Lake Country Calendar, April 10, 2013

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Calendar Lake Country

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April 10, 2013


A THOUSAND little and big kids

took part in the annual Easter Egg Hunt in Lake Country on the Easter holiday weekend at Jack Seaton Park. A combination of children, families, great entertainment, painted bunny noses, balloons, George Elliot student volunteers and Lions Club volunteers cooked up hot dogs, prepared goody bags and had a beautiful day in one of our beautiful parks. Best of all for everyone involved was the smiles on all the faces.

A landslide on Jackson Court Monday closed McGowan Road while crews mopped up and ensured the road-side banks were stabilized. ...............................


Lake Country and Kelowna


NDP provincial election candidates share office space. ...............................


Jim Taylor who writes the Faith Today column, has suffered an accident and his column is not available this week. We wish him a speedy recovery.

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James says minister of environment should resign ALISTAIR WATERS ASSISTANT EDITOR

Kelowna-Lake Country B.C. Conservative candidate Graeme James is calling for the resignation of Environment Minister Terry Lake over questions about Pacific Carbon Trust. “(He) should do the honourable thing and quit,” said James on Thursday. “With the ongoing debacle around Pacific Carbon Trust, it is clear Terry Lake must resign. What is not clear is if something more sinister is at play— and that needs to be investigated.” Describing himself

as “irate”about the situation, James called the trust “one of the biggest shell games ever perpetrated by a government in power.” “It is shameful and time that this sort of misleading activity cease,” said James. Questions have been raised about how much the Crown agency charges public sector entities for carbon offsets. According to data from the agency, a number of private companies have been selling carbon credits to Pacific Carbon Trust for prices ranging from $9 to $19 a ton. But public sector agencies, which buy off-

sets from the trust, have been paying $25 a ton. The trust acts as a middleman buying the credits from companies that have undertaken projects that reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and selling them to public agencies that are trying to become carbon neutral. The aim of the program is to make B.C. a carbon neutral province through the use of credits and offsets. James, a former Kelowna city councillor, said the current controversy involving the Pacific Carbon Trust has angered thousands of B.C. residents and creat-

Graeme James ed what he called “even

more distrust of the

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provincial Liberal government.” James claims Pacific Carbon Trust has redirected $50 million of public health care and education dollars— over $2.5 million out of the Okanagan region alone—to finance private industry, which, in turn, he said, funnels a portion of taxpayers’ money back to the Liberal Party as donations. Recently, B.C.’s auditor general questioned the way the trust operates. Lake has said the government is committed to carbon neutrality but is reviewing Carbon Pacific Trust.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL





A small landslide between two Lake Country homes on Jackson Court had emergency crews out Monday morning. Road crews and the Lake Country fire department responded to the incident and McGowan Road was closed from Davidson to Bond road. Please check for the latest updates on road conditions. CONTRIBUTED


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District of Lake Country officials will celebrate a milestone in the ongoing efforts to improve Lake Country’s water supply on Friday as local, provincial and federal politicians will gather to celebrate the completion of the first of seven water projects under the district’s water master plan. The district will hold a ribbon cutting event and funding announcement for the Kalamalka Lake Interconnect project, a project that is completed and resulted in the lifting of the boil water advisory for Oyama Lake residents earlier this year. “It’s another important milestone in our ongoing efforts to improve the community’s water supply,” said Lake Country operations manager Greg Buchholz. “Little by little we are continuing to get better.” Oyama residents remain under a water quality advisory but residents are no longer forced to boil water for everyday use as the district’s Kalamalka Interconnect allows users to draw water from both Oyama Lake and Kalamalka Lake to serve Oyama residents.

Buchholz says it was a very important change to the system for the district. “It’s wonderful and I’m really quite excited,” he said. “It provides that reliability. One of the things we were always worried about was having a failure that prevents us from getting water to the customer. So this system lets us sleep at night. It’s huge, a very significant project.” Buchholz says the district is now moving forward with other projects under the water master plan, including establishing a universal metreing system that will help with water conservation as well as the installation of a UV disinfection system on the district’s water supply. “We’ve got a number of steps to take over the years that will take care of water quality,” said Buchholz. “We are addressing things like do we have enough water, making sure the water is safe and making sure we are renewing our infrastructure. We are starting to replace some of our older equipment. The older it gets the more prone it is to failure.”

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 A3


Best way to deal with injuries from running is prevention Emerging from hibernation, many of us become more active as the days get longer and warmer and Lake Country transitions from winter to summer. With this switch from slippers to running shoes, treadmill to the trail, and indoor court to outdoor field our feet and ankles are exposed to new environments and new potential injuries. With an increase in the use of ankles and feet and the change in terrain from a flat indoor surface to gravel or grass, you may be at a higher risk of spraining your ankle or developing a painful foot condition known as plantar fasciitis. To provide you with a bit of background information, an ankle sprain results when the ligaments in your ankle are stretched beyond their normal limit. The most



Laura Snyder

Keeping You Fit common type of ankle sprain occurs when you roll onto the outer edge of your foot. This happens when you place your foot down in an improper manner on an uneven or unstable surface and the muscles do not react quickly enough to prevent the stretching of the ligaments. An ankle sprain typically produces instantaneous pain and inflammation and can result in chronic instability of the

ankle. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of your foot due to a change in the stresses placed on your feet. The pain from this condition can worsen over time and can occur due to a length and strength imbalance in the foot and calf and lack of supportive footwear. These injuries can lead to recurrent ankle and foot pain, so the best line of defense is to prevent them from occurring in

the first place. All of the muscles, ligaments and joints in our feet and ankles have sensors that help us with our balance. These sensors tell our brain where our feet are in space. Our brain then sends a signal to contract our muscles so we stay in an upright position. When we aren’t doing activities that challenge these sensors or muscles they take a nap. This isn’t a problem if we are walking and running on predictable sur-

faces like a treadmill, but if we are going to rely on these sensors to maneuver the new outdoor environment we must wake them up. You can start training in your home by standing on a few pillows while balancing on one foot. This imitates the unstable surface you may encounter outdoors. You can progress the exercise by lifting up on to your toes with both feet and then one at a time. This exercise also helps to strengthen the muscles that form the arch of your foot, which is important in preventing plantar fasciitis. If you really want a challenge you can throw or kick a ball against the wall while standing on one foot on the pillows. Once you’re ready to take it outside, simple agility exercises like skipping rope, jumping onto

steps and ladder drills are an excellent ways to train your muscles to react in unpredictable situations. Before jumping back into that first soccer game of the season or taking your first long run in the beautiful outdoors start by strengthening the muscles of your ankle and arches. Your muscles will be able to handle the increase in activity, stabilize your ankle by responding quickly to the change in terrain, and prevent injury. You also want to make sure that you are stretching your calf muscles to avoid over pronation (inward turning) of the foot, as this leads to an overuse of the arch muscles and places more stress on the tissue in the bottom of your feet. Proper footwear to support your arches is also important. Most running shoes

are equipped with a good amount of arch support but depending on the shape of your foot you may need a little extra. Despite our efforts, sometimes the forces of nature are stronger than our will and we still manage to hurt ourselves. If you experience ankle or foot pain this spring or summer visit your local healthcare professional sooner than later to prevent an acute injury from progressing to a chronic condition so you can get back out to that beautiful Okanagan weather as soon as possible.

Laura Snyder is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield. 250-766-2544

You can take part in shaping a future for Lake Country Lake Country residents are being invited to an important public event this weekend and bring ideas for creating an economically, socially, culturally and environmentally sustainable Lake Country. This Saturday the District of Lake Country is hosting an event called Imagine...Our Sustainable Lake Country, a community event to continue the process of creating a vision for the long-term sustainability of the community. As the community of Lake Country grows, staff and politicians are looking to the public for ideas on a variety of issues such as:

• How does Lake Country retain the unique and attractive character it enjoys today? • How can the community better celebrate what makes it special? • How does Lake Country secure its longterm success in the face of many external forces of change? Saturday’s event kicks off the Our Sustainable Lake Country movement, a district-led and community-owned action plan that aims to address issues that are important to the community’s long-tern success. Some of Lake Country’s challenges include building sustainable

infrastructure, celebrating local identity, creating local jobs and a vibrant town centre, delivering adequate and cost-efficient services for everyone, cultivating a thriving agriculture sector, fostering a creative community and increasing transportation options. The plan will be developed over the next year and a half and implemented with partner organizations that are already working towards making Lake Country a great place, and new groups that may form around issues that are identified through the Our Sustainable Lake Country process.

The event will be interactive and engaging and will ask community members questions such as what matters most about your future and what ideas do you have for creating an economically, socially, culturally, and environmentally sustainable Lake Country. The event runs from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Memorial Hall in Winfield. Organizers are encouraging community members to participate for the full event, but drop-ins will also be welcome. There will also be activities for children so parents can participate. For more info: http://

Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road  250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah CONTRIBUTED


Mayor James Baker and resident John Unsworth discuss community sustainability at a workshop in March. The next sustainable Lake Country event is this Saturday.

Kelowna-Lake Country NDP candidates to share office The NDP provincial election campaign in the Central Okanagan officially kicked off with the opening last week of a joint office for its Kelowna-Mission and Kelowna-Lake Country candidates. The office, located at 4-2090 Harvey

Ave., will be shared by the campaign teams for Kelowna-Lake Country NDP candidate Mike Nuyens and his Kelowna-Mission counterpart Dayleen Van Ryswyk. Both candidates were on hand Friday to welcome supporters and the general public.

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Scheduled to be part of the opening festivities, B.C. Government and Service Employees’ Union president Darryl Walker was to speak as well as Jeet Dukhia, president of the B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association.

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Winfield Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 250-766-4688

Now Accepting Registration for September 2013 3 hour program for 3 & 4 year olds Tues./Thurs. 8:30-11:30

4 hour program for 4 year olds Mon./Wed./Fri. 8:30-12:30

Free sponsorship spaces available for families who qualify.

Subsidy accepted • Spaces are limited

Wednesday, March Wednesday, April27, 3, 2013 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake LakeCountry CountryCalendar CalendarL LL Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A4 A4


The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951


Probation asO The merits ofcan’t C How youmeant W One minor an opportunity to T modern get to translation heaven adjustment

young woman, I remember sitting the grandaround adaughter campfire,ofsinga ing sometimes refer “Oh you can’t get to to theonprobation period heaven skates ll roller over the world, as the Rodney Dan‘Causethis you’ll roll right week, gerfi eld of employment past themChristian pearly gates.” lawClearly, (for those of you not weread boys churches will a old enough to know, thought of heaven asathat a Bible verse in which means it gets no respect). cynical Roman governBut few legal mechanor named Pontius Piisms can be more effectlate asks Jesus: “What is ive in getting employers truth?” out of employment relationships which seemingly haveand no future. Life Faith The probation perJim iod can be Taylor viewed as one long audition for a job, revealing an individual’s friend of a attitude colleagueand of true skills, a—oh, never mind who ability to and fit in.Faith In my Life she is—plans a veryistradview, there simply no itional wedding. She has Jim Taylor substitute for viewing an instructed minister individual her on the job in that Bible situations. readings must realLife work and Faith come from the 1611 But probation perreal place, perhaps even King Jamesjust Version. If Jim Taylor iods don’t happen with a postal address. he objects, shee says, she’ll by magic. Th employAnd with solid floors: “spit in his eye!” er Jesus must take certain steps “If you get to heaven doesn’t It’s hardly theanswer. lan- beto ensure it has gained fore I dorevered Perhaps he didn’t need guage detheJust benefi taofhole abyprobation bore and pull to. As he told his disvotees of the King James period. me through.” ciples: “You will know Bible. Th e employer and don’t believe in theIShe truth and truth and herthe fiancé employee should agree, that kind of heaven any will set you free.” will probably also in writing, prior torepeat the

to John 3:16 IA

Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher Publisher

Barry Gerding Gerding Barry

Editor Editor

Tessa Ringness Tessa Ringness

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Sheri Jackson Advertising Consultant Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant 1-250-540-2974 Production Designer Dawn Brule Advertising Consultant Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275 250-766-4688

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T a eL the traditional words, ve more—if I ever did. thee fC “and thereto I plight C Probably my troth.”my juvenile m mind couldn’t imagine a t Say, what? q place that wasn’t a place. No one, today, says M Later, Led Zeppelin Th at verse is, I think, d “thereto” for anything. sang about a Stairway to gp my motto. Other people Asked what “plight” tb Heaven—perhaps the have other mottos – like means, most people ultimate the guythink ineight-minute a crowded t might of the plight m rock track. grandstand who branof the poor or the dis- t I don’t believe inis,that tm dishes a sign declaring, abled. And “troth” kind heaven either— “John As if the un- sT m umm,of3:16” well… c especially since I can’t saved should know what So why would this cP make head orher tail wedof John 3:16 says. l woman want the nearly indecipherBut I would make one aG o ding ceremony to be You Work Here able lyrics about a lady minor amendment to my w n conducted in language i s who buys the stairway verse. Because I don’t beF R. Smithson that she herself never to heaven and then has a tli lieve we can ever fully uses? bustle inunderstand her hedgerow. know the truth. It will al- u t I can commencement of the eq At least, I think that’s ways be one step ahead t quoting Shakespeare employment, on the in d m what they said. of us. t the language he wrote, terms of aI’m binding proI know supposed So I it’s would say, “You aK 1 even if unfamilbationary period. ThAfere w to believe in heaven. will seek the truth and iar today’s speakers. I i areto numerous preferred tb ter all, that’swill where Jesus the seeking set you h also understand that the components ofresurrecan en- lG went, after his free.” o poetry of Blake or Hopforceable probation tion—the Bible tells me Recently I’ve been kins, T.S. Eliot or Dylan t clause. so. That’sTh where I’m sup- ts reading e EvolutionThomas, mustn’t be medFirst, the parties posed to be re-united aries, by Carter Phipps. 1t dled with. should defi ne theour stanwith my parents, son, HeBut argues that the prinBible was not ofl dard ofthe review—often Th several loved dogs, ciple ofdearly evolution underwritten in English. Th e N the standard adopto u and a multitude of saints. lies everything. Not just Old Testament used edAssuming will be “suitability” t I’ve been biological evolution, so Hebrew; Jesus apparent- w for ongoing employgood, of course. despised by biblicalthe lit- d ly spoke Aramaic, ment. That’s aI’ll bitprobof a Otherwise lingua francaway of his area; fancied-up of saying a SEE TAYLOR A5c SEE TAYLOR A5 b SEE SMITHSON A5T c a e f We We want want to to au hear hear your your t

demonstrate skills A


PhoneOFFICE 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275 2495 Enterprise Way


It’s still pretty easy being Greenhouse gas leaks trust Ottawa takes the leadfrom on training Both parties have betrayed usGreen


B.C. he csome hisPacifi iswas theelecfirst of here tion campaign Carbon Trust a series of policy public business that’s aboutintothe orchestrated commentaries conducted get underway will feature afi months-long camon the four main parties nal frantic days of the lots oflegislature talk about skills paign of calls letters contesting theand 2013 B.C. B.C. session training. will be likeeveryto discredit a report from election. last week,Itbut you one’s priority, along B.C.’s Auditor GenerI’mtop starting the ly wouldn’t havewith heard with dozen other top al on aGreen its firstParty, two big carB.C. which much about it. priorities. bon offset projects, behasPremier higher than usual Christy But since are fore it could be2013 released. hopes for theelections elecClark’s skimpy govno time tothe deal with Just audit tion. It as was also thereport fiserrst erning agenda was overious issues, don’t expect was about be to put out to aby substantial shadowed themade delivmuch frank discussion public, theinternal trust, ainvesCrown ery of an policy document, albeit about ways to redirect corporation created atdetigation report into one that is still beingher our increasingly soft, taxpayer particigovernment’s ethnic outbated andexpense, altered. urban society toward pated in the leaking reach program. Green Book 2013of useful work. Somebody selected critical letters to A review by four depcontinues the Utopian might be off ended. media outlets. uty ministers detailed positions that only a ereporters B.C. Liberals Then theno Speaker ofof what already party with chance see lots ofaLegislature, skilled, techthe B.C. Bill knew from a memo and forming government nical jobs on the Barisoff , notes made a fihorinal,formeeting leaked to has the luxury to put zon, but they their clumsy eff ortecut to delay the the NDP. Th plan startward. For example, they skills budget release ofpremier’s the report. ed in training the of-and would double the area of many ofby their are Asled soon as itMLAs was out, fi ce, Clark’s depparks in B.C., but take also looking atMinister ait. Environment uty ,career who re100chief yearsof tostaff do change. etried B.C. school Terry Lake to dissigned asThsoon asthey it was Immediately, system, like that of other credit it, by blustering made wouldpublic. almost double the provinces, still pushabout alltax, the highly A B.C. Liberal Party carbon taking itpaid from es kidstoto university proexperts who sworeonup employee attended the seven 12 cents a grams lead cofand that atoforest fi rst down meeting, expresslitre ofthat gasoline. fee-serving jobs and the reserve nearwould Kootenay ly intended to organize Greens extend need for Lake, and a increased gas flround aring events toanother impress immithis steeply of training. reduction near grant communities, then carbon taxproject to indusThNelson, is has Fort weregoing bona harvest theasbeen goodwill in tries such natural gas on the 1970s, and fi desince carbon sets worth the form of off contact lists and cement production. it’s not confi totold B.C. $6 million taxpayers’ for the coming election. Leader Janeofned Sterk money. 10,000cement e-mails meAfter she expects

BC Views

Tom Fletcher Thcollected e B.C. NDP were andap27 The audit states in producers and the to parently expects tolike coast interviews conducted, plain language, with adapt, rather than shut to victory with same they revealed a the few sigcharts and timelines, down as their competiempty rhetoric aboutthat nifi cant details. the $6 million was basictiveFormer position erodes. “income inequality” and multiculturally given away forthey’ve nothAnd what about the student debt that alism minister John Yap ing. look forward to extraI using billions carbon been forinyears. knew or should have further audits on this tax revenues? Sterk says Th eir only discernible known that the scheme carbon scheme, asmostbeing should continue to intent isoff toset return con-bewas kept secret suming ithow survives afgo toover income reductrol many apcause it was antax inapproter theas May election, tions, iscan now prentices bethe on case, a bejob priate use of government cause two projects because the purpose is site tothese industrial unions, resources. He won’t be aren’t the only boondogto change consumption which severely restrict it, back in cabinet, although gles. patterns, increase squeezing out small busiClark saidnot heto intends ThTh e for Pacifi c Carbon overall tax revenue. Most, ness. is team’s ideas are to run re-election in Trust was upfrom in 2008 but not all.set mostly left over the Richmond-Steveston. as ofthink former premier “We there is an lastpart industrial revolution. Yap’s executive assistGordon Campbell’s cliargument to when bethere made Fortunately isfor a ant resigned the mate change program. putting, forfederal aout, period of mid-term govreport came admitTo make the B.C. govtime, the increased revernment that has actting he helped cover the ernment’s operations enue from the carbon ed. Last federtracks ofweek’s political med-tax “carbon the into creating the infraal budget launches new dling in neutral,” the hiring of government all of its structure thatand allows three outreach contract-

programs thatcient theGET next agencies were required ors IF…GREENS with suffi loyalty B.C. government will to pay the trust $25 the party. ELECTED, IT WILLper have tofor go alongcarbon with. tonne their Clark insists she knew BE SURFING Afrom Prime Stedioxide emissions nothing ofMinister this plan. She WAVE PROTEST phen Harper’s governfuel use. tabled the OF investigament didn’tFROM clawthen back VOTES In 2011 alone, B.C.antion report, and post-secondary funds universities paid $4.46 nounced that the B.C. PEOPLE WEARY OF from B.C. andhad other million to the trust. Liberal Party writTHE B.C. LIBERALS inept provinces, as some B.C.’s 60 school districts ten a $70,000 cheque to THEWhat had feared. got paid a total ofNDP. $5.36 miltheAND government towe cover from Ottawa was social lion the year, and the estimated cost of the people tosame benefi t from a engineering, Conservathe province’s six health inappropriate political carbon tax,” Sterk said. tive style. authorities paid $5.79 work done by non-politTh at means transit, Th e centrepiece isisthe million. Th ical staff . e money and potentially retroCanada Job a supposed to Grant, go to other prothe part taxfitsHere’s of homes and $5,000 grant to employjects that capture carpayers may not fully buildings as well. Taxapiners willing to match itthe bon, thus “off setting” preciate. Th ere areisaucrease aside, this esand trainofthe an unemployed heating schools, the thorized political ers sentially NDPstaff posperson. To qualify, the in fuel burned by ambuall over the legislature, ition too. province has match lances soto forth. theTh premier’s offi ce, theas eand Greens emphawell, for a total $15,000 Thwind e 55,000-hectare opposition leader’s office size and geothercommitment toof one forest reserve is known and teams caucus mal two power. Sterk faces worker whowho will have a as Th eofaudemployees spend theDarkwoods. awkward task job to go to. the it shows that Nature much ofagainst their time digarguing hydroDelta-Richmond East Conservancy ofthe Canada ging up expansion. dirt on other electric MP Finddecided 2006 buy party. Allinare paidtoby you AKerry-Lynne Green government lay was one theSite Conit, using $25ofmillion ofC and me.cancel would the servatives tothe profederal taxpayers’ money. A line isout crossed only dam project on Peace mote the budget. Th e deal closed 2008, when aSterk non-political River. saysinitShe would said when the Canada the employee such as aPacifminonlysame serveyear as athe subsidy to Job Grant is fully rolled ic Carbon Trust istry communications liquefied naturalwas gas exout, it which will fund formed. director acts on behalf of ports, shetraindoesn’t ing for 130,000 From 2008 topeople 2010, the party. The main of- a believe materialize as year. Some will be450,000 young the trust fender inbought that capacity international competipeople, but there will tonnes of carbon off- also was Brian Bontors one develop. be older workers whose set, based on independney,Th whose records suge Greens’ star canent evaluations gested he spent that half of didate, University ofall

skills need upgrading. rested onon the assumption Victoria climate scihis time party work. “If they’re willing to that Darkwoods would entist Andrew WeavHe quit in February, belook at the jobs are be logged. er, clear-cut agrees. Both point to fore the plan wasthat leaked, available andforest understand Since the was vast reserves of Russian and the party paid back that that’s their best shot already owned by Cangas that may well getthe to half of his salary for at making living ada’s leading conservAsia moreaquickly andthe 18 months he was and on being able to support ancy, this assumption cheaply. public payroll. their own families some makes nosaid sense. the Sterk theWas 35,000 NDP outrage over day, we to be conservancy going to existing gas wells insure this waswant blunted by anthat log it,the or opportunities flB.C. ip itdocument. to somenorthern “are not other leaked are Findlay said. one who would, after going to was be shut down.” Th isthere,” one from a acThe diff is that cepting $25 million in Actually, inerence the absence never-released 2010 reit be what an emtax money to acquire it? port bytoAuditor Genofhas LNG exports, that is ployer needs, notnot. what Legally, itDoyle, could eral John which exactly what would hapthe might pre(Istudent would that the condemned aof five-year pen to manyadd them. fer. a public-private assumption that logging program of TheIt’s U.S. hasskimming its own partnership, wecarbon have releases allsupplies, ofas the money from NDP con-is shale gas and seen with modern pubin a forest iscurrent also false. stituency offi ce budgets B.C.’s only exlic works. Lumber actually sequesall over the province port customer. ConFindlay ters carbon for and using itacknowledged forlonger political verting transport trucks that even with a to big push than trees, which eventuwork. and BC Ferries LNG on training, Canada will ally die and rot.) In a nice bit of fuel isn’t going to symmainstill need to import forTh e much audit found metry, of the amore tain the vast induseign workers. similar case against Enthan $400,000 spent try blooming inwas northInB.C. B.C. are bracing Cana’s flarewe reducto three-time canernput for an tion program, didate Gabriel Yiu onreTh eunprecedented officialwhich Green source boom, much of it the company used on NDP caucus payroll. Party position is to place in theVancouver-FrasB.C. Interior and many wells before the Yiu’s a moratorium on B.C. north. Th at’swhile one reason trust started off ering erview candidate page gas drilling a comfor a $241 million inmoney. was savboasts ofEnCana his ethnic outprehensive water use crease over fiwhich vewell years to ing money as as rereach work, inpolicy is developed. Curthe Income As-as ducing emissions withcluded tirelessly warnrentfederal innovations such sistance Program for about collecting offsets. ing B.C.’s Chinese comreusing municipal wasteoriginal reserves. Th e Th erefore, the audit conmunity about the evils of water are ignored. new money is available cluded, neither ofsales these theTh harmonized tax. e Green platform only iffact, the projects was a credible Indemands itcommunwas the also disclosure off because the emisNDP-Yiu operation of set chemicals used in that hy-

ity leadership commits sions savings would have draulic fracturing, which inspired a B.C. Liberal to mandatory occurred anyway. thea B.C. Oil andtraining Gas copycat plan. component. ey already didn’t Here’s theTh next PacifCommission has The NDP quietcall it Idle Trust No but ic Carbon project done. ly stopped the More, budget that’s the were gist that beofto audited. Ifshould one skimming after Doyle Of course, noprophecy workIn a complicated transa self-fulfi lling pointed out the bliner or B.C.’s province orwhich band action, the trust bought that LNG pro- is dingly obvious, council is required to the off from something jectsets is doomed to funds fail, that constituency participate. Th eyBear have called the Great Green Party platform are to serve constituthe option leave the Carbon Limited would beCredit ato good ents and are not toplace be difederal money onthis the Partnership. Yes, is to verted political organtable. But the NDPforest the world-famous Reading through izing. should note that theI’m on North Coast ItB.C.’s was kept under Green Book 2013, Canada that was subject to aapwraps byJob secretleft with theGrant impression plies to union-run appreservation hamive thatLegislative much ofdeal itAssemremains prenticeship as mered out between the bly Management Comcalculated asschools a soothing well as those in comCoastal First Nations, mittee. Th is isurban the B.C. message for votmunity andconthe B.C.colleges government Liberal-NDP co-maners who have been technical Sayand three U.S.-backed aged trough of undocuvinced it’sinstitutes. courageous to ing notheir isn’t much of a to environmental groups. mented MLA expenses drive cars down choice. at was in 2006. The and other questionable anTh anti-tanker protest. Whatever off set purchases were in payments thatgrand Doyle If Weaver, Sterk orhas promises B.C. Liber2009 andthe 2010, years afonly recently dragged any other Greens get als and have writter detailed preservation into theNDP light. elected, it will be surfi ng ten into their yet-to-beareas were mapped and Both these schemes a wave ofof protest votes released election platcodifi ed in law. have same stink. fromthe people weary of the forms, they will need to Again, the trust paid Both are intentionB.C. Liberals and the fiNDP. nd theItof money tobeparfor forest that was al-due al abuse taxpayers’ will not ticipate. ready money for the political to thepreserved. practicality or even gain of the dominantof internal consistency parties. There is no mortheir polices. Tom Fletcher is easy legislaal high ground for either It’s still pretty betive reporter andiscolumTom Fletcher legislaof ingthem. Green. nistTom for Black Press and tive reporter and Fletcher isiscolumlegislaTom Fletcher nist Blackand Press and tive reporter columnist tivefor reporter and columnist for Press. for Black Black Press. tfl

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opinions opinions on on issues going going i issues a on on in in our our c community community

Q The Q The Lake Lake Country Country Calendar Calendar welcomes welcomes letters letters to to the the editor editor intended intended for for publipublication cation but but reserves reserves the the right right to to edit edit for for brevity, clarity, brevity, clarity, legality, legality, personal personal abuse, accuracy, abuse, accuracy, good good taste taste and and topitopicality. cality. All All letters letters published published remain remain the the property property of of the the the the Lake Lake Country Country Calendar, Calendar, which which is is the the sole sole judge judge of of suitability suitability for for publication. publication. Pen Pen names names will will not not be be used used other other than than in in exceptional exceptional circircumstances, cumstances, which which must must first first be be agreed agreed on on by by the the Lake Lake Country Country Calendar. Calendar. Anonymous Anonymous letters letters will will not not be be considconsidered ered for for publicapublication. tion. To To assist assist in in verifiverification, cation, addresses addresses and and telephone telephone numnumbers bers must must be be supsupplied, plied, but but will will not not be be published. published.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 A5



Best way to judge a new employee’s skills is Position indefensible, but it’s to assess them on the job during probation time to be neighbours again

11011 Pheasant Road

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ing. It found that Sable and Geller did not have a common understanding of their respective “roles relative to the apprenticeship or the degree of supervision available or required.” The Court went on to state that it was incumbent upon Sable to “make its expectations clearer to [Geller] than it did”. Geller, it found, did not “have a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate his suitability for the job”. His claim of wrongful dismissal was upheld and damages were awarded. The point the Geller and Sable Resources Ltd. case drives home is that the employer can’t make an arbitrary decision to terminate a probationary employment relationship. It must apply rational thought to the decision and make a reasonable decision, in all the circumstances, about the employee’s future. Utilized properly, the probation period is a powerful legal mechanism in the employer’s favour. Applied poorly, it’s a basis for a claim for damages by a jilted former employee. This subject matter is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. Robert Smithson is a labour and employment lawyer, operating Smithson Employment Law.

To the editor: Re: No More ‘Wallowing In The Mud’ Of Greenspace Beach CleanUp Controversy, April 3 Lake Country Calendar. How unfortunate Doug and Sue Pekrul have chosen not to defend their position with logical arguments. Granted, it’s difficult to logically defend something that’s illegal, but to descend into personal attacks and innuendo is unconscionable. Really! They should be bigger than that.

The offending structures and personal items, even though tolerated for many years, were illegal when they were placed on the beach. They were still illegal when our parks department removed them. They are gone and our public park is better for it. We’re all neighbours, so lets get over it. Our community is moving forward not backward.

Al LaBounty, Okanagan Centre

Clean up of public greenspace needs now to be completed Open letter to District of Lake Country councillor LisaCameron: Just a note contrary to the nay sayers. Everything you have said is fact and your support is growing among those I’ve talked with. Those who feel they have native ancestral rights to store their personal belongings on the green space are sadly mistaken. I am questioned often and feel the survey pre-

viously done stands with good merit and represents the thoughts of the vast majority of residents. As is the case with those who thought their docks were grand fathered—not the case, in fact the greenspace plan suggests a grand fathering but the legal opinion of the day was it simply was not legal and that letter from legal counsel is included in the suggested plan. I do have a challenge for our mayor:




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1. Show me the document that ratifies grand fathering of the docks. I will donate $200 to his choice of charity 2. Show me an agreement that allows personal property to be stored on the foreshore—another $200. Should the latter not be available then please finish the job by removing the personal assets stored on the green space. Blaine Copeland, Lake Country

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gram in heavy mechanics. While Sable was aware that Geller did not yet have his heavy duty mechanic’s journeyman ticket, it seemed to think he was farther along in that process than he actually was. Sable’s hiring letter for Geller stated “Your first three months of employment is considered probationary. Permanent employment will be determined based on mutual satisfaction and job performance.” A situation soon arose in which Sable needed Geller to work in unsupervised circumstances. This would have been contrary to industry requirements that an apprentice receive training and practical experience under the direction of a qualified, certified tradesperson. Geller informed Sable that he was willing to continue to work in a situation in which there was a qualified heavy duty mechanic available to give him the “agreed apprentice training and practical experience.” Sable terminated Geller’s probationary employment and, in turn, Geller sued for wrongful dismissal. The B.C. Supreme Court stated that “a probationary employee must be given an opportunity to demonstrate his ability to meet the standard the employer set out” at the time of hir-


the employee must be a good fit for the job. Second, because suitability is a somewhat hazy standard, the parties should then go a step further and set out the primary criteria by which the employee will be measured. These might include, for instance, attitude, compatibility with co-workers and clients, ability to follow directions, demonstrated progress in acquiring the necessary skills of the job, good attendance, overall efficiency and output, adherence to company policies, etc. Third, the length of the probation period should be clearly stated. The period is sometimes defined in terms of time worked rather than just the passage of calendar time (because time on the job is what’s required to assess the individual’s suitability for continued employment). I prefer to define the probation period using the words found in the B.C. Employment Standards Act, being the first “3 consecutive months of employment”. It is critical to ensure that the contractual terms, including the probation period, are compliant with the applicable employment standards legislation. Fourth, documentation should be kept, during the probation per-

iod, of the employee’s progress in relation to the agreed-upon criteria. A good rule of thumb is that there should be at least one interim review of the employee’s performance and conduct before the final decision on suitability is made. During the probation period, the employer should be pro-active in counseling the employee on her shortcomings. This eliminates surprises for the employee when the final review is performed. Specific instructions should be provided to the employee on achieving the desired standard. All of this should, of course, be documented. Finally, the employer should conduct a final review, making a reasonable decision about suitability, prior to the expiry of the probation period. Court decisions indicate employers should, to whatever degree is possible, apply objective criteria in performing a good faith assessment of the probationary employee. A recent B.C. Supreme Court decision demonstrates that a probation period doesn’t give the employer a carte blanche entitlement to ditch the employee at the first opportunity. Geller was hired on probationary status by Sable Resources Ltd. in 2010 after completing a pre-apprenticeship pro-



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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Negotiating tactic can be misleading in ICBC settlement offer

T b


ometimes legal rights can seem like that game you play with a baby who thinks you’ve disappeared because you are out of view. But then you pop your head up from under the table and say: “Peek-aboo.” The baby giggles in that game. But ICBC is not giggling after a March 26, 2013, decision of British Columbia’s Supreme Court, the result being that an injury claim ICBC thought had disappeared, popped back up from under the table. The case might have implications extending far beyond that one injury claim. A whole lot of innocent victims might end up popping their heads

Achieving Justice

Paul Hergott

over the table, each with their own “peek-a-boo.” There is a sweet irony involved. It was an ICBC negotiating tactic, an unfair one in my view, that allowed new life to be breathed into a claim that would otherwise have passed in the night on the second anniversary of the crash date.

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ment offers are regularly small fractions of “fair and reasonable.” The cheque and settle-


permanent symptoms the victim ends up with. At the two-year mark, there is usually still opti-


ment proposal document are delivered to the injured victim before that magical two year deadline that applies to most car crash injury claims. It’s an unfortunate deadline, because it typically takes longer than two years before a permanent prognosis for car crash injuries can be provided. “Fair and reasonable” compensation for an injury depends on what

mism that there might be a full recovery. Settling a claim before waiting out that optimism is a recipe for woefully inadequate compensation. I’ll explain where the “peak-a-boo” comes in. The letter enclosing the cheque and settlement proposal document says “Without prejudice,” the intent being to prevent it being used against ICBC to extend

Highway on time, on budget

I’m a cat on a mission: PARTY! I love to play and explore and test my limits. I’d love to play with you, but I can make a toy out of anything: pencils, post-it notes, potatoes. If you’re looking for some laughs and someone to liven up the party, think about inviting me!

community clean up B&W ad feb13:Layout

The negotiating tactic has ICBC using their “building trust, driving confidence” brand, which they have built as a Crown corporation, effectively using our tax dollars to convince an injured victim that their settlement offer is a fair and reasonable one. ICBC sends you a settlement cheque accompanied by a settlement proposal document that explains: “This payment is being tendered by ICBC as a fair and reasonable assessment of the above-noted claim.” In this particular case, the letter enclosing the cheque included the seemingly kind words: “At this time we would like you to have access to the funds that we feel represents a fair settlement.” Believing in the “building trust, driving confidence” brand, the injured victim has no idea that ICBC settle-


The Highway 97 Winfield to Oyama project is on schedule and on budget, and is scheduled to be completed this summer. Project details: • The Winfield to Oyama project involves constructing a nine-kilo-


11:15 AM

April is Community Clean-up Month Make a positive impact, Make a difference.


Page 1

metre, four-lane highway. • It replaces the last remaining section of twolane highway between Kelowna and Vernon. • Construction commenced May 28, 2011. • As the project nears completion, work will continue on the tie-in locations between the new and old roadways. Travellers are advised to check DriveBC for pos-

sible delays. • The $40.83-million construction contract was awarded to Nanaimo’s Windley Contracting (2010) Ltd. • Overall project budget is $77.9 million, with a $33.6 million from the Government of Canada. Follow the progress of the work at the Ministry of Transport website:

the limitation period beyond two years. The document itself says it “…does not waive or extend any existing limitation period that applies to my claim.”. ICBC had applied to the court to dismiss the claim of injured victim, in this case Mr. Coombs, who had missed the two year deadline, having waited to engage a lawyer to commence his lawsuit until after the second anniversary of the crash. Instead of dismissing the claim, the court held that ICBC’s negotiation ploy had the effect of extending the limitation period. “Peak-a-boo,” the claim will proceed. If this negotiating tactic was used on you, or someone you know, please consult with a personal injury lawyer immediately. You might have a second chance to find out what fair compensa-

tion really means and be able to require ICBC to pay it, giving ICBC your own “peak-a-boo.” Limitation deadlines can be very complex. If you have a potential injury claim, take the time as soon as possible for a free consultation with a lawyer to find out what deadline applies to your claim. While most injury claim limitation deadlines are two years, there are exceptions. The decision of Coombs v. LeBlond Estate can be found on the Supreme Court of British Columbia website. I would be happy to provide you a link. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.

Trail proposed along Kalamalka Lake A trail has been proposed to follow along the shores of Kalamalka Lake. The Regional District of the North Okanagan is investigating developing the trail from Okanagan College’s Vernon campus to Crystal Waters Road, near Oyama. “It’s a plan in progress,” said RDNO director Bob Fleming, who is promoting the concept. Fleming would like to see construction start this year, but a price tag has not been finalized yet. “Because most of the

right-of-way is there, it could be relatively low cost,” he said, adding that it may be possible to access senior government grants. If the trail proceeds, Fleming envisions it ultimately link with the highway along Wood Lake, soon to be called Pelmewash Parkway once the new upper level of Highway 97 is open. “It would be a natural connection for a cycling route,” he said. Richard Rolke, Vernon Morning Star.

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to pick up litter during

Community Clean-up month. Register your group NOW by calling the Waste Reduction Office at 250-469-6250. We supply the bags and collect them when you’re done!

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 A7



TOTA summit message for businesses: Work together

ALISTAIR WATERS While tourism may be a $1.75 billion industry in the region, the CEO of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association says there are still many challenges that must be overcome as tourism businesses here have to start working together to sustain and grow the industry . Glen Mandziuk, fresh off TOTA’s recent tourism summit in Chase to promote the association’s 10-year regional strategy, says it’s important for businesses here to realize their success enhances the bottom line of other tourism business in the region and that will help the entire industry grow. “A visitor isn’t happy just because they have crisp, white sheets or a good meal. They have to have a range of experiences that can’t be found anywhere else,” said Mandziuk. And to provide that range of experiences, TOTA is urging its members to form partnerships, build bridges and work together to offer tourists an unforgettable time here. The approach forms the basis of TOTA’s strategy—inter-business connections and cooperation in data, information and promotion. During the summit,

the tourism association unveiled its new travel experiences guide highlighting experiences described as “iconic” for the region and likely to instill the emotional impact that resonates so strongly with visitors who they want to come back. But for that to work, there are challenges that must also be overcome. Access, seasonality and increasingly fierce competition from around the globe are just three of the obstacles facing this area. New TOTA board chairman Michael Ballingall, vice-president of the Big White Ski Resort, said he believes the short- and long-term sustainability of tourism in the region depends on connectivity. That’s why one of his priorities as chairman will be to improve air, road and rail travel routes in and out of the region. “The Coquihalla (Highway) and Highway 1 have terrible reputations for closing (during the winter) and we need to work with the government to improve that,” he said. Another of Ballingall’s priorities is to fully support initiatives by TOTA’s staff into studying and identifying what is great and what can be improved within the local tourism industry.

While the bulk of tourists come here during the summer, with a smaller bump in the winter for skiing, its clear seasonality is another major challenge. Mandziuk said getting away from “beaches and peaches” during the summer and skiing or snowboarding as the major draw in the winter, depends on tourism businesses working together to create unique experiences that go far beyond what any one business can provide. And that’s where business partnerships come in. According to TOTA, whether its a small hotel chain in the Salmon Arm area teaming up with an outdoor recreation company to promote the world famous Adams River salmon run to Europeans, or Okanagan wineries working with valley golf courses to offer one-of-a-kind recreation packages, the Thompson Okanagan has a myriad of unique tourism options. The region has some of the most varied tourism offerings in the province. But when it comes to showcasing them to the world,and luring tourist back after they have visited once, will take a team effort said the tourism association.

Spinney BrotherS

Friday, April 12 7:30pm

From the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada, the Spinney Brothers are comprised of Allan Spinney , Rick Spinney, Gary Dalrymple and Darryl Hebb.

Tickets: Adult $24, Students/Seniors $22, Group of 4 tickets $80.

the BeSt of yUK yUK’S!

you Just Can’t Laugh Any harder

Saturday, April 13 • 7:30pm Featuring: •Sean Lecomber •Damonde Tschritter •Sam Easton •Rob Balsdon

Tickets: All Seats $24

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Spinney Brothers play bluegrass C


at Creekside Theatre on Friday, April 12.






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From the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, the Spinney Brothers are comprised of Allan Spinney , Rick Spinney, Gary Dalrymple and Darryl Hebb. Brothers Allan and Rick debuted their band in 1992, showcasing a tight brother duet vocal style that was immediately recognized for its energetic and distinctive sound. The cornerstone of the Spinney Brothers musical identity is the sound of traditional, southern-fla-

voured bluegrass music. The first generation bluegrass legends have been an important musical influence, yet their music is equally shaped by their personal lives and local heritage. By incorporating original material, which draws from various sources, the Spinney Brothers effortlessly intertwine the past with the present. The Spinney Brothers believe in freshness and excitement of traditional bluegrass music. Broth-

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er duet singing, backed by supportive and complimentary instrumentation, is the foundation of their tasteful and recognizable sound. Give a listen and you are sure to be entertained. The Spinney Brothers perform at Creekside Theatre in Lake Country, starting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 12. Tickets for the Spinney Brothers are $24 general, $22 for students and seniors, while group of four tickets go for $80.

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rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 A9


Comedians bring their Best of Yuk Yuks to Lake Country this weekend Stand-up comedy from Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Club is coming to Creekside Theatre on Saturday, April 13. Sean Lecombe, Damonde Tschritter, Sam Easton and Rob Balsdon are coming across country with their own unique brands of yuks. Lecombe was the winner of the Just for Laughs Homegrown competition in 2007, awarded each year to Canada’s best new comedian. He recently filmed

his first special for the Comedy Network. Lecombe’s comedy was featured on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno’s “pass the mic” segment and he was a finalist in the 2007 Last Comic Standing Canadian auditions. Look for his work soon on the Comedy Network as he is currently working on a short to be aired next year. You can also hear Lecombe’s work on CBC Radio’s The Best of So You

Think You’re Funny? In 2006 Tschritter became the first Canadian winner in the 27-year history of the Seattle International Comedy Competition. “Has the rare gift of commanding attention merely by talking,” said the Seattle Weekly. He has been hailed by the Globe & Mail as comedy’s new superhero. Tschritter’s credits include CTV’s Comedy Now, appearances on CBC’s Madly Off In

All Directions, Just For Laughs, Chicago Comedy Festival, New York Comedy Festival, HBO’s USA vs. Canada standup weekend, creator of the Vancouver Comedy Festivals Glossy Awards Show, writer/producer/ star of the film Comedy Club which was nominated for best picture at the 2000 Reel Madness Comedy Film Festival. Easton was born and raised in Vancouver. His career started with a bang by winning the Phil

Hartman Award and being nominated for both Second City’s Tim Sims Award and a Canadian Comedy Award for best new comic, all before his 22nd birthday. He’s a regular on the Showtime series The L Word as well as the WB series The Mountain. Easton’s acting skills have been showcased in many movies including Steven Spielberg’s Taken, The Butterfly Effect, Crossed, The Underclassman, Decoy’s Re-

birth and most recently he starred as Frankie Cheeks in Final Destination 3. His onehour comedy special airs on both CTV and the Comedy Network. Balsdon is originally from Ontario where he attended an arts high school for acting but when his report cards all said the same thing, “behaviour sometimes distracts others,” he knew comedy was calling. Now making his home in the Okanagan,

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Balsdon works as the Afternoon Drive Show host on SunFM Radio. His radio show, like his comedy act combines a brutal honesty with a likable innocence and quick wit and beware, his contagious smile. From school to relationships and even parttime jobs Balsdon’s been there and done it wrong and he’s been sharing his story all over Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia for the past six years.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


news ▼ HEALTH

Keeping your mouth healthy is part of a healthy pregnancy CONTRIBUTOR

There is nothing more precious than bringing a new life into the world. Teeth are not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of pregnancy and the health



of the soon-to-be mother and newborn child. However, dental care is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Yes, it is safe to visit your dentist during your pregnancy for routine cleanings and check-ups. It is important to let



ek’s money saving deals de from our team of experts. { Check out this week’s



the dental office know you are pregnant so they can adjust your appointment and treatment plan to accommodate you and your baby. Healthy teeth and gums means less harmful bacteria to pass onto your baby. If you have tooth pain or an infection, be sure to see your dentist. Bacteria that cause gum disease have been linked to pre-term births and low birth weight babies. What you eat during pregnancy helps keep you healthy and contributes to the growth and

development of your baby. Vitamins and minerals found in healthy foods are important for normal tooth formation which starts as early as five weeks. You may need to eat frequently during your pregnancy. Snack on healthy foods like fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, grains and meats rather than sweet or sticky foods that can increase your risk for tooth

enamel. After throwing up the first thing you might want to do is reach for your toothbrush, but don’t. It is best to wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. Instead, rinse your mouth with water first, then rinse again with a fluoride mouth wash. The fluoride helps to re-mineralize your enamel. Cleaning your teeth daily is important. Hormones may cause your gums to swell and bleed more than they used to. Keep up with your

decay. Remember to cut down on sugar in tea and coffee and limit sugary drinks to mealtimes. Many pregnant women say they feel so ill that they don’t feel like eating, especially in the morning. Morning sickness does happen and it not only affects your desire to eat, it can also affect your teeth as well. If you throw up often, your stomach acids can break down your tooth

daily routine of brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day. You may want to rinse with salt water. If your gums should get very sore and you do not want to brush, you should see your dentist or dental hygienist. Check out this health file for more information on oral health during pregnancy—www. Carol Gulliford is a registered dental hygienist with Interior Health.


Aging or decaying: You choose how senior years play out


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re you aging or decaying? This is the question asked in my latest read, Younger Next Year, by Chris Crowley and Dr. Henry Lodge. The premise of the book is how to live strong, fit and sexy until you are 80 and beyond and that we have the choice to age in good health. They say that there is a critical distinction be-

tween aging and decaying. The aging is inevitable and is designed to be a slow process—but decay is optional. You can actually make up your mind and tell your body you are going to NO. live as though PUZZLE 658 you were 50 and in doing so send your body different signals that can help you to be functionally younger next year. As we age we notice every year we are getting


ancy we now have, you will probably get old and live well into your YOU CAN 80s whether you are in ACTUALLY MAKE good health or shuffling UP YOUR MIND around with a walker. Dr. Lodge makes the AND TELL YOUR point that 70 per cent of BODY YOU ARE what you feel as aging is GOING TO LIVE optional. Biological agHurt 45. Kuwaiti leader AS 5. THOUGH YOU ing cannot be avoided: 6. Ruckus 46. Shift course Your hairpoint will turn grey, WERE 50…handle 7. Knife 47. Highest gravity 8. Eye part 49. Jot will take its toll, old age9.and death. word They will get wrinkles and Salutation Minestrone, e.g. simply10. expect to “get old 57.your maximum Companion of toheart Brazilian dance and die.” poor outrate will tale decline regard59. Heroic 11. A Package look for last third of 60.less Fodder 12.the Frenzied of how active you are. Sharp crests 13. A Contact your life. deeply mis- 63.However, you don’t have 67. Belief in God 14. Quaker word taken idea for planning 24. since, Butler with or maid your life, the 69. Flat 71. Duck SEE KITTLE A12 26. Donations increasing life expect-

Seniors Fitness

Bobbi Kittle a little fatter, slower and weaker. Aches and pains become more noticeable and many close to age 60 feel they are on a slippery downhill slope into

28. Sci-fi transports 30. Blame 31. ____ clock ON IO SIO FU S 33. Egg producer Lake Country 35. Qualify 36. Brad ver Lake ily ice fishing on Bea38. Intertwine fam ole wh for Fun 39. Wild donkey 40. Window topper 41. Reach 43. Jethro’s relatives Copyright © 2013, Penny Press



Proudly Serving www.lakecountry

April 3, 2013



1. Crow sound 4. Rotary disk 7. Disapproving sound 11. Covenant 15. Your and my 16. Be less than truthful 17. Elaborate solo 18. Far East nanny 19. Summer drink 20. Everybody 21. Unyielding 22. Theatrical part 23. Coward 25. Vittles 27. Belt fastener 29. Carry along 30. Animation frame 31. Diner 32. It comes after pi 34. Entree list 37. Butterine

MARCH 28TH FOR LUNCH NowOPEN Open for Lunch Daily from 11:30am to 3pm

Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951


2 5 0 - 76 6 - 2 0 9


y. 9 7 N 10 9 - 9 6 8 5 H w Country Lake (Winfiel d Plaza) o @ s h a w. c a Fu s i o n S t u d i

A healthy gathera day ing of kids enjoyed of ice fishing on Beaver Lake late last month and as the Oceola Fish Game Club organized event a youth ice fishing at Beaver Lake Resort, Lake get to designed Country youth connectoutdoors. the ed to A total of 41 people with event the attended their about 20 kids and eager parents particilled pating for the fun-fi Politicos four-hour event. protake up the challenge The families were shto live more vided with an ice fi drilled CONTRIBUTED ing rod, bait and a sustainably and start do young hole so they could challenge others to a volunteer while another fishing as soon as they of gets a bit of help from Fish and Game likewise. the help With luck at the Oceola KYLE MACLEOD (above) arrived. 3 Lillie (right) tries her ............................... in March. fisherperson, Kassidy Oceola Fish and Game held at Beaver Lake kids famClub volunteers, the of Club’s youth fishing derby Club encourages all all the children were shown the basics learn- the game were cheerClub towards adding ilies to get their youth one warmed up by parents provoland OFGC ice fishing. dance the sh more youth-driven the served, g the connected to the out- in ing the secret fi ing and performin fun The rainbow trout line volgrams and events to unteers had some doors and throw a just a bit taught by OFGC The fish dance. fishing action was recommunity. The club games for everyone. the water. You might but unteers. OFGC members to on the slower side, the plans on growing its youth learned how takThe whistle blew and catch a smile.” in reach port that each youngby to rod event the small sculpins and shing programs fi off a thanks youth were cast The club chal- the teams the ster was very engagedas lake came out to play. Foods, their multiple aspects of ring part in a casting event sponsors: Cooper running. Working team in this outdoor ted valuEach time one of the outdoorsmen/outdooto lenge. The game inInterior Land Reclambalancing skills, the they demonstra kids caught a sculpin, Lake check swomen in the years volved casting a bobation Ltd., Beaver members ran to a able team work, patience you would think they come. ber towards cardboard Resort and BCFishn. point then marched and sportsman-like ice. had hooked a 10-pound “Introducing a young fish targets on the com as well as OFGC backwards to the starting skills which made them Imagining outdoors finished their the trout and their smiles to Vannan, they balancing a Bob person to Once convolunteers point all while exall winners. Thanks Inheaven and excitement was is a very rewarding by turn they were awarded Mike Kamann, Gael t the a bobber on the spoon. of generous donation on the tagious throughou is a game for the very perience,” said Danny with a prize courtesy Marina Coyne, If the bobber fell off direc- Russell, terior Land Reclamati crowd. Coyne, an OFGC young. Better yet Jay and Aly Earl. spoon, the team memday liveLtd., each youth received n Thanks to a generous “fish The big hit of the tor. “It is a skill and For more informatio to create your own eld ber would have to a prize of a new fishing donation by Winfi the OFGC lihood that has been was the fishing bobdance” for five seconds heaven on Earth. gener- regarding rod and tackle box. Foods, a BBQ 4 Cooper passed down from ber and spoon relay all Youth Programs please with an OFGC volunThis ice fishing event ............................... . The and hot dog lunch with to up ation to generation the game. The children visit teer before picking was a small step for and Game divided into the fixings was served Fish were again. Oceola adults Game anthe bobber Oceola Fish and the the group of young Spion Kop two teams. Before Within minutes into glers. could start everygame trail gets a partial After lunch was is rerouting while work a jucompleted. at the daycare was to 7 gar that Seitz had ............................... venile, about two years 40 can imagine.” shoot yesterday. old, weighing about got them inside, thenion He figured the noise The other was in Wednesday may have or 45 pounds. called the Conservat that the children were JUDIE STEEVES Oyama and had attacked deal “Typically these juatsaved them from catasin a Officer Service to making could have spotand killed livestock STAFF REPORTER trophe when they Flyers on with the wildcat. cer tracted the cat, which coufarmyard. (See story ted and reported a Conservation offi may have viewed them pine The sharp eyes of SEE COUGAR A3 page A3). gar in a ponderosa d. admitted it was Seitz at Ed cougar outside the prey. ■ Budget Blinds as said Seitz kids playing tree in the playgroun and a “very scary situation; It was the second coulunch at the Boys ■ Home Depot Caregivers roundworst situation you Counthe Lake and s Club’s Girls ed up the youngster eld ■ Staples try Daycare in Winfi

72. 73. 74. 75. 76.

Hail Busybody Costing nothing Sneak Anglo-Saxon peon Difficulties Egyptian symbol Indian garb Female ruff Bad temper

DON’T MISS OUT! 77. 78. 79. 82. 84.

74. Sheep’s coat 40. Refuge 77. Slosh through 42. Munchies surf 44. A way the wind blows 79. Breathe loudly 46. Shady porch 80. Oxidize ation officers dispatched by conserv tted at day gar spoClub 48. Polynesian forcareTrevino Cou81. ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 658 image 83. ____ media 49. Grand ____ 85. Grizzly’s lair G? (bridge term) NG OR SELLIN BUYI 86. Irish river VE! It’s time to MO 50. Achieve la 87. Hide-and-____ 250.215.3315 Dar 1 Cam 250.863.951 SOLD 51. Greek E 88. Bobble the ball 53. Creche figures 89. Come and ____ 54. Censor it! 55. Doubtful 90. Enlarges in Women Business 56. Policeman April 17 91. Engage, as Publishes gears A p r i l 2 4 • 2 0 1 3 Earth Day: an international event 58. Vroom Deadline April 11 92. Oahu necklace 59. Consume 93. Letter from Jane Smith 61. Judge’s demand Athens2x3 $ 52 62. Gather 64. Dueler’s tool DOWN Home Care Services 1. Glide 65. Ship’s record Publishes April 24 only 62 2. Pertaining to 66. Carnival feature Deadline April 16 Dawn Brule sound 68. Certain Calendar lodge 3. Take by force member CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS 4. Loam 70. Fidgety USE AMERICAN SPELLING

p Be a


cial features: coming spe p u e s e t of th ®

Earth Day April 22

April 22, 2013

On Monday, April 22, more than 500 million people will celebrate Earth Day. This important environmental event is an attempt to mobilize the planet and remind everyone that even small gestures are essential to save our environment. Created by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970, Earth Day unites individuals, organizations, and businesses in the same environmental challenge: the reduction of our ecological footprint. For 43 years now, various cultural and educational activities have been

On Wednesday, April 24, the Lake Country Calendar will be publishing their annual “Women in Business” feature. This very popular section is a showcase for successful business women in Lake Country, and will feature local business editorial highlighting the business spirit of women in the Lake Country community.

organized around the world to raise people’s awareness of environmental issues, and in particular to promote and encourage concrete actions that will reduce the ecological footprint of human beings.

An ecological footprint is the measure of human demand on land and water to supply the resources a human population consumes as well as the absorption of the resulting waste. No one will be surprised to learn that the current demand on natural resources is not sustainable: global consumption is such that more than one planet would be necessary to satisfy our current demand!

Earth Day is the ideal occasion to do something concrete for the environmental cause. Planting a tree, using public transport, recycling, reusing, and composting are all gestures that will have a positive impact on the environment. Earth Day is the time to get moving on this issue, to act now, for ourselves and for future generations.

Includes colour

Earth Day is a time for everyone to remember how important even small gestures are in safeguarding our environment.

Women in Business April 24

let people know who you are, and what you do

Registered Home Care Nurse

Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilicilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat. Sit lor incilla feu feuguer ad diamet enissectem quis nos dipsusto od modigna am nis ate elent ad dit irilit aut vercincing ea faccum iniat ad dit irilit autw.

1234 Address Street, Winfield 250-000-0000 •

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your business logo, name and contact information

Publication date: Wednesday, April 24 Deadline: Tuesday, April 16

Lake Countr y

Advertising Respresentative

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Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951

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Dawn Brule Advertising Respresentative 250.766.4688, ext. 7269 fax: 250.862.5275 email:

Contact Dawn Brule, 250-766-4688 Ext. 7269 email:

rLake Country Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 A11



Copy deadline Friday, 1 pm before issue date

Garden tour shows Lake Country’s best

When the Lake Country Garden Club set out to create a garden tour in 2010, they hit upon an idea that was not only a roaring success, but has become an annual event not to be missed in Lake Country. This group of exuber-ant and organized gardeners have built on the successes of that first tour and have made new and fresh additions to the tour each year. For 2013, 10 Lake Country properties will be showcased, from flower fabulous to water miser xeriscape and edible extravaganza. The gardens are pocket-sized to grand, with something for everyone. You will find so many new ideas to try at your own home. Be inspired by water features, planters, tablescapes and garden décor.

Local artists will be on site in each garden displaying and selling their work. Each artist has generously donated a piece of their art for a toonie raffle at each garden. Also, Okanagan Master Gardeners will be on hand at selected locations to answer your gardening dilemmas. Vic MacDonald of Bees Incorporated will be in one of the gardens with his buzzy friends and amazing display. Take the opportunity to learn from Vic’s extensive knowledge and discover the value of bees. Ken Salvail, our local gardening guru, will offer two, one-hour presentations on the tour as well. His topic will be Optimizing Plant Health. The Lake Country Garden Club has had tremendous support

from the business community and would like to thank its major sponsors: Arrowleaf Cellars, Cooper’s Foods, Interior Land Reclamation (ILR), Kel Lake Greenhouses, Ken’s Horticultural Services, Lake Country Building Center, L’Isola Bella Bistro, Nurturing Nature (Worm Farm), The Jammery, Winfield IDA Pharmacy, Woodsdale General Store, UBR Services. Minor sponsors include: Lake Country Coffee House and Oyama Sunblush. Without the generous support of these community-minded businesses the club would not be able to put on the Garden Tour. Tickets go on sale May 1 for $15 from Kel Lake Greenhouses, Woodsdale General Store, Art Knapps,

Green and Bear It and other locations. A portion of the proceeds go to Lake Country projects. This event makes a great Mother’s Day present, or get a group of friends together and make a day of it. Many of the garden club’s sponsors will be offering specials the day of the tour to ticket holders. Don’t miss out on your chance to take a sneak peek inside the private garden oasis of some spectacular garden hideaways. The Lake Country Garden Club meets the third Thursday of most months. They often bring in special speakers, go on excursions and exchange information. It’s a great place to meet friends and new members are always welcome. For more info call 250-766-3269.

PUZZLE NO. 660 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 24.




30. 32. 34. 36. 37. 38.

Copyright © 2013, Penny Press


1. Modest 4. Promenade 8. “____ Magic Moment” (Drifters song) 12. Onstage gear 15. Tail-less simian 16. Lost 17. Charter 18. Hair goo 19. Pod content 20. Thin 21. Door to ore 22. Pindar product 23. Boo-boo list 25. Verify 27. River inlet 28. South African monetary unit 29. Snack 31. Precise 33. Invented story 35. Symbol 39. Certain molding

41. 43. 46. 47. 48. 50. 51. 54. 56. 57. 59. 61. 63. 64. 66. 67. 69. 71. 74. 76.

Just Priest’s garment Redolence Madagascar mammal Marsh bird Possessive pronoun Proposal Foamy drink Miss Piggy is one Military station Plentiful Of a region Sawbones Remove weapons from Techie Rush Auricular Confuse Monastic official Pyramid, for some

80. 81. 85. 87. 88. 89. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

Building annex Rich pastry Unprincipled Falsify Middle of the day Humpback’s kin Break the ____ Summer drink Flit Stiff Expressions of doubt Besides Toward protection Exaggeration Land portion

39. 40. 42. 44. 45. 46.

“____ Darn Cat!” Cover up Pupil’s site Lounge sofa Greek marketplace First-aid provider Kilt fold Madison Avenue employees “____ Goes Another Love Song” Unit of resistance Dec. 25 Sasquatch’s kin Dues payer Rare moon color Stringed instrument Group of eight Painter’s plaster Pass, as hours Not a winner Roomy Bro or sis

49. Cobbler’s tool 52. Seniors, to juniors 53. Give forth 55. Hindu queen 58. Mimic 60. Kauai porch 62. Right-hand page 65. Rowdy crowd 68. Program 70. Tempest in a ____ 71. Fasten, as a rope 72. Omit in pronunciation 73. Armada 75. Soup liquid 77. Bay window 78. Aggressively manly 79. Made holy 82. “____ Miner’s Daughter” 83. Folk tales 84. Poker starter 86. Chess term 90. Beam


All Community EvEnts will be placed at no charge to all non-Profit organizations.

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Prank Gluck’s forte Desire Upright pole Tilted Maui memento Tibetan clerics

•WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH 3751 Woodsdale Road, yard and bake sale. Sat., May 4 8:30-12:30 No early birds please. Refreshments, toys, books and a whole lot more ! •6TH ANNUAL SWAP MEET AT WINFIELD MEMORIAL HALL, Sat., May 4 the 8am-2pm. All home yard sales, collectors, crafters, community clubs, home-based business, farmers market are welcome. Limited number tables available. Call to book now, 250-717-7615. Breakfast and lunch available. A Winfield Memorial Hall Association fundraiser •GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE, bake sale and bottle drive. Hosted by the Lake Country Alliance Youth. Sat., April 20, 9am to 2pm, 12025 Oceola Rd. •THE LAkE COUNTRy HERITAGE & CULTURAL SOCIETy/LAkE COUNTRy MUSEUM Annual General Meeting will be held Wed., April 24, 9am to noon at the Carr’s Landing Room and Council Chambers District of Lake Country, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country. Lunch will be provided. We thank you for your support of the museum. For more information, please contact the Lake Country Museum at 250-766-0111 or by email to •OUR NON-PROFIT CLUb, THE LAkE COUNTRy JUMPING AGILITy MUTTS, is having its Annual General Meeting at 6:30pm, Thurs. April 11 in the Winfield Room at the Lake Country Municipal Hall. All members and the general public are encouraged to attend. For information please contact Nancy at 250-766-3605. •LAkE COUNTRy GARDEN CLUb Monthly meeting Thurs., April 18, Room 118, GESS. Annual Plant Sale: Sat., May 11, 9m-noon at the Seniors’ Centre. Annual Garden Tour: Sat., June 8 from 9am4pm. Tickets go on sale May 1; tickets $15. More info: Laverne 250-766-3269, Trish 250-766-3367 (plant sale). •LC SENIOR bUS SCHEDULE Mon., Apr. 15, 22, 29 Prime Time. Tues., Apr. 16, 23, 30 Wheels to Meals lunch. Sat., Apr. 13 - Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping. Fri., Apr. 26 Mystery Trip. To reserve a seat on bus please phone Marg 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. •ST. FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHURCH SOUP-SMORG, Sat., April 13, 11am-1pm @ the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. Full meal $6. Information: 250-869-8446. •LIFE AFTER LAUNDRy Ladies’ Club is hosting a community garage sale! Sun., April 21 from 10am-2pm. Location: Lake Country Boys & Girls Club. Book your spot $10. Email lifeafterlaundryladiesclub@hotmail com. All profits go to Lake Country women in need. •LAkE COUNTRy SENIORS’ CENTRE is having their annual Yard Sale on April 27, from 9am to 1pm. We will once again be asking for donations until sale day. Please call 250-766-4588 for pick up or to arrange to drop off. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP PRESENTS Fashion show & election fun, Sat., April 13, 7pm. Door prizes & refreshments (special opening of the shop at 6:30). Tickets $10 at the shop, 3751 Woodsdale Road, 250-766-3387. •kELOWNA GARDEN CLUb Sat., April 27, from 9am to 1pm, Guisachan Heritage Garden, 1060 Cameron Avenue, Kelowna. Perennials, annuals, herbs, bulbs, tubers, house plants, small shrubs and trees, books, magazines and garden items. Master gardeners on hand to answer your gardening questions. Everyone welcome. Sale takes place rain or shine. •LAkE COUNTRy bUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 6pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515, or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •LINE DANCING CLASSES for advanced beginners to intermediates from 10-11:45 am every Wednesday until the end of June at Holiday Park Resort’s recreation centre, on Commonwealth Road (turn at the sailboat). Twoonie donation. Call Doreen at 250-869-8446. •ROyAL CANADIAN LEGION 189 LADIES AUXILIARy - Notice of Cribbage Tournament on last Sunday of each month. Get your name on the list by phoning the Legion after 3pm. Registration is at 9am. Games begin at 10 am sharp. $26 per team and lunch is included. •bINGO-TWICE MONTHLy bINGOS will be held at the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre. Bingo begins at 1:30pm, doors open at 12:30pm. Everybody welcome but must be 19 to play. Bus service is also available in Lake Country if there are enough people wanting it. For info call Marg Fyfe one week before the bingo at 250-766-3227. Bingos are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month and sponsored by the Lake Country Seniors’ Centre Society. •LAkE COUNTRy yOUTH SOCCER ASSOC. Registration ongoing. For info check out www.lcysa. com or call 250-766-0602. •TODAy’S LINE DANCING IS SIMILAR TO bALLROOM DANCING, but NO PARTNER IS NEEDED! Rhythm flavours of Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Merengue, Samba, Fox Trot, Waltz, Bolero, and coming up BACHATA! and yes, some Country and Western! Tooney donation. Location: Holiday Park Resort Recreation Centre, Hwy 97 North, turn at Sail Boat (Commonwealth Road). Mondays at 1:45 to 2:40 for New Beginners, 2 to 3pm for beginners and intermediates. First class for 2013 begins Feb. 4. Ph: Mary 250-766-4651. •WINFIELD UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP (3571 Woodsdale Road), is open from Tues. to Sat., 10am to 2pm for shopping and donation drop-off. Call 250-766-3387 for information regarding appropriate donations. •THE LAkE COUNTRy FOOD bANk wants to encourage boys and girls to help at the Food Bank. Any amount of time you can volunteer would be a huge help. Come and support the community you work and play in. For information call Phyllis, 250-766-0125, or 250-766-3038. 3130 Berry Road, Winfield. •LAkE COUNTRy THRIFT STORE hours of operation: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs., 9am- 3pm. Located at 3130 Berry Road, Winfield (the same building as the Lake Country Food Bank). •bEAVERS/CUbS/SCOUTS/VENTURERS REGISTRATION/AGM Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250-766-4269. •LAkE COUNTRy bUSINESS CONNECTIONS meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Ruffle 250-548-4070. •OyAMA LEGION bRANCH 189 holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. •THE LAkE COUNTRy MUSEUM is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1pm-4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 •CRIbbAGE TOURNAMENTS at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $13. Excellent lunch; $1 for all day coffee. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. •TO ALL WINFIELD CRIb PLAyERS: Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. •LC LINE DANCERS Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. •SOCIAL bRIDGE Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-7663982. •THE COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATIONS (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to affiliate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-5769733 or for further info. •LC OUTDOORS CLUb welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/ lunch & clothing appropriate & sufficient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit

for all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL



Override the tide of decay by changing the signals you are sending your body KITTLE FROM A10

little or no exercise is to body it’s time to get old. The keys to overriding be blamed. And it’s not To rot. To store every bit the decay code are daily THURSDAY, APRIL 11,older 2013 to act or feel old. just the people— of excess food as fat, melt exercise, reasonable nuHe also notesTSN that 70CHBC the effCIVT ects of idleness off muscle and let SNP the trition, emotional CBCare KIRO CHAN KNOW KOMO comA&E per cent of premature showing up younger and joints decay. mitment and # $ % & _ ( ) * `a real en1 death is lifestyle relat- The Doctors younger. BeingPoko seden- The PriceTh good news is that Bucket-Dino gagement The View Is eThe Doctors MLB Thewith View living. Criminal :00 Golf THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 Weir ” Doodlebops Right ” Baseball: ” 10 :30 ed and can beMike forestalled. tary is one” of the most we can override the tide FranklinIn working withMinds older Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & Eat, Shrink Toronto Blue Rolie Polie KOMO 4 Criminal :00 Golf Our11 modern important signals for de-Restless of decay by changing adults instructing ” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Debt/Part Jays at the Dive, Olly and News Minds TSN CHBC CIVT CBC KIRO CHAN SNP KNOW KOMO A&E :30 lifestyle 2013 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Noon News Detroit Dino Dan The Chew The First 48 with12 junk:00 food, too much cay. Without daily exersignals we are sending seniors’ fi tness classes, # $ % & _ ( ) * ` 1 Masters Hour ” Now Bold Hour Tigers Rob Robot ” ” :30 TV, stress, poor sleep and Golf The Doctors View Poko The Doctors Bucket-Dino The View Criminal you are telling your The ourIsbody. I can the difference Tournament: Days ofcise our The Anderson Heartland The Price Talk Days of our MLB Soccer Save Ums see General The First 48 :00 :00

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” ””

2013 ” ” Masters

Doodlebops ”

Right ”

Eat, TheShrink Talk Debt/Part ”


The Marilyn Dr. Phil Denis Show ”

Live ”

Steven Stevenand and Chris Chris

Young & Let’s Make a Eat, The Shrink Talk Restless Debt/Part Deal ”

The Ricki Noon News Lake Show Hour

The News Dr. Oz CTV Show”

Best News Recipes KIRO ThisMinute CBC News Stefano ThisMinute Now Bold

” Young Ellen DeGe- Heartland Exchange Judge Judy Tournament: Days of & our Anderson The Talk NHLRound Lives Restless neres Show NHL ” Judge” Judy First Live Hockey: News CTV News Hockey: KIRO News ” The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a Penguins at at Five Canadiens at Deal KIRO News ” ”” ” Chris Golf The Doctors The View Poko The Price Is Lightning Global Nat. The CTVDr. News Best Sabres KIRO News ” The Ricki Recipes Right ThisMinute Mike Weir ” ” Oz Doodlebops ” CHBC News ” ” CBS News ” Lake Show Show Stefano ThisMinute Golf Eat, Shrink The Marilyn Steven and Young & SportsCentre Ent Big Bang News Ent Young & Ellen DeGeExchange Judge Judy ”” Debt/Part Denis Show Chris Restless 2013 ET Canada neres etalk Show NHL Coronation Judge omg! Insider NHL Restless Judy 2013 Noon News CTV News CBC News KIRO News Masters King Big Bang The Nature Big Bang Hockey: News CTV News Hockey: KIRO News Masters ” Now Bold Tournament Hour ” Two Men of Things Two Men Penguins at ” at Five Canadiens at KIRO News Tournament: Heartland Talkof That’s Hcky Days Gleeof our Anderson Law & The Trouble The Person Lightning Global Nat. Live CTV News Sabres KIRO ”News First Round Lives ” ” Order: SVU With ”Experts Interest ” CHBC News ” ” CBS News ” The Talk Dr. Phil Steven and Let’s Make a SportsCentre Elementary Motive CBC News: Elementary SportsCentre Ent ” ” Big Bang News Ent ” ” ”” Chris The National Deal ” 2013 ET Canada etalk Coronation omg! Insider ” The Ricki Dr. Oz Best SportsCentre CHBC NewsThe CTV News CBCRecipes News ThisMinute KIRO News Masters King Big Bang The Nature Big Bang ” ” Lake Show ThisMinute FinalShow CTV News Stefano George S Highlights Tournament ” Two Men of Things Two Men ” Young & Ellen Judy SportsCentre Highlights DailyDeGeShow Exchange Coronation Judge Late Show That’s Hcky Glee Law &Show The Trouble Person of NHL Restless Judy ” ET Canada neres Colbert Rep NHL Q With Jian Judge Letterman ” ” Order: SVU With Experts Interest Hockey: News CTV News Hockey: KIRO News SportsCentre Motive CBC News:at KIRO Elementary Penguins at Elementary ” at Five Canadiens News ” ” ” The National ” Lightning Global Nat. CTV News Sabres KIRO News ” CHBC ” ” CBS SportsCentre CHBC News News CTV News CBC News KIRONews News ” Final CTV News George S Highlights SportsCentre Ent Big Bang News Ent

2013 Canada SportsCentre ET Highlights ” ET Canada Masters King Tournament That’s Hcky ”


Lives ”

Baseball: Central

Franklin Wibbly Pig

” Hospital


Toronto Blue Rolie Polie On the Edge Big Bear Jays at” Dive, Olly Dinosaur

KOMO 4 Criminal The Doctors The First 48 News ” Minds”

The Ricki Noon News Lake Show Hour

Oil Change Detroit Tigers”

Dr. Oz The Chew Show ”

Youngof&our Days Restless Lives

World Poker Save G. Shrinks Soccer Ums Tour Arthur Pig Central Wibbly Prime Time Martha On the Edge Big Bear Sports” Wild Kratts Dinosaur MLB Bucket-Dino Sportsnet Animals Oil Change Franklin Rob Robot Baseball: Connected Can. Rivers ” Clifford-Dog Toronto Blue Rolie Polie MLB Going to WorldatPoker Dive, G. Shrinks Jays Olly Baseball: Extremes Tour Arthur Detroit Dino Dan Texas The Joy of Prime Time Rob Martha Tigers Rangers at StatsRobot Sports Wild Kratts Soccer Save Ums Seattle Dirt! The Sportsnet AnimalsPig Central Wibbly Mariners Movie Connected Can. Rivers On the Edge Big Sportsnet TheBear Hollow MLB Going ” Dinosaur Connected Tree to Baseball: Extremes Oil Change Rob Robot Hockey Going to Texas The Joy of ” Clifford-Dog Blue Jays Extremes Rangers at Stats World Poker G. Shrinks UFC Central Britain From Seattle Dirt! The Tour Arthur Poker Tour Above Mariners Movie Prime Time Martha Sportsnet The Hollow Sports Wild Kratts Connected Tree Sportsnet Animals Connected Can. Hockey GoingRivers to Blue Jays Extremes MLB Going to


Early News The Talk Global” Nat. The Doctors News Hour The Ricki ” ” Lake Show Eat, Shrink Ent Young & Debt/Part ET Canada Restless Noon News King Early News Hour ” Global Nat. Days Glee of our News Hour Lives ” ” The Talk Elementary Ent ”” ET Canada The Ricki News Hour King Lake FinalShow ” Young & Highlights Glee Restless ET Canada ” Early News Elementary Global Nat. ” News Hour News ”Hour Final Ent

Baby Story Weddings

The First 48 Squirrel Kid vs. Kat ” Sidekick Squirrel

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made Concordia How/Made Ship

Odd Parents & Daily Planet Steve Rated A for Lang Andrew Mayday Law Order: Tattoos Four Odd Parents O’Leary ”” Harvey Tattoos Kid vs. Kat Nichols CI Weddings Odd Parents CBC News Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Casino Almost Power & MythBusters Anderson Medium Odd Parents Politics ” ”” Raymond Casino League/Evil Live Medium Almost CBC News How/Made How I Met Baby Story Victorious CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Tattoos Squirrel ” How/Made The Ricki Medium G. Shrinks Now With How/Made SMART Baby Story Mr. Young The National ” Two Men Tattoos Sidekick ” How/Made Lake Show Medium Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Mighty Family Feud Extreme Mr. Young CBC News Amish Mafi a Big Bang NY Ink Odd Parents Lang Daily Planet Steve League/Evil cont’d& Planes Family Feud Tattoos Extreme Boys ” ”” Two Men ” Odd Parents O’Leary Harvey Tattoos Kid vs. Kat CBC News Concordia Funny Home What Not to Splatalot CBC News: Amish Mafia American Tattoos Odd Parents CBC News Fast Loud Simpsons Casino Squirrel NowNational With Ship N’ Videos Wear Zoink’d! The ” Idol Tattoos Odd Parents ” ” Raymond Casino Rated A for CBC Andrew Mayday Law Order: NY Four Gags News: Fast N’ Loud Glee Ink Victorious CBC News: Fast N’” Loud Big Tattoos Kid vs. Kat Nichols CI Bang Weddings Gags The National ” ” ” Mr. Young The National ” Two Men Tattoos Almost Power & MythBusters Anderson Medium Boys CBC News The Devils News Casino Mr. Young CBC News Amish Mafi a Big Bang NY Ink League/Evil Politics ” Live Medium Mr. Young ” Ride 30 Rock Casino Boys ” ” Two Men ” Squirrel ” How/Made The Ricki Medium That’s-Weird CBC News: Amish Mafia Sunny Tattoos Splatalot CBCNational News: Amish American Tattoos Sidekick ” How/Made Lake Show Tattoos Medium Splatalot The ” Mafia TMZ Zoink’d! The National ” Idol Tattoos Odd Parents Lang Lang & & DailyN’Planet Steve Tattoos Wipeout Fast Loud The Office Paid Prog. Gags CBC News: Fast N’ Glee NY Ink Odd Parents O’Leary Harvey Tattoos ” O’Leary ”” Loud King of Hill Paid Prog. Gags The National ” ” ” Odd Parents CBC News Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Casino Boys The Devils News Casino Odd Parents CBC News ” ” Raymond Casino Mr. Young ” Ride 30 Rock Casino Victorious CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Big Bang Tattoos Mr. Young The National Two Men Tattoos That’s-Weird CBC News: Amish ”Mafia Sunny Tattoos Splatalot The National ” TMZ Tattoos Mr. Young CBC News Amish Mafia Big Bang NY Ink

Seattle Mariners

Dirt! The Movie

Grey’s Anatomy

The First 48 ”

A&E 1

Seinfeld “Get Smart” ” Guy Family



Family Guy

Gags Gags

CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee The National ” ”

NY Ink ”

Amer. Dad Movie:

Midsomer Murders

The Office Go On

CBC News ”

Casino Casino

“The Forbidden


Hannibal ”

Kingdom” Movie:

” American

Elementary ”

Sportsnet Connected

The Hollow Tree

Scandal ”

The First 48 ”

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News George S

KIRO News Highlights

News Hour Final

Hockey Blue Jays

Going to Extremes

News Jimmy

The Killer Speaks

That’s-Weird CBC News: Amish Mafia Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Tattoos Tattoos

Late Show Letterman

Highlights ET Canada

UFC Central Britain From Kimmel Live The Killer Poker Tour Above Nightline Speaks

Wipeout ”

Lang & O’Leary

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

CBC News Now With



A&E 1

Katie KING 5 News”

” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Tattoos


CBC News: Elementary The National ”


Cat in the Heart of Arthur Perfect

cont’d Lives

Two Offi Men Fast N’” Loud The ce of Hill Amish” Mafia King American The National ” Idol

Boys Wipeout ” Splatalot


Motive ”


Daniel Rose Tiger Dr. New Day Charlie Phil Rick Steves Northwest ” ”

Big Bang There Yet? Big Bang There Yet? Browns King Payne King Law Order: Browns The CI Office Payne The Office Law Order: Seinfeld Big CI Bang Seinfeld Big Bang Excused Family Guy Browns Excused Family Guy Payne ThereDad Yet? Amer. Browns There Yet? Movie: Payne King “The Seinfeld King Forbidden Seinfeld The Office Kingdom” Family Guy The Offi ce Movie: Family Guy Big Smart” Bang “Get Amer. Dad Big Bang ” Movie: Browns “The Payne Forbidden Browns Payne Kingdom” Movie: Seinfeld



Daily Show Coronation Colbert Rep Q With Jian

Wild Kratts Watson

Law Order: King CI King



The Trouble Person of With Experts Interest

CI There Yet?

The Ricki Office Funny Home Medium What Not to The Excused Lake Show Medium The Office Videos Wear Excused

Law & Order: SVU

SportsCentre Highlights ” ET Canada


Lumberjacks The Doctors The View Hockey Can. ” ”

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet ” Connected

Bucket-Dino The View Franklin ”

Storage Storage

Almost G. Shrinks


Lang &” O’Leary CBC News:


The Devils Ride


News 30 Rock


Fast N’ Loud The Office ” King of Hill How/Made How/Made

How I Met Insanity!


Baby Story Baby Story

Kratts Ellen HealthDaysDeGeof our WTBS Wild KCTS KING WordGirl neres Watson LivesShow KING 5 A Business N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil

World News News ” ” Sid Science Today PBS Nightly News Cat the Katie WildinKratts cont’d NewsHour News ” Arthur Daniel Tiger New Day Pie Magazine Wild DeGeRick Kratts Steves Ellen Northwest Chef Inside WordGirl neresEd. Show Heart of KING 5 Foyle’s War Community Business KING 5 Perfect News ” Parks World News News HealthDays Midsomer The Offiof ceour PBS Nightly News Watson Lives Murders Go On NewsHour News Charlie RoseHannibal Dr. Phil Vera Pie ” ” Magazine ” ” Chef Inside Ed. Cat in KatieNews ” the KING Foyle’s Community Arthur War Jay ” American Leno ” Parks Wild Kratts Ellen” DeGeMasters Midsomer The Offi ce WordGirl neres Show ” Jimmy Fallon Murders Go On Business KING 5 Vera World News Hannibal News ” ” PBS Nightly News NewsHour NewsNews ” KING American Jay Leno Pie Magazine

Chef Inside” Ed. Masters ” War Jimmy Fallon Foyle’s Community ” Parks

WTBS “Get Smart” KCTS Masters A” N”

KING News Jay Leno

KING ” Jimmy Fallon P

Law Order: CI

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Eat, Shrink Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Eat, Shrink Debt/Part

MLB Baseball:

Rolie Polie Dive, Olly

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Family Feud Borrowed League/Evil cont’d ” Family Feud Borrowed

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

Noon News Hour

CTV News ”

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Giants at Cubs

Dino Dan Rob Robot

The Chew ”

Storage Storage

Kid vs. Kat Squirrel

CBC News Now With

Silver Rush ”

Excused Excused

American Masters

KING 5 News

Giants To Be at Cubs Announced

Save Ums Wibbly Pig Bucket-Dino Big Bear Franklin Dinosaur Rolie Polie Rob Robot Dive, Olly Clifford-Dog Dino Dan G. Shrinks Rob Robot Arthur

Storage Hospital Storage The View Storage The Doctors Storage ” Storage ” Storage KOMO 4 Storage The Dr. Oz Storage News Storage Show Storage The Chew Storage KOMO 4 Storage Storage News ” Storage General Storage News Storage Hospital Storage World News Storage

Rated A for Kid vs. Kat Almost Almost G. Shrinks League/Evil Rescue Hero Squirrel League/Evil Sidekick Kid vs. Kat Kung Fu Squirrel Kung Fu

Andrew Nichols CBC News Power & Now With Politics Reshmi Nair ” cont’d” CBC News Lang & Now With O’Leary

Fast N’ Loud Law Order: Borrowed ” CI Borrowed How/Made How I Met Baby Story Fast N’ Loud Anderson Borrowed How/Made Insanity! Baby Story ” Live Borrowed Mighty Ships Family Feud Borrowed How/Made The Ricki Borrowed ” Family Feud Borrowed How/Made Lake Show Borrowed SilverPlanet Rush Steve Funny Home Say Borrowed Daily Yes Videos Borrowed ”” Harvey Say Yes

There Yet? There Yet? Law Order: King CI King Law Order: The Office CI The Office Excused Big Bang Excused Big Bang

” Sid Science Charlie Rose Wild Kratts ” Daniel Tiger Cat in the Rick Steves Arthur American Wild Kratts Masters WordGirl

Days of our Lives Today Dr. Phil cont’d ” New Day Katie Northwest ” KING 5 Ellen DeGeNewsShow neres

Fast N’ Loud Simpsons Law Order: Oddities ” CI Oddities Raymond Fast N’ Loud Anderson Finding Big Bang ” Live How/Made HowMen I Met Bigfoot Two How/Made Insanity! How/Made Big The Ricki Mayday Bang How/Made Lake Show ” Ships Two Men Mighty Family Feud ” Family Feud Daily Cab Planet Steve Cash Kitchen

There Yet? Browns There Yet? Payne King Browns King Law Order: Payne CI Office The Seinfeld The ce Seinfeld LawOffi Order: CI Bang Big Family Guy

PBS Nightly News ” Sid Science Today” NewsHour News WildinKratts cont’d Cat the Katie Washington Magazine Arthur ” Need Daniel Tiger Inside New Ed. Day Rick Steves Fashion Northwest Wild Kratts Ellen DeGeDoc Martin Star

Tournament: Days of our Second Lives Lumberjacks The Doctors Round The Talk Hockey Can. ” ” ” Golf Eat, Shrink ” The Ricki ”” Debt/Part Lake Show 2013 ” Noon News Young & Masters Hour Mike Weir Restless

Anderson Live The View Dr. Phil ” ” The Marilyn The Dr. Oz Denis Show Show CTV EllenNews DeGeneres” Show

Tournament: Days NASCAR Newsof our Anderson CTV News Second Lives ” Live NASCAR at Five Round The Talk Dr. Phil Racing Global Nat. CTV News ”” ” NewsThe View ”” Lumberjacks The Doctors CHBC Hockey” Can. The Ricki ” ” Oz The ” Ent Big Dr. Bang Lake Show The Show ET Shrink Canada etalk Golf ” ” Eat, Marilyn ”” Debt/Part Show Young & FireDenis Ellen DeGeSportsCentre Chicago Undercover



SNP ” )

KNOW KOMO General * `

Heartland News News” Steven News and Chris Poko Exchange Doodlebops Best Recipes George S Stefano Coronation Steven and Chris Dragons’ Marketplace

Days our Early of News Lives Global Nat. The Talk News Hour ”” The Doctors ” The Ent Ricki Lake Show ET Canada Eat, Shrink Debt/Part Young & Fire Chicago

MLB ” ” Baseball: HockeycenToronto Blue tral atat Noon Sportsnet Jays Connected Sportsnet Kansas City Connected Royals MLB Baseball: To Be MLB

Save Ums Martha Wibbly Pig Wild Kratts Big Bear Animals Dinosaur Bucket-Dino Parks Franklin Rob Robot Coast Clifford-Dog ” Rolie Polie Dive, Olly G. Shrinks Ballykissan-

KOMO 4 ” The View News ” Oz The Dr. Wheel Show Jeopardy! KOMO 4 News KOMO Happy 4

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

Kung Fu ” Kat Kid vs. Squirrel League/Evil Kung Fu Mr. Young Kung Fu Rated A for KidYoung vs. Kat Mr. SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob Almost League/Evil Boys Movie: Boys “Raise Your Squirrel

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

Sidekick Raise Your Voice” Voice ” Kung Fu


The Talk KIRO News KIRO ”News Let’s Make KIRO Newsa Deal The Price Is CBS News Right ThisMinute Ent ThisMinute omg! Insider Young & Restless Judge Judy Undercover



” Wild Kratts Save Ums Wibbly ” Pig Animals ” Parks Big Bear Dinosaur Architects of Coast Change ” Rob Robot Clifford-Dog BallykissanBallykissangelShrinks gel G.

World ”News General Hospital 20/20 4 KOMO ” News The Doctors News ” Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! The Dr. Oz Show Kimmel Live Happy Nightline Happy KOMO 4

Mike Weir That’s Hcky Restless Vegas NASCAR News ” ” NASCAR ” SportsCentre 16x9 Racing” Global ”Nat. ” CHBC News Formula One CHBC News ” Ent Racing Final ” ET Canada SportsCentre Highlights SportsCentre Fire SportsCentre Chicago ET Canada ” ”

Den fifth estate News ” News CBC News: News The National Exchange CBC News George George S S Coronation Coronation Marketplace Away Frm Rick Mercer

Judge Judy Vegas KIRO News ” KIRO News Blue Bloods KIRO News ” CBS News KIRO News Ent Highlights omg! Insider Late Show Undercover Letterman Boss

Restless Vegas Early News ” Global Nat. 16x9 News Hour ” ” News Hour Ent Final ET Canada Highlights Chicago Fire ET Canada ”

Announced Rangers at MLB Mariners Baseball: Sportsnet Toronto Blue Connected Jays at Hockey Kansas City Blue Jays Royals World Poker MLB Tour Baseball:

Arthur Poirot Martha ” Wild Kratts ” Animals ” Parks Architects of Coast Change ” BallykissanBallykissangel gel

News Shark Tank News ” World News 20/20 KOMO” 4 News News Wheel Jimmy Jeopardy! Kimmel Live Happy Nightline Happy

Grimm ”

fifth estate ”

Vegas ”

Vegas ”

Rangers at Mariners


Blue Bloods ”

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National ”


Sportsnet Connected

CBC News George S

News Hour Final

Formula One CHBC News CTV News Racing Final CTV News

KIRO News Highlights

KIRO Late _ Show

CHAN ( Highlights

Announced Baseball: Giants at Cubs Rangers at MLB

KNOW KOMO * ` The Doctors

Mariners Baseball: ” ” Blue Sportsnet Toronto Connected Jays at Hockeycentral at Noon Hockey Kansas City Blue Jays Royals Sportsnet Connected World Poker MLB Tour Baseball: To Be

Vegas ”

Restless ” Noon News Hour VegasNews Early

” Sportsnet HockeycenConnected tral at Noon MLB Sportsnet Baseball: Connected

”Nat. Global Days of our Lives 16x9 Hour News ”” The Talk News”Hour Ent Final ET Canada The Ricki Lake Show Highlights Chicago Fire ET Canada ”& Young

SportsCentre 16x9 ” ”

Arthur gel Dan Dino Rob Robot Poirot Martha

” ” ”

News Happy The Chew Shark ”Tank News

MLS Soccer: Mike Weir Crew at Pregame

It Is Written fifth estate Better Living ”

Impact ”

Operation Smile

Best Recipes 2013 Stefano Masters

MLS Soccer Masters Canada’s Figure ” Tournament: Worst Driver Skating

” Third Round Lovett-Reid ” Dr. Marla & Score Golf Fishn ” SickKids SportsCentreReal Fishing ” Cash Cab Pregame Foundation ” ” Cash Cab MLS Soccer: Mike Weir It Is Written NASCAR Simpsons Celebrity Crew at Pregame Better Living NASCAR Simpsons Celebrity Impact ” Operation Racing: Simpsons etalk ” 2013 Smile Sprint Cup: CHBC News App Central MLS Soccer Masters Canada’s NRA ”500 Global Nat. CTV News Tournament: Worst Driver ” CHBC News ” ” Third Round Lovett-Reid Final ”24 W5Marla & Score Golf Fishn SickKids ”” Dr. ” ” ” Pregame Real Fishing Foundation SportsCentre ” Cash Cab SportsCentre Combat Dancing MLS Soccer: Mike Weir ItCash Is Written ” ” Cab ” Hospital With the Crew at Pregame Better Living NASCAR Simpsons Celebrity SportsCentre Ready Stars Impact ” for Operation NASCAR Simpsons Celebrity Score Love ” Golf 2013 Smile ” Racing: Simpsons etalk SportsCentre ” Flashpoint MLS Soccer Sprint Cup: Masters CHBC ”News Canada’s App Central ” Tournament: Worst Driver ” ” NRA 500 Global Nat. CTV SportsCentre News Final CTVNews News ”” Third Round Lovett-Reid CHBC News ” Saturday CTV News ” ” ” Dr. Marla & ” W5 Formula OneFinal Night24 Children SportsCentre ” Live Cash Cab of ” ”” ” Racing Men ” ” Cash Cab SportsCentre Combat Dancing

Masters Playoffs

KIRO _ ”

Mike Weir Pregame ”


Storage Storage Storage Storage

Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage



RatedFu A for CBC Andrew Kung News Kid vs. Kat Nichols Kung Fu ” Almost Power & SpongeBob CBC News: League/Evil Politics Almost CBCNational News SpongeBob The G. Shrinks Now With Squirrel ” Movie: CBC News Sidekick “Raise Your ”” Nair Rescue Hero Reshmi League/Evil cont’d Kung Fu Lang & Voice” CBC News:







Borrowed Four WedBorrowed dings: Un. Borrowed Say Yes Borrowed Baby Story Say Yes Baby Story Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Say Yes Say Yes

O’Leary ”Rush Nightmares Harvey Say Yes The Yes CBCNational News Cash SilverCab Funny HomeSay Borrowed Now News: With ” Videos Borrowed CBC ” Borrowed CBC News Finding Oddities Simpsons Four WedThe National Bigfoot ” Borrowed ” Oddities Raymond dings: Un. Andrew Fast N’ Loud Law Order: Borrowed Nichols ” CI Borrowed CBC News Oddities News Four WedCBC News: Finding Big Bang Say Yes ”& Oddities Rock dings: Un. The National Bigfoot Two Men Say Yes Power Fast N’ Loud 30 Anderson Borrowed Politics ” LiveBang Borrowed CBC News: Sunny Say Yes CBC News Mayday Mayday Big Borrowed The National ” TMZ Say Yes ”” ” Two Borrowed How/Made The Men Ricki Borrowed

” How/Made Lang Alien CBC & News: Cash Cab O’Leary Mysteries The Cash LangNational & Daily Cab Planet Kung Fu O’Leary ” League/Evil CBC News: Finding Kung Fu CBCNational News Bigfoot Oddities Mr. Young The Kung Fu ” Oddities Mr. Young CBC News Oddities SpongeBob CBC News: Finding Mr. Young ” Oddities SpongeBob The National Bigfoot Boys CBC News: Mayday Movie: CBCNational News Mayday Boys The ” “Raise Your ” ” Raise Your Lang & Alien Voice” CBC News: Mysteries Cash Cab Voice O’Leary ” The National Cash Cab

Lake Show Borrowed The Offi ce Paid Prog. Kitchen Say Yes King of Hill Paid Prog. Nightmares Say Steve SayYes Yes Harvey Say Yes ” Borrowed Simpsons Four Wed” Borrowed Raymond dings: Un. News Four WedBigRock Bang Say Yes 30 dings: Un. Two Men Say Yes Sunny Say Yes Big Bang Borrowed TMZ Say Yes Two Men Borrowed The Office Paid Prog. Kitchen Say Yes King of Hill Paid Prog. Nightmares Say Yes

Shark Tank ”

Storage Storage

League/Evil Mr. Young

CBC News: Finding The National Bigfoot

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News ”

Storage Storage

Boys Boys

CBC News: Mayday The National ”

Storage Storage Flipping Boston

Raise Your Voice Kung Fu Turtles

Lang & O’Leary CBC News CBC News

Alien Mysteries Mayday ”

The Office King of Hill MLB Baseball:

Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Hoarding: Buried Alive

Regional Coverage

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Hockey Blue Jays

of News SNP Architects KNOW KOMO Change Jimmy ) * `Live World Poker BallykissanKimmel

A&E 1



Oddities Oddities


Soccer Hockey

Lilly Sea Rescue Flipping Planet Echo Born-Explore Boston

Turtles Beyblade

Now With Christine

Silver Rush ”

NHL Hockey:

Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs

Criminal Minds

Pokémon Rangers


Finding Bigfoot



” Days WTBS Business KCTS KING KING 5of our ” Lives News News A World N P Charlie Rose Dr. Phil

Big Bang Family Guy Excused Excused Amer. Dad Browns

Movie: Payne There Yet? There Yet? “Get Smart” Browns Payne King ” King ” Seinfeld Movie: Seinfeld The Office

WordGirl neres ” ” Show American KING 5 Masters News5 Reel NW Grimm Business KING ” World” News News ” Days of our Lives American Rock Center PBS ” Nightly News Songbook ” NewsHour Charlie Rose News Dr. Phil ” ” ArtZone KING News Washington Magazine Reel-Shorts Leno Need Inside Ed. Cat in the Jay Katie

TheGift” Offi ce Austin Arthur “The City ” ” Star Family Guy Doc Martin Fashion ” Guy Limits Jimmy Family ” ”DeGeBig Bang Wild Kratts Ellen Fallon Big Bang WordGirl neres Show Amer. Dad Reel NW Grimm Browns Business KING”5 Movie: ” Payne World News News “Get Smart” American Rock Center Browns PBS Nightly ” Songbook ” News Payne NewsHour News ” ArtZone KING News Seinfeld Washington Jay Magazine Movie: Reel-Shorts Leno Seinfeld Need Inside Ed. “The Gift” Austin City ” Family Doc Martin Jimmy Fashion Star ” Guy Limits Fallon Family Guy ” ”

Borrowed Borrowed

Amer. Dad Movie:

Reel NW ”

Grimm ”

News 30 Rock

Four Weddings: Un.

“Get Smart” ”

American Songbook

Rock Center ”

Sunny TMZ

Say Yes Say Yes

” WTBS Movie: A “The Gift”

ArtZone KING News KCTS Reel-Shorts KING Jay Leno NCity P” Austin



” Movie: “Big Fish”

Limits Bob Builder SciGirls

Jimmy Fallon Gardening Muffin Top?

” ”

Movie: “The

Easy Meals National

Quantum Activist”

Heads-Up Poker

KCTS N Chef’s


” ”

Hoarding: Buried Alive

SNP ) ”

Rivers Can. Rivers

KNOW Splash KOMO ” * of 30 for ` Architects 30

Criminal Minds

A&E 1 Criminal

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno

YTV 6 Squirrel

” NEWS ” 7 National

Oddities Oddities

DISC Alien9

Paid Prog. T. McCarver

KAYU ; Bones

Hoarding: Buried Alive

TLC < Hoarding:

King King

KCTS 9 Cooks:

Fishn ” ” Real Fishing ” Mike Weir Simpsons Pregame Simpsons ” Simpsons 2013 Global Nat. Masters Evening Tournament: News Third Round Final 24 Fishn ” ” Real Fishing ” Combat Mike Weir ” Hospital Pregame Simpsons Ready ” for Simpsons Love 2013 Simpsons ” Masters Global”Nat. Tournament: Evening News Final Third Round News Saturday ” Final 24 Night ”Live ” ”” Combat

Sportsnet English PreSportsnet mier League Connected Soccer MLB Hockey Baseball: NHL Toronto Blue Hockey: Jays at Canucks at Kansas City Avalanche Royals ” Sportsnet English PreSportsnet Connected mier League Sportsnet Davis Cup Soccer Connected Highlights Hockey MLB Red Bull SigNHL Baseball: nature Series Hockey: Toronto Blue Sportsnet Canucks Jays at at Connected Avalanche Kansas City Poker”After Royals Dark Sportsnet Sportsnet Blue Jays Sportsnet Connected UFC Central Connected Davis Cup

ChangeDwn Upside Frontiers Miss BG of Construction Lilly The Human Planet Echo Family Tree Dogs/Jobs The Joy of Dogs/Jobs Stats Rivers Be the Can. Rivers Creature Architects of CrucibleDwn of Upside Change Life BG Miss Frontiers of Heartbeat Lilly Construction Planet”Echo The Human Midsomer Dogs/Jobs Family Tree Murders Dogs/Jobs The Joy ” of Rivers Stats ” Can. Rivers Be Forthe King and Architects of Creature Country Change Crucible of Midsomer Frontiers of Life Murders Construction Heartbeat

Minds Flipping Criminal Boston Minds Flipping Criminal Boston Minds Criminal Bates Minds Motel ” Criminal Bates Minds Motel ” Criminal Bates Motel Flipping Minds ” Boston Criminal Bates Motel Flipping Minds ” Boston Criminal Bates Motel Criminal Minds Minds” Bates Motel Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds” Bates Motel Motel Bates Criminal ” Minds” Bates Motel Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds” Bates Motel

Squirrel Kung Fu Squirrel Turtles Squirrel Turtles Sidekick Beyblade Sidekick Pokémon Sidekick Rangers Sidekick Yu-Gi-Oh! Cache Craze Monsuno ” Squirrel Babysitting Kung Fu Squirrel Zoink’d! Turtles Squirrel Movie: Turtles Squirrel “Galaxy Beyblade Sidekick Quest” Pokémon Sidekick ” Rangers Sidekick That’s-Weird Yu-Gi-Oh! Sidekick Babysitting Monsuno Cache Craze Craze Cache Squirrel ”” Squirrel Babysitting Galaxy Squirrel Zoink’d! Quest Squirrel Movie:

Issue CBC News National CBC News Mansbridge Now With Oscar Christine Pistorius: Birak What ” Issue ” National ” Marketplace National Castro’s CBC News Issue Cuba CBC News National Modern Now With Mansbridge Spies Christine Oscar National Birak Pistorius: Mansbridge ” What Castro’s Issue ” Cuba ” National National National Marketplace Issue Issue Castro’s National National Cuba Mansbridge Mansbridge Modern

Mysteries Mayday Cash Cab ” How/Made Silver Rush Cash Cab ” Cash Cab Finding Auction Bigfoot Auction Oddities Property Oddities Property Alien Yukon Men Mayday Mysteries ”” Cash Cab The Devils Silver Rush How/Made Ride ” Cash Cab Property Finding Cash Cab Property Bigfoot Auction Auction Oddities Auction Auction Oddities Property Yukon Alien Men Property ” Mysteries Yukon Men Bering Sea Cash Cab ” Gold How/Made The Devils

MLB ” Leverage Baseball: ” Regional NASCAR Coverage Racing: ” Sprint Cup: ” NRA 500 Paid Prog. ” T. McCarver ” Bones MLB ”” ” Baseball: Leverage Big Bang Regional ” Two Men Coverage NASCAR Big Bang ” Racing: Two Men ” Sprint Cup: News Paid Prog. NRA 500 Wanted T. McCarver ” The Bones” Following ” ” 30 Seconds Leverage ” 30 Rock ” Big Bang

Buried Alive Hoarding: Hoarding: Buried Alive Buried Alive Hoarding: Untold BuriedStoAlive ries of ER Hoarding: Untold BuriedStoAlive ries of ER Hoarding: Untold StoBuried Alive ries of ER Hoarding: Untold StoHoarding: Buried Alive ries of ER Buried Alive Hoarding: Untold StoHoarding: Buried Alive ries of ER Buried Alive Untold StoUntold StoHoarding: ries of ER ries of ER Buried Alive Untold StoUntold StoHoarding: ries ofER ER ries of Buried Alive UntoldStoStoUntold Hoarding: ries ofER ER ries of Buried Alive Untold StoPaid Prog. Hoarding: ries of ER Paid Prog. Buried Alive Untold Sto-

Family Movie:Guy The ce “BigOffi Fish” The Office ” Seinfeld ” Seinfeld ” Movie: Jim “Patriot King Games” King ” Family Guy ” Guy Movie: Family Movie: “Big Fish” The Office “The Sum ” ceof The Offi All Fears” ” Seinfeld ”” Seinfeld Jim ” Movie: Movie: King “Patriot “We Were King Games” Soldiers” Family Guy ” ” Guy Family ” ” ce The Offi Movie: Browns The Office “The Sum of

Racing Kitchen ” Bob Builder Gardening ” Poppy SciGirls MuffinCat Top? ” Justin Time Movie: Easy Meals Exploration “The ” National ” Kids News Quantum Heads-Up Rick Steves’ KING Activist” Poker5 Europe News KCTS 9 ” Travel Skills Nightly Cooks: Horse News ” News Chef’s Racing American Bob Builder Traveler Gardening Kitchen ” Masters Backroads SciGirls Muffin Top? ” Poppy Cat ” Grimm Movie: Easy ” Justin Meals Time ” “The” National ” Exploration Brit Floyd: Smash Quantum Heads-Up ” Kids News The World’s ” Activist” Poker Rick Steves’ Saturday KING 5 Greatest KCTS 9 ” Europe NewsLive Easy Yoga Night Cooks: Horse Travel Skills KING Nightly News for Arthritis News Chef’s Racing ” News Europe Saturday Kitchen ” American Traveler Happiness Night Live ” Poppy Cat Masters Backroads Advantage ” Time ” Justin ” Grimm



Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

” ”


CHAN ( Third Round


Tournament: Masters Canucks at Third Round Tournament: Avalanche

” ” ” One Ocean Doodlebops National ” Golf ” HNIC ” fifth estate Masters NHL ” Sports Stars Playoffs Hockey: Big World Best Recipes 2013 Montreal KIRO News Stefano Masters Canadiens at KIRO News Figure Tournament: Toronto CBS News Skating Third Round Maple Leafs KIRO News ” ” NHLOcean EntertainOne Doodlebops ” ” Hockey: ment ’Night ” Golf National ” Flames at NCIS fiHNIC fth estate Masters ” Oilers” ” Playoffs NHL Sports Stars ” 48 Hours Best Recipes 2013 Hockey: Big World HNIC After Masters ” Stefano Montreal KIRO News Hours 48 Hours Figure Canadiens at Tournament: KIRO News News ” Skating Third Round Toronto NHL Hockey CBS KIRONews News ”News Maple” ”Leafs KIRO omg! ”Insider ” NHL ” EntertainPaid Prog. National ” Hockey: ment ’Night Paid Prog. HNIC ” ” Flames at NCIS

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Funny Home Borrowed Videos Borrowed


SportsCentre Highlights The Coronation SportsCentre ET Canada Mentalist Away Frm Letterman ET Canada Tour gel Nightline Score Golf Fishn SickKids One Ocean Doodlebops Fishn English Pre- Upside Dwn Recipe Pregame Real Fishing Foundation ” Golf Real Fishing mier League Miss BG Food



Days of our Lives The Doctors The Talk ” ” Eat, Shrink The Ricki Debt/Part Lake Show Noon YoungNews & Hour Restless

Den Judge Judy RickNews Mercer KIRO Boss News CBC Now fifth estate Bold VegasNews News KIRO ” ” News KIRO News Heartland The Talk ”News CBC ”News: KIRO Blue Bloods News The National ” Exchange CBS Make News Steven and Let’s a Chris Deal CBC News KIRO News George S Ent George S Highlights Coronation omg! Insider Best Recipes ThisMinute Stefano Coronation ThisMinute Late Show Marketplace Undercover Away Frm Letterman Rick Mercer Boss Dragons’ Judge Judy

neres Show Grimm CTV News ” at Five Blue Bloods CTV News ” ” CTV News Big Bang CTV News etalk The Undercover Mentalist Boss

A&E 1

Heartland The Talk ” ” Poko The Price Is Steven and Let’s Make a Doodlebops Right Chris Deal Steven and Young & Best Recipes ThisMinute Chris Restless Stefano ThisMinute CBC News KIRO Dragons’ JudgeNews Judy Now Bold Den Judge Judy

Mike Weir Restless neres Show ” ” Boss 2013 Noon News CTV News Masters ” That’s Hcky Hour Vegas Grimm NASCAR News CTV News ” ” ” NASCAR ” at Five Tournament: Days of our Anderson Second SportsCentreLives 16x9 Nat. Live BlueNews Bloods Racing Global CTV ”News Dr. Phil”” CHBC Round” ” The Talk ”” ” News Big ”News Formula OneEnt CHBC CTV Bang Racing Final CTV News ET Canada etalk ”” The Ricki The Dr. Oz ” Lake Show Show SportsCentre Highlights The SportsCentre Chicago Fire Undercover SportsCentre ET Canada Mentalist ”& Boss ”” Young Ellen DeGe-

That’s Hcky ”


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

How/Made ”

SportsCentre Elementary ” ”

2013 Masters

Now With Nichols

Rescue Hero Power Reshmi Mighty Family Feud Medium Extreme Almost & Nair MythBusters Anderson cont’d Planes Family Feud Medium Extreme League/Evil Politics ” Live

The First 48 ” The The First First 48 48 World ”News ”” The View Criminal KOMO 4 The First The Dr. The First 48 48 ” Oz Minds News ”” Show KOMO 4 Criminal Wheel 4 The Killer KOMO The First 48 News Minds Jeopardy! Speaks News ” The Chew The First 48 Wife Swap The Killer News ” The First ” 48 ” Speaks World News ” General The First First 48 48 Grey’s The KOMO 4 The First 48 Hospital Anatomy ”” News ” The Doctors The The First First 48 48 Scandal Wheel”” The Killer ”” Jeopardy! Speaks The Dr. Oz The Killer First 48 News The Wife Swap The Killer Show ” Jimmy Speaks ” Speaks KOMO The Killer First 48 Kimmel4Live The Grey’s The First News ” 48 Nightline Speaks Anatomy ” News The First 48 Scandal World News The First ” 48 ” ” KOMO 4 The First 48 News ” The Killer Jimmy Speaks Wheel The Killer Baseball: Speaks UFC Central Extremes Britain From Jeopardy! Kimmel Live The Killer Poker Tour Above Nightline Speaks Texas The Joy of Wife Swap The Killer Rangers at Stats ” Speaks


KOMO 4 KNOW General KOMO News Hospital News * The` Doctors

G. Shrinks Kid vs. Kat

like them as I continue Bobbi Kittle is a personan active, healthy lifestyle al trainer and fitness inand prepare for the agstructor in Kelowna who ing process. TLC I encourage KAYU WTBSspecializes KCTSin working KING you; to get moving, eat with seniors. < A N P nutritionally and make 250-317-3508 How I Met Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Today SMART Baby Story Wild Kratts cont’d bobbi@pursuitfi the choice to live longCI Family Feud Extreme Law Order: Daniel Tiger New Day and well. Family Feud Extreme Steves Northwest KAYU TLC CIWTBS Rick KCTS KING Funny Home What Not to Excused of KING 5 Aging up< to Na-Excused ; isWear A Heart N P Videos Perfect News HowOrder: I Met Baby Story Law Order: Sid Science Days Today ture—decay is up to you. Law Four There Yet? Healthof our

etalk Daily Show Coronation Coronation Colbert Q With Jian Big BangRep The Nature Two Men of Things


omg! Insider ET Canada Late Show Highlights Letterman ET Canada Big Bang King Two Men ”

Rob Robot Dino Dan Clifford-Dog Rob Robot

in those who have refused to simply grow old and die. They are usually happy positive, with YTV andNEWS DISC a good sense of humor;9 6 7 involved in volunteer and Almost CBC News How/Made G. Shrinks Now With social activities and How/Made also Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Mighty come fitness classLeague/Evil cont’d Planes YTVto my NEWS DISC Kid vs. Kat CBC News es.6 Believe me, tak7I amConcordia 9 Squirrel Now With Ship Almost CBC How/Made ing notes andNews hope Mayday to be Rated A for Andrew

” Recipe Food ” Sports Sea Rescue Cash Cab Born-Explore UW 360 Paid Prog. NewsProg. Paid World News Splash KOMO” 4 News 30 for 30 Wheel” Recipe Jeopardy! Food ” Bet on Your Sea Rescue Sports Baby Born-Explore Cash Cab Bet on Your Paid Prog. UW 360 BabyProg. Paid News Body of Splash World Proof ”News KOMO 4 News 30 for 30 News Burn Notice ” Wheel” ” Jeopardy! Castle Sports Bet on Your


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WTBS A Family Guy





10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 12 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :30 10 :00 :00 9 :30 :00 4 :30 :30 11 :00 :00 10 :30 :00 5 :30 12 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 :00 6 :30 :30 1 :00 :00 12 :30 :00 7 :30 2 :30 :00 :00 8 :30 3 :30 :00 :00 9 :30 :30 4 :00 :00 10 :30 5 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 6 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 7 :30 :00 MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013 8 :30 :00 9 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 10 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 11 :00 12 :30 12 :00 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 :00 3 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 11 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 12 :30 MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013 :00 :00 6 :30 1 :00 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC :00 7 :30 2 :00 :30 # $ % & :00 8 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 9 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 10 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 :00 12 :30 11 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 :00 1 :30 12 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 6 :30 12 :00 :30 7 :30 TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2013 8 :00 :30 :00 CHBC CIVT CBC 9 :30 TSN # $ % & :00 10 :30 :00 10 :00 :30 11 :30 :00 :00 11 :30 12 :30 :00 TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2013 12 :30 :00 1 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 :30 11 :00 5 :30 12 :00 TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2013 6 1 :30 :00 7 2 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 8 :30 3 :00 :00 10 9 4 :30 :00 11 10 5 :30 12 :30 11 6 :00 7 :00 12 1 :30 :00 8 :30 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2013 9 :00 3 :30 TSN CHBC CIVT CBC # $ % & 10 4 :00 :30 :00 :00 11 5 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 12 6 :30 11 :30 :00 7 :30 12 :00 8 1 :30 2 :00 9 :30 :00 3 :30 10 4 :00 11 :30 :00 5 :30 :30 12 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 Hockey:

Corner Gas


Masters Simpsons Tournament: CHBC News Final Round Global Nat. CHBC” News ” Family Guy ” Cleveland ” Simpsons ” Burgers Pregame ”” All-Star Simpsons Celebrity 2013 Simpsons Masters Apprentice Simpsons ” Tournament: CHBC News Final NewsRound Final Global” Nat. Block CHBC” News Highlights Family Paid Prog. ” Guy Cleveland ” Simpsons ” Burgers ” All-Star Simpsons Celebrity Simpsons Apprentice Simpsons ” CHBC News News Final Global Nat. Block CHBC News Highlights Family Guy Paid Prog. Cleveland

etalk W5 First Story ” First Story CTV News Canada’s ” Worst Driver Once Upon Cash Cab a Time Cash Cab The Amazing Movie: Race Corner Gas “Hard to Corner Law & Gas Forget” Order: SVU App Central ” etalk The W5 Mentalist First Story ” First CTV Story News CTV News News CTV Canada’s Worst ”Driver The Once Upon Mentalist Cash Cab a Time Cash Cab The Amazing Movie: Race “Hard to Law & Forget” Order: SVU ” The W5 Mentalist ” CTV News CTV News News CTV ” The Once Upon Mentalist a Time

Chris Movie: Land & Sea “Beverly Mansbridge Hills Q With Jian Chihuahua” Ghomeshi The Nature The Nature of Things of Things Dragons’ Best Recipes Den Coronation Stefano Marketplace Republic of Dragons’ Doyle and Steven Den Chris CBC News: Movie: The National Land & Sea “Beverly Mansbridge CBC News Hills fi fth estate Q With Jian Chihuahua” Ghomeshi ” The Nature Canadian The Nature of of Things Things Dragons’ Best Recipes Den Stefano Republic of Dragons’ Doyle Den CBC News: Movie: The National “Beverly CBC News Hills fi fth estate Chihuahua” ” The Nature Canadian of Things

Masters KIRO News Tournament: KIRO News Final Round CBS News KIRO ”News ” 60 Minutes ” ” The Amazing ” Race Augusta ”” The Good Doodlebops Wife 2013 Pets.TV Masters The KIRO News Mentalist Tournament: KIRORound News Final KIRO News CBS KIRONews ”News KIRO ”News Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ” ”” The Amazing ” Race ” The Good Doodlebops Wife Pets.TV The KIRO News Mentalist KIRO News KIRO News CBS News KIRO News KIRO News Face/Nation 60 Minutes Paid Prog. ”

Simpsons Burgers

The Amazing Dragons’ Race Den

The Amazing Simpsons Race Burgers

All-Star Celebrity

Law & Order: SVU

Republic of Doyle

The Good Wife

The Mentalist

Simpsons Forget” Dragons’ Doodlebops :00 24 CH April 10, rLake 2013 App Central Steven and 2013 2013 2013 Calendar SimpsonsWednesday, ” Den Pets.TV :00 4Country :30 Blackhawks at Blues Masters SportsCentre Tournament: NBA Final Round Basketball: ” Nets at ” Raptors SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ” NHL ” Hockey: Motoring 24 CH Motorcycle Blackhawks 2013 at Blues SportsCentre Masters ” SportsCentre Tournament: NBA SportsCentre Final Round ” Basketball: ” Nets at SportsCentre ” ” Raptors SportsCentre ” ” SportsCentre ” ” Motoring 24 CH Motorcycle 2013 SportsCentre Masters ” Tournament: SportsCentre Final Round ” ” SportsCentre ”” SportsCentre

” ”

Motoring Motorcycle


” Simpsons 2013 Simpsons Masters Simpsons Tournament: Global Nat. Final Round News Hour ” ” Family Guy ” Cleveland ” Simpsons ” Burgers Pregame ”” All-Star Simpsons Celebrity 2013 Simpsons Masters Apprentice Simpsons ” Tournament: Global Nat. Final NewsRound Final News Block ”Hour ”” Highlights Family Paid Prog. ” Guy Cleveland ” Simpsons ” Burgers ” All-Star Simpsons Celebrity Simpsons Apprentice Simpsons ” Global Nat. News Final News Hour Block ” Highlights Family Guy Paid Prog. Cleveland


Blue Jays Oil Change MLB ” Baseball: Canucks TV Toronto Blue West Coast Jays at UEFA Maga. Kansas City UFC Central Royals The Ultimate Sportsnet Fighter MLB Player ” Sportsnet ” Swimming Connected Blue Jays On the Edge Oil Change ” MLB ” Baseball: Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected Toronto Blue West at Coast Jays Blue Jays UEFA Maga. MLB Player Kansas City UFC Central Royals UFC The Ultimate Unleashed Sportsnet Fighter MLB Player ” Sportsnet ” Connected On the Edge Oil Change ” ” Sportsnet Canucks TV Connected West Coast Blue Jays UEFAPlayer Maga. MLB UFC Central UFC The Ultimate Unleashed Fighter


” ”

Little Prince Coast Little Prince ” Little Prince Turn Back Animals Time Animals Frontiers of Our Part Construction Rescue Darwin’s Going to Lost Voyage Extremes Monarch of Be the the WildGlen Kratts Creature Little Prince Waking the Coast DeadPrince Little ” Little Prince Waking the Turn DeadBack Animals Time Animals Dirt! The Frontiers Movie Our Part of Construction Rescue The Hollow Darwin’s Tree to Going Lost Voyage Extremes

Basketball: This Week Chicago ” Bulls at News Miami Heat World News Cash Cab KOMO 4 Movie: News “Lifted” Funny Home Videos” ” Once Upon Cash Cab a Time NBA Rescue Basketball: Revenge This Week ” Chicago ” Bulls at Red Widow News Miami”Heat WorldCab News Cash News KOMO Castle 4 Movie: News “Lifted” ” Funny Burn Notice ”Home Videos” Monarch of Once Upon Be the Cash Cab the Glen a Time Creature Rescue Waking the Revenge Coast This Week Dead ” ” ” Waking the Red Widow Turn Back News Dead ” Time World News Dirt! The News Frontiers of Castle KOMO 4 Movie Construction News The Hollow ” Darwin’s Funny Home Tree Burn Notice Lost Voyage Videos

Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. D. Duck Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

CBC News fifth estate Now With ” Christine Modern Birak Spies ” CBC News: Federal The National Liberal The Leadership Staircase Convention ” Castro’s ” CBC News Cuba CBC News CBC News: fi fth estate The National Now With ” Christine The Modern Staircase Birak Spies ” ” CBC News: ” Federal The National Liberal CBC News: The The National Leadership Staircase Convention ” ” to El Castro’s Zoink’d! ” Dorado” Cuba Splatalot CBC News: Movie: fifth estate Babysitting The National “Surf’s Up” ” Pick The ” Modern Splatalot Staircase ” Spies Babysitting ” Movie: CBC News: Splatalot ” “The The National The Goonies CBC News: Goonies” The ” The National ” Staircase

” Shipwreck Yukon Men Men ” Shipwreck Mighty Ships Men ” Shipwreck Auction Men Auction MythBusters Fast N’ ” Loud ” Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Gold Rush Men ” Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Men Yukon Men ” Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Mighty Ships Men ” Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Auction Men Auction MythBusters MythBusters ” Loud Fast N’ ”” Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Men Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Men Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Men Shipwreck Shipwreck Men Men MythBusters MythBusters ” ”

Jim Outd’r Kids TroutNews TV How I Met Big Bang Jillian Two Men TrainIn10! Big Bang Bones Two Men ” Burgers UFC/ Cleveland Octagon Simpsons Crook & Burgers Old House Chase Jim Family Guy Outd’r Amer. Dad Kids News Trout ITV How News Met Big Bang TMZ Jillian Two Men TrainIn10! ” Big Bang Sunny Bones Two Men Sunny” Burgers Spokane UFC/ Cleveland Octagon Simpsons Crook & Burgers Chase Family Guy Outd’r Amer. Dad Trout TV News Big Bang TMZ Two Men ” Big Bang Sunny Two Men Sunny Burgers Spokane Cleveland

Monarch of the Glen

Once Upon a Time

Duck D. Duck D.

” Zoink’d!

Shipwreck Men

Revenge ”

KNOW KOMO Red Widow * ` ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Splatalot Babysitting

CBC News: Shipwreck The National Men

Waking the Dead

Duck D. Duck D.

Pick Splatalot

The Staircase

CBC News ” Now With ”


Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck Duck D. D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers

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Odd Parents Movie: Zoink’d! “Surf’s Up” Babysitting ” Cache” Craze ” Movie: Mr. Young “The Boys Goonies” Movie:” “The Road ” to El Parents Zoink’d! Odd Dorado” Odd Parents Splatalot Movie: Babysitting Zoink’d! “Surf’s Up” Babysitting Pick ” Craze Splatalot Cache ”” Babysitting Movie: Splatalot Mr. Young “The Boys The Goonies Goonies” Movie:” ” “The Road



” ”



Wild Kratts


Extreme Gypsy Extreme Wedding Extreme Gypsy Extreme Wedding Extreme Welcome to Extreme Myrtle Extreme Gypsy Extreme Wedding Extreme Extreme Extreme Welcome to Welcome to Myrtle Extreme Myrtle Extreme Gypsy Gypsy Wedding Extreme Wedding Extreme Welcome to Gypsy Myrtle Extreme Wedding Extreme Paid Prog. Welcome Paid Extreme Myrtle Extreme Gypsy Extreme Wedding Extreme Welcome to Welcome to Myrtle Myrtle Gypsy Gypsy Wedding Wedding Welcome to Gypsy Myrtle Wedding Paid Prog. Welcome Paid Myrtle

” Confessions Movie: of a “Kicking & Shopaholic Screaming” ” ” Movie: The Closer “Ghosts of ” Girlfriends Big Bang Past” Movie: Big Bang “Envy” The Closer Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie:” Confessions “The Last Movie: of a “Kicking Castle” & Shopaholic ” Screaming” ””” Movie: There Yet? The Closer “Ghosts ” of


” Moyers & Environmt Company Moyers & Super Brain Company With Dr. Captain Rudy Cook Tanzi Easy Yoga Call the for Midwife BobArthritis Builder American Wild Kratts Masterpiece Masters Classic McLaughlin ” News Live/Lincoln Center” & Moyers Environmt Company Rick Steves’ Moyers & EuropeBrain Super Company With TravelDr. Skills Captain ” Rudy Tanzi Cook Easy Yoga Girlfriends Call the Big Bang for Arthritis Past” Midwife Big Bang American The Closer Masterpiece Big Bang Masters ” Classic Big Bang ” Movie: Live/Lincoln Confessions ” “The Last Center of a Environmt Castle” Rick Steves’ Shopaholic Moyers & ” Europe ” Company ” Travel Skills Movie: Captain There Yet? ” “Ghosts of Cook

at Blues KING 5 Auto NewsRacing ” Nightly News Skating & KING News Gymnastics The Voice Spectacular ” ” ” LazyTown NHL ” Noodle Hockey: All-Star Traveler Celebrity Blackhawks Backroads at Blues Apprentice KING ”5 Auto Racing News ” KING News Nightly News Backroads Skating & KING News Gymnastics Paid Prog. The Voice Paid Prog. Spectacular ”” ” LazyTown ” Noodle All-Star Traveler Celebrity Backroads Apprentice KING 5 ” News KING News Nightly News Backroads KING News Paid Prog. The PaidVoice Prog. ”

Simpsons Burgers

Gypsy Wedding

Girlfriends Past”

Call the Midwife

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Welcome to Myrtle

The Closer ”

Masterpiece All-Star Classic Celebrity

Shipwreck Men

News TMZ

Gypsy Wedding

Movie: “The Last

Live/Lincoln Center

How/Made Shipwreck How/Made Men

How I ”Met Paid Prog. Sunny

Baby Story Welcome to Baby Story Myrtle

Law Order: Castle” CI ”

Sid Science Today News Rick Steves’ KING Wild Kratts cont’d Europe Backroads


Welcome to Big Bang Masters Traveler A13 Extreme ” McLaughlin Blackhawks Myrtle Big Bang ” Backroads






” ”

All-Star Celebrity

On the Edge Waking the ” Dead

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

Apprentice ”

Sportsnet Connected

Sportfishing News The Doctors The View SportsCentre Final CTV News Winter” X ” Block ” CTV News

Poko News CBC Doodlebops fi fth estate

The Price Is KIRO News Right News KIRO

The Doctors MLB Jays News Final Blue Baseball Block ” MLB Player

Bucket-Dino The View Dirt! The News Franklin Movie Castle”

Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck

Almost Babysitting G. Shrinks Splatalot

Games SportsCentre Lumberjacks ” English Premier

Eat, Shrink Highlights Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

The Marilyn Denis Show Mentalist

Steven” and Chris Canadian CBC News Now

Young & Face/Nation Restless Paid Prog. KIRO News Bold

Eat, Shrink Highlights Debt/Part Paid Prog. Noon News Hour

Baseball UFC Central Unleashed

RolieHollow Polie The Dive, Olly Tree

Hockeycentral at Noon

Dino Dan Rob Robot

KOMO” 4 NewsNotice Burn The Chew ”

Criminal Duck D. MindsD. Duck The First 48 ”

Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Auction The Goonies CBC News: MythBusters Family Sunny Feud Extreme Paid Prog. League/Evil cont’d Family Feud Extreme ” The National Auction ” Spokane Paid Prog.

CTV News ”

Kid vs. Kat Squirrel

CBC News Now With

Dangerous Flights

Funny Home Extreme Excused Videos Cheapskates Excused

Rick Steves’ KING 5 Europe News

League Soccer

Days of our Lives

Anderson Live

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Save Ums Wibbly Pig

General Hospital

The First 48 ”

Rated A for Kid vs. Kat

Andrew Nichols

Highway Thru Hell

Law Order: CI

Extreme Extreme

There Yet? There Yet?

Travel Skills ”

Off Record Interruption

The Talk ”

Dr. Phil ”

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal ”

On the Edge Big Bear ” Dinosaur

The First 48 ”

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

MythBusters Anderson ” Live

Extreme Extreme

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil ” ”

SportsCentre Sportfishing ” Winter X Hockey Games Interruption Lumberjacks NHL English Hockey: Premier Dallas Stars League at Chicago Soccer Blackhawks Off Record SportsCentre Interruption ” SportsCentre ” Sportfi”shing That’s Hcky Winter HockeyX ” Interruption Games SportsCentre Lumberjacks NHL ” Hockey: English SportsCentre Premier Dallas Stars ” at Chicago League SportsCentre Soccer Blackhawks ” SportsCentre Off Record ” Interruption ” SportsCentre That’s”Hcky ” Hockey SportsCentre Interruption ” NHL SportsCentre Hockey: ” Dallas Stars SportsCentre at Chicago ” Blackhawks SportsCentre

The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part News Noon News ” Hour Global Nat. Days of our CHBC News Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Bomb Girls Young”& ” Restless Eat, Shrink Hawaii Debt/Part News Five0 ” Noon News CHBC Hour Global News Nat. Final CHBCofNews Days our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Bones” ” The Ricki BombShow Girls Lake ” Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 News CHBC” News Final Global Nat. ET Canada CHBC News J. Probst Ent ET Canada

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” Ellen DeGeThe Marilyn neres Show Denis Show CTV News CTV News at Five ” CTV News Anderson ” Live Big Bang Dr. Phil etalk ” Anger The Dr. Oz Big Bang Show The View The ” Ellen DeGeFollowing neres Show The Marilyn Castle Denis Show CTV News ” at Five CTV News CTV ” CTV News News CTV News ” Anderson Daily Show LiveBang Big Colbert Rep etalk Dr. Phil Anger” Big Bang The Dr. Oz The Show Following Ellen DeGeCastle neres Show ” CTV News CTV News at Five CTV News CTV News Daily Show ” Colbert Rep Big Bang etalk

Best Recipes Poko Stefano Doodlebops Dragons’ Steven and Den Chris News CBC News News Now News Heartland Exchange ” George S Steven and Coronation Chris Dragons’ Best Recipes Den Stefano Poko Murdoch Doodlebops Dragons’ Mysteries Den Steven and CBC Chris NewsNews: The National News CBC News CBC Now NewsNews George S Exchange Heartland Coronation ” S George Being Erica Coronation Steven and Dragons’ Chris Den Best Recipes Murdoch Stefano Mysteries Dragons’ CBC Den News: The National News CBC NewsNews George S News Coronation Exchange Being Erica George S Coronation

ThisMinute The Price Is ThisMinute Right Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News Bold KIRO News The Talk CBS News ” Ent Let’s Make a omg! Insider Deal How I Met ThisMinute Engagement ThisMinute The Price Is Broke Girl Right Judge Judy Mike Judge Judy Young & Hawaii FiveRestless KIRO News 0 KIRO News KIRO News KIRO News News Bold KIRO Late Show CBS News The Talk Letterman ” Ent Ferguson omg! Insider Let’s Make a How I Met Deal Engagement ThisMinute Broke Girl ThisMinute Mike Judge Judy Hawaii FiveJudge Judy 0 KIRO News KIRO News Late Show KIRO News Letterman CBS News Ferguson Ent omg! Insider

World Poker MLB Tour Baseball Canucks TV Baseball Hockey Central NHL HockeycenHockey: tral at Noon Canucks at Soccer Predators Central ” On the Edge Sportsnet ” NHL World Poker Hockey: Tour MLB Canucks at Baseball Canucks TV Predators Hockey Baseball Sportsnet Central NHL Connected Hockey: HockeycenHockey tral at Noon Canucks at Blue Jays Predators Soccer UFC Central Central ” UEFA Maga. Sportsnet On the Edge NHL ” Hockey: World Poker Canucks at Tour Predators Canucks TV Sportsnet Hockey Connected NHL Hockey Hockey: Blue Jays Canucks at UFC Central Predators UEFA Maga. ” Sportsnet

Rob Robot Bucket-Dino Clifford-Dog Franklin G. Shrinks Rolie Polie Arthur Dive, Olly Martha Dino Dan Wild Kratts Rob Robot Animals Save Ums Gardens Wibbly Pig Rescue Big Bear Our Part Dinosaur Turn Back Rob Robot Time Clifford-Dog Bucket-Dino Creative Franklin G. Shrinks Nature ArthurPolie Rolie Architects Dive, Olly of Martha Change Wild Kratts Dino Dan Rescue Rob Robot Animals Our Part Gardens Save Ums Creative Wibbly Pig Rescue Nature Our Part Big Bear Turn Back Dinosaur Time Rob Robot Creative Clifford-Dog Nature G. Shrinks Architects of Arthur Change Martha Rescue Wild Kratts Our Part Animals Creative Gardens Nature Rescue Our Part

The Dr. Oz The View Show ” KOMO 4 KOMO 4 News News News The Chew World News ” KOMO 4 General News Hospital Wheel The Doctors Jeopardy! ” Dancing The Dr. Oz With the Show The View Stars KOMO” 4 ” News 4 KOMO Castle News ” World News The Chew News ” 4 KOMO Jimmy News General Kimmel Live Hospital Wheel Nightline Jeopardy! The Doctors Dancing ” With the The Dr. Oz Stars Show ” KOMO 4 Castle News ” News News World News Jimmy KOMO 4 Kimmel News Live Nightline Wheel Jeopardy!

Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Criminal Criminal Minds Minds Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel The First 48 ” ” Bates Motel Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Minds Criminal ” Minds Criminal Bates Motel Motel Minds Bates ”” The First 48 Bates ”Motel Motel Bates ”” The First 48 Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ”” The First 48 Bates ”Motel ” Criminal Bates Motel Minds ” Criminal Bates Minds Motel ” Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel Bates ”Motel ” Bates Motel ”

Squirrel Almost Sidekick G. Shrinks SpongeBob Rescue Hero SpongeBob League/Evil SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat SpongeBob Squirrel iCarly Rated A for Big Time Kid vs. Kat Victorious Almost Marvin League/Evil Cache Craze Squirrel ” Sidekick Almost Gags G. Shrinks SpongeBob Gags SpongeBob Rescue Hero Boys League/Evil SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob Kid vs. Kat That’s-Weird Squirrel iCarly Splatalot Big Time Rated A for Wipeout Kid vs. Kat Victorious Marvin” Almost Cache Craze League/Evil ” Squirrel Gags Sidekick Gags SpongeBob Boys SpongeBob Mr. Young SpongeBob That’s-Weird SpongeBob Splatalot iCarly Wipeout Big Time ” Victorious Marvin

” CBC News ” Now With Lang & Reshmi Nair O’Leary cont’d CBC News CBC News ” Now With CBC News: Andrew The National Nichols CBC News Power & ” Politics CBC News: ” The National ” CBC News CBC News: Now LangWith & The National O’Leary Nair Reshmi CBC News News cont’d CBC ”” CBC News CBC With News: Now CBC News: The National National The Andrew Lang News & Nichols CBC O’Leary Power”& CBC News: Politics The National ” CBC News: ” The National Lang & CBC News O’Leary ” CBC News CBC News: ” The National CBC News: Lang & The National O’Leary CBC News ”

How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Daily Planet Auction ” Auction MythBusters Dangerous ” Flights Auction Highway Auction Thru Hell Auction MythBusters Auction ” Fast N’ Loud How/Made ” How/Made How/Made Auction How/Made Daily Planet Auction ” Auction Auction Auction MythBusters Auction ” Dangerous Auction Flights Auction Auction Auction Highway MythBusters Thru Hell Auction ” Auction MythBusters Fast N’ ” Loud ” How/Made Auction How/Made Auction Daily Planet Auction ” Auction MythBusters Auction ” Auction Auction MythBusters Auction ” Auction Auction

Extreme Baby Story Extreme Baby Story To Be Extreme Announced Extreme Tattoos Extreme Tattoos Cheapskates Amish Mafia Extreme ” Extreme Amish Mafia Extreme ” Extreme Amish Mafia Extreme ” Extreme Baby Story Amish Mafia Baby To BeStory ” Announced Extreme Tattoos Extreme Tattoos Tattoos Tattoos Extreme To Be Mafia Cheapskates Amish Announced ” Extreme Peter Popoff Extreme Amish Mafia Paid Prog. ” Extreme Amish Mafia Extreme ” Extreme Amish Mafia Extreme ” To Be Tattoos Announced Tattoos Tattoos To Be Tattoos Announced Amish Mafia Peter Popoff ” Paid Prog. Amish Mafia ”

The Office Law Order: The Office CI Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI Browns Excused Payne Excused Browns There Yet? Payne There Yet? Seinfeld King Seinfeld King Family Guy The Office Family Guy The ce Law Offi Order: Amer. Dad CI Big Bang Movie: Big Bang Law Order: “The Last CI Browns Mimzy” Payne Excused ” Excused Browns Movie: Payne There Yet? “Match There Yet? Seinfeld Point” Seinfeld King Family Guy King Family Guy The Office Amer. Dad The Offi ce Movie: Big Bang “The Last Big Bang Mimzy” Browns Payne” Movie: Browns “Match Payne Point” Seinfeld Seinfeld

Cat in the Sid Science Arthur Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves Business Rick Steves’ World News Europe PBS Travel Skills NewsHour ” Old House Charlie Rose Antiques ” Antiques Cat in the Roadshow Arthur Sid Science Pie Kratts Wild Chef WordGirl Daniel Tiger Independent Rick Steves Business Lens World News Rick Steves’ Easy Yoga Europe PBS for Arthritis NewsHour Travel Skills Protect ” Your Old House Memory Antiques Charlie Rose Antiques ” Roadshow Cat in the Pie Arthur Chef Wild Kratts Independent WordGirl Lens Business Easy WorldYoga News for Arthritis PBS Protect Your NewsHour Memory Old House Antiques

Katie Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGeNew Day neres Show Northwest KING 5 KING 5 News News Nightly News Days of our News Lives Magazine Dr. Phil Inside Ed. ” The Voice Katie ” ” Today ” cont’d Ellen DeGe”Show neresDay New Revolution Northwest KING 5 ” News 5 KING KING News News Nightly News Jay Leno News Days of our ” Lives Magazine Jimmy Fallon Inside Ed. Dr. Phil The Voice ” ” Katie ” ” Ellen DeGeRevolution neres Show ” KING 5 KING News News Jay Leno Nightly News News ” Jimmy Fallon Magazine Inside Ed.

Bones ”

Anger Big Bang

Dragons’ Den

How I Met Bones Engagement ”

NHL Hockey:

Turn Back Time

Dancing With the

Bates Motel ”

Cache Craze CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Bones ” The National ” ”

Amish Mafia Family Guy ” Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

The Voice ”

Bomb Girls ”

The Following

Murdoch Mysteries

Bomb Girls ”

A&E 1 Bates Motel

YTV 6 Boys

DISC 9 Auction

KAYU ; News

TLC < Tattoos

WTBS “TheA Last

Pie Chef

KCTS N Independent

” KING ” P Revolution

” CTV News CTV News The Marilyn

CBC News: The PokoNational 0 The Price Is Doodlebops Right News CBC News KIRO George S Late Show Steven and Young &

KNOW KOMO ” * of Castle ` Architects

Amish Mafia Amer. Dad ” Movie:

Castle ” The View

SNP ) Sportsnet

The Following

SportsCentre Hawaii Five” 0 Motoring The Doctors Motorcycle SportsCentre CHBC” News Final Winter” X Eat, Shrink

KIRO CHAN _ ( Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five-

Bates Motel ”

0 The Doctors News ”Hour Final Eat, Shrink

Connected Sportsnet Connected Hockey Blue Jays Sportsnet

” Criminal Minds Motel Bates ” Criminal

30 Rock How I Met Paid Prog. Sunny TMZ Feud Family

Tattoos Baby Story Baby To BeStory Announced All-Stars

Mimzy” Law Order: CI ” Movie: Law Order:

Lens Sid Science Wild Kratts Easy Yoga for Arthritis Daniel Tiger

Today ” cont’d News KING Jay Leno New Day

DenisShow Show Daily Colbert Rep CTV News

Chris Coronation Being Erica CBC News

Restless Letterman Ferguson KIRO News

Debt/Part ET Canada J. Probst Noon News

Minds Motel Bates ” Hoggers

Mr. Young ” Almost CBC News G. Shrinks Now With That’s-Weird CBC News: SplatalotHero Reshmi The National Rescue Nair League/Evil cont’d Wipeout Lang & ” O’Leary Kid vs. Kat CBC News

Auction How/Made How/Made Auction Auction Nerve Center

Games Debt/Part SportsCentre ET Canada J. Probst Darts ” Noon News ” Hour




Change ” Bucket-Dino The View Franklin Rescue News ” Our Jimmy RoliePart Polie KOMO 4 Connected Dive, Olly News Live UFC Central Creative Kimmel UEFA Maga. Nature Nightline Hockeycen- Dino Dan The Chew tral at Noon Rob Robot ”



Now With

Northwest ” Jimmy KING 5Fallon News

SportsNation Days of our ” Lives

Anderson Live

Heartland ”

The Talk ”

Days of our

Soccer Central

Hoggers Hoggers

Rated A for Kid vs. Kat

Off Record Interruption

Dr. Phil ”

The Ricki Poker Rob Robot The View Dr. Oz Doctors World Sportsnet Bucket-Dino Lake Show Tour Clifford-Dog Show ” ” Connected Franklin

Storage Criminal Storage Minds

Squirrel Almost Sidekick G. Shrinks

SportsCentre Apprentice ” ”

” ”

That’s Hcky ”

The Talk ”

SportsCentre The Ricki Dr. Oz Motoring Doctors The View ” Lake Show Show ” Motorcycle ” NHL Winter X Hockey: Games

Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part

Steven and Chris




Broke Girl Mike



The Ricki The Doctors Lake Show ” Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour News Hour Days of our ” Lives Ent The Talk ET Canada ” Bones The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors Bomb Girls Young”& ” Restless Eat, Shrink Hawaii FiveDebt/Part Early News 0 GlobalNews Nat. Noon News Hour Hour Hour News Final ” Days of our ET Canada Lives Ent J. Probst ET Canada The Talk Bones” ” The Ricki BombShow Girls Lake ” Young & Hawaii FiveRestless 0 Early News News Hour Global Nat. Final News Hour ET Canada ” J. Probst Ent ET Canada


KIRO Lives CHAN Let’s Make a The Talk ( Deal_ ”

Best Poko Recipes ThisMinute The Price Is Stefano Doodlebops ThisMinute Right




Canucks at Predators

SNP Baseball ) Central

KNOW The KOMO Doctors ” * `


Creative Nature

Save Ums Wibbly Pig



KNOW Hospital KOMO Big Bear The Doctors * ` Dinosaur ”

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E 1

A&E Hoggers 1 Hoggers




Gags Gags








CBC News: Auction The National Auction



The Ricki How I Met Lake Show Paid Prog. Steve Family Feud Harvey Family Feud Simpsons Funny Home Raymond Videos Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI Big Bang Anderson Two Men Live Bones The Ricki ” Lake How IShow Met The Paid SteveProg. Following HarveyFeud Family News Feud Family Simpsons 30 Rock Raymond Funny Home Sunny Videos Big Bang TMZMen Two Law Order: TheBang Office CI Big King Men of Hill Two Anderson Bones Live ” The Ricki The Show Lake Following Steve News Harvey 30 Rock Simpsons Sunny Raymond TMZ Big Bang The ce Two Offi Men King of Hill Big Bang Two Men






Law Order: ” CI There Yet?




Daniel Tiger Travel Skills Rick Steves ”




Apprentice ”

New Day Paid Prog. Northwest Paid Prog.

Days of our Lives



” Family MythBusters The OffiFeud ce ” King ofHome Hill Auction Funny Auction Videos

All-Stars Peter Popoff CI “Match Paid WhatProg. Not to Point” Excused Wear Excused

Rick Steves Protect Your Memory Captain


Auction Auction

Law Order:

Four Weddings

There Yet? There Yet?

Ocean Joy/Painting

Days of our

” CBC News ” Now With

How/Made How/Made

The HowRicki I Met Lake Show Paid Prog.

Medium Baby Story Medium Baby Story

The ce Law Offi Order: The CI Office

Cat Science in the Sid Arthur Wild Kratts

Katie Today cont’d ”

YTV Nichols NEWS Almost Power & 6 7 League/Evil Politics

DISC CIKAYU Fast N’ Loud Anderson 9 ” Live;

TLC Medium < Medium

WTBS King KingA


KCTS Lives KING Charlie Rose Dr. Phil N P ” ”

EllenMarilyn DeGe- Steven Dragons’ The and neres Show Chris Den Denis

Judge Judy Young & Judge Judy Restless

Young & Eat, Shrink Restless Debt/Part

Big Coast Sportsnet Hockey Connected

G. Shrinks Rolie Polie ArthurOlly Dive,

KOMO 4 News

Storage Criminal Storage Minds

Odd Parents Lang & Nair Nerve Daily Planet Steve Feud All-Stars Gypsy Rescue Hero Reshmi Center Family Odd Parents cont’d O’Leary HarveyFeud All-Stars Wedding League/Evil ” Family

Big Bang Law Order: Big Bang CI

Wild Kratts Daniel Tiger WordGirl Rick Steves

Ellen Day DeGeNew neres Show Northwest

CTV News at Five”

NewsNews CBC News Now

KIRO News KIRO News Bold

Early News Noon News Global Nat. Hour

NHL HockeycenHockey: tral at Noon

Martha Dino Dan Wild Robot Kratts Rob

News The Chew World ”News

Storage Hoggers Storage Hoggers

Oddvs. Parents Kid Kat CBC News Odd Parents Now With ” Squirrel

Simpsons 19 Kids Funny Home What Not to Raymond 19 Kids Videos Wear

Browns Excused Payne Excused

Business Captain World News Cook

KING 5 News

” GlobalofNat. CTV News SportsNation Days our Anderson SportsCentre CHBC News Live ” ” Lives

News Heartland Exchange ”

KIRO News The Talk CBS News ”

News of Hour Days our Lives ”

Canucks at Soccer Blues Central

Animals Save Ums Dogs Pig Wibbly

KOMO 4 General News Hospital

Storage Hoggers Storage Hoggers

Victorious Rated A for Mr. Young Kid vs. Kat

CBC News: Auction Yukon Men Andrew The National Auction ” Nichols

Big Bang Law Order: Two Men CI

Browns There Yet? Payne Yet? There

PBS Ocean NewsHour Joy/Painting

Nightly Days ofNews our News Lives

” Off Record ” Interruption

Ent Talk The ET Canada ”

Big Phil Bang Dr. etalk ”

Georgeand S Steven Coronation Chris

Ent Make a The Ent Talk Let’s omg! Insider ET Canada Deal ”

” Baseball Sportsnet Central

Be the Big Bear Creature Dinosaur

Wheel The Doctors Hoggers Jeopardy! ” Hoggers

Mr. Young Almost Boys League/Evil

CBC News Power & ” Politics

That’s Hcky SportsCentre ” Motoring E:60 NHL Motorcycle ” Hockey:

NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless

The Voice Dr. Oz Show ” The View Criminal Ellen DeGeMinds”Show neres

Just for NCIS Best Recipes ThisMinute Laughs ” Stefano ThisMinute Poko The Price Is Cracked NCIS: Los Dragons’ Judge Judy Doodlebops Right ” Angeles Den Judge Judy

NCIS The Ricki ” Lake Show The Doctors NCIS: Los Young & ” Angeles Restless

NHL Poker Rob Britain From World Robot Hockey: Above Tour Clifford-Dog Sportsnet Bucket-Dino Canucks Movie: Big Coastat G. Shrinks Connected Franklin Blues “Crude” Hockey Arthur

The View Dancing KOMO 4 ” With Stars News

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

CBC News: ” The National ” Almost GagsParents CBC News: Odd Lang News & G. Shrinks Now With Gags The National Odd Parents O’Leary

The Golden Boy CTVMarilyn News Denis at Five”Show

Steven and Young &Boy CBC Golden NewsNews: KIRO News Chris The National Restless News KIRO ”News

Eat, Shrink Kitchen Early News Debt/Part Nightmares Global Nat.

Sportsnet NHL Connected Hockey:

Rolie Polie ” Martha Dive, Olly ” Wild Kratts

KOMO Body of4 News News Proof News World

Criminal Storage Minds Storage

Rescue Hero Reshmi Nair Nerve Center Family BoysParents Deadliest News Feud All-Stars Odd CBC News How/Made Simpsons 19 Kids League/Evil Family Feud All-Stars Mr. Young Catch ” 30 Rock Odd Parents cont’d ” How/Made Raymond 19 Kids

Law Order: Tiger “Never Back Daniel Park Five” Browns Business CI Rick Steves Down” ”News Payne World

Darts Noon News SportsCentre CHBC News ” Global Nat. CTV News ” Hour News CTV News Final SportsCentre CHBC ”

CBC News News Now George S Exchange

KIRO News Bold Late Show CBS News

Noon News News Hour Hour Final ”

HockeycenHockey at Canucks tral Noon BlueatJays Blues

Dino Dan Be the Animals Rob Robot Creature Dogs

The Chew News KOMO 4 Jimmy” News

Hoggers Storage Hoggers Storage

Excused ” Browns Excused Movie: Payne

SportsNation Days of our SportsCentre ET ” Ent Canada ” ETProbst Canada Lives J.

Anderson Daily Show Big Bang etalk Live Colbert Rep

Heartland Coronation George S Coronation ” The Border

The Talk Days of our Letterman ET Canada Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada ” Lives Ferguson J. Probst

Soccer Save UFC Central Movie: ” Be theUms Sportsnet Creature Central Wibbly Ult. Fighter “Crude”Pig

That’s Hcky Off Record ” Interruption

NCISMake a The NCIS Let’s Talk Deal ” ”

NHL Baseball Hockey: Central

Maple Leafs Noon News News Darts at Capitals ” Hour ”

Winter X Eat, Shrink SportsCentre Kitchen Maple Leafs News Games Debt/Part ” Nightmares at Capitals ”

NCIS The Talk ”


ThePhil Voice Dr. ”

Just for and Steven Laughs Chris

E:60 NCIS: Los SportsCentre The Ricki ” Angeles Lake Show

Criminal The Dr. Oz Minds Show

Cracked NCIS: Los Best Recipes ThisMinute ” Angeles Stefano ThisMinute

SportsCentre Kitchen NHL Young & ” Nightmares Hockey: Restless SportsCentre CHBC News Maple 24 CH Leafs News The Doctors ” Final ” at Capitals Score Golf ” SportsCentre Global ET Canada Nat. Winter” X Eat, Shrink ” J. Probst SportsCentre CHBC News Games Debt/Part



KNOW KOMO Splash The Dr. Oz * ` Show ”

19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium

In PerformCat in the ance... Arthur


How/Made YukonPlanet Men Daily How/Made ”

Dancing The Dr. Oz With Stars Show

CTV News The View CTV News at Five ” Daily News Show CTV The Marilyn Colbert Rep Denis ”Show

News Hour Early News The Doctors Final Global” Nat. ET Canada News Hour Eat, Shrink J. Probst ” Debt/Part

Be the Martha Bucket-Dino Creature Wild Kratts Franklin Movie: Animals Rolie Polie “Crude” Dogs Dive, Olly

News The View Jimmy World ”News Kimmel4Live KOMO KOMO 4 Nightline News News

Be the Dino Dan Creature Rob Robot

Wheel The Chew Jeopardy! ”

BritainUms From General Splash Save Above Pig ” Wibbly Hospital

KNOW Body KOMO of4 KOMO Proof News * `

19 Kids Medium 19 Kids Medium

NewRicki Girl The MindyShow Lake

Six McGhees Amer. Dad Medium The Offi ce Six McGhees Movie: Medium The Office

Storage Storage

Boys Odd Parents CBC Lang News & Mr. ” OddYoung Parents O’Leary

Deadliest Daily Planet Catch ”

News Steve 30 Rock Harvey

19 Kids Gypsy 19 Kids Wedding

“Never Back Park Five” Big Bang Wild Kratts Down” ” Big Bang WordGirl

Hoggers Storage Criminal Hoggers Storage Minds Hoggers Storage Criminal Hoggers Storage Minds

That’s-Weird Odd Parents Almost Splatalot Odd Parents G. Shrinks Wipeout Victorious Rescue Hero ” Mr. Young League/Evil

” How/Made How/Made ” How/Made How/Made

Sunny Simpsons How I Met TMZ Raymond Paid Prog. TheBang Office Big Family Feud King of Hill Two Men Family Feud

Gypsy 19 Kids Baby Story Wedding 19 Kids Baby Story Paid Prog. 19 Kids All-Stars Paid Prog. 19 Kids All-Stars

” Browns Law Order: Movie: Payne CI “Nothing to Browns Law Order: Lose” Payne CI



Big CTVBang News etalk ”

George S CBC News Coronation Now

Ent KIRO News Ent Noon News omg! Canada Bold Insider ET Hour

Just for Heartland Laughs ”

NCIS The Talk ”

NHL Soccer Hockey: Central

Criminal Dr. Phil Minds”

Cracked Steven and Chris ”

NCIS: Los a NCIS: Los Let’s Make The Talk Deal ” Angeles Angeles

Canucks at Movie: World Poker Big Bear Tour Dinosaur Blues “Crude”

Dancing The Doctors Storage The First 48 ” ” With Stars Storage

Gags Almost League/Evil Gags

The Dr. Boy Oz Golden Show ”

Best CBC Recipes News: ThisMinute Golden Boy Stefano The National ThisMinute ”

The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show Nightmares

Sportsnet Connected

Rob Robot ” Clifford-Dog ”

The BodyDr. of Oz Show Proof

The First 48 Storage ” Storage

Squirrel Boys Sidekick Mr. Young

Flying Wild Yukon Men Highway Alaska” Thru Hell

Deadliest Yukon Men Catch ”

MLB Hockey Baseball: Blue Jays Chicago UFC Central White Sox at Ult. Fighter Toronto Blue Jays

G. Shrinks Be the Arthur Creature

KOMO 4 News News Jimmy

Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers

Martha Movie: Wild Kratts “Crude” Animals Undersea

News Live Kimmel World News Nightline KOMO 4 News

Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Hoggers Duck D. Duck D.

SpongeBob CBC Lang News: & Daily Planet That’s-Weird ” SpongeBob The O’Leary Splatalot National ” SpongeBob Lang CBC News Plane Crash Wipeout & Flying Wild SpongeBob ” ” O’Leary Alaska” Victorious CBC News: ” Mr. Young The National ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News ”

Splatalot Zoink’d!

CBC News: How/Made The National How/Made

Hoggers The First 48 Hoggers ”

Mr. Kid Young vs. Kat Boys Squirrel

CBC CBC News News ” Now With

Splatalot Rated A for Zoink’d! Kid vs. Kat

CBC News: Deadliest ” Andrew The National Catch ” Nichols

Young & Ellen News DeGeCHBC News CTV Restless neresNews Show Final CTV News CTV News ET Canada Daily Show ” at Five J. Probst Colbert Rep Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News ”

Dragons’ CBC News Den George S News Coronation News The Border News Exchange

JudgeNews Judy KIRO Judge Judy Late Show

YoungHour & News Restless Final

KIRO News Letterman KIRO News Ferguson KIRO News CBS News

Early News ET Canada Global Nat. J. Probst News Hour ”

Hockey: Red Wings

Ent ET Canada


George S Coronation

Ent Ent omg! Insider ET Canada

MLB Baseball:

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

at Flames ”

Survivor: Caramoan

American Idol

Mr. D Ron James

Survivor: Caramoan

Survivor: Caramoan

Detroit Tigers at

Travels With a Tangerine

Suburgatory Hoggers ” Hoggers

Arctic Air ”

Criminal Minds

The Office The Office

Seattle Mariners

Live at Carnegie Hall

Mod Fam How to Live

” ”

CBC News: CBC News News The National ” Now With Lang News: & CBC Reshmi Nair O’Leary The National cont’d

Hoggers The First 48 Hoggers ”

NHL SportsCentre Hockey: ” Canadiens at SportsCentre Penguins ” ” NHL

SportsCentre The Office ” The Office





Alone in the Business Sid Science Wilderness World News Wild Kratts PBS ” Tiger Daniel Wilderness NewsHour Rick Steves

” Ellen DeGeneres ”Show KING News Today 5 Jay Leno News cont’d ” News Nightly New Day Jimmy News Fallon Northwest

Big Bang McGhees Funny Home Six What Not to Seinfeld Excused Two Men Six McGhees Seinfeld Videos Wear Excused

Governors Movie: “The ”

Magazine KING 5 Inside News Ed.

19 Kids Four 19 Kids Weddings

In PerformQuantum ance... Activist”

The Voice Days of our Lives ”

CBC Yukon”Men PowerNews: & Politics The National ”

New Girl Anderson Live Mindy

Six McGhees Amer. Medium King Dad Medium King Six McGhees Movie:

” CBC News ”

The Ricki News Lake Show 30 Rock

Long Island 19 Kids Medium 19 Kids

The OffiBack ce Cat the “Never ParkinFive” The Office Arthur” Down”

Katie ” ”

Steve Sunny Harvey TMZ

Obsession Gypsy Obsession Wedding

Big Bang ” Big Bang Movie:

Wild Kratts Alone in the WordGirl Wilderness

Ellen DeGeKING News neres Show Jay Leno

Simpsons The Office Raymond King of Hill Big Bang Two Men

Hoarding: Paid Prog. Buried Alive Paid Prog. Hoarding: Buried Alive

Browns to “Nothing Payne Lose” Browns Payne

Business ” World News Wilderness PBS NewsHour

KING ”5 News Fallon Jimmy Nightly News News

Obsession Obsession

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Water Pressures

Magazine Inside Ed.

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature ”

Dateline NBC Law & Order: SVU

How/Made Deadliest How/Made Catch

MythBusters Big Bang ” Two Men

Duck D. Duck D.

Gags Gags

CBC News: Plane Crash The National ”

CBC News: Elementary The National ”

Chicago Fire Sportsnet ” Connected

Mendelssohn Nashville ” ”

Duck D. Duck D.

Boys Mr. Young

CBC News ”

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News ” Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hockey Blue Jays

Frontiers of News Construction Jimmy

Duck D. Duck D.

SportsCentre ET Canada ” J. Probst

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada J. Probst

UFC Central Travels With Ult. Fighter a Tangerine

Kimmel Live Hoggers Nightline Hoggers


In PerformThePhil Voice Charlie Rose Dr. ance...” ” Movie: Ready Cat in the Katie for “The Central Love ” Arthur

Hell’sOrder: Law Kitchen CI

SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime ” ” Scene

Daily Show Colbert Rep

KING 5 News Nightly News Jay Leno News Days of ” our Magazine Inside Lives Ed. Jimmy Fallon

CBC News: Yukon Men ” How/Made The National ” ” How/Made

The Voice Anderson Live ”

Captain Alone in the PBS Cook Wilderness NewsHour

CBC News: ” Loud Anderson Hell’s Power & Fast N’ The National Kitchen Politics ” Live


New ”5 KINGDay Northwest News ”

Ocean” Governors ” Joy/Painting Wilderness

Gags Squirrel Gags Sidekick

A&E 1

Family Guy King Family Guy King


The Voice Katie ”

Sid Today Movie: Ready for WildScience Kratts Ellen DeGeWild Kratts cont’d “The Central Love WordGirl neres Show

Splatalot Almost Zoink’d! League/Evil

” Ent Table Tennis Noon News ” ET Canada Hour

NCIS: Los The Talk ” Angeles

Four There Yet? PaidMcGhees Prog. “Nothing to Six Seinfeld Six Seinfeld Weddings There PaidMcGhees Prog. Lose” Yet?


Storage Storage

That’s Hcky Days NCIS of our SportsNation ” Lives ”

The Ricki SportsCentre Kitchen ” Lake Show Nightmares


Family The OffiGuy ce Family The OffiGuy ce Baby Story Law Order: Six McGhees Amer. Dad Gypsy Big Bang Baby Story CI Six McGhees Movie: Wedding Big Bang

Britain From The Splash Big Bear Doctors Hoggers Above Dinosaur ” Hoggers

Auction Flying Wild Deadliest Catch Auction Alaska

Hockey NHL MLB Blue Jays Hockey: Baseball: UFC Central Canucks Royals atat Ult. Fighter Blues Braves ” HockeycenSportsnet tral at Noon

E:60 Off Record Interruption ”


Funny Home 19 What Not to Sunny Gypsy Big Bang Kids Videos Wear TMZMen Wedding Two 19 Kids

” G. Shrinks Arthur”

NCIS of our Days Lives ”


Hell’s The Ricki Kitchen Lake Show How I Met New Girl Steve Paid Prog. Mindy Harvey

Law Order: TheBang Offi ce Big Two CI King Men of Hill

Sportsnet Big Coast Connected Hockey

KIRO News The Price Is Late Show KIRO Right News Letterman KIRO YoungNews & Ferguson CBS News Restless

” How/Made ” How/Made

Andrew Lang News & CBC ” Nichols O’Leary

Kitchen Young & Nightmares Restless

CBC News News Poko George S News Doodlebops Coronation News Steven and The Border Exchange Chris

Governors Charlie Rose Magazine Dr. Phil ” Inside”Ed.

Kid vs. Kat News Auction That’s-Weird ”Men Victorious CBC News: Yukon Squirrel NowNational With Auction Splatalot Mr. Young The ”

Golden Boy CBC News: Golden Boy Ellen DeGeDragons’ Judge Judy neres ”Show The Den National Judge”Judy



Six McGhees Seinfeld Medium King Six McGhees Seinfeld Medium King

Rated A for Wipeout Mr. Young Boys Kid vs.” Kat

Canucks at Movie: World Poker Rob Robot Blues “Crude” Tour Clifford-Dog



Splatalot Squirrel Zoink’d! Sidekick

19 Kids Four 19 Kids Weddings

Deadliest Big Bang Fast N’ Loud Anderson Catch ” Two Men Live

General Kimmel Live Hoggers Wheel Jeopardy! Hospital Hoggers Nightline

NCIS: Los The Ricki Angeles Lake Show


A&E 1

Hoggers Storage Hoggers Storage

How/Made Auction How/Made Auction

American Idol

Movie: Charlie Rose Ready Dr. Philfor ” “The Central Love ”

Obsession Obsession

Amer. Dad Movie:


Hoarding: Buried Alive

“Nothing to Lose”

Guts-Michael Chicago Fire ” ”

That’s-Weird CBC News: MythBusters Sunny Splatalot The National ” TMZ

Obsession Obsession

” Movie:


Wipeout ”

Peter Popoff “The Perfect Dyer Wishes ” Paid Prog. Man” Fulfilled Jimmy Fallon

Lang & O’Leary

” ”

How/Made How/Made

” ”

FamilyYet? Guy There FamilyYet? Guy There

News 30 Rock

The Office King of Hill

KING News Jay Leno

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country Calendar

A14 A14

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Lost & Found

Help Wanted

FOUND MARCH 31st by Skaha Lakewhite chihuahua/cross

dog,with brown markings. Very well trained and friendly. No tattoo/tags. Call 250-545-5542 250-308-9480


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free Consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Vacation Spots $399 CABO San Lucas, all inclusive special! Stay 6 days in a luxury beachfront resort with meals and drinks for $399! 888-481-9660.

Employment Career Service / Job Search GUARANTEED JOB placement: general laborers and tradesmen for oil & gas industry. Call 24hr free recorded message. For Information 1800-972-0209.

Education/Trade Schools MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 32 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted 2 AND 4 strk small engine mechanic. Chainsaws,lawn mowers,outboards. Wage negotiable, benefits aval. Start today! Resume to Cherry Grading Technical Operator wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd, Lake Country. Seasonal position. Must have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the cherry industry operating a multi-lane cherry optical sizer with color variance programming and defect sorting experience. Applicant must be capable of working 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day during harvest from June 30 to September 10, 2013. Pay rate $14.00/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or on our website at CLUXEWE RESORT MGR. required by Kwakiutl Band Council in Pt. Hardy to manage cabins, campground & restaurant. Enquire for job description or Apply to or fax 250949-6066 by midnight on April 12, 2013. F/T, salary commensurate with experience.

CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165. ENSIGN INTERNATIONAL is looking for Drillers, Night Tour Pushes and Rig Managers. If you are interested in attending one of our information sessions to hear more about our global opportunities, call 1888-367-4460 to book into a session near you! FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR –including HR Admin, strategic planning, req’d at Kwakiutl Band Council in Port Hardy, VI. Enquire for job description / Apply to or fax 250-9496066 by April 12, 2013. F/T, salary commensurate with experience. HOME CARE NURSE required by Kwakiutl Band Council in Pt. Hardy, VI. Enquire for job description / apply to or fax 250-9496066 by April 30, 2013. F/T, salary commensurate with experience. Good benefits.

Seasonal Crew Leaders

Seasonal Crew Leaders wanted at Coral Beach Farms Ltd. lake Country B.C. Previous experience required. Must have your own transportation and be capable of working in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day beginning in Mid-July 2013. Work includes leading multiple cherry picking teams while maximizing quality and efficiency. Pay range is $16$18/hour. Apply by fax at 250766-0813 or E-mail

Seasonal Farm Laborer

Seasonal Laborer positions at Coral Beach Farms Ltd, Lake Country. No experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Applicant must be capable of physically demanding work, including heavy lifting, in all weather conditions. 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day beginning approximately June 30, 2013. Work includes but is not limited to cherry picking, sorting, tree planting, pruning and irrigation. Pay $10.25/hour. Apply by fax at 250-766-0813 or Email:


Trades, Technical

Health Products

TRACK FOREMAN Kettle Falls International Railway, LLC (KFR), an OmniTRAX, Inc. managed company, operates over 160 miles of former Burlington Northern Santa Fe trackage in Northeastern Washington State and Southeastern British Columbia. KFR operates from the BNSF interchange at Chewelah, Washington to Columbia Gardens, British Columbia. A second line operates from Kettle Falls, Washington to Grand Forks, British Columbia. KFR is looking for a Track Foreman to assist with the Canadian operations. Track Foreman: Installs and repairs railroad track on specified territory of railroad, using spike pullers, spike drivers, removes old spikes, drives new spikes, performs related inspection and maintenance to railroad track on specified territory of railroad. This is accomplished by performing the following duties. Additional details at Send resume to or fax 866-448-9259.



Financial Services

Legal Services

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

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IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.



Sylvianne Morgan Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Cut your debts in half & payback in half the time. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. BBB rated A+. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 $500 Loan and more. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660.


Dennis Powell passed away at the home he loved on Denman Island, March 22nd 2013 after a long fight with cancer. Husband and best friend of Ellen, Father of Laurel, Philip, Christina and Andrew. Much loved Papa of Chantelle, Dane, Zachery, Max, Cassia, Amelia, Seamus and Great Papa of Tyson, Lucas and Alivia. He will be missed


Sylvianne Morgan passed away on Sunday March 3, 2013, at the age of 73. Sylvianne is fondly remembered by her loving husband Donal of 44 years, son Jean-Louis, daughter Christine (Jason) Zandbergen, grand daughters: Ariana and Julia, by her sisters Madeleine, Helene, brothers Paul-Andre, Victor, Lucien as well as a large extended family & friends. Sylvianne had a zest for life and an infectious laugh that will be missed by all. She loved her family and especially being a grandmother. Sylvianne graduated from The Holy Cross School of Nursing in 1963 and later received her Bachelor of Science Degree from University of Alberta. After retiring in 1994 Sylvianne & Donal moved to Kelowna where they enjoyed traveling, golfing and being members of the Winfield Horseshoe club. Sylvianne was an avid bridge player, excellent quilter, she enjoyed a wide circle of friends here and in Jojoba Hills, California. Her great spirit, smile and kindness will be remembered by all who knew her. A celebration of life will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday April 12, 2013, at St. Charles Garnier Parish, 3645 Benvoulin Rd in Kelowna, BC.


Versatile Painting & Sandblasting in KITIMAT is looking for qualified, experienced Journeymen Painters/Sandblasters. Must be highly motivated, energetic and work well with others. Please send resume to:

Income Opportunity ALL CASH Vending route. Earn $72,000/year potential, 9 secured hi-traffic locations. Investment Required $3,600+ up. Safe quick return 1-888979-8363.

Trades, Technical LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Journeyman Electrician for our EWP Operation in Golden BC. Email resume to: or fax to 250-344-8859.

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

Calendar Wednesday, April 10, 2013 rLake Country Services Services

Painting & Decorating

Legal Services

(1) 250-899-3163

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Merchandise for Sale

Personal Care

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. for Sale

Houses For Sale

STEEL BUILDINGS/Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206

10757 SHERMAN DRIVE, LAKE COUNTRY - RENOS! RENOS! RENOS! Compellingly priced family home, close to schools (French immersion), parks and Wood/Ellison Lakes in beautiful Lake Country. Upgrades abound including designer custom built kitchen cupboards, windows, sliding glass doors, flooring, main bathroom, furnace, hot water tank, roof and MORE! Over $60,000 invested between 2007-2012! Front garden is mulch and shrub for low maintenance. RV parking to the side of the garage with extra uncovered parking spaces on the driveway. Open concept living room, dining room and kitchen and main floor laundry room. Remote controlled interior sun blocking blinds and kitchen exterior awning, central air. Garage has tons of storage space and room for your workshop. Call Martha today to book your own private viewing, 778-363-2003. MLS #10058224

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB


Home Support provided in a friendly, family Care Home in Lake Country. Good meals provided. Certified Care Aid on site. Call: 778-480-4008 or cell: 250-869-7690

Merchandise for Sale


Misc. for Sale

RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Auction - April 13th @ 11 Spring liquidation of BRAND NEW equipment! From the manufacturer to the auction block! 1-800-556-5945 - (Burnaby)

HOME PHONE Reconnect Toll Free 1-866-287-1348. Cell phone accessories. Catalogue. Everyone welcome to shop online at:


HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

*NEW QUEEN MATTRESS SET* Pillow Top in Plastic. Mfr. Warranty Must Sell $200 ~ (1)(250)870-2562

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ

Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282

SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext 400OT 400OT

Misc. Wanted COINS, Private Collector wanting to buy coins, tokens, medals. Canadian, US, Specialty Foreign. Collections, rolls, older bank bags of coins, special coins from safety deposit box, sets ect. Call Todd: 1-250-864-3521 Local Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Coin Guy: 250-863-3082 PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670 Quarters. I will pay $1 each for older 25¢. Loose, rolls, bags, ect. I will consider other coins as well. 1-778-932-2316

Sporting Goods 25th Anniversary Deals at Weber & Markin Gunsmiths The Best Little Gunshop Around 4-1691 Powick Rd Kel 250-762-7575 Tue-Sat 10-6


TransportationA15 Real Estate

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Rentals Suites, Lower Bright, 1bdrm, large windows, fireplace, private entrance & deck. Close to all amenities & UBCO. NP, NS, Asking $775 incl utils. Call: (250)766-4609

Suites, Upper WinďŹ eld, 2bdrm, 1bath, upper floor suite on farm acreage. Avail April 15, $800/mo incl utils & cable. Shared laundry, pets neg. Call: (250)766-2249


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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Lake Country CalendarL


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act a Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to hear representation on the following: 1. Zoning Amendment (District of Lake Country) Bylaw 852, 2013 (Z2013-003) District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 is hereby amended by: a) Deleting Table 7.1 Density Bonusing in its entirety from Section 7.18.1 and replacing it with:

The Lake Country Heritage & Cultural Society/Lake Country Museum

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 9:00am to 12:00pm District of Lake Country Municipal Hall For more info, please call the Lake Country Museum at 250-766-0111

Parcel Tax Review Panel Pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Community Charter, the District of Lake Country will be holding a Review Panel in regard to parcel tax assessment rolls. Notices are being sent to registered owners of all properties being added to an assessment roll. The 2013 Parcel Tax Review Panel will sit at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 23rd, in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Hall. You may make a complaint to the Parcel Tax Review Panel on one or more of the following grounds;  there is an error or omission respecting a name or address;  there is an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel;  there is an error or omission respecting the taxable area or the taxable frontage of a parcel; or  an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed.

Table 7.1: Amenity Provisions for Density Bonusing Zone RM5 C1, except those properties within the ‘Main Street Incentive Area’ identified within Bylaw 853, 2013 C9 C11 Applicable DC Zones

Approved Amenity $22.00/sq. metre for floor space created above the third floor of a building. Funds collected for this amenity are placed in a reserve fund for the future purchase of a ladder equipped fire truck, related fire-fighting equipment, and related fire hall renovations or construction.

b) Deleting 16.1.5(b)(i) in its entirety and replacing with: (i) Apartment/Apartment Hotels: the lesser of 12.4 m or 3 storeys, except

when the developer has provided an amenity in compliance with the density bonusing provisions contained in Section 7.18, the maximum height is the lesser of 22.0 m or 6 storeys. Except where a property is within the ‘Main Street Incentive Area’ as identified within Bylaw 853, 2013, the maximum height for Apartment/Apartment Hotels is the lesser of 22.0 m or 6 storeys.

c) Deleting 16.1.5(b)(ii) in its entirety and replacing with: (ii) Other Uses: the lesser of 12.4 m or 3 storeys, except when the developer

has provided an amenity in compliance with the density bonusing provisions contained in Section 7.18, the maximum height is the lesser of 16.5 m or 4 storeys. Except where a property is within the ‘Main Street Incentive Area’ as identified within Bylaw 853, 2013, the maximum height for Other Uses is the lesser of 16.5.0 m or 4 storeys.

You or your agent must notify the District of Lake Country, in writing, of your complaint. The District of Lake Country must receive written notice of the complaint before noon on Friday, April 19, 2013. Please address your complaints to the attention of the Collector. The parcel tax assessment rolls will be available for public inspection starting Tuesday, April 8, 2013, at the Municipal Hall during regular office hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm).

If you have any questions regarding the Parcel Tax Review Panel, please contact Financial Services Manager Rose Bronswyk Kassa, CMA at 766-5650.

Bylaw 852, 2013 would amend the District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561 to correspond with Bylaw 853, 2013 (Main Street Tax Revitalization) which was adopted March 19, 2013. This Amendment would encourage multi-storey BYLAW 853 and mixed use development on Lake Country’s Main Street and it is hoped that by removing the amenity fee (Table 7.1 in Zoning Bylaw 561) and providing a tax incentive (Bylaw 853) that developers will be encouraged to construct taller buildings that would help meet the District of Lake Country’s density objectives for the area identified in the map above. If you believe your interest in property is affected by the Application (Z2013-003) noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the above-referenced application. A copy of the proposed application and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Hall, District of Lake Country, Development Services nd Department (2 Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Wednesday, April 3, 2013, through Tuesday, April 16, 2013, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. NO SUBMISSIONS TO COUNCIL WILL BE RECEIVED AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. Dated April 3, 2013

Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer

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