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Getting a chance to dance
RCMP respond to vehicle break-ins ...............................5
Rick Scott performing all ages show ..............................13
COTR student receives CBT award ...............................14
Local 10-year-old dancer, Madison Durand, got a chance to shine during the performance of Mis Herman as by Flamenco Rosario at the Golden Civic Centre on April 13. To read more about her experience turn to page 13. To see more photos of the show go to The Golden Star website or Facebook page. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Wilsgard accepts CAO position with Town Jessica Schwitek
Golden Dolphins are now taking registration ..............................15
The Town of Golden has found their new Chief Administrative Officer in a familiar face. After unanimously voting in a closed meeting, council offered the position to Jon Wilsgard, who was in the position of manager of corporate services for the Town for the past six years. “It was a surprise. I thought there would be a recruitment process, and that perhaps I would apply,” said Wilsgard. “I was surprised, I really
2013 Annual Golden Rotary GIGANTIC Silent Auction
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wasn’t expecting that. It’s a real honour.” After a long career in government including BC Parks, the Forest Service, and Golden Area Initiatives, Wilsgard finally feels like he is ready for the major responsibility of the CAO position. But he is still moving forward cautiously. “I have an arrangement with council that I can return to my former position within the next little while, depending on how things go… In fairness to council, I want to make sure I can do this job,” he said. The Town is facing some challenges moving
forward, and Wilsgard would like to take some time with council to evaluate the municipal government’s role in the community. “One of my focuses with council is going to be really looking meaningfully at what the municipality’s role is. What is it that we do? We are a municipal government that is all over the place, we do tons of different things. And many of the things we do are things that other local governments wouldn’t dream of doing, it’s too much,” he said. Continued on page 5
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Golden museum honours early settler
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Jessica Schwitek One of Golden's original citizens, and the first merchant to set up shop in the area, is being honoured with an exhibit at the Golden Museum. Baptiste Morigeau, anticipating the route of the railway, came to
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what was then known as The Cache, in 1883. "Baptiste Morigeau declared to all the people around the table at the old motel that we were going to change the name of the town from The Cache to Golden City. And they broke a bottle of rum on a wagon wheel," said Colleen Palumbo, executive director of the museum. For the grand opening of the exhibit on April 26, Palumbo has invited great great grandson of Morigeau, Paul Ricard, to commemorate that moment. "We have the wagon wheel out front, so we're going to do that again, and it's the 130th anniversary of that happening." Morigeau, although only residing in Golden for three years, has a long history in the
fy some of our visitors who come here looking for information on the Native people who lived in Golden, because there weren't any," she said. With some help from local artist Donna Lea Ringer, the exhibit will include some special pieces, made as authentically as possible. She contributed some finger weaving, made with naturally dyed wool, birch bark baskets, and moccasins made from naturally tanned deer hides, and bound with authentic sinew. She has also put together a "medicinal" section, where she has gathered some traditional remedies, and compared them with what we use today for the same ailments. "She (Ringer) is so
amazingly detailed. I told her she didn't have to go through all that work, but she wanted it to be right," said Palumbo. Between now and the opening, Palumbo will be busy rearranging the museum, making room for the new permanent exibit. The grand opening reception, by invitation, is at 4 p.m. on April 26. It will be open to the public at 4:30 p.m., where they will be serving 200 bowls of soup and bannock. “So if you’re interested in coming out and trying some traditional Métis soup and bannock, you’re certainly welcome. There will also be some dancing and some drumming,” said Palumbo. Kickin Thyme Catering will be providing the soup.
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valley. After his first wife, Collette Kinbasket (daughter of the hereditary Chief of the Kinbasket Nation) passed away, he needed another wife to help him with his three children. He wrote to St. Eugene's Mission near Cranbrook, and they sent him a new wife, Theresa. They went on to have 11 children together. But when his children started to get older, he found that he was too far away from their school in Cranbrook, so he moved the family to Windermere. Morigeau was of Métis decent, so Palumbo has incorporated Métis culture into the exhibit. "I hope that it's going to be interesting for the Métis people, and I hope that it's going to satis-
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Kindergarten student Ella Janes gets swallowed up by a pair of firefighter’s pants during her class’s relay race at the Golden Fire Hall. Assistant Fire Chief Chris Findley helped her through the race in her oversized gear. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A3
Lucky winner supports minor hockey
The Golden Women’s Resource Centre & Victim Services Presents...
Bearing witness to violence against women in our community. BBQ FUNDRAISER & DISPLAY When: Thursday, April 18th Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm Location: Kumsheen Park (across from movie theatre) Or Sobey’s if it is raining Cost: Food & Beverages by donation for the Golden Safe Home Program providing shelter to women & children fleeing violence
Reflections Hair Studio
The Golden Minor Hockey Association announced the winner for a special draw they did at the end of their season. Jeanette LaFleur of Golden won two tickets to a Calgary Flames vs. Vancouver Canucks and $300 in Pre-paid Visa Cards. Const. Monique Prefontaine made the draw and is pictured with Hunter Thorne, Evan Tsadilas, Carter Thorne and Braxton Gulliford. Photo Submitted
Budget passes and contract awarded in Golden Jessica Schwitek Zoning Bylaw The Town of Golden held a public hearing to listen to feedback regarding the proposed change in zoning to the former RCMP building. The Town was proposing to change the designation from “community care” to “community education” to allow School District 6 to use the building (which they currently own) for their alternative school.
There are some proposed renovations to the building, including removing the yellow roof to make it look more residential, and removing the interior offices to create a large classroom. There were no comments made in the public hearing, and council approved the zoning change in their regular open council meeting the same evening. Janitorial Services Contract The Town of Golden Council has
awarded a three-year janitorial services contract to Kicking Horse Janitorial. The company was chosen because written recommendations from previous clients indicate that the Town can expect a higher level of service from Kicking Horse Janitorial, and because they can provide that service at four per cent less than what the Town is currently paying. The contract covers the janitorial services of five municipal buildings for three years.
Budget Passes The Town of Golden Five-Year Financial Plan was adopted during the regular open council meeting on April 9. The document went through some rigorous debate. Due to increases in operational costs, cuts had to be made to avoid a tax increase to cover costs. Council did, however, approve a two per cent tax increase to build up an Asset Renewal Reserve. The financial plan was adopted without much discussion.
Resident proposes new green space Jessica Schwitek For several years now, Deanna Anderson has had the same problem with trespassing on her property. And after many attempts to find a solution, she has approached Town Council with a compromise. Anderson, the Chairperson of the Parkland Gardens Strata Council, lives in a neighbourhood that Mayor Christina Benty describes as “the victim of ancient poor planning.” The pathway from the river goes to Riverglen, and then stops. Anyone wanting to get from Riverglen to 5th Avenue, or onto Fisher Road, has nowhere to go except through private property said Anderson. “This is not the first time I have been here on this issue,” said Anderson, who for years has dealt with trespassing, and even vandalism, as a result of this problem. “What my proposal here is, if I was able to secure some funds, and it may take me a couple years… to buy the vacant property, which is up
for sale right now, and create a park.” Anderson has previously approached the Town in hopes of having an easement created alongside the strata property, but didn’t make much headway. This time, she is coming to council with the incentive of a brand new green space in hopes it will gain more support from both the Town, and the residents in the neighbourhood. “This would be a huge asset to this neighbourhood,” she said. The property that Anderson says is ideal for the project is currently zoned for multi dwellings. There are grants available for the development of green spaces, but Anderson does not want to go through all the work of securing the funds if in the end, the property cannot be rezoned. Her purpose of presenting to council was to find out if this project was possible, and to find out if council would support her efforts. Council voted to refer the issue to staff. They will work with Anderson, and explore some solutions, and then present back to council.
Only Coun. Keith Hern opposed, having previously stated that not enough reductions had been made.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Candidates prepare for final election push leading into May Darryl Crane
A springtime election is coming up in May and so far three candidates have stepped up to try and garner enough votes to become the Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA. NDP candidate Norm Macdonald, BC Liberals candidate Doug Clovechok and BC Conservatives candidate Earl Olsen are all preparing for a busy month leading up to the May vote. Macdonald is the two-term MLA for the area, but sees a difference in this year’s election. “It is about personal contact. I think in 2005 and 2009 the people here knew they were electing an opposition member. I think what is different about this campaign is that there will likely be a change in government,” Macdonald said. He added that running a campaign with the aim of forming the government means that the platform laid out by the NDP has to be very clear about what the future plans will be. “We have spent the last two years laying out a platform where we can make improvement in people’s lives. We have to be very clear that it fits within a constrained fiscal framework,” he said. Clovechok said that the last two years have been a great experience for him and he is looking forward to the campaign. “I have been working towards this goal for the last two years. To be this close to the finish line is very exciting,” Clovechok said. “I am humbled by the level of support I have received from the people during this campaign.” The economy has been on the mind of
many of the people who have been meeting with the Liberal candidate. “What I am hearing from people is that their major focus is to maintain a strong economy. Through a strong economy you end up with a secure future,” he said. “Here in Columbia River-Revelstoke we are seeing businesses close down and we have to start attracting investors here.” Olsen explained people in British Columbia need to see there is another option open to them. “We need to have the opportunity to present an alternative to the people in the riding. My involvement started with a belief that we should change what we are doing while we still can change what we are doing,” he said. “I think it is critical. There is very little difference between the other two parties in terms of their financial models, governments policies and the structure under which they would govern us for the next four years.” Macdonald said the BC Liberals have been making promises about the budget and deficit that just do not add up in the real world. “I think that people understand where we are going to be starting from,” he said. “Any new spending we have, that the NDP is proposing, has to be explained. So the first thing we have done is, where will any additional revenue come from? It will come from a move from 11 per cent to 12 per cent in the corporate tax rate. There will be a reinstatement of the capital tax on financial institutions which is the bank tax. There will also be a move from 16.5 per cent to 19 per cent on any money an individual earns over $150,000.” Clovechok said this type of taxation system will not help B.C. move forward.
“The NDP are the NDP. Our party focuses on a strong economy with a secure tomorrow. I think the main difference between us and the NDP is that their tax regime is going to hurt the province. They are going to raise taxes and they do have a hidden agenda provincially. We are the yes party. We want to bolster the economy. We want investors to come into our province. We want to keep taxes low. We want to create jobs. We want people to have a secure focus for their families for their futures,” he said. “The NDP are going tax this and tax that but no one knows how they are going to pay for it.” Clovechok added that in his opinion the BC Liberals have a balanced budget and that this was important for people to know. Olsen said that the deficit has grown over the past 20 years under both of the other parties’ plans. “We need to have less taxation, not more. We need to have better and less government, not more. Less regulations and better regulations,” he said. “It is very scary when you look at the economy out here. Virtually everything throughout the valley is for sale — house after house, property after property. The ‘for sale’ signs are leaning because they are not selling. We as a party represent change. We can bring to this equation new ideas, far more sound fiscal management and hopefully create a business growable economy.” In the end Macdonald said, “You have to look after children. There will be investments there. You have to look after seniors. There will be investments there. You have to look after the land. You have to get the basics right and look after poverty.” Meanwhile Clovechok stressed how important this election is for the future of
the province. “This is one of the most important elections in the history of British Columbia. People ask me if it is a right or left wing approach. I say that is not true. The message I would give to people is that we are at a very important juncture. This is about moving forward or moving backwards. If people choose to want to move forward and get this province to where it could be, then that is the BC Liberals. If they want to move backwards and have higher taxes and more government then they have a choice,” he said. “If they close to hire me then they are going to get a way different MLA than they have right now. I tend to be more hands on in working with the communities and people and actually being able to demonstrate some measurable results.” Olsen said that when he talks to younger people with families in the area, they are leaving because they can not make a living in the area. “We have to find the things that bring people here. We need to find the things that grow the economy,” he said. He added that the condition of the Trans Canada Highway is something that must change to help the area. “That road is a lifeline across the country…It is absolutely pathetic. That road should be a four-lane highway (with a seperation in the middle) or at least a fourway road. To have a two lane road in that condition is pathetic.” he said. “I am running because I believe B.C. has to change. I believe in what we have here. I believe in the people, resource economies and all of the synergies we need to make this the leader it should be,” he said. “If we don’t change we will stay in the same static mud hole we have been in.”
Wildsight concerned about motor bike traffic near Reflection Lake Jessica Schwitek Golden Council has directed staff to look into some concerns raised by Wildsight regarding activity at
Reflection Lake. Joan Dolinsky, president of the local chapter of Wildsight, sent a letter to council requesting their assistance in getting the user groups of Reflection Lake to work togeth-
er to maintain the environmental integrity of the area. “It was a request of Council, and Town, to look into some concerns they have with the Reflection Lake area, and the motor
bike traffic there,” said Coun. Caleb Moss during the council meeting on April 9. “There’s a conflict of uses, and rather than running into multi group conflicts, they’re asking for someone to get involved to provide some clarity.” One of Dolinsky’s main concerns, out-
lined in the letter, is that over the years, motorized users have accessed the area adjacent to Reflection Lake on the east side, making it very noisy for the bird watching, and other non-motorized activities in the area. The Reflection Lake site, owned by the Town of Golden,
has undergone some unauthorized work, including clearing of the land and reconfiguring the terrain, which Wildsight is concerned has damaged the sight. “As one of the interested user groups and as part of our stewardship of the environment, Wildsight asks
that the Town of Golden instigates a process, the goal of which will be to establish a more appropriate area for motorized use and the eventual restoration of the damaged site, which has great potential to provide upland nesting and habitat for many species,” the letter said.
GADSAR update: Sledder recues Call to Silent Pass Saturday March 9 At approximately 3 p.m., GADSAR responded to a medical call in the Silent Pass area for a male sledder. Two SAR members responded via helicopter. Skier found out of bounds Sunday March 17 GADSAR was asked to assist the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort mountain safety team in a search for an out of bounds missing skier. Four members of GADSAR attended the scene and the young male skier was found unharmed.
For more information, please visit
Sledder search Saturday March 23 At approximately 2 p.m., GADSAR received a
call from Kimberley SAR requesting assistance with a missing male sledder. GADSAR provided avalanche professionals, CARDA (avalanche rescue dogs) resources and organized avalanche rescue assistance to Kimberley SAR in their search. Sledder treated in Laing Creek Friday March 29 GADSAR was called out by the RCMP to assist with an injured male sledder in the Laing Creek area. Three GADSAR members flew to the area where they attended to a single male sledder who had sustained significant injuries. GADSAR members treated the individual and flew him back to Golden where he was handed off to BC Ambulance Service. Thanks to Dogtooth Climbing Gym GADSAR would like to thank the Dogtooth Climbing Gym for hosting a great training evening at their facility. Thanks Ian!
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A5
RCMP Report: Vehicle targeted for break-in Golden Star Staff Car alarm thwarts car break in A north Golden resident woke to the sound of his or her car alarm and footsteps on the porch. A neighbour also heard the alarm and after heading out to see what was happening, discovered their vehicle had been rummaged through. A suspect was seen
fleeing west toward the Louisiana Pacific mill and was only described as wearing a black hoodie. Theft from vehicle 2013-04-09 There was a theft from a vehicle in west Golden area. A number of miscellaneous items were taken from the vehicle.
Vehicle collisions near Golden 2013-04-11 Police responded to two motor vehicle collisions on Thursday morning after the spring dusting of snow. The first occurred on Highway 1 east of Golden while the other incident happened in the Blaeberry. No injuries were reported in either incident.
A great show at the Golden Home and Lifestyle Show Darryl Crane The Golden Home and Lifestyle Show is set to happen in Golden on April 26-27. After months of planning things are coming together for the event, according to the manger of the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce, Ruth Hamilton. “The planning for the show is going great. We are almost sold out with only a couple of booths up for grabs. If you would like to showcase your business or organization to over 1,000 target local shoppers, stop by the KHCCC this week to snatch up that last spot,” she said. Hamilton sees the event as a great weekend to promote local business, and provides the best value for advertising. “Yes it’s a long and challenging weekend, but the long term benefits for your business are
huge. If you don’t at least consider it, you are really missing out,” she said. Hamilton added the show will have some great vendors that will have great items for the camping season and more. “It is spring! This is an event to encompass the community after a long winter. We want people to come to the show, enjoy some music, catch up with friends and acquaintances and celebrate the change in season.” On Friday night the Town of Golden Spring Community Connections Night will be taking place right next door to the Golden Curling Club in the Golden Arena Lobby. There will also be different entertainment and demonstrations on stage every hour at the event. “I have been speaking to lots of people and the details will be in the April 24 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show centre pullout of the Golden
The Golden Home and Lifestyle Show will happen at the Golden Curling Club on April 26-27. Star Photo Star. So far I have the Mel Hynes and The Kootenay Legends, Zumbatonic , Shape Up Fitness and yoga demonstrations,” Hamilton said. If you would like to sign up to perform an act or do a children’s activity please feel free to contact the chamber of commerce in Golden at 250-344-7125. There will also be events for children who will be at the show. “Jane Frances Powell with Wildsight will
be having seed planting activities for the children, there will be Zumbatonic and child friendly yoga,” Hamilton said. The College of the Rockies hairdressing class will be raising funds for the Cops for Kids, and people are encouraged to visit the College of the Rockies booth at the event. There will be a free community pancake breakfast on Saturday morning for all to enjoy. The breakfast event is sponsored by
Town CAO enters new job cautiously Continued from page 1 “Right now we’re facing a personnel deficit. We just lost our bylaw officer, and Mag de Grace, our wonderful planning assistant, has just resigned. Taking this job, I am balancing this position with my former job, so there’s a deficit there.” After less than a week into the new position, Wilsgard is a little nervous about the road ahead of him, but is grateful for both the vote of confidence he has received from council, and the example his predecessors have set for him. “It’s always good to have predecessors there that you can work from… It’s wonderful when you can work well with someone, and watch what they do. Both David Allen and Phil Taylor were excellent at helping me gain the confidence that I have now,” he said. And it is the people who he works with, and works for, that make the job worth doing. A public servant at heart, Wilsgard is happiest in a position where he can serve the community. And
part of serving the community means having an open line of communication with the municipality. “I thrive on being able to be someone meaningful in a small community, where I can help as many people as possible. That’s the most important thing for me,” said Wilsgard, adding that having a good staff around him is a key component to that. “There’s some things I am definitely not good at, and that’s why you have good staff around you.” Wilsgard is also grateful to have a strong Mayor and council to work with, who have raised the bar as far as public engagement goes. “Christina (Benty) is inarguably the most engaged mayor of a small community in this province. She does the position honour,” he said. “Our council is diverse, and stunningly engaged in many things that you wouldn’t think of… It’s a pretty cool, diverse group of officials that I work for.”
Columbia Basin Trust and the food will be prepared to perfection by the Golden Rotary Club.
Golden Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, April 23 at 7:00pm Kicking Horse River Lodge GOLDEN AND DIS TR IC T ROD & GUN CLUB The Golden District Rod and Gun Club would like to sincerely thank the following persons and businesses for making our annual banquet and fundraiser a huge success: Eli and Joan, and the entire chef crew. Ron Nemecek (bar) Ray Bird (music) John Stewart Vivid Hair Lordco Elite Nutrition Golden Star Fountain tire Shear Perfection Down Memory Lanes Taps Moon Café Plain Jane and Wayne Merc Flooring & Paint Zodiac Hemp Mountain Motor Sport River House Tavern Avalanche Solutions Alpine Auto Centre Kal Tire Golden Installations Selkirk Service Husqavarna Just Because Moberly Mechanical Red Tomato Pies
Sassy’s Hair & Fashion Kicking Horse Interiors Home Hardware OK Tire Motor Tech Eleven22 Turning Point Wolfs Den Madd Trapper Omega Fas Gas Tim Hortons Shell Legendz A&W Subway Petro Canada Chevron The Firepit Insarsia Smittys Prestige Econolodge Travelodge Columbia Diesel
Behind the Wheel If You Were Responsible for Traffic Safety The aim of traffic enforcement is not to raise revenue for the government. Too often I hear the words “cash grab” in relation to traffic tickets. Like it or not, this is our current system for attempting to dissuade drivers from practicing behaviours that put themselves or others at risk on our highways. Money is an efficient tool to assign value to something and we have a well organized system for transferring it. The traffic laws codify how we are to behave when we drive and the ticketing system provides the deterrent by setting a value based on the risk involved in the particular bad behaviour. Penalty points are a negative reinforcement for those who fail to follow the rules more frequently. Is this a good system? Like anything else, it depends on your point of view. If you are the recipient of a ticket I doubt that you are likely to be pleased. If you are a recipient of the effects of poor driving behaviour, pehaps you feel that it doesn’t go far enough. It’s not perfect, but it is what we have. So, what would you do if you were responsible for traffic safety? Would you make small changes or institute a completely different system for encouraging safe driving? Send your thoughts to tickets@drivesmartbc. ca and I will post them with this article on the DriveSmartBC web site. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit www.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Trail respect
A Conservation question
As the winter season melts away many people will soon be getting ready to head back out to the trails around Golden to walk, run, ride a bike or go for a ride on all terrain vehicles. This is a great time of the year for many people. After a cold winter, when getting around was not always - My Way the easiest thing to do, now almost everyone By Darryl Crane can enjoy the great outdoors. For all that is great about this type of freedom, it can lead to conflicts between the people who are walking and others who ride bikes or use a motorized vehicle. Environmentally, questions have been raised about the damage these machines do to the trails where they are used. Golden is an area between many parks where the use of ATVs is not permitted. Thus it has become a natural destination for many people to come and use their machines. This is nothing new for Golden. People come to the area all winter long with their snowmobiles and use the trails and head off into the backcountry. This is a valuable resource for the community. In these tough economic times the visitors bring money to the area and support many local businesses. There are different groups in the community who work hard to keep the bike, walking and other trails in the best conditions possible, so when people from the community want to head outside they have safe places to go. There is no easy answer to this contentious issue. For those people who think that the loud machines should not be used in the area that belief is strong. For the ATV riders the trails provide a great getaway that they enjoy. As for bicycles and walkers, the issue can be seen much closer to Golden when you are out on the trails in town. For the most part, people seem to be very respectful on both sides of the issue. Many people in Golden live very healthy lives. They can be seen walking, running, and riding their bikes all summer long. Like many things in life, showing simple respect for others can solve many problems. When out walking, people need to be aware of their surroundings, and the same has to be said for those people on their bicycles. If you are wearing ear buds and can’t hear your surroundings then you have to pay even more attention to who is coming up behind you with your other senses. Taking your time on the trails when people get near each other is a key to everyone having a safe summer. As for the ATVs, although the debate over what happens to the environment will continue, it should be clear, the machines seem to be here to stay. What people need to do, is get together to find the best areas for trails to run so that those people who live in the country areas can enjoy their quiet lives while incorporating a place for others to have some fun.
As a life time supporter and member of the federal Conservative Party of Canada it has been brought to my attention that a candidate has surfaced in the Columbia River Revelstoke Riding representing the BC Conservative Party (BCC) in the upcoming provincial election. That is unfortunate. It is a broadly held view that such a candidate has absolutely no chance of winning but, ironically, by running on a scant but right of centre business oriented platform his most probable result will be to enhance the opportunity for the left of centre voices. At a time when schools wish for lower student/ teacher ratios, where hospitals are hoping for shorter wait times and more beds, and the environment requires our studied attention, the entry of a BCC candidate only enhances the chances for a NDP return and a government; a government that has never been able to create wealth but is really good at redistributing all that it raises from increased taxation. What we desperately require is a government that
can generate the additional wealth needed that will fulfill the needs of our families without the NDP style of sliding their hands, again, back into our pockets. The focus of this election must be on the continuance of our growing the economy so that the social needs of so many can, in fact, be realized. It is critical that people understand the BCC has absolutely nothing to do with the federal Conservatives and we offer them no support. Voters need to understand that a vote for the BCC is really just a vote for the NDP! Each vote that is cast in their direction will ruin any chance we have for the strong economy and a secure future the BC Liberal coalition can create. A vote for the BCC will lead us back to the chaos and the higher taxation and stagnant economic growth of the ‘90s that saw thousands of British Columbians leave the province fleeing the NDP tyranny! A very concerned British Columbian and federal Conservative! Cliff Boychuk Kimberley
Focus on solutions over problems too many people choose the latter option, resulting in vandalism, and a lack of security for the residents (many of whom have small children) in the area. But instead of walking into Town Hall and demanding someone fix this problem (which has been occurring for years), she walked in with a solution. She offered to do all the leg work herself, finding a green space grant to purchase the property beside hers, and build a park
I am continually amazed and impressed with how some people in this town deal with problems. A very passionate and dedicated woman made a presentation to Council this past week regarding what must be a very frustrating problem. A pathway from the river ends near her home, and due to poor planning, pedestrians can either take the long way around to get to the next street, or trespass. It is no surprise that far
(which would also serve as an easement). She found a solution on her own, is willing to do the work, and only asks for the Town’s support. I remember being equally impressed when the Little Mittens group took on a community issue themselves (the feral cat population), only asking for cooperation from the Town. It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when people focus on the solutions, rather than the problems.
- Reporter’s View By Jessica Schwitek
POLL OF THE WEEK Will you be voting in the upcoming provincial election?
Yes 88%
No 11%
This week’s poll question: Do you think people in Golden make an effort to shop locally? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here. The Golden Star encour-
Letters to the ages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that our community. Editor policy impact We ask that letters be no
longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest.
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Star editorial and opinion
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A7
Golden point of view
Do you think people in Golden make an effort to shop locally? Stars to Nicki Jo for reminding me about Pro D day. Stars to Colleen, Donna Lea, and any other volunteers working hard to get an interesting exhibit ready at the museum. Amanda Olsen
Mark O’Keefe
Kris Patterson
“I try to do a lot of my shopping here, but I know a lot of people make shopping trips to Calgary.”
“I don’t live here, but every time I’m in town I do some shopping. There always seems to be people in the stores.”
“I don’t really know. I do some shopping here, but I also come back with a lot of stuff every time I go out of town.”
Go to to have your say.
CBT Sessions Last spring CBT announced its partnership with the federal and provincial governments to offer the Affordable Rental Housing initiative (ARHi), which is providing $10 million over three years to support new affordable rental housing projects in communities across the Columbia Basin. (View the original news release here.) After a successful first intake in spring 2012, the partners are now announcing the opening of the second intake. BC Housing has posted the Request for Proposals, which can be viewed here. Mandatory information meetings will be held in several Basin locations, and a proponent wishing to submit a proposal must ensure that a representative of his or her organization attends one of these meetings. The sessions take place as follows:
Stingers to the people who are riding the non motorized Rotary trails with their quads and ATVs. Not only are they ripping up the trails but they are a danger to those people who are out walking.
Stingers to fish for not biting down on my hook. Stars to Charlene, John and the Golden Dollar Store for the beautiful renovation to their heritage building in the heart of Golden. Another reason to shop local. Stingers to the person who paid for their entire purchase in pennies, nickles and dimes at 7-Eleven when there was a long lineup behind you. Stars to the Golden Fire
Department for taking my kids on a ride on the fire truck. They loved it. Stars to Robin for not beating me as badly as she could have at pool. Stingers to people in apartment buildings who think it’s OK to have loud, late parties on week nights. Stingers to people who don’t pay their bills. And double stingers to people who make demands when they have outstanding bills.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
MONDAY, APRIL 29 Cranbrook: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. MDT, College of the Rockies, Room 205, 2700 College Way. TUESDAY, APRIL 30 Golden: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. MDT, Golden Civic Centre, Great Hall Room, 898 Hwy 95. Nakusp: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. PDT, CMH K2 Rotor Lodge, Conference Room, 515 Broadway Street West. All queries and information requests about the RFP are to be made in writing only to the BC Housing contact Mike Lachocki via email to Deadline for applications is 2 p.m. on June 7, 2013. Rachel Lucas Columbia Basin Trust
Election respect Even before the election was called and on April 14, 2013 the pathetic are running amuck in Revelstoke. One of the political party office doors has been kicked in by a rather pathetic individual(s). Maybe, just maybe, Doug and Norm, and Earl could make an announcement together. Maybe, the three candidates can make a joint statement, in all the papers of the entire riding, that any prosecution would be signed and endorsed by all candidates no matter the political party of the stupidity of such perps. Maybe the three can make a public statement together that
they and the rest of society do not accept this fearful and pathetic action. This might include removal or defacing signs. Maybe the three might have the courage to act together on this file? Maybe, the three could stand up together and tell their supporters that this type of stupidity is just not acceptable either morally, or ethically let alone legally. On another note here, this stupidity simply shows how these particular individuals fear the ability for a particular candidate to win the constituency. In their actions, they show their fear. Pity them and their fear, pity them in their actions. David R Pacey Radium Hot Springs
Lady Grey: Gymnastics, Student Leadership, Interim Reporting Ian Robinson Principal of Lady Grey Elementary and Field With just over two months to go, this is an action packed time of year for our students and staff. This past Monday, most of our staff travelled to Kimberley to participate in various Professional Development activities. Currently all classes are receiving two gymnastic lessons from Christine Muise at the Golden Gymnastic Club which is being paid for by our Lady Grey PAC. Our three classes, with Grade 7 students, will again be participating in golf lessons sponsored by The Golden Golf Course later this month. For Earth Day on April 22 we are asking our students and staff to bring a litterless lunch and to wear green. On April 30 a number of our Grade 7 students will be
travelling to Vernon for a Student Leadership Day. During the week of May 6, teachers will be contacting parents for our second and final informal reporting period. They will either send a written report, phone or hold an interview. To accommodate any interviews, Wednesday, May 8 will be an early dismissal date with students getting off at 2 p.m. Buses will run one (1) hour early. Earlier this month a number of our students, Claire Frazer, Madeline Archibald, Maeve Wilson, Robert Caldwell, Carrington Mitchell, Tige Lussier, and Kayla Taphorn participated at the Regional French Speech contest in Cranbrook. Congratulations to Robert Caldwell and Carrington Mitchell who will be moving on to the Provincial Competition early next month.
Again thank you to our PAC and parents for all their support. Field School Happenings What have we been doing at Field School? Before Spring Break we had a bit of magic happen because we were lucky enough to have two visiting leprechauns! Despite making traps and tempting them with notes and potato pancakes, they remained elusive! Since the break we’ve visited the climbing wall in Golden, had an art lesson with Joanie Young, sang songs with the superintendent, Paul Carriere, and done a lot of science about plants. We’re looking forward to playing soccer when the snow stops flying!
2.8125” x 3” A8
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Olympus Has Fallen starting Friday Apr.19-Wednesday Apr.24 at 7pm.
EnvironmEntal initiativEs small Gr ants availablE Twitter
Funding to a maximum of $10,000. Grant applications are available now. Learn more at . • 1.800.505.8998
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Pilates Core and More Tuesdays & Fridays, Jan.8 - June 14, 12-1pm at the Rec Plex. Please bring own mat. All levels welcome. Sign up at the College of the Rockies.
AutobiogrAphicAl Writing
Hic et Ubique: Here and Everywhere. Mar.30-Apr.23 at the Art Gallery of Golden.
FREE 8-week program for adults to introduce interesting techniques for organizing memoirs and composing an autobiography. No writing experience necessary!
Golden Youth Centre drop in every Wednesday from 3:30-9pm. Jam nights every Wednesday evening.
Wednesdays, April 24 to June 12 1:00-3:00pm. to register, call 250-439-9665 Service provided by the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy
Wed, Apr. 17
Jam night at the Rockwater. Golden Parent and Tot Play Lets parents and kids from birth to five enjoy preschool type activities. Wednesdays at the Rec Plex from 10:30am-noon. Mountain Prana Running Club Wednesdays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info.
The Bra Lady
Is Coming to Size You Up Are you tired of feeling saggy, lumpy, pinched or strained? Well you’re not alone. As you’ve probably seen on Oprah or read in women’s magazines, over 80 per cent of all women wear the wrong size bra. Here’s where Barb Chapman, the Bra Lady, comes in. Chapman is coming to GOLDEN, SATURDAY, APRIL 27 to outfit you with the best possible bra for your body. Chapman said she will be seeing clients on a one-on-one basis, explaining the benefits of good bras and measuring their bodies properly.“ Most women just want to find a good-fitting bra that’s not uncomfortable,” Chapman said. “What they don’t realize is that a good support bra is also important for blood circulation and enhanced lymph drainage. Chapman has over 200 bra sizes available for ordering, ranging from 30AA to 52KK. It’s likely that you’ll fit somewhere between those sizes. She offers these questions for women to ask themselves: • Do you have a drawer full of bras but none that fit comfortably? • Does your bust line “bounce” when you walk while wearing your “everyday” bra? • Do you overflow the cup of your bra? • Do your bra straps slip off or dig into your shoulders leaving red and painful marks? • Does your bra ride up in the back because you tightened the straps to give you added support? • Have you ever begun an exercise class only to drop out because your breasts ached from lack of support while jumping or running? If you answered yes to any of these you are in need of a new bra, and a custom one could be the way to go. YOU’VE TRIED ALL THE REST - NOW TRY THE BEST • NO UNDERWIRES • NO ELASTIC STRAPS • NO STRAPS FALLING OFF SHOULDERS • NO RIDING UP IN THE BACK You can sign up for Chapman’s bra clinic by calling 1-800-254-3938 by April 24. She doesn’t come into town very often so she advises booking as soon as possible.
Columbia Union 58th the Golden Wednesday 9pm.
Valley Credit Annual AGM at Seniors Centre Apr.17 7:30-
Thurs, Apr. 18 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Golden Voice Toastmasters Thursdays 7-8:30pm at COTR Rm 121. New members welcome. For info call Delanee Jmaiff 250-344-0652.
Bridge Club Every Thursday at the Senior’s Centre from 1-4pm. Contact 250-3445448. Seniors Day at Reflections Hair Studio every Thursday 20% off all services, call 250-344-5766. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Thursdays, 7:30-9pm in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests welcome, annual membership is $25. Food Bank Movie Night at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Thursdays from 8-10pm until Apr.25, 2013. Free admission with Food Bank donation. Clothesline Project BBQ Apr.18 11:30am-2:30pm. Kumsheen Park (or Sobeys if it rains). Golden & District Community AGM at The Island Restaurant Thursday Apr.18, 7-8pm.
Golden Youth Centre drop in Fridays from 3:30-9pm and movie night every Friday from 7-9pm.
Sun, Apr. 21 Junior Climbing Club at Dogtooth Climbing Gym 12:30-2pm. Booking is recommended 250-344-6444.
Mon, Apr. 22 Join the Cadets. Free program meets every Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. Rockwater Bar & Grill Music Bingo every Monday night. Indoor Soccer at Mount 7 RecPlex Mondays 8:309:30pm until June 24. Mountain Prana Running Club Mondays 5:30pm. Email hollietataryn@gmail. com for more info. Golden Jr. Hockey Society AGM Monday Apr.22 7pm upstairs at The Wolf’s Den.
Tues, Apr. 23 John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater 8pm. Golden Cycling Club AGM Tuesday Apr.23 at 7pm at the Kicking Horse Lodge. JP Hoe at the Rockwater Grill and Bar Apr.23. Rockwater Grill & BarR
Bridge Club Fridays, 7-10pm at St. Andrews Centre for Peace. Contact 250-3445448. Golden Curling Club AGM Friday Apr.19 7:30pm at the Curling Club.
Sat, Apr. 20
Men’s drop-in basketball Thursdays from 8-10pm at the Rec Plex. $8.
Karaoke Night at The Mad Trapper every Saturday night.
Free Homework Help at the Youth Centre 3:305pm Grades 4-7. Snacks included. Drop in.
Storytime at the Golden Library 10:30-11:30am. Free drop-in, contact 250344-6516.
This week's achievement award goes to...
Live Kicks Extra: Silk Road House Concert Saturday, Apr.20 at 7:30pm. Tickets $15 at the Art Gallery.
Fri, Apr. 19 Mother Goose Program Fridays until June.7 from 10:30-11:30am at the public library. Drop in, snacks included.
• For more information... go to
Upcoming Events
Stone Sparrows Apr.24 at the Golden Taps Pub. Autobiographical Writing for adults - Free 8 week program to introduce techniques for organizing an autobiography. No experience necessary! April 24-June 12 1-3pm. To register call 250-439-9665. Soup Day at the Golden Seniors Centre Friday Apr.26 $5 11:30am-1pm. Everyone welcome! Softball
Apr.26. Call Greg Cowan 250-272-0151. Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team AGM Thursday Apr.25, 7pm at the Golden Arena Lounge Upstairs. Golden Dolphins Swim Club Registration Night Friday Apr.26, 6-8pm at the Arena. Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Apr.26 12-8pm, and Apr.27 10-5pm at the Curling Rink. Spring Recreation Info & Registration Night Friday Apr.26 at the Golden Arena (lobby) 6-8pm. Baptiste Morigeau - Metis Merchant exhibit at the Golden Museum Friday Apr.26 at 4:30pm. Live Kicks Presents Rick Scott performs an afternoon concert at the Civic Centre, Apr.28. All Candidates Forum Thursday May.2 at Golden Seniors Centre. Doors at 6:30pm, forum is 7-9pm. Metis Nation - Columbia River Society Meeting Saturday May.4 10:30am at GSS Kikino Room, Golden. Saturday May.11 10:30am at AB Ed Room, DTSS, Invermere. Mother’s Day Chamber Music Concert with Sarah Hagen & friends. 3pm May.12 at the Civic Centre. Golden Minor Hockey AGM Monday May.13 at 7pm upstairs Arena Meeting Rm. The Heart & Stroke’s Big Bike May.15. Call Goldie 250-344-6614 or 344-1047 for more info. Stone Iris at The Golden Taps May 31.
Robert Caldwell for winning the regional French speech competition in Cranbrook
Stop in by April 24, 2013 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A9
Golden Moments: Finding a perfect home in Golden Darryl Crane
Ron Landry was born in Moncton, New Brunswick and, lived on the east coast of Canada until he was 20 years old. When he was younger, Landry said he kept himself busy and took his first job at the age of 14. Eventually he would make his way to Winnipeg, where he thought he was going to start a new job. Upon his arrival in Winnipeg he got a surprise that would bring him further west. “I got there and found out I was going to be transferred to Kamloops,” he said. After staying in Kamloops for about 15 years Landry moved to the Kootenays and eventually landed in Golden where he has lived for the past 50 years. “I was working in the sawmills in Golden. I had been working for the railway but it was not as good a paying job as what it was at the mills,” he said. “I went to the sawmills and started pulling wood chips from Donald to Golden.” Eventually Landry would get his own truck and start moving gravel in the area. He does remember when Donald was a busier town than it is today. “It was a big place where many people lived. Donald was quite a large place at one time. It was a good place to work,” he said. A passion for hunting and fishing was one of the reasons why Landry made the decision to stay in Golden. He explained he got his first licence on the east coast when he was only 15 years old. “I went out on my first day (after getting his licence on the east coast) and
got a deer. I was pretty lucky but if I had more experience shooting on the first day I could have had the buck and the doe,” he said “Golden has good fishing and hunting. I was getting tired of moving, so I decided that I wanted to settle here and I did.” At the age of 46, Landry suffered a heart attack that would end his days working. “They put me on a pension and I have been living this way ever since,” he said. “My working days were done.” Even though Landry has not worked in a number of years that does not mean he has not found ways to keep himself busy. “I always find something to do and have places to go. I go to visit my children and grandchildren,” he said. “Keeping busy is important. I like to go fishing up at the creek but they (speaking about the regulations that limit the number of fish you can catch) have messed that up. All you can get is five little fish and that is hardly worth going up there for.” Landry said he remembers going out fishing with his own children back when they were younger. “I used to take my kids up there and we would get 45 to 50 little ones, and we never fished it out,” he said. “That was a fun thing to do. I did that with my dad when I was a kid and it stuck with me with my kids.” Landry said that Golden has become bigger over the years but has not changed in many ways. “There are still the same people all around though some are gone now. I go It was a long trip from Moncton to Golden for Ron Landry who still and sit by the post office and years ago you would know everybody but now you enjoys getting out into the natural world that surrounds him. Darryl Crane/Star Photo see the odd person you know,” he said.
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www.the Your Community Newspaper Since 1891 LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Lou's Feed Store 913 Hwy 95
Taking orders for chickens and turkeys. Supplier of all your farm needs. Fertilizer, seed, and feed for all animals! We also rent tents for all your events. Business Hours Tuesday & Thursday Noon-2:30 p.m. Saturdays Noon-5:00 p.m. 250-344-6551
Are you.... A Caring, Compassionate Person? If your answer is YES, You may be a suitable Hospice Volunteer. An Initial Training Session Will be held on Tuesday, April 30th, 6 to 10 p.m. At the home of Julia Cundliffe 107 – Gould’s Island Call for more information 250 344-6300
This postcard shows how people dealt with the heavy snowfalls and avalanches in the past. The snow and debris of an avalanche would get packed hard so the crews, with limited equipment used their Wildsight presents shovels and tunnelled right through it. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum
Wine & Cheese
Weather issues around Golden’s past
Annual General Meeting
Friday, April 19 , 2013 at 7:30 pm at the
Wildsight presents
Golden Curling Club
Wildsight presents
In celebration of Earth Day Wildsight presesnts
- Turning Back the Pages -
Chasing Ice
By Colleen Palumbo
The story of one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering undeniable evidence of climate change. Using time-lapse cameras, his videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate. National Geographic photographer James Balog produces stunning cinematography of never before seen areas of the Arctic. Chasing Ice has won awards at Sundance, SXSW, Hot Docs, and Boulder. It is a film not to be missed.
thursaprIL aprIL25th 25th thurs goLden theatre goLden thurstheatre aprIL 25th 7.00pM pM| |$12 $12aduLt aduLt under 7.00 | $7| $7 under 18 18
goLden theatre
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7.00 pM | $12 aduLt | $7 under 18
18/03/13 1:38 PM
I can’t tell you how many conversations that I have been involved in this year where the topic was the crazy weather that we have been having since last spring. I thought I wonder what the weather was like 50 years ago and went back to the Golden Star to see what I could find. The first edition of the Golden Star for 1963 was dated, Thursday, Jan. 3, 1963 and bold head18/03/13 1:38 PM
Four Person Trapped in Rogers Pass Snowshed An unprecedented snowfall, totalling almost ten feet in less a week, followed by heavy rains resulted in the Rogers Pass section of the TransCanada Highway being clogged with snow when avalanches buried the highway in two places, trapping two cars carrying four persons inside a snow shed for several hours. Caught inside the Lanark snowshed on Tuesday, January 1, were Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Peters and child en route to Kamloops, and Cpl. J. Konopetski of the RCAF, en route to Prince George. The slide covered both entrances to the
snow shed, holding the travellers prisoner until released by a highway crew about 9 p.m. Greyhound bus travellers were transported over the section between Golden and Revelstoke by C.P.R. while passenger cars waited at the two towns until the highway was cleared at about 4 p.m. Wednesday. Although snowfall is exceptionally heavy through Rogers Pass, records fail to show any previous six day period when over 100 inches of snow fell as it did between Christmas and New Years. During that period 125 rounds of 105 mm howitzer shells were fired to bring down the snow. B.R. Styles, Superintendent of Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks is of the belief that this shelling and the heavy rain-
fall which followed the snow has brought down most of the snow. The Golden Star February 7, 1963 – First Came The Snow…..Then The Rain After an unusually long stretch of cold, snappy weather, the mercury rose to about ten degrees above last Saturday, and at about 5 p.m. a heavy downfall of light snow began to blanket the ground. A total of seven inches of fresh snow had covered the Golden area before the flakes stopped falling at about 10:15 Sunday morning. This brought the total snowfall in this area to 50 inches so far this season. While village employees worked steadily to remove the snow from the streets and sidewalks, Dept.
of Highways snowremoving equipment worked constantly on Highway No. 1 clearing snow from the Highway. Meanwhile the Canadian Army was one again in action shooting down small avalanches in the Rogers Pass section of the Trans-Canada Highway, to help prevent any major catastrophe. Late Sunday night or early Monday morning it started to rain and temperatures shot up to about 38 degrees above zero. It continued to rain until about 11 Monday night and during that this time, about one inch of precipitation had fallen to the ground. Coincidental as it may seem, one inch of rain had also fallen in the Golden area exactly one year prior to Monday’s rain (Feb 3).
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A11
Wendell Johnston Painting
Daffodil Day
• Clean • Professional Wendell Johnston Painting Established in 1972 Canadian Cancer Society volunteer, Brandy Benary, presents Mayor Christina Benty with a daffodil as council declared April 27 Daffodil Day during the regular council meeting on April 9. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Funding approved for regional hospital project in Cranbrook Jessica Schwitek The East Kootenay Regional Hospi-
tal District is going to see a long awaited project enter its early stages. The East Kootenay Regional Hospi-
tal, located in Cranbrook, will undergo a Redevelopment and Electrical Upgrade to their Intensive Care Unit.
"One request we had made from Interior Health was for general funding for the redevelopment project for the Inten-
sive Care Unit at the the Cranbrook Hospital. That's a $20 million project. It has been approved," said Coun. Chris Ham-
bruch, a director with the hospital district. The project will be funded 60 per cent ($12 million) by the province, with the
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remaining 40 per cent ($12 million) coming from the Regional Hospital District. The district will draw $3.5 million from their reserves, and will borrow to cover the rest of their portion. It is a three-year project, expected to take 36 to 40 months to complete, and should be underway sometime this year. The project has three major components: the construction of a new Intensive Care Unit (ICU) department with required support spaces and equipment (including the structural capacity to add a second floor in the future); the completion of a significant electrical upgrade to meet current code requirements; and the completion of renovations in the existing hospital, including upgrades to the existing public access corridor, and a new common entrance for the ICU. Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett made the announcement in the lobby of the hospital on April 5. “I recall in 2000, Maclean’s Magazine portrayed our hospital as the poster child for how bad rural health care was in Canada. Today, this new intensive care unit complements a new ambulatory care ward, new diagnostic imaging centre, new emergency room, new entrance, and many new specialists,” he said. He also thanked the hospital foundation, Interior Health, the volunteers, and the medical staff for their dedication and hard work. The project is necessary to ensuring that the quality of care is maintained, and can be provided safely for all the residents in the East Kootenays who utilize the services provided at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Flamenco comes to Golden
Dancers from Flamenco Rosario performed Mis Herman at the Golden Civic Centre on April 13. To see more photos from the event go to The Golden Star website or Facebook page. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
A piper gives a show for all ages Golden Star Staff
The Golden Civic Centre will be the site for a concert for the whole family on Sunday, April 28 when Rick Scott, of Pied Pumpkin fame, performs an afternoon concert starting at 2 p.m. (doors open at 1:30 p.m.). He is an award-winning singer, songwriter, storyteller and actor who combines music and laughter in a participatory concert for all ages. Scott has performed more than 1,000 shows in schools, festivals and concert halls in Canada, the U.S., Australia and Southeast Asia. Rick has released 17 albums including seven children’s CDs, honored with three Juno nominations. There will be a special ticket pricing for this Kicking Horse Culture show. With the purchase of an adult ticket and you can ask for two free children’s tickets. To learn more about the show check out the kicking Horse Culture website at or drop by the Art Gallery of Golden. A13
Local dancer shines on stage Darryl Crane
During the performance of Mis Herman by Flamenco Rosario at the Golden Civic Centre on April 13, local 10-year-old dancer Madison Durand had the chance to take part in the performance. Durand was chosen from local students and had just about two months to learn her part from a video provided by the dance troupe. “I thought the hand movements were kind of hard but the jumps were an easier part for me,” she said. A dancer since the age of five, Durand said she was very excited to have the chance to perform at the show. “My mom signed me up (to dance classes) when I was five because I really wanted to do ballet. When we moved to Golden I started to do jazz, tap and all the other ones,” she said. Although she had danced in front of bigger crowds, Durand did admit to being a little nervous for her performance. “I was excited. I was kind of nervous because I know these people,” she said. Durand also got to spend some time before the show with the dancers and enjoyed watching them prepare.
Dancer Madison Durand performed with the Flamenco Rosario on April 13. Darryl Crane/Star Photo “When we first got here we were downstairs and they were getting warmed up and stomping around to get ready for the show. I think they are really good,” she said.
Attention Parents of Preschoolers! You and your children are invited to attend
R E A D Y, S E T, N A T U R E ! Monday, April 29th, 2013 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Nicholson Elementary School Play games, make crafts, sing with Mother Goose, and enjoy a snack with us! If you would like more information please contact NES (250-344-2370) or Jane Powell (250-939-8162). Rick Scott will be performing at the Golden Civic Centre on April 28. Photo Submitted
This event is sponsored by Nicholson School and Ready, Set Learn Initiative of the B.C. Ministry of Education.
Spring Recreation Spring Recreation
Ded rts
Information & Registration Night Information & Registration Night Showcasing Local Organizations Not-for-Profit Organizations Showcasing Local Not-for-Profit
Friday April 26th 6:00pm – 8:00pm Free th 6:00pm ! n Friday April 26 – Arena 8:00pm In the Lobby o i s s Admi
Hosted by: ToG Services Find out what you Recreation can do this summer!
In the Arena Lobby
ed t o & cu ltur acti al vitie s in Gold en.
For information 250-344-2271 Ext 225
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
COTR student honoured for outstanding community service Jessica Schwitek One hard working student at the College of the Rockies Golden campus is the recipient of a Community Service Award from the Columbia Basin Trust. Twenty-year-old Jessica Ihlen has just completed her first year in COTR's Adventure Tourism Business Operations. "I kind of stumbled upon this program. I was going to go somewhere else, somewhere in Vancouver. But when I thought about it a bit more, coming from such a small town, I'm not ready for a big city," said Ihlen. "We do the business side of things, as well as the crazy adventure stuff. So there's a big backpacking trip, some rock climbing, kayaking, ice climbing, backcountry skiing, and a lot of certifications like first aid." It is no secret how special COTR's flagship program is. It brings in students from around the world, which is why awards such as the one Ihlen won (reserved for Columbia Basin students only) don't often find their way to the Golden campus. The award was given to 10 COTR stu-
dents in the basin who could demonstrate their commitment to making their communities a better place. "I had to state all the different community service I've done throughout my life. I've been part of search and rescue, which was really interesting. My parents have been part of it for over 20 years, so it motivated me to try it out," said Ihlen. "I work with the food bank here in Golden, pretty much since I came here in November. There's great people there, such a good community. I really enjoyed that." The award comes with a $2,000 contribution to next year's tuition, a huge help to any starving student. Ihlen has one more year to go to complete the Adventure Tourism program, and plans to see the world when she's done - a goal made easier by the education she has received here. "With this type of education we can work almost anywhere, so it's pretty cool," said Ihlen. "The College of the Rockies has been such a great experience. The teachers and instructors, all the people who work here, and Karen (Cathcart) especially, are so great and helpful. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
Katherine Hamilton (left), with Columbia Basin Trust, was happy to give student Jessic Ihlen a Community Service Award, awarded to 10 College of the Rockies students in the basin. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
MAY 2013
GENERAL ELECTION The 40th Provincial General Election is Underway. Who Can Vote? You can vote if you are: • 18 years of age or older, or will be 18 on General Voting Day (May 14, 2013) • a Canadian citizen, and • a resident of British Columbia for the past six months Voter Registration is Easy Register online at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683 until April 23, 2013. If you aren’t registered by April 23, you can register when you vote. You’ll need identification that proves both your identity and residential address. A complete list of acceptable identification is available from Elections BC. How to Nominate a Candidate A candidate must be nominated in writing by 75 eligible voters of the electoral district. Nomination kits are available from your District Electoral Officer or online at Deadline for Nominations Nominations must be delivered to your District Electoral Officer by 1 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, April 26, 2013.
BC Has More Ways to Vote All voters can:
Vote in any district electoral office from now until 4 p.m. (Pacific time) on General Voting Day, Tuesday, May 14, 2013.
Get our App for iPhones and iPads to find the closest voting place and for information you need to vote.
Vote by Mail You can ask for a Vote by Mail package from your district electoral office or through the Elections BC website at
Or, contact your district electoral office.
Vote at advance voting Voters can attend any advance voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11. All advance voting locations are wheelchair accessible.
Columbia River-Revelstoke 423 9th Ave N Golden, BC (250) 344-3400
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Vote on General Voting Day Voters can attend any general voting location in the province from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Election Workers Required Over 37,000 election officials are required to work at voting places in the province. View the job descriptions at Please apply in person at your district electoral office. Any Questions? For further information visit Elections BC’s website at or call toll-free 1-800-661-8683. 1-800-661-8683 TTY 1-888-456-5448
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A15
Taking a shot at an NHL dream Darryl Crane Curtis McKenzie, who started his hockey career in the Golden Minor Hockey Association, has signed to a two-year entry-level contract with the Dallas Stars with the contract starting at the beginning in the 2013/14 season. McKenzie joined the Stars after completing his senior season at Miami University of the Central Collegiate Hockey Association (CCHA), where he recorded 24 points (11 goals, 13 assists) and 80 penalty minutes in 39 games played. The Golden native played in 158 career games for the Redhawks in Miami (NCAA Division I), posting 80 points (29 goals, 51 assists) and 285 penalty minutes. Prior to his college hockey career, the sixfoot-two, 205-pound left winger played two seasons of junior hockey with the Penticton Vees of the British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL). In 102 career BCHL games he had 74 points (33 goals, 41 assists) and 171 penalty minutes and helped Penticton win the 2008 BCHL Championship. McKenzie was drafted by Dallas in the sixth round (159th overall) of the 2009 NHL Entry Draft. The player’s father, Bruce McKenzie, a lawyer in Golden, said he is very happy to see his son sign with the Stars. “It was great for Curtis. It is great for him to go to the next level of hockey and we will see where that goes,” Bruce said. “He will be playing in the organization for the next two years and hopefully making it to the NHL which is his goal. We think he has the ability and desire to get there but it is amazing how far he has gone already.”
Pictured above is Rowan Baxendale, a graduate of the Dare to be a Dolphin program, who was swimming a full length of the pool, unaided, at Golden’s swim meet just weeks after joining the program. Photo Submitted Curtis McKenzie, pictured above when he was a minor hockey player in Golden, has signed a two year entry level contract with the Dallas Stars of the National Hockey League. Photo Submitted Bruce added, “It has been his dream, like many who grow up in the Golden Minor Hockey system. His dream is still alive and he is going for it.” McKenzie was a three-year teammate (20092012) with current Stars forward Reilly Smith and he helped Miami win the CCHA regular season title twice (2009-10, 2012-13), the 2011 CCHA Tournament and he made four-straight appearances in the NCAA Tournament (20102013), including reaching the 2010 Frozen Four (National Semifinals).
Dare to be a Golden Dolphin Mark Baxendale submitted Last year the Golden Dolphins Swim Club launched a new initiative, the Dare to be a Dolphin program. The program is aimed at the junior competitive swimmer that still needs a personal floatation device (PFD) to swim but is on the verge of breaking through to be an independent swimmer. Within three weeks of joining this program last year we had athletes swimming half a length
unsupported with a PFD. Later in the season they were swimming the full length and even participating at swim meets. Register for the program at the Town of Golden registration night being held at the arena lobby on April 26 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information on this program contact Jackie Casey at More information on this town registration event can be found at
& Lifestyle Fun for the whole family!
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Ruth Hamilton Manager
Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce 250-344-7125
Wednesday, April17, 2013 The Golden Star
Golden Softball Association gets prepared for days on the diamond Jessica Schwitek
Softball season is just around the corner in golden. Star Photo
Spring has not officially begun until you see softball players take to the diamonds at Keith King Memorial Park. The Golden Softball Association is gearing up for their 2013 season, and is currently taking registration from teams. “Last year was the first year that I did all the organizing for the league. It went well, we had 13 teams and as far as I know everyone had fun,” said Greg Cowan. “So far this year I’ve had interest from a few other teams, so hopeful-
ly we’ll increase again.” Every year Cowan sees the usual suspects, with some of the same teams coming back season after season. But a few new teams seam to come out of the woodwork every year as well. The association registers teams only, but if you are a single looking to play softball this year, contact Cowan and he may be able to find a spot for you on another team. All teams must have a minimum of four girls and six guys on the field at a time, but teams can get as big as you want. There are games twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) at either 6 or 7:45 p.m.
There is no minimum skill level required, so anyone above the age of 16 is welcome to sign up. “What we usually do is, everybody plays everybody once. Then for playoffs we split it into a more competitive, and a more recreational side. By the end everybody’s playing teams that are more to their skill level,” said Cowan. The playoff format will be a little different this year. In the past, playoff games continued on the same schedule as the regular season with Tuesday and Thursday games. This year Cowan is planning to make it more
of a tournament style, with a weekend full of softball, and finishing it up in the three days. The first game of the season will be on May
2, so if you would like to register a team, or are a single inquiring about joining a team, contact Cowan by April 26 at 250-272-0151.
Registration Night
Friday, April 26th 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm At the Arena
*Swim club clothing/gear available to purchase* Please bring BC Care Card
Get ready for summer • 4 Months Gym–Student* ............................$169.50 + gst *Valid Student ID required • 3 Months Gym ............................................$141.95 + gst • 1 Year Gym.................................................$484.00 + gst • 3 Months Squash .......................................$130.00 + gst • 3 Months Gym/Squash ...............................$218.88 + gst • 1 Month Intro To Squash.............................$41.95 + gst • 1 Year Gym & Squash.................................$687.00 + gst 1 MonTh unlimited tanning w/nail savers......$76.96 + gst • • • •
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912 11th Ave. (250) 344-7876 Sale from April 11 - 29, 2013
Rex Baxendale and GKHAT president Mark Baxendale are picture at the Doug Meyer Memorial Cup. Photo Submitted
GKHAT at Doug Meyer Invitational Race Mark Baxendale President of GKHAT Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team (GKHAT) was invited to attend the Doug Meyer Memorial Cup late in the season, hosted by the Lake Louise Grizzlies Ski Team. Due to other commitments the team was reduced to one, Rex Baxendale. The event was held on part of the Women’s World Cup course. In deteriorating weather and course conditions, Baxendale’s times improved on every
run through the course that he ran. He finished 4th in his class against some tough competition from other local clubs and athletes. Baxendale received great hospitality from the race organizing committee, and wanted to thank them. We look forward to the Grizzlies attending the GKHAT home race next year. If you would like more information about Golden Kicking Horse Alpine or would like to register for the 2013/14 season visit www. or call Mark Baxendale at 250-3442365.
NOTICE OF OF AGM NOTICE AGM th Wednesday, May 2, 2012 7:00 Monday, May 13 , at p.m. Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at at7:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. Upstairs Arena Meeting Room Upstairs Arena Meeting Room Upstairs Arena Meeting Room RegistRAtion 2013/2014 REGISTER BY APRILfoR 30 AND SAVE $25 forms and links on our facebook page golden Minor Association forms and links Hockey on our facebook page golden Minor Hockey Association golden Minor Hockey Association at or at
THANK YOU golden THANK District Minor YOU Hockey golden District Minor Hockey District Hockey of golden would likegolden to thank the Minor community would like like to to thank thank the the community community of of golden golden for for their their would for their generosity and support generosity and support over the past season generosity and support over the past season over the past season Box 1451, 1451, golden, golden, BC BC V0A V0A 1H0 1H0 Box
Phone 250-344-6301 250-344-6301 Phone
Starbusiness directory
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A17
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Star business
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
Finding the perfect solution for your company Darryl Crane Jackie Spain is a local provider for health and safety training for businesses in Golden and British Columbia. With a focus on education, training, consulting services in the fields of health and safety, transportation of dangerous goods, communications and mediation, Spain has spent many years working with everyone from small businesses to the federal government. “I was in the health and safety field doing things locally. Then I was asked to be a part of a large project by Work Safe,” she said. “I started Golden Solutions and it took off through word of mouth.” Spain works on many large projects, but also works with any sized company to help make sure they are where they need to be. “My skill set is unusual because I can do any aspect of health and safety, but also any aspect of transporting dangerous goods,” she said. Spain explained she not only works with the provincial regulations but also federal regulations as well as helping businesses set up their health and safety systems, making sure their
employees are up to date within the regulations so there are no problems. The transfer of dangerous goods falls under federal jurisdiction. Spain said it is important for companies to understand, people who are in non compliance could end up in jail or lose their business. “When you take a dangerous goods course you need a certification. People need to write an exam, and based on that I can give them a certification,” she said. She added that, “Any work place that is a certain size has to have a joint committee and has to train them yearly,” she said. After working in the medical environment for a number of years Spain has taken this knowledge to help private and public areas of the industry “I specialize in the medical area because I was a lab tech. I am the consultant for the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) on how to move dangerous specimens in and out of where we have to send them,” she said. Spain trains people in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) this deals with hazardous materials in the workplace.
She also works with companies that need mediation on different levels. “I am looking at doing more conflict resolution or mediation. This could include incidents of bullying or harassment,” she said. “When I leave a room I want people to understand each other and their perspectives so they can problem solve in a constructive way.” Working with companies in Golden is something she throughly enjoys doing. “I work with small companies who are just getting up on their feet, so that as they grow they follow the regulations of the Workers Compensation Act. They have to come in to the compliance of the law,” she said. “It is about my personalized service. I know my clients very well and cater my services to what works for them. I customize materials for them at no charge and really work with them and get them up and going.” Spain also said it is nice to work with local companies and help them get to where they need to be. “I come right to you and you can tell me what you want. I bend very different ways to help the customer get what they need,” she said. “I always
Jackie Spain is helping get local businesses up to provincial and federal standards. Darryl Crane/Star Photo work with local businesses to give them the best price I can because this is my community.
I feel very strongly about bringing my skills back to my community.”
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Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A19
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Trades, Technical
Medical Health
Home Improvements
2 and 4 stroke small engine mechanics needed in Port McNeill. Chainsaws, lawn mowers, outboards. Wage negotiable, benefits available. Start today! Resume to
CONCRETE FINISHERS & Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Fax 780-444-9165 or
AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN required at Jenner Chevrolet in Victoria BC. Rare opportunity for a top performing, quality & customer focused team player. Email:
New to town? Having a baby? Getting married? Call Ellen Hatlevik, your local Welcome Wagon Representative! 250-344-4799. Sunday Gospel Services 3-4pm at the Lions Den (library basement) April 7-May 12. Everyone welcome!
A&W Golden is now hiring for all shifts, full time/part time, kitchen and front end staff, benefits. 250-3444784. Please apply in person to the manager. COOKS REQUIRED IMMED. Northern Motor Inn, 3086 Hwy 16E,Terrace,BC V8G 3N5 250-635-6375; Fax: 250-635-6129
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MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535
Haircare Professionals HAIR Stylist required for busy well established salon in Invermere BC. Excellent opportunity for motivated stylist. Easy to build clientele during busy summer months. Leave message 250-342-9863
Experienced COOK required. Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shifts. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. Experienced f/t short order cook wanted immediately see menu @ Please apply w/resume and references to scottsinn or fax 250-3729444 GOLDEN Municipal Campground Is Now Hiring For the Summer Season. 1 Campground Attendant and 1 Entry Level Student Campground Attendant Please Refer to Work BC East Kootenay Employment site for full description or call Joy or Michelle 250-344-0557 MANAGER / CARETAKER required for mobile home park in Williams Lake. Preference for retired / semi-retired person, accommodation with remuneration. RAMADA INN requires FRONT DESK staff Full time. Apply by Email or drop off resume in person 1311 12 St. N.
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Garden & Lawn
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Real Estate
For Sale By Owner
Commercial/ Industrial
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Duplex / 4 Plex
Mobile Homes & Parks
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RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Spec home on site to view. Please call 250-4627055.
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FOR RENT In the Blaeberry 2 Bdr Apt $800/month -Avail. March 1 -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV & Internet -DD ($300)&References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer
ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Avail immd. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250344-8113 Twin Rivers - 1 & 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Misc for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofď&#x192;&#x17E;ce is independently owned & operated.
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Mobile Homes & Pads 2 Bdr 2 Bath mobile home in quiet rural area 5 mins from town. $900/mth + util. Avail May 1. Call 250-462-7071.
Homes for Rent 2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail. May 1. References required. No pets. No parties. NS. Please call 250-344-6200. 2 Bdrm chalet, furnished, full kitchen, fire place, sat. tv, high speed internet, utl incd. NS avail. April 1, min. 6 months $850/month. 250-344-7874 evenings. 2 bdr suite. N/S, no parties, no pets. Avail Apr 1. Sat. tv, utls, all incl. $1000/mth. 250-4391055. 403-497-9303. 3 Bdr., 1 1/2 bath single storey home. F/S. Avail May.1 $850/mth + utilities & DD. Family preferred. No parties. Call 250-344-6194.
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Homes for Rent
Homes for Rent
Suites, Lower
2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house (Av. May1) 1116 12 St. Appliances incl., references required. No Pets, No Parties. W/D.
Cozy 2 Bdr house near Pine Drive. Low heating costs. N/S. $700/mth. 250-344-5992.
Brand new studio suite for rent Alexander Park. $700/mnth + shared utls. Avail May 1.
3 bdrm house renoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Alexander park for rent $1100/month + utls long term prefd. Avail May 1. 604-815-9225. 4 bdrm house for rent. New, nice, and clean. Avail. May 1st. Long term prefd, sat. inld refs reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Call 250-439-1055. 5 Bdr house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, 2 washrooms. Excellent location close to school and town. Lv msg. 250344-6131.
Shared Accommodation 2 bdrms, in town, clean, furnished, W/D, yard/garden, wifi, dog ok. $425/$475 all in + DD. May 1st, 250-344-0530 Rooms for rent in fully furnished large home, incl. util., close to all amenities. $480/mth, plus DD. NS, No Parties, No Pets. Avail. ASAP. 604-356-2543, pref ages 25-40
Storage Secure Storage unit available in town.10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $100/mth. 250-344-5707.
5 bdrm 2.5 bath house for rent $1050/month utls incld. 250344-5648.
S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.
Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Want to Rent Mature mid-20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s couple looking for a house to rent in town. Clean, N/S, full time jobs, long term prefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d, have refâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Looking for W/D, garage, and yard. June 1st. 604-721-0007 or
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENSE W1586 Please be advised that Floyd and Rozanne Larwill are proposing to remove 87 hectares of private land from Woodlot License W1586 located in the vicinity of Donald, east of old Big Bend Highway, and adjacent to Wiseman Road. Inquiries/comments to this proposal must be submitted to Floyd and Rozanne Larwill, PO Box 1038, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0, by May 15, 2013. Only written inquiries received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting Floyd and Rozanne Larwill. Phone-250-344-2536 / Mailing address-PO Box 1038, Golden BC, V0A 1H0 / Email-Ă&#x20AC;
Tenders Tenders
Golden Alternate School Renovation Golden, BC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; School District #06 1. Name of Project: Golden Alternate School Renovation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Golden, BC. Owner: The Board of Education of School District #06 (Rocky Mountain) 2. Project Address: 902 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9th Street, Golden, BC 3. Project Description: The project, located in Golden, BC, consists of interior and exterior renovation to existing Golden Alternate School. The renovation generally consists of but not limited to new interior finishes including flooring, walls, suspended ceilings, millwork, doors, frames, mechanical and electrical. Exterior renovation includes new fiberglass shingle roofing, windows and some hardi-siding. The GC is to coordinate with School District forces where indicated on drwgs. 4. Bid Documents: Bid documents may be viewed and picked up at MQN Architects: #102â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3301 24th Ave., Vernon, B.C. V1T 9S8, Tel: (250) 542-1199 after 1:00 PM (PDT), Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Call to reserve your set. Bid documents may also be viewed at Construction Association Offices (SICA) in Cranbrook and Kelowna BC and, online at BC Bid. 5. Inquiries: Adam Bouzane MQN Architects Tel: (250) 542-1199 #102 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3301 24th Ave. Fax: (250) 542-5236 Vernon, B.C. V1T 9S8 6. Document Charge: Bid documents will be available to General Contractors only upon payment of deposit of $25.00 for each set of documents. The deposit is refundable upon return of the documents in good condition within fourteen (14) days of the Award of Contract. Make deposit cheque payable to MQN Architects. 7. Bid Security: A ten percent (10%) Bid Bond shall be submitted with the Bid. A fifty percent (50%) Performance Bond and a fifty percent (50%) Labour and Material Payment Bond are required within ten (10) working days of the Award of Contract. 8. Contract: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a CCDC 2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract and BCDC-2 amendments for Publicly Funded Projects. 9. Site Tour: There will be a Non Mandatory Site Visit for Contractors at 1:00 PM (MST) Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at Golden Alternate School located at 902 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9th Street, Golden, for project familiarization. 10. Bid Depository Closing: N/A. 11. Bid Closing: Bids together with all documentation as called for in the Instructions to Bidders are to be delivered to the address listed below before 2:00 PM (MST) Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Late bids will be returned unopened. 12. Bid Submission: Sealed bids together with all other attachments as called for in the Instructions to Bidders, marked â&#x20AC;&#x153;BID FOR: Golden Alternate School Renovation, Golden, BC â&#x20AC;? with the Bidderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name and return address clearly indicated on the envelope, will be received at: Attn: Steve Jackson School District #06 (Rocky Mountain) PO Box 430 620-4th Street Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone: (250) 342-4676 Fax: (250) 342-2579 FAX Bid Amendments: (250) 342-2579 13. Ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Interest: The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. In submitting bids, it is understood that the bid will remain irrevocable and open for acceptance until sixty (60) calendar days have expired from the bid closing date.
Legal Notices
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOOD WASTE COMPOSTING Collection/Processing Study The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inYiting proposals Irom TualiÂżeG consultants to prepare a report on the costs associateG with a communit\ IooG waste GiYersion anG composting program within the communities oI *olGen ReYelstoNe anG Salmon $rm 3roposals clearl\ marNeG â&#x20AC;&#x153;REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; FOOD WASTE COMPOSTING STUDYâ&#x20AC;? will be accepted until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at the oIÂżce oI the Columbia Shuswap Regional District locateG at 0arine 3arN DriYe 32 %o[ Salmon $rm %C 9 ( 3 3roposal Gocuments anG Iurther information are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at www csrG bc ca %C %iG website at www bcbiG gov bc ca Civic Info website at www civicinfo bc ca anG at the ofÂżce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the above noteG aGGress Guring regular ofÂżce hours This proMect has a ma[imum buGget of $n\ Tuestions regarGing this ReTuest for 3roposals Gocument can be GirecteG to %en 9an 1ostranG :aste 0anagement CoorGinator (nvironment (ngineering Services at The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject an\ or all proposals anG to waive an\ informalit\ in the proposals receiveG in each case without giving an\ notice The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the proposal which is GeemeG most aGvantageous )a[ submissions will not be accepteG The lowest or an\ proposal will not necessaril\ be accepteG
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ
Golden StarStar Wednesday, AprilApril 17, 2013 The Golden Wednesday, 17, 2013
Auto Financing
Motorcycles Reduced $1200 firm was $3800 new.
Gas Highway Bike150cc, 507 km. Kept in garage. Like new. Great commuter bike Top speed 140 km. 250-344-6002 A21 A21
INVITATION TO TENDER PARKS MAINTENANCE TOM KELLEY MEMORIAL PARK, ELECTORAL AREA ‘A’ The Columbia Shuswap Regional District is inviting Tenders for a three year contract beginning May 15, 2013 for the seasonal maintenance and performance of parks services for Tom Kelley Memorial Park, located at 1703 Oberg Johnson Road in the Blaeberry area of rural Golden, BC, within Electoral Area ‘A’.
DreamTeam Auto Financing “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-961-7022 DL# 7557
Auto Services Free car and scrap pick up (within town limits). No tires? No problem! Call Columbia Towing 250-344-6690.
Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
Off Road Vehicles 05 Dodge Dakota Quad cab, SLT. Very clean and well maintained, great shape. 196 Kms. Many extras including Sirius lifetime sub. Asking $7000. Ph-250-433-1252.
Utility Trailers
2008 Harley Davidson FXDL low-rider. 2800 klm’s as new, too many options to list. Serious inquires only. 250-344-2659.
2003 23’ Bonair Travel Trailer. Tandem, sleeps 5, like new. Hot water tank & oven never used, c/w hitch sway bars and new 6 volt battery system. $7500. 250-344-2659.
Request to Bid Three mountain bike trails are being put out to Tender in Golden B.C. The trails will be built in the Moonraker trail system, just west of the Columbia River. The trails must be built to IMBA standards. All who intend to bid must be present at a viewing of the proposed trails on April 25, 2013 at 1:00pm at the CBT trail head in Golden (see for directions). All who intend to bid, must submit a trail resume outlining previous trail work at the viewing. Trail speciÀcations and further tender details will be outlined at the viewing. Please forward any inquiries to
Sealed tenders clearly marked “Tender - Tom Kelley Memorial Park - Parks Maintenance” will be accepted until 11 AM local time on Friday May 3, 2013 at the of¿ces of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 781 Marine Park Drive NE, P.O. Box 978, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P1. Services are to be provided on a seasonal basis. A detailed description of the Services required can be found in the Tender documents. Tender documents and further information are available online on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District website at, on the BC Bid website at, and at the of¿ce of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District at the above address during regular of¿ce hours. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders and to waive any informality in the Tenders received, in each case without giving any notice. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District reserves the right to accept the Tender which it deems most advantageous. Faxed or e-mailed submissions will not be accepted. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. For more information, please contact: Marcin Pachcinski, Parks and Recreation Team Leader (250) 833-5923 or Toll Free 1-888-248-2773 Email:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
New funding found to keep bears and people safe in B.C. Golden Star Staff The Province of British Columbia is providing $225,000 to Bear Aware, an effective educational program designed to reduce and prevent human-bear conflicts and the number of bears that have to be destroyed each year. “The responsibility to manage humanbear conflicts rests with everyone. It requires participation from all lev-
els of government and local citizens to be successful. The Province is pleased to continue support for Bear Aware. This new funding will help British Columbians understand why bears venture into their neighbourhoods and how to minimize conflicts with them,” said Minister of Environment, Terry Lake. One way to prevent conflicts with bears in urban areas is to put away food attractants like garbage, bird-
2013 AGM Thursday, April 25 at 7:00 pm
Golden Arena Lounge Upstairs Visit us at for the agenda items that will be issued shortly. Your support is appreciated. Thanks on behalf of the board of GKHAT.
seed, compost and fruit. “We are extremely happy with the funding and operational support that the province supplies to this program. Because of this support we are able to partner with all types of other local organizations to provide a program that is really at the forefront of managing urban-wildlife conflicts,” said Bear Aware co-ordinator, British Columbia Conservation Foundation Frank Ritcey. Bear Aware education is one component that must be completed for a community to obtain Bear Smart status. Bear Smart is a voluntary, preventative conservation measure that encourages communities, businesses and individuals to work together. The goal is to address the root causes of human-bear conflicts, reducing the risk to public safety and private property. The Conservation Officer Service is the
primary responder to human-wildlife conflicts where there is a risk to public safety, conservation concerns or where significant property damage has occurred. In 2012/13, the Conservation Officer Service received 25,184 calls regarding human-wildlife conflicts. Of those calls, 15,833 involved human-bear conflicts. During this same period, the total number of black bear calls was down slightly from the previous year, while grizzly conflicts were up. “The Bear Aware program has done an excellent job over the years of providing bear conflict reduction education in innovative and effective ways. We are very happy to keep this partnership with the BC Conservation Foundation and B.C. communities going, to the benefit of people, property and bears,” said chief conservation officer Kelly Larkin.
A bear found his way onto the Golden Golf Club last year. Star Photo Over the past five years in B.C., an average of 600 black bears
have been destroyed each year, while 93 have been relocated
due to conflicts with people.
Request for Quotations Golden Civic Centre Kitchen Construction The Town of Golden invites quotations from qualified general building-renovation contractors for the construction of the Golden Civic Centre kitchen, located at 806 10th Avenue South, Golden, B.C. The work includes construction of a commercial “preparation” kitchen in the area of the building previously occupied by a kitchen facility. The RFQ document is available free of charge at Town Hall during regular business hours at 810 9th Ave South, Golden, B.C. Quotes will ONLY be accepted from individuals or firms that have attended and reviewed the work site by appointment with the Manager of Operations. Sealed quotations clearly marked “GOLDEN CIVIC CENTRE KITCHEN CONSTRUCTION” will be received prior to May 2nd, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., local time, at Town Hall located at 810 S. 9th Avenue, PO Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 All general and technical inquiries may be directed to: Chris Cochran, Manager of Operations Phone: 250-344-2271 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email:
Request for Quotations Municipal Roadway Line Painting (2013-2015) The Town of Golden invites quotations for municipal roadway line painting for a three (3) year term. Proposals shall include cost allowances for all necessary materials, equipment, labour, supervision, and all other requirements to complete the deliverables for this contract. The RFQ document is available free of charge at Town Hall during regular business hours at 810 9th Ave South, Golden, B.C. Proponents may also email to request an electronic version of the RFQ. Prospective bidders are highly encouraged to view the work required prior to submitting a proposal. Sealed quotations clearly marked “Municipal Roadway Line Painting” will be received prior to May 1st, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., local time, at Town Hall located at 810 S. 9th Avenue, PO Box 350, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 All general and technical inquiries may be directed to: Chris Cochran, Manager of Operations Phone: 250-344-2271 Fax: 250-344-6577 Email:
Girl Guides and Scouts will be out in force to take part in Pitch-in Canada on April 20. Star Photo
Gathering to keep Golden clean Darryl Crane On April 20, local Girl Guides and Scouts will be doing their part to keep Golden clean when they head to the Kicking Horse River and clean up garbage that has been building up on the banks. The event, called Pitch-in Canada, originated in 1967 when a group of concerned citizens decided to hold a week long event in Victoria, B.C. Cailyn Gevhart is in her first year as a part of the Golden Scout Troupe and is encouraging people to help clean up on the day of the event. “What we would like to do is encourage people to go out for 20 minutes on that day and clean up garbage,” she said. Gevhart hopes this will help people recognize the importance of not littering in or around the river. “I hope this will raise awareness to help keep the area clean because as the water comes down all of the litter that was put in it is now caught on the sides,” she said. “It is seen when you are walking on the trails next to the river and it is horrible.” The 1st Golden Scouts are asking anyone who takes part in the clean up to email and let them know where they took part in the 20 minute makeover.
The Golden Star Wednesday, April 17, 2013 A23
UP TO $75,000
UP TO $110
UP TO $850
UP TO $400
UP TO $55,000
UP TO $7,000
UP TO $6,800
UP TO $125
UP TO $12,100
TUESDAY-FRIDAY: 9:00AM-6:00PM SATURDAY: 9:00AM-4:30PM Days Inn Golden 1416 Golden View Road, Golden, BC. V0A 1H1 DIRECTIONS: Located just south of the corner of Golden Donald Upper Road and Trans Canada Highway.
RE/MAX RE/MAXofofGolden Golden 250-344-7663 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
1416 Birch Crescent
3 bedrooms
4 baths
#303, 521 - 8th Avenue
$184,900 2 bdrms
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Golden Star
866 Read Road
2 baths
.48 acre
1 bedroom
1 bath
NEW 4 bdrms
1501 Quartz Crescent 2.5 baths
2 baths
3 bedrooms
1 bath
2 baths
from $135,000 to $255,000 Blaeberry Valley Estates 4 Acreages Available
2 bedroom
Building, Land & Business
9.48 Acres
3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,532sqft
1695 Golden Donald Upper Road
3 bdrms
1 bath
5 acres
$252,000 #305 (A&B), 1420 Palliser Trail
2 bedrooms
2 baths
D SOLfrom $219,900
1243 Horse Creek Road Mobile Home Park
$200,000 2 bdrms
1 bath
.51 acre
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths 2,267sqft
2 baths
3 bdrms
2 baths
2 bedrooms
36.33 Acres
2 baths
#51 Kicking Horse Village MHP
4 bedrooms
2 baths
$349,000 72 acres
$1,190,000 1636 Purcell Woods Close
3 bedrooms
3 bedroom
REDUCED 3bdrms 1 bath
5.9 acres
SOLD $279,000 2 baths
$395,000 #406, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
3 bedrooms
3 baths
$595,900 3bdrms 3 baths 2,704sqft 40 acres
$589,300 1500 Quartz Crescent
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
$219,500 #106, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail
2 bedrooms
1 bath
$129,000 Lot 2, 2116 Highway #95, South 2.72 acres
$165,000 1359 Black Bear Drive 2.4 acres
$500,000 501 – 9th Street
Land and Building
$699,000 448 Althoff Road Land and Building
1231 Alexander Drive
4 bedrooms
3 baths
2166 Blaeberry Road 2bdrms 2 baths 1,242sqft 8.4 acres
2204 Holmes Deakin Road
Golden Donald Upper Road
2 bedrooms 2 baths 960sqft
#22 Golden Mobile Home Park
3 baths
1363 Golden Donald Upper Road
$229,900 #306 1549 Kicking Horse Trail
1045 King Crescent
3 bedrooms
$269,900 Lot 3, 3495 Highway #95, South
5 bedrooms
$89,600 #1 - 1248 Campbell Road
$360,000 1313 Pine Drive
$264,000 6 bedrooms
805 - 5th Avenue
772 Nicholson Frontage Road
1208 Alexander Drive
to $239,900
Kootenay Ridge 4 Acreages Available
731 Barber Road
$945,000 1618 Purcell Woods Close
1 ACR $246,300
$195,000 Golden Donald Upper Road
$450,000 747 Nicholson Frontage Road
#21 Golden Mobile Home Park
$329,000 40 acres
1 bath
3.6 acres
Lot 13, Wellstead Road
1074 King Crescent
5 bedrooms
$139,900 Lot 1, 2113 Highway #95, South
2 bdrms
Petra Musick Dan Veselic (250) 344-1476 (250) 344-1435
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
1731 Highway #95 South
$173,000 1052 King Crescent
$279,900 968 Jacob Road
$579,600 4 bedrooms
Flec Demmon Marlon Marlon Chambers Bob Bob Tegart Tegart Flec Demmon Chambers 344-8451 (250) (250) 344-0735 (250) (250) 272-4321 272-4321 (250)(250) 344-8451 344-0735
$349,000 901 - 11th Street
6 bedrooms 3 baths 3,094sqft
$299,300 1248 Campbell Road
Mobile Home Park with Mobile Home