Caledonia Courier, April 17, 2013

Page 1


u Performing arts fest P. 11/12 u NL candidates P. 13

u Ready, set, learn P. 2/16 u NIFP fire P. 3

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

WEDNESDAY, April 17, 2013

PHONE: 996-8482

VOL. 36 NO. 07 $1.30 inc. GST

Crossing our borders

Pat Gauthier’s piece depicting the proposed route of the Northern Gateway pipeline through her property is currently on display in the Art Space gallery above Books and Company in Prince George as part of a group show called Pipe Up. It is the ninth annual environmental art show in Prince George. Gauthier’s piece depicts her personal feelings in relation to the effect of the Enbridge pipeline crossing the ranch where she lives. The pipeline crosses three water ways in the area, the Necoslie River, the Stuart River, and then Pitka Creek which runs the length of her 1,400 acre ranch. If a spill did happen on the ranch Gauthier is concerned the cattle would not be able to drink water from Pitka Creek for years. Where the pipeline leaves the ranch is on a small acreage that she and her husband subdivided out of the ranch, to retire on. Gauthier worries the view property will be reduced in value and the pipeline limits where the couple can locate buildings and move equipment around. While there is some compensation Gauthier does not feel it is sufficient to be left with the abandoned pipe. Pat Gauthier Photo

Not-so-clean sweep for Fort Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The District of Fort St. James is trying to clean up the streets. The only problem is, they do not have the equipment they need to do the job. The District of Fort St. James does not own their own street sweeper, instead, the task is contracted out to Vanderhoof, which can only provide the service once they are done sweeping their own streets. “We don’t necessarily get it when we want or need it,” said Kevin Crook, Chief Administrative Officer for the District. “And of course, there is a significant cost to bring it up.” However, with increased industrial traffic through town from both the mine and the logging in the area trucking logs to southern mills, the streets need attention more frequently, and the mayor and council have received more comments from residents and are more concerned for pedestrian health and cyclist safety. “The dirt on the side of the road is pushing them into the middle of the road and then of course there’s just not enough space for two logging trucks and a bicycle in that very narrow space in the middle,” said Councillor Joan Burdeniuk who is also on the Transporta-

tion Committee. “For me it is a safety issue, as well as a cosmetic issue.” “We want to encourage people to be biking and walking, and to do that we thought the sweeper would be excellent for that as well,” said Crook. The Transportation Committee’s recommendation is for there to be more frequent street sweeping, in whatever way the District can make this happen, however, service from Vanderhoof is limited by their own street sweeping and manpower requirements. “They’ve been very accommodating, as much as they can,” said Burdeniuk. “It’s just we need a bit more than they can offer.” The District did not have the room in recent budgets to purchase a street sweeper, which they estimated would cost around $100,000, and the District has been looking informally for grants for the sweeper for up to two years but so far unsuccessfully. So they had hoped to approach the industry users who are adding to the issue through the increased traffic to therefore help out by contributing towards the purchase. “We were hoping that they could contribute to the quality of life here by supporting the purchase,” said Crook. So far, Carrier Lumber and Dunkley Lumber were both sent letters requesting contributions towards the purchase, but neither one has expressed interest in doing so. “The feeling is that the increased use of the road is making it dirtier,” said Burdeniuk. “That’s the first kick at the can, we’re not going to give up on it yet.”

Talking trash Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN) is going to be discussing waste transfer stations at their next meeting on April 18. Staff at the waste transfer stations across the region had brought forward concerns regarding reuse sheds and safety around salvaging at transfer sites at a recent waste management committee meeting. The committee has now brought these concerns forward and the RDBN will be discussing possible options to address the issues. The concern around reuse sheds was people bringing dirty items or “ransacking” the sheds and leaving a mess behind, as well as the dumping of end-of-life items such as electronics at sites where there is no electronics recycling, such as Fort St. James. The nearest electronic recycling is in Vanderhoof, according to Bill Miller of the RDBN and so when people leave those items in the reuse shed they are just creating work for the staff. Miller said the reuse sheds had strong support at the committee meeting and while closing the sheds was brought forward as an option, he does not think this idea was supported or would go forward from the RDBN meeting. Instead, he expects to hear discussion around how to make the sheds more effective, because they do help to reduce the amount of items put into the landfill. “We’re always looking at trying to reduce the amount of waste we’re burying,” said Miller. The RDBN and their waste management committee will also be trying to integrate the new rules regarding product and packaging management which will be coming into effect in May 2014. The new rules will charge consumers up front for the cost of dealing with the packaging and products at their end of life, and the producers will have to work on ways to deal with the products and packaging.




Ready, set, learn

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Inconsiderate drivers

An anonymous complaint has RCMP warning drivers in Fort St. James to be considerate of local noise bylaws and speed limits. The new Mount Milligan parking lot where mine workers are dropped off and picked up at the end of Douglas, which is

Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797 Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Abuse America 312-663-3520 Jazz Appreciation Month Smithsonian National Museum of American History 202-633-3129

within a residential area, has some nearby residents concerned about late-night or early morning drop-offs. Mine workers jumping into their vehicles are reportedly spinning their tires, revving engines and driving fast as they leave the area after shift, disturbing residents.


Marriage Commissioner DaffodilsHC0804.EPS

Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles

The Vital Statistics Agency, Ministry of Health, is looking for an individual to serve as a Marriage Commissioner for Fort St James. The individual will perform civil marriages within the community on behalf of the Agency.

National Donate Life Month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 202-619-0257

Hot Manufacturer Co-op Benjamin Moore Paints Camp Healthcare Grasshopper Mowers Jesse Joseph Roberts from Tache was brought to David Hoy Elementary by his father for Rolex Watch National Lawn Care Monthand enjoyed the bouncy room while the Ready, Set, Learn event he was there. Three-yearWhirlpool Corporation PLANET, Professional Landcare Network

For information and an application form please visit our website at:

olds were given the chance to meet their future Kindergarten teachers, play at different 800-395-2522 stations and be screened for vision, hearing, and gross motor skills. There was lots of inforAdBuilder Special Section Builder Themes mation for parents as well, and the goal was to help figure out if children are having issues • Financial National Parkinson Awareness Month early on so their entry into school is more successful, as organizers said issues are easier • Planning a Garden National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. Daystressed the importance to deal with 800-327-4545 before children are old enough for school. They• Earth also • Easter of reading young children.


National Car Care Month Car Care Council 240-333-1088



Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship 4&6 NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship 5 & 7 National Stress Awareness Day 16 National Volunteer Week 19–25 Week of the Young Child 19–25 Boston Marathon 20 National Jelly Bean Day 22 Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day 23

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700


District of Fort St. James Calendar April, 2013

SUNDAY March 2009 14

MONDAY 15May 2009




APRIL is Daffodil Month in support of Cancer

Municipal Website:


9am Addictions Day 18 17 1April 2 Fool’s Day

Prgrm 7pm Library AGM 9am Addictions Day 7:30pm Boot Camp Prgrm ‘Other People’s Trash...’ 10am IIO Prstn @ Art Exhibit @ Integris District 6-8pm Soccer reg 7pm Snowmobile David Hoy Club AGM

21 5 Palm Sunday

22 23 7 9am Addictions 24 8 9am Snrs Delivery 925 6 EARTH DAY First Day of Passover 9am Addictions Day Prgrm 9am Addictions Day 9am Addictions Day Day Prgrm 1pm Cancer Support Prgrm Prgrm 7:30pm MXV Grp @ Sue’s 7pm ‘Surviving 9-4pm Self Boot Camp Progress’ film @ NHS 6:30pm VermiLeadership 7:30pm MXV Boot Composting Wrkshp 9-4pm The Color Code Workshop @ Kwah Workshop @ Kwah Camp @ Library 7pm Council Meeting

28 12 Easter

Easter Monday 29 13 11am Day of

(Australia & Canada) Mourning Ceremony @ District Office 6:30pm Newcomers 1-3pm Construction Potluck @ NHS Safety Seminar @ CNC 7:30pm MXV Boot Camp




30 14


20 Taurus

May, 2013 6


Mourning Day 28 Workers 27 (Canada) 9am Seniors Delivery 6:30pm Archery 7pm CAC Craft Night 7:30pm Boot Camp

15 Tax Day

9am Addictions Day Prgrm 6:30pm Archery

8am Boot Camp @ MXV

26Good Friday 27 10 11 9am Addictions Day 8am MXV Boot Prgrm Camp 9am Seniors Delivery 6:30pm Lady’s Date 6:30pm Archery Night @ FSJSS

2013 Grad Class & Prom Fundraiser Saturday April 27th, 6:30p.m. - 11:00p.m. Tickets $35 per person Available at FSJSS, Mane Street Salon, Lakeside Pharmacy, Rupi’s Salon & Barton HUB International Insurance



Earth Day 22 7:30pm MXV Boot 23 Administrative Camp Professionals Day 9am Seniors Delivery 10-2pm Mining Career Fair @ CNC 5pm Archery



29 30 9am Seniors Delivery 5pm Archery 7pm Council Mtg 7:30pm Boot Camp

Apr 17 - May 1 FREE Garbage Bags from the District Office &®daily • AdBuilder Retailpick-up Apr 17 - May 1 ‘Other People’s Trash...’ an Art Exhibit at Integris by• Community Arts Council of Fort St. James AdBuilder® Classified Apr 22, Earth Day ‘Surviving Progress’, 7pm @ NHS, a film viewing by the FSJ Free the Children group • Co-op Sales Ideas Apr 22, Earth Day Class Tours of the Integris Recycling Centre by Greening Up Fort Society Apr 22, Earth Day ‘Upcycling Challenge’ & ‘Go Green Photo Contest’ deadline for submissions Apr 23 ‘Vermi-Composting Workshop’, 6:30pm at the Public Library Telephone: 250-996-8233

9am Snrs Delivery


Lady’s16Night with Comedian Kevin Foxx! 17 18

PITCH-IN WEEKS Events in Fort St. James! Igniting Your Ad Sales

Office: 477 Stuart Drive West

19 3


Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames


Day 24 Arbor 9am Seniors Delivery

4 Anzac Day (Australia) 25 8am MXV Boot Camp

6:30pm Archery

10 9am Seniors Delivery 11am Career Fair @ FSJSS 6:30pm Archery


Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Please buy18a daff odil those 15 16 17 19 20 21 pin10and 11 support 12 13 14 15 16who are fighting cancer. Pharmacy, Petro, Kal-Tire, 22 23Pins 24 @ 25 Subway, 26 27 28 Tru17Value, 18 19CNC, 20 21 22 23 Suspenders 29 30 31 BC Liquor Store, 24 District, 25 26 27 28 29 30 & Northland 31


8am Boot Camp

INDEPENDENT Investigations Office (IIO) of BC Presentation Thursday April 18th, 10:00AM at CNC

Limited Seating (20) - Call 996-8233 or 996-7023 to reserve your seat Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James



Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Future of NIFP uncertain after mill fire Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier An early-morning fire on April 5 seriously damaged the Northern Interior Forest Products mill. The fire burnt the interior of the mill building, but the metal structure did keep the fire contained within the building, according to the fire department. The cause of the fire is still under investigation according to Ben Hoy of KDL Group, which owns the mill. The fire department did say the fire may have originated in the beehive burner but the report was still in progress. The fire was discovered in the early morning hours by an employee, and no one else was on site, which Hoy said they are grateful for. “We’re just relieved and happy nobody was injured,” he said. The Fort St. James Volunteer Fire Department was called to the fire at 5:51 a.m. the Friday morning and arrived on the scene at the mill on Tachie Road by 6:10 a.m. The back of the mill building was already engulfed when the firefighters arrived, and their initial engagement with the fire was delayed while they waited for BC Hydro to make the building safe for the crews due to the large power sources on site. The fire department was on the scene extinguishing the fire until 2 p.m. The mill employed 14 people and produced

fence posts and rails and Hoy said it is too early to know the cost of the damage or if they will be able to rebuild. Mayor Rob MacDougall said he and council will be working with the owners towards rebuilding if

possible. MacDougall himself had hauled logs to the mill and said it was a major factor in making use of logs which otherwise would have been left as waste, increasing the usable fibre in beetle-killed logs and reducing the amount burnt on logging blocks.

Just a phase BC Power outage attributed to wind or wildlife Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The April 9 power outage which had around 2,200 homes out of power for most of the day is being attributed to a “phase to phase fault” according to BC Hydro. In locations where there are three lines at the top of the poles, if high wind or a bird contact allows for the formation of a contact between two of the lines, a fault can cause a power outage. BC Hydro said crews did patrol the line and found nothing and then unsuccessfully attempted to restore power around noon. When this attempt failed, crews again patrolled the lines and still did not find the cause of the problem. However, when the lines were re-energized around 2:45 p.m., the power remained on, and so BC Hydro has chalked up the problem to a phase-to-phase fault. A3

Northern BC Community Sports Development Society (Northern BC Winter Games Society)

• AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG •

Saturday, April 27, 2013 @ 9am Sandman Signature Hotel & Suites Prince George

2990 Recplace Drive Prince George, BC V2N 0B2

For more information:

Fas Gas 250-996-7305

Cafe open 6am to 2pm, Monday to Friday

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3 cents a litre back to you!

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Delivering Results FOR FORT ST. JAMES  New Community Centre

 New Fort St. James Public Library  New Spirit Square Project  New Early Literacy Program for David Hoy Elementary  Investments in the College of New Caledonia for Skills Training

 Funding to increase court access  $2 million in funding to support those affected by mill closures  Upgrades to David Hoy Elementary & Fort St. James Secondary  Upgrades & Safety

Improvements for Leo Creek Forest Service Road

On Tuesday May 14th, Vote to Re-Elect

John Rustad Authorized by Alan Fitzpatrick, Financial Agent, 1-800-567-2257

A Strong Voice That Delivers Results


Editorial Page



Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

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Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Betty Johnson office@

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Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

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the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

• Column

The fickleness of spring Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Oh spring, how cruel a mistress you can be. It was only yesterday when I was out on my bicycle, riding in the sunshine, and last week I stripped down to a t-shirt for a run. Today it is snowing and overcast, the mountains obscured by both clouds and falling snow, the lake a blank white wall, no horizon in sight. The roller coast of emotional turmoil that is spring transition is here, and all it takes is the warm sun on our faces to feel like smiling and forgetting about our troubles. But then the clouds return and so, it sometimes seems, do our troubles. I sometimes imagine spring is the way we are reminded we are at the mercy of our environment, and while we have managed to manufacture comfortable protection from the elements, they still hold great power over us. Like puppets on a string, we dance when the cue is given as the sun breaks through the clouds, and alternatively sit forlorn when the sun is taken away, staring out the window as the cold and dark return to haunt us. But the days get longer, and so we become more hopeful, remembering the beauty of summer and the feeling of sun on our bare shoulders. Soon the snow will be gone, and soon the lake will open up and bicycles will once again be the easiest way to get across town and enjoy some sunshine. It just feels like it’s taking forever … have faith, it will come.

• Guest column

Time to shovel the lawn

Allan Wishart Prince George Free Press

Spring is in the air. One way to tell is the number of people you see shovelling snow from their lawns back onto their driveways. Another way is to notice the number of transportation devices on the road which are neither cars nor trucks. OK, what I mean is motorcycles and bicycles. I saw a number of two wheeled vehicles, both powered and non, on the streets of Prince George over the weekend, and I have some astute (which may be overstating it) observations on their use. Actually, I’m going to start with a fourwheel vehicle operator who was lucky I wasn’t driving my car the way he was operating his vehicle. I was on Ahbau, preparing to turn onto Rainbow, when I realized there was someone in the lane I was going to turn in to. It was a skateboard, whose operator had hopped off when he realized a vehicle somewhat bigger than his (and with a legal right to the lane) was preparing to turn. He and a friend had been riding their skateboards in the traffic lane while two other friends rode their bikes in the bike lane (although on the wrong side of the street). Of course, seeing bikes being ridden on the

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wrong side of the road was not an uncommon sight on the weekend. At one point on Saturday while I was out and about, I started keeping track. I saw four cyclists on the wrong side of the road, four on the sidewalk, and six with no helmets (some of whom were also in one of the first two categories). Then Sunday night I saw something which may have been the topper: A cyclist coming the wrong way on the street shortly after 11 p.m., with no reflective material of any sort on the bike or the rider, and not wearing a helmet. I also saw a number of motorcycles out on the roads this weekend, and my one thought as I watched one rider weave his way along 15th Avenue was, “And I think I’ve got it bad with the potholes.” Yes, it’s easier for a motorcycle to avoid a pothole (assuming the rider is paying attention) but if they hit one of the bigger ones, there is a possibility of a) being flipped right off the bike, or b) failing to come out the other side. I will say I also saw a number of cyclists who were riding on the right side of the road, as close to the curb as possible and wearing a helmet, just so it’s clear most cyclists obey the laws of the road. Once again, though, it’s the few who don’t who catch my attention more often.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 17, 2013


District pitches in A5

Lakeshore Realty

Player of the week

I would like to thank all my clients and colleagues for their trust and support during my 10 year real estate career in Fort St. James. It has truly been a pleasure, and I will miss working with everyone. Debbra Hes

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618

The District of Fort St. James is expanding their Pitch-In Week activities this year, with a number of events. Coordinated by Mel Chesnutt, event planner for the District, a number of local groups are participating and helping to promote greener living and reducing our waste. The events are especially timely given the recent discussions at the Regional District of BulkleyNechako about the waste transfer stations and re-use sheds. While for a number of years the District of Fort St. James has provided free garbage bags and gloves to community groups and members wanting to help clean up after the snow uncovers a winter's worth of trash along our streets, this year there are workshops, a film viewing, an art show and tours of the newly rebuilt Integris Recycling Center. The art show, titled Other People's Trash…, is sponsored by the Fort St. James Community Arts Council and will be at the Integris Credit Union between April 17 and May 3 and will feature art made out of reclaimed or recycled materials. The Free the Children group will be showing a film at the Fort St. James National Historic Site on April 22 at 7 p.m. titled Surviving Progress. The Greening Up Fort St. James Society will be hosting class tours on April 22 of their new recycling centre, recently rebuilt after it was destroyed in a fire last year. A vermi-composting (worm composting) workshop will be held at the Fort St. James Library to help people find out how to get super-efficient worm composting going at home. The free workshop will take place on April 23 at 6:30 p.m. There are also twoMel contests running, sponsored Chestnut Owner by the District Fort St. James: The Upcycling Challenge and the Go Green Photo Contest. For information on the contests go to fortstjames. ca

Health unit service reduction There will be a short-term reduction in services at the Fort St. James Health Unit until partway through May. Public Health Nurse Pat Short is retiring from her role as the only full-time nurse at the health unit. Her replacement will be beginning orientation on May 1, two weeks after Short's last day. Services will continue, but be reduced to the part time staff.

Thank you The Fort St James Secondary School Sr. Girls Soccer Team would like to thank the residents and businesses of Fort St James for the tremendous support given during our Fundraising Activities this winter. The community support for our soccer trip to Hawaii was amazing. So many individuals and businesses supported our team that it is impossible to thank everyone. To everyone who bought firewood, yard sale items, baked goods, concession items, and raffle tickets thank you. Thank you to everyone who donated items, time and skills to help make this trip successful. A special thanks to Newlands Enterprises, Inland Kenworth, Jeff Playfair Trucking, Little Man Contracting, BNK, Suspenders, The District of Fort St James, Sandy and Don Martin, and the staff of FSJSS for all your support and extra time in helping us make this trip such a great experience. MAHALO! (Thank you).

Henry Erickson is the men's first Ditnikwun player of the week. Henry is from Fort St. James and currently lives in Prince George. Erickson has joined the team to learn more of the Carrier Language and to immerse himself into the healthy commitment of the sport of volleyball. Erickson cannot wait to compare himself to players in Los Angeles and feels he has much to gain from such a travelling experience. Photo by Leon Erickson



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Ridley Terminals Inc. will be purchasing $50,000 worth of artwork from artists residing in northern BC. Northern BC consists of areas from Prince Rupert, north to the BC/Yukon border, east to the BC/Alberta border, south to Prince George, and west to Haida Gwaii.

Mel Chesnutt Email

to get a proposal package. Only submissions Owner the proposal procedure will be accepted. Deadline for following submissions is May 31, 2013.

Ph/Fx (250)-996-8163 An adjudication committee of qualified people will make the final selection of art to be purchased. Only artists with successful proposals will PO Box 842, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0

be notified.

All REMOVAL art mediums are accepted and anyone can submit a proposal DESIGN CONSULTATION • LANDSCAPING • XERISCAPING • LAWN & GARDEN MAINTENANCE • SNOW

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“We stand poised on the edge of a historic election, for the first time in a generation we have a real chance of electing Conservative MLA’s. If we hesitate now the opportunity will pass us by; let us not wait another generation. Are we not Conservatives? Now is our opportunity, now we must act, now we must be united and show leadership and vision by electing a Conservative MLA here in Nechako Lakes and with your help and support we will succeed!” Dan Brooks

Authorized by Gerald Caron, Financial Agent (250) 567-3285


Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Aboriginal best Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Kerry Buck and her husband Morgan's business is not yet one year old, but it has already won recognition twice over. After their business Silver Springs Country Recreation and Wellness became a finalist in last year's Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Start up Business Contest, they learned from the contest and judges' feedback their business plan needed further work. "That's one of the reasons I jumped on this course when Amelia said it was coming," said Kerry. Kerry Buck was the winner of an Aboriginal Best Kerry and Morgan Buck in the Canada Day Parade on July 1 with their horse-drawn wagon which She used the feed- award for her and her husband's new business is one of the services offered by their business. Caledonia Courier back from the first Silver Springs Recreation and Wellness. "I always tell the kids, you need to dress for where Caledonia Courier Employment Training Services mancontest to then enter you're going to be," she said. ager. So, the panelists selected Silver into the Aboriginal The Aboriginal BEST training was offered in Fort Business and Entrepreneurship Skills Training (Ab- Springs, and Kerry had the opportunity to move on to St. James as one of 10 communities across B.C. sethe finals. original BEST) which was offered earlier in the year lected to host it. The finals this year were held in Toronto, Ontario, at Nak'azdli. Stark put together the proposal for the community so finalists were treated to a trip to the big city, with Through the program, Kerry said she worked on further developing their business plan, from target flights, rooms, food and additional conference partici- to host the event. Stark said there were 20 entrepreneurs enrolled in marketing to better planning the three-year financial pation all included. the program, about half aboriginals and half non-abThey had one day to prepare on their own, then plan for the business. originals, and about 15 of those graduated from the Kerry said the finalists came together as a group and This then allowed participants to enter their business in the Best of the Best competition, which each worked with three mentors for a day, and on the third intensive 12-module program. Participants came on Friday night and Saturday day of the 10 participating communities selected one ap- day, they presented to the panel, with each finalist every second week for the program's duration, and making a 20-minute pitch to the judges. plicant to go on to the finals to represent their comworked on everything from public speaking to market"Such good ideas, lots of new, innovative ideas," munity. ing to calculating expenditures and potential revenue. The local panel to select a finalist consisted of four said Kerry of her competition. Kerry said the instructor for the program, Laura Silver Springs Country Recreation and Wellness local judges, two from CIBC, one from TABA EnBlumhagen, who came from Prince George, was fabureceived first place out of the 10 participating comterprises, and Bonnie Hill, who works for Nak'azdli lous and people got out of the program as much as munities from across the province, and Kerry said she Band. "The individuals had to show an interest in being did a lot of networking and talking to mentors while they put in. "There's a lot of resources out there, you just need part of the competition," said Amelia Stark, Nak'azdli she was there, not to mention she spent three days in to look for them," said Stark. a suit.

Community Minded Human Interest

Courageous Battles



Featuring the spirit of the local people

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 17, 2013

8 Household items that you can recycle

1. Appliances. Some cities have appliance recycling or rebate programs. An older, less efficient appliance can be turned in for a rebate on a new energy-efficient model. If a computer is in good working order, it may be sold or passed on to another person who can put it to use. Some seniors are not interested in RAM or processor speed. They just want a means of connecting to the Internet and can benefit from a recycled machine. Otherwise, computers may be donated to schools. For those who simply must recycle the machine, there are different drop~off zones for computers and peripherals, like printers. Some goodwill organizations will take them and turn them into profits. 2. Batteries. These pint-size sources of power contain heavy metals that can leak out into the ground and water supplies. They should be brought to recycling centres to be disposed of properly. Otherwise, consider buying recyclable batteries and a charger. 3. Mattresses. Thanks to bed bug epidemics, fewer people are willing to purchase or take on a used mattress. For those who are upgrading to a new mattress and have an old one to discard, check with your local municipality to find out which transfer station will recycle the mattress. Some mattress stores will cart away an old mattress if a new one is purchased. 4. Scrap Metal. Those with scrap metal clogging up garages or basements can actually make some cash off these items. Scrap metal is in demand, and there are dealers who handle the sale and trade of these materials. 5. CDs and DVDs. The number of these plastic discs in circulation is high. Find out where they can be recycled or turn them into handy items for other uses. For example, use a CD as a reflector on a mailbox or at the end of the driveway. Pintrest has some great suggestions for reusing CDs and DVDs. 6. CFL Bulbs. The compact Fluorescent bulbs save energy but they should be recycled A7

Earth Day Colouring Contest April 22nd

REDUCE RECYCLE REUSE One Prize Winner in Each Age Group Sponsored by the following businesses....


Drop off at Lakeshore Realty, 169 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James

Contestants must bring entry in person Deadline for entries April 25, 4pm

Ages 4-6

Name _______________________________________

Ages 7-9 Ages 10-12

Phone _______________________________________

Celebrate Earth Day April 22 . conserve . reduce . recycle 477 Stuart Drive W.

250-996-8233 properly, thanks to the minuscule amount of mercury they contain. Some stores will collect them so check with your local retailer.

7. Toner and Ink Cartridges. Don’t discard those spent cartridges. Bring them back to office supply stores for recycling credit.

Embrace Earth Day APRIL 22 250-996-8482

8. Oil. If individuals are changing their own motor oil, it will need to be taken to the transfer station or recycling centre for proper recycling, Many

commercial oil change businesses will recycle their oil, which makes paying for an oil change convenient and environmentally responsible.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier



Shhh, people are - stretching?

{ And many more money saving deals in our flyer section.

L a u r i e Gross (front right) of Samasta Wellness and Yoga taught a free yoga class in the Fort St. James Library on S a t u r d a y, April 6. The class was the perfect way to spend a snowy Saturday hiding from the retun of winter.



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MAY 2013

GENERAL ELECTION The 40th Provincial General Election is Underway. Who Can Vote? You can vote if you are: • 18 years of age or older, or will be 18 on General Voting Day (May 14, 2013) • a Canadian citizen, and • a resident of British Columbia for the past six months Voter Registration is Easy Register online at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683 until April 23, 2013. If you aren’t registered by April 23, you can register when you vote. You’ll need identification that proves both your identity and residential address. A complete list of acceptable identification is available from Elections BC. How to Nominate a Candidate A candidate must be nominated in writing by 75 eligible voters of the electoral district. Nomination kits are available from your District Electoral Officer or online at Deadline for Nominations Nominations must be delivered to your District Electoral Officer by 1 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, April 26, 2013.

BC Has More Ways to Vote All voters can:


Vote in any district electoral office from now until 4 p.m. (Pacific time) on General Voting Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2013.

Get our App for iPhones and iPads to find the closest voting place and for information you need to vote.

Vote by Mail You can ask for a Vote by Mail package from your district electoral office or through the Elections BC website at

Or, contact your district electoral office.

Vote at advance voting Voters can attend any advance voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11. All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible.

Nechako Lakes 192 Stewart St W Vanderhoof, BC (250) 567-6834

Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Vote on General Voting Day Voters can attend any general voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Election Workers Required Over 37,000 election officials are required to work at voting places in the province. View the job descriptions at Please apply in person at your district electoral office. Any Questions? For further information visit Elections BC’s website at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683. 1-800-661-8683 TTY 1-888-456-5448




Caledonia Courier Wednesday , April 17, 2013 A9

Good planning = good outcome for snowmobilers Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Rescuers are commending a group of snowmobilers after a rescue on April 7 near Prince George. Five snowmobilers were on the Seeback Forest Service Road near the McGregor River when one young woman was thrown from her snowmobile, which then hit her. The snowmobiler in her twenties had suspected back injuries and could not be moved safely. But Prince George Search and Rescue is crediting good trip planning with the woman's rescue. The group had taken three precautions which Dale Bull of Prince George Search and Rescue said ensured the group was as safe as possible. They carried the backcountry avalanche gear needed for avalanche terrain, they carried survival equipment in backpacks with them and they left a trip plan with friends. When the group did not return on time, two friends set out with first aid equipment to find the group. At the same time, one of the group had made their way out to cell service and called for help. Nine search and rescue members went out to find the group, and two personnel stayed back to provide logistical support. The rescuers got the call at around 7 p.m. and made contact with the group at 3:30 a.m., bringing the snowmobilers warm blankets, food and water. The group was well-equipped enough to already have a fire going to keep them warm.

At first light, a helicopter came in with paramedics to evacuate the injured snowmobiler for treatment. While her injuries were not considered life-threatening, and are not expected to be debilitating, she has been sent to Vancouver for further treatment and there is believed to be damage to her spine, according to res-

cuers. The relatively happy ending in the incident is credited to the presence of a trip plan. "Had that trip plan not been there, no one would have gone looking for them," said Bull, adding this could have slowed the rescue down significantly.

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civic welfare ofour our community into order tomake make itaaprogress, better place toand livemake andeconomic work. The Fort St James exists toexists promote trade, progress, development, the and The Fort StChamber James Chamber promote trade, development, and economic and welfare of our community in place order to it athe better place civic welfare of community in order to it better to live and work. civic welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. welfareof of ourto community in order to makedevelopment, it abetter betterplace place tothe liveeconomic and work.and The Fort St James Chamber exists promote trade, progress, andto welfare in to it live and civic welfare of our community order to make it a better place liveWednesday, and work. welfare of our ourincommunity community in order order to make make it ato a better place and work. work. A10 Aprilto 17, live 2013 Caledonia Courier welfare of our community in orderOurtoMission make it a better place to live and work. Statement

Fort St. James Chamber Chatt Fort St. James Chamber Chatt Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort James Chatter Fort St. St. St. James Chamber Chamber ChatterChamber Chatt Fort James Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort St.Statement James Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort St. James Our Mission Our Fort St. Statement James Our Mission Mission Statement Chamber Chatter The Fort St James Chamber exists Chamber to promote trade, progress,Chatter development, and the economic and civic The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, St. James Chamber The FortFort St James Chamber existsChamber to promote trade,Chatter progress,Chatter development, and and the the economic economic and and civic civic Fort James Chatter welfare of ourChamber community in order to make it a better place to live and work. Fort St. St.welfare James Chamber Chatter of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work.

Missiontrade, Statement Mission Statement TheOur Fort St. James Chamber ExistsOur to promote progress, development, and the economic Our Mission Statement Mission Statement TheOur Fort St. James Chamber Exists to promote trade, progress, development, and St. civic welfare of ourExists community in order to make it a better place to and live the andeconomic work Mission Statement TheOur Fort James Chamber to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic Our Mission Statement St. James Chamber of Commerce w and civic welfare of our community in order toThe make itFort a better place to live and work Mission Statement The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce w andSt. civic welfare of our community in order to make iteconomic a development, better place toand livecivic and work The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the and TheOur Fort James Chamber Exists to promote trade, progress, the economic The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce w The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome The View Hotel. Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Cale and civic welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic

The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce wo Fort James Commerce would like to welcome The View Hotel. Eun Ho and Paul Park to the New Cale welfareexists of ourtocommunity inThe order toSt. make itChamber a betterof place to live andKwak work. The Fort St James Chamber promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome The View Hotel. Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Cale welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. The Fort St. James Chamber of the Commerce would to welcome the new The View Hotel St. James isto set onHo the picturesque waterfront oflike Stuart Lake success in coming years and we thank y welfare of our community inThe order to make itChamber aFort better place live and work. Fort St.Hotel Jamesinin of Commerce would like toand welcome The View Hotel. Eun Kwak Paul Park to the New Caled The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new The View Fort St. James is set on the picturesque waterfront of Stuart Lake success in the coming years and we thank yo welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new The View Hotel in Fort St. James is set on the picturesque waterfront of Stuart Lake success in the coming years and we thank y Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park tothe the New Caledonia Motel. We you tho Thank you and and located ininthe center of downtown. The View Hotel, aWelcome. business class hotel, fea- wish Our Mission The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new The View Hotel Fort St. James isStatement set on the picturesque waterfront of Stuart Lake success in coming years and we thank yo Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the Thank you and and located in the center of downtown. The View Hotel, aaWelcome. business class hotel, feaEun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the Thank you and Welcome. and located in the center of downtown. The View Hotel, business class hotel, feasuccess in the coming years and we thank for investing in ouryou commu tures new,incontemporary rooms with beautiful views ofaWelcome. the lakeyou and natural landHoof Kwak and Paul Park toviews the New Caledonia Motel. We wish the b Thank you and and located theEun center downtown. The View Hotel, business class hotel, fea-in success in the coming years and we thank you for investing our tures new, rooms with beautiful of lake and natural landThe Fort St.contemporary James Chamber of Commerce would like tothe welcome the new owners Euncommu The Fort St James Chamber existsThe to Fort promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic success in the coming years and we thank you for investing in our commu tures new, contemporary rooms with beautiful views of the lake and natural landSt.contemporary Jamessuccess Chamber of and Commerce would tothe welcome the newSt. owners Euncommun Thankon you Welcome. scape. Congratulations your opening and thank you for coming to Fort James. in the coming years andlike we you for investing in our tures new, rooms with beautiful views ofWe lake and natural landThe Fort St. James Chamber ofmake Commerce like tothank welcome the new owners Eun welfare of our community in order to it a better place to live and work. The Fort St. James Chamber ofon Commerce would like towould welcome the new owners Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. wish you the best success in the Thank you and Welcome. scape. Congratulations your opening and thank you for coming to Fort St. James. The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners Eun Thank you and Welcome. welfare of ourThe community in order to make it a place to live and work. scape. on your opening and thank you for coming to Fort St. James. Fort St.Congratulations James Chamber of to Commerce would likebetter to welcome the new owners Ho Kwak and Paul Park the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best success in the The Chamber wishes you the best in your new ventures. Welcome and thank you! Thank you and Welcome. scape. Congratulations on your opening and you for coming Fort St. James. The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to thank welcome the new owners Ho Kwak and Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish the best success in the Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the bestyouto coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. Thank you and Welcome. The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best success in the The Chamber wishes you the best in your new ventures. Welcome and thank you! Eun Ho Chamber Kwak and Paul Park the the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best coming and weto thank you for investing inventures. our community. Thank you and The wishes you best inyour your new Welcome andthank thank you!Welcome. Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We the best success in years the coming years and we thank you for investing inwish ouryou community. coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. Thank youand and Welcome. The wishes you the best in new Welcome and you! Eun Ho Chamber Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia We wish the best coming and we thank you for investing inventures. our community. Thank you Welcome. success inyears the coming years and we thank you forMotel. investing in ouryou community.

Fort St. James Chamber Chatter

Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort St. James Chamber Chatter FortSt. St.James James ChamberChatter Chatter Fort Chamber Our Mission Statement Family Business Succession success inthe the coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. Thank you and Welcome. success coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. Thank in you and Welcome. Thankyou youand andWelcome. Welcome. Thank

The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners

The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners Our Mission Statement Family Business Succession The Fort St. James Chamber Commerce wouldlike like welcome the new owners Our Mission Statement Eun Ho Kwak andChamber Paul Parkofof to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best The Fort St. James Commerce would totowelcome the new owners Family Business Succession Our Mission Statement Family Business Succession Turning over your business isexists muchtomore thantrade, just the strict Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish youcivic the best The Fort St James Chamber promote progress, development, and the economic and Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best Turning over your business is much more than just the strict success in the coming years we thank you economic for investing inand our community. Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to and the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best The Fort St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the civic Turning over your business much more than justthe the strict Turning over business isis much more than just strict success in the coming years and we thank youeconomic for investing inand our community. TheFort Fort Styour James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic Family Business Succession technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to pro The St James Chamber exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the civic success in the coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. success in the coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. Thankgovern you and Welcome. Family Business Succession technical aspects such financial and legal structures that succession planning. However, in order to pro welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. Thank you and Welcome. Family Business Succession technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, order toprod pro Family Business Succession technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, ininorder to welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. Turning over your business is much more than just the strict and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their a Thank you and Welcome. welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work. Thank you and Welcome. Family Business Succession Canada’s Skills Crisis Turning over your business is much more than just the strict and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their ad Family Business Succession Canada’s Skills Crisis Family Business Succession Turning over your business is much more than just the strict and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their ad Turning over your business is much more than just the strict and advisors must the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the owners and their adp Family Business Succession Family Business Succession Turning over your business is understand much more than just the strict Canada’s Skills Crisis Canada’s Skills Crisis technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of “why”, doing business. Fortransition exampl Family Business Succession Turning over your business is much more than just the strict Family Business Succession Family Business Succession technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition pe interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example Turning over your business is much more than just the strict Canada’s tolegal confront growing international competition for its unique continued success has grown every more important. However, recently Turning over your business isability much more than just the strict technical aspects suchrelationships. financial and structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in to produce a asuccessful transition peo ownership has been transferred. However, its is quite common for family members to assume interpersonal Each family business has its culture and way of doing business. For example, Turning over your business is much more than technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, inorder order to produce successful transition p interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example Canada’s ability to confront growing international competition for its continued success has grown every more important. However, recently technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand su bers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained rela ownership has been transferred. However, its is quite common for family members to assume Turning over your business is much more than Canada’s ability to confront growing international competition for its continued success has grown every more important. However, recently technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people Canada’s ability to confront growing international competition for its continued success has grown every more important. However, recently technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand such as ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. is quite common for family members to assume one of their children will carry on the business Turning over your business is much more than just the strict technical aspects such as financial and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to su bers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relati ownership has been transferred. However, its is quite common for family members to assume Turning over your business is much more than businesses' have began to report serious problems in finding the workers theytheir need. With the demographic shift of retirement, shortfall ofunderstand and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand suc bers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relati and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand su bers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relati and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and advisors need to understand such as also to maintain what role best suits each person. one of their children will carry on the business just the strict technical aspects such as financial businesses' have began to report serious problems in finding the workers they need. With the demographic shift of retirement, shortfall of clear, and advisors must understand the of the succession plan. Inculture determining the owners and their advisors need to understand such asretirement, interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, isany quite common for family tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for aon easier transition, and negate favoritism opp also to what role best suits each person. one of their children will carry on the business just the strict technical aspects such as financial By making duties and responsibilities itor will which can lead to further stress or strained and legal structures that govern succession and advisors must understand the“why” “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand such as interpersonal relationships. Each family business hasserious its unique and way of“why”, doing business. For example, is quite common for family membusinesses' have began to report problems in finding the workers they need. With the demographic shift of shortfall ofeach also tomaintain maintain what role best suits person. one of their children will carry the business just the strict technical aspects such as financial The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners businesses' have began to report serious problems in finding the workers they need. With the demographic shift of retirement, shortfall ofclear, skilled workers and growing mismatch between the skills needed. The result as stated by RBC Economics Research depicts the overall skills gap interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or oppo By making duties and responsibilities it will which can lead to further stress or strained and legal structures that govern succession interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family memThe Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family mm tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or oppo ByBy making duties and responsibilities clear, it itwill which can lead to further stress or strained and legal structures that govern succession interpersonal relationships. Each family business has itsis unique culture and way of doing business. For example, isof quite common for family memensure the business long term viability and allow relations. Therefore, strong communication planning. However, in order to produce acarry interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, isany quite common for family m tion business owners crucial and will allow for aPaul easier transition, and negate favoritism or opp The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome the new owners making duties and responsibilities clear, will which can lead to further stress or strained skilled workers and growing mismatch between the skills needed. The result as stated by RBC Economics Research depicts the overall skills gap and legal structures that govern succession interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family members tobetween assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicaThe Fort St. James Chamber Commerce would like to welcome the new owners Eun Ho Kwak and Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best skilled workers and growing mismatch between the skills needed. The result as stated by RBC Economics Research depicts the overall skills gap bers to assume one of their children will on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong comm Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determi skilled workers and growing mismatch between thelead skills needed. The result as Park stated by RBC Economics Research depicts the overall skills gap ensure the business long term viability and allow relations. Therefore, strong communication planning. However, in order to produce acarry bers toassume assume one oftheir their children will carry on the business which can to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicathat will continue grow over the next 20 years. This has resulted in four priorities that need an action plan by every community and chamber ensure the business long term viability and allow relations. Therefore, strong communication planning. However, in order to produce a Eun Ho Kwak and Paul to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best Family Business Succession everyone to work towards a common goal. between business owners is crucial and will allow successful transition people and advisors must bers to assume one of their children will on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong comm bers to one of children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicaThus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determin ensure the business long term viability and allow relations. Therefore, strong communication planning. However, in order to produce a Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We wish you the best bers to assume one ofa their children will carry on allow the business which canbusiness lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicabers to assume one of their will carry on the which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong commu Thus, having clear communication strategy is a must. this has been established it wise to then determin tion between business owners istheir crucial andover will for a20 easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family members. Eun Ho Kwak and Paul Park to the New Caledonia Motel. We you the best success inin the coming years and we thank you for investing inwish our community. that will continue tochildren grow over the next 20 years. This has resulted in four priorities that need an action plan bywork every community and chamber bers to assume one of children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. strong comm Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determin Family Business Succession everyone to towards common goal. between business owners isOnce crucial and will allow successful transition people and advisors must that will continue to grow the next years. This has resulted four priorities that need an action plan by every community and chamber Family Business Succession everyone to work towards a aaTherefore, common goal. between business owners is crucial and will allow successful transition people and advisors must tion between business owners isyour crucial and will allow for aeasier easier transition, and negate favoritism or opportunism between family members. that will continue to grow over the next 20 years. This has resulted in four priorities that need an action plan by every community and chamber tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family mem when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By mak success inany the coming years and we thank you for investing in ourcommunity. community. Once the “why” behind your succession plan for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism understand the “why” of the succession plan. In Family Business Succession everyone to work towards common goal. between business owners is crucial and will allow successful transition people and advisors must tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family members. success in the coming years and we thank you for investing in our which are Upskilling or upgrading the skills of the existing labour force and better employ under-utilized groups, Immigration– ensuring that our Turning over business is much more than just the strict tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family members. Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what role success in the coming years and we thank you for investing in our community. Thank you and Welcome. tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family mem when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By maki Once the “why” behind your succession plan for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism understand the “why” of the succession plan. In tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family memb when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By makin Once the “why” behind your succession plan for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism understand the “why” of the succession plan. In which are Upskilling or upgrading the skills of the existing labour force and better employ under-utilized groups, Immigration– ensuring that our Turning over your business is much more than just the strict which are Upskilling or upgrading the skills of the existing labour force and better employ under-utilized groups, Immigration– ensuring that our Turning over your business is much more than just the strict has been answered, iteach will allow for aour unified, or opportunism between members. Thus, determining the “why”, owners and their advisors tion between business owners isisistransferred. crucial and will for a labour easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family mem when ownership has been However, its also toplanning. maintain what role best suits person. By maki Thus, having clear communication strategy amust. must.Once Once this been established itwise wise to then determine who will situated in what role Once the “why” your succession plan for ahas easier transition, and negate any favoritism Thank and Welcome. understand the “why” of the succession plan. In Thus, having a aclear communication strategy is ais this has been established ityou tofamily determine who will in role Thank you and Welcome. which are Upskilling ortheir upgrading the the existing force and better employ under-utilized groups, Immigration– ensuring that Turning over your business much more than just the strict technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern However, in order to produce abehind successful transition Thus, having abeen clear communication strategy isof aallow must. Once this has been established itsituated wise to then who will situated in what r will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards adetermine common goal. Once the “wh Thus, having athe clear communication strategy aadvisors must. Once this has been established itsuccession wise tothen then determine who will situated inwhat what role immigration policy istheir aligned with local labour markets and employers needs. Education-Improving the connection between educators and when ownership has transferred. However, its also toskills maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, itititwill Thank you and Welcome. has been answered, will allow for aemunified, or opportunism between family members. Thus, determining “why”, owners and has been answered, allow for apeople unified, or opportunism between family members. Thus, determining the “why”, owners and advisors transparent, and supportive transition process having a clear communication strategy is a must. need to understand such as interpersonal technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what ro will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards a common goal. Once the “wh has been answered, it will allow for a unified, or opportunism between family members. Thus, determining the “why”, owners and their advisors immigration policy is aligned with local labour markets and employers needs. Education-Improving the connection between educators and emtechnical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what rol will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards a common goal. Once the “why when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, it immigration policy is aligned with local labour markets and employers needs. Education-Improving the connection between educators and emwhen ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, it aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. in order to produce aon successful transition people Thus, having abeen clear communication strategy istothe awork Once this has been established it and wise toperson. then determine who will situated in what rob will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone work towards aand common goal. Once the “wh immigration policy issupply aligned with local labour markets and employers needs. Education-Improving the connection between educators and emtransparent, and supportive transition process having aclear clear communication strategy is amust. must. need to understand understand such as interpersonal when ownership has transferred. However, its also tounified, maintain what role best suits person. By making duties responsibilities clear, it and advisors must understand the “why” of succession Ineach determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need toduties understand as will ensure the technical business long term viability andwith allow everyone towards aplan. common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has transparent, supportive transition process having amust. communication strategy isto aHowever, need to such as interpersonal ployers to balance demand for skilled trades and highly skilled occupations. Aboriginal peoples– Focus education and workforce when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each By making and responsibilities been answered, it will allow for a transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the this making sure the business has asuch long-term Once this has been established its wise then relationships. Each family business has its unique transparent, and supportive transition process having aalso clear strategy is ato must. need toownership understand such as interpersonal and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. Indetermining determining the “why”, owners and theiradvisors advisors need to understand such as the will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards amaintain common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In the “why”, owners and their need to understand such as will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards acommunication common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has ployers to balance supply with demand for skilled trades and highly skilled occupations. Aboriginal peoples– Focus on education and workforce ployers to balance supply with demand for skilled trades and highly skilled occupations. Aboriginal peoples– Focus on education and workforce when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities been answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the when has been transferred. However, its to what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities cl been answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure bu this making sure the business has a long-term Once this has been established its wise to then relationships. Each family business has its unique this making sure the business has a long-term Once this has been established its wise to then relationships. Each family business has its unique and advisors must understand the “why” of succession plan. Insituated determining the “why”, owners and their legacy. advisors need toduties understand such as the b will ensure theway business long term viability and allow everyone tothe work towards awill common goal. Once the behind your succession plan been answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has alegacy. long-term interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its to unique culture and way of“why” doing business. For example, ishas quite common for family memployers to balance supply with demand for skilled trades and highly skilled occupations. Aboriginal peoples– Focus on education and workforce when ownership has been transferred. its also maintain what role best suits each person. By making and responsibilities determine who be in what role when culture and of doing business. For example, been answered, it will allow for aHowever, unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure b this making sure the business has afour long-term Once this has been established its wise to then relationships. Each family business has its unique development especially in Western Canada where opportunities and risks are greatest for this population economically. Although these been answered, itinterpersonal allow for abusiness. transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has alegacy. legacy. been answered, itwill will allow for aunified, unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has along-term long-term legacy. will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards a common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession pla interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family memrelationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family memdetermine who will be situated in what role when culture and way of doing business. For example, legacy. determine who will be situated in what role when culture and way of doing For example, development especially in Western Canada where opportunities and risks are greatest for this population economically. Although these four development especially in Western Canada where opportunities and risks are greatest for this population economically. Although these four been answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term legacy. interpersonal relationships. Each family business its unique culture and way offurther doing business. For example, is “why” quite common for family memwill ensure the business long viability and allow everyone towards arole goal. Once the behind your succession plan will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards aacommon common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession pla legacy. determine who will to be situated in what when culture and way ofdo doing business. For example, bers to assume one ofterm their children will carry onhas the business which can lead to stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicadevelopment especially inissues Western Canada where opportunities and risks are greatest for population economically. Although these four will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone towork work towards common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession pla major points of answered, concern not encompass all that revolve around skilled labour shortage, our Chamber inthis conjunction with the Canadian Chamber of ComThe Get Youth Working! Program isfunded funded through the legac bers totoassume one ofoftheir children will carry on business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicabers assume one their children will carry onthe the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicaThe Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the Recent report by CIBC disclosed that been it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term major of concern do not encompass all issues that revolve around skilled labour shortage, our Chamber in conjunction with the Canadian Chamber of ComThe Get Youth Working! Program is through the majorpoints points of concern do not encompass all issues that revolve around skilled labour shortage, our Chamber in conjunction with the Canadian Chamber of Combers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicaThe Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family members. Recent report by CIBC disclosed that The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the been answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term legacy. Recent report by CIBC disclosed that been ititour will allow for aThe transparent, and supportive transition this making the business has aaComlong-term major of answered, concern do not encompass all issues that revolve around skilled labour shortage, our Chamber inour conjunction the Canadian Chamber of The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the legac Canada-British Columbia Labour tion between business owners isGet crucial and will allow for achallenges, transition, and any favoritism opportunism between family members. Youth Working! Program is funded through thenegate mercepoints will have tool kits for members to address these skills and training and continue toprocess bring community upsure tosmall date changes. 40% of business owners of toon Recent report byor CIBC disclosed that tion between business owners isthese crucial and will allow for aeasier easier transition, and negate any favoritism orwith opportunism between family members. Canada-British Columbia Labour Recent report by CIBC been answered, will allow for a unified, unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has long-term legac Canada-British Columbia Labour Family Business Succession merce have tool kits for our members to address skills and training challenges, and continue to bring our community up date changes. 40% of business owners ofto small toon Canada-British Columbia Labour Canada-British Columbia Labour tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family members. Recent report by CIBC mercewill will have tool kits for our members to address these skills and training challenges, and continue to bring our community up to date on changes. 40% of business owners of small to Canada-British Columbia Labour Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what role Recent report by CIBC Business Succession Market Agreement. The Program Canada-British Columbia Labour Family Business Succession medium sized businesses in B.C are merceFamily will have tool kits for our members to address these skills and training challenges, and continue to bring our community up to date on changes. 40% of business owners of small to Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what role Canada-British Columbia Labour Recent by CIBC Thus, having a clear communication strategy is aGet must. Once this hasThe been establishedmedium itmedium wise tosized then determine who willreport situated in what role Agreement. Market Agreement. The Program disclosed that 40% ofbusiness business Family Business Succession sized businesses inin B.C are Turning over your business is much more than just the strict NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? Market Agreement. TheProgram Program businesses B.C are willand The Youth Working! Program is funded through the Recent by CIBC disclos Thus, having aisclear communication strategy isGet aMarket must. Once this hasa been established itmedium wise to then determine who situated inreport what role Market Agreement. The Program disclosed that 40% of Turning your business much more than the strict NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties responsibilities clear, offers employers $2,800 hiring Market Agreement. The Program Market Agreement. The Program that 40% of business The Youth Working! Program is funded through the Turningover over yourownership business is much more thanjust just the strict NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES? GIVE US A disclosed CALL! planning on retiring within the next 5 Recent report by CIBC disclose sized businesses in B.C are when has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, ititit The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the offers employers a $2,800 hiring Recent report by CIBC disclos GIVE USWITH A CALL! planning on retiring within the next 5 Market Agreement. The Program when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, offers employers a $2,800 hiring disclosed that 40% of business Turning over your business is much more than just the strict NEED HELP YOUR TAXES? technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people GIVE US Athe CALL! planning on retiring within the next 5 offers employers a $2,800 hiring The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through Recent report by CIBC disclos owners of small to medium incentive (up to 3 employees at technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to(up maintain role best suits each person. making duties and responsibilities clear, offers employers a what $2,800 hiring Canada-British Columbia Labour offers employers a $2,800 hiring will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards ayears common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan hasit 40% of business owners of sm of small topeople medium years. But 60% ofBy these ownGIVE US Aowners CALL! technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession However, in order to produce abusiness successful transition planning on retiring within the next 5your VersaPay offers industry leading payment processing, incentive toto 3planning. at We have over 15 experience dealing with both individual and business clients. Canada-British Columbia Labour offers employers a hiring owners of small to medium will ensure the long term viability and everyone to work towards aat goal. Once the “why” behind succession plan has 40% of$2,800 business years. But 60% ofof these business ownincentive (up 3employees employees VersaPay offers industry leading payment processing, We have over 15 years experience dealing with both individual and business clients. Canada-British Columbia Labour technical aspects such financial and legal structures that govern succession planning. However, in order to produce a successful transition people and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand such as owners will ensure thebusiness business long term viability andallow allow everyone to work towards acommon common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has atofofsma 40% of business owners sm years. But 60% these business ownoffers employers a $2,800 hiring VersaPay offers industry leading payment processing, We“why”, have overyouth 15 years experience dealing with both individual and business clients. owners of small to medium $2,800 each) to hire eligible and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the owners and their advisors need to understand such as incentive (up to 3 employees at incentive (up to 3 employees Canada-British Columbia Labour will ensure the business long for term viability and allow everyone work towards avery common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has sized businesses in B.C are $2,800 each) toto hire eligible youth ers have no meaningful business suc40% ofin business owners ofin smB years. But 60% of these business ownand advisors must understand the “why” of succession plan. Inand determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand such as VersaPay industry leading payment processing, been answered, itoffers will allow athe unified, transparent, supportive transition process this making sure the business has amedium long-term legacy. incentive (up to 3 at Market Agreement. The Program We over 15 years experience dealing with both individual business clients. sized businesses B.C are ers have no meaningful business sucOurhave prices are competitive. Individual tax returns start atand $25 while business returns start atemployees $50. $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth sized businesses been answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term legacy. credit card terminals and merchant accounts. VersaMarket Agreement. The Program incentive (up to 3 employees at and advisors must understand the “why” of the succession plan. In determining the “why”, owners and their advisors need to understand such as Our prices are very competitive. Individual tax returns start at $25 while business returns start at $50. interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family memsized businesses in B.C are medium sized businesses ininB.C ers have no meaningful business succredit card and accounts. Versa15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, been answered, itterminals will allowbusiness for amerchant unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has amedium long-term legacy. Market Agreement. The Program $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth Date: April 18th, 2013 interpersonal relationships. Each family has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, isthe common for family memOur prices are very competitive. Individual tax returns start atquite $25 while business returns start at $50.employees sized businesses BB incentive (up to 3 at 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, credit card terminals and merchant accounts. VersaDate: April 18th, 2013 sized businesses in B.C are cession plan. Get right advisor to ers have no meaningful business sucinterpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and way of doing business. For example, is quite common for family membeen answered, it will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has amedium long-term legacy. each) to hire eligible youth Agreement. The Program cession Get the right advisor to 15 to 29 years ofway age. Additionally, planning retiring within OurMarket prices are very competitive. Individual tax$2,800 start at $25 while business returns start aton $50. Date: April 18th, 2013 sized businesses in th $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth offers employers areturns $2,800 hiring credit card terminals and merchant accounts. Versaplanning on retiring within interpersonal relationships. Each family business has its unique culture and of doing business. Forplan. example, is quite common for family memcession plan. Get the right advisor tostrong bers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, strong communicaoffers employers a $2,800 hiring employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training planning on retiring within Pay works with the BC Chamber of Commerce to offer 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth bers to assume one of their children will carry on the business which can lead to further stress or strained relations. Therefore, communicaDate: April 18th, 2013 employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training planning on retiring within the planning on retiring within Pay works with the BC Chamber of Commerce to offer Time: 10:00 am offers employers a $2,800 hiring We training also provide computerized bookkeeping for businesses including: make you arelations. good succession plan. cession plan. Get the right advisor toto Time: am one Pay bers10:00 to assume of their children will carry onmay theof business which can lead toProgram further stress or strained Therefore, strong communicaWe also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses including: make you a $2,800 good succession plan. each) hire eligible youth The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the employers request up to $1,000 to purchase planning on retiring within th Recent report by CIBC disclosed that works with the BC Chamber Commerce to offer planning on retiring within The Get Youth Working! isany funded through the Recent report by CIBC disclosed that offers employers aservices $2,800 hiring 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, Time: 10:00 am Date: April 18th, 2013 We also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses including: 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, make you aopportunism good succession plan. the next 5years. years. But 60% of for the newly hired IfYouth your interested in this program bers to assume one ofowners their children will carry on the business can lead to further stress or(up strained relations. Therefore, strong communication between business owners is crucial and will allow for aGet easier transition, and negate favoritism or opportunism between family members. employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training incentive to 3 employees at planning on retiring within th Date: April 18th, 2013 Pay works the BC Chamber of Commerce to offer the next 5 But 60% of for the newly hired youth. Ifwhich your interested in negate this program tion between business iswith crucial and will allow for ayouth. easier transition, and any favoritism or between family members. The Working! Program is funded through the incentive (up to 3 employees at Recent report by CIBC disclosed that Time: 10:00 am years. But 60% of these busin 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, Location: District Office We also provide computerized bookkeeping services for businesses including: make you a good succession plan. preferred rates for credit card processing, electronic years. But 60% of these busine Date: April 18th, 2013 Location: District Office The Get Youth Working! Program is funded Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) preferred rates for credit card processing, electronic the next 5family years. But 60% of forand the will newly hired youth. IfYouth your interested in this program tion between business owners is crucial allow for aGet easier transition, and negate any favoritism or15 opportunism between members. The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the The Working! Program isEnbridge funded incentive (up to 3 employees at Canada-British Columbia Labour Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, Recent report by CIBC disclosed that Enbridge open house isT4s)coming 40% of business owners of small to Canada-British Columbia Labour open house is coming to 29 years of age. Additionally, 40% of business owners of small to please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 years. But 60% of these busin Date: April 18th, 2013 Location: District Office preferred rates for credit card processing, electronic the next 5 years. But 60% of for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program tion between business owners is crucial and will allow for a easier transition, and negate any favoritism or opportunism between family members. please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 Thus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what role The Get Youth Working! Program is funded incentive (up to 3 employees at employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) Accounts Receivable Thus, having a clear communication strategy iscard a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who situated inyears. what role employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase Accounts Receivable Canada-British Columbia Labour these business owners have open house iswill coming 40% of business owners oftraining small tonono busin $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth these business owners have But 60% of these Location: District Office Time: 10:00 am $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth preferred rates for creditcall processing, electronic Time: 10:00 am The Fort James Chamber Complease chamber atVersaPay 250.996.70023 The Get Youth Working! Program isEnbridge funded Payroll (paycheques, source deductions, on-line ROEs, WCB, T4s) The Fort St.St. James Chamber of of ComThus, having a clear communication strategy is and athe must. Once this has been established itAgreement. wise to then determine who will situated in what role Canada-British Columbia Labour employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Market Agreement. The Program ers have no busin bill presentment, invoicing consulting. VersaPay Enbridge open house isLocation coming through the Canada British Columbia Labour Accounts Payable Market The Program soon. Date, time and TBA. 40% of business owners ofmeaningful small to nobusine ers have no meaningful bill presentment, invoicing and consulting. through the Canada British Columbia Labour soon. Date, time and Location TBA. medium sized businesses in B.C these business owners have medium sized businesses in B.C areare $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 Time: 10:00 am The Fort St. James Chamber of ComThus, having a clear communication strategy is a must. Once this has been established it wise to then determine who will situated in what role when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, it employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training Accounts Receivable when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, it Accounts Payable Monthly bank reconciliation Market Agreement. The Program ers have no meaningful Monthly bank reconciliation bill presentment, invoicing and consulting. VersaPay these business owners have through the Canada British Columbia Labour soon. Date, time and Location TBA. $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program medium sized businesses in B.C are no busin Time: 10:00 am The Fort St. James Chamber of Commeaningful business meaningful business merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what role best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, it Accounts Payable Market Agreement. The Program offers employers a $2,800 hiring Date: April 18th, 2013 ers have no meaningful busin offers employers a $2,800 hiring bill presentment, invoicing and consulting. VersaPay Date: April 18th, 2013 through the Canada British Columbia Labour soon. Date, time and Location TBA. Stay tuned! HST preparation and filing Stay tuned! Monthly bank reconciliation HST preparation and filing medium sized businesses in the B.C are Location: District Office Location: District Office for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program planning on retiring within next 5right planning on retiring within the 5right Market Agreement. Program offers Market Agreement. The offers cession plan. Get the ad cession plan. Get the advi looks to reduce costs for your business transactions. If role looks to reduce costs forand your business transactions. If when ownership has been transferred. However, its also to maintain what best suits each person. By making duties and responsibilities clear, itnext will ensure the business long term viability allow everyone to work towards aThe common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone to work towards aProgram common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has meaningful business merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, Monthly bank reconciliation offers employers a tuned! $2,800 hiring Date: April 18th, 2013 Financial Statements for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program HST preparation andStay filing Financial Statements Location: District Office planning oncession retiring within the next 5right ad Date: April 18th, 2013 Market Agreement. The Program offers Date: April 18th, meaningful business plan. Get the looks to reduce costs your business transactions. If please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 merce in conjunction with the District of Ralph Fortfor St. 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 James will be hosting a2013 presentation byviability Ralph will ensure the business long term and allow everyone to work towards a common goal. Once the “why” behind your succession plan has James will be hosting a presentation by incentive (up to 3 employees at offers employers a $2,800 hiring Date: April 18th, 2013 incentive (up to 3 employees at Stay tuned! HST preparation and filing succession plan. Get the right employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training succession plan. Get the right employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training Small business and personal income tax Location: District Office Financial Statements planning on retiring within the next 5 Small business and personal income tax Market Agreement. The Program offers years. But 60% of these business ownyears. But cession 60% of these ownplan. Getsuccession the right ad looks to reduce costs for your business transactions. If call Date: April 18th, 2013 been answered, it will allow for aChamber unified, transparent, and supportive process this making sure the business has a long-term legacy. employers amay $2,800 hiring incentive (up to Time: 10:00 am will ensure the business long term viability and allow everyone toplease work towards aincentive common goal. Once the “why” your succession plan has been answered, ityour will allow for a by unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term legacy. employers atransition $2,800 hiring incentive (up to Time: am the chamber at 250.996.70023 James will be10:00 hosting ayour presentation Ralph interested call Chris Browes atemployers 1.888.318.8729 you a business good pl The Fort St. James Chamber of Com(up topersonal 3(up employees atbehind interested call Chris Browes at 1.888.318.8729 make you abusiness good succession The Fort St. of ComFinancial Statements succession plan. Get the right request up to $1,000 to purchase training Small business and income tax Date: April 18th, 2013 years. Butmake 60% oflegacy. these ownplease call the chamber at 250.996.70023 James will be hosting aJames presentation bycall Ralph $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office been answered, itam will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term employers a $2,800 hiring incentive to Time: 10:00 incentive (up to 3 employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office succession plan. Get the right employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training your interested Chris Browes at 1.888.318.8729 make you a good succession pp The Fort St. James Chamber of ComSmall business and personal income tax Call for more information: Time: 10:00 am ers have no meaningful business sucyears. But 60% of these business ownfor the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program advisor to make you a good Call for more information: Time: 10:00 am ers have no meaningful business sucfor the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program advisor to make you a good been answered, itam will allow for a unified, transparent, and supportive transition process this making sure the business has a long-term legacy. employers a $2,800 hiring incentive (up to Time: 10:00 3 employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible your interested call Chris Browes at 1.888.318.8729 make you a good succession $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth The Fort St. James Chamber of ComKrenz from the Independent Investigations Office 3 employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible Books by Sandie Location: District Office Call for more information: Books by Sandie Location: District Office Time: 10:00 am ers have no meaningful business sucfor the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. advisor to make you a good 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiDate: April 18th, 2013 $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiDate: April 18th, 2013 Recent report by CIBC disclosed that 3 employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible Enbridge open house is comin The Get Working! Program is996-7669 funded through the cession plan. Get thethe right advisor to (250) Recent report by CIBC disclosed that Call for250.996.70023 more information: Enbridge open house Time: 10:00 am ers have no meaningful business sucfor thecall newly hired youth. IfSandie your interested in this program advisor to make you aadvisor good cession plan. Get right to is com (250) 996-7669 Books by Location: District Office please the chamber at succession plan. 3Youth employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 merce in conjunction with the of Fort St. 15 to 29 years ofLabour age. Additionally, succession plan. youth 15 29 years of age. Additionally, of BC. Their office is Office mandated to 2013 conduct investiDate: April 18th, Location: District The District Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the youth 15to to 29 years of age. Additionally, Recent report by CIBC disclosed that Books by Sandie Enbridge open house com Location: District Office Location: District Office employers may request up to $1,000 toto purchase training cession plan. Get the right advisor to is (250) 996-7669 Canada-British Columbia gations into officer-related incidents of death or merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, 40% of business owners of small to employers may request up to $1,000 purchase training of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiDate: April 18th, 2013 The Fort St. James Chamber of ComCanada-British Columbia Labour Time: 10:00 am please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 succession plan. gations into officer-related incidents of death or The Get Youth Working! Program is funded through the 40% of business owners of small to Recent report by CIBC disclosed that make you a good succession plan. Enbridge open house is com James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph The Fort St. James Chamber of ComTime: 10:00 am May youth 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, cession plan. Get the right advisor toLocation (250) 996-7669 Location: District Office soon. Date, time and make you asoon. good succession plan. James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 On Tuesday, 14th, 2013, general voting succession plan. employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training llAll Candidates Forum to be Date, time and Locati Enbridge open house is Canada-British Columbia Labour gations into officer-related incidents of death or employers may request up to $1,000 to youth 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, 40% of business owners of small to On Tuesday, May 14th, 2013, general voting Candidates Forum to be Market Agreement. The Program Location: District Office The Fort St. James Chamber of Comfor the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program Time: 10:00 am Enbridge open house is medium sized businesses in B.C are employers may request up to $1,000 to make you a good succession plan. James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph serious harm in order to determine whether or employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training Market Agreement. The Program for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program Canada-British Columbia Labour The Fort St. James Chamber ofOffice Commerce gations into officer-related incidents of death or 2013, medium sizedyou businesses in B.C are Date, time and 40% of business owners small to is serious harm in order to determine whether or Location: District The Fort St. James Chamber of ComTime: 10:00 am TheThe FortFort James Chamber ofEnbridge Commerce isasoon. now a of Safe HarbourOn Tuesday, May 14th, general voting All Candidates Forum to be The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce make good succession plan. Enbridge house James will be hosting athe presentation by Ralph merce in conjunction with the District ofof Fort St. Location: District Office employers may request up to to St. James Chamber of Commerce isopen now aDate, Safe open house is coming Market Agreement. The Program for the newly hired youth. If your interested inSt.this program soon. time and Locatio Locatio Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office offers employers a$1,000 $2,800 hiring medium sized businesses in B.C are merce in conjunction with District Fort St. Stay tuned! On Tuesday, May 14th, 2013, general voting serious harm in order to determine whether or All Candidates Forum to be please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 Enbridge open house isHarbourcoming eld April 24th from 7:00– Enbridge open house coming soon. Date, time planning on retiring within the next 5is5and will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., purchase training for the newly hired youth. Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce offers employers a $2,800 hiring employers may request up to $1,000 to Stay tuned! Market Agreement. The Program for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program Location: District Office not an officer may have committed an offence. please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 held April 24th from 7:00– The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce is now a Safe Harbourcoming soon. Date, time and planning on retiring within the next will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., purchase training for the newly hired youth. medium sized businesses in B.C are serious harm in order to determine whether or merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. certified location and is committed to the following three principles: not an officer may have committed an offence. The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce Enbridge open house is coming The Fort St. James Chamber of ComKrenz from the Independent Investigations Office Location: District Office offers employers a $2,800 hiring Stay tuned! The Fort Jamesyears. Chamber ofEnbridge Commerce isfollowing now a Safe Harbourincentive (up toto 3 employees atSt. certified location and is committed to the three principles: in conjunction with the District ofan Fort St. please calltraining the chamber at 250.996.70023 held April 24th from 7:00– soon. Date, time and Location coming soon. Date, time and The Fort St. James Chamber of Complanning on retiring within the next 5 TBA. will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., purchase the newly hired youth. merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. But 60% of these business ownopen house is coming James will be hosting aavailable presentation byto Ralph incentive (up 3a employees at not an officer may have committed offence. Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office in conjunction with the District of Fort St. offers employers $2,800 hiring soon. time and Location TBA. Stay tuned! of BC. Their office is conduct investiIf your interested infor this program please call :00 pm. Location TBA. Location TBA. Stay tuned! please call the chamber at(up 250.996.70023 The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice held April 24th from 7:00– years. But of these business owncoming Date, time on60% retiring within the next 5 and will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., purchase training for the newly hired youth. certified location andplanning is All: committed to Date, the following three principles: Pacific Daylight time. Individuals who normally James will be hosting amandated presentation by Ralph The Fort St. James Chamber ofDistrict ComEquitable Treatment for Welcoming allsoon. clients and/or customnot an officer may have committed an offence. of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiIf your interested in this program please call 9:00 pm. Location TBA. Location TBA. Stay tuned! The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice incentive to 3 employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth in conjunction with the District of Fort St. Pacific Daylight time. Individuals who normally soon. Date, time and Location TBA. merce in conjunction with the of Fort St. certified location and is committed to the following three principles: Equitable Treatment for All: Welcoming all clients and/or customyears. But 60% of these business ownThe Fort St. James Chamber of Comers have no meaningful business sucJames will be hosting a presentation by Ralph Stay tuned! $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth incentive (up to 3 employees at merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiIf your interested in this program please call in conjunction with the District of Fort St. 9:00 pm. Location TBA. Location TBA. Stay tuned! soon. Date, timebusiness and Location The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice All Candidates Forum will beBut held at Daylight time. Individuals who normally ers have no meaningful business suc- TBA. years. 60% of all these ownStay tuned! will bethe hosting aPacific presentation by Ralph and isJames under command direction of the Equitable Treatment forwill All: Welcoming clients and/or customthe chamber at15 will be hosting adirection presentation byto Ralph Krenz the Independent Investigations Office ers inCandidates a respectful manner. to 29this years of age. Additionally, of BC. Their office is mandated conduct investiIf your interested in program please $2,800 each) toof hire eligible 9:00James pm. Location TBA. Location Stay tuned! The IIO is from established in the Ministry of Justice All Forum be at Date: April 18th, 2013 gations into officer-related incidents of death or merce in conjunction the District of Fort St. commence work before 12:00 or who James will be hosting aand presentation by Ralph Pacific Daylight time. Individuals who normally and is under the command and of the the chamber at250.996.7023 250.996.7023 Equitable Treatment forhave All: Welcoming allTBA. clients and/or customers noheld meaningful business sucKrenz from the Independent Investigations Office cession plan. Get the right advisor to ers inyouth acall respectful manner. Stay tuned! James will be hosting awith presentation bynoon, Ralph 15 to 29 years age. Additionally, $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth Date: April 18th, 2013 gations into officer-related incidents of death or commence work before 12:00 noon, or who merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. All Candidates Forum will be held at cession plan. Get the right advisor to James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph David Hoy School on April 24th from and is under the command and direction of the ers have no meaningful business sucJames will be hosting a Investigations presentation by Ralph Stay tuned! the chamber at 250.996.7023 Chief Civilian Director. Krenz from the Independent Office ers in aHoy respectful manner. employers may request up to $1,000 to purchase training An Immediate Safe Place: for someone discrimination 15 to years ofpurchase age. Additionally, Date: April 18th, 2013 gations into officer-related incidents of death or All Candidates Forum will be held atexperiencing commence work before 12:00 noon, or who Time: 10:00 am David School on April 24th from James will be hosting anot presentation by Ralph and is under the command and direction of the the chamber at 250.996.7023 make you asomeone good succession plan. Chief Civilian Director. cession plan. Get the right advisor to Krenz from the Independent Investigations Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiers inImmediate a respectful manner. James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph employers may request up to29 $1,000 to training An Safe Place: for experiencing discrimination 15 to 29 years of age. Additionally, do normally end their work until after 4:00 Date: April 18th, 2013 gations into officer-related incidents of death or serious harm in order to determine whether or Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office commence work before 12:00 noon, or who Time: 10:00 am make you good David Hoythe School on April 24th from cession plan. Getexperiencing the right advisor Krenz from the Independent Investigations 9:00 pm. Please come outainclude James will be hosting presentation by Ralph ofCivilian BC. Their office is mandated tofor conduct investithe newly hired youth. If to your interested in7:00 this program Chief Director. employers may request up $1,000 toMedpurchase training do not normally end their work until after 4:00 Are you self-employed and interested in attainting An Immediate Safe Place: for someone discrimination in7:00 orto near worksite, which may asuccession place to sit, aplan. glassto of serious harm in order to determine whether or Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office Limited Seating (20)– call the District ata Time: 10:00 am Hoy School on April 24th from Location: District Office to 9:00 pm. Please come make you aout good succession plan. forAre the hired youth. If your interested this program Chief Civilian Director. Krenz from the Independent Investigations of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiemployers may request up to $1,000 to purchase An Immediate Safe Place: for someone experiencing younewly self-employed and interested in attainting Med-inDavid intraining or near the worksite, which may include ais place todiscrimination sit, a glass of do not normally end their work until after 4:00 Enbridge open house coming serious harm in order to determine whether or Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office Limited Seating (20)– call District at Time: 10:00 am Location: District Office of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investimake you a good succession plan. please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 Krenz from the Independent Investigations gations into officer-related incidents of death or pm., are entitled to time off from work to with your questions and see what 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come out of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiOffice of BC. Their office is mandated to for the newly hired youth. If your interested in this program ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call not an officer may have committed an offence. water and access to a list of resources. do not normally end their work until after 4:00 Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Medin or near the worksite, which may include a place to sit, a glass of serious harm in order to determine whether or Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office Enbridge open house is coming Limited Seating (20)– call theoffice District atincidents 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at of BC. Their is mandated to conduct investiplease call the atIf250.996.70023 9:00 pm. Please come out The Fort St.District James Chamber of ComLocation: Office gations into officer-related of death orchamber pm., are entitled tototime off from work to and for the newly hired youth. your interested this program with your questions see what Office ofan BC. Their office is mandated ical or Dental coverage for interested yourself orinemployees. Call in7:00 Are you self-employed attainting Medinwater orto near worksite, which may include place to sit,TBA. a glass of not officer may have committed an offence. andthe access to aand list of resources. soon. Date, time anda Location Enbridge open house is coming Limited Seating (20)– call the District at Location: District Office 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiThe Fort St. James Chamber of Comthe Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more please call the chamber at 250.996.70023 each candidate has to say. Rememgations into officer-related incidents of death or pm., are entitled to time off from work to gations into officer-related incidents of death or with your questions and see what Office of BC. Their office is mandated to Prepared Employees and Preparing staff to impleor Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call not an officer may have committed an offence. water and access toEnbridge asoon. listWorksites: ofsee resources. open house coming Date, time andallis Location TBA. vote. No deduction pay or penalty may serious harm in order to determine whether or of BC. office isDistrict mandated toical conduct investiplease call the chamber 250.996.70023 250.996.7023 to have aTheir seat reserved for you. gations into officer-related incidents of death ormay merce inBC. conjunction with the Fort St. 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at pm., are entitled toinof off from work tore-reconduct investigations into officer-related The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice with your and what Office of Their office isNo mandated totime The Fort St. James Chamber of Comthe Chamber of Commerce atat250.996.7023 for more each candidate has say. Rememical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call gations into officer-related incidents of death or not an officer may have committed an offence. water andquestions access tosoon. ato list ofDate, resources. Stay tuned! Prepared Employees and Worksites: Preparing all staff toTBA. impletime and Location vote. deduction inof pay or penalty information. 250.996.8233 or Chamber atto serious harm in order whether or The Fort James Chamber ofdetermine Comber you voteEmployees counts! See you there! 250.996.7023 tothe have a seat reserved for you. merce inSt. conjunction with the District Fort St. conduct investigations into officer-related The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice ment these commitments. the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more each candidate has to say. Rememgations into officer-related incidents of death or serious harm in order to determine whether or soon. Date, time and Location TBA. Prepared and Worksites: Preparing all staff to impleStay tuned! vote. No deduction in pay or penalty may reserious harm in order to determine whether or information. James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more each candidate hasStay toand say. Rememsult from this time off. Scheduling ofor the 250.996.7023 to have ainto seat reserved for you. gations officer-related incidents of death ortime merce in conjunction with the District of Fort St. ber you vote counts! See you there! conduct investigations into officer-related The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice Prepared Employees Worksites: Preparing all staff to implement these commitments. not an officer may have committed an offence. A tuned! serious harm in order to determine whether or vote. No deduction in pay or penalty may re- the and is under the command and direction of serious harm in order to determine whether incidents of death or serious harm in order 250.996.7023 to have asult seat reserved for you. merce in conjunction with the District ofto Fort St. Respect for all-Pass it Stay on! information. conduct investigations into officer-related The IIO is established in the Ministry of James will be hosting a presentation by Ralph ber youthese vote counts! Seetuned! you there! from this time off. Scheduling ofor theJustice time ment commitments. not an officer may have committed an offence. serious harm in order to determine whether not an officer may have committed an offence. information. Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office and is under the command and direction of the ber you vote counts! See you there! incidents of death or serious harm in order to ment these James willofficer be hosting presentation by Ralph Respect forcommitments. all-Pass it on! sult from this time off. Scheduling of the serious harm in order to discretion determine whether or off isaamade at the of employer. not an may have committed an offence. not an officer may have committed anthe offence. and is under the command and direction of the The IIO is established in the Ministry ofOffice Justice D James will be hosting presentation by Ralph incidents of death or serious harm in order to sult from this time off. Scheduling ofemployer. the time time Krenz from the Independent Investigations Respect for all-Pass it on! Chief Civilian Director. not an officer may have committed an offence. determine whether or not an officer may have The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice and is under the command and direction of the not an officer may have committed an offence. off is made at discretion of the of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiincidents of death or serious harm in order to Respect for all-Pass it on! Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice Chief Civilian Director. not an officer may have committed an offence. is made at the discretion of the employer. Employees may be encouraged to vote during determine whether oroff anin officer may have The IIO isnot established in the Ministry of Justice Krenz from the Independent Investigations Office of BC.IIO Their office is mandated to conduct investiThe is established the Ministry of All Candidates and under and direction of the Candidates Forum will beForum heldMedatwill be 7 Chief Civilian Director. off isthe made at the discretion of the employer. gations into officer-related incidents of death orJustice and isthe under command and direction of the Are you self-employed andAll interested in attainting determine whether or not an officer may have The IIO iscommand established in the Ministry of Justice is established in the Ministry of Justice ofThe BC.isIIO Their office is mandated to conduct investiLimited Seating (20)– call the District at Employees may be encouraged to vote during committed an offence. The IIO is established Chief Civilian Director. All Candidates Forum determine whether or not an officer may have The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice All Candidates Forum and is under the command and direction of the of BC. Their office is mandated to conduct investiAll Candidates Forum will be held atwill b gations into officer-related incidents of death or and is under the command and direction of the Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Medadvance voting, which will occur from Employees may be encouraged to vote during serious harm in order to determine whether or District David HoyDavid School on attainting April 24th from All Candidates Forum will be Limited Seating (20)– call the at committed an offence. The IIO is and established Hoy School on April 24 Chief Civilian Director. w and is under the command direction of the All Candidates Forum will be held at Chief Civilian Director. ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call Employees may be encouraged to vote during gations into officer-related incidents of death or and is under the command and direction of the Are you self-employed and interested in MedAll Candidates Forum All Candidates Forum will be Limited Seating (20)– call the District at and is under the command and direction of the advance voting, which will occur from an offence. The IIO is established All Candidates Forum will be held at 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at gations into officer-related incidents of death or and is under the command and direction of the incommitted the Ministry of Justice and is under the Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Medwill be held at David serious harm in order to determine whether or David Hoy School on April 24th from David Hoy School on April 2 Chief Civilian Director. All Candidates Forum not an officer may have committed an offence. Limited Seating (20)– call the District at Chief Civilian Director. committed an offence. The IIO is established 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come out ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call Wednesday, May 8th to Saturday, May 11th, advance voting, which will occur from Are you self-employed and interested of in attainting Medserious harm in order to determine whether or David Hoy School on David April 24th from All Candidates Forum 7:00 toemployees. 9:00 pm. Please come David Hoy School on April 22e Limited Seating (20)– call the District at from Are the Chamber Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more Chief Civilian Director. 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at advance voting, which willSaturday, occur Chief Civilian Director. inThe the Ministry of Justice and is the under the you self-employed and interested in attainting Medical or Dental coverage for yourself or Call will be held at serious harm inmay order to determine whether or David Hoy School on April 24th from Limited Seating (20)– call District at not anis officer have committed an offence. David Hoy School on April Chief Civilian Director. 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come out Wednesday, May 8th to May 11th, Hoy School on April 24th IIO established in the Ministry of Justice Chief Civilian Director. ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Medin the Ministry of Justice and is under the with your questions and see what will be held at David command and direction of the Chief Civilian ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please com Limited Seating (20)– call the District at theyou Chamber Commerce at 250.996.7023 for out more from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (local If11th, anAre notLimited an officer have committed an offence. 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come Are you self-employed and interested inand attainting MedWednesday, May 8th to Saturday, May 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at inand the Ministry ofmay Justice and is under the 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at will be held at David self-employed and inof attainting information. Are ainterested small business need to get medical and dental with your questions and see w Seating (20)– call the District atattime). b 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please com ical oryou Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call not officer may have committed an Limited Seating (20)– call the District Hoy School on April the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more The IIO is established in the Ministry ofoffence. Justice 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come out Wednesday, May 8th to Saturday, May 11th, AllMedCandidates Forum will be held at 24th 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. isan under the command and direction of the Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Medwith your questions and see what Are you self-employed and interested inemployees. attainting Medcommand and direction of the Chief Civilian ical or Dental coverage for yourself or Call from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please com each candidate has to say. RememLimited Seating (20)– call the District at from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (local time). If an Limited Seating (20)– call the District at the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more Hoy School on April 24th The IIO is established in the Ministry of Justice Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Med250.996.8233 or the Chamber at 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. information. with your questions and see what employees chooses to vote on General Voting Are you a small business and need to get medical and dental with your questions and se Director. command and direction of the Chief Civilian ical or coverage for yourself or employees. Call Limited Seating (20)– call the District atfor you. 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved ical orDental Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (local time). IfIf an Hoy School on April 24th All Candidates Forum will be held at The IIO is established in the Ministry ofat Justice David Hoy School on April 24th from 250.996.7023 to have a seat for you. and is under the command and direction ofreserved the coverage. the chamber at for more inforthe Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for250.996.7023 more Chief Civilian Director. each candidate has toand say.see Re with your questions and see what 250.996.8233 orChamber the Chamber at command and direction of the Chief Civilian from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. ical or Dental coverage for yourself orbusiness employees. Call information. Are you aaCall small need to get medical and dental 250.996.8233 or the with your questions the Chamber ofcoverage Commerce at 250.996.7023 forand more each candidate has to say. Rememinformation. from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (local time). Voting an ical or Dental for yourself or employees. Call ber you vote counts! See you there! Please come out with your All Candidates Forum will be held at or the Chamber at and is under250.996.8233 the command and direction of the information. employees chooses to vote on General Are you small business and need to get medical and dental with your questions and see 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. Director. from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more each candidate has to say. RememAll Candidates Forum will be held at 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come out Day, the time off provisions must be observed. David Hoy School on April 24th from and is under the command and direction of the coverage. Call the chamber at 250.996.7023 for more inforthe Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more Chief Civilian Director. each candidate has to say. Are you self-employed and interested in attainting Medfrom 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Limited Seating (20)– call the District employees chooses to vote on General 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more Director. each candidate has toinforsay. Rememinformation. Limited Seating (20)– call the District at information. 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved foryou. you.Voting mation. ber you vote counts! See you there! ber you vote counts! See youRR Please come out with your David Hoy School on April 24th from coverage. Call the chamber at 250.996.7023 for more questions and see what the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more Chief Civilian Director. employees chooses to vote on General Voting each candidate has to say. Director. 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. information. with your questions and see what David Hoy School on April 24th from ber you vote counts! See you there! Please out with your to 9:00 pm.come Please come out has Day, thethe offreserved provisions must be observed. icalAre or you Dental coverage forand yourself or employees. coverage. theCall chamber atfor250.996.7023 for more inforthe Chamber of interested Commerce at 250.996.7023 more Chief Civilian Director. each candidate toSee say.yo R self-employed inCall attainting Med- 7:00 Limited Seating call District 250.996.7023 to have atime seat for information. 250.996.8233 or(20)– the Chamber at information. Limited Seating (20)– call the District at ber you vote counts! See you there! Please come out with your mation. Areyou. you self-employed and in attaining ber you vote counts! 7:00 toeach 9:00 pm. Please come out Day, the time off provisions must be observed. atLimited 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at questions and see what 250.996.7023 to have a seat reserved for you. Are you self-employed andatinterested interested in attainting Med- each Seating (20)– call the District candidate has to information. Limited Seating (20)– call the District at the Chamber of Commerce 250.996.7023 for more candidate has to say. Remem7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please come out mation. Day, the time off provisions must be observed. with your questions and see what ber you vote counts! See yo icalyou or Dental coverageand for interested yourself orin employees. Call Are self-employed attainting MedLimited Seating the District questions and see what information. Limited Seating (20)– call the District at you. Medical to(20)– have aChamber seat reserved mation. 250.996.8233 or thecall atat for or Dental coverage for yourself orattaining employberSee you vote counts! See yo Are you self-employed and interested in with your questions and see what ical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call questions and see what at250.996.7023 250.996.8233 or the Chamber information. ber you vote counts! you there! each candidate has to 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at say. Remember your vote with your questions and see what the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more each candidate has to say. Rememical or Dental coverage for yourself or employees. Call 250.996.7023 to have a Are you self-employed and interested in attaining at 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at 250.996.8233 or the Chamber at ees. Call the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 each candidate has to 250.996.7023or tothe have a seat reserved for you. Are self-employed andatinterested in attaining theyou Chamber of Commerce 250.996.7023 foremploymore each candidate has to say. RememMedical or Dental coverage for yourself or at 250.996.8233 Chamber at each candidate has to vote information. the Chamber of Commerce 250.996.7023 more each candidate has toyou Remem250.996.7023 to have reserved for you. for ber you vote Remember counts! See there! Medical or Dental coverageatfor yourself orfor employsay. your counts! See there! 250.996.7023 toyou. have a aa seat more information. 250.996.7023 to have seat reserved for you. information. seat reserved for Medical or Dental coverage for yourself or employber you vote counts! See you there! ees. Call the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 say. Remember your 250.996.7023 to have a information. vote Remember counts! See youyour there!vote vote ees. Call the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 ber yousay. 250.996.7023 to have a counts! See you there! ees. Call the Chamber of Commerce at 250.996.7023 for more information. seat reserved for you. counts! See you there! for more information. seat counts! See you there! for more information. seat reserved reserved for for you. you.

Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort St. James Chamber Chatter Fort FortSt. St.James JamesChamber ChamberChatter Chatter

NEWS The Nechako Valley Festival of Performing Arts

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Courier A11

We congratulate the singers on fine performances and thank our Adjudicator, Ms. Katherine van Kampen in her expertise with working with our young musicians! Results from the voice festival. Intermediate Classical Concert Group: Jerusha Turgeon First Class Honours ( 90% and higher): Musical Theatre Under 14: Adult Duet: Rebecca Gulbranson Caroline Shenk and Valerie Pagdin Chevy Turgeon Adult Small Choir: The Apple Chors Classical Concert Group, Under 14: Honours (85%- 89%) Chevy Turgeon NVSS Small Choir Vocal duet: Caroline Shenk and Alison Desmarias Beginner under 10: Nikiya Mackinlay Jeremy Pagdin Ocean Arnold Skylar Blattner Beginner Under 14: Emma Wiebe Jenna Kiezebrinnk Solo Under 10: Madisyn Mackinlay Duet Under 10: Madisyn Mackinaly and Nikiya Mackinlay RCM Grade 8 Solo: Sarah Ebert Jenna Kiezebrink with adjudicator RCM Grade 5 Solo: Nicole Egli Katherine van Kampen.

Vocal Adjudicator Katherine van Kampen MMus (Voice Performance/Opera), BMus (Voice), ARCT (Piano Performance) After receiving her Master of Music in opera and voice performance from the University of British Columbia as well as her ARCT in piano performance from the Royal Conservatory of Toronto, Ms. van Kampen went on to have an international singing/ recording career, performing extensively in Canada, the United States, Europe and Africa. She has developed a summer program entitled ‘Kids on Broadway” which she has offered in cities in BC. Ms. van Kampen holds a BC Ministry of Education certificate, is a BCRMTA as well as a CMFAA member and is continually active as a vocal teacher/coach, vocal/ choral adjudicator and clinician.

The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako wishes recognize the people who volunteer their time in support of their community.

Your efforts make a world of difference!




Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier

FREE EVENTS going on can be

submitted to the Caledonia Courier online calendar, visit: and see the calendar on the bottom right and click on add your event.

Voice Festival held in Vanderhoof

See Full Page Views “Kids On Broadway” workshop with Katherine van Kampen.





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ADVERTISING You can subscribe online at or call 250-567-9258 and we will help you set up your e-sub to

Katherine adjudicating the young singers at festival.

Nikiya and Madisyn Mackinlay, vocal duet.

169 Stuart Drive West, at the Lakeshore Realty office


Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op Co-op Mall Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Careb Entertainment Extra Foods Janet’s Hair Gallery Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes Blackwater Road CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road Redfern Drive Sinkut Frontage Road Arena Lobby Kenny Dam & Lakes Road J&S Restaurant


Endako Bar & Grill Slenyah Store


Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies


Giesbrecht Frontage Road


Fort Fraser Petro Can


Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy Red Fox Bistro


Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A13

Courier Election 2013: Comparing candidates

Political diversity descends upon Nechako Lakes riding ahead of May 14, 2013 general election in British Columbia B.C. Conservative Dan Brooks

B.C. NDP Sussanne Skidmore-Hewlett

B.C. Liberal John Rustad

Daniel Brooks has been nominated to run for the B.C. Conservatives in Nechako Lakes in the upcoming May election. A guide outfitter from the Vanderhoof area for the past 15 years, Brooks was born and raised here. A devout family man, Brooks is married and the father of seven daughters. He has a degree in Classical (Greek and Roman) Studies from the University of Waterloo. Brooks said his real passion is the outdoors - especially hunting and fishing - and that he speaks Moose better than Latin. Brooks founded and chairs the local Vanderhoof tourism association called the Upper Nechako Wilderness Council. For the past 15 years Dan has been a vocal participant and tourism advocate in land use planning processes including the Land and Resource Management Plan and the Sustainable Forest Management Plan Public Advisory Group. Brooks felt compelled to enter B.C. politics when the B.C. Liberals adopted the Provincial Wildlife Allocation Policy, which has crippled his outfitting business to the point where he will be forced to shut down operations in three years, he said. Brooks said he would fight to ensure the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline never spills. He said he is a passionate fighter for all just causes and an innovative problem solver with a pragmatic approach to fixing government.

Sussanne Skidmore-Hewlett is the NDP candidate running for Nechako Lakes MLA in the May 2013 election. She has worked in Prince George for more than 14 years and has recreational property in Fraser Lake. She is married with an adult son. Skidmore-Hewlett achieved her Social Services Diploma in 1996 and subsequently moved to Prince George to begin her career within the public sector. She has worked most of her career within the Ministry of Justice and currently oversees the facilitation of training for the court services staff in the northern region. Also, she sits on the BCGEU Provincial Executive, Equity and Human Rights Committee and Women's Committee. Skidmore-Hewlett wants the provincial government to restrict raw log exports to create more jobs in B.C.'s forestry sector. She supports the development of new strategies to ensure the forest industry is sustainable and creating family-supporting jobs, utilizing natural resources efficiently and reinvesting in our publicly owned forest lands. Skidmore-Hewlett is opposed to the Enbridge pipeline and believes the province needs to strengthen environmental protections and take control of decisions on similar energy projects to ensure the interests and concerns of citizens, businesses and First Nations in Nechako Lakes are being heard properly.

John Rustad is running for re-election as Nechako Lakes MLA for the B.C. Liberals. Rustad was elected in May 2009 and was previously elected for the Prince George-Omineca riding in 2005. Born and raised in Prince George, Rustad has worked in the forest industry for more than 20 years. In 1995 he formed Western Geographic Information Systems Inc., a consulting service for the forest industry. He is a former GIS department manager for Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants in Prince George. In September 2012, Rustad was appointed as parliamentary secretary for forestry to the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. He currently co-chairs the Farm Assessment Review Panel and has chaired the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations, the Select Standing Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner and the Government Caucus Committee on Social Development. If re-elected, Rustad, who supports the Enbridge pipeline, plans to advocate for more infrastructure improvements in Nechako Lakes, focus on the forestry file and move forward with recommendations made by the Mid-Term Timber Supply Committee. Expanding post-secondary education in the region is also a high priority, he said. John Rustad and his wife Kim were married in 1995. Together they enjoy theatre, golf, skiing, and the outdoors.

RCMP report On April 4 at 4:30 p.m., RCMP responded to a report of an assault on the Nak'azdli Reserve on the Lower Road. One female was arrested at the scene and was later released on bail. RCMP are recommending charges of assault and uttering threats. April 9 at around 4:30 p.m., an individual was reported to be on Nak'azdli Reserve who was on a Band Council Resolution to not set foot on the reserve. The man was taken into custody by RCMP to remove him from the reserve and searched. Drugs were found in his possession at the time and he was then arrested for possession and released on a promise to appear in court. Later on April 9 at 11:40 p.m., RCMP responded to a complaint of a possible assault with a weapon on Mountain View Road. RCMP responded and at the scene found an alleged assault had taken place but both the male and female involved were on conditions. The male was arrested for assault and breach of conditions and the female was arrested for breach of conditions as well. Both remain in custody until their court date.

Community Events

Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ominecaexpress. com or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111-250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** UNTOLD seeks contributions from nonFirst Nations students and staff who experienced Catholic residential or day schools abuse in Northern BC. For more info email *** FORT ADULT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION...Suite 221-250 Stuart Drive, in the Goodwin Building. Open daily 8:00-4:00. Call 250-996-7712 for more information. *** FIREwEED STOppING ThE VIOLENCE & OUTREACh SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 9961214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: *** ST pATRICk’S ANGLICAN ChURCh... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am - 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including Sylvia Isaac, The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, and many other individuals.We wish to

thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 11-1pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIREwEED CLOThES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 9968081. Every little bit helps. *** AUxILIARy TO STUART LAkE hOSpITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES pUBLIC LIBRARy hOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NEChAkO VALLEy COMMUNITy SERVICES SOCIETy...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAp AND hANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every

month. Contact (Sue) at 250-9967728 (h) for more information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCh & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAkERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-996-8997 for more info. *** ThE ThRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** SERVICE pUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** ALCOhOLICS ANONyMOUS... Every Thursday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall on 2nd Avenue. Contact 996-8290. *** FIREwEED SAFE hAVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 9968000. ***

NOTICE The Caledonia Courier pick-up & drop off location has moved to 169 Stuart Drive West @ the Lakeshore Realty office

FORT ST. JAMES pARENT ADVISORy...3rd Tuesday every month 7 p.m. at High School. *** DROp IN AT ThE LEGION... for fun darts. No charge. Every Saturday 2:30 p.m.





Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Motel fight leads to arrest

On April 10 near 2 p.m., a call to RCMP from a local motel reported a possible assault involving a male and female. RCMP attending the scene found no assault had occurred but the female at the scene was in breach of her conditions by being in the presence of the male and she was then arrested and later released with a promise to appear in court.

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ABOVE: A cheque for $20,000 was presented to the District of Fort St. James for the trails initiative from a Northern Health Healthier Communities grant which will help to map and develop trails in the area. (Left to right) Joan Burdeniuk, April Hughes of Northern Health, Mayor Rob MacDougall, Emily Colombo, Paul Inden and Miguel Romero. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

Cash in hand

Fort St. James trails initiative leads the way and helps attract people Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

and tourism in the area and improve quality of life. The Murray Ridge Nordic Ski Club, the Fort St. James Cycling Association, the Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce, the Fort St. James Sled Dog Association and the Fort St. James Snowmobile and ATV Club are all supporting the initiative.

April Hughes of Northern Health was in Fort St. James on April 10 to present a cheque for $20,000 to the community trails initiative. The money was from a Healthier Communities grant from Northern Health and will go towards a trail-mapping initiative being organized by the District of Fort St. James and a number of user groups in the community. “It’s so exciting,” said Hughes. “The work that was done here actually fed into the work in Fraser Lake and Vanderhoof.” If you have seen a photograph you would like in the The trails group would like to work on Caledonia Courier mapping trails in the call your local community paper at area and into the future 250-996-8618 look at developing or improving trails as well or stop by to order at and promoting trail Lakeshore Realty - 169 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James connections between communities. The work being done in Fort St. James and nearby communities, Hughes said is in line with the original idea behind the grants because it is creating inter-community collaboration. She also said initiatives like this one help in recruiting new professionals into the community because people can feel encouraged seeing these kinds of programs going on to continue to develop and encourage recreation

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IPPING A-STEEL SHBridges Containers/ on now Super sale amaged. d/D New/Use S BEST PRICEulated ’48’53’ ins 20’24’40’45 iners 20’40’48’53’ nta co ecials reefer ’ Farmers Sp CHEAP 40 ,200! Semi Trailers all under $2 storage. We are for hi way &d. Delivery BC & overstocke 8-7108 Call 24 AB. hours www.r


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STE buildls SELF steel clear- ciae Gr DO-IT-YOUR spring for d ry ce eve ings pri free delive t ou ab k Exa ance - As as! Call for quick . $79 to most are e brochure do quote and fre111 ext. 170. 8-5 -66 00 Ma 1-8 Varco ’ 99 x ’ 59 BILE MO FOR SALE d designe , located Pruden SHOP NT n lto ME ze UIP Ha EQ st of New 18 km we es three mobile B.C. Includss doors of 24’x26’ equip. acce 13’x16’, insulation and 2@ 2 ton overhead package, pane heater includcrane, pro rchase offer must ed. The puvisions to leaving include proa clean (to concrete the site in condition. Offers April dation)

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Caledonia Caledonia Courier Courier Wednesday, Wednesday,April April17, 17,2013 2013 A11 A15

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Help Wanted 2 and 4 stroke small engine mechanics needed in Port McNeill. Chainsaws, lawn mowers, outboards. Wage negotiable, benefits available. Start today! Resume to AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN required at Jenner Chevrolet in Victoria BC. Rare opportunity for a top performing, quality & customer focused team player. Email: Experienced f/t short order cook wanted immediately see menu @ Please apply w/resume and references to scottsinn or fax 250-3729444 MANAGER / CARETAKER required for mobile home park in Williams Lake. Preference for retired / semi-retired person, accommodation with remuneration.



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Medical Health

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon


COOK/CHEF Seasonal opportunity for motivated working cook, 60+ seat, established casual fine dining restaurant. Successful applicant must have experience, references, and the initiative to work independently. Also the ability to live/work in a remote location. Salary commensurate with experience. Accommodations provided.

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Trades, Technical CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165 or GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.


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Auctions Auction Huge 3 Restaurant Like New Equipment Auction. April 20 @ 11 AM at Dodd’s Auction 3311-28 Ave, Vernon. 1-866-545-3259 View photos at .


Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 10 a.m. Decker Lake Hall. Large selection of good furniture. Large dining room set, patio furniture, antiques & collectable’s. Limited edition prints. Large commercial freezer. Snowblower, tools, tack, vehicles and equipment.

For more information: Richie at (250) 698-7377 or (250) 698-7351 Watch future papers for more details.

Sale conducted on behalf of several Estates

SALE 1 April 20, 2013 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Francois Lake Hall, Francois Lake, B.C. South of Burns Lake @ Intersection of Hwy 35 south & Colleymount Road. ANTIQUES: The sale will have some of the nicest antique furnishings ever offered by us at auction. We have a beautiful selection of large antique furnishings such as: Tables, sete, couch, sideboards, piano stool w/ bear claw feet, end tables, side tables, curio cabinets, grandfather clock, buffet, bedroom suites, dining room suites, marble top satin wood wash stand, antique oak table 6 chairs, buffet & hutch suite, misc. antique dining room chairs and other occasional chairs. This sale will have a beautiful selection of Victorian & Eastlake antiques and other beautiful antique Oak & Mahogany furnishings. ANTIQUE HORSE GEAR: There is a very large selection of antique horse gear that includes sleigh bells, spreaders, scotch tops, bridles, and hames etc. NATIVE & TRADITIONAL ART: Nice selection of native art including hides, drums, face masks, leather art & clothing, moccasins, paddles (exact items will be posted on the website). HOUSE HOLD & MISC COLLECTABLE’S: Very large selection of hockey, baseball & football cards, clocks, lamps, candelabra’s, brass, pewter, wrought iron collectable’s, plate ware, glassware, china & vases, sword, coal oil lamps, very old antique leather horse collectable, violin, banjo. Sale will include a few modern furnishings, deep freeze, fridge & furnishings. ANTIQUE TOOLS & MISC: Antique tools, antique survey transit, large antique brass gold scale in glass cabinet, antique bamboo fly rod. This Sale has a large & excellent selection of antiques & collectable’s. This is a partial listing, so look for future advertising as there are more items & consignments to come. Please view website for pictures of exact items and a list of all of our scheduled auctions. Consignments welcome! If you would like to consign any items contact Mikes Auction. Condition of Sale. Terms: Cash & cheque with identification, sorry no credit cards. Items are as is condition ~ not responsible for accidents. There will be a concession on Site. SALE 2 INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT & TOOL AUCTION May 25, 2013 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Topley Garage, Topley, B.C. Intersection of Hwy 16 & Hwy 118 to Granisle. SALE 3 ANTIQUES, FURNISHINGS & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION June 8th, Saturday @ 10:00 am. George Dawson Motor Inn, Banquet Room, Dawson Creek, B.C. Any question Please Contact:

Mike Steinebach @ (250) 694 - 3497 or Cell (250) 692-6107 or Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 or Cell (250) 570- 2055 E-Mail: & Website

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB

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for sale. 5 males and 3 females ready to go by May 12 $550 each. Call (250) 8474203 or (250) 643-0358. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Online Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. or visit us online at:

True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

Real Estate Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Clean and quiet. Adult orientated,Security system,Strict Management,no pets ph# 250-996-7854 Lakeview Apartments 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly renovated. Quiet, clean building. Adult oriented. no pets R.R. Avail. now 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598

Townhouses Stuart Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, family oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598


Vehicle Wanted 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew Cab 4X4 Black Clear Title 42,420 KM $16,700 (905) 664-2300

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at:

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

NAK’AZDLI BAND COUNCIL P.O. Box 1329, Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0 Telephone (250) 996 – 7171 Fax (250) 996 – 8010

GREENHOUSE MANAGER Nak’azdli First Nation is currently constructing a commercial greenhouse and is in need of a Commercial Greenhouse Manager. This is a full time, seasonal position funded in part by the Aboriginal Agriculture Initiatives Program through Agriculture Canada. Training will be provided for the successful candidate. Qualifications • Strong communications and computer skills • Valid BC Driver’s license • Diploma or grade 12 • Superior leadership, team building and negotiation skills • Bookkeeping or accounting experience • Greenhouse or gardening experience an asset • OFA 1, WHMIS Wages will commensurate with experience Closing date: April 19, 2013@4:00pm Inquiries for this position can be directed to Leonard Thomas at the Nak’azdli Development Corporation 250-996-0088 or Kirstin Rudolph at SIF’s Grove 250-996-7131 (Weekdays 9:00am to 1:00pm) Note: Only those applicants who meet the minimum requirements will be invited to interview.




Ready, set, learn

LEFT: Hudson Gainor was one of the youngsters checking out some pre-kindergarten information for parents and kids at David Hoy Elementary on April 11. The event is held each year and health care workers and teachers volunteer to provide parents with the opportunity to get some information on things like dental health, reading to your child and more. The event is sponsored by the Early Childhood Learning (ECL) group and the Ministry of Education. While the Ministry funding decreased recently, the ECL group helped to cover the reduction in funding. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

RHB ScHmitz de GRace ChartereD INCOME TAXaCCountantS PREPARATION • • • • • •

CorPorate anD PerSonaL taX (PersonalanD andData Business) BooKKeePInG ProCeSSInG aSSuranCe FInanCIaL StateMent PreParatIon RHN SCHMITZ de GRACE eState PLannInG Chartered Accountants CoMPuter ConSuLtInG Fort St. James Office Fort St.Stuart James Office 169 Drive (Lakeshore Realty) Fort St. James, BC 1P0 169V0J Stuart Drive (Fridays from February 6 to June 12) To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-976-7780 (toll-free) To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-976-7780 or (toll-free) E-mail: Website:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Caledonia Courier

Awards postponed While normally held in the late winter, this year’s Better Business Awards have been postponed, and may not take place until late summer. The awards, normally an annual initiative by the Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce, needed a change, according to Miguel Romero, Chamber manager. “We just wanted to try something different,” said Romero. The Stuart Lake Golf Course is the potential location, with the possible combination of their AGM.

OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. JANE DWYER, SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO



April is Cancer Awareness Month April is the month to fight back! Wear a daffodil to show your support for Canadians living with cancer and let them know that no one has to face cancer alone. Daffodil Month, held every April, is a national fundraising campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. During the month, Society volunteers are involved with numerous activities to raise vital funds for the fight against cancer. Depending on location, activities include selling fresh daffodils; asking people to make a donation and wear a daffodil pin throughout the month to show their support for people living with cancer; and canvassing neighbourhoods for donations door to door. As part of its annual Daffodil Month activities the Canadian Cancer Society has designated April 27 as Daffodil Day. This is a special day when Canadians can show their support for those living with cancer and to remember those who have died. Funds raised throughout the month help the Canadian Cancer Society prevent cancer, fund research to outsmart cancer, empower, inform and support Canadians living with cancer and advocate for public policies to improve the health of Canadians. The Canadian Cancer Society is dedicated to the goal of controlling and eventually conquering cancer. Each year, the Canadian Cancer Society commits a percentage of the money we raise to support leadingedge cancer research. The Society allocates the money through a strict national review process that involves

Since the beginning of this partnership, the Canadian Cancer Society has invested more than $1 billion to cancer research. This funding has contributed to a revolution in our understanding of cancer, which has set the stage for a new era in cancer detection, therapy and prevention. The challenge now is to continue to expand and exploit existing knowledge to develop even better treatments, detection and prevention strategies. In February 2009, the Canadian Cancer Society and the former National Cancer Institute of Canada integrated into a single organization. Research scientific experts and lay people, who are often cancer survivors. This process ensures that the money is directed only to excellent cancer research across Canada. Some history In 1947, the former National Cancer Institute of Canada was formed through a joint initiative of the Canadian Cancer Society and the Department of National Health and Welfare. In the 1940s, there was little knowledge of how to prevent cancer. There were no tools for early detection of cancer, and the only treatments available for cancer patients were surgery and a crude form of radiation therapy. During the more than 60 years that the former NCIC and Canadian Cancer Society worked in partnership, many of cancer’s mysteries have slowly been solved as research has led to increased knowledge about the disease.

continues to be an integral part of the Canadian Cancer Society’s mission. The grant application and review process is managed by the Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute. The Canadian Cancer Society hosts a variety of special event fundraising activities in communities across Canada. Participating in one of our special events is a great way to have fun, build community spirit and join the fight against cancer. Thanks to the work of our volunteers and staff, and the generosity of our donors, we’re leading the fight against cancer.

What is cancer? Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. for the sake of your health, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the facts about various forms of cancer and their symptoms.

Cancer is the leading cause of premature death in Canada. No matter what your age, gender or race, you could be at risk for developing cancer. Early detection can save lives, so get screened today as part of your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Sponsored by

Lakeside Pharmacy 374b Stuart Drive W, Fort St. James, BC


Sponsored by Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.