Castlegar News, April 18, 2013

Page 1

CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Vol.10 • Issue 16

Breaking news at

Thursday, April 18, • 2013

Nature helps out Selkirk Rebels turn in outstanding College fundraiser effort in Comox Valley See Page A5 See Page A16

Rauni Naud

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Blockin’ and Jammin’ for Castlegar fans


Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.


Marvin Beatty Photo

Dam City Rollers #2358-shyRAMasaurus Wrex and #669-Jinjoe Fight-us went all out with the war-paint during roller derby action Saturday, April 13 in Rossland. See story on page A17. Marvin Beatty


FERNS now in stock

Kootenay Floral


Chamber gets set to salute excellence

MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

Everyone has favourite places to shop and acquire needed services – the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce wants to hear about all of them in order to celebrate and recognize business excellence with the 2013 Chamber Business

Awards. Nominations are now open and there are a number of categories to nominate a favourite business in: from customer service excellence, to the impact they have on the greater community and more. Chamber manager, Tammy Verigin-Burk was pleased with the number of nomina-

New Product Arriving


tions coming in after only being advertised for a short time but wants to get the word out that the more nominations the better. She was also excited about a new Community Impact Award which will recognize the accomplishments of those organizations in the not-for-profit

sector that contribute to the economic, social and / or cultural well‐being in the Castlegar area. Businesses do not have to be Chamber members to be nominated and can be nominated in more than one category. Businesses must be established for at least 12 months to qualify.

Including beautiful, decorative accent furniture pieces!

Nomination forms can be downloaded at www.castlegar. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Business-Awards-Nomination-Form. pub20131.pdf or you can find them in the Castlegar News to cut out. They can also be forwarded to the Chamber office either

by mail (1995 6 Ave Castlegar, BC V1N 4W3), fax ( 250-3655778) or email: Once the nomination period ends on Tuesday, April 30, they will be reviewed by a panel and those selected that fit the criteria will be notified.

Continued on P. A9

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Incumbent Conroy off and running

+ +


+ + + + + + + + +


Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News

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The Future Looks Brighter...

MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

Katrine Conroy joined a growing list of B.C. politicians in opening a campaign office before the writ was dropped for the general election May 14. The NDP candidate’s office in downtown Castlegar had about 30 supporters gathered on Saturday, April 13 as Conroy introduced her campaign team and mingled with volunteers who will be staffing phone lines and knocking on doors. Before addressing those who had gathered for the occasion, Conroy said she was looking forward to the race being officially launched. “We are excited,” she said. “We have a great team and I’m looking forward to getting on with the campaign.” Conroy said one of the biggest differences between her run in this election from 2009, is that after four

Katrine Conroy, with supporters, cuts a ribbon at the opening of her campaign office in Castlegar on Saturday, April 13. Conroy is the incumbent in the race for for the Kootenay West MLA seat in the May 14 general election. Marvin Beatty

years she knows the riding well and sees similar issues no matter where she goes. “I can drive from the border to the northern parts of the riding and all of the small communities are unique and beautiful,” she said. “I think health care [will be a key issue]. Seniors are frustrated by the lack of support from the BC Liberals. Jobs and training will be another; young

people who have to leave to get apprenticeships — we need to have a better relationship with Selkirk College and create opportunities to work with unions and provide training here.” With balloons, banners, posters and signs around the office, Conroy cut a ribbon officially marking the office open. She told supporters she has been travelling across the prov-

ince for the last couple of weeks, visiting 18-20 communities. She said party leader, Adrian Dix has a “totally costed plan” that the NDP would be up front with people about. She reiterated that it’s about two per cent of the population of B.C. that will pay higher taxes if the NDP is elected; those making more than $150,000 per year. Banks, she said,

would see an increase of three per cent and credit unions with assets under $400,000 would see no increase. She also hinted that a piece of the NDP election platform may be unveiled soon. “For 12 years the Liberals haven’t created jobs,” said Conroy. “We will roll out our platform in steps — not promising things we can’t deliver.”

Welcome to Canada At a recent meeting, PM Rotary exchange student from Switzerland, Nora Furer presented Club President Lorraine Hartson with the club banner from her hometown of Lyss, as well as a Rotary Youth exchange banner from Switzerland. Also pictured is Rotarian Peter Lawczynski.

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may 15, 2013

Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013


No cash in coffers for lacrosse request JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

A relatively light agenda was dealt with by Castlegar City Council on Monday, April 15. Three grant requests were looked at, the first two (in the aid of Crimestoppers for $500 and National Aboriginal Day, June 21, $100) were approved while the third, a request by the West Kootenay Minor Lacrosse Association for $5,000 toward the cost of shot clocks, jerseys, nets and equipment, was denied. “Snowbusters,” two of eight notable citizens to be recognized for helpCouncillor Deb ing their neighbours deal with snow-clearing this past winter, were saMcIntosh recom- luted at April 15’s council meeting by Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, centre. mended denial in a At left is Rudiger Clauss, at right, Dave Ward. Jim Sinclair report contained in Council approved issue of a temporary measures be taken if, the agenda. It was noted that the grant a sponsorship request use permit for a small and as needed. The permit has a request was reviewed in the amount of $250 recycling operation by the Finance and for an award at the in the building at 167 term of three years. Avenue, A report intendCorporate Services June 15 Chamber of Columbia Committee at its April Commerce Business which is shared by the ed to bring council Excellence Awards. Bargain Bin. up to date on radon 9 meeting. In the “Green” catstandards released in Coun. McIntosh the 2012 BC Building later explained that egory, council gave Code was received. the city’s policy in a financial nudge to “I think our As Castlegar is one such cases is to supply the Fortis BC Kootegrants in aid of a number of comfunds that go toward nay Energy Diet pilot policy doesn’t munities project. with a high team travel, etc. allow for that, The plan, summalevel of radon gas “I think our grants because there present, a bylaw to in aid policy doesn’t rized in a report by are limited funds mitigate the gas in Committee allow for that,” said Green available.” new home constructhe councillor on Chair Mayor CherTuesday morning, noff, indicated that Coun. Deb McIntosh tion is being considered. Several pro“because there are the diet promotion is cedures apparently limited funds avail- “meant to overcome Items including remain to be completable. We were hop- barriers to homeowning that if they didn’t ers making energy various forms of haz- ed before such a bylaw know about the CBT efficiency improve- ardous waste such as can be adopted. Planning and De(Columbia Basin ments.” The initial as- paint, lighting prodTrust) initiatives in sessment fee for those ucts and small batter- velopment Commities would be handled tee member Coun. time for this year, that taking part is $50. Council went along and processed at the Gord Turner spoke they would apply for with the green com- location. about the bylaw folit next year.” The main concern lowing the meeting. She referred to the mittee’s recommento offer a $25 raised by those com“We have the bylaw CBT Community dation ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� Initiatives grant pro- subsidy to the first 50 menting on the issue, ready to go, and new Castlegar homeown- was parking for those homes will have some gram. “But $5,000 out of a ers to sign up for the using the service. sort of radon mitigaMayor Chernoff sug- tion built into them. very small budget that energy diet. A fair bit of discus- gested the situation be According to the 2012 doesn’t allow for that, sion focused on the looked at and future building code there’s just doesn’t work.”

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a provision that in (high) radon areas a council can put forward a bylaw.” Turner added that the bylaw would have to gain approval from provincial authorities. Council received a report outlining the decision to award pavement marking contracts to Aardvark Pavement Marking for the years 2013 to 2015. Aardvark, with bids of approximately $44,000 to $45,000 for each of the three years, got the nod over competitors whose bids for one year ranged as high as $75,000. The city’s Heron Sculpture, “Patient Hunter” the 2012 Sculpturewalk people’s choice winner had it’s new home announced at the April 15 meeting. The artwork will be installed at the Highway 3 interchange area… near where the turnoff to Grand Forks meets Columbia Avenue. Council approved a motion regarding the installation that had been amended to include some sort of water feature as well. “There’s a triangle piece where you can go up towards Grand Forks, just below the medical clinic,” said Coun. Kevin Chernoff of the spot where the metal bird will roost. The question of vandalism came up but was quickly dismissed by Coun. Chernoff who said, “It’s like anywhere else, the possibility of vandalism is there. If we’re going to put a chain link fence around public art… why have public art?”

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Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013 A5

Community Foul weather ideal for fowl-related fundraiser at Selkirk College marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Even a steady rain couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm of those who gathered to watch the Chicken Poop Bingo at Selkirk College’s Castlegar campus at noon on Wednesday, April 10. Squares on a numbered and lettered grid were sold for $20 each; all similarities to mainstream bingo stop there. The one-of-a-kind fundraiser, organized in only a week, raised $2,000 through the sale of sections of the grid. Those grid sections were targets for the chicken. Lovingly introduced to the crowd by owner Sue Clark of Glade, B.C., the chicken seemed undisturbed by all of the attention. A back-up chicken was in place if the first one wasn’t

prepared to co-operate but this was an option that was never required. The chicken — an Ameraucana that lays beautiful blue-green eggs — took centre stage and promptly did its business as soon as it was released onto the grid. It never even took a step. The actual event lasted an estimated five seconds. But this contest was not without drama. Shortly after the winning square was unceremoniously selected, the chicken — who by all accounts had lived a happy, free-range lifestyle to that point — made a break for freedom, soaring over the wire enclosure and into a tall, bushy pine tree nearby. Despite Clark’s best efforts to coax the chicken from the tree

Sue Clark holds one of her Ameraucana chickens at Selkirk College Wednesday, April 10. Squares were purchased and the winner was the person who had the square that the chicken pooped on. The money was raised to send a student home (overseas) for six weeks. Marvin Beatty

with calls and food, the stubborn chicken stayed out of reach. Like any good bingo, there was a great prize up for grabs. Ten championship-winning Selkirk Saints hockey players volunteered to do two hours of yard-work, painting or whatever other spring clean-

ing tasks the winner might find for them. The primary organizers of the event were Jane Green, an instructor in the Classroom and Community Support Worker program; her husband Andrew and CRT & Invigilation Services Co-ordinator, Paris Voykin.

They contacted Clark from the nearby community of Glade to provide the chickens and also worked with Selkirk College athletic director Kim Verigin on the big prize. Total Pet provided the fencing for the enclosure and Celgar provided the pulp on

which the grid was drawn. Green said that in addition to the sales of squares on the bingo card, another $500 was raised through donations, bringing the total to $2,500. As for what all of this was being done for? The money was raised to help send a student home (overseas) for six weeks. The student wished to remain anonymous and will be returning to Castlegar to resume studies. “The student is grateful and overwhelmed by the support,” said Green. Dawn Lang, who works at Selkirk, purchased grid F-6 that the chicken did its business on. She wasn’t able to be present for the big moment but was reached by email after the event.

“I’m so excited,” wrote Lang. “I love the Selkirk Saints — our son played Junior B for several years and I enjoy that kind of hockey. I’m also a big fan of Jane and Paris and their efforts to support Selkirk College students. So, a ticket purchase was my little way of participating.” Lang and her husband live in Kaslo and are in negotiations with the Saints to see if the players can make the trek out to work in their yard. There may be a theme with this entire event as Lang said among the “enticing projects” she was considering for the Saints, one of them was spreading manure. The elusive chicken, meanwhile, was finally corralled almost two and half hours after the event.


Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News


Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Editor: Jim Sinclair Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Time to make your voice heard What are citizens looking for in the upcoming election? It is somewhat surprising that election stories and press releases we have put up so far have not generated much in the way of discussion or debate. Is the electorate in the Castlegar region happy with the status quo, bored or just apathetic with the election process? While the most important thing you can do is get out and vote, be a part of shaping what politicians are talking about. Granted, it’s early in the race and there are but three candidates so far seeking the MLA seat for Kootenay West. We have two “major” political parties and in independent who have stepped forward. Now, it’s your turn to make sure they are not just making promises but addressing specific issues that affect locals. Your local newspaper provides a space for letters to the editor and all our online stories have comments sections. The writ dropped in B.C. on Tuesday and time will run out to make your voice heard. We are interested in what you want to see our local election hopefuls talking about and what you have to say. As silly as the process may seem at times, with duelling press releases and announcements of past announcements, this is the democracy that governs our lives. Speak up. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Off the Line - Karen Haviland

What’s on the menu? Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I love food, all kinds of food, well, maybe not squash. But other than that I adore all things about food. Not just eating food, but cooking food and shopping for food to name a couple. Heck, I read a cookbook the way a bibliophile reads a classic novel. Every. Single. Word. Unfortunately, while I love good food, my appetite isn’t like it used to be. I guess that has something to do with aging, being sedentary and that in the last couple of years or so I have really learned what portion control means. As a consequence, my stomach’s ability to process plate after plate of food just isn’t there. One small, and I mean small, helping is good enough for me nowadays. Seriously, my husband and I now split an average “portion” of food. He gets about three quarters and I take the remainder. That’s good enough for me and the wonderful side benefit is that I have lost a whack of weight over the last couple of years. So here comes my newest pet peeve. Why are portion sizes so large? No wonder we have an obesity problem (although not as seriously as another unnamed country). Not only that, but there is a shameful lack of choices for senior citizens or those with a smaller Marvin Beatty Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

appetite. As examples let me present a couple of menu items from three wellknown restaurants. Restaurant A has a seniors’ menu which includes a grilled cheese sandwich (Please! I can make that at home for half the price. I’m dining out folks, not dining in! It also offers a senior soup and sandwich and a senior club sandwich. No fancy dining there. Restaurant B doesn’t even have a seniors’ menu, but it does have a kids’ menu. You know, the typical chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese and hot dog offerings. Well, I guess I was going to list three seniors’ menus for you, but despite extensive searching of the most popular chain restaurants I was only able to find the one listed above. But wait, all three did have kids’ menus. Now, my ever helpful husband often suggests that I peruse the kids’ menu when a seniors’ menu isn’t available, but seriously, I don’t even bother because the menu is filled full of kids’ finger good, and quite honestly, their portion sizes aren’t any smaller than that of the adults. So what to do? I have asked for a take-out container, and I am happy for the leftovers the next day, but it is excruciatingly embarrassing when I am bringing the lion’s share of the meal Chris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

home. In fact, the comments that come with it sometimes make me want to crawl under the table. You know, things like, “Did you not like your food?” or “You eat like a bird” and so on. Now, there are enterprising restaurants which have a plate charge of a dollar or more. Meaning, if you want to share a (humongous) meal with a spouse, for example, they will bring an extra plate but will charge you for doing so. A dollar a plate? Are you kidding me? I could buy a plate for a dollar. So what does it hurt to offer a full seniors’ menu taken directly from the regular menu but offered in smaller portions? I’d be willing to pay a dollar or two over half price for that half plate. But no, they offer limited half portions and then charge you three-quarters of the original price. Something inside of me rankles at that, which then brings me back to the doggy bag option. No thanks. Will somebody please get on the bandwagon and realize that we are an aging society? The baby boomers have definitely arrived with our not so big appetites but discerning palates. Seriously, you could make a killing on a properly designed menu for those with smaller appetites. Okay. I’ll get off my soapbox now. Bon appetit! Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager A7


Venting over service charges

Communities in Bloom Encourages Citizens to SPRING into Action for Pitch in Week April 21, to 27, 2013. Alas, the snow has disappeared, but litter now has a significant presence on streets and roadways. The Castlegar Communities in Bloom committee is partnering with the City of Castlegar Public works to encourage everyone, to help with Spring Clean-up during, Pitch In week, April 21-27. Waste Management, a national supporter of the Communities in Bloom program, has placed waste bins at the Community Complex and Pioneer Arena, for public use during this time. The Adopt- A-

Road Program is another simple way to volunteer to keep our city litter free. By selecting an area to keep clean for a period of time, your company, family, school or organization can have an Adopt a Road sign placed to recognize your support of a “Litter Free Castlegar.” Contact Louise at Public Works (250365-5979) to see how easy it can be. We need every citizen to take a little time for this spring clean up event. If everyone does their part, volunteering a little time then collectively, we have made a difference.

For two weeks this year, in celebration of Earth Day on Monday, April 22, the downtown Castlegar office of RHC Insurance, with the help of Gaia Janitorial Services Inc., is sending their compostables like lunch scraps, coffee grounds and used paper towels over to Selkirk College. In 2011, Selkirk College began operating a large composting vessel as part of a pilot composting program on their Castlegar campus.

Sean Melvin, businessman with environmentfriendly sensibilities. Submitted

“As janitors we know that at least 50 per cent of what is thrown away could be diverted from the landfill.” Sean Melvin Sean Melvin, graduate of the Integrated Environmental Planning and Technology

(IEPT) program at Selkirk College and owner of Gaia Janitorial Services Inc., has been weighing the garbage his company collects from the RHC Insurance downtown Castlegar office location. “In order to give the office staff an idea of the percent of garbage they are proudly diverting from the landfill our cleaning

staff have been weighing the total amount garbage thrown out every week since December of last year,” explained Melvin in a press release. “At Gaia Janitorial Services Inc. we only provide environmentally friendly cleaning services and we thought this project would be a great way for RHC Insurance to celebrate Earth Day

Melissa & Doug classic wooden Toys



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ge e&

t the second one 1/

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-Darlene Kalawsky, On behalf of Communities in Bloom

Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

Composting effort underway SUBMITTED

Now Carrying

r ic e

-Mike Popoff, Castlegar

Spring into action


I’ve got a couple of gripes to share, the first is the credit union fees. I have a list here from the Heritage Credit Union of 80 services that once were part of the service but now we’re being loonied and toonied to death. In order to have the cost of these services paid for you would have to have about $15,000 in your account to have the interest generated cover the basic “service charges,” or you’re going backwards. The only thing they don’t charge us for is depositing money but I’m sure the big banks are looking into how they can stick that to us. Second is the ab-

solutely outrageous charge of $2 per bill that companies such as Telus, Shaw, Fortis, etc are charging us if we don’t pay online. They use the excuse of saving the environment but they know that the elderly and those that can’t afford computers have to pay the $2.00 and I’m sure that adds up to a fair sum every month. For instance Shaw has started to bill monthly from once every two months. I’m sure they see the amount of money they’re “loosing” by not billing monthly. People really are getting sick and tired of all the corporate greed as they loonie and toonie us to death just to make their bonuses and keep the share holders laughing all the way to the bank.


Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013

this year.” The first week of composting results have been tabulated and show that the staff at the RHC Insurance downtown Castlegar office location have managed to divert 31 per cent of their garbage by weight from the local landfill site in Ootischenia. “As janitors we know that at least 50 per cent of what is thrown away in the offices that we clean could be diverted from the landfill by composting. However, in the West Kootenays no composting operations like the one at Selkirk College currently exist,” said Melvin. The composting project will continue for one more week and the results will be celebrated on Earth Day at the RHC Insurance downtown Castlegar office location with a prize awarded to the person voted most environmentally improved.

CITY OF CASTLEGAR PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, the City of Castlegar gives notice of its intention to dispose of land legally described as: “Lot 18 District Lots 12353 and 12354 Kootenay District Plan 13986” to Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd, Inc. #82688. The transaction will be a transfer in fee simple. A Restrictive Covenant will be registered on the title of the subject property, indicating OFnoCASTLEGAR that until such time as the public CITY road is longer required through the subject land, the purchaser will only be entitled to the free and uninterrupted use of that portion of Lot 18 PUBLIC NOTICE not included as Statutory Right of Way on Plan EPP29716 as shown on Appendix “A”. Pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, Appendix “A” the City of Castlegar gives notice of its intention to dispose of land legally described as: “Lot 18 District Lots 12353 and 12354 Kootenay District Plan 13986” to Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd, Inc. #82688. The transaction will be a transfer in fee simple. A Restrictive Covenant will be registered on the title of the subject property, indicating that until such time as the public road is no longer required through the subject land, the purchaser will only be entitled to the free and uninterrupted use of that portion of Lot 18 not included as Statutory Right of Way on Plan EPP29716 as shown on Appendix “A”. The City of Castlegar will receive $43,870.00 from Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd in consideration for the disposition. Appendix “A” If, at some time in the future, the public road is no longer required by the City, the City will remove the Restrictive Covenant from the title of the lands upon receipt of payment based on 59% of the future assessed value of the land at that time.

Phil Markin Director of Development Services

The City of Castlegar will receive $43,870.00 from Trowelex Concrete Contractors Ltd in consideration for the disposition. If, at some time in the future, the public road is no longer required by the City, the City will remove the Restrictive Covenant from the title of the lands upon receipt of payment based on 59% of the future assessed value of the land at that time.

Phil Markin Director of Development Services


Community Calendar

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:

Upcoming Apr. 18 - Sister City Exchange to Japan for Grade 6-8 students.

Castlegar-Embetsu Sister City Exchange is having an information meeting for all Grade 6, 7 and 8 students who are interested in traveling to Japan in the summer of 2014. Twin Rivers Elementary, 7 p.m. More info, Curt or Yuri Kutschera, 3657785, email: curtyurik@gmail. com April 19 - 20: “Just Dance Festival” A Kootenay Dance Expe-

rience at the Brilliant Cultural Centre in Castlegar. Friday 9:30 a.m. - 7:35 p.m. and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. - 3:35 p.m. Over 100 dancers ranging in age from 8 to 18. Awards (sponsored by local businesses) provided to dancers at the end of the festival. More info: Apr. 20 - “Trash to Treasure” RDCK initiative. Gently used, un-

wanted household goods placed at front of properties in a safe, easy to access place for others to claim. Signs should indicate what is free. Remove by 4 p.m please.

Apr. 20 - Free Bike Safety Rodeo,

10 a.m., Castlegar Complex. CDRD and Castlegar RCMP invite parents to bring children to learn and improve biking skills, proper hand signals, stops, starts and rules of the road. More info, or to register, call 250-365-3386, ext 0. APR. 20 - SONS OF NORWAY, Nordic

Lodge ‘76 in Castlegar is holding a workshop on folk dancing sponsored by The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance. Interested persons are invited to take this rare opportunity. More info, please call 250-365-1017. Apr. 21 - Community Pancake Breakfast at Tarrys Commu-

nity Hall, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., everyone welcome for a small fee of $3.99 (extra for eggs and sausages). Tarrys and District Community Hall AGM to follow at 12:15. APR. 24 - Castlegar Friends of Parks and Trails AGM, 7 p.m. at

the recreation centre.

apr. 26 - pro-d day youth swim

- Castlegar Complex pool from 2 - 4 p.m. Water walkway will be set up. Sorry, no lap swim during this time. $2.50 for all students.

APR. 27 - 8th Annual Spring Fling, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Family

event encouraging everyone to come together in downtown

Castlegar and enjoy the day. Vendors in Kinsmen Park, 3 on 3 hockey, stage performers, and kid’s games. Volunteers needed for various tasks. To help out with this fun, worthwhile event, please call Peter 250-365-5655. Apr. 27/28 - Artists event all

proceeds supporting the Castlegar Harvest Food Bank, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sandman Hotel (poolside atrium.) Mixed media artists and Origami, admission by donation. May 7 - Castlegar & District Community Justice Forum an-

nual general meeting, 7 p.m. at the Castlegar Fire Hall (2161 6th Ave.) More info: Michele Warren 250-365-3212 May 7 - Community Foundation of Castlegar AGM: 7 p.m. at

Castlegar Golf Club boardroom, 1602 Aaron Road. More info: Dan Salekin, 250-608-0451 or

May 8 - Castlegar Social Planning Society AGM: Will be 5

p.m. at Castlegar Christian Fellowship Hall, 1801 Connors Road, Castlegar (behind Dairy Queen). Guest speaker Dan Sahlstrom, New Vision Housing Society. Light refreshments. Everyone welcome. May 12 - Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast, Passmore Hall,

3656 Passmore Old Road 9-12 p.m. Silent auction, draws and door prizes. Weekly activities for seniors are carpet bowling Wednesdays at 1p.m. and cards Fridays at 7 p.m. All welcome. More info call Lorna 250-2267267.


Ongoing: The Treasure Shop

invites you to enjoy our spring fashions. NEW: vintage and retro sections for those special occasions. The current silent auction ends April 20. Many new items of interest. Volunteering whatever amount of time you can spare would be appreciated. Donations Mondays and Saturdays. Ongoing: All About Breastfeeding: informative support group for breastfeeding moms held at Neighbourhood House (behind Chopsticks) in Castlegar, Tuesdays from 10:30 - noon More info: 250-3653662, www.kootenayfamilyplace. org ONGOING: MAR. 5 - APR. 30 Free Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Tues. & Thurs, 9

a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Castlegar & District Com-

munity Services 1007 - 2nd. St. Income level: single $30,000.00 or less, couples $40,000.00 or less, 1 adult with 1 child $35,000.00 or less, additional child $2500.00, interest income $1000.00 or less. Please call 250365-2104 for appt. ONGOING: ROBSON MARKET: 9 a.m.

to 2 p.m. Sundays thru the end of September including holidays. Great breakfast/brunch menu and wide variety of items by local vendors. Silent auction every month with proceeds to benefit the Hall. Current auction runs until May 7. Bring friends and family. New vendors welcome. To book a table call 250-3653796 or 250-365-8165.

ongoing: tops group meets every wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to

10 a.m. at Kinnaird Hall 2320 Columbia Avenue. Round table discussion. Get motivated to eat healthy and lose weight. Join round table talks, make new friends. Monthly fee of $10. FMI call 365-7956.


MON: 9:30 Floor Curling, 10:00 Darts, 1:00 Whist TUES: 9:30 Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling, 1:00 Crafts, 7:00 Pool WED: 9:30 Floor Curling, 10:00 on 17th Raspberry Reunion, 1:00 Bingo only 1st, 7:00 Rummoli. THURS: 9:30 Floor Curling, 9:00 Zone 6 Sr. Games 18th, 2:00 on 4th Gen. Meeting, 1:00 Bingo (not @ Gen. Meeting), 2:00 on 18th Tea Dance, FRI: 10:00 Qi Gong, 1:00 Bridge/Crib ongoing: sharing dinner pot

All welcome for a hot meal Tuesdays at noon at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue in Castlegar, two blocks from the library. No charge. Sponsored by the Stonesoup committee. Ongoing: Castlegar A.A. meetings at the Pioneer Arena - Sun.

at 10 a.m. (phone Mike – 3658302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 365-7805). ongoing: al-anon meets every Monday night AL-ANON is for

people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) More info call Donna 365-3168 or Eileen 365-3674. ongoing: legion meat draws every saturday - Royal Cana-

dian Legion Castlegar/Robson Branch#170, 248 Columbia Ave. Doors open at 3 p.m., draws from 4 - 6 p.m. Draws every half

hour with other special prizes awarded. Guests more than welcome and can be signed in by a member. Come out and have fun with great company. ongoing: chronic pain selfmanagement program - Free

six session workshop. Thursdays from March 7 - April 11 at 1:30 p.m. at 1030 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. FMI 1-866-902-3767.

ongoing: CRAFTING for WOMEN.

Wed. mornings 9-12, Sun Centre, above Community Services. No cost but there may be required materials depending on project. Mocassins cost about $50. Knitting and most others free. Volunteers needed to teach crafts / skills. Phone: 250-3652104 ext. 34 or

ongoing: 4th Annual Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest look-

ing for interested vendors and nonprofit groups. May 18, 2013 Garden/ nature/ farm related only please for this open air festival. More info contact: or call 250.399.4439 / www. ongoing: Confluence Fellowship Circle. Wednesdays at 6 pm

A Christian gathering with a Celtic flavour. Robson Community Memorial Church. Waldie Avenue, Robson. Come and connect with our Creator and each other. ongoing: poker fundraiser at

the Lion’s Head Pub every Tuesday - Games start at 6:30 p.m. and go until there is a winner. Buy-in is $40; prize $1,000 or more. Partial proceeds to the West Kootenay Therapeutic Riding Association. ongoing: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS The local Toastmasters

club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun! Guests warmly welcomed. More info please call Diane Cushing at 250-365-8336. ongoing: special olympics castlegar needs volunteers -

More info please call 250-9190757.

ongoing: Operation Feast was established in 2012 to provide meals for members of our community. We invite you to join us for a home-cooked meal every Thursday at New Life Assembly Church 602 - 7th Street. Doors open at 4 p.m, dinner served until 5:30 p.m. Entrance to dining area located at the back of

Church. For info contact Carol at 365-5734.

ongoing: scrabble club – Come

out on the second Wed. of the month at the Castlegar Public Library - 6:30–8 p.m. All levels are welcome.

Ongoing: Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy Love 2 Learn:

free program, healthy snacks, circle, art, games, activities for preschoolers and parents/caregivers. Fridays 9:30 – 11 a.m. starting April 19 at Castlegar Primary School. To register call Alana, 250-304-6862, offered by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and School District #20.

Community Learning Place: free

help with basic computers, reading and writing, citizenship, test preparation, skills upgrading. Castlegar & District Public Library, Tuesdays 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. More info: 250-304-6862.

ongoing: Mom’s Support Group

Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon. Castlegar Community Services, Sun Centre. All moms welcome to this loosely structured group supporting challenges of being a mom. No referral required. Comments/queries: Sandi McCreight 250.365.2104 ext. 34

ONGOING: Awaken Your Intuition. Free 12 week study group

based on Sonia Choquette’s bestseller “The Psychic Pathway”. Let’s learn how to live a more intuitive, guided life together! Contact Deborah @ dnittel@

ongoing: Trail sea cadets Tuesdays 6 - 9 p.m. at 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench 19907th Ave. Contact Lt(N) Richard Chanig 250-368-6247.

ongoing: Castlegar judo club

- Mon. & Thurs. evenings 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Twin Rivers School gym. Old and new members welcome. Register anytime. Ages 8 years and up. FMI call John Gibson 250-365-5763.

ongoing: west kootenay roller derby is looking for donations

of 1/8 thick vinyl composite tile, paint and brushes, seating (chairs, couches, benches etc.) and rugs to help build new practice space in Nelson. More info contact teressa.hodsall@gmail. com or facebook: https://www.

ongoing: Trail sea cadets Tuesdays 6 - 9 p.m. at 44th Trail Armory in Shaver’s Bench 19907th Ave. Contact Lt(N) Richard Chanig 250-368-6247.

Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013


Chamber to salute its best and brightest Continued from P. 1

“There are five people on the panel,” said Verigin-Burk. “It may go to seven but it is always an uneven number. The panel members are not on the Chamber executive and are made up of a cross-section of business owners or managers representing a range of businesses and age groups.” After that, a formal recognition of the winners will take place Saturday, June 15 at Chances in Castlegar. Tickets for the awards night are on sale at the Chamber office for $50 per person. “We switch up the venues to be inclusive of all of the facilities that provide catering,” said Verigin-Burk. “Chances has a lovely conference room and we look forward to having the banquet and awards show there.”

Castlegar Chamber of Commerce - Awards Banquet, Saturday, June 15. Deadline to nominate an award recipient is April 30.

her business must be above reproach with regard to ethics, quality, and service and project a positive community image. Business Excellence A business that has been in operation for more than three years and has consistently offered outstanding service and/or product to its customers and displays a strong commitment to community involvement.

The award categories are:

Customer Service Excellence

Business Person of the Year

Presented to a business that is committed to high standards of customer service. This company delivers exceptional service in their dealings with customers, educates and encourages their staff to improve and excel in matters of customer relations.

The award is presented to an individual who is a dedicated leader, contributor (not always financial) and embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship. The conduct of the recipient and his/

This company also strives to improve the customer experience within their business through communications, problem solving, and innovation. Community Impact Award The award recognizes the accomplishments of those organizations in the not-for-profit sector which contribute to the economic, social and / or cultural well‐ being of Castlegar and area. Criteria: The organization must have an established reputation for delivering a high level of programs and/or services as well as a track record of efficient and effective management. Green Award The nominee business must: display environmental responsiveness through

personal leadership and effort; demonstrate innovation in stewardship of the environment; display strong commitment to environmental responsiveness, beyond governmental requirements; encourage others to be environmentally responsible. Professional Services Awards This business must display innovation, professionalism and integrity. This category is limited to the professional company, not an individual employee or contractor or a retail store. Contractor of the Year Companies must sell construction services, employ trades people, and/or contract out labour supply in the industrial,

commercial, institutional, residential, and civil. Tourism Development A business, organization, or individual(s) that: supports the Castlegar tourism industry and contributes to the development of Castlegar as a must-see destination. Young Entrepreneur An entrepreneur(s) between the ages of nine and 35 as of December 31, 2013 who: is an owner(s) or manager(s) and must have been actively involved in the company’s daily management. She/he is recognized as employing ethical business standards with customers, employees and suppliers, while contributing to the quality of life in the community.

The firms of Spilker Watson & Company and William McNally Law Corporation are pleased to announce their association for the practice of law under the name of Spilker Watson McNally Three locations to serve you:

Prenatal Jan. 31 Refresher: Feb. 4 A9 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 4 Prenatal Refresher: Feb.Feb. 4 5 Avalanche Skills Training:: AvalancheSkills Skills Training:: 5 5 Avalanche Training::Feb. Feb. Childcare Emergency First Aid April 20, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Feb. Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 5 April 20, 2013 Confined Space Level 1 Pre-Entry Prenatal: Wed., Series: Jan. 28Feb. Financial Education 5 5 Dec. 5 Transportation Endorsement Financial Education Series: Feb. CPR C Prenatal: 21, 2013 Wed., Jan. 28 Feb. 5AprilDec. Transportation Endorsement 5 Financial Education Series: Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Prenatal: Breastfeeding April 24, 2013 OFA Level 1: Jan. 30 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 OFA Level 1: Jan. Traffic Control April 26, 2013 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 30 Prenatal-Early Class Dec. 8 Green Your Home From Low Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: Group Fitness April Green Your Home FromLow Low Tech to 26, 2013 Green Your Home From Tech to Avalanche Awareness for Sledders: High Tech: Feb. 12 From Low OFA Level 1Geology 15 Green Your Home TechApril toDec. Jan. 31 West Kootenay Tour 27, 2013 High Tech: 12 High Tech: Feb. 12 OFA Level 1 Feb. Dec. 15 Jan. 31 High Tech: Feb. 12 GPS: Intro to Handheld April 27, 2013 Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12April 27, 2013 Occupational Aid Level 1 hours: Learn totoFirst Draw in 18 hours: Feb. Learn Draw in 18 Feb. Prenatal Refresher: Feb. 412 12 Learn totoDraw in 18hours: hours: Feb. Nest Building April 27, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: 5 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Feb. 15April Standard First Aid with CPRElements: C 27, 2013 Avalanche Skills Training:: Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15Feb. Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 5 Acrylics Plus: Painting a Daylily April 28, 2013 Financial Education Series: Feb. 5 OFA Transportation April528, 2013 FinancialEndorsement Education Series: Feb. Occupational Aid Level Feb. 3 April 29, 2013 Ebay First Basics: 10 Ebay Basics: Feb. 10 Call 250.365.1208 or visit Green Your forHome details From Low Tech to Green Your Feb. Home High Tech: 12From Low Tech to High Tech: Feb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Crystal KereiffFeb. 12 Learn to Draw in 18 hours: Insurance Broker Feb. 12 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15 Painting Natural Elements: Feb. 15


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RHC Insurance Brokers Ltd. Castlegar Downtown • Uptown 605 Columbia Avenue • 13-640 18th Street

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AUGUST 17 & 18, 2013


The Castlegar Sunrise 2000 Rotary Club would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the following local businesses for their contributions to our very successful 2013 Wine Festival: Our CHAMPAGNE SPONSORS

• Castlegar News • Mountain Fm and The Bridge • Super 8 • Sandman Hotel


• Biznet Signs & Solutions • Bubblees Liquor Store Plus • Chances Castlegar • Emcon Services

• Ted Allen’s Jewellery • Zellstoff Celgar • The Element Club Bar & Grill • Joey’s Restaurants

• Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC • Bon Appetito Catering • Oglow’s

• Helena Margareta • Jennifer Chocolates (Nakusp) • NuFloors • Racoon Specialized Carpentry

• Teck Trail Operations • The Brick

• City Furniture • Columbia Power Corporation • Common Grounds • Dardesign Handwovens • Dr. Don Ellis • Enso Hair Design • Fireside Inn • Georama Growers • Gift Box • Glacier Honda • Granite Pointe Golf Club • H Sporte Canada • Hairlines • Hall Printing (Trail) • Heather’s on Fourth • Hedy Oleski • Images by Leslie • Jean’s Material Things • JJ’s Fashions • Kootenai River Inn, Casino and Spa (Bonner’s Ferry) • Kootenay Centre Cinemas • Kootenay Floral & Gift Boutique • Kootenay Market • Kootenay Savings Credit Union • Kootenay Valley Water and Spas • Kutenai Clothing Company Ltd. • Lemon Creek Lodge • Lions Head Smoke and Brew Pub • Lordco Auto Parts • Mallard’s Source for Sports • Marnie’s Hair & Nails • Martech • Marwest Industries Ltd. • M&M Meat Shops • Mountain Baby (Nelson)

• Nealy O’Brien’s Pub and Liquor Store • Nelson Brewing Co. Ltd. • No Frills • Oso Negro (Nelson) • Paragon Pharmacy • Pennywise • Pharmasave (Castlegar) • Plaza Bakery & Gelato Bar • Polonicoff Law • Redstone Resort • Rob Lindskog, Potter • Saputo Foods (Nelson) • Scotties School of Highland Dance • Selkirk Massage Therapy • Shoes for the Soul (Nelson) • Skin Bliss Laser & Body Clinic • The Greek Oven • Thirsty Duck Neighbourhood Pub • Through the Looking Glass • Thrums Market • Tina Popoff Jewelery • United Rentals (Castlegar) • Up Town Liquor Store • Uptown Subway (Castlegar) • USCC Kootenay Men’s Group • Van Houtte Coffee Services (Kelowna) • Venture Mechanical • Villagers Inn Hotel and Pub (Fruitvale) • West K Concrete • Whitewater Ski Resort • Woodworkingal - Shelly LeBeau • Zdena’s Therapeutic Massage

CHARDONNAY SPONSORS • A & W Restaurant (Castlegar) • Aces Okanagan Estate Winery • Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort • Au Soleil Levant French Bakery (Nelson) • Benedict’s Steakhouse and Tunnel Neighbourhood Pub • BC Wine Guys • Birchbank Golf • Black Rooster Classic Bar & Grill • Bogustown Neighbourhood Pub • Boston Pizza • Brandt Tractor Ltd. • Café Michael (Castlegar) • Café Michael (Trail) • Canada Safeway (Castlegar) • Casabella Princess Lakeland Leisure Ltd. (Penticton) • Castle Glass • Castlegar & District Recreation and Aquatic Centre • Castlegar Chamber of Commerce • Castlegar Communities in Bloom Committee • Castlegar Golf Club and RV Park • Castlegar Hyundai • Castlegar Interact Club • Castlegar Rotoract Club • Castlegar Massage Therapy Clinic • Castlegar Toyota • Chopsticks Chinese and Japanese Cuisine • City of Castlegar

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News


Embetsu process down to the wire Submitted

Students in Grade 6, 7 and 8 have a chance to apply for the opportunity of a lifetime by visiting Castlegar’s Sister City, Embetsu, Japan and other parts of the island of Hokkaido, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Tokyo during this two week trip. The CastlegarEmbetsu Educational Exchange Committee (CEEEC) will select

six to eight students to travel with two experienced group leaders to Embetsu, Japan. They will also have a chance to meet Embetsu students this year when they visit Castlegar in mid-August. The fee for each student will be $2,700. This includes all travel costs including meals and lodging, medical insurance, and transportation. The actual cost per

student is $4,500 but each student will receive a subsidy of about $1800 from the CEEEC’s Shikano Fund. The Shikano fund was set up by Mr. Shikano to help promote student exchanges between Embetsu and Castlegar. The students will be selected on the basis of their written application, an interview and their school reference. A student’s ability to be an effec-

tive “ambassador” for Castlegar will be an important consideration in the selection process. The CEEEC is holding a student and parent information session THIS EVENING (Thursday, April 18) – 7 p.m. at Twin Rivers Elementary School. For more information please contact Curt Kutschera, CEEEC chair at 365-7785 or send email to curtyurik@

Burning taking place in Ootischenia this week submitted

The Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resources says smoke and flames may be visible near the Castlegar Golf Club this week. Crews will be back in Ootischenia continuing a fuel treatment project. The burning will comply with air quali-

ty venting regulations, according to a press release. It is expected the work will continue periodically until the fall. The reduction of surface fuels through burning, thinning and pruning will minimize wildfire risks, especially to the new Tower Ridge subdivision. The project will

also reduce overall fuel loading in interface areas, reduce the potential for wildfire ignitions, reduce potential fire intensity if an ignition occurs and improve first responder access to the area if a fire occurs. This project is part of the RDCK’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan for the

community of Ootischenia. Retaining healthy trees and other plant species is also an objective of the program. A factsheet about wildfire prevention, including information about Community Wildfire Protection Plans, is available online at: jWvPn.

2ND ANNUAL! IT’S TIME TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS! Award Categories Artist of the Year Song of the Year Album of the Year Best Rock/Metal/Punk Best Roots & Blues

Best Folk/Country Best New Artist Best Live Producer- Electronic Best DJ Best Live Act

General Information

Vote online now for your favorite Kootenay Music Award artists! Head to our website: and click on the vote button located on the right hand side!


Black Press C O M M U N I T Y



Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013

Health How much do you know about immunization? Immunization Awareness week in Canada is from April 20-27, 2013. In the last 50 years, immunization has saved more lives in Canada than any other health intervention. Immunizations are safe and effective. Whether you are a parent, a young adult or a senior, talk to your public health nurse, physician or pharmacist about being up to date on your immunizations. Castlegar public health nurses invite you to participate in a fun quiz about Immunization. Test your knowledge and enter for a chance to win one of two $50.00 fitness passes. Drop off your completed quiz with your name and phone number to the Castlegar Health Centre switchboard by noon April 26. (709 10th Street). Winners will be announced in next week’s paper, along with the answers to the quiz. 1. Vaccination is... a. making a virus in a laboratory b. immunization

c. only for children d. most common after age 15 2. What does “getting your shots” mean? a. doing well at basketball b. being vaccinated c. taking your medicine d. having bloodshot eyes

mumps and rubella c. the vaccine against meningitis, mumps and rosacea d. the vaccine against measles, mumps and rotavirus 7. What does the term “flu” stand for?

3. What is another name for pertussis?

a. another name for the common cold b. the viral infection, influenza c. a vaccine against influenza d. fever

a. whooping cough b. meningitis c. rubella d. chickenpox

8. If you have pertussis, what is the symptom you will notice most?

4. What is an antibody?

a. red, itchy spots b. sore throat c. headache d. severe coughing

a. a type of protein made by the body’s immune system b. a virus c. a bacterium d. a toxin 5. What is another name for chickenpox? a. mumps b. diphtheria c. measles d. varicella 6. What does “MMR” stand for? a. the vaccine against mumps, measles and roseola b. the vaccine against measles,

9. What does “contagious” mean? a. a disease that spreads easily b. a virus that is like another virus c. itchy d. painful 10. What is an epidemic? a. many cases of the same disease happen at the same time among a lot of people b. a needle c. an ambulance worker d. the outside layer of skin

11. What is “natural infection”? a. a mild disease b. a cut or scrape c. an infection you get only in childhood d. a disease caused by a germ found in the environment 12. What are the two ways to get immunity from a disease? a. by staying away from germs and eating healthy food b. by getting enough exercise and sleep c. by natural infection and by vaccine d. by keeping houses and schools very clean 13. What are bacteria? a. household cleaning products b. small animals c. tiny one-celled organisms d. blood cells 14. What is the symptom you will notice most with chickenpox? a. an itchy rash b. earache c. knee pain d. weight gain 15. Did research in Canada lead to the development of the

polio vaccine? a. Yes b.No 16. What booster?

Maria Bartlett Stylist

Studio Uno Hair Salon

250.365.0207 Maria Bartlett formally of Aeon Studio has moved to her new location. Maria is welcoming all existing and new clients to her Salon. Thank You to Karen and the girls at Aeon for all the memorable years!


Unit 109 1983 Columbia Ave Castlegar BC • v1n 2w8 Ph. 250 365 0207 for appointments


a. a repeat immunization b. a lump that forms after an injection c. a second infection d. a side effect 17. “Lockjaw” is another name for which disease? a. hepatitis b.German measles c. tetanus d. diphtheria 18. True or false?

Are you a business owner or HR manager looking to lower your labour cost and make a difference in a young workers life? Skills Link is offering young adults who are ready to work, and the best part is we will pay their wages. Getting involved is easy and feels great. Contact the Nelson and District today! Funded by Service Canada




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No one ever dies from diphtheria anymore. True False 19. True or false?


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True False 20. True or false? You can be immunized against chickenpox. True False

Home baked delight Spring time activities take many shapes and forms, including scenes like this Tea and Bakes Sale held last Saturday at Castlegar’s Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 170. Jim Sinclair

Spring is glorious and we have every type of flowering plant, over 40,000 square feet of greenhouses overflowing with beauty. Just a short, scenic drive 5 min West of Nelson on Granite Road • 250-352-3468 Mon to Sat 8-5:30 • Open Sundays 9-4

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Cancer survivors get together for support and camaraderie Community


Castlegar News Reporter

About thirty organizers, volunteers and survivors of cancer gathered for an afternoon of music, bingo, conversation and refreshments at the Portuguese Hall in Castlegar on Saturday, March 13. “It gives cancer survivors [and partners/ caregivers] a place to get together and so-



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Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News

cialize,” said Stacey Cassidy, coordinator of community giving with the Canadian Cancer Society. “It’s all volunteers who run with this; I’m just here to support them.” Many of those who enjoyed the afternoon will take part in the upcoming Relay for Life, held at the Pass Creek Fair Grounds on Saturday/Sunday, June 8-9 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Last year,

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(L-R): Stacey Cassidy, Judy Anderson, Janice Johnson, volunteer; and Christina Postnikoff, recruitment volunteer chair. Marvin Beatty

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there were 15 teams at the relay and Cassidy is hoping for many more to be registered. Some teams are also accepting new members: visit www.relaybc. ca and select Castlegar from the “Select your community” drop down menu


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on the top right side of the page. Jackie Fitchett, who is in her eighth year of helping with Relay for Life, is on a team called the Moonlight Strollers. Last year the team raised about $2,300 and Fitchett said they have raised about $15,000 in total. “There has been a lot of cancer in my family and I just decided to help,” she said.

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Judy Anderson is a survivor and was happy to take part in a cake cutting ceremony at the event. “I was diagnosed last May,” said Anderson. “I lost a breast, went to Nelson for chemotherapy and then Trail for surgery but things are looking good now.” Beyond the muchneeded research, funds raised through Relay for Life and the

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various activities of the Canadian Cancer Society are used in the day-to-day practical support of those battling cancer. Survival rates for many cancers are climbing and Cassidy said there is always hope a cure will be found. More information about Relay for Life is at or email: castlegarrelay@




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Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013 A13

Health/Business Early vigilance crucial for oral health

Kootenay Wheel Alignment Headquarters Glacier Honda

marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

John Bean V3D Imaging Alignment System is now at Glacier Honda

65% of all vehicles on Denise Pawlshyn was providing free oral cancer screenings at her Castlegar office on Friday, April 12. Sherif Ahmed and his wife, Kahsar Shah, decided to stop by for the quick procedure. Marvin Beatty

orescence and Reflectance technology Pawlyshyn employs may sound like something that fills a room but the device is small, sleek and looks almost like a high-tech magic wand. The device has three lights: white, that simply helps Pawlyshyn see better; purple, which highlights cell changes, and green which helps see what’s happening on a vascular (blood flow) level. In addition to the technology, there is a hands-on component to the testing which

involves checking the head, neck, throat, tongue, cheeks, palate and lymph glands. Displays in Pawlyshyn’s office noted that more than 3,600 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed in Canada every year, partly due to better detection methods and more frequent screening. “I’ve seen 15 cases of oral cancer in my time as a hygienist,” said Pawlyshyn. “The examples are the more extreme cases — many from other parts of the world.” Like many cancers,

BIKE SWAP Drop off 8:30 - 10:30am Selling 11am - 2pm • Specialized Demo bikes available • Rustic Crust Wood Fired Pizza on location • Free Shuttles on the hour provided by Mountain Shuttle (Natasha Locke) 11am-3pm

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early detection is key. Left unchecked, oralTHERE’S Improperly aligned SAFETY and shorten tire life. A NEW TIREwheels STOREcompromise IN TOWN... cancer can metastasize and spread to other areas. Pawlyshyn has Your New Tire Store worked from the CoWheel Two Four GLACIER lumbia Avenue loAlignment Wheel Wheel cation for about two HONDA years and has dental, Audit Alignemnt Alignment Getand the X-ray sterilizing lowest price equipment. She gradon tires!!! uated from the ColAnd More! lege of New CaledoWe’ll beat any OPEN MON TO FRI 8:00AM - 5:00PM SAT 8:00AM - 4:30PM competitor’s written quote nia in Prince George 1602 Columbia Ave, Castlegar comparable tires.also in on 1998 and has Toll Free 1-866-365-4845 250-365-4845 See us for all the details. worked overseas. SERVICE email For more information call Clean Between at 250-3658024 or visit www.





Castlegar dental hygienist Denise Pawlyshyn wants to educate everyone about the importance of screening for oral cancer, something the Canadian Cancer Society is also supporting during Daffodil Month. Pawlyshyn has specialized equipment at Clean Between, 2709A Columbia Avenue, all month and is offering free screenings without an appointment. The next available times are on Saturday, April 27 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Sherif Ahmed and his wife Kahsar Shaw were at the office waiting for their turn for the short, pain-free exam. “We’ve never had it done but it’s probably a good test to get,” said Shaw, who has volunteered for the Canadian Cancer Society in the past. The Identafil® Multi-Spectral Flu-

Saturday, April 27 Buy any new adult bike

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930 Rossland Avenue 250-364-1661


Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News

Arts & Culture Using art as a tool for helping others marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

Carole Greenwood and Jim Greenwood are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter,

Sarah J. Greenwood to Duane (DJ) W. R. Vass,

son of Duane Vass and Jo-Anne Vass. The two families will come together and celebrate their marriage ceremony in Castlegar BC on July 21, 2013 with all of their friends.




Artists from all over the Kootenays were brought together this past weekend by two Stanley Humphries Secondary School students, in an exhibit and silent auction that raised close to $2,000 for Talarico Place in Castlegar. Gwendolyn Grieves and Paige Davis, both artists in Grade 12 at SHSS, secured the use of a large space in Kootenay Crossing Mall (courtesy of Century 21) from Friday, April 12 through Sunday, April 14. Unique artwork — including paintings, photographs, sculptures, jewelry and more — were up for bidding, including original paintings from Davis and sculptures from Grieves. “There were some people who didn’t think we could do it but we were determined” said Grieves. “Even Mrs. Evdokimoff ’s [Twin Rivers] class went up to their buddies’ at the preschool; they went to Talarico and coloured pages of Van Gogh

Gwendilyn Grieves, left, and fellow SHSS arts student Paige Davis, organized an art exhibit this past weekend, raising funds for Talarico Place in Castlegar. Marvin Beatty

and Mona Lisa — abstract stuff — and we had those up, too.” Martech Electrical Systems Ltd. also helped out by providing makeshift (very artsy) wooden spools that served as tables for displaying a number of the pieces. As of late Sun-

THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE POW. (all 1,000 new acres of it)

day, the exhibit had brought in about $1,800 and the young ladies were very happy with the results. “They are remarkable examples of the kind of young women I am proud to send out in to our communities,” said SHSS teacher Corinne

Hughes Tamelin via Facebook. “They know how to give back and they know the value of hard work. This hasn’t been easy for them, but the goal of helping seniors easily overrides the amount of work they are swamped by.”

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Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013 A15

Community Important, overdue message can be heard through the clothesline marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

An annual event to promote the prevention of violence against women and children will take place Tuesday, April 23 in front of Castlegar City Hall. The Castlegar and District Commu-

nity Services Society (CDCSS) is organizing the gathering, which will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and, like last year, it will be hard to miss as tshirts — spreading the message about prevention of violence against women and children — will be strung across the area

with messages from local students. Clarice Coulson of the CDCSS, said there will be a number of local, national and global programs featured along with speakers from the community such as a representative from the RCMP, Mayor Chernoff and other invitees. The theme this year is “One Small Step” and we are trying to get people to come out and make one small step for change,” Coulson said.

Daniel Vecchio, whose younger sister was murdered by her husband in Abbotsford in June of 2006, is also expected to speak at the event. Vecchio is a principal at a senior secondary school in Fort St. John and well-known speaker working to end violence and empower students. For more information, contact the Castlegar and District Community Services Society at 250-3652104.

Now accepting registration Now accepting registrationfor for 2013-2014 school 2013-2014 schoolyear year Faith Based Education Faith Based Education Busing Available (via BC Busing Available (via BCTransit) Transit) Morning Club starting atat6:30 Morning Club starting 6:30am am Afterschool Care Afterschool Care K-7K-7 Core French Core French Tuition Tax Deductible Tuition Tax Deductible

Graceful excitement

Clothesline project: April 23, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. File

Graduating Turning Pointe dancers above (L-R): Fraser Sutherland, Alivia McKenzie, Alex Cutts and Kirsten Townsend. Turning Pointe Performance Company held its annual Company show on Saturday, April 13 at the Brilliant Cultural Centre. On Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20, TPPC dancers will take part in a local dance festival, Just Dance, also at the Brilliant Cultural Centre and will feature dancers from throughout the region.

Contact: Julia Mason, Principal atat250-368-6151 Contact: Julia Mason, Principal 250-368-6151oror visit website visit ourour website 1329-4th Avenue, Trail, BC V1R1S3 1S3 1329-4th Avenue, Trail, BC V1R


Spring Fling set for 27th! jim sinclair Castlegar News Editor

It’s time to make sure the seasonal changeover goes smoothly… you may be about to change your snow tires or try to remember how to start your lawnmower. You’re ready for Castlegar’s Spring Fling 2013, or you will be by Saturday, April 27. You never forget how to twirl in front of a stage at Kinsmen Park to a sampling of the area’s top musicians. You love and admire classic cars and the same goes for 3-on-3 hockey, and you appreciate three blocks of 3rd Street being blocked off to make for a totally worthwhile pedestrian-focused event. Spring Fling is the time to make sure every last trace of winter (excepting maybe a residual dusting on local mountain tops) has been rinsed from the local landscape. Great times are ahead and Spring Fling proves it. This is the time for celebration… to hang out with friends,

and neighbours in a fun and relaxed environment… and that’s all there is to it! Here’s a rundown of the entertainment lined up: 11 - 12:30 – Super Cats Studio 12:30 - 1:00 – Trail Pipe Band 1:00 - 1:30 – Christina Amelio 1:35 - 2:05 – Little Bit of Bluegrass 2:15 - 2:45 – Al Soobotin 3:00 - 3:45 – Roy Has Fire 4:00 - 4:45 – Speak of Unknown 5:00 - 6:00 – Derek Jonathan Keep Saturday, April 27 wide open… you’ve got a major rite of spring to take part in and you should be back in top shape for your May Pole ceremony a few days later. In general terms all you need to know is that the Fling gets started at 11 a.m. and runs till 6 p.m. Any general questions including vendor inquiries? Call Peter at 250-365-5655 or 250-304-9248. Wondering about the hockey? Call Norm at 250-365-7117.

Red Cross Health Equipment Loan program looking for volunteers Public Service Announcement—For Immediate Release (Castlegar) April 10, 2013: Those who experience a sudden illness or injury are often surprised by how quickly their lives can change, making everyday tasks suddenly unmanageable. As a Red Cross volunteer with the Health Equipment Loan program, you could help ensure people receive the health equipment they need to cope with health crises. Volunteers are needed in Castlegar to continue providing this essential service. A few hours a week can make a world of difference to someone in your community. Various positions are available, including customer service, data entry, equipment cleaning and drivers. Full training and support is provided. The Red Cross Health Equipment Loan program is a volunteer-driven, community-based program that provides essential health equipment to individuals on a “by donation” basis. Providing equipment such as wheelchairs and bathing aids can make a real difference to people’s lives. Access to this service lets seniors stay at home longer, helps people return home from the hospital sooner and supports palliative patients who wish to spend their final days in the comfort of their own home. For more information on how to become a volunteer, please call 250-365-3911 (ext. 100) or drop by the office at 1250A 26th St. in Castlegar. The office is open between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. – 30 – Media Contact: Amrit Dhatt Direct: 604-709-6689; Mobile: 604-753-9640;


Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News


Tell us how your team is doing, email:

Rebels take bronze medal at provincial Cyclone Taylor tournament marvin beatty Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Rebels 2012-2013 season has come to an end, but not before adding one more thing to their impressive list of achievements: a gritty come-from-behind 5 - 4 win over the Comox Valley Glacier Kings to secure bronze medal status at the Cyclone Taylor Cup on Sunday, April 14. The Kootenay International Junior Hockey League champions were down three goals before even seven minutes had ticked by but this team has proven all year they have no quit. Glacier Kings forward Sheldon Brett struck first just under a minute into the

game, with assists going to Jack Kennelly and Nick Tupper. The same assist-duo decided to spread the wealth and next fed Tyson Rennie who snapped it past Rebels goaltender Connor Beauchamp. Reeling, the Rebels saw a third goal go through the pipes at 6:22 on Nick Tupper’s third scoring play of the game, from Michael Scoble and Patrick Croome. At 7:21 though, some familiar Rebels names started to take the intensity up. Captain Erik Alden dished to Jamie Vlanich to get the Rebels on the board and this would prove to be the spark that would send the Rebels on to another four straight. Before that would

without much of a history, they played like it was the Stanley Cup on the line. Kody Disher pulled the Rebels within one at 15:26 of the first with assists to Aaron Petten and Diego Bartlett.

In the second, Vlanich took the initiative again, scoring unassisted at 5:01. Two more goals followed, power play markers from Erik Alden (Vlanich with the assist) and Travis Wellman (from Stuart

Walton) and the Rebels had reversed the fortunes of the Sockeyes for good. The power play goals came on the heels of a slew of penalties from the host Comox team. There were six penalties to the Glacier Kings in the second period alone. Once the Rebels had the lead they refused to let it go. The Glacier Kings showed why they belonged at the tournament though, adding a fourth goal courtesy of defenceman Rylan Ball from John Gosbee at 11:54 of the final frame to pull within one. It wouldn’t be a Castlegar Rebels game without an exciting finish, however, and Comox pulled goal-

tercollegiate Hockey League season. “Arie is a mobile, puck-moving defenceman who will fit in nicely with the style of game that we play,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois in a press release. “He’s been a key piece of a top-end program in the KIJHL and gone through the experience of being a leader

and contributor to a championship team, which is important to us. I look forward to Arie developing into a productive and important player at the college level.” The Fruitvale, B.C., native is coming off three seasons with the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League’s Beaver Valley Nitehawks,

where he finished second on the Nitehawks in scoring by defencemen last season with 23 points in 50 games, adding another six points in 13 playoff games. Postmus played a total of 183 games for Beaver Valley, notching 18 goals, 70 assists and 233 minutes in the box. Postmus plans to

Rebels #8-Riley Ostoforoff reaches for a bouncing puck between Comox Valley Glacier Kings #2-Garrett Halls and #3-Brandon Halls during the bronze medal game of the Cyclone Taylor Cup in Comox Sunday, April 14. Jim Hockley

happen, though, Rebels Matt Reed and Glacier Kings Calvin Hadley decided to try a different spark and both were handed game misconducts and 5-minute majors for fighting. For two teams

tender Michael Halls, outstanding throughout the tournament, to put an extra attacker out but Beauchamp managed to keep his net puck-free. The Rebels finished the Cyclone Taylor Cup with a 2 - 2 record after taking both games against the host team but dropping two one-goal contests to the VIJHL Victoria Cougars (1-0) and PJHL Richmond Sockeyes (3-2). The Sockeyes and Cougars advanced to the gold medal game, with Richmond banging home four straight goals in the second period for their fifth Cyclone Taylor Cup title and fourth for a Pacific Junior Hockey League representative going back as far as 2008.

enroll in Selkirk’s Business Administration program. “I’m excited to be able to play close to home and be a part of the team’s new winning tradition,” said Postmus. “I’m going to focus on getting really good grades and working hard every day to help the team capture another championship.”

D-Man Postmus signs with Selkirk Saints Submitted

The Selkirk College Saints Men’s Hockey team is taking shape for next season with the welcome of another defenceman. The Saints have secured a commitment from 21-yearold Arie Postmus to compete for the Saints beginning in the 2013/14 B.C. In-

Refer a Relay team & Win!

Earlybird Registration only $10 and prizes!




The Contest in our Southern Interior Region: Get the word out about Relay! Encourage your friends, family and everyone to Event date: Mayat25th 10am-10pm, Gyro register a teamSaturday during April or call ourPark. W Kootenay office 1-888-413-9911 to register offline. Register by Jan 31 for 2 entries into a draw to win 1 of 3 Apple iPads, Once has been person AND aforreferral 5 entries into made, a drawthetoreferring win round trip(you!) airfareshould for 2send to an email to with your name & community, and Vancouver courtesy of Pacific the name of the new team captainCoastal or new Airlines! team you referred. The Prize: Contact Rhonda van Tent for more event information: Anyone who refers a team that subsequently 250 231-7575 registers will be entered into a draw to win a $200 gift certificate to the restaurant or business of their Sign up at thehome Canadian Cancer Society choice in their community!! or atcontest This is open to all Relayers – committee members, team captains, participants, & survivors

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Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013 A17

Sports Trevor Linden to speak in Castlegar

STAFF WRITER Castlegar News

One of Canada’s best known athletes, former Vancouver Canuck captain Trevor Linden, will speak in Castlegar on Thursday, May 16. Linden, who played in the NHL from 1988 to 2008, will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming 2013 Recreation Facilities Association of BC (RFABC) conference being held at the Castlegar & District Recreation Centre. His address will take place at 7:30 p.m. and focus on the leadership skills required to drive environmental responsibility. The City of Trail Parks and Recreation, Castlegar & District Recreation Centre and the Nelson & District Community Complex, with the major sponsorship of Teck announced the event in a press release, stating about 100 attendees are expected May 14-16. The conference

Photo: Jeff Vinnick, Vancouver Canucks

will focus on various seminars such as heat recovery, green technology, energy efficiency and human resources for managers and operators in the parks and recreation industry. The RFABC conference committee decided to open up the keynote address to engage the community and only 50 tickets will be available for $75 per person. The ticket cost also includes a banquet dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Linden took the Canucks to the Stanley Cup final in 1994 (falling to the Rangers in seven games) and was captain of the team from 1990-1997. His #16 Canucks jersey was retired December 17, 2008. He was an integral part of not only the Canucks organization but also World Cup, Olympics, and All-Star teams. Linden was awarded the Order of Canada in 2010. The RFABC wanted to ensure kids in the Kootenays were given an opportunity to meet Linden. “We didn’t want to forget the kids,” says Robert Baker, Trail Parks & Recreation Deputy Director and RFABC Committee member. “Teck is sponsoring a poster contest to choose 48 kids to play floor hockey at the Castlegar Recreation Centre with Trevor. We can’t wait to see the expressions on their faces when he shows up with his hockey stick.”

The poster contest asks kids to draw and write out their best ideas to help keep the Kootenays green. 16 kids from three age categories (7-9, 10-12 and 13-15 years) will be chosen and invited to come out to the Castlegar Complex from 4 to 4:45 p.m. on May 16 to play in the game. Posters will not be distributed at schools, but can be picked up at the Castlegar, Trail and Nelson Recreation Centres starting Tuesday, April 16. Posters must be returned to the recreation centres by Thursday, May 2. Winners will be notified on Friday, May 3. Tickets for the banquet and keynote address can be purchased by calling Robert Baker at 250364-0808. For additional information on the kids’ poster contest, please contact Heather Anderson at 250-3653386.

a bout, which lasts 60 minutes and has two 30-minute periods. Each team designates a scoring player (the “jammer”) with the other four being “blockers.” The jammer wears a helmet cover with two stars and is typically the skater who is also the target. As the jammer passes the pack, points are awarded. To chants of “Let the bodies hit the floor!”, the Dam City Rollers were in high spirits and fighting form from the opening whistle. The contest was fairly even through the first period but the Babes of Brutality began to pull away in the second, having a 102-64 at lead at the 24-minute mark. The Rollers rallied nicely and closed the

gap to 145-113 with about four minutes to play but penalties prevented them from finishing the comeback. Babes’ coach, Heather Parson said the bouts went better than expected because this was the lowest number of players they had played with. “The girls in Salmo originally started roller derby in this league,” said Parson. “They really know the game and they’re super strong. We had tight walls and good hits.” The Dam City Rollers take the show on the road for a tournament in Spokane April 26-28 before returning for their first home game in Castlegar on Saturday, May 11 at Selkirk College. Doors open at 4 p.m.

Rollers make city Dam proud MARVIN BEATTY Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers opened their West Kootenay Roller Derby league season on Saturday in Rossland against the Babes of Brutality, falling to the Salmo squad 179-136. Prior to the game, Coach Sauce was asked how he felt going into battle against the Babes, a team that has proven tough for the Dam City Rollers in the past. “I always feel good about it,” he said. “It’s derby.” Indeed. There were a number of people feeling good about derby. The beer garden upstairs at the Rossland Arena was packed with fans from both sides dressed in either purple or blue

(many clad in team jerseys). Lest anyone think it’s not a family affair, there were plenty of families with children of all ages in the stands, too. The excitement was palpable at track level, thanks in part to rocking tunes and track announcers and staff who brought their “A-game” as well. Jody Carroll, who skates for the Slocan Valley Vendettas, was the “jam timer” for the bouts and her antics were almost as much fun to watch as the when the jams were in progress. Her signals for simple time-outs, for example, had her leaving her feet at times. For the un-initiated, there are ten players on the short circular track during

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Would your acreage benefit from soil amendment? Zellstoff Celgar is looking for landowners with 2 or more acres within 55 km that would benefit from using Biosolids as soil amendment. Pastures and hay fields are good op=ons. Zellstoff Celgar will cover the costs of the consultant to perform soil sampling, obtaining government authoriza=on and delivery costs of the fresh Biosolids based on access with a large truck/pup combina=on. Acreage should be able to accommodate at least 6 truck/pup loads. The landowner is responsible for spreading and incorpora=ng the Biosolids into their soil. Contact:

Jim McLaren Email: Phone: 250-­‐365-­‐1636

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am

10:15-11:15am 5:30-6:30pm

Circuit Strength Deep Water Workout Fabulous 50+ Ultimate Kickbox

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am 9:00-11:00am 5:00-5:45pm 6:00-7:00pm


9:00-10:00am 10:15-11:15am



Step to It Health & Recovery Step & Tone/ Tues Body Blast/Tues Core & More/Thurs PM Aqua-Fit Circuit Strength Aqua Circuit Fabulous 50+ Saturday Fit

Admission to all Drop In Fitness Classes is by: 1 - 3 - 12 month Membership Passes or $6.00

Public Swim Schedule Monday

2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm



Saturday 1:00-6:00pm Sunday 1:00-6:00pm

Please Note:

There will be no Public Swim and only one Lap lane on Monday/Wednesdays/Friday mornings 10:15-1:15pm until June 3 due to School Swim Lessons happening in pool. Sorry for the inconvenience.



Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013



Your community. Your classifieds.


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How to place a

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Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday




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Evelina Romano Romano: Evelina Passed away peacefully at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on April 12, 2013 with her family by her side. Evelina was a cherished mother to Connie (Paul Jr.), Vito (Barbara) and Joanne (Kirk). She was numero uno nonna to Cora-Lynn, Chantel, Liam, Curtis, Andrea and Micheal. She is survived by her brother Nick in Italy. Evelina is pre-deceased by her husband Carmine and sisters Phyllis and Nickolina. A special thank you to the home care nurses that looked after mom while she was at home as well as the nurses at the hospital for their care and support. Evelina was a great mother and her wisdom taught us many great things. We will miss our dear mother; she is out of our hands and in our hearts forever. We love you. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Rita’s Catholic Church on Wednesday April 17, 2013, followed by an interment at Park Memorial Cemetery with Father David John, Celebrant. Jordan Wren of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services™ was entrusted with arrangements.

Lost & Found LOST Motorola Razor Cell Phone, March 28th in Castlegar, Reward Call 250-365-5897 Lost set of keys on red wrist band between Kootenay Market & Castlewood Care Centre Call 250-365-7729


June 23, 1926 - April 8, 2013 Halvard Knutson of Castlegar, B.C. passed away peacefully at Talarico Place on April 8, 2013. Hal was born in Aamle, Norway. He was a WWII Para-trooper, then a Smoke Jumper. He later graduated with a Forestry degree from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and worked in the Forestry field for 30 years as a Conservation Officer and at retirement as a Regional Director in the Dept. of Natural Resources in Northern Saskatchewan. Left to mourn his loss are his wife Jean and children Danny (Sharon), David (Corinne) , and Lorna Webb. Grandchildren Kenny, Kristin, Eric (Chantelle), Ian, Nicole and Mathew and great grandchildren Kenny, Tyler and Mathew. He was predeceased by his brother Jerry and is survived by his sister Ella Martin in Penticton. Hal’s fighting spirit was an inspiration to all over the last couple years. May there be many golf games to be played in heaven. A celebration of life was held with the immediate family. Special thanks to all for their thoughts, prayers, cards and calls. Sarah Greenwood of Castlegar Funeral Chapel in care of cremation arrangements.

Please join us as we Celebrate the Life of

Susana Doell 1916-2012 Royal Canadian Legion 1-3 pm, Sat. April 27, 2013

Memorial Service

Helen Alton Moroso 08/27/42 - 02/14/13

Please come & celebrate Helen's life with family & friends on Sat. May 18th @ 11 am Castlegar Christian Fellowship 1801 Connors Road Castlegar, BC Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Chatters Salon is looking for a


with at least 2 years experience. We offer benefits including medical, dental & year round paid education with a potential signing bonus. Apply in person to Julie or Roz, or email resume to

Skattebo Education Forest

Each year a field school is planned for the Selkirk College Forest Technology students that involves gaining hands-on training in forested settings. Some activities this year will be undertaken on the Selkirk College Skattebo Education Forest. Planned activities include a small, juvenile spacing and a pruning trail on juvenile Western White Pine. The school will run from April 22th through 24th, during this time, there will be a group of 18 students spacing juvenile trees less than 5 meters tall with power saws and pruning with lopping clippers. Safety surrounding work areas will be a priority for instructional staff on site. If you have any further questions call 250-3657292 and your call will be directed to the appropriate individual.


Travel $399 CABO San Lucas, all Inclusive Special! Stay 6 Days in a Luxury Beachfront Resort with Meals & Drinks! For $399! 1-888-481-9660.

Halvard Knutson Notice of planned educational activities


Cecil Poznecov October 16, 1941 April 7, 2013

Passed away April 7, 2013. Cecil was born in South Slocan. He leaves to mourn his wife of 46 years, Margot (Moran), his 2 children Steve (Jackie) and Nadine (Matt), and grandchildren Jakob, Karlee, Sydnee and Audrey who will always be the apples in his eyes. Also sisters Katherine and Christine. Margot was traveling from New Zealand and met the love of her life in Quesnel. Shortly thereafter they moved to Nanaimo where they continued their life together. Cecil dedicated over 30 years as a teacher, counselor and vice principal at John Barsby Secondary School. A celebration of his life was held at the Duncan Volunteer Fire Department on Friday, April 12th. Memorial donations to the BC Cancer Society or the BC Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. Dad will be forever missed and always in our hearts. On line condolences may be offered at When you use the Castlegar News Classifieds to find a job, you will be going up, the corporate ladder, that is. In the Classifieds, you will find thousands of jobs and just maybe one of them will take you right up the corporate ladder of success.

Summer Camp Leaders The Castlegar & District Recreation Centre and Robson Community School are seeking highly motivated, energetic individuals to work as full time Summer Camp Leaders and part time Junior Leaders for our Summer Cool Camps 2013. Program Leaders will be responsible for assisting in planning and delivering programs in cooperation and under the direct supervision of our Summer Camp Coordinator and Program Staff. Skills Required Must be able to provide leadership, direction, support and supervision and be able to act as a role model to youth/ children within the program. Qualifications Camp Leaders must be attending/pursuing a diploma or degree program and have basic first aid. Experience working with children and a valid Drivers License would be an asset. Attitude Required Come prepared to have fun and to partake in activities with the children that focus on introducing them to new experiences. *Summer Cool Camps are dependent on grant funding received Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff; subject Summer 2013 Application; Closing date for submissions May 3, 2013 – 4:00 pm We would like to thank all candidates for their interest. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.


Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News

Career Opportunities





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

WANTED: People who.... Love fashion and beauty; Care about the community; Want to earn money while having fun; Seek work/life balance; love to meet new people; FOUND....YOU. Join a company that makes a difference. Call 1-877-886-7055 or visit for more details


Unlimited Opportunities

Career Opportunities MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535

At Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership, we offer unlimited opportunities for career growth. Proud of our quality products, safe and efficient operations, commitment to the environment and our support of each other, we’re ready for you to find your unlimited potential.


needed to work 1:1 in home 1 or 2 shifts/wk with a medically fragile baby in the Nelson area. Union wages and full support provided. If you want to make a difference in a child’s life, please fax your resume to Debra Leverrier at 1-250-762-9898 or email

Opportunities in Prince George Guided by innovative and astute leadership, Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership (CPLP) is the leading producer of fully bleached, high performance Kraft paper, and the second largest North American and fourth largest global producer of market NBSK pulp. CPLP includes the Northwood Pulp Mill, the Prince George Pulp and Paper Mill, the Intercontinental Pulp Mill and the Pulp and Paper Marketing Group in Vancouver.

Help Wanted

Are you between 15-30 years old? Skills Link is a dynamic 15 week program that will help you gain skills, experience and certification while you earn a pay check. Call the Nelson and District Youth Centre today to find out more.

Energy Leader To develop & implement a strategic energy management plan Applying a strategic leadership approach to fostering successful mill-wide energy management, you will lead and guide all energy management and improvement opportunities at our mills. You will develop, implement and support a systematic, process-oriented program for sustainable energy savings and leverage your communication expertise to raise employee awareness and motivate change within departments. This role is integral to the Canfor Pulp and BC Hydro Sustainable Energy Management Programs.

Apply your technical insight & analytical skills to optimize electrical projects As a member of the Electrical and Instrumentation group operating in an environment committed to safe and environmentally responsible practices, you will work closely with all team members on the design, implementation and supervision of electrical projects including enhancements and modifications. You will also provide sound technical support in the resolution of electrical and instrumentation problems. Your mandate will be to ensure facilities are capable of achieving maximum production and quality standards while maintaining cost efficiency and viability. Both positions require a forward-thinking, flexible and resourceful individual who can apply technical insight and analytical abilities to develop novel solutions. You have an engineering degree and are a member of, or eligible for registration with, APEGBC, at least as an Engineer-in-Training (EIT) OR have a related technical diploma OR relevant post-secondary education. Several years’ broad-based experience, ideally within a modern pulp mill or similar industrial facility, would be preferable. You possess excellent interpersonal, team-building as well as presentation and verbal and written communication abilities. The flexibility to effectively respond to continually changing internal and external business conditions would also be considered an asset. Prince George, with a warm and welcoming community of 82,000, offers affordable housing, excellent infrastructure and amenities and an extensive range of quality services and cultural and sporting events—visit for more information. Expect competitive compensation and benefits, together with a safe, high-quality work environment. We thank all applicants for their interest in CPLP; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. To apply, please submit your résumé, in confidence, by 4 pm, Friday, May 3, 2013 to: Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership c/o CPLP Careers PO Box 9000 Prince George, BC V2L 4W2 Fax: 250.962.3638 E-mail:

Canfor Pulp Limited Partnership

Help Wanted Hairlines 6th Ave is accepting resumes for a hair stylist with at least 1 yr experience Drop off resume to 2327 - 6th Ave

Do you need a job?

Our industry position is strong and we’re poised for long-term sustained growth for the future. If you would like to join us, consider these opportunities:

Electrical & Instrumentation Engineer/Technologist

Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Owner Ops. for our Castlegar based terminal for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving exp. / training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. To join our team of Professional drivers, email a resume, current driver’s abstract & details of truck to: or call Mark: 778-866-5497 or Fax: 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank you for your interest, however only those of interest to us will be contacted.

Funded by Service Canada



Temporary Operations Coordinator

Reference Number 1305

The Operations Coordinator role provides the common interface between the Operations Department and various stakeholders integral to ensuring the operation and maintenance of Joint Venture operating assets is effective and efficient. Stakeholders could be internal, operational or regulatory. The Operations Coordinator role is a key team member of the Operations Department as this position is expected to coordinate and facilitate all projects, investigations and programs that the department is responsible for. This temporary position under the direction of the Director, Operations ends October 2014. Qualifications: Post Secondary degree in Commerce or Business Administration with a technical aptitude At least five years experience in an operations role and keen interest in Hydro Power operations A questioning nature that will assess reports and submissions from a variety of perspectives Proven ability to analyze and interpret financial reports and financial data Experience in developing, implementing and maintaining business processes and/or management systems Progressive training on the use of Office and industrial computer applications including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HMI. WMS and other software programs Ability to work collaboratively and effectively as a team member at all levels of the organization Eager to learn, and ability to grow with the role Ability to communicate both orally and in writing with attention to detail and to a high standard of excellence Self starter, with initiative and willingness to take on additional Operations tasks To apply for this position, click this link: and attach your cover letter and resume, or email them with the reference number in the subject line to: The closing date is April 29, 2013

Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013

Employment Help Wanted


and join the fight for LIFE Volunteer with us / Castlegar Treasurer: Relay for Life / provide pre-event & on-site accounting support, records & deposit of all revenues Annual Giving / collect & deposit all revenues received from Daffodil Campaign volunteers & canvassers Community Treasurer / with Regional Assistant, provide support recording & processing collected revenues Call 800-403-8222 or email to find out more. Apply at anytime

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 33 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1 A21





Help Wanted

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Esthetics Services

Medical Health

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN required at Jenner Chevrolet in Victoria BC. Rare opportunity for a top performing, quality & customer focused team player. Email: Experienced f/t short order cook wanted immediately see menu @ Please apply w/resume and references to scottsinn or fax 250-3729444 Joey’s Restaurant is looking for a Cook, must have 3 years minimum Breakfast experience. Drop off resume LIVE-IN RESIDENTIAL Manager needed for a N/S, N/P 50 unit apartment building in Trail, BC. Send resume to: or mail to 100-3525 Laburnum Drive, Trail, BC V1R 2S9 Part-time Office Administrator/ Propane attendant needed at Cal-Gas Inc. Must be reliable and be proficient in Excel and Word Please send resumes to No phone calls please


Kinnaird Park Community Church wants to hire a fulltime post-secondary student returning to full-time studies in the fall. Previous experience in leadership, administrative duties, recruiting volunteers and computer skills assets. Prefer confident communicator and flexible personality. Full job description available upon email or phone request:; (250)365-3430. Resume applications due April 26th.

MISSION Hill Family Estate Recruitment Open House We’re seeking to build dynamic teams for our 2013 Summer Season and are looking for applicants who share our passion for world-class wine and creating memorable guest service. Bring your resume and join us at the winery Friday, April 12th, 4pm to 6pm 1730 Mission Hill Road, West Kelowna, Okanagan Valley BC, Canada V4T 2E4

Trades, Technical CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165 or GUARANTEED JOB Placement: General Laborers and Tradesmen For Oil & Gas Industry. Call 24hr Free Recorded Message For Information 1-800-972-0209.


I’m HEAD OVER HEEL’S about FOOTCARE & PEDICURES specializing in extreme footcare for men & women EXPERIENCED Bev Chernoff (CMP) Certified Master Pedicurist 250-365-0668 for appt.

Need CA$H Today?

Health Products

Own A Vehicle?

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750


Heavy Duty Machinery

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions Auction Huge 3 Restaurant Like New Equipment Auction. April 20 @ 11 AM at Dodd’s Auction 3311-28 Ave, Vernon. 1-866-545-3259 View photos at .

Business/Office Service ARE YOU applying for or have you been denied Canada Pension Plan disability benefits? Do not proceed alone. Call Allison Schmidt 1-877-793-3222

Garden & Lawn GARDEN Rototilling Bagged Soil Delivery Dana 365-0110.

and Call

HUGE Food Equipment Sale Auction World, Kelowna- New from the manufacturer to auction block! Used from closed restaurants & bailiff seizures or call 1-800-556-5945

Furniture Hand made China Cabinet, twin bunk beds, Fr Prov Dining Table & 4 Chairs Phone 250-365-8207

Garage Sales Blueberry, Sat, April 20th only 10 - 3, 206 West 102nd St Weather permitting Castlegar, Multi Family Garage sale April 20th 8 - 2, 402 Fir St

No Credit Checks!

Small Ads work!

Castlegar Multi Family, some estate items, Sat, Apr 20th 8 - 2, 216 - 8th Ave Cadet Hall 1-800-514-9399

Home Improvements

Legal Services


CASTLEGAR, Sat, April 20th 3301 - 8th Ave, 8 - 3 household items, furniture lots of goodies & junk Reasonable prices Rain or Shine

Borrow Up To $25,000 OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Merchandise for Sale

Sentinel Boarding Kennels Open for the Season. Best RATES in the Kootenay’s 250 359-7433

Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Cut your debts in half & payback in half the time avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500. BBB rated A+ GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Pets & Livestock

Cash same day, local office.

Over 300 Choices Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Laminates - $0.59/sq ft Engineered - $1.99 sq ft Hardwood - $2.79 sq ft

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Overnight Delivery in most of BC!


Castlegar Sat, April 20th 801 Oak St, 9 - 1 Toys, kids clothes size 3 - 7 tools, miscellaneous items free stuff, Rain or Shine no early birds please

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is looking for a Settlement Services Program Coordinator for the community of Castlegar. This is a part-time contract position starting in May. This position includes working with clients, and their families, who are new to Canada and supporting services providers and the community to be more welcoming to new immigrants. The successful person will be responsible for providing information to the clients about the community, programs and services; creating and distributing relocation packages; facilitating information sessions and other duties related to helping new immigrants successfully settle in the community. The ideal candidate will have experience working with adults and families, knowledge and experience working with new immigrants and work well with the CBAL team. This person must be self-motivated and be able to work independently. This position requires some travel in the West Kootenay and Boundary region and a vehicle is required. Please send resumes to by Friday April 26th. For more information call Alana Murdoch at 250-304-6862 or email

JOB POSTING Employment Services Contract Manager Greater Trail Community Skills Centre The Skills Centre in Trail is seeking a leader for the role of Employment Services Contract Manager. The person we are seeking has strong contract management skills with the capacity to balance the demands of a complex contract with quality service delivery and effective team leadership. You’ll have the vision and values needed to guide the delivery of employment services to serve as an asset that supports the social and economic development of our community. Key responsibilities of the role include the overall leadership of employment services, contract and budget management and accountability, quality control of service delivery, staff supervision, team building and strategic and operational planning. For a more detailed job posting go to or contact Closing date is April 22nd, 2013.


Director Human Resources & Corporate Services

Reference Number 1306 The Director, Human Resources & Corporate Services is responsible for developing HR strategies, policies, processes, practices and programs to support the organizations activities including recruitment and selection, performance managements, learning and development, succession planning, pension and benefits, payroll, compensation, and employee relations. The Director is accountable to the President and Chief Executive Officer and works closely with the executive team providing advice and expertise on HR related items. The Director is also accountable to the Board on executive hiring and compensation related items ensuring that the organization is compliant with WKH 3XEOLF 6HFWRU (PSOR\HUV¶ &RXQFLO SROLFLHV DQG JXLGHOLQHV 7KLV UROH LV DOVR UHVSRQVLEOH IRU providing leadership and oversight of corporate services activities. Qualifications: A University degree in Human Resources Management or equivalent with 10+ years of senior Human Resources leadership experience Proven accountability for developing and implementing strategic initiatives and leading all aspects of HR Management Effective verbal and written communications skills with the ability to influence at an executive level up to and including the Board of Directors Solid understanding of business and financial management including budgets, cost controls and financial systems Sound decision maker and problem solver; is willing to make difficult decisions for the betterment of the organization &RQVLGHUDEOH H[SHULHQFH ZLWK WKH WHFKQLFDO DVSHFWV RI WKH 3XEOLF 6HFWRU (PSOR\HUV¶ &RXQFLO would be desirable Columbia Power is a Crown Corporation located in Castlegar, BC in the southern interior of British Columbia. The Castlegar area offers a moderate climate, outstanding indoor/outdoor recreational opportunities, reasonably priced housing, good access to medical care and excellent educational facilities. Columbia Power offers an attractive compensation and benefit package including relocation assistance. To apply for this position, click this link: and attach your cover letter and resume, or email them with the reference number in the subject line to: The closing date is April 29, 2013

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53 in stock. SPECIAL 44’ x 40’ Container Shop w/steel trusses $13,800! Sets up in one day! 40’ Containers under $2500! Call Toll Free Also JD 544 & 644 wheel loaders JD 892D LC Excavator Ph. 1-866-528-7108 Free Delivery BC and AB

Jewels, Furs Diamond engagement ring (Kolmel) princess cut set in gold and palladium. Diamond is nearly flawless and colorless. It is stunning! Appraised at $4100,selling for $3500, OBO. Papers included. Call or text 250 777-1779

Misc. for Sale

AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions; w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 RESTLESS LEG Syndrome & leg cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. Online Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money & save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. or visit us online at: STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206 or visit us online at: Topsoil, Sand, Earl Gravel, Pitrun Gravel, Fill with delivery call for prices 1 250 359-7188 cell 250 304-8158

Misc. Wanted

True Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-250-499-0251

Musical Instruments Musical Instruments, Lessons Books & Accessories P.A. lighting sales & rentals BAY AVENUE MUSIC, TRAIL 250-368-8878

Real Estate Apt/Condos for Sale Castlegar Unit #11 Stellar Place

2 bdrm/2 bath/corner unit new flooring thru out baseboards/paint renovated kitchen oak cabinets with pullouts screened porch/central vac/new hot water tank 55 plus adult community Price $250,000/to view Call 250-365-9661


FREE Market Evaluation Air Miles/Moving Trailer GREG GRITCHIN

Century21Mountainview Realty 1-250-365-9791


Duplex lot, can be commercial, all services. 3010 First Rd. $83,000. 250-442-7130. No messages.


Real Estate



Mobile Homes & Parks

Auto Financing

Cars - Domestic 2003 PONTIAC GRAND AM, Loaded, 180,000kms, dark metallic green, c/w winters on rims. Excellent car, no problems, ready to go. Must sell. $3,900. obo. 250-231-4034 Mustang Convertible 2010, Black w/cream interior, pristine condition, retiree owned, 21086/km, vinaudit available, asking $24,600. 250-442-5810

RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.


Legal Notices

Apt/Condo for Rent Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $725/mth + utilities, 365-5070, leave msg

Commercial/ Industrial CASTLEGAR

ROBSON Mobile Home for rent, Refer & Criminal check required, Call 250-304-4862

Homes for Rent 3 BDRM house for rent in Castlegar. F/S, D/W, W/D, N/S, N/P, refs req’d. Available May 1st. $1150/mo + utilities. Call # 1-778-930-0534 or # 1250-832-5913. CASTLEGAR DT, 4 Bdrm yard, lot of parking, N/A Pets nego, W/D, F/S, Avail May 1st, $1200/mth + utilities Call 250-869-2207 GLASS HOUSE on the Water Beautifully Furnished, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2000 sq.ft. Esquisite views in every direction: river, forest, gardens. 8 mins to Nelson. Private dock. $1950./mo. see 20 photos: google Nelson Realty - 3215 Fisherman Road. Avail monthly & long term. Call (520)248-6767. RECENTLY Renovated 1BDR Home Blueberry Creek Ns/Np w/d References required, $750 mo. + utilities 250-365-2384

Suites, Lower Castlegar 2 Bdrm basement suite, unfurnished, Private Ent & Patio, Oglow sub $700/mth + 1/2 electrical Avail May 1st, 250-365-6895 South Castlegar 2 Bdrm basement suite $650/mth includes utilities, N/P, N/S 250-365-2034

Suites, Upper DT Castlegar 2 Bdrm Basement Suite, F/S, DW, Shared W/D, N/S, N/P, $850/mth + 1/2 Utilities, References required, Avail May 1st, Phone 250-304-4806 please leave msg

Want to Rent Retired Single Gent N/S, requires modest rental Rural Castlegar, Blueberry Thrums preferred Phone 250-399-4330





Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

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Legal Notices

Notice is Hereby Given that all persons having claims against the Estate of DAVID JOHN SWETLAND, also know as DAVID SWETLAND, Deceased, formerly of Villican, British Columbia, who died on October 4, 2008, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned PETER ELLIOTT SWETLAND, Administrator, on or before June 15, 2013, after which date the Estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.

1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034

Mobile Homes & Pads

Book Your Classified Ad Now



Peak Physique at 279 Columbia Ave has moved leaving 1800 sq ft Prime Main floor area with 2400 sq ft lower level with kitchen ladies/men change rooms & showers. For information call Peter 250-365-7551

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News

DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557

Legal Notices


Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by TM Mobile Inc., of Burnaby, BC, on behalf of the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for a License of Occupation for the purpose of communication site on Provincial Crown land in the vicinity of Castlegar (Cai Creek Forest Service Road) containing 0.023 hectares more or less. The MFLNRO File Number that has been established for this application is 4405267. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook BC, V1C7G1 or email to: Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until May 31, 2013. Front Counter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website: ApplicationPosting/search.jsp and look up the applications with the file numbers listed above. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the MFLNRO regional office in Cranbrook.


1 Invitation reminder letters 5 Tape player button 10 ‘80s pop duo with an exclamation point in its name 14 Renaissance painter Guido 15 Indian city 16 Sharpen 17 #2: Abbr. 18 Like some checking accounts 19 Cry after being tagged 20 *Web page index 22 *”Keep in touch!” 24 Start of a boast 25 “Middle of Nowhere” director DuVernay 27 Prohibit 28 Restaurant survey creator 29 Tease 30 Smacked, biblically 31 Steven Chu’s Cabinet dept. 32 Mononymous “Rumour Has It” singer 34 Used peepers on 35 “Firework” singer Perry 37 Exile isle 39 Debacle 42 Soda buys 46 Mac interface

47 *Comics supervillain whose real name is Charles Brown 51 Start to push? 52 Clarified butter 54 “__ Believer”: ‘60s hit 55 Retailer T.J. ___ 56 Knock out of contention 61 Personal partner? 64 It goes around the world 68 Flat container 69 Ice cream treats 70 With 71-Across, what the answers to starred clues contain? 71 See 70-Across


1 Lingerie spec 2 “Absolutely!” 3 Treading the boards 4 *Vampire victim’s souvenir 5 Flamboyant Dame 6 Where to find a lot of answers? 7 Impish sort 8 Like some vitamins 9 Cake level 10 *Chicken choice 11 Inner city buddy 12 Produce, as cartoons

13 Like most cabs 21 Was introduced to 23 Passports, e.g. 26 Contend 32 Yours, in Tours 33 Big name in scat 36 Cry from Cathy of comics 38 Trash repository 39 Weather for low beams 40 Moderating suffix 41 Terminate 43 Green org. 44 T. __ 45 What F or M may denote 48 “It takes a licking

...” watch 49 U.K. record label 50 Leonine neck features 53 Sought morays 55 Gettysburg general 57 Brain part 58 “And the race __!” 59 Blue hue 60 Mao Tse-__ 61 Seat, in slang 62 NYG NFL rival 63 Fish-and-chips fish 65 Basking goal 66 Where age always goes before beauty, briefly 67 The ANC’s country

Castlegar News Thursday, April 18, 2013 A23

Community ShelterGuides respite worker program, making life safer, Part 2 SUBMITTED cont. from April 11 issue

ShelterGuides offers an exciting, interactive 14-week program designed to equip students with a solid foundation that will prepare them for employment as a home share and respite care provider. The ShelterGuides innovative approach to training features learning through storytelling about real life scenarios, and includes current information on respectful, person-centred sup-

port for individuals with disabilities (and others with special care needs) in home and community settings. The ShelterGuides website also plans to provide a hub for community connecting through an active forum among home share and respite providers and a resource database. Who should take this course? People who want to build or expand their skillfulness as care providers, and want to enhance their philosophy of

care. This course is for those just starting their career, as well as for experienced support workers and care providers seeking professional development. The ShelterGuides Home Share & Respite Care course is inspired by parents, informed by providers and responsive to the needs of real people doing this important and valuable work. The course is delivered through three face to face days and 11 on-line sessions through an easy

to use online instruction platform called Moodle. One graduate of the pilot offering commented, “I found this course to be incredibly refreshing, it re-awoke the open thinking that all in our field of work should have. There is a wealth of information for those new to the field and a refreshing wake up for those familiar with care and support. I have found the knowledge I learned in this program to be transferable to chil-

dren in childcare, children in school as well as in adult care and support. The online concept is great and the format has made learning while working a comfortable enjoyable experience. This entire experience was inspirational and although I am thrilled to have completed the Shelter Guides program I am a bit sad that it’s over!” Another graduate said, “The SG course was a fantastic journey with a huge amount of learn-

ing done in a very simple way, yet well structured in terms of learning outcomes for an online format. Having already done an undergraduate degree outside this field, I found that my level of learning from this course had a greater impact and “stick-with-it in my brain” and functional objectives. “ There is a huge demand for respite care providers, serving all ages. Home share co-ordinating agencies are always looking for skilled and

trained home share providers. The current offering of this training started March 25 – and the next offering is planned for September 2013. Course cost is $750. Text cost is $75 + GST. Some financial support may be available. Call Selkirk College Continuing Education to register at 250-3651208. Check out the course outline and FAQ link at www.

Jane Green, Selkirk College

MAY 2013

GENERAL ELECTION The 40th Provincial General Election is Underway. Who Can Vote? You can vote if you are: • 18 years of age or older, or will be 18 on General Voting Day (May 14, 2013) • a Canadian citizen, and • a resident of British Columbia for the past six months Voter Registration is Easy Register online at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683 until April 23, 2013. If you aren’t registered by April 23, you can register when you vote. You’ll need identification that proves both your identity and residential address. A complete list of acceptable identification is available from Elections BC. How to Nominate a Candidate A candidate must be nominated in writing by 75 eligible voters of the electoral district. Nomination kits are available from your District Electoral Officer or online at Deadline for Nominations Nominations must be delivered to your District Electoral Officer by 1 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, April 26, 2013.

BC Has More Ways to Vote All voters can:


Vote in any district electoral office from now until 4 p.m. (Pacific time) on General Voting Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2013.

Get our App for iPhones and iPads to find the closest voting place and for information you need to vote.

Vote by Mail You can ask for a Vote by Mail package from your district electoral office or through the Elections BC website at

Or, contact your district electoral office.

Vote at advance voting Voters can attend any advance voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11. All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible.

Kootenay West 1398 McQuarrie St Trail, BC (250) 364-6108

Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Vote on General Voting Day Voters can attend any general voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Election Workers Required Over 37,000 election officials are required to work at voting places in the province. View the job descriptions at Please apply in person at your district electoral office. Any Questions? For further information visit Elections BC’s website at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683. 1-800-661-8683 TTY 1-888-456-5448




Thursday, April 18, 2013 Castlegar News


le Oven Tall-Tub Dishwasher . • 14 place settings • Orbit wash system n n each oven • Sanitize cycle

Storage drawers optional

Dryer 7.0 cu. ft. Capacity • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels • Reversible door • Drum light

Washer 3.8 cu. ft. Capacity • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels • Advanced vibration control system • TimeWise™ Technology







599 21 cu. ft.






Stainless Steel Over The Range Microwave • 1.8 cu. ft. capacity • 1000 watts / 400 CFM fan • Sensor cook

15 cu. ft.

See details on page 8

28.5 cu. ft. French Door Refrigerator with Ice & Water Dispenser • TwinCooling Plus keeps food fresh longer • LED lighting • CoolSelect 3 pantry options

449 13 cu. ft.

30” Convection Self-Clean Range 5.9 cu. ft. • 5 element ceramic glass cook-top • True convection • SteamQuick-20 min. clean time


1899 $ $1699 9 1899 449 $1699 ft. French Door


$1099 Limited Quantities

269 $699 PAIR $1099 PAIR • $NO INTEREST 1099


Tall-Tub Dishwasher • 14 place settings • Stainless steel tub • Digital leakage sensor

Storage drawers optional

7 cu. ft.



Steam Washer 4.3 cu. ft • 11 cycles/4 options • Direct Driver Transmission • Superior Vibration Reduction Technology™

599 599

$ $ft. UprightOven Freezers 21Tall-Tub & 17 cu.Dishwasher Gallery 30” Electric Double

• Expandable elements

6 $1597 6 $1597


SAME AS CASH* *See details on page 8



Storage drawers optional

5 cu. ft.

Dryer 7.0 cu. ft. Capacity Washer 3.8 cu. ft. Capacity Storage drawers optional CChest Freezers • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels ••2Advanced lift-out storage baskets light • Reversible Dryer 7.0door cu. ft. Capacity Washer 3.8 cu. ft.• Power Capacity vibration • 5 cycles • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels • Drum light/ 5 temp. levels control system • Reversible • AdvancedTechnology vibration • TimeWise™ REG door • Drum light control system $ • TimeWise™ Technology

599 $599


NOW $ $ 21 cu. ft.

549 549


499 499

$ $15 cu. ft.

$ 21 cu. ft. 17 cu. ft. PAYMENTS We Don’t Sell. $ We Help You Buy!




Sofa $1199 Love Seat $1169 3 PC. SILVERMIST our website @ APPLIANCES KITCHEN MONTHS 3Visit PC. SILVERMIST $150 SAVE • NO APPLIANCES KITCHEN (When you purchase Fridge, Range & Dishwasher) MONTHS PAYMENTS Serving B.C. & $150 SAVE • NO • NO INTEREST Alberta since 1976 (When you purchase Fridge, Range & Dishwasher)


Steam Dryer 7.3 cu. ft. • 9 Drying cycles/4 temps • 4 way venting • Drum light/Sensor dry



100% Leather Sofa & Love Seat PAIR

Tall-Tub Dishwasher • Adjustable door bins Self-Clean Range 7 cu. ft. • 14 place settings u. ft. French Door Gallery 30” Electric Double Oven Dishwasher • 14 pc. place setting tilt-out shelf •• Orbit Lock Tall-Tub with key washpop-out system • Fan convection on top• Tall oven Self-Clean Range 7 cu. ft. • Food disposer/Delay startcooking capacity in each oven • Sanitize • 14 place settings cycle • 28lb turkey Upright Freezer 13wash cu. ft. • Orbit system • Fan convection on top oven n size bins • Expandable elements • 3 evaporator shelves lower basket • 28lb turkey cooking capacity in each oven • Sanitize• 1cycle

on size bins




$ $




$ $399 STAINLESS STEEL • NO INTEREST 17 cu. ft. $399 KITCHEN STAINLESS STEEL Gallery OTR ON ELECTRONICS Microwave & APPLIANCES APPLIANCES • 1.7 cu. ft. capacity/1000 watts KITCHEN Gallery OTR Microwave APPLIANCES • 1.7 cu. ft. capacity/1000 watts $1999 $ $999



See details on page 8


Locally Owned & Operated

We reserve the right to limit quantities. While we strive for accuracy in product description and pricing (which can be amended without prior notice by the manufacturer), we cannot be held responsible for technical or typographical errors which may appear in this flyer. Product availability may vary from store to store. Some pictures may not be identical to current models. Sale ends April 21/2013

17 cu. ft.

See details on page 8

15 cu. ft.

269 269

$399 STAINLESS STEEL $ KITCHEN Gallery OTR Microwave ft. APPLIANCES $13 cu. • 1.7 cu. ft. capacity/1000 watts

449 449

$ $7 cu. ft.

7 cu. ft.

13 cu. ft.

649 649

$ Mount$Refrigerator

649 649

$ $ 30” Ceran Top Self-Clean

449 449

$ $1899 Tall-Tub Dishwasher $

Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 6 pm Fri. 9 am - 8 pm Sat. 9 am - 6 pm • Sun. 11 am - 5 pm Visit us online at

3 PC. SILVERMIST KITCHEN APPLIANCES SAVE $150 (When you purchase Fridge, Range & Dishwasher)







••NO INTEREST SAME AS CASH* See details on page 8




229 229

$ $5 cu. ft.

Upright Freezers 21 & 17 cu. ft. $ $ door bins • Adjustable Range 5.3 cu. ft. Upright Freezers 21with & 17Tall-Tub cu. ft.Dishwasher Safe™ glass shelves • 14 27.8 pc. place setting Tall tilt-outDouble shelf Oven • Lock pop-out key Gallery cu. ft. French Door Gallery• 30” Electric op Mount Refrigerator • Expandable Dishwasher 30” Ceran Top Self-Clean Refrigerator door bins • 14 place settings • FoodTall-Tub disposer/Delay start Self-Clean• Adjustable Range 7 cu. ft. element Freezer 13• with cu. ft. Range 5.3 cu. ft. Orbit wash systemkey llSafe™ glass shelves • Fan convection on top oven • 14 pc. place setting • TallUpright tilt-out shelf • Lock pop-out • 3 evaporator shelves • 1 lower • Sanitize cyclebasket • 28lb turkey cooking capacity in each oven er • Food disposer/Delay start • Expandable element • Store-more™ gallon size bins • Expandable elements Upright Freezer 13 cu. ft. e • 3 evaporator shelves • 1 lower basket




StorageFreezers drawers optional 5 cu. ft. Chest • 2 lift-out storage baskets • Power Dryer 7.0 cu. ft. Capacity Washer 3.8 cu. ft. Capacity light • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels • 5 cycles / 5 temp. levels Chest Freezers • Advanced vibration •control 2 lift-out storage baskets • Power•• Reversible light door Drum light system

• TimeWise™ Technology

$599 Ave. Castlegar 1919 Columbia



17 cu. ft.

21 cu. ft. 250.365.5999 $

499 15 cu. ft.


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