected Toronto ” Jays Blue Jays ” TV Canucks Sportsnet ” Connected Oil Change ” ” Tennis: Davis ”Cup,
Little Prince Coast Little Prince ” Babar Turn Back Animals Time Animals Frontiers of Our Part Construction Rescue The Human Going Family to Tree Extremes Monarch of Be Wild Kratts the the Glen Creature Little Prince Lewis CoastPrince Little ” Babar”” Turn Back ” Animals Time Animals Movie: Frontiers “Earth Our Part of Construction Rescue Days” The Human ”to Going Family Tree Extremes
Basketball: This Week Knicks” at Thunder News World ”News NBA KOMO 4 Basketball: News Lakers at Funny Home Clippers Videos ” Once Upon Cash Cab NBA a Time Rescue Basketball: Revenge This Week Knicks ” at ” Thunder Red Widow News ” World News NBA News KOMO Castle 4 Basketball: News at Lakers ” Funny Home Burn Notice Clippers Videos”
“Signs” Duck D. ” Duck D. ” Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Movie: Duck D. Hoggers “Signs” Duck D. Duck ” Duck D. D. Duck D. ” Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers
Movie: “The Next “The Karate Karate Kid” Kid” ” ” ” Movie: Movie: “The Karate “The Karate Kid” Kid Part ” II” ” ” ” Odd Parents Movie: League/Evil “The Next “The Karate Babysitting Karate Kid” Kid” Pick Splatalot ”” ”” Babysitting Movie: Splatalot Movie: “The Karate “The Karate The Karate Kid”Part II” Kid ””
CBC News fifth estate Now With ” Christine Oscar PistoBirak rius: What ” CBC News: ” The National ” Richard III: King in” the Marketplace Car Park Doc Zone CBC News Marketplace ” CBC News CBC News: fi fth estate Now With The National ” Christine Richard III: Oscar King inPistothe Birak rius: What ” Car Park CBC News: Mansbridge ” The National ” CBC News: Richard The National ” III: King in the Marketplace
” MythBusters To Be ” Announced Concordia Mighty Ships Ship ” Mayday Auction ” Auction MythBusters Fast N’ ” Loud ” Concordia Cash Cab Gold Ship Rush How/Made ” Mayday MythBusters To Be ” ” Announced MythBusters Concordia ” Ships Mighty Ship ” Concordia Mayday Ship Auction ” Auction Mayday MythBusters ” Loud Fast N’ ””
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” SportsCentre SportsCentre ” That’s CurlingHcky ””
Simpsons Captain Burgers Cook Family Guy Re-Inventors Cleveland Simpsons
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The 48th Doodlebops Annual Kids Liberty Academy of Doodlebops Country Pets.TV
Simpsons Captain Burgers Cook Family Guy Re-Inventors Cleveland Simpsons
Sportsnet Quarterfi nal: Connected Canada vs. The Ultimate Italy Fighter ”
Monarch of Be the the Glen Creature Lewis Coast ””
Once Cab Upon Cash a Time Rescue Revenge This Week ””
Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. D. Duck
”” Movie:” League/Evil “The Next Babysitting Karate Kid”
Car Park Doc Zone Marketplace ” CBC News: fifth estate The National ”
Concordia Cash Cab Ship How/Made Mayday MythBusters ””
SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre
Celebrity Simpsons Apprentice CHBC News News Final Global Nat. Block CHBC News Paid Prog. Burgers Paid Prog. Cleveland
Music W5 Awards ” CTV News CTV News CTV News ” The Once Upon Mentalist a Time
CBC News: Movie: The National “Race to CBC News Witch fifth estate Mountain” ” Heartland Canadian ”
Music KIRO News Awards KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News KIRO News Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ”
Celebrity Simpsons Apprentice Global Nat. News Final News Hour Block ” Paid Prog. Burgers Paid Prog. Cleveland
Sportsnet ” Connected ” Blue Jays ” Canucks TV ” Oil Change ” ” ”
” Turn Back ” Time Movie: Frontiers of “Earth Construction Days” The Human ” Family Tree
Red Widow News ” World News News KOMO 4 Castle News ” Funny Home Burn Notice Videos
Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck
Pick ” Splatalot ” Babysitting Movie: Splatalot “The Karate The Karate Kid” Kid ”
Richard III: Oscar PistoKing in the rius: What Car Park CBC News: Mansbridge The National CBC News: Richard III: The National King in the
MythBusters Concordia ” Ship Concordia Mayday Ship ” Mayday MythBusters ” ”
” Simpsons SportsCentre Burgers
The 48th Annual
Dragons’ Den
The 48th Annual
Simpsons Burgers
Sportsnet Connected
Monarch of the Glen
Once Upon a Time
Duck D. Duck D.
That’s Hcky ”
Academy of Country
Republic of Doyle
Academy of Country
Family Guy Cleveland
The Ultimate Lewis Fighter ”
Revenge ”
League/Evil Babysitting
Music Awards
CBC News: Music The National Awards
Celebrity Apprentice
Sportsnet Connected
KNOW KOMO ” Red Widow * ` ” ”
Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.
Pick Splatalot
Richard III: King in the
MythBusters News ” TMZ
Gypsy Wedding
The Closer ”
Defiant Requiem:
Celebrity Apprentice
SportsCentre Final CTV News Sportfishing News The Doctors The View Golf ” ” Block ” CTV News
CBC Poko News Doodlebops fi fth estate
KIRO News The Price Is Right News KIRO
News Final Blue Jays The Doctors Sportsnet Connected Block ” Canucks TV
Movie: Bucket-Dino News The View Franklin “Earth Castle”
Duck D. Criminal MindsD. Duck
Babysitting Almost G. Shrinks Splatalot
Car CBCPark News Now With Mansbridge
Concordia How/Made How/Made Ship
Welcome to Baby Story Baby Story Myrtle
Movie: Law Order: CI “Road Trip”
Voices Sid Science Wild Kratts Seeds of
KING Today News cont’d Backroads
” Eat, Shrink SportsCentre Paid Prog. English Debt/Part ” Paid Prog.
The Marilyn Denis Show Mentalist
Steven” and Chris Canadian
Young & Face/Nation Restless Paid Prog.
Eat, Shrink Paid Prog. Debt/Part Paid Prog.
MLB Oil Change Baseball: ”
Rolie Polie Days” Dive, Olly ”
KOMO” 4 NewsNotice Burn
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Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Auction The Karate CBC News: Mayday League/Evil cont’d Kid The National Auction ”
Family BeProg. Sunny Feud To Paid Family Feud Announced Spokane Paid Prog.
Law Order: ” CI ”
Daniel Tiger Resiliency Rick Steves Europe
New Day Paid Prog. Northwest Paid Prog.
Premier League
Noon News Hour
CTV News ”
CBC News Now
KIRO News Bold
Noon News Hour
Baltimore Orioles at
Dino Dan Rob Robot
The Chew ”
The First 48 ”
Kid vs. Kat Squirrel
CBC News Now With
Dangerous Flights
Funny Home What Not to Videos Wear
Excused Excused
3 Steps to Incredible
KING 5 News
Soccer ”
Days of our Lives
Anderson Live
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our Lives
Boston Red Sox
Save-Ums! Wibbly Pig
General Hospital
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Kid vs. Kat
Andrew Nichols
Highway Thru Hell
Law Order: CI
Four Weddings
There Yet? There Yet?
Health!-Joel ”
Days of our Lives
Off Record Interruption
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
Steven and Chris
Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”
Hockeycentral at Noon
Big Bear Dinosaur
The First 48 ”
Almost League/Evil
Power & Politics
MythBusters Anderson ” Live
To Be Announced
King King
Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”
SportsCentre Sportfishing ” Golf Hockey ” Hockey English ” Premier ” League ” Soccer ” ” NHL Off Record Hockey: Interruption Coyotes at SportsCentre Canucks Sportfi”shing ” Golf Hockey SportsCentre Hockey ” SportsCentre English ” ”” Premier SportsCentre League ” ”” Soccer SportsCentre NHL ” ” Hockey: Off Record Interruption Coyotes at Canucks SportsCentre
The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days of our CHBC News Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Bomb ”Girls Young & ” Restless Eat, Shrink NCIS Debt/Part News ”” Noon News CHBC Hour Global News Nat. Final CHBCofNews Days our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET Canada The Talk
The Dr. Oz The View Show ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News Anderson ” Live Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ” Anger The Dr. Oz Big Bang Show The View The ” Ellen DeGeFollowing neres Show The Marilyn Castle Denis Show CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV ” CTV News News CTV News ” Anderson Daily Show Live Big Bang Colbert Rep etalk Dr. Phil Anger” Big Bang The Dr. Oz
Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC News News Now News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris Dragons’ Best Recipes Den Stefano Poko Murdoch Doodlebops Dragons’ Mysteries Den Steven and CBC Chris NewsNews: The National News CBC News CBC Now NewsNews George S Exchange Heartland Coronation ” S George Being Erica Coronation Steven and Chris Dragons’ Den Recipes Best
ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold 2013 NCAA The Talk Basketball ” Tournament: Let’s Make a Final: Teams Deal TBA ThisMinute Post Game ThisMinute The Price Is Ent Right Judge Judy omg! Insider Judge Judy Young & Broke News Girl Restless KIRO Big Bang KIRO News KIRO News KIRO NCAA News Bold 2013 Late Show Basketball The Talk Letterman ” Tournament: Ferguson Final: Teams Let’s Make a
The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our ” Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Bomb Girls Young”& ” Restless Eat, Shrink NCIS News Debt/Part Early ” Nat. Global Noon News News Hour Hour Hour News Final ” Days of our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET Canada The Talk ” The Ricki Lake BombShow Girls ” Young &
Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Save-Ums! Gardens Wibbly Pig Rescue Big Bear Our Part Dinosaur Turn Back Rob Robot Time Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Battle of Franklin G. Shrinks Wills ArthurPolie Rolie Architects Dive, Olly of Martha Change Wild Kratts Dino Dan Rescue Rob Robot Animals Our Part Gardens Save-Ums! Battle of Wibbly Pig Rescue WillsPart Our Big Bear Dinosaur Turn Back TimeRobot Rob
The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Dancing The Dr. Oz With the Show The View Stars KOMO” 4 ” News 4 KOMO Castle News News ”News World The Chew News ” 4 KOMO Jimmy News General Kimmel Live Hospital Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors ” Dancing WithDr. theOz The
Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Motel Minds Bates ”” The First 48 Bates ”Motel Motel Bates ”” The First 48 Bates ”Motel Motel Bates ” ” The First 48 Bates ”Motel ” Criminal
Squirrel Almost Sidekick G. Shrinks SpongeBob Rescue Hero SpongeBob League/Evil SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Squirrel iCarly Rated A for Big Time Kid vs. Kat Victorious Almost Marvin League/Evil Cache Craze Squirrel ” Sidekick Almost Gags G. Shrinks SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Rescue Hero Boys League/Evil SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat That’s-Weird Squirrel iCarly Splatalot Big Time Rated A for Wipeout Kid vs. Kat Victorious ” Marvin Almost League/Evil Cache Craze ” Squirrel
” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary cont’d CBC News CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Andrew The National Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC News: Now LangWith & The National O’Leary Nair Reshmi CBC News News cont’d CBC ”” CBC News CBC With News: Now CBC News: The National The National Andrew Lang News & Nichols CBC O’Leary Power”&
Deal TBA Post Game ThisMinute ThisMinute Ent omg! JudgeInsider Judy
Oil Change Sportsnet ” Connected World Poker MLB Tour Baseball: Prime Time Baltimore Sports Orioles at Sportsnet Boston Red Connected Sox MLB HockeycenBaseball: tral at Noon Houston Oil Change Astros at ” Sportsnet Seattle Connected World Poker Mariners Tour MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Prime Time Connected Sports Baltimore Hockey at Orioles Sportsnet UFC Central Connected Boston Red Poker After Sox MLB Dark Baseball: Hockeycentral at Noon Houston Astros at Oil Change
Show Stars
Minds Bates Motel ” Criminal
Broke Judge Girl Judy Big Bang KIRO News KIRO News Late Show 2013 NCAA Letterman Basketball Ferguson Tournament: Final: Teams
NCIS Restless ” Early News News GlobalHour Nat. Final News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst Ent ET Canada
Bates Minds Motel ” Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel ”
Re-Inventors Without Me” Dragons’ Doodlebops :00 Curling Wednesday, April 3, 2013 rLake Joel Osteen App Central Steven and College Simpsons ” Den Pets.TV :00 4Country :30 Curling” Calendar
Family Guy Cleveland
SportsCentre Celebrity ” Apprentice
” The Ricki ” Lake BombShow Girls SportsCentre ” Hockey Young & SportsCentre NCIS Hockey Restless ” ” ” News SportsCentre CHBC” News ” ” Final ” Global Nat. SportsCentre ET Canada ” CHBC News ” J. Probst NHL Ent Hockey: ET Canada
Coyotes at Canucks
KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `
” Clifford-Dog Seattle Battle of Mariners World Poker Wills G. Shrinks Sportsnet Architects of Tour Arthur Connected Change Prime Time Martha Hockey Rescue Sports Wild Kratts UFC Central Our Part Sportsnet Animals Poker After Battle of Connected Gardens Dark Wills MLB Rescue Baseball: Our Part
KOMO” 4 Castle News ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!
D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.
A&E 1
A&E 1
A&E 1
” ”
Wild Kratts
” Movie: Movie: “The “10,000 Women” B.C.” ” ” ” The Closer Movie: ” “American Big Bang Movie: Beauty” Big “YesBang Man” ” Big Bang ” Big Bang ” The Closer Movie:” Movie: “The “10,000 Movie: Women” “Road Trip” B.C.” ””” ”” The Closer Movie:”
News Pie Moyers & Food Company Moyers & Gefi lte Fish Company Chronicles Rescued the Great PerMonarchy formances at Call the the Met Bob Builder Midwife ” Wild Kratts Masterpiece ” McLaughlin Classic Kalman News Defiant Pie Requiem: Moyers & Food Company Voices Moyers & Seeds Gefi lte of Fish Company Chronicles Resiliency Rescued the Europe Great PerMonarchy at formances
Wings KING 5 PGA NewsTour Golf: Valero Nightly News Texas Open, KING News Final Round The Voice ” ” ” LazyTown NHL ” Noodle Hockey: Celebrity Exploration Blues at Red Apprentice Kids News Wings Celebrity KING 5 Apprentice PGA Tour NewsValero Golf: KING News Nightly News Backroads Texas Open, KINGRound News Final Paid Prog. The Voice Paid Prog. ” ””
Simpsons Crook & Burgers Chase Family Guy Trout TV Cleveland Outd’r
Gypsy Undercover Wedding Boss Welcome to to Welcome Myrtle Myrtle
“American Big Bang Beauty” Big Bang ” Big Bang ” Big Bang
CallMet the the Midwife ” Masterpiece ” Classic Kalman
” LazyTown ” Noodle Celebrity Exploration Apprentice Kids News
News Big Bang TMZ Two Men ” Big Bang Sunny Two Men Sunny Burgers Spokane Cleveland
Gypsy Gypsy Wedding Wedding Welcome to Gypsy Myrtle Wedding Paid Prog. Welcome to Paid Prog. Myrtle
The Closer Movie: ” “The Movie: Women” “Road Trip” ” ” ” ” Movie:
Defiant Pie Requiem: Food Voices Moyers & Seeds of Company Resiliency Rescued the Europe Monarchy
Celebrity KING 5 Apprentice News KING News Nightly News Backroads KING News Paid Prog. The Voice Paid Prog. ”
Car Park Concordia Marketplace Ship
Simpsons Burgers
Gypsy Wedding
“American Beauty”
Call the Midwife
CBC News: Mayday The National ”
Family Guy Cleveland
Welcome to Myrtle
How I ”Met Paid Prog. Sunny
” ”
” ”
Masterpiece Celebrity Classic Apprentice
The Ricki How I Met Lake Show Paid Prog. Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Bones The Ricki ” Lake How IShow Met The Paid SteveProg. Following HarveyFeud Family News Feud Family Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Funny Home Sunny Videos Big Bang TMZMen Two Law Order: TheBang Office CI Big King Men of Hill Two Anderson Live Bones ” The Ricki
To Be Baby Story Announced Baby Story Tattoos To Be Tattoos Announced Tattoos What Not to Tattoos Wear To Be Four Announced Weddings To Be To Be Announced Announced To Be To Be Announced Announced Baby Story To BeStory Baby Tattoos Announced Tattoos To Be Tattoos Announced Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos What Not to Tattoos Wear To Be Tattoos Announced Four Peter Weddings To Be Popoff Paid Prog. Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be
The Office Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Office Family Guy The ce Law Offi Order: Amer. Dad CI Big Bang Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Beyond a CI Browns Reasonable Payne Excused Doubt” Excused Browns Movie: Payne There Yet? “Biker Yet? There Seinfeld Boyz” Seinfeld King King Family Guy Family The OffiGuy ce
Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business 3 Steps to World News Incredible PBS Health!-Joel NewsHour ” Old House Charlie Rose Antiques ” Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Arthur Sid Science Pie Wild Wild Kratts Kratts Chef WordGirl Daniel Tiger Independent Rick Steves Business Lens News World 3 Steps to Incredible PBS ” ” NewsHour Health!-Joel Easy Yoga ” Old House for Arthritis Antiques Charlie Rose ” Antiques Roadshow Cat in the
Sidekick Gags Gags SpongeBob
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Auction ” Auction MythBusters Dangerous ” Flights Auction Highway Auction Thru Hell Auction MythBusters Auction ” Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” How/Made Auction How/Made Daily Planet Auction ” Auction Auction Auction MythBusters Auction ” Dangerous Auction Flights Auction Auction Auction Highway MythBusters Thru Hell Auction ” Auction MythBusters Politics ” Loud CBC News: Fast N’ The National ” ” How/Made ” How/Made CBC News: Auction The National Auction Lang & Daily Planet
Lake The Show Following Steve
Announced To Be Announced Tattoos
The Offi ce Amer. Dad Movie: Big Bang
Arthur Pie Chef Wild Kratts
Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob That’s-Weird SpongeBob Splatalot iCarly Wipeout Big Time ” Victorious Marvin
CBC News O’Leary ” CBC News CBC News: ” The National CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News ”
Auction ” Auction MythBusters Auction ” Auction Auction MythBusters Auction ” Auction Auction
News Harvey 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big Bang The ce Two Offi Men King of Hill Big Bang Two Men
Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos To Be Peter Popoff Announced Paid Prog. To Be Announced
“Beyond Big Banga Reasonable Browns Doubt” Payne Movie: Browns “Biker Payne Boyz” Seinfeld Seinfeld
Independent WordGirl Lens Business World ”News ” PBS Easy Yoga NewsHour for Arthritis Old House Antiques
” Ellen DeGeRevolution neres Show ” KING 5 KING News News Jay Leno Nightly News News ” Jimmy Fallon Magazine Inside Ed.
Katie Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside Ed. ” The Voice Katie ” ” Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGe” neresDay Show New Revolution Northwest KING 5 ” News KING 5 KING News News Nightly News Jay Leno News Days of our ” Lives Magazine Jimmy Fallon Inside Dr. PhilEd. ” The Voice Katie ”
Anger Big Bang
Dragons’ Den
TBA Post Game
Bones ”
Houston Astros at
Turn Back Time
Bates Motel ”
Cache Craze CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Bones ” The National ” ”
To Be Announced
Family Guy Family Guy
Antiques Roadshow
The Voice ”
The Following
Murdoch Mysteries
Ent Bomb Girls omg! Insider ”
A&E 1 Bates Motel
Gags Gags
YTV 6 Boys
CBC News: Auction The National Auction
DISC 9 Auction
The Following
KAYU ; News
To Be Announced
TLC < Tattoos
Amer. Dad Movie:
WTBS Aa “Beyond
Pie Chef
KCTS N Independent
” KING ” P Revolution
” The Doctors CHBC” News Final Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part J. Probst Noon News Hour
CBC News: The National Poko CBC News Doodlebops George S Steven and Coronation Chris Being Erica CBC News Now
KNOW KOMO ” * of Castle ` Architects
Bates Motel ”
Castle ” The View CTV News ” CTV News The Marilyn Daily DenisShow Show Colbert Rep CTV News ”
SNP ) Sportsnet
Battle of Wills
SportsCentre ” Bowling SportsCentre ” ” ” SportsCentre ” ” Motoring Motorcycle
KIRO _ Broke Girl
Seattle Mariners
Big Bang The Price Is KIRO Right News Late Show Young & Letterman Restless Ferguson KIRO News Bold
” The Doctors News ”Hour Final Eat, Shrink ET Canada Debt/Part J. Probst Noon News Hour
Connected Soccer Hockey Central UFC Central UEFA Maga. Poker UEFA After Dark Champions League
Change Bucket-Dino Rescue Franklin Our Part Rolie Polie Battle of Dive, Olly Wills Dino Dan Rob Robot
” The View News ” Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline The Chew ”
” Criminal Bates Minds Motel ” Criminal Bates Minds Motel ” The First 48 ”
Mr. Young Almost That’s-Weird G. Shrinks Splatalot Rescue Hero Wipeout League/Evil ” Kid vs. Kat Squirrel
” CBC News CBC News: Now With The National Reshmi Nair Lang & cont’d O’Leary CBC News Now With
Auction How/Made Auction How/Made Auction Strip the MythBusters City ” Auction Auction
30 Rock How I Met Sunny Paid Prog. TMZ Family Feud The OffiFeud ce Family King of Hill Funny Home Videos
Tattoos Baby Story Tattoos Baby Story Tattoos To Be Peter Popoff Announced Paid Prog. What Not to Wear
Reasonable Law Order: Doubt” CI Movie: Law Order: “Biker CI Boyz” Excused Excused
Lens Sid Science ” Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger EasySteves Yoga Rick for Arthritis Super Brain With Dr.
” Today KING cont’d News Jay Leno New Day ” Northwest Jimmy Fallon KING 5 News
Days of our Lives
Anderson Live
Heartland ”
The Talk ”
Days of our
Soccer: Quarterfinal
The First 48 ”
Rated A for Kid vs. Kat
Auction Auction
Law Order:
Four Weddings
There Yet? There Yet?
Rudy Tanzi Europe
Days of our
The Talk ”
Dr. Phil ”
The Ricki the Edge Rob Robot The View Dr. Oz Doctors On Soccer Bucket-Dino Lake Show ” Clifford-Dog Show ” ” Central Franklin
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Squirrel Almost Sidekick G. Shrinks
” CBC News ” Now With
How/Made How/Made
The HowRicki I Met Lake Show Paid Prog.
To BeStory Baby Announced Baby Story
The ce Law Offi Order: The CI Office
Cat Science in the Sid Arthur Wild Kratts
Katie Today cont’d ”
Off Record Interruption
SportsCentre The Ricki Dr. Oz Bowling Doctors The View Lake Show Show ” ” ”
Steven and Chris
KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk ( Deal_ ”
Best Poko Recipes ThisMinute The Price Is Stefano Doodlebops ThisMinute Right
Dancing With the
A&E 1
“Yes Man”
Boss Gypsy Undercover Wedding Boss Gypsy Undercover Wedding Boss Welcome to Undercover Myrtle Boss Gypsy Undercover Wedding Boss Welcome to Welcome to Undercover Myrtle Myrtle Boss Gypsy Gypsy Wedding Undercover Wedding Boss Welcome to Gypsy Myrtle Undercover Wedding Boss Paid Prog. Welcome Paid Undercover Myrtle Boss
” Bomb Girls SportsCentre ”
Bones ”
Show Stefano The Murdoch Following Ellen DeGe- Mysteries Dragons’ Castle neres Show CBC Den News: ” The National CTV News News CTV News CBC at Five NewsNews CTV News George S CTV News News Daily Show Coronation ” Exchange Colbert Rep Being Erica Big Bang George S etalk Coronation
Welcome to Big Bang ” Exploration Undercover ” McLaughlin Blues atA13 Red Myrtle Big Bang Kalman Kids News
Pig Hospital SNP Wibbly KNOW KOMO Hockeycen- Big Bear The Doctors ) * ` tral at Noon Dinosaur ”
A&E The First 48 1 ”
YTV Nichols NEWS Almost Power & 6 7 League/Evil Politics
DISC CIKAYU Fast N’ Loud Anderson 9 ” Live;
TLC To Be < Announced
WTBS King KingA
KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”
Hockey Young & ” Can. Eat, Shrink Hockey Restless ” Debt/Part
EllenMarilyn DeGe- Steven Dragons’ The and neres Show Chris Den Denis
Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless
Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part
World Maga. Poker Rolie G. Shrinks UEFA Polie Tour ArthurOlly UEFA Dive,
KOMO 4 News
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Odd Parents Lang & Nair Strip Daily the Planet Rescue Hero Reshmi Odd Parents cont’d O’Leary League/Evil City ”
Steve Feud To Gypsy Family Be HarveyFeud Announced Wedding Family
Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI
Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves
Ellen Day DeGeNew neres Show Northwest
” Motoring ” Motorcycle
CTV News at Five”
NewsNews CBC News Now
KIRO News KIRO News Bold
Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour
Prime Time Champions Sports League
Martha Dino Dan Wild Robot Kratts Rob
News The Chew World ”News
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Oddvs. Parents Kid Kat CBC News Odd Parents Now With ” Squirrel
Simpsons 19 Kids and Funny Home What Not to Raymond Counting Videos Wear
Browns Excused Payne Excused
Business Super Brain WorldDr. News With
KING 5 News
Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI
Browns There Yet? Payne Yet? There
PBS Tanzi Rudy NewsHour Europe
Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives
GlobalofNat. CTV News Days our Anderson CHBC News Live ” Lives
How/Made Auction How/Made Auction
News Heartland Exchange ”
KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”
News of Hour Days our Lives ”
Sportsnet Soccer: Connected Quarterfi nal
Animals Save-Ums! Dogs/Jobs Wibbly Pig
KOMO 4 General News Hospital
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Victorious Rated A for Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat
CBC News: Auction Yukon Men Andrew The National Auction ” Nichols
SportsCentre Ent Off Record The Talk ” ET Canada Interruption ”
Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ”
George S Steven and Coronation Chris
Ent Make a The Ent Talk Let’s omg! Insider ET Canada Deal ”
MLB HockeycenBaseball: tral at Noon
Be the Big Bear Creature Dinosaur
Wheel Storage The Doctors The First 48 Jeopardy! Storage ” ”
Mr. Young Almost Boys League/Evil
CBC News Power & ” Politics
Bering Big Bang Fast N’ Sea Loud Anderson Gold ” Two Men Live
Six McGhees Seinfeld To Be King Six McGhees Seinfeld Announced King
Easy Yoga Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil for Arthritis Inside”Ed. ”
” SportsCentre That’s”Hcky Bowling ” Can. Hockey ” Motoring Hockey ” SportsCentre ” ””
NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless Eat, Shrink Kitchen News Debt/Part Nightmares ” Motoring Noon SportsCentre CHBC News ” GlobalNews Nat. Motorcycle Hour Final ” CHBC News
The Voice Dr. Oz Show ” The View Criminal Ellen DeGeMinds”Show neres The Marilyn Golden Boy CTV News Denis at Five”Show
Just for Best Recipes Laughs Stefano Poko Cracked Dragons’ Doodlebops Den ” Steven and CBC NewsNews: Chris The National News
Athletics at On the Edge Angels” Soccer World ”Poker Central Tour ” UEFA Maga. Sportsnet Prime Time UEFA Connected Sports
Britain From Rob Robot Above Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Shake G. Shrinks Franklin Hands With Arthur Rolie Polie the Devil Martha Dive, Olly Snapshot Wild Kratts
How/Made How/Made How/Made YukonPlanet Men Daily How/Made ” Strip the Bering Sea How/Made City Gold How/Made
19 Be Kids To 19 Kids Announced Baby Story Six McGhees Gypsy Baby Story Six McGhees Wedding To Be 19 Kids and Announced Counting
Champions Hockey Sportsnet League Blue Jays Connected
Dino Dan Be the Animals Rob Robot Creature Dogs/Jobs
CBC News How/Made News: Auction Yukon Men Now With Auction How/Made The National ”
Funny Home What Not to Sunny Gypsy Big Bang 19 Kids Videos Wear TMZMen Wedding Two 19 Kids
American Cat in the Masters Arthur Sid ” WildScience Kratts Wild Kratts ” WordGirl Daniel Tiger Frontline Business Rick Steves ”News World Super Brain 3 Steps to PBS With Dr. Incredible NewsHour
The Voice Katie ” Today Ready for Ellen DeGecont’d Love neres Show New Day KING ”5 Northwest News ”
CBC NewsNews Now George S Exchange
Splatalot Squirrel Zoink’d! Sidekick Almost GagsParents Odd G. Shrinks Gags Odd Parents Rescue Hero BoysParents Odd League/Evil Mr. Young Odd Parents Kid vs. Kat That’s-Weird Victorious Squirrel Splatalot Mr. Young
CBC News: ” The National ” CBC CBC News News: Lang & Now With The National O’Leary Reshmi Nair CBC News cont’d ”
CTV News ” CTV News
NCIS ThisMinute ” ThisMinute The Price Is NCIS: Los Judge Judy Right Angeles Judge Judy Young & Golden Boy KIRO News Restless KIRO ”News KIRO News Bold Late Show CBS News
Golf Days of our ET Canada SportsCentre Ent ” Lives ET Canada J. Probst
Anderson Daily Show Big Bang Live etalk Colbert Rep
Heartland Coronation George S ” Coronation The Border
The Talk Days of our Letterman ET Canada Ent Ent ” Lives omg! Insider ET Canada Ferguson J. Probst
Soccer: UFC Central Save-Ums! Shake MLB Be the Quarterfi nal Wibbly Baseball: Creature Ult. Fighter Hands Pig
General First 48 Kimmel Live The Wheel Storage Hospital ” Jeopardy! Storage Nightline
Rated A for Wipeout Mr. Young Kid vs.” Kat Boys
Andrew Lang News & CBC Nichols ” O’Leary
Law Order: TheBang Offi ce Big CI Two King Men of Hill
Four There Yet? PaidMcGhees Prog. “Cellular” Six Seinfeld Weddings There ”Yet? Six Seinfeld PaidMcGhees Prog.
Rudy Tanzi Health!-Joel Easy Yoga Europe for Arthritis ”
Days of ” our Magazine Lives Ed. Inside Jimmy Fallon
Off Record ” Interruption That’s Hcky
Dr. ThePhil Voice ”
Steven Just for and Chris Laughs
Let’s Talk NCISMake a The NCIS Deal ” ”
HockeycenAthletics at tral at Noon Angels
Big Bear Doctors The First 48 Britain From The Splash Storage Dinosaur ” ” Above Storage
Almost Splatalot League/Evil Zoink’d!
Power & Fast N’ Loud Anderson CBC News: How/Made Hell’s Politics ” Live The National How/Made Kitchen
To 19 Be Kids Announced 19 Kids
Charlie Rose Dr. American ThePhil Voice ” ” Masters
SportsCentre The Ricki ” NCIS: Los ” Lake Show Motoring Angeles
The Dr. Oz Criminal Show Minds
Best Recipes ThisMinute Cracked NCIS: Los Stefano ThisMinute ” Angeles
The Ricki NCIS: Los Lake Show Angeles
On the” Edge Rob Robot Shake ” Clifford-Dog Hands With
Storage Storage
Squirrel Gags Sidekick Gags
” How/Made CBC News: Yukon Men ” How/Made The National ”
The NewRicki Girl Lake MindyShow
To Be The Offi ce Six McGhees Amer. Dad Announced The Office Six McGhees Movie:
Cat in ”the Arthur”
Katie for Ready Love ”
SportsCentre Hockey Can. Kitchen Young & ” Nightmares Hockey Restless
Golden Boy CBC News: Golden Boy Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy neres ”Show The Den National Judge”Judy
Kitchen Young & Nightmares Restless
Sportsnet Devil World Poker the G. Shrinks Connected Snapshot Tour Arthur
Storage Storage
Boys Odd Parents CBC Lang News & Mr. ” OddYoung Parents O’Leary
Bering Sea Daily Planet Gold ”
News Steve 30 Rock Harvey
19 Kids and Gypsy Counting Wedding
“Biker Big Bang Boyz” Big Bang
Frontline Wild Kratts ” WordGirl
” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show
SportsCentre CHBC News News Golf ” The Doctors Final ”” ”” SportsCentre ET ” Global Nat. Golf Eat,Canada Shrink J. Probst CHBC News ”” Debt/Part
CTV News The View CTV News at Five ”
CBC News Poko News George S News Doodlebops
KIRO News The Price Is Late KIRO News RightShow
Sunny Simpsons How I Met TMZ Raymond Paid Prog.
Gypsy 19 Kids and Baby Story Wedding Counting Baby Story
KING 5 Today News Jay Leno News cont’d
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Flying Yukon Wild Men Highway Alaska ” Thru Hell
Paid Prog. 19 Be Kids To Paid Prog. 19 Kids Announced
Big CTVBang News etalk ”
George S CBC News Coronation Now
Ent KIRO News Ent Noon News omg! Canada Bold Insider ET Hour
MLB Champions Baseball: League
Be the Dino Dan Creature Rob Robot
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Mr. Kid Young vs. Kat Boys Sidekick
CBC CBC News News ” Now With
Bering Sea Yukon Men Gold ”
Six McGhees What Not to Seinfeld Excused Six McGhees Seinfeld Wear Excused
Health!-Joel PBS Tiger Daniel ” NewsHour Rick Steves Easy Easy Yoga Yoga for Arthritis
” News Nightly New Day Jimmy News Fallon Northwest
SportsCentre Ent Golf: Noon News ” Par ET Canada Masters Hour
The Offi ce Big Bang Family Feud King of Feud Hill Two Men Family Big Bang Funny Home Two Men Videos
” Browns Law Order: Movie: Payne CI “Cellular” Browns Law Order: Payne” CI
3 Steps to Business Sid Science Incredible World News Wild Kratts
Letterman KIRO YoungNews & Ferguson CBS News Restless
That’s-Weird Odd Parents CBC News Almost CBC News: News Splatalot Odd Parents The ” G. Shrinks NowNational With Wipeout Lang & Nair Victorious CBC News: Rescue Hero Reshmi ” O’Leary Mr. Young The National League/Evil cont’d
How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made
Coronation News Steven and The Exchange ChrisBorder
Be the News Martha Bucket-Dino The View Creature Jimmy Wild Kratts World ”News Franklin Shake Kimmel Animals KOMO Rolie Polie KOMO 4 4Live Hands Nightline Dogs/Jobs News Dive, Olly News
Storage Criminal Storage Minds
Daily Show CTV News The Marilyn Colbert Rep Denis ”Show
News Hour Hockey Early News Prime The Doctors SoccerTime Final Jays Global” Nat. Blue Sports Central ET UFC Central News Hour Sportsnet Eat,Canada Shrink Premier J. Probst Ult. Fighter ” Connected Debt/Part UEFA
” 3 Contest That’s”Hcky
NCIS Days of our Lives ”
The Voice Anderson Live ”
Just for Heartland Laughs ”
NCIS The Talk ”
Athletics Soccer: at Angels Quarterfinal
Britain From Splash Save Ums General Above ” Wibbly Pig Hospital
Storage The First 48 Storage ”
Splatalot Rated A for Zoink’d! Kid vs. Kat
CBC News: How/Made Andrew Bering Sea The National How/Made Nichols Gold
Hell’s Law Order: Kitchen CI
19 Kids Four 19 Kids Weddings
American Echoes of Masters Creation
The DaysVoice of our Lives ”
” Preview Show Motoring
NCIS: Los The Talk ” Angeles
Criminal Dr. Phil Minds”
Cracked Steven and Chris ”
NCIS: Los a NCIS: Los Let’s Make The Talk Deal ” Angeles Angeles
” Hockeycentral at ”Noon
Shake Big Bear Dinosaur Hands With
Dancing The Doctors Storage The First 48 ” ” With Stars Storage
Gags Almost League/Evil Gags
CBC Yukon Men PowerNews: & How/Made Politics The National How/Made ”
New Girl Anderson Live Mindy
Six McGhees Amer. To Be King Dad Announced King Six McGhees Movie:
” Rose Ready Charlie Dr. Philfor ” Love ”
The Dr. Boy Oz Golden Show ”
Best CBC Recipes News: ThisMinute Golden Boy Stefano The National ThisMinute ”
The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show Nightmares
Big Coast Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected
Rob Robot the Devil Clifford-Dog Snapshot
The BodyDr. of Oz Show Proof
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
Squirrel Boys Sidekick Mr. Young
” CBC News ”
How/Made Bering Sea How/Made Gold
The Ricki News Lake Show 30 Rock
To 19 Be Kids and Announced Counting
The Office “Biker The Office Boyz”
Cat in the Frontline Arthur”
Katie ” ”
Dragons’ CBC News Den George S News Coronation News The Border News Exchange
JudgeNews Judy KIRO Judge Judy Late Show
YoungHour & News Restless Final
G. Shrinks Be the Arthur Creature
KOMO 4 News News Jimmy
Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage
Steve Sunny Harvey TMZ
Obsession Gypsy Obsession Wedding
Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie:
Wild Kratts 3 Steps to WordGirl Incredible
Ellen DeGeKING News neres Show Jay Leno
Early News ET Canada Global Nat. J. Probst News Hour ”
Martha Shake Wild Kratts Hands Animals Undersea
News Live Kimmel World News Nightline KOMO 4 News
Duck D. Storage Duck D. Storage Duck D. Duck D.
SpongeBob CBC Lang News: & That’s-Weird SpongeBob The O’Leary Splatalot National SpongeBob Lang CBC News Wipeout & SpongeBob ” ” O’Leary Victorious CBC News: Mr. Young The National
Daily Planet How/Made ” How/Made
KIRO News Letterman KIRO News Ferguson KIRO News CBS News
World Poker Hockey Tour Jays Blue PrimeCentral Time UFC Sports Ult. Fighter Hockey NHL
To Be Wild Flying Announced Alaska ” ”
Simpsons The Office Raymond King of Hill Big Bang Two Men
Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive Paid Prog. Hoarding: Buried Alive
Browns “Cellular” Payne” Browns Payne
Business Health!-Joel World ”News PBS NewsHour
KING ”5 News Fallon Jimmy Nightly News News
George S Coronation
Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada
Hockey: Canucks at
Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!
Duck D. Duck D.
Mr. Young Boys
CBC News ”
MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men
Obsession Obsession
Seinfeld Seinfeld
Rick Steves Field Guide
Magazine Inside Ed.
Mr. D Ron James
Survivor: Caramoan
Survivor: Caramoan
Flames ”
Travels With a Tangerine
Splatalot Zoink’d!
CBC News: Bering Sea The National Gold
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Family Guy Family Guy
Nature ”
Dateline NBC
Arctic Air ”
Criminal Minds
Go On The Office
Sportsnet Canucks TV
” ”
News News Noon Hour ”
The Talk NCIS ”
The Ricki SportsCentre Kitchen ” Lake Show Nightmares NHL SportsCentre Hockey: ” Maple Leafs SportsCentre at Rangers ” ” Mike Weir
Young & Ellen News DeGeCHBC News CTV Restless neresNews Show Final CTV News CTV News ET Canada Daily Show ” at Five J. Probst Colbert Rep Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”
SportsCentre Ent ” ET Canada
” Off Record
Survivor: Caramoan
American Idol
That’s Hcky ”
Go On The Office
” ”
NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless Eat, Shrink Kitchen Early News Debt/Part Nightmares Global Nat. Noon News News Hour Hour Final ”
NCIS Days of our Lives ”
KNOW KOMO Splash The Dr. Oz * ` Show ” The View Dancing KOMO 4 ” With Stars News KOMO 4 Body of News News Proof News World The Chew News KOMO 4 Jimmy” News
The Dr. Oz Dancing Show With Stars
KNOW Body KOMO of4 KOMO Proof News * `
Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! ”
A&E 1
Storage Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage Criminal Storage Minds Storage
The First 48 Storage ” Storage
A&E 1
The Middle Duck D. Suburgatory Duck D.
Auction Flying Wild Bering Sea Auction Gold Alaska
Bolívar Youth
Mod Fam How to Live
Duck D. Duck D.
Gags Gags
CBC News: To Be The National Announced
SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene
CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene
Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected
Orchestra Infusion
Nashville ”
Duck D. Duck D.
Boys Mr. Young
CBC News ”
SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News
CBC News George S
KIRO News Late Show
News Hour Final
Hockey Blue Jays
Frontiers of News Construction Jimmy
Duck D. Duck D.
SportsCentre Highlights SportsCentre ET Canada
Coronation The Tudors
Letterman Ferguson
Highlights ET Canada
UFC Central Travels With Ult. Fighter a Tangerine
Daily Show Colbert Rep
Kimmel Live Duck D. Nightline Duck D.
Hell’s The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show How I Met New Girl Steve Paid Prog. Mindy Harvey Family News Feud Simpsons Family Feud 30 Rock Raymond
American Idol
Family The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Law Order: Amer. Dad Big Bang CI Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “Biker Browns CI Boyz” Payne
Excused ” Browns Excused Movie: Payne
King Family Guy King Family Guy
Family Guy There Yet? Family Guy There Yet?
KING News Nightly5 News News Jay Leno
Magazine KING 5 Inside News Ed.
Obsession Obsession
Amer. Dad Movie:
Law & Order: SVU
Hoarding: Buried Alive
“Cellular” ”
Truth Exercise
Chicago Fire ”
That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ
Obsession Obsession
KING News Jay Leno
Wipeout ”
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country Calendar L
A14 A14
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email
Trades, Technical
Legal Services
Moving & Storage
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No Risk Program. Stop Mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Vacation Spots $399 CABO San Lucas. All inclusive special! Stay 6 Days in a luxury beachfront resort with meals and drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.
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Employment Business Opportunities ALL CASH Healthy Vending Route: 9 local secured proven accounts. Safest, quickest return on money. Investment required + $72K potential training included. 1-888-979-8363.
Career Opportunities cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
QUALITY Manager wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. 16351 Carr’s Landing Road, Lake Country, BC. Permanent Position. Must have a minimum of 4 years post-secondary education. Successful candidates must have in depth knowledge of cherries and cherry grading, Global Gap requirements, as well as a minimum of 5 years’ experience managing a cherry sorting room, including quality control and phytosanitary systems. Must have a minimum of 3 seasons experience managing optical cherry sizing equipment. Applicant must be capable of working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day during harvest from mid July through to Sept., 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day off harvest. Work includes but is not limited to developing and maintaining food quality systems, managing 100+ sorting and box filling workers while maximizing efficiencies and ensuring quality from the field. Pay range $28-$40/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or email at
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Professional/ Management
LOOKING FOR BUSINESS LEADERS Amazing Business Opportunity! 1 of a kind product!
Absolutely no competition globally. We can help you build an nest egg to secure your financial future. If you are positive, enthusiastic and wanting to make a better life for yourself and your family; we want to show this opportunity of a life time.
For more details call 250-470-7808 or 250-470-7035.
EXCELLENT Controller Career Opportunity for a CA, CGA or CMA: This is your chance to join a unique, highly growth oriented company in the short-term lending industry. In business since 1998, the company has its head offices in Kamloops and has operations across Western Canada. The company has been experiencing a steep growth trajectory and is looking to bolster its management team to continue to support this growth. Ideal candidate is a CA, CGA or CMA with a minimum of two years of experience in industry, and five years in accounting in general. Experience with multi-location operations and with QuickBooks will definitely be beneficial. Please email your resume and cover letter to Deadline for applications is April 4, 2013.
Painting & Decorating
Financial Services
2 Coats Any Colour
(1) 250-899-3163
3 Rooms For $299,
DROWNING IN debts? Cut your debts in half & payback in half the time. Avoid bankruptcy! For a free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500. BBB rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!
Coming Events
Coming Events
DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE FUN? Join us at the Winfield Seniors’ Centre for
MOVE IT! & MINGLE Personal Care
M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Home Support provided in a friendly, family Care Home in Lake Country. Good meals provided. Certified Care Aid on site. Call: 778-480-4008 or cell: 250-869-7690
Help Wanted
DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282
October 28, 1952 - March 29, 2013 Kim passed away from cancer on Friday, March 29. He was a lifetime citizen of Winfield. He is survived by his loving daughter Meghan of Winfield, his loving girlfriend Terri and her children Talia, Tamby, and Ryan of Kelowna, his brothers and sisters Errol, Jack, Cathy, Trish, and Lee, Eileen, and many nieces, nephews and friends. Memorial Tea Service will be held Saturday, April 6, 2013 at the Winfield Senior’s Activity Centre, 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Central Okanagan Hospice House.
Customized physical activity done at your own pace for 45-60 minutes, with education concerning health, well-being and your community. Light meal provided. Includes membership to Winfield Seniors’ Centre. Meet new people Feel more relaxed Sleep better Have more fun
Have more energy Stronger muscles and bones Staying connected Maintaining a sense of well being
Every week starting Monday April 8th for 8 weeks, from 5:30-7:30pm Register at: 250-766-1731 or Registration fee $150
rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 3, 2013 A15 A15
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Misc. for Sale
RV Pads
Auto Financing
*NEW QUEEN MATTRESS SET* Pillow Top in Plastic. Mfr. Warranty Must Sell $200 ~ (1)(250)870-2562
A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53 in stock. SPECIAL 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! Also Damaged 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $1950 Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB
AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; or Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. HOME PHONE reconnect. Toll Free 1-866-287-1348 Cell Phone Accessories Catalogue Everyone Welcome To Shop Online at: HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT.
STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. or visit us online at: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or see us online at:
LARGE Seasonal RV lot for rent at Shuswap Falls RV Resort Seasonal rate $ 2,700 from April 15th to Oct 15th, 2013. Price includes Water, Sewer, Power, Fire Pit, Picnic Table, Clean Shale Pad and Driveway. For more info or see my ad at BC Vacation rentals. Call Dave 403-703-9066 or reply via Lot is also available to purchase
Mobile Homes & Parks
Heavy Duty Machinery
903 Raffan Rd., Armstrong, B.C. Owners & Auctioneers: Don & Peter Raffan â&#x20AC;˘
Real Estate
Suites, Upper WinďŹ eld, 2bdrm, 1bath, upper floor suite on farm acreage. Avail April 15, $800/mo incl utils & cable. Shared laundry, pets neg. Call: (250)766-2249
Auto Financing
Other Areas
Consignments wanted & accepted until 3 pm Friday, April 5th FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL US AT
Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 250-863-3082 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670
Suites, Lower Bright, 1bdrm, large windows, fireplace, private entrance & deck. Close to all amenities & UBCO. NP, NS, Asking $775 incl utils. Call: (250)766-4609
RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.
Independently owned and operated by the Raffan Family since 1963.
Saturday, April 6th â&#x20AC;˘ 8:30 am
Misc. Wanted
AMERICAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BEST Buy! 20 acres, only $99/mo! $0 down, no credit checks, money back guarantee. Owner financing. West Texas, beautiful mountain views! Free color brochure 1-800-755-8953.
Rentals Homes for Rent 1BD House. Newly renoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d, Woodsdale Rd, Lake Country. Bus stop, parks, private, utils incl, $750. 250-215-5858
DreamTeam Auto Financing â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688
Quit. Before your time runs out.
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Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Burnâ&#x20AC;Ś Chip it! 250-212-6487 250-766-4788
Done Right
Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 25 years experience â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
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250-766-0326 250-766-0301 250-212-2914
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Roosters Barber Shop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Your Community Barber Shopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man!
Monday to Friday 9-6 (Srâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discount days) Saturday & Sunday 9-4
Frank Geber â&#x20AC;˘ 778-480-5622 13, 11852 Hwy 97N Lakewood Mall Beside Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Make this space work for you!
Call for information: Michelle or Shayla 250-766-4688
/FlCE &AX (250)766-2594 #ELL (250)258-6707 DAYCARE
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act a Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to hear representation on the following: 1. Zoning Amendment (District of Lake Country) Bylaw 852, 2013 (Z2013-003) District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 is hereby amended by: a) Deleting Table 7.1 Density Bonusing in its entirety from Section 7.18.1 and replacing it with: Table 7.1: Amenity Provisions for Density Bonusing Zone
The Lake Country Heritage & Cultural Society/Lake Country Museum
Annual General Meeting
will be held Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 9:00am to 12:00pm At the Carr’s Landing Room and Council Chambers, District of Lake Country Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country BC Lunch will be provided For more information, please contact the Lake Country Museum at 250-766-0111 or by email to
Permanent full-time position: Utility Operator II The Engineering & Operations Department is seeking a permanent full-time Utility Operator II to join their team. The Utility Operator II performs utility operations relating to the safe and efficient operation of District water systems or any other water system under contract to the District for operation, maintenance, and repair. See posting, application details & job description at
RM5 C1, except those properties within the ‘Main Street Incentive Area’ identified within Bylaw 853, 2013 C9 C11 Applicable DC Zones
Approved Amenity $22.00/sq. metre for floor space created above the third floor of a building. Funds collected for this amenity are placed in a reserve fund for the future purchase of a ladder equipped fire truck, related fire-fighting equipment, and related fire hall renovations or construction.
b) Deleting 16.1.5(b)(i) in its entirety and replacing with: (i) Apartment/Apartment Hotels: the lesser of 12.4 m or 3 storeys, except
when the developer has provided an amenity in compliance with the density bonusing provisions contained in Section 7.18, the maximum height is the lesser of 22.0 m or 6 storeys. Except where a property is within the ‘Main Street Incentive Area’ as identified within Bylaw 853, 2013, the maximum height for Apartment/Apartment Hotels is the lesser of 22.0 m or 6 storeys.
c) Deleting 16.1.5(b)(ii) in its entirety and replacing with: (ii) Other Uses: the lesser of 12.4 m or 3 storeys, except when the developer
has provided an amenity in compliance with the density bonusing provisions contained in Section 7.18, the maximum height is the lesser of 16.5 m or 4 storeys. Except where a property is within the ‘Main Street Incentive Area’ as identified within Bylaw 853, 2013, the maximum height for Other Uses is the lesser of 16.5.0 m or 4 storeys.
Semi-Annual Utility Bills are due April 30, 2013 Semi-annual water bills for the period January 1 to June 30, 2013 are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Tuesday, April 30. Payments received after the close of business April 30, 2013 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance. Payments can be made by mail; in person at Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd; at all major financial institutions; or via internet and telephone banking. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Bylaw 852, 2013 would amend the District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561 to correspond with Bylaw 853, 2013 (Main Street Tax Revitalization) which was adopted March 19, 2013. This Amendment would encourage multi-storey BYLAW 853 and mixed use development on Lake Country’s Main Street and it is hoped that by removing the amenity fee (Table 7.1 in Zoning Bylaw 561) and providing a tax incentive (Bylaw 853) that developers will be encouraged to construct taller buildings that would help meet the District of Lake Country’s density objectives for the area identified in the map above.
Spion Kop Walking Trail Notice:
WALC would like to inform the public that fire mitigation work is currently under way on Spion Kop above The Lakes subdivision. Due to logging the first 0.5 kilometers of Arrowleaf Trail (yellow trail markers) is currently unusable. This trailhead is accessed near the upper water tank on Apex Drive. The first part of the trail has been temporarily moved and marked onto a shared motorbike trail for approximately 0.5 kilometers where it then rejoins the old trail. Walkers and motorbikers are asked to please use caution on this shared trail. WALC will reactivate the original trail once logging has been completed.
If you believe your interest in property is affected by the Application (Z2013-003) noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the above-referenced application. A copy of the proposed application and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Hall, District of Lake Country, Development Services nd Department (2 Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Wednesday, April 3, 2013, through Tuesday, April 16, 2013, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. NO SUBMISSIONS TO COUNCIL WILL BE RECEIVED AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. Dated April 3, 2013
Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer